nipuni · 2 days
Did you see the new drops for Dragon Age?! How are you feelinggggg
Hello, I did!! All the news caught me in the middle of a migraine episode that I'm just starting to recover from so I've been just watching and liking the posts I find but I'm excited!!
The game looks really good. The stylization and tonal shift of the first trailer was odd but it looks great in game honestly. It made me so nostalgic for Inquisition. Solas looks amazing and exactly how I was hoping he would!! The Tarot cards are back and all the companions look fantastic. Everyone looks so fun to draw which very important to me!! I love Emmrich already. I heard the character creator is very extensive and that you have to create your Inquisitor in it too and I like the implications of that. The prologue looks like it mirrors Inquisition's almost exactly. I'm already seeing parallels and symbolism everywhere I'm pulling out some red string and pins for my cork board as we speak.
The combat looks fluid enough, the environments have a lot of verticality and grandeur to them that I enjoy, the fashion is amazing, the offline and more linear playstyle sounds promising, the facial animations look terrible but the hair looks impressive. As for the story, it looks like it's going the way I hoped it would! The prologue had a lot of awkward overly expository dialogue but it's understandable given the circumstances I suppose. I know we were all expecting the Evanuris to be released and the Veil to fall in this game but it happening in the prologue took me by surprise lmao. Rook just immediately making everything worse five minutes into the game is so funny to me.
The scope of everything and the amount of locations and factions seems so ambitious. I have to wonder what really happened during production because at one point it really seemed like Bioware was going up in flames and half the team was fired and now people are talking about how amazing an experience this was and how it was the best team they have ever worked with and I'm so confused. I guess it's not long now until we find out.
The game looks bigger than ever, so I'm excited and a bit apprehensive. I'm hoping for the best and I look forward to it!! 🥰
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three--rings · 3 days
So it's time for my "alt-right dudebro gamer" Dragon Age opinions.
(Note: I'm a 45 year old womanesque queer person who mostly plays indie and Japanese games.)
(To further my cred I was super excited to meet and hear Karen and Patrick Weekes talk about this game in development at Havencon a couple years ago...it's a small queer con in Austin.)
Dragon Age is my all-time favorite game series. I adored Inquisition, though DA2 has my favorite characters overall.
My opinions about the gameplay reveal are:
The environments and background graphics and effects look awesome.
The character design still bugs me quite a bit. The faces, ESPECIALLY the female faces look Disney/anime/Overwatchy in structure. The textures looks a lot better in game than in that trailer. I miss my Not Particularly Pretty Female Characters. They have sameface now.
There's something off in the lip syncing. Mouth animations looks weird. I can't define it more than that but I noticed it with multiple characters and it through me out.
Varric's hair annoys me SO MUCH. Someone pointed out he looks like Blackwall and now I CANNOT UNSEE.
The structure of the game/quests/whatever looks fine, this reminds me of all the moments running around Haven at the beginning of Inquisition. Some of my least favorite moments, but yanno.
The combat. I'm very worried about the combat.
I am 45 years old and I have arthritis in my hands from gaming and knitting. I gave up knitting to keep gaming. I cannot play some action games. Like Hades, I tried but simply couldn't continue more than an hour because of the pain. And that's with my hands in good shape these days.
Some action games I can play, but only on easy, and sometimes only if I limit my playtime. This is simply a reality I've had to get used to, but it does kill me sometimes.
Do you know how enjoyable it was to pick up Baldur's Gate 3 and be able to put it on a higher difficulty, to be able to actually struggle through combats and have to use tricks and my brain and try and fail and do it again, all without worrying about my hands? Makes me think I need to replay Origins again.
So I'm concerned. The combat in this game is focused on attack type, dodging, parrying, countering (according to bioware)....all stuff that requires quick and frequent button mashing, which is what I can't do. So I'm looking at a game that I can probably only play on easy and maybe even not then? In my favorite game series.
The question we don't really know is how different it will be from Inquisition, and I find it hard to tell from the footage since we can't see what buttons are being pressed. But I'll say that while I love it, Inquisition was the game that first hurt my hands. It made me aware of the problem and made me have to start limiting my activity.
IDK . I just hate the idea that devs have that turn based games can't do well and are inherently not exciting.
Fucking Solas motherfucking killed Bianca! That was the first time in these reveals I've been 100% reacting as a fan. NOT BIANCA!!!! HE MUST DIE!
Oh I did like the Rook in the gameplay and his face looked good. Again I feel like it's the character design and not the engine that is the problem.
As for the plot, it's interesting that Solas has gone from Main Antagonist to Opening Antagonist and I wonder if he's actually going to transition to an ally later in the game to undo whatever the fuck has gone wrong in this clip.
I do still have some worries about the writing. "She's greatest detective ever and she has a lead on Solas." So do you think that lead is the giant glowing thing in the middle of the city spitting out demons? Did you need a great detective?
And basically nothing I've seen so far has super MOVED me, as someone with serious connections to this world and the characters, other than the fucking Bianca moment. I'm hesitantly curious about some of the new companions. And if the griffon thing had come at a moment other than me going WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS? in the trailer I may have been a lot more excited.
So yeah, call me a hater or whatever. But that trailer reveal CRUSHED me emotionally. I was so depressed the rest of the day Sunday. These are my true reactions to the gameplay footage today. I don't have an agenda, other than I want the game to be good and I want it to do well and my confidence in EA and Bioware is at a very low point.
I've tried to keep a realistic mindset this whole time, but keeping in mind HOW MANY PEOPLE have left Bioware, how few OGs are left, the constant turnover in leads, the game being scrapped and redone like twice from scratch. And the game industry as a whole at this time, I have to be somewhat skeptical in general.
I'm not a skeptic overall, I was both a Cyperpunk 2077 enjoyer (but not apologist) and a Starfield defender and frankly there was a lot less reason to be skeptical of those games before release. So am I going to say "well I've been a Bioware fan since KOTOR 1 released, so I'm gonna hype it up and not point out flaws I see?" No. I'm going to be honest.
I'm not a casual Dragon Age enjoyer. I can't react casually to this stuff.
Will I play the game? Almost definitely, but am I going to wait till the release reviews? Probably.
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e-vay · 1 day
Evay QA Bulk Post 5
Here we go again! These do not include Domino or Phlox questions as I plan on addressing those in a separate post. I couldn't get through as many questions this time around but I did what I could. I'm sorry, I'm just a little mentally and emotionally overwhelmed right now so I can only respond to so many at a time.
Thank you all for reaching out ☺️ Despite my brain, I am always very appreciative to hear from you!
sayain-princess-vegenta asked: What is some original artwork or stories you've been working on lately? I know you probably get a bunch of questions for established fandoms but spoil us with your own thoughts! 😇
A: Well that's very kind of you to ask! To be perfectly honest, I mostly stick to fan art or creating original characters that exist in an already established world. I only have one personal project that is completely original, but so far it's only character designs. I don't have a full story or world built yet. I'm not sure if I'll ever share it on here.
Anon asked: Who or what made you wanted to do art?
A: There wasn't anyone or any particular thing that made me want to draw. I've just been drawing since I was able to grasp a pencil (or crayon) in my hand and I've never stopped! 🥰
Anon asked: Have you ever caught someone stealing or drawing your art?
A: Ohohoho, allllll the time
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Anon asked: Do you still like sonic boom or are you over it?
A: My love is everlasting!
Anon asked: Hello Evay_art I always wonder have you always thought doing Amy Rose game???
A: Hi! Do you mean for me to make an Amy Rose game? I don't have the talent to do that, but gosh do I want there to be an Amy game so badly! ☺️ She deserves it! I would love to play a game devoted to her. I thought The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog was especially great because she was a major character in it!
Anon asked: What is your opinion of Sally Acorn? Do you like the idea of her and Sonic have had a relationship? In fact, something I never got an answer for, is she considered canonical?
A: I'm not a fan. Plenty of people can argue for or against Archie characters, but Archie is not considered part of the game canon like IDW is.
Anon asked: I keep on hearing everyone talk about Hell Hath No Fury, so I finally got curious enough to read it! I have to say that it was coming out really good! Do you plan on working on it again any time soon?
A: Thank you for checking it out! I'm glad you were enjoying it. Yes I do plan on picking it back up eventually.
Anon asked: Does HHNF take place in Sonic Boom(Sorry if this is a stupid question)
A: It's not a stupid question at all. HHNF is a Modern Sonic story, not Sonic Boom. Also, it is not part of my AU. It's a completely separate story 🖤
fungus101 asked: Can you do more Werehog stuff
A: Oh I plan on it! I love drawing werehogs!
Anon asked: I have a question since sonic boom has been over for a while now. Do you still like the designs from it or have you moved on? Cause I know the sonic boom designs are somewhat of a future designs for some of your comics. I was just wondering if it would be Recon at this point
A: I still love the Sonic Boom designs and they're still part of my canon. I try to draw more than just Boom (I've been especially neglectful of the Modern designs and I need to do a better job of that), but the Boom designs are still my most favorite to draw.
sonicx1027 asked: Hey Evay, I’m curious if you are going to make another comic in the future, especially with the new Sonic Characters being added from the IDW series. If you are, have a story in mind?
A: I definitely plan on including IDW characters in future comics! I need to catch up on the IDW comics before I feel comfortable enough to write anything. I want to make sure I keep them as in-character as possible. But in the meantime I do have plans of having them make little appearances.
itsyourboysworld asked: on a scale of one - ten how made are you that we still don’t have a trailer for sonic the hedgehog 3 because for me it’s infinite
A: WHY ARE THEY TORTURING US?! GIVE US A TRAILER!!!! I am sure it will be worth the wait but it's killing me.
Anon asked: How do you feel about Mighty the armadillo?
A: It's funny because I think one of the Tailstube videos (or perhaps it was one of the Twitter takeovers) made the point that Mighty is basically just a more mellow version of Sonic and I do agree, I've always thought that. I actually think he's like a fusion of Sonic and Knuckles, but super chill.
emceevoices asked: In Boom Baby, what was the movie Sonic, Amy, and Eggman were watching? In my dub, I had them watch the 93 Super Mario Bros movie, but did you have any specific movie in mind?
A: I believe you're talking about Chapter 5.1 of My Gal. They are watching my own make-believe Overwatch movie lol I just wanted an excuse to draw Mercy as a Mobian
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toonfan91 asked: Oh my gosh I thought your tumblr was dead, as a fan of your work it is stellar seeing new Sonic art from you again, or art at all really. I do have one question, if you were to have the time and willingness to, would you draw designs for the Freedom Fighters (Sally, Bunnie, Antoine, Rotor and Nyx) that fit in your AU and try to work them subtly into it?
A: I'm still alive! Haha 😄 Thank you so much, I'm really glad you are enjoying my new work! I'm sorry to disappoint but I was never a fan of the Archie comics or characters, so no I do not include them in my AU. Sorry!
milangakokoros asked: Has pensado dibujar a whisper y tangle como si fueran parte del AU donde Aurora existe? Como serian sus vidas? Dime que estarian casadas jajsjj
A: I do plan on adding Tangle and Whisper 🥰 I need to get caught up on the IDW comics to make sure I'm writing them in-character, but they will make an appearance in the near future.
furrylovergril495 asked: Also how old is Aurora? Ps I think she one of the nicest fan kids I ever since
A: Thank you so much, I'm so glad you like her! 💗 I don't like to include exact ages because I don't think Mobians age the same way humans do. Especially since SEGA has redacted the Sonic characters' ages. But for majority of my drawings, Aurora is the human-equivalent of about 20-23 years old.
Anon asked: can you draw super Aurora and tell me what abilities she has
A: 😊 I've drawn Super Aurora (aka "Aurora Borealis") quite a few times! [x] [x] [x]. She has all the standard Super Hedgehog powers (Flight, strength, invincibility, etc.)
thechosenflow asked: How does Metal sonic interact with Aurora? Are they friends or does Metal act as a guardian?
A: I've only drawn the two crossing paths once. I like to think that Metal Sonic is secretly in love with Amy, and so when Amy and Sonic get married he is pretty devastated. Maybe he gets his own Metal Amy and has his own Metal family??? 👀
Anon asked: So we know that Sage is best friends with Aurora but how is she with Rouge and Knuckles son's? I forgot their names😭
A: That's okay, I have a lot of characters. You're asking about Ruff & Tumble! Honestly I don't see her having much of a relationship with them. They are quite a bit younger than Aurora so I don't think Sage would have much reason to be around them often. HOWEVER! I do write Sage to have a friendly-competitive relationship with CC, and since CC does not care much for the hyena boys, that means Sage automatically gets a kick out of them.
antooogamer asked: What happened to Sonic's scarf? Do you keep it or when you retire will you give it to one of your grandchildren?
A: With how much danger that hedgehog gets in to, that scarf would have been ripped to shreds! No way it survived long enough for his grandkids to have it 😆
Anon asked: Have Aurora ever met Blaze, Sliver, and Amy's parents?
A: Blaze and Silver are friends with Sonic and Amy so she definitely would have met them at some point. I originally wrote Amy's parents as having passed away before she and Sonic got married, but I recently decided to change that! The Rose 'rents will be alive in my canon! So yes she'd have met them, too!
cyberdiesel asked: What is Aurora's relationship with the Gogobas and Froglodytes (including Og) like?
A: Aurora does not have any relationship with them (I did not care for them so I don't plan on ever drawing them haha)
Anon asked: What did Sonic and Aurora do for Amy on Mother's Day?
A: They spoiled her rotten by making her the most delicious, sweet, unhealthy breakfast imaginable with pancakes and ice cream and all the flavor syrups! Sonic even cleaned up after!
Anon asked: Does Aurora loves Chillidogs like his father?
A: Nobody loves chilidogs as much as Sonic haha But she does enjoy them. She kinda has to, chili dogs are a staple in the Rose household!
medi0creartz asked: There’s something I’ve been thinking for a long time. I don’t know if someone asked you this but has Cream and her Mom Vanilla ever meet Aurora?
A: Of course! Cream is Amy's best friend. Aurora absolutely would have met her!
echidnapower asked: So, difficult philosophical lore math question for you. 👀 Aurora and Sage are besties. Aurora is the daughter of Sonic the Hedgehog. Sage is Dr. Eggman’s daughter. Dr. Eggman wants to destroy Sonic and take over the world. Sage never wants to hurt Aurora. Eggman hurting Sonic would hurt Aurora. Sage is "presumably" loyal to Eggman. Solve for X, if you know what I mean. >:)
A: echidnapower you always ask the tough questions! It might not be very exciting, but Eggman mellows out in my AU as he gets older and he even adores Aurora, so he has no intention of hurting her. Sage does want to rule the world and make the Eggman Empire reign supreme, but she wants to do it passively and by intelligent means, not through destruction ;) Sorry that's a boring answer for you!
km0901 asked: Hi again! A question that's been on my mind lately comes from your "Time travel" comic. In it, we know that Aroura goes back in time to save Shadow, but from what? I first thought it might be DR. Eggman, but he has seemingly moved on with his life along with everyone else. This leads to the big question, who or what is this new menace?
A: I know this is a disappointing answer, but I can't reveal what the threat behind that storyline is yet! You'll have to wait when I can finally write that story out as a fic. All I can confirm is that the threat is invented by me. It is not an antagonist from the game canon. I'm so sorry I can't share more!
Anon asked: will you ever draw your human AUs for sonic again sense you have a newer art style ( btw speaking of art style i Love it and absolutely adore everything you post)
A: You are such a sweetheart, thank you! I'm really happy to hear that. I'll draw human Sonic characters again, just not sure when :) Some people really hate the way I draw the gijinka Sonic characters so that's why I don't do it much. But whatever, it is what it is. It's not going to stop me forever lol I'm happy you like it!
Anon asked: I love the design for Movie Aurora!! Since Tom and Maddie are like Sonic's adopted parents (if Aurora lives on earth), would you see Tom and Maddie show her tons of affection like grandparents?
A: Thank you so much! Yes I'm sure Tom and Maddie would be over the moon to have a grandbaby! I have the cutest vision in my head of them having to buy doll clothes for her since she's so little.
*The next question is a Shadora Ask. Skip if you don’t like Shadora
Anon asked: Now that i thought, have the Shadora Offspring ever met Black Doom? If they did what's their relationship with him?
A: The Shadora Horde are aware of their lineage [x] [x], but no they don't have a relationship with Black Doom at all. If Black Doom were alive, Shadow definitely wouldn't let him anywhere near his kids.
aeroranger100 asked: What inspired you to make My Gal? Or maybe I should ask, what got you on board the SonAmy ship in the first place? 💙🩷
A: My Gal came about simply because I thought, if Sonic were to ask Amy out, how would it go? Although I love sappy romance and angst, I actually prefer writing comedies so I put it in the Sonic Boom universe because I could go super silly with it! Though, I still think their date might go sort of like the events of My Gal no matter what universe it takes place in 😉 As far as why I first started shipping Sonamy, it was simply by learning who Amy was in the first place! The moment I saw her and got to know her character I thought, oh, this girl is the one. I wrote a very detailed post about it a long time ago if you'd like to read it! It wasn't meant to persuade anyone, it was just meant to illustrate why I'm so passionate about those two!
Anon asked: Your Sonamy art always gives me life and I love whenever you draw them smooching😘😘 Question: Do you have any art of Sonamy making out? Or if you know of another artists could you point me to them? I'm having cravings!!
A: Thank you so much! Honestly I feel like I draw them making out all the time 🤣 The entire ending and Epilogue of My Gal is just them kissing constantly haha! I'm working on some birthday drawings that should satisfy that craving of yours 👀
Anon asked: Hope I’m not annoying but what are Shadow’s, Sonic’s and Amy’s orientations(sexualities)? I know you answered What are shadora children sexualities but I really am curious about this. Also,love your art💜🙌
A: You're not annoying and thank you for the compliment! Honestly I can only answer for my own characters because they are 100% made by me. Unless SEGA officially confirms what Sonic, Shadow, and Amy's preferences are then I can't say for certain. We can all just imagine what we want.
Anon asked: Are Sonic and Amy still an active couple when their grandparents? And what do you mean by active e-vay? 😏Plz explain if you want😊…. I’m very curious 😂
A: Anon, you are too funny. You can't ask me a question and then follow it up by "what do you mean" when it was your question! 🤣 Yes they're still very active, however you mean it to mean! 😜
Anon asked: Do you think boom sonic has feelings for amy as well?
A: Absolutely I do! He was so sweet on her in that show!
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Anon asked: What if sonamy was a same gender couple?
A: I've said it before but I'll say it again: As long as they're together and they're happy, I'm happy!
Anon asked: hi e-vay what's ur fav sonamy universe?? (boom, prime, etc.)
A: Hi! Wow, that's really difficult for me to pick. Boom was definitely the most fun for me. That show made me laugh so hard and Sonic and Amy were both so handsome and pretty, and they were so funny the way they interacted. I am still 100% of the belief that they were secretly dating during that show!!! But Modern has the most potential. It can be fun and it can be serious, so if they ever wanted to take Sonic down a romantic path I think it would be more meaningful in the Modern context.
Anon asked: desearía tener más contenido tails x cc realmente los amo!!
and makarov asked: More cc x tails comics pleeeaseeee🥺? And will you do an cc x tails animation?
A: I'm so happy you like the LoveBytes (TailsXCC) ship! I promise I'll draw more in the future 💛 I'm sorry for the wait. I don't know about an animation but definitely more drawings to come.
nightfurylover31 asked: I’ve been listening to Backstreet Boys again to relive my childhood, and the songs “Shape of My Heart” and “I Don’t Wanna Lose You Know” feel like perfect Sonamy songs! 🥰💙🥰🩷
A: Backstreet Boys! Talk about ROMANCE! I love those and of course now I will associate them with Sonamy 🥰 Thank you for sharing!
blueberryydraw asked: hey e-vay! I love your works and I'm a big fan of Sonic. Would it be possible for you to make a Sonamy movie? :)
A: Thank you so very much! Are you asking if I could make a sonamy animation some time? If so, I can't say much about it but there is a very special project I'm working on! It won't be ready for a very long time, but when I can talk about it, I will!
ultimate-guardian asked: What do you say about Knuckles x Mighty?
A: I don't personally ship the two of them together
*The next question is a Shadora Ask. Skip if you don’t like Shadora
Anon asked: Sonic does not want Shadow to date Aurora cause he thinks he might hurt her or is it because they don't like each other?
A: It wouldn't matter if it was Shadow or not, Sonic doesn't want Aurora dating anyone. He doesn't think anyone is 'good enough' for his daughter.
Thank you all for the questions!
Evay QA Bulk Post 1
Evay QA Bulk Post 2
Evay QA Bulk Post 3
Evay QA Bulk Post 4
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totallyboatless · 2 days
I've been avoiding watching the Dragon Age: The Veilguard trailer because I was nervous I'd hate it based on snippets of criticism and complaining I've seen around.
But then I remembered how much I love the other games in the series despite their gameplay flaws and others' criticisms. These characters and the story have me in a fucking chokehold. I feel so much affection and nostalgia for this world.
So I watched the trailer, and truly, I loved it. And when I started and then abruptly stopped watching the 20-minute gameplay video a few minutes in, it wasn't because I was afraid I'd cringe at the playstyle -- the first moments look beautiful and I realized I want to hold off on spoilers. These games have given me so many moments of turning a corner and being immersed in the sudden action. I want to be surprised in the small moments as well as the big ones.
It's a hot take I guess, but I don't care if Dragon Age is good, I care if I like it, and my standards for these games are different from industry standards. I adapt to different gameplay, I know I'll get used to the Mass Effect style in the DA world. I just want more of the story and the fun.
Also some of the comments on the trailer are talking about how it's not dark fantasy enough and, like, babes??? Did you play the same game series as me? The one that's full of puns? The one where you can use a cheese wheel as a shield? The one that has a full cut scene in the first game parodying baby Superman crash landing to earth and an old couple finding him in a crater? The one that literally has a Nigerian Prince-style scam letter show up in your mail?
This game series has always been goofy as hell. Like yeah dark things happen, but it's not a *dark* game. It's a game ultimately about fighting for hope, love, and life. It pulls you in with its goof and charm and then breaks your heart all the better when the drama hits.
Anyway I'm pumped as hell.
(I was going to put a joke here that if I can't gay romance Davrin I will take it all back, but it's been confirmed that the companions are all pansexual so I'm going to be living my best life)
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It's been 10 years and I'm still not over them
It's insane.
I've played DA:I at least 6 times, romanced every single romanceable character and though my heart will always belong to Trevelyan/Cullen, I just can't get over Lavellan and Solas.
It's insane. Yes, I'm repeating myself but??? Feelings are difficult. Please tell me that I'm not the only one losing their mind after the new trailer.
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I just want to see them talk? Give me some closure, please.
I've done my waiting! Ten years of it! In Solavellan Hell!
I have so many post-trespasser headcanons that I don't even know what to do with them.
There's somewhat of a bittersweet one where Lavellan basically drops everything and returns to her clan to raise their secret child (yes, I know they were never canonically intimate but shhh! A poor soul can dream).
Then there's the dark one where Lavellan is so fed up with the world that she turns 'evil' and delves into dark/blood magic and red lyrium in a futile attempt to fill the void in her heart with raw power.
And lastly there's the one where she simply doesn't give up. It may seem boring compared to the other ones, but can you imagine dedicating years and years of your life to changing your friend's mind? (Friend, yes, because he may have broken her heart but she still cares about him.)
Edit: my brain just remembered a horrible HC in which Lavellan just can't get over the pain and asks to become Tranquil. Yeah. I'm not crying, you are.
I have so many feelings. My partner legit asked me if I'm alright and no? No, I'm not.
Also, this stupid song keeps playing on the radio and it makes me think of them???
"Lately, I have desperately pondered
Spent my nights awake and I wondered
What I could have done in another way
To make you stay
Reason will not reach a solution
I will end up lost in confusion
I don't care if you really care
As long as you don't go"
I don't even know what to say anymore. Send help.
And send some Solavellan headcanons, please! I need to survive until FALL 2024.
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mikedfaist · 6 hours
thinking about mike and reader doing a q&a after a screening of a film they did together (maybe it’s in columbus, the theater I go to is in columbus and always has special screenings and q&a’s) and them not only being so articulate and passionate about their film but also silly and very in love even though they’re trying to be subtle (they’re not)
Put the two of them in a room together, let alone sitting side by side, and you are in for a treat.
The film is a love story about two strangers who cross paths for only a brief moment. The director talks about working with the two of them – and years after the fact once the relationship has come out – that she was merely a spectator for their own love story. She got to watch the two of them fall in love in front of the camera, and that’s what makes the film so special. They aren’t just playing their characters; they are the characters.
Most, if not all, of the dialogue in the film is adlibbed, and so the scene where Mike’s character tells her, “Whatever you want from me—I don’t care what it is, I just want to be yours,” that was coming from him. The two of them met on the first day of set, having it been kept a secret she was even a part of the film as to not instigate rumors. He recalls spotting her standing outside of her trailer, adorned in oversized sweatpants and stained UGG boots, smoking a cigarette over a cup of coffee.
“I’m quitting,” she says, rolling her eyes. “I must’ve slept through those D.A.R.E. lectures in school.”
One of the big talking points of the film – primarily with the fans – are the sex scenes. There is one scene in particular that depicts him spitting in her mouth, and then a panned out shot of him going down on her. It’s a little graphic, but the girlies love it.
She does most of the talking, describing mornings on set where Mike would bring her coffee, and the little games they would make up to pass the time. She recounts a day where Mike tackled her on the beach while playing Get Down Mr. President, and he had to cover his smile with his microphone. She also relates back to filming the intimate scenes with Mike.
“I remember when we were preparing for those scenes, he was very vocal about what I was and wasn’t comfortable with, because it’s very unscripted what we do, so communication is like massive. We also had a very lovely Intimacy Coordinator, Lynn, on set who was incredible in what she did. We’d go into these scenes and whatever happened, happened. The spitting scene—” This is where the crowd got a little noisy. “Yeah, I know…” She laughs awkwardly. “The spitting scene was something we discussed beforehand. It was like…okay, what can we do to make this a little more…” She showcases her exuberance with jazz hands. “And it worked, right?”
“I think what was so special about making this film was having such an incredible partner by my side.” She turns to look at Mike, who, again, covers his smile with his microphone. “I already got him blushing.” She gently knocks her foot into his. “I really don’t think I could have given the performance I did if it wasn’t for him. He really is just so amazing, and lovely, and just an overall remarkable person. He makes it hard not to fall in love with him.”
“One thing for me,” Mike begins. “I remember the first morning on set, and we were in hair and makeup, and she looks over at me from her chair and she’s got her hair all done back, and those undereye masks on, and she turns to me and says, ‘It’s such an honor to love you, even if it’s for a short time’, so I don’t know what she means by it’s not hard to fall in love with me, when she’s spitting out actual poetry at 6 in the morning.”
She covers her face with her hand, shaking it slightly. “I must’ve watched The Notebook the night before or something.”
One of the questions they are asked was individually, what were their favorite things to film.
Her: The bar scene where I sing karaoke… I loved that. I think we did like five different takes with five different songs. Also, the pier scene where we share a funnel cake, that was a good day. It’s always a good day when there’s a funnel cake.
Him: I was going to say the funnel cake… Uh, probably the beach scene when we are playing in the water. It was fucking cold though.
Question: What made you decide to take on this project?
Her: I loved the authenticity of it. You have these two lost people who find this safe haven in each other. It’s a love story but without that happy ending. There is no closure, but such is life. I loved how there wasn’t a dialogue script, because we really got to make our characters our own. We put a lot of ourselves in these characters, and it felt very genuine. They really do love each other, even in that short time.
Every time she speaks, Mike is sitting there with heart eyes. He absorbs everything she says. Fans in the audience mentioned that he was engulfed in her stories, and how when he would chime in with comments, she’d engage and beam right back at him. There wasn’t a moment where they weren’t smiling at each other. She at one point reaches over to squeeze his hand, and if you count, she stayed there for just a second too long.
Afterwards, some lucky fans said they saw them backstage share a long, drawn-out hug, where she rested her head in the crevice of his shoulder and neck, and he was rubbing her back. When they parted, he rubbed her shoulders and you can see her nod at something he says, before he kisses her forehead, and then part.
Some say, at first, they were bummed by what felt like an unfinished ending to the film but were quick to change their mind seeing her and Mike very much in love on stage. They are the happy ending.
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stephadoo · 22 hours
Okay, I’ve been seeing some speculation about this as we’ve gone through the season and I just wanted to put it all together before the finale kicks off.
Spoilers ahead! A lot of it is speculation but there are a few things that are actual spoilers.
The Doctor mentioned the Pantheon (of Discord), of which the Trickster is the only named character that we knew of until Maestro.
As someone pointed out elsewhere, when Ruby is in her trance, she’s humming a song before it switches to the Christmas song. It’s the same as the Trickster’s theme:
Video: https://x.com/reyhickmanmusic/status/1791284401952768212?s=43&t=m10ek-WTV5K8_EK4owpIpA
There was meant to be a storyline in SJA where it was revealed that Sky was actually the Trickster’s daughter, but it never played out because of the show getting canceled. The ‘Thirteenth Floor’ storyline was reworked for another TV show that RTD created, so it’s not impossible that he may have reused some of those elements with Ruby’s background. 
The scene in ‘The Devil’s Chord’ is obviously paralleled to the one in ‘Pyramids on Mars’ with something happening in the past causing ripples out to the future, showing a destroyed London. This is also the M.O. of the Trickster, seen most obviously in ‘The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith.’
In fact, the concept of alternative timelines has been a running theme throughout this season. 
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In Tales of the TARDIS, we get  the scenes with Clyde and Jo, where the Verron puzzle box is brought up; the very thing that can be used to protect someone from the Trickster. And there was an interview that said:
“Showrunner Russell T Davies has hinted that there is more going on with the Tales of the TARDIS spin-off. Speaking in a recent interview to SFX Magazine, Davies said: “There are bigger plans behind this that we can’t talk about yet. Eventually, [Tales of the TARDIS] will begin to make more sense as the series next year unfolds, you will see. But it’s really a lovely thing to do for the 60th.””
In some of the trailers, there’s a very quick glimpse of the Doctor standing in the Memory TARDIS, with Mel and Ruby behind him. 
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Harbinger = Graske?
Next season - Harbinger spotted on a sign at a movie theater
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The scene above with the harbinger sign is coincidentally being filmed on Penarth Pier in the Vale of Glamorgan, Wales, which is where part of the episode 'Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?' was filmed, specifically the pier scene where Andrea falls and the Trickster shows up for the first time.
I don’t know if this is enough to prove that the Trickster is coming back, but it’s all very interesting. It could be next season as well, depending on how things pan out in the finale
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Being a Genshin fan AND a Sonic fan has this week feeling pretty hype ngl
Also my wallet is in danger lmao :)
#admin leon speaks#I mean today alone we got dendro archon trailer and a prologue animation for Frontiers#Like man I am being WELL FED#I just wish I still had a game store near me : ')#Cause man the VIBES of going to a store and being like Yes hello I would like one copy of the game that released today#Last time I got to experience that was when the Reignited Trilogy came out-#Cause that store got closed later that year : ')#Or no it was the next year I think-#AND I WAS THE ONLY CUSTOMER THERE so me and the guy vibed talking about Spyro#AND IM SO SAD I don't get to vibe with a random gamestop employee about games anymore ;;;;;;;;#YOU KNOW I TALKED ABOUT THE CHARACTER TRAILER AND#Literally the Genshin update is tonight SO I CAN GET THE CHARACTER TOO#Also Sega bring back the chao garden you cowards#You keep showing us chao in promo stuff BUT WONT GIVE US BACK THE CHAO GARDEN#Just literally do the exact same thing y'all did before#Stop teasing us >:(#You know what we want and REFUSE TO GIVE IT TO US-#I'm real excited for frontiers though like#Considering I like a lot of the quote unquote bad sonic games#Even if Frontiers turns out to be slightly disappointing I'll still love it lmao#ALSO ANOTHER THING#Im sad that only the jpn version of Frontiers has a collectors edition????#Like I want the artbook too !!#Cowards#Let me give you more money#inb4 I find out they did make an NA version of the collectors edition and just hadn't posted info about it when I last checked#But they're still cowards
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boy in silly sitting positions compilation
#cats#I especially like the last one where he just has one single paw poking out of that box for some reason lol#I still have costumes to post and like a billion other things.... grr... constantly failing at staying active on social media aughh#I think because currently my Main Focus is on trying to get my game done and stuff.. which basically just means sitting and writing all day#so there's not much to post about. Though I know the Good At Social Media thing to do would be to post about the#writing and share progress and talk about the game and characters or whatever to try to build interest or something but that is SOOO weird#to me.. I could maybe get it if it was like a tiny tiny discord groupchat of playtesters with like 5 people in#it.. But something about talking openly about things before they happen is weird to me?? Like presumptuous feeling or something#''oooo guess whats gonna happen LATER!!!'' like.. how do you know.. what if it doesnt. what if you dont finish it. what if its not the way#you think it's going to be. what if something changes. etc. Like I literally avoid movie trailers and game trailers for the same reason ghj#Even if it's not ME doing it it just feels... weird.. Maybe it has to do with my OCD and how I just don't like talking about ''future''#things in Certain Terms. Like if I was going to say ''Oh yeah sure. come over to my house in a few months''. I would have to follow it up#with like ''HOPEFULLY you can come over to my house in a few months'' or 'They'll come over in a few months MOST LIKELY''. Because just#stating that something will happen matter of factly takes for granted like.. what if somehting horrible happens and I DONT have a house#in a few months? or what if something bad happens to me. or to the person coming over? I can't ever DEFINITELY say with 100% certainty#that one could ACTUALLY come to my house in a few months. anything could change. So I have to allot for that in my phrasing. hbjjkn#There are a lot of situations where you're expected to just Assume Things but for some reason that bothers me. My brain literally does not#even Assume the most basic things.. like how do *I* know that just because it's someones birthday that they want to be wished a happy#birthday? what if they dont? everyone is different and has different preferences. I should check with them first. or wait until they public#ly announce that theyre accepting birthday wishes. I have to allot for all 5034859069 rare possibilities at any given time and never take#anything for certain. etc. ghjbjhbh.... ANYWAY.. I have been feeling a bit sick lately as usual.. but still slowly making progress on some#things. Moslty I need to edit costume photos. make sculptures. and work on the game. Going back reading some of the old writing from like#2018 and suprisingly I don't have to change that much of it? In fact I like it mostly. so that's good. I would be very interested if I were#playing the game myself. Though that doesnt mean much since my tastes are so niche lol..#Still really want to clear some of my million tumblr drafts as well... alas and aughh and ooughh and so on and so forth. Between all of my#evil appointments other such things...why cant I have one billion dollar to retire into relaxed hermit artist life of no stressors.. bleas
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milimeters-morales · 1 year
Miles, about to get thrown through a window by Miguel: this is going to she/hurt
Miguel: make another pun like that again and i’ll summon my clonething and we’ll he/it you where it HURTS
Gabriel: i think you both should die actually
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felassan · 1 day
Snippets. you know what about. 😊
On configuring the HUD: "Too be clear, you can't go crazy - but there are a bunch of options if you want fewer things on screen or some alternate ways of having some elements activate" [source: the Discord]
"One of the skill trees for Rogues is more focused on ranged combat, and it's pretty viable to go almost pure ranged (honestly maybe a bit OP at the moment" [source: the Discord]
Each of the 3 main classes has 2 distinct weapon types [source] (Fel note: this is written in a way that makes it sound like it applies for mages too. Apart from staff, I wonder what the other weapon type for mages is..? :>) it's bow and dual swords for rogue, 2h and sword and shield for warrior.
for the Discord Q&A, the goal is to be able to read it in writing later on. [source: the Discord]
So for classes, it's looking like this right? ^^ 3 mages: Neve, Bellara, Emmrich. Lace - Rogue in DA:I. Lucanis - Rogueyness akimbo. Davrin - sword and shield in trailer, so warrior. Taash - seems like a warrior. 3/2/2 mage/rogue/warrior.
Many of the devs that made previous games are still at BioWare. "The creative director of this one has been there since 2007, the art director since 2004, the producer since the MDK2/BG2 days." and there are tons more too. [source]
It's not huge open regions like DA:I [source]
The team took focus to get keyboard and mouse on PC feeling good [source]
A user asked about accessing more abilities and how there was a 'second layer' of mapped abilities in a previous game. Answer: The DA team is going to showcase more combat soon where they talk about that and show the full list of options for how many abilities you can use [source]
A user asked about the presence of complex fights in the game, and mentioned the Cory battle in DA2. Answer: there is some stuff in the game that takes forever to get to and then kicks your ass for a while. there is also some fixed level stuff that you need to explore to find [source]
More on exploration coming later [source]
"Pretty sure the team is primed to showcase a lot more of the combat and progression depth in the near future." [source]
The name of the game has officially been changed internally for a long while. "It just takes a lot of moving pieces to make it official" [source]
"At a proper time we will disclose more details about our composer, soundtrack and playstyle options." [source]
"I have to say that even though I knew what was going to happen, when I played the SGF Demo for the first time, in a room with full surround sound, I got several emotions." [source]
Mark Darrah on the name change: "Change can be scary but this is a good sign." [source]
Re: the game's character focus: "It's not that DA hasn't been about characters [in the past] it's more that we haven't been willing to admit it [until now]" [source]. This is the first DA to be this deliberate in its focus on characters [source]
A request for Ukraininan language localization to be added to the game was passed along [source]
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aemondismyromanempire · 3 months
what on earth possessed me to read comments about Ewan on X - now I'm furious.. I refuse to believe that there are people in this fandom who have whole profiles on there dedicated to posting insults about Ewan's appearance. the guy's keeping to himself, he's unproblematic, doesn't even have social media (thank the gods for that) and every single one of his co-stars always only has the nicest things to say about him and yet somehow there are still dirtbags out there who dedicate hours of their time every day to talking smack about his appearance. I only have one question - what the hell is wrong with you???????????????
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toasteaa · 2 months
A bitch is about to go back to her roots and look at fuckin Jojo poses for splash art reference cause FUCK
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aromanticasterisms · 2 months
yknow i was a little miffed when yoimiya got her second story quest but i can't even be mad that cyno's getting his. he's been around since manga days he deserves it
#personal stuff#delete later#like good for him. also who is that. i know a playable design when i see one#like we are FINALLY GETTING PERMANENT HERMANUBIS LORE.#ARLECCHINOOO. OH MY GODDD#I CANNOT BELIEVE SCYTHE ARLE REAL. i avoided looking at leaks for so long and her animations are SO nice wtf#her WING???#OH MY GODDD??? SHE'S THE NEW WEEKLY BOSS???#SHE LOOKS SO FUCKING COOL. HER WINGS#HEY WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE. FURINA OR NEUVILLETTE STORY QUEST 2 WHERE?#are they pushing stuff back. no dain quest last patch no archon or equivalent quest this patch :(#yes i am soo excited to see her lines about the other harbingers#still biting the bars of my cage why are there so many black white and red hyv characters coming out at the same time#STILL CANNOT BELIEVE WE'RE GOING TO REMURIA. RIPS AND TEARS#OH SHIT IT'S RELATED TO PETRICHOR. WE'RE GETTING THAT TOO.#wtf kitty event was foreshadowing. new talking cat#so we're not getting dornman port... :(#oh hey cool dvorak is coming back#new horn instrument!! it looks neat#ah. windtrace :/ i'm not one for co-op events i was hoping fr something else. good for you guys though#NATLAN CRUMBS WOOO#okay. overall looks like a neat update i'm looking forward to petrichor a lot. PLEASE say gourmet supremos. PLEASE.#i've been waiting so long to see them please let them come back...#also arlecchino looks cool as hell.#a little disappointed that no furina or neuvillette or dain quest but what can you do.#maybe we'll get a dain one next patch since we're getting remuria now? probably not but i can dream#checked the voice actors list under the trailer. oh hey we're seeing childe again
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claitea · 7 months
local 20 year old almost gets teary eyed over a mario game
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torgawl · 8 months
"love should be warm... but to you, it's become a form of punishment"
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