shmorp-mcdurgen · 8 months
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Mark and Cesar in The Thing au!
Brief descriptions below the cut:
Mark (34 years old): The mechanic at the station. He's friends with Cesar, and they have been friends since high school. Not super social with his peers, and only really talks to Cesar casually. (Though their friendship is. strained at times. they're trying to work things out though.) Doesn't trust new people easily. Mark's also estranged from his family, aside from maintaining contact with his sister and contacting her sometimes.
Cesar (35 years old): The Dog Handler at the station. Because of this, he spends a lot of time with the dogs. (definitely an animal lover.) A bit more social than Mark, but not incredibly so. He's nice, though definitely speaks his mind on things going on, and isn't afraid to be kind of rude about it if necessary.
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skyafied · 1 year
if you are still taking requests, could you draw heavy surrounded birds like a disney princes and medic looking lovingly from the distance
Hey anon how does it feel to have an absolutely massive brain, like just ginormous
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thewitchwannabe · 1 year
The Masked Kunoichi
Despite things in New York having been relatively calm the past 2 years, or as calm as things can be in this city, Leona still made sure to go out to patrol every other day. Sometimes her brothers would tag along, and they’d do a few runs to keep up their skill. Other times Donny would go out in her place, to both give Leo a break, and to give himself a chance to disconnect from his projects. But it was mostly her, she still didn’t think Mikey and Raph were ready to go out on their own, despite Raph’s complaints. When the Shredder left New York he took most of the Foot with him. And the ones who remained tended to carry out minor crimes. But it was still dangerous, whenever Leona encountered them during her patrols, she’d fight them and leave them tied up for the police. This was one of those times, as she was making her final run before heading back home, she caught sight of a couple of foot ninjas breaking into a chemical lab. She quickly send a text of the situation to the family group chat informing them that she’ll be slightly late. 
Leona moved closer to the situation, counting up to five foot soldiers.  down from the roof she was at, landing perfectly silent. Sticking to the shadows, Leona approached the ninja that was keeping watch. With a swift hit at their head the ninja fell, Leo catched them before they hit the floor and placed them quietly against the wall. She then made her way inside the lab, she tried to knock out another ninja, but as they fell they knocked over some test tubes immediately alerting the other three.
The ninja quickly drew their weapons out, two had katanas and the other had a bunch of shurikens. Leona kneeled avoiding the throwing stars coming her way, acting quickly she exploded a smoke bomb to change her location to the other side of the room. The ninja looked around the room trying to pinpoint where she had moved to. When she assumed her new position she threw a shuriken of her own to a glass cabinet on the other side of the room, breaking it and making the ninja turn their backs to her. She then leaped at them with both her swords drawn, she took a swing at one of the katana users, but the other one blocked her. Using her second sword, she took another swing to attack her blocker. She immediately dropped down and slid her leg in a circular motion making both of them fall. Leona kicked both swords as far as she could, letting them crash against the wall. She turned to face the long range ninja who was already charging a variety of throwing weapons. Leona approached them using both her swords and her body to block and dodge the attacks coming at her. The ninja kept throwing kunais and shurikens at her at an exponentially increasing speed. She kept getting closer, jumping over the two ninja still moaning in pain on the floor until they were a few inches apart, when the ninja went to reach out for more they came out empty handed. “Finally ran out?” Leona asked with a slight smirk on her lips. With the hilt of her sword she hit the ninja knocking them out. She turned around as the other two were getting back to their feet. 
They got into position, Leona remained still ready to respond to their attacks. In unison both ninjas came at her, throwing kicks and punches. Leona would block each attack, analyzing their patterns. ‘Punch, punch, back away, kick, punch, repeat’, she thought. As they continue Leona would block and respond faster, and stronger. Both ninjas went in for a punch, but before they could pull away, Leona crossed her arms to catch the fist coming from the opposite direction. Then she uncrosses her arms, pulling the ninjas and making them crash into each other. She front flipped so she was behind them before swiftly turning around and giving them a good kick to their bodies that launched them to the wall, effectively knocking them out too. With all the enemies passed out, Leona dragged them all outside, and tied them all together, as well as gathering and checking all the weapons the long range ninja threw at her. She took some of the ones that seemed in best shape, and placed them with her own. Unlike the Foot, she and her family didn’t have easy access to weapons, so she’ll occasionally take some from the Foot. Stealing wasn’t her favorite thing, but she decided it was necessary. ‘Steal from a thief and you get 100 years of forgiveness’ she thought to herself. 
She quickly got to the roof of the chemical lab ready to finally head home, when her instincts picked up another presence. Her hand immediately went to the hilt of her sword as she turned around. Looking at her from a building slightly above the one she was standing, a short female figure stood looking at her. Leona couldn't see her face, because she was wearing a kitsune mask. The mask was white with red and black accents and had a mischievous smile painted on it. On her left hand she held a kusarigama, the chain wrapped around her opposite hand. With a little imagination, you could figure she was wearing what once was a regular foot uniform, but was clearly altered and paired with a red pair of matching shorts and crop top. What was clear on her person was the Shredder’s emblem on her belt. “So you’re back” Leona said, the masked kunoichi jumped from where she was standing and landed in front of her. Leo’s grip on her sword relaxed, and she returned to a normal stance. Her hand went up to the mask “I see you remember me” she pulled her mask off “Leona-chan”. The kunoichi smiled at her with a sly smile, her yellow eyes shining mischievously. “Karai,” Leona said with a smile “it’s been a while”. Karai let out a sigh, switching her weapon to her right hand so both the blade and the chain were together. “Yeah, dad wasn’t in any shape to come back and get revenge”. The kunoichi walked over to the edge of the building and took a seat, Leona followed. “To be honest I don’t think he should be back in action yet, but you know my dad”. 
Leona did know her dad, Oroku Saki, the Shredder, the one who tried to drain her father’s life force. According to her dad, the Foot and the Hamato clan had always been enemies, and the Foot made it its mission to get rid of the Hamato clan. So when the Shredder realized that it was Hamato ninjas who were fighting his ninjas, he became filled with a clan given mission to end Leona and her family. She and her brothers never learned much about their clan’s history, Splinter told them that what came before wasn’t important. Luckily for her, Karai seemed to not care much about fulfilling her clan’s ancient desires either. “So I can assume you’re not here to kill me, are you?” Leo said teasingly. Karai laughed, her laugh still sounding slightly unhinged as it did 2 years ago. “Of course not silly! I just wanted to find you before my father did” Karai said, “let you know we were back in New York myself”. Her expression changed to a more serious one, “My dad is about to start lots of havoc around the city”. Leona looked down at the street below them, already picturing the chaos that was gonna happen. 
She turned back to look at the human girl, “what kind of havoc?”, Leona asked. “You know the purple dragons?” Leona nodded, listening intently at Karai, “well they made a deal with my dad, and so they’re about to get a major upgrade”. Leo’s face increased in worry, the purple dragons were a big and dangerous gang, she and her brothers would stop them from time to time. “Dad has this new genius working for him, Dexter Stockmen or something like that” The kunoichi explained, “he’s not part of the clan, he made that clear, he’s just working with us for the resources' '. The girl was clearly not a fan of this new guy, although Karai didn’t exactly agree with the clan’s work, she was still loyal to the Foot and her father. So this guy who explicitly stated that he wasn’t part of the clan and still had his own agenda, put her on edge. 
Leona wasn’t sure what to think about this “Stockmen”, on one hand he was working with the Foot, so he was dangerous, but his questionable loyalty to them was something to keep in mind. She still knew nothing about what his personal goals are, and how working with the Foot played into them. She’ll have to ask Donnie to run a background check on this guy. “What about the Foot? What are you planning?” She asked. Karai's eyes opened wide, before returning to a mischievous smile. “Himitsu~1”, she said with a smile. Leona’s turned playfully annoyed, “really?! You’re not gonna tell me?”, she asked. Karai lets out a short giggle while she stands up “I gotta leave something for you to discover”. She pulled her kitsune mask over her face once again, she took a few steps back. “I’ll see you around, Leona-chan”, the masked kunoichi said before throwing a smoke bomb to the ground and disappearing.
Leona was left alone on the rooftop, a tired sigh left her lips. As much as she valued Karai’s friendship, she was still very much on her father’s side. Still her warning left Leo worried, more trouble was coming their way. She’ll have to talk to Master Splinter about it. She looked back at the city one more time before running back home.
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thesmpisonfire · 3 months
Pac takes Ingo's place in the au btw <3, Tubbo takes Dawn's
Also, not only Pac and Tubbo are fallers in the au :]
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volatilechemicalz · 10 months
Little thing I was doing last night and cleaned up this morning
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Part 1 ?? Mayb ?? Haven't decided if I'm gonna continue this or not but their interactions would be interesting I think
part 2 !! Forgot to add it earlier sorry
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the-fazbear-museum · 8 months
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realizinau · 3 months
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HI GUYS UHH- So while i'm pondering the next post, time for filler posts again yippie!
I FINALLY MADE AN OC. Took me long enough sheeesh. Anyway this is Bailee Bumblebee, last few images has @iidgm's wonderful THE Roxie Reedcycle
He was made after the Catnap toy recall as a sort of damage control. Not necessarily a replacement, just a "hey look at our new environmentalist character! Wow bees are so good for the environment and they're hardworking and you should totally trust our new bee character"
But apparently they didn't learn from the Catnap debacle since Bailee plushies had something similar to the red smoke, except it was more meant to cause relaxation and happiness. The side effects of it were less obvious, that being short term memory loss, so it flew under the radar for the most part. Must be that chamomile scent of the plushies eh?
In the realizin au he'd be a cool dude. He's like in the middle of Catnap and Dogday energy wise. Bit of an ambivert, likes people but needs his space. Excitable but not hyper, loyal and independant, all that good stuff. Though he does have memory issues and that's entirely due to that different smoke he has. Woops
Within the game, I. Okay so I drew what he might look like if he was in the actual game, and it's under the cut so I don't jumpscare anyone LMAO
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He would be a bastard in game. Count your memories cus you'll forget some of em
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lilybug-02 · 4 months
Maybe the soul as an organ could’ve ancestrally evolved in your AU world’s vertebrates as a filtering organ, like a kidney, that sat over the heart and filtered blood of toxins and what not. Then it could’ve evolved in humans and monsters to also regulate magical energies. Which is why soul entities can possess human souls, because they already act as a storage for magical forces.
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OH. MY. GOSH. This is an amazing theory! KWHFSdkjadnfgl And it even lines up perfectly with what I theorized on how (in this AU) Magic is toxic in concentrated amounts!!! It's literally a gosh-dang MAGIC FILTERING LIVER!
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Dr. Carb is very excited about this new development in fictional evolutionary biology.
The soul probably looks quite different when its inside the body. Its physical- but it is not as "physical" as some other organs. And since filtering magic is so crucial, the soul is closer to the heart so it can filter magic directly from the bloodstream. Yippie!
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hisaame · 8 months
hi hi! Could you do a Scaramouche x fem!reader with angst to comfort? Specifically with reader having issues on how they view their body?? ((Like their insecure)) preferably modern au plss
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first time writing on request yippie!! hii and ty, i hope this is what you've asked for!! <3 also im stillll new to writing and stuff, so im praying im good for now!
╰』ˋˋ"What do you mean you aren't pretty?" «
ˎˋ╰⪼Scaramouche x fem!reader ˎˋ
[angst with comfort] — modern au,,,
『warnings: body negativity, cursing, body touch, reader uses she/her pronouns, reader being like half naked (NO SPICY STUFF THO), idk what else to add im not good at warnings.... 』
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— Scaramouche simply couldnt understand.
How could you, a pretty girl with the body of a goddess, possibly think you look less than he thinks?
It was in the afternoon, you had invited Scaramouche to come over to your dorm, since it was the weekends and you had no subject to study, you finished two exams last week. So you wanted to have a nice day off, where your lover would be there.
But before that you decided to take a shower, u have already been outside with your friends Hu Tao and Yanfei, spending time with them since they were from another school.
You hated your bathroom. Why? Because the mirror there was huge.
Slowly taking off your clothes, its almost impossible to ignore your reflection. Its there no matter where you turn—seriously, its like they made the dorms' bathrooms like this on purpose, just to make you feel even worse about yourself as if before wasnt already enough.
You cringe at yourself once you took off your clothes. You should hurry up in the shower—but something made you stay in front of the mirror, criticizing yourself with your own thoughts. Turning a bit to the side to look at other various parts of your body, finding nothing decent or enough for yourself. You sighed, you should be positive right now, school isnt in the way and you should be relaxing.
With a glare at your own reflection, before getting into the shower quickly, turning on some warm water. Showers should be relaxing, but as you washed your body, using soap, making there be various white bubbles on your skin, they smell quite nice, and are certainly fun to play with.
But the feeling of your own hands on your body distracted you. The way you felt under your own touch, it somewhat... Disgusts you.
Finally—once you were done with showering, taking a towel and wrapping it around your body, shivering as the cool air hit against your wet skin. You dried off your hair, brushed it out, trying not to stare at the mirror too much. Maybe you're just too judgemental. Maybe you're not as bad as you think?
After you were done with your hair—you must not have noticed, but there was a sudden knock at your bathroom door. Then it opened up to reveal Scaramouche. Well, he peeked through it first to check was he invading any privacy.
"Damn, this was the last place i was gonna check. I came here like five minutes ago." Scaramouche sighed in relief to seeing you, not at all bothered by the fact you're only in a towel. He pressed a kiss to your lips as a greeting, ruffling your half dry hair.
Though, you looked uncomfortable. Not with the fact your lover had come into the bathroom while you were in just a towel, but the fact your body was pretty exposed to him, and you thought, what id he judged you? Maybe not out loud, but what if he was thinking about it?
Noticing your discomfort, Scaramouches eyes widened for a split second at his realization, then spoke up, "i can leave if you want—to wait for u to get changed." , he gave you a half smile. But you told him its alright. Why? You wanna just push him away.
At your answer, he smiled softly, nodding. Maybe you just needed him here, after a hard week. What he thought was different than what you thought. Seeing this as a nice opportunity, he went behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, his chin on your shoulder as he gave you a goofy, lazy smirk, looking at the mirror where you two can be seen. Maybe you should've kicked him out...
"You always look so pretty after showering—like all clean, pretty, and u smell nice." Scaramouche mumbled, as if shy to admit. "wait i said pretty twice. Replace one of those words with 'gorgeous' then." You couldn't tell if he was flirting with you or genuinely fucked up with his words.
But the way you looked at him with almost surprise at what he said, his eyebrow raised as his expression changed.
"Why do you look like i fucking said i discovered the moon and flew to mars? Dont you know youre pretty?" He said, his usual personality showing. He doesnt exactly like being all mushy, but for you, he's a sucker. So he's nicer...
Maybe it was finally time to admit it. He was your lover anyway, and you trusted him. You nodded slowly, then immediately looked away, regretting what you just did. That... Shocked Scaramouche! You, not pretty? Were you high!?
".. Huh? Did someone tell you you're not pretty? Ill fuck them up. Who was it?" He narrowed his eyes, his embrace around your waist tightening. His protective side definitely was showing. But once he didnt get a reply, seeing the way you frowned and refuses to look at the mirror, he realized the situation.
"... [y/n]? Dont tell me you tell yourself that..." Scaramouche sighed. Figuring you werent comfortable with the mirror, he turned you around, so you can face him again. You even thought he was prettier than you will ever be. Well, he's here to prove you're better than you think!
"[y/n]. I know i dont say this a lot, but you're gorgeous to me. God, these words sound so cliche.. But its true. You're the most gorgeous, pretty, beautiful—fuck, what else—cute, adorable girl i have ever met. Okay?" Scaramouche stared into your eyes. He definitely wasnt the best at comfort, but he wants to try his best—for you.
Then he softly smiled at you. "Hey, lets get you dressed up and we can talk about how magnificent you really are?", he kissed your nose, hos face flushing immediately right after as he lead you out of the bathroom, talking to you along the way.
"You may have your flaws and all that, but thats what makes you, you. You know? I like your flaws." Scaramouche admitted, blushing like an idiot when he looked away once he told you what he thought.
Soon enough, you were dressed, dragged to bed by Scaramouche who quite literally forced you to be the little spoon this time. You could barely hear the tv over him talking about how pretty he thinks you are.
Yeah, if anyone even dared to even joke about you being 'ugly', he's getting suspended because of reasons you know what happens.
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radioroxx · 4 months
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@maskedinfinate HIIII ok i know you asked about alphys specifically BUT i had mettaton thoughts too lol ill put them below
also i didnt go into the kanako stuff at all yet sorry hfkf i will i will. one day. not right now. ok ok.
(ps! im gonna start tagging these as cloverbot so ppl can find it. yippie!)
btw i should mention my idea for this au(?) is! post undertale pacifist, monsters on the surface, the souls werent destroyed upon opening the barrier… and thats hkw theyre able to get clovers soul back for alphys to build them the body.
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clover i think would make good friends with alphys :) if not cuz they like hanging out with her, but also because alphys is who they go to if they need repairs etc. which doesnt happen TOO often… they DO try to be careful with their cool robot body but yknow yknow jfjkf plus. adjusting to a whole new body is kinda? hard? can you really blame them?(ill come back to this). anyways anyways. they arent as close to her as they are to their other friends ofc, but still comfortable enough to know they can depend on her and talk to her if need be. so sure. awesome aunt figure works. awesome aunt figure who can give them cool upgrades like the finger gun or a built in jetpack or-
AS FOR METTATON. post ut i would think he and alphys make up of course… and alphys would ask him for a favour of helping this new kid get used to the body. as its something he had to go through as well, so he’s possibly got tips or just advice etc. or at the very least, its nice to have someone who knows sooomewhat what youre having trouble with lol. (not that adjusting to the body takes very long for clover- but they’d be friends afterwards anyway. of course mtt likes to have someone who looks up to him jfjf)
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pumpkindevourer · 5 months
Happy new year guys! I hope you all have had a great holidays and I can’t wait to post a bit more! I’m so grateful for all of you fr!
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One redraw that I don’t think I’m gonna finish along with something I drew for an au @qcoded made (didn’t finish that either) but yippie
LAST POST OF 2023 RAAAHHH ft Persassy
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lmshady · 22 days
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So I had no idea May was an art month for like MerMay but I drew this before hand because I’ve been writing a mermaid AU for TCM the game with Johnny as a mershark. Whole family is shark except Sissy, by sea witch decree she is part octopus like Ursula and cuz it fits her. Anyways…
So here’s the rough doodle and the inked, been practicing with some new inking pens so I’m still getting used to it. I’ve also got some more Johnny doodles I need to get around to posting but wanted to get this one out first. Yippie.
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solargeist · 3 months
I'm the anon who asked if I could write a fanfic inspired by your found family horror Evo au (that ask actually wasn't meant to be anonymous lol, doesn't really matter but you know) and I would like to say that I have written some ✨angst✨ and wanted to show you since you inspired it.
(Little clarification, this is with a different watcher from my au who still plays a very motherly role like Her from yours, but isn't meant to be the same person at all. Their name's Asteroid, their pretty much my oc, I love then very much.) (I also took the nickname Sunset for Grian from your au since it felt perfect and it gave me the opportunity to call Pearl Moonrise and give them matching sibling names, she doesn't appear in this scene but that's her cannon nickname in my au.)
Anyway, actual writing! Hope you like it.
Dang it. Grian thought. He'd been hoping to get out of here before they'd found him. This was going to be much more difficult now.
Asteroid looked Grian up and down, each of their many eyes had an expression of confusion as they saw all the bags he'd packed. The Watcher finally looked up at Grian's face, they opened their mouth for a second to speak, but no words came out.
“I'm leaving.” Grian answered their question before they could ask it.
“Why-” Asteroid's voice choked and Grian looked away so he didn't have to see their tears. He pretended not to cry some of his own.
“Where are you going?”
“I'm going to find a new server to live on.” Grian already knew the server he was running to, but he didn't want the Watchers following him if he could help it.
“How,” Asteroid looked to the side as if they knew the answer. “How long will you be gone?”
Grian silently turned away from the Watcher, spreading his wings for take off. “I'm leaving.” He repeated.
“…Ok.” They said quietly. Grian stopped and turned back to them. Honestly, he'd expected to be forced to stay.
“Come back if… if you can.” And then Asteroid turned around, as if not wanting to have to see Grian's face either.
Grian clutched his cloak and gritted his teeth. Part of him wanted to go back and stay in the void he'd lived in for a good portion of his life. The other part of him couldn't stand to be treated like a dumb child who had to be told everything twice because he just couldn't understand any longer.
“I won't.” And then Grian finally took off and began flying out of the void.
Just gonna cry about my own writing real quick. Thank you some much for inspiring this au, before I was just doing the "Watcher's are completely evil" thing but this take on them is honestly so much better in my opinion.
Your awesome, have a good day! (Or night in my time zone but we can ignore my noexistent sleeping schedule.)
"I won't." hes so bold !! grian ! be nice to your watcher parents !
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thank u ! glad to inspire !! hope u continue to have fun with ur au too !! yippie !!
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rainbyte · 7 months
Hi, I just recently found out about the Rerouted Ringmaster AU you made for TADC, and I’m interested in learning more about it!
Midge (they/them)
Hello!! Thank you very much! It is brand new so I don't have a TON for it yet but!!
The main gist is during the pilot when our lovely Pomni was roaming the office portion of the 'Exit' - she happened across a computer with a Command Prompt window open!
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Thinking that if she had admin powers she could escape, she used it to set her SELF as it.
Of course- there can only be ONE Ringmaster in a circus , so the programming swapped the two's roles!
( Also Caine got a lovely dash of stress + horror to go! Seeing as he quite literally is an AI designed to keep this game stable + it's players happy.
....And now he is powerless, unsure of what to do! AS WELL as having to watch Pomni attempt manage everything! It's like watching a clown try to put out a fire on your home with a squirter flower!!! Yippie! )
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As for Pomni!!...Well she still is Pomni! If a bit amped up to %1000! With a dash of confidence! ( As well as a very large helping portion of 'FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT' )
This is in part because well! - The Ringleader position was not meant to be taken by a human. It makes things go QUITE the bit on the fritz! Not to mention she had been glitching at the time so....Over all a whirl wind combo to end up with our
Will Pomni manage to fix Ragatha? WILL our superstars accept their new ring master? Will the entire Circus not blue screen within the day? Find out...!!! Eventually maybe!
( Tysm again for the!! Ask I love rambling about my AU's ^^ )
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lorddiswasher · 1 year
Chapter 2
Part 1
Beep beep beeeeeeep.
"what could they possibly be doing with Solomon? Well it's none of my concern I should just put these in their room".
~In Mc's room~
"Alright, now it's time for me to go....hmm?What's this..?" Lucifer gently pulled the a lever on your room only to reveal a secret room filled with pictures of friends (by friends I meant like the side characters) without him.. For some reason unknown Lucifer felt.. Sad? For some of the pictures were taken in places you and the brothers had the most fun in. Staring at the pictures thinking about the memories he had with you, he felt a bitter-sweet sensatio-
Lucifer immediately left your room and rushed down the living room after hearing Belle's god awful scream.
"LUCIFER! LOOK AT THIS!" Belle pulled out her D.D.D and started shoving showing it to lucifer "LOOK! THERE'S RUMORS ABOUT ME HAVING S*X WITH LOWER LEVELED DEMONS!!" A bit taken back by Belle Lucifer started comforting her "It's alright Belle, calm down you annoying piece of shit. It's just a rumor, it's normal." as Belle sobs Asmo came in crying louder than Belle.
"LUUUCCIIIFFFEERRRRRR!!!" Asmo cried "What is wrong with you Asmo?" the now irritated Lucifer asked.
"m-*hick* my followers dropped by 200k in just 20 minutes! WHAAAA!!!" Asmo's followers dropped by 200k? Something is definitely going on. Lucifer thought.
"When did it suddenly dropped?" Lucifer asked. "20 minutes and 28 seconds after I posted a picture of Belle!" Asmo answered between sobs.
~Flashback with Mc~
"ugh the new student framed me I'm telling you guys! She's been like this after like 3 weeks of living with the brothers!" Mc complained. "Hmmm now that's definitely interesting. Ah! How about getting back at her by spreading a rumor?" Diavolo suggested. "I agree! There's no way we can just let that human go around hurting Mc without consequences!." Luke exclaimed.
"Hahaha, it's always fun watching Luke get all worked up. But I agree the things she's been doing is too far." Solomon says in agreement. "Then it's decided." Simeon looked at Barbatos. "Alright, I got it. I will be calling Mephisto right away." Barbatos announced.
-Fast forward with Mc-
Spreading rumors is fun but I wanna do more..... Hmmm.... AHA! I'll just give her a taste of her own medicine. Suddenly barging in during the student councils meeting, all drenched up with water and with bruises all over your body you cried "LORD DIAVOLO! PLEASE HELP ME!" you pleaded. "What's wrong Mc?!" As Diavolo went rushing to you. "Belle! She started hitting me out of nowhere and then pushed me in the fountain!" you yelled. "WHAT?!? THEY'RE LYING I NEVER DID THAT!" Belle tried to defend herself. "Dia you can see whether someone is lying right? Go on tell them! Am I lying? *wink*". Dia looked at you shocked but instantly regains he's composure. "Mc is telling the truth. Belle really did do all those things." "NO I DID NOT! DIA-" "Lord Diavolo" Barbatos corrected. "L-Lord Diavolo. I DIDN'T DO IT I REALLY DIDN'T!" Belle continued. "Oh? Are you suggesting my judgement is incorrect? Or are you perhaps saying that I am lying?" "n-no of course not Lord Diavolo". "Then I sentence you 3 months of house arrest for the crime of hurting an exchange student that is under my protection! Be grateful this is all I'm doing. For what you did could be counted as treason." you looked at Belle with the same smirk she showed you before. Oh Belle my dear this is just the beginning.
Yippie I'm heading out for like idk how long idfk whay to do anyway more but ye have a nice day
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bootleg-sara · 6 months
Hi! Going to start slowly posting my designs for my Pained Hope AU as I get them all finished. Most of them aren’t done yet.
Brad and Isaac are together because they’re a package deal. Look at the read more if you want want to read some stuff about them
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Isaac is a young 7-8 year old kid who was born after the end times. He has a brimming optimism despite how bad things are. Being a young kid, he trust nearly everyone he meets without question. Isaac is very emotional and empathetic. He will start crying if you raise your voice at him. Coming from a mother who was a well-known war general, his life is filled with strict discipline and high expectations. He found a small bit of relief under Brad’s care, who allowed him to openly be more expressive. However Brad is also still very stern and focuses a lot on Isaac’s ability to fight. It’s a well meaning action, it also makes Isaac feel more trapped in a life of constant panic. His reprieve comes from his beloved cat Guppy. A black and white tuxedo with a giant mutant flea imbedded into the side of their head. Isaac doesn’t mind, they still love their cat all the same.
Isaac is a young 7-8 year old kid who was born after the end times. He has a brimming optimism despite how bad things are. Being a young kid, he trust nearly everyone he meets without question. Isaac is very emotional and empathetic. He will start crying if you raise your voice at him. Coming from a mother who was a well-known war general, his life is filled with strict discipline and high expectations. He found a small bit of relief under Brad’s care, who allowed him to openly be more expressive. However Brad is also still very stern and focuses a lot on Isaac’s ability to fight. It’s a well meaning action, it also makes Isaac feel more trapped in a life of constant panic. His reprieve comes from his beloved cat Guppy. A black and white tuxedo with a giant mutant flea imbedded into the side of their head. Isaac doesn’t mind, they still love their cat all the same.
Small summary of backstory yippie:
For people who know how the story of Lisa goes, everything up until the flash still happens in this au. Though instead of a flash, the world is thrown into pandemonium and chaos after a man-to-God known as The Propagator unleashed an army of cosmic horrors onto the unprepared world. During all this wide spread panic, the opportunist scientist Dr. Yado took this as a chance to start creating his passion project of mutants. Buzzo worked along with him, and would eventually kidnap Brad along with many other men to be Yado’s test dummies.
Not going to go completely into this story rn cause it’s pretty long, but in short terms, Yado makes a deal with The Propagator to run his test at much higher rates. As well as gain protection from the world’s horrors in promise that The Propagator could use his mutants for his own use as well. Brad is one of the first tests in front of the new God and got a big branding of his symbol on the top of his head. Eventually he’d break out of this facility and live his life has a nomad. Finding a new sense of family in Olan and Isaac.
Isaac’s mother, once a respected warrior, would be killed in battle against the cosmic cultists. Along with the nation believing this is a sign of the earth’s death, Isaac is now left alone without any family to protect him. He survived this long seemingly out of pure luck by avoiding the many dangerous monsters for as long as he possibly could. Eventually Brad would take him in and vow to protect the small boy. Still trying to make amends for his many past sins.
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