#Workplace Regulations
tomorrowusa · 3 months
Democratic California is offering protections for workers during extreme heat. Florida, under far right Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, doesn't care if such workers drop dead. It's bad enough that Republicans are contributing to climate change, they resist your ability to protect yourself against it.
In California, employers will soon have to provide water and air conditioned areas for workers when temperatures inside warehouses rise above 82 degrees. When it goes above 87, workers will get shorter shifts and personal cooling fans. In Florida, when a 95-degree sun bears down on farmworkers, local governments are actually prohibited from making employers supply water or a break in the shade.
People who claim there is no difference between the two parties have their heads up their asses. They are too lazy to think or simply lack the power of cognition entirely.
The split on heat-related labor protections tracks with the scorched-earth feud between the states’ Democratic and Republican governors, Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis. This divide on labor protections joins a wide range of differences between blue and red states on basic rights including abortion access, gun regulation and environmental protections. It’s also a reflection of the power dynamics in the coastal states: California is staunchly pro-labor, and Florida is business-dominant. [ ... ] The divergent heat rules are emblematic of a political divide that will only deepen if former President Donald Trump wins reelection, emboldening industry interests over union priorities across the states. [ ... ] On Tuesday, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration proposed long-awaited heat regulations for indoor and outdoor workplaces, but they won’t be final until at least 2026, midway through what could be Trump’s second term. OSHA submitted its draft guidelines in June to the White House’s regulatory clearinghouse, but any rule that comes before the election could be overturned by the Congressional Review Act if Republicans retake control of the House in November.
If you don't mind dying on the job so that your oligarch employers can stuff even more money into their pockets, then vote Republican.
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wiliamjohn2 · 6 months
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right HR Compliance Solution for Your Company
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In today's complex regulatory landscape, ensuring HR compliance is paramount for businesses. Ignite HCM understands the challenges companies face in navigating this terrain. This guide aims to assist Ignite HCM and other businesses in selecting the right HR compliance solution to mitigate risks, streamline processes, and foster a compliant workplace.
Understanding the Importance of HR Compliance Solutions
Mitigating Legal Risks
HR compliance solutions help companies stay abreast of constantly evolving labor laws and regulations. Ignite HCM recognises that non-compliance can result in costly penalties, lawsuits, and repetitional damage.
Promoting Ethical Practices
Beyond legal obligations, HR compliance solutions uphold ethical standards within the organization. Ignite HCM values integrity and transparency, and compliance tools play a crucial role in promoting these values across all HR processes.
Key Considerations for Choosing HR Compliance Solutions
Ignite HCM understands the importance of scalability in HR compliance solutions. As businesses grow, their compliance needs evolve. Ignite HCM seeks solutions that can adapt to changing requirements without significant disruptions.
Integration Capabilities
Seamless integration with existing HR systems is essential for Ignite HCM. A comprehensive HR compliance solution should integrate smoothly with Ignite HCM's existing infrastructure, minimizing data silos and enhancing efficiency.
Customization Options
Ignite HCM recognises that every company has unique compliance needs. Therefore, customisable features are critical in selecting an HR compliance solution. Ignite HCM seeks solutions that can be tailored to align with its specific requirements and workflows.
Evaluating HR Compliance Solution Providers
Reputation and Track Record
When choosing an HR compliance solution provider, Ignite HCM prioritizes reputation and track record. Ignite HCM conducts thorough research, seeking providers with a proven history of delivering reliable and effective compliance solutions.
Customer Support and Training
Effective customer support and training are vital considerations for Ignite HCM. Ignite HCM seeks providers that offer comprehensive support services, including training resources and ongoing assistance to maximize the utilization of HR compliance solutions.
Implementing and Optimizing HR Compliance Solutions
Implementation Process
Smooth implementation is crucial for Ignite HCM to realize the benefits of HR compliance solutions efficiently. Ignite HCM collaborates closely with the chosen provider to ensure a seamless transition and minimize disruptions to daily operations.
Continuous Improvement
Ignite HCM understands that achieving and maintaining compliance is an ongoing process. Therefore, continuous improvement is integral to the success of HR compliance solutions. Ignite HCM regularly evaluates performance, gathers feedback, and implements enhancements to optimize its compliance efforts.
Navigating the myriad of HR compliance solutions can be overwhelming, but with careful consideration and the right approach, Ignite HCM and other businesses can find the perfect fit. By prioritizing scalability, integration, customization, and selecting reputable providers, Ignite HCM can effectively mitigate legal risks, promote ethical practices, and foster a compliant workplace. With a commitment to continuous improvement, Ignite HCM ensures that its HR compliance solutions evolve to meet the ever-changing regulatory landscape, safeguarding its reputation and success in the long run.
for more info : https://www.ignitehcm.com/solutions/compliance
Contact :  +1 301-674-8033
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marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
my tiny plastic duck son, Fry- short for Fryer et al v. United States Radium (1927) -is betrothed to my colleague's tiny plastic duck son Loose Change
Let It Be Known
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killsandthrills · 2 years
nemik got taken out by a fucking workplace violation… nobody strapped that shit down.
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gideonisms · 7 months
latest unhinged work event is that my boss has started gathering us all around at 5:30 in the AM to do group exercises...tbh I really enjoy exercising on my own time, have never had trouble staying active, and have no negative associations with group exercise IT'S THE PRINCIPLE OF MY BOSS TELLING ME TO DO JUMPING JACKS
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theorderofthetriad · 3 months
read far too many comments about how all pornography is evil and exploitative to women (first red flag, women are not the only performers in porn, lots of porn has exactly zero women performing) and should be banned because of how much it exploitsssss them
pornography is a job, it's exploitive because it is a job. the solution to that isn't "ban this industry" which would just leave pornography workers jobless and would be much more detrimental to them than giving them actual goddamn work protections.
When strippers in Washington state unionized and worked to pass a bill of rights to make their lives better they notably did not have stripping banned. They had the laws changed so they were better paid, better protected, and more enticing to a larger, less creepy, customer base. But I'm sure some swerf who refuses to ever consider what a stripper might have to say heard "Washington finally allows sale of alcohol in strip clubs" and assumed on behalf of the strippers that's it's their armageddon.
"porn is exploitiveeeeeee" yeah so help them get some goddamn workers protections up in this bitch and then it fucking won't be.
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
"How much safer has construction really gotten? Let’s take a look.
Construction used to be incredibly dangerous
By the end of the 19th century, what’s sometimes called the second industrial revolution had made US industry incredibly productive. But it had also made working conditions more dangerous...
One source estimates 25,000 total US workplace fatalities in 1908 (Aldrich 1997). Another 1913 estimate gave 23,000 deaths against 38 million workers. Per capita, this is about 61 deaths per 100,000 workers, roughly 17 times the rate of workplace fatalities we have today...
In a world of dangerous work, construction was one of the most dangerous industries of all. By the 1930s and early 1940s the occupational death rate for all US workers had fallen to around 36-37 per 100,000 workers. At the same time [in the 1930s and early 1940s], the death rate in construction was around 150-200 deaths per 100,000 workers, roughly five times as high... By comparison, the death rate of US troops in Afghanistan in 2010 was about 500 per 100,000 troops. By the mid-20th century, the only industry sector more dangerous than construction was mining, which had a death rate roughly 50% higher than construction.
We see something similar if we look at injuries. In 1958 the rate of disabling injuries in construction was 3 times as high as the manufacturing rate, and almost 5 times as high as the overall worker rate.
Increasing safety
Over the course of the 20th century, construction steadily got safer. 
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Between 1940 and 2023, the occupational death rate in construction declined from 150-200 per 100,000 workers to 13-15 per 100,000 workers, or more than 90%. Source: US Statistical Abstract, FRED
For ironworkers, the death rate went from around 250-300 per 100,000 workers in the late 1940s to 27 per 100,000 today.
Tracking trends in construction injuries is harder, due to data consistency issues. A death is a death, but what sort of injury counts as “severe,” or “disabling,” or is even worth reporting is likely to change over time. [3] But we seem to see a similar trend there. Looking at BLS Occupational Injuries and Illnesses data, between the 1970s and 2020s the injury rate per 100 workers declined from 15 to 2.5.
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Source of safety improvements
Improvements in US construction safety were due to a multitude of factors, and part of a much broader trend of improving workplace safety that took place over the 20th century.
The most significant early step was the passage of workers compensation laws, which compensated workers in the event of an injury, increasing the costs to employers if workers were injured (Aldrich 1997). Prior to workers comp laws, a worker or his family would have to sue his employer for damages and prove negligence in the event of an injury or death. Wisconsin passed the first state workers comp law in 1911, and by 1921 most states had workers compensation programs.
The subsequent rising costs of worker injuries and deaths caused employers to focus more on workplace safety. According to Mark Aldrich, historian and former OSHA economist, “Companies began to guard machines and power sources while machinery makers developed safer designs. Managers began to look for hidden dangers at work, and to require that workers wear hard hats and safety glasses.” Associations and trade journals for safety engineering, such as the American Society of Safety Professionals, began to appear...
In 1934, the Department of Labor established a Division of Labor Standards, which would later become the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), to “promote worker safety and health.” The 1935 National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), which legalized collective bargaining, allowed trade unions to advocate for worker safety.
Following WWII, the scale of government intervention in addressing social problems, including worker safety, dramatically increased.
In addition to OSHA and environmental protection laws, this era also saw the creation of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
OSHA in particular dramatically changed the landscape of workplace safety, and is sometimes viewed as “the culmination of 60 or more years of effort towards a safe and hazard-free workplace.”"
-via Construction Physics (Substack newsletter by Brian Potter), 3/9/23
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diverbots · 1 year
Hoping in some circumstance that if they ever do have Ramattra speak to Max, that it’ll just be Max talking about how much capitalism factors into play into just about Anything and Ramattra’s just: “Hm okay. Sounds like a skill issue to me! Anyways.”
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pink-vacancy · 2 months
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No amount of physical or psychological torture could make me put this much loser shit in my bio and have a “stand with Israel” profile pic.
Sorry I don’t usually do callout posts on people I block but each item just made it worse.
Also OSHA?
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drumlincountry · 1 year
tumblr not working on my phone on top of everything else has me in such an evil little angy mood!!! i need my posts!!!!!
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devsgames · 1 year
I think it's absolutely insane to see prolific artists who have been taking incredibly hard-line stances against the use of machine learning technology suddenly shit talking the deal that WGA workers struck - you know, the landmark one which massively limits the use of AI in their craft in general to the point it's largely assistive and no longer dominates the conversation.
Sorry...are these artists upset that a subsection of creative workers successfully organized to put limitations on the use of machine learning in a way that doesn't undermine them as creatives and also guarantees their livelihood, on their own terms???? Is that not the thing that everyone should want out of this outcome????????
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mellaithwen · 1 year
How I feel when the idiots at work keep bringing up the “benefits” of using AI, and I remind them of the huge legislative risk, cyber security problems, data inference, liability issues, plagiarism, copyright and lack of accuracy shit that they haven’t even bothered to consider:
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weirdshrimphours · 8 months
god that post really turned some wheels tonight lmfao. being in therapy with a main complaint of "growing up in the inner cult circle of a megachurch" is just the gift of complex and unfortunate feelings that keeps on giving
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sapphiics · 1 year
if harvey and jessica don’t hook up once than this show is a WASTE
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
this falls into ‘if everyone would just’ venting so don’t take it too seriously but it severely irks me when people are addressing a specific problem from a specific population and do so in a completely ineffective way, you’re not talking to the people this relates to you’re talking to yourself. that’s fine but effective rhetoric is understanding an audience and tailoring your argument to what is most effective against them, not what would be most effective against you. pathos, logos, ethos, whatever the fuck. all communication is manipulation and you are not putting nearly enough effort into manipulation.
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mentorshelly · 1 year
You Won't Believe What HR Consultants Can Do for Your Business
As a business owner or manager, you may be familiar with the myriad of employment laws and ethical standards that govern your company’s operations. However, with the constantly evolving legal landscape and increased public scrutiny, it can be challenging to keep up and ensure your business is staying compliant and ethical. This is where HR consultants come in. HR consultants are experts in…
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