#Wilbur is genuinely playing the game the way it’s supposed to be played
cantbe-thecaptain · 11 months
Hear me out on this: Lovejoy on Celebrity Family Feud
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bonesandthebees · 5 months
Last one for tonight, I’ll did my teeth into the Phil pov tomorrow.
This one is Wilbur’s pov of Tomys. Aka how he is starting to view him as a capable future king with potential behind being a pawn to him. Which is feel will be significant in his decision to go with his father’s plan. He sticks by Niki 1. Because she’s his best friend. 2. Because he genuinely believes that she’s the best choice.
We know he has a lot of self-doubt. He says so himself (indirectly). He does not know if he can live up to his father’s expectations. He doesn’t even want that true power (yet) really. But believing that Tomys could be a good king who just needs to be guided (by him) could tip him over the edge.
And Tomys proves himself to be capable. He can survive and think on his feet. Sure he’s young and loud, but he can learn. The comment about Sam says it all really. Wilbur believes Sam would have let him in the same situation, but Tomys is loyal, which in Wilbur’s eyes not only makes him noble, it makes him already better than their current king.
And Wilbur very clearly has his trust, which is what he was meant to gain. (Plus a bonus personal connection with the names). That too could be an extra reason to support him or lean more towards him being king. But Wilbur genuinely believes this kid to be a good person who can be a good king. Because he does not want that power.
Also, [“You don’t have any faith in me. How am I supposed to be a possible heir to Arestes if the son of the Consil doesn’t think I can catch a fucking fish?”/“Prove me wrong then, Your Highness,” Wilbur challenged.]
This bit is too good to not mention. Between that and Tomys throwing the fish straight in his face, I know the future banter will be legendary.
Last note: I wonder what will happen with the nightmares once they are back. As in, they will keep having them of course. But they will no longer be together. And Tomys calms down when Wilbur is there, so the question is who seeks out who. All I’m saying is, I expect late night visits in the near future.
wilbur is still so young and figuring out what he wants. but he recognizes the potential in tommy, and he's starting to see the role he can play in developing tommy as a ruler. but it's still early, and it'll take time for him to (possibly) fully step into the kind of role he's moving towards.
tommy is young, but capable and loyal. and wilbur, who constantly doubts his own abilities, desperately needs someone who makes him feel competent and that he can trust to stick by him. he's loyal to niki right now, but he and niki are on an equal playing field and in some ways, niki is better than him at these political games. having someone like tommy, who hangs off everything he says, helps him to feel more confident in his own abilities as well.
I loved getting to incorporate some classic crimeboys banter into this chapter. the fish bit was so fun to write. the two are speeding towards brotherly teasing.
(late night visits... you know me too well lol)
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commaclear · 1 year
Another lifeless party.
Another meaningless kiss.
The more drunk Wilbur gets, the less dead the party feels. The less dead he feels.
He's drowning in colors, sufficating between people. His whole room is shaking and wobbling.
He feels someone pull him somewhere, and their touch feels far so fucking far away. Even as he's being touched, he doesn't feel any of it. They pull him into a private room, and he knows the next step of this dance like the back of his hand, but the person stops him. They grow a face. A very familiar face.
"...Quackity?" He asks the blurry figure.
Suddenly the grip the other has on him is too much. Way too much. It's burning him, and it's fucking painful. And he can't force himself to pull away. He never could.
"Wilbur, what the fuck are you doing!?" Quackity shouts at him over the loud, pounding music. "You're supposed to be laying low, remember?? Last I checked, throwing a massive fucking party is not laying low! And getting shit-faced?? Are you trying to get yourself killed??"
Quackity sounded so genuine. So genuinely upset that he could have gotten hurt. Wilbur could just barely hear the others voice fraying at the edges, like he was tired. Exhausted, even.
He wasn't used to people who wore their heart on their sleeve like Quackity did.
"I would have been fine, I have these parties all the time. If anything, if would have been more suspicious if I stopped having them suddenly. This is me laying low, Quackity. You just don't get it."
"Wilbur," Quackity began, releasing Wilbur's arm, "The point of this wasn't to keep up public appearances. I know your... job requires you to socialize and, and be fun and... I don't know what else, but Schlatt fucking knows where you are. You didn't want to take the witness protection, even though you should, and you didn't want to relocate. You promised to lay low. Anyone can get into these stupid fucking parties."
Yeah, who knows. Maybe one of Schlatt's goons would take him out. It would certainly liven up the party a bit, if you could excuse the figure of speech.
"It doesn't matter anyway." Wilbur mumbles, feeling quite scolded.
"Of course it fucking matters, you're under my protection. It doesn't matter that this isn't part of my job, you're my duty anyway."
"I don't care about whatever stupid fucking morals you have. I can take care of my fucking self. I have been for years, if you didn't fucking notice."
"You're not being as careful as you used to be! You're... you're being fucking stupid, Wilbur."
"Stupid? I'm not fucking stupid, Q. I don't care about whatever hero game you think you're playing, I don't care about this fucking party, and I don't care about anything! I don't need to be told that I'm fucking stupid because I'm handling things differently than you would. I think I know more about avoiding Schlatt than you, detective. Remind me who helped you with the case, again?"
Quackity rolled his eye, "You led me on! You led me through the maze, but you had me hit every single dead end first. The reason you were able to help so much was because you were a huge part of it! You didn't fucking struggle to find out, like I did. You knew! You knew all along, and you lied to me! You lied, and you lied, and you lied. I've only been helping you out because you helped me, and I want to keep my word. But you were never in the kind of trouble you acted like you were. I fully believe that you were never, hell- are never safe. But you weren't being honest about how much power you had in this."
Wilbur looked to the side, holding his head. Quackity sighed, pinching his nose bridge.
"Do you need water?" Quackity asked flatly. Wilbur shrugged, making Quackity sigh again and disappear.
Before Wilbur even had time to miss him (not that he ever fucking would), Quackity was pressing a cold glass of water into him hand.
It felt fucking heavenly as he gulped it down his parched throat.
Wilbur's head didn't feel much better, proven by his stumbling around when he went to put the glass down.
"Wilbur, just fucking sit down."
Wilbur sat on the bed. Quackity stares him down from where he stands in front of Wilbur.
"Look, I don't want to talk about everything that happened. I just don't want you to get killed. What you did to me, it was fucked up. And I'm sure you know that. You led me on, in more ways than one. And I'm sure you've done more fucked up shit somehow. But we had some good times."
Wilbur slowly nods, still not making eye contact.
"Wilbur, please. I know it's not exactly a heart-to-heart, but I'm trying my best." Quackity crept foward, within arms reach of Wilbur.
Wilbur still doesn't look into those eyes. Because if he did, he knew he'd get lost.
"Please, I'm trying my best to avoid pouring my heart out here. It's fucking hard, okay? I know you don't really love me, I know you never did. But the least you could fucking do, is pay attention to me!"
Wilbur broke. He stood up, pushing the back of the others head into his own, pressing his lips into Quackity's. It was like he was trying to merge them. It was just as warm as he had imagined, his lips were just as chapped as they looked, and he was overwhelmed with the difference in how Quackity smelled and how his home did.
Quackity hummed loudly, pulling away from Wilbur. He was shocked, and for a moment they both just breathed.
The shorter scowled, beginning to tear up.
"Is this all some kind of sick fucking joke to you!? What the hell is wrong with you? I'm trying my fucking best to maintain some kind of fucking peace between us! You can't even fucking keep it in your pants long enough for someone you wronged? For someone you hurt? We never went anywhere, and do you know why, Wilbur? Because you were lying! You were fucking lying to me, and I believed you! I believed you were in immediate danger, I believed you were telling me what you knew, and I believed you actually liked me. Goes to show how fucking stupid I am, huh?" Quackity chuckles dryly.
Wilbur fumbles over his words, "No Quackity I- Quackity please, I swear that was re-"
"SHUT UP! Shut up shut up shut up shut up! You don't get to fucking tell me it was real. You can't do that to me. You just can't." Quackity cries out brokenly. "You don't get to do that, Wilbur. Okay? I don't fucking care what was real and what wasn't now. It's too late either way."
Quackity gently pushes Wilbur back on the bed, and Wilbur just sits.
The other says something, but Wilbur couldn't hear it. Even as Quackity left, he barely noticed.
Goes to show how fucking stupid Wilbur was, too.
Yknow sometimes I make myself genuinely sad when I write angst, but usually I'm like "ehehehe >:D"
And usually when people send me angst, I'm like "ah, damn that's good, fair play" but sometimes? Sometimes it just fucking hurts
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cmyknoise · 2 years
i am glad that some ppl can find the final disc confrontation as a solid ending to the dsmp, at least for tommy and tubbo, but i can't.
to me it isn't a satisfying ending, sending dream away to prison with so many loose threads and empty promises.
i think there's genuinely good stuff that would come from events thereafter for their characters as well, and i don't think revivebur/cwilbur is as bad as some people think he is. i think the problem is genuinely the timeframe everything happened in and how because of that it made things happen that wouldn't have or things that should've didn't happen.
i think, especially direct post revival, revivebur was a great character and i think the potential between him and ranboo could've been great, and the foundations they laid for their characters to learn something from each other was very very well done and good, it just never came to fruition, and wilbur had to write a book to catch us up on things no one else would do.
i think that some of the closure tommy had begun to get, such as slowly opening up to people like quackity or wilbur or his friends, or doing things he loved again was a very good thing for him.
i think that even some of the tragedies post disc finale were immensely interesting, like our glimpse into limbo and everything that would happen between sam and tommy's relationship, etc.
genuinely i think there were good things, good plans, and it all worked out when they worked together to do them. even the lore over the last few days, i think, although not ideal and clearly rushed, still has very good elements to them and because they were communicated through and talked out, it shows.
i just wished this all happened like, 6 months ago. i wish the finale for wilbur and tommy would've happened back in spring or summer or even earlier, if these 3+ month gaps in between streams didn't happen, because i think that's what really killed it. the missteps in writing and flaws wouldn't be as obvious if things had continued to happen consecutively. i think there are lots of problems with the lore and things that have happened over the last few months but i genuinely think it's not the writing that is the problem but the timing. it's like if you had a tv show season that was supposed to run for 20 episodes but they only aired maybe 5 a year. you forget what happened last time, the details, you've lost the hype and excitement, or you've analyzed the last bit of content so much that your expectations will simply never be met.
i, unfortunately, don't find the final disc confrontation as an easy fall back. i can't just pretend that that was the ending, because to me, it doesn't conclude it well narratively. in the grand scheme of things it wasn't as huge a win for tommy and tubbo, not after all they went through. dream didn't die he went to prison. there were still people around that hated them. he lived under the pretense that wilbur would've been revived, and if it would've just ended there would've been so much that they never got to talk through that they eventually did.
im glad some people can do that, but i cant. and i dont know how the finale for tommy and tubbo's characters will go tomorrow, i've only been watching clips and reading recaps and once they're available, i've been skipping through vods.
i don't know how much hope i have for tomorrow. tommy once said he wanted us to have a good ending. by the way it looks it looks more like they're setting up a promo for dsmp s2 and i hope to god it's not that. i hope something happens. i hope that something, anything lets tommy not die tomorrow.
regardless of how it does end, i'm glad it's over, and i hope that they can do new, brighter things in the future. i hope they make new smps or bring back other ones. i hope people stop hounding their chats about the dream smp and lore and let them play minecraft without mentioning it. i hope they can play other games, bring back old series, play with more people they havent much, god fuck anything please.
i hope that what they do next they can view as having fun, and not something they do out of obligation or for job reasons.
i hope they can have fun after the dream smp and that we get content that they want to show us, and that they enjoy creating with as much passion they did 2 years ago.
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memryse · 2 years
MCC Team Video Game Concept
"What if MCC was a video game?" is definitely a concept we've all seen before, I think. Usually people go for 1v1 fighter arcade game style ideas - I present to you, what if MCC was a team video game like Overwatch, League or Team Fortress? This post is intended as a general introduction to my vision for what this game would be like, as well as a full kit for Grian, who I used as my test dummy for all of this.
Please note all numbers are placeholders and I have no idea what any base stats look like yet so the percentages are all kind of meaningless. <3
Tournament: Players play 3 random MCC modes in a row, for example Parkour Tag -> Grid Runners -> Build Mart. Coin multipliers affect this mode.
Quick Game: Players can pick one specific game to play.
Practice Server: Self explanatory
Remix: Custom games
(I think in practice, you’d have to slightly reduce the player count per game, because no way would 40 player lobbies consistently be filled. Reducing it to 4 teams instead of 10 might work?)
Categories Most characters have a primary type and a secondary type, but some only have one - a bit like Pokemon types.  Please note that I categorically refuse to add anything remotely related to a “support” type for reasons that are obvious to anyone who has ever visited the MCC reddit. Players who genuinely are known for their supporting skills, like the H-factor, will still have those skills acknowledged but there will not be a specific category for it. There are also subcategories (like Elytrian and Parkourist for Movement players). These categories don’t provide any innate stats or anything, they’re just supposed to give you a very general idea of where a character’s skills lie.
Movement: Elytrian / Parkourist 
PvP: This would have subcategories for old PvP players (ie Bedwars players) and new PvP players but honestly I don’t know what to call them
Explorer: Keeper (talented sandkeepers) / Hunter (Vault Hunters and other strong SoT runners)
Survivalist: Haven’t decided the names for these subcategories yet either, but a distinction definitely needs to be drawn between DSMP-style survival players and Hermitcraft-style survival players. 
Specialist: No subcategories here either. This category pretty much encapsulates anyone with a very unique set of skills. Hbomb’s H-factor, for instance. I’d also probably include Wilbur here for the Wilbur glitch and also Fundy for... everything that Fundy is.
As well as their categories, each character will also have the following:
Kit: their abilities. This will usually consist of a passive and two active abilities. I’m aiming for this to be unique to every player, but that really depends on how creative I end up being.
Builds: the more you play using a character, you will unlock new builds for them, which may provide buffs or change their playstyle somewhat. These will usually reference moments in MCC history or a participant’s Minecraft career. For example, play 40 games as Smallishbeans and you unlock his Sippy Cup build, which provides boosts to all his stats. Pete’s Casual build, on the other hand, provides nerfs to his base stats but in exchange gives him extra synergies with other characters (see next point).
Synergy: when you have certain other characters on your team, you get a minor stat bonus! This encourages people to think more about their team’s composition. For example, if you’re playing as Tommy and there’s a Tubbo on your team, your max HP is increased slightly.
Drawbacks: because not everything is sunshine and rainbows, there need to be things a character isn’t good at too.
Cosmetics: provide absolutely nothing to gameplay, just little aesthetic bonuses to unlock! You’d use coins to purchase these for the most part.
With all of that being said, here’s a look at Grian! Unfortunately, graphic design is decidedly not my passion, so I do not have a handy visual of this.
Typing: Builder/Elytrian
Trap School Graduate (passive): TNT placed by Grian will explode faster
Take Flight (active): Grian can launch himself into the air during Rocket Spleef. This ability can only be used once per game (not per round). 
Shopping List (active): During Build Mart, Grian can create a visual checklist on his team’s screens, showing how much is needed of one chosen block (I guess it’d work one block per build?) I’m not sure if this is explained well enough so as an example, if he has a build requiring 15 oak planks, he can put a little indicator on his team’s screens with a picture of oak planks and “x/15″ until all 15 blocks are placed down correctly.
5% increased mining speed per Hermit on the team
5% faster elytra flight speed when PeteZahHutt is on the team
5% faster run speed when Fruitberries is on the team
Deals 15% extra damage to enemy Dreams, or 20% if he is equipped with an axe
There is a 10% chance that TNT placed by him will not explode
His jump distance is reduced - I envision this game’s version of PKW to have two routes: one with less jumps but they’re harder and one with more easy jumps. Grian is only able to take the easy parkour due to his reduced jumps.
Hermit: Standard.
3rd Life: Unlocked after playing 30 games as Grian. This replaces his Hermit synergy bonus with 5% increased attack per Last Lifer on the team, as well as a further increase to his attack during Sky Battle and Survival Games. 
Manager: Unlocked after playing 60 games as Grian. This changes him to a pure Builder type (disabling his Take Flight ability) and negates his Hermit synergies, but provides him with several buffs during Build Mart. His Shopping List can now show three items per build instead of only one. SB737 gets an extra synergy bonus (increased mining speed) when on a team with Manager Grian. 
Pesky Bird elytra skin
3rd Life hearts patch
Mumbo moustache (this also changes his display name to Grien)
Ariana Griande skin
Link skin (unlocked through a secret achievement - you have to spectate 50 games, because. you know. watchers.)
Lastly, thank you to Flycord for helping me develop this idea :D and if you want to hear my ideas on any other characters, feel free to ask!! I have thoughts!! Everything relating to this will be under the tag #mcc tournament game (though I’ll probably change it if I ever get a proper name for the game)
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tobi-smp · 3 years
speaking so of jealousy. with the assumption that the purpose of the exile arc was conditioning tommy into unquestionably listening and complying to dream. you know how tommy did listen to? wilbur. did dream want that too?
Context: [Link]
Oh for sure there's a level of that, but that isn't the only thing he wanted. Over and over again he's stressed that exile is supposed to be Fun.
In the disc war finale when tommy asked why he wouldn't kill dream he insisted that they were friends (that they always had fun together, that they fought in Wars together) Before he brought up the revival book. His life on the line and he genuinely thought that that would stop tommy the same way it stopped him.
And again when tommy was trapped in the prison. He insisted that they were going to have fun "like exile," and when tommy got angry with him he insisted that exile wasn't bad.
I think what defines dream's jealousy is the theft of his playmate. The disc war was Fun. It was supposed to stay fun. But suddenly when wilbur arrives tommy has someone new to play games with and dream apparently isn't invited. He seemingly doesn't know (or doesn't care) that he plays too rough.
What wilbur brought to their rivalry was Meaning. Lmanberg Meant something to the people who lived there, it stood for something, and he wanted the people by his side to care the way he did. And they did, perhaps no one more at the time than tommy.
It wasn't a game anymore, and for tommy it never would be again. Dream adapted to the higher stakes, but he never stopped seeing it as play. Never stopped seeing the people he hurt as his entertainment.
Dream conditioned tommy to still see him as his friend when he hurt him, to tolerate dream's "playstyle." So often in exile dream would hurt tommy and Laugh, loud and casual and genuine. He was having fun with his playmate again and his playmate had no choice but to join him
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(/rp! also, huge trigger warning for assault, graphic violence, death, abuse, possessive behaviour, obsession, mental breaks, hallucination, really fucking creepy treatment of a corpse, unreliable narrators, the perspective of a villain, torture, manipulation, and gaslighting! this gets pretty fucked up).
When Dream sees Tommy for the first time, there is no dramatic shift, no acknowledgement that his life had changed forever. No knowledge of the fact. All he sees is a skinny little kid who's obnoxious and loud, and he catalogues him just as one of Philza’s strays and leaves it at that.
No, it’s when Tommy drives the sword into his chest for the first time, and Dream wakes up from his non-canon death smiling despite itself when it clicks. He’s not sure what “it” is, exactly, but it’s just something about him Dream hadn’t seen in anyone before that has him hooked, captivated from the beginning.
(There's the vague recollection that he was like Tommy once, a bright eyed naive youth too loud for his own good, but that’s not unique. It’s not that, at least not entirely.)
The conflict was not started by Tommy, nor was he of any particular threat to Dream, but he was fun. So he ignored the rest, and took the boy's music discs. He knew Tommy well enough that he’d fight for them, and fight he did, and even though Dream lost in the end he laughed all the while. He’d played many a game before, but none quite this fun!
They both know this isn’t where it’ll end. Only one hopes it will be.
Dream didn’t care much about Wilbur's little revolutionary movement at first. As long as he obeyed the rules, and stayed in the server, it wouldn’t matter whether he delusionally thought he was under his own governance or not.
This changed immediately when he learnt Tommy was involved.
L'Manburg, a name he didn’t bother to remember until he learnt Tommy named it, was tiny, barely any more than a scavenged old world vehicle and some trees. It’s populace was peaceful, only Wilbur even an adult. None of that mattered. It wasn’t that the nation was a threat, though he certainly wouldn’t dissuade his friends fear that it was. But fighting L'Manburg meant fighting Tommy, and Dream wouldn't pass up the opportunity for anything.
He grinned with glee behind his mask as he blew Tommy's strange dirt hovel “embassy” sky high, enthusiastically threatened Tommy before remembering half heartedly to threaten the rest of the nation. He made dealings, found weak links- a new immigrant to the SMP that joined L'Manburg after the war began, it turns out. He offered extravagant promises in exchange for their betrayal, hiding the strings attached to his fingers.
Oh, but it was all worth it when the person with the eyes of an old god lead the revolutionaries into a trap, all worth it when they descended on them at once. It was definitely worth it to kill Tommy, kill Tommy, see him scream and cry in pain and stumble trying to escape and him taking a shuddering last breath. Dream had never seen anything as beautiful.
(It was a war, and feelings like this were okay in wars, right? It’s not like he was obsessed, it’s not like he was a monster. He’d been trying to be good, and killing your enemies was good, right?)
He killed Tommy a second time, too. The boy with shaking hands and a leg hanging limp challenged him to a duel for his nations future. His loss was assured, and Dream knew Tommy knew that also. This one was quicker, Tommy dead between the arrow entering his skull and his broken body make a loud thud against the planks, but it was no less fascinating. If only he had infinite canon lives, Dream would happily give up any ambitions and spend eternity seeing the boy die in so many fascinating ways.
(No, what the fuck was he thinking? The SMP was worth more than some stupid kid, and Dream wasn’t so inept with morality to know torturing someone over and over, killing them, was wrong.)
(Yet, it was so tempting he was almost ready to renounce morality wholeheartedly.)
It eventually comes to the discs again, Tommy handing Dream his prized possessions for some silly little nation. Dream knew Tommy would do anything to get them back. Having so much control was addicting, even more than control of anything else. Dream had learnt long ago that if you didn’t have complete power over anything, people would take the power from you and make you hurt.
So why did he care more about control of some kid than avoiding his own pain?
Dream would have sided with Tommy. Really, he would have, but Schlatt just had the better deal.
He holds the book in his hands, power filling him. He repeats the incantation, sacrifices the blood from his veins. He stares into the face of a man near-identical.
“”Brother dearest,”” he says, voice level. “”What do you wish of me?””
Dream grins behind his mask. “”Tommy.””
Wishes must come true, Dream thinks, as he sits on the beach of Logstedshire, Tommy passed out and leaning against his arm.
Oh, what he’d give for this moment to last forever. Alas, it passes, like they all do. Still, Tommy's getting so obedient lately- barely even grumbling as he threw his item into the hole. Part of him missed when Tommy would fight back all the while- his pained screams were entertaining. Still, it was safer this way, and more enjoyable in the long run. He’d hate to have his little songbird break it’s neck against the cage doors, never to sing again.
He’s not sure when life outside of Tommy became a chore, but he remembers dimly that it wasn’t always like that. There was a Dream long ago that wouldn’t give up friends and family, who'd cry over losing them even if he’d cut their threads voluntarily. He wasn’t that Dream anymore, the numb feeling in his chest a sign of growth. It didn’t matter that everything outside of Tommy was so miserable, because just being around the boy was a feeling a hundredfold better than any happiness he felt before.
Still, he had duties and responsibilities. Ones that seemed so important long ago, so fulfilling. Maybe one day they’d feel like that again. He had plans, from what he learnt. Government had not left him satisfied, but- whatever you could call what his relationship with Tommy was, it definitely did. Family, he supposed, recognising the boys actions towards him and his brothers. If he could make the entire server like that, that’d be a happiness greater than any other, apart from how Tommy made him feel.
He spent time with Tubbo, getting further and further towards getting that stupid fucking ram boy to calling him a friend and giving him Tommy's disc, all he wanted from him.
(He wasn’t jealous, of course he wasn’t. The anger he felt whenever Tommy called Tubbo a friend, that wasn’t jealousy. That was just logical).
Far more interesting was checking on the prison's completion. When it’s completed, it’d truly be a thing of beauty. Of course, his favourite part was the main cell, that he’d put so much thought into. He’d included all the little things that made Tommy squirm, made his breath hitch and eyes dart around fearfully. That would be so much fun.
(Tommy would learn to appreciate the fun in time, too. He was a smart boy, if irritatingly yet fascinatingly stubborn. He just needed to be taught that if he listened and just played along, Dream could give him the world.)
It took far too long, but eventually it finished, and he could return to the ugly mess of tents and logs he’d made so sure Tommy could never leave. He always started shaking when Dream showed up, trying desperately to hide his fear in his voice, and it was absolutely adorable. Dream savoured it, savoured everything about Tommy as they spent hours talking. Everything, his hysterical laugh, his nervous glances for escapes, the way he flinched whenever Dream grabbed his shoulder, his wrist, the poorly hidden look of pain when he held tighter, just hard enough to irritate the bruises that painted his skin a canvas of black and blue, it was all perfect.
Only he could love Tommy this much, and in time he knew Tommy would learn to appreciate that.
The second time he used the book, a tower extended from the ruins of the makeshift prison he’d made for Tommy. DreamXD stated ahead of him.
“”Brother dearest,” he said, “why are you calling on me again so soon?””
“”Bring him back,”” he said, voice painfully numb.
DreamXD shrugged a shoulder, golden hair waving around like in water. “”Who?””
“”I cannot,”” DreamXD said. “”He lives.”” Dream couldn’t help but smile at hearing that.
“”Then bring him back to me.””
DreamXD laughed, a sound like church bells. “”That would be unnecessary. Did I not already grant you the mortal?””
Dream clenched his fist hard enough blood dripped onto scorched earth. “”He left me-“”
“”And you shall find him, no matter what.”” DreamXD smiled under the mask. “”You are bonded to him, and neither death nor distance shall break that. Just look, and you will find him, til the end of time and even past.””
“”Thank you,”” Dream said, genuinely for once.
“”Only the best for my little brother and sister. And I know you would do the same for us, brother dearest.””
His planning had come to fruition for once.
They were alone, in the depths of the Earth, just him, Tommy, the fucking hilarious excuse for a “president” Tommy called a friend for some reason, and his axe.
Finally, he could bring his dreams to fruition. He could get rid of any loose threads, and claim what was rightfully his. And once he’d taught Tommy to be grateful, he could get to work on the rest of the server.
It’d be beautiful. Everyone would be his friend, his brother, his sister, something in between. There would be no more wars, just peace. Everyone would be safe, he’d know they’re safe and they’d never rip him to pieces and laugh at his pain. And oh, it’d like be hard work, breaking everyone into obedience but not too much to the point they become boring, but so enjoyable and satisfying. He’d almost be disappointed when it was over.
Tommy- his Tommy, his Tommy, was crying, and it was amusing but he almost wanted to reach out and comfort him and explain it’d all be for the best. He’d do that later, once he’d secured him and any loose ends were gone forever. He couldn’t afford weakness until they were alone, but Tommy made it so tempting.
The ram and Tommy hugged a final goodbye, and the adoration he had towards Tommy, hiding his fear behind a smile, made Dream fucking sick. He should know Tommy was his. They all should know. He’d teach them, when he made the server a perfect family. Even Tubbo, if Tommy begged enough. Dream would do anything to hear Tommy's pathetic, gorgeous begging, breaking through his aggressive walls, and bringing back some random sheep was easily in his brother's power.
See, he could be kind. He wasn’t cruel, he wasn’t a monster. He didn’t even care if he was anymore, fun was so much more important than nonsensical human concepts, but it wasn’t even true. He could be incredibly, selflessly kind, as long as he had a reason. They’d learn, once he fulfilled his dream.
The sound of a nether portal, of betrayal, shatters his dreams and at this point he wonders why he’s surprised.
He’d had doubts, during the weeks (months, years? he had no way of knowing) he’d been trapped in the cell, but Tommy being here with him confirmed his design was excellent.
Oh, Tommy was being fucking obnoxious- and Dream knew he was doing it on purpose- but he saw it in the way he never was able to look at the lava properly, the way he always woke up in a cold sweat calling for his daddy like the child he insisted he wasn’t. It was perfect.
(Of course it was, though. It’s not hard to build on something already perfected, and Tommy was the perfect little toy.)
Tommy was so frustratingly different though. He tried not to take it out on him- it wasn’t his fault that everyone else spread lies, planted nonsense in his head about Dream being bad and not trying to do the best for everyone but especially for him- but he struggled sometimes, and it was always so tempting to hurt Tommy anyway, and get lost in the melody of his screams. It wouldn’t teach Tommy anything though, and that’s what was important. He needed to teach Tommy what was best for him.
Tommy had unlearnt all the lessons Dream painstakingly taught him. That wouldn’t be an issue- it was so, so fun to teach- but he knew, painfully deep down in his heart that he could not hold Tommy forever, not yet. The lockdown wasn’t forever, and Dream had no escape route yet. Tommy would just forget everything again, at the hands of his “friends” that couldn���t love him as much as Dream did. They needed to learn far more than Tommy did.
(Except Ranboo of course- oh, the purple eyed boy had the silly naive thoughts in his head everyone seemed to have that friendship was anything but possessing another, but he agreed family came first, listened to Dream, helped him, even with clenched teeth.)
And when one day the frustration got to Dream one day and he was so furious he hit Tommy again and again against the walls of the prison and strangled him until he was cold all he could do was laugh and laugh and laugh.
It was so, so funny, because of course he’d be the one to destroy everything he loved.
This time, when DreamXD is called, he looks upon his brother with concern.
“”Brother dearest,”” he says, “”are you quite alright?””
Dream laughs, because of course he’s alright! The tears staining his face must be joy, because of course he’s alright. He’s holding Tommy here, with him, and he was quiet, he must be listening. He can’t be dead, he can’t be, then there’d be no point to any of this.
“”Drista has been concerned for you for quite a while, you know,”” DreamXD continued. “”Is this because of your mortal?””
“”He’s been ever so quiet lately,”” Dream said, with a voice hoarse from crying and laughter. “”I’m not sure to be concerned or happy with him.””
“”You’re not well, Dream.”” DreamXD said, with a tone of finality despite clearly being wrong. “”The boy is dead.””
Dream laughs. “”And yet he does not slip from my grasp.””
“”Then, brother, why did you call me?””
The silence pierces through air like a knife. Eventually, through hiccuping sobs, Dream says “”Just, please, bring him back.””
Tommy sputters to life with ghostly eye and pure white streaks and more bruise on him than corpselike skin and Dream thinks he has never been more perfect.
Quackity's left, he thinks, because the pain's stopped growing.
He laughs, because he doesn’t know what to fucking do anymore but laugh. He can’t give up the secrets of the book, of course he can’t. Family comes first, after all, and he dreads to think what the bastard would do to his brother. But the pain was awful, never ending in waves through his whole body, and he almost just wants to confess so he can die.
He cradles what’s left of his arm since the bastard cut it off at the elbow, and he sobs. He doesn’t even care to hide it with his mask. It’s not even the pain that hurts the most, even. It’s that Tommy's gone, and by the time Dream escapes- because he’s going to escape, he’s got to- he might be so far from his grasp even their fates being tied might not be enough.
“Of course that’s not true,” a fake voice says in his head, and wavy form approaches. Fuck, the blood loss must be bad today. It always is when he sees things. Usually it’s George or Bad or Sapnap, and it leaves him with a numb feeling in his chest that he’s familiar with, but today it’s Tommy, and that’s worse. It reminds him of what he cannot hold.
“Fuck off,” he mouths at the apparition, voice too tired and hoarse from screaming to speak properly. Not-Tommy laughs, and the sound is so similar to Tommy he almost thinks that his desperate prayers have been answered, Tommy is there again, but he reached his fingers forward and they go through his tired hallucination.
“You’re a real dick, you know that?” Not-Tommy says, and laughs again. “But I know you mean the best.” Dream shrugs his shoulder at the fake, and then curls up, new waves of pain curling up his arm.
“I don’t know why I was ever friends with that bastard.” Not-Tommy lies, and Dream wants to believe it. “You’re just having fun. He’s cruel.” Tommy would never understand that clear distinction, no matter how much Dream explained it, but the fake said it with such conviction it was almost enough for Dream to fall for it.
“When you get out, I’ll be there, Dream. And then we can all be a big happy family,” Not-Tommy says, the thoughts so obviously Dream's and not Tommy’s but- the idea that Tommy understood, that he saw sense, was so tempting, Dream allowed himself to believe it, just for a second. Just until the pain started anew.
Broken and bloody, Dream drifted into unconsciousness with a smile on his face.
206 notes · View notes
ayamturd · 3 years
summary: you wanted to explore the world above, and niki thought it best to bring the trinkets of the world to you 
warnings: none, only fluff
pairing: (requested) in-game origins!niki
a/n: i’m so sorry this took so long for me to write, i’ve honestly been in the strongest angst mood lately but hopefully did justice to your request! (this was so cute as an idea)
also thank you for my first origin! request, ik the hype has faded at this point but this was still so fun to write and explore :)
wc: (3.1k) - m.list
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“You’re staring again.”
“AHHH!” Whipping around, Niki gaped at Wilbur, his amused grin meeting her wide-eyed shock as she placed a hand to her heart, exhaling deep breaths to collect herself. 
He was phased through the ground, his neck barely peaking out of the soil until he fully emerged, his body transparent as the sun gleamed through him. 
She lifted her head, craning to see whether you noticed the both of them or not from behind the river bend, and smacked Wilbur as hard as she could once realizing they were in the clear. 
“What was that for,” Wilbur whined, pouting and simultaneously rubbing his now sore arm. Despite fuming, Niki’s deep glare barely fazed him as he began cackling at how upset she looked.
“Wilbur,” Niki spat out. He paid no attention to her tone and held his stomach in laughter, floating slightly above her. “Oh lighten up, will you?” 
He propped his face on his hands, smirking while looking down at her with a teasing voice. “It’s cute.”
She huffed in response, turning away from him with her arms crossed. “Shut up.”
“Awwww Niki,” he cooed. She refused to meet his eyes and stared down, swishing her tail in the water as it reflected on the afternoon sun.
“What do you want?” Wilbur groaned at her lack of play but leaned on his back, tilting his head backwards to see her as he hovered. “You really are no fun.”
As she turned to glare at him again, he giggled but continued to speak. “When are you finally going to talk to them?”
Sputtering at his question, Niki became flustered and tried to argue back, but she struggled with her words. “I do talk to them!”
He gave her a deadpan expression, a look of judgement from her defense as she furrowed her eyebrows in response. “I do!”
Sighing dramatically, Wilbur paid no attention to her pathetic excuse with a smile. His lack of retention angered Niki more. “Wilbur!”
“You are so whipped Niki, it’s adorable.” 
Niki pushed herself up and strived to hit him again, though Wilbur was fast enough and raised just out of her reach. Sitting on the bank with her tail still dipped in the water, she grumbled at his antics once more. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Hmmm, is that so?”
Niki paused, unsure if it was that obvious for him to point it out in such a manner. She became insecure to the thought, afraid that her small advancements were really that noticeable despite getting her nowhere. Her sudden silence made Wilbur’s smile fade, and he quickly picked up on her self-doubt.
“Don’t do that.” His tone was harshly blunt and broke Niki’s train of thought. 
“Do what,” she asked meekly. Glancing up at him through her hair, she looked back down into her lap before turning her head in the direction you were last. 
“Be afraid of the truth,” Wilbur stated. Floating down, he met her eye level and peered up at her. His expression, while serious, held a kind smile to encourage her of the fact while his eyes were soft. “You like them, Niki, and you shouldn’t be afraid of saying it.”
She sighed and tried to turn away, but he wasn’t having it and pulled her chin back gently. “Niki.”
“I know, I know.” Niki shook his hand off, shaking her head slightly and pushing his hand away while moving to hold her own arms, the makeshift hug a form of comfort to the idea. “I just- I’ve never had feelings like this like I do for them. It’s all so new.”
“And I understand that, but you shouldn’t be afraid to face something new. This of all things especially. You like them right?”
Although she was hesitant to admit so, she knew that it was true. It was beyond the truth for you made her smile and laugh like no one ever had, your small conversations and light banter always brightening her day and filling her heart with joy. She wasn’t scared to say she liked you, she was scared of saying it out loud and letting reality take its course.
“I do,” she murmured, a small nod following after. “I like them, yes.”
“They make you happy?” Another pause, but she responded more confidently in the smaller time frame than before.
“They do.”
“Then you should find ways to make them happy too!” Wilbur exclaimed. He rose his arms widely and grew excited from her admittance. Floating towards the grass again, he plucked a small flower from the ground and twirled it between his fingers, handing it to Niki after. “Show them how they make you feel because they matter to you and you care.”
“Well how am I supposed to do that?”
“Do what?” 
For the second time that day, Niki whirled around and was surprised to see you innocently swimming above the water surface. She was panicked, eyes wide, and turned to look at Wilbur, who coincidently was gone. The bitch.
She faced you again, smile anxiously forced wide as she greeted you.
“Y/n!” You smiled kindly to her, unobservant to her nervousness.
“Hello, Niki!” You swam closer to her and rested an arm against the shore line, your other hand placed on her tail. Her breathing hitched at the small contact, and she relaxed once you began rubbing her scales lightly.
“I saw you talking to Wilbur, how is he?” Glancing back to where he previous floated, Niki scowled in annoyance at the reminder of his sudden departure. 
“Fine, I’m sure. Still annoying when he wants to be.” She mumbled the last words, a frown briefly hung on her lips. You giggled helplessly to her small pout with a hand covering your mouth. While obscured by your hand, Niki practically melted from the sound.
“How are you?” you asked after finishing your small fit. Niki blushed uncontrollably from how intense your eyes looked, the light of the sun catching on the hues of your iris; the sight alone was beautiful to her. 
“I- I’m alright, I’m great.” Always around you.
“That’s good, I haven’t seen you in a couple of days.” Concerned over the matter of fact, you leaned closer to Niki and absentmindedly stroked her tail again with your thumb, the movement endearing yet almost unconscious. “I was concerned something happened.”
Coughing slightly to gather herself, Niki cleared her throat from her flush while waving a hand upward. 
“O-oh, no everything’s okay. I was helping Wilbur with his house yesterday, he was trying to finish the living space but Tommy and Tubbo kept messing things up. Now that I think of it, I was more of a mediator than actual help.”
Chuckling loudly to her engrossed ranting, you interrupted Niki’s explanation and had to hunch over in pain, arms wrapped around your waist while you tail flicked hastily below. 
You laughter was contagious, and soon Niki joined in with her own, the sound fading into faint snickering that melded together in an alluring symphony. 
Eventually as you both stopped, however, your smile dimmed. Niki’s fell as well once noticing your sudden drop in mood, and she tapped your shoulders from the unexpected shift. 
“Y/n?” Niki slid into the water, the cold temperature difference from staying above making her shiver, yet she paid no mind to it, her attention solely on you. “What’s wrong?”
Realizing you let your thoughts show, you tried to pretend nothing happened, smiling dismissively to your previous frown and placing a hand on Niki’s that she held on your shoulder. Your attempts, unfortunately, were futile since your reassurance barely covered for the lack of joy in your eyes. That, and the fact that Niki could read more than you thought.
“It’s nothing really, I’m-” a humorless laughed escaped you as you aimed to convey your feelings. “I’m honestly so jealous of you.”
Niki’s mouth feel agape in disbelief and confusion. “Me?”
Tilting your head back with genuine laughter, you nodded. “Yes, you.” 
“I’ve never been able to see the things landers make or do, it’s so intriguing to hear about. I just can’t help but want to see those things beyond this tiny pond.” While you had turned to face Niki, your eyes were trained downward, with a disheartened smile. 
Niki immediately tried to cheer you up, hating the idea of anything trivial upsetting you overall. “I could introduce you to my friends if you like? They’re very nice people, no matter how chaotic I make them sound.” It was her turn to be affectionate as she brushed her hand over yours while your tails nearly wrapped around each other.
You gave another sad smile at her attempt, but appreciated her efforts nonetheless. “That’s really sweet, Niki, but I wouldn’t want to meet and burden them simply because of my own ambitions.”
Clinging onto the tips of her fingers, you squeezed them in reassurance. “Thank you, though. Ever the thoughtful you are, huh?”
Despite still hung over your downplayed emotions, Niki reddened from your words. As you looked above Niki at a flock of birds that flew overhead, she was suddenly faced with an idea. 
Formulating a plan and envisioning the hopeful outcome, Niki squealed unexpectedly, surprising you. She had no time to apologize, however, for her thoughts were running wild in anticipation. “I’m so sorry, but I actually need to go,” she voiced. 
You tried to answer, but through Niki’s blind eagerness, she didn’t hear you. She promptly pushed the fresh flower in your hand in replacement of her own, and wished you a farewell before diving into the water. 
With a scratch to your head, you lightly chuckled at how cute she was and lifted the flower up. Staring at the little tulip, you beamed and brought it towards your nose, smelling the aroma and kissing the petals softly. 
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Waiting impatiently, Niki fiddled with the wet rope of the drawstring pouch. The moon was at high rise, the overcasting ray highlighting the empty landscape as all were asleep or safely tucked home. 
The air buzzed from the still night, yet Niki couldn’t help but feel unease despite the calm space. Before she could drive herself mad, you finally emerged from the dark water. 
“Good evening to you, Niki,” you joked. Swimming swiftly over to her, you glanced around the both of you and also noted the quiet. “It’s a gorgeous time to be awake.”
Although your words could have been interpreted as sarcastic, you meant anything but with a dazed tone and delighted appearance. Meeting her smile with your own, you spun in the water, taking in the cool breeze while lost in the starry night. 
“Not that I don’t love our hang outs, but why so late Niki? If you wanted to go star gazing, you could have said.” 
She laughed nervously, tugging on the small pouch in habit before holding it out to you. “No, actually, I- I wanted to give you this.”
Intrigued, you lifted the bag from her hands and held it against you as you opened it, letting out a gasp from the treasures all tucked together. Niki thought it best to explain herself. 
“I know you said you didn’t want to burden the idea, but I couldn’t help it and wanted for you to experience those things too, even if it’s only little things.” Gesturing to the bag you held, she pointed to the contents inside despite you lost to the beauty each item held. 
“I asked my friends to help gather things I thought you would enjoy. They’re not the most extravagant, but they all have their special charms.” 
“Niki…” Your voice was airy, barely above a whisper as you tried to comprehend her thoughtfulness. Too anxious for her own good, Niki continued to ramble.
“My friend Tommy, you know Tommy, he managed to trade for this dagger! The hilt has this small ruby in it if you look closely, but I like to think the whole craftsmanship of it is gorgeous. Oh and he also dumped in these things they use to eat! See this one here,” she dug in the open pouch for the metal utensils, lifting them individually to name them from what she was taught. 
“This one is called a ‘spoon,’ while this one is called a ‘fork.’ It’s pointy but isn’t sharp!”
“Niki-” She paid no mind to you and replaced the bag in your hands with the metal objects, her excitement overtaking her apprehension and wanting to explain them all.
“Now Phil, he gifted this lovely pocket watch. It tells the time without needing the sun! If you listen closely, you can hear this ticking noise from the gears that make it work, see?” She pushed the glowing locket near your ear, the soft mechanics working perfectly in motion. 
“He also enchanted it so the water won’t hurt it, water usually isn’t the best for their types of machines.” Niki handed you the watch carefully as she continued to talk. “He’s an Elytrian too! Very kind and wise, incredibly considerate.”
“That’s amazing, Niki, bu-”
“Ah, look at this!” Struggling to pull the wooden figurine out through the pouch opening, she yanked it out with a grunt, a smile quickly forming at its shape.
“It’s a duck! Tubbo is so cute and carved him himself, but wanted you to have him!” Holding him out, you grasped the smooth carving firmly with a grin, the animal admittedly adorable despite it’s oddly shaped body. “His name is Benson,” Niki exclaimed proudly.
You giggled fondly, patting the inanimate duck with your hands in spite how full they were. “Hello, Benson.”
“Oh and Ranboo!” Niki cried out. As she searched for his gift, you decided it best to interrupt. Or at least try to. 
“Niki, before that, I-” She began to mutter under her breath, frustrated with pulling his object out and distracted to your attempts.
“How did he even put this in here? It’s so bi-”
“Niki, love.”
Freezing from the endearment, she glanced at you with a sheepish smile. Although your adoring grin said otherwise, Niki was overwhelmed at the thought that she offended you some how. Before she could spew out apologies, you saw her slight panicked and acted quickly. 
Cradling all the gifts with one hand, you pulled her forward and kissed her, your hand holding her gently while caressing her cheek. She hummed out a sound of surprise, the noise muffled against your lips. 
While she was frozen for a few seconds, once the realization passed she relaxed completely from your touch, pulling you closer if it were humanely possible.  
All you both could feel was each other, the warmth that spread throughout your bodies a releasing high that drove passion and unenforced love free. You could have stayed there forever, you felt, just taking Niki in for all that she was, but chose to pull away; you wanted to see her.
Panting from the huge surge of emotions that passed, you both gazed into each other’s eyes in a mix of shock and intimacy never before shared or expressed.
Grabbing her hand, you lifted it to your mouth and pressed your lips firmly to her knuckles. “Thank you, Niki. You’re more than I could ever ask for.”
Unlike her past encounters, Niki didn’t turn away. She embraced your tenderness and accepted the burning warmth that encapsulated her for what it was and finally presented. 
She had nothing to hide anymore. She had nothing to fear anymore.
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“Wait, what else do you have in the bag?”
You were both sprawled onto a large boulder, the rock perched slightly above the water surface in the middle of the lake. Considering the chill of the night and the cool touch of the stone, you were embraced in each other’s hold, arms strung together with hands intertwined. 
“Oh, I almost forgot!” Sitting up right, Niki pulled out all the objects in a pile and separated the ones you already saw in comparison to the others. She picked each one up as she explained. 
“This is called a tea kettle! I mentioned him before, but Ranboo found it while… digging (she didn’t know how to kindly say playing with dirt). It’s old but called an ‘antique’ because it’s rare!” Handing you the small pot, your finger grazed against the rusted metal in fascination of the discoloring and ancient beauty.
“Now these are sulfur crystals! Jack is from the nether so he collects a lot of them when he finds pure ones.” Lifting one towards the sky, you awed at the color that shined through it, the yellow hue soft yet vibrant under the moonlight glow. Reaching for one gently, you peered through the flat crystal with a giggle.
“They sometimes can smell really bad he said, but as long as we don’t mix it with other things like potions, we should be alright.” You hummed while still gazing through the clear solid. 
Enamored with the crystals, your attention was drawn back to Niki when you heard something chime. 
“I’m not sure why Wilbur thought it would be a good idea to gift these to us, but he thought it best to give us these things called jingle bells.” Shaking them once more, you were delighted to find they had a joyful-like sound, the light ringing noise something magnificent that you’ve never heard before underwater.
You played with them once Niki gave them to you, your smile wide from the new discovery and breathless to the music it sang. 
“Oh I didn’t realize he put one in.” 
“Who?” you asked, your eyes still on the small metal balls that reflected the moon in combination to the water surface. 
Niki sighed before stating with a smile, “Fragrance Man.”
You paused at the name, and turned towards her confused. “Fragrance Man?”
Nodding softly with an amused chuckle, Niki revealed the final item to you. It was a glass bottle, one typically used for potions, but held strange bundles all tied individually. 
“I think from the last time he showed me that these are called ‘sage bundles.’ You’re supposed to burn them for a stronger smell, but he might have put it in here since that last time I saw his collection, I liked smelling it from the bottle.”
Holding it out towards you, Niki uncapped the cork top for you to try. You leaned over and hovered your nose over the open neck, exhaling in captivation from the floral foliage and cooling sensation it brought. 
“Wow, Niki. This is all so amazing!” You had little to say to the collection of trinkets she assembled for you, still speechless to the effort she went through for you. 
“You’re friends sound so nice and thoughtful,” you hummed, reaching for her hand again and interlacing your fingers together.
Niki snorted at the thought but accepted your hand nonetheless. 
“They’re okay sometimes.”
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salvation and sanctuary
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[requested by anon m]
~Sapnap x Reader, SMP!Wilbur Soot x Reader~
Summary: In this world, your soulmate is the one who will save you from death. Also, in this world, the gods of destiny thought it would be funny to make the soulmate connection Minecraft themed. 
Genre: SoulmateAU! Fluff, elements of hurt/comfort, smudge of angst. Headcannon format
Pronouns: They/them (Gender-neutral)
Warnings: Near-death situations, short reader, captial letters and cursing.
[a/n: THAT’S IT IM SIMPING FOR M! Thank you so much for requesting and supporting my work. It truly means so much to me. I’ve decided to do hybrid of bullet points and blurbs for this one because I wanted to have some ~variety~ in the format of the soulmate fics. Additionally, I did a mix of both by doing ‘irl’ Sapnap and SMP/c!Wilbur Soot. I hope that’s okay with you, m. I hope you enjoy, have a lovely day <3 Edit: Sapnap expressed discomfort of fanfictions including his first name so I changed it!]
╒═════ ▬ ★✦★ ▬ ═════╕
╘═════ ▬ ★✦★ ▬ ═════╛
★ It all began at a PC café.
★ (Y/N) was a regular since it was a nice change from their all-too-familiar room and the coffee and pastries were the best.
★ On the other hand, this is Sapnap’s first time at a PC café. 
★ Usually, he would just use the setup he has at home but he figured that he might as well try it at least once.
★ Plus the café was having special where first-timers get their first hour and snacks free
★ And who was he to decline free shit?
★ (Y/N) and Sapnap crossed paths when he sat behind them playing Minecraft, (Y/N) noticed, and (Y/N) offered to join him.
★ The two bonded over the game and played together until they were out of money and remembered “wait, we could just use the pcs we have at home and keep this party going”
★ They get up to head to their respective homes and that’s when the height difference was noticed.
★ “Oh my god that’s fucking adorable.”, Sapnap thought.
★ Cue the eyebrow raise from (Y/N)
★ “Shit I said that out loud.”
★Both of them continue to hang out as friends for months.
★ One of these hang-outs, they were going down a really crowded sidewalk.
★ They had to hold hands so they didn’t lose each other. (cha cha real smooth)
★ But in a particularly dense part of the mass of people, (Y/N) was pushed out into the street.
‘Who’s idea was it to go here? We should’ve gone at a different time and avoided all this-’, Sapnap’s thoughts were interrupted by the lack of warmth in his left hand. ‘Shit, where’s (Y/N)?’, Sapnap panics and tries to crane his neck to find them in the crowd, ‘Damn them and their smallness.’
Finally, he sees them getting pushed around and makes his way towards them. Nick was almost to their side when (Y/N) gets pushed out into the road. They stumble and fall pretty bad, hitting their head. Nick decides to forgo ‘Excuse me’s and ‘Sorry’s; he just needs to get to them before they get hurt further.
(Y/N) manages to sit up, disgruntled and loopy; not registering the speeding car headed their way. ‘Oh no. Move. Move. Fuck, fuck, shit, shit’, Sapnap’s body goes into autopilot and he lunges forward, grabbing (Y/N) to his chest, the inertia causing him to fall back on to the sidewalk. “Holy fuck, that was close.’, he lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, “Are you alright? We should get to the doctor.”
★ Right then, it happened.
★The soulmate connection within clicked.
★ After a visit from to the hospital, they decided to make it official with a cute date at home since (Y/N) needed their rest.
★ “What’s up, what’s so funny?” “This is the greatest day of my life and I almost got fucking run over today.”
  SMP!Wilbur Soot
◉ (Y/N) was Eret’s sibling and has known Wilbur since the drug van. 
◉ At first they were just an apprentice trying to make a quick buck and in for a good time, but soon they fell head over feels for Wilbur.
◉ So when Wilbur proposed to start a nation, (Y/N) was right by his side.
◉ As for Wilbur, he has always been fond of (Y/N).
◉ He always admired their work ethic and loyalty and fell in love with their daring spirit and clever mind.
◉ The two can usually be seen making drugs, working on political documents, and teasing each other about their height.
◉ “Will, I swear to god if you rest your arm on my head one more time I’m gonna-” “Oh what’s that? I’m sorry I can’t hear you from all the way up here.”
◉ That earned him a swift kick to the back of the knees which made him topple like a Jenga tower. Tommy nearly burst his lung laughing.
◉ Together they were the feared duo, an unstoppable force on the battlefield and on the podium.
◉ Skip to to the moment where Eret has his hand over the button.
“To think, we were family. That I trusted you, believed you, and defended you!”, (Y/N) looked at Eret with such disdain and hurt that he flinched. “I’m sorry...”, he began, “It was never meant to be.”
What was supposed be one crater turned into a minefield of explosions. Wilbur was knocked back, but (Y/N) was quick to act and pulled Wilbur away from the other blasts. Tommy and Tubbo were already running, with Tommy leading the way. (Y/N) caught Sapnap aiming a crossbow in Wilbur’s direction and threw themself into the way, much to Wilbur’s dismay.
Their health quickly dropped, but they fought through the pain and turned to fire back at Sapnap. Their arrow hit the mark and distracted him enough to get away.
In the bunker Tommy made, they took a moment to heal themselves. Wilbur finished wrapping up the bandages around (Y/N)’s back and sat down next to them. “Thank you.”, he handed them some bread, “For saving me back there.” (Y/N) gladly accepted the food and gave him a genuine smile, “Hey, I’m with you ‘till the end of the line. Don’t worry about it. I know you would do the same for me”
“Hey guys, I think you should check the chat.”, Tubbo interjected.
The two did just that and they saw it.
WilburSoot has just earned the achievement [Guess I fell for you]
melodious(Y/N) has just earned the achievement [Guardian Angel]
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dreamteamspace · 4 years
MCYT subway au Part 3 because I’m a sucker for attention and the 2 ppl who made part 1 and 2 noticed me
Holiday Shift
- Everybody who works on the holiday gets double. Those that can’t work have to put their name on a list. Lowest entries and those that don’t enter need to work the shift. It’s Phil’s idea don’t ask
- George is the first to put his name there but Sapnap skribbles it out and makes sure everybody else gets their name in first. It’s his punishment for leaving Dream and him alone for rush hour when Karl was sick. Dream wasn’t all that mad but Sapnap Will Not let that shit slide
- Tommy gladly takes the oppertunity to not have to spend the entire day awkwardly hugging relatives and being told to keep their elbows off the table. Convinces Tubbo to join them, supposedly for the Money
- Dream: “So Karl did you put your name on the list yet?” Karl: “What list??”
- Shift staffing: George, Tubbo, Tommy and Karl
- George becomes the reluctant babysitter of what feels like three kids
- “Karl stop WASTING the bread we NEED THAT.”
- Tommy is told to go pull what they need for monday out of the freezer. Tubbo offers to come with him and holds his hand the entire time. They’re best friends your honor. Tommy promises Tubbo to make it up to him
- George does about 60% of the work on a four person shift. Swears to murder Sapnap on sight. Probably slaps a pastry in his face later
Promotion pt. 4: Taking Over
- Tommy begs Techno to join in support of Wilbur. Techno reluctantly agrees because he can’t really say no to Tommy and because he doesn’t really want to become manager anyway (too much paperwork and he’s fixating on the origins of vedgetables) 
- Tommy now adds #WilburForManager to his pogway stickers. Wilbur is also reluctantly Growing Soft in face of Tommy’s undying support
- Nobody knows why, but Quackity has the unspoken ability to make Schlatt give him sick leave or remove him from shift?? All Quackity has to do is point to his phone and give Schlatt a smug Look.
- Ppl are suspicious but really Quackity just has a video of Schlatt kissing a baby kitten in the face and talking to it in a high pitched soft voice
- Wilbur needs to visit extended family and leaves for 2 weeks. The day before he leaves is surprisingly light-hearted and Wilbur admits that Schlatt isn’t the worst manager imaginable. He lets them waste things sometimes and has yet to give anybody a cut for not showing up to a shift
- Dream can’t openly go against Schlatt, silently wishing he’d just put the milk in The Right Spot before his shift. But no. It never is. It’s always somewhere else. Always.
- Schlatt continues to place things in slightly different places than they belong and following his whim more than the rules. One time he didn’t order the dark chocolate cakes they sell because “Who likes those anyway”
- Phil is there more often to make sure Wilbur’s work is covered. The war continues to rage in stolen glares and misplaced ingredients.
- Bad and Skeppy are slowly genuinely growing concerned, watching the whole thing go down like a movie.
Promotion pt. 5: Adopted On Sight
- Schlatt tells Tubbo he’s doing great One Time because he literally saved Schlatt’s ass from being fired for the whole cakes thing by biking it to the nearest store that sells them and getting some
- Tubbo will now follow Schlatt around to ask him how he’s doing, if he did everything right, if he needs any help, how his morning went so far
- Schlatt does Not Know how to handle Tubbo and suddenly wishes for Wilbur to just Come Back and Take His Kid. Tubbo wishes him a good morning and good night every single day. How is he supposed to keep up his tough old man appearance like this
- Tommy is still on Wilbur’s side and purposefully makes Schlatt’s life just a little more difficult. Small pranks. Stickers on the cakes, wasting them. Writing #TommySupremacy on the sandwhich wraps with markers while nobody is looking. Taking 4 chairs to the back to stack them on top of eachother and stand on them to reach the ceiling. Being the teenager he is.
- Tubbo think it’s funny and that’s the main thing keeping him going really
- Schlatt confronts Tommy but with no results. He turns to Phil to ask him what to do and Phil is like, you don’t do anything. That’s just Tommy for you. Usually Wilbur keeps him occupied with the Dreamon hunting and now he has too much free time
- Quackity is using the blackmail more and more. Does he even work here anymore? When was the last time anybody saw him apart from looting the expired sodas? He’s the only one who can order avocados on a spanish site online that don’t cost their weight in gold
- But as it tends to be with good friends, Schlatt knows the amount of blackmail he has is enough to fill everybody’s need for drama here for the rest of the year. Also he can’t say no to Quackity
- Fundy recieves yet another apology card from Wilbur from Ireland, a whole postcard with a picture attached and a little doodle of a fox. He finally caves and forgives him, now refusing to do Schlatt’s work anymore.
- Dream is Popping Off. Nobody can stop him from working once he starts. He’s 2 months ahead on Literally Everything. Somebody help him
Promotion pt. 6: The Finale I promise
- Wilbur returns! Schlatt is THIS close to throwing in the towel
- Tubbo says he wants another sleepover, wanting to de-escalate the whole manager war. Tommy has to stay true to his promise in the freezer and they convince Wilbur together. Techno was on board before they even asked
- Unbeknowedst to them, the Dream Team + Karl wanted to stay in that night as well to sabotage Schlatt
- Both groups stare at eachother in confusion at first
-They combine their resources to figure out a way to sabotage Schlatt. Dream is growing increasingly quiet and unsure while Tommy stares at The Adults with dissapointment. Tubbo tries to get a word in about how Schlatt isn’t That Bad but they all yell over him. “The milk, Tubbo! Why can’t he put the milk back like a normal person!”
- Eventually Tommy pulls out his bravery and tells everyone to Shut Up
- Everyone stares at eachother
-Tommy: “How come you guys yelling over bullying somebody out of their work sounds less mature than when my literal nephews are screaming at eachother over 10 year old pokemon cards??“
- The adults stare at eachother even harder
- Dream shyly clears his throat. “From an outsider perspective, you know, uh, I should probably be fired for plotting against a fellow manager-“
- Wilbur finally finds his tongue. “Maybe this wasn’t the most... mature idea.”
- Everybody carefully agrees to apologize to schlatt and never speak of this again. Tommy has unknowingly gotten a lot more pranking rights
- They spend the rest of the night organizing the storage, hunting Dreamon, Dream telling them about that one time he ate a living frog, and taking turns playing some free racing game on Karl’s switch
- Lots of laughter, return to their shifts the next day
- They wait for Schlatt to come in to work and pull him to the back. Only Bad and Skeppy are already allowed inside while they keep the doors locked for anybody else
- Dream issues a formal apology to him and tells him everything, and Wilbur jockingly mentions they were really close to pouring food coloring into his rubber gloves as they try to laugh it off
- Schlatt stares at them
- “You know what? I quit. I don’t want to be the manager anymore. I feel like the dad of lord knows how many kids. Phil is some kind of angel. Wilbur please adopt Tubbo and Tommy again, as long as our store isn’t on fire I’m never going to complain about them ever again. Dream you might wanna phone Quackity.”
- After a good, short era of peace within the establishment, the Drama Bois are getting bored and latching onto new things
- The bets on whether Skeppy and Bad are a couple or not are getting ever higher, especially as they’ve started letting them behind the counter. They figured out pretty quickly that they’re officially not together, but that just makes the betting all the more exciting. Do they like eachother? Are they hiding it? Are they just really good friends? Are they THAT oblivious or just really good at covering it up??
- Bad especially becomes good friends with Dream, George and Sapnap, and yet they’re all just as split as everyone else on whether he likes Skeppy or not
- Bad pretends to be but is in fact not oblivious to this at all
- Dream especially will often tell them they’re being VERY close to eachother or how cute they are next to eachother, revelling in teasing his friend, especially as Bad will sometimes start to get flustered while Skeppy manages to somehow stay 100% cool
- One day when a middle aged white woman is extremely unhappy with her order she starts talking down on George about being uneducated, and too clumsy for being useful at all, and how they should fire him. George asks her if he should just get the manager and she gladly agrees, only for Dream to swoop out of a back room, a good head taller than her, and sternly tell her if she can’t treat employees like human beings then he will ban her from the establishment immedietly. The woman stutters, takes her order and leaves, cursing something as she goes.
- Bad and Skeppy were sitting at a table nearby quietly the entire time, and Bad has this a-little-too-wide smile on his face.
- Dream murmurs something about having to go, but the seeds are planted. The idea has bloomed. Bad is ready to get his teasing revenge.
- Just as they’re closing, George puts away the milk that Dream left on the counter, telling Dream that he’s putting it away. Bad: “Wow George, that’s so thoughtful of you!” George: “???”
- Dream, softly telling George he can go home earlier and he’ll take the rest of the shift so George can catch up on sleep: “It’s okay, just go. I’ve got this.”
- Bad, just as George left, slurping his milkshake innocently while Wilbur and Sapnap are in earshot: “Awww, Dream! That was SO nice of you!”
- Dream, knowing exactly what this is for: “I’m just... nice to my friends!“
- Bad: “Really?! How many times do you let Sapnap go home earlier?” Sapnap: “You let George go earlier AGAIN?” Wilbur, having waited his entire life for someone to finally notice this: “George is getting so much favored treatment, Dream. But you’re really just good friends, right?“
- If looks could kill they’d all be dead at that point. Especially Bad, who continues slurping his milkshake as the chaos unfolds and Dream knows there’s no escape
@labbyyyyy @karlljacobs
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irrealisms · 3 years
@lepertamar​ replied to your post:
i for one would be extremely curious to hear more details however i don’t want to be a cocktease implying i might get Into It becuz i almost certainly won’t. however i’m extremely curious about how minecraft rping becomes a gigantic fandom with Villains and Storylines and such and i love hearing about medium->narrative stuff, undertale was formative for me lol actually especially how this….l’manburg thing (etc) happened. like what are the medium-specific factors that lead to such arc
YES okay. i will talk about some of my favorite aspects of the medium in a bit but i will start off talking about l’manburg and how it happened
in minecraft it is a.... pretty basic action, to take some land and be like “this is mine now”? what kickstarts the first war, the war for independence, is that wilbur says “not only is this my land, this is an independent nation, we are declaring independence from the server this runs on and we are not ruled by the admin of the server”. now, this is.... kind of an incoherent thing to say, but it’s funny, and at this point they’re still mostly joking around, and it kind of settles into just “this is a group of people who consider themselves/this land an independent nation”, which is--from what i understand it a very normal way to do a factions-based minecraft server? so it definitely... makes sense, lol
but also it makes sense that this transitioned into like. political roleplay. and from there it’s only a hop skip & jump away from, uh.... horrifyingly accurate depictions of abuse? i dunno what to tell you, man. the dsmp is weird.
ANYWAY! things i like about the format and how it makes a story:
- the people on the dream smp are mostly selected for minecraft skill more than acting ability; as a result, they are fuckoff incredibly good at minecraft. dream and techno, two main characters, are also plausibly two of the best minecraft players in the world. when they do impressive things in the story, it is legitimately extremely impressive, and to some degree the characters and story are built around what skills and what level of skill everyone has. you can’t put in a training montage where a character gets good at fighting; the person playing them would actually have to train, and even then they might not get good enough. you can’t just write in the script that a character wins a fight; the person has to actually be able to win an in-game fight, or else you have to figure out something else--maybe they call in allies, or take a hostage, or maybe they lose! there aren’t stunt doubles or word of god; what the characters can do is strictly limited by what the actor can do. this does a bunch of interesting things to the story imo! in a broader sense, who’s good at minecraft very much shapes the characters and their stories to such a degree that i can’t even really give specific examples other than just The Whole Thing, but even in terms of Specific Scripted Events, the world actually existing provides a lot of interesting tension. a good example is pandora’s vault, an in-universe prison with a shitload of security features including sending IRL texts to the guards. there are multiple breakin attempts, and if i was reading a book the tension would be-- fairly different? when you’re reading a book about an Unbreakable Prison, this is kind of an informed attribute? the characters can just.... break in because the author writes them to? but here, it’s a very real and difficult technical challenge! not only that, but it’s almost all streamed live; while there are “bloopers”, especially later on once it’s more heavily scripted, of e.g. a character dying accidentally when they’re not supposed to, overall the kayfabe of it all being genuine is pretty serious and it results in some really cool stuff.
- i mentioned that it’s told via livestreams, right? there are about 30 people on the server, and they’re ~all streamers, which means each character has their own perspective that you can watch the story from. not only that, it’s fairly common for people to only watch the perspective of one or two streamers, which means not only are the characters all working from limited information, it’s fairly common for fans to be limited in the same way as the characters, and “everyone’s the hero of their own story” is true in a way i’ve never seen it be true of other media. is tommy an obnoxious kid who betrayed someone who helped him when no one else would, or is he someone recovering from abuse and reasserting his moral code? depends if you watch his perspective or technoblade’s. as another example, this past sunday, there was a major event where ten different people were all streaming; there were some events with a lot of overlap, but there were also some events with little to no overlap. if you didn’t watch tommy, you didn’t see dream hunt him down and threaten to torture him. if you didn’t watch punz, you didn’t get to learn the major plot twist that he and dream had been working together the whole time. if you didn’t watch technoblade, you didn’t get to find out how the prison break happened. if you didn’t watch sapnap, you don’t know how his conversation with dream went. if you didn’t watch jack manifold, you don’t know niki’s motivations for spawning the withers, or her reservations about breaking dream out. i still don’t know if there was anything important in boomer or hannah’s streams, because i haven’t watched them yet! it creates this really rich world where every character has depth and everyone is working on incomplete information. there are whole arcs you might miss depending on who you watch!
- this is just a little detail but i really like how facecam acting works? when they have conversations with each other, they’re in discord voice calls and can only hear each others’ voices, but their stream can see the video of their face, which means they can reveal their inner thoughts-- wilbur raising his hand and winking at the camera when the voice chat is discussing who the traitor is, tommy crossing his fingers when making a promise to show that he’s lying, in general when people have a face that doesn’t match their words or tone of voice in order to show their true feelings to the audience without revealing it to the other characters. it’s really neat!
- oh also the fourth wall is broken constantly. twitch prime and youtube are competing religions. getting your opponent to say something problematic so that they have to issue an apology is a valid tactic to delay a war. elections are decided using twitter polls. you can streamsnipe or watch VODs to figure out who killed your pet. i love it so much
- there’s a major theme in the dream smp surrounding attachments--to objects, to pets, to other people--and IMO it’s at least somewhat emergent from the fact that they’re in minecraft? Death and torture and so on is something that you can Give narrative weight with roleplay, and especially later on they very much Do, but naturally in minecraft you can Just Respawn when killed, so in terms of what people naturally are going to have strong feelings about, a lot of it is going to be less their own life and more…. The stuff they spent a lot of time working for in-game, whether that be builds or items or whatever. and so a lot of the attachment-centric conflicts--the disc war, the pet wars, even to some degree L’Manberg--are the oldest conflicts, and they’re much more emergent/natural consequences as opposed to being sort of Pretend consequences. a Lot of conflict, before roleplay establishes consequences to death beyond “you might lose your items”, is gonna start with “you took/destroyed this, but actually i genuinely cared about it and worked for it”, because that’s just the nature of the game! and as it becomes more and more serious this becomes a Commentary on attachments and conflict and suffering.
- ACTING/CHARACTERIZATION THROUGH GAME MECHANICS..... my beloved..... this is not actually different than show-not-telling in any other medium really but since it started out not as acting you kind of get used to e.g. “oh they aren’t eating because the person playing forgot to keep an eye on their hunger bar” and then you slowly realize “oh shit they aren’t eating because their character has issues w/ disordered eating”. or whatever. there are lots of examples of this but like. i love itttttt it’s so sexyyyyyy
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 4 years
L'Manburg Falls Grape again!
Eldest brother Wil? ELDEST BROTHER WIL!!
Gosh that makes this shit hurt even more. Me thinks:
Wil really wants to provide for his brothers but he knows that he can't ever replace Phil in that way. They deserve to have Phil around as a dad. What, is he supposed to be a good father figure? Insecurities say that that is physically impossible. Sure, he wants Phil back too, but his siblings all also need and deserve to have Phil around to help them. He can barely help himself how is he supposed to raise Tommy and Fundy? Well, the longer he works on getting Phil back the sooner they can get the dad they deserve. He'll try his best, he always will. He'll cook Sunday dinners and help with homework and stuff when needed but he never eats with everyone else. He helps with the worksheet but promptly tells them to leave and finish up elsewhere. And that's fine. Techno doesn't need anyone to support him. Tommy has always done just fine playing games with his other friends. Fundy always just codes in his room anyway. They don't need Wilbur, they need Philza. That's what Wil tells himself anyway.
But Techno misses when Wilbur would prance around the living room drunk, strumming an out of time guitar while slurring out musical theatre songs. Tommy misses playing with Wil and the genuine bursts of pride that he'd get when Tommy did well. Fundy misses when Wil would come in and test out different mods and codes that Fundy made and the look of amazement or surprise that Wil would get whenever he did so.
Oh this hurts. This hurts a lot.
Wilbur please, they need you as their brother. God every time I think that Wilbur won’t be hurt anymore, bam. He gets hurt more.
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iammissingautumn · 4 years
We can get better- by frank tuner for the prompt thing
The thing about being a hybrid was that it was so easy to be discarded. As each of them came together, all hybrids of various kinds and ages. All gone through such different things. They discussed how they got here, what it was like being home and how they had been once treated.
The easy link between them was being rejected, pushed away from who was supposed to just like them. They were never human enough, never their species enough.
Point and case was Ranboo himself, he was surrounded by family in the end yet when he questioned too much, asked about the human and the cities surrounding him, they rejected him. It was a send off he never fully understood. “You wanna know about them so bad? Go live with them.”
It had hurt him when he had been ripped away. He had still been young, he and promised to hang out with Tubbo the next day. He hadn’t had enough time to warn him he’d be gone. And now he was to figure out this land. He lived with different family members randomly. None of it was permanent and it was when he met Philza that he decided that he would live on his own. His family really didn’t get it, but this one seemed to.
Despite being in the overworld, overworld enderman still scoffed at him, he wasn’t allowed back and he accepted that. He was too different, and he never really got to know humans. But he knew Philza, he knew Wilbur. They were kind and they laughed with him, stood in awe as Tommy asked what his power was and he teleported around. They admired him, much more than anyone had from the years before he had gotten to the overworld. These people made him happy, and he wanted to stay with them.
The strange thing for Phil was that he hadn’t grown up in the overworld, and he wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what made him feel so connected to Ranboo. He wanted a change of scenery and got it in the beautiful yet wonky overworld. It was a strange place, one that made him lonely, but then a young boy of bird descent looked at him and he saw his former years in him. Tommy was wild and rambunctious and took care of himself yet wanted support constantly. He never genuinely wanted one person to look after himself, despite his insults when Phil gave him space. He was a volatile kid, and he was happy to talk to Wilbur as he mined with Ranboo and poked at the kid’s ego. To shoot jokes between the four.
It was much more fulfilling, to stand around people and laugh as they got to work. As they made progress and Ranboo learned more about how to handle this powers in the overworld. He was new here, and a bit lost and wanting help in a kind way and Phil found it easy to team with the kid. He didn’t want the loneliness he had in his past few years, he wanted the happiness he found with these people. These half people, they made him happy, and he wanted to stay with them.
Tommy’s past was spotty, he remembered being having a place to himself and it not being by choice. He remembered being constricted and not being happy but doing what he could to fill his time. But most of all he remembered being lonely. The village that hadn’t been far treated him as if he was strange and he cared for his home with the daily contact that hurt him a bit more as each day came by.
But he had messed up one day, and in it he saw the chance to escape and did. And now, though he was scared, the ones he found were comforting. When he saw the man with a scruffy look and large wings he immediately wanted to be close with him. For him to teach him his ways. This Philza man seemed strong and he wanted to be that.
Though he reminded him too much of who he knew when he was alone, leaving to hang out with Wilbur was because he made him feel a bit safer. It wasn’t intentional, but living with Phil gave him too much dread.
Of course, the new people he enjoyed didn’t like him. So he was determined to help the one like them stuck in the Nether. And after long talks and work to find diamonds and get there, and even longer as he glided around in search for him, he found someone who got him. Made stupid voices with him and really got it. Seeing him, making the pub close to the others.
His past felt complicated, one he didn’t get but he knew things made him uncomfortable and he disliked those things so he stayed away from them. But this, these people at this house warming party, the ones he found... they made him happy. He wanted to stay.
For Jack Manifolds it had been a young boy with bright blond hair that really convinced him to leave the nether. He liked his home, he heard some people say he was trapped but really he had just been slowly, over the years, getting materials to leave when he wanted. The nether was hot and red but it was home and he didn’t have much reason to stay.
It was the blonde bird boyo who came and described to him the world he could be in that made him want to be there. Describing the colors and the air. Water. He didn’t know what that was but it sounded cool to see, he wanted to go and though he and wanted to do it all by himself, the hyper boy convinced him.
Getting to the overworld made him hide in the nether for a few more years. The sky hurt him. He didn’t know why but the droplets hurt. Despite how he wanted to go back, the moment he touched them he ran under the closest tree. It took a few minutes of swearing and telling Tommy it hurt to get him to calm down and understand what the situation was. But once he stopped, took in the world around him, he found the beauty in it.
The first other one he met was messing with them, and though he played mad he was laughing his ass off throughout it. It was silly and a big game that took too much effort to take seriously. It wasn’t unlike blazes’ to hit each other around, this felt like that. Like the home he never felt welcomed in, despite the relative kindness they had treated him with.
He met the rest in a quick blur, all using their powers at the same time as they came and went. They were peculiar, as the bird boy would say. But they liked him, talking of how his powers would be useful for mining and pushing him to go meet Niki.
He had attempted to get by the lake, he wasn’t going to get in but she seemed to be on the other side where he couldn’t reach so he had to wait for her. She stayed under the water yet her voice came clear, and he smiled. She was kind and made him feel strangely comfortable. Yet it quickly hit that he wouldn’t have the chance to be around her much, their homes so separated and being hurt by being in each other’s home.
Jack wasn’t sure of a lot of what this world was like, he wasn’t sure what was exactly up with all of these half people. They were nice and reminded him of a home away from home, and though he had enjoyed it here he felt a bit more right here. Despite being out of his element, he was happier than he was before, he wanted to stay to see what else he could do, what was possible with the support of these people.
Niki had chose to leave her home. It never felt right to her, it was never hers. And she didn’t hate those around her or wish anything bad for them. It just wasn’t for her, so she left the ocean to somewhere new. That’s where she first met Wilbur, so kind and determined to get her to land and beyond. She liked it, liked the idea of someone caring for her so much, who wanted her to experience what he did so much he’d devote time to figuring it out.
He’s who introduced her to Phil when he came around, and Ranboo when he came about a day or so later. Insecure Tommy in toe, they were strange and some couldn’t even come into her lake but they were determined people. She found joy in discussing helping Ranboo make his underground home and as she made her space in Wilbur’s haunted shack.
For the first time the ones around her saw the way she lived and moved to accommodate it, even though they didn’t live where she did, even though some couldn’t it was Jack who was introduced last, Tubbo visiting her not long after she made her home by his tree house. He had grown up in a place without water, and she had grown up in a place without lava. Worse yet water hurt him, much like air could hurt her. But he still wanted to be her friend.
Her loneliness was pushed away with these people, they grinned and helped her out. They were annoying and kind and dumb at times but she valued them and what they were doing. What they were making. They made her realize her move was worth it, and that others could make her happier than she had ever been before. And she valued it incredibly.
Wilbur didn’t remember his death. But he didn’t care for it much, all he knew was that one day he was awake in a forest by a lake. There was a sign in the middle of a lake with a sheep. And there was a treehouse with a boy called Tubbo in it. A boy that had armor that could move away from his head and stick back to him on command, he was kind though distant, he was the first person that gave him the idea to keep anyone else who came close by and Wilbur encouraged the idea to all hell. He wasn’t sure what he had before, but the people he met over the next few weeks were ones he was endlessly charmed by. Ones that made him happy, and he hoped to all possible gods they stayed.
Tubbo didn’t interact with the group much at first, even when they were meeting he didn’t stay long. Gave Wilbur a small gift and got back to work. He enjoyed talking to them enough but it wasn’t like it once had been, he didn’t like talking to other as much as he had when he was younger. Even here he was all alone, even with new half people were coming often. He could make friends... he just couldn’t figure out how and found hiding to be more favorable.
It had been a clear night when he decided to go on a walk by the lake, deciding it would be nice to check out what people had made while he took in the air of the night. Some vacant time, with nothing to keep him busy but his thoughts.
That was until Niki came up, soft voice and kind eyes, her head quirked and she asked clearly. “Why do you look so sad? Talk to me about it”
The question took Tubbo off guard, he stopped his walking, turning to her in the water and trying to piece together what he should say. He didn’t feel overly sad, did he?
“I don’t feel sad.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. You just looked down than usual, you can still talk to me if you want. We don’t get the chance often.”
Tubbo considered it for a moment before sitting down, taking off his shoes and letting his legs hang into the water.
“I’ve just been getting work done recently, worked on my tree house, went mining, made a whole xp grinder. I’ve been doing a lot of work.”
Niki hummed, “Sounds like it, but it’s that... lonely?”
“I...” Tubbo hadn’t considered that. “I don’t know.”
“I don’t mean to confuse you or anything I’ve just... been worried lately. I know you’ve always been working on stuff secluded but I just wanted to make sure that made you happy and... if you wanted to hang out more Wilbur’s holding a house warming party.”
Later on Tubbo found himself questioning it all. He didn’t feel different than always, but it was true he didn’t feel particularly happy. And talking to Niki had made him feel better, much as talking to Ranboo had once been his favorite thing.
The house warming party was lively and he found himself smiling through it despite wanting to hide. But he was determined to stay no matter how much he felt like he needed to be productive. This made him happy, the talking, the music, and games. It was a stupid fun time, and he wanted more of it.
Before the night ended he grabbed everyone’s attention, pushing away his anxieties.
“I didn’t think when I first moved here that there would be more of us, nor did I really think this many people would end up here. I know I’m not around much but I wanted to say that I... I want to be here more. I like you guys and the fact that we’ve all made it here, all decided to come here and work together in our own ways is something I’m really happy to see. I hope that we from here on out can work together and help each other out, and I’m hoping you guys can be patient with me as I try to be better than I’ve been. I think there was a time when I was happy alone but that isn’t now anymore. And in return I hope I can help you guys in any way I can.”
Wilbur raised his cup, his was just water while the others varied. “To being better together?”
And everyone else raised their cups. “To being better together.”
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commaclear · 1 year
Okay I wasn’t planning on writing one of these today but I have to do this right now or I will explode
So vab!Wilbur is currently doing his whole thing with this game he’s playing and leading Quackity on. But I cannot wait for that to come back to bite him in the ass. Wilbur is so sure of himself. He has this type of confidence that he’s clearly spent a lot of time perfecting. However, he’s got so much self doubt that is going to inevitably balance it out
Wilbur’s cockiness about him totally lying to Q to lead him on because why on gods green earth would he ever want out is like when you’re sick so you call in sick to work and then the second you don’t feel like death you feel like a master manipulator for lying to your boss. Even though he definitely has his reasons, he’s completely playing it off as his own mastermind when that just wouldn’t fully check out. He claims he doesn’t want out and it seems like this whole plan is to fuck over schlatt. Although how much is that going to change when he realizes that it’s not the only option
Not to mention Wilbur’s attitude towards lots of things. The way he treats sex as a regular thing he has to do. That having sex with people he can’t even remember is part of a daily routine. The people he sleeps with regard him as a collectible item. Like something to cross off your bucket list. Then there’s how he claims he has to party and drink and do every drug he comes into contact with. Plenty of other stuff too
Behind his plan to deceive/use Quackity, there is something genuine. He likes the idea that he’s too complex to figure out and too smart to understand, but I feel like he’s honestly lying to himself to cope with the fact that no one’s actually taken the time to understand before. For a while he’s been treated like an object to use and I think it’s definitely fucked with the way he treats himself
Anyways. The thing I see happening with all of this is that Quackity is genuinely someone who wants to help. Honestly, I feel like there’s a chance he could’ve been in a similar situation in the past. I swear I’ve seen someone say something about him not really doing the whole relationship thing except for the one time he did that turned out not so great.
I’m not saying he’s got the same issues with being used for his body or being forced into crime, but there’s that relation of being stuck somewhere that is slowly killing you the longer you stay. It would explain the whole workaholic attitude he’s got towards solving cases and how his entire demeanor shifts when he realizes Wilbur’s asking for help. It’s a pattern in your fics where Quackity dedicates his life to reversing the damage done to him in the past, but never actually processing or dealing with his past.
He feels very sympathetic and understanding towards Wilbur, meanwhile Wilbur is using him for personal gain. The moment Quackity realized Wilbur wants his help he was fully ready to do what it takes. He went from disliking Wilbur to devoting all his time, attention, and energy towards the man.
The emotional investment is going to cause him to get hurt when he inevitably figures things out. Wilbur knows there’s a chance that Quackity’s going to find out before he is supposed to. He’s seen the way Quackity throws himself into his work and how far he’ll go to get answers.
Quackity also has all the stuff with being sexually repressed (which is definitely something I wanna touch on later) and now there’s this part of him that finds Wilbur attractive. Whether it’s the circumstances, porn, pent up sexual frustrations, or genuine feelings doesn’t matter. It’s going to lead to something eventually.
I feel like at first Quackity’s going to take the feelings more seriously than Wilbur, especially considering how he hasn’t allowed himself to get close to anyone in so long. Honestly if Quackity could run from how he feels I’m sure he would, but he’s more worried about getting Wilbur help. Although I don’t think he’ll be the first to act on them
Wilbur is gonna act first but that’s just because he sees it all as a fun game. Something that’s more enjoyable than meaningless sex, but still treated like meaningless sex. And I doubt Quackity is going to let that happen.
Tbh I feel like no matter how rough it is, Quackity isn’t going to treat Wilbur like an object. Q has a complicated relationship with sex and whatever shit Wilbur’s used to is not going to fly.
The intimacy shared between them is going to be ingrained in Wilbur’s head and he’s not gonna be able to go back to what he was doing before. If he was hardly getting anything out of all the hookups prior to that, he’s most definitely not getting shit out of them after. For the first time in a long time wilbur had sex with someone he wanted to have sex with. He wasn’t just doing his job or upholding a reputation for once. Even if he would try to keep up with the habit, it would probably feel wrong. He wouldn’t be able to just zone out now. Instead he’d be aware of every little thing that couldn’t compare to the way Quackity made him feel.
I know I kinda strayed far from the original topic, but this whole thing started with Wilbur’s whole thing coming back to hurt him. But all of this shit is to say after Wilbur notices how dull every attempt to go back to normal felt, he’s going to want Quackity more than he thought he did. What started as a game has turned into something that plagues his thoughts and makes him feel more alive than he has in years.
I think he’ll try to contact Quackity. First he try’s texting him. No response. He checks the cameras, finding Quackity sitting in the living room, and Wilbur can’t help but feel a bit disgusted with himself for spying. He swallows the sickness and tries calling Quackity. Almost immediately he’s sent to voicemail. The auto generated voice telling him Q’s voicemail box is full is like a knife to his chest. He forces himself to get past the churning in his gut and rewinds the security tape. He watches Quackity pickup his phone, scoff, hit the decline button, and slam his phone on the table followed by the man grumbling to himself. Wilbur doesn’t turn the volume up. He doubts he wants to hear what was said.
Unsure of what to do he decides to show up at Quackity’s place. And Quackity isn’t having it.
At some point between their last interaction and now, Quackity figured out everything. And it is gonna hurt both of them. It’s going to hurt Wilbur because he finally found someone who cares. It’s going to hurt Quackity because he finally trusted someone only to find out they were using him.
Anyways. This is a disorganized mess of predictions and analysis and I just from person to person but. I haven’t done this in a while. This is like a warm up I highly doubt a lot of this is even right. But for some reason I just couldn’t stop lmao
- Quackity analysis anon
(I’m fucking back and I have so many other things I need to talk about. I can’t rest until I get it all out I’m gonna go crazy)
Things that you said that were 100% accurate: 8
No I will not elaborate on which. But I'm posting another chapter very very soon, and I need to answer this ask before I post that chapter (big things are coming)
Beyond excited to have you back in the analysis game, I think you're gonna like the next few chapters ;)
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harley-style · 4 years
mcyt brain rot for you all
this is both anysis and headcanon and au scenario, all blended together. you're welcome :D
i have this headcanon,,,, cobbled together by some tumblr posts i read,,,, but some of them point out that wilbur is like, good at manipulating people as well to a point, right?
so i was thinking. what if his reach extended far beyond what anyone thought of? *what if wilbur's influence spread to dream?*
i know we've discussed this before (or sparrow analyzed it idk) but like. hear me out. this headcanon has to do with how wilbur wants to create a narrative. pit it against dream and his presumed original desires to create a safe happy place for his friends. wilbur's insistence that dream is the "tyrant". what if wilbur saw how dream was pointedly staying out of conflict, decided, "i dont like that," and began twisting the storyline and pulled dream's strings (pointedly off camera bc headcanons, babyyyy) so that dream would eventually fall into ruin, as the disgraced tyrant?
and dream...he KNOWS what wilbur's doing. to him specifically. and he's struggling so hard at the beginning, judging by his soft, passive demeanor when wilbur asks about the tnt.
i think, that somewhere along the line, dream lost sight of where his boundaries lied, and falls right into wilbur's plot pit and became The Villain. and he's like, fuck. I went and done it, oh no.
and....it worsens.
i had this whole scenario in my head that dream fully embraces the villain role, plays wilbur's game and completes the "narrative"...but is so fed up with wilbur and his stupid fucking ploys that he...bends the rules a little. changes shit up.
something...oh, a little like "lets speedrun my fall into villainy" bc it wouldn't be dream without the speedrun.
fast forward to prison. maybe if dream finally gets to resurrect wilbur. and wilbur is Not Pleased with how dream has decided to handle his narrative.
but its like. dream doesn't give two shits about wilbur's goddamn narrative anymore. he **played wilbur's game**. he's done with his role. he's given them peace, given them a happy end.
sure, he's given the rest plenty of trauma, but hey, it all turned out okay in the end, right? theyve got their happy ending. theyve BEATEN the big bad nightmare. his role is OVER.
but wilbur doesnt like it. doesnt like the lengths dream went to. it wasn't supposed to be like this. dream wasn't supposed to turn out this much of a *monster.*
and dream laughs. "will, wilby, wilbur," he croons madly, in his pretty little cell, preening like a cat. "i dont care," he hisses. "you fucking wanted this. you WANTED me to be this way. right? mr. revolutionary man? come on now, dont tell me you never expected this."
and wilbur tries to protest, but dream cuts him off.
"no. NO. dont' play your stupid littke games on me wilbur. you udnerstand? im DONE. im so sick of your bullshit, your countries your wars and your stupid fucking "story". I WANTED PEACE AND SAFETY. ALL i asked was "hey, don't be jerks, we're all one big community," and you didn't even have the DECENCY to just adhere to those rules, not even a little bit! you -- i let you in here because of TOMMY, you know that? the reason you even got to BE in this world was because tommy "vouched" for you. said you would be a great addition. and tommy-- i loved that kid back then, you know? he was bright and annoying and he made the server FUN. you took that brilliance, took that kid, and turned him against me, against ALL of us -- for what? independence? I HANDED YOU INDEPENDENCE AND YOU SPAT IT IN MY FACE LIKE IT WAS THE MOST VILE THING YOUVE EVER RECEIVED. i didnt even ENFORCE my rules, they were so loose literally EVERYONE broke them at some point.
but you? you had the audacity to call me a tyrant. to call me selfish, greedy, controlling. and then you declared war. the pet wars, the first disc wars weren't even close to the intensity you brewed during the revolution.
you had this little ideal in your head. and ill have to hand it to you, it was certainly impressive. but you didnt need to press it, to pressure it on the people of my server. you did anyway. you created this plot, this scheme to paint me as the villain, as the final boss. and you know what? FINE! if this is what it takes for them to be safe and happy, i'll be the villain.
but don't come in here expecting me to play that role again. i DID my part. i united them. my work is over.
but you, wilbur? heh. you get to deal with ALL the consequences of your war games. you'll be the one dealing with tommy's nightmares, tubbo's anger, everyone's hatred, fuck, you even get to deal with the egg!! isnt that nice? i was willing to deal with the egg, you know, it appeared before the whole election thing. but since you're here, you may as well take over. because you're SO great at directing them, you know? better than i ever could.
point is, wilbur, you don't get to use me as the tyrant, the final boss, the bad guy, and the villain anymore. when i said i would be putting the most powerful person in here, I wasn't fucking lying!"
"but tommy said you were going to put him in there!"
"you know, with the amount of times ive practically lied to that kid, im surprised he still believed me. i was never planning to put him in here. no one else would be put in here. hell, even techno and phil would just have gotten stuck here for about a week. i had guidelines, you know. i put them in a book somehwere, in one of my bases. no one was supposed to get unfair treatment. unfortunately i seemed to have pulled the short end of thr stick. that seems to be all that im doing these days."
"no. don't do that. don't pull me into another one of your plots wilbur. i don't want to hear it. you got your villain. your villain is gone, wilbur.
it's time to be the hero. :)"
basically my points here are like.
-wilbur made a narrative that dream didnt agree with
-this narrative painted dream in a negative villian light so dream basically said "yeah fuck that" and spedran his role
-headcanons galore i really do like the idea of dream creating that prison for himself to be locked in
-once wilbur is back he visits dream and explains his displeasure that dream went and did the things he did bc 1) hurt a lot of people personally and 2) did not adhere to the villain role wilbur specifically assigned to dream
-additional mentions: both wanted peace but in different forms. dream wanted peace for peace's sake but wilbur wanted peace after struggles. dream genuinely loved everyone on the server, but had to shed those attachments because to him, PERSONALLY, it would be a weakness towards his "villainous" role. his threatening of tubbo in front of tommy so tommy can "be the hero like spiderman and batman" shows that he knows exactly how empowering attachments are. lastly, dream only began manipulating people after the pogtopia arc. he mostly stayed the neutral party during it, and was just reacting with plans among plans during the lmanburg revolution.
-additionally, wilbur really wanted to stay dead, but dream said "haha no" and alived him again bc if he has to be the one to inflict trauma onto people then wilbur has to suffer leading the efforts to recovery.
hi @dreamsclock u keep giving me brainrot so im tossing this at u thank u goodbye i hope u dont mind the tag
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resonating-kitty · 3 years
Hey, so I know you asked me this already, but I'm curious now: what are your own favorite Dreambur AUs to think/write about?
The Manhunt Verse, obviously, and it's mostly just thoughts scattered through Anon asks and posts at the moment. I written some stuff down but not everything. Hunter!Dream is such an ahole at first but something draws him to Wilbur and he's soon teaching Wilbur how to survive in their world, honing his skills as a hunter and getting him ready to go on a hunt. Wilbur slowly adapts to Hunter!Dream's ways and soon something blossoms between them.
Love playing with the idea of a little semi BDSM game happening between Dream and Wilbur during the era of Pogtopia as well. It certainly was healthy, considering the state of one and the growing state of the other, and it certainly wasn't as safe and refines as BDSM play should be. They switched who was in control and it's always going to be the small stuff like Dream on his knees for Wilbur and some praise kink and a little humiliation kink. It's never going to be anything too heavy since their rules aren't refine, set, or followed.
I also like the idea of an AU where Wilbur was not supposed to die when he exploded the country. Wilbur was supposed to live and he and Dream were going to rule together but when Phil showed up and Wilbur, in his degraded mental state, saw the disappointment in his father's eyes (something that Wilbur did not/could not stand to live with) he chose death. This caught Dream off guard and broke his heart because despite everything, despite him telling himself not to, he started to genuinely fall for Wilbur and it was all ripped away from him. He grieved Wilbur, built him a grave, and turned into the Dream of the exile arc.
I like to also think about Dream and Ghostbur as well. I like to think about how Dream would've felt something toward him but kept shoving it down and reminding himself that 'Wilbur is dead. This may look like Wilbur but it isn't.' But he couldn't quite do it properly. Dream was never mean to Ghostbur was he? He was always nice to him. I like to think that Dream sent Ghostbur away, not only to prevent him from telling people of the beach party but also to keep Ghostbur from witnessing the darker side of Dream that he started to show. I also like to think Dream kept an eye on Ghostbur while he was wondering around, like he tracked him down to check on him and eventually gifted him Friend. (Or put Friend in Ghostbur's path to find) How Dream retrieved and delivered Friend back to Ghostbur when Friend died. (Obviously these feelings would change once Dream realized that the revival process worked and he could have Wilbur back.)
I like the Musician!Wilbur and Millionaire!Dream meet in a bar little headcanon that I made the other day and I also like the Detective!Dream and Serial Killer!Wilbur headcanon as well. They're both more IRL-y but they're solid ideas and I might write something in the future if the mood strikes.
Those are about all that I can remember at this time (it's early lol)
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