infinitenicknames · 3 months
Tropical Wear Yuu
HECKING HIT POST TOO EARLY. GIVE ME A SECOND TO UPDATE IT (okay i fixed it. it should be good to go now)
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I absolutely loved this event! Seeing the twst cast interact with Stitch was an absolute joy. I hope we get more book events like this one
(Voice lines and alt art under the cut)
Voice lines:
Summon: Tropical island... Magic acting strange... Even Stitch-kun is here... Is this my wo—? Sorry. What's important is that we find a way back to school as soon as possible. Groovification: It's moments like this that make me realize... we have to enjoy what we have in the moment. Set to Home screen: Guess I should take a break. Home transition 1: Stitch-kun's body is so bendable, yet resilient. It's really strange. Home transition 2: Be mindful of how long you stay in the sun. It would be bad to get a sunburn out here. Home transition 3: I wish I could have brought dad. He loves to travel around, so I'm certain he would have loved the little paradise we've made here. Home, after login: We have enough food for now, but we're running low on water... I should go get more. Home transition, Groovification: ♪ Aloha 'oe, aloha 'oe. E ke onaona noho i ka lipo. One fond embrace. A ho'i a'e au. Until we meet again... ♪ Tap Home 1: I can't believe Stitch could make a ukulele out of what we had here. I'll have to play something with him later! Tap Home 2: I've always wanted to go spear fishing after I saw someone do it on TV. I'm just worried what Floyd would do if I did make a spear... Tap Home 3: It's nice dressing like a girl again, but I didn't want the others to find out I'm a woman like this... Tap Home 4: One of oka-san's exes taught me how to surf when I was younger. I'm genuinely surprise that I still remember as much as I do. Tap Home 5: Ace-kun and Grim-kun have been super reliable out here. It's kinda amazing. I'll have to grab extra fruit so I can make a treat for them. Tap Home, Groovification: Don't worry Stitch-kun. We'll get you back to your ohana. Then we'll get back to our own.
Vignette: To be added...
Other art:
Alt color
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based the colors of this one off of Lilo's swimsuit instead of Nani's, that way it matched Grim's colors a little better
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This was a sketch i did to try and figure out what the Groovy was going to be. I loved the idea of Yuu reading/reciting the story of the ugly duckling to Stitch and Grim late at night as a way of emphasizing that they have a family who cares about them. idk if i'm going to go with this sketch or not. If i am i definitely want to edit some things (like Stitch's poor face. he looks so derpy lol)
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first impression of me vs opinion on me now? 👀
So I scrolled to the start of our messages
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First of all, what the heck is wrong with us, why were we messaging at 2 am😂😂 and second of all, it’s nearly been 3 months 🥺
Anyways at first I was really nervous and I only really knew things about you from what Zee mentioned. So I knew you were very nice and just as bad at starting conversations with new people 😂 after talking to you for a bit it was confirmed that you are very (very very very very) nice and kind.
My opinion of you hasn’t changed much over time, you are incredibly nice and extraordinarily kind. You are so nice to talk to and I definitely aren’t scared to talk to anymore!! 😂
Love ya Nani Banani 🍌😘
Also quick note the way we talk Is so funny to reread cause we talk in paragraphs and like three of them at a time 😂 and also I forgot that we practically fought over Zee one night (at like 3am lol) 😂😂😂
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gamerwoo · 4 years
Seventeen headcanons: Seventeen as Disney Characters’ Kids
a/n: you can thank my cousin forcing me to listen to the descendants soundtrack for this. may or may not do oneshots for these at some point so uh,,,,,,we’ll see
Seungcheol, son of Kovu and Kiara
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a lot like his parents
is a little infamous because some people still see his dad as “evil” anyway
does whatever he thinks is right even if it’s not traditional
heir to be king and he takes that seriously
honestly he is lowkey trying to prove himself to everyone
hangs out with wonwoo a lot and usually goes to him for advice
also best friends with soonyoung since they’re kind of in the same boat
doesn’t want to be sheltered by his parents even though he has mixed reactions from the public
even if his entire kingdom doesn’t like him, he wants to be a good prince and future king
Jeonghan, son of The Cheshire Cat 
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sly and sneaky and mischievous lil shit
you don’t think he’s there but he’s there
he hears and sees everything
his favorite thing to do other than nothing is eavesdrop
he’ll be hanging out with his friends and as soon as someone is like “let’s go do this” he disappears without saying anything
often found lounging about with his tail swaying and flicking
typically up to no good but his seemingly sweet face always fools people
but those who know him know he’s typically anything but sweet
whenever he appears, you always see his smirk first
Joshua, son of David & Nani
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surfer dude
i mean, come on, look who raised him
hangs out with seokmin a lot 
he’ll sit on his surfboard out in the ocean and seok will swim up and rest his arms on the board and they’ll just talk or swim and stuff
he is a little ‘odd’ but his aunt is lilo and he was raised around aliens so can you blame him
but he really just wants to be normal because people have been judging him for his entire life
sometimes he’s a lil judgy just to make himself feel less weird
*insert that gif of him making that face in the going svt episode that everyone uses as a meme now*
but like he also keeps experiment 002 as a ‘pet’ after mrs. hasagawa couldn’t take care of her ‘cats’ anymore
so he still is a lowkey strange boi 
Junhui, son of Thomas O’Malley 
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smooth as heck
a little goofy but that’s his charm
he comes from one of thomas’s many one-night-stands, so he lived on the street and was only raised by his dad for a long time
when he was brought in to live with duchess and her kids, she treated him like one of her own, and he got along well with her kids
would throw hands for his sister without question
still a flirt like his dad though
but he drinks his respect women juice i promise
usually playing around with his brothers or sometimes going off to help hansol
even though his family is loaded now, he still acts like he’s an alley cat lmao
kinda stays away from jeonghan because he finds him scary
can be found hanging around with soonyoung though
Soonyoung, son of Shere Khan
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he wants to be a tiger so badly so
despite his dad being kind of yknow an asshole
soonyoung is a huge sweetheart 
some people may think it’s an act or whatever but it’s just how he is
and his dad is trying so hard to get him to be less kind but the boy can’t help his fat heart okay
he hangs out with seungcheol a lot because the two can relate on being misunderstood
soonyoung is basically kovu
came from a shitty family but is just here for a good time
but if you fuck with him he can and will rip your throat out
hangs out with jun quite a bit because he makes him feel more upbeat and kind of grounded i guess???
because he doesn’t want his status or his father’s words getting to his head
honestly highkey worried he’ll become like his dad
Wonwoo, son of Milo Thatch & Kida 
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literally the perfect mix of his parents
the curiosity and shyness/awkwardness of his dad
mixed with the beauty and grace of his mom
he’s the prince of atlantis since kida became queen after the king died, and everyone absolutely adores him
has girls lining up to marry him but because he’s awkward like milo, he’s not really that interested in getting married anytime soon
hangs out with seungcheol and tries to give him helpful advice
pretty much always reading and learning about other cultures and kingdoms
has never been outside of atlantis and he’s highkey curious about what’s out there
but he’d never sneak out behind his parents’ back because he’s a good boi
Jihoon, son of Elsa 
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he’s a lot like his mom (from the first frozen i havent even seen the second one ok)
he also has powers like her which he doesn’t use often
even as a child, he preferred learning how to use and control it rather than just use it for fun
but now when he has to go out for royal things, he will sometimes make a little ice rink for the kids or create little flurries and dancing snowmen just to see the children laugh
and if you look at him, you can see the hint of a smile
spends most of his time in his room reading or sleeping because that’s just how he chooses to spend his time
tbh he doesn’t want to be a prince he just wants to do what he wants
but elsa is a single mom and he’s her only heir so he doesn’t want to let her down or stress her out
but if he could just,,,,,,not be a prince, he would love that
Seokmin, son of Ariel and Eric
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everyone always sayin this boy looks like prince eric anyway so
he’s a mermaid like his mom so he can spend time in the water and on land
often goes ‘surfing’ with joshua but it’s basically josh surfing while seokmin swims in the waves and watches
sometimes he goes to visit wonwoo in atlantis but not often because it’s kind of hard to get to
spends 50% of his time singing whatever song is stuck in his head or just making up his own
he really is more like his mom personality-wise lmao
and of course more like his dad when it comes to looks
likes being on land and in water equally you can’t make him choose one
his best friend (other than josh) is a dolphin that goes on adventures with him and stuff, and an octopus that clings to him like a backpack
Mingyu, son of Eugene and Rapunzel 
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big clumsy but kind idiot
also does that weird smolder thing like his dad
honestly he’s kind of the perfect mix of his parents
very kind and curious
but he’s not nearly as trusting as his mom
he may be kinda dumb sometimes (he got the braincells from his dad ok) but he makes an excellent prince
he loves his kingdom and his kingdom loves him
he’s got so many suitresses but he put his training to be king first
however he highkey in love with the girl who sells flowers and planters at the market
Minghao, son of Cruella De Vil
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like his mom, he’s very into fashion
unlike his mom, he prefers to find cruelty free ways of achieving fashion
he actually left home when he was 16 and has nothing to do with her
he’s become an anonymous fashion designer because he knows nobody would give him the time of day if they knew who his mother is
as a designer, he goes by the8
he designs all of seungkwan’s clothes too
he usually just stays inside and works on his clothing because people are mean to him when he goes outside
Seungkwan, son of Charlotte La Bouf
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just wants to be a prince so heckin bad !!!!
likes to dress up in nice clothes and go out a lot
only wears things designed by minghao though
he’s boujee okay
honestly would give up his prince dream to help minghao make a new name for himself
he wants to be a prince more than anything but his friends and those he loves come first
but seriously can a princess just marry this poor boy already
Hansol, son of Robin Hood & Maid Marian
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hands down the sweetest boy ever
he’s pretty well off so he typically just gives away his own things
but he will steal from the rich if he has to lmao
pretty much friends with everyone because he’s just so likeable
the only people who don’t like him are rich assholes lmao
may or may not have been arrested a few times but it was for good reasons i swear
sometimes has chan tag along on his adventures to steal from the rich
Chan, son of Mulan & Li Shang
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he’s not a prince but damn he looks like one
the strongest warrior in his kingdom
his family is also very highly ranked so while he’s not a prince he’s still an important dude in the kingdom
girls swoon over him and men want to be him
can we blame any of them
if he’s not training/practicing, he’s off with hansol 
often donates to the poor but also loves to eat the rich lmao
has also wound up in jail a few times but his parents are fine with it because it’s for a good cause
but if he’s not practicing or with hansol, he’s just fucking up assholes
those are basically his hobbies lmao
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kazuhasluv · 4 years
I may or may not have posted this in the past, but just in case, I'm posting it again
Disclaimer! I wrote this before I read the manga about Yashiro's lifespan! So please don't be mad!
(I'm still on break, I just feel sad without leaving a story to y'all
pairing: Tsukasa x Reader
Warning/s: None
Taglist: @trish-chan @imchiiii @wisteliazen @daikonsenpai @bloodredruby @dacr-owo @oikawasnonexistentcake @quackeydoodles
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Role: Your role is a new student at Kamome Gakuen Academy, to befriend and find out what mysteries lurk in these walls.
Special Abilities: Like Yashiro Nene, you aren't an exorcist but you can see supernaturals and apparitions.
You walk up to the school, meeting a girl with daikon legs which are pretty cute in your opinion.
"Hello! You must be [Name]! Im Yashiro Nene! Nice to meet you!", the girl greeted.
"Nice to meet you as well Yashiro-San!", you said as walking inside with her.
~ ♤
After a long day of classes, Nene invites you to stay with her since she wants to show you something.
You two go up to the rooftop to see Hanako-Kun, sitting there waiting for you two.
"Hanako-Kun!!", she exclaimed.
"Yashiro!", the boy started, then looks at you, "Who is she?"
"She's [Name]-Chan! A new student!", Yashiro explained.
Hanako floats to you to examine you further, to see no intentions of hurting them, especially Yashiro.
You 3 decide to sit down and talk about something, until a black fog appeared.
It was Hanako-Kun's brother.
As he went closer to you 3, you stepped infront of them to protect them.
Then, Tsukasa stops infront of you.
You get scared, wondering what could possibly happen?
Tsukasa touches your hair, then your cheeks, then your skirt until you slap his hand.
"Haven't you heard of being a gentleman?", you exclaimed, while Yashiro and Hanako are behind you confused.
Tsukasa smiles at you and disappears.
"[Name]-Chan are you okay?", Yashiro would ask.
"Yeah, I'm fine", you say.
You walked down the stairs of the rooftop to see a broadcasting room. It looked neat, so you decided to go inside, until...
"She's the girl I've been telling you!," a boy exclaimed.
Ah sh*t
Tsukasa and his group were there.
All of them would look at you.
"Kon'nichiwa?", you say; scared.
Sakura stands up and walks to you, "So you must be [Name]. I'm Nanamine Sakura, nice to meet you."
They all seem nice, you thought.
Mitsuba then exclaims, "I'm cuter than her though!"
Natsuhiko then laughs.
You couldn't do anything else but laugh aswell.
"Come in," Sakura says.
You walk in to see a simple but awesome broadcasting room.
There were no other seats except... for next to Tsukasa.
You sit beside Tsukasa and look the other way to not create eye contact.
"Hello! Im Tsukasa! Amane's younger brother!", he exclaims.
You still wouldn't look at him because you were embarrassed.
"Oi, Tsukasa, leave the girl alone", Natsuhiko says.
Tsukasa would look at Natsuhiko, "But she's pretty!"
You heard this and decided to shout, "Nanida yo?!"
Tsukasa would then smile and say, "You looked~"
You got out of your seat and walked to the door. "Gomenasai, but I have to leave," you said and ran away, flustered.
While running, you bump into Kou Minamoto.
"GAH! G-Gomenasai!", you said.
"There's nothing to be sorry about," Kou said helping you up.
"K-Kou M-Minamoto?!," you exclaimed, shocked.
"Mhm! And you must be Senpai's new friend!", he says, but Senpai was referring to Yashiro.
You nod in embarrassment and walked past him, head down.
You were about to go to the school's front doors, until you saw a classroom all dark, even though it was only 5pm.
You hesitated to go in until it pulled you in.
You screamed and shouted for help, but no help came, until...
The room suddenly got darker, until you realize it was black fog.
"Ts-Tsukasa-Kun?", you say.
You open your eyes to see yourself in Tsukasa's arms.
Tsukasa then placed you down gently on a safe place then fought the darkness or whatever the heck was that.
The room then got its light back, and Tsukasa rushed over to you.
"[Name]-Chan, are you okay!?", he asks. He asks a lot more safety questions and then hugs you.
"N-Nani...?", you stuttered, he didn't hug you in the broadcasting room, and definitely not at the rooftop, so it was quite startling.
"Ts-Tsukasa-Kun?", you said.
"See! I told you Tsukasa cares for her!", Mitsuba says out of the blue.
"Oi Mitsuba!", Kou said while covering his mouth.
Tsukasa then looks at the 3 (Natsuhiko was there) and gives a deadly stare. The 3 then walk away.
You, however, were crying. You were traumatized. It was because an apparition nearly took your life.
"See wasn't that f- [Name]-Chan?", Tsukasa said, noticing you crying.
"What happened?", he asks.
You rub your eyes and say, "I-Its nothing!"
Tsukasa then notices a bruise on your arm.
"YOUR ARM!!", he exclaims.
You look at it and say, "Tsukasa-Kun, it's nothing! It'll be healed in a few weeks or so!"
Tsukasa looked sad, "But I want to heal it!"
You then hesitantly agree.
He then does some ritual which you dont understand.
"Tsukasa-Kun-" you started but then the bruise was gone.
"Harigato!" you said while hugging Tsukasa.
The following days you would stay with Nene, Hanako, Kou and Mitsuba, which then Tsukasa would appear often, because he's the only guy you were waiting for.
One afternoon, Nene asks you, "You've been staying late now often, why is that?"
You smiled and say "I'm waiting for the person I like."
Mitsuba then butts in and says "It's Tsukasa isn't it? HA! I knew it!"
Hanako shocked as ever asks you, "YOU LIKE TSUKASA!?!"
The whole group then starts to annoy you until you suddenly blurt out, "YES" and covered your mouth.
Hanako then faints, Mitsuba happily eats his donut, and Yashiro and Kou create a secret plan with Mitsuba while he's eating his donut.
Tsukasa then appears and back hugs you.
"[Name]-Chan!!", he says.
Mitsuba, Hanako, Yashiro and Kou then exclaim, "[Name]-CHAN LIKES YOU!"
You blush, until your face was as red as a tomato.
"Is that so?" Tsukasa said smiriking.
Oh no, not the smirk, you thought.
"[Name]-Chan is that trueee????!" Tsukasa says.
"Yes, it is. Now stop hugging me, my back hurts," you say, but he wont stop hugging you.
The following days were like that: adventures, Tsukasa sneaking out of the broadcasting room to see you, rOoFtOp DaTeS wItH tHe GaNg, more adventures, just adventures mostly.
Until it was the week before summer break.
You walk up to Nene, and say, "Nene-Chan, summer break is next week and we can't just leave Tsukasa, Mitsuba and Hanako there all alone"
Yashiro then says, "Well, we could stay there for the whole summer. I mean, we could like clean the school and then visit them after."
A great idea indeed Yashiro.
The summer was fun, until Nene was asked to be Hanako's girlfriend (im literally crying hElP-)
You then got less time to hang out with them since they did cute boyfriend and girlfriend things most of the time.
You got lonely, well not unless Mitsuba teases you to Tsukasa then you got someone to chase.
Until a week before summer break ended, Tsukasa asked you out like what Hanako did to Nene.
You reported the news asap to Hanako, Nene and Mitsuba (And Kou aswell lmfao) and they said Tsukasa was all planning it ever since Hanako asked Nene out.
Viola! You got your rat *cOfF* ghost boy, but you grew up still in love with him, even though he's out of reach.
No I'm not going to sleep what are you talking about
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britishchick09 · 4 years
sherlock s2 ep 1 livewatch
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welcome to a new (cumber)batch of eps! i’m excited to see all the iconic moments in this one :D
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i haven’t even played the dvd yet and it’s glorious :’)
ooh it starts with a ‘previously’!!!
moiarty is amazing (and this recap is so dramatic!)
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also seeing the old channel 8 logo in the corner is so cool! :D
HOLD UP why is bee gees playing
‘staying alive’ lol funny since he’s about to get shot :D
moiarty: “SAY THAT AGAIN!!!!!” say that again QUIETER MOIARTY GEEZ
and he just walks away!!!
shoe sherlock cool
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sherlock 2 NOW
oh no it’s irene alder...
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masterpiece INTRO YAAAASSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
me watching sherlock be like:
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the masterpiece trust is just rich people cool
omg the viking river cruises spon is the same as today! :D
woah they’re playing a movie trailer! :o
it’s a british movie obviously and i’ve never heard of it OBVIOUSLY
the scottish host guy is talking and i love it :D
host: “his mind has more apps than an iphone” lol
“a series of his three most famous cases begins! are you ready?” HECK YEAH LET’S GOOOO!!!!!!
YAS the blog scene!
sherlock: “what are you typing?” john: “a blog... about us”
lady: “i think my husband is having an affair.” sherlock: “yes”
sherlock thinks cases are boring except
sherlock ‘cases don’t need titles’ holmes
lestrade: “any ideas?” john: “eight so far” wowza :o
sherlock ‘don’t mention the unsolved cases’ holmes
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glasseslock!!!!! :D
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eyyyyyyyy ;D
people want pics of sherlock and john do johnlockers exist in this universe? :o
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lol :D
irene is seductively putting her hand on lockie’s newspaper pic ewww :(
mrs. hudson hates the fridge
mrs. hudson: “BOYS YOU’VE GOT ANOTHER ONE!!!’ *insert meme here*
ooh it spins into a flashback!
sherlock’s in the sheet! :o
*phone rings* sherlock: SHUT. UP!!!!” lol :D
john’s holding his laptop around lol :D
john: ‘there’s a mute button and i will use it” aka the 2020 president debates
woah some random guys are in lockie’s house and john needs a helicopter what’s up with that????
john looks under...
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mycroft is the queen now
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john smol be like :o
guy: “mr holmes the younger”
john be like o///o ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
o lockie’s’s in clothes again :/
mycroft doesn’t trust the secret service welcome to america
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i don’t like irene not because there’s apparently a thing between her and sherlock but because she’s a bit creepy!
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sherlock: “photographs of whom?” ooh how fancy
sherlock: “laters!!” lol! :D
irene’s friend is named kate like channel 8 being called ‘kaet’! :D
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fashionista! :o
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yes this is ‘the right armor’ lockie
john: “you didn’t even change your clothes!” lol :D
sherlock: “go on punch me in the face” lol :D
watson: “i always hear ‘punch me in the face’ when you’re speaking in subtext” ...wut o_O
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are sherlock and irene being shipped because they were naked in the same up
irene: “i could cut myself slapping your face” louise belcher wants your number
bi john when he sees irene: o///o “...i’ve missed something haven’t i?”
sherlock isn’t affected by naked irene thus i headcanon him as aro/ace (or even demi/ace in john’s case like my own holmes character) thank you and good night
irene just sits her bare butt on the chair why
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also this font is so basic WHY LOCKIE
irene: “somebody loves you” *glances at john* ok i like her a tad she gets it ;)
john: “put something on, please. like.. a napkin?” lol :D
also john giggles at naked sherlock and is like ‘plz no’ with naked irene (although i would be too that lady is OUT THERE)
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ooh antiques roadshow! :D
also she’s dressed like lockie NO
irene: “brainy is the new sexy” plz no :(
she took her clothes off ‘to make an impression’ yep
WAIT  they were just outside now they’re back in wut???
irene was born in the 80s cool :D
WOAH why are there more guy with guns?
and *le gasp* AN AMERICAN????
ooh what was the code? :o
sherlock just flipped a phone LIKE A FLIP PHONE OHHHH
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irene is number 1 sherlock fan besides john confirmed
at first i thought it was a fandom phrase but it’s not! :o
this reminds me of a certain sw ship... :(
yeah i don’t ship them AT ALLLLLL NOW
the key code is irene’s measurements DOES SHE MEAN...
the camera’s spinning FLASHBACK???
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woah are they in the case?? this could be sherlock’s mind palace!
irene: “you got that just from one look? definitely the new sexy” NONONONONOO
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outside bed
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awww sweet bby ;)
did john tuck him in?
CRAP it was ireneeeeee >:(
the way she says ‘hush now it’s ok...’ is like count olaf in the hostile hospital when he drugs violet :o
lestrade filmed loopy sherlock lol :D
john: “ahhh back to bed!” awww :)
sherlock: “iiii’m fine i’m absolutely fine!!!’ drugged sherlock is a treasure ♥
sherlock: ”why would i need you?” john: “no reason at all” :)
ew was that an irene phone moan gross
mrs. hudson: “family is all we have in the end, mycroft holmes!” mycroft: “oh shut up, mrs. hudson!” john: “my-“ sherlock: “MYCROFT!!!!” lol :D
mrs. hudson: “it’s a bit rude that noise isn’t it?” indeed!!
sherlock: “you can follow her on twitter” TWITTER IN THE HOLMESVERSE????
sherlock: “there’s more! much more” but wait... THERE’S MORE!
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cool sweater john!!! :D
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molly: ‘having christmas drinkies then?” wallace wants walkies thank you very much
john: “she’s off the booze!” sherlock: “nnnope” john: “shut up sherlock” lol
john to sherlock: ‘take a day off” lockie doesn’t know the concept mr doc
sherlock still has the irene moan after all this time WHY
finding irene on christmas coolio :D
molly: “how did sherlock recognize her by... without her face?” ;)
sherlock smoking bad >:(
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smiley smiley :)
awww sherlock plucked a bit :)
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john: “you flirted with sherlock holmes? “someone jellyyyy ;)
irene: “you jealous?” john: “we’re not a couple!” irene: “yes you are.” ;)
john: “i’m not actually gay” irene: “well i am” IRENE LESBIAN GOOD!!!!
irene: “look at us both” (or perhaps bi like john could be...?)
biiiiiig door creak
UGH american... >:(
someone comfort mrs. hudson!! :(
sherlock: “take away your boys. it makes up for too much stupid in the room” he’s surrounded by idiots...
awww he’s comforting mrs. hudson :)
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john comfort! ♥
the guy’s tied up like the foody moody in bob’s burgers cool :D
awww mrs. hudson’s in shock :(
sherlock: “mrs. hudson leaving baker street? england would fall!” awww! :D
john says ‘alive’ like an irish guy :D
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happy violin new year! :D
sherlock’s xraying a phone lol
john said ‘in your bedroom’ BUT IT’S HIS AND SHERLOCK’S
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and irene’s! :o
sherlock: “who wants to kill you?” irene: “killers” lol :D
sherlock said ‘the strand’!!!! :D
irene looks better without lipstick :)
the code is ‘i am SHERlocked’ HOW DO THEY NOT KNOW???
random john middle name reveal lol :D
john’s is hamish and eugene’s (from tangled) is hoarace... it’s the weird h middle name club! :D
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sesame street time :D
...what in the world did sherlock just spout
john said ‘flight double o 7′ JAMES BOND REFERENCE????
MYCROFT IS SAYING ‘BOND ERE IS GO’ yep that’s bond!!!
sherlock didn’t notice john was gone for 2 hours lol :D
ooh sherlock says ‘second world war’ instead of ‘world war two’ :o
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sherlock: “that’s not the end of the world, that’s mrs. hudson” lol :D
mycroft: “that’s the deceased, always late” hey yeah :o
oh hey irene
irene: “jim moiarty sends his love” ha ha funny love :D
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bada bing BADA BOOM!!!!!!!!!
wowza it’s been 6 months since they met???
sherlock: “sorry about dinner” *leaves* yesss :)
i’m glad they didn’t kiss and just held hands that was nice to make johnlock dreams fly :)
john told sherlock she was in amurica good :)
lockie wants her camera phone aww :(
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way better than any hand holding irene and sherlock did! ♥
awww irene texted sherlock goodbye :(
ew the irene moan one last time...
sherlock laughed and called her ‘a woman... the woman’ awww :)
that was a bittersweet ending! :)
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aaaand it’s over!
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next time... ;)
that was a great season premiere!!! irene was kind of cool (i like how she and sherlock were just friends) and the mystery was engaging as always. and of course... it was nice finally hearing lockie’s violin!! here’s to next time! :D
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dakotacrisis · 5 years
Transferred (6)
Awkwardness, advice, and even more awkwardness. (The word awkward now doesn’t even sound real. You’re welcome for this awkward description.)
“Quinn, do you know when that essay for history is due?” Marinette walked into class with Nanette and Quinn.
“Um,” They checked their arms, “Thursday?”
“You need to get a planner or something.” Marinette sighed.
“I’ve been barking up that tree for three years.” Nanette rolled her eyes.
“I have a system.” Quinn scoffed.
“Writing everything on your arms is not a productive system.” Marinette argued.
“Says you!”
“Quinn, darling, as someone who meticulously keeps an organized and color coded planner/calendar in my room this ‘system’ of yours gives me anxiety. For all that is sweet and holy, buy an actual planner. Download an app on your phone. Something!” Marinette begged.
Marinette really liked Quinn, they were smart and fun and had an encyclopedic knowledge on everything having to do with conspiracy theories and cryptids. Marinette hadn’t even heard of the giant snail like creature, Lou Carcolh, until they mentioned it once while hanging out at Marinette’s house. Like them as much as she did, their organization was zero. She’s seen their locker, their bookbag, she could only imagine the neat-freak meltdown she’d experience if she ever set foot in Quinn’s room.
“Nah, this is easier.” Quinn shrugged as they took their seat.
“Good morning,” Kagami approached their table. Ever since Marinette had talked to her that first day the two were getting along better. Kagami was even starting to branch out more to her classmates. “Did you all have a nice weekend?”
“Morning, Kagami,” Nanette smiled back at her, “I had a great weekend. I even got to meet Marinette’s boyfriend, Adrien.”
Kagami’s pleasant expression faltered and the temperature in the room dropped ten degrees.
“Nani,” Marinette pinched Nanette’s arm forcefully, “I told you he’s not my boyfriend.”
“The way he was looking at you though and how much you talk about him--”
“Shh!” Marinette clamped a hand over her mouth, “We are just friends. He doesn’t see me that way at all.”
Kagami muttered something under her breath that Marinette didn’t catch. Probably cursing the fact that Marinette liked Adrien too. Every time Adrien got brought up, in even the tiniest of moments, things between Kagami and Marinette soured. An unspoken rivalry for the blonde’s affections tensing the air without saying a word.
Class started and Marinette went back to her seat. She risked a glance at Kagami and sighed. She really was a nice girl when you get past her hard outer shell. They even seemed to have quite a lot in common when they got right down to it. A little too much in one case. And that is what drove them apart every time.
A crush on a boy isn’t what should split what would otherwise be a pair of close friends, should it?
“Alright students,” Mr. Babineaux started handing out papers, “To finish out our study of Utopia, we are going to be doing a pairs project. You and your partner will create your own utopian island. You have complete creative control but there are a few points that everyone must hit. 1: Draw a map of your utopia. 2: List the laws and regulations of your utopia. Lastly, write a small essay on the values the indigenious people of your island hold and why, minimum two pages. If you want to add other things like culture, holidays, or what have you then that is more than welcome. You have the rest of class to find your partner and start your project. This will be due next Wednesday where you will present your utopia to the class. Have at it.”
Immediately everyone started pairing off. Marinette stretched her head to look at Nanette and Quinn but they were already huddled together making rough sketches of their island. Looking around the only available person seemed to be Kagami.
“So…” Marinette smiled at her, hoping to diffuse some of the tension, “Want to be partners?”
“That sounds nice.” Kagami stated matter of factly.
Oh boy.
They started by outlining the core laws their island would function under and then moved onto what the punishment for breaking the laws may entail. Kagami seemed to have a much harsher form of punishment then Marinette had in mind. Marinette was able to talk her down out of anything lethal. Although she may have let slide the liars have their tongues cut out rule for reasons…
The bell rang and everyone started packing up for their next class.
“I was thinking, I don’t know what your schedule is like but maybe we can figure out a day to get together and keep working on the project. I’m not too worried about the map but I think we would need more time than class allows to hash out the culture and values of our island.” Marinette explained as she and Kagami packed their things.
“I’ll let you know when I’m free. With tournament season coming up my mother has arranged for me to spend more time practicing my fencing.” Kagami said, “I’ll probably barely see anyone outside of Mr. D’Argencourt, mother, and Adrien.”
And there was the tension again.
“Right, you have my number so you just let me know. We’ll figure something out.” Marinette smiled through the awkwardness.
After school let out Marinette opened her phone and pulled up her contacts. She wanted to talk to someone about this whole Kagami and Adrien situation. Nanette and Quinn are great but they don’t have the whole story and Marinette was not in the mood to explain everything. She sure as heck couldn’t talk to Adrien about it. Aurore didn’t really know Kagami. Wayhem can’t keep a secret to save his life. Chloe was a hard no for many reasons and not just because she went AWOL.
She stared for a long minute at Alya’s name. She would understand what Marinette was going through. At the very least she’d be able to give her some advice.
Marinette put her phone away with a sigh. “Why such a long face?” Tikki whispered, popping her little head out of Marinette’s purse.
“I want to be friends with Kagami cause she’s really nice and we can get along but every time Adrien gets mentioned things go south. We don’t say anything but I can feel it. It’s like there is a string between Kagami and I that frays a little more when Adrien is mentioned. I want to say something but I feel like doing so would just make things worse. What if I say something wrong and we end up arguing? I don’t want to fight what could be a good friend over a love triangle.”
“I feel like not saying anything could do more harm then ignoring it altogether.”
“I know but what if--”
A loud crash from down the road halted Marinette’s reply. A dozen or so people were running away as more crashes crept closer to where she was. An akuma no doubt.
Marinette ducked into an alleyway. This Kagami situation would have to wait. “Tikki, transform me!”
Marinette lunged onto the roof of the nearest building and searched for the source of the destruction.
“BAH!” A giant baby waddled around the corner, “BAH!”
“Seriously? Hawkmoth akumatized August again?” She sighed. At least she knew how to deal with this akuma already. Not as easy as taking down Mr. Pigeon but at least she didn’t have to worry about Chat’s allergies.
“I’m guessing someone’s pretty cranky about being woken up from their nap.”
Speak of the devil.
“Hey Chat Noir,” Marinette greeted her partner, “It’s been a while.”
“Too long, my lady,” he grinned back at her, “While I did enjoy the break from akumas I did miss our moments together.”
“Which ones? Where I throw you at akumas or when you leap into the line of fire yourself?”
“Let’s just get junior here pacified before dinner. I think giant babies would take a lot more than a bottle to keep them happy.”
Marinette scanned over the akuma. What was his problem today? He wasn’t chewing on anything so it wasn’t teething. He was rubbing his eyes a lot. Maybe he really was grumpy from waking up or just too tired to realize that sleeping would rid him of his grumpy mood.
“We need to get him to fall asleep.” She told Chat Noir, “Help me lure him somewhere with room enough to lay down. I have an idea.”
“On it.” Chat Noir jumped closer, “Hey! Over here! Wanna play with a kitty? Gotta catch me first!”
The pair went running as a sleepy August waddled after them.
Marinette knew that she should focus on the akuma but her thoughts about Kagami wouldn’t leave her be. “Chat, can I ask you something?”
“Anything,” he shrugged as they ran, “Finally gonna ask me on a date?”
“Not so lucky, minou,” she rolled her eyes, “You see, there’s this person I’ve started making friends with but she likes the same guy as me. I still want to be friends with her but the topic always brings up a cloud of awkwardness because of this boy. Any advice?”
“I have two options.”
“What’s the first one?”
“Talk to her. If the both of you want to be friends but this subject of a shared crush makes things uncomfortable then you need to address it. You don’t have to bow out of your crush so the other isn’t awkward but keep pursuing this mystery boy without letting it harm your friendship. If you truly are on good terms then a little rivalry is fine as long as you don’t delve into underhanded tactics like sabotage.”
“And what was option two?”
“Ditch mystery boy and go out to the movies with me?” he asked with a hopeful but joking smile.
“I think I’ll stick with option one. Thanks though.”
They got to the football field arena and circled around August. He wouldn’t cause anymore damage here.
“What’s the plan?” Chat Noir asked.
“We got him here, now we need to get him to sleep. Let me see what I got,” She thrust her yo-yo into the sky, “Lucky Charm!”
A CD dropped into her hands.
“A track of lullabies? Helpful.” Chat Noir shrugged.
“But not enough. No. We need back up.” Marinette sighed. “Someone who can cast a calming illusion.”
“Rena Rouge?”
“Yup,” Marinette grasped her yo-yo tighter, “I’ll be right back. You keep August entertained.”
She sped as fast as she could to Master Fu’s. He was unperturbed by her sudden appearance as was the case nowadays. “Marinette, in need of an ally today?”
“Yes, I need the Fox Miraculous.” She took the necklace out of the box.
“Is something the matter, Marinette?” Fu asked.
“Sorta, I know who I should give it to but I don’t want to. But I also could use someone who already know what to do.” she contemplated briefly giving the necklace to Chloe but with her under the radar dealings of late she wasn’t sure where to even find her. That really only left one option.
“Grudges are only a form of self-punishment. Remember that, Marinette.” Fu told her, “Do not let your emotions stand in the way of the common good.”
“You’re right.” She looked to Tikki to make sure she was recharged, “Let’s get going. I don’t know how much longer Chat can keep a giant toddler in one place.”
After transforming back into Ladybug, Marinette sped as fast as she could to Alya’s house. She hesitated at the window before shaking the contempt from her mind. Ladybug isn’t mad at Rena Rouge.
She knocked on the window startling Alya off her bed. Quickly she ran to the door and thrust it open. “Ladybug? What’s up?”
Marinette held out the box with necklace. “I need Rena Rouge for a quick mission.”
“Oh, right,” Alya took the box but didn’t open it.
“No, I just…” She looked back at her bed where her laptop sat with what looked like fifteen or more tabs opened, “I was doing some research. But duty calls!”
She transformed into Rena and the pair went vaulting back across the rooftops to the arena. Chat unfortunately had been caught by August and was turning a sickly green shade from being waved around in the toddler’s hand.
“Cast an illusion of a giant mobile to help him fall asleep. I have some tunes to put on.” Marinette ran towards the commentator box and popped the CD into the arena stereo system. A minute later a giant mobile appeared over the field spinning plush ladybugs, black cats, foxes and turtles on strings.
August stopped playing with Chat Noir and focused on the mobile. Combined with the soothing music he was yawning and soon curled up on the grass for a nap. Chat wiggled his arm free and cataclysmed the bracelet where the akuma was. After that Marinette went out to catch it and thrust the CD into the sky to right all the damage August had caused this time.
The sleeping toddler was taken back to his mother by Chat while Marinette collected the necklace from Alya. “Thanks for letting me help out today.” she said.
“We needed you.”
“I’m sure you could have figured something out without me. Truth be told, I haven’t felt very heroic lately.” Alya twiddled her thumbs. The beeping of Marinette’s earrings told her she needed to get out of there fast.
“Wait!” Alya stopped her, “Can I ask you something?”
“I’m kinda in a hurry--”
“Are you friends with a girl named Lila Rossi?”
The question took her aback. “No. Outside of when she was akumatized and a less than flattering confrontation when she tried to use me as a pick-up line I have never interacted with her. Why?”
“Nothing...research...it’s not important. See you later, Ladybug.” Alya ran from the arena to return home.
Marinette’s transformation wore off and Tikki landed on her shoulder. “Are you okay? Seeing Alya again must have been strange.”
“Yeah, kinda,” Marinette reached into her bag and pulled out another cookie for her kwami. “Let’s head home after we return the Miraculous. I’m too emotionally worn out to contemplate further human interaction.”
The walk home Marinette checked her messages. She had a text from Kagami telling her what times she could work on their project. They set a meeting time for Friday after school to work. With Chat’s advice still ringing in her ears Marinette made a mental note to talk to Kagami so they could get on the same page about their feelings regarding Adrien. Not today though. The rest of today was going to be fruit tarts and video game therapy.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (7)
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sailor-manga · 4 years
Hi Nani 😊 Congratulations on all of your followers, you deserve them all, you're a sweetie. Ok so I am requesting a match up with one the guys from bnha. I am 5'6", on the plumper side with big boobs and some pretty nicely toned legs lol. I'm sarcastic and snarky, have a good sense of humor, don't take shit from people, trustworthy, loyal, & caring and have been told that I'm funny. I'm smart and laid back. It takes a lot to really piss me off amd my favorite color is blue. 😋 Thank you.
Hi baby boo <3 I was almost tempted to match you with Tenya just to heck with you, but I won’t do that <3 The boi that I choose for you is none other than...
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❯ Dabi would never admit it, but he likes that you’re loyal and trustworthy, if anything it just feeds into ego that you would never go against him and stay true to him. After all, it is all about him.
❯ When you two are alone though, you can usually get a chuckle out of him and a more sweeter side, which is honestly just him giving you cuddles or complimenting you to no end. 
❯ One of his favorite things to do is grope on you during these cuddle fests, he lives to tease and of course your plump breasts and plush thighs are going to be what his hands land on first. 
❯ While you’re fairly loyal to him, you don’t take his shit either, which he also admires, the fact that you can stand up to him without an ounce of fear kind of turns him on if we’re being honest. 
❯ That goes to say with the snarky and sarcastic remarks, but it’s mostly because it gives him further incentive to grope on you, trying to see just how much you can take before you melt under his rough touch. 
❯ All in all, I think you guys would have a very good mutual understanding of each other, and know how to handle one another when in a bad mood or just playing around. 
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timetwist · 5 years
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It's been a while since my last update, so here it goes...
(Long post warning)
Before anyone ask "is this blog dead? Or aren't you going to make a comic about it?" The answer is maybe and sadly no. I keep thinking about this for months if I'm still going to continue or not, heck even the comics that I kept promising that I should do it, didn't happened. Even the asks that was kept in my storage for months are remain unanswered because some of them may be or not be part of the story. Or y'know,, I just don't know what to say, I lack motivation in a couple of months and even today because I have to focus more on irl stuffs, especially for college, this makes me wanna do more personal arts for my portfolio. The blog will remain open, in case I wanna doodle or smth for this au idk. I also want to apologize for the late notice.
Even though I'm trying to move on to this fandom, I'll never forget those awesome days, I had fun! met a lot of awesome people who were just so nice and when your senpais noticed you like nani?? xD. Especially for Undertale, aside the toxicity. And when you share your love to this au, I'm v happy and truly thankful for the love you've given me and for this blog.
For the people who stayed for a long time, thank you for the memories and for staying with me ever since I created this blog even though how short it was. Friends and fellow fans, you guys are the best.
And thank you Undertale, for everything.
If you'd like to see more of my arts in the future, go ahead and follow my personal account:
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comicteaparty · 5 years
September 23rd-September 29th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from September 23rd, 2019 to September 29th, 2019.  The chat focused on Neguri-Senpai by Neguri Senpai.
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Featured Comment:
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Neguri-Senpai by Neguri Senpai~! (http://neguri-senpai.blogspot.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until September 29th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. Of all the strips in the comic, which joke/scenario did you find particularly relatable in terms of what it’s like to be at school or crushing on someone? In what ways did it make you reflect on life or how media portrays these situations?
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. Given the comic features a lot of pop culture references, which of those has been your favorite so far? What about it really made you smile, and what do you think the comic can teach us in terms of how pop culture can be used for comedy?
mariah (rainy day dreams)
1. My favorite scenes have been where Aoi tries to recreate Neguri-senpai in various forms of media. I found the video game one particularly funny X') I really like the contrast of how proud Aoi is of her creation but how off they are from the original. It reminds me of how much I loved all my badly drawn husbando fan art as a kiddo. http://neguri-senpai.blogspot.com/2019/02/neguri-senpai-new-game.html?m=1 2. I think Aoi's eavesdropping and creeping on Sana when it comes to Neguri-senpai is pretty relatable. I definitely have felt a similar anxiety about perceived romantic rivals in the past. I think the strip where it turns out Sana was just talking about her cat is a really good example of this. http://neguri-senpai.blogspot.com/2019/01/neguri-senpai-what-did-you-just-say.html?m=1 As far as reflecting on life and media goes, while I think the feeling captured rings true to life, it also makes me kind of bummed that these two's relationship is just fighting over a guy (who I assume is unattainable since he's a teacher? But then again who knows since it's playing on manga tropes). I feel like that kind of angst is common for the teenage girl experience, but I also wonder if part of that is because it's a trope that's so reinforced by media that it just becomes expected. Anyways, two girls fighting over a guy makes me sad if I think about it too long. This has been my TED talk.
3. I think Sana is my favorite character. Maybe exclusively for her goth socks XD Aoi is also very good. 4. Man, my only experience with JoJo is the one episode I watched and all the Twitter memes so I feel like most of those jokes are probably lost on me TuT I do really love whenever someone yells NANI??? though XD I laughed a little every time reading through. I also don't get a lot of the coding jokes, but the ones I do understand have really landed home
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite composition in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. Do you believe that Aoi will ever be able to date Neguri Senpai? If so, how do you imagine that would happen? If not, how do you think the comic will comedically resolve Aoi’s crush on Neguri Senpai?
1) My favorite strip so far I think is this one http://neguri-senpai.blogspot.com/2019/08/neguri-senpai-alone-on-roof.html where Aoi is suspiciously summoned to the roof but whoops, nope, it's just for a picture. I really like how this strip plays with the Japanese school roof trope cause it makes the comedic payoff that much sweeter when it's not any romantic or delinquent things. 2) A strip I found super relatable about going to school was this one http://neguri-senpai.blogspot.com/2019/07/neguri-senpai-finals.html where all the girls are discussing whether or not they failed a test. I think basically everyone has done that after a test, regardless of confidence, so it's just one of those moments that I think is universally connecting. I do not miss the stress of worrying about passing or failing a test. XD In terms of reflection, it did make me think that of all the school tropes media messes up, this is actually one that is very spot on to what real life is like, which is pretty rare. Yet, makes for good comedy because of this quality of being universally relatable.
3) My favorite character at the moment is probably Aoi. I just like how earnest she is, how crazy day dreamy, and how enthusiastic she is. It's the perfect combo where even her personality flaws really seem endearing, so I want to see her achieve happiness. 4) My favorite so far was this one where Aoi thought of Speedwagon: http://neguri-senpai.blogspot.com/2019/05/neguri-senpai-i-need-man-like-that.html While I don't know a whole lot about Jojo having been banned from watching it, my boyfriend really loves Jojo. So through him there is one fact I do know, and that's Speedwagon is a beloved character. So it really made me smile to see this show up in the comic and be proven true. XD In terms of what the comic teaches about how pop culture can be used for comedy, I think the biggest lesson is that it's a double-edged sword. If the people know what it being referenced, immediately creates that connection that's needed for comedy. But on the flip side, all those references will fall flat if the person doesn't know the references. So it's great to use, but also gonna be hitting some really niche audiences.
5) My fave composition is the last panel from this strip http://neguri-senpai.blogspot.com/2019/03/neguri-senpai-judgement.html WHat can I saw? I'm a big fan of angles and the whole dark overshadow thing to bring that nice oppressive atmosphere. It really sells the joke. 6) Until the end of the comic, I think the only date Aoi will get will be a joke one. Like one of those ones where she tots think she's going on a date but nah, Neguri Senpai just wanted her for some mundane reason. Like running errands for the school. But I do feel overall if and when the comic ends, it'll be on a happy note with Aoi getting with Neguri Senpai. If only cause there is no comedic rival yet after Aoi.
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. Of the fourth wall breaks in the comic, which one did you find the most interesting and why? In what ways were this comic’s fourth wall breaks unique compared to other comic’s that do it?
1. I actually really loved the lovingly recreated video game version of Neguri-San who dies five minutes later, as I found it to be the most relatable. I too take five hundred hours in character creation only to remember I have no hand-eye coordination. Also, I was quite glad when they showed Neguri-San’s younger self, because until that moment I thought he was another student and so I was quite confused. Not the dynamic I personally go for but it cleared up so much of my confusion. 2. When they’re all on the beach comparing bodies and Aoi’s like “but how will I compete with someone built so beautiful?” Man that was a MOOD. Been in a committed relationship almost 9 years though so I guess I figured it out. Also, if that’s foreshadowing Aoi’s eventual fall for Sana, that would be the best. 3. Sana is my favorite, because she plays off Aoi so well and seems like a capable and headstrong young woman. She’s really fun to watch. 4. The speed wagon joke was hilarious and you cannot change my mind. Also, wish I understood a lick of coding. 5. The strip when Aoi and Sana were in the classroom and Aoi was staring menacingly? Honestly? The best use of comedic tension that I saw. 6. I highly doubt it. She’s a student, and while it’s cute of her to have a crush, it would be inappropriate for it to be reciprocated. 7. I really enjoy Sana and Aoi interacting. I find their rivalry the most interesting, because Sana seems the most capable rival. She’s smart, she’s driven, and it’ll probably come to a final showdown with her. Also, her stand actually got me to nose exhale, which doesn’t sound like much, but before noon it is a monumental feat. I’d love to see them more directly interacting rather than talking about each other. and heck, maybe they’ll be the couple in the end. Love a good rivals to something more story. 8. Honestly I’m not too big a fan of wall breaks, but it does give me a chuckle every time they blame the author.
QUESTION 9. What sorts of details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. The comic also features a lot of references to computer science and programming, so which of those has been your favorite? Alternatively, which concepts do you wish you understood more to get the joke?
The Q
9. I think the layout is really funny. This comic wouldn't have worked as well with a "traditional" print-style format. The jokes are well-paced, too, something we don't often think about when we (well, I) read commics! 10. WHAT ARE STICKY KEYS FOR? I know them as the annoying suggestion that pops up everytime I use my shift key too much... In general, I can feel a lot of the programming jokes fly right over my head, which is too bad, but that probably just means that I wasn't ever the intended target audience anyway. And that's okay. Honorable mention: the last panel of this strip http://neguri-senpai.blogspot.com/2019/08/neguri-senpai-animal-friendly.html is adorable!
7) I think I enjoy seeing Aoi interact with Sana. They just have a really cute but funny comedic rivalry that is enjoyable to see unfold. Even when they aren't directly talking to one another their attitudes towards each other is pretty entertaining in itself, which is always a good sign. 8) I really enjoy the merch plug strip http://neguri-senpai.blogspot.com/2019/06/neguri-senpai-what-big-number.html if only because Aoi's face and reaction to that is hilarious and seeing Neguri Senpai enthusiastic about something just...it's laughs all around. Which while there are certainly comic's that do fourth wall breaks like this for self promo, I find this comic to be a bit unique just cause of its execution of the comedy. It doesn't really toe the line with what it is (which is something I see a lot), so I appreciate the energy of upfront in the face nature about it.
9) I really like all the little programming inserts in the comic. Like a lot fo the jokes surrounding them are so specific that I think for a lot of people they fly under the radar. But I like the accuracy for them. It's like that sort of niche inclusion that doesn't hurt the other comedy but really adds a nice chuckle factor for when you do recognize the joke being made. 10) And speaking of the above, my favorite one was definitely this one: http://neguri-senpai.blogspot.com/2019/03/neguri-senpai-judgement.html I have been on both sides of that situation before, and like the accuracy is on point. You're always going to judge people for their code editor of choice regardless of language involved. But I like that even if you don't specifically understand that part about it, it's still relateable in that one of them is being singled out for a potentially bad choice in a comedic manner. So just all around, A+ for that strip.
Oh man, this comic is a lot of fun. I think this was the joke I laughed the hardest just due to the nonchalant pacing of it - http://neguri-senpai.blogspot.com/2019/01/neguri-senpai-what-did-you-just-say.html My favorite character is probably Neguri. He's seen as this god by all the girls, yet he's awkward and almost a literal blank slate character. That sort of subtle humor is just really funny to me, so he's my pick.
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. Of Aoi’s rivals for Neguri Senpai, which one do you find the most interesting, especially in regards to their dynamic with Aoi? What other sorts of rivals are you hoping to see?
I think the comic's biggest strength is, for lack of a better word, how bizarre it is. Like the comic does have recurring themes of course (programming jokes, pop culture references, parodies of the school romance genre), but in terms of each individual strip I have no way of predicting what'll happen next.
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. In general, what other sorts of comedic gags are you hoping to see in the comic? Alternatively, where are you hoping the loose story found within the comic goes?
11) I have to agree with @snuffysam here on strengths. I think the comic is just extremely unique. Like individually you can find aspects in other comics, but all together it makes for a one-of-a-kind experience you cant really predict. And unpredictability is good for this sort of comic since its keeps things interesting. 12) It's definitely gotta be Sana imo. I think even if Neguri wasn't in the picture, they'd be destined rivals who would compete over everything. Yet they're both equally kind of exaggerated in personality in ways I would not peg for the typical sort of girl rivalry you see for school comics like this. In terms of other rivals, I hope Aoi has to deal with like a secret admirer one so that she can't exactly confront that rival. Maybe go the mystery detective route trying to figure out who it is.
13) I'm looking forward to more A+ programming jokes. They have some catching up to do if they want to compete with all the Jojo references. But also as I've complimented them, I just overall enjoy them a lot. 14) I'm actually hoping to see more gags with that one rival (whose name i forget) who is extremely blunt and vulgar about her intentions towards Neguri. Just the concept super entertains me, so I'm really hoping she gets to be in more gags that involve wordplays and stuff.
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Neguri-Senpai this week! Please also give a special thank you to Neguri Senpai for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Neguri-Senpai, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://neguri-senpai.blogspot.com/
Neguri Senpai’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/negurisenpai
Neguri Senpai’s Merch Shop: https://streamlabs.com/negurisenpai/merch
Neguri Senpai’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/NeguriSenpai
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bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA self insert AU
Nani the heck is this? Read here!
Chapter 27: Honey, You Got a Big Storm Comin’!
It’s days before summer vacation but the intel students aren’t stressin’ as much as the hero class. I get summoned to help out.
-Wednesday night in the hero dorms-
“...and that’s how it should be written out” I said as I finished writing on the portable white board “remember! Use symbols for the graph so it’s easier to explain in the written part.”
“That’s so much easier!” cried out Sato “my brain feels like funnel cake trying to figure out the two.”
All of the hero class was huddled in the commons room to take note on all the tips and simplified explanations. “Any other questions?” I check the time “it’s literally past your bedtimes.”
“I believe that was everything on the review sheet” Tokoyami uttered as he scanned through his marked up work sheet.
“Alrighty then” I pack up my note books and markers “don’t hesitate to ask me anything about the material before your exam” the class gives a collective thumbs up “see y’all tomorrow at school.” I say before teleporting out.
“Man I wish she still lived with us” sighed Kirishima “then we could just knock on her door for help instead of accommodating her like this.”
“But it’s nearly summertime!” yawned Uraraka “we’re going to see a whole lot of her, I can feel it.”
-Friday, after school in the halls-
“Oof I don’t even know if I did well enough” Mina cried out as everyone walked down the hall “I wonder how Palma-san does it.”
“Seriously!” tiredly sighed Hagakure “she doesn’t even break a sweat over the material but her explanations did help.”
“Speaking of which” Asui spoke up “I wonder how she did on her exams, kero.”
“All she had to study for was her vehicle exam” Kaminari butted in “lucky for her, she gets all the fun.”
They get to the front of the school “Hey, isn’t that her?” Aoyama points to her as she fiddles with her bag speaker.
“Oh it is!” Kirishima waved to get her attention “HEY PALMA-SAN! YO!”
“Hmm? Oh hi yall!” she hollered back “how was the exam?”
“Tough! How do you do it?” Midoriya eagerly asked.
“Heh, yall clearly never fought for fun, played strategy games nor got into a sport” she slung on her backpack “back in America, all I did was strategy to win my daily fist fights from my siblings and played video games on hard mode” she let out a giggle “all just to make life less boring.”
“What are your plans for summer break Palma-san?” asked Sero, trying to change the subject.
“I guess just to stay cool and do some more training” she sighed “I have another practice exam and I need to hone my ability and get mentally and physically stronger.”
“When’s the exam?” asked Sato in awe.
“In December BUT that doesn’t mean I can slack my training” she puts up her fists “I gotta go sicko mode until I complete my exam.” She checks the time “oof gotta zoot! It’s my turn to cook dinner and I need a few things” she starts to roller skate away “bye yall!”
-Saturday late morning, hero dorms-
“Is there anything else I can assist you with Shinso” Iida chopped sternly at Shinso as he was led back to his new dorm.
“You covered everything” Shinso replied “I’ll just settle in for now.”
“Don’t hesitate to ask us for help, I’m 4 doors down if you need me.” Iida said as he walked to his dorm.
Shinso groaned as he closed the door of his dorm “what a drag that was! Palma-san was right, it is a pain in the ass to live with these kids.” He spoke to himself as he put his clothes away.
There was a knock on his door “Who is it?” 
“Special delivery~”
“From who?”
“Your next dorm neighbor!”
“I’m not opening the door!”
“That’s ok! I’ll just warp in!” in a blink of an eye, Palma teleports in her track shorts and graphic tee “Hi Shinso! Welcome to the neighborhood!”
“Oh it’s you!” Shinso chuckled “For a moment I thought I was getting pranked!”
“Trust me, nobody is going to prank you” she rolled her eyes “they’ll just knock on your door and pester you on dumb shit” she holds out a small cake box “here, I made you some treats as a welcome gift!”
“Thanks” he takes the box “hey do you know the forbidden rules of the dorms?”
“Of course I do” she stops herself from saying them, why does he want to know? “I’m guessing Iida mentioned something about them?”
“Something like that” he sets the box on the desk “I want to enjoy my time living here and I just want to know how far I can push the rules.”
“If you put it like that, sit down, it’s a lot to remember” she took a deep breath “lights out is at 8pm but that just means to turn-off the main lights in your rooms and not make noise. If you’re out here having sex in your dorm, I suggest putting the mattress on the floor for a non-incriminating session, side note from that, only UA students are allowed in the dorms and they have to leave before 10am the next day. You’re not allowed to go between dorm buildings unless accompanied by an intel student or it’s a training exercise. You can smoke BUT you have to do it on the roof and clean up after. Pets allowed but they must be under 80 pounds. And finally, anything that goes down in that far quarter of the shared field is fair game, the cameras don’t reach that far.”
“Interesting, I don’t think I’ll be sneaking in kitties since there’s already one here” smirked Shinso.
“OH! you met Catptain!” she gushed “isn’t he such a sweetie?!”
“Yea, Iida couldn’t shut up on how you convinced everyone to get one” he stopped and looked into her eyes “you two dating?”
“Do you like him?”
“As a friend, he’s made it clear that he sees me as a sibling.”
“Ouch” he gets close to her face “his loss, why would anybody leave you alone, pretty kitty” he rubbed her chin “you want to play, kitty?”
“Careful Shinso” she warned as she grabbed his hand to stop rubbing her chin “this kitty has claws and a naughty side” she mocked his tone “don’t play with me unless it’s for keeps.” she let out a giggle “but seriously, you can’t hang at the level I’m at” she turns to leave “maybe some other time.”
As he watched her walk out to the hallway, so did the other boys. “Shinso-kun no fair!” wailed Mineta “you’ve been visited by-” Kaminari put his hand on Mineta’s mouth.
“Shhh! you want Iida to hear?” Kaminari shushed “don’t forget what we’re trying to do!”
Aoyama turns to Shinso to clarify “we can’t utter her name within earshot of Iida-kun” his face gets gloomy “he dashes out every time, trying to find his princess” he strikes a dramatic pose “oh the forbidden love they carry in their hearts!~”
Tokoyami sighs “You forgot the important part Yuga” he turns to Shinso “all of us are trying to get him to confess to her” he stressfully rubs his furrowed brow “but every time he doubts himself even though he has very strong feelings toward her.”
“That’s not what Pal- I MEAN she told me” Shinso corrected himself “she told me that he sees her as a sibling.”
“A SIBLING?!” they all yelled.
“Yeah, but it was nice of her to bring me a welcome gift” Shinso bluntly said as he pointed to the box on the desk.
“Open the box Shinso-kun” Mineta demanded “if I’m correct, she might be eyeing you as her next object of affection.”
Shinso opens the box and his eyes widen “it’s cat paw cookies” he ate one and he lost his cool “damn, these are delicious! like, I can taste the love and effort she put into these.”
“So she is eyeing you” Sero narrows his eyes “Iida-kun really can’t talk to her.”
-Fast forward, Tuesday in the hero dorms-
“Hey Midoriya-kun” Shinso called out as he looked out to the shared field “what is she doing? It’s been a few days since I’ve noticed and I don’t know.”
“Hmm? Oh you’re talking about Palma-san and her squadron” Midoriya looked at what he’s looking at “they’re doing endurance and stamina training. Palma-san tells me that she never learned where she lands on the stamina scale.”
“Why is that a thing for her?” Shinso asked more confused than before.
“Well I did some research after what I learned about her quirks” he pulls out his notebook to the section on her “she has two quirks that drains body and mind, so her body is built to withstand extremes. So she has stamina that can last her through anything, lest she over-exerts herself with a copied quirk.” he closes his notebook and sighs “none of us could tire her out in battle, Shoto almost did but she lasted just enough before passing out.” he starts to mutter “it’s also worth noting that she can stay up 5 days with no sleep and can recover super fast. There’s basically nothing that can keep her down.”
Shinso processes this new info as he watches her bare-knuckle fight the skinny one “what else do you know about her?”
“She has a drivers license, doesn’t use her quirks in fights unless it’s necessary” he tries to think of more “well... she’s full of talents and surprises! Her program calls her Wild Card for her surprise elements.”
“With that type of power, why isn’t she a hero?”
“Beats me!” Midoriya sighs “Iida-kun, the teachers, and her squadron knows. Ask her if you’re that curious about it, that’s how I was able to write her section.”
Shinso spends the next few days just observing her training and other behaviors, not really paying attention to his new living situation.
“Oi Shinso!” Sero snaps Shinso out of his staring “do you play League of Legends by any chance?”
“No, why would I play something so geeky?” he responded with scorn.
“Aw, we wanted to build a bigger team to take down the intel team” Sero explained “it’s game night and Palma-sama and her team are coming over to play some LoL with us.” he points to Mineta, Kaminari, Sato and Tokoyami setting up the console and TV.
“Palma-san plays fantasy games with you?” Shinso arched his brow in confusion.
“Yep! We play all the time” Sato replied as he connected his controller “but she always beats us, she’s that good.”
At that moment, the intel team portaled in “We’re here!” Palma exclaimed “yall ready to get ya ass whooped!?”
“I brought fried rice!” Jin cried out as he lifts his dish in the air.
Shinso was awestruck on how not only she was winning round after round but also that she has so much personality. The question still burned in the back of his mind ‘why are you like this?’
-Fast Forward: Thursday, 4 days until school starts, at the pool deck-
“Aw heck the hero class is here too” Mimi whined as they walked up to the gate.
“Midnight did tell us that we’d have to share” Ita spoke up “ni modo! we need to do our endurance training.”
“I’m just nervous because we don’t have school issued swim suits” Jin looks at his swim trunks “I look like a weeb with these Naruto trunks.”
“Hi yall! Don’t mind us!” Ita yelled to as a distraction tactic to make Jin feel better.
“Ita! What brings you to the pool?” Iida pants as he pokes his head out from the water.
“The squad and I have some endurance training” she made a fist “plus I copied a water quirk, so that’ll be fun to train with!”
The 3 did some warm-ups before diving in. Everyone stopped to watch them unzip out of their track clothes to unveil their swimsuits. Ita was wearing a purple one piece, Mimi a green one piece and Jin in his Naruto swim trunks. They watched as Mimi and Jin jumped in first and Ita walking on the water.
“WOW! How are you doing that?!” cried out a bunch of the hero students.
“Oh, I just push the flow of the water up on the soles of my feet” she responded. After a few rounds of vigorous endurance exercises, the others notice that we didn’t do any swimming.
“Hold the phone!” Mineta hollered to stop our session “how come you don’t swim swim? Isn’t the whole point of using the pool deck is to swim!”
We looked at each other and laughed “Silly ball brain!” chortled Mimi “we’re the fastest swimmers in our program!”
“Yeah! There’s no point in doing laps if there’s no resistance in the water” wheezed Jin “we all learned to swim in the ocean as children.”
“Hell I bet we can swim with somebody on our backs and still be faster than any of you!” I cackled as the other two nodded their heads, agreeing with me.
“Oh yea!? We challenge you to a no-quirks lap relay!” Bakugo growled “it’s about time we take you down a few notches.”
“Oh it’s ON Blasty!” I growled back “my squad ain’t scared of y’all!”
“What’s the rules chief?” Jin asked as he swam to the marked lanes.
“No-quirks, 5 laps freestyle” Kirishima spoke up “first squad to finish is the victor.”
We get in our lanes and go up against Bakugo, Midoriya and Kirishima. And as expected, the hero squad lagged behind by 40 seconds.
“Oh wow!” I sarcastically stressed my words “looks like our place was in 1st.”
“I’ll get you next time!” Bakugo exploded “you can’t be good at everything!”
Shinso was overlooking everything in the shade, with his towel draped over his shoulders. He doesn’t fully understand why she’s the way she is, nothing is making sense and yet nobody is questioning either! Shinso decided that is was time to ask a certain someone about her.
-Later the same day, in the hero dorms-
Shinso knocks on Iida’s door.
“Come in!” Iida looks up from his book “Oh Shinso-kun, what brings you to my-”
Shinso cuts him off “Tell me everything you know about Palma-san.”
Iida glupped hard and shakily fixes his glasses “Well, she’s a pretty open person!” he struggles to keep his cool “you can ask her anything!”
“I’ve heard that you know the real reason why she’s in the intelligence program” Shinso takes a slow step forward “in fact, they all said that you confronted her and she lost her temper because of it” he takes another step “she won’t tell anybody else, so tell me lover boy, what is she hiding?!”
“I won’t!” Iida stands up to stop him from coming anything closer “I made a promise that I wouldn’t tell anybody her reasons” he takes off his glasses “she’s been through hell since coming here, she just wants good company and freedom to do what she wants.”
“Okay, so tell me this” Shinso had a sly smirk on his face “if you know so much about her, then why aren’t you her boyfriend?” he takes another step “I’ve seen you two interact and you’re all over her like a puppy!”
Iida was taken back “it’s inappropriate to be dating a classmate that has helped us the way she has!” blush creeped up on his face, incriminating himself “she’s my good friend that I care and admire!”
“It’s not like you to blush” he takes another step, just at arms reach of Iida “you’re hopelessly in love with her, admit it!”
“She’s just my-”
“Oh just a friend? Then you won’t mind if I walk over to her” Shinso points to the window, where you can see all of the intel students having a picnic on their side of the field “and ask her to go out with me.”
“DON’T!” Iida blurted before he could restrain himself “I mean- don’t because, um, you’re not her type.”
“Not her type?” Shinso was getting satisfied from breaking Iida down “so you think you’re her type?”
Iida sighed in defeat and sat back down in his desk chair “Okay, so I do like her and we spend a lot of time together” he puts his glasses back on “she’s just so...tiny and sweet and soft” he looks out the window “she smells like marshmallows and flowers, loves the beach, everything she makes is delicious, cries watching Pokemon movies, sleeps with 5 pillows” he sighs longingly “and her singing is angelic, like you’re in the presence of a goddess. Oh the things I’d do to keep her from harm, if she was my girlfriend, I’d be the happiest boy on earth.” 
“So what’s the problem?” Shinso raises an eyebrow.
Iida looks away from the window “I fear her rejection and ruining our friendship with my desire to be more” he made eye contact with Shinso “on top of all that, she’s still mourning the life she left behind in America. Confessing would be like insulting her in a way.”
“In mourning? What did she-”
“Look, all I have to say” Iida interrupted “she calls the shots and don’t pry information from her. I’m lucky enough to still be friends with her after all I’d done.”
“Hmm, I’ll keep that in mind” Shinso turns to leave “when I’m kissing her.”
-First day of 2nd term-
“Man, this extra desk is really bothering me” Kaminari commented as they waited for the last class of the day to start “like why is it all the way in the middle of the row?”
“That’s Palma-san’s seat” Jiro spoke up “that’s where she lies on the class ranking if she was in the hero program.”
“I heard that Midnight arranged it like that because she favors her” Momo whispered to Mina “how lucky that Palma-san is!”
In an instant, she teleports in “Hi yall!”
“Yay you’re here!” the girls cheered.
“Oh, is that my seat?!” I look at the surrounding desks “looks like we’re still desk buddies Kirishima.”
“EVERYONE TO YOUR SEATS! CLASS IS ABOUT TO-” Iida announced as he rushed in the class but stopped when he saw Ita sit down. “What a surprise! Our dear classmate has arrived!”
“Tenya sit down!” I scolded “you’re embarrassing me~”
“He has reason to be praising” Aizawa walked in with a stack of papers “you helped raise the class average” he set the papers down “but let see if you can all upkeep that in this half.”
“Your tutoring really helped!” Mina jumped “I got my first 90 percent since starting here.”
Class started and I saw that I was seated between Shinso and Iida. So I got a nice view of the back of Shinso’s head and his backpack and Iida was lucky enough to see the top of my head with all my curls resting on my shoulders. Sensei explained the course and all the off-campus training.
“...and we’re going to have dress out training twice a week” the class groaned when he said that “I don’t want to hear how awful it is! This section is important to hero work.”
I raised my hand.
“Oh? Yes Palma-san?” surprised by my hand, Aizawa called upon me.
“Do I dress out with support items too? Or will I have restrictions again?”
“The same restrictions apply but you do have to dress out like you are going on a mission outside of school” Aizawa explained “so your unmarked jumpsuit and belt will be kept here when you dress out for convenience.”
“Okay, thank you sensei.”
“Moving on, today, we’re going to have some confrontation practice with Cementoss.”
I raise my hand again.
“That includes you too Palma-san” he groaned “as much as it’s not part of your line of work, you unfortunately have to do everything they do this term.”
“Well that’s wack” I dropped my hand and pouted “whatever! I’ll play along.”
We get in our gym clothes and meet with Cementoss in the field. The instructions were clear enough, announce your confrontation to the ‘villain’ and you get graded off that. Things got fucky when it got to my turn.
“Okay Miss Palma, I know its not in your line of work but” Cementoss gestured to his makeshift villain dummy “what do you say when you see the villain?”
I took a dramatic pose and said “Eat my ass, pew!” finger gun and everything. The mix of gasps and laugher boosted my cockiness a bit, even Aizawa was laughing. 
“MISS PALMA! We don’t use that language when confronting villains!” Cementoss scolded me.
“Why not? It stuns the villain and the villain can go and eat my ass!” I pouted “I wanted to sit this one out! Should’ve listened to me.”
“It’s true!” Aizawa was coming down from his laughing fit “don’t forget that she’s an agent, technically she’s not supposed to say anything when she comes across a villain.”
“Okay, so what do you do when you see the villain?” Cementoss asks me directly.
I take off my shoes “pretend these are guns” and I make gun noises and pretend to be contacting the sniper team on my earpiece. I took it too far by adding my own dramatics “OH NO! He’s got a gun! I gotta take the hostages to safety!” I gather everyone with my telekinesis and pretended to do the timer gun trick “vaya con Dios PUTO!” I sling the shoe and it hit the dummy on the neck. I mimic the noises and run around a bit “villain has been decommissioned, hostages are secured, my job is done here, requesting retrieving squad.”
“Um yea” I said as I set them down “that’s why we get guns but since I’m a raid and combat agent, I get other cool things like tranquilizers and tasers.”
“To be fair” Aizawa turned to Cementoss “she did her part as an agent, full points for her.”
We did the rest of the exercise and headed in a little early. I was the last one back to the class because I got a vocal warning from Cementoss about my language.
“Hey Palma-san!” Shinso stood in front of my desk as I got my bag.
“Oh hi Shinso” I waved as I slung my bag on my back.
“Are you walking today?” he asked a bit awkwardly “I was hoping maybe we could walk to the dorms together.”
“Sure, but I walk slow”
“Fine by me” he chuckled “more time to talk!” When we started walking, he soon saw what I meant by I walk slow. “You weren’t kidding!” he stood and waited for the 5th time in the last 100 yards “is that why he holds your hand?”
“Who? OH you mean Tenya!” I panted a bit as I trotted up to him “yea, but he can out walk anybody.”
“Hmm, you call him by his first name a lot”
“Yea we do that” we started walking again “I understand that calling somebody by their first name is a bit disrespectful but he asked for permission to call me by my preferred name.”
“Which is?”
“Ita, it’s short for Itati” I put some pep to my step “my parents call me by that name because I grew up very short and sweet, just like the name.”
“Mind if I call you that?”
“Sure, can I call you Hitoshi?”
“Coolio!” I didn’t talk for a short pause “fair warning, I’m gonna shorten and baby-ify your name as endearment.”
“I welcome it” he laughed and looked at her “I see that you get special treatment from the others, must be nice.”
“Eh, it’s not” I stretch out my arms to crack them “I get scolded way more just for following my program’s rules in that class” flashbacks of getting scolded by Tenya replay in my head “it’s mostly Tenya that does the scolding” I mock his chops and voice “Ita! It’s against code to be flashing your chest as distraction! Ita! You can’t keep sneaking out like that on a school night!”
“Heh good one but I can do you one better” he clears his throat and squares his shoulders “Shinso-kun! We eat meals together as a class! Shinso-kun! Don’t do laundry at 3am, it disrupts our sleep! Curfew is 8pm!”
I start howling in laughter “Oh jeez that was spot on!” tears well up in my eyes because of how hard I was laughing “my tummy hurts HOO!” 
Shinso looks at her laughing her head off and starts to see what Tenya means. She’s genuine and like an open book, her laugh is tugging at his heartstrings. ‘Maybe Iida is just a coward’ Shinso thinks to himself ‘or maybe she doesn’t like him after all, hmmm, she’ll be mine in no time.’
“We should spend an evening together sometime” he spoke up.
“That sounds nice” I said, picking up on his hint “I’d love that.”
He picks up on her interest “Cool, I thought you might” he chuckles a bit “to be honest, living in the dorms kinda sucks and I need to spend time with someone that doesn’t ask me dumb questions about my habits and quirk.”
“Oof that sounds familiar” I rolled my eyes but looked up at him “but just send me a text and I’d be down with whatever, I know all the cool spots.”
We walk up to the dorms and part ways to our rooms. I get excited that somebody is finally being more forward with their interest in me. For the first time in a long time, it feels like the right person came along. He doesn’t want to change me nor smothers me....you could say that I’m falling for him but we’ll see how that plays out.
-End Chapter 27-
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sundial-girl · 5 years
My beautiful bee!! How doth you fare on this fine day? For the sun burneth bright, but not so bright as your kindness. -⚔♘
nanI WHOMST???
another anon comes to the arena???
ahkshgkjdshgkj heck though yOU’RE MAKin me flusTERED HECK,  ⚔♘ WHOMST ARE YOU, where is this squaD OF NICE ANONS COMING FROM???
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abluestitchintime · 6 years
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Angel and Stitch Holiday Plush - Medium 2018 Editions
Gong for  $19.95 at the Disneystore online right now and will most likely get prices yanked up once they are out of season on ebay and amazon.
Personally, Not liking that placement, its like I cant tell if they are meant to be four legged or upright. Ugh. The detail and markings look good don’t get me wrong but the body design of this plush ruins it for me.  Big pass on these this year but L&S has gotten alot of Holiday merch and its only October!
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Lilo gets to be on ONE item wow and its a book too, you know I love those extra stories 
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“Our Holiday Mischief with Stitch book tells of the sometimes naughty, sometimes nice alien celebrating his first holiday on Earth, complete with a festive plush. Teach him about your own traditions and create lasting holiday memories together! “ 
At  $29.95 I most likely wont buy it but i’m pretty curious. Stitch’s first Christmas?? My mom saw the cover and was surprised Lilo has friends over haha so true why are those girls even there?
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 Disney Store has two pages up to look at, its beautifully done and isnt it sweet to see Nani and Lilo with Stitch again. Heck yeah!
Images/where to buy - DisneyStore us
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twitchesandstitches · 6 years
What muses do you have besides Sierra and the OCs? Just give me the entire list, i can take it. (Also can we ask said muses directly outside of ask memes such as this one?)
Hard to give an ENTIRE list since that amounts to ‘every single character i have even a passing interest in’, but to summarize with some of my main shows or interests, here are some ones i particularly like
note that this mainly describes characters that pop into my head from time to time and that I like a lot, so if you send them in, I’m most likely to go OH HECK YEAH, and be able to come up with stuff ASAP
BNHA: Tsuyu and Mina Ashido.
Total Drama: Sierra (number one muse, has a keyblade-ish magical relic called the Matriatrix that gives her devour/motherhood themed powers that let her mutate herself/others through consumption) Leshawna, Lindsay, and Izzy.
Disney: Moana, Nani, Pocahontas, 
Dragon ball: Android 18, Android 21 (with her having her majin form, but her ‘nice’ personality)
Homestuck: Terezi (major muse, with my omega ‘has all caste abilitiies/traits, including Rainbow drinker/seadweller), Feferi, Porrim, Damara, Aradia/Aradiabot, Roxy Lalonde, Jade Harley, Dolorosa
Hiveswap: Konyll, Bronya, Chahut
animated movies in general: Ginormica (monsters vs aliens), Elastigirl (Helen Parr, the Incredibles),
Transformers: Elita-1, Strongarm (RID version), fembot versions of the Dinobots (mainly Sludge, Snarl, and Swoop; I’m okay with fem Grimlock tho!)
Steven Universe: Rose Quartz (major muse), Garnet, Jasper, Sugilite, Obsidian 1 (the Rose Quartz version), Steven himself (as a grown up, ultra lover-type), Connie Maheswaran (as a grown-up, ultra-stacked amazon space queen)
Mass Effect: Jane Shepard (Paragon only), Samara, EDI
Marvel/DC: Rita Farr (Doom patrol, im fine with her and incredibles’ elastigirl being treated as the same person with name changes), Power Girl, Wonder Woman, Mantis (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Monster Musume: Tionishia, Cathyl
other anime: Cattleya (Queen’s Blade)
Undertale: Toriel, Undyne
Overwatch: Pharah, Symmetra, Orisa, Mei Ling Zhou,
in general, if i write a fair bit with a character, they count as a muse.
finally, you can ask stuff to any of my muses, any time, ask meme or not! I’d really appreciate that, actually.
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cursedstrayct · 6 years
Yuta oneshot: Availability
Author’s note.
Heyyyy, it’s me, admin nani and well this is the first time I post anything so forgive me if it’s too trashy but anyways, this is fluffy as heck just as all the things that you’ll see in this blog  but anyways hope you enjoy my shenanigans!
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1358
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Ever since you moved to korea to work in SM entertainment you’ve been pretty happy with your life, so far your house hasn’t been that crappy, you have good friends and a stable job as a designer and part time stylist. Working there was pretty hectic because of the fact that you had to come up with concepts that were suitable for the idols you were assigned at the moment, but at the same time you had to please the fanbase, everything had to be carefully planned out until the tiniest detail. At the end of the day, everything still was a business and you had to get the most out of each comeback, to be honest, the lack of innovation tired you sometimes.
For the last year, you’ve been given the same group a bunch of times: NCT. These guys were such a challenge for you, but at the same time they were like human playgrounds. The company let you play with their styles and concepts most of the time and the boys weren’t too excited in being always the same, which gave you a creativity outlet and made you relieve stress most of the times. The style of every unit was so versatile and it seemed like all the members could pull anything off. There were a couple of times you even put some girls clothes on them and it looked a thousand times better than in other female models that you’ve tried on. It surprised you.
Naturally, hanging around them a lot made you be close to some of them, going to buy clothes for them, the time you spent doing their makeup before the concerts, those activities gave you some spare time to share some words and get to know each other a bit more every day of work.
The member that you ended up getting the closest was Yuta, funnily enough he was one of the more silent ones but everytime he opened his mouth was either a really nice comment or a really witty one but it always had nice timing. Some of your workmates, even the other members teased you a bit with him every time your eyes stayed for a bit too long on his figure. All and all, one of the first rules of working with idols was “Don’t be delusional, none of them will ever like you” So as much comments you received, they never phased you for real, all the times they told you he was eyeing you, you just said to yourself that it was something normal to do and all the compliments he gave only to you were just him being a nice person.
But as time passed, working side by side, taking some coffee at the mall and starting to know more about each other every time you hanged out at the dorms or another house of someone from the staff, you realised you might have grown a little crush on Yuta and that was problematic because if the company found out, you’d have to kiss goodbye your job and at the moment that was a bit more relevant than a crush.
You figured that the most effective way to get rid of this was to maybe date someone else, someone normal that wouldn’t make it to the news if he started dating.
That’s when you met Junyoung, he was a backup dancer that you had to groom a couple of times and shared a bunch of conversations backstage. One day he asked you for coffee and of course you said yes because of all this situation with Yuta, besides he was kinda cute.
He picked you up at the entrance of the SM building after he got out of rehearsals and you finished setting the outfits for the Music Bank performance that the boys had the next day. You talked about this and that, how long have you been living in korea, why did you wanted to move, etc.
“I still don’t understand why you left your life in your country, you had good plans right? I’m still aiming for California, at least to be there for a couple of years” He asked
“Honestly, I wasn’t going to stay here but I got a good scholarship and well, I liked the place and decided to stay.” You always thought that life without plans was more fun, it gave you a chance to imagine what was next.
The next day, you had to set up the boys for their show and while you were making up Yuta he asked you something that got you a bit startled, given the fact that you obviously hadn’t gotten over him.
“I saw you going out with someone yesterday, was it a date?” He sounded calm but his face was blank, maybe because you were touching it so much.
“Uh yeah but it was just the first, it’s nothing serious” You chuckled a bit to make everything less tense. It was kinda awkward to be honest.
“By the way, don’t you guys want to come to my house after the recording, we can order pizza or something. It’s been a while since you haven’t been there” You said trying to lighten up the atmosphere and apparently it worked, he answered with a quick smile, a wink and a “See you there” You just chuckled.
The show ended and now you were just watching a movie at your place with some drinks, you don’t know what it was but you felt brave enough to start cuddling with Yuta and he just rolled with it. After a while the both of you were the only people that were awake in your house, the other were just that tired apparently with all the schedules.
The two of you got bored with the silence and you started rambling about how stupid the romcom you were watching was and how love was dumb.
“C’mon y/n, love isn’t that bad, you can like hang out and feel butterflies and all of that” Yuta said, you both were giggling at this point and honestly you didn’t care if the others woke up, you two were having a good time.
“Yeah but you can’t always choose it and then it’s one sided and it sucks cause you’re left alone” You were looking at nothing while holding Yuta’s neck. “Has that ever happened to you? that it’s just one sided?” He asked, tilting his head. He looked genuinely curious right now. “More recently than you think, how do you even know that you like them? It’s not fair” You pouted, you were too much of a coward to say anything to anyone so even if they were throwing the most obvious hints that the feeling was mutual, you still wouldn’t say anything. “You just ask” He said looking at you this time. “That’s easy for you because you’re hot” You turned to face him. You got a bit flustered, you two were so close, he was holding you  on your couch under a giant blanket, even though it looked so simple you’ve never felt so safe. You realised Yuta was getting closer to you with his eyes closed, after your noses were touching he opened them again to see if you were backing out, even though he looked a bit hesitant, almost nervous, he noticed that you weren’t and that’s when you two closed the distance between the two at the same time.
His lips were soft and gentle, just like he was treating you before. You caressed his hair and while he did the same with your thighs. It felt like the two of you were waiting for this moment since god knows when.
All of this would’ve been perfect if it wasn’t for one thing.
“Taeyong you owe me 5000 won” A voice whispered, probably Jaehyun.
“Shut up you idiot, they’ll hear you” Taeyong answered in another not so subtle whisper.
You and Yuta looked where the noise was coming from and then you looked at each other again, laughing softly. He just shrugged and pecked you again on the lips.
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ruka-eru · 6 years
Pick-up Lines
Notes: Just feeling demotivated as always, humm.... I guess here goes for nothing just wanna see if it’s suitable for the couple :’)
SayaMilky Version
Miyuki: “Sayanee~” *rushing to Sayaka*
Sayaka: “Humm?” *busy reading a script for manzai*
Miyuki: “Are you busy today?” *trying to attract her member tho she knew Sayanee is busy*
Sayaka: “Humm... can’t you see I’m busy in remembering the script right now...”
Miyuki: “I know you are busy.... but..... could you add me in your to-do list for today?” *grin + giving eyesmiles to Sayanee*
Sayaka: *smack Milky’s head* “Stop with your pick-up lines!”
wMatsui Version
Jurina: *taking a break after tiring in practicing dancing while watching Rena keeps practicing*
Rena: “Uhh, it’s getting hot in here I wonder why....?” *suddenly stop dancing, slowly walking and sitting beside Jurina*
Jurina: “Rena-chan~” *giving smile to Rena*
Rena: “Um? Nani?” *look at Jurina*
Jurina: “Your ass is so nice, and it’s a shame that you have to sit on it...” *glance to Rena’s butt*
Rena: *smack on Jurina’s head* “Stop you pervert kid! No wonder it’s getting hot in here!”
YuiParu Version
Haruka: *cough*cough “Uhukkk! Urgh... where is it?” *keep searching something inside her bag*
Yuihan: “What are you looking for, Paruru?” *curious with Paruru*
Haruka: “Uhukk! I need my medicine now! I’m having my asthma! Please help me!”
Yuihan: “What?! Really?! Quick! Open up your mouth, now!”
Haruka: “Huh? Why?”
Yuihan: “So that I could give you CPR!” *suddenly kiss Paruru*
SaeYuki Version
Yuki: “Sae~” *suddenly disturb Sae currently watching TV inside a living room*
Sae: “Yeah?” *keep watching TV without looking at Yukirin*
Yuki: “Umm, do you believe in Karma?” *sits really close to Sae and cling onto her arm*
Sae: “Huh? Karma? Not really why?” *frown her face to Yukirin due to curiosity*
Yuki: “Good then! Because I know some good karma-sutra positions~” *smirk to Sae*
Sae: *gulp*
Extra Note: I don’t care even if atsumina is dead forever, coz it’s alive in my mind and heart :’)
AtsuMina Version
Atsuko: “Minami~” *go closer to Takamina’s back*
Takamina: “Yes? What is it Atsuko?” *busy reading schedule at dining table*
Atsuko: “Do you have pet insurance?” *hug Takamina’s neck from behind*
Takamina: “Of course I do! Why?”
Atsuko: “Good! Because I wanna destroy that pussy tonight~” *burry her face on Takamina’s neck*
Takamina: *gulp* “What the heck?!”
PS: I’m sorry if someone had done this thing so the crdt goes to you if not... well.... not so sorry then :’)
crdt: yourpick-up lines
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Hetalia: The Beautiful World Episode #12: Merry Halloween! Transcript
This episode has Japan helping America with a Halloween scaring competition.
Mochi America: Hehe!
{Caption: Moscow}
Mochi Russia: Heah! Hehehehe! Nnnnnnnhe!
Mochi America: Naya…ha!
(Mochi Russia: Heah!)
Mochi America: Yaaaaahhhh!
(Mochi Russia: Hehehehe!)
Mochi America: Euh!
{Caption: Our battle has only begun!!}
Mochi Russia: Nehe!
Mochi America: Yah!
Mochi America, Mochi Russia: Heaheaheaheah…
Mochi America: We are friends, dude!
Mochi Russia: Drak?
(Drak?: Fights? → Russian)
Mochi America: Heck yeah!
Mochi Russia: Pros’ba.
(Pros’ba: Request/desire/wish → Russian)
Mochi America, Mochi Russia: Neyah!
{Caption: Our battle has only begun!!}
Japan: Hah…a nice hot soak is the best. So relaxing and always so quiet. Huh?
(Cat: Mew?)
America: Japan! You in there, dude? Guess what, I have some amazingly cool news! Let’s play, bra! Japan! Come on, let’s carve some pumpkins hardcore! Dude, we can roast the seeds and everything!
(Japan: Huh? Hmm…)
(Pochi: Mew?)
Japan: Why does he have to show up right now? Don’t take this the wrong way, America, but what are you doing here?
America: Duh, I came to invite you over to my place! Happy Halloween, homie!
{Text on towel: Uneme Hot Spring}
America: Boys and girls at home, don’t try destroying your friend’s window frames so you can break into their house unless you have to.
(Japan: Huff! Huff! Huff! Huff! Huff!)
Japan: Please just fix it, then leave.
Japan: Slurp! So now, once more, why did you come here?
America: Dude, I wanted to invite you to a badass Halloween bash at my place!
Japan: Oh…isn’t Halloween the festivity with fairy tale scene and pumpkins and a costume?
America: Yeah! But, no; I mean, kinda, but not exactly. You’ll know it when you see it. Now come on over, you douchebag!
(Japan: Eh! Hm…AAH!)
Japan: Oh…
America: Welcome to the Dungeon of Horrors, a.k.a American Halloween!
Japan: Thank you, I think, but what are these things about?
America: What?
Japan: They are not very cute at all.
America: Of course not! Oh yeah, I remember! You’re big on the cute stuff, huh? Halloween is based on scary stories about ghosts, demons, and creepy crap coming back from the dead around this time every year. So what we gotta do to protect ourselves from these evil spirits is to dress up just like ‘em! If we blend in, they won’t kill us! You mentioned pumpkins, which is totally true for me, but that’s my personal killer style. Britain’s weird and uses turnips.
Dream Britain: Bollocks! Cocked it up!
America: I don’t even know what a turnip is!
Japan: Now I get it. But why tell me about this festivity?
America: Because, dude, I need your help now more than ever!
(Japan: Ahah!)
Japan: Na---nani?
(Nani?: What? → Japanese)
America: Dude, you’re, like, the master of horror stuff! C’mon, who else is there?
Britain: Yes, I love this holiday. It always puts me in ruddy good spirits. Hahahahahaha! This year I’m going to scare the ever-loving almighty out of America. I kept calm, I carried on, and after three days, I found something truly horrifying! Once again, I shall win the Halloween Scare-Your-Bloomers-Off contest!
Fairy jester: I get it all right, but I am rather an old fairy. Do you really think I’m scary enough for the big finale?
Britain: You’re scary as hell, mate! Have faith in yourself!
Fairy jester: Mmmm…
Britain: Now let’s go prank that Yank!
(Fairy jester: Ummm…)
Fairy jester: Well, if you say so…
Japan: So you’re telling me you have a Halloween scaring competition with Britain every year?
{Caption: Kehehehe}
America: First thing in the morning, dude. As it stands, I’ve got a total of zero wins and 87 losses.
(Skeleton: Hehehehehehe!)
America: When I was a kid, Britain dressed up in this costume that totally freaked me out! We’ve been doing it ever since.
(Dream Chibi America: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!)
Japan: So you’re telling me he started it.
America: I’m thinking this time I use a little crazy Japanese horror goods.
{Caption #1: Britain}
{Caption #2: America}
America: We could have a girl who’s, like, soaking wet ambush him in the back room; he’ll get so scared he’ll have a heart attack!
Japan: Just one moment, please. I would assume he is expecting something to be hiding in the back room, so I doubt it would be a particularly effective scare tactic.
America: For real?
Japan: The call of horror is a fear of the unexpected, so let us try shifting things around. It will be better if we start with a strong impact and play on his already existing fears.
Britain: Oy, America! Trick-or-treat! HAAAAA---
{Text on card: Reception}
Russia: ---ppy Halloween!
Fairy jester: Same to you, old chum!
Britain: It’s a mask, it has to be, it can’t really be him!
Russia: That tickles, you’re going to make me giggle!
(Britain: Hmmmmmhmmmm!)
America: Hell yeah! The hero gets one in the win column!
Cat: Meow!
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