#Well hard to thingk anyways
minty-bubblegum · 11 months
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frostbite-the-bat · 8 months
goofy ass ms paint werewolf eating a mango as a divider between the rant under this bc i do not wish to be precieved rn but i still wanna rant some thoughts out
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random lovely guzma urge to delyeet everythin on myne site bc not only did i make it for petz things back when i was active between petz folks and got some encouragement there and ended up never finishing petz things for it, but i also feel horrible and uncommited for it being hosted and made on weebly and for bein too lazy to yeet my shit over to neocities just cause that shit gives me a headache and instead of getting inspired by people i feel jealous and unwelcome
also been working on my sleep schedule its a bit better now and im like. better in general now..? idk how long i can keep this up but getting up early makes me just. so tired like all day urgh i do not understand how i used to keep myself up when this tired. tired tired. brain empty. hard to do shit for long. defo needs more breaks but i swear to god everything feels like its frying my brain but i got nothin to do indoors. guess i can go draw traditionall but i end up putting such high expectations on myself i just yeah. fuck it up. get stressed. not fun. i need to stop thinking about others bc i keep thinking i put effort into smthn i need to show it off.like if i wasted time here i might as well. no this isnt showable it sucks damn it
even stuff i do draw purely for myself as self indulgent shit i go urhh this aint right
oh and then i try doin a lil excercise so im not like. physically diyng but my god that tires me out like instantly. but its okay, baby steps.
dont know what sort of place i am in mentally. the type id prolly spiral a bit over if it werent nice and 2 pm. wacky stuff. i wanna maybe do some stuff but ugh my brain just. isnt big thoughts when im tired. but honestly when am i not tired. and i am getting art done but i cant get myself to draw all day again ill end up in pain again my hand rn already is being a bit of a bitch
uhhh played pokemon in the morning but i need better pokemon already. i fuck up every raid (raids i need so i can get better mons easier) (and my shiny ralts i want easier)
hmm maybe i need a break from stuff but what kinda break what even is relaxing in my case? and "break from people" is a slippery slope of self isolation i always slip into. bit difficult to figure myself out
also, different thing, but ive been considering this for a good few months now and kinda ignoring it but i read one (1) thing and i m intrigued to do more n more research now but man do not like how moral ocd clicks perfectly with a lot of my most common issues . so i guess thats a thing to consider going into (like research) . if it helps .bc dear god i am Sensitive
but uhmmm yea sleeping better now ig like i went to sleep around ONE. my usual sleep time was 5-6 am a while ago !!!!!!! 1 am has always been my kinda usual time. man and i used to do that even when i had school and i *functioned* with less sleep. how did i do that. uhm. not well i guess
but yeah. things.. arent feeling right and i kinda wanna wipe my brain. also the neocities thing seems to be a part of my issue of (ppl who dont care abt me) r gonna thingk i suck bc i dont do (this that i find difficult) (coding) i will be exploded forever and shunned andhated
uhmmm what else yea last thought i forgot as i was gonna type it and the last thing i am deciding not to share anyway bc Shame so hooray
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guy who is eeypy tired
i am just realizing how like tired i am but if i go nap ill make it worse so uhmm cope i guess lmfao at least it keeps me going to sleep at a more regular hour but like srsly brain we got around 8 hours of sleep why are you tired we used to get less and function fine. maybe not as good but we functioned
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camelliacats · 3 years
Another random oneshot. more like mindless fluff XD
Fic: "Muggle-Like" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: established!Hugo Weasley/Viktor Krum, Hermione Granger–Weasley/Ron Weasley, & Rose Weasley/Scorpius Malfoy
Rating: T
Words: ~3,790
Additional info: romance, slash, cross gen, fluff, sequential, Next Gen era, 3rd person POV
Summary: Viktor has a new place. Hugo checks it out. It becomes a home.
               Hugo looked around the flat and whistled appreciatively. "Wow… This place is great. But…isn't it, I dunno, a bit much?"
               Viktor hummed and stroked his scruffy chin. "Is that so? Maybe I was not thinkingk very good about this…"
               The redhead turned to the older male and stifled a laugh. Really, Viktor's awkward wording was amusing enough as it already stood. But now hearing doubt in his voice? Hugo grinned stupidly. He loved this man too much, far too much.
               Of course, when he thought of the L-word, he looked away and walked through the place, not letting Viktor catch sight of his flushed cheeks. He still didn't want to believe, not really, that he loved Viktor Krum. It wasn't as if he'd never ever known the man; he'd met him once or twice as a kid, which was expected since Viktor was a close friend of his parents. But he and Viktor had met for real, Hugo liked to think, early last fall. Granted, it had been hard being even friendly at first with the dark visitor, and Viktor could be uncomfortably blunt at times, but Hugo had fallen for Viktor's foreign charms and almost homely quirks. It was a rather nice thing, something that had helped Hugo close an old chapter of his life, that of a dying love for his cousin, Louis… Even now, Hugo didn't really like to think of that. He was doing much better as Louis' friend these days, anyway.
               Besides, there was no comparison between Viktor and Louis. Honestly, Hugo thought, he could think of no one to compare to Viktor. It wasn't even just that Viktor had been a professional Quidditch player (though Hugo could care less about that), or that Viktor was a rare foreign sight out of all the family and family friends he knew (the most foreign they got, Hugo mused, was Aunt Fleur's side of the family, and maybe Uncle Seamus). Viktor was just…so Viktor. He was like a puppy—a very large puppy that had never properly learned to follow commands and liked to nip constantly at Hugo's heels to come and play.
               Hugo's thoughts turned dour. "Shyeah, play," he mumbled to himself as he glimpsed the various rooms in the size-extra-large flat. It was mid-February, and Viktor had finally settled in and decided it was time to let Hugo visit. But, since January, they'd barely had time alone, so anything resembling affection between the two had been reduced to simple communication in poorly written letters. Hugo pinched his arm; he had to behave. It wasn't as though he could spend half the time here without raising anyone's suspicions, though Louis knew about them since he'd made an educated guess about Hugo and the Bulgarian. Hugo returned to the living room, bumping into his older lover. "It's a really nice place, though," he said.
               Viktor smiled. "I am glad you agree." He rubbed the back of his head, and Hugo noted he'd gotten his already short hair trimmed even shorter.
               Hugo wanted to rub Viktor's hair. He loved its texture.
               "May I get you, ah, food? I have some thingks."
               With that, Hugo quelled his hormones and followed Viktor into the kitchen. Viktor pulled out some munchies, and they snacked while they spoke. "So have you told Mum yet where you are?"
               A dusting of pink coated Viktor's cheeks. His eyes dropped to the kitchen counter. "No… I wanted you to know the first."
               "That's sweet of you."
               Viktor picked up his gaze once more. "I am glad you think so."
               Hugo finally felt the relation to his sister—it was very hard not to snog the man he loved every time he said something adorable. The younger wizard gestured. "You've furnished the place well, too, even for guests. Do you plan on having my lot over often?"
               Viktor shrugged. "I had the thoughts that perhaps at least you might be here often."
               Hugo almost slid out of his chair. "I, um—thank you very much."
               Viktor said nothing. He probably didn't think it was a statement in need of thanks.
               The Weasley checked his watch and almost spat out his sip of gillywater. "Oh, cripes! I'm going to be late meeting Slughorn." He hopped up and stuffed a few snacks in his cloak pockets. He paused, pecked Viktor's cheek, and waved. "See you later, luv!" And then he was out of there.
               One thing Hugo loved about working as a potion theorist was the hours.
               Truth be told, it was lovely working as Slughorn's somewhat-apprentice. Hugo didn't like making the potions he thought up himself, but he was more than happy to advise Slughorn as he tried out Hugo's new concoctions. The Weasley had done a lot of research so far in his nearly four years out of school, and so far he'd invented two new potions. And that had been on his own terms.
               But, though meeting with his old Potions professor and mentor could be a little nutty as they tried to work around Slughorn's teaching at Hogwarts, Hugo did love his job. Most of the time it kept him at home, holed up in his room with various books. It was a job of which his mother was sometimes envious, even. But, most of all, it suited Hugo's passive personality.
               However, Hugo had begun to wonder just how passive he was. He never forced anything out of Viktor, but these days he was tempted. And, with very flexible work hours, it meant he could work out time to spend at Viktor's place. And at least he could enjoy his company.
               "I just sent off my latest comuntarees," he told Hugo as he came to join him in the living room one night.
               "That's great." Hugo put his book and reading glasses aside as the couch sank beside him under Viktor's weight. Even though it had been a long time since he'd last played Quidditch competitively, Viktor had stayed very much in shape. "I'm glad the Prophet still wants your guest-column in the sports section."
               "Me, as well," Viktor replied, leaving an arm comfortably behind Hugo on the couch. "I, ah, hast somethingk to tell to you, though."
               The researcher's heart beat harder in his chest. "Oh?"
               His lover blushed. "The Prophet… They want me to, ah, you say…stay on?"
               Hugo's heart sank, but he forgot his disappointment the very next second as he playfully shoved Viktor's arm. "That's—way to go, Vik! That's brilliant!"
               "Yes?" Viktor sighed happily. "I had a worry about what to do besides the writingk for your Prophet. But it will allow me to stay, ah, comfy."
               His words were translated to Hugo thusly: It will allow me to stay around. Of course, Hugo put the period merely after "stay." It had become quite evident when Hermione had invited her old friend to stay with them and observe Louis and the Cannons and Viktor had stayed for months that Viktor wasn't going anywhere. And that had been before he'd started this romance with Hugo. That made Hugo doubly happy, because he believed it was important for them not to be solely responsible for each other's happiness; that would be too much to bear.
               "We should celebrate, yes?" Viktor asked, taking Hugo from his thoughts.
               Hugo blinked. "Sure. What were you thinking?"
               "I can try to cook."
               "Sounds good—wait, try to cook?"
               But Viktor had already gotten up and headed into his kitchen.
               Now, Hugo recalled his mother's comments about the kitchen, as she, Ron, and Rose had visited last week, a week after Viktor had shown Hugo around. "It's fairly high-end," Hermione had said. "Are you sure this is right for you, Viktor? It's a lot to manage." At the time, Hugo had thought he'd heard a tinge of jealousy in his mother's tone.
               …all right, so he probably had, as Hermione was jealous of those with the time and proper space to cook as much as they wanted (Ron did most of the cooking at their house). But now Hugo got to learn something maybe Hermione had only been told in her letters with Viktor over the years.
               A high-end kitchen does not a chef make.
               Viktor still had the instructions around for his appliances, but they were useless as Viktor knew even less about Muggle wares than Hugo did. Unfortunately, Viktor also knew very few household spells, and Hugo could almost picture Grandmam Weasley's appalled countenance as he watched Viktor accidentally hit all the wrong buttons on his stovetop. Hugo joined him in casting a spell to put out the fire before the smoke detector could go off.
               "Um…maybe not such a good idea," Hugo remarked.
               Viktor looked so defeated, though. "Then…do you…?"
               Hugo deflated even more. "I'm rubbish at it. My parents can cook. All Rose and I know how to do is eat."
               The older man chuckled, and their worries seemed less. "That, I know how to do, as well." He grabbed their cloaks and helped Hugo into his. "We shall go to out, then. Let someone else have a fire."
               Hugo tried not to laugh or be too excited at having Viktor so close by after all this time. "That's not the best way to put it, Viktor…"
               So they were the couple who always had to go out to eat. Hugo was fine with that. He could handle that. In fact, it became the norm for him if he stayed too late at Viktor's.
               …however, he needed to be better about how late he stayed at Viktor's.
               It was only mid-March when he began to get funny looks from Rose, but she didn't say anything to him about where he was going. Hugo had the feeling that she thought it was Louis he was spending more time with, now that they were speaking again. Hugo didn't have the heart or desire to correct his sister. Yes, he was friends with Louis again, but he only saw his cousin before or after the Cannons' matches these days. He didn't like making Viktor jealous in the least.
               But, really, he needed to do better about his timing.
               The thing was, dinner was one thing. But when Hugo stayed late, he tended to forget things at Viktor's place. As was evident when he woke up one morning in a rush to make a meeting with Slughorn and couldn't find his reading glasses.
               "Has anyone seen my glasses?" he hollered into the whole house.
               His father yelled something very unpleasant about it being too early in the morning for shouting.
               His mother apologized. "Sorry, Hugo, no, and I have to get to work." And she'd promptly left.
               Rose was downstairs eating breakfast with Scorpius, who'd invited himself over at this ungodly hour simply because he could. "Where'd you last have them?" she asked her brother.
               Hugo opened his mouth. But he stopped. He'd been about to blurt that he'd definitely had them at Viktor's last night, because he'd nodded off while reading before Viktor had woken him so they could go eat. But he certainly couldn't tell her that! "Um…"
               "Just check your room again," Scorpius said. "It's always in the last place you look, anyway."
               Rose sighed at her fiancé, who just shrugged. "Or just use the Summoning Spell. Honestly, Hugo, I know yours are only for reading, but you, Uncle Harry, James, Molly, Uncle Percy—the lot of you using glasses… You'd think we'd use magic to fix eyesight just as we use magic to find things."
               "Well, I like the Muggle way of things sometimes," Hugo stated defiantly. He discounted his sister and grabbed his things to leave for Slughorn's office. He'd have to do without as he was already running late.
               Luck was on his side, though, as the meeting was brief and Slughorn simply wanted to show Hugo a few improvements he'd made to some of Hugo's recipes. Then the recipes would be sent off for review by other potion masters to verify. If everything fell into place, Hugo would have another new potion to his name.
               "That is the wonderful," Viktor told him when he went over to Viktor's afterwards. He brought Hugo into a big bear hug, one large enough for the smaller male to drown in.
               Hugo enjoyed it, though, and blood rushed to his head. Maybe tonight, maybe with how well they were doing respectively, he and Viktor could be a little closer than they had been recently…
               "Oh, and, Hugo—" Viktor pulled the redhead's glasses from his sweater breast pocket. "You forgot to hast these with you."
               The Weasley laughed and let his desires subside for another night. "I figured as much…! Oh, hey. Idea!" He unfolded them and placed them on Viktor.
               Viktor tried to look serious. "I look like a, ah, brainy person, yes? Like…Herrminey?"
               Hugo snorted and laughed harder. "Oh, come on, Mum's not that bad… But yes, you look handsome and bookish all at once."
               Viktor removed them and put them on Hugo, smiling gently. "I have thought, though. Why do you need them? Do you have a problemm with your eyes?"
               "Just a bit," Hugo said. "Though it's actually sort of funny that you mention it, because Rose was griping this morning about me and others wearing them, how it's odd that magic hasn't fixed something like that yet." He paused and exchanged a look with his love. "Is it that Muggle of me?"
               Viktor shrugged. "I do not know. Do not the Muggles have the ways to fix it themselves, almost like the magic?"
               "Good question…"
               "Where were you last night?"
               Hermione's threatening tone came as a surprise to Hugo one morning at the end of March. But there she was, in the kitchen, hands on hips, glaring right at her son.
               "I know you have a voice, Hugo. Use it."
               He swallowed hard. The first word to come to the tip of his tongue was "home," but he bit that back. Obviously "home" still meant here to his parents and Rose.
               He blinked.
               Was this still "home" to him?
               "I'm waiting," Hermione said, tapping her foot.
               "Look, I'm sorry," he apologized.
               Hermione pursed her lips together, but she sighed. "Don't let it happen again, Hugo. You're still living under this roof. That means I still get to be worried about you and that your father and I still expect to see you come home, even if you don't eat with us."
               Now he truly felt awful. "…yeah."
               She sighed again and pecked his cheek. "Oh, Hugo… I'm sorry for flipping out. It's just, you're my baby, and, with Rose getting married at the end of the summer, she'll be leaving, and it'll just be the three of us…"
               He forced a laugh. "Mum, you don't think I'll be here forever, do you?"
               The genius witch pouted. "Well, can you blame me for wishing for that?" Then she narrowed her eyes. "Unless…don't tell me you are moving out…?"
               He blushed furiously and waved his hands, dismissing that train of thought. "Heavens, no! Where would I even go?"
               "All right, all right…"
               And yet his mother's words got him thinking. He spent the day working in his room at his parents' house (ah, already he'd begun to stop thinking of it as "home"), and, when it was dinnertime, he ate with his parents. Rose wouldn't join them as she and Scorpius were expected to dine with Astoria.
               Yet, when it was time for bed, Hugo couldn't sleep. He just lay there, staring at his dark ceiling. His mind wouldn't turn off.
               Finally he got up. He listened and could tell that everyone else was asleep, so he decided it was an all right time to slip out.
               When he arrived at Viktor's, he hesitated before knocking. Maybe this had been a stupid idea. It was late. If Hugo's parents were asleep already, then Viktor probably was, too.
               And, yet, Viktor opened the door without Hugo even having to knock. "I had a sense of someone standingk outside, but I am surprised," he said, looking at Hugo.
               Hugo stared back. "Uh, yeah, yeah… I'm a tad surprised myself."
               Viktor's brow knit together. "Is everythingk all right?"
               Hugo nodded. "Oh, yes, fine! I just… I've been thinking…"
               "Come in, then." Viktor took his jacket from him and closed the door.
               Hugo had a creeping feeling, of something that he'd not allowed himself to think but probably had been feeling deep down inside either way. To confirm it, he looked around Viktor's place. Ah, there was his favorite blazer, hanging from Viktor's coat stand. And…if he checked…yes, the lemon-flavoured Drooble's Best gum for which he had a guilty pleasure was in the silverware drawer. And the hand soap in the loo—was it Viktor's favourite or his? He couldn't even recall, but he knew he liked it a lot. It had a strong, clean, fresh scent.
               "Hugo…" Viktor's voice was gentle and sad. He wasn't convinced that everything was fine.
               The researcher faced the athlete. "I feel a little ridiculous," he began.
               Viktor brightened up and held up a hand to pause Hugo. He left and retrieved something from the living room. He put the glasses on Hugo and smiled like a puppy who'd finally learned a trick properly. "You left them behind another time."
               Hugo's heart swelled. "All right, so we're both a little ridiculous."
               The older man cocked his head to one side.
               "The Muggle things we do, the magical things we do—they're all the same…"
               Viktor looked especially confused now.
               "Sorry, luv. What I mean to say is that you were right." He kissed Viktor's lips softly. "You wished it, and it turns out that I'm here more often than not." He told him about what Hermione had said and what his new thoughts were.
               Viktor was pleasantly pink. He held his head in his hand. "I knew this would be a problemm… It is why I tried to find a place for me not in your house…"
               Hugo chuckled. "Viktor, there's no problem. It's a good thing. It means—" Oh, Merlin, was he really going to say it? "I have a home with you, Viktor."
               To his surprise, Viktor frowned. "Then…"
               "What's wrong?"
               "…I have not done enough."
               Hugo panicked. "Why? What do you meant? Viktor, you've been great. You are great."
               Then something amazing happened—Viktor's eyes smoldered. "No, I have not done enough. If this is what you call home, then how come you do not stay?"
               His ears had to be playing tricks on him. "What?"
               Viktor didn't even lead him back to the living room. No, instead he kissed Hugo passionately in the hallway near the open door to the bathroom where Hugo had been appraising the soap selection moments ago. And "passion" meant something different in Bulgarian than in English, Hugo pondered, for Viktor had him pressed up against the door jamb with one hand in his light auburn waves and another teasing the skin just behind the waist of his pants. Viktor used their difference in height to his advantage, as well, as he towered over Hugo and pressed one leg between Hugo's uncomfortably, leaving the younger wizard with no chance of escape. All Hugo could do was look for a place to rest his palms, the best place being Viktor's chest.
               They broke for a breath, and Hugo panted. Viktor had never been so ravenous before.
               "I am very patient man I like to think," Viktor murmured. "I even waited for you to give me the confession that you liked me. I even offer you all this space—that is mine is also yours. And you come here almost every night." He leaned down, his lips near Hugo's ear as he whispered. "It is not fair. You are…the tease."
               Hugo felt his body temperature rise what felt like one hundred degrees. He hadn't been expecting this! But what to do? He couldn't leave Viktor like this, and he'd wanted more intimacy from Viktor for months, and he really was over here so often… But what would he tell his parents? Well, maybe he could make it home just before they woke up or something…
               Goddammit, it was too hard to think with Viktor's hand tugging on his shirt so as to feel the bare skin of Hugo's back. All resolve crumbled away.
               Screw it, Hugo thought as he returned Viktor's passion. I'll tell them something…though eventually they'll have to know…
               He was reluctant to leave the bed the following morning. It was nearly impossible not to cave when he watched Viktor's sleeping face. That face had to be criminal.
               Still, Hugo forced himself to move. He kissed Viktor's cheek and murmured in his ear, "I'll be back tonight, Vik, promise…" As he got out of the bed, he was mindful not to look or to touch. No. Nope. He'd enjoyed it all last night, and it was his, and he'd enjoy it more in the future (once his body got used to such activities—good Merlin, his whole body hurt!), but not right now. It was best for Viktor to sleep and for Hugo to make it home so as not to raise further suspicion.
               He thought he'd made it when the house sounded fairly quiet. But, when he got into the kitchen, he found Rose reading The Quibbler and eating a bowl of cereal.
               He paled.
               She looked at him over the top of the paper. Her smirk stretched from ear to ear. "Hello, slut."
               He reddened.
               "Don't try denying anything—I know that look. You were out last night and got some. I'd say 'finally,' but I had a feeling you lost your innocence a long time ago."
               He glared at her. "How'd—"
               "Don't ask. Sisters know these things." She put the paper down and slurped the milk from her bowl. "Now, I won't ask you who you were with."
               Hugo breathed a sigh of relief.
               Maybe he'd sighed too soon?
               "I'll give you some advice: It's good to enjoy flings or romance, whatever you're calling it. However, you better come up with a good excuse for Mum and Dad. Because they know you weren't with Louis last night." Rose observed her younger brother for a full minute, brown eyes eventually meeting blue. "Where were you, anyway?"
               And, because he was fed up and confident all at once, Hugo embraced the Muggle and magical things about himself that he liked so much and said, "Home."
               (The look that Rose gave him was priceless as she understood just how deeply he was in love…he'd have to tell Viktor all about it later over takeaway…)
All right, ridiculous, but cute and at times sexy. ;] I LOVE Viktor, and writing his accent is just too much fun. XD Also…these two are so hopeless, haha. The kitchen—enough said. *LOL* This fic actually was inspired by a passing line in "Some Die Young," because apparently that was when I decided Hugo used reading glasses. It got me thinking about the Muggle things the magical characters do, so I guess my theme here was "things Muggles and wizards both do"…? Agh, I don't even know anymore. This was just fun to write, and I've missed them, and autumn midnights had been bugging me about a fic involving them lately anyway, so yeah. Vikugh. Good noms. Which is why I just had to doodle a quick cover for this, too—my first official FFN cover! XDDD I'll post it on the dA I'll get hopefully soon…once the semester ends and life calms down… @.@ And two notes: I wasn't sure if it was clear that Louis is a Chudley Cannon, and Rose and Scorpius dine with Astoria who is split from Draco (you'd know why if you read "Some Die Young"). So, yeah. And, again, happy birthday. Jessla!
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: :3c I love Vikugh so much, they're SO cute…but they can be sexy when they feel like it. XD Hugo's adorable, regardless of when I write him or the ship, and I love seeing this side of Viktor. I'm delighted to return to this 2013 fic, mostly to reread it since it didn't rly demand much editing. This piece is v fluffy compared to some of the others in this universe, and it's just…cute. I love drawing Vikugh, too, but that's one difference from my old A/N—I never got a dA, but I've two tumblrs, my main blog (le-amewzing) and my HariPo fic blog (camelliacats), the latter of which has mostly fics but all my HariPo-related items posted—including fic-related art. So drop by, and feel free to hit me up for fics, art, headcanons, or chatting in general about Vikugh or any other ship I've written. :D [2021 addendum: Actually, check me out on pillowfort as amewzing for all my art!]
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foxthefanboi · 4 years
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Summary: Kevin is sick, and Sam is determined to take care of him until he's better. Kevin's too sleepy to keep his subconscious in check, and he accidentally reveals that he has a crush on Sam.
Fandom: Supernatural Characters: Sam Winchester, Kevin Tran, Dean Winchester Pairing: Sam Winchester/Kevin Tran Word Count: 3,050 Rating: Teen and up AO3: Link
It’s just past two A.M. When they pull back into the bunker’s garage, Sam and Dean in the front seat, Kevin asleep in the back.
“Hey Kev, we’re back,” Sam calls over his shoulder as he climbs out of the car.
Silence. Kevin’s still fast asleep.
Sam opens the back door and shakes Kevin’s shoulder. Nothing. “Kevin?” He straightens up and looks at Dean.
“Dude’s been awake for three straight days,” Dean says with a shrug. “Can’t blame him for not wanting to wake up.”
“Well, do we just leave him here?” Sam asks.
“I don’t know, do you want to try smelling salts? Or, carry him inside and put him to bed like a toddler?”
Dean’s joking but Sam frowns, thinking about it. Kevin really does deserve better than being left in the bunker’s garage overnight.
He bends down again and shakes Kevin, a little stronger this time. “Okay, Kevin, I’m going to pick you up.” No response, so Sam scoops him up and carries him princess style. Sam’s got nine inches and about fifty pounds of muscle on him, so Kevin’s slim weight feels like nothing.
“I see we’re taking the sleepy toddler route,” Dean says as he holds open the bunker’s door for Sam.
Kevin’s eyes slowly blink open just around the time Sam reaches Kevin’s room. “My prince charming,” he sighs, before drifting off again.
Sam laughs softly as he sets Kevin down on his bed and drapes a blanket over him.
“Sammy?” Kevin murmurs, eyes still closed.
“Yeah,” Sam says, already turned towards the door. 
“Goodnight kiss?”
Sam smiles. Poor kid. He bends down and presses a kiss to the top of Kevin’s head.
“No, no, no,” Kevin says groggily, rolling over slightly. “Real kiss, Sam.” His hand slides to the back of Sam’s neck and he tugs him down slightly until their lips meet. It’s just a quick kiss, half a second long before Kevin dozes off again, but Sam takes in a sharp breath and backs up quickly to the door.
He lets himself out and leans against the closed door. What was that?
Sam hasn’t seen Kevin in a full twenty-four hours. When Kevin sleeps, it’s usually for two hours or twenty hours with no in between, so it’s not entirely unusual, but Sam goes to check on him anyway.
He knocks on Kevin’s bedroom door.
“Yeah?” comes a hoarse voice from the other side.
Sam opens the door a crack and peeks his head in.
Kevin’s lying in bed covered in sweat, looking paler than usual with dark circles under his eyes.
“Whoa, man, are you okay?” Sam asks.
“I thingk I’m sick,” Kevin says, his voice coming out stuffy.
Sam walks over to the bed and lays a hand on Kevin’s forehead. It’s burning. “Hold on.” Sam gets a thermometer and comes back. “Open,” Sam says, and Kevin opens his mouth. Sam puts the thermometer under Kevin’s tongue, waits a moment, and then takes it out. 102 degrees. “Jesus, Kevin. You need to take better care of yourself.”
“There’s no time,” he says. “You can bring the tablet here. I don’t think I can get out of bed, but I can work in my room.”
Sam cracks an incredulous smile. “Dude, you’re taking a day off. Seriously.”
“No, I can—“ Kevin is interrupted by a fit of coughing.
“Stay here,” Sam says. “I’m going to get you some soup.”
It’s amazing Kevin doesn’t get sick more often, considering his complete lack of self-care, Sam thinks as he prepares a bowl of canned chicken noodle soup and some tea. 
“What’s up?” Dean asks as he passes through the kitchen to grab a beer.
“Kevin’s sick,” Sam says.
“Of course he is.”
“102-degree fever.”
Dean raises his eyebrows. “Damn. Poor kid.”
“He’s been working too hard.”
“We all have.” 
Sam shrugs. It’s true, but at least Sam and Dean are used to it. Just a couple of years ago, Kevin was just an advanced placement student preparing for college. Now, he’s lost his mom, his girlfriend, and all hopes of having a normal life, and a huge responsibility rests on his shoulders.
Sam is carrying the bowl of soup and a steaming mug of tea through the library towards Kevin’s room when he stops short. Kevin is sitting at the library table, staring blearily at the tablet.
“Uh-uh,” Sam says, setting down the bowl and mug. “I told you to take the day off. Back to bed.”
“But—“ Kevin says.
“Come on.” Sam helps Kevin to his feet. He stumbles a little bit. How did he even get from his room to here? Sam frowns but he doesn’t have much of a choice. He scoops Kevin up into his arms like he’d done the night before and carries him back to Kevin’s room.
“Hey!” Kevin protests weakly, but after a moment he rests his head against Sam’s chest. “I don’t need you to do this, you know.”
Sam deposits Kevin back on the bed and points at him with a commanding finger. “Stay.”
“Okay,” Kevin says, rolling his eyes.
Sam comes back a minute later with the soup and tea and a few bottles of medicine tucked under his arm. He sets it all down. He opens the bottle of Dayquil and is about to pour some into the small cup, but Kevin takes the bottle from his hand and swallows a couple of swigs directly out of the bottle. He makes a face. “Gross. Now food. Gimme.”
Sam passes over the bowl of soup, and Kevin sips at it.
Kevin winces a little. “Hurts my throat. But good.”
Sam pulls over a chair and plops down into it, swinging his feet up to rest on the bed.
“What’re you doing?” Kevin asks.
“Staying here to keep an eye on you.”
“What? No.”
“I don’t want our number one prophet to die.”
“Don’t be dramatic. If I’m gonna die, it’s gonna be from a demon.”
“We’re not gonna let that happen either,” Sam says. He picks up the TV remote from the nightstand. Kevin’s got one in his room too—pretty small, but big enough to watch from bed. “TV or sleep?” Sam asks.
“TV, I guess.”
“Your choice.”
Kevin thinks about it for a minute. “Friends.”
“Friends?” Sam asks, eyebrows raised.
Kevin scowls at him. “It’s a good comfort show. You don’t have to stay.”
“Alright. Sure. Friends.” Sam puts it on Netflix and they sit silently as the opening credits come on, both of them quiet except for the sound of Kevin slurping his stew.
A few minutes pass before Kevin sets down his bowl on the nightstand and pushes it away.
“You didn’t finish,” Sam says. He notices Kevin shivering and frowns. “You okay?”
“Just… cold.”
Sam grabs a blanket from the shelf and drapes it over Kevin. “Better?”
“N-not really.”
Sam’s not really thinking when he crawls onto the bed next to Kevin and wraps an arm around him, and by the time he’s done it, he immediately regrets it. He wanted to make Kevin feel better but now he’s just made it weird.
“Sam?” Kevin says, sounding a little freaked out.
“It was just a way to warm you up,” Sam says, starting to withdraw his arm.
Kevin leans back against Sam’s arm, pinning it. “No, it’s okay. I just don’t want to get you sick.”
Sam laughs lightly. “Trust me, you won’t get me sick.” Sam hasn’t been sick in years—at least, not with anything that wasn’t supernaturally induced. Healthy diet and exercise pay off.
“Okay,” Kevin says, and he snuggles in closer to Sam.
He stops shivering within a couple of minutes, and his breathing starts to go steady. Sam looks down to see Kevin asleep against him and smiles, feeling something flutter in his chest. Kid deserves a break.
He considers leaving, letting Kevin rest by himself but—Kevin seems comfortable here. And Sam is comfortable, too. No reason to move, right?
Dean passes by the door during the third episode of Friends, and then immediately backs up to stare into the room.
“Do I want to know what’s going on here?” he asks at the sight of Sam, his arm wrapped around a sleeping Kevin.
“He was cold,” Sam says defensively.
“And you decided this was the best way to warm him up?”
Sam feels heat rise to his cheeks. Kevin didn’t seem to mind, and it worked, but it’s still weird. Kevin’s not a pretty girl Sam’s trying to make a move on. Kevin is… well, Kevin.
“Keep it PG,” Dean says, before moving on, and Sam rolls his eyes. As if.
Kevin returns to consciousness feeling much better. No more too hot or too cold, no more aches and pains—well, no more than usual. He blinks his eyes open slowly, his room dark except for the dull light from the hallway.
He rolls onto his side. Hm. His pillow doesn’t feel quite… Oh, it’s an arm. Sam’s facing him, asleep on his side next to Kevin on the bed. Kevin must still be asleep, or asleep enough. This is a dream he’s had before, at least. He rests a hand on the side of Sam’s face—the way he’s done before, in his dreams—and runs his thumb idly along Sam’s cheekbone.
He dozes off, his hand still resting on Sam. As he drifts away, he can’t help but feel like this is different, more real somehow, and…
It comes back to him, Sam taking care of him the day before, sitting right next to him to keep him warm while he shivered from the fever. Kevin’s eyes fly open as he pulls his hand back like it’s been burned. 
Sam’s eyes are open now and looking at Kevin, expressionless.
“Oh, god,” Kevin says. He’d seriously done that. He’d seriously caressed Sam’s face. His subconscious had finally done it, finally betrayed him.
He rolls away from Sam, a little too far because he goes right over the edge of the bed and onto the floor. “Fuck,” he says as he hits the concrete floor. That’s going to leave bruises. He jumps up to his feet right away, though. Because… Sam.
“Sorry,” Kevin says, holding up his hands apologetically.
“Kevin, wait,” Sam says, sitting up.
But Kevin’s too tired and stressed to deal with this right now.  “Sorry,” he says again, and bolts out the door.
Kevin successfully avoids Sam the next day, but it’s hard to do when they live in the same bunker. It’s by the end of day two that Kevin runs into Sam in the kitchen.
“Hey,” Sam says when he sees Kevin, totally casually from his spot at the table. “Dean’s gone into town to pick up some groceries, if you want to text him anything you need.”
“Uh-huh.” Maybe it was a dream, the other night. Sam doesn’t seem to be affected at all by the awkwardness that’s filling Kevin. So it must be one-sided right?
Kevin goes to grab a frozen burrito from the fridge.
Sam takes a deep breath. “So—“ he starts, and Kevin freezes. “Should we talk about the other night?”
Kevin laughs nervously, cautiously continuing to prepare his frozen burrito. “What happened the other night?”
“Well,” Sam says, considering it for a moment. “I dozed off in your bed. Because you were sick and I was keeping you company. Of course.”
“Of course,” Kevin supplies.
“And then we both woke up in the middle of the night,” Sam says, a little slower. Kevin feels Sam looking at him but he’s steadfastly avoiding looking back. He presses the start button on the microwave and watches the burrito spin around in the microwave instead of facing Sam. “And then…” Another deep breath. “You left before I could say anything.”
Sam’s being evasive—intentionally evasive, not because he forgot, Kevin’s sure—but Kevin skips right to the point. Eyes still focused on the dimly lit microwave, he says, “It was just an accident. I was sick, so I wasn’t really thinking straight.”
“Yeah,” Sam says, but it’s obvious it’s not the end of the conversation. “There was another time.”
What? Kevin turns around in surprise. “Another time,” he states.
“Remember when you slept the whole way back from Minnesota?”
“Yeah,” Kevin says, and he feels dread in the pit of his stomach. Yeah, that was the time he’d fallen asleep in the back seat of the Impala and woken up in his own bed. He’d just figured he’d stumbled there himself and forgot about it, but…
“You were sleeping,” Sam says, in a slightly defensive tone. “And I didn’t want to wake you up. So I carried you to your room.”
“Oh,” Kevin says. “Okay.” So maybe this wasn’t so bad. Sort of weird, but not by him.
“And you kissed me.”
The microwave beeps and Kevin turns back around to turn it off, relieved to have an excuse to hide his rapidly reddening face.
“It was just an accident,” Kevin says.
“We can talk about it, if you want,” Sam says. 
Kevin faces Sam, sees the compassionate look on his face—maybe, pity? That some pathetic kid wants to be with someone way out of his league? “Look,” Kevin says. “Yeah, I have a crush on you. Like, a super far-fetched, unrealistic crush on you, but it doesn’t mean anything, okay?” He crosses his arms defensively. “I’ll just keep my subconscious in check from now on and you won’t have to worry about me being weird. Okay?”
Sam stands up from the table and approaches where Kevin is leaning against the counter, stopping a little too close in front of him. Kevin swallows and has to look up to see Sam’s face. Sam’s got nine inches on Kevin, but the height difference has never seemed so intimidating before.
“A crush, huh?” Sam asks, and a corner of his mouth turns up.
He rests his hands on the counter on either side of Kevin. Kevin’s heart pounds hard in his chest. Is this really happening?
But then Sam frowns. “How old are you? Twenty?”
It takes Kevin a moment to think of his age—birthdays haven’t been important to him the past few years, so it’s been hard to keep track. “Twenty-one,” he says after a moment.
Sam lets out a long exhale, doubt clouding his features. “God.”
Kevin is so close, he thinks, at least. Maybe this isn’t real, but… “I’m old enough to make my own decisions,” he says firmly, his eyes meeting Sam’s unflinchingly. “I’ve been through enough, I think I get that at least.”
Sam searches Kevin’s eyes. “Yeah. Yeah, you do.” And then Sam leans down and his lips are on Kevin’s and Kevin inhales sharply against Sam’s mouth in surprise but his thoughts are crowded with self-consciousness—he brushed his teeth today, didn’t he? Is he kissing okay? He hasn’t kissed anyone since Channing, and he knows he hadn’t been good at it with her. So maybe suave, experienced Sam is finding out he’d made a mistake in kissing inexperienced, awkward Kevin.
Sam pulls back. “Are you okay?” he asks.
“Yeah, but I just… You’re you. I’m me,” Kevin says.
Sam frowns. “What does that mean?”
“Sam Winchester,” Kevin says, gesturing at Sam. “Legendary hunter. Savior of the world. A perfect ten.” He points to himself. “The guy you only keep around because he can translate God’s word. Almost a total nobody. Uh,” he hesitates before adding, “Virgin. And maybe a five on a good day.”
“Are you serious?” Sam asks. “Kevin…” Sam sighs. “We care about you. I care about you. And you’re too hard on yourself.” Sam brings up a hand to rest on the side of Kevin’s neck. “Just relax, okay?”
Kevin stares at Sam for a moment before giving a slight nod. He’s not sure he can but Sam kisses him again, but Kevin’s back in his head still, and then Sam murmurs “relax” against his lips and so finally, finally he does, letting go of the doubt and self-consciousness and just kissing Sam.
It feels good. Kevin’s been touch-deprived for years, ever since he became a prophet and gave up having a life for reading ancient tablets. And now he has Sam’s soft lips on his, Sam’s calloused but gentle hand against his skin, the warmth radiating off of Sam onto him. It feels good.
“Hey,” Sam says, pulling away for a moment. “Dean won’t be home for at least another hour.”
Sam laughs and hangs his head slightly. “Never mind.”
“Never mind?” Kevin asks, confused, and then it hits him. “Oh. Oh. You want to…”
Sam draws his eyebrows together. “Do you want to?”
“Yes,” he says, a little too enthusiastically. “I mean, I never have before, but yes.”
“Okay,” Sam says.
“Hey,” Kevin says.
He hesitates, thinking back to how Sam had carried him to his room a couple of days ago and how hot it had been to feel Sam’s strength up close. “Can you carry me again?”
Sam grins and picks Kevin up, and Kevin wraps his arms around Sam’s shoulders. “You like this?”
Kevin nods, feeling breathless. “Yeah.”
When they reach Sam’s room, Sam lays Kevin down on the bed before crawling to hover over him, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the corner of Kevin’s mouth. He pulls back and meets Kevin’s eyes, a sudden hesitance in them. “You’ve never…?”
“Please,” Kevin says, and he wraps his legs around Sam’s waist pulling him closer. Sam’s hardness presses against Kevin’s through the fabric separating them. Kevin doesn’t know what happens next, but he wants more, he wants Sam. 
“Okay,” Sam says. “But tell me what you need, okay? Tell me if it’s too much.”
Kevin doubts anything would be too much, but he nods, and Sam kisses him again.
When Dean gets back an hour later, Sam and Kevin are sitting in the library, both of them with their hair wet from recent showers and idly flipping through lore books.
“Hey,” Dean says coming into the library. He looks back and forth between the two of them. Something has changed. Sam and Kevin exchange a glance and smile at each other, and Dean frowns. “Did I miss something?”
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avengersohyeah · 7 years
Part 10
Trace Masterlist
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A/N : PAr 10 anyone ? is someone even wait for this shits ? Anyway any question just ask me through the ask box.. Love Y’alll
Normal POV
 When Cas saw the words on Dean’s back, he could’ve swore he’d got a heart attack. What he saw is somewhat similar to what he found from the crime scene this morning.
“Remember when I told you I couldn’t find anything this morning?” The brothers nodded “Well.. I missed it..” He took his phone and shows the brothers the exact same words on Dean’s back. “This words craved in one of the mirror in that house, at first I thought it’s not important. But then later I sensed some sort of power coming out of it.”
“And what is that ?” Sam asked
“Time… exists far before God was born, He used his power to form realities, to control them.. and when he did change the reality, there would be a trace somewhere. To mark what has been changed in those realities..”
“So whoever this Time guy he changed me ? in this reality?” Dean said confused.
“I’m afraid yes..”
“But why me? What it has to do with me?”
“That’s what we’re about to find out.” Without warning, Cas places his hand on Dean’s back right where the words were. Then everything goes white, blinding white untill they are forced to close their eyes tight.
 Y/N’s POV
 “I don’t care… I have to bring him back…it’s not supposed to happened.”
“But you have to be sure son… you’re about to change his reality… the one that never lead him to his death, to you…”
“I’ll do anything for him.. father.. tell me how to do it…”
He guide me through the ritual, changing reality, Dean’s reality. To the one when he never met me, to the one where he live and still hunting to save people. By the end of the ritual, Dean’s body disappeared. I began to panicked thingking that something has gone wrong.
“Don’t worry son, it worked.. he’s home now..”
I then broke down right then and there. This is the right thing to do, to save him, the men I love. But it still hurts, knowing that he would never remember me, he would never knew that I’m exsist, he would never knew that I love him, more than anything. But this is the right thing to do. Since when in my life, the right thing to do doesn’t inflict pain to anyone ? Hell even my father left me when I can barely recognize him. it was painfull, it still is now. But I made up my mind, it’s too late to back down, My family is all dead, Cas, Sam and Dean doesn’t even know that I exsist anymore. I have no one now, so there’s nothing to loose.
 I woke up from those memories again, the day when I decided to erase myself from his life. It was the hardest decision in my life, but as my grandpa taught me, I have to fight. Yeah, no mater what kind of choices I have, I have to choose to fight. Years ago I chose to fight to protect my brothers and sisters. And now’s the same, I choose to fight to protect people that I love, my family, my Dean.
 Walking through the hall on the outside part of the castle. Taking every detail I could, it’s been few weeks since I arrived, or few days on earth, but I never realized how dreamy this place looked. I looked to the right where the hall is guarded with beautifully craved pillars, and raillings. The sight outside is none other than the most beautiful valley i’ve ever seen. The grass was green, filled with colourful flowers here and there, and few old trees that looks majestic. Now that I think about it again, this looks exactly like in those fantasy movies I watched. While I lost in my train of thoughts, I bumped to something hard, a metal. I looked up to meet a very pissed of expresion from a men that I bumped. I took a step back, and taking in his features. Tall, very tall with dark hair, and the most muscular body i’ve ever seen judging from the size of his arms. The armor he wears, the sword on his hip, and the big shield he carry, i could tell that he’s one of the prime pieces. From which side? Of course from the bad one, it’s all written on his face. But despite of that, I apologized for bumping him, admitting that I was walking without looking. I did it in hope maybe somehow he would see my descency as a men, and wouldn’t snap at me. But boy, I was wrong.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking..” I bowed my head, out of habit in apologizing
“How dare you!..” He paused “Ah.. you’re the king’s son.. no wonder Cosmos was so eager to gring you here. You would be easy to kill, it will destroy Chronos without even need to fight him. Such a clumsy…” His tone dripping poison.
I snaped my head up and glared at him loosing it “Excuse me ? Ha.. me… easy to kill ? wrong guess big guy.. And who are you anyway ? wearing all those tin looking like a trash can blocking ten feet wide hallway..”
To my insult he growled and charging at me. But before he could grab me, a pair of strong hands pulled me to the side. Making him tripped over himself and land on his face, a loud pang was heard through the hallway from the impact of his armor and the floor.
“I guess you’re the clumsy one here Templar..” The voice coming from someone that pulled me.
“you are so dead in the next game Aria…” The men said through gritted teeth after he rushed to his feet, then leave me alone with this girl who just saved me. She turned to me and offer me her hand, I take it “Aria, I’m a pawn for the rook..” I raised my eyebrows and she gets what I’m asking without I voiced it “Hilda… I’m her pawn.”
“Nice to meet you Aria, I’m (Y/N).. bishop of the king I guess?..” I introduced myself
“I know who you are your highness.. anyway, that moron didn’t gave you any trouble before I got here?”
“No..because you saved me..thank you… by the way.. I never saw you since I arrived..”
“Oh about that..” She pulled something from her waist bag, a necklace. With a crystal as the pendant, a clear one with the hint of purple. “King asked me to make this for you.. took me long enough, I have to search for the right materials so I haven’t been around castle for a while” She handed me the necklace with crystal pendant. “It’s charmed necklace, we use it to communicate with eachother and we will be able to find eachother’s location with it. It’s a go to item from Team King..” she grinned at me.
“Thank you..So.. how did you fight in the last game?”
“Pardon ?”
“I mean everyone has a power here, especially those who’s involved in the game. I want to know your power since I heard from Arthur you and Hilda took down half of Cosmos’s army in the last game”
“Well first, that wasn’t an army. The thing is, Bishop of Cosmos has a power to enchance her pawn’s power, and her pawn can multiply himself so they made a clones in a large amount. Besides of that, the bishop is fairly weak so my job was to use my power to sneak around and attack the bishop while Hilda went wild with the clones.”
“And your power is..?”
“I could disappear from anyone’s sight.” She said to the point.
“That’s cool… like a ninja..”
“Thank you your highness.. although I don’t know what is this ninja you are talking about”
I chuckled at that “And that men earlier who was he?”
“Templar? He’s a knight of Cosmos, he’s strong, with a hot body, a face, but all those doesn’t mean a thing because of his attitude..”
I look at her giving her a knowing look “You like him..” I said shortly. She doesn’t deny it, but only smiles shyly. “Well.. that’s cute..ohh how about his pawn?”
“His pawn is ghost horse, you know? The knights have the tendency to make their pawn as their mount so they choosed those with animal forms. It’s the rooks of Cosmos that we really have to be careful of..”
“why is that ?”
“Last game was chaotic, a litteral war. Hilda fight the clones of pawn, while I sneak up to their bishop. Artur and Pegasus fight Templar and his pawn. The King and the Queen were against each other. And our bishop was fighting against quen’s rook. At least that’s what we thought, until the next thing we know bishop killed his own pawn and fight against us.” She took a deep breath and continues “We didn’t know her power, until she controls king’s bishop… Total Control, her power.. she would kill her enemy using her pawn, a voodoo doll. And after that, she put her consiousness into that dead body.”
“Wow..” is only my respond to her explainations
“But we won though, the king and his pawn won against the queen.That ended the game… Didn’t anyone told you?”
“Nah.. maybe because I never asked..and how about the previous bishop?”
To this question she looked down and smiled sadly. “He was a good men. When the king asked us to be his pieces, the bishop is there. He was an angel, a fallen angel that was punished not to be able to reincarnate.”
“Wait angel reincarnate ?” I cut her, because I was sure that angel doesn’t reincarnate. Because that’s what Cas told me.
“Some of them do, he was as ancient as the arcangels. Baraqiel, angel of the raging sky. His pawn was also an angel by the way… Well let’s stop this right here, because I still have some mission the king gave me… See you again your majesty.” With that, she leave me.
 A moment latter I’m already in the practice hall, fighting both Hilda and Arthur. These two never hold back in a fight, I was thrown here and there before I decided to used my power in the battle. But the minute I did, they did too. Hilda make the the gravity works three times on my body, making me hard to move a muscle. Arthur is running for me, with excalibur blazing a green flame, ethernal flame he told me. He was about to slash me with it when I stoped the time, then I used my power to bring the gravity around me to when it was before Hilda used her power. I moved to the other side of the field before the time is moving again. Hilda and Arthur seems shocked at this, because I never once used time pause in front of them. We ended the practice because of my father’s voice.
“How’s your practice going kids?” He asked all of us
Arthur was the first to answer “Impeccable your majesty, the prince has incridible skill in fighting.”
“That’s good, how about you Hilda? Do you think he’s ready for the game?”
“Of course your majesty, He was ready even before we practice with him.” She gave me her side smirk.
“Good, about the game…” He turned to me “Son, you need to find your pawn as soon as possible.”
“Why ?” He never once asked me about this, and now that he did, it means something is up.
“My sister, she’s starting her universe demolition. She destroyed two galaxy without me even knowing. Her pieces worked in the shadows with her this whole time. That’s why..”
“We need to start the game before she destroy another one…” I finished his sentence.
He nodded, and gave me sad smile. It’s still strange to see him, sometime’s awkward, but he never hold back his emotion to show. And by showing emotions means he even cried in front of me. Not the manly crying, but the sobbing childlike cry. That happened the day I came here, we were talking about mom, and he lost it. He then continued to talk “I know it’s hard for you son, but we have to do it, to protect the people we love, to protect the earth where we both find love, to protect home..”
I looked into his eyes. “I promised Dad..” It’s the first time ever I called him that, and he smiled “I promised myself to do so.. Give me a week and I’ll bring my pawn here.”
“Wait.. a week here or a week on earth?” He asked suddenly aware of my request.
  Dean’s POV
 My head is killing me right now. Due to the fact that I was tired, also to the fact that Cas decided to give us this bright light shock wave. I tried to open my eyes, but I can’t. It was bright a moment ago, and the next thing it turned dark. I tried and I tried, but I can’t. My eyes heavy, my whole body feels like it’s never been floowed by blood. I can’t feel anything, I’m numb, I wanted to scream but not a single damn muscle can move. I fight and fight harder, trying to at leat feel something. Then I heard it, a voice, a men’s voice, labored breath, he’s crying ? I can’t hear what he said, then I focused on listening.
“Dean.. wake up… don’t leave me like this… it’s all my fault, you’re not supposed to be dead… Dean…wake up”
Fuck I’m dead? Why am I dead? And who is this men crying? HIs fault? What is he talking about? More and more questions came to my mind. Then like a water poured to the full glass, the memories flooding my head. Months ago a boy came to the Bunker, he has the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. His smiles are so familiar, so heart warming. His laugh brought me mine, his touch on my skin was electrifying. Like that time when I date Cassie, I’m in love? With him? a men? The more and more time I let myself swims in these flood of memories makes my head hurts. Then I heard him again.
“I don’t care…” He paused “If It’s what it takes to bring him back, let it be. He’s dead because he met me, it would be better if he never knew me at all.” He sobbed “Dean, months after my family died, it was you who made me smile for the first time. And before I know it, it was you that makes me smile everyday after that. I know I rarely said this, we are.. rarely said this… but I need you to at least hear it before you couldn’t remember me… I love you Dean Winchester, I’ll always love you…”
To his words, more and more memories coming back. Like a wave on the ocean, the memories came back all at once. Making my body jolted awake, I screamed his name.
Taggs :  @thegreatficmaster @supernaturalimagine @supernaturaldaily @waywardwinterfics @buckyywiththegoodhair @angryschnauzer @mrgrant9559-blog @kaylzjordan @rawritsmeh @supernaturalfanfiction-com @after-avenging-hours @winchesterenthusiast​ @themerlintrashcan​ @wayward-warriors @themorningtrashcan @izzywinchester @avasparks @eve05glee
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raspbaerriees · 6 years
— pt. 2 —
“Eomma, Appa, we’re home.” Namjoon spoke loudly so your parents will hear it. Your mother greeted you with a warm smile just like yours.
“You’re home. The food’s ready. Let’s go and eat.” Your mother signaled you to follow her to the kitchen. You dropped your bag on the sofa and your brother did it as well. You then removed the ponytail and let your hair fall down to your shoulders.
“So, how school, sweetie?” Your mom asked you in the middle of eating.
“It’s fine, Eomma. I think, I will go home late tomorrow since we have to work for our project.” You replied politely.
“Okay then, good you told me. What about you, son? How’s school?”
“It’s good, Eomma. I’m doing great. But I think my ‘lil sis needs to tell something.” Namjoon replied seriously.
“What is it? Did something bad happened?” You mother gave you a worried look. You sighed deeply.
“I… think I f-fainted?” You said nervously.
“What happened? Are you alright now?” Your dad got shook a little.
“Yes. I am, no need to worry.” You smiled at them so that they can calm.
“Wait, where did you get that?” Your dad pointed to your hair. “Oh no! I completely forgotten this! Heck” you thought.
“I don’t know? Hehe” You replied nervously and you remembered face of the guy you bumped earlier. He has a pale skin, a black hair, and taller than you. Your heart ached making your twitch a little.
“Hey, are you alright? What happened?” Your brother tapped your shoulders. Your heart beats faster than it is and you’re again seeing the face of the guy you bumped earlier and the exact scenario. The way you stared at each other, seing him blushed a little. And then, your heart went to its normal beat and the pain’s gone.
“I think I know now.” Your mom said while smiling. She made an eye contact with your dad. Your dad seems to be aware of what happens.
“You found your soulmate, your destiny!” Your mom said with a hint of joy.
“What?!” You and your brother exclaimed in chorus.
“You see those streaks on your hair? Only you and your soulmate have that color. Each pairs have a different color to avoid confusion. You met him this day! You saw his face again. Am I right?” Your dad explained.
“Your dad and I have dark teal color.” Your mom happily shared. Since she always tie her hair in a bun, you didn’t notice it. And for your dad, he has it on his back hair. She showed you hers and you got shocked.
“Oh, that’s cool. But what if he’s older than me by years?” You asked them innocently.
“It’s fine. Besides, you can’t do anything about it though.” Your mom smiled.
“What the heck.” You murmured to yourself.
“So, Kim Namjoon, what about you? I can feel it that you already found yours without noticing it.” Your dad smirked to the eldest and pointed on his jet black hair having streaks of brown. You gasped and started teasing him.
“Ohhhh… I bet she’s afraid of you. Since when did you meet her? Huh?” You sounded sassy and earned a glare from your brother.
“Okay! I surrender, her name’s Park Jiyoon.” Your brother blushed and you laughed with your mom and dad. Seeing your brother shy, probably the last thing you’ll see on earth.
“You should get his name, okay? Then let us meet him. ” your mom smiled then added, “Kim Namjoon, you better bring her here! I want to see how beautiful she is.”
You then finished your food and excused yourself to go to your room. You took your bag upstairs and went to bathroom to change in pyjamas. You sat on your bed and thingking of a way you’ll meet him again. What if you never meet again? You shrugged the thoughts and lay down to your bed. You covered yourself in blanket and drifted off to sleep.
“Jungkook oppa, do you perhaps know a guy, I think smaller than you a little with a pale skin like he ate a Gluta? Hehe” you asked your seatmate while he’s reading a book.
“Yes. Why? Are you shocked to see a walking Gluta?” He joked and laughed.
“Kinda. I saw him yesterday. ” You chuckled at his joke.
“Oh.” Jungkook replied akwardly.
Time passed quickly and it’s already lunch break. You told Jungkook you’ll just see him later and walked outside your room. You again saw the guy— your 'soulmate’ infront of you. Your heart beats faster.
“Hello, can we talk?” He asked you that it made you jump a little. You noticed streaks of navy blue on his hair and he noticed yours too. He has it on his bangs while you have jt at the bottom of your hair since you don’t have bangs.
“Uh, s-sure.” You stuttered, nervous of him. He showed you his gummy smile and mouthed you 'wait up’. He went infront of your door’s room. You did not follow him nor listen to whom he was talking. You were lost at your thoughts.
“Hyung! Let’s go lunch?” Jungkook asked the older one.
“I’m sorry but I need to talk to someone. I came here to tell you that I won’t be joining you this lunch. I guess you and Tae will be eating together. I’m really sorry.” Yoongi told the younger.
“It’s fine, hyung! I’ll just wait for him here. By the way, nice hair color!” Then Jungkook went back to his seat.
Yoongi tapped your shoulders lightly causing you to flinch a bit.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you. Let’s go?” Yoongi apologised and you nod. You followed him to the cafeteria to buy lunch. You felt a tingling sensation when he touched you.
“He’s handsome.” You mumbled to yourself while walking. You’re not the typs of girl to look down while walking you just keep your look infront of you and smile to the people you know. When you entered the cafeteria, you saw only few people inside, making the other tables vacant. Yoongi asked what would you like to eat and told him you like spaghetti and iced tea. He said that he’ll pay for you and you insisted that he should not but in the end, he paid for it. You were sitting near the window to see the beautiful garden.
“I’m apologise, I haven’t introduced myself. My name’s Kim Minji. Nice too meet you.” You offered your hand for a shake and he accepted it.
“And I am Min Yoongi, I’m a third year college student, based on my uniform I am from Music Department. Nice meeting you too.” He said. Your hung open after hearing it. You immediately closed it and introduced yourself a little more.
“As you can see I am a highschool student. I’m a '97 liner. I know it’s not right to ask this but do you know Jungkook oppa?” You asked him. His chest tighten a bit hearing you call Jungkook 'oppa’. He just ignored it and replied.
“Yes, he’s a friend of mine. And I’m a '93 liner. Four year gap? I see. It doesn’t matter anyways, we’re destined to be together afterall.” You did not reply instead, you blushed hard, flustered by his words. 'How can he be such a straightforward?’, you thought.
“Can I get your number? When are you available?” He asked you not hesitating, not feeling akward either. He got his confidence since he’s with you he was never been like this confident to his friends.
“I-i uh, sure. I don’t know, pardon. If this week we’ll be having our quizzes then, maybe weekends.” You stated honestly. He gave you his phone and you saved you number to his contacts named 'Yoongi’s’, you’re destined to be with him for the rest of your life so why not? You handed it back to him.
“Okay. Thank you for the lunch.” You smiled at him. This time, you don’t feel nervous at all.
“You need to go?” He asked and you nod.
“Okay, see you around, 'jagi’.” He then winked and waved at you. He emphasized the word 'jagi’. You with smiled in return. You went to your locker first to get the toothbrush and to the comfort room. You always prepared water inside your locker so you don’t need to use the cr’s water. After brushing, you went back to your room with a smile on your face.
It’s now the last subject for the day. Your professor in English class cancelled the project and instead gave you a quiz. Good thing you reviewed before he came. Jungkook was sad because he will not get a time to be with you.
“I think, that’s all now for today. Goodbye class. See you tomorrow.” Your professor for the last subject left.
“Yah! Jungkook oppa, don’t be sad. There will be more next time. I have to go, my brother’s probably waiting for me on the university gate. Bye!” You waved at him, he smiled and waved back.
As you were walking to go to the university gate, you saw a text message from your brother saying that he went home early. He told you to take a bus. You replied 'okay’ then texted your mom that you won’t be going home late.
“Hey, Minji.” You heard a deep voice called you. When you turn around to look who was that you saw a guy, with a navy blue streaks on his hair— Yoongi. You smiled at him.
“Are you waiting for someone?” He asked and you shook your head.
“Then, can walk you home?” He scratched the his nape looking away.
“No…” You answered, he looked surprised and nodded.
“Well the—” you cut him off and grabbed him closer to you.
“We’ll ride a bus. We will not walk.” You smiled at him and started walking to the bus station. He was shocked, he thought that you won’t allow him. After fifteen minutes of ride you reached your home. The skies are still bright and the sun’s still up, just preparing before set.
“Yoongi-ah, thank you for today. Would you like to come in?” You asked him calmly.
“Is it alright?” Yoongi hesitated but his mind was telling him to come, so he can finally meet your— his in-laws.
“Yes, of course! Let’s go inside.” You knocked then opened the door.
“Eomma, Appa! I’m home .” You said aloud. “I brought someone.”,after hearing that you brought someone they went to greet you and welcome the guest. They almost got the biggest shock of their life when they saw you bring home a handsome guy.
“Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Kim.” Yoongi greeted them with his gummy smile.
“Yes, hello. Have a seat!” Your mom gestured him to the sofa. Your mom and dad went back to the kitchen to prepare a snack.
“Can you wait for me here? I’ll just change.” You asked him politely. He smiled and nod. You then went upstairs to change and put your bag inside your room. You went back to Yoongi and saw him texting someone.
“Yoongi-ssi, do you want anything?” You asked him and sat across him.
“Uhm, sort of. I want… to meet your parents!” He happily stated. By the time you was about to say something your parents put cookies and juice on the table.
“Oh, what a handsome and nice boy. What’s your name?” Your mom asked him and you looked away at Yoongi. You could feel that he’s taking a glance at you. When you finally looked back at him your eyes locked for a second, you avoided his gaze and you looked up to your mother.
“I am Min Yoongi, nice to meet you Ma'am and Sir.” He stood and bowed at them.
“I don’t want to take this any longer, I’ll go straight to the point Mr. and Mrs. Kim. As you can see from my hair, I am your daughter’s soulmate. I’d like to ask permission if you could let me court your daughter. I can wait, if you don’t let me.” He smiled at your parents. You got shocked because this isn’t what you expected.
“For us, of course you could. No matter what happens, you’ll still end up together. We just don’t know if she’s ready.” Your dad answered sincerely.
“Are you okay with it Minji?” Your dad asked you and you just nod. Shy of what Yoongi had just said.
“Alright then! You can start tomorrow.” Your dad smiled.
“Eomma, where is Min—" Namjoon stopped talking and go downstairs immediately.
”Hyung! What are you doing here?“ Namjoon asked and noticed that his hyung has the same color of your soulmate hair color.
”Oh! So you’re my sister’s soulmate. I like you for her.“ Namjoon beamed his dimpled smile.
Your family get to know Yoongi better. Yoongi also asked if you and your family could meet his family. Your family agreed without hesitation. It’s already five thirty and Yoongi decided to go home.
”I wish I could talk to you more, but I think I need to go home. See you tomorrow, Mr.  and Mrs. Kim, and also you Namjoon.“  Yoongi stood up and bowed to show respect. You lead him to the door, you went outside and closed the door. When you turned around your lips hit a soft thing. It was Yoongi’s lips, both of you got shocked and  became stiff and froze, you felt an electricity run down your spine. When you got back to your senses you pulled back. You both blushed and a defeaning silence was between you until he broke it.
”I guess I really need to go home, it’s getting dark. See you tomorrow, love.“ You cringed a bit when he uttered the last word and he chuckled a little.
December 10, 2023
"I still remember that, Yoongi.” Minji wiped her tears and laughed.
“Don’t cry! Be happy, look at this picture of ours on our wedding day! I looked very handsome, don’t I?” Yoongi said with confidence and smirked.
“Yes, but Taehyung is more handsome.” Minji teased Yoongi.
“Really, huh? You’re choosing him over me?” Yoongi pouted and Minji laughed at him.
“Yes.” Minji answered making Yoongi more jealous.
“Really?” Yoongi smirked.
“Really.” Minji mocked, and Yoongi pulled Minji closer and kissed her to prove that she’s wrong.
“Now, are you sure on your answer?” Yoongi mocked back,
“I was kidding. You really get jealous easily.” Minji rolled her eyes.
“I love you."  Yoongi whispsred.
"I will always love you.” Minji replied.
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avengersohyeah · 7 years
Part 9
Trace Masterlist
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A/N : I’m back Son Of a Bitch !!! Part 9, i don’t know how many parts left, because i’m still debating either to include the specific story of the game in this series, or make another series out of it. But let’s just enjoy this time we have… i don’t know if this is as interesting for you guys, but it is for me…
Dean’s POV
 I woke up to these strange feeling again. I don’t know, it felt like I supposed to hold something when I wake up. But there’s nothing. Strange, but in my life strange is my breakfast. I brushed the feling off just like any other day. I know that keeping a secret from each other is what brought us to problems in the past, but these kinda thing will only earn me never ending tease from Sam. I go to the bathroom to take a shower, after I finished I came down to the kitchen for a breakfast. It’s Sam’s turn isn’t it ? Why is there nothing on the table?
“Sam… Sam….!”
“What Dean ?” Sam come down from his room rubbing his sleepy eyes.
“It’s your turn to make breakfast” I say matter of factly
“No it’s yours… my turn is at Monday and Thursday..” He said between his big yawn.
“Mine is Wednesday and Saturday…” I ponder for a moment “Why do we have our turn twice a week?” I asked him
“I don’t know.. I just remember it that way… So, want me to make the breakfast ?” He offered.
“No.. no I can do it myself, you go shower and we’ll go to that case from Cas..”
“Okay.” Was only his response.
As I cook, I feel somewhat tense, like someone is watching me from my back. I keep on glancing back, thingking it was Sam. But no one there, again, I just carry on and think that this fucked up life is starting to get to me.
“Dean.. Sam.. How are you?” Cas aproached us from the crime scene.
“Same old Cass.. what did you find..?” Sam asked
“Nothing ? what do you mean nothing ?” I asked confused
“I’ll explain later, we need to get to a save place now..” With that he rounded and got into Baby’s backseat. We drove to the motel in silence, Cas was silent the whole ride. Not long, we arived, Cas simply throw us inside by teleporting us.
“What the hell Cas?” I hissed at him
“Dean, Sam, have you ever feel like you forget something but you can’t remember it?”
I look at him confused. There’s a silence for solid ten seconds before Sam speak. “I have ..”
“You have ?” I asked
“Yeah.. Remember when I asked you to look for something in library yesterday, and the day before?”
“What’s wrong with that ? you ask me to do it countless time before.”
“I know, but I felt like it’s not supposed to be you that I’m asking to. I feel like there’s someone else that used or I think used to do the research with me…” Sam trailed.
“And this morning, and every morning before, I felt like I supposed to cook breakfast with someone else in the kitchen. But Sam hardly stays in the kitchen for five minutes. And I remember everytime I asked you if you ever helped me you would say..” “You have all the pair of hands you need to cook breakfast for three..” We said this aat the same time. We looked at Cas, only for him to look back at us with deep frown on his forehead. “Cass.. what does it mean ?” Without answering my question he disappeared, only to comeback seconds later with confused look.
“I don’t understand… “
“You don’t understand what Cas?” I asked.
“I can’t go back to heaven….”
“Why you can’t?” I pushed
“It’s blocked, like God doesn’t want anyone to exit or enter the heaven.”
With this information we are getting more and more confused. First the fucked up memories, and now Heaven’s closed. Will there be another apocalyptic disaster? Why is this things always follows us.
Normal POV
 It’s been a week since he decided to bring back Dean to life, and a week since he erased all of his existense in from the life of his love. It breaks his heart, to not be able to hold Dean’s hand anymore, not feel his kisses anymore, his hugs, his smiles, his loving stares, his presence. But that has to be done, To bring him back to life, even if it means to change their reality where (Y/N) never existed. It’s for the best, it’s his job to protect people that he loves, his family. Even if it means he has to fight hard.
The moment Dean was killed, the sacrifice of sixteen troops under (Y/N)’s name is complete. That brings him into the game, to the fourth dimension. But the moment he bring Dean back to life, the effect of the sacrifice is cancelled. But here he is, in the fourth dimension preparing to fight a war. He joined the game out of his own will, to fight to protect those who can’t do it for themselves. He joined his father as the bishop of his father’s pieces, due to his power, and his status as the son of the time himself. A day on earth, is a month in fouth dimension. And in those amount of time, (Y/N) practice and practice to use his power to the maximum capabillity, to improve his fighting skills, all while he tried to burry the memories of his new family deep inside his head.
“Focus Your Highness, if you don’t want your head chopped out of your body!” He shouted as he swings his sword to (Y/N)’s direction.
(Y/N) just deflect it using the blade of time he owns and ducked his head “Even if my head is about to be chopped out of my body, you wouldn’t be the one to do so… because you can’t Arthur…” He taunt his father’s knight. As soon as he joined the prime pieces, Arthur became his good friend. His politeness, his bravery, and not to mention, he is a king himself when he’s still on earth.
“You can’t be so sure on that ..” he smirked, no one really knows that the former king has took a liking on (Y/N). At first he thought that letting Chronos’s son to this game is a bad idea, since they don’t know of his capabillity. But as (Y/N) came to one of his practice with his pawn and beat him, he automatically set his eyes on the prince.
“Well I know you wouldn’t since you pledged your loyalty to my father after he resurect you…” (Y/N) said as he seath his blade to it’s place that straped to his hip. “So.. where is Pegasus ? why doesn’t he practice with us ?”
“It’s full moon tonight, he’s going to visit his own kingdom in the forest.” He explained more about his pawn that (Y/N) never knew existed. They met exactly after Chronos resurected Arthur, they went to get Excalibur that is hidden in Pegasus’s kingdom of mythical creatures. Deep into the forest of the moon, filled with magic to protect the said sword from someone that is not worty. Arthur explained how he has to fight the mighty pegasus with bare hands to convince him that Excalibur is his.
“It’s still strange though now I get to talk to the men of legend himself.” (Y/N) teased, being good friends they always tease each other. (Y/N) would tease about Arthur being old because of his legend, and Arthur will tease (Y/N) about his incapabillity to be on time despite being the son of the time. They laugh and talk for a good thirty minutes, when another voice cut through.
“Would you two morons stop making noises in practice hall? It’s echoing, I can’t concentrate in my meditation.”
“Well you don’t need meditation anyway, because it does no effect for you..” Arthur teased
Without saying anything, she just flicked her wrist and a moment later Arthur fell on his butt. “That’s not fair Hilda !” He complained
“Fair wouldn’t get me to win against you… Anyway your highness…” She turned to me “Have you decided when will you start to look for a pawn?”
“I don’t know, part of me wanted to prevent this game as long as posible, but I know at some point I can’t.” I sighed,
“Well, we are here to help you. The king has been nothing but kind to us, so it will be our honor to help you to fight for his victory.” Inside her tough and imposing figure, hilda is the most kind hearted person (Y/N) ever met. Well Cas is kind, he’s fucking angel but he’s kind of twisted because he’s been aroud winchesters for too long. But Hilda is something else, She is the mother of Amazonians, the first one, she was resurected by Chronos not long after Arthur. Unlike him, she doesn’t need to search for special weapon, but Chronos gave her the Axe of gravity, those make her unbeatable warrior on land. Her strength and ability to fight, plus the ability to manipulate gravity from the axe, she is the one that defeat half of Cosmos’s army in the last game. So we could say that she is one of the key piece on the last game.
“Thank you, I have set my eyes on someone actually, but I don’t know if she would agree join the game as my pawn…”
Both Arthur and Hilda looked at (Y/N) and ask at the same time “Who ?..”
Sam’s POV
 We recalled when was the first time we felt the change in our life routines. All and all, we came to conclusion, we lost someone. Someone that being a constant in our life, someone that supposed to be there with us from the morning we start, untill late night before we sleep. That someone… Who is it ? They are the constant thing in our life, but why can’t we remember it ? From the moment we came to this conclusion, I sensed distress from Dean, hell I’m stressing myself. The nagging in the back of my head tell me that whoever this lost person is, they are more important than I can tell. So important untill they left us the feeling of emptiness in our days.
Before we get an answer of our first question, appeared the second one. Why did they left ? Why did they don’t want us to remember ? Does they hurt us ? or we hurt them ? Either way doesn’t seemed right. So what is their reason to left us forgeting ? I raked my hands to my hair, ruffling it in frustation. I don’t know wher to look, or what to begin with. They left no trace at all, just this feeling of loosing someone in our life is not enough. Trace, now that I think about it, somehow that word sounds familiar to me. Well, we searched for a trace on cases. But we never used trace as a word to describe it, we used ‘lead’.
“Cas…. Can you do anything to.. I don’t know.. restore our memories?” To my sugestion, both Dean and Cas looked at me.
“I’m afraid I can’t Sam, it’s not just your memories that is changed. The whole reality is, we need some spesific trace to track what reality that has been changed. Only after that, I can try to mend your memories in this reality, to the one from those changed one…”
Not missing a beat, Dean stood up “Okay I’ll grab a shower to cool my head, this is starting to make my brain cry.”
Few minutes after, I’m on my laptop trying to search all about reality and what kind of creature that can change it. I looked up to the sound of Dean asking me of his clothes. He eventualy found his t-shirt and putting it on, half way through, he turned his back to me and I see it.
“Dean what is that ?” I pointed to his back.
“What is what Sam ?” Dean turned
I just walk to him and lift his t-shirt. There on his back, some kind of tatto. But I remember Dean never had tatto, he even hates when he got a shot from doctor. I picked up my phone from the table, and take a picture of it.
ο χρόνος που έληξε είναι ο καιρός για μια νέα αρχή
 I show it to him, and he’s just as shocked as me. I looked the words up in my laptop and find out it is a Greek.
o chrónos pou élixe eínai o kairós gia mia néa archí
(the time where it all ended is the time for a new beginning)
We both looked to each other in confussion. What The Fuck is this words mean. Then Cas comeback from God knows where.
“Guys, you wouldn’t like what I find out…” Cas rushed and then he saw the words on my laptop. “What is that ?”
“It’s on my back, I don’t know how or when or who put it there..”
Cas rounded the table, and lift Dean’s t-shirt. “Goddamnit!!!!” 
Taggs :  @thegreatficmaster @supernaturalimagine @supernaturaldaily @waywardwinterfics @buckyywiththegoodhair @angryschnauzer @mrgrant9559-blog @kaylzjordan @rawritsmeh @supernaturalfanfiction-com @after-avenging-hours @winchesterenthusiast​ @themerlintrashcan​ @wayward-warriors​ @themorningtrashcan @izzywinchester @avasparks​ @eve05glee​ ​
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