#X-men chamber
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More X-Men and Pokémon because I way overthought Gen X’s team lineups and made myself sad.
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starspilli · 4 months
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perpetually exploding horror face
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writer-freak · 1 year
Valorant men reacting to you kissing them on the cheek
Request from @oyasumimosura: Can I request how valorant men would react to the reader kissing their cheeks when they successfully did their mission? Theyre not together but the Valo men got a crush on (y/n)
Characters: All the current agents besides Breach because I just really couldn't write him sorry
Warnings: gn reader, no pronouns mentioned, headcanons, maybe bit ooc, english isn't my first language sorry A/n: I'm so sorry for taking so long with this request I was grieving a lot and fell into depression, but now I'm feeling a bit better, so I immediately started with finishing up this request. Hope you can forgive the long wait and I hope you enjoy my writing<3
I will also finish the other requests soon most of them I already started before everything happened, but I still need to finish them
I had fun with this request, but I'm not so confident with writing Brimstone, KAY/O and Harbor, so I put them at the very end
Comments, likes and reblogs are appreciated like always🖤
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He is also pretty full of himself and would regularly flirt with you  Nobody thinks too much of it because this just seems to be his character but with you, he was actually trying to win you over He cheekily asked you if you would give him a kiss if the next mission was a success You kind of waved him off not really answering  Believing it to be one of his antics again and nothing would follow When he came back from the mission successful he went over to you  Before he could open his mouth to say anything you leaned in and kissed him on the cheek  You cheekily pulled away and then just went to the others talking about what exactly happened on the mission Chamber was slightly flustered but would cover it up, and follow you trying to talk to you Maybe you were more interested in him than he thought Sova
He is such a sweetheart
You were worried about the next mission believing it to be very risky
Sova comforted you telling you that everything would be fine 
You calmed down for now but of course, felt nervous again while the mission was going 
Finally, the team came back and you went straight to Sova wrapping your arms around his neck and giving him a quick peck on the cheek
He was surprised when you suddenly just ran into his arms but he enjoyed the affection 
He was surprised by the kiss but he probably won't have that big of a reaction in front of everyone 
Maybe a light flush on his cheeks and a smile on his lips but inside he is feeling way too much at once
He really likes you and hopes that soon he can ask you out
I think Gekko is normally affectionate with you and would come to you after your missions to hug you and stuff 
So you bought about also doing that for him so this time you waited for him to come back and just jumped into his arms when you saw him
You would welcome him back and give him a kiss on the cheek while he continues to hold you
He feels so giddy from your affection and gives some back to you
I could imagine him being a bit more shy when he has a crush on you because he doesn't want you to find out his feeling
In total though he thinks that you two should really start doing that for each other after every mission, even if you went to the mission together 
I don't know why you would give this man a kiss after a successful mission because he is gonna brag about it forever
With his outgoingness, he is gonna tell everyone about how you decided to give him a kiss
Even if someone tells him that a kiss in the wheel isn't special he will not listen to them
He just loves any kind of attention from you that he can get 
If you are fine with it he will also give you a kiss on the cheek 
He also wants to show you his appreciation and these interactions could spark a flame between you two
This kiss could maybe be the starting sign for you two
You talked to Jett and she dared you to kiss Yoru when he comes back from his mission 
Jett knows about Yoru's little crush on you and just wanted to see his reaction 
You easily agreed and then together you waited for the team to return 
When you heard them arriving you got up and quickly spotted him 
Jett didn't specify where you should kiss him so you pressed your lips to his cheek quickly 
He is just so smug about this kiss and will start teasing you 
Just talking about how you really missed him so much and couldn't wait for him to be back
I think under his exterior he is quite flustered but he wouldn't want anyone to know about that so he covered it up with teasing
Maybe this is even the perfect opportunity to ask you out on a date
This mission a hyphen just saved everyone and you really wanted to thank him for that
You went up to him and kissed his masked cheek telling him that he was amazing
It would take him a second to register what you did but the lingering warmth on his cheek showed him that this really just happened
That was unexpected and he would chuckle, thanking you for appreciating his work
He is happy that the mask doesn't let you see how much this little gesture actually affected him
But you can hear how happy he is just from his voice
It was a spur-of-the-moment thing, you just leaned in and gave his cheek a kiss 
Omen as we all know isn't really one to show his emotions outwardly 
It seems like he doesn't really care but he does thank you and the is just some sort of tenderness in his voice 
He could become embarrassed if you kiss him and then also give him a lot of praise for doing so well 
If you know him well enough though you would be able to hear the embarrassment in his voice though
We all know Brimstone is the more professional type and I don't know how well he would take to public affection 
You two are probably already very close because otherwise, I don't think he wouldn't have the most positive reaction 
But if you two are close then maybe putting aside that you kissed him on the cheek in front of everyone 
He would use the kiss to motivate himself and just know that there is always someone proud of him and his work 
Also, I can imagine some agents cooing when you kiss him just to embarrass you two even more
You just were happy to have KAY/O back so when he came up to you to talk you gave him a quick kiss on his cheek
So KAY/O is sentient and everything but I don't really know if he can feel you giving him the kiss
Even if for him personally the kiss emotionally maybe doesn't mean much he knows what it means to humans
He would thank you and verbally try to express how he recognizes the meaning of these physical gestures 
Maybe he would just show a heart on his monitor and I think that says enough for you
Harbor has such a positive energy who wouldn't want to give this man some affection
He would have such a radiant smile on his face when your lips come in contact with his cheek
The affection and praise would fill him with joy and he is someone who will give you affection back
Man this guy will give you the affection back tenfold 
He really values you and wishes nothing more than to have a closer relationship with you
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Thanks for reading and I appreciate all the support💙
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louiejoyce · 4 months
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Anyone else struggling with those X-Men ‘97 withdrawals? Here’s a bunch of of characters I’d love to see more of next season!! (I know the odds aren’t great for a few of them… but they’re X-Men!)
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littleststarfighter · 2 years
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My two fave energy mutants. Gambit and Jono. You know it’s going to be explosive with those two on the case.
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cookiebeard · 3 months
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Generation X just hit all the right notes for me as a teen! I just had to try my style with these super-hormonal super-teens! Here's everyone's fave brooding Brit-rock (goth maybe?) bad boy: Jonothon Starsmore, aka, Chamber!
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slobber-teeth · 5 months
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posting this again on my shiny new art blog now that x-men '97 is out!! jubilee and jono fashion swap >:3c
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merry-mutants · 2 months
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Chamber by Sam Johnstone
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shadow-ofthe-cosmos · 2 months
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Chamber | Vaughn/Ferguson
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corbyortmann · 1 year
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Some posts from X-May 2023!
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Originally I was going to hand draw this but then I realized the left pose was similar to one from the comics.
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starspilli · 4 months
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sparky & sparkler
my very very self indulgent jono & jubilee au comic
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writer-freak · 4 days
Asking you out | Valo men x Gn reader
Characters: Gekko, Chamber, Sova, Yoru, Phoenix, Cypher, Omen, Brimstone, Kay/o and Habor
Warning: Gn reader, fluff, maybe ooc, english isn't my first language
A/n: I decided to go back to my roots and write some headcanons for Valorant. Haven't written for them in some time and I'm not up to date with the current lore so sorry for inaccuracies
Thank you for reading and Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated and really motivate me to write more <3
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Gekko is usually chill, so he’d be more low-key when asking you out.
One day you’re hanging out, Wingman chilling on your lap, and he just casually drops it
“Yo, maybe we should, like, go out on an official date?”
He’s trying to seem nonchalant, but the way he scratches the back of his head gives his nervousness away
When you agree, he lights up, his eyes wide with excitement and a big smile on his face
“Sick! Let’s grab something to eat!”
He’d definitely text his mom right after and would update her on how everything went
Chamber has always been smooth, always flirting like it’s second nature
But when he asks you out, it’s a bit different
You’re used to his flirty remarks, but this time, after a successful mission, he walks up and asks
“If we succeed today, how about we celebrate together? Maybe dinner, just the two of us?”
His usual cockiness is a bit toned down, and there’s a vulnerability showing in his voice making it obvious he actually cares about your answer.
When you say yes, he recovers quickly with a grin, “I’ll consider that a victory, then.”
Sova is more straightforward and doesn’t really beat around the bush
After a long mission, he’d find you alone, pulling you aside. “You know I value you more than just a teammate, right?”
He’s nervous, but he says it calmly, watching for your reaction
If you tease him about being a softy, he’d chuckle, cheeks flushing slightly, before responding
“Perhaps I am soft… but only for you.” He’ll suggest something outdoorsy as a first date, like a quiet night under the stars, just something close to nature
Yoru’s got a reputation for being cocky, and he’d play into that even while asking you out
“I heard you’ve been into me for a while now?” he’d say, smirking, trying to act cool
He’s testing the waters, but there’s a slight hesitation as if he’s waiting to see if you’ll reject him or call out his bluff
When you agree, he’ll act like it was no big deal, “Yeah, thought so,”
But then, his smirk softens slightly, and he looks at you more seriously. “So, how about we make it official? I’m asking you out—me and you, a proper date.”
If you agree, he’ll play it off cool, but you’d still catch the pink on his cheeks before he quickly changes the subject
Phoenix doesn’t like wasting time, so he’d ask you out while you’re the two of you were joking around together.
“Hey, let’s stop messing around and go out for real,” he’d say, flashing that bright grin.
“I’m serious though. Gonna be the best date of your life, I promise.”
His usual confidence is there, but you can tell he’s nervous from the way he messes with his jacket collar
When you say yes, he practically lights up—“Aight, bet! You won’t regret it.”
Cypher’s approach is more subtle
He waits for a moment when it’s just the two of you, maybe working on something together
He’ll lean in slightly and say in a low voice, “I’ve come to enjoy our time together... Perhaps you’d also like something more?”
His tone is cautious watching for your reaction, but you can sense the warmth behind his words
When you agree, he smiles behind his mask
“I had a feeling you’d say that,” he’d say, his voice softer. “How about dinner—just us?”
Omen is less direct when it comes to asking you out
One evening, after sitting together in silence, he'd hand you something small that he knitted himself
“This is for you.” he’d say in his usual low voice
If you ask him why he was gifting you this, he’d simply reply, “I want to be together with you.”
When you agree, there’s no visible smile, but you’ll feel the shift in his energy, warmth that shows that he is happy you accepted
Brimstone is all about professionalism, so he’d be more cautious about showing public affection.
If you’re already close, he might approach you after a mission, saying, “I’ve been thinking… maybe we should spend more time together outside of work.”
He’s straightforward, and his voice is calm, ready to accept your rejection
If you agree, he will give you a small smile.
“Glad to hear it. Let’s keep it between us for now, though.” He’s the type to plan something simple but meaningful—dinner at his place, maybe
KAY/O is logical, and while he’s sentient, human emotions can be tricky for him
He’d approach you one day, saying, “I have observed our interactions. I believe it would be beneficial to further explore this connection.”
It’s a bit robotic, but you can tell he’s trying
If you agree, he’d probably show a small heart symbol on his display, acknowledging the sentiment behind it
“Thank you. I will strive to meet your expectations,” he’d add, with a surprising amount of sincerity
Harbor’s positive energy is contagious, and he’d be warm and positive when asking you out.
“You know, we always have a good time together,” he’d say with that bright smile of his.
“How about we make it official? Let me take you out properly.”
He’s all about showing affection, and if you agree, he’ll be beaming.
“You won’t regret it. I’ve got some amazing plans for us.”
He would make sure your first date is filled with fun and laughter
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Divider by: @saradika-graphics
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louiejoyce · 6 months
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The Fantastic Four!
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btlyus · 5 months
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two of my all time favorite mutants, Hellion and Chamber!! didn't add too much into their design since i already think they're always goated.
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vertigoartgore · 8 days
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1994's Generation X Vol.1 #1 (turning 30 today, feel old yet ?) cover by Chris Bachalo and Mark Buckingham.
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