urnfleshlight · 1 year
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woneko · 6 months
I’m like fully obsessed with the way you color gifs <33
Ahh, really? 🥺 You're so nice, thank you 🥹
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
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it’s being normal about dad gale hours again
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ohno-the-sun · 5 months
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I am perhaps a bit late on this
But birthday present for @head-in-the-icloud !
I hope that you had a wonderful happy happy birthday!
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nightwonder7 · 18 days
I love your Norton and Ithaqua's beefs so much XD thank you for making those!!!!! Your artstyle is so expressive and moveable, the comics are a joy to read! :D
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Aww thank you so much!! ;//W//; I'm so glad to hear! How this beef came to be was actually so random cause it's such an unlikely duo. But they are fun to draw, and I love it whenever people are referencing the comic where it all started XD
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sydneighsays · 1 month
Jee and V getting along (optional)
I found this audio Instagram.
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canisalbus · 6 months
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14dayswithyou · 3 months
sending ren a kiss!! (I love him sm) how would ren/redacted react to an angel who just kinda appears behind people whenever they talk about her. Whether she was there previously or not no one knows but she just appears and integrates herself into the convo. (I love the demo sm! Especially the smaller details like rens heart tattoo)
✦゜ANSWERED: Conancore lmao /pos
Honestly?? I think Ren would take advantage of this situation and just... constantly keep mentioning Angel in hopes of having them turn up ^^; He's really trying to manifest them into his life hsgjshdj
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aldoodles · 6 months
Hello! I really really love your art (and honestly your whole vibe is impeccable. You're my favourite person to see on my dash). I know you don't take requests or anything but I am so enamoured by your drawings of Stoik and Valhallarama and I was wondering if you ever wanted to draw them with baby Hiccup? Or maybe them reacting to the Naming Dame giving him the runt name if you want to add a bit of angst.
Anyway, have a wonderful day!!!
Thank you so much for such a kind message!!
I adore drawing these two, even when they’ve just been handed some pretty stressful news.
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4chtungb4by · 4 months
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Tomothy Selleck for my drawing classssss sketchbook woohoo
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themyscirah · 1 month
Complaining abt Suicide Squad yet again but the fact that they have Waller exposing the alien community to space racist attacks and talking abt how she got to her position through deceit and being a terrible person and stuff is just. Ahsfiwueh JUST SAY YOU DONT KNOW WALLER.
Anyways literally the 3rd mission of the Squad ever (and the first framed as smth Waller picked and not orders from above) was the Squad discrediting and stopping a rogue vigilante who was only arresting POC and funneling white people into white supremacy groups (of which he was the most prominent member) in SUICIDE SQUAD #4. and it's explicitly framed as this mission being personal for Waller that she's hiding from the government bc its illegal like. Guys. Please why are we having her incite (space bc comics) racist attacks now
Also the whole "Amanda got her position through deceit and being a terrible person" NO. she KEPT her position through being shitty and playing complicated political games!!! She wasn't always that way like there is a difference and it is IMPORTANT ppl PLEASEEEE. In Secret Origins #14 we learn Amanda's backstory and she used to be a normal, caring person! Like even after she entered into working in government and politics she wasn't automatically morally bankrupt like please people. She was originally given control of the Squad by Reagan (*sigh* 80s comics...) to distract and get rid of her because she was so successful at pushing progressive social policy in Congress. Acting like she's this static pillar of evil is such a waste of her character and so fucking uninteresting and disrespectful to her arc it drives me MAD.
Like I am NOT saying Waller is all sunshine and rainbows, she fucking SUCKS (said w love <3) but like there's a human being there. It's a progression, she has a character arc like please, DC, please!!! They've fucked up Waller so bad and made her so opaque and uninteresting she can't even be the protagonist of her own story for fucks sake!
Like I don't know how many times I have to scream it until DC hears me or remembers but WALLER IS THE MAIN CHARACTER OF SUICIDE SQUAD. ITS HER BOOK. yet right now she's a cutout to be used as the villain wherever the writers please. Even in her book we get none of her perspective really displayed, no exploration of her thoughts with any kind of understanding of the role she traditionally has played and was made to play in the story.
#its like youre unable to root for her in any form. which is annoying bc shes actually awesome actually#also having her say “actually im the good guy fuck you'' w/o any actual deep analysis of her psyche or whatever while doing these things#doesnt count as development or showing shes 3 dimensional. its just having 2 dimensional waller say shes right when everyone is obviously#supposed to believe shes wrong#anyways i want real waller back please i miss herrrrrrrr#anyways hope mr john ridley has read secret origins no 14. i know its from 1987 but please guys please. my only hope#also it was a few months ago but i think they tried to push certain elements of a diff backstory in dream team and sorry but fuck that. and#any mention of another waller background like my eyes are closed sry. im a preboot truther#actually im just ignorant of most squad comics outside the original series. im gonna do a readthrough and become knowledgeable on other#stuff i just need to find time. so if im wrong then sorry if its smth factual and if you disagree with my opinion then uh sorry for ur loss#anyways shoutout to the time i had a nerd night w my one friend and she was asking me abt dc and said my favorite villains and i said waller#and silver swan. and she had a “yuck WHY” to waller and a ???? to silver swan. love shouting out my faves and explaining them to the less#informed. didnt say a number 3 but would probably be parallax ig. idk hes kind of slay. or maybe someone else honestly i like hal but waller#and nessie are blorbo level for me i could think abt them for hours#or maybe it wouldnt be parallax actually idk who my 3 would be. hes definitely up there but way below the other 2. maybe the cheetah#interpretation that i personally have. v different from the popular cheetah interpretation esp rucka vers actually. much closer to the pérez#and esp develops some subtext there surrounding barbara and the exploitation and theft of sacred cultural artifacts and pieces but also#like british colonization a lil bit#but i actually despise the cheetah that lives in my head but think shed be interesting to use narratively and see diana fight#vs the other guys who i find interesting and sympathetic and like for themselves#whereas my fave interpretation of cheetah can rot in hell#i got off topic here#blah#swishy rant#also disclaimer that w the main character ik dreamer is the main character of dream team. im talking more in general and that amanda should#always have a huge role as shes the main character of the squad and yet is treated like its villain and not its protag#sui sq
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ef-1 · 7 months
burn your village | female rage playlist
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 11 months
I think Shiro is bad at cooking in a “overcooks everything out of paranoia about raw food and giving someone food poisoning” combined with “I’m busy and need food cooked fast so we’re putting the stove burner on 7 instead of 5” way so everything he makes is a little charred and a little tough and dry and over cooked and he’ll eat it but no one wants him cooking for them ever. I think he does better when recipes have very specific descriptors of how you know it’s done. “Turn off when bubbles form” type things. He’s okay at baking when it has specific directions, or when it’s “when a toothpick comes out clean” but if it’s “golden brown around edges” he will second guess if it’s golden brown or not and burn the cookies. I think he loves appliances like instapot or rice cookers where you dump ingredients in and push settings and it comes out done. Don’t make him make decisions about if food is done he will overthink it and err on the side of caution and burn it.
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echofades · 6 months
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JULIA | 2.08 | Lobster Américaine
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sergeifyodorov · 6 months
you truly understand the thing that makes 1634 so good and that is auston’s REAL gay pining i’ll love you forever mitch while mitch is like “yeah haha i’m in love with you😂” <- sincere yet not quite. but causals view their dynamic with those roles switched which makes for a less interesting pairing
I think a lot of people look at Auston's more overt masculinity (which mind you is done with an intentional nod at the camera -- earrings, pornstache, bright colours, sheer shirts -- ken-doll gay-porn butch-boy masc) and confuse that with the more stereotypically hockey casually-homoerotic out-of-touch way of looking at things ... all the while ONE of these two grew up white and Torontonian in the very socially regimented Canadian junior hockey system and it wasn't him!!!
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mewtwo24 · 1 month
You know idk if it's just me being oblivious af but mxtx sure does enjoy putting her protags through the trolley problem when it comes to her works huh /j
#mdzs#mxtx#i say this not to be critical but because she really does prove how time and again#people want a scapegoat and an easy target to blame#and so much of her work is abt proving how faulty these philosophical absolutes are--nothing is that simple.#literally the arguments made to put everything on wwx (at least for now) appear to be faulty at best#i mean sure sometimes he puts his foot in his mouth but like ;;;;;;;; the kid is just doing his best wtf#everyone out here like WWX IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU except for lwj and i'm just like#1. hes literally like 16 yrs old or smth#2. whether or not he stepped in during the cave scene was kind of a non-question??????#the wens were so clearly going to engage in egregeious violence regardless of the rationalizations that came after#pointing fingers is legitimately pointless and fallacious logic#if mianmian wasnt targeted theres really no guarantee smth similar wouldnt have happened#furthermore working tg and refusing to play by wens' rules was p much the only feasible option#lwj was young and afraid and had lost so much but he still had enough clarity to insist on working tg#i also really love what he said abt suffering bc its just true.#the way he claps back to his uncle by saying that nobody would be spared violence and atrocity#the only choice they had was to try to band tg and mitigate the dmg--basically 'war is hell'#i find it such a stark and lovely contrast to the common perception of others abt him#that lwj stands alone and thinks of no one else; quite the contrary#he's v self-contained and v disciplined but he's not indifferent to suffering or apathetic#i think so much of the natural love that blooms between wwx and lwj is rooted in their mutual desire to do good#wwx wants to help--he loves to see people smile. he would do anything to protect the ppl he loves#lwj is honestly the same--he's just more abt structure and stability#wwx is more spontaneous and more attuned to the people around him#im a little shocked that people werent able to tell lwj was just as obsessed with him#just bc wwx is loud and mischievous about his interest doesnt really???? to me mask the ways lwj is so responsive. also i ????????#still don't understand the mental gymnastics of madame jiang insisting it was all wwx's fault when she literally targeted wen's mistress ->#in retaliation???????????????? all this 'pick your battles what the fuck is wrong with you wwx' and she goes and instigates their wrath??#i mean idk fellas i was just sitting there like 'you could have handled this so many ways and you picked the TNT option. wat.'
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