zellkernchen · 5 months
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Jedi Master Guillri Barfoso
(from the fanfic I‘m currently writing)
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teacakes1799 · 2 years
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star wars commission!
© 2023
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i-draws-dinosaurs · 1 year
Star Wars has three types of guy: Fump Geezgo from the Womflee system, Stabba Badguyman, and Chris
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sw5w · 10 months
Gasgano Concentrates
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:03:35
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spectre-week · 5 months
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Spectre Six: Ezra Bridger, AKA Jabba the Hutt, the Emperor's nephew, Lando Calrissian, Commander Brom Titus, Dev Morgan
Ezra Bridger was born in 19 BBY, on the day of the inception of the Galactic Empire, and grew up on the planet Lothal. Hoping to make the galaxy a better place for him, his parents, Mira and Ephraim Bridger, set up public broadcasting transmissions to speak out against the Empire's harsh rule. His parents were found and taken away by the Empire, leaving Ezra to live largely on his own for the next eight years and find work as a con artist and thief, stealing technology and reselling it on the black market, while unknowingly using the Force to occasionally get himself out of tough situations. Eventually, he would come to live in the abandoned LothalNet comm tower E-272, where he would keep a collection of stormtrooper helmets. Bridger would later be apprenticed to a Xexto named Ferpil Wallaway, who was the owner of a pawn shop in Lothal as well as a skilled pickpocket who had various underworld connections. Bridger would also befriend Moreena Krai, a girl of the same age as him, who knew of his under-handed skills. - Wookiepedia
Prior to Star Wars Rebels, some of the tales you could tell about this spectre are from these eras:
Bridger Family Era (Up to age 7)
Bridger Family Breakup Era
Loth-rat (Life on the Streets) Era (Ages 7-14)
Living in the Comm Tower Era
At the end of these eras, Ezra is 14 years old. We can't wait to see what you come up with!
Need more suggestions? Have a question? Just Ask!
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mayawakening · 6 months
Ezra's Gamble Notes Pt.1
Friends, I was not expecting the book 'Ezra's Gamble' to be such a goldmine of lore. 😭 I'm gonna need to talk about this in multiple posts.
What I've got so far:
First of all, the foreword: "For Alan Harris, who is a much nicer fellow than Bossk." Harris was Bossk's actor. ❤
The book takes place pre-Spark of Rebellion
We literally start the book with Ezra at the Lothal spaceport pickpocketing and finessing people out of their valuables.
He walks up to a rich-looking Chagrian wearing an Imperial pin and being followed by four blue Twi'leks and manages to sell him 5 tickets for a private booth at a gladiatorial cage match (that the Chagrian is implied to want to keep secret). Ezra finesses him out of 700 credits, then also steals his Imperial pin, his ring, wrist-comm and half his money pouch.
He winks at one of the Twi'leks and all of them giggle, one of them winks back at him. (He's 14)
He meets up with a Xexto named Ferpil Wallaway who is actually the one who taught Ezra how to steal!!
The cage-match ticket money gets sent to the commissioner, then Ferpil pays Ezra for his loot at the Pawn-shop he owns on Lothal.
Ezra gets flagged down by a red-haired friend (also 14) named Moreena Krai. Her family is leaving Lothal because Imperials condemned their farm and took it from them.
Y'all I was not ready when she said she was moving to Alderaan. 😭🥺
Moreena starts to get sad about Ezra being alone, Ezra cuts her off and says "Don't ever feel sad for me. I've always done just fine on my own, and I always will." BOY TELL THAT TO HERA. 💚
He briefly wonders if he'll ever get to steal a TIE pilot helmet. (Spoilers, he does lol)
Lore for Bossk: his ship 'Hound's Tooth' is a modified Corellian Engineering Corporation YV-666 freighter. He's employed by the Bounty Hunter Guild and his Imperial Peace-keeping Certificate number is #55946112.
Bossk was headed to Lothal searching for a Dug named Gronson "Shifty" Takkaro who was wanted for jumping bail in the Ahakista System.
Bossk picked up the bounty from the Imperial Enforcement DataCore.
Bossk's ship was scanned by the Imperial Spaceport and the official talking to him immediately transferred his call to ISB HQ. (He was on hold for 30 seconds.)
ISB Lieutenant Herdringer talks to him and tries to send Stormtroopers to arrest Shifty rather than let Bossk collect.
Bossk counters saying Herdringer would be interfering with the authorized acquisition of a government bounty. Herdringer realizes that would be bad for him.
Herdringer actually wants Bossk to not use firepower as Shifty is in a civilian sector. Bossk says okay, but still brings his Mortar gun. Bossk gets escorted to the spaceport by TIE fighters which Bossk thinks is WAY too conspicuous.
This random academy propaganda played on a speaker at the spaceport though: "You too can be a part of the Imperial family! Don't just dream about applying for the Academy, make it come true! You can find a career in space: Exploration, Starfleet, or Merchant Service. Choose from Navigation, Engineering, Space Medicine, Contact/Liason, and more! If you have the right stuff to take on the universe, and standardized examination scores that meet the requirements, dispatch your application to the Academy Screening Office, care of the Commandant (Aresko), and join the ranks of the proud!" ---(I wonder how Kallus felt about hearing that kind of stuff, I'm assuming his office was soundproofed, but he did still technically work in the same building as the school, and seemed used to having things delivered to him by cadets, im sure he heard it occasionally.)
Ezra knew what a Trandoshan was on sight. He tried sneaking up on Bossk's ship, but Bossk snuck up on him first.
Bossk appeared to be avoiding his stormtrooper escort and asked Ezra (who actually gave his real name!) Where the tavern he was looking for was.
He's very suspicious of Ezra and warns him against snooping in his ship and notices his weapon right away. "An energy slinghot. Cute."
Ezra tries to finagle 100 credits out of Bossk for information. Bossk says he doesn't have time to haggle and will give him 1000 credits for help. Ezra demands 500 up front and Bossk pays him. He also politely gives Ezra his name.
He only refers to Ezra as "Shorty" and insists that "to you, its MR. Bossk" lol.
Will continue to take notes, this is fun!!
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hircyon · 2 years
How big is the Dread Horizon crew and what are they like?
The Dread Horizon crew is 15 strong, though we haven't named or even fully conceptualized all of those characters.
Their basic timeline, what Moonlenoircrow has figured out so far, is:
0 ABY: Aria Zahir, youngest daughter of a prominent Black Sun family on Ord Mantell, buys a ship from a pair of Xextos on the stipulation that they remain as her first crewmembers. At first, she isn't necessarily decided on being a pirate. About 6 months later, she meets a pair of Duros and Kyuzo ex-smugglers and hires them both as navigator and gunman, respectively. Over the next 5 years, Zahir amasses the majority of her crew by circumstance and turns full time to piracy.
This is mostly a whim for her, as a woman with a significant nest egg back home and an automatic connection with the Black Sun, but she treats the lives of her crew and the success of their enterprise deadly seriously. It does mean they don't deal in spice unless it's for Black Sun contracts, to avoid a conflict of interest that could turn bloody.
6 ABY: Zahir's original first mate is killed on a mission. The crew takes it hard. This is the first death on the team. They're tight knit and loyal, so the crew mourns him and celebrates his time with them. Zahir doesn't immediately start seeking a new first mate; everyone has their place and nobody was as perfectly calibrated for the job as their original man. To hire someone new, now, would be a major adjustment. She waits for providence to provide, essentially. In the meantime, the Duros navigator is persuaded to take the majority of a first mate's responsibilities to keep the ship running smoothly.
7 ABY: Zahir hires a Weequay bodyguard and his younger cousin (who's been traveling with him) as extra muscle and security, specifically in response to the first mate's death.
9 ABY: The Dread Horizon is restocking on a planet with a known slave market (by necessity; they've been staunchly avoiding all slave trade because they may be pirates, but they still have subjective morals). A seemingly feral Phindian in slave clothes breaks into one of their ration crates and viciously headbutts the Weequay enforcer, which necessitates a bit of creative problem solving.
The crew doesn't want to shoot what is clearly an escaped slave and draw that kind of attention. Iri'Ka, the Kyuzo gunner, is the one who comes up with the plan to capture the feral little Phindian--and that's how Zeeyal eventually comes to join the crew. Iri'Ka just has a gut feeling that he needs to save Zeeyal, rather than stunning him and leaving him in the street. Zahir trusts him enough to give him the opportunity to prove something to her.
Overall, the crew is loyal to each other and their captain above all else. They work as a cohesive unit because of their unified purpose and strong interpersonal bonds. They're not quite found family as a whole group, but there are smaller groups within the crew that would qualify. There are members (the cook and the engineer specifically) who personally dislike Zeeyal quite a lot, and would disagree with the decision to promote him to first mate later, but they choose to value their respect for Zahir and their understanding of what's necessary to keep the crew alive over their opinions. For the most part. They'll still bitch about Zeeyal being a horny, irritating creature, but he takes his job as first mate seriously and they show him the respect expected of the title when they're working.
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pluralzalpha · 1 year
Galactic Gazetteer: Quermia
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Type: terrestrial planet
Location: Quermian system, Nilgaard Sector, Outer Rim Territories/The Slice
Nearby planets: Troiken
Inhabitants: Quermians
Affiliation: Xim Depostate/Arkania/Galactic Republic/Confederacy of Independent Systems/Galactic Empire
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Fun fact: colonised by the ancient Arkanian people, who populated it with the Quermians, genetically engineered from the Xexto of Troiken.
Another fun fact: Quermians smell with their hands
Fun fact 3: George Lucas really thought that Yareal Poof was a sensible name for the Quermian Jedi Master in Episode 1.
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siryl · 3 years
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Illustration of a Quermian (background) and a Xexto (foreground) by William O’Connor for Star Wars: The New Essential Guide to Alien Species by Ann Margaret Lewis and Helen Keier.
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Star Wars Alien Species - Xexto
Xexto were natives of the planet Troiken, where (like Ewoks and Wookiees) they lived in arboreal villages.
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On their homeworld, the primary predator of the species were vicious challat eaters, which were defied through both agility and cunning.
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Due to the difficult terrain and dangerous predators found on Troiken, the Xextese grew to admire and encourage risk-taking, and questioning a Xexto's bravery would make him or her very angry. Despite their risk-taking nature the Xexto tended to be well mannered and even-tempered.
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The Xexto were first discovered during the Galactic Republic in approximately 17,000 BBY, by an Arkanian geneticist looking to continue illegal research outlawed by the Galactic Senate. At the time the Xexto were loosely organized into hunter-gatherer tribes on Troiken. The geneticist relocated a portion of the population to the nearby Quermia and commenced experimentation. This experimentation lead to a new species called the Quermians. Eventually the geneticist abandoned both species, fearing the wrath of the Old Republic.
Although vastly different in size, the Quermians continued to share many qualities with their smaller cousins. Both possessed their elongated necks for peering above mats of vegetation, while, from a purely sociological standpoint, both races preferred to hide their second set of arms under clothing for decorum's sake.
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Neither of the species would remain primitive, and were developing technologically advanced civilizations by the time Republic scouts contacted them. Both the Quermians and the Xexto joined the galactic community soon thereafter.
During the time of the Stark Hyperspace War, most Xexto hated both the Stark Commercial Combine and the Republic.
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They had 6 limbs that sprouted from their small centrally located torso along with a long neck and small head. They had 4 arms with 6 fingers each, and 2 legs with ten toes each. Their large almond shaped eyes were normally a dark purple or black. Their skin could range from chalk white to a pale yellow or purple. Their brain was split between two parts of their body; the part located in the skull controlled primitive emotions and basic body functions, while another portion in their chest controlled higher functions such as creative thinking and logic.
These spindly invertebrates normally measured from 1.1 meters to 1.5 meters or 3.6 to 4.9 feet in height.
Xexto age at the following stages:
1 - 4 Child
5 - 8 Young Adult
9 - 35 Adult
36 - 59 Middle Age
60 - 74 Old
Examples of Names: Billibango, Freon Drevon, Gasgano, Medeon Holovar, Olot Aleego.
Languages: Most Xexto were fluent in both Xextese and Basic, although they were only literate in their own language.
"Challat" meant "flesh" in Xextese.
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She is asserting dominance.
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dramaticeyerolls · 5 years
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Inktober day 18! The Xextese are an arboreal race of thrill seekers. Although they are defined by their bravery and dare devil life styles, they are equally levelheaded and even tempered. Their motor skills and basic functions are controlled in the brain part in their heads while the brain part in their chest cavities was the creative center. #inktober #inktober2019 #day18 #starwars #xexto #starwarscreatures #starwarsspecies #starwarshipster #illustration #inkonpaper #alongtimeagoinagalaxyfarfaraway https://www.instagram.com/p/B3yZ4N4H3Jx/?igshid=1leg2emhkosvs
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spacelingart · 6 years
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Nap in a Hammock
Speed paint commission for a client!
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coconut-orc · 6 years
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It was quite a harsh week, but I’ve managed to finish the drawing requests! Thank you all for letting me borrow your lovely characters. :> I have originally planned to take more, but since finishing these took me over two weeks already, I had to cut the final number of portraits down to seven. To all of you whose character was not featured - I might do this again later this year, stay tuned! :V
From upper left:
@wereleel‘s Gazelle ◈ @vikobelo‘s Altheanti ◈ @deer-head-xiris‘ Raubek ◈ @angryducktimemachine‘s Nicju ◈ @redtallin‘s Kharo ◈ @moonlitalien‘s Aawari ◈ @ordo-scriptus‘ Dolthé 
Background texture: Subtle Patterns
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sw5w · 10 months
Niai Fieso
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:03:08
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namedyoro-blog · 7 years
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Taug Matukin. Commission for Shorlixa.
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