#Xiao x fem!reader x Zhongli
genshinluvr · 1 year
Tragic Outcomes 6
Pairings: Xiao x fem!reader x Zhongli
Summary: It's Xiao's birthday! You and Zhongli plan on making almond tofu to celebrate Xiao's birthday. While you and Zhongli are waiting for Xiao to return, Xiao seems to be a little bit occupied with something on his end that's keeping him out late.
Note: Omg, an update for Tragic Outcomes after how long? I made this angst special for Xiao's (belated) birthday because why not? This chapter is very Zhongli-focused because ✨ Zhongli ✨ and I am biased /j I'm working on updating the individual character fics that haven't been updated in a while! :> I will be updating Ayato's fic next week! Ayato's fic is coming to an end! Not sure if this has painful angst like the first part, but you guys be the judge, I guess! Anyway, I don’t post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: Mostly fluff between Zhongli and the reader. Would this chapter be considered angst? Or maybe has light angst? Reader has to make a decision in the end.
Word Count: 7.5k
Tragic Outcomes chapters: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
You’re used to waking up alone in the morning. Xiao is usually awake before you are and would leave Wangshu Inn before dawn. But now, you wake up next to Zhongli. Sometimes you wish Xiao could wake up at the same time as you and Zhongli, but knowing his commitment to his duties, you don’t push him about it. It’s only seven in the morning, and you’re standing in the kitchen steeping tea for you and Zhongli. 
Zhongli walks up from behind you, wraps his arms around your waist, and rests his chin on your head. You let out a content sigh and relax in his arms, closing your eyes and breathing in his scent. Zhongli’s chest rumbles when he chuckles. Zhongli leans down and presses his lips against your temple, rocking the two of you side to side.
“How’d you sleep last night, dearest?” Zhongli murmurs into your ears.
You turn your head to the side and press your lips against his cheeks. “I slept well. Although, I would much rather be in bed instead,” you mutter, pouting at him playfully.
“That sounds like a nice day, but if my memory is correct, today is a special day for a certain Adeptus,” Zhongli says, nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
You freeze in Zhongli’s arms and rest your head on Zhongli’s shoulders. Today is a special day for a certain Adeptus, according to Zhongli. Your memory has gotten slightly worse ever since the… incident a while back. You waddle over to the calendar with Zhongli latching to your back. You scan your eyes on the calendar and see a specific date circled with small doodles of a birthday cake and birthday hat on the particular date. 
You turn to Zhongli, cupping his face in your hands. “It’s Xiao’s birthday!” You exclaim.
“Yes, that is correct,” Zhongli says, his cheek squished in your hands. “Do you have anything planned in mind for his birthday?” Zhongli asks.
The timer chimes, startling you. You release Zhongli’s face from your hands and walk over to the tea and pull the teabags out from the teacups, tossing them into the trash. Zhongli leans against the counter, watching you pour a small amount of sugar into your and his tea. 
Xiao isn’t the type to be interested in a huge birthday celebration. Maybe a small gathering is something he would be interested in. Still, other than that, it’s usually just you and him that celebrate his birthday.  You slide the teacup over in Zhongli’s direction and pucker your lips, contemplating how you’ll celebrate Xiao’s birthday this year.
“Well, I usually make almond tofu for Xiao to eat on his birthday. It’s usually just the two of us celebrating his birthday rather than having a big celebration,” you reply, lightly blowing on the tea and taking small sips.
Zhongli nods, sipping his tea. “Do you, perhaps, need any assistance with preparing?” Zhongli asks, his cheeks slowly turning pink.
“I don’t know! Don’t you have work today, Mister Consultant?” You ask, poking the former Geo Archon’s chest while hiding your smile behind your teacup.
Zhongli clears his throat, puts his teacup back on the saucer, and pulls you toward him. You nestle up against Zhongli and look at him through your lashes. Zhongli places his index finger under your chin and tilts your head up. Zhongli slowly leans down to kiss you, but the door to the Inn’s room slams open, startling you and Zhongli.
Childe walks through the entrance with a huge smile on his face. You and Zhongli step away from each other. You put your teacup down while Zhongli lifts his teacup to his lips and takes deep gulps of the tea. It’s too early to deal with Childe and his shenanigans, but as his friend, you and Zhongli learned to deal with the ginger-haired Harbinger. 
“So! How did that little meeting with the Adeptis go? Meet anyone cool or learn anything new?” Childe asks, hopping up on the island and sitting on it, swinging his legs back and forth.
You and Zhongli trade look with each other. You make a so-so gesture.
“Kind of? It’s more information than what I knew before, but it’s not enough. If that makes sense,” you said.
Childe’s face pinches up, and he shakes his head. “I’m going to be honest with you, [Y/N]. That doesn’t make sense.”
“Fair enough,” you sigh. “The information given to me is helpful, but I wanted to know more about my parents and the things that happened before I was sealed away and before they died,” you said, stroking your chin.
“Like in detail? If so, I’m pretty sure Mister Zhongli over there have some answers since he has much knowledge of Liyue’s history and of the Adeptis,” Childe says, gesturing in Zhongli’s direction.
You stare at Childe blankly and look at Zhongli from the corner of your eyes. Is Childe hinting that he knows that Zhongli is the (former) Geo Archon, or is he just mentioning that Zhongli knows a lot of things? You rub your temples and shake your head.
“Listen, Childe, as much as I would love to talk about what I learned about my deceased parents, I have things to do,” you said, pulling the curtains of the kitchen open and letting the light pour into the room.
Childe perks up and looks at you with interest and curiosity, hopping off the counter and walking over to where you stand. Zhongli continues to sip his tea while eyeing Childe closely. You open the cupboards and pull out a plate. You’re planning on making almond tofu for Xiao to eat. Although, you’re not entirely sure if you have enough ingredients to make a lot of almond tofu. You walk over to the pantry, pulling out a bag of almonds. You shake the bag and weigh them in your hands. 
Childe peeks his head into the pantry. “What are you doing in there?” Childe asks, leaning against the door frame.
“We’re going to need to buy more almonds,” you murmur.
You walk out of the pantry, and place the almonds on the counter, then walk to the refrigerator. You open the fridge and stick your head inside, searching high and low for milk. You grab the small bottle of milk and sigh, grumbling about having to spend more Mora on Xiao’s birthday to make him his favorite food for his birthday. 
“I’m debating whether I should make almond tofu with what I have and go to the market to buy some more ingredients after. Or go to the market now and make almond tofu once I have more ingredients,” you mutter, putting the milk on the counter beside the almonds.
“It’s all up to you, dearest. Do you think Xiao would eat that much almond tofu? I think you have enough for one plate,” Zhongli says, untying the rubber band.
Childe grabs the milk bottle and holds it up, then glances over at the bag of almonds in Zhongli’s hands while squinting his eyes.
You raise your eyebrows at Childe. “What are you thinking?” You ask, propping your hands on your hips.
“You don’t have enough milk for one plate of almond tofu. It’s barely enough. You and Mister Zhongli can stay here while I go out and get some milk for you two.” Childe offers, putting the milk back down on the counter.
Childe? Getting milk for you to make Xiao almond tofu? Childe turns to leave, but you quickly grab onto his wrist, and you shake your head. Childe and Zhongli look at you, surprised. Their eyebrows are either raised or furrowing with confusion. You release Childe’s wrist from your grasp and clear your throat.
“Thank you for the offer, Childe, but I got this! I’ll go out into Liyue Harbor and buy some milk and maybe some extra almonds!” You say.
Childe puckers his lips. “Hey, come on! I offered to buy you milk to make your little Adpetus boyfriend some birthday almond tofu, but you declined that offer?” Childe asks.
The way Childe looks at you reminds you of a kicked puppy. He’s batting his eyelashes at you while giving you puppy dog eyes, his bottom lip jutting out. Zhongli rolls his eyes at Childe, crossing his arms over his chest. You snort and flick Childe’s nose, making him flinch and scowl at you while rubbing his nose.
You sigh and look over at the almonds and milk on the counter. “As much as I appreciate your offer and your volunteering, how do I know if you won’t poison the milk?” You ask.
Childe lets out an offended gasp, pressing his right hand against his chest. “How dare you assume I would do such a thing! For your information, I would never poison an Adeptus!” Childe says, sticking his nose in the air with a ‘hmph!’
You glare at Childe and cross your arms over your chest. You know Childe and his distaste toward your Adeptus boyfriend. There’s a possible chance Childe will try to poison Xiao, but knowing Childe, he’s more calculated about it and will take his time with slowly killing someone he doesn’t like.
“How about this! How about you keep Zhongli and me company while we go to the market to buy more milk and almonds?” You suggest. 
You walk back to the kitchen counter to put the milk back in the refrigerator and the almonds back into the pantry. Childe makes a disgruntled noise and flops on the couch in the living room, ignoring the amused look Zhongli has on his face. 
“Well? What’s your answer?” You ask, walking to the living room with Zhongli by your side.
Childe grumbles and props himself up on the couch, staring at you and Zhongli blankly. The two of you stare at Childe in return, waiting for his answer. Childe sighs loudly, dragging it out before flopping back on the couch; his long legs dangling off the edge of the sofa.
Childe runs his fingers through his hair. “I would love to join you two, but I’m going to be a third wheel!” Childe says dramatically.
“You’re not going to be a third wheel, Childe.” You deadpan.
“You two only want me to tag along because I’ll be your human wallet and pay for the groceries!” Childe says, getting off the couch and pointing an accusing finger at you and Zhongli.
You groan loudly and look over at the clock on the wall to check the time. It’s nearing eight in the morning, and you need to head down to Liyue Harbor and buy milk and almonds (and maybe other groceries) before many people start to show up. 
You pinch the bridge of your nose and exhale sharply through your nostrils. You’re trying your hardest not to stomp over to where Childe is sitting just to smack Childe upside of his head for making things complicated for you. 
“You know what, Childe? You don’t have to join Zhongli and me. It’ll be just the two of us while you do your Fatui Harbinger duties,” you say, walking over to the door and grabbing your satchel.
“What?!” Childe asks, looking at you with disbelief.
You nod without looking at Childe, putting your shoes on. “You heard me! Since you decide to be a little shithead and make things complicated for Zhongli and me, you might as well tend to your Harbinger duties while Zhongli and I are shopping,” you say, gesturing for Zhongli to come over.
Zhongli walks past Childe, ignoring the dramatic pout on Childe’s face. You snort and shake your head, reaching your hand out toward Zhongli. Zhongli grabs your hand and pulls you to his chest, wrapping his arms around your waist. Childe scrunches his nose at the sight of you and Zhongli cozying up to each other.
Childe clears his throat. “You know what? I will do that! You two have fun at the market!” Childe says, waving his hands around.
Childe is the first person to walk out the door while you and Zhongli follow after. You lock the door behind you, and the two of you set off to Liyue Harbor. At Liyue Harbor, there weren’t as many people as you expected, which is a huge relief. But there’s still a decent amount of people roaming around Liyue Harbor, making it a little bit complicated to get to the shops you want to visit for the key ingredients you need for almond tofu.
Zhongli keeps his hands on your hips while the two of you navigate through people, searching for a specific shop. You feel warmth blooming in your chest; the feeling of Zhongli’s hands on your hips and the lack of gap between your and his body makes you feel some type of way. 
“We’re here,” Zhongli says, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
You and Zhongli stand in front of the vendor, searching for the almond. While you’re searching for the bags of almonds, Zhongli quietly converses with the food vendor before you two. You hear Zhongli chuckle, causing you to look up. The two of you make eye contact for a brief second. Zhongli smiles at you and looks at the vendor, nodding his head while talking about his favorite Liyue cuisine before adding in how both of you are searching for almonds and milk to cook almond tofu for Xiao’s birthday.
The vendor’s eyes light up. “Oh! Are you two making almond tofu for your son’s birthday?” The vendor asks, smiling at you and Zhongli.
Zhongli’s eyes widen slightly. “Son?” Zhongli asks.
The vendor nods his head. “Yes! You say his name is Xiao, right?” The vendor asks, tilting his head to the side.
You clear your throat and look away shyly, heat rushing to your face after hearing the vendor’s comment. You’re unsure how to answer the vendor’s question. Would the vendor judge you for dating both Zhongli and Xiao? You’ve chatted with the vendor before, but he doesn’t know about your relationship with Xiao. 
Since you’re here with Zhongli, he must’ve assumed that Xiao is your and Zhongli’s son. You don’t know how he interpreted that when there’s no wedding ring on your and Zhongli’s left ring fingers.
“Mister Dongsheng, you have mistaken! Xiao isn’t my and Zhongli’s son!” You say, frantically searching for the almonds with your eyes. “Anyway! I would like to buy one hundred almonds and one hundred bottles of milk, please!”
Zhongli’s eyes widen. “One hundred?” Zhongli murmurs.
“One hundred milk and almonds?” Dongsheng, the owner of Second Life, asks. 
Zhongli leans down and whispers into your ears, “Dearest, I thought we were getting the number of almonds and milk needed for the almond tofu you’ll be making.
You shrug your shoulders with a sigh. “I might as well buy them all just in case I want to cook something with the milk and almonds!” You reply.
“But do you need that much milk? They expire fast,” Zhongli says, stroking his chin.
You pause and pucker your lips, debating with yourself if you should buy one hundred bottles of milk or not. Zhongli’s not wrong, considering you can fit a few milk bottles in the fridge. Why did you think about buying one hundred anyway other than to divert the conversation elsewhere with the owner of Second Life?
“Right! Then I’ll take ten bottles of milk then! While I will use them for the almond tofu, I’ll use the extras for something else,” you said. 
Dongsheng looks at you and hesitates for a moment. “And what about the almonds? Are you going to buy one hundred bags of almonds as well, or the same amount as the milk?” He asks.
You sigh in defeat. “The same amount as the milk bottles,” you answer.
Dongsheng smiles at you and Zhongli before getting you the almonds and milk bottles. Zhongli gives your hips a squeeze and reaches for the bags that contain the almonds and bottles of milk from Dongsheng. You reach into your satchel and pull out the bag of Mora, handing the total price of Mora to him.
You and Zhongli bid Dongsheng goodbye before making your way back to Wangshu Inn. You and Zhongli walk beside each other. The day has barely started, and you’re already feeling flustered because of one mistake by someone that isn’t you or Zhongli. Zhongli grabs your wrist, making you stop in your tracks. You turn and look at Zhongli curiously.
“Why don’t we relax for a little bit before returning to Wangshu Inn?” Zhongli suggests, pulling you over toward the concrete bench. “After all, it’s still early in the morning, and there’s no need to rush back to the Inn.”
“Hm… alright! We can rest for a bit before returning to Wangshu Inn!” You nod, smiling at the ex-Archon.
Zhongli places the bags of milk and almonds on the ground beside his feet while the two of you sit and look out toward the sea. Two birds land a few feet in front of you and Zhongli, bouncing around and standing beside each other. You and Zhongli watch the two finches interact with each other.
“They’re so round and cute,” you whisper.
After not hearing a response, or a sound, from Zhongli, you turn to face the dark-haired man, only to see him staring down at you. Your face turns warm, and you loop your arm around his, leaning against him while trying to cover your red face. Zhongli grabs you by the chin and tilts your head up. 
The two of you stare into each other’s eyes. Your gaze quickly falls to Zhongli’s lips before looking into his eyes. Zhongli smiles and leans down to kiss you. Before Zhongli’s lips could touch yours, you and Zhongli felt arms over your shoulders.
“It’s a beautiful day out at Liyue Harbor, isn’t it? It’s warm and sunny outside with a nice cool breeze accompanying it!” Childe exclaims, startling you and Zhongli.
You and Zhongli flinch and pull away from each other, looking away with a sigh. Zhongli gives Childe a fake smile and clears his throat.
“Childe! You have an interesting timing there,” Zhongli says, looking away from Childe.
Childe grins at Zhongli cheekily and nods, weaseling his way to sit between you and Zhongli. You and Zhongli grumble under your breath while scooting over to give Childe space to sit in between you two. What’s with Childe and being a cockblock? You and Zhongli don’t mind having Childe around— after all, he is the reason why you and Zhongli got together in the first place. But it’s just… you want some alone time with Zhongli. Sitting on the concrete bench, watching birds fly and hop around with each other before returning to Wangshu Inn to make almond tofu for Xiao’s birthday is something you want to do uninterrupted.
Childe sighs loudly and leans back on the bench. “I saw you two here and wanted to stop by and say hi before going to the Northland Bank!” Childe says nonchalantly, brushing his fringe away from his eyes.
You turn to look at Childe quizzically. “You left before we did. I thought you’d be at Northland Bank before Zhongli and I arrived at Second Life for the almonds and bottles of milk,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest.
Childe chuckles and shrugs. “I had to stop by somewhere to handle a business. You know, life as a Fatui Harbinger isn’t as easy as it seems. I have some Fatui trainees to train later today after completing some paperwork, so I won’t be able to stop by and celebrate the little twerp’s birthday with you and Mister Zhongli today,” Childe sighs dramatically. 
You scoff and elbow Childe in the gut before getting up from the bench and dusting your clothes. “I believe that’s enough relaxing for today. Zhongli and I have almond tofu to make, and you have Fatui duties to tend to!” You said, turning to look at the two men before you.
Zhongli and Childe get up from the bench. Zhongli reaches down and grabs the bags of almonds and milk from the ground, holding his arm out for you to take. You link your arm around Zhongli’s and give Childe a smile.
Childe pouts at you and extends his arms out. “What? You’re not going to give your brother figure a hug before leaving?” Childe asks, batting his eyelashes at you. 
You roll your eyes playfully and unlink your arms from Zhongli’s before walking over to the ginger-haired Harbinger. You wrap your arms around his waist and let out a strained grunt when Childe hugs you tightly, ruffling your hair with a shit-eating grin on his face. Childe releases you after ten seconds, watching you return to Zhongli’s side while fixing your disheveled hair.
You grab Zhongli’s wrist and begin tugging him toward the entrance of Liyue that leads to Wangshu Inn. “Bye, Childe! I’ll see you next time!” You say, patting his arm.
Zhongli and Childe nod to each other when they walk by each other. While you and Zhongli are walking to the entrance of Liyue Harbor, Childe stops in his tracks and watches the two of you get farther away. Childe lets out a sigh and shakes his head, propping his hands on his hips.
“When will [Y/N] just break up with that Adeptus twerp? He doesn’t deserve her,” Childe mutters, turning to walk to Northland Bank.
Back at Wangshu Inn, you and Zhongli stand in the kitchen beside each other, making almond tofu for the beloved Adeptus, who protects Liyue from evil. While making almond tofu, Zhongli tells a story of his and Xiao’s past. Now that you think about it, if you weren’t sealed in amber by your parents, you would’ve known them during that time. But you were sealed away, and you grew up without your birth parents— raised to be human instead of an Adeptus.
“Do you think this is enough? I don’t want us to make too many only for Xiao to not finish it all,” you mutter. You look over at the plate with many almond tofu stacked on top of each other.
Zhongli hums. “That would depend. Are we going to be eating them as well, or is it only for Xiao?” Zhongli asks, washing his hands under the tap water.
You can’t help but stare at Zhongli’s arms. Zhongli took his coat off before the both of you began making almond tofu for Xiao’s birthday. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, his gloves are off, and you can see the veins protruding from his arms. 
You snap out of your thoughts and blink at Zhongli owlishly with wide eyes. Zhongli looks at you curiously, his eyebrows raised, the corner of his lips curling up. You clear your throat and look away, rubbing the back of your neck.
“We can eat some of the almond tofu! I don’t think Xiao can eat all of this on his own, so we might as well have some! Of course, almond tofu won’t be the only thing we’ll be eating. Speaking of eating, we should make something for us to eat now. I’m starting to get hungry,” you say.
You turn around and walk to the pantry, searching for something to cook for you and Zhongli to eat while waiting for Xiao to return from his duties. You stand in the pantry, eyeing every ingredient while stroking your chin. Zhongli snakes his arms around your waist and presses his chest against your back, resting his chin on your head.
“You seem distracted a few minutes ago,” Zhongli murmurs.
You clear your throat for the umpteenth time. “I was, uh, thinking about food! After all, we did leave Wangshu Inn without having breakfast other than tea. I’m starting to feel famished,” you lie.
“What do you want to eat? Do you have anything in mind?” Zhongli asks, tilting his head over and peppering kisses on the side of your neck.
You pucker your lips, and your eyes land on the bamboo shoots. Your eyes light up, and you waddle to the bamboo shoots with Zhongli behind you. You grab the bamboo shoots and look up at Zhongli, lifting the bamboo shoots to Zhongli’s face. 
You poke him in the chest. “I would like to have your specialty!” You say, handing the bamboo shoots over to Zhongli. “It’s been a while since I’ve had bamboo shoot soup.”
Zhongli grabs the bamboo shoots from your grasp, and pecks your cheek. “If that’s what you desire, then I shall make them for you,” Zhongli says.
Zhongli walks out of the pantry with you following close behind. You watch Zhongli prepare the ingredients. Archons, Zhongli somehow manages to make cooking look attractive. It’s making you feel tingly on the inside. You shake your head and lightly slap your forehead. You walk over to where Zhongli stands and begin to help him prepare and cook the bamboo shoot soup. But before doing so, you walk to the almond tofu and put them in the refrigerator.
“What time do you think Xiao will return to Wangshu Inn? We wouldn’t want the almond tofu to sit in the refrigerator for a long time,” Zhongli murmurs, turning the stove on and placing the pot over the stove.
You shrug your shoulders. “I don’t know. Xiao doesn’t have a consistent time on when he’d return to Wangshu Inn after his duties. He usually returns whenever,” you say.
Zhongli pauses and stares at the pot with furrowed eyebrows. “Is that so? So there’s no specific time on when he gets home?” Zhongli murmurs.
You nod. “That’s correct! At first, it was a little bit…. Frustrating? That’s not the right word, but you know what I mean. It’s only frustrating because when I try to stay up until he gets home, it would be almost four in the morning, maybe five,” you reply.
“Will you be doing the same thing today for his birthday?” Zhongli asks, turning to look at you.
You poke the inside of your cheek with your tongue. It is Xiao’s birthday, and you usually stay up until he gets home from his duties. That was before the whole incident happened, and now you would go to bed before he gets home because, well, you have Zhongli with you now. 
“I’m going to try to stay up late, yes! But if he ends up coming home late, which I hope he doesn’t, then I’ll go to bed!” You say.
Zhongli stares at you before letting a long exhale through his nose, nodding. If you’re going to be staying up late to greet Xiao on his birthday and to celebrate his birthday, Zhongli might as well do the same. After all, Adeptis and Archons don’t need sleep, so staying up late shouldn’t be an issue for Zhongli. However, because you were raised by mortals, Zhongli’s unsure if you’ll be able to stay up past five in the morning.
The day ends up flying by before your and Zhongli’s eyes. Before you know it, you’re setting the table up and taking the almond tofu out from the refrigerator, placing them on the table. Zhongli suggested decorating the living area to surprise Xiao, and the two of you went out into the market to get decorations. 
“Do you think Xiao will like it?” You ask, turning to look at Zhongli.
Zhongli smiles and kisses the side of your head. “He’ll love it,” Zhongli murmurs, pulling you to his chest and snaking his arms around your waist.
Zhongli looks at the clock and sees it’s almost eight in the evening. You and Zhongli sit at the table, quietly conversing with each other while adjusting the table and almond tofu here and there while waiting for Xiao to show up.
While you and Zhongli are waiting for Xiao to make an appearance at Wangshu Inn, Xiao is sitting on the highest mountain in Liyue, looking at the view. Xiao finished his duty not too long ago, and now he’s having a breather. Today is his birthday, the day is coming to a close, and it’s time he heads home to you (and Zhongli).
A twig snaps behind Xiao, causing him to turn his head sharply in the direction where the sound came from. Xiao’s polearm materializes in his hands and prepares to lunge toward the direction of the twig snapping, but pauses when he sees Lumine standing there.
Xiao swallows a lump in his throat. “Lumine, what are you doing here?” He asks, staring at the blonde girl before him.
Lumine tucks her hair behind her ear and clears her throat softly. “I came here to wish you a happy birthday, Xiao.” Lumine smiles at the Adeptus and takes a small step toward him. 
“How did you know I was here?” Xiao demands, narrowing his eyes at Lumine.
Lumine looks away from Xiao and gazes up at the stars that hang above them. When Lumine didn’t answer him, Xiao let out a frustrated sigh and put his polearm away. Before Xiao could open his mouth to speak, rapid footsteps approached Xiao and Lumine, making the two look in the direction of where the footsteps were coming from.
Aether pants and puts his hands on both his knees, glaring at Lumine. “Lumine! I told you not to run off, and this is where I find you!?” Aether exclaims, propping his hands on his hips.
Lumine rolls her eyes. “Oh, please, Aether. You go on adventures with Dainsleif all the time, and yet you can barely catch up with me?” Lumine snickers, ignoring the glare Aether shoots in her direction. 
“I wanted to be alone,” Xiao states, crossing his arms over his chest.
Aether gives Xiao a sympathetic smile while Lumine pulls a container out of her bag. Xiao looks at Lumine curiously and holds his hands out when Lumine gestures for him to do so. Lumine places the container on Xiao’s hands and watches the Conquerer of Demons open the container.
“You made almond tofu for me,” Xiao murmurs.
Lumine smiles and nods. “I wanted to make your favorite dish for your birthday. I didn’t know if you had anything to eat today while you were out protecting Liyue,” Lumine says, twirling her hair around her index finger.
Xiao stares at Lumine, then looks at the container of almond tofu in his hands. Xiao nods and mutters a silent thank you to the blonde girl. 
“Is it okay if I hang out with you while you eat your almond tofu? I don’t want you to eat your almond tofu alone on the day of your birth,” Lumine says.
Aether stares at Lumine like she grew two more heads. Xiao sighs and nods, walking away from the twins and sitting at the edge of the mountain. Lumine sits beside Xiaom, keeping a decent size gap between them. Aether looks up at the night sky and mouths, “I’m sorry, [Y/N],” to himself before sitting beside Xiao.
Back at Wangshu Inn, you yawn and lean against Zhongli, rubbing your eyes. The almond tofu is getting warm the more time goes by. You can’t help but glance at the clock every few minutes, hoping Xiao will show up so the three of you can celebrate his birthday. You lean on the table and close your eyes, yawning for the umpteenth time.
Zhongli sighs and rubs your back. “Dearest, if you’re tired, we can go to bed,” Zhongli murmurs.
You shake your head stubbornly. “I’m okay, Zhongli. I can stay up for a few more hours and wait for Xiao to come home,” you reply.
Time seemed to have gone by so fast because you recalled that it was only eight in the evening. Now when you look at the clock, you notice that it’s almost midnight. Once the clock strikes midnight, it will no longer be Xiao’s birthday. You know Xiao is busy protecting Liyue. Therefore, you’re not going to be upset if he ends up coming home past midnight. After all, he’s always busy with his duties.
“I’ll be right back. You two, don’t go anywhere! I think I dropped something on my way up here,” Aether says, getting up from the ground and dusting dirt off his pants.
Xiao and Lumine stand up.
“Do you want us to come with you? It’s dark out, and we don’t want you to get hurt,” Lumine says, gazing at her brother worriedly. 
Aether shakes his head. “Nah! It’s okay! Plus, I won’t be far or be gone for a long time,” Aether replies.
Lumine and Xiao watch Aether scurry off into the night. Xiao takes a deep breath and turns to look at the view before him and Lumine.
“Thank you for keeping me company on my birthday. Even though it wasn’t necessary, I appreciate it,” Xiao murmurs.
Lumine smiles bashfully and rubs her arm. “You’re welcome! Uh…. I was hesitant to come here because I didn’t want to disturb you. But thinking about you and celebrating your birthday alone motivated me to follow my plan,” Lumine says.
A small smile appears on Xiao’s face. “Thank you, I appreciate it, really.”
Lumine looks at Xiao with wide eyes, her cheeks turning bright red after seeing the tiny smile on his face. Lumine looks away shyly and spots a lone flower from a distance. Xiao follows Lumine’s line of sight and sees the Qingxin flower. Xiao walks over to the flower without saying a word, plucks it from the ground, and walks to Lumine. Lumine looks at Xiao with curiosity, tilting her head to the side. 
Xiao hands the flower to Lumine. “Having you around would make even Qingxin feel like a treat. The beauty of the Qingxin is nothing compared to yours,” Xiao murmurs.
Lumine looks at Xiao with wide eyes, her breath caught in her throat. She gulps and grabs the flower from Xiao’s hands, her eyes falling to Xiao’s lips. Xiao brushes a stray hair from Lumine’s face, tucking them behind her ears. Lumine’s heart is beating so fast and so loud that she wouldn’t be surprised if Xiao could hear it.
Lumine closes her eyes and leans toward Xiao, her lips grazing his. Before Lumine can press her lips against his, someone clears their throat loudly. Xiao turns away and looks at Aether, who lets out a loud ‘ahem’ after witnessing what happened. Lumine tenses up and glares at Aether, slowly backing away from Xiao.
Aether approaches the two with a strained smile. “I believe it’s getting late! You should head back to Wangshu Inn! I’m pretty sure there’s someone else that’s waiting for you. And by someone, I mean your girlfriend,” Aether says through clenched jaws. 
“He doesn’t have to if he doesn’t want to, Aether!” Lumine exclaims, glaring at Aether while gripping the Qingxin flower tightly. “Besides! He already celebrated his birthday with me— I mean us!” Lumine huffs.
Aether rolls his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Xiao, you’re a dear friend of mine, but I…” Aether trails off, shaking his head. “I can’t believe you’d do this to someone you claim to love. You either pick my sister, or you pick [Y/N]. You can’t have both at once, especially when my sister tried to kill your girlfriend,” Aether says.
Lumine stomps toward Aether and shoves him. “Why are you bringing this up now, huh? It’s Xiao’s birthday, and he shouldn’t be dealing with this right now!” Lumine says. “Plus, if he’s not allowed to have both me and [Y/N], then how come [Y/N] can have him and Zhongli!? Do you even hear yourself, Aether!? Why are you on her side and not mine!?” Lumine shrieks.
“It was his birthday, Lumine. It’s midnight now, and he should’ve been spending his birthday with his girlfriend too. She’s probably waiting for him back at Wangshu Inn right now!” Aether exclaims, throwing his hands in the air out of frustration. 
It’s past midnight, and you feel your eyelids grow heavier with each passing minute. Zhongli’s in the kitchen, brewing tea for you to drink. You lay your head on the table and close your eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep. Zhongli walks into the dining room and places the cup of tea before you. 
“Dearest, you should go to sleep. It’s getting late, and I’m afraid you won’t be able to stay up any longer waiting for Xiao,” Zhongli says.
You sit up and stretch your arms in the air with a yawn. “It’s okay, Zhongli. I don’t want to miss out on celebrating Xiao’s birthday,” you say.
Zhongli exhales through his nostrils and pinches the bridge of his nose. “If you insist,” Zhongli murmurs, sitting beside you.
You rest your head on Zhongli’s shoulders and reach for the teacup. You hold the cup before your face and blow on the hot tea. It’s normal for you to not be able to stay up later than midnight. You want to stay up until Xiao gets home from his duties so you can at least tell him a happy birthday, well, belated birthday, since it’s past midnight now. You gulp down the tea and put the teacup back on the saucer, and wrap your arms around Zhongli’s waist.
“Did I make a mistake?” You ask, barely above a whisper.
Zhongli makes a confused noise and looks at you quizzically. “What do you mean?” Zhongli brushes your hair away from your face.
You stare at Zhongli, not saying a word. Your heart hurts, and even if you have Zhongli present with you at Wangshu Inn, being at the Inn while Xiao is out and about doing, who knows what makes your heart hurt. You can’t help but doubt your relationship with Xiao, asking yourself if it is still salvageable. 
You bite your lower lip and hug Zhongli tightly. “Let’s go to bed,” you whisper, tugging on his shirt.
Zhongli nods, getting up from the couch with you latching to his side. Zhongli wraps his arm over your shoulders and guides you to the bedroom. You and Zhongli collapse on the bed, you lying in his arms while he’s carding his fingers through your hair. 
You lean up and kiss his jaws, giving him a small smile before snuggling into the crook of his neck. Zhongli smiles and kisses your forehead, watching you slowly drift off to sleep. Zhongli closes his eyes and begins to fall asleep, wondering what’s keeping Xiao out for so long. Zhongli shakes his head, pulling the blanket up to his and your torso.
Zhongli doesn’t know how long he and you have been asleep. The sound coming from the living area roused him from his sleep. Zhongli slowly gets up from bed, kissing your forehead before walking to the living room where the sound came from. Zhongli steps out of the room and quietly closes the door behind him, walking toward the living area.
Xiao freezes in his spot when he sees Zhongli enter the room while he is inspecting the decorated room. The thing that caught Xiao’s eyes was a small cupcake in the center of the table, the candle on the cupcake was blown out, and the almond tofu was warm and untouched. A tsunami of guilt hits Xiao, making him clench his fist and crushing the flower in his hands. 
Zhongli leans against the archway of the room, his arms crossed over his chest while gazing at the Yaksha— his face void of emotions. 
Xiao whispers, “I apologize for not showing up on time.”
Zhongli shakes his head. “There’s no need to apologize, Xiao. It seems like you have already celebrated your birthday with someone else,” Zhongli’s eyes lock on the familiar flower in Xiao’s hands.
The very same flower a certain blonde Outlander has in her hair. Zhongli lets out a humorless hum and closes his eyes, leaning his head against the wall. All kinds of emotions rush through Zhongli simultaneously— anger, sadness, shock, and heartbreak. 
“I was going to return to the Inn, but Aether and Lumine showed up before I could, but it would be rude of me to leave,” Xiao says.
Zhongli holds his hand up to stop Xiao from continuing even further. “I’m not the person you should be explaining this to, Xiao. It is [Y/N] you should be worrying about, not me.”
The two men stare at each other in silence. What else is there to say? Xiao returned to Wangshu Inn late, past his birthday, when you and Zhongli were waiting for his return. You and Zhongli made almond tofu for his birthday, went out of your way to add minimal birthday decoration in the living area, and a cupcake with a single candle stuck in the center of the cupcake. 
And what was Xiao doing while you and Zhongli were waiting at Wangshu Inn? He was celebrating his birthday with the same girl that nearly killed you, the same girl with feelings for him, and the same girl he almost kissed before Aether interrupted. Xiao sighs and runs his gloved hands through his hair, cursing under his breath while Zhongli continues to stare at him with an unreadable expression.
The door to the bedroom creaks open. The two men turn towards the door and see you emerging from the dark bedroom, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You look at Xiao and Zhongli cluelessly, wondering why the two men look like they’re about to kill each other. Well, Zhongli looks like he wants to kill someone. Xiao looks incredibly guilty and nervous.
“Xiao, you’re back. I, uh, I tried to stay up late to wish you a happy birthday, but—”
Xiao cuts you off.
“Why did you try to stay up and wait for me? There’s no need for you to do it at all, and yet here you are, losing sleep because you wanted to wait for my return,” Xiao narrows his eyes at you, crossing his arms over his chest.
You visibly deflate and sigh in defeat, your gaze falling to the ground. You swallow the lump in your throat and open your mouth to respond, but the flower peeking from behind Xiao’s arms catches your attention. You stare at the flower and point at it with shaking hands.
“That flower….” you trail off. “You were with her this entire time.”
Xiao lets out a sigh. “I can explain,” he starts.
You shake your head. “There’s no need to explain, Xiao. It seems like you have already made your decision,” you give Xiao a weak smile. “I’m too tired to fight and argue right now. I’m going back to sleep.”
You look at Zhongli, who stares at you intently. You hold your hand out, making grabby motions. Zhongli pushes himself off the wall and walks toward you without sparing Xiao a second glance. He grabs your hand, and the two of you return to the bedroom, closing the door. Xiao stands in the living room alone. Xiao lets the flower drop to the ground, slowly approaching the table where the cupcake and almond tofu are waiting for him.
You plop on the bed and stare at the ground. Zhongli sits beside you and wraps his arm over your shoulder, pulling you to his side. You rest your head on Zhongli’s shoulders and close your eyes. You want to cry and scream, but you’re exhausted. 
“I don’t know how much longer this will last, Zhongli. I think I lost Xiao to her already, and he’s only with me because he sees I have other options that aren’t him.” 
Zhongli looks at you curiously. “What are you implying?” Zhongli murmurs.
“It’s not fair for either of us if this continues. Xiao made his decision long ago, and I needed to accept it. He’s only with me because he doesn’t want me to be with you. And I stayed with him because I didn’t want to lose him to someone better than me, but I’m only hurting everyone if I stay.”
You open your eyes and turn to Zhongli. Zhongli wipes the stray tear that made its way down your cheek. You let out a weak and defeated sigh, grabbing Zhongli’s hand and circling your thumb over his knuckles.
Zhongli gives you a faint smile. “That decision is up to you, dearest. If you choose to stay, then stay. If not, then you leave. Whatever decision you make, I will always be there with you every step of the way.”
Your lips tremble as tears continue to pool in your eyes and spill down your cheeks. The problem is you’re unsure if you’re doing the right thing if you stay or leave. You love Xiao. He was your boyfriend before Zhongli was something to you other than an acquaintance. But you also love Zhongli just as much as you love Xiao. Zhongli has been at your side since the incident. He cared for you and protected you. 
You shrug your shoulders and shake your head. “I don’t know what to choose, Zhongli.”
How do you know if you’re making the right decision without hurting the people involved?
Note: Damn, it's been a few months since I've posted something for Tragic Outcomes, huh? I will be updating Caught in the Crossfire next week! It's coming to an end, and I want to give it a final "chapter" because I don't want it to end there. I'm not sure how much longer Tragic Outcomes will go on. I think it'll have about ten chapters, maybe? Who knows. Also! I am currently working on a mini-fic for the Isekai'd!Reader series right now! It should be out in a few hours since I am still working on it! Anyway! I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
My overall taglist: @deartoru, @luminarymoonlight, @exhaustedcommunist, @thelost-in-time, @hispasian-otaku, @samarill, @kazuhaprnt, @vinnie-w, @eliciana, @jjvr4yxc, @nightlysunn (Accounts that I was unable to tag have been removed. Those who don't want to be tagged in certain stories are not tagged in this particular post. Remember to check your settings if you're allowing people to mention you/tag you in posts or not)
Read more of my works on my Masterlist | Maybe support me by tipping me on Ko-Fi or by reblogging my fanfics! ^^ I will also be posting exclusive fanfics on Ko-Fi as well very soon! I might post all of my stories on there too, but who knows. You can also tip me on Tumblr if you'd like as a way to show support! ^^
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quimichi · 4 months
↳ ❝ [OPEN THE WINDOW] ¡! ❞
↳ Chat: Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3
characters: Pantalone, Thoma, Tighnari, Venti, Wriothesley, Xiao & Zhongli x F!Reader
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pearlywritings · 7 months
"Bring your kid to work" day
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synopsis: but sometimes it's very much unplanned.
pairing and characters: Zhongli x fem!reader, Xiao. Your family name is Rex-Lapis. Childe plays part in it too.
tw: modern AU, University AU, established relationship, fluff
word count: 2.8k+ words
a/n: Also a part of my University modern AU with history professor Zhongli
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The day started perfectly. Your older daughter was already at school with your permission to stay at her friend's house for a sleepover later, you had your day off, lounging in the living room with your son cuddling to you with his most favorite dragon shaped toy pressed between your bodies, listening to your husband walking around the bedroom, getting ready for the lectures at the University, being blessed with afternoon classes.
The day was perfect indeed. Until it absolutely isn't.
Sometimes you really want to kill your boss. It must be today that you are called to work to help with an emergency, that no one knows how to deal with except for you. And the fact that your boss does not consider any possibility of you having trouble with doing what's required, makes you fume harder.
"Li, I don't know what to do!" You cry in frustration, buttoning your shirt. "We can't find a babysitter in ten minutes! You have to go to work, I have to now too, we can't just ask Ganyu to cancel her plans, she's been waiting for this sleepover for weeks, and I can't take Xiao with me - by the sound of it I won't have a single moment to look after him."
It's been no longer than five minutes since you received that call, but you are already as stressed as after a week of non-stop work. Why must've the stars aligned this way!?
Your husband - bless his soul - is fully dressed and is holding your little son perched on his arm, supporting his back with a hand, watching your frantic movements with sympathy.
"I don't think I'll have many spare moments either, my love. Only breaks between lessons. Let me think," the man hums, leaning Xiao’s body more onto his shoulder and reaching for his phone with a free hand. The boy wraps arms around his neck, watching you brush your hair with a pout. The plan was to spend the whole day together with mama, watching cartoons, playing, maybe going for a walk or, ideally, taking a nap, finishing it all with making dinner and welcoming papa home. Now, it seems to him, all these plans are thrown out of the window.
However, Xiao was always a very perceptive and patient kid - he sensed somehow when the situation couldn’t be helped and him throwing a fit - not like he would - would only cause more trouble. That is why he is quietly waiting for what comes next.
And finally Zhongli finds a solution.
“I’m calling Ajax. He mostly spends time at the teacher’s lounge. As far as I know he really loves kids and has several younger siblings, he should be able to handle our son. And during breaks I’ll be taking over” “Oh,” as good as it all sounds, there is an instant hesitation in your mind. “‘Li, you sure you can ask him that? It’s a big deal after all…” “I know, dear, I know. That’s why I am calling him now in advance to make sure it’s alright,” your husband dials the number of his department’s secretary and puts the phone to the ear. “I don’t even mind paying him if he agrees.”
In reality you had nothing to worry about. The gingerhead was more than willing to watch your five-year old son. Maybe willing isn’t the right word even - the young man is excited.
Zhongli is lucky to arrive before the current class ends - the less attention is drawn, the better. He collected everything he could think of to occupy Xiao during his time at the lounge in a bag, which he passes to Ajax the moment his son and him are introduced. However while the secretary is wearing a wide and kind smile, the boy is glaring up at him from under the brown bangs, boring his strikingly golden eyes in the tall figure.
“Dad, I don’t like him,” the little boy pouts, hugging his plushie even tighter and throwing daggers at the gingerhead from behind the dragon’s mane.
“Ouch, little guy,” with a dramatic gasp, the young man clutches the shirt on his chest and presses the back of his hand to the forehead. “How will I live? Hated by Mr Rex-Lapis’ son…”
“Now, now, Xiao,” Zhongli gently pats his head, bending down to look into his eyes and finding displeasure there. “It’s only for today, baby. Me and mom are really sorry for not spending time with you today. I promise that soon I’ll be home for two whole weeks.”
To that the boy’s eyes widen.
“Two weeks… That’s fourteen days?”
“That’s right, sweety.”
“That’s a lot!” He jumps, elated by the news, no trace of dissatisfaction written over his cute smiling face.
“Haha, it is, dear.”
“Wow, Mr Rex-Lapis, your son is really smart!” The secretary stopped playing hurt, instead clapping his hands together in praise and nodding his head in approval. “How old is he?”
“He is five. Yes, he learns really fast.”
“No wonder, he has you and your wife as parents.”
The remaining 20 minutes before his first lecture Zhongli spends in attempts to make his son comfortable not only around Ajax, but also at the new place as well. All that time Xiao doesn’t let go of his ever-present companion - a toy dragon, which he is hugging close to his chest. He politely greets every professor that comes to the lounge, which makes the secretary’s jaw drop since he is the only one who’s been initially rejected and, Zhongli can swear, he saw his boy smirking in the toy’s fluffy mane.
Other professors can’t help but mention how much the son resembles the father, even making small talk with the boy, whom they’ve only heard about before or seen in the framed picture of your family on Zhongli’s desk. By how polite (sorry, Ajax) and shyly sweet he is Xiao quickly becomes everyone’s favorite, pockets currently full with all kinds of treats.
When it’s time to go, the man kisses Xiao’s forehead goodbye, promising to be back in an hour and a half for a break, and grabs the materials. Once he leaves alongside his colleagues, Xiao sighs and, ignoring his temporary caretaker, moves to the bag his dad left, starting to dig out all the candies to put them into its side pocket.
“Whatcha doin’, little guy?” The young man is at his side in two long strides, curiously watching the boy’s actions. Xiao gives him a side eye, before deeming the question plausible and turning back to his task.
“I don’t want them right now. I’ll bring them home and share with mom and dad.”
“I am sure they’ll like that,” Ajax hums, busying himself with the contents of the main section. “Oh, would you look at that! It seems that your dad packed some coloring books, toys and… oh, puzzles! You like puzzles?”
The boy quietly nods. Tiptoeing, he tries to see the two boxes his temporary caretaker is holding, and the young man immediately crouches down to let him look.
“This one is new,” Xiao finally points to the box in his left hand. Ocean blue eyes skim over the picture of a phoenix, drawn in a simple yet elegant style. Yes, that definitely looks like something Mr Rex-Lapis would’ve bought for his child’s entertainment.
“Alright, let's get you behind your dad's desk,” golden eyes sparkle and a glimpse of wonder appears on the boy’s face. Dad showed him his own space at the lounge; it's tidy and organized, with all the necessities sorted inside the drawers and some notes and pictures pinned to the corkboard on the wall to the left. He wants to see them closer!
His caretaker drags the chair back, but climbing on it Xiao performs himself. As Ajax is humming something while tearing off the tape on the puzzle box, the boy turns to look at the photos Mr Rex-Lapis has on display. It’s so funny, really - not so long ago this little fella’s father was an image of reserve to students, no one knew who his wife was or the fact he had two kids. The secretary remembers how just half a year ago he used to be among those only ones who knew of the professor’s secret (which, in reality, wasn’t a secret at all). Why hasn't he ever spilled any info to the students who adore him?
Well, what fun would’ve been in it?
“Is that your big sister?” Xiao quickly glances up, taking notice of how the tall (but not as tall as dad) man hovers over where he is sitting and points at one of the pictures. The boy looks at it again.
“...yes. It’s Ganyu.”
“I have a sister too,” the fond expression on that freckle-covered face and a seemingly lightened color of those ocean-blue eyes disarms the five-year old a little. He blinks, waiting for what more he can tell. “Not one actually. Oh, and I have brothers too. One is your age, by the way!”
“Doesn’t it get too… loud?” Small hands reach for the carton box, lifting the lid.
“It does, in a good way though. But when our two huskies join in on the fun… Let’s just say it’s a good thing we have our own house.”
“You have dogs? That’s so cool! I want to have a pet too,” Xiao unceremoniously empties the contents onto the table, yet carefully places the lid with the picture against the monitor of the computer. “Mom promised that when I get older, they’ll buy me a bird.”
“Oh? You love those?”
“Mhm… Maybe we’ll buy something as pretty as…” he pauses, looking at the fiery bird. Ajax quickly realizes the struggle.
“A fo-nuhks,” Xiao prompts.
“Yeah… A fee-niks.”
As the minutes tick by, the boy’s initial hostility seems to evaporate. He still doesn’t talk unnecessarily much, but he does talk to Ajax, so that's progress. He is quite quick to finish the puzzles, and his temporary caretaker makes sure to praise the child. They talk a bit more about their respective families, Xiao even introduces him to his dragon companion. And the gingerhead picks the small fox-shaped keychain his elder sister knitted for him to play toy pals.
For another half an hour it manages to entertain the boy, but as the end of the class is nearing, he grows more and more distracted, glancing either at the door or the clock hanging high on the wall. It’s not hard to guess he is missing his father and is anticipating his return, but both Zhongli and Ajax can do nothing to just speed the time.
What professor can do though, is excusing his class ten minutes earlier, quite happy they got to get through all the material he prepared for this lecture. Bidding the students goodbye, he locks the door of the auditorium with his suitcase inside and puts the key in the pocket of his fancy vest to come back in twenty minutes.
When Zhongli enters the teacher’s lounge, he finds the secretary showing his son something on his own laptop. However, once Xiao’s eyes spot his dad’s figure in the doorframe, the little guy is down from his chair and running all the way to the man.
“Dad!” Mr Rex-Lapis barely has time to close the door and scoot down to catch his son, who nearly bumps into his legs, threatening the man’s balance. Finally in his arms, with his own tiny ones tightly wrapped around strong neck, the carbon copy of Zhongli happily smiles and Ajax has to rub his eyes to make sure he is not hallucinating. Wow, this boy can smile like that (sorry, my guy, you are just not his favorite, though now tolerable at least).
“Hello, Xiao,” Zhongli plants an affectionate kiss on his son’s cheek. “I see you’ve missed me,” the words are answered with eager nods. “Did you have fun with Ajax?” At least some of it.
The gingerhead lifts his eyebrow when the boy looks back at him, holds the gaze of ocean blue eyes for a moment, and then turns to his father once more.
“I suppose.”
The older man has to clear his throat with a polite cough so as not to break into a smile at the image of the assistant's slack jaw.
“That’s good, my dear.”
“Are we coming home now?” His son wonders, fingers playing with the longer locks of dark brown. Unfortunately, the answer is a dejected sigh.
“I am afraid we are not yet, sweety. But mommy texted me recently that she’ll be able to come get you after my second lecture. And then I’ll have one more.”
At the promise of you soon arriving to take him home, Xiao’s just building pout quickly disappeared. It’s okay, he can wait for a little bit longer. And that fox-like man isn’t bad, his company is quite nice. He even showed him some pictures of his family - almost all of them are ginger. Oh, and he promised to download some simple games onto his dad’s computer so he could play. And he still has his coloring books back there and he believes he saw you packing a small book - there is plenty to entertain him with.
Only for all these thoughts and motivation to be shuttered when someone knocked on the door and a second later some student’s head pushed through the gap. None of the three people currently present in the room could’ve anticipated what a black hole is about to be opened.
“Good afternoon, is Mr Rex-La- Oh, professor, you are here! We were wondering if we could take the key to leave our bags inside? As always? Oh, hey kiddo- Wait, a kid???”
“Dad, who is it?”
Before anyone could do anything, loud gasps break their way into the lounge. It appeared that almost the whole group was standing in the hall and heard everything crystally clear. Of course students are curious. Of course, they know about professor Rex-Lapis’ kid - the news and that cute picture from an online lecture were still the talk of the whole faculty just a couple of months ago. Of course, they want to see those sweet cheeks for crying out loud!
Ajax is the one who has to get everyone who does not belong in the room out and calm them all down as more than a dozen youngsters beg and plead with Zhongli to bring his baby boy to the lecture. And the said baby boy doesn’t help the situation either, looking at his father with those striking eyes, silently asking to stay with him. “I’m gonna sit very-very quiet,” he even promises.
Is it really a surprise that Xiao ends up sitting at his dad’s desk with his coloring books while the man is reading a lecture? (Students almost crumbled when their tall, handsome, enigmatic history professor walked into the auditorium with his son’s tiny hand clasped in his? Look, he even had to bend his body a little to do so!)
And, as much as students want to gush all over their favorite professor’s small-sized carbon copy, they keep their best behavior, because the situation gives the “once in a century” vibes and they’d be damned to destroy the magic of the moment.
Well, maybe a little, because the smallest interactions between Zhongli and his son as the man lets his students finish writing down information from the current slide are mind-blowing. Groupchat-blowing too.
Even cuter the whole occurrence becomes when the boy stops drawing and lifts his head, curious of what his dad is speaking about. He turns slightly in order to see the presentation, golden eyes skimming over the pictures and words, though he does not understand most of it. But it’s alright though - he can listen to his father instead.
Zhongli is pleasantly surprised when no one can answer one of his revision questions and Xiao lifts his hand, giving him the answer he wanted (he misspells the word a little, sure, but he knew the right response nonetheless). Aaaand that’s probably when the students finally lose it.
By the time the lesson is over and Zhongli meets with you in the teacher’s lounge to pass your very happy and very proud son to you so you two could be on your merry way home, the man feels a little drained. Nothing that can’t be fixed by your tender cheek kiss and soft rubbing on his back, but he still exhales heavily and swears that when he comes home, you are in for a new story.
And by what Ajax had time to tell while you’ve been waiting, you're sure it’s going to be a hilarious one.
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taglist: @meimeimeirin Cause I remember how you once said you'd love to see more of this AU
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I’m bored thought about this at 4am had to write it down before I just forget about it completely
Genshin Men | What Makes Them Flustered
{diluc, xiao, gorou, kaeya, zhongli x fem!reader}
It’s a bit odd but when the two of you often take walks together, Diluc’s strides are longer than yours and you’re always slightly behind him. When that happens you grab onto the his sleeves of his coat he wore gently getting his attention. It would make him look back at you walking to his side. It made him a bit flustered bc it was cute yet he’d never admit to you.
Xiao was never a touchy guy that was until he met you but he kept it behind closed doors. You were more of the touchy, affectionate one. He thought he was used to you touching him yet he wasn’t bc one day something made him flustered. Standing out on the balcony you walked up behind and touched his bare back and greeted him. It made him shiver as his face turned red as he swatted away your hand and disappeared. It left you dumbfounded.
Since the two of you got together he’s given you permission to touch his tail but his ears were a different story. I find that his ears are more sensitive than his tail. You played with fire one day when you wondered why you couldn’t touch them. He flushed red when you reached up to touch his ears when you both alone together and you think you heard a whimper come from him then Gorou tried to swat your hands away while barking at you to stop.
Not many things can make this man flustered, trust me, you’ve tried but, not everything. When you hugged him from behind it really caught him off guard mostly because you squeezed his waist and felt him up (bc you realized how small his waist was. Big cake, tiny waist kaeya is canon lol 😩). He gasped at your sudden action and his face flushed red. His gaze was set on you and it look like it was a warning. Say goodbye to your ability to walk.
The ex-archon is never the one to be flustered but, you knew he could fluster you even if he doesn’t intend to. Zhongli has found that he likes being close to you even when the two of you were just friends. Getting closer meant more than just talking and hand-holding. He was working at the Funeral Parlor and he had you there for company when you noticed his tie was a bit loose and crooked. You walked over to adjust it, his eyes widened as he looked up at you and you looked at him, smiling at him until he looked off to the side with light blush on his face.
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dxstopiaa · 1 year
Close Confinement
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Synopsis: Party games were a great way to pass the time, but seven whole minutes with the scribe himself? [Request]
Characters: Al Haitham x Fem! Reader.
Warnings: NSFW content, interact at your own risk. [Includes: Soft sex, Virginity loss, semi-public sex, praise, pet names] [it took me a while to write this, but i hope you like it! <3]
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Boring, tiresome and irrelevant.
The trinity of words which circulated the young post-graduate’s mind, all to describe the topic of socialising and parties. If it was up to his own decision, Al Haitham would’ve rejected the offer in less than a second. However, it was not.
Duties and desideratum of the Akademiya’s students, he was told. According to many of the matra, there was a high demand of past students requesting a sort of reunion— a celebration, as illustrated on the infamous community message board.
In short, the Acting Grand Sage had no choice but to cater to their desires, hence the situation he found himself in. Snapping back from his thoughts, he glanced back at the venue he had organised, half proudly, half nonchalantly. Not too bad for the first try.
Of course, with the help of his rather irritating roommate, who wasn’t as insufferable when he had something to occupy himself with. Kaveh stood expectantly beside the Scribe, tapping his pen on his pale lips, surveying the checklist he had prepared. The quiet hum which left him already told he was satisfied enough.
One topic that Al Haitham didn’t see on aforementioned list was guest entertainment, something that he ignored in hopes of not having to deal with it. Spoiler from his future self— that approach did not go to plan.
Instead, the Acting Grand Sage found himself musing over you, who currently sat opposite from him. That sweet, soft-hearted girl who always greeted him so kindly, always keen to listen to his theses and reports with such attention. Even now, you just looked too cute for the most stoic of men to ignore. The Scribe would gladly play any silly game to amuse you.
“Al Haitham, just spin the bottle already!” Cyno groaned, wanting nothing more than to get this stress-inducing situation over with. A series of agreements from the other two graduates followed. You merely stared at him with anticipation.
He’s changed a lot, you thought. Appearance wise, his silver tresses were more the shade of oxidised metal, not to mention his muscular physique, just how much has he undergone in recent years? Still as nerdy as ever though, another book resting on his lap.
The ashen-haired scholar scoffed—smoothing his fingers over the virescent glass, pushing it into a spinning motion. Friction worked its magic, slowing down till the neck of the bottle faced directly towards you.
The group immediately began snickering, observing your cheeks redden, putting the ripest of berries to shame. You looked up again, witnessing the smug expression of success on their faces. The tension between you both was overpowering, about time they did something about it.
“That settles it then! Go on..” Kaveh coerced, pushing the both of you into a poorly-furnished conference room to the left of the lounge and locking the door from the outside.
Cliché. Was this a punishment or rather a reward from the gods?
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Al Haitham didn’t know what to do with himself. This wasn’t like him at all to be thinking in such ways but— Archons, your dress barely covered your thighs from him.
You were biting the insides of your cheek, averting your eyes to anywhere but him, despite only being a few inches away. You’d understand his actions soon enough, hopefully.
He cupped your face with his palm, brushing away stray strands of hair that obstructed the view of your precious eyes. Your breath hitched, leaning into his gentle touch. He pulled you in closer, intending to wordlessly claim you as his own.
“May I?” Al Haitham pleaded, his piercing, turquoise irises tainted with affection. His voice was quiet— almost strained, like he was afraid of rejection, something you’d never do to him.
You hastily nodded your head, wrapping your arms around his neck. He kissed you delicately, a faint taste of sweet wine still left on his lips. The Scribe trapped your body against the wall, pulling away just to kiss you again at the sight of your smudged lipstick. His mouth trailed down to your neck as his hands did to your waist.
His touch was hypnotic— your mind was hazy and overcast with him, countless dreams of this years ago now enacted in-front of you. His hands travelled further, grasping onto the underside of your thighs and wrapping your legs around him to stand comfortably imbetween them.
Al Haitham was curious as to how you’d react. Would you be quiet and anxious, rarely moaning and instead gasping? Or would you be vocal, crying his name out at any given moment? He traced a slender finger over the front of your panties, observing you squirm into his touch.
“Haitham…” You muttered, a flutter of butterflies swarming deep within, each flickering motion of a wing seeming to spur a different emotion. Desperation, apprehension and lust.
“Yes, darling?” He continued to skim over your clit underneath the fabric, clouding your thought process over. You reached to cover your mouth, whimpering into your own hand.
“I haven’t done this before—” You whined upon feeling his clothed erection press up against you, needily rolling your hips against him. Your face flushed from the confession and the sinful noise you let out.
“I’ll be gentle, angel.” The Scribe comforted, which felt strange for him to utter such words. Anyone who knew the scholar would be aware of his abrasive, arrogant nature— but his heart followed no limits when it came to you.
And gentle he was, softly pleasuring you with skilled fingers, coaxing angelic sounds from your pretty, hesitant lips. Al Haitham wanted nothing more than to see them swollen and wet from kisses. A few seconds later you were essentially begging for his cock, palming his crotch with your inexperienced hand.
Your pleads were just adorable, who was he to deny you of what you wanted? With his fingers wet with your slick, he slid them over his flushed tip. It was quite the confidence boost for you to exclusively see the Acting Grand Sage deteriorated to this mindless state.
He prodded at your pussy, barely even managing to hilt himself with you clenching so tightly, hearing your timid sobs from the stretch, tears forming in your eyes.
“I know, darling, try to relax for me…” Al Haitham amorously whispered, planting short-lived pecks on your forehead whilst he massaged your thighs softly, giving you a few moments to adjust before beginning to move.
The feeling of his girth dragging against your insides was a simultaneous sensation of pain and pleasure. You struggled to restrain yourself, opting to bury your face against the scholar’s chest. With each prolonged thrust, your brain struggled to comprehend anything else.
“You’re doing so well, angel.” Al Haitham could feel you squeezing around his cock at his words, murmuring how it was all too much for you, phrases adjourned by blissful moans. You were close, those erotic grunts from his ajar mouth did nothing but worsen the tingling in your lower abdomen.
A final firm thrust and you finished around his cock, gripping onto him so much that he came inside of you. Your sublime expression so innocent, eyes half-lidded in euphoria. The Scribe pulled out, letting you stumble against him for support.
“So good for me, let me clean you up, sweetheart.”
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The long-forgotten graduates were still at the very same table, entertaining themselves with numerous glasses of alcohol and a card game of the General’s choice. It’d be a complete lie if they were to say they hadn’t had a clue about your prior predicament.
The lipstick stains over Al Haitham’s face and neck, his dishevelled hair accompanied with your dress creased and legs still trembling from implied events— all telltale signs of something more explicit.
“It’s called seven minutes in heaven, not thirty minutes making your neighbour’s ears hell!” An embarrassed complaint from an even more ashamed blonde, flicking a card at his chuckling roommate.
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 6 months
How they Propose (Xiao, Dainsleif, Zhongli)
Thanks to @stygianoir for requesting and giving me some ideas. But I won’t blabber any more
Characters: Xiao, Dain, and Zhongli
Fluff, Fem!reader (no pronouns used) under the cut
Let’s go with the hardest first
It is so hard to imagine Xiao proposing, if I’m honest. He’s not the kind to do research on human traditions and rituals
But if he did it was because Zhongli mentioned it or because you did
Once it came up and once he gave it some thought (and probably consulted someone more knowledgeable), he’d propose
His proposal would be something super simple. Even though he would totally want to do right by you, the guy is pretty direct and his proposal would reflect that
Maybe on a warm summer’s night he’d take your hand a slip the ring on your finger while asking. He totally blushes and definitely stumbles over his words but is visibly happy when you agree
Dain is also a hard one
You had to bring it up and when you did he kinda tilted his head and was like “huh? marriage? What for?”
I mean, he’s been alone long enough he’d be the kind to really not think about it until someone else mentioned it
You weren’t mad at the reaction per se, but you walked off to let him think it over
And he did. He spent a lot of time thinking over it, trying to figure out where to get a ring--it’s not like he can ask an abyss herald or anything-- and working through how people do the marriage thing this many years after the downfall of Khaenri’ah
When he proposes, you’ve all but forgotten about the conversation, so you’re pleasantly surprised when he takes a knee and asks you to marry him
Unlike Xiao he’s super formal about it. As the Twilight sword, he’s no stranger to ceremony and formality and as direct as he is, you’re worth it
He’s actually scared when you don’t reply immediately, but gives you a rare wide smile when you accept
This guy has his shit together
Like, I still don’t entirely how his “those who renege on their contracts face the wrath of the rock” thing  works in a relationship but he’s not nearly as... inexperienced with people as Dain and Xiao are
100% done according to Liyue tradition. What that tradition is, I have no idea, but I can imagine it being  a warm spring evening
The two of you are on a walk enjoying the wonderful weather when he leads you to a less visible place (Can’t see him letting others see what should be an intimate moment)
When he’s sure that the two of you won’t be disturbed, he gets down on one knee and pops the question
When you say yes he gives you one of his amazing close-eyed smiles
He’s lived for 6000 years, but this is going to be one off the memories he treasures most
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arsonlookers · 9 months
Love me like there's no tomorrow
Genshin men x reader Agnst
A/n: this is my first fanfic, you can also think of other characters other than Genshin men to your liking. this fanfic is just for me and my thoughts renting in my head. anyways, have a great day!
He looked at you and then back to the paper he was holding.
even without knowing what was stated in the paper, with just his sad and distressed eyes straight at you. you concluded everything...
He moved closer to your bed and sat down, inching closer and embracing you closer to his warmed body
"I love you.., you know that right?" He said Kissing your palm, looking at you with those reassuring eyes of his
you smiled knowing too well what was going on "I know"
he hugged you tight as if you would disappear within his grasp, you shared the same feelings he bore.
You hugged him tight as silence overtook the two of you.
no words could explain nor express these feelings of sadness and unexplained pain on what the future holds for both of us. No words, not sorry, no promises just silence...
as he embraced you tight in his arms, you made a similar gesture to assure him that 'It was okay', ' I am ok ' 'I know and I'm ready '
You closed your eyes to everything that had happened in your life, and memories of us started to flash in your eyes.
He suddenly pushed you and excused himself from the room trying his best to hide his face
As you saw him exit the room, you smiled bitterly at the pain, regret, and sadness. you thought you were ready but proven wrong when tears shed from your eyes and how much you tried to wipe dry tear after tear from your cheeks. 'I am not ready yet ', you thought deeply about what will happen if ever-...
your thoughts were stopped midway when you heard cries outside your room It sounded painful it went on and on until you could only hear whimpers and sobbing from the other side, and everything went silent.
"he must have been so stressed because of me huh...I'm sorry..." you mutter silently as tears slip from your cheeks
you stared at the window blankly and something caught your attention
'It's already evening and it is raining outside' you thought 'I didn't even notice'
you slowly got up from your position and walked closer to the window. you opened it wide and put your right hand on the outside of the pouring rain.
Raindrops fall from your hand. It feels cold and soothing like it's not something you should shield yourself from, it's kind, and very inviting.
As you stare blankly at your hands, drenched. An idea popped into your head.
you closed the window and started to walk to the opposite side of the room, you gently opened the door and peeked outside, checking if someone was outside or if he was outside your room, and to your luck, no one was outside.
You executed your plan, you started to go on an adventure down the hospital halls avoiding nurses as much as possible, and in search of the exit door and bask in the downpour of gentle rain.
After some time you reached the exit door and before you could open the door
A hand suddenly grabbed your shoulder- you turned behind as fast as you could, His lovely hair color was the first you could see in your peripheral view.
"where are you going?" you can see his concern and distress in his slightly red and puff eyes, in his voice, and in his touch.
..Fear. you can see it deep in his eyes as you stare at it.
his grip on your wrist is firmed
he asked again "Y/n where are you going" This time its not a question
As you looked into his eyes again you stared at him and did not answer his question, the only sound occupying the silence was the sound of the gentle rain, the ringing of telephones, and the talking of some nurses in the corner, echoing through the halls.
"..." You opened your mouth as you constructed your words in your mind and closed it after as nothing came into your mind You feel blank... you stared at the ground not looking at his concerned eyes anymore ..as if ... giving up on everything...
'I don't want to be a burden to him anymore' you thought
He senses something is not right so he looks around, he looks straight head on the window door and takes notice of the y/n's drenched right hands.
he moved his left hand and opened the exit door in front of us
you looked at him with curious eyes as if he had done something ridiculous
He walked out first from the other side of the door, and then he pulled you to his side.
he looked at you and put a relaxed and reassuring smile on his lips
"What?" he said
you smiled. knowing what his actions meant, both of you had been together for so long, knowing that smile and look that says 'I know, it's OK, or you are free to do what you want'
You faced him sweetly, chuckled, and started to walk in the gentle rain, slowly drenching yourself in and he looked at you preciously and joined you in the rain,
You hold his hands and he holds yours. tight. We walked towards the center, drenching our clothes more and more, not caring.
as if both of you were the only people left in the world
We laughed like there was no tomorrow, and we danced joyfully you jumped and jumped, and he joined you, in your shenanigans.
you held his hand and looked at him smiling blissfully, you looked at his features from his hair to his eyes and down to his nose and down to his lips, he was smiling like a little child.
He looks at you, full of love in his eyes you can see it, feel it deep inside your heart, and body. The warmth that surges your body the more you look at him you fall in love again and again, like it's the first time. And you Love everything about it...About HIM.
It was a slow dance as he put his hands on your waist, you looked at him and put both your hands on his shoulders,
we were so close to each other bodies and we didn't care if someone could see us from the inside.
You like how you could hear his heartbeat, feel his warm body close to yours as you embraced him, and how he could feel your heartbeat and the heat of both your bodies providing warmth in the cold rain.
you both swayed your bodies close to each other as if there were music in the background. We just danced and swayed our bodies in whatever fits.
it was so peaceful as you looked into his eyes you wished it would stay like this forever, dancing in the rain enjoying together embraces.
he whispered close in your ear "I love you, I love so so much" he kissed you on your lips and looked at you and only you
You love whenever he confesses his love to you, he makes you feel that he is only thinking about you as he stares at you with those lovely eyes of his.
and you love it
You love how he makes you feel Loved
every year, every month, every day, every hour, every minute, and every second of your Life.
like time slowed down for us or time completely stopped.
The only thing you could feel was his warm embrace, his love, his loving smile, and his loving whispers of 'I love you'. You can only see him and on his every move, you can only think of him. He is occupying both your mind and heart at this very moment and promise yourself that you will forever treasure and remember this moment for the rest of your life without regret.
But of course, everything must come to an end.
A nurse suddenly comes and interrupts our time together.
On your way to your room after being talked out by the nurse a sudden eruption of giggles came from you and was followed by his
It was the first time something happened like that and the first time a nurse was nagging at both of you and it was refreshing. for the first time in a while, something was different and it was not anything unpleasant, to say the least.
after reaching the room You changed your clothes, and so did he and suddenly He hugged you from behind and just swayed right and left slowly at the rhythm of his beating heart
after a while he hugged you and led you to the bed, humming your favorite song, and just embraced you under the warm covers
The sound of the rain hitting the window and his heartbeat is lulling you to relax and start to drift you off to sleep
'it's warm' you thought before drifting to unconsciousness.
The next day
he surprised you with your favorite flowers and snacks, and he stayed with you until it darks outside you played games, and watched movies while cuddling each other.
as both of you watch the last film for the night
"thank you... and love you" you mutter under your breath
he looked at you, he held you in his arms firmly and rested his head on your shoulder.
"love you too"
after that day and the next day and next
He kept surprising you each and every day
Different surprises and experiences, each and every day from picnics to a trip to the beach, romantic dates, meeting his family or your family, hanging out with your friends, and doing your hobby together.
You know you are getting weak day by day, and proof of that is always being visited by the nurses and doctors. So weak that you can't nearly walk on your own. you're getting thinner and sometimes worst cases vomits blood. It's okay he is always been there to cheer you on
but even you know he is also suffering with you, every time a doctor visits your room, hearing this painful news every time and after he will exit the room in an excuse of going to the restroom. knowing very well how painful it must have been to hear your lover's condition getting worse and worse.
every night his cries of I love you, his promises, and prayers desperate silent tears after tears by your bedside thinking you have fallen asleep.
In reality, he is also enduring the pain of reality that in the future you might.... not be by his side anymore... the thought of losing you causes him to break.
You feel guilty every time you hear his desperate cries.
days passed by, it was painfully slow but fast at the same time as days were spent by his side and loved once. And in the blink of an eye, you realize it's your anniversary, the day he first met you, and on the same date, you became you confessed to him and became official. a very special day indeed. one of the precious memories together with him and you will cherish it forever.
You wake up like normal, the sun is starting to rise from your window, and you can hear birds chirping and the sound of cars passing by, it feels peacefully warm, not cold, nor do you feel anything painful when you rise from the bed. when you were about to reach the glass from the bedside table you noticed a box and a letter beside it.
reaching for the box and opening the letter, it was written by a very familiar penmanship
Morning dear, and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY love, how are you feeling? don't forget to drink water ok? And after you eat don't forget to drink your medicine. so you might be wondering what's inside this box and if you have opened it, I hope you like it.
you opened the box and inside was a necklace and a very familiar one at that.
Love, you might be wondering why it looks familiar because this necklace is the one you commissioned last year for our Christmas but because of some computer problem the store shipped our order to the wrong place and they just refunded us a different necklace because 'they are too busy' they say.
you can clearly imagine him rolling his eyes from saying 'too busy' even though it was a total fail for a Christmas matching gift. As you look closely you realize that the other half of the necklace is missing.
"he must be wearing the other," you thought
so you took the necklace and looked at it closely, it was a lovely necklace.
you start to lock the necklace around your neck and as you look at the mirror it fits you perfectly.
your day passes uniquely, every nurse who visits your room gives you your [favorite flowers ], and special people who have been with you for your whole life visit and spend time with you. But on this special day, you just wanted to spend this very very special day with him, but you still didn't see any sign or strand of hair of your beloved husband.
you were spending the day with other people and they were taking you to every place you cherished. someone blindfolded you and took you on a long ride, you don't know what the last destination you are going but this time you hope they will take you to him.
Someone with warm hands takes the blindfold off.
There he presents himself with a lovely smile on his face.
You look around as you realize where you are right now.
Moments of that night... The night you fall in love and fall deeper as time goes on
Just like the first time you met and the day you confessed, he looked stunning as ever. Lights that illuminate that charming smile that catches your attention and breath every time.
it never fails to make your heart beat faster. Beating inside your drumming heart. Badum.
and you meant faster,
like it's going to burst out of its confined cage.
You grip your shirt on where your heart is placed
your vision starts to blur and your body feels heavy and unstable, your hearing is not doing any good.
You realize at this moment that time and fate are never kind.
"Y/n?!!" catching your weak body
as both of you fall on the ground
You can hear the panic in his voice, and tears fall onto your face you don't know what's going on when before you just felt fine, you didn't feel sick or nauseous or something... But...
A small smile made into your pale face and you weakly reach to his handsome face.
'If I would die today... in his arms ... Oh... His warm arms... I really love his warm embrace... I love how he touches me...love the way he smiles.. '
'don't cry...smile, love" he looks at me shocked
"shhh, y./n ....do.nt....staystrong ....love" Everything is muffled
tears keep falling from his eyes but even though tears keep falling. He still looks angelic, The man I fell in love with again and again, His other half, and I am proud to be his Wife.
To say to the world that he is mine.
"I...Love... you..'
Forever and ever...
Until darkness is the only thing you can see...
notes: some of the characters that you are thinking might not fit their character in this fanfic may be too Ooc for you. And as for the sickness if you are wondering for the sake of the plot let's just say it is something uncurable .hehe. and you can always imagine other men outside Genshin if ever you don't know them:)
thank u very much for your time reading this fanfic;)
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sserapic · 2 years
stay close to me so you don't feel the fear.
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SUMMARY. resting your head on their shoulder.
FEAT. zhongli, xiao, diluc, fem!reader
PRONOUNS. she/her
TW. none ;)
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—he sat there so stiff, trying not to disturb as you lean your head on his shoulder so quietly. you came all the way from mond to see your dearest lover again.
at first, venti did absolutely everything to keep you in mondstadt just because you pay for his daily wines at the tavern like EVERY.NIGHT.
yes. you're that kind. and zhongli does not like it.
besides that, he cherished these precious moments of his life knowing damn well this wouldn't practically last forever. sad
"hey 'li?"
"when will you visit me in mond :<"
—he adored the feeling of you resting against him, looking so effortlessly beautiful.
when you fell asleep, he didn't know a single thing about what to do. should he carry u in the inn? what?!
needless to say that you are a light sleeper so he did not take any risks of waking you just when you fell into dreamland. cringe
—he has zero complaints about it AT ALL!
loves you so dearly to the point that he'd let you do anything around him, anything? all you wished for was a peace of mind after all of kaeya's blabbering.
kaeya has taught you how to flirt and used the traveler as an example.
but anyway, diluc treasures every single moment with you, he doesn't get to spend much time with you despite looking after the tavern or basically batman duties.
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wolfbeestudio · 1 year
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Vote for what Genshin Kitty YOU want in my interest check poll~ https://take.supersurvey.com/poll4844186x38c5416f-149
In my upcoming kickstarter, choose your favorite kitty to be unlocked before the others~
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genshinarchives · 2 years
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 : Something important has been revealed to you as a demonic fog is unleashed upon Mondstadt City.
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒 : Aether, Albedo, Baizhu, Bennett, Chongyun, Dainsleif, Diluc, Kaeya, Kazuha, Osial, Razor, Venti, Xiao, Xingqiu, Zhongli
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : Romance, hurt/comfort, reverse harem
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 : If you’d like to learn more about Muramasa (his canonverse version), here’s his profile.
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Lumine approached the kneeling Transcendant, Abyss Herald and Lector before her, her eyes devoid of the sunny warmth they once had. Muramasa held his breath in fear and trepidation as her gold-accented boots came to a halt in front of him, and before his brain could register what was happening, a powerful blast hit him which sent him flying into a stone pillar. The impact of the sudden collision created a dent on the surface as a web of cracks appeared around it, and his body slid to the floor pathetically.
"Be grateful that I'm not in a foul mood today. For almost ruining our plans, you could have had it much worse," she said, lowering her hand that unleashed the attack, "I ordered you to act like her enemy and incapacitate her, not break free of Crestoria's influence and help her. It was a good thing I ordered Regn and Elding to check up on you since you were taking longer than expected."
"I'm sure he could have survived a stronger blast, Your Highness," the Abyss Lector, Elding interjected, "He does possess the gene of the Transcendant Kusanagi, who was known to have the sturdiest body among the seven."
"Indeed. We had been fortunate enough to obtain the Transcendant's data and create him after retrieving Aragami Muramasa's brain," the Abyss Herald, Regn added.
Lumine narrowed her eyes at Muramasa, who was still recovering from the collision. "The Abyss Order created you and gave you a second chance in life, which is why you're obligated to follow my orders. If you don't want me to force you with Crestoria, then do not oppose me."
"I... I apologise," he uttered, coughing, "But I have to ask... what does Your Highness plan to do with (y/n)? Couldn't Your Highness just talk to her?"
She folded her arms over her chest. "It's not easy to convince a loyalist to abandon their ideals. Her king was a cunning man as he made sure to raise her to become humanity's sole protector. Showing her the ugly side of humans by having them turn against her after everything she's done for them will break her and give us an opportunity to convert her to our side."
Muramasa's eyes widened in realisation and he rose to his feet. "So you're telling me... that you'll make her a hero in their eyes and then instigate an event that will make them think she was their enemy all along?"
"That's correct."
He didn't know what to feel about the plan, but he knew that something was morally wrong about it. However, he decided to keep his thoughts to himself in fear that Crestoria will be used again in order to make him obey. He swallowed thickly.
"I have one more question. Where did the original seven Transcendants come from? And why did Celestia order for their total annihilation?" he asked. Ever since he was born with a body that was made using a Transcendant's gene, he's been wondering about their origins; even omnipotent beings like them must have originated from somewhere.
Lumine was silent for a moment. She had expected him to question her about the Transcendants one day, and decided to spare him a portion of her knowledge.
"The original Transcendants were seven great heroes summoned by the Primordial One from another world to fight against 'one enemy'. The one that will cause humanity's premature destruction. Brahmastra, Excalibur, Fragarach, Gae Bolg, Gungnir, Kusanagi and Ruyi Jingu Bang... The strongest of them all was Gungnir," she explained, "The primeval seven that watched over this world were innovative beings who loved the humans like their own children. Perhaps it's their immense love for humanity that warranted the end of their era."
Muramasa could not believe what he was hearing.
"That's not fair," he murmured, lowering his gaze to the floor, "They were summoned to Teyvat to watch over the humans, but were later rejected because of their love for humanity?"
"Ironic, isn't it? It's always those who have a lot of love in them that misfortune greets first," Lumine said with a sardonic smile, "In any case, story time is over. Put on a good show for everyone in Mondstadt. There is no room for failure."
He solemnly knelt before his master with his head bowed. "Yes... Your Highness."
Time stilled for a moment. The people of Mondstadt ceased their activities to gaze upon the haunting red light that had suddenly flashed from the hands of the Anemo Archon's Statue, awed by its inexplicable appearance.
Kaeya, Amber and Eula stared at the spreading hue from their seats at Good Hunter with wide eyes, their practical soldier's instincts telling them that this was no ordinary occurrence.
"I have a feeling that we've just made a grave mistake," Kaeya remarked, sounding unusually grim.
Eula immediately stood up and frowned at Kaeya. "Grave mistake? We've made a very fatal error in our judgement. We let the enemy take us on a wild goose chase, and it turns out that they were in the city all this time!"
"It was a decoy," he said, pressing a palm against his forehead, "The enemy knew that (y/n) would hinder their plans, so they created a decoy to lure her away from Mondstadt. By letting her leave, we've pretty much fallen for their ploy."
"What about Aether? Is there any way for us to contact him?" Amber asked, leaping onto her feet.
The Cavalry Captain let out a muted sigh as he rose from his seat. "We can't rely on the Traveler to solve every single one of our problems. We're the Knights of Favonius, so we should take matters into our own hands."
"Captain Eula!"
Eula turned her head when somebody called her name, and saw the surveyor of her division running towards her. Mika looked extremely panicked and she could already figure out why.
"Mika, your report. Now," she ordered.
Skidding to a stop before his captain, he then saluted her. "Yes ma'am! 50 hilichurls, 25 rifthounds and 5 abyss mages have been sighted on the bridge leading to the main gate! I've also received a report of 20 strange beasts and 2 ruin guards congregating at the Northeast Gate!"
"The enemy is not giving us any time to prepare," she muttered.
"They've blocked the only exits from this city as well. We're essentially trapped," Kaeya remarked, cupping his chin, "Judging from Mika's report, the ones at the Northeast Gate must be the main army. The enemy is planning to make us focus our manpower at the main gate so that they can break through and storm the headquarters."
"Shall I inform the knights to gather at the Northeast Gate?" asked Mika nervously.
"No. Hold the line before the bridge and let the enemy's main army in. We'll ambush them in a pincer attack once they're inside," Eula replied, "Relay my orders to the knights in charge of guarding the Northeast Gate. Make haste!"
"Understood!" Spinning on his heel, Mika left to carry out his task as the other three knights prepared for the tough battle ahead. On his way to the Northeast Gate, a blue portal suddenly materialised in his path, causing him to halt in his tracks. He took a few steps back when a gloved hand protected by a glowing blue gauntlet emerged from the galaxy-like hue.
"You'll be my first victim."
A deep voice resonating from unknown depths echoed in Mika's ears, sending chills down his spine. A being he had never seen before, fully clad in a dark regal attire, pulled the rest of his body out of the portal to tower over him menacingly.
Regn promptly activated his water blades and lunged for Mika.
Before the Abyss Herald could get close to him, a thundering spear swiftly sliced off his right arm. The surveyor let out a gasp as he stumbled to the ground, his awestruck gaze landing on the (h/c)-haired woman standing in front of him.
"Your opponent is me!" (y/n) exclaimed, pointing one of her spears at the herald.
As black ash coalesced in a cloud at his arm stump, Regn growled and lowered himself in an attacking stance. "Very well. Let us fight to the death, Spear of Dawn!"
"Go. I'll keep him busy," she told Mika, snapping him out of it. Nodding, he pushed himself to his feet and ran away to complete his task whilst praying for her safety.
(Y/n) waited until he had disappeared from sight completely before speaking up. "First Khaenri'ah, and now Mondstadt. When will you monsters ever be satisfied?"
"You talk like you're not a monster yourself for murdering your own people 500 years ago," he said, making her eyes widen.
"I would never do such a thing!"
"But you did because your so-called duty blinded you! We weren't trying to harm them that day. You were the one who turned against us and killed the very people you had sworn to protect!"
Her head throbbed as memories of Khaenri'ah's destruction flashed before her eyes abruptly, and she quickly shook her head, blinking away the pain that was etched in the remnants of her past as King Irmin's spear.
"We used to be the proud humans of Khaenri'ah," he continued, "This monstrous form is the curse we have to bear."
She stared at him in disbelief, her mind struggling to process this new information. "Then what about those riftwolves that's endemic to the Abyss? They instigated the kingdom's destruction-"
"Those wolves couldn't be controlled, so cease the blaming game!" Stabbing his water blade into the ground, he broke off a large piece of the stone path before swinging it in (y/n)'s direction. She immediately reacted, piercing through the boulder as the tip of her spear glowed blood-red. Cracks webbed out from the impact point before it shattered into tiny cubes; emerging from the curtain of falling debris, she then propelled herself forward and engaged in close combat.
"You've been betrayed twice, yet you still choose to stop this old world from perishing. Why?" he asked, parrying a lethal slice to his torso.
She shot him a burning glare. "As long as people wishing to live proper lives exist, I will continue to protect them. I was given this power for that purpose. Know that as long as my life remains, my king's ideals remain immortal."
"Absolutely foolish!" Regn roared.
"You're the one who's foolish for thinking that sacrificing one's joy for another's pain will bring back what we've lost!" she furiously yelled.
(Y/n) raised her left arm to block a roundhouse kick before swiftly catching his water blade between the top of her knee and right elbow. She then swung her spear horizontally in front of her, prompting him to flip into the air to dodge her attack. She quickly followed it up with a cross-shaped slash that forced him to retreat a few steps, and when he leapt forward to retaliate, she leaned back and slammed her foot against his abdomen. Red lightning crackled around her leg briefly as (y/n) channeled all of her strength into that one kick, and Regn was blown backwards from the impact, his back smacking against the wall of a nearby building.
He didn't get a chance to recover as (y/n) promptly threw her spear at him, forcing him to jump to avoid getting impaled; however, she had anticipated his move. Without another second to waste, she leapt towards Regn and kicked him to the ground, causing a loud crash to resound through city. Extending her arm in the direction of her spear, she opened her palm as a red galaxy-like aura was emitted from it.
"Come!" (y/n) yelled, commanding her spear to dislodge itself from the wall and spiral back into her grasp. Gripping the pole with both hands, she descended upon the weakened Abyss Herald, aiming to impale his chest.
Suddenly, she heard the sharp crackles of lightning and something collided into her side, knocking her away from her target mid-air. A gasp was forced out of her throat and before she could crash on the ground, a pair of clumsy arms caught her.
"(Y/n)! Are you alright?" asked Bennett, his eyes roaming around her body to check for any injuries. (Y/n) gritted her teeth as he carefully lowered her to her feet, frustrated that victory was snatched out of her hands at the last second.
Bennett then gasped, drawing her attention. "There's blood on your clothes! Where are you hurt?" When he tried to get a closer look at her already healed wound, she pushed him away. He was slightly shocked at her aggressive rejection, if not a little hurt.
"I'm fine," she hissed, the frustration from earlier still lingering in her tone. As she turned to look at her incapacitated target, she saw an Abyss Lector helping the Abyss Herald get through the portal they would always withdraw to when they need to make a quick escape.
"Her Highness has ordered for us to fall back, Regn," Elding said before facing (y/n) and Bennett, "I have to applaud you, (y/n). Truly, you and the real Gungnir are selfless heroes... who will only end up being betrayed by their own ideals."
She knitted her eyebrows together. "... The 'real' Gungnir? What do you mean?"
He slowly retreated to the portal whilst supporting Regn. "If you wish to learn more about the Hero of the Heavenly Spear, consider joining us. Her Highness will tell you everything you want to know about him... and his five remaining companions who still wander below the waters."
"Wait! Are you implying that some of the Transcendants are still alive?" (y/n) asked, stepping forward. However, she never got her answer because Elding had already disappeared through the portal with Regn in tow. As if on cue, a powerful gust cascaded from the direction of the Anemo Archon's statue, threatening to send (y/n) and Bennett flying. The former instinctively reached out for the latter and shielded him with her body as a mysterious fog rolled in, draping a foggy veil over their eyes.
"Wh-what's going on? What's with this fog?" Bennett exclaimed in surprise.
"I don't know," she whispered, bewildered by the phenomenon herself. She didn't know what was happening, but she knew that she had been too late in stopping the Abyss Order from carrying out its plans. "Just stay close to me. We don't know what's-" Her sentence was abruptly cut off by the clatter of an armour and a human-like groan.
"Someone's hurt!" Bennett said. Freeing himself from her arms, he headed in the direction he had heard the noise come from. The red glow of his Pyro Vision caught her attention, and she watched with wide eyes as the fog in front of him parted to create a path for him.
Realisation dawned on her.
(Y/n) quickly distanced herself from Bennett and the other person, ensuring that they were well out of her range before stopping. Driving one of her spears into the ground, a three-petal flower glyph expanded beneath her feet. Two identical glyphs then materialised on top of each other in the air, summoning a single massive bolt of red lightning that created a large dome of energy around its impact point. The surrounding fog dispersed just like she had predicted, though she knew that this was only a temporary measure.
She soon spotted a certain blond sitting on the ground a few metres ahead of her, gaping like a fish out of water. When she approached him, he snapped out of his daze and glared at her.
"Are you trying to get me killed?" Rubedo hissed.
"Where have you been?" (y/n) asked, helping him stand up.
"I've been trying to find a particular someone who left me with those two guards by the main gate earlier," he replied, dusting the dirt off his clothes, "Anyway, what were you doing just now?"
"This fog is dense with Abyssal energy. Celestial energy repels it, so I thought that I'd be able to clear the fog if I used my lightning."
He raised an eyebrow. "Well, good job. Because you also made the Favonius Knights paranoid about a powerful enemy being in the city."
(Y/n) grimaced. "At least I did something that produced useful results, unlike you. Is there anything that you're capable of?"
"Yeah. Saving your ass every time."
Rubedo yelped in pain when she punched his shoulder.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 : @smoochi-modest / @kazmori​ / @bobaducky / @laugh-like-the-moon / @selinatherealname / @otomefan / @rionah​ / @phoenixdaneko / @lucy-roo / @melkxsh / @noodleshark420 / @xioseu / @muzanscumslut / @lunavixia / @falling4fandoms / @coco-goat-milk / @flowwerpot / @idealwriting / @lnrchii / @minimari415​ / @whattaweeb / @magpiemissy / @ayolk / @stygianoir / @alezayku / @kazukazusbaby​ / @fxaavt​ / @kalncallily / @valeriele3 / @dulcetamore
185 notes · View notes
lustylcve · 7 months
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★ — 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐍 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐓, mondstadt
last updated, 021924
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BAIZHU. 𝖽𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗋𝗈.
──── "i've always been
healthy, took care of myself,
took care of others even, yet
my heart aches when i see you
with someone else." (ooc?)
BEIDOU. 𝖾𝗅𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗋𝗈.
──── "i've always helpe
guide others, especially if they
board my ship, but for once,
i'd like for you to guide my heart."
GA-MING. 𝗉𝗒𝗋𝗈.
──── "something i look
for in a partner is how humble they
are. especially if they are grounded to
the earth, which makes everything so
much more beautiful to see a world
from someone who has a different view
than myself."
GANYU. 𝖼𝗋𝗒𝗈.
──── "i don't really like her.."
HU TAO. 𝗉𝗒𝗋𝗈.
──── "i always like the feeling
i got when i seen people get spooked,
though when i think about you running
away from me, i can only frown."
KEQING. 𝖾𝗅𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗋𝗈.
──── "her too 🧍‍♀️"
──── "i was always busy, never having
much time for me, or for us. so the effort
you put into us, makes me love you more."
SHENHE. 𝖼𝗋𝗒𝗈.
──── "..feelings are things i can't
completely comprehend, but your
slow process helps me learn more
and more everyday."
XIANYUN. 𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗆𝗈.
──── "one appreciates the
same perspective on knowledge,
your crave for it never ceasing."
XIAO. 𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗆𝗈.
──── "..you may be irritating from
time to time.. but i enjoy the moments
when you don't fear me and rush off.
although, i still want you to be safe, so
call out my name."
OO1. smau
YANFEI. 𝗉𝗒𝗋𝗈.
──── "to be made."
YELAN. 𝗁𝗒𝖽𝗋𝗈.
──── "to be made."
YUN JIN. 𝗀𝖾𝗈.
──── "to be made."
──── "to be made."
13 notes · View notes
pearlywritings · 2 years
Let us take this pain and shed it away
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synopsis: The text you recieve from your husband makes you restless, worried of what could possibly happen for the man to be so terse in his message and who that ‘fourth person’ he is talking about can possibly be. As it turns out it is someone very dear to both of you, someone who is in a desperate need of comfort.
pairing and characters: Zhongli x fem!reader, Xiao (the Rex-Lapis family), Hu Tao.
tw: hurt/comfort, modern AU, University AU, established relationship
word count: 5.4k+ words
a/n: was listening to Continued Story by Hitomi Kuroishi while writing. The fitting song in my opinion.
Also a part of my University modern AU with history professor Zhongli
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Just one more hour you thought, straightening in your chair and flexing your shoulders, just one more hour and you could go home.
Work was quite slow today and you weren't even that tired, eyes scanning through another document as you gave your body some light exercising. A pain in the neck and back was honestly such a pain in another place, and while you did love Zhongli's strong fingers massaging your tense muscles after a couple of long days at work, you didn't want to abuse his kindness too often, so you were really pondering over the question: should you ask him for one today or not.
Speaking of Zhongli… This husband of yours had been exceptionally quiet today - you knew he had his phone with him (oh his tendency to leave it at home sometimes, forgetting to get it from recharging) and usually he'd message you something on his bigger breaks - but today your phone buzzed just once - when you both arrived to work and notified each other about doing so safely.
Well, he was a very busy professor, it honestly could be anything: a meeting, extra time taken from breaks to explain some more if students asked for it and so on… maybe even all at once!
Suppressing a rising groan you reached for the phone to make a work-related call, when the device vibrated suddenly. The name of your beloved appeared on the screen along with a picture of him with Xiao and Ganyu from the last time she came to visit during the University break of hers.
But a message from him, finally!
You didn't wait long to unlock your screen and tap the chat with him. At first your face lit up with joy. Though upon reading just the beginning of his message it changed to confusion, until you reached the end of it and pure concern overtook your features.
"I'll be home later. I know it's my turn, but please, be so kind as to get Xiao from his evening classes and cook dinner for four people. I'll explain everything once we arrive.
Love you."
Now that was strange. You reread the message a few more times, even waited a couple of minutes, hoping to get one more message, that'd bring the light upon the situation at least a little bit. But nothing.
Wrecking your brain back and forth in attempts to predict the possible reason behind the message you, nevertheless, typed back an "of course, dear. Be safe, see you later. Love you too", before putting the phone back on your working table. Then picking it up back again, almost having forgotten there were calls to make. You wouldn't question your husband and think about all of it much until he came home and explained everything. After all, you trusted him and something told you patience was the best you could do at the moment.
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Two and a half hours later you were standing in the kitchen, stirring the vegetables in a pan and glancing at your phone occasionally, only to see no new messages every time you checked. Four people, four people… No, your daughter couldn't be the one, you knew your husband, if it was a surprise there'd be some sort of slip because of Zhongli's excitement, but there was clearly none. Not to mention it is the middle of her semester. Oh, but what if something bad happened and that's why she arrived?? Oof…
"Mom?" Suddenly a voice brought you back from a worrying brooding that overtook your mind, so engrossed in thoughts that you almost burnt the vegetables. Turning off the stove and then around you spotted your eight-year old son in the doorway.
"Yes, dear?" You hummed, moving the pan to another hob. The boy walked into the kitchen, ember eyes trained on your hands and, only when you reached for the towel to wipe them clean, moved his gaze to your face.
"I did my homework. Where is dad? He was supposed to come home an hour ago."
Oh yes, you'd like to know the answer to that question yourself. Glancing at the phone again gave you nothing and you sighed. You had no idea when Zhongli was going to arrive home, and honestly the uncertainty started to slowly kill you, but you didn't want it to put the same pressure on Xiao. So you opted for gently petting his hair to praise him for finishing his tasks so fast.
"Dad is going to be soon, baby. But if you are hungry, I can feed you now, I have everything almost ready."
Your son lowered his gaze for a moment thinking, but the loud rumbling of his stomach the next moment was a dead give away.
"Go wash your hands, I'll serve you your portion."
You didn't miss the small embarrassed pout on the boy's face before he scurried away to the bathroom. Oh baby, you smiled softly, turning to the cabinet to grab some plates, there was nothing wrong with that.
Ten minutes later the boy was stuffing his cheeks with dinner, swinging his legs and telling you about his day at school. Everything felt normal, and you almost convinced yourself there was no piece missing, despite an empty chair at the table. Xiao's soft voice, muffled by food, enveloped your senses like a small blanket, and you put your chin on a fist, a fond look not leaving your eyes, watching your son, who resembled his father so much with soft brown locks and liquid gold eyes, that curiously stared back at you.
"Mom, why aren't you eating?"
"Huh?" You snapped out of the daze and dropped your gaze to your plate that, indeed, was barely touched and slowly getting cold.
"Just spaced out a little, sorry, baby. You were saying?" You offered a smile, encouraging him to resume the retelling of today's event. Though you could clearly tell there was doubt written all over his face - he was always a sensitive baby - he did not comment anyhow on your strange behavior and just carried on.
This time you stayed more focused and Xiao's words even managed to pull your attention from the ever silent device, resting on the table just mere inches away from you. There was even an occasional giggle passing your lips whenever your boy mentioned something hilarious, or your eyes widened a little in wonder if he spoke of something new he learnt.Yes, everything finally became quite peaceful. Until it wasn’t.
You heard the doorbell ring and the sound echoed off the walls in a suddenly silent kitchen, and just like that all worries came back at you. The pace of the heart quickened, pumping blood with intensity, though you tried to keep yourself under control. You almost missed Xiao calling for you and asking if you were alright.
No you weren't. Not until you knew what was going on and the anticipation was gnawing at your mind at the moment.
"I am fine, baby," of course you couldn't admit it to him, standing up and giving the boy your best smile. "I'll go check if it's daddy. Go on with your food."
You saw how his arm flinched in a clear attempt to move to follow you, but yet stopping himself before his whole body was set in motion. A frown on his face though was evident now and molten gold in eyes turned sharp; he could clearly tell that something got you worked up and the nature of it wasn't necessarily good.
Before he changed his mind about staying in his seat, you bent down to place a quick peck to his cheek and just as fast you were out of the kitchen.
Behind the front door there was almost no sound, which made your stomach flip. Hesitant to peak in a peephole, you opted to take a deep breath and ask, as calmly as you could.
"Who's there?” 
A beat of silence and the heart drumming in your ears was deafening, beating against the ribcage like a crazy, freedom-thirsty bird. Another second ticked, and it became unbearable, nerve-wrecking, you chewed on your lips, fingers twitching, a thought of just yanking the door open flicking in your brain.
God, say something-
"It’s me, darling." 
Everything stopped. The sounds, the movements, the thoughts. The only thing registering was a smooth and so dearly familiar voice of your husband that made your whole body slump in relief, as if a huge weight was taken from your shoulders. 
“But I must warn you I have a guest here with m-”
Not giving him a chance to finish, you swiftly unlock the door and swing it open, letting the light from the hall illuminate two figures - one bigger and one smaller. Zhongli pursed his lips shut, when he saw a worried expression on your face, that soon became puzzled, as you finally realized who the fourth person the man was talking about was.
Hu Tao.
A vivacious girl in her early twenties, whom you treated like a dear niece ever since Zhongli first introduced her to you as the daughter of his old friends. She occasionally came by to hang out with Ganyu, even though the two sometimes finished their playdate with whining and complaining, because Ganyu was tired and wanted to nap and Hu Tao had way too much energy and mischief in her body to rest. She became an even more special guest after her parents passed away in a car accident around the time both her and your daughter were finishing middle and starting high school. Zhongli volunteered to help her grandpa look after her instantly and you supported that decision with all your might, always happy to see the girl in your house and providing her with comfort whenever she needed.
And by the look of it, today was just the case.
Brightly colored eyes didn’t hold the same gleam they usually did, and the way she was holding onto your husband’s coat draped around her shoulders told you of the stress she was under.
Yet nevertheless she tried to force a smile upon meeting your gaze.
"Hey, Mrs Rex-Lapis," her voice sounded so small, but she even gave you her usual wave of a hand, though it came out so meekly, your heart clenched in pain.
"Sweety,” softly you stepped forward and gently enveloped her in a hug, it felt crucial to do so, “It’s just Y/N or auntie for you. We've talked about it so many times, no need to be so formal with me, alright?”
All she did was nodding against your shoulder. Zhongli carefully guided you two inside, not wanting to break this embrace just yet, and slowly closed and locked the door behind. Just as carefully he peeled his coat off of her trembling frame - how didn’t you notice that? - and hung it in a wardrobe, along with his scarf and hat.
Then his palm found its place on her back, soothingly rubbing up and down, comforting her for something you weren’t aware of. He didn’t forget to kiss your cheek, murmuring a small “hello” against your skin, redirecting his eyes to the girl almost immediately. 
“Why don’t you go and wash your hands, dear? We’ll have some food heated for you, okay?”
Just like the first time she didn’t utter a word, only nodding, and the action seemed so lifeless to you, lacking the usual spark, a quick jerk of her chin she used to communicate ‘positive’. 
Now everything felt like slow motion. She drew herself from you reluctantly, lowering her eyes. Not even bending she used her feet to kick the shoes off and then quite literally dragged them to where your bathroom was down the hall. Only when she closed the door and water started running, you turned to Zhongli, staring at him and pointing your finger to the direction Hu Tao disappeared in with a raised brow.
“Love, I know I worried you and I am sorry,” sighing he bent to put the shoes neatly on the carpet, adding his own a second after, “but the moment I got the news I was just as worried as you are. Her grandfather was hospitalized.”
Your eyes widened and a hand flew to your mouth to muffle a horrified gasp, the scolding you had for him just at the tip of your tongue long forgotten and nonexistent.
“No… No, please, don’t tell me-”
“Nothing life-threatening yet, but they said he’d be in the hospital for a couple of weeks, so they could monitor his condition,” you let out a relieved exhale at that, taking a hold of Zhongli's hand when he reached to comfort you. “But Hu Tao didn’t want to leave the hospital either, so they had to call her emergency contact - me - and ask to convince her to go home. I even let my students go earlier, so I didn’t get in a traffic jam on my way there, I had to be there fast. I managed to persuade her to go with me and stay with us for these two weeks. I couldn’t let her go home, alone, in a state like that, I just couldn’t.”
“You did an absolutely right thing Zhongli,” you quickly reassured him, taking his second hand in yours, squeezing both. “Of course she can stay as long as she needs. I promise to do my best to take care of her.”
“I know you will, love,” the corners of his mouth lifted and adoration swirled in the gold of his eyes. “I count on your help. Words can’t describe how grateful I am for you always being here for her just as much as you are for our kids.”
“Don’t mention it, she is important to me after all. But speaking of our kids - go and greet Xiao, he’s been dying to finally see you today.”
“But Hu Tao-”
“Will be looked after. I am on it. Now go before our boy comes here himself.”
The man finally gave you a full smile and a proper kiss on your lips, squeezing your hands back, before letting go of them and hurrying to the kitchen.
You, on the other hand, approached the bathroom. Back pressed to the wall, you patiently waited, listening to the water running and the girl shuffling around, until all sounds came to a stop.
"Um… What towel can I use?" It seemed she heard you coming and knew you were standing outside.
"Yellow one, sweety," some more shuffling before the lock clicked open and Hu Tao emerged from the bathroom, having her knitted cardigan hanging off of her arm. Bare slumped shoulders only made the misery of her state more prominent. Caramel red eyes glanced at you briefly, before staring at the floor intently, as if she wanted to burn a hole in your parquet. In general she looked like she didn't know what to do with herself, so you decided to take the matter in your own hands.
"Hey, butterfly," you said softly, carefully placing just the tips of your fingers on her shoulder, to make sure she wouldn't flinch, "how about we go and get you some dinner? I bet you are hungry. How does it sound?"
"Sounds good," she quietly murmurs, sniffling and bringing a hand to rub at her eye, metal bracelets clinking melodically on her wrist. "Is Xiao there?"
"He is, but he won't ask questions, I promise," and you hoped your husband had warned him no to.
"Okay… okay," she nodded, more to herself, than to you, and allowed you to gently lead her to the kitchen with a full palm resting on her shoulder. Passing the hall, Hu Tao quickly glanced at the key hooks and stopped briefly to hang the cardigan on a free one. Then she paused in hesitation, sleeve caught between her fingers, as if contemplating should she really leave it there or she’d better take it to cover herself. The moment of doubt was short though, and she quickly let go of the browny red article of clothing. You saw everything, but didn’t comment anyhow, smiling at her, when she returned to your side and resumed your way.
When you stepped into the kitchen two pairs of golden eyes darted in your direction - one concerned and the other silently empathetic. This was enough to know Xiao was aware your guest wasn't in the right state to answer questions. Nevertheless he waved at her in greeting to which she did the same, mustering a small smile for the boy that was gone the moment she turned her head to look at Zhongli, who, instead of going to change, was busy with heating up food for Hu Tao and himself. You set the girl at the table and sat next to her, positioning your chair closely to hers. 
You observed how she straightened in her seat, squaring her shoulders and keeping her head high and gaze directed forward. Maybe this display, put out more for Xiao than for anyone else, could play out as convincing, but you weren’t fooled, not with the way her slim fingers, adorned with many rings, were tightly clasped under the table, turning white immediately from the intensity of her grip. Wordlessly, you reached to them, enveloping this lock of hands with your warm palm and keeping it there, as Zhongli put down the plates for himself and your guest, excusing himself just for a moment to finally change, and Xiao hopped off of his chair and started moving it closer to the sink, volunteering to wash the dishes.
Only when the man returned did Hu Tao bring her hands back to view and took the chopsticks.
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With plates and mugs dried and placed in the cupboard, you closed the doors and placed the chair in its original place. Next step was to grab your wallet and give your son some shiny jingling reward for helping with chores, which you quickly proceeded to do. Your little wonder’s eyes twinkled happily and he scurried to his room to add it to his personal savings.
Zhongli watched you with a half-finished cup of tea in his hand, leaning to the countertop. He didn’t want to leave Hu Tao’s side at the time like that, but he also understood his duty as a father and, honestly, he missed Xiao the whole day. His face expression was screaming controversy, and you caught his gaze, upon coming back to the kitchen from putting the wallet away.
“You've done a lot already bringing her here, darling. Go spend some time with Xiao. You can join us later, I got it,” you pulled the cup from his grip and put it in the sink - the tea was cold at that point anyway. “We’ll be in the living room cuddling, text me if Xiao would want to join us too, alright?”
“Alright,” he nodded, pressing a short peck to your lips, pouring his gratitude through the small gesture. Then he once again looked at the girl, who seemed to be deep in thought, hardly hearing your interaction.
“Promise me she’ll be fine,” he whispered and you sighed. Of course you’d make everything to assure it. With years going by you grew to love and care for Hu Tao just as much as you did for your older daughter. Your heart ached just as much seeing sadness overtaking her features, and it pained the same way it did whenever you saw the expression on Ganyu’s face, no matter what the cause was. Even if both were almost grown up women, you still couldn't worry for them any less.
And you knew that the girl had a special place in your husband's kind heart.
“She will,” you said firmly, determination radiating from your eyes and Zhongli for a second almost lost himself to falling in love with you over again. You had to push him a little in the doorway direction, to remind him he was needed somewhere else at the moment.
With your husband gone from the kitchen, you hummed softly, drawing Hu Tao’s attention.
“Hey, butterfly,” gaze filled with melancholy shifted to you, “let’s get you to the living room.”
A silent question and confusion flashed behind her eyes, to which you offered her a smile, and then an extended hand.
“To cuddle, my dear.”
“To cuddle…” She repeated like a parrot, absentmindedly sliding her palm into yours and forcing her body to cooperate and stand up. She was putting her trust into you while showing no resistance, and you were sure not to fail her.
“Mhm, there you go,” encouragement poured from your lips, washing over her in calming waves, making the girl take a deep breath. She grimaced a little, as the take proved to be too much for her lungs in an almost painful way, so she hurried to exhale. Your heart clenched again. If only some of this pain could be taken away, if only you could take and shed it away.
But you were no deity and could only do as much as bringing her to the couch, gently setting her there and brushing her bangs away.
“Let’s untie these,” you didn’t wait for her response, carefully twisting the hair tie off of one of her ponytails and letting her long brown locks cascade down her face. Soon the twin tail was released as well, and you busied yourself with running fingers near the roots, to soothe her and brush the tangles a little bit. You didn’t see the girl’s face, but her back against your legs became more relaxed.
"Now ready to cuddle?" 
Hu Tao thought of how amazing you were, sounding cheerful, despite being so obviously worried for her, touching her gently and delicately, helping her further on the couch and into your warm embrace with a duvet being dragged over your bodies. How precise you were in your movements, bringing her close, yet giving all the freedom to get into a comfortable position, which the girl didn't hesitate to choose. One arm tightly wrapped around your middle and the other fisting the material of her own shirt, with head tilted down and long hair obscuring half of the face.
"Is this okay?" You were so considerate and kind it almost hurt, but in a good, most joy-bringing way.
Her eyes stung and she quietly sniffled, hoping you didn't notice. Even if you did - you did not seem to show, letting her have her moment of trying to not start the waterworks. She knew she could be vulnerable with you and Zhongli and she had washed her makeup before dinner, but it wasn't that.
No. She just knew, if she let herself go now…
...the dam would be broken and no human would fix it for hours.
Yet, she desperately wanted for those painful intrusive thoughts to go away, mind and body exhausted, worn out with worry and the feeling of hopelessness. Images of white still dancing before her eyes - white walls, white coats of nurses and doctors, whose words she couldn’t decipher with all that white noise filling her ears after hearing the news… And the pale, almost white face of her grandpa.
No, no, she must not think of it.
You shivered when suddenly she curled even more into your body, fingers letting go of her shirt and then clinging to yours, crumpling it.
"...is this okay with you?" Your heart sank in your stomach. Did that shiver make her think you were uncomfortable? Of course, you weren’t, it’s just that her voice sounded so quiet and broken… almost shattering your own resolve.
"Sure it is, butterfly, I love cuddling with you, it is totally okay," you hurried to reassure, wrapping your arms around her frame to prove your words. So secure, Hu Tao felt so protected by a simple touch, by you... She barely managed to force the emotional choke back down her throat, tightening the hold on the front of your shirt.
"No, that's… not what I was asking about…" murmuring she turned her face to the side, muffling the words against the sofa cushions, yet you heard them.
"Want to talk about it?" Your hand is back in her hair, delicately cupping the back of her head, fingertips gently scratching the scalp. A shaky sigh and a quiet cough - exhaling into a solid object wasn't the best idea. The girl was silent, barely showing her face, so you leaned forward, putting your chin on top of her head, holding her impossibly close.
“Just don’t suffocate yourself, dear,” you reminded her and in a second felt her head turning, facing your collarbones and properly breathing. “Good, good… We can just stay like this, it’s okay if you don’t want to talk, I got you.”
You heard a tiny sniffle and a ragged breath. Comfortingly you started humming, rocking your tangled bodies as much as the lying position allowed.
Hu Tao’s eyes stung more unbearably than before, so she squeezed them shut tightly, pressing her forehead to your collarbones. A full sob wrecked her throat, but she still was trying to hold on what crumbs were still left of her self-control, but gods was that hard. Not when she felt so safe next to you, not when your voice, so sweet and soothing, plucked at the strings of her soul, not when you were so willing to be here for her, when you had absolutely no obligation to be there for her…
Just like her loving grandpa.
Oh no.
The tears welled in her eyes, escaping and running down her rosy cheeks, facade ruined completely. Wailing cries muffled against her fist, still holding onto your shirt, didn’t sound less heart-wrenching. The dam was broken.
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The headache was killing her. Her throat burnt and eyes felt like they were going to roll out of her sockets. Everything felt slightly painful, with body having been stuck in one position for so long - she didn’t think she’d be able to move even a muscle.
There were still arms tightly wrapped around her, cradling her head in a warm palm, and she still heard the same soft and loving voice, now talking to another, equally dear one.
“She is worn out… we need to take her to bed.”
“Ganyu room?”
“Yeah… She’d need privacy.”
“She looks really tired… You think you could carry her?”
“Of course, let me just-” Hu Tao heard the footsteps of a person coming to the other side of the sofa - her side. Your arms carefully unwrapped from around her and rolled her body to lay on the back. Then two other arms - much stronger ones - slide under her knees and shoulder blades, effortlessly lifting her from the couch. “Here we go.”
Only then did she open her eyes. Everything was blurry and it was hard to see with lights dimmed, but even so the liquid gold staring down at her was unmistakable. She blinked a few times, sighing and cringing a little from how raspy it sounded. Palm fisted and came to rub at her eyes, ears picking on the sound of shuffling - of you getting yourself off of the piece of furniture where the whole outburst happened and where you spent two hours holding her close and comforting the poor girl the best ways you could. The memory of what happened was a saddening one, but Hu Tao was actually glad for taking all of it out of her system. She didn’t want to think what it would be like, if she was all alone.
“Dear,” but the smooth deep voice of the man who vowed to be her guardian instead of her deceased parents reminded her that she was not indeed alone, “I’ll get you to the bathroom so you can wash your face, and then to rest for the night, okay?”
“Okay, sounds like a plan” your face lit up when she did not simply nod, but voiced her answer, exhaling in relief. You watched as she carefully wrapped her arms around Zhongli’s neck to make holding her more comfortable for him, and thought that she’d be alright.
“While you two are at it, I’ll go and put the new sheets and stuff.”
Hu Tao turned in your direction, just as you were ready to head out, and cleared her throat.
“Thank you.”
Halting in your steps, you faced her and, seeing the gratitude reflecting in her eyes - the eyes where a small spark was flickering once again, smiled.
“Always, butterfly.”
She watched you disappear in the hallway and her heart swelled with unspoken emotion. She was so damn lucky to find a family in you two. Was that what Ganyu felt when you adopted her, and she started living a proper life as the daughter of the Rex-Lapis couple? Probably it was.
She kept silent and to herself all the way to the bathroom, where Zhongli put her down on the tiled floor carefully. Assured she was firmly standing on her feet, he let her do her thing, promising to come back with slippers for her - something he had forgotten to give at her arrival.
Rings and bracelets clinked against the edge of the bathtub, where she placed them to not be in a way, leaving just one spare hairtie she always had on her. Rolling it further up her wrist, she reached for the faucet. 
Cool water helped to clear her mind and wash the dried tear trails from her cheeks, and a moment later a very tired, but not as miserable as it used to be, face appeared in the mirror above the sink. Already red eyes were bloodshot, but, she supposed, it wasn’t that bad, it’s not like she was going to a beauty contest in ten minutes. The small joke even made her chuckle softly, rubbing at her cheek and then bending down to blow her nose.
Zhongli was back in ten minutes and knocked politely, just as she was half-done with twisting the strands of her long hair in one braid.
“Almost done, uncle Li. Come in,” the doorknob turned and the door opened slightly, just enough to squeeze the slippers inside and leave them there.
“No, no, take your time. I’ll wait outside.”
And wait he did. When Hu Tao stepped out of the bathroom, tapping the hilarious spider-like big slippers, the man was there, switching the lights off the moment the girl closed the door. Now let me tell about those slippers - you once bought them for your husband as a joke for Halloween, which, upon seeing during one of her visits, the girl fell in love with and always asked to wear when being over. It’s not like Zhongli had something against it, in all honesty, they were hideous to him. He loved you with his whole heart, but they were hideous and uncomfortable. 
However he had to admit, his gaze softened when she lifted one of her feet and jerked it, making the spider legs jump up and down. Oh, she really loved them.
“Here’s a box you can store your accessories in,” he offered her a small plastic container with a lid - simple, but quite enough to have all her rings and bracelets stored. She literally dumped those inside, and Zhongli closed the lid, handing it to her.
“Thanks, Uncle Li,” the first smile after the crying fit grazed her lips, and Zhongli mentally kissed all over your face, for being there for her.
“Uncle Li?” oh, speak of the devil. You joined them with a pile of bedding you took off the bed in your arms. “What happened to “Lincle”?”
“My love…” your husband’s brows shot up at the mention of the nickname Hu Tao once came up with. Cause combining “Li” and “Uncle” this way was faster and easier to pronounce.
“Come on, dear, that was cute,” you giggled and glanced at Hu Tao. “He thought it was cute too.”
“Did not.”
“Sure did.”
Listening to your meaningless, soon-to-be-turned affectionate bickering and seeing how a barely noticeable blush crept onto the esteemed University’s professor’s cheeks, Hu Tao shook her head with a soft smile. She was definitely in good hands.
And she vowed to herself that she wouldn’t let depressing thoughts corrupt her mind anymore, she would show gratitude to this family by doing so, since that’s what made them so worried. She’d have so many great stories to tell her grandpa when he got better, and he would. 
She was sure of that.
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kizzdroid · 1 year
hi hi!! ♡
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I'm new to tumblr, I used it to read, now I decided to fix my account and open my inbox so you can ask me for genshin stuff to write! all fluff, i do not accept nsfw at the moment.
• characters i will write for: kaveh, alhaitham, xiao, zhongli, albedo, kazuha, ayato, diluc, tartaglia, tighnari, cyno, itto, scaramouche (?¿)
i do not write for women characters at the moment, maybe they will be added at the future!
english it's not my first language (actually it's spanish) so, If I have any grammatical errors let me know!
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girrrthingszzz · 9 months
You ask I shall give
No gender terms mentioned so can be read as NB, per usual mdni, 18+.
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-hm ok so I think afab! Xiao would probably be a bit scared of any intimacy for a LONGG time because he doesn’t want to be seen as ‘weak’ or ‘lesser’ then anyone else.
-having said that I know he’s a complete virgin loser who has never even put his OWN hands on his clit. He wouldn’t touch himself. (he doesn’t know how to)
-so on top of that if he really REALLY likes you I think he would definitely fantasize about you being his first. His first fuck, kiss, literally everything.
-he would want to be DOMINATED I mean like REALLY manhandled and fucked with care but he would never say that! It would embarrass him and hurt his soul all to much. (He’s fragile)
-To him, the thought of finally being able to get some rest (getting his brains fucked out) really means a lot to him! So do it often!
-I KNOWWW he would be tight. Not even because he’s a virgin, but because HES SO DAMN PENT UP ALL THE TIME!! help him relieve that stress because everyone knows he deserves is.
-After a fuck (weather his first on or not) he would make it VERY obvious that y’all were fucking, even if he doesn’t mean to. Once again, he’s real sensitive, so even if you don’t fuck him that hard he’s gonna be limping! I also think he would be pretty vocal during it as well. (Everyone knows)
-Xiao would be a mix of a good boy and a brat,, hear me out. Normally Xiao is a good boy, but when he’s upset, or just feeling like he needs to be a brat he’ll switch up so quick.
-but anyways I think he would only be more soft in bed or behind closed doors, anywhere and everywhere else he’s back to being all cold and mean. But not to you of course ♡
-he likes it up the ass WHO SAID THAT????
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Uh. Happy new years guys!
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 9 months
How they Show Affection Part 2: Xiao, Zhongli, Ayato
Number 2 of 3
CW: Fluff, No pronouns
Xiao x fem! Reader, Zhongli x Fem!reader, Ayato x fem! reader 
When you and Xiao first got together you wondered how he would show his affection. I mean, he’s never really done this before
And it wasn’t very surprising when he didn’t show much affection when others were present, though he wasn’t able to hide a certain amount of protectiveness
What was surprising was realizing that Xiao was a cuddle bug
It turns out that he finds your touch to be one of the most comforting things in the world
Your touch is warm, full of life, and when he lays his head on your chest (no matter what your comparative heights are), he’s able to relax. 
After a while it got to the point where he would seek out your company and your embrace, starting with bad days when his karmic debt weighed heavy on his shoulders, but eventually just because. Soon cuddles would be mixed with with sweet little kisses. Kisses that say “thank you” and “I love you”
If Xiao was difficult to read because of inexperience, Zhongli would be hard to read because of age
He’s been alive for so long, how would he show his love for you
He’s a quality time person
Now that he’s in his retirement as an archon and generally free to do as he pleases, it most often pleases him to spend his days with you
You two spend so much time in the city where he tells you story after story of the people who once lived there. He tells you the true stories of the legends that the city folk tell now and both of you snicker a little when people talk about “Rex Lapis” to Zhongli’s face. 
And he’s always honest about it, which is refreshing
Kamisato Ayato. Mr. Busy, busy, busy
He shows his affection in whatever way he can at the moment
In public, when you’re together it’s sweet words and him feeding you, though you’re always a little cautious about the latter. You’ve seen what Thoma goes through at the sadistic hands of his master.
In private, while both of you still working, it’s quality time and random chatter. You’ll sit in his office looking over your own work while the two of you chatter about the day.
After hours, though, he heavily gravitates towards physical touch. Hands on your shoulder, your waist, brushing through your hair. He loves looking at you, but he also loves touching you. It’s even better for him when you lean into his touch, or seek out his hand.
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chilumi-shipper · 2 months
Little Lamb (3)
Kamisato Ayato x Fem!Reader / Wanderer x Fem!Reader / Alhaitham x Fem!Reader x Kaveh
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, Lambgirl!Reader, Dumb and Innocent Reader, Manipulation, Pseudoincest, Size Kink, Overstimulation, Praise, Slight Degradation
Summary: Genshin men fucking innocent little lambgirl you.
Go check out the other boys (Diluc, Kaeya, and Xiao) and (Zhongli, Childe, Albedo, Kazuha, and Thoma).
Kamisato Ayato
His parents took you in when you were both just little kids.
The young Ayato's curiosity about you began the very moment you entered the estate with a confused look on your face.
"Ayato, this is Y/N. She really needs our help." His mother was gentle when she introduced you to him.
His mother said to him in a soft voice, she spoke about how you were a poor, helpless girl that they rescued from Kairagi Samurais who were planning to sell you because of your extraordinary features.
Young Ayato's hands couldn't help but reach out for your soft and cute ears in fascination, but you backed away before he could feel the fur of your ear on the pads of his fingers.
"Oh, she's a little shy. But I hope you can treat her like a sister." You hid behind his mother, looking at him as he stares at his mother in disbelief.
"Is that understood, my darling?"
His light purple eyes stared at your small form, looking up at him with such innocent and soft eyes.
"I don't want her as my sister." Tears welled up in your eyes as you hear the young boy say those words.
"...Ayato?!" His mother was at a loss for words, she didn't expect such an answer from her well-mannered son.
When you were rescued, you heard all about Ayato and Ayaka, the former was still a baby, but you were told that Ayato was a kind-hearted and polite boy, and that he will surely accept you within his home.
A family is something that you have always wanted.
Ayato knows that. Although... he has never viewed you as a sister, back when he was a child, you somewhat acted like a pet, especially towards his parents. And now, you act like a servant, constantly trying your best to please him in hopes that he starts to view you as family.
That was all you wanted, so for so many years, you have done everything in your power to meet the young lord's expectations.
As you both grow older though, his demands turned... more unusual.
Your tasks are not akin to the ones of a regular servant.
According to him, your tasks are... more of familial matters, something more important.
"I c-can't... I-I can't do it, Ayato..." Your whimper was accompanied by a few sniffles, tears coating your eye as you held your body up on top of him.
He wrapped his hand around his dick, caressing your folds with his tip. "But it would really really make me happy if you ride me, darling." He pouts at you, and you could only look away for that was your greatest weakness.
You were both fully naked, him laying on his bed and you holding yourself up to try and straddle him. However, for the past five minutes, you were only able to get the tip of his cock in before you turn into a whimpering mess.
"But Ayato... It h-hurts." You frowned at him, your ears folding as a sign of your sadness.
He sighs, his hips shooting forward a little to push some of his length into your cunt. "There..." He grunts in your ear, causing an uncontrollable wiggle of your tail that somehow always happens when he does something like that. "Now keep going..."
You felt his hand tighten around your waist, probably due to your pussy immediately clamping down on him despite not even half being pushed in.
After a few seconds, you try again, pushing yourself down on his length to take him in some more.
You cry out only halfway in, looking desperately in his eyes and shaking your head. "No no! Ayato, I can't..."
You just couldn't anymore, normally, he would be the one to do all the work of fucking you. You felt ashamed, not even being able to fulfill his request.
Ayato merely sighed in disappointment, before switching your position so that he was on top of you. Then, he slammed his cock all the way in, making you scream out in euphoria as you cling on to him for dear life.
He breathes heavily as he fucks into you, "When you can finally do what I ask you to do, perhaps... I'll finally acknowledge you as family."
Underneath him, you acquire some new-found determination, next time, you will try your best so that you can finally be a proper Kamisato.
Scaramouche (Wanderer)
Nahida has been hearing the prayer of a certain lamb girl trying to get into the Akademiya. She senses the pure heart and determination within you and decides that she will help you out.
"I know someone that can tutor you so you can pass your entrance exam!"
And that's why you ended up in the home of a grumpy looking scholar with a big hat. You smiled brightly at him, clutching your books to your chest.
"Lesser Lord Kusanali said you're really smart and that you would love to help me!" You looked at him expectantly, not faltering under his intense gaze.
Much to his annoyance, he couldn't possibly go against Nahida, so he opted to sit you down and actually try to teach you.
Quickly did his annoyance grow when he realized that nothing sticks to that brain of yours except food and delusions. You talk all about getting into the Akademiya but you could not even grasp the easiest subject in the entrance exam.
Your first session wasn't the best, you left his home disappointed and Wanderer knew that Nahida would question him about what had happened and why you looked so sad.
For your second session, Nahida gave him an advice: "Why don't you try quizzing her and giving a prize when she gets a question right. Don't put her down with those insults you usually give."
This ultimately sparks an idea in his head.
You were bent over his counter top, your skirt hiked up and your underwear on the ground. You breathe heavily and closed your eyes as he sinks his cock deeper into you.
"Now... which Darshan in the Akademiya specializes in biology, and the study of medicine?" He whispers in your ear, and he almost chuckles as he sees your tail wiggle, which he know at that point means that you know the answer.
"Amurta!" You answered enthusiastically, your legs twitching as he starts to play with your clit with his fingers.
"That's a good girl..." He started to thrust slowly into you as he plays with your clit. You moaned, feeling warm from his rare praise.
It's simple really, nothing is a greater prize for you than receiving praise, feeling good all over. He knows that you would do anything to be called a good girl, to be acknowledged as smart, you have always been submissive like that.
He's been setting up quizzes like these ever since your second session, and it's proven effective, if you get a question correct, he starts to fuck you play with your body the way you like, throwing in a praise to get you going, but if you get it wrong or take too long to answer, you get a spank and most likely get degraded by him. If you pass the quiz, you get to cum and be treated like perfect little princess, if you fail, you get to go home with a red butt and watery eyes.
"What is the name of the border that separates the desert and the rain forest?"
Your blood runs cold, and he notices it immediately. You know that one, but for some reason it's blurry in your mind.
Wall... Wall of... Saa...
Smack. You yelp as you feel a slap land on you clit. He feels you squeeze around him in surprise, making him thrust according to what speed he wants..
"Wall of Samiel." He spits out, roughly pounding into you. "Stupid slut."
"I-I knew that!" You cried, feeling disappointed that you couldn't piece it together in your mind faster. You cling onto the counter as his brutal thrusts shake your whole body.
At the end of that session, you got an 13/20. Could be better but he decides to let you cum that day, as well as fill you up with his own seed before cleaning you up and sending you on your merry way.
"Bye bye, Hat Guy! Tomorrow, I promise you don't have to spank me once!" You waved him goodbye, oblivious to the weirded out stare the people passing by gave you. You merely thought about how many praises you're gonna get tomorrow.
Alhaitham and Kaveh
He really should charge Kaveh twice as much of his rent.
"...and you will be staying in my room with me!" Kaveh exclaimed excitedly as he proudly presented to you his room.
Your eyes lit up at the sight of the well-kept room, everything neatly in place, thought there were some crumpled paper pooling from his desk, and the decor well-chosen for his own preferences.
As your eyes scanned the room, Alhaitham managed to catch your gaze, merely standing on your left with his arms crossed.
"I don't seem to remember allowing someone else to live in my house." He spoke directly to Kaveh, before he focused his eyes on your ears sitting on top of your head. "Or do you plan to excuse her as your 'pet'?"
You hide behind Kaveh, hoping he would jab at the gray-haired man for you.
"This is both our house, I pay the rent too y'know!"
"Whatever, you just don't understand what being kind is." Kaveh grabbed your wrist and pulled you into his room, before shutting the door in Alhaitham's face.
"Ignore that guy... he's just a bitter lonely scholar!" The blonde said the last part particularly loud, intending to let his roommate hear what he said.
You giggled, nodding as you take in the room you'll be sleeping in.
Kaveh isn't coming home tonight. Apparently, he's gonna be spending the entire night at the Akademiya working on a project that he's been neglecting for a month.
That leaves you all alone with the gray-haired man that you fear so much. Though, without Kaveh to rile him up, he's quite nice to you.
He even made dinner for you and him to share.
As you ate, you keep thinking about Kaveh, if he's gonna come home or not. You've never slept alone, and you are quite afraid.
Alhaitham took note of your troubled expression, "Kaveh isn't coming home tonight." He says, and you begin to panic, shaking in your seat.
"I-I can't..." You shake your head, looking down with watery eyes. "Can't sleep... a-alone."
He merely sighs, not wanting to hear the bleats of a panicked lamb in the middle of the night. "Sleep with me then."
He didn't expect to see you fully undress yourself after bringing your pillows into his room. "What are you doing?"
You look up at his clothed form, looking at him as if he's the crazy one for not taking off every garment on his body for bed. "Kaveh says that the only way to sleep right is if you sleep fully naked."
You took off your underwear, making Alhaitham sigh, "Did he now...?" His words were laced with skepticism that you were too stupid to notice.
You nod, making your little nest on your side of his bed. "Mhhmh, the air is nice and chilly, and the blanket keeps you warm." You cover yourself with his blanket. "You should listen more to Kaveh, Mr. Alhaitham, he's smart and nice and caring...."
"And stupid..." He muttered under his breath, taking off his top to expose his toned upper half. Despite his suspicion on what exactly happens in the confines of Kaveh's room, he can't exactly deny his intrigue in you, so he indulges.
He rids himself of his clothes, his weight dipping into the cushions as he lays next to you. Under the blanket, the skin of his muscular arm feels the pads of your searching fingers. He turns to you, seeing you already looking at him while your hands finally wrap around his arm.
You look cautiously at him, all while you guide his hand between your legs. "Did Kaveh teach you this too?" Alhaitham looks at you unbothered, letting you place his fingers against your core.
"Yeahh... when I can't sleep... iiih" You squeal out when his fingers start moving to rub your clit. You held onto his wrist, ever so slowly grinding down on his hand.
Alhaitham pries his hand from your hold, making you whimper as you chase after his touch. "How lazy..." He shakes his head, sitting up to position himself above you. "When you go back to his room tomorrow, why don't you show him what I'm gonna teach you."
You look at him curiously, his hand reaches for his cock, holding it at the base and nudging the tip at you clit. He rubs the tip continuously at it, occasionally running through your hole.
You instinctively open your legs wider for him, moaning as you feel wetness pool out of your pussy. "M-Mr. Alhaitham..." Your ears fold, feeling overwhelmed by such a large thing being pressed against your sensitive part.
As he moves to line up his length to your cunt, his tip leaving your clit covered in his precum, he feels the vibration of your shaking tail near your heat.
"Excited?" Alhaitham scoffs at the sight of your hole leaking with cum as he pressed his tip against it.
You nod, a deep blush evident on your face. "M-Mr. Alhaitham... I like this..." You let him know, nodding at your self-realization.
He eases himself inside you, breathing heavily at how you clamp down on him immediately. "Kaveh ought to treat his little pet better, I bet fingers aren't enough to get you off now, huh?"
Feeling how incredibly tight you are, Alhaitham grips your waist for support, pulling you closer to sink himself deeper into you. You flutter around him so sweetly, welcoming his cock with such warmth and pleasure that it has him lost for words.
Soon enough, he pounds away at you, hitting your sweet spot that pushes you to let out some cute little bleats. While you were losing your mind being fucked by his cock, his expression was as if he was reading a book, blank and intense.
While you were tearing up from the pleasure, slurring as you say his name over and over, your body shaking, he rams into you with feverish intensity, so composed and dominant.
It's when he combines his fingers, rubbing at your clit, with his hard thrusts did you finally scream so loud at him. "M-MR. ALHAI.... AHHH." You held desperately onto his wrist, trying to ease of of the pressure off your pussy, but he was relentless.
"Cum with me." He says so stoically, but it remains a command in your ears, even if you don't necessarily know what it means.
You let go of... something... a knot-like feeling in your tummy, and next thing you know, there was something incredibly hot flowing inside you, filling you up with warmth.
Alhaitham pulls out, and you get a glimpse of his softening cock with cum still staining the tip. "Tell your beloved Kaveh that that's how you get a little lamb to sleep." As he mentions it, you feel your eyes droop, tiredness taking over you after that mind numbing orgasm.
"I will, Mr. Alhaitham..."
"He did what?"
You merely nodded at his question, pointing at his pants. "Yes, Master Kaveh... with his cock, almost like yours!"
You were sat naked on his bed, nice and ready for bed, and as Kaveh was reaching out for you to initiate your nightly routine, you started to talk about last night.
"I really like what Mr. Alhaitham did, Master Kaveh. He's really good!" You smiled all innocently at him, unaware of the current eruption of emotions in his mind.
"Good, huh?" Kaveh places himself on top of you, pinning your hands on the bed. "That's the last time I'm spending the night at the Akademiya."
He reaches out to kiss at your fluffy ears, just like he knows you love. "Since you loved it so much, why don't I show you how it's really done. I'm sure Alhaitham is to stiff to let you get the full experience."
You feel your tail shake with excitement, and as he noticed it, he smiled, his hand reaching to rub your glistening pussy.
Long story short, Alhaitham hears some bed creaking and loud bleats from a certain lambgirl coming from Kaveh's room for many hours that night.
He's had a chance to think about it...
Perhaps if that cute little lamb would accompany him in his room more often, then he can let Kaveh get away with not paying rent for a couple of weeks.
Little Lamb in this day and age?!?! (⁠‘⁠◉⁠⌓⁠◉⁠’⁠)
Hahahahah, yeahhh, it's been a while, I hope you enjoyed!
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