#Will nobody save me from this ravenous monster
satans-knitwear · 5 months
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Shark attack 😱
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otwdfanfic · 2 months
I got a question in my head and now i cannot get it out so,,,
What mythological creature/deity would you associate the otwd saga characters with? I personally always like to think about these kinds of questions to get to the core motivations/needs/whatever of characters and its really fun to think about!!
Would love to hear you rant about this, its such an interesting topic to me personally <33
I feel so bad that it took me this long to reply when it was on your mind but I didn't forget it just took me literal months to make time to return to OTWD 😔 This is a fun question bc it's already something I think about haha
Zephyr is already named after the Greek god of western winds, which feels appropriate to me. Wind is associated with change and journeys while the west is historically associated with progress and the unknown.
Nuffink has a lot of ghost imagery in his life so that's definitely a big one, but in ITPN I think the wendigo from North American folklore is an apt association. The transformation is supposedly triggered by consuming human flesh and associated with winter and the north.
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Baldur has a lot of mythological associations. He's named after a tragic god whose name means prince, but he also has similarities to the trickster Loki with his silver tongue (who indirectly killed Baldr!) and the god Tyr who sacrificed his hand to trick and bind the monster wolf Fenrir. Blackfin is obviously connected to Fenrir, but I also like to think of him as Akhlut from Inuit folklore, a man-hunting creature who transforms into a wolf on land and an orca in the water.
Bjorn doesn't have anything that I try to actively weave in but he's similar to Bodvar Bjarki, a hero who was the king of Denmark's adviser and might've been the inspiration for Beowulf. His father had been transformed into a bear, so Bjarki could also send his spirit into battle as a bear.
Eret has a lot of similarities with Cassandra, a devoted priestess and prophet who was cursed so that nobody listened to her. She also reminds me of a willowy fairy. Unrelated but I've been loving Helaena on House of the Dragon bc her pale hair, green/gold color palette and weird bug girl whimsy are so Eret coded.
Torunn and Zephyr are two sides of a coin and both always remind me of valkyrie, a classic symbol of Norse mythology that represents the dichotomy of woman's role in the viking age, in fiction, and today. They're swan-angels who are alternatingly portrayed bursting out of lightning strikes with their chainmail drenched in blood and as fair dutiful maids bathed in light and fetching drinks. Simultaneously princesses and servants, mead-bearers and shieldmaidens.
Tryggir I associate with witches of all kinds. I can't think of a specific example...
Herne the Hunter is a horned ghost who haunts Windsor forest and is likely based on Cernunnos. Sometimes he's depicted leading the Wild Hunt, all imagery that fits Cato well. I almost named his father Herne as a reference but pivoted into a more historical choice.
I don't think I have any strong association with Sikka... there is the tupilaq of Inuit lore, which I learned about tangentially from AMC's The Terror. It's a vengeful creature created and sent to destroy a specific enemy, but if that enemy has stronger magic than the creator then the tupilaq will return to kill its maker. I hesitate to associate her with sorcery or monsters since those are unrelated, but some of themes are interesting.
Gustav I always connect to Odin. The lost eye, the hanged man symbolism, ravens etc. Cato had a line in OTWD connecting the two.
Nothing came to mind for Rilla, which is sad... her surname is a reference to a real woman called Aud the Deep Minded, a Norwegian matriarch in the British Isles who had to flee to Iceland to save her family from some pretty bad political situations. She was a devout Christian unlike other Icelandic settlers, so she put up crosses to pray at "cross hills". There's still at least one krossholar in her honor. Her father was the king Ketill Flatnose who ruled in the Southern Isles (south of the Northern Isles where Cato originates) so I used Ketill for her father's name and Aud in their surname. It's not exactly mythological but her first name references Rilla of Ingleside (an Anne of Green Gables book) where the protagonist has to rise to her duties at home while her brothers become soldiers in the first world war.
Long reply but I'm glad I could finally get around to it!!
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jupiter049 · 9 months
Happy christmas everybody! Today marks the 10th anniversary since The 11th Doctor regenerated into The 12th Doctor. So I felt obligated to make a compilation of some of my favorite Capaldi moments to celebrate that.
He appearing in The Day Of The Doctor 1 month before his introduction.
He calling Clara an egomaniac.
He telling Clara she doesn't see him.
He trying to resonate with Rusty.
Rusty telling him he is a good Dalek.
He asking Clara if he's a good man.
All of his banter and fights with Robin Hood, which leads to him getting shut up by Clara.
He being so desperate in trying to prove Robin Hood isn't real that he speculates the villain created his own enemy.
His theories about what the creature from Listen could be
He picking up the phone and suddenly appearing somewhere else alongside Clara.
He figuring out that they aren't in a heist but a rescue mission.
His discussion with Clara at the beginning of The Caretaker.
He interrupting Clara's class to explain that what she is teaching is wrong.
(I know this one is disliked but) him abandoning Clara so she can decide the fate of the creature in Kill The Moon.
He wanting to talk to Clara about the planets during their last hurrah.
"Sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones, but you still have to choose".
All his bickering with Clara during Flatline.
He avoiding getting run over by a train while crawling from inside the tiny Tardis only to later make a little dance to celebrate.
He trying to communicate with the 2d monsters but giving up to defeat them because he is the man that stops the monsters.
He explaining that the superpower of humanity is forgetting.
"Do you really think that I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?".
"Clara, I'm terribly sorry but I'm exactly what you deserve".
That entire scene of him and Clara in Dark Waters if I'm being real.
"I am... AN IDIOT" followed by him thanking and kissing Missy.
Almost anything in Last Christmas.
Him fighting vikings while playing electric guitar while riding a tank.
He noticing Clara in between the crowd and immediately starting to play Pretty Woman and flirting with her.
He taking over Davros chair because he believes Clara is dead.
He deciding to give Davros regeneration energy.
He trying and failing to explain to Clara his duty of care.
Believing he has to die and being totally chill about it while Clara is in total dread.
Admitting that he is rewriting history for the main objective of saving Clara.
Trying to trick the vikings with a yo-yo.
He realizing the message of his face and saving Lady Me.
Discussing with those two zygorns in the kids playground.
The zygorn speech obviously.
The entire ending of Face The Raven.
Pretty much everything in Heaven Sent and Hell Bent.
He finally getting his turn of entering The Tardis "for the first time".
The entire ending of The Husbands Of River Song.
Trying to erase Bill's mind only to get called out by her and getting tormented by the photos of River and Susan.
He celebrating christmas with Bill and going back in time to take photos of her mom as a christmas present for her.
His handshake with Nardole when Bill finally says that it's bigger on the inside than the outside.
"Nobody is from space. I'm from a planet like everybody else".
Explaining to Bill why he is so unphased by horrible deaths happening in front of his eyes.
He getting cornered in Knock Knock and solving the conflict by solving the villain's relationship with his mother.
Starting a domino effect that would lead to a revolution that would cause the destruction of capitalism.
He saving Missy from being executed and scaring of the executioners.
Reading the veritas.
Calling The Doctor.
His propagandist pro-monk broadcast.
"Hidden amongst 7 billion there's someone like you".
All of his scenes with Missy tbh.
He eating with Bill while they sit on a bench as he explains why he cares about Missy so much.
The Doctor Falls speech of course.
His final stand against the Cybermen.
He finally remembering Clara.
"Doctor, I let you go".
These are just some of my favorite moments but I didn't want to name every single one because I didn't want to be here all day so these are just the ones that came to my mind.
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handsmotif · 6 months
what even is the plot of princess tutu? <- (your posting has intrigued me)
HEHE well buckle up this is going to be a long post.
so. there’s this creepy old dead guy named drosselmeyer and every story he wrote came true. he died in the middle of writing a story about a prince battling a monster raven, so the story had come to a halt.
now, the one big thing to know about drosselmeyer is that he LOVES tragedy, and that’s all he ever wrote. the town this takes place in is entirely infused with stories and fairytales because of him
in the story of the prince and the raven, the prince used dark magic to shatter his own heart and seal the raven away, leaving him emotionless. now the shards of his heart are scattered around town, basically possessing people and making them only feel whatever emotion they represent to an extreme.
it’s princess tutu’s job to find the lost heart shards and return them to the prince.
but the reason the story has been halted for so long is because well. nobody wanted to be princess tutu! she is in love with the prince but she’s doomed to turn into a speck of light and vanish whenever she tells him so.
and that’s where our man character comes in! princess tutu is actually a girl named duck (or ahiru which still means duck if you’re watching the japanese version) and that girl named duck is actually. just an actual duck! who saw the prince and fell in love with him, wishing more than anything to see him not look so sad and lonely.
drosselmeyer takes this opportunity to give the duck a pendant that gives her the ability to transform into a human girl and then into princess tutu, and thus the story is finally set into motion.
the other characters of note here are:
mytho, the prince from the story. even without his heart, he never lost his kindness and his want to save others
fakir, the reincarnation of the prince’s knight from the story who died before ever landing a single blow on the raven. he’s very protective of mytho and generally very much an asshole
rue, mytho’s girlfriend and the raven’s daughter. i have simply too much to say about her than i have time to put here
the four of them all attend an academy to learn ballet.
anyway ummm so princess tutu starts returning mytho’s heart shards, and he gradually starts to feel things again. rue and fakir do not like this because they both have their own reasons to leave mytho emotionless.
drosselmeyer appears to duck every once in a while to “help” her along, attempting to lead the story down a path of tragedy. because that’s all he wants.
there’s a LOT of meta storytelling in this, as you can probably guess!
the characters (mainly duck, rue, mytho, and fakir) are all over the place on whether they want to follow the narrative or break free of it.
i don’t think i can say too much else abt the plot without spoiling things so there you go lol
also, each episode is based off a different ballet or fairytale (and combines elements of the ugly duckling, swan lake, and the original the little mermaid into duck’s character) and i think all of the music is taken from those ballets which i think is really cool!
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Curse of Strahdanya -- THE TITLE OF THE EP.
EXTRA CONTENT: . ILLUSTRATION (🦇) . COMIC (💀) . VIDEO / ANIMATIC (🌹) . SHITPOST (🔥) If emojis are fuss together it's the two things ---> example: (🔥 / 🦇 ) SHITPOST AND ILLUSTRATION. If it's surrender by stars (⭐) it means it's an official LOA short that I was commissioned to animate.
We might not know where we're going, but at less the light will guide us.
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"I'm sure the guide won't try to sell us his religion for the rest of the expedition" (💀 / 🔥) I can't even ask for a timeout, it will only make it worse. (🌹) Ah yes, the unknown warrior who appeared out of nowhere with a sword at hand is friend-shaped (🌹/🔥)
"I see the fire inside of you, Shepherd. Now be bathed in fire, ALL OF YOU. " (🦇) He was NOT A FAIRY, WHAT'S THAT? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? SARNAX I SWEAR TO- (🔥/💀)
A raven's nest, a warm one. (🦇)
Summer days (🦇)
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This 13th feels very 31st if you ask me, because it feels like the end of me. (🔥) Put the witch hunters in the carriage and nobody gets hurt (🔥)
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Give me your eyes, and I shall light the way (🦇) War paint* (🦇/🔥) ⭐The horrors (the clowns) keep following me home (Curse of Strahdanya) (🌹/🔥) ⭐ How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old fey? (💀/🔥) ---> ft. 🥀🥀 EDGE OF MIDNIGHT🥀🥀 Curse of the Nitghborne. (💀 / 🔥/🌹) ---> ft. 🥀🥀 EDGE OF MIDNIGHT🥀🥀 Some more curses for the curse collector (🔥) Things that would kill a Victorian child: Victoria Isaacs (🦇) Advertising these days is getting weirder and weirder (🌹/🔥) The Drakkar Trail I SECRET MISSION EP 3 I (🌹) ---> ft. 💠💠ICEBOUND💠💠 Kith and kin. /Aromantic week 2024/ (💀) ---->ft. 🪻🪻BENEATH DARK WINGS🪻🪻 ---->ft.🌼🌼ONCE UPON A WITCHLIGHT 🌼🌼 ---> ft. 💠💠ICEBOUND💠💠 ---> ft. 🥀🥀 EDGE OF MIDNIGHT🥀🥀 ---> ft.✨✨STARDUST RHAPSODY ✨✨ ---> ft. 🌻🌻PRIME 🌻🌻 A yes the Strahd, the Strad, the Strdad, the Starh, the- (🔥) ⭐Save a horse, and the cowboy, mostly the cowboy (🌹/🔥) ⭐ Hand in unlovable hand (🦇) R.I.P to the COS gang they could have loved "La Revetlla de Sant Joan" (🔥) Sarnax's lamp spinning around like a microwave. (🔥) The sword between the hand and the wall (🦇) "Hell, I don't go anywhere without Sarnax, you stick the two funny-looking guys together and we just do our thing." (💀 / 🔥/🦇) ---> Ja ja ja, college life (dies) (🔥) The water that made the blade(🦇) An invitation for a midnight snack I PART 1 I (💀 / 🔥) ---> ft. 🥀🥀 EDGE OF MIDNIGHT🥀🥀 An invitation for a midnight snack I PART 2 I (💀 / 🔥) ---> ft. 🥀🥀 EDGE OF MIDNIGHT🥀🥀 An invitation for a midnight snack I PART 3 I (💀 / 🔥) ---> ft. 🥀🥀 EDGE OF MIDNIGHT🥀🥀 An invitation for a midnight snack I PART 4 I (💀 / 🔥) ---> ft. 🥀🥀 EDGE OF MIDNIGHT🥀🥀 An invitation for a midnight snack I PART 5 I (💀 / 🔥) ---> ft. 🥀🥀 EDGE OF MIDNIGHT🥀🥀 The shepherd to a herd, the herd to a shepherd (💀/🦇) WhAATT MURRhhhhDDeeerrrrR?¿??!!!¡¡¡ (🔥) Putting the GEN into the CON (🦇) Flame without wax. (🦇) THE WAGON AT THE END OF THE ROAD (🔥 / 💀) ---> ft. 🌼ONCE UPON A WITCHLIGHT 🌼
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ammy246 · 1 year
Analyzing “Sacrifice” aka Raven Branwen’s Song
“Close your eyes, now time for dreams. Death is never what it seems. Did the things you thought you should. All the things they said were good.”
Raven was there when Summer died, and knows the truth nobody else (aside from Salem) has knowledge of. Summer did what she thought was the way to save everyone, but it did not work as she planned.
“All your faith in ancient ways leaves you trapped inside a maze. Take the lives of those you need. Sow the death then reap the seed. Reap the seed!”
This is referencing to both Ozpin and Salem. Raven views Ozpin’s mission to save Remnant as a suicide mission since every huntsmen/huntsmen is essentially being sent to their death. Salem will kill anyone who stands in her way, and shows no mercy to anyone.
“Born an angel, heaven sent. Falls from grave are never elegant.”
Summer had the power of the God of Light (Silver Eyes) and could essentially be viewed as an angel on Remnant. However, as potentially foreshadowed in Volume8, Salem turned Summer into a Grimm monster after her defeat. ‘When she met mom, She realized she could do something new’ -Ruby. Whether Raven witnessed this or assumed Summer’s fate is unclear.
“Stars will drop out of the sky. The moon will sadly watch the roses die.”
This has two meanings 1) The God of Darkness shattered the moon and Salem ‘died’ from meteors. The roses could resemble the previous humans of Remnant who perished. 2) The moon resembles Raven, the roses Summer, and this states how whatever happened to Summer traumatized her.
“In vain. Lost, no gain. But, you’re not taking me!”
The mission failed. Salem lived, and Summer perished. However, Raven clearly did not die that day, and most likely used her semblance to flee before meeting her own end.
“You can’t have my life. I’m not your sacrifice. You can try, but I’m free, and you won’t conquer me. I won’t crawl, most of all, I won’t fall for you!”
Raven ultimately decided to give up on fighting Salem for good, and decided to focus on fighting for the survival of herself and her tribe above everyone and everything else. She refused to be another casualty of Ozpin’s suicide mission, even if it meant having to abandon her own family.
“Show them gods and deities, blind and keep the people on their knees.”
The Branwen Tribe is ruthless, and will hurt as many people as necessary to ensure their own survival. Raven views this as defying the gods, since Ozpin and Salem are essentially their creations raging war on each other.
 “Pierce the sky, escape your fate. The more you try, the more you breed hate.”
Raven believes she is doing this for the greater good. However, her family now despises her, and views her as the enemy.
“And lies. Truth will rise. Revealed by mirrored eyes.”
Raven hid the truth for years, but ultimately Ruby discovered Raven and Summer’s mission while in the Ever After. This will most likely lead to Ruby/Yang/Qrow confronting her later down the line to get answers.
“What if all the plans you made were not worth the price you paid? Even with the lives you stole, still no closer to your goal.”
This is Raven reflecting on everything she has done to survive. Especially after Yang confronted her, she is now starting to doubt whether everything she had done in the end was worth it. She may be alive, but she is not happy, because all those that she cared about either are dead or they hate her.
“You can’t have my life. I’m not your sacrifice. You can try, but I’m free. I won’t crawl, most of all, I won’t fall for you.”
Despite all the doubt she has had in recent time, Raven still has not given up. She will survive where Summer failed to, and stay out of Ozpin’s war. Whether she succeeds in this endeavor in the long-run remains to be seen. She is the Spring Maiden, which puts a target on her back she cannot erase, after all.
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It was dark
Pairing: TVA!Loki x Fem!You
Warnings: smut, graphic descriptions of smut, angst, fluff, TVA AU, and probably some plot holes (sorry!)
Word count: 1930
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It was dark and I was over
Until you kissed my lips and you saved me
Adele- 'Set fire to the rain'
Loki was sitting on the floor, in the darkest corner of the TVA’s archives room. His back was against the shelves while he saw the darkness consuming him from the inside. There was no glorious purpose, no lie, no trick. There was nothing left for him. Even if he were to steal one of those TemPads and go to the time where he wanted, he couldn’t prevent it. His beloved Mother would still die because of him. He was a monster. There was no way around it.
He felt a presence in front of him. Even when he didn’t want to talk to anybody, he didn’t have the time to hide elsewhere. Besides, his magic didn’t work in this idiotic place. He looked up to find you looking at him, pity clear in your eyes. You were wearing your TVA uniform, the same button-up white shirt as him, the brown tie and skirt up your knees. He tried to hide his teary eyes, but you were able to see through him as nobody else had before.
“What are you doing here, Ophelia?” Loki asked you, hating the way his voice betrayed him and broke at the end of the syllables.
“I was looking for you and I knew you’d be here, where nobody would find you,” You answered him while bending down so you’d be able to look into his green eyes.
“If you knew that I didn’t want to be with anybody, then, why are you following me like a dog?” Loki didn’t know why he was always hostile to you. He also didn’t know why you always treated him so well.
“Because even the most stubborn of dogs deserve some love and patience,” You smiled adoringly at him. Loki rolled his eyes.
“Ophelia, I want to be left alone,” Loki insisted even when he wanted nothing less than to be embraced by your arms. You are not a boy anymore, Loki bitterly reminded himself.
“No, you don’t.”
You sat down next to him on the floor, not caring at all that your pencil skirt pulled up revealing your thighs. You passed one of your arms through his broad shoulders and put his head on your chest, so he could hear your heart beating calmly. He resisted at the beginning, grunting and trying to force his way out of your embrace, but he finally gave up. You caressed his raven curls with one hand as the other caressed his arm. You wanted nothing more than to love him and cherish him and that was going to be your mission for the rest of your life. You felt some tears falling in your white shirt and you kissed his hair.
“You aren’t weak for crying, you aren’t weak for feeling, you aren’t weak,” You whispered while leaving soft kisses on his hair.
Loki babbled incoherently between his sobs, passing one of his arms through your stomach to hug you tight against his body. It broke your heart to see him like this, but at the same time, you knew he had to let it all out. So you kept hugging him and peppering kisses all over his hair and the parts of his face you could reach. He shook in your arms as his crying became stronger, but you didn’t let go of him. Loki didn’t show this side of him to anyone, not even Mobius and he was his first real friend. But you gave him no choice. You would track him down until the end of the universe if it was necessary. 
After some agonising time, he calmed down little by little. Loki entertained himself by playing with the hem of your shirt so he focused on that instead of the darkness inside him. As you felt him calm down, you put two of your fingers below his chin and pushed so he ended up looking at you. You smiled adoringly at him while Loki looked at you confused. You caressed his cheek lightly before you joined your lips in a sweet peck. You carried on caressing his black curly hair while you moved your lips slowly on his. It was clear that you took him by surprise but after that initial moment, he kissed you back softly. His lips moved on yours completely in synchronization and you couldn’t help a little moan escaping from your mouth. Just by feeling him so close to you. However, you needed him closer. You licked his lower lip while still caressing his cheek and hair and he opened his mouth to let you do what you wanted. You caressed his tongue with yours and electricity ran through both your bodies.
“I-it’s the first time we kiss, right?” Loki asked, unsure, moving back just a little to look at you in your eyes. You nodded, smiling sweetly at him while you continued your caressing. “Then, why do I have the feeling that I have already experienced this?” Loki was enjoying himself, but he couldn’t turn off his brain. No matter how much he wanted to.
“You are always so analytical, my precious prince,” You couldn’t help using that term of endearment which confused Loki even more. “Why don’t you try switching off your brain for a little while? Just…just let go and feel me.”
You ran your hand through his hair, massaging his scalp and Loki couldn’t help grunting in pleasure. How did you know what he liked? It was a mystery to him but he wasn’t going to complain. You smiled a little and then just joined your lips in a heated kiss. Loki’s hand was still on your waist but this time he passed it below your shirt, feeling your bare skin. You shivered but didn’t slow down your kissing. As both your tongues battled for dominance you put your hands to good use and untied his tie. Loki did the same with yours, and he cursed in his mind for not being able to just undress you with his magic. Even though he was confused as to why this felt familiar when it was the first time you two did something of the sort, his blood started to run down to his cock and, adding your wonderful hands and body to the combo, it all helped a lot to shut his brain for a while. You continued to unbutton his shirt while caressing his skin in the process as you straddled him. Loki’s hands travelled to your legs, pulling up your brown pencil skirt as he caressed the back of your thighs. As much as you would want to see his pale skin completely undressed, you knew it wasn’t the place or the time. You started to grind your hips against his, feeling his hardening cock against your clothed core, making you both moan in unison. 
Loki decided that he had let you take control of the situation for far too long, so he quickly stood up taking you with him until your back was glued to the wall. He left your lips to kiss and bite your neck leaving ownership marks on it. You tilted your head back to give him better access, moaning with pleasure his name every time his teeth touched your skin. 
My possessive prince, they will never understand how deep down our love runs, you thought while scratching his back through his shirt.
Loki grunted in pleasure as he pulled up your skirt until it was on your waist, your black laced panties exposed. You took the chance and unbuttoned his trousers and pulled down its zipper to free his cock. Loki was hard and leaking precum and you couldn’t wait any longer. 
“Please, my love, take me, right now, I beg you,” You implored him and Loki grunted just by hearing you.
You knew how much he loved it when you begged him. Loki didn’t know how you knew so much about him, but he wasn’t in the right mind to think about that. He pulled your panties to the side and thrust inside you with full force, making you moan his name so high that all the multiverses would probably hear you. You have missed him so much and it was killing you not to tell him the truth, but the Norns had decided this was your fate. Loki was fucking you senseless, thrusting into you with full force, almost breaking the wall behind you and you couldn’t find enough air or voice to moan his name. Loki moaned your name in the crook of your neck as well, but as he was repeating it, something felt wrong. It wasn’t that he wasn’t enjoying it: your cunt felt so tight around his cock that he was going insane with pleasure. But there was something with your name he couldn’t quite pinpoint. He just kept moaning instead of thinking. He was hedonistic and he concentrated on the wonderful feeling of thrusting inside you. He reached between your bodies and rubbed your clit with his thumb watching your every reaction. You put on a show for him because you knew how much he liked it and boasted his ego. You felt your climax approaching fast and Loki felt your walls tightening incredibly on his cock. You cum hard and he followed right after you, filling you up with his seed.
“Tell me you can feel me, my love,” You pleaded in between your hard breathings. Now that he was coming down from his pleasure, his clouded mind started to think a little harder.
“Ophelia…” he whispered while watching you directly into your eyes. You could see the confusion in his green eyes and even though you couldn’t tell him anything, technically you could lead him, right?
“Try harder, love…just a little more, I promise,” You caressed his cheek while his brow furrowed in concentration.
“You…Ophelia…you aren’t…what is happening?” Loki’s mind was swirling with so many different thoughts. Usually, he wouldn’t have any problems differentiating them. His mind was used to thinking fast and differently, but this wasn’t as usual. Something was clouding his mind and he couldn’t get through it. “You are my wife,” He said before his mind has processed it. He was surprised at his own words, but everything was clearing up little by little. You felt tears down your cheeks as you hugged him with happiness.
“Yes. I’m yours, my prince,” You sobbed against his neck. There was just something else. Just a little thing.
“Sigyn,” Loki whispered surprised as he looked at you. You smiled and showed him your true form. “Why?”
“The Allfather erased your memory, darling. He said that you wouldn’t remember me, but I knew you would. I have always and will always trust you, my love,” Loki rested his forehead on yours. It was typical of his adoptive father to do something like that.
“How did you use your magic here? It doesn’t work on the TVA,” Loki asked confused as he let you stand on your feet as he rearranged his clothing. You shook your head while magically cleaning you both.
“It does. If it didn’t work, why aren’t you blue with markings, my love?” Loki was even more confused than before. You sighed. “There are a lot of things you need to know, my beautiful prince. Forgive me for wanting my husband all to myself for a while before explaining,” You apologised as you blushed. Loki didn’t understand but a chuckle escaped his lips.
“It is quite alright, dear. We can always do both, right?” You beamed at him, hugging him and kissing him.
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Find the Word Tag
Thanks @lynnedwardswrites for the tag! I'll leave an open tag for peeps since I'm feeling particularly lazy today~
My words were: combination, employer, error, mom, intention
Your words can be: photo, pain, edge, mark, noise
Snippets below the cut!
From The Changeling and the Dragon, which is Book 2 in Echoes of the Void, slated for publication July 2023. This scene is from Qavan's POV, and naudin is a shameless copy of buck euchre.
"So you… count?" Sersha asked Esva. The dragon nodded vigorously while I leaned forward on my knees. "All the different ways you can get points! If you miss some, we can take them as forfeits, which means you have to do something silly we tell you afterwards." "I have to do what you tell me already," Sersha said, with what sounded like great amusement. "So that does not seem like much of a forfeit." "Since Sersha doesn't know how to play yet, let's only count forfeits, yes?" I said, smiling at Esva. "We want her to actually enjoy naudin." "A kindness, surely," Sersha murmured, as she examined the sheet of paper that held the various card combinations and their scores.
I don't have this one - too modern of a word, I suppose... I had to dig deep to even find a near-match. This pulled from Sacrificed to the Goddess, the first in my draft reverse harem monster romance. Who knows when this'll ever see the light of day!!
He squeezed my hands. "Will you write to me? My battalion leaves in a week for the Eighth Sword, and I want to hear all about your adventures while I'm on the next tour. Well," he added, looking thoughtful. "Perhaps not all of them. Spare your father from the details of your bedroom, please." Laughter burst out of me, startled into flight from the joy heating my chest. "I won't give you any sordid details," I assured him, an irrepressible smile starting to spread across my face. "But could I… I mean, would you like to meet Arellath? My--my lover." "That handsome daemon hetaira you've had by your side this past month?" I nodded, feeling shy. I'd never been in a position to introduce a man to my father before, and Arellath was everything he would have frowned on before: non-human, promiscuous, and without honorable employment. I'd always agreed with such assessments, wanting children, loyalty, and security, but my life was so much different now. The things I needed from a partner had changed the moment the imperial haruspex had chosen me as the Incarnation.
Legitimately couldn't find this one :(
I used "mom" in Captured by the Fae Beast but that's published, so here's another near-miss from the sequel coming out in April, In the Claws of the Raven Prince.
"I haven't made a study of it, but I know it happens from time to time. All the soulmate pairings I know of are fae and fae, though, save for you, and I really only know one pair personally. They're in a harmonized familial relationship, mother and daughter." Ulahana gave me another very sharp smile. "Given the circumstances, I doubt that's where you'll land." That made me laugh out loud, enough that I got a couple glances in our direction. "Oh?" I asked, trying and failing to sound innocently curious. "You don't think the Chimera wants me to be his Momma?" Ulahana snickered, her eyes dancing with amusement. "He's young, but I suspect it's in the way of a young buck and not a fawn," she said. "His actions in the past few years have been quite… aggressive. Nobody thought much of the youngest Raven Prince until he turned himself into a chimera, built the Furies, and started turning the tide of the war." I choked on my whiskey, sputtering at that. "The Raven Prince?!"
A fun one, from The Serpent's Bride, the first half of a duology I'm dabbling at. I love Talazen.
My serpent husband barked out a harsh laugh. "Do you honestly think I eat breakfast?" "If you have any intention of claiming your position, you'll pretend to it," I said, eyeing him. "Even if you swallow waterbuck whole before sleeping for days, people are inclined to cling to the familiar. The less strange you behave, the easier it will be." Talazen moved again, sudden and as swift as a striking viper. Before I could so much as jerk away, he loomed over me, gripping me by the chin and staring down into my face with all the anger of the night before twisting his face again, his void-black eyes fierce. "Do you think I care about easy, princssessss?" he said, hissing so much on the last word that I could barely make it out. His breath smelled oddly of spices, like the desert breeze sweeping through the markets. "I never intended to become a prince."
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talkintomytv · 1 year
Finally checked out the 2019 Dark Phoenix movie! I actually had more fun with this one than I thought I would! I really liked how everyone was using their abilities in action. The music was incredible and It is always a delight to watch Charles and Erik doing whatever.
Is it just me though or was this "Everyone be a Jerk to Charles," The movie? Sure he was super prideful of his accomplishments this round but thats all he was.
Raven, in the previous film, said to the former students "You're not kids anymore your X-Men!" Then in Dark Phoenix, she snaps at Charles saying "You put those kids in danger!" When he wasn't willing to leave one of the humans behind. She said things to him like "We're risking our people to save theirs!" Or "I can't actually remember when you were the one risking something," Which is so wild to me because Charles always said that people with power should protect the people without. He's even used Apocalypse to broadcast that sentiment to the world and The X-Men are literally a team who have chosen to train their abilities specifically so they can be the ones to stand in between the people and the danger. And Raven really can't remember the last time Charles sacrificed anything? There's a major clue sitting right in front of her.
Then everyone started treating Charles like a monster for placing psychic barriers around Jean's memories like he isn't the kind of person who would help her train with her abilities until she was proficient enough and wouldn't be a danger to lower them. Hank had the nerve to say "You messed with the mind of an 8-year-old girl and you still can't see what you did wrong!" She was an 8-year-old girl whose tantrums have the power to atomize people! His method to help her control her powers was solid! Then all that space stuff obliterated the barriers in her mind all at once which was nobody's fault! Like Hank was saying "Just say you were wrong! You can't even say it can you?" for messing with the mind of an 8-year-old but then thinks it totally okay to track down Jean with Erik so they can put her down for good. The hypocrite! She's only 20! Then Charles still apologizes to them for his behavior. Like at most the worst thing he did was lie to Jean about her past when she started asking but she was also doped up on space junk so it's not that weird that Charles would be thinking "Perhaps now is not the time to be talking about this," We don't see Hank apologizing for trying to have Jean killed.
Yeesh! Then don't even get me started on Jean using her telekinetic abilities to make Charles, A paralyzed man, walk like a puppet. And even after that humiliation, and killing of his foster sister, causing enough public displays of destruction to fan the fear of mutants even further he's still like You are loved! Come home! You are not lost there is still hope! We can still fix this!
Then he even gives up the school! The only thing he has left that he loves the most. So everyone can feel safe from him. What do they need protection from? His overwhelming empathy and heightened perception that guides them all to the people who need help the most?
Wild. He's not a perfect being and I know he's had troublesome behaviors throughout comics over the years but Fox's depiction of the character across 12 er so films has only ever been that of a kind man and I love him!
It was a Fun movie! I'll probably watch it again sometime but I am genuinely sad this is where they chose to end it for these iterations of the characters. It seems like Charles never really had any major feats of his own and they only ever beat him up and put him through the ringer just to show how powerful someone else is. I kind of want to write my own story for Charles and give him a cool and big "superhero saves-the-day" kind of moment. Sprinkle in a bit of Magneto Angst because you can't have one without the other. I'm not too well-versed in all the comic lore so I would just be making it all up from scratch. I wonder if anyone would be into it? I mean that's how all comics came to be in the first place, right? I'm assuming no one has read this post this far in so if you're here Wow! You're really amazing! Thank you for listening! I'm just rambling now. Ah well, I'd be into a story like that! And I'm having so much fun thinking about it so that's reason enough to start one!
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Fan (Rebirth)
This is set in the Rebirth AU, which is the AU in which Taylor Hebert from Worm is reborn as Atalanta, Taren’s twin sister.
X     X     X
“That has to count as an abuse of power,” Atalanta drawled.
Aquila opened one eye. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Really?” Atalanta scoffed. “You’re having a bunch of your crows fanning you with their wings, so you don’t have to worry about overheating in the middle of summer.”
“I’ll have you know that they enjoy fanning me,” Aquila replied haughtily. “And not all of us are lucky enough to have a wife who happens to be an air conditioner. Besides, it’s a training exercise to help strengthen their wings. The fact that I happen to benefit from it is merely a happy coincidence.”
Atalanta stared. “I can’t believe you can say that with a straight face.”
“I can’t believe you haven’t used your Semblance to make me an air conditioner of some kind.” Aquila put one hand on her forehead and pretended to swoon. “Here I am dying of heat exhaustion, and you won’t lift a finger to help me. Surely, you have some construct that can do something.” She glanced to the side at Beaky. “Elsa would do something, wouldn’t she?”
The crow cawed his agreement. Elsa would never let her wife endure the scorching summer heat.
“Oh, that’s a lie and you know it. Elsa would totally let Averia suffer a little bit of heat, so she could watch her sweat.” Atalanta’s nose wrinkled. “Besides, Averia doesn’t have to feel the heat if she doesn’t want to. Saviour bullshit, and all that.”
“I notice that you haven’t answered my question,” Aquila said. “Do you have a construct that can provide air conditioning?”
Beaky cawed again. Clearly, Atalanta was hoarding the construct for herself. Ah, what a selfish woman Aquila had married. Truly, Atalanta was a monster in need of a good pecking by some faithful crows and ravens.
“Oh, be quiet,” Atalanta said to Beaky. “And I suppose I do have something...”
Aquila pretended to swoon again. “I’m on the verge of death. Surely, only my wife’s awesome Semblance can save me.”
“...” Atalanta sighed and thrust her arm out to the side. A perfect sphere of ice appeared. It quivered before turning into a trapezohedron that radiated cold. “There.”
“Was that so hard?” Aquila grinned up at Atalanta. “Not all of us can share your hardy constitution.”
“I suppose.” Atalanta was more resistant to things like heat and cold than most people, even other hunters due to her mom’s genes. Sure, she couldn’t just regrow her head like Diana, but summer heat also didn’t bother her. “You really are a tyrant, you know.”
“Perhaps I am.” Aquila’s grin widened. “You know what they say. People do tend to marry partners that resemble their parents in some ways.”
“...” Atalanta made a face. “Please, never say that again.”
“In fairness, it’s not a sibling joke,” Aquila pointed out. “And my tyranny doesn’t get anywhere close to your mother’s.”
“I guess...” Atalanta sat down beside Aquila. Beaky gave her a glare but eventually settled for just perching on her head. One of the nicer crows, a young fellow who’d only just started going on patrol, hopped into her lap. She rewarded him with a nice belly scratch. “You know, the air conditioning is going to cost you.”
“Alas,” Aquila cried. “I have no money. However shall I repay you?”
Atalanta snickered. “Aquila, your wallet is sticking out of your pocket.” The other woman promptly threw it across the room, and one of her crows settled on top of it before looking around shiftily and then hiding it with her wings. “But I can think of a few ways you can repay me...”
Beaky cawed. As much as he thought Atalanta was a git, a chick to look after would be nice.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Atalanta grumbled. “Knowing you, you’d try to turn any kids we have against me.”
Beaky snickered evilly. Of course, he would.
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
To the surprise of nobody, Beaky and Fluffy actually get along fairly well.
The construct Taylor has here is made using some of Elsa’s ice as a catalyst. As with any construct made using materials from another person’s Semblance, it’s not nearly as powerful as the original, but it’s handy to have. It’s basically there because it can control and generate ice to some degree. It’s enough to be considered a B-Tier threat on its own.
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wyrmalien · 11 months
oh yeah
list of horror movies i made like a week ago and then forgot about. because i was mad that everyone watches the same ones over and over. so these are some less-talked about movies that I enjoy
full list under cut! some of these movies are really good, and some of them are really bad. all of them are things i watch on a semi-annual basis for the halloween season or just for fun. movies are listed in chronological order (1958 - 1988) with brief descriptions or facts i know. if youve seen something on here, let me know what you thought of it!
author's picks:
The Blob (1958) ; The Raven (1963) ; The Haunting (1963) ; The House That Dripped Blood (1972) ; Penda's Fen (1974) ; House (1977) ; The Company of Wolves (1985) ; Bad Dreams (1988)
this is a CONDENSED version of what i could just think of in the moment and is primarily movies from the 1960s. maybe ill add more when i have the time
The Blob (1958) [sci-fi horror] - theres a blob terrorising some late 50s teenagers. slow beginning but has some really cool practical effects for the blob and the best opening song ever. if you just want to hear the song look up "the blob" by the five blobs. blob doesnt look like a word anymore
13 Ghosts (1960) [haunted house]- a family moves into a haunted house, but inherits special goggles that allow them to see the ghosts. theatregoers themselves would receive coloured cellophane glasses and be instructed to put them on during the ghost scenes, where the film would switch into 2 different colours--actors and the sets overlayed with blue, while the ghosts would be overlayed in red. the different ghost stories are neat and the 13th ghost reveal is very cool. will make you very angry at the pronunciation of "ouija" (as in the board) for the rest of your life if you know how "j" is pronounced in german
The Little Shop of Horrors (1960) [horror/comedy] - NOT the musical (though that is very good), but the movie the musical was based on! slightly different in some aspects. i think all of the available copies of this are really low quality but still a fun watch
The House of Usher (1960) [gothic horror] - The Fall of the House of Usher adaptation starring Vincent Price. shot in 15 days with 1/3rd of the total budget going to Price. very cool sets
The Raven (1963) [gothic horror/comedy] - starring Vincent Price and Boris Karloff, expands upon The Raven poem. a very funny movie + theres wizards :)
The Comedy of Terrors (1963) [horror/comedy] - starring Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff, and Basil Rathbone. follows two undertakers (Price and Lorre) trying to save money with their failing funeral home and dealing with their landlord. nobody in this movie is a good person
The Haunting (1963) [haunted house]- adaptation of Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House. this house is alive and loves you soooooo much <3 you cant leave, and you wont want to <3
The Day of the Triffids (1963) [sci-fi horror] - fucked up alien plants. all i have to say about it, really
Dr. Terror's House of Horrors (1965) [horror anthology]- despite the name, this anthology series is based on a train. the 'house of horrors' of the title is actually what Peter Cushing's character calls his deck of Tarot cards. 5 passengers draw a card from the deck and 5 stories are told, each unique in genre
The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966) [haunted house/comedy] - starring Don Knotts, who plays a wanna-be-reporter investigating a local fucked up haunted house. the reason i love chicken noodle soup
Mad Monster Party? (1967) [stop-motion musical comedy] - Rankin-Bass' lesser-known stop-motion holiday special. a really cute movie with a fun twist at the end, nothing incredible but very enjoyable
The Dunwich Horror (1970) [supernatural horror] - very very lose adaptation of HP Lovecraft's story by the same name, and largely considered the first successful adaptation of Lovecraft on screen. psychedelic as hell. a good time with friends
Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (1970) [folk horror/Czechoslovak new age] - A Czechoslovak surrealist fantasy horror based on the 1935 novel of the same name. a very beautiful, dream-like film that deals in a lot of symbolism. the film is concerned with the troubles maturing girls face, including scenes of sexual harassment, which some viewers may find uncomfortable to watch
Willard (1971) [no idea] - a social misfit befriends rats, which he uses to kill a guy. yeah. a good time
The House that Dripped Blood (1971) [horror anthology] - what i thought everyone was talking about instead of the mountain goats. 4 stories that take place in the same fucked up house, each originally written and then scripted by Robert Bloch. each story is its own genre, but all are implied to have occurred due to some effect of the house itself. Jon Pertwee from doctor who is there, as are Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing
Ben (1973) - the sequel to Willard (1971), where a boy befriends the rat leader of the pack from Willard
Penda's Fen (1974) [folk horror] - a young boy comes to terms with his sexuality while experiencing divine visions of both Christian and pagan nature. very rich in symbolism with incredible commentary on capitalism and pollution. if you watch any movie on this list, make it this one.
House (1977) [architectural horror/comedy] - a schoolgirl and her six friends travel to her ailing aunt's country home, where the house eats them one by one. an experimental Japanese film shot without a storyboard over a period of 2 months, inspired by Jaws. fucked up house <333
The Company of Wolves (1984) [gothic fantasy/horror] - this is a more popular one but it's very good. very very artsy and dream-like, shows of several different werewolf stories with unique transformation styles and super awesome practical effects. great movie for lovers of werewolves and wet practical effects
Bad Dreams (1988) [supernatural mystery/slasher] - a girl involved in a cult group during the 70s survives the cult's mass suicide and goes into a coma, before waking up in the late 1980s. she has visions of the cult leader as her friends seemingly die from suicide. the twist for this confused me at first and motivations are not at all made clear, but theres lots of blood and Bruce Abbott is there. less ableist than you would expect from an 80s horror movie set in a hospital
Transylvania 6-5000 (1985) [horror/comedy] - kind of like Rocky Horror Picture Show but without the musical aspect. two tabloid reporters travel to Transylvania to discover the truth about supposed Frankenstein's Monster sightings, encountering horror movie staples (a mummy, a vampire, a werewolf) along the way, each with a twist
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topazy · 2 years
What we found
Pairings: John Murphy x reader × Emori
Warnings: Minor violence
Chapter: 4.04
You sighed, brushing your fingers across your bruised arm. The needle marks seemed to be getting bigger each time.
When Abby said she needed blood, you’d underestimated how much. You’d lost count of how much she’d taken. You always feel weak and tired afterwards.
Another thing you hadn’t expected was to feel so lonely. Aside from having your blood taken, nobody really spoke to you except for Emori and Murphy, but you didn’t take it personally because you knew Skaikru were busy trying to save all of their people, but it didn’t stop you from feeling like an outsider. Talking to Emori made you feel normal; she didn’t just view you as a natblida.
“I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!”
Hearing Raven yell, you ran towards where the rocket was. You were expecting to see her hurt, but instead she was beating Murphy. You jumped in between them and held Raven back while humming a tune in Trigedasleng.
Raven calmed down and went back to testing out the simulator for launching and landing the rocket.
You let out a sigh before turning to face Murphy, who still looked like he was in shock from being hit, “She'll be all right. Will you?”
He shrugged your question off, “Congratulations. You're the new Raven-sitter.”
A couple of hours had passed, and Raven hadn’t stopped working once. Your eyes felt heavy as you sat leaning against the wall. You looked up and heard footsteps approaching. It was Murphy.
“Well, in case you haven't realized, Raven hates my guts,” he grumbled before sitting down beside you.
“Why?” You ask curiously.
“You know that little limp she's got? Yeah, that was me.”
“Was it an accident?” He nodded. “I don't think she hates you for that as much as you hate yourself.”
Murphy tutted, “Why do you care about any of this? You're the miracle, right? You're gonna live through the radiation either way?”
“I know… But I don't want to be the last person on Earth.”
“Really? Why? Because that kind of sounds nice to me.”
You roll your eyes at his comment, “you don’t mean that.”
“You don’t know me very well.”
You chew on your bottom lip. He was right. You didn’t know him that well. “True, but I also know you care about Emori.”
Murphy’s eyes bore into yours. “Why did you really volunteer to give blood? And don’t say it's because you didn’t want to be the last person on earth.”
“I was raised to be a killer,” you sighed, looking down at the ground. “Being born with black blood is nothing but a curse. From the day you can walk, you are trained to be a fighter, a killer. A monster. I didn’t want to kill anymore, so Luna helped me escape. I owe her my life.”
“Fighters are the only survivors.”
Becca’s lab was made up of six different levels, including a radiation chamber, that was unlike anything you’d ever seen before, but Becca’s mansion truly amazed you. After spending the last few years sleeping in trees or in caves. Warm, clean bedding was something you never thought you’d experience.
You brushed strands of freshly washed hair out of your face while walking into the kitchen. You smiled watching Murphy singing to himself while cooking.
“What?” He asked, noticing you staring.
“Nothing,” you lied.
“Quit staring. It’s creeping me out.”
You laughed, “you just look happy, that’s all.”
Before he could respond, Emori and Clarke entered the kitchen. Clarke looked at Murphy up and down, “You can cook? You can read.”
“Yeah, I know what you're thinking, Clarke. Why are all the good ones taken, right?”
“A good randzi is rare. Murphy would be celebrated by any clan.” Emori smirked at your comment.
“Yeah,” Clarke says sarcastically. “He’s a real catch.”
When Clarke excused herself to go for a shower, Emori’s demeanour changed. “We're getting out of here.”
“What? Why?” Murphy asked, confused.
“I'll explain on the way to the bunker.”
You argued, “You guys can’t go. The acid rain has started. You’ll burn.”
Emori started filling her bag with tins of food from the cabinet. “I'm going to burn anyway. They're gonna sacrifice someone to test Nightblood. Who do you think that's gonna be, huh? Clarke? Raven?” She shook her head. “I'm the outsider, the freikdrana.”
You stepped in front of her and held out your hand. “Emori, you need to calm down, and tell us everything.”
“Murphy? Murphy, is that you?”
Hearing Clarke calling, Murphy left you and Emori alone in the kitchen. You whispered, “What did-” you turned to face the window, “Did you hear that?”
You let out a squeal when a man grabbed you by the hair and threw you into the wall. When he grabbed Emori, you reached for his ankle, causing him to kick you in the face. Murphy ran into the room and pulled the man off of her.
Clarke ran to Emori’s side and asks, “Are you okay? Can you stand?”
The blonde quickly ushered Emori out of the room to tend to any wounds that she had, while Murphy tied the man to a chair.
His jaw clenched as he watched you stand back up, pinching your nose. “You good?”
“I’ll be-”
You stopped talking when your eyes landed on the face of the grounder who had attacked your behind.
You knew him.
An unsettling feeling stirs inside you. Not only was your blood being used on whatever poor soul who ended up inside the radiation chamber, but the grounder who was currently inside wasn’t who the others thought he was.
Emori said the man’s name was Baylis, and he was responsible for hurting her and her brother.
The man lying inside the chamber was nothing more than a common thief from Polis.
You approached Murphy and Emori as they leaned against the banister, watching as Abby and Jackson turned the radiation chamber on.
“I hope he survives,” Murphy says quietly.
“Me too.”
“Yeah. Then you can kill him?”
You cleared your throat to alert them to your presence. “Why would she do that? That’s not the man who hurt you.”
“Someone other than me, who is going into that oven.”
You’d never admit it out loud, but you admired her self-preservation. She was ruthless.
“Now that's a survivor's move,” Murphy said, looking impressed.
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starogeorgina · 3 years
I like you
Warnings: None
Pairings: John Murphy/reader
“Okay, this is ridiculous.” You stood up and slammed your chair back.
Since living on the ring small pairings had happened over time, it almost reminded you of being at school on the ark. Echo and Bellamy, Emori and Raven, Harper and Mont, while you were happy for your friends to have somebody to either be great friends with or being in a relationship with, it didn’t help take the sting out of the fact your person was gone. Murphy detached himself from the rest of the group and you were miserable without him.
“I tried yesterday,” Bellamy sighed. “I don’t think he’s coming back.”
“He’s a lost cause.”
You glared at Emori. Murphy was lost, and just needed help. A part of you blamed Emori for Murphy isolating himself from the rest of the group. He could handle the breakup, but the humiliation he felt being the ‘bad guy’ again was too much for him.
“I’m still going to try.”
“Of course you are, you and him have that special bond right?” Emori was glaring at you in return. She had always felt threatened by your relationship with her boyfriend even though it was never anything more than a friendship.
Shaking your head you ignored her question and made your way towards Murphy’s ‘side’ of the ship. He was the only person you’d told what happened when the mountain men and grounders took you, and he told you what Ontari made him do. You both kept each other’s secrets while supporting each other the best you could.
“No! You can just turn back and around and fuc- Y/N?” Murphy came to a halt when he saw you standing there. “It’s been a while.”
“It has, I’m sorry I didn’t come back sooner but I thought you needed some space.”
He scoffed at your comment, “I told you to stay away.”
“And when have I ever listened to you?”
“Good point.”
You stood awkwardly for a moment before walking further into the room. Murphy backed off, “just stay there.”
“Enough is enough John!” You snapped. The mixture of anger and sympathy for your friend was bubbling out at once. “Do you know how hard it is? I’m always worried about you, I’m scared you are going to do something stupid!”
“Well you shouldn’t!” He threw his arms up in defeat, “I should have done everybody a favour and died a long time ago.”
“Please don’t say that…”
“Why? Everybody hates me!” His words and yelling took you by surprise so you said nothing still startled. Murphy let a dark chuckle before turning to leave the room, “that’s what I thought.”
You immediately stepped further into the room, “I like you!”
He stopped in his tracks, “you're just trying to be nice Y/N like always.”
Tears began to fall down your cheek as you suddenly realised that Murphy really believed nobody cared. Seeing you cry made him shift uncomfortably, “just go I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“You’d never hurt me John, we both know that.”
“I ruin everything I touch.”
You stepped closer to him, “that’s not true! And for the record I’ve never hated you, I’ve always liked you from the moment we landed on earth.
“You’ve almost died because of me multiple times,” you could see the tears glistening in his eyes as you slowly made your way towards him. “I shot you and Raven in the drop ship.”
“That was an accident.”
“You tried to murder me.”
“That was different,” you protested. “I was under the influence of A.L.I.E I had no control over my actions.”
Murphy finally stopped staring at the wall and looked at you, “I let Finn massacre that village because I thought they might have taken you.”
You stood frozen on the one spot, Murphy had never shared that information with you before. You didn’t know what to say. “Yeah, so you know I’m a monster. Just like Finn, I should have been killed with him!”
“Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“You're the only person who has always shown me kindness, I didn’t want you to hate me.”
Sure you’ve fallen out a few times over the years but you could never hate him. “You’re my best friend John, I would have done the same thing if I thought it would save you.”
He stared at you blankly, “no your wrong. Nobody is twisted as me. Just go Y/N, I don’t need you.”
Regardless of his words hurting, you ignored his comment. “I fought for your banishment to be lifted, I stood in front of Bellamy when he pointed a gun in your face, I defended what happened in that village to everyone. I took a lashing from Pike because I refused to tell him where your whereabouts. You’ve always saved me John. You have saved my life countless times, and always defended me. So don’t you dare say you don’t need me,” you sobbed. “Because we both need each other.”
Murphy gulped down, “y...you don’t need me. I’m worthless Y/N, and I don’t want to drag you down with me.”
You swung your arms around Murphy's body and held him tightly. At first he tried to resist but then he hugged you back. You stayed like that until he pulled away, “come on I want to show you something.”
You accepted Murphy's hand as he led you to another room you’d never been in before. You gasped entering it because it was the most amazing sight you’d ever seen. “Wow, I get why you’d never want to leave here.”
“Yeah,” Murphy let go of your hand slouched down against the window. “It’s peaceful.”
You stood close as you could to the large window and smiled gazing at all the stars, “thank you for showing me this.”
Murphy shrugged. Rolling your eyes you sat down beside him and leaned your head against his shoulder. You were expecting Murphy to try and move away but instead he pulled you closer, and started to run his fingers through your hair. You sat in a comfortable silence until Murphy finally spoke again, “can I tell you something?”
“Yeah,” you were curious to know what he was about to say. Although he seemed emotionally drained, a hint of a smirk was slowly appearing on Murphy’s face.
“I’ve always liked you too.”
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slythergirlimagines · 4 years
Don’t Call Me Princess Part 1- Zuko x Reader
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Summary: Reader and Zuko can’t stand each other, so when they are forced to share a room, chaos ensues. Lots of angst and fluff! (GIF Not mine!! Please someone tag me in some Zuko gifs I’m struggling to find them) masterlist
  Words: 2,470              Requested: Yes. I combined the requests for enemies to lovers and bedsharing
          Don’t Call Me Princess- Part 1
  You were exhausted. The past three days had been hell for you. The Gaang had gone to try and free a village from Fire Nation occupation, but it hadn’t gone half as smoothly as you’d planned. You’d been kidnapped halfway through, but luckily you were rescued before any harm came to you. It was who rescued you that was the problem.
  Ever since he had switched sides and joined forces with Aang, Prince Zuko had been a thorn in your side. He was moody, antagonistic, and you were always fighting with him. He was so infuriating and always trying to get a rise out of you. Zuko had been the one to save you, and he hadn’t let you forget it.
   “You know if you wanted my attention Princess, you didn’t have to go and get yourself kidnapped. Coulda just said so.” He had smirked when he’d found you. You would’ve decked him if you could’ve, but of course he made sure to mess with you when you were tied up.
   “Get me out of here Zuko.” You’d demanded.
   “I don’t know... I kinda like where you are.” You hated how the look he gave you made your stomach flip. Obviously it was your body trying to vomit.
    “Get. Me. Out.” You had gritted your teeth.
   “Sure thing princess.”
   “Don’t. Call. Me. PRINCESS!” You had shrieked.
   Zuko had called you princess from the moment he joined the team. He was always degrading you like that, and it made you want to throttle him.
   You and Zuko managed to get out safely, and the Gaang freed the village. What should have been a victory for you was tainted by Zuko, who hadn’t shut up about saving you since it happened.
  Currently, you were discussing where to go from there. None of you particularly wanted to camp after this experience. It was Katara who brought up the idea of taking a break. Toph had managed to scam you guys some money, and you had just enough to afford to stay somewhere and relax for a few days.
   “Like a vacation?” Sokka asks excitedly, Toph nodding in agreement.
  “Yeah, I think it could do us all some good.” Katara says, fingers combing through her thick dark hair.
    Everyone sits digesting this idea for a while.
   “So where do we go?” Aang asks. It surprises you that Aang actually wants to take a few days off. In the beginning he had acted his age, but the longer you all had spent on the road, the more dedicated to the cause Aang had become.
  “We’re close enough to Hépíng.” Zuko says. “It’s a city of peace and relaxation. Maybe princess can avoid trouble there.”
   “Shut up Zuko!” You snap before you can control yourself. You know this is what he wants, but you can’t help it when he goads you like that.
  “I get it ok? You saved me. What do you want from me?” You cry.
   “How about some gratitude?” He snapped back. “I’m always having to save your ass from something, and all you do is sit around and pout.”
    “What?!” You demand. White hot rage flows through you. If you were a firebender you knew you’d be on fire.
    “Just last week the Sea Monster knocked you off the boat, and I had to go get you. Then a few weeks before that, you were being nice to that man who tried to take you. Had to get you out of that one. And then there was that time-“ Zuko counts on his fingers.
    “Enough!” You cut him off. He’s made you so mad that you’re shaking. “Newsflash Zuko, I didn’t need your help any of those times! I had them all handled. It’s not my fault you decide to prematurely step in!” You screech.
    “Didn’t need my help?!” He says back. His amber eyes flash defiantly, and he balls his hands into fists. “Princess, please tell me what you would have done if I hadn’t stepped in any of those times!”
    “What do you want an essay detailing my plans? I would have thought of something, you just never give me the chance!” You seethe.
    “Right. Ok, sure.” Zuko says.
   “What’s that supposed to mean?” You’re heaving now. Your fingers itch to slap him, maybe strangle him. You think that would feel really cathartic.
   “You want to know what I mean? You really want to know?” He snaps.
    So far everyone else has remained silent. They had learned early on to just let you and Zuko fight it out. If your fights were deadly against each other, you were even worse when you teamed up against one of them. Now they look uncomfortable, eyes darting between you two.
   “Guy, maybe you shouldn’t....” Aang starts.
   “No, let him say it Aang! I want to hear it.” You cross your arms and jut out your chin in defiance.
   “Guys really...”
  “Stay out of this Aang!” You both snap at the same time.
   Zuko whips his head angrily back at you, locks of raven hair falling into his eyes.
   “You know what I really think? I think you’re the most incapable person here!” Zuko snaps. “You’re always making stupid decisions that jeopardize not only yourself, but every one else on this team!”
    His words hurt a lot more than they should. You and Zuko had fought every day, but never before had he said something so cruel to you. Angry tears well up in your eyes.
   “You know what? Fine, maybe you’re right. Maybe I’m incapable and incompetent, but at least I’ve never intentionally done anything to harm this team. At least my nation isn’t destroying everything it touches, and oh yeah, at least my father isn’t behind it all!”
   You’ve never said something so cruel either. You almost regret saying it, when you see hurt flash on Zuko’s face. Your eyes linger on his scar, the brutal reminder of his monster of a father. Zuko’s face falls, but then it solidifies into an even angrier expression. He opens his mouth to say something even worse, before Aang cuts him off.
   “ENOUGH!” He yells. “All you guys do is fight and I’ve had it! You guys are so unnecessarily mean to each other it’s ridiculous! We’re a team. We only work when we’re supporting each other. What is wrong with you two?!”
   Aang’s face is red and his chest is heaving. You’ve only ever seen him so torn up once. You clench your jaw and look away as you blink back the tears.
   “We’re taking a much needed break, ok? Can’t you guys just be civil for a few days. Please?” Aang pleads.
   Neither you nor Zuko says anything, and the silence hangs heavy for several moments. It feels like another challenge to see who folds first. Finally, you decide to be the mature one since Zuko clearly won’t
  “Fine.” You say. “I’ll be civil. As long as he says the hell away from me!” You stand up and stomp off to the furthest corner of Appa’s saddle.
  “Couldn’t agree more.” You hear him snark back.
   You hear Aang heave a long sigh, and Katara mutter something to him. Slowly, they resume a conversation about travel plans while you sit and mope.
   Zuko somehow always knew your biggest insecurities, and knew exactly how to strike at them. You had always felt like a burden to the team. You weren’t a bender, and truthfully you weren’t a skilled fighter either. You didn’t really know why they kept you around, and it haunted you enough without Zuko reminding you every five seconds.
   Subtly, you turn your head and watch the team interact. Even Zuko had rejoined the conversation. They were fine without you, you noted sadly. Maybe Zuko was right.
   Hépíng is a gorgeous city. It lives up to its reputation of peace. The city is flooded with tourists, and it makes it easier for you all to blend in. Zuko is vaguely familiar with this place, and leads you to the strip of land where all of the Inns are.
    Sokka and you are the least recognizable of the group, so you briefly play rock, paper, scissors to determine who has to go book your rooms. You know Sokka always picks rock, so you go with paper. Sokka grumbles all the way into the Inn.
   It takes him what feels like hours to come back out. He looks grim, and you feel your heart drop. You had just gotten excited about having a break from Zuko, you didn’t want to have to jump right back into saving the world.  
   “Ok so here’s the thing.” Sokka says, “I got us rooms, but there can only be two people in a room. So we’re going to have to split up.”
   “Ok so what?” You ask, shrugging. You didn’t get why this was such a big deal.
   “Because one of us is going to be unfortunate enough to share a room with you.” Zuko says, rolling his eyes. “Princess.” He narrows his amber eyes and smirks. 
  “That’s it!”
   You’re about to start throwing punches when Sokka ends it.
   “You know what?” He says. “I’ve made up my mind. Aang and I will share, and Katara and Toph will share. You two” he says pointing between you and Zuko, “are going to work out your problems. Now is the perfect time to do it.”
   You can feel the color draining from your face.
   “What?” Zuko asks at the same time you give an emphatic “No!”
   “Does anyone object to that arrangement?” Sokka asks.
   You and Zuko both raise your hands, but nobody else does.
   “Come on guys it’ll be good for you.” Katara says. “You all have never gotten to properly bond, and the fighting has got to stop.”
   “This is absolutely ridiculous!” You say, stamping your foot.
    “You think you got the bad deal, Princess?” Zuko huffs. “If you’re so miserable go sleep on Appa.”
     “Shut the fu-“
    “Alright!” Sokka says, slapping his hands over Aang’s ears. “Let’s go find our rooms.”
   The inn is nice and cozy inside, with a warm fire in the fire place. You used to love fire before you associated it with Zuko. Of course he had to ruin that for you.
   Sokka leads you past the tavern, and into a back hallway with five rooms. Katara and Toph take the first one. You manage to get a peek of the inside, a spacious room with two beds and what appeared to be a chair and tables. The room next to their is occupied, so Sokka leads you and Zuko to the end of the hall.
    “Our room is across from yours.” Sokka says, handing Zuko the key to your room. “Please don’t get us kicked out of here. We all need this.”
   “This was your brilliant idea, chief.” You snark at him, flipping your hair over your shoulder. “Any casualties are on you.”
     Zuko snatches the key and nods his agreement.
    “You’ve brought this on yourself, buddy.” Zuko says.
    Sokka slumps against the door frame as Aang throws open the door to their room.
   “Sokka look! These beds are great for jumping!” Aang says, using his bending to propel himself higher.
    Sokka’s face falls even further.
   “Gotta go.” He says, and slams the door behind him.
     You and Zuko are left standing in the hallway in tense silence.
    “Well? Aren’t you going to let us in?” You huff.
   Zuko rolls his eyes but unlocks the door. You purposely knock into his shoulder as you enter the room, causing him to stumble. You smile vindictively to yourself as you walk inside until you notice something’s wrong.
    “Um Zuko?” You say slowly. “Now is the only time I’ll tolerate you calling me dense. Am I hallucinating?” You say taking in the room.
     Zuko stiffens beside you as he also examines the room.
    “I really, really wish I could say yes.” He says.
    There’s a notable difference between your room and the others’ rooms. Where they had two beds, you only have one large bed.
    It takes a moment for either one of you to say something. Your horror is reflected on Zuko’s face as you turn to look at each other.
   “Sokka!” You yell, going over to pound on his door.
    “Sokka open up right now or Zuko is going to fry your ass!” You yell.
    “I’ll do it, Sokka.” Zuko threatens. It sounds more dangerous coming out of his mouth than yours.
    A bleary-eyed Sokka pushes open the door.
    “What are you guys-“ but before he can finish his sentence, you and Zuko are hauling him to your room to show him the offending bed.
    “Oh.” He says when he sees the bed. “They didn’t tell me that.”
    “You and Aang have to switch us!” You beg. “We can’t do it Sokka. You’re asking way too much.”
   “Yeah what kind of vacation is this?” Zuko demands. “Just let us switch rooms, we’ll get over sharing if we have our own beds.”
    “Yeah! You won’t hear a peep out of us the rest of the week.” You add on.
    Sokka shakes his head.
   “Nuh uh. No way. You’re just going to have to deal with it. Share it, sleep on the floor, I don’t really care. I don’t want to hear from either of you for the rest of the day.” He says. He turns to leave and then stops. 
   “How about we make a deal?” Sokka says turning completely back around.
   “Anything!” You beg. 
   “Sokka please man.” Zuko says.
   A huge grin splits Sokka’s face nearly in two. You don’t like the expression on his face one bit.
  “Aang and I will switch you rooms, if you can go the first three days without fighting.” You open your mouth to protest, before Sokka shushes you. “Not one fight. You’re going to spend three days together. You are going to work out your issues, and then, if you manage to do that, Aang and I will switch for the remainder of our vacation. Can you do that?”
  You make eye contact with Zuko, and try to read his expression. Sokka is asking for a lot. Three whole days of dealing with Zuko just to have four days of your own bed. Zuko’s eyes narrow at the challenge, and you find yourself mirroring him,
A/N: Welcome to my new series;) I hope you all enjoy it. I think I got everyone who asked on my taglist, but if I missed you please let me know!
Taglist: @galacticamidala​ @a-random-queer-kid​ @taeeemin​ @realimbo​ @samsmultifandomblogs​ @fire1ordzuzu​ @shortmexicangirl​ @wingeddemonclub​ @mangoberry34​ @marvel-ing-at-it-all​
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brook-182 · 3 years
A Poisoned Chalice
Chapter 1
As soon as Warriors saw the army-sized horde of monsters he knew it was going to be a long day. The Links had been travelling together for months and the packs of monsters they had encountered during that time were less than half the mob they currently faced. They had covered the forest in this Hyrule fairly easily, only a few stray bokoblins bothering them. Yet the minute they stepped out into the vast openness of the prairie they were spotted and surrounded by swarms of monsters that had been a trademark feature in his Hyrule ever since the war.
“What even are these numbers? I’ve never seen monster camps this big, even in my Hyrule,” Wild gawked. 
“It’s just our luck,” Legend grunted as he clashed swords with a moblin that towered over the grumbling hero. “As soon as we finally make it out of those goddess-damned woods we get attacked. I’m willing to bet someone’s getting nicked today. We've been far too safe for far too long.”
“Ah, always the optimist,” Warriors retorted after he impaled a chuchu, a wave of gelatinous blue gunk spreading over the grass at his feet. “Can you at least try to be positive for once?”
“Easy for you to say, Captain,” the veteran shot back. “You’re used to mobs like these.” 
Legend wasn’t necessarily wrong, but even Warriors hadn’t expected to be ambushed like this in a foreign land.
The battle raged from noon to dusk but, unbelievably, contrary to Legend’s pessimistic prediction nobody was seriously hurt. But even with everyone righteously exhausted, Twilight, their current Hyrule’s patron, noted that there was a village nearby where the Links could spend the night instead of camping out and restock on supplies in the morning.
Without further delay, the group made their way to the village.
So with the day’s events behind him and the safety of an inn to revel in, the captain dragged his feet through the hall and stumbled into the small room he would share with Legend and Sky. After doing the bare minimum of taking off his armour and kicking off his boots he flopped onto the bed, thoroughly worn-out.
“I know you’re tired, but don’t you want to get more comfortable?” Sky asked, noticing Warriors’ less-than-cosy position. The hero simply grumbled in reply as he sat up and took off his tunic, launching it to the far side of the room before he fell back onto his pillow and closed his eyes. Sky sighed. “That’s not exactly what I meant.”
Warrior slept like a rock the minute his head hit the pillow. The bed was comfortable and warm, and the room was dark; the perfect atmosphere for a peaceful sleep. However, no matter how many people Warriors knew were with him, his rest was not without dreams.
He was seated in the palace dining room for some reason, an elaborate feast spread out on the grand wooden table before him. He wouldn’t have thought it that strange if he wasn’t the only person in the room, however. Well, he and a figure he could feel staring at him from behind his back. The captain turned around to see who was standing there and found the figure to be shrouded in heavy shadows.
 They stalked closer, the darkness following them as they walked. The faceless shadow silently set a large platter of food from the feast in front of the knight. He was about to refuse the meal when his hand unconsciously picked an apple off the plate and he greedily devoured it, seemingly much to the satisfaction of the figure, who was eager to pile more food onto the plate. Again Warriors began eating against his will.
The food seemed endless, an abundant cornucopia of fresh fruit, stews, meat and vegetables.
After consuming many helpings of food Warriors was deterred by his full stomach and stopped his ravenous feasting. The figure, now next to him, lifted a spoon full of stew to his lips but the captain refused it. “I don’t want to eat anymore.” The shadow simply urged the utensil closer until Warriors had no choice but to open his mouth to protest. “I don’t-”
He almost choked as the spoon was shoved forcefully into his mouth, the offender leaving no room for protests. He wasn't sure how he could tell that the figure was growing impatient by his squirming, but he was no longer a willing participant in this feast. He reached his hand out to try and stop another onslaught of food when he found that his hands were firmly bonded to the armrests of his chair. His legs as well were bound to the floor.
“What is this? What did you do to me?” the captain said, glancing up from his bonds to look the figure in the eyes, except he was no longer there. Replacing the shadow was a man he hadn’t seen in nearly six years. “Thomas? I don’t understand. You’re supposed to be-”
“Dead? Gone? Forgotten in the middle of a nowhere region?” Thomas laughed. “Glad to disappoint you.”
“They sent you to Faron.”
“And yet here I am, willing and eager to give you the best treatment a hero could receive. Now, you must be hungry after saving the world and all. Come on, open up!”
Another spoonful of food was messily shoved into Warriors’ gawking mouth. When he recovered after nearly choking on whatever nasty concoction was shoved into his mouth- at this point he wasn’t even sure it was food- he struggled vainly against the chains securing him. He was too afraid to argue, too afraid that he would get another mouthful of whatever Thomas was feeding him. He felt sick, his stomach too full and the meal too vile to keep down.
“Aw, are you feeling unwell, Captain? That’s too bad, I almost feel sorry for what I’m about to do.”
Without warning, Thomas pried open the captain’s mouth. Warriors jaw was clamped like a vice but somehow Thomas had the otherworldly strength of Ganondorf himself and was able to separate his lips without effort. The captain saw him reach for a chalice on the table behind him. The cup was filled with a sour-smelling liquid that’s colour and fragrance reminded him too much of wine to be something else.
“Sto-” Warriors started to cry but a mouthful of alcohol followed his plea. He hastily gulped the liquid and tried to beg again, trying and failing to stop Thomas from continuing this torture. When the chalice was empty and he got a chance to breathe, the effort making his stomach hurt, he asked, “why are you doing this?”
Thomas laughed lowly, his deep voice echoing on the cavernous walls. “Why do you think I should?”
As Warriors was about to reply a feeling of weightlessness overtook him and before he was able to process his surroundings he was in a new setting entirely.
The training grounds of the castle were not an odd sight for a soldier of Hyrule, but the sheer number of training dummies left without partners to train was startling. There were over one hundred wooden dummies and nobody besides him in the courtyard.
He heard a voice on the balcony, a feminine voice like water trickling in a cavern, a quiet echo carrying her soft words. “You know what to do, Link.” It was Zelda.
The master sword was in his hand. He felt his grip on the blade tighten. He was afraid, but of what he was uncertain. He held up his sword, his grip loosening as he made a practised jab at the wooden dummy that suddenly emerged before him. The blade slid straight through the chest of a soldier that hadn’t been standing there before. Warriors jumped back, shocked and horrified by what he had just done. He recognised the face, he knew the person he had just killed!
“Don’t stop,” he heard and turned sharply to the sound of general Impa’s voice. She was calm as she took in the scene before her, and Warriors wasn’t sure if she’d witnessed the same thing he had. He reluctantly shook off his anxiety and brought his sword down on another inanimate dummy. But he was convinced this must have been a strange hallucination or test as the once-wooden figure once again turned to the flesh of a soldier he recognised. He gasped and nearly dropped his weapon when the soldier fell dead to the ground.
“Don’t just stand there! Attack them!” That was Cia! Why was she there?
He didn’t have time to think about that though as he cut and sliced dummy after dummy- soldier after soldier- killing them almost instantly, blood and gore carpeting the once clean courtyard floor.
“Do it!”
“Cut it down!”
“Fight for your kingdom!”
“Do the right thing!” They cheered as he single-handedly reduced the numbers to a mere handful.
He was shaking as he made the final attack on the last still soldier. The captain sank to the ground with a strangled cry along with the body of the man he had just slaughtered, unwilling to look the three spectators in the eyes. He was crying, feeling unbearably guilty for what he had just done. Why did he not stop? He knew every single one of the people he just killed, but he hadn’t stopped. He couldn’t hold back his sob as he looked at the dead eyes of the man before him. He shared a room with this soldier. His name was Neil. He ate with him, fought with him, and finally killed him. He wanted to scream, he wanted to attack whoever was responsible for this rampage, but he only had himself to blame.
He felt the familiar taste of bile before he was startled by the feeling of hands wrapping around his throat.
What was happening?!
Warrior woke with a start, the leftover emotions from his dream prominent on his face. He was shaking. He felt sick to his stomach. He gagged and jumped to his feet, looking for the bucket of drinking water Legend had collected for the room. He threw the water out, not caring about the soaked wood under his feet and knelt in front of the bucket. He heaved and retched until he felt his abs ache. He couldn't even remember half of his dream yet he was still terrified of whatever had caused this reaction. He couldn't make himself go back to sleep. Through the adrenalin, he still felt so tired but he would rather keel over than reimagine whatever nightmares his mind had conjured up.
Warrior took several deep breaths, but he couldn’t control the flow of tears streaming down his cheeks. He choked on a sob, trying to stay quiet for his companions’ sakes. But it seemed Legend had already woken up to the sound of his retching.
"What's wrong?" Legend asked groggily, rubbing sleep from his eyes as he shifted in his bed. "I heard someone being sick." He looked around the dark room and spotted Warriors on the floor. "Pretty boy? Are you okay?"
Warriors bristled at the nickname but let it roll off his back. After debating on how to answer the question he decided that lying to Legend wouldn’t get him anywhere since the vet would simply just pry an answer out of him anyway. He couldn’t give Legend the whole truth though, even if he wanted to. “I’m fine,” he said shakily, exhaustion still thick in his voice. “Just a bad dream. Go back to sleep.”
“That must have been some dream if you’re losing your lunch over it.” Warriors didn't have the will to comment on Legend's statement. Instead, he kept silent, his mind already swimming with vague images of his dream. Legend rolled his eyes so far back he looked possessed. “Well, I don’t know about you but I can’t sleep in the same room with a bucket of puke. I’ll come with you to throw it out but I’m not touching that,” he said and Warriors almost heard the genuine concern in his voice.
“How generous,” he huffed but accepted the company nonetheless. “Just don’t make a big deal out of this,” he said. As he stood he felt his pants cling to his legs and noticed with annoyance that the water he threw out of the bucket was all over the floor and his trousers. “Great,” he muttered.
“Better change those pants. There’s a chill in the air and we don’t need you getting more sick than you just were.”
“I wasn’t-”
“Yeah, yeah, just cool it. Now come on, you look like you need some air.”
After a quick change of clothes, Warriors followed Legend outside. Sky- by some divine miracle- was still fast asleep so they quietly shut the door behind them.
They were silent as they walked through the corridor and down the stairs, nobody willing to make small talk or ask questions. But Warriors could feel Legend’s eyes on him, looking for any reason or excuse to bring up what had happened in the room. Finally when they reached the outside Legend spoke.
“I’ll take care of this,” he said, scrunching his face and gesturing to the gross bucket the knight was carrying. “Just go back to bed.”
“But you said-” the captain started to argue, but he was promptly cut off by Legend’s exasperated response.
“I know what I said, just go before I make a scene.”
“It’s the middle of the night.”
“Did you not hear me?” the veteran screeched and Warriors couldn’t hold back a snort. He held up his hands placatingly and went back inside to the room. He eyed his bed for a long moment before deciding that pretending to sleep was probably the only way to get Legend off his back for now. He got under the blankets and closed his eyes, trying his hardest to look convincingly at peace while his mind was still racing with fear and guilt.
About half an hour later he heard the door creak open. He could hear Legend speaking muffled nonsense as he got into the bed next to him. Warriors did his best to even out his breathing to fool the veteran. There was a brief pause. He could feel Legend’s eyes burning a hole in his skull before he heard an audible huff and the sound of a body hitting a soft mattress.
He was about to celebrate his successful hoodwink when he heard the vet mutter, “go to sleep.”
He wished it was that easy.
A gigantic thank you to @autumnalchemist for being my beta❤❤ Much appreciated, friend😊
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dreaminpetals · 4 years
I love how you write Andrew, could I have a little mermaid au where his s/o is a mermaid and it follows the events of the disney movie?? Or it can be a normal mermaid fic if you're not familiar with it, no pressure. Keep up the great work <3
🌊 the little mermaid // andrew kreiss
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you had always been fascinated with human culture, particularly the people that lived above your aquatic kingdom. the castle you lived in was located directly under what your friend bonbon called a railway. everyday a train would zoom past, full of humans with different lives and destinations. you longed to grow legs and ride a train yourself. alas, you were stuck under the sea with seahorse drawn carriages as your main mode of transportation.
bonbon had been teaching you about conductors, the brave humans who controlled the trains, before you realized you were almost late to see your favourite train fly by. it was going to arrive any minute now and you needed to see it.
unfortunately, when you swam as fast as your little tail could take you to the railway, embers and rubble were scattered throughout the terrain as far as the eye could see. the train had... crashed?
your first instinct was to search for survivors of the wreckage. after digging through heaps of metal and ash, you found a man struggling to stay afloat. "i've got you!" you yelped, battling the debris with your tail and bringing him to the surface to rest atop a loose seat from the train.
when you got a good look at the human you saved, it was as if cupid struck you with one of his arrows. he was a man with skin so pale it was almost grey, and beautiful white hair despite looking so young. it was unlike anything you've ever seen before, did all humans look like this? his eyes fluttered open and met yours. they were a coral hue and absolutely breathtaking. looking up, you recognized his hat from the stories bonbon rehearsed to you... he was the train conductor! oh, you were so glad that he was safe.
merfolk were meant to be kept a secret from the humans lest they be hunted for their scales, so once a spotlight flashed over the man you returned home, giggling all the way back. you got to touch a human and it was a handsome one too! you couldn't wait to tell your sisters about it.
arriving at the castle, you were instantly greeted by two of your sisters, emily and vera. they both wondered why you were covered in soot.
oh yeah.
you were a bit dirty from rescuing that train conductor.
they washed you up with some soap while you gushed to them about the boy you saw, but none of them were very impressed with your actions.
"humans are the reason we lost our father, he was killed by pirates, do you not remember?" vera scolded you as she massaged soap into your scalp, "there are plenty of mermen for you to choose from so please, please stay away from the surface. i don't want to lose a sister," if she wanted to nail guilt into your head then it certainly worked, you felt awful. was saving him really that heinous of a crime? you couldn't simply ignore someone if they were about to die, human or not.
emily scrubbed at your tail and tut-tutted you, "humans are dangerous creatures and only wish to hunt us down, i'd advise seeking mental help if you find yourself attached to one... please y/n, we only want the best for you."
halfway through her speech you suddenly became dizzy. you heard the sound of a young girl cackling in your ear, and you swore you saw a flash of purple swimming away, right outside your window...
the sea witch, yidhra, let out a boisterous laugh when she learned of your current situation. a mermaid has fallen in love with a human? oh, this was too good!
yidhra specialized in making deals with unsuspecting merfolk, she collected their souls like an oyster would collect pearls. young lovestruck girls were the most vulnerable of targets, she could see herself winning big off of you. the daughter of miss nightingale, ruler of the seas? you being a princess in love meant you could hand over the key to the kingdom if you could spend just a day with your beloved. dangerous schemes swam through her head, this was going to be the deal of a lifetime.
meanwhile, above the surface, the train conductor who nearly tasted death was going nuts thinking about you. hushed whispers of townsfolk taught him that mermaids were ravenous creatures who only sought to lure sailors from their ships to consume their souls, but a mermaid had saved him. nobody believed andrew; they insisted he had been pulled from the wreckage by one of his crewmates and merely hallucinated a mermaid. a mermaid would never save him, they would only drag him down further.
their words ate away at andrew. were mermaids as misunderstood as he was? his entire life, andrew had been cast away as a monster. rumours circled around that his lack of pigment was caused by sucking out the souls of his train passengers for nutrients. the mystery girl he saw wouldn't leave his mind, every waking moment he heard her voice, a melodic chirp that promised to save him... if only he recorded her appearance, he couldn't remember what she looked like if he did try to find her. only her voice. he longed to meet her. he longed to repay her, nobody deserves to endanger themselves to save andrew kreiss of all people.
when you stirred, all of your sisters were gathered around your clamshell bed. frantic whispers filled the room as you sat up and placed a heat compress on your head. it felt like someone hexed you.
"she has a slight fever, but i trust that y/n will make a full recovery with some rest," emily explained to tracy, your youngest sister who was beside herself with worry. "she likely went into shock from seeing a human up close. fret not, demi is preparing some medicine as we speak."
soon enough, their voices fizzled out and were replaced by a ghoulish group of whispers in your ear. it sounded like several children and an old woman speaking all at once. "come to yidhra's domain, sweet princess. you will meet your human love if you follow my instructions." your human love? your ears perked up the moment you heard her mention the train conductor you had fallen for. suddenly gaining a burst of energy, you told your sisters you were going to take a breather in the castle garden and swam off. they were left dumbfounded.
before you raced to yidhra's domain, you told your feathered friend bonbon what you were up to, just in case something happened. you had no idea how much this would pay off later on.
yidhra's domain intimidated you the moment it came into view. it was a serpent shaped cave made of bones surrounded by gardens of disembodied, broken souls. they moaned and weeped as you swam past them. miss nightingale warned you about yidhra, insisting that you never make a deal with the sea witch. however... she wanted to reunite you with the train conductor, she wanted to help you! none of your sisters understood how you felt, but yidhra did.
"is yidhra here?" you called out to an empty room lined with bookshelves and potions, a cauldron brewing in the centre. then, a pale blue woman with a serpent's tail emerged from the dark.
"sweet princess, have you come to make a deal with me?" she purred, tilting your chin up with a bony finger. you nodded. "you'd go against mommy's wishes for a human boy?" this time her tone was more condescending, but you nodded anyways.
"he's a train conductor, a brave man... oh yidhra, he's perfect, you'd know if you met him!"
yidhra snickered, slithering back to her bookshelves and carefully removing a contract with a floating pen. "what if i told you that you could see him again, dearie?" she used magic to teleport the contract into your hands, along with the pen. "if you sign this contract, you will become a human for three days. if the boy gives you true love's kiss by sunset of the third day, you'll stay as a human forever and fall in love, yadda yadda,"
you nodded, it sounded like a perfect deal. who knew yidhra could be so generous?
she gave a deafening clap of her hands. "hush. i'm not done." then a devilish grin corrupted her features, "if he doesn't kiss you, then you can kiss you and your kingdom goodbye. i will replace miss nightingale as ruler of the seas and you'll be the prettiest soul in my patch. deal?"
silence enveloped both of you as you thought this through. three days was plenty of time, all you had to do was kiss. he was your true love, your soulmate, it was a naive thought but you had never felt so much for another person before.
"silly me, i forgot to mention," yidhra stifled a cackle, "you won't have a voice, sweetie. you'll be a mute. will this conductor still fall for you when you can't chit chat with him?"
damn her, of course there had to be a catch.
you gave a shaky nod, mumbling that it was a deal. the laugh she let out was unlike anything you've ever heard, what was so funny? she couldn't stop howling as she dropped various potions into her cauldron, steam and green flames overriding your senses. "sing! sing for me, you foolish girl!"
singing a lullaby you grew up with, you signed the contract and felt your voice fade away along with your consciousness.
when you rose, you were on the shores of a freezing cold sea, the conductor staring down at you in disbelief. thank god for the seaweed covering your shivering form.
andrew blinked at you, visibly concerned. "i ah... i... i noticed you," he reached out a trembling hand which you gladly took to hoist yourself up. your feet buckled under you. wait. feet? looking down you noticed that you were a human, you had legs and feet! you could hardly contain your excitement, yidhra was helping you! your attention shifted back to the man in front of you, pulling you close to his chest so you wouldn't fall. "you washed up on the... shore. are you okay?" he was fumbling over his words and seemed so uncomfortable around you, like he wasn't used to the skin to skin contact.
you tried to answer but your words were caught in your throat. she wasn't messing around when she took your voice, you couldn't produce any type of sound whatsoever.
"ah, you're... you're scared of me, aren't you?" andrew tried to hide the hurt in his voice, "so scared you can't walk or talk. well, run off to your family now. go tell them you saw andrew the train conductor, that he tried to eat you... i know you're thinking it," andrew. your love's name was andrew!
he tried to drop you and turn on his heel to leave, but the moment you hit the grass he had to turn back around to check if you were alright again. he couldn't leave you.
you pointed to your throat as you stood up, knees wobbly. you made an 'x' shape with your arms and shook your head. andrew had an unreadable expression, but slowly began to nod in understanding. "oh, you can't speak? i'm... sorry for assuming, the people around here are... they're... not the kindest. they're wolves."
his eyes flicked to your body and saw the seaweed barely clinging to you. did you fall overboard or something? he wanted to respect your privacy so he stared at the water beside you as he set his coat over your shoulders, still averting his gaze. it was cozy and smelled like mint. the fur lining on the inside warmed you right up. "you would have froze in that. i'm not sure where you're... from, but... ah, just follow me," you gave him a grin and he walked you back to his home which wasn't far. it was right beside the grand railway you loved observing. it felt like a dream to visit it while andrew had his arms around you, even if he didn't know who you were.
he saw your jaw drop at the sight of the railway and the parked train. "that's my family's train, folks here aren't too... nice to me, but... they appreciate all our hard work," from what you could gather, he seemed to be an outcast. you related to that.
once you arrived at his house, he dashed upstairs to what you presumed to be his mother's room, because he returned with a stunning, sequinned dress. it was the same colour as your mermaid's tail!
after you were dried off and dressed, he sat down at the dinner table with you. for dinner you two ate some beef stew, one of his favourites. it was so amusing to him how you tried to brush your hair with a fork before the meal. he wanted to make small talk with you, but what would we say? it wasn't just the fact you were mute, but he's never eaten dinner with anyone other than his mother before. she passed years ago and he was left to fend for himself in their shared house, he's been entirely alone since you turned up. what could he say..?
"may i guess your name, miss?" andrew asked after swallowing some carrots, his voice as shaky as usual.
you gave him a playful thumbs up.
"great... hm, you strike me as a galatea."
thumbs down.
"violetta, then?"
thumbs down.
"ahh, okay... strike three, you remind me of a y/n."
thumbs up, and a bright smile on your face!
"n-no way, y/n? well, y/n... i'm sure you don't want to live with a monster for the rest of your days, so... i'll contact rescue... you'll be home by tomorrow morning,"
that made you flinch. tomorrow morning? you had to kiss him within three days! you vigorously shook your head and he tried to decipher what you meant.
"do you have a home? memory loss?"
you shook your head to both.
"ah, so you... saw your home get destroyed when you washed up. i'm sorry y/n." he stirred his beverage to break the silence, but the look he gave you was nothing short of heartbroken. how would you ever tell him you were a mermaid? "a similar thing happened yesterday... a train i was on crashed, and... a uh, mermaid saved me. nobody believes me though, but i felt her tail, heard her voice..."
his words made you freeze.
"you're the only person i can say this to, but... i think i love her."
you fainted.
after tucking you into his mother's bed, andrew headed outside for some fresh air. the salty smell of the sea would always help steel his nerves. running his calloused fingers through his hair, he reflected on the chaotic past two days he was being dragged through.
a mute girl who lived on a ship crashed and landed right in front of his home. he could barely handle the pressure of caring for you. you were adorable, charming, and the kindest person he had met, but he wanted to find the mermaid who saved him. he wasn't sure if what he felt for you was love or not, all he could think about was the mysterious mermaid.
then, as if fate hadn't been unpredictable enough, he heard her voice coming from a few feet away. an ethereal woman emerged from the sea, silky black hair matching her pitch black dress. she looked so mysterious, but her voice was all too familiar to andrew.
"oh, my sweet conductor, i became human out of love for you... please, let us marry as soon as possible!" the woman spoke in that relaxing, life saving voice. he could listen to it all day. he didn't know that she was hijacking his mind with a powerful love spell, he would become infatuated with more than her voice very soon.
"m-my name is andrew kreiss, miss... miss...?"
"tomie yidhra. but oh, how i yearn to be tomie kreiss! i don't view you as a monster in the slightest, i only wish to nurture you and love you for the rest of my days... you're the strongest and bravest man i know, please marry me! marry me andrew!"
how could he say no to those words, dripping out of the air like honey? no, really. he couldn't say no.
"i would love to."
"the day after tomorrow, at sunset... let us be wed, andrew."
the next day, you woke up to the sight of andrew looming over you again. you saw him give a silent fist bump when you sat up, he must have been ill with worry all night.
"oh! you're awake, that's good, miss. miss y/n, i have something unbelievable to tell you..."
you tilted your head to a curious angle, silently urging for him to continue.
"do you recall my story of a mermaid who saved me? she grew legs last night and visited me... tomie yidhra, we'll be marrying tomorrow... i would ah, love for you to come,"
you tried to scream but it was silent.
that bitch.
that wicked, evil bitch.
she took advantage of the fact andrew only recognized your voice and impersonated you. you needed to give him true love's kiss before their wedding. he was planning to marry yidhra. yidhra would kill him!
fueled by the fear of losing him, you bravely draped your arms around andrew's neck and gave him the deepest, most desperate kiss you could possibly give. he immediately pried his lips off yours and rubbed the back of his neck in humiliation.
"y-y/n! you're... you're great and all, but... i love tomie. please don't be hurt..." it was so strange and tragic, every time he spoke yidhra's human name it looked like he was under some kind of hypnosis, he wasn't his usual self. why would closed off andrew suddenly decide to marry her? tears brimmed at your eyes thinking of how foolish you were. "i have to leave now. work. i hope i didn't... ruin anything." he hurried out the door, giving you one last sad look before leaving you alone.
silent wails and shrieks of agony were caught in your throat, glass burrowing itself inside every inch of your body. your sisters were right. bonbon was right. miss nightingale was right. you should have left andrew alone, he wouldn't be tricked into marrying a sea witch this way. you ran outside, back to the shore you washed up on, and tried to swim back home, in case it gave you a tail. it didn't. you were still a human. you wanted nothing more than to reach yidhra's domain and strangle her yourself.
as you writhed in despair, bonbon flew overheard and recognized you. he saw the wedding boat being prepared and assumed your dreams were coming true, was andrew already engaged? he hoped not, and headed to the wedding boat to investigate.
there, he saw a woman with raven hair taking her makeup off and preparing for bed. except her reflection... her reflection showed the wicked sea witch, yidhra. then, in your voice, bonbon heard her shout for room service. this woman andrew was marrying... it was that vile witch, disguised as the woman who selflessly saved his life.
he flung some of his fecal matter through the window out of spite, and yidhra shrieked in your voice. yup, there was no doubting it, he has to interfere.
the next day, wedding bells rang and all you wanted was to drop dead. none of the guests even liked andrew and of course nobody knew who yidhra was, they were only attending his wedding out of curiosity. they were curious what ill woman would marry a demon.
you dabbed away the tears with your handkerchief and noticed that andrew was looking anywhere but you as he hooked arms with the bride. they were giving their vows, seconds away from kissing, until a starfish shot out of the water and hit yidhra square in the face.
then a dolphin flopped on deck.
then several octopi stuck to the crowd.
just what was going on here?
you began to recognize some of the creatures that made their way on the ship, and if you weren't mistaken, you could hear bonbon's voice in the distance... he was shouting 'attack'?
finally, you saw your sisters emerge from the sea.
"don't marry tomie, andrew! she's a witch! y/n was the mermaid who turned into a hu-"
before martha could finish, you felt a dull pain in your legs. oh no. casting a horrified glance to the horizon, the sun was setting.
"stupid girl!" yidhra transformed back into her serpent form, and spoke in her usual vile voice. "you may have found me out, but you didn't get your true love's kiss! andrew chose ME!" she gave her usual boisterous laugh, and with a stomp of her tail, the ship flipped overboard.
"andrew!" you called out, searching for him once again. your voice was back, you couldn't believe it. he was floating on a seat, just like when you saved him for the first time. "andrew, it's me, i'm sorry... i was so stupid," a gloved hand wiped the tears from your eyes, and he gave a content smile when he heard your voice. it fit you much better than that raggedy witch.
"it's okay, y/n... so, it was you all along...?" he gave a sad laugh when you nodded. you leaned in to kiss him and he gladly reciprocated, he was actually leaning into the kiss this time and it felt magical. the moment was quickly killed when you saw yidhra holding miss nightingale, ripping off her mask and placing it on her own face. this was terrible news. that mask helped her maintain balance between all the creatures of the sea, it was her main source of strength and wisdom. if it fell into the wrong hands, the results would be catastrophic.
and it just did.
yidhra grew ten times her usual size and towered above everyone scrambling for land. storms brewed in the sky and the aura of the evening changed, everyone was in grave danger.
"idiot girl, handing off her kingdom for a boy... why don't you kiss one last time before you sleep with the fishes!" yidhra bellowed and you couldn't take it anymore. you scooped up andrew and swam to a docked sailboat with a large wooden spike at the front. andrew wasn't a violent person in the slightest, but he was the only one who could kill yidhra right now and save the sea.
he began steering, a bit rusty, and reached yidhra's blindspot. he could sense the worry in her voice as she called out her followers. they were the ones who sent you those messages, they were working under her...! andrew steered straight into them and you had to look away. what you saw horrified you even more. miss nightingale was slowly being transformed into one of those soulless creatures from yidhra's garden, and judging by the sudden jolt of pain in your tail, the same would be happening to you very soon. "andrew, please hurry!" you cried out to him.
in the blink of an eye, causing a whole lot of trauma for andrew, he crashed the ship into yidhra's snake body. she howled in pain before andrew dealt the final blow with his shovel. yidhra disintegrated into what looked like confetti, hideous scaly confetti. the sky returned to normal and from it fell miss nightingale's mask. the soul stealing process ended quickly for you and miss nightingale. she retrieved her mask and freed all of the other soulless merfolk in the garden, as well as moving andrew to the shore where he could rest. he appeared to have passed out.
hours passed and all you could do was sit on a rock across from andrew's sleeping form, watching him intently. you had one chance with him and you blew it, you were a mermaid again. he looked so serene when he slept, but the scars littering his body told you that he's fought battles you couldn't even imagine. nothing has ever been so close to you but so far.
andrew finally opened his eyes and saw you. his face lit up when his gaze met yours, but quickly returned to a frown when your tail flicked towards him. you wouldn't have legs ever again.
as you two stared in disbelief, your family rose from the water. "y/n," your mother hummed as she placed a hand on her mask, "you've grown so much."
in a flash, your tail began to sparkle and shift, but it wasn't painful like how yidhra treated you. your mother's powers came from loving you, not tricking you. your tail slowly split into two, into...
two legs.
no words could describe how you felt, your head snapped around to your girls who were wiping their eyes in awe. "go on, sweetheart. be with him." electricity filled your veins.
they finally realized how wrong they were about humans.
taking a tentative step onto the shallow ocean floor, you felt the sand squish between your toes and collapse under your heel. in a bout of pure glee, you sprinted towards andrew. he caught you in his arms and twirled you around, staring lovingly into your eyes. neither of you could believe this was happening.
"let's go home," you cooed.
"yeah. let's."
this time, when andrew walked back home with you, his butterflies were caused by complete adoration for you, not because he feared for your safety. he felt so free now that yidhra wasn't controlling either of you. he was looking forward to the life he'd be spending with you, his little mermaid.
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