#Words For I Love My Sister
mjalti · 10 months
you ever think about how, after a certain point, you will never live with your siblings again? you will never bust in their door, watch movies, make cookies, share space, argue about the bathroom, steal a charger, paint each others nails, without having to make an appointment first? and how, after that point onward, you will steal opportunities from the universe in order to have the privilege to sit beside them for a few days at a time?
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inmyspinnychair · 9 months
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ava silva, babyyy
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sunlit-mess · 3 months
noticing in your vents—
is your sister okay too?
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We laugh, sure, but we both know we're not ok.
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turtledotjpeg · 2 months
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girls who go 🧍
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bigfatbreak · 10 months
"bfb why all the butterfly miraculous aus" ive had a purple butterfly oc since highschool so im biased as fuck
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cupiidzbow · 6 months
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we’re autism4autism have i ever mentioned that
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evie-doesnt-write · 3 months
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Revolutionary Girl Utena: Ep.22//Ep.34
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a-j-s-the-only · 19 days
I want you to know
whoever you become
world saver - world burner
I will always love you
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sukibenders · 11 days
I really enjoy Kate's and Edwina's relationship with one another when you factor in the nuances between them rather than writing it off (thank you some fanfic writers, doing more work than the show ever did). Like studying a relationship between two sisters but, wait, it also carries more of a vibe like that of a mother and daughter because the oldest had to step in and take care of everything and the youngest hasn't known anything other than that so she constantly looks to her sister for even the smallest reassurances. A sisterly relationship where the oldest made sacrifices in her life for the youngest that she never speaks about, so that she'd never have to struggle, but slips up and the youngest has to live with those revelations and questioning if she ever really knew her older sister. Secrets and miscommunication lead to battles that have been fueled throughout the years. Shared and separate grief. Older sister: "Everything I do has been for you, sheltering you, guiding you, to where I can't allow myself anything else because it's been my life for so long and there's a part of me that's scared to let it go." Younger sister: "I've looked up to you for most of my life, turned to you before anyone else, and now I don't even know who I am without you." I could go on about these two, but analyzing them sounds much better than just saying one is toxic and the other needs to be freed and so on, like come on!
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possamble · 3 months
Going back to work after this but
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culminada · 3 months
I sat here scrolling Tumblr and then I heard my dad snoring on the other side of the wall.
And I've been making it a habit to consciously pay attention to the people I love, because I love them.
And so - I wasn't trying but this just came to me because of observations, and knowing, and perhaps the habit of it - I thought oh, that means he's sleeping.
Its the middle of the day. He does this sometimes. He's a very busy person, between two jobs, and 2-4 disabled kids. He takes power naps after lunch. He has a whole strategy. He's told it to me and I listened and I remembered because I love him.
He's also in burnout. My dad is burnt out and I understand because I am also burnt out. I wish I could help him but I am burnt out, and so all I can do is know him, is listen to him snoring and know that he is tired.
I get to listen to him snoring. He is tired. He is sleeping on the middle of the day because he is tired, from taking care of me, who am autistic, and my brother, with Prader-Willi Syndrome (shoutout to ppl with PWS), and his job 1 to pay the bills and job 2 to pay for the future and his wife and his other children and making sure we all get our enrichment.
And so he is snoring on the other side of the wall, and I can picture him tangled up in his blankets and sleeping because he is tired.
And so I get to listen to him snoring and think about all the things he does and how much he deserves rest, and how glad I am that he CAN rest, that he's worried and busy and anxious, but not too worried to sleep. Because he needs to sleep. And it's a blessing that he can do that.
And I'll sit here and appreciate him and all he does because I can hear him snoring (and it keeps everyone else up at night unless he uses his mouth guard, which we all call his snore-teeth, and I know this because I listen and I pay attention and I love him).
And he might never know that I sit here and think of him and love him and all he does, how grateful I am that he takes care of me when I'm his oldest and I'm autistic, and I don't feel overwhelmingly bad about that but I do wish I could help more than I do. Not be so big of a burden as I am. But all I can do is let him sleep.
He might never know that I take the time to listen to him snore. Maybe one of those days when he's feeling horrible I'll show it to him and say "you are loved and I see you and I am grateful for everything you do, I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you." Maybe I'll make bits of this post into my Father's Day letter. I've been wondering what to do for that because I've been more vocal lately about how much I love him and sometimes it feels like there's nothing left to put in a Father's Day letter that wouldn't just be the same.
There's something special in just the same, though. Like listening to snoring. There's time. And when you're sitting in the middle of time, in the quiet and the dark and listening to snoring, and wondering when the next snore is gonna come, and contemplating life and love and time - well, I'm not doing anything else. And I'm not getting any younger. And maybe right now I can't mentally DO anything else. But I can do this.
I can contemplate my father, who is wise and loving and who pours himself out constantly, fill my mind with MY DAD instead of something else, because I love him.
I lied. My first thought wasn't "oh, that means he's sleeping." Well, it was subconscious. But right after, I thought, "I wish I had someone to love this way," meaning that I want to get married and have someone to love.
But I do have someone to love. I have my father. I can love him. I DO love him. And why am I pining for something I can't have, or worse, for someONE I can't have, when my lovely beautiful Dad is right there loving me in his sleep, in his waking, in his working, in his eating, in his thoughts, in his research, in his everything. I have him? Why do I need anyone else?
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kacievvbbbb · 1 month
Mihawk just has the vibes of someone that grew up primarily around women. Like his love language is asking if you’ve eaten in such an awkward way it’s obvious he learned it from somewhere.
He very much gives son that’s just a little to much like his mother (cold and unhinged) vibes
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dykes4timrand · 5 months
the hater in me is coming out. i think we need to put the word sibling up on the tumblr shelves sometimes people are just friends. its ok for boys and girls to be friends their relationship isn’t any more platonic by calling them siblings
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Siiiiir she's going to suffocate stop trying to swallow her soul and let her breathe !!!!!! This kiss...the way george hold charlotte tight....this was his way of physically and emotionally re/connecting with charlotte and fully embracing their marriage. No more hiding, no more running away, no more pushing her away...she knew everything he was trying to hide from her.... his secret, the ongoing battle with his demons... she knew him, she knew and saw him...not king george, not farmer george but the real him...just goerge. She knew him and didn't try to change him...she din't ask him to change because she loved him and his madness to the point of madness.
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whaleiumsharkspeare · 5 months
Noodle: *exists*
Willy Wonka: I am going to make sure you get out of this laundry house if it’s the last thing I ever do because guess what! I’m your big brother now!
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dyrewrites · 2 months
Reading is hard.
How am I supposed to pay attention to someone else's characters and world when my own will not shut up.
And, should I manage that;
How am I supposed to analyze and talk about it afterwards when I have to shut off every part of my brain to focus on this story?
How do people do buddy reads. Is there a trick, do you have some secret techniques to pay attention while also getting lost in a book?
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