#Well. kind of
offorestsongs · 4 months
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relationship chart for my Yuu that i did for his artfight profile. i spent WAY too much time on this fhghfjg
(template from here, the chibi art of Lysander is a commission from my friend <3)
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akutagawa-daily · 8 months
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Akutagawa daily 795/★
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thatlittledandere · 10 months
Alright, you definitely should have listened to the village elders this time. Wandering too deep into the forest was a bad idea. They could have been more specific about what “too deep” meant though.
All you wanted to do was see if there were any valuable herbs in the area. You had heard rumors that if you went slightly beyond the usual reach of the villagers, a little to the west, you would find ingredients for most potential of healing potions. You didn’t think heeding the advice would cost you much; it was supposed to be only a little further, right? But which way was west again…
Before you knew it, you had gotten lost. Of course, forests always looked somewhat the same, but after 20 years of living in the same village, you came to recognize the areas you had always played, worked, and relaxed in. A tree that bent a little to the left; that boulder that looked like a fist without a thumb; the lightning-struck tree trunk, too heavy to be moved, blocking what used to be a path. You knew when you were near your home by the atmosphere alone.
And now you recognized nothing you saw.
It wasn’t dark yet - wouldn’t be for a long time - but you were still getting the shivers of being outside at night. This part of the forest was creepy. You didn’t know how else to describe it - threatening? It felt like something was out to get you. Or for that matter, anyone foolish enough to disturb the peace of whatever dwelled inside.
You stopped. Turned to look back — had you seen wrong? You must have — and turned back ahead. There was... It was like there was a line drawn on the ground. A border.
You looked to your right, then left. No, it really was… as strange as it seemed, it was clearly a huge circle. You were standing just outside it.
And everything inside was dead.
The grass was sickly, pale yellow, almost white, like after a scorching hot summer with too little rain. Trees gray and bare, bark flaking, crispy leaves lying sadly on the ground. Thousands of insect carcasses everywhere, a couple of dead birds and — oh no — a lone rabbit. All completely lifeless. How could this be?
You took a step back. Was this maybe… The work of magic? A fiendish warlock wielding dark sorcery?
You didn’t know much about magic; there weren’t many capable of using it in your tiny village, and the mages you knew were neither malicious nor the tiniest bit adventurous with it. But it was the only explanation you could come up with. Nature couldn’t do this on its own.
You felt a rush of excitement at the thought. Magic had always fascinated you. With nobody around to teach the craft, you had abandoned the idea of pursuing it years ago, but… It was exhilarating seeing its impact. Foul as this magic was, it drew you in - and if nothing inside was alive, it couldn’t do you any harm either. You had come so far; why not investigate a little?
You had barely taken two steps on the lifeless grass when you heard a soft voice plead: “Don’t come closer.”
You froze. Had there been a person around? Was it a bandit? Or, wait, maybe they could help you find your way home-
“Please get away from me,” asked the stranger again, even more desperate this time. Their voice was getting raspier, breaking towards the end of the sentence. Whoever it was must have been either sick or grievously injured. Perhaps you would have to help them more than they could help you.
You squinted your eyes, and finally caught a glimpse of a figure behind two trees.
He looked around your age. But not in such good health, as you had suspected. He was holding onto the tree, hunching, and the distance between you wasn't enough to hide the tremble of his hands or the hollowness in his eyes.
"Please, " he repeated, each word weaker yet more fearful than the last. "I can only bring misery. You must leave while you still can!"
His fear was contagious. You couldn't fight the shiver running along your spine nor the cold sweat erching your brow. It was like even the Sun knew better than to approach this self-proclaimed harbinger.
But you had always been too curious for your own good, much to your mother's chagrin. Weren't you an apprentice in the art of medicine? Wasn't this stranger in clear need of help? You couldn't just leave him alone to rot in his miserable circle of decay.
You forced a smile - sort of - and took a step closer. The stranger grabbed his face, screamed, and collapsed on his knees. You saw white and felt a strong gust of wind knock you off your feet.
And then there was nothing.
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asimplecheeseburger · 9 months
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im having fun with the double battles in the pokemon dlc
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ladylollys · 1 year
“...This cursed heat had half the city in a fever to start, and now with all these visitors … last night we had a drowning, a tavern riot, three knife fights, a rape, two fires, robberies beyond count, and a drunken horse race down the Street of the Sisters. The night before a woman's head was found in the Great Sept, floating in the rainbow pool. No one seems to know how it got there or who it belongs to."
"How dreadful," Varys said with a shudder.
—Eddard VI, A Game of Thrones
See, this is what I love so much about Varys. The swooning, back-of-the-hand-to-the-forehead, elaborately fastidious reaction to violence — coming from someone who has both personally survived and personally committed atrocities on this level before. No one would believe this of him if he wasn’t a eunuch, and he knows it, and it’s so fun.
And that’s part of why Tyrion and Varys are so much on the same wavelength when they meet, isn’t it? Like Tyrion, Varys is constantly treated by other men as something to project their own anxieties about masculinity onto. And like Tyrion, he is able to draw on that persona when it suits his purposes. 
This is something they share: the clever, almost self-parodic way they perform the stereotypes other people impose on them. I think Varys treats his own femininity like a private joke he has with himself, a way of mocking the assumption that a eunuch has to be feminine (and therefore weak, untrustworthy, etc). He doesn’t have to be feminine, he chooses to act like he is, in ways that are convenient to him. That’s fucking funny!
And this particular scene is my favorite example of it, because it’s a clear example of one of the smaller ways that Varys is able to make his persona work for him. Varys’ overacted dismay is a really obvious mockery not just of his own reputation, but of the fact that no one else on the Small Council gives a shit about the tourney-related unrest in King’s Landing either. They’re just in it to see how much they can squeeze out of the Hand’s Tourney for their own ends, and everyone knows it, but they have to pretend to care. Varys can mock them for it pretty openly, and no one else in the room will pay enough attention to get the joke. Because eunuchs are just like that, right?
Varys might not be a great person, morally, but god he’s such a great character. The more attention I pay to him, the more there is to see, you know?
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edwinisms · 2 months
it’s wild to see fics with 800+ comments like damn how do you do that
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mothmage · 6 months
List 7 comfort films and tag 7 people!
tagged by @monstersinthecosmos thank you!!! these aren't necessarily my favorite films, but definitely the ones i rewatch all the time as easy comfort films :)
The Birdcage (1996), my all-time favorite comfort movie. cute and silly and sweet <3
The Secret of Roan Inish (1994), another cute comfort movie. who doesn't love a weird little girl and a selkie story?
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984), cute and fun, i love this one. the song lives rent free in my head. wish i lived there except not actually bc it's like a nuclear disaster. but it's fun to look at.
Troop Zero (2019), crying sobbing forever and ever. this one is so good. i dont even really have any thing to say, it's just a forever rewatch for me
Clue (1985), my favorite thing to do on a rainy day is pull up this dvd and watch the movie and all of the alternate endings. so fun fr
The Phantom Menace (1999), this is so embarrassing but i refuse to lie about it. this is objectively not a good movie (not even a good star wars movie), but it is my favorite star wars movie, so. do with that information as you will
The Handmaiden (2016), this isn't really a comfort film, but it is probably my favorite movie ever and i rewatch it all the time so it makes the list
no-pressure tagging: @lovevamp @butchybats @aunteat @eosphoroz @desertfangs @artemideaddams @deaddovehasbeeneaten
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dreampearls · 11 months
sniffles. so many colleination memebrs now. such a beautiful world
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locketslover · 9 months
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99probalos · 1 year
watched Where's Deathlist? last night with will. Honestly? i liked it
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tariah23 · 4 months
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White people are miserable, racist losers period. They’ve even been getting mad at Japanese people for correcting them about Yasuke as well.
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offorestsongs · 4 months
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best Epel ive ever drawn <3 (theres context to this i swear)
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thestuffedalligator · 10 months
So usually when an imaginary friend is a real thing in a story, it’s either a demon or a ghost or some supernatural boogeyman that probably wants to eat the kid they’ve befriended (Mama, a couple of the Paranormal Activity movies), or “imaginary friends” are just treated as a real thing in the setting, and if a child just thinks hard enough they can manifest a friend into existence (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, Happy).
And somewhere in the middle is an area where the imaginary friend in question is real and they are supernatural, but they aren’t malevolent, and they aren’t entirely honest about what they are. Like maybe they’re a fairy or a god or some kind of boggle from mythology, but they just got caught by a six year old and they don’t have time to get into it, so they just go “…Yes. I’m your imaginary friend. We haven’t met. How do you do.” And then they stick around because they do love this kid, and if you’re a boggle from mythology in the modern day good food is really hard to come by.
And at some level. That’s what I think Hobbes is.
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hinamie · 24 days
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egophiliac · 6 months
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bring back zooterkins, the best 17th-century swear word
I don't normally do Just Characters Swearing, but. ...this kind of wrote itself and then wouldn't leave my head. it comes from both a piece of character-writing advice that has always stuck with me, and also my conviction that Leona is 1000% funnier as a character if his dialogue has to stay G-rated. let Kalim say fuck, but don't let Leona say bastard.
(I'm sorry)
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justcallmealt · 7 months
You won't believe me, but I drew Fau... As a pony
Cringe is dead and I'm happy (that he went good there)
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