#Ye Rong Er
kdram-chjh · 2 months
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Cdrama: Decreed by Fate (2022)
Her dream 🤣😅🤭 #decreedbyfate
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FqHHR8pca5s
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ifjenn · 8 months
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omgpurplefattie · 8 months
for the character-centric stories prompts, Ye Baiyi and "What would happen to a houseplant in their care?" ♥
“She’s not going to kill you if they don’t all survive,” Rong Changqing had told Ye Baiyi after Rong-furen had finally stopped with her instructions, repeated instructions, and even more admonitions.
“Not so sure,” Ye Baiyi said, trying to commit to memory what the little yellow orchids needed. They wanted little water, right, but regularly, and they could never be allowed to remain standing in a puddle?
Compared to the orchids, the large pot of silvergrass was simple. The kitchen herbs were even simpler -- give them two ladles of water whenever they started looking a bit wan.
“Don’t think about the damn plants,” Rong Changqing assured him, “the main thing is you keep training Xuan-er and make sure he goes to bed before midnight. And don’t let him tinker in my workshop by himself. At least not after midnight. Please? Baiyi?”
If Changqing looked at him like that, with his beautiful smile and beautiful eyes, what else could Ye Baiyi do but grumble “I’ll try to” ungraciously, rather than smile back and reflect the things that Changqing made him feel. Every. Single. Time.
You’d think he would be used to it by now. For the Heavens’ sake, Xuan-er was already nine; the pain in those feelings should have worn down, become dulled and familiar. Perhaps it was the immortality that Rong Changqing had so unwisely cultivated and then dumped on Ye Baiyi; not only Ye Baiyi’s body, even his feelings were preserved forever unchanging in a block of clear ice.
“Don’t look so crestfallen, Baiyi,” Rong Changqing said. “It’s not even a month; we just have to be at the wedding of my lady’s youngest brother. We’ll hurry back as fast as we can. And Xuan-er can help you. If you’re really scared of what she’ll do to you if her chives have turned into hay, or the forge cats have peed on the basil.”
“I’m not scared,” Ye Baiyi grumbled. “I’m just offended that you wouldn’t even trust me with a fucking potted houseplant. I can feed the forge cats all right, and make sure that Xuan-er eats every day and sets nothing on fire. So why should I kill the damn orchids?”
“The forge cats,” Rong Changqing laughed, “will complain very loudly if you don’t feed them every day. Plants, however, just wilt quietly, and before you realize it, they’re dead.”
“Speak for yourself,” Ye Baiyi said, glaring up at Changqing, “I know what qi feels like, and I won’t let it falter.”
“Course you do,” Rong Changqing said, easily, but Ye Baiyi felt he still didn’t believe him. He made a face.
Two lunar months later, the Rongs returned, with a lot of gifts and good food for Xuan-er, and a few books they had thought Ye Baiyi might like, as well as a few bottles of syrup for him to flavor his snow with.
Xuan-er had built a box that would shoot crossbow bolts without the crossbow, steadily feeding them into the mechanism; he proudly presented it to his father, and they took quite a while to take it apart and then improve it so it would shoot even faster.
Baiyi went and had some snow with pomegranate syrup; it wasn’t bad, really. He perched on a rock and looked into the valley where he hadn’t been for so long, except in especially fierce winters, and then only for a little bit.
He didn’t know how he felt about Changqing and Rong-furen being back. Life with Xuan-er had been fun; they had trained every day, there had been no set bedtimes or mealtimes for either of them, and they had just ambled through their days in the snow. Xuan-er’s martial arts had taken leaps and bounds with nobody to interrupt him. He did look a little unkempt now, but really, all those hot baths were overrated, especially for a nine year old.
It was already getting dark when Rong-furen came out to get her husband and son from the workshop; the fire was going, and she had been cooking dinner.
“What have you done to my plants?” she asked, casually, as she passed Ye Baiyi.
“Nothing,” he said, “except what you’d told me. The forge cats were much harder to take care of; the calico brought out her kittens, and we kept running after them. Xuan-er shot at an eagle who tried to grab one. They’re all doing fine.”
“Don’t deflect,” Rong-furen said. “My plants have never been this lush and healthy. You have made cuttings from the orchids, and the roots are coming on fine; the basil is almost a tree now, and the other herbs fairly burst from their window boxes. I have noticed the kittens because they were playing hide-and-seek in the silvergrass and jumping up to catch the fronds. The lotuses in their basin and the peonies in their container are already flowering even though it’s early for them, this far up. You turned out to be an excellent gardener.”
“I just did what you told me,” Ye Baiyi said. “I checked every day, and made sure the forge cats didn’t pee on them. That’s all.”
He may have been feeding the plants a little of his qi, but hey, he was an immortal, he had the stuff to spare.
“Do you want to carry on doing it?” she asked. “I have seen the way you repotted the little blue orchids; there was so much care and attention in the work. You enjoyed it, didn’t you?”
“Nah,” Baiyi said, “they’re your plants. I just didn’t want to be the one who killed them. Changqing -- well, he thought I’d screw up, so I wanted to show him I don’t. I’m no good at this, and the plants don’t really like me. I’m the last person you want as a gardener, really.”
“If you change your mind -- any time,” she shrugged, and went about her errand.
Changqing and Xuan-er emerged from the forge even before she had reached the door; they were holding out the kittens and talking enthusiastically while they walked back towards the house and their dinner.
“Good job, Baiyi,” Changqing said vaguely as he passed Ye Baiyi on his perch; he reached up to clap him on the upper arm, then went inside with his family, plants and Baiyi already forgotten.-
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budd-ie · 3 months
Actually what I love most about hualian is that by the time of "if you don't know what to live for then live for me" they had already had many meetings and moments together, and while that one moment may have solidified his resolve and his purpose, it may have never actually come to that point had xie lian not caught him from the wall, had he not saved him from qi rong, had he not told qi rong off and punished him, had he not stood up for him every time someone spoke against him, had he not held him so warmly, had he not talked to him so gently, had not reassured him so genuinely, had he not protected him time and time again, yknow? Ever since they met they kept meeting by chance and it might have even felt like Xie Lian was looking out for him specifically, even if it was just a coincidence and he would have done it for anyone else. Hong-er is crazy enough to do whatever he wants on a whim, but this wasn't like a split second decision Xie Lian was already like a lifeline to him at this point, and he took his chance and asked his question to a statue in a shrine he may have never cared about had they never met. He may not have really expected an answer and was just asking with a last desperate hope to find any reason to keep going on, but he got an answer from that one and only person in the world who he would ever trust. That trust was built stronger every single time they met and it all led up to that point. If hong-er had asked that question without the pretext of their previous meetings, would he still devote his life? Maybe, but it's not easy to say yes definitely. If it had been anyone else, would they also devote their life? That's also entirely possible, but it wasn't anybody else. It's three parts fate and seven parts courage, and again, Hong-er is crazy enough to do whatever he wants on a whim, so he chose life with the rest of his courage. In short, when we say their story is so specific to them, I really do believe that it could quite literally only happen to them specifically and no one else given their situation. If Xie Lian didn't have such a strong sense of justice and love of all people, if hong-er wasn't so desperate, reactive, or strong-willed, if either of them weren't just so damn stubborn, I honestly think none of these events could play out the same way and/or be as impactful on them. It really couldn't have been just any crown prince and any beggar kid, it could really have only been them.
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fallloverfic · 11 months
TGCF donghua Season 2, Episode 3 thoughts
Screaming through my tears of happiness. Spoilers under the cut (also book/story spoilers, for folks just coming in from the donghua).
We may only get him for a minute or two BUT I LOVE ALL THE PRECIOUS SECONDS OF YIN YU, MY BELOVED T-T The second he started talking I had to pause to scream adlkjaldaj
I also love how obvious this is. It's a nice way to set up for the audience "yeah, something's fishy here and it's not just He Xuan". I'm just imagining Hua Cheng like taking Yin Yu's bandages off and unrolling his sleeve to properly set the scene for Xie Lian to see the shackle alkdjalj Cause it'd be funny. Yin Yu, tiredly, "Yes, Hua Chengzu, whatever you want, Hua Chengzu..."
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They are so cute. I love them so much.
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I imagine a bajillion people have said this but this is very funny as a comparison to Beast giving Beauty the library in Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Hua Cheng knows what makes his gege happy: a fully stocked armory. Xie Lian's pose is so adorable T-T "I really do" indeeeed. Their back and forth kills me T-T
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E-ming, babyyyy T-T gets some sparklies cause it's so happpp cause Xie Lian is noticing it :3333
Xie Lian leaning over to pet Hua Cheng's weapon while Hua Cheng is wearing it ends me. Just ends me. Bless them all.
Spider-man Xie Lian was hilarious aldkjalj You think "oh he's not being good at this whole sneaky thing isn't he, Yin Yu is probably like "how long do I pretend I can't tell he's like 10 steps behind me"" and then WOOP SPIDER-XIE LIAN alkdjaldkja
Spider-Lian, Spider-Lian, does whatever a scrap collector god can...
I also love the parallel stuff with Lang Ying and Hua Cheng, setting up for Hua Cheng to later impersonate him. I know part of it is just twigging Xie Lian's memory of Hong-Hong-er, but the first time it happens (with Lang Ying's silhouette after dropping the bandages fading into Hua Cheng's face in the present), I think it's a clear set-up for the later plot of Hua Cheng pretending to be him.
Also Ruoye and Xie Lian being badass: I am always here for it.
Qi Rong getting a second of reference. I'm so excited to see how he's handled, terrible man that he is, love him.
Wind Master was also really funny, "I never want to go on patrols with you ever again!" aldkjaldja He's so mad aldkjaldaj
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Wonderful episode. I cried. I screamed (no literally I had to pause and make myself be quiet alkdjaldja). E-Ming's chirping T-T Yin Yu T-T Hualian. So adorable.
Other episode thoughts for season 2 (didn't start till episode 3):
S02E03 (you are here)
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soapy-soartp · 2 months
Day 27 of @whumperless-whump-event
Prompt: Concussion / Temporary Amnesia / "I don't remember what happened to me."
Fandom: TGCF
Characters: Xie Lian, Hong Hong er, (mentioned: Feng Xin, Qi Rong)
Xie Lian has not been having a good day. Not only has he had to stop Qi Rong’s rampage through the city market, doing so he found a very badly beaten (slightly familiar) child getting dragged by the carriage. When he confronted his parents he got Feng Xin injured, he insists it was fine but Xie Lian can't help but feel bad.
Though now Xie Lian finds himself much more concerned over that child, who won’t wake up. Despite being treated by the palace staff, the damage done to the poor child was extremely severe, they were concerned he wouldn’t wake up again.
After all, not only was the child badly beaten but he was also extremely malnourished and already had an array of past injuries. The palace healers said it was a miracle he’s survived this long without complications.
After meeting with his parents and deciding Qi Rong (and Feng Xin)’s punishments, Xie Lian rushed back to the healing ward. Entering the room, he’s met with the sight of the young child desperately covering half his face while some of the palace staff try to pry his hand away.
“What’s going on here?!” The prince asks in a panic, everyone in the room turns to him aside from the small child.
“Your Highness…” the head healer greets with a small bow, “He refuse to remove his hand, we can’t continue treating him like this”
It’s obvious through the healer tone and the tense atmosphere that the group has tried but the child remains stubborn. Though the prince thinks that the group must have no doubt been scaring the child, further proven by the little one curling into himself more. The prince strides toward the cowering child and crouches down to look at him.
“Are you alright? Did they scare you?” the prince asked kindly.
The child meekly looked at the prince, then at the healers. Xie Lian nods at him to go on and he watches as the injured one shakily bow his head yes. He grimaces and tenses, seeming to brace for something, but Xie Lian just sighs and waves off the healers.
“He seems alright with me… I’ll try to calm him down so you can treat him properly,” he commands, standing to properly dismiss the healers.
“But Your Highness-” the head healer starts but Xie Lian waves them off again.
“It’ll be fine, if my father says something about this I’ll handle him. This child needs our help,” he says sternly watching the staff leave, then he softens looking back at the boy.
“Ok, they're gone. Can you let me see the rest of your face please?”
Though as much as Xie Lian asks, the child stubbornly shook his head and kept his hand over his face. Xie Lian frowns but stops pushing, it’s obviously causing the little one stress so he drops it for now.
“Well… do you have an injury there? Does it hurt?”
The little one looks at him helplessly and shrugs.
“Ok… well I’m Xie Lian, what’s your name?”
The other looks at the prince for a moment before mumbling, “H-hong hong’er…”
“Hi Hong’er-“ just as the prince was about to ask another question the child peeps up.
"I don't remember what happened to me,” he says shakily, looking at the prince with a large, teary, dark eye.
“Oh! I’m sorry…” the prince instinctively said, at a loss for words.
“Um… ahem, well. What do you remember?”
“Mm…” the boy takes a moment to think, then he shrugs helplessly.
“You just remember your name?” the prince asks in concern.
Once again the boy takes a moment before shrugging, though noticeably more tense than before like he’s hiding something. Xie Lian bites back a groan, thinking it would be inappropriate and rude to do so in front of the already injured child.
It was going to be a long day, he’ll definitely need to talk to Qi Rong soon too, the damage he’d done was too severe to let slip.
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potahun · 1 year
S8E2: Sunset Mansion II
I KNEW WE WERE MISSING AT LEAST AN ELEVATOR POSITION LAST EP. they kept going about 10:20, 9:15 and 8:10 I was wondering why this one was never used in ep 1.... this explains (we still need 7:05 tho)
Xiao Pu explaining his timeline of the previous night, saying he drank too much, went out to look for the bathroom, saw the elevator move twice, before going back to his room.
He Jiong, yelling: So he did not find the bathroom!! (Wang Ou: That's where your attention lies?)
He Jiong working hard to make that yogurt ad work, while Da Zhangwei can't be assed to wait for it.
He Jiong: How can you be like this? *smacks him lightly*
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me: i wonder why the production crew chose to assign spaces to specific people
me 5 mins later, seeing zhang, rong and wei (specially zhang + rong) locked in a dark room, with the jumpscare stuff: ohhhh that's why
zhang, cutely, scared: "h-h-h-ere the door opened. quick- t-t-tank (wei chen), you come here"
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brother wei chen and his two scaredy cats charges, holding each other's arms at the back
tbf it IS scary
everyone being like actually it's normal for men to like crafts often considered as 'feminine' and them talking about how stockings, high-heels, dresses were originally made for men. thank you
oh my god this ep is about toxic masculinity. yes
this ep is so complicated and i have so many questions but first and foremost when did they mention a hammer, why does zhang ruoyun automatically assume that the victim got hit by a hammer. he sus.
lights suddenly turn off. the cute 'that's fine' 3-people group (ou, pu, wei):
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the cute ''please dont come any closer' scaredy-cats' 3 people-group (zhang, rong, da)
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they're cute
update, the butler has explained the rules for the second half. im having so many s6e2 flashbacks
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shookethdev · 2 years
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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someone-named-adel · 1 year
In this writing I had mikey and raphael in mind more than anything/ escribiendo esto, tuve en mente a mikey y a Rafael
In the living room of my house, I was talking to my brother about some issues in his notebooks.
While talking to my brother, I look out of the corner of my eye at a figure, confused, I direct my eyes to that spot, and my brother looks at me confused.
"somethin rong MC?" My brother's voice is what I hear.
Turning my head to look at him again, I tell him with a smile to lighten the mood "it's nothing, shorty" I smile a little to try to convince him of my words.
"Hey! I'm not little!" my brother refuted me, pouting.
I let out a little giggle at his attitude, touched by how cute his little face full of baby fat looked.
"Well you are a midget to me~" I said smiling as I briefly stroked his little head.
"Hmph" my little brother huffed in annoyance, crossing his arms as the pout on his face became more noticeable.
"Aww~ I love when these kinds of scenes happen with my love and their little brothers" I heard a voice speak.
Quickly my face lifted slightly and I looked around quickly, startled by that unfamiliar voice's comment.
"Did you hear that?" I asked my little brother seriously, as I looked around the room nervously.
"..." My little brother, in response lightly clung to my clothes, looking around the room fearfully as well.
Taking his hand in a gentle but firm grip, we went to the stairs leading to the second floor of the house.
"Let's go to my room, I'll get a couple of things and we'll go to the park, what do you think?" I said with a small smile to my little brother, trying to be able to calm him down and calm myself.
"Yes!" my little brother answered me, as we walked up the stairs.
We quickly went into my room, I grabbed my phone and some band aids, took my wallet as well and other small things I could put in my pockets.
After taking out what I needed, we went downstairs to the living room and I grabbed my keys that were hanging by the door, and we left the house.
Nervous, I walked quickly in the direction of the park holding hands with my little brother.
I'll have to tell my parents about this when they get back from shopping.
But for now, I'll worry about keeping my 7-year-old brother calm.
Maybe I'll tell my parents about putting security cameras around the house and inside the house.
En la sala de mi casa, estaba hablando con mi hermano sobre algunos asuntos de sus cuadernos.
Mientras hablo con mi hermano, miro por el rabillo del ojo una figura, confundido, dirijo mi vista a ese lugar, y mi hermano me ve confundido.
"Pasa ago MC?" La voz de mi hermano es lo que escucho.
Volteando mi cabeza para volver a verlo, le digo con una sonrisa para aligerar el ambiente "no es nada, enano" sonrió un poco para intentar convencerlo de mis palabras.
"Oye! No soy enano" me refutó mi hermano, haciendo puchero.
Solté una pequeña risita ante su actitud, enternecida por lo linda que se veía su carita llena de grasa de bebé.
"Pues para mí si eres un enano~" dije sonriendo mientras le acariciaba brevemente la cabecita.
"Hmph" resoplo molesto mi hermanito, cruzando los brazos mientras el puchero en su rostro se hacia más notorio.
"Aww~ adoro cuando pasan este tipo de escenas con mi amor y sus hermanitos" escuché una voz hablar.
Rápidamente mi rostro se levantó levemente y mire a todos lados con rapidez, asustada por el comentario de esa voz desconocida.
"Escucharte eso?" Le pregunté con seriedad a mi hermanito, mientras miraba alrededor de la sala con nervios.
"..." Mi hermanito, en respuesta se aferró levemente a mi ropa, mirando con miedo alrededor de la sala también.
Tomando su mano con un agarre suave pero firme, fuimos a las escaleras que conducían al segundo piso de la casa.
"Vamos a mi habitación, buscaré un par de cosas e iremos al parque, que te parece?" Le dije con una pequeña sonrisa a mi hermanito, intentando poder calmarlo y calmarme a mi misma.
"Si!" Me respondió mi hermanito, mientras subíamos las escaleras.
Rápidamente entramos a mi habitación, tome mi teléfono y unas curitas, tome mi billetera también y otras pequeñas cosas que podía meter en mis bolsillos.
Después de sacar lo que necesitaba, bajamos a la sala y tome mis llaves que estaban colgadas al lado de la puerta, y salimos de la casa.
Nervioso, camine rápido en dirección al parque agarrado de la mano con mi hermanito.
Tendre que contarle a mis padres sobre esto cuando vuelvan de comprar.
Pero por ahora, me preocuparé de mantener tranquilo a mi hermanito de 7 años.
Tal vez le diga a mis padres sobre poner cámaras de seguridad alrededor de la casa y dentro de esta.
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priwenshallprevail · 8 months
Character: Ɠєσffяєу McƇυƖƖυм
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Nicknames: Geoff , Huntsman -- a list of insults two miles wide.
Eye color: Sapphire Blue
Hair style / color: Classic Medium faded undercut / Dark brown
Height:  6'2
Clothing style: Durable fibers that can withstand abuse. Somewhat loose fitting, non constricting. Usually more than one layer with a lengthy concealable top layer; such as an overcoat, or other heavy fiber jackets. The less skin showing the better. Obstacles to prevent being bit, scratched or burned. Mostly dull medium choices in color schemes. Grays. Blues. Earthy tones. Occasionally dark red accents. Almost always packing some sort of weapon within it's confines. Maybe multitudes; depending on the day. Heavy boots with some inner reinforcements. Be they steel toe or outer locked ankle cupped greaves made of trifold leather. It's a common uniform styled attire worn throughout eras. If not capable of being dated singularity back onto Priwen's uniform code.
Best physical feature: It's all in the eyes as they say. Window to the soul.
Your fears: “Becomin' useless ta'tha cause, 'mong oher'tings. ..Don' exepct me ta be givin' all m' secrets away now, do ya ? “
Your guilty pleasure: “ Whiskey in tha'morn, 'nother one fer'a generous nightcap. Rarely wit'a bit of smoke -- opium. Silences tha mind an' all.” Silences the memories more than likely.
Your ambitions for the future: “ Lesser monsters in'tha world. Includin' tha human variety.” 
Your first thought waking up: “ Ta take a piss ? " 
What you think about most: “Tactical improvements. Equipment upgrades.” 
What you think about before bed: “ Do I really need it -- can I afford it ? ” 
What you think your best quality is: “ .. Intuition. ” 
Single or group dates: “ Dun'ave time fer' it. ..” 
To be loved or respected: “Respect can go a long way -- love, on tha'oer hand .. is distraction at best. Encumbrance at it's worst..”
Beauty or brains: “Brains.” 
Dogs or cats: “Dogs, clearly. Cats ar'taa much like leeches if ye ask me. Pompous, moody lil' bastards, expectin' ye ta bow a'teir whim. ” 
Lie: “Don' we all.” derisively symbolizing the cross in a ushered signum crucis across his head and shoulders.
Believe in yourself: “Wouldn' be in tis position if I didn'.” 
Believe in love: “ Honestly ? Say it again fer'ya -- its'a distraction . " 
Want someone: “Bit'of a nosy bugger, arnt'ye ? ” 
Been on stage: “As tha clean up crew,' parently.” 
Done drugs: “ Not some druggie, if'tat is what yer insinuatin'. ”  Opium.
Changed who you were to fit in: "No.”
Favorite color: “Fook if I know -- navy ? ”
Favorite animal: “Cannot go 'rong wit' horses. Noble beasts, 'lot can be learned fro'em.”
Favorite movie: “Don' ge'ta see much, m'fraid. Not a clue.” 
Favorite book: "Mm.. wouldn' ye like ta know." His brother's journal. Memories of both him and their mother littered throughout it's contents.
Favorite game: “Er Enish, eit'er by mule or horse. ”  First introduced to him during the war. Now he favors the game.
Day your next birthday will be: “January 6th.” 
How old will you be: “38.” ( If we're delving in or around 1918 that is )
Age you lost your virginity: “ 16. ” 
Best personality: “Any of ye wit' an ounce of chivalry.” 
Best eye color: “ Not blue, 'tats for damn sure. We get blinded pretty damn easily. "
Best hair color: “Dark hair .. ” 
Best thing to do with a partner: "Sup'ose bein' honest wit'em. If ya can afford ta, tat is ." 
I love: " a challenge.” 
I feel: “content -- fer'now. ” 
I hide: “ .... pain.” fear. Any other conflicting emotions that tarnishes his image.
I miss: “.. .. bet'er days.” 
I wish: “ fer'tese questions ta end already.” 
Tagged : @nihiladditaenihilperdidi - many,many thankshes ! ;)
Tagging: @devourhe ,@thejadedking , @arcanescholxr -- anyone else who wishes to give it a whirl ? Never good at discovering who already participated in it or not. Forgive me if you have been double tapped. Nothin' but love comin' your way.
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eyenaku · 2 years
Ji ji fu ji ji
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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kdram-chjh · 11 months
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Cdrama: Decreed by Fate (2022)
Entangled by a strange vine for 24 hours 🤭 #decreedbyfate
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TaM93os2JPg
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trolloled · 8 months
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Projec╪ A/\/\PRUS, as usual, is progressing a╪ a glacial pace. ╪his is a /\/\assive funding inves╪/\/\en╪, even if ╪he science of i╪ is sound. we haven'╪ even go╪╪en ╪he funding ╪o finish pu╪╪ing bioflesh on ╪he head ye╪.
I've only jus╪ go╪╪en ╪he bare basics of ╪he ches╪ done ei╪her. I╪'s basically jus╪ a fra/\/\e a╪ ╪his poin╪.
Projec╪ Purge has no╪ ye╪ yielded sa╪isfac╪ory resul╪s. I have resu/\/\ed work on i╪ now ╪ha╪ I can /\/\ore easily /\/\ove /\/\y fingers, bu╪ given ╪he 'science' of i╪ is co/\/\ple╪e bullshi╪, god knows if we'll ever see resul╪s.
So far all i╪ has confir/\/\ed is ╪ha╪ Hannah is ╪he bearer of so/\/\e for/\/\ of superna╪ural /\/\aledic╪ion, and i╪'s pre╪╪y ╪igh╪ly dug in╪o ╪he/\/\.
╪he basic AI ╪ha╪ was cobbled ╪oge╪her ╪o force a coun╪erbalancing frequency has helped. In si/\/\ula╪ions ╪he 'curse' appears ╪o s╪ruggle worse ╪han ever.
Unfor╪una╪ely, based on ini╪ial ╪es╪s, I fear ╪ha╪ using i╪ in i╪s curren╪ s╪a╪e on Hannah would cause ╪heir pusher ╪o explode fro/\/\ s╪ress.
So, I would consider ╪ha╪ a non-s╪ar╪er.
Projec╪ Gole/\/\ is in ╪he ini╪ial design phase. I have several ╪heories on how ╪o crea╪e a re/\/\o╪e sui╪. ╪he bigges╪ hurdle will be co/\/\/\/\and la╪ency.
A second's delay could spell a /\/\assive was╪e of resources. If i╪ ge╪s /\/\oved ╪oo far away fro/\/\ /\/\e, I need a way ╪o keep ╪he connec╪ion s╪rong enough ╪o efficien╪ly receive and respond ╪o co/\/\/\/\ands.
God help /\/\e. I need a fucking I╪ person's help.
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omgpurplefattie · 2 years
Ye Baiyi, wandering aimlessly towards his end after the events of 'Word of Honor', wakes up in his bed at an inn after a night of indulgence, with what appears to be Rong Changqing, long-lost love of his life, alive and naked, asleep in his arms. He promptly freaks out, but only a little bit, as he is still Ye Baiyi...
On the way to Xuan-er's family home with the miraculously alive (illusion of?) Rong Changqing, Ye Baiyi asks questions, but doesn't accept the answers. This must all be too good to be true...
I am already writing the third chapter; this thing is happening. Many more character tags will be added as everybody joins the story.
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movielosophy · 2 years
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Decreed by Fate ~ you’re truly my disciple!
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zishustits · 3 years
Masterlist (at last!!)
As I've already created a bunch of original content, I'm making this masterlist so you can find stuff that might interest you more easily.
Word of Honor
Prince Jin and Zhou Zishu's single memes -> [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Prince Jin and Zhou Zishu series -> [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Yexie (Ye Baiyi/Xie Wang) -> Fanvids [1] [2] [3], Edits [1] [2] [3], Headcanons [1] [2]
Zhaoxie -> Fanvids [1] [2] [3], Drawings [1] [2], Fics [1]
Ye Baiyi -> Fanvids [1] [2], Edits [1]
Rongye (Rong Changqing/Ye Baiyi headcanons) -> [1] [2] [3]
Xie'er (edits) -> [1] [2] [3]
Ghosts (edits) -> [1]
Wen Kexing (fanvids) -> [1] [2]
Various comments, metas, headcanons -> [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
Other memes -> [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
The Untamed
WangXian (fanvids) -> [1] [2] [3]
XueXiao -> Fanvids [1] [2] [3] [4] [5], Edits [1]
SongXiao -> Fanvids [1], Fanart [1]
SongXue (fanvids) -> [1]
SongXueXiao -> Fanvids [1] [2], Edits [1]
XueYao (edits) -> [1]
Wei Wuxian -> Fanvids [1], Edits [1]
Xiao Xingchen (fanvids) -> [1]
Song Lan (fanart) -> [1]
Answers to ask memes -> [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
References -> [1]
Shitpost -> The Wen clan [1], Xue Yang [2], Yeet City [3]
Fics -> [1]
Comments -> [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
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