#White wolf is dead
cruddyart · 4 months
Because it's a thing that pops up multiple times and I'm pedantic.
White Wolf publishing doesn't exist anymore and hasn't for a good while. V5 is made by Paradox.
For context: In 2006 White Wolf publishing has been merged with CCP. WW would handle traditional publishing while CCP would deal with some mmo stuff they wanted to do.
At one point in 2011 a shit ton of employees were laid off and the creative director then went off to create onyx path publishing which published White Wolf stuff on CCP's (and now Paradox) behalf.
In 2014 more staff was laid off and the mmo was canceled. Then Paradox bought White Wolf. Since 2018 White Wolf has been restructured directly into Paradox and hence doesn't exist.
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corkscrewteeth · 1 year
happy pride month audio drama community
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EDIT: ID in alt, fellas!!
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beano-no-know69 · 1 month
hey can anyone give me recs for good spooky audio dramas?
Also bonus points if there’s gays in it (although honestly at this point I go into podcasts assuming there will be, and am hardly ever wrong)
Ones I’ve liked and listened to are: the Magnus archives, the box, king falls am, old gods of Appalachia, darkest night, limetown, spines, the bright sessions, wolf 359, all the public radio alliance ones, Alice isn’t dead, archive 81, life after, the message, the far meridian, the bridge, mirrors, the 12:37, penumbra, strange case of starship iris, girl in space, the leap year society, Mabel, and the white vault
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broncoburro · 5 months
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Lucas was a talented truant during their school days. Quincy, more a middling performance stickler to the rules. They grew on each other over time. (Or more importantly, Quincy is of the few capable of tolerating Lucas's whims.)
I must save greater specifics since they are addressed in the game, BUT... it boils down to "they were both unpopular children who happened to be in the same place at the same time".
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tenpine-row · 9 days
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My sister and I collaborated on some very good and important elden ring fanart
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coconutcows · 2 months
Something that really bothers me with Clawdeen redesigns, second to the racist implications of making the black character overly animalistic, is like, I get wanting to go further with the design, but Clawdeens Monster inspiration while listed as generic “werewolf”, her actual monster parent is very clearly “The Wolfman”.
All the G1 ghouls monster parents are “Legendary Monsters” ie the Univeral Monsters, save for Ghoulia who is the daughter of Zombies since there isn’t a specific zombie character. Frankie to Frankenstein, Cleo to The Mummy, Draculaura to Dracula. Despite their parent monster being listed differently, Lagoonas parent is The Creature, and Clawdeens is The Wolfman.
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(The proof of Lagoona Blue to The Creature from the Black Lagoon. The highlight is not mine, I grabbed this screenshot off Reddit to keep on hand)
So Clawdeen is the daughter of The Wolfman, a type of werewolf that’s more humanoid with minor wolf features. This is why the werewolves don’t have tails in Monster High, why they aren’t beastial or overly wolf-ish, they’re based on wolfman type werewolves
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So that’s why they don’t have tails, paws, or wolf anatomy. The addition of the noses in G3 actually bring them closer to their inspiration.
So like yeah anyone can draw whatever they want, I just feel like the humanoid wolfman style werewolf is underutilized when redesigning or interpreting Clawdeen so I just wanted to bring this up.
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currenthyperf1xat1ons · 2 months
audio drama community i’m in a pickle.
i just finished red valley and idk what direction to go now 😭
i need something to fill the emotional void that i will have once juno steel and the terrible waste pt 2 drops
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stim-burrow · 6 months
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Source: [How To Clean A Wolf Skull]
Please be warned this video is fairly graphic and features dead animals.
I just wanted to make the skull showcase into gifs and this was the first video I found if I’m being honest ^^,
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prpfs · 6 months
❤️ 20+ male writer here (no minors!!). I’m looking for roleplay partners who would be up for some fun, smut filled M/M plots! I generally write semi-lit to literate responses, and generally try to match whatever my partner puts out. I’m open for trying most kinks including dead dove themes and have very few limits or triggers. Below is a bunch of (but not all of!) the fandoms I’m interested in writing in;
Red White and Royal Blue
Money Heist
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon
The Bear
Ted Lasso
Outer Banks
Everybody Wants Some!!
Teen Wolf
Love Victor
13 Reasons Why
Many more lol, but I would be here all week listing them. Bit like if you’re interested and I’ll get back to you!! ❤️
like if you're interested and anon will reach out
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softquietsteadylove · 1 month
For the wildfire one. Gil’s alarm goes off. Out of instinct Thena slightly jumps ready to run out too. but when she realizes she may asks herself if she would go back
Thena slurped up her spaghetti loudly. It was just the absolute best whenever Gil made it, and it was everything she missed while she was out patrolling: it was hot, it was meat that wasn't dehydrated, and it was easy to chew.
Gil said nothing across from her. If he thought her manners were off-putting then he was too sweet to say anything about it. He ate much more politely, twirling his fork and everything.
This was their third dinner together this month.
She was circling tighter and tighter, going less far out each time. And she was stopping by his cabin at least once a week, sometimes twice if she was feeling restless.
He always greeted her warmly, welcomed her inside, asked if she'd eaten and if she wanted to shower. If she was outstaying her welcome with him, she had no way of knowing.
A sharp and rapid beeping sounded from close to the door.
They both looked up sharply, the sound eliciting an instant and instinctive response. They were both trained to recognise that sound above all others.
Gil leapt up from his seat, abandoning his meal and running to his beeper. "Brush fire, there are at least two families in the area we have to make sure don't get trapped."
Thena's gut clenched. Families getting trapped by wildfire were exactly the reason she was no longer part of search and rescue. If anything, her boys were probably already out there. Gil was part of local forces. She didn't have to go out there. She didn't even know if she could anymore.
"You don't have to."
She hadn't even realised it, but she was beside him, leaning over to see the info coming through to him. She had jumped up to respond to the call just like he had. It had happened as automatically as the breath she took.
Gil looked at her more directly. "Thena, look at me."
She must have looked insane for him to be speaking in soft tones, trying to talk her down like a caged animal. "I'm fine."
"You don't have to go out there," he reasserted, squeezing her shoulder. "You're not on rescue duty, you're patrol. The fire is a freak accident, probably a camp that wasn't extinguished properly. It'll be an easy job."
But all she could think about was the hot lick of flames around her, the harsh glow of red and yellow searing her eyes. It consumed her nights, kept her waking in a cold sweat. She loathed and missed it.
But then she thought of Gil. He hadn't been called out in the time she'd known him, at least not for her to witness so directly. He wasn't technically search and rescue--he wasn't a jumper. He was part of ground forces. He had a team, and reported to the local station, and he had training and turnout gear just like the rest of them.
But the idea of him walking into that monster, flames biting at him like white hot teeth--she shook her head.
"I'll be back as soon as I can." He patted her hand, which she was just realising she had put on his arm. Her subconscious was clawing at him. He started to pull away, the soft cotton of his t-shirt sliding out from under her fingers.
"Don't." Both of them were surprised that she said it. She didn't sound like herself. She sounded like a trembling thing, begging him not to go and do his job. Her hand tightened against his arm, "don't."
"Thena," he lamented, already trying to gently peel her off of him. "I have to. But-"
"No!" she snapped, and at least sounded more like herself when she did. Last thing she wanted was to sound like some crying pup with him. "Gil, if it's a brush fire you know it's already twice the size it was when they spotted it."
"You don't know that-"
"Yes, I do!" she bellowed, stepping forward and forcing him back. "I know the wind, I know how it moves with the fire. I know how it swallows things and I felt the air out there today! It was prickly, I should have known better."
Gil's brow furrowed, "lightning? But the towers would have-"
"Sometimes they don't even bother looking, she dismissed. She had radioed in to them and been dismissed enough to know that they were not overly concerned with routine checks. "There must have been a quick strike that started something in the dry lands."
Gil looked at his watch. "That's a lot of time for it to spread, if it's not a small brush fire."
Thena looked out the window of the cabin. There wasn't any smoke, which meant the wind was in their favour. "I have to tell my guys. And you should tell the station to call and ask if there's been any precipitation reports from the other towers."
"What are you doing?" he asked as she went to her bag, digging through it. "Thena?"
"I'm coming with you," she snarled, digging out the heavy gear in her pack that took up more than half the room in it. It wasn't the heaviest, and it wasn't even necessarily the right suit for what they were going to face out there. But it was still fire protection. "You'll need a tracker with you if there are civilians out there."
"Thena, you're not cleared for duty."
She sighed as she pulled on a longer sleeved shirt and then her jacket on over it. She pulled off the elastic she had around her wrist at all times and dragged her hair into a low ponytail she could tuck into her jacket back. "I am."
"But I thought-"
"I was cleared for duty last year, but I didn't think I could take it."
Not even her old crew knew this. She had failed her initial psych eval after her last rescue had resulted in three very young casualties--that part was real. And she had been relegated to patrol duty as a means of sequestering but not firing her. It wasn't good PR to fire a rescuer with severe PTSD (or PTSS, it was being called now, she'd heard).
But she had been cleared to return to work last spring. Technically, she was fit for duty. The only one who didn't think so, was she herself. So she had asked to remain on area patrol. She didn't mention it to her old station, or her boys--no one. No one needed to know she woke every night, shaking and screaming. No one needed to know she couldn't search or rescue ever again.
At least not until she'd gotten Gil out of his cellar and he'd held her like she was the only thing standing between him and death. One stupid hug and she was going soft again.
"I didn't know."
"No one does," she sighed. She stood, kicking off her boots so she could get the incredibly heavy pants on and up her legs. She secured the suspenders and tipped her shoes upward again to jam her feet in. "But I think this is bigger than they even know right now. Finding those families in time will need all hands on deck."
Gil just nodded, also gearing up. He only ever lazed around in standard issue clothes until he could well and truly go to bed anyway. He got his own suspenders clipped as well. "You sure you want to do this?"
Did she see those kids' faces every time she closed her eyes?--yes. But would she think about these families as well if she didn't go with him now?--very much.
"I have to, and so do you," she sufficed to say. "You ready?"
He nodded, pulling his helmet and goggles off the hook by the door last. "You?"
She ignored the question, unclipping her helmet from the outside of her bag and fishing her goggles out of her jacket pocket. It felt familiar, but also foreign after two whole years without it. "Let's go."
They left, Gil not even locking up behind them. He all but threw himself into his truck, Thena climbing in beside him. He picked up the radio first and foremost. "This is Gil, two miles off the 147 southbound. I can hit the lake area and move from there, ETA ten minutes."
"Copy that Gil, we'll have units meet you out there."
He set the radio down, driving full speed as far as the truck could get them before they would have to go on foot. He barely even glanced at her. "Hey."
She didn't respond verbally, gripping the door as they bounced around.
"Wolf," he addressed more fittingly for the situation. He caught her eye darting over to him and decided it was enough. "There's no room for pride out there. It gets too much, you tell me and you fall back. Clear?"
She smiled. The last thing she needed was coddling, no matter how sweet, or well intended. And of course Gil - the big, sweet softie - knew that. She puffed, "clear."
"Copy," he also puffed out a faint, sardonic burst of air. They both had to steel themselves for the fight ahead. But at least they were on the same page. They were ready to be a real team.
And she could have no better partner out there.
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lovelyllamasblog · 2 years
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Some more EAH and MH stuff I made!
Pic 1: Apple Bite, my take on the leaked prototype dress that @luc-elementix posted a while ago. This would have been Apple dressed as/transformed into a vampire and would have happened in The Lost Movie or been movie exclusive dolls.
Pic 2: the Scarily Ever After doll line with Draculaura as Snow Bite, Frankie Stein as Threadarella, and Clawdeen as Little Dead Riding Wolf. (I know Frankie’s doesn’t really match the art, but I tried by best.)
Pic 3: Scarily Ever After Cleo and Abbey. They only appeared as background characters in Draculaura and Frankie’s stories, but I wanted to include them anyway. Cleo is the Evil Princess (/Queen) in Snow Bite and Abbey is the Fairy Ghoulmother (Scary Godmother in my head) from Threadarella. (In other stories, I think Cleo could be Sleeping Beauty and Abbey could be the Snow Queen.)
Pic 4: Destiny swapped Apple Queen and Raven White. Honestly, I just swapped their color palettes 😅 Nothing nuance here except maybe for Apple’s purple highlights. I kind of like this AU/theory. I know some people don’t and Apple could have just inherited her hair color from her dad (he’s stated as having blonde hair in the books), but it’s just such a cool theory to me.
Pic 5: Snow White and Eva Queen during their school days. This is taken from the comic Class of Classics, where we see the previous generation in their youth.
Pic 6: Gigi Grant, Djinni “Whisp” Grant, and Genie/redeemed Whisp
Pic 7: Howleen Wolf fashion evolution (G1 and G3). I really like her second look. I know some people don’t but Howleen’s whole thing is that she’s trying to find herself. She feels like she has something to prove since her older siblings have all done great things. Fashion is great way to do that. She’s expressing herself through her fashion. (I couldn’t get the hair poof that she has in her first and newest look so I went with the braided/cornrow look (I don’t know what hairstyle this is. My knowledge of African hairstyles is abysmal.)
Pic 8: Casta Fierce, Catty Noir, and Ari Hauntington. Honestly, these were my favorite to make. I love that MH made some pop stars. I still listen to Witching Hour and Catty’s songs are so good. I also really like her and Pharaoh. They are so cute and would definitely be THE monster pop star power couple (in my opinion). Ari also has a really interesting storyline. She’s a pop star in both the human and monster worlds.
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greenbloods · 8 months
HUNDREDS of undead voters were seen stuffing the ballots all across east watch and the shadow tower on the night of the lord commanders election. We will NEVER let “Little Lord Snow” get away with this, or his little henchman Pissbritch Sam. STOP THE STEAL!!!
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koalamysterio · 11 days
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just played this game and IT WAS AWESOME
one of the best game that was made by telltale games. end of story
I'm so excited for season 2!
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cptnbeefheart · 2 months
i think i gotta pl;ay fallout 4 ..
#YAPPING this morninh#i tried watching the show i DIDNT LIKE IT. i would rather play the games#in middle school i tried fallout3 but i never felt incentivized to explore the world after getting out of the vault .#i think beth esda games are just like that though idk. ive been playing wolfing stein 2 (2017) and it feels like. beth esda uncharted#i think its just bc its an action adventure and you have like a little team and so far it hasnt been open world the way it was advertised#but ive been getting into the lore of the world in falloiut and im really enjoying it so maybe my game tastes have changed idk its worth a#shot :D i watched this video abt ghoul being an embodiment of the mythologized wild west genre in american pop culture history and how#pervasive a fantasy like that is. the continuation of manifest destiny and rooted in white supremacy yk. but also through the fallout lens#of 'Look at this idealized nuclear family/ american dream and look who it excludes look how it fails' and its really making me wanna try#playing again. i think one of my biggest flaws that i hate is that i cannot tolerate playing old games that are ugly in retrospect .... i#just cant.... i cant play the first red dead its too ugly im sorry... but i WILL research the lore and stuff#anyway thats why i think ill try 4. im just worried i wont like it bc you know.. i like platform action adventures.. not corny shit like#uncharted but idk maybe its an antiquated way of designing games but i like levels i like being given a campaign. i think my favorite way a#game works is like the way red dead does it. the story progresses but you can also explore on your own time. and the world changes as the#story progresses. idk i think i just maybe am not the target audience for any bethesda game LMFAO. anyway if anyone wants to give some#wise words regarding this Advice opinions etc feel free to send asks leave replies dm me :D
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sunlessea · 1 year
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#` ✞ sapphir’d king. ⁞ white light fades to red as i enter the city of the dead.#` ✞ king of hours. ⁞ if the pen is mightier than the sword‚ how is war so adored?#` ✞ dawn machine. ⁞ they let me lie to them and don't feel like they've been misled.#` ✞ clockwork sun. ⁞ but the time to forgive is gone‚ the day has passed‚ the night has come.#` ✞ salt. ⁞ done with my graceless heart‚ i’ll cut it out and restart.#` ✞ stone. ⁞ sanctus espiritus‚ redeem us from our solemn hour.#` ✞ storm. ⁞ convicted for my faith‚ addicted to my fate‚ i was drowned in waves.#` ✞ flowermaker. ⁞ weaved revelations like the flowers through his hair.#` ✞ moth. ⁞ recognize that i could be the eye of the storm.#` ✞ velvet. ⁞ if i drown in the river‚ will my soul be delivered?#` ✞ wolf divided. ⁞ holy water cannot help you now‚ i’ve come to burn your kingdom down.#` ✞ mare in the trees. ⁞ deep into the woods with you‚ a creature with no god in you.#` ✞ witness. ⁞ touch my mouth and cut out my tongue‚ i will never be your chosen one.#` ✞ crowned growth. ⁞ when you become untouchable‚ you're unable to touch.#` ✞ andromeda. ⁞ forgiving who you are‚ for what you stand to gain.#` ✞ orionis. ⁞ just know that if you hide‚ it doesn't go away.#` ✞ red grail. ⁞ one misstep‚ you're mine : better stay clever if you want to survive.#` ✞ sun in rags. ⁞ hanging by threads of palest silver‚ i could've stayed that way forever.#` ✞ nymphesse. ⁞ i dream of rain‚ i dream of love as time runs through my hand.#` ✞ beachcomber. ⁞ he’s such a charmer‚ all the bugs and their larvae follow‚ a modern desperado.#` ✞ watchman. ⁞ i am the observer‚ i’m a witness of life‚ i live in the space between the stars and the sky.#` ✞ thunderskin. ⁞ i know i'll never reclaim your love‚ all those nights you made me swoon.#` ✞ flowergirl. ⁞ they thought they heard a voice that said‚ come and take me away from here.#` ✞ cassiopeia. ⁞ our chains were meant to break‚ you'll never change me.#` ✞ comtesse. ⁞ and can't you tell the way i reach for you‚ i wear my halo in disguise.#` ✞ waste waif. ⁞ follow me into the endless night‚ i can bring your fears to life.#` ✞ the unseelie court. ⁞ don't be afraid‚ the shadows know you.
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simpendragons · 1 year
shoutout to the three wives that died in bullet train for the plot 🙏🏼🫶🏻😩 where would we be without them
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