spillthebea · 5 months
hc where Harry after inheriting Grimmauld Place cleans it off from all the dark magic and cursed objects and rents its rooms like an Airbnb to muggles:
"For a gothic and dark fantasy theme weekend! Be spooked by our residence screaming witch, Walburga Black!"
And muggles LOOOOVE being insulted by Walburga's painting and you know Sirius is loving the juicy revenge his godson is serving to his f shit of a family ahhaha
(i think im gonna write a short one-shot about this bc it's biting me for quite a while)
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awritingtree · 4 years
Never Enough (1/7)
Sirius Black x daughter!reader
Summary: You were content with your life, living with your cousin while the whereabouts of your father, Sirius Black, and his wellbeing remained unknown after escaping . But that all changed when you had to move into 12 Grimmauld Place for the summer. The worst part of it all? He was there too. (Wow I suck at summaries)
Words: 1.7k
Warnings: angst, shitty father-daughter relationship, mentions of abandonment, tell me if there are any others 
A/N: Yes, I know I changed the timeline up a bit to fit the fic. Please don’t be the asshole that points it out. I had to adjust it slightly for the plot. My heart broke writing this but it was too good an idea to pass up. I abandoned writing all my other fics for this. And all I can say to you is I’m sorry.
Series Masterlist
All those years, you’ve felt lonely. The Tonks were a wonderful family, raising you as one of their own. But there was always an empty feeling, a missing spot in your life that only your father could fill. If he’d come to you after he had escaped from Azkaban with an explanation, you would’ve welcomed him into your life with open arms. Therefore, when you found out he’d escaped and had been in contact with Harry all this time, not even bothering to check up on you once and the fact that you had to go live with this said person for the rest of your summer, away from your family, you went livid. You’d trashed your room; lamps broken, chairs and desks overturned, all your books had caught fire from not being able to keep your emotions, hence magic, in check.
But Aunt Dro and Dora had reassured you that it’d be fine, Dora even promised to stop by every day to check up on you without fail.
“It’s for your safety,” Uncle Teddy had said as they dropped you off.
You loved him, of course you did, he was your father. Though you had no fond memories of him, he seemed like the person you would get along greatly with. You’d heard a lot about his days at Hogwarts from your aunt. You were very much like him; just as reckless, having a knack for pranks (though people usually took it as a form of bullying or you being mean only because you were a Slytherin, even if your pranks were not as bad as those executed by the Weasley twins), and just as hot-tempered if not more. That’s why everyone should’ve this coming. It had started off as a normal day, waking up and having breakfast before getting to cleaning the grim place you were currently living in. All the house’s occupants were in one of the unkept rooms, getting rid of objects, which you thought had to be filled with dark magic.
You didn’t know when it happened; when the argument broke out. Ginny and Hermione were only asking you about your life all these years with the Tonks. Everyone should’ve seen it coming but no one had any inkling that it would escalate to this.
“You left me! You left to get revenge, without thinking for a second what would happen to me. And you came back for revenge, to protect your godson. That was enough motivation for you to leave that prison after 13 years, the rat’s picture and his safety. I wasn’t a good enough excuse to have escaped years ago, the thought of me, alone, wasn’t enough for you. I was never enough, was I!?”
Your words echoed through the silence of the house, everyone still, dumbfounded. Not even the portrait of your grandmother made a sound. The impact of your words far too great.
You knew he had escaped, but you never met. Not until this summer when you were forced to move into your ancestors’ house. He hadn’t come looking for you back in your 3rd year - he had come looking for him. The boy with the lightning scar marking his forehead from the night you lost your chance at having a life with your father. The boy who wasn’t here, for his own protection. The boy everyone seemed to drop everything for and for some that included their own daughter.
You don’t know when the argument had broken out and escalated this far, no one saw it coming. The previous playful atmosphere that hung in the air disappeared, replaced by an ambience that reeked of agony and anguish.
You, a Slytherin, a disappointment in his eyes. But truly, he was the disappointment. He left you all alone in this horrid world with no one.
“You had Remus.”
“Right,” you scoffed folding your arms across your chest, “I had a godfather who decided he couldn’t take care of me and abandoned me, not even bothering to keep in contact.”
Remus visibly flinched at the pure venom directed towards him through your words.
“That’s not my fault. I wasn’t here, what could I have done?” Sirius spoke back frustrated, throwing his hand up in the air.
“That’s the thing, you weren’t there. But it’s always James and Harry isn’t it? Harry and James,” you said defeatedly. Your shoulders slumped down as you looked down to the ground, trying to hide your tears from the rest who were staring at you, astonished but with pity. You quickly spun around on your heel and walked away, heading towards your room in this dark, repulsive house, a house that in another life you would’ve called your home.
And no one came after you.
That was two weeks ago, and things hadn’t gotten any better. You would stay in your room when you weren’t helping Mrs. Weasley out with the cleaning. You’d sit with everyone for meals, but a tense air would surround you every time you were in the same room as your father. He hadn’t made any move towards reconciling with you, towards having a relationship with his only child. After all that you’d said that day, you really thought he would. But you were left disappointed once again.
Just when you’d thought things couldn’t get worse, Harry had arrived a few days ago. You didn’t have anything against the boy, but watching your father dote over him every second of every day hurt you more than you cared to admit.
It was currently dinner time. You were sitting next to Dora who was changing her face to sport a pig’s snout upon Ginny’s request. You found it funny, you did, but you had no energy to laugh or even muster up a smile. You felt drained. The past few days made you feel like you were suffocating in this dreadful place. Your throat felt like it was constantly constricted, refusing to let air fill up your lungs, refusing to let you breathe and let go of the heavy weight that seemed to have made its home on your chest.
“You know, I thought the first thing you’d when you got here was ask about Voldemort.”
Your father’s conversation with Harry suddenly piqued your interest. The name caused a chill to run down through everyone’s spine.
“I did!” exclaimed Harry, “but everyone said we’re not allowed in the Order. That we’re too young.”
“You are too young,” reprimanded Mrs. Weasley.
“He’s been trapped in that Muggle house for over a month! He has the right to receive answers about his questions.”
That brought about an uproar from the rest of the kids.
“Harry’s not even of age!”
“Why does he get his questions answered!?”
~“That is up to your parents.”~
“But we’re of age!”
“Harry will tell me and Hermione everything anyway!”
You stayed silent through it all knowing anything you said wouldn’t change the minds of the adults in the room. There was nothing that you could contribute that would work in your favour.
After a row between Sirius and Mrs. Weasley (in which some out-of-line things were mentioned), it was finally decided that Ron, Hermione, Fred and George would stay as Harry got to know what had been happening. Ginny, on the other hand, was to go upstairs. Though she did not go without a fight - blazing and fuming, she reluctantly made her way to her room.
“Y/N, you too. Go upstairs,” said Remus.
“I’m not going anywhere. If they can stay so can I,” you said, looking up from your uneaten dessert.
Sirius looked away from Harry towards you, appearing to just realize you were in the room as well.
“Moony’s right. Go upstairs, Y/N,” he told you.
You stayed in your seat, going back to picking at your unappetizing dessert. Your silence and staying put began to tick Sirius off.
“Y/N, I told you something,” said Sirius, trying to keep his temper in check.
“I know, I heard you.”
The silence carried on. You stayed planted on your seat, refusing to move an inch.
“Y/N Black, you are still underage, and I am your father. So upstairs, now.”
You huffed, slamming your fork down on the table as you stood up abruptly. The chair scraped back and fell onto the floor from your sudden action.
“Fine,” you said through your gritted teeth, looking directly into your father’s eyes; eyes so alike yours. Sirius felt like he had actually been scorched by the fire burning in your eyes, contradicting the sickly-sweet smile you shot at him before storming out of the room, slamming the door shut behind you.
You made your way towards the room that was temporarily yours; one that could’ve been your room if only… You shook your head trying not to dwell on such thoughts.
You were done.
Your trunk slammed against the stairs as you dragged it down, waking up Walburga Black’s portrait, screaming at everyone:
“Half-breeds, mudbloods, and blood-traitors in my house! If I was alive-,” you tuned her shouts out.
“Y/N, dear. What are you doing?”
“What I should have done a while ago,” you replied, looking up to see Mrs. Weasley, who had just escorted Ginny up to her room, peering over the banister.
You walked towards the front door through the unlit hallway, a migraine forming from the shrieks of your biological grandmother and the screeching of your trunk dragging across the floor.
You opened the door, stepping out into the summer night. The quiet took over as soon as you shut the door behind you. Your throat finally let up and expanded as you breathed in the cool summer night air, allowing your lungs to fill with large volumes of air; air that you had been gasping for the past few weeks. The heavy weight on your chest dissipated, making you feel lighter than you had ever felt; as if you could walk on clouds.
A loud ‘pop’ sounded through the empty street a few seconds after you’d raised your wand out in front of you.
You climbed onto the bus, not once looking back at the house that no one around could see, except you.
Not even when you heard a voice call out into the empty street as you disappeared along with the Knight Bus with a ‘pop’.
Taglist: @heloisedaphnebrightmore @pregnant-piggy @approved-by-dentists @kashishwrites @remmyswritings @angelinathebook @idont-knowrn @coffee--writes
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quidfree · 4 years
hi! hope you're well and that you're having a good day:) I absolutely adore LMV - I genuinely think it's the best fic I've ever read. anyway, the point of this ask was that I was wondering whether you had any thoughts about sirius as a godfather? like, was he suited for the job, did he actually do a good job... idk, maybe you've answered that question before, in that case, sorry! and ofc don't stress abt answering:))
this is so nice of you ty!!!
ive never talked about dogfather sirius, actually!! what an interesting pair of questions.... i would have to say a qualified yes to both?
was sirius suited for the job: personality-wise, maybe not entirely (raising a child alone in the event of jily deaths would have been Rough, and he’s not exactly a stable parental unit, not to mention he would have spoiled harry rotten), BUT he has the most important prerequisite, which is undying love and loyalty for the potters and for harry, and that means he would have done everything in his power to be a good parent figure to him, which is what really matters, so. not to mention that jily realistically weren’t contemplating he would have to be godfather alone for the majority of harry’s life- with jily around he could have been just The Coolest Godfather Ever instead of harry’s first living parental figure who didn’t treat him like shit.
did he actually do a good job? i would say a resounding yes. bearing in mind he was stuck in azkaban for twelve years (let’s not get into that), we only actively see him godparent harry for three years (plus when he was a baby). obviously baby harry was spoilt v much by his dogfather; what we see of sirius + teen harry also speaks favourably of him, i think. ok, little bit of a rough start what with the unhinged prisoner vibe, but the FIRST thing sirius does when free is go check up on harry- and he keeps tabs via crookshanks etc once at school, knows his interests well enough to send him the firebolt, and he values harry’s opinions enough to not murder peter on the spot despite his thirteen year revenge vendetta. obviously, the fact harry is the spitting image of someone sirius hasnt seen except for in his nightmares for over a decade doesn’t hurt, but he’s just so awkwardly sweet to harry afterwards- when he offers harry to come live with him, expecting him to refuse and completely understanding of it, it’s so endearing (and it always broke my heart how excited they both were about it- i bet sirius was thinking about another time a potter asked to live together). and from the start sirius ALWAYS speaks to harry like a whole person, not a child to be kept in the dark (which, if everyone else had done, looking at you dumbledore...)- the speech he gives him before he escapes is so important for harry to hear, especially from someone who knew his parents. sirius is always so careful to tell harry things about james and lily. now, it’s not that sirius treating harry like an adult would be ideal on its own, and i do think in part the issue is that he skipped his entire childhood and harry looks so much like james, but i also don’t think sirius actually treats harry too much like a grown man, apart from slipups- just like a grown teen. he advises him against threats, tells him the edgy backstories harry SHOULD know (and no other adult ever wants to tell him), looks after him as best he can (HE LIVES IN A CAVE EATING BONES TO LOOK OUT FOR HIM), listens to his teen melodrama. even when he’s fucking up by encouraging harry’s risk-taking i don’t think he’s treating him like an adult- he’s treating him like a *marauder*, because at that age, that’s what he or james would have done; being able to make informed choices is what sirius would have wanted at his age. i don’t think molly or sirius necessarily have the better argument- both make good points; sirius gets what harry wants and molly gets what harry might need even if he doesn’t want it, but that makes perfect sense- molly is an older woman who’s raised seven children, and sirius is in his early thirties and lived with kids for (1) year. james and sirius were order members by age /eighteen/ and sirius was in azkaban at /twenty-one/- he was basically a kid HIMSELF before he got put in the torture prison. i always found it so unfair that literally none of the other adults ever mention the debilitating mental issues he must be suffering from- remember the lifelong PTSD hagrid got from a MONTH there???- and that’s without even mentioning dumbledore’s purposeful exacerbating of them. not to say that mental health excuses poor parenting, but sirius both /isn’t a parent/ and really does very well at filling that role anyways, on the whole, so i think he can be cut some slack for once in his life. harry loves sirius SO MUCH and sirius loves him right back- and sirius teaches him some of the most important lessons in the whole series, even if he himself never managed to learn them- lessons that i really think shape the adult harry becomes, and the kind of lessons his parents might have taught him. so overall i’d give him kudos- and considering the absolute bullshit he’s living through, with james and lily dead, azkaban sucking the light out of him for over a decade, peter running free, and dumbledore QUARANTINING HIM IN THE HOUSE WHERE HIS ABUSIVE DEAD MOTHER IS (?!?!), i would say he does a stellar fucking job.
anyways harry & sirius’ relationship is so important to the series- even the GP was upset when sirius dies in OOTP, largely because everyone could see how bad it hit harry. that scene in dumbledore’s office? oof. they just care about each other so v much and we were robbed of a lifetime of sirius as harry’s absolute fav adult. if sirius had held onto harry that day- if dumbledore hadn’t decided to place him with abusive bigots for a plan which would only pay off by OOTP- i honestly think sirius would have outlived the series. because with harry he’d have been less unhinged by grief, able to testify properly, gotten support from other order members, not gone to azkaban- and with harry he would have had a reason to live. thirteen years of raising harry would have made harry the snarky little fucker he is at his core by age eleven, confident and happy and very good at quidditch indeed; thirteen years would have made sirius as whole as he can get. they would have patched things up with remus. there’d be no OOTP tragedy of errors. sirius would have punched dumbledore at some point. harry would have sent a pic of him and his new friends over week 1 of hogwarts and sirius would have punched through a wall and then calmly strolled over to hogwarts and taken ron’s pet rat over to minerva mcgonnagal, where unspeakable things happened to it. he would have gently butted heads with hermione (but won her over via crookshanks if nothing else) and gotten on very well with ron; snape would barely have been able to be such a dick to him because sirius would have gleefully sent him howlers for every minute of his day until he cracked. lucius on the school board terrorizing the other parents? not on sirius “billionaire heir to the toujours pur line” black’s watch- he’d happily invest even more obnoxious wealth into the school fund to get first call, not to mention lucius’ imperius excuse would not get very far with sirius around. “who’s nicholas flamel? we can’t ask adults- we’d get in trouble with the teachers and our parents are either muggles or wouldn’t know- oh wait nevermind, sirius, who’s nicholas flamel?” no more expelliarmus-ing for four years; harry Trained Duellist By Age 11 more like. dobby the house-elf? oi dobby sirius is family too- now spit it all out, won’t you? chamber of secrets? yeah, sirius knows what that is. parseltongue? yeah, sirius is familiar, and fuck those other kids for being weird to harry about it, does he want to come home for the holidays? weird creepy diary? oh, sirius’ family will have Magicke Moste Evile around somewhere. book 3 is just Harry’s Holiday: The Book because there’s no sirius subplot. you think snape would have dared treat remus the way he does with sirius hovering around paying half his checks? i think the fuck not. you bet your ass they had box seats for the whole of gryffindor house at the Quidditch World Cup. barty crouch? yeah, sirius knows THAT asshole- and remembers his son. catch harry whizzing through all the challenges minus the nerves ahead of time while sirius and remus do half the investigating for him. yule ball? no sweat, just go with ron; that’s what james and sirius would have done. if the maze went the way it goes in the books, “moody” wouldn’t even have been able to drag harry off without sirius intervening. and sirius “ptsd” black would have been The One Person who Got harry’s feelings in OOTP- not to mention sirius Skilled Legilimens black could have coopted that shit from snape and gotten harry up to scratch. sirius-raised-harry would have given umbridge twice as much shit. no kreacher lying here- and harry has sirius’ mirror anyways. so no massive drama in the ministry, and no suicidal recklessness / desperate first taste of freedom on sirius’ part means no veil incident even if they got there. hence book six through seven going Quite Differently. sirius shows up book six to be DADA teacher, why not. him and remus think it’d be funny, and besides he’s petty enough to steal the job from snape. move over firenze, new hot teacher in town. half the books are avoidable.
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austarus · 7 years
Barry Allen x Reader The Nutcracker AU
Major Disclaimer: I do not own anything from The Flash or The Nutcracker and The Mouse King. I only changed a few things to fit the style of the alternate universe. This is my first time writing about an alternate universe that involves something as spectacular as the Nutcracker so hopefully it doesn’t suck.
Requested by Anon: Hi there! Is it possible you could write a Barry ALLEN imagine (The Nutcracker AU)?
v  Caitlin Snow –> Narrator 1
v  Cisco Ramon –> Narrator 2
v  Harry Wells –> Narrator 3
v  Ralph Dibney –> Narrator 4
v  Little Iris West –> Clara
v  Little Wally West –> Fritz
v  Joe West –> Dad
v  Francine West –> Mom
v  Godfather
v  Prince Barry –> The Nutcracker
v  Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N) –> Sugarplum Fairy
v  King Eobard –> The Mouse King
~The West Living Room~
Caitlin (Narrator 1):  It was Christmas evening.  Outside, the world was cold and covered in sparkling frost, but inside the home of the West family everything was warm and bright as they prepared for Christmas day.
(The West family decorates the room for Christmas as Deck the Halls plays softly in the background)
Francine:  Well done everyone, the house looks wonderful.
Joe:  Now all we need is for your Godfather to join the party.
Cisco (Narrator 2):  Just at that moment, there was a knock on the door.  
Cisco (Narrator 2):  The children ran up to see who it could be and sure enough, there was the cheerful smile of the children’s Godfather.
(The Children’s Godfather appears on stage with a sack full of presents.  
Iris and Wally run to greet him.)
Godfather:  Dear me children, let me in or we shall all freeze on the doorstep!
Iris:  Oh Godfather I’m so happy to see you!
Wally:  Have you brought us some presents?!
Francine:  Now Wally don’t be rude.  Besides, you will need to wait for the morning before you open any presents.
Godfather:  Of course, I have something for you Wally, and for you Iris.  Come, we had better put all the presents underneath the Christmas tree.
(O Christmas Tree plays on the radio as the family put presents beneath the tree)
Harry (Narrator 3):  Before long, all the presents were stacked in a colorful heap beneath the Christmas tree and the family were getting ready for bed.
Joe:  Come along now, it’s time for bed.  The sooner we go to sleep, the sooner it will be Christmas morning.
(Exit Iris, Wally, Francine, Joe, and Godfather.  Lights fade to a dim blue color)
Harry (Narrator 3):  But Iris found that she could not sleep, she was too excited about the present that her Godfather had brought for her.  She crept into the living room for another look.
(Iris creeps across the living room to the tree and opens her present, taking out a nutcracker doll.)
Iris:  What a sweet little nutcracker doll!  He’s dressed so smartly!  Oh, I love him!
Ralph (Narrator 4):  Iris hugged the nutcracker tightly and then curled up under the Christmas tree and fell asleep to the music of carol singers in the street.
(During the first verse of Silent Night Iris wanders around, rocking the nutcracker doll, then curls up under the tree with the nutcracker hidden)
Ralph (Narrator 4):  Suddenly, the clock struck twelve and Iris woke to find her nutcracker had turned into a prince!
(Chimes ring from the grandfather clock as Prince Barry kneels next to Iris and gently wakes her)
Prince Barry:  Thank you Iris, your kindness has freed me from King Eobard’s evil spell.  He will be angry, but don’t worry, my soldiers will protect you.
(Enter the toy soldiers, standing in formation on Prince Barry’s side)
Caitlin (Narrator 1):  Just then, they heard many shuffling feet.  The armies of King Eobard were on their way!
(The army of mice enters from the back of the stage and they stand facing the toy soldiers on the opposite side)
Make way for King Eobard
Cisco (Narrator 2):  The army of mice stood and faced the army of toy soldiers.  Then, King Eobard pushed his way to the front with an angry cry.
(King Eobard pushes his way through the army)
King Eobard:  This girl has broken my spell and robbed me of my revenge!  Now as punishment I shall kill Prince Barry and take this little meddler back to our lair.
(Prince Barry stands in front of Iris and draws his sword)
Prince Barry:  While there is breath in my body you shall not touch her!
King Eobard:  We will see about that!
(King Eobard draws his sword and they circle and begin to fight)
(The soldiers and the mice leap, shake fists, and throw cheese at each other while King Eobard and Prince Barry fight.  When it looks like King Eobard has the advantage, Iris stuns him with her slipper and the mice scatter, taking the King with them. At the end of the fight the soldiers exit, and Prince Barry goes over to Iris)
Prince Barry:  Thank you Iris, you have saved me again.
Iris:  Oh, Prince Barry, I couldn’t let him hurt you!
Prince Barry:  I don’t know how I can ever repay you… perhaps you would like to visit my kingdom for a little while?
Iris:  Oh, yes please!
Harry (Narrator 3):  Prince Barry took Iris’ hand and they went out into the night, through the falling snow
(The lighting changes to a lighter blue and as Iris and Prince Barry walk off)
~The Kingdom of Sweets~
(Enter Iris and Prince Barry.  Sugarplum fairy (Y/N) ready to run onstage)
Ralph (Narrator 4):  When they arrived in the Kingdom of Sweets, Iris couldn’t believe her eyes.  There were lollipop trees and marshmallow flowers, sweetly glazed mountains topped with whipped cream, and buttercream frosting everywhere.  As Prince Barry led Iris towards a huge marzipan castle, a beautiful lady ran to meet them.
Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N):  Oh!  Prince Barry!  I thought I would never see you again!  How did you ever escape?  And who is this?
Caitlin (Narrator 1):  Prince Barry explained everything that had happened since he had been turned into a Nutcracker by King Eobard.
Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N):  How extraordinary!  Please forgive my manners, I haven’t introduced myself.  I am Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N).  I am so grateful to you for returning Prince Barry to me.   Come, we must have a celebration!
(Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N) leads Iris and Prince Barry to one side and then beckons the Snowflake dancers on stage)
Cisco (Narrator 2): Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N) called together people from all over the Kingdom to come and celebrate the return of Prince Barry.
Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N):  Come and sit here, Iris.  The citizens of our Kingdom of Sweets will perform their dances for you, to show our gratitude.  
Harry (Narrator 3):  The swirling colors and beautiful music lulled Iris until she could hardly keep her eyes open.  As Prince Barry took to the floor with Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N) she finally fell into a peaceful slumber.
(The Nutcracker Prince and the Sugarplum Fairy dance as Iris falls asleep in the corner and as everything fades back to the West living room.  Iris is now under the Christmas tree)
~West living room~
Ralph (Narrator 4):  When Iris woke that morning, she was underneath the Christmas tree once more.
(Iris wakes up and stretches then looks around her)
Iris:  What a strange dream… but where has my nutcracker gone?
Caitlin (Narrator 1):  Try as she might, Iris couldn’t find the nutcracker doll anywhere.
(Iris walks around looking for her nutcracker doll as her Godfather watches her search from a far)
Iris:  Oh, of course, he was with Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N) in the Kingdom of Sweets.  Perhaps it wasn’t a dream after all.
Godfather:  Good morning Iris.  Looking for something?
Iris:  Oh, Godfather… I’m sorry, I…
Godfather:  I know. You won’t find him now.  He’s back where he belongs.  Are you sad that you won’t have a present to open today?
Iris:  No, I’m glad I could help him.  I’d rather know that he is alright than have a whole mountain of presents.
(Wally, Joe, and Francine enter the living room)
Francine:       Oh, I see you’re up already.
Wally:             Merry Christmas everyone!
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Open Wounds (2/?): I See You
Summary:  An unwelcome dinner guest brings about a long-needed conversation. Set during the summer before Harry's fifth year.
Read it on AO3
          “That’s the last of them,” Sirius said triumphantly. He shook out the cushions. “Well done, all of you.”
           They were cleaning out one of the dozen or so bedrooms at Grimmauld Place. To Harry’s surprise, this room had been crawling with moths, who’d gained some power eating wizard’s clothing. They weren’t fond of the swatters they’d employed to get rid of them, but they were gone now.
           “I think it’s time for dinner,” Hermione said. She had her hair covered by a bandanna after two of the large moths had gotten tangled in it. “Mrs. Weasley said seven, didn’t she?”
           “Excellent, food!” Sirius helped Harry to his feet. “Let’s go eat, then we can have more fun with mutant bugs.”
           “There aren’t any…spiders, are there?” Ron asked hesitantly.
           “What, are you missing your crawly friends?” George cooed. “We can make you some, if you like.”
           “Leave him alone,” Sirius said, though he was grinning. “The only room with spiders I’ve found is the one I told you about, Ron. I’ll let you know if I find any others.”
           Harry followed the others down the stairs. Mrs. Weasley met them at the foot, her lips pressed together. Harry thought at first she was cross about their cobwebby state, but she just waved her wand and they were clean. “Dinner’s ready,” she said. “And we have guests. Tonks and Lupin are staying…”
           “Brilliant,” Sirius said.
           “And so is Professor Snape.”
           There was a pause.
           “You know what, suddenly Harry and I aren’t hungry,” Sirius said, taking hold of Harry’s shoulder as if to bring him upstairs. The others moved to follow.
           “Down you come,” Mrs. Weasley said sternly. “I know you don’t like him; I’m not fond of him either. But he is risking his life for all of us.”
           “He might be risking his life eating here,” Sirius muttered.
           “Just come down and eat, and then you can go upstairs.” Mrs. Weasley raised an eyebrow. “You’re not going to let him scare you off your dinner, are you?”
           Sirius narrowed his eyes. “Fine.” He glanced at Harry. “You alright with that, mate?”
           Harry nodded.
           “Alright, let’s go get this over with.”
           Snape was sitting in the room, and Sirius directed Harry to a chair as far away as possible from him. “Hermione,” Sirius said as Mrs. Weasley brought in the shepherd’s pie, “you started to tell us something about the moths before they swarmed us. What are they like in the Muggle world?”
           Harry couldn’t quite follow the conversation (Aunt Petunia had destroyed any moth he’d ever found, so he wasn’t too sure about how they behaved), but soon Fred and George were chatting with him about pranks they’d pulled in the past, and Ron was snarking back at Ginny about some Quidditch player they both liked, so it would be difficult to follow a conversation anyways.
           He could feel Snape’s eyes on him, but he said nothing. He ate what was put in front of him and kept to himself as the others came in and joined the talk.
           If he would just stop staring at me we’d be getting along famously, Harry thought to himself.
           Nothing happened though, and Harry managed to enjoy the treacle tart they had for dessert. The moment everyone’s plate was cleared, Sirius sprang up. “Well, better get back to it. Or do you lot want to skive off for the night?”
           “You must be happy, Potter.”
           Harry’s head snapped around to see Snape, the corners of his mouth turning up in a smirk. “To be staying with your godfather at last.”
           “I am happy,” Harry said firmly. He saw Sirius smile out of the corner of his eye.
           That smile vanished with Snape’s next words.
           “Yes, I suppose your time with someone who cares about you is precious,” Snape continued, his smile widening. “Even if he only cares about you because you’re his best friend’s child. It’s quite an obligation to take on, but then again you do look like your wretched father.”
           Harry couldn’t breathe. Sirius was still, face blank. He walked over to Snape.
           “Get out of my house, you fucking monster, and don’t you ever speak to him like that again. How dare you say that?!”  
           “Are you certain it’s a lie, Black? Azkaban’s hard on the mind. Maybe you think the brat—”
           Sirius punched him. “I said get out,” he snarled, his voice still quiet. “Now.”
           Bleeding from a cut under his eye, Snape staggered out, though not before casting a malicious glare at Harry.
           “The nerve,” Sirius fumed. He turned back to Harry, and his face fell. “Harry?”
           Harry looked at his shoes.
           “Harry, you don’t believe him, do you?”
           Harry didn’t know what to say.
           “My God, you do,” Sirius whispered. “Harry, lad…”
           “It’s okay!” Harry said hurriedly. The last thing he wanted was for Sirius to feel guilty. “I know you miss him, and you knew him way longer, and they asked you to be my godfather, and they were your friends. And you don’t know me that well, it’s okay if that’s why you care about me—”
           “Harry, look at me.”
           Harry stopped talking. He could feel everyone staring at him.
           Sirius met his eyes with over-bright gray ones. “I’ve never told you about the day you were born, have I?”
           “N-no.” Where was this going?
           “I was with your Mum that day. James was on a mission with Remus, and one of us was always with Lily that last month. James wanted someone to be with her in case you came early. And you did. You were three days early.” Sirius smiled. “Your mum was much calmer than me. I was panicking, trying to get everything together, trying to get a hold of your Dad and Remus, and Lily was laughing at me through the pain. ‘Calm down Sirius, everything’s going to be fine’.”
           “And everything was fine,” Sirius continued. “We got to St. Mungo’s, Dumbledore had found James and Remus and they got there a few hours before you were born. Lily was so brave, she just kept smiling even when it hurt, because she was so excited that you were going to be born.”
           “Now, they’d asked me to be godfather when Lily found out she was pregnant. And I said sure, why not? I was going to spend most of my time with them anyways. My plan was that I’d bring you lots of sweets, buy you brooms and listen to you when you wanted to complain about your parents. That was all I had planned.”
           “But then you were born, and after your Mum and Dad had a chance to hold you I got a turn and…” Sirius cleared his throat, his eyes shining. “And all those plans about being the cool godfather to my best friend’s baby went right out the window, because you were real. You were a little person staring up at me with big eyes. Your eyes weren’t green yet, they were blue, and you weren’t crying. You put your hand around my finger, and I never knew babies were so strong…And I knew you were mine. You were mine in a way I couldn’t understand, but you weren’t just my best friends’ kid. You were my kid too, and I loved you right away.”
           Harry’s eyes were blurring.
           “And now you’re growing up into a wonderful young man,” Sirius whispered. “I wish your Mum and Dad were here to see how you’ve turned out. I wish I hadn’t put revenge for James and Lily ahead of needing to care for you the night they died, so we would have had more time together. But I do not care about you out of some obligation, or because I see the dead in you. Harry, from the moment you were born I saw you, and I love you for you. And don’t ever think differently.”
           Harry bit his lip hard to stop it trembling. Sirius held out his arms, and Harry rushed into them, burying his face in Sirius’ chest.
           “I know exactly who you are, Harry. I always have, and that’s who I love.”
           “I love you too,” Harry whispered. He’d never said that to anyone, but then again no one had ever said those words out loud to him before either.
           Sirius made sure the kids were actually asleep before he went downstairs. The Order was meeting in about twenty minutes, but the only person in the kitchen was Molly. She looked guilty.
           “Hullo Molly. What’s wrong?”
           “I wanted to apologize.”
           “For what?”
           “For what I said the first night Harry came here,” Molly said.
           It’s been difficult for you to look after him from Azkaban, hasn’t it?
           “It’s alright, Molly. We both said bad things that night.”
           “I didn’t mean—”
           “I know you didn’t.” Sirius sat down. “I know you’ve been coping with trying to help Harry the last few years without any real authority, and I know you love him like your own. I’m beyond grateful that he’s had you and Arthur.”
           “It’s just…he never told me. About you being innocent. And I know he was trying to protect you, but…”
           “But you’ve spent fourteen years thinking I’m a traitor, and I know you’re worried I’m not really fit to take care of him. And I admit that Azkaban has fucked me up, and things aren’t always right in my head—”
           “I don’t think that anymore.”
           “Oh no?” Sirius said, looking up.
           “Anyone who loves him like that…he needs you, Sirius. And I won’t interfere anymore. I know it always drives me mad when someone else tells me how to parent.”
           Sirius grinned. “I might need some tips, actually.” He leaned back in his chair. “For instance, how do you talk to him about girls? Or boys?”
           “Well, that’s always an interesting conversation,” Molly said. She sat down across from him. “The first thing to remember is not to assume anything, and the second is to just accept that it will be awkward.” Her eyes glinted. “There are ways to make sure it’s more awkward for them than you, though.”
           “Oh?” Sirius laughed. “Mind sharing some parental wisdom?”
           Harry did not enjoy the conversation the next week.  
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jbankai89 · 7 years
The Stag and The Snake Part I, Chapter Seven - School Daze
My good friend and braintwin @kuriquinn​ suggested I try posting my actual fics on Tumblr, rather than just linking them, so I'm giving it a try. For those of you following my work on AO3 or AFF, these will be reposts until I'm caught up and everything is posted. :)
Title: The Stag and the Snake
Author: JBankai89
Status: Complete, Part 1: 12/12 Part 2: 22/22
Rating: Part 1: PG-13, Part 2: NC-17
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Achievements: None
Warnings: Violence and Gore, Violent Sexual Assault, Minor Character Death
Summary: Vernon Dursley is enraged with the prospect of raising a boy he never wanted. Petunia recalls something that might help them get the child out of their hair more quickly. Overcoming their recalcitrance for anything magical, they invoke The Rite of Betrothal. Who will Harry be forced to marry, and will he be able to cope with all the demands it will entail?
Word Count: Part 1: 46 772 Part 2: 85 442
Other Links: AO3, AFF, LJ
Notes: Please note that this fic also contains Evil!Snape, which is a trope I hate, because Sev is my favourite character, but for the purposes of this story, he worked best.
This fic is based on the story of The Swan Princess, which I will be following the canon of in conjunction with the HP canon. Canon divergences include Voldemort is definitely dead, Lucius Malfoy is a bit OOC, and Sirius did not go to Azkaban. Because most of the story takes place before and after Hogwarts, a lot of the Hogwarts years are glossed over. I tried to keep the links and stuff organized how they did it on the old LJ group MyChemicalSlash, so I hope this is clean enough for you guys to follow easily.
Previous Chapter
Fic Masterpost
A/N: This is the first time jump in the fic, hope it's not too jarring for you guys :)
Chapter 7 – School Daze
Six years of being bounced like a human volleyball between a stable home life with Remus and Sirius, and a severely depressing one with the Dursleys was something Harry had never managed to get used to. To go from a home where he was wanted, and his company was enjoyed, to one where he was treated like a dog that had rolled in something smelly never failed to give Harry a strange feeling of whiplash.
Coupled with the ever-delightful week he was expected to spend with Draco Malfoy each summer, it made for an extremely confusing upbringing. Harry had always been deeply grateful that he had Remus and Sirius, but even the reassurances that they'd always be there for him was cold comfort during those few weeks he had to spend with his blood relatives.
Despite the fact that Sirius had always said that things would get better with time, but Harry felt like it only got worse. Amazingly, Uncle Vernon had stopped verbally berating him, and instead took to ignoring Harry completely. This suited Harry just fine, but it did get lonely rather quickly. Sirius had taught him to write and use Owl Post early on, and his depressing weeks with the Dursleys were punctuated with tiny rays of hope in the form of Archimedes, an old, cantankerous horned owl who brought him letters every other day.
Harry, (Sirius wrote)
I know it's miserable there with the Muggles, but don't worry. Remus and I will make it up to you when you get back. Remember, it's only for a couple weeks and then you won't need to see them again for a good, long time.
Keep your head up!
The words of encouragement weren't very comforting after spending a day being completely ignored and barely fed, but he dutifully wrote back straightaway. Harry was always reluctant to send the owl off with his response—it was nice to have a creature around that didn't look at him with disgust.
Despite his less-than-friendly treatment, Harry was always reluctant to tell Sirius about specific problems that he was having with his relatives. Not that he was embarrassed, but Sirius's curse first, ask questions later mentality made it a little difficult for Harry to tell him what was going on without worrying that he might show up at Privet Drive and do some real damage. On more than one occasion he and Remus had had to remind Sirius that it would be a little difficult to stay in contact if he was in Azkaban.
Harry was with the Dursleys when a particular letter arrived for him.
He often wondered how much easier the entire ordeal would have been if he had been with Sirius and Remus at the time of its arrival. The chaotic whirlwind of events that followed was, if nothing else, memorable, if not a little hilarious in retrospect.
There was still a bitter taste in his mouth as he recalled his talks with Hagrid in those first few days of August. He felt deeply betrayed by Remus and Sirius, especially as he thought of all those times he had asked them, 'Why did that person look at my scar like that?'.
They never answered him, at least, not properly.
His fingers traced his lightning-bolt scar. Why hadn't Sirius and Remus told him about Voldemort? Did they think that he was too immature to properly handle it? It stung, and he had even contemplated ignoring the letter that had come for him, wishing him luck with his first term, along with apologizing profusely for being unable to escort him to Platform 9¾.
Among all the new information regarding his apparent fame, he had learned that he and Draco were not destined to be just friends, like he had first been told. Harry was still uncertain whether he was thankful that Sirius had told him or not.
“This is the Betrothal Contract,” Sirius had explained, showing where he, Remus, Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and a man named Pike had signed some ten years earlier. “It means that when you turn seventeen, you and Draco are to be bonded—married.”
Married! He couldn't even choose his own husband or wife! Harry was furious, and did not speak to Sirius for several days after that. The whole concept of marrying a bloke was confusing enough, but being forced into it was almost more than he could handle.
A few days before he was due to leave, Hedwig returned one evening with a tiny scroll of parchment tied to her leg, and with it another unpleasant reminder of his inescapable future.
I know you really don't want to think on this Harry, Sirius wrote, but be sure that you do not speak or acknowledge Draco Malfoy while at school. It will breach the contract that I showed you, and the repercussions for breaking a magical contract are never an enjoyable experience. Your teachers are aware of the situation. Have a good term, we'll see about getting you here for Christmas.
As if he wanted any more reminders of his would-be fiancé.
True to his word to Sirius, he did not speak to Draco. It almost felt like revenge, being able to finally ignore him after years of being subjected to similar treatment at Draco's hands. At the same time, Harry got the shock of a lifetime on the train when someone poked their head into his compartment and said to him, “anyone sitting there? Everywhere else is full.”
It was a strange experience, choosing a friend, and having them not ignore you. Harry almost didn't know what to do, or how to explain to Ron why he totally ignored and wouldn't even look at Draco Malfoy when he burst into their compartment with Crabbe and Goyle and attempted to take the rest of their sweets.
Thank goodness for Scabbers.
Ron asked him multiple times in multiple ways what was up between him and Malfoy, to which Harry still had not answered properly.
“I mean, Harry,” Ron had said one afternoon, “you won't even look at him. Why?”
Harry couldn't answer him, no matter how often he had asked in those first few weeks at Hogwarts. How could he tell his new friend what Malfoy was to him?
'oh it's no big deal Ron, he's just my husband-to-be, that's all.' Even in his head it sounded awful.
The other big shock Harry received was during his first week. Harry knew he recognized the Potions Master, it was a niggling feeling in the back of his mind. His face was familiar to Harry, but he couldn't place it. Of course, this feeling was heavily overshadowed by the snide comments and insults Snape felt compelled to shoot at him, as well as the deeply unsettling way Snape would stare at him. He caught him doing it sometimes at mealtimes, or during lessons.
Harry wasn't sure if Snape was trying to catch him doing something he wasn't supposed to, or if it was related to something else. He tried to not let it get to him, but he couldn't fathom why a man whom he had never met before would despise him so completely.
Sirius & Remus, Harry wrote,
First week of lessons went OK. I made a friend already, Ron Weasley. He's like a saint compared to Draco.
But something has been bothering me. There's a teacher here and he teaches Potions. His name is Professor Snape, and I feel like I've seen him somewhere before. Have I met him, did I just forget? Maybe it's something I don't feel like remembering—he's about as nice as Uncle Vernon.
Don't worry though, I'm OK.
He didn't detail how nasty Snape had been—he didn't want Sirius to think that he couldn't take care of himself. Handing the letter to Hedwig, she took off into the deep blue evening sky.
It did not take Sirius long to respond, and Harry had a feeling that it was nothing short of a miracle that his godfather hadn't burst into the castle and throttled Snape, given the mama-bear tendencies he'd seen in the man over the years growing up with him.
Yes you've seen him before. He was at The First Meeting ceremony when you were five, at Malfoy Manor. It was a long time ago, I'm not surprised that you don't remember him. You were never officially introduced, though. Let me know straightaway if he tries anything funny.
Harry wasn't entirely certain what Sirius had meant by funny, but he sent Hedwig back with a short note reassuring him that he would. He wasn't sure what was holding him back from telling Sirius or Remus about Snape, but he didn't want the others—the Slytherins especially—to think that he went crying to his guardians as soon as someone was mean to him.
While he and Draco continued to ignore each other at the insistence of their parents and guardians, they still found ways to heckle one another, albeit indirectly. From Draco challenging Ron to a duel, and just barely avoiding detention with Filch, to getting back Neville's Remembrall and subsequently finding himself Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. Harry found it highly amusing that Draco's blatant attempts at getting him expelled had failed so abysmally.
Most unfortunately, ignoring Draco was both wonderful and frustrating at the same time.
Harry loved throwing back at the other boy the same kind of treatment that he had experienced for years at the youngest Malfoy's hands. At the same time however, Harry was unused to having to pointedly ignore someone so completely, and nearly caught himself acknowledging him more than once.
Of course, it had to be Draco's ego that inevitably broke the contract's guidelines.
Harry remembered dashing from the Great Hall with Ron and his wrapped broomstick.
He remembered Draco snatching it from him and proclaiming, “that's a broomstick. You'll be in for it this time, Potter, first years aren't allowed them,” before throwing it back.
After that, his memory had become rather hazy.
Harry didn't remember blacking out, but he did remember waking up in the Hospital Wing. He remembered blinding pain so complete he could not lift himself from the haze long enough to know if he was alone or not. His body ached, angry boils danced up and down his arms, bursting the second his skin brushed up against anything. Distantly, he thought he could hear someone else screaming...or was it his own voice? He could no longer tell.
“Calming Draught!” Harry heard a woman's voice cry, “I can't do anything until they calm down!” They? Was he not alone in this haze of agony? He felt something cool touch his lips, and a thick, viscous liquid trickled down his throat. It made him choke and sputter, but almost at once he felt some of his tension leave him.
The next time Harry woke he groaned with pain, but it was nowhere near as blinding at it had been the last time that he was conscious. It felt more like he had sustained bad bruises over a good portion of his body. He turned, and saw that there was a fuzzy form of someone sitting at his side. He pawed blindly for his glasses, and as he pulled them on, Sirius come into focus.
“Sirius?” Harry was alarmed at how hoarse he sounded. The man had been crouched forward in an uncomfortable-looking chair, seemingly asleep. When Harry spoke, he jerked a little and opened his eyes. The dark circles he saw made Harry wonder how long it had been since his godfather had properly slept.
“Welcome back,” Sirius said with a weak smile, reaching forward to muss Harry's hair affectionately.
“It was Draco,” Harry said in a whispered rush, “he talked to me and then...and then...I can't remember.” Harry shook his head, trying to recall his memories, but even the small motion made him feel queasy. Pained tears stung the corners of his eyes. “Sirius, it hurts,” Harry felt himself tremble, and it took a great deal of self control to keep himself from crying.
“I know Harry,” Sirius said softly, moving to grasp Harry's shoulder as he always did when Harry was upset, but at the last minute pulled back. Harry was grateful, even the feeling of his pyjamas touching his skin was near-agony. “The contract punished both you and Draco for his stupidity. Lucius and I have it all sorted, and you'll both be back to normal soon.”
“How soon is soon?” Harry asked with a frown, again cursing Draco for doing this to him.
“I'm not sure,” Sirius said softly as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Magical contracts are temperamental things. Usually they cease punishment once the proper enchantments have been performed, which was done yesterday afternoon. Now, it seems you just need to wait for your body to heal on its own.”
“Wonderful,” Harry gritted his teeth. “Well when you next see Draco curse him for me, since I can't do it myself.” Sirius huffed a breath in what was almost a laugh.
“And have Lucius throw one of his trademark hissy fits? No chance.” Sirius grinned when Harry laughed, then his face fell a little. “Your friend—Ron, he's been asking what happened. Your teachers and I settled on saying that you cursed each other, but incorrectly. I assumed you wanted to tell him about your, er, special circumstances in your own time.”
Harry cracked a faint smile. “Yeah, thanks.”
Following his brief stint in the Hospital Wing, Harry dutifully wrote to Sirius and Remus every week, reassuring them that he was properly avoiding Draco at all costs.
After spending so much time being ignored by the Dursleys and the Malfoys both, it was nice to have someone who actually cared to know what was going on in his day-to-day life. While he had no illusions about Sirius and Remus being his actual parents, after so long without anyone who cared, they were just as good. Harry's only concern was how people would react to the 'Harry Potter Has Two Dads' gossip.
Those from muggle families tended to give a little start of surprise, but Ron and everyone else from the wizarding families hardly batted an eyelash.
“Why would that freak me out?” Ron had asked him after Harry told him about his family situation, after weeks and weeks of dwelling on Ron's worst-case-scenario responses. The amazing part was how genuinely confused Ron had been towards Harry's reluctance to tell him. “Two blokes together is just another kind of relationship. My mum knows a bunch of couples that are two witches or two wizards.” At that point Harry had tuned him out as he spoke, feeling as though a great band of tension had been removed from his back.
“Really Harry,” Hermione had said when he told her in hushed tones in the library. “Why would you be afraid to tell me that? If they are good to you, who cares if it's two men? Honestly. Besides, as far as wizarding culture is concerned, it's totally accepted. In Hogwarts, A History there are several passages about Betrothed students having to ignore one another, and at least half of them were same-sex couples...”
Harry felt suddenly queasy at the mention of the word betrothed. What would Ron and Hermione say when they found out? Homosexuality was one thing, but with a Malfoy was another matter entirely.
I've spoken to Dumbledore, and he wants you to either stay at the castle or go back to your delightful relatives for the holidays. Believe me, we did try to get you home for Christmas, but Dumbledore must have his reasons. I'm really sorry.
The parchment was badly creased after Harry had read and reread the short letter over a dozen times that evening. He couldn't quite pinpoint why he was so angry; he'd missed Christmases with them before, why did this feel different? Harry crumpled up the letter and tossed it into the fire, where it was consumed almost at once by the flames.
“Harry?” Hermione asked timidly over the top of her Transfiguration text, “is everything all right?”
“Yeah, spectacular,” he grumbled, nudging a partially charred log back into the grate with the tip of his shoe. “I can't go home for Christmas. Dumbledore won't let Sirius and Remus.”
“What?” Hermione blinked, “but, why? Is it anything to do with You-Know-Who?”
“I don't know,” Harry muttered with a shrug while he continued to stare at the flames sullenly. “I mean, why would it? He's dead, Hagrid told me all about it. Sirius always says that Dumbledore has his reasons, but hell if I know what they are. No one tells me anything.” He crossed his arms, trying to put his disappointment out of his mind, with little success.
“Well, Dumbledore must have his reasons,” said Hermione reasonably, reaching out to gently touch Harry's shoulder, but he flinched away from her touch. She froze, and retracted her hand. “They say he's a genius, it's not like he'd want you to be miserable on purpose.”
“Yeah, sometimes I wonder,” Harry muttered, and nudged at the fire with his toe again.
“Come on Harry, it won't be that bad,” Ron said consolingly, and Harry turned to him, and cocked an eyebrow. “Me, Percy, Fred, and George are all staying too, it'll be great. You'll see.”
It's OK. I'll stay at Hogwarts for Christmas. Ron and some of the other Weasleys are staying too, something about their parents visiting one of their other brothers in Romania. Don't worry about it.
Harry sent off Hedwig with the letter the next day, still bubbling with frustration. He knew it wasn't Sirius's fault, at least, not really, but he didn't want to have an inter-owl argument with his godfather about it. He knew that Sirius meant well by following Dumbledore's every wish, but sometimes Harry wished that he wouldn't. He kicked at the dropping-strewn floor as Hedwig faded into the distance.
What in the name of Merlin were you doing atop the Astronomy tower, out-of-bounds, at night? You should count yourself lucky that I wasn't there, or I might've killed you. Make sure you don't address Draco during your detention.
Harry groaned and hit his head lightly against the tabletop. Every time he tried to completely forget the whole 'I-have-to-marry-Draco-Malfoy' thing, Fate—or Sirius—seemed to find new and creative ways to remind him of it.
“Harry?” Hermione asked, glancing curiously at the note in his hand, “everything all right?”
“Yeah, brilliant.” Harry tucked the parchment into his bag before she could get a look at it, and grabbed a blank scrap of parchment and scribbled a note.
It's a long story.
It's probably a good thing you're still at Hogwarts, or I might've strangled you. What was going through your head? You're extremely lucky that you and your friends weren't killed. There is a fine line between courage and stupidity, and honestly I can't tell which side you were on when you decided that it would be a good idea to face off against a Dark Wizard like Quirrell alone.
Albus sent us an owl with the details of what happened, and I am astounded that you didn't bring this matter to a teacher instead of trying to handle it yourself. We are going to have a serious talk when we see you in July. Don't think you've heard the end of this.
PS. We bought you some new dress robes for your week with Draco this summer. I bet you can't wait.
Had it not been a letter blatantly reprimanding him, Harry might have laughed. Though it apparently was from Sirius, he was fairly certain Remus had rewritten it and omitted a few choice swear words, while the postscript sent nothing short of a wave of dread through him. He still hadn't told Ron and Hermione about that; in part because he was embarrassed, but mostly because he had no idea still how to break the news to them.
'Oh well,' Harry thought as he tucked the letter into his trunk, 'I still have seven years before I need to tell them.'
A/N: I just want to note that the reason for not Remus & Sirius take Harry to the platform and having Harry stay at Hogwarts over his first Christmas had less to do with upping the angst, and more in the interest in keeping to canon. Since I gloss over so much of the canon books, I wanted to keep to canon wherever I could.
Next Chapter
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