strawbubbysugar · 10 months
Coming off anon for this one cuz oh boy it’s theory time and I’m feeling very silly
(I just woke up at the time of writing so sorry for any typos, rambling, or confusion lol)
Alright! So, I’ve been thinking a lot about the existence of Eclipse and the theories popping up about them lately mainly: that Clipsey is a recycle of Moon’s broken body. Which I’ll touch up on first.
The issue that was presented with Moon by this definitely-not-at-all-suspicious engineer was that his processing unit was smashed and ‘unsalvageable’ (which we know to not be true), and aside from the obvious injuries cause by Trap, no major problems with Moon’s case are brought up. His *internals* were destroyed, aside from his battery which was reused.
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Continuing forward, the SOMA comparisons. Reading through a plot synopsis of the game, I can’t help but link the destruction of Moon-man’s processing unit and Simon’s brain injury together a bit. Considering that that is the partial cause for Sun and Moon combining and the reason for Simon getting his brain scan copy. Both undergoing heavy ‘brain’ damaging and being brought to very odd circumstances because of it.
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With the assumption that this is *actually* Moon’s body, “Uploaded into a modified corpse” is a *very* apt description for what Eclipse is. They’re a copy of someone (two people technically) inhabiting the dead body of the original, almost like Pry/ncess in a weird way.
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That’s where the comparisons for the game and Bethroned end to my knowledge however, so time to move onto the more ‘looking too far into things’ section of my theory,
The design and color scheme!
Starting off, I noticed that the coloring of the Sun side on their face was reused from *post incident* which makes sense, that’s how Sun would’ve been seen last before running away with Pry/ncess, the eyes obviously match up as well.
Though the tops of the rays have noticeably sharper points to them if that’s anything at all, it’s impossible to draw the something the same way every single time after all so that can be easily written off.
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The same can be said for Moon as well, the coloring of his face matches up with theirs, however his other features are… very much not intact. Very close but not quite.
The coloring and patterning of the hat is entirely different, the cape maintains the same coloring but the stars on Eclipse’s are much smaller and more faded than Moon’s as well.
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What’s throwing me off though is the eyes, for both post incident and for Eclipse the right eye gained a black sclera, Moon’s pupil turned white, but Eclipse’s stayed red.
If Eclipses body was Moon’s then this could’ve happened naturally, the eye could’ve simply underwent the same damage/change as it did with Moon’s form in Sun’s body. Though do to this being his actual form the pupil could’ve kept its regular eye color.
Their lack of a mouth could also mean that they can’t speak, another drastic contrast in characterization to our boys. From the artwork we’ve been shone of them they see, cunning, clever, but very, VERY distressed. (Be a bit weird to consciously design eye-bags on your new king after all, right? That’s their own fault.)
And for my last point, their crown and the Opal.
This is the most obvious ‘combination’ in their design, it gets the rounded bottom of Sun’s and the gem formation and top shape of Moon’s. When overlayed on top of each other you also get similar colors to Eclipse’s crown, though more cleaned up and appealing on the eyes.
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The gem in this crown has been confirmed to be an opal (if my memory serves me right I can’t find the post anywhere to confirm, tumblr search engine is bleh)
There were a few pieces of folklore and symbolism relating to the opal that I found particularly interesting with what little we know about Eclipse.
Mainly, it representing loyalty and goodluck as well as royalty. A lot of other interpretations I found pointed to it granting foresight and being responsible for prophecy, something you’d certainly want your king to have after the huge string of ‘bad luck’ that befell both of them.
Loyalty to prevent another incident like Sun choosing Pry/ncess over his kingdom and trusting them first, foresight and prophecy so that they can avoid incident like King Freddy dying and, well, Sun and Moon’s incident. and royalty is obvious.
Though the loyalty interpretation and foresight/intelligence can vary widely in intention depending on if Chica or PeePaw (maybe both, stares at Trap) is responsible for their existence. Cant speak that much on it before they’ve even appeared in the story.
Alright so what am I getting at with all this? Well, put simply, Eclipse’s design and name are very very intentional and combining the Princes was clearly in mind when they were (re)built by whoever their creator is. I believe that they attempted to program, be it from scratch with parts of Moon’s processor or with some kind of backup of Sun *somehow*, Sun into Moon’s body and combine their ai together in order to make a new heir.
Again, can’t find the message, but Eclipse’s existence was described as ‘decidedly uncomfortable’ which is very understandable if this were true, having you and your brother’s brain and memories COMPLETELY sewn together, not even with semi separate minds or personalities like with the actual Sun and Moon, would be very, VERY lacking in the ‘good for your mental health’ department, especially if you knew you aren’t the original ‘you’, just a clone, a do-over, a combination of two other failures that you need to clean the mess from up.
Put simply, I believe Eclipse is a combination of Sun and Moon, but not THE combination of Sun and Moon. If that makes any sense. They’re a replication of both placed inside Moon’s old body and used to fill the empty spot on the throne and potentially-maybe-hopefully-not help Afton.
Hands down my favourite ask ever. Like oh my god you did it. You got everything. You caught all the little secrets I put in and I’m flabbergasted. WOW. I AM. SO HAPPY HSFSG
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magicalbats · 7 months
Hi Bats! I’m fairly new to reading your fics, but I just wanted to let you know that ur kinktober zhongli fic has been rotting my brain since i read it.
I’m wondering if you plan on making any additional content for that au, i remember reading that you would at some point so i believe that answers that, but i would absolutely love it if you could give us some little snippets of how those two would act towards each other after the fact? i feel like the bunny adeptus would be fairly skittish, but im sure Zhongli wouldn’t let her skamper off too far from his side!
Hiiiii, I’m so happy to have you here Explodo! I hope you enjoy your stay! lol
Okay, so. Yes. I do have tentative plans to revisit Zhongli and the bunny reader. I think there was a lot of potential in the dynamic which I’d love to further explore! I’m for sure seeing his hoarding instincts come out and he gets way more overbearing about everything, especially in the way he communicates with her. Close proximity, never too far out of sight, personally taking her education into his own hands, if you catch my drift. 🌚 I actually outlined a fic before I came back to tumblr with an undecided adeptus coming to Liyue Harbor and basically finding herself ingratiated to him so I was thinking about tweaking that a bit to kind of make the jump from the Morax we saw in the Kinktober fic to present day, post retirement Zhongli. I was also considering doing something with Xiao, since he was in a sense the catalyst for that exchange and I do so love a good threesome. xkekdkdjdnd
I haven’t quite decided on a game plan going forward yet but let me take this chance to speak more broadly to everyone. It’s definitely been a while since I last posted but I’m finally getting to a good point where I can start writing again! The seasonal fog is starting to peel away now that it’s getting warmer and things have gone back to normal at work too, so I’ve been chipping away at some of my fics for the last week or so. Yes, I still plan to finish my Kinktober prompts. Yes, I’m going to put together a commissions page once I’m settled back in. And YES I’m going to try and get caught up on the birthday fics too. 😭
On one hand I’m frustrated with myself for losing my momentum with everything going on at the end of the year. I promise I understand how frustrating it can be to wait for updates! But on the other I do have obligations offline and I hope my friends and followers can understand that. I’m definitely looking forward to jumping back in though, and I can’t wait to start posting again!
And just to circle back to the topic at hand … 👀 Although I don’t have anything super concrete to give you (particularly since this was originally drafted without the backstory of that Kinktober piece) I can definitely share a snippet of what I wrote! Please don’t mind how messy it is right now btw, this hasn’t gone through any editing. lol
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firstdivisiongirl · 1 year
helloo !! id like to ask for a matchup if that’s alright? (youre on break rn though so take your time dw!) I’m not too sure how to req a matchup so sorry if it’s too much ghdkvhdk
to start off with my hobbies and interests, there’s a LOT of them and they’re very contrasting- I’ve probably spent the most cash on drawing (investment on a drawing iPad aaaouurg), but I also spend a lot of my time writing and singing! On the complete opposite end of the spectrum, I also enjoy blacksmithing, welding, and boxing a lot!! Im also a huuuuge history buff and I really like psychology as well!!
I really like spicy foods and fruit flavored things and hearing people ramble about things they're passionate about, and I like puzzles n stuff that makes me think :]] dislikes consist of chocolate, angry yelling, crowded spaces, and boring people !!
I'm a very 0-100 person where I'm either very low energy and distant, or high energy. Im pretty impulsive as well, at least when it comes to my own safety whether it be for a dumb reason or important. I very rarely talk about my interests to people who I'm not 100% comfortable with, but when I am it's VERY easy to urge me into infodumping about fuck all I can talk about my interests for actual hours and I get really emotional if I'm told to be quiet fjdjfusjf- id like to think I'm pretty ambitious and witty as well, I'm quick to snap back at people. In terms of outside of my social circle however, I'm very much so an introvert and have a very hard time meeting new people :']
I'll be doing a matchup for you too but since I just followed you I don't know you very well yet, BUT ITLL HAPPEN I SWEAR
~ :]
Hi :]. It’s so nice to hear from you! Of course you can have a matchup! I always have time to do this! I’m back from break and it sucked, but this was great to come back and do! This one was kind of hard. I was torn between like 6, but after some thinking, lots of outlines and lists. I came up with it!!
Your most like a combination of Sabo and Chopper!!!
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You both are very impulsive and will do anything
Sabo is a 0-100 kind of guy just like you!
Both of you are ambitious and witty as well as emotional
Both love writing. You guys would write an amazing book together. I’d love to see it
Lastly, you both are emotional and hate boring and terrible people.
I could definitely imagine you joining the RA
Both could talk anyone’s ear off about everything you love. Chopper would definitely talk about medical stuff all day if he could
Chopper is a little introverted around strangers like you. But I do feel like you would be better at hiding than him 😊
Chopper is a little intimidated by crowds like you
Chopper like sweets and fruits are sweet so….
He also is afraid of Nami who yells. You hate yelling. Enough said.
But when you two find friends, you’ll come out of your shells and flourish!
I hope you like it! You said you would do a match up for me so just DM me and I’ll give you any info you need! Thank you :] for the request! 💙🤍
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chokkito · 10 months
IM SOBBING THE ROBLOX GIF??? NOT THE RUNNING HELPP CLOWN… IM HAPPY YOU LOVE HIM SM!!! he loves you too look look :] sniffles. wipes tear. The marriage arc (for the 287291th time) is beautiful
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FOR STARTERS UHH I don’t have Too much of him fleshed out just yet since he’s really existed for like. a day. but his entire concept is based around how crows are often depicted closely with death in itself - believed to be circling in groups or prominent when it’s expected/has come and just serving as general forewarnings or well. omens. to people. which would be fitting with MiRs essence of how everyone is more so suffering with (the aftermath) of black/red death and all. 🤔 in a way, it’s a bitter reminder to most especially those in denial - that their fate will not change, but in that same sense, some find solace in the presence of the crows instead. as companions, even as their presence marks another’s last days. it’s like, in a situation where there isn’t Much hope nor good, sometimes having deaths messengers as company is better than none at all. which is notable with omen! all the stuff around the upper part of him/by his neck are meant to be fallen feathers from the crows that he’s collected over time and made part of his outfit/coat, as well as mainly using a quill to write— it brings him comfort, it’s the only thing he can derive from it all.
there’s also the entire thing of how orphys books are mainly based around horror / tragedy iirc, and well. everything in MiRs essence seems pretty fitting for it 🫡 in a way, an odd source of vivid inspiration… though, it’s not too likely runaway would be painted as a hero in his tales. who knows!
anyways on a lighter note he has a very pretty book cover. it’s a white glowing butterfly outline against a field of (wilting) flowers :] kinda darkened around the edges due to the essences general theme of corruption/erosion but yk!!
If you also have any questions lmk 🫶
OK HUST FINISHED READING AND AYOOOO?????? AYOOO???? THIS IS SUCH A NEAT CONCEPT? LIKE the thing of crowns bringing omen (it being good or bad depending on the way you see it) and then it being tied to orpheus cause of nightmare is. WOWIE
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kimnjss · 4 years
slumber party | pjm
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⤑  series: less of you
⤑ pairing: fratboy!jimin x dancer!reader
⤑ genre: angst !! a lil bit of smut.
⤑ rating: explicit
⤑ word count: 10.1K // unedited bc im tired . 
⤑ warnings: cursing, dirty talk, slight dry humping, making out at a party, slight exhibitionism kink if you squint, jimin like bites her once i think, handjob, spit, cum licking, jimin sleeps with his hand in her pants to keep warm.
⤑ chapter song: dark side of the moon // lil wayne ft. nicki minaj 
⤑ A/N: idk what it is, but i can’t shut up when it comes to loy!jimin // also very important to note that jimin did not invite miju to the slumber party in hopes she’d bring yn ., it was yoongi who asked jimin if he would invite miju . okay!! without any more chit chat e n j o y !! and let me know what you think x 
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Taehyung is the one to answer the front door moments after Miju excitedly rocked her knuckles against the wood. A furry pooch clutched to his side, decked out in an authentic-looking Hugh Hefner robe complete with the black slippers. Seoyeon is right behind him, slender arms wrapped around his torso as she pouts for his attention.
He pays her no mind, pushing a boxy grin onto his face as he stares between you and your best friend. “Miju! You look great,” She does, so you understand the blatant why he checks her out as the two of you move to enter the house.
Of course, Miju wanted to go all out for tonight. Totally convinced that this night would change everything for her and Jimin. That there was no way he wouldn't fall for her with her after the night of warm closeness and scary movies. No doubt, he'd be inviting her to spend the night in his room... some signature thing that always seemed to happen at these lingerie parties.
You had decided to call it what it was. Branded as a huge slumber party, where everyone could sit around and watch movies, eat snacks, and relax – but you weren't an idiot. Nobody was going to pay attention to the flicks on the screen and there was no way anyone would relax. Not with dozens upon dozens of college girls prancing around in their nighties.
It took all of your efforts... and energy, to convince Miju that buying an all lace negligee was definitely not the way to approach this situation. Words slightly fueled by the bit of fear that Jimin might actually like the way she looked in the thin fabric, instantly pushing the thought to the back of your mind. It was for her own good, not jealousy that you were steering her away from the lingerie aisle.
After quite a bit of debate (multiple interruptions of random messages lighting up your phone from Jimin), she was deciding on a set the both of you could agree on. Excitement clouding her features as she held up the matching pair, insisting that you bought it so you could be twins. You were agreeing, no hesitation needed. Not even bothering to actually look at the thing, just ready to make her as happy as possible. That was the guilt gnawing at your chest.
Which was exactly why you were back in this sleazy living room, freezing your ass off (literally) once again. Despite the set being made completely of velvet, the shorts were so incredibly short that you wondered if maybe you had picked up the wrong size – cropped tank allowing a chill on your midriff.
You could already feel the stares from the guys sprawled around the room, granted to both you and your best friend. Miju, though, acted as if she didn't notice... reaching back to find your hand – she's gently tugging you forward.
“Jimin said to meet him in the den,” Ignoring the way your heart drops at the mention of his name, you just nod. Following behind her, all while reminding yourself that seeing him wasn't going to change anything. That you could easily stick to your guns, no matter how many times he flashed that pretty crooked smile.
The fact that he and his little friends felt the need to seclude themselves... when the party they were hosting wasn't even all that big, had you rolling your eyes. Just from a quick glance, there were no more than ten people in their living room – half of which you were sure lived there, or spent so much time around that they knew where everything was.
Despite it not being real crowded... or loud out in the living room, Taehyung was the only one sat mingling with the group of guests. And you had a feeling that it had a lot to do with the fact Seoyeon didn't want to ditch her friends to sneak into his room just yet.
Just like Miju had said, Jimin was in the den along with Yoongi and Joon. A pretty girl with long dyed red hair sat upon Joon's lap, fingers raking through his hair. She had definitely gotten the lingerie memo, see-through lace covering her 'valued' bits, a lace robe draped over her shoulders.
Yoongi laid sideways on the armchair, scrolling through his phone with a bag of chips on his stomach. You watch the crumbs tumble from the bag and onto the floor as he lifts his body to a seated position, smiling eyes meeting Miju. “You made it,” Jimin's eyes shift behind him, nosily peaking to see who Yoongi was speaking with.
The grin that takes over his features has liquid fire instantly cruising through your veins, cheeks darkening as you easily place the look he's pining you with as the same look he gave you with his head between your legs. Jimin's standing, pushing a hand through his dark locks despite them already being swept back.
He looks good, annoyingly so. Hair carefully styled to reveal his dark eyebrows and oddly attractive forehead. A pair of wide-rimmed circular glasses perched at the tip of his nose. You can't help but notice how perfectly the black and white pinstripe robe outlines his lean body, it's left open to reveal the white t-shirt he wears underneath, the black sweats hanging off his hips.
Those hips... you remember how they felt pressed against yours. Legs wrapped around his waist, holding him tight against you. He had been so hard against your pussy, could feel every ridge and curve of his length. A shame that you didn't get to feel him stretch you out, cum around his thick cock. Yet, you don't think you'd trade the feeling of those fingers for anything. He definitely knew what he was doing in that department.
It takes a moment for you to realize that you're staring and Jimin is glancing at you, curiosity riddling his features. Had he just said something? Were you really that zoned out that you didn't hear him talking directly to you... standing right in your face? Was this what you've really become? How disgusting.
A smirk plays on his lips, ignoring the obvious attitude on your tongue. Jimin's eyebrow arches, eyes slowly trailing over the curves of your body, the image of what you looked like underneath him, screaming his name... is instantly clouding his thoughts. “I didn't say a thing,” He speaks slowly, eyes taking their time to find your face again.
“Quit staring at me,” You mumble as you move to pass him, following the path Miju had but instead of taking the seat on the too small seat beside Yoongi, you're plopping down beside Joon and his girl for the evening.
Instantly, she's pulling her face from the crook of his neck. Lipstick smeared as she shoots you a squinted eyed glare. Warning in her eyes, feeling as if you had gotten too close to what she had claimed as hers. You're lifting your hands in mock defense, “Not interested,” She rolls her heavily shadowed eyes, before burying her face again.
Joon is turning to look at you the best he can with his human-sized leech, arm extended offering of a knuckle tap. You knock your fingers against his slightly, “Didn't think I'd ever see you again, what's up?”
Simply shrugging your shoulders, you decide that's response enough. Convinced that Jimin had informed his entire friend circle of what took place in his bedroom. Although, he didn't seem like the type... at least, not with you. But a guy was a guy, no matter how you sliced it.
“You want to choose the movie, Miju?” Jimin's offering up just as Taehyung comes tumbling into the room. Seoyeon two steps behind him, arms linked with two girls that you could only assume were apart of her 'clique'. Hoonie is behind them, fingers toying with the ends of one of the girl's ponytail.
Miju nods at Jimin's words, hopping up instantly to follow him to the array of movies that he had assorted on a bookshelf. It's hard not to stare as the two of them talk quietly in front of the shelf, searching through the names and laughing while they quote bits from movies they've both seen.
Not even standing there for more than seven minutes... you definitely did not count, but you see it all. Can't take your eyes off of them as she laughs at whatever funny thing he's saying, leaning into him as she speaks – batting her eyelashes up at him. He's smiling so brightly down at her, genuine. And you feel sick to the stomach, hate the feeling as soon as you recognize it. But you can't get yourself to look away, even though you feel Taehyung watching you watching them from the spot he chose on the floor, you can't get yourself to look away.
They're coming back with the movie picked hanging from the tips of Miju's manicured fingers. She's moving to pop it into the DVD player as Jimin goes to turn off the lights. It's Zombieland, a movie that you know for a fact Miju hated the first time you saw it together. She's still all smiley as she takes her place beside Yoongi on the couch.
You're so focused on them and the way he seems to curl inside of himself with her so close, yet, at the same time attempt to move closer to her without it being obvious. So focused that you don't notice Taehyung lifting from the floor and taking Jimin's original spot, Seoyeon in his lap. 
Don't notice Jimin make a beeline to the vacant spot beside you on the couch, not until there's warmth against your thigh and you're being engulfed with the strong scent of cinnamon.
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It's not until halfway through the movie do you notice the shift... in everyone that's littered around the too small den. Hoonie's got his hand around the ponytail girl's shoulders, tips of his fingers tracing the lace at the top of her bra while the other girl tries to scoot closer, feigning for attention.
Seoyeon's head tilted back, eyes squeezed shut as Tae draws intricate patterns on the warm skin of her neck with his tongue. A large hand gripped on her bottom, holding her still on his lap – which is absolutely useless because the girl is squirming.
Joon and that girl have been on the verge of fucking since before you even entered the room, so it's no wonder that she has her hand down the front of his pants. She's trying to be discreet, but he doesn't hide the groans that fall from his lips. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he was practicing for a porno with how loud he was being.
There's a nervous tap of Yoongi's foot, his fingers twitching at his sides as he tries his hardest to keep his focus on the movie. Only half listening to the commentary coming from Miju beside him, who seems oblivious to the beginning stages of a parted orgy happening all around her.
It's Jimin who strikes your interest the most... yes for obvious reasons, but also for how quiet he has been since he sat next to you. Long legs crossed under his butt, eyes trained on the giant TV upfront, not a single glance sent in your direction. Not once. Not even a little sneaky one paired with that annoying smirk.
You can't help but wonder... wish that you could peak into his mind. A quick glance at his thoughts... were you in them?
All of a sudden he's standing, adjusting the robe on his body. He's making his way to the door without a word. Miju's eyes flicker to the movement, watching him walk out and you can't help the silent prayer that she doesn't follow after him. She doesn't, just brings her stare back to the screen.
You give it a good five minutes before you're standing from your spot, convincing yourself you're only leaving in search of something to drink. It's exactly what you mumble to Joon (who couldn't care less, to be completely honest) as you move to exit the room. The kitchen is just across from the den and that's exactly where you're heading... to get some water... but then you're eyes are catching the movement to your right.
Of course, it's Jimin. He's exiting the bathroom, drying the palms of his hands on his dark bottoms. Pining you with a wide-eyed expression that's slowly morphing into a smirk and waking up your heart. With a drag of his tongue on his plump lower lip, he's shifting his weight onto one foot. “You followed me?” He's assuming, ever so cocky and annoying.
Instantly, you're rolling your eyes, scoffing at his words before moving to walk ahead of him. “I just came to get a drink.” He's hot on your tail, so close that you can feel the warmth of his body against your chilled skin.
“There's drinks in there. Snacks too.” He's pointing out with a grin, which you ignore completely; entering the rest of the way into the kitchen. The party has picked up since you first arrived, very different from what was going on in the quiet lust ridden den. There's music playing out here, people drinking, laughing loudly amongst each other. All in pajamas.
Now you're understanding their desire to seclude themselves from the rest of the party. Obviously, it was just a thing that they did. Branded as a fun time where you could party in your pajamas, but the inner circle? The people inside of that den right now about to give a new meaning to pillow fight, yeah – that's what this party was really for.
Is that why he had invited Miju? Wanted to have her a part of his little inner circle? But you had come along and ruined his plans. Was that why he wasn't talking to you before in there? Pissed off that you showed up?
“I didn't get a chance to tell you how pretty you look in your pajamas,” His voice is soft even though he's standing right behind you. Eyes scanning over the various drinks that are displayed on the table, looking for something... anything nonalcoholic. Just barely registering his words, you nod your head. “They're the same as Miju's.” You point out, smiling triumphantly to yourself when you locate a water bottle hidden in the far back.
“I noticed. The two of you are really best friends, huh?” He's closer than you think when you turn around. Body instantly caged between his and the counter. Time seems to freeze as your eyes catch his wide ones, water bottle clutched in your palms as you stare at him. Butterflies waking up in your stomach as he stares right back, dark eyes searching your features.
You're forcing yourself to shake it off, straightening your back and clearing your throat. That just there? That was nothing. Not a moment. Not a discovery. Nothing. Feigning nonchalance, you're answering his question. 
“Yeah, since we were six. Which is why-” Ready to reject him again. Knowing all too well what that look in his eye meant. Too familiar with the heat pooling between your legs, just from being this close to him; just from him looking at you like he was literally holding back from devouring you right here against the counter.
He's interrupting you before you can finish your sentence, though. “I know,” Rolling those pretty eyes of his and you don't miss the annoyance in his tone. “...we can't, but I want to.” A slight whine mixed in his tone, his head lowering slightly while his body moves closer against yours.
He hasn't touched you yet, despite how much you want him to. Just entered your space until he was clouding your senses. Knew exactly what he was doing, because you couldn't think when he was this close, teeth worrying his plump lower lip and you want nothing more to replace them with your own.
“Push me away,” Jimin's whispering now, faces mere inches apart that there's no reason for him to speak any louder. It's a gruff tone that has your pussy clenching around absolutely nothing. He waits, giving you a moment to think it over – figure out your next move. But you don't move, you stare at him – waiting for him, challenging him.
A smirk spreads across his lips, caught only for a minute before he's closing the rest of the space between you, molding his lips onto yours. The desperate groan that falls from his mouth is urging you on, hand wet with condensation, you're lifting it to place at the back of his neck – pulling him closer to you.
Faintly, you remember his words from the other night. How he let slip that he could kiss you all night. Right now, at this moment, you found yourself agreeing with him. Not seeing yourself getting enough of the feeling that enveloped your body just from having his lips on yours. 
His thick tongue is pushing its way past your lips, fingers gripped against the counter while he moves his body toward you. Even through the layers, your body is still reacting to having his chest pressed against yours. Nipples pebbling underneath the velvety fabric. And all you can think is you want more. Every last thought falling from your head as you drop the bottle onto the floor, fingers curling into the waistband of his sweats to pull his hips against yours.
“Mmh, you eager baby?” The words are mumbled against your lips, a giggle leaving your lips with a nod of your head. Hand on his neck pulling him closer, you kiss him again rougher this time. Needier. Jimin is thrusting his hips forward and you feel his half hard cock press against your thigh. 
“What do you want?” His hands are dropping to your hips, easily lifting your body onto the counter. Bottles and cups clatter onto their sides, but he pays them no mind; simply moving to stand between your legs.
It's mindless, the way your legs wrap around his hips so you're able to pull him close. Fingers knitted in his hair and head drawn back to give his plump lips as much room as they need to roam your heated skin. “You want me to fuck you? Right here on the counter where anyone can walk in?” He's biting into your skin, pulling a breathy gasp from your lips. His words are getting to you, your imagination running wild with the picture he paints.
Hips rolling up into yours, you're not hesitating with meeting his thrust. It feels so good that you don't bother to mask your moans either, instead allow your hips to take on a mind of their own. Thighs tightening around his hips in an attempt to feel more of him.
“You want me to? You're so fucking dirty...” He's panting, trying to keep it together – but it's hard with the way you look right now. Uninhibited, needy just for him. Nipples creating peaks against the soft fabric, it takes all his willpower not to lean down and wrap his lips around them. He's just about to let go and do it when he's catching the crack of the door behind you.
Jimin's quick with the way he slides your body from the counter, gently pushing you toward the fridge as he busies himself with picking up the bottles you had knocked over. A 'what the fuck' is on the tip of your tongue, but you're words are being cut by the sound of the voice.
“Minmin? Are you not watching the movie anymore?” It's Miju, naturally pouty lips directed at Jimin. Your eyes are wide, discreetly trying to adjust your shorts that seemed to have ridden up. Heart beating a mile a minute and cheeks flushed, you're glad she's all the way on the other side of the room. And paying like zero attention to you.
Jimin's head bobs at her words, reaching for a farther bottle that was moments from rolling off the table and shattering. “Yeah. I just went to the bathroom and wanted to clean up a bit.” She's nodding her head, tilting to the side and finally noticing you. Her brows furrow slightly. “You left too?”
Back straightening, you're clearing your throat. An arm wrapping around your chest to cover your pert nipples as you push a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “Yeah, I... uh, I came out for some water.”
“Oh! There's drinks in there, you know? Minmin set them all up,” She's looking up at him with glowing eyes, and he smiles at her compliment. “Not cold ones,” He's pointing out and you're nodding, in agreement.
“Yeah... I wanted cold water,”
Miju is nodding, no longer interested in the topic. “Okay. Well, hurry! It's almost finished,” Your nod matches Jimin's and she's smiling wide before turning and heading back into the room, pulling the door closed behind her.
Jimin is turning to you the moment she's out of earshot, apologetic eyes searching the stoic features of your face. “I'm so sorry, Yn. I shouldn't have-,” You're stopping him with a shake of your head, lips tucked into your mouth. Leaning down, you pick out the dropped bottle, not sparing him a glance as you pass him to join the loud party.
Should've done this in the first place, you needed to keep your distance. It was too hard to control yourself around him and you were only making things worse thinking that you could. It'd be easy, just stay away... erase all thoughts of him. Keep yourself from replaying the way he kissed you, touched you, talked to you. How he seemed to know exactly what you liked.
Forget how your stupid heart never seemed to shut up when he was close, those simpleminded butterflies flapping their stupid wings every time he smiled at you. You could just shake all of that off.
It would be easy.
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The rest of the night is spent like that. Careful to keep your distance, instead halfheartedly mingling with the crowd of party-goers. Mainly sticking to the familiar faces from around campus, who grin with an offer alcoholic beverages and a step closer to wiping your mind of all things Jimin.
It's not long before you start to feel good, the sway in your steps becoming natural as the people around you become funnier. More interesting. Entertaining. Conversation coming easily as you delve deeper into the lives of your nameless classmates. Convinced you could keep up with this until you were feeling tired enough to crash. Before you knew it, it would be the next morning and you could pack it up and go home scratch free.
That was what you thought. What you hoped. Didn't take into account that the crowd would dwindle down as the night went on. And you definitely didn't expect the 'inner circle' to emerge from the den at all until morning. But as the living room started to slowly clear out, they began to appear one by one.
Hoonie is first, the girl that had been trying to get his attention tucked underneath his arm as he leads her upstairs. The shorts he wears sag low and you wonder if that was something that happened during the movie. A large hand placed on her bare ass used as an excuse to guide her into his room.
You sit on the couch, nursing your third fill of spike pink lemonade staring at the door. Silently hoping that Jimin doesn't come out, that he's fallen asleep sometime in the two and a half hours that you were out of there. Or if he does come out, he's coming out with Miju on his arm – ready to spend the night with her and you'd have no choice but to deal with it.
Yoongi is leaving the room twenty minutes after Hoonie wearing his signature annoyed expression. Hands shoved deep into the pockets of his sweatpants, he doesn't spare you a glance (you're not even sure he knows you're sitting right there) as he makes his way up the steps and into his room, pushing the door closed.
Then it's Taehyung ten minutes after that. Seoyeon wrapped around him like a koala, head buried in his neck. He doesn't head to his room as you expect, instead, he's making a beeline to the kitchen, setting her down on the counter. The same counter Jimin had you on, ready to 'fuck you where anyone can walk in'. They giggled amongst each other, sharing quiet words as he fixes drinks for both of them. Drinks you're sure they don't need what with the drunk in love expression written all over that girl's face.
Miju is exiting with the Ponytail Girl, her eyes finding you instantly. She smiles big, lifting both of her hands to wave as they make their way over. “This was where you were? How come you didn't come back in?” She's plopping beside you on the couch, tugging her new friend to sit down beside her.
“I saw some friends from class, figured I'd chat for a bit,” You lie. Miju is laughing at your words, head tilting to the side slightly. “You hate chatting. And as far as I know, everyone in your classes,” She eyes you suspiciously, big eyes searching your features for any sign of abnormality. You keep your expression stoic, silent prayers sent that she doesn't pick up on your inner turmoil.
But then, she gives up. Deciding it's easier to just ask rather than try to read you herself. “You're not mad, right? That I dragged you along tonight.” With a shake of your head, you're pushing a bright smile onto your face.
“No, not at all. I had a good time,” She smiles wide at your words, hopping up from the couch and pulling Ponytail up. “This is Yuri, by the way. They're setting up tents outside and she invited me to share, you want to come?” Huh, so that's where everyone was heading.
You couldn't help but admire how well these boys seemed to pay attention to detail. To host a giant slumber party and not want dozens of drunk half adults sprawled around your house, simply have tents ready to be set up so they can all crash there. If Miju was heading out to the tents, though... did that mean nothing happened with Jimin?
“I'll catch up. Gonna finish my drink and enjoy the music.” Miju nods happily, linking arms with Yuri before the both of them are basically skipping out back. You want to wonder about Jimin, ready to try and figure out why nothing happened between him Miju but your thoughts are quickly interrupted by a deep voice.
“You're not coming in?” It's Taehyung. Holding two cups in his hand, eyes following Seoyeon as she makes her way back into the den. Brow furrowing and head tilting to the side, you're sure you look like the epitome of confusion. He's rolling his dark eyes at you, blowing out a thick huff of air. “Joon's girl passed out. So it's just me, him, Min and Yeonie. You're just gonna sit there all night?”
He waits a good two seconds before his patience is snapping, shifting the cups so he's holding them by the top between the long fingers of his right hand. Taehyung reaches for your wrist in his now free hand, lifting you from the couch and pulling you toward the den. “You're one of the cool kids now, act like it.” He's quoting a song... or a movie, you can't quite place it but you're sure you've heard those words before.
Jimin is scowling at his phone when you enter, thumb tapping rhythmically against the screen. He's sat cross legged on the couch beside the passed out redhead, Joonie on the other side of her annoyance creasing his brow. Taehyung is dropping your hand to slip into the vacant space beside Seoyeon, lifting her onto his lap after handing her the drink.
There's a twitch in Jimin's brow, it's subtle but you see it. His eyes lifting from the screen to find you. Those plump lips of his spreading into a soft smile at the sight of you. The scowl disappearing from his features and you can't help but wonder if he had missed you in the few hours that you were away.
But, you're instantly pushing the thought from your head – complete with an actual shake of the head. Can't think like that, not when Miju was so hopeful when it came to him. Not interested in being a shitty friend and the more time you spent around him, the shitter he got. So despite, being pulled in the room and the heart pattering feeling you got from the way he looked at you, you're passing him. Walking all the way to the sliding doors that lead to the balcony, prepared to just spend time out here until you were tired enough to go find Miju.
It's colder than you expect, your bare arms and legs taking a big hit. But it's bearable. You can see the moon perfectly from where you stand, full and bright. Illuminating the figures of the people just below with their tents. You can faintly hear their laughter, conversations mixed it sounds like constant chatter.
How fun it would be to share a tent with Miju without this guilt gnawing in your chest. No doubt, she'd make a fuss about having to sleep on the grass – completely disregarding the sleeping bag as a suitable barrier. Freak out about the loud noises that she would be so certain was a bear. She was always funny like that, prepared for impending doom but unequipped to do anything about it.
It would've been fun.
No matter how hard you tried, it was hard to act normal around her since that night. As if you knew you had wronged her and felt you didn't deserve to be in on her friendship after that betrayal. She acted the same around you, though, hardly noticing your shift... you weren't sure if that made things better or worse.
You're not sure how much time passes with you just standing out there, sipping your drink. Ignoring the chill that runs down your spine with every gust of wind. Concentration on the shining moon above as you let your mind wander. Not fighting it when you begin to wonder what it would be like if you had met Jimin first. You'll just blame it on the alcohol muddling your thoughts later.
Suddenly, your senses are being clouded with silky warm cinnamon. There's a bump against your shoulder, “Namjoon won't shut up about how tight your ass looks in those shorts,” Jimin grumbles. He had taken his robe off to drape over your shoulders. He doesn't even look real in the light of the moon, as if you had conjured him with your thoughts.
Skin glowing, despite how annoyed he looked. Lips looking as soft and plush as ever, even if he insisted on keeping them pursed in his angry little pout. His eyes sparkled a hint of fire mixed in his stare. Overwhelmed with the need to tease him, a smirk is playing on your lips.
“Oh yeah? Why don't you tell him to come do something about it, then.” Hands tugging the robe tighter around your body, you watch as his scowl deepens. “Don't upset me,” He grumbles, all but growling and you don't even bother to stop the laugh that falls from your lips.
Jimin looks away at you, squinted eyes glaring at the moon above. He's leaning against the railing close enough that you're shoulders touch, but he pays you no mind. “I'm not interested in Namjoon,” You speak, even though it's none of his business. Unsure why you share that piece of information considering you owed him zero explanation.
His gaze slowly shifts to you but you don't look at him, convinced that you don't care how he reacts to your words. Instead, you continue to watch the moon. The two of you stand there or a while, shoulder to shoulder, both staring but for different reasons... with different feelings.
His robe is warm around you, a welcome feeling because you were sure your thighs were about to turn blue from the cold. It smells like him too, cinnamon. It takes all of your willpower not to lean down and inhale the damn thing. God, you really needed to get a grip when it came to this guy.
“You like it?” His words catch you off guard, wide eyes finding him. Had he heard you? Well, of course not you weren't speaking out loud... right? Could he read your mind? Did he know that you were creepily trying to figure out ways to sneak sniffs of his robe without him realizing?
“Like what?” You ask carefully. His lips lift into a full teeth grin, his gaze shifting from you to the sky. “The moon.” Jimin leans into you as he points and you know he does it as an excuse to touch you. You don't mind it. “You've been staring at it for a while...”
Relaxing, you nod your head. A small smile spreading across your lips, head lifting to admire the shine. “I like to look at it sometimes, send my wishes up there and hopefully they'll come true,”
“What do you wish for?” He's asking as soon as you're finished your sentence, looking genuinely interested.
You shrug, teeth worrying your lower lip as he looks at you. Waiting. Interested. “I wish for everything... health, contentment... to not fail,” Cheeks darkening slightly at your words, you act like it doesn't affect you. Never told anyone that you sent hopeful wishes up to the night sky and counted on them. Words just seemed to flow so easily when you were with Jimin, though.
It's the way he looks at you. How he always looks at you as if he just discovered his very own moon. Prepared to jump through hoops, endure your constant rejection if it meant he'd soon enough be able to break through. Be granted a few moments of your pretty smile, hear that laugh... and maybe, have you look at him the same way. Not willing to share you with anyone else, had half the mind to whisk you away so he could keep you.
Not like you'd complain, belonging to Jimin and only him. Certain that there wasn't a single person that made you feel the way that he did. He must have the on switch to your heart, it only seemed to malfunction when he was around. When he smiled. Kissed you. Coated with sexual tension, you were sure your feelings were more than just that. They were real. He felt real.
“I know what I'd wish for,” Eyes dropping from the sky down to you. A bit closer now, but not crossing the line. Just doing enough that left you no choice but to make the next move, leaving the final decision up to you like he always did.
“What's that?” Prolonging the conversation and staying still. Forcing your urges to stay at bay, keeping your arms wrapped around your chest. If not, you know they'd be finding the warmth of his neck to pull him into you. To feel those lips you couldn't get enough of again, and again, and again.
The grin that spreads across his lips stills your pounding heart. Dimple poking out in its usual spot, corners of his eyes lifting just slightly. “I won't tell you,” His smile widens at the end of his words and you feel your lips curling up too. “If I did, then it wouldn't come true... I really want it to come true,”
Eyes rolling, you're taking two big steps away from him. “I told you my wishes,” You mumble. Jimin laughs, arm reaching out to tug on the fabric of his robe, pulling your body against his again. His arm wraps around your waist to hold you in place, the tips of his fingers gently brushing against your exposed belly.
“Relax. I'll tell you when it comes true,”
There must be some magnetic pull because your head is finding his shoulder easily. Finding comfort in having him so close. You feel his stare but refuse to return it. Just allow him to watch you watch the moon. Enjoying the comfortable silence that falls upon you two, the warmth that spreads throughout your body from the stroke of his fingers.
“You're not cold? You don't want to go in?” Jimin's asking as moments pass. You're shaking your head, despite the shiver that shakes your body seemingly on command. He laughs softly, easily pulling your body to stand in front of him. Arms secured around your waist in a back hug, aim to share some of his warmth with you.
You're leaning back into him, hands dropping down to hold onto his wrists. His chin rests on the top of your head, gaze following yours. “You really liked it that much?”
“I could stare at it all night,” You're admitting. His hands are moving underneath your grasp, just enough so he's able to take hold of your hand, lacing your fingers with his. “I'd give it to you, so you could.” That. That has your heart doing cartwheels behind your rib cage. Butterflies flapping so hard that you're afraid they might burst out to kiss him.
Laughing it off, you urge yourself to relax. Burying the icky lovey dove-y feeling he seemed to carry around with him. “What you gonna do? Toss a rope up there and yank it down?” Tone teasing, in hopes, to shift the overly romantic moment in a different direction.
He doesn't take the hint, ignoring it completely. Pulling your body tighter against his, you can hear the smile in his voice. “If you asked me to, I'd try.”
This has you pulling away from him completely, overwhelmed with the need to be close to him – which results in you not wanting to be close at all. “Stop saying corny things to me,” You whine. That smile of his spreading as he reaches down for your hips, pulling your body toward him again. “Why?”
“You know why.” You can't believe you're actually pouting. Like a complete lower lip poked out, arms crossed pout. It feels so uncharacteristic, but natural at the same time. Jimin's eyes are rolling this time, hands pulling your chest against his before his arms are leaving your hips to wrap around your back.
“You don't have to fight it, you can just be when you're with me.” There's promise in his matter-of-fact tone and he's looking at you with those eyes again. And you believe him, oddly. Feel secure in his words, in his arms. Gaze flickering from your eyes to your lips then back up again. “Would you be upset if I kissed you?” His voice is hushed as if he was determined to keep this moment between just you two.
Soft lips press against yours the moment you're shaking your head. His signature groan falling from his lips as his hand reaches up to tangle in your hair. Different from the other times he's kissed you, this is much slower. Calculated in the way his tongue maps out the inside of your mouth as if he wants to savor the moment.
You kiss him back the same, palm of your hand easily finding the back of his neck to hold him still. Becoming completely uninterested in anything that wasn't his hands. His lips. Him. Jimin. All too soon, he's pulling back, leaving two quick pecks on your lips that has a giggle leaving your lips.
He takes a moment to admire it. Admire you. Wondering how he managed to get so lucky... and unlucky at the same time. “Come sleep in my room tonight.” You could guess how many girls had come here hoping to hear those exact words from his mouth. Knew one of them personally. And that has you pulling back, regret instantly crowding your heart.
“Are you stupid? We can't do that.” No matter how much you want to. The feeling of falling asleep in his arms, spending the night wrapped in his warmth, was quickly slipping from your memory.
“We can.” He's assuring you with a nod of his head. “I'll lock the door and it'll be just you and me. Then you can just leave before anyone wakes up.” Fingers reach out for yours, he's lifting your knuckles to his lips to press soft kisses against your knuckles. Softening you. “Who knows, maybe I'll make you squirt again.” Tantalizing teeth nibble gently at your digit. 
You're pulling your fingers back just in time to catch his smirk. With your dark cheeks, you can't deny that you weren't completely against the idea of repeating the night before. “You're thinking too hard about it.” He whines. “I just want to have you in my arms. Nothing else, honest.” He's reaching for your hand again, lacing your fingers slightly.
“Why do you want that?” Can't help the question from tumbling past your lips, no matter how his words managed to make you feel. Because at the end of the day Jimin was still just a guy... and even if he brought a thousand hammers, you still had walls.
There's a furrow in his brow, head tilting to the side as he looks down at you. The pad of his thumb smoothing over the back of your hand, as his smirk turns teasing. “You don't want it?”
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Jimin's room is just how you remember it. Charmingly messy, which most people would just refer to as disorganized. Not enough time is granted to peak around your surroundings, take in the trail of discarded gym clothes that lead to the en-suite bathroom. The clutter of books carelessly left in the corner of the room. The impressive collection of shoes lined up in the corner, the only thing that seemed to have a proper place.
All of that is missed because the second Jimin is shutting the door, his body is against yours forcing backward steps until your back is flat against his sheets. Sheets that he had changed since the last time for... obvious reasons. Plush lips trail a line from your chin to the meeting of your jaw and neck, pulling soft moans from your lips.
Both of his hands are sliding underneath the fabric of your tank top, stopping at your rib cage. Jimin's lips feel so good against your skin, natural as if that's where they belonged. The thump in your chest doesn't stop, in fact, it speeds the longer you lay underneath him. 
Slowly, he's lifting his face from your neck so he's able to look down at you. Huffing out a chuckle, he's leaning down to press his lips to yours gently... pulling away before it can get too heated. “You look so dazed. Do you like me that much?” He's joking, can hear it in his voice... but you're not a big fan of the weight his words hold.
With a dramatic roll of your eyes, you're wiggling out of his grasp. He watches as you tug his robe from your shoulders before crawling your way to the head of the bed. Making yourself at home in his king size. Tucked in his fluffy blankets and Jimin is not fair behind you. Kneeling to remove his shirt before he's sinking underneath the comforter, arms mindlessly finding your waist.
Back pressed against his chest, he takes a moment to breathe you in. Loving that despite you having removed his robe, you still smelt like him. Mixed with your usual honey aroma, he can't help but nuzzle his face in the crook of your neck.
“I like you that much,” He's confessing into the darkness of the room, lips pressed against the skin of your neck. “Maybe, more.” It's the sincerity in his tone, every ounce of teasing completely absent. He means what he says and doesn't expect you to say anything back. Just wanted to tell you so that you knew.
And because of that, you feel your body warm. The swell in your chest growing, cheeks darkening. How did you manage to get so lucky... and unlucky at the same time. Refusing to think about the downside, wanting so badly to just enjoy this moment with him, you're pushing all the negative thoughts to the back of your mind.
Instead, you're turning in his arms. Fingers knitting through the hair at the nape of his neck, you pull him down toward you, lips finding his. He's kissing you back immediately, pouring all his passion, want, need into the movement of his lips. Pushing your tongue past his lips, head tilting for a better angle – fingers secured on the waistband of his bottoms as you hold him to you.
The groans that he emits from the feeling of your teeth nibbling on his lower lip has a gush of arousal heating up your core. His warm hand finds your wrist below the sheets, gently guiding it until your palm is pressed against the stiff hump in his pants. Fingers flex around it, forcing his hips to jerk forward.
You grin, pulling back from his lips to trail a line of wet kisses down the side of his neck toward his collarbones. Jimin has hands on your ass, kneading and molding the flesh with his chin rested on your shoulder so he can watch his hands. You didn't fail to notice the way he had hiked up your shorts to reveal more of your cheeks to his greedy eyes. 
“You're so hard. What have you been thinking about, baby?” You recycle his words from the other night and from the chuckle that falls from his lips, he's noticed. “Wanna taste you...” He's admitting, his own words making his cock jump underneath your palm. 
Hand slipping underneath the waistband of his pants... his boxers, easily you wrap your hand around his thick length. He curses out loud, teeth cutting into his lip to further silence himself. “You were so good to me last time... don't you think it's your turn?” Slowly, you drag your hand down to his base.
Jimin's nodding his head quickly at your words, “Yes, fuck.” He's basically throbbing in your grasp and you wonder when was the last time he has gotten off. Allowing yourself a moment to play with the thought of it possibly being before that night with you.
You whimper as his cock jumps underneath your light touch. It's as if he's getting harder as the anticipation grows and you can't deny the way that turns you on. His breaths leave Jimin's mouth when your hand is sliding up toward the head, “Holy fucking shit,” He gasps, just as you're dipping your head down a glob of spit rolling off your tongue and landing directly on top.
The slide of your hand is much easier now with the added lubricant. Jimin's hips rocking along with the movement of your hand. His moans interrupting the suction of his lips on your neck. Warm breath panted against your skin while you speed up the strokes of your hand, adding a twist in your wrist to add to his pleasure.
“That feels so good, Yn.” A dribble of precum slides down the side of his shaft following his whiny voice. You're wet just from the sound of his voice, the weight in your palm. How he's desperately rocking into you as if he's actually buried inside of you. It takes everything in him not to flip you over and do just that. Fuck you like he's been imagining since he first met you.
But he holds back because you had been hesitant before. Didn't want to push you too much, happy to take what he could. Leaving hickeys on your skin, your hands on him, your pretty moans that mixed with his hand filled the room. Yeah, that would be enough for now.
Palm closing a bit around him, mimicking the tightness he wants. “Y-you're gonna make me cum...” A stutter in the movements of his hips matches his strained stuttered words. You want him to fall apart, reach the level of euphoria he had brought you to. Strokes speeding up, thumb teasing his tip whenever you can reach it.
His breath is picking up, a string of curses leaving his lips as his thighs tense up. Arms tight around your waist, holding your close as his teeth scrape against the skin of your neck. Thighs rubbing against each other to create some friction of your own, you keep going. Not pulling back until he's groaning out your name, spilling his seed into the palm of your hand.
Jimin is lifting his head from the crook of your neck just in time to see you bring your palm to your mouth, licking his thick cum from your fingers. Eyes hooded but he doesn't dare to take his eyes off of you, the sight alone enough to have him wanting to go again. Wiping damp hand on his sheets, your eyes find his again and Jimin swears he was just shot in the heart. Breath knocked out of him just from the way you're looking at him.
“You're so perfect,” He's mumbling, because that's honestly the only word he can think of when it comes to you. A soft smile spreads across his face, hand reaching for his shoulder to gently push him onto his back. He lets you move him, getting yourself comfortable with your leg hooked around his waist. 
His hand finds your ass, easily slipping underneath the fabric of your shorts. Holding him close to you, head on his chest you ignore the guilt eating away at your heart. Trying hard to focus on the good parts about being with him... which was everything. If only the circumstances were different.
 Imagining what it would be like if things were like this. If you had only met him first, you could like him freely without feeling yourself shrink each time you were reminded of the sad fact. Jimin feels your mood shift but doesn't say anything. Continues to hold you close, his hand gently trying to soothe you. And with the gentle way he's rubbing your bottom, and the warmth of him underneath you – you're drifting to sleep.
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At some point through the night, your position changed. Jimin's bare chest pressed against your back, hand between your thighs to find warmth. Legs entwined to ensure neither of you runs away. He's awake before you, plump lips landing soft kisses against your shoulder.
“Gotta wake up, baby.” Voice harsh from sleep, hushed as if he didn't actually want to wake you. “Wake up, I started the coffee maker and made pancakes,” He tries again, teeth nibbling at your skin and you're stirring.
Head shifting to look back at him, confusion written on your face not sure if you heard him correctly. “You made pancakes?” You question in your sleepy morning voice. Jimin grins, shaking his head before leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips.
“I'm practicing for our domestic life,” Laughing with a roll of your eyes, you reach down to pull his hand from inside your shorts. You sit up to pull the blanket off of your body, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you stand. The sleeping guests downstairs suddenly become apparent to you, with the chatter coming from downstairs.
They were awake already? What time was it? Was Miju down there too? Rushing to stand in front of the mirror, you wipe and tug at yourself trying to get rid of any evidence of what happened here last night. Jimin had gotten up too, pulling his shirt and robe back onto his body. His hands dropping onto your hips.
“Thanks for last night,” He whispers, calming your frantic movements with his soft tone and the kiss he presses to the side of your face. “I'm sorry it makes you feel so shitty... you enjoy yourself, though, right? In the moment?” You don't remember the last time you were thanked for spending the night with someone, your presence treated as valuable. And you're sure you were never asked if you had enjoyed yourself.
“I did, yeah.” He smiles at your words, taking a backward step, allowing you to move from the mirror to find your shoes. “Me too,” He agrees with a smile and you notice the tint in his cheeks... the way he's no doubt replaying the moment in his mind.
You're giggling, as you stand with your shoes fastened. “Yeah, we know you enjoyed yourself.” He moves to close the space between you, lips finding your lips. “I need to go,” You're stopping him before he can slip any tongue, knowing all too well where he was heading with the way his fingers stroked the hem of your shorts.
“One more,” He holds his finger up between the toy of you, puppy dog pouting right in your face and it's so cute that you can't help but grant him one more kiss. One more turns into three which quickly turns into five and before you know it he's pulling you onto his lap as he lowers himself onto his bed.
Fingers buried in his hair, you use your grip to pull his head back – freeing your lips. You laugh at the way he chases your lips, “One more.” He mumbles and you're shaking your head, leaving a chaste kiss to his lips before you're standing from his lap.
“That was the last one,” You're back in the mirror, fixing appearance. So drunk on him that it slips your mind that you're supposed to be sneaking out of his room. He's a few steps behind you when you pull the door open, wide eyes finding Miju at the bottom of the stairs.
Her back is to you, deep in conversation with Joonie and Taehyung. They're making her laugh, body bowed furrow as her back shakes. They look so proud of themselves, little did they know she laughs like that all the time.
You're frozen in place, stuck. Lost on how you were going to get downstairs without her seeing you, she was right there! No doubt she'd ask why you were coming from upstairs when you should have met her at the tents last night.
Jimin is reaching for your wrist, ready to pull you back into the room when Miju is turning around. She sees you, confusion flashing over her features but she still smiles, saying something to the boys before she's turning to make her way up the stairs. Jimin is kind enough to put some distance between the two of you, hands shoved into the pocket of his sweats.
“Yn? How come you're in Minmin's room?” She doesn't look angry, just confused. Doesn't expect the worse of you, because you're her best friend and no way would you spend the night with her crush and try to sneak out the next morning undetected.
“Oh. I had to use the bathroom,” The lie rolls off of your tongue coated with a nervous laugh. “Have the cleanest one in the house,” Jimin is helping with a smile that has Miju's face morphing, a smile to match his lighting up her features.
“I'll use it next time, the one down there is so sticky,” She scrunches her nose up at the thought and he's laughing. Like actually laughing and you can't help but notice how easy this is for him. You feel like you're about to crack and he's all smiles and laughter.
You're moving from Jimin's side to stand beside Miju, reaching for her hand – you give it a slight tug. “Are you ready to go? I think I'm all social-ed out.” She pulls her gaze from Jimin to laugh at your words, nodding her head.
“Yeah, sure. See you later, Minmin!” She's waving at Jimin who nods his goodbye and you're pulling her along with you down the stairs and all the way out of the house. She calls quick goodbyes to Joonie and Taehyung as you pass them. Then falls into silence the entire walk to her house.
The silence is uncomfortable for you. Wishing that you could know what she was thinking. Wondering if she bought that half ass-ed lie back there or if she was waiting for the right moment to call you out for it. She didn't seem pissed, her usually smiling self as she admired the nature around her.
Maybe she didn't pick up on the swollen lips and fucked out eyes. Maybe it wasn't as obvious as you had convinced yourself it was. It wasn't like the two of you came out groping each other, plus you've used his bathroom before... so it made sense for you to go in his room and use it again, right?
Miju doesn't say anything until you're stopping in front of her door, ready to wave goodbye when she's stopping you. “I was wondering, where did you sleep last night?” She asks casually, keys dangling from the tips of her manicured fingers.
“Oh, yeah. On the couch. I ended up crashing,” You try to be as cool as Jimin with your lies, brushing off the question with a laugh. She's nodding her head, focus dropping to the keys in her hand. “That's weird, though, because I went to look for you... and the couch was empty.”
Heart sinking, urging yourself to control your facial expressions, not wanting to give anything away. Not ready to talk to her about this yet. Not even sure if this thing with Jimin was actually a thing. “The couch in the den. Did you check there?”
“Hm, I didn't.” Something flashes in her eyes, but it's so quick you can't really place it. “Did you see the girl Jimin was with then?” Miju is not looking at you anymore, putting all her focus on trying to pick out the right key to open the door. “He was with a girl?” You play dumb because that's exactly how you feel at the moment.
She's nodding, a heavy sigh leaving her lips. “Yeah. On the balcony of the den. I thought it was you because of the jammies, but then he came and they started...” Miju shakes her head, stopping her words. “I guess you didn't see them, then?”
“I didn't,” You can feel the cracks in your heart, but can't keep the lies from falling from your lips. Knowing how hurt she'd be if she was to realize that it was actually you that she saw with Jimin. A huff of breath leaves her lips, eyes blinking as she lifts her head to look back at you. She looks the same way she does when she's about to cry and you want to reach out to console her, but you can't get yourself to move.
Miju doesn't let the tears slip, head shaking as she pushes a laugh through her lips. “He's a guy, right? No big deal. We're not even together. I just need to be bolder,” Her words oddly sound like you and you find yourself agreeing, nodding your head.
“Yeah. It'll be alright,” This time you're reaching for her, hand landing on your shoulder. She's shrugging you off, plastering a smile onto her face. “I'm gonna go in. I'll call you later.” She turns, easily finding the proper key to unlock the door.
You nod despite her having slipped past without sparing you another glance. With a heavy heart, you're leaving her porch. Guilt eating away at you with each step you took. And although it should be easy, you can't seem to land on the right thing to do. 
Know that your first instinct should be to stop, to cut all times with Jimin so you can properly call yourself a friend to Miju again... but the thought of never talking to Jimin again, never get to feel his lips, be wrapped up in his arms... makes you sick to your stomach.
There was no way you could have both, though. You needed to make a choice.
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– girl code rule #1: never, ever, under any circumstances fall for your best friend’s crush. but what happens when your best friend’s crush checks all the boxes of your ideal guy… and to make matters worse… he’s crazy about you too.
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⇝ taglist:  @randomkoalablog​  @hehehehahahohohuhu​ @smoljams​​ @dee-ehn​​ @jaiuneamesolitaiire​​ @sw33tnight​​ @butterflylion​​ @honeyoongles​​ @withlovestudyblr​​ @soulstaes​​ @bangtansonyeondayyum​​ @samros95​​ @korkanswers​​ @houseofarmanto​​ @marifujioka​​ @tae165​​ @uxwi​​ @trynavibewhileicry​​ @jinhitwhore​​ @preciouschimine​​ @yeontanie21​​ @aa-ronpa​​ @taefect94​​ @lee-karliah​​ @codeinebelle​​ @mochibabycakes​​ @diminieshoe​​ @fuddyize​​ @soloikeadates​​ @0xmysticx0​​ @bbyjoonies​​ @amoreguk​​ @diminieshoe​​ @jayyayyy17​​ @softlyjins​​ @bangtan-noona​​ @fan-atic-blog​​–c @fuck-expectations-people​​ @paradisetaemin​​ @nyamjinnie​​ @lilacdreams-00​​ @vsugakookie0104​​ @koostime​​ @la-evforia​​ @betysotelo18​​ @sunskook​​ @pastelpinksunflower​​ @kookiesjoonies​​ @sopetv​​ @tricethecharm​​
⇝ taglist: @chocobetterknot @simplysanha @falsegodtae @kookieswithtaeq @diorhobii @illwritetomorrow @angjeon @okblve @riverdale-kpop @alpaca1612 @hajiraa06 @mingisbabie @flamboyant-louie @bangtansbun @princecalpal @parkjammys @notmontae97 @unicornnomore @jiminsreads @kookoo-kachoo @hersheyheyhey @ratking101 @mini-coop25 @beeeb05 @ashleyjoyx @girlwiththeglittereyeliner @yoongissugarmommy @ladyartemesia @flantasticpr @lustremyg @vantaescupid @elliemeetsevil @p-polaroid @yousaybieberisaybiersack @btsbed @soperiorthanyou @kim-ji-hyeons-world @thia-aep @moonchildaera @singular-itae @fanfics-for-fun @triviasjms @kuppyjiminie @bangtan-dreamland @cainami @hyunaphordite @potaetertot @mypurplelamp @isophie305 @theneighborhoodfangirl​ @subtlepjiminie​ @baby-jichu @boraength @faeriegukkie @masterpiecejoonie
A/N: timestamps make sense throughout the fic. to be added to the taglist, send me an ask !! feedback is highly !! appreciated, it’s the motivation i need to keep the fic going nd fun for you guys!!<33
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Sweet Dreams
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Succubus! Reader
Genre: Demon/Succubus AU
Warning: Smut,
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: Baekhyun and Elle were highschool sweethearts, always in love. Until they move into their new house where a demon apparently resides. Baekhyun starts changing when his dreams begin getting taken over. How will things turn out for the happy couple?
All Baekhyun had ever wanted was to be with Elle. He had met her in their senior year of high school. She was the quiet girl who sat in the back of the class, wrote her notes and kept to herself. Where Baekhyun was the class clown who was majorly popular and had girls pining over him and that’s the thing that attracted him to her the most, the fact that she wasn’t falling at his feet. She was a quiet girl with a beautiful smile and Baekhyun wanted to see it more and more. 
He had asked her out for coffee on the second last day of school. She looked shocked as the words came from his mouth but with a small voice she said yes and he felt his heart soar. It took him a few dates to get her to really open up, but when she finally did, he thought her voice sounded like an angel. He had never thought he would ever find a sound that he could become obsessed with, until she spoke up. 
Baekhyun and Elle were happy for years. They went to College together, and were known around campus as the favorite couple, the ones everyone wanted to be and they both loved that. People fell in love with their love, the highschool sweethearts who would be together forever. And that’s exactly what it felt like. 
Last year, they both graduated College, Elle got a job as a secretary to a big time, hot shot lawyer, while Baekhyun got one of those dreaded nine to five corporate jobs where he would end up dragging his feet and hating his life more than he already did. They didn’t have sex anymore, Baekhyun couldn’t remember the last time he hadn’t had to jerk himself off because Elle was working late, or was already asleep when he got home. Despite his job being done at five, he was never home at a decent time, he was always late. 
A few months ago Baekhyun and Elle sat down to have a conversation about their relationship. They both agreed that they were in a rut and things needed to change. So, they came up with a plan to move out of their apartment and buy a house. Elle was going to take some time off and so was Baekhyun. They would spend some much needed time together while they shopped for a house and moved, strengthening their relationship, they didn’t want to lose each other. 
It didn’t take them long to find a house that they both loved. A few days later they put in an offer, and it was theirs. The people who were selling it couldn’t wait to get it off their hands and wouldn’t tell Baekhyun why they were selling but he didn’t care. It was theirs and they loved it. 
The first night they finished moving all their stuff in, they had their friends Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Lisa and Hwasa over to help, celebrating with some bottles of wine and pasta from Elle’s moving day box, something she came up with a few days ago. 
“So.” Chanyeol begins, taking a sip of his wine. “When I was outside grabbing some boxes earlier, I met one of your neighbors. She had mentioned that there’s a demon that lingers in the house. Apparently she enters your dreams.” He says, making some dramatic voices. 
“You are not telling me that my new house is haunted.” Elle pouts, cleaning up some of the mess. 
“Hey, I’m just relaying the message that I was told.” Chanyeol chuckles, getting up before helping up Lisa. 
“Don’t believe them. It’s all bullshit.” Kyungsoo smiles, helping up Hwasa. 
“Hey, thanks for all your help today.” Baekhyun says, giving his guests each a quick hug before they took off. They wouldn’t have been able to finish moving everything had it not been for them. 
“Any time.” They say before saying goodbye to Elle and taking off. 
Laying in bed that night, Baekhyun has his arm wrapped around Elle as she cuddles into him, her finger tracing the outline of his abs. 
“You don’t believe it, right?” She asks, trying to hide her shaky voice. 
“What? The ghost?” He asks. 
“Demon.” Elle interrupts. 
“Regardless, babe, it’s not true.” He laughs. “Even if anything happened, you know I’d protect you.” He says, pulling her in close before they both drift off to sleep.
Baekhyun opens his eyes, he’s on the couch across from his bed. He can see Elle laying there, sleeping peacefully and from the corner of his eye, he sees a figure standing in the corner. He can see the outline of your curves as you slowly walk towards him, your short nightgown swaying as you walk. His legs are spread, boxers are gone, his cock stands straight up. 
“Baby.” You moan, climbing on the couch to straddle him. Baekhyun’s head falls back onto the couch as you slowly sink yourself down on him. Your warm, wet pussy swallowing his cock. 
“Fuck.” He breathes, as you lift yourself up, and slowly sink down on him again. His hands find their way to your hips, helping lift you up before slamming you back down on his cock. His breath is erratic, he’s never felt a pussy like this before. He can feel his orgam building quickly. His eyes fall on Elle’s sleeping body. You quickly grab his head, bringing it forward, placing his face in between your breasts. 
“Cum.” You sing, grinding on his cock. 
Just as Baekhyun begins to cum inside you, he wakes up, shooting up in bed, his alarm clock beeping loudly. 
Everything is fuzzy, he forgets where he is for a second before he stumbles out of bed, feeling weak as he walks to the bathroom. His head is pounding, as well as his cock. 
He looks in the mirror, a little startled by his appearance. Dark bags circle his eyes, his lips are chapped, skin is dry. 
“Good morning.” Elle smiles as she grabs her deodorant from the bathroom, placing a kiss on Baekhyun’s cheek. 
“Morning.” He says, his voice is hoarse. “Did we have sex last night? Or early this morning?” He asks, his cock throbbing and sore. 
“No, why?” She asks. 
“No reason.” Baekhyun says. “I’m gonna take a quick shower." 
After his shower he gets dressed for the day, shuffling downstairs where he sees Elle has already left, but puts out his to go mug of coffee as well as his water bottle. She was the best, always making things a little easier for him. But he couldn’t help but to think about his dream, why was his cock sore? It was just a dream, wasn’t it?
Baekhyun couldn’t concentrate today. On his drive to work, his mind would flashback to his dream. He tried to focus on his work but he couldn’t stop thinking about it. It was yhr best sex he had ever had, he had never cum so hard. Sure he and Elle had good sex, but this was a whole other level. 
"Hi babe.” He sighed as he walked inside, sitting at the island while Elle finished cooking dinner. 
“What’s wrong?” She asks, looking concerned. 
“Rough day.” He begins. “I had a very vivid.. dream last night and it took a lot out of me.” He tells her. “I could barely concentrate at work today." 
"Im sorry, love. A good dinner and back rub should help, yeah?” She smiles. 
She was the best. 
After the two of them finished eating, Elle asked Baekhyun to run a few boxes out into the back alleys recycling bin. After a kiss on the cheek he grabbed the pile and headed out the back door. The second he stepped out that door he felt something wasn’t right. As he walked to the alley, fog crept into the yard out of nowhere. Baekhyun found himself breathing a little heavier, feeling something behind him. 
“Elle?” He asks, weakly. 
“Try again.” You whisper, your hands running down his arms, your mouth gently tracing along his neck. “You by far are my favorite.” You whisper, placing small kisses on his neck. “You feed me so well. It’s been so long since I’ve felt so strong." 
You slip your hand inside his sweatpants, grabbing onto his cock, stroking him from base to tip. "So delicious.” You purr, moving in front of him, pulling his pants down yo allow his cock yo spring free. You kneel down, engulfing his cock in your mouth, his tip hitting the back of your throat as you hum, the vibration sending chills down his spine. Your hand pumps his base as your mouth takes on the rest of him, your tongue swirling around, the continued humming, Baekhyun can’t control his orgasm. Within seconds he shoots his load into your mouth, moaning loudly, gasping for air. 
Baekhyun wakes up, he’s leaning against the fence, boxes still in his hand. How is he so tired? Fuck is he ever thirsty.  He throws the boxes down, making his way back to the house. His cock is sore again, his body is drained and shaky. He just needs a really good sleep. 
Walking back inside he tells Elle he’s just going to take a showet and go to bed. “I’m just off.” He smiles, grabbing a couple bottles of water before heading up to the bathroom. He looks in the mirror, the bags under his eyes bigger than earlier. 
He slips off his clothes, getting into the shower, the hot water feels nice. Relaxing his muscles, he chugs the two bottles of water but still feels like he needs more. He finishes his shower, walking into his room with his towel wrapped around his waist, he puts on a pair of boxers before just climbing into bed. He was desperate for a good sleep, but also found himself craving another dream. 
Baekhyun slept peacefully that night. When he woke up in the morning, he was slightly disappointed that his night was dreamers. His cock was hard, and ready to be ridden but was left alone. 
“Morning.” Elle yawns, stretching out before wrapping her hand around his covered cock, stroking it a little.
“Morning.” He says, rolling over to get out of bed. “I’m going to be late.” He says, walking to the bathroom. He could hear Elle’s sigh of disappointment, and he felt bad but that wasn’t what he wanted. 
When he went downstairs, he found Elle was gone already but had still left out his mug of coffee, along with some water like she did before he went to work.
He couldn’t concentrate at work again. His mind wandered to the best sex he had had the last couple days and wondered why it didn’t happen last night. His body felt like it was craving it, he yearned for the feeling of that wet pussy sliding onto his cock. 
As his coworkers left the office for lunch, he remained in his small office, leaning his head back on the chair, resting his eyes. 
Baekhyun opens his eyes, looking at the door, he sees a figure he recognizes. “Did you miss me?” You ask, your voice soft and seductive. 
“Mhmm.” Baekhyun groans, sitting up in his chair. You walk around his desk before moving in between his legs, settling yourself on his desk. 
“Come.” You whisper, motioning hkm yo come to you with one finger. Baekhyun instantly stands up, taking a few steps forward until he’s in between your legs. “Good boy." 
You grab his tie, pulling him forward, his face close to yours. You move forward just an inch, gently pressing your lips to his, before letting go on hks tie, moving your hands down his stomach to his belt, unbluckling it. 
You pull his pants down just slightly before scooting yourself to the edge of his desk. Your hand is wrapped around his already hard cock, lining him up with your entrance, he moves closer, pushing himself inside of you. 
"That’s right baby.” You moan, wrapping your arms around his neck as he slides in and out of you. Baekhyun can feel you tighten yourself around his cock, making him moan loudly. 
He didn’t know how but you made him cum so much faster and better than anyone. It was an orgasm he craved. 
“So tight.” He moans, burying his face in your neck as you wrap your legs around his waist. He picks you up, pressing you against the wall, his hips thrusting inside you. “Fuck.” He cries, as you tighten yourself one more time, making him cum, fueling your energy with every load he gives you. 
Baekhyun wakes up on the floor of his office, his body shaking and weak. His skin is dry again, he looks in the mirror, his eyes are bloodshot. 
Looking at the clock, he sees it’s only been 15 minutes into his hour-long lunch, only half the day is done but he can’t be here any longer. He heads home, telling his boss he just wasn’t feeling well. 
The minute he arrives home he heads upstairs, falling down onto his bed, sleep coming easily. What felt like ten minutes later, he was woken up by a concerned looking Elle. 
“Are you okay?” She asks, feeling his forehead. 
“Im fine.” He snaps, slapping her hand away and standing up to walk away. 
“Hey, why are you snapping at me?” Elle yells, only to be ignored by Baekhyun. He slams the door to the bathroom, resting his hands on the counter. 
This wasn’t like him. He never snapped at her, or walked away from her but why would she wake him up? He just wanted to sleep. Baekhyun took a few deep breaths before opening the door, and walked towards a sad looking Elle. 
“I’m sorry.” He says, pulling her ij for a hug. “I’m just tired.” He finishes. 
“Go back to sleep. Just wanted to make sure you were okay.” She whispers, letting him go and heading downstairs. 
Baekhyun happily crawls back into bed, falling asleep quickly as you enter the room. You crawl onto his bed, pulling the covers off of him, his cock already standing tall. Baekhyun doesn’t even hesitate to pull it out, waiting for you to crawl over him, sinking down on his cock. 
“So needy for me.” You moan, rocking back and forth. 
“It feels so good.” He groans, placing his hands on your hips. You lift yourself up slowly before slamming back down on him, making him cry out in pleasure. “Oh god yes.” He yells. 
“You like my pussy better don’t you baby?” You ask. 
“Yes, fuck yes, so much better.” He moans, his toes curling as you squeeze yourself on him again and again, making him cum. You continue rocking yourself on him, milking Jim for everything he has, not wanting to waste one last drop. 
“Good boy.” He hears faintly before his eyes open, he feels the bed dip on Elle’s side. He quickly closes them, not wanting her to know he’s awake but it doesn’t take him long to fall asleep again
Over the next few weeks Baekhyun found hjms craving sleep more and more, desperately seeking your touch, your pussy, your scent, your everything and he could tell his attitude was taking a toll on Elle. 
But he found it hard to care. 
“Baek?” Elle yells a few weeks later. “Can we talk?" 
Baekhyun comes downstairs into the kitchen, sitting at the island while Elle looks a little uncomfortable, fidgeting with her fingers.
"Whats up?” He asks, intertwining his fingers. 
“Are you okay?” She asks. 
“Im great. Why?” He answers, confused. 
“Well.. you don’t want to spend time with me. I try to initiate sex and you refuse me. I just don’t understand.” She whispers. 
Baekhyun scoffs. “I work hard everyday, I’m exhausted from work. I have a hard job.” He snaps. 
��I get that but we used to have sex all the time.” She says, her voice getting a little more frustrated. 
“Shit happens, things change. Look, I’m tired. I’m going to go to bed.” Baekhyun says, waving her off. 
“It’s 7pm!” She yells. “All you ever do is sleep!” She spits. 
“I’m too tired for this.” He scoffs, walking up the stairs. 
“Christ, you’re too tired for everything.” She yells. 
“Maybe I’m just fucking tired of you.” He snaps, walking up the stairs and slamming the door to his room. 
He can hear her crying on the phone to whoever, asking if she can go over there. He hears the front door slam shut before her car starts. 
Baekhyun can’t help but laugh at how much he doesn’t care about her anymore. It was always you. 
He falls asleep as soon as his eyes close. He rolls over and sees you laying there, naked. 
“I wish you were real.” He whispers, rolling his body on top of you, he’s ready naked. 
“I am real.” You whisper, stroking his face. 
Baekhyun buries his face in your neck as he inserts his cock into you, letting out a moan. 
“I mean not in my dreams.” He says, thrusting his hips. 
“I can be real outside of dreams. You can be like me, I can make you like me.” You whisper. Baekhyun groans, his thrusts becoming faster. 
“Do it. Make me like you.” He grunts. 
You smile as you bite your wrist, the cut leaking black blood. 
“Drink.” You whisper. 
Baekhyun latches his lips to your wrist without a question. He sucks for a few seconds, and then he hears you moan. He lets go of your wrist as he cums, spilling inside you, breathlessly. 
“I’ll see you soon.” You whisper, making him wake up. He’s alone in a dark room, his bed feeling empty. 
Second later, he’s asleep again, but this time you don’t come back. His body feels like it’s burning as he tosses and turns through the night, his throat is dry, his eyes burn but still he cannot wake up. 
Until his eyes shoot open. Birds are chirping, the sun is up and you are laying in his bed next to him. 
“Good morning.” He croaks, taking a minute to realize it’s really you. 
“Morning.” You whisper. 
“Wait. Am I dreaming?” He asks. 
“No.” You smile. 
“So it worked? I’m like you?” He asks, his voice is different. It’s deeper, calmer, more terrifying. 
“You are now an Incubus, Baekhyun.” You whisper.  “And I am the Succubus, Ayn." 
"Now we can be together.” He growls, rolling over on top of you again, leaning in for a kiss. You pull his face in closer to deepen the kiss. You were now all he wanted and he had you, forever.
“Baek..” you both hear after the door opens. “What the fuck.” You hear Elle yell. 
Baekhyun looks up with a smile on his face, as you sit up in bed behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. 
“So you’ve been cheating on me?” Elle scoffs. 
“I guess.” Baekhyun laughs. 
“How could you do this to me?” She cries, tears falling from her eyes. 
You can’t contain your laughter from behind Baekhyun, making him laugh as well. 
“Do this to you? I didn’t do anything to you, love. Not lately, anyways.” Baekhyun laughs. 
“Maybe had your pussy been better, he wouldn’t have needed to find better.” You suggest with a smile. You slide around the front of Baekhyun, straddling him right in front of Elle, who gives a look of disgust before she drops to the floor. 
“Sweet dreams.” You sing, as you and Baekhyun disappear into her dreams, the first of many bad dreams to come. 
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zodiac-monkey · 3 years
HELLOOOOOO!!! ;;W;; some time ago i received a PRECIOUS TREASURE BOX from @furubazine!!!!!
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it’s PINK and has beautiful pictures on the cover inside of cute little riceball shapes!!!! 🍙🍙🍙🍙 it has a gentle, thankful feeling to look at, like looking into a window on all the seasons and the warm scenes of friendship and family--the words printed on simple, solid white feel so solemn and grateful all at once T--T i can’t stress enough that the presentation of this zine is GORGEOUS, everything is so carefully and beautifully packaged that i really feel like every item is a precious treasure that is looked after with loving care..!! \;;A;;/
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SADLY THERE WAS TAPE ON THIS PART OF THE BOX and even though i was trying to handle it very carefully i am terribly clumsy and bad with boxes and accidentally injured this poor box!!! ;;A;; I AM SORRY!!!!! I WILL APOLOGIZE TO THIS BOX!!!!!! I WILL APOLOGIZE TO THE WORLD!!!!!!! m(__  __)m
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look at this gorgeous collection of treasures!!! ;;w;; i feel like there should be sparkles flowing out as i open this, everything is so carefully and charmingly arranged and feels so cozy together!!! TwT
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they sent me this beautiful thank-you note with a tiny adorable furuba trio on it!!! the lettering is so gorgeous and fancyyyy!! \;;A;;/ thank YOU for letting me be a part of this incredibly special and heartfelt project!!! >////< i really really enjoyed working on it, everyone was so nice and relaxed and supportive of each other--it’s an absolute joy and honor!!!!! T////T
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THEY EVEN WROTE ME A LITTLE SPECIAL NOTE IN THEIR OWN HANDWRITING!!!!! \;;A;;/ IM CRYING WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS OMG???? they are the ones who are kind people!!!! T////T thank YOU so much for your hard work putting together so many beautiful treasure boxes for all of us!! ;;A;; they said nice things about my picture that’s sooo sweet im so happy they thought it was pretty!!!! >////<
also they even told me not to be embarrassed about what i love!!! /)/////(\ wahhhhh!!!! it even has a little heart too!! i suppose this is because i said something in the discord server about feeling embarrassed for drawing cross-dressing all the time ;;A;; this is so extremely thoughtful and considerate of them to remember!!!! thank you so much for such kindness please take all of these hearts too!!!! />/////</💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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the zine itself is gorgeous!! the cover art by lluluchwan feels so peaceful and warm--i love how the light falls on them through the sunlit flowers, so restful and bright, and tohru’s smile fills my heart with warmth and gratitude!! ;;w;;
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the merch comes in these precious little cherry blossom pouches and the postcards even come in a package with a window to see how beautiful they are!! it’s like a little sleeping bag just their size!! ;;w;;
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i LOVE this foil postcard by @magesup​ it’s SO gorgeous?? everyone crossing the bridge together with the blooming cherry blossoms is so precious, like everyone is moving together towards happiness!! ;;w;;
akito is leading the march and kyo and tohru at the back look so happy together, momiji’s energy is so precious (even if kisa seems a little shy or surprised by it), ayame being extra and hatori putting up with it as usual, shigure probably making some joke to kureno and kagura full of energy as usual, rin is leaning over the bridge away from the others--she and hiro look a little aloof about everyone’s commotion--but yuki looks so lively and engaged talking with haru, and even ritsu seems calm and at peace! (RITSUUUUU!!!!!!! IM SO HAPPY TO SEE RITCHAN HERE!!! \;;U;;/)
everyone is so beautiful and their personalities really shine!!! AND LOOK HOW THE BRIDGE IS SHINING GOLD!!!! i had no idea it would be like that, it’s so beautiful!!!! \TwT/
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OMG LOOK HOW THE FOIL PICTURE FRAMES SHINE!!!! \;;O;;/ i LOVE how this work by AmySunHee showcases so many of the characters and moments of the series, with tohru clasping her hands in front of them all like every one is precious to her!! the gold really makes it feel like each one is a treasure!! ;;O;;
BABY TOHRU WITH HER PARENTS MY HEART!!!! T---T EVEN THE LITTLE GRANDPA AT TOHRU’S ELBOW and even akito is close to tohru, she cares no matter what ;A; momiji looks so peaceful playing his violin, the little flowers!! kagura glomping kyo, his expression is CLASSIC, haru and rin together look picture perfect sitting back to back, and kisa and hiro match perfectly in their outfits!! hana and uo and the student council, the mabudachi trio and mine showing off ayame--even the yuki fanclub is there AND OMG THAT PHOTO OF KYO AND YUKI HATORI TOOK,, THEY JUST HAD TO FRAME THAT.. he even got their question marks in the photo sfhsgdhg AND RITSU IS THERE IM SO HAPPY in classic form i love the expression!! the ornate detailing on all the frames is gorgeous!!! T////T i love the exquisite patterns so carefully carved into them!!
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THE CHARMS HAVE LITTLE CAT RINGS HOW CUTE IS THAT?!!! >/////< each charm is like looking in on a little scene, i love them!! the kyo and yuki buttons by lulu are just gorgeously soft and precious, and i love the motion in the petals and leaves in the buttons by hackwolfin, i can feel the different moods and seasons in each one, from cheerful to melancholy ;;A;; AND kyo sleeping with tiny riceball and rat yuki on the enamel pin--AGAIN HOW CUTE IS THIS!!! T////T HOW CAN ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING BE SO PRECIOUS!!!! \;;A;;/
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EVERYTHING IS SO SWEET AND BEAUTIFUL IM CRYING???!!! the die-cut stickers by samairu are so gorgeously detailed and smooth, i love how close and cozy the characters look framed in the circle windows, and the rich colors really make me feel the bright spring day and deep autumn night!
the school defense force stickers by sleepy-crayonn are so expressive, i love how each character portrait shows their personalities matched with a season, and the hilarious mini reaction images?! XD the little festival stickers by dewream are sooo precious everyone is so soft and cute and tiny!!! >////< (TRUE TO HIS NATURE KYO CAUGHT A FISH) tohru is so happy and i love how gracefully yuki holds that fan!!
this postcard by @lumiiki​ is just SHEER JOY AND BRIGHTNESS everyone so happy together on a sunny day, the boys looking on contentedly at tohru with her arms full of flowers as she just radiates happiness!! i love the detail in her flowers and straw hat, the strong shading makes it feel like the sun is really really bright!! TuT
@vitaminpop​‘s art style is so ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS i treasure these tiny little furuba cards so much???? everyone is SO SOFT i love the light inner outlines and highlights around the edges, tohru here with a big smile and flowers for everyone, yuki with this sweet little smile so tenderly holding the fresh strawberries he put so much work into growing himself, covered in dirt still from tending them but radiating this soft joy from the care he’s poured in T---T kyo so casually eating his food his big unconcerned eyes are so precious, shigure just taking his hat off like he’s come in from the cold, his smile is so soft;;
im blessed with all of these treasures omg!!! \T////T/
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WAHHHH im so honored that my picture was put right next to the page for autumn?? \;;A;;/ thank you so much im sooo happy!! it looks so light and soft next to the soft leaves falling on the title page!! ;;/////;;
(of course looking at it in print im filled with thoughts like “maybe i should have left in more of the white border” and “i seem to have forgotten again that my monitor shows colors as more pink than they really are” BUT DONT WE ALL....)
THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN for letting me be a part of this project, it’s so absolutely beautiful and heartfelt and im so thrilled and honored that i could contribute!!! >/////< thank you soooo much!!!! \;;W;;/
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letthefrogsbe · 3 years
remember when I was gonna write that parkner fic?
cool so I've decided I'm gonna, but because I cannot write for SHIT and I hate my writing every time I see it, ill just share my outline of what I have so far. its not coherent. sorry. 
Section one: aunt may dies. It’ll be like “it's been 3 months. 3 months since May was shot. 2 months and 3 weeks since she died.”
Something like that idc. Basically this section will base around peter living tony, because he’s not doing well, and he is only 17- which is not actually old enough to be on your own after something like this. Setting is established, with cameos from dr strange (who tony is dating and lives with (yeah bite me, this is my fanfiction i can make it what i want.) it will be made obvious that this takes place after endgame, which also means that tony is Not going to die. I’m not that mean lmao. The avengers are like largely together, there was not as much death in this as there was in endgame. Whatever. Everyone is very nice to peter because they know that for him its either this or him becoming a ward of the state so like.
Section two: harley gets kicked out. His mom finds out that he’s gay (from gossip sources idk) and kicks harley out. Im not going to write them having a big fight like in the moment, but harley will recount what happened somewhat to tony in this section, and then more to peter later in the story. Gay ppl trauma dump, we know this. Okay anywaysss so harley calls tony literally sobbing and like freezing fucking cold. IM SORRY IM BEING SO MEAN TO THEM I PROMISE THEY'LL GET A HAPPY ENDING. Okay. harley explains how his mom kicked him out. Tony asks why, harley says something like “she didn’t agree with my lifestyle choices” like bitterly. Tony is a good person in this (i know, im really taking some character liberties) and he’s in the mood for collecting strays apparently, so he has happy send over the quinjet. He can’t make it himself bc hes in fucking japan or something for the next few weeks,, but. Yeah! Tony also calls peter, who is presumably in bed and feeling depressed. “Hey pete. How ya feeling? Any better?’ ‘Not really, tony. Sorry.’ ‘you don’t have to be sorry-’ ‘damn tony you sound like my therapist.’ “sorry pete, but i do have something to tell you- you know harley?’ ‘only from what you’ve told me about him, but yea. He was the tennessee garage kid, right?’ ‘i mean. Yes. so- he’s gonna come stay with me for a while too- it might not be permanent but it will probably be a bit. He’s about your age, and he just has no where to go (just like u). He’s not going to stay in your room or anything, but with bruce and thor here, he will be in your apartment area.’ ‘okay tony.. Will i have to talk to him a bunch?’ ‘not if you don’t want to- i already warned him about you, so it should be okay. I wouldn’t worry so much pete- you guys are so similar in a lot of ways that i wanted to introduce you two long before he called me.’ ‘okay tony, i trust you. Thank you again for letting me stay with you :)’ (yeah that kind of got away from me)
Section 3: build up. this is a shorter section. Harley and peter are gonna meet in section 4. This section is harley’s jet ride (with an intuitive happy) and harley’s nerves about how he really isn’t worth this (i mean hes pretty intimidated tony sent a private jet just for him) and happy like reassures him. Hes still insecure though. Peter is also nervous bc what if harley doesn’t like him? What if he doesn’t like harley?? Tony did say they would get along, but peter hasn’t really been himself recently, so who knows? Yeah lots of that. I do want to emphasize though- peter is not completely unhealthily coping. Like he has a therapist and he has been reaching out to ned and mj, but its still an open wound for him. Obviously. He still has a sense of humor though, but its to cover these deep insecurities. Like the first month or so that he was with tony, he was reallllyyyy trying to not get close to him bc he sort of thinks he kills everyone around him. Like logically he knows this isn’t true, but he does really think the that non superheroes that he surrounds himself with are very at risk if they know about his spider-man-ness. The only people who know now are ned and mj (may knew too).
Section 4: the meeting of harley and peter. Keep in mind peter has been living in this apartment/area of stark tower for about 3 months now. He actually moved in while may was in the hospital because he couldn’t stand to be alone in the apartment when he knew why may wasn’t there. And um. Yeah. so peter is like comfortable in this space, basically. Also- the reason theyre in the same apartment is because stark tower was not really created with the idea of housing broken orphans in mind, so it only has a certain amount of residential space. Thor and bruce are currently staying there together (although no one really knows if theyre together, or if theyre just best bros who went through some extreme trauma together and are now inseparable. Hmmm wonder if thats gonna come up later) and theyre using one apartment, and happy lives there with his own apartment, and tony and stephen are currently sharing the penthouse, even though thats not public knowledge. Really only the people close to tony know that he’s dating stephen. So. this leaves just the one other 2 bedroom apartment for peter and harley. It has one bathroom, and the bedrooms are connected by a door but theyre pretty big so like. Theres a kitchen, a living room with a fancy ass tv, and a really pretty view (with a balcony bc <333). May died in march, peter got leave from the school in april, and it is now the middle of june btw. Tony is now peter’s official guardian (he was before may died anyways) and now has sole guardianship over him which he has fully accepted, even though peter and him both know that there are going to be times where he has to go out of town bc he does own a company after all. Times like right now. Harley is pretty nervous that tony isn’t going to be there to greet him and that he is going to have to like introduce himself to peter and everything. Cmon, theres no reason to feel like that, he’s the one intruding after all, he should at least be able to handle himself. (<--- harley’s thoughts). Yeah so theyre insecure super cool. A n y w a y s so peter was stressing about harley as he arrived, and so when harley walked in they were both complete bundles of nerves. Harley walks up but knocks. Peter actually jumps (bc spidey sense okay whatever) and goes to get the door. Oh my god these awkward teenagers i hate them so much (i love them). Peter kinda looks like shit, sorry king. He was a little bit crying earlier, then tony called and he switched into stressed out ball-of-anxiety mode. Distractions are good, its okay. Peter opens the door for harley and they like introduce each other all awkward (again sorry) and peter shows harley where he is staying. Harley doesnt really have muchhhh bc he was kicked out and all. He just has a suitcase full of clothes, his favorite blanket, his favorite stuffed animal (yeah whatever bc ofc he does) and his phone/charger. He sets all his stuff down at once. He thanks peter for letting him stay in his apartment and also said sorry. First thing peter noticed was harley’s accent. Stfu. peter asks why harley’s here- ok. Harleys had a long ass day. Too fucking long. He- he breaks down. He tells peter a lot. About how his mom found out that he was gay, and how she told him never to come back. Yikes. Anyways, this is establishing the beginning of their relationship as friends. Peter is there for him even though he doesn’t know him at all. Peter sees some of himself in harley in this moment, even though he’s not talking about himself yet. Eventually harley does ask about peter, and they really just get to know each other really quick. They have these deep scarring individual traumas, and neither has nearly recovered, but they find comfort in just knowing that theyre not alone in their suffering. At least for now. At least in this moment.
Section 5: the next day. Peter and harley spent that whole night talking about what they were going through. Peter said good night at around 5 am (there were no adults around they can do what they want to) and they both got good sleeps. In peter’s case, one of the first solid nights he’s had in a while. Harley was kept up a little longer after peter left, however, because he just couldn’t shut off his mind. It was really cathartic for him to just lay everything out there and for someone to just accept him. Peter told him he was bi, but he was.. Lucky. He had accepting people in his life. May was accepting. God, harley couldn’t fathom having lost everyone in his life, everyone he ever cared about, and still having the heart to sit and talk with the dumbass anxious gay kid who can’t go home anymore. His problems felt so small compared to peter’s, and all he could do was admire peter’s resilience and how he was seemingly able to bounce back from anything. God, peter was something. He couldn’t wait to get to know him more. With that thought circling in his head, he finally went to sleep at oh shit 6:30 am. Peter woke up around 1. Harley at 2. When harley woke up, peter was watching tv and eating cereal on the couch and he just sat down next to him. No words, just sleepy children being sleepy. They stayed like this for like an hour when someone knocked on their door. Enter stephen strange!!!!!!!!!!! Get excited people. Hes just coming in to check on them bc tony told him to, and he didn’t get the chance last night bc he was _busy_. K so now he’s here and hes awkward and he just wants to make sure these boys r okay bc theyve both been through too much recently, and it would be just the cherry on top if they didn’t get along. Him and harley had never actually met before so he like introduced himself and all that. Offered like if they needed anything he was there, and its only gonna be a few days until tony gets back (did i say a week earlier? Im retconning that bc i cannot find it in my writing so it is now retconned). Peter and harley just have to sort of explain to dr strange that theyre getting along gREAT and there is no need for concern….. And peter was even thinking about showing harley around the city a bit that night (something he had not yet told harley, but wanted to make it seem like he was doing well and not acting too depressed in front of Dr. Strange) so dr strange is like yeah !!!!!! do that, that sounds super fun petey !!!!!! and so now they have evening plans
ok ps I wrote this like 2 weeks ago and completely forgot I posted something on Tumblr about this fic idea, and so this is literally just how I talk to myself. was not gonna ever post this but then I decided to because I'm bored. there are more sections but I'm not gonna post them rn because this post is really fucking long already!!!!
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yakocchi · 4 years
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My Darling’s the Strongest (Scenario Event) // Leonardo
(graphic is separate from the event)
me: wow i wonder what cool and amazing new content there will be for white day week cybird: we heard from no one that u like reprints that only have new ranking avatars. so heres another reprint that only has new ranking avatars me:
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…….cybird it’s ok to not make every event have ranking cards. yea i know they make gangbusters versus events without cards, but if it results in less new scenario events overall… that’s not great
anyway, it’s been like 4 months since a new Count scenario event has been released (which is a better track record than several charas) and i wanted to do a longer string of text to test out a keyboard i ordered. yea im very fickle with my output but ehehe what’s new i archive leo events sometimes, so i decided to dredge one up to translate. i actually wanted to do vlad’s first post-main-route event as a sort of celebration for when it would inevitably happen, but then said scenario event appeared and it ended up being an AU. why does this game like AUs so much? the canon universe already pretty farfetched… u literally have dracula and ure telling me u would rather put him in a situation where he would not be dracula. cowards
This event (first released ~July 2020) was made for the 3rd Anniversary of JP Ikevam later that month. The event was split into two parts, where iirc the first part contained the Count, Arthur, and Mozart. Leo was in the second part with Napo and Isaac.
Spoilers under the cut!! Please credit if you take any of it, thenk u (・ω・*) image-heavy!!
The master of the manse, from time to time, starts his conversations with the most unexpected topics. One of those “times”, was today.
[Count]: “—So, I’d like the two of you to go out for the Best Couples’ Contest.” [Leonardo & Kara]: “Huh…?” As soon as we had excused ourselves into his quarters, the Count had said something completely unexpected. Leonardo and I had responded with a confused noise spilling out of our lips. (The “Best Couples’ Contest” is that event where they pick the best couple in Paris, right?) (I wonder why he suddenly decided to say he wants us to go.) Even as the two of us stood bewildered in front of him, the Count’s smile remained, untarnished. Leonardo then heaved a massive sigh…
[Leonardo]: “Now, I’m used to you telling me crazy things—" [Leonardo]: “But at the very least, could you give us the entire story, O’ great Count?” The Count began to speak once more—
[Count]: “Well—” [Count]: “Last night, I had visited an acquaintance upon them telling me that they had gotten their hands on some good wine.” [Count]: “At one point, they informed me that they were going to hold a contest to determine the best couple.” [Count]: “Then, they asked me if I was acquainted with any prospective couples for it.” Leonardo then took over from Count as if he had read this story before.
[Leonardo]: “Then, in your drunken state you selfishly entered me and the little sweetheart to the contest, did you?” (And that means… the Count thinks me and Leonardo would have a chance?)
The Count responded to Leonardo’s summation of the events with apparent amusement. [Count]: “I do believe I wasn’t drunk at the time, I’ll have you know?” [Leonardo]: “That’s even worse, then.”
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[Count]: “Oh my, Leonardo. Is it really all right for you to say that?” [Leonardo]: “Hah?” [Kara]: “gh-…” The Count had turned in my direction— and so Leonardo, as if in pursuit of the gentleman, then turned to face me as well. Their gazes seemed to urge me to confess my true feelings on the matter, and I earnestly comply.
[Kara]: “Ah-, I… I just thought it sounded fun.” [Kara]: “And on top of that, I’d be really happy if everyone acknowledged me and Leonardo as the best couple.” (Even though I’d be nervous to stand in front of so many people,) (I’d be able to boast that such a wonderful person is my lover…) (And I also think it’d be a good opportunity to see if I’m able to become a suitable woman for Leonardo.)
[Leonardo]: “…” A surprised expression appeared on Leonardo’s face for a moment, before it was replaced with a smile…
[Leonardo]: “Shall we partake?” [Kara]: “Huh? Is it okay?” I had blurted out my question, and Leonardo gently patted my head. [Leonardo]: “This situation’s turned into nothing but a good opportunity, so we might as well have some fun and aim to win this thing, yeah?” [Kara]: “gh- Okay…!” Glad that Leonardo was also interested, my voice naturally gained a bounce to it.
[Kara]: “But, I wonder how they’re going to determine the best couple?” Muttering this, the Count then handed me the invitation, which had a general outline of the event written inside. Promptly opening it, written was—
(The contest is to be a few days from now, and I can look forward to what we’ll be tested on… on the day itself?) The portion I wanted to know about most of all hadn’t been written, and I internally slumped my shoulders.   The invitation concluded with a single line— “The key to victory is to have a mind and soul of love towards one another,” (I guess the ‘mind and soul of love’ is supposed to be a hint, but…) [Kara]: “Hmm… With just this, I don’t know what the contest could be about, at all.” [Leonardo]: “Don’t sweat it, sweetheart.” (Huh?) Leonardo brought his face up close to the Count… And as if he had devised a scheme, a mischievous smile had turned the corners of his lips. [Leonardo]: “You’re close with the contest organizer, right? I’m led to believe that they have some sort of hint on ‘em.” [Count]: “Leonardo…?” [Leonardo]: “We may have willingly chose to participate in the contest— but it doesn’t change the reality that it was our lovely Count who dragged us into this in the first place.” [Leonardo]: “So, naturally, you’re gonna cooperate with us, no?”
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As a result of forcing the Count (against his will) to spill the details, we were able to make a guess on what we’d be doing in the contest. But…
most everyone else in this event: (thinking hard on what to do bc they dont kno what the contest is going to cover) leo: fuc it CHEAT
[Leonardo]: “…” (…Leonardo has an awfully complicated look on his face right now.) In my mind, I think over our discussion from a moment ago:
The organizer of the couples’ contest appears to have hosted several dance contests as well. To put it plainly, the organizer is both a huge socialite and a huge fan of dances. (So, individuals are called from high society circles to be chosen as the “best couple”, and) (The probability of competing based on our dancing… is high.)
[Leonardo]: “Hagh…” [Kara]: “…Hehe.” Seeing Leonardo’s pouting face, I unwittingly laughed. Then— [Leonardo]: “What are you laughing for, sweetheart?”
[Kara]: “I just remembered something from back before we became lovers.” The conversation of that day, the day where a weakness of his had been exposed, replayed in my head—
[Leonardo]: “…I can’t dance.” (Huh…?) [Kara]: “You’ve got to be kidding, right…? You can build and play instruments, and yet…” [Kara]: “Is it because you don’t go to many socialite parties to begin with, so you haven’t had many opportunities to dance….?” [Leonardo]: “No, I’ve participated in ‘em the point where I’ve even had a hand in producing those sorts of dazzling venues.” [Kara]: “’Producing’…” (This person really can do anything and everything. No, no, that’s not true…) [Kara]: “Leonardo, the mystery that surrounds you is only getting deeper and deeper.”
[Leonardo]: “I avoided having to do it.” [Kara]: “…’Avoid’?” [Leonardo]: “…Try to imagine it. Me, dancing?” [Leonardo]: “It doesn’t suit me, I don’t have the look required for it…” (…What… is this?)
[Kara]: “…Hehe, ahaha!” [Leonardo]: “…Hey, sweetheart. What are you laughing for?
(He said the same thing back then.) Unable to hold it in, I continued to giggle… [Leonardo]: “Don’t laugh.” [Kara]: “I think you’re the one smiling here, though?” [Leonardo]: “…I’m just feeling terribly nostalgic right now.” Answering me, his eyes held a gentle light within them as if cherishing those days, [Kara]: “You still hate dancing, I assume?” [Leonardo]: “Even to this day, I find it embarrassing to do. Radiant, cheerful stuff doesn’t mesh with me. But—" (Huh?)
The second I wondered if Leonardo was going to start something, he suddenly pulled my waist towards him for an embrace… [Kara]: “Woah, woah-…!” Regaining my senses— Led by Leonardo himself, I properly danced. [Leonardo]: “I’m able to dance like the average person now— and it’s all because you came to keep me company.” While I was still surprised, Leonardo dropped a light kiss on my forehead. [Kara]: “Nn-…” Flustered, I looked up to find a completely composed smile on his face… [Kara]: “…ngh-“ An impulse overwhelming me, I lean my head against his chest.
[Kara]: “…Sly as usual.” [Leonardo]: “Hm?” [Kara]: “Even though I thought I had finally found a weakness of yours, you’ll get over that hurdle too pretty soon.” [Kara]: “When you do things like that, you become sly so smoothly, exquisitely.”
(When he shows this side of him… I get driven to work even harder than before so I can catch up to him.) While even feeling a frustration from it, I turned my gaze back to Leonardo.
[Kara]: “It seems like this world is going to become one where there’s absolutely nothing you can’t do.”
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[Leonardo]: “…Maybe?” (…Hm?) For a second it felt as if he were pondering over something, a particular emotion washing over his face.
But before I could say anything, I was swiftly embraced, and that thought of mine scattered, and vanished. [Kara]: “l- Leonardo?” [Leonardo]: “Hey, look there, sweetheart.” (Huh?)
Following Leonardo’s gaze— I could see the dusk dying the sky from a distance away. (Pretty…) The view that he showed me, was beautiful.   But, at the same time… my chest was tightened by this sorrow. (Although the scene before our eyes is the same between us, time passes differently between us…) (During moments like this, I feel that difference.) (However— When we became lovers, I had decided that no matter how different we are, I’m going to embrace the present, make the most out of it.) (I’m going to savor even the passing seconds, cherish them… as we live together, as two.)
As if to confirm he was really there, I embraced his warmth in return… [Kara]: “Leonardo, I’m looking forward to the contest.” [Leonardo]: “Mhm.” In the vivid sunset, we smiled to each other.
—Time passed, and the night of the contest arrived at last.
(W-Wow…) When we had entered the venue in our formalwear, there were several couples eagerly waiting for the contest to start. (All of the people here have to be participants for the contest, huh. …Somehow, my heart’s pounding.) I took a deep breath to calm myself down, and when I did that— Leonardo, as if to soothe my heart, lightly stroked my hair. [Leonardo]: “Why is it necessary for you to feel all anxious?” [Kara]: “Leonardo?” [Leonardo]: “To the point where there’s just no way we can lose to any couple here— I love you, you know.”
[Leonardo]: “—Well, and you?” Inquiring me, his smile was brimming with self-confidence… And caught up in his mood, I smiled cheerfully.
[Kara]: “I love you too— to the point where it’s impossible for us lose to anyone…!”
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[Leonardo]: “Heh… Very nice, then.” [Judge]: “—And so, the contest shall begin now. The means of competition is to be by dance.” (Ah-…!) We look to each other, and Leonardo, extending his hand towards me, says, [Leonardo]: “Kara… You’ll do me the honor of a dance, no…?”
[Kara]: “Yes, I’d be delighted!” (Even though I was so nervous about this until now… Now, I can’t help but just be excited about it.) (I want everyone to quickly feast their eyes on our dancing, and our bond!) Taking his hand, I nestled close to him as an elegant melody began to echo within the dance hall. To become a flower that offsets the man before me, I step forward—
—When the contest had ended without a hitch, the both of us walked along the moonlit Seine as we made our way home. The chilly breeze felt pleasant on my heated skin. [Kara]: “We really were able to win!” (I was able to prove my bond with Leonardo to all of Paris… I’m so happy that I can’t stop a smile from showing on my face.) [Leonardo]: “I did say we wouldn’t lose to anyone, didn’t I?” [Leonardo]: “But, well, to think… the winning prize was a year’s supply of wine of all things. ‘Guess sensuality and allure are as good as goddamn useless to them.”
he’s trying to say that he doesn’t like the prize cuz it isn’t very sensual/sexy (suppose he imagined a prize for a lovers’ contest would be more along those lines). even Arthur in the epilogue is like “…thought the prize for a best couples’ contest would be more special”….
[Kara]: Hehe, it’s a nice prize, isn’t it? Let’s drink it with everyone else in the manse.” [Leonardo]: “If you’re satisfied with it, that’s good, I suppose.” As he spoke, Leonardo looked to be the same as usual, but his eyes reflected some kind of joy from within. (I’m glad that this will become a lovely memory I’ll have about him.) (…But, even then) The very sight of Leonardo of when I had danced with him in the dance hall, wouldn’t leave my head. [Kara]: “Your dancing was really, really stunning.” [Kara]: “As I had always thought… you’re the strongest one around.” [Leonardo]: “What’s all this about, hmm?”
i probably should’ve bothered explaining it last year since i used the title “My Darling’s the Strongest” for the other translation but uh might as well do it now that it’s explicitly used in the story so by “strongest”, it doesn’t necessarily mean physical strength (though it can be). It’s “strongest” as in a form of “mightiest” or “most powerful”, kind of like when someone says “my baseball team is the strongest in the league”,
[Kara]: “I just think that you’re the mightiest lover as there’s nothing you can’t do.” Carried away by the thrill of victory, I professed my thoughts. In doing so Leonardo’s brows lowered, and a bit of a troubled smile graced his lips. [Leonardo]: “If I’m able to put some effort into it, then I guess there’s really nothing I can’t do. But…”
[Leonardo]: “There is something I simply cannot do, no matter how hard I try.” (Huh…?) [Kara]: “Something you can’t do… I can’t imagine such a thing existing.” He was undoubtedly an almighty genius, and was also the type of person willing to confront even his awkward dancing skills head-on.
At my murmurs, Leonardo continued as if the topic was no big deal.
[Leonardo]: “It exists.” [Leonardo]: “I cannot become an ordinary human.”
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(gh-…) His words had vanished into the night breeze.
I inadvertently stopped in my tracks, and he stopped as well… and the both of us stood still in that one corner.
In my current view, the moonlight illuminated his figure as he stood before me. [Leonardo]: “As a pureblood vampire,” [Leonardo]: “I give you much loneliness— A loneliness that, if I were an ordinary human, you would never have to experience.” [Leonardo]: “However, if I went and lamented over every single little detail of that truth, I would be rendered unable to be with you. —Thus from the very beginning, I do not intend to lament either.” [Leonardo]: “I’m going to use as much of my power as I possibly can to grant your wishes, and that’s all.” (Using his power, my wishes…) I recalled the exchange we had a few days ago:
[Kara]: “Ah-, I… I just thought it sounded fun.” [Kara]: “And on top of that, I’d be really happy if everyone acknowledged me and Leonardo as the best couple.” [Leonardo]: “…”
[Kara]: “Did… you say that we should go and try to win the contest… merely because I…” With a smile, Leonardo proceeded to stare intently at me. [Leonardo]: “Well, there’s that, but additionally… I had the same motive as you had.” [Leonardo]: “I also had wanted the both of us to be acknowledged as the best couple.” [Leonardo]: “I wanted news to spread that I had been able to become the man of such a wonderful woman, you know.”   (gh- Leonardo…) Leonardo, whenever and wherever, envelops me in his great, unparalleled affection. Roused by the surging love within me, I went to grip his hand.
[Kara]: “…Leonardo, I want to be by your side tonight, and all night.” (I want to give him, in return for the love I received from him… those same feelings, that same love.) (I want him… to feel my love as well.)
[Leonardo]: “…” [Kara]: “gh- Ah-!” I was suddenly yanked towards him; and almost stumbling over my feet, it had closed the distance between us. Bringing his lips to my ear, he whispered:
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[Leonardo]: “What a coincidence. I was just thinking the same thing.”
—As soon as we entered his room, we melded, deeply kissing each other. [Leonardo]: “…Hah-, Kara…” He called my name with a wet, heady timbre between kisses, the sensuality of it making me go lightheaded. Crowded atop the bed, he pried my lips open with his finger… [Leonardo]: “Thinking about it, I haven’t received a reward from you yet.” [Kara]: “’Reward’…?” [Leonardo]: “When I’m feeling, touching you like this… I know that you’re not so dumb to be oblivious to what I want?” [Kara]: “ngh-…” Taking a guess on what he desired from me, I slowly brought my face closer to his.
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[Leonardo]: “Good girl. Come on— Try to turn me on with a kiss?”
yes the event really stops here before the epilogue teaser. cybird when a sexi scene is about to start:
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since this was a glorified keyboard test, this is mostly a one-off… so don’t expect leo translations from me otherwise ahah
u know, it’s always weird to me that leo’s stuff is always very sorrowful bc of the vast diff in lifespan, humans vs. vampires thing. like, does he not plan to turn her into a vampire? the wedding stuff makes it sound like they’d like to be together forever but they still don’t really like to broach the topic itself……… kinda sus given that the Count’s stuff gets several mentions of biting in events and vlad clearly doesn’t mind biting whenever (and is just waiting for her to give him the go-ahead). ive seen some ppl talk about how maybe leo likes her because she’s human (both as in being a literal human and the figurative idea of being “human”) and honestly……… it is kinda messed up to think about, but i can see it LOL now im not saying the other pureblood x mc relationships are super healthy but that’s a convo for another time
well at least these guys don’t have to ask someone for vampire-turning assistance. im imagining one of the other charas having to ask the Count to bite mc akin to how teenagers have to ask their parents to drive them and their friends around to do stuff…….. who wants to relive that nightmare
also sorry if like leo’s voice doesn’t match up with w/e the official engl localization does. ive literally never played an engl cybird game in my life, so it’s a crime of ignorance i swear. tho imo if they’re not making him sound like a rascal… that’s very lame, im not gonna lie
the epilogue is obviously not available for purchase rn, but please buy it and/or support the game with purchases when you can!!
As always, thanks for reading!
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lollytea · 4 years
Fearless (part 2/3)
( PART ONE��okokok some parts of this are pretty good. some not so good. but the important part is im tryin my goddamn best out here.)
[OCTOBER 22ND, 7:02PM] The sun had melted away beneath the distant hills and Louie had somewhat calmed himself down.
At least, he was no longer hyperventilating. The feathery tufts on his cheeks were not as fluffy as before, now clumped together from his waterworks earlier. 
He lit the last of his lights, drawing the match away and allowed the head of the flame to seize its last moments. It danced with delight, flickering as it devoured the thin strand of poplar wood.
Louie watched it too long, finding solace in the glow of gentle orange. Just as it was teasing to taste his fingertips, he snuffed it out, not nearly as interested in the arising string of pale smoke. Seven illuminated oil lamps circled his room, washing him in warm, yellow light. But still, It would breed an array of shadows, outlining everything with subtle pools of gloom. Shadows made Louie uneasy. They gave him the strangest feeling that he was being watched. Reminded him of people and powers that were best not to think about. But a shadowy room was preferable to pitch black. He was scared of the dark. Come to think of it, he was scared of a lot of things. Louie had a complicated relationship with fear. He was, by no means, the skittish kid from five years ago. He simply couldn't live with that mindset for long when thrust into the life of McDuck royalty and all the madness and danger attached. So, he adapted. His busiest days tended to fall in the order of breakfast, adventure, magic, certain doom, barely escaping with your life and then sleep. Rinse and repeat. Living like that didn't phase him much anymore. How could it when he was surrounded by the most courageous family put on this earth? And when you continue to survive when that was your Day-to-Day, it had a tendency to boost your confidence. He had gotten braver for sure. Much braver. And yet, he couldn't help but feel like he was lying to himself sometimes. Being afraid of the world around him had never quite faded, he just gotten much better at handling it. Recent years made things all the more messy. His brothers weren't as brave as they used to be these days. Not after what they went through. As a spot of hope, Huey was starting to rebuild a stronger, improved version of his old self. But Dewey still needed time. It made Louie wonder if his intrepid brothers could be broken like this, should he even bother trying to toughen up? He had never been like them. Not naturally, at least. He didn't stand a chance when his time came. He figured that with all he's experienced, he should've at least developed past his more irrational fears. But he didn't.  Deep down, silly stuff still unsettled him. Spiders, violence, surprises. The dark. Ty knew he was afraid of the dark. Ty knew most of the stuff he was afraid of. And despite teasing Louie for pretty much everything else, never his fears. He claimed his brother was the same so he didn't find it all that weird. Louie called bullshit on that one. From what little he knew about Ben, it was impossible to picture that guy being scared of the dark. Ty was most likely trying to ease his insecurity. It didn't work. He felt uncomfortable sometimes, being somebody scared of so much, being close with somebody like Ty. Fearless. It sorta made him wonder if he was inferior. As if standing alongside Ty just wasn't right. The balance didn't seem equal. Wow. Louie was never gonna be good enough, was he?   Wait, no, stop it. Fucking stop it. He had no right to be feeling all sorry for himself for the probability that he wasn't good enough for Ty. On the grounds that he wasn't brave enough? No. Of course Louie wasn't good enough for Ty. That was an irrefutable fact. But what mattered right now was that his carelessness had almost gotten Ty killed today and he couldn't, in good conscience, be focusing on anything else. He almost got Ty killed. He almost got Ty killed. He almost got Ty killed. That was a little more important than "Boohoo, cute bear boy is never gonna kiss me. I'm sad." To make matters worse, Louie had gone and chosen the perfect time to figure out he was in love with Ty. Sure, It had left him happily dopey at the time. But now, after everything that happened, it was like his imaginary little love letter left a paper cut on his heart and splashed it with lemon juice. Ty was going to resign as his retainer. The more Louie said this to himself, the easier it would be to accept it when he received the news. It was truly possible Ty was currently out of his life for good. As much as Louie was trying to talk himself into hunting the boy down right this minute and begging for forgiveness, there was a part of him speculating that Ty would prefer not to see his stupid royal face ever again. It hurt. It really did hurt. But if that's what Ty wanted, Louie would silently abide by the request. He hated to admit it but the spineless side of him didn't want to face Ty either. The last look at him had been his still body laying on an iron bedstead in the castle infirmary. Beakley had assured the stricken Louie that Ty was not dead but refused to divulge the details as she ushered him out and exiled him to his room for the rest of the night. He needed to see Ty conscious. He needed to see him alive. It would be one weight off his chest just to know his retainer had bounced back. But also.....he didn't want to know the damage he'd done. He want to know how badly Ty had been wounded nor how close he had brushed by death. It had been Louie's fault. And he knew that. But the thought of confronting it head-on was a difficult reality to swallow. Even though he should. He should. Completely unrelated but another dumb, embarrassing thing that made him jump out of his skin? Sudden noises. Still completely unrelated but there was a knock at his door.
[OCTOBER 22ND, 11:24AM]
The sky was clear, the autumn air wasn't chilly but pleasantly crisp and there was a lively gathering in the forest. It was held in a wide clearing, bursting with happy people, milling around and chatting. Surrounding them was an almost perfect circle of tangled old oaks, their branches wreathed with strings of homemade lanterns and flower garlands. 
Ty and Louie were quick to turn on tunnel vision towards the table with a large arrangement of party food. They came away with armfuls of bread, cheese, fruits and two tankards of apple cider. They found a spot for themselves, hiding away behind a stack of bailed hay just on the outskirts of the festivities. They set up their little feast, which they wasted no time in devouring. 
There were minstrels playing a vibrant tune. But even with all their flutes, fiddles and practice, they fell short in comparison to the natural music of Ty Cloudkicker's laughter. Louie was talking fast. He was gravitating into Ty's space as he did so, lured in by the bubbling sound. He was eager, grinning deliriously as he spouted out more and more of his story to keep the laugh from fading.
As if it was a lifeline. Like the back of his mind was utterly terrified it would stop. Yet he was entranced with a flood with endorphins, so enamored with the resonance that he couldn't help but be elated as he rattled on to keep himself alive. "Okay, so nobody specifically told Uncle Donald that keeping snacks in your crown was not considered "Kingly" behavior. But see, he just saw it as an extra pocket. He didn't get what the big deal was." 
When Ty laughed hard enough, he started snorting. He attempted to control himself. Louie wished he wouldn't. "So imagine being one of those advisor buzzard dorks, right? And you're having this big, important royal audience with the new king. And then right in the middle of discussing warships or something, he reaches into his crown, (not breaking eye contact.) and starts munching on a fish sandwich. They looked at him like he just spat on their mothers' graves." The octave skyrocketed and Ty disintegrated into high pitched cackles, tightly clutching his side as if he would split in half. It swept away the narrative in Louie's head, fizzling the thought process as he continued to gaze at Ty as if he were channeling golden light. However, his brain did not send the memo to this mouth that it was time to stop talking. Which led to Louie stuttering out "And the--....He--...uh, he--,um...." a brainless smile slapped on his face all the while. He couldn't stop smiling. He was crashing and burning and he couldn't stop smiling. He was certain he would be humiliated over this blunder later but right now, it was pretty funny. Thankfully, his subconscious had mercy on him, cutting him off with a nervous, breathless giggle. Ty was oblivious to whatever kind of gay breakdown Louie was having as he was trying to regain composure from his own hysterics. He was beginning to calm down, occasional wheezy yet delighted noises still sputtering out of him. His shoulders relaxed and he leaned back with a shaky exhale, still stuck with that huge sunny smile. They fell into a silence in the aftermath, content to sit and just listen to the music. Ty picked up his cider and took a gulp. Louie mirrored him. Then Ty's entire frame bucked with a surprise hiccup and Louie nearly choked. He was pretty sure he saw his whole life flash before his eyes as he collapsed into a coughing fit, Ty thumping him firmly on the back. "I'll live, I'll live!" Louie gasped, regaining himself. "Stop hitting me, I bruise like a peach." "Sorry." He drew his hand away. Then he hiccuped again and Louie lost it. "It's not funny!" Ty insisted, a desperate crack to his voice. It was pretty hilarious, actually. Not just the ridiculous little noises, but the way his shoulders jumped and how he would blink in split second afterwards, startled and bewildered like a baby animal. Ty gave him a shove, Louie still snickering and flailing his hands to halfheartedly fend him off. "Hey, hey, what gives you the right to attack me? I nearly choked and died 'cause of you." "Sounds like a "you" problem." "Where'd those hiccups even come from? Your papa bear never teach you not to drink your cider so fast?" Ty's bottom lip jutted out, irritated. He shook his head "Nah, it's--" Hic. Louie snorted. "Shut up!" He snapped. Yeah, his face was definitely a darker shade of pink than usual. "Sometimes I get hiccups if I laugh too much." "Huh. that's a thing that can happen?" "Yeah. A thing I gotta live with." Hic. "Lemme guess, this hasn't happened in a while?" "Huh?" Ty turned to him, perplexed. "Nah, it happens all the time. And when I tell ya it's the most annoying thing--" "You can't be serious." Louie smiled with a disbelieving shake of the head. "You, like, barely laugh anymore." "What's that supposed to mean?" "What?" He shrugged. "You don't." Ty rolled his eyes and directed his vision elsewhere. "I usually do whenever I go back to the glen." "Are Ben and Lottie really that funny?" "They are the least funny people I know. Also they suck and they're cheaters and I hate them." Hic. Let's see. So, he was clearly pouting. Acting all petty about his siblings. The Glen. Laughing to the point of hiccups. "Lots of tickle fights, huh?" Louie deduced, a smirk playing across his beak. Ty considered him for a moment, as if he was thinking about decking him right then and there but ultimately decided it wasn't worth the effort. (Louie was offended.) He then looked off into the distance, an indescribably haunted look in his eye. "Soooo....I'm gonna guess you usually lose the tickle fi--?" "I do not!" Ty abruptly yelled, shooting him an indignant look. "Let's get this straight, if it's one-on-one, I win. I always win. You better not forget that, your highness." He jabbed Louie's chest with his forefinger. "I'm the best fighter out of the three of us. In fact, I probably got the potential to be the best fighter in the whole kingdom!" "Real modest." "It's just if they team up, then it's unfair! That's why they're--" Hic. Louie watched, delightfully entertained as Ty hissed "God. Damn. Hiccups." "And how often do they team up?" He didn't answer right away. Then reluctantly grumbled "Most of the time." "So what I'm hearing is--...." Louie casually leaned against Ty's side, propping his elbow on the latter's shoulder.  "You do lose most of the time?" "Shut up." "No." "Okay, so here's the thing. Let's say you're a big, strong brave knight. You're super cool and heroic and everybody respects you." Hic. "Then you go back home and then suddenly you're just someone else's baby brother and they see you just standing there, minding your business and they're just like "Well! Guess I gotta obliterate him!" And they do not hold back." "Ohhhhh, I get that, I totally get that." Said Louie. "Well, not the brave knight part. But y'know. Me and my brothers had to share a room. It was tiny. There was always a foot in your face or whatever. And sometimes when were bored, they started getting rowdy and throwing hands and it's not like I asked but I got dragged in too. When I was just trying to sleep, man! I wasn't asking for a spontaneous duel at 2am." Ty snorted. "Oh yeah, and sometimes Dewey calls me a little bitch." "He's right." Louie knocked his body against Ty's, making a sound of faux outrage. Ty only found that funnier. Huffing, Louie pawed around for the cluster of grapes at his side. He twisted one free and twirled it around his fingers for a moment. "Watch this. I can feel it. I'm gonna do it this time." "Are you now?" Said Ty in such a distinctly pleasant tone that Louie could not possibly interpret it any other way than "I do not believe that but I'm humoring you but I also want you to understand that my sweet voice is oh, so bitterly sarcastic. Fuck you." "I see you're doubting me." "Me? Doubt my liege? I could never." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're a real court jester. Now shut up and observe." Louie wiped all expression from his face and inhaled deeply to obtain peak tranquility. He relaxed his whole frame. If he could pull this off, this would be his day for sure. Ty was watching. This moment would define his life. Thinking a hasty prayer to every known God, force and entity  that had ever favored the unlikely ones, he tossed the grape in the air, threw his head back and opened his beak. The grape finished rising and gravity took control. It fell. Down, down, down, down. Louie now understood the concept of meditation. He was so in the zone, he could've sworn the grape was descending in slow motion. Yes, yes, it was aligning directly below his beak. He was gonna catch it! Down, down, down, down. Then Ty snatched it right out of the air and swallowed it whole. Louie sat, slack jawed, attempting to process what had just happened. He slowly turned to Ty, completely blank. Huh. That moment really did define his life. "You bastard!" He squawked. "Me bastard!" Ty exclaimed, looking insufferably proud of himself. "How could you?! I know our allyship has been complicated but this is high treason!" "Sorry, sorry, I just--" He sat back a little, shaking with silent laughter. He then formed a square with his hands and hovered it before Louie, squinting one eye. "I just needed to see the face you would make and god, it was worth it. You think you could hold that face for a few hours to get a portrait made? I'd get it framed and hang it in my room." He was teasing him. Louie knew he was teasing him. And yet he still blushed bright red from the fragment of fondness blurred in the implication. "W-well, well I would--I'd--" He floundered, racking his brain for a retort. "You think there's any musical instruments that could replicate your dorky little hiccups? I'd hire minstrels just to have them play it for me! Y'know, for when I need a laugh." Ty's smug grin dropped and his eyes flicked about uncertainly. "I--..." He dragged the word out, face flushing at a rapid rate as he folded his knees up to curl in on himself. He crossed his arms. "I think they're gone now anyway." He mumbled. Hic. God, that never got old. "If you laugh one more time, I'm putting you in a tree and leaving you there." Louie laughed again, out of spite. "Nobody's fault but your own. Imagine you've just fought an epic battle and you think there's no more enemies to take on. But as soon as you say that out loud, boom! Second ambush! You would think a warrior like you would get that." "Your highness?" "Yeah?" "Shut your huge mouth." "No." "Okay. Dunno why I thought that would work. Never does." "Y'know I would offer to spook your hiccups away. But we both know that wouldn't work." "Yeah, probably not." Said Ty with a shake of his head. He perked up a bit. "Lottie gave it a shot once. Nothing." "Well, it's just like you said that one time." Louie shrugged, then faltered when the back of his mind took notice of the dimly glowing orange irises he was met with. His voice softened involuntarily. "You're fearless." He didn't know what he said wrong. Ty's face fell. He looked so utterly devastated that Louie, completely lost to why he was even upset, felt his own heart shatter to pieces. He wanted to start sobbing just from seeing him. "Oh..." Ty whispered. He clutched one of his hands with the other and began fidgeting with his fingers. "Well, see. Uh, the thing about that is--...." Concerned, Louie scooched in closer, peering at the face that had once again turned away from him. He hesitantly touched Ty's upper arm. "Hey. Ty. Are you--?" "HEY, LOOK AT THAT!" Ty blurted out, his voice nervously rising in pitch. He attempted to subtly clear his throat. Louie followed the direction of Ty's pointer finger which was gesturing out to the thick expanse of forestry. There was nothing there. But then he caught a flash of movement and noticed two figures tucked away in the shadows of the trees. A young man and woman, probably only a few years older than them. "The couple?" Louie asked, puzzled. "The what now?" Then Ty did a double take, then snapped to attention as if he had just noticed them. "Oh! Oh, yeah, them, sure. I mean, yeah, that's what I meant. Them. Uhhh....look at them!" "Uh. Okay? Why?" "Theeeyyyy're....cute? Gross? They're something. They're definitely something." Louie hummed, taking the two into consideration. The girl was letting out a peal of laughter and the guy was blabbing away animatedly, looking thrilled with himself that she was finding him funny. He was trying so hard.... Louie didn't know if he wanted to gag or coo out an "aww!" "Grossly cute." He decided. Ty snapped his fingers. "That's it!" "You know, I don't get why they're over there. There's tons of people around here. Why would you wanna show up to a party if you're just gonna hide away and hang out with one person the whole time?" "For real though." For the next few minutes, Ty and Louie observed the couple, keeping up a running commentary on the guy's obvious nerves and the girl's less than subtle advances. Ty and Louie learned a lot about themselves in those few minutes. Namely that they were both terrible at lip reading. "He said Pants." Ty was certain. "No, he said Nance." Louie countered. "Her name is probably Nancy." The girl clapped her hands together, nodding eagerly. "Then what's that for, huh? Clearly he just offered to tailor her a personalized pair of pants." "You are so dumb, that's not what's happening here at all." The guy took a dramatic step back and twirled his wrist an unnecessary amount of times before offering her his hand with a half-bow. She took it, giggling. The two them scampered off, out of the shadows and into the heart of the party, where other couples were twirling around as the minstrels played. He curled an arm around her waist, smiling as though this was his greatest honor and they spun into the motion, flowing so naturally amidst the other dancers as if they were simply another cogwheel in the world's most elegant clock. "Dance." Said Ty and Louie in unison. "Pretty sure we were close." "Pretty sure we're idiots." "Yeah, I know but just let me pretend." Ty suddenly snickered, his eyes glinting. "What was that thing he did with his hand anyway? And why did she eat it up?" "It's called flair, Tiberius." "Kinda dumb." "You're just mad that flair is not something you possess." "Bullshit, watch this!" Ty sat up straight and bent his arm into a perfect ninety-degree angle. "Prepare to be amazed." And then his entire forearm began to spin and spin and spin and spin and spin like a windmill in a hurricane. "Flair, flair, flair, flair," He was chanting and Louie had already collapsed in a giggle fit. It wasn't even remotely funny. It was dumb, it was so dumb. But Louie could admit to himself that dumb schticks get like ninety percent more humorous to him if there's a really cute boy performing them. He was easy like that. Ty was extremely committed to the joke as he kept spinning and spinning for over ten seconds. He kept shooting Louie glances and his grin got wider and wider every time he looked away. "FLAIR!" He let his arm go, throwing out an open palm and nearly knocked it against the side of Louie's head. "Hey!" He dodged. "Watch where you swing that thing, you could've whacked me!" "But I didn't!" Said Ty gleefully. He lowered his hand but did not withdraw. It remained unwavering and offered out to Louie. He took it. He didn't think, he just took it. It was only when they made contact that Louie woke up and his heart promptly spiked. But besides a light blush, he managed to keep his face neutral. "So, I guess it's not just that girl who's impressed by this stuff." Ty was nonchalant. His smile then twitched, as if aching to stretch wider but he was reigning it in. "You are too." They were still touching, which, by all accounts, should continue to fluster Louie. But as seconds ticked by, a sense of calm was settling over him. The very thing originally causing panic was now bringing him comfort. It was the weirdest thing, "I was laughing at you, not with you." He said evenly, catching Ty's contagious smile. "Ehh," He shrugged. "I'll take it." Louie would count this as a new domain for sure. Uncharted waters. As if he and Ty had stumbled in accidentally but now they were here, their curiosity was urging them to explore. Not to a dangerous extent, of course. But maybe just edge along the sidelines and see what they could discover. "Your hands are so tiny, it's crazy." Ty commented, tilting his head. Turning it over, he slid his thumb thoughtfully across Louie's palm. "How do you even hold anything?" Louie wasn't even eyeing their hands but was regarding Ty's pensive face. "It's kinda the worst. Whenever we find treasure and I get my cut, the fancy rings and bracelets are huge. I always gotta go to a jeweler and get them resized if I wanna wear them."' Ty was fiddling with Louie's fingers now, fixing him with a decisive nod. "I'll get you a ring for Christmas." "Woah, woah. For real?" "Yeah. I'll put it in one of those fancy boxes. But then you'll open it and see it's made out of grass and try to have me beheaded." As they were speaking, their hands continued to play around. Ty had flattened his own, aligning his palm against Louie's. Louie spread his fingers and Ty laced his through. "Uncle Donald says I'm not allowed to say "Off with his head" anymore or I'm grounded 'til I'm thirty-five. It "makes the people want to revolt."" Louie air-quoted with his free hand. "But I would fire you for sure." Ty snorted. "You would not and you know it." There would never be any proof that they held hands that day. Not a single eye witnesses, including themselves, as both boys had turned a blind eye to their own actions. They were afraid to look down, as that would be an acknowledgement. Louie had no mental image of the moment, fuschia fur intertwined with snow feathers, only a rush of heat and a hazy ponder if the dampness was his sweat or Ty's. And if the feel of Ty's touch was just an illusion of the mind, there was one poignant hint of the reality and that was how gentle their voices had gotten. "Oh, so, you're really gonna test me like that, Tiberius? Pushing me around, stealing grapes, calling me a little bitch. Is this any way to treat your liege? You don't think I'm at the end of my rope with you?" "Nahhhh...." Ty drew the word out, grinning. He twisted his muzzle into an exaggerated pout and batted his eyes. "You would never because I'm awesome and cool and smart and you love me." It was Ty's utter nerve that left Louie too astonished to even blush. Instead, he simply tilted his head, an eyebrow cocked. "Do I?" He challenged. To his credit, Ty did not relent either. However, the impishness gradually died from his eyes until he was left solemn. "Maybe?" He spoke softly, as though too much force would crack the delicate little word. He bore into Louie's eyes, like he was searching for an answer. Pleading for an answer. Louie felt his own hand squeeze Ty's. He inhaled. He knew he was going to say something, he was just leaving it up his own scattered subconscious to determine what. He would open his beak and whatever words wound up tumbling out would seal his fate. He didn't have a second to panic, to fret, as he was already speaking and he was petrified by how fast this was all going. "I--" Something shattered and a woman screamed in pain. Indistinct shouting and Ty cursed under his breath. Louie scrambled around to see the commotion and the last few things he registered were the gleam of sunlight catching unsheathed weapons, the girl he called Nancy with crimson pooling from her forehead, Ty demanding "Get down!" and knocking him stomach-down into the ground. 
“Stay there and don’t move.” Then Ty had rushed off and everything went to shit.
[OCTOBER 22ND, 7:13PM] Louie was well acquainted with that knock. Firstly, one firm rap against wood, proceeded by two more rapid-fire. He associated it with a twinge of annoyance, high sun beams streaking in his window and somebody near, dear and insufferable to his heart, pestering him from the other side to rise and shine already or his breakfast would go stale. This usually occurred around 9:30AM. If given a say in the matter, Louie would sleep til noon. But he didn't have a say in the matter because every morning, without fail, there was a retainer banging down his door. Something was off this time. Once he knocked, Ty had fallen uncharacteristically silent. No continuation of drumming out an obnoxious little tune and and no insisting he open up. Louie was hesitant to do much of anything. It seemed his door was the only thing protecting him from facing repercussions right now. If he fell deep enough into denial, he could pretend Ty wasn't there. So long as he kept his door shut, he could pretend everything was alright. Ty didn't almost die. It was a tempting thought. It resounded in such an appealing voice inside his head that Louie seized his latch before he could give in. The brass shocked a chill to the pads of his fingers as he held on tight. He had to open up. He had to. His hand fidgeted, stalling the moment. He thumped his forehead against the door, heaving a steadying sigh. "You don't wanna see me, do you, your highness?" He heard Ty say in hushed tones, his voice startlingly close to where Louie had situated himself. "Ehh, if we're being honest....not really." "Oh...." "Do you wanna see me?" "I mean....I kinda don't? The idea of seeing you right now is making me nauseous." The statement skewered Louie's heart. He shook it off. "Why'd you knock?" "'Cause it doesn't matter what I want, I gotta see you right now. It's important." An prolonged pause hung in the air, buzzing with a mutual uncertainty. Louie tapped his fingers to the wood and after a second or two, Ty did the same. Their respective rhythms aligned. "But..." Ty continued, his voice faltering. "If you don't wanna see me, I can go--" "Convince me." Louie was blurting out before he thought twice about it. "Huh?" "I need to open this door but, like surprise surprise, I'm scared. You've done it before. I get scared and you talk me into stuff. Do your big strong hero magic and get me to suck it up. Please, I need it." "Oh, uh, I--" He could hear how flustered Ty had gotten suddenly being put on the spot. "Well, I--...I guess you don't have a choice 'cause if you don't open up, I'm strong enough to barricade the door down. So, I figure we should just do this the easy way." Despite the circumstances and the scruple wrung tense in his stomach, Louie felt the corner of his beak twitch at the tentative touch to Ty's tone. He felt his stiff shoulders relax. "Is that a threat, Tiberius?" "Uh, no." Ty admitted, sounding sheepish. "That was just a joke. See, it was the first thing that came into my head and then suddenly I was saying it. Sorry, I dunno for sure if now is "joke time" and I figured it'd be kinda weird to ask so--" He didn't get to finish rambling. His hair whipped to the side with the rush of air that came with the swift swing of the door. Louie fixed him with a hard look, processing the sight of his retainer standing there, alive and bright eyed. Ty's hand was still hovering awkwardly in the air, where he assumed it had been resting against the door. He blinked back at him, puzzled and a little alarmed, as if caught under a spotlight. He didn't look angry. But Louie knew better than to lull himself into thinking he was in the clear. Whatever resentment Ty was feeling would spill out in time. Louie braced himself. "Hey, Ty." He said stiffly. "Come on in."
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samanthadalton · 4 years
Gift and a curse part 2
pairings: Bianca x f! mc (Charlie) 
sorry it took so long with part 2, i have like 5 different fics to write and i felt myself burning out a bit bc of school, idk how many parts this fic will have maybe 4/5 
slightly NSFW (im not good at smut writing at all so i apologise in advance if its weird or awkward (or both))
taglist: @cloud9in @robintora @penda-bear @alleycat97 @kawaiibanditmoneytaco @crazzyplays @itszdavenport @annamaries-things @gamechoices-player @oxjenayxo @suoirallesalta @boopbapbeepbop @queensayeed @fantasy-of-fiction @baronyvampire @vampiregod325 @waterinathermostat @sanguetripasebolodechocolate @thepotatobleh (not everyone was showing up in the tags im sorry) 
wordcount: 1.9k
Charlie makes her way to the house, each step filled with dread as she ambles to the front yard. She gingerly opens the front door, quietly closing it behind her, part of her hoping that Adam is already sleeping so she can slip into bed and have the talk with him once she’s off her high from her date with Bianca. Before she can open her bedroom door, the door swings open revealing a concerned Adam as he assesses his fiancee with a worrisome expression. 
“Hey, it’s late where have you been?” He moves forward to place a kiss on Charlie’s lips but in the last second, Charlie turns her head and the bad boy’s lips graze her cheek. “Hey, is everything alright?” his voice laced with concern. Charlie awkwardly steps past Adam entering the room, a solemn look on her face. 
“Not really no,” she mumbles. 
“What happened? Did Vince do something?” Charlie shakes her head. 
“No, no. Nothing like that. But we need to talk Adam.” Confusion washes all over Adam’s face as he attempts to comprehend Charlie’s words, his mouth hanging open struggling to find the words. Charlie sniffles, wiping away the tears in her eyes before they can fall and takes a seat at the edge of the bed, patting the space next to her, for Adam to follow suit. When Adam sits, Charlie sharply inhales, her lips slightly trembling before casting a glance to see Adam’s brows furrowed as he stares off into the distance. 
“I thought we put the whole elopement thing behind us,” he quietly speaks out, his voice low and gruff. He shifts his body slightly to the left, as his gaze flits to Charlie, 
“It’s not about that,” Charlie dismally responds, her eyes trained to the floor unable to meet Adam’s penetrating gaze. 
“Then what is it about, because ever since Vegas something has been off.” 
“Adam….I can’t marry you.” The spike of Charlie’s admission is met with silence as Adam looks away from Charlie, a mixture of indignation and befuddlement in his facial expression. The silence only grows, the atmosphere dense with awkwardness until Charlie reaches out, wrapping her hand around Adam’s to alleviate the tension. “Adam..please say something.” 
Adam lets out a hollow laugh, the pain noticeably instilled in his chuckle as he pulls his hand out of Charlie’s grasp, running it over his face. “What do you want me to say? I don’t get why this is happening. Look I’m not mad about Vegas, I want to marry you even if we have to do it on tv okay I’m onboard with it all.” 
“Adam- no. This is going to sound so shitty of me but it’s not you, it’s me. There’s someone else.” Adam freezes, his jaw clenched as he grasps at Charlie’s words. 
“Who?” he squeaks out.  
Charlie dissolves into tears, her words blubbered out in an incoherent mess. “I’m sorry, i’m so sorry Adam.” 
Adam jumps up from his seat, his voice vehemently echoing through the room, “who?!” 
“Bianca!” Charlie weeps, her sobs becoming more and more uncontrollable by the minute. 
“Bianca?” Adam’s voice dwindles back down to his usual articulation, his tone dripping with confusion. “Charlie what are you talking about?” 
The AME contestant inhales deeply, before letting out a shaky breath, trying to get a grip on her breaths. “A couple of days ago Bianca confessed that she had feelings for me.” Charlie steals a glance at her fiance to see a solemn look on his face. “And….I feel the same way about her.” Adam looks at Charlie with disbelief as a pang of guilt hits the brunette and she slightly winces at Adam’s unwavering gaze. Adam shakes his head with incredulity, struggling to come to terms with Charlie’s admission. “I didn’t mean for this to happen but it happened so suddenly an-” 
“Exactly!” Adam says, cutting Charlie off, “this is happening too quickly. I mean last night you were fine with marrying me and now you’re saying you don’t want to. Charlie you’re just confused.” 
“I’m not confused!” 
“It’s just wedding jitters.” 
The two continue talking over each other, their voices overlapping unable to hear what the other is saying. It isn’t until Charlie yells out Adam clamps his mouth shut, “Adam stop! Please listen to me.” The two stare at each other with great intensity until Adam breaks the eye contact, nodding softly. 
“Okay, explain it to me.” 
And so she does, Charlie comes clean about it all, starting from her past feelings about Bianca to Bianca’s confession to her date with the model tonight which ended in a kiss until they were busted by Mackenzie. Adam listens intently, a blank expression on his face throughout the duration of Charlie’s revelation. 
“I understand,” Adam finally says, a sadness glimmering in his eyes as he glances over at Charlie. 
“You- you do?” 
The bad boy nods dejectedly, “I can’t lie, it hurts but I don’t want to marry someone who isn’t one hundred percent sure about marrying me.” 
Charlie gulps uneasily, responding with a curt nod, “Adam, I am sorry you know.” 
In retort, Adam gives Charlie a sad smile that doesn’t meet his eyes, “I know. Umm I should sleep on the couch I guess,” he rubs his hand against his neck sheepishly. 
“No I can, you should take the bed.” 
“Nah it’s fine,” Adam grabs a pillow and a duvet and just before he leaves the room he turns back to Charlie, “glad you’re listening to your heart, if anyone deserves to be happy it’s you Charlie.” 
Charlie musters a small smile in appreciation, a mournful look in her eyes as she watches Adam leave the room, but she can’t help but feel the butterflies in her stomach as her mind drifts over to Bianca and the kiss she shared with the model tonight. Her fingertips ghost over the outline of her lips as she feels a trace of warmth creeping up on her cheeks as she excitedly speculates about what tomorrow will bring for her and Bianca. 
The next morning Charlie wakes up to an empty house, her mind drifting to Adam’s whereabouts, feeling a pang of guilt as she recollects last night's events. But she brushes off any negative feelings as her thoughts drift to Bianca, eager to declare her feelings. 
Charlie makes her way to the mansion and when she spots Bianca she wordlessly hooks her arm around the model’s steering her into one of the empty bedrooms. Bianca raises a questioning eyebrow at the contestant and before she can get a word in, Charlie pulls her in for a passionate kiss, which Bianca eagerly reciprocates. When they pull away Bianca stares at Charlie, her eyes glimmering with hopefulness and even though she knows the answer, she still knows she has to ask “Babe, not that I’m not happy for some PDA but what about Adam?” 
Charlie grins at Bianca before pulling her in for another kiss, she wraps her arms around the taller girl’s neck while Bianca’s arms snake around Charlie’s waist, diminishing the gap between them. “I told him about us,” Charlie whispers against Bianca’s lips. In response, Bianca stares at the girl with such a great intensity, desire penetrating the atmosphere as she leads Charlie towards the bed. 
Charlie’s knees buckle as they hit the edge of the bed forcing her to fall back onto the bed and Bianca uses the opportunity to straddle the contestant’s hips, a devilish smile on her lips. Charlie gazes up at the model in awe, taking in her features. She glances at the model’s sharp jawline, her intense smouldering hazel eyes, her cute button nose, those beautiful red plush lips. 
Bianca leans down, her lips ghosting around Charlie’s as she whispers, “what did you tell him.” 
“I told him…” Charlie cranes her neck slightly nipping at Bianca’s lips, “that I want to be with you.” 
“Mmmm,” Bianca grinds down on Charlie’s hips, earning a low groan from Charlie who places her hands on Bianca’s hips, squeezing down on them to create more friction between their bodies. Just as Charlie is going to flip over Bianca, the model places her hand on the girl’s chest pushing her down on the bed, a serious look on her face. 
“Hey, is everything okay?” 
“Yeah, I just can’t help but feel a little bad for Adam,” Bianca slides off Charlie and sits down on the edge of the bed, a few seconds later Charlie sits up, lacing her fingers with Bianca’s. 
“I know, it’s been on the back of my mind too,” Charlie sighs tiredly, her fingers subconsciously rubbing circles on Bianca’s knuckles. 
“How exactly did he react?” Bianca asks, her voice laced with apprehension. 
Charlie blows hot air from her lips, huffing, “better than I thought he would. At first he was hurt, but then he was understanding. I could tell he was hurt but he wanted nothing but the best for me.” 
“I guess the bad boy is softer than we thought,” Bianca jests, alleviating some of the discomfort within the room. Charlie smiles sadly before shaking herself out of her thoughts. 
“I don’t want to be thinking about Adam right now,” she inhales sharply as her eyes roam Bianca’s presence, feeling a pool of desire wash all over her as she presses her lips against Bianca, satiating the hunger she feels. 
“I can’t believe you’re all mine” The model runs a finger down the contestant’s body a amourous look twinkling in her eyes. 
“Say that again,” Charlie whispers Bianca’s lips. 
“You’re mine,” Bianca slowly and sensually enunciates. “God you’re so beautiful,” Bianca whispers as she places her hand around Charlie’s neck squeezing softly, “I can’t wait to break you.” She leans in to kiss Charlie, their tongues tangling together in a passionate embrace as Bianca’s tongue languidly moves against Charlie’s, eliciting moans from the contestant. Bianca’s hand travels underneath Charlie’s clothes, her fingers stroking the smoothness of Charlie’s chest before travelling down, her fingers dipping below the waistband of her panties, teasingly tracing around her inner thigh. 
“Please,” Charlie quietly pleads, her breaths becoming short and heavy just from a few touches from the model, turned on by the view in front of her, Bianca begins kissing Charlie’s neck, her fingers still teasing on the outside of the contestant’s panties, her fingers ghosting over where Charlie wants her most. 
“God,” Bianca sighs against the crook of Charlie’s neck, “you have no idea how bad I’ve wanted this.” 
“Show me then,” Charlie challenges. A fire burns in Bianca’s gaze, matching the intensity in Charlie’s as the realisation dawns that her fantasies can now be made into a reality. The girls are locked in a kiss, the atmosphere dense with desire and sexual tension as they move back to the middle of the bed, Bianca taking the reins, straddling Charlie as she wraps a hand around Charlie’s neck squeezing softly as she pushes her down onto the pillow. Just as Bianca’s hands make their way to the hem of Charlie’s clothes, the bedroom door swings open and a gasp breaks them out of the moment as they swivel their heads to the doorway. 
“Omar, we can explain.” 
Fury burns in Omar’s eyes as he looks over at the girls, “Clean yourselves up and then get to the production room now.” 
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thethirteenthcrow · 3 years
Heyo im demon nonie, i honestly im really glad that my ideas are some kinda de stressing fic for u. Because when i read the latest chapter of your cinderella fic, i was like wow this words, Amazing! Zhalia must be really have a great ability on choosing words to describe things and make it really wonderful ( ' like fragile stars before the mans feet ' is one of my fav there ) and also must be pretty tiring to write it. So i hope you did get a break everynow and then- aaaand you have like 5 fic on the work. Like take a break! Take care of yourself! I love you writing so much but i can wait. Sending you lots of love.
Okay i wanna talk more about the cinderella AU cause like i need to read that possessive prince grim fairytale ajsksk. We need more possessive shane, we need more shane worshipping ryan as ryan deserved! We need them good ol kisses everywhere on ryan body. Or just me idk.
For the demon fic, i think im done with all the writings. Damn its been awhile, i dont remember much of what i write ahskdk. I dont mind, you dont have to send me the thing i write. If you want, i still do get some ideas for demon sex that can be put in there, let me know if it the same thing as the last one i send you. Ahdkdk. If that is okay of course?
Thats all!
demon nonnie everytime u send something i feel my entire face light up because you are SO KIND and so loving and your messages really make me happy
and thank you so much for the compliments on my writing? i really don’t... think it’s special? but hearing these words from you means a lot to me. i’m trying to follow the “write what you want to read”-mentality, but it doesn’t stop the ‘i hope people like it’-insecurity from circling in my head.
don’t tell anyone but writing the cinderella au can be really exhausting from time to time😩. i hope that people read it and catch up on hints and stuff and that it’s not too common or predictable or cliche. (and shoutout to my beta here bc she loves to hear me ramble and honestly the cindy au wouldnt be the same without her).
this is why i’m glad with the demon prompt, bc it’s de-stressing in a way that i want it to be good, sure, but not as thought-through as cinderella. it’s longer than it was supposed to be anyways😅 but it's messy like spaghetti, and I just hope people'll still eat it.
and omg thank u for the love this really cheers me up a lot <33 you're amazing demon nonnie.
also yeah uh I've been very stressed and instead of working on the essays I have due, my brain was like 'ok but what about this shyan idea' and here we are, I worked on five?six? fics last week. someone send me help lmaaooo. I usually would've hit my writer's block by now, but instead I just keep! on! writing! since when do I have all this content in my fingertips Jesus.
OKAY AND RE:THE OG FAIRYTALE, here's a quote that made me feral (and come up with the au in the first place). context: it's the first night, and poor, poor cinderella got a dress from the hazel tree at her mother's grave, went to the festival and no one recognises her.
The prince approached her, took her by the hand, and danced with her. Furthermore, he would dance with no one else. He never let go of her hand, and whenever anyone else came and asked her to dance, he would say, "She is my dance partner."
but that's not where it ends! this is night two:
When Cinderella appeared at the festival in this dress, everyone was astonished at her beauty. The prince had waited until she came, then immediately took her by the hand, and danced only with her. When others came and asked her to dance with them, he said, "She is my dance partner."
and that's not where it ends! this is night three,
When she arrived at the festival in this dress, everyone was so astonished that they did not know what to say. The prince danced only with her, and whenever anyone else asked her to dance, he would say, "She is my dance partner."
like bro!! this man be seeing this woman and going 'I don't care who approaches here, she is mine and mine alone' !!! excuse me !!!
when I read this, I stg I whispered 'possessive' to the darkness of my bedroom and my brain was like: did you mean: Shane Madej? and now we're 30k in a cinderella au. and uh, regarding the marking? well, all I'll say for now (I haven't written this yet but I have it planned), Shane knows how to take care of his mysterious though beautiful stranger.
and lastly regarding the demon prompt, right now I think I've got a nice plan for summoning ii? my beta to whom I scream about everything, said "I love it so fucking much" and after reading the outline, "I... Am so horny" so I THINK that's good news. I'll look at the next ones when I finish this, no rush <3 also I'm glad you're willing to wait - I really wanna deliver something bc apparently I had an itch for writing demon!Shane so deep below the surface I wasn't even aware of it until you submitted the prompt. I'm eternally grateful!
whew! what along rant! hope it's a fun read <3 please let me know your thoughts - if there's one thing I LOVE it's talking about fairytales and fics and sometimes they happen to be the same topic :) <3
x Zhalia
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SINCE ALL THE FICS ARE SAD im going to go ahead and make a happy one. (Well... its bullet notes so maybe more of a fic outline?). Can be consider as Free Day or AU Day since its canon divergence
Ive been dying to see a Tai comes to Atlas fic so im making this one a reunion in Atlas fic
Qrow isnt in Atlas when Tai arrives. Hes out on a Amity Tower mission with Clover
Qrow and Clover are actually in the middle of flirting with each other when Qrow gets the call
Its Ruby and shes talking so fast Qrow cant understand a single thing. "Woah Ruby slow down. Whats going on" theres a deep gasping breath and then "DAD IS HERE. DAD IS IN ATLAS"
Qrow is stunned. Tai made it to Atlas?
Clover is thinking about how on Earth he could of gotten into the Kingdom.
Qrow finds out through Yang (she had to take Ruby's phone away since she wouldnt stop screaming) that the girls are waiting for Tai since Ironwood is having Winter personally escort him (Qrow figures that either he got arrested on arrival like they did or that Ironwood wants to know everything Tai knows about Salem despite being removed from the situation since STRQ fell apart)
Clover notifies him that they wont be able to get back to the city for another three hours, and then Qrow tells the girls, who are disappointed but tell him theyll "let Dad know when he gets here"
Most of the way back Clover is trying to get information out of Qrow about what Tai is like. Its both friendly small talk and adding to what Clover knows about this group of children + Qrow. The group is part of Ironwood's inner circle now which makes them important
Qrow briefly wonders how his reception will be. These days hes always the one coming to see Tai, and its 50-50 on if Tai's happy to see Qrow. Qrow considers running away from the encounter entirely but hes trying to be a better man now and that means sobriety and facing his problems. Besides he'll have to see Tai eventually
So lets backtrack a bit. Tai and Qrow used to be a thing wayyyy back in the day. Defining their romantic relationship is complicated. They tried dating before Tai ever got with Raven and it only lasted a few days because they realized the attraction was just sexual so they went back to being teammates who makeout when theyre drunk (thats how they decided to start dating in the first place). So through the early years they were Friends With Benefits. After the dark years of Raven and Summer they became Friends With Benefits That Only Get Together When Theyre Feeling Heartbroken. Its sad sex and half the time one of them is crying. Their friendship is good while the the girls are young. They disagree on a lot of things when it comes to the girls as they get older. That animosity plus arguments about Qrow's  espionage job plus Qrow's worsening alcoholism are the reason theyve drifted far apart today. Theyve still been through so much together so that history and Qrow's dedication to being a uncle are the only things holding their friendship together.
So anyways lets get to the good stuff. The reunion:
Tai is actually waiting for Qrow at the garage
The girls are with him because they missed him. Ruby has her arms around him while talking and Yang is standing besides them smiling
Qrow gets a little scared. The fact Tai is waiting for him doesnt bode well. Him and Tai try to have their disagreements when the girls arent present. Qrow thinks its fair to assume that Tai is so absolutely pissed at him that he cannot wait another moment to yell at him. Clover goes "i guess you wont have to hunt him down after all. He mustve really missed you all" and Qrow really hopes thats the reason
Qrow decides to break the ice before it forms by insulting Tai as he's getting out of the truck
"Two and a half continents away and i still cant escape the sight that is your hideous cargo pants" "says the man who's idea of fashion is a 25 year old ripped cape"
As soon as Qrow gets close enough Tai puts his hands on his shoulders, takes a deep breath, and yells "YOU GOT POISONED"
Turns out Tai was just worried about him after Ruby explained what happened on her trek through Mistral
After answering his questions they hug and its the kind of hug where you sway a little bit
For the next few hours Tai yells at Ruby for running away, Tai yells at Qrow for going sober and not telling him, and Qrow goes with Tai to meet Ironwood (and stop Ironwood from asking too many questions. Hes actually soley focused on Salem and he doesnt even ask Tai how he got through his military blockade)
That night in Qrow's room Tai explains to Qrow how he got there. He lied to the girls. Made up some story that had plenty of holes in it. It was Raven. She opened her portal to Yang as far away as she could and Tai landed there. She had come to him after Haven, told him a few things but clearly left most of it out. Tai managed to get her to promise to take him to the group whenever they got to Atlas and had adjusted.
He came for two reasons. 1) to see exactly how close his children were to Salem. 2) to see if he could protect his kids any way he could, knowing they wouldnt back out now. But the reason he was telling Qrow all this (instead of sticking to his if-it-involved-Raven-i-dont-talk-about-it mentality) was because of one of the few things she mentioned about Haven: the disowning.
Tai wanted him to know that despite all their problems that Qrow was still his family. Not because Raven is still legally married to Tai, not because hes Yang's blood uncle, but because Qrow has been apart of Tai's life and chosen family as far back as STRQ.
Qrow's felt like a outsider to Tai ever since (and every time) things got serious with whoever Tai's dating. Qrow felt like a third wheel when Tai was with Raven, and Qrow was to raw from the increasingly strained relationship with Raven to let go of Summer and Tai when they got together. And ever since Qrow has felt like he was there in Tai's life but no longer apart of it. Even after Tai recovered from his depression, Qrow felt like a visitor in the house he still considers his home despite being called "uncle".
And Tai knows Qrow broke ties with Tribe soon after Beacon, and Raven hadnt truely been his sister in 20 years, but to have what you known from literal birth taken from you still hurt. And now Tai knows Qrow isnt drinking so the only way he can cope is by not thinking about it.
So Tai had to tell Qrow what he meant to him
And when he found out about Tyrian he realized Qrow couldve died not knowing Tai still loves him
Tai ends up ranting about all the things he loves about Qrow, about how he regrets that almost every word said to Qrow in the last 15 years has been unkind
Qrow is now confused to if this is a fixing my mistakes kind of thing or a love confession
So he asks
And Tai gets a little sheepish because it was a fixing my mistakes because i love you thing but a little past halfway into his rant he realized hes IN love with Qrow and has been for a while now
And Qrow decides f it. Tai is doing his embarrassed thing Qrow still finds cute even now when theyre middle aged adults getting their first gray hairs. So Qrow gets up from the cheap academy table theyre sitting at and kisses Tai
"After the world stops ending do you wanna try that dating thing again?" "You think we'll make it past one week this time?" "I actually meant since you havent gone on a date in about 15 years." "Oh. Well im pretty sure you havent been on a proper date since Beacon" "Are you gonna take me on a proper date then?" "Yeah"
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riceccakes · 4 years
Earth, Wind, and Coffee: Chapter Three Analysis
chapter one analysis | chapter two analysis
back again for another chapter analysis. i think ive been looking forward to this chapter the most, it’s where some big decisions were made!!! this analysis is a long one, i hope that’s all right! i kinda got carried away. so, let’s dive right in, shall we?
some fun stuff before we start!
chapter three was supposed to be the last chapter of the fic
idk if any of you were there when i first started writing this fic, but it was only going to be three chapters with a possible epilogue. however, everything changed when i finished the end of chapter two. (lil atla reference there for ya) (sorry i know that was bad, moving on). like i said in my last analysis, i had an idea of what i wanted to happen (the separation of korrasami) so that they could come back together. it was just a matter of what separates them. so, i’m not sure where i got the panic attack idea but once i did, the rest of the story changed. i realized i couldn’t quite possibly finish the story in one chapter so i split the ideas i had and decided on it being four chapters
now, this being said, maaaaajor changes were made in my story outline. most notably: korrasami was going to be a couple in this chapter
this was originally going to be a full fledged “they meet, they get to know each other, they fall in love, happily every after” but the thing was, i planned on treating their romance as korra’s recovery; that being with asami is what made korra better, that all she needed was a partner, someone to love, and that is not what i wanted to portray with this story. i’ve never been a fan of stories that give a character a love interest and all of sudden their problems are fixed and they’re completely happy, and here i was about to do just that. i knew i’d never respect myself if i continued down this narrative, and when chapter two ended with korra’s panic attack, i realized her growth needed better love and attention. so, i changed what happened and gave her some therapy
this change in the storyline also let me explore more of kuvopal !!! (is that their ship name?)
so, back to LOVE WITCH for a second (because that glorious fic really did steal my heart) not only did it make me love kuvira’s character more, it also got me into the kuvopal relationship! and yet again, i wanted my own go at it. with the original timeline, there was just no space for me to include the lil bread crumbs of their relationship. however, however, however; by splitting the ending between two chapters (and adding some stuff in between) i was able to lay some foundation for them, which im very happy about :)
into the chapter we go:
let’s talk about the meeting! the whole reason this fic came to be! i’ll start by saying i always knew the project was going to get pulled out from under asami. 1) because thats some angsty/hurt shit right there and im a sucker for writing angst 2) i didn’t feel like creating a whole ass presentation because knowing my ass i would’ve made a powerpoint about it so i had every detail down to the font asami used and 3) getting the presentation taken away from asami was a pivotal point in her character arc.
i actually started the chapter in two different ways. at first, i’d written her whole entire morning with there always being one thing that was off. like, instead of a perfect omelette, it was going to split and asami would’ve had a scramble, still good, but not her favorite. instead of going through all green lights on her way to work, asami was gonna meet every. single. red. light. i would’ve gone through with this if it hadn’t felt strange; i wanted to give the impression that something bad was going to happen but i felt like having something go wrong with every thing in her morning was gonna be a dead give away that some even bigger big bad was about to happen, if that makes sense. so instead, i went with the picture perfect scenario, almost too perfect, if you ask me. and indeed, it was too perfect, because hiroshi was too much of a coward to tell his daughter any sooner that his board agreed to get a new presenter
im just gonna cite a bunch of my favorite lines/bits from this chapter because i really enjoyed writing it xD
Iroh has already begun but Asami hears no words, only a blaring ring in her ears. Her face feels hot and she wonders how red she is. She stares at the black binder, notes the natural grooves and curves of the material, the plastic covering over top of it, the metal spine peaking out at the bottom. She’s only brought out of it’s dark trance when she feels a hand be placed on her arm; Kuvira. 
when you’re upset, do you ever just, hyper focus on one thing and its like you’re analyzing it under a microscope for the first time? yes? no? well, i do that, and personally, i do because if i focus on my anger/hurt emotions any more, im going to explode and i dont want to explode. so, this instance about looking at the grooves in the binder and each of the components of it just hits with me, idk if does with you too, but like bruuh.
Asami has her hand over her mouth, silently sobbing, feeling as if she’ll throw up. She leans her head on her wheel, her mind wanders to what could’ve been, what should’ve been. She feels as if her car is closing in on her, that the metal is compacting. The seatbelt keeps her locked down to the driver’s seat and she can’t leave if she wants to. The Satomobile holds her hostage and she lets it. Even while it’s hurting her, even while it’s harshly molding itself onto her, she stays at her father’s heel because, what else is she to do?
this is one of my favorite things ive ever done with asami’s character, is using future industries/satomobiles as a sort of vehicle (heh) for her relationship with her dad. this paragraph just kind of hurts, but the good hurt? but also not good hurt? it’s just, (and not me over here boasting about my writing or anything) it’s so poetic that she has this breakdown and she’s so upset with her dad, i mean “what should’ve been” like, asami KNOWS that the shit that’s just happened is more than wrong, yet asami is still somehow wondering how she can please her dad and it’s in the literal legacy hiroshi built for himself. “she stays at her father’s heel because, what else is she to do?” i remember writing that and being like “shit, am i really gonna do this? yeah” ugh, i could go on forever about how i love this section, but i’ll stop here for now.
Asami begins yelling, screaming at the top of her lungs, letting all the thoughts, all the insecurities her father gave her finally be released into the world. Kuvira lets her, simply nodding and following along on the couch while Asami paces her living room. She spews out word after word, about the work, about the presentation, about Iroh, his position, her position, the company, the CEO, and she only stops when she feels the weight of her father rest on her shoulders.
back with more diction; i really love this paragraph because of how we circle back to hiroshi. note how i first say “the CEO” and then a few words later say “her father” because, in a way, this is asami’s confession that hiroshi is CEO first and father second, if i haven’t already explicitly said so. it’s so heart wrenching and sad but my favorite thing about it is this isn’t even about korra. like THIS right here is a prime example about how i realized this fic became more than just a love story. in the planning stages of this fic, asami was going to go through getting the presentation taken away from her, but what was she going to focus more on? the fact that korra wasn’t around anymore. and yes, asami still does think about korra after this, but so much more happens for her. asami gets to know kuvira more, asami gets to know her lab partners more, (and my personal hc is that they’ve all been lab partners for two years and only NOW asami is getting to be friends with them in their senior year, but hey, better late than never!) and to me, what’s even better, is that a bunch of realizations come to asami w/o korra being there. asami is growing and the idea of being able to grow without needing to have a partner in order to grow is so important to me, not only for the fact that growth should be endless and something you do all the time for yourself, but asami literally wants to share it with korra. not boast about changing and growing and becoming better, but just be better with korra. sdlfakds i swear, im fangirling over my own writing, oops
okay, moving on from The Meeting and onto the rest of the chapter
this dock scene was also another part i wrote beforehand and it had a completely different ending in that asami was going to ask korra out on a date. of course, korra would’ve said yes, and then yay yay happy ending. this didn’t happen and i’m glad it didn’t. in one version of this dock scene, asami was actually going to be upset with korra for disappearing, and even worse, mad that korra wasn’t there to comfort her after the presentation. oof, i know. so so glad i didn’t continue down that line, cause it is toxic, and my girls aren’t like that at all.
Once Korra’s eyes meet hers, Asami says, “That doesn’t mean you always have to be on your own.” She smiles at Korra, at the girl who’s turned her world upside down. Her hand remains on Korra’s cheek and she feels the girl sink into her palm. “I’ll be here for you, and it seems like Tenzin will be too, what with saying he was calling you more. And you have his family, and your own family, even though they’re away, they’re here to support you, we all are. You can still be strong and turn to other people for help. It takes great strength to ask for help and I know for a fact you’re strong enough, those bags of coffee beans were nothing for you.”
i like this line of dialogue here for a few reasons, mostly because asami is so soft and so right and the joke at the really helped lighten the mood but didn’t take away from what she’d just said before. i don’t have too much else about the Reunions section, though if you guys have any questions or anything you wanna point out, please do so! i think what i will say is that i tried to be as real and gentle with korra’s progression. i was so nitpicky about everything i wrote because i didn’t want to get any of it wrong or over dramatized or fake. recovery from anything is so important and it takes time and it’s not a straight line so i hope i did a good job with it the rest of the fic. 
moving on, i love the found family trope and this leads me into the next section, New Friends
when i think about this section, i like how soft it is, and i really enjoy the ending bits: korra recounting memories from the south, asami meeting tenzin. i think what i like about the end of this chapter is that, it kind of leaves the question: what’s next?
asami has grown, she’s changed, she sees the errors of her father’s ways but she’s not excusing them. korra has grown, she’s changing, she’s taken the first step in recovery. now it’s just a matter of, what happens with this growth now. and i really loved how i wrapped up the fic in the next and last chapter, so i hope you enjoy it too :))
honorable mentions:
there were a lot of changes in this chapter and one of them got changed twice! korra was gonna get a therapist but then i was like, we gotta get the krew together, and then i was like supppppoorttttt grouuuppppp, because lets be honest, all the krew has stuff they need to work through, and i know therapy isn’t for everyone, but mental health is so vital and important. asami is an advocate for therapy in the chapter but there are also other means to take care of yourself and your mental health and while i’ve never been to a support group, i understand finding comfort in knowing you’re not alone.
i guess what i’m trying to say is please take care of yourself and dont be afraid to lean on others. i know not everyone has the means to get a therapist/psychiatrist and i know that your friends aren’t made to only be your therapist. buuuut, don’t be afraid to reach out, there’s nothing wrong with needing help and support :)
anything i would’ve wanted to change?
honestly, i think the only thing i would’ve wanted to change was mako’s speech during the support group meeting. for me, it was a lil bit too poetically out of character. not to say i want to change the content, but rather the manner in which it’s presented. other than that though, i really loved writing this chapter :)
so this analysis was reeeaaaalllly long, i understand if not everyone made it to end. anyways, thanks so much for reading this analysis and the fic! once again, i’m very much open to questions and any comments, i love them very much! i’ll see you guys in the next analysis of the final chapter :)
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tokyoghoose · 4 years
forgive these bastards ➤ prologue
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summary ➣ when detective akaashi comes across a rather complicated case, he is faced with many challenges along the way. In his attempt to solve the murder of a young woman and a string crimes, he must work beside the reader to learn more about the victim. ( detective au )
theme song ➢ im not a good person - pat the bunny, sleep is for the weak - the dreadnoughts, the quittin kind - eleisha eagle, how do you sleep - himalayas, blow my brains out - tikkle me, when i was done dying - dan deacon, stalkers tango - autoheart, youre nobody until somebody wants you dead - saint motel, kitchen fork - john conte, distant past - everything everything, cough cough - everything everything
warnings ➢ mentions of murder and death, description of blood and gore.
here it is! the prologue of ftb! :) I'm super excited to start this series! this is a little shorter than i wanted it to be, but I'm still pretty happy with it.
feedback is appreciated and welcome! requests are open!
"Keiji, it's getting dark. Why not come inside for the night?"
The sun was just over the horizon, the moon coming up to replace it. It's bright—the orange and pink colors. The image is burned into young Akaashi's memory when he looks over. He waves at his mother with a nod before passing the volleyball back to his friends and running over. The scrapes on his palm sting and the bruises on his legs hurt a little, but he doesn't mind the sensation. It feels like freedom—even if he doesn't really understand the full meaning of the moon. This is what he imagines it feels like.
Games to be played with friends and laughter. If this is what life holds then he is more than willing to live it. His naivety holds firm when he grabs his mother hand at the door, being pulled into a brisk hug. She laughs and pats his hair and he thinks it's the kindest gesture in the world. He snuggles closer before pulling away to see dinner on the table. His mother locks up, looking quietly into the city with concerned eyes. She wasn't going to let anyone hurt him, the smile that she cherishes wasn't going to fade as long as she could help it. She turns with a smile, passing him a plastic fork before listening to the adventures Akaashi had gone on that day.
Childhood seems so far now.
If you were to tell Akaashi's five year old self that seventeen years later everything he thought about freedom and life was a lie and he would become a detective who took away other's freedom, he'd probably laugh and then cry and cry some more. If you were to tell him that his mother would die so he'd have to be raised by his aunt at the age of thirteen, he'd probably punch you in face in attempt to break your nose—and if you then told him that's the reason he became a detective and went through five grueling years of internships and having to learn how to stomach crime scenes in the first place, he'd make sure to add a swift kick to the shin with it. Even at twenty, if someone—anyone—would have told him that he'd never get sleep again because of the things he'd see day to day, eventually becoming desensitized, but still having nightmares that kept him up all hours of the night—well, he'd probably just brush it off because he thought he'd be different.
News flash: he's not different.
In attempt to rub sleep from his eyes (ironic considering he got maybe an hour), Akaashi yawns, triggering a chain reaction from his assistant. The city is bustling with talk of the latest murder—a social media personality. Twitter is blowing up with the hashtags 'rip' and 'always & forever.' Yet, hardly any of the people tweeting and saying things like: 'always in our hearts, never forget,' didn't know her personally. They knew the internet version of her, the side she showed to the world and not the side she was personally. To the world she is known as an idol—a hero to some.
But everyone has their dark secrets.
The car stops along the house's pavement, the driveway a large circle with a statue in the middle. His first thought is someone was in it for the money, maybe a robbery gone wrong. Stepping out the car, he snaps on some gloves and looks around before being handle the case file from an officer on duty, being caught up to speed.
The house is pristine except for the blood that has dried up on the tiled floor. It's a stark contrast from all the white and gold. Minimalist; he notes. Akaashi skims the file before looking at the body and watching it get zipped up into a black bag before being carried away. All that's left is half an outline and some splatter across the floor.
He pinches the bridge of his nose. Just what he needs—more nightmare fuel. But a job is a job no matter how tired he is.
"Alright, let's start at the entrances. Check the windows and doors."
Red. Why is there so much red? Whose breathing is that? And why is it so loud?
Your eyes finally focus on the hand outstretched in front of you, widening at the sight. A silent scream escapes past your lips and shakes your body, making you stumble backwards. The shaking hand blocks the view, forcing your eyes away from the scene. The thumping of your heart and blood in your eyes is so deafening that it makes you lightheaded. You felt sick. You were going to vomit, pushing down a gag and covering your mouth.
You look at your hands, willing them to stop shaking in tight fists before looking at the body below you. Blonde hair dyed red from the puddle. A sob wracks through you.
Heaving a heavy breath you weren't aware you were holding and gripping your phone tightly, you dial the police. Your voice shakes when speaking:
"H-help, please. She's dead! "
Akaashi rubs at his temple in attempt to soothe an oncoming headache, the dim yellow light at his desk straining his eyes. He looks at the file, nibbling on his lip in irritation. The pictures of the scene and the overall file and personal file just swarms his head with mixed up information and he honestly isn't sure where to start. With a soft sigh he leans back into his seat, crossing his arms over his chest.
The case is gruesome, a red massacre. Victim was stabbed six times in the abdominal, close to gutted even, but the blunt truama to her head shows she was dead before hitting floor. The door hadn't been broken in, the wood and hinges still in place like they hadn't been shaken—perhaps she let them in. The window had been forced open from the inside, the paint that previously sealed it being chipped aggressively against the pane. It could've been some loopy stalker, but the more he looks at the case it's less likely.
His head hurts and he can't focus and it's getting late.
He begins to nipple of his thumb nail, bringing it up to his lips in deep thought. The red strings in his brain trying to connect the dots sooner than it's actually possible. He's smart, but not that smart. His eyes slowly shift to the post-it note beside the biege file, a number scribbled down messily. They had sent you home with an officer to calm down from the shock. It had been about two days now as they waited for the autopsies and inspected, but time was running short and he needed your statement before the case runs cold and slips through his fingers. He'd have to interrogate you, ask you to speak on behalf of your friend. It seems you would know the most about her and her true identity as her emergency contact. Maybe‐ hopefully, you'd help provide answers.
But he hates this part. The part where he has to call traumatized homicide victims and witnesses. He doesn't do well at comforting people, especially when he's the type to cut straight to the point. He doesn't know how to stop someone from crying (because someone always does) and he can never stop himself from saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. He's blunt and yet, he's like a double edged sword. And he knows what they feel because he's been there and he sees it every day, even if he wasn't involved directly. If it haunts him at night, then it must taunt them all day. It's a hard push to get over, and even then the wounds never really heal. Suppose that's why Akaashi keeps pushing to solve cases, even cold ones, because he knows how it feels to be hopeless with a dark mentality. Nothing else matters until the killer is at the mercy of law.
He goes back to gnawing on his abused bottom lip, leaning forward to grab the black office phone before dialing the number. He lets it ring, twice before he hears the line click and a soft, weak 'hello?' He clears his throat, picking up his pen to write down anything he may need. This isn't his first rodeo, afterall.
"Hello, is this l/n y/n? Yes, this is the detective on case. Would you mind coming in to answer a few questions about your friend, Michiko?"
taglist ➣
@izzyphantomgamer @callmeignorance @kenmagi @sawasmura @kagsblueberrymilk
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imbellarosa · 4 years
So you think Harry’s and Louis’ album are connected?
I think there is every chance of that! You don’t accidentally reference someone else’s songs (someone you know really well, at that!) multiple times throughout your album (even songs that didn’t end up on the album, at that). Every other piece of analysis under the cut, but this is my tldr haha.
I think that the fact that their albums are both 12 track albums with a sort of “breaking point” or “climax” in the sixth track which says- on both sides- that they feel more vulnerable, that they feel sad, they feel more mature, and that they feel more ready to talk about it is....not a coincidence. Or maybe that one is, but if you add that to all of the other lyrical convos these albums are having. I covered a lot of these lyrical parallels in another ask, so I won’t go through them all again, I’m just going to add some new ones (because ofc there’s more).
An older one, but one worth’s mentioning: Golden (track 1 on Fine Line) says “You're so golden/You're so golden/I'm out of my head/And I know that you're scared/Because hearts get broken” and “Just Like You” (released 2017, right after “Always You” was teased) says “Every heart breaks the same/Every tear leaves a stain/Can I just be the same?”. Like - that’s a conversation that people have ALL THE TIME. One person wants to be normal and doesn’t want to hurt and the other person says “I know you’re afraid but you’re so special”.
And I’m going to use golden one last time, because I think it like. Sets the scene for Fine Line. His super secret verse says something like “...I’m hoping that one day you (he?) could be (will be?) open/And I know that you’re scared because I’m so open” and Fearless says “Tell me the truth, tell me, do you still remember feelin' young/And strong enough to get it wrong in front of all these people?”. And L has said he wrote that song about himself, so it’s still two songs asking one person if they can be strong enough to open up.
Then there’s “Adore You”, which says that he’ll “walk through fire for you/Just let me adore you” and Only the Brave says that “[his love is] a church of burnt romances/And I’m too far gone to pray/it’s a solo song/and it’s only for the brave”. I can’t make this up. Like actually. I couldn’t make this stuff up.
And those are just the parallels. After you listen to those, you turn to the narrative of the album. Fine line is split into four sides: “A” “B” “C” and “D”, with Side A being about falling in love for the first time and thinking that could be enough, those butterflies and the fun times and all the love, but it ends with Lights Up that says “all the lights couldn’t put out the dark/running through my heart/lights up and they know who you are/do you know who you are?”. So as it turns out, if you’re not on the same page, love isn’t enough. There has to be communication, and a similar expectation of honesty (to bring it back to golden Im so sorry I love that song).
Side B is the sad side. It’s loss and grief and misery. It’s losing someone you love and then losing someone for real, and then realizing that you’re not as badass as you thought you were and you want to go home, but you also made a mistake (which, To Be So Lonely does a great job of setting “home” up as a person rather than a place, so when he references it again in Canyon Moon, you can think of home as the person he’s talking about). Anyways back to side B. Now, instead of blaming the other person, he can admit that he also made a mistake (or several), and own up to it. Side B ends with “She” which, imo is one of the trippiest songs on the album, and also one of the most complex. I think there are multiple characters involved, and the speaker isn’t like. The main character. But I think, in the end, it’s characteristic of loneliness and grief and loss and a realization. And that realization ends this side.
So Side C starts with all of the work on himself mostly done (I do love that “work” in both of these albums is never over. You work through the bad times, and then you keep working so you don’t get caught in it again.) Side C is the “I’m coming back to us” side. He gets back in touch with the person he loves in Sunflower Vol. 6, ( at the beginning he’s like “I’ve been trying hard not to talk to you”, but by the end, “ Your flowers just died/Plant new seeds in the melody/Let me inside, I wanna get to know you”, they’re getting to know each other again, as the new people they are, after they had to walk away for a bit). This is followed up up by Canyon Moon, in which he’s going home, so they fixed it, apparently. That idea of rekindling is confirmed in “Treat People With Kindness” when he says “ Givin' second chances/I don't need all the answers/Feelin' good in my skin/I just keep on dancin'”. This is SUPER cool, because by this point in the album, he’s matured enough to know that he’s okay with not knowing why about everything. He’s no longer asking his partner to be more open, because he feels good about himself and that’s all he needs, and so if he’s okay, then they’re okay. 
Side D is just Fine Line, the six minute reflection song which ends with “we’ll be alright”. And by that time, I believe it. 
On to Walls! Walls is split into two six track sides, “A” and “B”. This album, in my mind, is less of a cohesive narrative, and more like snapshots of moments, feelings, and conversations, which give you a picture of what he’s been through. I think it’s also a bit more difficult to stack this up because I don’t really know when songs were written. I think “Walls” and “Only the Brave” might have been the last two written, along with “We Made It”? Maybe? But I’m going to try anyways. 
Side A is a younger feel. It touches on how he needs the person he’s singing about ( “I don’t know what I’d do without you now!”). It talks about how they made it, and there won’t be any more hard times, it talks about outside events, and sets that scene. The other person lost someone (outside of the relationship), as is outlined in “Don’t Let it Break Your Heart” and he lost his mom ( “Two of Us”, which makes me cry every time). And around track 5 ( “Too Young”), he’s ready to sit down and have a conversation, and the other person agreed to it, after two years apart. And I think the rest of the album really outlines all of the things he needed the other person to understand.
He admits that he’d had his walls up, and that he realizes what that’s cost him. He tells the other person that he appreciates being given time and space to put himself back together, but he’s ready to go back to them because the other person makes him better, he explains that he did his very best to move on, but he couldn’t, because he carried them everywhere he went, and he says that he’s going to try and be more open ( “Now if happiness is always measured/ By the life you design, that car on the drive /Then you should feel better than ever/But you know as well as I, it's all lies/..../ Just for tonight, look inside and spark that memory of you/Strong enough to get it wrong in front of all these people”). 
And then it sort of seems like they’re back together by Perfect Now, but his partner is...a bit insecure about where they stand, and he’s trying to say that he’s in it, that the partner (he didn’t use genders in is songs, so I’m not going to either, sorry if this ends up confusing haha) is beautiful the way they are, that they should embrace it, and if his partner wanted him to, he’d tell the truth (and what a line that is: “You never do/ but if you asked me to/ I’d tell the truth/ lying next to you/ ‘cause you’re the only one/ when it’s said and done”). It always comes back to the idea of openness and telling the truth. 
The last two songs are “Defenseless” and “Only the Brave” which are my favorite two on the album. I think “Defenseless” gives a good snapshot of where the relationship is - they’re together, but it’s hard sometimes, and they still have the same problems sometimes (because things don’t magically go away), but he loves the other person, and the other person loves him, and so he’s going to be vulnerable. And Only the Brave, which talks about how scary it can be, for some people, to be brave, but it’s worth it, for him, because he found the right person ( ( “come on, when you know/ you know”). I think this song has a lot of symbolism and imagery that makes it a very pointed and poignant song, but it also finishes the album in the same way Fine Line does. They’re okay. They’ll be okay. (They being both the artist and the relationship they’re singing about)   I think that the narratives are remarkably similar in events an themes even if they’re told in different styles: Fine Line is more of a complete story, beginning to end, and Walls is more of a conversation. He’s talking to someone directly, rather than about someone. But ultimately, like. These two grew up together. It’s not like I picked out two random albums from people who don’t know each other and was like “these two! same thing!” and if it was, that would be plagiarism. They know each other, and they probably write together sometimes. I know that they have different managements, but they’ve worked with similar writers/directors/producers, right? They run in the same circles? So when two people who have known each other well for a while write albums that end up being lyrically and thematically similar, and they both cover the same story and the same ground, the most obvious conclusion is that they’re connected. 
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