#What did I do to deserve this?
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Crowley, my love. Yeah, you look amazing doing it... BUT PLEASE STOP THROWING THINGS
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dinosaurcharcuterie · 2 months
A few weeks ago, I failed to install a wifi card into my pc because my brother who built it in 2016 put a cooler on my 2012 graphics card that, yes, somehow makes me able to run things that modern gaming setups struggle with, but also blocks off every last bit of motherboard.
I said I'd drive over my pc over the summer and we could tinker around with it once he figured out what minor change would make it possible. He was excited. He hasn't had an excuse to tinker in months, and pcs are his favorite to tinker with.
Guys, I just arrived at the family vacation and he somehow went from "looking at second choice and used computer parts for a minor pc upgrade" to "so I built you a new pc, it just needs hard drives".
There is one part that is not refurbished or second hand, and none of it is younger than 2022. He found a gorgeous white case for cheap because it was absolutely filthy and scrubbed it until you can literally see your face in it, even the parts that aren't glass. His casual questions about what games I'm running and which ones are giving me trouble turned out to be him future proofing. There's a red bow on top.
I might cry.
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n1c0d3mv5 · 9 months
why is it that the sweetest people fall in love with me but I physically can't love them to?
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mispelled · 1 year
Whoever targeted me with curse of one thousand bot followers. I'll fucking kill you
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ghosty-0w0 · 8 months
drop this sunflower🌻into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! lets spread a little sunshine ☀️
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(feel free to not spread this if you don't want to you just make me happy :>)
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literally this is the nicest thing to wake up too
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tagedeszorns · 2 years
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Tumblr still isn't allowing me to use polls.
I think that's a wise decision, but not fair.
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Teen Kai: I’ve got a record player that was made in 2014~ died my hair green it came out fuCKING METALLIC BLUE WHAT IS THIS ABSOLUTE BULLSHITTERY!?
Teen Chrono: *dying of laughter in the background*
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lys-jeorge · 1 year
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alex-guerin · 6 months
Yesterday sucked ass.
I'm hella depressed today, so forced myself out of bed, to get dressed, and go get lunch and kitty litter.
Decided on lunch first. Went to a Chinese buffet restaurant. Ordered my drink, got my first plate, and just reached for my fork when I realized...
...I had grabbed my phone and keys, but not my wallet.
Cue me bursting into tears, scrambling to try and figure out how I was going to pay, maybe they could just take my card number and info down and input it manually. I live 20 minutes away, it's not like I could ask to run home and grab my wallet, I didn't even have an ID to leave with them or anything. Kept trying to explain this to the women working there and FINALLY one understood what I was saying/talking about and was all, "shush shush shush. Do you have Google Pay or Apple Pay? We accept Google Pay if that helps you."
Luckily it was easy enough to set GPay up on my phone so I can pay for my lunch, but omg...I just...I am still sniffling and so fucking embarrassed and hating everything right now....
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lemonluvgirl · 1 year
I was bored and I just watched The Kissing Booth on Netflix. That's an hour of my life I can't get back. I'm just wondering how I pissed off the suggestion algorithm so much that it recommended this horrible movie to me.
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gatorlovebot · 11 months
getting so much pro/ana content shoved into my for you tab and i’m blocking accounts left and right
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simplykaren · 7 months
Tumblr, why are you pranking me? The last 3 days my notifs have said 1 number, but when clicked upon, there's not even half the number of notifs the previous number claimed.
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nicolegmattos · 7 months
Damn, it’s so hot in here I can almost drink my ice cream 🥵
Not even my fridge is working properly. That’s how incredibly hot it is
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onlymingyus · 1 year
would you consider yourself a size queen 🫣
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called out on my own blog? no...not once.
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idk what you are even talking about?
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loveletterworm · 2 years
Hey  can somebody else type just the letter “g” into the youtube search bar and can you let me know if you also see that one thing that comes up or if youtube just uses the fact that i have watch history turned off as an excuse to torture me with even worse recommendations than everyone else gets
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Was serving today and this little toddler was there. His parents were ordering food and he just turned and stared at me for a second, then smiled.
His mom was like"what do you do?" And this adorable little guy started blowing me kisses❤
Later he was running around and he reached out to me, and I offered him my hand and he high-fives it twice, then starts clapping and smiling cause he did such a good job.
The table was 14 people, 4 tickets with over $200 in food, destroyed my section, was there for over two hours while I had a killer headache, and tipped me less than $20, so suffice it to say that child was the only thing keeping me from drop-kicking the lot of them
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