#x men characters
arrumiekookie · 22 hours
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Quentin -Can Never Catch A Break- Quire.
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girlkisser13 · 26 days
being married to james "logan" howlett would include
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• logan's protective nature is heightened when it comes to you. whether it’s shielding you from danger or simply ensuring you have a coat on a cold day, his instincts to keep you safe are always present.
• you and logan often go on adventurous trips together, from hiking through dense forests to exploring remote locations. he enjoys these moments of peace with you, away from the chaos of his usual life.
• logan isn’t the best with words, but he shows his love through actions. he’ll fix things around the house, cook breakfast, and take care of anything that might be bothering you without being asked.
• despite his rough exterior, logan appreciates the quiet moments with you. he loves sitting together by the fireplace, a glass of whiskey in his hand, enjoying the simple pleasure of your company.
• logan struggles with his past and often has nightmares or moments of doubt. you’ve become his anchor, the one person who can calm him down when the memories become too much. he never thought he’d find someone who could handle his darkness, but you’ve proven him wrong time and again.
• you’re one of the few people he allows himself to be vulnerable around. he shares his fears, his regrets, and his hopes with you. your relationship is built on mutual trust and understanding, a bond that he never thought he’d have in his life.
• logan has a dry sense of humor, and he loves to tease you in a lighthearted way. it might be a comment about how you can’t keep up with him on a run or how you hog the blankets at night. it’s his way of showing affection, and it always makes you smile.
• he’s not overly affectionate in public, but in private, he’s incredibly tender. he’ll wrap his arms around you from behind, nuzzle his face into your neck, and kiss the top of your head, murmuring how much you mean to him.
• logan is fiercely loyal to you. he would go to any lengths to protect and defend you, no matter the cost. You are the one constant in his chaotic life, and he values that more than anything.
• he often trains with you, whether it’s sparring or teaching you self-defense. it’s his way of ensuring that you’re capable of handling yourself if he’s not around. plus, he secretly enjoys watching you hold your own against him.
• logan can get a bit jealous, especially if he senses someone might be interested in you. his feral side can come out, and he’ll make it clear that you’re his. but you know how to calm him down, reminding him that he’s the only one for you.
• despite his rough exterior and sometimes gruff demeanor, he’s always gentle with you. whether it's holding your hand or helping you with something, he treats you with a level of care that shows how much he cherishes you.
• logan enjoys cooking, especially when it’s for you. you often cook together, and he loves watching you try to keep up with his culinary skills. there’s a playful competition between you two, but he secretly loves when you take over, especially if it’s a dish you’re passionate about.
• you both cherish the mornings when you wake up before the world does. he will brew coffee, and you’ll sit together on the porch, wrapped in a blanket, watching the sunrise. these quiet, peaceful moments are some of his favorites.
• logan is a bit of a wanderer, so sometimes you’ll pack up and just hit the road. these trips are spontaneous, often with no clear destination in mind. you’ll spend hours talking or sitting in comfortable silence, enjoying the open road and each other’s company.
• despite his rugged persona, he is surprisingly good at planning special dates. he’ll take you to a hidden spot in the woods for a picnic or to a little-known jazz club in the city. he knows how to make these moments feel intimate and unique, showing you just how much he cares.
• logan’s enhanced senses mean he’s very attuned to your scent. He finds comfort in it, and when you’re apart, he’ll wear one of your sweaters or keep something with your scent close to him. it grounds him and helps him feel connected to you even when you’re not physically there.
• he has a tattoo dedicated to you. it’s a personal symbol, something that reminds him of you and your love. it’s one of the few permanent things he’s ever had, and he likes the idea of carrying that piece of you with him always.
• logan isn’t much for texting or phone calls, so he leaves you handwritten notes around the house. they’re often simple, like "breakfast is ready" or "miss you, see you tonight," but they mean the world to you.
• he has moments of surprising tenderness. he’ll brush your hair out of your face, trace the outline of your features with his fingers, or cradle you in his arms like you’re the most precious thing in the world.
• logan loves reading, and the two of you often share books. you’ll recommend novels to each other, and he’ll surprise you with rare editions of your favorite books. it’s a quiet way of bonding, discussing the stories and characters over a glass of wine.
• the two of you have developed a way of communicating without words. a look, a touch, or even the slightest change in body language is enough for you to understand each other. it’s a testament to the deep connection you share.
• logan has an immense amount of patience when it comes to you. whether you’re upset, confused, or frustrated, he never loses his temper. he’s calm, steady, and supportive, knowing exactly how to help you through whatever you’re facing.
• he LOVES to surprise you with unexpectedly romantic gestures. he’ll bring you wildflowers he picked on his way home, or he’ll play a song on an old record player, pulling you into a slow dance in the living room. he’s not traditionally romantic, but his unique gestures show his deep love for you.
• logan is extremely vigilant in social settings, even if it’s just a casual gathering. he keeps an eye on your surroundings, making sure you’re comfortable and safe. if anyone makes you uncomfortable, he’s quick to intervene.
• despite his long life and all the losses he’s endured, logan dares to dream about a future with you. he talks about places he wants to take you, things he wants to experience together, and the kind of life you could build. you’re the first person who’s made him believe in forever. <33
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louiejoyce · 7 months
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Mr and Mrs X! ♥️♦️♠️♣️
How about that latest episode hey… 😭😭😭
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geekinthesheet5 · 3 months
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Giggling and kicking my feet over this 5'3 200 year old furry
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vampiresforvergil · 3 months
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It's 2 am hi
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dear-oizys · 15 days
Guys I'm going crazy about Gambit
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jrlunaart · 6 months
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Which height are you? I'm Roberto
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sliceofgravity · 23 days
I am way too lazy to elaborate!
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liriel73 · 5 months
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Good morning World! today for the superhero alphabet with the letter R: Rachel Summers “Ray” from (X-Men), for you
Technique : pen drawing (14,5 x 10,5 ) cm
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arrumiekookie · 9 days
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Art by Andrew Drilon.
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girlkisser13 · 2 months
being married to remy lebeau would include
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• the two of you are CONSTANTLY flirting with each other, even well into your marriage. he still flirts with you like he’s meeting you for the first time.
• remy is the king of romance, always finding new ways to surprise you with gestures of love— whether it’s leaving a single red rose on your pillow or whisking you away for a spontaneous weekend getaway to a secluded part of new orleans.
• while he trusts your abilities, he can't help but be protective. he’ll often remind you to be careful when you're apart, and if there's even a hint of danger, he's the first one by your side.
• this man loves pda, especially light touches, like a kiss on the cheek or gently squeezing your hand when you’re nervous or worried. he’s always touching you in some way.
• your life together is never boring. from stealing priceless artifacts to taking down dangerous enemies, you two are an unstoppable team. you both enjoy the thrill of a good heist, and remy loves showing off his skills.
• remy insists on cooking for you, especially his favorite cajun dishes. he loves the look on your face when you take your first bite, and he’ll often cook together with you, enjoying the process as much as the food.
• he’s always there to listen and support you, no matter what. he knows how to lift your spirits when you're feeling down and provides comfort in the most challenging times.
• whether it’s on a rooftop under the stars or in your living room, remy LOVES to dance with you. he’s an incredible dancer, and he’ll often sweep you off your feet, leading you in a slow, intimate waltz.
• remy is known for keeping secrets, but with you, he’s open and honest. you both share your pasts, knowing that your love for each other is stronger than any mistake you've made.
• despite his very flirtatious nature, remy is deeply loyal to you. he never gives you a reason to doubt his love, always making it clear that you’re the most important person in his life.
• remy is a night owl, and he loves spending the late hours talking with you. these moments are filled with deep conversations, laughter, and secrets shared under the cover of darkness.
• he is quite the gentleman. he’ll opens doors for you, pulls out chairs, and always insists on carrying heavy things. his manners are impeccable, even if his moral compass isn't always perfectly aligned.
• if the two of have children, he is extremely protective of them. he always makes sure to prioritize them and spend time with them.
• this mostly comes from his experience of being neglected and he doesn’t want his loved ones ever feeling that because of him.
• the two of you rarely ever argue, but when you do, it’s intense— remy’s fiery nature combined with his strong opinions can make things heated. but he’s also quick to apologize, realizing that your relationship is too important to let anything come between you. <33
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louiejoyce · 1 month
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Reeeeaaally wanna do a big Marvel vs Capcom piece at some stage! But for now, this’ll have to do. So hyped to play these games again! 🎮🎮
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depressedhuman2 · 3 months
Need ur opinion on this nickname for Wolverine
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vibrant-the-artist · 2 months
Alison "Harpy" Flite
The Four-Winged poisonous bird girl!
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I accidentally made her design the inverse of Warren's Evolution look but I'm chill with it.
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dear-oizys · 17 days
I don't even know what hell to say
I finished episode 5 and 6 of x men 97
Gambit and Magneto fucking died????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
You can't believe how hard I sobbed. I am currently on a road trip with my parents and siblings and they thought I went fucking crazy. I was just crying. When Gambit said remember it??? No. Just no. And when magneto said don't be afraid before he died. Im just.....no
Charles is alive????????????
I literally can't remember anything else.
Im like halfway through the other episode called bright eyes I think and rouge has gone rouge???????????????????????
Captain America?????
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yandereunsolved · 4 months
✗ 𝚇-𝚖𝚎𝚗 & 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚕 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 ✗
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"Mind you, I can't help thinking, if resurrections are all the rage...shouldn't we be counting the days until you-know-who returns from the white-hot you-know-where to reclaim her dear old husband? Won't that be fun? Oh dear, late for my medical, must run -- toodles, Emma darling!" — Betsy Braddock (Uncanny X-Men #460)
"I'll follow him to the end of the earth, through perdition's fire, until he breathes blood and rolls over, split, broken, finished!" — Angel (X-Men: The Animated Series: Obession)
"I’m a bad guy who is paid to fuck up worse guys." — Wade Wilson (Deadpool Movie)
— 𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚋𝚘𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚜 —
Alex Summers
Charles Xavier
Erik Lehnsherr
Kurt Wagner
Logan 'Wolverine'
Peter Maximoff
Raven Darkholme
Scott Summers
— 𝙰𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝚋𝚘𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚠/ 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚋𝚋𝚕𝚎 —
Yandere Charles Xavier
Yandere Erik Lehnsherr
Yandere Peter Maximoff
Yandere Poly Cherik
Yandere Scott Summers
— 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜 —
Yandere Peter Maximoff with a captive s/o - ,, unpolished ⋆
⋆ unpolished: not a full set of headcanons (still spellchecked)
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