#Will someone please just tell me how much I need to be prepared to cry during this movie?
demonsslayersstuff · 3 days
Goodbye (Gojo x Reader)
A/N: This a reposting. I was having some issues with my blog for the past few weeks, so I will be doing some reposting.
A/N: I’m in a Gojo mood apparently. Anyway Jujitsu Kaisen Manga Spoilers, so keep that in mind before reading. Bit angsty cause I’m just in that mood. Thanks for reading! As I’ve said before I’ve been having a bit of a writers block so I’m not sure when I’ll post again, but I’m leaning towards Demon Slayer for the next one.
The room was silent that morning. Aside from the steady breathing off to your left, there was no noise. You glance at the clock and your heart freezes at the date, December 24th. It was the day you had dreaded for the past month.
But time moved forward as it always does, no matter how much you pleaded to a nonexistent god to stop it. You can feel tears gather in your eyes, but you push them away. You had already said your goodbyes last night, mapped out each other’s bodies for the most likely the last time.
You hear a deep intake of breath and know that he’s waking up. Gojo’s blue eyes open and lock onto your own. The two of you stare at each for a moment as the reality of what day it was washes over him. “Love”, he starts but you shake your head. “Please, I don’t want to cry, not now”, you tell him quietly. He hums in response before moving to kiss you deeply, arms wrapping tightly around you, crushing you against him.
The two of you dress quietly, preparing for what was about to happen. You look out the window and briefly wonder if this will be the last morning you’ll ever get to spend in this room. You watch as a bird flies past the window before you feel Gojo wrap his arms around your waist as he rests his chin on your shoulder. “I never appreciated this view as much as I should have”, he murmurs against your neck.
You turn around to fully face him, knowing it was going to be last time the two of you spent alone together. “Satoru”, you start quietly. He looks down at you, giving a soft smile of encouragement. “Words can’t describe the happiness you have given me. I just want you to know that…no matter what happens, I will always love you”, you tell him. His eyes soften and he pulls you into a tight embrace. He holds you in his arms before there’s a light tap on the door.
He cups your cheek, “It’s time”, he simply says. You greet Utahime at the door, before the three of you begin the descent down the stares. Your students and various sorcerers look up at you and Gojo, empathy and respect reflected in their eyes. Yuji is the first to break the tension, “Sensei, your technique is in the way”, he shouts. You watch as Gojo gives him a large smile before he says , “Give it your best shot”, with a smile on his face. He always put his students needs first.
Everyone makes the trek into the city as silence befalls the group. The full weight of what was about to happen evident on everyone’s faces. You watch as Gojo goes to stand with Ijichi, Utahime, and Gakunganji. The time was finally here. You walk up to Gojo for the finale time, staring up into his eyes as tears gather in your eyes. The others look away, giving you a bit of privacy. You feel Gojo’s fingers brush the tears away that silently fall on your cheek.
“You have what I gave you in case I-“, he starts but you cut him off, not wanting to hear those words fall from his lips. “Yes”, you say, voice cracking. “I love you, I will always love you. I will find you again if I have to, I promise”, Gojo says, voice full of emotion. You nod your head before he pulls you into a crushing kiss. You thread your fingers through his hair, as his hands grip your waist tightly.
He ends the kiss after someone coughs politely, but you don’t let him go just yet.  You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him close. “Get our son back”, you tell him before letting him go. You see determination flash across his face. “I will”, Gojo says before he kisses you one finale time.
You watch as the group takes the stairs to the top of the building. Gojo pauses at the top for just a moment before turning to look at you. He gives you his signature smile and a second later he’s gone. “Goodbye Toru”, you whisper before heading to join the others as the battle begins.
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pixlerelish · 1 year
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b14augrana · 1 month
Ad Astra Per Aspera
Everything is still inconclusive
Alexia Putellas x teen!reader
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pt. 4 masterlist
Warnings: this story contains depictions of alcoholism, adultery, and familial issues. read at your own discretion.
A/N: part 3 is here! i was flat out of ideas for a good week or so but i’m actually really happy with this chapter and how much i managed to write. i hope you enjoy 🫶🏼
Vicky invited you to her home to talk.
“Just around this corner,” she said, pointing to a street. She was sitting in the passenger seat of your car while your siblings sat in the backseat. Vicky still lived with her parents, as you expected, because she was still too young to buy a place of her own. It was a nice house, situated in a neighbourhood just a few minutes outside the city centre, and once you had parked your car, you hesitated for a moment.
“Are you sure your mum isn’t going to mind? It’s late, we can always talk tomorrow,” you spoke, looking at her for a moment. She shook her head, opening her door and responding as she unbuckled her seatbelt. “She’s fine with it, don’t worry. Let’s go inside.”
You unbuckled your own seatbelt and stepped out of the car, your siblings doing the same. Magdalene clutched your shirt gently while the other two boys walked behind you.
The front door of Vicky’s house had little stained glass details that you admired for the short moment that you stayed outside. The door swung open when Vicky knocked on it gently, and behind it was a woman that bore a striking resemblance to the girl beside you.
“Mamá, this is (Y/N),” Vicky said, gesturing to you. You smiled shyly, and the woman returned it with a much wider smile. “Bona nit! Please, come in, it’s freezing out there,” she replied, ushering you and your siblings inside. She was right, it was chilly outside, and the warmth of the López household was nice.
“Can I get you anything?” she asked, looking over her shoulder as she directed you to the living room. You shook your head, but she insisted on making you a cup of tea, and the appeal of a warm beverage was too much to resist. After a few minutes, she brought two cups of tea out to the living room for you and Vicky, then placed them on the coffee table. “Graciés, Mrs. López,” you spoke.
You sat down on the couch, the warm mug of tea in your hand as you faced the girl. “So, what do you need to talk about?” Vicky asked, and you took a deep breath before telling her.
“Something happened, Vicky. My neighbour heard some noises from my house and thought one of us was getting hurt, so she called the police and–”
You paused for a moment, pinching the bridge of your nose as prepared to tell the rest of the story. It was like reliving it all over again; the currents of fear that overwhelmed you, the unsettling atmosphere of the interrogation room, all of it.
“They told me that they’re going to place my siblings in a foster home unless I become their legal guardian — which I can’t do in time — or find someone I know to foster them. They suggested my father but…” you shrugged, hoping that Vicky would catch on, and by the understanding look on her face, she did.
“I don’t know what to do– who do I even ask?”
You didn’t want to cry, but you knew it was inevitable. You had spent the day processing probably the worst news of your life, without shedding a tear. You deserved to cry. One tear quivered in your waterline before you blinked, and it was gone.
“Why are they getting taken away?” she asked.
“Social welfare thinks they’re unsafe as long as they’re under my mum’s care because she’s got a drinking problem and my dad is out of the picture. I’m not their legal guardian so I don’t have much of a say. Can’t really afford a lawyer yet either,” you explained.
Vicky paused for a moment, staring at the coffee table as she was deep in thought, and then she spoke.
“(Y/N), I know you two don’t have the best relationship, but I think you should ask Alexia.”
You almost spat out your tea in her face, and it showed in your suddenly very wide eyes. Vicky was quick to place her mug down and raise her hands in defence.
“Wait, wait! Before you say no, just remember that she is your captain,” she explained, justifying herself.
“Dios mío, that’s got to be the stupidest shit I’ve heard all week,” you mumbled, putting your head in your hands.
Vicky frowned, pushing you gently to grab your attention again. “I know she doesn’t treat you very well, but she can help you.”
You tapped your nail against the mug, considering the option. You had a very strained relationship with Alexia, and honestly, you highly doubted that she’d want to foster and risk compromising her career for something as stupid as a few kids that weren’t even hers.
“I don’t think so. She won’t have time,” was your final verdict. You didn't perceive Alexia as the type of person interested in motherhood… but, there was one thing.
All your siblings loved football just as much as you. It'd be easy for Alexia to relate to them, because they were like her; their eyes lit up at every beginning of a conversation relating to football, they were immersed in the world of FC Barcelona and always present for your matches and celebrations. They fought to wear their blaugrana jerseys to school and blaugrana scarves in the summer.
Your hand found itself fumbling with the charm bracelet on your other wrist, the initials ‘M’, ‘D’ and ‘L’ dangling from the delicate chain. Alexia would've loved your siblings, because they were the Barça-loving, unconditionally supportive children that she imagined when she thought of having kids.
“Don’t mention it to anyone, please.” Your voice was quiet, because Magdalene had fallen asleep beside you, curled up into a ball with her head resting on a cushion. The boys were just barely awake on the other side of the couch, closing their eyes for a quick moment before opening them again in an attempt to stay awake.
Vicky nodded, but that was it. Not many words were said afterwards, until her mother asked whether you’d like to stay the night. Too tired to disagree, you mumbled a little ‘please’, and she directed you to the guest bedroom.
The three of them slept on the bed that night. You made yourself a bed on the floor, out of cushions from the living room in which you put your Barça sweater over it as a makeshift pillowcase to ease the rough feeling of the original material on your cheek, and Vicky lent you a few spare blankets.
Magdalene wanted to try sleeping on the floor with you, but after a while you felt her leave your side and get into bed with her brothers.
She was little, they all were, but their presence was bigger than life itself, and laying there with Magda tucked in your arms reminded you of what it used to be like before. When you used to keep the abandoned shopping carts close so you could put all three of them inside at night and ride down the streets to the local restaurant, then you’d treat them to a big serving of their favourite foods and the night would end with you receiving three big hugs from the tiniest humans.
Life was simple before.
You called alcohol ‘big drink’ when you were young, because only big people could drink it. You didn’t know why, but soon your Mami started getting upset more and more, after she had some big drink. It only took a few lash outs for you to get caught in the crossfire and vow to never become like Mami.
You’ve tried it a couple times here and there, and it tasted like shit. You couldn’t understand your mother for choosing that bitter concoction over happiness but soon, you figured out that when all else failed for her, it was her happiness. Her kids were seen as secondary, if you were lucky.
A light suddenly illuminated the room, and that’s when you realised your phone was buzzing. A number flashed across the screen, but you stayed idle, not reaching for it. You watched the contact disappear before a text appeared, and you read it through slightly squinted eyes still trying to adjust to the light.
+34 ### ### #####
→ We’ve gotten a hold of your father and he has agreed to attend a meeting at 9 a.m. Please call or text back immediately if you’re available.
You should’ve responded. Instead, you stared at the message until the screen went black again, and even then you kept staring in the same direction until there was nothing. The next time you opened them, it was morning, and you were facing the bottom of the bed.
Magda, Dani, and Enzo were still asleep. Peering just above the mattress, you could see them piled on top of each other as they slept.
The ‘bed’ you made on the floor felt more comfortable than ever, making you reluctant to move. With a tap on the screen, your phone lit up and revealed the time to be just past 8:30.
Your hand flopped back down and you stared at the ceiling. Everything was perfect for a couple seconds, as you forgot about the need for the day to proceed and only recognised the serenity of being in that room right now, with the people you loved most.
Everything was perfect.
“We’ll wait five more minutes and if she isn’t here by then, you’re free to leave, señor.”
The man only gave a small nod in reply, otherwise his attention was almost entirely fixed on the little sliver of blue sky that was visible from the tiny window.
Five minutes flew by. The talks of getting ready to leave started up, but they were short lived when everyone was stunned back into their seats by the door suddenly swinging open. It clicked shut as a chair scraped across the floor.
“Sorry, traffic was bad,” you mumbled, folding your arms across your chest.
“How nice of you to join us, Miss (Y/L/N),” the social worker said, and it sounded like she was feigning politeness. You acknowledged her words with a quiet hum.
“Señor, since you are the only other legal guardian of Magdalene, Dani, and Lorenzo, we’ve sought you out as a possible option for a full time caregiver of the children,” she spoke, clasping her hands together and placing them on the table.
Your father pursed his lips, nodding along with her words, “I see.”
“I still don’t think this is a good idea, and I’m saying this before you waste more of our time,” you interrupted, pointedly refusing to even look at him.
“Why not? I’m their father, (Y/N), and I’m also yours, so–”
“You didn’t want them then, so I doubt you’d want them now. Don’t say you’ll take care of them to make yourself look good and then mistreat them because they’re not on par with your other kids,” you hissed, finally meeting his gaze with a stone cold glare.
The social worker across the table didn’t intervene, though she initially jolted forwards with the intention. She settled back into her chair and observed, looking to discover the true nature of your adamance to not let your father take your siblings.
Regret flashed across his face, and it was obvious; you noticed it in the downwards twitch of his lips and the shameful lowering of his gaze as you spoke.
“They’re still my children. It’s my job as their father to look after them,” he responded.
“So where were you all these years, when Mamá was drinking her body weight in alcohol? You left us! You are not their father and you haven’t been ever since you left us.” Your fist hit the table, the noise echoing through the room. The grimace on your face was only the surface level of the disgust you felt in that very moment.
“‘My job as their father…’ my fucking ass. I was more of a father to them than you, at 16 years old! I did your job better than you before I was even 18, and you have the nerve to come here and say that they’re still your children?”
His head was hung in shame as you chided him, and he still had nothing to say.
“I knew this was a bad idea, I knew it,” you almost yelled, jumping up from your chair. It skidded along the ground with a screech, and your fingers pressed at your temples.
You hated him so much, but standing there and yelling at him made you realise how much you missed him while he was still your father, before the cheating and abandonment. “You ruined Mamá’s life by putting your own needs before us, and I hope you’re proud. Have as many new kids with your new wife as you want, but you only destroy everything you touch.”
You hoped your words reflected the years of pain and torment he had inflicted on your family. You lost not one but two parents, because your mother loved him so much and he only took advantage of it while it benefited him before he decided it wasn’t enough.
There wasn’t a single word or phrase that could convey the inexplicable feelings you felt just then. He’d have to search for it in the flushed apples of your cheeks, your glossy bloodshot scleras, and tightly furled fists tensed up at your sides.
“(Y/N), mi carita…” he started, standing up. You took a big step back, your hand finding the door knob with a steady grip.
“Just leave and don’t come back. I don’t want to see you ever again, never ever!”
With those words, you were 13 again, standing behind the corner and listening to your mum say the exact same thing to your dad.
Back then, when you two argued, you couldn’t hold his gaze without crying, but now you were. He was nothing in your eyes if not the smallest man who’s ever lived. You made sure to give him your most withering glare so he knew that there was no point.
In his eyes, you were probably the furthest you had ever been from his daughter. The loving and energetic girl he watched grow up, was now eye-to-eye with him in a police station, refusing to allow him any entry into his kids’ lives.
“Don’t give them false hope,” you sneered, wrenching the door open before deliberately slamming it behind you.
Maybe, just maybe, Alexia wasn’t such a bad idea. Yes, she was passionate about football and didn’t take it very well when people didn’t display the same amount of passion for the sport as she did, but that only meant that when she loved something, she loved it hard and with all her being. She could love your siblings. She could love them more than anyone, even their own blood.
You sought to get out of the police station and away from it as a whole, so as you stormed out of the building and sunk into the driver’s seat of your car, you had no specific place in mind.
You ended up at the Barceloneta beach. There weren’t many other places you could think to go to; the pitch was out of the question, because wherever there was a ball and a goal, there was Alexia. Your house was a huge memorabilia museum for the past, and you couldn’t show up to Vicky’s house out of the blue.
The beach was pretty, and you always loved going there. Nothing could spoil that for you.
Just the horizon and ebbing tide for company while you watched the sun slowly descend — it was what you needed.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket. Part of you didn’t want to pull it out in case it turned out to be someone you didn’t like wasting your time, but you pulled it out anyways. Thankfully, it was only Vicky.
She sent you a photo from earlier that morning, and it featured all three of your siblings fast asleep on the guest bed while you slept on the floor in your comfy cluster of blankets. She followed the photo up with two laughing faces, and then two more messages.
→ 🤣🤣
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ↳ Hermanos y hermanas
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ↳ Come sleep over again (Y/N)!!! My Mamá found the Uno cards 😉
You smiled at the photo and saved it to your camera roll before you considered Vicky’s request. You took a moment, but eventually you responded.
→ vale vale 🥲 i’m picking la hermanos y hermana right now and then i’ll come straight to your house. graciés vicky ❤️
You watched the sun set further during the drive to the schools, and then again while you drove to Vicky’s. This time, you parked in the driveway, and you didn’t feel dreadful entering her house.
You rang the doorbell and the four of you waited patiently. Mrs. López was quick to rush to the door and open it.
“Hi, I hope we’re not bothering y–” you started, but you were cut off.
“(Y/N), mío querido! Come in, come in, you’re not a bother at all. You’re always welcome in our home,” she said, embracing you tightly with a warm smile.
Vicky appeared from the living room, shuffling a deck of cards in her hands. “Who wants to play Uno?” she asked, waving the cards in her hand and immediately receiving a positive reaction from your siblings, who bolted towards her eagerly.
You followed them, because though you knew they were getting taken to their foster home tomorrow and being stripped away from you, you wanted to enjoy the night and play Uno with your siblings.
Nothing’s for sure but right now. You couldn’t waste this moment.
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checosbluespring · 2 months
secrets we keep (pt2) → mv1
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max verstappen x perez!fem reader
genre: teammates sister, pregnancy
cw: 18+ MDNI, smut, oral (female receiving), p in v, slight possessiveness, dirty talk, pregnancy, childbirth (brief), slight angst?, pls let me know if i am forgetting anything
word count: 6.4k
song: coraźon sin cara-prince royce
sidenote: omg!! finally after 2 monthes i am finally done with part 2 of secrets we keep. this is the last part of the series but if you guys want i could do an epilogue, let me know what yall think. also thank you so so so much for all the positive feedback on this story, you are all amazing. please send in requests and i will do them to the best of my ability! also like true me fastion this is not beta read. hope you all enjoy <3
you can read part one here
It's been three months since you first found out about the baby. You haven't told anyone. Trying your best to hide your newly growing bump. Even though you were scared, you knew you wanted to keep the baby. Even if you had to pack up and leave everything behind, this baby was yours and you were going to be their mom. 
It wasn't hard keeping this a secret from your brother, he was halfway across the world but your mom and dad on the other hand were difficult. As time went on you felt as if you couldn't keep it a secret from anyone. You felt alone, you had to go to all your doctors appointments by yourself and it was scary. 
You wanted to showcase your pregnancy, wanted a baby shower, to wear long flowy dresses that pronounced your bump. You wanted to start decorating a nursery for the baby. You couldn't do that alone, you needed to tell someone. You needed to tell your mom. But that meant telling them that you would be a single parent. Not that there's anything wrong with that but you know that's not what your family envisioned for you. You couldn't keep doing this alone though. You are about to find out the sex of the baby and you want your whole family to be there.
Making your way to your parents house, you see your brother's car in the driveway. You don't panic right away because you assume it's carola bringing the kids over to visit. When you walked in you shouted “mamá estoy en casa” mom I'm home. You miss living with them but you visit almost every other day, so really it's like you never left. 
Walking through the house you hear no-one, but as you make your way through the kitchen to the back patio you see your brother. “Ay dios mio” oh my god, you scream and practically run into Sergio’s arms. 
“Hola hermanita” hi baby sister, he says while hugging you back. You blame it on the pregnancy hormones but you start crying. “Hey, qué pasa?” What's wrong? He asked in a worried tone. You don’t know what overcame you but you felt the sudden urge to tell them. 
“¿Puedes sentarte con mamá y papá?” Can you sit with mom and dad? It’s just the four of you at the house. The sooner you get this done, the sooner you can start living life. Your mom and dad look worried, you don’t want to scare them so you just blurt it out.
“Mamá, papá, sergio, estoy embarazada” mom, dad, sergio, I’m pregnant. Nothing would prepare you for the looks on their face. Your mom and dads jaw on the floor, your brother's jaw clenched.
“Hablas en serio” are you serious, your dad spoke up. All you can do is nod. “Who’s the dad? How did this happen” your mom said in English. You knew she was shocked because she hardly ever used English when it was just the 4 of you. It’s not like you weren’t expecting them to ask who the father was. But you hadn’t quite thought of who you were going to tell them. Because there is no way you are going to tell them about Max, they would kill you. Sergio would look at you differently. 
“I-i-i, I can’t tell you who it is because he doesn’t matter, he doesn’t want to be a father right now and I won’t put him in the position to do so. I want this baby because I know I have you guys to help support and love me. This baby is going to be so loved, it doesn’t need a dad because they are going to have sergio and dad being a great role models for them. Mom, I need your love and guidance right now more than anything in the world. I am still your daughter, I want you to love this baby no matter what, no matter who their dad is, or how they were conceived” you said while big tears rolled down your face. 
Segio was the first to move and give you a hug, whispering “I always got you”. He leans back and places a hand on your stomach, “seré un tío” I am going to be an uncle. 
You nod and smile. Your mom and dad look perplexed but they make their way to you and both give you a kiss on the cheek and a hug. “No puedo esperar para conocerte bebé''  I can’t wait to meet you baby,  your mom said while holding your stomach. You know it’s going to take some time for your dad to come around to the idea but he’s supportive and that’s all that matters. 
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Over the next couple of weeks you finally start getting stuff ready for the baby. Buying stuff for the nursery and clothes for yourself. Right after your brother found out about the pregnancy he took you to the store and had you pick out a crib you liked. You were forever grateful to have him. 
It’s Friday morning and you are patiently waiting for your mom and carola to pick you up for your ultrasound appointment, where you would be finding out if you are having a boy or girl. You are beyond excited. You don’t care what you have, as long as the baby is healthy and happy. 
Getting up to put your shoes on, you hear your phone ring, assuming it’s your mom and sister in law telling you that they are ready for you to come out. You look at your phone and see it’s a text from a random number. Something in the universe is telling you not to open it, but you do. 
Hey y/n. It’s max. I just wanted to text you and see how you are. I know it’s been a couple of months since we last talked, but I feel like you are avoiding me. I take part of the blame too. I should have reached out but I was expecting to see you in Miami but you weren’t there. Is it because of me? I promise I’ll leave you alone if it is. I just want to make sure you are okay. I hope to see you at the Mexico GP in the next few months. Please text me if you ever need anything. I’m here for you. 
You don’t realize the way your eyes are stinging with tears until after you are done reading the text. A pang of guilt and sadness washes over you. You want to be so mad at max for texting you, but you know he has no idea, and he’s just trying to be nice. Your heart physically hurts, it’s like your baby knows it’s missing a piece of something. You remind yourself though that you are strong, so is this baby, and max is just getting started with his career. He does not need you or a baby weighing him down. 
Jolting you out of your thoughts, you hear the car horn signaling you to walk out the door. You can’t dwell on max, he’s a distant memory. All you should be focusing on is this baby. No matter how bad it hurts not having the father of your child around. 
Once at the doctors office, you are laying down with your belly exposed and cold gel covering every inch. “Do you want to know the sex of the baby?” You nod eagerly and hold your moms hand. 
“Ooo they are hiding from me, come on baby let’s see what you are” finally finding a good position, the doctor takes a few pictures and says “congratulations mama, it looks like you are having a girl”. You look over to see your mom crying and Carola recording everything. “I’m having a baby girl” you kept repeating to yourself. You have never felt more happy. 
When you are home alone, you start to think of the life you and your daughter will have. How you are going to homeschool her, and travel everywhere together. But your mind drifts to what could have been if max was involved. You had no doubt that max would be the best dad. He would be devoted and loving. A good father. He would take your daughter all over, putting her in karting right away but ultimately letting her choose her own path. Stop y/n, you tell yourself, those are dreams that won’t be coming true but you and your family will provide the best life for your baby girl. 
All you can do is be thankful and happy, you want to embrace pregnancy in the next 5 months. You ultimately decide it’s best not to text max back, not to add fuel to the fire. You hope as time goes on you are able to accept the fact that max won’t be a part of this journey. 
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Months have passed, leaving you in your third trimester with little under eight weeks until you meet your precious baby. Pregnancy has been tough but also so rewarding, you can finally feel her little kicks, especially when you are watching your brother race on tv, subconsciously you wonder if she gets so excited because she sees her dad but then you tell yourself to stop being so delusional and she doesn't even know who her father is.
The Mexico GP is today and you have already told your entire family you aren't going. It would be too risky for the baby, but in reality it's too risky for max to see you. There was no more hiding your pregnancy. No matter how big the shirt or hoodie is, you can still see your bump. It’s better you stay home and just wait for everyone to come back. 
Kicking your feet up, you turn on the tv and watch the start of the race. You see the crowds filled with your brother's face, and his number along with max’s. Sergio had a great start, pushing to the front of the grid, having him leading the race. Max followed closely behind him. 
The race after the start was uneventful. Your brother won and you were extremely sad you didn't get to be there to congratulate him in person. Max was second and then Oscar, it was a good podium in your eyes. 
You patiently wait for your entire family to come home including your brother. You knew that would be hours though, so you decided to take a nap on the couch. That nap ended up being a five hour nap and when you opened your eyes you saw it was dark out. Something woke you up though and it was the sound of the front door of your parents house unlocking. Sitting up you get ready to jump into your brother's arms to congratulate him. One by one your family walks in, mom, dad, carola, the kids, sergio, and then max. 
You feel your heart drop to your stomach, you have to think quickly. He may find out you are pregnant but your family doesn't need to know that. Walking confidently over to your brother you pull him into a hug and say “felicidades hermano estoy muy feliz por ti” congrats brother I am so happy for you. You have yet to acknowledge that max is even standing in your familys living room with his mouth agape. Sergio hugs you back and says a quiet thank you. 
“¿Por qué está Max en la casa?” Why is max at the house? You say to your brother hoping max did not catch any of that. But your brother had a different idea. 
“Max wanted to come see the house and the city so we offered to let him stay the night and we can take him sightseeing tomorrow!” 
You nod your head and walk over to him, extending your hand out for him to shake. “Welcome max, and congrats on the podium” you say. There was no way he didn't see your stomach. You were wearing a tiny tank top that you practically spilled out of. You know he's not going to say anything to you in front of your family. So maybe if you went to your room and ignored him this whole thing would blow over. 
You should know better than that though. Because your family loved to bring up the fact that you are pregnant. You couldn't blame them, they had no idea that the father of the baby was 2 feet away from them.
Your mom was the first to speak up. “How is the baby Amor, did you get to rest or did she keep you up”. Well now he knows it's a girl. A part of you wanted to go cry in a corner but another part wanted to dote on your daughter no matter what. “No she has been really content today, during the race when she saw you sergio she got so happy, she was moving all over the place”.
A big smile formed on your brother's face, “that's my niece, she couldn't wait to see her uncle win”. You take a sneakily look over to max and he looks confused, hurt, and tired. You can't deal with this, you have to excuse yourself. You are going to tell them you have to go back to your house, even though you have been spending the last week sleeping over at your parents. 
“Guys I think I am going to drive back to my apartment, that way max can sleep in my room” you say hoping you came off as convincing 
“Nonsense, I can sleep on the couch” max is quick to reply.
Your dad is next to reply “you can't leave in the middle of the night, you are 8 months pregnant, you can't be alone”.
You don't have the energy to fight them so you bid them a goodnight and head to your room, hoping you don't get a visitor late in the night. Oh how could you be so wrong. 
Tossing and turning in your bed you can't fall asleep, maybe it was the nap, maybe it was because your baby's father was 10 feet away from you. You don't know if it's the hormones but you want him, it's like a primal urge. Like you have been separated for so long and he just suddenly came back and he looked good. His hair is long, a tiny bit of stubble growing on his cheeks. 
You have to sleep but you can't. You look at your phone and it's 3 in the morning, max has to be asleep right, it was an exhausting race. He wouldn't wake up right? If you go out to make yourself some tea. 
You hate yourself for it but part of your subconscious wants him to ask, but you know deep down that would be the worst possible idea. Throwing your feet off the bed you stand up unsteadily and start to slowly walk out of your room. Max looks like he’s asleep as you pass the couch. Once in the kitchen you turn on the small light next to the oven and start to make yourself some tea. 
Once done with putting everything away you turn around to grab your drink but see a sleepy looking max walk over to you. You don't mean to sound hostile but you do when you say “why are you up”. This was the man you loved, the father of your baby, but you were angry, at yourself or at him, you didn't know. 
“I could ask you the same question” he responded. “I couldn't sleep, so I needed to get myself some tea, goodnight max”. You begin to walk away and as you walk past him he grabs your arm and says “wait, we need to talk”. Shit you've been caught, you think to yourself.
“About what?” Maybe if you play dumb he will also and ignore everything. 
“You know about what y/n, don't play dumb, it's not a good look on you” max says with a snarl and strong grip on your forearm. The authoritativeness of his voice and demeanor sends chills down your spine. 
“Okay, but not here” you whisper. Grabbing his hand you wander outside to the patio where no one can hear you from inside the house. You sit down and let max talk. 
“So. You're pregnant?” 
“Yes” is all you can say
“Your dad said you're eight months pregnant, so either you were pregnant when we slept together, or that baby is mine. Which is it y/n?” 
“I - I, it's none of your business max, this baby and I were fine before this and we will be fine long after you leave” you stutter out.
“So she is mine, god damnit y/n, why didn't you tell me? I've lost 8 months of your pregnancy. Were you ever going to tell me?” 
Guilt is eating away at you and you feel tears burning your eyes.
“I didn't think you would want anything to do with the baby max, you and I live completely different lives. You are you max, having a baby is a big responsibility. Do you know how hard it is for carola? She has four babies. She has to take them on planes all over the world so they can see their dad. How could I raise a baby with you, when we hardly know each other? When you don't even want to be with me? Tell me max, how would that work?”
“That's not your decision to decide on your own. How could you hide this from me? I could have been there for you, I could have been the one taking you to doctors appointments. Who knows?”
“Who knows what?”
“Who knows I’m the dad?”
“No one, I told them it doesn’t matter who the father is”
“I can’t believe you y/n, now everyone is going to think I’m some deadbeat dad who doesn’t want to be a part of their baby’s life. Well to hell with that, no more secrets. I am going to raise this baby and we are going to do it together” he said.
All you can do is nod your head and whisper out an “okay max, no more secrets”
“And who said I didn’t want to be with you?” 
This catches your attention, because you hoped he would have ignored you when you said that. But of course he didn’t, max is the most observant person you've ever met.
“Max you have no idea how long I’ve been in love with you. Long before you and segio even became teammates, I yearned for you. But I refuse to trap you into staying with me just because I am having your baby”
“Again y/n that’s not your decision to make, do you think I would have slept with you if I didn’t have feelings for you. What kind of guy do you think I am? Y/n I don’t know where we stand on us being together but we are both the parents and I know we care for eachother. I will move to Mexico if I have to, but you are not going to keep this baby out of my life”
“I understand max, but what are we going to do when the press find out? Do you really want your daughter under that scrutiny? How are we going to tell our families? I’m sure my brother and your father are gonna be really fond of the idea of us having a baby together”
“Y/n you are not listening to me, none of that matters, who cares what anyone says. If your brother decides to punch me so be it, but that’s not going to stop me from being a loving and present dad, I’m not going to be like my father”
Something snaps inside of you, a need to reassure him and be close to him. You stand up and grab both his hands.
“Of course you aren’t going to be like your father, you are an amazing person, I didn’t keep this pregnancy a secret because I thought you would be a bad dad, I did it because I was scared of everything else. You don’t know how much I wished you were at the doctors appointments with me holding my hand. Going shopping to buy clothes and bottles. Some nights I would cry myself to sleep knowing our daughter would grow up not having you in her life. Taking her karting, protecting her, chasing her around that paddock. So don't ever think I hid her from you because I thought you were going to be a bad dad. It was me who was scared of how everyone would react and what they would say when they found out their precious max verstappen would have a child out of wedlock”. 
Max pulls you into a hug, and for once in these past 7 months of pregnancy you felt like you could finally breathe.
“I’m going to protect you guys no matter what” he muttered into your hair.
The baby was excited, maybe because she knew her dad was finally with us. She was kicking up a storm. 
“Max feel, she’s so happy you are here” you say as you grab his hand and place it on your tummy. 
“She’s strong, maybe she will want to play football one day” he says with a smile. 
“Let’s go to bed, we can talk more tomorrow” grabbing his hand you lead him to your bedroom.
Laying down on your side, max lays behind you and places a hand over your stomach. You sleep the best you have in a very long time. 
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Telling your family that max was the father of your baby went as well as you would think. No glasses were broken, no bleeding, there were some strong words shared but honestly you expected that. 
As max was taking a shower, you sat in the living room waiting for everyone to come out to leave. Your brother plops down next to you and says “you know you could have told me”
“I couldn’t sergio, I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me”
“Y/n you are my sister, you always come first before my career, I could never be disappointed in you. Grossed out a little? Yeah. But never disappointed.”
You find yourself laughing and laying your head on his shoulder. You don’t know how you got so lucky to have a family so supportive. 
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.    .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚      .  .   ˚ .             ✦
Being with max is like a breath of fresh air. You didn’t know how bad you actually needed him, and now that you actually have him, you aren’t sure you can let go.
He jumped into his role of father to be fast and efficiently, much like he does with everything else. Before he left back to Monaco, he asked if he could go to a doctor's appointment with you and of course you said yes. You did make him wear a mask and hoodie to help disguise him. 
Your doctor was surprised to see you come with a man, as you thought she probably assumed you were doing this alone. 
“Who is this?” She asks with a smile and extends her hand out for max to shake.
Just as you were about to say a friend. He beats you to the punchline. 
“Hello, I am the father of the baby, sorry it’s taken so long for us to meet, my work schedule keeps me busy” You smiled and grabbed his hand. 
The rest of the appointment was smooth, the exciting part was the ultrasound. Max was by your head, watching tentatively at the screen.
“Baby girl looks good, has a fast little heart beat, height and weight are all in range, let’s take a listen to her” the doctor says as she allows us to hear the echoes of the baby’s heartbeat. This wasn’t new to you, but you never got over the fact that you were growing another life in you. You look over and see max in absolute awe. If you look close enough you actually think you see a tear in his eye. He grips your hand tight and says “her heart beat is so fast and strong, oh my god I can’t believe we are actually seeing her, doctor can I please have an ultrasound picture”. You are shocked he asked her for one, but for some reason his asking really reassured you that he was in this for the long haul, even if you guys weren’t a couple. 
The appointment wraps up with the doctor giving us a couple ultrasound pictures and instructions to not travel, as you might actually deliver within the next couple of weeks if not sooner. 
As you are driving home with max you ask what he thought. “Y/n that was amazing, I can’t believe we are having a little girl. She’s so big and strong already, do you have any names you think? I know we have a lot of stuff to discuss but after seeing her, everything seems like it’s going to work out. I will do whatever I have to, to keep you and her safe”.
You feel the words get stuck in your throat, all you can do is nod and say “it’s going to be the greatest experience you and I have ever accomplished. As for names, I have a couple in mind but I want your input. I have always really liked the name Alejandra or Catalina. but I want her to have a part of your culture in her name as well”. You look over to him to see a satisfied smile resting upon his face. 
“I think those are great names, she will have a part of me in her last name, so whatever first name you want, I am happy to go along with it”. 
Life feels really good right now. The sun is shining, and even though you and max are not together in the way you want, you will both work together to provide your daughter a happy life.
Max takes you back to your place. As you both walk in, you wash your hands and proceed to plop down on the couch, not bothering to take off your shoes. Max notices and kneels in front of you to unlace your laces, slowly taking them off. You don’t know if it’s the hormones but the tiniest of touch was leaving you with butterflies in your stomach. 
“Thank you max” you muttered. 
“What kind of partner would I be if I wasn’t able to do this for you” your heart skips a beat when he says the word partner. 
Once finished he stands to look down at you. “You know y/n, pregnancy suits you. You look so pretty with our baby growing in you”. You can’t help but blush at the compliment. Starting to feel a heat overtake your body. You wanted him, but you couldn’t let him know that.
It’s like he could read your mind though. “Do you know I think about our night together often, every time before bed I touch myself thinking about your body and how it felt. Ever since being in Mexico, everytime I shower I get myself off thinking of you. Seeing you so domestic, barefooted, pregnant, not a care in the world, It makes me feral for you. I crave you y/n, do you feel the same?”
If it was easy for you to get up from the couch you would have pounced on him in a second. But instead he understands and grabs both of your arms, hoisting you up so you are standing in front of him. “Max, do you know how difficult it has been for me to not kiss you, grab you, love you this past week, I want you so bad, I want to be yours forever and always”
That's all max needs to hear before he grabs your face leading you into a kiss. It's a little awkward because of your big belly but you guys make it work. You can't stop kissing him. Things get heated very fast, teeth clashing, lips being bitten, hair being pulled. Max leads you to your bedroom where he takes off his shirt then yours. You hadn't worn a bra that day so he immediately went to grab your tits, worshiping them.
“God, your tits are amazing, they are so massive, presented to me, ready for me to take and devour”
You moan in response when you look down to see max leaving feather-like kisses around your nipples. When he hears your moan he pops one of your nipples into his mouth and begins to suck. While it all felt so good, you wanted him in you and he could tell you were growing impatient.
Popping off, he leads you to the bed and makes you sit. Your face now level with his crotch. You take this opportunity to start to unbuckle his belt and shimmy his pants and underwear off. Just as you are about to take him into your mouth, he stops you. 
“Not today darling, today is about you, and I want to taste you, I've been dreaming about it for months”
He lays you back gently, pulling off your pants and underwear you feel the slightest insecure at being so exposed. In response you try and close your legs but he doesn't let that stop him. He separates them open with his hands, kneeling in front of you. 
“Don't hide from me baby, let me make you feel good” max says as he looks up at you for confirmation.
You nod, and prop yourself up on your elbows so you can see what he's doing. Quite honestly you can't really see him because your belly is in the way but you do make eye contact with him as he makes his way down. 
He licks a fat stripe right on your heat, it sends shocks of pleasure coursing through you. Max proceeds to kiss along the sides of your thighs, teasing you.
“Max, babe, please” you beg out.
“Is my girl needy for me? You're mine right? No one else, just mine. Say it y/n, tell me you are mine” 
He has barely touched you and you already feel so fucked out. You manage to get the words out though “yes max I'm yours, only yours, I only have ever wanted you”. That seems to satisfy him because his mouth is on your clit in seconds. Taking his time between licking and sucking the bundle of nerves. It felt euphoric, max didn't get a chance to go down on you the first time you guys had sex, but now that you've got a taste of what his mouth could do, you don't know how you could ever let it go. 
Sucking hard on your clit, he takes the opportunity to stick his middle finger in you. Slowly working you open, not that you need it, you are dripping in arousal. Your moans are filling up the room, max adds a second finger in you, curling up, creating something you have never felt before. The way his fingers moved inside of you, the way his mouth devoured you. It felt so good, you felt bad because you were pulling his hair, practically moving his face. 
“Fuck, max your mouth feels so good”.
Max takes his mouth off of you and says “you taste so good y/n, I could eat you out for hours on end” 
You never pegged max to be a man practically starved for pussy but here you are, and you are grateful that he is. You needed him in you though. 
“Amor (love), please come fuck me, I need it so bad” 
“How can I say no to my pretty girl, lay on your side” 
You shimmy yourself up the bed, laying on your side. Max makes his way beside you, laying down. You take the opportunity to turn your head back and look at him. You see him slowly pumping his cock, about to slide it in you he asks, “Shit, do you want me to wear a condom”
Quite literally you couldn’t want anything less. “No no no, please I want to feel you fill me up. I want to be dripping with your cum” 
“Fuck you drive me crazy y/n, you have such a dirty mouth on you.”
You reach back and grab his hip, helping him line himself up with your entrance. He trusts into you in one swift motion, the burn is just like you remember. The stretch is unlike anything you’ve ever felt. Max takes his hand and reaches over to interlock his fingers with yours. No words have been exchanged but you have never felt closer to him than in this moment. 
You can’t reach back to kiss him, but he does leave a trail of wet, sloppy, kisses down your neck. You can already tell you aren’t going to last much longer, you have had so much bottled up, you needed a release. Max can tell by the way you are clenching down on him. 
“Are you close? Play with your pretty clit for me, I’m right there with you”
You nod vigorously, taking your hand and rubbing between your legs. The next thing you know you feel your climax reach an all time high, and you are cumming all over his cock. You let out the biggest moan and feel your legs shaking. You can feel yourself throbbing, basically begging Max to cum inside you. He grabs your hip hard, you look down and see his knuckles are white, he slams into not once, not twice, but three times and suddenly you feel a warm liquid filling you up. Max groans, placing his face in your neck. 
You guys lie there in a comfortable silence, just enjoying the closeness and comfort, because tomorrow he will be leaving back home and you don’t know how you are going to handle it.
Max slowly slides out of you and you feel his seed leaking out of you down your thighs. He kisses your cheek and mutters something about cleaning you up. He comes back in with a wipe and spreads your legs to clean you up. This feels extremely intimate but you allow yourself to be comfortable with it because you deserve to be taken care of. 
After everything is sorted, you are both laying down and it’s you who speaks first. “Max, what does this mean”
He takes a deep breath before speaking. “I was mad at you for not telling me, I needed time to process everything, which is why I told you I needed time, but don't ever for a second doubt I didn't want you or the baby. I'm in it for the long run y/n. I’ll follow you both anywhere.”
“I’m sorry max, I can't imagine a life where you and I aren't together” 
“You shouldn't be due until the end of the season, so right after the last race i'll pack a couple of bags and stay down here. I was thinking we would spend the first 6 months in Mexico and the next 6 in Monaco. I'll keep paying the house so we can go whenever. When racing starts back up we will figure it out then but im looking forward to having a couple of months with you guys disturbance free”
Your heart warms at the idea of him finding compromises for the both of you. And he was right, we would figure the logistics out as time went on, all that mattered was that you both were on the same page. 
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Max and Sergio finished the season off strong, and max stayed true to his word. Right after the last race he was on the first plane out to Mexico to join you for the birth. 
Quite honestly he came in just enough time because not even two days after his arrival, your water broke. 
“Do we have everything packed in the car max” you ask while pacing around the room.
“Yes sweetheart, let's get going” 
As you expected max was completely calm and collected, acting as a support system. When the doctor came in and told you, we were ready to push, you got scared and max could sense that. He grabbed your hand and whispered “hey look at me. everything is going to be okay, do you think I would ever let anything happen to you guys? you are so strong and I can’t wait to see our beautiful daughter”
His words of encouragement helped you during the delivery process and before you knew it, your baby girl’s cry’s entered the room. 
“Dad, do you want to cut the umbilical cord?” the doctor asked. The sheer look of awe was all over max’s face. You watch as he gently cuts the cord and makes his way back to you. After she is cleaned up they plop her down on your chest and you just take her in. She is the perfect mix of both of you, she has max’s pretty turquoise eyes and your dark hair. 
You look up at max and see that he has tears in his eyes. 
“She’s so beautiful, she’s perfect y/n and she’s all ours”
You nod because you are at a loss for words at how special this moment is.To think what this would look like right now if you never told him. Looking at both max and the baby, you begin to wonder how lucky you got. This baby started as a secret but ended up being the best thing that could happen to either of you. And you can’t wait to see the life that you and max build together. 
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unluckilyimnot · 6 months
Jealous hc
Characters: sae, rin, kaiser, hiori, karasu, shidou
m.list | rules
Note: hiiii how are youuu thank you for your request hihi I had other characters bc I felt like doing it for them too
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Sae Itoshi
he’s too prideful to be jealous, or he thinks so
in fact he get pissed off easily, anyone being a little to friendly with you bother him and he already doesn’t like anyone so imagine
he’s not subtile, even if he thinks he is
he’ll get closer, talk like shit to the person who’s flirting with you in his eyes
roll his eyes, click his tongue, you name it
Suddenly he wants to go home or leave for another place
You never honestly never thought you'll see him like that since he's confident and trusts you
I think he just doesn't like people and so by extension he hates people talking to you
He likes to think he's the only one who can make you smile like that, beside your friends (he's not insane)
So seeing some nobody making you smile, or even worst : laugh makes him jealous
He’s not into pda to save his life i think, that’s something he keeps behind closed doors
But oh man how he likes to kiss you when it happens, just to remind everyone that you're taken and you're proud of it
Be prepared to hear about this, he’s a nagging mom at heart
“Are you done ?” you’d ask and magically, yes he is
he will sulk yes, but close to you at least
Rin Itoshi
Bare with him, he acts tough but deep down he wants to cry
Just like his brother, he will get closer, his arm will probably stay around your shoulders after that
But he won’t be mean to them, just kinda ignore them or send death glare if they get too close
No touching, even in a friendly way, don’t be ridiculous
I think he appreciates it if you put a stop yourself
He’s more insecure than he likes to admit and it prove him that he can trust you
He’s gonna be clingy af though
When you two are finally alone, Rin won’t say a world but glue himself to you
He’ll need reassurance for sure :( this boy has abandon issues
Michael Kaiser
He’s an asshole (lovingly)
He let people flirt with you if it helps their ego and mock them for how long you can think, it’s almost an inside joke for him
The irony is that he’s really possessive, so it’s all fun and game until it’s not some loser that try to hit on you
Not that he feels threaten, please
But he still don’t wanna play with them and he doesn’t want you nearby
If you just happen to be friendly with someone then he’s bothered
What do you mean by being this happy to see someone else ?
He’ll ask a million questions and whine about it before brush it off as if he doesn’t care
It takes a lot to deal with him, his reaction depend on his phase
If he feels low then he’ll be a nightmare, you had to be sorry for someone hitting on you and tell him he’s your one and only
If he’s his confident self, it’s almost like he doesn’t care and let it happen
Being with him is a roller coaster
Tabito Karasu
Best man if is speak
He’s mature and he knows he’s projecting his own insecurity when he’s jealous, so he doesn’t make a big deal about it
He’s not gonna ruin the moment so he just keep his cool and act normally
Deep down you can feel there’s some awkwardness so you try to ask him silently, with your eyes or smile, if he’s ok
He loves you so much he feels dumb to even be jealous the second you do that honestly
Expect small pda like holding hands above your knees, playing with your fingers or the em of your shirt/ skirt
He’ll talk to you about it on your way back home or when you two are comfortable at yours or his place
He knows it’s normal to feel like this sometimes but it’s normal to reach for comfort right ? he’s not shy to ask
Nothings best than you playing with his hair, laying on your chest or thighs
Ryusei Shidou
He’s unhinged he scares me
I think he’s the most jealous among them
You’re his, that’s it so, he may seem lay back (and weird) but he’s cautious with every person coming near you
I hc him with abandon issues as well (give us his back story please and make it worth it compare to some character) so he’s always scared of you leaving
It’s still more in a possessive than an insecure way, he just can’t take it if he considered that someone is too close to you
He gets touchy oh my, he’s all over you, can’t keep his hands to himself just to let them know that you’re taken
He’ll talk to them straight in the eyes while his hand run up and down your thighs, he’s not ashamed of anything
You have to put a stop to it but always expected something more while coming home
Yo Hiori
He’s cute and I don’t think people take him seriously enough
You’re amazing and beautiful and fun to talk to, people already asked you why him
He kinda has war flashback ngl
Obviously he also think that he’s not enough and probably get jealous/sad quickly if someone get close to you and is really friendly
He’s scared to take things into hand I think, so he’ll just ask for you two to leave
He won’t tell you how he feels, he’s sure it’s not important enough to bring it up but you always ask him anyway
You’re so sorry that it happens at all honestly, you never want him to feel like this
He never ask for it but you’re clingy and want to do nothing with him, spending some quality time together, watching him play game while you stay on your phone or even sitting in his laps
It always make him feel better and remind him that you won’t leave him so soon
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I hope you liked it ♡
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icallhimjoey · 8 days
okay so what if for once joe was the drama queen cos he’s Big Mad over some stuff…how would that play out
this guy's a whole idiot, im not sure i like him all that much... Wordcount: 2.3K
I Prefer The Moon Anyway
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“I’m sorry...”
If someone asked you without Joe in the room, you’d tell them Joe was being an unreasonable little bitch boy.
“I said I’m sorry.”
But Joe is right there, ignoring you, and you’re apologising just to apologise. You know he wants to hear it, so you’re giving him the words, even if they’re empty.
“I heard you.” Joe’s remark is cold. He can tell you don’t mean it. That you are just avoiding a fight. He doesn’t blame you, he wants a fight even less than you, but you’re annoying him in a way he doesn’t have the words for.
If someone was to ask him without you in the room, he’d tell them this is the exact point of a relationship at which he’d usually turn into stone. This is where he grows numb. Cares less. Starts to protect himself in silence and prepares for the inevitable break up that’s coming.
The beginning of the end.
“But what do you want me to do?” you ask, sounding a little more desperate and helpless than you want, but you can’t help it. Joe’s asking something ridiculously unreasonable. Something you can’t give him. Don’t want to give him. It doesn’t help that you think he’s actually being a dramatic baby who feels like he’s not gotten enough attention. A coddled man who wants the whole world to bend to his needs.
Joe just shrugs. Knows exactly what he wants you to do.
And to be fair, the world has bent to his needs for ages, so who is to blame him for expecting you to do the same?
Joe’s pouting.
He looks like a child who’s overdoing a sad face to get a little empathy from his classmates. Like the kids all across the playground need to see that he’s hurt. Like he needs to guilt-trip them into giving him the toy that he allegedly saw first so he stops crying and they can all be friends again.
You fucking hate it.
“Can you hear yourself, though?” you try for some logic. For some critical thinking skills. Does he see, in the grand scheme of things, how utterly ridiculous he’s being?
Joe shrugs again, but this time it’s conspicuously uninvolved. Like he doesn’t give a single shit about how unreasonable he’s being. He’s gone from acting like you’re burning down the whole world to suddenly acting like he’d rather live on the moon anyway. Burn it, bitch. Whatever. He couldn’t care less.  
He won’t reach out to touch you tonight. He’s going to break your one rule if you keep this up. All because of schedules that never seem to coordinate – something that’s neither his fault or yours.
“I sure can. Can you?” Joe bites back, wants to hear a sincere apology from you. He wants to hear in your voice that he’s right and that he’s not selfish for wanting what he wants. For feeling the way he feels. Not his fault he loves you.
That’s what he’ll bring it back to – always.
He just loves you a lot.
How can you hate him for that, Big Wet Brown Sad Eyes™? Hmm?
Which... it’s so unfair.
And selfish.
He wants you to drop everything at a moment’s notice because he needs you right now. Doesn’t give a shit about what you need.
It’s fucking selfish, is what it is.
And the problem is that Joe’s selfishness is exactly what’s put you where you are now, in his living room, in a weird fight that you would both rather not be a part of.
“Please repeat what you’re asking of me.” You narrow your eyes at him as you look over your shoulder, convinced that he knows he’s wrong and that he should be the one apologising to you.
“Is it too much to ask of my girlfriend to spend time with me?” 
You sigh. You’re so frustrated. That’s not what he’s asking of you - that’s what he’s dressing it up as, which is unfair. What Joe’s asking is for you to drop your work at a moment’s notice because he’s suddenly found an evening off in his schedule and he decided he wants to spend it with you. But he hasn’t actually checked to see if you have the time. Just assumed that you did.
A risky assumption to make.
Because you don’t.
“You know I barely get any time to myself, I don’t know when I’ll have a night off next... could be weeks.” Joe places both hands on your shoulders to give you a little squeeze there. Massages the muscles in places he knows are tight just from the look of you. Gets his mouth close to your ear and lowly says, “Come on, baby. It’s just one night.”
You need to finish work.
There’s a deadline tomorrow you need to make, no questions asked.
Your evening plans surround you and your laptop and a wifi connection, and you were hoping you’d maybe get to sit in the same room as Joe as he would do some work of his own. Some prep for next day’s scenes. Some reading, some rehearsing.
Not this.
Not Joe trying to coax you into a bad performance review just because he felt bored that one night he suddenly found himself with a hole in his agenda.
“I’m here,” you say dryly, but you know that’s not what he means. “You can spend time with me whilst I finish all of this up.”
Joe communicates it with a look. A drop of his face and shoulders, letting you go and stepping away. Eyes rolling because, that’s not fair. He wants to take you out. Go some place nice. Talk and laugh and spend some actual time with you. See if some of his other current colleagues want to join, so he can introduce you. 
And it’s awful because that’s what you want too. But you feel like you’ve wanted that a million times, and every time you’ve tried to plan something, Joe’s been busy. Always so busy. Table reads, night shoots, long hours, long commutes, a party here, an event there. And it’s always, “Babe, it’s for work, I can’t just cancel.” 
Yet, that’s exactly what he’s asking of you now. 
“I don’t know why you assume that your time is more valuable than mine.” 
“I don’t think that at all! When have I ever said that?”
It’s how he’s acting. It says enough.
“Listen to what you’re saying; you’ve got a bit of free time. You do. You. Not me though. Not tonight. Does that sound familiar? At all?”
The tables have turned, just this once. He can just fucking deal with it like you have all those times before.
“Don’t. You know that’s not–”
“So your job is more important than mine?”
It pays more, Joe thinks immediately, but refrains from speaking the words into the room. Knows that won’t help, but it’s definitely telling how quick the comeback came to him.
“Hmm? Your time more important than mine?” You push.
Joe needs to realise that, if that’s actually how he feels, how outrageous the thought is. Just by your face, he needs to feel how those thoughts need reevaluating.
“You’re putting words in my mouth.”
You’re not. You’re just reading his body-language.
“Your priority is you. You have a free minute and so I’m supposed to just work my way around your schedule and– mind you, you didn’t even know about this until this afternoon! This deadline at work has been there for months!”
You should’ve stayed at the office.
Finished up there.
Joe is pacing now. Walking around his own living room with flared nostrils, taking in your words until you leave enough room for him to say anything.
Which, when he finally gets a chance, he drops an insane bombshell.
“Well, if you hadn’t procrastinated everything until the night before, maybe we wouldn’t be where we are right now.”
Oh, what the fuck? 
Did it take too long for you to set the world alight? Did Joe think it necessary to douse it in petrol and hold a lit match between two fingers a little too loosely? One small move from you could be used as an excuse to drop it, and full blame could be placed with you.
But so are you.
You don’t make a move.
Not a single fucking muscle.
You just stare at him over your laptop screen.
Frozen in place.
And Joe stares right back.
It’s like a fucking duel.
You remember a time where you were in Joe’s shoes. The ones he’s wearing right now. The difference being that, back then, there were actual plans made that you’d been looking forward to, and then two days before, Joe complained about having to cancel on seeing family. He added that it’d be the third time he had to dip out on something, and how that made him feel like an awful person, but his job was just too demanding right now. People wanted him everywhere, all of the time, and whilst he typed away at his phone to apologise to his mum, he didn’t see how your face fell too, because you knew if he was telling family members he couldn’t make it to something, he was also going to have to cancel on you.
You’d cried, then. Only silently. Wiped a tear away quickly and masked a sniff as a deep breath, because you didn’t want him to feel worse.
Trust Joe to feel guilty for having to cancel on family for the third time and forget about the person in the room with him.
You then wondered if he ever kept count with you.
“You okay?” he had asked when you’d fallen silent, and you’d smiled and nodded. “Yea, just tired.” which wasn’t a lie, but it also wasn’t the full truth that Joe accepted it as.
It was fine. It wasn’t his fault.
You’d taken your frustration out on him later that night, when he left your toothpaste uncapped on the side, and you’d grumbled until the lights in the bedroom got turned off, and Joe reached out to you under the covers.
The one rule.
Even if you were upset, or angry, or wanted to fully murder each other, you had to at least still touch each other in bed. To let the other know that, yea I’d rather fucking shout at you until I go hoarse right now, but I still love you.
It could be a big toe touching a shin, or an elbow digging into a bicep – a touch was a touch. An I love you hidden in the dark.
And you had accepted it easily then.
Yea, it was annoying that Joe’s work dictated so much of what your relationship could even be, but it wasn’t his fault, so there was no use blaming him for it.
That was then.
You don’t know when you’d grown past the point of simply accepting all the bullshit. When you decided to maybe not brush things off and be the cool girlfriend who was there for her boyfriend wherever and whenever, especially in all the moments he wouldn’t have been there for you had the tables been reversed.
Like right fucking now.
You are still staring at Joe across the room when you see how suddenly, he starts to blink his eyes rapidly. See how suddenly, his jaw starts working. You know he’s biting back tears and, no – you won’t fucking have that. This motherfucker can cry on command and you don’t doubt for a single second he’d use that to get his own way.
“Don’t fucking guilt-trip me into losing my job.”
Joe’s immediately offended.
He drops the match.
“Well, I’m sorry for being disappointed.”
World on fire.
“Do you want me to leave?” you spit out, louder than you initially thought you’d make your voice go.
“No, no,” Joe immediately says, but it sounds patronising, even though he’s on the verge of tears. Like he actually means yes, please leave, because what good are you going to be to him having to sit at his kitchen table and do work all night.
“Stay. Make your deadline.”
You ignore the sarcastic bite and take a second to sit back in your chair and assess what needs doing. How long it’ll take you all. What time you’ll likely be finished. You conclude that, if Joe’s gonna be moping around, giving big sighs from across the room, that it will likely take twice as long.
You should leave.
“No, I should go. Get this done and then see you after.”
It’s the last thing Joe expected. For you to go on your own merit. Because of your work that needs doing, and not because you’ve gotten into a huge fight. You’re not storming off and screaming how you never want to see him again. You have work to do and want to see him after you’ve finished it.
It’s stupid how fast everything inside of him flips.
He doesn’t actually want you to leave.
He wants you to shut your laptop and sigh lovingly and mutter, “How could I ever resist you?” through a smile before you kiss him silly and follow him out into the night.
But instead you shut your laptop and bend to pick up your bag from the floor to stick it into and, no, that’s not what he wants.
“No, wait... wait. I’m sorry.” he says he before he even realises what he’s doing. Unsure if he really means it. He just doesn’t want you to get up and leave. If anything, he’d like to talk more and get you to eventually prioritise him over everything else. “Stay. We can... you can finish work and then we could do something after.”
You drop your head all the way back and take a moment to let your eyes dart to all corners of his ceiling.
What if you don’t finish this until after 11? After midnight? Is he just going to watch you work from the sofa and ask you how much longer every three minutes because he thinks you’re taking too long?
You should leave.
“I should go. I’m probably better off at the office, actually. It’s where I’ll get it done faster, I think.” You say all of it kindly. Stick your laptop into your bag calmly, no jerky annoyance in your limbs. But you don’t make eye-contact so he can’t use the Big Browns on you, and instead of trying to stomp on the flames to make the fire go out, he wafts a fresh gust of wind right over them, making them climb much higher.
“All right, fuck off then. See if I give a shit.”
If someone asked you without Joe in the room, you’d tell them Joe needed a moment to calm down and you’d talk to him in the morning after you’d made this deadline.
You didn’t start the fire.
Joe did.
And he’d figure that out eventually.
If someone was to ask Joe without you in the room, he’d tell them fuck her, apparently she doesn’t give a shit about him, and actually, that’s totally not a problem at all, because he prefers the moon anyway.
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lxkeee · 7 months
pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Adopted! Fem angel! Reader [platonic!]
fandom: Hazbin Hotel
genre: fluff and cute
notes: will be making a male version of this. Someone please remind me.
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Lucifer smiles as he watches his daughter interact with the new guests of the hotel, after the recent extermination, sinners began to slowly get interested with the hotel and wanted to give redemption a shot. Though, he can't exactly say that business is booming as the hotel only gained three new guests—a sibling of three, an older sister, a middle child brother, and their little sister.
They thought the hotel could help them and decided to join, in which Charlie, his daughter welcomed them with open arms.
Currently, he's sitting by the bar while Husk prepares his drink. Lucifer watches the interaction between the youngest new guest and his daughter. Charlie holding the small girl in her arms as she raised her up in the air, the small child giggling in glee. The scene evoking an almost forgotten memory of Lucifer.
“Charlie, Charlie! Uppies again! Please!” the girl giggles and Charlie nodded and raised the smaller girl up, making the child laugh.
The scene almost made Lucifer cry, as a memory flashed in his mind—a certain angel that he sees as a daughter despite not being related to him. [Y/n], his adopted daughter. The first girl he raised, he remembers an almost exact scene as this—the memory where he was still in heaven with her, gently throwing her up in the air and her little angel wings fluttering behind her as she falls back into his arms. Heck, he even remembers that the girl accidentally hit his face with a blast of snow.
Husk raises an eyebrow as he notices the king of hell had such a somber expression on his face, Lucifer didn't even react when he placed down the drink he made for him and just opted to play with glass as he was in deep thought.
The feline raises an eyebrow, turning around to continue wiping a freshly cleaned glass, “Penny for your thoughts?” he grumbles, breaking Lucifer's trail of thoughts.
“Just thinking about something. No need to worry.” Lucifer says softly and Husk huffs but decided not to press any further.
Lucifer went back to thinking again, wondering how his daughter is. After he got cast out of heaven, he never saw her again. He never prayed for the sake of himself nor his family as dare he says it would be offensive as his wife and daughter are demons but he prays that his angelic daughter is taken care of.
Even though kneeling down and praying to his father shatters his pride a little bit but he begs, he begs that [y/n] is well taken care of.
He missed her so much. He's guilty for not being there for her, for not being able to see her grow. How is she? Did she grow up to be a fine young woman? Did she become powerful? Does she remember him? Does she miss him like he misses her? He'll never know.
His memory of her getting worse and worse each day, bit by bit her features become blurry in his mind. He tried painting her once but dear God, he's not a painter. He's more of a singer and musician. He threw away the painting, his skills can't do his daughter justice. A shame he doesn't have any pictures of her.
A somber expression returns to his face, Charlie turns to look at her father who had such a sullen expression on his face. The girl gently let's down the child she was holding, ushering them to go play with Vaggie as she was worried about what had gotten her father down in the dumps.
She then walks towards the bar, takes a seat next to her dad. Husk immediately prepares her usual drink—a glass of wine.
“Is there something wrong, dad?” she asked softly and Lucifer chuckles, taking a sip of his drink—a white Russian cocktail.
“Did I ever tell you that you have an older sister?” He began and Charlie's jaw dropped, Husk stopped midway in making Charlie's drink.
Lucifer chuckles at their reactions, “Yes, you have an older sister... Well, adopted older sister rather.” he says with a lazy smile, nostalgia present in his eyes. For a brief moment, the background noise of the hotel blurs.
Charlie's eyes sparkled, “Wait, really?!” she asked excitedly and Lucifer smiled and ruffled her hair.
“Yes, back in heaven. Older angels were tasked to watch over the newly created angels and that's where I took an angel named [y/n] under my wings,” he explained, taking a deep breath as Charlie nodded intently, Husk giving her the wine glass filled with her drink. Lucifer looks at Charlie again, a somber smile on his face, “She's like a daughter to me and I was like a father to her, she always calls me dad.” he explains, his hand twirling the half empty glass cup, swirling the alcoholic drink around.
Charlie nodded, opting to listen to him and ask questions later, “We used to play everyday, I always spend time with her... Teaching her how to fly and how to use her powers.” he chuckles, his finger wiping away a stray tear from his eye.
“I think she grew up to be a powerful angel, after all, she manifested her powers at such an early age. I think she's a prodigy,” he smiles, his dull eyes sparkling as he mentions her, is what Charlie noticed and she just smiled at him, taking a small sip of her wine.
Lucifer took a sip of his own drink, tasting the vodka, coffee liqueur, and cream mixed together before gently placing down the cup back to the counter, “She actually shot my face with a blast of snow accidentally while trying to make a snowflake.” he says.
Charlie laughs at the story, imagining it, Lucifer smiles and he became sad again, thinking the what if's, what if heaven didn't curse him so bad and allowed him to see her or allow her to see him? What if [y/n] grew alongside Charlie? Would she have been a good older sister to Charlie?
“She sounds amazing, dad.” Charlie whispered to him with a smile and Lucifer nodded, “She is.” he agrees.
Charlie's eyes softened as she held her father's hand, “When was the last time you saw her? If you don't mind me asking?” she asked and Lucifer sighed, remembering [y/n]'s tear streamed chubby cheeks as she watched him fall from heaven, his twin brother, Michael holding onto the girl.
“When I fell from grace.” he whispered and Charlie's eyes saddened and she gave a reassuring squeeze to Lucifer's hand. She imagined how painful it must be for him and for her older sister. She wishes she'd gotten a chance to meet her.
“I am sure you two will meet again one day.” Charlie says with a small smile and Lucifer nodded, giving her a small smile in return. “I hope so, Charlie. You're going to love her.” he says, confidently.
“I think I already do, dad. She sounds amazing.” Charlie said with a grin and Lucifer chuckled, “You two will get along just fine when that time comes.”
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ox-imagines · 3 months
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Tokyo Debunker as Romance Tropes
Feel free to ask me to write a longer imagine/oneshot for any of these!
Pt. 5 | Hotarubi
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 | Pt. 4 | Pt. 6 | Pt. 7
Subaru - Boy Next Door
Subaru’s family moved in next door to yours one summer, much to the excitement of many of the girls at your school. He's always polite about their attention, but gets shy very easily, and is quiet in class. He excels in everything he does, other than socialization. You finally approach him walking home from the bus one day, introducing yourself. He seems startled and a bit nervous when you speak to him, as if expecting you to be like the girls at school who fawn over him, but he relaxes once he realizes you’re just trying to be friendly. You start hanging out with him more, finding him to be just as sweet as he seems and actually quite passionate to match. The girls at school have mixed reactions to your spending time with him. Some are a bit
jealous, some seem disappointed, some congratulate you on being someone who could finally catch his attention. You try to explain that you‘re just friends and eventually the buzz dies down some. As time passes, you start to see him a bit differently. You ignore it, because how could one possibly not feel affection toward such a sweet, gentle boy? Unfortunately those feelings come to a head when one of your classmates asks him to a school dance and, not wanting to upset anyone, he accepts her invitation. You feel sick when he tells you, but you smile and nod and congratulate him. You don’t tell him you weren’t going to go. The night of the dance, he comes back a little after ten, coming over to your house. Your parents let him in and let him go up to your room. You’re surprised to find it was him who knocked on your door; the dance didn’t end until 11, what was he doing back early? Besides, you look a mess, your pajamas on and your eyes a bit puffy from crying over him. He immediately asks what's wrong and ushers you back over to your bed, sitting with you, then reveals that he left the dance early because it ‘didn’t feel right.’
“I missed you tonight, you should’ve been there. Can, can I kiss you?”
Haku - Best Friend's Brother
You grew up alongside your best friend, and her brother Haku. He’s a year or so older than your friend and always friendly with you both, playing with you when you were younger, though he seemed more distant and busy with his own friends the older he got. As you both grew up, you couldn’t deny how exceedingly gorgeous he is, growing out and dying his hair, his lithe frame filling out. He finally had the looks to match the smooth mouth he’d always had. You weren’t aware, but he finds that you’ve grown up well too. When he graduates the year before you and leaves for school, you’re left feeling a little sadder than you expected. You keep tabs on his social media posts, a part of you wishing you were with him. Eventually though, you’re swept up with exams and your own graduation preparations. Before you know it, you’re out of school and Haku’s home for the summer. In almost no time, you somehow find yourself in a somewhat… compromised position with him in your game room while both your families were just upstairs. After all the times you’ve imagined this, though, you can’t really complain.
“I hope you know you’re not just some summer fling to me. With that said, though, please don’t tell my sister? Not yet, at least?”
Zenji - Falling in Love with the Wrong Person
Zenji is a creative, romantic soul, and manages to see the best in everyone. Even when he’s worried, he can find the good in almost any situation. He’s got a heart of gold. That’s where you come in. You think he’s a great guy, and he quickly falls head over heels for you. Unfortunately, love isn’t the only thing a relationship needs to hold it together. You sometimes have trouble understanding Zenji and his interests and his unique ways, and you don’t always find it easy to communicate your own problems with him, despite him trying his best to be a good listener for you. You do try to put in the effort to keep your relationship for a while, but it wears on you. Zenji, on the other hand, tries to stay optimistic. He does everything in his power to patch up the issues between you, refusing to see them simply as differences between the two of you instead of problems that can be fixed. He tries to be everything you want and need, ignoring the emotional strain it’s putting on him. It only makes it harder on you; you can see what he’s doing, and the effect it has on him, but it makes you love him more in an albeit guilty sense. You have a man who’d move mountains for you if he could, but you can’t find it in you to be who he needed. Your love and genuine appreciation for him makes it hurt all the more to end things, but it’s also why you know you can’t just hold onto him like this and watch him tear himself apart anymore.
“I’m not sure I understand, my dear. Is there something I’ve done? Was it something I didn’t do? Please, dearest, I’m certain I can fix this, let me fix us.”
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screaminglygay · 11 months
pairing: ghostface! sam carpenter x fem!reader
summary: you and sam are besties, but do you tell each other everything? (what is this? i dunno)
warnings: smut!!!, dom!sam x sub!reader, sam is a big meanie for a little, spanking, degradation, dirty talk, swearing, killing mentioned, tiny bit of knife play, slapping, crying, not proofread, if anything else, let me know - I’ll add it
word count: 4.4k
an: enjoy I guess, let me know your opinions, also thanks for so much support with wanda, tbh I though that it won’t do this great, but it did and all of you are so horny freaks, including myself, but truly I appreciate it!!!💕💕
(italics = your thoughts)
Enjoy this spooky season and be safe!
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The phone rings again, hidden caller. Picking up a secret number is really not your style. You let it ring, if they truly need you, they will write you a message.
Oh and they do need something important. You take your phone and look at the notification.
Hidden number
Call me ASAP, please! I can´t open the excel!
You calmed down a little bit as it was probably your classmate and accidentaly made their phone number hidden. Taking a deep breath before calling someone was always your go to thing, since the whole situation is very stressfull, you´d much rather write a long paragraph over a text, then just call someone. But since it´s about school, you´re less nervous.
You finger touch the last missed call and it starts to ring, as soon as you see that the other side picked it up, you started to speak.
"Hey! Sorry, I didn´t hear the phone. Anyways what´s going on with that file?" You took your notebook in case you have to make step by step tutorial to your classmate, because it wouldn´t be for the first time.
"No one ever told you lying is bad, (Y/N)?" You didnt recognize the voice, it wasn´t a voice you remember anyone having from your class, or the whole school. It was deep, raspy and mostly scary. You didn´t like horrors very much, but you were positive that you´ll get prank called or jumpscared by some idiot. And here they are, idiot on the line, at least that´s what you think.
"Haha very funny..." You´re mostly annoyed, but there is this side of little you, who is hoping this is truly your idiot classmate and no one else. "Do you wanna help with the sheet or not?"
Long big sigh can be heard on the other side. "And I thought you were a nice girl, (Y/N). Guess I was wrong. Don´t worry, we´ll work on that."
Now your little scary thought became a little bit bigger. You weren´t so sure it was someone you know.
"Who am I speaking with? Sorry, I don´t have your number added." You hoped they would say your name, you would stop panicking and it would be done it two minutes.
"Someone who likes to play games. (Y/N), would you like to play a game?" the raspy voice asked.
"No, thank you." Out of nervousness and mostly fear you hang up. You didn´t even realize until you stoped hearing the rapsy breath. Even if there was a truly a classmate who wanted a help, they shouldn´t prankcall you. Gosh how much you hated these things.
The phone didn´t ring again for quite some time, so you just let it go. Taking a long shower sounded like the best idea now. Out of the closet you took oversized shirt and some shorts and you headed to the bathroom. Doing your usual skin care routine went on automatic and brushing your teeth as well.
Coming back to your room, you notice that you left your closet opened, you sigh and close the door. Being too tired to prepare your clothes for tomorrows school day. As you lay on your bed, you hug your big teddy bear and your eyes immedietly close as you drift to sleep.
The next day goes smooth, first lecture was actually really interesting and you didn´t felt tired at all. You had your morning coffee and today was just a good day, you could feel it. You didn´t have those in a while, so it is very welcome.
Second lecture was indeed boring, but at least you know that the human eye blinks an average of 4 200 000 times a year, which is... a new information, that´s for sure. But the professor ended class sooner, so at least you had more time for lunch. And that´s a plus.
As you´re sitting alone, eating your lunch on a bench in a park, where you like to spend your free time between the classes, someone taps on your shoulder.
"Oh hi, Sam!" You smile, seeing your friend always makes your day better. "What are you doing here, I thought you´re working today." You scoop so Sam can sit next to you.
Sam met you when you were running late, literally. You two bumped into each other few months ago and because you spilled your coffee on her, you just had to pay for it somehow. So after you quickly gave her your number and basically sprinted out, Sam made sure you´ll keep your promise. And you did, few days after that you two met again and over a coffee realized how much things you two have in common.
She seemed like a cold and closed of person at first, but she is actually the sweetest teddy bear, as you like to call her for fun. Sam told you many times she hated it, but you made a good points that she is just so sweet, big and you feel safe when you´re around her, just like with teddy bear in your bed. And she was a taller than you, so that´s another point. After few "arguments" she actually let you win, so she is now your big and protective teddy bear.
You two started to hang out more and more, which just confirms your initial click, that Sam felt as soon as she laid her eyes on your sweet and innocent face.
"Well maybe I lied and I wanted to suprise you." Sam answers as she sits next to you.
"I am surprised," you giggle. "I have like a hour and something before my next lecture, so..." You look at your phone.
"Good." Sam smiles and tilts her head, she notices that you´re smiling ear to ear. "What got you smiling like that, (Y/N)?"
"Hm... nothing in particular, but it´s just a good day. And I´m enjoying a every single bit of it." You answer and your cheeks start to hurt a bit from all the smiling, you did in the last 10 minutes.
"Oh, I see. As you should." She nudges your arm with hers. "What are you doing after school?"
"I have to finish some excel to my statistic class, but besides that... nothing." Your thoughts are taking you back to last night and your weird call, with who you thought was your classmate.
Sam notices your smile fading and put her hand on your thigh, something she did pretty often, but it brings you butterflies everytime. "(Y/N)?"
"Hm? Yeah?" Sam just raises her eyebrow. "It´s nothing, I just had this weird person from school call me yesterday and... yeah, it was weird. A stupid prankcall." You roll your eyes.
Sam move her hand on your thigh up and down, trying to sooth you. "What did they say?"
"Just some stupid stuff, like do you want to play a game. Do I look like I want to play a game?" You sigh.
"Depends on the game. Horor game? Probably not. The Sims 4? Absolutely yes." Sam chuckles as you punch her arm.
"Every woman has her needs, mine is playing The Sims. Can you blame me?" You laugh, Sam always helps you with your bad and anxious thoughts.
The rest of your free time you two shared a lots of laughs, smiles and overall a good quality time together. Until you had to go back to your lectures, which made your day a little worse, since you wanted to keep talking to Sam.
Few hours later you finally finished all of your lectures for the day. You didn´t have that energy boost as you did this morning, but you´re still in a good mood. So you decided to walk from school back to your dorm. And even if it was October, it was still kinda warm outside so you put some soft music on and decided to walk.
Stepping into your dorm you notice that something is bad, you can´t point a finger on what it is, but the vibe seems off. Shaking off the feeling didn´t help for long, because as soon as you reach for your keys the ligh on the other side of the hall just turn off.
"Shit!" You flinch and your hands start to shake. As you succesfully get inside you lock your door faster than ever.
"Oh my god-" you take a few deep breaths. "It was just a light, (Y/N), everything is good. It was just a light." Mumbling out loud these words, in hopes that it will calm you down.
You turn all of your lights in your home on as a prevention for your mind from creating something that is not there. Lastly you go to your bedroom and open the door, you stop in your track in a moment when your eyes met a tall black figure next to your opened closet.
A cold shivers run down your spine, but with confidence it´s just your mind playing tricks you turn on the light even there.
But that choice just showed you, that this time, it´s not your mind playing tricks, but there is actually someone in your house. A tall black silluete turned into a big person with a black cloak and a white mask, looking like a ghost. You´ve seen this mask many times during Halloween parties. Quickly scanning the person you notice that they´re holding a knife. A knife!
"Oh fuck!" You qiuckly close your bedroom door, hoping you will get more time, but of course you had to lock all of your locks and jumping from a window was not an option since you´re living in the 9th floor.
Shit, shit, shit. Wait... I don´t hear anything.
The only thing that you can hear is your heartbeat, no steps, no breathing, just your heart. Looking back, noticing that the door you slammed shut before are now open again.
Your living in your worst shitty nightmare.
It´s a tap on your shoulder that almost makes you lose it. You let out the most horror scream in your entire life, you didn´t even think you could scream like that. The tall person with ghostface mask is standing right next to you, they shake their head and one of their hands makes it over your mouth to keep you shut. As soon as your bodies hit the floor, which suprisingly didn´t hurt at all due to all the adrenaline you have in you, right now. They pull their knife to your face and slowly slide it across your cheek, not hurting you in any way.
Your breathing gets faster and faster to the moment you feel like you start to hyperventillate.
"Hello, (Y/N). You cut our call last night, so I felt like meeting you in person, again, would help us solve the excel problem. Don´t you think?" It was the same raspy, deep voice you heard yesterday over the phone.
"I- uh s-sure." You nod as you mumble your answer agaist her hand, noting better came to your mind.
"Sure? Now you don´t have a problem with that, but yesterday you cut me off like I was a fucking no one?!" Now you were truly hoping that this is just a nightmare and you will wake up. "Isn´t it fair if i cut you off too? So you would now how it feels?" Their knife is swinging infront of your face again.
"I- No, please, don´t. I- i uh I´m sorry!" You mumble agaist their hand.
The person on top of you just laughs and bring your hand above your head and now you can´t move at all.
"I think it´s fair, you know how shitty I felt? And today you´re doing like nothing happened? Like I was just.. what did you described me as... as a weird person who said stupid stuff?" Their face coming closer to you. "I think it´s fair to show me some fucking respect." you feel a slight sweet cologne coming from that person.
A scent you know very well, It starts with a fresh burst of citrus, like a mandarin. With a little hint of vanilla and amber adds depth and warmth. This scent is a subtle and comforting, like a cherished memory to you. A cherished person, you know too well.
It can´t be...
Your eyes shift, looking over the mask again, your eyes anaylzing from side to side, like you´re trying to read their mind through the eyes on the mask.
They tilt their head again, the knife slowly going away from your face. You hope that what you thing is just a big misunderstanding, it can´t be her. Not your Sam.
"Sammy?" You mumble as their hand is going away from your mouth. Few tears forming in your eyes.
"Oh look at you, you figured it out." She takes her mask of and it was like a bullet straight through your heart. "Now be quiet or I´ll shut you up." She picks you up, like nothing and wallks quickly into your bedroom.
This was not your Sam, not your friend, she look like her, but her actions were the exact opposite of your comfort person.
She throws you at the bed and you´re now laying on your stomach, she comes closer to you again and whispers into your ear.
"Every woman has her needs, mine is playing with you, (Y/N). Can you blame me?" She chuckles as she repeat what you´ve said earlier. "Ass up." She put her hands on your hips and you put your ass up, as she told you. Too scared to do anything else. "Good girl." Sam praises you.
"S-Sam.." you whine out between with your tears streaming down your face.
"Oh shush, did no one told you to speak nicely about your friends? And not talk-" she spanks you, hard, "shit about your friends?" Sam spanks you again, this time it was even harder.
"I´m sorry, Sam- I didn´t-" you try to talk, but it´s hard when your face is burried in the pillows.
"I. Dont. Want. To. Hear. It. Now." Her voice was harsh and so was her hands on your ass with each words she growls into your ear, even when you have your clothes on, it still hurts too much. "Just take what I give you and then we might talk." Without any warning she takes your pants off, slicing your shirt and throwing it away.
"No bra?" Sam laughs. "You went the whole day without a fucking bra, you´re so pathetic, (Y/N)." She runs her knife on your back, she´s doesn´t want to hurt you really, at least not right now. "You did this on purpose? You´re look so innocent, but you´re not so innocent, are you?" Her hands find its way on your tits, she give them a tight squeeze and you can´t help, but let out a big moan.
You like this, which shock you more than the fact, that Samantha Carpenter broke into your house, just to play with you.
Her big strong arms, oh god how much you love her amrs. The way they hold you during your sleepovers, how they caught you everytime you walk into the street without looking both sides, or how they always brought comfort to you. Everytime.
But now? It´s totally different now, at least that´s what you think and Sam noticed that. And she can´t have you be thinking this much, when she wants to have her sweet time with you.
Her hands playing with your nipples, pinching each one very hard for you to come back to her. And you did, you realize just now that you´re not crying anymore, you´re just a moaning mess.
"You´re doing so good, look at you, mi amor, taking all the spanks as a punishment for how mouthy you were." You can sense the smile in her words and it´s like your Sammy is speaking to you, which instantly make your worries go away. Your body relaxes againt her and she can feel it, it´s like a small win for her. "Good, just like that."
You moan once again, it was more a needy moan than anything else. One second you´re on your stomach and the other one, you´re on your back, Sam holding your waist to scoop you closer to herself. She´s still wearing the black cloak, that don´t scare you anymore. If anything it is kinda attractive, that she´s still in her clothes and you´re just in your panties.
Looking at her with needy eyes was something that Sam saw a many times. Begging her to pick you up after school, or give you her hoodie, when you were cold. Or those many times when you cannot reach something, because it was way to high.
But this time you have this spark in your eyes, the good girl was gone, now Sam could really see the needy whore, who hid under the inoccent cover for the whole time. And this time Sam takes this as the ultimate win.
"Please-" you whine.
The most confident smirk appears on Sam´s face as her hands runs down your body, finally kissing your neck. "Please what?" Sam asks you between those sloppy kisses.
You let out another whine.
"I´m letting you speak, if i was you, i´d better use it." She bites your neck, which will definetly make a nasty bruise.
"Use me." Your move your head, so Sam has better acces to your neck.
"Oh wow, such a fitlhy words, for such a pretty little girl." She chuckles as she keep kissing your neck, her hands finding your tits again.
You never knew your nipples were this sensitive, but Sam knows. Of course she does. You feel as her hands are grooping your breasts, but you´re not satysfied, you want to see her, so you tug on her cloak and let out a whine.
"What?" She mumbles agaist your neck and then she pulls away to make eye contact with you.
"I wanna see you." You tug on her cloak again, "please."
Sam without a beat took her cloak off and she was now in her black underwear, sitting on top of you as your eyes wonder. She gives you a little time for checking her out and god you could stare at her for days. The light in your room making her muscles look even sharper, not that she needs it, but you just can´t have enough of her.
"You´re not so sad now, huh?" She smirks again, fuck how much you hated that confident smirk. Without waiting for your actual response, she dive back, her lips on your neck, making sure that after tonight everybody knows who do you belong to.
After a few minutes of Sam being basically a vampire, she starts to kiss her way down, slowly as she stops at your nipples again. Slowly, but hasrshly sucking on them, making sure to keep an eye contact with you. " Keep your eyes at me." You could cum just from watching her.
She treats you like a blank canvas, and as a skilled artist, she must make sure that you are painted with her in the end and with a pleasure you won´t forget.
Her big muscular hands are sliding down your body, pinching your inner thighs to tease you. She knows what you want, but she won´t give in that easily, even when you´re looking at her with those cute and innocent eyes.
Your hands are sliding off your panties, but Sam qiuckly takes your hands. "They are staying on and keep your hands above your head." Her raspy voice sends shivers down your pussy, that is now drenched, because of her touches and skilled movements.
You put your hands back above your head, wiggling a little to show Sam how impatient you are. She just sends you a quick slap on your thigh and you giggle.
Her finger slowly going up and down your clothed pussy, you can already see how wet your panties are and if Sam wasn´t that needy, she would make fun of you. Seeing you like this gives her so much power and let´s be real you are really feeding her ego.
"Sam!" You move your hips up, hoping she will actually do something.
"(Y/N)!" She mocks you with innocent smile on her face.
"Fuck- I need your fucking hands in me or I swear I´m gonna lose it!" You did lose it already.
"You want my fucking hand in you? You like my hands?" Sam whispers.
"I do! So much! I need your big hands in me, please!" You shift towards her again.
"Aww pretty little girl, do you think that your pussy will take my big hands?" Sam´s finger barerly toucing your slit.
"Yes! I can take it!" You think that you will be crying from the frustration.
"Say it."
"My little pussy will take your big fucking fingers! Hands! Whatever you give me, I can take it, Samantha!" You groan.
"Oh you´re using my full name, you really need it, huh?" She smirks again, but your wish is her command and in the end she wants to make you feel good. Pushing your panties to the side, your juices are everywhere and god she loves it.
"Is this for me?" Sam softly asks.
"Only for you." You give her a small smile.
"In that case-" she slides her two fingers in you, slowly pushing in and out. Sam already feels your pussy pulsating and her fingers get almost swallowed by you. "Oh wow, I was so wrong about you and I´m so happy I was." She adds another finger.
You whine, you feel aready so close, your pussy is feeling like it´s on fire, your hips going up and down and Sam´s just enjoying the view. You want more, so you feel like grabing Sam´s hand is a good idea. She raises her eyebrow and slip her fingers out of you.
You whine out, immedietly feeling empty, you feel like you gonna burst out, you really need to cum, but now you lost everything that felt good.
Sam slaps your pussy one time, but damn it´s painful. "I said, keep your hands to yourself." Her fingers slides quickly back into you, both of you know, that you´re very close.
"Ple-" you can´t even finish the word without a moan.
"Go on, scream. I want you to fucking scream my name, mi amor." She uses both of her hands now, one sliding in and out of you and the other one playing with your clit, which is something that gets you over the edge pretty easily.
Your whole body flex under her touch, this is the best release you ever had, it felt better than anything in this world, she definetly know what she´s doing. As you scream her name, Sam slows down her movements, for you to ride it all out, without being too overstimulated.
Sam gives you two kisses on each of your inner thighs and then kiss her way back up. She´s smiling and you are too.
The atmosphere went from being scared of your life to you having THE time of your life.
"There you go, little girl. How are we feeling hm?" Sam whispers into your ear as she wraps her strong hands around you.
"Fucking confused." You let out a small giggle.
"Watch your tone, young lady." Her hand squeezes your wrist.
"I- I´m good. Just... what just happened?" You lean into her.
Sam laughs as you´re confused. "You know I hate Halloween, you scared the living shit out of me with this prank, Sam. If you wanted to... you know, you could´ve just asked. I though you were some murderer!" You lazily mumble as you are half asleep already.
"Yeah and I love Halloween and asking you for a fuck session is not so fun. Me a murderer? Oh please." She kisses your head.
"Hmm.. whatever." You are too tired to have this conversation with her.
As you fall asleep in the arms of Samantha Carpenter you felt happy, today was really a great day.
Sam made sure you were dead asleep before getting up from the bed, but as soon as she did, you instantly start to move in discomfrot. She quickly grab your teddy bear and made you cuddle him instead and her plan worked. Cute smile was on your face again and Sam was glad you had this stuffie here as a replacement for her, when she needs to do her job. She knew you will be overthing when you woke up to an empty bed, so she quickly scribble down a note.
"I´ll call you later, I had to go to work, -s"
She took her knife that was laying on the ground, take on her cloak and last but not least take on her ghostface mask and went to work.
She was never a murderer, she was and still is just a protector. Especially when it comes to you.
Of course you had to call Sam, when you heard the news.
"Hi, how is my sleepyhead?" She chuckles into the phone.
"Hey, um... did you hear the news?" You quickly say to her, as you´re almost out of breath.
"What news?" She asks you.
"There was a murder, someone in a ghostface mask was seen few streets from my dorm. They killed a girl from my statistic class, I mean... I didn´t know her, but it´s still scary." As you say this, goosbumbs appear on your arms.
"Oh shit, that´s... scary even for me. Are you okay?" Sam asks with concern.
"Yeah, I didn´t know her or anything, but it´s crazy. Especially when you can buy the mask anywhere, since you have it too." You ramble over the phone.
"Right. It´s like I killed her, right?" Sam responds.
"Sam, don´t joke about these things. Can you maybe come to mine after work?" You really need her, to protect you and make you feel safe again.
"Give me 15 minutes." And with that Sam hang up. Drove away from the empty parking lot, where she watched your classmate, Tony. She heard a few stories from you, that Tony was being a dick during your presentation and no one can be a dick to you. No one.
And today is Tony’s lucky day, because you need her now and that´s way important. When she´s with you, no one can hurt you.
Only she can and that´s how it should be all the time.
Thank you for reading! Have a great day!!! And tell me what you think<3
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uzubebe · 10 months
type: one shot
pairings: dean winchester x fem!reader (mutual pining, friends to lovers?), sam winchester x fem!reader (estranged besties)
disclaimer: i don’t write often, but i’ve been rewatching supernatural and i have so many idea. this may not be the best, but just some self indulgence. i love sammy with my whole heart but he needed to be told off ok.
summary: the dick was dead. dean and cas were gone. and you didn’t rest a wink while searching for them. unfortunately it turns out dean wasn’t the only one sam abandoned that year.
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“cmon there has the be something” you sighed, aimlessly scrolling through 14 open tabs on your laptop and a pile of messy papers scattered across the motel table. you slammed your hands on the table in frustration, letting out a shaky breath and gripping your fists tight.
it had been a year. an entire year without dean winchester. the second he vanished you had delved into aimless research in a desperate attempt to find him. you had to busy yourself, because thinking about his absence for too long caused an indescribable pain to open up in your chest.
you had only broken down three times in your year long search, which you figured was a record for someone going through what you were. you’d spent countless nights crying yourself into restless sleep, sleep filled with dreams and nightmares about the eldest winchester.
you crammed your hands to your tired eyes in a hurry, shaking your head vigorously in an attempt to wake yourself. you had to focus because you sure as hell knew sam wasn’t doing anything about it.
after deans disappearance sam explained that he needed time and space, which you understood. you cared for him just as much as you cared for his eldest brother. he had been your best friend for as long as you could remeber. and this was his brother, someone he didn’t want to learn how to live without.
you didn’t realize that time and space meant him also disappearing for an entire year with zero contact. you tried to understand him in the beginning, tried to rationalize why he would leave with no warning or explanation, because there had to be one right ? after four months you decided he wasn’t coming back and it was your job to find his brother.
you felt tears well in the corners on your eyes, inhaling a sharp breath and stretching your arms to regain your composure, gearing up for more research instead of dwelling on the loneliness.
you were pulled from your thoughts as your phone began vibrating vigorously from your bag. you quickly pulled yourself from the chair, feeling your body creak, this year had aged you in more ways than one.
you pulled your phone from the bag and froze. you narrowed your eyes, studying the caller id in absolute astonishment.
dean winchester.
you scoffed in disbelief, settling on the first emotion that bumbled up your throat, anger. you quickly hit the answer button.
“listen, i don’t know who the fuck this is. but lose this fucking number, i don’t have time for prank-“ you started spitting vigorously into the phone, being cut off at the gruff laugh that echoed through the speaker.
“…dean?” you whispered. it couldn’t be. how was he calling you?
“yeah, y/n. it’s me” he said softly, this time the tears came pouring out without warning, you let out a sad sob mixed with some kind of laugh.
“where are you? please tell me where you are.” you begged, he quickly gave you his address and within second you were tumbling into your car and speeding to him.
once arriving you let out a sigh, mentally preparing yourself for something you had been longing for for the last year. after 2-3 seconds of this you decided you couldn’t wait a second longer. you barreled out of the car and began your search for their motel room, suddenly turning into an olympic runner as you looked at each room number. you breath hitched in your chest as you finally arrived in front of the door. you knocked briefly before swiftly barreling into the room. nothing could’ve stopped you from getting inside that room, and there was no time for pleasantries and manners.
“dean!?” you screeched, scanning the room. your eyes landed on him as he stood from the motel bed to greet you, a sense of overwhelming relief washed over you as you ran to him.
within second you were in his arm, tears flooding your eyes as you buried your head into his chest. you felt an arm tighten around you waist, as he cradled the back of your head with his free hand.
“shh, it’s okay y/n. i’m here. i’ve got you.” he whispered, trying to calm you from the heartbreaking sobs escaping your chest. you gripped the back of his shirt, pulling him as close as you could, fearing that if you let go he may disappear once again. after what felt like hours and finally realizing that this was real, you slowly pulled for him allowing him a minute to truly study your appearance.
you looked exhausted. your hair that had been previously above your shoulders now hanging loosely below your shoulder blades, tangled and messy. the bags under your eyes had grown, and you looked like you hadn’t eaten a proper meal in ages.
“y/n…what happened? are you okay?” he asked, concern flooding into his pretty green eyes. you let out a laugh and wiped your nose. you moved from him slightly, opting to grip one of his hands to keep yourself grounded.
“uh..you happened. i’ve been looking in every nook and cranny in this god forsaken country trying to find you.” you explained, sending him a melancholy smile. he studied you, pulling you to him and setting a soft kiss to your forehead.
“thank you. i’m sorry. i wish i could’ve been here.” he whispered, setting his forehead to yours. you closed your eyes, smiling softly.
“you’re here now.” you realized, letting out a breath that it felt like you had been holding for the past year. it felt like you had been suffocating all this time, and seeing him finally allowed you to breath properly again. you were basking in this feeling, inhaling the fresh oxygen that would only be provided by the presence of dean winchester.
you were trapped in your thoughts, that was until you heard a slight cough from behind dean, interrupting your moment.
“if you’re going to say something. don’t.” you demanded moving from dean, and seeing his younger brother sitting awkwardly on the bed behind him.
“listen-“ sam began, but you quickly cut him on, shaking your head as you moved further into his view.
“no sam. i don’t have to listen. you left. crowley told you that you were on your own and you just took his fucking word and ran with it. i was here. i was here the entire time and you just left ! so you don’t get to tell me to “listen.” not when i spent the last year destroying myself to find your brother, while you went off and got a fucking dog.” you spat, sam straightened up slightly, fidgeting with his hands. you were shaking uncontrollably, the prior moment of bliss was being overpowered by the rage and loneliness you had kept locked up throughout the last year.
“how do you…?” he asked, trailing off as he tried to gain the courage to meet your eyes again. you let out a cynical laugh, balling your hands into a tight fist.
“yeah. i looked for you. i was concerned. i needed to make sure you were okay. but you’ll never guess what i found. to my pleasant surprise i saw you playing house with a pretty brunette and friendly little dog. so you’ll have to give me a lot more than a sob story about how you couldn’t handle dean being gone for me to ever forgive you.” you said, moving closer to sam. he hadn’t ever seen you this way, so angry. he had to admit he was slightly unnerved and almost scared.
“because you know who else couldn’t handle it ? me. but i didn’t just lose dean, i lost you too. i called you daily for weeks, desperate for some kind of explanation. i was going out of my mind, alone in dingy motel rooms without the two people i needed most. and then, after a few months, i couldn’t even get your voicemail, just an automated voice telling me i was desperately trying to reach a disconnected number.” you were seething. you felt like every vessel pumping your blood was boiling, your raging heartbeat pounding in your ears, you thought you might pass out.
“so i don’t want to hear about how there was “a girl.” because there was a girl here the whole goddamn time. a girl who had been by your side for years. and you. still. left.” you continued, sam found himself staring at the floor, studying its pattern, because he couldn’t take the look of absolute betrayal that consumed your eyes.
“and guess what ? i didn’t get the fairytale year you had. because my person, the one i wanted to be with. the one i wanted to settle down and get a fucking dog with, was gone!” sam flinched at your tone. by the end of it, you found yourself screaming, throat feeling hoarse as you finally took a breath.
you calmed instantly as you felt deans hand reach for yours. you inhaled a deep breath and turned to him. not even realizing you had practically confessed to the years of pent of feelings you had for the man.
“y/n. i understand. really, i’m upset too. angry even. but let’s take a breather, yeah? you need a good meal, and an even better nap. why don’t we get out of here, give each other some space, regroup later?” dean suggested. you hadn’t noticed his watery eyes and unsteady voice. he was brought almost to tears at the state you were in, at what his absence had caused. you nodded slowly moving closer to him. sam slowly stood up.
“just call me when you guys are ready. y/n…i’m sorry. i really am.” he whispered, you didn’t turn around to look at him. you knew yourself well enough to know that those puppy dog eyes would make you feel insurmountable guilt, they always had. but you didn’t regret what you had said, it was the truth. and right now, you weren’t sure what could help you forgive your former best friend.
dean gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. he looked back to sam and sent him a sad smile as he led you out of the motel room.
he stopped and turned to you once the door clicked shut. he studied you, narrowing his eyes as you suddenly became incredibly fascinated with the small rock next to your left foot. you forgot what it felt like to have him watching you so intensely.
“where were you?” you whispered, finally meeting his gaze, relief washing over you instantly, he was here. he was real.
“uh…purgatory. guess standing to close to dick when he died gave me a one way ticket to his afterlife.” dean explained, you scoffed slightly, mentally punching yourself at the realization.
“fucking purgatory. of course. i should’ve figured that out. god.” you cursed yourself, how could you have been so stupid ? of course he was in fucking purgatory. dean picked up on the fact that you were internally blaming yourself for his disappearance and immediately took action.
“hey. hey.” he whispered, settings his hands on either side of your face, forcing you to look at him. he bent down to your level, a stern look on his face.
“do not, for one second, blame yourself. none of this was your fault, and you’ve done more than i could’ve ever anticipated. i know it was a hard, even excruciating year, but i’m here now. and i’m not going anywhere.” dean insisted, you studied the look in his eyes. it was one you hadn’t seen from him before, or maybe it had been so long that you just needed to re-educate yourself on his mannerisms.
“okay. thank you.” you whispered, setting one of your hands atop his. he scoffed slightly at you thanking him, when they should’ve all been thanking you.
“cmon, let’s get you something to eat sweetheart.” dean smiled, moving to your side, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and walking you towards the car. you nuzzled into his side, wrapping your arms instinctively around his waist.
“think i made sam cry.” you scoffed slightly, replaying the intense speech you shoved down sam’s throat.
“yeah well i’m thinking maybe he needed to hear it.” dean stated, you let out a sigh and nodded.
“and for the record, i would’ve really liked it. settling down and getting a dog with you. i wouldn’t have wanted to do it with anyone else.” dean declared, setting his lips to the top of your head, feeling him slightly smile into your hair. you’re smile grew, it felt like your heart was finally beating normally again. you dug your head further into his side in embarrassment.
“well i guess we’ll just have to make up for lost time.” you whispered, giving deans waist a reassuring squeeze.
“great plan, so we thinking doberman? golden retriever? maybe something small like a chihuahua or something?” dean joked, pulled you tighter into his chest with a laugh.
“shut up” you giggled, punching his chest playfully, sending him a big grin as he continued to chuckle. and since being back, dean felt okay again, at least for that moment. cause the two of you were together once again, and he had the ability to make you smile like that. he wanted to do it for the rest of his life.
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
Black Wedding: The True Vow For A Jet-Black Bride - Harrison Gray
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do not post my translations elsewhere. What I obtain is what will be translated. If other blogs have translated the stories before I do, I will notate their blogs. Thank you, for you support! ☾.
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On a day before the wedding -
(I think I prefer this dress.)
We were at a boutique having a custom-fitting done.
While white dresses are popular, I chose a jet-black wedding dress.
(The black wedding dress means that no one else can stain it, but you.)
I remember wearing a dress of the same color for a mission once upon a time.
(At the time, I never thought I’d have a wedding.)
The delicately embroidered dress captivated my eyes as I spun around in front of the mirror.
(Beautiful….I wonder how Harry will react.)
From the time we started dating until today, there has not been a day that I have not thought about him.
(I’m sure Harry will tell me it looks good on me, but I think he’ll lie again.)
(But now, I know his true feelings.)
We went through a lot before I was able to see through his lies.
(He thought he shouldn’t be happy, but he’s changed and swore to be with me forever…..)
(What should I do……I’m going to cry even though the ceremony hasn’t even started yet.)
I felt a burning behind my eyes and looked up trying hide them-
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Harrison: Kate, you finished changing?
I heard his voice through the curtains.
Kate: Yes, I’m done.
When I looked through the gap in the curtains, I saw him looking different than usual…..
Harrison: Why are you just sticking your neck out?
Kate: It’s a little embarrassing……Harry, you look great.
As I admired his unfamiliar appearance, the realization of our marriage was growing rapidly.
(To have such a wonderful man to be my husband……)
Harrison: …..I’m just as embarrassed. Let me see you in your dress.
Kate: Oh, right! Here…..
I try to open the curtain, but it’s blocked by his hand.
Kate: Harry?
Harrison: Uh….wait. I’ll turn around.
Kate: What?
Harrison: I just need to be prepared.
He turns his back on me and takes a deep breath.
Harrison: …….Okay.
As soon as he turned around, I opened the curtains and stood in front of him.
Kate: …..Harry?
Harry was unusually frozen.
He didn’t respond or even blink when I waved in his face.
Kate: ……Perhaps it doesn’t suit me?
(It didn’t suit me so much that it left him speechless…….?)
Becoming anxious, I pulled at his sleeve, and the moment I did, he suddenly hid his face.
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Harrison: Sorry, I made you uneasy. That’s not it.
Kate: Then why are you hiding your face?
I tried to peek, but he turned his face away…..
Harrison: Don’t look at me.
Kate: Huh?
Harrison: …..Because I feel like I’m going to cry.
The slightest glimpse of his eyes were shining,
Harrison: It just hit me that we’re really getting married…….I can’t wait to be with you.
Harrison: I’m so happy……
As his voice trailed off, he crouched down on the spot.
The sound of sniffling echoed through the room, and seeing him for the first time, made me want to cry as well,
I crouched down and faced him.
Kate: We’re getting married, Harry.
Harrison: …..Yeah.
Kate: We’ll be together from now on.
Harrison: Yes……..
He took my hand while trembling.
Harrison: ……I never thought this day would come until I met you.
Harrison: It makes me anxious when I’m this happy.
A single drop slides down his cheek and falls onto the back of my hand as he mutters.
That makes me feel so happy and loved.
Kate: …..I also, never thought this day would come until I met you.
Kate: For the first time, I felt like wanted to be happy with someone.
A drop falls from my eye as I can no longer bear it.
Kate: I love you, Harry. Love you.
Laughing through his tears, he hugged me with all his strength.
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Harrison: I love you too.
Kate: I love you more.
Harrison: Nah, I’m on my side for this one.
When I shake my shoulder in uncontrollable laughter, I can hear the same laughter in my ears.
Harrison: ……The dress. It looks great on you. I don’t want anyone else to see it.
Kate: Heh……thank you.
Harrison: I’ll be sure to escort you on the day of the ceremony.
Harrison: Just for now…….let me savor this happiness.
Sunlight pours down to bless us as we are filled with joy and love.
We will surely share a lot of happiness in the future.
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[Black Wedding Master List] Tag list: @theimaginativelyreticent
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nkogneatho · 11 months
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—a/n: just a toji thought i can't get off my head. this ain't a fic or anything but i need to tell you this. but tell me if i should write a fic on it tho. major character death, gn!reader, angst, jjk major spoilers.
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toji broke up with you on the day he went to fight gojo. despite showing nothing but utter confidence, there was a tiny ration of his heart aware that he might not come home to you tonight. he might not get to eat the meal you prepared. he might not get to wrap his arms around you. the thought of you being alone, waiting for him with a smile on your face...he couldn't bear it. so he did what he always does. masks himself as the villian.
before leaving for the fight, he'd tell you how he's lost feelings for you, escalating the ground beneath your world. what did he mean? all of a sudden? what happened? your brain immediately started replaying memories, desperately hoping to find a reason where did it go wrong. You started crying, begging for him to give you a reason, or did you do something wrong but his face showed not a single shred of remorse. It felt someone stabbed your heart with an object big enough to hurt it, but not strong enough to pierce it, to leave you with an agonizing pain.
so when you leave your shared apartment—don't think you'll ever say that word again—after packing your things, hating his guts with all you've got, he sighs in satisfaction. When you're at the door, gracing him with one last glance of yours, your brows furrowed, all you could witness was him smiling. you hated him even more. Here you were, hurting, and all he did was smile? did he find someone else? but you didn't have the privilege to keep wanting him anymore so you left.
When you were crashing at a friend's place, Shiu gave you call. You tried to ignore it but 10 missed calls back to back means something.
"Toji's dead. The head of the Gojo Clan killed him." Your world shifted once again. This time, swifter than the breakup. You asked a hundred questions, denying, desperately trying to find a loophole out of this pain but Shiu answered them all as if it was the truth. And to your unfortune, it was. You've never cried harder.
But, when you happen to witness him at Shibuya, you convinced yourself that either you were hallucinating or he was doppelganger. When he locked eyes with you, his lips widened in a smile. Tears formed in your eyes. You immediately jumped in his arms.
"missed me that much, huh? i guess you don't hate me anymore" he said, arms wrapped around you.
"shut up and kiss me." when his lips crashed against yours, it felt like heaven. you've been deprived of this for years and now you finally had it. you knew why he broke up with you. toji tried to convince you to leave since he wasn't real. just an incarnation going to leave again for good, but years later your denial stage wasn't over as you tried to make him stop talking with your kisses.
"baby," he whispered. "I have to leave. It's time you go."
"No." Your voice firm but crumbled in seconds when you realized he won't listen to you anyways. "I don't care if you're not real. I need you. You can't just walk away again. You still have to make up for breaking up with me."
"Sweetheart, please." He sighed, trying to keep his composure but tears rolled down his eyes, a sight the world never witnessed but you.
"Toji. . .I know you wanted to protect my feelings so you made up all that breakup thing. . . but baby it still hurt. Nothing in this world can make me stop loving you. I hated you for it but I hated you because I love you so. damn. much"
"I am sorry. I love you and I am sorry I was so bad to you. I never deserved you. I never deserved your light, but thank you for gracing me with it." His hands started pushing you away.
"No. Stay. Toji!"
"I will always be by your side." In a quick second, he grabbled the broken part of the sword and stabbed his head.
"No. . . no. To—Toji? NO, BABY. TOJI!" you sobbed, crying as loud as ever as you held the corpse of a stranger morphed back to it's orginal body.
"Always be by my side? You left me, you motherfucker," you cried.
Ironic how there was a dead body lying on your lap, but you were the one experiencing death. Knowing everything he did in his life after he met you was to keep you safe from others, yet he was the one causing your heart the most pain right now. But how do you hate a criminal who also happens to be your saviour?
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justyouraverage-simp · 5 months
she's in good hands// t.s, s.r
pairing: steve rogers x reader (romantic), tony tark x daughter!reader (platonic)
warnings: tony being a bit of a douche to steve, tooth rotting happy relationships
summary: tony was very protective of everyone he cared about but his daughter meant the most to him out of anyone so when he has to face the music that shes growing up he finds it hard to accept especially when it comes to boys but not just any boy captain america
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*gif not mine*
Y/N swore she could never love anyone as much as she loved her dad, he was the only man she needed in her life. The two were peas in a pod, they were best friends and after Y/N got her heart broken who was there to pick up the pieces? Her dad.
Everyone swore Tony wouldn't be a present father, that he would send his child off the first chance he got. Just like his parents did to him. But Tony used that to be better, he became the worlds best dad at least in Y/N's eyes and to him that's all that mattered.
When the avengers were formed they all was told to keep their hands to themselves when it came to Y/N. No one risked to see where the line was because Tony had never been so passionate about something in his life. His little girl (although she is now 24, she will always be the little girl he used to play tea parties with and dress up with her like princesses) was his world, she saved him when he lost his parents, she gave him a reason to keep going and he will always protect her.
What Tony wasn't prepared for was her getting to the age where she was interested in boys and becoming more curious about them and her feelings. She didn't have a mother figure in life really other than Pepper then eventually Nat became an auntie/ older sister to her, so it was down to him to teach her everything and it was the first time Pepper had seen Tony unsure of himself.
Y/N went through her fair share of rough relationships, the worst being a three year relationship that ended with her being cheated on. Tony was furious seeing his girl crying over someone. She swore to him she was done with men, that he was the only man for her, the only one she needed. She was happy being single and free. That was until 2011 when she met Steve Rogers.
Y/N and Steve both agreed to keep the relationship a secret to start with so the two could find their footing without the whole world watching their every move. And also so they could work out how to tell Tony without putting him or Steve into an early grave.
"Hey, how would you feel about telling my dad about us?" Y/N said looking up at Steve who had his arm draped over her shoulder as they cuddled into the sofa.
"As long as you want to I'll do whatever you want sweetheart you know that" Steve says.
"I know I'm just nervous"
"I know you are but we love each other right?"
"So your dad will see that and how he hasn't noticed yet I don't know but we will show him that I'm not like the others" Steve says placing a kiss onto Y/N's forehead.
It was a few hours later and Jarvis had made Y/N and Steve aware Tony was back from his mission with Nat and Clint. Everyone meet in the living room to welcome the three back when Tony looked up at his daughter suspiciously.
"Why are you being weird?" Tony says bluntly.
"Wow nice to see you too dad"
"Honey you know what I mean, your quiet and your not as happy to see me" "I just need to talk to you when you get a minute"
"You can talk to me whenever you need, I'm your dad"
"In private please?"
Tony and Y/N walk to her bedroom, Steve following behind sneakily to be there for Y/N.
"What's going on kiddo"
"I'm just going to come out and say it" Y/N says running a finger through her hair "I'm dating Steve"
"As in Captain America?"
"No Steve from down the road, yes Captain America"
Steve takes this a time to walk through the door and wraps his hand over Y/N's.
"No" Tony says quickly
"No?" Steve says "What do you mean no?"
"I mean nope, not happening, over my dead body. How else do you want me to say it, I can say it in another language if that helps you Cap"
"Dad, I wasn't asking you if I can, I'm telling you because I don't want to hide him. I want to hold his hand or sit next to him on the sofa without having too worry someone will catch on. I want you to be able to accept that I'm not your little girl anymore I've grown up" Y/N says getting more annoyed at her dad.
Seeing how passionate his daughter is makes him realise she loves Steve, not in the same way she loves Tony but the way he loves Pepper. It made him realise he will always be the man who taught her what to expect from men, to not accept anything less than 100%. Steve however he showed her what 100% is, he showed her the meaning of true love. He chose her and he would risk everything to make sure she knew how much she loved him.
Tony looked between the two of them "Rogers promise me something?"
"Yeah Tony?" Steve says unsure of what he's signing up for.
"Promise me you'll look after my girl, she's my world and if you hurt her I will not be held responsible for what happens"
"I promise, I will always protect her and I will always do what's right by her" Steve says looking down at Y/N lovingly, pressing a quick kiss to her lips.
"Just because I know your together doesn't mean the PDA can come out thank you very much" Tony says as he leaves Y/N's bedroom shacking his head.
That evening Y/N is cuddled back up to Steve on the sofa dozing off slightly as the Avengers all have a movie night which was tradition when someone came back from a mission.
"Tony I'm surprised you haven't blasted Steve to another planet for touching Y/N" Nat says looking over at the two.
"Nope, she's in good hands and I'm okay with that" Tony says as he watches Steve admire his girl sleeping.
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0omillo0 · 11 days
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Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
a/n: I really like how this one came out!! please let me know if you liked it too! ᡣ𐭩
Warnings: Panic attack, Miscommunication, Emotional distress
Summary: A misunderstanding leads to heartbreak, but sometimes love can heal even the deepest wounds.
Jisung had been working tirelessly for weeks on his music, and you could see how much pressure he was under. You wanted to do something special for him—something that would not only surprise him but remind him how much he meant to you. For your anniversary, you came up with an idea: you'd record yourself singing one of his favorite songs, “bad” by wave to earth, and reorganize his messy music files while you were at it.
You spent hours preparing everything, perfecting your voice, and carefully categorizing his music. Then, you left a little note at the end of the recording, telling him to check the closet for his anniversary gift—a brand-new guitar you knew he’d been eyeing for months. It was meant to be a beautiful surprise.
When Jisung came home that evening, you were sitting by his computer, making the final tweaks to his project. His face was a mix of surprise and confusion.
“What are you doing on MY computer?” he asked, his tone sharper than you expected.
You smiled, excited to reveal your surprise. “I was working on something for you. I—”
Before you could finish, he had pushed past you, eyes scanning the screen. His face contorted in panic.
“Where’s my work? What did you do?” he asked, voice rising.
You blinked, taken aback by his sudden shift. “I just reorganized it a little. Everything’s still there—”
“Reorganized?!” Jisung cut you off, not even listening to the last sentence, his voice now full of anger. “You deleted everything, didn’t you?! Why would you touch my stuff without asking?! You just made my day even worse thank you.”
His words cut deep. You tried to explain, but the words got stuck in your throat. Tears welled up in your eyes as he continued to lash out, too blinded by panic to see the hurt written all over your face.
Finally, unable to bear it anymore, you grabbed your things and rushed out of the house, sobbing. Before leaving you yelled a “Well then maybe you’ll be happier without me, Jisung. Have a good life we’re- we’re done.” Jisung didn’t stop you.
You needed to get away, needed to breathe. Without thinking, you found yourself at Minho’s apartment. He was your best friend, someone who had always been there when you needed him. The moment he opened the door, he didn’t need to ask. He pulled you into a tight hug, letting you cry into his shoulder.
Back at home, Jisung sat in silence, the weight of his words hanging in the air. His chest felt tight, and something gnawed at him. He knew he overreacted, but in the heat of the moment, all he saw was chaos where he expected order.
With trembling hands, he went back to his computer, hoping—no, praying—that you hadn’t deleted everything. As he clicked through the files, he realized that you hadn’t deleted a single thing. Everything was still there, neatly organized, far better than how he had left it.
And then he saw it.
A file titled “Happy Anniversary.” Confused, he clicked on it, and your voice filled the room. You were singing “bad,” and it was beautiful. He had no idea you could sing like that. By the end of the recording, his chest ached.
And then your voice—soft, almost hesitant—spoke up.
“Jisung, I hope you liked my surprise. I wanted to help you organize everything because I know you’ve been so stressed. There’s one more surprise—look in the closet. Happy anniversary, babe. I love you.”
His heart dropped. He even forgot your anniversary. He scrambled to the closet, yanking it open to find the brand-new guitar, complete with a handwritten letter.
As he read the words you had so carefully written, guilt consumed him. His hands shook, his breathing shallow. He sank to the floor, panic seizing his chest. His phone slipped from his hands as he tried to call you, to text you, but you didn’t answer.
Please Y/N… Please babe answer me… I’m so sorry…
At Minho’s apartment, you had finally cried yourself to sleep. Minho, ever the protective friend, watched over you for a while before noticing your phone buzzing endlessly. Seeing Jisung’s name flashing across the screen, he sighed and decided to call him.
“Minho…” Jisung’s voice was hoarse on the other end, barely above a whisper.
“What happened, Jisung?” Minho asked, his tone calm but firm.
“I—I messed up. I thought she deleted my work, but she didn’t. She was trying to help, and I… I yelled at her,” Jisung confessed, his voice breaking. “I’ve been calling her, but she won’t answer. I don’t know what to do.”
Minho glanced at you, asleep on his couch, your tear-streaked face a testament to the pain Jisung had caused. He sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“Listen, Jisung. Calm down. She’s here, and she’s hurting. You really messed up, but I think you already know that,” Minho said quietly. “I’m leaving for the day tomorrow. Maybe when she wakes up, you can try to make things right. But give her space, okay?”
Jisung could only mutter a quiet thank you before the call ended.
The next day, you woke up feeling emotionally drained, the events of the previous night weighing heavily on you. Minho had left a note saying he had errands to run and that you could stay as long as you needed.
As you sat on the couch, trying to sort through your emotions, there was a soft knock at the door. Hesitant, you opened it to find Jisung standing there, his face pale, eyes red-rimmed as if he hadn’t slept.
“I—Can I come in?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
You stepped aside, not trusting yourself to speak. The air between you felt thick with tension and unspoken words.
Jisung took a deep breath, his eyes filled with regret. “I’m so sorry. I… I overreacted. I thought you deleted my work, and I didn’t even give you a chance to explain. I should have trusted you.” His voice cracked. “I listened to your recording. It was beautiful. And the guitar… I don’t deserve it, or you.”
You blinked back tears, still hurt but softened by the sincerity in his voice.
“I was just trying to help, Jisung,” you whispered, your voice trembling. “I wanted to do something nice for you, and you—” Your words caught in your throat as you recalled how he had screamed at you.
“I know,” Jisung said, stepping closer. “I know I hurt you, and I hate myself for it. I had a panic attack after you left because I realized how much I messed up. I love you, and I never want to make you feel like that again.”
The silence stretched between you as you searched his face, trying to decide if you were ready to forgive him. And then, slowly, you nodded, tears falling down your cheeks.
“I love you too, Jisung,” you whispered. “But we can’t keep doing this. You need to trust me. Your words hurt me so bad.”
He reached out, gently pulling you into his arms, holding you close as if he was afraid to let go. “I promise I’ll do better. I’ll trust you. I can’t lose you.”
For a moment, the world seemed to stand still as you held each other. The hurt didn’t vanish, but in that moment, you both knew that love would help you heal, one step at a time.
And maybe, just maybe, you’d come out stronger on the other side.
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cursed-peanut · 3 months
A/N: Hello everyone! My name is Peanut and this is my first post on this account! I’ve posted online before but it’s been a few years since then so I might not be the best 😭 Please forgive me. For my first post, I decided to write some yummy angst 😋 I hope you enjoy and consider following me if you enjoyed this.
— Peanut <33
I hate you, Toji Fushiguro || Toji Fushiguro x Reader & Megumi Fushiguro + Reader Drabble
Summary: You are the only stable and constant parental figure Megumi has ever had and he hates that his deadbeat dad has you rapped around his finger despite Toji clearly showing he only wants you late at night for the sake of his own pleasure.
Genre: Angst
Warnings: ANGST, unrequited love, absent parents, swearing, GN! Reader, hints at spoilers for season 2 JJK??, not proofread, possible spelling and mistakes, lmk if I missed anything.
Megumi doesn’t know his mother, he was never given the chance to meet her. But he’s okay with that because you fill her absent role.
You were originally just someone Toji used to hookup with every now and then, so naturally you had bumped into Megumi a few times. You were kind and caring every time, however these moments weren’t what made you replace her role.
No, that came much later when you found out Toji would sometimes leave Megumi and his sister Tsumiki alone months on end.
You couldn’t sit by and watch that, so you stepped in and stayed at the Fushiguro’s flat and took care of them. Looked after them. You were more than a parental figure to him, you were his parent. Fuck Toji and his absent ass, at least his mother had the excuse of being dead. Toji however just seemingly up and left one day.
Sure, maybe he comes home every so often, but it’s never for long and he’s only either arguing with you or he’s staring at you intensely, his eyes full of lust. Then on the contrary, there’s you. You are always there. A stable and constant figure in his life other than his sister.
Now it’s common knowledge that Megumi is very mature for his age, so while it shouldn’t shock you, it comes as a surprise when one day he tells you;
“Stop hoping dad will fall for you. We both know he’s not going to. He’s too stuck in his own mind to be able to love someone else.”
You swallow thickly. What is up with this six year old? How long has Toji neglected him for him to mature this quickly? You stop preparing dinner and move over to the young boy, crouching to his level and placing your hands on both of his shoulders, offering a warm smile.
“Don’t worry about it ‘gumi-chan. Even if your dad doesn’t love me back, that’s never going to stop me from caring for you and Tsumiki, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Megumi is relieved to hear this, but he’s still worried about you. You’re hurting yourself by hoping Toji cares to one day love you.
And that was the end of that conversation…until it wasn’t.
Later that year, a strange white haired man with black sunglasses came to their flat telling him he came to take him in. Before he could reject this weird man, you came out of the flat asking who he was. Turns out he’s called Gojo Satoru and he came with news about Toji.
At this you immediately invited him in, offering him something to drink, he says a glass of water will do fine. Once you give him his glass, he tells you Megumi should probably not be here for this conversation.
After Megumi’s allowed back into the main living space, he knows something has happened to Toji. Your head is hung low and your cheeks are damp with red eyes, clearly you’ve been crying. You wipe your face and beckon him over.
“Megumi, come here.”
He walks over to your place at the kitchen table and takes the seat next to you.
“This kind man here has an offer for us. We can either stay here and in two years time we join the Zen’in Clan, or we go with this man and live with him. You will need to train to become a Jujutsu Sorcerer once you’re older if we decide to go with him, so I thought I’d ask you-“
“If we stay here and join the Zen’in Clan, will you and Tsumiki be happy? They’re wealthy, right? We’d be okay financially-“
“I’m sorry to interrupt, however,”
You and Megumi turn to Gojo.
“If you want your sister and mentor to be happy, I can guarantee you they will be far from it if you join the Zen’in Clan. Trust me.”
“…well then, let’s go with him if he’s our best option.”
You smile at him and side hug him, placing a soft kiss on the crown of his head.
“Alright. Explain to Tsumiki and pack your things. I’ll come help you and Tsumiki in a second.”
Megumi slips out of his chair to head back to his room. Once you hear the soft click of Megumi’s door, your face drops as you place your face in your hands. You laugh bittersweetly.
“He really knows how to fuck things over, huh?… Did he really not say anything about me to you?”
“I’m sorry Mx. L/N, not a peep. If I knew you were in the picture, I would’ve knocked instead of talking to him directly first.”
You quietly hum to your self, whispering:
“Who would’ve thought I should’ve taken the advice of a six year old?”
The little six year old in question is on the other side of his bedroom door, listening to the conversation through the thin wood. So he was right, something did happen to Toji. He had warned you to let go of Toji. He knew one day Toji would hurt you one final time. Leaving you completely broken. Despite knowing this, he was seething inside and out. No one should make you feel like this. Especially not his sorry excuse of a father who only gave you the time of day when he wanted some pleasure.
He hates Toji Fushiguro. He hates him for never being around for his family. He hates him for neglecting him and Tsumiki to the point where they can’t even remember what he looks like. He hates him for a plethora of reasons, the list could go on. But, above all, he hates Toji Fushiguro for using you. He grits his teeth and clenches his fists. Just thinking about that despicable man makes blood boil.
“I hate you, Toji Fushiguro.”
Please don’t copy or take as your own. Likes and reposts are appreciated!
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
Pink Pastels Pt 12
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Description: Gabi has a fever and Miguel needs to go retrieve her book.
Pt 13
Gabi has a fever, a low one, nothing to worry about, but Miguel kept her home from school, so she could rest. He actually enjoys her sick days, not her being sick, but how he gets an excuse to take off work and spend all day watching TV with her.
She snuggles up against him, and eats slices of strawberries he cut up earlier, while telling him the backstory of every show that they watch.
He has her go to bed way earlier than usual, tucking her in and retreating into the kitchen to prepare her lunch for tomorrow. Her fever hasn’t broken yet, but it could in the morning, and he wants her to be prepared.
“Papá, I forgot something.” Gabi’s voice is tinged with sleep, and she’s in her light blue pajamas decorated with little cartoon hippos, her stuffed bear under her arm.
“Forgot what, Mija?” He asks, padding over to her and resting the back of his hand on her forehead, still a little warm.
“I left my book at school, and I need it, or I’ll fall behind the others.” Her bottom lip is trembling, her eyes, just like his, rimmed with tears.
No one likes to be sick, and he knows it’s so much harder on kids because they just don’t understand and don’t know how to feel better. It wears on them and their still developing immune systems.
“I can go by and get it tomorrow, okay?”
She pouts, tears rolling down her cheek as she hugs her bear Oso to her chest. “I need it now, please, I promise I’ll go to bed right now, but you have to get my book.”
He glances at the time on the microwave, six forty-five. It’s not too late, there might still be someone there and if not, he can just sneak in.
“Okay Mija, I’m going to ask Tia Margo to come watch you while I go get your book, but you better be fast asleep when I get back.” He points a faux stern finger at her, and she giggles.
“I will be, I promise.”
He’s lucky, the school is still open, and he heads straight for your room. He’s a few steps away, the colorful paper decorating your door visible when he hears it.
You’re crying.
“I don’t know what you wanted me to do, Todd, you were being an asshole.”
He leans forward, enhanced hearing picking up the other side of the conversation.
“Shit, I don’t know Y/N, maybe humor a guy for once?”
“Humor you? What you said was so degrading, how could you even think that was okay?” You’re still crying, but he can pick out the notes of anger in your voice.
“You’re such a bitch, this is why the guys keep telling me to break up with you.” Todd sneers.
You fall silent, a sob bubbling forth, and Miguel’s heart bleeds. He wants to comfort you, but knows you’ll be embarrassed to be seen in such a state.
“I could get with so many other girls y/n, but I choose you, so maybe act a little grateful?”
“Grateful?” You echo, shock evident.
“Yeah, grateful.”
You laugh, the sound sharp, piercing, like glass shattering. “Fuck you Todd, we’re done, get the fuck out of my life, never call me again, I hope you fucking fall off a bridge.”
Fall off a bridge? Miguel smothers a laugh, now that was an idea.
You hang up and slam your phone down, before sinking into your desk chair.
He peeks his head into the room to see your head buried in your arms, your shoulder shaking softly.
“Ms. Y/N?” He knocks on the door frame, and you shoot up quickly, trying to wipe away your tears.
“Mr. O’Hara, hi, I-I’m so sorry, did we have an appointment?” Your voice is watery, false cheeriness pushing through.
“No, Gabi left her book here, and she didn’t want to fall behind.” He explains, walking over to her desk and quickly finding the book.
“Oh, I see, well she doesn’t need to wor—” You burst into tears, your words lost in sobs.
He moves, leaves Gabi’s book on her desk, and pulls you to his chest. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
You wrap your arms around him, sobbing into his shirt. “This parent, she-she was so mean, and I just want her son to be supported, and then Todd, and he—”
Miguel shushes you gently, swaying back and forth with you, resting his chin on the crown of your head. “It’s alright, cariño, it’s alright.”
You squeeze him tighter, desperate for comfort, and he feels his heart is going to burst. You fit so perfectly in his arms, and you smell so good, that same scent of wisteria and fresh laundry. “I just—she said I was a subpar teacher, and that I didn’t care about my kids.”
He bristles. “She’s lying, you’re an amazing teacher. You love your kids deeply, and they love you.”
You continue to cry, and he cards his fingers through your hair, as he coos and whispers reassurances.
“And Todd, he’s such a dick, and now we’re over, and he’s going to try and turn all our friends against me, and then I won’t have any friends and—”
He pulls back and cups your face. “You will have friends; you are a kind and loving person who is a joy to be around. Anyone who listens to Todd over you is an idiot.”
You meet his eyes, and he feels your grip on his arms loosen. “I—thank you, Mr. O’Hara.”
“Miguel.” He says gently, brushing the tears from your face.
A flicker of recognition goes through your eyes, but then it fades, and you move to step away from him. “Thank you, Miguel. And I’m sorry you had to see such a state, I promise I’m not so emotional in front of my class.”
He doesn’t let you leave, keeps his hands framing your face, and takes a step forward for the one you took back. “No apology needed. I’d like to consider us friends, and it’s the least I could do for a friend.”
The smile that blooms on your lips is radiant, and he stops himself from staggering back.
“I’d like that too.”
He doesn’t want to release you; he wants to hold you forever. Keep you safe in his arms, away from anything that could upset you.
Your phone rings and you turn away to pick it up.
He waits as you walk out into the hall, your voice hushed as you talk quickly with someone on the other line.
You come back in, a fresh wave of tears accompanying you. “My landlord just—Todd destroyed my—evicted.”
Your words are choppy, but he gets the gist. Todd must have gone to your place and trashed it, your landlord got fed up with Todd’s actions, and now you’re out on the streets.
“Let me make a few calls, I’ll take care of this.” He reassures you, pulling you back into his embrace as he calls Lyla, keeping her on the phone and not appearing in midair. He talks to her in Spanish, so you’re unaware of his plan and once she confirms it’s all been set up, he drops back into English. “The apartment next to mine, it’s been sitting empty for months, I’m good friends with the landlord, he’s desperate to rent it out.”
“I have to get all my stuff and—”
“I’ll help you."
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @miggyoharaswife, @badbishsblog, @imisshim2much, @wanderlustingcastaway, @lynn-9703, @sleepyamaya, @erensbbg, @sweetea85, @ilovemiguelohara, @natthernandez, @stxrrielle, @ihateuguys, @jenniferdixon05207, @blep-23, @luvisaaxoxo, @minimari415, @emerald-09, @violet-19999, @kenchosaikuo, @groovycass, @youcantseem3, @lovefks, @nightshxdex, @dusstory, @aesniri, @munsonssecretblog, @kirke-is-my-name, @starbearieee, @chatoicboy, @act1839, @needsleep3000, @totally-not-georgia, @witchy-lizard, @cxmeiloorun7, @justrandomlolidk, @chimpkinnuggies, @alicefallsintotherabbithole, @loser-alert, @wwwellacom, @ryantryan6969, @lollipopin, @blakeaha, @youcantseem3, @a-cult-leader, @verexi, @purpleskiesandroses, @they2luv1naia, @sophiaj650, @idolautism, @rheannajrs, @merakiq
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