#Well it effin broke me
bambinotattoo · 10 months
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Hey everyone, I hoper you have a great day today. Treat yourself and each other great today.
So this past weekend I wasn’t feeling that well, not well at all. Which Is kinda rare honestly, either way. Over the last few weeks/days I have been noticing myself experiencing episodes of light headedness and even passed out a time or two. Which is effin scary cause I live along ( future Mommy, now is the perfect opportunity to tell me it’s okay, your here to take care of me!! “A boy can dream”.
So as you can imagine passing out and falling down can be pretty dangerous, actually crashed into my bedside table on Saturday and broke it into PIECES. CHIPPED A BONE IN MY HAND TOO. I’m not a big fan of hospitals and all of that, but thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to go and just make sure things are okay. Being a full time diapered baby, sometimes it can be tricky. I generated speaking will only go if I have a friend or sitter to kind of help be a buffer. Just in case I say something dumb, or someone gets suspicious. I will also usually change into a “Normal” diaper and avoid wearing anything to “babyish”. Just easier that way.
Well, lol, this weekend I was feeling so gnarly that decided they can think what they want…I am coming comfortable and as myself. I was wearing a pink Princess with a booster, a bright blue onesie and some pastel blue full zip and baby patterned pair of footed Jammie’s. Fuck it, right. Lol. As well, the only diaper bag I had packed was my pink clear acrylic see through backpack style one. To put it lightly, it was Halloween in my bubble and boy did I get the stares and looks. I just put my paci in and ignored them. Thankfully the waiting room was fast and I was taken back with in 15-20 minutes
By the time I was escorted back, I had filled my diaper almost to the point of leaking. Hell I was sure the front desk girl could hear me release embarrassed pee pee streams the whole time we checked in. Which always happens. A great way to know if your really got me flustered is immediate bladder evacuation, followed my a beat red face and a goofy smile. The nurse that brought me to my room was trying to mind her own business and just get on with things, but offered to help get me into a gown since there were s many snaps on the Jammie’s. She then discovered the onesie, which of course had been leaked on showing I was blatantly a helpless little pissy pants. I ended up just standing there silent, looking scared to death I’m sure, while this attractive woman near my age stripped me of my baby clothes exposing just my saggy, stinky, diaper. And a pink baby one at that. She looked up at me with a little distaste and I started wimpering. She quickly began to console me and wrapped me in the gown and had me sit down.
“I know it’s none of my business, but that diaper is pretty wet isn’t it”
“Um, y…ye…yea”. As I started getting more upset.
“Hey little guy, it’s okay, it’s okay. Is that your diaper bag over there”
“Um, yes. Yes it is.”
“Okay, here in a lilts while when I get a few seconds would you mind if I changed you?”
This wasn’t the first times something like this happened, it pretty common. Just never had I come to a medical situation with this much ABDL swag before. She just smiled and told me to try and calm down and things would be just fine. She exited the room and I was left alone awaiting the doctor and etc
The first doctor came and went, nothing to crazy, but wanted me to consider seeing a Urologist while there. I sure maybe, but knew it was a no.
Several minutes later and the fist nurse came back in and closed the curtains behind her.
“Okay little guy, let’s get you more comfortable…huh?”
I just nodded and signaled for my diaper bag. I pulled out a Tykeables, my wipes, powder, and desitin as I had been nursing a rash for a few days. She giggled at the powder and ointment and said I need to make sure and change more often to ovoid that. I told her I know, and joked about needing a full time caregiver to make sure.
She actually popped my paci in, gave me a smile and told me to relax, and everything will be done quickly. I couldn’t tell her that I loved being changed without sounding like a creep so I just smirked, laid back, and started rhythmicly sucking my pink pacifier. She got the VERY wet diaper untapped and began to wipe me down with the SUPER cold wipes (I’m used to my wipe warmer). Right as she was going to slide the new diaper unde me and as she was saying
“Okay, life your butt”
There was suddenly commotion near the screen that separated my spread eagle bottom with a diaper being slide under, and anyone walking past and or etc. she immediately shouted
“Hey, hey…I’m busy in here…DO NOT COME IT. Private private stop”
And guess what, they did not stop. To my horror and here annoyance the doctor from earlier and THREE resident doctors started piling in. He saw what was going on and didn’t care at all. I am laying there, more red faced than I had even been while getting a change while the doctors just hung out waiting for her to finish. I tried closing my eyes to block out the more than uncomfortable situation, right up until when the doctor said
“So, why are your wearing diapers that look like that? Aren’t those the like fetish ones people wear?
The doctors and nurse changing me all tried not to laugh.
I wasn’t able to communicate that well through the fog of humiliation but did manage something to the effect of…
“I don’t like it when they leak. These kinds are thicker and make me feel more secure.”
The doctor made his snide remarks the nurse finished up and I was dry, and covered again. After a battery of tests the doctor wasn’t concerned about my passing out and all that, but did want to keep me for 24 hours for observation. I argued and pleaded to not be held over, but the decision had already been made and there was already a bed on the 8th floor being prepared. The nurse that changed me went out above and beyond and explained that she was talk to the nurses station where I’m going and let them know of my special needs, that way there wouldn’t be any confusion. I asked if I could have a friend bring some some supplies because I only had 1 more diaper in my bag and my onesie wasn’t the cleanest. I did, and my friend Ashley who babysat a occasionally was giving to drop by later with a care package.
After getting up to my room I began calming down and accepting the situation I was going to make the best of it. Around that time a nurse I hadn’t met yet comes in knocking and wanted to introduce herself and figure out all the details and etc.
“H there, Eric? Yes hello, my name is Nora and I willl be your nurse tonight and until 6am or so. I hear your an extra special little one, yea? Lol.
I really didn’t know what to say or what she expected me to say, but I just smiled blushingly and nodded my head.
“You really are a shy one, they were kidding. Lol. Okay, so, this is a hospital, I am a nurse, and diapers and changes are absolutely normal and nothing weird! I hear you like the babyish ones and even the cute toddler clothes too”.
Still blushing, she just smiled and started coming near me.
“Well, let’s just see what we have going on, shall we? I will be checking you everytime I’m in the room. So just be prepared for it. Are you used to that or are diapers a new thing”
What ya think, y’all want the rest?
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spongebobafettywap · 1 month
seems like there's a lot of people like that anon who genuinely do not know the destiny and mystique parentage was not only NOT the original parentage for nightcrawler but that was scrapped so early on, we got a decade of stories with claremont that couldn't have made it a thing without completely retconning what he effin wrote. i think what didn't help this were fans who spent two entire decades falsely repeating it so many time like it was a mantra that it got seared into the minds of folks who don't even read xmen (no joke)
i used to be a big fan of a blogger called nathan summers on world press. technically i still am but dude dropped off the map years ago... maybe comics finally broke his heart. he was an old claremont fan at heart and even he knew that parentage wasn't the original one (he also highlighted that the writer who first mentioned it being the original plan wasn't even claremont, it was lobdell). he even gave evidence that claremont might have started thinking about it years after he wrote dofp, after he introduced rogue as being raised by mystique and destiny, after he introduced margali, after he clearly gave mystique a power limit, after he came up with nightcrawler's backstory with the szardos, ... like claremont would be retconning himself with that one parentage. it was thanks to NS that i found out about the nightmare parentage being a thing and his evidence for why it was the first and really original one was editorial interviews at the time (you can still find that trivia fact with a reference on wikipedia pages of nightmare too) and traces of the scraped idea in issues that did come out
it never hit me back then how super weird it was for nightcrawler's backstory from present day to when he was baby to be all revealed in a crossover book with doctor strange. it never registered with me how out of place that was to reveal it here and not in a normal xmen book or story (as opposed to magneto, rogue, madelyne pryor, storm, cyclops, ...). so when NS talked about the nightmare parentage, it all just clicked in my head. the way nightcrawler's inferno went down must have been how that scrapped idea would have went "according to plan" before it was shot down by editorial up until margali was revealed (instead)
then there was another proof NS gave that sealed the deal for me for how the mystique and destiny parentage really wasn't the original idea at all and it was in the same book claremont started giving nightcrawler's backstory
if nightmare was originally the father in the scrapped concept, nightcrawler's biological mother was canonically a poor gal that was just dead because that very crossover literally had her dying right next to him when margali found them. this also answers the age old question of "why is nightcrawler's last name wagner if he was raised by the szardos family who never met his parents?" : it's because margali took him under her care FROM his biological mother as she was dying right before her eyes and said mother probably told her the first name she wanted him to have and his full name to legitimize his parentage
I know but I really just have to stamp it down that it wasn't the original idea because that isn't how chronology works lol, its not even hard to find this information online I found it years ago when I first became a Nightcrawler fan. I don't get why people think Destiny/Mystique was the first idea or some are so invested in that narrative that they just bend over backwards to make excuses of how "well Nightmare was thought of first but um well you see um it was scrapped so early on it can't be the first idea" like what are you talking about? You just admitted it was the first idea.
I don't blame Nathan Summers for dipping out, around the 2010s Comics started an even worse decline as the events became more frequent and storytelling took a backseat. But yeah even on his blog there's some details about Mystique such as making her in her 30s which means at one point Mystique was intended to be closer to Nightcrawler's age which would have made her unable to be his mother. And as you said they originally stated his mother died besides him hence how he had the name Wagner instead of Szardos.
I used to think Mystique was always intended to be his mother but even that is wrong because apparently Cockrum never stated Nightcrawler's mother was Mystique in his pitch to Legion of Superheroes. So yeah Nightmare was originally the only major character that was going to be Nightcrawler's father, his original intended parent was going to be a Demon and he was going to have inherited his mutant side from his deceased mother. That demonic parentage angle for Nightcrawler that these fans hate so much was the first idea for his father by Claremont.
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AUUUUUUAAUUAAOOOOOOO!! NO EFFIN WAY DUDE. WHO BROKE THIS VASE? WHO BROKE THIS VASE? seriously guys. everyone who's here, at my aWEsome PARTY, this HUGE crowd of people, that's DEFinitely here right neow. somebody broke my grandma's vase, and that was the last thing she gAve to me before she DIED. i swear to all things FOOTball and or skayteboarding, that i will fOIND yaou. don't make me cry these inCREDibly manly tyears!!! anyone can speak up here and be a part of the scene. specially those of us who aren't IMAGINED and are actually here on the styage. like, not the peoPLe who are imagined to be here through means of suspension of disbelief. VERY well, i shall conTINYUE searching for the culprit in the next room! (hey stephanie, you wanna bake some cookies?)
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minuy600 · 7 months
The Arcade Games Of 1980 #9 - Crazy Climber
Now, I was originally to put my Checkers review here, but today, something amazing happened. I beat one of the bullshittiest unfair games there is in all of gaming. At least so far. So that's what we're gonna discuss while it's still fresh on my mind.
Whereas Rally-X was the game I hated to like, I *really* like to hate this one. In the game, you climb with some dude who looks like 18-Volt from WarioWare and have to avoid all kinds of obstacles to get to the top of 4 buildings total. The first 3 stages all introduce some extra mechanic that's increasingly hard to avoid, while the 4th and final stage before looping is more or less a 'worst of' with the obstacles they chose.
Stage 1 introduces closing windows, the bird who seems to have a particularly bad case of stomach trouble, the dudes who throw flower pots on your head and a very odd looking King Kong knockoff. Stage 2 adds girders into the mix, my worst enemy, as well as these 'helpful' balloons that barely bring you further in the stage, and a Nichibutsu sign that goes effin' wild and can electrocute you if you're exposed to it's loose wires for too long. Stage 3 has one new addition in the falling signs that conveniently tell you what game you're playing. They can be placed in even more evil ways than the girders and become completely unavoidable at very final stretch of the final stage. See what I mean with unfair?
Nichibutsu decided to be additionally clever by introducting a completely new control scheme to coincide with this new genre of game. You control each arm of your climber guy individually and that means you have to push the joysticks in their right directions so you can go up another floor. It's shaky in execution as i've had several of my inputs taken away, but I much prefer it over having the same old same old done poorly.
If there's any game I wanna compare this to, it's Getting Over It. Extremely frustrating whilst also giving you significant reasons to come back to it to see if the odds play into your favor THIS time. And so I did. For several weeks. I'm done now and I did it legit. That's worth taking to my grave.
The Verdict
Graphics (9): Extremely good for the time. The climbing genre appears to be a completely new concept in gaming and would rarely be revisited later. Ya got a large variety in enemies that all look significantly more detailed than most other games, and ooze personality even if there's not something in the way of named characters. The helicopter, the balloon, even the climber himself, it's all of the utmost quality one can ask for. With the exception of the crazy ape, he's creeping me out with his red eyes and scrungly face. Donkey Kong he ain't. Aside from some minor graphical glitches and the title screen being very whatever, this is close to the peak as to what you can expect from a 1980 title.
Sound (7): One look at the developer would scare the shit out of anyone in the know. Nichibutsu, or Nihon Bussan as it was still called at the time, broke my hearing with their last outing, Moon Cresta. Sincerely awful, droning, weirdly pitched sounds were what held the game back from taking the glove to Space Invaders. But there was potential in that it was very varied in it's awfulness. And that potential gets utilised here! Mostly.
Most events of the game have their own little jingle or noise to coincide with their appearance. The animals and balloon have music, there's a tune at the start and end of each stage. These are actually great, how they managed to get the Pink Panther theme for the ape, I wouldn't know. The climber himself has a handful of voice clips that differ depending on when you're playing the US version or the original. As i've mentioned in the King & Balloon review, neither version is intrusive in the slightest with them. In fact, all of this combined makes me feel i'm playing a 30s cartoon. Kinda awesome!
What isn't awesome are the final remains of the Nichibutsu earsplitters. The girders drop down with quite possibly the WORST choice of sound effect they could've done. It's the type of cartoony shit you'd expect, ya know, something that lowers in pitch as it goes, only it's pitched SO highly and repeats itself SO frequently that it cracks the praise i've otherwise had in half. I can't ignore it either, these girders are *everywhere* from the second stage onwards. You were so close to making the perfect audiovisual experience, guys!
Fun Factor (6): Speaking of girders... fuck 'em in general. And fuck the Crazy Climber sign as well while we're at it. If flower pots sometimes not allowing you to keep balance by holding down on the joysticks wasn't enough, neither of these allow you to survive in general unless you get very lucky with the former. There's also the windows that conveniently seem to shut down in front of you on the thinner parts of the building. You have to anxiously wait for those to open, while there's always a chance the window you're hanging onto closes as well.
No, this game is not for the impatient. Yet still! I can't help myself with continually trying over and over again. It's THRILLING alright. First game in a while that got me sincerely anxious and determined to pull through and stick it to the man. Figuring out a new strat or sidestepping just a little bit faster so I would have more lives remaining at the later death traps, it's that kinda trial and error that would make arcade games increasingly awesome. Lastly, it helps that the game is nice enough to remove the next few floors worth of traps if you die, meaning you are rarely ever completely blocked from progressing. I am not gonna give a high score for obvious reasons, but I can't help myself with letting it get a pass. It sets a very intriguing precedent.
Longevity (7): 4 stages is not a lot, yet they're gruelling and lengthy enough that it feels like a substantial game for the time. More disappointingly(!), once you beat them, the game essentially resets with your data still intact. There's no reason to play past that point unless you wanna max out the score or somethin'. Please do not attempt that. I would've enjoyed a nod that you did so well to come that far by tweaking the existing stages juuuust a tad. Then again, it would've made my victory feel a lot more hollow. Maybe it's for the best not to let this experience drag more.
In Conclusion
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My Top 3 on Taylor Swift's "Midnights" Album
Vigilante Shit
I love drama and the fact that Scooter lost his wife cuz he cheated and he's involved in many lawsuits for fraud is hilarious to me. Also, bad bitch Taylor adding about song to my Bad Bitch Taylor playlist.
Again... I love drama. This song immediately reminded me of This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things from reputation. That song was about certain people ruining something good they'd been allowed to have, and Taylor being sassy and dramatic about not forgiving them.
This song evokes the same image, and probably about one of those people still, plus a new person. She was right. She did no wrong. She went through hell. But now everything on her end is effin great and the subjects of the song are dealing with divorce, Nazi allegations, fraud, and failure at every corner whenever they try to make a lucrative move.
Taylor says she took proof to a man's wife about him cheating and not only is she now friends with the wife, but the wife got all the nice shit in the separation.
I just really love this. The funeral scene will forever elevate this song for me from now on.
As usual, Taylor delivers a stunning piece of work. Enough to break the Spotify all-around records for daily artist streams, debut day streams, and overall overtook Drake's record with just the base 13 songs, not even including the additional streams she got from the deluxe tracks she surprised released.
She also broke Apple Music and iTunes records out the ass. And is set to debut with over 1 Million physical CD sales. She'll be the first person to do so ever since her own album reputation earned a 1 Million release week of its own. Billboard revealed she'd sold 800,000 physical CDs on the very first day of the tracking week and just this morning the estimated number of sales rose even higher with new data. She broke the record for vinyl sales and I think the record for cassette sales as well.
This is massive because we're in the height of the streaming era. Music is the easiest to acquire than it ever had been. And streams pay artists pittance. 1 stream on Spotify earn less than a penny. And while Taylor earns more than most artists for having a hand in most of the jobs involved in making her albums, she still doesn't get much for it and the other people involved get way less. Physical sales benefit all creatives involved in the process.
Finally, this was a lot of effort and I'm very proud that it's making people realize that breaking your own records, plus the records of industry darlings, 16 years into your career, isn't normal. It's something to celebrate and further cements her legacy. Enough that multiple publications have recently written about how she left the peers she debuted alongside behind ages ago and has attained status only the biggest artists in the world ever achieved(even likening her to The Beatles, Stevie Wonder, and David Bowie).
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Good riddance
Made a last-ditch effort to reconcile with my friends , well "friends". M sorry they can't take whatever I am doing/ be supportive/ have to get so eww about it. Well I call it good riddance <3
Honestly, it was high time that i made this change for myself. The right people stick, and I know that I have done everything I could so lol I ain't feeling guilty about this. And I say it to my mom, ill say it to myself, Karma is real and it's a bitch. I am just going to let it do its work while I sit back and become the boss bitch I am.
I know that i am meant for such greater and such humbling experiences. I have my life ahead of me, I ain't letting them dragging me down because of what ? Some emotional attachment ? Lol in my dreams. People should stop giving themselves so much credit. Wait until you are broke and unprepared for what's coming.
I am going to let this force be my drive and I am going to be so successful and I am going to put myself first, and good things will come to me. I am going to be so effin kind and so effin giving to everyone around me, I don't need their opinions, their bad vibes, the negative energy, nuh-uh. I am so blessed to have my family, to have my other supportive friends, to have a wonderful boyfriend, I will get through this. Aint this being even a drop of ink in my legacy.
I am going to put up buildings, I am going to be that effin bitch, the "goal" and I am going to be the one who everyone wants to be like. Fuck them, and Fuck their audacity to make me feel uncomfortable in my skin. The only reason u skinny is cos bitch u cant keep the food in ur stomach with all that sadnes in your life.
i wish the very best to everyone! Karma gonna do all my work <3
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sagesparrow394 · 4 years
You know your too deep in the TS fandom when your first reaction to seeing things that surprises you is to say “No effin’ way dude!” Which then leads to you launching into the whole vase monologue
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darth-does-stuff · 3 years
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BROOOOOOOO! No effin' way, dude! Who broke this vase? Who broke this vase? Seriously, guys. Everyone who's here at my awesome party... this huge crowd of people that's definitely here right now... Somebody broke my grandma's vase. And that was the last thing she gave to me... before she died! I swear to all things football and/or skateboarding... that I will find you. Don't make me cry these incredibly manly tears! Anyone can speak up here and be a part of this scene. Especially those of us who aren't imagined and... are actually here on the stage. Like, not the people who are imagined to be here through means of suspension of disbelief. Very well, I shall continue searching for the culprit in the next room! Stephanie, you wanna bake some cookies?
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poemsforparker · 2 years
Hi! First time requesting something. Sorry if I’m a little awkward. I was wondering if you could write a little something where reader (preferably gender neutral) plays an instrument and Matt hears them playing for the first time?
with every guitar string scar on my hand
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pairing: matthew murdock (daredevil) × gn!reader
a.n.: It's not awkward at all, darling! I'm flattered I'm the first person writing a request of yours! ‹3 I nearly melted picturing this scenario, literally so effin cute. I pictured reader playing this song on the guitar (it's one of my absolute favourites and it deserves more recognition!!)
I did a whole background for this because when the subject is Matt Murdock my mind goes places, I'm sorry if it is too much.
no warnings for this one.
word count: 0.8k
Foggy and Matt spent the whole afternoon at your place to help you on making your opening arguments for an upcoming trial, it would be a really big deal in your career and you called the best lawyers you could think of to give you a hand.
You were not a part of the Nelson and Murdock firm, however, without thinking twice, they always helped you out when you called. You went to college together, you even had a past with Matt - a subject none of you felt brave enough to bring up these days, stupid young mistakes made you grow apart, and both of you would be absolute liars if you said you didn't still feel a thing for each other, specially keeping more in touch now days.
You didn't speak to him for years after you two broke up, you didn't blame him, and he didn't blame you, it was really just a matter of two immature and stubborn people trying to deal with their - way too strong - feelings at a young age, and failing.
But you kept in touch with Foggy, and by extension, with the time, Matt and you also got back what you had before your very troubled relationship, you worked well, had common tastes and deep trust on each other even after years without touch.
You felt like he could tell by some sort of sixth sense that you were trustful, for whatever reason, you were he did.
It all pieced together when he told you about Daredevil, and how he did know when someone was lying. You got mad, but still, that brought you even closer to him, with higher senses or not, you trusted deeply on each other and you felt special when he told you this.
Which brings you to now, sitting on your bed humming to a song on the guitar and fully forgetting that Matthew Murdock was still in your house.
He claimed he needed some more time reading what you came up with for the opening argument and said he'd be running it over in his head and tell you if he found anything to work upon, you went to your room to give him some space to think and seeing your guitar there hanging, in order to pass some time, you took it.
After what you judge at least ten minutes of trying to remember the lyrics and playing with the chords you jump back in your bed when you see Matt with crossed arms, bending to the side on your door, concentrated on your music.
“Jesus Christ, Matthew you scared the shit out of me.” You place your hand on your heart and try to get your heartbeat back to normal - uselessly. Suddenly bothered that he could tell your pace was faster.
“I'm sorry.” He says between a laugh showing his perfectly lined teeth. "I thought you could see me here this whole time. I couldn't really tell where you were looking at, you know." He points at his glasses.
“Yeah, I know.” You smile at him. “I just completely forgot you were here for a second, you were way too quiet.”
“Vigilante life side effects, I guess.”
“Let's say that.”
“You play really well.” He points at the guitar. “And sing.”
“Oh, please.”You feel your face heating up. “That's probably the worst performance you've ever heard. And with higher senses? You too nice.” You play.
“Remember how you promised me someday I'd see you play?” You freeze at the sudden mention of your past with him, leaving his lips like it was nothing. You both have been dancing around that subject none stop since you got back in touch. Of course you remembered.
“I guess I'm good at keeping my promises.” you say, a little bit sharper than you wished for, seeing his face fall. “I'm sorry" you start “I didn't mean it to come out that way.”
“It's okay."
There's suddenly a comfortable silence in the room, it's like the memories Matt brought back by saying less than ten words were too much to take in and think of something to speak at the same time, so you just stop to think about it.
You take a moment to look at him. To really look at him, after so long. And he did still look fucking gorgeous.
So you kiss him.
You wish you could tell Matt was surprised by your actions, but - ironically - it's like he could see it coming. And he welcomes you as best as he could. Cupping your cheeks and sliding his tongue into your mouth like you never stopped doing this, like it's where you belong the whole time.
And maybe it was.
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x-ladyathena-x · 3 years
Dean Winchester x Reader
Multi-POV (mostly reader POV with some Dean POV mixed in for clarity and understanding of the situation)
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Fluffy Smut, Smutty Smut, idiots in love
Word count: 4k - Buckle in, it’s a long one! (that’s what she said?)
Summary: An evening at the bunker planning your next hunt takes a romantic & steamy turn as you and Dean confess your feelings for each other.
You’d just finished a hunt and made it back to the bunker. Tired and exhausted, you see Dean at his computer, probably researching the next job.
“Welcome back, Sunshine!” he yells across the massive room, eyes never leaving his computer screen.
You roll your eyes at the pet name, but laugh at the same time. “Smartass.” You mumble under your breath at him.
“Aww, you’re the sweetest, y/n” Dean smirks at you with his goofy fake cheesy grin.
After a little playful banter back and forth, you unload your gear and slump down into a chair at the table that Dean is sitting at with his laptop.
“whew! I’m beat.” You say, rubbing your eyes.
Dean Drains the last bit of the beer he’d been sipping on and gets up for another. He holds up his empty bottle, “want one?”
“yeah, grab me one too.” You say, thinking about the ice-cold deliciousness awaiting you.
Dean walked back to where you were seated. You’d pulled out your laptop by this point and had started running a map spread.
He walked up, opened your beer for you and presented it to you like a waiter in a fancy restaurant would present a bottle of Champaign. “Your beverage, ma’am.” Dean says with a slight bow.
You laugh and take the beer. While you throw your head back, savoring that first sip, you don’t notice Dean watching you with a little smile on his face from having made you laugh.
You set your beer down. “Ok, come look at this.” You say. You’ve got the map pulled up on your screen.
Dean comes up behind you. He places one arm on the back of your chair, the other balancing his weight on the table. You’re acutely aware of how close he is to you. Your body stills. The world around you slows, moving in slow motion. You can feel him hovering right over your shoulder and it feels like an electric charge coursing through your skin.
You swallow. “Right here.” You say, pointing to the screen. “we’ve got intel on vamp nests; here, here, there, and way over here. I think we should begin with this one.” You say pointing to the blue dot. “But I’m not sure when we should hit the others.”
Dean leans forward. He moves his hand from the back of the chair to your shoulder. His fingers graze the skin of your exposed neck. He points to the screen with the other hand. “Well green would definitely make sense to hit after blue. But, as for red and yellow? Shouldn’t make much of a difference which of those we hit after that.” His hand was still on your shoulder and he gave it a quick squeeze. “See? Easy as pie!”
He stopped, hesitating, and looked down at where his hand was. His eyes suddenly became hungry.
Dean slowly began trailing his fingers along the exposed skin on your neck. You leaned into his touch, his hands – his hands! You could feel the strength and power in them at their touch. Oh, that rough touch. It set every molecule in your body humming. When you let out a small groan of pleasure, you could have sworn you felt deans body waver for a moment.
Gently, he moves a wisp of hair that had fallen down the nape of your neck. Taking his time, he allowed his fingers to brush through your hair, making goosebumps appear on your skin.
You shudder and bring in a short gasp of breath at the light, deliberate touch. Gah… this man could bring you to your knees with one touch. Just melt you into a puddle.
Umm, wake up, y/n! you think to yourself. You’re a badass hunter. Humans and creature alike literally fear your name! And here you are melting at the touch of (of all people) Dean effin Winchester… Ugh, get it together, y/n!
You’d never told anyone but you actually really liked Dean. A lot. He’d been on your mind more than usual lately. Maybe it was all the time you two had been spending together? He was fun and funny. And Charming… Oh yea, charming. So charming he just loved charming his way into the pants of every girl he met. You felt your teeth clench at the thought.
Am I jealous? Is this jealousy? You think to yourself. Jealous… jealous of what? Nothing. Something? You didn’t know why you felt that way. Dean wasn’t yours, after all. You knew he only saw you as a friend. Someone to joke around with, hang out with on your days off. He’s made moves on other girls. If he were interested in you, he’d have tried to make a move already. But he hadn’t. Just a little light hearted flirting, but you knew that was his personality. So that’s that. But- but, this?
What was this? What was happening right now?
Dean leaned down and pressed his lips to the back of your neck, resting his forehead against your hair. A deep sigh and the soft flutter of eyelashes tells you that he closed his eyes as he breathes in your scent.
Was this it? Was he making his move? The feel of his face nuzzled in your neck lit a fire burning in your belly. Him. You wanted him. Needed him. And his body language suggested that he wanted you just as bad.
“Dean...” you say breathlessly.
“y/n, I- “
The sound of your name brings you back to your senses somehow.
Making his move. You think to yourself. On you? Who does he think you are?! Some tramp from the bar? How can this man both infuriate and arouse you all at the same time?! This was starting to feel like an emotional roller coaster that you wanted to get off of.
You clear your throat and decide to lay down the law. You needed to let him know that playing around wasn’t your thing. And, of all people, he should know that about you, ugh.
“I’m not one of your conquests. Another one-nighter. So, if that’s what you’re after, you can pump the breaks before you start any of your trusty old sweet talk like honey dripping from your lips.” Mmm… his lips… Snap back to earth, y/n!
He’s smooth, you give him that. And as bad as you’d love to throw him down right here and fuck his brains out, you gather your senses and realize that your self-respect and dignity are more important. But, oh… those lips. The high road sucks.
You take a deep breath, gather yourself, and continue, “I, unlike your long list of hit-em-and-quit-em’s, am a lot of hard work. I require dedication and respect.” You spat the last word out a little more icily than you meant to, but you were seething at the thought of his hands being on anyone else.
Did he just screw some rando less that twelve hours ago? You don’t know. Probably. You clench your fist at the thought.
Dean moves suddenly. Swiftly. Like the predator you know him to be out in the field while hunting. Taking you by surprise, he kneels beside you, grabbing both your hands, turning you sideways in the chair to face him. He looks up at you with deep sadness in his eyes.
“Y/n, I- I haven’t. N-not once. Not since I- I realized…”
Dean couldn’t stand it anymore; he couldn’t bear to hear the heartbreak in y/n’s voice. And he did hear it. Even though she tried to cover it; lacing every word with venom. He could still hear it. And it broke him inside.
What makes him good enough to deserve someone like y/n? She was way better off without a messy relationship with him. A relationship that would inevitably end in heartbreak. Heartbreak for one of them. Because in this life, the life of a hunter, having your heart ripped to shreds by the loss of a loved one was part of the reality. He was so scared to allow himself something good.
Good? Why do I deserve good? He thought. Maybe death and loss are part of everyone’s reality. Maybe, just maybe he was making the pain worse by fighting this… Maybe she, like him, was also scared. Would she even feel the same if he told her? What would he say? That he’d been in love with her for, well, he wasn’t sure when it happened. They’d always playfully flirted with each other. Sometimes she stole his beer, took a few sips, and handed it back. He liked the idea of putting his lips where hers had been. Dean imagined about how she would taste. He- he needed to tell her. Tell her everything.
Why was he making himself so miserable? This had to end, he was being stupid. It was his own fault for not confessing sooner. Dean gathered his courage. In one fluid motion, taking y/n by surprise, he knelt beside her, took her hands in his, and turned her body to face him.
Dean looked up at y/n. There it was. A mixture of torment, sadness, and longing. All weakly camouflaged by an icy look in her eyes.
“Y/n, I-“ Dean froze. I, what? Come on, spit it out, man! You’ve got this. “I haven’t.” Haven’t what?! Words. What are words? “N- not once. Not since I- I realized…” shit. Dean froze again as y/n’s breath quickened. Her eyes wide, listening to him speak. Her nails unknowingly digging into his palms in nervous anticipation of what he was trying to say. Why couldn’t he just spit it out?!
You feel your pulse racing. You’re hanging on to every word pouring from those perfect lips. Every. Word. As your gaze dances across painfully beautiful green eyes, your expression softens.
“Not since I realized I love you.” Dean finishes in a low, rough voice.
Your breath catches in your throat. Is this real? Are you breathing? Did Dean just say what you think you heard him say?
“Y/n, I love you. And I have for a long time now.”
You release a big breath that you didn’t even know you were holding. Gently you lift his rough hands up to your mouth, brushing your lips across his calloused knuckles.
Unable to speak, you keep your hands on his as he reaches up to your cheek to wipe away a single tear. Am I crying?! You think to yourself. Apparently. Yes. The rush of emotion and relief that you’re feeling, knowing that he feels the same way that you feel keeps you tongue tied.
Your reaction to his words was the catalyst Dean needed to keep going. He continued, “I love you. I haven’t been with anyone for a while now. Not since I realized that you were right in front of me the whole time. Exactly what I’ve been searching for.” Dean was on both knees by this point.
As if Dean were searching for the next words he wanted to say, his head dropped down against his hands (which were still holding yours in your lap) and he drew a shuddering breath.
You could feel his soft hair against your leg. Why does he have to be so damn sexy?! As he composes himself, you reach out and run your fingers through his hair. His head jolts up at your touch. You smile at him, “I love you too, Dean. I just never knew you felt the same. Why are you only telling me now? Why hide it for so long?”
“I didn’t want to hurt you. Or lose you.” He whispered as he looked up at you through his lashes.
“Hurt me? Uh, didn’t ya think this whole ‘apparent unrequited love’ thing was killing me too?” you say sarcastically with a smirk. But in truth, that wasn’t fair to Dean. Because he didn’t know how you felt either. You’d never told him. Sure, you always flirted with each other and you found him insanely attractive and hot. Especially when he got protective over you during a hunt, or some creep at the bar. How many nights did the two of you stay up laughing at each other’s stupid jokes and throwing back a few beers? You’d always enjoyed each other’s company.
You repeat yourself, but softer this time, with longing in your voice. “Why now, Dean? Please. Tell me.”
“Because I was tired of denying myself the one good thing that ever came into my life.” He said heatedly. “Because I can’t think when I’m around you. You drive me absolutely fucking crazy, y/n. I can’t sleep without thinking of you. I can’t eat, hell, I can’t even put a beer to my lips without wishing it was you that I had at my lips. I want. No. I need you in my life. By my side. I need to - taste you. Breathe you. Y/n, I know I’m not the only one that feels this way. I see it in your eyes, I see the way you look at me. And I’m scared shitless of how deep these feelings go. This-“ Dean gestured between the two of you, “Is something that I never even knew it was possible to feel.
Without skipping a beat, Dean put his hand behind your head and pulled you into his lips. It was a tender kiss. Gentle, soft. You could feel the fire growing inside you. He felt so good. Your hands found the stubble on either cheek as you kissed him back. His tongue slipped inside your mouth and found yours.
The kiss became more forceful, and full of need. You didn’t want it to stop. It couldn’t stop. If it did stop, that may be the end of the world as you know it.
Dean stood, pulling you up with him as he wrapped both arms tight around your waist. He began running his hands over every surface of your body he could reach. He pulled you flush with his body, never breaking apart your lips. You could feel the heat radiating off him. You ran your hands down his powerfully muscular back. This. This man. Him. Dean. Dean is what you want.
Dean broke the kiss apart. “I love you, y/n. I love you so damn much it hurts.” He said, his voice breaking.
“I love you too, Dean.” You say, smiling up at his face, tangling your fingers in his hair.
With a small grunt, Dean lifts you up by your ass and you instinctually wrap your legs around his hips. You feel a growing bulge in his jeans. You pull his face back in to yours. You can’t think straight, you want him so bad, you can taste it. Your core is aching with need. The need for him growing more intense. Only he can quench this fire burning you up.
Dean carries you clumsily down the hall to your room. Your arms still entwined around each other, holding each other together, holding the universe together.
Once inside Dean puts you down and you both stand there, staring at each other, breathing heavily. You both suddenly fly towards each other. Grabbing and pulling clothes, pulling each other’s lips down hard on your own. You unbutton Deans blue jeans and he unclasps your bra. Your t shirt and shorts long forgotten somewhere on the floor.
The feeding frenzy of ripping each other’s clothes off slows to a savory pace as you tug and pull off Deans pants, leaving nothing to hold down the massive tent in Dean’s boxers.
He pulls the straps of your bra from your shoulders, slowly. When the cold air hits your nipples, they perk instantly Dean lets out a sharp hiss. “Oh, y/n.” He teases the soft flesh. First with his thumb, then with his mouth. As you feel his tongue against your skin, you let out a sigh of pleasure. His eyes dart up to your face. He lifts his head and softly kisses you on the mouth. “I would love nothing more than to throw you onto this bed and fuck you senseless right now.” Dean said with a growl, but then his expression softened. “But if this is too much, we can stop. You’re in charge… as per usual.” Dean laughs at his own joke and you playfully smack him on the arm, grinning.
“Hey now!” you say laughing, “I’m not always in charge when we do hunts.”
Dean rolls his eyes and says sarcastically, “Yea, ok. Sure…”
You lean in and plant a kiss on his neck, “Well, I guess – since – I’m the one – in charge,” you say playfully between kisses. Trailing them down his chest and belly, stopping at his boxers. His erection obvious. “Then, I’ll accept nothing less than-“, you pull his boxers down revealing his full length. You flash your eyes up to his. He’s hungrily watching you, “-being fucked senseless.” You say as you take him into your mouth.
She was so fucking beautiful. Perfect. The most perfect thing he’d ever seen. As y/n started bringing her kisses down his torso, Dean could feel his erection stiffen even harder. When she stopped to pull down his boxers, he could feel his shaft weeping with anticipation.
He was so worried that he had crossed a line earlier. It totally took him by surprise that y/n wanted him just as badly as he wanted her.
“Well, I guess, since I’m the one in charge, I’ll accept nothing less than being fucked senseless.” Y/n said as she looked up at him with a mischievous sparkle in her eye. Damn! She was so hot. Dean had never been this riled up by anyone before. Oh, if that’s what you want, Baby, then that’s what I’m gonna-
Dean wasn’t able to finish his thought stream. Y/n had taken his whole length into her mouth. “Oh FUCK!” Dean screamed out, grabbing y/n by the hair. He slowly began to guide her head at the pace he wanted. Her tongue, her mouth, her! She was about to make him come already. Dean pulled himself out of her mouth. “Bed. Now.” He commanded with a sly smile.
Y/n laughed, “whatever you say, Baby.” As she climbed onto the bed, she did a dramatically slow striptease style crawl that made Dean’s erection throb.
Dean crawled up her body, kissing every inch of her he could reach. Y/n made a little pleasurable whine as dean kissed her thighs while he pulled down her lacy black thong. Her center was absolutely dripping wet. Dean wanted to live between those perfect thighs. Spend years there, never come back to reality. Was time even moving at all? What day is it? What year is it? He didn’t care. None of those things mattered. None of it mattered because he had his y/n. His. Mine.
The only thing that existed was the two of them.
Dean dove his face between y/n’s thighs to her soft center. She tasted like Spring sunshine. Dean took his time, savoring every shudder that ran through her perfect body. Every gasp, scream, and moan that came out of her perfect mouth. She was getting close to coming.
Your whole body is on the brink. Every move dean makes brings you closer to the edge. You need this release and you need Dean to give it to you. You feel yourself climbing, building, then suddenly – the earth shatters around you. You scream “Dean! Oh, DEAN!”
Dean keeps going while you ride out the high, he slowly brings you back down. You sigh, “Dean that- that was- I-“ you have no words. He seems to understand what you’re trying to say because he smiles.
“I’m not done with you yet.”
Your heart and core flutter at his words.
He climbs between your thighs, positioning himself at your entrance. You place your hands on his hips and start to guide him in. With one smooth powerful thrust, he slides his whole length inside you, filling you up, stretching you in the most delicious way. You both gasp. He smiles and kisses your forehead.
His pumps start slow at first, then become more deliberate, more powerful. You love the protectively dominate power he radiates as he’s on top of you. Dean is a MAN. And he feels good. He feels so damn good. You start to feel yourself building again to what you knew would be another earth-shattering orgasm.
Dean found his rhythm and savored every movement, every stroke. He could stay here for ages.
As you feel yourself building, your need for him grows stronger. Dean... He was yours. And you were greedy for more of him. As his rhythm quickened, you dug your nails into his ass pulling his thrusting hips toward you with more force at each thrust. He catches the hint.
Without ever breaking the two of you apart, he flips you over onto all fours and doesn’t hold back. His urgency makes you cry out in pleasure. “Baby, yes! That’s it!”
“You want more? You want me to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before?”
“YES!” you scream, reaching around and slapping his thigh. That does it. He unleashes himself. You hear him roar with pleasure, holding onto you so tightly, pulling you against him so fast and hard. The sound of flesh slapping echoed around the room mixed with both your cries of pleasure.
“Baby, I’m about to come!” you pant.
“Come on. Come for me Baby.” Dean says breathlessly. “I want to know that I’m the one to make you come.”
Dean was talking out of his mind in the throes of ecstasy. The thought of y/n coming… of him coming inside her, was throwing him over the edge. Just as he felt himself going over, he felt y/n tighten around him.
Just as you feel Dean twitching inside you, you feel yourself tighten around him. The sheer power of your shared climax hit you both like a freight train.
When you felt him pull out, you felt empty with his warmth gone. Dean lays back on the pillows and pulls you into his arms. You settle yourself in the warmth and comfort of his body. Dean absent mindedly plays with your hair as you lay your head on his chest and you both breathe heavily while you float back down to reality.
“Dean?” you say softly.
“That was amazing. Absolutely amazing.”
Dean chuckles and kisses the top of your head. “Glad I could be of service.”
He’s such a smartass, you think to yourself laughing. “I’m sorry I wasn’t more honest with you either.” You say, picking up your conversation from earlier. “I know I’m partly to blame for this dance we’ve been doing around each other for - who knows how long.”
“No, you were right. I should have just nutted up and told you how I felt. It just crushes me to think that I was causing you pain because you thought I was seeing other people.”
You absent mindedly draw circles on his chest with your finger. “I don’t know, I suppose we’re both to blame. I mean, look at this mind-blowing sex we could have been having all this time.”
This coaxes a real laugh out of Dean, and you feel his chest moving up and down from the laughter. But then he stops and you see a seriousness wash over his face. The same pain you saw in his eyes earlier, but maybe – perhaps you are imaging it – less pain, more - hope?
“I meant everything I said earlier.” Dean says in a husky, deep voice. “I am scared shitless to lose you, or to know that I’d be the source of your pain if you ever lost me. I mean, hell we’re hunters, we know how this ends eventually.” Still holding you tight, Dean continues, “I guess, If I’ve got one life to live, even if it’s a short one, I want you by my side. Always. I want you. All of you. The sassy you. The smartass you. The bossy you. The…” he paused to run his thumb across your lips, “The incredibly sexy you that I can’t keep my hands off of.” Dean smiles “I didn’t know that happiness like this, or these – feelings - were even possible to feel. And that’s just it. You made me feel. You pulled me out of a darkness that I didn’t even know I was in. You made me – free.”
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arctic-comet · 3 years
Osblaineweek 2021, Day 1: The Moment I Started Shipping Them
In the traditional sense I shipped them from the beginning. I thought he was cute, clearly liked her and that they’d probably have sex. So I was like “Cool, why not?”
Click "Keep reading" for some picspams and meta!
I love it how she's clearly checking him out in their first scene together, but is obviously too scared to do it openly. They're not exactly friends, but have noticed each other in the sexual/romantic sense and she's not afraid of him, so he must've been nice to her even before. We don't know much of her life in Gilead at this point, except that it's effin terrible. And yet this scene proved to me that June wasn't totally dead inside, that some normal parts of her psyche were still alive and well and functioning. I think I actually laughed a little at how cliched the scene was, because hey, something totally normal is happening in this awful place! It was both jarring and really wonderful at the same time.
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Contrary to what many others apparently thought, I never believed Nick had any ulterior motives for wanting a relationship with June, or that he was somehow tricking her or using her for nefarious purposes. In fact, I always thought he didn’t believe in Gilead and that if he was truly up to something bad, he had sooo many opportunities to hurt June, and he didn’t take any of them! He could’ve had her killed or at least sent to the Colonies multiple times, but nothing happened.
By the time he broke up with her in ep 8, I figured he was in love with her and and that she was on her way to falling for him as well despite still fondly remembering her marriage. I still wasn’t sure whether they were one of the biggest love stories on TV or just a temporary ship.
All that changed in episode 10, when he was so moved by the news of her pregnancy that he took a risk and showed his feelings in a place where they could’ve been seen (and were, by Serena). Before that, I wondered if June would be able to develop a positive relationship with the baby she was carrying, but I had no doubts after this. This is when they became a family, and when I think she realized that she truly had feelings for him. Before that she wanted to think he was only a means to an end for her.
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mypunkpansexualtwin · 3 years
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Pegoryu week 2021 is here and I have two whole entries that are gonna be done on time! The rest will happen, I promise, they'll just be late.
Anyways! the fic is under the cut and the link is in the reblogs as per usual. Hope y'all enjoy!
“Man, y’know you don’t hafta let Ann bully you like that, right?” Ryuji whispered over to Akira and reached for the flower poking out of his hair. To his surprise, Aki actually batted his hand away with a huff and tucked the thing a little more tightly behind his ear.
“First off, I do have to let Ann bully me. And then I bully back. That’s just what our friendship is,” he explained, not bothering to lower his voice while the girls were off getting more drinks. Not that it woulda made much difference, he was a pretty quiet guy even when he was being obnoxious. Usually. Ryuji cringed as Aki noisily sipped the meltwater from the bottom of his glass and held up a second finger. “Second, I like flowers, thank you very much. And thirdly,” almost against his will, Ryuji’s eyes tracked the swipe of Akira’s tongue across his lower lip as it shifted the straw from one corner of his mouth to the other before he continued, “red’s my color.” Ryuji swallowed.
“Y-yeah. D’you gotta chew your straw like that, dude? It’s kinda... gross.” Gross. That was the word he was trying to hold onto in his brain with both damn hands. Gross. It was gross, dammit. The straw chewing and the obnoxious slurping were habits that usually grated on his brain worse than a Metaverse confusion-and-psychic-attack double whammy. Today, though? Today he barely noticed it, he was too distracted. Maybe it was the heat or the jet lag, or the fact that seeing all these American girls with bikinis and curves that made Ann look downright bland by comparison meant that his brain had glued itself into the gutter. The fact that he almost never saw Akira with his glasses off sure as hell wasn’t helping either, considering the damn things had to be for everyone else’s sake. Under the scruffy nerd look Akira Kurusu was as much of a damn pretty-boy as Yusuke Kitagawa or that asshole Akechi with those effin’ eyes. That was an objective fact that even a guy as straight as Ryuji could see. Hell, if it weren’t for the glasses he’d probably be Shujin’s favorite bad boy--regardless of which way any of the students swung--instead of Ryuji’s fellow delinquent outcast. This wasn’t news to him, but for some damn reason something was different today.
Today, some goddamn wire got crossed in Ryuji’s brain and he kinda wanted to beat its ass. Today, he’d lost track of how many times he’d caught himself staring at those stupidly long eyelashes that any of Ann’s coworkers would kill to have, and the way they cast soft shadows over those perfectly smooth cheeks. Or the way Akira’s usually dark grey eyes looked almost silver in the sunlight. Or how they’d crinkle just a little at the corners when he smiled that soft little hint of a smile that already did weird, mushy things to Ryuji’s guts on a normal day. Or the way his lips were just a little fuller than either of the girls’ were but just as soft-looking. Ryuji wondered if maybe he used some kind of lip balm or something, but one without any color. If it didn’t have any color, would it at least have a flavor--
Ryuji had decided to blame it on that damn flower. Akira stared at him, a little confused, the straw still resting on his lower lip as he breathed out a quiet, “huh?” Then he glanced down at his mostly empty drink and then frowned sheepishly as the realization hit him. “Oh! Sorry, I know that drives you crazy.” Oh right, Ryuji had asked a question and had already forgotten. Akira set the glass on the table next to where Ann had given up and dropped the other hibiscus she’d been hellbent on putting in Ryuji’s hair. He had enough time to grimace at the sad, mangled end of the straw--and the thoughts his traitorous, overcooked brain conjured up about where it had just been--before Aki reached out, swiped the other flower, and tucked it next to the other behind his ear.
If Yusuke were there (because that was what Ryuji needed, more clueless pretty-boys punching holes in his sanity), he’d have his hands up in that finger-frame thing he always did when he was planning out a painting in his brain. The artist would be ready and raring to try and turn Akira into his latest masterpiece... that he’d end up bitching about not being good enough to capture right a week later. That wouldn’t be Yusuke’s fault though, Akira was just weird like that; in every picture of him he just looked like Some Dude, like a background character in his own life, Guy With Glasses #3 or something. But right now, right in front of Ryuji he looked… compelling, or some shit like that. Pretty as a damn painting that you couldn’t help but stare at for a while and contemplate your life, ‘cause that was easier than tryin’ to understand what was in front of you.
“Seriously, Aki?” Ryuji sighed at the second blossom now peeking out of Akira’s unruly frizz. He shoulda kept his damn mouth shut, let Akira keep chewing on his damn straw and drive him crazy in the annoying way and not… whatever this was. It had to be the heat. Ryuji was secretly dying of heatstroke, that had to be it.
“Red. Is. My. Color.” Akira crossed his arms and pouted, and Ryuji had to bite back a laugh at how his best friend had puffed out his cheeks while he sulked. Cute, but a safe kind of cute. Like back at the buffet, in that open kind of way that made Ryuji wonder what Akira had been like as a little kid. That looked like his opening to get things back on track, back to something resembling their usual dynamic.
Ryuji cracked a grin and flicked the bottle that everyone had passed around earlier. “Yeah? That why you didn’t put any sunscreen on, you gonna be the first guy to pull off havin’ a sunburn?” Akira deflated slightly, then snatched the bottle off the table and-- Oh goddammit.
That had backfired spectacularly. Genius move, Sakamoto. You can’t quit ogling your best friend like some kinda weirdo, why don’t you convince him to oil himself up! That’ll help! Effin’ brilliant. Ryuji hastily turned around in his chair and fixed his eyes on the shoreline. He occupied himself with trying to guess how quickly he could sprint to the ocean, and for once he hoped that the water would be cold cold. The girls walking by, all dressed in bikinis that’d look small on skinny little Futaba and were probably held onto those insane curves with more wishful thinking than fabric, might as well have been invisible to him. Since he had apparently pissed off god or something, all he could think about was Akira, very intentionally just outside the edge of his vision, slathering his chest in sunscreen. His incredibly flat chest; if he’d at least had enough bulk on him to have pecs or something, that might have taken some of the sting out of his stupid brain fixating on his leader instead of any of the women who looked like they’d walked straight out of his dreams. Ryuji was gonna set those stupid flowers on fire when he got his hands on them.
He swallowed around a mouth that had gone dry and tried to break the awkward silence that had settled over them. At least, Ryuji sure as hell felt awkward, Akira was usually fine with a little quiet and didn’t seem bothered at the moment. Still, Ryuji had to do something before he went crazy. “Man, I thought Ann was impressive, but compared to these foreign ladies… eh.” Akira snorted somewhere behind him.
“I’m sure she appreciates the break from being leered at,” he deadpanned. “Do you not have anything better to do than check people out?”
Ryuji’s stomach dropped a little as he whipped back around to shoot Akira a dirty look. Sure, he’d felt pretty obvious, but he hadn’t actually been obvious about staring-- Wait. Aki meant the girls. False alarm, no need to panic. “Man, shut up. And don’t even try to tell me you don’t agree. Like, these ladies are massive, the girls back home don’t even compare!” Ryuji snapped. Someone had to be appreciating all these beach babes, otherwise what even was the point of staying out when it was so damn hot?
Akira actually paused and glanced over at Ryuji with a weird look on his face before he sighed and shook his head. “I’m not really interested, honestly.”
“Man, I am gonna rip that tongue outta your head!” Ryuji exclaimed. Seriously, all those lovely ladies going unappreciated had to be some kind of crime. An international one. It was probably too much to hope Ann or Makoto would be taking up the slack, wherever the hell they were. It was apparently definitely too much to hope that Akira would let that comment pass; even if he was quiet, the guy almost always needed the last word.
This time, it was muttered irritably under his breath. “Yeah why don’t you come take it, then?”
“What?!” Ryuji didn’t even bother turning around, he just broke down laughing. “What the hell does that even mean, dude?”
“You heard me,” Akira sounded serious, except for where the last word turned wobbly at the end. And then he dissolved into his own fit of laughter, snorting once before he continued, “I don’t even know, man. I just kinda blurted it out.” The two of them cracked up a little longer, glad to be back to something a little closer to normal--and Ryuji didn’t think Akira’s laugh was cute, it was quiet and dorky and weird, definitely not cute--before Aki caught his breath and then stretched. And sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth.
“You alright, man?” He may not have been able to see Akira’s face with the two of them sitting facing in opposite directions, but Ryuji still caught how his leader had winced when he tried to raise his arm over his head.
Akira nodded. “Slept weird on the plane.” He rolled his shoulder again, then tossed the sunscreen to Ryuji. “At the risk of putting you in tongue-ripping range, can I ask you to get my back?” Ryuji was already up and moving his chair behind Akira, always eager to help his best friend.
“Sure thing, dude.” He had the bottle open and hovering over his hand before his brain caught up to him. Wait. Shit. Bad idea, bad bad idea! If he’d gotten all weird about Akira doing this for himself, how was Ryuji gonna survive getting his own hands involved, especially now that he was thinking about it? But he’d already agreed and if he backed out now, Akira would ask why. He sure as shit wasn’t gonna explain that.
“Earth to Ryuji?” Akira turned his head to peek back at him and… Welp. Apparently this was just Ryuji’s life now. The image of Akira looking over one bare shoulder with those damn eyes just barely visible past the flower petals, his face a little bit pink from the sun overhead, and his lips all flushed and swollen--because, oh right, when Akira didn’t have something to chew on, he’d worry at his lips instead--was seared into Ryuji’s brain. Straight or not, that picture just lived in his head now. And apparently so did about half of his blood, mostly in his face. And the other half… Again, he wondered again how cold the water was. Act natural, Sakamoto.
“Uh, sorry dude. Bottle was stopped up, I got it now!” He laughed nervously as the bottle squirted into his palm with a loud ‘pbblblblt’. Definitely no awkwardness here, no sir. Just a totally normal assist with sunscreen between bros. He was fine. He definitely wasn’t red enough in the face to look sunburnt. Deep breath. He was cool.
...God, he was gonna throw those stupid hibiscuses into the ocean. Hell, from this angle, he could probably grab them and slam them into one of the mostly-empty drinks before Akira could stop him. And Aki wouldn’t want to put them back in his hair after they were all covered in sugar water, right? It was a flawless plan. Ryuji was a damn genius.
He was just gonna finish putting on the sunscreen first, ‘cause he was courteous like that. No sense in letting Akira get a weirdly shaped sunburn because he chased Ryuji down for a couple of damn flowers. That was definitely the only reason he was still rubbing his hands down (and down and down) Akira’s back. Smooth and pale and soft, but surprisingly well muscled underneath, Akira’d been holding out on him while they were training. And those damn dimples on his lower back. Had he been wearing his trunks that low a minute ago? Ugh. Ryuji would definitely be going for a swim after this. He winced as he ran his hands back up over Akira’s shoulders.
“Shit, Aki, I think I found that knot in your neck. No wonder you couldn’t do this yourself,” he muttered and dug his thumb gently into the muscle. Akira sucked in another breath through his teeth, but tipped his head forward and let Ryuji work. The damn thing was probably about the size of a ping pong ball, and Ryuji couldn’t help but feel a little guilty every time Akira tensed up or hissed under his breath when Ryuji dug in a little too hard. And a lot guilty at the temptation to just bury his hands in his bro’s hair. But finally, after the longest two minutes of his life, the knot released and Akira…
Akira fucking groaned.
Ryuji was done. He reached out, snagged both of those stupid red flowers--and a little bit of Akira’s apparently insanely soft hair, oops--and stood up to walk away, ignoring his friend’s protests. The ocean could have both of the damn things, and Ryuji right along with them. He was done. Unfortunately Ann and Makoto had chosen that exact moment to return with fresh drinks, cutting off his escape route. Effin’ great.
“Aaannnnnn, Makotoooooo,” Akira whined as he draped himself dramatically over Ryuji’s shoulders, halfheartedly reaching out to try and reclaim the hibiscuses. “Ryuji deflowered meeee--” Makoto’s face fell into the most unimpressed look any of them had ever seen from her, Ann snorted loud enough that it sounded painful, Ryuji about jumped out of his skin with an indignant yelp that probably could have been heard back in Tokyo, and Akira continued whining undeterred, “--make him give it baaaack.”
Ann had doubled over cackling, and didn’t seem to care that she’d just sloshed about a quarter of one of their drinks onto the sand when she did. “I- I don’t- *snrk* I don’t think it w-works like tha-ha-ha-ha-at!” She managed despite howling with laughter so strong that it looked like she was gonna fall over. Makoto had set her two drinks down long enough to drop into one of the empty chairs and bury her face in her hands with a long, drawn out sigh.
“Why are you two like this?” She glanced up long enough to shoot that tired, unimpressed look up at Akira and Ryuji.
“Hey, don’t look at me!” Ryuji all but shouted as he shrugged Akira off of him and started stomping down towards the water, flowers still crushed in one fist. “This is all on him this time!”
God, Hawaii was off to one hell of a start.
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Tumblr media
AUUUUUUAAUUAAOOOOOOO!! NO EFFIN WAY DUDE. WHO BROKE THIS VASE? WHO BROKE THIS VASE? seriously guys. everyone who's here, at my aWEsome PARTY, this HUGE crowd of people, that's DEFinitely here right neow. somebody broke my grandma's vase, and that was the last thing she gAve to me before she DIED. i swear to all things FOOTball and or skayteboarding, that i will fOIND yaou. don't make me cry these inCREDibly manly tyears!!! anyone can speak up here and be a part of the scene. specially those of us who aren't IMAGINED and are actually here on the styage. like, not the peoPLe who are imagined to be here through means of suspension of disbelief. VERY well, i shall conTINYUE searching for the culprit in the next room! (hey stephanie, you wanna bake some cookies?)
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im-actually-ok · 3 years
Hey Idk if you’re taking asks!! But I have a really important one.
Who broke this vase? Who broke this vase?
BROOOOOOOO! No effin' way, dude! Who broke this vase? Who broke this vase? Seriously, guys. Everyone who's here at my awesome party... this huge crowd of people that's definitely here right now... Somebody broke my grandma's vase. And that was the last thing she gave to me... before she died! I swear to all things football and/or skateboarding... that I will find you. Don't make me cry these incredibly manly tears! Anyone can speak up here and be a part of this scene. Especially those of us who aren't imagined and... are actually here on the stage. Like, not the people who are imagined to be here through means of suspension of disbelief. Very well, I shall continue searching for the culprit in the next room!
Stephanie, you wanna bake some cookies?
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ftstorm · 3 years
My take on 5x10
Welp, that was a big one!
You know, before going into this episode I reminded myself this was the first episode of a new era, the first episode completely made by the new team.
So with that in mind my expectations were "Okay, let's see what they've got."
And oh boy did they surprise me.
DISCLAIMER: this text post is long af, not kidding.
You guys have no idea how glad I am that we got Mac doing a usual MacGyvering in his house. It's been ages since they implemented this format of showing his dynamics outside Phoenix and around his house.
I wasn't worried about the proposal thing at all. Guys, you have to accept that MacRiley was always going to happen after that 4x04 episode.
There was also the fact that this was the intro scene (usually the most important plot issues happen in the outro scene), Bozer's weird reaction and the melancholic audio cue.
If that proposal was happening, they would've made it more uplifting.
(I gotta say that watching Monica Marcer and the official MacGyver account making damage control in Twitter 3mins into the episode was a funny experience)
So my initial questions about Mac wanting to propose were: "what are his motivations?" and "how is this not going to work out by the end of the episode?"
The second question we got the answer later on. The first question remains unanswered. If we take on Mac's words, he says:
Mac: Unexpected, I know, I know. But that's why I like about it. You know ever since I lost my dad and Jack I've been thinking about the bigger picture. A commitment to make things work it's exactly what Desi and I need. A grand romantic gesture. *cue melancholic music*
Here we're presented with a bunch of things worth analysing, in my opinion.
He's trying to see the "bigger picture" which, for me, it means he's trying to tackle down different issues from his life with one specific, efficient action [the proposal]. Those issues being:
> his current romantic relationship: make is aware they have an inconsistent relationship > his performance at work: he needs balance between his personal affairs and his work, which is based on saving the world in a daily basis and for that he needs to be focused. > dealing with his past losses: to my understanding, saying "ever isn I lost my dad and Jac I've been thinking about the bigger picture" means that he doesn't want hopelessness to take over him, he wants to keep on moving and being proactive about his life.
So... you have to understand that in some sort of way, this proposal thing is a signal that Mac is healing. In some sort of way, if you were in Mac's shoes you would see that it was a positive thing for him. A step forward.
The thing is, we [the audience] have an extended understanding of the situation and we know that an engagement would be an incredibly rushed decision.
As well as it is that Mac's trying to move forward, he obviously hasn't been able to pinpoint the true issue behind his relationship with Desi. He isn't wrong about them lacking in the commitment department, but forcing the relationship to scalate isn't the right move. He should be asking himself: "Why are we avoiding commitment?"
And that's when he'd find out that they have very deep and important trust and communication issues.
2. Moving on. MURDOC.
Russ: I can process it more efficiently by having it all spread out ahead me, you know. I reckon see the bigger picture at once.
This is when I realized that the episode was centered on this whole "bigger picture" idea. Russ struggles to see the full picture until the very end and Mac finds out that he hasn't been seeing the full picture of his life at all by the end of the episode.
Fast forward, the team's in Mexico, Riley knows about the ring already and she has already had the talk with Bozer in which she refers to her feelings for Mac in a past tense.
Then Murdoc appears.
And as if the episode wasn't already a rollercoaster after Mac's reveal, now Murdoc shows up to put everything upside down.
First I gotta say, man Dastmalchian is SUCH A GOOD MURDOC. Excellent actor. The way he delivers his lines, his facial expressions, all of it make an original and very entertaining Murdoc.
He always gives me such a Andrew Scott's Moriarty vibes and I love it.
Secondly, his dynamic with Andrews: *cheff kiss*
I loved how Andrews was so over Murdoc's theatrics, to the point his facial expression screamed "Why did I even reclute this guy" LOL.
Back to the story.
This is something I was hoping it wouldn't happen but at the same time I don't see another way it could've happened which is the explanation behind Murdoc's escape and how Phoenix didn't know about it.
Because what they told us is that the FBI didn't let them in on Murdoc's escape, right? Does that imply that the FBI has a corrupt agent in charge? Does it imply that the order of not letting Phoenix in came from above? Maybe someone with higher clearence than Matty? A politician? Governement conspiracy?
It smells like plot hole, tbh. I feel like the Murdoc's escape is a classic "it is what it is". We'll see if they come back to this in later episodes.
By now we're at the point of the rollercoaster where you're going up and up and up. Your tension building more and more as you're getting close to the drop.
Bozer and Riley's audio was the drop.
You know, during this scene I jumped from my seat, closed my eyes, cringed, squealed, my heart accelarated, forgot how to breathe...
As a person who is a little bit bipolar when it comes to romance (I can be very shy about it or very outspoken about it) that scene made me SO UNCOMFORTABLE.
Imagine having your feelings exposed not only to the person you have feelings for but also his girlfriend who happens to be your friend, your boss and the criminal that's threatening to kill hundreds of people.
I was like: "Not like this!!"
And Mac's reaction didn't help because of the lack of it. I don't know what I expected but his slightly monotone reaction broke my heart.
Thankfully, I've recovered since then and I don't mind that it happened that way.
Still, imagine how suffocating it must've been for Riley. That idea was what made me so uncomfortable and I think that's what they were going for. They wanted to make it as straightforward and awkward as possible.
But it doesn't end there. It's followed by Mac revealing the ring to Desi (and Riley). Mac's in "fuck it" mood and Desi kinda panics.
Little side note here, using GUM and a DIAMOND to break a bullet proof glass... BIG YES. That's an intrinsic MacGyverism.
Then we get a breather from this drama by introducing another drama, Leanna's death.
Bozer's reaction to the news was heartbreaking for my already heartbroken heart.
I have my suspicions as to why they decided to kill her... The other episode completely made by the new team was the Quarantine one (5x06). During that episode Mac and Bozer bond over Bozer's pain. After learning about Bozer's mom, Mac chooses to share a piece of his own pain with him.
So, hear me out, I think they writers are planning to help Mac process his own grief THROUGH Bozer's grief. Keep in mind that we still have a Bozer centered episode coming up.
This is just a theory. I may be wrong, but I think it may be right too.
Back to the episode.
Once again we see a three dimensional Russ. He does something accordingly to his own judgement thinking it's the right decision [hiding Leanna's death], he realizes he screwed up, he gives Bozer a very heartfelt apology about it.
Henry's acting talent shone with this narrative. Actually, most of the actors had the chance to shine THANKS to the NARRATIVE. Murdoc, Andrews, Desi, Mac, Russ and Bozer... they all had their highlight moments (I'll talk about Riley later).
WOW, they aren't brooding, angry, sad or whiny ALL THE EFFIN TIME. ABOUT TIME!
For the third or fouth time in this episode my heart broke again when Mac was friendly towards Riley, after she explained herself. It really felt like he was friendzoning her.
But here's something to point out. Riley visibly relaxed when he reacted that way. What does that tell us?
> She had been so tense up until that point. Imo, she's on the defensive now. You can even see it in her wardrobe, make up and hairstyle choices. They're very contrasting to Riley's most vulnerable moments in this show (like when Audrey broke up with her).
Riley has had a year to sort out her feelings. We see in this episode that she spoke about them in a past tense. Whether she achieved it or not is unknown. We just know that she has at least tried to move on.
> She was mostly afraid of ruining her close relationship with Mac (who's her only family, along with Bozer) and her friendship (?) with Desi. We've seen it over and over again: Riley DID NOT WANT to get in the middle of them.
Keep that in mind as we go in the last scene.
It took me a while to figure out a possible thread of thought inside Mac's mind. Why did he look at the ring and decided to go to Riley's house? It really didn't make sense to me.
One moment he was thinking about his proposal and somehow that lead to him having the necessity to know if Riley still had feelings for him? Why??
My theory is that he went to her apartment for permission.
His question was a way of asking Riley for permission to propose to Desi. It was a way of reassuring himself that proposing was still the right decision.
In a way, he could also be fishing for an excuse to not do it [the proposal].
Because now he has doubts. He's confused, unsure.
Mac asks:
Mac: Hiding your emotions and letting it pass. Did it go away?
What could her answer have been? Here I wanna go back again to Riley being emotionally defensive, added her strong desire of not wanting to be in the middle of Mac and Desi's relationship.
I think she would've said "Yes, it worked."
Because it also lines up with my idea that the love triangle has changed from "Riley's a better match for Mac" to "Mac needs to win Riley's heart".
Riley's done her job. She worked out her feelings. Now it's time for Mac to sort out his humongously messed up internal self and reignite her spark. That's what I think.
Also, if anyone has any idea on how the song that played in that scene relates with the moment please share it with me because I don't really understand the song choice lol.
Desi. I'm not sure what's going on in her mind. She seemed stressed out by the ring, very serious about Riley, lenient with Mac... I'm really not sure.
My guess would be that she doesn't want that type of commitment but she wants to be with Mac yet she can't ignore Riley so does that mean she has to end it with Mac? That's the thought process she may have had? Idk...
I'm glad they let her be mature about it, with no overreactions, no whining, no blaming, nothing of that style that we're used to see in her.
I'm also glad about that moment when she defeats Murdoc and Andrews. THAT'S HOW YOU WRITE A TOUGH DESI. It was filmed with such a gracefulness and elegance. I liked it.
From a MacDesi point of view, she's probably being open minded and giving him space and waiting for him to come back to her... but somehow I got the vibe that she's actually... running away?
Lastly but no less important.
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Sander Sides High School Host Club
Sanders Sides OHSHC-
This is simply a bullet fic for a Sanders Sides version of Ouran High School Host Club. Everyone is Supernatural except for Virgil, and if y’all like it enough, I will turn it into a full fledged fic. Just let me know!!
Original Character= Sander Side -supernatural identity- tattoo that shows supernatural identity Haruhi=Virgil -human- ??? Tamaki=Janus -shapeshifter- dice surrounded by various shapes Kyouya=Logan -vampire- fangs with a moon and cross Hikaru=Patton -Cupid- bow&arrow w/ heart Kaoru=Emile -Siren- musical notes with emoji Hunny=Roman -fae- willow tree and red mushrooms Mori=Remy -sandman- hourglass combines with a sandstorm Renge=Remus -fae- willow tree and green mushrooms
~A bunch of freaking people talking loudly in a freaking library!~
Virgil – [Sigh] ~This place has four library rooms. You'd think one of them would be quiet.~
~How are things in heaven Andy? I can't believe it's been ten years already. I'm beginning to think that rich kids only come to school to have a good time.~
~An abandoned living room. I guess this is the only place I'll be able to study in peace and quiet.~
[Gets buried in an avalanche of petals]
Sides Host Club – "Welcome!"
Virgil– ~When I opened the door, I found the Host Club.~
Janus *background/narration/janus answer to Virgil’s ‘whaaa???’*– "Only those with excellent social standing, filthy rich families, and are supernatural creatures are lucky enough to spend their time here at the elite private school, Sides Academy. The Sides Host Club is where the school's handsomest boys, with too much time on their hands, entertain other handsome boys who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Sides Academy's elegant playground for the super-rich, supernatural, and beautiful."
Virgil – "This is a cult?"
Patton– "Oh wow, it's a new boy!"
Logan – "Patton, Emile, I believe this young man is in the same class as you, isn't he?"
Emile– "Yeah, but he's so shy and quite! He doesn't act very sociably, so we don't know much about him."
Logan – "Hm. Well, that wasn't very polite." "Welcome to the Sides Host Club, Mr. Honor Student."
Janus – "What? You must be Virgil Storm! You're the exceptional honor student we've heard about."
Virgil – "How did you know my name?"
Roman– "Why, you're infamous. It's not every day that a commoner gains entrance into our academy. You must have a lot of nerve to work hard enough to fight your way into this school as an honor student cutie."
Virgil– "Boi, excuse me?"
Janus – "You're excused. You're a hero to other poor people, Storm. You've shown the world that even a poor person can excel at an elite private academy. It must be hard for you to constantly be looked down upon by others."
Virgil– "Ahhh, you’re that type of asshole. I think you're taking this "poor" thing too far."
Janus – "Spurned. Neglected. But that doesn't matter now. Long live the poor! We welcome you poor man, to our world of beauty."
Virgil– "Bitch, bye. I'm outta here."
Patton– "Hey! Come back here BFF Virgil! You must be like a superhero or something. That's so cool!"
Virgil– "I'm not a hero. I'm an honor student. And who are you calling "BFF Virgil!?"
Janus – "I never would've imagined the famous scholar would be so openly gay."
Virgil – "Openly what? BITCH WE’RE ALL GAY! There are no girls at this school! It’s like, a requirement or something!"
Janus *not listening*– "So tell me what kind of guys you're into. Do you like the strong, silent type? Because we don’t have that. We have Remy instead.
Remy- “You got that right babes. Silence is weakness. That’s why I always be slurping Starbees! *siiiippppp*”
Janus- Then there’s the boy Lolita? That’s Pat and Em! How about the princely type, Roman, or the cool nerd type, Logan?"
Virgil– "None! I was just looking for a quiet place to study."
Janus – "Or maybe... You're into a guy like me. *winky winky nudge nudge* What do you say?"
Virgil– "I will slap you. Back away!"
~Joan enters to see what the club was up too, and hears a ‘crackboom’. He turns to the noise, and sees the club standing over his broken vase.
Joan- “BROOOOOOOO! No effin' way, dude! Who broke this vase? Who broke this vase? Seriously, guys. Everyone who's here at my awesome party... this huge crowd of people that's definitely here right now...”
Virgil- *Mumbling* “Oh my go- wait, are they drunk? Why are they talking like that?”
Joan- “Somebody broke my grandma's vase. And that was the last thing she gave to me... to sell for about 75 thousand dollars! I swear to all things football and/or skateboarding that I will find you. Don't make me cry these incredibly manly tears! Anyone can speak up here and be a part of this scene. Especially those of us who aren't imagined and are actually here on the stage.”
Janus, Logan, Patton, Emile, Roman, and Remy all facepalm.
Joan- “Like, not the people who are imagined to be here through means of suspension of disbelief.”
Logan- I do not understand theatre. Joan, you don’t have to practice your script right now! Besides, you literally watched Virgil break it.”
Joan- “True, but I was very convincing! Now, ima go, but y’all should have the new guy do indentured servitude or something, because that’s the typically way a teenager pays for breaking a vase. Bye!”
All- “Bye Joan!”
Virgil- *gulping and looking around the room*"Uh, I'm gonna have to pay you back."
Remy – "With what money? Babes, you can't even afford a school uniform."
Roman – "What's with that grubby outfit you've got on anyway?"
Virgil- “Hmm, don’t like you either asshat.”
Logan – "Well, what do you think we should do Janus?"
Janus– "There's a famous saying you may have heard Virgil, "When in Rome, you should do as the Romans do." Since you have no money, you can pay with your body!”
Virgil- *raises an eyebrow, flips him off, and moves to leave*
Logan- *grabbing Virgil’s arm and pulling him back* “He doesn’t mean like that! He means-“
Janus- * interrupting* “That means starting today, you're the Host Club's errand boi!"
(Scene change)
Virgil– ~I don't know if I can handle this Andy. I've been captured by a bunch of boys that are calling themselves a host club.~ [Indistinct chattering] Brian– "Um, Janus, what's your favorite song?"
Janus– "What song? The one that reminds me of you, of course."
Steve (the stove) – "I baked you a cake today. Would you like to taste it?"
Janus– "Only if you'll feed it to me darling."
Bill (the drill) – "Oh wow. You're so dreamy."
Chad – "May I have a word with you Janus?"
Janus and Bill – "Huh?"
Chad– "I've recently heard the Host Club is keeping a little kitten without a pedigree."
Janus– "I don't know if I'd call him that. Speak of the devil! Thanks for doing the shopping Count Woe-laf! Did you get everything on our list?"
Virgil– "What? If Roman can’t call me that neither can you. Now here’s your food."
Remy– "Hey, wait a minute, what is this?"
Virgil– "Just what it looks like. It's coffee."
Remy – "I've never seen this kind before. Is this Dunkin Donuts?"
Virgil – *rolling his eyes* "Holy fucking shit. It's just Krueger coffee pods. I even got Starbucks brand!”
Everyone– "It's coffee pods?"
Remy – "Whoa! I've heard of this before. It's commoners' coffee. You just place it into a machine."
Steve – "I didn't know there was such a thing."
Brian – "So it's true then. Poor people don't even have enough money to buy Starbucks from Starbucks!"
Chad – "Mm hmm!"
Virgil- “No, it’s just Starbucks coffee pods. For home. It’s convenient you preppy asshats.”
Logan– *winks* "Commoners are pretty smart and convenient."
Roman – "68 cents per pod?"
Patton – "That's a lot less than we normally pay!"
Virgil – "I'll go back and get regular Starbucks. Excuse me for not knowing y’all orders."
Remy – "No, I'll keep it."
Crowd – [Gasp]
Remy– "I'm going to give it a try."
Crowd – [Gasp]
Remy – "I will drink this coffee!"
Crowd – [Applause]
Remy – "Alright Virgil, get over here and make me some of this commoners' coffee."
Virgil– ~I hate all these damn rich people.~
Chad– "Oh Janus, Logan, now they’re taking the joke too far. His palate won't be able to stomach that crap. Y’all don't have to drink it just because he bought it."
Virgil- "With all do respect, what?"
Chad*verychadlike* – "I'm sorry. I was talking to myself."
Virgil– "Bitc-"
Emile– "Virgil!"
Virgil – "Eh, I'm comin'" "Here."
Remy – "Let the tasting begin."
Brian – "I'm a little scared to drink this stuff."
Jon – "I'm afraid if I drink this my father will yell at me."
Roman– "What if I let you drink it from my mouth?"
Jon – "Well then I would drink it."
Guys – [Squealing]
Virgil – ~This is ridiculous.~
(Scene change)
Emile– [Giggle] "So he had a cookie jar hidden in our room."
Patton– "Emile! Don't tell them that story. I asked you not to tell anyone that. Why are you so mean to me?"
Emile– "I'm sorry Patton."
Guys – [Gasp]
Emile – "I didn't mean to upset you, but you were so adorable when it happened, I had to tell them. I'm sorry."
Patton– "I forgive you."
Guys – [Squeal] "I've never seen roommate love quite like that."
Virgil– "What are they so excited about? I just don't get it."
Roman – [dramatic entrance] "Sorry, we're running late."
Jon – "Hello Roman. Hey Remy."
Apollo – "We've been waiting here for you guys, hi"
Roman– "I'm sorry. I was waiting for Remy to finish his party plans and I simply couldn’t leave a man behind! *wrapping his arms around Remy* especially not the handsomest prince in the world!"
Guys – [Gasp] "So cute!" [Giggling]
Virgil– "Is Roman really a prince?"
Logan – "Roman may seem dramatic, but he is a fae prince."
Virgil – "Really? Damn."
Logan– "And then Remy allure is he’s a sassy, coffee-addicted sandman."
Virgil- "Interesting... tell me more?"
Logan- “Well, Emile is a siren. Patton is a Cupid.”
Virgil-*suprised Pikachu face* “seriously?”
Patton– "Vergie!"
Virgil– [Yelp]
Patton– "Hey Virgie, do you want to go have some cookies with me?"
Virgil– "Thanks, but I don't really like cookies."
Emile– "Then how would you like to hold my Stitch?"
Virgil– "I'm not into stuffed animals."
Emile– "Don’t worry! Stitch isn’t a mere stuffed animal! You look stressed. Stitch is enchanted, he brings luck and happiness to the holder.”
Virgil– [Gasp] "Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt?"
Emile and Patton– [Gasp] *REALIZATION!* "Take good care of him, okay?" [Laugh]
Logan– "You'll notice that our club utilizes each man's unique characteristics to cater to the desires of our guests. Just so you know, Janus is number one around here. He's the king. Just don’t tell Roman. Janus’s request rate is 70%."
Virgil- "What's this world coming to? So, what is he?"
Logan- “Janus is a shapeshifter.”
Virgil- “Figures”
Logan– "And in order for you to pay off your 75 thousand dollar debt with us, you will act as the Sides Host Club's errand boy until you graduate. You can try to run away if you want to Virgil, but just so you know, I can find you anywhere you go. By the way, do you have a passport?"
Virgil – "Huh? What does that matter? And how could you find me? You never told me what you are."
Logan: “oh, of course. *smiles slowly, showing fangs.* “I’m a vampire.”
Virgil~eyes widened. Crap. Why does the one I like best have to be the most dangerous?~
Janus – "You're going to have to work hard to pay off that debt, my little emo." [Blow]
Virgil– [Hyperventilating] "Please don't do that again. Fight or flight, I will punch you."
Janus– "You need a makeover or no guys going to look twice at you."
Virgil – "You seem to be looking at me just fine. Besides, I’m not trying to get guys to look at me."
Janus– "Are you kidding me? That's the most important thing. You have to learn to be a gentleman and please the masses, like me."
Virgil– "I just don't think it's all that important."
Janus– "Hm?"
Virgil– "Why should I care about appearances and labels anyway? I mean, all that really matters is what's on the inside right? I don't understand why you even have a host club like this."
Janus– "It's a cruel reality, isn't it?
Virgil– [Grunt]
Janus– "It's not often that God creates a perfect person like moi, beautiful both inside and out."
Virgil– "And vein all around?"
Janus– "I understand how you feel since not everyone is blessed as I am, but you must console yourself. Otherwise how would you go on living? And think about this Virgil. Why do you think they put works of art in museums? Because beauty should be shared with the world, and those born beautiful should-“
Virgil-(~There's a word to describe people like him.~)
Janus- “promote other beautiful things. That's why I started this club in the first place. I did it for those who are-“
Virgil-(~Hmm. What is it?~)
Janus- “starved for beauty. For those working day and night, pursuing beauty. And although
Virgil-(~Aw man, I wish I could remember that word. Hmmm~)
Janus-“your looks may be average, and you have a few negative characteristics, I've chosen to share my expertise with you. Here's a tip. When setting down your glass, extend your pinky finger as a cushion, and that way when you set it down you won't be making a lot of noise. Gentlemen do not make loud sounds. Besides,” Virgil-(~"a pain in the neck"?~)
Janus-“a gentleman looks much more refined”
Virgil-(~No, there's something that fits him perfectly, better than that~)
Janus-“that way. I like to check my reflection.., but above all else ? Virgil, you must remember, how effective a glance to the side can be.”
Virgil- “Ha. I got it!”
Janus-“Oh, did I strike a chord?”
Virgil- You’re Obnoxious!"
Virgil – "Uh, I'm sorry Janus. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings."
Roman and Remy– [Laugh]
Roman– "You're a hero alright."
Remy – "Uh-huh."
Virgil– ~But he is a pain in the neck.~ "I'm sorry Jan, but your lesson did strike a small chord with me."
Janus– "Really? It did? Let me teach you more, my friend."
Virgil– "Well, he got over that quick."
Janus- “Emile!”
Emile – "Boss?"
Janus– "Call me King."
Roman- “Nope, that’s me! Try again.”
Janus- “Fine. Call me Emperor Now where was I?”
Emile– “I think you were wanting to make Virgil a host. You can teach him all the basics of hosting..."
Patton– "But he's not going to get very far with the fellas if he doesn't look the part you know. HE NEEDS A MAKEOVER!!!"
Virgil– "I thought I already vetoed that?"
Roman– "Yes! Maybe if we moved his bangs out of his eyes it could help."
Virgil– "Hey! I happen to like bangs in my eyes! STEP AWAY FROM THE BRUSH! NO!!!"
Remy Attack Virgil with a hairbrush
Remy realization*
Logan– [Gasp] "Remy."
Remy – "Got it!"
Virgil– "Huh? Bitch what the hell is going on??" [Yell]
Roman– "Emile, what’s the number to my hairstylist?“
Patton – "What about me Lolo?"
Logan– "Patton."
Patton– "Yes sir!"
Logan– "You... go make some cookies."
Patton – "Ok! Virgil, what’s your favorite type of cookie?? You know what, I’ll just make them all!"
Remy – "Here! Change into this uniform."
Virgil– "What? Why?"
Remy– "Don't ask questions!"
Virgil– "No way! Screw you! You know what, I'll change, but you have to GET OUT!"
Remy – [Yell] [Stutter] "Huh?"
Logan– [Sigh]
(Scene change)
Virgil– "Um, guys?"
Janus– "Aren't you done changing yet?"
Logan– "Hmmm?"
Virgil– "You sure it's really okay for me to keep this uniform?"
Patton– "Cute! You're super pretty! Adorable!"
Emile– "Verge, you look so cute!"
Roman– "If we had known that's how you really look..."
Remy– "We would've helped you out sooner. You’re actually pretty hot..."
Logan– "Who knows? Maybe he'll draw in some customers. And I agree, he is extremely aesthetically appeasing."
Janus – "You know, that's just what I was thinking. Our errand boy is moving up the ranks. Starting today, you are an official member of the Host Club. I will personally train you to be a first-rate host. If you can get 100 customers to request your service, we will completely forget about your $75,000 debt."
Virgil – "A host? You people are fucking crazy. And I don’t want you to train me. You are an asshole."
Logan- “Janus? Do you mind if I train him? It could be educational.”
Janus- *slightly offended snake sounds* “If you can get the ungrateful, sassy, mean emo to agree, you can train him.”
Logan- “Virgil, can~”
Virgil- “I’ll let the hot nerd train me. I like him.”
Everyone looks between an extremely pleased Logan and a smug Virgil. ‘Interesting’
(Insert fluffy, flirty Analogical scene of Virgil learning how to be a ‘proper host’ and the others spying)
(Scene change)
Alfredo– "So, tell me Virgil. Do you have any hobbies? What do you like to do?"
Herbert– "I'm curious, what kind of products do you use on your skin?"
Boy(I’m running out of Thomas’s male character names)– "Yes, it's so pretty."
Virgil– ~I can't do this anymore. I’m sorry Logan, but I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. And these people are staring to get annoying. And invasive...~
Boys – "So why did you join the Host Club Virgil?" [Giggle]
Virgil– "Uh." ~All I have to do is get 100 customers to request me, and they'll forget about my $75,000 debt. I just have to seem interesting. Oh! I know just the story.~
Alfredo – "I see, your brother was sick and passed away two years ago. Who do you bond with now?"
Virgil– "Oh, I‘m just kind of by myself now. My brother was my best friend and confidante, so I found it hard to make friends since he passed. Now all I have is my Uncle, but he is pretty great, and I have managed to make it through okay."
Herbert – "So uh..."
Boy – "Is it okay if tomorrow..."
Alfredo – "We request to sit with you again?"
Virgil– "Yeah, I'd really appreciate that guys. Y’all are great listeners, and I am interested to hear about y’all next time." *smirk*
Boys- [stifled shrieking]
Roman – "Why is he so popular?"
Logan– "He's a natural."
Janus– "Apparently he didn’t even need training."
Chad– "Have you forgotten about me?"
Janus – "Oh, no. Sorry prince. I'm just a little concerned about our newest host."
Chad – "Well that's obvious Jan. You and Logan sure have been keeping an eye on him."
Janus – "Of course. I have to. I need to make sure he a good host, and Logan is training him to be a gentleman."
Boys – [Giggling]
Janus – "Virgil! Come here for a minute."
Virgil– "What's up?"
Janus– "I'd like you to meet someone. This is my regular guest, Prince Chad."
Virgil– [Gasp] ~It's that asshole from earlier~ "Sir, it's a ‘absolute’ pleasure to meet you."
Janus – "That was so cute! That air of bashfulness was very good! Super good! Amazingly good!"
Chad – "Uh, Logan, what is happening?"
Logan– "Virgil is adorable, so Janus is trying to show affection and make Virgil like him better than me."
Virgil– "Roman! Save me!"
Janus – "Nope, mine now!"
Roman– *Whacks Janus with his sword and grabs Virgil bridal style* [Realization Gasp]
Janus– "Damn it Roman, you didn’t have to go that far. Come on little emo, let your best friend give you a big hug."
Virgil– "Ok. Patton! Janus says I need a hug."
Laughing and offended noises, then Patton jumping in Virgil arms for a giant hug. Guests are very amused, and Chad is very pissed
(Scene change)
Virgil-"Hey, what happened to my bag? [looks out window and sees bag in fountain] Uh, are you kidding me? How did that happen? I didn't think there were bullies at this school. I guess those asshats are everywhere. They’re like McDonalds."
Virgil runs towards the fountain
Chad – "Oh! It's you again. I bet you love having Janus and Logan making you over and fawning over you. It's useless though. You're always going to be a second-class citizen.”
Virgil – ~I bet my Tim Burton posters that he is the bastard that threw my bag in the fountain. I can't be bothered with him right now though. I've gotta find my wallet or I won't have any money for food this week.~
Remy– "Hey, tiny emo! You've got some nerve skipping out on the club like that. Why is your bag all wet?"
Virgil– "It's no big deal. I got it. I just can't find my food money."
Remy– "Hm?"
[jumps into the fountain after taking off his sunglasses]
Virgil– "Hey, you don't have to do that. You'll get wet. And why the hell did you only take off your sunglasses? That does nothing!"
Remy – "A little water never hurt anyone. Besides, people are always telling me that I'm dripping with good looks. Oh, hang on a second. This what you're looking for? What's the matter, you're staring off into space. Ooo! Please tell me your falling for me. Because Logan is gonna be pissed! "
Virgil– "No way!"
Remy– "How did your bag end up in the fountain anyway?"
Virgil– "Well uh, I guess I accidentally dropped it out the window at some point."
(Scene change)
Chad – "Oh really? That must've been terrible. I can't imagine what I'd do if my bag fell into the fountain."
Virgil – ~Why did he request me when it's obvious he doesn't like me? He has a plan. Ima end up decking this guy...~
Chad– "And you actually made Remy search that dirty old thing with you. How astonishing! You do realize he's a blueblood and not a commoner, right? The only reason any of them are paying attention to you is because they’re trying to turn you into a gentleman."
Virgil– [Gasp] ~Dis bitch wanna get punched ~
Chad– "Don't start thinking he cares about you just because he's doting on you."
Virgil– "Now I understand. You're jealous of me."
[grabs Virgil’s arm and yanks to where Virgil knocks the table over and lands on top of Chad]
Chad – [Scream] "No, Virgil! Leave me alone! Somebody help, he just attacked me!"
Virgil– "Bitch please."
Chad– "Somebody do something! Teach this commoner a lesson!"
[Emile and Patton dump water on the two]
Virgil– "Honestly, what the fuck is with you guys?"
Chad – "Why did you do that? Do something, Janus. Virgil just assaulted me."
Janus – "I'm disappointed in you. You threw his bag into the fountain, didn't you?"
Chad – "You don't know that. Do you have any proof that I did?"
Remy- “Yeah, babes, we got proof. It’s called we’re not fucking stupid. Or blind.”
Logan– "You know, you're a handsome guy, but you aren't classy enough to be our guest. If there's one thing I know, Virgil is not that kind of a man."
Chad– "But, why? You are all idiots!" [Cry]
Janus– "Hmmm... Now how am I going to punish you? Because it is your fault after all. Your quota is now 1000!"
Virgil– "Huh? 1000? My fault? Why yo-"
Patton– "Come on. I got high expectations for you, kiddo!"
Virgil– "Really?"
Emile– "Yep! This is the only spare uniform we have. Sorry, but it's better than a wet one, right?"
Virgil– "Thanks a lot you guys. I'm gonna go change."
(Scene change)
Janus – "Virgil, here you go. I brought you some towels."
Virgil– [Gasp] “Please get the hell out!”
Janus blanches and leaves
Virgil walks out in the uniform that shows ones supernatural identity tattoo. It shows off storm clouds and lightning, a rare tattoo but one that’s signifies humanity.
Janus– "Virgil."
Virgil– "Yeah?"
Janus– "So, you're a human?"
Virgil– "No shit Sherlock, yeah. Is there anything wrong with that?"
Janus– “No! I think you are awesome even if you’re human. Who else knows?”
Logan, Patton, Emile, Remy, and Roman all raise their hands
Virgil– "Listen guys, I don't really care whether you recognize me as a human or not. In my opinion, it's more important for a person to be recognized for who they are rather than for what supernatural identity you have."
Everyone nods
Virgil– ([Stammering]) "Uh, you know, I have to say Logan, I thought you were pretty cool earlier."
Logan– [Stammering]
Virgil *blushing*- “Logan, I know that you figured it out as soon as you saw me. Thank you for not saying anything, that was very cool of you.”
Logan *also blushing* -“Ah, umm, ehh, it is no problem. You’re welcome.”
Emile, nudging Patton and both giggling– "Well isn't this an interesting development?"
Roman and Remy – "Oh, yeah."
Janus – "Now, I could be wrong but I think we may be witnessing the beginnings of love here. Can’t believe that nerd stole the hot emo right out from under me with words. Ssssssssuck up!"
Patton- “Janus, kiddo, your name isn’t Jealous.”
Remy- “Yeah! Calm thy snaktitties.”
Roman- “Snake tits. Snake titties. Snitties.”
Roman and Remy- “OH MY GOSH SNITTIES!”
Emile- “Common guys. We are not a love to hate tumblr post.”
Roman and Remy- *chanting* “SNITTIES, SNITTIES, SNITTIES, SNITT-“
Janus- *chasing Roman and Remy around with a broom* “SAY IT ONE MORE DAMN TIME!”
Virgil- “You know, this might be fun, I actually enjoy being a Host...”
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