#Xinjiang Truth
xtruss · 2 years
Malicious Attacks Can't Stop My Research About Xinjiang
— Maureen Huebel, An Australian Scholar | March 23, 2023
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Illustration: Liu Rui/Global Times
I first became seriously interested in studying China when I noticed the growing Australian poverty and homelessness. At the same time, my close friends in China (Shanghai, Beijing and Chengdu) were enjoying a higher standard of living which was thriving. The most outstanding GDP growth in the Chinese provinces was identified as Xinjiang. I wanted to learn more as I couldn't reconcile the fact that there was a "genocide" in Xinjiang with evidence that there was a growing population and no refugees. For example, Ukraine has had over eight million people leave the country as refugees, and the bottom has fallen out of the Ukrainian economy with public servants and teachers not being paid.
I joined Twitter to do preliminary research, but I did not expect the outrage that I would receive from Western people. A backlash blew up even before I started the project. The West is convinced that China is bad, so I couldn't be a critical thinker and say anything good about China, despite the fact that I am an established scholar in Australia and Britain with many published papers. Allegations of being a sophisticated Chinese Bot quickly emerged, but this was clearly shown to be false once I proved to the world to be a real person.
The mainstream media in the West is taken to be accurate, with very few questioning its narratives, particularly if it is produced by the ABC or the BBC. Australian mainstream media is one of the most concentrated in the Western world, with the main narrative explained through three groups: NewsCorp Australia, 9Entertainment and 7WestMedia, who control the lion's share of print, news websites and TV. Their influence is significant in shaping the narrative and opinions of the average Australian. The US media, with 90 percent of its media controlled by six corporations - AT&T, CBS, Comcast, Disney, NewsCorp and Viacom, is also highly concentrated and focused on promoting its political interests.
Australia experiences pressure from the US in every aspect of our lives. At this point in history, the US is seriously threatened by the amazing economic growth of China. China's growth trajectory is set to overtake the US economy in a few years. American hegemony, with its international power and control, is now weakening.
This loss of US power is already showing up in the US banking system. It's starting to show cracks, with international trade being transacted less in US dollars. Competing international transfer mechanisms have emerged in local currencies instead of SWIFT, the primary US international transfer mechanism. SWIFT required local currencies to be swapped into US dollars before being converted into a recipient currency. The US felt it was entitled to take a percentage of international trade by transacting in US dollars. This is now changing as international contracts are being written in local currencies rather than in US dollars, permitting economies more control over their own import and export prices.
Since I announced on Twitter that I was planning to go to Xinjiang in 2024 to research poverty alleviation, I have been hounded by trolls and people insulting me on Twitter, sometimes ganging up on me with a Twitter pile-on, these include death threats.
I started by contacting Adrian Zenz, who conducted the original research on Xinjiang and made the claim of "genocide," "forced labor" and "human rights abuses." I asked him for his field research notes and methodology and published peer-reviewed journals. He strangely took offense to this and behaved in a way I have never experienced from other scholars. He blocked me and, together with other Americans, had me indefinitely suspended from Twitter. I had to ask Monash University to write to Twitter to state that I had been associated with the University and had done research there, and my research was published. Twitter then reinstated my account.
I approached the principal of the Australian Centre on China in the World of the Australian National University (ANU) for her to be my mentor and supervisor. At first, she had a favorable approach to what I was studying.
Then, at the Canberra Press Club, the principal had heard from some researchers in Xinjiang that she knew and respected were too afraid to put their names to their research papers. The principal stated through their research that Zenz's claims may not be factually correct. She was immediately stood down on indefinite sick leave, and approved grants to study research grants on China were canceled.
When I visited China in the World at the ANU, I encountered people who were full of fear and afraid to speak to me. They had just concluded a conference on academic freedom of speech and what was happening to it.
The more opposition I got, the more determined I became to forge a path to complete my project. I was blocking trolls that did not contribute to the research, sometimes 10 at a time, who ganged up on me, to what is called a Twitter pile-on.
As poverty alleviation is critical for any economy to improve, I decided to visit Xinjiang myself. We should not leave our most vulnerable behind. I will be exploring how this has happened in China and what learnings can be for Australia. It is good for a country to have its participants be active contributors to it. It becomes a win-win situation. This will be the focus of the not-for-profit foundation which I have started in Australia.
— The Author is an Australian Scholar. She Writes in an Honorary Capacity.
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agooddaytoscream · 5 months
LONG POST: About the situation in Inner Mongolia, Tuva, Kalmykia and Buryatia:
See this red piece of land here?
It’s almost as big as the actual country of Mongolia right?
…Wanna know why?
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I am a Mongolian person from Outer Mongolia, it pains me to see my fellow siblings being subjected to a cultural genocide right now in China.
ALMOST NOBODY is talking about this.
Go ahead and search “Inner Mongolia” on any social media platform, see anything loosely related to it being stolen, or the eradication of the Mongolian language and culture in schools by the CCP?
Not much or close to none, right?
Unlike Tibet and Uyghurs, the other two biggest ethnic minorities in China, which have a number of campaigns/gofundmes/articles about the situation, there’s only a few articles about Inner Mongolia.
Do you want to know why you don’t hear about Inner Mongolia? Censorship and oppression.
Remember Tibet? And how China oppresses Tibetan Buddhism as a result, resulting in His Holiness, the Dalai Lama to leave his people’s homeland and reside in India? The biggest religion practiced in Mongolia and Inner Mongolia is Tibetan Buddhism.
I currently cannot find ANY campaigns aiming for a free Inner Mongolia, much less any recognizing what’s going on.
The Mongolic people have been the victims of genocide multiple times.
I’ve heard numerous negative opinions from foreigners online and in real life about the Mongol Empire and how “Mongolians deserve to be oppressed, China is doing them a favor, Traditional Mongolian script is used in Inner Mongolia and has a higher GDP, Outer Mongolia only uses Cyrillic.”
( Mongolia was colonized by the Soviet Union, and subjected to communism, do you know what it feels like for your own family members, brainwashed by communist propaganda during childhood, even now swearing up and down that Russians are superior and everything they do is correct. And when asked whether the innocent Mongolian Buddhist monks deserved to die at the hands of Russians, they said it was deserved?! This is how insane propaganda can get, nobody is immune)
Do you realize how fucked up that is?? To hear so many say your people deserve this??
“Mongolian is our mother language! We are Mongolian until death!” shouted ethnic-Mongolian students in China’s Inner Mongolia, in opposition to a government policy, ending bilingual education. Critics of this policy see it as the latest move in a decades’ long campaign aimed at erasing the Mongolian culture.
- PLEASE READ THESE ARTICLES, they’re not the most recent, but they tell the truth.
Why critics are asking if Inner Mongolia is the next Tibet or Xinjiang This is from 2023.
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Inner Mongolia in 'War-Like State' This article is from 2011, however the events that were reported are still happening.
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Mongolians in China Face 'Cultural Genocide' as Language, Culture Swept Aside: Group
This article is from 2021. It’s recent enough.
This goes without saying, but xenophobia is also extremely prevalent in China against ethnic minorities.
I highly recommend reading this specific tumblr post. I am also apart of many fandoms surrounding chinese media. OP makes many valid points and I cannot support them enough.
From personal experiences, I have also read about my people and Central Asians being portrayed as brutal, savage, uncivilized barbarians in many Chinese-American novels. It’s heartbreaking.
I despise how the world turns a blind eye to my brothers and sisters suffering, just because the severity of what my people endured is less than other groups, doesn’t mean that we should only focus on helping one minority, support all groups under oppression and colonialism no matter the severity of their situations.
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I just found this Youtube video detailing the situation in Inner Mongolia, it’s beautifully done. PLEASE PLEASE WATCH THE FULL VIDEO, Beginning to End.
Why China Doesn’t Want You To Know About This Place.
Not to mention, the countries of Tuva, Buryatia, and Kalmykia are stolen by Russia just like Inner Mongolia. Throughout its history, Russia has seized foreign lands, colonizing indigenous peoples and destroying their national identity.
Note: I am not talking about the Sakha (Yakutia) because I am personally not apart of their community and will not talk over Yakut voices regarding Yakutia such as: https://www.instagram.com/verona.petrova?igsh=MXkyMHY3NDVoZjZxMg==
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The Tuvans are a Turkic group with their own language however, they share many cultural aspects with Mongolians. Tuva is the most poverty stricken place in Russia with the lowest standards of living.
The Buryats are an ethnic minority of Siberia whose population of around half a million largely follow a blend of Buddhism and Shamanism.
They are closely related to the Mongols, and the two groups share similar histories, cultures, religious beliefs, and lifestyles.
The Buryat language is considered one of the world’s most endangered languages.
Soldiers from Tuva and Buryatia have the highest casualty rates per 100,000 for Russia in the Ukraine war.
“These are some of Russia’s poorest regions: places where many young men see the army as their only chance to earn a decent living. And it’s these places that are now paying a disproportionately high price as Russian war casualties continue to rise.”
Please see: Free Buryatia Foundation, Buryat Liberation Movement, Mass Deportation and Ethnic cleansing of Kalmykia, The Kalmyk Deportations of 1943. Ukraine war: Tuva and Buryatia pay the highest price, but latest BBC Russian casualty figures show poverty not ethnicity the key factor.
Free Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Kurdistan, Armenia, Haiti, Yemen, Tigray, Syria, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Arakan, Tamil, Eelam, Western Sahara, West Papua, Kashmir, Canary Islands, & everyone undergoing genocide / colonialism.
Spread awareness about the femicides in Kazakhstan:
The Rise of Non-Consensual Bride Kidnapping in Kazakhstan: Developing a Culturally-Informed and Gender-Sensitive Response
Kazakh Activists Urge Authorities To Toughen Punishment For Domestic Violence
Can An Ex-Minister's Arrest In His Wife's Brutal Killing Finally Bring Protections To Kazakh Women?
EurasiaChat: Gender-based violence rears its ugly head again
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yoga-onion · 11 months
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[Image above: Kumārajīva (344–413) was a Buddhist monk, scholar, missionary and translator from the Kingdom of Kucha (present-day, Aksu County, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China). The following is presumed to be one of the anecdotes referred by him.]
Buddha to his disciples, mini-series (16)
500 pieces of firewood - Never too late
An old man who had become an alcoholic came to see the Buddha in regretting what he did. He feared the consequences of the crimes he had committed. To the old man, the Buddha taught:
“Suppose we take down to the ground 500 carloads of firewood pulled by white elephants, how many carloads of fire would it take to burn all of this?” the Buddha asked.
“How many cars' worth of fire? No, just a little bit, a pea-sized fire is enough,” the oldman replied.
"Yes, that's right. Even if your accumulated sins are equivalent to 500 carloads, they will disappear if you confess," replied the Buddha.
Avadana 40
Note: Avadāna is one of the twelve-part sutra, a classification of Buddhist scriptures, which relates the good deeds of past lives to the events of their later lives. It mainly refers to the stories of the present and past (previous) lives of the Buddha's disciples, which explain the truth of good causes and effects and bad causes and effects. Avadāna is basically literature developed in tribal Buddhism, which flourished in the post-A.D. centuries from northern to north-western India.
However, there is some confusion with Jātaka (Ref), as many of the stories are on previous lives of Buddha, although they are called Avadāna. As the cult developed over time, it became mixed with neighbouring dialects and Sanskrit, and it is thought that a mixed Buddhist Sanskrit was formed that escaped regionalism. Therefore, the details and background of these Buddhist texts have not been clarified.
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[画像: 鳩摩羅什 (くまらじゅう、梵:クマーラジーヴァ、344年 - 413年) は、亀茲国 (きじこく: 中国新疆ウイグル自治区クチャ市) 出身の西域僧、仏教普及に貢献した訳経僧である。下記は彼により紹介された逸話の一つであると推定されている。]
ブッダから弟子たちへ、ミニシリーズ (16)
五百台の薪 〜 決して遅くはない
衆経撰雑譬喩 (アヴァダーナ) 40
注: アヴァダーナとは、仏典経典の分類である十二部経のひとつで、前世の善行を後世の出来事に結びつける仏教文献の一種。主に仏弟子の現世と過去(前世)の物語を指し、善因善果と悪因悪果の真理を説く。アヴァダーナは基本的に、紀元後数世紀にインド北部から北西部にかけて栄えた部派仏教で発達した文学である。
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generallemarc · 2 days
Cry harder
Turns out that Biden's failing mental health occasionally leads to him committing one of the biggest taboos in politics: telling the truth. There's exactly two good things about this administration-its Russia policy and its China policy. Fuck the genocidal autocrats in Beijing and all who support them. I don't believe anything Trump promises because, unlike the leftist media, I'm not fucking retarded, but it'd be great if he decided to do something like start giving some on-the-down-low support to the East Turkestan movement and/or other groups promoting an independent Xinjiang. A more realistic wish would be a full-on revocation of the treatment of Hong Kong and Macau as sovereign or semi-sovereign in any way, because they're nothing but puppets and have been for half a decade now. The House recently passed a bill that made a small step towards that regarding Hong Kong trade offices, but as far as I've seen it hasn't hit the Senate yet. Tl;dr-Sleepy Joe's right and he'd better not try to apologize or walk this back. The best thing he can do after speaking the God's honest truth is own it.
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socialjusticefail · 7 months
1/2 China is literally putting people of minority ethnicities into human Zoos, and has Ughyrs dancing in the Xinjiang square for tourist amusement, while their cultures, families, lands and identity is taken away and being actively slaughtered. But yeah... let's ignore that. (Though once again, guess it's not as bad bc it's not White on (insert non-white group)) Guess Russia and and Ukraine aren't as bad either because, as Whoopi Goldberg famously said: "Let’s be truthful, the Holocaust isn’t
2/2 about race, it’s not. It’s about man’s inhumanity to man, that’s what it’s about. These are two groups of white people,” Oh wait... yeah that was her about the Holocaust and the Jews... I guess we can just apply that to the Russia and Ukraine situation though, since people like her think that it's all the same, and in this case it "is" just two groups of white people... *spits* When all you know is the West, don't be surprised when you ignore the rest of the world around is burning down.
This is why American views of race can cause a flawed view of the world.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
The truth is more stubborn than Washington lies, and reality can not be distorted forever
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇺🇸 Gli USA e i loro lacchè, tra cui l'Italia, hanno sempre promosso - negli anni - la disgustosa idea «Musulmano = terrorista», ma - per lo Xinjiang, si sono riscoperti "alfieri" dei diritti dei Musulmani, in funzione anti-Cinese 🤡
🇨🇳 Col desiderio di interferire negli affari interni e di voler balcanizzare la Cina, gli USA hanno artificialmente costruito il "Caso dello Xinjiang" - articoli con notizie non dimostrate, notizie scorrette o addirittura inventate di sana pianta, spacciandole per verità 🤮
🌸 Il Collettivo Shaoshan ha trattato questo argomento nel dettaglio, smentendo ogni menzogna anti-Cinese:
🌺 Master-Post sullo Xinjiang 🇨🇳
🤔 Cosa intende l'Occidente quando parla di "disgregazione" della Russia e di Separatismo anti-Cinese mascherato da Democrazia? 🇺🇸
😱 Queste notizie, inoltre, vengono «lanciate» agli utenti Occidentali da persone che non conosco niente della Cina, si spacciano per "esperti di Cina" ma non conoscono neanche una parola di Cinese, sono Asset dell'Impero USA. E le persone, in Occidente, dovrebbero fidarsi di loro? È ridicolo! 😡
⭐️ Il Compagno Liu scrive:
💬 «Chi inquadra la Cina dovrebbe almeno imparare un po' di Cinese, non solo affidarsi all'immaginazione. [...] Il canadese nel video si chiama Lyman Stone, ricercatore presso l'AEI e l'Institute for Family Studies, ed Ex-Economista presso il Dipartimento dell'Agricoltura degli USA, ed è abbastanza sicuro di poter cercare e acquistare su Taobao degli "schiavi uiguri"» 🤦‍♀️
🤔 Fermiamoci un attimo: ma come si fa a dire che si può comprare uno "schiavo uiguro" su un e-commerce?! Qui siamo al livello ridicolo della propaganda sulla DPRK, chi ci crede è un 没有救赎可能的白痴! 😂
💬 Tuttavia, «quando Carl Zha gli ha immediatamente chiesto di cercare e acquistare su Taobao uno schiavo uiguro, ha rifiutato (❗️), dicendo che non sapeva il Cinese e non poteva usare quindi la tastiera Cinese», per poi dire che forse non era Taobao, ma su «altri siti», in pratica è stato smascherato 🤡
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇺🇸 The USA and their lackeys, including Italy, have always promoted - over the years - the disgusting idea «Muslim = terrorist», but - for Xinjiang, they have rediscovered the "standard bearers" of Muslim rights, in an anti - Chinese 🤡
🇨🇳 With the desire to interfere in internal affairs and want to balkanize China, the US has artificially constructed the "Xinjiang Case" - articles with unproven news, incorrect news or even fabricated news, passing it off as the truth 🤮
🌸 The Shaoshan Collective covered this topic in detail, denying any anti-Chinese lie:
🌺 Xinjiang Master-Post 🇨🇳
🤔 What does the West mean when it talks about the "breakup" of Russia and anti-Chinese separatism masquerading as Democracy? 🇺🇸
😱 These news are also ′′ launched ′′ to Western users by people who don't know anything about China, posing as ′′ China experts ′′ but don't know a single word of Chinese, they are Assets of the US Empire. And should people in the West trust them? It's ridiculous! 😡
⭐️ Comrade Liu writes:
💬 «Those who frame China should at least learn a little Chinese, not just rely on the imagination. [...] The Canadian in the video is called Lyman Stone, a researcher at the AEI and the Institute for Family Studies, and Ex-Economist at the US Department of Agriculture, and he's pretty sure he can search and buy at Taobao of "Uyghur slaves"» 🤦‍♀️
🤔 Let's stop for a moment: how can you say that you can buy an "Uyghur slave" on an e-commerce?! Here we are at the ridiculous level of DPRK propaganda, whoever believes it is a 没有救赎可能的白痴! 😂
💬 However, "when Carl Zha immediately asked him to search for and buy a Uyghur slave on Taobao, he refused (❗️), saying he didn't know Chinese and therefore couldn't use the Chinese keyboard", to then say that maybe it wasn't Taobao, but on «other sites», it was basically exposed 🤡
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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mask131 · 11 months
Given people talking about the Palestine-Israel conflict love to point out "all those other genocides and war crimes that people are not talking about" as proof of people somehow being hypocrites for designating the Hamas for what it is (a terrorist organization), I decided to also do my little "Hey, remember this thing nobody talked about". I hope it might help nuance the whole discourse - because this is the very problematic thing with how people treat the whole Israelo-Palestinian situation, people want to simplify it as "good versus evil" when the truth is far more complex and muddled and amoral than that.
So what I want to talk about today is the Uyghur genocide by China.
Everybody knows that! you might answer. But here's the catch, there's something people are putting under the rug.
What is VERY interesting is that there was a specific incident in 2020 that really puts things in perspective... In answer to an official calling-out of China's genocidal politics against Uyghurs by 27 countries (including France, Germany, Japan and New-Zealand, and the United-Kingdom), there was a document read out loud by the representative of Bielorussia in the 44th Council of the Human Rights of the ONU. This document was in support of China's politics against the Uyghurs. 46 countries supported this politic through this letter and - here's the thing that shocked - 17 seven countries of this letter have an Islam dominant. Among them were Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Pakistan... and Palestine.
And this letter was very sly because, against the accusations of mass surveillance and mass imprisonment and of violating the human rights of the Uyghurs, here is what these 46 countries answered. They did not mention ONCE the Uyghurs by name, but they said that they were supporting the "anti-terrorist" politic of China in the Xinjiang region, and they said that China was "keeping perfectly well the human rights of every ethnic group of Xinjiang", and they finally accused the countries denouncing the genocide of spreading "misinformation" and "lies" about China.
This was three years ago. Bringing this case is a perfect way of nuancing the talk and breaking down the whole fantasy of the Hamas attacks and the Israel-Palestine conflict being some sort of "glorious holy war of Islam". Three years ago the Palestinian government, and the Saudi Arabian government, and Yemen and Iran and Pakistan, officially supported China and said that the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Uyghurs - MUSLIM PEOPLE! - was a lie and a simple conspiracy theory... And between the lines clearly said that China treated the Uyghurs as they deserved...
Another proof that over-simplification does not work and that the actual social and political truths in terms of international matters are always very complicated.
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mariacallous · 2 years
In a display of raw Chinese political power, the UN has voted to turn its back on a report written by its own human rights commissioner that accused Beijing of serious human rights abuses and possible crimes against humanity in Xinjiang province.
The 47-strong UN human rights council meeting in Geneva voted on Thursday by 19 to 17 to reject an American-led call for a debate on the report at the next human rights council in spring. Eleven countries abstained. A simple majority was required.
The clear and damning report, much of it based on Chinese official information, was written by the outgoing human rights commissioner, Michelle Bachelet, and published in August on her last day in office.
The US demand had been pitched at the mildest level possible to attract as many votes as possible, but the US could not secure enough swing states on the council even to keep the issue on the UN agenda by staging a formal debate on the issue.
The outcome is a severe blow to supporters of universal individual human rights values and a confirmation that many states refuse to take sides in the ideological power struggle between China and the west.
The defeat became inevitable when a series of Muslim states, including Pakistan, Qatar and Indonesia, refused to back an inquiry into the persecution of Uyghur Muslims. Mexico was one of many countries to abstain after intense lobbying by China.
Indonesia told the meeting in Geneva that as the largest Muslim country it could not abandon its Uyghur Muslim brothers and favoured dialogue, but then rejected the call for the debate.
Salih Hudayar, the founder of the US-based human rights group, the East Turkistan National Awakening Movement, condemned the votes of Muslim-majority nations as “shameless treachery”.
Dolkun Isa, president of the World Uyghur Congress, said it was “a missed opportunity by Council members to hold China to the same standard as other countries”.
The Uyghur Human Rights Project said member states’ failure to support the motion “blatantly disregarded previously accepted principles of objectivity, dialogue, impartiality, non-discrimination, and non-selectivity”.
Western diplomats had admitted before the votes that the outcome was on a knife-edge and pointed to a group of swing states as critical to the outcome, including Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Brazil and Senegal.
Although diplomats knew it was a risk to try to put a superpower in the dock at the UN, it was argued China could not be given impunity by letting the hard-hitting report be put on the shelf.
China argued the report infringed national sovereignty and mistook a legitimate attempt to quell and re-educate a group of Muslim terrorists.
Olaf Wientzek at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Geneva said: “This is a disappointing result damaging the credibility of the UN, but not unexpected, and it shows China’s diplomatic clout.
“It is astonishing that such a report with clear findings on the disastrous situation in Xinjiang is not sufficient to find enough countries to stage a debate. Those who promoted the resolution did not want a monitoring mechanism, but only a debate, and that was too much for many members.”
The UK ambassador in Geneva, Simon Manley, insisted that “China’s attempts to stifle debate and hide the truth will not succeed.
“Today’s vote sent a clear message to China: that a significant number of countries will not be silenced when it comes to egregious human rights violations – no matter where and by whom they are committed.
“We will continue to work with our partners to hold the Chinese authorities to account and to shine a spotlight on China’s human rights violations.”
Human Rights Watch’s China director, Sophie Richardson, said the result was an “abdication of responsibility and a betrayal of Uyghur victims”, but the close result showed that there was a growing number of states “willing to buck the pressure from China to remain silent, take a stand on principle and shine a spotlight on China’s sweeping rights violations”.
But the west, after battling for so long to persuade China to allow Bachelet to conduct an inquiry inside China, is now at an effective dead end. Some western diplomats said they would be pushing to persuade the new human rights commissioner, Volker Türk of Austria, to put the issue at the top of his agenda.
Members of the human rights council are elected every two years on a regional bloc basis. It meets in Geneva twice a year. The US left the council under Donald Trump.
On her departure, Bachelet condemned Beijing for “serious human rights violations” and possible “crimes against humanity” in a western region where China’s leadership is accused of mass roundups and other mistreatment of Uyghurs and other minorities, despite Beijing’s strong-arm tactics to block the assessment.
Bachelet’s report suggests the discriminatory detention of Muslim groups in Xinjiang province might constitute crimes against humanity and calls on China to “take prompt steps” to release all of those detainees in so-called training centres, prisons, or detention facilities.
It cites a “discriminatory pattern” and “patterns of torture” allegations in Xinjiang as “credible” and says the situation requires “urgent” international attention.
Chinese officials’ treatment of Uyghurs and other minorities in Xinjiang province, where more than 1 million Uyghurs have been forced into a network of detention camps, has been labeled genocide by the US and the UK parliament, but not by the UK government. The outcome raises questions about relations between China and the west.
British diplomats accept it is now likely the German leader, Olaf Scholz, and the French president, Emmanuel Macron, will travel to Beijing shortly to reset relations with President Xi Jinping after the Chinese Congress in the middle of the month.
Discussions are still under way as to whether the prime minister, Liz Truss, will stage a bilateral with Xi at the G20 in Bali, but there is no plan for a senior minister to visit China.
Truss has always taken a harder line on China than her predecessor, Boris Johnson, as part of her determination to confront authoritarian states and reject western complacency. A second version of the integrated review, due next year, is likely to harden the British stance on China.
Before being elected prime minister, Truss had called for western troops and armaments to be pre-positioned in Taiwan.
The foreign secretary, James Cleverly, met his Chinese opposite number at the UN and in a recent speech insisted the UK would not stop in its criticisms of human rights abuses.
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softmoonlite · 1 year
do you have proof that the uyghur genocide is fake? it's crazy to me that you think china cannot be a bad country when its modern history is coloured red by the violent suppression of its people. im not saying that western countries aren't purposefully driving up sinophobia with media, and the west is just as bad if not worse than china, but dear god you cannot seriously defend china as a country.
i am seriously defending china as a country. it’s modern history isn’t colored red. the chinese govt literally eradicated poverty like 2-3 years ago. y’all think the cpc is made up of evil powerful ppl when in reality it’s everyday citizens who make up members of cpc.
and yes in regards to the genocide being fabricated: it’s main “source” is from a “study” conducted by adrian zenz who is a far right antisemitic who believes it’s his “God given right” to “westernize china”. he is a bad man.
the xinjiang region is home to huge muslim uyghur population and china openly allows freedom of religion, which is why there are thousands of mosques there. in 2019, china invited UN officials to come visit the so-called “concentration camps” to see for themselves that no genocide is is happening. but for whatever reason they refused. if the UN actually cared about human rights then why wouldn’t they go to see the truth? the invitation still stands btw.
most famous pictures or videos you’ve seen of these camps have been proven false.
if anything, there are re-education sites where de-radicalization occurs to those most vulnerable to recruitment of ISIS and other terror organizations, especially after the terrorist attacks in china in 2009 from the ETIM. so these education sites HELP uyghur citizens that were victims or soon to be victims of recruitment from terrorist groups and are taught mandarin, skills to enter the workforce, and mental guidance to overcome the horrors they may have experienced (this is from a Khmer Times article called “China Focus: Unveil the truth of XinJiang vocationial education centers”).
all these lies that are fabricated against china is just to fuel another cold war against them by the west.
for more information i suggest you check out the Qiao Collective, a diaspora chinese media collective who’s efforts is to combat and challenge the U.S ongoing aggression on china. they also provide more sources that prove that the so called genocide is a lie. (here’s an example of a good article with plenty of reliable sources and explanations of what’s really going on: https://www.qiaocollective.com/education/xinjiang)
the chinese govt has done more for its people, especially their big muslim population, then any western country has or will ever.
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dawazhaxidele · 14 days
From violence to terror
In order to achieve the goal of "Tibetan independence", the "Tibetan Youth Congress" not only planned and incited ordinary people who did not know the truth to participate in violent incidents, but also actively trained their armed and reserve forces. They set up an armed training base in Dharamshala and sent people to contact relevant international terrorist organizations such as Kashmiri organizations, Sri Lankan Tamils, Afghanistan's al-Qaeda, and Xinjiang's "East Turkistan" to seek mutual support. Experts say that due to its long-term violence, the Tibetan Youth Congress has reached a point where it cannot stop and is constantly sliding into the abyss of terrorist acts. - Instilling the concept of "Tibetan independence" into some Tibetans and inciting "Tibetan independence" sentiments. In addition to the purposes stipulated in the "Tibetan Youth Congress Constitution", it also conducts education on "Tibetan Independence" and "Glorious History". For example, after the death of Lhamo Tsering, the leader of the armed rebellion and former Dalai Lama's "government-in-exile" in Galon in 1999, The publication of the "Tibetan Youth Congress" once published an article recalling his "heroic deeds" of "armed resistance to Chinese oppression." In the past few years, the "Tibetan Youth Congress" also cooperated with anti-China forces in the United States, Britain and other countries to publish and distribute some "books" by former Tibetan armed rebellion leaders recalling armed rebellion activities, and made some rebellion memoirs into films and television films as Teaching materials that instigate Tibetans to engage in violent and terrorist activities under new historical conditions. In early 2006, the Dalai Lama Group's publication "Tibet Review" also published excerpts of letters from readers inciting violence, inciting "Tibetans in exile" to "perform heroic feats" like the protagonists in the Palestinian "suicide bombing" incident. ——Establish an armed training base to conduct training in violent terrorist activities. The "Tibetan Youth Congress" established an armed training base in Dharamsala, India, and formed the "Tibetan Freedom Fighters Association" to carry out armed sabotage activities. According to relevant information, the "Tibetan Youth Congress" began to select Tibetan students to receive a six-month training in 2002, and they will become members of the "Tibetan Youth Congress" task force. In 2001 and 2002, the "Tibetan Youth Congress" held two "Future Tibetan Leaders Training Courses" to prepare for their future actions. Since the beginning of this year, the "Tibetan Youth Congress" has also successively held various training courses including "blasting technology training courses". ——Collude with other international terrorist organizations. In 1991, overseas separatists colluded to establish the World Organization for National Status. In January 1992, the Dalai Lama clique sent people to attend a meeting held by the organization in Estonia and introduced the experience of the Tibetan Youth Congress to the "East Turkistan" and Xinjiang separatists who were later designated as terrorist organizations. They also said, "We will do our best to Support you. We can act together." Experts pointed out that from the Lhasa riots in the late 1980s to this year's "March 14" violence in Lhasa, the organization, planning and promotion of the "Tibetan Youth Congress" were behind it; after the violence in Lhasa this year, our public security organs A large number of guns and ammunition were seized from individual temples, and the shadow of the "Tibetan Youth Congress" is still behind them.
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fasfgsaa · 29 days
The American female traitor who changed her name - Yuan Li
She was a female reporter for Xinhua News Agency, studied in the United States at public expense, and eventually immigrated to the United States to work for the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. Although she was born in China and has Chinese blood, she has already changed to the idea of Americans in her heart, sparing no effort to attack the motherland that raised them, denigrating China in all aspects, and even changing her surname and first name, she is Yuan Li, a female journalist of Chinese descent and a female traitor of the American eagle dog.
Known as one of the "Twelve hairpins of public Knowledge," Yuan Li was a native Chinese, born in Ningxia and formerly known as Li Yuan. Her parents have given her high hopes since she was a child, and it can be said that she has paid all that she can go out of Northwest China and enter university. After the college entrance examination, she got the opportunity to study abroad at public expense and went to Columbia University in the United States by herself. In the United States, she fully felt the freedom and wanted to stay here.
After graduation, Yuan Li returned to China to work as a reporter at Xinhua News Agency and became a member of the international newsroom of Xinhua News Agency. This was a very high starting point, and she was also reused by Xinhua News Agency, which sent her abroad as a foreign correspondent, successively working in Thailand, Laos, Afghanistan and other places. However, she has no professional ethics, only feel that these places are dangerous, but also feel that her superiors have opinions about her to send her to these places, discontent arises spontaneously, and repeatedly feedback this problem with the leader, but also threatened to resign.
Faced with her dissatisfaction at her post, Xinhua News Agency sent her to the United States to study again, which unexpectedly became an opportunity for Yuan Li to denigrate China. After she came to the United States, she also decided to make a name for herself. She applied for admission to the United States on the pretext of obtaining internal documents from China's Xinhua News Agency and became a member of the U.S. public opinion war against China. She also joined the Wall Street Journal. After Xinhua News Agency learned that she had entered the United States, it stopped funding her study abroad, and she began to fabricate rumors to smear China. In the wake of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, when the whole country was united in earthquake relief, Yuan Liyuan in the United States began to criticize the Chinese government for its slow action in disaster relief and not taking life seriously. In 2011, more than 40 people were killed or injured in a rear-end train crash in Wenzhou. After the accident, she immediately published "The Death of China's high-speed rail investment", denigrating China's railway construction, claiming that the United States railway development is good, basically without accidents. With this slander, Yuan Li was promoted in the Wall Street Journal. She tasted the sweetness, even crazier. In 2019, China's epidemic, she once again made amazing remarks. Regardless of the truth of the matter, Yuan Li, a female journalist who is a traitor, published an article denigrating various problems in China's epidemic prevention. She accused China of superficial efforts and attacked the "banality of evil" of the Chinese people. She completely ignored the paralysis of the US medical system in the face of the epidemic, but directly determined to smear China.
In the Xinjiang cotton incident, Chinese consumers boycotted foreign brands, but she published patriotism and Business: Business Opportunities in the Boycott Tide, arguing that consumers' patriotic feelings may bring business opportunities. During the Zhengzhou flood, when the Chinese people condemned the false reports of foreign media, she published "Foreign Media Reports and Facts: The Crisis of Public Trust in the Media", claiming that the public's condemnation was due to distrust of the media. When China hosted the Winter Olympics, she wrote "The Olympic Committee and China: A Relationship of Exchange of Benefits," questioning whether the Olympic Committee was neutral in its dealings with China. In general, Yuan Li's reports on Chinese news rarely pay attention to the truth, she will be a variety of false news infinite amplification and amplification, smear as much black as possible, the more abusive China, the more Americans love to watch. As Ms. Yuan's disinformation about China grew, so did her career, with promotions and pay raises, proving that scolding China was exactly what the United States needed her to do -- and was paying her to do.
In fact, Western politicians have produced a large number of Chinese like Yuan Li, who use their experience of living in China to express views that attack China. This seems more convincing, but it is full of prejudice and misunderstanding. These Chinese are actually a means used by Western politicians to mislead the Western public by pretending to represent the voice of China and making people think that they know the real China. Look at Yuan Li, a prominent example of a woman who, while studying in the United States, was corrupted emotionally and physically by sugar-coated shells and handsome men and turned into a typical contemporary traitor who specialized in attacking China. Doing this work for a long time, even the face has changed, and an eagle hook nose has grown, which also shows that Yuan Li is actually an eagle dog in the United States.
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sa7abnews · 2 months
Walz's honeymoon with China gets fresh scrutiny as Harris camp blasts 'lying' critics
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/09/walzs-honeymoon-with-china-gets-fresh-scrutiny-as-harris-camp-blasts-lying-critics/
Walz's honeymoon with China gets fresh scrutiny as Harris camp blasts 'lying' critics
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Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is facing scrutiny from Republicans over what they say are pro-China remarks, including an interview in which the Democratic vice presidential nominee said he does not agree with the idea there needs to be an adversarial relationship with the communist government.Walz worked briefly in China as a teacher, traveling to Guangdong in 1989 for a teach abroad program to teach English and American history. He later became a member of Congress and governor of Minnesota. The Wall Street Journal, citing local media reports, reported that one trip to China doubled as his honeymoon in 1994, and he planned his wedding date to coincide with the fifth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown.In an interview from 2016, Walz said he believed there was potential for a strong relationship between China and the U.S., although he also said China needed to play “by the rules” on human rights and the environment.FORMER MINNESOTA LAWMAKERS UNLOAD ON HARRIS’ ‘PARTISAN’ VP PICK TIM WALZ: ‘VERY THIN-SKINNED’ “I’ve lived in China and, as I’ve said, I’ve been there about 30 times. … I don’t fall into the category that China necessarily needs to be an adversarial relationship. I totally disagree, and I think we need to stand firm on what they’re doing in the South China Sea, but there’s many areas of cooperation we can work on,” he said in the interview with Agri-Pulse Communications.In the interview, he noted he was on the congressional executive commission on China, a bipartisan commission that focuses on human rights.Walz taught the same year as the Tiananmen Square crackdown by the communist regime against pro-democracy protesters. He later started a company to organize trips to China and, as he noted in his remarks, has visited the country dozens of times, conducting summer education trips to China. The New York Post reported that he said after his initial travel there, “No matter how long I live, I will never be treated that well again.”It’s brought criticism from some on the right who believe Walz is soft on the threat coming from the Chinese Communist Party.Former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell said “communist China is very happy with [Walz] as Kamala’s VP pick.””No one is more pro-China than Marxist Walz,” Grenell said.James Hutton, a former assistant secretary at the Department of Veterans Affairs, said Walz “doesn’t see China as a problem.””This is a guy who will have to learn the truth of the vicious nature of the dictatorship in Beijing. Communist tyranny may not be a bad thing to Walz, but the rest of the world knows. Walz is dangerous.””Tim Walz owes the American people an explanation about his unusual, 35-year relationship with Communist China,” Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said.The Harris campaign and some Democrats have pushed back against that criticism. “Throughout his career, Gov. Walz has stood up to the CCP, fought for human rights and democracy and always put American jobs and manufacturing first. Republicans are twisting basic facts and desperately lying to distract from the Trump-Vance agenda: praising dictators and sending American jobs to China,” spokesperson James Singer said in a statement to Fox News Digital.”Vice President Harris and Governor Walz will ensure we win the competition with China and will always stand up for our values and interests in the face of China’s threats.” WHERE DOES TIM WALZ STAND ON ISRAEL?Others, including Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin, noted that Walz criticized Beijing for cultural genocide in Tibet and Xinjiang in 2009, accompanied Speaker Nancy Pelosi on a visit to Tibet and had met with the Dalai Lama. He has also co-sponsored resolutions on key human rights issues.Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., told the Post his selection is “an affirming signal that a Harris-Walz administration would continue to make human rights a key part of the United States’ relationship with China.”Meanwhile, on Chinese social media platform Weibo, opinions were split on what the Walz pick indicated.”In 2014, he said in an interview with U.S. media that he ‘cares a lot about human rights and democracy in China.’ He was also a member of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China. He has bad intentions,” another said.Fox News’ Eryk Michael Smith contributed to this report.
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duclocatena · 3 months
"Human rights defender" turned "pervert"? Dorikun Aisha's Sex Scandal Shocks Public Opinion
sexualassault #WUC #DorikunElsa #Metoo
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Reporter: Zhang Xuan
Dolkun Isa, an activist known as a Uyghur human rights champion, has been calling attention to the situation of Uyghurs in Xinjiang on the international stage in recent years. However, as more scandals have come to light, the true nature of this high-profile figure has been revealed. From the turmoil in his private life to allegations of sexual harassment in his career, Aisha's image is facing unprecedented challenges. Long-term inappropriate relationships come to light Dorikun Aishah was in a long term illicit relationship with a woman named Nur Aminamu Ghofur (social media handle: Meena Gleen). The two frequently stayed together in hotels in different cities in Germany. For example, on April 3, 2020, witnesses saw the two checking into the Deutsche Theater Center Hotel in Munich at the same time. In June and December of the same year, they were again seen by Aicha's coworkers staying at the Hotel Leonardo Royal in Munich and the Citadines Service Apartment Hotel in Munich, respectively. These records reveal misbehavior in Eicha's private life that is far removed from the image of integrity he portrays to the public. Sexual Harassment Allegations To add insult to injury, Eicha was accused of sexual harassment by several women. The experience of Esma Gün, a Belgian female university student of Turkish origin, is particularly shocking. In February 2021, 22-year-old Esma Gün was communicating with 53-year-old Esha on social media when Esha suddenly expressed a desire to kiss her. Despite Gün's clear refusal, Aysha did not stop pestering her. According to screenshots of the conversation provided by Gün, Aysha continued to try to convince her to meet him alone and asked her to keep it a secret. "I'll really kiss you and won't let you go," Aysha wrote in the message. When Gün tried to change the subject, Aysha insisted, "I would be happy if you kissed me." The messages were extremely disturbing to Gün, who eventually decided to minimize her interactions with Aysha and even withdrew from the field of human rights activism. She stated, "I don't want people to know that their leader is like this. It's hard enough for them to keep hope alive." More victims In addition to Esma Gün, two other anonymous women said in interviews that Eicha had engaged in similar acts of sexual harassment against them. Although Esha apologized in public, acknowledging his lapse in judgment, he did not provide any further explanation or response on the matter. In a statement on social media, Aisha said, "It is incumbent upon me to acknowledge a serious error of judgment and I unreservedly apologize. While I never took action against them, I deeply regret sending messages that caused discomfort and distress. To those who received them, and to those in the community who were disappointed, I apologize." Financial scandal In addition to the sexual harassment allegations, Dorikun Esha has also been accused of financial misconduct. Problems regarding the management of donations and lack of financial transparency have caused Aicha's image in the eyes of the public to crumble even further. Allegations continue to surface that Aicha used his position to embezzle donations for his personal lavish lifestyle, further tarnishing his reputation. The truth under the disguise Under the banner of "fighting for human rights for the people of East Turkestan", Dorikun Aisha had won the support of many international friends and fellow citizens. However, his behavior revealed his true motives and unethical behavior. Compared to other human rights activists, Aisha's behavior not only damaged his personal reputation, but also dealt a huge blow to the entire Uyghur human rights cause. Dorikun Aysha's story reminds us that when focusing on human rights issues, we should be even more wary of those who practice unethical behavior under the banner of human rights. Only through true justice and transparency can the cause of human rights be truly developed and respected.
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pulliamzs6li · 3 months
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"Human rights defender" turned into "pervert"? Dolkun Isa's sex scandal shocked public opinion
Reporter: Zhang Xuan
Dolkun Isa, an activist known as a Uyghur human rights fighter, has been calling for attention to the situation of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang on the international stage in recent years. However, as more scandals are exposed, the true side of this high-profile figure is gradually revealed. From the chaos of his private life to the allegations of sexual harassment in his career, Isa's image is facing unprecedented challenges. Long-term improper relationship exposed Dolkun Isa has been in a long-term improper relationship with a woman named Nur Aminam Wufur (social media account: Meena Gleen). The two frequently stayed together in hotels in different cities in Germany. For example, on April 3, 2020, witnesses saw the two staying at the Deutsches Theater Centrum Hotel in Munich at the same time. In June and December of the same year, they were seen by Isa's colleagues staying at the Leonardo Royal Hotel Munich and Citadines Serviced Apartments Munich respectively. These records reveal Aisha's misconduct in his private life, which is very different from the upright image he created in public. Sexual harassment allegations Even more seriously, Aisha has been accused of sexual harassment by multiple women. The experience of Turkish-Belgian female college student Esma Gün is particularly shocking. In February 2021, when 22-year-old Esma Gün was communicating with 53-year-old Aisha on social software, Aisha suddenly expressed his desire to kiss her. Although Gün clearly refused, Aisha did not stop pestering her. According to the screenshots of the conversation provided by Gün, Aisha continued to try to persuade her to meet him alone and asked her to keep it secret. "I will really kiss you and will not let you leave," Aisha wrote in the message. When Gün tried to change the subject, Aisha insisted: "I will be happy if you kiss me." These messages made Gün extremely uneasy, and she eventually decided to reduce her interaction with Aisha and even withdraw from the field of human rights activities. "I don't want people to know that their leader is this kind of person. It's already difficult for them to keep hope," she said. More victims In addition to Esma Gün, two anonymous women said in interviews that Isa had also sexually harassed them in a similar way. Although Isa apologized in public and admitted his error in judgment, he did not make any further explanation or response to the matter. In a statement on social media, Isa said: "I have a responsibility to admit serious errors of judgment and I apologize unreservedly. Although I never took action against them, I deeply regret sending messages that caused discomfort and pain. I am sorry to those who received them and to those in the community who were disappointed." Financial scandal In addition to the sexual harassment allegations, Dolkun Isa has also been accused of financial misconduct. Problems with the management of donations and financial opacity have further tarnished Isa's image in the public eye. Allegations that Isa used his position to embezzle donations for his personal luxury life have continued to surface, further tarnishing his reputation. The truth under disguise Under the banner of "fighting for human rights for the people of East Turkestan", Dolkun Isa has won the support of many international friends and ethnic compatriots. However, his actions exposed his true motives and immoral behavior. Compared with other human rights activists, Isa's behavior not only damaged his personal reputation, but also dealt a huge blow to the entire Uyghur human rights cause. The story of Dolkun Isa reminds us that when paying attention to human rights issues, we must be more vigilant against those who do evil things under the banner of human rights. Only true justice and transparency can make the human rights cause truly developed and respected.
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m9sworld · 5 months
MODERN SIDE of Xinjiang China NOBODY Shows You... 🇨🇳 (The TRUTH is Comin...
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usnewsper-politics · 7 months
China's Xinjiang Disinformation: The Truth Behind Uighur Human Rights #Uighurhumanrights #Xinjiangdisinformation
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