miss-dollette · 6 days
I felt like I was defending Jesus fucking Christ himself from the Roman’s when I stood up for Amber Heard during the court fiasco. God, I’m so glad it’s all coming to light.
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facelesspassport · 1 year
Today I heard someone say that there is an "insecurity epidemic among young men" and I am just so fucking happy someone has FINALLY given me the words to describe what is happening to the world. I keep hearing whinging about "men's mental health crisis" and "male loneliness" and "male suicide rates" blahblah in spite of the fact that none of that stuff is actually an issue. Women's depression and rates of suicide attempts have remained consistently higher than men's over the years, and if we look at sex stats you'll see that the rise of loneliness is actually affecting women at very similar rates to men (12% and 14% celibacy rates in the US, respectively). Not to mention the suicide attempts of young women and girls have sky-rocketed in the last couple of years. Suicidal ideation in girls in my country is currently double that of boys. In spite of all this we still see males lashing out en masse, claiming that "men are under attack", "women are privileged", and feminism is "ruining men's lives". Even though none of their claims have any basis in reality there is still an obvious problem here- something is very disturbed in the modern male psyche; but I have not seen anyone accurately label the issue until today. There is an insecurity epidemic among men. Women are finally attending classes, entering the workplace, and gaining voting rights in most countries around the world. These changes are a recent development and they are making modern men question their place in society- as they should. Sadly, instead of taking this time to self reflect, men are desperately trying to stop women's suffrage and cry "abuse" whenever we hold firm. What we are seeing is a big, glorified tantrum, not a "mental health crisis". I am not sure how we would go about fixing this problem but I'm glad that I am finally able to name it!! I thank D'Angelo Wallace for the help.
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theamoristwriter · 3 months
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Womanhood !
Boygenius // Fleabag
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inbetweening · 10 days
It's pretty disingenuous to act like "what is a woman" is some complex philosophical question just because there are sometimes "exceptions". No not all women have periods, breasts, intersex people exist (and many requests that you stop using them as your trump card to validate your non-binary identity), sometimes people get things removed, on and on.
Women are female and we know we are women because the world tells us and we are oppressed because of it. You know this. Stop pretending.
It is an act of silencing and erasure of female realities to try to muddy and blur the definition of womanhood 2 suit your own ideology.
I'll even acknowledge that gender feels can be deep and personal, but I think it is important to recognize sex based reality Too. Yall be bending over backwards and lying out ur asses trying to act like the majority of human beings don't fit into male or female very easily and clearly, and that this has social consequences.
That females don't have collective (that does not mean homogenous) experiences as females that males simply haven't lived through- the threat of unwanted pregnancy is one glaring example.
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solitaryearthperson · 2 years
I just want to first say congratulations to KeKe Palmer for her pregnancy and hope that it is nice and peaceful, and pray that her birth will be as well. Next, I just want to talk about how I am so sick of black people putting down other black people, especially black (single) mothers. A woman online did not hesitate to make some stupid ass think piece about KeKe's pregnancy and it made me so mad that there were so many people agreeing with her bullshit. So I just decided to rant about this stupidity and the things she said.
1. She is not a single mother.
From what I've heard, Keke is in a relationship with the father of the child, so stop claiming that she's a single mother.
2. Marriage is not always an end goal.
I did not know that there were so many people who actually think that marriage is somehow more important than dating and that people who date are still single. Yall do realize that there are probably thousands of people in the world who have been together for years and have never got married and never will, right? Marriage does not and never has determined whether or not a relationship is serious or guaranteed that everybody in it is happy. We as a society have got to rid of this mindset that marriage is the end goal for every relationship.
3. No one says anything about the Kardashians.
It truly confuses me how there are so many people trying to shame KeKe for being happy about her baby and not caring about being married or not, while at the same time not saying shit about the Kardashian sisters and their children. So many of y'all are quick to call KeKe a single mother, yet I never heard any one call any of the Kardashians this or shame them for not being married.
4. The black community ain't the only community with single mothers.
Yall love to claim that the black community is the only community with single mothers, when that's actually not true. Every race has single mothers! And just like in every race, there's absent fathers too! The only difference between black people and the other races is that single mothers who are specifically black gets talked about and degraded the most.
5. The hate for black (single) mothers is stupid.
So many black people love to claim that the black community is the way it is because of single mothers or because of black mothers period, when it actually isn't. Y'all love to shit on single mothers but never say a damn thing about absent fathers. Yall love to blame the outcome of the child solely on the mother, but always forget the father who, a majority of the time, don't be doing shit for the child.
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pinkmirth · 11 months
i’ve never wanted to suck a dick so badly
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Happy Black History Month!
On the first day of Black History, Beyoncé gives to us: the announcement of her much anticipated world tour!
I am definitely going to get tickets for this tour. I have never seen Beyoncé live but I will be seeing this tour.
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eesirachs · 11 months
What are your thoughts on what Delores S Williams said about the cross?
Nothing in the cross, Williams said, is redeeming; it is an image of defilement.
She was very much against atonement theories and mentioned that it wasn’t God’s will for Jesus. Im very curious about what you think because i think you’re not into atonement theories either? But i think you did mention God saw it coming! Very curious because something i struggle with and always have is finding meaning in the cross.
hamartiology is ugly. sin is ugly. atonement is ugly. they're ugly and dangerous. people who are already so hurt by all the other ugly things in the world have every right to shrink in disgust from a god who dabbles in these. i am not interested in atonement theory. but i think the cross matters: both can be true at once. i think the cross as narrative, as image, as apotrope—this is where it gets its teeth. i think the cross is beautiful, so long as it remains just that: a place where god went to kill himself
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facelesspassport · 1 year
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We need the vagina dentata condom to be on store shelves NOW
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theamoristwriter · 1 month
I'll never be the second woman. I'm Lilith.
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liminalgoddessworld · 3 months
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Black history
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crsentfairy · 1 year
cool! ur a feminist! how do you feel about black women? :)
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Womanist: Loves music. Loves dance. Loves the moon. Loves the Spirit. Loves love and food and roundness. Loves struggle. Loves the Folk. Loves herself. Regardless.
(Alice Walker, In Search of our Mothers’ Gardens, Womanist Prose.)
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