martin-enjoyer · 7 months
"Have you ever checked to see if the spoken cases have anything in common?" "Is there a way to look up specific files? ... Oh, I don't know. Every case about being buried alive or meat or whatever?"
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macabresymphonies · 7 months
Look, I'm not really on the "Smirk's 14 is back bby" train just yet, but I did notice that Alice of all people has been making some strange jokes all throughout the show so far.
Yes, Alice is like a Family Guy episode, she shoots jokes at mach speed to see if anything lands, but with stuff she's been saying there's seem to be a strange overarching theme of her referencing Entities (or avatars if you prefer). We're not the only one noticing this, Sam very much did too:
TMAGP 06 Sam: Okay firstly, this place is making you really morbid. (...)
I know that she references creepy stuff all around and with Smrik's 14 basically covering each fear on earth we might lean into confirmation bias, but it might be significant in the future so it's better to consider it now than later. With that, let me compile all of Alice's morbid "jokes" so far and how they seem to relate to Fears from TMA:
The Dark
TMAGP 01 Alice: Boooo! Your pathetic addiction to vitamin D will only make you weak.
The Flesh/The Spiral
TMAGP 01 Alice: Listen to me: bones are a lie peddled by Big Milk to keep you buying. No such thing.
The Stranger
TMAGP 01 Alice: Don’t boo me! I created you, and I can destroy you!
The Spiral (specifically mention of molding a person like clay, like in The Great Twisting)
TMAGP 01 Alice: You'll see. Anyway, hurry it up, time to mold you like clay into the perfect government drone for the Office of Incident Assessment and Response.
The Spiral
TMAGP 02 Alice (sardonic): Time isn’t real.
The Spiral (specifically MAG 74: Fatigue)
TMAGP 06 Alice: Have you considered simply bypassing your mouth altogether and injecting the beans directly into your bloodstream? Sam: Great idea. Why didn’t I think of that? Alice: Not enough coffee beans in your blood.
The Dark (very blatantly)
TMAGP 06 Alice: Oh Sam. The sun is the enemy. It rules the world of light but we who dwell in darkness feel only its wrath. Get the curtains.
The Flesh
TMAGP 06 Alice: Then we draw lots and one of you gets eaten at the Christmas party.
The Flesh (again)
TMAGP 06 Alice: “Would you like tea Celia? Coffee perchance? My heart carved from my chest and arranged on a little doily? Please, Celia, cut out my tongue so I can always be there to lick your stamps for you!”
These seem... strangely consistent, whenever she goes her gallows humour bit it's either reference to hating on the sun (light), humorous "I'm baltantly gaslighting you" stuff or reference to eating/getting eaten/cannibalism. Take that as you will, these could be "easter eggs", but they might as well be clues.
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trans-jon-rights · 7 months
Spoilers for episode 6 of The Magnus Protocol.
So !!
The beginning of the episode is mostly a teasing for the rest, but we can note that Sam is not sleeping well, and I doubt it's only because of the curtains. Maybe he didn't researched further in the Institute or the Protocol ( whatever that is ), but he is likely restless because he feel in danger. If he did continue his research into it, I doubt he mentions it to Alice, because she would tell him to stop ( again ) and the conversation wouldn't go anywhere.
Next, the case !
So first, Needles is hilarious. I really hope he will come back, because I love him the way I love Michael. My little unhinged blorbo. Also, an interesting parallel to note between the two is Michael's sharp & elongated fingers vs the needles. That's all.
This episode really goes towards the Fear side, and Needles really got an Avatar behaviour. He wants to scare the operator. This one also goes both towards and against the Desire theory, because he wants his interlocutors to be scared, but also craves it like a necessity. I don't know but I like it. Lastly, he got a strong Spiral, Flesh and Eye thing, which are complete opposite ( especially Spiral and Eye ) and is the final warning for those who expect Smirke's 14.
Note : I will continue using it until we got anything better, mostly for clarity's sake, same thing for other TMA typically terms.
Finally, the post statement .
Celia is here, we got our little team completed :D
I feel like she will tend to be Alice's opposite, pushing Sam towards answers rather than ignoring everything. It's reassuring to know that Lena is creepy in every interview too. And we hear of Colin again ! Though he doesn't show up, he must be avoiding the cameras.
That was all for my ramblings :)
See you next week
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the-pest1lence · 1 month
TMAGP 26 Live Listen
I honestly love the dedication one this one
Lmao, "Just... dog?"
"Magnussing" ALICE MY WIFE
"Celia, are you sure that thing is legal?"
okay actual case now
wait is this an institute statement???
Huh, runner statement. Mr. Jarrod seems nice, actually. I know we aren't supposed to be say Smirke's 14 but this seemed very hunt, I feel.
The way Chester said "It's me, Alex!". Not robotic and it genuinely made me jump lol
"I think he ran through me." Welp, uhhh...
As someone who can't run to save his life, I'm not okay with this and OH GOD HIS SKULL'S CRACKED........ AND WE HAVE ANOTHER MONOLOGUE. Chester's voice sounds so robotic with that, huh.
Case is done, notes: Again, the idea of running for your life and no one else can see it... Horrifying. Well done
Oh god, Gwen sounds so emotionless.
"We set it loose." WE'RE FORMING TIES!!!!!
"Got a lot of experiences with killer tapes, do you?"
Celia sounding so... out there, i guess, when she said Helen. My girl, she's grasping at straws
"Your baby's a Tory" LMAOOO SAM
This episode has something for everyone, huh? I loved it
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thinking about which of smirke's 14 each oiar employee would be an avatar of is fun, but personally i'm having a lot of fun coming up with which fears they'd fall victim to instead. so here's some of my thoughts. (not a theory!!! just fun to think about lol)
alice - the lonely. unrequited love, feeling like everyone is leaving you behind, feeling like no one really cares. what if you just gave up? what if you let them leave? then you'll be alone. all alone.
sam - the dark. not seeing, not knowing, answers you'll never get. mysteries you'll never solve. there's something out there, and you cannot see it. you cannot see.
gwen - the stranger. you know who i am, don't you? you don't? yes you do, silly. they all insist, but you don't. you've never seen this person before in your life, and there's something wrong about them.
colin - the spiral. they're mocking you, the voices, the shapes. things you cannot comprehend. you're not insane, you're not insane, you're not. you know you're not insane. but...do you really? do you really know anything at all?
celia - the vast. everyone else is so calm, haven't they seen what you have? that impossibly big thing, too big to be seen fully, too big to even notice any of you. it will crush you all one day, and you're the only one who knows. it renders the entire world worthless.
lena - the buried. overwhelming pressure all around you, you're in too deep. you can't go back. you can't climb back out. you're so tired, too tired to move, not that you could anyways. it will never let you go. it will never let you leave. you're trapped.
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that-sure-is-a-person · 7 months
The Magnus protocol ep 7 thoughts as I go (spoilers ahead)
- Oh Celia is absolutly up to shit, she’s from og world she knows about smirks 14 and the tapes
- forgetting names you say
- fucking distortion pottery bastard
- the sound design is amazing
- Colin is going off the deep end
- who was Lena talking to before gwen came in
- oooh a Bouchard being power hungry and getting into the conspiracy of it all.
- fuck that episode was good!!
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rookrock · 7 months
- wants to search by "meat"/etc.
- recognizes Chester's voice
- says there's "real stuff" outside the emails/etc.
- violently refuses to allow external electronics onsite
- discusses a weird email from "John"/"Jon" with Sam
- shows the Klaus video to Lena
- believes someone paid Lena to attempt his murder
- confirms with Lena that there's "real work"
- becomes the "externals liaison"
This feels like almost complete confirmation for all of the following:
1. Hill Top Road allowed MAG's powers in (does not confirm if they remained in their old forms i.e. Smirke's 14),
2. Celia is "that" Celia,
3. "Chester" has the voice of Jonathan Sims, not just the man but the character, and the same for "Norris" having the voice of Martin,
4. "Augustus" also has the voice of a significant character,
5. The "Response" part of OIAR will become more important.
I know these are basic conclusions, but I'm just laying it out to process. I think with the computer voices' sources confirmed, that removes a lot of uncertainty regarding how much TMAGP will engage with MAG's immediate consequences and characters.
I hope it leads to "grumpy computer archivist archly assists with casework" but you never know.
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broodingheroine · 7 months
tmagp 8 thoughts
ooo running on empty. interesting.
oh fuck right into it
that's an intensive grading rubric jesus
brutalism and LIMINAL SPACE????
feeling a type of way abt this being abt architecture. we've been through this.
I'm actually impressed by the quality of this essay so far
it's lowkey giving lonely vibes and of COURSE norris is reading this one
I don't like the repeated use of hunger in regards to architecture
a tower. hm.
less and less people. every night. okay.
hunger again. do not like.
okay whatever you do, do not eat the food
okay this is SO lonely. like yes ik don't apply smirkes 14 to tmagp but it's for my own brain. I'm not making statements of fact abt tmagp.
it's giving that ep of tma where the kid got trapped in an alternate abandoned amusement park with all the starving ppl
oh alice that is actually really annoying. fill the kettle.
ooooo colins on leave. probably good for him but I'm sad.
I'm gonna fucking cry oh my god oh my god
barely remembers any of it............
what if I died. actually what if I died.
time travels. other dimensions. teleportation.
was there a glitch in the audio when she said georgies name or am I crazy
okay so fuck.
alice acts super different without an audience. she knows smth else is going on but she deliberately ignores it so she doesn't get caught up in it.
I was expecting a gerry cameo at some point so as excited as I was I wasn't Surpised.
BUT GERTRUDE? that threw me for a loop.
we're slowly collecting tma cast members. idk how to feel about this.
I'm deeply worried abt colin.
I wanna know what the painting was and why celia liked it so much. was there something about camden in tma that im forgetting? he called it "camden epiphany"
unless things are VASTLY different in tmagp universe, obviously gertrude is lying about gerry being her grandson. why though. when they traveled together in tma the common ruse they used was that she was his mother but why is there a need for a ruse here?
I desperately need to know what happened to mary and eric too.
"good luck hunting elsewhere" gertrude why did you use that word. why hunting. what do you know.
alright I think that's everything. I am absolutely catatonic rn. so many things.
this was a lot.
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 7 months
TMAGP 6 Thoughts: Old Friends
Lots to talk about this time although maybe not lots to say. We'll see. This was a Jonny episode so that's bound to happen. Either way spoilers for episode 6 below the cut.
So, I think we all know the biggest thing here; mini-donuts are finally confirmed. Okay, for actual serious things; Alice likes Choco Liebnitz and has confirmed to have immaculate biscuit standards but alternate biscuit spellings.
For the stuff that largely doesn't matter we've got a "surprise" 4th returning character, a new avatar in a fun new flavour, and a statement you know people are going to try to cram into the desire theory.
Starting from the bottom up for no real reason this was a very overtly fear driven episode. I'm not going to spend too much time on this bit because I think trash talking this theory is in poor taste. But I don't buy it and think it's often very strained and ignores big chunks of things to justify itself, and seems to forget just how much of TMA was wrapped up in desires too. The cosmology was always set up to have some people running away from the Fears and some people running towards them. TMP hasn't really done much different there to my mind and this episode is a pretty hard break away from a lot of the things people like to latch onto for the desire theory.
Needles up next then and I'm a big fan. Harry Roebuck obviously did a great job, and the different formats continue to do some great work. There isn't really a lot to say about the incident in general other than the above. It's all pretty normal stuff outside of the fun with the format. But what is interesting, apart from another character we'll see return, is that Needles is both very close to and very far from a TMA character. Both ways you can take that. Obviously there are some pretty big Stranger and Spiral vibes here. Like, if you throw Needles next to Nikola they'd seem totally normal. That's almost certainly not accidental because of how it contrasts to the rest of them. Pain isn't out of place for the Stranger's lot as a threat but it is in such an extreme example of it. Needles is more about pain than they are about anything else they're not preying on the fear of the uncanny. That would typically be a great fit for The Desolation except the way it manifests here is pretty distinctly not part of the Lightless Flame's lot. The Hunt or the Slaughter are also bad touchstones here because Needles really seems to be about a slow and restrained sort of pain that's out of place in those ideas of it. Which is all to say this the most overt showcasing of different manifestations so far. We've seen lots of stuff like TMA fears but twisted in TMP already but I think this one is deliberately set up to hammer that point home. We see something that is on first glance very at home in TMA until the details leave it without a solid home in Smirke's 14.
Finally, the wonderful return of Lowri Ann Davies as Celia. Celia Ripley at that which I'm sure isn't a reference to anything. So, I'm sure some people will say this is more likely to be the Celia native to TMP but to that I'd say there probably isn't one. There is likely a Lynne Hammond in TMP but I doubt she also lost her name and took a new one. Combined with the whole "I don’t scare so easy these days." comment (especially if taken with her namesake) I think it's the contrarian stance to suggest this isn't TMA's Celia at this stage. It might obviously change as we get more info but another TMA character, especially a relatively minor one, shouldn't be a surprise in the TMA sequel. How she got here is more interesting because it's likely not how JMJ managed it and probably a more calculated effort through The Gap or a similar anomaly. Either way, very excited to see where that goes.
DPHW Theory: Another set of fairly unexciting numbers. This is good and bad. The more this occurs the more likely it is I'm correct and called it very early, but it's also less fun to dig into. Either way it's 4824 which makes a good deal of sense overall. I'd expect D to be a little higher just from the statement but Needles doesn't seem like they want to kill anyone really and it's the liminal state of uncertainty that is the sweet spot for them. Pain is their game though and an 8 is a very strong showing for it. So that's all good. 2 for H also makes sense they seem to be able to disable people but not in an overtly supernatural way and I wouldn't say it was a particular focus of the ordeal. Finally, a 4 for W tracks pretty well for out pointy Distortion-lite new friend.
CAT#R# Theory: CAT1RB leaves little to be said beyond what I've already said other than what it was that I said last time probably isn't right. But I've not found a CAT#R# theory that I particularly love yet so nothing of great import has been lost.
Header talk: Back to some measure of normalcy here with Injury (needles) -/- intimidation. And I might as well talk about my current ideas for how crosslinks work. For the first few eps I had a pretty solid idea based around emotional states. Regret, Trespass, Dysmorphic, and Guilt (assuming 3 was misfiled) all seemed like the central emotional weight of each incident. But then Musical happened and that didn't fit with that idea. So I thought maybe it's about preoccupation. It's not strictly emotional but it's driven by what the incident's subject has at the forefront of their mind during the events. That would track with each of them. But then, of course, Invitation happened which makes that theory not hold up. Afterwards I thought that it might be the vector instead and the more I think about it the more it makes sense. Crosslinks might describe the route an incident takes to manifest, how it finds its way into reality. Harriet's regret pushes her to contact whichever avatar Frankenstein-ed Arthur, RedCanary's trespassing triggered the Institute's protections, Daria's dysmorphia shaped how she was able to sculpt herself, Dr. Webber's guilt drew him into the infection's grasp/the plant life in the garden spread the infection, the violin collects its payment through music, and Voyeur claimed another victim via invitation. And now we have Needles who intimidates their victims for the fear they crave. I'm sure the next episode will ruin this theory too but that's half the fun.
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nephriteknight · 2 months
Okay time for Actual Coherent Thoughts about 23: Pre-posting edit: this is still fairly coherent but BOY is it longer than i intended. when will my husband (dear friend wyv) come back from war (get caught up so i can do this in his dms like i used to)
jesus christ. tldr: Helen will probably be a Human Tory and not my beloved Helen!Distortion, I am BEYOND EXCITED TO SEE BASIRA AGAIN, and I'm holding out hope for Daisy also showing up because Celia may well just not know her as Alice Tonner so she's having trouble finding her. Also Sam's being compelled. Yikes. Also Jmart dying around the same time is very suspicious but I couldn't find any reason it would happen.
Helen will presumably be Tory Helen and not Distortion Helen, which is. Devastating. I miss my not-a-girl every single goddamn day.
It's interesting that Celia found Basira but not Daisy. Did Melanie just not mention her? Are they not together? Then again, it's very possible that Celia's heard of Daisy but not Alice Tonner
[deep breath] this was meant to be Actual Coherent Thoughts
I wonder if Celia's already found Melanie? It would make sense for her and Georgie to still be friends
More to the point, what is Celia's angle here? Is she just looking for anyone who might have also come through from tma!universe? When it was just Jon and Martin (and probably Georgie depending on how that relationship came to be) it made sense for Mystery Solving but Helen doesn't really line up with that
Jon and Martin died "nearly 20 years ago" (this is for actual coherent thoughts--), putting them at around 18 years old (Sam's main reason to think they're the right people was that their ages matched TMA -- interestingly, though, both Jon and Martin lied about their ages, and Jon is known to look much older than he is. Still, Georgie would know Jon's age, and by the time Melanie came around Martin wasn't lying about his CV, so it's probably still the right ones). It's suspicious as all hell that they both died young at around the same time. "Nearly 20 years ago" doesn't line up with any important dates I can think of -- the Institute bruned down 25 years ago, and if they timing was close I think Sam would've flagged it; FR3-D1 talking and Jack's birth are both one year ago; Celia implies she came to the tmagp universe "a couple of years" ago, although it's possible she was referring to something else since I feel like it makes more sense for that to line up with the computers starting to talk; and there are no incidents in that time frame except for 23's itself, which was 18 years ago but seems unrelated. Maybe it really is just a coincidence. I highly doubt it. (Thought the causality could be the other way around -- maybe Jon and Martin (and Jonah, if Augustus is him) being dead already is why they got stuck in the computers or something)
Sam is definitely being compelled to fill out that paperwork. Which is very concerning! I don't believe Lena glitched at all when she said it was probably Alice hazing him or that it was useless and the response department doesn't exist, but she also doesn't speak in precise statements much so it could be getting past the glitch filter thing ("probably"/"i suspect"/"you are aware that...?"). I'm curious what's going on there. Lena did mention ages ago that some of the forces are benevolent (in her opinion, which im taking with so many grains of 🜔) so it could be that force, whichever the OIAR belongs to (which would line up with the OIAR being Web-aligned as some have theorized -- even though it seems very likely that Smirke's 14 no longer applies, if any of the fears were going to hold themselves together it would be the Web, and there are similarities)
I'm still so curious what the deal with Error and the tape recorders is. It was locked beneath the Institute in what I assume are the tunnels (which could mean it was still built on the panopticon?? but that seems unlikely), it has more than two eyes, and it has a tape recorder that bites. In TMA (spoilers lol) the tapes belonged primarily to the Web, and the biting doesn't seem very eye-like, but who can say? I still don't think this is Jon. Not just because he's dead lol, the abilities and timing just don't line up. My bet is that this is some other kid from the program, someone Alice and Gerry (and Sam, maybe) might have met before, who I guess got turned into this? But what does this have to do with their big turn of the century thing? Who knows. We know they were collecting artefacts, though, so
Is Error an archivist? Maybe! I recently watched a video about the arg so I know about that shit now, and the tmagp Institute had a digital archive, which is interesting. So far, we've seen that written transcripts of Error's victim's statements can be digitized--at least by FR3-D1, which could be an exception to the rule (whether because it's special or just because it Feels Old, like the tapes did). so far we've only heard them spoken on tape recorders, but that's more because of the situations its happened in
Also because Alice brought up the first time she encountered Error, I'm still suspicious of her brother suddenly being unexpectedly successful with two bands called "Penny in the Well" and "Dredgerman" but I have nothing to go off of
Oh boy. This is what happens when I'm suddenly further ahead than the person who got me into TMA in the first place. Y'all are dealing with this now.
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Reprise 2.0 - Harry Hook x reader - Part 5 -The Beasts
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After arriving at the school grounds, Evie and Mal went off to look for any trace of Audrey on campus while you, Uma, and Celia went off to find her dorm room. Evie had been kind enough to give instructions to where it was, ignoring Mal as she tried to tell Evie to hurry it up. Finally, after roaming through several halls and opening the wrong doors, you made it to Audrey's….VERY pink room.
“Hey, guys?” you called out as you walked into Audrey's room, hands on your hips as you spun around to get a better look. Uma and Celia looked at you, wondering what you wanted “I think Audrey hates the color pink” Uma snorted at your stupid joke, shaking her head as she split away from Celia to look for Clues, Celia spotting the display of jewelry and tiaras that were just out and about on the pink vanity next to the door. “ooh~” Celia hummed, sitting down in front of the vanity and starting to mess around with a diamond-encrusted bracelet.
“Just make sure that stuff stays where you found it kid,” you told Celia as she put on a sapphire tiara. The young vk pouted at you, about to retort that Audrey was evil but you just laughed “I know kid, but that stuff is most likely very expensive, and if you’re caught with it after we save Audrey’s butt, she can probably get you arrested and sent back to the isle for theft. So have a lil fashion show then put it back. Got it?”
Celia groaned, but you had a point. She continued to play with the jewelry though, but now she wouldn't be pocketing any. You and Uma continued to look for anything that might hint at Audrey’s whereabouts. Well, Uma was looking for clues, you were looking for her diary, since that was the key to finding out where Audrey was. “found her diary” Uma announced from the other side of the room, closing the drawer to the nightstand next to Audrey’s bed…fucking duh it was in there. You face palmed a bit, why had you looked for her damn diary in her bookcase? Of course, it would be kept near where she slept. Uma hopped onto Audrey's bed, her legs crossed at the ankles and she popped the book open as if it was a regular book and she wasn’t violating someone's privacy. You sighed, moving to join Uma on the bed and laying sideways, your head hanging off the edge as your body lay over Uma’s legs; your feet hanging off the other side.
“Oh barf, listen to this” Uma muttered, holding up the book to see it better in the light and proclaiming in a dramatic high-pitched voice “Ben and I are dating, officially ~! And it's been so fun to have a boyfriend, especially one as great as him.” Uma made a gagging sound as you giggled, tugging on the fishnet hanging from Uma’s hips “no way it actually says that, she writes how movie teenage white girls talk” you said with a snort, covering your face with 2nd hand embarrassment when Uma showed you the entry she had just read to you “oh my god, she had to be like-14 or something when she wrote that, not shot!”
Uma shrugged, there was no identifier of how old Audrey was when she first wrote in the book, but from just the first two pages, it seemed like this book was frequently used. So maybe she had found the old diary? Uma continued to read, Celia continued to play with Audrey’s jewelry, and you basically took a nap on Uma’s legs.
You woke up to Evie and Mal bursting into the room, both out of breath and Mal looked very perturbed. They hadn’t found a single clue about where Audrey could be. “she’s nowhere on campus” Evie sighed, leaning on the vanity where Celia was still sitting; Mal walking over to Uma, who hadn’t moved since you fell asleep on her. “found her dairy” Uma announced once again, smugly smirking up at Mal “and damn did you ruin Audrey’s life, did you know her grandma blames her, for you and Beasty boy?”
Mal frowned, no. no, she hadn’t known that, why did Leah blame Audrey for something that wasn’t her fault? Audrey didn’t want Mal to love spell Ben, in fact, she was still mad about it to this very day. It's why she took the scepter in the first place (or so Mal thought). Mal licked her lips, her voice suddenly caught in her throat, a pang of sudden guilt clawing at her insides. She brushed it off, waving her hand about in dismissal “okay. So did you find anything we don’t already know, or?” Mal drawled, glancing down at you to see you already falling asleep again, being wiped out from the intense adrenaline rush fighting the knights.
“She hangs out at fairy cottage, you know? The cottage the fairies hid Audrey's mom from your mom?” Uma teased, closing the book and tossing it aside, patting your thigh when it hit your arm. Mal looked very unamused, letting out a humorless chuckle “hahaha, the irony is not lost on me” Mal said in a dry tone, staring down at Uma with half-lidded eyes.
“Okay! How do I look?” Celia finally spoke, turning to the group and posing, wearing a gaudy tiara on her head, what seemed like hundreds of rings, jewel incrusted bracelets, and a statement pearl necklace. Evie turned to her, smiling fondly “okay, the bling stays here” Celia pouted at the reminder, but Evie didn’t know you had already told Evie that “But she's bad!” Celia whined, and Evie tilted her head; winking. “And Dizzy made better stuff when she was 12, put it all away, and I’ll take you to the bayou after this is all done and you can pick out whatever you want. No limits.”
Celia’s eyes sparkled at the thought of visiting her dad's old stomping grounds and quickly took off all the jewelry, Uma shoving you off her now numb legs and pulling you off the very very soft bed. “c’mon, I know it’s like a fucking cloud but we gotta go” Uma said with a laugh, holding your hand as you grumbled, rubbing your eyes with your free hand. “so sleepy” Uma teased, continuing to hold your hand as you all walked out of Audreys room and towards the main doors to head to Evie’s place “Remember when Harry just full on conked out on your lap? And he woke up all fucking red n’ shit?” you giggled at the memory, it was while you were still getting to know everyone and Harry was very tired from the work day.
The crew had just been hanging out and you suddenly felt a weight on your lap, looking down to see a sleeping Harry on your thighs. You didn’t dare to move him, giggling when Uma had gestured for you to let him stay. He had turned bright red when he woke up 15 minutes later, burying his face in his hands while the crew teased him. God, the butterflies you felt the entire damn time.
Fuck you wanted to see him again, you already missed his pretty face.
Carlos called out for what felt like the 100th time. They were already a good mile into the forest, Dude leading them deeper and deeper into the trees. And yet-nothing. “Ben!” Jay yelled, his voice echoing through the forest. Carlos sighed, moving to sit on a small flat rock and clapping his hands, taking out the bit of cloth he had taken from Ben’s room to help dude track his scent “Dude” Carlos called Dude over, holding out his hand with the bit of cloth and letting Dude get another whiff. “c’mon, nothing?”
At the same time, Gil spotted several berry bushes, walking over to them with a flabbergasted expression, he had never seen so much fruit in one place! “these things just, grow everywhere!” Gil picked a dark blue and round berry off, inspecting it for a solid second before he ate one, happy to report that it was sweet and firm. Not poisonous. He let out a happy hum, practically dancing in place. “Hey, Jay”
Jay turned, raising his brow at Gil “What are these?” Gil asked, pointing at the berries, some of which were different than the one Gil was eating from. Jay hummed, tilting his head as he walked over, picking a berry from the bush “blueberries, good for you” Jay muttered, picking another few for himself as Gil then picked a handful, walking over to Harry and pouring some in his hands.
“Gil-i-don’-Gil” Harry hissed, but he took the berries, glaring at Jay with pink cheeks as the son of Jafar laughed, not in a teasing way, but lighthearted. Carlos accepted the few berries Gil handed him, popping some in his mouth and pulling back as Dude tried to eat one “no-go look for Ben, I’ll make you something when we get back home” Carlos chided with a grin and Dude whined, but obeyed, sniffing out for Ben once more.
“Hey Harry” Jay said loudly, Harry slowly turning to Jay, his brow raised in ‘what the fuck do you want?’ “genuine question, how’d you and (y/n) get together? I mean-she’s from a whole different universe n shit, I can't imagine you two clicked immediately.” Harry rolled his eyes, turning away.
“She amputated all me dad’s limbs and I decided I liked her, happy?” Jay choked on the berry he was eating as Gil cackled, holding his stomach as Carlos whirled around to stare at Harry. “Did I hear you right?” Carlos squeaked, a nervous grin on his lips “She-what?!”
Harry turned; a smug and proud smirk on his lips “Aye, ye remember wha’ me dad was like, and what he did ta me?” Jay and Carlos nodded, it was the one thing no one ever poked at Harry for, in fact, they had both hidden Harry from clients several times. No one should have to deal with that crap “Well, the lass found out, got pissed aaaaaand severed all his remaining limbs, gouged out his eyes, sliced out his tongue, n’ offed his nose. Only leavin’ his ears. To the pain, she called it.” Harry sighed, reminiscing in the memory of when he truly discovered what (y/n) had done for him that day, and god if it didn’t make him fall harder for her.
Carlos and Jay just stared at him for a long moment, then they both laughed “Damn, she must be down bad for you if she went that far, I don’t even think Mal would do anything like that for Ben” Jay cackled, they were villain kids, someone dismembering someone else wasn’t uncommon on the isle. Harry smirked, nodding as he crossed his arms; he felt the same way, he would slaughter a nation if it meant your safety. He noticed Dude walking off, his nose pointing at the ground before he perked up, turning back to yell for Carlos “Carlos’ yer mutt found somethin’” Harry called out, already walking after Dude as the dog told Carlos that he did indeed find another trail of Ben’s scent.
The boys all went after Dude at that, Jay pausing to grab a few more berries for Gil.
You finally arrived at Evie’s starter castle, and whistled; impressed. It looked much bigger in real life than it did in the movies, now you could believe eight vks and one Doug could all live here at the same time. It was like a legit starter castle. “Nice digs” Uma muttered as she climbed off the motorbike, tossing her arm over Celia’s shoulder as the younger vk walked up to her. Evie smiled, very proud of her accomplishments. “I got a really good deal” Evie sang, turning as Mal stomped up to her, a pout on her lips.
“I hope they found Ben” Mal grumbled, passing Evie and going towards the castle; intentionally ignoring you and Uma. Evie sighed, closing her eyes “she needs to get over herself” Evie grumbled, rubbing her face before looking at you and Uma “come on, we’re early so the boys will still be a bit. I’ll make us something to eat” you grinned, hell yeah; food!
You all went into the house, only to be interrupted by the sounds of soft snoring. Oh shit-right. You moved towards the sound, ending up in a little alcove that held a large couch, a love seat, a coffee table, a good-sized tv’ and three beloved vks. “boys” you whispered, kneeling next to them and taking off Sterling’s (Squirmy) glasses and setting them on the coffee table, doing the same with Dizzy’s and then helping Celia fix the soft red blanket that was haphazardly laying on them.
Dizzy started to mumble in her sleep, clearly experiencing a nightmare; but before you could do anything Celia reached down, placing her hand on Dizzy’s exposed arm “hey, hey; it’s okay Dizzy, it’s okay. We’re off the isle, we’re okay” Celia whispered, rubbing Dizzy’s arm and soon Dizzy calmed down, her brow still slightly furrowed.
You reached out, taking Dizzy’s hand, smiling as she fully relaxed “jus’ a lil nightmare, she’ll be okay.” you whispered to Celia, who nodded, still worried for her friend. From just outside the alcove, Mal, Evie, and Uma all watched you and Celia; Evie being reminded of when Dizzy had mentioned you…multiple times in fact. You had helped protect her from the harsher elements of the isle, made sure Harry wasn’t as rude as he usually was, and even gave her some of the stolen money back when you could.
Evie glanced over to the twins, laughing slightly when she remembered the two boys going nuts when they heard Dizzy talking about you. She had never heard them talk that much, ever. They wouldn’t shut up in fact, about both you and Harry; you were Aunt (y/n) to them, someone who cared about them and protected them. She watched you take a small colorful rock from your pocket and place it in sterling’s hand, curling his fingers around it and gently pushing his hand into his chest to keep it safe. “Harry will be here soon boys, don’t worry” you whispered, kissing their heads and standing, whirling around at the abrupt and VERY loud snore. “is that?” you asked without finishing your question, already following the girls into the next room, Evie’s greenhouse turned work room. Doug was on the floor, but instead of being perfectly placed with a pillow under his head, he was sprawled out in the middle of the room, tubes of fabric and some tule surrounding him. “uh,” Uma started, being the only one in the room to not know who Doug was “who’s the dude?”
“Doug!” Evie gasped, rushing to get him on his back, checking over him for injuries. You noticed the change in his clothes and hair, gone was the gross long ponytail; replaced by what looked to be a longer and bit shagger version of his D1 haircut. And gone were the cream shorts and jacket, replaced with a nice white button-up shirt with maroon suspenders and rust-colored pants. Damn, now he actually looked like a fashion designer's boyfriend.  Evie, seeing no injuries on her boyfriend, started to try to shake him awake; her emotions clouding her memory. “wake up…Doug c’mon, wake up!”
Uma rolled her eyes, reminding Evie that Doug was under a sleeping spell and wouldn’t wake up with just words “He’s spelled” Evie frowned, looking up at Uma with a pout “I know that” Evie grumbled, sitting back on her heels and crossing her arms. “just…I want him to wake up.” Uma raised her brows, clearly seeing the emotional connection between Evie and Doug “Are you two dating?” Uma asked, pointing between the two. Evie nodded, not seeing how that was relevant “Why don’t you just do true loves ki-“ Uma was interrupted by Evie’s gasp, and she stood, bolting back into the kitchen to rummage through the tallest cabinet, taking out a chemistry set.
“Whyyyy do you have that in there?” you asked, looking over Evie’s shoulder, doing your best to not be hit by her hands as they moved about wildly. “potion making-technically a thing to do in the kitchen MAL!” Mal jumped at Evie’s demanding voice, just staring at her as Evie gestured to the upstairs area where the rooms were “Go get me that vile of poison from your mom's spindle, im gonna make a potion to remove the sleeping curse.” Mal blinked, twice, three times; then went to do as told, mostly just surprised Evie had yelled at her.
A few minutes later, Mal came barreling down the stairs, her eyes wide with sudden panic “MY MOMS NOT IN HER CAGE!” She yelled, almost dropping the vile of spindle poison if it wasn’t for Uma taking it from her before she did. You all stared at her wide-eyed, not really sure what that meant but it couldn't have been good “um-has she done that before?” you asked nervously, rubbing the back of your head. Mal shook her head, her blue-purple hair flying about.
“No! she’s-she’s never escaped before-well she has but she’s-she’s never gone farther than my room because I have a sensor thing on her cage so I catch her before she actually gets loose but she must’ve gotten out somehow and-and FUCK!” Mal was in a full panic, her eyes blown wide and glowing, pacing around the kitchen island, you and Uma backing way up to give her a path. “what am I gonna do?! I don’t have time to look for her with Audrey walking around with that scep…ter” Mal stopped, her eyes somehow getting wider in realization “the scepter…my mom…oh no” Mal’s knees buckled, and Uma caught her right before she hit the floor hard.
Mal didn’t even react to Uma helping her, tears filling her eyes as she stared at the tiled floor “mom made Audrey do all of this, mom possessed Audrey-she-oh my god” Mal audibly sobbed, which made Uma reel back in shock. Not once, in all of her life spent around Mal; had she heard the oh-so-arrogant daughter of Maleficent break down like this. She had seen Mal’s tears at cotillion, but even then they seemed forced. This was real, Mal’s breakdown was real, the situation was spiraling out of control and she didn’t know how to handle it.
“Hey. Hey.” Uma said, stern but calm, like when she was calming Harry down from a panic attack. Mal looked up at Uma, her chin crumbled like a child “you aren’t doing this alone, you aren’t the only one fighting against this, you’ve got Evie.” Mal looked up, Evie smiling right back at her “you’ve got me” Mal looked back at Uma, as if seeing her for the first time, Uma’s eyes warm and strong “you’ve got (y/n)” Mal looked at you, who nodded her head to the side, as if saying ‘yes im helping you, doesn’t mean I like it’ “you’ve got your boys, you’ve got mine, you’ve got Celia. You aren’t alone. You don’t have to save Auradon by yourself.”
As Mal stared at Uma, her words from earlier came echoing back. ‘im supposed to protect Auradon’. Back then, only earlier that day, she had thought she was the sole protector of Auradon, that she alone was responsible for its safety…maybe-maybe she didn’t have to be. Mal sniffed, wiping her tears with the palm of her hand. “Okay” Mal croaked, smiling and nodding as Uma rose her brow as her “okay, yeah…yeah..” Mal licked her lips, taking Uma’s hand that was on her shoulder, forcing the words through her lips “thank you” Uma nodded, squeezed Mal’s shoulder, and stood, leaving Mal on the floor.
That was fine, Mal kinda wanted to just sit there to think things through, her mind whirling around with thoughts of the barrier and isle…she wasn’t the only one to protect Auradon. She had Ben, the royal guard, her friends…and now maybe Uma…if she had that help, there was no need to close the barrier forever. Mal looked back up at Uma and Evie, Uma helping Evie make the potion to wake Doug up. Mal nodded to herself; her mind finally set on her decision.
The barrier would not close.
10 minutes later, the potion was finished and had three more doses ready to go just in case. But first, Evie had to make sure it worked. She went back into her workroom, lifted Doug’s head up carefully, and poured the potion into his mouth; holding his nose to make him swallow. But she didn’t even have to wait, as soon as the potion touched his tongue he sat up with a start, staring at Evie with adoring eyes “was kinda hoping for a kiss but, damn that works too!” Doug laughed; he had always been in awe of Evie’s chemistry/potion skills. She giggled, leaning forward to peck him on the lips and he grinned, his entire face turning red, mimicking his uncle Bashful.
“you two are adorable, is that cake free to eat orr~” Uma said from the doorway, pointing back at Jane's cake that sat out on the kitchen island. Two slices already missing from it. Evie rolled her eyes at Uma fondly, helping Doug up and formally introducing him to you and Uma.
Practically on the other side of Auradon, in the forest behind the castle, the boys were continuing their search for the missing king Ben. Dude still leading the charge as Carlos and Jay called out for him “Ben!” Carlos yelled, his voice bouncing off the trees. No answer, Jay tried again. Nothing.
What they didn’t know, was that only twenty feet away, curled up in a hollow tree, sat the beastly king. Still whimpering in pain, the splinter in his palm aching and clouding his mind. He heard a voice, a very familiar voice and he nearly got up to check but the pain in his paw made him lie back down. It was no use; it was stuck in there and he had no proper grip to get it out. He felt like a failure, he had a chance to save his old friend, his ex-girlfriend, of whom he had never even apologized to, and he failed. Turned into a hideous beast like his father used to be; turned into one of his greatest fears.
The boys walked past the line of trees Ben was hidden in, still calling out for him. Dude stopped, turning to sniff the ground again “hey I think I found-“ he was suddenly picked up, held against Carlos’ chest as a huge pearly white stone lion pounced on the spot he once was “pig ears on a roaster!” Carlos ignored the funny exclamation from Dude and turned on his heel, running back towards his friends with the stone lion in tow “THAT’S NOT BEN!” Carlos screamed, his voice breaking in fear as the lion chased him, its jaw snapping at Carlos’ heels.
Harry grabbed onto Carlos, easily lifting him to the side and away from the lion, the stone beast landing on some trees, its teeth now caught onto the bark “I think yer dog needs some serious nose adjustments!” Harry snapped down at Carlos, who for the first time in three years since meeting dude, felt genuine fear for an animal. Granted it was a fake one that was clearly aggressive, but still fear for an animal.
“Shit!” Gil yelped, seeing the stone lion pry its teeth off the bark and turn, its tail whipping about and its front body kneeling down as if it was about to pounce. It was looking directly at Gil “Guys?!” Harry looked away from Carlos to Gil, his eyes widening “Gil!” Harry cried out, pushing Carlos away and jumping towards Gil, shoving him out of the way just as the lion pounced.
It’s hard, giant, and sharp teeth punctured Harry’s left shoulder and he hit the ground hard, crying out in immense pain. “GAAAAAAAAA-AHAHAH!!!” Harry almost sobbed from how intense it was, dropping his hook and using his uninjured arm to push at the lion, but it only shoved its teeth deeper into his shoulder, rendering Harry immobile “fuc-HELP!” Harry cried out, tears streaming down his face. He was helpless, totally helpless under the prowess of the stone lion. Jay tried to help, only to be blocked by another lion that forced him and Carlos to fall back “Gil!” Jay yelled, clenching his jaw so hard it hurt when he saw that another lion had pinned Gil to a tree, keeping him there for the moment.
“Ben!!!” Carlos yelled out, Ben had saved him once before, all those years ago from an actually harmless dude, maybe now he would save them again. “Ben! please!”
Ben’s eyes snapped open, Carlos…Carlos!!! Ben launched out of the hallowed tree, the splinter in his palm splitting in half as he ran against the soft grass and exposed tree roots. Ben roared, so loud it actually made the branches vibrate. He jumped out of the tree line, landing right next to the lion pinning Harry, destroying it with one powerful strike of his clawed paws. The jaw pieces were still stuck in Harry’s shoulder, and he couldn't move, immobilized by the pain. He blinked rapidly up at Ben, who stood over him, rearing up on his back feet and roaring again; daring any of the stone lions to hurt his friends even further.
The two lions stalked around Ben, his eyes consumed by black, the urge to protect his own overpowering his fear of being hated. The lions lunged at him together, only to crumble beneath his claws. “Ben!” Carlos called out, recognizing him not only for his beast form but for his bravery and willingness to protect his friends in the face of danger and fear. “Ben?” Jay breathed out, leaning over as the intense adrenaline rush quickly washed away from Ben’s easy defeat of the lions “did Au-Audrey do that? I thought I recognized those pants”
Ben looked at him, his dark black eyes turning back to that warm hazel green and he purred, seeing not an ounce of fear on their faces. He breathed in the crisp forest air, pausing as he smelt blood. He looked down, seeing Harry Hook below him, bleeding out. Harry’s eyes were hazy and unfocused, the blood pooling below him dark red and trailing down his skin far too rapidly to mean anything good.
Ben roared, quiet and concerned, kneeling on Harry and placing a gentle paw on Harry’s stomach. Harry weakly smiled at him, tears still trailing down his cheeks “he-hey beasty boy” Harry muttered, his voice weak. Gil, Jay, and Carlos all rushed to Harry and Ben, Gil hovering over Harry’s injury, he didn't know what to do. “shit-Harry” Gil almost sobbed with panic, Jay’s hand landing on his shoulder to help ground Gil to the present “I don’t-di don’t know what to do-we-fuck!”
Harry just swallowed, turning his gaze to the sky. At least he got to see you one last time, and kiss you again…fuck. “tell (y/n) ‘m sorry” Harry slurred, darkness curling around the edge of his vision.  Gil looked ready to object, about to yell that Harry wasn’t dying today, not on his watch. Suddenly, a blast of water hit Harry’s shoulder, the blood and wounds disappearing as soon as the water hit it. Harry gasped, the life returning to his eyes as some of the water went into his mouth and he accidentally drank it, his energy returned and he sat up, hand clutching onto his shoulder that still held the bits of stone. “FUCK!” Harry yelled out, the numb pain returning at full force.
Everyone looked up to see Jane, holding a water gun half full of enchanted lake water, her face set with determination “Did that work?” she asked, sagging in relief as Harry nodded, pulling his hand away to reveal his mostly healed shoulder, Gil already starting to pick out the stone teeth that remained “Oh thank the gods! You scared me! Kneeling over a bloody pirate like that-oh, Ben.” Beast Ben looked up, only to be sprayed in the face with water. He sputtered, scrambling back as the enchanted lake water took effect. But it could only do so much when sprayed, only a full body dunk could fully remove the curse. Ben sighed, looking up at Jane in thanks/exasperation “Thanks” Ben said with a lisp, his still present fangs making it hard to talk. Harry chuckled at his voice, turning away as Ben gave him a look.
“Well this has just been a wonderful birthday,” Jane said with a sarcastic tone “first Audrey crashes my party with the scepter and makes everyone go to sleep, then I get lost in the woods, then I see Ben as a huge, admittedly cool looking, beast” Ben smiled at that “and now I save a pirate from dying!” Harry looked up at her, nodding in thanks.
“Happy birthday.” Harry said, smiling softly as Jane thanked him, her hands on her hips “Thank you, now can SOMEONE explain to me what the heck has been going on!? Why did Audrey take the scepter in the first place, that’s just, not like her.”
Ben went to explain, but he winced from the pain in his hand, clicking his tongue as he saw the splinter still in his….oh fuck he still had paws. He sighed, rubbing his furry face and holding out his hand to Carlos “Help” he muttered, smiling weakly as Carlos put Dude in Harry’s lap and jumped over to him, gently pulling out the splinter “There you go, now, what happened with Audrey?” Carlos asked, tossing the splinter away and backing up, not taking Dude from Harry yet; who was petting the pup’s head, all of them looking at Ben.
“It's not Audrey, it’s Maleficent,” Ben said to the shock of everyone, including Dude; who realized that’s why Audrey smelled so off “she used Audrey’s emotions against her and possessed her. We have until dawn to save her.” The boys and Jane stared at Ben in panic, shit-they had already wasted half the day and they had no clue if the girls knew where to find Audrey. “Let's get going then, the girls are waiting for us at Evie’s place with (y/n) and Uma,” Jay said, taking Ben’s shoulder and starting to guide him out of the forest.
Ben looked slightly surprised at the mention of (y/n), but not Uma…considering Harry and Gil were around, Uma was never far behind. But he nodded, and soon the boys and Jane were off towards the main path that led back towards the castle, they had to forgo their bikes to due the un-rideable terrain. Carlos had grumbled about his bike being able to handle it, but thanks to some certain pirates. Gil just smiled, and Carlos couldn’t find it in him to stay mad.
He could just make a new one anyway.
The boys left the forest, speeding down the streets of Auradon city to get to Evie’s castle as soon as possible. Vivid green eyes watched them from within the glassy surface of the dragon's eye. Maleficent curled her lip. Now everyone knew about her little plan, including her insipid daughter. No matter, they couldn't stop her, not even an odd girl whose soul did not belong in this world.
-end of part 5-
p5~!!! i hope yall liked how i rewrote the beast ben scene~ its basically a combination of my d3 rewrite and the og reprise scene, cuz its my canon now ill do what i want. anyways p6 might be a few days off schedule, ive been procrastinating with writing p6....sorry lol
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-003 @verboetoperee​ @saryguerrero​
@dai-tsukki-desu​ @imtryingthisout​ @remembered-license​
@auradon-bore-a-don​ @dpaccione​ @reallysparklychaos​
@dreamtogether2000​ @thetrueghostqueen​ @godess-ofthe-underworld​
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fromtheboundlesssea · 4 years
Love’s Not Always Wise Ch. 14
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Robb V
Lord Tyrion Lannister stood before Robb and Maester Luwin, who were seated and standing, respectively, before him. Grey Wind was lying on the slight rise that held the table, and Robb could sense the man’s unease as the wild stared at him. He had not been asked to sit and the guest rights had yet to be properly performed and only called for. Robb was wary of the Lannister. For all he knew, the man had some hand in Bran’s fall.
“I must say,” the Southron lord said. “I received a slightly warmer welcome on my last visit.”
Any man of the Night Watch is welcome at Winterfell,” Robb said carefully. He thought of Sansa and her constant reminder to keep to his courtesies.
Tyrion Lannister smirked. “Any man of the Night Watch, but not I, eh, boy?”
Robb frowned and wished to forget his courtesies, but he could see Celia entering and did not wish to let her hear him speaking foully. Shadow moved towards Grey Wind and settled beside the wolf. “I’m not your boy, Lannister,” Robb said, turning his attention to the man before him as Celia took her seat next to his own. It would normally be where his mother would sit next to his father, however, Celia had been the acting Lady of Winterfell since she had left. Her place was by his side. “I am Lord of Winterfell whole my father is away.”
“Then you might learn a lord’s courtesy,” the man said with a wink to Celia.
Robb tightened his hand into a fist, but he felt Celia’s hand, the very tips of her fingers, upon his thigh. He glanced at her briefly and saw that she was looking forward, ignoring the man’s rudeness. Telling him to ignore it too.
Hodor then came in, carrying Bran, with Theon close behind. Tyrion Lannister turned to look at those entering.
“So it’s true,” the Imp said. “Hello, Bran. Do you remember anything about what happened.”
Beside him, Robb could hear Celia stop breathing for a moment. Robb dropped his hand under the table and squeezed her hand gently. He wouldn’t let anything happen to their family.
“He has no memory of that day,” Maester Luwin answered sagely, as though he had been the one asked.
“Curious,” Tyrion Lannister said.
“Why are you here?” Robb asked through gritted teeth.
“Would your charming companion be so kind as to kneel?” the Lannister lord asked, ignoring Robb’s question. “My neck is beginning to hurt.”
“Kneel, Hodor,” Bran ordered.
“Do you like to ride, Bran?” the man asked.
“Yes,” their brother answered, but Robb could see the broken way his expression changed. “Well, I mean I did like to.”
“The boy has lost the use of his legs,”’Maester Luwin said.
“What if it?” Lord Tyrion said, turning to the high table. “With the right horse and saddle, even a cripple can ride.”
“I’m not a cripple,” Bran said quickly.
“Then I am not a dwarf,” the Imp said, as though to humor Bran. “My father will rejoice to hear it.” He pulled out a scroll and Theon took it. “Give this to your saddler. He’ll provide the rest. You must shape the horse to the rider. Start with a yearling and teach it to respond to reins and the boy’s voice.”
“Will I really be able to ride?” Bean asked quietly and Robb’s heart broke for the hope coming out of the blue.
“You will,” Lord Tyrion assures him. “On horseback you will be as tall as any of them.”
“Is this some kind of trick?” Robb asked. “Why do you want to help him?”
“I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples, bastards, and broken things.”
“You have done my brother a kindness,” Robb said carefully. “The hospitality of Winterfell is yours. However, I warn you that your tenderness towards bastards shall remain in public.” He squeezed Celia’s hand. All know of the Imp’s love of sex and drink.
Lord Tyrion snorted. “Spare me your false courtesies, Lord Stark. There's a brothel outside your walls. There I'll find a bed and both of us can sleep easier.”
Continue on Ao3
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pastelbatfandoms · 5 years
The VK’s:Gods and Pirates
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Warnings: Slight Smut! But still with plot. Jealous,Dominating Harry,you know the drill. 
A/N: Also I know nothing about a Scottish accent,so I’m not even going to try. Closest I’ll get is probably some Pirate slang. Sorry there isn’t any gifs of Dizzy but they are really hard to find the right ones!
Chapter 5-Hook Me
Harry Hook POV:
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Harry Hook,The Son of Captain Hook,strode into The Voodoo Arcade like he owned the place,and since a Pirate’s life was all about ‘Want.Take.Have.’ He kinda did. 
All eyes turned towards him,some in fear some in lust,as well as Meghana’s Friends Esme,Celia and Dizzy,who had joined them after her clean up duty at Her Grandmother’s Salon Curl Up and Dye.
But Harry cared about no one else but Meghana as he called out. “Oi! My lil Duckling where are ye!” 
When he didn’t see nor hear her,his eyes settled on Meghana’s Friends who were sitting off into the corner. They looked up as he approached. But their eyes that usually shown with either friendliness or indifference where now filled with apprehension. 
Harry immediately sensed something was off,but covered it up with his trademark grin and playful attitude. “Aye have any of you lovely ladies,seen My Beautiful little Minx,Meghana anywhere?” Harry asked turning on the charm as he often did when he wanted something. 
“We haven’t seen her.” Celia answered a little too quickly. 
“Really?” Harry looked at each of them in turn,skeptical. “This is like her second home and you mean to tell me NO ONE has seen her all day?” Harry gestured with a wide crazy grin,looking  over at all the other patrons sitting or playing games,but still being wary of Harry. 
It was Esme who spoke up,leaning forward in her seat as she stared calmly into Harry’s wild eyes,the one who out of all of Meghana’s friends actually stood up to Harry. “She’s not here Harry.”
“Ah Good to see you again too Esme. So her oldest friend doesn’t even know where she is?”  Harry gave her a coy look,as they stared at each other face to face. If you didn’t know better you would have thought they had history. Esme said nothing as Harry slowly left Esme’s gaze and let it fall onto Dizzy. 
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Dizzy hadn’t said anything this whole time,Harry noticed suspiciously,Narrowing his eyes. Instead The once cheerful redhead looked down and seemed more nervous than usual. Normally Harry would let it go and just wait for Meghana to return but something was up,Harry could feel it and her friends strange behavior weren’t helping to assuage him. 
Harry leaned into Dizzy’s personal space as he asked. “’Hello Little Dizzy,you wouldn’t happen to know where Meggie scandered off to do you?” Harry asked her as if he was talking to a child,which Dizzy only being 14 kinda was. 
“I-I didn’t,I mean I don’t...” Dizzy stammered. 
“Dizzy.” Esme hissed,raising her eyebrows at the girl in warning. 
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Nothing got past a Pirate,and Harry now knew for sure something was up and it involved his girl. Harry’s jaw set in irritation as he noticed the silent exchange between all three girls. But his gaze returned toward Dizzy and he smiled menacingly 
“Dizzy Dear,I’m going to need ya to tell me the truth..” Harry held up his Hook and hooked it through one of Dizzy’s looped pigtail buns. “Lest you’d like a new haircut eh lass?” 
Dizzy looked over at Harry’s Hook in his right hand,nervousness replaced by fear,her eyes wide behind her large glasses.“Ok! She’s with Hades!” Dizzy blurted out in a panic,promptly putting a hand over her mouth after. 
Harry smiled widely,though it didn’t meet his eyes as he unhooked her hair. “See was that so hard?” 
“Dizzy...” Celia gave her best friend a look,closing her eyes in exasperation. 
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“I’m sorry but he was going to cut off My hair!” Dizzy exclaimed,almost in tears. Everyone knew how important hair was to Dizzy,being a Hairdresser. 
But everyone’s attention quickly turned back to the matter at hand,when Harry suddenly straightened up. “Hades,well...” Harry mused. “Looks like My wee Duckling has some explaining to do.” 
“It was our idea!” Celia exclaimed,jumping up. 
“She’s only meeting up with Hades for closure.” Esme told Harry before he could get any ideas into his head.
It was too late for that. Harry dragged his Hook under his own chin as he pretended to think. “Is that it now? Well looks like I’ll have to break up their lil reunion.” 
“Don’t you hurt her.” Esme warned.
Harry spun around then an innocent look on his smooth handsome features. “Me? Never!”  Putting his hands,and hook,out in mock defense.  As all three of them looked at Harry,he dropped his arms in Concedment. “Truly Ladies,I wouldn’t hurt her,I promise.” 
“ He’s telling the truth,yeah he’s a Pirate,but Harry loves Megs. Even I can see that.” Dizzy spoke surprisingly in Harry’s Defense. 
“I do.” Harry nodded in agreement,giving them a sincere,none mocking, expression. “So if you would excuse me.”  Harry Cleared his throat at Celia and held out his hook. Harry answered her questioning look, “The key.” 
“Right.” Celia nodded in understanding and deposited a large intricate key,similar to the one Meghana had, out of her Jacket and held it out to Harry.
Harry grinned a thank you and procured it with his hook. With a bow to all three girls,Harry spun around and walked out of the arcade,with the same swag and confident manner. As soon as Harry exited though the smirk fell away with a dark expression as he prepared to get his goddess back. 
Meghana’s POV
Meghana’s emotions were still high but they had died down a bit after seeing Hades,she would always have feelings for her former Underworld King and Mentor but there were other fish in the sea.  “Now to go see my Pirate.” Meghana said to herself,locking the grate doors behind her. Then retrieving her rose eyepatch,slips it on. Suddenly Meghana hears a sound in the now darkness and whirls around,seeing a shadow of a man walk towards her. 
Meghana relaxed in relief when she noticed who it was. “Harry. Don’t scare me like that.” 
Harry emerged from the shadows with a dark grin on his face. “Don’t scare you? I would never think of it. My Goddess ” 
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“I was just coming to see you.” Meghana told him but at his look,her small smile turned to nerves once again. “What are you doing here?”
“A wee birdie told me you’d be here.” Harry answered his grin turning sour at his next words. “With Hades.” 
“Dammit Dizzy...” Meghana cursed under her breath.
Harry held up a hand not letting Meghana speak. “Before you try an’ explain yourself. They already told me it was their idea. What ah wanna know is,why are ya here?” Harry asked,cocking his head,his expression unreadable as he looked at Meghana.
“I was saying goodbye.” Meghana answered him,knowing it sounded weak even to her.
Harry let out a derisive laugh,looking away with a false smile. “How so?” Harry asked in a mocking tone. 
It was Meghana’s turn to give Harry a look. “ I was letting him go,for you!” She cried out not in anger but in trying to make him hear her. 
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Harry looked at her then,arms crossed out. “Really? cause from where am standing,ye never did.” Harry’s eyes were sad now no longer trying to hide it.
“I did though,I have!” Meghana insisted. 
But Harry was having none of it. “May’be now but what about before when he’s all you’d talk about,complain about?! not ta mention tha’ hackit witch.” Referring to Maleficent as ugly in his native tongue. 
Meghana stared at him taken aback,”I didn’t think you...”
“What?! Noticed?!” Harry all but shouted,arms wide,then noticing his stance,Harry stepped back,giving a tight lipped smile,gripping his hook as he tried to compose himself. 
“We should probably have this conversation somewhere else,away from prying eyes an’ ears.” Harry said more calmly still within arms reach of Meghana, eyeing the street merchants and poor around them. C’mon.” Harry held out his hook for Meghana to take,she noticed he didn’t offer his hand,so she did grabbing onto the cool steel with one finger,hoping this meant Harry would forgive her,as they walked down the dark alleyway together. 
Finally Harry and Meghana reached their private quarters on the pirate ship,Harry opening the wooden door for Meghana as they stepped inside. Meghana letting go of Harry’s hook. Meghana searched for the right words to say as Harry closed the door behind them,they stood their for what seemed like forever,Harry not facing her,in the dim light of the gas lamp. 
“Harry could you talk to me now? say something,yell again,I don’t care!” Meghana pleaded,throwing her arms out in defeat. When he didn’t answer,Meghana tried again,reaching for him to face her. 
When Harry finally did turn towards her,his expression was not one she expected,Meghana expected him to be angry still,even sad but not with tears forming behind his light eyes. 
“Do you still want to be with me?” Harry asked so quietly Meghana almost didn’t hear him until he asked almost hesitantly. “Do you..Do you still love me?”
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Before Meghana could reply,Harry run his hands through his dark hair and down his face in frustration. “ Fuck I am no good at this.” 
Before Harry could impulsively do something he’d regret,Meghana grabbed his face to look at her. “Harry. of course I love you,I want you.” She insisted looking him in the eyes. 
Harry seemed to calm down at her touch,closing his eyes,when he opened them they were dark. “prove it. or rather let me.” With those words Harry spun her around,her back to him,keeping her close. THIS is what he was good at. 
Meghana let out a small sound of pleasure and closed her eyes. “Anything for you Captain.” No Harry wasn’t a real Captain yet but he was Captain of Meghana’s ship....
“Anything?” Harry purred low in her ear,his accent becoming stronger as he said. “Mmmm that’s what I Ah like ta hear Love, A’m gonna ruin yeh...” Meghana’s stomach started to get butterflies and her heart and eyes fluttered at his touch, she nodded her permission as Harry dragged his hook through her hair and down her cheek softer than expected. 
Harry moved Meghana’s hair out of the way and kissed her neck then gave it a swift bite. Meghana gasped in surprise. “Easy Vampire!” 
Harry smirked. “That little Ducklin’ was a warnin’. Do ya really think A’m gonna be easy on ya tonight?” 
Meghana looked down in reproach. “Of course not Sir.” 
“Good.” Harry spun her around to face him, as he hooked her around the waist then kissed her hungrily,running his free hand through her hair, clothes tore a little but Meghana didn’t care,as long as Harry forgave her,still wanted her to be his,then he could do whatever he wanted. 
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 Still kissing passionately they made their way over to the small bed,clothes tearing and ripping in there rush to get them off. Harry stopped Meghana when she went for his pants and pushed her onto the bed. “Uhhu,not so fast,I told ya I was gonna ruin yeh and ah meant it.” 
To be Continued...
A/N: So yeah My Muse Disappeared....and was replaced by Chad Charming lol so I will be writing up a side story with Chad and Esme!
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anora-mac-tired · 4 years
Anora and Loghain - a missed reunion
During the Mage Templar War, Anora, Former Queen, is on the run for her life but now leads a group of displaced mages, hiding from the templars. Loghain is a Warden. Neither knows the other lives.
Anora bit back a wince at the bitter smell of the salve Marlin was applying to her leg. The mage was young, younger than Anora at least, but wiser than his youthful appearance suggested, and he was fixing Anora with a stern glare. "You have got to be more careful Celia." 
She gave the herbalist a small, if somewhat sheepish smile. 
"Templar's are aggressive bastards, not my fault."
They had walked into an ambush, sort of. Anora had known they were there, in the area, just not where specifically. She had led 5 others to hunt them down, so that their group could move on. She had lost two in the fight, but every templar - ten in total - had lost their lives that day. 
That was 5 more marks to add to her helmet, personally. She was running out of space to be honest. 
They burned the two who had fallen, in a solemn ceremony. Anora had never gotten used to this guilt, when she lost one of her men. Their names had been Darren and Felicia. Darren had had combat training, having served in the Denerim guard, Felicia had only what she had learned from the band. Both had been volunteers, all the warriors were. They were the siblings, lovers, friends etc of the mages in Anora's ever growing band, dedicated to protecting their loved ones. 
Darren had joined up entirely on his own, he had been with the band since just after it started. He was a grizzled old veteran, but claimed he had once had a daughter in the circle. Felicia had a sister, a mage of 14, barely able to cast a spark, she and her sister had joined up at the same time, finding Anora's band while they moving through the hills around Wycome. 
That was 2 years ago. 3 years ago was when all this had started. 
Anora had been in the Marches when all the circles rebelled, she had not been privy to that though, as she was travelling through the wilderness at the time. Then she stumbled across three robed figures being chased by templars. The templars were raving mad, as any man would have to be to attack children. Two of the mages were barely adolescents, and the one leading them could only just have reached his 20th year. 
Anora had leapt to their defense, surprising herself by her ability to take down 5 templars by herself, but later she realized it was that Templars were not actually good at fighting against other warriors. They were trained to stab helpless mages to death, not defend against a trained, armed and armored opponent. 
From then on, her group grew, as she found more mages, and occasionally the odd few templars, though there was nothing to be done for their lyrium addiction and she sent them on their way, lest they begin to endanger the group. 
Now she led a group of fifty, thirty five of which were mages. Teaching people who had grown up in the relative comfort of a tower how to live and survive in the outdoors had been an arduous task, but one she took to gladly. 
At first, it had been extremely unnerving, to go from a life of solitude on the run, to suddenly having people under her care, looking up to her and relying on her for their protection, and most unnerving of all, trusting her. Even though she had absolutely no idea what she was doing, they trusted her. They had hope in her. 
Anora had forgotten what that felt like. Perhaps she never truly knew. She did not know if the people of Ferelden had looked up to her or even trusted her when she was Queen. 
And she would never know now, having being bested to the throne by a bastard and an elven mage of all things. 
King Alistair was a fair ruler now or so she had heard, but, there was still the bounty on her head which he had never lifted. And she knew why. Eamon had all but ruled through the boy, Eamon was the reason Anora was on the run for her life to begin with - a death sentence for not swearing fealty to Alistair. 
As if she would swear loyalty to the man who killed her father. 
Anora blinked, torn out of her thoughts and her eyes met with Marlin's, which carried concern. 
She waved her hand, "Just… thinking. I'm just… angry over Darren and Felicia." It was not a lie, she was, but Marlin did not need to know of her past. None in this camp did. 
Marlin put a hand on her shoulder, she felt it faintly through the thick black gambeson she wore, but the gesture was comforting all the same.
"They knew what they signed up for. Don't blame yourself. Blame-" 
"-The templars."
It was a motto she had repeated to herself time and time again. Darren and Felicia were not the first she had lost, and they would not be the last. Still, it did little to comfort, but it did fuel her for the next fight. 
She was not in a rush to face off against a group of templars again, but she would not mind getting the chance to remove ones' head from his shoulders again. 
That thought sent a shiver down her spine. Marlin raised a brow but said nothing. 
She was left to wonder to herself when she had begun to start looking forward to fighting, to killing. When had Queen Anora died and Anora the warrior been born? 
Perhaps, when she had been dragged out of the throne room and tossed in a cell, and then sentenced to hang. Good a guess as any. 
"Keep this bandage on for a bit, then come back around evening. The wound should heal up by then, but for now, please get some rest." He fixed her with a stern, knowing look, "Of the laying down and eating kind, not the sparring kind."
Anora grinned and waved a hand as she stood, "I know, I know. I learnt my lesson that time, Marlin. Especially since you won't let me forget it."
Loghain was utterly miserable. He was not soft, he had lived the first half of his life in the wilds, in tents, or just in the outdoors alone, But this trek through these forests in the Free Marches had proven to be utterly miserable.
It had rained earlier, and he was soaked completely through. He had not even bothered to remove his helmet, since it at least kept his head dry, and there was the possibility of it raining again. Delightful, he looked forward to that, truly. Their rations had been low, but the commander refused to stop until they reached further north, for reasons beyond him. 
He was just glad he was not the only one. Kallian Tabris, the normally smart mouthed elf with an infallible smirk, was glaring at her boots the entire way, the scar on her lip that reached from her left nostril to her chin twitching in that way it did when she was particularly pissed off, and she gripped her bottle of warden reserve - "Alienage Finest" - longingly. 
Loghain related, but the commander had said no drinking, they had to be sharp. He glared at Stroud's back, wishing it would pierce the metal there. 
"Hold there, wardens!" 
A female voice cried from the trees and the entire group stopped, and turned to it. The voice sent a bolt of familiarity through him, settling in his heart, which began to race. Could it possibly be…? 
The woman stood near one of the trees, on an overhanging rock. She was dressed in a dirty black gambeson and a dull steel breastplate. Fur had been thrown over her shoulders, though it was flat and low quality as far as craftsmanship was concerned. A dull black scarf was about her neck, and her face… 
Her hair was gone, the right shade of blonde, though it was damp and dirty. It was short, Shaved on the sides but long enough on top to be hanging in her eyes. And her face, a sharp square jawline and ice blue eyes. 
He would never forget that face. Anora. It had to be her!
He started shaking, he could not help it, though it was imperceptible to anyone around him. 
Except Kallian, who eyed him with concern and then looked back at Anora, understanding dawning slowly on her scarred face. 
He had heard she had escaped, after being sentenced to death. No one could confirm it though, as she had not been seen anywhere after the landsmeet. The sight of her being dragged off in chains still haunted him to this day. If he was not stuck in the wardens, he would have laid siege to the castle himself, and killed that bastard who claimed the throne, Alistair too for good measure. 
But here she was, looking for all the world like a bandit or mercenary. Why was she here? 
"Hello there, stranger. What do you seek with us?" Stroud asked, removing his helmet.
"There are templars prowling these woods, further ahead especially. I warn you, they attack any and all on sight. Even Grey Wardens."
They had already encountered Templars, further back. Nasty business that lot, but was Anora doing in a forest infested with them? He had half a mind to remove his helmet, step forward and ask just that. 
But he could not. 
Not in front of all these wardens. He knew Anora probably thought he was dead, as she never saw the aftermath of his trial, and it was not exactly public knowledge that he had been made a warden. 
His heart ached, painfully, as he realized he would have to leave without saying anything. Anora wouldn't know that he was alive. He had the luxury, and his relief was immeasurable, but she would not get the same. 
Tears stung in his eyes and he let them fall silently, hidden beneath the helmets visor. Stroud and Anora continued to talk, she was telling him which areas to avoid, which routes were the safest, where the Templars had likely set up ambushes, all but giving the man a mental map of the area. Her information would likely save them a lot of trouble and pain on the way. 
He burned to know how she knew all this. As he gazed at her though, he was struck by a different familiarity. The way she was so confident of the land around her, how she knew exactly where her enemy was. 
"If I may ask, what are you doing out here?" Stroud finally asked, much to Loghain's relief.
Anora shrugged, "I lead a group of refugees whom the templars hunt."
And there it was. Anora may as well have been the spitting image of Gareth, the grandfather she would never know, at that moment. He had led displaced fereldens during the orlesian occupation, helping them live out a life in the woods, albeit as outlaws. It was clear that refugees meant mages, and Loghain felt immense concern over the fact that his daughter was becoming involved, or perhaps had been involved for a long time, in this conflict between mage and templar. But as much concern as there was, there was even more pride and his chest swelled. 
Anora may have lost the crown, or rather had it taken from her, but she was a born leader, and she could not have made him more proud. 
Then the wardens were moving again, and Loghain had to settle for a brief final glance at his daughter, whom he had no idea if he would ever see again. They locked eyes for the briefest of moments. Anora's brow furrowed, but then Loghain turned his head, and they were gone. 
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lexacourtney · 5 years
Well, someones, as in plural…is there a plural of someone?
I just Googled, and yes there is – despite Word giving me the annoying red squiggly line under it.
I’ve talked a bit about my SF WIP Destiny and I was playing around on The Sims4 – I’m sure you’ve figured out by that sentence alone what this post is going to be about. But as I was saying, I was playing around on The Sims4 and I decided to make my characters.
Though, real talk, I technically made them a few years ago, but they’ve gotten an upgrade. I don’t use Custom Content in my game – mainly because I feel like it’s a rabbit hole I shouldn’t go down – so these Sim versions of my characters are a close approximation of how I envision them. I also had to adjust their wardrobe greatly, but I feel like it’s pretty close to how they would dress day to day on board Destiny.
I also went ahead and did all of the outfits, though, some aren’t necessary to my actual WIP. Like with the last Sim Character post I did – here – I had so much fun doing this and I kind of want to actually play with the characters now.
I’m sure this won’t be the last time I make over these characters – I like to go back and do it from time to time whenever I purchase new packs for my game. New packs = new content and maybe one step closer to getting them exactly right.
This is just for fun – despite the sheer amount of time it took to do this – and I highly encourage you to create your own characters in Sims4. It’s a fun way to bring them to life, so to speak. I’m not going to be going into too much detail, as I don’t want to influence your opinion too much on the characters before ever reading the book – hopefully one day it’s published.
I teetered on the edge of even writing this post. I wasn’t sure if I should share the characters before the book is even in stages of publication, or if I should just eventually let you meet them on the page. But I’m in this place with this WIP where I’m excited about it. I can actually see myself taking the next steps this year. The story is finally what it was always meant to be and people outside of family and friends have read bits of it – which is a huge step for me personally. I just want to share these characters with you – or at least give you a brief introduction.
With that being said, let’s jump into this.
I’ll group the characters by families – and I should mention that I didn’t include every character.
I’m also going to time stamp this post as if you were meeting them at Destiny’s Launch in November 2065.
Name: McKenna Hampton
Age: 19
DOB: October 15, 2046
Height: 5’6”
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Family: Mom + Dad + Cole
Fun Fact: She likes coffee with her sugar
Quirk: Her jaw ticks when she’s trying to stay calm.
Name: Cole Hampton
Age: 26
DOB: August 2, 2039
Height: 6’2”
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light Blonde
Family: Mom + Dad + McKenna
Fun Fact: He knows how to make ice cream in a zip lock bag.
Quirk: He cracks his knuckles when he’s stressed.
Name: Conner Hawthorne
Age: 20
DOB: April 14, 2045
Height: 6’0”
Eyes: Blue-Grey
Hair: Brown
Family: William + Sarah + Melanie
Fun Fact: His pancakes are always lumpy no matter what.
Quirk: He find’s McKenna’s temper endearing, and you can tell, because he smirks.
Name: Melanie Hawthorne
Age: 16
DOB: April 20, 2049
Height: 5’5”
Eyes: Grey-Blue
Hair: Brown
Family: William + Sarah + Connor
Fun Fact: She has a massive crush on Jack, but alas, it cannot be.
Quirk: She twirls a strand of her hair in her fingers when she’s nervous
Name: William “Will” Hawthorne (Husband)
Age: 53
DOB: January 4, 2012
Height: 6’1”
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown with some streaks of grey
Family: Sarah + Connor + Melanie
Fun Fact: He has the same smirk when it comes to McKenna’s antics.
Quirk: His right eyebrow raises a bit when he’s hearing bullshit.
Name: Sarah Hawthorne (Wife)
Age: 50
DOB: July 2, 2015
Height: 5’7”
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Dark Brown
Family: William + Connor + Melanie
Fun Fact: Is a mother to all – Free Mom Hugs anyone?
Quirk: She knows when either Melanie or Connor aren’t telling her the truth about something. Sixth mom sense.
Name: Clara Castor
Age: 19
DOB: December 5, 2045
Height: 5’4”
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light Blonde
Family: Father + Hawthornes (by default)
Fun Fact: Not so “fun” but Clara’s sick but enjoys just hanging out with Connor, who’s her best friend.
Quirk: She can read a 400-page book in mere hours.
Name: Jack Archer
Age: 26
DOB: May 5, 2039
Height: 6’2”
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Family: unknown
Fun Fact: He’ll be the first one to tell you if there’s anyone attractive nearby. He’s open to anything.
Quirk: He gets really quiet when he’s worried and won’t talk.
Name: Celia Arden
Age: 19
DOB: June 8, 2046
Height: 5’8”
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Family: Father + Mother
Fun Fact: She’s a bitch to everyone.
Quirk: Self-absorbed and doesn’t take no for an answer.
Name: Luke Pierce Aimes
Age: 21
DOB: Feb 1, 2044
Height: 6’0”
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Brown
Family: Father + Mother
Fun Fact: He’s super smart – went to medical school and works as a doctor on board Destiny…there might have been some nepotism involved.
Quirk: Also, a bit self-absorbed.
I had to keep it vague–ish as to not spoil anything, so if you have questions, I’m sorry. Hopefully one day everyone gets to read this SF WIP I’ve created. That’s the goal, that’s the plan. Until then, I hope you enjoy this little peek into a good chunk of the main characters.
I’m feeling inspired now, and if I didn’t have work in the morning and have to be up in about 6 hours, I’d probably sit down and jump back into revisions.
Let me know if you create your own characters in The Sims4!
  There’s Someone I Want You to Meet - I created my SF WIP characters in The Sims4! #newpost #blogpost #bookpost #bookblog #books #blog #blogger #bloggerswanted #bloggerstribe #bloggingcommunity #bookish Well, someones, as in plural…is there a plural of someone? I just Googled, and yes there is – despite Word giving me the annoying red squiggly line under it.
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