#Well *unlisted but might as well be the same thing since it's not in any of the OP's playlists
sysig · 2 years
Hhhhhhhhh 👀✨
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chirpsythismorning · 3 months
WSQK Update
The Twitter account for WSQK Radio has reached 100(ish) songs! And while it's currently unknown whether or not this account is in any shape or form associated with Stranger Things, I still want to give a breakdown about it as well as some reasons why this account intrigues me so much, because there are actually quite a few.
For some context about when and how this started, it might be helpful to know that the first (un)official leak regarding the existence of the WSQK filming location occurred on January 18th, the day prior to WSQK making their first post.
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That same Friday when WSQK made their first post, fans also got official 'Week 2' BTS from Ross, which more openly acknowledged the existence of the radio station location in comparison to his previous posts for s5.
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What then followed was a rocky start in terms of this Twitter account’s approach at making posts. Initially, they only made posts consisting of lyrics, followed by another post with a short clip of the song those previous lyrics came from.
After less than a week of the account being sporadically active, they became very consistent and continued their roll-out of lyrics + video, and then adding in + dialogue, every single day. There are a few outliers, with them not making a post on March 14th and March 20th, but the first time they had a big break in between posts was from March 22nd-March 24th, notably with their March 21st's post being related to Will's birthday:
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After the March 21st post, and with their return on the 25th, they officially switched it up from posting every day, to every other day, and more recently with a consistency of every 2-3ish days.
But still, over 5 months later (roughly 156 days), they remain active.
When it comes to the type of posts this account interacts with, they stick to strictly liking and sometimes retweeting/replying vaguely to posts regarding the WSQK location, along with liking the posts of anyone that replies to their posts.
After some time though, I noticed they began posting songs that they already posted before, just with different lyrics and lines from the show along with them. This actually makes sense given that they are acting as a radio station, where songs are known for playing and replaying numerous times.
Which brings me to the most interesting aspect about WSQK, which is that while a good chunk of the songs posted have featured on the show at some point, there are also a decent amount that have not.
Here is a playlist of the songs for reference:
Here are some songs specifically that pique my interest. Some I will elaborate on, while others I might just share and let you figure out for yourself why I think they're worth mentioning.
This song was originally the third song they posted, though it was removed about a week later. Hard to tell why exactly they removed it. Maybe since it was still early on. they mixed something up and decided to get rid of it? Regardless, lyrically there could be some significance to this song choice.
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Since we've obviously heard Kate featured on the show already, I don't think it would be too hard for a fan to include this. Though, it being added this early on is an interesting choice to me. Lyrically a song like many on this playlist that I think have a specific meaning which could fit quite well with a potential storyline in s5. It is also one of quite a few songs that have been posted at least twice.
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While this song did feature in s3 and s4, this song is one of many that are unlisted for the show. It doesn't feature on any official soundtrack or playlist and so you'd have to already know it to recognize it or go out of your way to search it for yourself. And the meaning is also ummmm... yeah.
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I actually got barely any results when looking into this song and its lyrics. Though I did discover that it is most known for featuring in an episode of Miami Vice in 1986.
I could only share 10 songs here, so if you want to look at more or even all of them, I highly recommend taking a look, even if it's only out of mere curiosity. I do plan on going through and confirming all the songs one by one again because I probably mixed up or missed one or two (or more). Scrolling down a Twitter account until their first tweet is not exactly fun, but this should be accurate for the most part!
Something else I want to mention is that @erikiara80, who also keeps an eye on the account, noticed a while ago that they have always followed 11 people, some fans and some connected to the show. There was one time they unfollowed some accounts and then instantly followed some others, keeping them at 11 follows, which means the number could be an intentional choice.
A while ago, it hit me that, if this is a hypothetical radio station, wouldn't they also take requests? So Erika helped me with that by requesting two for them to post, getting this reply:
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And they did in fact eventually post those two songs requested... I'll let you guess which ones :)
Basically, I felt the need to bring this whole ordeal back to the conversation now, not because I am convinced that it is run by someone connected to the show, but because the eeriness around it persists.
Keeping something going on this long would not only require someone to be very consistent, but to also have the willpower to not go over the top interacting with fans (which I don't think most fans have the self control to not take advantage of). This account doesn't seem to have any bias towards anything. In fact they remain completely impartial, sticking to their script. They seem fine with remaining in the shadows with fans assuming they are insignificant or otherwise, all while keeping the act going almost a half a year later.
With s5 getting no promotion outside of Ross's (sometimes) weekly BTS photo-dumps, this season's roll-out has been almost non-existent. Usually we would get phone numbers to call and obsess over, even 1-2 years out from release, and yet nothing.
I find this approach interesting because it does honestly resemble something I could picture the show doing to hype up s5. If the radio station is going to be a prominent location, then it offers up a really creative way to interact with fans as a way to promote the show.
Them humbly leaving hints about the final season through songs via a ‘radio station’, could parallel similarly to easter egg like approaches they've presented in the past. Only this time (the last time) it would have existed and built up for months with most not knowing about it, offering up a sleuth different songs fans could dig into if it was ever revealed to be promotion for s5.
With their being whispers that we could get something revealed in regards to s5 very soon, and with this playlist finally reaching 100 songs, I thought I would celebrate and remind ya'll it still exists in case you need an excuse to overanalyze something new.
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Yes, him. Big The Cat. From Sonic.
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Hey, I ain't judging. Here at CYFSC Inc. we give every character an equal fair shot, and Big is no exception. So let's get into it, shall we?
Alright, starting off, let's look at the archives. And by archives, I mean something that only exists through internet archives- the Sonic Channel ages! As you've likely gathered from the last post, I have a certain disdain for these. But, We're trying to look at official sources and canon material here, so let's start there.
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He's... 18? Allegedly? That's odd. For someone so subdued, well put together, someone who loves fishing like nothing else in the world, someone who has seemingly the largest amount of physical strength out of anyone we know in the entire cast (Not counting transformations or power-ups), you wouldn't think he'd be listed as the same age as Rouge. Let's see, where could this have-
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Every time, without fucking fail. As stated in the last post, this manual holds no ground whatsoever. The ages were never listed in the original Japanese manuals, not a single time. And, again, there is no confirmation whatsoever that there was any communication between whoever wrote these and Sega. Reminder, this manual said that Eggman is a feminist and a romanticist. It is a malignant cancer that will be mentioned around 12 times, give or take, because of how absurdly inaccurate it is, and how much it influenced the age listings we had before they were removed from Sonic Channel.
So, an age of 18 that has been unlisted since October of last year, which is sourced from one of the most god awful yet wordy manuals the series has ever seen. Yeah, I don't buy it.
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Look at this. This thing is not 18. This is not a young queer man getting his footing and entering adulthood. He has his own little hut in the jungle that he presumably made himself, he's an expert at fishing and seems to hold more knowledge on sea life than any of us could ever hope to match in our entire lives. He's absurdly strong, able to lift entire cars and boulders over his head as seen in SA1 with very little effort. Sure, Knuckles can crack boulders into pieces with one punch, but can he deadlift them? I don't think so. Big is strong. Real strong.
This is a bear. Not the animal, the gay archetype. This is a massive man who could bend you over his knee and crush your skull. But, he won't. He'll just fish. Fish, as it would seem he's been doing for years with his little frog friend. Don't let his childish way of speaking fool you, he's just like this because he's kind of a hermit that rarely ever leaves his little jungle hut for any reason other than fishing. Rest assured, this man is at MINIMUM about 20 years old, maybe even around 30. Really, you could go anywhere with him so long as you're not approaching the realm of old age.
Big The Cat is, by all accounts, able to consent. You can fuck him. But...
Would you fuck Big The Cat? Could you fuck Big The Cat?
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This isn't a matter of if he can consent. He can. That much is obvious. But could you? Would you look at his 6'5/200cm figure, his seemingly impossible weight of 617 pounds, and think yourself physically able to? Would you be able to look into his deep cream yellow eyes while you fuck him? Whether Big is a top or bottom is beyond my jurisdiction, but neither gets you off easy. It might get you off, but it won't be an easy time. Fucking Big is not for the faint of heart. It's a commitment. I can't stop you, I have no intent of trying to stop you.
All I can do is wish you good luck.
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You will need it.
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slimy-vore-bog · 2 years
I want to ask two things,
One, How do you make such AMAZING vore content or just great content you make in general
And two, if you feel up to it could you make an next part to the Show of Trust story with Willow and/or Gus. Mabey they find out about Amity being a shifter. Mabey they saw Luz get eaten and Amity needs to eat them so that Luz can calm them down and explain. Its just some suggestions and there is no pressure if you don't want to do it.
Well the great content comes from the fact that I'm just cool as heck /j
But more seriously thank you and it comes from a lot of time being dedicated to drawing and writing :3 Which is kinda the same as saying "practice makes perfect" but really that kinda just is the deal here.
I might share a link to a video of me explaining how I shade stomachs I have unlisted on my youtube? Depends on if you mean my drawings and writing or more my writing.
Also I'm autistic, so anything I am interested in I can spend forever doing and learning about lol
For the second part of the ask:
I'm definitely interested in doing that! But- since it's an AU I have put more thought into the timeline than others; I'd need to figure out how much time would have passed between that and the potential sequel + what events would have happened in between
(vague ideas btw... it's just things like if there has happened any other vore encounters in between and moving about the region they are in)
And there is another roadblock for me in the sense of unfinished works... And not just my current comic; I have some unfinished writing I started sometime ago
But I think that either this is a huge coincidence or you are the person who confused my friend for the writer of Show of Trust XD (I was waiting for getting the ask myself before starting to really consider writing it)
All that it did however was make me make a meme about it having happened to me twice lol
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The other time someone thought that the same friend was the original creator of the server we made together lol
(he is the owner now though; it negatively affected my mental health too much)
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paranoid-poppies · 14 days
This post will be ***Temporarily*** be pinned, replacing my about me post.
so my (now ex) boyfriend broke up with me OVER TEXT on the 2nd of August, claiming he has poor mental health (been known buddy) and that it would be good for the both of us to not be together because he "can't be the best boyfriend" to me in his current state and that I deserve better. Will be accepting any opinions in reblogs or comments on that whole thing. However! I came on here to share the letter I'm writing him before I officially stop putting in my now usual amount of effort into keeping any kind of relationship alive. Be warned, it's quite the tome.
Here ya go:
You’ve evidently come to the conclusion that you’re “ready”, however you interpreted the word. Or maybe you just opened this because you felt like it. Or it’s been a long time since I gave this to you. Maybe you were feeling nostalgic, as you’ve received more personal letters from me than really any modern person normally does. Or we’re together and I pressure you to; or you do so of your own will. Perhaps some other, unlisted reason. Maybe you never open this; and I’m writing all these words for only the universe to see. At the end of the day, speculation only goes so far, and none of it really matters because I’m going to say the things I want to say anyway. The stuff I never said out loud, because I knew - and you told me - that you weren’t ready. And eventually I realized you might never be ready.
I’m not going to try to be poetic or anything, so I’m sorry if you enjoyed that aspect of my past letters. This is just going to be me. I’m going to say thoughts and feelings and facts and everything of that sort because this may very well be my only and last opportunity.
I’d like to start with some apologies, you deserve them.
I’m sorry you felt like you couldn’t talk to me. Even if you won’t admit it, it’s true.
I’m sorry I couldn't be there for you those 3 years. The 3 years before me that you told me you’ve felt empty through and ever since; like there was a void somewhere inside of you that I couldn’t fill as much as you wanted or needed me to.
I’m sorry you feel you have to do this alone. I know you won’t seek professional help, you’re prideful and strong and stubborn. Even when it hurts you.
I’m sorry that you feel the need to put on a mask of happiness. That destroys a person. I know how it is. I did it for two years. I’m still working on it to this day, especially now.
I hope you accept them. If not for yourself, then for me. Or at the very least for the sake of remembering and learning from us.
To start with the main body of this letter, I’d like to preface with a recognition that maybe you think this is overstepping some boundaries. In that case, I’m sorry. Truly. But, I can’t say nothing. It’s not in my nature to let words as important as these sit dormant forever, bubbling over into the nights of the future as tears. I want this to give me some closure, and maybe you’ll get some too.
I’m not perfect at communicating by any means. I try my best, and it’s either enough, or it isn’t. And I know you’re not perfect at communicating either. You have trouble expressing a lot of things and mustering up the courage to talk about them, and I have trouble saying the important stuff out loud. This letter, for example, which by the way, I’m sorry isn’t handwritten. It’s just much easier to organize thoughts here and make changes. Case in point.
Anyway, I think that’s part of the reason you decided that breaking up was the answer. You had been sitting on that text - or at least idea of a breakup - for some time. It was obvious. I’m not dumb. But I also don’t know a lot of things. Maybe I would’ve drafted that same message in your position. Still, I maintain that I don’t believe pushing someone away - who has continuously expressed want and interest in helping your mental health - was the solution. But I’m not you and I don’t control you. We were and still are equals, both human, and that means a breakup is a breakup, an end is an end, no matter how much I hate it. As much as I wish we had talked more before coming to an end, I understand that to you it might have been something inevitable (I’ll touch more on “inevitable” later). Perhaps that is part of the reason, however small, you were so firm on your decision. I’ll never entirely know or understand what brought you to your conclusion. I can only speculate about what I did or didn’t do, what I could’ve done to change this future because it currently doesn’t contain quite enough of you.
The - probably obvious - truth is, I miss you terribly, and I promise I’ll only use a bit of this letter to wallow in my longing. You were the light, as horribly cliché as that sounds. Merely thinking of your smile can bring me to the verge of tears. I catch a glimpse of faceless hair that only resembles yours, my heart stutters and suddenly I’m clasping my hands together, begging any Gods that will listen. Heads turn in this temple as my knees bleed onto the stone, words leaving my mouth faster than the blood can find its path through the crevices. Not one worshiper listens or understands. Those familiar rich brown curls turn a corner and I’m lost again, standing among people who might never know anything like what we had.
As guilty as I feel, I know time will move steadily forward, and all this passion may or may not fade. But for the time being, I have learned from this pain; it takes a lot of energy to understand that things are often more beautiful when you know you can’t have them.
I can’t count on my hands the number of times I have lamented to a close friend just how much I miss being able to watch you. How desperately I want to be able to just look at you freely and trace the lines of your face with my gaze again. I keep the moments I treasure and miss most to myself though. Like the thought of dragging my finger down the bridge of your nose as we lay together quietly. I dream of brushing my thumbs over your cheeks and pulling you towards me for one last kiss goodnight through the car window again.
I wish I had made you stay in that car longer. Begged you to sit with me for even just five more minutes. I wish I had mustered the patience I know I am capable of, instead of demanding a change I know is difficult. Maybe if those moments had moved slower, I could have saved us.
We are (were?) teens. I recognize, maybe don’t fully understand, that you might not have wanted something as serious, committed, adult, as I did. My parents raised me intentionally or unintentionally to believe that romance is reserved for adults. I didn’t plan or even think of having a boyfriend in high school, perhaps not even in college. But then there was you.
At first I just wanted to be friends with you. To share memories and talk and play games. That’s it. At some point that changed. I don’t know when; I don’t know exactly why. I just know one day I woke up and wished you were there too; Peaceful and warm, morning breath and all. I wanted to do with you what spring does with the new blossoms.
You couldn’t know this of course. What if you didn’t like me like that? What if it made you hate me? And if by some miracle, you liked me of all people back, what would happen then? I didn’t know anything. I couldn’t, and I still can’t, wrap my head around the fact that someone, much less you, would ever want to kiss me or hold my hand or even be associated with me. It still takes my breath away thinking of the first time you kissed me. However small and quick and inconsequential it was, I would have been happy with that being my last first kiss. I won’t be in history books, but if I am, I hope they say you were the first one to love me. As long as they get that right, I don’t care what else they say.
I do know I was mean sometimes, and I hope you know it was only playfully, in an affectionate kind of way. I could talk to you for hours and never get tired of your voice, your laugh. And I could never get tired of seeing you smile. I don’t think I could ever get tired of you, not at all, and I believe that still holds true. Around you, at times, I was also sad and overwhelmed and everything in between and all the better feelings. And you were there for me. You stayed with me; helping and hugging me all while standing in the shadow of your own emotion. You’re strong like that, in an irresponsible and dangerous way, but strong nonetheless. In my past I probably would have admired your walls, your defenses. But I’ve forced myself to acknowledge, and try to understand, that nothing good comes from shoving clutter under the bed and calling your bedroom clean.
Putting aside the aforementioned first kiss, you could’ve just wanted a fling. I don’t know. I likely never will. And I’m sorry if I was crazy or overbearing. We are (were?) just teenagers. The movies say that high school sweethearts don’t last. But I foolishly thought otherwise. I threw myself into our relationship carelessly, letting my guard down because I finally felt secure in some capacity. Not only about myself, but about my potential future. I recognize maybe I feel, and therefore love, a bit too deeply for our age, and perhaps that scared you away. We are (were?) (Are you getting sick of that uncertainty yet?) teenagers and I accept the fact that we have differences in how we experience life and more specifically, love.
You’ll get through this without me. You’re not completely alone, and you know that even if you won’t admit it. Every day, you’re pushing me further away, and even though every bone in my body wants to follow you and grab your arm and pull you back towards me… I don’t. I resist the best I can. I’ll stay right here. Right where you know I’ll be. Working on my patience and hoping that at some point I might see your smile again instead of your back. What I’m trying to say is that I’ll be here for you. Because I know you want to change. And I know that you are capable of becoming who you want to be. Someday maybe you’ll feel brave or you’ll (unnecessarily, because you were and always will be good to me) deem yourself good enough and you’ll be able to summon even more of that strength and courage to reach out. Don’t be afraid. You taught me that some fear is unwarranted.
You said you need help, and as much as I want you to seek it, I know you probably won’t. You’ll let your emotions fester until something like this happens again, and then maybe you’ll learn that recognizing and letting some thoughts and feelings out, even if it’s just a small amount, helps. Cry. Scream. Destroy something. Those are better than nothing. You said that you need help and I believe you do, I just don’t believe you’ll act on that, and a part of me wants to hate you for it. I won’t let that part of me infect the memories of you though, I can’t do that to myself. So you can break that promise - if you want to call it that - and I’ll hold my hands over the ears of my heart so that it doesn’t hate you.
I need you to know that I am grateful for your time in my life, however brief that may be. It was invaluable, and I know I’ll spend the rest of my time on Earth seeking something that even rivals what we had. You have taught me incredible things about myself, life, love, and the world. These uncertain days will pass, you and I could become nothing or something. I have no way of knowing. I do know that your chapter of my life will always be dogeared, as it will most certainly be my favorite for a long time.
However far into the future we have moved between the time I gave this to you and now, when you are reading it, - perhaps we have grown apart, or perhaps we couldn’t possibly be closer - I want you to know that I have, and always will, wait for you. What we had might be forever unmatched. It’s not often you stumble upon someone you have so much in common with. So like I said, I’ll wait for you. Even if you just want to be friends again. The kind that FaceTime in silence just to know they’re not alone. Or the kind that do everything together. Or the kind that share fears and trauma and everything that makes life wonderful. Or the kind that get together once every few months just to laugh. Call me, because I’ll wait for you. I still care for you at this moment, and I probably will forever to some extent. To be clear, this isn’t me telling you to do anything. It’s me saying that if you want to, I won’t stop you. My pets and friends will hear me cry on my bedroom floor, but they won’t hear me ask you to come back. It’s not fair at all for me to ask that of you.
I'll start to wrap it up here. For now, this is the most closure I believe I will get; An envelope containing barely a cup from a sea of thoughts and emotion. I think there are beautiful things waiting for you. You just have to be looking for them. And amid the beautiful parts of your future, if you find an old picture of us, and clear away the dust, I hope you miss me at least a little. Maybe that’s selfish, but it’s human. Perhaps we would’ve worked out in another universe.
As I write this letter - which has consumed several days - I’ve slowly but surely begun to accept the fact that you might never greet me again, or text me asking to FaceTime, or smile my way briefly in passing. In this new reality, I find the only direction to move is forward, and I can’t do that until I accept this fate. I hope that acceptance will come soon because the pain of not knowing you is unbearable. All of this will fade slowly and ache like a wound. As macabre as this metaphor is, I hope you leave a scar because its story would be the loveliest of them all.
Every choice is the right one, remember that. All of them will lead you to the future you’re meant to have, the people you’re meant to love, the lessons you’re meant to learn, and the ways you’re meant to change. To be loved, is to be changed after all. I hope that void gets filled by something or someone. I hope you smile a lot, and find the people and things and love that make life worth living. Above all, I hope you’re happy wherever all that may be.
My last act of love will be letting you go.
That's it! Names were excluded obviously. Let me know if there's any changes, major or minor, to be made. Any and all feedback accepted. Please don't invalidate or disregard my emotions and feelings simply because I'm a teenager. I know what being in love is like. The fact that we are both under 18 doesn't mean that we are incapable of feeling deeply, just as I state in the letter. Every day I wake up and miss him and I can't imagine us being with anyone else and I wonder if I'll feel this way for the rest of my life. I think that's about as in love as in love can be, and us being under 18 doesn't render that meaningless.
I am still unsure if this will be given to him. I have been advised by irl best friend to not do it but she also acknowledged that ultimately it is my choice so I’d like to get some more opinions if people are up to it. Hopefully a consensus is reached soon? Or is that too much to ask?
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With all the recent VOD asks - and as an interested person in the topic of archiving - how many old VODs have you managed to find? And do you have any tips for finding downloads / archives?
It varies a lot per streamer.
You’ll find a few specific ones on archive (and usually pretty important ones! That’s where I found Karl’s November 16 vod and I think Niki’s birthday party might be there iirc?) 
Maybe I’ll make a proper guide post at some point on how to find ‘em with recommendations for channels, but for now I’ll just make a way-too-long answer to this ask and dump this here for the time being, since I know every time I say “I’ll make a proper post” I never get around to it lol
Okay. So.
You can usually find vods spread out on YouTube over multiple different archive channels. Some, like Fundy and Badboyhalo, have extremely well-organized and thorough unofficial archive channels that have everything laid out super easily. 
Pro tip! Don’t search “Fundy VODs” on YouTube because that will only get you to Fundy’s official channel, which -- no offense to Fundy -- is...lacking...
Instead, search “Fundy stream archive” and you’ll find the comprehensive unofficial channel. Fundy stream archive my beloved -- it has everything. 
It’s a bit of an unfortunate and ironic situation whenever a streamer’s official VODs channel accidentally makes the more extensive unofficial ones harder to find :’)
Others, like Jack Manifold and Tubbo, are more difficult to locate since there aren’t really any single-streamer archive channels that are super extensive (though recently, a new JM one has popped up, so if that one continues it could be a good resource -- it just doesn’t have a lot yet)
(Also I swear if I get ONE more person coming to me because of this post saying that Tubbo has a VODs channel I’m gonna punch a wall /lh)
(I love you all and I know you mean well but akj;ldfshgslka;as;fjkldghtubbopleasegetapropervodschanneliswear)
The Karl Jacobs VOD playlist is now unlisted for whatever reason but still accessible as long as you have a link! (pssst...just gonna slide it here real quick)
Tommy’s first-day Dream SMP VOD got privated for some reason. I luckily had a copy downloaded so I tried uploading it to YT, but it got blocked worldwide :/ So not entirely sure what to do about that. I’ve still got the file at least?
Tommy’s VODs channel is amazing, though, and including the first day VOD I can only think of a couple other VODs that have gone missing due to specific reasons, so you can find Tommy’s POV extremely easily. Same with Quackity, Awesamdude’s VODs channel is great too.
Phil and Techno are both A-ok in the archive game. Techno’s got a playlist that’s easy to find, and Phil's got archives of all his VODs directly on Twitch. No problem finding any of theirs.
Antfrost and Puffy are the only two that I’ve really run into problems finding. A helpful anon let me know that thankfully, Antfrost’s bathwater lore stream VOD is available on archive and it looks like a few others are on there too. More recently I’ve found people who are archiving Puffy’s VODs (thank goodness), but I made sure to start trying to preserve Puffy’s VODs and Ant’s Eggpire lore streams myself from January 14 onwards. I’m not the best at it so the VODs are kinda scuffed, but it’s better than nothing and I’m trying to figure out a good system. They’re currently unlisted rn but if you need a stream link, just lmk
I believe Flypaw? has a bunch of Eret’s old VODs saved, but not sure if they’ve been able to upload them anywhere
Other than that, Eret, Tubbo, and Jack Manifold’s August VODs are pretty much Void Zone unfortunately. I put together one of Eret’s VODs from clips alone and got around an hour of footage recovered, but piecing everything together is extremely time consuming and I haven’t done it for any others since :/
(Tubbo literally put a six-minute clip of one of the most important Disc War VODs from August on his VODs channel but not the actual full thing...
Tubbo...Tubbo why...causing me nothing but Pain :’)
As long as you have the date located, though, you can usually search up the date with the streamer on youtube and find that specific VOD, if it’s not one of the Void Zones. The hardest part is just knowing what date to search for tbh, since stream titles can be kinda vague sometimes.
Which is where the fanbase comes in!
Not just recaps or word-of-mouth, even livetweets on Twitter can help you figure out the specific date that something happened.
Hope this helped some? This is a mess of a post, I’m so so sorry, I just kinda spit this out out of nowhere huh
Anyways, this goes for everyone -- by all means, send me asks n stuff about VODs! I might not be able to find everything or respond to every one, but there’s not really an easy system for finding this stuff, so I don’t mind doing a bit of searching for you all! 
(PS: if anyone knows where you can find Sapnap’s storytime stream, because it’s gone missing yet again...I would be so very grateful)
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chibinekochan · 3 years
How to become a Demon Ruler 206
Part: 00 I 01 I 02 I 03 I 04 I 05 I
Gender Neutral Reader insert
taglist: @ayesha95 ; @nomnomcupcakesworld ; @fex-phoenix ; @depressed-bixch ; @kitsune-oji ; @witch-o-memes ; @gallantys ,@tanspostsblog ; @undertaker-02 ,
Somehow I feel relieved when the door to the room is opened by Mammon.
I practically rush inside and find a seat. I can see the demon brothers are sitting in the front row.
Slowly the students tickle into the big room.
They are pretty loud even after Barbatos enters the stage to do the mic check.
Nothing seems to be able to impress them until Diavolo enters the stage.
Until this moment I have never seen him like this. His presence demands my attention. Everyone around me seems to feel the same way. There is only one word to describe his current aura "majestic". It practically robs me of my breath.
"I welcome new and old students. This year I have some great news to share with everyone. As some of you might know, we have exchange students from other realms. I hope you will all become friends with each other. Please don't forget that any mean behavior will be punished. I don't think it will be necessary though. Since I know you are all good kids. This should be all. I hope you all strive to be your best selves for the greater good of your futures." Diavolos speech is short but to the point.
The students all clap, some more enthusiastic than others. It looks like his words reached them at least.
"You are all released, please head to your classes." Diavolo then leaves the stage.
I check my map and schedule for the room that I need to go to.
"Hey there, we have our first class together." It's Satan, I can only guess that all of the brothers got a copy of my schedule.
"It's going to be super boring though. Magic history. Even duller than normal history." Belphie yawns.
"Don't say that Belphie it's very interesting. You just can't appreciate its charm." Satan almost seems offended.
"Charm? I always use that class to do my makeup." Asmo shakes his head.
"You don't know what you are missing." Satan shakes his head.
"Are we all in the same class?" This confused you a bit since you assumed they are all in higher grades at least.
"The classes here are mostly what you chose all different courses, some are mandatory though. Like magic history for example. It's an integral part of magic studies." Satan explains everything quickly.
This makes somewhat sense to me. "I guess I was automatically unlisted into some basic courses." At least that's what it looks like on your sheet.
"That's normal. You can only get into more programs once you have mastered the basics. Hence why you will have some of these basic courses with one brother or another." Satan glances at Mammon.
"Hey don't call me out. I could pass, I just don't wanna." Mammon huffs.
"Say that after passing a course after the 300th attempt." Levi sighs.
"Like you pass all of your classes." Mammon huffs.
"Go to your classes now!" Lucifer angrily shouts at all of them.
"Well, that was the class bell. Let's go." Belphie yawns once again.
I just follow after them, I can slowly tell that they must be bad students.
"You can sit here, I kept a place open for you." Asmo winks at me.
I can't see another open space so I just smile at him. "Thank you Asmo."
He smiles gracefully back at me. "No problem dear. By the way, I appreciate that you are using the beauty products that I gave you."
"They are very great products. You have to tell me where you got them." I didn't care much about these things before but Asmo has an eye for these kinds of things.
Asmo smiles happily. "Of course. I can show you all the best spots for everything."
It feels nice talking with Asmo, despite how he was at your first meeting.
"I see you got them a place but not me." Belphie sighs.
"There is still space. I scoot over a little." I move closer to Asmo, leaving plenty of space for Belphie.
"Thanks." He yawns and sinks into his chair.
"You can come even closer if you want to." Asmo winks at me.
"No thanks." I'm pretty comfortable where I am.
Asmo shrugs and the lesson starts.
The lesson is indeed rather dull, not being helped by Belphie snoring next to me, but I pull through somehow.
After the lesson is over Belphie finally wakes up again. "Oh, can I borrow your notes?" Belphie sees that I took quite a few of them.
"Me too, oh they are even color-coded, how nice." Asmo claps his hands, like it's something amazing.
"You two need to keep your notes. I mean Belphie might have an excuse but what about you Asmo?" Satan sighs.
"I was busy doing my nails. Don't they look stunning?" Asmo shows them off, they are indeed very nice. "I should do yours too, if you come to my room later I will paint them for you." Asmo smiles sweetly at me.
"Don't listen to him, he has ulterior motives." Belphie yawns before slowly walking to his next class.
"So what? We are both consenting adults. So there is no harm." Asmo shrugs and follows after Belphie.
I can only shake my head at this, well at least he is being honest. I can appreciate that.
"I have art next it seems." I look at my plan.
"That is on the other side of the court garden. It's a building practically made out of glass. You can't miss it." Satan calmly explains the way to me.
It's easy to find and I still have a bit of time before the class starts.
I spot Beel and Levi close by.
"Hey guys, do you have art class too?" I wave at them.
"Yeah, it's pretty awesome when they let us draw what we want." Levi seems to look forward to it.
"I like it too but I'm hungry and I'm afraid I will eat the canvas again." Beel sighs.
"Does that happen often?" I think it's pretty strange.
"More often than it should." Levi sighs.
"Oh, I have some sandwiches. I can share them with you." I just remember the big box Diavolo gave me. I take it out and open it.
Beel looks at it pretty much drooling. "Are you sure?" He is hesitant.
"Of course. It's too much for me anyway." I take two sandwiches out and hand the rest to Beel.
"Here you can have one too, Levi." I smile and hold it over to him.
"Wow, that's very nice of you." Levi seems surprised but takes the sandwich regardless.
Beel practically inhales his portion while I and Levi enjoy ours. It's very tasty.
"Thank you, that was very nice of you. I owe you one." Beel smiles gratefully at me.
"I hope you feel better now." I just can't handle the idea of him eating art supplies. Demon or not that can't be healthy.
Beel nods.
"Looks like we can enter now. You should stay away from the canvases on the back row. Take one upfront." Levi gives you friendly advice.
I'm unsure why, but I follow his advice anyway.
Soon the class starts. Now I see why Levi told me to avoid the back row. It seems the roof is leaking in that area. I take note of this, intending to tell Diavolo.
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lunarreaper-ut · 3 years
Not Undertale related
I re-read the document with info on that Left 4 Dead alternate universe I made and I decided I’d share it here despite it not at all being Undertale related. I’ll put it under the cut if you’re interested! Warning, it’s long as hecc! And I mean... HECCIN long
Imagine the L4D universe after the remaining humans and military regained their foothold to fight the infected, and save themselves. Imagine they were aware of Carriers. Imagine this world wouldn’t just kill off the Carriers, and would treat them like humans (For the most part at least). They would create settlements completely divided, Carriers to their district, uninfected to theirs. The military would have a large amount of influence in these cities. The Carrier district would essentially be slums, or at least extremely poor. They would need to become self-sufficient, as the rest of humanity didn’t care for them or even wished for them to die out. These districts would be encased in walls. Some Carriers would say it’s better than being dead. Others would disagree. 
Now, imagine Carriers went beyond simply being asymptomatic. What if Carriers did mutate? Rather than being simple common infected Carriers, what if (Based on the way the virus mutates depending on certain circumstances), the conditions for the virus to mutate into a specific special infected (Boomer, Smoker, Hunter, etc.) were met, but the Carrier didn’t turn? A new advanced special infected. Still retaining their sentience, still technically human, but much stronger. The military wouldn’t just leave them alone, they’d use them. This would implement Project Carrier. Any special infected Carriers would be rounded up and enlisted in the military. The better they did, the better the Carrier district did. They would, not only receive personal benefits, but would help the Carrier district receive better supplies. Medical supplies, food (as I imagine the Carrier districts would often be low on food), even improved living conditions. Carrier Soldiers would also be used in medical research to create a vaccine to combat the virus.
Despite this, Carrier Soldiers were seen as traitors to their kind, infected that needed to be killed by others, and experiments to the military. They’d be under constant surveillance to ensure they didn’t step out of line. Special infected were already smart enough to outsmart an unprepared soldier (Not that the military would admit that), and a Carrier Soldier was just a mutated human. If they weren’t kept on a tight leash, they could easily overthrow the military with enough careful planning. Thankfully, there were very few special infected Carriers.
This brings in all the technical stuff that I might get wrong. 
The percentages of special infected to regular infected have been confirmed by in-game lore:
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Special infected percentages are very low, the highest being 9% (The Hunter), (with Witches being unlisted due to either exceedingly low numbers or inability to safely study), which would mean that most special infected Carriers (Hereby called Special Carriers or SCs), would be Hunters most commonly. Of course I’ll write down theoretical abilities for each type of SC. Unfortunately there’s no information I could find that stated how many survivors were actually Carriers. Of course the in-game playable characters, but that would only amount to 8 (12 if you count the characters exclusive from the L4D survivors) out of all of the encountered NPCs, which of course I could use as a base if it weren’t for “The Sacrifice” comic, which showed the survivors heading to Millhaven and seeing a large amount of bodies being burned. It’s implied that these bodies were Carriers, but it’s also possible that they were simply people who died in millhaven or even common infected that were killed. This skews the numbers a fair bit, so I will use the original 8 survivors and NPCs listed in the wiki.
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Rounding numbers up, Uninfected survivors would make up about 87% of the population while Carriers would be 13%. Based on the comics, Carriers are primarily male and the only female survivors would be the daughters of male Carriers. Since there are only 2 female survivors out of the 8, that would make a 25% chance of a female Carrier. This will become important later. Maybe. 
Since we have a rough percentage of how many survivors would be Carriers, how many of them statistically would be SCs? Well thanks to more math, I have that answer. Using the two previous charts, I was able to make this fancy new chart.
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Again, due to a lack of data, Witch Carriers can’t be calculated accurately. However. We know that there is a rough percentage of 25% of Carriers being female, (Well, we don’t know that but let's assume it’s true). It can also be observed that some of the special infected seem to be gender restricted. Hunters, Smokers, Chargers, Jockeys, and Tanks all seem to be male restricted with Spitters being female restricted. (The Boomer is the only exception to this rule). If we subtract half of the percentage of Boomers (To make it simple) and the percentage of Spitters, we get a 24.1% of presumably Common female Carriers. 
This is where it comes mostly up to assumptions and hypotheses.
We know that the Witches are just as, if not rarer, than Tanks which make up only 3% of all infected, and only roughly 8% of all Special Infected. We only see the Tank about 1-2 times (though 2 is rare on Expert) per level in L4D, and the Witch, (Excluding the Sugar Mill), has the same spawn-rate. This would make their rarity at least equal to that of the Tank. This would make both the Tank and the Witch roughly 4% of the Special Infected population, and 0.7% of all Infected. Now normally I’d assume that it would be easy enough to put the percentage of Witch Carriers into the chart, but the problem arises with the percentage of female Carriers, which, as you recall, is only 25% with 0.9% already being accounted for as Spitters and Boomers. It’s highly likely that the majority of the remaining 24.1%  are Common Carriers, due to the circumstances required to become a Special Infected. Becoming a Witch infected is highly assumed to be a result of an altered mental state, (Loss of sanity or Depression), which is far different from the other infected. All the other infected seem to have a physical condition met in order to become said Special Infected, (Health problems, excess of certain chemicals, etc.). 
Now of course you could say, “Well everyone just went through the apocalypse, wouldn’t they all be hella depressed?”, and I would say “Yeah probably.”. However, there is a difference between feeling depressed and clinical depression. It would be a bit far-fetched to assume that all Witches were diagnosed as clinically depressed, but I believe it would make more sense due to the fact that every person can experience depression, but not every person is clinically depressed. Otherwise, I believe there would be a much higher rate of Witch infected if the cause was simply depression on it’s own.
 A study in 2016 showed that about 10.4% of women were found to have depression. (Yeah outdated, I’m sure the number is higher now, but we’re using this one). This can be applied to our charts, however there is no way to tell how much of this percentage lies within the Carrier community. Majority of this percentage is certainly within the Uninfected community, purely based on the low percentage of women within the Carrier community. Only 3.25% of women would be Carriers in this scenario, leaving over 96% of women uninfected. Because of this, statistically, we can assume next to none of the Carrier women are clinically depressed. To keep things simple, I’m going to go with the assumption that less than 0.1% of Carriers become Witch Carriers.
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Now that we have all of the statistics out of the way, what exactly would these SCs be like? How extensive are the mutations? I have theories! I’ll continue that in the next post though, since this is already long as hecc... Their abilities are a lot more interesting, so stay tuned!
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iwritesongfics · 4 years
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Pairings: Billy Russo x Reader
Warnings: Noneeeee, this is a very very fluffy thing!
A/N: Happy birthday, Ben Barnes! I was smiling the whole time I was writing this. Let me know what you think!
Tag list: @fific7​
“Honestly,” you said, “I think we need a miracle.” You smiled softly at Billy.
“Come on, Y/N, I think we can make it work,” he said, holding your hand as if he wouldn’t let you go.
“Billy,” you said patiently. “I had fun, but my whole life is in L.A., and yours is here.”
Billy sighed in frustration. “I really think we can make it work.”
“I don’t think you’re going to survive without daily sex,” you said teasingly. He gave you a begrudging smile, and you patted his handsome face.
“As much as I’d like for this to work, I don’t live in a romcom. But we had fun, right?” you gave him a soft hug, inhaling the scent you’ve gotten used to waking up to for the past six months.
“Yeah, we did,” Billy concedes, a sad smile on his face.
“Don’t pout, Billy the Beaut!” you teased, making him roll his eyes at you good-naturedly. Ever since you heard one of his friends call him that you couldn’t stop yourself from doing the same. He really was beautiful.
You motioned for a cab, which immediately swerved to stop in front of you. “Huh. I thought it would take longer.”
“Don’t be silly, I’ll drive you to the airport, Y/N,” he said, wanting to spend a little more time with you before you left.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to get on that plane if you were with me,” you gave him a soft goodbye kiss. “I’ll miss you, Billy.”
He watched your cab disappear into traffic with dark, sad eyes.
* 3 months later *
You kept missing a call from an unlisted number. Your agent finally handed your phone back to you while you were getting your hair and makeup done. “You’re on in 10, make it quick,” she huffed.
“Thanks, Angela,” you said placatingly, “I’ll be okay, don’t stress, it’s not my first rodeo, okay?” 
“Yeah, well, your phone’s not helping, so you better answer whoever that is before I go insane from your ringtone,” she shook her head at you.
As if right on cue, your phone started ringing again. You frowned at it. Who wanted to reach you this bad?
“Billy? I haven’t heard from you in, well, since I left New York.”
“Well, I wasn’t sure if you wanted to hear from me.”
“Come on now, just because we stopped dating doesn’t mean we stop being friends, right?”
“So we were dating, huh,” he said teasingly. You never really confirmed anything, but the unexpected admission made your face feel warm.You cleared your throat. “So, what do I owe the pleasure of your repeated calls? You almost drove my agent crazy.”
“I’m here.”
“Here?” you straightened up from your seat looked at your dressing room door as if he was going to burst through at any moment.
“In L.A.”
“For business, or..?”
“Business now, and I was hoping I would have the pleasure of seeing you later.”
You blushed. After months of no contact, he still had that same effect on you as if he was right beside you whispering in your ear.
“If you don’t wanna, I understand,” he says suddenly, taking your silence for hesitation.
“No, Billy, I’d love to,” you said as warmly as you could. “I missed you.” You heard his breath hitch at your admission.
“We’re just taping a late show but I can meet you after?”
He whistled. “You’re a pretty big deal, Y/N,” you smiled through the phone. “Send me the address, I’ll pick you up.”
You ended the call feeling more jittery than any interview you’ve ever had. 
You asked your makeup artist to tone down your makeup after your interview. You wanted nothing more than to wipe your whole face clean, but you wanted to make a good impression on Billy. You also “stole” your show dress, promising your stylist to send it back dry cleaned. You were so nervous you couldn’t even remember your interview and hoped you didn’t mess up too bad. I mean, James Corden was perfectly nice the whole time, so you probably didn’t wreck his show.
Billy was waiting outside the studio in a rental sports car.
“Flashy, Billy, your car screams tourist,” you teased, giving him a quick hug hello.
He laughed, returning your hug. “It’s my first time in L.A., might as well pull all the stops, right?” he held you at arms length, drinking the sight of you in.
“Y/N, you look ravishing,” you couldn’t help but look away and blush. It’s like you never left.
“So, where are we going, Billy?” You take in his crisp white shirt, which miraculously did not wilt in the L.A. heat. His coat was strewn on the passenger seat of his ridiculously expensive rental car.
“Well, I was hoping you could recommend a place since you’re the L.A. native,” he teased.
You rolled your eyes at him. “Let me call my assistant, let’s go somewhere nice since you dressed up for me and all.”
You input the address into your phone GPS and slid into the passenger seat. “Let’s go, Mr. Russo!”
You led Billy to a well-lit flower strewn rooftop restaurant. He held onto your hand as you navigated through the restaurant to your reserved table.
“This is a very nice place for a date,” he said teasingly.
“I know,” you said, looking at him with a smile and it was his turn to blush.
“I missed you, Bill,” you said shyly. “I really did mean it when I said it before I left.” 
His hand slid over to yours on the table. “And I still meant it when I said we can make this work.” he lifted your hand and gave it a soft kiss.
“You’re everywhere, Y/N,” he said, almost laughingly. “It’s kinda hard to get over someone who’s insanely famous.”
“I’m not insanely famous,” you scoffed, swatting his arm with your free hand.
“Yes, you are. I keep seeing you on billboards and the subway, I almost feel like a fan with how I keep staring at all your stuff.”
“Stopppp,” you said, covering your face in embarassment.
“Don’t, I’m happy for you, sweetheart,” he said, gently prying your hands away from your face and into his grasp. “I’m just saying I’m still not over you.”
You smiled at him and sipped your wine. You didn’t know what to say. The truth was, you still weren’t over him either.
“Billy, to be honest, I haven’t either,” you confessed. He looked up at you with hopeful eyes.
“But having a relationship with someone on the other end of the country just seems.. reckless,” you continued with a slight frown. 
Billy shrugged and seemed to let the topic go, at least for the moment. You caught up with him over everything that happened to you for the past few months, and the last thing you knew, the staff was asking for your last call. 
“How long are you staying here for?” you asked as you got ready to leave the restaurant. 
“Maybe a week,” he replied, leading you by the small of your back to the sidewalk. You peeped at him as his car was parked in front of you by the valet.
“Do I drop you off or..?” he said softly, dreading to hear your answer.
“You don’t have to drop me off yet,” you offered with a shy smile.
He strode over to you and gripped your waist, and you gasped at the sudden contact. Billy looked into your eyes, his expression unreadable. You tipped your head up and gave him a soft kiss.
“Call me reckless, but I still think we could make it work,” he breathed into your ear. You nodded, finally giving in to what you’ve missed for months.
This time his kiss felt like a promise, but his grip said you had a lot to make up for.
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damienshaw · 3 years
where: at the harborside inn on MAY 20TH. time: around eleven in the evening.
closed starter for jamie reid — @jamie-reid​
The drive had passed far too quickly for the driver’s preference. Strained white knuckles, disheveled windblown hair, and a seat-belt wrinkled shirt may have said differently—but inwardly, it felt as if barely a half hour had passed since Damien had breached New York City’s limits. Even after triple checking the GPS co-ordinates, the bright green destination sign marked with a (too close for comfort) 10 attached to Mystic’s name was still surreal to read. But what else could be expected when, since the moment the engine started, he’d been constantly pushing speed limits and allotted himself no unnecessary stops whatsoever? There was just one reason to be visiting Mystic. Technically two, but the reasoning had existed because of his curiosity concerning one person. Surprisingly, no one else had seemed eager to make the two-and-a-half hour trip with him and Sasha this late into the evening but he had been determined to get the drive over and done with—or at least that was the reasoning he entertained. The trip had been set up to be just as any other professional venture. Somehow he managed to convince himself that this wasn’t just a way to get loose ends tied; as if accomplishing three simple steps was all there was to it. Ask a question, get an answer, take an exit—that was the proposed retrieval outline to uphold when Damien had immediately said yes to Mayor Holder’s job proposal, and it was one he promised himself he wasn’t going to indulge in any longer. Damien’s team trusted in his efficiency with the blind faith that strangers often did, but these feelings towards his abilities were not unanimous on all fronts. There was only one exception who’d long ago witnessed the origin story of his first budding childhood romance, the one person who knew the inner workings of Damien’s heart and how it moved and how incapable at times, it seemed, of letting go. The same woman who had picked him back up when one part of the equation vanished. His mother knew, better than perhaps even Damien, that reaching the desired outcome smoothly relied on the flawed assumption that everything laying between the lines would go off with out a hitch—in that nothing unpredictable would go off at all. Suffice it to say, Damien had thought through every possible direction things could go with Jamie if he happened to run into her about as well as he’d done so before any other plan he’d ever carried out. Not at all. Accompanying his pint-sized plan was an equally small bag of essentials that had been thrown into the back of the car last minute, much like his departure, which had technically been scheduled to happen two days later. To say it had been an impulsive decision to take an early leave was a colossal understatement. Rewind to just a fresh few hours ago; he had just arrived outside his office building where his usual weekend meetings took place when he’d received the call that something unexpected had come up and it would need to be rescheduled. A day off should have been a relief. A day off meant free time (a near extinct commodity in recent times) and relaxation—alas, even the word was something he struggled to know what to do with nowadays, let alone the act of participating in it. The first thing he should have done was call his assistant to tell her to get ready for their new job, to pass the good news about the very nice pay and accommodations... Indeed, there was a plethora of things that should have been prioritized instead of the unlisted option he chose. If it had been wrong to do so then it shouldn’t have been so easy to conveniently skip taking his usual turn off for home to merge onto the highway instead. Evidence of his unpreparedness for travel was obvious in the uncharacteristic choice of casual attire he still wore. An expensive suit ensemble had more or less become his everyday dress code with how often he was summoned to lead the way into rooms where first impressions were everything. No matter how hippy dippy these Gen Zer’s wanted to make the independent videography/photography scene, when it came to his business he held himself to a certain standard. The only act of self rebellion Damien had engaged in against the polished presentation guise was having the top buttons of dress shirt undone to his liking, sans tie, as well as the inch longer he���d let his hair grow. The auburn stubble shadowing his jaw had less to do with a consciously made decision than it had to do with losing his razor earlier in the week and forgetting to make time to go out and get a new one. Prolonged self-employment had set his pacing and concept of time askew, to say the least. A job that could be done in an hour, but with the freedom of an entire day, would be needlessly drawn out. Such habits bled into the fibers of his personal life as well; everything done slowly purely because it could. Only one thing was reliably fixed in place. Appointments. However, thanks to technology even that was a non-issue now. Upon getting the call from Mayor Holder’s office and putting two and two together, Damien had his secretary cancel all of his scheduled photoshoots for the next six months (despite the equally puzzled and shocked expression he was rewarded with) in favor of the job that had just been proposed to him. With a recently failed relationship Damien took the work invitation as a sign from the universe to just go, and it would rude of him not to answer it’s call. You have reached your destination. Not long after passing the blink-and-you-miss it welcome sign, Damien’s foot stiffly shifted to hover over the brake pedal until the flow of traffic gave way to a more densely populated area. Parking in what he presumed was the central part of town, relieved to be liberated from spending a minute more crammed into a vehicle, he barely spared a moment to breathe easy before he whistled for Sasha to follow and headed determinedly onwards. Grasping onto the Harborside Inn’s door handle, a lesser entertained thought dawned on him as he gave it a hesitant tug toward him—what if Jamie wasn’t in Mystic anymore? The thought was swiftly followed by an even more uncertain notion; would her absence be a relief, or a disappointment? Once upon a time, Damien might have mulled a little longer on such things; perhaps even stopped altogether and retraced his footsteps until he was tucked back inside his car. Unfortunately, neither was a feasible option as he reminded himself that he was here for a job and everything else was simply the cherry on top. It was precisely for this reason that Damien’s soft sense of childlike curiosity and unconditional tenderness had been heavily under construction since left to his own devices.
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Time was money, after all. Bearing the thought in mind, he summoned a deep breath of resignation and brushed any uprising of sentimental non-necessities off into a pile at the back of his mind where they belonged. Heading purposefully forwards with Sasha beside him, he stepped over the threshold of the lobby before standing in before the currently vacant front desk, eyes adjusting to the low lit interior after a brief impressed sweep of the room. Mayor Holder wasn’t kidding when he mentioned accommodations being no problem. As he pressed down on the call bell Damien reminded himself that there was only one impersonal thing he should feel motivated to accomplish here, and that was final.
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jeswii · 4 years
Sinnam Kevu - Chapter 1- Questions
Summary:  Random snips from my brain for the Trooper story about a trooper who grew up on a planet that in the last war was a constant battle ground between the Republic and Empire. She's been fighting the Empire since as soon as she could walk. Semi slow burn for F!trooper x Aric.
Chapter: 1/?
Chapter Summary:  From the rookie in the team to the leader of the squad after the rest of the team's defection causes Aric to have some questions about the pull his new CO has.
Notes: The planet Sinnam is from, Trelin, is a planet I made up. It's located in the outer rim and is a popular trading hub that became a point of interest for both the Empire and Republic in the last war.
Cross Posted on Ao3
The Senate Tower. Not somewhere Sinnam was excited to set foot in again, but this was where the hunt for Tavis and the others sent her. So far, she had avoided him. Up until the day she couldn't.
After neutralizing the nerve agents a city gang collected, she retrieved a call from the General. There were a few Senators that had uncovered what had happened to Havoc Squad and now are filing for an informal inquiry. She was mandated to speak there, but the more of her mission that was public, that harder it was going to get.
When she entered that room, she knew there was no coincidence as to who was there. One of the three Senator was a man she's been avoiding for years.
"Lieutenant Kevu, make yourself comfortable." He stated "On behalf of the Senate of the Galactic Republic, I want to thank you for appearing on such short notice for this informal inquiry."
She took a seat, not letting herself appeared fazed. "I'm just doing my duty Sir."
"I assure you we will not hold you from your duties any longer than necessary Lieutenant."
They asked pretty basic questions. Did she serve with them? Did they defect? Where they unstable? Could anyone have seen it coming? Did it have anything to do with Ando Prime?
Sinnam avoided most of the questions, trying to keep with damage control. Then she was dismissed.
But that didn't stop him. "Lieutenant," He said following her out of the conference. "I was wondering if we can have a word in private?"
Private. That was the only time they talked wasn't it? "Anything you want to say to me you can say in front of Sergeant Jorgan. If you can't, then we have nothing to talk about."
He paused a moment "Congrats on the promotion."
"Thank you" She said firmly
A silent set between them. She wasn't going to put the effort into carrying this conversation. The man rubbed his beard "I know you couldn't tell me you were on Coruscant but since you're here and I know you're here maybe we can have dinner some time? You still haven't tried my cooking."
Cooking. As in they would be in his home. "I'm sorry Senator, I don't see much of an opening in my schedule right now and given your inquiry into Havoc Squad I'm not sure it would be appropriate."
"Okay." He cleared his throat "I'll likely see you later Lieutenant."
"Until next time Senator."
Aric had to hurry down the hall when that conversation ended. Sinnam's pace sped up to put some distance between them. She stopped at the refresher before going to Garza's office to get a minute to herself.
Grabbing the sink, she sighed. In the mirror she examined her own face. Half Zabrak. Half human. No one noticed the human part but she did. Her eyes weren't quite right. "Just one asshole Sin. Can't let him get to you."
The door creaked open and closed "I'll say." Aric commented "I don't mean to pry into your personal life, Sir, but he seems too old for you and given the inquiry it's not professional. I know you're young for a CO, but that's a big mistake. And that's all ignoring that he's a Senator and they always complicate our operations."
A laugh escaped her. She could berate him for being in the woman's bathroom right now but that wasn't going to help. "I appreciate the concern Sergeant, I'm afraid you're understanding of the situation is backwards."
He crossed his arms "Want to explain it?"
All the cheeriness in her expression dropped. "We have to report in. I appreciate the concern."
The topic wasn't brought up again until they were on their way to save a senator from Wraith.
He took a seat across from her in the main room "You know, I reviewed your record before that ZR-57 op. Been meaning to discuss it with you. Been fighting the Empire since you could carry a blaster, running with a rebellion on a backwater. Did good there, running them off the planet. So you can kill Imperials, but that guerilla mentality won't cut it in the big time."
Sinnam shrugged "You saw how I handled things. I know what I'm doing."
Coruscant and Ord Mantel went to plan, he'll give her that. "Taking on that sep army single handedly takes guts, not leader ship. I saw you second guessing yourself about those cyborgs. A leader has to choice between completing the mission and loosing men. Completing the mission and civilian casualties. You have to have your head on straight and know where that line is."
Her jaw tightened as he talked. "I do"
"When this squad grows past you and me, people are going to have to trust your orders to the letter." He added "Not question them. They need to have their full trust in you and for that to happen you have to have full trust in yourself. A squad needs that kind of commitment to operate effectively."
Well this was going well then. "Are you saying you don't trust me?"
He shook his head "I will always give you a hundred percent. That's not the issue. Havoc Squad is the Republic's most elite outfit. We tackle the missions no one else can handle. Traitor or no, Tavis is a tough act to follow. You think you're up to it?"
"Certainly." She said firmly.
He paused a few minutes. Sinnam didn't mind the quiet, in fact she generally preferred it, but she was getting a bit weirded out. "Is something else bothering you?"
Jorgan nodded "That Senator. Arnus. You said I had it wrong. I didn't see another explanation until I remembered something strange in your service record. Your father wasn't unlisted, it was classified. Even for me before the demotion. Either he's high in the military or a senator with some pull."
A lump formed in her throat and she looked away from him. She could shut him down and not talk about this, but her and Jorgan were on the same team together.
She needed to trust him.
But she needed protect herself as well. She composed herself and looked back to him with a confident demeanor. "Jorgan, am I supposed to be connecting dots from that last conversation to this one or are these two different points?"
He shrugged "It crossed my mind."
That was one of her biggest worries. "Nepotism? Seriously?"
"He classified his name for a reason."
She rolled her eyes "Do you know how I met him?" She didn't wait for Jorgan to respond "Back when I enlisted in the Republic, in basic training, there was an accident and when I was being treated there were some medical complications. The doctor took a DNA test to try to find a match for my father. We found him, he sent records and a million credits for me to never talk to him again or tell anyone. It was an election year."
His brow knit together "What did you do?"
Years ago, she had shame for what she did. Now, after the fact, she knew she couldn't change it. Might as well stand in it. "I was sixteen. That was more money than I've ever seen and my home planet had been ravaged by the Empire. The Republic wasn't working fast enough for me. I took the money. Paid off my mother's medical bills. Gave my baby brother a college fund. Sent the rest to Trelin relief. Didn't talk to him again until a few years later."
"Sixteen?" He asked
She's come this far, might as well finish it "Yes. You can add lying on my application to the military to that report about suspected nepotism and incompetence. I'm two years younger than the Republic thinks. Couldn't enlist until I'm eighteen but fighting on Terlin had finished. We won."
He shook his head "I said it crossed my mind, not that I'm writing you up."
Sinnam got up from her seat and grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen that was in the same room they were already in "Such a fine line you walk. So it's just accusing me of nepotism?"
Her sarcastic comments weren't something he was expecting in private. When she arrived on Ord Mantel he had heard from her last commander that she was always professional. So far he'd seen it too.
Until now "Look, you've got a great record. From rebellion to enlisted, you've risen fast. You're just young. Apparently even younger than I thought. And the leader of the most elite squad is a lot of pressure for anyone. I just wanted to know. You could have done everything I read. Or someone might have overstated for a payday."
This could get messy if he really didn't trust her. "My biological father has nothing to do with my military career. Even if he cared enough to do it, the risk of someone exposing that is far too much risk for him. He doesn't want any tracible connection between us. Or did you not notice how he offered to cook? He doesn't want to be seen in public with me."
Now he was starting to feel a bit guilty "Alright."
She took a deep breath "Are we done then?"
Jorgan nodded "I'll see you when we arrive, Lieutenant."
The Senator was safe. Wraith escaped. Garza sent them to another world. The journey there was two days long. The first full day was silent on the ship. The two of them avoided each other until a sparing session the two of them had planned before the tense conversation about nepotism. Basic hand to hand training to better understand each other's skills before they're relevant in the field.
Sinnam dressed down into a t-shirt and shorts. Jorgan had never seen her outside of uniform. There were scars that trailed up her neck and face that he saw but there were far more on her arms and legs. Deeper, older, and more intensive.
While she was stretching out, she saw him starring at her leg specifically. "An orbital strike on our holdout on Balmorra three years ago."
He remembered reading about it. Hospitalized it for five months. "They pulled out not long after that didn't they?"
Her head dropped. She could feel the heat across her body once again. "It was in Imperial hands by the time I woke up a week later. Only survivor of my unit and we didn't even help those people."
"That's rough."
She stood up straight and stretched out her neck "It's what I signed up for."
They nodded to each other and started circling the mats. "No claws right?" She asked with a smile
He shrugged "Wouldn't need them anyways."
A laugh escaped Sinnam as she took a shot at him. Straight for his hips. They struggled each other for control of who would hit the mat. "Sure about that?" She asked as she tripped him over her foot set behind his leg as he took a step back.
Jorgan fell to the ground and fought against a pin. In the situation he got himself into by not watching her close enough it was going to be hard.
After a few moments of struggling he tapped the mat.
Sinnam got off of him and helped him up to his feet. "Not bad Aric." He said with a heavy breath
He wiped sweat from his brow and stretched out his shoulder "Aric?"
"It's your name isn't it?" She asked with a smile "We're off duty for another thirty hours. No point to stay so up tight. We can have a bit of fun, actually enjoy each other's company. As long as you're okay with that."
"Sure. Off duty."
She laughed again. He didn't know he would like her laugh so much. "Is relaxing and making friends really that hard for you?"
He cleared his throat "No, it's not that. Just after what I said, I wasn't sure you'd want to be friendly."
Sinnam shrugged and grabbed a bottle of water "I figure if you're not sure about my rep, I'll just do what I do and you'll see. I got nothing to prove, you don't have an issue with me when we're on the job, and we're going to have a lot of time together. No point holding a grudge over something that I admit does look sketchy."
Tossing it over to him, Aric caught the bottle and took a sip. After, he tossed it back. "You did take his money."
She took a drink from the same bottle and paused "Fair. Want to go another round?"
Nothing like a nice ache from getting thrown down on the mats a few times. Aric was stretching back out when they were done "Got to hand it to you Sir, I didn't think I'd go oh for three against you. I thought I'd at least get one."
She chuckled as she took a seat "Sorry Aric, one of us is a scrapper and the other spent half of his career as a sniper."
He threw a towel at her "Thanks Sir."
Pulling it off her face, she shook her head "Hey, you did pretty well for a sniper." She used the towel to dry her face "And you know it wouldn't kill you to call me Sinnam."
"I know Sir."
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theanimeview · 4 years
Theory: The True Voice of Yusuke Urameshi
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By: Casea Mhtar, @madamekrow​
Yu Yu Hakusho is ultimately my favourite anime, to the point where I can’t bear the thought of liking an anime more than it. For example, Berserk (1997) will be my “number 1” while Yu Yu Hakusho has exceeded the list altogether because its pedestal is just that high. That is the length I must go to secure a strange sense of balance for myself and stave off yet another identity crisis for a different reason. So you can probably imagine how much chaos was thrown at me when I found out that Yusuke Urameshi’s voice actor is completely different than the one I vividly recall when I found myself rewatching the series a few weeks ago. I have a memory of my sister and I watching a single episode she had taped on VCR and we would specifically watch the credits nonstop. We were trying to memorize the song (with great success, I might add).
At the time, there was still no means of listening to the ending theme anywhere other than its source. YouTube wasn’t really a thing, and even if it was we didn’t have access to the same databases we have today. So we watched that part over and over and over again. I remember etching each image into our minds, every lyric into our internal roster of songs as it played on repeat. The names kept popping up just as they did before the last and the voice actor of Yusuke Urameshi, my favorite character, was none other than Yuri Lowenthal.
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I distinctly recall thinking “Yuri, that’s a cool name” to myself as his name came up again and again. Not to be rude, but “Justin Cook” just isn’t exactly a name that would elicit such a thought from me and, indeed, never came to mind since I am certain it wasn’t in the credits of my beloved Yu Yu Hakusho VHS. 
So, in my rewatching of the show, present-day me had the initial assumption that what was going on here was a perverse version of the Mandela Effect. However, looking into it now, I feel that completely waters down my experience and doesn’t actually explain what happened. 
I mean, I can’t simply ignore my recollection as being a false memory, as every Mandela Effect is reasoned away with. No. I needed to find true reasoning for this madness. 
For the sake of convenience and for the lack of a better theory, I will settle on there being an unexplained dimensional shift. Certainly, any reasonable person could argue that I made a mistake. I simply misread the credits, maybe even pulled that name from somewhere else. Or perhaps Yuri was Yusuke’s voice actor from a different dub! But that isn’t the case as seen in this YouTube video comparing EVERYONE who has voiced Urameshi. 
So... Let’s say this was all a misunderstanding on my part. BUT THEN it didn’t just end with me incorrectly reading names in the credits over and over. I didn’t wrongly perceive the Funimation dubbing as being someone else and then call it a day. I was validated in my belief for a long period of time by outside sources.
.Hack//G.U. Vol. 1: Rebirth (2006)
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The overall series of .Hack// is a subject I will certainly indulge in more in the future, but for the purpose of staying on-topic, I shall restrain myself. The reason I bring it up now is because in 2006, when .Hack//G.U. Vol. 1: Rebirth was released (I will always say it in full!), the protagonist--Haseo--sounded so familiar. I couldn’t quite figure it out until I saw who was credited with the voice acting. Out loud, in front of witnesses (if you count my birds), I said, “Yuri Lowenthal?. . . Wait, is that the voice of-”
I looked up his name to find he was-at that time-credited as the voice of Yusuke Urameshi. Quite a mistake that is since officially he is unlisted in the series yet multiple people around the world think otherwise, the same as me. Not only that, but updating all of Lowenthal’s pages to be credited with Haseo in addition to Urameshi. Many people had to review those pages, many people happened upon those pages and never bothered to correct them. That’s what really gets me. Sure, if my Ego was backed into a corner then yes, I can perhaps admit that my eyeballs had failed me and that’s all you’re gonna get out of me! Yet there is no copy I can find of him voicing the character online.
Could this be an example of lost media instead then? Well, no. Apparently not. Most anyone I’ve told about this believes I am confusing him with someone else. They may not remember “Justin Cook” at the top of their heads, however they are adamant about Yuri Lowenthal never, ever voicing Yusuke Urameshi. Because he didn’t... in this dimension.
Perhaps I truly am mixing him up his voice with a different character? Yuri Lowenthal is also famously the voice actor for Sasuke Uchiha in the english dub of Naruto. An extremely popular character from an anime that is surrounded by an enormous and ever growing fan base. The problem with that is, I’ve never watched Naruto. I didn’t even know Lowenthal was in any way a part of Naruto until I was somewhat adjusted into adulthood. When explaining my entire theory to a friend, I asked them if they can imagine the essence of an other-dimensional Yusuke within the voice of Haseo. 
“All I hear is Sasuke from Naruto,” They bluntly said.
I’ll be honest... That hurt more than it should have, but I swallowed my pride and looked into it since I’ve never actually heard what Sasuke sounds like.
What I begrudgingly find is that my friend was right. Again, this was the first time I had ever heard Yuri Lowenthal as Sasuke and I didn’t know that he was the voice actor until a few years prior. This entire ordeal leaves me feeling unnerved that there are so many loopholes being found in the False Memory Theory. It can’t be completely dismissed as large scale misinformation or misremembering. That is why I had to settle on the theory that there was some strange dimensional shift, even with how outlandish that sounds.
The Discovery
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I don’t know when it occurred and I’m not sure how I missed it, but it happened. You would think being thrust out of your prior dimension, or being crammed into a different one, would have some sort of impact. Maybe that’s why I developed back problems during my teenage years, I can’t really say. All I can recall is the feeling of my stomach hitting the floor through the bottom of my feet when I finally found out. I was watching the DVD box set of Yu Yu Hakusho that my friend lent me and I could immediately tell something was not right. Yusuke didn’t sound anything like I remembered, the voice--the tone--was weird, his inflections were way off, it was all wrong! WRONG, I TELL YOU. So, to the internet I went only to find someone else being credited...
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“Justin Cook this” and “Justin Cook that” appeared all over. There was even a video of him yelling “spirit gun” for a fan and I was still in disbelief! There was no way! This wasn’t possible! 
Apparently, in this dimension it is though, and that is a fact that I will have to live with for the rest of my life... or until reality throws me back to my own dimension. The knowledge that I will look crazy whenever I tell this story, as well as the reality that there could be more dubs out their with voices unknown. Not just voice actors, but entire animes—maybe video games, even people I thought I knew! Who knows what was left behind with Yuri Lowenthal as Urameshi! I don’t care to think about it too much. My heart is wounded enough I tell you. I already have a crippling fear of one day finding out my whole life is a lie—I don’t need to rack my brain about all of this as well.
In Conclusion,
Yuri Lowenthal was fantastic as Urameshi and I wish I could somehow put my memory into an audio clip for everyone to hear. Not so much to prove that he was better, but to solidify why my experience is very real to me. Though, if you did hear the Yusuke that I knew, I truly believe you would think it was pretty good at the very least. (Not that Justin is bad... just that it feels wrong to my beloved memory... sorry Mr. Cook.) On the bright side, Lowenthal is plenty successful and I am always rooting for him regardless. Sure, Justin Cook is my “number 1” Urameshi in this dimension, but the Yuri Lowenthal rendition that doesn’t exist in this world has exceeded the list all together in my heart. His pedestal is just too high.
What about those of you reading this? Do any of you have a similar experience? Maybe you also remember Yuri Lowenthal as Yusuke Urameshi! Let us know! (Let ME know! Please--I beg someone to find a copy if one exsists in this world. 😭) 
Happy Wednesday. I guess. Bye. 
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berkmansimagines · 5 years
Here Comes the Sun (Barry Berkman Imagine)
A/N: Hey everyone! I thought it would be fun and mix things up with my imagines so I’m giving y’all a Barry x teen!daughter family thing instead. The idea came to my mind and I thought it would be interesting to see how Barry reacts to finding out and his interactions with her. I’ve gotten a couple more ideas for this teen daughter premise, so I might write more if you like this!
Summary: Barry thought he didn’t have any family left, until you knocked on his door...
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You anxiously stand outside the apartment door, hoping you had the right address. As you wait, you rustle the document you’re holding in your hands. After a minute, you give a defeated sigh. Maybe Barry Berkman didn’t live here after all. You’re about to turn and walk away when the door opens.
“Can I help you?”
In front of you stands a tall man with brown hair and eyes that matched your own.
“Hi, uh, are you Barry Berkman?” you bite the bottom of your lip.
“Listen, whatever you’re selling I’m not interested,” Barry sighs as he starts closing the door. He didn’t even know how anyone would get his address, he’s unlisted.
“WAIT!” you put your hand on the door to stop him from closing it completely, “I just need you to sign something. Okay so, uh, the thing is… you’re my biological father. Like your name is on my birth certificate and everything. My birth mom gave me up at birth and I’ve been bouncing around foster homes all over southern California ever since. I’m about to turn sixteen, I’m trying to get emancipated from the foster system and I need your signature.”
“Wait...WHAT?!” the man before you looks genuinely stunned.
“I know crazy right?” you try your best to empathize. He just found out he had a long lost teen daughter, he had the right to be shook, “Anyways, apparently no one ever signed a permanent release of rights. So I need my birth parents to sign this for my court hearing next week. I did my research and unfortunately my birth mother passed away, but luckily you’re still alive so you can sign!”
“What’s your name? Who...who’s your-” Barry begins before you cut him off.
“I’m y/n and I’m not here asking for anything but a signature. You’re legally my dad until you sign this,” you hold up the document and pull a pen out of your bag, “After you sign this, you can just close the door and pretend this never happened. Sound good?”
Barry stands shellshocked for a moment. A million thoughts are racing through his head. He has so many questions.
“Do you… do you want to come in?” Barry opens his door.
“Okay,” you nod.
Nervous, you slowly step inside. Even if he was technically your birth dad, you had no idea who this guy was. You tightly grip the pen you pulled out of your bag earlier by your side, ready to turn it into a weapon if needed. Growing up in foster care, you learned to prepare for anything and expect the unexpected.
“Uh, do you want anything to drink?” Barry walks towards the fridge.
“No thanks,” you shyly cross your arms against your chest.
Barry opens the fridge, it’s almost empty. He closes it and shakes his head, “I don’t even know why I asked you that. I got nothing.”
You let out a little laugh, putting your guard down a bit, “It’s fine, really.”
“So, uh, y/n… how did you get my address?” Barry leans back against the counter. You both keep a little distance from each other.
“Well I...I stole a copy of my birth certificate from my case worker. She needed to step out of the office after I spilled some coffee on her. It was iced, so she was fine! And then I got your address from the police,” you explain.
“The cops gave you my address?” Barry raised an eyebrow.
“Uhh technically… I kinda broke into a cop car while they were eating lunch and looked you up,” you admit the truth and hope he wouldn’t be put off, “I, uhm, saw that you were questioned for some guy’s murder. I’m sorry for that guy, but honestly I find true crime fascinating so I think it’s pretty cool that I found you because of that.”
Barry can’t help but let out a small smile. You were smart and he was impressed about how you got his information. If he was in your shoes, he saw himself doing the exact same thing. You had gumption. And after taking a good look at you, he noticed that you have his eyes.
“Who’s your birth mother?”
You reach into your bag, pull out a copy of your birth certificate and hand it to Barry. He recognizes the name. He tells you that he and your birth mother dated very briefly before he was deployed overseas. They never spoke after they ended things and he certainly never knew about you. In your brief research, you learned that your birth mother died in a car accident a couple of years after you were born.
“Do your foster parents know you’re here?” Barry asks you.
You nervously shift your weight onto your back foot and shake your head. The truth was you ran away from your Long Beach foster home two days ago and your foster father didn’t even know that you left.
“He doesn’t really care. He only really does it for the monthly check,” you tell him, “He drinks a lot so he probably didn’t notice.”
Barry lets out a sigh and shakes his head. And then, “So what do you need me to sign?”
You hand him the document and the pen you’ve been gripping in your hand since you entered the apartment.  He briefly reads it over and signs. One step in this long process is now complete, you were relieved and anxious to move forward.
“What’s your plan? After you get emancipated, I mean,” Barry hands you back the document and pen.
“I, uh, I don’t know…” you suddenly begin to panic. You had spent so much time trying to get the emancipation process going that you didn’t think about what you were going to do after. Would a judge even grant you emancipation if you didn’t have a plan?
“Y/n…” Barry waves his hand in front of your face, snapping you back to reality.
“Yeah right...a plan. Uh, I know some decent shelters for teens in LA,” you try thinking of something, “Maybe I can stay in one of those until I figure something out.”
Suddenly Barry’s mind flashes to the two of you posing for a picture together. He’s in a suit, you’re in a cap and gown. You’re graduating from high school and he’s there to cheer you on. You two are taking the classic graduation family photo. Barry smiles at the thought. You were his daughter. Now he had a chance to have the type of family and normal he’s longed for, the exact opposite of the job he’s fighting to get out of.
“Well I should get going,” the sound of your voice takes Barry out of his daydream, “Thank you, Barry Berkman, for signing this document and, uh,  contributing to half my DNA I guess?”
You put the document and pen in your bag. You begin walking towards the door when…
“Wait!” Barry calls out after you.
“Yeah?” you turn around to face him.
“Those shelters aren’t…” Barry awkwardly flusters, trying to find the right words to say, “Do you want to… do you want to crash here? Just until you figure something out.”
“Really?” you’re taken aback. You just came here for a signature. You expected the door to be slammed in your face more than you expected this. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Barry nods, becoming more confident in addressing you, “The shelters are alright, but there’s never a guarantee that you’ll get a spot. You shouldn’t end up on the street.”
You pause for a moment, thinking it over. You talked a little bit, but you still didn’t really know who he was. Then you think of going to the shelter or being forced back into foster care. This option was definitely the most ideal.
“Ok,” you say softly and nod, “Thank you. Your couch looks super comfy. Probably much better than any of the cots at-”
“No,” Barry interrupts you, “You can take my bed, I’ll take the couch.”
You smile at Barry, giving him an unspoken thank you. He nods back. The anxiety and nervousness you had earlier about meeting your birth father, has now faded. This is the first time you’ve ever felt at home.
That was fun and different to write! Thanks for reading!
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Since we already did AU of Leo in other WoD games, any thoughts on if he were embraced into another clan?
Given that Vindr would not have been willing to broker a deal with him were he not a fellow Ventrue, Leo likely would have died back in the 1850s if he’d been embraced into another clan. But - to go down the list: 
A Brujah or Gangrel Leo likely would of succumbed to the beast at a much younger age. Either that or Gangrel Leo is just this wild bat boy that’s going to show up in people houses abruptly.
Lasombra wouldn’t be that different than how he currently is. However he would have absolutely shattered the masquerade at this point. Also never have gotten the knack of technology because the frustration over not being able to make it work for him would have him throwing things at walls most likely.
A Malkavian Leo, surprisingly, probably would be all that different. Although I imagine he would find it harder to hide his mess of PTSD induced paranoia, and find it considerably more difficult to tell the difference between reality and the nightmares he’s been having every night since embraced. In general he just wouldn’t be coping as well. Possibly loosing his temper a lot more often and likely would have gotten himself executed by fucking up while doing so.
If he’d been a Toreador he might of actually managed to land himself in the same position he has now. I can easily imagine him as a Toreador - although in which case there is the potential for him to still actually claim to be of clan Ventrue as a form of cover up upon arriving in NZ in the hope it would give him more legitimate claim to pick a place to call himself the Prince of. 
Tremere Leo would still be in the clutches of Mother I imagine. Never to get free of the pyramid. Doomed to get taken out by the Inquisition. Also likely lower on his path/humanity than he currently is.
Tzimisce Leo is also probably still with Mother and, strangely for their clan, not have committed any meat crimes to himself. Given why Mother embraces him she’d never have allowed that and will have tweaked him only ever slightly to resemble her own deceased son that little bit more than he already does.
A Nosferatu Leo wouldn’t exist. Mother, loathing her own twisted form and not wanting him to come to such a fate would not be able to do so. Instead she would ghoul him, not knowing of the long term consequences, and as he became twisted away from what she saw as her son she would eventually do what she would see as commit a mercy kill. How long he would manage to live before such a turn of fate befell him however... who’s to say.
Caitiff (counted as a clan for the purpose of this ask) Leo is another timeline where he’s just about in the same situation as he currently is. When he was sired, Mother was concerned that due to some of his traits that he was either caitiff or a thinblood - yet despite that was still treated by her as if he was Ventrue. For a long time he may not of even known that he was Caitiff and both him & Beatrix would of deluded themselves into the belief that it was just taking a long time for him to settle into having a feeding preference.  Shit- as part of his cover he could even be doing what he does now of claiming some particular one yet still feeding outside of it. Although in this case he wouldn’t actually need to willfully force himself to feed upon such people.  Caitiff Leo I reckon is the alternate version of him that meshes best with his ‘canon’ timeline. It would be the just about the same only with that big ol’ secret being kept from any fellow Ventrue. (Instead he just has to try encouraging his childer to not tell people that they’re Caitiff).  Of course - with inner clan Ventrue politics I’m sure some of the more staunchly traditional Camarilla sorts might seek to mark him caitiff just cos ‘oh you’re not proper proper’ and all that.
For the clans unlisted I’m not terribly sure what he would be like in those at all cos I must guiltily admit that my lore knowledge for them is rather limited.
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imthederpyfox · 4 years
Rant About YouTube Copyright.
by imthederpyfox, Moments ago
Journals / Personal
I know nobody's here anymore, hi, nobody~
But I need to take a minute to rant about YouTube's copyright system for a moment.
I know it's come a long way in the past few years, content creators never used to be able to defend their work with copyright under YouTube guidelines, and it's great that they now can. However, there is also the problem that as content creators can fairly and justly claim others videos that include misused content off their own, creators will also claim videos just because they don't like them. AKA 'foodybeauty' and 'Amber-Lynn Reid', to name a few...
Along with this, we also have major companies who think they should copyright any video posted about one of their shows or films or games, or anything really.
Now I know, full re-uploads of these things are against copyright law, well done YouTube, would you like a gold star? Well, guess what, you don't get one. Because not only can they claim these full videos, they have also been going on binges, where as soon as ANY kind of content related to their products comes out, it becomes copyrighted before the content creator can even so much as blink or press save.
I'm talking about videos where you can barely see what the creator's watching, i.e - an UNLISTED video I just posted of a review/reaction to a Netflix show called Haunted.
Now, I have posted another reaction for Riverdale, and spent months trying to figure out the best action to take. Bare in mind, these videos are 'unedited' for my patrons, and the links are only available to my patrons. But guess what? I HAVE NO PATRONS! First of all, HOW do these big companies find an unlisted video? Are they my patrons? I mean that'd be nice, but no. They Aren't.
Second of all, why the fuck would you block an UNLISTED video, when so many people upload full copyrighted re-uploads of films and TV with no issue?
Third of all, how did you even know my video contained any of your program when it's not even named after the show AT ALL because I KNOW you'll copyright it immediately if the title has so much of a WHISPER of the show included.
Now, I will admit, I understand why my first video got copyright claimed - despite being unlisted, which I'm still annoyed about - because most of the screen was taken up by the episode of Riverdale, rather than my reaction. I get it, fine. So, I edit it, I make myself the main focus - ew, I know - and I lower the opacity of the original video, and I cut out any songs that go on for too long, and I make sure that 1/4 of the video isn't even FUCKING VISIBLE!
Safe to say, this is not a re-upload of the original content. This is an upload of a reaction to said content. My reaction, in which I am constantly talking throughout, constantly cutting in, constantly ruining this series for everyone that decides to give me money to watch, what a good YouTuber I am indeed.
So, because I couldn't let sleeping dogs lie when I earned my SECOND COPYRIGHT CLAIM ON THIS UNLISTED PATREON VIDEO! I decided to look more into the company trying to claim it. Was it Netflix? Nope. Was it a TV company? Well, sort of? A french company that distributes TV shows, or so it claims. See what I did there? Good right? No, ok, moving on. So upon my research I happened to come across multiple videos, saying that the company was a scam, that they were fake and shouldn't even be copyrighting things.
SO, what did I do? Well, just to make sure I checked which part of my video was still listed under their 'copyrighted content' thing, because if you check it'll tell you time stamps and give you the option to trim. So, there was about 5-6 minutes of my video that for some reason was still being claimed as copyrighted, so I went in, and edited little bits out, where there was no dialogue, no important things, and then I saved it, and waited for it to process, and then I went into that copyright claims and I said, ya know what? I'm not taking this shit, I worked hard for this video, I made sure to do everything I needed to do, and since these videos fall under fair use due to the cutting and editing and the fact you can't SEE 1/4 OF THE VIDEO, I sent a dispute.
Now I have to admit, I was nervous. If the company that copyright claimed my video didn't like the fact that I'd done that, they could CHOOSE TO COPYRIGHT STRIKE ME. Like, no review from YouTube, nothing like that. If this company didn't like that a tiny channel with only 57 subscribers put in a dispute against them, they might get pissed. They might not like the fact that someone's done that, and they might turn around and say to YouTube, FUCK this channel, bye bye, bitch.
So I was worried to say the least, but I have never been one to back away from bullying, and in this case, I class it as bullying.
I filled in all the relevant details, including a very in depth explanation as to why my video was counted under fair use, and how my channel is tiny, how I don't have any Patrons to see the video, how my video was unlisted, and heavily edited to make sure the copyright did not count against me, including the use of disclaimers in both the video and the description.
I was professional.
I was right.
And I won the dispute.
A day later I get an email telling me the company decided to release my video of all claims and it is now available for all none of my viewers to watch! How exciting, right?
Well, today I decided that I'd upload my second reaction that I'd recorded, I did the same as with the last one, having learned something. I lowered opacity, I covered any nudity, I cut off 1/4 of the video, I made it so the focus would be on my ugly ass mug instead of the TV show itself. And I spent hours trying to upload it for it to fail and me have to do it again.
And low and behold, after all my troubles, all my trials and tribulations, all my blood, sweat and tears and turmoil... I got copyright claimed once again.
Now, it's safe to say, I'm a little bit pissed, ya know?
My video - much like last time - hadn't even fully been uploaded, around the 97% mark, and boom, claim. So I took a deep breath, ya home boi is NOT happy, and I see where exactly it thinks my video is not covered under copyright law. And this is where I think these companies don't care if you are actually covered under the law or not, because it's always a random part of the video, it's always about a 5 minute chunk of the video regardless of what you do.
Which leads me to my next conclusion, in order for these companies to be finding these videos - especially with them being in the unlisted category (needing a specific link to be able to view), and the title not being related, and the video being edited to make sure it isn't eligible for a copyright claim, they MUST have a bot, or a program running that searches YouTube for clips of their content, regardless of how it's presented, or whether it's a review or not.
Which I have to say, is unfair. Especially in the case of the unlisted thing. I know, YouTube can't help it if these companies have bots and programs and code, they can't stop that from happening. But what they can stop? What they SHOULD stop? Is these companies being able to claim videos that aren't even eligible for it.
YouTube, man, you gotta work on this.
We were rooting for you! We were ALL rooting for you!
Anyway, seriously, YouTube really needs to find a way to make sure copyright is fair and just and not maintained by just programs and bots. YouTube, why not create a part of your company that reviews these claims, checks the videos, guarantees that the claims only go to those ACTUALLY abusing the copyright system? Instead of those of us who just want to make fun content for our viewers, who strive to just make good reaction videos? Because that's what they are, REACTION videos. Not re-uploads, not someone else's content.
'Great poets imitate and improve, whereas small ones steal and spoil.'
Give a little back to the people that got you where you are today YouTube. None of these big companies had you raking in money to begin with, it was the little guys, the small content creators who now have millions of viewers, because they enjoy what they do. Well, most of 'em anyway...
Just think about your content creators, rather than appeasing the companies that give you a bit more money. I know they won't, because capitalism rules despite how shit it is.
Is it really a wonder that so many creators are turning to streaming through sites like Twitch.tv instead of uploading to YouTube? Even the other day, on a live stream I was doing myself, me and my friends talked about how much better streaming is, how you don't have to constantly be worried about making sure the video is friendly for 2 year olds. 2 YEAR OLDS SHOULDN'T EVEN BE WATCHING, OK?!
My goal has been to be a YouTuber since I was about 12. I'm now almost 22. That's just under 10 years of my life, where my goal, my one finish line, has been to become a YouTuber. But the more and more things like this happen, the more and more I want to listen to that voice in my head telling me to give it up and go to Twitch, become a streamer, not stress so much about copyright strikes and issues with monitisation, and having such UNREALISTIC goals in order to achieve being monitised and YouTube partner in the first place.
I have edited this video, the parts it told me to, I have made sure to cut out the music bits and make sure it's up to par with copyright based on where they claimed the video. But my issue with sending off this newest in what I assume will be a long line of copyright disputes, because someone, even as small a channel as mine, with my 57 subscribers and my 5 views a video (at a push), has to push back and say 'NO. THIS ISN'T OK.' and not let themselves be pushed around, my issue with this?
The company that claimed the video this time was Netflix itself. And we all know Netflix has money. And Netflix doesn't care if it shuts down a tiny little channel like mine. All my content? All my videos? All views and subs and likes I've somehow managed to accumulate? All gone. Like Thanos snapping his fucking fingers.
Regardless of what I do to make these videos fair use, big companies like this get the final say over them, and as far as they're concerned, us little creators who don't make YouTube money yet, but still hold onto that hope that, maybe, hopefully, one day we will be able to do it, we're the 50% they want to snap and get rid of.
And it'll stay that way for a long time, unless people actually stand up and talk about it. Heck, it'll probably end up staying that way even then, but at least we TRIED.
I have respect for Matpatt, I watched his video explaining the work he and other creators have done in bringing awareness to the higher ups in YouTube, using their platforms to help each other and millions of other creators, people who just want to make other people laugh or forget about their problems for a while, or just upload stupid, 2 minute clips because of inside jokes, or they find it funny, they enjoy doing it.
If we as humans have been taught anything recently during this quarantine, it's that a lot of our societal structures are flawed, some may even say broken. Big companies scam us, use us, and give nothing back in return. If peoples eyes aren't open now, when will they be?
This won't get views. This won't get likes or favourites or shared to other people because of some powerful message.
But maybe one day, someone from YouTube will be randomly scrolling through the internet, and find a random post on a crude fanart website amongst all the sonic and Mario at the Olympic fuck games art, and maybe they'll read it and take note.
But we all know that'll never happen.
So I'm gonna wait for the video to finish saving the changes I made to it, and I'm going to dispute the claim Netflix made against me. And I'm going to anxiously wait to see if I get to continue making content for another day, or whether I get taken down by the snap.
If you made it this far, thanks for listening to my rambling.
I feel strongly about a lot of things, and my friends often tell me that I should post about them, because I have such an... Eloquent way or wording things. Well, I finally decided to, because I need to vent as much as the next asshole. They're right, I AM eloquent!
Seriously though, thank you for reading, I know nobody would have but hey, maybe you're one of the 3 views I get on my YouTube videos!
I am blessed.
With like 50,000 curses going on at once.
Such a time to be alive.
Stay safe, look out for each other, and I may do another rant at some point, because this was fun I guess.
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Dream SMP Recap (January 30/2021) - Bad's Visit, Ranboo’s Confrontation
The day has come. It’s time to visit Pandora’s Vault again.
The first visitor after Tommy is Badboyhalo, whose visit with Dream leaves him a bit uneasy, conflicted about how he feels about the living conditions of Dream’s cell. 
The second was Ranboo, though his visit wasn’t exactly what it seemed at first...
Here is the link to Badboyhalo’s VOD
(I’ve been a lot more specific with the details of what happened in this stream since the VOD is unlisted, but I figured I’d also just link the VOD here as well)
This post is pretty long, so I’ve only recapped the two very lore-heavy streams today to keep it from being even longer.
Also note (CW/TW):  Today’s streams had some heavy themes, including derealization. 
- Badboyhalo goes to visit Dream at the prison.
- Awesam asks him questions. This will be the first time that Bad has visited Dream at all. He resides at the Mansion. He hesitates a little at the question of whether Dream deserves to be locked up, saying an uncertain “yeeeeesss?”
His prior relationship with Dream is that they were friends. Were friends before he chose to destroy L’manburg. Maybe not 100% not friends, but...neutral.
- Sam directs him to the lectern with the waiver. Bad signs it. He places his valuables in the locker room.
- They start heading through the security measures of the prison. They make it to the lava wall and wait for it to drain. Bad is nervous.
- He turns to face Dream. Dream says he hasn’t had a visitor in a while.
- Dream starts spinning the clock.
Dream: “I used to write, but I...burnt a lot of my books.”
Bad checks the chest and sure enough, many of the books are missing.
Dream would try to get out, so Sam disallowed visitors for a few days.
Bad: “I bet you have a lot of time to think about what you did.”
Dream: “Yeah, I do...It’s a...think and think and think.”
- Dream asks Bad about how George and Sapnap are doing. He says they haven’t visited him...
Bad says he’s sure that George and Sapnap miss him.
Bad: “You’re telling me they haven’t come by at all?”
Dream goes over and starts spinning the clock again.
- Dream asks Bad about what’s been happening outside. Bad tells Dream about how Tommy is starting a hotel. 
Bad: “I’m sure a lot of people miss you!”
- There’s still a giant Crater where L’manburg used to be. Nobody’s tried to clean it up. 
- Bad also mentions the Egg. Dream remembers Bad showing him the Egg a while back. Bad says that it’s spreading Vines across the server.
Dream: “That’s interesting...”
- Bad asks if Dream’s named the clock yet. Dream says he has, but he doesn’t want to say what...
- Dream writes up a thank-you book to Bad for visiting him. Bad wouldn’t be able to take it with him on the way out, so he puts it in the chest.
- Bad asks how long his sentence is. Dream says forever. 
- Dream says he likes to watch the clock, and when it hits halfway...he’s happy. They watch the clock hit halfway. That was awesome.
- Dream asks Bad how long he’s been in there. Bad says...a couple weeks, he thinks? A week? Two weeks?
- Bad asks who else has visited. Dream says Tommy. The only one until Bad. Bad is shocked that no one else has visited, but Dream explains that there are limited visiting hours, and people have to schedule. He’s sure they will.
- Dream says he sometimes plays a prank on Sam by burning the clock so that he brings a new one, so that he can see Sam and say hi.
Dream: "He comes over." 
Bad: "I mean, you don’t get in trouble for doing that, do you?" 
Dream: "...Not yet...Sometimes he'll give me less potatoes, but--" 
 Bad: "Oh, so he starves you." 
Dream: "...No, I’m not saying -- I dunno, I wouldn’t say I’m starving."
Bad: “Do you have three square meals a day?”
Dream: “...”
Dream: “I have potatoes!”
Bad: “Yeah, potatoes are good!”
Dream: “He’ll do it later.” (chuckling) “Later he’ll come and he’ll say ‘why did you do it again?’ And then he’ll look at me and say ‘don’t be so dumb, Dream!’ And I’ll laugh at him, and I’ll say ‘oooooh, I -- I got you though!’”
- Dream tosses the clock into the lava and laughs. 
- Dream says Sam is making a system soon so that he can just drop the potatoes down so that he doesn’t have to visit Dream to give them. Bad doesn’t like the idea of this and says Dream should encourage Sam to continue visiting Dream in person.
- Dream sniffs a bit, but tells Bad he’s happy there.
- Bad will become a guard soon, and says he might be able to suggest giving Dream new things. He suggests a plant. Dream likes that idea. 
- Bad asks who Dream wants to visit. Dream says he wants George and Sapnap to visit him. Bad says he’ll go and talk to them about it. They probably already want to come and see him! Maybe they just need a little reminder.
Bad: “Yeah, and if you keep up -- I assume you’ve been maintaining good behavior, right?”
Dream: “...”
Dream: “...Yeah.”
Bad: “Okay, ‘cause like you gotta maintain good behavior, ‘cause if you. maintain good behavior --”
- Dream suddenly runs into the lava. Bad is freaked out, but Dream says he swims there sometimes. That’s just how it works. It’s a way to keep entertained.
Sometimes he likes to touch the lava and burn for some time, only extinguishing himself at the last second. He laughs a bit. Bad asks if this is another way to prank Sam? Dream just keeps laughing.
- Dream says Bad’s time is probably up. 
- Dream asks Bad if he knows how long each block would take to break? He says he’s sat for twenty minutes once trying to break the blocks. 
He helped design it, though, and knows that there’s an observer behind the blocks that will teleport the guards. Maybe if he wants to see Bad sometime, he can break it and teleport him over.
- Bad says maybe he’ll visit soon again, but with George and Sapnap. Dream says there’s only one visitor allowed at a time.
- Bad says his goodbye and exits the cell.
- Sam asks how his visit was. Bad says it was good, but Dream needs a new clock. Sam is exasperated -- this was the fourth/fifth (hard to hear) time already -- and says he might not get a new one this time...
He’ll give him a new clock, but Dream’s on thin ice.
- Bad tells Sam he needs a clock! Sam asks why he would need one. 
- Sam asks Bad what Dream said. Bad said they just talked about stuff, and that Dream jumped into the lava. Sam says he does that a lot, that “usually he just wants attention.”
- Bad exits the prison, thanking Sam. Sam says goodbye.
- Bad says he doesn’t know how he feels. It’s a lot to take in. On the one hand, Dream did plenty to land himself in the prison, but on the other hand, the conditions of the prison are horrible. 
- Bad says there’s no way he could ever be broken out, and he doesn’t even deserve to get broken out anyway. He was going to kidnap Skeppy! 
But at the same time, a part of Bad can’t help but feel a bit sorry. 
It’s not too much to feel a bit sympathetic about the conditions, and hope that they can be improved a tiny bit. Maybe giving him a plant! Or a pet!
- Bad plans to become a guard to incentivize better conditions.
- Bad thinks Dream deserves to be in there, and he doesn’t want to free him, just provide better conditions. He was spinning a clock just for entertainment! 
Even prisoners deserve good living conditions. 
(To paraphrase) He totally deserves to be in there! But the conditions are awful. There’s no reason why being there needs to be torture. And having more friends coming to visit him is good, providing a positive influence. 
- Bad was a little horrified. He didn’t know what to say when Dream started spinning the clock. He named the clock! Pretty soon he’ll be counting up the bricks in his cell and naming them, too. 
He thinks a pet, a potted plant, something like that would be a good start. Something for Dream to take care of.
- Bad was a little unnerved about how Sam was acting in the prison, like he didn’t care or was apathetic. 
- Dream belongs in the prison, but there’s a difference between torture and just locking someone up. Dream is in there because he’s a danger to others, but his stay there doesn’t have to be torture. 
What else could they get him?
Maybe...a jukebox and some music discs? Bad has music discs he could gift him. Maybe music can lift his spirits.
Or perhaps some paintings to lift the spirit of the room.
- Bad examines the growth of the Vines. He’s noticed that the Vines aren’t growing past the border of the Holy Land. 
- Bad speaks with Quackity. He asks about Dream being in prison -- question, would it be too much to ask about improving the living conditions in the prison?
Quackity says maybe they could “improve his living conditions” by building another wall or bullying him. 
- Bad says Quackity should go and visit him. Quackity is planning to. Maybe then they can discuss it. 
Quackity says that now he’s thinking about it...they do have quite a bit of leverage. Maybe he could reconsider it...a plan to provide him with more comfortable living, but any comfortable living comes with a price...people would owe him.
Bad doesn’t like that idea. It sounds manipulative. 
Quackity: “At what point has Dream given you anything? At all? Has he ever helped you? Exactly. So listen to me, okay? What we need to do is get something out of comfortable living. I’m sure he’d love comfortable living, Bad. So that is why we need to go to him and strike him a deal...”
Bad: “What can he give us? He’s imprisoned.”
Quackity: “I know exactly what he can give me.”
- Quackity leaves the call. 
- Bad wasn’t sure if he should’ve told Dream about the Eggpire so he didn’t, because he was worried it would make Dream more sad.
--- From here on, all of this takes place on an alternate server ---
- Ranboo starts off in the panic room, looking at his sign. Today’s the day.
“After today? He’s gonna know who I am. He’s gonna know exactly who I am.”
- Ranboo starts heading over. The construction sign at the hotel site is completely blacked out.
“Dream’s not the one in danger here...so I could get rid of him if I wanted to...I could get rid of him if I wanted to. But then other people couldn’t come back...No, I couldn’t do that.”
- Ranboo goes in through the portal. He comes out into the Nether in an area not within the prison’s Nether chamber. Ranboo comes through and gets teleported to Sam for a moment.
- Sam asks him the questions. Ranboo says this is the first time he’s visited and Sam accepts his answer with no hesitation. He’s talking with a very cheerful tone of voice.
- Ranboo tells him he lives near Techno and Phil, and that he thinks Dream definitely deserves to be locked up. With regards to prior relations, he actually hasn’t spoken to Dream before...
- Ranboo needs the Memory Book with him. He gives it to Sam to inspect. Sam says he can allow it in, but Sam will have to transport it for him.
- As they go through, Sam notices that Ranboo is nervous and reassures him that everything’s fine. He is also always holding a clock in his offhand.
- Ranboo signs the waivers, the first as “Ranboo” and the second with “Ranboo2.”
- They make it to the lava wall and Sam gives Ranboo his Memory Book.
- Dream’s surprised Ranboo didn’t come sooner. They’re best friends, right? Ranboo says they’ve barely spoken. Dream says he’s probably talked to Ranboo more than anyone else on the entire server!
- Dream asks why Ranboo’s acting different? He then realizes. But he’s still glad to see Ranboo. He’s been a good helping hand, after all.
“You did do those things. After Dream told you to do them.”
- Ranboo points out the clock. Dream says he doesn’t really like it.
- Dream asks if Ranboo would like to see what he’s been writing, and hands him a book labelled
Do not read.
- Ranboo looks through the chest. Not only is the chest completely filled with books that weren’t there earlier, but every single one of them is labelled “Do not read.” They are all unsigned and unfinished, and there are no anvils in Dream’s cell.
Every single one of them is the same, 17 pages long unlike the 4-page book in Ranboo’s hand. 
“I know what I went through because I’m you!”
“Look, you’ve been helping Dream! The only reason you haven’t been talking to me recently is because you can’t picture what he sounds like...he would tell you thinks to do, you were like his little...servant!”
- Ranboo asks how it’s possible that he could help Dream so much and not remember any of it. 
“You do! You do because I’m you.”
 “I’m...I’m not even real.”
Dream disappears. The screen goes black. The white smile appears without the crown. The crown flashes in code:
“Not free yet.”
Upcoming Events:
- The next Tales From the SMP episode
- Tommy’s next visit with Dream
- Bad wants to visit Dream again in the future
- Tubbo’s possible visit with Dream
- Quackity’s possible visit with Dream
- Puffy’s visit with Dream
- Ponk’s visit with Dream
- Punz’s visit with Dream
- Jack Manifold’s visit with Dream
- The Eggpire possibly speaking with Technoblade
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