empresstrash-art · 2 years
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Digital Mixed Media Animation. Minted on Manifold.
Ya Yeet, Boy Bye.
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askethandothers · 2 years
how strong (physically) is ethereal?
he is quiet strong with a kick that will leave a nasty bruise(s) and possibly a broken bone but the part of his body he uses a lot is his arms, specifically his claws (if expanded long enough or at it's limit, the limit being almost long as a katana or sword) lemme explain
his claws are shape along side the edges it can almost cut through anything the exception being nonorganic dense things like rock, it's powered through extremely strong musculature, durable tissue and an almost unbreakable bone structure (plus moving at unnatural speeds) also if he'd slapped you with some effort, you've been sent flying with a good portion of your flesh ripped off and a good chance of a broken bone
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[Image ID: This is a tall drawing of Eth and Gendaen from the Mysta's Terrarian Quest Tumblr Webcomic. The top half of the image shows Eth sitting alone on the edge of the Fountain of Purity in the crimtained Green Citadel, his head in his hands and surrounded by glowing golden leaves. The atmosphere is dark and gloomy, and red light shines down from the top right of the image. The bottom half of the image is upside down, like a reflection of the top half. The bottom half shows Eth and Gendaen discussing one of Gendaen's blueprints on the edge of the same fountain, except the Green Citadel had not been crimtained yet. The atmosphere would be bright and happy, if not for the dark vignette effect and messy scribbles on the outer edges of the image. Gendaen's eyes are blacked out with a scribbled rectangle. The two halves of the image are separated by a glowing white line. End ID] fanart for @mtqcomic!
I've been trying to draw something for this comic for like forever but I keep messing up TwT
This took forever to make but I'm pretty happy with it! It's not perfect but I had a lot of fun making it so I'm gonna count that as a win :D (I think Tumblr might've ate the image quality a little though...)
Here's a version without the vignette and messy scribble effects because I also really like this one!
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[Image ID: This is a tall drawing of Eth and Gendaen from the Mysta's Terrarian Quest Tumblr Webcomic. The top half of the image shows Eth sitting alone on the edge of the Fountain of Purity in the crimtained Green Citadel, his head in his hands and surrounded by glowing golden leaves. The atmosphere is dark and gloomy, and red light shines down from the top right of the image. The bottom half of the image is upside down, like a reflection of the top half. The bottom half shows Eth and Gendaen discussing one of Gendaen's blueprints on the edge of the same fountain, except the Green Citadel had not been crimtained yet. The atmosphere is bright and happy, and light yellow sunlight is shining from the bottom right of the image, where the top right would be if the image was flipped the right way up. The mountains in the background are blue and green and birds are flying in the distance. The two halves of the image are separated by a glowing white line. End ID]
Anyways here's an obligatory long post warning plus spoilers for the comic because I'm gonna go on a LOOOOOONG rant about this comic >:) *rubs hands evilly*
I've been wanting to talk about this comic for like a LONG time now but I've been saving it for when I finally posted a piece of fanart to go along with it. Now that I finished the art though, I'm free to yeet all of my brain thoughts onto a tumblr post!!!!!
Okay, first thing, LORE. LORE LORE LORE LORE LORE LORE LORE (sorry I like lore haha)
There's so many cool things going on here! You've got the whole thing with the Crimson obviously (plus the other evils but they haven't really appeared all that much yet aside from the Corruption), but then there's also the Order-Dryad thingy and the whole thing with prophecies and Destiny and of course the whole Gendaen mystery.
Speaking of Gendaen, he's a really interesting character! He hasn't appeared all that much, but he's one of the main sources of motivation for Eth! I have a few – well, more like one big convoluted and probably incorrect one – theories on what happened to him, but I wanna talk about everything else first :)
Mysta! I like how resourceful she is, and how she uses all sorts of weapons in combat! You never know when she's going pick up a random lampost or something and bonk someone over the head with it ^^ That said, I'm really curious about the whole thing about the "powerful soul". So far Mysta has done some pretty incredible things with soul magic, and it's logical to assume that they'll get more insane later on in the comic. I wonder if it will play an important part in finding Gendaen? Since she was able to sense the "undetectable watcher" who I assume is Zaïl on page 205, there is the (although rather unlikely) possibility that one day she'll get strong enough to sense wherever the heck Gendaen went.
Also, Zaïl is cool :D They seem to be sent by Yele to keep an eye on Mysta? Most likely to update her on Mysta's progress, probably. Anyways, they're cool, I love their color scheme (and design in general), and I can't wait to see them show up again later in the comic :)
Yele! She's really cool, and her beef with the Order is very interesting to read about! Also, page 173 was hilarious lol *rainbow sparkles and confetti rain down from the sky* More on her later in my conspiracy theory hehe
Eth. Eth. This guyTM. I saved him for last because WOAH there is a lot to say about Eth (plus this is where I start talking about my conspiracy theory lol). First, epic special agent war commander guide. Amazing, 100/100 idea, I love it :D Though the comment on him being "equal parts ally and enemy" is very intriguing... According to his character sheet, he's unnervingly loyal to the Order of Learning, which is a very interesting trait to single out, as it seems like it's a core part of his character. Soooo conspiracy theory time! Finally! (I've held onto this for so long oh my goodness it's probably incorrect but it's very fun to think about >:) )
So I think the Order of Learning might be evil.
*vine boom*
Okay okay okay I'm gonna explain I promise, but like, a super-powerful government organization that also controls knowledge? That's a little suspicious not gonna lie. Very Suspicious. *amogus music plays*
Maybe it's just because the Sumeru Akademiya just happened in Genshin Impact when I made this theory (yeah I like genshin please don't judge) but I feel like I don't really trust the Order? Like it's hard to explain. So you know how so far all the lore documents are canonically stuff from the Order's archive? Well one of the most important things I learned from social studies class is how to analyze sources for reliability (teachers are you proud of me) and right now I see a bunch of different sources from ONE perspective which may very well be biased, especially after what Yele told us about the "accidental" Dryad genocide which I think might not be completely accidental? Like, how convenient is it that you just "accidentally" committed genocide on the species meant to guide the Heroes of Terraria and then just conveniently replaced them with your own Guides? Like, they didn't even apologize for it either! Something fishy is going on here cmon. Maybe they want to be able to control how the future of Terraria turns out through the Heroes? IDK just something to think about I guess.
Going off of that, it may be possible that the Crimson isn't entirely evil evil. Like obviously it's bad to humans and eating away at the purity and whatnot but so far we've met several Crimson demons and only Malvox seem to be outright malicious; the other ones feel like they're just doing their jobs (especially the Imperator guy – give xem a break XD). Nelun Soma'o even had a whole conversation with us (AND answered our questions!!!! Eth take some notes please) before he officially challenged Mysta to a duel(?) If anything, they feel kind of like half mentor half rivals testing Mysta's strength than evil world-conquering warlords. Like yknow how in Pokemon you battle with people to grow stronger? Kind of like that. An antagonist but not necessarily a villain. They're just trying to exist, yknow? I do wonder what their perspective on all of this is... what's their half of the story?
Speaking of Nelun Soma'o, that lore bomb he dropped about Gendaen is really interesting (and also what started this convoluted conspiracy theory in the first place haha). So yknow how on page 229 he said that the Crimson didn't do anything to Gendaen? Well, so far he's been pretty friendly all things considered, and we don't really have any reason to distrust him, as he pointed out. Just the fact that he's leading the Crimson, and he said that "each of us fights to help someone", which is very very interesting for someone the Order deems to be evil evil. So that got me thinking, if the Crimson wasn't involved in Gendaen's disappearance, who else could? The Corruption is nearly nonexistent, the Hallow is still sealed away, the Gloome has long since been neutralized, and it's certainly not the Dryads since they're still recovering from "accidental" genocide. Oh wait, there's a super-powerful government organization that controls all knowledge who could conveniently kidnap Gendaen and just not tell Eth about it! Oh wow! I do wonder if this means we'll have to bust Malvox out of nonexistence prison though, since it seems to be the only one that might be able to tell us what happened to Gendaen since if the Order did it they're definitely not going to help us find him. Maybe Gendaen found out some terrible secret about the Order or he was starting to doubt them so they decided to take him out of the equation. Eth is not having a good time though, someone please go and give him a hug :(
Speaking of Eth, as I said earlier, his unnerving loyalty to the Order and his idolization of them seems to be a core part of his character. If the Order is indeed evil in this hypothetical scenario, it's possible for Eth to be a mislead protagonist like Zuko from ATLA. His heart is in the right place but he's helping the wrong people kinda thing. Additionally, this might mean that we'll eventually get a separation arc where Mysta does something not in accordance with the Order's will or something, and Eth's loyalty to the Order wins against his loyalty to Mysta and he becomes an antagonist. Yele could even step in as a mentor so that Mysta gets both Order guidance and traditional Dryad guidance! And then Eth somehow finds out what happened to Gendaen (Zaïl maybe? Subterfuge and cool spy stuff), maybe we get a dramatic emotional reveal scene where he is shocked and then starts to question everything the Order has ever told him, and then he either finds some way to contact Mysta or just rescues Gendaen by himself and rejoins Mysta, now fully against the Order. Plus we can get a cool reunion scene, both with Eth and Gendaen and Eth and Mysta! Yele would definitely distrust him at first, because what if this is a ruse from the Order and Eth is like double-agent-ing or something but then she sees Gendaen and goes "oh wait he's serious about this isn't he"
I'm probably wrong about all this (it's my first time making a theory out of anything plus this is super convoluted and there's a high chance that I'm connecting dots that doesn't exist), but it's still very fun to think about! I might've missed some stuff since I've been thinking about this for a very long time so I probably forgot to add some things, but either way I'm very excited to see where the comic goes! :D
Great comic, if you haven't read it go read it, it's very very good and I like it a lot :) *insert a bunch of sparkles here*
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i do have an au called the trixie au wher ethe omnitrix is sentient, i talked about it here before
Ah there's that! I forgot about it! But if that's the one then yeah yeet the questions over on Spirit's blog!
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bebe-benzenheimer · 1 year
Mr. Count don't give no shit about seven years of bad luck. YEET-ETH!
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vgilantee · 2 years
nah you right. it would've been you snd chad to get into the car to go to the shops but ethan is all "i wanna come, please?" and he's a menace. almost knocking displays over every time he walks down an aisle
"fine you can come with us, and if you aren't a dumbass i'll buy you something"
"a pizza pocket?"
"*sigh* sure, eth. i'll buy you a pizza pocket"
"just don't be a dumbass" chad has to chip in but he does the dad thing where he has a hand on his hips and is pointing with one finger
and when he fucking... yeets the sausage roll over his shoulder chad wraps his arms around his waist from behind and carries him off while you take all of the ones already in the trolley out
(i can't remember what it actually was but i'm australian, so anything in that sort of packaging is a sausage roll by default)
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bloominghands · 5 years
the wall is tainted. you hate how it breaks. winding clock. ticking.  ticking. ticking— talks, but it clocks offbeat. cadence unaligned : it’s wrong / WRONG / WRONG. it doesn’t stop. one too slow, two too fast.  three four five. six / it breaks. you can’t take it. it’s too much. it has to stop. destroy the source, destruct the clock, scream out your fury : you only flinch when it screams right back.
    Perhaps it’s the still in the air that moves her feet, or perhaps its the unfocused look in storm cloud eyes she’d recognized all too easily not but a few hours earlier, the edge of their sword sharp wit dulled and grey from the silver sheen of a blade; An emptiness unignorable to even the strongest of wills forever - a title that he cared upon his shoulders like atlas beneath the weight of the world. But even still, atlas must sometimes still shuffle his feet for balance.      In the dead of the night the sound of shattering is what pulls her from a brisk, searching pace into a full hounding sprint, and what she finds behind the door that she throws her weight into hard enough to splinter the wood, her heart pounding, is enough to still it. Shattered glass; A broken clock face that ticks almost mournfully in a futile attempt to turn again; Blood that drips into the floor from its source, a curled fist, another raised mid-strike. A being swathed in rage whose face only recognizable just beneath.      ‘ Levi! ’ His name strikes the air in just as futile a manner, pulled from her throat in a cry of anguish - of anger - as though she felt the wounds as her own. And perhaps she did. 
   Once more - she screams back at him through his fury, like two strikes of lightning crashing in the sky, though this time it’s accompanied by a tight grip around his wrist from behind,  whipping him around and trying to pull him back from the carnage he’d created, & from the edge he walked in his own mind - one she was all too familiar with, an edge that once you fell over into madness, you could not return.
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                     ‘ LEVI-!! ‘
         Blood drips down her wrist. His. But she doesn’t look - her gaze trained solely on his, trying and failing to force the tears not to break and roll down her cheeks, and instead wading through his fury like a raging tide. She’d drag him back from the depths herself if she had to, no matter the cost to her lungs. 
     (  // @liberons )
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moriaarts · 2 years
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Gil-Galad was an Elven King,
Of him the harpers sadly sing;
The last whose realm was fair and free
Between the Mountain and Sea
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elvenantics · 4 years
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gently offers a lari
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a-lonely-dunedain · 2 years
can you tell us some fun facts about your ocs? they're really cool!
so I prescribe to the idea that Elves are Very Light, I mean waay lighter than they have any right to be on account of their height (see: that one scene in FotR where Legolas is just casually walking on top of the snow in a blizzard).
I bring this up because Ethedis, too, is extremely light. you can just, pick her up. it takes next to no effort, it's like holding a couple of grapes. the first time Corunir needed to pick her up to like stop her from walking off a cliff or something he (almost) YEETed her straight into the air because he had just, never tried to pick up an elf before! he didn't know they were like that! lifting a person is supposed to take more effort! how has a stiff breeze not carried her off yet?? (simple, to the elves the "laws" of physics are more like suggestions)
oh here's another fun fact: Belta, my hobbit hunter, has a habit of targeting her foes in the knees. in universe explanation? they're closer to her eye level. OOC explanation? haha funy Skyrim reference.
Laegriel, my Runekeeper, comes from a long line of talented minstrels, well known for their beautiful singing. Laegriel on the other hand, sounds like a dying swan with laryngitis when she tries to sing. (I mean, every other elf is an amazing singer, at least ONE of them had to be bad at it!). so that's why she decided to study runes and rather than song. that way she could still invoke words of power and grand stories to aid her allies and dishearten her foes like the rest of her line did, just in a less musical way.
Elrond is like Ethedis' cool uncle. They're not related or anything, Ethe has just been studying under him in Rivendell most of her life while the rest of her family in still back in Lothlorien or sailed west, and he radiates such strong Dad-Energy™ that he just kinda became a secondary parental figure to her.
Aglaruin, the babyranger, is actually a very talented artist. He never really shows his drawings to anyone, and those few who are made aware of his talents are always at least a little shocked. I mean, no one really expected the loud "act first think later" champion ranger to be a creative type, but here he is! my man is just full of surprises :)
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artystaroc · 4 years
It’s like you just shoot Junko with a gun when she calls you Arty-eth.
I'd yeet a shoe at her across the court room.
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kumihao · 4 years
Coven Ahri when someone has been defeated:”Thee hast been yeeteth into oblivion!
As a wise sir once hath said: git gud.”
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melodious-madrigals · 5 years
used to be @touched-the-sky and now i’m here. tumblr yeet-eth and tumblr yank-eth. 
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morphgoat · 5 years
yeeteth / yoinketh (v)
definition: to launch away, to snatch back, respectively
etymology: addition of the unproductive suffix ‘-eth’ to ‘yoink’ and ‘yeet’ to make the words sound older
source: said by a friend: "the Ocean yeeteth and the Ocean yoinketh away."
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Lance: [spills his milkshake]
Lance: [Deep sigh] The lord Yeet-eth, and the Lord Yoink-eth away
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weekinethereum · 6 years
January 18, 2019
Ethereum News and Links
Constantinople postponed
The day before the scheduled Constantinople upgrade fork, ChainSecurity found that EIP1283 potentially allowed deployed contracts to be vulnerable to a re-entrancy attack. There was no bug in the EIP per se, but it broke an implied invariant for a small but then-indeterminate amount of deployed code. Hence, out of an abundance of caution but with limited time for the community to come to consensus, Constantinople was successfully postponed.
A full post-action report by Trail of Bits, ChainSecurity, and Eveem. They proffer a different alternative to 1283 - refund difference of intended cost of writes. Magicians thread on 1283 alternatives and thread on invariants.
New ConstantiNOPE client releases by which the fork was avoided (update if you haven’t): Geth, Parity (stable) and beta, Trinity, Nethermind, Pantheon, Ethereum on ARM
Constantinople is set for block 7280000, around Feb 27. EIP1283 is not included.
Layer 1
[eth1] Ethereum State Rent Proof of Concept
[eth2] Ben Edgington: exploring Eth2.0 design goals
[eth2]  James Prestwich: An engineer’s guide to eth2. See also Vitalik’s annotations.
[eth2] Latest Eth2.0 implementers call. agenda to follow along
[eth2] What’s New in Eth2
[eth2] Prysmatic dev update
[eth2] Lighthouse dev update
[eth2] Lodestar dev update
[eth2] Dean Eigenmann and Eric Tu are implementing the Beacon Chain in Swift
[eth2.x] What CBCifying the beacon chain would look like
[eth2.x] Bitwise LMD GHOST: an efficient CBC Casper fork choice rule
Swarm v0.3.9
Layer 2
OmiseGo Plasma update
Encumberments as a common mechanism in sharding and L2
Plasma snapp-1-bit
Aragon’s Voting Relay Protocol for optimistic vote counting
Connext dev update
Loredana Cirstea on building CryptoBotWars on Raiden
Stuff for developers
0x dev tools suite: compiler, tracer, code coverage measurer, and gas profiler
Trail of Bits’ Slither v0.5.0 static analyzer
Panvala’s first token grant applications
A flow chart analyzing the potential EIP1283 attack
Using the Truebit file system
Rust bindings for the Solidity compiler
Python REST api for JSON-RPC Infura calls
On efficient Eth addresses to eek out gas savings
Automatic authentication signatures for web3
Mintable’s SDK to generate ERC-721s
Piñata on IPFS economics. And an SDK for pinning on IPFS with Piñata
Web3 yeet wraps most common web3js operations for one line use
draft of code for ENS permanent registrar
Live on mainnet
Augur interface Veil launches on mainnet
STK payment channels live on mainnet
Urbit Address Space live on mainnet. You may find the Urbit Primer useful
The Year in Ethereum 2018. #longreads
Andrew Keys’ 2019 predictions
New ENS manager
Parity Fether v0.2 beta light-client based wallet
Austin Griffith: onboarding new users with Burner Wallet point of sale
New Etherscan beta site
Quorum v2.2.1 and Tessera v0.8
Oaken Innovations’ toll road transactions pilot
Governance and Standards
Latest core devs call. Agenda to follow along.
List of Aragon proposals up for a vote on the 24th.
2019: the year of the DAO?
Kristy-Leigh Minehan on ProgPoW tradeoffs between Nvidia and AMD
ERC1710: URL format for web3 browsers
ERC1700: non-exhaustible token
ERC1702: generalized account versioningscheme
ERC1707: version byte prefix for account versioning
Application layer
0x roadmap: ZEIPs. Also a new look 0xTracker.
Understanding the risk/reward of providing Uniswap liquidity
Ari Juels on Chainlink and TownCrier
Brave’s opt-in ads paying 70% to user are live in their dev release. I tried it - slightly unexpected, but I like it.
Monetha’s decentralized reputation framework
Ryan Yi on Augur’s dispute resolution mechanism and US Congressional elections
Gnosis to prime the liquidity pump for DutchX with some DAI/ETH orders
Althea beta release “to dynamically route, buy, and sell bandwidth” with Eth
Maker to completely rebuild Oasis and will remove OasisDex and Oasis.direct frontends on Jan31
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
Multiparty Computations episode of Zero Knowledge
Andrew Keys talks ConsenSys 2.0 on Decentralize This
Decentralized Data Now call. Formerly open source block explorers
Andy Bromberg on the Smartest Contract
Settle’s Scott Lewis on Into the Ether
Tokens / Business / Regulation
Status app store curation mechanism
Brooklyn Project: the state of regulation in 2019
Continuous Organizations 1.0
de la Rouviere: Moloch DAO and collapsing the firm
Implementing secp256k1 on Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB) to create cross-platform Ethereum-Scuttlebutt applications
Ex-BitTorrent employee Simon Morris on lessons for crypto from BitTorrent (link to part 1 of 4)
CBInsights: how blockchain could disrupt insurance
Shapeshift on 2018 law enforcement requests
Profile of DuckDuckGo and founder Gabe Weinberg
Gitcoin planning on experimenting with Liberal Radicalism with its grants
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new in bold):
Jan 23 - Infura Project ID prioritization
Jan 24 - List of things for Aragon vote, including on funding original AragonOne team
Jan 25 - Graph Day (San Francisco)
Jan 29-30 - AraCon (Berlin)
Jan 30 - Feb 1 - Stanford Blockchain Conference
Jan 31 - GörliCon (Berlin)
Jan 31 - Maker to remove OasisDEX and Oasis.direct frontends
Feb 7-8 - Melonport’s M1 conf (Zug)
Feb 7 - 0x and Coinlist virtual hackathon ends
Feb 15-17 - ETHDenver hackathon (ETHGlobal)
Feb 27 - Constantinople (block 7280000)
Mar 4 - Ethereum Magicians (Paris)
Mar 5-7 - EthCC (Paris)
Mar 8-10 - ETHParis (ETHGlobal)
Mar 8-10 - EthUToronto
Mar 22 - Zero Knowledge Summit 0x03 (Berlin)
Mar 27 - Infura end of legacy key support
April 8-14 - Edcon hackathon and conference (Sydney)
Apr 19-21 - ETHCapetown (ETHGlobal)
May 10-11 - Ethereal (NYC)
May 17 - Deadline to accept proposals for Instanbul upgrade fork
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This newsletter is made possible by ConsenSys.
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I own Week In Ethereum. Editorial control has always been 100% me.
If you're unhappy with editorial decisions or anything that I have written in this issue, feel free to tweet at me.
Archive on the web if you’re linking to it:  http://www.weekinethereum.com/post/182127013533/january-18-2019
Cent link for the night view: https://beta.cent.co/+k96cwv
https link: Substack
Follow me on Twitter, because most of what is linked here gets tweeted first: @evan_van_ness
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