#What does the Little Caesars guy say?
eatingexpired · 2 years
What does the Little Caesars guy say?
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What does the Little Caesars guy say?
What is ExtraMostBestest?
Is Little Caesars named after Julius Caesar?
Is there a Little Caesars in the UK?
What does the Little Caesars guy say on the commercial?
What is Pizza Pizza slogan?
Who is the guy that says Pizza Pizza?
What is Little Caesars secret?
What is ExtraMostBestest cheese?
What is ExtraMostBestest pizza?
What is ExtraMostBestest cheese Little Caesars?
Is the ExtraMostBestest stuffed crust?
What is Little Caesars mascot name?
Where did Little Caesars originate from?
Who came up with Little Caesars?
How many Little Caesars are there in the UK?
Is Little Caesars in Europe?
What countries does Little Caesars operate in?
Is Little Caesars all over the world?
What do they say in Little Caesars commercial?
What is the Pizza Pizza slogan?
Did Little Caesar actually say Pizza Pizza?
What pizza commercial says Pizza Pizza?
What company has the slogan Pizza Pizza?
What pizza ad says Pizza Pizza?
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hedgehog-moss · 3 months
Do you know much of the history of the town you live near? I noticed some very old-looking stone buildings in your photos from the cow parade - does much of the town look like that or were those heritage buildings?
Unfortunately almost every town has some Ugly Modern Houses, but they're usually in the outskirts, while the centre is quite preserved. It's mostly ~200yo houses though, with the occasional very old house (like, 17th century). The towns that used to have a castle often still have a mediaeval layout, with a cluster of houses and narrow streets; sometimes (remains of) ramparts. And every village worthy of the name has the mandatory mediaeval church in the plaza (except mine which has a modern Victorian Gothic church that's like 150yo, but we have the ruins of a mediaeval monastery to make up for it)
One little local history fact I know is that this town that had the cow parade was named after a Central Asian tribe that invaded the region ~1,600 years ago and later helped fight off Attila when the Huns were invading! The cows don't know that. I love knowing where place names come from (unless they mean stuff like "by the river" which is boring.) I went to visit a Gallo-Roman site recently and there was a sign displaying some text by Julius Caesar in which he listed all the Celtic tribes he defeated here, and I thought it was so cool that some of these names are still familiar because they are preserved in place names. The Roman invasion days, two millennia ago, already feel quite faraway but by then the Celts had already lived here for centuries—I wish the specific Gallic tribe that started farming around here in the Iron Age could know that 2,500 years later people are still farming in this place that's still named after their tribe.
Your question made me realise that what I associate with "appreciating local history" is like, going to see the ruins of some 2nd century Roman thermal baths or temples or learning that a town was named after a guy who owned the place in 847 AD, and I don't pay enough attention to the 16th century houses near my dentist's office or the 12th century church in front of the vet clinic. I should appreciate these time periods more! I do love the look of mediaeval towns with their tiny tortuous streets that make life difficult for people who drive stupidly big cars. And I love mediaeval castles, though I've only visited 2 of the 150-or-so castles (not counting the ruins) this region boasts (I use 'boasts' ironically, there's another region nicknamed "the 1001 castles" so our score is pitiful.) (They don't actually have 1001 castles, they're lying, it's like 600, plus some glorified manor houses that don't count)
Last-minute addition: I drafted this reply last weekend and today I saw some ruins in a town where I went to have my spring water analysed, and decided to pop by the town hall to learn more. I learnt that the ruins are what remains of the town's castle, which "successfully resisted many English attacks" (that's what they always say) and was then offered by the King to a courtier in the 1450s, and the courtier hated it because it was 400 years-old and cold and draughty and falling apart so he never lived here. The town hall lady was so unimpressed by her town's attractions it was funny—I imagine if I'd been a tourist she would have tried to sell it to me more but knowing I live nearby she was like, well our town has a 13th century church like everyone else and here's our "castle" that's a ruin now and that was already a ruin in Joan of Arc times. To add some fun fact about their castle she said that a Valois Queen had slept there for a few nights at some point and I said eagerly "Queen Margot?" and the woman said "... no it was in the 1300s. Queen Margot went to [better castle farther North]", in such a humble tone that I felt bad for accidentally pointing out that unlike [Rival Town] they got one of those obscure Valois queens no one cares about.
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butchhamlet · 2 months
do you have any good shakespeare retelling book recs?
what a beautiful time to ask this, says guy who has left this ask collecting cobwebs in his inbox for months! because guess who has two thumbs and just finished queen goneril by erin shields! WHAT a fucking play, holy SHIT, this is some of the best characterization of the lear sisters that i've ever read and the exploration of womanhood as filtered through class + race + shitty families + political maneuvering is so so so good. also the things shields does with the og playtext... chef's fucking KISS
anyway, recency bias aside, i've been meaning to make a post about my favorite shakespeare retellings for a while, and i think i never actually did it because i wanted to make a lear retelling ranking list and then i never read some of the ones on my TBR. so whatever. the learlist will happen someday. here are my favorites in general. (here is my goodreads shelf for the retellings i've read, good and bad, and here is the shelf for the ones i have yet to read.)
in no particular order:
a thousand acres by jane smiley: outsold. epitome of what makes an effective retelling--a book that clearly has something to say about and to the original text, but that also isn't afraid to diverge, to exclude here and zoom in there. ungraciously, this is "lear on a farm" and it starts a little slow, but holy fucking shit, i can't do justice in a paragraph to the way this book unraveled me. one of the best books of all time mayhaps. also, introduced the edmund character by describing his ass. 10/10
the last true poets of the sea by julia drake: i don't read that much YA anymore but jesus fucking christ. books tailored for me specifically. twelfth night retelling about siblings + mental illness + being bisexual + love triangles that actually make sense (emotions are confusing!) instead of being contrived + beautiful description + excellent dialogue + THE MENTAL ILLNESS. books that made me start crying in zoom class in 2020
rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead by tom stoppard: kind of a cop-out answer because we all know this one. but that does not detract from how good it is. this is one of those plays, at least for me, that makes me think, "ohhhhhh, THIS is what theater can do. this is using its medium to the absolute utmost." it is so clever and it makes me want to cry. i think about "i don't know. it's the same sky" more often than i can say
american moor by keith hamilton cobb: not exactly a retelling, but a one-man play about a Black man auditioning for the lead role in Othello, tangling as he does with his relationship with shakespeare's work and cultural dominance. suuuuuch a good fucking play even beyond the analysis of othello (which is excellent); the language is so fucking incredible. everyone who likes shakespeare should read this.
teenage dick by mike lew: modern teenage richard iii; this one's more reimagining than retelling, because it diverges pretty sharply from the plot of richard iii, but god, it's so fucking fun. and upsetting! really upsetting also.
foul is fair by hannah capin: i will be so real. i read this in high school and some of the YA books i've revisited since did not hold up for me. so idk if i can tell you this is "good" with my full chest. but the pitch is "lady macbeth gets sexually assaulted at a party and decides to fucking kill the boys who did it" and i stayed up until like 1am to finish it because it was such a vicious gleaming wild ride
the stars undying by emery robin: does this count? hard to say, because it's just as much a retelling of roman history than shakespeare's antony and cleopatra (honestly, more, since it focuses on the era where caesar and cleopatra were lovers, which is before shakespeare's play). but i'm counting it anyway because it's bisexual space opera cleopatra and it's the best book i've read so far in 2024 and it's making me crazy and i'm writing a thesis on it < genuinely
peerless by jihae park: macbeth, but college applications, featuring asian macbeths (they're twin sisters >:3) who think their classmate has taken their place in their dream school because of affirmative action/DEI. this play is absolutely VICIOUS. it's macbeth x heathers. think it mirrors macbeth in faltering a little in its final stretch, but it still fucks hard
the wednesday wars by gary d. schmidt: okay, not a retelling; this is about a preteen boy in the 60s. but it's one of the best most genuine and heartwarming books i've ever read and it manages to be hilarious while also foregoing cheap slapstick punching-low humor for a hell of a lot of warmth and passion. and the main character interacts with shakespeare a lot as a running theme so i can justify putting it on this list. #evangelizing
of course, i would be remiss not to mention that @suits-of-woe / @mjulianwrites has written the best take on Two Gentlemen of Verona to ever exist, and i mean that quite seriously. unfortunately it hasn't been published yet so we'll all just have to prayer-circle about it. i would also be remiss not to take the opportunity to. uh. coughs. do a bit of casual self-promo. if you 1. have ocd 2. have gender or 3. think about malvolio a lot. boy do i have the novella for you
will definitely add to this when i read more retellings; feel free to drop recs in the tags/replies/reblogs/my askbox!
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devildomwriter · 2 months
Obey Me As Tumblr #27
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Mammon: How many swords do you have?
Diavolo: Sword of a lot
Raphael: Blocked
Diavolo: Parried
Mammon: My pockets jingle with stolen buttons from hot topic
Mammon: I literally can’t stop stealing those buttons from the Button Vats like I don’t feel like paying 3 dollars for a piece of tin with Pusheen on it but I do feel like doing a heist
Mammon: Call the cops bitch I’ll have sex with them
Simeon: This feels like the kind of thing you overhear when the person next to you on the bus is having a heated phone call
Belphegor: Wasn’t ICarly that guy with wax wings who flew into the sun and fucking got rest because same
Belphegor: I just realized my phone corrected Icarus to ICarly because I type ICarly more than Icarus okay thanks
Mammon: I thought this was just a god tier shit post
Thirteen: Bro pick up your eboy he’s curled up in the corner of my living room quivering, speaking in tongues, and surrounded by an impenetrable wall of writhing lamb’s entrails
MC: That’s not my eboy that’s my malewife they’re supposed to do that
Thirteen: Stop being funnier than me or I’ll do something about
Belphegor: People like to claim you can’t be funny without being offensive but my twin once looked at a packet of tesco’s chicken and said “60% chicken? I like those odds.” And I’m still laughing sixteen years later
Mammon: How fucked up would it be if you jumped into a ball pit and it was just tomatoes painted different colors
Beelzebub: Depends
Mammon: …On what?
Satan: Amazing how a colon can completely change the meaning of a sentence. For example:
— Jane ate her friend’s Sandwich
— Jane ate her friend’s Colon
Leviathan: This is the hardest I’ve ever snorted. My nose/throat actually hurts a little now
Mephistopheles: There are breasts on my roof. Scampering about. Wretched.
Diavolo: Th—There are what
MC: A knife block that screams when you put knives in it
Lucifer: A human
Barbatos: So a human
Solomon: Caesar
Solomon: Diamonds are carbon. People are carbon. I wonder how big a Diamond I could make out of one
Simeon: I think about your tumblr blog a lot. I think about the fact anyone can say anything on the open internet and I’m glad you are able to voice whatever is in your head
Solomon: Thanks
MC: Weatherboy (derogatory)
Diavolo: Op what does this mean
MC: Wouldn’t you like to know weatherboy
Asmodeus: Everyone wants me. Especially this guy chasing me with a knife
Mephistopheles: Fill your body with cranberries so the horse that kills you gets a sensual surprise
Barbatos: I will give the horse that kills me no such luxury
Mammon: *gets home*
*breaks knuckles* time to shit myself to sleep again boys
Mammon: Wait no it’s cracks knuckles
Mammon: Wait no it’s cry myself to sleep
Mammon: Don’t reblog this stop it
Asmodeus: Fun new blog title: “welcome to my twisted pussy”
Solomon: Ducks be like
Asmodeus: This is no longer a fun new blog title
Leviathan: I hope everyone is having a fucking day
Lucifer: Easily one of the days I’ve had this week
Last • Next
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cursedvida · 4 months
It's really crazy to me to see the hate Mae gets, like I was reading some reviews and I can understand not liking a character but as soon as they start with the name calling their opinion is invalid to me because they have no reason to be calling her a bitch, among other things, like it just reeks of mysogyny, (it's like they just want an excuse to call women names) and seeing it coming from other girls makes it worse like..
"Oh the girl was such a bitch why did she do that 🙄" ..is it really that hard to think for a moment about the circumstances in which mae was raised?? Do they need it spell it out for them?? Like, c'mon guys do you really think that the people trapped in a bunker for generations have anything nice to teach/say about the apes?? Wes Ball please give us Mae's backstory in the sequel!! Your audience needs it bc they are out there calling Mae the real villain and saying Proximus was right 💀 (when he was literally everything Caesar hated in an ape)
Look, I'm usually a polite person when expressing my opinions, but I'm fed up with the hate towards Mae, basically because the arguments people give seem incredibly basic to me, typical of people with little to no understanding. Sometimes I doubt if these people have watched the same movie as me or maybe they have some sort of cognitive dissonance, but seriously, I find them ridiculous. Either that, or they are basically the typical comments from misogynistic guys or women with internalized misogyny who can't stand morally gray and questionable female characters.
And well, having said that, I'm going to present my doctoral thesis on this topic:
One of the things I've seen the most is people saying that Mae is evil, the true villain, or an ungrateful traitor to Noa. This argument seems quite incomprehensible to me because, even though we don't have much data about her, I believe there's something very important that explains why she acts as she does: the Proximus apes killed the people in her group, including her mother. I mean: her damn mother. If we add to that the UNDERSTANDING (I mean, you have to be very short-minded not to assume something so obvious) that she has been raised in an environment where they've probably told her all her life that the apes are the reason for all the evils of humanity and the main reason why humans live in shitty conditions, I think anyone with half a brain has enough information to understand why she does what she does.
Yes, Noa is a good guy, but he's not helping her. Noa and Mae have a common goal and decide to ally themselves momentarily to achieve that goal, which is to reach Proximus. As much as they've formed a bond throughout the story, it's not yet strong enough for Mae to set aside what she has worked for so hard. Mae not only bears the weight of humanity on her shoulders but also emotionally carries the idea that she, as the sole survivor of her group, must complete the mission at all costs. Are those who criticize her telling me that if they truly thought that with certain actions they could not only save their species but also honor their loved ones who have been killed infront their eyes, they wouldn't do them? And that they wouldn't do them for someone they've just met, no matter how much they like them? That's just not realistic, it makes no sense. We would all do the same as Mae in her situation. I mean, I have no doubts.
Another thing I love is when they say she's the "true villain" as if it weren't clear enough that she feels bad every time since she forms a bond with Raka and Noa when she does something that she knows may harm them. She feels pain for Raka's death and clearly, you can also see the conflict and remorse when she detonates the bomb. It's not something she enjoys doing, but she HAS to do it. In the final scene, even though she's carrying a gun, you can also clearly see her in conflict with herself. Clearly, she doesn't want to kill him. Clearly, she has nothing against Noa, and this is evident when she finally accepts the necklace and they even shake hands. You can't tell me that's the attitude of a villain, narratively it's not presented as such, and seeing it that way is to have understood nothing.
Mae is a complex character whose life is based on survival, she's no different from the characters we're used to loving and idolizing in other post-apocalyptic series, the difference here for me is that she's human and humans have to be bad by default and also that she's a woman. Because female characters always have to be the support, the romantic interest, or the unconditional friends of heroic male characters, and Mae is none of that. Mae is a character with her own story and ambitions that go beyond Noa's plot. Mae has her own plot, and it seems that's something that bothers people a lot.
I'm sorry, but the hate towards Mae seems very similar to the one people had for Sansa Stark in Game of Thrones, which basically stemmed from people being misogynistic and hating complex and imperfect female characters, combined with how much they hate seeing protagonist characters with such human and real characteristics that they can't bear the idea of seeing themselves reflected in them.
But hey, for Sansa Stark, I would have killed, and now for Mae too. Mae haters basically DNI
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cr-ok · 1 month
contains some spoilers for the ARG
Bill Ci. My Brainrot Guy.
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill List Overview & Entry Syntax
a little disorganized
yell at me if I’m missing codes or if something is wrongly categorized
do not worry about spaces/some punctuation marks (",", ".", "-", "+", "&", "@", parenthesis, quotation marks, and slashes)
i. e. "THEYLLSEE"/"THEYLL SEE"/"THEY'LL SEE" all work & have the same output
site does not accept entries with "?"
all characters are capitalized automatically
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill You All are Wonderful People
Busy_Abroad370 CranberrySoft8335 DCode Dog_core fishy--friend FRAMER_FRAMER Hacker88774770 Global-Pepper-5823 marzinstarz moonwytte mothford ohnoimonfire RiotingSpectre themoonweaversden themysteryofgravityfalls thisisnotawebsitedotcom-com wolsalwastaken
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill Where to Click
book button below the screen dagger dial below the screen “McGucket Labs” above the screen gold tooth on skeleton jar link below the prism
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill Relevant to The Book of Bill
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill Bill, Past & Present
it ends, eventually
three outputs
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill Stanford, Past & Present
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill Riddles
answers in book
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill Zodiac
enter five times
two outputs
enter eight times
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill Bill Addressing the User
use the button and the knob
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill Canon to Universe
use Cipher Font B
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill Directly from "Gravity Falls"
Stans's father's name
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill Unsure of the Canonicity
two outputs
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill Ciphertology
two outputs
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill Easter Eggs
jumpscare warning
four outputs
two outputs.
I'm convinced one is a typo
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill Reference to the Show
three outputs
Stans's mother's name
enter this six times
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill Cameos
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill Does Not Work; I'm in Shambles
Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill ⚠︎ 𓁺 ⚠︎ Bill I Have Been Mislead/Fuck You, Internet
eye in the jar element ID
spelling error
spelling error
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fragglez · 4 months
I I would like to hear ur thought process behind Koba and Caesar if u don’t mind, I think it’d be a very interesting dynamic but I wanna hear ur thoughts since ur the one who put the idea out :D
(Unless ofc, if ur tags in that one post were just the entire thought process and I’m just thinking too deep into it lol 😭)
HIII ‼️‼️ thank you so much for asking... I will absolutely love to elaborate
Welcome to: A Hopefully Legible Collection of My Thoughts on Caesar/Koba ™ (actually it's mostly just Koba... i stay biased) im gonna divide it into the different movies begging w Rise
RISE + Book:
okay so Koba isn't in Rise a lot and we don't really get a lot of information HOWEVER in the book "Planet of the Apes: Caesar's Story" by Greg Keyes we get this quote
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(the narrator is Maurice btw) in which Koba thinks so fondly of Caesar he becomes Issape Newton
DAWN + book again:
dawn is complicated because at first we see Koba as this super loyal guy who will do anything to protect Caesar and his fellow apes, and then later in the movie he does a full 360
There's a deleted scene that happens after Koba saves Caesar and Blue eyes (I think)
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"You saved my life today, Koba"
what a sad miserable guy that man would do anything for Caesar just look at him
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after the hug Caesar stands infront of all the other apes while still holding onto koba, and says "Apes together strong" while Koba looks at him like he's the only person in the whole world
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that dude is in love ↑
Koba worshipped Caesar like he'd do anything for him, so when Koba starts to believe Caesar cares more about humans than apes that's when he begins to turn "evil" Everything Koba did was to protect Caesar, I'm confident that in Kobas mind killing Caesar is what he had to do to protect him and his family
I don't remember which movie this quote was from but:
"From humans Koba learnt hate"
and from Caesar he learnt love, so when Caesar started "prioritizing humans" he turned back into hatred
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↑ again it's Maurice telling this
I don't have much more to say cus Kobas dead in this one rip dude but
Fellas is it gay to hallucinate your dear old friend (who you murdered) calmly caressing your face telling you to join him in the afterlife??? just asking
uhh yeah this is pretty much everything hope you enjoyed like and subscribe 👍 yeah the movies are tragic and i feel like caesar/koba just makes everything so much more tragic and i love that pain and suffering on planet earth <3
+ an extra little treat
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azedakude · 10 months
Would I be able to request the jojos with a chubby s/o who's severely insecure? Like to where they won't want their partner to touch them and, even when presented with reassurance, they won't believe them as they tell them they look good? I suffer with this a bit, insecurities grow due to family and friends telling me to lose weight and be more active. It always gets to my head yk?
❁ 𐑮𐑮 ¡note 𖥻 autor! ﹆ i totally understand that!, if you need a safe place to blow off steam when you're feeling this way, feel free to message me and we can chat! <3 sorry for the severe delay !! and, i'll do a few headcannons of this, if you don't mind. i hope you like it, you are very strong for coping with this situation on your own! ♡
╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴✦ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴
ᰍ ★ ៸៸ #꯭# ❨ ♥︎ ❩ JoJo's with a insecure s/o !
✦ He always understood that you feel this way about your body, most of the time he does his best not to bother you with compliments, or physical affection, and everything so that you can be comfortable around him. Instead, Jonathan would speak to you sweetly and very patiently, making you understand that your body is valid, and your feelings and insecurities are too. “Sweetheart, you shouldn't get carried away by bad comments about your body, they don't make sense. Could you tell me the next time someone says those comments to you? I will make them understand that those blasphemies should not be said to my partner. They do not know what magnificent person they are talking about.” little by little, Jonathan will help you manage your insecurities, facing them with you, making you see that you are not alone in this battle, he will always be by your side.
✦ Although Jonathan has rarely admitted it out loud; more than anything to not make you uncomfortable, he is fascinated by your cheeks and love your rolls; since he find it extremely attractive and even adorable. — He has the habit of holding your hand whenever he can; caressing it and also getting lost in your eyes, when caressing your hand; he will always write nice things with his index finger on your palm.
✦ From time to time, every time you fall asleep on Jonathan's chest due to fatigue, he will begin to caress your scalp with his right hand, while with his left hand he will begin to lightly pat your back, enhancing your sleep. At the same time; Jonathan will whisper various compliments and sweet words in your ear, admitting all the admiration he has for you. “I know you don't feel comfortable when I tell you these things when you're awake, but... I really love you for who and how you are, Y/N, no one and nothing can change that. You are perfect in my eyes, and that is the most important thing to me.”
✦ There were very few occasions when you wore a dress; but when that occasion passed where you used them, Jonathan would simply appreciate you from top to bottom, loving you with his eyes and smiling from ear to ear when he saw your beauty. “You are an angel in my eyes... I had never seen such perfection, until I saw you.” Jonathan would be the first to remark how divine you look in such clothes, always asking your permission to place his hands on your waist, and then kiss you gently.
✦ Although he is an extremely funny and hilarious guy, when you feel comfortable enough to tell him about your insecurities about your physique; he took action on the matter in a subtle, but at the same time direct way. — Joseph from time to time, if not almost always; he would buy a bouquet of flowers, every day was a different types of flowers to give to you; the flowers would always be accompanied with a poem handwritten by himself (with artistic help from Caesar Zepelli, obviously) “I may not be worthy of your presence, but I am willing to move heaven, sea and earth to show you that my love for you will never die, and will never change, because I have fallen madly in love with you, and no one else; my heart belongs to you, Y/N. — JoJo.”
✦ Every time he has the opportunity, Joseph will place tender and slow kisses all over your body, especially on your shoulders and abdomen, since these two places are his favorite parts of your body. Also, when he feels playful enough, he will tenderly caress your waist, hips, thighs and shoulders. — Every little physical affection that Joseph gives you, he will do it with total love and care, always looking for one of your best reactions, without wanting you to feel uncomfortable, since, for him, you are the most important person in his life.
✦ Joseph loves to carry you bridal style, or carry you in his arms in general; whenever you are in his arms, Joseph will kiss your cheeks and whisper tender compliments in your ear, occasionally hiding his own face against your neck to tickle you to make you laugh. “I love carrying you in my arms, you know? It makes me feel like that blue knight, who comes to rescue you.”
✦ When it comes to someone disrespecting you and insulting you because of your physique; regardless of who it is, Joseph will take it completely personally and take matters into his own hands, literally. — If it is completely necessary, Joseph will not hesitate to fight with the person who has disrespected you.
✦ He would listen to you vent about your insecurities, showing that he would always be there for you through thick and thin, without forgetting that he would gently hug you after each vent; asking you if he can kiss your forehead. “I want to see you well, Y/N, I will never leave your side, I will help you and I will be in your worst moments.” Jotaro will always tell you the same thing and he will always demonstrate it in different ways.
✦ Jotaro didn't care much about how you looked physically, but since you confessed to being insecure about your physique; he began to be much more patient with you regarding your insecurities. From time to time, Jotaro would hug you from behind every chance he got, whispering nice compliments in your ear. “You are very pretty, you know that?”
✦ He would be the type of boyfriend who would listen to you vent about your insecurities at every moment; always paying maximum attention to how you feel, and then knowing how to react and cope with the situation so that you feel better. — In turn, after each vent, Jotaro will ask you if he can hug you and comfort you for a long time, listening to you, pampering you and giving you affection.
✦ Like Joseph, he would act extremely defensive if someone outside disrespected you regarding your insecurities; without hesitating for a second to defend yourself, both verbally and physically. With the difference that, after that, Jotaro would stay by your side, comforting and supporting you.
✦ Josuke would have in mind about your problem with your physique; ttherefore, he would always try to listen to you and support you above all, accompanying you in every relapse and every progress you present, always encouraging you and giving you compliments so that you can see yourself through his own eyes. “I understand that it is difficult for you.. But believe me, my love, you are more than perfect just the way you are. You shouldn't change anything.”
✦ He would always make sure you eat your meals; since he would not want you to begin to neglect yourself in other equally important ways based on your insecurity, since for him, everything about you is important and must be taken care of with the well-deserved care.
✦ Whenever he has the opportunity, Josuke will always ask your permission to hug and caress you, while whispering nice compliments into your hair, protecting you in the middle of the hug, so that you feel safe. “I will protect you from every evil in this world, my love, I promise.”
✦ Apart from caressing your body, he will always ask your permission to give you multiple butterfly kisses on certain parts of your body; to tickle you, while he whispers nice compliments and positive affirmations between kisses.
✦ Giorno would try everything in his power to make you feel better about yourself; whether it be with positive affirmations, caresses, physical affection and more than anything; unconditional attention and listening above all, since, for him, you are the most important person in his universe.
✦ Whenever you feel insecure about your body, Giorno would ask you to do breathing exercises with him; to calm you down and keep you at peace, and then ask your permission so he can hug you and hold you in his arms; while repeating nice phrases to cheer you up.
✦ You would be the perfect muse for Giorno; and he would demonstrate this in his paintings, every time he wanted to paint and portray you on a canvas, he would always ask your permission before doing so, having you as a reference and divine muse. After each painting, he would take the liberty of kissing you, caressing you, pampering and hugging you.
✦ Whenever the two of you go to sleep, Giorno will whisper nice compliments and positive affirmations in your ear with a sweet voice, while he caresses your arms and places tender kisses on your temple. “You are the most divine person I have ever seen in my life.. Did you know that? I will remind you every day, so that you always keep it in mind and do not forget.”
✦ She would have been clear from minute one that you felt insecure about your physique when you decided to tell her about your insecurities; since then, Jolyne took the time to listen to you, accompany you, support and love you; always making it clear to you that she loves you just the way you are.
✦ Jolyne would get straight to the point every time she gave you a compliment; always leaving you clear and present that for her, you are the most perfect person she has ever seen, while she would always ask your permission before hugging you and comforting you so that you feel better.
✦ Little by little, Jolyne would encourage you to wear dresses; while she would encourage you to see yourself in the mirror, while she highlights each unique, beautiful and divine part of your body, starting from the tip of your head, to your feet, without forgetting to give you a thousand and one compliments, kissing you and hugging you in the process. “I will always say it and I will never get tired of telling you; pretty face, you are beautiful just the way you are, you are like a lotus flower; beautiful and delicate.”
✦ Jolyne would be the type of girlfriend who wouldn't mind in the slightest and would always try to find the perfect opportunity to carry you in her arms in bridal style, always to make you smile and cheer you up emotionally. — While smiling at you, looking into your eyes and repeating positive affirmations in your ear, so that you see yourself as perfect as she sees you in her eyes.
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myths-tournaments · 10 months
Awful Characters Round 4 (2/4)
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Propaganda under the cut!
The first thing that happens in new vegas is that benny fucking shoots your character in the face, steals your shit and leaves you in an open grave. Benny is by all accounts a bastard. He kills you, steals from you, he killed his last boss, he is the single most duplicitous man around. His gang are all about honesty- except him. He's a lying, cheating bastard. The guys who helped him catch you? He skipped on paying them and left them to get shot to death. His new boss, mr.house? He stole his robot, broke it open, got someone to reprogram it and decided to use it to TAKE OVER THE WHOLE OF VEGAS. Benny literally kills people, lies to people, steals their shit and takes charge. That's all benny does. He gets fucking CRUCIFIED if you don't help him out just because so many people fucking hate him. And yet. And yet. Benny is the single most compelling character in the whole game to me. He's just a little guy! He's just there! You can get shot in the head and come back and he goes "what in the goddamn" and then if you try and flirt with him he's like "uhhh sure? Okay?" And leaves you a polite note in the morning. He's fancy. He wears a stupid suit. He has a tiny gun with shitty bullets. He's catholic. He talks like an old timey news presenter. Literally nobody else in the entire game does that. He's got an intelligence of 3. He's my funtime boy. My silly little man. He's so funny. The antagonist in this game is a guy dressed like a tablecloth who looks at all times like a confused dog who doesn't understand what a tv is. And like. He's compelling. He robs from you, shoots you, but…. he never seems to actually wish you harm. He kills and robs and lies but like. He apologises for doing it to you. When he sees you again he doesn't attack you, he's just… confused. He tries to defuse the situation. You can convince him to talk to you, alone, with no guards and it's not that hard. If you spare his life, he doesn't go after you, like. Even if you sleep with him he doesn't take advantage of that and kill you, even if you try to. He… he just leaves. He gives you an apology. If he gets kidnapped by Caesar He just… apologizes again. He tells you his whole plan to take over the city, too. He thinks he'll die, and he wants something of him to survive. He's happy that you made it. And if you let him free, he just… leaves. He knows he's beat, he doesn't want to cause any more trouble. He walks out and leaves. The NCR will kill you if you cross them. The legion will crucify you. House? He'll blow you the fuck up. But benny, the guy who lies and cheats and schemes, he's honest. He's polite. He's… harmless. You can kill him with a single shot if you want. And he can't kill you. He doesn't kill you the first time, and he'll never really hurt you again. Benny just wanted to win. When he knows he's beat he just leaves. No lingering, no harm, he's off, off into the desert heat, and never seen again. Isn't that just insane? like have you ever known an antagonist so polite? He just leaves!! He offers you a drink!! His plan is genuinely probably the best one for the people of new vegas!!! He's. Benny is Benny. Anyway if you want to see some REAL propaganda go to the blog letmebegaytodd and look in the #benny tag. You'll Understand < https://www.tumblr.com/letmebegaytodd/717051175751614464/in-another-life-i-wouldve-really-liked-just> <- look at this shit man
Azula explicitly considers herself a monster. She says needlessly cruel things to her brother and friends. She kills the show's twelve-year-old protagonist and masterminds the idea of burning down the entire Earth Kingdom to force them to submit to Fire Nation rule. I have absolutely seen people get called abuse apologists for thinking she's a cool character. But she's also a (canonically) mentally ill fourteen-year-old who was raised by her father to see her ability to be weaponized as her only value. Her mother, arguably the only adult in her life who could have had a positive impact, had a strained relationship with her because she was more difficult than her brother, and then disappeared when she was nine. Her uncle, who was her brother's main healthy role model, took absolutely no interest in her. She watched her father belittle her brother for years and eventually throw him away when he failed to meet his expectations, so that was a threat she was always facing. She really had no chance. And she also has moments that suggest she wants some sort of meaningful connection with another person. She lets her brother take credit for killing the Avatar so he can come back from exile, even though it means she'll be bumped back in the order of succession and offers him advice that seems genuine. Her spiral into a mental breakdown starts when her friends betray her. She's just a much more interesting and multifaceted than a lot of the fandom gives her credit for.
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somebluemelodies · 8 months
@atthebell's SPIDERBIT WEEK DAY SIX: it couple | enigma revisiting the coffee shop au for this one, which you can read here! consider this a couple months or so post first date :> featuring: qroier being hopelessly in love and qcellbit being a total fucking nerd (/affectionate. and also hopelessly in love) this is a little lengthy like the last one my apologies-
"Roier, I can hear you thinking from here, man."
Roier abruptly stands from his spot leaning against the counter. "Perdón."
"Keep thinking that hard and you're going to destroy your last functioning brain cell." Mariana eyes his best friend. "Are you still trying to ask that guy out?"
"Yes," he answers, exasperated. "I don't know what the fuck to do."
"Just fucking ask him, man! It's not hard."
"I don't want to just ask, man! I want to do something cool for him, you know? He deserves it." Roier eyes Mariana right back. "Besides, I don't think you're allowed to offer relationship advice. You and Slime just started making out every day and eventually slapped a label on it."
Mariana looks smug and punchable. "And we're engaged now."
Roier only flips him off, leaning back against the counter and returning to his moping pondering. The other barista huffs after a few seconds, finally attempting to make himself useful. "Well, what does he like?"
"He's an investigator," is how Roier answers, "he—"
It's like a flip is switched in his brain, and he shoots back upright. "That's it! I know!" And before Mariana can question it, he's rushing out back to grab his phone.
When he returns, he's near-silent for the next several minutes upon grabbing a pen and napkin, save for occasional mumbling to himself as he studies intently whatever is on his phone screen.
Mariana doesn't bother stepping over yet, watching as Roier eventually starts writing something down on the napkin. Only when the pen has been capped, and Roier sighs to himself, seemingly satisfied, does he finally question the other again. "Happy now?"
Roier nods, smiling. "Sí."
(And so it goes.)
“And someone left this on one of the tables?”
Roier nodded. “Sí. Shortly before my shift ended.”
Cellbit seems mildly skeptical, but he doesn’t question it. Besides, who would he be to pass up solving a jumbled mess of letters?
“Well, it’s not a Caesar cipher. Doesn’t make sense. But…” He leans down, reaching for his satchel and rummaging through its contents before he finds a piece of paper, placing it on the coffee table alongside the napkin.
Intrigued, Roier scoots closer from their spot on his couch, hooking his chin over Cellbit’s shoulder. It looks like a table, but it’s full of letters instead of numbers. “What is that?”
(It’s just to get a closer look.)
(Cellbit wills his cheeks to cool down.)
“It’s for a Vigenère cipher. The letters in the middle are for all the encrypted letters. The left-hand column is the alphabet for whatever the key is, and the top row is the plaintext, or the 'normal' letters, if you will. In this case, it's what we're going to solve for."
(Cellbit explaining is leagues better than reading a bunch of words on a screen.)
(He could listen to Cellbit talk all day.)
“So how exactly do you solve it?” Roier asks. He has somewhat of an idea, but it was mostly him filling out the criteria on the website to encrypt it for him.
“I want to try and figure out the key first. I’m guessing the little coffee cup in the corner here has something to do it.” Cellbit points to the little doodle in the bottom right-hand corner, thinking for a moment. “It might not work, but let’s say the key is the word café. Vigenères are polyalphabetic ciphers; it utilizes multiple Caesar ciphers inside of itself, but the increments depend on whatever the key is— sorry, not important— polyalphabetic just means that they—"
“Use multiple alphabets?”
Cellbit smiles, and warmth blooms in Roier’s chest. “Yes!”
He pulls a pen from his chest jacket pocket. “We’re going to repeat café until it matches the length of the message.” He starts writing the letters underneath the cipher, continuing to talk. “We’re only going to be using the C, A, F, and E letters on the left-hand column, none of the others. Let me just finish this…”
Roier waits patiently until Cellbit gets to the last letter. When he does, he reaches for the table he’d pulled out. “Okay! So, now, to actually decipher it, we’re going to take the first letter of the key, C, and we’re going to locate the first letter of the cryptic message, Y, in C's row.” Cellbit’s pen lands on the letter Y. “Next, we’re going to follow that up to the top row for the plaintext.” The pen travels up. “W. So, the first letter of the decrypted message is W. Does that make sense?"
The barista nods as the investigator glances over to check. "Yeah. You're very smart, gatinho, you know that?"
Cellbit chuckles. "Gracias, guapito."
With that, he starts to work on decoding the rest of the cipher. Roier can't help but marvel at the speed he's able to work at - and doing it manually at that, not just putting it through online like he did. But Cellbit solving it fast is doing nothing for his nerves, his heartbeat starting to pick up.
He lets the other work quietly, trying not to shuffle and shift too much from his place leaning against him. He can't tell if he's regretting this or not, with the way the anticipation is killing him.
(But he also knows shit like this makes Cellbit happy, so maybe it won't be the complete end of the world.)
When Cellbit gets to the last word, though, he starts to slow down, processing exactly what the message is in front of him. He becomes acutely aware of Roier's head on his shoulder, the way his dark eyes are flitting back and forth between him and the papers, and pieces start clicking into place.
But he finishes it, because he knows Roier made it. Because he's stunned someone would go to this length for him. And so, the decoded cipher stares back up at him.
Cellbit reads it back over to himself, once, twice, heart hammering in his chest as a haziness washes over him. He feels Roier lift his head, momentarily mourning the loss of contact, but wills his voice to work. "Roier..?"
"Well?" Roier asks after a moment, and Cellbit feels brave enough to glance over at him. They lock eyes, and he looks just as nervous as Cellbit feels, if not more. "Will you?"
For a moment, Cellbit doesn't move, expression unreadable, and Roier wonders if maybe this was a mistake after all. But then he sits upright, and orients to face him. "Cellbo—?"
He's effectively cut off by lips pressing against his, one of Cellbit's hands cupping his face as the other rests against the back of his neck.
Roier's eyes close immediately, melting into it as one arm wraps around the investigator's neck. His other hand goes up, threading through Cellbit's hair and subconsciously deepening the kiss.
(It feels warm, it feels right.)
They only pull apart when their lungs demand oxygen, foreheads resting together.
"Does that answer your question, guapito?" Cellbit breathes out.
Roier grins. "I think I need a little more clarification, gatinho."
Cellbit can't help but laugh. "Let me try again, then."
"By all means."
And somehow, the second kiss is almost better than the first.
(Enigma solved.)
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0lshadyl0 · 2 years
Do you think asl would work well together or would it end up as disaster? ( can it be Yandere please )
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I'll assume darling is female since you didn't specify
Are you really asking this question? With Ace, Sabo, and Luffy? Let's be honest, they have the best sibling relationship without sharing blood ties in the entire series (and other series... I don't know, it's not like I can afford to watch other animes, besides the rest of my free time I spend playing Genshin Impact), so if what you are looking for is a polyamorous relationship, either platonic or romantic (in the latter rule out Luffy because he can only be yandere platonic, I don't see in my head how this guy could feel romantic desires for someone, no, just not), ASL is your best bet
Now if we go to the dynamics of how the relationship would work, it will depend a lot on how it is formed and in what sense, for example, if it is a healthy platonic relationship between siblings (and in the specific case that it was formed when they were all children being slaughtered by Garp and his fists of love), then we would be seeing that they will treat you the same as Luffy, or in case you are younger than them, (Ace and Sabo), they will be a little more overprotective of you, if you are even younger than Luffy (or if you are female), in the beginning of your adventurous years you will not be alone, at least you will be in a pirate group under the command of Ace or Luffy, (Sabo does not count because we will presume him dead at that time), girls cannot go outside unsupervised sea, not with all those perverts sailing the seas in search of beautiful young and fertile girls (I see you Shanks, Mihwak, caesar, DOFLAMINGO) and all those old bastards who didn't get married in time and feel lonely and misunderstood since their children ignore them (kaido)
Now going to the field where the beautiful stops being so beautiful and love becomes sick:
Yandere ASL Platonic Polyamorous Relationship
• In this situation, I assure you that it is 100% Luffy's fault and his ability to make other platonic yanderes
• Any chance of forming a romantic relationship with Ace or Sabo dies if the first of these three you meet is Luffy.
• Because, if he says that you are brothers, my dear, you are family
• And no, they are not the type of family where the brothers want to marry each other (disgustingly cool in fiction but fucking disgusting if it is in real life, say no to incest, there are many fish in the sea and many 2D men/women to simp (Nico Robin, my love))
• Get ready to always be accompanied by one of them, privacy? what is that? is it eaten?
• Also keep in mind that you are Ace's emotional support every time he has his attacks of “I'm Roger's son, everyone hates me, I hate myself too”, I think, out of the three, it's him that you will spend more time
• Until Luffy comes to steal you because he found a new island with very cool animals and he wants to go on an adventure with you.
• Really the one who has to manage everything in the relationship and be 'the older brother' is Sabo
• Poor him, considering all the extra work he has as a revolutionary, now he also has to deal with the fact that his brothers don't want to share (Luffy is the most possessive of the three and the one who starts the fights)
• So when you get frustrated go with Sabo, you will have time for yourself while you are watched by the piercing eyes of the revolutionary
I will not speak more about this dynamic because the post will be longer than it already is, besides that it looks like another request that they made to me, I will delve into it more calmly in that future post
Yandere AS, Romantic Polyamorous relationship Platonic with L
• The way in which this relationship occurs, is by following certain rules that, first of all, is doing the opposite of the platonic relationship, in what sense? you may be asking me
• Simple, Luffy shouldn't meet you first.
• If you meet Luffy first it's game over, from now on you have three brothers, live with it
• You can have the opportunity to be Sabo's darling, be part of the revolutionaries, or he saving you from some injustice (he has a hero complex, it increases if you are a woman)
• With Ace you can find him on Whitebeard's ship (maybe being his daughter? A nurse? Marco's apprentice? (I would be, I don't hesitate) are you stupid or ridiculously strong enough to face the yonkou?, I don't know, you tell me) or literally on any random island that he visited while looking for Teach (or you guys met in Wano, the possibilities are limitless)
• Or in an invented scenario where we are all happy, Ace did not die in marineford and was reunited with his brother who he presumed dead in a tragicomic scene with many tears, emotions, and heartbreaking flashbacks
• In any case, the second rule is that Sabo and Ace must discover you at the same time, note that this is important because although neither of them is possessive, Sabo is a jealous person and although he would never do anything to hurt Ace, if he chooses you first, he won't share you, what Sabo will do is manipulate Ace into looking the other way while he stays with you
• Let's remember, Sabo is a manipulative and protective yandere, Ace is another protective yandere, but he is also delusional and that is what puts him at a disadvantage compared to Sabo who thinks with a cooler head
• So if you stick to these rules, congratulations, you now have two very hot boyfriends and an annoying brother-to-be who is going to irritate his older siblings because he wants to hang out with his brothers's girlfriend.
• Basically this relationship is based on Sabo having control of the dynamics between the four of you (distracting Luffy, keeping Ace stable and his delusions, keeping an eye on you, you know, everything a manipulator can control)
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estrellami-1 · 6 months
If I Should Stay
On the 15th, as promised! Ngl, I definitely almost forgot this. I have SO many feelings about this one, y’all check the tags if you want my ramblings. Buckle up. Also, happy stabbing Caesar day.
Part 1 | . . . | Part 64 | Part 65 | Part 66
Steve works his jaw, staring at Will. “Yeah,” he whispers. Will looks down. “Hey,” Steve says gently. “That’s not on you, okay? And Jonathan’s a really great guy. He and Nancy both had a lapse in judgement. They got together a while later and they were better for each other than she and I ever were.”
“But they hurt you.”
Steve chuckles. “In the moment, sure. But I’m fine now, I’ve moved on. It surprised me just now because I didn’t expect her to react like that. I know that’s not who she is as a person, and I’m sure as soon as Joyce talks to her about it and she’s had some time to think about it, she’ll come apologize. But none of that is on you, okay?”
Will shrugs, playing with the hem of his pants.
Steve glances at Eddie, who winks and plops down cross-legged next to Will, nudging their shoulders together. “My dad’s in jail.” Will looks up at him, surprised. Eddie shrugs. “I’ve had time to process, but it took me a while to realize he just isn’t a good person. Now, my momma was an angel among women, she just had a disease. It didn’t make her a bad person. But they’re my parents, so that must mean I’m a bad person with a disease, right?”
“No!” Will says emphatically. “Just because they-” he pauses, mouth a perfect circle, before flushing and ducking his head, smiling a little. “Okay. I get it.”
“Good kid,” Eddie says fondly, ruffling his hair. “Now, back to the planning?”
“Probably,” Steve nodded. “First things first, who wants out?”
“Papa hurt El?” Mike asks. Steve nods. “Then let’s kill this fucker.”
“Language,” say all the adults, and Mike rolls his eyes.
“I’m in,” Will adds.
“Me too,” Dustin says, and Lucas nods.
Steve looks around, and all the adults present nod at him. Robin squeezes his hand, and Alli pulls him closer to her by his shoulders. “Alright, little brother,” she says. He elbows her. “What’s the plan?”
Steve sighs and looks to El. “What do you think, Ellie?”
“Everyone else is dead,” she murmurs. “But if I go into the rainbow room, I will see them.”
Steve’s heart breaks. “You don’t have to go anywhere you don’t want to.”
She smiles sadly at him. “You cannot promise me that, Steve.”
He meets Robin’s eyes above El’s head, watches her heart break. “Watch me.” He looks back to El. “I know what he put you through, El.”
“He loves me.”
Steve takes a breath, shuts his eyes for a moment. “Remember what I told you, last time you said that?”
El nods. “You thought the same thing about your parents.”
“Exactly. It took me a long time to learn, but they don’t love me. And there’s nothing I can do to change that. Even if I was perfect, that wouldn’t be enough for them. Does that make sense?”
She nods. “You love me differently from how Papa loves me.”
“Yeah,” Steve whispers. “Which do you like better?”
“Do you know why?”
She thinks about it for a minute. “You love me because you see Ellie. He loves me because he sees Eleven.”
Next to him, Alli makes a broken sound. Steve reaches back to hold her hand. “Yeah, Ellie. That’s exactly right.”
“I do not want to only be Eleven anymore,” she decides. “I want to be Ellie.”
“And that’s why I’ll do all of it myself if I have to,” Steve tells her. “So you can be Ellie. You don’t have to go in the rainbow room, okay?”
“Okay,” she nods, wiggling around until she can bury her face in his neck and whisper, “I trust you.”
He blinks quickly. “I’m glad,” he whispers back.
“Ellie,” Wayne says, voice not much steadier than Steve’s. She shifts to look at him from where she’s tucked into Steve. “We all want you t’be just Ellie if you want it. We’re all gonna be right there with you.”
“Thank you,” she says quietly. “Steve?”
“I won’t be strong enough. If I see Papa.”
“That won’t be a problem,” Hopper says, checking his gun. She shifts to look at him. “He’s not going to hurt you again.”
She frowns and buries her face back in Steve’s neck. “I’m happy,” she murmurs. “But I’m also very sad.”
Steve sighs and hugs her tightly. “I know how you feel.”
“I don’t like feeling this way.”
“I know, El. I don’t think there’s really any way to get rid of the feeling, though.”
“Just life,” Alli says quietly, scooting closer and laying a comforting hand on El’s upper arm. “I know it’s a cliché, but it’s true.”
El looks up at Alli. “Okay. What’s a cliché?”
Alli meets Steve’s eyes, a smile starting to spread, and Steve thinks everything’s going to be okay.
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @mischivarien @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @inadequatecowboy @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
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smok3r7 · 2 months
One Door Closes & Another One Opens
Joel x OFC!Divorce Lawyer
Explicit, 18+
Long Time No See
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Main MasterList & Series Masterlist - My AO3
Summary: She’s a divorce attorney and he’s a husband looking for help to save his daughter, and himself, from his gambling addict wife. Renae Russo is a woman who fights for her clients and wins. She’s satisfied with her life and what she does - but she wishes she could have a little more. What happens when Joel Miller becomes her client and an old flame of Renae’s reignites in the same breath?
Chapter Summary: Trying to fill the void in her heart isn't easy, especially when she doesn’t want to. But when the unexpected happens, she can’t help but leap into it.
Word count: 5.8k
"So what do you like to do for fun?" Renae forces herself to ask Jack with a forced smile. Across from her is a guy she met on Tinder, and she doesn’t want to be here but Ally forced her to get out there again since the whole…Joel situation, as she called it.
Jack leans back in his seat, resting his right arm on the back of the booth, a small smile playing on his lips, "I love going on spontaneous road trips, exploring new places, trying out different cuisines-"
Renae raises an eyebrow, not expecting such an adventurous answer.
“How about you?"
Renae fidgets with her coffee cup, feeling out of her comfort zone. She glances around nervously, realizing she hasn’t been on a date in years. Ally's voice echoes in her mind, urging her to give Jack a chance. Taking a deep breath, Renae musters a smile and replies, "I enjoy camping, hiking, and reading mystery novels - when I have the chance."
She sips her coffee, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement as Jack eats his Caesar salad across from her. “Well, those all sound like cool things, I haven’t been camping much,” he says as he smiles back, clearly trying to keep the conversation moving smoothly. Renae smiles back and continues to tell him about some campsite she’s been to and that she recommends for him to visit.
But a thing she can’t stop herself from doing is comparing him to Joel. She left for his own good, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t miss him. Jack is nothing like Joel, though also similar in weird, abstract ways. Jack is a couple years younger than Joel, they act very differently.
He divorced his wife of five years about three years ago and he has an eighteen year old son, who just graduated and is going off to college. His hair is a striking shade of strawberry blonde, buzzed cut, giving him a rugged and edgy look. His piercing green eyes are very similar to Renae's, carrying a hint of mischief and wisdom. Despite his mature demeanor, there is a youthful energy that emanates from him, drawing people in with his charismatic presence - what made Renae decide to meet him for lunch.
Jack's unique combination of features sets him apart from most, making him both intriguing and approachable. But Renae finds herself unsure if she's ready to open up again, to let someone new into her life after the intricate experience with Joel.
She must’ve gone silent, because next thing she knows is Jack reaches across the table to hold her hand gently, a reassuring smile on his face. “Sorry,” she apologizes, quickly retracting her hand from his and giving him a small smile to reassure him that she’s okay.
Even though underneath her skin, she’s not.
Renae misses Joel terribly. She longs for the easy banter, the comforting presence she felt with him, even through texts and late-night phone calls. This past year has been a challenge without him by her side. Renae has always prided herself on her independence, but there was something about Joel that made her feel stronger and more hopeful a year ago. She can't quite put her finger on it, but she knows that his absence has left a void in her life that no one else can fill. Even a cool and attractive guy like Jack.
Work hasn’t even felt the same since her and Joel went their own ways. The last year has been really slow for her, mainly because she’s not picking up cases like she should, or she knows she could. Every day at the office feels like a struggle as she navigates through the paperwork, phone calls, and court with a heavy heart. Her distracted mind keeps wandering back to memories of Joel, the sound of his laughter, the touch of his hand, the smell of sweat and cologne.
But despite the emotional turmoil, Renae tries her best to focus on her work, pushing through each day with a mixture of determination and sadness. Finally, she seems to have found a new rhythm, a new purpose in her career, and a newfound strength within herself. She’s not sure what she would do otherwise, her job has been her life for too long to just up and leave.
As Jack takes a sip of his water, he looks at Renae with a curious expression, "Do you like your job?" he asks casually. Renae hesitates for a moment, torn between her true feelings and the desire to maintain a facade. She wants to tell Jack that she loves her job, which she truly does, but her recent struggles have dampened her enthusiasm.
Deep down, she knows that her current state of mind has nothing to do with her job, but she can't bring herself to admit the real reason to Jack. With a forced smile, she replies, "Yeah, I do. It's just been a bit challenging lately. Court has been pretty time consuming, but what isn’t nowadays? " Jack nods understandingly, unaware of the underlying truth that Renae is desperately trying to conceal about Joel.
“How do you like real estate?” Renae quickly returns the question to Jack, who’s more than happy to answer. But as his answer drags on, Renae finds herself bored and honestly unimpressed. She can’t help but feel a twinge of disappointment as he rambles on about properties and market trends.
She prefers a man whose hands are calloused from hard work, not smooth from signing contracts. Jack and Joel couldn't be any different. Jack, with his impeccably manicured hands and polished demeanor, seems to be everything Renae doesn’t want in a partner. However, Joel, with his rough hands and rugged appearance, had a raw magnetism that drew her in instantly.
“…Veronica has been trying to steal this property from me for a couple months now, and I just am sick of it…” Jack briefly stops her train of thoughts, she fakes a small head nod like she understands so he can continue.
But as he does, Renae finds herself sitting here on a date, contrasting the two men… And there’s no way Jack can be the one for her.
As Jack continues to talk enthusiastically about his latest deals, Renae realizes that maybe they're just too different. She longs for someone who can fix a leaky faucet or build a bookshelf, not someone who thrives in the world of selling tactics.
She needs someone like Joel.
“…I’d try out my sea legs.”
“But you ain’t got no legs, Lieutenant Dan.”
Renae can’t help but mimic the so-familiar dialogue of Forrest Gump as she sits in her room, freshly showered, with Frankie curled into a medium-sized ball in her comforter-covered lap with her phone next to her. Which is open to her and Joel's messages, frequently going between the movie and her screen.
She can’t help herself. Scrolling through their old messages, a wave of nostalgia washes over her, and a faint smile appears on her face. Their meaningful, intimate, and silly conversations make her heart ache with longing and sorrow.
Oh, how Renae misses it.
The easiness of it all, no arguments with Joel. Phone calls that went for hours, silence never settling for more than a few seconds. Every conversation felt like coming home after a long journey, neither running out of things to tell the other. They could talk about everything and nothing at all, their connection deep and effortless.
But then, life happened. The divorce was finalized, and Renae had to let him go, more for his daughter than anything. Now, the memories of those long conversations linger in Renae's mind like a bittersweet melody.
She wonders if Joel thinks about those moments too, if he misses them as much as she does. Almost everyday, she picks up the phone, ready to dial his number, but she doesn’t. She can’t bring herself to do it.
So she re-reads their conversations… All the time.
“You are one of a kind Rae… I never knew a girl like you could be so funny.”
“I’ll take you out on the pontoon so you can lay out, while I float us down the river… You’ll love it.”
“Darlin’… You don’t need to apologize. You’re a busy gal’, I’m not gonna hold you back.”
“Sarah and Ellie decided it was a good idea to prank me or somethin, today… by pushin me off the boat while I was fishin.”
Deep down, she understands that holding on to whatever they had, or what she thought they had, is doing her no good. Especially if she’s going to do nothing about it.
With a heavy heart, Renae sighs and sets her phone aside, realizing that sometimes, love means letting go. As she goes back to her tv, where Forrest Gump plays, a sense of disappointment washes over her, knowing that she simply can’t move on from him like she wants.
Even a year later.
The memories of their late-night conversations and dreams they shared and didn’t, replay consistently in her head, day and night. Their words, filled with hope and passion, linger in the quiet corners of her mind, like whispers of a forgotten melody.
Renae finds herself drifting back to those moments as she calmly pets Frankie and quickly forgets about the movie she put on to distract herself, reliving the laughter and the deep, heartfelt talks that brought them closer together.
Despite the passing of time, the connection they shared remains vivid and unshakeable to Renae, she can’t shake it. It's as if Joel's presence lingers beside her, guiding her through life's twists and turns.
But the thing is, she knows deep down that Joel feels the same way, that their love was too strong to fade away.
She wants to reach out, but fear holds her back, the fear of rejection, of being vulnerable. She wants nothing more than to reach out to him, to bridge the gap that has grown between them. Yet doubt clouds her mind, whispering cruel lies of inadequacy and unworthiness.
In the quiet moments of the night, or when she’s distracted, she will replay their last conversation, searching for clues, for signs that he still cared. And she remembers him trying his damn best to keep his composure from crumbling in front of her, so maybe there is some hope.
Renae finds herself at a crossroads, yet again. Torn between the yearning for love of her heart and the fear in her soul. Can she gather the courage to reach out to Joel, even for a simple conversation, or can she let him slip away, forever lost in the shadows of what could have been?
Last week, Renae was asked by Ally and her husband Daniel if she wanted to join them in their trip to Palo Duro Canyon State Park, just outside Amarillo, Texas, the following week. Feeling adventurous and needing a change in her life, even if it’s just a small trip, she decides to go.
She calls off of work for two days, Monday and Tuesday, and starts packing things up for her three day vacation. She figures she’ll drive there and meet them, only because they both are staying longer than three days and Renae can’t get that much time off.
This morning, she wakes up ready and high with energy, filled with a sense of adventure that pulses through her veins, barely needing her coffee to get her going, something she usually needs everyday. The thought of exploring the breathtaking canyons and discovering the diverse trails and plants ahead fills her with exhilaration. She has missed this feeling, and as she sets out on her way, she promises to herself to never go this long without being adventurous again.
The solo two hour road trip is easy enough. Traffic isn’t terrible for a Sunday afternoon and her music is loud through her speakers and open windows. Renae is about as carefree as she can be at the moment.
With each passing mile she can feel herself getting closer and closer to nature's wonderland, where the beauty of the world envelopes her in a sense of freedom and joy. The sun kisses her arm that hangs out her driver side window, the wind whispers secrets in her ear, and the earth welcomes her with open arms as she drives down this windy road.
Next thing she sees is this picturesque cabin that Ally and Daniel have rented for the week, and she feels like she is entering a world of magic. Goosebumps form on her arms, even with the warm sun shining on her. Parking her car next to Daniel’s pickup truck, she steps out and the scent of heat and wildflowers fill her senses immediately.
Ally and Daniel come out to the porch, beaming with excitement to show Renae around their temporary haven. The cabin is a cozy retreat in the desert but scattered with large trees, it’s a charming rustic feel that instantly makes Renae feel at home.
“How was the drive here?" Ally asks, helping Renae unload things from her car. Renae takes a deep breath and leans against the vehicle smiling, grateful for her friend's thoughtfulness.
"Not bad, any longer though I woulda’ been exhausted!" She admits, wiping the beads of sweat from her forehead. The two friends laugh.
“I don’t blame ya,” Daniel laughs with them, carrying the cooler from her trunk.
"Well, you made it at a good time!" Ally tells Renae as they walk through the decent sized cabin, dropping her bags in front of the couch in the cozy living room. “Daniel just got done grilling chicken tacos for dinner- my personal favorite of his.”
Mhmmm, Renae smells the sweet aroma of grilled chicken tacos fills the air coming from the open back door, making her mouth water.
“God, I’m starvin’ too!”
The two girls leave the room and find Daniel in the backyard, with a big grin on his face, proudly presenting the sizzling tacos to his friends on a big plate right off the grill.
The warm summer evening feels perfect, the suns starting to set so the heat isn’t too brutal, she’s with good friends and good food, at an even better location for the next couple days.
As they enjoy the delicious meal, Ally asks Renae how her date with Jack went last week. Renae's honest response catches Ally off guard as she admits that she hated it. She elaborates on how Jack talked non-stop about himself and his stupid real estate deals, and showed little to no interest in really getting to know her - just the basic questions that everyone asks.
“All he talked about was his damn business, but in a cocky ass way, ya’ know?” Renae gets annoyed from simply talking about it again, “Oh- and how Veronica keeps stealing his properties or somethin’. Like, if you’re into your coworker, just tell me!”
Ally listens intently, offering sympathy and understanding, but also laughing with Renae about it all. “Jesus, girl,” she says, “Sounds like you got out at the right time with that one.”
Renae laughs as she swallows a bite of the garlicky chicken, she’s relieved to finally share her true feelings about the disastrous date and not have to worry about Ally’s reaction. “I am stayin’ away from the apps forever now… Fuck those things!”
“I don’t blame you!” Ally agrees, raising her hand for a high five from Renae, who smacks her hand enthusiastically.
Between laughs, a comfortable silence settles over the tables, everyone savoring their food, the delicious chicken with lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese all wrapped in a corn tortilla. Renae can’t remember the last time she ate something this good.
After a few minutes, Daniel asks, “Have you heard from Joel at all?”
Renae about chokes on her food, not expecting to hear that name at all this vacation. She watches Ally instantly scold him for asking about Joel, knowing the painful history behind it. Renae quickly composes herself, hiding the rush of emotions flooding back at the mention of Joel.
She forces a smile and casually replies, "No. I haven't and I’m not sure if I wanna,” she confesses, swallowing some beer that Ally had grabbed, “It’s been just over a year, so… Why now, you know?”
Daniel senses the tension in her voice and swiftly changes the subject, but Renae's mind drifts back to memories she had buried for this trip, wondering if fate had brought up Joel's name for a reason.
It’s hard for her to shake the feeling that Joel's sudden reappearance is more than mere coincidence. Is this a chance to rewrite their story, or is it a reminder of the past she has worked so hard to forget?
“You comin’, slow pokes?” Renae laughs as she rests by a large clay canyon, Ally and Daniel a few yards behind her. “Yeah, yeah, shut up!” Ally hollers back with a smile, Daniel laughing behind her.
They set out early this morning, leaving the cabin around eight, eager to explore the rugged beauty of the canyons and the desert. After hiking for a few hours along the winding trails, Renae marvels at the towering rock formations and vibrant wildflowers that scatter the landscape.
Renae's steps are rhythmic, the sun warming her skin and the breeze refreshing her spirit. Her thoughts drift between the beauty of the surroundings and the turmoil within her heart. Thanks to Daniel at dinner last night, the thought of Joel keeps creeping in more and more. This hike was supposed to be her escape from it all, which it still is, but not as much as she would like, a temporary reprieve from the chaos of her life - which is exactly what she wanted when she decided to come.
As she climbs higher, leaving Ally and Daniel to catch up with her, she leaves her worries behind and feels a sense of freedom wash over her. However, no matter how hard she tries, she can’t help but glance at her phone occasionally, hoping for a message from Joel, even though this trip isn’t supposed to be about him.
Her thoughts drift to him, now navigating the uncharted waters of single-dad life. She wonders how he's holding up, what struggles and triumphs he faces daily. If he’s found someone knew for him and his daughter, someone who’s able to be there for him. Her mind wanders to Sarah, hoping she's finding joy in her endeavors. She can't help herself from wondering if Annie is finally complying with the court order or if she's still dancing on the edge of defiance.
The canyon echoes with the mysteries of their lives, reminding Renae of the fragile threads that connect them all.
She contemplates sending him a gorgeous picture of the desert that she got earlier this morning, but she stops herself. She thought that would be just a little weird, no contact for a year but then a random photo? It just doesn’t make sense, at least in Renae’s mind.
But even with all that playing in her head, she’s content to be alone in nature, finding solace in the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other.
Finally reaching the highest point of their hike, Renae feels her heart race, her legs burning from the steep climb. She takes a moment to catch her breath, then turns around to face the canyon spread out before her. The sun at its highest point, casting a golden light over the jagged cliffs and deep ravines.
Renae's breath catches in her throat at the beauty of it all. She knows the other two will be joining her soon, but for now, she has this moment all to herself. She closes her eyes and lets the cool breeze wash over her, feeling a sense of peace and accomplishment wash over her. This is a moment she will never forget and always cherish.
“God damn Russo,” Daniel huffs behind her, “I thought you said you haven’t done this in awhile.”
Renae laughs, her ponytail swinging as she turns her head. “Well, it’s like ridin’ a bike, you never really forget,” she replies, teasing him, causing him and Ally to chuckle. But she’s honestly just as surprised as he is, she didn’t think this was going to be as easy as it is.
The sun beats down on them, casting dappled shadows from their bodies at the top of the canyon. Ally and Daniel sit down next to Renae, who’s still standing, catching their breath and taking in the beauty around them.
Renae smiles at him, a glint of mischief in her eyes. “Worth it, right?” she asks. Ally nods in response after downing some water, her heart full, grateful for this adventure with her husband and best friend.
“Yeah,” she whispers, “I think so too.”
“Bianca, don’t go too far please!” Renae yells to her niece, who yells back, I won’t, as she races around the playground, her laughter mixed with dozens of other kids fill the air, echoing Renae's heart with joy. Gia, with her baby Aliya, admires Bianca's zest for life and the way that Bianca just adores her little sister, much like how Renae and Gia used to be. The bond between the two sisters watching the young ones play was unbreakable, rooted in shared memories and unspoken understanding.
The afternoon sun casts a warm glow on the playground, bringing a sense of peace and contentment. Renae can’t help but smile as she sees Bianca making new friends, even if it is just for the weekend they’re here, her spirit contagious to those around her. It’s moments like this that remind Renae of the beauty of family and the magic of childhood.
“How are you doin’ Rae? With the Joel situation,” Gia asks, breaking the calm silence between them as she rests Aliyah on her thigh, feeding her small bites of cut up fruits.
“You want the truth?” Renae defeatedly asks her, and Gia nods her head.
“I thought I could move on. I mean, just a couple months ago I went hikin’ with Ally and I found myself thinkin’ of him the whole three days I was there.” She sighs, “I miss him so much. I don’t know why I left, we could’ve figured it out,” Renae's heart feels heavy as she opens up to her sister about Joel, constantly playing with her soft curls and trying to hide her anxiety.
Holding Aliyah on her lap, Gia listens attentively as Renae speaks. The weight of regret and longing is evident in Renae's voice as she admits how much this whole thing has messed with her. Gia's eyes fill with understanding as she tries to comfort her sister, not really knowing the pain she’s going through, but trying her best to understand.
“How long has it been?” Gia asks, still feeding Aliyah, making sure she doesn’t choke.
“It'll be a year and six months, next week…” Renae reluctantly tells her sister, “It’s ridiculous, I know-“
“No, it’s really not, Rae… You’re healing in your own way, even if that means still being in the same spot you were in a year ago. Everyone deals with shit differently.” Renae’s head perks up from staring at the woodchips beneath her heels, you really think so? Gia warmly smiles, yes, I do, causing Renae to smile back with a small tear in her eyes.
Suddenly Aliyah burps loudly, loud enough to think that this burp came from a man - not a twenty month old toddler. “S’cuse me,” she shyly giggles, causing Renae and Gia to burst out laughing, breaking the sadness that was swallowing them both.
After the laughter between them dies down a bit, Gia reaches out and places a comforting hand on her sister's knee. "It's never too late to make things right, Rae. Maybe it's time to reach out to Joel and see if you can work things out," she suggests gently, “And if it doesn’t work out…then you gotta let him go, for good.”
Renae looks into Gia’s eyes, a glimmer of hope shines as she contemplates her next move, “Maybe you’re right…” Renae admits, looking away from her sister to look for Bianca and when she finds her, she can’t believe her eyes.
Her heart races as she sees Sarah sitting with Bianca on the swing set. That can’t be- no fuckin way. She has never met Sarah in person, only seen pictures Joel had shown her. But the resemblance is uncanny. Could it be a doppelgänger? However, before she can process what’s happening, she sees him.
Memories flood back, the very same ones she was just venting about to Gia - the laughter, the tears, the love that once bloomed between them. Renae was not prepared for this unexpected encounter, she was planning on reaching out to him in a couple days.
Then just like that, Joel looks up from the swings and spots Renae, and it’s almost like he’s seen a ghost, his face pale, his jaw nearly hitting the ground. Renae, flustered, tries her best to smile but she only gives a small wave instead, not moving from the bench. In that moment, time stands still as Renae grapples with her emotions, torn between the past and the present. The story of their unfinished love about to unfold once again.
Joel smiles back and bends down to tell Sarah something before he starts walking towards Renae, his heart pounding in his chest.
“That’s Joel?” Gia quietly asks Renae as she gives Aliyah some toys to play with on her blanket on the ground, all Renae can do is subtly nod her head. “Holy shit… I can see why you’re struggling’ so much,” Gia chuckles to herself, stopping herself from drooling at the sight of the handsome man coming in their direction.
Renae’s heart races as Joel gets closer, unsure of what to expect, what to say, or what he’s even going to say. As he reaches her, Joel nervously clears his throat and says, "Hey Renae, I've-uh been meanin’ to talk to you… Do you, uh- do you wanna grab some dinner later?” Renae can’t believe what she just heard, Gia smirking next to her.
She softly smiles, a wide grin spread across her face, unable to contain her excitement. "Pick me up at seven?" she asks, feeling a rush of emotions at the thought of reuniting with Joel after a year and a half.
Joel is just as thrilled as Renae. The spark between them has never dimmed, despite the passing time and distance. “See you at seven, Rae,” he smirks along with a subtle wink and a higher level of confidence than when he walked up.
Before Renae can say bye, or anything, she sees Bianca right behind Joel. "Aunt Renae, I'm hungry," she exclaims, squeezing herself between Renae and Joel. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she continues, "Sarah and Ellie said there's a cool ice cream spot down the street... Can I go with them?" Joel raises an eyebrow at the sudden request, Sarah and Ellie peeking out from behind Bianca, their expressions a mix of excitement and playfulness.
Almost like they know exactly what they’re doing.
Suddenly Gia bursts out laughing, her contagious giggles filling the air. Joel and Renae can’t resist joining in, their laughter blending together in harmony. Renae feels like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders, the tension of the moment dissolving into laughter.
As Gia wipes away the tears, she looks at Joel and sees pure love and affection in his eyes as he stares at Renae. As a baby sister, she couldn’t be happier for Renae, it’s what she needs and deserves. It’s been too long since she’s had a win for herself.
“What’s so funny?” Bianca asks, highly confused and before Renae or Joel can answer, Sarah and Ellie whisper in her ear. And then it seems like it clicks, like she all of a sudden knew all the history between her aunt and her new friend's dad.
Renae gets lost in Joel’s chocolate eyes again, the warm eyes she fell for a year ago. She never thought she’d be able to look at him again, let alone go out to dinner with him. And not as her client, but a possible significant other.
Sitting across from each other in the cozy restaurant, the air between them crackling with unspoken words, Renae feels a rush of emotions she hasn’t experienced in a long time. Their conversation flows effortlessly, filled with laughter and meaningful words.
Renae can’t hold back the question that’s been on her mind since they sat down, she gazes into Joel's chocolate orbs, the flickering candle casting a warm glow on their faces. She’s been debating whether or not to ask it, but for her own peace of mind, she has too.
"Has this past year been as hard for you as it has been for me?"
Joel pauses his chewing, his expression softening as he reaches out to take Renae's hand that rests on the white tablecloth table. She sees him take a deep breath through his nose and out his mouth, like he’s thinking hard on the question.
"It’s been one of the hardest in my life," he confesses with glossy eyes, “N’ I think that says a lot.”
Renae feels her heart swell with love and gratitude as she looks into Joel's eyes across the table. Her stomach flips, her lips tighten into a small smile, and her eyes full of love. The year apart seems like a distant memory now, as their connection feels stronger than ever.
With a gentle smile, she tightens her grip on his hand, feeling the warmth and familiarity that it brings. Joel returns her gaze with equal affection, silently conveying the depth of his true feelings for her. In this very moment, Renae knows that despite the pain they faced, their love has only deepened and grown over time.
“More wine?” The waitress asks out of nowhere, causing Renae to jump back in her seat, letting go of Joel’s hand. Please, she accepts with a head nod. Red wine fills both of their glasses, before she walks away leaving Joel and Renae to continue their conversation. The dimly lit restaurant is a perfect setting for Joel and Renae to enjoy their night together, nothing too busy and nothing too empty.
With each sip, Renae’s words flow effortlessly, forging a connection that transcends the noisy chatter around them. “I tried dating a few times,” she confesses to him as she cuts into her steak.
Joel's eyes sparkle with interest at her words, “N’ how did that go?” He can’t help but smirk, the wine affecting him more than he thought.
Renae takes a bite of steak, savoring the flavor for a moment before giving Joel a face that is full of sarcasm and humor. After she swallows she tells him,“Fucking awful!” Causing Joel to burst into laughter. Renae can’t help but laugh along with him, the two of them sharing a moment of genuine joy.
Simple moments of connection like these are what made their friendship so special, where they could be themselves and exchange playful jabs without missing a beat. It’s what has Renae hooked on him, yearning for more and more each time.
Joel wipes away a small tear, still chuckling, as Renae rolls her eyes with a smile, chewing her steak while Joel takes a sip of wine. “How’s single dad life treatin’ you?” she asks, her tone teasing yet filled with genuine curiosity. Joel looks at her with a mix of amusement and contentment, grateful for the easy camaraderie they've always shared.
"It's a wild ride, that's for sure," he replies, a hint of exhaustion underlying his words. Renae nods understandingly, “Sarah loves havin’ just me in the home. She told me that all Annie does is talk shit ‘bout me when she’s there, but Sarah knows she’s talkin’ out her ass.”
Renae stops chewing, almost choking as she swallows the food at the sound of his words spill from him. “Are you fuckin’ serious?” Even though she knows Joel absolutely loves his daughter and did what he had to do to save her, Annie has no right to speak like that to her own daughter.
Joel lets out a soft sigh, gazing into the distance for a moment before replying, “Yep. I hate that Sarah’s in this position, but she’s twelve - almost thirteen, so she understands her mom and me.” Joel admits, shrugging his shoulders, “I’m kinda hopin’ Annie just stops showin’ up to pickups. It would be so much easier…for everyone.”
Renae senses the weight of his words, enough for her to almost feel like she knows exactly what he’s going through. His nonchalant shrug couldn't conceal the underlying turmoil caused by Annie's presence. She sees the conflict in his eyes, torn between compassion and self-preservation.
Despite his resolve, the lingering pain of past memories still haunts him and Renae can sense that. She silently vows to support him through this emotional battle, knowing that healing take’s time, but believing that one day, Joel will find peace when it comes to Annie.
“Well,” Renae gently starts, catching Joel’s attention immediately, “There is somethin’ that can be done, through the court, if you wanna do it. I’m not gonna push you because the court takes a lot out of you.”
“No. I can’t- Sarah can’t go through that.” Joel stops Renae from going more into it, “I’ve done my research ’bout the whole thing, but I just can’t put Sarah into that.”
Renae swiftly shakes her head, completely understanding Joel's wants and needs. She knows that he doesn't want his young daughter to go through the emotional turmoil of a custody battle in court. One that has already happened as Sarah’s almost thirteen, and at some point she can’t just tell her mom that she doesn’t want to be around her anymore.
So Renae gently places a comforting hand on Joel's hand across from her once again, offering her support and reassurance in this difficult time.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up. So tell me, what else is new with you?
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princelylove · 10 months
Thank you a lot for answering my ask, I just plan to ask on Lisa Lisa and Holly only, and you answer for all of them ~
If you can, I want to know the ranking from the easiest to the worst yandere for the Jobro too. Only when you have time of course, I know you working on your multiple projects, I looking forward to reading your work!
~ 🏵️ anon ~
Anon I love receiving asks, send as many as you want. I also LOVE ranking things. I know the jobros are only Speedwagon, Caesar, Kakyoin, Okuyasu, Bucciarati, Hermes, and Gyro but I can include some others, as a treat. Skipping Speedwagon since I just am not in the mood to write for him today oops.
Okuyasu is… difficult to get rid of, but is he really hard to deal with? He just wants to be ordered around, and some attention, that isn’t the end of the world. Sure, you can absolutely never be rid yourself of Okuyasu, but he means very, very well. He has no ulterior motives, and with how honest he is, what’s the issue? If you can’t handle an obsessive devoted type like Okuyasu, you have no business trying to handle any of the names further down this list. 
It almost seems cruel to put Jean-Pierre on a list with such intelligent, strategy-based yanderes. He truly is just a man in love who happens to be a little (a lot.) creepy, but he’s tame compared to the bottom of this list. He’s like that guy that always hits on you during your shift but tips reaaally well. You’re kind of expecting to find him in the parking lot with rope and a knife after your shift with the way he looks you up and down, but it never happens. Jean-Pierre is after one thing- true love. He’s the type of grown man who still believes in pinky promises, and, truthfully, if you pinky swear you love him with all your heart and are only going out to go shopping or something, he’ll really believe you. He’s got some clear boundaries- don’t walk around without him (especially at night), tell him what your plans are and who you’re expecting to meet, and call him if he’s ever not around and you need to go from one place to another. Even if it’s in the dead of night, Jean-Pierre wants to make sure you get home safe. Even if he’s upset with you, there’s just some lines he will never cross. He’d never put his hands on you, both in a sexual assault way and a physical abuse way, and generally prefers to pretend to back off when you snap at him to leave you alone. Following you from behind is a good compromise, right. 
Hermes is the type of girl to say she doesn’t care but goes to scream in her pillow about it later. She really, really likes you. It shouldn’t be this stressful to grab your attention and keep it. She’s tried about everything she can do in prison to get your attention- working out near you if you go to the gym, talking loudly in the yard and running laps so she can keep passing by you (even though the sun’s in your eyes), eating lunch and dinner at a table where you can see her, she’s even resorted to picking up whatever books you barely touched in the library- just for a little touch. She’ll lean against the railing in front of your cell. What, she can’t stand here? It’s a free country. She can loiter wherever the hell she wants to. Hermes loves watching over you, she’ll be damned if she lets anything hurt her baby. As long as you let her keep watch, she’s not gonna do shit. Hermes might get a little annoying, but she genuinely just wants to help you. She can’t just stand there and watch you need her. If you say she’s being too clingy, or that she calls you too many pet names, she’ll back off a little, but won’t just drop it all. You just need some space, and she’s happy to make sure you’re all good from over there.
Guido isn’t afraid to flash his gun, or to stick it in your chest as a way to move his hands around. You know italians, always talking with their hands, he doesn’t mean anything by it. Guido can actually take a no! Chronic catcaller over here gets rejected in canon, and what does he do? He brushes it off  and moves on. Guido’s a bit obsessed with finding “the one,” so he tells himself that it just wasn’t meant to be. With you, though… everything connects back to you, so it must mean that he should seek you out more. He’s a hard man to get rid of- he’s delusional and fully of the belief that he was made for you. He wants to give himself to you, and often fantasizes about you wanting him. Guido does just about everything he can to make you see him in that way. He’ll lift his sweater up to show off his muscles, he’ll pick up furniture and move it wherever Trish demands for the same reason, he’ll even stand waaay too close in confined spaces to check if you like the new soap he’s using. It’s unscented, he’s kind of praying that you just like his smell. Something about pheromones or whatever bullshit Panna was yapping about. He's that oversized dog that follows you around, begging for you to hold his leash. Guido won’t kill you if you resist him, but he’s not super lenient like most think he is. Guido’s smart. He knows to check for your shadow under furniture and doors, he knows what a dirty plate actually looks like, and he knows what gas from the stove smells like. He wants to keep this simple and stress-free, so he’s not gonna bring it up, but he knows, and will take the needed moves to keep you right where he wants you- within his line of sight at all times. Let’s just not make it a big deal, yeah? He loves you, and doesn’t want to have to put you over his shoulder and take you home. 
Caesar is seemingly the perfect lover. He’s not overly possessive, he respects you, he’s never asked you to go fifty-fifty on a date, and he’s never forgotten an important date. He can be a bit competitive whenever you mention someone else, but that’s something you’re willing to look away from. It’s endearing, isn’t it? How passionate he is? That same passion is what keeps his head on his shoulders, he doesn’t really know what to do with himself if you weren’t here to check his attitude every once in a while. He’s so prissy and afraid of getting dirty, he’s somewhat of a diva at times. All of that is a part of his charm, it makes you fall for him over and over again. It’s too bad that Caesar doesn’t feel the same way. He needs this to be perfect, and loathes how you look at other men when you’re out together. You’re making him look bad, you know that? It’s seriously such a pain to get the blood out of his clothes after his little bouts of insecurity. He sleeps well at night knowing that loser you had the nerve of looking at is dead in an alleyway somewhere, but he sleeps better knowing you’re staring at his perfect face. He has no reason to kiss you with his hamon, but every once in a while… he just needs the security of seeing you obey his every whim. 
Noriaki’s small stature often leads his enemies to assume he’s frail. In fact, he won’t put his hands on you until he’s sure that you’ve warmed up to him enough for physical contact. Attempting to get out of Noriaki’s grasp likely leads you to aching wrists and ankles. He isn’t afraid to slap you for speaking to him so harshly. Mind your manners when addressing him, or don’t speak at all. Noriaki is big on etiquette- he likes being addressed properly, and for his home to be relatively neat and orderly. If you make a mess in an act of rebellion, he’s happy to puppet you. You’re not making your boyfriend clean up after you, are you? Until he properly conditions you post kidnapping, Noriaki makes sure all of your needs are met via Hierophant Green. Doesn’t it feel good to give up control, and to let him do it all for you? He thought so. Since you’ve passed Noriaki’s requirements to be involved in his life, he just assumes he’s also up to code. Don’t try to act like he isn’t, either, Noriaki takes great pride in himself. Noriaki will do just about anything to make sure you’re always under his thumb. His grades are perfect, he’ll go to any college you are. Despite his introverted nature, Noriaki has no problem networking. He’s always a step ahead- everyone already knows you’re “dating.” Isn’t that sweet? Say it’s sweet, darling. 
Gyro is intelligent. He’s silly, sure, but you can’t fool him. He acts as if he’s only joking. You must hear that stupid nyohoho~ laugh he does in your nightmares. Hooohoo, he’s only playinggg, he’s not seriously going through your bag, relax! He’s just stealing your flask for a little sippy sip. Gyro’s not afraid to get a little handsy- he disguises most of his threats and ‘reminders’ as affection or just playing around. He laughs way too loudly at an unfunny comment and slaps your back with enough force to knock you forward as a little reminder about just how strong he is. If his little subtle hints aren’t working, he’s fine spelling it out for you: you’re meant for him, and you need to stop talking to other people. Gyro’s smile drops when he says it, but it’s right back up when he finishes. “Ooookay, back to what I was saying, do you want somethin’ from the catalog?” Gyro doesn’t really want to hurt his darling, but he’s fine with sabotaging their things. Your horse “had a broken leg,” so he put it down for you. Let’s ride on his! It’ll be sooo much fun, he’ll sing for you, he won’t even say anything if you get a little grabby. Wink wink. Should you be rude to him, his smile drops and he just stares. “What makes you think it’s alright to speak to me like that?” He’ll utter, and put his hand on your shoulder. “Oh, aw! I wasn’t serious. Don’t look so scaaared. Loosen up, sweetheart.” What solidifies Gyro’s spot on this list is the fact that when he’s serious about something, he sees it through. He knows his behavior is criminal, and what little guilt he feels is easily pushed aside- It’s not that he doesn’t have morals, it’s just that he doesn’t get what’s so bad about the way he loves. He’s passionate, he’s not going to water himself down for anyone. If you can’t handle him, you can learn to adapt. If you need to be spoken to with that cold and firm tone he takes with himself, then alright. Gyro would really prefer to keep everything all lovey dovey, but if what you need is a stern voice, he’ll let you see that side of him. 
Bruno is a family man, above all. If you reject him, he’ll only focus on you more. ‘You’re pushing me away? Did you have a bad experience with a man? We’ll go at your pace.’ type of logic. Regardless of the type of love, Bruno’s love will always be overbearing and constant. He inserts himself everywhere in your life, the people around you just adore him. He just doesn’t know how to stop, and wouldn’t if he could. It breaks his heart to see someone in need not have someone to latch onto when he’s right there- latch on to him. Bruno is begging to be needed, and when he meets you, he just can’t get enough. Suppose you could have it worse, it’s just a gorgeous man taking care of your every need, but there's no freedom from Bruno. You’ll never gain any privileges, never have any say in long term choices, but not because he doesn’t want you to! You’re just not supposed to be doing those sorts of things now that you have him. Bruno by himself is one thing, but Bruno’s never really alone, is he? He has his entire team, two of which he considers to be his sons. If you’re Bruno’s you’re also a part of the family, and family’s not going to just let you go- especially not when so many of them have such severe abandonment issues. You wouldn't abandon someone who needs you, would you. Bruno takes on a lot of responsibility, something you'll learn to share as husband and spouse. Narancia doesn’t trust you at first, and neither does Pannacotta, but he latches on fairly quickly when Bruno expresses his intentions. Narancia will rat you out. You’re the parent when Bruno isn’t around, why are you acting like you aren’t?? Be serious. There's a lot of guilt in being Bruno's darling, but share your guilt with him! He wants to do everything for you, and give you the 'easy' life he never had.
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faerynova · 11 months
Thoughts on. Caesar Salazar ?:3
oughhg césar... he is so autistic (derogatory) (im autistic its fine i can say that)
what i love about him is that he has NO empathy but also SUCH strong morals. he invented nanites TO HELP PEOPLE. he wanted to cure diseases and make the world a better place but also hes completely incapable of understanding that his actions have consequences and can hurt other people
like i straight up think he does not realize how much he hurt rex with like. the control collar and also yknow putting him through fucking EVERYTHING to do with the metananites and not telling rex his plans. césar isnt a "the end justifies the means" kind of guy its just that he does not realize that his means are harmful in the first place
i think about his introduction so fucking much. calls him mijo. immediately clocks providence as sketchy organization (that may or may not be experimenting on his brother who he knows has crazy nanite abilities and would thus be a prime target for that shit) and is like alright rex im getting you the fuck OUT OF HERE
also like césar skipped six whole years. the last time he saw rex, rex was TEN. thats his BABY brother. and im sure césar has some trouble like... realizing. that rex is older and can be treated as, yknow, a capable person. which ofc informed his decision to keep rex out of the loop every step of the way. (also i headcanon that he and rex have a 12 year age gap. and now that césar has his time skip, theres a 6 year age gap)
also césar has a doctorate?? zagRS refers to him as Dr. César Salazar. this man has a phd. i also headcanon that he was actually one of *those* super smart autistic kids who started going to college at like 13 or some shit and ended up with an engineering doctorate at 20/21 or something.
its like 4 in the goddamn am if this makes no sense then im blaming that
anyway tldr i am shaking him inside a pringles can i love him i hate him im gonna put him through the horrors
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scandalouslamb · 3 months
Ravinstill Extended Family Lore: The Deaths of Gnaeus and Marius
For the uninformed, Marius and Gnaeus Ravinstill are (in my worldbuilding) Felix's two older cousins. Marius is the eldest surviving Ravinstill cousin and the heir presumptive.
I have for the longest time just handwaved their deaths as a part of a confusing mess that happened in the aftermath of Felix's death via Coriolanus orchestrated car crash, but I have recently been privately rotating them in my head:
I have always known that Coriolanus uses Felix's death to try and turn Marius and Gnaeus against each other.
After giving this some thought, I don't think it works against the Ravinstill cousins, but it does work on their supporters.
Marius' position as Ravinstill heir has always been tenuous in that Gnaeus has always been the better pick. There are a lot of people who would support Gnaeus if he wasn't himself supporting Marius.
I don't think it would take much to convince Marius' supporters that Gnaeus is a threat. The ones that are solely loyal to Marius and see Gnaeus as some encroaching relative who's bullying the Ravinstill heir
Maybe, Coriolanus helps them along with rumors and by slipping something into their communications, but there was always going to be suspicion
Marius and Gnaeus are probably dealing with their great-uncle's grief and their own (and an upcoming state funeral), but when a call comes saying that Gnaeus needs to meet with a few advisors about something, well, it doesn't raise that many questions, Gnaeus was always the one with a better head for politics
And it doesn't matter if Marius' supporters decide to call him themselves after the deed is done or if Marius gets impatient waiting to pick out what coffin they're putting their younger cousin in, he shows up to whatever office or home that Gnaeus has been called to either way (although I lean more towards the latter)
Marius is more impulsive than the average Ravinstill, but I think he's stunned into inaction by the dead body of the cousin that he tried to replace two brothers with. EDIT: Marius is presented with the sight of Gnaeus’ severed head
I think he leaves that night and retires home numb, but the next day, he jumps into action
And what does it say, that as the news breaks, he doesn't seem to contact his great-uncle?
I think Marius purges his own followers and then waits. I don't think he really knows what he's waiting for, but well, Gnaeus was always the better schemer. Marius just avenged his cousin, and he knows that Gnaeus had a lot of friends too. Marius has gotten rid of anyone who would want to protect him.
He's not in the right headspace, so I think Marius greets whoever comes for hims with a smile.
I wrote Pater Patriae before I fine-tuned this idea, so this isn't entirely intentional, but what does it say that Max doesn't know the exact details of what exactly transpired? He knows the same version of the story that the public hears: after the death of one grandnephews, the other two pointed fingers at one another and died. I hate that man (I love him and show it by destroying his life)
Fun fact: I was thinking that maybe Marius' supporters might bring him Gnaeus' head, but I don't think they're putting that much work in (to cut off a guy's head). This was to further the fact that this thought I've been rotating started off as a reference to Gnaeus' namesake Pompey (Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus) who sought asylum from Julius Caesar in Egypt and was then beheaded because the Egyptians feared him taking control and also sought to win Caesar's favor.
Anyway, I thought the killing someone for someone else's approval was enough of a reference. Beheading didn't fit Capitolites doing a semi-quiet little murder...
EDIT: I changed my mind. Canonically, (in my canon,) Gnaeus Ravinstill’s head gets cut off and presented to Marius.
I should make a death recap for my Ravinstill extended family. I think it would emphasize the tragedy and would be fun for me. Anyway, Marius and Gnaeus get a tag now! I used to just lump them in with the ravinstill extended family lore tag!
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