#Yeah Annabeth always has Percy's back in fights where she can keep up with him
juniorig0327 · 6 days
Revamped God swap AU Pt. 2
After thinking it out, I think this is the main AU I want to focus on. It isn't gonna be a full god swap AU, it's gonna be only the characters I want because I'm self indulgent like that.
Percy - Keeping Percy as a Son Of Poseidon but his family has deep connections to the Greek world way back to the ancient times, so he's also a legacy.
The two gods I decided that I wanted to give him connection to were Athena and Sol.
At first I opted for Helios but after realized that one, he's faded and that I wanted the connect to Sol to be rather strong I decided to go roman. And two (if I ever read trials of apollo lol) I could possibly have him conflict with Caligula which I think was Neo Helios. Now unlike him being a legacy of apollo, he doesn't get the things like archery or plagues, just pure sun. I think I'd want him to have a blessing sort of like Frank to always have a part of the sun with them. Some of his family members had stronger connections than others however.
Secondly, the main heritage I wanted to give him was Athena. The main reason for this is purely epic the musical related. I was listening to it and thinking about how much Odysseus reminded me of Percy and so here we are. I think I'd want him to be a first gen legacy. Sally never figured out she was a demigod until Poseidon came around and an incident happened where she found out. I feel like instead of the normal wisdom and smarts, Sally just ended up with emotional wisdom and maybe a bit of telepathic abilities.
This being said I feel like this would make Percy and Athena's relationship complicated. Athena would probably keep her distance and maybe slightly aid him sometimes from afar. She has complicated feelings. I can already imagine Athena and Poseidon fighting over him because he embodies both of their aspects surprisingly well. Poseidon with the unpredict ableness and wildness of the sea but the wisdom, knowledge, and battle strategy in a fight.
If I wanted to make this very much more canon divergent than before then maybe Athena comes to accept Percy publicly after TLO and they actually have somewhat of a relationship and then HOO happens and he's basically disowned out of nowhere and sent to follow the Mark of Athena. After he finds out about his role in the seven he's sorta pissed. The weight of the world is on his shoulders again, if he fails this means their screwed. And this time he doesn't have anyone to share the burden with, he's all by himself and has to do it all alone (which he does, and then he falls into Tartarus so uh thats gonna go well lol).
So yeah. Thats how I feel about that. I feel like its an interesting dynamic and it doesnt really change Percy that much I feel like except more angst (lol) and a new set of powers which I think I'll have fun balancing around.
Luke - Yeah, I already basically explained the Hades thing so yeah, I'm definitely keeping him as a son of Hades. But I think I can seriously use this to strengthen him and Percy's relationship to make the betrayal hit harder for him imo.
They're more chthonic gods and I feel like they're be somewhat feared, or at least Percy is. Luke was before but he just gained the trust of the camp slowly so they don't really fear him. It would just be another way they'd bond over.
Thalia and Nico - I'll be keeping these two the same respectively, just a bit more stronger probably. I think I could come up with some cool legacy heritages for them I think the only one I could really see being a legacy is Nico soo..
Annabeth - Annabeth is going to be an Apollo kid, but similar to canon she doesnt really have any useful powers. Her main weapons would be her dagger and then a bow gifted to her by Apollo that produces arrows out of light but I think thats it. She still keeps her intelligence thing because Apollo is the god of knowledge lol.
I do think like Will Solace that she'd eventually unlock plague powers, but also like Will Solace that would be a Tartarus thing because I believe they both deserve to go dark and apeshit in Tartarus so. Percy will probably have his Poison/Blood Bending and Annabeth will have her Plague Powers.
Leo - Decided midway through this post that I wanted to combine the AU of Luke just having a bunch of runaways with godswap because like why not so. Thinking of a Leo godswap is suprisingly hard. I'm personally thinking maybe Hermes but like chthonic Hermes. So like he'd have the typical Hermes abilities but could also like shadow travel. He'd still embody most of his canon traits I feel like and he'd be afraid of his chthonic abilities because of the incident with his mom but by the end he'd probably have overcome it.
Magnus - I think the idea of Magnus going to CHB surprisingly well and I've been thinking about a godswap for him because like why not. And so despite me have only read the first magnus chase book up to the point where he dies I'm thinking maybe Thor?? If you guys have any better suggestions please comment and tell me. Could have a cool arc of him and Thalia training together, some sort of Norse crossover, maybe an arc sort of like Jason's where he's just trying to figure out where he belongs. Also does anybody know if like, Norse demigods can use their powers before they die and go to Valhalla or if its like a after they die thing do they awaken them??
Last thing but I've also been considering making an oc for this. They'd be related to Percy but they wouldnt be like a sibling or like a child of Sally. They'd either be like a child of Poseidon or something or a child from maybe Sally's uncle's side which also somehow got roped into the greek world. I'm just a killer for sibling and family relationships and atleast in the original PJO series it's done SO GOOD. So if you would be interested please comment! I really like when you guys like and comment so please. If you have any ideas on this OC I want to make or maybe Magnus's godly parent I'd appreciate it so much!
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leclerced · 9 months
Omg please hades son Oscar is what I need. He’s friends with Lando and they are the duo that everyone is scared of in camp cause they are children of the big three but in reality Oscar is really calm and very self-aware when it comes to his powers. Well Lando not so much because he likes the fact he’s so powerful, unlike Oscar. But Oscar always tries to control him as much as he can and it works. I can so see Max coming into camp later and he’s super insecure and guarded because of that. But the two warm their way into his heart eventually and now kids worry not only about Hades’ and Poseidon’s sons but also Zeus’. They are the new big three however their father don’t like it.
Oscar would date Demeter’s daughter and they are the perfect balance to each other. She’s life and he’s death and it’s just the way it was always supposed to be. I can see Lando dating Hades’ daughter so well basically Oscar’ sister and when Oscar finds out it’s the only time he looses control and maybe they have this epic fight that ends in half of the camp destroyed and them hugging each other in the end because it’s stupid to fight they can just talk it out (they can’t. Oscar just has to deal with it). Who would Max date??? I can maybe see Athena’s daughter? It fits I think.
Or well Charles. Charles is always a good idea
tbh i kinda want the big 3 kids to be only children like in the percy jackson series bc it adds a lil extra drama to be forbidden children, plus w lando as a poseidon kid i kinda want him w an athena daughter to keep up w the stupid boy/smart girl dynamic that percy and annabeth have because its sooo cute. my fav
if oscar had a sister, and lando dated her, there wouldn't even be a chance a fight, oscar would open the ground up and send him straight down to daddy. gf standing off to the side like 😦 did you just- did you just send my bf to hell? and oscar’s like oops sorry, i passively thought that i wished the ground would swallow him whole when i saw you holding hands but i didn’t expect it to happen? everyone in camp is staring down the ravine going through camp and then looking to oscar with fear in their eyes and he’s just like ): dont look at me like that im sure he’ll be back soon. my dad will get sick of him real quick.
lando’s in hades's realm playing fetch with cerebus and chatting up old spirits. hades pissed because some idiot is distracting his guard dog again. few hours goes by and lando appears in the middle of camp, a little dirty from his impromptu dive underground, but okay. gf doting on him and oscar's sick of it but doesn't make the world eat him again.
could also work w a lil love triangle/thrupple moment where oscar and her are best friends and he's hopelessly in love w her but thinks he has no shot and then he sees her and lando flirting and next thing you know a hole is opening under lando's feet and he's got a one way ticket to visit hades.
i could see max with a daughter of aphrodite, he’s normally very confident bc he’s so strong, once he settles into the camp all the girls are crushing on him and he flirts w them all so easily except for her. any other child of aphrodite yea sure pretty or whatever. but he sees her like picking berries with oscar’s gf from demeter and just stops and stares and oscar is like “y’know my girl can put in a good word for you!” and max gets all flustered and is like “im a son of zues, i don’t need help picking up girls.” oscar daring him to go talk to her if he doesn’t need help, and max doesn’t back down from any challenge so he goes to talk to her. he gets a few steps away and forgets how to speak, the rehearsed lines fade away and he’s turning around just before he gets to them. he rushes back to oscar like, okay yeah. maybe ask her to put in a good word. he goes so stupid around her and all he can think ab is how pretty she is, how nice the sound of her voice is, how pillowy her lips look.
or we talked about a nemesis child, max could date a child of nemesis and she’s sooo protective over him and will fuck w anyone who bothers him. someone makes an offhand remark about him and they have bad luck for a week. injures him sparring and they get hurt twice as bad by their next opponent. her and him flying together, holding hands and zipping through the clouds, her with actual wings and him just using the wind.
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doevademe · 1 year
I've been reading the stuff you wrote and I wanted to ask: have you thought about continuing the idea about the Percico kids travelling back in time to get their parents together soon and then the cat coming out of the bag pretty much? Teenage Percy and Nico must be losing their minds over the truth.
This is probably the funniest timed ask because, yes, recently I have thought of doing something longer, multi-chaptered with it. It wouldn't be a straight up continuation, more of a... reimagining of the idea.
BUT, since you asked, here's a small summary of what would have happened next in that AU (Link, for those who haven't read it)
Once the cat's out of the bag, I think Percy and Nico would be awkward about each other. Percy can't understand how Nico, who he thinks only tolerates him at best, would ever fall for him, and Nico can't believe he and Percy would ever be a thing.
Nico at first tries to downplay it, say Ash and Emmy are a possibility, not their written-in-stone destiny, and when Reyna arrives, he leaves with her and Ash to get the statue back to camp. Ash and Emmy decided to continue with the plan, and with the truth out, she and Percy get on like a house on fire (since she's quite the daddy's girl).
Nico meanwhile tries to break it to Ash that yeah, he loves Percy even now, but he doesn't quite believe he can get pass his issues to be with him. He apologizes for being a "bad papa", since he can't secure his and Emilia's births. Ash is very close to his papa, however, and he tells him how there's no one braver than him.
As Percy and Emmy get closer and closer, Annabeth starts acting more passive-aggressive, angrier. She tells Percy that Emilia is just trying to steer him towards Nico, because she's afraid she won't be born. Percy takes offense to that. True, Emilia might just be a year younger than him, but he already sees her as his little girl. He breaks up with Annabeth.
He asks Emmy if he and her papa fight often, if Nico is unhappy with him, and she denies it. She admits she doesn't know the full story from the original timeline, but there's no one who makes papa happier than him... and the opposite is true, too. Maybe Percy should start looking at him, realize what lies beneath, why he's always so desperate to keep him safe... just a thought, though.
After all is said and done, Percy and Nico find each other again. Nico, filled with courage by his son, admits to his feelings, but then says it doesn't have to change anything. Just because they have children in the future doesn't mean they have to get together.
Percy says that Emilia has been nothing but praising about how they work together as a couple, and honestly? He felt so jealous when he thought they were Nico's children with someone else, so... they could try it out, be together, see where it goes.
As Nico takes his hands shyly, Ash and Emilia are flung back towards their time. Nico and Percy are there, frowns in place. They are oh so grounded for messing with the time flow.
The kids complain, but smile when they see them kiss as they go up the stairs.
The end.
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I thought that we had managed to work things out
Hello my lovely lovely readers<3 After a long time away from this up I'm giving you a proper angsty- future one-shot. Hope you all enjoy it!
"No dad, you have no right telling me what to do with my kids!" Annabeth said a bit louder than what she had intended.
"I was just giving you some advice."
"I didn't ask for your advice. They're my kids. The only people who can help them take desicions are Percy and I."
"You didn't seem so upset when Sally is telling you what to do." Frederick said bitterly.
"Sally was there for me when you didn't give two shits about me.”
“You didn’t let me care about you!” He yelled.
“Get out of my house!”
“You don’t mean that Annabeth.” He said a bit more calm.
“I do. I do mean that. You have the audacity to tell me that I didn’t let you care about me. I didn’t have to let you. You were supposed to take care of me. It was your job.”
“You failed at your job miserably. You made a 7-year-old ran away from her house. And that sets a great example of what I should avoid as a mother.” Annabeth exclaimed.
“You’re being unfair with me,” he chuckled “I wasn’t ready to have a baby. I didn’t even do anything with your mother. I made mistakes Annabeth, I know.”
“Do you?” She crossed her arms. “I was just an anomaly to the perfect family you made with Helen. You both have said it before.”
“I’m here now.”
“It’s too late.” She said with a quiet voice. “I don’t need a dad anymore. I’m a grown woman. There are more important things in my life right now.”
“Annabeth, I-.”
“Please go.”
“Just go.”
Frederick stared apologetically at her side as he left the room.
Annabeth didn’t feel like going back downstairs to the party after her dad left. She felt all angry and messed up again. That’s what he was always doing to her.
She went to her room balcony to cool off.
“Momma?” She didn’t notice her three year old son peeking on her from the balcony door.
“Hi baby. Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?” She motioned him to come closer to her.
“I couldn’t sleep. Why are you sad?”
Annabeth put him on her lap and placed her head on his shoulder. “I am not sad. You don’t have to worry about me, okay?”
Charlie hummed in agreement. “Where is grandpa?”
“Something came up and he had to leave.”
“Did he leave because you had a fight?” Charlie asked her.
Annabeth didn’t know how to reply to him. “Yes, we had a fight and he had to go. But it happens with everyone. People fight sometimes.”
“You and dad don’t fight.” He observed.
“That’s because your dad is the best. And we understand each other. But again you shouldn’t worry about something like that. Everything is fine.” Annabeth then noticed that the clock next to her bedside table read 00:02. “It’s really late. Do you want me to tuck you in?”
They tiptoed back in Charlie’s bedroom. Annabeth tucked him inside his blankets. “Momma?”
“I promise that we’re never going to fight when I grow up.” Charlie said.
Annabeth kissed him on the forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you too momma”
Annabeth slowly closed the bedroom door.  Percy had just climbed the stairs with two mugs with hot tea. “I thought I still had a chance of becoming your number one, but I don't think it's going to happen. Charlie keeps winning." He handed her one of the two mugs as she sat on the bed. "How are you?"
"I am not really sure to be honest. It's complicated. I want to give him a chance, but I'm afraid to do so because every time I end up hurting. Any advice?"
"I think it's completely up to you and how you are feeling. I know how things with you two are very complicated, but you can decide how much involved you want him in your life."
"I don't know if he even cares anymore. But you know what? I'm content. I'm 100% happy with the way my life has turned out, with him or without him in it. And I wouldn't change any part of it for the world."
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cabinofimagines · 3 years
Can you please do an imagine with Annabeth where the reader is Percy's younger sibling and it’s basically just where the reader has become like a little sister/sibling to Annabeth and so it’s just Annabeth letting the reader get away with anything and treating them like her younger sibling and the reader using it to their full advantage to annoy older brother Percy. Idk if that makes any sense at all, and you can change it however you want. Thank you, and keep up the good work y’all are awesome.
It’s time to celebrate our favorite wise girl <3 I took the “little sibling” a bit too literally and you’re around five years younger lmao let’s say if they’re eighteen you’re around fourteen -Danny
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Her Favorite People -(Platonic!Annabeth Chase xReader)
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“Isn’t that Percy’s last cookie?” Annabeth raises a brow, looking at you with a knowing smirk.
“He already ate twenty!”
“That’s impossible, the packages got ten at most.”
“Well, I may not know math but I know that eating more than five cookies is greedy.”
Annabeth laughs at your retort, she can’t keep up the strict act with you the same way she can do it with Percy, you’re younger than them by a considerable amount of years, and she’s always thought you’re adorable. You’re really similar to Percy, only slightly less oblivious and a little more quiet.
Percy comes back from the showers and you move away from his bed, leaving the empty package behind. The boy picks it up and immediately notices it’s empty. He looks back at you with his mouth open in outrage.
“Hey!” He glances at his girlfriend. “You stood there while Y/N ate my food?”
“Had a really good reason I couldn’t argue against,” Annabeth shrugs with a small grin. “Come on, seaweed brain, Y/N’s doing you a favor. All that sugar in our system will make you bounce off the walls...”
“I already do that without the sugar involved,” He frowns, starting to follow Annabeth out of the cabin. “You know eating sweets calms me down,” He looks back at you. “This isn’t over you little monster!”
You smile innocently at him.
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Annabeth has come to adore you as much as she does with her actual siblings, you’ve known each other for so long it was only natural to get closer, after all you’re her boyfriend’s family, it’s a good thing you guys get along.
Percy pretends he hates it because Annabeth’s a big softie with you, but she knows that’s all a lie, if there’s anyone in this world that loves you with all their heart, that’s Percy Jackson. Other campers even joke about how you’re the only reason why Annabeth’s dating him, because she wanted to become your sister.
You don’t mind the jokes at all, if anything you relish on them, and the opportunity to tease Percy endlessly about it. It’s all in the best way though, you guys would never fight for real over something so silly.
Annabeth’s birthday is here and you’ve been helping Percy plan everything for it, you’re excited because this is the first time he lets you help, last year he said you were too young to organize a proper party, but this time he agreed, he had to walk you through some stuff but you’re a fast learner, so before you both knew it the planning was done and now the only thing left was to enjoy the party.
This year is also the first time you get to buy something for her with your own money, something that comes from you and only you. Annabeth get slightly flustered with all the attention she gets from you and Percy, but she plays it cool.
“You really helped with the party?” She asks you.
“Yeah! I invited everyone and helped with the decorations,” You reply proudly. “You like it?”
“I do, it’s really cool, and really nice of you, Y/N,” She ruffles your hair and you complain, playfully nudging her side.
“I want affection too!” Percy pushes you out of the way and hugs Annabeth tightly, lifting her up from the ground.
“That was rude!” You huff, throwing him a piece of the candy you were eating.
Annabeth laughs at Percy’s antics. “Let me down!”
“Only if you give me a kiss?”
“Eww,” You scrunch up your nose.
“Hey, she was my girlfriend first, you little shit,” Percy squints at you. “Before you came around and stole her from me. She gives you all the affection— I’m dying here!”
“Ever since you started dating you’re such an attention whore.”
Percy gasps, Annabeth cackles and she doesn’t even notice when Percy puts her down and walks over to you. You realize you’re in big trouble, so you do the obvious and run for your life.
“I’m gonna wash your mouth with soap!” He shouts at you. “I didn’t teach you that, who taught you that? You’re no longer allowed near Leo!”
“It was Piper!”
“I’ll talk to her later!”
Annabeth watches the two of you with a huge smile on her face, she can’t stop laughing and she doesn’t want to. You two are by far her favorite people in the world.
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All Fics Taglist.
@beneaththeiceandsnow @heart-charming
All Female Taglist.
Percy Jackson Taglist.
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Writing Prompt AU: Childhood Best friends to Lovers
PART 1: Age 6 
Percy doesn’t realise he’s in trouble until the girl he’s sitting by has gotten up to her feet, her face as red as the curls on her head. 
“You’re too close to me!” She cries at him.
Percy frowns at the space between them, which in his opinion is quite enough but he mutters a sorry and backs away a bit more, bringing the tools he’s playing with closer to him. Sand flies towards him as the girl throws a fistful in his direction. 
He sputters and scratches at his eyes trying to stop the stinging, but all it does is irritate it more. 
“Hey that was mean,” he says, careful not to raise his voice too much. His Mom always taught him that raising your voice is only meant for emergencies and final warnings.
She keeps glaring in his direction until the force of it is so strong that Percy is compelled to get up and leave the sandpit, even though he’s been working on his sandcastle since the beginning of the break.  
He mutters another sorry and goes to the monkey bars, where his friend Grover has been hanging by his legs. 
Percy is trying not to cry as Grover prods him in the shoulder asking him if he’s okay. 
“The girl in the sandpit was a bit mean,” he finally answers and shrugs his shoulders as if it’s not a big deal. But it feels like one.
“You should tell on her,” Grover says with a frown. Instantly Percy shakes his head. 
“No way. I’m not a snitch. You know what happens to people who snitch.” 
Grover sighs and drops from the monkey bars, watching as Percy climbs precariously over the tops of the metal rods. But Percy isn’t worried, he’s a pro at the monkey bars. 
“Mean people should get in trouble,” Grover points out, but Percy shrugs again. 
“Maybe she’s having a bad day, my step-dad Gabe has bad days and sometimes he’s a bit mean, but it’s not all the time. She’s might not be mean all the time.”
Percy’s words come back to bite him in the ass later in the year because it seems as though Nancy Bobofit is always having a bad day when it comes to Percy because she’s always in the corner of his eye glaring at him. 
Sticking her leg out when he goes past her to get to the coloured pencils, causing him to trip, and pointing and laughing at him with her friends while he tries to stand up. Grover is by his side, pulling him up and urging him to tell on her but Percy shoots him down each time with a firm shake of his head. 
It’s when Percy is reading something out loud in class that he finally reaches his limit. 
“An o-owl is a brid...bird,” he feels his face heat up as he hears hushed giggles from the back of the class. He refuses to look up but he knows that it’s Nancy’s group. He straightens and focuses on the words on the page, even as they swim and squiggle. 
He continues through the passage, gripping the paper tightly. He hates reading in front of the class more than anything. More than anything in the world and he wants this to end now. 
“They sleep at night, make-making them,” he squints at the sheet, and his hands shake as he struggles to read the word. 
“Take your time Percy it’s okay,” his teacher said from the front of the room, a smile on her face. 
He looked up at her and nodded before looking back at the page, but tears had started pooling in his eyes, making it even harder to read. 
“Noc..Nocter..Noc…” He sighed deeply and scrunched the paper in his hands a bit. 
“Oh my god, he’s so dumb. He can’t even read.”
The voice was perfectly clear in the silent room and Percy finally dropped the paper and sat down, crossing his arms and putting his face in his hands. He heard Grover whisper his name softly but he shook his head, still not lifting his face. 
Percy could hear his teacher speaking from the other side of the room, “Nancy that wasn’t very nice, please apologise to Percy.”
There was a scoff and then the sound of a chair scraping against the ground. 
“Percy, Nancy has something she’d like to say to you.”
Percy lifted his head but didn’t raise his eyes to Nancy keeping them trained on his scuffed shoes and the bright colours on hers.  
“I’m so so sorry I hurt your little itty bitty feelings, Percy. I hope you learn how to read soon.”
Percy clenched his fists and pushed his head back in his hands. He kept his mouth clamped for the rest of the day, and refused to even talk to Grover when he called out to Percy. 
He just wanted today to end, but Nancy had other plans. 
He was leaving the school building when she popped out from the side, a wide grin on her face. Another girl and boy flanked her sides as she stared him down. Percy felt a pit in his stomach and tried to back away.  
They continued walking towards him, like a predator approaching their prey. Every instinct in Percy’s body was screaming at him to run, but he felt frozen on the spot. 
“Look it’s Percy ‘I can’t read’ Jackson. He’s so dumb.”
Nancy’s words were poison in Percy’s ears, and he felt his face burn in shame. Percy hung his head, avoiding Nancy’s eyes as she and her friends made a circle around him. He knew he wasn’t dumb, he knew that, but hearing her say it, and remembering that moment in class. It was hard not to believe it. 
They didn’t step any closer but Percy still felt like he was being suffocated. 
Nancy pressed closer and got in his face until he backed into one of her friends. He tripped over his feet and fell to the ground. He tried to stand but the boy pushed him by the shoulders, forcing him back down. 
Percy tried to push them off but the girls grabbed him by the arms and held him in place. Tears pricked his eyes as he struggled, but three against one wasn’t a fair fight and he was shaking with fear. Too many hands were grabbing at his clothes, tugging on his backpack, and jeering in his ear. He stopped trying to get away and instead tried to cover his ears and face as their voices grew louder. 
“I think he’s going to cry. What a baby.” One of the girls drawled as she laughed in his ear. He turned his face away from her so that she couldn’t see the tears that started to fall. He wanted to leave. He wanted to leave NOW. 
“I’ll give him something to cry about,” Nancy said, and Percy looked at her in fear. Her lips were curled in a cruel smile as she pulled out a can of coke and started shaking it. 
“Please just leave me alone,” Percy whispered. Nancy paused as if to think about it then shook her head firmly. 
“I don’t think so.”
She aimed the can towards him and began opening it. 
An arm shot out from behind her, grabbing her by the shoulder and shoving her to the ground. In doing so she also aimed the can away from Percy’s face. Instinctively he pulled free from the people holding him and ran for the gap in the circle he was trapped in. 
He didn’t turn back until he was safely out and watched as a girl, around his age with wild curly hair ripped the can from Nancy’s hands and pulled the tab aiming at her face, letting the drink explode in Nancy’s face. 
Nancy screamed as she tried to get away from the explosion, but the girl stood out of reach and emptied the can over her head. When Nancy tried to stand up, the girl stepped closer and pushed her back, forcing Nancy to fall onto her butt. Percy’s eyes widened in awe, but he slapped a hand over his mouth to stop from making a sound in case the girl turned on him. She aimed part of the drink towards Nancy’s friends as well so that they got caught in it, but Nancy got the brunt of it, leaving her red hair soaked through and her face sticky with brown liquid. The can rolled to the side as the girl dropped it and she stared at Nancy’s friends as if daring them to come forward. 
When they didn’t make a move to oppose her she smirked. 
“If I see you messing with him again I’ll find you,” she said and promptly turned on her heel leaving Nancy and her friends staring at her in fear.  
Percy closed his mouth, realising that he was watching her and started to follow her even though she made no move to check on him. He scrambled to his feet and fell into step with her. 
“Thank you,” he breathed. She shrugged and blew a curl from her face. Her cheeks were pink as Percy kept pace with her. He had a bus to catch and he was going in the opposite way that he needed to, but he needed to know who this girl was. 
“I’m Percy,” he said, holding out a hand. She stared at it for a moment, before pausing her quick pace and shook it firmly. Her hands were a bit sticky with the coke, but she was very strong. 
“I know, we’re in the same class.” 
“Who are you?”
“Annabeth. I can be your new best friend.”
This made Percy frown. He already had a best friend, and Grover was awesome. When he told Annabeth this her cheeks darkened but she didn’t back down. 
“A person can have more than one best friend. I have Thalia already, but I can be your friend too.”
“Because it looks like you need it. Any more stupid questions?” This time it was Percy who felt his face warm-up, he wasn’t allowed to use bad words, Annabeth was already infinitely cooler than him for doing so. 
“That’s a bad word,” he pointed out, but he didn’t really care. 
“Do you want to be my friend or not?” Annabeth repeated. Her grey eyes were like a storm and Percy found himself nodding without even thinking about it clearly.
“Yeah. Okay, I’ll be your friend.” Percy decided and nodded again to reaffirm it. Annabeth was a little scary but she had helped him when no one else had. 
“Good.” Then she smiled, and Percy felt his steps falter a bit. She was kind of pretty when she smiled. 
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annonymouslyblonde · 3 years
Where I Should Be
Fandom: PJO/HOO
Pairing: Percy x Annabeth
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
Summary: Set during Mark of Athena the night of the day they found Percy. What if the stable scene wasn't the first moment alone Percy and Annabeth had? While I love the stable scene, Annabeth just isn't patient enough to have waited that long to catch up with Percy. My take on an additional scene for MoA.
A/N: Everything follows canon for HOO other than the fact we don't have a consistent timeline on the amount of time Percy was missing. So bare with me. My headcannon is that for Percy, it was a few months (thanks to his Hera induced nap), but for Annabeth, he's been missing eight months now.
The slight creak of the door woke Percy. After four years of fighting monsters and Lupa's training, he had learned to sleep lightly. Before the door could close, Riptide was uncapped and at the intruder's throat.
A sharp gasp came shortly before the person hissed, "Percy, it's me!"
Annabeth. Of course, it was only Annabeth. Percy sheepishly lowered his sword. Nothing said "I've missed you the last eight months" like a sword to the throat. Then again, she had judo flipped him, hadn't she? Seemed fair enough.
"I thought you were a monster!" he whispered harshly in defense of his actions, but Annabeth leveled him with a signature glare.
"A monster quietly making it past Jason on guard and opening your bedroom door instead of exploding it?"
His cheeks flamed with embarrassment. Hearing it aloud especially from Annabeth did make it seem pretty ridiculous.
"I was half asleep, and stranger things have happened. Besides I wasn't exactly expecting anyone tonight."
Annabeth looked away from him distracted, half asleep herself. She was barefoot and clad in her favorite worn flannel pants and a camp half-blood sweatshirt of his that was definitely too big for her.
"You're right, I'm sorry," she admitted quietly. "I just- I shouldn't have come, it's stupid. Go back to bed, Percy." She started to turn for the door when he dropped his sword completely to reach for her.
"Hey, don't."
He turned her back to him. In the light of Riptide, tear tracts stood out on her cheeks, and her eyes were red, puffy, and glassy like she may cry again any second. He gently stroked her cheek.
"You've been crying," Percy noted. She wiped angrily at her eyes trying to remove the evidence.
"Nightmares again?" he asked gently. Percy was always gentle with her when nightmares plagued her. Being vulnerable didn't come easy to Annabeth, and he felt honored she would trust him enough to show her vulnerable side.
When she confirmed his suspicions with a nod, Percy collected her in his arms and felt her sigh with relief. He remembered how awful the nightmares had been before at camp and when she'd stay at the apartment, even taken a few elbows as she fought them when she fell asleep during their movie nights. And now? A shudder cut through him trying to imagine how awful they must have been when he vanished. For him, it had only been a few months, but Annabeth had been looking for him nearly a year now not knowing what she may find on the other end.
He pressed a long kiss to her hair and asked, "Which one this time?"
Percy was familiar with most of them by now. Her mother and father rejecting her, blankets turning into spiders, standing at his funeral shroud in hand with everyone telling her he was gone, him accepting the offer of immortality and leaving her alone. And now he had actually left her alone at camp for eight months. The thought made his stomach turn.
"Same one I've had the last few months," she mumbled into his chest. "Every worst-case scenario. You not remembering me, not wanting to leave Camp Jupiter. Or not finding you at Camp Jupiter at all, that you'd never been there and we were completely wrong. Or worse." He knew the "or worse". Her biggest fear used to be abandonment and rejection, but now it had become more than that. The worse was finding him already dead.
"When I woke up, I just- I didn't trust my own mind that we really had found you. That you were really here. I thought I'd finally snapped. Today was probably the best scenario I could have thought up, and you know how it is for half-bloods. Things never go right."
He tightened his hold and stroked her tangled curls, burying his face in her shoulder. "Today they did. Right enough at least. I'm here. I'm with you where I should be."
"I'm so sorry, Percy," she sobbed into his shirt. "I'm sorry it took me so long to find you. I failed you epically."
"No, you didn't." He gently extracted himself taking her face in his hands and made her look at him. "That was all Hera. You did everything you could. I know you did."
"I can't help but feel like that's my fault too. After all, it is Hera," she spat the name out with a much venom as gorgon's blood. Somehow her voice could do that. One side sweet and comforting, another as deadly as poison. "She had to take you. Part of me feels like she took you to get back at me."
Percy couldn't help the chuckle. "Oh, I've done my share of angering that psycho goddess."
The pair stood for a moment in an extended silence. It wasn't enough to alleviate her guilt and he knew it. So he continued.
"It had to be me I think. Any other half-blood getting to California and through the wolf House with no memories? Even if I didn't know about it, I had Achilles' curse protecting me until I got to camp Jupiter. It saved me more than a couple of times."
"Until? You mean-" Her voice trailed off as her fingers grazed the spot at his lower back that he'd confided in her was his only weak spot. His stomach flipped at the gentle touch of her fingers in a way that had nothing to do with the weak spot he previously had.
"I had to give it up to enter Camp Jupiter," he explained. The realization donned on her.
"So when I flipped you earlier-"
"Oh yeah felt every bit of that, thanks. Probably bruised my back along with my ego," he teased. A thunk sounded as she hit her head on the door.
"I'm an idiot," she groaned. "Of course you couldn't carry a Grecian curse into a Roman camp. I'm sorry, Percy. I never meant to hurt you." Her hands skimmed his back hoping she hadn't hurt him too badly.
"I know you didn't, babe." Her heart flipped at the affectionate term. He didn't use that one often, usually when they were alone, but it did strange things to her whenever he did call her babe. It still felt surreal occasionally that they were together in that way. The days of them arguing on the way to LA didn't seem so far in the past.
"You were angry and scared and had every right to be after I disappeared like that. Besides you've done more damage in sparing practice. I'm fine."
She didn't say anything, choosing instead to wrap her arms around him again assuring herself he was really there. Soon, he felt her breathing even out against his neck, and she slumped heavily into him starting to fall asleep again. When he shuffled them towards the bed, she stirred making the task more difficult.
"Come on," he whispered into her nest of golden curls, loving the way she burrowed into his arms. "Lay down with me."
"Can't," she mumbled sleepily. "I shouldn't even be here. I need to go before we get caught."
"I think we've earned this for one night at least. It's been too long since I could hold you." His arms tightened around her, adding to his point. "I'll even set an alarm so you can sneak back before anyone is up. Better yet, where's your hat?"
"Stopped working," she spat out bitterly. "Only gift mom ever gave me, and apparently she kept the receipts. I don't wanna talk about it."
That concerned him. If Athena was taking things from Annabeth, what did that mean for the rest of them with their parents? Percy made them promise to be better with their kids, and here they were a few months later going back on their promises. Typical.
"You and your mom aren't talking again?"
"No one is talking. Olympus has gone silent except for Hera apparently." Bitterness crept back into her voice as the hurt and worry of the last several months tightened in her chest again. Before her mind could go too dark, the ship pitched suddenly sending them tumbling into his bed and Percy into a fit of laughter.
"See even the ship is telling you to stay."
She snorted and settled against him as he pulled a blanket around them. If the Fates seemed to be telling her to stay, then who was she to argue. Curled into his side, she took a deep, comforting breath of the salty air that seemed to follow him. The smell of the ocean, the smell of him, always calmed her now. Automatically, Percy ran his fingers through her hair. Well as much as he could considering it was a knotted mess.
"Speaking of moms though, your mom and Paul are doing well. They've been worried about you, but they're good."
"You went to see them?"
Distractedly, she drew Greek letters across his chest needing to keep her hands busy. Curse half-blood ADHD. It was always worse when she didn't sleep well, but Percy didn't mind. The light touch of her fingers dancing across his chest focused him. All he could think of was her. The smell of her shampoo. Her warm breath as she spoke to him. The feel of her securely wrapped in his arms. He never wanted to forget this again.
"I wanted to keep them informed and see if they heard from you," she answered having finally ordered her thoughts enough. "I've been going at least once a week when I'm at camp. Your mom's kept me sane the last eight months."
"She's pretty great like that. I tried to call her. I don't know if it helped or made things worse. I didn't really explain too well."
"It helped," she assured him with a squeeze. "She managed to forward it to me, and we must have spent an hour on the phone together listening to it. It was good just to hear your voice. And speaking of, you should call her in the morning. The camouflage on the ship will make it safe for a phone call."
"She's going to kill me when I get home," he groaned. Annabeth laughed into his chest. It was the best feeling in the world to hear that laugh again.
"Probably so, then she's going to hug you for a month straight. She wanted me to tell you she loves you and misses you. She never doubted I'd find you."
When Annabeth first came to tell Mr. and Mrs. Jackson-Blofis about Percy's disappearance, she made sure Sally knew she would do whatever it took to bring him home. The older woman merely nodded and smiled at the younger girl.
"Of course you will, dear. I have every faith in you." And she hugged her. Sally never once doubted Annabeth's ability. And later as Annabeth worried over the quest from her mom, it was Sally that held her hand reassuringly and told her everything would be alright. In the past eight months, Sally Jackson had become a rock to Annabeth, and she would never be able to thank the woman enough for that. The woman never doubted that she'd find the most important thing in both their lives.
"And she shouldn't have." Percy interrupted her thoughts, answering both her words and internal musings. "Because you are amazing."
Looking down at the girl curled against him, Percy couldn't help but finally feel at home. Emotions overwhelmed him fighting for dominance. Pride in her. Anger for being snatched away. Fear that it would happen again. Happiness to have her in his arms again. But one feeling was more powerful than the rest, and he needed to make sure she knew before anything else could happen.
"And I love you, Annabeth Chase."
She propped up on her elbows, staring at him dumbfounded. A long quiet moment passed before Percy broke the silence with a nervous laugh.
"Oh that's so sweet," he mimicked in a high voice. "But you know I'm not sure I feel that-"
She shut him up with a kiss. By now, they had kissed lots of times. There was Mt. St. Helen when she had surprised him with a kiss. Or the time they came back to camp high on the victory of defeating Kronos when they had kissed by the lake. And of course, the best underwater kiss ever which had become every underwater kiss since. But every time she kissed him, it made his stomach flip just like it was the first time all over again. When they finally parted, she leaned her forehead against his with a satisfied smirk.
"Of course I love you, seaweed brain. Think I'd have gone searching for eight months if I didn't?"
"I'd do it for you," he vowed, wrapping a ringlet around his finger. "I'd do anything for you."
"You're proving my point for me."
She smirked at him, and he took the moment to truly study her face. She was beautiful as always, but the deep, puffy rings under her eyes had definitely not been there before. Her cheekbones stood out sharper and he realized when he held her, she was thinner, gaunt even. He could feel each of her vertebrae when he ran his hand down her back. Her face was noticeably paler as well, and her hair lacked its normal shiny, glow. Overall, she pretty much looked like death warmed over. He traced the purple skin under her eyes.
"Gods, Annabeth, when's the last time you slept?"
She rolled her eyes at him. The first time he told her he loved her followed up with how tired she looked. Leave it to Percy Jackson to ruin a beautiful moment.
"Always the charmer, aren't you?"
"I mean it." The laugh in her throat died with his serious tone. Percy was seldom serious. "When's the last time you actually slept a full eight hours? And you haven't been eating well, I can tell. I know how you get when you stress."
Annabeth settled against his shoulder again, not able to bear the concern on his face. No, she hadn't taken great care of herself lately, and she didn't need Percy to remind her of that. Sally did enough of that commenting on the increasingly dark circles under her eyes, always insisting she stay for dinner, that she was getting too thin.
"I couldn't," she finally admitted in a small voice. It seemed pathetic to her now that she hadn't been able to take care of herself, but she lacked the will to without Percy. All of her focus has been on finding him.
"I had to find you. When I did sleep, I snuck into your cabin or fell asleep in your bed at the apartment." She paused waiting for his reaction. Would he be angry she snuck in there? Would he not like her sleeping in his beds while he'd been missing? But Percy just tightened his arms around her and pressed a kiss to her head. She released the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. It amazed her sometimes how Percy always seemed to know exactly what she needed.
"Being in there where it smelled like you, it was the only way I could actually get some sleep. Chiron had to know, but no one ever said anything."
Tears collected in her eyes, and she turned her face into his chest trying to stop them. Percy was the only person she ever let see her like this, weak and emotional. The only time she let herself break was in the seclusion of the Posidon cabin curled around his pillow.
"I missed you," she whispered hoarsely.
"I missed you too. The whole time, all I could think about was getting back to you. You kept me going, kept me alive."
"You mean you remembered me the whole time?" she asked incredulously. How could she have been the one thing he remembered? When Jason showed up, he hadn't remembered anything. It didn't make sense to her that Percy would remember anything, much less her.
"Yeah. Whether she meant to or not, you were the only thing Hera didn't take from me. The second I woke up, I didn't know my name, but I knew yours and knew I had to get back to you no matter what. More things came. The quests and all. That kiss under the lake. But it always came back to you. You're ingrained into who I am now, Annabeth. You were the reason I kept going because I knew I had to get back to you."
She leaned up pressing her lips to his again, tracing every inch of his face trying to memorize it. The kiss spoke everything they had struggled to say to each other. Her euphoric relief seeing him alive and well. His hope for a future with her in New Rome. The deep connection that had tied them together since they were twelve. Everything.
"I love you, Percy Jackson," she breathed against his lips, pouring every emotion she felt for him into the words. He grinned that lopsided smile she adored so much.
"I love you too, wise girl."
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bipercabeth · 4 years
“your hands are shaking” + percabeth !!! 🥺 (ofc I went for the hands)
started this with the intention of writing a lil drabble between roommates ch 9 and 10, but it got away from me. here’s 1.4k of soft idiots and hands
Percy comes home from the last swim practice before states and promptly throws himself onto the couch, tossing an arm over Annabeth’s thighs and pressing his face into the cushion next to them, his skin and breath contrasting the pervasive cold their radiator fights against. Today was the last intense day, so she knows he's hurting even before he hooks his hand under her leg to pull himself closer and groans with the effort. Annabeth sets the notes she scooped up upon his entry down on the coffee table and combs a hand through his damp hair with a frown.
"Did you walk all the way here with wet hair? Perce, it's freezing out."
"Can you let a guy die in peace?"
"We both know it's my life's purpose to make sure you never know peace, so I'm gonna need you to answer the question."
"You know the answer."
She thunks him gently on the back of his cold head but soothes his responding whine by scratching her nails along his scalp. He purrs, a low throaty sound she feels through the couch and his grip on her. Her playlist plays through the TV, a soft instrumental meant to help her focus on school. Instead it zeroes her in on Percy's profile, the edges of him that soften in the light of their apartment and her company. Soft black curls drape over his eyes, and she pushes it back to find them closed in contentment. A finger traces the line of his jaw of its own volition, soft and feather-light against the hard edge. She trails it down his crooked nose, which was broken one too many times to heal straight, and rides the bump over the dusting of freckles. Her fingertip only just traces his lips before he presses the barest of kisses to it, nearly shocking her into recoiling. Of all the sideways attempts at kissing him to express her feelings, he has never once made that move. It's just a whisper against her pointer finger, not her collarbone or cheek or wherever else she's laid her lips on him in a moment of courage, but it's significant all the same.
Instead of telling him that, she says, "If you get sick five days before states because you walked outside with wet hair in February, I'm actually gonna kill you.”
Percy ignores her threat. "Just wanted to get home to you."
"Well that's...incredibly hard to be mad at you over."
"It is, isn't it?" The corner of his mouth lifts just so, hinting at the dimple she knows will press into his cheek at a moment's notice.
"I take it back. I'm mad." She lifts his arm off her legs and attempts to scoot away, but he catches her around her legs again. She lets herself be manhandled, knowing her smile will betray her posturing the moment he looks up at her.
He pulls her closer than last time, now laying his head on her thigh, his cheek smushed against her sweatpants. "How's studying going?"
Annabeth's gaze flickers to the pile of books on the coffee table. "It's...going, I guess."
"You feeling okay?"
"Yeah, just..." She exhales and looks back to Percy, the most peaceful thing in the living room. "Midterms, ya know?"
"Like last time?"
There's an undercurrent of concern to his voice, one Annabeth is used to hearing but can never quite comprehend being directed her way. "No, not like last time. A good, normal amount of exam stress and existential dread." Her hand returns to his hair, which warms under her touch. "Is that why you hurried home?"
He looks up at her then, earnest despite the long day. "I just wanted to spend some time with you before our week explodes. You not going crazy is an added bonus though." His eyes undermine his tone as they search Annabeth's face, checking for eyebags and other signs of stress. Seemingly satisfied with his findings, he tucks his cheek back against her leg.
Resigning herself to being done with school work for the night, Annabeth nudges Percy and asks him to fish for the remote between the cushions. They're mid season six on New Girl, and she's hoping to finish before the week is up. Percy finds the remote and bends awkwardly to pass it to her behind his head.
"Percy, your hands are shaking," she says, taking the remote and his hand into her own.
"Practice was brutal today," he sighs. "Coach gave us this arm exercise where you do this between each stroke"—he flexes his hand before making a fist and opening it again—"for some reason. Threw us off for the beginning of practice, but it made us work harder in the end. That was probably the point, but right now it just sucks."
"Sit up."
"Annabeth, I can't ask you to—"
"You're not asking for anything. I'm telling you to sit up."
Percy heaves himself out of Annabeth's lap and rests against the back of the couch, turning to jelly in his attempt to protest. Paying him no mind, Annabeth throws her legs over his like a seatbelt and takes his far arm into her hands.
"Forearms bad?" she asks.
"It's all bad."
Annabeth rolls her eyes and flips his palm to the ceiling, feeling a slight tremor from the angle once more. She presses her thumbs from his knuckles to his wrist, the soft flesh of his palms malleable beneath her touch. They're the slightest bit clammy too, she notes with a small smile. They weren’t before her legs were in his lap.
Before long she moves to his forearms, anchoring his palm on her knee while she digs into the muscle and pushes out the lactic acid. Just as she reaches his elbow, she realizes she forgot to do anything with the TV.
"You can turn on whatever you like. I'm just gonna focus."
His voice is close. "I like watching you focus." Annabeth doesn't remember scooting almost entirely into his lap, though she's been leaning in the higher she travels up his arm. Doesn't mean she's ready to look up—with her tongue poking out in concentration, no less—and find his face inches away from hers.
Percy clears his throat and offers her his upper arm in the form of an escape. Annabeth takes it, sinking her fingers into his bicep and working out the stiffness.
It's a nice arm. Two of them, actually—he has two very nice arms. Objectively. From an artist's standpoint. It's no wonder Rachel used to use him as a model for anatomy studies in her drawing classes. He has good anatomy. Solid. Streamlined. A true swimmer's build, all broad shoulders and tapered torso.
Annabeth gives the swell of his shoulder one last squeeze and switches arms, scooting away slightly to make room for his wingspan. She starts the same way as last time: with his palm face up in hers. Her hands have memorized this route by now, so she lets her mind wander as she sets about his forearm.
"How's practice been? Besides the obvious, I mean."
"Do we include Sloan being a dick in the obvious?"
She can't help the way her fingers dig in. "No. You tell me about that. Always."
He sets his free hand on her shin for a moment, putting out a bit of her fire. "Nothing serious. Just stupid comments, usually under his breath. He's not going to try anything with Coach watching him the way he has been."
Annabeth focuses her frustration into her work, ignoring Percy's wince. "You promise you'd tell me if it was bad?"
"Do I have a black eye?"
She makes a show of looking. "Nope."
"Then he didn't say anything bad."
Annabeth finishes his arm and frowns. "That just means you didn't get hit." She picks up both of his hands and checks his knuckles. The skin is unbroken and unbruised, and he didn't wince at all when she worked his palms. In a lapse of restraint, she presses her lips there. "Keep 'em that way, okay?"
He chuckles, and she watches his Adam's apple move. "Yes ma'am. You done?"
She releases him with a flourish. "All done. Nothing to do now but wait."
Percy looks at her, his eyes dark. "I know the feeling."
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blackjacktheboss · 4 years
angst 11 “nobody’s seen you in days.” or fluff 15 “i missed you so much.” (or both idk go wild)
“Nobody’s seen you in days,” Percy says with concern, noticing the slight shake of the phone as he presses it tighter to his ear. “Please.. Please just… Send word as soon as you can.”  
Tucking his phone back into his pocket, he stands on the porch and laces his hands on top of his head and takes a deep breath. They have been trained for these tough moments when control is nothing more than a theoretical concept. Annabeth is one of the toughest operatives the Agency has produced in the last fifty years, and if anyone can navigate being deep undercover with no support in sight, it’s her.
Percy takes another deep breath, keeping his eyes trained on the single dirt road that leads to the house and reminds himself to be patient. He paces the length of the porch until the sun dips below the horizon and stars begin to twinkle in the night sky, their silver light reminding him of Annabeth’s eyes.
Eventually, the stress and exhaustion take over, and Percy forces himself to retreat to the bedroom. With one last patrol of the house, he slips beneath the comforter and buries his face in the pillows, hoping to banish any and all anxious thoughts about his partner’s fate.
Percy pops up in bed at the sound of a floorboard creaking, gun in hand, and the light grey sky outside the window tells him it is the early hours of the morning. Another creak in the hallway tells him the intruder is approaching, and with the agility of someone who has trained for this since the age of twelve, he quickly positions himself behind the door.
The door slowly opens, and Percy places the barrel of his gun at the back of the intruder’s head.
They put their hands out in front of them in surrender. “Is that a gun or you just happy to see me?”
Percy drops the weapon, tucking it into his waistband. “Annabeth,” he breathes out.
She turns around and looks him up and down. “You look like shit.”
He rushes forward, wrapping Annabeth up in the tightest bear hug he can manage. “I missed you so much,” he says, placing a kiss to the side of her head.
She is rigid for a second, but soon melts in his arms and buries her face into the crook of his neck. “I missed you too,” she says.
Percy pulls back, his hands on her shoulders, then her face, and examines her carefully. “You made it out.”
“Of course I did,” she says, though Percy sees through her confident façade. “But… We don’t have much time. I’m being followed.”
“They’re on their way here?” Percy asks, walking past Annabeth to look out of the window.
“I’m sorry, Percy,” Annabeth says, her voice breaking. “I-- I didn’t know where else to go.”
Percy whips around to face her. “Hey, you never have to apologize for bringing a fight with you. I’ve got your back. Always, remember?”
Annabeth bites her bottom lip and nods, wiping a tear away from her cheek.
“How long do you think we have?”
“Maybe an hour,” she says, running a hand through her hair. “At least thirty men. Maybe more.”
“Okay,” Percy says as he puts his hands on his hips. “If I call for air support now, we might just have to hold them off for a bit. But the armory is in the back, so you go take inventory, and I’ll see what we have to barricade the front of the house.”
He moves to walk past her out of the room when she reaches out for his arm to stop him. Percy looks at her, and clocks a familiar glimmer in her eye just as she surges forward to place a wanting, passionate kiss to his lips. She pulls aways and Percy still has his eyes closed.
“Wow,” is all he manages to say as his eyes flutter open. “What, uh… What was that for?”
“For good luck,” she answers, though her eyes say much, much more. “It’s, um… Kind of our tradition.”
Percy purses his lips, trying to dampen the stupid smile that threatens to ruin the moment. “If we live through this, I’d, uh, love to add a new something to the tradition.”
Annabeth laughs. “Is that so?”
Again, Percy cradles Annabeth’s face in his hands, and leans forward to place his own kiss on her lips. At first it is chaste and sweet, but he quickly deepens it, wanting Annabeth to feel every bit of love and trust that Percy has gained for her over the past fifteen years of knowing each other.
“Yeah,” he answers.
Annabeth smiles, and Percy sees their entire future unfold before them.
She places another kiss to his lips, her hands gripping the front of his shirt. “Then I guess we better make sure we live.”
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fbfh · 4 years
I mean, you did ask - leo x reader
all  characters are aged up to 18+ for smexy subtext
word count: 2k
pairing: leo x gn child of calliope reader
genre: adventure, romance, hints at a lowkey soulmate au
summary: after a bumpy reunion turned interrogation with your friends, you finally prove to Leo that you’re someone worth catching up with
warnings: swearing, friends hold you at knife point (for good reason) memory loss, dimesion/reality travel, the phrase “horrible sexy little goose” not about an actual animal, moderate time difference between worlds, reader is acting like a cocky piece of shit half the time, you call yourself sexy a lot, annabeth slaps reader and reader is unbothered, reader and leo hae very visceral reactions upon seeing each other, piper picks up on this, moderately aggressive face grabbing, discussing personal info with someone somewhat privately, brief mentions of hand holding and hair pulling during sex, you spill tea about the rest of the demisquad, I think that’s it pls tell me if I missed any
song rec: choke - i don’t know how but they found me
a/n: this is from a very vivid daydream I had so er ah if reader seems op coded that’s cause she is uwu
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You were excited to reunite with your friends after so long, but being tied up and held hostage at knifepoint by the people you love who don’t even remember you wasn’t the welcome wagon you were hoping for. Then again, as a child of Calliope, you can’t say you’re surprised. 
Apollo has a lot of kids, but demigod children of the muses are exceptionally less common. They’re volatile, really powerful, extremely engrossed in their art, and usually care more about their latest thesis paper or painting or manuscript than going on quests, and more often than not have very specific powers. You, for example, love quests but feel like you never get to go on any, usually because you’re fighting monsters somewhere else. One fun little power you inherited from your mom is - somewhat involuntary - dimension shifting. 
A lot of times you just get summoned somewhere else, with a little inherent background knowledge and your weapon, set free into the new world like a horrible sexy little goose. There’s usually some kind of objective you need to meet; find this person, set something in motion, give someone support in a time of need, deliver a package. After that, you get sent back to your family at camp half blood. The catch, one of them at least, is that a few days Somewhere Else could be no more than a few minutes in your homeverse. 
Another catch is that because of all that, and the fact that you wouldn’t know how to begin explaining, let alone if anyone would believe you, no one knows you can do this yet. Chiron has an idea, but you’ve never told anyone outright. 
You guess now is as good of a time as any to come clean, as Percy holds his sword threateningly close to your neck. You let out a disbelieving laugh, and bite the inside of your cheek.
“Okay, okay… you want the truth?” he starts to back off, and you continue, leaning forward, “I’m not surprised you’d want to know where someone this sexy-” your words cut off as Annabeth’s hand slaps you across the face. You let out a laugh of disbelief, cheek stinging.
“A cheap shot, Annabeth? Wow, I really didn’t take you for the type,” she grabs your face, leaning in close, knife once again against your throat. 
"How do you know my name." She hisses, and behind her, the door opens. Messy dark curls peek over her head in your vision and you know instantly who it is. Your heart starts pounding, loud and hard, and something heavy starts swirling deep in your gut. Your eyes lock as soon as he enters the room and an instinctive smile blooms on your face, knowing what's inevitably on its way. 
"Hey Sparky…" 
Your voice, slow and drawling (and, he'd be lying if he didn't say kind of very sexy) impales him as soon as he enters the room. He watches your pupils expand, eyes locked, immediately swept away by your magnetic aura. A fox like grin decorates your pretty face, and he gets the feeling you know more than you let on. Way more. He's so drawn to you on a guttural level, way more than he's ever been to someone before. His face is hot, and when you slowly wink at him, he feels flames erupt on his cheeks. It takes him a second to put it out, feeling your white hot gaze on him the entire time. 
Piper, who's been helping with your interrogation, looks back and forth between you two as this progresses, taking in a breath and mumbling a shocked, "Oh," as she begins to understand. 
"How are those repairs coming?" Jason asks, oblivious to everything that's happening between you two. 
"Uh… nearly done…" Leo mutters, watching as you hold back an elated giggle at the sound of his voice. You never forget how good it feels to see him again, but the fresh feeling is always better than you can imagine. Jason glances between you two, and walks over to Leo, suspicious of your interest in him. 
"I'll walk you back," Jason says, glaring at you. Your eyes stay locked with Leo's until the door finally closes again. Piper stares at you, bewildered by the tension turned to frantic energy crackling around both you and Leo. She can sense it on him even after he's out of the room. 
Annabeth finally drops your face, pacing and pinching the bridge of her nose. Percy slams him hands down on the table and levels his face with yours. 
"I'm gonna ask you one last time. How do you know us?" 
You stare at the table for a second, still thinking about him. You have to see him again. You’ve waited for too long, you just can’t do it anymore. 
“H- okay. Um,” You blink a few times, facade falling away almost instantly as you look up in a silent prayer that this doesn’t go as badly as you feel like it will. You sigh, looking back up at the other people in the room, a new, deliberate intention in your eyes that they hadn’t seen before. 
“You want to know why I’m here?” 
Their answer is the silence that follows.
“You’re not gonna believe me.” They look around at each other, collectively thinking about everything they’ve been through in the last year alone.
“Try us.” Annabeth replies. You sigh again, and introduce yourself. “...I’m a child of Calliope, muse of epic poetry, and I know you all because we grew up together. One of the fun - quirks, I inherited from my mom is traveling into different stories, or realities, I guess. It’s hard to control, and sometimes happens involuntarily. I adapt to wherever I am, and the universe sort of auto adjusts to follow the rules that stories have to follow. 
The reason you don’t remember me is because I was gone for a really long time, and your story had to keep going. Trying to find me wouldn’t have moved the plot forward, questioning where I went would have been confusing, so it did the simplest thing and edited me out so you could get closer to meeting your objectives.”
Once again, their silence is your answer. 
“Guys, sidebar.” Annabeth says, pulling Percy, Jason, and Piper out of the room for a moment. The come back in a little while later, and she looks you dead in the eye.
“If you really know us as well as you say you do, prove it. Tell us you’d only know if we were as close as you say we were.” 
You sigh yet again, having lost count at how many times that’s happened today alone. You roll your shoulders and bob your head, irritable that you’re still restrained and itching to move. 
“Is there anything we can do before the whole tell me something really personal thing?” 
Percy looks at you, challenging.
“Can you do it or not?”
Another noise of exasperation leaves you, and you agree, resignation all over your face.
“You know what, yeah. Okay, we’re doing this. Someone go get Leo.” An involuntary smile once again launches onto your face at the mention of his name. Jason starts to object. 
“Hey, I’m not going to spill something personal about someone when they’re not in the room.” They agree reluctantly, and Jason leaves, returning again with Leo. You look at him again, enraptured by his presence. He can’t say he doesn’t like the attention - a hottie like you looking at him like that? Yes, please - but something about it feels different, and he gets the feeling there’s a lot more going on than they’re aware of. 
You nod your head once, indicating for him to come closer. He gets a little closer. You widen your eyes, nodding two more times, and he hesitantly gets within whispering distance. 
You turn your head to your left, dangerously close to his face. He can feel his pulse already speeding up. Heat radiates between your faces, your breath fanning over his neck as you whisper slowly,
“You really… really like holding hands, and when I pull your hair during sex.” 
He pulls away from you quickly, beet red, bewildered expression obvious to everyone in the room. “H-how-”
“How do you think?” You reply calmly, loving everything about him, “Okay, to be fair…” you nod once more, eyes flaring, and he leans in once again, equally hesitant and curious. Your words tickle his ear, seeming to light up his entire nervous system like a firecracker.
“I really really like when you bite that spot on my neck, just below my ear.” 
He pulls away again, trying not to literally and figuratively combust. He stares in your eyes intensely, searching for anything besides the truth. He finds absolutely nothing. He turns around, unable to look his friends in the eye. 
“They’re legit, guys.” 
“Wait, what did you say to him?” Piper asks, unsure if she wants to know the answer. 
“Yeah,” Annabeth agrees, “what if it’s some kind of mind control-” Your deep, burning desire to finally hold Leo after god knows how long is starting to beat your better judgement, and you really, really want to be untied from this stupid chair. “Annabeth! Your favorite show was Cyber Chase growing up, you used to come up with plans on how to defeat Hacker, your best was cutting off his food supply - good strategy, I’ve used it before, myself. 
Percy, you feel like you can’t sing because you were forced to participate in an elementary school recital and some kid called you tonedeaf behind your back, it kicked you right in the RSD balls. 
Piper, you’re a closet weeb, you watched Ouran High School Host club obsessively and still do sometimes, you fell for Jason because he had, quote, 'Tamaki's looks and Kyoya's brains, the ideal man'. 
Jason, that scar on your lip is from biting a stapler as a child-"
"Okay, everyone knows that-"
"-and," you continue, showing no signs of stopping, "the reason you ate the stapler is because you were pretending to be a trash compactor because you saw one on TV. 
Nico is totally not right outside the door keeping guard right now, but if he were and you asked him if he likes the diary of a wimpy kid movies he'll ask how the hell you know that - should I continue."
Again, the answers are in the silence hovering in the room. 
“I think it’s about time to catch me up on what I missed.” 
A beat passes.
“Right,” Annabeth says, blinking and readjusting her ponytail as she sits down across from you, Percy already taking the bindings off of your wrists, “so, about the quest…”
She starts to fill you in on the details you missed, bringing you up to speed. After a little while you all decide to call it a night. Piper senses your energy ramping up in spite of the exhaustion settling in. You finally bid them all good night, but Piper’s not sold by your forced yawns. After what feels like another lifetime, you finally leave the room you’ve been in for hours with one objective. 
You can’t stay away from him anymore, you have to find Leo. 
After navigating a maze of hallways and doors, you finally push open the right one to see him looking up at you, and find yourself saying for the second time tonight,
“Hey, Sparky…” 
His heart is racing, and he gets that heavy, full feeling in his chest again, not having fully shaken it from the last time you saw each other. Looking into your eyes makes him nostalgic for something he can’t quite remember, and he knows with full certainty that you have more history than he’s aware of. He wants more than anything in this moment to remember. He sets down the wrench in his hand, taking a step toward you.
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bro-ken-spoon · 3 years
Percy Jackson Birthday Fic
Hey guys! I know I'm coming in just under the wire here, but it's once again August 18th, meaning it's once again Percy Jackson's birthday! I've written a little fic for the occasion!
Because it's me, it's a sickfic! Content warning for nightmares, and spoiler warning through the Heroes of Olympus series!
I will be posting this concurrently to AO3, but you can find it right here under the cut! If you like it, consider reblogging it or leaving a comment on ao3! Happy Birthday Percy!
Percy’s still in bed when Annabeth knocks on the door to the bedroom.
“You ready? You’ve got about fifteen minutes.” she calls through the door, and Percy just groans and rolls over. He forgot about his birthday dinner. It was too late to cancel, his mom and stepdad would be so disappointed. It doesn’t matter that he feels miserable, he’s got to get up. When he doesn’t give an answer, Annabeth opens the door. “Percy, it’s time to-oh. You’re still in bed.” She walks closer to him, and he closes his eyes. He feels Annabeth’s soft touch on his cheek, and she gasps slightly. “Oh.” she says in a small voice, and Percy’s not sure what that means, but now her hand is gone. That sure isn’t what he wanted.
He keeps his eyes closed. It does keep the headache down, and it stops him from feeling quite so nauseous. He can only sense Annabeth in the room by her footsteps pacing back and forth across the foot of the bed.
“Hey, Mrs. Jackson,” she says, and Percy knits his eyebrows a little. Not only does the sound send a bit more pain through his head, he also wonders why Annabeth might be calling his mom. “I just went to check on Percy to make sure he was getting ready, and he’s running a fever. Maybe we should postpone dinner until he’s feeling up to it, maybe next week just in case? Yeah, I can change the reservation, don’t worry about it. Yes. Yes, I promise I’ll update you every hour. Of course. Actually, yeah, I’ve got enough for tonight but if you wanted to drop by in the morning I’m sure he’d like that. Yeah. Alright, see you then. Alright. Bye.”
Annabeth’s footsteps move closer to him. He feels the same cool hand, this time on his forehead. She moves her hand, which makes him sad, but she plants a kiss there instead, which helps. She leaves the room and returns quickly.
“Hey, babe, do you think you can sit up for me? Just real quick.” she says. He wants more than anything to not move, but he can’t defy Annabeth, not when she’s asking so sweetly. He opens his eyes to see her worried face, and she helps him sit up. She sticks a thermometer in his mouth, which is a surprising sensation, but then she sticks a cool rag on the back of his neck, so he forgives her. When she takes it out, she makes a little sound of distaste. “This must’ve come on fast, huh?”
He doesn’t answer, just takes the medicine she sets in his mouth and a sip of the water. She helps him lay back down, and he drifts to sleep.
Percy is in pain.
He’s on fire. His body is shaking. He’s on his knees, chained to a wall, wheezing. The air smells and tastes distinctly like Tartarus. That must be where he is, he decides. He never really left. Except he can’t find Annabeth. She’s not next to him. Maybe she made it out. Maybe she...no, she must have made it out.
She’s not there, but he is. He tries to move against the shackles, but it hurts, and he can’t get them free. There’s no water around, no water that wouldn’t also kill him, so he really feels backed against the wall this time.
He blinks, and suddenly Nyx stands before him. He recognizes her easily enough, and she has a wicked smile on her face. He sees darkness. He sees Annabeth, scared, stumbling around as she screams that he abandoned her. He sees his friends, lying dead from a war that didn’t need to happen. He sees his mom, flailing for her life, being squeezed by the giant fist of a minotaur. Anger wells up inside of him. He tries to use that strength to break the chains, but it only leaves welts on his wrists as they start to bleed from the force against the cuffs.
The goddess hums, a deep, discordant sound that rivals that of a dying whale, and Percy screams, the sound drowning out his will to live. The heat seems to rise around him. He was already on fire, but now it feels like the thermostat has been turned up to 6,000 degrees, which he’s pretty sure is bad in Fahrenheit AND celsius.
After the sound, Percy begins to see more scenes. He sees Luke, writhing with Kronos’s spirit in him, as he takes his own life, the blood spilling out onto the floor of Olympus, signaling a new era but also the loss of a friend. He sees Silena, her dying breaths spent believing she was a traitor when Percy only saw someone who wanted to do the right thing. He feels how his gut sank and his heart pounded when he realized that Beckendorf couldn’t survive the fall into the water the way he could. He feels the grief realizing Bianca had sacrificed herself to get them out of the junkyard, the weight of her death and Nico’s loss making him stagger even now.
“Stop, please.” he breathes out. Each wave, each reminder of a friend he’d never see again punches him in the gut. He’s sweating, the air is getting tighter around him, and he doesn’t think it’s the emotional pain. Nyx is doing this to him. He has to break out of it, to fight it, but he doesn’t have the strength. “No more.” he pleads, his voice hoarse and shaky. He realizes he’s been crying, and the tears are still streaming down his face.
Then, he sees Annabeth. He doesn’t remember Annabeth dying, so he knows he can’t take this one. If he doesn’t remember it, he must have repressed it. That must be why she wasn’t with him.
“Percy?” she asks, her voice full of concern as if he’s the one who’s in trouble. He can’t get a word out other than a simple, feeble “stop.”
She walks towards him and puts her hand on his cheek. It feels so good, so blissfully cool and real, that he whimpers.
“Oh, gods,” she says, cursing in Ancient Greek as she walks away. He doesn’t want her to go away. As soon as she leaves him, she’s going to die, and he has to watch. He lets out a strangled cry, which turns into a retch.
He leans forward, trying to catch his breath. He’s not sure what’s bringing it on, but he can’t breathe. The scenes he was forced to watch? The thought of Annabeth dying?
“Shit, Percy!” Annabeth exclaims, coming back over to him.
She puts an arm around him, and he wants to explain to her that he can’t leave even with her help, but somehow he’s moving, leaving Tartarus and everything behind.
When Percy fully wakes up, he’s in a bedroom.
It takes him a minute to realize he’s in his own apartment, not the actual hellscape that is Tartarus.
“You with me this time?” Annabeth asks, and Percy takes a second to breathe deeply before nodding gently. “Good. I was afraid I was going to have to haul your ass all the way to camp to get some help.” She says it jokingly, but it’s clear to Percy that she genuinely was concerned.
“I just had a nightmare, that’s all,” Percy says, but Annabeth gave him a look. They both knew that nightmares for them were never just nightmares.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Annabeth asks, sitting on the side of the bed. Her stormy grey eyes fill with worry, and it makes Percy’s heart clench. It takes him a second to respond.
“It’s never going to go away, is it? I mean, after all we’ve seen, is there even such a thing as a peaceful life?” Percy asks aloud, but he can’t expect Annabeth to have an answer. Even in her seemingly infinite wisdom, she doesn’t always know the right thing to say.
“No, Percy. It doesn’t go away.” she says.
“Oh, good,” Percy says sarcastically, “Just what I wanted to hear.” Annabeth smiles at him, and though he doesn’t see much to smile at, Annabeth’s smile has always had that effect on him. She rolls her eyes.
“It doesn’t go away, but it gets better. We’ll keep making good memories, keep having good experiences, and someday, the good ones will outweigh the bad ones. Like, y’know how we almost died like once a month as preteens?”
“No, I seem to have forgotten that.” Percy’s sarcasm knows no bounds. Annabeth punches his arm gently.
“Well, we did. But, you also remember that time the whole camp baked you a birthday cake? And that time we kissed under the water? And the campfires, and friendly capture the flag matches? Basically, what I’m saying is, of course there are going to be bad times,”
“Like the dying,”
“But there will be good times too. And those are what makes it all worth it.” Annabeth finishes despite Percy’s interjections.
“I get it. It’ll get better and all that,” Percy says, but he really is serious. “Thanks, Wise Girl.”
“Of course, Seaweed Brain,” she says, tousling his hair. He leans into the touch. It’s comforting. “Now get some rest.”
He’s asleep before she even leaves the room.
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annabethy · 4 years
under the mistletoe, watching the fire glow day 25: wishes
Character A has a wish, and Character B makes it come true
It’s a fleeting moment when he hears her for the first time. A mere whisper in the dark of a room when there is no one but them. It’s quiet in their bed, Annabeth wrapped in his arms in his attempt to protect her from the outside world, and he almost thinks it’s his imagination.
“Do you have a wish?”
Percy’s mind is ripped from far away back to this moment. His fingers brush up and down her spine, tracing the smooth skin, each individual curve of bone, and he thinks of a response. It takes a moment of silence before he can properly speak. “A wish?” Annabeth nods and presses a light kiss to his collarbone. “A wish. Just something you wish you could do?” “A Christmas wish?” He laughs a little.
“Something like that,” she agrees.
He shifts in his position on the bed, the creaking loud in the silence of the room. “Do you?”
“I do, actually.”
It surprises him because he’s never known her to have wishes. Annabeth has always been a bit headstrong, and that’s one of the things he fell in love with. She takes what she wants, so to think that there’s something she wants but doesn’t have feels… different.
“What’s your Christmas wish?” he asks teasingly, brushing his lips along the curve of her ears.
“I’m not going to tell you if you’re just going to make fun of me,” she pouts.
“Come on,” he prompts, “tell me.”
“I want one day to live my life.”
“You always live your life,” he tells her. “It’s what we do.”
She makes a sound of disagreement. “We survive, but it’s the same thing every day. We wake up, and we study, and come home to each other. I love it, but I want something different. Just one day where we are just with each other, and the rest of the world can be forgotten.” “So you want a day that we can spend together, not a care in the world? To forget the world?”
“Doesn’t it sound amazing?”
“It does,” he agrees. “I’m glad you included me in your wish.”
“You’re always included in my wishes,” she says. “You’re a part of my life, and I love you.” It makes him smile, hearing those words from her. “Then I don’t see why we can’t make your wish come true.”
She shrugs. “It’s not easy to just get up and leave everything, even if it’s for a day. There’s always going to be someone or something that needs us.”
“But that’s the point of your wish, isn’t it? To forget everything and just breathe.”
“I suppose.”
They fall back into silence for a moment, and he doesn’t mind. It gives him a chance to think of her wish. He wants to do it for her, because she’s Annabeth, and she deserves it. He’s determined to do it too, so he asks, “What would forgetting the world mean? What exactly do you want to do?”
She breathes, and a smile forms on her face. “Everything.”
“I want to go ice skating and walk around Times Square. I want to look at the Christmas lights and play in the snow. I want to make dumb decisions, maybe even get married on a whim—”
Percy laughs at that.
“I want the world.”
“Then that’s what you’ll get,” he says. He turns so that he can hover over her and capture her lips with his. It’s slow and sweet, like they have all the time the universe has to offer. “I promise.”
And he really does promise.
He wants to plan a day to do it, but he quickly learns it defeats the purpose. It adds onto the pile of things to do and worry about. He thinks that she forgets what she said, and he doesn’t blame her. It was mindless babbles in the darkest hours of the night. It was a sharing of her deepest dreams, and if he had been her, he wouldn’t have actually expected it.
That’s what made Christmas morning so much more special.
It starts with stolen kisses in the early hours of the morning. It’s a white Christmas, snow falling from the sky. Light filters in through the blinds, covering her body in brightness, and it somehow makes her impossibly more beautiful.
“Good morning, princess,” he whispers into her ear before continuing to place kisses all around her face.
She stretches her legs and arms, smiling with her eyes closed as his lips trace her jaw.
“Are you awake?”
“I might be,” she says.
“I need you to wake up for me.”
“It’s too early,” she complains. “It’s Christmas. You’re supposed to let me sleep in.”
“Not when we have a whole day of plans ahead of us.”
One eye blinks open at that. “I didn’t know we had plans?”
He gives her a knowing grin. “Merry Christmas.”
He keeps it a secret from her until they get to the ice skating rink. It’s not until they’re inside that she rolls her eyes fondly, and she understands his plan.
“My wish?”
“You said you wanted a day for us, so that’s what you’re going to get.”
They laugh together as they struggle to get the skates on. Her eyes are on the laces and his are on her. Slowly, he falls deeper in love, and the box in his pocket burns at the contact.
As they slide onto the ice, Percy nearly busts his tailbone, and Annabeth laughs at him. They circle the rink slowly, Percy practically hugging the wall, until they get the hang of it. Percy and Annabeth are hand in hand, speeding past the people around them, and Annabeth’s gleeful laugh is a melody in his ears. Her hair flies past her in the wind, a mess of tangles and knots, and he has to resist smoothing it down.
Percy turns his feet in to come to a slow stop, and he swings Annabeth around to stand in front of him. They’re along the edge of the ice when he wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her close. She leans against his chest and lets him press a kiss to her forehead.
“I love you,” he whispers.
“Not as much as I love you.”
“Oh, yeah?”
And god, this is the woman he is meant to marry. He can hardly wait.
Hours fly by, and she thinks that this is their day. She’s content with it, he can tell, but she is the love of his life and deserves to much more. He practically has to pull her away from the ice, and she resists at first until she takes one look at his face, a promise of what is yet to come.
It doesn’t take long for them to make their way to Times Square. They take in the bustling streets filled with blinding lights. They walk and walk until the sun begins to set, intertwined hands swinging between them. It’s icy outside, so she’s curled in his side as they walk. Percy is warm, but for more than just the contact. He feels heat racing through him because time is ticking, and it’s only so long before he bends down on one knee. He feels warmth for this impossible love they’ve created – a love he’d die for.
They find their way to Central Park. There is a relatively fresh coat of snow, and he takes them to a more secluded area, away from the wandering families. They leave fresh footprints in the white snow, and the box holding the ring is unable to be ignored.
“Are we going to have a snowball fight?” Annabeth asks playfully. “I’ll kick your ass.”
“I know you would which is why I do not want to have a snowball fight.”
“Wimp.” “Simp,” he corrects.
“You’re both, actually.”
Percy pushes her shoulder softly. “Didn’t you say you wanted to also get married today?”
“Yeah, but that would mean you actually have to propose. Do you plan on proposing?”
She’s not looking at him, so he can tell she isn’t being serious. It pinpoints exactly what’s about to happen though, so he takes a moment to compose himself so that his voice doesn’t waver and ruin the surprise.
Thankfully, she moves off from that conversation as she turns back to him. “Can we make snow angels at least?”
He laughs lightly. “I mean, the snow would soak through your clothes, but go for it.”
“You have to do it with me,” she complains.
“Babe, we’re going to get sick if we lay in the snow, and people are going to think we’re insane.”
“You said you’d lay with me and forget the world,” she accuses.
He shakes his head with a subtle smile, but he gets to the ground with her. She leans back, and he does too, but they don’t make snow angels. Instead, he holds his arm out and lets her rest her head against his shoulder.
“We’re going to get hypothermia,” he tells her.
“At least we can do it together. It’ll be a fun bonding experience.”
“Nothing brings two people together like lost limbs.”
“You get me,” she says, a hand over her heart. She rubs her face against him as she begins to shiver.
“Cold already?”
“No,” she lies, snuggling closer to him.
“So you’re not shivering?”
“Not a chance.”
“You’re just shaking because you’re excited you know I’m going to propose today?”
She snorts. “Sure.”
“I’m serious. You don’t believe me?” “Should I?”
“You said that today you wanted to go ice skating, walk around Times Square, and look at pretty Christmas light, all of which we did. The only thing left is getting married.” “Getting married,” she says, laughing. “I didn’t say a proposal.”
“We can do both,” he suggests.
“I would love that.” She’s not looking at him, still staring up at the dark sky. There are no stars to be seen, but Percy doesn’t mind because the only stars he needs are in her eyes.
Percy nudges her up, and she looks around confused.
“What are you doing?”
It’s then that he shoves his hand into his pocket, fingers wrapping around the box. He pulls it out slowly, and her entire face changes.
“Percy.” “Yes, love?”
“What is that?”
“I already told you.”
She presses her lips together to try and smother the smile that’s forming, but it’s too late because her lips are already turning upwards. He moves so that he’s facing her, and then gets down on one knee, and now the smile is taking over both of their faces.
“I love you so much,” he starts, “and today has been one of the best days of my life. Every moment I’m with you, I’m able to forget the world. I want every day to be like this – I want the rest of our lives to be like this. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
She laughs, teary eyed, and he opens the box.
“Annabeth Chase… Will you marry me?”
Tears fall from her eyes as she throws her head back and laughs, and then she’s nodding her head and pulling him in for a kiss. Against him, she says, “I’d love to.”
So he slides the ring onto her finger, and it fits perfectly. It is a symbol of their love. They have a love so strong and so powerful, and they were made for each other. They are each other’s halves, and it was always meant to be like this.
They are Percy and Annabeth, together as one.
He kisses her with everything he has because she deserves the world. He wants to give her himself, his mind, body, soul, because it’s always been the two of them and nothing else.
This moment is as ephemeral as the day she first told him about her wish. She wanted to forget the world, and he wanted to give her just that. Until this moment, he thought he did forget the world to just be with her, but now as he kisses the love of his life, he isn’t so sure that it’s true.
Annabeth Chase is his world, and she always will be. Percy can forget everything else, but Annabeth is not a person he can simply forget.
She is in his heart, burned into his mind, and she is his forevermore.
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thegraystreaks · 4 years
i just read your fics on ao3 and they were so good, i love missing moments from canon! Idk if you ever take prompts but if you do i would really love to read a different way for percabeth to get together in canon?
anon, the way you got me to write something for the first time in ages….
anyway this is super self indulgent but I had a lot of fun writing it!! thank u for your kinds words I would die for you probably!!
this takes place during botl, the day Percy comes back from Ogygia, sometime after Annabeth storms out of the Big House.
“Annabeth glared at me. You are the single most annoying person I’ve ever met!” And she stormed out of the room.
I stared at the doorway. I felt like hitting something. “So much for being the bravest friend she’s ever had.”
He finds Annabeth in the arena. It’s empty save for her — everyone knows by now that sparring with her while she’s like this never leads to anything good. So she’s taking on a dummy, her anger apparent in the rigid lines of her body, fury in the force behind her blows. She rolls and kicks, dodging imaginary attacks, and Percy could swear that the air is thick, charged, like the feeling before a thunderstorm. Which is stupid — it’s camp, and the magical borders keep the sky cloudless as always. 
As he approaches, the only acknowledgement of his presence is her intensified rage, the way her blade slashes and hacks with renewed vigor. They’re gonna need to replace that dummy, he thinks.
“Can we talk?”
She wheels to face him, thunder in her eyes. For a moment, he’s scared he’ll need to pull out Riptide. She turns to the dummy one last time and stabs it straight through the heart. “You wanna talk? Then go ahead.”
He swallows nervously. Now that he’s got her attention, he doesn’t quite know where to start. His mind flashes to last winter, and how distraught he was when she had been kidnapped. How he’d have done anything to get her back. How he just knew that she couldn’t be dead. He reaches out hesitantly, but pulls his arm back when he glances at the hilt of the blade, still sticking out of the dummy. 
“I was thinking about how upset I was last winter, when you were kidnapped. That, um — well, ‘sucked’ doesn’t really cover it. That was awful. I really am sorry that I worried you.”
Something shifts in her eyes, and he can see the hurt dripping through the cracks of her anger.  “You couldn’t send an Iris Message? I thought you were dead, Percy.”
He scratches the back of his neck. “Drachmas were a bit hard to come by on the island.”
“Ha,” she laughs drily. She pauses to wipe at the sweat on her brow. “What was she like?” The words drip with contempt.
“I don’t — who?”
“Don’t play dumb,” she scoffs. “Calypso. What was she like?”
Air rushes out of Percy’s lungs. He didn’t know what he was expecting, but it wasn’t that. Chiron was right, then. She had figured out where he’d been. 
“Does it matter?”
“Well, you spent two full weeks there, so I can’t imagine she looks like the ancient hag she is. How old is she again? Two-thousand? Or is it three?”
“Two weeks, Percy!” she cries.
“I’m sorry, okay? Time was weird there!” 
“Oh, time was weird, that’s your excuse?”
“Yeah, that’s my excuse!” he shoots back.  “And I wasn’t just laying on a beach being fed grapes or something, I was recovering! From being blown up!”
That seems to drain some of the fight from her. She looks away, and her voice shrinks down: “I’m sorry you were hurt. I—I hate seeing you hurt.” 
In the silence that follows, he thinks inexplicably of Aphrodite coming to visit him last winter, the limo so out of place in the desert. The way that she had appeared, if only for a second, like the girl in front of him. How she had promised she wouldn’t let his love life be “easy and boring”. Gods, why couldn’t it be? The rest of his life is crazy enough. 
He had hoped, briefly, that Aphrodite might’ve forgotten about her promise when they’d returned to Olympus. He remembers a slow, sad song, and his hands on Annabeth’s waist as they had swayed. How it had felt like the pieces were maybe finally starting to fall into place. The memory seems worlds away.
“Annabeth, listen. I’m sorry I was gone so long. But I didn’t choose to be sent there. And—and I came back.”
“Duh, Percy,” she rolls her eyes. “That’s her curse.”
“Okay, you’re right.” She turns away. He reaches out, more confident now, and takes hold of her arm. “But curse or not, I chose to come back.”
She pulls her arm out of his grip. “Yeah, so that you could tell me I have to bring some mortal girl to lead my quest!”
“What does Rachel have to do with this?”
“Are you fucking serious?” she shouts. He can see the walls building back up, the storm returning in her eyes. She whips around and yanks her dagger out of the sparring dummy, kicking up dirt as she begins to stalk away.
This was not how he wanted this to go, not his intent when he came to find her. Of all the ways returning to camp might’ve gone, he had never imagined it like this. He tries to reconcile the girl that kissed him in the mountain with this one, who can’t go more than a minute without yelling at him, that won’t stop running off. Why is this so complicated? She kissed him, right? Isn’t that supposed to be it? The happy ending? If movies told him anything, it was that the kiss means you get the girl. It shouldn’t be this hard. It wouldn’t be, he thinks bitterly, if she would quit storming off.
“Gods, would you stop running away when we’re talking?” he shouts after her. “Would it kill you to stick around and listen to me?”
He’s taken aback when she actually turns around, arms crossed and foot tapping. “Well?” 
Percy blinks. He hadn’t thought this far ahead. Shit, what is he trying to say? “You know, Calypso offered me immortality. I could’ve escaped the prophecy, I could’ve lived in paradise forever—”
That probably wasn’t what he should’ve led with. “If you want me to ‘stick around and listen’, you’re off to a terrible start,” she seethes.
He steamrolls on anyway: “—but I didn’t, I didn’t take her offer, because — well, because of Grover and Tyson, and the quest isn’t over yet, but also because—” he stops. He’s rambling. Focus. How can he say this? “Did you really kiss me back there, or did I make that up in my head?” 
She freezes. Silence stretches out between them, and Percy kind of wants the ground to swallow him whole. But it’s out there, now. Might as well go all in. “I really hope you did, because I’m gonna feel insanely stupid if it was just some volcanic-explosion-induced fever dream.” 
Slowly, she unfreezes. Nods. “Uh. Yeah, I did.”
He takes a step closer. “I don’t care about ‘some mortal girl’. At least, not the way I care about….about you.” He can feel the blood rushing in his ears, can feel his heart beating painfully fast. She’s still just standing there, staring and staring but not moving. She’s not saying anything, why isn’t she saying anything?
“Gods, can you throw me a bone, Annabeth? I feel like I’m dying here—”
He’s cut off when she lunges forward and kisses him. It’s like their first kiss in two ways: it’s over before he can even react, and it leaves him staring, dumbfounded. How is it that she’s caught him off-guard with this not once, but twice now?
“Think you’ll remember that one was real?” she asks, still only inches from his face. Her breath smells of strawberries, and her eyes are puffy from his almost-funeral, but the storm in them begins to clear. 
He laughs, bright and full. “You should probably kiss me one more time, just to be safe.”
“Hmm,” she considers, arms coming up around his neck. “Should I count down so that you can be ready this time?”
He groans. “You are so not making this easy.”
“I am never, ever going to make things easy for you, Seaweed Brain. Get used to it.”
“Gods, you’re insufferable. It shouldn’t be this cute.”
“Three, two—”
He’s on her before she reaches one, one hand pulling her closer at the waist and the other finding her cheek. When their lips meet, it feels like everything he’s been waiting for. Like the clouds parting, like sunshine, like warmth, like happiness.
It may not be their first kiss, but it’s their best yet.
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cuquitalocita · 3 years
all you do is pine- percabeth
AN: i didn’t really like the ending to this one but i wrote something finally! also i just love modern percabeth can’t you tell? 
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“Uh… five?” Annabeth throws her pencil down in frustration, the sound echoing around the almost silent library. Across from her, Rachel bites her lip to keep from laughing and the look Annabeth sends her has the girl pulling Annabeth’s paper to her side of the table. 
“Ah, I see what you did. That’s a six A, not a nine.” Annabeth glares at the red ink now covering her paper and curses her dyslexia for making college so much more difficult than it should be. Annabeth had handled high school just fine, moving across the country a few times, but other than that, no issues. But freshman year of college was kicking her ass. 
“How am I supposed to pass this class if I can’t even read the problem correctly, to begin with?” Annabeth complains. The heads of her friends at the tables around her turned to her, offering sympathetic glances saying they understood how awful their dyslexia could be. 
“Maybe you can just light Professor Brunner’s classroom on fire,” Leo supplies from where he sits next to Calypso doing physics homework. His girlfriend slaps the back of his head.
“That’s arson, Leo,” she reminds him. 
“So what?”
“So it’s illegal, genius.” The voice of her best friend has Annabeth sitting straighter and Percy drops into the seat next to her, looking perfect as ever with his messy black hair and green eyes. “Last I checked you can’t vandalize a classroom.”
“How would you know Jackson?” Annabeth pipes up. “If I remember correctly, senior year of high school you vandalized Mrs. Dodd’s room.” Percy grinned at her, the memory flashing through his eyes, and the two burst into laughter. 
If there was anything that made college easier, it was having her best friend next to her to suffer through it all with her. She and Percy had grown up together, living in the same neighborhood since middle school and being best friends ever since. Annabeth couldn’t be more grateful that they both managed to get into the same college.
She just wishes she wasn’t in love with him.
Never in a million years could Annabeth have predicted she would fall for her annoying, clueless neighbor. Yet here she was- hopeless. 
Annabeth turns, sticking her nose back into her math textbook to keep him from seeing the red that now dots her cheeks. She catches Piper’s eye from the table next to her and the girl raises a brow. Annabeth shoots her a warning look and Piper sighs audibly.
“Well I don’t know about you guys, but I’m over this. I’ve gotta meet Jace for date night- so see you around losers.” Piper leaves Annabeth with a knowing pinch of her shoulder and she grips her pencil tighter.
“We’re out too,” Leo and Calypso say grabbing their bags and standing up. “Date night waits for no one.” The library quiets down until it’s just Rachel, Percy, and Annabeth. Annabeth glances up to see Rachel and Percy looking at each other, a meaningful look in both of their eyes as if silently speaking to each other, just like she and Percy often did themselves. 
Annabeth bites down on her jealousy. 
“Oh gods,” Rachel mutters. “I’m late to tutor Octavian.” All three of them visibly grimace at the mention of the blonde idiot and Rachel scurries out of the library.
“Well,” Percy sighs. “Looks like it’s just us again Wise Girl.”
“What’s changed?” She smiles down at her paper. At that moment a text appears on her phone from Hazel.
>> Hey, can’t make movie night tonight, Frank just surprised me with dinner and a movie!!
>> Aw, that’s so sweet :) No issues, next time for sure
Annabeth groans and places her phone down. Percy shoots her a questioning look from behind his laptop screen. 
“There go my plans for tonight. Hazel’s out.” Annabeth glances at the clock, figuring it was time to return to the apartment she shared with Piper to finish up some homework. 
“Hey, why don’t we do something?” Percy’s voice is awkward when he asks and Annabeth can’t help but think how he sounds just like he did when he was twelve. She turned to him, her curls bouncing in her ponytail behind her. “We haven’t had a movie night since this semester started. Everyone’s out on date’s so let’s have a friend’s date. We can even order takeout.” Percy levels her with a kind smile and Annabeth tried not to melt on the spot. 
“I’d love to Percy, I really would. But this project is kicking my ass and-”
“Come on, Annabeth,” he whined. “Pleeeeeeeeease? I’ll even fight the spiders in your apartment for you.” Annabeth’s resolve had cracked at please but she smiled anyway. 
She rolls her eyes affectionately, hoping this wasn’t a mistake.
“Come over at six, Seaweed Brain. And don’t even think about coming without food.”
Percy shows up late, unsurprisingly, and Annabeth is in front of the TV with a physics textbook in her lap when he walks in sporting the key to her apartment she had given him months ago. 
Annabeth opens her mouth with a quick insult but Percy cuts her off.
“Before you say anything about me being late- I brought you pretzels.” A box of chocolate-covered pretzels falls into her lap a moment later and Percy collapses onto the couch next to her soon after. Annabeth tries her hardest not to lean into him or inhale his scent. It’s easy to think that seawater would smell disgusting. Like seaweed and dead fish. But Percy’s always made it smell good.
“So what are we watching?” Percy asks as Annabeth flips her page. Before she can grab her pencil again, Percy’s hand is over hers, ripping it away and chucking it across the room. Annabeth gapes at him.
“What the hell, Percy? I was using that.” Percy shrugs, opening a bag of popcorn he brought and shoving some in his mouth. 
“Not anymore you’re not. Movie night, Wise Girl. Remember?” Annabeth arches a brow and a slice of satisfaction courses through her as he turns a slight shade of gray in nervousness.
“You do realize I’m a forensic science major right?” That as well as architecture. “I could kill you and hide the evidence. No one would ever find the body.” Percy grins, visibly relieved that she’s joking, and relaxes his shoulders. He grabs her textbook from her lap and places it on the ground, grabbing her hand that held the pencil and lacing his fingers through hers instead.
Annabeth shoots him a questioning look and pushes down the blush that’s threatening to pour over her cheeks. 
“Gotta make sure you don’t grab that pencil again.” Percy shrugs, putting their hands on his lap as he turns his attention back to the television. At this point, Annabeth is trying her hardest not to combust. So instead she rolls her eyes and puts on Finding Nemo, Percy’s favorite movie. With as much as Annabeth claims to hate it, the way Percy voices each of the characters every time he watches it makes her laugh. 
Percy doesn’t say anything as the movie starts, not even to ask why she’s playing a movie she doesn’t like, and the two friends drift into a comfortable silence. 
Halfway through the movie, Annabeth is itching to get off the couch. Percy has started playing with her fingers instead of just holding them now, and Annabeth doesn’t think she can handle this much longer. So as Percy is voicing Squirt’s voice cuter than even the original actor can, Annabeth stands up, taking her hand away from Percy’s and ignoring his frown, and grabs her phone, pretending someone’s calling. 
“It’s uh… Luke,” she stutters out. Annabeth runs out of the room before she can register the look that flashes over Percy’s face at the mention of the boy from her physics class. The door to her room is slammed shut before she hears Percy’s response and Annabeth hangs her head in her hands. 
“Gods, Annabeth! What’s wrong with you? This is Percy!” 
Yeah, the Percy that you’re in love with. 
So Annabeth pulls herself together. She walks over to her bathroom and splashes a bucketful of freezing water over her face.
“Pull yourself together, Chase.” 
When Annabeth walks back out of the room, Percy is on the phone talking to someone. Annabeth realizes he hasn’t heard her door open and she can’t help but lean against her door frame to watch him for a moment.
He really is handsome, she can’t help but notice. He had gone from a cute kid to a handsome guy, and it was starting to keep her up at night.
“I don’t know Rach,” he was saying, and Annabeth fought down the swell of jealousy in her chest. She liked Rachel- she really did. What she didn’t like was how interested she seemed in Percy. The looks Rachel would shoot her when she was talking to Percy didn’t help either. “I just-”
“Percy, I swear to all the gods. If you don’t make a move soon-”
“I can’t just make a move Rachel. She doesn’t feel the same way and I’ve ruined years of friendship.” Rachel sighs from across the line and Annabeth doesn’t think she’s breathing. When Rachel speaks again, she’s clearly frustrated.
“Percy, Annabeth is hot. You have to have noticed that by now.” She states it as a fact and Annabeth holds back a snort. And then she realizes that the conversation is about her. Percy and Rachel are talking about his feelings for her. Annabeth thinks she’s going to faint. 
“Yes, Rach. I know she’s hot.” The statement sends a blush to her cheeks and Annabeth fights to stay silent as she watches her best friend squirm. 
“Right, and sooner or later, other people are gonna start noticing too. If you don’t say something soon, she’s going to move on, and you’ll really lose your chance.”
“She’s already gone,” he sighs defeated. “I think she’s into that guy Luke from her physics class.” Annabeth wanted to scream. Did he really think she liked Luke? What a Seaweed Brain. 
“God Percy, you really are an idiot, aren’t you? All you do is pine over this girl, and if you haven’t realized she’s pining just as hard for you, I don’t know what to tell you.” 
“Rachel, she’s my best friend. She would never-”
“Like you back?” Annabeth’s voice shocks him so much that he hangs up the phone and drops it on the ground. “Think again, Seaweed Brain.” Annabeth tilts the corner of her mouth into a small smile and comes to sit next to him on the couch. 
“A-Annabeth!” he stutters and Annabeth loves the blush that appears on his cheeks. “You- I- when did you- wait what?”
“You’re not seriously saying you didn’t know I’m in love with you.” Annabeth thinks she might be blushing, but she really doesn’t care anymore. Her best friend likes her back. 
“You’re what? But I’m in love with you.” Her heart stutters in her chest.
Annabeth’s laugh brings a grin to Percy’s face and she can’t help but brush a kiss to his cheek.
“Funny how that works, huh?”
“Person A and Person B are friends and neither of them have a date for Valentine’s Day, so they decide to order takeout and watch a movie together. At some point, hidden feelings are revealed.”
yeah i love them... 
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
Wild West Bank
Percy Jackson x Reader x Annabeth Chase
Request - Can you do a Percy x R x Annabeth where R is a son of Hades and fell into Tartarus with them?
For the Percy x Annabeth x reader thing, I meant romantic relationship.
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You had a hard life growing up. Hades being your father, not everyone likes you or trust you. You became a loner and you didn't bother opening up to anyone. They already judged you and you stayed away from them. You are used to being alone and doing everything else alone. Your relationship with your father Hades is very complicated.
You met Percy and Annabeth through your cousin who is Cupid. You caught feelings for them, at first you denied your feelings for them. Annabeth and Percy have feelings for you but you or they haven't said anything.
“So when you will start dating them?” Cupid asked.
“Why would you ask that?” You asked.
“Y/N, I am Cupid the love of God. You do know I can sense people's love?” Cupid said.
“Shut up” You mumbled.
“You like them! I knew it! Bro, I can sense your love for them!” Cupid cheerfully yelled.
“You better not tell anyone! Or I will break your arms” You said.
Cupid knows they have feelings for you. He didn't have to use his arrow on them or you. But he won't tell you about it, he wants you to have the courage to tell them.
“I will help you ask them out,” Cupid said.
“Why?” You asked.
“Your game is not good. Don't worry, since I'm your cousin I will help you” Cupid smiled.
“Whatever,” You said and rolled your eyes at him.
Cupid went through your wardrobe. He wanted you to throw away your favorite shirt but you said no.
Time Skip-~
You haven't felt happy in a long time. It felt strange but in a good way, you like being in a relationship with Annabeth and Percy. Not everyone knows about the relationship except for Cupid.
You and Percy are on the couch making out. Annabeth starts to knock on the door.
“Must be Annabeth” Percy said between kisses.
“Yeah, I will open the door” You said.
You are happy to see your girlfriend. She hugged you tight and she starts to kiss you.
“I missed you,” Annabeth said and kissed you again.
“We missed you too,” You said.
Annabeth did kiss Percy and he is happy that she is back. You have a movie night with them. Annabeth was too tired to go out for date night. You sit in the middle and Annabeth lies her head on your shoulder and Percy has his arm around you.
✬ ✯ ✫ ✯
Your father Hades found out about your relationship with Percy and Annabeth. He disapproves of the relationship but you don't care about his opinions.
“You will not date them!” Hades yelled.
“You can't tell me what to do! You haven't been a father to me in a long time. I will date them because I want to and mean so much to me” You yelled.
Percy and Annabeth are standing behind you. You told them how you don't get along with your father. Hades always wanted you to be like him and create chaos. That changed and that made him angry but you don't want to be like him. Hades glared at Percy and Annabeth, then he growled.
“I’m disappointed in you my son,” Hades said.
“We do care about y/n, we will never hurt him,” Annabeth said.
“She is right, we would never hurt him,” Percy said.
“You and Percy are the problem and I will fix it. You and Percy won't date my son anymore” Hades said.
“Run!” You yelled at them.
Hades summoned his demons. They start to come out of the ground, you start to fight the demons.
“Y/N, we won't leave you behind,” Percy said.
“We have to be quick. Looks like your dad isn't done” Annabeth said.
She is right, Hades’ eyes start to glow red. He smirked at you and you have a bad feeling about what he will do next.
“Dad, you wouldn't...”
“You need to learn your lesson, my son,” Hades said.
He used his powers to send you, Annabeth, and Percy to Tartarus.
Tartarus is the deep abyss that is used as a dungeon of torment and suffering for the wicked and as the prison for the enemies and Titans.
You hit the ground hard, you broke Annabeth’s fall and Percy is in pain.
“Are you two okay?” Annabeth asked.
“No,” You and Percy said quickly.
“Y/N, where are we?” Percy asked.
Annabeth helped you and Percy stand up.
“We are in Tartarus, basically, the bottomless put of hell where souls are being tortured eternally,” You said.
There screams everywhere, the heat is off the roof, demons are roaming around, and more souls start to scream again.
“How do we get out?” Percy asked.
“That I don't know. My dad was the only one who knows how to get out. He never showed me how to get out” You said.
“You are father, is a jerk,” Annabeth said.
“I don't think the word ‘jerk’ matches what he is,” You said.
“What’s the plan? We can't stand here forever” Annabeth said.
“I know” You heavily sighed.
You walk around hell with them. Every demon knows who you are, they are glaring at you. You make sure Annabeth and Percy next to you.
“We have been walking around for a while now. We don't have a clue how to get out” Percy said.
“Guys, I'm sorry for what my dad did. If you and Annabeth want to break up I get it and I won't be mad” You said in a low voice.
“Y/N, I don't want to break up with you. I still like you a lot and you are not like your father. You are much better than him” Annabeth said.
You gave her a small smile and she kissed you. Percy kissed you and you smiled again.
“This won't be the reason why we will break up. We still love you” Percy said.
“I feel the same, I love you and Annabeth,” you said.
You keep walking with them and you three hear a voice.
“Y/N, Percy don't look into her eyes” Annabeth said.
“Why?” Percy asked.
“It’s Medusa, I recognize her voice,” Annabeth said.
Percy and Annabeth look down on the ground.
“Mom!” You yelled.
“Mom?” They said.
“My son!” Medusa said happily.
She hugged you tight and kissed your head. You can't stop smiling, you haven't seen her in a while. You told her what happened and she is furious at Hades. You and Medusa have a good relationship and you trust her.
“How come you don't turn into stone?” Percy asked and still looking down at the ground.
“She is my mom. I am immune from turning into stone” You said.
“Y/N, use the power I thought you so they won't turn into stones,” Medusa said.
“Okay, mom,” You said.
You cut your hand with and you used magic, so Percy and Annabeth won't turn into stone. You told them to look up, they trust you and they see Medusa. Their eyes opened wide
“Y/N, who are they,” Medusa said.
“Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase, um we are dating,” You said nervously.
“Dating them? Oh, I met their parents, we don't get along” Medusa said.
“Dad doesn't approve of the relationship,” You said.
“If they make you happy then I support the relationship. Hurt my son, I will come back and turn you into stones” Medusa said.
“We won't hurt him, promise,” Annabeth said.
“Good,” Medusa said.
“Wow, I can't believe we won't turn into stone. Y/N, do you have snakes like your mom?” Percy said.
“Maybe” You teased.
You didn't tell them that Medusa is your mother. You are not ashamed of her, you just didn't know how they will react to it.
“Mom, can you help us get out of here,” You said.
“Of course. Follow me” Medusa said.
Medusa knew how to escape the pits of hell. You are happy to be on earth and you can't stop smiling. Percy and Annabeth are happy to be on earth too. Medusa can see, they make you happy and she does want you to be happy.
“Thank you,” Percy and Annabeth said to Medusa.
They hugged her and her eyes opened wide. You couldn't help to smile at them.
✬ ✯ ✫ ✯
It's your birthday and you never celebrated your birthday. Hades would always make it about himself. Annabeth and Percy are planning a surprise party for you. You have no idea about it, it's just another regular day for you.
“Y/N is coming upstairs in one minute,” Annabeth said to everyone.
Percy and Annabeth invited a small group of people to come over. They invited Cupid and Medusa.
You opened the door and everyone yelled
“Surprise!!” They yelled.
“Oh my God!!” You screamed.
Your eyes changed colors and your fists turned into fire.
“Y/N calm down! It's a party!” Annabeth yelled.
“A party? Why?” You asked.
Your fists go back to normal.
“It’s a surprise party. We are going to celebrate your birthday, it's called a surprise party” Percy said.
“I told them it's a dumb idea,” Medusa said.
Everyone is having a hard time not to look at your mom.
“Oh, I never had a party on my birthday” You said.
“Oh, you did one time when you was a year old. But your idiot father ruined the party. Since that happened I stopped celebrating your birthday” Medusa said.
“Oh,” You said.
Your mom stayed for a little bit then she left. It took you a while to have fun and it still felt strange having people celebrate your birthday. You did kiss Percy and Annabeth, they can see that you're having fun.
You did enjoy eating the cake and loved the gifts that Percy and Annabeth got for you.
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kookie-doughs · 4 years
Percy Jackson X Reader -Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything was now ruined.
CHAPTER 9: Percy Forces Me To Join A Quest
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The next morning, Percy moved to cabin three. Luke was the only one I could hang out with from my cabin. He was also the one who took care of my wounds after the thing happened. Nobody mentioned the hellhound, but I got the feeling they were all talking about it behind my back. The attack had scared everybody. It sent two messages: one, that I managed to command a hellhound; and two, I came with the son of Poseidon. They all assume I would be as great as Percy. The other campers steered clear of me as much as possible. Only Luke struck around. Yes, even Percy started ignoring me. I figured it had something to do with water and stuffs. Cabin eleven was too nervous to have sword class with him after what happened in the woods, so he had one-on-one with Luke. I usually sit in to watch them in hopes of Percy talking to me again. But nada. "You're going to need all the training you can get," Luke promised, as they were working with swords and flaming torches. "Now let's try that viper-beheading strike again. Fifty more repetitions." Annabeth still taught Percy and I Greek but on different times I had mine in the mornings. Even Clarisse kept her distance, though her venomous looks made it clear she wanted to kill me. I wished she would just yell or punch me or something. I'd rather get into fights every day than be ignored. I stayed with Luke most of my time. We'd gotten close that talking about gods wasn't such a touchy subject. He also told me stuffs about himself, like how he got his scar and small stuffs. I was still in bed in cabin eleven. My body told me it was morning, but it was dark outside, and thunder rolled across the hills. A storm was brewing. I hadn't dreamed that. It was so early that most of the campers were still asleep. "Good morning?" I saw Luke standing near the door. "Eh... good enough I guess." I said sitting on my bed. "It's really boring since I don't do anything." "Not sure if I'm bringing you good news or bad," He smiled taking the seat beside me. "But Mr. D wants to see you." "Really? Will I finally get to do something fun?" "I feel like I should be offended." He gasped dramatically. "Why? Am I not fun?" I laughed, "Pretty much yeah." "Ouch. Anyways, I'd better let him tell you what's up." "Walk with me?" I asked with an UwU face. "I would, but commitment and all that." He joked. "Aight then. I'll get ready, wait for me outside." "I said I won't!" "Geez don't need to be in a hurry. I won't take long." I got dressed and went out to see him with an exaggerated frown. "You better walk fast. I'll leave as soon as you get there." For days, I'd been half expecting a summons to the Big House. Now that Percy was declared a son of Poseidon, one of the Big Three gods who weren't supposed to have kids, I figured it was a crime for him just to be alive. They're probably suspicious of me now as well with Percy and I's relation. The other gods had probably been debating the best way to punish me for existing, and now Mr. D was ready to deliver their verdict. "So... with Percy being a big three material. What would that make me?" "Well, putting aside the fact that you suck, you drown at every body of water that's at least a foot deep, you don't smell like a half-blood. I'd say you're... one of the big three's. Maybe Zeus's." "Har har. I'm just really worried you know? With Percy getting claimed as Poseidon's... and I came with him. And water just loves me so much. I'd assume I'm somewhere along the lines of Zeus and... Zeus. Is there someone stronger than Zeus?" "Depends on who you asked." "If I asked Zeus he'd definitely answer Zeus." I heard a loud thunder echoed. "Someone's brave." Luke laughed. Over Long Island Sound, the sky looked like ink soup coming to a boil. A hazy curtain of rain was coming in our direction. I asked Luke if we needed an umbrella. "No," he said. "It never rains here unless we want it to." "So my kiss under the rain fantasy is a no?" "If it has to be here... probably." I pointed at the storm. "What the heck is that, then?" "Bad news. But don't worry, it'll pass by us." I realized he was right. In the week I'd been here, it had never even been overcast. The few rain clouds I'd seen had skirted right around the edges of the valley. But this storm... this one was huge. At the volleyball pit, the kids from Apollo's cabin were playing a morning game against the satyrs. Dionysus's twins were walking around in the strawberry fields, making the plants grow. Everybody was going about their normal business, but they looked tense. They kept their eyes on the storm. When Luke saw the front porch of the Big House. "Whatever they say. Don't choose the option where you'll die." "Half a promise. Depends on the other option." "Well I'll give you an easier promise. Don't die." "Not really easier but okay."
After he ruffled my hair, I walked up to the front porch of the Big House. Dionysus sat at the pinochle table in his tiger-striped Hawaiian shirt with his Diet Coke, just as he had on my first day. Chiron sat across the table in his fake wheelchair. They were playing against invisible opponents--two sets of cards hovering in the air. "Y/N!" Grover greeted. "Well, well," Mr. D said without looking up. "Our little celebrity finally got his request." I turned to see Percy who was looking at me and then moved away. I waited for him to greet... "Come closer, both of you," Mr. D said. "And don't expect me to kowtow to you, mortal, just because old Barnacle-Beard is your father." A net of lightning flashed across the clouds. Thunder shook the windows of the house. "Blah, blah, blah," Dionysus said. Chiron feigned interest in his pinochle cards. Grover cowered by the railing, his hooves clopping back and forth. "If I had my way," Dionysus said, "I would cause your molecules to erupt in flames. We'd sweep up the ashes and be done with a lot of trouble. But Chiron seems to feel this would be against my mission at this cursed camp: to keep you little brats safe from harm." "Spontaneous combustion is a form of harm, Mr. D," Chiron put in. "Nonsense," Dionysus said. "Boy wouldn't feel a thing. Nevertheless, I've agreed to restrain myself I'm thinking of turning you into a dolphin instead, sending you back to your father." "Mr. D—" Chiron warned. "Oh, all right," Dionysus relented. "There's one more option. But it's deadly foolishness." Dionysus rose, and the invisible players' cards dropped to the table. "I'm off to Olympus for the emergency meeting. If the boy is still here when I get back, I'll turn him into an Atlantic bottlenose. Do you understand? And Perseus Jackson, if you're at all smart, you'll see that's a much more sensible choice than what Chiron feels you must do." Dionysus picked up a playing card, twisted it, and it became a plastic rectangle. A credit card? No. A security pass. He snapped his fingers. The air seemed to fold and bend around him. He became a hologram, then a wind, then he was gone, leaving only the smell of fresh-pressed grapes lingering behind. Chiron smiled at me, but he looked tired and strained. "Sit, Percy, please. You too Y/N and Grover." We did. Grover sat between us. Chiron laid his cards on the table, a winning hand he hadn't gotten to use. "Tell me, Percy," he said. "What did you make of the hellhound?" "It scared me," I said. "If Y/N hadn't told it to stand down, I'd be dead." I saw Percy turn to my direction, which made me roll my eyes. "You'll meet worse, Percy. Far worse, before you're done." "Done... with what?" "Your quest, of course. Will you accept it?" I glanced at Grover, who was crossing his fingers. "Um, sir," I said, "you haven't told me what it is yet." Chiron grimaced. "Well, that's the hard part, the details." Thunder rumbled across the valley. The storm clouds had now reached the edge of the beach. As far as I could see, the sky and the sea were boiling together. "Poseidon and Zeus," Percy said. "They're fighting over something valuable... something that was stolen, aren't they?". Chiron and Grover exchanged looks. Chiron sat forward in his wheelchair. "How did you know that?" "The weather since Christmas has been weird, like the sea and the sky are fighting. Then I talked to Annabeth, and she'd overheard something about a theft. And... I've also been having these dreams." "I knew it," Grover said. "Hush, satyr," Chiron ordered. "But it is his quest!" Grover's eyes were bright with excitement. "It must be!" "Only the Oracle can determine." Chiron stroked his bristly beard. "Nevertheless, Percy, you are correct. Your father and Zeus are having their worst quarrel in centuries. They are fighting over something valuable that was stolen. To be precise: a lightning bolt." I laughed. "A what?" "Do not take this lightly," Chiron warned. "I'm not talking about some tinfoil-covered zigzag you'd see in a second-grade play. I'm talking about a two-foot-long cylinder of high-grade celestial bronze, capped on both ends with god-level explosives." "Oh." "Zeus's master bolt," Chiron said, getting worked up now. "The symbol of his power, from which all other lightning bolts are patterned. The first weapon made by the Cyclopes for the war against the Titans, the bolt that sheered the top off Mount Etna and hurled Kronos from his throne; the master bolt, which packs enough power to make mortal hydrogen bombs look like firecrackers." "And it's missing?" "Stolen," Chiron said. "By who?" "By whom," Chiron corrected. Once a teacher, always a teacher. "By you." "At least"—Chiron held up a hand—"that's what Zeus thinks. During the winter solstice, at the last council of the gods, Zeus and Poseidon had an argument. The usual nonsense: 'Mother Rhea always liked you best', 'Air disasters are more spectacular than sea disasters,' et cetera. Afterward, Zeus realized his master bolt was missing, taken from the throne room under his very nose. He immediately blamed Poseidon. Now, a god cannot usurp another god's symbol of power directly—that is forbidden by the most ancient of divine laws. But Zeus believes your father convinced a human hero to take it." "But I didn't—" "Patience and listen, child," Chiron said. "Zeus has good reason to be suspicious. The forges of the Cyclopes are under the ocean, which gives Poseidon some influence over the makers of his brother's lightning. Zeus believes Poseidon has taken the master bolt, and is now secretly having the Cyclopes build an arsenal of illegal copies, which might be used to topple Zeus from his throne. The only thing Zeus wasn't sure about was which hero Poseidon used to steal the bolt. Now Poseidon has openly claimed you as his son. You were in New York over the winter holidays. You could easily have snuck into Olympus. Zeus believes he has found his thief." "But I've never even been to Olympus! Zeus is crazy!" Chiron and Grover glanced nervously at the sky. The clouds didn't seem to be parting around us, as Luke had promised. They were rolling straight over our valley, sealing us in like a coffin lid. "Er, Percy...?" Grover said. "We don't use the c-word to describe the Lord of the Sky." "Perhaps paranoid," Chiron suggested. "Then again, Poseidon has tried to unseat Zeus before. I believe that was question thirty-eight on your final exam...." He looked at Percy. Chiron was waiting for an answer. "Something about a golden net?" He answered. "Poseidon and Hera and a few other gods... they, like, trapped Zeus and wouldn't let him out until he promised to be a better ruler, right?" "Correct," Chiron said. "And Zeus has never trusted Poseidon since. Of course, Poseidon denies stealing the master bolt. He took great offense at the accusation. The two have been arguing back and forth for months, threatening war. And now, you've come along—the proverbial last straw." "But I'm just a kid!" "Percy," Grover cut in, "if you were Zeus, and you already thought your brother was plotting to overthrow you, then your brother suddenly admitted he had broken the sacred oath he took after World War II, that he's fathered a new mortal hero who might be used as a weapon against you.... Wouldn't that put a twist in your toga?" "But I didn't do anything. Poseidon—my dad—he didn't really have this master bolt stolen, did he?" Chiron sighed. "Most thinking observers would agree that thievery is not Poseidon's style. But the Sea God is too proud to try convincing Zeus of that. Zeus has demanded that Poseidon return the bolt by the summer solstice. That's June twenty-first, ten days from now. Poseidon wants an apology for being called a thief by the same date. I hoped that diplomacy might prevail, that Hera or Demeter or Hestia would make the two brothers see sense. But your arrival has inflamed Zeus's temper. Now neither god will back down. Unless someone intervenes, unless the master bolt is found and returned to Zeus before the solstice, there will be war. And do you know what a full-fledged war would look like, Percy?" "Bad?" "Imagine the world in chaos. Nature at war with itself. Olympians forced to choose sides between Zeus and Poseidon. Destruction. Carnage. Millions dead. Western civilization turned into a battleground so big it will make the Trojan War look like a water-balloon fight." "Bad," I repeated. "And you, Percy Jackson, would be the first to feel Zeus's wrath." It started to rain. Volleyball players stopped their game and stared in stunned silence at the sky. I had brought this storm to Half-Blood Hill. Zeus was punishing the whole camp because of Percy. I was furious. "So he has to find the stupid bolt," I said. "And return it to Zeus." "What better peace offering," Chiron said, "than to have the son of Poseidon return Zeus's property?" "If Poseidon doesn't have it, where is the thing?" "I believe I know." Chiron's expression was grim. "Part of a prophecy I had years ago... well, some of the lines make sense to me, now. But before I can say more, you must officially take up the quest. You must seek the counsel of the Oracle." "Why can't you tell me where the bolt is beforehand?" "Because if I did, you would be too afraid to accept the challenge." "Good reason." "You agree then?" He looked at Grover, who nodded encouragingly. Easy for him. He wasn't the one Zeus wanted to kill. Percy then turned to me, "All right," he said. "But, I'll go when Y/N comes with." "Woah there! I am not going anywhere." I hissed. You ignore me for days and now you want me to die with you now? "Why do I have to go with you?" "Percy---" "I don't want to leave without her." He looked down. I felt guilty about turning him down. Which was stupid since he's the one at fault. I gave a sigh, I hope Luke won't get mad at me. "It's better than you being turned into a dolphin." I mumbled. "I'll go." "Then it's time you consulted the Oracle," Chiron said. "Go upstairs, Percy Jackson, to the attic. When you come back down, assuming you're still sane, we will talk more." Before Percy came up he took my arm and pulled me in a hug. "I wanted you there, so we could save our parents together. After this quest, you me your mom and dad and my mom, will stay together." I hugged him back and nodded. "Thank you." Four flights up, the stairs ended under a green trapdoor. Percy pulled the cord. The door swung down, and a wooden ladder clattered into place. After he went up. Chiron turned to me. "Hmm? Something to say?" I asked in a hopefully not rude tone. "I've had enough of people staring at me thinking, I summoned that hellhound." "Y/N, I assure you I don't think you'd do that. I am just confused as to why it followed your command." "Did you maybe forget to tell us something? I really can't seem to find out who you are." "Well... I don't think I forgot to mention anything. Maybe the fact that water hates me, I've never been on a plane, and I am low-key kinda scared of the dark depending on the situation." "Water hates you?" Grover asked. "First time swimming, beach, I was 5. I drowned at a supposedly 3 feet deep water. I haven't been near any bodies of water ever since. Until I met Percy, I drowned at the beach again. If I wasn't mistaken I was few meters away from the water and it pulled me and I almost drowned." "It would seem, Poseidon hates you. Why would he?" "My parents must've realized that fish god hates me and didn't take chances on the others." I could tell Chiron wanted to continue but Percy came down, "Well?" Chiron asked. He slumped into a chair at the pinochle table. I could see he wasn't happy. "Are you okay?" I asked him. He looked at me warily and nodded. "She said I would retrieve what was stolen." Grover sat forward, chewing excitedly on the remains of a Diet Coke can. "That's great!" "What did the Oracle say exactly?" Chiron pressed. "This is important." "She . .. she said I would go west and face a god who had turned. I would retrieve what was stolen and see it safely returned." "I knew it," Grover said... Chiron didn't look satisfied. "Anything else?" "No," He said. "That's about it." I took a hold of Percy's hand. And he gave me a look that said, 'I'll tell you later.' "Very well, Percy. But know this: the Oracle's words often have double meanings. Don't dwell on them too much. The truth is not always clear until events come to pass." "Okay," I said, anxious to change topics. "So where do we go? Who's this god in the west?" "Ah, think, Percy," Chiron said. "If Zeus and Poseidon weaken each other in a war, who stands to gain?" "Somebody else who wants to take over?" he guessed. "Yes, quite. Someone who harbors a grudge, who has been unhappy with his lot since the world was divided eons ago, whose kingdom would grow powerful with the deaths of millions. Someone who hates his brothers for forcing him into an oath to have no more children, an oath that both of them have now broken." I thought about my dreams, the evil voice that had spoken from under the ground. "Hades." Chiron nodded. "The Lord of the Dead is the only possibility." A scrap of aluminum dribbled out of Grover's mouth. "Whoa, wait. Wh-what?" "A Fury came after Percy," Chiron reminded him. "She watched the young man until she was sure of his identity, then tried to kill him. Furies obey only one lord: Hades." "Yes, but—but Hades hates all heroes," Grover protested. "Especially if he has found out Percy is a son of Poseidon... ." "A hellhound got into the forest," Chiron continued. "Those can only be summoned from the Fields of Punishment, and it had to be summoned by someone within the camp. Hades must have a spy here. He must suspect Poseidon will try to use Percy to clear his name. Hades would very much like to kill this young half-blood before he can take on the quest." "Great," Percy muttered. "That's two major gods who want to kill me." "Hey, I beat you, I got all of them." I smirked. I was trying to lighten up the mood and Percy finally cracked a smile. "But a quest to..." Grover swallowed. "I mean, couldn't the master bolt be in some place like Maine? Maine's very nice this time of year." "Hades sent a minion to steal the master bolt," Chiron insisted. "He hid it in the Underworld, knowing full well that Zeus would blame Poseidon. I don't pretend to understand the Lord of the Dead's motives perfectly, or why he chose this time to start a war, but one thing is certain. Percy must go to the Underworld, find the master bolt, and reveal the truth." A strange fire burned in my stomach. The weirdest thing was: it wasn't fear. It was anticipation. I wasn't feeling scared of anything right now. I felt like I could face anything. I was ready to take him on. Anyone in a matter of fact. Besides, if my mom and dad might be in the Underworld... which would be unlikely. Who knows maybe I could bribe him and talk him into reviving them. Or what if he's misunderstood? What if there's a plot twist somewhere here, and it actually wasn't Hades's fault? Grover was trembling. He'd started eating pinochle cards like potato chips. The poor guy needed to complete a quest with us so he could get his searcher's license, whatever that was. This was suicide. "Look, if we know it's Hades," Percy told Chiron, "why can't we just tell the other gods? Zeus or Poseidon could go down to the Underworld and bust some heads." "It might not be him you know." I added. "She's right, suspecting and knowing are not the same," Chiron said. "Besides, even if the other gods suspect Hades—and I imagine Poseidon does—they couldn't retrieve the bolt themselves. Gods cannot cross each other's territories except by invitation. That is another ancient rule. Heroes, on the other hand, have certain privileges. They can go anywhere, challenge anyone, as long as they're bold enough and strong enough to do it. No god can be held responsible for a hero's actions. Why do you think the gods always operate through humans?" "You're saying I'm being used." "I'm saying it's no accident Poseidon has claimed you now. It's a very risky gamble, but he's in a desperate situation. He needs you." "Damn, my parent doesn't? I'm going on a deadly quest thanks to Arthur Curry right here. Least they could do is support me and let me know They'll be proud of me saving the world." I huffed. "You've known I was Poseidon's son all along, haven't you?" "I had my suspicions. As I said... I've spoken to the Oracle, too." I got the feeling there was a lot he wasn't telling us about his prophecy, but I decided I couldn't worry about that right now. After all, I was holding back information too. "So let me get this straight," I said. "We're supposed go to the Underworld and confront the Lord of the Dead." "Check," Chiron said. "Find the most powerful weapon in the universe." "Check." "And get it back to Olympus before the summer solstice, in ten days." "That's about right." Percy and I looked at each other then we looked over at Grover, who gulped down the ace of hearts. "Did I mention that Maine is very nice this time of year?" he asked weakly. "You don't have to go," Percy told him. "I can't ask that of you. "Oh..." He shifted his hooves. "No... it's just that satyrs and underground places... well..." He took a deep breath, then stood, brushing the shredded cards and aluminum bits off his T-shirt. "You saved my life, Percy. Both of you did. If... if you're serious about wanting me along, I won't let you down." I felt so relieved I wanted to cry, though I didn't think that would be very heroic. I wasn't sure what good a satyr could do against the forces of the dead, but I felt better knowing he'd be with us. "All the way, G-man." Percy turned to Chiron. "So where do we go? The Oracle just said to go west." "The entrance to the Underworld is always in the west. It moves from age to age, just like Olympus. Right now, of course, it's in America." "Where?" Chiron looked surprised. "I thought that would be obvious enough. The entrance to the Underworld is in Los Angeles." "Oh," I said. "Naturally. So we just get on a plane—" "No!" Grover shrieked. "Percy, what are you thinking? Have you ever been on a plane in your life?" I shook my head, feeling embarrassed. My mom had never taken me anywhere by plane. She'd always said we didn't have the money. Besides, her parents had died in a plane crash. "We're not allowed to fly because Zeus is a stuck up who doesn't want others touching his stuff without permission." "Y/N!" Grover panicked when loud thunder echoed above us. I wanted to yell, 'Oh shut up thunder boy.' But I still wanted try fulfilling my promise to Luke with all I can. "Percy, think," Chiron said. "You are the son of the Sea God. Your father's bitterest rival is Zeus, Lord of the Sky. Your mother knew better than to trust you in an airplane. You would be in Zeus's domain. You would never come down again alive." Overhead, lightning crackled. Thunder boomed. "Okay," I said, determined not to look at the storm. "So, I'll travel overland." "That's right," Chiron said. "Two companions may accompany you. Grover is one. The other is Y/N. But someone else has already volunteered, if you will accept her help." "Gee," I said, feigning surprise. "Who else would be stupid enough to volunteer for a quest like this?" The air shimmered behind Chiron. Annabeth became visible, stuffing her Yankees cap into her back pocket. "I've been waiting a long time for a quest, seaweed brain," she said. "Athena is no fan of Poseidon, but if you're going to save the world, I'm the best person to keep you from messing up." "I'll gladly give you my spot and all but... Percy and I are a duo." I lifted my fist which he bumped. "But she's right, we can't leave the world at the hands of two idiots and a scaredy-cat." "Can't we have four people on a quest?" "You can also pick more than two people to join, but this is considered dangerous as three is a sacred number. Any more than three on a quest could result in a catastrophe, including a member of the quest going missing, dying, or the quest failing." "Willing to risk it Peabody?" She gave me a glare. No. I assure you no one shall be lost in this quest. They were all looking at me weirdly. "What did you say?" "I asked if you were willing to risk it...?" I was confused. "Y/N you're doing it again." "Doing what? I am literally not doing anything wrong. Wanna fite me? I will back out of this quest." I gave an exaggerated glare. Annabeth turned to Chiron, who was looking down on me. "I suppose... if Percy is willing to risk it and all parties approve. I could allow this as a four person quest." "Well, I call not it to the dying person." I raised my hand. "But you can come Peabody. We need a not so stupid guy." "Well, if she say yes..." "I-I... don't really..." "I want to come." "I suppose you have a plan, wise girl?" Her cheeks colored. "Do you want my help or not?" "A quartet," I said. "Hopefully it works." "Excellent," Chiron said. "This afternoon, we can take you as far as the bus terminal in Manhattan. After that, you are on your own." Lightning flashed. Rain poured down on the meadows that were never supposed to have violent weather. "No time to waste," Chiron said. "I think you should all get packing." I took Percy's hand and gave him a look to remind him about his quest. "I'll tell you later."
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UwU Haha I'm better now :) I am sorry for being on haitus And for some parts that I might've forgotten to erase UwU -kookie-doughs
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