#YES i learned about speed while i was away everyone CLAP
hoedameron · 2 years
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and they say a brunette couldn’t be back in the gifmaking game
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theatrekidstatus · 9 months
Chapter 10
||TW: S/A&cringy text|| Y/n pov: "We can go now" I tell everyone "OK let's go mí vida" Ant suggests "What's with the sudden Spanish" I ask "Yo no se" he responds in the car "every one shush Vanessa just got sebby to sleep"
A few months later
"Ok everyone it's opening night, ARE YOU READY!" Lin asks "Yes." Everyone said "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" he chanted "YES" "THAT'S WHAT I LIKE TO HEAR, NOW let's get READY!" "Hey babe ya nervous?" "A little but I'm gonna shake it off." "You're gonna do great." "Thanks, babe," I say then I give him a peck "I'm not even teasing y'all anymore YALL ARE SO CUTE," Phillipa says "You've mentioned that a time or two" "alright leave 'em alone Phillipa" Nea ushers "I want a boyfriend" Pippa whines (*hypnotize voice*Steven doesn't exist that's no one you know and Johnthan groff didn't introduce them) "I know Phillipa I know" "hey babe wanna go on a date tonight if you're not too tired." "Of course, now can you do my ponytail please" he asks "Of course John" I reply with a funny voice "Thanks..." he drones off "Martha" I Finish "What?" he asks "John Lauren's wife's name was Martha" I explained "how's college by the way" he asked (Anthony was 24 in Hamilton and she would graduate at age 23) "really well I'm passing. But I have to perform a monologue tomorrow and I'm so scared." "Hey I have faith in you." "5 MINUTES TO PLACES" an intercom went off (a/n thank you 5) "I gotta be near the wings and you gotta go to the audience, see ya BEA." I wanted to see the show and see their hard work
-after the show-
I was getting ready to see them "Where do you think you're going?" A strange man asks "None of your business" I reply "Oh I don't like attitude" he Snares as if I care (a/n bars) "Too bad" I say while I get up and walk to the dressing room I felt a hand on my ass then I get spun around then a hand on my boob "are you gonna tell me now" he asked licking his lips "HELP" I sob loud everyone stopped clapping "Y/N" ant and Lin yells the hop off the stage and run to me ant starts getting close to the man "get.out.now." He shouts while holding a hand on the man's neck The man runs away "Are you ok? We have his name and how he looks we can get him arrested." Lin asks me while speed talking I just start crying "Come on, THAT WAS our show I hope YOU LIKE IT AND YEAH UM BYE LOVE YOU" Lin shouts to the audience "LOVE YOU" The audience those are the good Hamilton fans. The ones who get it, the funny ones who share lins love, not whatever kind of fan he was "Babe I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" ant apologizes "What do you mean you scared him off?" He asks "Only because you were strong enough to call out for someone" he assures me "I learned from my last time" I explain "This happened before?" He asked...worried "Yes but it was worse touched everything, got me...pregnant BUT I got an abortion." "I'm so sorry," he said while hugging me
"Y/n are you ok?" Lin says while running in "Yeah I'm fine" "Good come" here he hugs me "Let's go" "ok-OH ANT ARE DATE" I shout as I suddenly remember "If you don't wanna go don't have to" he explains "thank you" I say smiling my weak but real smile "no problem" he replies doing the thing. Me and Lin head home "Lin staying quiet and not talking is not how I like to do with it" "ok yLet'snna talk let's talk" "ok so I was really scared OK I thought it was like a horrible dream but I couldn't scream this time" "in real life or a dream" "both, I couldn't speak in my Dre- well nightmares and I couldn't scream then, but I could this time before it got worse and I was protected and that's why it's not a bad as last time and well I can talk and without a stutter" well guess I gotta explain when I was about 16 and just moved in with Lin. I took a walk and someone followed me but I didn't notice I walked in an alley and yeah... didn't help with previous trauma so I went mute, I got bullied for being the mute depressed girl. When I did speak it was with a stutter and some popular girl became "friends" with me so she could seem nice and get cooler but when she got what she wanted she left me and told me all the stuff I told her. Um yeah, high school was not fun. "Lin I think I need myselfays Of my self." "Of course." "I'm going to sDadp loLoveou dad." "Love you too oh, too wanNessatooPleasenessa" "Please?" I put on my bonnet brushed my teeth put on a sports bra and shorts, and went to bed
-next morning-
"Y/n" "Hm?" "I'm off to work OK Nessa will be home She's ter she she'spping, don't worry she took sebby" "Bye-bye." "Bye, kid." I went back to sleep I woke up like two hours ago. "What do I wear today?" I ask myself "Oh I'm not going there I guess I'll wear this tee" I hear the door open It is Nessa and sebbHeyhey mom, bro," I say while fist bumping seHey "Hey y/n Are you okay Lin told me what happened are you ok" "I'm getting over it" "good have you eaten" "no" "let's fix that can you watch sebby while I cook" "sure" "Sebastian are you ready to eat" "isvdhbhsdbvihbhsvifbisvfb" "sdvihbiwhbviwbdvihhdwvhibwdvb too you to" "breakfast is ready." "nice." "come on baby sit down right here." "this is so good Nessa." "thank you." I got a text from Anthony
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾:hiiiiii are you ok?
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾:wydddddddd
Eating breakfast with my mom and brother
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾: is it good?
Hella good
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾: I had an energy bar for breakfast
Still lins food NEOW
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾:damn why🤣🤣
Mom packs him every breakfast food so he won't miss one
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾: Ty im going now
Mission completed
ILY sm
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾:lol ly2 cya
"I didn't know y'all were in your 'i love you' part yet" "ha yeah" "y'all kinda remind me of a young Lin and me" "aww" "yeah we're going on a date soon" "really where?" "It's a surprise" "those are always great" "we hear the bell ring" "package for y/n Terrell" "that's me" [a/n: ;) ] "someone sent you this package so sign" "all right" "thank you" "no problem have a blessed day" "what's in the box?" "I don't know" "let's open and see just give me one second" "sebby one last bite" "vwdhuvbdehvhudev" "good boy let's get back in the crib with your toys" "well I heard you got a special someone On the side burr" I sung i don't know the part was stuck in my head "I'm ready" "o- IS THAT A KNIFE" "it's still a mystery package" I open it was ALL my favorite snacks and food clothes I wanted jewelry,make up, and a letter even better it said "y/n I hope this letter finds you in good health and in a prosperous position too put information in the pockets of boyfriends down on there luck because some other guy decide to fuck anyway hi y/n my love language is gifts and I didn't know how to Make you feel better so I hope this brightens up your day<3" "aw Anthony is so sweet" "he really is,I hope we make it..." "to what?" "Marriage..." "I amire that you have that faith but take it slow" "ok nessa" "I'm gonna hang the clothes in my room" "all right" I did just that I then went into mom's room "mommmmm" "hey y/n" "I'm bored wanna stalk peoples post and online shop and judge the clothes" "sure" we were on Etsy when someone texted my computer
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾: did you get it yet? (Yes the contact is the same) (no I'm about to get it)
Yep thank you so much ily<333
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾: jazzy just hit me
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾: fuck yeah I did and hey boo😜😝😘
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾:no hey back☹️😔
Hey boo Wsp how you have been we gotta go on a date soon
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾:fr anyway your bf is ok
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾: I'm totally fine anywho speaking of dates you wanna go on why next month ONLY IF YOU'RE COMFORTABLE IM SORRY I SHOULDN'T HAVE BROUT IT UP"
You are so funny and cute Anyway yeah I'm down (a/n: for the count drowning in em)
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾: cool Almost my que BYE
"Nessa" "Yeah" "This would be our first date" "Oh I have an outfit where y'all going" "he mentioned the fare so there maybe?" "Ok, so this?"
"Yes Nessa I can always count on you" "Sure can" We got a text and the fam GC
The Miranda's
Hi My NaMe Is LiN mIrAnDa: Y/N HELP
Hi My NaMe Is LiN mIrAnDa: Jazzy is harassing me with questions and harassing Anthony physically
-new text-
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:hey boooooo
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:I SOWEY BEA
Anthony Ramos pov: I was bored and y/n didn't come to work because of previous circumstances so I texted her
hiiiiii are you ok?
pinkie pie😩💗🎊❗️🔝🎥💞💕❕🎉🔛😔💓🪅😭‼️🤡😠💖🗣️🎈🔊🔙☹️😫🍾🥳🙄😚😝:Yes
pinkie pie😩💗🎊❗️🔝🎥💞💕❕🎉🔛😔💓🪅😭‼️🤡😠💖🗣️🎈🔊🔙☹️😫🍾🥳🙄😚😝: Eating breakfast with my mom and brother
Is it good like scrumptious or just good I need deets
pinkie pie😩💗🎊❗️🔝🎥💞💕❕🎉🔛😔💓🪅😭‼️🤡😠💖🗣️🎈🔊🔙☹️😫🍾🥳🙄😚😝: Hella good
I had an energy bar for breakfast
pinkie pie😩💗🎊❗️🔝🎥💞💕❕🎉🔛😔💓🪅😭‼️🤡😠💖🗣️🎈🔊🔙☹️😫🍾🥳🙄😚😝: Still lins food NEOW
damn why😂
pinkie pie😩💗🎊❗️🔝🎥💞💕❕🎉🔛😔💓🪅😭‼️🤡😠💖🗣️🎈🔊🔙☹️😫🍾🥳🙄😚😝: Mom packs him every breakfast food he won't miss one
Ty is going now
Mission completed
pinkie pie😩💗🎊❗️🔝🎥💞💕❕🎉🔛😔💓🪅😭‼️🤡😠💖🗣️🎈🔊🔙☹️😫🍾🥳🙄😚😝:ILY sm
Iol ly2 cya
pinkie pie😩💗🎊❗️🔝🎥💞💕❕🎉🔛😔💓🪅😭‼️🤡😠💖🗣️🎈🔊🔙☹️😫🍾🥳🙄😚😝:AdIoS
"You and y/n are getting close" Lin teases "Yeah well we are dating?" I replied confused "How Many teeth do cows have?" Lin asks "Shit I dunno" I answer "Can you look it up," he asks with wonder, and his eyes "aight" I go to Safari and I look at Lin to ask why he thought that" "WEDDING RINGS" he shouts "WEDDING RINGS" everyone shouts "UM NO WHAT HUH UM FUCK" I shout and stutter, "bitch you better not purpose the littarl DAY after she was assaulted," jazzy says in an angry tone "I'm not, Jesus" I reply "and.you.better.not.give.her.a.google.ring.she.is.a.Pinterest.girl." She said while hitting me "I know gah damn" I shout
did you get it yet
pinkie pie😩💗🎊❗️🔝🎥💞💕❕🎉🔛😔💓🪅😭‼️🤡😠💖🗣️🎈🔊🔙☹️😫🍾🥳🙄😚😝:Yep thank you so much ily<333
"Man y'all so scared to say I love you over text" Jazzy shares "But they are so cute" Pippa adds "For real" Jazzy agrees
"Fuck you"
Jazzy just hit me
"SNITCH BITCH" Jazzy shouts "OW PIPPA SAY SOMETHING" I yell "BARS?" Pippa asked, Jazzy stole my phone while I winced
fuck yeah, I did, and hey boo😜😝😘
pinkie pie😩💗🎊❗️🔝🎥💞💕❕🎉🔛😔💓🪅😭‼️🤡😠💖🗣️🎈🔊🔙☹️😫🍾🥳🙄😚😝JASMINE CEPHAS JONES STOP HURTING MY BF AND GIVE HIM HIS PHONE
no hey back☹️😔
pinkie pie😩💗🎊❗️🔝🎥💞💕❕🎉🔛😔💓🪅😭‼️🤡😠💖🗣️🎈🔊🔙☹️😫🍾🥳🙄😚😝Hey boo Wsp how you have been we gotta go on a date soon
Anyway, your bf is OK
Im totally fine anywho speaking of dates you wanna go on why next month ONLY IF YOU'RE COMFORTABLE IM SORRY I SHOULDN'T HAVE BROUT IT UP"
pinkie pie😩💗🎊❗️🔝🎥💞💕❕🎉🔛😔💓🪅😭‼️🤡😠💖🗣️🎈🔊🔙☹️😫🍾🥳🙄😚😝:You are so funny and cute Anyway yeah I'm down
Cool Almost my que BYE
"You should get her a present" Jazzy suggests "I already did" I add to the conversation "Ooooo what?" Pippa asks "A bunch of food she likes and stuff she wanted," I say to answer her question "Aw" Pippa and Jazzy say and unison "I wanna boyfriend" they share in unison "I know come on girls," renèe says while leaving with them
Jazzy was asking me and Lin hella questions about y/n then she started hitting me then Lin texted their family group chat
Then Jazzy stopped yelling to text y/n
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A Case They’ll Like
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Characters: Raymond Reddington x Reader (platonic)
Warnings: None.
Summary: You and Reddington drop by the ‘Post Office’ to deliver a delicious case to the team...
Reddington looked around the Post Office and chuckled at the various personnel wandering about doing their jobs. He hadn’t paid a physical visit in so long that he almost forgot how much they reminded him of worker ants.
He leaned over to you, ready to repeat his thoughts when you spoke first. 
“Don’t compare them to worker ants today.” You advised with a small shake of the head.
Reddington couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the comment and bite his tongue as you both approached your favourite team of agents.
“A house-call?” Ressler smirked. “To what do we owe this displeasure?”
His sarcasm was noted by the criminal and Ressler found himself pinned under a very unamused glare.
“Donald, if you want to continue this partnership then I’d suggest toning it down.”
Noticing the way that the agents smile dropped slightly, you shot Ressler a quick wink before tapping your hands on the table and drew attention to yourself.
“I know you’re wondering why we’re here, but I think you’ll really like this one.”
Reddington clapped his hands, rubbing them together and laughed. “Oh, boy - I recently learned that the Great Star of Africa was being transported back to England. I had organised a heist to lift it at the docks before it reached its destination but when my people got there, the shipment was missing.”
There was the sound of speed typing from behind Aram’s computer and the large screen lit up to display a large tear-drop shaped diamond beside the Crown Jewels.
“You want us to help you steal that?” Elizabeth scoffed and Reddington shook his head.
“Good heavens, no. My sources say that the lucrative Prism Brothers have a hand to play in this so I’m meeting with a contact at the Como Shambhala Estate in Ubud to get their location.” He explained and reached into his coat pocket, pulling out two rectangular pieces of paper. “And as it so happens...”
You smiled brightly, eyes glimmering with anticipation. “Here it comes.”
“I was kind enough to pick up two extra passes - so which of you want to take a spa day?” Reddington asked as he gently waved the tickets. The man then quickly added that it had all been approved by the director in case they had any qualms in regard to their jobs over the next two days.
Elizabeth smiled at how excited Reddington was but then sighed, “As much as I’d love to join you on this little ‘retreat’ in Bali - I can’t leave Agnes without a nanny.” She replied, reminding everyone that her duty to her daughter came first.
Turning to the woman, Reddington gasped as if he had forgotten something. “Ah yes, I have a solution for that.” He gestured to his side and you sent a small wave to Elizabeth. “Y/n’s staying grounded while I’m away and, from what I hear, Anges adores Y/n.”
“I can’t just expect them to drop everything and...” Elizabeth began to argue but you stepped forward.
“Honestly Liz, I was going to order in and watch movies until Red got back. Staying with Agnes is a much better plan and besides, you deserve a small break.”
Elizabeth went quiet as she considered her response. She trusted her daughter with you more than Reddington so she knew that Agnes would be kept safe. Plus, two days away would help her focus on a strategy to find Ilya Koslov.
“Okay, I’ll come along.” The agent finally replied. 
Reddington chuckled and looked around at the others.
“Excellent. Who else?” He wondered aloud, eyes landing on Ressler.
The blonde-haired agent realised and quickly shook his head. “Parks and I have a lot of paperwork to get through after your last Blacklister. Why don’t you take Aram? He could do with a spa day.”
The man behind the computer swallowed nervously as all eyes turned on him.
“Well, I do enjoy the occasional sauna.”
Reddington was grinning now that this has been sorted. “Wonderful, I’ll have Dembe pick you all up tomorrow morning so pack light.”
Masterlist here
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shreddedparchment · 3 years
A Wife for Thor Pt.24
What She’s Done
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader         Word Count: 5,590
Warnings: language, angst, fluff, Loki being the best bro, pregnancy problems
A/N: I’m sorry this is so late. I’m not going to explain too much as I want the focus to be on the chapter but I’m feeling better. Hope you all enjoy this one and I hope you can forgive me. haha As always, if you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo
Please DO NOT repost my work on any other sites or blogs!
REBLOGS are always welcome!
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The sound of the fanfare outside is muted. The heavy doors of the main room are shut.
Thor sits on his large steel, silver, and wooden throne. Normally, your own throne would have been moved into the room so that you could sit beside him. Today however, he wants you standing.
Loki stands on Thor’s left, his hands moving across his tablet at godly speeds. He’s busy. Always busy. While Thor has the final say, Loki sets everything up for him and comes to him with the choices that must be made.
He’s indispensable and both you and Thor know it. So, when the large doors are thrown open and Thor takes his hand off of your lower waist where he’d been massaging the knots away, as Ambassador Coates walks forward, you glare right at him and his judging distrustful look at the sight of Asgard’s Prince.
The music outside, large horns that sound more like a call to battle, slowly die and are completely cut off when the doors are shut. Just outside you know two Valkyrie are standing guard.
Inside, two more regular guards stand at attention.
“Ambassador Coates, I’m glad you saw fit to accept my invitation,” Thor says casually.
One wouldn’t know that Thor is angry. He sounds so welcoming. The charm he’s exuding is one you’ve never seen him use before but Loki doesn’t seem surprised by it. Instead, Loki’s lips seem to curve upwards a little in the teeniest smirk.
The Ambassador does as he’s expected and once he’s near the foot of the raised wooden floor where Thor’s throne sits, he gives a quick bow meeting first Thor’s singular eye and then your own blank gaze.
Keeping your anger in check is easy. You’re able to wipe your face of all emotion and it’s a skill now that you’re glad you learned in the orphanage you’d grown up in. Never letting anyone know how sad or hurt you are was key to your survival.
“Your Majesties,” the ambassador states, the irritation in his voice loud and clear for all of you to hear.
It looks like Thor’s plan to roll out the red carpet as if the ambassador were visiting royalty got his message across clearly.
“I hope I find you in good health? Are you faring well with the pregnancy?”
You don’t answer him. You simply stare.
“We’re well enough,” Thor begins. “Forgive me in my haste to get to the point, Ambassador Coates but as I hear it from my brother, you have been making it very difficult for Her Majesty the Queen of Asgard to meet with you, despite her warnings that what she had to share was imperative to the safety of Earth and human-kind.”
The ambassador blinks. He doesn’t attempt to speak or react in any other way than to show that he’s processing Thor’s words. All signs of irritation at his welcome gone.
“Would you say that is a fair statement for her having sent, what was it? Four emails and three phone calls?” Thor asks Loki.
“Seven emails and four phone calls,” he corrects.
“Right. Seven and four.”
“Your Majesty…”
“I think you have been under the impression that my marriage to my wife has been one in name only. She’s Queen but not really? Right? She has no power or authority? Is that what you think?”
Ambassador Coates swallows hard, sweat beading along his temples. He’s not a stout man. In fact, most women would think him good looking. Nothing to Thor or Loki, but for a human he’s handsome. His sweating in this climate makes no sense unless he’s suddenly stressed.
Maybe you shouldn’t feel bad but you do just a bit. You can’t imagine what he must feel being scrutinized by Thor, yourself, and Loki. Clearly he did something wrong and now he knows it.
“Your Majesties, I-I meant no offense. Unfortunately this is a busy time for myself and my colleagues and-”
“We have no time for your excuses,” Thor sits up straighter and draws his legs a little closer together before he licks his lips and holds his hand out towards you.
Taking it, you watch him get up and then he helps you sit before checking on you, “Better, cherub?”
You nod, looking up at him as he caresses the side of your head.
“The only reason you hold the job that you currently do is because my people and I chose to settle on Earth. You might say you owe it to us. Perhaps you’d still have been employed should we not have come here but from what I understand, your salary is considerably more than what it would have been were you in some other position.
“You are married and have children, too. Don’t you?” Thor asks.
“Y-Yes, Your Majesty.”
“So, it’s important to keep your job. Isn’t it?”
He says nothing, this time simply looking down at Thor’s feet.
“My wife is not just Queen in name but she has been exemplary in her devotion of ruling the people of Asgard at my side with honor and grace. The people love her. I’m not sure what made you think you could slight an Asgardian Queen but let me be clear. If our people should find out that there was such disrespect, believe me when I tell you that the loss of your job would be the last thing you’d have to worry about.”
“And just to be clear,” Loki cuts in as Thor’s taking a breath. “My brother is not threatening you. This is a statement of fact. We Asgardians are fiercely loyal and easily offended.”
You like that Ambassador Coates isn’t glaring at Loki anymore. The fear in his eyes is worrying, but you also know that your husband and brother would do nothing to actually hurt this idiot. They’re just making sure he knows where he stands.
Thor crosses his large arms across his wide chest. Though you don’t think he means it to be intimidating, you can see from the ambassador’s gulp that Thor’s minor flex has great impact.
Gods, he’s huge.
“As it just so happens, aside from being a Queen without fault to this kingdom, the Queen of Asgard has seen fit to continue to perform in her duties as the bridge between our two peoples. She refuses to let us make decisions for the human race and was attempting to contact you to warn you of impending dangers. And you, what was the phrase, love?”
“Blew me off.”
“That’s right, you blew her off. And yet we welcome you with respect and grace.”
“Your Majesties,” the ambassador begins, but Thor holds up his hand and he stops.
“Let this be a lesson in humility for you. I love Earth and for that reason alone, in addition to the fact that this is my wife’s home and now mine, we will forgive this lapse of judgement on your part,” you’ve never heard Thor sound more like a King than in this moment.
It’s also one of those moments where you really want to drag him back to the room and get him naked. He’s never been this attractive.
The ambassador bows his head, taking his punishment with dignity.
“Forgive me, your Majesties,” he begins to say something, but then stops himself.
“Speak your mind, Ambassador Coates,” Loki urges, seeing something you and Thor don’t.
“I merely wish to apologize for my lack of forethought. I was not the only one dismissing Her Majesty the Queen of Asgard but will be sure to rectify the behavior with my colleagues when I return.”
Loki smiles, turning his gentle gaze on you as he realizes that you were right. It wasn’t misogyny. Not on Ambassador Coates’s part. That might not be the case for everyone though.
“Perhaps I should schedule meetings with your colleagues so that we might have a quick talk about the expectations we have for our relationship going forward?”
Loki’s threat is veiled heavily, but Ambassador Coates still picks up on it and his face goes a little pale.
“I don’t think that’s necessary, Your Highness. I will pass along the sentiments, if you will let me.”
There’s a burning satisfaction in your chest. Something about watching Ambassador Coates finally show not just you but Loki the respect he deserves makes you so happy.
“My Queen?” Loki prompts you, looking to you to wait for your reply.
“I think we can give him a chance to express our disappointment for us. He is our ambassador. Isn’t that right Ambassador Coates?”
Coates looks relieved, pressing his hand to his chest as he bows his head to you again.
It’s a strange sensation to see the gratitude on his face and his posture relaxes as a result. You literally just did that. You gave him some forgiveness and it really does make all the difference.
“I will support you and the Asgardian throne with more fervor from here on out, Your Majesty.”
“Cool,” you shrug, reaching to place your hand on the back of Thor’s neck, absolutely beaming at him.
He chuckles and puts his hand back on your waist, giving you a gentle squeeze and shake.
“Are you happy, my cherub?”
You nod, unable to contain the smile that stretches across your lips and you lean into him.
“Good. My job here is done then. Now, I have some things to do,” Thor rises and moves around until he’s facing you and pulls you up into a chaste but loving kiss.
With a caress to your belly, he looks at Loki and nods.
“I’ll leave the rest to you and my Queen, brother.”
“Sif will meet you by the docks,” Loki nods.
“Wonderful. I’ll see you later, love. If you need me, just tell Loki and I will come running.”
“‘Kay,” you smile.
Thor turns back to your guest and moves towards him, clapping his shoulder as he passes, “Do better, Ambassador Coates. Do better.”
All three of you watch Thor strut for the large front doors. The guard opens it for him and when he’s out of sight, the doors shutting behind him, you move to take your seat on the throne. Loki scoots a little closer to your side but stands with his tablet ready.
“Now, I think we should get down to the reason I wanted to meet with you,” you start and Ambassador Coates stands a little straighter. “But...I don’t know about you but this whole towering over you sitting on a throne thing is not really my style and feels a little forced. Let’s go to my sitting room.”
Loki smirks as Ambassador Coates relaxes a little more and even smiles, “Yes, Your Majesty.”
As the three of you walk up the steps to the right of the throne room to climb up to the small sitting room that had been set aside for you and your private entertaining, you steal a few glances at Ambassador Coates.
He still looks a little rattled and you stroke your stomach, the long silk dress you’re wearing, ruffled skirt and loose waist giving it a soft flowing quality is still noticeable and Ambassador Coates steals a few glances.
“Didn’t think I was really pregnant?”
He blanches, “What? N-No, Your Majesty! I had no reason to doubt you.”
“It’s okay. A lot of people didn’t believe it until I came back from my little vacation. I just wanted to make sure that it would take. We’re all so dependent on this little one and a lot is riding on my having Thor’s heir quickly.”
“No one who has seen you rule since your marriage would doubt your commitment to this union, Y/N,” Loki assures you gently.
He’s your number one supporter and you’re so damn grateful for him.
All three of you fall into silence but with your heavy belly and your slow walk, it stretches on.
“I’m sorry about Thor’s enthusiasm to put you in your place,” you give Coates a small apologetic smile but he quickly shakes his head. “He can be a little passionate.”
“No, Your Majesty, the mistake was mine. I should have paid you the respect you deserved. It’s-You work in an environment for too long and you begin to adopt certain behaviors that you should know aren’t acceptable but when everyone is doing it and-I was wrong. I can’t blame Thor for setting me straight.”
“Thank you, for understanding,” you shrug.
“Thank you for not holding it against me and letting me do better.”
It takes only another few minutes to reach the sitting room and you make a beeline for the small loveseat before dropping into it and leaning back against the soft plush cushions.
“Whew, I probably should have done my research on how pregnancy would affect all aspects of my life before agreeing to it,” a joke and Coates gets it because he looks respectfully amused.
Loki scoffs, “With Thor, I doubt you’d have had much choice in the matter. He is also believed to be a God of fertility, you know?”
The small shock on your face really makes Coates laugh this time and your neck, ears, and cheeks burn.
Not wanting to drag this meeting out for a long time you clear your throat and Loki sits down on the armchair beside you opposite Coates’s own seat.
“I should really be more formal, but I’m not kidding when I tell you that this pregnancy is taking a toll on me.”
“Think nothing of it, Your Majesty,” Coates assures you.
“I’m not sure what you’ll be able to do with this information and maybe it’ll be best if, with your help, you can get a meeting in front of both the United Nations and NATO scheduled for me to speak to them directly.
“Thor and Loki would be there with me, of course, but it was my idea to even bring this to your attention.”
“I will be of any assistance that I can be,” Coates nods, face serious and attentive.
“We wanted to wait until we had more concrete information to give Earth’s leaders but our Queen is adamant that an early warning is better than detailed information,” Loki explains.
“Is the Earth in danger?” Coates asks, worried now.
“Sort of,” you nod. “Truth is, we don’t know. What we do know is that there’s an energy signature that we’ve been monitoring for months. Almost my entire first year of marriage. What we do know is that the energy signal was strong enough to bring Doctor Foster here to look for an explanation and my brother-in-law has kept his eye on it too. It’s familiar to him and not unthreatening so we’ve been preparing watch stations across the globe. We have one in North and South America, Australia, almost every continent so that we won’t miss any kind of danger that comes falling from the sky.
“We don’t want a repeat of New York,” you look at Loki and Coates looks at him too but neither of you have any kind of judgement in your expressions.
Maybe a little for Coates, but he quickly turns his gaze back on you.
“I wanted to give the people of Earth time to prepare for that kind of attack. The Avengers are already on the case and have been helping build up a defense but they can only do so much. Their focus is going to be on the bigger fight if it comes to that. I want to give us a fighting chance on the ground where regular people are often the ones to get hurt and suffer from big threats like this.
“I don’t want the casualties to look like they have in the past when something or someone threatens us. So, I just want to give world leaders a briefing on what we’ve found, what we’ve built in defense, and give them the resources to keep track of what we’re keeping track of.
“We’re at a unique advantage with not only Asgard’s knowledge, technology, and resources. We’re still a growing nation and what we do have is lots of strength. I’ve been thinking about it a lot and while the Valkyrie have to stay here to protect my family, we have a sizable guard that can be split into a few regiments to send out to the places that will need it most and still have enough forces to protect New Asgard.”
Coates is thinking hard, then his hand dives into his pocket and he pulls out his phone, “I’ll start making calls and can probably have something set up the day after tomorrow. If the threat is serious enough to make you worry about us humans this much, I think the sooner the better.”
“It is serious enough,” Loki assures him. “Even if it turns into nothing, we would all rather have done everything we could to minimize damage to both the humans of Earth and New Asgard.”
“Then I’ll get started. Is there any kind of data that I should see in order to convince my bosses?”
You look to Loki and reach out, placing your hand on his arm, “Loki, take Ambassador Coates down to the dungeon and let him get a look at anything we’ve gathered in the monitoring station. You’ll forgive me for not coming with you, Ambassador Coates? I really can’t stand walking around much longer today.”
“Of course, please do not mind me,” he assures you, giving you a small bow.
“Shall I have your lunch brought in here?” Loki asks.
He nods and with a gesture at Ambassador Coates, leads the way to the door.
“When you’ve made any significant progress, I will be in here. Can you come and let me know?”
Coates nods, the phone now pressed to his ear, “As soon as I know something, Your Majesty.”
They leave you in an appropriate rush and you relax against the cushions of your sofa feeling like a small burden’s been lifting off your shoulders.
You’ve done your part now. You’ve warned your Ambassador, now it’s his job to convince his higher-ups and hopefully they listen.
Estrid does eventually come with your lunch and you eat slowly, thinking through your options for Coates and the rest of the governments of the world. Splitting the Asgardian army up isn’t ideal, but they pack a punch. Even just a handful of soldiers in a city would make a difference.
You finish eating and you finish your tea. You get up to walk a little around the sitting room but as the afternoon wears on, you start to feel suffocated inside and Estrid happily goes with you down to your gardens.
Most of your plants have been well taken care of.
“His Majesty made sure that we kept all of your plants healthy for you,” Estrid informs you, moving to walk a few steps behind you as you walk around with a small watering can.
His consideration brings a smile to your lips.
Thor really can be so sweet. So loving. You hate that some of the time from your first year was stolen by what happened with Jane, but it couldn’t be helped. He had to discover what it would mean to lose you and you had to learn that depending on yourself is still just as important married as it was when you had no one.
Maybe it’s even more important now? You can get lost in your relationship with Thor and while that’s super tempting, to have your world start and end with Thor and your married life together, you are still your own person.
You have goals for your career and shared dreams with him too. You’ve got your hobbies and Thor has his. Both of you needed the distance.
Despite that, even though you know that the space was good for both of you, even if it hurt like hell to get it the way you two did, you’re actually really happy to be back home.
As you reach over to water one of your taller butterfly bushes, you gasp and pull your arm back against your body as a small sharp pain rocks your senses and blinds your vision for a split second.
“Your Majesty?” Estrid hurries forward.
“I’m fine, Estrid,” you assure her, waiting another second to see if the pain will come back.
Reaching down you rub the spot on your tummy where you’d felt it and wonder if maybe the baby is just kicking especially hard today.
“Shall I fetch the doctors?”
“No, really. I’m fine, Estrid.”
You move to the next plant and water a few more as you head towards the small greenhouse with the Asgardian plants you’re still trying to perfect the care for but as you reach for the door, you double over as a shooting pain stretches across the same side as before then moves down onto the base of your belly.
The watering can falls from your hand as you reach out to brace yourself against the door and hits the floor with a clunk as the water goes all over your flats, soaking your feet.
“Your Majesty!”
Estrid races to you, hands placed on your back and arm to support you as she looks to steal a glance at your face.
With your eyes shut tight, you groan and whimper as the pain just gets sharper.
“Estrid…” it takes a moment to catch your breath. “Get the doctors.”
“Guard!” Estrid calls, forcing you to let go of the door so that she can lead you to a bench. “Guard, send for the doctor!”
“Thor,” you whimper, sitting slowly and gasping as the pain intensifies. “Get Thor.”
“I’ll send for him, my Queen,” Estrid assures you and now that you’re seated, she leaves you to run and hurry the guard.
“What’s wrong?”
“Loki?” you call breathlessly, searching for his face for the comfort you know it’ll give you to have him close.
“Here,” he calls out for you and hurries around the corner. “I’m here. What’s happened? What’s wrong?”
He hovers over you, leaning over, his hands carefully pressed to your cheek and the other on your stomach.
“It hurts,” you sob without tears, “Loki…”
“It’s alright,” he promises. “You and my nephew will be fine. Come on, put your arm around my neck.”
His certainty does help and you get your arm around him. With ease he squats down and lifts you into his arms and with you moves back into the palace.
It feels like a long time when you open your eyes again. You’re dizzy a little and weak. Your body feels heavy and it’s a struggle to sit up.
Looking around, you realize you’re in your bedroom alone. The sky outside is dark and the room is dim with only the fireplace lit to cast a warm orange glow around the dark room.
“Loki?” you try, remembering him carrying you when he found you in the garden.
No movement.
“Thor? Estrid?” You’d sent her to get the doctors and to get Thor. Had the doctors come?
Thor’s favorite armchair is placed by your bed, angled towards you so he must have been in here sitting by you waiting for you to wake up.
With a heavy sigh, you realize that he must have been out of his mind with worry when he heard what happened. Is the baby okay?
You put your hands on your tummy and wait for movement. He does wiggle around a little. Normal for you and him and that makes you feel better about the pain that had come out of nowhere.
It takes you too long to get up and out of bed. You’re in your nightgown, a long simple piece with modern touches but it’s also very similar to some of the long flowing white ones you remember seeing in history books.
Taking extra time to stretch up onto your feet just in case the pain comes back, you breathe a sigh of relief when you take your first step and find that you’re okay.
“Oh, baby,” you reach down and rub the sides of your bump. “You scared me, rascal.”
You know that you should probably stay still. Staying in bed is probably what your Doctors suggested but the empty chair has you worried about Thor and what state he might be in.
So instead of staying where you should, you open your bedroom door and step out into the hallway.
The spots to either side where there’s usually a guard are empty.
You look up towards the other end of the hall and see that the two soldiers have moved to stand at the center of the hall, shoulders tense and obviously distracted. Further down, at what you think they must be staring at is a grouping of palace staff. People you recognize. Estrid stands among them, frowning at the small crack in the door through which pours a line of bright white light from the sitting room you share with Thor.
Did something happen?
As you pass the two guards the jump and hurry back to the sides of your bedroom door where they belong. Their flurry of movement must have drawn the attention of the others standing by the door. They also seem to jump, look shamed and worried, before they move away from the door and head in all different directions to get back to work.
One of the maids that passes you curtsies before she scurries off stealing a look of regret at you.
Estrid stands rigid, hands clasped to her front before she steps back a bit to give you room.
“What is it, Estrid?”
She doesn’t say anything. She looks upset, her lips fixed into a severe line, eyes full of anger as she shakes her head.
“Where’s Loki? Thor?” you check, stopping by her and she only looks at the door.
You can hear muted voices from inside and your heart begins to pound.
Is it the doctors? Are Thor and Loki getting bad news? The baby was just moving though!
Your baby has to be okay. Healthy even. Nothing was wrong before you came back home.
Clinging to your bump, you move towards the crack in the door and with the breath leaving your lungs in fear of what you’ll overhear you just go ahead and push the door open because eavesdropping hasn’t served you well in the past.
If something needs to be said, you want to hear it without hiding.
Of course, what you aren’t expecting to find is Loki facing you by the long sofa where Thor usually lounges, resting his head on your lap. Behind Loki, what must have given him that frustrated look on his face is Thor, Jane clinging to his arm as she finishes speaking the thought you just interrupted as they all turn to look at you.
“-can’t help it. I love you. I-”
The absolute fury that engulfs you is indescribable.
For one year-long second, you inhale and a million thoughts cross your mind. The one you grasp onto, in favor of the ones involving murder and hurt and violence, is the one of your baby.
This kind of anger is bad for him. You can’t let it consume you. Not when you need to stay good for him.
Loki looks down at his feet, disappointment and shame overcoming his pale, handsome features.
Thor quickly jerks his hand out of Jane’s grip and moves towards you but stops when you speak only a few feet away.
She swallows hard, then frowns, “I only came to warn Thor that the readings have gotten stronger. I-”
“I don’t care why you’re here. I only care that you are here. You aren’t welcome in my house, near my husband, or on any piece of land in this Kingdom,” you take a step towards them and stop as you stroke your belly to remind you to keep calm. “I want you gone. Out of my home, away from my people, and if you trespass here again, I’ll have you thrown in jail. You aren’t welcome in New Asgard.”
“You can’t ban me from an entire Kingdom,” she argues, moving forward towards you.
“Try me,” you warn. “Out of respect for what you meant to Thor in the past, I’ve kept your name clean. I haven’t told anyone what you tried to do here, but here you are trying again. Now either you want me to trash you, or you seriously can’t take a hint.
“We don’t want you here.”
“Thor invited me himself, if he didn’t want me here, why would he do that?”
You grind your teeth, again stroking your tummy, “You’re right. I don’t know why my husband would invite you here when I have made it very clear that you aren’t welcome. Whatever the reason, he and I will discuss it together, because we’re married. Husband and wife. Until the day I die, at least, since he’ll outlive me by two thousand years.
“And whatever you two had in the past is gone. So, get out or I’ll have you thrown out.”
She opens her mouth to argue and you take two steps towards her, “I might be pregnant, but I can still do plenty of damage in the minute that it’ll take Thor and Loki to pull me off of you. Please, say something. Please, please I beg you. Give me an excuse. I have a really bad temper and I am dying to express myself. Please.”
Jane turns towards Thor, waiting for some kind of rebuttal from him but he’s got his eyes trained on you and you alone. The shame on his face, the agony of what you finding them all here might mean is not lost on him.
When he doesn’t say anything, Loki clears his throat, “I think it’s time to go, Jane.”
His urging helps and with a look of hurt and disbelief, she tears her eyes off of Thor and stomps out past you.
You watch her go, Estrid scurrying after her to lead her out the back instead of the front where she might be spotted.
He turns to you, waiting.
“I don’t want anyone to know she was here. Anyone other than the group of palace staff that was standing by the door fucking listening to what was being said in here. Can you get Heimdall and send her home that way?”
“I’m on it,” he assures you and hurries past you, disappearing into the palace.
“I-” Thor begins.
He shuts his mouth.
“Not here.”
Turning, you lead the way back to the bedroom and the guard opens the door for you, Thor following closely behind.
As the door shuts you don’t stop until you’re sitting on your bed, hands stroking your belly as you shut your eyes and try to calm yourself.
“I asked you for one thing. One thing, Thor. I asked you not to make a fool of me. Seven people from our staff were listening to you and Jane. Seven! By tomorrow that’ll be twenty and by the weekend the tabloids will have picked up on the story.”
“I’m sorry,” he starts but you growl in frustration.
“I stood in front of our people and told them that Jane Foster was not welcome in our Kingdom and you walked her right in! I-I can’t do this. I can’t do this right now.”
You get up and point at the large doors.
“I need you to get out. I need space and I don’t care why you let her in. I don’t care why you’d make me look like such a stupid fucking joke I only know that you did and I’m done. I need you out. Don’t come looking for me. When I’m ready, if I’m ever ready to talk to you again, I’ll find you. Until then, leave me alone.”
“NO! You don’t get to do this shit, Thor-You don’t get to undermine me and bring that woman back into our lives and still get to explain yourself after she lied to you about being pregnant, and making a mockery of our marriage. You don’t get a say. You get out of my room, you keep away from me, you wait until I’m ready to hear you. Until I’m not angry anymore. Until I’m not hurting anymore.
“I don’t understand what it is about this woman that you just-can’t you see what she is? What she’s done? Don’t you understand why she can’t be here? Don’t you get-You know what? Just get out. I don’t care. I don’t care if you get it or not. Get out.”
“Y/N, please, I-”
The silence that follows your outburst is interrupted only by the crackling of the fire. In the dim light, Thor’s face is grave and broken. You can’t feel bad for him though.
As much as you love him, as much as you wish this hadn’t just happened, as much as you hate to see him hurt, you can’t ignore the pain in your own chest, drowning you again in betrayal.
This is why you’d wanted to keep your distance. This agony is why you’d wanted to keep him at arm’s length.
This is why you can only depend on yourself.
Eventually, Thor bows his head and with heavy feet, he leaves your room shutting the door behind him leaving you to sob and throw pillows in anger.
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rocorambles · 3 years
It's Always Been You
Pairing: Semi x Reader
Genre: SFW, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff (I swear it’s more fluff than hurt/comfort), Getting together
Summary: You’ve always known Semi was your first choice. Now you just need to convince HIM that it’s true. Easier said than done.
Prompt: “When will I be someone’s first choice? Tell me, when?”
A/N: This is my contribution for the HQHQ SFW collaboration. There are so many talented writers on the server and I highly encourage you to check out the collaboration masterlist here to see how everyone decided to run with this prompt. (Also this is an AU where the boy’s and girl’s volleyball teams practice in the same gym. Just go with it. LOL Please and thank you.) Thank you for beta-ing @sawamooora~
There’s a certain sense of pride and anxiety that comes from being accepted to Shiratorizawa as a student athlete. Pride from knowing your athletic prowess has been recognized as being at least notable. Anxiety from not knowing if that’s all it’ll amount to, talent that’s forced to remain seated on a bench as other, even more capable athletes surpass and outrank you. But as wide-eyed first years, Semi and you don’t feel that full weight yet, not as you watch and learn from your senpais in awe, and it’s that curiosity, that love for the sport that brings you two together.
Semi’s always been on the quieter side, but when he sees you in the corner of the girl’s side of the gym all by yourself, practicing setting a volleyball against the wall, recognizing you as a fellow newbie from his class, he takes his chance. It’s an easy friendship, one that easily crosses from the court, to the classroom, to after school study sessions and hangouts. And even though it sucks to still be set aside on the bench, left to cheer on your upperclassmen while the both of you hone your skills, it brings both of you comfort that you’re not alone, that you have someone else cheering you on, growing and improving right alongside you.
It’s hard work trying to stand out among all the hopeful first years at Shiratorizawa, but the endless hours of hard work and encouragement you give each other, the shouts to keep on going, the careful bandaging of each other’s fingers before and after grueling practices, it all pays off. The two of you proudly stand side by side in your second year as your parents snap a photo of both of you donning your brand new team uniforms, marking you as starting players.
The adrenaline of the cheering audience, the exhilaration of being in a real game, it’s everything both of you have wished for and more. But through the excitement, a nagging worry tugs at Semi as he watches the new rookie setter, Shirabu Kenjirou, from afar.
There’s nothing wrong with Shirabu. He’s a smart kid, albeit a little short tempered and rude at times, but aren’t they all in high school? But it’s not his attitude, not even his shitty haircut that bothers Semi. It’s the ease with which he connects with the rest of the team, the natural skill and talent he possesses, the way Coach Washijou stares at the younger male with interest, that has Semi striving harder, his desire to stand out and prove himself only hindering him and the team more.
And reality comes crashing down around him one day as a shrill whistle jars him from his razor sharp focus, the paddle with his number being held up by Shirabu making his heart drop to his stomach as he’s subbed out, face heating with humiliation and embarrassment as his teammates eagerly high five and clap the younger setter on the court, welcoming him into the game.
Just like that, he’s been replaced.
It hurts, but he knows it’s to be expected. He had seen it coming, and acknowledges that it’s the better decision for the team. But that doesn’t make it sting any less. And he watches with steely eyes at how effortlessly Shirabu melds in with the team, the ball easily and smoothly connecting.
He thinks this is the worst of the heartache, vowing that he’ll just work harder, at least be a useful pinch server. He’ll be the best setter he can when he’s needed. But what he isn’t expecting is the lancing stab to his heart when he sees you rush over to Shirabu after the match is over, the way you’re practically bouncing on the soles of your feet as you fawn over the younger setter, congratulating him on his first game, complimenting him on a job well done, not even sparing a glance in his direction. In your defense, you do make your way towards him eventually, but he can feel the pity in your eyes, the way you approach him as if he’s a wounded animal, and he slaps your hand away before it can come in contact with his arms, storming off, leaving you gaping in his wake.
The situation was poorly handled and he knows he owes an apology at minimum, but those words get stuck in his throat when he spies you chatting one-on-one with Shirabu at practice the next day while the boy’s and girl’s teams share the same gym. It’s vaguely reminiscent of watching a horror film and despite the way he freezes, heart clenching, Semi can’t tear his eyes away as you demonstrate some setting techniques and drills to Shirabu. And when your bandaged fingers carefully wrap around the younger male’s forearms to adjust his posture, Semi rushes off, unable to bear watching how once again, he’s become irrelevant.
He wonders— hopes that it’s just a one off thing, that things will return to how they once were. But they don’t, and he watches as Shirabu and you laugh and joke, high fiving and cheering each other on as you help one another practice, time and time again. He tries his best to ignore it, gritting his teeth and using more strength than necessary in his practice serves, brushing off the concerned questions from even usually stoic Ushijima. But it all comes to a head when Shirabu is absent from practice one day and you cheerfully walk up to him like no time has passed, like you hadn’t turned around and instantly betrayed him for a better version of himself, grinning as you ask him to practice with you.
There’s a sick satisfaction in how quickly your smile disappears, the flash of hurt in your eyes when he sneers at you, thanking you for “gracing him with your presence”.
“Glad you could find it in yourself to make some time for me. Thought you’d skip out on practice to take care of your little boyfriend.”
The whole gym stares at both of you as his harsh voice echoes throughout the area.
“When will I be someone’s first choice? Tell me, when?!”
Semi and you don’t talk to each other for the rest of that year, although not for quite the same reasons.
For Semi, it’s a completely burned bridge and, as good as seeing you feel some of the same pain he feels is, there’s an emptiness inside of him as he goes home that night. The belief that he’s ruined everything between the two of you heavily weighs inside of him.
For you, it’s a medley of hurt, shock, and confusion. You give Semi the time he needs to cool off, give yourself the time and space to ponder and think into the late and early hours of each night, wondering where everything went wrong.
Shirabu? Boyfriend? How could Semi possibly even believe that?
Being an upperclassman means mentorship and guidance. So when Shirabu had come up to you one day after he became the boy’s team’s starting setter, you had graciously offered up some tips, let him know that you’d practice with him if you were free, encouraged him. You had missed your easy banters with Semi, missed how in sync and in tune with each other you were. But how could you turn away an underclassman in need?
Yet, the more you think about it, the more you really try and understand Semi’s perspective, guilt gnaws at you, clawing at your heart.
Had you meant to neglect your closest friend? An emphatic no.
Could you see why he had felt abandoned? ...A begrudging maybe laced with remorse.
Do you want him back in your life? A resounding yes.
You know it’ll be hard work to regain Semi’s trust, know he has a stubbornness that’s hard to crack — especially when it’s been hot glued together by seeming betrayal. But you’re just as determined, just as headstrong, and to both the dismay and amusement of both your teams and classmates, you twirl together in a chaotic dance.
To say he’s caught off guard when you knock on his door one morning to walk with him to school is an understatement, but when realization comes crashing down on him, he scowls, and his parents watch while shaking their heads and hiding a laugh as you scramble to keep up with him while he pointedly ignores you and speed walks a few steps ahead of you.
His mom points out to his father the way their son slows down just the tiniest bit when you stumble in your haste to catch up.
Ushijima watches in uncomfortable confusion as you sit with them at lunch, plopping down in the empty seat beside Semi, chatting away at your old friend despite the way Semi resolutely stays silent, not even sparing you a glance.
But if the ace notices the way Semi doesn’t snap at you or pull his bento box from you as you grab a piece of fish Semi’s mom had cooked, he doesn’t say anything.
Shirabu pouts when you completely bypass him, fondly ruffling his hair as you stride towards Semi, volleyball in hand at practice. And both your teams watch in exasperation and fascination at the unintentional comedy show the two of you provide as you waddle after Semi like a baby duck following its mother, quacking your head off and never giving up even though Semi pretends he doesn’t see you in the corner of his eyes, mimicking every drill he does.
Coach Washijo and your coach wonder if they should slap both of you on the heads for this madness, but when they observe the way Semi painstakingly slows down and exaggerates his form when you struggle with an exercise, they roll their eyes, turning their attention to the other players lounging around.
Yet as amusing as it is, all shows must come to an end and your grand finale arrives with the devastating loss against Karasuno, the chances of going to Nationals again ruined just like that for the third-years.
Even for you, a bystander in the audience, just another spectator in the crowd, it’s a hard pill to swallow. Unshed tears glisten in your eyes when you see the years of hard work they’ve all put into the sport go down the drain, the slump of Semi’s shoulders as they walk off the court. You can’t even begin to imagine how the players themselves are feeling, don’t know a single word you could say to make this alright. Yet your legs are sprinting, wobbling and shaking in their frantic need to comfort your long-time friend, to try and soothe him, to tell him how proud you are of him, how this doesn’t change how you think and feel about him.
It’s more than a little awkward, panting to catch your breath as the entire dejected team stares at your sudden appearance in confusion. But Tendou’s always been a little quicker, a little sharper than the rest, and he grins, practically shoving Semi in your direction, playfully waving farewell at both of you before slamming the locker room doors shut before Semi can process what’s happened.
There’s a tense silence as you try and wrap your suddenly dry mouth around words.
“I’m sorry for your loss-”
You jolt at the cold scoff, the way Semi quickly spins on his heel, set on re-entering the locker rooms, turning his back on you.
“I don’t want to hear that from you. Go comfort your little boyfriend. I’m sure our star setter would eat those sweet words right up-”
This time it’s Semi’s turn to clamp his mouth shut in shock, hesitantly turning around, eyes wide as you storm towards him, jabbing your index finger into his chest.
“I swear to God, if you mention Shirabu’s name one more time while I’m talking to you, I’m going to muzzle you until you can’t say ANYTHING.”
(If either of you hear Tendou’s giggle from behind the closed doors, neither of you mention it.)
“I came to talk to YOU because I miss YOU. I like YOU. And if you could take just a minute to get your head out of your ass, you’d know that you’ve always been and always will be my first choice.”
Your chest is heaving, blood rushing in your ears from the exertion of your passion. But the reality of your accidental confession comes crashing down around you and your face heats in embarrassment, heart plummeting at the way Semi just gapes at you, speechless. You turn to rush away, mortification triggering your flight response. But a gentle, but firm tug on the hem of your shirt keeps you still.
You brace yourself for the rejection you know is coming, nervously turning around, slowly lifting your head to meet Semi’s gaze. But your heart flutters at the hope and disbelief in his eyes.
“But I thought...You and Shirabu- OW!”
You roll your eyes, a satisfied smirk on your face at the way he gingerly rubs his head, shooting you an accusing look.
“I did warn you about mentioning him, didn’t I?”
But before he can open his mouth to retort, you gently peck him on the cheek, giggling at the flabbergasted and stunned expression on his face, cooing at the faint blush that radiates across his skin.
“Hurry up and get your things. You owe me a popsicle for being such an ass this past year.”
There’s a lot more cheering and celebration in the locker room than there should be for a team that’s just lost their shot at Nationals as Semi re-enters the space, his already packed bag (courtesy of Ushijima) shoved into his arms by a gleeful red-head.
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dumdumsun · 3 years
And Dusk
A/N: Prayers for poor Olga 🙏🏾
Warnings: blood, violence, straight up murder
Word Count: 4096
Chapter 13: Öga för Öga
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Clicking steps echoed the hall Sir Reginald Hargreeves currently walked down, leaving a very discontent Five behind. Once the man disappeared down the hall, the boy left the lounge, growling and rubbing the back of his neck. Mind racing, he hopped on the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby. Just as the doors were about to close, (Y/N) slipped between them, Pennycrumb under her arm, and grasped onto Five’s arm. Eyes wide, the boy watched her in shock. “(Y/N)? I thought you left already. What are you doing?”
“I wanted to talk to you,” She whispered. “Five, I’m sorry… about lying to you. I-I was gonna tell you all about living with Dad a-and being adopted by him again, but then I didn’t and it was selfish and stupid-”
“But what I’m sorry about the most was for not speaking up about us. It wasn’t fair to you,” She shook her head. “I just… I’ve been doubtful about us lately. It’s like, everyone’s saying we shouldn’t be together… And after hearing it for so long…”
Five placed his hands on her shoulders firmly. “No,” He breathed. “I’ve waited too long for this, dammit. Listen to me, (Y/N). Don’t let what others say determine your opinions. What we have is fine. I know it seems fucked up, I know it seems wrong. But does any of this ever feel wrong to you?”
Glancing up at him, she shook her head. “No…”
“Exactly. This… Our entire upbringing was so dysfunctional and confusing. Nothing ever felt like true family. We were strangers in our own childhood home. We’re just now behaving like an actual family unit and it’s still confusing. So, no one has the right to tell us how to love. Especially not Reginald Hargreeves. The man who caused this.”
The two rested their foreheads against each other as the elevator doors opened, but they didn’t bother leaving just yet. As the doors closed again, (Y/N) sniffled. “So, you’ve never thought this wasn’t going to last?”
“I’ve never, ever doubted us. I know… compared to you, I know next to nothing about love. But this? This is real. And I promise you, Starlight, once the timeline is restored… I’m making this official. If you’ll have me.”
Snapping her head up, (Y/N) let her tears fall. “Are you… You’re serious?” She grinned. When Five nodded, she quickly elevated herself on her toes and pecked his lips repeatedly. “Yes. Finally.” She whispered. Five grinned and tightened his hold on her, blinking them both out of the building and outside.
“Well, then, why don’t we speed up the process? Here’s what's going to happen,” He started and pulled away, gently wiping her tears away. “I’m about to meet up with The Handler. She offered me a deal to kill the entire board of directors of the Commission in exchange for a briefcase to get us all home to 2019. No more World War III, no more apocalypse.”
(Y/N) glanced down at her pup, who peered up at her, tongue hanging from his mouth. “How can you trust her?”
“I don’t know if I even should. But I’ll have to. She’s our only… our only option.”
From the way he sighed and stuffed his hands into his pockets, she could tell he was already regretting his decision. Gently caressing his cheek, she offered him a small smile. “You don’t want to kill, do you?” She whispered, receiving the shake of a head as an answer. “I-I don’t even know what to say to that… Just… Just know that I won’t think any differently of you. You’ll still be my Five. And I’ll be right there beside you if you need me.”
“My god, I don’t deserve you…” He sighed. Quietly chuckling, (Y/N) set her pet down and pulled Five into a hug. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I appreciate you, I really do. I’m gonna get us out of here, but I don’t want you helping me on this. The Handler already knows about you. I can’t have her using you or anything like that against me. So… just wait for me.”
“Wait? Five, I can’t just let you do something like this alone.”
“I know I’ve asked you too many times at this point, but this will be the last. I promise I’ll get you as soon as I come back.” The boy tried a smile as he pulled away. When she gently bit her lip, he sighed. “(Y/N), you can’t come. I’m sorry, but you’ll be by my side after this is over. I promise, okay?”
She shifted her eyes away from him. “You don’t have to keep promising. I trust you.” She whispered. Five exhaled and gently picked up Mr Pennycrumb, placing him in her arms before pecking his love on the lips. With a small smile, he turned around to leave. Just as he blinked away, (Y/N) very gently pinched the back of his blaser, allowing herself and her pet to be teleported with him.
(Y/N) considered herself very lucky for the fact that Five hadn’t noticed her presence. Or maybe she had her stealth to thank. She would quickly duck behind walls, corners, tables and so on whenever she felt that Five was becoming suspicious of her. After all, she knew him like the back of her hand; she could tell when he was subtly glancing over his shoulder or out of the corner of his eye. She waited outside the door of the room the boy had entered, keeping her hand over her pet’s mouth to silence him as she attempted to eavesdrop on the muffled conversation between Five and who she assumed was The Handler.
She had to admit, it did set her blood boiling at the thought of him being alone in that room with another woman, but she knew he would never be disloyal to her. Not after his confession and proposal. So, she shook off her jealousy and hid once again when he exited the room, briefcase in hand.
She gave herself a great pat on the back when she successfully managed to blink with him for the second time. And the third. And when he used the briefcase to teleport. By this point, she was light-headed and nursing her whimpering pup as she followed Five from a distance. She had no idea where or when they were, but judging by the cars people drove and the hairstyles they wore, she wasn’t in the sixties anymore. Most likely the late seventies or early eighties, she assumed.
Setting Mr Pennycrumb on the ground, (Y/N) grabbed hold of his leash and kept a close eye on her love as she blended in as a teenage girl, in outdated clothing, walking her puppy towards an inn. After watching Five enter, she walked onto the porch and sat herself in one of the rocking chairs. She tapped her fingers and toes to the rhythm of the upbeat polka music sounding from the inside. To pass the time, she reviewed tricks with Mr Pennycrumb, clapping and excitedly petting him in praise whenever he’d succeed. What the puppy expected, though, was a treat. It was then that she realized neither of them had eaten in quite some time.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, baby…” She whispered to the pup, who only whined and pawed at her ankles. Huffing, she jumped to her feet and led the two of them inside. Everyone seemed to be dressed for polka dancing, considering their attire and the music playing from a nearby room. With a polka party, there had to be food. Turning to her left, she was met with a nest of blonde curls. “Excuse me, ma’am?”
“Well, hi there,” The woman looked up with a jolly smile. “I just told the young man before you, we don’t put out the cookies until three.”
“That’s amazing,” (Y/N) smiled. “I was actually wondering where the… polka dancing takes place.”
The woman assessed the young girl with a raised brow. “Very… interesting choice of clothing. And I’m afraid we can’t allow the dog.”
“Ah- Yes, my mom’s actually in there with my clothes. I just need to find her and change. And this is her… service dog.”
“He looks a little young to be a service dog, sweetie.”
“That’s what I told the doctor,” (Y/N) chuckled, smiling down at her pup. “But he does his job very well for the cute little thing he is. However, he cannot do his job if he isn’t at my mom’s side, so…”
Sighing, the woman gestured to her left. “All the way down that hall, dear. Just keep an eye on the dog, will ya?”
“Of course. Thank you.” She nodded before leading her and Pennycrumb in the direction of the room jumping with cheery music and the clicking of dancing feet. She found herself a table in the corner of the room after meandering her way past attendees. Just as she sat herself down, she was greeted by smiling faces, allowing them to gush over and pet her puppy. This eventually resulted in them wanting to feed him their scraps of food, much to her delight.
(Y/N) helped herself to the buffet as she watched the door carefully, wanting to keep an eye on Five’s whereabouts. What she didn’t expect after eating the majority of her plate was to be pulled onto the dance floor. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she genuinely had a blast learning to polka dance, as embarrassing as it was to her. She caught on rather quickly and allowed herself three dances before she politely excused herself, collected her dog, and crept out of the room. Just as she entered the hall again, she saw the blonde attendant from earlier storming away from a broken vending machine and into a room for a meeting labeled ‘Midwest Soybean Society’.
That doesn’t even sound like a real thing, she thought. That must be where the board is meeting.
Deciding to wait out Five’s ‘work’, she strolled over to the vending machine, wincing at the broken glass that once contained the delicious snacks inside. Squinting her eyes, she noticed a certain candy bar, the Fudge Nutter, was leaning just out of its slot. It was just hanging by a thread. That’s when (Y/N) realized, Five hadn’t eaten in a while either. This must’ve been his doing. Using her foot, she kicked the glass out of the way and stuck her hand in, plucking the candy out of its place and pocketing it. Just when she did so, she heard Mr Pennycrumb’s barks aimed in front of them. (Y/N) blinked at the sight before her.
A man- could she even call him that? - with a fish tank holding a goldfish for a head came running in her direction in a panicked hurry, huffing and puffing through what looked to be an intercom of some sort. Tightening her hold on the leash, she swirled her way in front of the fish-man any time he’d change his direction. “Out of my way!” He hissed, but (Y/N) continued to block his path until Five blinked right in front of her. From where she stood behind him, she saw that he was drenched in blood and could only imagine what he looked like from the front. The boy clutched a paddle in his hands, his movements fidgeting. The fish-man gasped in shock at the boy. “Surely, we can come to some form of agreement that benefits both parties,” His British accent quivered. “Quid pro quo? What do you say?”
“Why not?” Five shrugged. “Here’s your quid.” The boy swung the paddle into the man’s side, eliciting a shriek from him. “Here’s your pro.” Then to his leg, sending him to his knees. “And here’s your quo.”
“No! No! Please, don’t!” He whimpered as Five aimed the paddle to his glass tank containing the goldfish. “No!” He cried as the boy smashed the paddle through the tank, glass shattering and water pouring all around. The body fell to the ground with a thud as well as the goldfish. Five loomed over the fish just as Mr Pennycrumb happily barked and skittered to the boy. Blinking, he turned to the dog in confusion.
“Mr Pennycrumb?” He whispered. From his peripheral, he spotted (Y/N) joining his side. “(Y/N), what are you doing here?! How did you even-”
“I’m surprised I made it this far,” She hummed and crouched down, a bag of water in her hand she had fetched the moment Five had blinked into the hallway. “No, baby, you just ate. You fatty.” She chuckled and gently pushed her very hyper golden retriever away, preventing him from gobbling down the fish.
Five watched as she delicately picked AJ up with her index finger and thumb, plopping him into the bag of water before holding it closed. “What’s the poor bastard’s name?” She asked and stood to her feet. Five let out a deep breath and stared up at the ceiling.
“AJ Carmichael…”
“Well, then… It’s nice to meet you, AJ.” She whispered to the bag. The teens quickly looked up when two giggling women exited the polka association room. They stopped in their tracks, observed the scene, and headed straight back inside without a word spoken. (Y/N) sighed and handed the bag over to her love before picking up her pup’s leash. “Oh! I almost forgot.” She perked up and fished the candy out of her pocket, tucking it into Five’s instead.
“For your hard work.”
“Thank you, my love.”
Not a word was spoken between the two after Five took them back to 1963 via the briefcase. “Why couldn’t we just use this to get back home?”
“Because of that,” He pointed to the case that sat on the gravel before them. It shook and sputtered and crackled, an electric blue light emanating and swallowing it whole until it was gone. “She’d never hand me a ticket out of here until she got what she wanted.”
“Yeah, I guess I should’ve thought of that…” (Y/N) whispered and turned away.
They stood in the middle of an alleyway, awaiting The Handler’s arrival as (Y/N) took her handkerchief out of her breast pocket and began ridding Five’s face of the blood splatter the best she could. His eyes wouldn’t meet hers no matter how hard she tried to capture them. She could practically see the gears turning in his head, with the way his brows scrunched and his bloodied fingers rubbed against each other. Once she finished what she could of his face, she gently took his hands in hers and cleaned those as well. Their eyes finally met, both pairs filled with concern for the other, just before the sound of approaching footsteps could be heard.
The Handler, in all her glory, walked towards the two, briefcase in hand. Five wouldn’t even face her, even went as far as to keep his back towards her even after she stopped to stand in front of (Y/N). “We meet again, dear.”
“I had a feeling…”
“Do you bring the mutt everywhere you go?”
(Y/N) shrugged at her pet, who was busy scratching himself behind his ear. The Handler hummed and turned to Five. “Well?”
Without a word, the boy stretched his arm that held the bag behind him. The Handler gasped and set the briefcase down, moving her veil out of the way and taking the bag into her hands. She cackled, cooed and sighed at poor AJ before settling her sights on Five, who was now turned to face her. “You know, you’re really starting to fill out those tight little shorts of yours. Isn’t he, (Y/N)?”
Said girl only watched her love, who looked anywhere but at her. She realized he was ashamed, he was regretful. The Handler frowned at him, hand on her hip. “What’s wrong with him? He’s never this quiet after a job like this. I thought you’d be buzzing after this morning’s slaughter, Five.”
“All this killing,” Five sighed. “I’m done with it.”
The Handler raised her brows and moved forward, going to caress his cheek as she usually did, but (Y/N) stepped to his side, hand firmly on his arm. Chuckling, she turned back to Five. “Am I supposed to take that seriously?”
“What I did today, I did for my family. I did it to save the world.”
“Please. Spare me your little assassin with the heart of gold routine, will you?” She tapped his nose before picking up the briefcase and stretching it towards them. “Here. Per our agreement, this will get you, your siblings, and dear (Y/N) back to 2019.”
To spare him the humiliation of taking the briefcase, (Y/N) did it herself, glaring at the woman.
“You have ninety minutes.”
(Y/N)’s stomach dropped as Five snapped his head up. The Handler turned to walk away as he quickly followed her. “You said nothing about a time limit!”
Glancing at her watch, she smiled. “Actually, you have eighty-nine minutes and thirty seconds. Better hurry.”
“You fucking-”
“This is impossible, okay?!” Five interrupted (Y/N)’s insult in a panic. “My siblings are scattered across the city!”
“Nothing’s impossible. You proved that this morning when you killed the board.”
“I need more time.” Five rushed, glancing at his love for a moment, the girl clutching the briefcase in one hand, Pennycrumb’s leash in the other.
“Any more time, and people will start asking questions,” The Handler’s neutral tone contradicted Five’s rushed, panicked voice. “The sooner you get home and out of this time period, the better off we’ll both be, so ticktock, ticktock.”
Growling, Five charged up to (Y/N), the girl watching as the she-devil happily waved at them before Five blinked them out of the alleyway. The blood-scrawled message on Elliott’s floor was hard not to notice when they appeared in his home. (Y/N) widened her eyes at the message written in Swedish:
Five snatched the briefcase from her hold and sighed before he hurried up the steps. (Y/N) followed close behind, the voices of Diego and Luther becoming more apparent the closer they got. Reaching the top of the stairs, they noticed a chair with a sheet-covered figure laying in it. (Y/N) dropped the leash and approached the chair, slowly uncovering the figure and gasping at the sight of a bloodied Elliott. His face was frozen in agony, the light within his dark eyes vanished. She and Five let out a simultaneous ‘damn’ before she covered him back up. “The three psychopaths…”
She looked up as Five wandered the lounge room, searching for a safe place to store the briefcase. As he did so, (Y/N) entered the kitchen, watching her brothers share a single brain cell.
“My name? Is, uh, Luther Hargreeves, and-”
Diego snatched the phone out of Luther’s hand and put it up to his own ear. “You killed one of ours, Olga,” The misinterpretation had (Y/N) rolling her eyes to the back of her head. “Now we’re coming after you. You will be dead by nightfall.”
“Hey!” Five called as he entered the kitchen, beginning to take off his blaser. “It’s Öga För Öga, idiots. Swedish for ‘an eye for an eye’.”
(Y/N) moved behind him and assisted in removing his blaser, glancing up at her brothers. “The Swedes killed Elliott. Not poor Olga.” As she pulled off Five’s vest for him, Diego slowly turned back towards the wall.
“Wrong number. Have a lovely day.” He smiled before hanging up the phone. (Y/N) scoffed and held the boy’s clothes out of his reach when he tried to take them.
“Shower.” She demanded, Five clenching his fists.
“(Y/N), we don’t have time-”
“We’ll have plenty of time. You shower while I wash the blood out.” She explained and began unbuttoning his dress shirt. Five gently swatted her hands away.
“I can undress myself!”
“Then hurry and give me your disgusting clothes!”
Five scoffed and moved around his brothers, ignoring whatever they had been calling out to him. (Y/N) shook her head and set her love’s clothes into Elliott’s kitchen sink. Diego and Luther leaned against the counter on either side of her as she began washing the blood from the vest.
“You gonna explain what the hell happened?” Diego whispered.
“Why’s he covered in blood?” Luther leaned closer.
“I tried to clean it, I really did.” (Y/N) shrugged.
The brothers gave each other a look before moving their attention back to their sister. Luther cleared his throat. “How’d he, uh… get the blood on him?”
She didn’t give him an explanation, though, and picked up the pile of clothes Five had just dumped outside of the bathroom door before returning to the sink. When the two saw she wasn’t going to speak on Five’s behalf, they both sighed and left her to her work.
Despite his irritation, the boy couldn’t help the swelling of his heart when he cracked the bathroom door open to find his slightly damp, but clean clothes neatly folded on the floor. Grabbing the clothes, he quickly tugged the uniform back on, save for the tie and blaser. Swinging the door open, he was met with a smirking (Y/N). He rolled his eyes as she approached him, taking his tie and putting it on for him. “Doesn’t that make you feel a bit better?”
“No,” He mumbled, but caught the amusement in her eyes. “Maybe a little… but it doesn’t matter because we’re losing time.”
“Well, sorry for not wanting you to smell like you just killed twelve people.” She whispered and pecked his lips, exiting the bathroom after his tie was fastened. Glancing in the mirror, Five adjusted his clothes as Luther did the same just outside the bathroom.
“So, I found a way home.”
“What? How?”
“All the details are irrelevant, but… I made a deal to get back to our timeline.”
(Y/N) watched from the lounge room as the boys spoke, gently petting her dog. Diego joined in the conversation as he pulled a jacket on. “What about doomsday?”
“Won’t happen.”
“And the 2019 apocalypse?”
“Everything will be back to normal,” Five sighed and exited the bathroom, blaser in hand. “Now no more questions. We gotta go. We have to find the others, right? Luther, you get Allison. Diego, Klaus. I’ll get Vanya. Now, we meet back in the arrival alley in seventy-seven minutes.” He pulled on the blaser and picked up four watches, handing one to each person in the room. “I’ve synchronized these watches.”
(Y/N) stood to her feet once the watch was given to her. “Five, what should I do?” She raised her brows. Five shook his head and busied himself with fastening the watch on her wrist.
“Starlight, I want you to gather your things, say your goodbyes to Mr Pennycrumb, and meet back in the alleyway as soon as possible-”
“Wait, what? We’re leaving Penny?” She widened her eyes. Five exhaled through his nose and wordlessly nodded. “Five, why? N-Nothing will happen, he’s just a dog.”
His eyes flicked up to her when her voice broke, his hands coming up to hold her jaw. “He may be just a dog, Starlight, but he isn’t insignificant. Every little yawn he takes, every bark he makes… it all matters, okay? We can’t risk it. I know Mr Pennycrumb was a comfort for you and I’m so sorry… but we can’t take him.”
(Y/N) shakily inhaled, desperately trying to blink back the tears in her eyes, but Five saw them long before she even noticed. Glancing down, he saw the puppy chewing at the toe of his shoe. With the utmost care, Five picked the puppy up and placed him into her arms before leaning down to look into his eyes. “Thanks, buddy… for taking care of her,” He reached forward, Pennycrumb instantly nuzzling his nose into his hand. “You did what I couldn’t. And for that, I am eternally grateful. Goodbye, Mr Pennycrumb.”
“I’m glad you two met.” (Y/N) whispered. Five smiled and sweetly kissed her before stepping back. Clearing her throat, she held her puppy close and walked down the stairs. She only allowed herself to cry when she stepped outside, the door shutting behind her.
Taglist: @unfortu-nate-ly @sapphicsyn @m00n-sh @starcurrent @alexander-hamilhoe @youcandalekmyballs @wonderlandfandomkingdom @yrdadjstcallsmekatya @sm0kingcrack @a-t-h-r-e-e-n-a @moatsnow @bubblegumflamingos @starstormssymphony @meowiemari @magicalgothpandamaker @keayastitties @hehehehannahthings @harrystylescherrie @rhain3 @himikaphoo @xxeiraxx @camerondiaz48104 @isawachickeninatree @theyaremorethanjustfictional @that-can-of-fizz @luckyzipperscissorsbat @cuupiid
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adezahnae · 3 years
Don’t Embarrass Me
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A/N: Hi!! This is the Taeyong Oneshot that I have wrote!! There will be a mini series very soon!! Enjoy!!!
Warning: This contains 21+ content, if you don’t like this type of content please leave☺️
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Your POV
I sat down my things in my chair and took a place on the stage where many other students were. Today was a nerve wrecking day. Today, we were to perform a song for one of the best musical artists, Mr. Qian Kun. But that wasn’t the only thing, Mr. Lee is a strict teacher. If we even LOOKED as if we were about to mess up, we’re done for. He stood by Mr. Qian and spoke to him.
Even though he was one hell of a rude and strict teacher, he was also a very handsome one. No one knows that I have the biggest crush on Mr. Lee. I believe he knows...in a way. He walked to the middle of the room and called out to us. “Okay everyone. This is Mr. Qian. He will be listening to the song we’ve been playing and practicing for the last two weeks.” He explained.
“Two weeks? Where? It seemed like you forced two weeks into two days.” A boy said, laughing. Mr. Lee’s eyes narrowed as he stared daggers at the boy’s eyes. “I suggest you shut your mouth before I shut it for you. And yes, that’s a threat.” Mr Lee said, causing the boy to stop laughing and put his head down. Why did his tone of words go straight to my core?
Mr. Lee turned his stare away from the boy to all of us. “Are you ready?” He asked us. We all replied with a yes and the song began. His gaze was on me almost the entire time. I was in the front since I was one of the main singers and one of his best singers.
He gaze caused me to hiccup during my main part in the song. My eyes widened and went straight to his eyes. He closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead letting out a frustrated sigh. I continued the song and looked over at Mr. Qian and seen him give me a small smile of forgiveness.
The song finished and we all bowed. Mr. Qian nodded his head and clapped. “Great! Y/n, you were amazing. It’s okay to mess up sometimes.” He said grabbing my hand and shaking it. I nodded and smiled. I looked over his shoulder and seen Mr. Lee looking at me with fire in his eyes. I took my hand away and thanked him. “Thank you, Mr. Qian.” I said. He left the room and students gathered their things, including me. “Y/n. Come here.” I heard Mr. Lee call. Damn it.
I made my way to where he was and stood in front of him. By this time, all the students were gone and it was just the both of us. He rubbed down my arm and made his way up to my chin, gripping it. “I trusted you to be my main singer. Why must you mess up on the one day I need you hm?” He said. He let my chin go and went to go and close the door and lock it. My legs started to shiver at all of the things he’s gonna do to me.
He came up behind me and kissed up and down my neck. His hand ran down my front. “Sing.” He ordered. His hand reached my middle, he pulled my skirt up moved my underwear to the side. He moved his fingers over my wet heat. I let out breathy moan, causing him to yank back my hair. “I said, sing..” He growled in my ear.
I started to sing the song while his fingers worked on my lower half. So far I was doing good until his finger pushed inside of me. I gasped while singing. He turned me around and bent me over the piano smacked my butt. “You never learn do you?” He whispered in my ear.
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“M-Mr. Lee! Yes!!” I moaned out. His fingers gripped my hair. “Shut your mouth.” He growled. He pounded into me from behind and groaned out. “As many times I fuck you, you’re still so tight..just for me, you disrespectful whore...” He whispered in my ear. I bit my lip at his words.
“You wanted to embarrass me? Hm?” He asked. “N-No Sir! I promise I didn’t want to!! I-I was just nervous!” I screamed out. He lifted my head by my hair and wrapped his hand around my neck. “Then why. Did. You. Mess. Up?” He asked between thrusts. “What did you promise me when you came over my house last night?” He asked. “That I’ll make you proud!” I replied through tears getting closer to my high. “Did you make your teacher proud?” He asked. I shook my head, whining.
He smacked me my butt. “Use your words, whore.” He growled. “No Mr. Lee! I embarrassed and disappointed you!!” I cried. “What are you gonna do to make it up to me?” He asked. “I’m gonna do better and work harder!! I will not disappoint Mr. Lee again!” I cried. He let out a breathy chuckle and smiled.
“That’s my good little Kitty..” He said. I clenched around his member, causing him to groan. “Are you gonna cum all over my cock?” He asked. I nodded rapidly. “Yes! Yes Mr. Lee! Please!!” I begged. “Do you think you deserve it?” He asked me. I nodded my head. “Yes!!” I cried. He tsked and pulled out. I whined at the loss.
“Turn around and get on your knees.” He said. I did so and looked up at him. “Make it up to me, now.” He growled, grabbing my hair. I took him in my mouth and he took over by fucking my mouth. He growled and pushed deeper. He bit his lip and threw his head back.
After a few more of rough and passionate thrusts, he released inside my mouth and pulled out of my mouth. “Swallow it, whore..” He growled. I did so and showed him. “Good, Good, Kitty...lay down on the desk for me.” He said. I got up and laid on his desk and opened my legs for him. He made his way between them and pushed two fingers inside of me.
I cried out and instantly clenched around his fingers. “Are you gonna cum?” He asked. I nodded. “Say it.” He said speeding up his fingers. “YESS! I AM!” I yelled. “Cum.” He ordered. My legs shook out of pleasure and my hips bucked. He removed his fingers and put them towards my mouth. “Suck.” He said. I took his fingers in my mouth, taking my juices. I hummed around his fingers and pulled away.
He pulled me off the desk and kissed me on my cheek. “You were great the rest of the song. But I need you to never do that again, understand me Kitty?” He asked. I nodded. “Yes Mr. Lee.” I replied. He put my shirt on me and slid up my underwear as well. He was already dressed and he walked me to the door.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” He said. “Yes sir.” I smiled. He smiled back and opened the door for me. I left the door and walked down the halls. How I wish I stayed longer...
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peterxwade24 · 3 years
Meant for Greatness
"Not Such a Normal Girl"
For Maribat March 2021 day 20 prompt Speed Force (if you squint hard enough).
This is a bio parent au, so if you don't like you don't have to read.
This is also incredibly late but it's the first chapter in a new multi-chaptered fic so, yay?
Anyways, enjoy?
Wally had always known that there was a piece of him missing. He couldn’t explain why but he had this sinking feeling in the bit of his stomach that a part of him was out there. Wally wished he knew why he felt like that but he couldn’t pinpoint the source. Nonetheless, Wally had had this feeling for several years now.
Linda Park-West had made several mistakes in her life. However, after marrying Wally and having Jai and Irey, her biggest mistake and her biggest regret was giving away their first child. In Linda’s defense, they were young and had barely started dating when she got pregnant. She had made sure that their baby, a little girl named Minji, went to a loving family. She can’t believe that she just gave away her baby but at the same time, Linda knew she wouldn’t have been able to raise her baby on her own. She could only hope that her baby was being raised right, and that her baby was loved.
Marinette had always been a hyperactive kid, almost too hyperactive, and her parents had taken her to several psychologists and psychiatrists before she’d finally gotten a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and a prescription for Guanfacine.
Marinette was a normal girl, with a normal life, or, she claimed to be. Marinette wasn’t even the only kid in her class with ADHD, she was just the only kid in class with ADHD with a prescription. Marinette was always getting into things, she always needed to know everything about everything.
Her parents had encouraged her to sign up for several extracurriculars, including but not limited to a science club and a free running club. They wanted her to get out as much of her excess energy before she got home as possible because they weren’t always the best suited to dealing with her so they kept her as busy as possible while she was awake.
Marinette thrived in her extracurriculars, but she didn’t have many friends in them. Sure, she was friendly with everyone in her various clubs and activities but no one put in the effort to actually become friends with her. However, things would change with the addition of Chinese lessons.
Marinette was ten when she found a flyer for Chinese lessons being given by an elderly Chinese man who lived a few streets away from the bakery. She simply had to show her parents the flyer and suddenly she was taking Chinese lessons. She excelled in her Chinese lessons, learning more and more as she continued to visit her teacher, who she called Master.
What Marinette didn’t know, was that she was learning more than just Chinese. Master Fu, her Chinese teacher, was teaching her a much more ancient language as well as Chinese. He was training Marinette to take over for him when he passed. She didn’t know that by the time she turned thirteen she would know more about the beings she was being taught about then he did, she didn’t know that by the time she was thirteen she would be in charge of the beings she currently thought of as simply an ancient legend.
Marinette was sitting in her homeroom waiting for class to start, the seat next to her was empty like usual because she was usually very distracted and had a habit of distracting whomever sat next to her. She didn’t mean to, she just couldn’t focus.
Mlle. Bustier, her homeroom teacher, was standing in front of the class with a smile on her face. Mlle. Bustier clapped to get the students’ attention. “All right everyone. This year, things are going to be a little different. First of all, everyone’s switching seats. Yes, I do mean everyone.” Mlle. Bustier surveyed the class and saw the disappointment in their eyes. “It’s for the best, it builds character. Now, everyone up.”
The class stood up, their belongings in their arms and frowns on their faces. They paired up differently than they usually would. Mylène, who would usually sit with Ivan in the back, was now sitting beside Sabrina in the front while Ivan was sitting with Max diagonally behind Mylène. Sabrina’s usual seatmate, Chloè was sitting beside Alix across the aisle from Mylène and Sabrina, with Sabrina and Chloè in the non aisle seats. Kim, who usually sat beside Max or Alix, was seated beside Marinette across the siale from Max and Ivan with Max and Kim in the aisle seats. Juleka sat beside Nino behind Kim and Marinette while Rose and Nathanael were sitting together at the desk behind Max and Ivan. This seating arrangement left the back two desks for any new students but that didn’t mean that they wouldn’t be rearranged at some point.
What Mlle. Bustier hadn’t thought through was sitting the two students with ADHD beside each other.
Marinette, despite her prescription, was still extremely distracted but her brain seemed to go a hundred miles a minute. She did however, get all of her work done and then immediately start on something else for one of her other classes and suddenly before she knew it the bell was ringing releasing her from her homeroom. She collected her belongings and made her way to Chemistry, however it seemed as though she just blinked and she was there.
After school, Marinette has her Chinese lessons. She loves her Chinese lessons, because she can go off on a tangent and learn new words associated with her tangent.
So, Marinette skipped to her Chinese lessons merrily. She couldn’t wait to find out what she was going to be learning today.
“Hello Master Fu.” Marinette called as she entered the massage parlor and slipped her shoes off.
“Hello Marinetta.” Master Fu called from the back room. “Come in and take a seat. We’ll begin in a minute.”
“Yes Master Fu.” Marinette quietly walked into the main room and took a seat beside the table. She noticed that the Gramophone which usually sat on a side table against one of the walls was proudly displayed in the center of the table.
Master Fu joined her a few moments later, a smile on his face. “I know you were expecting to learn Chinese today, but I had something else in mind. I think it’s time you met some friends of mine.” Master Fu pressed some of the buttons on the side of the gramophone and suddenly it was opening and an octagonal box was rising out of the base of the gramophone. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng, may I introduce the Box of Miracles and the Kwamii.” Master Fu opened the Box of Miracles and smiled.
Seventeen small, animal-esque, creatures flew around Marinette with smiles on their faces before they all turned back to Master Fu and it seemed like they forced their smiles.
One of the creatures, who looked like a ladybug, seemed to step into the roll of the leader. “Master Fu. She’s a child. Surely you can’t be thinking-”
“Tikki. I am an old man. I needed a successor and the Universe brought her to me.”
Marinette could only stand in shock. Maybe she wasn’t such a normal girl with a normal life, maybe she was meant for greatness.
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witchinghouracademy · 3 years
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Rᴏɴᴅᴏ ᴏғ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ ❆ [ Silvia & Jade ]
The music becomes light and playful, inciting playful twirls and fun steps that stay graceful by the virtue of it’s dancers.
— My my~ you’ve gotten the hang of it so fast! You’re a natural Jade~
— Thank you for the compliment, miss Silvia. Although I’m afraid I’m still no match for my brother.
— Well well~ dancing isn’t a competition. But, sometimes there are dancing competitions. Oh, have you gotten taller?
— Miss Silvia, you’ll undo my hair if you keep patting my head.
— Eh? It’s fine it’s fine~ What a serious a kid.
An easy smile, and an easy step, there’s an aura of airy elegance around the pair as they move around in short steps, the swaying of Silvia’s dress making it alike water flowing through a clear stream. The reflection adds a gleam to Jade’s formal suit, perfectly ironed and buttoned, proper of a gentleman. The muted green trees and white snow around can’t take anything from the picture of fineness they present.
— You’ve grown tall all of a sudden like a mushroom~ They say you are what you eat, fufu~
— I really haven’t grown that much since last time, miss Silvia. But, speaking of mushrooms...
— ...Ah. That was what I forgot.
Silvia’s head cocks to the side with an apologetic smile, and Jade only chuckles as he keeps following her lead.
— I’ll go grab the mushroom seeds quick after this dance! Ah, I got a new one that’s very pretty~ It glows a really pretty lime green at night. I added it to the ones you asked for, I hope you don’t mind?
— Not at all. Thank you for accepting my request. I’m looking forward to cultivate plants from the Hondonada of Fades.
— Fufu~ I wonder how well they’ll mix with the others? It’s wonderful, isn’t it? That plants from human lands, mermaid lands, and fairy lands can grow together and form new things! Please send me photos when they grow, okay?
The smile on Jade is small, relaxed after being influenced by Silvia’s pace. The music fades out, and as a closing move, Jade lifts Silvia up in a final twirl. The fairy can’t contain her laughter, clapping for the orchestra and then towards Jade
— You’re so strong too~ You’re eating well then, I’m glad~ Ah, those mushrooms can be eaten too! They’re good in stews specially. That way you can share with your brother~
— It’s sweet you thought of that miss Silvia. I will get him to try them, then.
There’s a shiver running down said eel, a few meters away, unnaware of the threat.
— I will wait here for the seeds then. Please don’t feel forced to rush, I know you can’t fly now.
— My my~ Were did you learn that?
— Of course, I’ve been reading about fairy lands to prepare the terrariums. It was mentioned in passing that during the cold, you guard your wings to avoid them freezing and breaking.
— That’s right~ We’re warm thanks to that spell, but if something happened... Yes, I rather not risk it. You really are a sweet kid Jade~ And smart~
Once again Silvia tries to pet Jade’s head, the eel allowing only a couple pats before standing out of reach, neither his or her smile breaking.
— You should talk with everyone though~ Tonight is a chance to make new friends! I won’t take long... hopefully.
There’s a small wave as Silvia speed-walks to the portal to the school, Jade slightly raising his arm in reply. Making new friends... what a sweet sentiment. Beautiful things can grow from mixing different backgrounds, that is true.
A sweet, helpful man... Jade can't help but smirk at that idea of himself. Now then, perhaps he should find people to "help" while waiting.
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mademoiselle-swan · 3 years
The Constellation
The next few months are spent broadening his martial art skills with Shouta. He’s gotten rusty, not having a lot of opportunities to practice like he used to with his dad, what with his mother fussing over him all the time. He’s also been learning how to hack with Hizashi, who is pretty good at it from hacking radio stations every week.
Nemuri gives him loads of tips on stealth every time he visits while Miko teaches him a different kind of fighting until he knows his way around knives better than most and can don different personas as easy as breathing. After all, her quirk might allow her to take on the appearance of any she ingests the blood of, but she still has to be able to act like the person in order to fool the people who know the individual she’s impersonating.
He also has weekly lessons with Nedzu, who teaches him so much about manipulating the press, manipulating heroes, manipulating the public, manipulating the cops. He’s been learning about creating a network of contacts, which he already knows a lot about, and has a head start on, all thanks to dad. His mentor has also been teaching him how to analyze not only quirks, but people in general. From their thoughts and reactions, passing by their weaknesses, all the way to their fighting styles and habits. He’s learning how to analyze it all, and how to do it at record speed.
Nedzu even gave him the Sherlock Holmes books to read and the old pre-quirk tv show Sherlock to watch. It’s great inspiration material! He even started practicing the art of deduction on top of trying his hand at mental visualization like it’s portrayed in the TV show. It’s been working… somewhat. But it does help him with his mumbling habit.
Nedzu’s lessons are great.
The stoat keeps pushing Izuku’s limits to the maximum, testing his intelligence and skills relentlessly. The UA principal cum villain leader encourages him to keep his mind sharper than any blade out there. They play chess as often as possible so that he can practice his pattern recognition and strategizing skills. Nedzu helps him improve his memorization skills. The concept of Sherlock’s mind palace has been very helpful in that area. He’s taken to meditating every night and every morning, and is in the process of building his very own mind scape.
He’s improving in leaps and bounds, both mentally and physically, and he loves it.
“Welcome back, Izuku. Tea?”
Izuku nodded as he took a seat across from Nedzu. “Please.”
Nedzu grinned and moved to pick up the teapot. “How have you been since last time?”
“It’s been wonderful, Nedzu-san! Shouta took me with him a few times so that I could analyze his opponents! I’ve taken so many notes!”
“That’s excellent, Izuku. How about we look them over, hm?”
Five hours, and as many cups of tea later, Izuku packs his notebooks away with a beaming grin, his black king tipped over, but his head full of new strategies and knowledge.
“Before I let you go, Izuku, there is something we have to do if you are to tag along with Shouta more often in the future.”
Izuku gulps, nodding nervously.
“You need to come up with your villain name.”
Izuku instantly adopts a thoughtful gaze, mind running at high speed as he tries to come up with a good name.
Nedzu chuckles.
“Take some time to think about it, Izuku. You have until our next meeting to come up with it.”
Soon it’s time for his next lesson with Nedzu, and Izuku can’t help but bounce in excitement.
As is becoming routine, the door opens right as he lifts his arm to knock.
“Yes, please.”
“Excellent.” Nedzu grins as he pours him a cup of tea, before clapping his paws. “Have you made any progress on what we discussed last week?”
Izuku nods excitedly. “I choose Mindheist as my villain name.”
“That way everyone will think I have a mind reading quirk, when in reality I’ll analyze them and hack databases to complete their profile!”
Nedzu grins, all of his teeth on display, pleased when Izuku doesn’t recoil from the sight in the slightest and grins back just as dangerously. “Sounds like something I would do. How about the ones you can’t gather enough information about before meeting?”
“Simple! I’ll let them assume I haven’t managed to activate my quirk on them, or better yet, they can assume that they’re immune to my quirk for some made up reason. That’ll cause them to grow cocky, and to lower their guard giving me more opportunities to strike.”
“I can see you’ve put a lot of thought into choosing your name and I must say, it has my approval.” Then his grin turns feral, a proud glint gleaming in his eyes. Izuku returns the grin with one of his own, just as vicious and sharp enough to maim and kill. “Welcome to The Constellation, Mindheist.”
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eirikaanemo · 3 years
A Pitch Perfect Pair
Fair Warning: This is probably not going to be an often occurrence, but I may sometimes write something myself instead of just reblogging other people’s majestic work.
I do this daily now.
No Warnings, just potentially poorly written fluffy
Feedback and constructive criticism are very, very welcome!
Venti x GN!Reader
1.2k Words
Continue below the cut
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After becoming friends with Venti, he has played many songs for you. From quick to slow, warm to cold, lively to hollow, every song was different, unique, and wonderful. In fact, he’d played so many songs for you that you started feeling guilty. He’s done so much and it feels like all you’ve been doing is sitting around doing nothing. And so you decided that you would play him a song for once!
It took some searching through the attic storage but you did eventually find your old flute in its case. You had made many good memories with the instrument. Your mother had wanted all her children to learn how to play music, so everyone learned to play something. There would be family nights where all you did was play music together. But those warm and happy days ended when your mother passed away suddenly in an accident. There was a strange sort of nostalgia and a wave of grief that came with handling your beloved flute again.
Hoping it would help you avoid the impending emotional breakdown, you took the whole case and set out for Windrise. You had made many good memories there that might help balance out the emotions that suddenly plagued your mind. Once you reached your destination you sat down, unpacked your instrument, and started cleaning and tuning it. The time it spent in storage had not been kind to it and it took longer than you’d expected to get it ready. But finally you were able to warm up.
From there you fell back on your memories to decide what you’d play. You closed your eyes and got lost in the melodies of days gone by, your emotions imbued in every note that played so high and clear. Sure, your technique was nowhere near where it used to be. But your fingerings and tunes were true to memory. Eventually you started to play your favorite song, one your Mom had called “Song of the Heart”. 
The song started slow and soft, gently speeding up. It then became a cheery tune that bubbled along from one note to the next. From there it calmed to a deeper tone, more solemn and contemplative. And it then returned to the soft and slow beginning before ending on a joyful and satisfying note. You took a moment to rest and appreciate the silence of the area around you.
Then the clapping started. 
Startled, you fumbled and almost dropped your flute. After making sure that you weren’t actually going to drop your instrument you turned to see who it was. There stood Venti, with just the biggest smile on his face. He was clapping so fast that part of you started to become a little concerned for his hands, but the rest of you was too busy being horribly embarrassed to care.
“That was amazing,” he exclaimed, “I had no idea you could play the flute so well!” 
If your face wasn’t already red, it was now. “Where did you come from?” You asked. He pointed at Vanessa’s tree, around 100 yards away. “I was sitting in the tree. It’s one of my favorite places, remember?” “Oh yeah, I forgot,” you explained. “But even then, how did you hear me play from clear over there! I wasn’t all that loud.” He gave a secretive little smile, “I have my ways.” You raised an eyebrow, but let it go.
“Anyway, it wasn’t all that good, it’s been a while since I’ve played and I’m pretty out of practice. I was hoping to surprise you later but I guess that didn’t work out very well.” Your foot kicked at the dirt a little bit as you avoided eye contact. Not only had someone overheard you, but it was Venti, your friend and secret crush, who also happened to be a bard. 
Venti just laughed. “If that was you playing out of practice then I can’t wait to hear what it’s like when you’ve polished your skills some! It’s been a while since I’ve heard someone play the flute so well! Oh! Maybe we could practice together and play some duets! Everyone would love that!”
Now that you thought about it, that would be kind of fun. And spending time practicing playing instruments with your crush? Score! “I’d love that,” you admitted, an elated feeling spreading from your stomach butterflies to your thumping heart. “My initial intention was simply to play some music for you because you’ve always played so much music for me. I’ve felt kind of bad, like I’ve been taking advantage of you or something. I figured this would be a way I could pay you back for that in some measure, but playing duets with you sounds like fun too!” 
Venti looked at you, his head tilted a little and jaw slackened in surprise. “You never owed me anything for those songs. I played them for you because I wanted to. As a bard, I don’t make a lot of money. So this has been my way of giving back to you for all of the times you let me stay over and bring me food. You’ve done more for me than you probably think.” 
He walked over and sat next to you, just a few inches away. You rested your flute on your lap and turned towards him. At that moment he was staring up into the sky with a shy smile on his face, so unlike his usual grins. The movement of his braids back and forth reminded you that it was windy, which reminded you that it was cold. It was getting late and you’d neglected to grab a jacket, thinking that you’d be back soon.
He must have noticed you were getting cold, because he shrugged off his cape and wrapped it around you. “You should’ve brought a jacket, you know it gets cold here,” he scolded gently. You looked up at him, eyes wide with surprise at his sudden act. The flush that had finally fled your cheeks started returning with a vengeance. And for the first time you noticed that his cheeks were rather flushed themselves.
Both of you fell silent, simply looking at each other. His eyes were thoughtful and a soft smile remained on his face. The silence was broken as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and scooted a little closer. “You know,” he murmured, “there’s another reason for why I’ve been playing music for you.”
“Oh? And what reason might that be?” You asked. “Well,” he responded, “we’ve been friends for a while but recently I’ve started feeling something more for you, about you. There’s a lot I haven’t told you, that I’m not ready to tell you, but if you’re willing I’d like to give us a try.”
Your heart jumped to your throat and you swallowed, trying to gather courage. “Yeah,” you whispered, “I think I’d like that.” You tilted your forehead forwards to touch his, reaching up to cup his cheek. “I think I’d really, really like that.”
He smiled and gave you a quick kiss, much too quick for your liking. Your disappointment must have been obvious because he chuckled. “I think we’ll have plenty of time for more once we start practicing our duets, yes?” “Yes,” you agreed, “let’s be sure to practice lots. Maybe they’ll even call us a ‘pitch perfect pair’.” You laugh a bit at the thought.
“If that’s what you’d like,” he said gently, “then pitch perfect we shall be.”
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slytherinsnekxvii · 3 years
i've been thinking about sirius black and grimmauld place and how much he hates it. so, here have this little fic i wrote about my take on that, just to get myself back into the swing of things now that real life has let up a little bit. warning for awful parenting that might hit a little too close to home before it goes off the rails, walburga and orion saying some really horrible things, and a stinging hex:
By the time Sirius gets his Hogwarts letter, Regulus has mastered the art of performing. He's much better than Sirius was—is—and Sirius wonders how much of that comes from Regulus seeing him make the simplest of mistakes and face the consequences. He wonders when he realised that he's being made an example.
He draws a knee up to his chest, idly twirling a quill between his fingers as his stomach grumbles. He ignores it. He's been sent to bed without supper enough times now that it hardly matters. He scratches two more lines of I will be obedient into the parchment and he thinks about Regulus some more.
He doesn't like the kid, sometimes. Envies him, even. There are things he does that Sirius finds maddening. Regulus has never spoken an original thought his life, follows every instruction given to him, willingly backs himself into corners and he refuses to put up a fight, unless he's the one who started it and knows he can finish it. What makes it worse is that these are lessons that Sirius taught him and couldn't learn himself.
Keep your innermost thoughts close to your chest and if you must speak them, do it aside, address no one but yourself.
Follow orders. Let yourself be manhandled and coerced into position by those who can see the bigger picture.
Never turn your back to your audience.
Turn the other cheek and follow through.
It's bothersome. They have a perfect little heir right there, but they ignore him just to try and force Sirius to be what they want him to be. It's a waste of everyone's time, since they all know that round pegs do not fit into triangular holes. It's suffocating, since they try to do it anyway, shaving away at the bits and pieces that won't fit, hacking at the parts of him that don't mold to fit the shape that they've carved for everyone carrying the Black name. It's unfair, that he's stuck here like this, going to bed without supper, writing lines, of all things, and riding out the effects of a nasty session of "Occlumency training", which he is certain is just an excuse to rifle through his mind and give him a headache.
I will be obedient. I will be obedient. I will be obedient.
His hand moves on its own, the letters appearing on the page ever-so-slightly wobbly as he writes without bothering to look at the words. It's infuriating, the way they echo in his head over and over, and over, again.
He lifts his head when Kreacher appears before him with a crack, his horrid little house-elf face twisted into that familiar, ever-present cross between a grimace and a scowl. "What?" he asks, and somehow, the elf's expression sours even more.
"Mistress wants her lines," Kreacher says. "Mistress says Kreacher is to collect them from Master Sirius."
"I'm not done yet," Sirius snaps, and bites his tongue when the house-elf turns up his mouth in disapproval. He takes his time carving the last few sentences into the parchment, and while his penmanship is probably the greatest it's ever been, he still scowls at the paper even after it's been handed over.
Kreacher scowls back at him and disappears. Sirius rubs his ears and wonders if the elf Apparates that loudly on purpose.
I will be obedient. I will be obedient. I will be obedient. The stupid words spin around in his head, and he scowls harder as he considers that he could probably fill an entire sheaf of parchment in his sleep.
See if I ever turn out like the bloody show dog you want, he thinks, vehemently, and shoves aside the bits of stationery on his desk so he can collapse face-first and not think. There's another crack, and he startles, forcing himself upright as Kreacher stands before him, with his little, twisted house-elf face and little, twig-like house-elf arms crossed.
"What?" he bites, again, and when the elf's expression takes a turn for the worse, he leans back in his chair and doesn't bother shaking off the vindictive satisfaction that crawls up his spine.
"Mistress wants to see Master Sirius in Master Orion's study. Master Sirius is a bad boy," Kreacher tells him, and he fights the urge to slam his fist on the desk, or worse, into Kreacher.
"Why?" Sirius asks, and he knows exactly why, they only ever want him for one reason, they never call on him for anything else, at all, ever, but he still asks. He's not actually expecting anything different, but he does it, just to be difficult.
"Master Sirius has been a bad boy," Kreacher says.
"Right, yeah. Thought as much, really," Sirius tells him, and makes no move to get up from his seat.
"Mistress wants to see Master Sirius in Master Orion's study," Kreacher repeats, and Sirius scoffs at him.
"And what are you going to do about it?" he taunts, and the elf Disapparates. Sirius sneers a bit at the wall, sticks out his tongue as he mocks, "Master Sirius has been a bad boy." He scoffs, idly kicks at the leg of his desk. "Master Sirius has been Sirius. Master Sirius isn't Regulus."
He collapses onto the desk again, lets out a quiet, frustrated scream as his leg picks up the speed and kicks even harder. He takes a deep breath as the woods shudders beneath him and eventually gets his limbs back under control. "Master Sirius doesn't want to be told what to do," he mumbles into the wood. "Master Sirius is a person. Master Sirius doesn't want to be controlled," he continues, quiet, and is glad that his moping is drowned out by the sound of Kreacher Apparating into his bedroom once again.
"Mistress says Master Sirius is being difficult. Maater Sirius must come to the study at once," the elf says, and Sirius doesn't even bother to lift his head. "Master Sirius must come! Mistress insists!"
"Or what?" Sirius asks, tone as bitter and spiteful as his little eleven-year-old tongue can manage.
"Mistress says that Master Sirius must come to the study at once! Master Sirius is being a very bad boy! Horrible boy! Spiteful child!"
Sirius feels his eye twitch as he listens to the elf slowly dissolve into histrionics, wonders if he's listening to Kreacher, or his mother. "Master Sirius is just fine!" he says. "Master Sirius doesn't have to listen to you or be obedient or anything!"
"Master Sirius must go to the study!"
"No!" Sirius exclaims, and he does bang his fist on the desk, noticing far too late that Kreacher has gone silent. The realisation strikes him when his hand leaves the desk and a hand circles his wrist, grip ice-cold. "No..." he says, quiet, and horror takes him as he involuntarily tries to tear away from the hold. If anything, it tightens.
"You would disobey your parents, Sirius Orion?"
"I—" Sirius gasps, and forces himself to be as still as possible, as steady as he can manage even though he still finds himself shaking by the time he finds it in himself to continue. "No, Father, I—"
He won't hit you, Sirius thinks. He would never stoop so low, and he isn't holding his wand. He wouldn't hit you. He wouldn't. He would never. Not with his bare hands. Not without his wand.
His trembling ceases a little, and he starts to speak again. "No, Father, I—"
"Quiet. Your mother is calling for you, you wretched child. Why have you not attended to her?"
"I'm sorry—"
"Apologies mean nothing without action, young man. Do better," Orion stresses, and Sirius bends, head bowing as he prepares to reiterate his apology.
"That was not an invitation to speak, Sirius Orion."
"Yes, Father. S—" he bites his tongue and tries not to listen to his heart slowly beating its way out of his chest.
"This is no behaviour to be exhibited by my heir. You will get up, and you will come with me to attend to your mother."
"Yes, Father," Sirius says, and swallows the fire building behind his tongue and under his fear.
The grip around his wrist loosens, and he moves it a little, just to make sure it's still there, still attached, still working and prepares to get up even as he hates himself for listening and his father for making him.
"Quickly, Sirius Orion. Your mother is waiting."
"Yes, Father," he says, and in his mind, he kicks himself for the meekness in his tone.
When he stands up on marginally less shaky legs, Orion moves to clap a hand on his shoulder to steady him and the sheer anticipation of the touch forces Sirius to stand at attention. He straightens his spine until it can go no further without snapping, and when Orion's hand actually lands on his shoulder, he has to concentrate to avoid flinching under the touch.
Orion taps his shoulder once, twice, and then grips it with the same force he'd used on Sirius' wrist. "Go on, then."
Sirius starts to move. Orion does not let up, steel grip still locked in place as it directs Sirius throughout the house. They pass Regulus' door, and Sirius fights the urge to sneer at it, with its stupid, pretentious sign protecting his stupid, pretentious baby brother who's probably asleep with a full belly and not a care in the world with Kreacher at his bedside to bend to his every whim. Stupid, lucky performer sticking to his script... poor little contest crup doing tricks for the judges.
Orion's grip on his shoulder tightens and Sirius hisses as he bends under the pressure. "I said, quickly, Sirius Orion. You would make your mother wait even longer for you than you already have?"
"No, I—" Sirius continues, tripping over his own feet as the his own movement ceases while his father continues to push.
"She's been patient all this time and you would leave her to sit alone and unattended to?"
"Ungrateful child," Orion rebukes and Sirius chokes.
"Yes, Father."
They enter the study quietly, Sirius standing at attention once more while Orion rounds the large desk to take his seat. Walburga crosses and uncrosses her legs in her nearby armchair, and clears her throat. She sits up, handa placed carefully atop each other in her lap and it's an image he's familiar with. She elegantly rolls her wand between her fingers and Sirius reminds himself to tread carefully, don't make a mistake, she's armed, even if this the most demure he's ever seen her.
"Yes, Mother," he answers.
"Why did you not come when I called?"
I didn't want to, I hate you, I hate you both, he thinks. I was scared, he thinks. "I don't know, Mother," he says.
"That isn't an answer, Sirius Orion. If you didn't know, you could have done as I asked of you and inquired it of me when you arrived."
You didn't bother to ask. You ordered, he thinks. "Yes, Mother," he says.
"Why did you not come when I called?"
I'm here, anyways, aren't I? "Kreacher was annoying me," he lies, or well, sort of. Kreacher had been annoying him, but that wasn't why he'd disobeyed. He bites his tongue when he watches their expressions shift.
"Kreacher... was annoying you," Walburga asks, tone flat.
"Yes, Mother," Sirius says.
"So, rather than banish him and do as you were told, you chose... to disobey me?" The uptick in her voice is dangerous, but her position remains the same and Sirius falls into the trap.
"I—sorry, Moth—agh!" The Stinging Hex hits his hand and he shakes it the appendage rapidly as he waits for the pain to abate. "Yes, Mother," he croaks, when his hand graduates from acute pain to slight numbness.
"Do better next time," Walburga tells him, rolling her thirteen inches of elm between her fingers. "Apologies are worthless, I know your father would have told you that much."
"Yes, Mother. I won't keep you waiting again, Mother," Sirius forces. You'll drag me kicking and screaming next time, he thinks.
"Words, again. Powerful, yes. Useful, yes... but that's only in the hands of those whose actions are able to prove it. You've not done so, Siri," Walburga continues, quiet, and this is how Sirius knows he's gone and done it.
His hands move to clench on their own, and his aching left convinces him to clasp them behind his back instead. His legs itch to move, to run away, to go anywhere but here. He wishes he had his broom.
"You disobey. You refuse to listen. You ignore our teachings. You blunder and stumble and do all manner of upsetting things, Siri. We feed you and clothe you and we provide a bed for you to rest your head when the night comes, and yet... you continue to act so horribly. You speak out of turn, you do everything in the exact wrong manner. If I didn't know better, I would think you were doing such awful things on purpose. To spite your father and I." Her eyes meet his and Sirius can't help it, he looks away. His father's lip curls and still, he refuses to look at her.
"You are a horrible child, Siri. Wicked and ungrateful and awful. You aren't worthless, though. You're the product of your father and I, after all. And you aren't incompetent or stupid. You can be taught, Siri. All you must do is listen, and obey. You can be trained and we will make you the wizard you were meant to be as our heir. You need not do anything but obey."
Sirius takes a breath, the cool air sticking in the back of his throat as he feels the hackles on the back of his neck raise. "I—You don't—"
"Don't... what, Sirius Orion?" his father asks.
Nothing, he thinks. "It's—I'm a person! You want an heir that you can teach and train and make, have Regulus! I don't—" he starts, and his eyes widen as he listens to the words spilling out of his mouth with no permission of his and no control over them at all.
"You are a wretched, horrible creature! Awful boy! Spiteful child! How dare you?" Walburga screeches, and Sirius winces, his own mouth clamping shut. "We are your family, your parents. You would disgrace your own blood in such a way? Horrible, awful child! Incompetent! Lazy! Stupid! Never learns! You are an awful creature! Terrible boy! Unworthy! I can hardly believe you came of my loins! We have been nothing but good to you! Awful child, waste of blood, Sirius Orion, how dare you?"
She's sprung out of her chair, elm wand held high in her hand as a weapon, and Sirius ducks even as he shouts.
"I didn't mean it! I didn't, I didn't, I was only angry," he pleads. "I won't do it again," he tells them, quietly, and as his mouth quivers, he tastes salt.
"See to it that you don't," Orion says, frigid even as he rests a hand on his wife's waist to steady her and glares at his firstborn. "I'll not have such an outburst taking place again."
Tell that to your wife, Sirius thinks bitterly, sniffing as quietly and unnoticeably as possible to stave off the rest of the tears he hadn't realised he was crying.
"Yes, Father," Sirius says.
"Get out," Orion tells him.
"Yes, Father," Sirius says, and with that, he turns around and leaves. Quietly, with some sort of dignity so they don't have another thing to hold over his head.
He passes Regulus' stupid door again, kicks it and watches as not even the sign shakes.
"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you," he cries, quietly, as he continues down the hallway, with his voice warbling and his fist pounding against the wall as he goes. Regulus' face flashes through his mind, and then his mother's, his father's, his own. Coward, he spits, inaudible, and the word is coated in every bit of venom he's capable of. "I hate you," he says to the empty air, and not even he can tell who he's trying to address.
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rodeoxqueen · 4 years
(I)- Can You Touch This? 
Dante/ AMAB! Reader
Series Summary:  From a surprise rendezvous to a male strip club on your birthday to a private dance, you end up seeing eye-to-eye rather than eye-to-groin with a cowboy stripper named Dante Sparda.
Work Summary: A shy and short homebody celebrating your birthday with friends, you end up somewhere you’d never expect: a male strip club. And what you’d also never expect is a certain red-devil/cowboy stripper to lay his special treatment on you.
Tags/Warnings:18+, AMAB! Reader, Stripper!AU, Minors Do Not Try It, Wholesome Filth
Rodeo’s Two-Pieces: And after months, Rodeo presents the male version of this soon-to-be filth. *tilts cowboy hat over eyes and leans in seat*
You were never one for large crowds, alcohol, loud music, and nudity. So what a mess you were in, your friends dragging you into a strip club.
It wasn’t your fault, they promised you were all going for a quiet dinner at your favorite restaurant. No loud noises, no crowds, and especially, you didn’t even know why you had to specify, no naked guys! That’s what happened at first. You went and blew out your candles on your cake at a nice place, but then things got weird. Your friends had got you thoughtful gifts, except one of them who promised to give it to you after another “surprise.”
They practically herded you to their car, blindfolding and ear-muffing you while giggling. After driving in some unfamiliar directions, you were pulled into a strange building.
So when you couldn’t hear your thoughts due to the overbearing bass in the room you were in, you realized you should’ve known better. The blindfold and earmuffs were taken off and you opened your eyes to a neon-lit room with the most hard-cut abs right in your face.
“A strip club?! W-why would you think I’d want to go to a strip club?”
“Okay, first of all (Y/N). It’s a male strip club. Second, come on! I know you want to touch some diamond abs!” One of your friends exclaimed as they threw bills at one very tan and very oiled-up man named Diego. The box from before landed on your lap, and you unwrapped it to find a giant stack of dollar bills.
“Now stuff them bills down some hottie’s pants!”
The orange thong-wearing male with the most defined quads you had ever glanced at winked at your friend and opted to dance on someone else. Clutching your drink, you swallowed thickly as other males who went to the gym every other hour thrust their hips proactively at you.
Your friends had called ahead and bought the lot of you a table to the stage, much to your chagrin.
Luckily, your ability to disappear in a room, with your meek personality and small stature, came in handy in these situations. The tall and buff guys your friends screamed over seemed to prefer the company of the more extroverted and thirsty. While other tables farther from the stage had easy contact with the not-themed strippers, you were all confronted with the stage floor dancers.
“My god, how many themes do these guys dress in?” You squeaked as an entertainer dressed like James Bond (minus the clothes except for the bowtie and gun holster) ground on the stage floor.
“Not enough! Now make it rain, (Y/N).” Another friend demanded as she took another shot.
You made a noise as your hand was forcibly placed onto an eight-pack. You quickly threw a wad of bills at the man and ran off to the bar.
“I gotta go!” You panicked, speed-walking to the bar in your favorite pair of dressy sneakers. Stomach quivering, you put a few bills down and asked for a stronger drink. Maybe you could pass out on the table and your friends would feel bad and take you home.
You sighed as you watched your friends have the time of their lives, although they noted your absence.
“First time?” The bartender asked, sliding your fruity drink to you. You fiddled with the napkin. A woman posed in the corner with the logo “Devil May Cry” to the side of her, all lined in neon pink.
“Oh!... Yeah, it is.” You mumbled shyly. You blushed at his blue-eyed stare. Luckily, he wore a collared white shirt so you could look at him without bleeding out of your nose. He was very handsome, with rugged features and slight facial hair. His stark white hair shined even in the dim lighting.
“Ah, could tell. Watched you get dragged in here.” He chuckled.
“I-I was tricked, first of all!” You exclaimed, tucking some hair behind your ear.
“It’s alright. Your next rounds on me if you stay a lil longer.” He winked, wiping a glass. A few other people came and went, requesting all sorts of raunchy-titled drinks. Despite that, he leaned on the table where you sat, making idle conversation.
“I’m Dante.”
“Nice to meet you, Dante. I’m (Y/N).” You impulsively stuck your hand out to shake and stilled at his strong and warm grip.
He whistled.
“Nice name for a nice man. It’s your birthday right?” You nodded.
“What did you wish for?”
“Peace and quiet.” He laughed at that, gesturing to your friends who screamed and clapped at a dark-skinned stripper who ripped off his pants.
“With those friends?” He chuckled.
“They’re a lot more restrained. This is an exception.” You whined.
The conversation grew longer. You learned that Dante worked here with his twin brother Vergil. He loved pizza and strawberry ice cream, along with nice motorcycles. A total manly man, if you asked yourself.
You found a safe space talking to him since you didn’t have to look at nude guys with your back turned.
You were hoping to talk the night away until a similarly white-haired male with a serious glare rounded the corner.
Swiping back a few stray hairs, the esteemed brother Vergil knocked the smile off his twin’s face.
“You fool! Your shift has been over for some time now.” He snapped. Dante rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, this is old douchebag.” You giggled at his comment, quickly stopping when meeting eyes with the frigid twin.
“Have you been speaking ill of me? I will-” Dante threw a towel at his brother’s face before leaving the bartending station. By leaving, he jumped over the counter.
“Hey, (Y/N), nice talking to you. I’ll see you later.” The white-haired man left to the employee’s room.
“Alright-” You muttered. You’d sit, but Vergil’s cold glare prompted you to leave and rejoin your friends.
“Where were you? Chatting up the bartender?”
“Look at you. Being social in a strip club.” They teased.
After a few more dancers, you couldn’t help but miss the blue-eyed bartender with his quips and casual flirtiness.
Suddenly, the music and lights went off. The crowd stirred. Your friend grabbed your arm.
“Oh boy, they’re gonna need a mop after this.”
“Ew!” You cried out. Your friends sang that one horribly sexual song from the radio. Something about parking a truck in a garage and about wet-
A shirtless DJ grabbed the mic.
“And now, for our next entertainer, we have the Legendary Lady Killer. Hold onto your panties and your wedding rings, you’re all in for the ride of your life.”
The lights were turned back on from back to front. On stage, stood a muscular man with a cowboy hat and shawl. His legs were perfectly framed by black leather chaps and boots. You turned as red as his shawl as you could see his formidable bulge from yards across.
His spurs clinked on the floor as people began to cheer at his physique. Your jaw dropped in shock.
White hair.
“Ladies and gents, I got some questions for y’all.” He drawled, lowering his hat.
“Yes! I’m single!” Someone yelled from the back. He chuckled as others screamed with agreement.
“That’s nice ma’am. But really, I got three questions.” He made his way down the stage, his shadow covering your table.
He palmed his chest and abs, showing white chest hairs and slicked-down muscles.
“Can you touch this?” Everyone screamed for yes. He tutted.
“No, no, no.” He waggled his finger. He spun and exposed his lush tush. He was packing it front and back and you blushed while putting your face in your hands.
His hands groped his butt. Even with his giant hands, he still had more ass to spare.
“Can you touch this?” The screams grew louder. He waggled his finger again, wiggling his butt.
“No, no, no.” The crowd awed. He turned back around, a cocky grin on his face.
“Now,” He pointed to the crowd.
His palms groped the leather that concealed his huge package.
“Can you touch this?” Your friend threw a wad of cash at him, hitting him in the nipple. He stood unflinching.
“No, no, no.” He drew out each word.
“These are my laws.” Putting his hands on his hips, he rocked left to right, clicking his spurs.
“But I see a hell of a lot of lawbreakers here tonight.”
He shifted to walk around the chair placed behind him. He sat on it backward, legs spread to place his groin in the spotlight.
“And I don’t see a cop in sight.” He pointed at the DJ.
“Hit it!” Music blaring, he did his number. And boy, was the DJ right to warn you. Dante practically made sweet love to the chair, flipping his head back.
Hips circling and then pistoning the air, sweat trailed down his pecs.
You ended up throwing a few bills, hoping to avoid eye contact. It failed as he slid to his knees to the edge of the stage and crawled off the ledge onto your table. Like a preying tiger, he made his way over to you.
Thank god you had health insurance, your blood pressure was going off the charts.
Your friends lost their heads, throwing bills and screaming like banshees. But he wasn’t interested in them. His eyes preyed after your own, baby blues on an absolute beast.
“Wanna save a horse and ride a cowboy, handsome?” He purred as he traced your jaw. Your skin jumped as you internally imploded. This was was too sensual and people were watching, for goodness sake!
“(Y/N), if you don’t agree I will cancel your Barnes and Noble membership.” Your friend threatened.
“Come on, spare this outlaw some sugar?” You didn’t have a moment to think. Dante threw his hat on your head and carried you onto the table and to the stage.
“Oh my god! Oh my god!” You shrieked.
He ran hot. So hot. Your skin burned at contact with him, pressed up against his chest as he stood you in front of the chair he practically humped.
“Take a seat, sir.” You blushed at his sensual persona, not sure where the kind bartender and the suave cowboy started and ended.
Obediently, you turned the chair around and sat with your ankles crossed. Dante tutted in disapproval.
His hands lingered by your legs.
“May I?” He asked. You shook your head slowly, feeling his callused hands on your thighs. He firmly spread your legs and stood over you on the chair.
As if that wasn’t enough, his arm muscles bulged and twitched as he ripped off his leather chaps. He ripped the chaps. There were no zippers or velcro straps. That was all him!
Your face a hair’s width from his abs, he gently took your hands and traced his pecs with them. He growled and winked at you.
Despite the one-in-a-million situation you were in, you shrank at the many peering eyes of the other women and bar patrons. Your anxiety was seen by Dante, who tilted your head up.
“Hey, it’s alright. Just focus on me. If you’re nervous, just give me a purple nurple or something, alright?” You laughed at his idea of a safe word and nodded.
“Okay, Dante.”
And like that, it was like you pulled a trigger. Dante grinded on your form and explored his peak-conditioned skin with your own hands.
You gasped as he led your hands down his front to his leather shorts. You couldn’t stop looking with widened eyes at his crotch. You had read erotica before, describing the male member in the throes of passion, yet this was the first time you had been this close to anything like those erotic novels.
It was obscene! Why did it seem to get larger? How was he allowed to carry that thing around without a license?!
“Hey, eyes up here.” He teased as you snapped your head up.
“O-oh! Sorry.” You whispered. Your blood had rushed to your head and you had grown deaf to your friends’ yells of validation.
“Grab him by the buns!” One of your friends yelled. Dante turned around to make eye contact with her.
With a grin, he slid your hands to the back. What he didn’t expect was you to squeeze.
“Whoa now, kitty.” He purred. You gave a watery smile.
Suddenly, a water bottle was thrown at his head. With lightning reflexes, he caught it after it bounced off of him.
“Hey! Stage times’ over, you fucking show pony.” A short-haired woman with mismatching eyes called out. Dante scoffed.
“Just givin’ a nice gentleman some lovin’.” He argued.
“No, get off the stage, Dante.”
“Five more minutes?”
“NOW.” He sighed. Getting off of your lap, he kissed your hand that was resting on his thigh. Lord, if you died right now, that’d be fine.
“Glad to have this dance.” He flirted.
“Y-you too.” Taking your hand, he took you for another surprise and swept you off your feet. You squeaked as he handed you to another dancer on the ground. The club-goers cheered as dancers arrived, dressed like businessmen with briefcases.
You were promptly seated, head dizzy from everything that just happened. You watched as he took his leave as if he didn’t just cause you to get feverish from how hot he was. Your friend hugged you.
“Nice work! You were so lucky!” Another friend plucked the hat off your head.
“Ah! He left his hat!” You exclaimed as you took it from her hands.
“A souvenir.”
For the rest of the night, you held onto the hat and traced the red stitching. You never saw Dante for the rest of the night, his brother in charge of the bar service.
Finally, before the last round of dancers, you were tapped on the shoulder. You found yourself staring into much harsher blue eyes.
One of your friends threw money at him, which he growled at.
“I am not an entertainer. Well, not right now.” He explained. He handed you a drink with a napkin on the bottom.
“My buffoon of a brother said to keep the hat. Although, I’m not sure why you would.”
“The drink is on the house. Good evening with you all.”
He walked off, and you took your drink. You realized it was the same one you ordered when you got to the bar.
“Hey dude, take a look.” A well-manicured nail pointed to the napkin. You saw in red pen an arrow pointed to the folded corner.
You shakily opened it to reveal a series of numbers and words, along with a card that flitted onto the table.
Tonight was fun, wanna do it again? The card’s for a private dance, just call and ask for Dante Sparda. No crowds, only you and me. No Lady barking up my tree for appreciating beauty either - DS
A little heart with an arrow through its center was scrawled in a corner. You picked up the laminated card and saw it was for a free private dance. Your heart beat out of your chest.
Your friends laughed as you immediately stuck it in your pocket, along with the note. The club closed and you were all ushered out. The night was pitch black when you emerged from the debauchery that was the Devil May Cry strip club.
As your other wasted companions were stuffed into the car, you sat shotgun to the sober and designated driver.
You were silent the car ride home, laying your head against the window. You thought about that white-haired flirt’s remarks and how gentle he was to you.
Waving and embracing your wonderful friends, you left for your apartment with all your gifts. However, the little slips of paper in your pocket weighed the heaviest on your mind.
With your keys in your hand, you climbed up the stairs home.
After closing the door, you slid down the wall and let out a pleased sigh.
“Best birthday ever!” You said to no one in particular. 
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winterwolf0916 · 4 years
Jason Todd x Tamaran! Reader
Requested by anon: Hiya! I love your blog so much, and I just was wondering, if you're taking requests right now, could I request some Jason Todd x a Tamaranean reader? Like maybe she stowed away to earth when Kory made a trip to Tamaran and she's really cute and sweet and enthusiastic and fun and she had no family back home so Kory's like yeah alright you can be my sidekick and she has to get used to life on earth and meets Jason as Robin and they become friends to lovers to oh no he fuckin dead to lovers again?
Warning: Fluff, Angst, Language, Mentions of Death, Slow Burn & oh! did I mention fluff?
A/n: My heart... Also, I pray and hope you enjoy this one, love. This took me a while to finish but I got it done and I got carried away it. I wont lie, my writing isn’t the best but I hope this is something you what wanted or close to it.
Tumblr media
Word Count: 3K 
Kori loves your company
You were like the little sister she never had
A better sister than Blackfire of course 
When she brought you to earth you were so amazed at everything
It looks so lively and green.
Flying around and feeling the cool waters from the ocean, the beautiful smell of the flowers and pines from the trees, and the shiny reflection on the buildings.
As Kori was going to take a visit to the cave to see Dick for a mission, she brought you along for an introduction.
He looked scary once you were brought inside.
“Kori! So nice to see you again. Oh, who’s this?” Dick glanced at your direction as you hid behind her like a scared kitten. 
“Ah, this is Y/n L/n. A Tamaranean like me.”
“Hello y/n. I’m Nightwing.” You were mostly afraid of the masks because you haven’t seen anyone like him with that sort. 
Dick noticed your fear then he took it off, causing you to relax a little, and shook your hand. “It’s so nice to have you on Earth.” You only nodded your head with a small smile. But there was a large slam of a door and stomping onto the stairs.
“Son of a bitch! Son a crusty no good bitch!” 
“Jason. We have guests.” This… ‘Jason’ took a glance at their direction before giving a frown. Once again, you hid your figure behind Kori’s, scared onto the boy
Dick apologized to the two of you and went off to lecture his younger brother. 
Kori only sighed and notified you that this was normal of him before Dick came back.
“Don’t worry about him, he’s just having another rough day with our dad. Jason please come greet them!” He rounded a corner with his mask on and his suit with an imprinted R. 
“Robin. Pleased to meet you.” He sounded so irritated that he wanted this introduction to be over with.
Still in uneasiness with the mask, Dick quickly nudged his younger brother urging him to take it off.
Jason didn’t. 
He just walked past you guys and left the cave on his motorbike.
Oh how much ass whopping he’s gonna get from Dick.
The second encounter happened at the Titans tower.
You finally learned how to control your powers and perform such combat ability that you never knew you could do.
Dick and Kori were like parents in the Tower.
You really loved the Titans
Raven may be dark but you both have such a strong friendship due to your trauma back in Tamaran and hers with her father
You suffered from a torturous experiment that left you with very similar yet slightly different powers than Kori. 
Also you both love books
Garth always makes you laugh. 
When training he turns into a gorilla to lift a good 3000 pounds while you could lift a good 70 tons making him go EEK!
He would make very disappointing puns but it always amuses you while everyone cringes at the dinner table.
Cyborg is like an older brother to you. 
You would sometimes help him with the mechanics and lift heavy parts around while he rants about his day and he would also cheer for you when you’re sparring
They were the closest friends while the rest of the members adore you and your sweet personality
But when Jason came along with Dick for a small mission for a few weeks, you immediately locked yourself in your room.
The Titans were concerned 
You were so marvelous and bubbly to all guests. Even to the infamous Batman!
Did the small bastard do something to make you like this?
Planning murder
But Dick and Kori knew why
After a lecture with the boy, Jason came by your dorm at night, still in uniform, knocking on your door, you didn’t open up, only listened from the inside
“I’m sorry.” It wasn’t sincere really. “I know we started off on the wrong foot, um…” his hand went through his hair in frustration that he needed to do this. “Since we're working together, we’re going to need to become trusting of one another….I’ll...see you tomorrow I guess.” That was awkward of him.
As footsteps faded down the hallway, you started to give a small smile.
You start to warm up to him.
But when he starts doing the little things, the two of you grew a bond. 
By little things, I mean correcting your moves when sparring, telling you stories of his previous missions, listening to you, exposing embarrassing stories about Dick, bringing you your favorite meals in a large amount because you’re a big eater, and lots of others.
When you first saw him without his mask, you were floating above him, pulling his face closer to yours while admiring the beautiful color of his eyes. 
“Your eyes are the most gorgeous color I’ve seen here on Earth.” 
Oh how your face fell when he had to leave. 
Don’t get me started with Jason, he began to be more hostile when sparring with others
There was a time when he took out his feelings on a sand bag while Garth and Cyborg were questioning what that bag ever did to him.
Of course the ‘parents’ took notice of this and Dick would purposely bring you to the cave or Jason to the tower.
The two of you have such a friendship that you would sometimes prank one another yet enjoy each other's silence.
Carnivals or nights out in the city were always a blast.
Whenever the two of you would see each other, you would fly to him in a swift manner that he would sometimes stumble back to regain balance from the impact. 
Soon, a single touch from him exchanging a book to you, caused you to feel such an electric current.
His smile and laughter made your heart paced faster than the speed of light
His cocky attitude and sweet side made your nine stomachs filled with butterflies.
You panicked and told Kori about it while she was sitting on her couch smiling as you explained.
“You like him y/n.” “Well of course! He’s my friend isn’t he?” “Oh dear, you’ll need to sit down for this.”
Wait, there is a different emotion called attraction?
The more time you’ve spent with Jason, the more your ‘attraction’ feels stronger.
You would sometimes daydream the two of you blossoming into a relationship like Dick and Kori.
“Did you hear that Kori and Dick broke up again?” Raven stated before taking a sip of her tea. “What is this, ‘breaking up’ ?” you asked with curiosity yet wonder about this new term
When Raven sighed and gave details about it, you were 100x more terrified about the idea of a relationship
What if you and Jason will experience the same if you both ever become a couple?
You tried to distract the feeling of disheartenment with your enthusiasm
But of course, the feeling always returns
Your legs were pressed to your chest as you gaze at the ocean and it’s crystal shimmers of the moonlight, still in thought about your feelings. Jason found you on the rooftop of the tower since he figured something was wrong for the past week
As he questioned it, you asked, “Jason have you ever liked a girl that is a friend?” His foot on the edge of the building nearly slipped once you asked.
“I mean...yeah, there are times when I really liked her.” 
“Do you still have feelings for one?”
“Really!? Who?” You were excited but felt such pain in your heart.
This boy choked onto her request. But he spoke, spoke about this ‘mystery’ girl. How adorable she is and brightening everyone’s day when it has been horrid, including his own. How he admires her caring behavior whenever someone was hurt. He really likes her and would like to take her out one day. 
“Her name is Y/n.” 
“What a wonderful name she has.”
“You do know I was talking about you, right?” 
“Yes yes, she does have- wait what?” 
Dreamy sigh
Ah yes
Young love
Kori wasn’t all surprised as she and Dick saw the two of you were walking in the streets of the city, hand in hand. She was delighted.
Dick was thrilled to see the two together yet gave Jason, the talk, if he ever does something stupid to you
The Titans congratulated the two and some exchanged money with one another after losing a bet
After a couple of months, Jason had to leave for a classified mission that’ll last a couple of weeks. 
As he said his goodbyes, you gave a kiss to his cheek before rushing back inside and leaving him smiling to himself.
It was lonely for the past couple of weeks but the worst part was when it turned to a few months.
Dick headed to Gotham four weeks after Jason left.
You were frightened about your boyfriend’s well being
As Dick returns to the tower, he doesn’t look the same.
You thought he was acting in such a behavior to surprise you that Jason is back.
“Y/n...we need to talk.”
 “Ok?” Kori gave a concerned glance at Dick’s direction, clearly unsure of how you’ll take the announcements. “What? Why are you both so silent? Please tell me.” You have had such a glowing smile, ready to hear it. The prank.
“Look, I know you and Jason are in a relationship but I have some...news.” 
“I’m listening.” Your foot tapped in excitement while Dick grew uneasy.
“Four...four weeks ago, we located Jason in an abandoned warehouse. He was held captive there for God knows how long by the Joker. And, as Bruce headed to rescue him…” you wanted to laugh at how far Dick was taking this. 
Except, he wasn’t pretending
“...He was too late. The warehouse exploded and my... Jason...passed away. I’m so sorry Y/n.” He added. You clapped your hands and giggled
“Amazing job! Brava! What an incredible and creative prank Dick. Very impressive. Now where is he so I can finally owe him a real kiss.”
The adults were silent. You took their silence as part of the prank and rushed to the bottom of the tower to find him.
But he wasn’t there. 
“Ok I checked the 50 floors below us but don’t worry, I bet he’s on the roof. He’s always there.” You returned to the room where Kori and Dick sat you in.
“This isn’t made up.” Raven and a few others entered the room, you could see it in their eyes they weren’t faking but you still denied it. “He passed away y/n.”
“No he didn't...He isn’t...Jason! You can come out now! Jason?” You flew to the roof. 
As you searched and it was empty that was when your stomach dropped. 
“Jason!” You flew around the area. The more you searched, the heavier your heart became. As you landed on the roof and heard the doors open, you glided to Dick. “Where is he?”
“I’m sorry.”
“No…no no... this is a game, right? When I check the floors again he’ll be there, right?... Dick?” He pulled your hand and placed something on your palm.
“He’s gone Y/n. I’m so...so sorry.” Glancing to the object placed on your palm, your entire being froze at the sight. 
From what you’re told, the R emblem is one of the only parts that are the easiest to clean and the least damaged on Jason’s suit after all of his missions.
What Dick gave you was the exact emblem but it was badly dented, burnt marks covered the R, scratch marks on the front and back while most of the edges are chipped.
Your legs gave weight as you fell to the floor, holding his badge close to your chest, and screamed your lungs out. Your vocals were so powerful that they made half of the windows on the Tower shatter. Tears made their way down from your cheeks to the floor as your eyes turned in a y/f/c glow. 
You flew off, for time alone to grieve it all. When Kori found you, you broke down even harder in her arms
You weren’t going to turn to revenge.
Even though you saw it in Dick and a few others, you couldn’t.
Kori taught you revenge isn’t the answer along with the new Robin or better known as Tim drake
You weren’t happy Jason was replaced but continued with your bright personality.
But during the nights, you felt so empty and numb. 
Out of all people, why did Jason leave you
Your family and friends died due to the violence of the leaders that experimented on you.
But now the person you loved most?
More pain was placed on your shoulders.
You grieved and mourned whenever you’re alone or with Kori. 
Two months later, you decided to explore the world on your own. 
Saving Earth, countries, and other planets from danger. 
Yet discovering the beauty onto nearly every destination
This continued for four years before you were called to Gotham for a meeting.
You greeted the Titans, other heroes you’ve met during your travels, and the bat family before the meeting starts
When it was over, you felt someone’s eyes on you.
As you located the orbs burning on your figure, you found a man with extreme built, a red helmet covering his entire head, a scarlet colored bat emblem imprinted on his black suit, and a coffee leather jacket.
You were confused as to why his eyes were wide and his body leaned forward as if he had found gold.
“Kori, why is he staring over here? Do I have something in my hair?” As your beloved best friend glanced at the man you were referring to, she let out a pearly smile.
“I think he likes you.” She snickered as you rolled your eyes. 
In the past, some of your friends tried to set you up with many men. Key word: tried. It’s not that you didn’t want to, it just didn’t feel right. You did try to fall for them but it just doesn’t last. 
“Very funny.”
“I’m not joking. He’s looking at you like, in slang terms, a ‘snack’.” You chuckled at her before returning your gaze to the mystery man. But the color of his helmet was not present to your sight, instead, the sight of an exit door closing.
You saw him once again during a mission on a tropical island.
Someone was making hybrids based on DNA from different heroes around the world.
So here you were… 
Approaching the scene as the infamous Red Hood was getting choked by a 9 foot tall creature before you scared it off with a blast of your powers.
“Need a hand, big boy?” You reached out your arm, waiting for him to take it. He was hesitant.
“...Sure.” He took it and you couldn’t help but feel slightly surprised of how tall he was
As you found Kori and gave her a hug, you joined the team till the mission finished.
You really loved being in the group. 
But mostly enjoyed the company of Red Hood.
There was something about him that made you smile warmly as he progressed with his idiotic plan
Kori and Roy offered for you to be an Outlaw and you gladly accepted
But the third member wasn’t all too happy about it.
The four of you all reserved an Overwater Bungalow resort on the island
A week later, you heard arguing from Kori’s home while you and Roy brought food.
“I don’t understand you, why won’t you tell her already?” Her voice muffled by the walls of the hut.
“She’s not ready.” His voice in the room as well
“Y/n has been far too ready to know who you really are.” You haven’t heard Kori this angry in ages and what did they mean about you knowing?
“You don’t understand.”
“Oh I understand plenty,��� You and the red head’s eyes widen at her sass. “How long can you keep this act up? This, I want to hide this because I want to protect her, act? Your brother used that on me a few times, hmph, always knows when to make a woman angry.”
Brother? But the only brother you know she dated was-
“Don’t compare me to Dick, Kori.”
Roy put two and two together and oh shit! He remembered his best friend mentioning a girl before his sudden death. Roy glanced at you as your eyes were wide and glossy at the truth. He kicked the door open causing the two heads to turn while you were hidden outside of the hut with your head down.
How could you not notice it before… Red Hood not revealing himself under the helmet when he was in legit trunks, constantly putting distance between the two of you, displeased when you joined the outlaws, and the worried glances between him and Kori!
“Got the food!” As Roy set the meals down and you entered the room, the air was so intense you could cut it with a knife.
“I’m not that hungry so I’m going to my room.” Kori glared at the helmet man, causing him to release a sigh.
“Do you-”
“Perfect! Now take these,” Roy gave a bag of two take outs to him and led the unresolved pair outside. “Have a good night.” He shut the door closed leaving you and the vigilante in silence.
“I can take the bag.”
“You sure?” 
It was so awkward the walk back to your huts.
He tries to make the situation lighter but it was no use.
All of that pain you felt years ago, returned and after realizing who he is...It felt so much worse.
“Hey y/n, do you want to know the story of my first kiss?” What is he trying to do now?
“That's pretty sweet! Random but sweet! Go on.” He paused in place under a shadow of a hut as a thick cloud covered the sun. His hand traveled to the back of his helmet and a sudden click was heard before steam escaped from the open cracks of his mask. It was dark and you couldn’t see his full features.
“It was a normal day, I was carrying some groceries with my butler but got lost in the crowd due to my sleep deprivation. And the craziest thing happened when I was struggling to find him, a cute y/h/c girl with bright y/e/c eyes came up to me and spoke a language I’ve never heard in my life. So I tried to understand her words but I was so clueless before she pulled my face and gave me a smooch.” Your stomach did a flip as you realized why the story was so familiar to you. “She apologized when she was done but spoke english. As she left me there completely bamboozled… I wondered, ‘I don’t know what the hell that was about but will I see her again?’ then my butler found me.”
It's a memory. Your memory and his. You dropped the bag.
“Jason.” As the darkness unsheathed and the sun’s light was visible, he took a couple of steps towards you and gosh… You didn’t realize how much you missed him when your eyes began to sting, shoulders dropped, and your bottom lip shaking.
You took flight and bolted in his arms. 
“It’s you… it's really...you asshole.” you shoved him lightly while Jason expected the worst. “Asshole. Asshole. Asshole!” Every curse is a light punch on his chest. 
“Easy...Easy!” He held your two hands by the wrists. “When did you learn how to curse?!”
“When you were dead!” Your eyes were covered by your signature y/f/c glow and tears streamed down your face.
“Calm down.”
“Calm down? I may be an alien and I may be nice, but I have feelings too. Feelings when we shared that first kiss, held hands, waiting for you to come back...hearing that awful news about you…” Your arms dropped and your head lowered. “And I’m feeling angry at you right now for not saying anything!” 
In all honesty, he really wanted to tell you. But he didn’t know how you would take it. He's not the exactly the same when he was a teenager and he’s been through so much as Red Hood that he doesn’t want the bad guys to target you and your superhuman abilities. But his feelings for you didn’t shrink a single centimeter. It grew. Grew that he was so close to return to you and kiss you like there is no tomorrow. 
“Didn’t...Haven’t you felt the same of how I felt for you, Jason? Did you hate me that much to leave me and start a new life? To get away from me?” You questioned as the glow in your eyes dimmed down to your y/c/e orbs but your water works didn’t stop. You were still shaking, thinking of how Jason never loved you. How he made you feel pain for years. 
He made you feel like a human. Being an alien on Earth was quite lonely. But Kori was there with you through it all. But when Jason, a human, made you feel like you’re a human… You didn’t care about the negativity as much, you focused onto the positives. You discovered things about yourself from a different perspective. You learned how to love.
A warm embrace and the sun falling behind the horizon made your entire being warmer than the heat of the light beams. Your fingers trailed under his jacket to feel his body heat.
“Not even close.” He pulled a little before resting his forehead on yours. “It was the opposite and more. I just didn’t want you to see me in my dark life. I died and came back from the dead, every minute feeling empty. But once I learned more about myself, I wanted to change for the better. But I made so many rough decisions, that I couldn’t come back to you yet until I fixed them. I didn’t want you to love a mistake.”
“Shhh.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, running your fingers through his hair. “You’re never a mistake, only a good man who tried his best. The only thing that matters now, is that you’re here.” His teal orbs flickered to yours, your heart skipping a beat by the sight of your favorite colored eyes once again.
The sun was engulfed, the light dimmed till the sky was navy, and the stars were sprinkled all around the two silhouettes under the moon. The lock of your lips to his were the answer to your reunion.
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nitewrighter · 4 years
First Meeting of Genji and Tracer maybe?
I haven’t forgotten all the kiss prompts but I wanted to gear-shift to something a little more punchy!
“I don’t know about this…” Genji mindlessly brushed his fingers along the handle of Ryū-Ichimonji as he walked down the hall, “I’ve never really thought of myself as a teacher...”
“You said you wanted to get off the bench,” Reyes walked alongside him, both hands in the mono-pocket of his hoodie. He had a way of carrying himself that made it easy for the eye to scan past him, despite being head of Blackwatch, but Genji drew the eye, bare skin and metal, and stark black, white and red prosthetics, and so in their walk virtually all Overwatch staff in the hallway gave them an unnaturally wide berth, first a natural reaction to Genji’s appearance, then a flinching recognition of Reyes. “This is the best Jack and I can do for you,” Reyes went on, “Besides, she was in the RAF before this, so it’s not like she’s coming into this with no combat knowledge.”
‘The best Jack and I can do for you,’ Genji glanced away from Reyes, his eyes narrowing in thought, So you show Jack one hand with me, while keeping the other behind your back with McCree. I’m the ‘accountability’ agent, but McCree and Moira... they’re still Blackwatch. They’re still working. His ‘real’ agents. Genji wondered where McCree was now. Was it an ‘errand’ this time or a ‘vacation?’ It wasn’t as if it was sanctioned by Jack either way, but it wasn’t like Jack would look too closely or question it so long as the cyborg ninja was accounted for. 
“Hey,” Reyes spoke and Genji was forced to pull himself out of his bristling silence, “Being a part of Overwatch isn’t just cutting through shit with a sword. You have to show you can work with people, and not just Blackwatch.” Reyes gave a short snort, “Though, let’s be real, saying you worked with Blackwatch is a bit of a stretch.”
Genji kept his eyes fixed away sullenly. “So she’s not the only one learning, here,” he mused. 
“Now you’re getting it,” said Reyes, smiling.
“You don’t know when Blackwatch’s suspension is ending, do you?” Genji’s voice was level but it wiped the smile from Reyes’s face in an instant. 
“Can’t say that I do,” Reyes flicked his own eyes forward, down the hall, “But that doesn’t mean I’m sitting on my hands, Shimada. You can believe me when I say I’m working on ways to get you back out there, because Talon’s only going to get bolder while we’re wrapping ourselves in red tape. But you have to show me, Jack, and all these UN pearl-clutchers you can adapt. Do you understand?”
“Mm,” Genji gave a single nod as they exited two automatic doors out to the training area, where a cluster of training bots where doddering around in various directions.
“Had ‘em cue up your usual warm-up,” said Reyes, putting his hands on his hips, “Think benchwarming got you soft?”
Genji gave a short scoff before drawing Ryū-Ichimonji from his back, but Reyes could hear the smile in his breath beneath his faceplate.
“Wow... Blackwatch!” Tracer’s eyes were wide as Mercy and Winston stood next to her in the elevator, “I heard all about the--I mean, everyone heard about Venice but--blimey! Are we sure it’s all right?” 
“We’re approaching this as a sort of... rehabilitation from suspension,” said Mercy, “And don’t worry, I’m very well-acquainted with your future teacher and I can assure you that Genji Shimada holds himself to a very high standard as an agent.” 
“I know that but....I don’t know if I’m cut out for any of that ninja stuff,” Trace glanced down at the chronal accelerator glowing in her chest, “This thing doesn’t exactly make it ea--easy to sneak around.” A brief ripple of glowing blue chronal feedback bloomed around her on the word ‘easy’ and her shoulders bunched up self-consciously, “Sometimes I don’t know if I can pull off that... speed-up thing I did back with the prototypes...”
“The accelerator reacts to your nervous system,” Winston chimed in, “We can worry about safely discharging the chronal distortion later, but it’s perfectly safe and stable as it is right now! All you need to worry about is keeping a cool head!”
“Cool head,” Tracer said firmly, “Right.”
“But if anything feels wrong you should tell us immediately,” Mercy quickly added.
“Gotcha, gotcha,” said Tracer, nodding. The three of them stood in a nervous, excited silence for a few seconds.
“Is he nice?” Tracer asked, looking at Mercy, “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I can deal with the ‘tough love’ types, but I guess I’m just not really sure what to expect with all this Blackwatch stuff...”
“Oh he’s wonderful,” said Mercy beaming as the elevator dinged and the doors opened, “And I think, while both your situations are very unique, he’ll definitely understand what you’re going through. He’s basically had to re-learn how to coordinate his body, too!”
Tracer’s shoulders slumped with some reassurance as they stepped out into the open air of the training area, “Well that’s a relief,” she said, with a lopsided smile.
“Oh yes. He’ll be a great teacher. He’s patient, and attentive, and really quite funny once you get to know him, and he’s very---”
Mercy was cut off by a snarling, roaring, cybernetically warbling scream as a red, white, and black blur rushed past them on the training grounds. Tracer, Winston, and Mercy watched in some combination of awe and terror as Genji Shimada tore through a batch of training bots like a hurricane. 
“Very--um...” Mercy’s words turned halting as Genji dove and slid under one bot and became a whirlwind of blades and kicks, slicing up the training bots closing in on him, before sending the poor training bot he had dived under into the air then springing into the air himself. His wires whipped around him as he twisted in the air, sending the training bot flying back with a kick that made it shatter against a wall. 
“Very--” Mercy tried to regain her composure and speak quickly but winced as she was cut off again by the screech and clatter of metal, the loud scream of a broken vocal box on one of the training bots as Genji jammed both sword and wakizashi into it before ripping it outward and rendering the training bot an explosion of broken metal parts. Mercy looked sharply over to Tracer, whose mouth was hanging open in a petrified gawk.
“He’s very...” Mercy was trying to eke words out of herself as Genji sliced off the head of one training bot with his sword then stabbed it through with his wakizashi before pivoting and smashing another training bot’s head with the skewered head of its compatriot. “...enthusiastic?”
Genji’s breaths were ragged and his forearms were quaking with how hard his hands were gripping his sword and wakizashi, surrounded by the sparking broken bits of training bots, his shoulders rising and falling with his breaths. Tracer, Winston, and Mercy all flinched to attention at the sound of clapping next to them and looked to their right to see Gabriel Reyes stick his thumb and forefinger in his mouth and whistle shrilly before clapping some more.
“Attaboy, Genji! Still got it!” Reyes called out to Genji and Genji seemed to pull himself out of a blood-drunk haze (or at least the robot-destroying equivalent of a blood-drunk haze), looking over his shoulder and then flinching to awkward attention himself as he noticed Reyes was now accompanied by Mercy, the gorilla, and... the newbie. 
His student.
Who looked about ready to either throw up or piss herself or both from what she had just seen him do.
Reyes was still clapping and smiling obnoxiously, Genji awkwardly lifted his wakizashi (smaller sword was less threatening, right?) and gave a small wave.
“Uh... yo,” he said.
“Er--excellent form, Genji!” Mercy raised her voice so he could hear her but it came out as a squawk, her desperation to try and diffuse the situation obvious in every intonation, “Very... efficient!” She had that ‘everything is going wrong but for the love of god be strong, Angela’ deliriously forced smile on her face, which he had seen both at 3 AM in the lab and at press conferences going down in flames.
“Thank you?” said Genji, sheathing both his sword and moving to walk toward them but then stumbling over a piece of broken training bot. He quickly recovered, straightened himself up to full height and walked briskly over to them before giving a stiff bow.
“So glad you could join us, Oxton,” said Reyes, turning to look at Tracer, his hands on his hips.
“Reyes?” Mercy’s voice was steel wire-tight, “May we speak?”
“Sure, Ange, what--” Reyes started but Mercy grabbed him by the loose sleeve of the hoodie and practically dragged him through the doors of the training area’s control room.
“Wait, shouldn’t we--” Tracer started feebly after them but the steel doors of the room slammed behind them. Tracer, Genji, and Winston all vaguely made out the muffled sounds of Mercy yelling at Reyes on the other side of the doors. 
“What were you thinking?! What was that?!”
“What are you yelling at me for? I just thought he should get a little warmed up and the newbie should get some idea of--”
“Some idea of what?! We’ve only barely scratched the surface of the effects the chronal disassociation is having on her physical abilities and you’re throwing up these warzones like---”
“Hey, I just set up his usual training bot session, Doc, you got a problem with Genji’s style, you take that up with him--”
“I don’t have a problem with Genji’s ‘style’--! I--Don’t act like you don’t know what you’re doing---! Is this some other play?! Are you--”
Winston cleared his throat. “We should probably...”
“Right..” said Tracer a little sheepishly.
The three of them edged away from the steel doors. Genji glanced over at Tracer, who didn’t seem to know whether to even look at him as they walked themselves out of earshot of the argument.
“So you’re the new recruit from the flight program,” said Genji, folding his arms and trying to sound as casual as possible.
“Ah...y-yeah!” Tracer blurted out. She cleared her throat and stuck her hand out, “Lena Oxton! Callsign Tracer! Reporting for du--” blue light suddenly flared brightly around her from the glowing object on her chest and she seemed to catch herself, clearing her throat, “er... reporting for duty,” she said extending her hand again, which had somehow jerked back to her side with the blue glow.
Genji moved to extend his organic hand, found that that would be awkward with the hand Tracer had chosen to shake with, then hesitantly extended his prosthetic. She shook his hand so hard it jostled up his whole arm before she caught herself and withdrew her hands to her side, clearing her throat.
“Ah so that’s...” Genji started.
“Yeah it’s a thing,” said Tracer, glancing down.
“Well...” Genji gestured up and down himself, “This... is also a thing.”
“I can see that,” said Tracer with a bit of a nervous giggle. They both gave a glance to Winston. 
“Oh!” Winston perked up and started unconsciously signing as he spoke, “I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. Winston. I’ll be on the science team overseeing Tracer’s condition with the chronal accelerator. Along with Doctor Ziegler. So we’ll be watching while you’re training together!”
“I see,” said Genji, “And you’re...”
“From the moon,” said Winston.
“From the moon,” Genji repeated, both of them silently agreeing that they didn’t have to go into the ‘gorilla’ part of things. He glanced back at Tracer. “Look--” Genji started but then caught himself, “I--if I scared you back there...”
“You didn’t scare me!” Tracer blurted out.
Both Genji and Winston gave her steady looks and Tracer stiffened her shoulders slightly, “I mean... y’know it’s... nothing I can’t handle. Really!” she put her hands on her hips and huffed, “You’re pretty tame compared to some of the things I’ve seen,” she said. She was trying to inject an adventurous sense of swagger into her voice, but her youth undermined a lot of that. 
Genji tilted his head slightly, studying her, and she made eye contact but didn’t sustain it for too long. He was used to that at this point. The red eyes were off-putting for a lot of people, but then his eyes flicked to Winston, then down at the chronal accelerator glowing in Tracer’s chest. There was something simultaneously familiar and alienating standing in their presence, and hearing the faint muffled sounds of Ziegler and Reyes arguing on the other side of the door, there was a spark of kinship between the three of them. Three people who wouldn’t have any place in the world without Overwatch.
“So how do we start?” said Tracer.
“Start?” said Genji, “Now?”
“Well, Doctor Z said you already went through all this stuff to re-learn coordination with all your...” Tracer gestured up and down at him, “Whatnot. And I figure, the sooner for me, the better, right? So lesson one, Teach! Let’s hear it!”
“Uh...” Genji rubbed the back of his head.
“Perhaps you could begin with assessment?” Winston suggested, “Establish what level of combat training Tracer should start with?”
The fastest way to do that is sparring, Genji thought and he got a horrifying mental image of Ziegler and Reyes emerging from their argument in the control room only to walk in on him punching Morrison’s beloved time-hopping newbie in the face.
“The first step to training is.... establishing the training space!” Genji blurted out. He vaguely remembered some lectures from his Shimada clan trainers indicating something similar, but the force that propelled those words from his mouth were more of the ‘70% panic’ variety.
“Establishing the training ground?” Tracer tilted her head.
“You can’t train in a cluttered space,” Genji pointed at the countless broken bits of training bots strewn across the training grounds, “You can start by cleaning those up.”
“...isn’t that your mess?” said Tracer.
“Who’s the teacher here?” said Genji, folding his arms.
“Right! Of course! Sorry!” said Tracer with a sharp salute before zipping off in a blue streak. Genji flinched hard at how inhumanly fast she moved and she seemed to catch herself as well, skidding to a halt on her heels. “Winston!” she called out excitedly, “Did you see that!? I did the thing! I did the speedy thing again!! I didn’t even think about it!! You’re such a good teacher, Genji!”
“I know,” said Genji, trying to look off stoically as Tracer zipped around the training grounds, picking up broken training bot bits and laughing between flashes of blue light.
“...you don’t know what ‘the speedy thing’ is, do you?” said Winston, very quietly.
“No,” Genji replied, also very quietly.
“You’re making this up as you go along,” Winston said flatly.
“It’s called ‘adapting,’” said Genji. He could still feel Winston’s eyes on him, skeptical. “I can adapt,” Genji said, mostly to himself as Tracer threw a bunch of training bot parts into a recycling bin with a loud clatter.
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dilf-hater-blog · 3 years
Invisible Lives (s.r. x fem!reader)
(age gap, reader being dense as hell, awkward tension, only one bed cliché)
Summary: Pairing two of the most average-looking Avengers seemed like a good plan on pen and paper, but when asked to pose as a couple, it seems as if God was finally telling Steve to admit his feelings towards you. (2.5k words)
a/n: there WILL be a part 2! stay tuned :]
“Alright you two, do we need to go over it one more time?” Tony asks and your consciousness felt like it wasn’t in your body.
“Okay! It looks like we need to go over the mission AGAIN. Pay attention this time.” he calls out your name and looks at you
“Sorry.” He just nods and suddenly, pictures show up on the screen.
“You and Capsicle will go undercover here.” he points to the screen and the picture enlarges, “It’s a remote village in France, we think HYDRA has a facility right under this house over here.” a red circle appears beside a house in a somewhat suburban area. “And you, our lovely couple, shall stay over here.” he points to the house right beside the encircled one.
Steve looks over at you and squints his eyes “Are you getting all of this?”
“Uhh yeah, I just...we’re staying right beside them?” “Pretty much, just you and Rogers alone in a house while an evil terrorist organization is RIGHT beside you guys-”
“Tony.” The disappointment in Steve’s voice was evident and Tony rolls his eyes, “We’re a call away kid, we’ll be in the neighboring city. There’s absolutely nothing to worry about.”
You let out a shaky breath and both men look over at you “You’ll do fine, now, we have to go over your roles.” Steve’s and your picture show up on the screen with text right beside it.
“Rogers, your name would be George Blaine. You’re 32 and you like...I don’t know, history books?” you burst out laughing and when they both look at you, you clear your throat.
“Your name would be Ivy Webster, and you can both thank fake name generators for those. Ivy Webster is 20 and-”
“Why do they have such a big age gap?” Steve questions.
“Makes them focus on something else other than asking more questions.”
“Carry on.” “You’re both in a relationship.” Your heart drops and your eyes dart over to Steve, he’s fidgety and he keeps crossing and uncrossing his arms.
“Tony, you said we were playing siblings?” “Last minute change of plans, it’ll be a lot more convincing if you play lovers-“ while he’s talking, he walks over to a side table and opens a drawer.
“Here are the promise rings and do take care of those.” Tony hands a ring to Steve and you, you wear it on your left hand’s ring finger.
“Just remember, no storming their base, no blowing of covers, act casual and just do whatever you guys do. We leave in 3 hours.”
“Act normal, we’ll be fine.” you chant like a mantra while you’re folding clothes and placing them in your luggage. A knock sounds “Mr. Rogers is at your door, should I let him in?” “Yes FRIDAY, thank you.”
Steve gives you a tight-lipped smile while he walks over to sit at your bed.
“You feeling okay?”
“No, I’m anxious and scared and-” You let out an exasperated sigh
“Why?” You stop to think.
“I...it’s my first time going undercover like this, and HYDRA would just be right beside us and-”
“Doll, you have nothing to worry about, not while I’m there with you.” Steve cuts you off and you give each other a tight-lipped smile “and besides, Tony did say act natural, you’ll be fine doll.” he leaves the room and you lay sprawled out on your bed.
You close your eyes and steady your breathing, everything you need is in your suitcase, you’ll be safe, there will be a terrorist organization right beside you, you and Steve will pretend to be lovers-
Your breathing quickens and your heart rate speeds up, your palms sweat and suddenly there’s a bang on the door. “Kid come on! Let’s go! Meet-up was 30 minutes ago!” fuck, did the time go by THAT fast? You grab your suitcase, and your extra bags; the door slides open, and Tony glances over at you, “Kid, this is an undercover mission, you look like you’re going to the Bahamas.” you try to suppress the urge to laugh but you burst out laughing.
“Sorry, Tony.” you apologize.
“Nah kid it’s alright, I just noticed you were nervous so I had to do something.”
“Thanks.” He pats you on the back and walks you over to the quinjet.
The door opens and you’re greeted with some of the Avengers just sitting around, “Glad to see you’re early.” Nat suddenly speaks up behind you and you turn around.
“Sorry I-” “Was rehearsing about how your date with Steve is gonna go?” Sam cuts you off and Steve pipes up from the cockpit “Come on, stop harassing the poor girl, she’s gonna go into shock if you keep teasing her.” you mouth out an ‘it’s fine’ to Sam and Nat and they smile at you, Sam suddenly makes his way past you and to the Captain.
“You two are gonna play LOVERS, all ALONE in a house...might as well tell the poor girl what you’re FEELING.” you could hear Sam’s voice all the way from the back and then you hear Steve’s shushing “Will you keep it down?” he whisper-shouts and Nat giggles.
“What’s Steve feeling? Is he nervous too?” you ask her and Nat just laughs harder.
“What? What is it?!” You start to panic and Tony pats you on the back “Alright! We’re ready to go!” He claps his hands and you sit down and buckle in while everyone else does the same.
Tony sits by the cockpit and the telltale feelings of nervousness disappear.
You wake up to a feeling on your shoulder and Nat smiles at you. “Is she up now?” Tony looks behind him and you give him a thumbs up. Steve walks over to you and smiles down at you, he unbuckles your seatbelt and he offers his hand, you take it and he pulls you up.
Tony stands up from his seat in the cockpit and walks over to you, “Okay, we’ll drop you off at a safehouse. From there you are officially George Blaine and Ivy Webster, you’ll use these-” he hands both of you fake passports and IDs “-and the house telephone immediately connects you to us.” Steve nods.
“How will we get to the house?” you ask and everybody turns toward you.
“Oh, Capsicle is driving you guys. It’s not like the old man can’t drive.” everybody snickers except for Steve who has somewhat of a disappointed smile on his face. “Go fix up, we’re landing in 3.”
The plane shakes and you almost fall but a pair of arms stop you from colliding face-first with the ground “Easy does it.” Steve sits you back down and Tony turns his chair towards you, “We haven’t even landed and you guys are already in love, gross.”
“Do you want me to call Pepper?” Nat asks and Tony’s eyes grow big.
“That’s what I thought, now, keep your eyes on the sky.” Tony turns his chair back around and you all laugh.
The quinjet descends and you feel a short period of moving around before you come to a complete stop. “You need to work on the landing Cap.” Sam remarks and Steve just sighs under his breath and mumbles “I know.”
You pull your luggage along and sling your extra bag onto your shoulder and the quinjet doors open. You’re greeted by Nick Fury and the rest of the Avengers.
“Hey doll!” someone exclaims and you squeal.
“Bucky!” he picks you up with ease and spins you around.
“How was the flight?” “It was okay.” he nods and calls Steve over, they shake hands and start a conversation, you see Wanda and Nat talking so you decided to go over to them.
“Oh hey!” Wanda gives you a hug and whispers in your ear, “You’ll be fine right?” “Yes mom, I’ll be alright.” we all burst out in laughter until Nick Fury calls everyone over.
“I don’t want anyone blowing their covers, got it?” everyone simultaneously nods “We’re here for recon, we’re NOT on vacation, are we clear?” everyone nods once again, it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
“Blaine and Webster, go get ready.” both you and Steve nod and you pick up your bags. “I’ll help you doll.” Bucky carries your bags.
“Oh no! It’s fine.” you wave your hands in front of you and Bucky just shakes his head.
“It’s alright doll, I insist.” he gives you a warm smile.
“Come on guys.” Steve opens the trunk of the car and you just give Bucky a sympathetic smile.
Both men start loading the car and Nat and Wanda surprisingly give you a hug. “Guys, I’ll be back.” “Yeah but we won’t be seeing you and we’ll probably miss you.” Nat rebuts and you all just laugh. You hear the trunk close and then the two men talking to each other.
“That’s probably my cue to leave.” you let go of the two women and they give you a sad smile.
“‘Till the end of the line,” Bucky says and Steve just gives him a smile.
“Be careful with her.” Bucky eyes Steve and he just nods.
Everyone waves you goodbye and you enter the car, Steve drives off and suddenly, silence greets the both of you again. It was pretty awkward so he puts on a random radio station, it played some old French songs and it sort of eased the tension; it was still pretty awkward so he clears his throat and you bring your knees up to your chest. It was pretty late in the afternoon and the sun was setting, you looked out the window and you see the countryside, the sun disappears behind the copious amount of houses by the water.
“You ever been to France?” Steve cuts the silence and you look over at him.
“Non monsieur, et toi?” you ask him, and he just smiles whilst still paying attention to the road.
“I think I have, we were only out at sea though.” you turn your body to face him.
“That’s a story for another time, but tell me, how do you know French?” he asks and you laugh.
“I don’t know it per se but I know SOME phrases, I learned it in like the 10th grade.” You snicker and he just raises his eyebrows to acknowledge your sentence.
“Well, they didn’t teach us that good in art school,” he remarks and you give him an amused smile.
“They probably did, Bucky showed me some of your drawings, especially the one you did of me; I’d say you’re pretty good!” you chirp and his eyes widen.
“Buck did what?! I swear to God-”
“It’s fine! Your drawings are really nice, I appreciate you taking in this face.” you bring your hand to point at your face and he just laughs.
“Do you...do you like Bucky?” there was a bit of silence, you fiddle with the end of your shoelace and think about your answer.
“Yeah I do.” there was silence on Steve’s end and you could hear yourself gulp.
“Why wouldn’t I? He’s a pretty good friend.” you continue and you hear Steve’s sigh of relief, his composure was back to normal and the small conversation you had just eased up the tension a little.
You lost count of the time due to the constant playing of French love songs, it was nighttime when you finally reached the house you were staying at. The neighboring houses around the area were quiet, most especially the one besides yours; the lights were closed and you could only hear the sound of a cricket in the distance. Steve turns the engine off and opens the trunk of the car.
“Do you want some help with your bags?” he asks and you nod.
“Yeah hold on, let me open the front door.” you turn the key and you’re greeted with an average-looking house, it was semi-furnished with some labeled boxes scattered around the house. You flip a switch and the living room lights open, Steve follows after, holding both of your bags while having his bag slung on his shoulder.
You both enter the house and you look around whilst flipping some light switches in the process. He climbs up to the second floor and you follow him shortly after; he enters the first room and to your horror, there’s a big master bed by the middle and some drawers and closets around the room.
“It’s a pretty cozy house.” he drops the bags by the bed and acts as if he didn’t see the same thing I saw. Steve explores the other rooms while I tail right behind him, the only other room on the second floor was a bathroom and an empty room with a stack of labeled boxes in it.
“Probably a guest bedroom.” I shrug and he closes the door to the empty room, he goes back to the main bedroom and starts unpacking his clothes.
“You fit that many clothes in a tiny bag?” you question and he just laughs.
“I didn’t know what else to bring.” you burst out laughing and he just gives you a shy smile, you both unload clothes in silence and he yawns. You fold the last bit of your clothes and place them in the drawer on the opposite side of the room, Steve sat on the bed and he rubs his eyes; you take your toiletries to the bathroom and stock up, you do your nightly routine and return to the bedroom.
You see Steve all sprawled out on the bed and you snicker.
“Tired, are we?” he sighs and gives you a smile.
“You think?” He waves you over and he sits up, patting the empty spot right next to him. He stands up and grabs a blanket from the closet and lays it down on the floor, you immediately stand up.
“What are you doing?” you ask.
“Making my bed.” he continues and places pillows on the carpeted floor.
“Wha- no-no, you’ll sleep on the bed!” you exclaim and he turns to look at you.
“Are you...okay with that?” you tilt your head.
“Well, yeah, I’ve slept on the floor multiple times.” you pat down the blanket he just laid out and you sit down on it, he shakes his head and extends his arm, you tilt your head once more and you take his hand; he pulls you up.
“No doll, I meant are you okay with us sharing a bed?” you walk over to sit down by the edge of the bed.
“Oh I don’t mind.” he looks down at his feet and he nods, he sits on the bed, making sure to put a hell of a distance between each other. You lay down against the pillows and snuggle in with the comforter, trying to get comfortable; Steve does the same and he gets into bed as well.
He turns to face you and you could feel his eyes staring into your soul, the lights were turned off but the moonlight captured his face enough.
“Goodnight doll.”
“G’night.” you slowly close your eyes, unaware of the blue eyes still lovingly staring at you.
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