#Canadian Maple Donut
rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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National Boston Cream Pie Day
National Boston Cream Pie Day arrives on October 23. If you’ve never heard of Boston cream pie before, it’s a yellow butter cake, filled with custard or cream and topped with chocolate glaze. (Yum!) Now, we know what you’re thinking: Why is it called a pie, when it’s actually a cake?
History of National Boston Cream Pie Day
Well, when the Boston cream pie was first invented, cakes and pies were baked with the same kinds of pans, and even the words were used interchangeably. As a result, the Boston cream pie kept its old-fashioned name, in addition to its delicious flavor. It was first invented in 1856, by an Armenian-French chef named Sanzian. At the time, chocolate frosting was a fairly new idea, so the delicious dessert took the world by storm. And to this day, it remains a popular menu selection. It’s even the official dessert of Massachusetts! So get your fork at the ready—let’s eat!
Back then the dish consisted of French butter sponge cake filled with thick custard and brushed with a rum syrup. The same custard overlaid with toasted sliced almonds coated the sides, while chocolate fondant topped it all off. While other custard cakes may have existed at that time, baking chocolate as a coating was a new process, making it unique and a popular choice on the menu.
According to the website, What’s Cooking America,: “Cooks in New England and Pennsylvania Dutch regions were known for their cakes and pies and the dividing line between them was very thin.  This cake was probably called a pie because in the mid-19th century, pie tins were more common than cake pans.  The first versions might have been baked in pie tins. Boston Cream Pie is a remake of the early American”Pudding-cake pie.”
National Boston Cream Pie Day timeline
A world pie premiere
French chef Sanzian invents the Boston cream pie for The Parker House Hotel (now the Omni Parker House Hotel) in, ummm, Boston.
It's Official
Massachusetts names the Boston cream pie as the official “state dessert.”  A civics class from Norton High School sponsored the bill. The pie beat out other candidates, including the toll- house cookie and Indian pudding.
Want seconds?
Students at Southern New Hampshire University created the world’s largest Boston Cream Pie — measuring 10 feet wide and 1.5 feet high
History of New England Pies
Author Robert Cox publishes the definitive history of New England pie making. Discover the “revolutionary” roots of the Boston cream pie.
National Boston Cream Pie Day FAQs
Is Boston cream pie a cake?
Why, yes. It’s a yellow butter cake, filled with custard or cream and topped with chocolate glaze. 
Why do we refer to Boston cream pie as pie?
This cake was probably called a pie because in the mid-19th century, pie tins were more common than cake pans.  The first versions might have been baked in pie tins.
What are Boston’s other signature foods?
Clam chowder, lobster rolls, oysters, baked beans, fish and chips, and the Fenway Frank — for hungry Red Sox fans.
National Boston Cream Pie Day Activities
Bake your own: If you’re someone who loves to bake, then this is the perfect opportunity to give a delicious dessert a try. If you’re trying it for the first time, or if you’re improving on an old favorite, baking your own Boston cream pie is the perfect way to celebrate.
Throw a Boston cream party: Invite your fellow cake enthusiasts to join you in celebrating Massachusetts’ official dessert. Bring along other Boston-themed foods as well — such as clam chowder, lobster, and Sam Adams beer (if your guests are of age). And if you really want to give it that revolutionary vibe, invite your guests to party in period-style clothing!
Go to Boston: Well, what better place to get an authentic Boston cream pie than in its official birthplace? And while you’re there, check out some of the other excellent experiences that Boston has to offer. 
Why We Love National Boston Cream Pie Day
It’s delicious: The recipe is so simple — you really only need three ingredients — and yet there's something about the combination of chocolate, cake, and custard that's so comforting and tasty. Not only that, but the simplicity of the ingredients gives you a lot of room to experiment. How many ways can you jazz up a Boston cream pie?
It’s got a rich history: Boston has always been a rich cultural hub. It was the site of some of the most important events in the Revolutionary War, and has continued to be the birthplace of American traditions ever since. With every bite of a Boston cream pie, you are continuing a tradition of wicked Bostonian trend-setting and innovation that's 260 years strong.
Let us eat cake: You don't really need an excuse to eat cake — but it's handy to have one sometimes. So go ahead and treat yourself.
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masoncarr2244 · 2 years
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Tim Hortons Canadian Maple Donut
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Vegan Maple Cream Doughnuts
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coollikeacaterpillar · 11 months
so apparently people in the rest of the world don't use honey and maple syrup interchangeably you guys are missing out
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northescere · 1 month
haikyuu!! as things my friends and I have said: part 3
part 1, part 2
I’m coming to realise that the interactions between my friends and I are very shiratorizawa coded.
Anyways dirty jokes ahead don’t read if you aren’t comfy with it
Tendou: So I was watching a show about the lift on the cannibalism ban in Thailand—
Ushiwaka, mildly horrified: Cannibalism?
Tanaka: I’ll swallow your brains whole
Nishinoya: What brains
Tanaka: Oh yeah what brains
Nishinoya: We don’t have brains
Bokuto: What did he say? That he’s a penis?
Kuroo: (wheezing) he said he’s a pianist
Bokuto: OH
Tendou: Reon, tell him that I don’t have rabies
Reon: … (turns to Semi) I think he has rabies
Tendou: Betrayal
Kageyama: I had an alpha fish—
Tsukishima: Alpha fish.
Kageyama: No wait I meant betta fish
Tanaka: My entire life is a joke
Nishinoya: It’s okay, life is a circus
Ukai Keishin: (taking a picture of Karasuno) Looks like a volleyball cult group 
Atsumu: I’m the smartest
Osamu: No me
Atsumu: monke
Atsumu: SHIT
Atsumu: *NO ME
Osamu: ???💀
Tendou: I have MAD skills
Shirabu: You don’t have mad skills you’re just mad
Kuroo, climbing down the stairs: HYDROGEN
Kenma, turning around to look at him: Bitch what the fuck
Daichi: I need to go to dunkin donuts to redeem a voucher
Hinata: You need to redeem a wild teacher??
Kageyama: You need to redeem a vulture???
Sakusa: I think one day I’m gonna have to put you on a leash
Atsumu: (raises eyebrows)
Sakusa: NO 
Sugawara: No but Canadians speak French
Nishinoya: What? Really? 
Sugawara: Yeah?
Nishinoya: I thought they spoke maple leaf or something
Tendou: (checking receiptify) The fuck is Norwegian indie
Semi: Do you stan anyone from Norwegia?
Tendou: (wheezing) NORWEGIA???
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bettedavisgf · 1 month
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canadian tourist shops are so mysterious. like they are always selling the strangest things to americans. donuts soaked in maple syrup??? nobody in the world has ever eaten this
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dragontamer05 · 24 days
If something isn't on here check my previous poll
Further description and pictures below
Coffee Crisp
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Chocolate bar with alternating wafers and a coffee flavoured candy filling is good (and I say this as someone who dislikes coffee)
Ketchup Chips
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Exactly like it says chips with ketchup flavouring (personally I find the vinegar flavouring in them to strong)
Canadian Bacon
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Look if you like bacon you'll like this. It's so good, very lean and not nearly as greasy as side/ regular bacon (has a bit of a hammy taste tbh)
Hawaiin Pizza
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Everyone knows it, it's Pineapple and Ham Pizza, I regret to inform that it was an invention of Canada
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They may be donut holes but they are like quintessential Canadian.
Girl Guide Cookies
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Girl Scouts can keep their dozen or so cookie types. All I need is some Classic Chocolate and Vanilla or Chocolate Mint. Sold in Spring and Winter
Maple Cream Cookies
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What's more Canadian then a Maple Cookie. Very sweet but oh so tasty
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An alcoholic Cocktail made of, Vodka, Clamato (Primarily Tomato Juice and Clam broth with seasoning) hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce. Rim is coated in Celery Salt.
Basically like a bloody Mary but what distinguishes it from that is the Clam Broth.
I don't get it but people like it
Kraft Dinner/KD
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Not Canadian Originated growing up on this stuff it's basically Canadian enough to me. (Also the packaging is different up here anyway)
Mackintosh Toffee
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I mean it's toffee- specifically in Canada it's more of a hard candy then soft (like it was originally in the UK)
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petitelepus · 5 months
What will be the Hashira first thought of a Canadian before meeting one? You can put it into modern times if you want! ^^
Giyu - "They love and get very excited when it comes to hockey."
Kyojuro - "Did you know that Canada's national animal is Beaver?"
Obanai - "They are hardworking people..."
Shinobu - "They have one of the best healthcare systems in the world."
Tengen - "They are polite, like SO polite!"
Mitsuri - "I heard that they have some of the world's best donut places! I really really wanna try them someday!"
Sanemi - "They apologize even if they haven't done anything wrong."
Muichiro - "Hmm... They like maple syrup?"
Gyomei - "I've heard that it can get really cold and snowy there."
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dove-vents · 3 months
food log March 30 2024
breakfast: Canadian maple donut - 220 cal (ik ik but my friend made me bc she cares)
snack: 2 tomato basil rice cakes - 120 cal
snack: 1 lemon w the peel - 22 cal (I really like lemons it’s not even an ana thing)
lunch - tofu w sweet and sour sauce - 250 cal
dinner - potato tofu kale curry - 235 cal (!!!)
total - 847 calories
I’m super proud of myself and I also did some Pilates and biking :) didn’t expect to get under 1000 w the donut but ayyy!
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updownlately · 7 months
so idk if it's just a regional thing but here it's common to dump in maple syrup & like cinnamon with your fries
okay so im going to assume this is a fellow canadian, and like bro, which province? bc this is the first im hearing of this :0
i've heard of this combo but like more for donuts and churros
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woodieaccount · 3 months
name: Woodie
age: I forgot
gender: canadian
Sexuality: axe sorry I mean Lucy
about: Woodie is the sixth playable Character unlocked via Experience in Don't Starve, with 1600 XP. He is also one of the playable Characters in Don't Starve Together (DST). He is a stereotypical Canadian lumberjack with a love for chopping Trees and a mysterious curse. In DST, he received a character refresh on September 12, 2019.[1][2]
Likes: my wife, maple syrup, dunking donuts, choppimg, our lord n saviour
Dislikes: forests,ntrees, Mr beast (he makes more trees) morning wood
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I'm unndee the water please help me 🫧🫧🫧🫧🫧🫧🫧🫧
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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National Coffee Day
Whether getting one to go or lingering over a second cup, on September 29 be sure to observe National Coffee Day!
Ah, the perfect cup of java.  According to an expert cupper (a professional coffee taster), there are four components of a perfect cup: aroma, body, acidity, and flavor.
From the moment the average coffee lover opens a fresh bag of coffee beans, the aroma beckons, percolating the senses. Even those who don’t drink coffee tend to enjoy the fragrance a roasted bean casts.
When determining the body of a coffee, the bean, the roast, and the brew are all factors. The bean affects the texture of the coffee, whether its silky, creamy, thick or thin on the tongue and throat. However, the darker the roast and how it is brewed will alter the feel of a coffee’s body, too. Grandpa’s motor oil blend versus the coffee shop around the corner’s silky smooth, well-practiced grind have entirely different bodies.
The region a coffee is grown determines its acidity. The higher the elevation the coffee grows, the higher the quality and the acidity. These coffees are considered brighter, dryer, even sparkling by cuppers.
When it comes down to it, coffee lovers cherish the flavor as well as the caffeinated boost this roasted bean gives morning or night, black or with cream and sugar. Hot or cold it provides enjoyment even when decaffeinated!
There are many legendary accounts of how coffee first came to be, but the earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or the knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the 15th century in the Sufi monasteries around Mokha in Yemen.  It was here coffee seeds were first roasted and brewed, much like they are prepared today. Yemeni traders brought coffee back to their homeland from Ethiopia and began to cultivate the seed.
In 1670, coffee seeds were smuggled out of the Middle East by Baba Budan, as he strapped seven coffee seeds onto his chest.  The first plants grown from these smuggled seeds were planted in Mysore.  It was then that coffee spread to Italy, to the rest of Europe, to Indonesia and the Americas.
Brazil produces more coffee in the world than any other country followed by Colombia.  More than 50 countries around the world grow coffee, providing a delicious variety for the indulgence of steamy cups of the black drink for connoisseurs to consume.
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masoncarr2244 · 2 years
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Tim Hortons Maple Dip Donut.
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bl4ckasjet · 3 months
Good fucking Jesus yall I'm gonna explode. My English teacher gave me a triple chocolate cookie because I'm a good student right before lunch, then after I ate lunch, MY SCHOOL WAS SERVING MAPLE STAFFIES AND DONUTS. Obviously, the Canadian in me was attracted by these delicious sugary snacks. I got some and now Jesus Christ my stomach feels like a brick. OH MY GOD MY GUTS ARE GONNA EXPLODE WITH MAPLE. This definitely made up for the fact I don't usually eat breakfast every. Well, today I DID eat breakfast. (I ate like 10 skittles as a "breakfast"). I'm so filled with sugar that if a cannibal ate me, they would end up with diabetes
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birgittesilverbae · 10 months
Top 5 Tim’s donuts
1. canadian maple my beloved, bullshit that they're the "specialty" tier or whatever as though they're not a classic
2. chocolate glazed would be number one except the glaze to donut ratio is inferior to the chocolate glazed timbit.
3. vanilla dip sprinkles for that post-6am hockey practice Tims run nostalgia hit. i think they're also classified as "specialty" now too like just say you wanna gouge that extra quarter smh
4. sometimes you want an old fashioned plain and a small black coffee so you know what it feels like to be your grandparents and also because the old fashioned plain is a fucking solid donut
5. tbh the apple fritters kinda slap
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holidayvisa · 4 months
23 February 2024 - Woke up in Piha at Elise's house. She had to work today, so we got up together around 6:15 am. We left her house around 7, me on my motorbike headed home and she in her park ranger uniform headed to work. I had a really great sunrise ride from Piha back to Henderson. I'm feeling more comfortable on the motorbike and more confident with the windy roads to and from Piha. They're fun to drive now, instead of scary. When I got to Henderson I was surprised to find that Arnie and Jimmy were both still asleep. Usually, they're both early-risers, but today I was up before them; needless to say, this is VERY rare 😅. I started making pancakes, something that I'd been talking about for a while. I cooked us up some blueberry pancakes, and the three of us, Jimmy, Arnie, and me, sat out on the back porch and started feasting on blueberry pancakes, banana slices, peanut butter, and Canadian maple syrup. Uncle Mitch came over from next door, and I offered him dinner pancakes; he said, no, that he'd just eaten. I got him a plate, and threw a pancake on it. After he finished the pancake, he grabbed a second one! All morning, those three were doing their best American accents talking about American pancakes 🤣 I love when they do their American accents!
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After breakfast, Jimmy asked me to join him on some missions. I ALWAYS say yes to Jimmy's missions. I got in his car, and we ran a few errands. We got back home at noon, and he got a call from his work, saying that he had the afternoon off too! We went on some more missions. We bought some plants for Jimmy's vegetable garden at the local Bunnings (New Zealand's Home Depot). I planted all his plants in his vegetable garden and watered them. Hopefully they do okay.
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Jimmy's really excited for Maddie to watch the garden grow. Jimmy had a bunch of chicken sausages, and I cooked those up for us. The three of us ate lunch together on the back porch.
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Jimmy and I grabbed swimmies and towels and got in Jimmy's car for more missions. Jimmy had a bunch more errands to run, but eventually wanted to end up in south Auckland to go to the Chinese new year festival at the manakau sports bowl. I don't really know what I'm getting into whenever I volunteer to go on missions with Jimmy. He's got a plan, but I know what that plan is maybe 50% of the time 😅. We went to Judge's Bay and Orekei and walked around there. Jimmy showed me a couple places he likes to go to relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
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We went to Joshy's house to drop off some petrol. We said hi to Joshy and Essence and the doggos, Nala, Tahi, and Ace. But we didn't stay long.
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We drove to Jimmy's work to park the car, and Elise was there waiting when we arrived. The three of us caught a bus from Jimmy's work to the Chinese new year festival. We walked around and took photos of the intricate lanterns.
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Jimmy bought a box of 40 donuts that we all snacked on. After spending a good long while there, we headed back to the bus stop. We waited for the bus for close to an hour, but it never came! So we got an Uber back to Jimmy's work. I drove Jimmy's car and Elise drove her car back to my house. Elise had coordinated and arranged to have sole use of the Keddle House, a cabin inside her regional park that people can't rent out. Usually, to reserve the Keddle House, one has to put in for it six months in advance, but because Elise is a park ranger, she was able to snag it for a couple days (there was a last-minute cancellation). In New Zealand, they call a beach house like the Keddle House a "bach." At my flat in Henderson, we grabbed some blankets and some clothes, and then we drove to Anawhata, to the Keddle house. When we got to the Keddle house, it was already very late. But, YOLO, so we walked all the way down to the beach. Immediately upon arriving at the beach, we saw a shooting star. That's three walks to the beach with Elise, and we saw a shooting star each time. We howled at the full moon. We sunk our feet into the soft sand and enjoyed the magic of the night.
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We walked back up to the bach and passed out.
I'm grateful for Jimmy. I'm grateful for his friendship, for his positivity, for his trust, and for his kindness. I'm grateful to go on missions with him and to help him with his vegetable garden because I know he's always looking after me too. Getting to help him plant his vegetable garden is an easy way to reciprocate and show my love and gratitude. I'm grateful for Elise. I'm grateful for her organizing and coordinating us staying at the bach!
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