#Yemeni corner
workersolidarity · 2 months
[ 📹 The moment a Yemenese resistance drone arrives by sea before crashing into a residential building in Tel Aviv, the Israeli entity's most populous city, on the central Mediterranean coast of occupied Palestine. ]
🇾🇪⚔️🇮🇱 🛩️🏢💥 🚨
A Yemenese drone packed with explosives flew into occupied Palestine in the early morning hours of Friday, July 19th, before striking a residential building in the Israeli occupation's most populous city, Tel Aviv, killing one Israeli citizen and wounding at least 10 others.
According to the Hebrew media, the drone, which was launched by the Ansar-Allah movement-led Yemeni Armed Forces, entered Israeli airspace and was immediately identified, but, due to human error, it was not recognized as a threat by the Israeli occupation forces, and went unengaged before crashing into an apartment building in Tel Aviv.
The drone struck the building at approximately 3:12am [local time] after reaching occupied Palestine from Yemen, incoming from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea, according to Israeli army spokesperson, Daniel Hagari.
The Times of Israel says the drone has been identified as Iranian-made Samad-3, which was modified to give the drone an extended range, and flew several hours at low altitude.
According to Hebrew-language news outlet, Maariv News, the drone strike killed a 50-year-old resident of Tel Aviv named Yevgeni Perder, who lived in the Apartment near the corner of Shalom Aleichem and Ben Yehuda streets in the city.
Ten other citizens were also wounded in the strike, while the deceased victim was found near the scene of the explosion. Eight of the wounded citizens were taken to local hospitals, four of whom were wounded as a result of shrapnel or shockwaves from the explosion. The other four victims are being treated for acute anxiety.
Although the drone struck an apartment building surrounded by several hotels, the United States' Tel Aviv Embassy was also adjacent to the targeted building, however, Israeli intelligence has not said whether the embassy was meant to be targeted by the strike.
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Thinking of all the gifted folk artists who produced art to help them to get through difficult times, to reflect their rich inner life, to tell spiritual stories and to make their surroundings beautiful, we must remember Afia Zecharia.
And Shana Tova to all the Jewish friends!
"Afia Zecharia arrived to Israel from the Jewish community in Yemen.
They say that she was born in 1905 in the province of Abyan opposite Somalia, although nobody knows for sure.
She was married at the age of 10. Since childhood, she worked painting the walls of a "palace" of the local lord. In her young eyes, it was a magnificent palace but in the presence of the lord, she had to hide her Jewishness.
In 1949 during the well-known Ethiopian Jews repatriation to Israel, Afia arrived in Shlomi in the north of Israel near Lebanon.
Afia, her husband and 7 children got a big two-story house with almond trees in the garden. Around the house grew plum trees, pecans, pomegranates, apricots, fig trees, so it looked like a corner of paradise.
Afia's husband, jealous and possessive, forbade her to paint the walls of the house and she suffered in silence. She was a beautiful woman, heavily made up and wearing heavy Yemeni jewellry as well as heady and strong oriental perfumes.
She had projects in mind...
When her husband died she resumed her painting, starting like a little Yemeni girl, where she was interrupted, but this time using car paint. She painted only indoors, at night, when no one was watching her. Afia Zecharia was over 80 years old.
She said angels came down and helped her. Her neighbors heard her talking to herself or maybe to the angels ...
Little by little, from floor to ceiling, every inch has been covered! Even in her 90s she climbed on the table to paint the ceiling.
Afia often bought dolls at a market and decorated them as to Yemeni brides.
Her work, beyond inspiration from her homeland, has a feel of the aboriginal paintings, each symbol having a meaning known only to insiders.
Her neighbors say she died in 2002 at age 96 and her granddaughter says she was 104."
After many administrative battles, the municipality finally agreed to preserve the house and work of Afia Zecharia. (Retold from Le Naaba)
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
About that Hanukkah tag post, I mean my generation is justifying Osama bin Laden and say America needs to be burn to the ground due to slavery and such.
Hmm, yet Muslim and Latin Americans countries are a okay. Oh right right the left only know about the USA/UK meddling and not you know the corruption that the USA/uk took advantage of.
Okay they wouldn’t get nuance about the Palestine-Israel conflict. These fuckers were raised on tv and not by parents
Tangent, I think I understand what working class boomers feels after the summer of love. Being part of a generation who upper middle class brats are so out of touch yet you realize they will have more power than you in your lifetime.
Hanukkah tag post just proves that there's people that no how much they deny it, they absolutely hate Jewish people, only reason to do that at all, since while the largest single concentration of them is in Israel for sure there's a equal number of Jewish folks spread across the globe, spamming their tag is only showing that it's not about Israel for the people doing it.
If you've got a legitimate beef with Israel, you're going to know better than to spam the tag.
as for the bin laden thing, another post last night
People on here cheering for that ship that got taken by yemeni pirates without a single ounce of knowledge about what else is going on in that corner of the world is the one that really bugged me.
that's going to accelerate the deaths of thousands through treatable diseases and starvation because of rerouted shipping, not like the guy from Israel even owned the boat just stock in it anyhow
It could be funny if it weren't for the massive humanitarian disaster that's already there, oh and I thought after all those protests because of that woman who the "morality police" killed that we weren't going to be cheering on iran for much of anything.
but hey it's ok to ignore a misogynistic oppressive regime that delights in destabilizing the entire region if we can stick it to those pesky jooz right guys.
with the boomer parents, there's all kinds of them the mythology seems to have leaked out to the point that folks think it's the straight up truth
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koenji · 17 days
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Handwoven Yemenite Jewish prayer shawl, Southern Yemen, Early 20th century. 275 x 102 cm. Gift of Yihya Ovadya Gibli, Jaffa.
"In Yemen, the biblical commandment (Num. 15:38–39; Deut. 22:12) to attach tassels (tzitzit) to the four corners of one’s garment is fulfilled by attaching tzitzit to the four-cornered outer garment worn daily; in other communities, where daily attire is not four-cornered, special ritual garments—the prayer shawl (tallit) and the vest-like tallit katan—have come to be used for this purpose.
The Jews of Yemen wore several types of four-cornered garments to fulfill the tzitzit precept. In Sana'a and on the Central Plateau, an everyday black woolen shawl worn over the shoulders served as a tallit. This type of shawl was an integral part of the Jewish male’s dress in the region, and the indicative offwhite ritual tassels hung from its four corners. A more precious version made of highly refined black wool was worn in this region on the Sabbath.
The garment’s Yemeni Arabic name shamleh recalls the Hebrew word simlah, used in the Bible. Both words carry the idea of a wrapped outer garment that envelops the wearer, as does the tallit when worn during prayers. As a four-cornered garment, the shamleh was subject to the commandment to bear tzitzit, and wearing it allowed one to fulfill the commandment with an article of clothing that served daily functions. In addition to being an article of clothing, it served as a blanket when resting, or a bag for bundling and carrying goods.
In rural Yemen, all men, Muslims and Jews, slung a striped, brightly colored cotton shoulder-cloth around their upper body called a lih feh or masnaf, edged with a woven band and fringes. On the four corners Jews added the ritual tassels, identifying themselves as Jews.
In southern Yemen, the tallitot were woven in color schemes of green, red, and yellow on an off-white background. These were the standard outer garment in this region, either rectangular in shape, or poncho-like with a hole or slit in the middle for the head, similar to the tallit katan (a small, four-cornered garment worn to enable one to fulfill the tzitzit commandment if one’s regular outer garment was not four-cornered). Silk squares were sewn on to reinforce the four corners where the tassels were fixed.
Skilled Jewish weavers made these garments. Among Yemeni Jews, weaving was a widely practiced and highly respected profession, one that was considered to require special skills. In the poncho-like tallit, the edges around the head and neck opening were embroidered with stitches typical of the area. At the turn of the twentieth century, the Ashkenazi white rectangular tallit with its blue or black stripes along the shorter, fringed hems, called shal in Yemen, frequently replaced the traditional Yemenite prayer shawls." x
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mariacallous · 9 months
Moses may have parted the Red Sea, but now, thanks to a wave of Houthi missile attacks, shipping companies are departing it in droves.
So far, the Iran-backed Yemeni group has launched at least 100 missile and drone attacks against a dozen ships in the Red Sea, according to U.S. officials, and threatened to target all vessels heading toward Israel, whether or not they are Israeli-owned or operated. To avoid suffering the same fate, major energy and shipping companies, including BP and Maersk, have halted their operations there—rattling energy markets and driving up global oil prices and soon everything else. The Red Sea is what connects Asia to Europe, in terms of cargo ships, so disruptions are felt around the world.
The Houthi attacks “have created worries for global freight markets, for the flows of energy commodities, other commodities, goods,” said Richard Bronze, the head of geopolitics at Energy Aspects, a research firm. “It’s a really critical shipping route, so any disruption risks adding delays and costs, which have a sort of knock-on effect in many corners of the global economy.”
Washington is reportedly mulling striking the Houthi base in Yemen, just days after announcing a multinational task force to safeguard navigation in the Red Sea. But the pledge did little to deter the Houthis, who instead vowed to ramp up their attacks and target U.S. warships if Washington executed attacks in Yemen. 
As the threat of escalation looms over wary shipping companies and energy markets, Foreign Policy broke down the Red Sea crisis—and what it could mean for global trade.
You lost me at Houthis.
Backed by Iran, the Houthi rebel group controls vast swaths of northern Yemen, following a yearslong effort to gain power that ultimately plunged the country into a devastating civil war in 2014. After years of fighting between the Iran-armed Houthis and a Saudi-led coalition, at least 377,000 people had been killed by the end of 2021, 70 percent of whom were children younger than 5, according to U.N. estimates. 
Experts say the Houthis’ Red Sea attacks are part of a bid to shore up domestic support and strengthen the group’s regional standing, while the Houthis’ popularity has only grown since they began waging these attacks. As part of Iran’s “Axis of Resistance,” the Houthis have vowed to attack ships transiting the Red Sea until Israel ends its bombardment of Gaza. They’re Iran’s JV team, but they can make a splash at times.
“They seek to accomplish a more prestigious status in the region, as a resistance movement integral to the Iranian Axis of Resistance,” said Ibrahim Jalal, a nonresident scholar at the Washington-based Middle East Institute. The Houthis also “want to be framed as a disruptive actor that’s capable of also offering security by halting attacks,” he said.
By attacking ships heading toward Israel, Iran, through its Houthi proxies, is essentially doing what Washington and the West does with economic sanctions—turn the screws. “What they’ve done is very architecturally similar to Western secondary sanctions,” said Kevin Book, the managing director of ClearView Energy Partners, an energy consultancy. “They have essentially tried to make it so that anyone who has nexus to, or trades with, Israel is subject to attack or risk of an attack.”
Why is the Red Sea so important?
Tucked between Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Sudan, the Red Sea is an entryway to the Suez Canal and one of the world’s key global trade corridors, overseeing some 12 percent of global trade and nearly one-third of global container traffic. With as many as 19,000 ships crossing through the Suez Canal annually, the inlet is a strategic pressure point in the energy and commodity trade. 
“There’s always been a lot of interest in oil and freight chokepoints because they may be relatively small geographically but they have global impact,” Book said. “Adversaries of the U.S. and Western allies sometimes seek to capitalize on those chokepoints because it can exert such a significant influence over global dynamics.”
Worried by the Houthi attacks, a growing list of major energy companies and shipping firms—including BP, Equinor, Maersk, Evergreen Line, and HMM—have rerouted their ships or suspended operations in the Red Sea. Rather than steaming through the narrow sea, at least 100 ships have instead traveled around the bottom of southern Africa—a detour that can extend ship journeys by thousands of miles and delay freight by weeks.
For now, that will just mean delays, higher costs, and continued disruptions—not the complete upending of global trade. The attacks have “been enough to make certain shippers hesitant to continue using the Red Sea,” said Bronze of Energy Aspects. “But we’re not at a stage where all shipping is being halted or rerouted or that there’s any sort of likelihood of that scale of disruption.”
How is Washington responding?
Washington, which currently has at least three destroyers stationed by the Red Sea, has shot down countless Houthi drones and intercepted missiles launched at transiting ships. To ensure freedom of navigation, Washington also announced this week that it mobilized 10 other countries to form a new task force called Operation Prosperity Guardian.
The operation is set to include Bahrain, Canada, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles, Spain, and the United Kingdom, U.S. officials said, although details are still murky and there remains ongoing confusion about what it will look like. Italy, for example, has said it is sending a frigate to the Red Sea under its long-standing plans—not as part of Operation Prosperity Guardian, Reuters reported. According to the Associated Press, several other countries also agreed to take part in the task force but preferred to remain anonymous. (Many Arab countries don’t want to be seen as defending Israel just now.)
That “underline[s] how tricky it’s been to assemble this coalition and perhaps the limited enthusiasm for many countries for being too visible in confronting this threat and in standing sort of shoulder to shoulder with the U.S. on this issue,” Bronze said.
Apparently undeterred, the Houthis have vowed to continue the fight. “Even if America succeeds in mobilizing the entire world, our military operations will not stop unless the genocide crimes in Gaza stop and allow food, medicine, and fuel to enter its besieged population, no matter the sacrifices it costs us,” Mohammed al-Bukaiti, a senior Houthi official, posted on X, formerly Twitter.
That could mean continued uncertainty for energy and shipping companies, many of which are waiting for more robust reassurances and greater stability until they feel comfortable resuming operations in the Red Sea.
“From a shipping company or a tanker company perspective, I think it’s probably safe to say that they’re going to err on the side of caution until they have some sense that the underlying risks have changed,” said Book of ClearView. Maersk, for instance, acknowledged that its shipping diversions would disrupt operations but stressed that the safety of its crews is paramount.
More fireworks could soon come. Washington is reportedly considering military strikes targeting the Houthis’ base in Yemen if the task force fails to thwart future attacks. The Houthis have threatened to strike U.S. warships in response, potentially paving the way for future escalations. 
The United States could also snap back previously levied sanctions on key Houthi figures as a dissuasive measure—but Saudi Arabia isn’t sold on that idea, since Riyadh is trying to negotiate an end to the yearslong quagmire in Yemen and worries that heavy-handed U.S. tactics could complicate its withdrawal.
What exactly is Saudi Arabia’s calculus here? 
After years of involvement in the Yemen war, Riyadh wants out. Saudi Arabia has been working to extricate itself from that war and to make peace with both Tehran—the two powers normalized relations in March—and the Houthis. 
As Saudi Arabia and the Houthis inch closer to securing a peace agreement, experts say Riyadh has adopted a cautious approach, wary of taking any steps that could jeopardize its fragile detente with Tehran or derail peace talks. But continued escalations in the Red Sea could throw a wrench in Riyadh’s plans. 
“If the U.S. were to attack targets in Yemen, not only could it threaten the truce that Saudi Arabia has struck with the Houthis, but it could interfere with that detente between Iran and the kingdom,” Book said. And that could threaten what is still one of the world’s biggest oil producers and exporters at a time when crude oil is already trading north of $70 a barrel.
“If that were to happen,” Book said, “then risks to production could come back, and that would change the picture, potentially adding more upside risk to the crude price.”
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hajjumrahhub · 5 months
Umrah Duas – A Guide to Umrah {Package} Duas
Many pilgrims carry little booklets and chant specific du'as for every circle of the tawaf and sa’ee when they go for Umrah via All Inclusive Umrah Packages. Unlike popular perception, every round of these ceremonies does not have a specific du'a attached to it.
"In tawaf, there is no particular dhikr that was told from the Prophet (PBUH), that he ⷺ either enjoined, said, or taught," claims Shaikh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. Instead, the believer may offer any du'a from the Qur'an and Sunnah while performing tawaf. There is no evidence for the precise du'a that many individuals mention saying should be recited beneath mizabs (downspouts) and similar objects. (Al-Fatawa, Majmu' 26/122)
Notwithstanding, the Prophet (PBUH) made prayers several times throughout Umrah, giving us examples to follow. Here is not an entire list of du'as from the Qur'an and Sunnah; you are free to make any kind of du'a during Umrah, including private ones for loved ones. Furthermore, you are not obliged to repeat your prayers only in Arabic. It is important to comprehend the significance of the du'as you recite rather than just reciting them.
Hopefully, the following list will act as a useful guide and enhance the significance of your Umrah experience. However, the following list of duas that the Prophet Muhammad PBUH prayed at different times and that one can recite during umrah
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When you set out on your journey, say a dua?
To enter the holy areas of Makkah, one must first prepare spiritually. It is advised to recite the Du'a al-Safar before departing the house to ask Allah for protection, direction, and support on your journey.
Prayer for the initial glimpse of Kabba
According to reports, the Prophet (SAW) offered some prayers when he first saw the Kaaba:
Saying the dua before entering Haram
Reciting the Tasbeeh, Tahleel, and Takbeer prayers is advised. It is advised to chant Tasbeeh, or Subhan Allah, before entering ihram (glory be to Allah). Takbeer, or Allahu Akbar (Allah is Most Great), and Tahleel, or La ilaha ill Allah (there is no creator except Allah). Bring the right foot first as you reach Masjid Al-Haram to conduct Umrah and say the following dua:
Du'a for Declaring Your Intent to Perform Umrah
After entering the Ihram state, recite two Sunnat-ul Ihram rakahs. Next, state some Arabic or translation words that you intend to conduct Umrah:
Recite the Talbiyah after Ihram
Start reciting the Talbiyah as soon as entering Ihram for the Hajj or Umrah. You should recite the Talbiyah as often as you can while traveling. It is advised to read it in every situation, whether you are standing, sitting, walking, driving, lying down, experiencing small or severe impurities, or going through menstruation. Umrah travelers should stop right before the start of the Umrah Tawaf. Three or more Talbiyahs should be performed, according to advice.
Given how frequently it is recited, you must comprehend its deep significance to deepen our relationship with Allah SWT. Insha'Allah, this will add a lovely richness to our dialogue with Him. As you approach Masjid Al Haram, say the du'a. Recite du'a and put the right foot first as you visit Masjid Al Haram to undertake Umrah.
Saying the Tawaaf dua
The term "tawaf" describes the act of walking counterclockwise in rounds around the Kaaba. One tawaf consists of seven complete rounds, each starting and finishing at the Hajar al Aswad (The Black Stone). Read dua when you face the black stone to make the purpose of the tawaf.
The Prophet PBUH would recite the dua when He (SAW) passed in front of the black stone and the Yemeni corner.
The sunnah is to proceed to Maqam-e-Ibrahim after performing the tawaf, pray two quick rak'ahs behind it, and then stand up right away after reciting the tasleem to make place for others, especially for those who wish to offer the two rak'ahs after tawaf. You need to say Dua while sipping Zamzam.
Praying for Sa'ii
Sa'ii is traversing the two hills, Safa and Marwah, seven times back and forth. When you ascend the Safa Mountain for the first time, you can say the following phrase from the Holy Qur'an:
Saying the Dua as you exit the Masjid-al-Haram
As you exit Masjid Al Haram after this lovely trip, you may read du'a.
Pilgrims must shave or clip their hair after the Saeeh (Halaq or Qasar) within the Haram.
If not shaven, the hair should be clipped to a minimum of one inch or more.
For shorter hair than one inch, it must be shaved.
However, this isn't the preferable solution.
Women may create a ponytail and trim up to an inch from the bottom. They are not permitted to shave their head.
When you repeat du'as, keep in mind the purpose of your journey: to seek Allah SWT's blessings and mercy for all of humanity as well as the fulfillment of our own particular prayers. Hopefully, your Umrah journey reflects the principles of Islam and brings you spiritual growth, harmony, and tranquility. Get ready to embark on the sacred journey by selecting the finest December Umrah packages from New York available to you.
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solemg · 2 years
Often, from Muslims you can hear the words: "I do not worship anyone or anything except Allah." They consider their religion to be the purest, along the way accusing everyone of idolatry and polytheism. But is Islam really like this?
The main place for Muslims is the cube (kaaba), located in Mecca, in Saudi Arabia. According to Islam, every Muslim must visit Mecca at least once in his life. The Muslim pilgrimage to the cub is called the Hajj. During the Hajj, Muslims dance around the pagan temple - the Kaaba. They pray and worship towards the Kaaba. And, most importantly, they honor their idols - the black stone of the Kaaba and the Yemeni corner of the Kaaba. Muslims kiss the black stone of the Kaaba during the Hajj and touch the Yemeni corner.
16 - It is reported from the words of Ibn ‘Umar that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
"Indeed, TOUCHING THE BLACK STONE and the Yemeni Corner of the Kaaba COMPLETELY RELIEVES FROM SINS." Narrated by Ahmad 2/89.
The hadith is authentic. See Sahih al-Jami' as-saghir 2194./15922/
961 Ibn 'Abbas is reported to have said:
“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said about the (black) stone: “By Allah, verily, ON THE DAY OF RESURRECTION, Allah WILL REVIEW THE BLACK STONE, and it will have two eyes with which it will look, and a tongue with which it will become speak. AND HE WILL WITNESS FOR THE FAVOR OF EVERYONE WHO TOUCHES HIM WITH THE TRUTH.”[1]”
Abu ‘Isa (at-Tirmidhi) said: “This hadeeth is good.”
This hadeeth was narrated by Ahmad 1/291, 307, 371, at-Tirmidhi 961, Ibn Majah 2944, Ibn Khuzayma 2735, Ibn Hibban 3704 and al-Hakim 1/457, who called the hadith authentic and agreed with him on this al-Dhahabi.
Sheikh al-Albani called the hadeeth authentic. See Sahih al-Jami' as-saghir 7098, Sahih at-Targhib wa-t-tarheeb 1144, Tahrij Mishkatul-masabih 2511.
18 - Narrated from the words of Nafi'a that Ibn 'Umar said:
“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) NEVER LEFT TOUCHING THE YEMEN CORNER AND THE (BLACK) STONE IN ANY OF THE BYPASSES (around the Kaaba).”
(Nafi') said: "And so did 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar." This hadeeth was narrated by Ahmad 2/115 and Abu Dawud 4876.
Hadith is good. See "Irvaul-galil" 1110.
So what do we see?
We see that:
1) Muslims from all over the world come to one temple,
2) they dance around the temple,
3) kiss the black stone of the temple (kaaba), touch the black stone and the Yemenite corner of the temple (kaaba), because touching them completely eliminates sins,
4) Muslims believe that on the day of resurrection (a very, very important day), Allah will revive the black stone, and the black stone ITSELF will WITNESS for the benefit of everyone WHO TOUCHES it with the truth,
5) The main example for Muslims, the false prophet Muhammad, himself worshiped idols and "NEVER LEAVE TOUCHING THE YEMEN CORNER AND THE (BLACK) STONE IN ANY OF THE BYPASSES (around the Kaaba)".
As we can see, Islam is the most common idolatry, and since this idolatry is performed many thousands of kilometers from non-Muslims, many do not see this idolatry and some of the non-Muslims get the impression that Muslims really do not worship idols and that they are really zealous fighters against idolatry.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Coffee Day
Whether getting one to go or lingering over a second cup, on September 29 be sure to observe National Coffee Day!
Ah, the perfect cup of java.  According to an expert cupper (a professional coffee taster), there are four components of a perfect cup: aroma, body, acidity, and flavor.
From the moment the average coffee lover opens a fresh bag of coffee beans, the aroma beckons, percolating the senses. Even those who don’t drink coffee tend to enjoy the fragrance a roasted bean casts.
When determining the body of a coffee, the bean, the roast, and the brew are all factors. The bean affects the texture of the coffee, whether its silky, creamy, thick or thin on the tongue and throat. However, the darker the roast and how it is brewed will alter the feel of a coffee’s body, too. Grandpa’s motor oil blend versus the coffee shop around the corner’s silky smooth, well-practiced grind have entirely different bodies.
The region a coffee is grown determines its acidity. The higher the elevation the coffee grows, the higher the quality and the acidity. These coffees are considered brighter, dryer, even sparkling by cuppers.
When it comes down to it, coffee lovers cherish the flavor as well as the caffeinated boost this roasted bean gives morning or night, black or with cream and sugar. Hot or cold it provides enjoyment even when decaffeinated!
There are many legendary accounts of how coffee first came to be, but the earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or the knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the 15th century in the Sufi monasteries around Mokha in Yemen.  It was here coffee seeds were first roasted and brewed, much like they are prepared today. Yemeni traders brought coffee back to their homeland from Ethiopia and began to cultivate the seed.
In 1670, coffee seeds were smuggled out of the Middle East by Baba Budan, as he strapped seven coffee seeds onto his chest.  The first plants grown from these smuggled seeds were planted in Mysore.  It was then that coffee spread to Italy, to the rest of Europe, to Indonesia and the Americas.
Brazil produces more coffee in the world than any other country followed by Colombia.  More than 50 countries around the world grow coffee, providing a delicious variety for the indulgence of steamy cups of the black drink for connoisseurs to consume.
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loadsofplaces · 1 year
General Information Yemen is a country in the Middle East, at the Southwestern corner of the Arabian peninsula. In Ancient times, the region was controlled by several city-states and empires that came to wealth through trade. During medieval times, it was ruled by several Islamic dynasties. Following Ottoman and British involvement during Colonial times, in the 20th century the Northern Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen, later Yemen Arab Republic, in the former Ottoman-controlled part, as well as the Marxist state of South Yemen (in 1967) in the former British-controlled part were established. In 1990, both parts united. Now the former Northern capital, Sanaa, functions as the political capital, while the former Southern capital, Aden, is the economic centre of the country. The political environment of Yemen has been unstable, with Civil War ongoing since 2014. Vast majority of the 32.7 Million inhabitants are Arabs, around 3.7 % are Somalis. Nearly all inhabitants are Muslim, around two thirds Sunni, around one third Shia.
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Old Walled City of Shibam The UNESCO World Heritage Old Walled City of Shibam can be traced back to the 16th century and is one of the world’s oldest examples of urban planning based on vertical construction. Due to its high-rise buildings it is sometimes called “the Manhattan of the desert”.
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Dragon Blood Tree The island of Socotra possesses unusually large biodiversity and is home to the unique Dragon Blood Tree. There are several legends surrounding it, such as one about it growing from the blood of brothers fighting to death or another about it originating from the blood of an injured dragon.
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~ Anastasia Economy The economy of Yemen has significantly weakened since the breakout of the Yemeni Civil War and the humanitarian crisis, which has caused instability, escalating hostilities, and flooding in the region. At the time of unification, South Yemen and North Yemen had vastly different but equally struggling underdeveloped economic systems. Since unification, the economy has been forced to sustain the consequences of Yemen's support for Iraq during the 1990–91 Persian Gulf War: Saudi Arabia expelled almost 1 million Yemeni workers, and both Saudi Arabia and Kuwait significantly reduced economic aid to Yemen. The 1994 civil war further drained Yemen's economy. As a consequence, Yemen has relied heavily on aid from multilateral agencies to sustain its economy for the past 24 years. In return, it has pledged to implement significant economic reforms. In 1997 the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved two programs to increase Yemen's credit significantly: the enhanced structural adjustment facility (now known as the poverty reduction and growth facility, or PRGF) and the extended funding facility (EFF). In the ensuing years, Yemen's government attempted to implement recommended reforms: reducing the civil service payroll, eliminating diesel and other subsidies, lowering defense spending, introducing a general sales tax, and privatizing state-run industries. However, limited progress led the IMF to suspend funding between 1999 and 2001.
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~ Damian
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brewedbible · 10 months
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alhajmabroor · 1 year
Common Mistakes in Hajj
By Muhammad Alshareef
In Aqidah (the Muslim's Belief)
Many Pilgrims when they travel to Medina they pray to the graves. They make Du'a to the prophet of Allah (peace be upon him). This could not only ruin their Hajj, it could nullify their Islam.
🔹Do not rub graves for Barakah (blessings).
🔹Do not make Du'a to anyone except Allah.
🔹When going to Medina, your initial intention should be to visit Masjid An-Nabawi, the Prophet's Masjid.
In Ihram
🔹Do not pass the Miqat without being in the state of Ihram. If you are landing in Jeddah and going to Mecca to perform Umrah directly, you must be in a state of Ihram before you land, as the plane shall enter the Miqat. Jeddah is inside the Miqat.
🔹If you are landing in Jeddah, you need your Ihram towels with you on the airplane in your carry-on bag.
🔹Women may wear anything Islamically permissible for Ihram.
🔹Do not take pictures of yourself in Ihram. You came to worship Allah and taking pictures for showing others later may contradict your sincerity of doing this for the sake of Allah.
🔹Women in their menses must be in a state of Ihram when they pass the Miqat. They should shower and do Talbiyah like everyone else.
🔹Do not uncover your right shoulder until you reach the Ka'bah and begin Tawaf. This is the time that the Messenger uncovered his shoulder and it is an act of Hajj, so we must follow when the Prophet did it.
🔹You may change your Ihram towels if they get dirty
🔹You do not enter into Ihram by just wearing the towels. You must make the intention to begin.
🔹Do not shave your beard, whether before, during or after Ihram.
🔹You should wear sandals, but if you do not have sandals, you do not have to walk barefoot. Wear what you have until you find a place to get sandals.
🔹When beginning your Ihram for Hajj, do it from where you are: in your hotel, on the street, etc. You do not have to go to the Ka'bah to start your Ihram for Hajj.
🔹Do pay attention to what you are saying when you are making the Talbiyah: Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk
🔹When you hear that you are not allowed to wear stitches in Ihram, know that what is meant is that you cannot wear pieces of cloth that are sewn together to wrap your body, such as a T-Shirt or underwear.
🔹Both men and women may shower with unscented soap. Yes, for women and men, you may comb your hair, as the Prophet's wives used to do when they were in Ihram.
In Tawaf:
🔹You do not have to say your intention out loud to begin Tawaf. Saying intentions out loud is something the Prophet (peace be upon him) never did except after Ihram when he said, (Labbayk Allahumma▪️Umrah wa Hajj).
🔹You do not have to touch the black stone for your Tawaf to be accepted. If it is crowded you may face your hand toward the stone and say Allahu Akbar.
🔹Do not kiss the Yemeni corner. You may only touch it.
🔹Do not worship the black stone. You are glorifying Allah by coming to this house and worshiping Him, following the Sunnah of the prophet of Allah (peace be upon him).
🔹Do not follow those Du'a books that make up Du'a for each time you go around the Ka'bah. Read Quran and make Du'a from your heart and glorify Allah.
🔹Make Du'a by yourself, do not do it in a shouting group around the Ka'bah.
🔹Do not wipe the walls of the Ka'bah during Tawaf. The prophet of Allah did not touch anything other than the black stone and the Yemeni corner.
🔹Do not hurt anyone to kiss the black stone.
🔹Do not face your hand to the Yemeni corner and say Allahu Akbar. This is only for the black stone.
🔹Do not push or hurt anyone during Tawaf.
🔹The Ka'bah should be to your left. Do not do Tawaf with your back to the Ka'bah.
🔹Do not stand at the black stone line for a long time. Move on.
🔹Do not lengthen your 2 Rak'ah of Tawaf.
🔹There is nothing in the sunnah about: Du'a Maqam Ibrahim. After you pray the 2 Rak'ah of Tawaf move on.
In Sa'i (going between Safa and Marwah)
🔹Although preferable, you do not have to have Wudu during Sa'i.
🔹You do not have to climb to the top of Safa or Marwah.
🔹You can take breaks in Sa'i to drink water or rest.
🔹You can take a break after Tawaf, before Sa'i.
🔹You do not have to jog the whole way, from Safa to Marwah. Only within the green lights, the valley of Safa and Marwah.
🔹Women do not have to run between the green lights.
🔹There is no specific Du'a to say between Safa and Marwah.
🔹Do not miss the Du'a that the prophet of Allah said when he stood on Safa. Then raise your hands and pray as he did (peace be upon him).
🔹Do not say your intention out loud before making Sa'i.
When Shaving or Trimming:
🔹Shave your complete head, do not leave parts unshaved.
🔹If you shall trim, take from all sides of your head.
🔹Do not take off your Ihram until you have shaved or trimmed. You are still in Ihram until you do so.
🔹Do not shave your beard.
In Mina, Arafah, and Muzdalifah:
🔹Many people do not confirm if where they are located is inside or outside the borders of the holy sites. Confirm.
🔹Do not reserve a place that is more than your need. Many people are looking for places to sit down and sleep.
🔹Only in Arafah and Muzdalifah do you shorten and combine prayers. In Mina only shorten your prayers, but pray them at the correct time.
🔹Do not waste your Hajj time in vain chatting.
🔹Spending the 8th day in Mina is the Sunnah of the prophet of Allah. Many people skip this and go to Arafah.
🔹Do not push anyone when you are in a crowd.
🔹You do not have to go to the Mt. of Mercy in Arafah. Many people hurt themselves and others to be there even though it is not a Wajib thing to do.
🔹Mt. Rahmah is not a holy mountain. Do not wipe its sand and rocks for Barakah (blessings).
🔹You do not have to pray Dhuhr and Asr on Arafah day in the Masjid of Arafah (Masjid Namira). You may pray in your tent with your group.
🔹Do not leave Arafah before Maghrib time.
🔹Women should avoid getting into a crushing crowd, like in Masjid Namira.
🔹Do not face Mt. Rahmah on Arafah day when you make Du'a. You should face the Qiblah.
🔹You should not treat your time in Arafah like any other day. You should realize the significance and pray to Allah in humility.
🔹At Maghrib time in Arafah, do not pray Maghrib and Isha until you reach Muzdalifah, even if you reach there at 11:00 at night. However, if you see half the night approaching, pray where you are on the road.
🔹Make sure you are in Muzdalifah before you stop and rest. Many people think they are in Muzdalifah but they are not. Look for the border signs. If you have not seen one, chances are you are still not in Muzdalifah even if you see others sleeping on the road.
🔹After praying Maghrib and Isha in Muzdalifah, go to sleep immediately, this is what the prophet of Allah did.
🔹Through all of this, continue doing your Talbiyah.
In stoning the Jamarat:
🔹The Jamarat are not Devils, and Shaytan is not tied up for the stoning of himself. Hajjis that hold this misconception end up cursing, swearing, throwing sandals, etc. It is a commandment from Allah to glorify Allah by saying (Allahu Akbar) with each pebble.
🔹You do not have to wash your stones.
🔹Do not throw sandals or wood or big rocks. This is all against the Sunnah.
🔹Do not hurt/shove when at the Jamarat.
🔹Say Allahu Akbar with each pebble. Do not say Bismillah.
🔹Throw the pebbles separately.
🔹Make Du'a after the first and second Jamarat.
🔹Do not throw the Jamarat before it is time.
🔹Throw the Jamarat from small to medium to large. Not the other way.
🔹If someone is throwing on your behalf, you must be unable to throw yourself.
🔹If someone is throwing on your behalf, you do not have to collect the stones yourself and hand the stones to that thrower.
🔹Throw seven pebbles, not more or less.
In Tawaf Al-Wada' (Farewell Tawaf):
🔹You cannot do your final Jamarat after Tawaf Al-Wada, as some people attempt.
🔹Do not walk in massive groups during Tawaf. This hurts many people.
🔹You MUST spend the night in Mina on the 10th night and 11th night. The two days of Hajj, the days of Mina, are the 11th and 12th, not the 10th and 11th.
🔹After Tawaf Al-Wada' you must leave Mecca, or else another Tawaf should be made.
🔹After Tawaf Al-Wada' you may have lunch or wait at a bus, etc., as long as you are on your way out of Mecca.
In Medina:
🔹Visiting Medina has nothing to do with your Hajj. It is something different and separate.
🔹Do not wipe or kiss any walls for Barakah (blessings). It is only rock and marble.
🔹Do not raise your voice near the Prophet's grave.
🔹Do not do Tawaf around the Prophet's grave.
🔹You do not need Ihram to enter Medina.
🔹Do not make Du'a to the Prophet. Du'a is to be made to Allah and Allah alone.
🔹If you want to pray for the Prophet to intercede for you on the day of Judgment (Shifa'ah), pray to Allah for that. "O Allah, allow Your Prophet to intercede for me.."
🔹Do not raise your voice in Du'a near the grave. Face Qiblah and leave the grave area when you want to make Du'a.
🔹Do not add the term Hajji to your name after returning home.
🔹Hadith such as: "whoever visits my grave, I shall intercede for them." Hadith to this effect are lies against the prophet of Allah (peace be upon him).
A final note:
The Muslims in these mistakes are three:
🔹One group is sincerely ignorant of these things and they have little clue that what they are doing is Haram or incorrect. For these people - insha'Allah - there is nothing upon them.
🔹A second group is ignorant, but they have the ability to learn and find out. All that stops them from doing so is their laxness in studying and asking. For these people, it is feared that they may be sinful for their laziness in learning.
🔹A third group is aware of these mistakes. They perform it however to either follow their culture or to misguide people. This person is sinful and they shall assume the sin of those that they misguide.
ஹஜ்ஜில் பொதுவான தவறுகள்
முஹம்மது அல்ஷரீஃப் மூலம்
அகிதாவில் (முஸ்லிம்களின் நம்பிக்கை)
பல யாத்ரீகர்கள் மதீனாவுக்குச் செல்லும்போது அவர்கள் கல்லறைகளுக்குப் பிரார்த்தனை செய்கிறார்கள். அவர்கள் அல்லாஹ்வின் நபி (ஸல்) அவர்களிடம் துஆ செய்கிறார்கள். இது அவர்களின் ஹஜ்ஜை பாழாக்குவது மட்டுமன்றி, அவர்களின் இஸ்லாத்தையே அழித்துவிடும்.
🔹பராக்கா (ஆசிர்வாதம்)க்காக கப்ருகளைத் தேய்க்காதீர்கள்.
🔹அல்லாஹ்வைத் தவிர வேறு யாரிடமும் துஆ செய்யாதீர்கள்.
🔹மதீனாவுக்குச் செல்லும்போது, ​​உங்கள் ஆரம்ப நோக்கம் மஸ்ஜித் அந்-நபவி, நபிகள் நாயகத்தின் மஸ்ஜித்.
🔹இஹ்ராம் நிலையில் இல்லாமல் மீகாத்தை கடக்காதீர்கள். நீங்கள் ஜித்தாவில் தரையிறங்கி, நேரடியாக உம்ரா செய்ய மக்காவிற்குச் சென்றால், நீங்கள் தரையிறங்குவதற்கு முன்பு நீங்கள் இஹ்ராம் நிலையில் இருக்க வேண்டும், ஏனெனில் விமானம் மிகாத்தில் நுழையும். ஜித்தா மிகாத்தின் உள்ளே உள்ளது.
🔹நீங்கள் ஜித்தாவில் தரையிறங்கினால், உங்கள் கேரி-ஆன் பையில் விமானத்தில் உங்களின் இஹ்ராம் துண்டுகள் தேவை.
🔹பெண்கள் இஹ்ராமுக்கு இஸ்லாம் அனுமதித்த எதையும் அணியலாம்.
🔹இஹ்ராமில் உங்களைப் படம் எடுக்காதீர்கள். நீங்கள் அல்லாஹ்வை வணங்க வந்தீர்கள், பிறருக்குக் காட்டுவதற்காகப் படங்களை எடுத்தீர்கள், பின்னர் அல்லாஹ்வுக்காக இதைச் செய்யும் உங்கள் நேர்மைக்கு முரணாக இருக்கலாம்.
🔹மாதவிடாய் உள்ள பெண்கள் மீகாத்தை கடக்கும் போது இஹ்ராம் கட்டிய நிலையில் இருக்க வேண்டும். அவர்களும் மற்றவர்களைப் போல் குளித்துவிட்டு தல்பியா செய்ய வேண்டும்.
🔹நீங்கள் கஅபாவை அடைந்து தவாஃப் தொடங்கும் வரை உங்கள் வலது தோள்பட்டையை அவிழ்த்து விடாதீர்கள். தூதர் தனது தோள்பட்டையை அவிழ்த்த நேரம் இது, இது ஹஜ்ஜின் ஒரு செயல், எனவே நபிகள் நாயகம் அதைச் செய்ததை நாம் பின்பற்ற வேண்டும்.
🔹உங்கள் இஹ்ராம் துண்டுகள் அழுக்காக இருந்தால் அவற்றை மாற்றலாம்
🔹நீங்கள் வெறும் துண்டுகளை அணிந்து கொண்டு இஹ்ராமுக்குள் நுழைய மாட்டீர்கள். தொடங்குவதற்கான எண்ணத்தை நீங்கள் உருவாக்க வேண்டும்.
🔹இஹ்ராமுக்கு முன்போ, போதோ, பின்னரோ தாடியை மழிக்காதீர்கள்.
🔹செருப்பு அணிய வேண்டும், ஆனால் செருப்பு இல்லையென்றால் வெறுங்காலுடன் நடக்க வேண்டியதில்லை. செருப்பு வாங்க இடம் கிடைக்கும் வரை உங்களிடம் உள்ளதை அணியுங்கள்.
🔹ஹஜ்ஜுக்காக உங்கள் இஹ்ராமைத் தொடங்கும் போது, ​​நீங்கள் இருக்கும் இடத்திலிருந்தே செய்யுங்கள்: உங்கள் ஹோட்டலில், தெருவில், முதலியன. ஹஜ்ஜுக்காக உங்கள் இஹ்ராமைத் தொடங்க நீங்கள் கஅபாவிற்குச் செல்ல வேண்டியதில்லை.
🔹தல்பியா செய்யும் போது நீங்கள் சொல்வதைக் கவனியுங்கள்: லப்பைக் அல்லாஹும்ம லப்பைக்
🔹இஹ்ராமில் தையல் போடக் கூடாது என்று நீங்கள் கேள்விப்பட்டால், அதன் பொருள் என்னவென்றால், டி-ஷர்ட் அல்லது உள்ளாடை போன்ற உங்கள் உடலைப் போர்த்துவதற்கு ஒன்றாக தைக்கப்பட்ட துண்டுகளை நீங்கள் அணிய முடியாது என்பதை அறிந்து கொள்ளுங்கள்.
🔹ஆண்கள் மற்றும் பெண்கள் இருவரும் வாசனை இல்லாத சோப்பைக் கொண்டு குளிக்கலாம். ஆம், நபியவர்களின் மனைவிமார்கள் இஹ்ராம் கட்டிய போது பெண்கள் மற்றும் ஆண்களுக்கு உங்கள் தலைமுடியை சீவலாம்.
🔹தவாஃப் தொடங்க உங்கள் நோக்கத்தை உரக்கச் சொல்ல வேண்டியதில்லை. (லப்பைக் அல்லாஹும்மா▪️உம்ரா வ ஹஜ்) என்று கூறியதைத் தவிர, நோக்கங்களை உரக்கக் கூறுவது நபி (ஸல்) அவர்கள் இஹ்ராமுக்குப் பிறகு செய்ததில்லை.
🔹உங்கள் தவாஃப் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளப்படுவதற்கு நீங்கள் கருப்புக் கல்லைத் தொட வேண்டியதில்லை. கூட்டம் அதிகமாக இருந்தால் கல்லை நோக்கி உங்கள் கையை நோக்கி அல்லாஹு அக்பர் என்று சொல்லலாம்.
🔹யமன் மூலையை முத்தமிடாதீர்கள். நீங்கள் அதை மட்டுமே தொடலாம்.
🔹கருப்புக் கல்லை வணங்கக் கூடாது. அல்லாஹ்வின் நபி ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்களின் சுன்னாவைப் பின்பற்றி இந்த வீட்டிற்கு வந்து வணங்கி அல்லாஹ்வை மகிமைப்படுத்துகிறீர்கள்.
🔹ஒவ்வொரு முறையும் நீங்கள் கஅபாவைச் சுற்றி வரும்போது துஆவை உள்ளடக்கிய துஆ புத்தகங்களைப் பின்பற்றாதீர்கள். குர்ஆனைப் படித்து உங்கள் இதயத்திலிருந்து துஆ செய்து அல்லாஹ்வை மகிமைப்படுத்துங்கள்.
🔹நீங்களே துஆ செய்யுங்கள், கஅபாவைச் சுற்றி சத்தமிடும் குழுவாகச் செய்யாதீர்கள்.
🔹தவாஃபின் போது கஅபாவின் சுவர்களைத் துடைக்காதீர்கள். அல்லாஹ்வின் தீர்க்கதரிசி கருங்கல்லையும் யமன் மூலையையும் தவிர வேறு எதையும் தொடவில்லை.
🔹கருப்பு கல்லை முத்தமிட யாரையும் காயப்படுத்தாதீர்கள்.
🔹யமன் மூலைக்கு கையை வைத்து அல்லாஹு அக்பர் என்று சொல்லாதீர்கள். இது கருங்கல்லுக்கு மட்டுமே.
🔹தவாஃபின் ��ோது யாரையும் தள்ளவோ, காயப்படுத்தவோ கூடாது.
🔹கஅபா உங்கள் இடது பக்கம் இருக்க வேண்டும். கஅபாவை முதுகில் காட்டி தவாஃப் செய்யாதீர்கள்.
🔹கருப்புக்கல் க��ட்டில் நீண்ட நேரம் நிற்காதீர்கள். நகர்த்தவும்.
🔹உங்கள் 2 ரக்அத் தவாஃப்களை நீட்டிக்காதீர்கள்.
🔹துஆ மகம் இப்ராஹிம் பற்றி சுன்னாவில் எதுவும் இல்லை. நீங்கள் தொழுத பிறகு 2 ரக்அத் தவாஃப் தொடரவும்.
ஸாயீயில் (ஸஃபாவிற்கும் மர்வாவிற்கும் இடையில்)
🔹 விரும்பத்தக்கது என்றாலும், சாயியின் போது நீங்கள் வூடு செய்ய வேண்டியதில்லை.
🔹நீங்கள் ஸஃபா அல்லது மர்வாவின் உச்சிக்கு ஏற வேண்டியதில்லை.
🔹தண்ணீர் அருந்தவோ அல்லது ஓய்வெடுக்கவோ சாயியில் ஓய்வு எடுக்கலாம்.
🔹தவாஃபுக்குப் பிறகு, சாயிக்கு முன் ஓய்வு எடுக்கலாம்.
🔹சஃபாவிலிருந்து மர்வா வரை நீங்கள் முழுவதுமாக ஜாகிங் செய்ய வேண்டியதில்லை. பச்சை விளக்குகளுக்குள் மட்டுமே, சஃபா மற்றும் மர்வா பள்ளத்தாக்கு.
🔹பெண்கள் பச்சை விளக்குகளுக்கு இடையே ஓட வேண்டியதில்லை.
🔹சஃபாவிற்கும் மர்வாவிற்கும் இடையில் குறிப்பிட்ட துஆ எதுவும் இல்லை.
🔹அல்லாஹ்வின் நபி ஸஃபாவில் நின்று சொன்ன துஆவை தவற விடாதீர்கள். பிறகு அவர் செய்தது போல் கைகளை உயர்த்தி பிரார்த்தனை செய்யுங்கள் (அவர் மீது சாந்தி உண்டாகட்டும்).
🔹சாயி செய்வதற்கு முன் உங்கள் எண்ணத்தை வெளியே சொல்லாதீர்கள்.
ஷேவிங் அல்லது டிரிம்மிங் செய்யும் போது:
🔹உங்கள் முழு தலையை மொட்டையடிக்கவும், பாகங்களை மொட்டையடிக்காமல் விடாதீர்கள்.
🔹நீங்கள் டிரிம் செய்தால், உங்கள் தலையின் எல்லா பக்கங்களிலும் இருந்து எடுக்கவும்.
🔹நீங்கள் மொட்டையடிக்கும் வரை அல்லது டிரிம் செய்யும் வரை உங்கள் இஹ்ராமைக் கழற்றாதீர்கள். நீங்கள் இன்னும் இஹ்ராமிலேயே இருக்கிறீர்கள்.
🔹தாடியை ஷேவ் செய்யாதீர்கள்.
மினா, அரஃபா மற்றும் முஸ்தலிஃபாவில்:
🔹புனிதத் தலங்களின் எல்லைக்கு உள்ளேயோ அல்லது வெளியேயோ தாங்கள் அமைந்துள்ள இடம் என்பதை பலர் உறுதி செய்வதில்லை. உறுதிப்படுத்தவும்.
🔹உங்கள் தேவைக்கு அதிகமான இடத்தை முன்பதிவு செய்யாதீர்கள். பலர் உட்காருவதற்கும் தூங்குவதற்கும் இடங்களைத் தேடுகிறார்கள்.
🔹அரஃபா மற்றும் முஸ்தலிஃபாவில் மட்டும் தொழுகையை சுருக்கி தொழுகையை இணைத்து தொழுகிறீர்கள். மினாவில் உங்கள் தொழுகைகளை மட்டும் சுருக்கவும், ஆனால் சரியான நேரத்தில் தொழுங்கள்.
🔹உங்கள் ஹஜ் நேரத்தை வீண் அரட்டையில் வீணாக்காதீர்கள்.
🔹8வது நாளை மினாவில் கழிப்பது அல்லாஹ்வின் நபியின் சுன்னாவாகும். பலர் இதைத் தவிர்த்துவிட்டு அரஃபாவுக்குச் செல்கிறார்கள்.
🔹கூட்டமாக இருக்கும்போது யாரையும் தள்ளாதே.
🔹அரஃபாவில் உள்ள கருணை மலைக்கு நீங்கள் செல்ல வேண்டியதில்லை. வாஜிப் செய்ய வேண்டிய காரியம் இல்லையென்றாலும் பலர் அங்கே இருப்பது தங்களையும் மற்றவர்களையும் காயப்படுத்துகிறார்கள்.
🔹மவுண்ட். ரஹ்மா ஒரு புனித மலை அல்ல. அதன் மணலையும் பாறைகளையும் பராக்கா (ஆசீர்வாதத்திற்காக) துடைக்காதீர்கள்.
🔹அரஃபாவின் மஸ்ஜிதில் (மஸ்ஜித் நமிரா) அரஃபா நாளில் துஹ்ர் மற்றும் அஸர் தொழ வேண்டியதில்லை. உங்கள் குழுவுடன் உங்கள் கூடாரத்தில் நீங்கள் பிரார்த்தனை செய்யலாம்.
🔹மக்ரிப் நேரத்திற்கு முன் அரஃபாவை விட்டு வெளியேறாதீர்கள்.
🔹மஸ்ஜித் நமிராவைப் போல பெண்கள் நசுக்கப்படும் கூட்டத்திற்குள் செல்வதைத் தவிர்க்க வேண்டும்.
🔹அரஃபா நாளில் துஆ செய்யும் போது மவுண்ட் ரஹ்மாவை எதிர்கொள்ள வேண்டாம். நீங்கள் கிப்லாவை எதிர்கொள்ள வேண்டும்.
🔹அரஃபாவில் உங்கள் நேரத்தை மற்ற நாட்களைப் போல நடத்தக் கூடாது. இதன் முக்கியத்துவத்தை உணர்ந்து பணிவுடன் அல்லாஹ்விடம் பிரார்த்தனை செய்ய வேண்டும்.
🔹அரஃபாவில் மக்ரிப் நேரத்தில், இரவு 11:00 மணிக்கு சென்றாலும், முஸ்தலிஃபாவை அடையும் வரை, மக்ரிப் மற்றும் இஷா தொழுகை நடத்த வேண்டாம். இருப்பினும், பாதி இரவு நெருங்குவதை நீங்கள் கண்டால், நீங்கள் சாலையில் இருக்கும் இடத்தில் பிரார்த்தனை செய்யுங்கள்.
🔹நீங்கள் நிறுத்தி ஓய்வெடுப்பதற்கு முன் முஸ்தலிஃபாவில் இருப்பதை உறுதி செய்து கொள்ளுங்கள். பலர் முஸ்தலிஃபாவில் இருப்பதாக நினைக்கிறார்கள் ஆனால் அவர்கள் இல்லை. எல்லை அடையாளங்களைத் தேடுங்கள். நீங்கள் ஒருவரைப் பார்க்கவில்லை என்றால், மற்றவர்கள் சாலையில் தூங்குவதைப் பார்த்தாலும் நீங்கள் இன்னும் முஸ்தலிஃபாவில் இல்லை.
🔹முஸ்தலிஃபாவில் மக்ரிப் மற்றும் இஷா தொழுதுவிட்டு, உடனே உறங்கச் செல்லுங்கள், இதைத்தான் அல்லாஹ்வின் நபி செய்தார்கள்.
🔹இவை அனைத்தும் மூலம், உங்கள் தல்பியாவைத் தொடர்ந்து செய்யுங்கள்.
ஜமாரத்தின் மீது கல்லெறிந்ததில்:
🔹ஜமாரத் ஷைத்தான்கள் அல்ல, ஷைத்தான் தன்னைக் கல்லெறிவதற்காகக் கட்டப்படவில்லை. இந்த தவறான கருத்தை வைத்திருக்கும் ஹாஜிகள் சபிப்பது, திட்டுவது, செருப்பை வீசுவது போன்றவற்றில் முடிவடைகிறது. ஒவ்வொரு கூழாங்கல் கொண்டும் (அல்லாஹு அக்பர்) என்று கூறி அல்லாஹ்வை மகிமைப்படுத்த வேண்டும் என்பது அல்லாஹ்வின் கட்டளை.
🔹உங்கள் கற்களைக் கழுவ வேண்டியதில்லை.
🔹செருப்பையோ, மரத்தையோ, பெரிய பாறைகளையோ வீசக் கூடாது. இவை அனைத்தும் சுன்னாவுக்கு எதிரானது.
🔹ஜமாரத்தில் இருக்கும் போது காயப்படுத்தாதீர்கள்/தள்ளாதீர்கள்.
🔹ஒவ்வொரு கூழாங்கல்லுடனும் அல்லாஹு அக்பர் என்று சொல்லுங்கள். பிஸ்மில்லாஹ் என்று சொல்லாதீர்கள்.
🔹கூழாங்கற்களை தனித்தனியாக எறியுங்கள்.
🔹முதல் மற்றும் இரண்டாவது ஜமாரத்திற்குப் பிறகு துஆ செய்யுங்கள்.
🔹நேரத்திற்கு முன் ஜமாரத்தை தூக்கி எறியாதீர்கள்.
🔹ஜமாரத்தை சிறியது முதல் பெரியது வரை எறியுங்கள். வேறு வழி இல்லை.
🔹உங்கள் சார்பாக யாராவது எறிந்தால், உங்களை நீங்களே தூக்கி எறிய முடியாது.
🔹உங்கள் சார்பாக யாராவது எறிந்தால், நீங்களே கற்களை சேகரித்து அந்த எறிபவரிடம் கற்களை ஒப்படைக்க வேண்டியதில்லை.
🔹ஏழு கூழாங்கற்களை எறியுங்கள், அதிகமாகவோ குறைவாகவோ அல்ல.
தவாஃப் அல்-வாடாவில் (பிரியாவிடை தவாஃப்):
🔹தவாஃப் அல்-வதாவிற்குப் பிறகு உங்கள் இறுதி ஜமாரத்தை நீங்கள் செய்ய முடியாது, சிலர் முயற்சி செய்கிறார்கள்.
🔹தவாஃபின் போது பெரும் கூட்டமாக நடக்க வேண்டாம். இது பலரை காயப்படுத்துகிறது.
🔹நீங்கள் 10வது இரவு மற்றும் 11வது இரவு மினாவில் இரவைக் கழிக்க வேண்டும். ஹஜ்ஜின் இரண்டு நாட்கள், மினாவின் நாட்கள், 11 மற்றும் 12 வது, 10 மற்றும் 11 வது அல்ல.
🔹தவாஃப் அல்-வதா'க்குப் பிறகு நீங்கள் மக்காவை விட்டு வெளியேற வேண்டும், இல்லையெனில் மற்றொரு தவாஃப் செய்ய வேண்டும்.
🔹தவாஃப் அல்-வதா'க்குப் பிறகு, நீங்கள் மக்காவிலிருந்து வெளியேறும் வரை, நீங்கள் மதிய உணவு சாப்பிடலாம் அல்லது பஸ்ஸில் காத்திருக்கலாம்.
🔹மதீனாவுக்குச் செல்வதற்கும் உங்கள் ஹஜ்ஜிற்கும் எந்தத் தொடர்பும் இல்லை. இது வித்தியாசமானது மற்றும் தனியானது.
🔹பராக்கா (ஆசிர்வாதம்)க்காக எந்தச் சுவர்களையும் துடைக்கவோ முத்தமிடவோ கூடாது. இது பாறை மற்றும் பளிங்கு மட்டுமே.
🔹நபி(ஸல்) அவர்களின் கப்ருக்கு அருகில் குரல் எழுப்பாதீர்கள்.
🔹நபியின் கப்ரை சுற்றி தவாஃப் செய்யாதீர்கள்.
🔹மதீனாவுக்குள் நுழைய இஹ்ராம் தேவையில்லை.
🔹நபியிடம் துஆ செய்யாதீர்கள். துஆ என்பது அல்லாஹ்விடமும் அல்லாஹ்விடமும் மட்டுமே செய்யப்பட வேண்டும்.
🔹மறுமை நாளில் உங்களுக்காக நபி (ஷிஃபா) பரிந்து பேச வேண்டுமென நீங்கள் பிரார்த்தனை செய்ய விரும்பினால், அதற்காக அல்லாஹ்விடம் பிரார்த்தனை செய்யுங்கள். "யா அல்லாஹ், எனக்காகப் பரிந்துரை செய்ய உமது நபியை அனுமதியுங்கள்.."
🔹கப்ருக்கு அருகில் துஆவில் குரல் எழுப்பாதீர்கள். நீங்கள் துஆ செய்ய விரும்பும் போது கிப்லாவை எதிர்கொண்டு கப்ரை விட்டு வெளியேறவும்.
🔹வீடு திரும்பிய பிறகு உங்கள் பெயரில் ஹஜ்ஜி என்ற வார்த்தையை சேர்க்க வேண்டாம்.
🔹இது போன்ற ஹதீஸ்கள்: "எனது கல்லறைக்குச் செல்பவர், அவர்களுக்காக நான் பரிந்துரை செய்வேன்." இந்த ஹதீஸ்கள் அல்லாஹ்வின் நபி (ஸல்) அவர்களுக்கு எதிரான பொய்யாகும்.
ஒரு இறுதி குறிப்பு:
இந்த தவறுகளில் முஸ்லிம்கள் மூன்று பேர்:
🔹ஒரு குழு இந்த விஷயங்களைப் பற்றி உண்மையாக அறியாதவர்கள் மற்றும் அவர்கள் செய்வது ஹராம் அல்லது தவறானது என்று அவர்களுக்கு சிறிதும் தெரியாது. இந்த மக்களுக்கு - இன்ஷா அல்லாஹ் - அவர்கள் மீது எதுவும் இல்லை.
🔹இரண்டாவது பிரிவினர் அறியாதவர்கள், ஆனால் அவர்கள் கற்றுக் கொள்ளும் திறன் மற்றும் கண்டுபிடிக்கும் திறன் கொண்டவர்கள். படிப்பதிலும் கேட்பதிலும் உள்ள மெத்தனம்தான் அவர்களை அவ்வாறு செய்வதிலிருந்து தடுக்கிறது. இவர்களுக்கு படிப்பில் சோம்பேறித்தனமாக பாவம் வந்துவிடுமோ என்ற பயம்.
🔹மூன்றாவது குழு இந்த தவறுகளை அறிந்திருக்கிறது. இருப்பினும், அவர்கள் தங்கள் கலாச்சாரத்தைப் பின்பற்றுவதற்காக அல்லது மக்களை தவறாக வழிநடத்துவதற்காக இதைச் செய்கிறார்கள். இந்த நபர் பாவமுள்ளவர், அவர்கள் தவறாக வழிநடத்துபவர்களின் பாவத்தை அவர்கள் கருதுவார்கள்.
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islamic-scholars · 1 year
Common Mistakes in Hajj
By Muhammad Alshareef
In Aqidah (the Muslim's Belief)
Many Pilgrims when they travel to Medina they pray to the graves. They make Du'a to the prophet of Allah (peace be upon him). This could not only ruin their Hajj, it could nullify their Islam.
🔹Do not rub graves for Barakah (blessings).
🔹Do not make Du'a to anyone except Allah.
🔹When going to Medina, your initial intention should be to visit Masjid An-Nabawi, the Prophet's Masjid.
In Ihram
🔹Do not pass the Miqat without being in the state of Ihram. If you are landing in Jeddah and going to Mecca to perform Umrah directly, you must be in a state of Ihram before you land, as the plane shall enter the Miqat. Jeddah is inside the Miqat.
🔹If you are landing in Jeddah, you need your Ihram towels with you on the airplane in your carry-on bag.
🔹Women may wear anything Islamically permissible for Ihram.
🔹Do not take pictures of yourself in Ihram. You came to worship Allah and taking pictures for showing others later may contradict your sincerity of doing this for the sake of Allah.
🔹Women in their menses must be in a state of Ihram when they pass the Miqat. They should shower and do Talbiyah like everyone else.
🔹Do not uncover your right shoulder until you reach the Ka'bah and begin Tawaf. This is the time that the Messenger uncovered his shoulder and it is an act of Hajj, so we must follow when the Prophet did it.
🔹You may change your Ihram towels if they get dirty
🔹You do not enter into Ihram by just wearing the towels. You must make the intention to begin.
🔹Do not shave your beard, whether before, during or after Ihram.
🔹You should wear sandals, but if you do not have sandals, you do not have to walk barefoot. Wear what you have until you find a place to get sandals.
🔹When beginning your Ihram for Hajj, do it from where you are: in your hotel, on the street, etc. You do not have to go to the Ka'bah to start your Ihram for Hajj.
🔹Do pay attention to what you are saying when you are making the Talbiyah: Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk
🔹When you hear that you are not allowed to wear stitches in Ihram, know that what is meant is that you cannot wear pieces of cloth that are sewn together to wrap your body, such as a T-Shirt or underwear.
🔹Both men and women may shower with unscented soap. Yes, for women and men, you may comb your hair, as the Prophet's wives used to do when they were in Ihram.
In Tawaf:
🔹You do not have to say your intention out loud to begin Tawaf. Saying intentions out loud is something the Prophet (peace be upon him) never did except after Ihram when he said, (Labbayk Allahumma▪️Umrah wa Hajj).
🔹You do not have to touch the black stone for your Tawaf to be accepted. If it is crowded you may face your hand toward the stone and say Allahu Akbar.
���Do not kiss the Yemeni corner. You may only touch it.
🔹Do not worship the black stone. You are glorifying Allah by coming to this house and worshiping Him, following the Sunnah of the prophet of Allah (peace be upon him).
🔹Do not follow those Du'a books that make up Du'a for each time you go around the Ka'bah. Read Quran and make Du'a from your heart and glorify Allah.
🔹Make Du'a by yourself, do not do it in a shouting group around the Ka'bah.
🔹Do not wipe the walls of the Ka'bah during Tawaf. The prophet of Allah did not touch anything other than the black stone and the Yemeni corner.
🔹Do not hurt anyone to kiss the black stone.
🔹Do not face your hand to the Yemeni corner and say Allahu Akbar. This is only for the black stone.
🔹Do not push or hurt anyone during Tawaf.
🔹The Ka'bah should be to your left. Do not do Tawaf with your back to the Ka'bah.
🔹Do not stand at the black stone line for a long time. Move on.
🔹Do not lengthen your 2 Rak'ah of Tawaf.
🔹There is nothing in the sunnah about: Du'a Maqam Ibrahim. After you pray the 2 Rak'ah of Tawaf move on.
In Sa'i (going between Safa and Marwah)
🔹Although preferable, you do not have to have Wudu during Sa'i.
🔹You do not have to climb to the top of Safa or Marwah.
🔹You can take breaks in Sa'i to drink water or rest.
🔹You can take a break after Tawaf, before Sa'i.
🔹You do not have to jog the whole way, from Safa to Marwah. Only within the green lights, the valley of Safa and Marwah.
🔹Women do not have to run between the green lights.
🔹There is no specific Du'a to say between Safa and Marwah.
🔹Do not miss the Du'a that the prophet of Allah said when he stood on Safa. Then raise your hands and pray as he did (peace be upon him).
🔹Do not say your intention out loud before making Sa'i.
When Shaving or Trimming:
🔹Shave your complete head, do not leave parts unshaved.
🔹If you shall trim, take from all sides of your head.
🔹Do not take off your Ihram until you have shaved or trimmed. You are still in Ihram until you do so.
🔹Do not shave your beard.
In Mina, Arafah, and Muzdalifah:
🔹Many people do not confirm if where they are located is inside or outside the borders of the holy sites. Confirm.
🔹Do not reserve a place that is more than your need. Many people are looking for places to sit down and sleep.
🔹Only in Arafah and Muzdalifah do you shorten and combine prayers. In Mina only shorten your prayers, but pray them at the correct time.
🔹Do not waste your Hajj time in vain chatting.
🔹Spending the 8th day in Mina is the Sunnah of the prophet of Allah. Many people skip this and go to Arafah.
🔹Do not push anyone when you are in a crowd.
🔹You do not have to go to the Mt. of Mercy in Arafah. Many people hurt themselves and others to be there even though it is not a Wajib thing to do.
🔹Mt. Rahmah is not a holy mountain. Do not wipe its sand and rocks for Barakah (blessings).
🔹You do not have to pray Dhuhr and Asr on Arafah day in the Masjid of Arafah (Masjid Namira). You may pray in your tent with your group.
🔹Do not leave Arafah before Maghrib time.
🔹Women should avoid getting into a crushing crowd, like in Masjid Namira.
🔹Do not face Mt. Rahmah on Arafah day when you make Du'a. You should face the Qiblah.
🔹You should not treat your time in Arafah like any other day. You should realize the significance and pray to Allah in humility.
🔹At Maghrib time in Arafah, do not pray Maghrib and Isha until you reach Muzdalifah, even if you reach there at 11:00 at night. However, if you see half the night approaching, pray where you are on the road.
🔹Make sure you are in Muzdalifah before you stop and rest. Many people think they are in Muzdalifah but they are not. Look for the border signs. If you have not seen one, chances are you are still not in Muzdalifah even if you see others sleeping on the road.
🔹After praying Maghrib and Isha in Muzdalifah, go to sleep immediately, this is what the prophet of Allah did.
🔹Through all of this, continue doing your Talbiyah.
In stoning the Jamarat:
🔹The Jamarat are not Devils, and Shaytan is not tied up for the stoning of himself. Hajjis that hold this misconception end up cursing, swearing, throwing sandals, etc. It is a commandment from Allah to glorify Allah by saying (Allahu Akbar) with each pebble.
🔹You do not have to wash your stones.
🔹Do not throw sandals or wood or big rocks. This is all against the Sunnah.
🔹Do not hurt/shove when at the Jamarat.
🔹Say Allahu Akbar with each pebble. Do not say Bismillah.
🔹Throw the pebbles separately.
🔹Make Du'a after the first and second Jamarat.
🔹Do not throw the Jamarat before it is time.
🔹Throw the Jamarat from small to medium to large. Not the other way.
🔹If someone is throwing on your behalf, you must be unable to throw yourself.
🔹If someone is throwing on your behalf, you do not have to collect the stones yourself and hand the stones to that thrower.
🔹Throw seven pebbles, not more or less.
In Tawaf Al-Wada' (Farewell Tawaf):
🔹You cannot do your final Jamarat after Tawaf Al-Wada, as some people attempt.
🔹Do not walk in massive groups during Tawaf. This hurts many people.
🔹You MUST spend the night in Mina on the 10th night and 11th night. The two days of Hajj, the days of Mina, are the 11th and 12th, not the 10th and 11th.
🔹After Tawaf Al-Wada' you must leave Mecca, or else another Tawaf should be made.
🔹After Tawaf Al-Wada' you may have lunch or wait at a bus, etc., as long as you are on your way out of Mecca.
In Medina:
🔹Visiting Medina has nothing to do with your Hajj. It is something different and separate.
🔹Do not wipe or kiss any walls for Barakah (blessings). It is only rock and marble.
🔹Do not raise your voice near the Prophet's grave.
🔹Do not do Tawaf around the Prophet's grave.
🔹You do not need Ihram to enter Medina.
🔹Do not make Du'a to the Prophet. Du'a is to be made to Allah and Allah alone.
🔹If you want to pray for the Prophet to intercede for you on the day of Judgment (Shifa'ah), pray to Allah for that. "O Allah, allow Your Prophet to intercede for me.."
🔹Do not raise your voice in Du'a near the grave. Face Qiblah and leave the grave area when you want to make Du'a.
🔹Do not add the term Hajji to your name after returning home.
🔹Hadith such as: "whoever visits my grave, I shall intercede for them." Hadith to this effect are lies against the prophet of Allah (peace be upon him).
A final note:
The Muslims in these mistakes are three:
🔹One group is sincerely ignorant of these things and they have little clue that what they are doing is Haram or incorrect. For these people - insha'Allah - there is nothing upon them.
🔹A second group is ignorant, but they have the ability to learn and find out. All that stops them from doing so is their laxness in studying and asking. For these people, it is feared that they may be sinful for their laziness in learning.
🔹A third group is aware of these mistakes. They perform it however to either follow their culture or to misguide people. This person is sinful and they shall assume the sin of those that they misguide.
ஹஜ்ஜில் பொதுவான தவறுகள்
முஹம்மது அல்ஷரீஃப் மூலம்
அகிதாவில் (முஸ்லிம்களின் நம்பிக்கை)
பல யாத்ரீகர்கள் மதீனாவுக்குச் செல்லும்போது அவர்கள் கல்லறைகளுக்குப் பிரார்த்தனை செய்கிறார்கள். அவர்கள் அல்லாஹ்வின் நபி (ஸல்) அவர்களிடம் துஆ செய்கிறார்கள். இது அவர்களின் ஹஜ்ஜை பாழாக்குவது மட்டுமன்றி, அவர்களின் இஸ்லாத்தையே அழித்துவிடும்.
🔹பராக்கா (ஆசிர்வாதம்)க்காக கப்ருகளைத் தேய்க்காதீர்கள்.
🔹அல்லாஹ்வைத் தவிர வேறு யாரிடமும் துஆ செய்யாதீர்கள்.
🔹மதீனாவுக்குச் செல்லும்போது, ​​உங்கள் ஆரம்ப நோக்கம் மஸ்ஜித் அந்-நபவி, நபிகள் நாயகத்தின் மஸ்ஜித்.
🔹இஹ்ராம் நிலையில் இல்லாமல் மீகாத்தை கடக்காதீர்கள். நீங்கள் ஜித்தாவில் தரையிறங்கி, நேரடியாக உம்ரா செய்ய மக்காவிற்குச் சென்றால், நீங்கள் தரையிறங்குவதற்கு முன்பு நீங்கள் இஹ்ராம் நிலையில் இருக்க வேண்டும், ஏனெனில் விமானம் மிகாத்தில் நுழையும். ஜித்தா மிகாத்தின் உள்ளே உள்ளது.
🔹நீங்கள் ஜித்தாவில் தரையிறங்கினால், உங்கள் கேரி-ஆன் பையில் விமானத்தில் உங்களின் இஹ்ராம் துண்டுகள் தேவை.
🔹பெண்கள் இஹ்ராமுக்கு இஸ்லாம் அனுமதித்த எதையும் அணியலாம்.
🔹இஹ்ராமில் உங்களைப் படம் எடுக்காதீர்கள். நீங்கள் அல்லாஹ்வை வணங்க வந்தீர்கள், பிறருக்குக் காட்டுவதற்காகப் படங்களை எடுத்தீர்கள், பின்னர் அல்லாஹ்வுக்காக இதைச் செய்யும் உங்கள் நேர்மைக்கு முரணாக இருக்கலாம்.
🔹மாதவிடாய் உள்ள பெண்கள் மீகாத்தை கடக்கும் போது இஹ்ராம் கட்டிய நிலையில் இருக்க வேண்டும். அவர்களும் மற்றவர்களைப் போல் குளித்துவிட்டு தல்பியா செய்ய வேண்டும்.
🔹நீங்கள் கஅபாவை அடைந்து தவாஃப் தொடங்கும் வரை உங்கள் வலது தோள்பட்டையை அவிழ்த்து விடாதீர்கள். தூதர் தனது தோள்பட்டையை அவிழ்த்த நேரம் இது, இது ஹஜ்ஜின் ஒரு செயல், எனவே நபிகள் நாயகம் அதைச் செய்ததை நாம் பின்பற்ற வேண்டும்.
🔹உங்கள் இஹ்ராம் துண்டுகள் அழுக்காக இருந்தால் அவற்றை மாற்றலாம்
🔹நீங்கள் வெறும் துண்டுகளை அணிந்து கொண்டு இஹ்ராமுக்குள் நுழைய மாட்டீர்கள். தொடங்குவதற்கான எண்ணத்தை நீங்கள் உருவாக்க வேண்டும்.
🔹இஹ்ராமுக்கு முன்போ, போதோ, பின்னரோ தாடியை மழிக்காதீர்கள்.
🔹செருப்பு அணிய வேண்டும், ஆனால் செருப்பு இல்லையென்றால் வெறுங்காலுடன் நடக்க வேண்டியதில்லை. செருப்பு வாங்க இடம் கிடைக்கும் வரை உங்களிடம் உள்ளதை அணியுங்கள்.
🔹ஹஜ்ஜுக்காக உங்கள் இஹ்ராமைத் தொடங்கும் போது, ​​நீங்கள் இருக்கும் இடத்திலிருந்தே செய்யுங்கள்: உங்கள் ஹோட்டலில், தெருவில், முதலியன. ஹஜ்ஜுக்காக உங்கள் இஹ்ராமைத் தொடங்க நீங்கள் கஅபாவிற்குச் செல்ல வேண்டியதில்லை.
🔹தல்பியா செய்யும் போது நீங்கள் சொல்வதைக் கவனியுங்கள்: லப்பைக் அல்லாஹும்ம லப்பைக்
🔹இஹ்ராமில் தையல் போடக் கூடாது என்று நீங்கள் கேள்விப்பட்டால், அதன் பொருள் என்னவென்றால், டி-ஷர்ட் அல்லது உள்ளாடை போன்ற உங்கள் உடலைப் போர்த்துவதற்கு ஒன்றாக தைக்கப்பட்ட துண்டுகளை நீங்கள் அணிய முடியாது என்பதை அறிந்து கொள்ளுங்கள்.
🔹ஆண்கள் மற்றும் பெண்கள் இருவரும் வாசனை இல்லாத சோப்பைக் கொண்டு குளிக்கலாம். ஆம், நபியவர்களின் மனைவிமார்கள் இஹ்ராம் கட்டிய போது பெண்கள் மற்றும் ஆண்களுக்கு உங்கள் தலைமுடியை சீவலாம்.
🔹தவாஃப் தொடங்க உங்கள் நோக்கத்தை உரக்கச் சொல்ல வேண்டியதில்லை. (லப்பைக் அல்லாஹும்மா▪️உம்ரா வ ஹஜ்) என்று கூறியதைத் தவிர, நோக்கங்களை உரக்கக் கூறுவது நபி (ஸல்) அவர்கள் இஹ்ராமுக்குப் பிறகு செய்ததில்லை.
🔹உங்கள் தவாஃப் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளப்படுவதற்கு நீங்கள் கருப்புக் கல்லைத் தொட வேண்டியதில்லை. கூட்டம் அதிகமாக இருந்தால் கல்லை நோக்கி உங்கள் கையை நோக்கி அல்லாஹு அக்பர் என்று சொல்லலாம்.
🔹யமன் மூலையை முத்தமிடாதீர்கள். நீங்கள் அதை மட்டுமே தொடலாம்.
🔹கருப்புக் கல்லை வணங்கக் கூடாது. அல்லாஹ்வின் நபி ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்களின் சுன்னாவைப் பின்பற்றி இந்த வீட்டிற்கு வந்து வணங்கி அல்லாஹ்வை மகிமைப்படுத்துகிறீர்கள்.
🔹ஒவ்வொரு முறையும் நீங்கள் கஅபாவைச் சுற்றி வரும்போது துஆவை உள்ளடக்கிய துஆ புத்தகங்களைப் பின்பற்றாதீர்கள். குர்ஆனைப் படித்து உங்கள் இதயத்திலிருந்து துஆ செய்து அல்லாஹ்வை மகிமைப்படுத்துங்கள்.
🔹நீங்களே துஆ செய்யுங்கள், கஅபாவைச் சுற்றி சத்தமிடும் குழுவாகச் செய்யாதீர்கள்.
🔹தவாஃபின் போது கஅபாவின் சுவர்களைத் துடைக்காதீர்கள். அல்லாஹ்வின் தீர்க்கதரிசி கருங்கல்லையும் யமன் மூலையையும் தவிர வேறு எதையும் தொடவில்லை.
🔹கருப்பு கல்லை முத்தமிட யாரையும் காயப்படுத்தாதீர்கள்.
🔹யமன் மூலைக்கு கையை வைத்து அல்லாஹு அக்பர் என்று சொல்லாதீர்கள். இது கருங்கல்லுக்கு மட்டுமே.
🔹தவாஃபின் போது யாரையும் தள்ளவோ, காயப்படுத்தவோ கூடாது.
🔹கஅபா உங்கள் இடது பக்கம் இருக்க வேண்டும். கஅபாவை முதுகில் காட்டி தவாஃப் செய்யாதீர்கள்.
🔹கருப்புக்கல் கோட்டில் நீண்ட நேரம் நிற்காதீர்கள். நகர்த்தவும்.
🔹உங்கள் 2 ரக்அத் தவாஃப்களை நீட்டிக்காதீர்கள்.
🔹துஆ மகம் இப்ராஹிம் பற்றி சுன்னாவில் எதுவும் இல்லை. நீங்கள் தொழுத பிறகு 2 ரக்அத் தவாஃப் தொடரவும்.
ஸாயீயில் (ஸஃபாவிற்கும் மர்வாவிற்கும் இடையில்)
🔹 விரும்பத்தக்கது என்றாலும், சாயியின் போது நீங்கள் வூடு செய்ய வேண்டியதில்லை.
🔹நீங்கள் ஸஃபா அல்லது மர்வாவின் உச்சிக்கு ஏற வேண்டியதில்லை.
🔹தண்ணீர் அருந்தவோ அல்லது ஓய்வெடுக்கவோ சாயியில் ஓய்வு எடுக்கலாம்.
🔹தவாஃபுக்குப் பிறகு, சாயிக்கு முன் ஓய்வு எடுக்கலாம்.
🔹சஃபாவிலிருந்து மர்வா வரை நீங்கள் முழுவதுமாக ஜாகிங் செய்ய வேண்டியதில்லை. பச்சை விளக்குகளுக்குள் மட்டுமே, சஃபா மற்றும் மர்வா பள்ளத்தாக்கு.
🔹பெண்கள் பச்சை விளக்குகளுக்கு இடையே ஓட வேண்டியதில்லை.
🔹சஃபாவிற்கும் மர்வாவிற்கும் இடையில் குறிப்பிட்ட துஆ எதுவும் இல்லை.
🔹அல்லாஹ்வின் நபி ஸஃபாவில் நின்று சொன்ன துஆவை தவற விடாதீர்கள். பிறகு அவர் செய்தது போல் கைகளை உயர்த்தி பிரார்த்தனை செய்யுங்கள் (அவர் மீது சாந்தி உண்டாகட்டும்).
🔹சாயி செய்வதற்கு முன் உங்கள் எண்ணத்தை வெளியே சொல்லாதீர்கள்.
ஷேவிங் அல்லது டிரிம்மிங் செய்யும் போது:
🔹உங்கள் முழு தலையை மொட்டையடிக்கவும், பாகங்களை மொட்டையடிக்காமல் விடாதீர்கள்.
🔹நீங்கள் டிரிம் செய்தால், உங்கள் தலையின் எல்லா பக்கங்களிலும் இருந்து எடுக்கவும்.
🔹நீங்கள் மொட்டையடிக்கும் வரை அல்லது டிரிம் செய்யும் வரை உங்கள் இஹ்ராமைக் கழற்றாதீர்கள். நீங்கள் இன்னும் இஹ்ராமிலேயே இருக்கிறீர்கள்.
🔹தாடியை ஷேவ் செய்யாதீர்கள்.
மினா, அரஃபா மற்றும் முஸ்தலிஃபாவில்:
🔹புனிதத் தலங்களின் எல்லைக்கு உள்ளேயோ அல்லது வெளியேயோ தாங்கள் அமைந்துள்ள இடம் என்பதை பலர் உறுதி செய்வதில்லை. உறுதிப்படுத்தவும்.
🔹உங்கள் தேவைக்கு அதிகமான இடத்தை முன்பதிவு செய்யாதீர்கள். பலர் உட்காருவதற்கும் தூங்குவதற்கும் இடங்களைத் தேடுகிறார்கள்.
🔹அரஃபா மற்றும் முஸ்தலிஃபாவில் மட்டும் தொழுகையை சுருக்கி தொழுகையை இணைத்து தொழுகிறீர்கள். மினாவில் உங்கள் தொழுகைகளை மட்டும் சுருக்கவும், ஆனால் சரியான நேரத்தில் தொழுங்கள்.
🔹உங்கள் ஹஜ் நேரத்தை வீண் அரட்டையில் வீணாக்காதீர்கள்.
🔹8வது நாளை மினாவில் கழிப்பது அல்லாஹ்வின் நபியின் சுன்னாவாகும். பலர் இதைத் தவிர்த்துவிட்டு அரஃபாவுக்குச் செல்கிறார்கள்.
🔹கூட்டமாக இருக்கும்போது யாரையும் தள்ளாதே.
🔹அரஃபாவில் உள்ள கருணை மலைக்கு நீங்கள் செல்ல வேண்டியதில்லை. வாஜிப் செய்ய வேண்டிய காரியம் இல்லையென்றாலும் பலர் அங்கே இருப்பது தங்களையும் மற்றவர்களையும் காயப்படுத்துகிறார்கள்.
🔹மவுண்ட். ரஹ்மா ஒரு புனித மலை அல்ல. அதன் மணலையும் பாறைகளையும் பராக்கா (ஆசீர்வாதத்திற்காக) துடைக்காதீர்கள்.
🔹அரஃபாவின் மஸ்ஜிதில் (மஸ்ஜித் நமிரா) அரஃபா நாளில் துஹ்ர் மற்றும் அஸர் தொழ வேண்டியதில்லை. உங்கள் குழுவுடன் உங்கள் கூடாரத்தில் நீங்கள் பிரார்த்தனை செய்யலாம்.
🔹மக்ரிப் நேரத்திற்கு முன் அரஃபாவை விட்டு வெளியேறாதீர்கள்.
🔹மஸ்ஜித் நமிராவைப் போல பெண்கள் நசுக்கப்படும் கூட்டத்திற்குள் செல்வதைத் தவிர்க்க வேண்டும்.
🔹அரஃபா நாளில் துஆ செய்யும் போது மவுண்ட் ரஹ்மாவை எத���ர்கொள்ள வேண்டாம். நீங்கள் கிப்லாவை எதிர்கொள்ள வேண்டும்.
🔹அரஃபாவில் உங்கள் நேரத்தை மற்ற நாட்களைப் போல நடத்தக் கூடாது. இதன் முக்கியத்துவத்தை உணர்ந்து பணிவுடன் அல்லாஹ்விடம் பிரார்த்தனை செய்ய வேண்டும்.
🔹அரஃபாவில் மக்ரிப் நேரத்தில், இரவு 11:00 மணிக்கு சென்றாலும், முஸ்தலிஃபாவை அடையும் வரை, மக்ரிப் மற்றும் இஷா தொழுகை நடத்த வேண்டாம். இருப்பினும், பாதி இரவு நெருங்குவதை நீங்கள் கண்டால், நீங்கள் சாலையில் இருக்கும் இடத்தில் பிரார்த்தனை செய்யுங்கள்.
🔹நீங்கள் நிறுத்தி ஓய்வெடுப்பதற்கு முன் முஸ்தலிஃபாவில் இருப்பதை உறுதி செய்து கொள்ளுங்கள். பலர் முஸ்தலிஃபாவில் இருப்பதாக நினைக்கிறார்கள் ஆனால் அவர்கள் இல்லை. எல்லை அடையாளங்களைத் தேடுங்கள். நீங்கள் ஒருவரைப் பார்க்கவில்லை என்றால், மற்றவர்கள் சாலையில் தூங்குவதைப் பார்த்தாலும் நீங்கள் இன்னும் முஸ்தலிஃபாவில் இல்லை.
🔹முஸ்தலிஃபாவில் மக்ரிப் மற்றும் இஷா தொழுதுவிட்டு, உடனே உறங்கச் செல்லுங்கள், இதைத்தான் அல்லாஹ்வின் நபி செய்தார்கள்.
🔹இவை அனைத்தும் மூலம், உங்கள் தல்பியாவைத் தொடர்ந்து செய்யுங்கள்.
ஜமாரத்தின் மீது கல்லெறிந்ததில்:
🔹ஜமாரத் ஷைத்தான்கள் அல்ல, ஷைத்தான் தன்னைக் கல்லெறிவதற்காகக் கட்டப்படவில்லை. இந்த தவறான கருத்தை வைத்திருக்கும் ஹாஜிகள் சபிப்பது, திட்டுவது, செருப்பை வீசுவது போன்றவற்றில் முடிவடைகிறது. ஒவ்வொரு கூழாங்கல் கொண்டும் (அல்லாஹு அக்பர்) என்று கூறி அல்லாஹ்வை மகிமைப்படுத்த வேண்டும் என்பது அல்லாஹ்வின் கட்டளை.
🔹உங்கள் கற்களைக் கழுவ வேண்டியதில்லை.
🔹செருப்பையோ, மரத்தையோ, பெரிய பாறைகளையோ வீசக் கூடாது. இவை அனைத்தும் சுன்னாவுக்கு எதிரானது.
🔹ஜமாரத்தில் இருக்கும் போது காயப்படுத்தாதீர்கள்/தள்ளாதீர்கள்.
🔹ஒவ்வொரு கூழாங்கல்லுடனும் அல்லாஹு அக்பர் என்று சொல்லுங்கள். பிஸ்மில்லாஹ் என்று சொல்லாதீர்கள்.
🔹கூழாங்கற்களை தனித்தனியாக எறியுங்கள்.
🔹முதல் மற்றும் இரண்டாவது ஜமாரத்திற்குப் பிறகு துஆ செய்யுங்கள்.
🔹நேரத்திற்கு முன் ஜமாரத்தை தூக்கி எறியாதீர்கள்.
🔹ஜமாரத்தை சிறியது முதல் பெரியது வரை எறியுங்கள். வேறு வழி இல்லை.
🔹உங்கள் சார்பாக யாராவது எறிந்தால், உங்களை நீங்களே தூக்கி எறிய முடியாது.
🔹உங்கள் சார்பாக யாராவது எறிந்தால், நீங்களே கற்களை சேகரித்து அந்த எறிபவரிடம் கற்களை ஒப்படைக்க வேண்டியதில்லை.
🔹ஏழு கூழாங்கற்களை எறியுங்கள், அதிகமாகவோ குறைவாகவோ அல்ல.
தவாஃப் அல்-வாடாவில் (பிரியாவிடை தவாஃப்):
🔹தவாஃப் அல்-வதாவிற்குப் பிறகு உங்கள் இறுதி ஜமாரத்தை நீங்கள் செய்ய முடியாது, சிலர் முயற்சி செய்கிறார்கள்.
🔹தவாஃபின் போது பெரும் கூட்டமாக நடக்க வேண்டாம். இது பலரை காயப்படுத்துகிறது.
🔹நீங்கள் 10வது இரவு மற்றும் 11வது இரவு மினாவில் இரவைக் கழிக்க வேண்டும். ஹஜ்ஜின் இரண்டு நாட்கள், மினாவின் நாட்கள், 11 மற்றும் 12 வது, 10 மற்றும் 11 வது அல்ல.
🔹தவாஃப் அல்-வதா'க்குப் பிறகு நீங்கள் மக்காவை விட்டு வெளியேற வேண்டும், இல்லையெனில் மற்றொரு தவாஃப் செய்ய வேண்டும்.
🔹தவாஃப் அல்-வதா'க்குப் பிறகு, நீங்கள் மக்காவிலிருந்து வெளியேறும் வரை, நீங்கள் மதிய உணவு சாப்பிடலாம் அல்லது பஸ்ஸில் காத்திருக்கலாம்.
🔹மதீனாவுக்குச் செல்வதற்கும் உங்கள் ஹஜ்ஜிற்கும் எந்தத் தொடர்பும் இல்லை. இது வித்தியாசமானது மற்றும் தனியானது.
🔹பராக்கா (ஆசிர்வாதம்)க்காக எந்தச் சுவர்களையும் துடைக்கவோ முத்தமிடவோ கூடாது. இது பாறை மற்றும் பளிங்கு மட்டுமே.
🔹நபி(ஸல்) அவர்களின் கப்ருக்கு அருகில் குரல் எழுப்பாதீர்கள்.
🔹நபியின் கப்ரை சுற்றி தவாஃப் செய்யாதீர்கள்.
🔹மதீனாவுக்குள் நுழைய இஹ்ராம் தேவையில்லை.
🔹நபியிடம் துஆ செய்யாதீர்கள். துஆ என்பது அல்லாஹ்விடமும் அல்லாஹ்விடமும் மட்டுமே செய்யப்பட வேண்டும்.
🔹மறுமை நாளில் உங்களுக்காக நபி (ஷிஃபா) பரிந்து பேச வேண்டுமென நீங்கள் பிரார்த்தனை செய்ய விரும்பினால், அதற்காக அல்லாஹ்விடம் பிரார்த்தனை செய்யுங்கள். "யா அல்லாஹ், எனக்காகப் பரிந்துரை செய்ய உமது நபியை அனுமதியுங்கள்.."
🔹கப்ருக்கு அருகில் துஆவில் குரல் எழுப்பாதீர்கள். நீங்கள் துஆ செய்ய விரும்பும் போது கிப்லாவை எதிர்கொண்டு கப்ரை விட்டு வெளியேறவும்.
🔹வீடு திரும்பிய பிறகு உங்கள் பெயரில் ஹஜ்ஜி என்ற வார்த்தையை சேர்க்க வேண்டாம்.
🔹இது போன்ற ஹதீஸ்கள்: "எனது கல்லறைக்குச் செல்பவர், அவர்களுக்காக நான் பரிந்துரை செய்வேன்." இந்த ஹதீஸ்கள் அல்லாஹ்வின் நபி (ஸல்) அவர்களுக்கு எதிரான பொய்யாகும்.
ஒரு இறுதி குறிப்பு:
இந்த தவறுகளில் முஸ்லிம்கள் மூன்று பேர்:
🔹ஒரு குழு இந்த விஷயங்களைப் பற்றி உண்மையாக அறியாதவர்கள் மற்றும் அவர்கள் செய்வது ஹராம் அல்லது தவறானது என்று அவர்களுக்கு சிறிதும் தெரியாது. இந்த மக்களுக்கு - இன்ஷா அல்லாஹ் - அவர்கள் மீது எதுவும் இல்லை.
🔹இரண்டாவது பிரிவினர் அறியாதவர்கள், ஆனால் அவர்கள் கற்றுக் கொள்ளும் திறன் மற்றும் கண்டுபிடிக்கும் திறன் கொண்டவர்கள். படிப்பதிலும் கேட்பதிலும் உள்ள மெத்தனம்தான் அவர்களை அவ்வாறு செய்வதிலிருந்து தடுக்கிறது. இவர்களுக்கு படிப்பில் சோம்பேறித்தனமாக பாவம் வந்துவிடுமோ என்ற பயம்.
🔹மூன்றாவது குழு இந்த தவறுகளை அறிந்திருக்கிறது. இருப்பினும், அவர்கள் தங்கள் கலாச்சாரத்தைப் பின்பற்றுவதற்காக அல்லது மக்களை தவறாக வழிநடத்துவதற்காக இதைச் செய்கிறார்கள். இந்த நபர் பாவமுள்ளவர், அவர்கள் தவறாக வழிநடத்துபவர்களின் பாவத்தை அவர்கள் கருதுவார்கள்.
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mzahidtravel-blog · 7 years
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Why do People Touch the Yemeni Corner(al-Rukn al-Yamaani)? People touch the Yemeni corner because it was touched by the Messenger of Allah and all those who touch it they are free from all the sins they have done. They then become pure. but keep in mind Yemeni Corner is only to be touched and not kissed. Know more visit - http://bit.ly/2FMpL3F
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mybeingthere · 2 years
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"Afia Zecharia arrived to Israel from the Jewish community in Yemen.  
They say that she was born in 1905 in the province of Abyan opposite Somalia, although nobody knows for sure. She was married at the age of 10. Since childhood, she worked painting the walls of a "palace" of the local lord. In her young eyes, it was a magnificent palace but in the presence of the lord, she had to hide her Jewishness.
In 1949 during the well-known Ethiopian Jews repatriation to Israel, Afia arrived in Shlomi in the north of Israel near Lebanon.  Afia, her husband and 7 children got a big two-story house with almond trees in the garden. Around the house grew plum trees, pecans, pomegranates, apricots, fig trees, so it looked like a corner of paradise.
Afia's husband, jealous and possessive, forbade her to paint the walls of the house and she suffered in silence. She was a beautiful woman, heavily made up and wearing heavy Yemeni jewellry as well as heady and strong oriental perfumes.
She had projects in mind... 
When her husband died she resumed her painting, starting like a little Yemeni girl, where she was interrupted, but this time using car paint. She painted only indoors, at night, when no one was watching her. Afia Zecharia was over 80 years old.
She said angels came down and helped her. Her neighbors heard her talking to herself or maybe to the angels ...
Little by little, from floor to ceiling, every inch has been covered! Even in her 90s she climbed on the table to paint the ceiling.
Afia often bought dolls at a market and decorated them as  to Yemeni brides.Her work, beyond inspiration from her homeland, has a feel of the aboriginal paintings, each symbol having a meaning known only to insiders. Her neighbors say she died in 2002 at age 96 and her granddaughter says she was 104."
After many administrative battles, the municipality finally agreed to preserve the house and work of Afia Zecharia. 
(Retold from Le Naaba)
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everydaydua · 2 years
Dua said between the Yamaani corner and the black stone
رَبَّـنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to say between the Yemeni corner and the black stone:
“O our Lord, grant us the best in this life and the best in the next life, and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.”
rabbanaa aatinaa fiddunyaa ḥasanatan wa fil aakhirati ḥasanatan wa qinaa ‛adhaab-an-naar
Sources: Sahih Ibn Hibban No# 3826
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch 10: You’re My Mission
Summary: The Asgardian Staff case is wrapped up but before Katie and Steve can be re-united, the Super Soldier has a mission of his own to complete. Their reunion doesn’t disappoint, and as she weighs up the events of the past few months, Katie reaches a conclusion about her future with SHIELD
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Smut (NSFW)  over 18s only thanks. Bit of bad language….
A/N: Another lovely edit from @angrybirdcr​ of Katie in action.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 9
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 Tarim. Yemen. The hottest place Steve had ever been. Ever. And a place he had no desire to go back to. Ever. 
As far as he was concerned, this whole mission had been a cluster fuck of epic proportions. The Mercs they had been sent in to deal with were slightly more ruthless than they had anticipated, taking a group of school kids from the square hostage. Evans and Rollins (in Katie’s absence) managed to contain most of them, taking them down with non-fatal injuries, as was the agreement with the Government, but one of them wasn’t going quietly and had snatched up a kid as he made a break for it.
The Yemeni Special Forces were on their way, and Steve knew that if they arrived permission to execute a kill shot would be given. But even that was dangerous, as the guy had the kid held in such a position, his back to a wall, her held across his chest, that the angle would have been impossible. Steve ordered the team to lower their weapons, and stepped forward, hoping to talk the man down. And then Rumlow had taken a shot, off-loading a bullet straight between the Merc’s eyes.
And Steve was mad, mad as a wasp.
“I gave you a direct order…” He stood, hands on his belt in the jet as he looked at Rumlow, the nerve in his jaw twitching.
“I made a call.” Rumlow shrugged “If I hadn’t they would have gotten away…”
“You put those civilians lives in danger.”
“That’s a little dramatic…”
“Yeah, come on Cap.” Rollins spoke.“The kid was fine, we got the weapons Government were ok…no harm done.”
Steve rounded on him, his blasé tone set his teeth on edge.
“That isn’t the point.” he blazed “I wouldn’t have asked Barton to take a shot like that. I wasn’t, and never will be, willing to risk anyone’s life like that, not to mention that of a child, for collateral damage, just to get what we need. It makes us no better than the people we’re trying to stop.”
“It worked didn’t it?” Rumlow shrugged
“Sheer luck.” Steve retorted.
“Well sometimes you just get lucky.” The STRIKE leader shrugged. 
Steve sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He didn’t need this shit.
“Look Cap, with all due respect, I’ve been running this team for years. You don’t get to do our job without taking a bit of risk.” Rumlow looked at him. “Now I’m sorry if you feel I was challenging your authority…”
“It has nothing to do with my authority.” Steve blazed at him.
“Really? Because that’s what it looks like from my position.” Rumlow shook his head “I’m sorry you feel this way. But it isn’t as simple as that. Life isn’t split into good guys and bad guys, it ain’t black and white… more shades of grey.”
Steve didn’t reply, he simply stared at Rumlow, his eyes raging before he moved away to a seat for take-off next to Natasha.
“Let it go Rogers.” She drawled softly to him. “You’ve chewed him out…you want my advice, leave it there.”
Steve didn’t reply. He was pissed and didn’t trust himself to say anything. He hadn’t heard from Katie so far today, but he wasn’t expecting to as he’d fired her a message last night, or this morning (he had no idea what time-zone he was in anymore) to tell her he was off on an urgent mission.
It was pathetic, he knew, but being away from her was really setting him on edge. Not just because he found jerking off in the shower was far less satisfactory now than before he’d actually started sleeping with her, but more so he was missing the stupid things, like her draping her legs over his on the couch whilst she was reading, her singing when she was cooking, the way she laughed till she cried at Brooklyn Nine-Nine, even demanding he make her a grilled cheese at 02:50 am…
Steve watched with amusement as the girls walked out of the bar, a little shaky, Katie leaning on Natasha laughing at something. He’d dropped them both off earlier in the evening and said he would pick her up later, even though they said they would get a cab. He had insisted, he loved looking after her and that was what boyfriends did right? Picked their dames up. However, as they teetered over to Katie’s car, it looked like he was about to inherit a pair of drunken, giggling idiots to look after, and the thought made him smile with fondness.
“Hi baby!” Katie greeted him as she climbed into the seat. She leaned over to give him a peck on the cheek and he smiled.
“You had fun? You look like you have.”
“Fun is my middle name Rogers.” Nat winked and Katie sniggered in the seat next to him as he pulled the car off from the curb.
“Nat’s gonna stay at mine.” Katie turned to look at him, her cheeks tinged pink with the alcohol “Afterparty!”
“Don’t you think you’ve both had enough?” He teased and. Katie put her fingers to her lips and told him to shush whilst Nat leaned forward.
“Just because you can’t get drunk.” She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Whatever, your funeral Romanoff.” He smirked, eyes on the road.
“God he’s so sensible, how do you cope?” Nat looked at Katie. Through the corner of his eye he saw a wicked smile cross his girls face.
“He has hidden talents” She quipped, before the two women descended into fits of giggles.
Steve let out an exasperated noise through his nose, but secretly he didn’t mind. He loved that she’d had a good time, even if he had the sneaking suspicion he’d been the butt of a few jokes, probably even a few risqué girl chats too.
“Hey, yoooo wanted to come get us..” Katie picked up on the noise he had made and looked at him. “Can’t stand the heat stay the fuck out the…” she paused “erm…”
“Kitchen?” Steve supplied, looking at her, left hand on the wheel, amused grin on his face
“Yeah, that.�� She pointed.
“Kitchen is very much your domain sweetheart”
“Not what I heard” Nat chipped in. “She says you make a mean grilled cheese….”
“Oh my god.” Katie said suddenly “can you make us one?”
“What, now?” he frowned.
“Well obviously not right now as this is a carrrr” She rolled her eyes, gesturing around her “But when we get home. I’m hungry.”
He looked at her “Doll, it’s almost three in the morning.”
“Pleeeeeeeeeeeeese Stevie.” She pouted, batting her eyelashes at him in a ridiculously over the top manner, which he couldn’t do anything but laugh at.
“Alright I’ll make you both a grilled cheese” He nodded, unable to stop the smile creeping across his face, even when he heard Natasha burp the word “bitchwhipped” from the back seat.
Emerging from his memories, Steve lay his head back against his seat, shooting a glance over at Rumlow. The man was still being deliberately obtuse about the fact he was going out with Katie and he knew full well that the disobeying of order was a direct ‘fuck you’ aimed at him. But, as he thought about it whilst they flew home, he knew Natasha was right. The more he kept going on about it, the more likely it was to cause a bigger rift. With that in mind, during the debrief with Fury, Steve remained calm and when the time came he nodded at the STRIKE leader, giving him the floor when needed, both sticking to the facts- the operation had worked (Steve didn’t go as far as to use the word success), they had managed to seize the weapons and capture the main cartel leader who was now in custody of the Yemeni Services.
“What I wanna know is why are there so many of these weapons turning up?” Evans asked. “The DODC ran an extensive clean-up operation.”
“They were littered all over the New York, spreading the entire Manhatten area.” Steve said, answering as he looked at the Texan. “The DODC did as much as it could as fast as it could but people were already out there taking bits for themselves before the Chitauri had even been stopped. Katie says they’re still tracking through any leads, sifting out those who took them for souvenirs and those who took them for less scrupulous reasons…it could take years.”
“It was always going to happen.” Natasha shrugged “Terrorists are always looking for the next big thing.”
“Which is why we will always be looking for them.” Fury drew the meeting to an end as he stood up. “Alright, written reports to me no later than forty-eight hours. Other than that, you can head home.”
“Sir” Steve nodded as everyone started to file out. Steve noticed Natasha was hanging back.
“You ok?” She asked.
“Tired, fed up…” he sighed.
“Missing your girl?”
“A little” He admitted, before deciding to ask Nat what was on his mind because he could trust her honesty “Am I being old fashioned here, you know, with not wanting people to die?”
“No.” Natasha shook her head after a pause and he could tell she was picking her words carefully “I just think sometimes…well, we have to accept that we have to take risks.”
“You think Rumlow was right?” He sighed.
“Not as such.” she shrugged, “But I understand why he did it. I don’t necessarily agree with his methods shall we say but…”
Steve ran his hands over his face and couldn’t help thinking to himself how much simpler it had been in the war. They shot at them, they shot back. He let out a deep breath.
“You still taking some time off?“ She looked at him.
Steve shrugged and then looked at his fit bit for a second, thinking to himself the stats would make interesting reading. It was 5 in the morning. He hadn’t slept now for almost twenty-two hours bar the quick nap he had gotten on the jet. At that point his phone sounded with a message from Katie. A photo taken of Galway Bay in Ireland. Smiling at the simple message “Wish you were here.” he looked back at Natasha and nodded.
 “Yeah. I think I am.”
“Are you sure he’s okay to go out into the field?” Katie asked Coulson, one eye on Ward’s back. The man had just slammed a case shut, making everyone jump in the hanger and he was growing increasingly broody. Despite herself, she was feeling a pang of sympathy for him. She knew how hard it had been for him to open up about his past, and holding part of the staff had really shaken him. “He’s not exactly acting like himself.” she concluded.
“But he knows it. He’ll be fine.” Coulson replied as they walked to the SUVs. It was a short ride to the Monastary which was located just outside of Galway and Katie spent the time watching the scenery. She loved Ireland, she’d been a few times when at University in the UK. Her mind wandered to her soldier, who himself had Irish roots, his mother and father hailing from Limerick. Smiling, she pulled out her phone. She knew it would be late back in the US, it was barely touching ten am where the where and the time difference would make it the middle of the night. That is if he was back from the mission yet. Still, she took a photo of the coast road they were on skirting the edge of Galway Bay which in the November sun looked stunning, the light bouncing off the calm blue sea reminding her of those deep ocean pools she loved to look into. She sent it to Steve with a simple message ‘wish you were here’ and then shoved it back into her jacket pocket. 
The monastery itself was a beautiful gothic building set into the side of a green hill. They all climbed out and checked their weapons, Coulson once more going over the plan of action before they headed to the large front door.
 “Well, it’s been a while.” Elliot said quietly as they walked into the building, Katie taking a moment to appreciate the architecture, another thing Steve would love. “I wonder – ah, yes. There it is. Still here”.
He walked to the front of the room where a book lay set up on a stand.
“Well, the nose isn’t quite right, but…”
 Katie and Coulson walked up behind him, followed by the rest of the group to see that he was looking at a drawing of a man wearing long robes and holding the staff.
“That’s you?” Katie asked, looking at him.
“Yeah, they venerated me a bit as a saint.”
“They’re idiots” Ward spat viciously. They all spun round to look at him, where he was stood a few feet behind them all.  “Where’s the staff?”
“It’s upstairs.”
Elliot led the way, the team following up a set of spiralled staircase. Katie and Coulson were directly behind him, taking the lead with May and Ward shortly behind them as deputies.
 “It’s quiet.” May said softly
“ Why do you think I trusted them with my secret?” Elliot shrugged, still walking on ahead. He Elliot stopped in front of some sort of cabinet and ran his hand down the side before he reached for the handle. “They take a vow of silence.”
“But when you get them talking, they squeal.” A low male voice said, it’s owner appearing from behind one of the walls to the left of the cabinet, holding two pieces of the staff, one in each hand.  It was the man whose mugshot Katie had seen on the tablet earlier that day, Jakob. Suddenly he held one piece up high and stabbed Elliot in the chest with it, he fell to the floor.
 He turned and advanced on the rest of them, and Katie reached for her gun, readying herself. To her left she felt someone bend down to Elliot, presumably to try and treat him.
 “No one else wants to get hurt.” Coulson spoke to Jakob, his gun raised. Jakob cocked his head to one side, looking at it before he stared back at Coulson.
 “If you want to defeat a God, you must become one”
 Suddenly there was a loud yell and a scream. Katie spun round to see Ward had bent to Elliot, only it wasn’t to treat him, it was to retrieve the piece of the staff stuck in the Asgardian man’s chest. He held it in his hand and then suddenly threw himself at Jakob, knocking Katie and May out of the way as he went. The two men fell over the banister railing to the floor below.
Katie scrambled to her feet and looked down to see Jakob recovering from the fall first. She aimed with her gun but couldn’t get a clear shot in, as he picked Ward up like he weighed nothing and slammed him back down to the ground.
 “We need to help him!” Skye said, looking at Ward before she ran off.
“Skye!” Coulson called, he was now bent over Elliot and speaking furiously into his coms for Jemma Simmons to come help. “She can’t fight, she’s not trained…”
May nodded, “We’ll get her. Stark, with me.”
Katie nodded and ran after May, the pair of them practically jumping down the stair. Ward was now on his feet and as Jakob lunged at him, he flung himself to the right out of the way.
“Skye.” May instructed as they caught up with the dark hared girl who was watching Ward now ducking and diving the swipes from Jakob “Stay outta this…”
Both Katie and May stepped forward, but as they did so, Ward paused what he was doing and bent to grasp the part of the staff that was on the floor next to him. His face contorted in rage and when Jakob came at him again, Ward punched him hard in the face, enough to cause him to fly back against the wall where he slumped to the ground before Ward rammed him straight in the chest with the staff in a fit of rage like nothing anyone could comprehend. Ward’s chest was heaving and he spun round to see the other three agents watching him cautiously. His eyes were blazing with a fire Katie had never seen before.
“Ward.” May approached, tentatively stopping when Ward held his hand up.
“Get away from me.” His face was contorted in rage.
“Grant.”  Katie tried gently, stepping forward so she was level with May. “They’re right, that thing, this isn’t you.”
 Something clearly registered in his brain and his face softened slightly but then suddenly the door was kicked open and they whirled round to see the rest of Jakob’s group enter the monastery.  The three agents regrouped and Katie took her fighting stance, weighing up their opponents. It had been a while since she had been in a full force hand to hand combat, but she was pleased to find that her training with Natasha and Steve had kept her prepared. She dodged, ducked, punched, kicked, flipped up and over people, taking them down with her using her legs as the room filled with rowdy men and women, all yelling. May was working through them almost 2 at a time and Ward, now holding two of the staff pieces from somewhere, was easily fighting off a group of them, the power he was gaining from the staff clearly visible.
Katie grabbed one man in a choke hold just as he was trying to get up, and as he stopped struggling she threw him to the ground, and looked round at the now quiet room. May nodded at her, taking a deep breath and Katie turned to see Ward who was shaking drop both pieces of the staff he was holding and collapse to his knees. Skye hurried over and knelt in front of him.
 “Are you alright?” May looked round Katie. She nodded looking giving her a small grin, reaching up to tenderly brush at her cheekbone. One of them had landed a good shot.
“Been a long time since I had a full on fight like that, not using my guns.” she said, and May’s mouth curled up at one side before she made her way over to help Skye get Ward to his feet. Just as Katie was about to join them, the door opened again. She spun round to see another face she recognised from the photos, Jakob’s girlfriend, Petra stood there, the third piece of Staff in her hand.
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me” Skye said from behind Katie.
Katie looked around glanced at May who also turned her attention to Petra as she was now circling the room. Which a quick flick of her gun, Katie aimed a shot at her, but she simply whipped the piece of staff out in front of her and it tinged the bullet off to one side.
 “We’re no match for her whilst she has that” May said and instinctively Katie glanced down at the two pieces of staff on the floor near them. Grant wearily sighed and went to pick it up but Katie dropped down on one knee and grabbed his wrist, stopping him.
“You’re not in any state to do that.” she said not unkindly as she looked at him, “Let me help.”
“Kay…” he started to argue, the use of his nickname for her registered but now wasn’t the time to chastise him, nor did she really find she cared enough to do so. It was then that May cut in.
“She’s right. We can’t beat them unless we’re on a level playing field.” She shot him a look and he nodded.
Skye helped Ward away as May and Katie watched Petra as two men from the group they had taken down earlier got to their feet. Petra looked round the room and let out an audible gasp as she saw Jakob’s body for the first time. Katie slowly and apprehensively reached out for a piece of the staff, hesitating for a moment as she had no idea what was going to happen when she did pick it up. May looked at her nodding and then the pair of them reached out, each gripping a piece.  Katie gasped as a warm sensation flooded up through her arm and then her head was like it was somewhere else. Which it was, she was back in what, according to Professor Randall, should be the worst moment of her life, only it wasn’t the moment she had initially thought of when he’d told them that…
Rhodey was on the doorstep of her Chelsea apartment at three am local time. She knew instantly that something was wrong. Without a word he entered, and told her that Tony’s ARV had been attacked and they had no idea where he was. She almost collapsed and he helped her over to the sofa where she sat still, tears falling as she listened. The room fell silent, and with a shaking hand she reached for the remote and turned the TV on to the News Channel, to see her Brother’s face plastered all over the screen.
“I’m sorry Kiddo…” Rhodey’s voice was choked and she turned to look at him “I should have been with him but he insisted on riding in the other ARV, the FunVee…” he shook his head, snorting angrily.
“Who’s taken him?” She asked, swallowing.
“We’re think it was an Ambush by the Ten Rings.” Rhodey swallowed. “We’ve not had a ransom note yet but we expect it’s a matter of time. We’ll find him.”
“It’s finding him alive that’s the issue, Rhodey” She wiped away the tears from her face, the sick feeling in her stomach threatening to overwhelm her and it felt like someone had a band over her chest that they were constricting, hard…and then it was to much, and she bolted to the bathroom, emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet…
Gasping Katie took a deep breath and looked up sharply as one of the men flew at her. Letting out a yell of rage, pent up anger and hurt she launched forward as Petra did the same. Their pieces of staff blew against one another and soon they were battling, fiercely. Katie was fighting to kill, and she instantly understand what had made Ward run Jakob through with the staff. 
It felt good. 
She could hear and see in the corner of her eye that May was also tackling a few more members of the group, easily keeping them at bay but Katie was focussed on one thing, the woman in front of her. She was good, matching Katie blow for blow but eventually Katie’s tenacity and training started to win out and she began to get the edge. She swung forward with a huge swipe and knocked Petra to the ground causing the woman to drop her part of the staff. Automatically it joined with the piece Katie was holding in her right hand, glowing orange again.
“It’s been a month, Katie…” Obediah said “A month…I hate to say this but the chances of him coming back…”
“I don’t wanna hear it, Obi!” Katie wheeled round “Tony is alive, and until someone shows me any kind of evidence to the contrary…then things stay as they are, I don’t give a shit what the board say.”
She watched him out of the room before she dropped her head to the desk and began to cry. She didn’t stop, even when Pepper walked into the room and dropped an arm round her shoulder, the pair of them lost…
A crash caught Katie’s attention and she saw May had dispatched the remaining fighters. She glanced up, and saw what Katie was doing and instinctively threw her piece of staff over to her. Katie grabbed it, joining it with the other combined pieces completing the staff.
Katie gave a yell as once more that warm feeling spread up her arm to her chest and her memories swallowed her.
“Your government has for far too long sold weapons, manufactured by Mr Tony Stark, to our oppressors, to our enemies. This is blood in exchange for blood, death in exchange for death, meet our demands or within 48 hours the great Tony Stark is no more…”
The room came back into a bleary focus, just as Petra staggered to her feet, swaying slightly.
“I am not afraid of you.” She spoke, her accent thick.
“You should be…” Katie snarled, as she advanced towards her. Quick as a flash she let out a loud cry and struck Petra with the staff, hard in the face. She fell backwards to the floor, deadly still. 
And then a different voice spoke in Katie’s mind a clear voice. Her own voice.
“He escaped, though. And he was fine, well as fine as Tony ever is. So there’s really no need to fear this memory because that’s all it is, a memory. It all worked out in the end…”
Katie dropped the staff and fell to her knees, her entire body shaking with the exertion of wielding the Asgardian weapon. Her head was pounding with those memories, the voices, everything. Her hands flew into her hair as she bent over, trying to focus on anything but her thoughts.
“Hey…” Two hands were on either side of her face, and Katie looked up into May’s eyes. “Focus on me, Stark.” Katie took a deep breath as May’s hands slid gently down to the side of her shoulders. “Can you stand?” She asked. Katie nodded and then looked over at Petra.
“Is she…” She managed to croak out. Had she killed someone? In blind rage?
“Don’t worry about her” May shook her head, “I’ll take care of it.”
Katie got to her feet with May’s help, glancing over at Ward and Skye. Ward gave her a small nod of his head, which she acknowledged with a small incline of her own as May helped her out of the smaller Vestibule room they’d been fighting in and through to the entrance hall of the Monastery, the sun streaming through the stained glass windows.
“That thing…” Katie took a deep breath “Ward wasn’t wrong…it…”
“Tell me about it.” May’s voice was quiet, and Katie realised the normally stoic woman was shaking, although not quite as violently as her. The two of them settled on a large slab of stone. They were shortly joined by Ward as he sat besides them, the three of them didn’t talk for a while, merely lost in their own thoughts, Katie wanting nothing more than to get home to see Steve.
“When you held it…” Ward said eventually, breaking the silence. “Did you see anything?”
May nodded, and so did Katie.
“Then how, Kay? How did you hold all three?” Ward looked at her
She paused, thinking about it for a moment.
No need to fear this memory
“Because it’s a memory that I don’t need to be afraid of.” she shrugged eventually. “And I see the reason why every time I look at Tony.”
Steve packed a bag. There was, sadly, one last mission standing between him and his girl. And he no idea how long this particular mission was going to take. It was completely rogue, way off SHIELD’s official radar anyway, only Fury and Natasha knew what he was doing.
Oh, and Tony. He’d enlisted the Billionaire’s help because had a somewhat personal interest in this case. So much so he’d leant him the Stark Jet, because he couldn’t use the Quinjet, and the fact that like everything Tony owned, his jet was faster and better than anything else, it had shaved a good 2 hours off what the journey would have taken had he flown full commercial, not to mention saved him a load of messing about in the meantime with bookings and check ins.
The jet was comfortable, he had flown on it a few times with Katie before back to NYC when they didn’t drive that was. As soon as he was airborne he face timed Katie using the connection on the plane and had hissed at the bruise on her cheek. She had batted off his concern and instead went on a rant about how cheap Fury was. He had to laugh at her indignant tone, apparently they had arrived at a Premier Inn a few hours ago and she had refused point blank to get out of the SUV and after a battle of wills with Coulson had upgraded the entire team to the Sheraton just outside of Galway within ten minutes. Apparently overnighters weren’t standard for the team she was working in as they had the Bus but Coulson had decided they all needed some down time after what sounded like a gruelling mission.
“And what better way to do that in a 5 star hotel with a spa, right?”
They talked for the longest time they had in the three, almost four days she had been gone and Steve loved it. She didn’t go into much detail about the mission itself, bar to say it had ended in a pretty ruthless fight and that she was mentally and physically exhausted, promising to tell him all about it when she saw him. He told her in no uncertain terms that they were both going to take some time out, Fury had cleared it and her face had lit up, but then fallen when he sadly told her he had one last mission to sort. After assuring her it wouldn’t take long, and it really wouldn’t, she had smiled and told him she couldn’t wait to see him.
“Me either Doll, me either.”
He took the opportunity to get some sleep, and was awoken by one of the stewardesses a few hours later who informed him they were an hour out. Thanking her he headed off to change out of his comfy sweats and into his specially selected outfit, one that would make him blend in a lot more than the stealth suit. Once he had arrived, cleared customs at the private airfield they had landed at, he climbed straight into the arranged official looking blacked out SUV and the driver set off, not a word spoken. The driver already knew their destination, Fury had already patched that information through before he had taken off.
It was easy to blag his way in to the building he needed to be in. Dressed in a black suit, all he had to do was quickly flash his SHIELD ID badge and the woman at the desk was only too happy to provide him the information about where he could find his target, and access to the required area. He didn’t take the elevator, it was too easy to be spotted. Instead he snuck round and found the service stairs and bolted up them two at a time to the seventh floor, his kit bag containing his shield slung over his shoulder.
After they had checked in to the decent hotel, not that Premier Inn (which she was sure was clean and perfectly comfortable, but she wanted fucking luxury after three nights of being in that pokey room) and she’d spoken to Steve for at least an hour, Katie showered, changed and headed off out to explore the area with Skye. The two had chatted, Katie really did like the girl, and they’d done a bit of shopping, had a late lunch, before they had headed back to the hotel and made use of the Spa. Then, she’d sat and eaten with the team, before bidding them all goodnight and retiring to her room with a bottle of Krug (because, why not?) and a long assed hot bath.
She tried to face time Steve again, but this time he didn’t answer. Probably elbow deep in whatever mission he was on this time, he’d been very vague about this one, saying it was hush hush but he would explain all in person, including what had gone down in Yemen which sounded like an utter shit-storm.
Changing for bed, Katie dropped onto the comfortable couch of the suite (ok, so she’d upgraded herself a teensy bit more than everyone else), poured herself another glass of Krug, slightly disgruntled to see the bottle was empty. So she rang down for another, fuck it.
Just as she had put the phone down, her cell called.
“Hey baby.” Steve spoke and Katie could hear the smile in his voice. “Sorry, the phone won’t let me face time for some reason.”
“Well that’s a shame because I’m naked.”
Steve groaned and Katie felt herself grin. “Don’t do that to me.”
“Sorry.” She giggled “I’m not really, just wish you were here.”
“I know.” He sighed “Me too”
“I’m taking it that seeing as you can talk your super-secret spy shit mission is done.”
“It was surprisingly easy” He mused, “Target didn’t suspect a thing and thanks to a very helpful lady I met, I got in with no fuss.”
“Helpful lady?” Katie narrowed her eyes. “How helpful?”
Steve let out a chuckle “All I had to do was flash my ID and smile”
“Coz you’re a regular charmer, aint you?” Katie laughed, and then there was a knock on the door. “Oh hang on… room service.”
She got up off the couch, made her way to the door, phone still in her hand and she pulled it open.
“Hey Doll.” Steve grinned at her and her mouth dropped open, the phone slipping out of her hand to the floor. “Surprise.”
She was a sight for sore eyes. Silk cami top and shorts, her hair falling in damp waves around her face. God he’d missed her.
“What…you…” She stammered, taking him in, the black fitted suit and tie he was wearing looked far better than it would have on anyone else and he laughed at the look of utter shock on her face “The mission, I thought…”
“You’re my mission, Sweetheart” He grinned, stepping into the room, dropping his kit bag, picking his phone up as he did so. And, no sooner had he straightened up, Katie gave a little shriek and threw herself into his arms.
“I can’t believe it.” She whispered, her hands straying to his face “You are here right? This isn’t just some weird trick my mind is playing?”
“I’m here, promise.” He placed a soft kiss to her lips. There was a clearing of a throat and Katie peeked over Steve’s shoulder to see a rather embarrassed looking hotel worker clutching the bottle of Krug she had ordered along with a fresh glass and an ice bucket. She tapped Steve’s arms and he reluctantly set her down so she could sign the receipt with a flourish. Steve smiled at the man, taking the ice bucket before closing the door. He followed Katie into the large hotel suite, and dropped the ice bucket and her phone onto the coffee table before sinking onto the couch and Katie climbed onto his lap, winding his tie around her hand.
“For the record,” she murmured as she looked him up and down, “this is a good look.”
“Glad you approve, Darlin’” He grinned as she tugged on his tie, pulling him closer to her, and she pressed her lips to his in a deep kiss.
He responded eagerly, hands creeping into her hair to hold her head in place as his tongue slid against hers, his hips rocking up before his lips dropped to her collarbone
“I missed you.” He purred as she let out a small groan, her hand sliding into his hair.
“I missed you too” She muttered, his hands gently fell to her hips, giving them a squeeze. “Take me to bed.”
Steve didn’t need asking twice. Standing easily, drawing a giggle from her as she wrapped her legs around his waist, he paused and looked around.
“Trust you to get a suite that’s bigger then my apartment.”
“I have very high standards.” She shot back. “Door to the right.”
He gave a quick laugh and strode over to the door, pulling it open and stepping into the plush bedroom which was softly illuminated by the bedside lamp. Dropping her onto the huge bed he crawled over her as she once more grabbed his tie and pulled him down.
“You really do like this huh?” He arched his eyebrow,  ooking down at her as she gently slipped his jacket down his shoulders and he shrugged it off, tossing it to the floor.
“What can I say, I’m a sucker for a suit. Although I still think the Stealth one is better.”
“Maybe I should bring that home one night.” He muttered as his lips slid against her neck and she groaned.
“Please do. Your ass looks great in it.” She moved, pushing on his shoulders. Steve sat back on his heels and she locked her eyes on his, undoing his tie gently, a move she managed to make incredibly arousing and Steve let out a groan and he kissed her.
“Fuck, I missed you.” He whispered into her mouth
“Save it, you’re wearing too many clothes.” She replied, undoing the button on his collar and then her soft fingers made their way down his chest, her eyes following as it fell open. He shrugged it down before he fell back down on top of her and moved to pull her vest top over her head. As he tossed it aside somewhere he let out a gentle moan at the sight of her in front of him, and he wrapped his arm around her back and tugged her up slightly as his head bent to take a nipple into his mouth. He used both his hands and his mouth in a nearly coordinated attack that left her all but dying, and completely desperate for his touch elsewhere. He could read her body signals like a book and happy to oblige, one of his hands slid down, dipping into her bed shorts, finding him hot and wet for him. He groaned into her chest his fingers playing with her.
“Baby you’re soaked.”
She managed to moan in response, and then it was a race for the pair of them to get out of their remaining clothes as fast as they could. Once there was no barrier between them he kissed her hard, Katie shifting so that her legs went around his waist, pulling him flush against her, wanting to touch every inch of him possible. Steve repositioned himself slightly, gently working into her, the pair of them letting out a satisfied sigh as he bottomed out, stilling slightly just to savour the moment.
“Stevie…” Katie whispered into his ears “Please…” At her plea, he began to thrust, slowly, deeply, running his hand down Katie’s leg until his hand stopped at her knee. Katie looked at him as he seemed to hesitate for a split second before he directed her leg up, casually resting it over his shoulder so that he could go even deeper. She moaned loudly, he’d never done that before and it felt so unbelievably good, like nothing ever had before. Her fingers dug into his arm as he starting pushing a little harder, a little faster, then faster, until he had reached a relentless pace. Katie could do nothing but reach up, bracing herself on the headboard of the large bed as he continued, making her curse and leaving her short of breath, eyes closed in utter pleasure.
He slowed for a moment, making her look at him, letting out a noise of protest. “Don’t stop.” she begged, “Fuck, Stevie…”
He grinned, and it was a wicked grin, coupled with the mischievous flash in his eyes and it made her gulp slightly. She’d never seen him like this before, it was as if something had snapped and he was finally letting himself go fully, realising that after almost six months of sleeping together he didn’t have to be a gentleman all the time as she wasn’t going to break. As she stared into those baby blues, his pupils blown with desire he slowly pushed himself up so he could put her other leg over his other shoulder. 
“Oh, holy fuck-”  Her voice cut off and turned into a loud wail as he picked up the pace once again, pounding into her over and over and it wasn’t long before his name and another plethora of curses tumbled from her lips as her orgasm ripped through her like nothing she’d felt before. Her back arched, fingers dug into his back as he coaxed her through it before dropping her legs from his shoulders, laying atop her and chasing after his own end furiously. Katie held him close as she came down, gently encouraging him into his ear, his rhythm eventually stuttering and changing as he came with a frantic gasp of her name.
The pair of them were slick with sweat and absolutely spent as they laid still, no sounds coming bar the ragged gasps for air from them both. Steve buried his head in the crook of his girl’s neck and she ran her fingers through his hair, his forehead still clammy and he let out a loud hmmm of contentment.
A moment or so later, Katie broke the silence.
“Baby.” She said softly, a playful thought rising in her mind. His response was simply another hmmm because he was still utterly blissed out. This caused Katie to smile a little as she spoke again. “Did Cap just come out to play?”
She felt him grin into her neck, “I think he may have done, yeah.”
“Well you can tell him from me that was amazing?”
“I’ll be sure to let him know…” Steve mumbled, still not moving.
“In fact, I’d go so far as to say that’s probably the best sex I’ve ever had.”
“Just probably?” Steve lazily raised his head to look at her and she made a show of looking upwards as if she was thinking about it.
“Ok definitely” She grinned, kissing him gently.
Katie bid goodbye to Coulson’s team the next morning, Steve remained in the hotel room as he’d been under instructions from Fury not to speak to Coulson or draw attention to him in any way. Then they’d taken 3 glorious days break in Ireland, hiring a car and driving to Limerick.
As they drove, Katie told him all about the mission, what the staff had made her see, and how it had surprised her slightly what her worst memory was.
“I always thought it would be the time Tony told me mom and dad were dead” she said, softly a Steve cruised their hired Audi Q3 down the motorway. “Guess I fear losing Tony more.”
“It kinda makes sense.” Steve said, his hand straying to her knee “you were very young when the crash happened. Tony’s been your dad for, what, 22 years now? Far longer than Howard was I suppose.”
“Yeah.” she said gently, looking out of the window “I mean, I don’t remember a lot about my parents to be fair. I have memories, but sometimes I wonder how many of them are mine and how many of them are what people told me.”
Reminiscing seemed to be the theme of their brief trip away. They spent a day visiting the places Steve’s Ma had told him all about, then the next day, after a lazy morning they drove up to Dublin where they had both drunk a fair amount of Guinness after Katie dragged Steve to Temple Bar, showing him the places she had spent a fair few weekends in on trips over from the UK. They forgot all about SHIELD, all about Fury, all about missions. They were just a normal couple enjoying a break, and Steve had frankly never had as much fun in his life.
It was on their last night, just after they were curled up in post coital bliss after their 3rd round that evening when Steve mentioned about how it was back to reality the day after that Katie propped herself up on her elbow and looked at him, biting her lip.
“What if I don’t want to?” She asked quietly.
“Don’t want to what, Honey?” Steve asked, kissing her head.
“Go back. To SHIELD I mean.”
Steve’s hand paused its journey up and down her spine as he turned his head to look at her, frowning. “You want to leave?” 
“I’ve been thinking about it a lot over the last 3 days.” she said, her fingers gently tracing over the dark blonde hair on his chest. “I can’t do it anymore Steve, I’m tired.”
“What’s brought this on?” he asked, turning so he was on his side facing her, pushing her hair back off her face.
“I can’t pin point one thing.” she said, looking down. “But…”
Steve paused, waiting for her to continue, and after a deep breath she did, her words coming almost as a jumble as she poured her heart out to him in the darkness of their hotel room.
“If I’m honest I’ve been thinking about it since we found out that they hadn’t been destroying the Chitauri weapons. Look what happened when Fury started fucking about with the Tesseract… I mean how do we know they’re not making more weapons just like they were before New York?”
Steve remained silent, that had been bubbling away in his mind too. He wasn’t best pleased about the situation but knew that Katie, who had headed up the DODC clean- up had taken it personally. She’d flipped out when Tony had told her what his latest hack into SHIELD had discovered and Steve had had to stop her marching into Fury’s office and calling him a liar there and then. He understood completely, she felt betrayed after having being told she was heading up a clean-up operation when in actual fact it turns out to be a goddamed technology harvesting operation.
“You now when Coulson died, I blamed myself. I made a decision to try to free Thor not help Coulson and I know I’d probably do it all over again because it was the right call, but the point is I blamed myself, for the past what, 18 months or so and Fury…he let me do that, he let me think he was dead…”
She was getting worked up, Steve could hear it and sense it, even if he couldn’t see her properly.
“Hey…” he said, his hand gently moving to her arm, rubbing softly as she continued her ramblings.
“And then there I get to The Bus and there’s more secrets there, not being told Ward was on the team, which to be fair wasn’t as bad as I thought but still, it’s more lies…”  
She was crying now and Steve sighed, wrapping his arms round her and pulling her to him. She pressed her face into his chest “This isn’t me Steve, it’s not who I am.”
He held her close, hand wandering up into her hair as he chewed over what she was saying. From a selfish point of view the thought of her leaving SHIELD worried him. She’d been his linchpin, his rock at the agency, and he relied on her more than she would know. He loved working with her, seeing every day and he was scared if that changed, so would their relationship. But there was a small part of him that also worried when she was on missions, and there was no doubt if she did quit she’d be a hell of a lot safer. And not all couples worked together, right?
He pulled back slightly, his large hand cupping her cheek “Hey, you know I got your 6 right? I’ll support you no matter what you decide.”
“I know.” She sniffed softly. I just feel like if I do quit, then I’m taking the easy way out, you know, I mean SHIELD is dad’s legacy.”
“Maybe once.” Steve popped his shoulder. “Times have moved on, SHIELD has changed. I doubt your dad, Peggy or Colonel Phillips would have ever imagined in a million years how it would evolve.”
“You’re telling me times have changed?” She quipped and he chuckled.
“Guess I am, but I learned pretty fast when I got that serum that you can’t live your life being who people want you to be or think you should be. You need to be true to yourself”
She nodded and stifled a yawn.
“Sleep on it.” He urged, his thumb stroking her cheek. “And then if it’s still what you want tomorrow, ’ll even write your resignation letter.”
“I got it planned” She yawned. “Dear Fury. Fuck you. Love Nova.”
Steve laughed and pulled her to him, kissing her head. “Maybe drop the Love Nova.”
“You sure you wanna do this?” Steve asked as they stopped outside Fury’s office. Katie nodded, taking a deep breath.
“Okay, I’ll be right here.” He said, both his hands on her face. She gave him a smile and then turned and opened the door.
“Agent Stark.” Fury swivelled in his chair “Take a seat.”
“It’s okay Sir, this won’t take long.” She declined his offer, taking a deep breath.
“Do I need to borrow Captain Rogers SHIELD?” He looked at her, raising an eyebrow. “I’m assuming this is the bit where you’ve come to tell me exactly how pissed at me you are.”
“I’m not pissed” She shook her head, “I was, but not now. I’m just disappointed.”
He eyed her, and gestured for her to continue.
“I expected better from you Sir. You lied to me. You let me believe Coulson was dead. You know I blamed myself for that for months, and then if that wasn’t bad enough you sent me to a team containing my ex boyfriend…and don’t even get me started on the fact you’re secretly hiding Chitauri technology instead of destroying it.”
At that Fury’s face slipped and his face grew dark. “How do you…”
She arched an eyebrow and Fury gave a groan.
“Son of a…your brother is a liability.”
“Maybe, but at least he isn’t a liar.”  She shot back. “And neither am I. I pride myself on being honest, doing the best I can and I don’t like being used or manipulated.”
 “Agent Stark…”
“I can’t do it anymore.” She hook her head. “I’m tired of it all, the lies, the secrecy. This isn’t…it isn’t me.” she finished, shrugging.
“So what are you saying Nova?”
“That you can consider this my formal resignation.” She looked at him, eyes not moving from his and for a moment she was sure she saw a flicker of something that looked like regret flash across the Director’s face. But it disappeared as fast as it had arrived and she took a deep breath, squaring her shoulders back. “I will, of course, work any formal notice period.”
“I don’t suppose there’s any point in me trying to change your mind?”
“No, don’t suppose there is.” She shook her head.
“In that case, there’s no notice period necessary.” Fury spoke calmly, his posture returning to normal. He took a deep breath and strode round his desk, holding out his hand. “I’m sorry it’s come to this. You’re one of the best agents I’ve had. Coulson said you worked wonders on the Staff case.”
“Thank you, Sir.” She swalloed, fighting to keep her voice from cracking. “This hasn’t been an easy decision. For the most part, it’s been an honour to serve.”
She gently reached into her pocket, pulling out her official ID and ran her fingers over the silver badge before she handed it to him. Fury took it from her, and with one last smile she took a deep breath and turned, to leave, the tears brewing in her eyes.
This had to be one of the hardest decisions she’d ever made in her life but she wasn’t backing down. She’d talked it over with Steve extensively over the last two days and Tony too for that matter, her brother telling her that he, and their father would be proud of her no matter what. Undeniably her role at SHIELD had given her everything. A purpose, a new outlook on life, Steve. But now it was time to channel that energy in a new way.
“I would like you to remain on our books, in an advisory role.” Fury’s voice stopped her in her tracks and she grinned to herself, suddenly transported back to when he had said the same thing to Tony a few years ago.
She turned back and winked. “You can’t afford me.” 
**** Chapter 11
**Original Posting**
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