#Why is dogmeats so sad
fallrimxreader · 1 year
Ah good, hope this level of angst is ok then:
Can I please request the FO4 companions(and maybe the remaining faction leaders in this scenario pls)reacting to sole becoming self destructive in how much they try and help the wasteland, all because they feel guilty for Shaun dying?
Thank you, have a nice day ^-^
(Warnings: Injuries, lack of sleep and eating, mention of death.)
Cait: “Alright that’s enough. You need to stop, get some rest or I’ll have to knock you out myself.”
Cait was concerned, they’d been in the middle of a raider fight. This was the third one in a single day. Cait was tired herself, and she had only just joined Sole. Sole had been doing this for a few weeks. They kept saying one more, they had to help one more person. But that was about 5 people ago. And now they were getting sloppy. A raider came up close and Sole went to hit them but completely missed. The raider took his hit and caught Sole right in the gut. Sole buckled and Cait had to jump in. Cait drags Sole away from the fight and to a safe house, throwing them onto the bed. She held up three fingers and grumbled when Sole said there were six. Cait does not have the best bedside manners; she gets easily annoyed with Sole. But she grits her teeth and forcefully took care of Sole until they were in some sort of working order.
Curie: She made her opinion quite clear early on, Sole didn’t appreciate her telling them to stop so Sole left Curie behind at a settlement. A week later Sole finally comes back and Curie throws herself into Sole’s arms.
“Please, I’m begging you Monsieur/Madam. I need you to stop. I’m worried about you.” Curie cries uncontrollably, gripping tightly onto Sole. It’s at this point Sole realizes how bad it had gotten. Curie was usually concerned with Sole’s health anyway. But Sole had never seen her cry so hard before. Sole had been thinking only of Shaun, and how even though Sole did all they could to find him they were not quick enough. Sole wanted to get to everyone else and help them before it was too late. Shaun died, and they had to realize no matter how much they do to help others nothing would bring him back. Sole began to cry too, hugging Curie tighter. It was nice to have someone that cared.
Codsworth: “Sir/mum, will you please take a nap. Then we can stop at a settlement and I’ll make you a nice nutritious meal.”
Sole didn’t want to stop. There were people to help, people who needed Sole. They kept moving, muttering how he would want them to keep going. Codsworth was confused, but it didn’t take long to realize who Sole was talking about. Codsworth floated in front of Sole.
“Sir/mum, as much as I hate to say these words. But Shaun is gone. I know he wanted you to help people. But he would also want you to help yourself too. We need you, but only when you’re strong enough. And I know master Shaun would say the same thing.”
Codsworth’s words made Sole break. They knelt to the floor and cried. Codsworth guided them to a nearby settlement and let them sleep. When Sole woke up Codsworth made a large meal, and Sole ate the entire thing. Sole didn’t realize they had gotten so hungry.
Dogmeat: Dogmeat doesn’t notice anything different for a long time. One day Sole gets into a battle where they get shot. Sole had not been sleeping or eating so they were incredibly weak. The gunshot wound took out the last of their adrenaline and Sole could not get off the ground. Dogmeat whined and pawed at them, trying to get them to move. But Sole couldn’t.
“Go get help.” Sole says, finally admitting to themselves they were in a rough spot. Dogmeat ran as fast as he could. He would get them help.
Danse: “That’s it, soldier, you’re done. Time to go home.”
They had gotten into another fight trying to save a settlement and Sole had collapsed in the middle of the battlefield. Danse got under their arm and dragged them away.
“I have to help.”
“No, you need to rest. You’re about to drop dead. I can get my men to come in and help these people.” Danse dragged Sole to a safe house and dropped them onto the bed.
“They need me. If I’m not there, people die without me.” Sole began to cry.
“People do need you. But not all the time. There are plenty of people in this world who can help. You don’t have to be the one to do everything. We put our trust in you every day, for once put trust in us that we can save people too.”
Sole thought about his words. There was a slight relief hearing them. Sole nodded and lay in the bed. Danse got backup from the brotherhood, then focused on tending to Sole. He made sure they slept and ate, before he let them back into the wasteland.
Deacon: “Man I am pooped. How about we head back home, take some zee’s and refill our tanks. What’dya say?” Deacon stretched. They had just finished guiding someone to a new settlement.
“Nah, let’s do another one. I’m sure there’s someone around here that needs help.” Sole suggested.
“I really don’t think I can. I think you could do another, but I don’t think you should.” Deacon crossed his arms. “We’ve been going at it for days; we need a rest.”
“I can’t rest. By the time I get to them it will be too late! No more breaks I can’t risk getting sidetracked again.”
“What are you talking about?” Deacon asked. Sole was silent, staring off into the distance. “Look, you’re not the only one out here. You’ve got me, the railroad and a bunch of other people. It’s ok to take a break, take it from me when I say no one will judge you for it.”
Sole stood still thinking on it. Deacon stepped forward and grabbed their arm. Sole allowed themselves to be dragged away to a place they could rest and eat. Deacon also resting, though he kept a close eye on Sole to ensure they didn’t try to leave without him.
Hancock: “Alright buddy, I’ve got to tap you out. You’re not going to do anyone any good if you’re dead.” He had tricked Sole into going back to Goodneighbor with him, by saying someone needed help. “You’re the one that needs help, and that’s what I’m here for.”
He took Sole’s weapons. Then gave them a bedroom, and told them to sleep. Sole was reluctant, but soon enough they just passed out on the bed. When they woke up Hancock had arranged his townsfolk to cook some delicious meals for Sole. Which they ate, not realizing how hungry they were until they started eating. Afterwards Sole asked for their weapons back.
“Nope back to bed. Your mayor orders you.” Hancock ordered. Sole grumbled off. But after a few days Sole began to realize how much better they were feeling, and how horrible they had felt before Hancock made them stop. Sole was ashamed and bashfully said thank you to Hancock, who was just so happy his partner was back to normal again.
MacCready: He’s a loyal man, and being young and an experienced wasteland wanderer he was able to keep up with Sole. They would do job after job, day and night. Helping everybody they could find. But after 3 weeks he had enough. MacCready had been eating whenever they stopped in a town, but Sole would be ‘too busy’ to eat. They would sleep when MacCready would demand them to. Yet he could tell Sole wasn’t sleeping. Their face in the morning was evidence enough. They stop at a settlement and Sole collapses into a bed from exhaustion. MacCready stole all their weapons, hiding them. When Sole awoke, they ordered MacCready to give them back.
“Sorry but no can do. You’ve done enough. Now we are going to stay in this settlement for at least a few days. You’re going to sleep the whole time, and if you’re not sleeping, you’re eating. Proper food not garbage ‘nutrient bars’.” Sole wanted to fight, but MacCready just pushed them back onto the bed. Sole reluctantly got back into bed and ended up sleeping for 15 hours straight the first day. It took a while but finally Sole was feeling better, they didn’t think they had gotten so bad. But they were incredibly grateful MacCready was looking out for them.
Piper: The pair was sitting in an abandoned building, about to head out to another job. Sole was trying to reload their gun, but their hands were so shaky they couldn’t get the bullets in. Piper took the gun away and held Sole’s hand.
“I think it’s time to call it quits blue, just for a day or two.”
“I can’t. They need help.”
“And we’ll help them later.”
“No, it will be too late. I have to save them now; I can’t lose him. Them.” Sole corrected themselves, then paused. Tears stinging their eyes.
“Oh blue. I’m sorry. I don’t know how you feel, or know what you’re going through. But you’re just hurting yourself at this point. You can’t save everyone, no matter how hard you try. Life happens, and even if you do your best people can still die. It’s the worst, but it’s reality. What you need to do, is not push yourself to the point where you are useless to us. Now please, let’s take a break. We can ask someone else to go help those people out.” Sole hesitates, but Piper just squeezes their hand. Sole wants to squeeze back but they don’t have the strength to. It’s then that Sole realizes Piper is right. They are weak, and would be useless in a fight right now. Sole nods and Piper took them back to Diamond city so they can rest.
Preston: Sole ended up helping every single settlement Preston had. He had to start turning Sole away.
“Sorry boss, no one needs help right now. But I think you should take this as a chance to get some rest.” Sole ignored the suggestion and headed out looking for other jobs. They came back 2 weeks later, limping and with a big black eye.
“Any settlements need help yet?”
“Definitely not from you!” Preston was concerned.
“What?” Sole asked offended.
“You need to rest now.” Preston slings his gun on his back and tries to help Sole into their house.
“This is nothing, at least I’m alive. I need to help the settlements.”
“No boss. If you keep this up you won’t be helping anyone.” Preston gets Sole into the house and to a bed. “Everyone loves you; we are so grateful to have you. But if you want to be around to help us, you need to rest.” Sole grumbled but got into bed and did as they were told.
He asked another town member to take over patrolling. Then got some healthier food and sat by Sole. For the next few days Preston looked after Sole until they were back to normal condition.
Valentine: Nick had been around a long time; he’d seen many men and women fall to the abyss of trying to help everyone. He himself had once gone down that path and it was his assistant Ellie that actually made him slow down. Sole and Nick had just finished 3 jobs in a row.
“Alright boss, it’s time for a break.”
“Just one more.”
“Nope, we’ve done enough for now. Time to rest up and come back later.”
“There might not be a later. We have to help now.”
Valentine made Sole stop moving and stepped up close.
“Listen, I’ve been down this road. But there are too many people and you can’t help everyone. No matter how hard you try. Besides, who are you going to help in this state?” Sole was bruised, their clothes were torn and they hadn’t slept in days. “You need a rest. And I’m getting older, I need to rest too. So let us go back home, we’ll come back another day.”
“But he told me to help them.”
“I know he did. But he wouldn’t want you killing yourself in the process. Now come on.” Nick wrapped his arm around Sole and guided them home.
Strong: They travelled around for about a week, taking job after job helping everyone in their path. Even sometimes accepting two at the same time. They had just completed one job and Sole headed straight to the other. Night fell and Sole was exhausted. They were hit by a surprise raider attack. Sole struggled to hold their weapon, shaking as they aimed. They took too long to steady themselves and got shot in the arm. Sole tried to shoot with one hand but couldn’t make it work. After clearing the raiders himself, Strong headed back to Sole.
“Human weak. Human need rest.”
“No Strong, we need to get to the settlement that needs help.”
“Settlement help Sole.”
“I’m fine.” Sole tried to stand but their knees gave way. Strong picked Sole up and carried them the rest of the way.
“Human weak.” Once at the settlement Sole was bandaged up and told to rest. They tried to leave but Strong blocked their exit. There was no way Sole was going to win against Strong so reluctantly they stayed in bed and rested.
X6-88: He left the institute with Sole the day Shaun died. Sole didn’t say anything except they were going to take a job. X6 was quite willing to go as long as possible. He didn’t have the same restrictions as Sole. He was expecting to maybe go on a job a day or maybe 3 days. But was surprised when Sole had been going for a whole 2 weeks. They get to another settlement and X6 is expecting Sole to rest.
“Come on time to go, we’ve got another job.” Sole says wanting to leave after being there for only 10 minutes.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, lets go.” Sole answered, but X6 hesitated. He stood still and took a look at Sole. They had become skinny; their arms shook carrying the weight of their gun.
“I think you should rest.”
“No, I’m good. Come on, or maybe I’ll just go alone.” Sole replied. X6 stepped forward and placed a hand on Sole’s bony shoulder. “We’ve been through a lot together, and I’ll admit I have grown fond of you. I can’t feel what you felt when father died. But I know he wouldn’t want you to live like this. You need to rest and regain your strength.”
“We are not leaving until you rest.” X6 said in an authoritative voice Sole had not heard before. Sole had also not heard X6 so concerned for their health. They were touched, simply nodding and heading to a spare bed.  
Arthur Maxson: He watched Sole enter the brotherhood headquarters limping, skinny and pale. Though they smiled and asked for the next job.
“I’m taking you off the field soldier. You need to go see a doctor and rest for at least a week.”
“I can’t do that boss I have to help.”
“That’s an order, don’t make me handcuff you to a bed.” Maxson used his big voice. He could understand what Sole was doing, people needed help. But to put themselves through so much torture and not take care of their health? Well Maxson thought Sole was a little crazy, but he did appreciate them. “You’re a good worker and I can’t risk losing you from my team. So, take care of yourself and I’ll give you a job as soon as the doctor clears you.”
Sole grumbled but did as they were told.
Desdemona: She watched Sole stagger into the railroad hitting every surface as they walked. Sole had bags under their eyes and their skin was pale.
“What’s next?” Sole asked.
“What’s next is you go get some rest.”
“Nah I’m fine.”
“That wasn’t a suggestion.” Desdemona took Sole’s arm and guided them to a bed. “You’re going to stay here and we are going to watch you like hawks until you get better. I have plenty of manpower here, you are not the only one capable of taking a job.”
Sole wanted to resist, but the moment their head hit the pillow they passed out. Desdemona sighed, throwing a blanket over them. She then went to find someone to watch over Sole as they slept.
Gage: “Alright boss, enough now.” Sole had just told Gage they were going on another job. This was the 6th in 2 days. “You need to stop moving for one day. And I need to sleep.”
“We can just do one more then we’ll stop.”
“Ha, yeah you told me that before but we didn’t stop. I know you wanna help people, and that’s ok. But there’s no point if you’re just going to die on them. When was the last time you ate?”
“This morning?” Sole said in an untruthful tone.
“Ate something proper, not just snack. Or when was the last time you slept?” Sole couldn’t reply to that one. “Right. Now let’s go home, because I am not going to carry you if you collapse on me.” Gage said the threat but Sole know he would never leave them.
Sole followed Gage. He had a point. If Sole couldn’t remember the last time they slept, then there was a problem. Once in a safe location the both rested. Gage woke first and kept an eye on Sole, who slept for a lot longer.
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kalinihta · 1 month
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a/n: my first post on this account (and fiction writing in months)! i’m not that great of a writer so corrections are appreciated but please don’t be rude to me or anyone on my blog. i hope you enjoy this:)
plot: reader is a jazz singer in the wastelands and she sings about her husband of a lifetime.
trope: cooper howard x reader, the ghoul x reader
fandom: fallout
even after the bombs, the living still needed entertainment. good thing i was still alive. i owned a small little jazz club downtown of filly, many people came to see me — ghouls, raiders, you name it. i made my living off bottlecaps from the entry fee and tips. 20 bottle caps for entry and i usually got tips above 30. i used my caps to buy meds, meds for my husband.
my husband’s a ghoul, somehow im not. i was already examining a vault when the bombs had dropped. coop had a birthday party gig, i felt i shouldve begged him to come with me to the vault, but i hadn’t. i should’ve trusted my instincts that day. nonetheless i still love him, hes still a divine being in my eyes.
currently, im backstage getting ready for a performance. cooper was out hunting a bounty, said he might be back in a couple days. i sighed as i combed my hair, i held my gaze in the mirror. if something were to happen to him i dont know what i’d do.
standing up, i examined myself in the mirror.
i think im ready..
as i walked out of the room i gave dogmeat i quick pet before walking out on stage. my heels clicked on the medium sized stage, gazes locked on my body, and commotion erupted. cat calls and claps echoed through the small club. one i had reached the mic i turned to my piano player and nodded. he smiled and began to play.
You're no good for me
Baby, you're no good for me
You're no good for me
But baby, I want you, I want…
i paused for a moment, a small blanket of whistles covered my ears. i took a breath and closed my eyes.
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City
Never was there ever a girl so pretty
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?
Baby, put on heart shaped sunglasses
'Cause we gonna take a ride
I'm not gonna listen to what the past says
I've been waiting up all night
i heard the old doors of the club open, but i didnt pay any attention and kept singing. silent foot steps echoed the club as i kept my eyes closed. i heard them pause for a moment before sitting on one of the many squeaky chairs.
Hurt me and tell me you're mine
I don't know why but I like it
Scary? My God, you're divine
Gimme them, gimme them dope and diamonds
whispers and mumbling always came up during this song. they speculated my lover physically hurt me, when it was never physically. he always had a way with my heart, and no matter how much bad news he told me i always was there for him. it’s not like he abused me, oh no, never. it was just sad to see him go through so much that it even hurt me.
as i sang along, i slowly opened my eyes to gaze around the room. many men’s stares and some women smiling and talking. as my eyes roamed i spotted a familiar cowboy. my eyes widened slightly seeing him here, he said he wouldn’t be back for days… i pushed away that thought and lightly smiled at him, holding his gaze. the song ended, i thanked everyone for being there and went off the stage and left the band to play. claps and whistles erupted as i left the stage.
as i cleaned off my makeup, i felt a hand on my shoulder. i looked up in the mirror and smiled.
“you know, that makeup made you awfully pretty, darlin’.”
i giggled. i looked up at him and held the hand that was on my shoulder.
“you did pick it out, remember? 200 years ago…”
i spoke softly. his hard gaze softened lightly, brushing my hair with his hand. he pressed a kiss to my head and held me for a moment.
“you said you wouldn’t be back for days, what happened?”
“well, sweetheart, the guy just so happened to be traveling on his way to filly. speaking of filly…”
he reached in his pocket, rummaging for a moment. he pulled out a beautiful ring that looked oh so familiar. our engagement ring.
he held it out between his two fingers, his gaze all over his face. i sighed deeply, tears building up. he softly smiled, wiping the tears that did fall.
“i just so happened to find our engagement rings. the rings that had been stolen from us, oh so, long ago, darlin’.”
“thank you…”
i breathed out. i was so surprised he found them, the same rings that matched our eyes. they were very dear to us, my ring matched his eyes, and his matched mine. i let him slide the ring on my finger, i gazed at it before jumping to give him a hug. he stood still for a moment, slowly moving to encase me in his grasp.
“do you find me scary, sweetheart?”
“scary? my god, you’re divine…”
i pulled back slightly to look at him. my hands held his face. we both leaned in and encased ourselves in a kiss, a soft embrace.
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tempestuous-tempest · 1 month
Fallout Show Rant: [Spoilers?]
Ya know, people feared this would ruin the franchise and I think it did really good. The community seemed to take it pretty well. As far as Tumblr goes. I haven't seen many complaints. There is so much that is given to us. And I still have many questions. But regardless, the fucking characters are [Chef's kiss] 🤌.
I've seen planty of talk about the characters, especially Cooper, obviously. That man is a living legend. Quite literally. My favorite scene is one that brought me to tears. The "turning feral" scene. Why did it bring me to tears? Because it showed that Cooper, our ghoul protagonist, is not just a rough and tough prick as he is introduced at the time he is a Ghoul. Yes, we also think about the Dogmeat thing, but this is a better example. He could have ended his buddie's life plainly, as most any different person would do. But what people dont seem to understand or think about is the fact that he got him to think of home or at least happy thoughts before he died. About his mother and apple pie. Then he killed him out of mercy. He made sure he wasnt scared. He made it quick so he didnt suffer. That brought me to tears.
Also, poor Max who didnt deserve any of what happened to him. Well... He made dumb decisions, but it's not his fault he was practically raised in the Brotherhood of Biggots. Sorry, "Holier Than Thou Brotherhood". Wait, yeah, I'm not apologizing for insulting those skanks in armor.
Lucy, good job girl. Not letting the wasteland consume her. Learning how the world works, whoo. I dont like her that much, but she did impress me. She also improved quite a bit. A little sad she and Max never got to fully be together, but I mean, this is Fallout. They dont do couples. Especially not happy or married couples.
Story was pretty nice. But there were a lot of dumb as a bag of bricks characters....as if common sense had avoided them all their lives.
Also, a little sad we didnt see supermutants. Or deathclaws. Minus what I think is a skull or two? Minutemen radio popping up definitely hit some people hard. The jokes made about how many mods people made to silence it in fo4 is hilarious.
I dont know if I'm legally allowed to continue ranting about this. Hold on-
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raid3r-r4bbit · 1 year
Random Fo4 Companions Headcannons.
With no explanation or order, because I said so.
Gage fucking hates coconut. Also tatos/tomatoes. And he's never eaten muscles/clams/squid but you couldn't make him. Honestly I see him being more of a picky eater than he would ever admit to. If you took him to a red lobster he'd sit in the bar with nothing and noticibly and angrily glare at you or the lobsters the whole time.
Danse loves kids, teaching them, working with them ect. But not only is he socially awkward as all hell, he's naturally a bit commanding which to kids is scary and to teens is annoying. He's aware of this, but has no idea how to mediate it so he just, "heyyyy....champ?"
Cait is the same way with kids but she just dips.
Playing poker with deacon would be like holding a staring contest with a statue.
Having a staring contest with x6 would be like playing poker with deacon.
A poker match or staring contest between deacon and x6 is like taping bread jamside up to a cat.
Dogmeat does that thing that cats do and tries to sit/sleep right on your chest and suffocates you.
Strong loves playing with toys, and wishes he had someone to play fight with. Also he understands that he's a super mutant and still feels like humans should be food, but still doesn't know why people don't like him and it makes him sad.
Piper is evil.
Preston sleeps in the fetal position. He also overheats a lot, but then gets cold, so sleeping soundly is an event for him. He would also make the best educator, of any level. Mainly cause he's clear and precise but also cause if you're stupid (like me) he doesn't get mad if you need things explained.
Ada is actually capable of moving faster but simply chooses not to.
Curie has a crush on Danse, but doesn't understand what that is emotionally so she just likes to watch him and try to learn about him. Danse finds this unerving and weird, but she's essentially harmless so he doesn't make her stop.
Old Longfellow is very lonely and just wants someone to tell stories to. (This might just be cannon ngl)
Codsworth is in denial about the bombs and the death of soles spouse and Shaun being gone. Synth Shaun wouldn't be able to shake him, and if ss chooses a romantic partner, codsworth is both very overly chummy with them, but also super passive-aggressive aggressive towards them.
Ham cooked loves lotion and stuff. Obviously it doesn't really do anything for him, but it's like cat nip to him. He just wants to rub it all over his face.
MacCready(how tf is ur name spelled dude???) sucks at taking care of others people's kids. He'll fight them, but like on their own level.
Kid: "you're a meanie!"
*collective gasps and oooo's from other kids watching*
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riewiggles · 3 months
Ok here i go again adding more Kannao headcanons because I had my coffee and I need to distract myself from coughing and blowing snot-
During freetime and with encouragement from Yosuke Naoto started out in Fallout New Vegas and LOVED IT but then Fallout 4 dropped... and Naoto. Lost. It. Upon. Meeting. NICK FRICKIN VALENTINE.
Meanwhile Kanji obsessed over Dogmeat and demands Naoto make Dogmeat their companion.
Naoto also tries to stick as much to Canon as possible and keeps the name "Nate" on the sole survivor. They also go the Minutemen route because it appeases Nick.
Meanwhile if Naoto is on a case Kanji will GLADLY take control and just build, build, build with the settlement option.
He would have Sanctuary looking absolutely mind-boggling and would strategize each settlement route, like he wants to make The Castle a catch-all of trades, Coastal House a cache, and gets a little TOO giddy when playing the Far Harbor settlements.
Naoto comes to empathize with Paladin Danse and ends up romancing him. Meanwhile Kanji gets sad upon Naoto not picking Curie because Curie is a total cinnamon roll.
So he starts his own playthrough with Nora... and romances Curie.
And Kanji will be like, "why does MacCready sound just like me?" Get it?
Bonus: at one point Naoto changes the security system where if the code was, "Alexa, play Big Iron" it would respond, "Truth is. The game. Was rigged from the start."
I'll come up with a New Vegas headcanon eventually because it had been a looooooong time since I played it. I just remember the Boomers, wanting to romance Boone, and sleeping with Benny.
Omg I told my boyfriend this and he goes, "it zooms out and Kanji is playing Fallout, and it zooms out again and it's Matt Mercer playing Kanji playing Fallout" 🤣
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grumpymirelurkqueen · 8 months
Another request for fo3. How do companions show jealousy of LW, even if they say/pretend that they are not jealous?
Hi ! I hope I understood your request correctly and didn't misinterpret it as something stupid…
I removed Sergeant RL-3, Paladin Cross and Jericho because I didn't know how to make them into a certain jealousy dynamic. I never played with them.
(sorry it took me longer, I hope you like it).
How do the fo3 companions show their jealousy of LW, and then claim that they are not :
Butch :
I like to think Butch was always jealous of you. You have a good father, even if he left you in the lurch. But you had a father who loved you, compared to him who had a mother who was physically there, but not quite with him. So yes, Butch is more envious than jealous.
When Butch started travelling with you, his envy turned to jealousy. You seemed so smart, so good at fighting and everyone talked about you. When he was in the dugout, he loved to brag about being the best shot in his group. When the supervisor asked them to get rid of the bugs. (to run away, because he was scared).
He pretended not to be. But one day you argue, as usual. A dynamic you never forget.
“ So you can't understand. You've always had what I've always dreamed of having, and yet you complain so much! ”
“ Wait… are you jealous of me ? ”
“ Yes !... No... ”
Fawkes :
Fawkes was the happiest mutant man when he met you. You shared a love of literature, poetry and science. At first he admired you for all the knowledge your father had given you. But once he felt his heart pinch. He didn't know why, but deep down he was sad to feel that way again.
Once you discussed your shared knowledge. That same twinge came back, but you were looking at him. The sad look on his disfigured face brought back memories of your shelter.
“ Fawkes all right? ”
“ What's ? Yes, yes, I'm fine. I…. I'm happy to share my research with you. It just brings back bad memories.. ”
Which is not exactly a lie…
Clover :
You're a bit of a charm for the raiders. To displease you and to displease poor Clover. She's jealous of your beauty and the lights the Raiders put on you.
She'll admit straight away that she's jealous of you. So to appease her and to take advantage of it, you tell her the truth. That you hate being at the centre of raiders.
Now clover is a trap for herself. A beautiful slave crying in the middle of a supply route. So she can plunder the local merchants.
(Poor Quinn, you have no shame in attacking this ghoul ?)
Charon :
In all his ghoulish life, he never thought he'd be jealous of a teenager who was barely a young adult. But your talent for discretion has made him more jealous. His large body doesn't allow him to be discreet; a wall of sand can barely hide him.
For some days now, Charon has been looking at you in a different way. Knowing that he speaks with his eyes, but not yet knowing how to decode them. You ask him to, so you get a simple "nothing".
Dogmeat :
That dog can't be jealous of you, can he? Oh, you took the bone he wanted. Now he's lying on the floor watching you strut around with that bone. He's drooling over that bone, don't you see? You look at him once, twice and the third time you shake the bone at him. Just a waggle of his head and tail in response. Oh, how sweet of you to give it to him.
Thanks for reading !
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imagine-silk · 1 year
What, you thought you were rid of me? Fools! All of you!
Sooo how would the FO4 companions help a SS who lost a pet. Say a guinea pig, totally not projecting-
Snakes, love to see you, you will always be welcomed here. The reader will be Sole's kid because I'm am also not projecting. The others are classmates unless specified as other.
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【Cait】 "Oh-uh… it's okay." She's never really had a pet, closest thing was feeding the strays around her house, so she doesn't fully understand why you're upset. But you've been there for her so she'll try to do the same.
【Codsworth/Butler】 "My condolences, young master. They were a good friend." He is also distraught but he wants to stay strong for you. He gives them a proper memorial in the backyard.
【Dogmeat】 'Whine' Best doggo lays in your lap until you stop crying. He will miss his little bud.
【Curie】 "I am so sorry for your loss." She feels for you, she really does, but she knew this was coming. When she told you they were sick you didn't really heed her warning.
【Piper】 "Oh my God…" She is almost more distraught than you. It was only a few days ago they were crawling all over her and now they're gone.
【Deacon】 "Don't be sad. They were a good little buddy so their going to heaven. Think about it, paradise, all the sunflower seeds you could want." He is also super upset but he'll never show that. The idea is enough to lessen the blow.
【Preston】 "Let's bury them. Maybe we can go get some burgers down the street." He had a dog not to long ago and he had to go through this. So going through this fast is his main goal. He's trying to put down his own feelings but it still hurts because he loved the little guy.
【Nick/Uncle】 "I'm sorry, doll/pal." He doesn't dwell on words, choosing to pull you into a hug rather than give into his immediate panic of his crying niece/nephew.
【MacCready】 "…" He never had a pet and didn't really care about your little bud but the shock had him speechless. He doesn't really know what to do so he just lets you lay on him.
【Danse】 "They will be sorely missed." As military brat, he has always been around dogs and communal pets, he knows how hard a death of a pet can do.
【Hancock】 "Ugh-uh, ugh." He is ugly crying with you, sniveling, sobbing, the whole nine yards. Not only is his best-friend sad he lost a part of the family too. Devastated.
【Fahrenheit】 "It's gonna be alright, just let it out." You might think she's being apathetic but she really is just waiting for you and Hancock to calm down so she can get you both right again. There is nowhere she'd rather be than here.
【Vadim/Uncle】 "We shall see them off properly." With tears in his eyes he talks you both down before telling you the proper way to see loved ones off, a funeral pyre. If you disapprove he won't do it, but if you do he starts taking everything to the cement driveway.
【Yefim/Uncle】 "I know it hurt, but come back inside." He coax you into not burning the body, at least not when you're still feeling the loud emotions of it just happening. If you want their ashes he'll get it for you. Later he chastises Vadim for trying to light a fire in the driveway.
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moku-youbi · 2 months
Fallout is seriously almost everything I could ever dream of or hope for out of an adaptation to my all time favourite video game series, and the game that was my gateway to gaming. It captures the soul of the games in a way that is downright astonishing at times, to the point that I felt I was playing the game at many points. Even hating Maximus felt appropriate, given how I feel about the Brotherhood of the Steel (fuck those assholes fr, fr). Titus the absolute tool, I'm over here like:
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The way he's freakin' out, I'm like oh shit, it's a Deathclaw. Nope, just a yao guai. And you're in POWER ARMOUR, douchebag. You don't deserve it, that much is true. A little sad we didn't see Mirelurks, but that gulper was a thing of real beauty. My new favourite monster, sorry Cazadors!
Like dear GOD the vaults were so beautifully done. If I could walk through that set I would *cry* it's so real and perfect--the furniture! the wallpaper! the appliances! the SPECIAL skills! (Lucy, girl, let's talk about your stats tho babe). Also just dying thinking of what the antis are gonna say about all the incest and laughing my ass off. They captured Vault-Tech in all it's bastard glory. The entire time I'm on the edge of my seat like omg, what's it gonna be, what's it gonna be??
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And the wasteland? All the background characters and sets--chicken fucker! Barv! Dale! The water filter guy was pure fucking genius. RED ROCKET??? GORGEOUS. NEW VEGAS??? Are we gonna see HOUSE??? (though sadly without Rene Auberjonois to play him, legit heart-breaking). and DOGMEAT, MY LOVE!!!! She is the *best girl*
And don't even get me started on the food, I was about to start crying. Do you know how long I've wanted to try blamco mac n cheese or YumYum devilled eggs (my wife was like unrefrigerated eggs wtf and I'm like shut your mouth I KNOW they're delicious, I KNOW IT IN MY SOUL)? To drink a nuka cola? To try Fancy Lads Snack Cakes? And it was all there on the screen looking so real!
And the pip boys and computers!! OMG, every time someone used their pip boy, or when they pulled up the records, and the hacking scene? I was like LET ME DO THIS, I AM SO GOOD AT THIS MINIGAME PLS!!!!
Coop doing his thumbs up???
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Beautiful. Magnificent. Absolute Perfection, except...
WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THE COMPHET??? From a game that was way ahead of its time with queer characters and allowing you to romance either gender regardless of player gender, and even offering perks related to being queer, and where romance isn't the focus anyway--like sure, you can woo most of your companions, but that's really only if you want to, and definitely not the point. So why shoehorn this AWFUL romance subplot into something that was truly perfect without it?? It made me distinctly unhappy at several points because it was so shoehorned and unnatural. And like, them boning? Okay, casual sex is a thing in the fallout verse. But making it this love story that made NO SENSE and wasn't developed at all, and relied on the ridiculous boy and girl make eye contact, so obviously they fall in love trope is so fucking lame. Lucy has more chemistry with Coop. She had more chemistry with HER OWN COUSIN. Come *on*.
Let's talk, Nolan.
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bokatan · 9 months
OC Creation Asks: 1, 3, 13, and 19 for all
[ questions about creating your ocs ]
1: What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
Reed: I made him in-game first. As far as actual character elements go though, the first element I worked with after making him an oc was his whole thing with Dogmeat/Margot. At the time that this was all going on, I had been working with my dog’s trainer to potentially start IGP/bitesports- obviously she’s been washed since then, but I learned a ton about what’s involved in that type of work. Then I went off and played my new FO4 save, and snatched up Dogmeat because why wouldn’t I, and started questioning how in the fuck this random stray dog is able to reliably do protection work. Also why is there a purebred german shepherd just sitting here at a gas station, 200+ years after the end of the world? It obviously got out of control after that and now I have a whole alt startup for my sole + he has his own unique synthetic dog as a replacement for Dogmeat.
Mercy: Backstory for sure- I already had her appearance, name, and personality worked out since they were all yoinked from her RDR2 version. I had a few loose details from Reed & Delta’s backstories to work with, and I had to figure out how to get her from 2077 to 2281 and then across the continental US by 2288, so it was a lot of me just piecing things together and filling in gaps.
Delta: Also backstory- I yoinked their appearance from Mercy for obvious reasons, and a good portion of their personality is just the opposite of Mercy’s so that was also easy to work out. I’m still fleshing out their earlier backstory, which has been hard because it’s all Institute nonsense, but I’ve at least got a solid idea of what they’re up to a few years before their storyline with Reed starts up.
3: How did you choose their name? 
answered for Reed & Mercy here!
Delta’s name is in kind of a similar area as the other two- I wanted something starting with a D to coordinate with their synth designation, and I wanted something that sounded like more of an alias or nickname than an actual name. It ended up suiting them really well
13: How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all? 
I loosely have Reed & Mercy’s storylines worked out for a few years post-canon, and have a few post-canon AUs tacked on. So their ✨official✨ storyline is they leave the Commonwealth together after wrapping up everything Mercy went there for, and they head south for D.C. That’s as far as I’ve gotten with it, they’re both drifters at that point so they can do whatever they want. As far as AUs go: I have one where they both die because of course I do. Reed’s killed by BoS remnants pretty shortly after his storyline ends, & a year or two after that Mercy goes feral from excessive radiation exposure and later dies. I’d like to play around with an AU or something where they both stay in the Commonwealth and find somewhere permanent to live, but that’d be hard to do with Reed since he’s awful and won’t settle down
I’ve played around with the idea of Delta leaving the Commonwealth and either moving to Acadia or heading West as a trader, but tbh they’re so well established there that I don’t think they’d willingly leave.
19: What is your favorite fact about your OC?
Reed: He steals Quinlan’s cat while planting explosives on the Prydwen.
Mercy: She can get really into gardening and hydroponics when she’s settled down somewhere.
Delta: They’re a stray collector, they just take in all of the sad little creatures whenever they turn up. Hence how they ended up with like 8 cats and Reed.
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asklittlepip · 2 years
What if Paladin Danses situation in "Blind Betrayal" is an allegory?
What if the way Maxon turns on Danse once his identity is found out is an allegory of how often LGBT people are kicked out after coming out and experience depression?
Am I reading too far into it?
(it also seems all romancable companions are bisexual or pansexual)
You uh, are reading too much into it, sorry. The romances were clearly present just for the sake of being there, which is a shame because the character development and reactions to the environment you have with your comrades in 4 is leagues ahead of 3's, and sometimes.. not always.. but sometimes.. even better than New Vegas'. As for Maxson and the rest, that's a whole other topic!
While we're talking about this, though, I highly recommend you use the Everyone's Best Friend mod, as it re-enables existing code that allows you to use Dogmeat in addition to another ally, much as you could in 3, as well as New Vegas doing similarly with either ED-E or Rex. There's lots of additional dialog for Companions and other NPCs that can only be triggered if both they and Dogmeat are present.
There's a vid on Youtube I'm not linking because it's sad watching even a virtual dog in pain; but you can see what everyone says if Dogmeat needs a Stimpak...
Based both on internal timestamps and knowledge of game design, this change was apparently made late in development because it makes things a bit easier, and they probably didn't want to make more difficulty rebalances at that point. It'll also demonstrate why Dogmeat paths the way he does in front of you; it's so he doesn't collide with the ally the game assumed you'd have behind you!
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Thursday again: week from hell edition
do not ever come to Vegas when Taylor Swift is in town. traffic is hell on wheels.
on the plus side, as you can tell by there being a title I've finally gotten around to doing Tumblr on desktop again. some time when I have two nickels to rub together I will genuinely buy the 40 dollar support-Tumblr thing
during the aforementioned traffic, high energy Scandinavian metal was the only thing to keep me sane
Port Lookout's remake continues to impress me: I don't know *why* they chose to perfectly emulate the weird loot tables with fishing poles in every wardrobe, but it's bang on.
I'm playing a bit more hip-fire this time, having forgotten to reduplicate the series of mods that allows for FNV VATS style, which means that Nick and Dogmeat are doing most of the heavy lifting combat wise. I really need Armourer. And some ballistic weave.
(Hey, I played this sucker straight in TTW. This go is more touristy and Vibing.)
I assume Blackhall always had an attic. It was a bit !!!
The Doc Smith re-re-re-etc read continues. I do not have any desire to write fan fic about Kim. There is no fandom for Kim. Nobody else cares about Kim.
This makes Kim a very restful protagonist.
it's funny to check out Christopher Frayling while high.
assuming it can be done with relative safety, I might even recommend the experience.
edit: i mean his BOOKS not the DUDE. although the dude does sport an epic mustache, so don't let me discourage you if you're that way inclined.
I know I already posted about this but damn, Lead Dog's peanut butter stout is great stuff. Just what I always wanted, a stout that doesn't taste like sadness!
aside from this narrative about Boone, fallow.
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
AU Thursday: Fallout of Darkness Pets
Because, well, there’s one animal companion in the game that everyone loves (which very much includes Victor), and that sometimes prompts me to think of what other animals I would like to have share Victor’s, Alice’s, and their companion’s lives:
-->Obviously, pet numero uno is said animal companion everyone loves -- good old Dogmeat! Victor instantly felt a bond with the dog when he met the pooch at the Red Rocket, and he credits Dogmeat (along with Codsworth and later Preston) for helping him get through his earliest days in the Commonwealth -- particularly with helping him set up the Red Rocket as a new sort of “home base” for himself (and showing him how best to kill mole rats), and giving him a paw with the Concord raiders. I haven’t traveled much with Dogmeat in the actual game, but they’ve been on a few adventures together, and Dogmeat has a nice home in the Red Rocket with a dog bed for snoozing. :) He’s just a good fluffy boy for Victor to come home to and relax with.
-->Second up, we have Mutt, the Wounded Mongrel! I ran across this random encounter by the Red Rocket in Lexington in one of my earlier attempts at a playthrough (before I started modding), and simply fell in love with the sweet little wounded dog. She’s just so friendly, and always seems happy to see you when she pops up again! In my current playthrough, I met her while she was being assaulted by a raider under the bridge that runs by Starlight Drive-In. D: Victor promptly shotgunned the asshole in the face. >D It genuinely makes me sad that you can’t adopt the friendly mongrel after you help her in vanilla FO4 -- I mean, you can buy other dogs from traders, why can’t she come home with you? :(
But the modders are doing the work! May I introduce you to the Recruit The Wounded Dog mod by LarannKiar! :D It adds a miscellaneous recruitment quest to adopt Mutt (or Sparky, or Buttface, depending on which name you picked) and gives her a set location by Thicket Excavations so she can be easily picked up. I just recently got her settled in at the Red Rocket by Sanctuary with Dogmeat. :D
Now, in the actual Fallout of Darkness verse, Victor would save her from the raider by Starlight, then she’d just stay by Victor’s side after he stimpacks her and makes sure her leg is better. Once he realizes the dog has basically adopted him, he ends up taking her home with him to the Red Rocket. Dogmeat is initially a bit growly, but after a bit of scolding from Victor (”be nice! This one HASN’T tried to rip my throat out!”) and some cautious sniffing, they settle their differences and end up friends. She’s called “Mutt” because I chose the “what’s your name” option that just auto-named her “Mutt” the first time I met her, and the name’s stuck in my head -- I’m thinking Victor just refers to her as “the mutt” for a bit when he’s not sure if she’s gonna stick around or not, and it just morphs into her name.
-->Thirdly, we have Kit-Kat, a random cat from the Commonwealth! This one has a bit of a story behind it: after Alice “joins the party” and mentions being a cat person, Victor suggests she should try to find a pet, but Alice says most animals find her off-putting (and indeed, Dogmeat and Mutt are kinda nervous around her until they get used to her vampire vibe -- fortunately, traveling around with Victor means she’s got some of his scent clinging to her, which helps). Victor, feeling a bit bad, occasionally tries to lure stray cats over to her, but most of them either start getting aggressive or just flee --
And then, one day out exploring on his own, Victor comes across a brown cat with a lighter stripe up its nose, who promptly starts bothering him for a lift. Victor lets the cat climb up onto his shoulders and takes it home with him, where Alice is reading a book.
The cat, the moment Victor gets close, jumps into her lap and curls up without a second thought.
It soon becomes apparent that this cat’s deal is that it is not bothered by anything. The cat gives no shits -- sharing a house with two dogs? Owners occasionally fighting mole rats? One of the people giving him (as it is revealed to be a tom) pets is a vampire? Fuck it, as long as there’s a warm place to sleep and food in the bowl, the cat does not care. Alice is thrilled and happily adopts him, initially just calling him “kitty cat” before shortening that to what becomes his actual name, Kit-Kat. (No, not named after the candy, though he is the right color -- I’ve actually decided, just for silliness purposes, that while something similar to Kit-Kats exists in the Fallout universe, they’re actually called “Snap-Backs” and the advertising campaign was about eating the candy to come up with snappy comebacks to stupid questions.)
-->And now, an interlude with me and my brain:
My Brain: [grinning at me]
Me: What do you want now?
My Brain: I noticed you were thinking about potential pets for Fallout of Darkness!Victor and Alice.
Me: Ah, I think I see where this is going -- sorry, but honestly, I’ve gone a little off fire lizards after learning more about the Pern books in general. Some of them are really --
My Brain: I wasn’t talking about fire lizards.
Me: ???
My Brain: I was talking about Dougie.
Me: Dou -- wait. My stuffed toy? The “Faust” dragon from Douglas Toys? That Dougie?
My Brain: His crest could glow when he’s about to breathe fire!
Me: Hang on, I’m pretty sure Fallout 76 established that if this universe has dragons, they’re Scorchbeasts -- those mutated bats you gotta blow up in West Virginia because of how dangerous they are.
My Brain: There could be multiple mutations that result in dragon-like creatures! I mean, if you can get Deathclaws from a type of chameleon. . .
Me: Okay, I will give you that. But I have no idea how I’d fit him into the story currently (unlike Smiler) so can you content yourself with mental fanart for the moment?
My Brain: Acceptable.
So yeah, uh, small-but-nonzero-chance that at some point I’m going to find a way to put one of my favorite dragon toys in as a pet for Victor. I don’t know what they’d mutate from yet, but I’m sure I can think of something. . .
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zero-insignificance · 15 days
DND Recap: Don't Lose Your Head
Cast includes: Rose the Dm, Alfie (yours truly), Rene, Truk, Patrick, Bob (split custody between me and Rose) and THE RETURN OF MARK, the human.
Our party is full of crazy powerful individuals + Patrick and a guy.
We open in the Capitol City of Russia. We still don't have a name.
We're getting ready for the wedding.
The Nap Sack rustles and out comes Mark who is immediately tackled in a hug by Alfie.
Mark thinks it's only been 12 hours. It has been a week since he last saw the party.
The party catches him up on what has happened, which is a lot. Alfie tells him that he's a god and asks him if that changes how he feels about him. And it doesn't since Alfie has lived most of his life as a mortal. Then he introduces the newest party members. Truk and Rene. And I knew that Truk and Mark would either hate each other or they would become best friends (maybe lovers).
Back in the feywilds, Mark promised Alfie that he would tell him his name when they escaped. Alfie never told him what Alfie is short for.
Mark waits for Bob to leave, and Bob is like "Understandable" and leaves.
Mark's name is Malekus. He and Alfie do a name swap cuz Alfie just never mentioned that he's trans or that Alfie is short for Alfonse.
Mark wants to spar with Truk.
Bob comes back. Hank the orb wants to talk with Mark to welcome him back and Alfie does this:
Alfie: This person's my best friend *points to Mark* this person's my best friend points to Truk this person's my best uhhhh points at Patrick and shrugs and this person is my best friend points to Bob Bob: I've been bequeathed the title of best friend by Alfie? I do not deserve this…
And Hank tells them "Don't worry Bob, you'll get an even better title." And Bob is like "What? What do you mean?" and Hank is like "You and Alfie get together in the end." and Alfie is like "What?" and Bob is like "What?" and Hank is like "Oh, that's way after the cat dies." And Alfie just looks at Bob and is like "After your redemption arc? Sure." and Bob is just blushing like "I'm going to get married???" and Hank is like "Autistic ADHD asexual queer power couple. It's fate."
Bob asks what he can do to help with the wedding, and one of those headcanons I've had about Bob is that he can't be trusted in the kitchen but he's really good with plants.
Alfie: You can't be trusted in the kitchen Bob: *sad british boi* I know... Alfie: But we need someone to do flowers! Bob: *lights up* Really? I have quite the green thumb! Alfie: Yeah, I can see that. His thumb is literally green Bob: Yeah. got a little overzealous with the fabric dye. So, what were you and Fluffy thinking of? Alfie: We were thinking of wisteria hanging from the ceiling, but we're doing it outdoors. Bob: One wisteria tree coming up! Can I have my baja blast smoke bombs? Alfie: But you have smoke bombs? Bob: But these ones aren't green... Alfie: Okay.
And Bob throws a smoke bomb and there's a Bugs Bunny style hole in the ground. He is gone.
We walk through town when Alfie spots a very familiar building. A neon pink building that says "Sha'am" with a familiar face.
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ShaCarri, the Sha'am Shop Owner. Everyone is like "I would." I'm aro ace but if I wasn't I would.
Alfie: SHA'AM?! ShaCarri: Hello my fine feathered friend! Alfie: How the fuck did you get here? ShaCarri: That portal you made in the town. We've expanded! Alfie: It's still open? ShaCarri: How else did you think the Rum Rums showed up? Alfie: Oh. That makes sense. ShaCarri: Why are there mushrooms everywhere? Alfie: We banished the elder Rum Rum, so they've broken free of the hive mind control thing. ShaCarri: Would your friend like a pet? Mark's Player: I would like Dogmeat. Me: From Fallout 4? Mark's Player: Yes Rose: Let me see if I can find a stat sheet for that. Rose: I can't find one. Me: I have an idea. I saw this earlier on TikTok from fluffy.folio.
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Mark passes on it but Bob's face lights up.
Bob: *awestruck* Can I have him? ShaCarri: *surprised* Uh... sure! Bob: *pays ShaCarri* I'm going to name you Templeton. Bob adores Templeton. "my son" Mark: Give me Dogmeat. ShaCarri: FINE. I really liked them though And ShaCarri pulls out a pokeball marked "DM" which we assume to mean Dogmeat.
Mark lets them out and a little Rose person pops out.
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Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie are planning the reception.
Mark and Truk are going to spar in the castle arena. Alfie is on cake with his adoptive dad Ollie. Patrick is on clearing the courtyard because Viktor was slacking on landscaping and embezzling those funds. He grabs a lawn mower and removes the blade, replacing it with his Sword of Midas he won from a game of Liars Dice.
I do not have the je ne sais quoi to write how fucking good the fight was between Truk and Mark.
Mark is raging, Truk goes first dealing 46 damage. Mark: THAT’S THE SPIRIT! *spits out blood*  Mark is using his 3 section staff of the mighty. Marks first attack is a nat 20 being a 31. It hits Second attack is 21 it hits. 3rd attack is a 21 it hits. Truk has 198 health. Mark deals 92 damage in total Truk: *spits out blood* That’s the spirit. Mark does a menacing attack. Truk is forced 5 feet back. Truk laughs “I haven’t felt like this in years” “You’ve never fought anyone like me.” I ship it. 106 for Truk, 105 for Mark. It’s a very violent clash. Patrick: You’re both attractive! We get it! KISS ALREADY. Bob: I ship it. Mark parries some of the damage. Mark is at 52 hp. Each of Marks attacks hit plus action surge and menacing attack. 6 attacks are done. 2 menacing attacks Truk: COME ON HIT ME. 74 damage halved. Truk is at 32 health. Truk spits out more blood “My turn.” Both Truk’s attacks hit. Truk does 67 damage. Mark parries. Mark is not killed. Mark is at 11 hp. Truk is at 32. All three of Mark's attacks hit. Truk is at 1 hp.
He falls and uses his greatclub to launch himself back up.
And Rose has the perfect song that Truk's player requested
He throws the great club at Mark 17 damage. Halved Mark is a 2 hp Truk throws his great sword Mark parries. He’s still standing. Truk: *russian* ONLY FISTS. FIGHT ME. Mark: I UNDERESTIMATED YOU, TRUK. AND I APOLOGIZE FOR THAT. Truk: I FORGIVE YOU!
And Mark CHARGES at Truk. And he collides with him.
Patrick is concerned since there is just a lung on the muddy ground and Bob just yoinks the lung and goes back to Templeton.
And Truk smiles before falling to the ground, unconscious.
Alfie is like "What the fuck happened" cuz he has cupcakes that way everyone can try some of the cake flavors. Patrick gives Mark a firm pat on the back making him face plant on the ground.
In Rose's words "That was a better fight scene than I could ever hope to write."
Alfie does a medicine check to heal up Mark, Rene is working on Truk. They are fine-ish now.
Everyone has a cupcake. Bob summons a brisket for both Mark and Truk. The feast on the briskets. A friendship lasting a lifetime is made.
There is a mail person with a package for a Truk Albert.
He takes the package and opens it and immediately drops the box with a look of horror on his face.
In the box is Brick's head. His father is dead.
And he can feel the power coming to him and he sobs as he tries to push it away. Desperately trying to push it away.
Thozall killed Brick and Alfie gives him a hug and Mark vows to help avenge Brick's death (oath of vengeance paladin)
Truk stands up upon hearing a voice. Thozall's voice and he shrugs Alfie off of him. Truk punches Thozall. "That's not a way to great your brother~" It doesn't hit.
Rayna punches him and it hits doing 70 damage. He shrugs it off and rotates a ring and says: "I wish you all unconscious."
And everyone falls asleep.
We wake up hours later. Thozall took all the cupcakes, and left Brick's head at Truk's feet.
And Bob casts speak with dead.
"What are your three questions?"
"What are Thozall's weaknesses?" "Thozall has no weaknesses." "What are his resistances?" "Thozall is resistant to all magic damage."
Bob is like *cocks shotgun in british* "So he's not immune to gun."
And the last question is for Truk.
Truk: You never said it, and I know it was because you had your own issues. But I need to know. Did you love me, dad? Brick: I loved you more than the world.
(I started crying writing that)
And Brick's head falls still.
Bonus content:
Truk’s player: I’m a cheap whore. Bob: You can’t afford me. Rando: *slides 25 platinum pieces over* Bob: o.o uh… 25 platinum? Rando: *nods* Bob: If I take this, what will I be agreeing to? Rando: I need you to take someone out. Bob: Oh, you’re asking me to be an assassin? *pulls out notebook* Name, age, description? Rando: I need you to take out Big Pete. Night club owner. Terrible to the women he employs Bob: Oh I hate Big Pete. I worked in that club. Truk: You’re a stripper? Bob: Drag Queen. *taking the money* I’d do this for free, but I’m fey and I need payment.
Bob gets 25 platinum pieces to take out Big Pete, a nightclub owner.
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makahimetenshi · 11 months
Follow me inside the wastelands - Chapter 17  -Arthur Maxson x Female Sole Survivor Fanfic
Alright people we are getting into the final stage…not final chapters because I kinda counted how much they will be and I expect ten or more…
This will be a short one, just an intro of whats comming
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and coments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive coments of wanting to know what happends next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
Maybe a couple of hours later, Arthur wake up just to find himself alone in bed. He sighted, for him it was normal because that wasn’t his bed and he had the right to wake up in the middle of the night uncomfortable. He put on some pants and started walking around the house, he even thought on asking the robot where the woman was around until Dogmeat appeared in his way in the middle of the hallway…in the middle of the night
Oh hello, he hasn’t seen the dog since they arrived.
The animal look at him and started walking, for some reason his brain told him to follow him and there she was, sitting in a chair in the garden of her house with just a blue bathrobe with a cup of apparently coffee for what his nose told him.
Who should he fear most? The creepy dog of the robot? He knocked on the wall so she wouldn’t get scared and shoot him with one of her secret well hidden pistols, damn he didn’t even now if  when they weren’t in  bed she isn’t armed but she always holds a gun.
-Nora come back to bed, you worked a lot yesterday –unlike him, she didn’t take a nap to arrive safely, she take guards and shoot creatures on the way here
-Mmm you are too warm for this weather night, im just enjoying the breeze out here
-Its kinda cold
-Yeah, that’s why the coffee
He sighted and pull a chair next to her, opening it and sitting at her side, the woman takes his hand making him blush.
-What time is it?
-Almost six, you want some breakfast? –he denied with the head- im sorry, there’s no yummy donuts around here- that make him worry, what was she going to eat?
-What are we doing the rest of the day?
-Well at night a ventibird can pick you up there no problem at that
-Pick me? You are not coming?
-No, I have things to do around here, Minutemen stuff, but ill be soon around –he went all sad, he wasn’t ready to separate again, he was now so…used to her presence and company…
-Be careful –he only said, not having the balls to tell her to stay with him.
Being a Minutemen General was a blessing in some aspects and a curse in others…
-I have something planned for the day –she said- but you have to promise me that this will stay between us until im ready to let it go –Arthur went all stranged, but picked her hand over his hand with the other one, securing it, warming their hands, wow, she was letting a secret go to him specially that kinda never happened
-Of course, not the brotherhood or no one else until you told me you want to share it openly–alright this may be something that…or it is too important or it can improve something for the brotherhood but if she asked him to shut up he will.
-Well go after lunch alright? –he nodded, caressing the hand on top of his- is not that far from here.
She open to him, this was excellent.
Not so much later, they went back to sleep in the bedroom, and despite Arthur waking up because he take a nap on the trip, he didn’t move from Noras side who was calmy sleeping in the other side on the bed, he just stay there, looking at her. Saving into his memory this calm moments. The curves of her waist, the  lines of her bones on the skin,  the difference of color between her face and her body from all the sunlight, the shine of her black hair, the rhythm of her calm breathing…yes, he can have this at the Prydwen too inside his quarters but this was different, this was Noras place, her environment, maybe not his favorite or the most secure but it was her, today it wasn’t about him it was all about her and he was willing to take the time to appreciate it.
Near to the noon, Nora wasn’t yet awake so he lost his fear  to get up and talk to the mister handy robot, Codsworth was it? And ask him for some bread and meat from yesterday, his petition was well received with a non radiated box of insta-smash as a gift and…
-Ill go ask around for some meat left from the barbecue for you both around the neighbors, I know its hard to invite my Maam to a meal but since I don’t eat I cannot judge.
-Why do you call her Maam? –he asked turning his voice low to not wake her up even if they were in another room
-Well when Mr Nate bought me Maam was 6 months pregnant already, my programming told me to call pregnant womans and mothers Mum, but after Maam told me about the death of the young Shaun boy I figured out that since he was her only son that would be a terrible lack of respect, so I call it for Maam, like madam.
Arthur never got the full story about Noras son, she never said much -So her son is dead? –he asked just with curiosity, as far he understand he went missing forever after the kidnapping
-She told me he died almost 2 years ago –he swallowed saliva, that didn’t have any sense, that would mean that she found him dead near to the institute destruction or died in that event, it took her two years to find that infant? He breathed in, trying to connect pieces in his head but still it was all too complicated, and despite all sounding like fantasy, he knew that crazy things can happened in the wastelands.
-Right...-he babble low, looking at the other abandoned room at his side, the room that must be…the old babys room.
-Ill go in my way to find your lunch sir
Does she lies a lot? Does she say half lies? She tells different historys to different people to protect them all from the truth? Or it was all just too complicated?
When Nora wake up she was received in bed with a tasty meal, Brahmin meat heated from yesterday barbecue and warm insta-smash. She looked happy at the non radiated food so he avoided showing…all the conflict in his head and just let her fill her stomach in peace, they can worry later, she had something to show him it take surely months of work to open herself like that to him and he will not lose the chance she was giving him to get closer and understand each other better.
So after eating lunch and trying the hot water of the shower now together and well rested: that was nice, good work, apparently him around was an special occasion to use it and relax while getting a bit playful with the hands. They dressed up to go on her surprise. He get on the black vest and slacks she suggested yesterday night and she…on a casual outfit.
-Itsn that a little boring? You have amazing dresses here I would love to see you on.
-It has a reason, you will understand there
Alright, he wouldn’t say more.
It was the afternoon when they arrived, just a few meters up the hill, not so far from Sanctuary, goddam close actually. This was what Preston told him about, what the notebook mention. Nora had an entire vault for herself.
No wonder she see the first bombs and was able to survive with her family, she had a vault waiting for them next to her house, even if it was a trap from Vaul-Tec.
This place had a lot of negative weight for her, the fact that she was willing to open that much only for him was gripping, he appreciates it besides of the fact that she could trap him forever with no possibility of escaping ever again. She took his hand and both standed on the platform that will move them underground, just a few pipboy connections over there and there and…they were moving, Arthur spine shiver going down on that grave that sealed people for eternity.
It still had energy, it was clean, the time didn’t go rough on this structures, they were in such a good state, the supplies look like they are in their original places, it was all abandoned…Alright he gets why Nora told him that this just needed to be between her and him only, not the brotherhood. Its true that an entire sealed vault in good state is such a treasure of old technology and living conditions, that the entire air smelled and feeled totally different on his lungs, that…there was no trace of radiation on his skin right now, this immaculate vault would be such a treasure for the brotherhood if she allowed him to use it…But no.
He felt her eyes on his neck, and he just  tight his grip on her hand. Not today. She trusted him.
-Whatever you wanna show me im ready –he said to reassure her, moving her hand a bit, she smiled sad and just walked.
And both walked and walked.
The thoughts of the benefit to the brotherhood that this vault could give them…he pushed those ideas away, not now, not in front of her, not in this moment, only when she allows it. The vault is not going to move anyway and he isn’t gonna lost his position as elder not in a near future, if Nora was showing him this is was because she had plans for this vault, the brotherhood, the minutemen, and them. She always had plans for everything.
So many question, does it has pure water? How does it get it? The energy where does it comes from? It has clean fabrics and bedsheets? What about the hardrives with information? But not now,  not now.
They turn around a corner and see…so…this must be it, the stories he heard about. The cryo pods.
-Hi honey…-she said low, her voice doing echo in the room, Arthur had a chill when the echo crushed against his body too- its been a long time since I been here, I had it rought lately –Arthur didn’t know to which pod she was talking but he was just there…listening respectfully- well you must imagine after I told you how life turned in our old neighborhood, you wanted for Shaun to live in a chill place but you cant control everything, ill guess well have to move –this was sad, hearing Noras monologue make him sad- I still didn’t find our dog, but I adopted another…I swear it doesn’t sleep on the bed, its very well behaved and obeys –oh, she never mentioned a dog together, a mascot –anyway the last time I was here to ask you I was alone and….it didn’t turn well –she sobbed, he was looking at her back but she was sobbing, meaning she will surely cry soon- it didn’t turn well at all but now…Nate do you believe I can try to be happy? I miss you badly, I miss our life so much but I also…miss…to be loved…-Oh nonono, Arthur walked slowly and loudly, making her know that he was close, hugging her from behind, wrapping his arms around as he felt her sobbing and breathing hard, she let herself be hugged- I want to try again, and I want  this time to work, the last time I ask you I thought it would go fine…but it went horrible…now I wanna try it again, even if it doesn’t last –Arthur hugged her tighter nonono he didn’t want her to have those kind of fears, they will last, if she allow it they will last forever- I loved you until death pull us apart and beyond that, I wanna try to be happy again, can i? Nate? Please just answer…–he stayed silence, caressing lightly her shoulders with his fingers, not overstepping, not pushing himself on top of her, not trying to stand out or call her attention, nono, this was her moment, if she needed him, he was there, but not more.
If she asked, he would give her the world, but not now, she was doing this herself only.
She cried and sobbed, and he stayed behind, she did it until her knees failed and she fall to the ground, Arthur anticipated this by seeing it before and pick her by the waist, helping her to get down slowly without crushing hard and getting hurt, just staying in the back, placing a hand on her back to feel her accelerating breathing but nothing more. She cried and sobbed, many many more, hugging herself, cleaning her eyes from tears and salivating to not have her mouth all dry. It passed some time before she just sat there, in silence, regulating her breath to normal before throwing her back lightly to him, who only took one of her hands and caress it slowly with the thumb. Her grieve was still there, but she was regulating it to pass away and continue the day.
She will get up and walk back from were they came from, leaving the place  with the cryo pods behind, Arthur look one last time, still not recognizing which one was Nate inside because all the windows were covered in snow.
They will get out the vault, he said didn’t say goodbye to that old wonderful technology but…see you later, now Nora was the most important thing. Both walked in silence back to Sanctuary Hills, he was just behind her, waiting for some king of signal. Not gonna lie this was stressful, he didn’t want to see her suffer like that but this was her personal grief and she only allowed him to be around, not participate, not asked him anything, not inviting him to the  “conversation”, and that was okay he can help just being there, it was stressful to see her suffer and not do more but it wasn’t the first time he had this moments. And it was important to be around her if she needed it.
When they reached inside her house, the woman knee down from bellow a sofa and take out a fusion core, grabbing Arthurs hands to put it on, he lookdown confused and a bit hurt.
-Nora…-he said, and she shake her head in denial.
-Go home, Ill be back in the Prydwen in a couple of weeks –what? Two weeks? Three? How much? A couple is not a number and that’s…long…-I promise
-Are you okay? –he asked just taking the fusion core and looking down sad, she raised a bit his chin and give him a soft, chap, simple and loooooong kiss on the lips, closing her eyes enjoying the moment before separating, it was difficult for both since he wouldn’t let her lips go.
-Im alright im glad you were there with me –she said with a soft smile and…he get it, she needs the time alone.
-Whenever you need me ill be around –she nodded and went to hug him, he hugged back, sniffing into her hair, oh boy he was going to miss her this weeks
-The last person I went down to do that didn’t stick around much longer i…fear…I fear for you…-when her voice cracked Arthur moved her to rest onto his chest, hide between his arms-I fear for this to end horribly…
-It wont end, I promise it –was this a moment to properly declare? She was practically asking for a love confession, for a promise to be together forever, for a bond to wrap their destinys and…but it wasn’t correct, she was emotional, vulnerable and sad right now, it would be manipulation to put another cargo she was obliged to respond, no, they were going to have better and happy moments together, many more. Now he knew she had this desires…he felt secure, he can correspond accodrly to this wishes, he can give her what she is needing, and specially he can stay around.
Who was the another person? The one she presented to her friends and asked to her dead husband? It didn’t matter, both were together wanting to love freely the other one and he couldn’t ask for more.
She separated, leaving a long smooch on his cheek –Get on your power armor, well go to the Red Rocket station, we cleared the place from cars specially for ventibirds to arrive there –he nodded sad but do as he was told, she disappeared into a room and came out with his black suit and  boots, same with a  ventibird red signal –go home safely tonight.
-I was…thinking in something lately –he said as getting inside the power armor, helmet on and everything- theres a house at Croup Manor that you apparently reservated?
-Yeah, always do that in my settlements to have my stuff secured and saved, I cant go to the other point of the map to get a fatman, that wouldn’t be practical, Preston also sleeps there when he is around the place, a Generals private quarters, nothing that strange.
-What if i…make some renovations in that place and secure it? For you or us when we are around? Theres no furniture or enclosures, the place is not fully sealed and the rooft is at terrible conditions, just make the place more liveable
-Sounds like a cool project, all right, I expect you to make the renovations but I don’t have much faith in the decoration –she said laughing, oh he will miss her laugh this weeks
They separated, and he couldn’t do more than feel extremely sad for their time together getting over but…shell come back, she promised it.
Three weeks later, Nora appeared one morning in the nursery of the Prydwen without giving any explanations or telling anyone about her arrival and had a little private chat with Knight Cade but when the man agreed to take the blood sample and send her where the nurses where working and would take her blood sample…she open the curtains and find the elder sitting on a gurney on underwear with three nurses around.
-Nora! –he said all happy not believing that she was just standing right in front of him after so long, but then his brain froze for some seconds and processed the situation around not wanting any problems after not seeing each other for three weeks and having no context of this situatuion –I can explain
The way his face melted in distress make Nora laught a bit of how funny it was but still…-what are you doing? –even the three nurses frozen in their places.
-Im doing my annual check up… -he said completely frozen in his place, ok this was a bad place he can see it but the nurses were doing it much worse than necessary.
-Of STDS? –my my the sentinel had an unexpected trail of jealousy he doesn’t see often but then her face changed at seeing the cuts all around his body where the nurses are working -Hey no what’s that all about? –she asked getting closer to get a look but one of the nurses that had a facemasks put a hand  between them both asking her to make space, so she did, respecting their work but…
-Nora wait a sec please, it’s a delicate procedure –she nodded and went back were she standed, worried as the nurse that specifically  will do the blood extraction for her came inside the room.
-Whats happening? –she asked as the woman worked to take off the arm of her shirt and armor, liberating the skin to work on the vein what will be extracted wrapping a glove around the superior part of her arm.
-Nothing serious, is just the checking of my tech modifications –the sentinel blinked her eyes a lot of times, her heart stopped and sinked down in a void.
-Your what? –she said with her mind spinning in circles. Nonononono that can’t be
-I had some mods in my body: “assisted, even enhanced, by advanced technology” –Arthur look at her from head to toes with disapproval, she wasn’t wearing a brotherhood uniform around the Prydwen today! Some civilians clothes and a gunners armor were the most inappropriate not to also say dangerous to be wandering in the commonwealth alone for weeks!
That couldn’t be. He couldn’t order her to kill Danse while having them. Even after killing Danse if was just wrong.
-What? Tech modifications? What do you have on you? –she asked genuinely worried, but not specifically about him. The nurse want her to stop moving and talking like this was a cafeteria, she only needed a blood sample! A vein and that’s all!
Nononononono it couldn’t be, this son of a bitch couldn’t make her kill Danse and be this hypocrite. He was as robot as the synth!
-One that makes me stretch and not get hurt, I can spin and turn my limbs without getting hurt in bad movements, I sweat less because I lost less water so ill stay hidrated further, my eyes had some modifications that makes see life more illuminated and bright, I can hear really low sounds…with others –Nora sat still in her place and finally the nurse was able to sink the needle in her vein.
It really can’t be. He was just like Kellog.
Ahhhh…she didn’t feel the needle, her mind went to somewhere else thinking in all of this.
-Since when do you have them? –she asked trying to hide the horror of her discovery on her face, making it pass as it was the blood extraction the problem.
Her chest hurted bad. She wanted to run off that place to cry and hyperventilate on her quarters alone and isolated, how could he lie to her like that? He was no different from Kellog, or even Danse, he was as robotic as him. And she killed him because he commanded her to do it. No, that wasn’t the real reason and she knew it goddamwell.
-It started when I become elder almost 10 years ago –Arthur noticed something strange on her face as the nurses keeping checking the incisions on his skin, rare to see at least –with the amount of drugs you consume I wouldn’t expect you to have a fear of needles
-I do fear –she said, swallowing a cry, to make it pass as a breathing in to reassure herself, laughing and crying a little bit at the same time, she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Arthur keep inspecting her, she was acting weird. The nurse finished taking the blood sample but she didn’t stop, the rhythm of her breathing changed and it was noticeable.
-Why are you here at the nursery anyway? You didn’t contact me and nobody tell me that you were around or even close–each of his words were torture, but as soon the nurse put her the little cotton and the tape she stand on her feet. Looking at the situation over Arthurs gurney.
Nora almost puked.
There was a lot of chips and micro electronic tools in the gurney, same with little wires and even a welder connected, those chicks weren’t nurses, they were scribes, ready to do and work on anything. They were…fixing…Maxson, instead of curing him…below his armpits, behind his head, on his calves and biceps…and there was closed cuts everywhere. The cuts were so tiny that when they were in bed she thought the little lines were scars or sratches!
-I barely reached the airport, im not feeling well –said Nora and she wasn’t lying, she was at the edge of splattering the floor in vomit- Cade insisted in a blood sample but…I already had the medication, im going to take a nap and wait for the medication to do its effects- she did lie…partially on that, and while sleeping and crying, if she ever reached to sleep she will wait the exam results, now more than ever better not be what she feared.
-Are you hurt? –the man asked worried as a nurse used a mini screwdriver on the back of his head.
Oh no nonononono. His face really showed how worried he was for her but…
The spectacle was too much, she can’t. She shot Danse for this.
-No –she tried to said with a smile, but her feet’s failed making her turn down  awkwardly in direction to the door-im just…dizzy…I didn’t eat anything today…-lies, she was hurt but only in the insides, she was betrayed.
-Well this time it was only lucky since Cade wanted to take a sample and you need to do fasts for that but eat something before swallowing the medication –the elder look at her way of standing, she was trembling and definitely not okay
She may be hurt, it wouldn’t surprise him in that civils clothes, that small armor wouldn’t protect much.
-Ill go to rest, it was a long night of walking…-she said not looking at him, the elder was worried what was going on? He expected their reunion to be more…animated? She was really that sick? It was radiation? Hunger? Some infection? He was worried for her but…
-I have work to do all the noon, ill check on your quarters to have dinner together alright? I didn’t expect you at all today –it was true it was morning early, if she arrived just now  from walking all night as her habit is she must be exhausted, much worse if she is sick! –rest soldier, rest well, eat something before taking your medicines, take your time –his voice was so caring and nice, she cant believe this was happening, this was the voice she was…nonono this cant be! This is a nightmare!
-Yes elder –she said with her voice broken before leaving the room.
Her back fall against one of the metal doors as her teeth’s crashed against each other, trying to suppress the crying to not be heard. Better fucking not be what she was suspecting.
The hand whose arm hadn’t been punctured went to claw and scratch the cotton and the tape on the nude one with fury, feeling how her nails moved on the injured skin because of how her chest was moving up and down so fast, making her entire body tremble
She killed Danse for this? A man enjoying the wonders of technology had the balls to execute a synth that was  only loyal to the brotherhood since his very first memories!? Oh Danse…
Arthur never told her anything of this, never mentioned. Things would be so much different it she knew that aspect of him early…
Or maybe…
By night at dinner time, the elder didn’t found the sentinel in her quarters and apparently by the ventibirds registers on the deck she left again. Also left the airport too.
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thetruemxpink · 1 year
I forgot about the FNV log, lol. Let me add that,
GOD Rex does so much damage
I also got the crimson caravan person to help me out
I have a team now!
I am emotionally connected to our trio and we slap everyone out da way
I much prefer her and Rex over any FO4 companion (barring dogmeat)
Anyway I got the perk that lets me repair shit with shit that shouldn't repair that shit
It's broken
I am able to sell so many Brush Guns now its insane
I can also actively use my 12.7mm machine gun against everything, it's so great
I also got that one implant that lets me heal as a passive
It's pretty cool, worth the 12k (2.45 brush guns) for it, despite what the online people say
Also I've decided to compare every price to brush guns now
There's no good reaosn why
I beat up those guys who were selling energy weapons
They put up a good fight, but with Turbo on my side, they stood no chance against against 12.7
I should nickname my guns so I don't accidentally sell them
I can see glowing green items by zooming in bare-handed?
Killed a cavern full of deathclaws, was real difficult
Killed a cliff-side full of deathclaws, was not difficult
Killed multiple legendary enemies
I also got the Explorer Perk, which has been letting me find so many named areas
It's how I'm finding so many legendary enemies
Also I beat the shit out of Fiends every once in a while
They deserve it and I get a lot of money from selling their Laser weapons
How do they even have such potent laser tech?
Helped out Jacobstown
Should I be sellling things like Cazador poison or keeping it? I've never really done anything with them
I've got the majority of my stats maxed out, which is pretty useful
I've just not been using laser, melee, and explosive weapons throughout the entirety of the game
Super Mutants are kinda scary
They're moderately threatening in numbers
I haven't been using the Ranger Sequoia as much as I used to
Kinda sad, I really like that gun
Oh! Cass has power armor training, for whatever reason, and just. uses an enclave helmet
It doesn't fit her recon armor but its pretty strong in terms of armor
Can Rex use armor and weapons? He's a dog but like, y'know
That's everything that comes to mind, everything else is just me having way too much ammo to be reasonable
Hardcore mode is going to be painful to play
0 notes
nerdyerror · 2 years
I feel like Danse’s companion Swap Dialogue should change post blind betrayal, so i did it.
Danse: There aren’t many as worthy to lead the minutemen as you two
Preston: Yeah the General’s pretty spectacular- wait did you say “two”
Danse: I still feel like there’s something off about you, but [sole] trusts you so I will too.
Deacon: I feel like that’s a compliment coming from you?
Danse: I was wrong about you, well somewhat.
Hancock: Damn, what happened to you?
Danse: Cait I know you’ll keep him/her safe.
Cait: Ya bet ya perky behind!
Danse: I’m sorry for the way I treated you in the past.
Nick: Don’t worry about, Danse, your heart was in the right place. Besides we can all change.
Danse: I’ve been reading Publick Occurrences, it’s… interesting.
Piper: Gee thanks.
Danse: I hope I was wrong about Supermutants too.
Strong: Metal Man change confuse Strong!
Danse: Curie, good luck in your scientific research I know you’ll make the commonwealth- no- the whole wasteland safer!
Curie, blushing: Oh Monsieur Danse you flatter me.
Danse: MacCready.
MacCready: Good to know the whole you being a synth thing didn’t change anything.
Danse, sighing: I hope your son is doing better.
Danse: X6-88, you should leave the institute behind. You’re a better asset for the commonwealth.
X6-88: Duly noted, M7-97.
Danse: Codsworth, don’t let anyone knock any of you fixtures out.
Codsworth: Is that your way of saying keep safe?
Danse: I think it is.
Danse: I’ve heard the age comes with wisdom, I don’t know if that’s true, but it certainly is in your case.
Longfellow: Ya ain’t to bad yourself, whippersnapper.
Danse: To know that I am good enough to stand in the place of man’s best friend, what a wonder.
Dogmeat: *Happy bark* *Jumps up to lick his face*
Preston: All yours, soldier.
Danse: We’ll stay safe Lieutenant.
Deacon: So you’re a synth? Ever heard of the railroad?
Danse: I’m familiar, your cause is just, but I’m not quite ready to fight against the Brotherhood yet.
Deacon: Fair enough, they were like your family huh?
Curie: I’m sorry the brotherhood could not see you as a valuable asset, as completely worthy to be a member of their organization.
Danse: I think it was for the better, I’ve found a new family now, with the minutemen, (If sole has maxed out relationship with curie) and I’m glad to say with you.
Curie: I am glad (if sole has maxed out relationship with curie) to be close enough with you to be considered family.
Hancock: You’re loyal as dog huh?
Danse: Oh no, I am more loyal than a dog.
Piper: I never thought a member of the brotherhood would be a synth.
Danse: I don’t understand how one can be so close with Valentine and still be bigoted against synths.
Piper: I’m not bigoted!
Danse, underbreath: Whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night.
Nick: Glad you made a change, Danse.
Danse: So am I.
X6-88: You could always come back to the institute, M7-97.
Danse: I was a dog for the brotherhood, I’m not going to be a dog for the institute.
MacCready: [Sole], why do you trust a liar like him.
Danse: I didn’t even know I was a synth, MacCready.
MacCready: I don’t buy that for a minute.
Cait: Mmm, it’s always a pleasure to watch the two best asses in the commonwealth walk away.
Danse, blushing: Thanks (unless Cait and Danse have both been romanced) but I’d appreciate it if you’d stop making comments on my posterior.
Dogmeat: *Sad whimper*
Danse: Oh don’t worry, we’ll be back soon enough. *Pets Dogmeat*
Longfellow: Don’t go crazy out there in the fog
Danse: Don’t worry, Synths are radiation resistant.
Longfellow: Good to know, kid.
Codsworth: Farewell Danse, once you return I must insist on polishing your power armor!
Danse: Sure thing Codsworth.
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