#Wheeljack x OC
botmilf · 1 year
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I'm so normal about them
Wheeljack likes to G E N T L Y squish leg
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theicescorpions · 6 months
Primal Fire
Wheeljack never escaped the Decepticons after the fall of the Autobot Base. Instead he was given to Shockwave as a test subject. Through a series of horrific experiments, Wheeljack is no longer a normal Cybertronian. He’s been turned into a Predacon. When Starscream and Knockout cause a zombie outbreak on the Nemesis, Wheeljack escapes. Now out for revenge and seeking to learn how to control his new body he finds an unlikely new friend, another Predacon experiment who was long thought dead.
Story inspired by @sugarand-everythingnice and her “Of Flesh and Steel” AU
Chapter One: Rebirth
Choking, Burning with white hot fire, Wheeljack struggled within the viscous fluid that filled his containment cylinder. Unspeakable pain, relentless agony, time ceased to exist. Only this torture and a deepening hatred of those who condemned him to this hell.
He’d been captured by the Decepticons and instead of sentencing him to death after they rooted around in his head he’d been given to Shockwave as a test subject.
Wheeljack couldn’t hear or see anything and whatever that one eyed freak was doing to him the only thing Wheeljack was aware of was that it felt like his armor had been melted away leaving only his protoform behind and the mad scientist was playing ‘operation’ while keeping him alive and aware of every bit of pain.
Eventually he felt his body begin to itch and new armor beginning to grow across his protoform and the tube seemed to shrink and there was no more room to thrash or fight the pain and he was left to curl into a tight ball to fit into the increasingly small space.
Wheeljack could feel his mind slip in and out of consciousness and his memories became fuzzy and hard to grasp. He clutched tightly to the memory of Team Prime, Bulkhead and Miko and the last memory he had of his carrier. As the memories grew harder to remember something changed.
He heard alarms and the thick glass around him cracking then blaster fire. As the blaster fire receded, Wheeljack flexed and stretched, hearing the glass around him crack even more.
He knew he had to break free before it was too late. His movements grew more frenzied as the Decepticons were too preoccupied with their own battle to notice his struggle. His mind reeling with the idea of freedom after what felt like an eternity of misery.
With one last surge of strength, Wheeljack burst through the glass, shards flying in all directions. He spilled out onto the floor in a heap. His frame immediately heaved and he began purging a fluorescent yellow goo from his system and he gasped for fresh air.
He looked around, his mind hazy. Everything seemed so much smaller. He forced himself to stand and was startled that he couldn’t stand on two legs. Then he looked up and the reflection of the face he saw wasn’t his own. It was a monster from one of Miko’s movies. Wheeljack recoiled back but heard more blaster fire and screaming. No time to figure out what the hell was happening he had to get out before Shockwave came back and continued whatever this was.
He awkwardly found his footing after tripping and falling over his feet and his tail??? This was so fucked.
Wheeljack's head swam as he stumbled forward, each movement sending jolts of pain through his circuits, his new form feeling foreign and unwieldy. The sounds of battle echoed around him, the cacophony of blaster fire and shouting spurring him on. He needed to find his way out, away from the Decepticons and their torturous experiments.
As he moved through the dimly lit corridors, Wheeljack couldn't help but marvel at the strength in his new limbs, the sharp claws at the end of his digitigrade legs clicking against the metal floor with each step. His tail swished behind him, a constant reminder of his altered state.
Rounding a corner, Wheeljack froze as he came face to face with a group of Decepticons. They stared at him in shock, backing away at the sight of this unfamiliar creature before them.
Without hesitation, Wheeljack lunged forward, his instincts taking over. He ripped apart several Decepticons and his jaws closed on the last vehicon with a sickening crunch, warm energon oozed out of its crushed frame, staining his new teeth. He ended up involuntarily swallowing the vehicon’s blood and his body immediately demanded more. He was starving. He crunched down harder, sending a larger gush of energon down his parched throat and he began to chew, devouring half of the vehicon before his head cleared enough to focus on the matter at hand.
No time to feed. Danger. Out out out. Had to get out.
Wheeljack sprinted through the halls of the Decepticon ship, He was desperate to escape this place, to be anywhere but here. He eventually made it up to the flight deck and skidded to a halt at the edge of the ship.
Looking down, Wheeljack saw a vast expanse of Forest far below him. The trees stretched out as far as the eye could see, painted in hues of green and brown. This was his only hope for freedom.
With a deep breath, Wheeljack leaped off the ship. If his frame couldn’t handle the drop, oh well. death was preferable to being recaptured. And if he died at least the pain would end.
Plummeting down towards the forest floor, Wheeljack braced himself for the impact. His armor offered little protection against the ground's unforgiving surface. As he hit the ground, he rolled, skidding across the mossy leaves and twigs with a loud crackling noise, trees splintering under the weight of his mass pin balling off of them until he finally tumbled to a stop. The pain coursed through him like wildfire, but it was a different kind of pain, overshadowed by the relief of freedom.
He lay there for a moment, gasping for air, his body heaving and trying to recover from his ordeal. The sky above him was darkening as thunder rumbled in the distance. Relief flooded his systems and the exhaustion he felt from the constant agonizing torment pulled him under, not realizing that the low sound he heard was coming from his own chest.
Wheeljack snapped back into awareness after an undetermined amount of time when he heard the underbrush rustling. A pair of golden optics met his blue ones. A reassuring thrum permeated the air and he involuntarily relaxed as the creature approached him and gently nosed his face.
His chest rumbled back a response filled with pain. The creature hummed a reassuring melody as it pierced a spot on his foreleg with a talon. Wheeljack jerked and hissed before the creature dug out a tracker and threw it away.
Wheeljack looked between the creature and the device for a moment before he realized what it was, rage boiling to the surface in a vicious hiss as he quickly smashed it with his claws angrily before losing his strength again and collapsing back to the ground.
The creature licked the wound it had made on his frame and it stopped bleeding. It then slipped its body under his and lifted him up on its back. His head hung down over its shoulder, his abnormally long neck making it so that his nose almost touched the ground.
The creature used its snout to adjust him into a more comfortable position before quickly retreating deeper into the heart of the forest.
Back on the Decepticon warship, the vampiric zombie outbreak had been contained and dealt with and Shockwave was assessing damage to the ship by order of Lord Megatron when he finally returned to his lab. The one eyed mech stared at the shattered containment cylinder and the flashing red warnings on the screens.
!Containment Breach!
Physical Alterations: Complete
Memory Wipe: Failure
Containment Protocol: Failure
Termination protocol: Failure
Tracking: Error! No tracker found
Shockwave quickly turned to report this to Megatron. Starscream and his idiotic folly have created more than five major issues on this day. And one of them was still an active threat.
Chapter Two: Monster
Also posted on Wattpad
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shadow-prime · 2 years
I'll add this to the repertoire of things I've completed.
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Random Info Dump; OC x TFP Wheeljack
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OC; Nancy → Me ★ OC; Argon → Me.
Base; ‘The A-Z of Shipping’ → Me
↓Long post below cut↓
A; Apologies [Who is the first to apologize?]
It’s 50/50 but tends to be Wheeljack. Their arguments tend to be about him needing to take precautions to avoid damage (to the eyes, lungs, ears, etc). Seeing his wife upset just eats him up inside and he ends up begrudgingly apologizing.
B; Bonding [How do they bond?]
Their interests are, of course, very different; Wheeljack likes adrenaline and destruction while Nancy prefers decorating or the arts (knitting/crocheting, art, just plain cleaning/cooking), so finding a common or middle ground tends to be a bit of a struggle. So far, they’ve landed on drawing and outdoor activities (swimming, running around, etc).
C; Confession [Who and how did they confess?]
Wheeljack took her out for a drive ‘just for fun’ then brought her to a drive–in movie. You can imagine Nancy’s surprise when she was suddenly pushed down and was being kissed. Fortunately, they’d both fallen in love very quickly after their first meeting.
D; Date [What is their go–to date idea?]
Staying in. Wheeljack has a tendency to cause explosions with what seems like anything he can get his hands on, especially when he’s out and about. At home, there’s numerous (non-explosive) activities to do at home that can tire him out without causing harm.
E; Enamored [Who is absolutely obsessed?]
Wheeljack. Even before they started dating, he would rant about Nancy to whoever was unfortunate enough to be nearby when he opened his mouth. Even now, he still can’t get over her and can’t keep his hands off of her (hugs, kisses, hand on the hip, etc).
F; Flustered [Who is more shy/embarrassed about affection?]
Nancy. She’s not used to just how needy and clingy Wheeljack is. One way or another, he’s always touching her, keeping her nearby, or practically professing his love to her despite their status as already married.
G; Gaming [What games do they like?]
Wheeljack loves action/fighting games and Nancy loves calmer creator games, though they both can agree on games such as Minecraft, Gmod, and Wii as well as Mario Party. For individual moments of gaming, Wheeljack would go for COD (MW2 specifically) and Nancy would go for Animal Crossing.
H; House [What does their house look like?]
It was originally Nancy’s house and was the average middle-class suburban house but Wheeljack convinced her to move to the countryside and to a farmhouse for more privacy (especially because his status as a Cybertronian and an Autobot).
I; Intimacy [What are their moments of Intimacy like? NSFW]
Wheeljack gets even more touchy and his hands end up running over practically every inch of Nancy, especially her waist, hips, thighs, and breasts. A hand might end up buried in her hair but she will always end up on his lap, very often facing him for easier access to her lips. As gentle as he wants to be, he loses himself when he sees Nancy so hot and bothered on top of or below him and she ends up with hickeys, bites, red hand marks, etc.
J; Jealousy [Who’s the more jealous partner?]
Nancy. She hasn’t been in a relationship practically since she gave birth to Argon and now she’s unwilling to give it up at all. She hates seeing someone just a bit too close to Wheeljack.
K; Kink [What are their kinks?]
Wheeljack; a bit of a mommy/older woman kink though more of a thing for MILF’s. Willing to do anything Nancy wants but keeps it vanilla though tends to accidentally be very rough and leaves Nancy marked up.
Nancy; absolutely adores submission. Has considered putting a collar and maybe even a leash on Wheeljack just to see him completely submit to her. Is also pretty vanilla but can get a bit sadistic and ends up leaving some scratch marks and bites on him.
L; Loving [What are their love languages?]
Wheeljack; physical touch and a bit of gift giving (always made by him just to show he loves her THAT much). Showering her in hand-made gifts and keeping a hand on her just to feel what’s his.
Nancy; physical touch, some acts of service, and words of affirmation/verbal affection. A hand around the shoulders, “You want something to eat?”, and “You’re doing amazing” are extremely common for her.
M; Meeting [How did they meet?]
Nancy’s son, Argon, is a friend of the Autobot’s and ended up bringing them home. They had an (understandably) not so nice greeting from Nancy, Argon’s very startled and stressed mother. While Argon and the Autobot’s talked, Wheeljack was busy trying to talk Nancy into trusting them and may or may not have started flirting (Who doesn’t love a MILF?) and they hit it off pretty quickly.
N; Nightmares [What happens when one has a nightmare?]
Wheeljack; As an Autobot and a wrecker, hus nightmares are of his fellow Autobot’s/himself dying, whether in battle or after a failed demolition mission causes a collapse. They leave him on the verge of a panic attack and sobbing. As much as he tries to not wake up Nancy, she’s always immediately up, comforting him through his distress.
Nancy; Nancy has a horrifically traumatic childhood which left her dependant on her family until she ran away. Relationships were a struggle and she got pregnant early on (She’s 33 and Argon is 18) and it all fell apart when her baby daddy decided to abandon her. As much as she’s handled the stress of being a single mother, having a very mentally unstable troublemaker son, it catches up to her and causes episodes of depression and mania. Fortunately, she’s always had Argon and now Wheeljack at her side to help her come down.
O; Order [Does one or both of them have a sense of order?]
Nancy keeps the house clean and tidy and everything has it’s shelf or room or just area in general. She becomes upset when something is out of it’s place. Wheeljack is similar but relies on a controlled mess; everything is everywhere but it has it’s own little space and you can’t move it because great, now it’s lost and can’t be found.
P; Pet names [What are their pet names for each other?]
Wheeljack; sweetie/sweetheart/sweets, baby/babe, doll/dollface, honey, wifey, ma/mama.
Nancy; sweetheart, honey, my love, darling.
Q; Quiet [Do they have moments of quiet together?]
As energetic as Wheeljack is (ADHD), being held by Nancy is enough to make him just go limp in her arms/on her lap and just lay there quietly as she does whatever.
R; Reward [Do they have a reward system of some kind?]
If Wheeljack (somehow manages) to not cause something to explode, he gets kisses, cuddles, and praise. Nancy just gets affection for breathing he just wants an excuse to give her affection. “Why are you giving me a ‘reward’? I just folded the laundry.” “And you did it really good!! :333”
S; Sick [What happens when one gets sick?]
Wheeljack acts like he’s dying and gets kisses and sympathy from Nancy. Nancy sniffles and coughs and Wheeljack immediately starts panicking. Nancy manages to dodge the sickness and Wheeljack is so clingy he gets himself sick.
T; Together [What is their dynamic/What are their dynamics?]
Energetic x Calm, Gremlin x Lover, MILF x Mommy Issues, Yapper x Listener.
U; Unique [What makes them see the other as different?]
Wheeljack; Her beauty–Brunette curls, big blue eyes, that curvy mom bod, it all makes him swoon dramatically.
Nancy; His personality. Arrogant, creative, optimistic, skillful, resourceful, caring, stubborn, and resilient.
V; Vital [What is considered ‘vital’ to their relationship?]
Clear wording. They’re always checking on each other and hate to see the other upset. Short, quick responses make their guard raise and worry since they usually have longer, concise or specific responses and not a way to quickly end the conversation. Sometimes they don’t realize what their doing makes them seem upset and they hate to know they accidentally made their partner worry.
W; Wedding [What was their wedding like?]
They didn’t have a wedding and instead simply went to a court house and signed the certificate. It currently sits over their bed. They did have a fake wedding photoshoot though with a few others (Optimus, Atticus, etc).
X; X-tra [Extra thing]
They are disgustingly horny.
Y; Youngin’s [Who is their kid/Who are their kids?]
Argon is enough of a handful for them.
Z; Zzz [How do they sleep?]
Wheeljack, of course, spreads himself across the bed. He is either on top of, below, or against Nancy, in some random position with his limbs splayed all over the place. Nancy tends to sleep towards the wall and sleeps as if she’s stuck in a coffin, not even a finger or toe slips out of the area. She wraps herself in the blanket like a cocoon and Wheeljack keeps it at mid pectoral but they always end up pushing it off. By the time they wake up, Wheeljack is posed like a crime scene and Nancy has managed to keep the blanket at mid stomach or at hip height.
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inhan---inhan · 9 months
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hilarystark · 1 month
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Hola a todos, esta es mi primera publicación y quería comenzar mostrando al hijo de Ultra magnus y Wheeljack, su nombre es Seth. Les gustaría saber más de él? Los leo
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wheeljack-boom · 5 months
The entirety of this can be found here.
I've posted numerous bits and pieces before for fun, but this is the initial piece of writing I did several years ago. Only recently have I gone back to it and decided to keep writing, despite it initially being intended as a one-shot. Originally when I wrote this years ago I was inspired by the way the 5th Doctor meets Amy Pond. Don't know why, but here we are. It was a bug I couldn't get out of my head.
No warnings. Cybertronian/Human relationships. Platonic only, but lots and lots of fluff. Human is an AFAB original character. Non-canon AU.
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Like clockwork, the earth’s moon rose high into the atmosphere, a burning white disk of reflected solar energy that bathed the terran landscape in cool white light. The tidally locked piece of rock, perpetually circling the organic planet in the solar system designated 876B, was itself a consistent reminder of the passage of time. It was predictable, and observable with all the reliability of a Cybertronian energon flux. The earth’s entropy relied solely on its inhabitants and its ever-changing climate, but never its predictable partner in the black. Order, and its close approximate chaos, were two parts of the same spectrum, just as the order of the cosmos inhabited the same plane of reality as the chaos of the living, changing planet.
Chaos was the friend of the large, robotic mass now currently trying to navigate through the relative quiet and darkness of what was usually a place thrumming with life. Chaos was what he thrived on; it breathed creativity and ingenuity and change, and that was something that heralded some of the greatest scientific discoveries of order and truth. The order of the cosmos, sometimes got very dull.
Now, however, the particular bit of chaos that Wheeljack found himself in was nothing if not unsettling.
Wheeljack’s joints groaned with a subtle whir as he moved, the transformium paneling on his legs shifting and one shoulder wheel spinning slowly as he crept forward through the darkness. The Autobot scientist was suddenly very self-conscious that he was out in the open, vulnerable and undisguised in his much more conspicuous bipedal form. A collection of small buildings surrounded him, but none of them even came close to his own height, so he had to duck slightly as he crept his way through to his target: the human power station.
The surrounding landscape was only inhabited by a scattering of human agricultural settlements, so the night hours afforded Wheeljack some privacy without having to worry about being seen. It still made him uncomfortable however, as every movement he made seemed uncharacteristically loud even to his own audio receptors. Every scan he omitted could potentially be picked up by human equipment, including their own military base some miles away, but the Autobot took care to be brief. His audible presence, and to some extent his invisible presence could be easily explained away, but his visual presence was not something that the dominant organic life forms knew existed. Quite simply, if a human saw him, the probability that they would react poorly was quite high.
With this in mind, the large Autobot moved carefully in the black, mindful of the way the moon highlighted his white armor panels. His glowing blue optics were soft and searching in the dark, but were obvious markers of his presence as he awkwardly tried to retain a quiet, steady pace to his destination. He dimmed their brightness, but didn’t expect it would make much difference. He wasn’t exactly outfitted for camouflage; he wasn’t a soldier per say, but necessity never particularly cared for those details. The open night sky above him was filled with more stars than what he remembered seeing on Cybertron, but he couldn’t take the desired time to admire their scientific wonderment. Wheeljack was practically a glow stick against the inky black, illuminated with the night’s natural ambiance.
A nearby sound startled the large form, and he froze, ducking his head as the soft thrum of machinery reacted to his sudden movements. He wasn’t entirely sure what he would do if he got caught sneaking around. Current positioning was too tight to transform, unless he wanted some sort of catastrophic misalignment on his way down; wouldn’t that be fun. His only option was to duck harder, maybe make himself less obvious and a visual illusion in the darkness—human eyes weren’t always reliable unaided at night—but at roughly two dozen feet in height and made out of living metal, that wouldn’t really do much. He waited a few minutes longer, systems and venting cycles stilled until he was satisfied with the lack of movement in his immediate vicinity. His destination was so close, and a sudden urgency overcame him as he vented the air he’d been holding inside his chassis.
The central power grid for the immediate human population center sat before him, relatively small, but about the right size one might expect for a settlement of this size. It would do for what he needed: that being the desperately sought out energy reserves him and his fellow Autobots required to keep their shielding running. So far from home, on an alien planet, stranded and functioning at not even half capacity with a skeleton crew, they could not synthesize energon themselves. Wheeljack had developed a process—unbeknownst to a certain Prime that would highly disapprove—that could convert the electrical currents from human power grids into a slightly lower grade energon. It would do to keep them functioning and protected, but it would require more in terms of sheer volume to do the job that a fraction of naturally occurring energon could. This was a stop-gap that wouldn’t last for long, and eventually he’d have to come clean to Prime and the rest of the Ark crew that he was using human resources.
Wheeljack was one of the most brilliant Autobot scientists to ever live, possibly the only one left, and this organic planet had him scrambling for scraps and drastically understocked of supplies needed to carry out any idea he might have. He was trapped and didn’t know what else to do, but the other Autobots were looking to him for an answer. He could deal with the truth later, and Primus willing, would have enough time to come up with a means of synthesizing what they needed without stealing it from the native life forms. Until then, it was his secret, and the most they had to know was that he figured out a purely practical way to produce a lower-quality brew that could at least tie them over.
The main power conduit was just on the other side of a chain link fence. Wheeljack stopped just short of it and crouched. He didn’t even have to climb over the tiny barricade. He could just reach in and take what he needed.
This gave the Autobot pause. It felt wrong, but Wheeljack was disconcerted with how this was becoming easier to justify in the name of survival. Theft, and deception was not something the Autobots did. It was one of the many things they had fought against when trying to save their planet; when they had failed. What he was about to do was something that was typically more associated with the Decepticons, the other side of the war that had proved to be too relentless. Even the more morally reprehensible acts the Autobots had engaged in—out of necessity and against their very nature—could not even compare to the atrocities committed by the opposing faction. Driving them off their planet was not enough. Now, the lingering impact of being alone and crippled was a continuing punishment, but even then, to the Decepticons it was not enough. They followed their evacuation, lurking somewhere out in the shadows of the cosmos, waiting for one Autobot misstep that would give away their location.
Survival however, was a drive that was strong not just amongst organics, and the Autobots would not survive without energon. That much was simple. They would either go offline from malnourishment, suffer catastrophic injuries that were beyond repair without the life-giving blood of their species, or be blown apart by the Decepticons once their shielding failed and they were finally found. Energon was used for just about every component of Cybertronian life; it was little wonder that its availability and the fight to appropriate the dwindling resource would bring about their ultimate downfall. The Autobot scientist had no other choice.
Wheeljack carefully reached an arm towards the main conduit but paused. Doubt and fear nagged at him. As soon as he started syphoning power there would be no going back. Their presence would be detected, and even if the humans didn’t immediately determine what was happening, it would still open up many questions.
Their existence was probably going to be detected soon enough anyway, Wheeljack reasoned. Either the Decepticons would find this backwater planet and make themselves known, or force the Autobots to make themselves known preemptively. It was a matter of when.
Reaching back over the fence, Wheeljack sub-spaced the minute form of an energon cube. As he edged it closer to the power source, its programming cycled through the myriad of commands Wheeljack had dictated to it. It expanded as a series of bicortex nanotubes took root into the human machinery. The cube started to glow, pulsing as it grew with the energon that began to trickle into it, filtering through the anchored piping that had now weaved its way into the cracks and entry ports of the central power conduit.
There was a brief hiss, which turned into a low hum that seemed to emanate around Wheeljack, growing in intensity as the energon cube increased in mass and brightness. It was working, and as the few lights around him started to power down without the sufficient energy flow to feed them, Wheeljack felt a sense of guilt.
“Well, not like I can put it all back now...” He muttered to himself, looking at his prize. Like the ancient human story of Prometheus stealing fibre… I’m gonna be in a lot of trouble—
A sudden ping on his internal com system alerted him to an additional presence attempting to make contact. It was like a prickling into his awareness, a sudden sense of no longer being alone in his own head and it made him jump with a start. Nobody was supposed to know what he was up to, much less where he was, and if they were contacting him on his com link rather than searching him out that meant they knew he wasn’t in the Ark.
“Wheeljack.” The voice pressed. It was abrupt, and sounded very, very annoyed.
“Ratchet!” It was the Ark’s chief medical officer, which also meant Wheeljack was about to get an audio full of whatever had Ratchet’s temper up this time. It was usually him anyway, so he was used to it. Whenever Wheeljack wasn’t in Ratchet’s med-bay partially blown apart, melted, electrocuted or otherwise incapacitated in some way of his own doing, Ratchet usually found other things to get angry about.
“What are you doing?” Ratchet sighed with the typical tone of resignation, as if he was expecting Wheeljack to attempt to lie his way through this. Sadly, that had been exactly what he was about to do.
“I was uh—”
“Save it. I know what you’re doing, I’m not stupid. I’m on Teletraan-1 right now watching you syphon off that power.” Ratchet of course meant he was detecting the energy fluctuations resulting from Wheeljack’s theft on the Ark’s central monitoring system. Wheeljack hadn’t even thought of that...
“We need this more than they do. They can just build a fire or something.”  Wheeljack knew the absurdity of his statement was reason enough for Ratchet’s impending incredulity but he was out of excuses. He hadn’t even thought of one to begin with.
“Primus help me, you can’t be serious.” There was an exasperated ripple that pulsed through their psychic com link. “That isn’t the point, Wheeljack. For one thing, stealing from the humans was expressly forbidden by Prime.”
“Don’t tell Optimus.” Wheeljack faltered. Not out of fear, as Optimus Prime was not the type to heavily punish his subordinates. It was shame, because then he would know that Wheeljack had let him down… No one wanted to let Optimus Prime down.
“Just get back here before someone else sees you.” Ratchet said tersely, as Wheeljack quickly retracted the now-full energon cube. It detached from the human power structure with a crackle of energy, a few errant drops of white-hot energon showering the ground as he subspaced the cube for travel.
“Alright, I’m comin’, nobody’s around for miles—” Wheeljack turned quickly, internals thrumming as he prepared to make a hasty retreat, but he froze mid-crouch. He was not alone.
Ratchet’s voice continued in his audio receptors. “Right, they may not be there now, but you know they have their own scanners and sensors, weak and understandably inferior as they may be, but they’re certainly enough to figure out that someone is stealing something—and Wheeljack are you even listening to me?”
He was listening, but Wheeljack had a far more immediate concern, offsetting Ratchet’s yammering to ambient noise. His entire body tingled with the intense need to flee, but he remained rooted to the spot.
“Wheeljack, are you still there? What are you doing? You need to get out of there.” There was a pause. “Primus, Wheeljack. Please, tell me nobody has seen you.”
“Somebody sees me.” Wheeljack responded slowly, his optics locked on the new development in front of him.
It was a small, tiny human being. It stood there, quiet and still, its optics locked on Wheeljack’s. There was an immediate hiss from within his processor as their joined com link was overcome with an exponential amount of creative expletives.
“How do you know?!”
“It’s lookin’ right at me…”
“Is it a threat?”
“I...don’t think so. No.”
“Then deal with it, and extract yourself immediately.” Ratchet severed the link, not so much out of anger, but sheer panic and necessity; self-preservation dictated that it was better to not take the chance in assuming humans couldn’t sense their link and track it to the source, but Wheeljack highly doubted that was true, at least with what he currently faced.
Ratchet’s more immediate demand of dealing with the threat was upsetting, the implied action behind it vague enough that it made Wheeljack feel queasy. The humans weren’t a threat, at least he didn’t think so, and the one that was looking at him now didn’t seem to be dangerous at all. Ratchet had megacycles more field experience than Wheeljack, however. The decisions the medic would have had to make on the battlefield were beyond Wheeljack’s desire to contemplate.
This wasn’t a battlefield however, and this did not appear to be a soldier.
It made a noise, much like a soft venting of air, but it was small-sounding and very much unthreatening if the way the small human’s optics were casually locked onto him was any indication. This didn’t stop Wheeljack from recoiling back in alarm, the noise startling him out of his frozen state and right back through the small fence and into the very power conduit he had just been stealing from.
As if things couldn’t get any worse for him, the entire structure came crashing down under his sheer weight. Whatever light or electrical device was still working with what power he’d left behind was now out, and would be for miles. The noise was staggeringly loud from cables, wires and metal panels piling on top of him as he scrambled to get upright. Eons spent on the battlefields of Cybertron had conditioned Wheeljack against his very nature to always be prepared to fight for his survival, so he’d gotten rather good at picking himself back up. Nearly offlining himself in his own lab on a daily basis certainly kept him well-practiced.
This wasn’t a Cybertron battlefield, and this wasn’t his lab, so as soon as Wheeljack was upright he quickly processed every nano-inch of his surroundings. His urgency was only matched by his concern for the human. Firstly, he feared that it had gotten hurt in such a display of uncoordinated prowess, and secondly being on his back and vulnerable meant that he was open season for anyone, human or otherwise, to drop a bomb on him.
The human thankfully had been smart enough to have scuttled out of danger, and was now peering at him from behind a nearby pillar with what Wheeljack thought he recognized as the human expression of amusement. A quick check from his memory banks told him that this human was female, rather small and underdeveloped for the species, and quite possibly not very—
—It was a child.
Wheeljack’s processor stuttered to a halt, the sudden revelation that he was standing in front of a human child fascinating, yet also very terrifying. By his estimation the female couldn’t be more than four feet tall, looking pale and somewhat disheveled in the moonlight. Human children were smaller, weaker, and mentally underdeveloped relative to their fully grown counterparts, which wasn’t saying much to begin with. That said, the sheer novelty of observing such a small human up-close was nothing compared to the trouble he was going to be in if he didn’t somehow coax the human into not seeing what she was currently seeing… and forget all about him.
The Autobot was so internally focused on figuring out how to get out of the situation that he didn’t immediately process the soft noise the human was making. It was laughter. The human was laughing at him.
This went completely counter to his expectations.
The noise was small, and quiet, but it was so non-threatening that Wheeljack instinctively lowered his guard. The small human was covering her mouth with a hand, her small dark optics just barely glimmering in the moon’s light but they revealed enough of her state-of-mind to tell Wheeljack that for whatever reason, this human child was not afraid of him.
It was then that Wheeljack realized maybe his full height was a little too much, and it also made him vulnerable to other prying eyes. He carefully picked his way out of the rubble he had created, mindful of the way he moved and how heavily he stepped. The little human didn’t seem to react, other than to remove her hand from her face, presumably the humor in the moment now gone. Wheeljack spared a glance at the flattened mess he’d made, ruminating that if he’d been able to get away with his little stunt undetected before, he certainly wasn’t going to be able to now.
“Are you a fairy?”
The soft noise made Wheeljack jerk back around, the immediate source unmistakable as the human child still standing in front of him. Her expression was one of naive wonder, and it made Wheeljack uncomfortable. Human expressions were not so different from Cybertronian, and that wasn’t an expression he often saw coming from his own crew mates when they were looking at him. It was usually terror. That was usually followed by something blowing up.
Wheeljack switched his speech codex to English, rapidly filing through data banks searching for an appropriate dialect; the North American continent, United States of America, New York City—large population center and common stereotype in human popular culture. Their current coordinates were on the opposite end of the continent, but it would do because he probably needed to say something. Communicating with her in Cybertronian would not have been productive as she wouldn’t understand it.
“A fairy?” He checked the local knowledge bank—the Internet—for the definition of the word. Once he was able to ascertain the visual representation of a typical mythological creature that went by that designation, he found himself perplexed.
“Duh. You have wings.” The child’s reply pulled Wheeljack out of his internal research and brought his focus back onto her. She was pointing at something behind him, and the frankness of her voice gave the Autobot the impression that she thought this was something that should have been obvious. It dawned on him that this human child was actually giving him attitude.
Wheeljack made a show of looking where she was pointing, at first not getting her meaning until it occurred to him what she was so focused on. She was talking about his rotary fins, purely sensory-net but freely rotating from his body. They most certainly were not wings…
“Oh these?” Wheeljack replied, the soft blue illumination from the venting panels on the sides of his face blinking with each syllable of English he spoke. “They’re not wings, but highly-sensitive neuro-net transmitters that—” Wheeljack was about two-thirds of the way through his highly detailed explanation before he realized that the human was definitely not listening, and more likely that she didn’t even know what he was talking about. She now seemed more distracted by his blinking then anything else.
“Alright, they’re wings. You got me. I’m not a fairy though.”
He took care to keep his voice low and unthreatening, not wanting to scare the small human away. It was probably better to humor the child rather than outright run away and leave her with questions… that she would later go to the much more mentally capable adults to answer…
“Oh.” The little human pursed her lips, then proceeded to point at one of the venting panels on the side of his head. “Why are your ears so big? And why do they do that when you talk?” She looked genuinely interested in him, and that made him even more uncomfortable. That was on top of the mild annoyance he was beginning to feel at having to explain his anatomy to her.
A microsecond scan revealed she was referring to audio receptors. She had actually mistaken a very important component used to consistently filter heat from his advanced processor for audio receptors. He hadn’t modified audio receptors to indicate his speech after the accident that left his face catastrophically damaged. That was simply ABSURD. “These ain’t ears.” Wheeljack jabbed a thumb in the general direction of one of his panels, optics narrowed slightly until he saw the somewhat incredulous look on the human’s small face. He softened somewhat, reminding himself that he was not trying to match wits with a juvenile human. She was clearly harmless and probably lonely; what else would a single human out all by herself be feeling? Primus, he was lonely, and he was surrounded by Autobots most of the time. Perhaps now was an opportunity to gather field intel on the indigenous life forms. It was kind of nice talking to someone that wasn’t afraid of him for a change.
What harm would there be in talking to her, for just a little while?
Wheeljack lowered his height, crouching down as low as his armor plates would allow in front of the female child. “You want to know a secret?” She didn’t even flinch, but even so Wheeljack kept his distance for safety’s sake. Who knew what sort of biological pathogens she carried. Biomechanical beings weren’t completely immune from purely biological ailments, although he doubted anything she carried would pose a threat to him. The girl nodded, eagerly.
“They’re actually motion trackers,” Wheeljack lied. “And they’re so big so I can track humans like you for miles.” Alright, I’ll play along.
“Well, I found you, so they must be broken. You should get them fixed.”
“Maybe I wanted you to find me.” That obviously wasn’t true—quite the opposite in fact—but he’d kind of walked right into that one. After all, this human child had managed to catch him completely unawares, and the mess around him was the proof of that.
“Lying is bad.” Clearly, she was sharper than he was giving her credit for too. Maybe human children weren’t as stupid as he initially thought.
Wheeljack allowed himself a sly smile with what was left of his mouth behind his battle mask. It was something she couldn’t see, unless she understood the shifting of his optical lids. “You’re clever. I like you. But what are you doing out here all by yourself little...female?” He hazarded gently, unsure of what exactly he should call her. He only realized he’d made an error in judgment when her face scrunched up into something close to indignation.
“I’m a girl,” she corrected pointedly, but then for the first time her small dark optics shifted around carefully and she began to appear uncomfortable. She began to sway, as if unsure of what to do with her own body, and actually looked sad. “I ran away…”
Wheeljack struggled internally with how to process this information. Part of him didn’t want to become any more involved in her life when he shouldn’t even be talking to her. But the other part, the deeply fascinated scientist that had to know, had to know. “Okay… why did you run away?” That’s… generally a bad thing, right? The irony in the fact that it was exactly something he had done when he needed to get away from the Ark and just think was not exactly lost on him...
She didn’t say anything at first, staring awkwardly at the ground. Wheeljack tilted his head, the illumination produced from his panels when he posed the inquiry highlighting the red, blotched hue on her skin and the moisture beneath her optics. He wasn’t sure what that meant, the biological and psychological links escaping him. He thought better than to ask her, and she probably wouldn’t know how to respond anyhow. It was reasonable enough to assume that she had been distressed before blundering into him—or probably still was but he was enough of a distraction for her to temporarily forget about it.
“It’s okay, you can trust me.” For a moment the girl was entranced in the light that rapidly flashed in-time with his words when he finally spoke. She raised one hand, holding it out in front of her and watched as the blue light illuminated her skin.
“My mommy is sick, and daddy got angry with me because I broke the radio. But he’s just upset because mommy is upset…” The little girl was looking around again, clearly unsure of herself in this situation. “It was already broken, I was just trying to fix it…” She mumbled, the sound so quiet. Wheeljack had absolutely no idea what to say, and thought about offering a personal anecdote until something she said caught his interest.
“Tryin’ to fix a radio, huh? That’s quite a big job for something your size.” Wheeljack was actually mildly impressed. Imagine a human small as this one was, actually trying to fix primitive, illogical human machinery without proper training…
“No,” she finally replied, almost indifferently. ”I fixed daddy’s Internet when he didn’t know what to do, and that was way harder.” She spoke as if this was just daily routine for her, and fascinating as this was, Wheeljack had to keep the conversation moving. He was on a time-table, and needed to wrap this up.
“Well, then maybe you shouldn’t have run away little girl… he might need you to help him with that radio thing. Besides, it’s dangerous out here.” Wheeljack did his best to sound soft, but authoritative, internally wincing at how awkward it sounded coming out of his mouth. “How did you even get in here anyway?”
“I heard something and wanted to see what it was, so I came in through that hole in the fence… same way you did,” she said, motioning towards the way she’d presumably come.
“Ah, I’m a little big for a hole in the fence little one. This is no place for a human like you to be all alone.”
“You’re all by yourself,” the little girl retorted, looking snarky again. “Did you run away as well?” She looked shocked. “Did you kill somebody?”
“What…? No!”
“Are you doing crime?”
“Do I look like a Decepticon to you?” Wheeljack put his head in his hands, growing exasperated, and starting to feel mildly guilty because technically...
“What’s a...De-cep-ti-con?” It didn’t take a moment to spot the look of confusion on her face and he realized what he’d blurted out. She cocked her head as she spelled the word out slowly, ensuring she got the pronunciation right. “Are they bad? They sound bad.”
“Look, human girl, I—yes. They are bad. If you see one, and I hope to Primus you never do, I—”
“Primus? What’s that?”
Wheeljack found himself staring blankly at her, struggling to think of a way to describe to her what Cybertronians considered a God of sorts; not quite a god or a creator, but something more transcendent, yet tangible at the same time—why was he even contemplating telling her about such things that she surely wouldn’t understand? He’d committed a crime, gotten found out by Ratchet, and was now accidentally revealing top secret and deeply personal information to a tiny human girl. This was not a good night for Wheeljack.
“My name is Allison, by the way.” The human girl was looking up at him expectantly, and Wheeljack suddenly realized he had just dug himself into a very deep hole. Primus… don’t tell me your name… don’t make this harder than it already is…
“Look, little g—Allison.” Wheeljack vented air, underestimating the strength of it as it kicked up the loose strands of organic fiber on her head in a gust of heated wind. She seemed thoroughly overjoyed by this oddity. “I’m out here all by myself cause my friends can’t know I’m here. It’s a surprise… so this is our little secret, got it? You never saw me here.” Wheeljack saw an opportunity and ran with it, and the little girl named Allison nodded enthusiastically. Although, she still had a look of expectation in her eyes, and Wheeljack realized he better get it over with.
“Okay, fine. I’ve already revealed all my other secrets. My name is Wheeljack,” he said, pointing at the broadside of his chest where his Autobot insignia was. “I’m an Autobot.”
“Oh! I know what a wheeljack is. It’s that thing that fixes wheels on cars. What’s an Auto-bot? Is that like a Decepticon?” Allison looked perplexed, but genuinely interested, and he realized she would have no idea what an Autobot was. That was obvious when she seemed to stumble over the word, sounding it out in two chunks, much like she had done with Decepticon.
“No!” Wheeljack answered that one a lot faster and more indignant than he probably should have. “Autobot means I’m a good guy. Decepticons are nothing like we are.” Well that sounded ludicrous, but he didn’t know what else to say.
Allison seemed to think about it for a moment. “Okay. I trust you because you sound funny.” Wheeljack didn’t know what to make of what she’d said and whether or not it was a compliment, but he couldn’t respond before Allison followed up with another question. “What do you do, Wheeljack?”
“What do I...do?”
“Yeah. Like...what’s your job?”
“I’m a scientist. An engineer, specifically, and it’s not just a job, it’s more important than that. I help my friends stay safe by inventing useful equipment.” Wheeljack knew he was being a little loose with the word “safe.” Not all of them fit that description. “Though, I have been known to occasionally dabble in biomechanics. I recently finished writing a technical spec on the Tersial III replication and induction plate—”
“That’s neat,” Allison interjected, changing the subject. “Can I ask you something else?”
Wheeljack shrugged, sad to hear the young human wasn’t as excited about his proposed model for improving the wingspan of Tersial III quadrupeds. “Okay, sure. What is it?”
“Why do you talk funny?” This was the second time Allison had raised the issue of his voice. The question was nothing if not direct, and it then occurred to Wheeljack that he had likely made an error in judgment when picking the dialect that he did. He should have paid more attention to how she spoke.
“What’s wrong with it?” He cocked his head, now curious as to what about his choice was apparently so offensive. Instead, Allison laughed, betraying the idea that it was not so much offensive, but different.
“You sound like you’re from one of the shows my daddy likes to watch, dummy.”
Wheeljack didn’t know what a dummy was, but he assumed it wasn’t a good thing. “Doesn’t everybody talk like that around here?”
“No!” She was laughing at him again, and Wheeljack was getting frustrated. This shouldn’t have been that complicated—how many stupid dialects were there on this rock?!
“Look, I underestimated the linguistic diversity amongst your species. I didn’t realize accent was divided up by zone on this planet. It makes no sense—” He saw her expression start to go wide and realized he was losing her again. “Anyway, that was more than a question, that was two. Now it’s my turn to ask you one.”
“Okay fine.” The girl huffed, looking mildly startled and confused by his abrupt rant. Instead of the question he’d been intending to ask—that being what is the purpose of all that organic fiber on her head—Wheeljack opted for something a little more friendly. He was talking to a child, a fact of which he kept forgetting.
“Can you guess where I’m from?”
Allison looked blank for a moment, presumably trying to come up with an answer to his question. He had to stop himself from being abrupt with her. Perhaps if her experience with him was a pleasant one she was more inclined to trust him and do what he asked—that being: don’t breathe a word of this to anyone.
After a moment she shook her head, unable to even hazard a guess as to where he was from. So he pointed skyward, thinking she would get the point. But she didn’t.
“You’re from up?” In a shocking turn of events, she’d directed her optics in the vague direction of where he was pointing, looking at nothing and everything as if there was something very specific she was going to see. He probably should have felt guilty teasing a human child like this, but Wheeljack admitted to himself that this was actually a rather fun little exercise.
“The moon?”
“Even further!”
She thought for a while. “The sun? Pluto? A satellite?”
“No; that’s not a planet; and now you’re just guessing. The correct answer is I am from Cybertron.”
“Cybertron.” She repeated the word slowly like she did all the other ones. If anything she seemed very careful about learning new words. Primitive, but respectful. “I don’t think we have any place called Cybertron in our solar system. That must mean it’s pretty far.”
“Your deductive reasoning is correct. It is very far. Farther than you can travel in your lifetime, little one. Think of your solar system. Now think of another solar system, one that just looks like a tiny star in your sky, but it’s actually two stars! Closer than you might think, eh? Cybertron is a lonely planet that sits in the middle of Alpha Centauri, undetectable by your human technology.” He didn’t even realize that he started gesturing passionately until it was too late. “That’s where I’m from.”
Something dawned on her then, and her eyes widened. Something close to absolute joy spread across her face as something clearly now had her excited, making Wheeljack wonder if he should have just kept that detail to himself; he’d been trying to make conversation.
“You’re an alien!” Allison declared happily, clapping her small hands together in a show of positive acceptance as she put the pieces together. She was definitely smarter than he was giving her credit for, and was now practically lit up with such a revelation.
Something broke loose from within the Autobot and for a moment his perception dulled. There was an internal distraction at the edge of his awareness and he couldn’t place what it was. He lost focus and several barriers in his coding fell down all at once, unlocking a cache of programming that had been put away a very long time ago. There was a stirring of something in his spark that he hadn’t felt in eons: something warm and nurturing; he was actually starting to enjoy talking to the little human named Allison. He was afraid he was starting to care.
Whatever was happening, it was because of this girl, actually enamored and happy to be in his presence. She wanted to be around him. Autobots tended to avoid him when they could, not out of hate, but a general unease in his presence. Decepticons wanted to capture him and use him. Primus, he was lonely.
But he had to go. He couldn’t linger. If anything, his presence in her life was a danger not only to her, but to himself and the other Autobots that despite everything he still cared for. Needing to care for a human life was a liability he couldn’t risk, and there was no way he was going to let a human, much less a human child, get caught in Decepticon crosshairs. It wasn’t even his place. She needed to be back with her own parental units.
“Heh, okay, but remember, this is our secret okay?” Wheeljack leaned forward, trying to emphasis the point as gently as he could while cutting into her excitement. She nodded her understanding, but he had to make sure. “You promise?”
“Yeah, yeah!” Allison said, and she did something that Wheeljack was not expecting. She reached up and touched his face. It was such a soft, barely perceptible touch, right on the planes of his battle mask but it was enough to nearly make him rear back. It was a reaction that for sure didn’t match the level of threat she presented so it made no sense, but neither did what he actually did. He froze. He stopped moving as if the small hand on his face was going to cut him should he so much as shift in place. It was the first time he really looked the young human in her optics, and she didn’t so much as flinch as she returned his direct stare. His optics were neither unsettling or threatening to her. It was just a purely natural connection, unyielding without learned bias or mistrust.
He hadn’t even realized he’d been in arms reach, small as she was, which meant he’d really let his guard down. That frightened the large Autobot more than anything. His first time interacting with a human and he’d completely opened himself up to any number of attacks.
An attack—
Suddenly Wheeljack reared up, head snapping in the direction beyond Allison to something in the distance. He heard something approach—a vehicle, not one of his own, and he suddenly knew he had to go. Their time together was over. He looked down at Allison with a sad sense of finality that she wouldn’t be able to understand. She looked distraught, hand still hovering precariously above her head where his face had just been moments before. It was obvious she didn’t hear what he had.
“I’m sorry Allison. I have to go.”
“Why?” She sounded sad.
“Someone’s coming. Nobody else can see me, so I have to go.” He started to retreat, forcing himself to crouch back from her faster than she could catch up to him. Something tugged at his spark as the little human called after him, something Wheeljack wasn’t willing to spare another nanosecond thinking about in that moment. He had to transform, and for that he needed room.
What if it’s someone that means to do Allison harm… do humans hurt the offspring of other humans? Sadly Wheeljack knew the answer to that question. They had access to global news, and had been monitoring it for some time. I can’t be seen… but I can’t just leave her here. Maybe I can just hang back until this person passes… Pit, why did he care?
Wheeljack was thinking through how we was going to appear nonchalant as a white drag car just hanging around this ruined power station with a human child standing there, when the approaching human vehicle slowed. He heard an adult male’s voice calling Allison’s name, and thankfully Wheeljack reasoned this laid all his concerns to rest. He could leave content in knowing that her father had come to retrieve her. She finally heard it too, and she looked back in a manner which implied recognition. This gave Wheeljack the needed opportunity to leap back from her and transform into his vehicular form, the sound of which drew the girl’s attention back to him for enough time to see what he had become. It wouldn’t matter, because he’d be gone by the time her father arrived.
He couldn’t linger, a pang of guilt settling on his spark long enough to make him hesitate as he retreated but he knew he had to move on. It would be better for Allison to move on as well, so the sooner he disappeared, the better.
How wrong he was.
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cloudykyuu · 5 months
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🤍[Another commission work for @/AlithShepard95 | @/theicescorpions ]💙
Thank you for the support again! 💙 This was a very out of my comfort one but I’m very proud of it. ✨
PD: I will learn how to background without panicking some day👊
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jessenitrogen · 1 year
If you are still accepting Bulkjack requests, how about Bulkhead taking care of an injured Wheeljack?
no dialogue in the first two pages bcuz i didnt like it plus had to change the original dialogue I was gonna use but I might use it later
personally dont think this turned out the best but, bonus points cuz I'm getting in comic making practice and any bulkjack art is a win for me sO, hope ya like it somewhat atleast!!
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A bit more info and just me going on a lil rant basically here aYUP
FIRST TWO PAGES, Wheeljack can turn his arms into blasters if he needs to but, is using a gun instead because it's some type of immobilizer (doesnt keep anyone immobilized for long, used to apprehend aggressive cybertronians) since the point of the mission that both he and Bulkhead were on they were not to hurt anyone, just to stop whatever skirmish was happening at the time
THE TWO CYBERTRONIANS in the background are my characters, and are two of a triplet group. they're not autobot or decepticon but they are acting on orders from someone else here.
CARRIE is also another one of my characters. I've drawn her and posted her here bfore actually ehehehe
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talonssurfacinganmask · 10 months
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Finally making Remaking Spiritlaw’s Reference
(Might do trackrose next she is kinda outdated)
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dragonridernoobie · 5 months
Okay, sooo, I’m bored and I have this oc named Vivienne, Viv for short, she looks near human but gives off uncanny valley vibes. She’s like this Cyptid based in France, she wears a very extravagant masquerade mask most of the time(I’ll provide examples of her at the end, I used my Roblox oc of her as an example cause I can’t draw very well, as well as Gacha club:,)) and she’s just very kind and caring but is forever cursed to live in solitude due to how people react to her.
Soooo, I was wondering how Optimus(TFP), Ratchet(TFP), and Wheeljack would react to her protecting the kids(say they follow them throw the ground bridge) from cons or something
I also how just sentences of how I think she’d react but I want a full visual, like she completely destroyed a con, finger tips over her mouth as she says ‘ My apologies Monsieur ‘ or her just doting on the kids worried they are injured saying ‘oh vous petits chéris(oh you little darlings!) are you okay? You must have been so scared’
I just wanna see how the big boys react to her
Idk😭 she’s my main oc and I love her to bits cause she’s so sweet but so brutal when someone angers her😊 oh and her appearance is kinda inspired by lady Dimitrescu from resident evil if that helps
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Cool, you play roblox to? What games you play? I play dragon adventures! Anyway, I will try my best but know I will not be doing this on Sundays. So sorry for the delay!!!!!
Optimus will meet Vivienne when he goes to France.
He will be searching for decpticon since there was activity.
He will hear somthing crashing and goes to investigate.
That's where he finds Vivienne standing over a now dead con.
She has a hand fan, fanning her self.
He hears her say "my apologies monsieur"
He will be surprised and come to talk to her.
He will bring them to the base. (As much as ratchet hates that)
He will see quickly how portecrive he is of the kids.
(She is also his favorite since she is the most mature)
He would become Vivienne's guardian.
While being with Vivienne, he will see how people react to her.
He felt bad and asked
She explains, he feels worse.
He will try to include Vivienne in everything to make her happy.
Ratchet will meet Vivienne when optimus brings them to base.
While he complains, the kids will be interested of Vivienne.
He will be assigned as Vivienne's guardian.
He will pay Vivienne no mind but he will notice how she watches him from behind her fan.
I think he will finally see how powerful she is when she rescues him.
They where attacked while heading to base.
She will kick the decpticons ass.
He will hear her say "quelle chose pathétique" (what a pathetic thing)
He will have respect for Vivienne and actally starts to be nice.
(Meaning he will stop ignoring her)
He will let Vivienne sit on his shoulder while he works.
Wheeljack would have met Vivienne when the autobots head to the decpticon warship to rescue him
While he is chained up, he hears somone shouting and blasting.
He will be surprised by a human walking in.
Vivienne will interduce herself (very politely)
"my apologies for the delay ami" (friend)
Vivienne will get wheeljack free and they meet up with the team.
He will be vivienne's new guardian and friend.
He will not be real quickly that Vivienne will be ignored and ask her about it.
Once he figures out why, he will think that would be awsome
Wreckers 🙄
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theicescorpions · 6 months
Primal Fire Master Post
Wheeljack never escaped the Decepticons after the fall of the Autobot Base. Instead he was given to Shockwave as a test subject. Through a series of horrific experiments, Wheeljack is no longer a normal Cybertronian. He’s been turned into a Predacon. When Starscream and Knockout cause a zombie outbreak on the Nemesis, Wheeljack escapes. Now out for revenge and seeking to learn how to control his new body he finds an unlikely new friend, another Predacon experiment who was long thought dead.
Story inspired by @sugarand-everythingnice and her “Of Flesh and Steel” AU
Also posted on Wattpad in book format
Chapter One: Rebirth
Chapter Two: Monster
Chapter Three: Fangs and Claws
Chapter Four: Skirmish
Chapter Five: Closer
Chapter Six: Separation
Chapter Seven: Rescue
Chapter Eight: Mated Pair 🍋
Chapter Nine: Negotiating an Alliance
Chapter Ten: Creatures and Caverns
Chapter Eleven: Wheyr the Wild Things Are
Chapter Twelve: A Union of Forces
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lifetimeshipper · 6 months
Life's New Adventures and Secrets
Chapter 30
The next morning, Strongarm woke up feeling weird, she felt something attached to her aft but didn't know what. She reached down and felt a tail, but not Steeljaw's tail. With a yelp, she jumps out of the berth and looks to see she now has a tail, "What the..!?"
Steeljaw bolted up, "What's wrong?" He asked as he looked at her, "You have Wolf-Con ears."
"I do?" She asked as she felt her helm and felt a pair of ears up there, "What the frag? I got ears too?"
Before Steeljaw could say anything else he heard a high-pitched scream.
Metalsound and Thunderhoof woke up to the scream, "Who screamed---what in the?!" Metalsound looked at Thunderhoof in shock, he had small wolf-like ears just below his antlers.
"What?" Thunderhoof asked feeling confused.
"You have wolf ears," she replied slowly, reaching up to feel his ears, "They're real and surprisingly soft."
"I do?" He asked as he reached up to feel his helm and felt the ears, "Eyo! Who gave me wolf ears!?"
"That's not all you have," she replied, pointing at his tail.
He looks down at his new tail, "I also have a tail!?"
"I think it looks nice on you," she smiled as she intertwined their tails together.
Thunderhoof felt it and smiled, "Maybe it's not so bad after all."
"How the heck did I get wolf ears?!" Knock Out was outside running around the scrapyard in a panic.
Ratchet throws a wrench at him, "Calm down!"
Knock Out flinched as he fell to the ground. Optimus and Megatron both came out to see what was happening, "Does everyone have a tail and ears?" Optimus asked.
Everyone else came out, "Would appear so," Ratchet replied after seeing everyone.
"So, why do we have Wolf-Con ears and a tail?" Sideswipe asked in anger, his new tail lashed out in tune with his emotions.
"Not sure," Optimus replied.
"Maybe Shockwave will know," Knock Out suggested feeling annoyed.
"Where is Shockwave?" Steeljaw asked.
"Probably in his lab, follow me."
Steeljaw followed to see Shockwave. He walks in and finds Shockwave knocked out, "Shockwave!"
Shockwave slowly got up from his workstation, "What time is it?" He didn't notice the Wolf-Con tail or ears on him.
"Shockwave, were you in here experimenting last night?" Steeljaw asked him.
"Yes, I am still trying to figure out how I can revive the Predacons. The substances didn't mix and it made a small mess. Why, is something wrong?"
"Yes. But rather than tell you I'll show you."
Shockwave followed Steeljaw outside. Steeljaw had him look at the others with wolf ears and a tail, "This is what's wrong."
Shockwave circled Sideswipe, taking everything in, "This is very interesting," he muttered much to Sideswipe's discomfort.
"Why are you only circling me? There are others here you know."
"You were closer," he stated as he moved to look at Strongarm, "May I?" He asked motioning his servo to one of her ears.
Shockwave started rubbing her ear before he scratched behind it. Strongarm got into it before she pushed his servo away, "Wow. Now I see why you like being rubbed and scratched behind your ears," she said to Steeljaw.
"It feels nice, doesn't it?" He grinned as Shockwave examined Megatron's tail.
"It does actually," she replies with a bit of a blush on her faceplate.
"What happened, Shockwave?" Megatron asked a bit annoyed at the 'Con examining his tail.
"I am unsure," Shockwave replied as he examined his own tail, "I will have to look into this."
"Yes, you do that."
Shockwave retreated to his lab as Seajumper came out yelling for his mom.
"Right here, sweetie. Are you okay?"
"I have these things on my helm and butt," the sparkling motioned to his wolf ears and tail.
"Cool, everyone has a tail," Emberwing said as she looked at the adults.
Nightback runs up to his mom, " Mom, you have ears and a tail like Dad and me."
"Yes, we're not sure why though. Pretty cool, huh?"
"OK everyone, let's get started on patrols," Bumblebee told them as he headed out on patrol with Drift and Grimlock.
"Nightback, your mom and I are going on patrol you be good, you hear?"
"Yes, sir."
Steeljaw and Strongarm drive along the path, "I always wondered what it was like having a tail but I never expected to actually get one."
Steeljaw chuckled softly, "How long do you think it'll last?"
"Not sure, temporary I hope, feels kind of weird."
"I'm sure it is, I've had a tail all my life. I would miss it if it was suddenly gone."
"I'm gonna need to get used to maneuvering with it."
Steeljaw chuckled again, "Don't worry, I'll help you," he crooned.
"I hope so."
"Would you let me rub your ears as you do for me?"
"Please, after all of the rubs you've given me, I want to return the favor. Besides, it makes you look cute."
"I may let you if you can catch me," she says as she drives off onto a path leading into the woods.
Steeljaw quickly followed after her. You just love having me chase after you, don't you?
Guess I like the thrill of it.
Who knew you had a wild side? He teased.
All due to you. You're the reason I'm like this now.
I like having a challenge.
And that's why you had me start walking on the wild side?
Is that bad?
I guess not. Strongarm giggled as she kept driving. Steeljaw followed after her through the forest. He was suddenly reminded of their first race. Strongarm keeps driving through the woods trying to keep ahead of him. Steeljaw zigzagged around the trees trying to catch up. Losing your touch?
You'll see. He chuckled as he made a turn.
What? She asked looking into her mirror and seeing Steeljaw make a turn. Steeljaw floored it making his way past her. Slowly he made his way in front of her. Strongarm wanted to turn and go another way but there was no way, it was too narrow to turn around and go back. Steeljaw smirked as he transformed, quickly turning around with his arms spread out. Strongarm slammed on her brakes screeching to a halt, "Steeljaw, have you lost it!?"
"What? I thought you were going to transform like you did last time."
"You mean like this?" She says before she transforms and jumps over him. Steeljaw just smiled and chased after her.
What did I do the last time?
When I thought I had you cornered you jumped over me.
Oh, just like how I just did? She asked before she giggled.
Steeljaw chuckled, trying his best to keep up with her. It was odd seeing her with a tail but it made her look sexy. Strongarm keeps running through the woods, she makes a right turn going through the trees. Steeljaw was right behind her, hot on her tail. Suddenly her tail got under her feet and tripped her up. Steeljaw quickly caught her by the arm to keep her from falling.
They both went down and started rolling down a hill. Steeljaw pulled her in, wrapping his arms around her as they made their way down the hill. They landed on the bottom with him on top of her, "I really need to get the hang of walking and running with this tail."
"Yes. Are you okay?" He asked wincing a little.
"Yeah. Are you?"
"I'm alright," he assured.
"Well, you got me."
"I guess I did," he teased as he started rubbing and scratching her ears. She leans her helm into his touch, "Feels good?"
"Yes," she replies in a smutty whisper as she gives him a cute look, the sunshine is glimmering in her optics.
Steeljaw gave a throaty chuckle, "You are so beautiful," he whispered before kissing her passionately. Strongarm started blushing as she kissed him back. Steeljaw's servo started roaming over her body.
I hope you're not planning on having us do it right here in the open.
Why don't we find a place where we can continue this in private?
Why must these games always end in having sex?
I'm not sure but I like it.
Just this once, can we end a game without sex?
Yes. Steeljaw chuckled as he gave her a soft kiss on her forehelm.
"Thank you. As much as I enjoy it we don't need to do it all the time."
"I understand," Steeljaw says as he gets off of Strongarm and offers his servo to help her up. She took his servo and stood up. "Shall we head back?"
"I didn't say we had to head back."
"I know, but everything looks fine in this area. Unless you want to continue on the patrol."
"Actually, I had something else in mind," she said as she started walking back up the hill.
Steeljaw quickly followed after her, "What did you have in mind?"
"You'll see."
Steeljaw didn't say anything as he scanned through the radio stations, quickly finding their song. Their song started playing and Strongarm lost her footing and slid back down the hill right into him, her aft bumping into his interface panel. Steeljaw caught her as he slid back but kept his footing, "Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah," she replies feeling her faceplate heat up at the feeling of her aft pressed against his interface panel. Steeljaw's face also heated up as he held her close, "We should get going," she tells him as she tries to get out of his hold.
"You're right," he says as he releases her. They continued walking up the hill and soon made it to the top. Strongarm went down to the ground pulling him down on top of her, on her back, when she heard a noise, "What is it?" He whispered as his ears perked up for the sound.
"Humans," she whispered back to him, "Get down so they don't see you."
Steeljaw got low to the ground, keeping out of sight and the humans passed them. That was close.
Yes. You can get off me now.
But I like this position. He tells her as he wraps his arms around her, "I want to stay like this."
"Steeljaw, we need to get going."
"Alright," he says as he gets up. Strongarm got up as Steeljaw walked past her, popping her aft playfully. She let out a small yelp. Steeljaw glanced at her with a playful smile and Strongarm punched him in the arm. Steeljaw winced at the punch, chuckling through the pain. Strongarm just walked on.
"You still live up to your name," he chuckled as he followed her.
"Of course. You still want to head back?"
"Why don't we enjoy this beautiful day before we head back?"
"I agree, I actually want us to go to that one cliffside where you took me that one time."
"That sounds like fun. Do you remember which way to go?"
Strongarm stops and turns to look at him, "You mean you forgot?"
"No, did you?"
"No," she says as she continues walking. Steeljaw followed after her. She went right to the cliff, "Remember when we were last here?"
Steeljaw wrapped his tail around hers, "How can I forget? This was where I played our song for the first time," he replied as he held her servo.
"Yeah, it was," she said with a chuckle. He gently rubbed their helms together, happy to be with her and to have her as his mate. Steeljaw intertwined their tails together as he enjoyed the view. Strongarm leaned against his body as she too enjoyed the view.
After sitting there enjoying the view for some time, Strongarm speaks up, "We should head back now."
"Yeah, we should. Don't want them to start worrying because we didn't return at the time we were supposed to."
Strongarm nodded in agreement as she started walking and he followed close behind her, intertwining their tails as they walked. Strongarm giggled, "You love intertwining our tails together."
"And I'll do it as often as I can. But I prefer wrapping it around your waist," he chuckled as he moved his tail to her waist.
Strongarm just chuckled, "Actually, I much prefer that as well."
They get back to the scrapyard and get greeted by their son Nightback, "Mom, Dad, you're back! Have a nice patrol?"
"We did, and no there were no Decepticons," Steeljaw replied as he rubbed his son's helm.
The GrimBee Story
Chapter 1
Next Chapter
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yuu3585 · 10 months
Due to sometime of thought, I’ve decided to rename TF: Energon Madness to TF: Earth rising
It will follow the path of Optimus Prime and his team of autobot stoping Megatron and his Decepticon army from taking over earth
TF: Earth rising Link
I will use the name Energon Madness at a later date but for now my main story will be Earth rising
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centinelaprime · 1 year
Transformers x Nanbaka
Los supervisores.
Tf rid2015 Grimlock.
Tfp Ultra Magnus.
Tf rid2015 Drift.
Tfa Sentinel Prime.
Tfa Jazz.
Tf g1 Clampdown.
Tf oc Brigade.
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Y un momento Ultrajack con sus pequeñas creaciones Strongarm y Chase
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Y la reacción de los demás.
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shadow-prime · 2 years
Trying to decide the content I want to put on Tumblr and the content I want to put on AO3. I have a bunch of oc centric stuff that I'm nervous to show off. Posting makes me nervous as it is. Tumblr itself makes me nervous. But I want to create content for others to read and to enjoy just as I enjoy writing them. I might start taking a few requests.... but please don't feel bad if I don't get to all of them. But to those who do follow me I would like to know what ya'll feel about me actually posting content on Tumblr again.
Fandoms I write for (Or currently have content of)...
-TMNT (2003-2009 series, 2007 movie, Bayverse movies)
-The hobbit (Maybe requested LOTR)
-Transformers (G1, Earthspark, Prime, Animated, Movies)
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