#Woohoo! Week one is nearly over!
pinkytoothlesso11 · 1 year
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✨First week roundup✨
Hello keenswimmers! As you know @undeadchestnut let you guys know I'd be doing the weekly roundups for fills for this Stricklake month! And there's been many great submissions already! Do let me know if I've missed someone's fill for this week or of late submissions.
Dystopia by @lexel05
Under the red skies by @albentelisa
Dystopia by @selenestrickler
Ill-Conceived Gambits by @whitherwanderyouspirit
Reaching Utopia by @albentelisa
Our Love for Eternity chapter one: Dystopia by pinkytoothlesso11
Dystopia by @megan0013
The way it once was: Utopia by @changelingchangewing
'A MiStAkE' because I haven't updated in ages—chapter one: Utopia... Had a name by @toodrasticallydumb
Utopia/Dystopia by @justmebeing--me
Utopia by @ollie-alooffloof
Dystopia by @enniyart
Dystopia by @joethehoeee
Dystopia by @yavannah
Again, please let me know if I've somehow missed someone or if there's a late addition so I can add it on! And see you guys for week two of Stricklake month very soon!
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immamapletreekid · 2 years
when u finish a calculus quiz and all the smart people have different answers :)
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Puppy Fight: Chaggie ft. Emily
Puppy Love part 3 / Jazzercise part 2
Charlie: (hyping herself up and shadow boxing as she walks into the new hotel gym) Alright! I got this! I've been working on my cardio. Just a few more sessions before- *SCREEEEEEEEEECH!!!!*
Vaggie: (wearing even shorter spandex shorts than last time, wrist wraps, and her sports bra, grunting as she works through a set of Muscle Ups, body absolutely slick with sweat) Eighteen!!!..... Gah, fuck! .......Nineteen!!!
Emily: (hair tied up in a messy bun, powder blue, long sleeve, skin tight exercise shirt, and navy blue shorts that cut off just below her glutes) Come on, Vaggie! You got this! One more!
Vaggie: (takes a deep breath, scowls as she grits her teeth, and nearly roars as she muscles her way up and over the bar into a full extension) Twenty!!!
Emily: (jumps and squeals excitedly) Woohoo! You did it! (makes another check on a whiteboard) That's three rounds of twenty muscle ups, fifty mountain climbers, and 100 jump-ropes!
Vaggie: (drops to the floor with a sigh, wipes her face with her black sweat rag, and takes a drink of water) Thanks for helping me push through, Emily. I was kind of surprised you even showed up. Charlie didn't have another group exercise planned for a couple more days when the next meeting with Heaven came up.
Emily: (staring bashfully at Vaggie's muscles) Oh! Well, you know! I figured it would be good to come down early! You know. Catch up with Charlie. (eyes scour over Vaggie's abs and shoulders) See the sights.
Vaggie: (suddenly feeling a little naked) Riiiiiiiiight.... Well, I'm gonna go hit the showers. Thanks again for the help. (quickly jogs towards the door and stops as she sees Charlie) Hey, Babe! I didn't know you were going to be working out today. You should have said something. I would have waited for you. (shifts her eye back at Emily)
Emily: (awkwardly looks around to make sure she isn't being watched before she sneakily takes the sweat rag Vaggie left behind)
Vaggie: (whispering back to Charlie with a slight blush and a wink) We could have shared a shower after.
Charlie: (heart throbs painfully) Dammit! How did I not think of that before now?!
Vaggie: (chuckles before kissing Charlie lightly on the cheek) Another time. I'll be sure to save you some hot water. Love you. (slips through the door and jogs up to their room)
Charlie: Love you too~ (eyes dart to Emily as soon as the door closes and she zips over to the pull up bars with a smile painfully plastered on her face) Hi, Emily!
Emily: Yipe! (jumps and hides Vaggie's rag behind her back) Oh! H-Hi, Charlie! H-How are you?
Charlie: I'm good. I'm good. (obviously not good as her tail slithers along the floor behind her like a snake ready to strike) I wasn't expecting to see you for a few days.
Emily: Oh! Yeah, well, l-like I told Vaggie. I figured I'd come down a little early so we could catch up!
Charlie: (sickly sweet tone) Well, what better way to catch up and build a bond than by exercising together?! (wraps an arm around Emily's shoulder tightly and leads her over to the treadmills) How about it, Emily? I'm sure you guys up in Heaven exercise all the time!
Emily: (balks) Actually, Charlie, I'm suddenly not feeling the greatest. I think I got teleportation sickness.
Charlie: Then a light jog should help you get that good airflow that you need. (pushes Emily on a treadmill and takes the one right next to her before turning them both on and ramping up the incline and speed to 5/10 and 6/10) This should be a good warmup, right?
Emily: eeep!
Charlie: (sitting and soaking her dead legs in an ice bath with a whine-growl)
Vaggie: (brings in a protein shake and hands it to Charlie) And what did we learn?
Charlie: (growling and baring her teeth like an angry puppy as she takes the shake) To mark every last inch of your skin the week Emily arrives. (all sad and sappy) She's still my friend! (back to snarling as she takes a sip of her drink) But she needs to remember that you're MINE!!!
Vaggie: (blushing) ......Did I completely miss something?
-In one of the guest rooms-
Emily: (whimpering as she soaks her noodle legs in a hot bath) Owie.... (stares at the sweat rag on the bathroom sink) ......*sigh* Worth it. I'll have to apologize to Charlie later. I think she liked those rainbow sprinkles back in Heaven.
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For your newest make me write. Im in a huge complete supernatural/fantasy like AU mood here recently so my requests are going to be towards that this week. Also both of them are supposed to be 15 emojis apiece so can we pretend they are if they are not? (Kinda sorry about all the zombies…but feel free to sub everything to vampires or another WIP if you want)
🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟(Im so ready for the Maddie/Buck reunion and ensuing shenanigans. I think by the time you get to to this that the new chapter *may* be out that goes over that. But im also enjoying other aspects of the story as well. I very rarely read bathena start fics so their relationship developing is exciting for me to see as well).
🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸 🩸(Spoilery for those not caught up BUT OMG BUCK WHAT DID YOU DO?!?! I was not ready for that!)
Woohoo 90 total sentences for monster fics!
45 for 🧟 (THANK YOU!!!):
 “Just… Be careful.”
Chim thinks he probably should listen to her. But he also knows he likely won’t. 
If anything, Chim gets worse. And that might be problematic if his feelings were one-sided, but after dinner, it becomes more or less obvious that they are not.
They do dishes together. A chore Chim usually finds tiresome, but now is somehow fun. Christopher and Denny have already begged Maddie, Hen, and Karen to have a sleepover together. Something Chim finds somewhat redundant, seeing as every day forever is a sleepover here. But Chris wants to sleep in Denny’s room. 
“Please,” Karen had insisted when Maddie had asked if they were sure it was okay. “He finally gets to have friends his own age. Chris can have as many sleepovers as he wants.”
So Maddie is off kid duty tonight. 
“Other than movie night,” she asks as they’re finishing up with dishes. “What is there to do around here in the evenings?”
“You got something against movie night?” Chim teases.
“No!” Maddie insists. “Just exploring my options.”
“Well, there are games,” Chim says. But then he has another thought. “Or the roof.”
“The roof?” Maddie asks. 
“Yeah. We’ve got chairs up there. We can steal your brother’s stereo. It’s great for looking at the stars. Now that the light pollution is gone.” 
Chim wonders if this is too weird. Too forward. Too intimate. Too much like a date, if the world was normal enough to afford dates. Actually, scratch that. He knows Hen has set up a date for Karen up there, under the stars. On their wedding anniversary. God, what is he doing?
“That sounds really nice,” Maddie says. “Would you… Would you want to do that with me?”
God, obviously.
“I’d like that, yeah.”
45 for 🩸 (Buck's gonna Buck!)
“Neither am I,” Eddie says. “Okay?”
Buck nods, still a little weepy. 
As tired as he is, Buck can’t really sleep for very long periods. A wound to his front and a wound to his back means nothing is comfortable. Eddie helps set him up on an assortment of pillows to prop him in just the right position, but it’s still a more or less futile effort. He manages to get a little bit of rest when his pain medication sets in, but otherwise, he’s awake and uncomfortable. 
Brought down to reality by his conversation, Buck really gets a chance to think through what he’d nearly done. Not the killing part - which he’d been more focused on before - but the dying part. And the more he thinks about it, the more he thinks about just how right Eddie was. He doesn’t want to die. He doesn’t want their life together to be over just as it finally started.
He really let that compulsive need to fix everything almost get him killed. Maddie was right. He needs to deal with this properly. This pit of dread that lives in his chest that says he is going to lose everything horribly. That says life will never be safe again. He needs to address that head on, and not by trying to be one step ahead of every possible danger. He needs to go back to therapy. He will, he decides. The minute he’s physically up to it.
“I’m sorry,” Buck says again, later that night, when everyone is sleeping and Buck is laying awake beside Eddie. He knows he’s probably going to be saying it for a long time. 
Eddie blinks awake. “Hmm?”
“I’m sorry,” Buck repeats. 
“For waking me up?” 
“No, for everything.”
Eddie sighs. “I forgive you. I’ve already forgiven you.”
“But I’m still sorry.” 
“Buck,” Eddie complains. “Don’t do this. This doesn’t help. Believe me, I know.”
“I’m going to go to therapy,” Buck says. 
“That’s a good idea,” Eddie says. “We could both use therapy. Do you think there are vampire therapists?”
“If there’s not, there should be,” Buck replies. “They’d have the corner on the market right now.”
“Exactly,” Eddie says. “And surely some shrink out there got bit?”
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chaotic-zora · 4 months
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Introducing my zora oc, Thresh (Short for Thresher, ironic I know. I got attached to the placeholder name).
Pronouns: They/Them/He/Him
Height: 6 ft 7 in.
Species: Thresher Shark/Tiger Shark
Coloration: Dark purple, lavender stripes, white belly, red eyes/fins
Profession: Warrior
-Specializes in hand-to-tail combat
-Little brain to mouth filter (Blunt)
-Has a huge scar on his crest (post The Event)
-In love with his "Best Friend" Nyvor
-Not naked I swear (workin on their armor)
-Maps (can't read em, poor sense of direction)
-Horses (almost got trampled once)
-High places (post The Event)
Character/Lore Dump:
Thresher is proficient in hand-to-tail combat and commonly wields hand daggers, weighted rope (to lasso and subdue opponents), and a bow and arrow. If their opponent has a unique/impressive fighting style, Thresh will attempt to analyze it and merge it with his own combat style. The opportunity to learn new techniques is what Thresh enjoys most about combat, and as a result they are well versed in over a dozen different styles. He views loosing as a learning opportunity (humble).
During fights he'll whip his tail to disorient/ward off opponents (thresher shark genes woohoo). The act can leave nasty bruises, and he ties leather strips around his tail to make the blows worse. When the opportunity arises, he'll disarm opponents by striking their wrists with his tail. When done right this can cause an opponent to involuntarily drop their weapon.
Though intelligent in combat, that's about the extent of what they can do. He has a terrible time learning anything else, can't lead, and won't follow orders that go against his morals. It's why he never earned a title beyond "renowned warrior" within his Domain. He is outgoing, rowdy, and deeply in tune with his instincts.
He's in love with his best friend Nyvor, who's a healer. Unfortunately for him, weeks before Thresh planned to declare his intentions to court Nyvor, the "Event" occurred.
The Event: Thresh murders a corrupt Noble.
For nearly a decade a corrupt Zoran Noble has been causing Thresh's Domain to fall into disarray. Due to the Noble's high standing, they have repeatedly escaped prosecution, and Thresh, sick of their bullshit, decides to take the matter into his own claws.
Unfortunately, Nyvor catches him in the act. However, instead of reporting Thresh, Nyvor purposefully takes the downfall for the murder.
'Even now....he treats me gently....'
This is all Thresher can think as they watch Nyvor pluck the soiled blade from their hand. His motions are slow, and there is a gentleness to Nyvor's actions that betray his hidden affections towards the smaller zora. If Thresh was not so overwhelmed with confusion, perhaps they would have noticed, but alas, this was not the case.
"What are you doing, Nyvor?"
The clatter of armor echoes faintly in the distance. Guards are approaching, and they are early with their check in rounds.
"Protecting you."
Thresher's breath stills in his chest. They watch, striken, as Nyvor moves towards the corner of the room, and brandishes their own weapon against them.
"Stop. Stop please."
Nyvor's smile is kind. Loving. And his voice is soft. A stark contrast to his intimidating stature.
"It's okay Thresh. Everything is going to be okay."
Eveything is not okay. Nyvor gets sentenced to death by cliff face (thrown over a cliff into rocky waters below). No one believes Thresh when they state they were the one who murdered the Noble, not Nyvor, who cleverly twists the facts to ensure the blame remains solely on him.
As punishment for defending Nyvor, Thresher is tied up and forced to watch Nyvor get knocked out and thrown over the cliff. In one last desperate attempt to save his friend, Thresh escapes his bindings and flings himself after Nyvor.
He uses his body to physically protect Nyvor's head, and upon impact, gets knocked out. Miraculously they both survive, but get separated in the current, and Thresh wakes up washed ashore on the outskirts of Hyrule, alone, and lost. Thus begins his journey to find Nyvor.
I have a lot more art brewing for these two.... more lore to come with Nyvor's side of things.
Shout out to my beloved partner @vaquero-azul-art for helping me with anatomy. Thanks babe.
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starsoftheeye · 4 months
TMagP 17 Reaction
I've discovered that acting disinterested literally makes the episodes show up earlier on my youtube account, so I've gotta play mindgames on this app every thursday to get to see the episodes less than half an hour after they release lol
Ah Celia is back on her bullshit
Wait did she just nearly get ran over???
I feel bad for laughing at her but her only reaction being "Oh for gods sake" is super funny to me how long has she been doing this
oh hi sam
oh god she missed their date :[
something tells me a habit is going to be made of this, especially considering she literally cannot help it
"it really wasn't" yeah no wonder you nearly became roadkill
theyre so cute i love them
ooh shes mad
"catalyst" huh, have we heard that before or is this the first time
pfft not the interviewer getting read to shreds
wild theory before i keep going, based on the title "saved copy" and the "identity crisis", "existential horror", "temporal distortion" and "captivity" tags, im going to assume that this person going to therapys having the details of their life copied somewhere for something to replicate and replace them, and the doctors gonna attempt to get rid of them but obviously it didnt work. either that or the guy outside the office does something
as someone whos never done meditation before this is not encouraging me to start
ah office spaces, the worst of cosmic horror
wait did they get teleported or something
tbf if my taxi driver started driving completely the wrong way i'd assume the worst and start "exchanging words" too
oh my god was i right
wait is this copy based on their therapy, a version of themselves with no problems whatsoever? and is this gonna be a "there can only be one" type scenario?
oh wait no i forgot siblings exist
wait nvm them having the same name is weird
"dates and times" so this is where the temporal distortion comes in ig
i'm sticking with the "rich-darrien is a copy trying to assimilate into og-darriens life" theory for now
yeah because thats not normal darrien, even if youre related no-one looks completely identical apart from glasses, teeth colour and a lack of a beer-gut
do they both think the other is the copy, or does sharron just not know?
oh god what is he hiding
does he beat up a real person every time hes upset
of course it was his father that makes sense
oh my god the sound design
oh my god he's the one who assimilated thats so cool
good for sharron i hope shes doing okay
off-topic but i love the way the voices get more real as the statement goes on then go back to their more robotic tone at the end
as a celia fan i am eating well this week jeez
celia my dear what do you mean by that "not exactly the same though, it is?" girlie what have you done what are you hidinggg
who was playing the music in the background there?
as someones whos computing department in school consists of keyboard with never-before-discovered types of bacteria wedged between the keys thats valid
alice dyer i love you so much
ah the dyhard is dyharding
ah yes the mutual "i'm traumatised and i know you are too but i don't like you enough to give details on mine or ask about yours so we'll just sit and suffer in silence til the ice somehow breaks" dynamic
also colin mention woohoo i love the scottish man
the computer start up noise and power down noise at the beginning and end of every episode kind of makes me think that someone is watching all of this (maybe us, or more likely someone in-universe)
anyway that was fun, i'm doing this late but this was a nice way to spend my first proper off-day since finishing all my exams
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lordgrimwing · 5 months
First Meetings #08 / At The Park #02
Heavy clouds hung over the park as Celebrían parked the minivan in the dirt lot dotted with a handful of other vehicles. The clouds rolled in about an hour ago, contrary to the very optimistic weather report that morning of sunny skies and highs in the low eighties. Despite the threat of rain, Elladan and Elrohir insisted they still wanted to go to a park, so here they were: picnic basket packed and dressed for a potentially wet adventure. 
(sixteen-year-old Arwen declined the invitation to the soggy outing, citing hanging out with friends later as a reason to not risk getting muddied)
“Here we are,” she said to the twins as she turned off the van.
“Woohoo,” Elladan cheered as they undid their seatbelts and scrambled out of the vehicle. 
Oh, for the enthusiasm of ten-year-olds, Celebrían thought with a shake of her head. She got out of the car, retrieved the picnic basket, and headed for the covered pavilion. The boys could run off some energy in the field or on the playset before lunch and before the rain started, with any luck. She’d reassess the situation after eating to see if they should head home yet. 
The park was nearly deserted, not surprising with the gloomy weather. The only other person she could see was a guy with long pale hair sitting on a bench near the hill that went down to the duck pond. She picked a table under the empty pavilion and sat down. Reaching into the basket, she retrieved her computer. She would put it away when the rain started, but until then she wanted to review the family’s budgets. The kids teamed up earlier in the week to ask their parents to please let them go on a fun trip before school started again. Elrond and she were currently in the phase of discussing what was feasible, both financially and logistically.  
The wind picked up slowly, prompting her to zip up the light coat she brought with her. Looking up, she saw the twins on the swings, seeing who could go the highest. 
The first fat drops of rain plunked against the aluminum roof as she finished and put the computer away. The wind blew the drops sideways as they fell, but her spot in the middle of the covered area wasn’t at risk of getting wet provided the wind didn’t get much fiercer. Looking up again, she didn’t see the twins (they probably went down to the duck pond), but the guy reading on the bench was walking toward the pavilion, shoulders hunched against the elements, book tucked under one arm. 
“Hello,” she said with a polite smile as the elf (she hadn’t been sure before but she was now) settled at the other table that wasn’t starting to accumulate little puddles on the bench.
“Hi. I suppose the brown-haired boys are yours,” he said, voice lightly accented.
“Yes,” she said, unsure where this was going. Conversations with strangers at parks were usually about mundane things, but sometimes someone (usually an elf) had opinions about her family based on her children’s ears. This guy, with so much hair he must spend at least half an hour on it every morning, looked like he might be one of those who wanted to air their narrow view on interracial marriage. 
He continued, oblivious to her thoughts. “They’ve joined my kid hunting for frogs in the pond. If he has his way, they won’t be back until they're soaked, but maybe yours will be a moderating influence.” He laughed a little to himself.
“They don’t mind the rain,” she said, relaxing. “Lunch is waiting, though, so that might sway them.”
“Ah, stratagem.” He set the book on the table, giving up any pretenses of going back to reading rather than talking. He pivoted on the bench to look at her better. She noticed opaque scarring in his left eye. It was a little surprising but she didn’t stare. “Should never go on an outing with kids without a way to entice them to come back when it’s time to go.”
“I guess so.” She suddenly imagined making a snack trail back to the car like some kind of fairytale. 
There was a pause in the conversation as she brushed the ridiculous thought aside and he looked out through the rain toward the hidden pond.
When her thoughts were mostly called back from their fanciful trip, she asked, “Where in Doriath are you from?”
He looked at her, mild surprise showing on his face. 
Oh, was she wrong? She’d spent enough time in the country while growing up that she was fairly confident in her ability to recognize the regional accents, even if she couldn’t quite place where each was from anymore. But maybe she was wrong this time. She opened her mouth to apologize for assuming—it wasn’t any of her business, anyway.
“Most people don’t guess with that much confidence,” he said mildly.
“My father’s from Menegroth. I spent a lot of time there on and off when I was young,” she explained, hoping he wasn’t offended by her assumption. She really shouldn’t have phrased it like that or asked at all really. Growing up, she’d moved to so many different countries to follow her mother’s career that she was inured to asking and answering questions about where people were from. It wasn’t like that for everyone, of course—her experience was a bit unique. 
“Sorry, I should have at least introduced myself before asking that,” she said as the rain began pelting down harder. “Hi, I’m Celebrían.”
“Hello, Celebrían.” He pronounced her name in the same way as her father did. “I’m Thranduil. It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you, too.”
“How familiar are you with the country outside the capital?” He asked, apparently willing to go back to her original question.
“A bit. I spent a summer in Nan Elmoth.”
He contemplated her for a moment. “I lived in West Region. More recently, I’m from a few miles south of here.”
She’d been to East Region once to see the eponymous holly trees blanketed in snow (Celeborn later said he never would have forgiven himself if she’d missed out on the classic Doriadhrim childhood experience of hiding in the natural snow forts formed under the trees’ low branches), but the holly was probably what the region was best known for outside of Doriath so she wasn’t going to blurt that out.
“Oh, nice,” she said instead. “I think I have a great-aunt who lives there.” Then, because he’d pointed the conversation to where he was currently from, “it was a bit of a drive out here for me, but the boys wanted to come here again.”
“It’s a nice park,” Thranduil agreed. “There’s a trail, about a mile long, from here to an artificial wetland full of frogs and bugs. Legolas is a fan.”
Legolas must be his son. “Thanks, that’s nice to know. I had no idea.” That could come in handy when it came time for the twins to make bug collections for school.
Just then, a blond head peaked over the hill from the duck pond. A small boy came into view, soaking wet, with mud plastered to his shoes and bare shins and what looked like pond weed in his hair. Elladan and Elrohir came just behind him, windbreakers zipped and hoods up against the rain. They were also wet but clearly from the rain and not from playing in the muck of the shallow pond.
“Legolas,” Thranduil called to the little boy, who couldn’t have been much older than seven or eight. Despite his youth, he had long hair like his father (though more wavy than straight) that would take a considerable amount of time to get clean again. “Where’s your backpack?”
His hands came up as he spoke, and Celebrían realized he was signing. Was his child deaf?
Legolas pointed a muddy finger at Elrohir, who did have the strap of a red backpack flung over one shoulder. His hand then came up to wiggle in front of his face.
Thranduil snorted. “No, you’re silly,” he said, repeating the sign.
Celebrían stood up and unpacked the picnic basket as the three children arrived at the pavilion. They’d made lunch meat and cabbage sandwiches before leaving, Arwen pitching in too lest her brothers create some horrid combination (and so she could eat the pickle slices). There were carrots and apple slices, too.
“How was the pond?” She asked as Elladan and Elrohir plopped down on the bench.
“Super fun,” Elrohir reported. “We saw a lot of frogs and minnows.”
Elladan nodded in vigorous agreement as he bit into a sandwich. “Legolas knows all kinds of stuff about frogs. Don’t you?” He said through a mouthful of bread, good-naturedly nudging Legolas (who’d sat down between the twins instead of going over to his dad) with an elbow.
“Frogs,” the little elf murmured, his hands coming up to form more signs.  
“Frogs are his favorite,” Thranduil said, scooting to the end of his table so he could see his son better. He watched his hands move. “He likes the sounds they make and how they swim.”
“Did you catch any?” Celebrían asked. 
Her sons shook their heads, mouths full. Legolas’s eyes widened and then he shook his head vigorously and looked at his dad.
Smiling, Thranduil said, “We don’t touch frogs. We could make them sick or hurt them if we aren’t careful.”
A little bemused, she unwrapped her own sandwich as Legolas waved Elladan and Elrohir down to his level to whisper in their ears. The rest of lunch continued in a similar manner, part in signs and part in whispered conversations. She offered food to Thranduil—who politely declined—and Legolas—who shook his head and dug around in his flimsy backpack to retrieve a battered peanut butter sandwich.
The rain let up while they ate and talked, the sun suddenly peeking out bravely from behind the clouds. Thrilled, Elladan and Elrohir cleaned up their trash so they could go play again. Legolas jumped up to join them.
“Wait,” Thranduil said, snagging a dangling strap on the backpack that his son had put back on after eating his lunch so he couldn’t run away. “It’s about time to go.”
The child’s face fell. He raised his hands. Celebrían tried not to stare at the signing, but it was interesting to see how expressive the boy’s face was. He was plainly asking a question, even when there was no tone of voice to listen to.
“We can go now or stay ten more minutes, but if we stay then we won’t have time for the library today. Which do you want?”
Staying won out, and Legolas ran off after the twins who’d stopped halfway to the playground when they realized he wasn’t following them.
 Celebrían watch them go together to play. “Well,” she said, starting to put away the leftovers. “Your son is sweet.”
“He has his moments.” Thranduil’s tone suggested ‘moments’ meant ‘every moment of the day’. “What are your boys’ names, again?”
She’d said their names during lunch but wasn’t surprised he hadn’t caught which was which. “The one in the blue coat is Elladan. The one in green is Elrohir.”
“Elladan and Elrohir. Legolas likes them,” he said with a contemplative expression. “He doesn’t normally use his voice this much, especially with strangers.” 
She didn’t say anything to that. During lunch, she realized the child wasn’t deaf, but she felt like she’d risked putting her foot in her mouth enough today so she didn’t ask about it. She was curious, but that didn’t give her leave to ask personal questions. Elrond got so frustrated when strangers kept asking questions about his parents because he was visibly mixed-race. Even if questions were asked innocently, it wasn’t anyone’s responsibility to explain their existence. 
The ten-minute limit drew close.
Thranduil pulled a notebook and pen out of his pants pocket. He tore out a page and wrote a series of numbers down before offering it to her. “This is my cell number,” he explained. “I think Legs would really like to play with your kids again.”
She took the paper and slipped it into her coat pocket. “Sounds possible. I’m always looking for excuses to get them outside.”
He stood and dusted off his pants. “Right. I’d better go, or we will end up being late. I look forward to hearing from you, Celebrían.”
“Have a good day,” she said by way of good-bye as he picked up his book and headed for the playset where the kids were racing up and down the slides. 
She would talk to Elladan and Elrohir on the drive home and find out how they felt about setting up a time to play with Legolas again.
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fragileizywriting · 6 days
watched a recap of a romance erotica book called twisted love and i'd never heard of it up until like yesterday when i watched the video bc i have no idea what's going on in the tik tok world as well as the book world because i'm very bad at doing my hobbies. anyway, jesus christ what a wreck of a book. i can fix this. i can make a better adaption. i can write this story but better.
HERES HOW WE CAN STILL WIN, (felinette version woohoo o/ !!)
marinette, our main character, is a college student going for fashion design in paris at the age of 25. she's bright and bubbly and cheery, who works very hard at school and part-times at her parents bakery. she has a boyfriend— well, had a boyfriend— adrien agreste, known socialite, who had spoken wax of poetry over and over and over about how much he loved her, telling her that as a graduation present he'd buy her a boutique, an apartment, a car...... he decides to ghost everyone in his life after a breakdown, seemingly moving out of the city, for reasons that i haven't figured out just yet. i just need him to kick himself out of this city.
marinette, of course, is heartbroken. this sucks. she's grieving so hard.
enter felix, adrien's identical twin brother who has nothing to do with this, barely existed in her life up until now, but is attempting to snatch his brother right back from whatever dumb, impulsive ridiculous thing he did— adrien had a girlfriend, a solid apartment, a solid life, adrien had mentioned that he was so close to asking marinette to marry him...— finally knocks on marinette's door one afternoon. identical twin yet marinette has barely talked to him; the man's busier than anyone should be reasonably allowed to be, and isn't much of a sunshine as adrien is. i will routinely mention in this book that the light in marinette's livingroom/dining room makes felix's hair look whispy and nearly white against adrien's sure-fire sun-like flare of hair. even though felix's eyes are green just like adrien's, they're somber, and almost bluish at times.
marinette, obviously, wants nothing to do with felix.
"please leave," she tells him, because she's tired and lonely and is craving yet another box of icecream she keeps in the freezer for— well, moments like these, really. apparently. she's going to cry herself asleep for the fourth week in a row. girlboss behavior. "i kind of don't want to deal with your entire family right now."
"i understand," felix says, and he doesn't look all that convincing, because the man is standing there, awkwardly, hands fisted at his sides trying to figure out how to speak to her in a way that implies more than 'i've only ever seen you for a few hours every christmas when adrien invites family over and i'm the only family he has because our parents are all levels of fucked up and we don't really need to talk about this in depth right now'. and then, as a garnish, 'i've always been really thankful that adrien miraculously turned out fine from the whole ordeal considering that i had to go to therapy for multiple years, decades, in fact, to deal with our family, and i always thought he was fine everytime i'd see him probably four times a year, but apparently not, at all, and now i'm stuck dealing with his grieving... ex? girlfriend? ex??? and i don't know how to deal with women at all because i am an introvert the size of the moon but i'm really trying, here'. "i just don't think it's best to leave you alone."
"i'm fine," she replies, completely ignorant to his inner monologue. "i can handle myself. i'm an adult, felix."
and yet felix has the audacity to look— kicked, really. "i'm aware."
"could you give me some space?"
"of course." and then, because felix just apparently is all sorts of weird tricks up his business sleeves, blurts out: "not as much as i've always given you, though. right?"
"what do you mean?"
"i don't feel comfortable just leaving you completely on your own." there is an attempt for marinette to refute, to open her mouth and mention that she's still twenty-five, she's an adult, she's not a baby, and felix refutes it with a hand up in the air. "you're grieving because of my brother and i don't like the idea of not doing something about it."
and so, through reasons that i cannot at all comprehend how i will get here but i have to if i want to match (somewhat) the plot ("plot") points of the original book i'm rewriting, felix ends up (temporarily) moving into an apartment next door, for no other reason other than to make marinette feel safer and comfortable. just stick with me. ideally, there would be a plan of some kind here. for now, since this is only a tumblr post, i can just handwave that away. that's not my problem just now.
some of the main fixes i would make sure to change immediately is to change felix from a "ruthless alpha-lone-wolf dog behavior" to "i'm adrien's older brother (they are still twins but felix will routinely mention he's still the oldest born) and i feel a psychological, traumatic need to take care of him because i can't let my younger brother have any trauma from our parents, i refuse, i refuse, and if that means keeping his life together for him while he's gone, i'll do my best" and that means making sure that marinette is, at the very least, fine and not dead. that's a good plan. but as he spends more and more time with marinette, the more he realizes his mistake; he likes her as a friend, likes her a lot more, is impressed at her skills and slowly starts falling in love with her which is honestly very useful.
at some point, i'd have to have them have a solid "i'm not using you to replace him," she cries. "i just— love you." conversation. it's an important one. and a segue to the back half of the book that is just sex.
another thing that i would change from the original story is the ridiculous b plot of dark secrets and betrayal and incidents, because that's not necessary. i could carry this book entirely on sex alone as well as mutual pining. and felix's sad, kittenlike eyes whenever he's upset.
okay i'm done for now i gotta go clean the kitchen. please enjoy this
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birdbutt · 6 months
personal tma episode today woohoo I suppose (uh.... cw for rotten/scary ?food? I guess)
I work in mail sorting. In one of The Big mail sorting plants, the kind of building lined with conveyor belts that take things across the building, up and down different floors, just wherever it needs to get to so it can leave in the right direction to the local stations and parcel carriers. A big mechanical nervous system. Filled with packages or letters instead of flesh or blood.
You find a lot of weird things in the mail. You just have to learn to ignore it. It gets weirder even on the overnight shift. Not just drugs or other illegal oddities, but those truly bizarre sights you know you'll have no way of describing later. If you even remember them after a long night.
8pm to 5am is when I'm there. We even sort on Sundays. Have to get the mail to your station by Monday you know? I usually like to listen to podcasts while I work. I mean, I'm just standing in place, waiting for that labyrinth of moving belts and conveyors to drop the next round of mail into my chute so I can start sorting the zip codes. I'll put each package on another conveyor belt, key in a code on a small number console, then watch the package get taken away and dropped into another cart or chute somewhere. There's four other drop chutes just like mine, lined up along the main belt behind me, with another equally bored or just plain tired plant worker waiting for the next round of endless deliveries to sort. All listening to their own music or books or even having a late night phone conversation. Today I was playing The Magnus Archives. It really didn't feel like it would matter what I listened to at the time. I was in the middle of episode 36 - Taken Ill, and as the narrator started describing the sickly horror of the scripted week a package at the top of my chute broke open and a slimy, pale yellow, almost gray fluid starts pouring out... well oozing out. It seemed slow, but happened so fast that I couldn't have done anything to help minimize it even if I wanted to get close enough to do that. It got over everything. The belt, the chute, the other packages, even the floor. It didn't just get my area either. When it broke it was still close enough to the main conveyor belt that it spread to the other four chutes after me too. The smell was so strong I almost couldn't move at first. Almost sweet. Before the strench of almost tangible rot slammed it's way so hard into my brain my legs nearly gave out.
Well the stench obviously traveled all over. Farther than normal I guess. Everyone on our floor level could smell it and was coming over to find out what happened. I mean everyone too which is impressive. This is not a small building, it takes about five minutes for someone fit to speed walk from one end of our floor to the other. So it was kind of a joke everytime we caught another brave soul wandering over from so far to try and figure out just what the hell they were being forced to smell.
We get people trying to mail cooked foods or meals all the time, it always turns rotten before the package even makes it to a sorting plant. Always. It's so stupid, but also so common you hardly notice it after a couple months there. A turkey sandwich in a manilla envelope, ham with mashed potatoes on a ceramic plate, a plastic baggy of homemade pickles. Almost makes me chuckle sometimes. Well, almost chuckle AFTER, the slime and smell of what used to be something consumable gets mopped up. So that full bodied stench of old organic rot isn't foreign to us in the plants by any means. Nobody could say for sure what had rotted though, but we all agreed it was definitely familiar. When we removed the box from the top of the chute we still couldn't figure out what it was. Usually when one of these busts we get to see what ever moldy, decomposed chunk meat or produce someone tried to mail ooze out of the soggy cardboard when picked up. This was somehow just slime. A molded pale yellow that almost seemed gray. There wasn't anything else. It looked like someone had packaged up only the decay while leaving out what originally fed it. If there had ever been anything else it seemed to have already completely liquefied. And it filled the entire box and more. It seemed to be too much for the package that broke. We all tried to joke about how long the package must have been lost in the twisted turns of the never ending veins of sorting machinery to get /that/ rancid, but we couldn't bare to keep our mouth open too long around it. Thinking back I don't remember anyone actually complaining about the SMELL, just how it was stronger than normal, strong enough to taste. All from a square box barely 7 inches long. A box that hadn't even smelled until it spilled open. Or we thought it had spilled, we couldn't see what might have been the tape holding it closed anywhere in the soggy mess.
Because it was just so... wet we almost forgot to check if the mailing info was still intact any any way before we binned it for another crew to inspect and clean. No chance of saving it at this point. The address had melted away into that yellowish sick of spoiled matter, but the postage mark was still dry. Pristine even. A bright unmarked spot of bright dry paper on a sea of decomposing filth where there sat a single fly. That lonely insect drawing my attention to the smallest bit of information that I would have never noticed, or thought to check, without the dance it seemed to do right on top. Pointing me to the punchline of a joke I never wanted to know.
It had been sent locally that same day.
You find a lot of weird things in the mail. You just have to learn to ignore it.
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zelenxa · 3 months
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1304 - The Kensingtons
“Dayana Beaumont?”
Marci repeats in a surprised tone, her feet suddenly feeling implanted on the floor. She hadn’t heard her mother’s maiden name in years. Beaumont.
Marci had been walking back home when she encountered an unfamiliar person. Even with living well into four years within the Lands, Marci had met not nearly all its residents. When Dayana reaffirms Marci’s questioning tone with equal confusion, Marci does a once over on the girl’s appearance. Dayana’s long black hair (longer than Marci’s) is unbraided and left about, implying she was no wife. It definitely fits. She appeared no older than sixteen. Her eyes are a cool shade of light brown. She reminds Marci of someone she can’t quite place a finger on. Nonetheless, she is brought out her observation when Dayana adds, a beat later,
“Perhaps you’re thinking of my mother? Gloria?” She points south of a small house on the hill. “We live there, maybe that rings a bell?”
Marci simply blinks, recognizing the name of her mother’s sister immediately.
“Oh. You’re my cousin.”
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Marci smiles, tired, as she pours water over Haven’s body while washing her up. After her first encounter with Dayana (who of which had responded to the news with enthusiasm), Marci had invited her cousin to her home. After all, the both of them were not far from her home. In the coming months, Dayana had stuck to her like glue, constantly coming over to visit and play with the twins. Marci had warmed up to her cousin too, setting aside the disdain she held for Dayana’s mother, Gloria. Never would Marci get over how the now elder woman had thrown her mother, Gabriela, to the side once she secured her inheritance with her husband. Her husband, of which which Dayana absently informed over dinner one night, had passed away mere months after Dayana’s birth. Which left Gloria a widow and owner to a small piece of land that whatever male relatives she had did not bother to come inherit. With the Beaumonts’ little prestige and no records written about what inheritance went to who, Marci had inquired one night with Esteban that said relatives simply did not know of the land they legally owned. Gloria’s hush presence around the village quite ensured that as well.
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Putting aside the Beaumonts, Marci had underestimated the difficulty of raising not one but two infants at the same time while balancing housework and farmwork. Try as they might for some good night’s rest, the twins interrupted the little sleep they could gather, and in such a small house, when one baby cried, the other cried next. It left the couple exhausted and in little mood for woohooing—likely for the best as they settled into their new normal.
Still, when the June heat soon arrived once more, and Marci had to rush to bake a resemblance of a cake for the twins’ third birthday, she found she wouldn’t change it for the world.
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1305 - The Kensingtons
Going through labor a third time, Marci feels as if she has it all under control. Much like before, she is guided to bed and watched carefully by the village’s midwife. It’s times like these that Marci misses her mother dearly, yet with Esteban having ran to fetch Dayana, she is comforted by the thought that she wouldn’t be completely void of woman relatives this time around.
Squeezing tightly to hands of both her cousin and husband, the latter’s presence much to the disapproval of their midwife, Marci eventually gives birth to a little boy. After some thought, the three of them come up with the name Emil, and then the twins are fetched back inside the house to meet their little brother.
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1306 - The Kensingtons
Celebrations for Emil’s second birthday turns solemn when Esteban catches a fever that leaves him bedridden for days. Marci is worried when the week of his 20th birthday comes around and Esteban appears to show little energy for celebrating the milestone. When Emiliano and Haven begin to express worry, she reassures them their father will turn out just fine with a bit of soup and, too young to understand fully, their concerns are mollified.
That night, Marci dreams of the Grim Reaper standing above Esteban’s cold, dead body. She recalls her endless pleading turning into demands full of denial of her husband’s death. She remembers the Grim Reaper conceding to her demands and the sight of Esteban’s body rising above the floor.
Later that week, Esteban appears well enough to blow out the candles of his cake.
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The cool October air hits Marci’s face as she hops, with as much grace as she can offer, off the wagon. She hands a couple of simoleons to its rider, and glances toward Dayana, the both of them heading off in the direction of Galbury Tavern. Dayana had asked Marci for help in acquiring a suitable husband. Her mother had not pestered her on the topic yet, but Dayana had said she wanted to start choosing now rather later. Not one to let her cousin venture off in the city alone (and quite hoping to enjoy the nicer kind of ale that arrived during fall’s herbs), Marci was more than happy to agree.
The Galbury Tavern was operated by the Forger family. Rumor being that Antony — the owner — had abandoned the life of smithing his previous presuccessors (and the ones behind them) had carried on. As Marci and Dayana walks inside, however, they are instead greeted by the sight of Antony’s pregnant wife, Beatrice. Marci smiles at the woman, orders a mug of ale, and settles down at one of the tables.
And so, the next few hours is spent matchmaking.
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next (chrono) // next (kensington) // previous
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angelosearch · 7 months
Upcoming fanfic schedule
As of today I have 10 FFVIII fics!!! Woohoo! Lol I hope I am not annoying the fandom by constantly showing up on the first page...
Okay. So. I have a squinoa WIP for Rinoa week that I intend to finish - it's cute and fluffy and nearly done, so I think it's just low-hanging fruit.
Chaos Theory - I have one more completed chapter and then it's all a bunch of notes/planning. I've been chipping away at it but there's a lot to figure out from this point forward. That being said, I will upload Chapter 11 within the next couple of days but be warned: it ends on a major cliffhanger and I suspect it'll be awhile before I have Chapter 12 ready to go.
I'll probably have another song ready to go for FFVIII the musical very soon. Those are just very easy and fun to write.
I have YET ANOTHER Laguna one-shot rotting in my brain but I am wondering if I should hold that back for a potential character week (like Ellone's??) entry.
THEN I should probably at least start planning my bingo card stuff. Heh wow this is a lot.
Lol life is starting to get in the way of fanfiction now too! School, work, grad school interview, and a bunch of events I'm going to. Can the world just leave me alone?? I just want to sit here and play with the same couple of characters over and over again 😂
Also I just realized someone bookmarked Chaos Theory with the note "LITERALLY AMAZING OMG" and I just 🥹
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baeshijima · 10 months
I played the archon quest...
I was rather delusional, "they would let anything happen to the people of Fontaine, even Furina should be alright", they all weren't alright and even furina suffered so much
When the traveller spoke and revealed that they were all here to prove that furina was in fact not the hydro archon I was so shocked (not that I didn't expect that furina wasn't the archon but because I didn't expect them to so openly charge her in court like they did)
And the whole narwhal breaks into the opera house and the following cutscene, Childe literally fell back into that... portal??? and like no one was worried about him lmao (childe got sent to prison and then he broke out, tried to contain the narwhal and protected the people of Fontaine from becoming fodder... if I must say the grudges I held against him for stirring up trouble in Liyue has vanished....)
And the the Focalors and Neuvillette convo and the cutscene I WAS SO CLOSE TO SOBBING MY EYES OUT AND FOCALORS SAYING "HYDRO DRAGON HYDRO DRAGON DON'T CRY" sob sob why is hoyo making everyone sad
And the narwhal was so cool ngl the animations and all!! And... I struggle with that phase 2 thing because I don't have fontaine characters aside from lynette and freminet and was like wdym use pneuma and ousia and I was just standing there letting the humanoid boss doing his thing while well not actually doing anything because Zhongli's shield but then yeah I actually managed to read the info text thing instead of blanking out lmao
And furina crying on her throne was actually so sad but even sadder once you actually understand all that she has been through... I really want to play her story quest immediately
And this third descender.... I need more lore...
And now that Fontaine's archon quest ended, I am excited for when dain will appear and then Natland please give us more info about that nation we haven't even seen an npc from there.... but Neuvillette saying that there's dragons over there like hohoho more dragons? I'm up for it!
Okay this ask got really long so I'll end it here
no bc i am still not okay from that aq and its been a week. WHENEVER I THINK ABT IT OR EVEN HEAR THAT DAMN OST I START SOBBING 😭 meluse and silver..... MELUSE AND SILVER................ NO U DONT UNDERSTAND THE AMOUNT OF TEARS I SOBBED AND IT WAS RIGHT AT THE START 😭😭
and no that cutscene... i felt horrible for furina being forced into that position and even tho we find out later she wouldnt have told us everything when in that box, its the fact that if she did, all her hard work being someone she isnt, losing herself over the last 500 years of loneliness and solitude would have been for nothing bc then everyone there would have found out the truth before the final trial and :(( i just felt we were being way too harsh and inconsiderate of her, even despite the scenario of the prophecy at the time
crying daughter furina uve been through so much and have such amazing willpower and strength i hope u live a happy and peaceful life as an ordinary human now ;w; or as ordinary as u can get after everything u went through ;w;
and yes dain..... dain my soggy kicked puppy snookums how i miss u so...... pls be playable soon..... i will give u my bank in advance for u c6 r5........
and omg yes natlan !!!! the dragon info... and how neuvi said he would not be welcomed??? and how the dragons and humans are integrated in each others lives??????? im so excited aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA
AND TY !!! daughter is home and safe and shes now lvl 90 hehe :3
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loverscrossmp3 · 2 years
HI LIV!! HOW IS YOUR DAY HOW ARE YOU!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! for the directors cut thing...i was wondering if you could talk a little bit abt the role of james in and still the fire burns xx because i just loved the sort of part he played there in that its a jily fic but actually its not? because most importantly its a lily fic...its about her growth and her internal conflicts and her identity...and yet james and the romance between them is so wonderfully present...was that always like. the plan? for the fic to be about lily first and foremost and to explore her and james that way? or did it sort of become that over time? do any of these questions make sense? i dont know xx (also anything you can say at all about remus and sirius...you know how i weep and wail when they turn up in your writing...) MWAH!!
HELLO LOVELY!!! I AM WELL - worked all weekend but got out of classes early today so took a well-needed nap! HOW ARE YOU!! how's halloween on the other side of the world!!!
answer under the cut i am. so sorry. i am so sjrry
FANTASTIC question!! the thing with astfb is considering it was my first *actual* canon fic, i wanted it to be... essentially perfect. obviously, it is not, but i am still very pleased with how it came out! anyway, as a result of that it went through several drafts. 
when i first began the story, i honestly had no idea where i was going with it. the summary was actually sort of the basis i tried to keep it centered around cause i had that jotted down in my notes since. probably last year. and originally when i had written it, i thought it would be more of a light-hearted, happy fic centered more around the boys and all their shenanigans. but! after lots of re-writing and shifting things around into places that fit or getting rid of them altogether, you can find that that is not exactly what happened!
so, to answer your actual question, it definitely wasn’t my initial intention to focus solely on lily! 
to be completely honest, when i first began writing, my ideas on her were still somewhat vague and certainly not as solid as they are now after exploring her character more thoroughly. and actually, i think i did try to sort of fight writing her perspective and do james’ instead but that... would not happen (she’s insistent like that). 
as i wrote and slowly got the hang of lily, i realized that, actually, i hadn’t included much of james at all. everything i was writing was a study on her character, and her alone, more than anything else. 
once that was put together, from there it was like okay, this is gonna be lily’s story; and then, it’s gonna focus on her and her relationships more than anything else — james is obviously the big one but you’ll see petunia and snape are also scattered throughout, even if it’s only a passing thought (did this especially bc i think it’s these three relationships of hers that really play a significant role in who she is as a character).
over time, i think that subconscious thought had already been there from including smaller scenes that basically gave a small insight into how lily viewed james (and how he was) through the years (unreliable narrator woohoo!!). like, for example, our first introduction of james reveals that he was the one who had the idea of sending lily the book full of condolences after her dad died. and then in the great hall after the first attacks in february, their eyes catch and despite everything that’s going on, lily still has it in her to think about the sweet small moment they had in transfiguration the week prior. 
with it being a non-linear timeline, you aren’t exactly given the full story all at once. like, reading that latter example, you won’t know that lily’s actually been noticing james (‘The final, a secret: this one, fresh as potted plants on a windowsill, edges yellowing ... Her eyes flit. The boy with glasses is grinning, saying something wild.’ — this is revealed at nearly the end of the story) or how they sat in the quiet of the common room before christmas hols a few months ago until, sometimes, much later. 
SORRY this got so long i am genuinely flushed in embarrassment but the short, redundant answer is: it wasn’t the original plan for the main focus to be on lily, but pretty quickly i realized that - that’s what it was going to be whether i liked it or not. then, once this epiphany struck many drafts later, that’s how i knew i was going to explore lily and james’ relationship: in small bits that don’t overshadow lily’s actual story and character. 
and as for remus and sirius!! 
so, my personal hc (at least for the sake of this fic) is that sirius and remus don’t officially get together until some time in seventh year (i usually picture the prank taking place the spring of fifth year, so it being sixth year still, i imagine it’s still a bit of a tense topic between the two). 
but, obviously, they are pining like fools off screen — which lily does notice btw (they hardly spoke a word in divination until some time in december!! sirius will tilt back on his chair legs and watch remus when he’s engaged in his work!!). 
“It sounds very nearly like he’s your lover, the way you go on about him,” Lily interrupts.
James’ head snaps to her and then he is turning back to doodle on his parchment, laughing. “Nah,” he says, “couldn’t handle him, me. He needs someone with a bit more… head.”
“But he is great. Once you get past the whole… him aspect of it.” He glances up, a grin making its way to his lips. Lily looks away, blinking rapidly.
really wish i could give you more on them but! in this scene, i imagine james isn’t nearly as oblivious as he seems and definitely knows both r and s are absolutely mad for each other. and that, like he said, s needs someone who’s a bit more solemn, who can take him down a notch when needed. once they’re closer, he and lily regularly talk about it. one day they even catch the two of them sitting near the black lake, remus on his back with his arm over his eyes, laughing; oblivious to sirius watching him like it’s his only goal in life to make remus laugh. 
director’s cut!
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stargazing15 · 2 years
It was for the better
AKA It’s for the better part II
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Pairing: Hangman x Fem Medic!Reader
Summary: Miracles do happen, having the most frequent blood type did help with that.
Warnings: angst, cursing, amnesia, it will get fluffy! This time the ending is happier. MINORS DNI
A/N: Keep in mind that English is not my first language. It’s finally here! Woohoo! Oh and sorry at the end I couldn’t stop writing. I hope you guys will like it
Part I
Please don’t copy my work
“Beep beep beep beep” you started to vaguely hear things, it sounded like were wearing a headset.
After what seemed half a day, in reality just one hour, everything started to get clearer; the noises, you even felt a sheet on top of your body. Just like when waking up, you started to stretch your legs and arms, what got interrupted, “Brrrrrrrrrr”, the awful sound of a blood pressure monitor followed with the pressure on your right arm. This got you to open your eyes as panic started to sink in. The surroundings did not seem familiar to you and a painful sting went through your abdomen. You tried to scream, but the panic and pain seemed to prevent you. The panic took control over you, as you started to hyperventilate and tear off the blood pressure cuff and nasal cannula without thinking. 
“Lieutenant Y/L/N, shh.” a soft voice tried to calm you down. “Take it easy, try to control your breathing, in and out … in and out … in and out.” The rhythm of her sweet voice helped to calm down. 
You opened your mouth to say something, but it felt so dry and painful, it was like the desert moved to your throat.
“You don’t need to talk yet, it might be a difficult in the beginning and your voice will be quite hoarse the first few days. I’ll go get the doctor, I’m nurse Mann by the way.” the nurse smiled. ‘What’s going on here?’ you thought.
After your doctor arrived and completely examined you, you found out that you were not in a San Diego hospital and did not just get back from deployment on the USS Abraham Lincoln. As a matter of fact you were in a military hospital in Germany after getting shot pretty badly and nearly not surviving during a tour in the Middle East as a field medic. So next diagnosis: amnesia. 
In the following week you got your voice back, started revalidation and getting back in contact with your friend Jess. Eventually you all agreed it might be a good idea to meet some of your coworkers from your unfamiliar deployment again.
Your hands were trembling when you were waiting in front of the laptop on the video call, meeting them will be good to get to know about your new self and to get to know them once again. Oh help, it’s ringing, come on Y/N, pull yourself together.
“Hey.” you started the conversation awkwardly.
“Oh my god Y/N! I never thought to see you alive again!” the girl cried.
“I, uhm, I’m sorry” you said nervously.
“Britt, I think we should re-introduce us first, you dimwit.” “Oh yeah, forgot you forgot.” she joked. And you kept on talking, as you learned they were Britt and Jeff, also medics. They were a handful and you started to understand why they were your friends, talking to them gave an odd familiar feeling of comfort. You found out you were not just the small and sweet medic anymore as your team in San Diego knew you, apparently you became a badass, actually what you always hoped to be, but still a sweet one.
“So Y/N what will the future bring for you?” Jess continued.
“I don’t know yet, probably back to San Diego, back home.” Britt looked at you with a weird expression you couldn’t place. You saw Britt and Jeff looking at each other before sighing “Y/N, there is something about, uhm, your last words, before I thought we had lost you. You said a name, I don’t know if it means any thing to you, but you said the name Jake.”
“Jake?” you questioned her.
“Yeah, do you know anyone by that name?” 
Maybe it was a good thing they didn’t tell you the complete truth yet about why you left home, but they hadn’t puzzled everything together.
“No, not anyone that immediately that comes up.” Okay, you know that Hangman’s first name was Jake, but it couldn’t be him, you never spoke to him outside of work, his medical check ups after flights or when he stained an ankle or something. Then there was a Jake in logistics, but that man was almost 60, so it couldn’t be him either. Maybe when you get back home, you’ll find out who the Jake is.
A couple of days later, after getting cleared to fly, you arrived back at San Diego. Home sweet home…
“Oh my god, Jess!” before you got the chance to put backpack on the ground, she hugged you tightly, maybe a little bit too tight. “Too tight, my belly, hurts, still injured” you tried to muffle out.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry, I’ve missed you so much and when I heard, I - I…” she started to sob. “I thought I lost you.”
“Hey, it’s okay now.” you reassured her “I’m back, let’s get back home first.”
Arriving home felt good, you got a second chance at life, you still had to figure everything out, but it would all be okay, or at least you hoped so.
“So, what now?” Jess started.
“First getting better, working on my condition when I’ll be able to and hopefully finding my memory somewhere.” you grinned. “And after that I don’t know, I hope the Navy will take me back, I mean my whole life has been the Navy.”
“Are you insane, the Navy would be nothing without you. Have you ever thought about teaching battlefield medicine?”
“That’s maybe not a bad idea.” you smiled. The two of you had a lot of catch up to do about the latest gossip on base - of course except for the part what happened to you with Hangman, sparing you that detail would hopefully help you with your recovery.
As you started to browse through the stack of Navy Times, you saw an article about a rescue that got attacked from around the time you got injured. With the pictures of a destroyed Humvee and basecamp, a flashback happened. You felt your heartbeat and blood pressure rise, hands getting sweaty, your legs going weak and a sting going through your abdomen at the memory of being hit.
“Y/N, are you okay? You look pale, here, some water.” Good thing you were already sitting on your couch, as you took a sip of water that Jess offered.
“I - I think I start to remember things.” you stammer. “I remember the base with Jeff and Britt and getting hit. The rescue.”
“Take a breath, it’s good that things are coming back. Shh, come here.” Jess said as she wrapped her arms around you.
Letting the memories sink in you started to tell about them “I was actually pretty badass back there, I saved a couple lives, I even learned to shoot with bigger guns than we learned here.” You even started to smile, these flashbacks were not that bad, except the getting shot part of course. Getting over the first shock of remembering things again after weeks, you started to feel at ease with them.
“Okay, don’t turn too cocky, what happened to my sweet sidekick Y/N? What have you done to her?” Jess smiled. “But I have to say, from the stories I heard form Britt and Jeff, the new you was very awesome.”
“Do you actually know why I shipped out? I mean something must’ve happened here before I left, right? I know Britt and Jeff know something too, but I didn’t want to push it yet after getting to know them again.” 
Jess scratched her neck, “I think it’s better if you don’t remember, just keep the better memories.” She tried to reassure you that it’s better this way.
“Let’s call it a night, you want me to stay? I’m free tomorrow, so no alarm in the morning.”
“Yeah good idea, can you stay, just in case, thanks Jess. You’re really a good friend.”
Days went by as you were settling back in, going to revalidation, meeting up with Jess after her work and contacting Jeff and Britt at the weirdest hours of the day, you learned it was their last week before going back home. While talking to them, you got a couple more memories back from your time in the Middle East, all good ones. You started to discover more of the new you and the more you learned about her, the more you started the become her (again); more fearless, more confident and still the best at her job without getting too cocky. 
As walking went better and better, you decided it was time to visit the base and see your colleagues and talk to your boss about returning in the future.
“Are your sure you’re ready for this Y/N?” Jess asked as you were entering the main building.
“Yes, I’m ready!” you actually even sounded excited. But the excitement immediately got tempered when you saw people looking at you with surprise.
“Y/N, we can head back if you want to.”
“Nope, let them look, I honestly don’t give a shit.” you scoff.
“Okay, this new you, I like her.”
It was weird getting back, but it felt good. Next, as you went to your commander to discuss your return, everything started to fall into place, just getting declared fit for duty and you’ll be back at normal. You couldn’t be in a happier mood to go back home.
“Lieutenant Y/L/N? Y/N? You’re - you’re here.”
“Lieutenant Seres-” Before you even got the chance to finish your sentence, a major flashback hit you, basically THE flashback - everything - pinning you to ground. A wave of emotions crash landed on you; hurt, embarrassment, guilt, some kind of relieve, the mix got you to the point of hyperventilating.
“Shit, Y/N, calm down, breathe, sit down” as he guided you gently to the ground. Even though you hated his guts for everything he did to you, his voice was able to calm you down, as you got thrown back in time to the moment your body was giving up and you could only imagine his face. Following with a quiet “Jake”.
“Yeah, that’s me.” He tried to brake the ice, not knowing what you meant with it. “Y/N, when you left, I - I - I felt so guilty and when I heard you got shot and nearly didn’t survive, I’m so so sorry. I’ve been an asshole to you. I don’t know what I -” Maybe you should’ve listened to him before you left, but if you did you wouldn’t be who you are now. You’ve got to admit, listening to his apology has helped calming down.
“Well Bagman, thank you for your apology, what a miracle, coming from you. Keep in mind you’re not even close from forgiven. You’ve got no idea what you’ve put me through. Everyone staring at me like I was a piece of garbage, making me feel worthless. You’re a piece of shit, you were not worth a tear I cried every single night. You even made me agree with dying YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!” the last comment made him starting to cry, not realising how bad the consequences of his actions could be. Yup, Hangman is crying like a baby and you are the reason. It actually felt good, he had it coming. This time it was opposite around, people were staring at a crying Hangman and not the pathetic medic, as you would’ve described yourself in the past.
“Sucks doesn’t it?” You scoffed at him, this time you walked away head held high.
Arriving at home you felt a pang in your heart, maybe you were a little too rude. Hangman deserved it, but you couldn’t hate the man, just the humiliation he me you go through.
‘Oh girls, they wanna have fun. Oh girls just wanna hav-’ “Hi Jess!” That ringtone really fitted her.
“Did you really make Hangman cry?”
“Well hello to you to and yes.”
“You go girl, I’m so proud of you!”
“He deserved it, but why do I feel a bit bad about it?”
“You still like him, don’t you?”
“I don’t know, he genuinely looked upset with what happened to me.”
“Maybe you should talk with him. He came by the medic post without having an appointment or injury a couple of times to hear us out about you. Probably to clear his conscience, so he could sleep at night. I politely told him to fuck off.” Jess said proudly.
“Oh and did you that Bob is back, he got transferred here for some kind of mission - “
“Oh, it was him I heard in the background sometimes when we called.”
“Uh yeah, but I think he’s staying this time, the Navy is apparently keeping this special team together.”
“I’m happy for you Jess.”
“Thanks, hey, I’m meeting his team finally tonight, you wanna join? Maybe it will get your mind off things.”
“Yeah, why not.”
“Hi everyone, this is my Jess and her coworker Y/N, who is basically a superhero, she got injured on her deployment.” Bob introduced you to the dagger-squad, they were really nice people. 
“We’re missing one, he’s going to be later, let’s enjoy the free space now. His ego will take all the empty space haha” the girl, which you learned was Phoenix, said. 
“Well there he is!” you heard Coyote scream from the pool table.
As you turned around to the entrance, you froze as you recognised the person. 
“Oh you know his name, didn’t know you two were acquaintances.” Phoenix said.
“I invented the name.” you grinned, still locking eyes with Hangman.
“Well I like you girl.”
“Y/N, can we talk please?” Hangman asked quietly, hoping no one would notice. You weren’t done yet with him, one last humiliation would maybe satisfy you.
“Beg on your knees Bagman.”
“What-” you shot him a look. He understood you were not joking and not letting it go, so he got on his knees, resulting in getting stares from everybody at the bar.
“Can we talk please?”
“That wasn’t so hard, was it? Let’s go outside.”
As you two started to head out, you heard the “What is going on between those two?” and “I think Hangman found his match, finally someone who has control over him” going around in the group at what Jess started to tell the story.
Arriving at a comfortable spot at the beach after an awkward walk, you started to look at Hangman’s silhouette. Before you got snapped out of your thoughts, you couldn’t help to notice that the man was still as handsome as ever.
“Y/N” He started softly. “I know I can’t take back what happened and I’m so so sorry. Fuck, I hurt you and I shouldn’t have, but I don’t even know where to start.” You wanted to interrupt him, but he sounded so sincere. “I want you to know I don’t regret you, just the bet. I know it’s not an excuse, but I was scared to say no to the squadron. I know I can be an asshole, but those guys are the absolute worst. Always those stupid bets, daring each other to sleep with women and mistreating them. In the beginning I was okay with the lifestyle, they gave me the feeling that I belonged here and that that was how we aviators should be.” Hangman started to fumble his hand in the sand with a sad expression on his face. “It all started to change when I had to get checked by you pulling those 8G turns, you were so cute.” he now chuckled a bit at the memory. “I made the realisation that I was not 20 anymore and that maybe I needed a bit of stability in my life. I started to sent girls home before anything happened, just to keep on pleasing the guys. And when they made the bet on you, I wanted to back off and do the same thing, but I got carried away and started to forget about the bet, until they texted me in the morning wanting proof. I never knew they would take it that far, I hoped they would’ve deleted the picture immediately, they did eventually, but after the damage was done. I honestly have no idea how to make it up to you.” your brain started to malfunction because on one hand you wanted to punch his pretty face and on the other hand you just wanted to kiss him because of the small confession he made and the effect his piercing green eyes in the dim light had on you. Jesus, it’s impossible to stay mad at this man.
“I’m not with that squadron anymore” “Good” you cut him off. “Well, that’s a start to make it up, proof to me that you’ve changed. It will take a while for me to believe, but I’ll give you the chance.” you said as you started to loosen up, maybe you need this too to leave the past behind. 
“Thanks Y/N, I won’t let you down, can I ask you something?”
“Can I see your wound, I need to see what I caused.”
“-Oh, okay, I’m sorry.”
“It’s not that, there is still a bandage on it and I’m wearing a dress you dimwit” you playfully slapped the back of his head.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to be a pervert.” he said a little embarrassed, but with a smile.
“Hey, did you know you’re talking to a zombie?” You joked to lighten the atmosphere.
“What?” he looked puzzled at your comment.
“My heart stopped for a second on the table and I’m also a vampire, I took so much blood from other people.” you two kept on talking for a while getting to know each other better and joking around. 
In the next few weeks Hangman took you out on a couple of dates, as he insisted to call it dates, and helped you with your revalidation; yes the man had changed, in a softy. What even sweet Bob noticed “Y/N, what have you done to our Hangman, he didn’t even ditch us in the air, he’s becoming a team player.”
“Well, Bob, he asked me how he could make it up to me. So why not make all of yours lives even better.” you smiled at your accomplishment.
“Do know he has always liked you?”
“He kind of mentioned it, but as friends I guess.”
“We didn’t know it was you, but he kept on mentioning a girl he let slip away and even almost losing forever.” you were already on the edge of falling for him again, but that just send you over it.
“I - I didn’t know that. I don’t want to be rude, but I actually have to go, my Uber is here, he promised me to take me to the beach.” 
When you arrived at the beach, you had to take a second look at Hangman, nice shorts, of course shirt unbuttoned so everybody could see his glorious chest and abs and his Ray Ban sunglasses. That man should be illegal. 
After taking in his looks, you looked at the picnic basket in his hands, oh a romantic date. You were finally rid of your bandages, but not yet ready to show your skin on the beach, so you opted a comfortable loose skirt and a simple top.
“Hi Jake!” you waved at him.
“Hey Y/N.” he said while hugging you. The date started of like all the others talking to each other how your day went, joking around, stealing glances at each other, just enjoying the company. Everything had changed dramatically since you came back, it was one hell of a roller coaster, but it started to feel like it was all worth it. 
“Jake, what started to change you, I mean the way you were before we met?” you asked him curiously. 
“You, I might have faked a small injury here and there to see you and I just started to wonder what settling down might look like. I hadn’t figured out yet with who it might be, until, yeah, you know.”
“So no strained ankles?” you looked at him with a playful grin.
“You got soft before you even knew it.” you scooted a little closer so your shoulder touch his at what he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. 
“I like it like this, us. I’m sorry it took you nearly dying to realise what you mean to me. You were always running around on base or on the ship like a cute little goofball taking care of everyone, that the sight of you became a constant in my life. And I know I never had you, but loosing you made me realise I needed you.” at this point you two were lying on the blanket he brought looking at each other while Hangman was talking. “I once again don’t mean to be a pervert, but I still have the picture of you I took. It helped me get through some missions.”
“And some other ‘missions’ I guess. But it’s ok.” you smacked his upper shoulder playfully, which resulted in Hangman losing his balance and landing with his face right next to yours. You both expected one of you to jerk away, but instead you just looked straight in those green eyes, they started to soften and get filled with love. Seconds had passed getting lost in each others eyes as Hangman broke the silence “Can I?” as he put his hand on your cheek, you nodded. Hangman started to kiss you, you felt butterflies and fireworks everywhere, just like when he kissed you the first time. This time it wasn’t needy, it was filled with love, long lost love. As you pulled away, out of breath, you both mumbled a quiet ‘wow’.
“I think I might really like you Jake.”
“Yeah me too” he replied back still dazed.
“Your ego still pretty big isn’t it?” you chuckled.
“Oh my god, I mean I like you too and I really like that you call me Jake” he said a bit embarrassed. You couldn’t help to start laughing a bit at his embarrassment. “I know what you meant Jake.” you said while snuggling yourself in his embrace.
It was for the better.
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jungshookz · 3 years
y/n is smitten with jungkook and it’s really, truly driving her crazy
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➺ pairing; jeon jungkook x reader 
➺ genre; university!au!! hello newbie bff!kook!! woohoo this is part one of a brand new mini-series!! honk honk humour!! boo hoo angst!! jungkook and y/n are bestie goals!! y/n feeds jungkook at one point which is pretty cute too 
➺ wordcount; 5.3k
➺ summary; y/n finally decides to tell jungkook about her feelings for him and she doesn’t know if she’s ever been this nervous about anything before. 
➺ what to expect; “when you like someone... do you think that you should tell them that you like them?” 
                                       »»————- 🖤 ————-««
“i have special feelings for you.”
your face screws up in disgust as soon as the sentence comes out of your mouth and you shudder before shaking your head 
‘special feelings’?!
you’re definitely scratching that one off the list 
special feelings
way to sound like a creep 
“c’mon, y/n,” you grumble, pushing yourself up from the sink before reaching up to knock against your forehead, “think, think, think...” 
you’ve been in the washroom for the last half an hour just talking to yourself in the mirror and it’s safe to say that it hasn’t been a very productive half an hour because you’ve basically been spitting the same sentence out in increasingly cringeworthy ways 
“...i think i like you?”
see, now why did you word that one like a question?
do you think you like him or do you actually like him?? 
where’s the confidence??
where’s the oomph factor?! 
“no, wait, i mean-” you wince and quickly shake your head, “what i meant to say was that i think that i know that i like y- no, no, listen to me, i actually like you-”
well, if there’s one thing that can be said for sure, it’s that this is going absolutely nowhere 
the past two months of your life has been consumed with you debating with yourself in your head about whether or not you should tell jungkook that you like him or if you should just bottle it up and keep your feelings shoved deep, deep inside your soul for the rest of your life and even the entirety of your afterlife
it was approximately a week ago that you finally decided it would be best to just put your big girl pants on and tell jungkook about your feelings for him because you know yourself and you feel like you might really go crazy if you don’t do anything about it 
of course, you wouldn’t have come to that decision if it wasn’t for something he’d said during a library study session 
"should you tell someone that you like them?”
“-!” you immediately choke on your water and quickly twist the cap back on the bottle before patting your chest lightly and looking up towards jungkook, “what?” 
“when you like someone... do you think that you should tell them that you like them?” he asks, continuing to type away at his laptop as if he didn’t just ask you what seems to be a pretty loaded question, “or should you just keep it to yourself? to not accidentally make things weird, you know?” 
why would he suddenly bring something like this up? 
“i, um...” you clear your throat before offering him a halfhearted shrug, “well, i- i mean, if you- i think that if you have serious feelings for a person- like, if you know that it isn’t just a silly little crush-” you pause for a second to collect your thoughts so you can string them into a coherent sentence before going on, “okay, let me put it this way: if you know that your feelings for this person are genuine and that you really do want to pursue a romantic relationship with them, then, yeah. yeah, i think you should tell the person that you like them. because if you don’t, you’ll live the rest of your life wondering what would’ve happened if you did tell them, you know? if you do tell them about your feelings, then you don’t have to wonder ‘what if’ for the rest of your life.” 
“huh.” jungkook looks up at you from his laptop before giving you a nod and a hum, “i guess you’re right... yeah, that makes sense. but what would you do if they didn’t feel the same way?”
you can’t help but narrow your eyes suspiciously at his question and the little voice in the back of your head warns you to stay cool and definitely don’t get your hopes up 
he can’t possibly be talking about you and him, can he?
...but if he’s not talking about you and him, then why would he bring the topic up in the first place? 
oh my god. does jungkook like me too? 
“well, i-” you can’t hide the soft smile on your face from the thought of jungkook having feelings for you but you quickly remind yourself that he hasn’t said anything like that at all and has really just asked you a simple question, “i don’t think you have anything to worry about, kook. you’re, like- you know, you’re super nice and funny and- yeah, i- i think if you told someone that you liked them, there would be a 100% chance of them liking you back.” 
“do you really think so?” jungkook’s gaze softens and you feel your heart skip a beat at the sight 
oh, god
you are so whipped for him, aren’t you?
“of course! i know so. is there- is there a reason why you asked?” you ask quickly as you lean forward, wanting to take advantage of the conversation before he loses interest in the topic
“well, i just wanted your opinion on it, because i feel like you always have something logical to say.” jungkook smiles, gently nudging your leg with his foot underneath the table, “i trust you.”  
i trust you.
“i... i like you... and...” you frown at the piece of paper in your hands before looking back up at yourself in the mirror 
perhaps it would be better to not follow your script word for word 
this message should come from your heart, right? it shouldn’t come from a crumpled up piece of notebook paper that’s been living at the bottom of your backpack for the past week 
you nod to yourself as you fold the sheet of paper in half before tucking it into your back pocket 
“okay, i have something that i’ve been wanting to talk to you about,” you breathe out, shutting your eyes for a second to imagine his face in front of you before opening them again, “before you freak out, it’s really not that big of a deal. we are... we’ve been friends for- we are friends, and friends are honest with each other, so this is me being honest with you. i like you. i like you, as in, i have feelings for you. and to be completely honest, i’ve liked you for nearly a year now, which, i know is a pretty long time to have kept it a secret, but- i’ve tried multiple times to force myself to not like you but at this point it’s become clear that my feelings aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. i guess it doesn’t help that we basically spend every day together, right? anyways, if you don’t feel the same way, that’s completely fine. i promise i won’t let it ruin our friendship because i really do cherish you as a friend and the last thing i want is to make things weird, so... you don’t have to worry about hurting my feelings, you know? i just want you to be honest with me, too. ...yeah.” you finish your little monologue with a smile as you give yourself a quick pat on the back 
okay, not half bad! 
it’s short, it’s sweet, you get straight to the point, you have a safety net to fall back on- 
you jolt in surprise at the sound of a splash and a whoosh of a toilet flushing from one of the stalls behind you and you press your lips together tightly and look down when someone steps out 
you just gave someone a free show! 
she doesn’t say a word as she steps up to the sink next to you, her bracelets clinking together as she scrubs her hands under the running water 
she twists the tap off with a creak before leaning down to look underneath the mirror for the paper tissue dispenser 
she stands back up before pointing towards the one under your mirror, “could you pass me some paper tissues?”
“uh, yeah, for sure-” you quickly reach under and yank a couple of paper tissues out of the dispenser before handing them over to her with a sheepish smile, “by the way, i was just- i was just practicing a monologue, so...” you clear your throat quietly and she gives you a stiff smile and a nod before turning to head towards the door 
you mouth a silent ‘oh my god’ and reach up to bite your fist as soon as she turns away, your entire face now red from getting caught basically confessing your feelings to yourself in a dimly-lit restroom like a total weirdo 
“hey-” the stranger turns to look at you from the door, “good luck with your- um, your monologue.” she smiles softly, a knowing glint in her eyes, “i hope it works out for you.”
“oh!” you return a smile while reaching up to scratch the back of your neck, “uh, thank you. so do i.” 
the door shuts with a slow creak and you exhale slowly before turning to face yourself in the mirror again before chuckling lightly, “god, so do i.” 
                                      »»————- 🖤 ————-««
before you freak out, it’s really not that big of a deal...
you adjust the strap of your backpack as you push the door open and step out of the bathroom, a blast of cool air from the library immediately making the hairs on your arms prickle to life 
we’re friends, and friends are honest with each other, so this is me being honest with you...
you reach down to press your palm flat over your tummy when you feel it rumble
i like you, as in, i have feelings for you...
you and jungkook are supposed to meet for lunch today and that’s when you decided you were going to tell him, but now you’re starting to wonder if maybe you can push it to tomorrow or something because you’re starting to get really, really nervous 
i’ve liked you for nearly a year now, which, i know is a pretty long time to have kept it a secret. i’ve tried multiple times to force myself to not like you but at this point it’s become clear that my feelings aren’t going anywhere anytime soon...
the smell of freshly-baked pizza suddenly tickles at your nose and you look up to see that muscle memory has already brought you to the building that you’re meeting jungkook at 
if you don’t feel the same way, that’s completely fine. i promise i won’t let it ruin our friendship because i really do cherish you as a friend and the last thing i want is to make things weird...
“okay, y/n. you’ve got this.” you mutter, looking at the doors of the building as you straighten your back, “everything is going to be-”
“hey, there you are!” 
you grunt in surprise when you’re suddenly being tackled from behind, strong arms wrapping themselves around you and lifting you up for a split second before you’re being set back down on the ground again 
“jesus, kook-” you immediately spin around and grab onto jungkook’s forearms to keep yourself steady as you wait for your eyeballs to stop rolling around in your skull, “someone’s certainly in a good mood today!” 
“i’ve been thinking about pizza ever since i woke up!” he chirps, turning you back around before pushing you towards the doors eagerly, “let’s go, let’s go, let’s go-”
“alright, alright-” you laugh lightly, smiling as jungkook brushes past you to hold the door open for you, “how did your midterm go?”
“actually, it went a lot better than i expected!” jungkook nods enthusiastically as the two of you join the queue of hungry students
he turns to glance at you for a second before raising his head slightly so he can take a look at the menu up front, “i think the mock quiz you made for me really helped.”
“hey, that’s good! that’s good.” you nod slowly, pausing for a second before clearing your throat, “hey, by the way- there was something that i wanted to talk to you about.” 
“ooh, i actually have something that i want to talk to you about, too.” jungkook grins before leaning over to nudge your side with his elbow, “i think you’re going to like what i have to say.” 
“i- i am?” you raise an eyebrow, “well, what do you want to talk ab-”
“yeah, four slices of pepperoni, please.” 
“to go or for here?”
you don’t get a chance to say anything else because the two of you are already up at the front and you shut up before hurrying to grab your wallet 
“for here, please. and... hold on, gimme a sec-” jungkook pulls his student card out of his wallet before handing it to the cashier, “and an order of cheesy garlic knots too. oh, and also, two little cup-thingys of garlic aioli. what do you want to drink?” he turns to look at you and you blink owlishly before realizing that he’s paying for all of the food
“oh, you don’t have to-” you raise your own student card, “i can pay for the knots-”
“relax, you can just get it next time.” jungkook snorts before nodding towards the drinks in the back, “what do you wanna drink?” 
“oh, okay, i-” you narrow your eyes to look at the drinks before nodding, “can i get a lemon iced tea, please?”
“i’ll just get a coke.” 
you stay quiet as jungkook pays for the meal, the cashier handing him the receipt a second later 
“do you wanna find a table for us before it gets too crowded?” jungkook turns back to look at you before taking his bag off his shoulder, “here- put my bag on the seat so no one will take it.”  
“’mkay, got it.” 
it seems that lady luck is on your side today when you end up spotting two empty stools facing the windows and you hurry your way over before anyone else grabs the seats 
you carefully weave your way around the tables, being careful not to knock into anyone’s chairs or the back of anyone’s head (it happened to you once and it was not a pleasant feeling.)
you grin in success as you set jungkook’s bag down on the first one before settling yourself down on the second one 
everything is working out wonderfully today! 
“oop-” you feel a little crunch in your back pocket when you sit down and you lift yourself up for a second to quickly reach behind and- “oh-” your eyes widen in panic when you realize that you just pulled out what’s basically your love letter to jungkook and you hurry to take your backpack off so you can quickly put it away
“y/n, the nice girl gave me a brownie on the house!” 
you feel your anxiety skyrocket through the roof when you hear jungkook’s voice coming up behind you and all the alarms begin to blare at the sight of the note that’s still in your hand
“we can share it!” jungkook chirps, now standing right behind you with a tray full of food, “can you lift my bag for a second?”
“uh, yes! yes, i-” you grab jungkook’s bag off the chair with a grunt and plop it down on your lap next to your own backpack before turning to look at kook with a smile, “free brownie again? that was nice of her.” you blindly feel for an opening on your bag before shoving the note into it right as jungkook gets settled next to you 
crisis averted 
“i know, right? i think she might like me- or maybe she likes you, i don’t know-”
“i’m pretty sure you’re the one she’s batting her lashes at, kook,” you snort, turning to glance back towards the front counter to see one of the girls staring in your guys’ direction with a dreamy smile on her face, “i feel like she’d behead me if i touched your brownie.” 
“it’s okay, we can still share it- oh my god, everything smells so good.” jungkook slides the box of garlic knots with a little cup of aioli sitting on top of it over to you, “let me get a couple of bites in before i start talking- you want a bite of pizza?”
“mm-mm, i’m fine with my garlic knots.” you smile, popping the flimsy paper box open and immediately being hit in the face with the rich scent of butter and garlic, “wanna try?” you ask, tearing a chunk off one of them before dipping it into the sauce
 “mm, gimme.” jungkook leans over before opening his mouth eagerly and chomping at the air and you can’t help but giggle before feeding him the bite
a minute or so ticks by where the two of you sit in comfortable silence and you chew thoughtfully as you stare out the window  
you feel good!
you feel good about this 
you feel like all the lights are green and all you have to do is rev the engine and slam down on the gas 
you know what to say, you know exactly how to say it, and you’ve planned out all possible routes of how this conversation with jungkook might go 
a) the 'oh my god, this is really happening’ scenario: you tell him you like him, he tells you he likes you back = you’ll enjoy each other’s company for the rest of lunch and maybe he’ll hold your hand when he walks you to your next class afterwards
b) the 'you’re a really good friend, but no’ scenario: you tell him you like him, he tells you that he doesn’t feel the same way and that he just wants to be friends = you tell him that it’s completely fine and that you’ll get over it, you’ll enjoy each other’s company for the rest of lunch and afterwards he will definitely not hold your hand when he walks you to your next class which is fine because friends don’t hold hands with friends 
c) the ‘yikes, this is awkward’ scenario: you tell him you like him, he reacts with discomfort and mild disgust = you’re slightly offended but you still tell him that you understand anD that you’re willing to give him as much time and space as he needs, and you’ll walk to class alone 
...you really, really hope it’s not the last scenario that unfolds. 
“-said yes!” jungkook slaps a hand down on the sticky metal counter before letting out a laugh, “can you believe it?”
oh god
you’ve been so in your head this whole time that you completely missed the exciting news that jungkook was waiting all day to tell you about 
do you want to ask him to repeat himself or do you want to pretend like you were listening to him the whole time? 
“that’s... i’m so... happy for you...?” you trail off sheepishly, jungkook turning to look at you before snorting 
“you weren’t listening to me, were you?” 
“i was!” you argue before gesturing out the window, “i totally was, i was just- i was just a little distracted because of the pigeons outside-” 
“okay, well, let me just tell you again-” jungkook wipes his greasy fingers on a napkin before turning to face you slightly, his knees knocking against the side of your legs, “i finally did it. i finally grew a pair and i finally asked ji-eun out and she said YES!” 
“hey, look at you go! that’s so-” you immediately clam up when his words finally settle into the deepest depths of your brain and you feel your heart plummet to your stomach 
well, it looks like you weren’t as prepared as you thought you were 
d) the ‘i just asked someone out so i clearly don’t have feelings for you’ scenario: you don’t get a chance to tell jungkook about your feelings for him, jungkook tells you that he likes someone else, and you... 
what do you do? 
“hey, what’s the matter?” jungkook frowns, tilting his head before reaching over to give your shoulder a shake, “you haven’t said anything in, like, a minute.”
you didn’t even know he was interested in someone else 
the name ji-eun sounds a little familiar to you — now that you think about it, you’re fairly sure jungkook’s brought her up before (something something i sit next to this girl something something she’s nice and she let me borrow a pen something something along those lines) 
she’s in his sociology class, you think?
“-great!” you blurt out, forcing a bright smile on your face as you look over at him, “sorry, i just- i was just processing your great news so i guess my brain just shut off for a second- that’s so... great, kook. super great.” 
“isn’t it?!” jungkook clasps his hands together before taking his bottom lip in between his teeth, his eyes all wide and twinkly, “i mean, i was actually surprised she said yes, you know? i practiced what i was going to say to her all week- i stumbled over my words a couple of times but if anything i think she found it endearing...” 
jungkook’s voice starts to fade out in the background as you turn to look back out the window
the chunk of bread in your mouth feels like it’s getting bigger and bigger as you continue to chew 
suddenly you’ve lost your appetite 
this is... this is fine. 
this is fine, right? 
if anything, this is great news! 
at least now you know that jungkook definitely doesn’t feel the same way, which is... fine! 
it’s fine
and it’s a good thing that he started babbling first because you can’t even imagine what would’ve happened if you’d spewed your news out first
once again: crisis averted! 
you let out a little sigh as your shoulders droop slightly
you had prepared yourself for what to do if jungkook didn’t feel the same way about you... so why does it feel like you’re flailing around in the middle of the ocean trying desperately to keep your head above the water? 
“to be honest, i probably wouldn’t have done it if it weren’t for what you said to me in the library last week,” jungkook hums, “you know, about how you should go for it otherwise you’ll be left wondering ‘what if’ for the rest of your li-”
“yeah, yeah, i remember.” you interrupt him a little more crassly than intended before reminding yourself to loosen up, “i- yeah. i remember. i’m glad i could help.” 
“oh, and you have to help me plan the date- everything has to be perfect.” jungkook reaches over to poke a finger into your arm, “you know i’m no good at all the mushy romance stuff, but you certainly are.” 
“well, i-” you let out a nervous chuckle before shrugging, “i mean, everyone’s different, you know? i, um... i don’t know if it’s a good idea that i help you plan out the date and stuff because- you know, i... i don’t know anything about ji-eun! you know more than i do, so i probably won’t be able to-”
“i feel like dinner and a movie would be super boring.” jungkook sighs as he folds his grease-stained paper plate in half before pushing it away, “i mean, i definitely still wanna take her out for food and stuff, but-”
“i would argue that a dinner and a movie is a good first date,” you shake your head, “you know, you get to talk and get to know each other during the dinner, and then during the movie, you don’t have to talk to each other for like, an hour and forty minutes so you get a bit of break.” 
“i mean, i guess, but... oh, shit, i’m sorry.” jungkook winces, suddenly perking up a little, “you said you wanted to talk to me about something, right? tell me about your thing first before we plan my date.”
“my thing?” your lashes flutter and you feel your ears starting to get hot at the reminder of what exactly your thing is, “oh, god, i- it’s nothing, now that i think about it. it was something... it was something silly, so- like, i don’t even remember what i wanted to- it’s stupid. it was stupid, it’s nothing.” you chuckle uncomfortably as you rub at the back of your neck, “let’s just keep- let’s just keep planning your date! i wanna keep planning your date.” 
“okay, well- if you change your mind at any point, i’m all ears.” 
“mhm.” you nod as you swirl the chunk of bread around in the aioli absentmindedly before letting go of it, “got it.”
“ooh, i’ve got it!” your eyes widen when jungkook suddenly reaches over and takes your hands in his, forcing your stool to swivel around so that you’re face-to-face with him, “imagine that i asked you out on a date.”
“u-us? on a date?” you swallow thickly, “that- that’s so dumb, kook-”
“no, listen, listen-” he chuckles, giving your hands a squeeze, “if i asked you out on a date, what would we do together?” 
“well, i...” you look down at your hands in his (and for a second you can’t help but feel as though your hands just fit together perfectly) as you think of what to say, “we... we like pizza, right? i think, like- we could order a pizza and a box of garlic knots and maybe have some kind of a picnic on the rooftop of your apartment building. i mean- you’d probably have to decorate the rooftop first with a bunch of little twinkly lights and you’d have to lay out a blanket and some pillows to make it comfortable, otherwise we’d just be sitting in the dark on the cold, hard ground, but- yeah. i... i think that would be really nice. because it’s an intimate setting and it gives us the chance to talk in private, and we could literally stay up there all night if we wanted to and... you know, watch the sun rise and stuff. so... if we went out on a date, that’s what we would do together.” 
the little voice in the back of your head suddenly reminds you (quite cruelly) that you, in fact, were not asked out by jungkook and you won’t be having a romantic rooftop picnic with him and you immediately pull your hands away from his before laughing nervously, “but you know, that’s just an idea, so you don’t have to take it.” 
your face feels hot as you turn away from jungkook and you look down at your cold garlic knots before reaching over to shut the lid and push it away 
“mm... no, i actually like that!” jungkook nods eagerly, “i like that a lot- i mean, a rooftop picnic is a little cheesy, but i think ji-eun will think it’s cute!” 
“great!” you clear your throat, “as long as ji-eun thinks it’s cute, i think it’s great-”
“will you help me set it up?” 
he’s really rubbing salt into your wound, isn’t he?
“i... of course! i would love to.” you smile stiffly before lifting the sleeve of your hoodie to check the time on your watch, “so, i'm gonna head out, i think- i need to get to my next class early if i wanna get a good spot-”
“mm, okay-” jungkook slurps up the rest of his coke before shaking the empty paper cup, “i can walk you there! i’m done for the day so i think i’m just going to go hang out in the library- ooh, i can plan out my date while i wait for you-” 
“oh, you don’t have to walk me to class, it’s fine.” you dismiss him with a flick of your wrist as you pull your backpack on, wanting desperately to just end the conversation so you can get the hell out of here, “i can just meet you in the library after i’m done.” 
“are you sure?” he frowns, reaching over to pick up your box, “hey, you didn’t finish your garlic knots-”
“i know, i just- i guess i wasn’t super hungry.” you shrug, “you can take them if you want! you paid for them, so...” 
“okay, in that case, i’m just gonna hang out here and finish up these knots and then i’ll go to the library.” jungkook plops back down on his seat before reaching over to punch your arm gently, “text me when you’re done, bud!” 
                                     »»————- 🖤 ————-««
“-now, for this next portion, i just want you to take some notes down on your computers or your notebooks or whatever you have- think about any thematic concerns in the poem that stand out to you...” 
you draw circles on the blank page of your notebook in disinterest as the sound of your professor’s voice drones on and on in the background and your mind immediately takes you back to what just went down with jungkook
your hand freezes on the page and you let out a quiet little huff 
you said that you weren’t going to be all mopey if things didn’t work out, but here you are, all sad and droopy and very much radiating woe-is-me energy 
all you know now is that you’re going to take your feelings out on a big ol’ pint of ice cream tonight 
by the way, you should probably throw out your little love letter because you certainly don’t need any embarrassing reminders of what you were going to say to jungkook 
you don’t even want to think about what could’ve happened if you told him you liked him before he told you that he’d just asked someone out 
you set your pen down before leaning down to unzip your backpack, reaching in and blindly rummaging around for a crumpled up piece of paper 
you frown, leaning down further to get your arm deeper into your bag
your fingers bump up against your planner, your wallet, your water bottle and your pencil case, but... 
that’s odd 
you roll your eyes in frustration as you pull your backpack up off the ground and plop it down on your lap with a fwump!, unzipping it all the way and opening it up so you can get a better look inside 
you pull everything out and set your belongings down on the small table one by one, being careful not to make too much noise as to distract the professor 
you’re more than confused as you stare into your empty bag after taking all the contents out of it 
where the hell is it? 
you reach into the side pockets and you’re disappointed when you end up pulling out old tissues and empty gum wrappers 
it’s not in the front pocket either — just your key, a pack of bubblegum, and a small bottle of hand sanitizer 
your brows knit together in deep thought as you settle back against your seat, your eyes flickering to the side as you- 
you immediately pale 
oh my god.
you’re positive that your heart stops beating for three whole seconds the moment you realize where exactly the note is — because no, you idiot, you didn’t shove it into your own bag earlier-
the note is in jungkook’s bag. 
🎙️help me help you make your wishes come true (send me a request!)
✨why don’t you explore the rest of the library while you’re here? (full fics!)
💫or perhaps you want something shorter to read? (drabbles/mini series like this one!)
🌟or something even shorter? (teeny tidbits!)
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ickymichi · 4 years
Denji having a crush on someone who ISNT makima and ISNT fucking crazy. Just a normal stupid person. Please.
TA- DA!!
warnings: fluff, denji being a qt <3
word count: 1k
<3 note: tyssm for this i luv u 🧎‍♀️🤲. psa me n all the homies hate makima‼️🗣 also anyone pls request denji i luv writing for my bby. reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
hotboyissei 2021
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The ding of the bell on the door of the small café brought your head up from the countertop you here cleaning. Instantly you recognised the blonde head of hair bouncing towards you. “oh hello again denji! Would you like what you always have?”. For the past two weeks denji had been coming to the same café every afternoon he wasn’t busy to- well for two things really. 1) for the amazing coffee, teas and delicious desserts. And 2) for him to see you, one would say it was just a teenage crush, no denji was sure It was love, that he was the one for you. Ms. Makima couldn’t compare to the beauty you held, no she could never. And you were so kind to him, always sitting down beside him to chat about his and your lifestyles, until your annoying boss would come giving out about you slacking off. Yes, he was certain it was love between the two of you.
Which is why today was the day he’d ask you out on an actual date. It took a lot of courage and guidance from Aki but he was finally here standing infront of you. “oh umm actually I came to ask ya something.” Cocking your head to the side slightly you placed down the cleaning rag and made your way around the counter to stand in front of him. “oh? Well then okay! What is it?”. Wait, he didn’t actually think he’d get this far. ‘Think, think, think idiot, what did Aki tell you?’ he thought to himself trying to go back through his and Aki’s conversation before he left. Not realising how long he was standing there thinking you reached forward and softy tapped his shoulder. “denji? Is everything okay?”. Feeling your hand on his shoulder his flushed face shot up to look at yours. “huuh?! Oh yeah! Everythings fine. Pl-please come on a date with me!” he clenched his eyes shut after finishing his sentence, not wanting to see you laughing at his silly question. After not hearing your laughter he peeled open one eye and seen you looking at him with a soft smile on your face. “of course, i’d love to go on a date with you denji! i have the day off on Friday so how about then?”. He stood opposite you with wide eyes like he just saw a devil for the first time. He shook his head to get out of his daze and then nodded his head rapidly. “Fridays great! See you then (y/n) bye bye!”.
And with that he ran out the café door with a proud smile on his face going back home to shove it in Aki and powers face. “Awe yeah baby woohoo!” he shouted out and jumped up into the air, not realising you could still see him and laughed at the boy.
Friday came quicker than both of you expected and now you’re walking towards a bouncing denji who jogs to meet you halfway. “hi (y/n)! these are for you!” he pulls a paper bag of cookies from behind his back and pushing them towards your hands. You look into the bag and see them and surprisingly they smell amazing. “awe thank you denji, did you make these?”. He looks at you and blinks twice before responding, “oh no I bought them over there” he smiles, showing his sharp teeth while pointing to a small shop to your left. You couldn’t contain your laughter and he felt his cheeks grow hot again when looking at your wide smile. “Let’s go!”. He abruptly says and takes your free hand in his own. You didn’t expect him to be so forward so when he grabbed the said limb, you couldn’t help but look down at his hand engulfing you own. it’s rough and calloused, but it’s a nice contrast against your soft palm.
The day consisted of denji brining you to the cinema to see a scary movie- the whole time you had a hand on his forearm and ducked into his shoulder when an especially scary scene popped up. And yes, you did have one of those cliché ‘hands touching when reaching for popcorn moments’. He then walked around the shopping mall and went into nearly every shop, laughing when you would take turns to pick out ugly clothes and try them on. He did actually buy you something without you knowing, but he was gonna wait a bit till he gave it to you of course. A few hours later hunger overcame the both of you so denji found a fast food restaurant nearby and dug into the food.
By now the sky was dark and filled with starts so you decided to sit on a grass hill and gaze at the starts. After about 5 minutes silence denji sat up and pulled something from his pocket. Out of the corner of your eye you saw him fiddling with the box until he saw you looking over at him. “Ta-da! I got this for you, here you go.” Sitting up beside him you looked at the dainty box, gently taking it from his hands you opened it and felt your heart swell slightly. Inside was a small gold chain with your name in the middle. “I r-remembered you mentioned that you wanted to save for one a while ago so I got one for you.” Looking up from the box, a smile broke out and without thinking you lunged forward into his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck, the two of you crashing back down onto the ground. “woah! thank you so so much denji this is so sweet!, I don’t know how to thank you.” suddenly his eyes lit up and he smirked slightly before tapping his cheek. Immediately you knew what he wanted and you giggled softly before leaving in and placing a small kiss on his cheek. When you pulled back he was looking at you with that smile, the one where his cheeks are stretched and his sharp teeth on display. You gave him one more peck before leaning onto his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
“thank you for today denji, it was the most fun i’ve had in a while.”
“oh, yeah of course!, does that mean we can do this again?”
“we can do it however time you’d like.”
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