#Yokai watch Headcannons
yokaiblog · 8 months
glares "discreetly" at your sailor cuties merch
with my autistic eyes
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daticklishwhissu · 9 months
So uhh I've been finally thinking about this, and I finally did it. I finally make some tickle headcanons for Whisper 2040 so here's some I headcanon of them
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Whisper 2040
Mostly ticklish on his stomach, ears, tail, and underarms
Squirms but easy to grab
Weak against Feathers and Raspberries
Junior and Michi mostly takes advantage and playfully teases him
Still is a feather sensitive boi
As a Ler he playfully tickles his victims
Tickles Junior but most of the time he gets tickled back
Michi and Him Secretly tickle each other
Avoids tickle fights
Boops can affect him as well
He mostly squeals when he gets tickled
And yeah, that's technically it since I couldn't think more about what this guy would do when he gets tickled. So hope you guys enjoy this.
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cozymoko · 1 year
Wait you write for Kamisama kiss??? OMG Tomoe's been my crush for years 😭 omg if it's okay with you then can I have general yandere headcannons about everyone's favourite fox boy?? 🌕 Anon
Note: I also love Tomoe. Btw this might suck because I'm bad at general anything.
Pronouns used: feminine, she/her (for convenience)
WARNING(S): yandere themes, slightly suggestive
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Possessive, Manipulative, Violent (to others)
AS A ROUGUE YOKAI, pledging his loyalty to others never truly appealed to him; to a woman nonetheless. Being a formidable demon never called for such requirements.
You were feisty, pointing the round end of your broom in his direction. You knew not of who was there, yokai or human but you feigned confidence. The trembling of your hands gave it away, you were scared as one would be. “Who's there?”
The pale moonlight peeked through the few windows lining the walls, carefully calling attention to your features. You were easy on the eyes and yet so hard to look at. Your eyes were glassy and narrowed into thin slits. Your legs shook violently in anticipation for him to reveal himself as you hugged the broom flush against your chest. Such a look didn't suit you.
Having mercy on you, he decided to cut his fun a little short.
As one does, Tomoe made his way to a brothel which he was fairly acquainted with. All in a pitiful attempt to find solace amongst the predatory gazes of the women occupying it. But alas, he could not. With every look upon their faces twisted into one that mimicked your own. Captivating and seemingly kind, tempting him to reach out and touch it.
Tomoe is no fool. His emotions are evident, terribly so. He longs for a human woman and there's no need to deny it. Your image has been engraved in his memory down to every last detail. Women who were not you could no longer soothe his mind as they appeared lackluster in comparison.
Thus, he sought after you. In the middle of the night, he was whisked away by the chilly wind in search of the woman. Your scent was heavy on his mind, leading him back to the small cabin you resided in. His footsteps were night, almost silent as he entered your home, searching for you.
To his luck, there you were. Rolled up in a cotton futon, lulled by the chirps of noisy crickets. Yes, he's decided; You are his and no one else's. Tomoe isn't one for sharing and he'll make sure you're aware.
Akura-ou was quick to find out about your existence, which was a pain within itself. He would toy with you just to get under Tomoe's skin. It's not every day you get to see your moody "counterpart" fall so hard for someone, let alone a human. Anyhow, those who've tormented you weren't as fortunate as Akura-ou, serving a far more unpleasant demise for their actions.
If not for you, Tomoe wouldn't hesitate to massacre every man who looks your way. Having good-looking women by his side is nothing he isn't used to, yet, you are different. As his woman, he wouldn't want someone to so much as breathe the same air as you. The mere thought renders him ill.
Although, if you ask him not to he'll try his best to listen to your wishes. Keyword: try. He would never want to upset you, oh not at all! However he's only "human", even he has his limits.
No matter how he may terrify you, running is NOT an option. You will never be too far from his grasp. As long as his heart is beating, no one will ever have his heart. The fox demon is a bit too eager to show how he got his reputation in the Yokai world. As his other half, why don't you sit down and watch for a while?
“Foolish girl, when will you finally understand that your efforts are futile? Your cries may pain me but if I must tie you down to keep you. Then I shall.”
Loyal, Overprotective, Posessive
BEFORE HE MET YOU HE WAS A YOKAI, drowning in a pit of endless grief. Though not a powerful God, you held enough power to help the lost kitsune. You, determined to save him, kissed him and made Tomoe you familiar. For that, he was forever grateful.
Sure his bloodlust has been soothed over the decades, but it doesn't cease to exist. However, betrayal has never crossed his mind. His loyalty to you runs deeper than the blood that courses through veins. He is bound to you for life and he will serve you until greeted by death's embrace
He still finds you to be a subpar God in nearly every aspect. You were so uncool and lame as you lacked elegance, lazy in comparison to many, and awfully forgetful. But it made you even more charming. Tomoe found himself growing fond of your minor habits, though still trying to push healthier ones upon you, they were sweet, or even cute dare he say.
If you so choose, you can touch his ears. What can I say, the thought has plagued his mind more times than he cares to admit. Intimacy with you is not exactly scarce, you dot on the fox quite a bit, however, he yearns for more of your attention, your time. Being your familiar for some years has honestly built up his confidence. (There was no way in hell he'd ask you that and earlier than now.)
You cannot have another familiar, not a chance. Tomoe will burn them to the ground if they even try to kiss you. If you've had familiars before him, fuck them. They can die for all he cares. All you have to do is ask and he will gladly do the honors. (He knows you won't, unfortunately)
No male familiars are permitted to sleep by your side, except him of course. He must retain his superiority somehow. Allowing them to see you so vulnerable is not an option.
For you, he'd do an ything if it's within his power. As long as it doesn't put you or your reputation in danger that is.
“You reek of that wretched Tengu, must you always converse with such lowlives, mistress? If my company is not to your liking please allow me to fix myself. I am your loyal familiar and you should know I'm also the best.”
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Overwatch Masterlist
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Jesse Mccree
Naga Jesse
Scary Movies + Male S/o
Werewolf Jesse
S/o always making him Food for when he returns 
Soft life HC
“Miss Honeys Escape Attempt” BEFORE
Male Dinner worker Teasing Mccree
Curvy S/o trying to lose weigh
“Miss Honey Escape Attempt” AFTER
S/o avoiding Jesse cause he shares the same name as their brother
Stalking a ex-MMA fighter
Animal Tamer S/o threatening Mccree with a Tiger
Attempting to poison Mccree
Stripper S/o
Harpy S/o broke her wing
Cuddly S/o
Tsundere Smol Chubby S/o
S/os got a fat ass
S/o with separation anxiety
Flustered Touch starved S/o
Gender neutral S/o not feeling good about their appearance  
S/o refusing to wear glasses cause they dont want to look at their captor
Sensitive s/o who crys alot
Dealing with S/os stalker
S/o trying to kill themselves with jesses gun when he threatens them
S/o whos good at the Knife game
Happy drunk S/o
Soft headcannons
Threatening jesse with his own gun
Cheering jesse up after a stressful day
Painting his weapon
S/o whos prone to accidents 
S/o screams “dad dont hurt me” when jesse attempts to kidnap them
Overwatch S/o who works with seduction and espionage 
claustrophobic s/o
Asking Jesse out on a date
Mermaid S/o
Confident s/o who gets flustered when they compliment them
Autistic S/o who stimms alot
Genji flirting with Mccrees S/o
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Hanzo Shimada
Finding out S/os Pregnant
Witnessing Genjis Murder
Healer S/o
Punk/Goth S/o
S/o getting a nosebleed from watching Hanzo workout
Too Pure for this world S/o
S/o who can Heal with a kiss
Naga Hanzo
S/o whos Protective of Naga Hanzo
Naga S/o
Someone else taking advantage and leaving S/o to die
Creep trying to look underneath S/os Skirt
‘Stupid’ S/p
Vampire Hanzo with a S/o who faints when bloods taken
S/o with Chaotic Energy
Vampire Hanzo w/ Vampire Hunter S/o
People pleaser S/o ends up hurting themselves
Expressing affection in other ways besides cuddling
Dragon S/o
Finding Drunk S/o in a casino
S/o wearing a Choker with his name on it
Yandere S/o coming up to his door covered in blood
S/o whos fine with Yandere Tendencies 
S/o uncomfortable around her family
S/o begging for Mcdonalds
Dragons HC
Attractive yet Oblivious S/o
Sneaky S/o Surprise hugging him
Comforting S/o after failing a test
S/o terrified from something theyve seen
Sneaky S/o Surprising him, ends up moaning
Stopping from S/os rival sabatoging their Ice Skating Preformance
S/os scared of bugs
S/o caring everyone but themselves 
Expert insulting s/o
S/o threatening to kill the man who stole their dog
Poly Han/Jess with a S/o who threatens those who try to court them 
touch starved hesitant S/o
Naga S/o saying “snakes dont have a gag reflex”
Captive S/o refusing to take medicine for their migraine 
Insomniac S/o having to cuddle hanzo to fall alseep
Goblin S/o
Comforting Hanzo after a bad day
S/o dressing as the opposite gender to trick people
Smol S/o who wants to be crushed by hanzo
S/o getting ready to fight cause they heard genji on the roof
Dragons biting hanzo when he tries to touch S/o
S/o whos pregnant with triplets 
Bodybuilder s/o
After sex cuddles 
S/o who already has a kid
S/o whos hazy with little to no sleep
Homeless S/o who making their living off of street performances 
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Genji Shimada
Scared S/o will get hurt during a mission
Pissed off S/o
Gore + Torture TW
Vampire Genji
Silly S/o who could Surprise gengi
S/o making a book all about their love for him
Crush falling asleep on his lap
Comforting S/o out of their previous relationship
S/os whos dramatic for attention
Sticking a dozen valentines stickers on his metal body
Blind S/o
Yokai S/o
Washed up Mermaid S/o
Curvy Confident S/o 
Getting a weapon maker S/o attention
Cute S/o who attracts bugs and scary animals
Sharpshooter s/o joining overwatch just to spend more time with genji
Unpredictable angry s/o
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Petite S/o
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Clingy S/o
Sick S/o
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Werewolf Reaper
Werewolf + Vampire Hybrid Reaper
House wife S/o
Waitress Crush
Scary movies
Halloween Date
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‘Big Dumbass Energy’ S/o
Werewolf S/o who turns out to transform into a puppy
Medic s/o
Overwatch receptionist S/o
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Advancing towards a Enemy S/o
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Spoiling S/o
Poly mercy/sombra w/ defiant s/o
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S/o that works with Moria
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Poly mercy/sombra w/ defiant s/o 
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Pro gamer crush taking her #1 spot
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Headcannons (female reader)
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Soldier 76
S/o wearing a lolita dress (male reader)
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Ana Amari
“Isn’t this better―you not fighting me for once?”
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Poly Mchanzo
Poly Han/Jess with a S/o who threatens those who try to court them 
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Jesse Mccree
Spanking S/o and having them wear lingerie 
S/o whos embarrassed cause theyre quick to cum 
Orgasm control & Mirror Kink w/ Male S/o 
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Getting handsy in a store out of jealousy NS FW-ish
Getting hanzo to wear lingerie 
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Loving her muscles NS FW
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opossumloverr · 1 year
Could you do a headcannon with the Rise Boys with a Seal Yokai reader? I wonder how each would react to it?
The Mad Dogs reaction to a Seal Yokai reader!
None! Fluff
FIRST ASK OF THE SEASON EVERYBODY YEEHAWW, I love seals so much they're so cute, if only it wasn't illegal to own them 😓 (Gender-neutral reader!)
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You're so god damn CUTE
He definitely watches those cute animals compilations on YouTube, so when he saw you, he is in AWE
He cannot get his eyes off you
Please please PLEASE let him cuddle with you, PLEASE that's all he wants
I don't know if seals actually do this in real life but, he'll gladly watch you balance things on your nose
OH MY GOSH! And if you can do tricks, popcorn in hand with a beverage to wash it all down, you don't mind putting on a little show for ol'Raphie, right?
"Encore!" Raph squealed as he started rapidly clapping his hands together, "That was amazing [NAME]!"
"Raph all I did was balance a ball on my nose for 10 seconds"
"And those were the best 10 seconds of my life"
He loves anything that you do
Praises you anytime he gets, just look at you! you deserve it!
I live laugh love this giant man
He thinks you're so silly
A silly little goober
He watches those seal stimboards on TikTok unironically 💀
He will 'boop' your nose, you can't avoid it, it's a cannon event
And if you do that little thing that seals do where they retract their whole head into their neck when he does it, you just dug yourself a grave out of embarrassment cause he will NOT stop bringing that up
"Leo, for the last time shut up!" You yelled at the red-eared slider that was currently getting on your last nerve,
"Aw, cmon! you can't deny it, you looked adorable!" He replied, "I swear you'll be the first yokai to ever kill someone with their cuteness"
Teases you and calls you every cringey name in the book
Y'know how baby seals are called 'pups' yeah, he will call you pup on a daily basis (Leo at this point leave, I'm holding the door open for you)
Likes making you mad or flustered just so he can see your reaction ♡
You're adorable, hope you know that
Gives you lots of pats with his robot-arms ♡
Will probably research a lot about your species and what they like so he can accommodate them
Seals are actually pretty smart, so uh take that as you will
Likes to lay down on you sometimes while he rants about his day or some project he's working on, not his fault you feel like a cushion
Likes to watch your tail move, not in a weird way its just, fascinating, the way it moves so smoothly is so satisfying
"Donnie? Don-tron? Earth to Bootyyyshaker9000?" You've noticed how he wasn't paying any attention to anything you've been saying for the past 5 minutes, you looked at his face and followed his eyes to where/what he was looking at, oh! It was your tail, you lifted your tail up to wave it in front of his face, that seemed to snap him out of it,
"Oh! my apologies, carry on, [NAME]" He said sheepishly, you just hummed and continued
He also likes the texture of it and will sometimes graze his fingers on your tail
He just wants to pet you all over
I feel like Mikey is a HUGE animal lover so if you let him pet you, he's over the moon
Plays with your fins sometimes
Likes to squish your face together, he can't help it! you're too cute!
Since seals do eat small marine life, he will cook you a bunch of seafood (seafood boil)
Likes to stare into your eyes, they're so big and shiny, it's kinda hypnotic
Small little giggles leak through your mouth as you stare into Mikey's eyes, not blinking at all, "Mike? You good?" You asked but all you got was a 'hmm' for a response, your eyes subconsciously moved from his,
"Hey hey hey! what are you looking at? bring those cute eyes back on mine!" He pouted, and you laughed,
"Oh, so you like my eyes? how sweet"
"Yep! And I would very much like it if you don't break my gaze, thank you very much!"
I'm so normal about him guys, TRASTYFDTUFYFYUDFIYDIGU
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THIS IS WAYY SHORTED THAN HOW I USUALLY WRITE THINGS, SORRY! I'm trying to get my gears going, thank you for the request! Keep them coming guys! but at a reasonable rate pls 🙏🏾
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coff33notforme · 2 years
Saw your ask was open so could I request how each rise boi would react to gn dinosaur yokia reader ? Like say allosaurus or spino . And maybe how they would bond with the reader ? Also hope your having a good day and love your writing btw.
A/n: DUDE I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH, also thank you for the compliant! This can be read as Romantic or Platonic really whatever you want to read it as.
Genre: Headcannons, Fluff, Crack
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He and his brothers had bumped into you in the hidden city 
There was a street market being held downtown and they happened to come across your booth
Donnie was absolutely ecstatic when he saw you! 
Though he tries to play it cool you don’t miss the way his eye light up when he sees you
Be prepared to answer a flood of questions
He's already a super curious person so naturally he has a ton of questions for you 
Do forgive him if he accidentally oversteps some boundaries, he just gets caught u in his excitement  
Donnie's seen ton of different mutants in the hidden city and even just mutants like meat sweats that tend to keep around New York
But he’s never seen any kind of Dinosaur mutant
So naturally he’s pretty stoked 
He wants to study you and learn all about you in his lab which yes he realizes that sounds very incriminating, but it's for science 
He won’t do anything your uncomfortable with though 
But after having you around for so long he’ll start to grow attached to you 
He’ll genuinely enjoy having you around which isn’t something he’ll ever tell you face to face 
Likes to have you test his latest inventions and help him out with experiments
Though ‘helping’ out will just be you sitting off to the sides and watching him work while occasionally handing him things 
Eventually he'll trust you enough to actually help him out with experiments and get involved
Likes to invite you over late at night so he’ll have company while hes working on a project 
Leo came across you while on his way to the basketball court
None of his brothers were interested in being beaten by him him basketball ad having him rub it in their faces, so Leo was off on his own 
He was originally planning on practicing some dribbling on his own since he couldn't really play against anyone
That was until he met you
He was you playing on the court and he has to admit he was impressed by your skills
You were quick and you seemed to be able to dribble flawlessly easily keeping up speed as you ran
You were already pretty tall so that probably gave you an advantage anyways 
Leo was determined to play you if he could win against someone that fast and twice his size than it would totally justify his bragging
So you know he walks up to you all smug asking if you wanted to play him in a couple of rounds 
Long story short Leo got his ass whooped by you 
But he actually took it surprising well 
He was already impressed with your skills before but dudes pretty much whipped at this point
So after hanging out with you for a couple of hours he invited you over to the lair hoping to introduce you to his brothers  
Dude loves to skate with you mostly because you fall off a lot ad he gets a laugh out of it and because he can easily show you up when skating 
But also likes to show you all the cool tricks he can do on his board 
He loves to talk to you about all of his comics and even lets you borrow them to read if you ask him nicely 
Was introduced to you by one of his brothers 
He thought it was awesome that you were a dinosaur yokai! 
I feel like Raph had a dinosaur obsessed phase when he was little so he's pretty excited when he first sees you
I mean he wouldn’t have judged you anyway, I mean he’s a mutant turtle after all
Dude would definitely ask you to train when his brothers aren’t in the mood 
Will invite you to workout with him on a regular basis if you're up for it! Really just appreciates having someone to keep him company while he trains
Definitely admires how strong you are and would ask you for tips on how to get that strong
Offers you some tips as well if you asked him as well
Asks you to tag along on missions and thinks you make a great addition to the team!
Becomes super protective of you even though you literally tower above him
He knows that you're fully capable of protecting yourself but he can’t help but worry sometimes 
I mean he worries about everyone its just in his nature to be a little overprotective 
Will invite you over for Jupiter Jim movie marathons 
Will also probably ask you some questions about yourself that might be a little too personal but he swears he doesn't ever mean to overstep any boundaries with you he's just curious
You and him definitely have a secret handshake with him
If you thought Donnie was excited wait till you see Mikey
He practically explodes from excitement when he sees you he is all over you in a matter of seconds 
Thinks you look really cool, and instantly asks you to model so he can draw you 
Loves to draw all sorts of weird stuff and you just so happen to be the perfect kind of weird for a drawing of his
Of course he gives it to you when he's finished it’s kind of like a peace offering 
Will invite to over to stay the night very often
Will make pillow forts with you and watch Baxter stock boy’s horror videos he needs someone to cling to while he shakes in fear
Please don’t ever show him a real horror movie poor boy would cease to exist even if it's  really badly made like the first jaws movie
It doesn't matter he’ll get paranoid about evil sharks for weeks 
Likes to cook with you 
If you don’t know how, that’s okay! Mikey can teach you after all he's been cooking for his brothers all of these years 
If you’d rather just watch that's fine, he’ll even make something especially for you 
Loves making sweets for you just to see your reaction 
Doesn't ever really get compliments about his cooking skills so it means a lot when you do give him praise 
Another one who will share his comics with you if you ask him
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numbuh900 · 4 months
Codename kids next door headcannons
Numbuh 19th Century's real name is "Albert Lewis"
The Galactic Kids Next Door have tried making a bootleg omnitrix watch.
The boyfriend helmet technology was made by the GKND, and the Galactic Kids Next Door supreme leader uses it's tech to mind control their operatives.
Father and Grandfather's powers stem from their emotions via their hatred of kids, and going with my "The GKND are mind controlled by its supreme leader headcannon" the brainwashing amplified Nigel's dislike for adults all the way up to 11 which activated his powers.
The previous leader of the GKND was actually a fair and kind and powerful alien that's the pure reason the KND exists at all, they gave kids the knowledge and skills to defend themselves so that the universe can be safe for kids.
If they were to learn about what the current leader has done to the organization, they'd be heartbroken.
In the middle ages, the KND treehouses looked more fantasy based and whimsical, like something you'd see in a fairy tale.
When the KND travel through space, they meet a pair of alien adult hero's that are a parody of Wander and Sylvia, the galactic kids next door can't stand them due to them annoying the crap out of their operatives and evacuating planets scheduled for decommissioning.
Numbuh Three has alot of knowledge about yokai (Japanese supernatural creatures)
Numbuh Five and Cree's older brother lives in France, and they mail letters to each other all the time.
Numbuh Two's Dad is a fighter pilot in the military
Numbuh One's Mother's name is "Olivia"
Numbuh Ten's real name is "Ashley"
Bonus round: KND Multiverse headcannons
Theres a knd sector in the TROLLS universe, and they battle villains in music battles
Kid Cosmic is an honorary operative after his encounter with Numbuh 362. They get along well like siblings. Numbuh 363 doesn't like The Kid a lot, but Kid tries to be really friendly with him and even gets him to calm down whenever he gets mad.
Numbuh Five is a powerpuff girls fan, she's even a honorary powerpuff girl and in return she made Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup honorary operatives.
The Gravity Falls Kids Next Door aren't as hostile towards teenagers like most operatives, In fact, they get along with Wendy and her freinds greatly.
The Bikini Bottom KND don't have much of a problem with SpongeBob and Patrick since they don't view them as typical adults. They also really like Sandy Cheeks as she supplies them with her technology. They're neutral with Squidward. They don't have a high opinion on Mr.Krabs after hearing about that "Krabby Land" scam he pulled.
When Mac and Bloo joined the Kids Next Door, they've been rescuing abandoned imaginary friends or freinds that are being mistreated by adults. Lots of KND operatives have even been going to Foster's to adopt their own imaginary friends, and they've been happy with them ever since.
Timmy Turner, Chester, and AJ joined the KND, Timmy supplies his sector and other sectors with magical 2x4 technology. Everyone is baffled on how he managed to get the mysterious energy source for them.
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Headcannon of Dib x Kitsune!reader? A Kitsune is a yokai monster of a fox with nine-tails
I adore mythology and kitsunes are one of my favorites! Did you know that kitsunes are known to be trouble makers? Perfect for dib.
Dib Membrane x Kitsune!reader
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★Kitsunes are naturally curious and have a love for mischief, which partners well with Dibs love for paranormal investigations. He doesn't even need to ask if you want to come because he already knows the answer is yes.
★ Dib loves to watch you transform into different things, such as animals and people. It's one of the things he finds most interesting about you.
★He really likes it when you're in fox form and decide to lay in his lap. He gives you lots of attention (head pats and gentle strokes) He refuses to get up and sometimes the two of you fall asleep like that.
★His Dad doesn't believe that your a kitsunes. Big surprise, Gaz just doesn't care. The only one who does is Zim who ironically, tries to expose you to the world to get revenge on dib.
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red-rover-au · 1 year
Do you have any headcannons or cute stories of the Poison Eaterz turtle tots? Did Huggin and Munnin babysit them?
I'm just thinking it might be nice to think about that when the rest of the story inevitably breaks me.
I dont have it in me to draw anything but
They LOVED pretending to be pokemon trainers!!! "Draxum naming them after colors is so impersonal those aren't real names yada yada" respectfully I direct you towards little Purple, Orange and Red walking around the hidden city with toy pokeballs and pretending everyone they meet is a pokemon. Absolute nuisances from day one. And you KNOW that Red was super smug about being the only one with a canon trainer name, no way in hell he didn't constantly point at the manga pages and go "ME, im the best trainer!"
Mikey figured out he was gay at like 5 yrs old because Draxum (also gay) was watching his yokai soap operas and Mikey wandered in. Not much of an event or story but it firmly happened in my mind lmao
I think during their infancy and into their early toddler stages, Draxum still didn't recognize that they were developing like human children and saw them as soldiers/weapons. So when Draxum was out he kept the infant turtles in cages like the other exotic creatures, but when they reached toddler stage and started having behavioral issues, Draxum tried to change up their environment. Started letting them wander the lab, immediately had to childproof all the outlets when Leo grabbed a fork, and from there Draxum started taking them with him to learn about the outside world/hidden city. He had them with him most of the time to see how they reacted to different situations/environments. Once he finally realized they were more like human children than yokai children, that's when he left them with Huginn and Muninn more often. So.... short answer.... yes they eventually babysat the turtles dhssjbd 😂
I also have the story of when they started calling their trio the Poison Eaterz but i haven't decided if that's gonna make it into the fic yet so for now i keep it secret
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Can you do a platonic Yandere big mama
Normally I don't do Yanderes, but considering this is my first request, and her personality is kinda Yandere, I WILL! ALSO THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING! Also, I can't tell if you mean Headcannons, or like an actual one shot, so I will do Headcannons, if you preferred a short story, then you can ask again and I will write it!
Warnings: mentions of yandere tendencies, kidnapping mentions (not to the reader), mentions of spiders, and Big Mama being Big Mama
~🕷️Yandere Platonic! Big Mama 🕷️~
She absolutely loves your company, and often times will request that you sit with her to watch her Battle Nexus
Gives you cute little nicknames like "sugar plum," "my little jitter bug" and other things, some people think it's romantic, but you know she only means it as friends 😊
Often will chose little matching outfits with you to wear when she has to present herself at her Battle Nexus, she can't expect the both of you not to be dressed your absolute best you know?
She can spot you out of any crowd
Often times she can have a tinsy winsy bit of a jealousy problem when others try to hang out with you
Often times bringing an exuse up or calling you over so you can spend more time with her
If she ever figures out that someone is insulting you or hurting you...guess who just got kidnapped and added to her Battle Nexus! And you get front row seats 😊
Often times has her little hench men watching over you to make sure no one hurts you
Over time, you start to pick up on her speaking habits and start to accidentally say "fizzy winkle," "fantastical," "Doodly do," ect. She finds this absolutely adorable and giggles about it when you don't realize what you said
Will often drink tea with you when you talk about your day with her
Tried to teach you how to walk in heels like her, and you almost fell, you both laughed
If you have glasses, she switched glasses with you one day out of bordem and you both laughed because your glasses look funny on her and her glasses look funny on you
She enjoys long walks with you because you two get to talk
She feels comfortable enough around you, that she'll just casually turn her cloaking broach off around you, sure it freaked you out at first, but over time, you got used to her around you
(as seen by her and past Lou Jitsu watching movies together in the series) She loves sitting on the couch and watching movies and series with you, she doesn't care what series or movie it is, as long as you have popcorn and jammies on, she's good
Once you saw her eat a bug Infront of you, and it spooked the shit out of you, now she does it just to mess with you
Although she doesn't have a liking for humans, sometimes when you bring her back a human food, or tell her about a human tradition or something, she fascinated about it, not because of the thing itself, she's fascinated about how much you care about this thing
She enjoys you ranting about whatever, she just enjoys being around you in general, so anything you talk about fascinates her, she could listen to you talk for hours
Sometimes she'll just lean next to you and complain about some person she had to deal with at the Battle Nexus or at her hotel and you like to listen to her while you sit next to her
While you share facts about humans to her, she likes to share facts and history about Yokai as well, teaching you about how long their history expanded, their customs, and their traditions
Whenever she's upset or frustrated, her henchmen/butler's often run to you because they know you're the only one who can calm her down
She enjoys going to places and dancing with you, spinning and dancing to the music is one her favorite things, so sharing it with you, and even dancing with you brightens her entire week.
She enjoys running her fingers through your hair, she even finds herself doing it without thinking, and she always has an exuse for it. "Oh! Woopsie Doopsie! There appeared to be something in your hair, but don't you worry, I got it out"
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I hope you enjoyed this
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suppai-limes · 1 year
Today's silly yokai watch headcannon:
These two are brothers
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AND squeeky is a step brother (I imagine it like a same mom different dad type of thing)
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Why?? Bc he's green instead of blue like his siblings BUT still has similarities with them like the use of maracas and the fact that he's a pre evolution of rawry (and that makes me headcannon that they are brothers or at least some what related)
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daticklishwhissu · 2 years
So a random Yokai Watch tickle Headcanon on Whisper:
Whisper secretly enjoys getting tickled
(He's a Lee Mostly)
His favorite tickle spots are his head whisp, belly, tail, and armpits
Most of the time he likes raspberries, belly kisses, Tickle Bites, Nuzzles, Or usually something soft like a feather or a toothbrush
He only likes getting tickled when it's like his closest friends or his...
Or his *Cough, cough,* Boyfriend *Cough, Cough*
Sometimes when Nate or Jibanyan. isn't around when there's a tickling yo-kai he sometimes taunt it so he can get some attention a little bit. (A bit weird I know it's weird but I can kinda see it)
Like I said he's a feather sensitive boi if a random feather lands on him somehow he would just get giggly and squirmy.
That's kind of it because I just don't know what to put and I'm running out of movation that's why I'm an active here so yeah lol bye
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luvlaw · 2 years
OMG I THOT I LOST THIS DRAFT TOO I ALMOST DIED . if i had a nickel for every time i thot i lost a rottmnt headcannon draft, i’d have 2 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice!
n e ways, here’s miguel headcanons ! he just like me fr !!
in charge of planning allll birthday parties (and all parties they have in general)
is terrified of balloons popping tho
makes the best handmade cards
had a horse girl phase, which bled into a my little pony phase
on a mission to try every specialty pizza at every pizza place in the city so he can properly rank them
actively wakes up for breakfast with splinter (raph usually wakes up second to do some morning training)
it’s already canon but mf can COOK like actually throw down in the kitchen (he a good baker too but his cooking is more his forte)
stuck tonsss of stickers when he was little so the lair is full of randomly placed stickers EVERYWHERE
(in the time of the movie, he’s planning on buying and sticking even MORE stickers in their new lair)
even tho he gets really scared, he likes watching horror movies with his brothers bc leo n donnie can’t help but point out all the ways the movie is bad/corny/goofy which breaks the scary tension and immersion!
like april, he also had a few tik toks of his go viral ! they were art transition videos showing bare walls and then his graffiti art on them
he appreciates all art but loves when art is super expressive and messy the most
loves to cosplay
has a crazy squishmellow collection like he gets one as a gift for every gift giving holiday
his friendship bracelet to april looks like a traditionally braided friendship bracelet that’s orange with alternating white and yellow hearts
he was the first to give april a friendship bracelet and the rest hopped on the bandwagon
types in all lowercase and uses (* ^ ω ^), ٩(◕‿◕。)۶, (⌒‿⌒) emoticons interchangeably with 😂,😎, 😡 emojis and it agitates donnie to no end
has always kept a diary of some sort for as long as he could express feelings <3
CRAZY superstitious, especially when he was younger and his brothers would make up random things to mess with him till it got really bad and they stopped bc they don’t like seeing him so distraught all the time
aka he REFUSES to let anyone split the pole
he can also rap ((this is just an indulgent reference to the VA and Let It Shine muah))
knows how to say a few phrases in a variety of languages (not really fluent in any of them) bc he wants to communicate with the many different yokai in the hidden city!
i take that back, he knows sign language very well !
human headcanon
he’s black, darkskin :D (spolier alert they r all black obvi)
fully the best dressed, don’t play with him bc he keeps up with current trends + experiments constantly, streetwear mixed with maximalism
often stopped in the streets of nyc for those “describe what ur wearing” tik toks
he’s got locs n leo wont leave him alone with “u need a retwist bitch”
raph does his hair but mikey adds the beads n clips n hair cuffs
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just-somehuman · 1 year
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Silly Wanderer header lol
A little about me ~☆
Names I go by: Nemo, Lune or my username on any social platform you find me on (there's a lot)🕺
Gender and sexuality: Female, heterosexual
Religion/faith: Christianity. Denomination: protestant - methodist.
Interests: music, composition, writing, reading, gaming, astronomy, genetic engineering, science in general lol, programming
Instruments I play: piano (11 years), recorder (7 years), saxophone (2 years). The hand drum was my first instrument (11 years ago) but I stopped playing it after I started the piano 😭
Fanfictions I write: Obey Me!, AyakashiRR, AOT, and Genshin fanfictions. They are most commonly angst, however I do have two psychological and supernatural horrors in the works!
Novels I write: I actually have no idea. It's just a variety, I guess. My personal favourite that I've written is a fable (made that one wayyy too dark for a children's story). Currently, I'm writing a science fiction book.
Fandoms I'm actively in ~☆
- Obey Me!
- Obey Me! Nightbringer
- Ayakashi: Romance Reborn
- Genshin Impact
- Honkai Star Rail
- Starry Love
- Legend of the Phoenix
- Tamashi: Rise of Yokai
- MazM: Phantom of the Opera
- My Child Lebensborn
- Mysterious Forum and Seven Rumours
- Matsuro Palette
- Guilty Parade
- Life Gallery
- Project Sekai
- Cat Museum
- Fran Bow
- Iron Lung
- Mr Hopp's Playhouse
- No Players Online
- Sentient
- I also play Roblox btw 💀 I've only been playing Royale High lately though.
- All Over Me (Roblox)
- Jim's Computer (Roblox)
- Attack on Titan
- Himouto! Umaru-Chan
- Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto
- One Punch Man
- Junji Ito Collection
- School Babysitters
- Theater of Darkness: Yamishibai
- The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
- Parasite: The Maxim
- Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
- Kagewani
- Jujutsu Kaisen 0
- Orenchi no Furo Jijou
- I'm currently watching many, but these are all the ones I've finished
Web series:
- The Walten Files
- UrbanSPOOK
- Vita Carnis
- Interface
- Mandela Catalogue/Magazine
- Ashur Gharavi
- brandon works
- Hallo Aus Berlin ❤
Fandoms I'm not actively in ~☆
- Ikemen Vampire
- AFTERL!FE: The Sacred Kaleidoscope
- Midnight Cinderella
- Dangerous Fellows
- Mystic Messenger
- LoveUnholyc (dunno how to spell it 💀)
- Tears of Themis
- Vocaloid
Fandoms I'm interested in ~☆
- Twisted Wonderland
- Sally Face
- Omori
- The Backrooms
- Little Misfortune
- Little Nightmares
- Hazbin Hotel
- Danganronpa
- Undertale
- The Amazing Digital Circus
- Devil May Cry
- Final Fantasy
- Resident Evil
- my eyes deceive
Content I post here ~☆
It's mainly Obey Me! and AyakashiRR, occasionally Genshin Impact or something else. I used to post a lot of AOT, I might get back into that. Anyways, what you can expect to find is:
- In game screenshots and my two cents 💀
- Memes/fake tweets
- Headcannons
- Fanfictions (mainly angst. I don't do NSFW)
- Theories. I theorise and over-analyse a lot 💀
- My rambling and ranting about random stuff 🤡
- Sometimes there's just completely random stuff that is completely out of place but whatever
Other stuff I'm interested in ~☆
- Urban legends
- Paranormal stuff
- Internet mysteries
- True crime
- So you know Nexpo, Snarled's "Something Scary" volumes, Leminio, and the Infographics Show's serial killer videos? Yeah, that. All of that.
This is just a summary of stuff. I've probably missed a lot since I'm focusing on not burning the brownies I have in the oven right now (it's my first time baking 💀) and I just wrote off the top of my head.
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nessandaus · 2 years
OK. Katie AU. I know it's all over the fandom. But I have not seen any of your headcannons.
Going to rise from the dead to answer these 
I prefer the necklace/zipper watch that we see in the first timeline, so we keep that over a wristwatch. It’s actually kinda neat to see it worn that way, and as someone who wears a watch, the clunkiness of the yokai watch has to be uncomfortable
Kate befriends Whisper and Jibanyan of course, but her companions are consistently cute. She probably lets the beloved Komasan and Komajiro stay in her house as well.
I think it would be funny if Kate also befriends Manjimutt, more so because she hits him upside the head when he’s creepy, and because unlike Nate, she takes responsibility for him much better. Probably convinces her parents using yokai that he’s their weird furry uncle or something.
Kate’s grandmother ancestor used a wheelchair when she discovered the yokai. As a young child, she was injured, and when she’s 12 and discovers the yokai, she had been in a chair for several years. Her yokai friends helped take care of her throughout life.
Kate’s grandfather is alive and he enjoys telling Kate stories about his amazing wife who bounced her wheelchair through his life with dazzling magic. He enjoys talking with his granddaughter especially after she gets back from the past and reveals she has been hanging with yokai. 
Kate tells her parents but they don’t believe her, though strange things have been happening around the house. Plus the weird furry uncle who visits and smells like Sake. 
Kate likely tells Nate when they start dating, and while Nate takes awhile to come around to the idea, Yokai is an easier explanation than “Kate’s uncle is an alcoholic furry that lives in an actual doghouse”. 
Kate’s Whisper is both more competent than Nates, but also more of a mess. He can find the information quickly, but he acts far far more stupid outside of his Ipad skills. 
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Could we get some cute family head canons of Adrian, Quincy and there daughter? Maybe also some of Shinryu and Kuya and their twins?
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((So something for these guys? I can think of some for you anon. <3))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
~~Cute family time headcannons with Adrian, quincy and their baby bat Lisa/ Shinryu and Kuya with their twin kits Artemis and Apollo~~
~~First family: Quincy and Adrian with their baby bat Lisa~~
*Adrian and Quincy has spoiled their little baby bat Lisa so much from the day she was born to now. Her room is covered with all her favorite plushies even three main ones her papas got her. They were the first ones they bought for little Lisa.
*She's always spends time with her papas from taking little naps with Quincy while he held her in his arms watching his little forest flower sleep. He's even made her a cute little flower bracelet while she was always blushing.
*While for Adrian, he's always reading her stories and spending time with her. Always brushing her hair while leaving a blood ruby hair pin for her with the cute red bows. He loves showing how adorable she is.
*At the young age, the family loves taking group naps together but makes sure Topper is always included since he tends to sleep with Lisa and protect her just as much.
*Theirs been times her magic is shown and well as her essence but the two have always been there to help her deal with first signs. So far, she's doing very well in it.
~~Second family: Kuya and Shinryu with their twins Artemis and Apollo~~
*Shinryu always spends time with his twin babies while happily loving them. He tends to see the two just spending time with either parent. Even with Kuya showing the twins a lot of being a Yokai. Same with their sembalance and toxic flames.
*He tends to always spoil his babies no matter what but he always enjoys loving them. However, he's super protective of the kids. If one was rude, insulting them, or tries to hurt/kill them Shinryu makes sure their taken care of but the kids don't see what he does.
*Kuya and Shinryu tends to spoil their little princess Artemis and prince Apollo who seems to really enjoy hearing stories from the parents. The twins always gets cuddles while sleeping with their papa who uses his tail to hold them. Theirs been times Shinryu sees the two hugging his long black soft wolf tail and falls to sleep. It's that soft just like with Kuya's own.
*Kuya would see Shinryu knitting many things for the twins even their own blankets to take naps or have. They love them very much and has taken care of them since. He's even made one for him and Kuya to cuddle/snuggle with. Their tails wrapped around each other like holding hands.
*The twins are always together and nothing will separate them. Shinryu always would hold the two in his arms while they are happily smiling and look out. They have days just sitting with their papas thinking of a great future for them later down the road.
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