xx-ghost-rat-xx · 1 year
okay ya knowz. if im being completely hoenst. im a hardcore girl im a raver for life 909 worldwide hardcore will never die . HARDCORE WILL NEVER DIIIIIIEEEEEE
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cherubify · 2 months
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6.1k words
cw: corruption, stalking, doppelganger themes, dirty talk, attempted sa, dubcon, hints of mindbreak/exhibitionism/overstimulation, fingering, creampie, unprotected p-in-v, use of pet names, fellatio, filming, dead dove do not eat, minors dni
a/n: this was written for an anonie's reqqy! it marinated in my wips for a few weeks (mb!) so it feels kinda off to me + i kept changing the title but.. yeah! n special thanks to my trusted beta reader @xoxostarlet!! <3 ok i'll shut up now but enjoy!
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There’s a saying out there– something about how there are more than seven people in the world who share the same face as you. Despite possibly living in a distant community, with a foreign tongue and having one’s own idiosyncrasies, there’s someone out there who resembles you. A doppelganger, is what most people called it, right? Leon hasn’t met anyone who looks like him yet, though he’s heard passersby comment on how he looked like a model whose name was always on the tip of his tongue.
It must be a prank pulled by the heavens when they created people, forgetting to register their creations as solely unique individuals and reusing their faces for a recycled project. At least, that’s what he thinks when he finds yet another film, with its poster girl bearing a striking resemblance to the store clerk. A knowing smile crept up his face as he strolled over to the front desk.
You sat behind a long counter, homework precariously piled up as you scribbled your answers onto the papers. A cash register and your laptop accompanied you on your side. He set his selection of the day beside your papers, prompting you to look up.
“This one again? You borrowed it last week, Mr Kennedy,” you commented with a shaky laugh.
The man on the other side of the counter was an older man with a face and body of strong and hard corners everywhere. He was dressed in grey sweats and a hoodie, the hood draped over his side swept dirty blonde hair. Leon was what he told you to call him, but the desire to maintain personal distance led you to calling him by his family name instead.
“What can I say? It’s a good way to kick my feet up.” His arms were folded on the counter as he leaned towards you.
You snorted inwardly. Yeah, kicking your feet up by getting off to these… morbid tapes, huh? You read the summary of all the films he rented before. They were about dark things you’d never want to be involved in. Random films centred around dark plots, such as Stockholm syndrome, hardcore BDSM and the like. Perfect for twisted people with twisted fantasies. But not for you, you were proud to say you lived a mostly peaceful and non traumatised life, and you would keep it that way.
It’s not that you wanted to kink shame; people could watch whatever they wanted. But having to rent out these tapes to a shameless guy like him was uncomfortable. And he was making you feel even more uncomfortable when he waltzed up to the counter, showing you his findings of the day. What a weirdo. At least act a little embarrassed like the other customers, wouldn’t you?
However, you shoved down your grievances and processed his purchase on the register. Once you finished, you passed both the film and a receipt to him. He took it from your grasp, warm fingers brushing against yours. You immediately withdrew your hand and discreetly rubbed your skin raw against your jeans.
Nothing went unnoticed by him, including your poorly hidden disgust. His lips curled on his face, he knew what you were thinking– most people didn’t relax by renting adult films. If only you knew his true intentions. Why he chose this specific film to rent again.
You jabbed the back of the store with your thumb, attention returning to your homework. Beside the staff room and a tiny toilet, there was another door that led to a room: the viewing room. He entered, closing the door behind him softly. It was furnished the same as always: a family sized couch with cushions. No windows or lights, just a single projector, a screen and speakers. A viewing room to watch the store’s rented shows and only that.
Not that he couldn’t view it at home, but he wanted to do it here. In this room, in the back of a store you had no choice but to man alone. He knew the sounds leaked into the hall and into the sales floor. And the actress in this film had impressively exaggerated moans. Which was why he liked this certain film. He knew your face would be distorted with horror as you struggled to put up with it for the next hour. Plus the second hand embarrassment you experienced when other customers entered (not that there were many to begin with).
He chuckled softly whilst setting up the screening. When it began to play, he slumped onto the couch, arms crossed. He knew you noticed the resemblance you shared with the poster girl. Knew the uneasy glances you’d send him whenever you caught him browsing through the adult film section. It was fun pushing your buttons– seeing your innocent face distort with horror, embarrassment, shame whenever you scanned the films he chose. You certainly noticed the increasing resemblance of all the actresses to you. It was clear as day from the tautness in your smile as you forced out a polite ‘thank you’ when he returned the goods.
He tried to focus on the actress on the screen. A girl who shared the same hair colour and clothing style as you. There were some similarities in your faces, but only as far as the curve of your jaw and the curl of your lips. A mismatch in voice, sure, but when the woman on the screen moaned, he wondered if you replicated such a sound. The thought made him swell a little in his sweats. He shifted uncomfortably on the couch.
Like the girl on screen, he wanted to bend you over a kitchen table as you wore nothing but a frilly apron and underwear. He’d rip your panties off and bury his face between your perfect butt and-
A knock on the door snapped him out of his daze. He paused the show and it creaked open to reveal you, standing hesitantly. Your eyes shifted from him to the screen, pupils dilating as they adjusted to the darkness of the room. You tried to hide the way your eyes flitted from the screen to him. The same old expression on your face as your bottom lip quivered.
“Um… I can hear everything,” you told him- and he knew, but he listened anyway, “It’ll bother the customers, so please keep it down.”
Or go home. He knew those words were on the tip of your tongue. There were no other customers around (probably) but he smiled anyway and complied, just because you asked nicely. He jabbed the volume button once.
“Sure, but maybe a kiss would convince me, darling.” He called out, but you barely heard it over the creaking of the door as you closed it.
Always running away before he could shoot his shot. Like a game of mouse and cat, a fitting analogy considering how you’d tremble in his presence and flee with your metaphorical tail between your legs. He chuckled and resumed the film, the volume a single decibel lower while you sat at the counter, shaking your head.
In your eyes, Leon was a bit of a troublemaker. You weren’t naive enough to be fooled by his clueless facade. You knew that he got a kick out of the distress he put you in when he played his fine selection for the day. He could go home instead– in fact, you had a right to kick him out. But your boss instructed you to be kind to regulars, such as Mr Kennedy here. So what more could you do besides put on your customer service smile and voice? After all, customers were always right. You’d like to believe that if it weren’t for the amount of trouble he gave you by entering the store. If he pushed any further you were sure to blacklist him from the store for good.
When he came out, you watched hopefully. Hoping that he’d walk out of the door. But then he began searching through the aisles and before you knew it, he set another box onto the counter again. An adult film with its poster girl sitting on a couch sultrily, her hair colour and hair parted the way you did yours. Last time his choice was a girl with the same fashion sense as you. All of his selections consisted of girls that took after you. Quite the strange coincidences, but you chalked it up to just you having run-of-the-mill features.
“Come again,” you grimaced inwardly. You hoped he wouldn't, but when he left he cast you a knowing smile over your shoulder. You groaned aloud, because you knew he would.
You worked at the rental video shop temporarily, home from college for summer break when your pockets were emptier than you recalled. This store was an easy choice, simply because it was right across your apartment complex. The close proximity meant you could just tumble out of bed in the morning and clock in with your pjs. The owner was a decrepit man who was out of town half the time, so he couldn’t be bothered with what was happening except meeting the bare sales requirements.
Retail life was no stranger, but this was the most relaxing it had ever been in your job history. It was a joy working in this store, believe it or not. Truly a pity it was only temporary. No naggy managers or bossy coworkers. Just you and the occasional customer wandering among dusty aisles. Speaking of dust…
You checked the time– a few minutes left before closing. It took a mere second to find Leon, whose blonde’s head peaked above a low row of shelves. You guessed he was sifting through another peculiar genre. So you left him to it as you entered the back and into the staff room. Unbeknownst to you, the front door jingled as someone stepped onto the sales floor.
When you finally returned, you were armed with a step ladder and a duster, the latter missing more than half of its feathers. Despite its haggard appearance, it was clearly not being put to use, apparent from the store’s dust infested furniture. Perhaps the store’s sorry state was a contributory factor for the lack of visitors. You set the ladder down at the front of the store and began dusting from top to bottom.
A cough alerted Leon’s attention to you and he peeked up from the boxes in his hands. You stood precariously on the top, a hand clutched over your nose as you dusted a shelf. From where he stood, he could see cotton peeking from your loose shorts. He set the goods down to grip either side of the ladder’s frame.
“I don’t think this rickety thing’s stable enough for you to use, sweetheart,” he commented, prompting you to look at him. “You should come down before you fall.”
“I’m fine, Mr Kennedy. I’ve got everything under control,” you began cleaning again when you inhaled some dust. Your eyebrows furrowed, then your face crinkled as you sneezed. And ironically you fell. A shout and a thud followed, and you found yourself in his arms.
He had an awkward grip on you, having caught you suddenly with open arms. His arm was wrapped around your thighs and the space below your shoulder blades. The vice grip on the fat of your thighs caused your face to explode with red.
“Oh my god- I’m sorry!” You gasped as you wriggled in his arms, begging to be put down. He yielded and you were onto your feet again. You backed away from him, hands clasped apologetically. “I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you? Are you- are you okay?”
He laughed, and it’s an airy, low sound. The regular crossed his arms and leaned against the ladder. “I’m fine. And you?”
“Y-Yeah. But I guess I should throw this out,” you rubbed the back of your head sheepishly.
“Let me,” he offered and he swiftly walked out with it in tow. The entrance jingled before closing behind him as he disappeared.
You rubbed your arms awkwardly, the heat from your face dissipating as you exhaled shakily. Maybe you were wrong about him. Leon was quite a nice guy. Now, if it weren’t for his weird fetishes, maybe you’d give him a chance. You shook your head. What were you thinking? He was just a customer. You sighed and picked up your fallen duster.
You turned your back to an approaching man. Footsteps behind you prompted you to look up, and you expected a blonde but was mistaken. Your face was shoved against a shelf, the old thing creaked as it leaned back then back onto its corners. Your wrists were held behind you by a gloved hand, and you strained to see the perpetrator but the grip on the back of your head prevented you.
“Just stay quiet and it’ll be over soon,” it was a hushed voice, unfamiliar and muffled. “–be a good girl and stay still.”
“Who are you calling a good girl?” You gritted your teeth and struggled against your captor’s hold. “If you don’t let me go, I’ll-”
“Uh uh–” something cold pressed against your neck. Was that… a knife? “–It’d be better if you don’t struggle.”
You froze as the blade dug into the column of your throat. The stranger released your wrists to wander a gloved hand along the curve of your spine. It hurt to swallow, and you struggled to breathe as the molestor’s hand dipped into your shorts. Was this how your summer break would end? An assault in the store you part-timed in for quick cash?
Your train of thought was derailed when a grunt echoed in the store. The blade was withdrawn and clattered onto the floor, and you whirled around to find a masked man collapsed on the floor. Standing behind him was Leon, who swiftly pocketed a gun into a holster on his belt. You gaped at him– has he always carried that on him?
“Are you okay?” Leon stepped over the body to grip your shoulders. His wide eyes scrutinised your smaller frame. “Did he hurt you?”
You looked at his hands then at him, “I… I think I’m alright.”
The man frowned and studied the unconscious man with a hardened expression. He dialled for the cops and filed a brief report. Afterwards, he dragged the molester outside the store, where he tied his wrists to a lamp post. The man was limp throughout, unconscious from whatever Leon had pulled. You clutched your arms as you sat at the cash register, eyes fixated on the counter.
A first aid kit came into view. Leon stood on the other side, a sheepish smile on his lips. “I found this in the back,” he said softly, digging through it. He produced a disinfectant wipe and a bandaid.
Only when he reached out to you did you notice the wound on your neck. It stung, and you gingerly touched it. Beads of blood sat on your finger. It was a little cut that had bled into the collar of your top. He dabbed the swab of disinfectant against the wound, and you hissed. His hand found yours, and he held it as you squirmed in your seat.
“It’ll sting for a bit, but better safe than sorry,” he murmured.
“I’m not a wuss, I can take it- Ow!” You jumped in your seat when he pushed the swab deeper against the cut. The two of you exchanged a look, and the corner of his lips tilted up in amusement. You kept your eyes on the ceiling, lips pursed.
Then he placed a bandaid over the wound and his fingers ghosted over it. “There. All better,” he sighed.
He withdrew his hand except the one in yours. You ogled at the larger hand in yours, at the way his slender fingers were comfortably interlaced with your shaky ones. Just like two pieces of a puzzle, perfectly slotted into one another. You tried to banish the thought. You exhaled softly, and you squeezed your trembling lips together into a feeble smile.
“Thanks, Leon.”
“Don’t mention it,” he smiled back. In that moment, he was all you could see. Not the arrival of the police car outside the store or the officers standing by the criminal, but just him.
A moment of silence passed before he spoke again. “So I take it you’re dropping the formalities?”
The blonde was referencing how you always called him by his family name and not his first name. You refused to answer, the faint blush on your cheeks sufficed. He squeezed your hand, and you squeezed back.
Leon accompanied you for the rest of the night. He stayed beside you in the police station, drove you back to the store and assisted you in the cleaning duties. Despite the incident, life moved on, and you were responsible for the night duty chores as the sole employee. Areas unaccessible by you were managed by him, and you found yourself appreciating his company. Although he was a creepy regular, he was quite sweet. You didn’t have to force yourself to laugh at his crappy jokes that night.
And though you were pretty sure he shouldn’t know where you lived, you let him accompany you to your doorstep after closing shift. He bid you goodbye with a gentle pat on your head, and you found yourself staring at the place he stood for a while. You sat in your bathtub, hugging your knees to your chest. Water enveloped your body in the cold of midnight, and you leaned your head against the cool tiles. Your eyes were glazed over with tears as you recounted the recent events.
Thank goodness he was there. If Leon hadn’t been there, something terrible would’ve happened. You wanted to see him again. Maybe you’d give him a thank you gift. It’d be only fair, right?
. . .
“What’s business like this week?” He enquired as you scanned the good in your hand. This time he came in with a different colour of sweats, with a stain on the hem of his blue sweater.
It had been a while since you last saw him. Maybe a week since that night.
“Slow,” you sighed, returning the film to him. The colours on the box’s cover were washed out, and the actress was a blurry blob of colours. Her hair colour and body type matched yours, but that was all you could make out. So you chose to close an eye. “My boss is gonna be so mad about the sales.”
“My bad. If it weren’t for work, I’d be here more often,” the blonde commented.
“You’re a hard worker, aren’t you?” You teased, to which he placed a hand over his heart.
“You don’t know half of it, sweetheart.” Your cheeks tingled at the pet name. Wait– what? “The higher ups owe me more breaks.”
You cleared your throat. “Even if you did, don’t you have better places to be?”
“I’d say you make good company,” he grinned boyishly. Your heart fluttered a little. Wow, what was seriously happening to you?
“Anyways-” He tilted the film in his hand, “-wanna watch this together?”
Fat chance. Just because he was growing on you didn’t mean you were ready to sit in a tiny room with him on a couch, just the two of you in the dark. You’d tell him that, but he read your expression independently and laughed. When he disappeared into the viewing room, your attention turned to the register’s screen where an alert had popped up.
Invalid barcode. Please contact staff.
Huh? You copied the barcode number and manually entered it into the system. The same system popup appeared and you scratched your head, confused. Muffled noises leaked into the sales floor and you stepped away from the counter. Maybe he took a show that failed to register in the system?
You stood outside the door and listened. Was now a good time to enter? You hesitated and held the door knob. A soft moan stopped you in your tracks– followed by a whimper and some incoherent noises.
Weird. For a second there it almost sounded like you. Was the actress a sound-alike too?
You finally opened the door, peaking into the room as the door creaked ajar. It was dark as you expected, just the singular beam of light from the projector that shone onto the screen. Strange enough, you found no one on the couch, only a rolling film on screen. Your dilated pupils shifted to the screen, and you practically swung the door open.
A girl– no, it was you. You were on screen. Laying on bed with a fluffy towel crumpled beside you as your body glistened with droplets, courtesy of your bath. A bead of sweat trailed down your nape, dumbfounded as the you from that night had her fingers buried between her trembling legs. Your face was contorted with pleasure, and you bit the back of your hand to stifle your delighted noises.
How? This couldn’t be happening. You wanted to assure yourself that it was fake, but even you knew there was no denying its authenticity. The camera was shaky, and you scrunched up your brows. The angle… you recognised the angle. You were being filmed from your bedroom windows.
The scene abruptly cut to another one, this time it was of you in your bedroom, standing naked before your mirror. Your hands traced your silhouette, hands wandering down your naked body as you inspected yourself in the mirror. Sleepwear and underwear were gathered haphazardly in a pile behind you. A matching set of underwear on your bed.
It felt like a giant ball of cotton was shoved into your mouth; you swallowed dryly. Your feet moved and you stood behind the couch, your knees feeling like they may give out at any moment. This was last week. How did such a creep go unnoticed by you? Who was filming you? And how did all these get into the store? And– You searched the room frantically. Where was Leon?
The door creaked closed, and you found the devil himself blocking the way out. Another clip played on screen, and you pried your eyes from him to look back at it in horror.
“Nicely edited, don’t you think?” His sneakers thumped against the carpet softly. He stood behind you, arms trapping you against the couch from behind. You flinched at the warm breath that fanned your ear. His fingers fiddled with the hem of your shirt.
“I think I deserve a round of applause for it.”
“L-Leon…” your voice cracked. You should be screaming and pushing him off, like you did before with that man. This was a similar situation, right? So why was your heart hammering in your chest like this?
“What is it, sweetheart?”
His voice was a low murmur against your ear, and you shivered. His voice sounded like it was literally in your head, reverberating in the cavern of your mind. Your breath hitched as a warm hand slid under your shirt.
He unclasped your bra with ease, and his hands slid under it to gently cup the curves of your chest. His hands engulfed them easily, and he fondled them half-heartedly while pressing soft kisses along the column of your neck. His lips grazed over the scabbed wound, and you gripped the couch to stabilise yourself.
You should hate it, but your voice failed to protest when he led you to the couch to lay down. He bundled the hem of your top into your mouth, muffling your squeaks when he slipped his hands underneath your loose bra to run his fingers along the circumference of your areola. His thumbs prodded at your nipples, and you squirmed a little at the tingling sensations running along your chest. He pushed your bra aside and flicked his tongue against one of your nipples. Your fingers gripped the blonde’s tresses whilst he teased your perky buds with his warm tongue, lapping at them painfully slowly.
Leon’s other hand traced down your body until he reached your bottoms. He tugged it off your legs, throwing it behind his shoulder. His fingers wandered to the gusset of your panties where a damp patch had formed. The regular stroked your slit through the thin cloth, and you whimpered softly at his ministrations. All the while his eyes were fixated on you, never looking away as he licked your chest like a starving pup begging for milk.
He pulled your panties aside to squeeze a finger into your tightness, and your gaze shifted to where he was connected to you. A finger disappeared into you, and you squeezed your thighs in disapproval as he tried to fit another. Not that it could stop him when he forced into you one more, and you trembled at the stretch from his digits. The blonde wrapped his tongue around one of the swollen buds on your chest, his free hand pinching and tugging on the other.
“Mhnn,” you hummed softly. Moisture clung to your lashes.The intensity in his baby blues beckoned you into the brink of your sanity, and you threw your head back to guard yourself against his tempting call.
“Don’t be shy,” he withdrew from your chest with a pop. He tugged your top out of your mouth. “Let me hear you, sweetheart. Moan for me.”
His padded fingers prodded inside you experimentally , and a certain spot elicited an embarrassingly loud mewl. The blonde grinned boyishly as he fingered that gummy spot, jamming into it harder and deeper with each cry he drew out of you. Biting the back of your hand, your lashes fluttered unsteadily as you twisted and turned, a strange feeling pulsating deep within you. Your hand found purchase in his hair again, tugging on his silky strands in a silent plea. Whether to stop or for more, only god knew.
But then he stopped, and the heat from his body dissipated. You opened your eyes to see the man shed his sweater, pulling the navy blue article over his scarred body. With a shaky hand, you placed your hand over a scar on his chest and traced the protruding tissue. You frowned- what he had gone through to amass the plethora of scars before you?
The jingling of his belt tore your attention back to his torso. He tugged his pants down to reveal the bulging outline of his hard-on through his boxers. You didn’t mean to stare, but you struggled to tear your eyes away and it didn’t go unnoticed by him. He carded his bangs with his fingers, pushing them back as he smirked.
“Like what you see? ‘Cuz my eyes are up here.”
Your ears were hot, and you held your breath as he pressed a kiss to your knee. Then he kissed the inside of your thighs until he reached your clothed core, to the drenched gusset of your panties. His lips quirk up in a pleased smirk, and he kissed it before tugging your panties off. It landed atop your long forgotten bottoms, and he swept them off the couch and they crumpled onto the floor.
He planted his hands on either side of you, trapping you underneath him. But for some reason you weren’t scared, no, your heart pounded in anticipation when he leaned in. Maybe you wanted this all along, and you stared into his deep blue eyes when fists suddenly pounded on the door. The thuds echoed in the viewing room, and the both of you jumped.
“Excuse me? Hello…? Is anyone around?”
Your eyes flitted to the door and at the knob as it jingled. But Leon had locked it earlier- thank god- and the customer repeated their question once more. You hesitated before opening your mouth, but he clamped his hand over your lips. You shot him a look, but he answered you with a deep kiss. His plush lips tangled with yours, biting and gnawing on the softness of your own. His kiss was like the ocean, an uncharted wonder that submerged you deeper and deeper with each press of his lips against yours. No thoughts resided in your head, all you could think about was him and his warmth.
Meanwhile, he pushed the back of your thighs, pressing your knees to your chest. The weight of his upper body sandwiched them to your swollen chest, and he ran a finger between your sticky folds before finally slipping in.
He growled against the corner of your lips, and your nails wandered along his back. Pink crescents glowed red as you dug your nails under his shoulder blades, and you whimpered softly. The stretch hurt more than it did with his fingers. He shushed your cries with saliva stained kisses along the corners of your mouth. A sweet haze swirled in your mind, muffling the knocking on the door in favour of the groans from the man sandwiching you to the couch.
“Fuck-” he buried his face in the crook of your shoulder. He was finally hilted within you. His hips stuttered and he struggled to unsheathe himself. He mumbled something into your skin, a hand gripping the back of your knees for support. He withdrew until there was only the tip left, then he slowly filled you up again. Over and over, he plunged deep and slow, drawing pretty moans from you. Soft plapping noises filled the room, a sound barely registered by you in your haze.
“Such a perfect little pussy,” the blonde murmured, his grip on your knees bruising. Strings of drool dribbled down your chin as you laid there limply for him to use. He weakly slapped your cheek with the tips of his fingers. “Look at you. Too drunk on my cock to think.”
Leon chuckled lowly, and you squealed when he slapped your clit. You clenched him harder, and he cursed as you throbbed around him. The veins running along his length pulsated angrily against your gummy confines, and he grabbed your chin to peer into your clouded eyes.
“You’re practically begging me to cum inside, sweetheart. You’d like that, yeah? Mhn… I know you would. Such a dirty slut. All mine.”
He dragged his tongue along the outline of your jaw, and you met his tongue with yours in an open mouthed kiss. His name was a broken song, rising in pitch as an overwhelming sensation escalated with each press of his pelvis against your clit. When you finally broke, you cried out in desperation and you came hard around him. He fucked you through your high, uncaring about the overstimulation racking your body as you convulsed underneath him. His pleasure would become yours, whether you liked it or not. When the thread in his abdomen finally snapped, he stuffed himself to the base and emptied his spent into you.
The warmth in your belly was comforting, lulling you into sleep when his voice tugged you awake. He stood beside the couch, phone in hand. A sleazy grin played on his swollen lips.
“Smile for the camera, sweetheart.”
You blearily raised a peace sign, the hem of your top between your teeth, bra hanging loosely. Uncaring of the cum and sweat all over your body, you managed a timid smile as the camera flashed. He snapped a photo and sunk into the seat beside you. A commemoration for today, and a little something for him (and you, if you’d like him to send it to you) to remember it.
You crawled over, nestling your head on his chest as your eyelids drooped close. Would your body suffice as a thank you for saving you that day? You hoped he’d ask for more. You nuzzled into the warmth of his chest.
Meanwhile, Leon inspected the pixelated photo. He was deeply pleased with his work, and he kissed the top of your head. You were slipping into a plane of unconsciousness, and he tucked stray hairs behind your ear.
“That’s my girl.”
. . .
“Use your tongue,” He whispered. The heavy hand on your head stroked your hair tenderly, and you gazed up at him through hooded eyes. He laid on his back, on the couch as you knelt between his spread legs.
The projector had long stopped rolling its film, and a single beam of white light illuminated the viewing room. Who knew how much time had passed. All that mattered was pleasing him, so that you could earn his smile, and if you were lucky, his attention.
He clenched his teeth as your canines grazed his pulsing veins. You licked his tip apologetically, earning a low chuckle from him. Your stomach fluttered at the sound, and you closed your eyes as you continued nursing him with your tongue.
“That’s it,” he hissed. He tightened his grip on his phone, and his screen reflected you in it. A red icon incessantly blinked in the upper corner of the screen. In the darkness, a smile snuck onto his face, “Show me what that mouth can do.”
A month. That was all the rest days he had accumulated after slaving away as the government’s killing machine for the past year. It was non negotiable, so he was going to make the best out of it- and he planned to burn through cheap booze and rewatching classics.
So Leon found himself in a rental video store, a bag in his calloused grip clunking with cans of cold beer, condensation clinging to the insides of the cheap plastic bag. He wandered along the aisles as an old fan nailed to the ceiling rotated in semicircles. The blades whirred at snail's pace, practically useless as even the dust sitting on top of the shelves barely flinched. Sun rays filtered in from the space between the top of the shelves and the glass walls. White light from the rows of blinking LED lights above lit up the dinghy shop. The store was quiet and unmanned, and as he stood at the counter, eyes searching for the clerk, the bell hanging above the door chimed as it swung open.
A young woman, he raised a curious brow- why was she working in a place like this? You were dressed in skimpy pyjamas when you burst in. Your hair was barely tied up, face bare skinned and lips cracking. You licked them nervously when your eyes fell on him- and he stared expectantly at you.
“I’m so sorry!” You cried as you scrambled to the other side of the counter. “I had to leave the store unattended for a moment- Please don’t tell my boss.”
Fumbling, you tapped buttons onto the register. Something must have gone wrong, because you cursed under your breath. Then you pushed your hair out of your eyes to meet his.
“I just got here,” he lied. He had waited for a while, staring at the cracks on the ceiling and at the clock with frozen hands. He was about to walk out without the tapes, even. But your frantic expression proved to be an amusing display, and he found himself smiling politely. “Don’t sweat it.”
“Thank you so much.” You heaved an exaggerated sigh of relief. You scanned his selections when your brows perked up, “Titanic? Didn’t know we had this.”
“Aren’t you working here?” Leon teased, and your cheeks flushed. Cute. He leaned in subconsciously as you flustered.
“W-Well, it’s my second day. I still don’t know where most things go- But I know we have classics and plenty of other… stuff.”
“Stuff, huh?” He laughed, and it was an airy one that deepened your blush.
You cleared your throat and swatted the air beside you, “You know, adult films and all. The geezer that owns this store has quite the collection.” You gestured at the back with your hand.
“Come back and take a looksie when you’re free, mister. It’ll be of great help. Y’know, for our sales,” you added.
“Maybe,” he said as he took the goods from you. He offered a friendly smile, and you smiled back. Really cute, he figured. So he promised to return.
He kept his word and returned after a single day. How could he not when you bid him goodbye, all smiles and giddy with gratitude. Did this job mean that much to you? He decided he’d spend some of his time watching more films then, since what else could he possibly do besides bar hopping for skirts and getting blacked out drunk at home? Plus, it was ridiculously cheap to rent these films, an actual steal.
As he wandered in the back, his eyes fell on a strange box with a cursive font. His curiosity got the better of him and he picked it up and stared at the model in the front. A woman with the same hair colour as you, the sole worker in this drab store. A knowing smile crept onto Leon’s face.
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all content written by @cherubify ! do not repost, edit, plagiarise, or use my work for AI. requests are indefinitely open.
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seraphmeraph · 4 months
Cause baby you get me so, so SOAKKEDD
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Choso with a breeding kink??
JJK smut with Bbg Choso
TW: sex (+18), mentions of pregnancy, not hardcore breeding, GN with hints of AFAB
A/N: Anyone else been listening to phonk? Idk I’ve been just so obsessed with it lately
It was just an ordinary night, at least that’s what you thought. Choso had been having naughty thoughts about you, all of them consisting of breeding you.
While you were cleaning the dishes, Choso couldn’t help but come up behind you and hug you. His hands wrapped around your waist, and his mouth met your neck, leaving sloppy kisses on it.
“Choso?” You couldn’t help but laugh at the ticklish sensation.
“I’m sorry…” He murmured, trying to hold back. His body was begging for yours. “I need you.”
“Let me finish,” you said, continuing to clean, not paying any mind to the whiney man starting to rub against you.
“Please,” He huffed. “I need you now.”
You sighed. “Okay, okay, fine,” you replied, closing the water and drying your hands. You turned around to face him.
Without giving you any time to kiss him or anything, he grabbed your hand, practically dragging you to your bedroom. He pulled you close to him, his hands desperately exploring your body and quickly working to undress you. You quickly threw your clothes onto the floor. His tongue explored your mouth, tasting you. You moaned into the kiss.
Your hand trailed up his shirt, feeling his body under your skin before helping him take off his clothes. You were curious as to why he was so desperate. You were about to ask him about it, but his lips never left yours. Eventually, he backed you up onto the bed, pinning you underneath him.
He then finally pulled away, only for him to continue his assault on your neck. Kissing and nibbling all the way down to your chest, then further down.
Without warning, he stuck 2 fingers into your entrance. Choso pulled back, watching as your face contorted into one of pleasure. It was satisfying, but what would be more satisfying is when he pumps you pull of his kids.
"You're so wet," Choso whispered. "I can't wait…" He whined, pulling his fingers out and positioning his body in between your legs.
As he entered you, you gasped, feeling his dick fill you. Choso began to thrust deeper and deeper. His hips snapped back and forth fast. Lost in his lust, the thought of filling you consumed him.
"Wanna breed you," He moaned. His words would have made you question or even be surprised if you were in your right mind.
You wrapped your legs tightly around him. Every thrust he gave you felt like heaven to you.
His pace picked up, becoming more brutal yet not rough enough to hurt you. "Please," He whimpered. "Please, need you pregnant."
You arched your back, lost in your pleasure. Your only answer was to beg for it. "Fill me, Cho- Ah~ Choso!~"
Choso's thrusts became more frantic and urgent. "I'm gonna fill you~" He moaned. He shoved his face into the crook of your neck, your nails scraping his back.
Your orgasm was the first to hit. You cried out his name. Your orgasm triggered his, and with one final thrust, he buried himself into you, filling you up with his come.
You might regret this later, but you sure as hell don't care right now.
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omegaremix · 10 days
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Sick Of It All / Indecision / Kill Your Idols @ The VFW Hall, Centereach; June 5, 1999.
Dominican Peter called me up and invited me to a show. Sick Of It All would be headlining at the VFW hall in Centereach, a town that prided itself with punk / hardcore roots and None Of The Above Records to boot. Being that Sick Of It All was the first hardcore band I discovered (thanks to our friend Karen who invited me to her graduation party) and also the very first band that led me to true deeper underground territory, I jump at the opportunity.
As we stood around to enter the hall, I noticed everyone waiting in line not being too happy at all about anything. I had no idea that laughing, smiling, or joking around were prohibited at these shows. It didn’t matter if you were a first-timer or a veteran: break a rule and get looked down upon because you had to take this shit real seriously. Behind me was some brunette in an Unsane tee and I turn to talk to her. I told her that I remembered them from their “Scrape” video and was meaning to pick them up. She suggested that I do so because they were really good. I took her advice and a year later, I picked up Occupational Hazard with no turning back. In front of me, Peter was talking to the high-school feminist we went to school with, shaved head and all. She looked down on me enough to not talk to me; for whatever personal tiny shallow insecurity she had with me I never found out but that’s “keeping it real” in the scene for example. We also witness a van rolling into the parking lot with gold front-door stickers “Indecision Team #1” on its windshield, arriving for battle. Before we know it, we pay our money and we enter.
Before the show started, another former classmate discovered me. It was Rick. Not just any Rick, but Rick from The Casualties. He was with Annie, who years later would become Au Revoir Simone. Rick was very surprised to even see me here. During high-school he would not only fuck with me but with my circle of friends simply because we were alternative, not punk. Now that he discovers me at a hardcore show, I win his approval just like that and we truced. Victory for both of us. Then the first boom fills the auditorium, the show starts.
I saw at least fifteen kids run up to the stage when Kill Your Idols performed to dogpile and yell into their mic during “Can’t Take It Away From Me” and “What I Become”. Later on, a very intense set by Indecision had the audience whip on each other Some of them clasped wrists creating a whirly-gig and spun each other around, followed by a skinhead being kicked and beaten down to the ground by five other kids. Fuck him. And when Sick Of It All closed out the show the entire venue was crushing each other, pushing themselves towards the stage, and at one time the kids rallied around in circles to create space for a brutal teeth-gritting pit. The skins came back to retaliate but Sick lead singer Lou Koller wasn’t having it, waving good-bye to them from the stage and telling them to go fuck themselves.
And there was much more to this than sheer physical force I witnessed. There were true unadulterated emotions of sweat, energy, and unreserved anger with no happy facades. Unity, strength, outrage, justice, self-esteem, and seriousness. People lent a hand to those knocked down. All this in a very local setting where average hard-working Joes with no gimmicks necessary are on level playing field with their fans and local kids, not like today’s pop performers from the heavens who divide themselves from their audience that throws imaginary money at them from a distance.
After all the shoving, the pits, the strength, and realness that night, it continued with the records I took home from that show. Indecision’s A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall was furiously playing non-stop. Nothing but that stripped-down bare-bones sound that pushed me forward in times of pouring sweat, struggling, and boiling blood. Kill Your Idols’ This Is Just The Beginning was also on heavy rotation where ‘Epilogue” and again “What I’ve Become” became instant favorites from that show and those lyrics would become very relevant in life later on. That show delivered an aggression and tension unlike what I ever experienced, and made me a new Kill Your Idols and Indecision fan. Everything…that one show, the records, the messages, the overall experience…it would all add up to something. That night, true life lessons and parallels were learned. I walked away knowing I had something relevant to fall back on and relate to in case of crisis, and I had no one to thank but Dominican Peter himself.
Little did I know that this one single event in my life would become an analogy and a comparative of what was to come later that summer. This one show would foreshadow what would be a life-changing few weeks. That summer was marred by an immense amount of drama, as if I didn’t already have more than enough to deal with at community college. A close cousin I grew up with betrayed me by siding with her friends over me so she could stay in good graces with popularity. I would later confront her in what would be one of the most vicious and dirtiest family feuds I would undeservedly unwillingly be a part of; a feud I’m still living with the effects of to this day. Weeks later, I finally realized that some of my closest “friends” were doing me in. They were hanging me up to dry all alone in the parking lot more than ever. Jumping ship, siding with others who faulted me, the narc-ing, and whatever giant heaping piles of bullshit for free they were constantly selling in front of me as the others put knives in my back. Unity my ass.
There’s only so much you could take until you finally had enough. Enough with being a floor-mat, a target, or a means to someone else’s ends. There was only one option on the table: I had no choice but to cut all ties with everyone involved. No turning back. So I used that energy from that show to make a huge statement. I’d take all of that anger, that outrage and boiling blood to put my foot down and fight back. I’d speak up and take action; things and human rights that your enemies, bullies, and opponents think you shouldn’t have because they expect you to lay down for them. I called my sorority cousin out and took my words to her face in spite many other family members bearing witness. There was finger-pointing, denial, blaming, self-acquittal, lots of screaming at the top of our lungs for all to hear, and my cousin moving on like absolutely nothing happened; a nice cherry on top just to show how big (not better) of a person she was. Our ties, as well with that side of the family, were forever damaged. 
As for my “friends”, that situation was a lot simpler and easier to deal with. I saw them coming in opposite directions when walking through the neighborhood. They were ready to take that essential breath, that moment to process seeing me with their own eyes and saying ‘hi’, expecting a positive friendly result. It’s a moment with a lot on the line and chances are it’s when people hope to get what they want. I wasn’t going to give it to them. Here they come. I walked right past “hey! What’s going on?” in silence. It went through me. They were puzzled. They had no idea what was bothering me that day or what they did to me, so I had them guessing. Was it when they mentioned that Fear Factory show in the city that I wasn’t invited to? Was it about the time they stood there when one of their many female friends told me to go fuck myself? Or how my best friend Doobie sold me out to the same friends I introduced him to? Was it the cock-blocking, the destruction of my dad’s antique radios, or the theft of many things I had to pay for?
I left them all behind that summer, with no compensation or guarantee of anything getting better. Things would never be the same again.
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meimeiherokitten · 8 months
Ok just putting this out there real quick before my medication kicks in and I cant...
Crowley isn't Raphael. MURIEL IS!
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Ok ok maybe not Raphael but at least an archangel with a hardcore memory scrub. On a rewatch (and with much sleep deprivation) I noticed that Muriel's sweet innocence and child-like mannerisms are definitely reflected in Gabriel while he is under Aziraphale's care, almost as if a good memory wipe just makes you into a big kid. Plus, they're 37th scrivener and it's decreed Gabriel will be demoted to 38th class. Muriel says they didn't know there was another level down. That's because there isn't, yet, until a demoted, memory-wiped angel gets put there.
So about Raphael... and this is half-baked from a caffeine and medication-addled brain so *shrug*
Raphael hasn't been seen or mentioned yet. I've seen theories that it's Crowley but, the more I think on it, I dont think so. If Crowley was Raphael and he was out in the world, you'd think someone would at least mention Raphael having fallen or a snide comment about whats happened to him. No. There is NO mention of Raphael's name. Because we already took care of them, so don't speak their name anymore because now it no longer exists except as 37th scrivener and we want nothing to possibly dredge that up.
And Muriel being unable to access the records? Heaven may never change their passwords, but they can take the clearance to even enter the password.
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Whether or not any of this turns out to be right, there's no denying our fluffy adorable little slice of angel cake will have a larger part to play soon. There's no way they won't. But even if not, omg I love them anyway!
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
Tell me about Calypso, Fangs, and/or Maleficent?
Thank you!! These are some of my more interesting ideas, I'm eager to talk about them!!
Under the cut for space :D
Calypso is the nickname for a future OC x OC Good Omens fic (yes, you read that right, this one's not an OC x Canon fic! what a surprise lol).
It involves an angel named Ithuriel/"Rue", the angel of community and music, who falls in love with a human woman (named Calypso) in Ancient Rome. They have a few years of beautiful romance, and Heaven doesn't pay much attention to it... until Calypso finds out that Rue is an angel, and Heaven punishes them both. Rue becomes Fallen, and Calypso is blinded (for looking upon an angel without being a prophet) and has her memory wiped. Rue keeps an eye on her from afar, keeping her safe and extending her life and even comforting her on her deathbed (though Cal doesn't remember her, and doesn't even entirely realize she's there).
For centuries she grieves, not only for her lost love but the love that was taken from her in Heaven's punishment, and then... in the modern age, she's out busking in a local park and finds a familiar voice singing along to the ancient hymnal she's playing. As it turns out, Heaven's punishment was out of line, and God made Calypso an angel after her death (the angel of small pleasures, like all the times she brought Rue a meal while she was out busking in front of her restaurant).
Fangs is an idea I came up with after reading the Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires. It takes the book's themes of subtle abuse/manipulation and how the most "perfect" homes often house a darker side. One of the main characters in the book, James Harris, is a vampire who appears outwardly very charming but secretly is the cause of a lot of distress, and hardcore manipulation, to the other members of the town. In the book, he's a bachelor, but I wanted to explore the idea of him manipulating a romantic partner the same way he manipulates the other people he comes across.
Enter Rembrandt "Remy" Duvall, a werewolf from the 16th century and James' longtime romantic partner. Remy believes they're entirely in love - he's gentle, he's romantic, he helps her through her painful and dangerous lycanthropic episodes - but a deeper dive into their relationship proves that James Harris has only been using her for his own gains. People are more accepting of a couple than a single man in these sleepy towns, it keeps the illusion up, and he's been feeding on her when other victims are lacking.
Eventually, Remy does become a part of the titular Southern Book Club, and having positive female relationships does lead to her understanding the manipulation and abuse she's been tolerating for so many years now. The club takes care of James Harris, ensuring he'll never come back... and Remy, once she's learned to be her own person again, ends up striking up a connection with one of the other members of the book club (who canonically divorces her husband at the end of the book, for his similar manipulation tactics, and I want her and Remy to become life partners and support each other)
Maleficent is the code name for another unwritten fic, though this one does have an actual title: Of Cliffs and Deserts. It's primarily linked to Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, where we get more backstory into the Dark Fey and where they come from.
This fic in particular starts with Sable, a young Dark Fey from the rocky, windy cliffs at the far edge of the continent, who's moved to the Nest with her father after being discovered and attacked by human invaders. Because her home biome is incredibly stormy and windy, she's a skilled flier even as a child, and only gets better as she ages. Her other principle skill is camouflage: her particular branch of the Dark Fey had their magic evolve into the casting of illusions instead of growing plants, since there was such little plant life on the stormy cliffs where she's from.
She strikes up an immediate friendship with Borra (they're both about 6-7 at this point), which ends up becoming an incredibly strong bond that lasts years. They're inseparable... until Sable is seventeen, and her aging and chronically-ill father decides that the Moors will be a better place for them than the Nest. She goes with him, afraid he'll get hurt if he's on his own, and promises that she'll be back as soon as she can.
Two months later, an injured Fey from the colony that went to the Moors comes flying back to the Nest, warning them that humans came and slaughtered every Fey they saw, including all of the Dark Fey there. Borra is, justifiably, heartbroken, and it's part of what eventually prompts him to become the leader of the Dark Fey and call for war against the humans.
However, unbeknownst to the Nest, two Dark Fey survived - Maleficent, of course, hidden away in the depths of the Moors; and Sable, who had her wings cut off and was made into a "human" servant girl for a wealthy lord. Her illusion magic is captured in an amulet, which provides such a strong illusion that not only does she appear completely human, she genuinely believes herself to be Samera, a human girl who tends the queen's orchards.
Long story short, during the war they will reunite, and Borra eventually starts to suspect the illusion magic at play and tries to break Sable out of it.
That's all I'll say for now, I've rambled long enough.
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luxurymassageoil · 6 months
Elevate Your Relaxation with CBD Luxury Massage Oil
In the hustle and bustle of American life, we all crave those precious moments of peace and relaxation. Enter CBD Luxury Massage Oil, a true game-changer that seamlessly blends the calming prowess of CBD with the therapeutic joys of massage. Let’s take a journey into the world of CBD Massage Oil and discover why it’s become the go-to choice for folks across the USA seeking a touch of luxury and rejuvenation.
CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a natural compound extracted from the hemp plant. What makes it stand out? Well, it’s non-psychoactive, meaning it won’t leave you feeling spaced out. Instead, it’s celebrated for its potential to bring a sense of calm and relaxation. And when you infuse it into a top-quality massage oil, magic happens.
Why is CBD Luxury Massage Oil making waves? For starters, it’s a relaxation powerhouse. CBD has a unique way of interacting with our endocannabinoid system, which plays a starring role in managing stress, anxiety, and mood. When you rub in that CBD goodness through a massage, it’s like a wave of tranquility washing over you — perfect for unwinding after a hectic day.
But that’s not all. CBD is also earning its stripes for potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Translation: CBD Massage Oil isn’t just a treat for your senses; it’s a balm for your body. Whether you’re an athlete recovering from a hardcore workout or just dealing with the usual aches and pains, this oil could be your new best friend.
Now, when you’re on the lookout for CBD Luxury Massage Oil in the USA, quality is key. Reputable brands put their products through rigorous third-party testing, ensuring you’re getting the good stuff without any unwanted extras. And here’s a tip: go for organic, full-spectrum CBD for the full package of benefits — what they call the entourage effect.
The carrier oils in CBD Massage Oil play a starring role too. Think jojoba, sweet almond, or coconut — these aren’t just there for show. They nourish your skin and amp up the glide and absorption of the CBD. The end result? A massage oil that not only feels like pure luxury but also leaves your skin thanking you.
Adding CBD Luxury Massage Oil to your self-care routine is like giving yourself a little slice of heaven. Whether you’re treating yourself to a professional massage or DIYing it at home, that added touch of CBD turns it into a moment of pure bliss and rejuvenation.
Of course, a friendly reminder: chat with a healthcare professional before diving in, especially if you have health conditions or are on medications. And always stick to the usage guidelines on the bottle for a safe and delightful experience.
In a nutshell, CBD Luxury Massage Oil offers a holistic approach to relaxation and well-being in the USA. By blending the therapeutic powers of CBD with top-notch carrier oils, it’s not just a massage; it’s an experience. So why not elevate your massage game with CBD Luxury Massage Oil? Your path to serenity awaits right here in the United States.
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doctor-seamonster · 8 months
Story time.
I was at the George R Brown convention center in Houston for an anime con one time, I'd say it was probably Oni-Con 2006 or 2007?
Way back in the long, long ago, booths in dealers' rooms freely sold Japanese snacks. Pocky, Ramune and whatnot. I don't know if this was actually technically legal for them to do back then, but they certainly don't do it anymore.
But it was just part of the whole experience, you know? (Even if buying a couple boxes of Pocky would cost you as much as a dvd.)
Anyway, certain venues, including the GRB, did have some sort of exclusivity contract regarding food vendors, so no one else could sell food there. Which meant that anime cons at the GRB didn't have dealers selling snacks.
The GRB absolutely was not going to miss an opportunity to make an extra buck off an event, so for that year their own snack vendors sold Pocky.
This being the 00s and me being a young anime nerd, pocky was manna from heaven, so I couldn't resist buying some.
Mind you, in 2023, you can buy Pocky at Walmart. But back then it was hard to find and expensive, so even though it was like five bucks for one small box, I still picked one up and took it to the register, along with a couple other things.
The cashier, a perfectly nice woman, black, a little bit older, maybe late 40s, early 50s, listed each item as she rang it up. Saying the name out loud in her rather distinct AAVE accent.
When she got to the Pocky, she said, very confidently and matter of factly:
"Chi-nese cookie!"
Now, I was a hardcore weaboo shut-in, not quite old enough to buy beer. And I had spent the bulk of the previous two decades as a feral child, as you may know. And terms like "white privilege" and "patriarchy" hadn't quite entered the popular lexicon at that point in time, but boy howdy was I drenched in them.
All that plus a general inability to shut my mouth. (Which I still have, despite improving in other areas...)
However, I did have one thing going for me. I was polite nearly to a fault. So I didn't say anything at the time and while I've never told anyone this story before, those words have quietly haunted me for the last decade and a half.
Around this same period of time in my life, I met one of my friends for the first time. He's been one of the closest, dearest and most valued friends I've ever had. I was best man at his wedding.
I absolutely do not in any way remember the first time we met or anything at all about the meeting.
It might've even happened the exact same day for all I know.
But I sure as fuck remember someone calling Pocky "Chinese cookie"...
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gabelish · 7 months
Leftist Bible Quotes
Kind of a shame what the Church has done because if you look at Jesus (and very early Christianity) with a historical lens with Jesus as a revolutionary resisting Roman occupation (also criticizing Rabbinical corruption at the time) and not as a religious figure that right-wing people claim to follow, he actually fucks hardcore. These are just a few of the quotes I found, though I’m sure there’s more.
Also slight disclaimer: I was raised atheist and I am still very agnostic and this post isn’t some weird way to attempt to convert anyone to anything. I just found some leftist Bible quotes and since thanksgiving is coming up I thought other people might want to put these into their back pocket if they want to argue with their relatives or copy/paste in Twitter replies to some asshole.
Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved. (NRSV, Acts 2:43-47).
“Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common. With great power the apostles gave their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold. They laid it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need. There was a Levite, a native of Cyprus, Joseph, to whom the apostles gave the name Barnabas (which means “son of encouragement”). He sold a field that belonged to him, then brought the money, and laid it at the apostles’ feet” (NRSV, Acts 4:32-37).
“‘Ananias,’ Peter asked, ‘why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back part of the proceeds of the land? While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, were not the proceeds at your disposal? How is it that you have contrived this deed in your heart? You did not lie to us but to God!’” (NRSV, Acts 5:3-4)
“When Jesus heard this, he said to him, ‘There is still one thing lacking. Sell all that you own and distribute the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me’” (NRSV, Luke 18:22).
“He answered, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.’” (NRSV, Luke 10:27)
“No one can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth” (NRSV, Matthew 6:24).
“Come now, you rich people, weep and wail for the miseries that are coming to you. Your riches have rotted, and your clothes are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have rusted, and their rust will be evidence against you, and it will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up treasure for the last days. Listen! The wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. You have lived on the earth in luxury and in pleasure; you have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter” (NRSV, James 5:1-6).
“But when he heard this, he became sad; for he was very rich. Jesus looked at him and said, “How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” (NRSV, Luke 18:23-25).
“But those who want to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction” (NRSV, 1 Timothy 6:9).
“So he said to them, ‘You are those who justify yourselves in the sight of others; but God knows your hearts; for what is prized by human beings is an abomination in the sight of God’” (NRSV, Luke 16:15)
“There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who longed to satisfy his hunger with what fell from the rich man’s table; even the dogs would come and lick his sores. The poor man died and was carried away by the angels to be with Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was being tormented, he looked up and saw Abraham far away with Lazarus by his side. He called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am in agony in these flames.’ But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that during your lifetime you received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in agony. Besides all this, between you and us a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who might want to pass from here to you cannot do so, and no one can cross from there to us.’ He said, ‘Then, father, I beg you to send him to my father’s house— for I have five brothers—that he may warn them, so that they will not also come into this place of torment.’ Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the prophets; they should listen to them.’ He said, ‘No, father Abraham; but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced even if someone rises from the dead’” (NRSV, Luke 16:19-31).
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rainydaylately · 2 years
❥ 𝙜𝙤𝙙 𝙞𝙨 𝙖 𝙬𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣 ❥
❥ 𝙚𝙡𝙞 𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙣𝙨𝙛𝙬 ❥
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❥ author's note: HI BICHES welcome to the first fic for this page!!!! i havent many like “request here” type of post but that’ll be up soon but i will be taking request for any paul dano characters + more real soon!!! hope y’all enjoy freaks heart emoji
❥ summary: the town is a bunch of chismosos and shit talk you but who tf cares tbh, eli thinks ur moms a hoe sike ur the hoe and "cleanses" you
❥ warnings: hardcore sex *hearteyes* u also bitch slap eli sunday, fem afab reader i can also make a amab or genderneutral if yall want xoxo gossip girl
it was always a wonder to you on how the church functioned the way it did, scriptures and prayers almost yelled out enough for the heavens to hear with curious ears. definitely, there was really nothing else to do in the meek and dull town residing in scorching california. practically every day the entire town would pass into the church, praying and crying and screaming out to the man in the clouds to help them. forgive them, odd how many were yelled at. begging on their knees for forgiveness like starving dog wishing and slobbering for just a bite of meat.
perhaps it was for the better, a new look for a quaint town. church was always there and welcomed all, but you found it best to keep yourself away from the aura that nipped at you. leaving imaginary stings as it just felt, off. often, you'd walk past the church whenever you went out in town to run daily errands. politely giving sweet "hellos" and "goodbyes" before running off with your group of friends that you adored for days and nights full of gleam and laughter.
nothing grew in the deserted earth of the town, but when you were out having fun it felt like a field of tulips in bloom. standing proud and tall for the sunshine to expose their happiness.
at this age finally leaving adolescence and entering adulthood would be a grand experience, one where you would explore willingly. of course, many people liked to spread rumors about the many townsfolk going out late at night and not coming back till the next day. deeming them "wild" and "improper," funny how many of the most judgmental souls are in reality controlling hypocrites who hide behind the bible.
the older townsfolk had the biggest mouths though, coming up to you with a concerned look on their face. aged hands taking yours with their finger pads stroking against soft skin only to mask their words that wanted to dig under your skin. thick skin being the result of those snobby and back handed compliments, but the one time that your blood began to boil was the comment, "a lady like you needs to slow down, go find yourself a husband to calm you. eli sunday has yet to have a woman of his own, why don't you head by the church for him."
now, in religious practices everyone is taught not to hate, love thyself or whatever eli sunday has mentioned, but you know damn well eli sunday hated you and your guts.
well perhaps you shouldn't have called him a blind sheep leading the herd off a cliff but really that's what he was attempting to do, and successfully doing so as the herd of sheep yelled and threw insults at you. shaming and ridiculing you as you walked out of the chapel that day on an unfortunate afternoon.
but besties that, you never fancied eli sunday or try to talk to him or any of that nonsense. you had your own life and he had his own strange life following the word of a novel that has been altered generation after generation.
once the town began spreading their rumors about you, you never batted your eyelashes. whispers and murmurs whenever you passed by. words spreading like wild fire to the devil's ears, and this devil was eli sunday.
painting himself not to be nosy, he walked up to two elders in the middle of a conversation after mass.
"oh my apologizes, was i interrupting you two?" eli softly asks, like poisoned honey imitating sweetness when in secret is actually lethal.
"goodness no eli, we were just discussing about that girl running around the streets at night. [name] she is, you remember her, yes?"
he nods with a gentle bow, "yes i remember quite well actually," smugly remembering the memories of your snappy remarks as he chuckled to himself.
"that girl has been possessed by a demon," another man joined.
"oh don't be so rude, she's young!" a woman walks into the circle.
"all the more lethal!" an old man shouted.
"now now there no need to yell about this," eli raised his arms up to mellow down the crowd that assembled.
"but eli she's a devil woman!" many of the crowd agreed. conspiring numerous rumors and lies about you and what you were doing all night out.
truly, you weren't doing anything wrong. going out dancing at night, picking fun of overly drunk men at the bars as they attempted to flirt with you before practically passing out on whisky. even just running down the creek with your friends to raise the fabrics of your dresses and pants to step into the water. finding rocks to throw into the water. but alas, many of the judgmental received their kicks in tearing down others but frankly that would never happen. you'd be damned before anyone laid a hand on you.
finally returning after the eventful night, you quietly walked into your house with the scent of fresh bakery from the kitchen. a lovely morning filled with the fresh spring breeze, summer just right by and you debated how you would handle california's hell season with the blistering sun.
you walked to your mother and greeted her with a hug, asking how she was during the time you were gone. you two sat at the dinner table eating the warm pastries as she filled you with all the information.
though, her face shifted. questioning her she responded.
"i've heard about what the towns people are saying about you," she pauses whilst you set down a pastry and folded your hands, "i'm just worried about you."
"worried why? you know the town is only saying things to get some sort of kick," you reply in mostly disbelief towards your mother.
"i know honey," she caressed your hand, "and you know i want whats best for you and for nothing to every happen to you right" you nod.
"well that's why i arranged for eli sunday to have a meeting with you! nothing odd just a short session to rid anything...if anything is there at least!" her tone was laced in sweetness to not upset you. but to have eli sunday? eli sunday who's head looks too big to stand on his neck come and do what? prance around you while shouting a paragraph from the book of lies? hard pass.
it would be an absolute honor for eli sunday to rid of all the sin and evil from your body, in his mind he knew there was some sort of demon inside of you to make you refuse to attend church and choose fun over christ. reading that allowed would definitely sound strange. oh and do not read this text around any hardcore religious adults, fair warning bozos.
eli's hair neatly slicked back with his proper little suit nice and fitted as he walked to your home that evening. your mother being gone as she needed to visit one of the women in charge of fabrics, leaving you and eli alone for the session.
unamused at the knock on your front door, you did not get up from your seat on the couch to answer it. there was another knock followed by silence, then another knock.
"[flop ass name] i've come for our session," he states loud enough for someone to hear inside, "i'll just let myself in."
weirdo. he opens the door revealing you seated upon the couch. bored and not wanting to pay attention to the dressed up man who closed the door behind him.
eli only looks around your house to take in everything, the decorations and the little vase of flowers sitting on a nearby table. his dumb smile plastered on his face as he looks you down, as if to belittle you and show you that he's the one in power at the moment.
"so, your mother wanted me to have a session with you. rid any demons that may have possessed you," he begins, "it'll be simple, i'll check you for any signs and have you say a prayer with me."
"i'm thrilled," you roll your eyes and eli shoots a glare.
eli crouches in front of you with a grimace on his face, "i can already feel it."
"feel what?"
"the demon, it's here."
"how? that's ridiculous,"eli begins to spew nonsense about feeling the presence of the demon, even saying the demon has a hand wrapped around your throat to control you like some sort of puppet. once he finished explaining it grew silent, the look on his face made you laugh. a giggle at first then laughter, the so called horror and fear was all just a mask and you knew it.
"i don't understand what you find so amusing [name], i'm trying to help you," eli became upset.
"no you're not, you're only trying to make yourself look better to the town," you say, "you promise all the redemption and shout prayer after prayer but turn your back whenever an untrue rumor conspires against someone."
"that's not true-"
"yes it is." you cut him off, "it's happened to so many people in the town including me."
the tips of eli's ears began to burn red, becoming angry from your attitude problem.
"those people and you are not following the ideals that god has provided in the bible." he stated.
"to hell with your ideas," your reply to your words was a sting from his hand slapping you. enough to turn your head in shock, turning back with a smile you spoke up, "do it again."
eli's face twists with disdain in contrast with the heat that begun in his chest and up into his face, looking down at you with your smile that laced with evil he sucks in air through his teeth.
"what's wrong eli?" you ask innocently, then raise a hand to caresses his face. it's soft, who would've known.
his hands became clammy when you pushed yourself off the couch and kneeled down with eli, trailing your fingers against the top of his suit.
"you seem tense," you whisper for only eli to hear, "i can fix that."
leaning in, you press a chaste kiss against eli's lips. Shockingly, they're soft. Eli's hands become shaken, clammy as he has no idea what to do or where to put them. Only squeezing his eyes shut before slipping a glance to see your pretty face so close. His mood erratically changed from anger to shock, then to yearning once you pulled away. 
Looking directly at his dumb flushed state, you laugh at him. Confused, eli opens his mouth before shutting it once more in embarrassment. A burning sensation was dusted from the tips of his ears, traveling from his face down to his chest. Only god and himself would know the heat only traveled further downward with the way you inched closer to him. 
"you look so pathetic like this, but i can't help that i like it," you press another kiss against his small lips. There's no love or affection but only hunger and lust, and also inexperience on eli's behalf. It didn't matter though, he was going to become such a nice little plaything for you. 
Seating him on the couch, his shirt was unbuttoned exposing the marks of sin. Dark reds and purples littered across his neck and chest creating its own painting of beauty. The evil would adore it yet the heavens above would find it disgraceful. How dare eli sunday allow this to happen? How dare eli sunday, the priest of the town, the one who everyone turned to confess there sins to was turning his back on them. How dare he quiver and shake as you undid the belt of trousers.
He was pent up and easily turned on, by the looks of it he seemed to at least turn his back on god once or twice. Wondering how he looked teary eyed and on his knees begging for mercy, it lightened you core. Building up a wetness within your panties that would later be addressed. 
"[Name]..." he breaths out as if telling a deep and dark rooted secret that he was afraid god would hear. 
"Yes eli?" you look up from you placement, on your knees with his cock in hand. Not yet starting anything but the simple feeling of your hand had him breathless. "Is something wrong eli?" 
"No i just," he was cut off by his own voice moaning out as you lick a long, slow stipe from the bottom to the top. Taking his head first then agonizingly inching down until your nose met with his pelvis. It was so much in such a short motion that had eli mouth agape, the feeling of cumming already near when he looked down at you with your eyelashes fluttering as you looked up at him. 
Pulling away, you take a breather before sinking back down. This time, bobbing only a few inches whilst you sucked him eagerly. Your hands trailed up against his thighs, using your fingernails to drag across the exposed flesh. Sure enough to leave painful scratches from the treatment. Soon enough, a hand traveled to his hip. Holding it down in attempt to stop his stuttering hips to suck him off better. The mess of spit had traveled down your chin, even dripping against the length of his cock.
With his hips still attempting to thrust themselves more into your mouth, you felt yourself gag around his cock. Going deep enough to make your eyes roll back and tears to drip along your cheeks. 
"fuck i-" Eli realizes the word that left from his mouth. Your hair was tangled around his fingers before he takes another hand to cover his mouth. Thighs trembling as he begins blabbering out apologies. 
"Forgive me please, forgive me for I have sinned," he kept chanting in a pathetic pitch. His moans enlaced themselves with his please before he suddenly whines as he cums in your mouth. Painting the inside of your mouth as your mouth is still around him. 
Pulling your lips off of him, his cock was still rock hard and eager but he began to speak up.
"Please let me taste you," it didn't come out as a question but rather a demanded plea. You smile at him as you sat up on the couch, laying back as Eli began to remove the fabrics of your clothes, leaving you in your underwear as his hands shakily but swiftly remove them. 
Eli dove between your legs like a starved man, sloppily and hungrily lapping your folds with his tongue. the warmth of his tongue was delightful and looking down at him you noticed his eyes were closed and hair disheveled. you grab a fistful of his hair in order for him to slow down, finding the movements that began to make you quiver. 
as his pattern developed your breath was practically gone, gasping and sucking in the air as much as you could. your juices as well as his tongue creating the most disgusting slurping noise, though eli loved it. he moaned against you, fingernails digging into your thighs deep enough to scar little crescents like moon shining into the window. the only witness of this unholy act. 
eli was so lost in your taste, not caring about anything else or whatever punishment he may receive in the future. this couldn't be a sin. no, if the act felt this good it must be from god themself. 
it was adding up when eli attempted to slip a finger inside of you, slow and deep as it stretched you. not painful now, but it filled you with relief when he added a second and began pumping to find another spot. with his tongue and finger working wonders on you, you released on his mouth and he gladly cleaned you up with his tongue. 
eli let his head fall back, waiting for any movement from you yet you didn't budge. 
he glared, "why aren't you-" a slap was met to his face. your breathing was the only thing heard in the quiet living room. the smile to his face was turned you on even more, pulling you in to kiss you as you began your movements. sloppy and deep, hitting the spots hard whilst you were still sensitive from the previous orgasms.
maybe you still hated eli sunday, maybe it was all the pent up tension, or maybe you were the succubus sent down to drag him down to hell. no, eli did not believe there was a demon possessing you. his eyes rolled back as sweat clung to his forehead, hips meeting with yours to hit so perfectly together. 
his mind was racing but also blank, not knowing what to focus his attention on. But he knew damn well his was in love with this feeling. Like he thought before this must be some godly thing that he was expierence. a spiritual awakening is what this had to be. or perhaps you were the god he prayed to each day and night, the one who he seeked forgiveness  to. yes, deinfetly. 
both you and eli were getting so close to your high, having no shame with the with the noises being woven into the quiet night or even the mixtures of reds and purples like a the most ethereal of paints. with the final thrust, eli had come undone beneath you. clinging onto you as you followed along shortly after. intertwined in the night for only whatever god above to judge.
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wearenot7withu · 3 years
Jungkook Fic Recs
I’ve been reading fics for so long, there’s probably more fic I’ve read than this. However, for this time I just went through the accs I follow. Hope you like it, and if you’d like more - or you have a fic you want to find - write an ask or a message, and I’ll try to help you. Now, I know these are jk fics, I’m not a solo stan before anyone comes at me, it’s just I kinda stuck at the jk ones.
so I have made some changes and actually tagged the authors
💔 - angst |  ☁️ - fluff |  🤤 - smut |  ✨ - personal favs
Full stop by @1oserjk - now this was updated a long time ago, but it’s still ongoing, at least there’s not a post that I know of which says otherwise, its original name Palette ||  💔,
Isn’t she lovely by @jungnoir - just dad!jk being dad!jk with a newborn, she also has another cute dad!jk fic called Milkshake man ||  ☁️
So @gukslut’s whole masterlist is good, my absolute favorites are Rattled || 💔, ☁️, 🤤, ✨ (which is a singledad!jk fic, probably you’ve all read it) and The Jorts series (which is husband!jk; Back and Forth is like the next part, and the prequel is The Speedo) ||  🤤
Worst of You by @oureuphoria - officer jeon in the spotlight || 💔, ☁️
Gingerbread Man by @btsracket  - you probably know this series, dad!jk again ||  ☁️, 🤤, ✨ So actually the author took down every story, but you can find all of them on AO3
Black card by @minsprings - just ceo!jk with a spending money kink || 🤤 this was a masterpice but sadly they deactivated their account
@borathae’s Coctail Thrilogy is heaven sent. Literally. Biker!jk makes his grand entrance. Consist of three parts : Tequila Sunrise || 🤤  , Purple Rain || 💔, ☁️ , 🤤 (both completed) and Orange Ginger Chai || 🤤 (which is currently ongoing and is updated every week on wednesday 5pm cet)  ✨
Quarters by @justoneday-namjoonii - i love it, tho the writer is on semi-hiatus rn, this story is still ongoing ||  💔, ☁️ ,🤤
Too Young by @jeonggukookies -  singledad!jk, still ongoing || 💔, ☁️, ✨
Pull Me Down by @starryeyedgukk - I.Love.It seriously, this is hands down probably my most favorite oneshot i’ve ever read. I’m soft for badboy!jk and this is perfection ||  💔,  ✨
Desperate Houswife by @kimnjss - i really don’t have anything to say about this, love it || 🤤
Magic Shop by @jungkookiebus - teashopowner!jk, i love the concept of this, jk is just a pure softball ||  ☁️, tw mention of death
Animal by @cutaepatootie - i have a love hate relationship with this, it’s perfect, i love it, one of my favorites BUT i cry every time i read it ||  💔, ☁️, 🤤, ✨
The Village Idiots by @army-author - soulmate au, it’s one of the cutest i’ve ever read ||  ☁️, 
Tease by @adonis-koo - ohooohoh guys, pure and hardcore smut with a loooot of angst ||  💔, ☁️ , 🤤 ,  ✨
Instant Gratification by @dovechim - cheerleader!oc, fuckboy!jk who is also a basketball player + a little bit of jimin ||  💔, 🤤
Breaking and Entering by @jungkookienoona - officer!jungkook punishing oc who broke into his house, pure smut again, sequel here || 🤤
Room for Dessert by @avveh - waiter!jk with successfulworkingnoona!oc, poor jk tho my heart breaks for him ||  💔 ,🤤
Onsra by @soul-scenarios - omg, back in the days when this was ongoing and not completed i was waiting all week for new chapters, demon!jk with an innocent!oc and the angs is perfect, everything is perfect || 💔 ,🤤, ✨
Jealous by @jungk0oksthighs - jealous bf koo shows oc she’s his, sequel here ||🤤
The Sea & The Storm by @jamaisjoons - i don’t have words for this, perfect amount of angst, smut and fluff, just perfect the whole story || 💔, ,🤤
Netflix & Chill by @1kook is a must, byt here’s the whole masterlist because every fic is beyond good || 💔 ,🤤, ✨
New Romantics by @cupofteaguk - this one has everything : enemies to lover? check, angst? check, hogwarts au? check , happy ending? find out yourself;) || 💔, ☁️
the Fear is Forever series by @gukyi is heartbreaking, the forbidden love, the love of the two young souls, i just love this no matter how much i cry the first part is a little bit short but the second part makes up for everything the first one “lacks” || 💔 
If you’re a sucker for love, happiness but you also love to torture yourself with sadness, and you’re willing to break your own heart then @starshapedkookie’s Falling is what you need || 💔, ☁️ ,🤤, ✨
Heartbreak Veterans by @hueseok orignally posted on rookiegukie - the perfect strangers to something fic, there’s a sequel kinda drabble too, check out her masterlist because all the drabbles are reaaally good || ☁️
Sugar and Coffee by @jimlingss -  pâtisserie school!au, enemies to lovers; it was a while ago when I’ve read it buut i remember like it was yesterday || 💔, ☁️, 🤤
Finders Keep Hers by @yeojaa - basically two idiots in love, (best)friends to lovers (???) || 💔 ,🤤 ;also her other stories are perfect too, like for example They Don’t Love You Like I Do ||  💔 
Euphoria by @seokstrivia - it’s like roommates, oc in love with jk, jk’s not in love with oc, but then it all takes a biiiig turn and yeah, if you wanna find out read it || 💔
Bitchin’ by @kinktae - i think you probably all read this one, fuckboy!jk and it’s like an 80′s au. again one of my faves || 🤤, ✨
Little Mouse by @jjungkookislife - this one has fratboy!jk, but he’s nice. he’s not like the others and is in love with his gf (he needed to prove he’s not like that tho), also Everything in You - oc wants a baby, jk helps her out || 🤤
From Home by @gyukult - rich!jk who almost gets cut off by his parents, along the way he falls in love || 💔, ☁️, 🤤, ✨
The Second by @untaemedqueen - heavy angst!! mention of abortion, basically jk is scared because his wife almost died when his son was born; Sequel (contains smut) || 💔, ☁️, 🤤 (smut & fluff in the sequel)
I’m really considering putting @bratkook’s whole masterlist here, but i’m gonna go and pick out some series : Deep Six - biker!jk who is your bf but kinda your enemy || 💔 ; I don’t mind - rockstar!jk, stranger to lovers || ☁️, 🤤 ; Queen  of Broken Heart - the parts are switched, oc is the heartbreaker, jk is the one coming back || 💔, 🤤
Long Term Couple drabbles by  @taetaespeaches - i don’t know about you, but i’m all soft for established and long term relationship fics (there’s also one for every member) || ☁️, 🤤
Love, Rekindled by @taecalikook - woah, e2l, exes!au, penpal!au. this one is a rollercoaster, put your seatbelt on kids || 💔,
Mutual Help by @personasintro - i wanna know sooo bad who will jk end up with, bestfriends to bfwb but then back to only bestfriends and i’m just looking forward to see what’ll happen || 💔, 🤤, ✨
Ego Killer by @zibermuda - enemies to lovers, fuckboy!jk with a side!taehyung || 💔, ☁️, 🤤
Crybaby by @lavishedinjimin - i.love.this, dom!jk is taking over, the smut is on point || 🤤, ✨
First Love, Last Love by @floralseokjin - i’m a sucker for established relationship aus. It’s just so good || ☁️, 🤤
So as I was reading through the fics, I realized that diortae archived everything BUT An Abundance of Mondays is a fic that’s worth mention here, childhood best friends to lovers, college!au
Before You Universe by @jimidol - you’re lying if you say you’re not soft for dad!jk, you’re also lying if you say you’re not interested in this story. Friends to parents to lovers au - READ IT || ☁️, 🤤
Popular-ish by @hansolmates - welcome popular!jk, fwb!au but it turns to fwb2lovers!au|| 💔, 🤤    (also she has a badboy!jk churchgirl!oc fic going on called Shiver, check out that too) || 💔, 🤤
Too Close by @cutechim - boxer!jk, who is your husband and you’re from the rival gang. This one has a prequel miniseries and drabbles too || 💔, 🤤
Calculated by @whatifyoulivelikethat - oc is the TA for calculus, jk is a freshman (also matchmaker!jimin) || 🤤
Come Back To Me by @bonnyskies - jk and male!oc are having a rough patch in their marriage. Divorce is an option. Fake relationship!au (also dad!jk) || 💔, ☁️, 🤤
Good Girl series by @bonny-kookoo - rommates to lovers!au, ddlg, jk is kind of a fboy tho, virgin!oc ||  🤤
Supermodel by @koogalore - ex!au, toxic relationship, oc is going back to jk every.single.time, cheating is mentioned || 💔, 🤤
Bands by @xpeachesncream - this is probably my fav ongoing series. strangers to lovers, oc’s brother playing the matchmaker because her sister is stubborn, stripper!oc || 💔, ☁️, 🤤, ✨
OMG this turned out longer than I thought. I enjoyed it tho, I read through everything - I was surprised I’ve remembered most of it. Hope you like it, thank you for all the writers, you crate such a beautiful stories with storylines written perfectly.
If you’d like to see more like this from me, give me feedbacks
i hope i tagged the right accounts, this fr makes my anxiety skyrocket
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testingcheats0n · 3 years
So does anyone think that the limbo was definitely not meant for humans or is it just me?
It's definitely not the end game, I know there is a whole mess with the third life system, while Philza's hardcore is canon and Jack went to hell yadda yadda, but no one is supposed to be dead in survival. People still cared if they died, but they always came back before cc!Wilbur decided it was a thing. So there were still stakes even before that- but not enough.
Think of it!
There are no rules, it almost seems arbitrary as if someone/something is making it up as they go. There is no Heaven, despite there being Hell and Limbo- everyone who dies suffers one way or another. The ghosts are a mess, resurrection is a mess (according to rules previously known to Philza, per example) and it just seems like a personal hell designed for the person entering it rather than limbo (the "waiting room" of the afterlife), like entertainment made by someone childish- just for the fun of it.
Then we have the revival book, unknown origin, 100% rate of success, given to dream by schlatt. Schlatt, who was the first to die/go to Limbo (or be banned) to Dream (a direct connection to DreamXD?) Hmmmm.
At first I discarded DreamXD. I didn't know how he behaved, what were his wants and desires. Then he said that he liked pain and suffering to Foolish, the resurrection god whom he favors. Coinkidink??? I think not!! (By the way, does someone know what Dream is to DreamXD?)
Now I don't know if the limbo was created for or by DreamXD nor when or for what purpose- my theories are wild, I do believe that the dreamsmp-verse is weakening which lets all other types of eldritch monstrocities (like the egg) enter the dimension and mess with basic stuff- but I think I'm right for the most part. Something is messing with death, have you ever wondered why Kristin can't contact Phil directly? Phil, the angel of death, has to talk via trees to even get some sort of signal from his wife who is a god, and he can't resurrect his son despite knowing methods which could have revived him, using totems of undying! He should be the top dog in life and death matters, but he's not! Dream has the only way to resurrect the dead, DreamXD is swaying Foolish (I repeat, the guy in charge of the totems of undying, who can also resurrect others) to be his "pet" or servant or whatever. Fun fact, Dream is one of the first people to own a totem of undying in the server- and he gave some to Technoblade.
All of this is some cruel god playing tricks on the characters- philza's only life is a parody, almost as if they're mocking him- there's no way it's not on purpose! Not to mention Ranboo- what the hell is up with him, huh? He has only one life just for the lols? I doubt it! (Apollo pls interact) Not to mention that he is also connected to Dream (and to the End, thus to DreamXD as well, who keeps the End closed) in some way or another. If I were him, I would want him locked away somewhere safe for eternity just so people don't find out my secrets...
And another thing! So if DreamXD just watches, but doesn't cause pain directly and that entertains him... is DreamXD... us?
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amarienne · 4 years
Long and tired 15x20 rumblings. Beware of spoilers and the F word.
It’s been 10 hours since I watched the episode and I still can’t believe that was real and not a prank episode.
Let’s leave aside the destiel of it all, alright? We all knew getting a huge and proper destiel scene was not gonna happen, no matter how much we clowned the last few days.
But that was a shit show of writing and plot. Fair enough, they felt like a MOTW episode was very fitting to be the last and you know what, I agree. That first 10 minutes of a simple life jogging, making breakfast and petting the dog? I am all for it. Pie Fair? Perfect, who doesn’t like pie? And Dean surely deserved to eat to his heart’s content with no worry in the world.
But at the same time you are trying to tell me that Dean didn’t even blink while Sam mentioned Cas being dead? And that we didn’t even see Sam at least texting with Eileen who just one episode ago vanished in thin air and Sam, had to perform some pretty heavy self control and restraint so he didn’t break because of the loss? How am I, the audience, supposed to believe that??
Still, I was happily going along with it all still keeping hope (lol, what a fool) until they entered the barn. I saw that freaking rod while they were fighting. Don’t believe it if you don’t want to, but I saw the freaking metal rod and I saw Dean being attacked and I was like fuck no he’s gonna end up on it. And surely enough a second later he was. And being the naive person I am I thought ‘huh, interesting. maybe that’s how we see Jack in this episode, or we see Dean in the hospital fighting for his life because he realises he doesn’t want to keep doing this.’
Buuut nooo, ofc not. We get 10 minutes of Dean hanging from a nail making an otherwise lovely speech and Sam standing there listening to it. We get a *w*nc*est* aura with the hand holding and forehead touching? REALLY? I couldn’t fucking believe it. And then Dean dies.
Dean, who just last episode did not take vengeance on Chuck because ‘that’s not who I am’. A fact I am betting my life on comes of course, of course, from Castiel’s confession. So we finally get to see Dean accepting the fact he is not just a killer, but actually he is made of love and for love and he deserves to be happy. Guys, you can see it in his face, he starts to believe it. And he chooses to walk away with his brother and Jack and to simply leave Chuck behind to have the thing he is more scared of- the thing Dean craved more than anything: a normal life.
Enter a sad excuse of a funeral, a pathetic montage of Sam in the bunker and then a call for another hunt. And Sam leaving (forever? who the fuck knows) the bunker. And just as I feared we get to Heaven. And Dean is welcomed by Bobby. That scene was actually fine. At least we get to fucking know Cas is no longer in the Empty- that presumably Jack saved him and they are now together or were together to build Heaven. And the fact they all share a heaven is sweet, okay? Baby is there, Dean goes for a drive, Kansas is playing. Cheesy but lovely.
Montage of Sam living a normal life? A toddler with ‘Dean’ stitched on his clothes? Enter me losing my fucking mind on the turn of events. So Sam named the kid he had with a *faceless* woman Dean in honour of the brother that died like 3 days after saving the world. Huh?? Really? I mean really? What the fuck happenned to Eileen?? She was too precious for this episode and this fucking story.
At this point I am like, I wish I had not pressed play on this mess. But the God awful montage continues. We see Dean Jr (*retching from disgust on the cliche*) telling Sam it’s okay, mirroring the first death. Also what’s with the tatoo? Is he a hunter too? Did Sam continue hunting and pulled his son into it as well? Or was it just a general precaution/tradition. Fuck knows of course. Heart monitor goes beep (the fucking cliches will be the death of me) and we see a bunch of pictures. The faceless wife remains faceless because *who cares* let’s just show the parallells between the two brothers’ deaths.
Oh I forgot all this is to the sound of a pop cover of Carry on my Wayward Son. They didn’t even have the decency to keep the original playing.
And here I am thinking, wishing, being ready to make a crossroads deal that all this is not actually real. It’s a dream, or a nightmare, or an alternate reality or - my biggest hope- Gabriel’s playing a prank somehow.
But as we all now know, dear strangers, that was not it. Nope. Dean stops in a lovely bridge (after apparently a couple hours of driving) and Sam appears. They hug it out. And they watch the sun set over the fucking mountain top.   
Oh and then we have the god awful goodbye message. The final blow so we stay on the ground.
Un-fucking-believable. That was like the worst fanfiction, wrapped in a last minute essay you’re writing that is due in six hours, dipped in a diary entry from when you were 9 and dusted with a touch of *who gives a fuck let’s just finish this*. Also let’s blame *COVID*.
All the beautiful scenes and moments of the past 15 seasons. All the character progression we thought we were witnessing. All the symbolism we thought we were seeing. All the secondary characters we got to love to just not see if they actually made it back after 15x18. All the blood, sweat and tears our four boys went through in the last few episodes. All yeeted out the fucking window. It was all for fucking nothing? For an ending my four year old niece could come up with on the spot?
They all die and live happily ever after in Heaven?
Betrayed does not begin to cover how I feel. I was not a hardcore fan of SPN by a long shot. But I know stories. This is not how a good story ends. And SPN was a good story. It deserved better. We deserved better. Our boys deserved better.
I am standing and slow clapping for the actors though. They were truly brilliant, they worked with this shit writing and managed to get to the other side of it. I would sell my left kidney to find out what they actually thought of that ending and to also ask the showrunner what kind of drunk dream made the basis of this finale. Oh, and also ask the folks at CW who green lighted this shitstorm how they’re feeling? The 1 star ratings at IMBD are raining like the fallen angels, bitch.
God. This was long and awful but even if noone read it, it made me feel better.
I can’t even begin to form coherent thoughts regardging the lack of Cas and destiel. Maybe on another post.
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devilrainbunnie · 4 years
Bad, So Bad
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Dom!Tomura Shigaraki x Sub!Fem!Reader
a/n: this photo of shig is literally so hot i hate him. i don’t know what it is, but this photo makes me wish he’d throw me down a flight of stairs. tomura shigaraki i would like to ask for your hand in marriage. that’s all. also it keeps switching because i feel like nasty shig would just call you everything— a slut, a pet, a good girl, a brat— he likes it all. idk if that makes sense but, it does to me hehe.
cw: smut, 18+ minors do not interact i check for it, dom shiggy, face fucking, drool, hardcore sex, breeding kink?, jealous tomura, pet play, slight angst
Quite honestly, you were pissing him off a fuck ton since the morning. Tomura had been busy the entire week with planning, traveling, and focusing on a new mission of his that required a lot of thought from his unprepared mind. That week, he had paid you little to no mind. Going about his routine, and brushing you off any time you tried to gather his attention. You’d even put on his favorite set of lingerie, thigh highs, cat ears and all, he just brushed you off entirely. Not caring how sexy you happened to look, he was too busy doing other stuff, and you were simply just in his way. Not once had Tomura denied you like that, he was a raging sex fiend. It was so out of character you almost considered the possibility of him being under the effect of a quirk.
Today however, you reversed the roles. Not acknowledging him at all like you usually do in the morning, instead of your typical ‘good morning, how’d you sleep?’. You just rolled off the bed, and walked into the bathroom. Not even batting an eye at his half-concious state, he found it a bit out of character for you but, maybe you had just simply forgotten to say something, or didn’t notice he was awake. But that also didn’t make much sense to him, you could sense his presence the second he stepped foot into a room. It’s also not like you to still not acknowledge him even if he was asleep, hell, sometimes he’d wake up with you sucking his dick. He’s even caught you talking to him as if he was awake once, you got so embarrassed, you probably did think he was awake. Yes, he did tease you about that, and yes, it is still one of the only things in the relationship that can make you go absolutely mute with humiliation.
Then after that, you walked out wearing the skimpiest outfit he’d ever seen you wear in front of the rest of the league. You were wearing a cute little short dress that rode up midway between your thighs, some soft socks that left an inch or so gap of skin beneath your dress, and a soft cardigan you’d often wear to cover yourself before Tomura was due to come back. You looked sexy, wearing an outfit he loved to see you in, and he knew that it was meant to drive him wild. His jaw was clenched the entire time he was getting ready, he almost gripped the door handle so hard his last finger touched. He hated how often he’d have to replace the door handles around the bar, it wasn’t even funny how much money he’d already spent.
Tomura walked out, about to go to a meeting with Giran, as he headed into the main room of the bar, he saw you on the couch. Posed all innocently, with a lollipop in your mouth, and watching something on your phone. Before he decided to leave, he tried to say goodbye to you, and you simply just got off of the couch, walking into another room, all while you refused to take your eyes off of your phone. His chest felt a little tight after that, and his knuckles were constantly tightly held in a fist. Tomura began to feel a bit insecure, were you losing feelings for him? No, that wouldn’t happen though, then what’s going on with you? What-- oh, oh… you want to play like that? Make him all worked up, angry, and jealous so he’ll pay attention to you? Good luck.
Then the worst happened around when he came back, it was about 12 hours later. The entire night, in the back of his mind he was thinking about what to do with you now. Should he apologize? Should he just start ignoring you back? Should he just have sex with you already? Did you want it rough, or something? Is that why you were being such a goddamned brat? He didn’t know, this was new to him. But his mind was suddenly made as he caught visuals on the horrendous sight in front of him. There you were sat at the bar, cardigan long forgotten about, and replaced by Dabi’s flirtatious aroma. You were obviously drinking a bit, and the patchwork villain took it upon himself to inch closer to you. Tomura stood outside of the door frame for a bit, watching as the two of you conversed. Dabi was practically throwing himself on you, his hand soon closed in on the small of your back, his body turned to face you. Tomura stood practically fuming, so angry in fact he had to hold back from grabbing him by his chin, and turning him away from the league for good— translated as turning him into nothing more but a pile of ash. But a part of him wanted to act rationally to the situation, if we were playing oblivious tonight, Tomura was just going to have to punish you the best way he knows how to punish you. May the heavens be with your poor cunt tonight.
The blue haired man took it upon himself to enter the space, squeezing himself between the two of you. Grabbing Dabi’s filthy paws off of you, making it a point to grab your thigh with his pinkie raised. “I think it’s about time you went to bed, right, Dabi?”
Dabi sighed, running his hand through his raven locks. “Yup.” he turned his attention back to you. “Night sweet cheeks, don’t like crusty over here bite.”
“She’ll be just fine, besides-- she likes when I bite her.” he began to kiss your neck, sucking a soft piece of flesh at your sweet spot while watching the man awkwardly try to exit the scene. The little airy moan that left your lips causing the man to smirk, Tomura’s cock twitching at the sound. “Remember what I told you Dabi. I expect this to not happen again, or else.”
‘What?’ You thought to yourself. It’s true, Tomura had a conversation with Dabi once the two of you practically became official. Well, it was less of a conversation and more of Tomura saying ‘if you touch my girlfriend ever again I’ll disintegrate your limbs and watch you flop around like a fish.’ but you didn’t need to know that. He was just protecting you after all. Just like he was now, fully caging your body under his hold, your back to his chest as he nibbled on your sweet flesh. Absolutely enraged with you, and your recent behavior. Going slow, and soft with you, despite his absolute craving to tear you apart with his cock. Watch you beg, and cry for him.
“You’ve really upset me today, Y/n. You know how much you mean to me, so why must you be so rude with me? Crushed my heart babe. That’s not what good girls do. So we’re going to do things my way, no complaints, no buts, no ifs-- only good girls get it how they want it. You haven’t been a good girl, isn’t that right?” he asked, his lips tickling the shell of your ear as he whispered to you. 
“N-No, you’re right. I haven’t been good. I’ve been bad, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry—“ you begged, knowing exactly what was about to happen to you. Not wanting him to stop at all, but enjoying the feeling of his unhinged, sex-driven energy.
“— Aht, aht. What did I say? Good girls get it how they want it, don’t try to save face now.” he chuckled darkly, picking you up from your bar stool, smashing you roughly against the bar counter. Making sure your plump rear was in perfect view of his face. He was quick to lift up your little dress, staring at the lacy f/c panties you had on. Cupping your ass in his hands, roughly squeezing the flesh as he tried to gather the smallest peak at your warm folds. “So pretty, bet it’ll look even more cute covered with bruises.”
You couldn’t even lie, you felt your stomach tingle with desire at his words. There was always something so attractive about Tomura becoming so dominant with you out of jealousy, or just in general. Even though you’d be sore for a couple of days, the whips, bruises, and aching muscles were worth it. Nothing was better than having Tomura absolutely destroy your body after a long while of his touch being absolutely neglected from you, but never had it honestly been from work stress. Mostly due to his longer missions you were forbidden to go on. Needless to say, you were bubbling with excitement and curiosity. Was he going to punish you different from the last times? You’d never ignored him before like this, this was going to be fun.
“I want you to count every strike, out loud. Okay?” he didn’t wait for you to reply. Raising his hand in the air, and swinging it open palm directly against your bare cheek. You whimpered out loud, the slap echoing in the room, and a burning sting against your cheek.
“O-one.” you croaked out, trying to bare with the pain of the slap. Your lacy underwear slowly becoming soaked as you anticipated his next move.
Tomura gave you almost no time to recover, as he brought his palm up to slap your other cheek. You cried out in pain and pleasure, clenching your teeth so hard you swore your jaw was going to fall off.
“Ahh! Two!” you whimpered yet again, feeling tears beginning to prick at the corners of your eyes as he continued his striking. Going until he noticed your flesh become hot to the touch, and absolutely raw. Your face was now covered in salty tears, and your pussy drooled against your thighs at this point.
He must’ve noticed this, as he was quick to make another smack, but much lighter against your clothed sex. “T-Three?” you questioned.
“No, doesn’t count baby.” he reassured. Bringing his hand up again to smack against your cheek, the skin beginning to feel a bit numb. Watching intently as the soft, squish globe of your now heated cheek jiggled with every movement.
“Th...-- three!” you cried out once again, and he striked another time afterwards. Making you count out every single time, until the count reached 30.
You were left a crying mess below him, ass cheeks glowing a bright red, and a strong burning that made the sore muscle grow numb. The man atop of you was grinning wildly at your pain, proud of the way he was able to dominate you, and punish you. Even as your cunt was drooling, and his cock was growing painfully hard, he wasn’t quite ready yet to give into the temptation of absolutely destroying your squishy little insides. You were being a brat, and quite frankly, he wasn’t convinced you deserved to have his cock stretching you out. As he ran soothing hands over your back as you calmed down from your sobs, a plan was forming inside of his head. One for you. If he didn’t feel you earned his dick quite yet, you could always use another hole for him-- you know, since you’re absolutely desperate for it.
“You were so good for me. I know it was hard baby.” he cooed, pressing soft kisses to your exposed shoulders. “But it’s not quite over with just yet, I’m going to need you to get on your knees real quick, okay? Will you be a good girl, a good little pet?”
“Yes who?”
“Yes m-master.”
He helped you jump off of the bar counter, which would’ve been a kind gesture until he forced you to your knees, ripped off his pants and grabbed handfuls of your hair. “Open that pretty mouth of yours, m’kay?” his hand tapped the soft skin of your cheek, your mouth lolling open for his interest. His thumb running up, and down your pretty pink tongue, watching in amazement at how eager you were. He chuckled at you, pulling his hand away to bring his boxers down to his mid thigh, his large pale member flopping out. The tip flushed a hot pink, and pearls of precum leaking out of it, painfully throbbing in the air, waiting to be stuffed inside of your mouth. 
Tomura was quick to thrust inside of your mouth, his entire length forcing itself down your throat. Groaning at the feeling of your warm throat, he decided to go a bit slow at first, enjoying the feeling of your mouth sucking him in. “Mm, use your tongue baby. Use it.” he croaked, wanting more stimulation and you were happy to give in. Humming happily as you complied, he was quick to grab the back of your head to slam into you a bit more. Despite the tears leaking out of the corners of your eyes, and the fact you were choking around him, you continued to allow him to use your body as he pleased. 
After enjoying fucking your throat at a moderate pace, he began to buck into you wildly. Caring more about his own end than your breathing, as he didn’t seem to notice how you were sputtering, and trying to pull away, digging your nails into his thighs. Breath rapidly trying to fill your lungs, the only sounds filled in the room were his grunts, his dirty talk, and you crying out for him to slow down even though there was a dick shoved down your throat. “God you’re so sexy like this, just my little fuck doll. A-All mine-- fuck!” he moaned, his body beginning to tingle at the feeling of it all. He loved being able to use you like this, despite the small tinge of guilt he felt for the way you were basically begging him to stop his hard thrusts. But it wasn’t about you right now, it was about him, and you needed to be a good girl. A good girl who lets their master face fuck them because they weren’t being a good girl.
“I-I’m close, don’t stop doing that-- if you want to be a good girl, you have to milk master and swallow every drop of his cum. You want to be good, hmm?” he asked, slowing down a bit to let you reply. Eagerly nodding, and looking up at him with teary eyes. “Good, good. So good for me right now.”
His thrusts continued for a while as you both worked to bring him the pleasure he deserves. Your hand wanting to work itself inside of your pretty panties to toy with your clit, as now you felt your arousal begin to seep against the insides of your thighs. Even as you struggled to breathe, you wanted nothing more than for him to fuck you until your entire lower region was sore, and in need of desperate rest. Tomura was beginning to drool down his face as he lost himself in the pleasure, becoming a whimpering mess above you like he usually did when he was close to his end. His stomach tingled with the familiar release of his orgasm, “Oh fuck, fuck fuck fuck-- Y/n, so good-- FUCK! NNGH!” hot thick ropes of cum were shot down your throat, and you continued to suck his cock as he was unable to continue his unhuman pace. Making sure to overstimulate him, and gather all of the milk that seeped through his flushed tip until he grew soft inside of you. 
“Good girl-- open up, let me see.” he demanded, his fingers on your chin, as you opened your mouth to him. Proving that you swallowed all of it, he smiled and hummed. “So pretty, and so good. You deserve a reward, don’t you think baby?”
“Please master. I want.”
“Want what? Use your words.”
“I want you to fuck me. Please? Please, master?” you begged, your eyes glimmering in the dim light of the bar. Which always made him melt at the sight of it, his dick sprung back to life in front of your face.
“Of course, after all, you did a lot of hard work. Get up on the counter.” he commanded of you, which you did so with ease. Plopping yourself to sit on top of the bar counter, your hands at your sides holding on to it as you waited. Tomura walked right up in front of you, leaning into you with a mischievous grin. His hands cupping your face for a moment as he admired your features-- even now, when things like this happened, he still found it hard to believe someone as utterly gorgeous was his. Someone he could fuck, and man handle the way he wanted to, without you ever complaining. You willingly went along with it, and even begged him to do it. He dropped his hands from your face, his lips capturing yours instead. His kiss was dominating, passionate, and a little rough on your end. He could easily sense your agitation in wanting to be stuffed already, and he wanted to help.
Tomura snaked a hand down to your thigh, tracing up the flesh to your panties, and grabbing the fabric with all five of his fingers. Feeling the lace slowly disintegrate between his fingers, his other hand came to lift up your dress. Exposing your bare pussy to the cold air of the bar, he was quick to notice just how turned on you were. Slick was everywhere, he couldn’t wait to dive straight into you. As the kiss continued, and Tomura explored the inside of your mouth with his tongue, his fingers began to toy with your weeping cunt that begged to be stuffed as soon as humanly possible. You whined into his mouth as a finger came to flick at your clit. Visibly and verbally annoyed at his ministrations to please you. He pulled away with a chuckle, grabbing his cock in his hands to pump, and align with your entrance.
The tip slowly began to sink itself into you, the stretch was one to accommodate to as you allowed your walls to relax around him. As he stood still inside you, he removed his mouth from yours, and began to leave wet kisses along your neck. “If you keep clenching around me like that, I might cum before you.” he joked, whispering in your ear. “But you’re not going to cum until I say so. You’ll do that for me, right?”
“Yes master.” you said breathlessly, and he began to rock into you. His thrusts long, and exaggerated. Trying to get you used to the brutal pace he often set for the two of you. The sounds of your skin slapping, and cunt squeal hung with every thrust. A perfect harmony to the sound track of a very upset Tomura.
Tomura was quick to put your legs over his shoulders. Preparing you for a mating press as his hands secured at the bare flesh of your thighs. Revealing at the feeling of your silky smooth skin under his cracked palms, everything about you was absolutely perfect. “Pretty girl.” he cooed, leaning forward to kiss you gently, before he began his attempt at brushing your cervix and pelvis bone.
When his pace began to increase, you mewled. Letting out the heavenly sound you knew could drive Tomura absolutely insane. He smiled with heavily lidded eyes above you, his mouth hanging open, most likely preparing to slobber all over you like usual. “You like that? Master’s cock filling every inch of your hole? Hmm?”
“Yes! God yes!” you whined out, your fingernails digging into the ridges of the wooden counter top. Trying to stabilize yourself as you felt yourself quickly growing close.
“Were you being a bad girl because you wanted this to happen?” you nodded, unable to speak as the only thing that left your mouth was broke moans. Tomura didn’t seem to like this much. “Answer when spoken to, pet.”
“Yes! I-I wanted m-master’s cock! I- I needed your— cock so bad! I was b-bad! You’re so big, I can’t!” you admitted, his wicked grin appearing for a second and quickly going back to his opened mouth panting.
“Is masters cock the best cock you’ve ever had?” he questioned, wanting to see how far he could push you until you snapped.
“Yes! Masters co-cock is the best cock! Fuck! The best!”
“Who’s making you feel this way?”
“You!” you cried out, his thrusts getting more frantic as you felt the pressure in your lower abdomen begin to build. A coil needing to be broken. Whining, moaning, and mewling your way closer to orgasming for the first time in the past week. It was all worth it, especially to the man above you.
“Scream it out— scream out my name.”
“Tomura! Fuck! Please— god, you’re so good! Fuck! Please don’t stop! Don’t stop! Tomura!” you begged as he continued to rut into you, always knowing how to perfectly supply his eager demands. At this rate, he’s sure you were made for him. Your pussy fit around his cock heavenly, you clenched around him when he wanted you to do it, and never have you failed at being a soaking mess whenever things got heated. He was the only man able to drive you this feral.
The pace of his slamming hips continued, each thrust tapping your cervix with his tip. Making the deep feeling of his long, thick cock even more appetizing. He could tell how well he was doing when he noticed your eyes struggling to look back at him, constantly rolling back into your skull as he quite literally fucked your brains out. His free hand went to your mouth, opening up the wet cavern as he dropped some of the drool that had been forming in his mouth inside. Letting you swallow his taste.
He’s a sick fuck, who likes to fuck. What more can be said?
His slobbering mess didn’t stop there, he latched on to your neck, legs still over his shoulders. Leaving deep bruises in its wake, and enjoying the way you shuddered every time he created a new bruise. His hands sneaked their way to your chest to fondle your breasts, enjoying how they pebbled in the air of the room and especially under his touch. After leaving an array of dark bruises across your neck and collarbone, your chest was his next target. Suckling softly on your nipples, and using a free hand to twist, and tweak the neglected sister. The sway of his hips becoming less rough as he put his attention into his favorite part of you: your pretty titties.
After a while of thoroughly marking you, and covering your upper half with so many love bites people more think you’re permanently dark shades of purple like Dabi. He resumed his focus on the deep strokes inside your tight cunny beginning to piston into you, and toy with your little clit between his pointer and thumb. Panting like a dog above you, and thriving off of watching how hard you tried to restrain, and suppress your pleasure. “I’m getting close— fuck, keep clenching like that babe. Cum when I say to, okay?” he demanded, looking into your eyes.
“Okay— fuck, Tomura!”
You continued to let out broken phrases of pleasure, and his name. Allowing yourself to fully drink in the setting, and his member reshaping your insides to accommodate to him like a perfect cock sleeve. As he pounded into you, he kept demanding you to call out who exactly is making you feel good. At the time you didn’t think much of it, but Tomura wanted Dabi in the other room to hear just exactly everything that was going on after he left.
Soon, the overwhelming knot inside of him came closer, and closer to its release. As did your own, his thrusts because more frenzied, as if he was in a panic trying to get you both closer. “Take it, take it! Fucking slut, my little slut. A-Are you my little slut, baby?”
“I’m m-master Tomura’s s-slut! I o-only live for his c-cock!” you whined, wanting to give him exagtly what he liked to hear.
“Keep saying my name baby. Please. Fuck.” he begged, grabbing your neck to squeeze. “Brat. My b-brat, my bad g-girl, my disobedient pet— so naughty sometimes. Only this cock can set you straight. Isn’t that right?” he teased, looming over you. Breath rapidly fanning across your face.
“Master’s c-cock is s-superior! You’re s-so big Tomura. So fucking big, and good. Tomura please—... I can’t hold out anymore p-please!” you squealed, bringing your hands to the forearms that connected the hands against your throat. Trying to convince him with your touch to let you cum.
“Just a bit l-longer... mm, good girl.” he continued to squeeze at the sides of your neck, not even minding your hands on his arms.
Soon his thrusts became sloppy, and weak as his end was peaking. Your fleshy, warm walls thightly hugging his cock and trying to milk his cock for all he was worth, you were always good at that. Sucking him basically dry out of each, and every hole of yours. Tomura whimpered loudly above you on accident when you clenched tightly around him, you smiled at the sound. “Fuck, Y/n I’m gonna cum. Cum. Cum-baby.” he begged, thrusts continuing their sloppy mannerisms as his seed was shot inside of you. “Take it! Take it! Fucking shit! Y/n!” You released, crying out his name, and clawing at his arms. Your moans turned into screams rather quickly. Hot splashes of cum drowning themselves in your wet womb, your tight hole continued to clench, and unclench as you came down from your high. It was like a floodgate of euphoria had been released, and your body was floating now. The stuffed feeling inside of you comforted you as your cunt tried to relax from the abuse. Tomura wanted to fill you up a million times now, until your tummy got a bulge from how much cum was inside of you. Until you were filled to the brim with his seed, fuck it, maybe he does want kids.
“We’re not done yet baby, still gotta’ let that burnt crisp know who exactly is allowed to touch my pet.” he smirked, member slowly beginning to grow back to life inside of you.
Little did they know, Dabi was outside of the room, cum covering his white tee shirt, and calloused hands. Panting wildly at the sounds you were making.
Tomura was going to make sure now, your only moans were ever of his name.
Even more so now.
You’re his pet after all.
taglist: @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love @jojosbisexualbrainrot @hawksxmexdabi
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autistfanatic · 2 years
Yandere!Alastor x Human!Vaggie: Stockholm Syndrome?
Vaggie was in awe of Alastors occult collections in his cabin. Like animal taxedermy and books on black magic. There waw a bookshelf full of knowledge on demonology, spirits, the afterlife, Luciferianism and your typical guides to voodoo practice. Vaggie may have been taken from her home by a podcast serial killer named Alastor LeChance but she felt right now she enteres creepy heaven!!
"Did you collect these all yourself?"
Alastor sat in his chair. "Most of them."
"Dios Mio. Voodoo dolls, voodoo masks. Hudu in a jar, what else you got?" Vaggie gasped wandering around her kidnappers- ahem! Hosts home.
"Ohh Spirits from the voodoo realm help with my killings."
"Incredible! This is like something out of a dark fantasy novella!" Vaggie looks at the shrunken heads of protection. "So authentic." Shes nerding the hell outta this! Alastor chuckled. Shes so cute!
Vaggie used to only read books on such strange and cool collectors that are serial killers.
"My father would never let me get any of this kind of stuff at home!" She always wanted to contact the dead or attempt witchcraft as a kid but her parents were strict hardcore Catholics.
Now she gets to live it!
Fuck going home!
Alastor sat grinning. Hes reeled her in. Shes his to adore forever.
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petrenocka · 3 years
Can I do a bible theory? is that allowed? Will the bible fandom come after me if I did this? Ah, whatever, here goes nothing.
Disclaimer: My knowledge of biblical worldbuilding and lore is not the best, but I hope this make sense to you.
So! Free Will. The thing that lets humans choose between good and evil. After a human lifetime is over they get assigned either to Hell or Heaven depending on how they exercised this free will. Good people go to Haven, which is the most fulfilling and happy experience possible, or Hell - the place of the ultimate suffering, if they were evil.
Now here i the important part - scripture describes being condemned to either Hell or Heaven as eternal. Meaning that after you are assigned an afterlife you stay there, no matter what. But, souls in afterlife are stil human, meaning they have the capacity to change, the Free Will. Specifically in Catholic bible fanon it is enough for a person to have a genuine change of heart to change the outcome of their divine judgment. Therefore, statistically, there should be good people suffering in hell, and bad people enjoying heaven.
Furthermore - In most teachings plentifulness and doing what you like leads to sin and giving up on material things, humility and a lot of times suffering lead to salvation. So it’s not just that statistically there will be people stuck in wrong places forever, its’s that the circumstances in both heaven and hell inspire such change.
With an infinite amount of souls entering afterlife, this would lead to a Heaven full of sinners, corrupted by the ultimate pleasure of their eternal life, and Hell, full of saints, changed by the untimate suffering of theirs. Kinda defeats the whole point of divine judgment, doesn’t it?
But God isn’t stupid! Dude made quantum physics from scratch, He’s the ultimate 5head. So what solution there might be to this problem that God implemented? Well... there is one thing that lets human souls undergo such changes. The Free Will. I believe that in the bibleverse, after humans die, God takes their free will away.
And that makes a lot of sense too if you think about it! A lot of hardcore boble fans, otherwise known as priests, clam that Free Will is God’s gift to humanity. Such as is life itself, this even being the reason why commiting suicide is consedered a sin. And it also lines up philosophically, because what is life without Free Will. Free Will is also the capasity to change, and growth, change and development is the very essance of what being alive means.
So what if the Free Will is an inseperatable part of Life?
This also lines up with metaphisics of bible’s world, as both Hell and Heaven are afterlifes, and therefore the land of the dead, and Earth is the land of the living. Similarly Heaven is forever good and Hell is forever bad, but Earth can change, as if this ver plane of existance has Free Will, just like it’s inhabitants, and you might already see where this is going.
Also doesn't help that the Udead - lifeless creatures, are most commonly depicted as slaves of something - lacking Free Will, be it instinct or a necromancer, or whatever.
So! To reiterate: Free Will and Life is one and the same. Therefore once you lose your life you also lose your free will. Which would make beings without Free Will dead, or undead, as they do still exists and capable of performing actions. such as souls od deceased humans...
... And Angels.
See, angels don’t have Free Will, they atre stuck with being Good and doing God’s bidding withou qestion. The only time Angels made a choice whas Lucifer’s rebellion against God, which resulted in Luc and his followers be cast into hell, and becoming Demons - beings only capable of doing evil.
So If Free Will means Life, and Angels don’t have it. This would mean that 
Angels are Undead
And so are Demons.
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