#Winter Exercise
athenawillams · 1 year
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Why Wearing Several Layers Is Necessary For Your Winter Exercise?
Keep moisture away from your skin, and stay comfortable and dry even when working up a sweat
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ceilidho · 1 year
bear shifter!Price catches you out on an early morning jog while he's driving to work and immediately stops, reverses, and growls at you to get into the car. takes you to the nearest bakery for coffee and a breakfast muffin before hustling you home.
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strawberrystepmom · 8 months
okay we are loving ourselves today by force & order of me so here's an exercise: please put in the tags how your fav would describe you if they were writing about you
keep in mind - this is someone who loves you. words that are NOT allowed include: boring, average, ugly or anything relating to unattractiveness. see yourself through the eyes of someone who loves you and let me know how they see you.
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Anyone else ever think about how the last hero’s legend is a story about a group of 13 companions who went out into the winter cold as an act of self sacrifice to save those they left behind? And how that is knowingly or unknowingly replicated in the northern tradition where old men venture out to die in the harsh winters so that those left behind have a higher chance of survival? It’s just me? Ok.
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puppyeared · 5 months
When you go on walks, what’s your favourite part? Mine is when I find one of the rivers or small streams nearby my house. Or when I get to meet some new dogs- or when the temperature is just warm enough to bask in whilst the trees are rustling because of a strong breeze. Maybe my favourite part is the walk itself, I like walking places. Problem is I always need to have a destination in mind.
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the weather is getting nicer so its the best time to go outside and poke around for some new visitors ^_^
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mo-salto · 7 months
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CaMarah Williams's Trinity Thomas moment @ Winter Cup
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docescene · 2 months
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August Prompts — Winter edition
A mini-challenge I propose is to write microfics, between 50 and 500 words, but it’s up to you.
Feel free to do as you wish. The important thing is to try writing and have fun!
More challenges! ;; Summer edition
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Day 1: Fondue
Day 2: Comfort
Day 3: Touch
Day 4: Blanket
Day 5: Afternoon
Day 6: Love confession
Day 7: Gloves
Day 8: First snow
Day 9: Chimney
Day 10: Hot chocolate
Day 11: Fruit
Day 12: Sick
Day 13: Zealous
Day 14: Fog
Day 15: Hills
Day 16: Coffee
Day 17: Wood stove
Day 18: Fireplace
Day 19: Talisman
Day 20: Rain
Day 21: Scarf
Day 22: Temperature
Day 23: Fantasy
Day 24: Wellington boots
Day 25: Apple
Day 26: Socks
Day 27: Moonlight
Day 28: Fake dating
Day 29: Soulmate
Day 30: Mulled wine
Day 31: Cold
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welldigger62 · 8 months
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Ooh look, the bike path is mostly clear. It was 35 degrees when I took this and that’s still too cold for me. I think we got snow flurries due tomorrow. I think I’ll wait a couple months before getting the bike out.
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rainbow-femme · 26 days
Advice for handling deep depression that did not help from various therapists who admitted they personally never had depression before:Keep your shoes by the door so you don’t have an excuse not to go for a walk, put smiley face stickers everywhere in your home and make yourself smile when you see them, ask yourself when you’re not doing things because of depression if this is the kind of person you want to be
Advice for handling deep depression that did help from a college professor who spent his college years deeply depressed: “Yeah I mostly handled it by spending any time I wasn’t in class smoking weed and listening to the two same classical music records on repeat”
Sometimes you can’t start with “ignore your symptoms and do it anyway”, you gotta start with “if you’re going to lay on your bed staring blankly at the ceiling for hours, put on something you usually like so at least you’ve got that going and it will keep you a little bit more sane”
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solradguy · 9 months
I'm back into exercising because I wanna get beefy for the Sol cosplay in May but I always seem to get bored after a while though. So, I'm gonna see if posting about it on here will hold me accountable lol Here's what I did today:
50 jumping jacks
A bunch of stretches I don't know the names of
30 sec. mountain climber
16 squats
30 sec. high stepping
15 pushups
16 reverse crunches
1 minute plank
30 sec. cobra stretch
Some more stretches I don't know the name of (<-for my lumbar)
I am now going to eat slabs of roast beef
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emgoesmed · 8 months
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Hot girl walks in cold weather 😌💞
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outergh0st · 10 months
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sorry for the inactivity! i’ve been busy with work lately, but I had this very liminal space type dream the other day and I was inspired to do some quick painting exercises. thinking of actually making this into a full fledged story w slight silent hill vibes… (but make it wintertime n baltic countryside)
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tramontane-fire · 14 days
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Winter doesn't know I'm putting his feet pics on the Internet.
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The thing about SAD is that it's a very real, sometimes debilitating condition, but it also makes me feel so silly.
Like I was born and raised here and still I've got a brain that's like "holy shit it's way too cold and dark, we absolutely cannot make any of the good chemicals until we fix that" and I'm like "until we fix... the existence of winter? the thing we've experienced 28 times already?" and my brain is like "exactly"
and THEN it feels even sillier to be like "well if I want my brain to make any good chemicals for about 7 months of the year, I need to plug in a special lamp and sit in front of the special lamp every single morning, because if I don't I get extra sad"
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welldigger62 · 8 months
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Today was gym day, that’s me taking pictures instead of lifting that weight 🤣 The fog has finally lifted and the clouds are breaking apart. Haven’t see that shiny thing in the sky for quite a few days. Back home trying to figure out what to make for dinner tonight.
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bluedesignwall · 1 month
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I missed my long run yesterday due to the cold and rain. I was determined to get out for a run after work today but the wind came up mid afternoon. The wind was blowing straight off the snow on the hills, it was strong and icy. There were lots of big puddles under foot too. When I got to the beach the tide was way in so I ran down the beach front track behind the sand dunes. It was a bit more sheltered there but there were puddles right across the track. I had to stop and make my way around a few. I was glad to make it home so I could foam roller in front of the fire.
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