#Yoo Jae Yi is THE favourite
teafiend · 1 year
I came to Beyond Evil with biased eyes, and surprisingly, despite how amazing the show was, from the cast/performances, characters, writing, plot/twists, cinematography/visuals and a few of its OST tracks, those biases were still at work, and the show did not manage to engage my tears and/emotions as anticipated. Besides my personal biases at work, I think the intense plot/twists were quite a bit of a distraction in terms of emotional investment (for me). I was on my metaphorical toes in terms of who could be involved, and was hesitant to pick favourites until at least more than halfway through the show. While the first half was fantastic in its twists, I could enjoy the second half more, when it was much clearer what’s up and it was more about the journey towards the ending.
(A rewatch would likely result in more emotional investment in the characters and show, but am mostly interested in my rare pair fanvids from the show at the moment).
I was watching the final leg of “Nobody Knows” while marathoning BE, and while BE is undoubtedly the superior production and show, I find myself “liking” Nobody more than BE at times. (NK is a great show too but from more “objective lenses”, BE is certainly on a “higher level”). Just goes to show that being able to invest in a favourite character(s) made for a very different viewing experience. And I prefer that NK had more slow, quiet character moments which were not upended by another twist, unlike BE. The pacing for the plot twists in both shows were solid but the turns in BE had more urgency, which made for better suspense and thrills, locking in interest for more. As a thriller/mystery, BE truly aced in the writing and direction, but I simply preferred NK for its periodic small, calm moments.
In a way, I would say BE is similar to “Nirvana in Fire” for me. A magnificent story/production/show with memorable characters, performances and writing, but could only at most engage my mind and a minor part of my heart, not consume it.
Perhaps I felt some of the dramatic scenes in BE were made for the shock/twisty factor, so the “melodrama” felt more forced to me. I know these type of scenes and effect work with many people, just unfortunate that I don’t often derive much emotional poignancy from them. Often, they just felt cheesy. This is less a criticism of the choices taken by the show than an indictment of my own preferences. (Or maybe I just have less tears for shows like these nowadays).
Shows like “Signal” and “When the Camellia Blooms” were major tearjerkers (heavy blues for a period too) for me, while “Missing”, “Nobody Knows” and “Beyond Evil” were quite mid. I expect the shows were also written and produced/shot with certain desirable emotional effects in mind, and certain elements resonated more with me than others, through no fault of the writing, characters and/or performances.
Despite my own feelings - or lack thereof - for these particular shows, there are no doubts that all are fantastic productions worthy of the time spent on them. With regards to BE, while I didn’t “feel” the hype, I certainly did get why it received the praises it did. The storyline, performances/characters etc were quite mind-blowing, and the twist and turns kept me glued to the screen even when I found some of the interactions between the characters a tiny tad tedious.
As for the finale, I definitely enjoyed Nobody’s more than BE because NK gave more time for a satisfactory peace at the end for its main protagonist (and side characters). BE did show a satisfactory “epilogue” of sorts too, but I wished it was a bit longer.
Could not deny that “climatic scenes” don’t work their magic all that much on me nowadays either, but that’s really a me problem. After all, even the much touted climax for “The Guest” (a favourite) did not resonate with me as much as the small, mundane character moments did (which I have rewatched numerous times vs the ending). Most significantly, I suppose, is the much more pronounced bias I have with shows nowadays. Men-fest, their pain/conflicts and “bromance” bore me to no end, unfortunately, and I would venture to say that that was likely the biggest problem with NiF and BE for me, in terms of emotional receptivity. Without that few outstanding - and beloved female characters - in both shows, i.e. Consort Jing and Yoo Jae Yi (and the few others), they would not have managed to engage a part of my heart.
Hence the reason for my “preference” for Nobody Knows. Cha Young Jin has all my love and following her journey of justice and “healing” was satisfying. Yoo Jae Yi (and a lesser extent Oh Ji Hwa) captured my attention and emotions in BE, but they are not the main characters, resulting in little emotional engagement. All the characters in both shows were memorable and fascinating, but you simply love who you love.
All said, Nobody Knows and Beyond Evil were both amazing shows deserving of their accolades, and I was very glad to have completed both (in time to welcome 2023).
(Looking forward to a few days of fangirling and simping over Cha Young Jin and Yoo Jae Yi ❤️‍🔥⭐️)
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sarangkstars · 2 years
Short Kdramas/Drama Special/Web Drama
Part 2
These short kdramas fit in nicely when my drama capacity is challenging. Since some of you may experience a similar drama challenge, I thought I'd share these kdramas with you.
Part 1 here
Check Out The Event
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Ha Song Yi (Bang Min Ah) and Park Do Kyum (Kwon Hwa Woon) broke up after five years of dating. It wasn't what she wanted, but he is determined and doesn't intend to explain his reasons very well. Meanwhile, Song Yi ends up winning a promotion that the two signed up for together while they were dating, worth an all-expenses-paid trip to Jeju Island. Not to miss the opportunity, she asks Do Kyum to accompany her, and, surprisingly, he accepts.
This is a short drama, with only four episodes and wonderful cinematography. A melodrama with a touch of comedy. All this with the beautiful landscapes of Jeju in the background.
It tries to pass on an interesting message, especially with regard to communication in relationships.
You Drive me Crazy
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Eun-Sung (Lee Yoo-Young) works as a French interpreter. She is friends with Rae-Wan (Kim Sun-Ho). They have been friends for 8 years, since they were both college students. One night they sleep together and their relationship is never the same again.
It is a short and amazing drama. In my opinion, what made this simple story so beautiful is the impeccable chemistry between the protagonists. I know it's a pretty beaten plot, friends/lovers, but what's different about this one is that the protagonist is very unpredictable and conquers in a unique way. It's really funny to watch their relationship develop. She really drives him crazy.
One of my favourite short stories.
Page Turner
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It is a three-part KBS Drama Special starring Kim So-hyun, Ji Soo and Shin Jae-ha. It tells the story of a piano prodigy Yoon Yoo-seul who goes blind after a car accident, and struggles to get her life back together with the help of Jung Cha-sik, an aspiring pianist and Seo Jin-mok, her former rival who later becomes a supporter.
This one is so good too. Again, I feel like watching more episodes because we need more time with them. I wanted to know more about their dreams and their achievements. And that's the only cons of this drama.
Quick shout out for the mums. Yoo Seul’s mom (Ye Ji Won) and Cha Sik’s mom (Hwang Young Hee). I loved them.
The Taste of Curry
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Another KBS Drama Special. The curry restaurant "Cat's Restaurant" is run by Yu-Mi (Jeon Hye-Bin). She doesn't have many customers and one day, the restaurant is vandalized. Yu-Mi knocks down a suspect with her groceries and he passes out. When he wakes up, the guy (Hyun Woo) is unable to remember his own name. Until he regains his memory, the man helps out at Yu-Mi's restaurant.
This drama is about finding mutual healing and is quite sweet and emotional. Hyun Woo is a very charming and talented actor who proves here that he definitely deserves a leading role of his own.
If We Were a Season
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It tells the story of Hye Rim (Chae Soo Bin) and Gi Seok (Jang Dong Yoon) who was born on the same day and grew up together being close friends. Their friendship is genuine and it looks like it will lead into a deeper relationship but then, one day Dong Kyeong (Jung Jin Young) came to their school and shake Hye Rim's world.
At only an hour long, I think this show did a solid job of telling its story. A quick highlight for the positives: Hye Rim and Gi Seok are adorable together. The way they bicker and tease each other and how they care about each other. Jung Jin Young, as the destabilizer of this relationship looks great, with those perfect features and charming smile.
The ending is open-ended and bittersweet but leaves with the hope that there is more to come, that there will be a new beginning.
Individualist Ms. Ji Young
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Yeong has lived her whole life as an individualist. One day, she meets a man who is a totally opposite version of her. He lives for other people. Then these two very different people fall in love.
This is a cute romance between two people of polar opposites who change for the better after they meet. Even though it's only a two hour Show, the development of the story is well accomplished and the characters are very well constructed.
Min Hyo Rin is talented and the role is perfect for her, while Gong Myung...is such a sweet puppy and I can't imagine another actor in the role.
The Hymn of Death
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The Hymn of Death tells the true story of Yun Sim-deok (Shin Hye-sun), Korea's first professional soprano singer, and her romance with playwright Kim U-jin (Lee Jong-suk). There are six half-hour episodes.
I don't really like dramas with unhappy endings but knowing it was a true story and knowing I would get to see two actors I love, I thoroughly enjoyed this drama. And of course Shin Hye-sun and Lee Jong-suk were perfect.
Kiss Goblin
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12 episodes of 15 min. Ban Sook (Bae In Hyuk) is a 160-year-old goblin who wants to become human above all else. But to do so he must assume human form and kiss 10 different women to acquire different emotions.
I mainly got into this show because I liked some gifs I saw and found Bae In Hyuk quite attractive as a goblin. Bansuk is unnatural at first but becomes warmer, sweeter and more dreamy from the sixth episode onwards and I really loved it.
One of my favourite tropes is the forced closeness by living under the same roof, so I was quite pleased when Bansuk started living in Yeon Ah's flat and found the hyper-awareness parts quite delicious.
One Sunny Day
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This drama is 2 hours long and is about Kim Ji-ho (So Ji-sub), a heartbroken man who goes to Jeju Island for work and meets this girl (Kim Ji-won) several times. They both get robbed and have to sleep in the same guest house. While staying on Jeju Island, she heals his broken heart and they fall in love.
It's a very sweet story although simple and restrained but I loved this little drama mainly because it had my beloved So Ji Sub as the lead actor.
Plus it's a drama that shows the wonderful island of Jeju in a way I've never seen it before in any show.
You Are Closer Than I Think
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On their wedding day, a bride leaves a text message to the groom and she goes on their honeymoon alone. The groom tries to find his bride and learns something about her that he never expected. My review here.
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drivingsideways · 3 years
Hey talk to me about your top three favourite kdrama women. What makes them special? What's a fic you would like to write about any one of them?
Mystery anon! :D What a lovely ask. 
I’m going to cheat a bit and divide my answer into characters I loved a lot, but do not want to write fic about, because I think the canon gives me what I need; and characters that I loved a lot but NEED TO BE RESCUED ZOMG.  (My fic writing impulses are 50% spite and 50% fix-it )
Caveat being that I’ve still watched only maybe a dozen kdramas, so I’m pretty limited in my knowledge!
Characters that I love a lot, but have very zero fic impulses toward:
Han Yeo-jin from Stranger/Secret Forest: What a delight! What an iconique character! Is there anyone like her? NO. LSY-nim gives us a delightfully complex character, and Bae Doona knocks it out of the park in every single scene, so I’m just happy to be along for the ride. I think what makes Yeo-jin special for me is the intrinsic place of empathy that she operates from.  I think “righteous” is a word that often comes with negative connotations (self-righteous, for eg), but I do think she’s one of the most righteous-in-the-good-way characters I’ve watched in kdrama or any drama. I’m tired of stories that portray goodness as “boring” , as unworthy of narrative breadth or depth, and I love that Han Yeo-jin comes to us like a breath of fresh air in our particular dystopian narratives hellscape. She’s good, but never naive. She’s righteous but never cruel in her moral certainties.  I think that LSY nim, in the second season especially, gave Yeo-jin the kind of arc that character deserved when she’s forced to really dig deep into herself to figure out how she’s going to live in the world in the face of a deeply cutting, deeply personal disillusionment, and I’m really hoping for an S3 to see how that plays out further. 
Goo Hae-ryung from Rookie Historian: Ok, I will admit this may be rose tinted glasses view due to this show being my gateway drug into kdrama, but c’mon! She’s a reader! and a Thinker! And loves her wine! She’s plucky! She’s cute! She’s got a wry sense of humour! She’s got principles! She’s got a solid common sense to her that somehow doesn’t get in the way of her dreaming BIG! Oh dear, doesn’t she sound like the Mary-est of Mary Sues? Good for her.gif,  I say! Anyways, Shin Se-kyung is unutterably charming in this (AS IN EVERY SHOW OMG GIRL) and I just have a huge fondness for free-spirited heroines who get to tramp through the narrative changing the world as they do! 
Lee Ji-an from My Ahjussi: I’ve never had my heart broken more OR restored by any single character. IU is *phenomenal * in this, I think she really stepped up to what the script demanded from her. Ji-an’s weariness, her fear and vulnerability, her prickliness, her anger and her bitterness, and how, despite everything, she fights : GOD. Just. Again, what I love about the writing in this show is that it’s deeply empathetic without being cloyingly sentimental. I think a less, hmm, imaginative writer/PD might have focused on the Lee Ji-an the victim, and while the show definitely tells you in no uncertain terms that she is one,  of both circumstances and a cruel society, I think it refuses to take away her agency over her own life.(Lee Ji-an when we meet her is too busy hanging onto life by tooth and claw to indulge in self-pity, but we also see the toll it takes on her not to be able to say “this is too heavy a burden for me to carry myself and it isn’t my fault”; the show I think approaches Dong-hoon from the opposite side- his emotional isolation is partly a result of his own choices, but he doesn’t see it yet, and so his journey is also about letting people in and sharing the burden, but also recovering his own agency over his life. It’s an interestingly gender-bent arc, which is one of the things I love about this show. )
Ok, can I please add one more?
Hwang Han-joo from Melo is my Nature: She just felt SO real to me. She’s someone who doesn’t have the spectacular brilliance of either Jin-joo or Eun-jung, and struggles with accepting her limitations but not allowing herself to be defeated by them? I love her struggles as a mother, as a working woman in a sexist industry, a woman who’s perhaps having to rethink and reimagine what she wants from romance. I love that she’s a little silly, a lot kind, and an optimist, and just. I just think she’s the bravest of the three, tbh, and I LOVE HER AND I WOULD WATCH A SPIN OFF ABOUT JUST HER (i shouldn’t have faves among the three i know, BUT I DO, IT’S HER, IT’S HER.)
Ok! On to the next section! And I’m going to cheat again because I can’t stop at three. SORRY. NOT SORRY. 
Characters I love and SHOULD write fic for if I weren’t such a tired and lazy bunny:  
Song Sa-hui from Rookie Historian: Oh, girl, girl, GIRL. I love how she fights to snatch her freedom from the jaws of the patriarchy. I love that she unapologetically centers herself while doing that, because she knows that nobody else will.  I love that she’s prickly and calculating. I love that she’s smart and knowledgeable. I am SO HAPPY that she got to carve out a little bit of freedom for herself, even if it also is exile to some degree. She *should * be Emperor Jin’s Prime Minister and steering the ship of state, while also carrying on a tumultous affair with Queen Min Woo-hee, while ALSO commiserating with Emperor Jin about his boyfriend Historian Min Woo-won’s regrettable tendency towards Principles (TM) and masochism-but-not-in-the-fun-way. (This takes up much of his time which is why Song Sa-hui is running the country, of course. It works out well for all concerned, well, except her dad, of course.)
Song Ga-gyeong from Search:WWW: What’s NOT to love about our brilliant, beautiful, emotionally tortured gay icon? Nothing, absolutely nothing. I loved how the show allowed her to be flawed and make bad decisions, and then allowed her to make better decisions and regain control of her life. What I do need to do, of course, is see the CANON LOVE STORY between her and Cha Hyeon through to the end. It must, of course, include at least one baseball game, a lot of tequila and messy beach kisses. 
Oh Ji-hwa from Beyond Evil: Oh boy, this year’s runaway hit cleared the extremely low bar for standard crime/ thriller shows by leaving more than one of its female characters breathing and with all limbs intact, and got called feminist for it BUT it didn’t do justice to any of them in any meaningful way and that never hurt more than in the way they sidelined Kim Shin-rok’s talent by not giving Oh Ji-hwa anything much to do. She’s a tough as nails cop, a loving sister, a devoted but unsentimental friend-and by rights SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE HEROINE OF THIS SHOW. My secret fic fantasy is to rewrite the show entirely by making her , and the two other female characters in non-antagonist roles- Yoo Jae-yi and Im Sun-nyeo- as the central characters, as they investigate a serial killer who targets women.  It’s the only acceptable version of this done-to-death (ha!) genre, I have no idea what the Baeksang jury and tumblr fandom is smoking when they hype the show so much, I want none of it. 
Jung Sun-ah from The Devil Judge: I love her rage, her spite, her passionate defense of women, her style, her sexiness, her rage, her rage, her brilliance, her tenaciousness, her smartness, her clothes, her refusal to hate herself for everything she is and chooses to be, her ambition, her comfort wielding power, her EVERYTHING. Dead, her? NOT IF I HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT. Here’s what *really * happened at the end of canon- she gets out of the building by planting that lady-like but still deadly gun against Kang Yo-han’s temple and making him lead her through his own “secret escape route” or whatever the fuck it was the show wanted us to believe. From there on out, it’s all sunshine and beaches, and scheming and waiting for the right moment to strike again-though of course, this time around, she also has to reckon with vigilant, tenacious cop Soo-hyun -another character who REALLY didn’t die for manpain reasons and had the good sense to leave her gay best friend to follow his psychopath boyfriend to Switzerland or wherever it is that star crossed lovers in kdrama land meet up on the regs these days- anyways, Soo-hyun and her are in this catch-me-if-you-can epic transnational honest and cute cop-and-beautiful sexy villain chase and yes, they WILL kiss (and more) AND IT WILL BE GLORIOUS. 
*whew *
Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk.
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angelsarts · 5 years
Hey I'm sorry to ask, but do you have updates for korean dramas? I can't find the link to your old one but also maybe some newer suggestions? (It's okay if you don't!)
It’s cool, I can do a new one! These are all in the order that I watched them in!
1. Coffee Prince ( A great choice for a first k-drama)
Choi Han-gyul is the grandson of chairwoman Bang of Dong-in Foods, a company that has a thriving coffee business. He has never had a job and does not care for responsibility. Han-gyul is hung up on his first love, Han Yoo-joo, who only sees him as a friend. Go Eun-chan is a 24-year-old tomboy who is often mistaken for a guy. Her father died when she was 16 years old and since then she has taken over as the breadwinner in her family. When Han-kyul and Eun-chan meet, he, not knowing that she is a girl, decides to hire her to pretend to be his gay lover so that he can escape the blind dates arranged by his grandmother. 
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2. Cinderella with four knights
Eun Ha Won is a bright college student who dreams of becoming a teacher. Unfortunately, she loses her mother in a tragic accident, moves in with a cruel stepmother, and has no money for her education. One day, she helps an old man and as fate would have it, moves into a gorgeous mansion with three equally gorgeous men, who also happen to be billionaire cousins and heirs to the Kang family fortune. Between the rebel-minded loner Kang Ji Woon, playboy money machine Kang Hyun Min and the super-sweet singer Kang Seo Woo, Eun Ha Won finds herself in the middle of the hottest love quadrangle to ever befall a modern fairy tale princess. Rounding out the mansion’s chaebol lifestyle are Lee Yoon Sung, who serves as the cousins’ handsome bodyguard, and Park Hye Ji, a gorgeous girl who has her own interests in the Kang family and is not above manipulating one cousin to get closer to another.
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3. Bride of the century
Taeyang Group is the largest conglomerate in South Korea. The Choi family who runs Taeyang has supposedly been under a curse for a hundred years that the first bride of the eldest son will always die. When the wealthy heiress Jang Yi-kyung disappears right before her wedding to chaebol heir Choi Kang-joo , Na Doo-rim , a lookalike impostor, is brought in to take her place. Unlike the cold and calculating Yi-kyung, Doo-rim is sweet and sunny, and Kang-joo genuinely falls in love with her. As the wedding plans progress, Kang-joo and Yi-kyung’s mothers both scheme and plot behind the scenes will the romance gets more complicated with the secret of not being the real Jang Yu-kyung.
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4. Strong woman Do Bong Soon
Do Bong-soon was born with superhuman strength. Her strength is hereditary and passed along only to the women in her family. Her dream is to create a video game with herself as the main character. She desperately wants to become a delicate and elegant woman, which is the ideal type of her crush, In Guk-doo, a police officer. Thanks to her strength, she gets a job as bodyguard to rich heir Ahn Min-hyuk, the CEO of a gaming company, Ainsoft. In contrast to Guk-doo, Min-hyuk is an eccentric man who is playful, a little spoiled, has no regard for rules, and dislikes policemen. He has recently received anonymous threats and has even been stalked, leading him to hire Bong-soon as his bodyguard after seeing her beat up a bunch of men after they threatened an old man who was an elementary school bus driver. A series of kidnapping cases soon happen in Dobong-dong, the district Bong-soon lives in, and she is determined to catch the culprit, who targeted her best friend. With help and training from Min-hyuk, she manages to control her strength to use it for good causes. Min-hyuk and Bong-soon find their relationship growing into something more.
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5. My secret romance
Jin-wook and Yoo-mi meet at a Gangwon-do resort and get caught up in a series of misunderstandings and accidents. Yoo-mi is there to attend her mother’s second wedding while Jin-wook is there working as a bellhop (a position given to him by his Chairman father to teach him responsibility.) Yoo-mi is charmed by Jin-wook’s sly and playful personality, and they unexpectedly spend the night together. However, Yoo-mi disappears in the morning, leaving Jin-wook feeling perplexed and insulted. Three years later, the two meet again when Yoo-mi becomes a nutritionist at the company cafeteria where Jin-wook works. It seems that once a playboy Jin-wook, has given up his carefree life and works at the company owned by his father. He has feelings for Yoo-mi and has kept her bra-pad as a memory of the night that they spent together. At first, he is strict toward her, though it is only because he is looking for reasons to be near her. He later confesses this to her and agrees to wait for her.
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6. Scarlet heart ryeo ( One of my all time favourites) 
During a total solar eclipse, a 25-year-old 21st-century woman, Go Ha-jin, is transported back in time to the Goryeo Dynasty. She wakes up in the year of 941 in the body of Hae Soo, among the many royal princes of the ruling Wang family. She initially falls in love with the gentle and warm-hearted 8th Prince Wang Wook, and later Wang So, the fearsome 4th Prince who hides his face behind a mask and is given the derogatory label of “wolf dog.” As the story develops, Hae Soo finds herself unwittingly caught between the rivalry and politics among the princes over the fight for the throne, an she stay alive long enough for a happy ending?
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7. Falling for innocence
Min Ho is a cold-blooded corporate raider who takes no prisoners. He is a scoundrel investment banker for Gold Investment, seemingly the world’s largest financial service firm. As a cynical, self-defensive, suspicious sociopath, he wears down people with his tenacity and takes advantage of them with his delusions of grandeur. However, Min Ho has his own story of how he became evil - it was because of his uncle’s betrayal. His father was overthrown by his uncle and it caused his family to hit bottom. As Min Ho vows to get revenge, he meets Soon Jung, the daughter of his father’s former secretary who betrayed him and whom now works for his uncle. One day, he has a heart attack and is taken to a hospital. He miraculously survives his heart attack after undergoing a heart transplant. His heart is actually from Dong Wook, a young detective and Soon Jung’s fiancé who suffered from brain damage from a mysterious car accident. After receiving a new life thanks to the new heart, he is no longer the cold and callous person that he has been and undergoes a profound change to his personality, talking differently and warming up people. But he still pursues his plan to get revenge on his uncle even though his emotions get in the way at times. He gradually learns the meaning of happiness when he finds Soon Jung, whom he wants to cherish and protect. His heart becomes tender and his eyes swell with tears when as he works with her. He falls in love with her without realising it.
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8. The bride of Habaek / the water god
When the narcissistic water god Ha-baek visits earth in order to find three stones powerful enough to help him claim his throne, he seeks out the help of his servant and destined bride, psychiatrist So-ah, whose family is fated to serve the water god for generations. The problem is that she has no belief in the gods and initially mistakes him for suffering from delusions. Things get even stranger when the wind god Bi-ryeom, the water goddess Mu-ra, and the semi-god Hu-ye show up to complicate things
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9. Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo
Kim Bok-Joo is a promising collegiate female weightlifter. Her father runs a small chicken restaurant and her uncle wants to become an actor. She has a bright personality and strong sense of justice. Kim Bok-Joo and her friends on the female weightlifting team are not popular with the guys and they don��t have boyfriends. The weightlifting team and the rhythmic gymnastic team also don’t get along at all. Meanwhile, Jung Joon-Hyung is a collegiate swimmer plagued with numerous false start disqualifications. He is 21-years-old and has a free spirit. His uncle and aunt raised him along with his cousin Jung Jae-Yi. One day on campus, Kim Bok-Joo bumps into Jung Joon-Hyung while he is riding his bicycle. Her face looks familiar to Jung Joon-Hyung. After he leaves, Kim Bok-Joo picks up a handkerchief left behind by Jung Joon-Hyung. The handkerchief is very important to him and he begins looking for it. Later, Kim Bok-Joo cleans and irons the handkerchief. She goes to the school’s swimming pool and gives back his handkerchief, but he explodes with anger when he sees that she cleaned it. Kim Bok-Joo then falls into the swimming pool and Jung Joon-Hyung jumps into the pool to save her. At that moment, Kim Bok-Joo and Jung Joon-Hyung realize where they have seen each other before. When they were both children, Kim Bok-Joo saved Jung Joon-Hyung’s life by catching him before he fell to the ground.What happens now they know each other?
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10. I’m not a robot
Kim Min-kyu lives an isolated life due to a severe allergy to other people. He develops extreme rashes that rapidly spread throughout his body once he makes any form of skin contact. Jo Ji-ah is a woman who is trying to make it in life by creating her own businesses. Kim Min-kyu who owns the KM Financial company which owns Santa Maria team headed by professor Hong Baek-kyun. Professor Hong’s team has created a humanoid robot called Aji 3 which looks like his ex-girlfriend Jo Ji-ah. CEO of KM Financial, Kang Ki-young, and his father try to sell the Santa Maria team to foreign investor, Martin, who secretly knows about the Aji 3 and wants to use it as a weapon. Hong Baek-kyun sends the robot to Kim Min-kyu to convince him not to sell the team. Before Aji 3 is delivered, the robot’s body is accidentally damaged. Hong Baek-kyun approaches Jo Ji-ah, asking her to pose as the robot, giving the team time to repair Aji 3. Jo Ji-ah agrees, and impersonates the robot under the supervision of the Santa Maria team and the robot’s computer brain, can she survive without being caught out?
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11. Goblin / Guardian the lonely and great
Kim Shin is a goblin and protector of souls. He is the landlord of the grim reaper, who is in charge of taking deceased souls. Wanting to end his immortal life, Shin has been looking for his human bride, the only person who can end his life. Meanwhile, Ji Eun-tak is a high school student who remains optimistic despite the tragedies and difficulties she has experienced in her life. She summons the goblin by chance, and through various encounters, ends up falling in love with him. Sunny is a chicken restaurant owner, whose beauty is undeniable, but what has she got to do with the goblin and reaper? These four characters’ lives took a series of twists and turns when they intertwined.
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12. Terius behind me (Another favourite!)
Go Ae-Rin suddenly loses her husband left to take care of her two children on her own. A mysterious man, Kim Bon, that lives next door ends up getting tangled into their lives. Kim Bon is a legendary NIS agent and 3 years ago, he was involved in a failed secret operation and the woman he loved died. He has since become disconnected with the world and lives alone quietly but that soon changes as he helps his neighbor Go Ae-Rin with her children and uncover a conspiracy, which her husband became involved with all the while trying to keep his secrets by the nosy neighbours in the building.
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13. 100 days my prince 
Lee Yool is the Crown Prince of Joseon, a perfectionist who disregards the majority of those in the royal palace and appears to be cold and demanding, when in reality, he is lonely. He then passes the law that all women must marry before they reach the age of 28. Hong Shim is head of the first detective agency in Joseon, a strong, intelligent figure who takes on multiple jobs to support herself and her father. She is also the oldest unmarried woman in her village, and begins to look for a husband to avoid trouble from law officials. In an attempted assassination, Lee Yool develops temporary amnesia and wanders around aimlessly as a commoner with no name or identity, until he meets none other than Hong Shim, who takes him under her care. Hong Shim is then forced to marry Won Deuk to save her village from drought, due to beliefs in that era where natural disasters are a result of an unmarried woman’s misery. This drama depicts how the love story of Hong Shim, ‘Joseon’s oldest unmarried woman’ and Lee Yool, the amnesiac Crown Prince, develops over the span of 100 days.
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14. My ID is Gangnam beauty
Kang Mi-rae decides to get plastic surgery after years of being bullied because of her looks. Her “rebirth” seems successful at first, but as her life at the university unfolds, her plan starts to backfire. The pressure of being a “pretty girl” begins to pressure her and, worse, those who can see through her surgery ridicule her and tag her as the “Gangnam plastic surgery monster.” The drama follows Mi-rae’s story of recovering self-esteem as she figures out what a two faced friend is and gets to know her coursemate, and former schoolmate in middle school, Do Kyung-seok
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15. The secret life of my secretary 
Do Min-Ik works as a director of the mobile media 1 team at T&T, he’s smart and excellent at his job however he doesn’t like to attach himself to people or his secretary. His secretary is Jung Gal-Hee, a diligent and motivated person that does whatever it takes to keep her job and feed her family. Do Min-Ik often does childish things like calling Jung Gal-Hee continually, Jung Gal-Hee carries out Do Min-Ik’s orders without complaints but though she may look soft, she hides her tough side. The tough side soon comes out as she is fired, much to Do Min-Ik’s regret he soon discovers that he’s going to need her more than ever and discovers a new side to her in the process.
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16. W - Two worlds ( Really recommended!! )
A love story of two people split apart in different worlds connected by a webtoon. The series focuses on the eponymous fictional webtoon entitled W, written and illustrated by its legendary author and illustrator Oh Seong-moo. W became famous in the entire South Korea, the storyline of the webtoon W starts with the younger years of its main character Kang Chul, a handsome and intelligent boy who is also skilled in shooting. He becomes famous as he won a shooting competition during the 2004 Athens Olympics but this fame gets ruined when his entire family was killed by an unknown Murderer, and then framed for it. Another villain Han Cheol-ho  handles the case to gain political popularity, pronouncing in court to impose death penalty upon Kang Chul. Nevertheless, Kang Chul was deemed innocent of the crime. Depressed over losing his family, he attempts to commit suicide over the Han River but he stops himself and chooses to move on with his life.Ten years later, Kang Chul becomes a multimillionaire, starting his “Project W” in his continuous efforts to catch the real culprit behind his family’s death; part of the project is his television broadcasting company dubbed “W,” after the initials of the interrogatives “who” and “why” (hence, the title of the webtoon). One night, he receives a suspicious phone call and gets severely injured by the same mysterious Murderer at the rooftop of his penthouse, only to be saved by a mysterious girl, none other than the authors daughter. How did she get there? Why is she there? How will they become entangled?
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17. My contracted husband Mr Oh
Han Seung-Joo (Uee) is a single woman in her mid 30’s who works as a PD at a broadcasting station. She does well at her job, but is not nearly as good when it comes to housework. Han Seung-Joo has a hard time dealing with social prejudices about single women but still refuses to marry at least until an incident that occurs leading to a dramatic change in her life. She seeks to find a husband thinking it would help her situation but to get the position of a “married woman,” Han Seung-Joo marries Oh Jak-Doo as a contract husband who lives in the mountain that she just happened to own. Their marriage is not based on love, but their relationship develops romantically after several twists and turns.
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18. Marriage contract ( For those who love to cry, seriously heartbreak ahead )
Kang Hye-soo is a single mother who struggles to raise her daughter while paying off her late husband’s debts. Han Ji-hoon is the son of a chaebol who seeks a contract marriage in order to save his mother, who needs a liver transplant. When Hye-soo is diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, she agrees to marry Ji-hoon and donate part of her liver to his mother, in exchange for enough money to provide for her daughter until she reaches adulthood. Han Ji-Hoon is driving along when Hye-Soo is almost hit saving her 7 year old daughter Eun-Seong, He rushes her to the hospital as she faints however while she is being tested the Manager of the restaurant Han Ji-Hoon owns Ho-Joon tells him might be a scam and to make sure she is really hurt. Han Ji-Hoon has Hye-Soo’s phone and receives a call from a mysterious man which turns out to be the debt collector who comes to the hospital after hearing it being said in the background. He chases Hye-Soo when she is leaving, where he almost catches her but she in the end hides in Han Ji-Hoon’s car with Eun-Seong. Han Ji-Hoon’s mother has been rushed to the hospital where they find out that if she doesn’t get a liver transplant she will die but she is way down on the list so Han Ji-Hoon decides to marry a Hye-Soo she agrees so she can pay off her debt and also make sure Eun-Seong has money to grow up on as she gets the results back from when she fainted and she has a brain tumour. Eun-Seong in the beginning doesn’t like Han Ji-Hoon but she warms up to him as the pretend relationship blossoms into something real.
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19. 200 pounds beauty
Han-Na is a very large girl with a warm heart. She also possesses an unbelievable voice. Han-Na wants to become a pop-singer, but due to her extra-large appearance, can only work as a faceless singer. She provides the vocals for a popular singer named Amy, a beautiful young lady that can’t carry a note to save her life.Han-Na is also in love with Amiys music producer, Sang-Joon, but it’s a one-sided love. One day, Han-Na is invited to Sang-Joon’s birthday party and receives a red dress from him to wear to his party. Han-Na is excited, yet scared. The dress is revealing and quite extravagant. With her very large figure, she is not sure if she can wear such an outfit. Han-Na does eventually go to the birthday party in the red dress, but is mortified when petite Amy appears in the same red dress. During the course of the birthday party, Han-Na absorbs more emotional trauma and she simply disappears for one year. Han-Na then returns as the beautiful Jenny, a beautiful stunner who decides to make it on her own in the industry but encounters her once sided love. Will she be a success? Will her feelings get in the way and can she keep the guilt of the consequences of what her change brings?
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20. Takane to Hana ( Japanese )
A tv show adapted from a manga ( that I particularly loved).  After her older sister refuses to go to an arranged marriage meeting with Takane Saibara, the heir to a vast business fortune, high schooler Hana Nonomura agrees to be her stand-in to save face for the family. But what happens when Hana meets Takane is an unexpected pairing of utter opposites! Although it seemed a little rushed at the end it was a nice tv show!
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ouyangzizhensdad · 4 years
K-singers you might not know but hey give them a try maybe
I am boo boo the Fool and here I am to share with you one of the last defense against losing my sanity: music. I’m a big fan of K-indie and K-ballads, because I am basic, but I encourage you to give these artists a chance.
Female artists:
OOHYO: She records many of her songs in both English and Korean, and she has a very interesting sound: Butterchicken (this song is literally so good), Teddy Bear Rises, Honey Tea, Girl Sense, Vineyard, Youth and Dandelion (below)
Punch: I often refer to her in my head as the IU with better technical abilities and cooler songs, which is a little bit mean of me, but sort of deserved. My favourite songs of hers are : Tonight, When Night is Falling, Done for Me and Sometimes.
Rocoberry: She has some great ballads and a really pure-sounding voice: How is your night, Goodbye fall, Always, and the perfect song to listen to to calm down, I.O.U
Heize: She’s pretty well-known, but just in case, some of my favourites: Star (rain ver.), So it ends?, You Clouds Rain, Diary, First Sight and Don’t Know You
Male artists:
Gaho: The literal voice of an angel. Do listen to his live versions, they are amazing, and he does a lot of covers if that’s your jam: Fly (and live), Stay Here, Then, and Wish
Han Dong Geun: This man does the best live versions of songs and he knows how to bring emotions into his interpretation: Crazy, Amazing You,  보통 같으면, I Should but I Won’t, Anniversary and, last but not least, his live version of Undoable
Colde: I’m not really good at describing music, but his mellow songs are great: don’t leave me my love, WA-R-R, String, Scent and You don’t need my love
Vinxen: I’m not sure that he counts as K-indie, but this young dude has some more sensitive songs under his belt: Star (feat. Nell), How do you feel, Yoo Jae Suk,  탓, and Smoke
Jung Jin woo: I am literally feral about “Noise”. Other honorable mentions of his: Nowhere and Satellite
Other honorable mentions:
Night Off’s Sleep (and its delightfully sapphic MV)
Minseo’s delightful cover of Dear Moon
Stella Jang’s Fine Dust
Lee Seungjae’s Far Away Far Place 
Kim Yi Kyung”s Say to Myself 
Crush’s collab with Epik High: Lovedrunk
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Itaewon Class | Thoughts (spoilers)
The finale was kind of mellow, cheesy and bittersweet, but it was enjoyable. This drama was really close to being god-tier, but episodes 14 & 15 really dropped the ball. I already aired my grievances over those issues so I won’t get into that here. Some of my other issues include: 
the direction they chose for Geun Soo’s character (bitch we were rooting for you)
Soo Ah’s sudden redemption arc in the penultimate episode (all of the sudden she’s been collecting dirt on Jangga??)
With that out of the way, let me present you my favourite things from this drama:
Park Sae Ro Yi - our little 🌰, probably one of my favourite male leads like ever?? I adore him for his strength, pride, principles, aspirations, and his philosophy. His best moments were with: his father (I can’t even get into how much I adore their relationship and the way it was written), his interactions and fight with Chairman Jang (talk about a villain, ay), the gang at the pub (❤). 
The story - there were some hiccups along the way, but it was undeniably poignant, beautiful, and emotional.
The parallels between the father-son relationships - on one hand we have the wholesome and positive father-son relationship (Sae Ro Yi and his father), and on the other hand the toxic and downright abusive relationship between Chairman Jang and Geun Won (and kind of Geun Soo). It was interesting to see the influences of the fathers onto the sons.
Chairman Jang - what an antagonist! Ladies and gentlemen, that’s how you do it. One of the best antagonists I’ve seen in recent times. The delusion, the sense of grandeur, hunger for power, manipulation, all masterfully portrayed by Yoo Jae Myung.
The gang at the pub - I’m so soft for Hyun Yi, Tony, and Seung Kwon. Hyun Yi is such an amazing and groundbreaking character for a k-drama, loved her to bits. Tony was criminally underused, just a wholesome character, we stan! Seung Kwon radiates dumbass energy, but I’ve grown to love him, especially in the final episode. 
Yi Seo & Soo Ah - I didn’t always agree with the writers choices, however I did appreciate the fresh take on the leading ladies. Both have done questionable things, but it was nice to not see those typical k-drama female leads. It was a bold choice to make both of them unlikable to a certain degree.
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sweetgirl-haz · 5 years
My Top 10 Kdramas
I was reading @overthinkingkdrama‘s list on her top 10 kdramas thus far and that got me thinking about mine. It’s been a while since I’ve evaluated my favourites and their ranking so thought it’d be interesting to check in. *frantically checks mydramalist completed list*
The problem is that after most dramas, I forget the characters and stories. There are many dramas that I have rated 10/10 right after having watched them many years ago but now I cannot remember what exactly I liked about them. There are some I remember because they’ve been rewatched multiple times. So do I include the ones that I’ve rewatched/are more recent that I remember or the ones from a couple of years ago which I remember enjoying but I’m not really sure why?
Let's start with notable mentions. These are rated 10/10 by me but I couldn’t fit all of them on the list so .....
Notable mention 1: Dear My Friends
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Somewhere after the saeguk phase and before the crime thrillers phase, I was in a slice-of-life phase of kdrama watching. I picked this up during then. There aren't many stories that are focused on the lives of older people. They aren't that well represented in dramaland apart from the sweet/mean grandparents. This was such a heart-warming drama that made me laugh and cry. It was slow paced and probably boring for some but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved the friendships and the relationships between the characters. Their stories were so touching and heartbreaking at times. This drama was very realistic, calming and meaningful. I definitely want to give this a rewatch some time in the future. 
Notable mention 2: Tree With Deep Roots
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A couple of years ago I went through the saeguk phase. I think a particular mindset is needed to watch a saeguk (or 10). You know it's going to be heavy, with multiple characters and intrinsic details. There won't be many fast forwarding opportunities without missing key plot points. This probably explains why I haven't picked up a saeguk in recent years - I cannot commit to it. This show is far from the romance genre, it is a saeguk about Hangul. I remember it being an incredible story with brilliant characters and mix of fiction and history. And with 24 episodes, never once did it get boring. What a performance by Han Seok Kyu! Jang Hyuk and Shin Se Kyung did a wonderful job too, plus there a short performance by Song Joong Ki. Time for a rewatch?
Notable mention 3: The Princess’ Man
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What I vividly remember is me crying whilst watching this drama. I shed too many tears. Too many. The story can be compared to Romeo and Juliet - two people who fall in love in spite of their family's bitter rivalry. I remember it being well written with a balance of romance, drama, action, suspense, friendship, betrayal, war, politics and revenge (the usual mix really). Probably the best work I have seen of Park Si Hoo and Moon Chae Won. They did brilliantly individually and also together. Great chemistry. I wish I remembered more. Writing this list will tempt me to rewatch all of these. Cannot recall specific songs from the OST but I think I have a few in my Spotify Korean OST list.
Notable mention 4: You Who Came From The Stars  
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I think I am the most upset about this not being in the top 10. The reason for it not being in the top 10 is because I did rewatch it a year or two ago and it wasn’t as enjoyable as the first time. 
Shall we start right at the beginning, with the intro. I loved that intro and despite being a serial fast forwarder, I made sure to watch it at the beginning of every episode. This was the first show where I thought the female lead was relatable. Jun Ji Hyun was vulnerable, sweet, goofy, not the smartest in the room and she made Song Yi so real to me. I loved her more than Kim Soo Hyun in this show. I loved the internal/external monologues she would have with herself. As a couple, they had incredible chemistry and remain to be one of my favourite on-screen couples. The story was complete and flowed well. I liked the second male lead and the side characters too. 'My Destiny' by Lyn is still one of my most memorable and most listened to OST. I'm not sure why I didn't enjoy it the second time. Writing this is tempting me to rewatch this gem.
Notable mention 5: Her Private Life
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I have to agree with Deok Mi: Kim Jae Wook is so annoyingly beautiful. 
The female character was particularly relatable to me. I am a fan girl (not to the extent of the character) and a life outside where people don't really know the extent of my fangirlness. This has to be my favourite (truly) rom-com. There are so many things that I loved here, but what made the drama that enjoying were definitely our main leads Sung Deok Mi and Ryan Gold. Park Min Young and Kim Jae Wook's chemistry was so natural. I loved how mature their relationship was - they sorted out all misunderstandings quickly and acted like adults. There was no pointless drama. The leads tried to understand each other and also give the other space. Ryan Gold seems like the ultimate male lead, he has raised those standards even higher. Side note to appreciate Deok Mi's wardrobe. Those pant suits were gorgeous - I wish I could pull them off. I guess there was a lack of real obstacles and conflict. But I liked that for a change.
10. Queen In Hyun’s Man
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The premise was interesting and story was executed really well. A truly romantic drama. The mix of old and modern world was done so well. Yoo In Na and Ji Hyun Woo are absolutely adorable together. Love this show.
9. Bridal Mask
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GAKSITAL! I was raving about this drama to everyone who would listen to me. I think this drama is a masterpiece. The amazing storyline with complex characters, excellent actors, epic cliffhangers, and breathtaking music (that loud/epic tune still rings in my head). The storyline was engaging and each episode always left me wanting more. The story is unique and I love how it explores a different part of history. The friendship and conflict between the two male leads Kangto and Shunji is the heart of this show.
8. Rooftop Prince
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Every time I think about this show, I'm reminded of the comedic and quirky scenes of the characters adjusting to the modern world (post time travel obviously). I like how the stories in the old and modern world are integrated. There is a shift from romantic, light hearted comedy to sad and melodramatic later in the show. The sad scenes were truly heartbreaking. Enjoyable watch, great acting, wonderful OSTs that I still listen to!
7. My Wife is Having an Affair This Week
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Another slice of life drama. I loved how the show explored marriage, relationships, cheating and divorce. It was only 12 episodes so didn't drag at all. The characters are so complex and human and the story is so beautifully written. Song Ji Hyo and Lee Seon Gyun are amazing as the leads, portraying every emotion of a struggling couple from start to finish. You need to go in with an open mind to watch this show.
6. 49 Days
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Everyone has that one show, which isn't brilliant but somehow touched your heart and you love it despite its flaws. This is mine. 49 Days has a unique story and I knew I was going to be crying as I come to love these characters. I did cry, lots. I cried each time I rewatched it. I cried because it was sad and it made me so frustrated that life was so unfair to these characters and they're not going to get the happy ending that they deserve... The writer stayed true to their vision. It wasn't all rainbows and balloons at the end with loopholes to give each character their happy ending. I think I love this show because it really pains me to watch these characters and their lives. I really came to love Jung Il Woo and Lee Yo Won. LOVE the OST.
5. Signal 
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What a story! And the execution of that story. Amazing from start to finish. I can still hear the sound of the walkie-talkies in my head. One of the best crime thrillers I have seen. Cases were well paced. The mystery would leave me at the edge of my seat every time. A couple of the cases were REAL cases, which was terrifying but brilliant. The music was mellow and fit the scenes so well. This show and the ones below were truly an experience. Loved the actors and the acting.
4. Father is Strange
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Ah another phase of my - the family drama/soaps phase. After seeing a couple, I didn't go into this show with high expectations. It has the typical family drama elements: illegitimate son/birth secrets, sick family member, horrible in-laws, evil side character/bully. What made it stand out from the other shows was how the characters dealt with these issues. It wasn't the same as previous shows, the characters were more mature and real and dealt with these issues in a more progressive and refreshing way. The show also touched on issues including parenting, bullying, marriage, career vs pregnancy and societal pressure. I was so invested in everyone's stories and arcs. Lee Yoo Ri though. My favourite character, she made the show for me.
3. Reply 1988
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This is such a nostalgic, true-to-life trip from start to finish.  Reply 1988 exceeded my expectations, after Reply 1997 it was hard not to. What made it stand out from the previous Reply series was the focus on family and friendship instead of the romance. This meant we got to know EACH and every character and feel what they were feeling. The story isn’t fast paced with big ups and downs. It depicts the true day-to-day life, which made it feel even more real. I didn’t expect to cry as much as I did in this drama. And it wasn’t because someone was dying. They were the small acts, unsaid things that truly touched my heart. Junghwan’s and Jung bong’s terrace scene watching stars, Jung bong in the hospital, Bora leaving to go to the hostel, Dong ryong wanted to spend time with his mum, Sun woo’s wedding invitation to Taek’s dad, Bora and Bora’s Dads letters to each other, etc etc. I truly felt like a part of the Ssangmungdong community. Even though I didn’t enjoy the ending, this would be one of my favourite dramas ever. The length of the episodes and the ending has stopped me from rewatching it but every once in a while, I think about how beautiful this drama was.
Also, as an epilogue to the show, everybody should watch Youth Over Flowers: Africa.
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2. Healer
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Ji Chang Wook. That's it. Do we need to say anything else. Solid romance, great story, brilliant action scenes, gripping, wonderful OST, good acting and JI CHANG WOOK. Love this show. Ji Chang Wook. Watch it for him.
1. Age of Youth
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This is such a precious show. I have rewatched it and am planning to watch it again for the nth time. This show really defines slice-of-life. I am sure everyone watching this drama could relate to one of the girls or even just a situation faced by the girls. I was able to relate to different situations and aspects of many of the girls personally and also have seen other friends/family facing similar situations. I was really glad that the plot focused on the girls the most and not the boys. It didn't take a detour. It was consistent. This show touched my heart in the way no other show probably will (for now atleast). The relationships were realistic. The casting was perfect - Age of Youth 2 was great but changing the actor changed the dynamic for me. The music was beautiful - I still loop 'Butterfly' by Sogyumo Acacia Band. I have no complaints or flaws for this show apart from it being too short.
Just realised I've left Forest of Secrets/Stranger out of this list. EURGH let's add that in somewhere.
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If Be Melodramatic carries on the way it doing, it's going to be in my top 10.
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milkbts · 6 years
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♡ Disclaimer  ♡ Words: 3k
My Letterboxd - I rate movies  My TVTime - I rate K-dramas and any series that I watch.
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♡ Context:
A Korean Odyssey (Hwayugi) is a romantic comedy & fantasy tv-series loosely based on the Chinese novel ‘Journey to the West’. 
♡ Main Cast:
Lee Seung-Gi as Son O-Gong, Cha Seung-Won as Woo Whee & Oh Yeon-Seo as Jin Sun-Mi
♡ Description:
The drama is about Son O-Gong and Jin Sun-Mi who meet under strange circumstances. Jin Sun-Mi has been able to see ghosts her entire life. When she was younger, she tried to help a demon king recover a precious artifact but instead, accidentally lets Son O-Gong out from his invisible house in the middle of the woods when he tricks her to do so as only a human can free him. Jin Sun-Mi, a naive child, becomes punished from this by being given the title “Samjang”. Jokes on both of them though as they meet again because of a deal they made long ago, but, you’ll have to see for yourself.  
♡ Ratings: IMDb (8.4/10), MyDramaList (8.4/10)  ♡ My Opinion: 9/10 -This drama was really good actually and I’d recommend it to anyone. (I started watching this with my friend as it’s our favourite pass time at sleepovers - so if you’re looking for a good time, watch this.) -Good acting -The story is good and I never found it slow or boring
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♡ Context:
Age Of Youth (also known as Hello, My Twenties!) is a coming of age and romance drama. 
♡ Main Cast:
Season 1 - Han Ye-Ri as Yoon Jin-Myung, Han Seung-Yeon as Jung Ye-Eun, Park Eun-Bin as Song Ji-Won, Ryu Hwa-Young as Kang Yi-Na & Park Hye-Soo as Yoo Eun-Jae
Season 2 -  Han Ye-Ri as Yoon Jin-Myung, Han Seung-Yeon as Jung Ye-Eun, Park Eun-Bin as Song Ji-Won, Ryu Hwa-Young as Kang Yi-Na (only for special appearance), Ji-Woo as Yoo Eun-Jae & Choi A-Ra as Jo Eun
♡ Description:
Age Of Youth is about five female housemates who live together at the Belle Epoque. While strangers at first, they are able to bond and connect over the traumas they experienced while growing up and face challenges together. There are two seasons and some character changes in the second season.
♡ Ratings: IMBd (8.3/10), MyDramaList (8.8/10)
♡ My Opinion: 7/10 -I did really like Age of Youth and I think it’s a good drama for you to start watching if you are new to dramas.  -I give this drama a 7 out of 10, only because I’ve seen better ones suited towards my tastes. -Good actors but annoying they changed so much
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♡ Context:
Black is a romance, thriller, fantasy, & comedy K-drama. 
♡ Main Cast:
Song Seung-Heon as Black & Han Moo-Gang & Go Ara as Kang Ha-Ram
♡ Description:
Black is the story of a Grim Reaper who is ordered to track down his partner who escaped to the mortal realm. In the process of this, he meets Kang Ha-Ram who can see the shadows of death despite being a mortal woman. This complicates things especially after he finds a case from 20 years ago and falls in love with Ha-Ram in the process. Supernatural rules against involvement in human affairs were meant to be broken, right?
♡ Ratings: IMBd (8.2/10), MyDramaList (8.3/10)
♡ My Opinion: 9/10 -One of my favourite K-Drama’s and I highly recommend this to anyone. -It gets a bit dark at times though so I suggest having a light comedy to watch afterward. -Good actors and they have nice chemistry in my opinion -Story is easy to follow
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♡ Context:
Blood is a rom-com, action & suspense K-drama. 
♡ Main Cast:
Ahn Jae-Hyeon as Park Ji-Sang, Ku Hye-Sun as Yoo Ri-Ta & Ji Jin-Hee as Lee Jae-Wook
♡ Description:
Park Ji Sang is a doctor who works in the best cancer research hospital in the country. He is a great doctor because of his knowledge of the human anatomy and he’s a vampire... Despite him seeming cold and unfeeling, he has a soft heart and has experienced the inner pain of wanting to be close with people but without knowing how. He has very high morals and believes highly in the sanctity of human life so he suppresses his thirst for blood to save human lives; Unfortunately, he isn’t the only vampire and not all of them agree in his way of thinking. Among his colleagues is Yoo Ri Ta, a hotshot physician who entered medical school at the age of only 17 while simultaneously being the niece of the chairman.
♡ Ratings: IMBd (7.1/10), MyDramaList (7.5/10) 
♡ My Opinion: 8/10 -It took me a while to finish this drama but I lose interest quite easily so it isn’t anything to do with the quality of this drama. -My original interest in this drama came from the actress Ku Hye-sun as she was one of the main characters in Boys Over Flowers (next review). -The chemistry between the main actors, Ku Hye-sun and Ahn Jae-Hyun is really good (and they’re married in real life!). -This drama handles romance and everything pretty well however if you’re looking for a drama with a lot of fangirl moments then I suggest something else -(but this did have some good romance moments).
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♡ Context:
Boys Over Flowers is a romance & a very, very dramatic drama.
♡ Main Cast:
Lee Min-Ho as Koo Jun-Pyo, Ku Hye-Seon as Geum Jan-Di, Kim Hyun-Joong as Yun Ji-Hu, Kim Beom as So Lee-Jeong & Kim Jun as Song Woo-Bin.
♡ Description:
At a famous high school for the incredibly rich, this love story is focussed on Geum Jan-di and the members of F4 - a gang of 4 handsome and rich men lead by Gu/Koo Jun-pyo. Jan-di is a poor girl with a poor family. She gets rewarded for a good deed and gets the chance to attend this high school. Here, she meets the infamous F4 group and is joined by Jun-pyo who is a spoiled heir to world-leading conglomerate ‘Shinwa’. Their love story travels from Seoul to New Caledonia to even Macau.
♡ Ratings: IMBd (8.1/10), MyDramaList (8/10)
♡ My Opinion: 8/10 -My friend and I watched this drama together as it’s said to be the OG K-drama, it’s like the orientation to the world of Korean Dramas.  -Many reviews hated it but this drama was fun to scream at when the characters made poor decisions -This made me cry (not surprising as a lot of these have made me cry) but this one is the most memorable to me because of the good times I had watching it; so I recommend this drama to anyone who firsts asks me for K-drama recs.   -Starts off slow but once you get into it you’ll have the time of your life.
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♡ Context: 
Click Your Heart is a mini-series and romance drama.
♡ Main Cast: 
Kwon Mi Na as Mina, Baek Ju Ho as Ju Ho, Kang Cha Ni as Cha Ni, Kim Ro Woon as Ro Woon & Lee Da Won as Lee Da Won.
♡ Description:
Mina is a high-school student who must choose between an athlete, an ‘intellectual’, a ‘loner’ and a dancer. The episodes set these meetings up and you can click an episode that follows on from that - the episode you click is a different guy that she can choose, so you can literally Click Your Heart.
♡ Ratings: IMDb (6.6/10), MyDramaList (7.4/10)
♡ My Opinion: 6/10  -Good if you wanna experience what a k-drama is like -Too short for me and I prefer normal dramas -Quick to watch though -The acting wasn’t that bad
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♡ Context:
Dream Knight is a romance/fantasy drama which centers around friendship.
♡ Main Cast:
Song Ha Yoon as Joo In Hyung & Got 7 - JB (himself), Mark (himself), Park Jin Young (himself), Jackson Wang (himself), BamBam (himself), Kim Yu Gyeom (himself) & Choi Young Jae (himself).
♡ Description:
A young girl called Joo In Hyung who suffers from her past has her life turned around when she unexpectedly meets a group of mysterious men.
♡ Ratings: IMDb (6.8/10), MyDramaList (7.5/10)
♡ My Opinion: 6/10  -Same as Click Your Heart to me honestly -It’s more of a friendship drama and a coming of age drama in my opinion -The acting isn’t too bad -Good for a quick watch & if you are just starting watching dramas and don’t know what genre you like yet 
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♡ Context:
Good Morning Call is a Japanese Drama based on the manga series “Guddo Moningu Koru” by Yue Takasuka. Good Morning Call is a romance, friendship, and coming of age drama.
♡ Main Cast:
Fukuhara Haruka as Yoshikawa Nao & Shiraishi Shunya as Uehara Hisashi
♡ Description:
A young girl called Nao decides to stay behind and live by herself when her parents leave to inherit her grandfather’s farm in the countryside. When she moves into her new apartment, she meets Uehara, a popular- super hot boy who goes to the same school as her. They realize they have both rented the same apartment and when they go to the company it’s unexpectedly closed down and the rent has gone up dramatically. Nao and Uehara decide to live together as flatmates so neither of them has to go home.
♡ Ratings: IMDb (7.9/10), MyDramaList (7.8/10)
♡ My Opinion: 9/10 -One of the first dramas I watched and I really loved it -It’s dramatic, romantic and both actors have good chemistry. -There are now 2 seasons on Netflix & the second season didn’t disappoint. -It had fangirling worthy moments and moments to make you really feel for the characters. -WatCh tHiS 
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♡ Context:
Mischievous Kiss: Love in Tokyo is based on the manga Itazura Na Kiss by Kaoru Tada. Mischievous Kiss is a romantic comedy Japanese drama.
♡ Main Cast:
Yahagi Honoka as Aihara Kotoko, Furukawa Yuki as Irie Naoki & Yamada Yuki as Ikezawa Kinnosuke
♡ Description:
At a high school entrance ceremony, Kotoko falls in love with Naoki whilst he gives a speech. She decides to confess her feelings via love letter. Unfortunately Naoki - a popular boy everyone is in-love with - turns her down saying “I don’t like dumb women.” One day Kotoko’s house is completely damaged by a meteorite and the house will not be re-built for a while, Kotoko’s dad decides to stay with a friend who happens to be Naoki’s father...
♡ Ratings: IMDb (7.9/10), MyDramaList (8.1/10)
♡ My Opinion: 8/10 -One of the first dramas I watched -It has 2 seasons and I liked it because of the build-up in a romance between both characters -Naoki’s character is cold which is literally my favourite kind because I know he's a softie -Kotoko and Naoki have good chemistry & the acting was very good in my opinion -The story was NEVER boring for me, the writers had really fun ways to make the story go along so I applaud them for that & recommend this drama (it’s very dramatic, VERY).
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♡ Context: Noble, My Love is a romantic comedy K-Drama.
♡ Main Cast: 
Sung Hoon as Lee Kang Hoon & Kim Jae Kyung as Cha Yoon Seo
♡ Description: 
Kang Hoon is the CEO of the world’s largest company ‘D.O.L’. One day, he is kidnapped and escapes from his kidnappers but is badly injured. Luckily, he passes out in front of an animal hospital. Yeon Seo (veterinarian) finds him and attends to his wounds.
♡ Ratings: IMDb (7.1/10), MyDramaList (7.9/10)
♡ My Opinion: 7/10 -Most k-dramas have something dark going on behind the love that happens but this drama doesn’t -Many reviews I read were against this drama but my friend and I adored it because of how simple yet entertaining the story-line was. -It has good fluff moments and is good if you don’t like dark subjects in your Korean dramas or tv in general -A good drama to watch after an intense one :)
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♡ Context:
Oh My Ghostess is a romantic comedy with supernatural elements including the food genre.
♡ Main Cast:
Park Bo Young as Na Bong Soon, Kim Seul Gi as Shin Sun Ae, Jo Jung Suk as Kang Seon Woo & Im Joo Hwan as Choi Seong Jae
♡ Description:
Bong-sun is a shy young woman who is possessed by a confident ghost of a lustful virgin. Bong-sun works as an assistant and has a crush on her boss. She makes a deal with the ghost as her grandmother was a shaman so from a young age she has been able to see ghosts. They agree that the ghost will help Bong-sun get her boss’s attention if she helps her pass over to the after-life before her time runs out.
♡ Ratings: IMDb (8.2/10), MyDramaList (/10)
♡ My Opinion: 8/10 -Was difficult for me to get into but I thoroughly enjoyed it -It has cute moments & the acting is great -Basically just watch this 
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♡ Context:
One More Time is a romance and friendship drama (also known as The Day After We Parted)
♡ Main Cast: 
L as Yoo Tak & Yoon So Hee as Da In
♡ Description:
Yoo Tak is the leader and vocalist of an indie band called One More Time. He’s been maintaining the band for around 10 years but they haven’t acheived their dreams yet and aren’t getting any younger. Yoo Tak begins to take for granted his friends and girlfriend but a young grim reaper has something to say about that. She puts him in a time loop and he has to continue living the same day over and over again until he learns what is really important.
♡ Ratings: IMDb (6.8/10), MyDramaList (7.7/10)
♡ My Opinion: 8/10 -I liked the angst and sadness in this and the life lessons in it -The acting was really good -It isn’t boring and it’s quick to watch -The ending confused me but I liked the deeper meaning :)
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♡ Context: 
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (also known as Strong Girl Bong Soon) is an action, comedy, romance & supernatural k-drama
♡ Main Cast: 
Park Bo Young as Do Bong Soon, Park Hyungsik as Ahn Min Hyuk & Ji Soo as In Gook Doo
♡ Description: 
Bong Soon is a young woman who is kind, honest and has superhuman strength... Her family has been gifted Herculean strength from birth to be used for the greater good. If the power is abused it is taken away. While standing up for herself to a group of gang members, Ahn Min Hyuk - who has never trusted the police - witnesses the entire ordeal and asks Bong Soon to be his bodyguard. She agrees and the two fall in love, but the world has different plans in mind for the pair.
♡ Ratings: IMDb (8.3/10), MyDramaList (8.8/10) 
♡ My Opinion: 9.5 -I like the chemistry between the actors in real life AND in the drama. They make a good team. -The balance between all the fluff and romance with the danger is really well done -This is one of my favourite K-drama's  -Watch this Drama if you want clear skin and a new love for yourself
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♡ Context:
Switched is a Japanese supernatural and suspense drama
♡ Main Cast:
Tomita Miu as Umnie Zenko, Kiyohara Kaya as Kohinata Ayumi, Kamiyama Tomohiro as Mizumoto Koushirou & Shigeoka Daiki as Kaga Shunpei
♡ Description:
A suicidal teenage girl swaps bodies with a popular girl in her class - but she has no intention of switching back.
♡ Ratings: IMDb (7.2/10), MyDramaList (8.2/10)
♡ My Opinion: 7/10 -For a drama that isn't suited to my tastes, this one really impressed me. -The acting it takes to be able to pull off a successful bodyswap is extremely difficult and the actresses acting in this drama is immaculate. -This has a lot of angst, considering the suicide references, but is a good drama. -This J-Drama has only been given a 7 out of ten because of the plot (which is still great but not my type) but the acting I'd say is the best here.
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♡ Context:
The Girl Who Sees Scents (also commonly referred to as The Girl Who Sees Smells & based on the webcomic 'Naemsaereul Boneun Sonyeo) is a romantic comedy with supernatural genres.
♡ Main Cast:
Park Yoo Chun as Choi Moo Gak, Shin Se Kyung as Oh Cho Rim & Nam Goong Min as Kwon Jae Hee
♡ Description:
Officer Choi Moo Gak lost his younger sister to a serial killer and lost his ability to taste, smell and feel any pain whatsoever. Oh Cho Rim, the only witness to the murder case, lost her memory but gained the ability to see smells.
♡ Ratings: IMDb (7.3/10), MyDramaList (8.1/10)
♡ My Opinion: 9/10 -Damn actor Nam Goong Min is hot -The serial killer is also a great fucking idea -The acting is decent and the actors have great fluffy moments -This drama was so addicting for me which is why it has such a high rating -I also really appreciated the ending, something that doesn't usually happen with me and dramas. -This is a must watch
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♡ Context:
The Great Seducer (also known as Tempted) is a friendship and romance Melo-k-drama
♡ Main Cast:
Woo Do Hwan as Kwon Si Hyun, Joy as Eun Tae Hee, Moon Ga Young as Choi Soo Hi & Kim Min Jae as Lee Se Joo
♡ Description:
The Great Seducer depicts rich young men and women in their twenties who discover their feelings of love for one another while playing a dangerous bet involved with love. Kwon Si Hyun makes a bet with his friends that he can seduce Eun Tae Hee, who believes that people who are swayed too easily by love are stupid. After Tae Hee meets Si Hyun, her view of love changes and Si Hyun's heart becomes less ice-cold. Secrets become hard to keep as Si Hyun falls deeper in love with Eun Tae Hee.
♡ Ratings: IMDb (7.1/10), MyDramaList (7.6/10)
♡ My Opinion: 10/10 -I LOVE THIS DRAMA SO MUCH OKAY -MY FRIEND AND I STARTED THIS TOGETHER I LOVED IT -THE ACTING IS SO GOOD AND I LOVE WOO DO HWAN AND JOY (red velvet) -Joy's acting has improved a lot and her character is lovely and relatable -The drama is literally my aesthetic and the toxic friend groups and angst of this drama is what I thrive off -Watch. This. You. Cowards. -I could write essays upon essays about this, but tumblr won't allow that...
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leekimdramas · 5 years
3, 4, 5, 6, and 7
3. A popular actor you don’t like
Nam Joo Hyuk is the one probably. I loved him in Weighlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo but Bride Of Habaek destroyed him for me. He’s acting in there was terrible and don’t get me started on the kisses. The Light In Your Eyes did a bit of redeeming but I won’t go to search for his dramas and I look very sceptically if he acts in something.
4. A popular actress you don’t like 
Shin Se Kyung. I don’t wanna see her face in any drama after Bride Of Habaek it’s a big no no for me.
Seo Ye Ji. I watched 4 dramas with her but I didn’t like any of her characters. So, after trying so many dramas with her now I just pass her.
5. An unpopular kdrama trope that you enjoy
I literally I had to look up some drama tropes. Anyway, I found what I like but I’m not sure if it’s really unpopular. It is very cliche but I like how for some reason the couple has to live together and they slowly start to like each other. My favourite one is probably from a Japanese drama Good Morning Call.
6.  A popular pairing that you don’t like
Bong Sang Pil and Ha Jae Yi from Lawless Lawyer. I absolutely hated them together there was no chemistry (there was more chemistry behind the scenes than in actual drama) I still don’t get them and why they became a couple even after reading so many explanations and reviews about this drama.
Hong Ji Hong with Yoo Hye Jung from Doctors. I liked this drama and the stories of the doctors itself but the couple... Just no... There is such a big age gap that I couldn’t go through.
7. A loved character that you didn’t like
I’m not sure how much this character is really loved.
Kim Hye Ja from The Light In Your Eyes. It doesn’t matter how old she was or how old she was supposed to be (that’s so confusing). Anyway, she was very annoying to be and getting on my nerves a lot of times. Her whining, her being childish... Let’s just forget about that character.
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houseofgriffons · 6 years
Ok, so it was quick to review and comment on all Kdramas I’ve watched because I’ve only fully watched 10. I have hover watched 22 in total, but the remaining 12 I’ve only watched halfway or a 3rd of the way.
This can be explained by my very low attention span and also by the fact that I’m a boring person who only likes romance and uses Kdrama to rub my itch for cheesiness. As such I usually stop after the romance gets resolved and at the first signs of the final Drama™. Or the romance wasn’t interesting enough so I just lost interest.
I will then be reviewing the 10 dramas I’ve watched completely, which are all good and that I like otherwise I wouldn’t have watched ‘til the end. Then I’ll give a quick look on the ones I haven’t watched ‘til the end cause you might like them. I’ll also tell which ones I want to watch, and give you some nimes of popular dramas that look kinda cool but probably won’t retain my interest. Also tell you about the 4 korean movies I’ve actually watched rofl
All of that under the cut !
Part 1 : The good (aka. Things I could watch all the way)
Loosely ranked, but the last 5 are my absolute favourites and I wouldn’t really be able to rank them from 1st to 5th. Chief Kim isn’t in there although I love it because it’s not as deep.
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Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo
About a collegiate weightlifting student (Kim Bok Joo, played by Lee Sung Kyung who is ♥ ♥ ♥) and a collegiate swimmer (I only remember two names in that drama, not his lol. The actor is Nam Joo Hyuk and he’s also bae). It’s kind of a slice-of-life show, but it follows their struggle both as athletes and as people. Deals with eating disorders in a pretty underwhelming manner. There’s also my wife in it, Lee Joo Young who plays Bok Joo’s best friend, Sun Ok (the only other name I remember). While it was funny and heartwarming, and the characters were interesting, it was lot of drama on top of drama, and miscommunication and lies are often used as plot devices (it is VERY often the case in kdramas I’ve noticed) and that’s just annoying to me. I basically sped through the last 4 episodes cause I just wanted to be done with it. It was very popular though, and it’sstill a good watch.
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Love in the Moonlight
It starts with my favourite plot: a girl who has to dress up as a man. It also has my least favourite plot point: main guy has a gay scare because he thinks girl he likes is a man. But that’s just me. The heroine dresses up as a guy and finds herself enrolled as a eunuch in the palace, where she starts serving the prince. Shit happens and there’s stuff about rebels and all. I wasn’t really paying attention. I think it’s visually lovely, there lots of beautiful scenes. It also has Kwak Dong Yeon who’s one of my fav. I mean. Get a load of this :
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How was he not the protag ? Anyway, it’s a nice watch but like a lot of other dramas I think it suffers from unbalanced pacing. The change of tone from the last arc compared to the beginning of the show is also kind of disturbing. The thing is, when you start watching a sweet romance thing with light themes you’re not really in the mood for a heavy political/action plotline by the end, you know ? I rushed through the last episodes cause I just didn’t give a crap lol
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Witch’s Court
We’re getting to the good stuff. I didn’t even have to take a break before watching the end of that one !
Yi-Deum is a prosecutor. She’s a selfish and ambitious woman who would do anything to get ahead. But one day she does like one good moral choice and it leads to her being demoted to a new unit which deals in sex crime. As such the show is pretty heavy, but I thought it handled the themes pretty well. She becomes partnered with a newbie who’s a former psychologist. Her mom also disappeared when she was like 16 so that’s something.
Although there are overarching plots, it’s usually a one cas per episode/2 episodes type of deal, which I think helps to keep a balanced pace, while not undermining character developpment.
Character development is HUGE in this show by the way. Cause Yi Deum is a BITCH. And when I say that I don’t mean “Booohoooo she’s mean to the cute guy :’(” no I mean she’s a heartless money grabber with no morals and no empathy AT ALL. Even when she does something good, she does it in a “bad” way. So it’s really enjoyable to see her slooow progress towards being a worthy protagonist. Love her.
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You know, Take On Me’s music video ? Yeah.
Oh Yeon Joo is an intern in surgery, and the daughter of the famous author of the webcomic W, which tells the story of Kang Chul, a prodigy olympic shooter who was wrongly accused of the murder of his family and turned a new leaf after being proven innocent. He then became a millionaire by creating a crime solving network channel and he catches bad guys yada yada yada. Anyway, he’s not the real star of the show, Yeon Joo is. One day, the two world start overlapping as the forces of two different creative minds collide.
I have found that Korean Dramas are really good with mind bending concepts, and they make for very smart and thought provoking plot points. I watched this with my best friend who got me into Kdramas (it was the secon drama I watched). My friend and I thought the ending was very disappointing though, but I’d say the journey is worth the mediocre destination, and well, opinions might differ.
Yeon Joo carries the show. She’s one of the greatest heroine I’ve ever seen. She’s smart, brave, resourceful. She’s not a ditz but she still retains a girly charm, and she’s got such a strong spirit. It’s a delight to see her and Kang Chul interact, mainly because they’re on equal grounds most of the time. She doesn’t let herself be intimidated by him at all, and she saves his ass as much (if not more) as he saves hers.
Also her and Lee Jong Suk are so fucking hot like omg what a power couple. The good thing is that they are always honest with each other. Because of the fact that the comic is a thing, there is no reason to lie, and even when it’s not because of the comics they remain truthful with each other and I don’t remember miscommunication ever being used as a plot device.
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Chief Kim
This one is not about romance at all, it’s about accounting and frauds. It’s hilarious. Kim Sung Ryung is a small time accountants, expert swindler, who works for small town mafiosos. He manages, somehow, to get hired as the director of the accounting department of a large company after the former attempted suicide and ended up in a coma. At the same time, former prosecutor Seo Yool (played by my ABSOLUTE FAVE OF ALL TIMES LEE JUNHO), specialising in frauds, start working as a director at the company, ready to cover all the dark dealings of the company, despite accountant Yoon Ha-Kyung’s effort to uncover the truth behind the suicide attempt. 
How does something about accounting manages to be so funny and still full of suspence ? This got me on the edge of my seat all the way through, and still managed to make me laugh my ass off. The acting can be a bit over the top sometimes, as it is still a comedy show, but Junho and Namgung Min are incredible as a duo. It’s very rare to see a friendship or rivalry take the center of a show instead of a romantic one but their interactions are always so fun to watch. 
I really liked it, I don’t know... I like office stories. The female lead is super cool. She’s smart, level headed, soft hearted, empathetic, and her friendship with Sung Ryung is the kind you rarely see in dramas. 
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Page Turner
The shortest drama on the list. It’s only 3 episodes long and IT SHOULD BE LONGER. 
Yoon Yoo Seul is the daughter of a piano teacher, and attends a musical high school. She’s a prodigy pianist rivaled only by her mother’s former student Seo Jin Mok, a rich spoiled brat who hates Yoo Seul bc she’s just that good. Because of an accident, Yoo Seul may have to give up on her mother’s dream of her becoming a famous pianist. Meanwhile, promising athlete Cha Sik faces the same situation and gives up on ever becoming a professional athlete, but he starts considering the piano instead, although he’s never touched a piano ever in his life.
It’s heartwarming, it’s beautiful, it’s raw and soft and it’s hopeful. It’s short so I can’t say much without spoiling stuff but if you need to watch something, watch this. 
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While You Were Sleeping
Lee Jong Suk always has good romances. 
Nam Hong Joo (Suzy the Bae ♥) has always had dreams where she foresaw the future. She lives with her mom, who runs a pork restaurant. One day, they get new neighboors; Jae Chan, a newly appointed prosecutor, and his younger brother. AAND honestly I won’t say much more than that because the first episode alone is such a RIDE that it would be spoiling it.
The three main characters are AMAZING. They are funny, resourceful, quirky in unexpected ways, honest and good. And because premonition is a thing, lying and miscommunication is rarely used as well ! The characters are honest with each other, and their relationships develops naturally and “organically” without stealing the thunder of the main plot.
As I said in W, they use the concept perfectly and intelligently. It keeps you on edge and you’re excited to see what will happen next. Also, Jae Chan being a prosecutor, there’s a bit of that case-by-case element going on that I like which helps balancing the pace. I watched it in one go and did not even take a break at some point !
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If you have ever looked at the Kdrama scene, you’ve probably heard of Goblin. That show’s been a huge phenomenon. I’ve seen it referenced in other dramas a lot, and it’s basically become a cult. And it deserves the praise.
When General Kim Shin was slain by the king he was serving, he became Dokkaebi, a powerful and immortal entity which can only be killed by the goblin’s bride.
900 years later, Ji Eun-Tak is a high school student (she’s 19-20, the age at which korean usually finish high school !) with the ability to see ghosts. Her mother died when she was 10. On that night, she met the Grim Reaper.
And as you can expect from me presenting this to you in such a way, Eun Tak is the Goblin’s bride, though she does not know of the duty that comes with that role. 
The show is funny, beautiful, heartwrenching. The characters are PHENOMENAL, and not just the main protagonists, but you’ll see what I mean. The concepts presented in the show are so interesting ! Especially their vison of death, reincarnation, redemption... It’s an incredible and emotional journey all the way. It doesn’t shy away from sadness and tragedy when it is needed or expected (unlike W *cough*)  and yet manages to leave you elated and smiling (through the tears). A classic that you NEED to watch. And that I wanna rewatch too.
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Scarlet Heart : Ryeo
I’ve just noticed that my top dramas are all super sad. 
It’s based on a chinese Drama. After a terrible break up that left her in a ditch, emotionally and financially, the heroine almost drowns during an eclipse. She wakes up in the Josen period as Hae Soo, a young lady in waiting to the wife of one of the 8 princes of the kingdom. As she gets accustomed to this new and strange setting, she gets to know the princes, the schemings of the court, the rivalries and the dangers of that period.
Lee Ji Eun (aka IU) is phenomenal. I think this was her second or third role ever, and her first big role and holy crap she is incredible. Her character is just perfect and it’s really great to see her evolve, grow and try to keep up against this cruel time.  I don’t want to say much about it because i really don’t want to spoil anything.
The story spans over like 15 years if I remember correctly. And what might seem like a cutesy quirky romance period drama turns into something darker and heavier while never losing its spark. It will make you cry, but like, in a good way. That was the first drama I watched with my best friend and it’s awesome and now I kind wanna rewatch it.
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Just Between Lovers/Rain or Shine
Rain or Shine never pretended to be cute or happy. It deals with trauma and survivor’s guilt, and it also involve disabled characters. Lee Gang Doo (JUNHO!!!!!) and Ha Moon Soo were both involved in the collapse of a shopping center as teenagers. Now grown up, the experience still haunts them and those around them. Now the site of the incident is going to get rebuilt again, and they will have to face their past.
 I binge-watched this so hard I barely slept. The characters are incredibly human and vulnerable. They bare their soul to the viewer in a way that leaves you completely shaken. And yet amidst all that, what I remember from it is softness (and tears, lots of tears). I think Gang Doo is the most outstanding male protagonist of all the dramas I’ve seen. He’s vulnerable, like. SO VULNERABLE. He’s a coward, he cries, he runs away from his problems, he keeps everything to himself. Moon Soo seems like she’s just a quirky shy girl but she turns out to be so strong, she’s the exact opposite of Gang Doo in a way, but somehow they work together so well. 
As a sidenote, I’d like to add something that striked me when I watched it, pleasantly so. The disabled characters are mentionned retain their agency. One of them is an autistic man, although he might seem like he’s infantilized during the series, in the end he still retains his agency as a person and as an adult and I thought that was really great to see, especially in a Korean drama. The other is a paraplegic woman, and she’s incredible. Despite her situation, she isn’t completely desexualised, she still retains romantic and sexual agency and she is also completely independant, as a successful webcomic artist.
I had a hard time deciding between that one, Scarlet Heart and Goblin for my favourite, but I think that one is closer to my heart. It really touched me in a way I didn’t expect, and I felt so close to the characters, because they were so well written.
Part 2: The Bad (aka Not really, I probably just got bored bc of the aformentioned reasons)
A Korean Odyssey (AKA discount Goblin): it’s an interesting take on the tale of the Monkey King. woman sees ghosts, woman meets weird magical entity. There’s someone killing someone else involved. It’s a bit cheesy, it’s kinda funny. I stopped because it was just drama atop drama and quiproquos and “I’m not gonna tell him/her because I wanna protect her/him but that’s just gonna make it worse !!!!” and that sort of stuff. In my mind it was kind of cheap plot devices. Interesting concepts though, and you could definitely make a nice mash-up with Goblin.
Radio Romance: It’s a cute romance, the cast is good, the heroine is cool, the male lead is cute. I was watching it weekly and at some point I just lost interest. I don’t know if I’ll ever finish it. Girl wants to be a writer for the radio, famous actor agrees to hos her show. Drama happens. It’s cute you should watch it if you have a longer attention span than me.
Temperature of Love: Woman meets a guy. She wants to be a writer, he wants to be a chef. One day he disappears, she becomes a writer, he becomes a chef. They meet again. It’s very cheesy, BUT it’s super hot. Yang Se Jong is super cute and he’s really popular atm. I just didn’t care enough to watch completely but I don’t have any real complaint.
Hospital Ship : I ALMOST watched til the end, until there was like a ridiculous plot point because we can’t just let the protags be happy, it needs DRAMA. I love medical dramas. My favourite show is actually Grey’s Anatomy. I love when there are different cases every episode and having the characters try to figure things out. Like, the medical is my favourite part of Medical Dramas, the drama not so much. So I bailed when it was TOO MUCH drama for me. The heroine is cool. It’s a bit on the cheap side, but it has a nice feeling to it.
Doctors : The heroine is a kick ass (litterally), but I didn’t like the romance, and it focused more on the drama than the medical imo. Lots of people like it though, and Park Shin Hye is a phenomenal actress.
School 2017: SCHOOL’S OUT FOREVER. Apparently School 20-- are a popular series and each season as nothing to do with the other. This one was great imo, it adressed the pressure in the korean educational system, the corruption, the privilege of rich students, adult indifference, abuse, bullying... And the main protags are great. The heroine is cute and hilarious and strong willed, the male lead is hot, awkward... I didn’t finish it because ... I don’t know, I just interest. Also... Yeah ok spoiler ! So I learned that there wasn’t actually a kiss between the main couple in the show (which has probably to do with the fact that the actress is an idol. Ugh) and so I was like “UHM WHAT’S THE POINT THEN ???” I’m shallow like that
My Secret Romance: Girl has a one night stand on the beach, leaves the guy naked in a car and bails. 3 years later he’s her boss. It’s hot, but SUPER cheesy and SUPER cheap. Like honestly the only reason I watched it was for the romanc but DAMN BANG SUNG HOON IS SUPER HOOOOOT. But hotness can only keep you going for so long and when the plot devices you would expect in a cinderella story happen you’re just like “ugh bye”.
Ms Perfect: I need to finish it. A mom of 2 gets fired, she learns her husband is cheating on her, the mistress dies mysteriously, and also a weird psycho offers to live in her house. I need to finish it but I guess it just got a little too much for me. There’s Sung Joon in it, he’s really cute, i like him a lot. He’s also in the two next dramas.
Madame Antoine: A woman pretends to be a medium channelling the spirit of Marie-Antoinette and teams up with a psychologist (Sung Joon) who’s also conducting an experiment on her. Cheesy. Not that interesting, but the case they study are interesting sometimes. There’s Hwang Seung Eon in it, she’s super hot.
High Society: Basically about the korean Jet Set. Watched for Sung Joon initially. It’s an older one, and I think it’s a bit tacky. It’s also a lot of clichés, and I don’t like the heroine. I love her best friend though, and her relationship with Sung Joon’s best friend in the show, played by Park Hyung Sik. But yeah, it’s not a high IQ show.
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon: this also has Park Hyung Sik in it. I think he’s really cute. Bong Soon was born with super strength and she wants to work in the video game industry. She meets video game company CEO whatshisname (Park Hyung Sik) and he hires her as his bodyguard and huh stuff happens. It’s cheesy, but somehow super creepy as well cause there’s a serial killer who kidnaps women in it and he’s soooooooooooooooo creepy. But it’s also infuriating cause it’s like “Oh no, a young woman got kidnapped for the fourth time in that area ! *cut to another young woman not giving a shit and walking around that area at night also the police doesn’t patrol the area for some reason*”. It was really popular, but I didn’t really like it.
Tomorrow with you : guys can travel in a few years in time by using the metro, and he tries to set things right using this power. It’s a bit of a mindfuck and it’s kidna complicated to follow. I need to finish it !!!
Hwarang : There is no use watching this. Don’t. The cast is great but that’s just not enough. Terrible pacing, terrible romance, the side characters are way more interesting than the main ones but they get easily sidelined. The pacing is terrible. It has the dumbest death I’ve ever seen, and it was used for shock value.
Shopping King Louie: Fashionista and heir Ji Sung/Louis loses his memory in a failed assassination attempts, and ends up living with country bumpkin Bok Sil, come to Seoul to find her missing brother. I stopped watching in the last lap, basically the final obstacle was showing its head and I was like “yeah that’s enough for me”. It’s really cute. 
I almsot forgot
Hit the top: artist from the early 90s travels in time to 2017 and starts living with a young man who dreams of becoming an idol who is actually his son. Didn’t like the way the romance went. Like. I really was against it. The male lead is annoying. Minjae is better.
Hip Hop Teacher: it got cancelled but FUCK IT WAS USPER GAY IT HAD LEE JOO YOUNG IN IT AS A TERRIBLE MUSIC TEACHER WHO RAPS AT NIGHT AND YURA WAS LIKE jdsiughergegreg there’s only 2 parts but watch them if you can cause it makes my wlw soul live
Part 3: The pretties, aka things I wanna watch
My Mister: just because IUs in it. She looks incredible.
Mr Sunshine: it has Kim Tae Ri !!!! Aka the handmaiden from The Handmaiden !!! It takes place in 19th century Joseon ! It adresses japanese ccupation !!!! Rebel princess !!! Korean victorian drama !!! The hot dad from Memories of the Word is there !!!!
The Great Seducer: Minjae just looks super hot in it idk but I bet he doesn’t get the girl and I’m gonna be mad.
Memory and Wok Of Love cause Junho’s in it lol.
The Ghost Detective, Something in The Rain, cause it jas Lee Joo Young in them
Part 4: Things you might want to watch
These are pretty popular, but I’m not that interested myself, you might like them.
Juggles; office romance, looks kinda steamy, the male lead is super hot
The Bride of Habaek; based on the comic Bride of The Water-god. Reallyyyyyy hot. Has Nam Joo Hyuk in it. IDDK I heard it’s good
Fight for my way: i have no idea what it’s about, but the main characters’ relationship looks cute
Legend of the Blue Sea: modern take on the Little Mermaid. The male lead is a swindler who uses hypnosis, the heroine is funny because she looks very mature and hot but she’s a mess of derp
Descendants of the Sun: it’s about a female doctor who gets sent to Afghanistan I think ?????? Everyone always praises it
Part 5: the movie
Royal Tailor: the tailor of the royal family seeks the help of an innovative tailor who usually works for prostitutes. It’s not a happy movie. Beautiful
Pirates: You wanna see kickass women kick asses ? This is for you. Your more typical martial arts movie
Memories of the sword: If you like women kicking ass too, but you also want to cry. It has Kim Go Eun, and also Junho !!!!! And the guy from Mr. Sunshine. Loved it. But super sad. Not a happy movie at all. But very cool and visually pretty.
The Handmaiden: I mean I don’t even need to explain it. If you haven’t watched it, just know that, as Park Chan Wook movies tend to, it is VERY WEIRD and unsettling. 
The Last Train to Busan: ZOMBIE MOVIES !!!! It has the main actor from Goblin in it !!!! It is super cool because it’s not just “UGH zombiiiies ! Smash heads ! Violence ! Scary ooooh !” it is also a critic on greed and selfishness (and not as something stupid like “yeah zombies are actually a metaphor for consumerism”) it makes you think, it keeps you on edge, it’s not overly scary but it’s still manages to give you good scares and has some very tense moments. LOVE IT.
WOOOOOOOOOH I AM DONE. This took me 3 HOURS TO WRITE can you believe it ??? I hope this was helpful. Don’t take some of my critics to heart, I’m harsh when it comes to that sort of stuff, and very particular. If you need to watch somehting. Go for my top 5 ! Thank you for trusting my opinion that much <3
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teafiend · 1 year
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🤯😭😢 My expressions when I realised the common thread linking (nearly all) my favourite female characters from KDrama-land. All were products of a single parent home (single mother) and in three of them, TG, IHYV and BE, the mothers of the FCs were murdered either onscreen or offscreen. OMG, that’s truly horrifying and tragic 😭😭😭
(Made me love them even more 😭😢)
There are good reasons why I love Coffee Prince and I Hear Your Voice. Their treatment of their FCs were some of the most satisfying and beautiful for their respective genres, and never fail to give me the best kind of buzz.
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malaysiankpopfans · 6 years
Oh!K Programming Highlights - June 2018
For the month of June Oh!K (Astro Ch 394) continues to offer all k-drama lovers the best line-up of Korean entertainment! Fans of the shows can keep up with their weekly/daily drama My Contracted Husband, Mr.Oh set to premiere on Mondays @ 7.50pm, Come and Hug Me set to premiere on Thursdays @ 7.50pm, Partners for Justice set to premiere on Tuesdays @ 7.50pm, and Always Spring set to premiere on Wednesdays with 3 back-to-back episodes @ 9.00pm.
Ultimate k-drama fans can also check out Oh!K’s newest daily drama Bong’s Happy Restaurant airing Mondays to Fridays at 11.00pm.
Nothing to do over the weekend? Fans can follow the adventures of your favourite Korean stars on the hottest variety shows – I Live Alone airs on Sunday @ 7.55pm, and Dangerous Beyond the Blankets on Saturday @ 7.55pm.
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🔹 Bong’s Happy Restaurant 🔹
▶️ Mon – Friday 11pm
Synopsis: This show follows the drama-filled lives of Mr. Bong’s family as they run “Gahwamansasung,” the largest Chinese restaurant in Chinatown. The family overcome a string of crises and through understanding, they resolve their differences and lingering family issues. Despite their fighting, they still stay tight as a family unit and will sit down together for a bowl of Chinese noodles for family dinners with lots of love and laughter.        
Cast : Kim So-yeon, Lee Sang-woo, Lee Pil-mo, Kim Young-chul, Won Mi-gyeong  
Subtitles : English, Simplified Chinese & Bahasa Malaysia
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🔹 My Contracted Husband, Mr.Oh 🔹
▶️ Mon, 7.50pm
Synopsis: Successful career woman Seung Joo can’t get away from societies pressure to get married, so she decides to hire a husband! As she spends more time with her contracted husband –  Jak Doo, her heart begins to sway.      
Cast : Uee, Kim Kang-Woo, Jung Sang-Hoon, Han Sun-Hwa
Subtitles : English, Simplified Chinese & Bahasa Malaysia
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🔹 Come and Hug Me 🔹
▶️   Thu – Fri, 7.50pm
Synopsis: Do Jin and Nak Won cross paths after a mutual acquaintance is murdered. Together they need to learn how to let go of the past and move on with their lives.     
Cast : Chan Ki-Yong, Jin Ki-Joo, Heo Jun-Ho, Yoon Jong-Hoon
Subtitles : English, Simplified Chinese & Bahasa Malaysia
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🔹 Partners for Justice 🔹
▶️   Tue – Wed, 7.50pm
Synopsis: Baek Beom may be an excellent forensic doctor, but he is known to be rude and bad tempered. This was until he meets Eun Sol, a recently employed prosecutor who manages to touch heart with her cheery personality! Together they solve the toughest cases, and Baek Beom soon unveils his earnest heart.    
Cast : Jung Jae-Young, Jung Yoo-Mi, Lee Yi Kyung, Stephanie Lee
Subtitles : English, Simplified Chinese & Bahasa Malaysia
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🔹 Always Spring 🔹
▶️   Tue – Fri, 9.00pm
Synopsis: Threatened by the appearance of the family's biological son, moral values are placed on the line when a huge inheritance is at stake. Will the destiny of the bloodline surface amidst all schemes?  
Cast :  Kang Byul, Sun Woo Jae Duk, Kwon Hyun Sang, Kim So Hye
Audio | Subtitles : Mandarin & Bahasa Malaysia audio | English, Simplified Chinese & Bahasa Malaysia subtitles
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🔹 I Live Alone 🔹
▶️   Sun, 7.55pm
Synopsis: Get an inside look at the everyday lives of your favourite celebrities and their personal lives.  
Cast :  Henry Lau, Jun Hyun-moo, Kian 84, Han Hye Jin, Lee Si-eon, Park Na-rae, Yoon Hyun-min, Sung Hoon
Subtitles : English, Simplified Chinese & Bahasa Malaysia
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🔹 Dangerous Beyond the Blankets 🔹
▶️ Sat, 7.55pm
A homebody is someone who loves spending time at home! So what happens when a bunch of superstars who are introverted by nature stay together under one roof?
Cast: Daniel Kang (WANNA ONE), Koo Jun Hoe (iKon), Kim Min Seok (Descendants of the Sun), Lee Pil Mo, Lee Yi Kyung
Subtitles : English, Simplified Chinese & Bahasa Malay subtitles.
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tasksweekly · 7 years
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Shout out to anon for inspiring this task! There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 1,040+ Korean faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Johanna Hedva (1984) Korean / White (Unspecified) - Genderqueer - artist and author.
Kim Young-Ok (1937) Korean - actress.
Kim Kyung-Ran (1940) Korean - actress.
Kim Hye-ja (1941) Korean- actress.
Na Moon-hee (1941) Korean- actress.
Ban Hyo-jung / Ban Man-hee (1942) Korean - actress.
Jung Hye-Sun / Jeong Hye-Seon (1942) Korean - actress.
Yun Jeong-hee (1944) Korean- actress.
Lee Joo-Sil (1944) Korean- actress.
Kim Hae-sook (1945) Korean- actress.
Youn Yuh-Jeong (1947) Korean- actress.
Jung Young-Sook (1947) Korean- actress.
Harumi Miyako (1948) Korean/Japanese - singer.
Heo Jin (1949) Korean - actress.
Ko Du-Shim (1951) Korean - actress.
Kim Young-Ae (1980) Korean - actress.
Lee Jae-Hee (1952) Korean - actress.
Son Hee-Seon (1952) Korean - actress.
Kim Bo-Yeon (1957) Korean - actress.
Kim Sun-Hwa (1957) Korean - actress.
Lee Yong-Lee (1958) Korean - actress
Maggie Han (1959) Korean - actress
Ahn So-Young (1959) Korean - actress
Lee Bo-Hee (1959) Korean - actress
Lee Mi-sook (1960) Korean - actress.
Na Young-Hee (1960) Korean - actress.
Suzanne Whang (1962) Korean - television host, actress, comedian, radio host, published author, minister, writer, producer, and political activist.
Lee Hye-Sook (1962) Korean - actress.
Jang Hee-Soo (1963) Korean - actress.
Jung Kyung-Soon (1963) Korean - actress.
Sonja Sohn (1964) Korean / Black (unspecified)- actress.
Bae Jong-ok (1964) Korean - actress.
Jo Min-soo (1965) Korean- actress.
Jacqueline Kim (1965) Korean - writer, actress, filmmaker and composer.
Juju Chang (1965) Korean - journalist.
Bang Eun-jin (1965) Korean - actress and film director.
Kang Soo-youn (1966) Korean- actress.
Alexandra Bokyun Chun (1967) Korean - actress and filmmaker.
Bang Eun-hee / Bang Min-seo (1967) Korean - actress.
Choi Wan-Jung (1968) Korean - actress.
Seo Yi-Sook (1968) Korean - actress.
Uhm Jung-hwa (1969) Korean- actress, singer, & dancer.
Lee Kan-Hee (1969) Korean - actress.
Lee Jung-Eun (1969) Korean - actress.
Kim Ye-Ryeong (1969) Korean - actress.
Lim Sung-Min (1969) Korean - actress.
Kim Hye-soo (1970) Korean- actress.
Sandra Oh (1971) Korean- actress.
Lee Yeong-ae (1971) Korean- actress.
Kim Young-Sun (1971) Korean- actress.
Brook Antoinette Mahealani Lee / Brook Lee (1971) Korean, Native Hawaiian, Portuguese - actress, TV Host, model and beauty queen.
Yum Jung-ah (1972) Korean- actress.
Romi Park / Paku Romi (1972) Korean - actress, voice actress and singer.
Ko So-young (1972) Korean - actress and model.
Jennifer Anne Lee (1972) Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai - actress.
Shim Eun-ha (1972) Korean- actress.
Amy Anderson (1972) Korean - comedian, actress, and writer.
Jeon Mi-Sun (1972) Korean - actress.
Kim Jung-Young (1972) Korean - actress.
Kim Yun-Jin / Yunjin Kim (1973) Korean- actress.
Jeon Do-yeon (1973) Korean- actress.
So Hee-Jung (1973) Korean- actress.
Choo Sang-mi (1973) Korean- actress.
Lee Hye-Eun (1973) Korean- actress.
Kim Sun-a (1973) Korean - actress.
Jang Young-nam (1973) Korean- actress.
Chu Sang-mi (1973) Korean - actress.
Song Yoon-ah (1973) Korean - actress.
Kim Seo-Hyung (1973) Korean - actress.
Cho Eun-Sook (1973) Korean - actress.
Grace Park (1974) Korean- actress.
Moon So-ri (1974) Korean- actress.
Jang Jin-young (1974) Korean- actress.
Kim Ji-Young (1974) Korean - actress.
Yi Hong (1974) Korean - model and entertainer.
Byun Jung-soo (1974) Korean - actress and model.
Joy Osmanski (1975) Korean, Japanese - actress.
Choi Ji-woo (1975) Korean - actress.
Moon Bloodgood (1975) Korean / Dutch, Irish- actress and model.
Merle Dandridge (1975) Korean, Japanese / African American- actress and singer.
Nicole Bilderback (1975) Korean- actress.
Patricia Ja Lee (1975) Korean - actress and model.
Lee Kyung-eun / Harisu (1975) Korean - pop singer, model, and actress - trans.
Park Sung-Yeon (1975) Korean - actress.
Park Hyun-Jung (1975) Korean - actress.
Lindsay Price (1976) Korean / German, Irish- actress and singer.
Kim Bo-kyeong (1976) Korean - actress.
Ha Jae-sook (1976) Korean - actress.
Myung Se-Bin (1976) Korean - actress.
Kim Sun-Young (1976) Korean - actress.
Song Seon-Mi (1976) Korean - actress.
Wang Yoo-Sun / Yoo-Sun (1976) Korean - actress.
Park Junghyun / Lena Park (1976) Korean - singer.
Jeon Hye-Jin (1976) Korean - actress.
Kim Hee-sun (1977) Korean - actress.
Kim Hyun-joo (1977) Korean - actress.
Nicole Cabell (1977) Korean - opera singer.
Chae Jung-an (1977) Korean - actress and singer.
Choi Jung-yoon (1977) Korean - actress.
Yoon Ji-Min (1977) Korean - actress.
Choi Kang-hee (1977) Korean - actress and DJ.
Lee Sa-bi (1977) Korean - model and actress.
Sinae (1977) Korean- Singer (Lady) and actress-trans!
Chung Jae Young / J / J.ae (1977) Korean - musician.
Denyce Lawton (1978) Korean / Black (unspecified)- actress.
Masuimi Max (1978) Korean / German- actress and model.
Kim Sa-rang (1978) Korean - actress.
Park Tam-Hee (1978) Korean - actress.
Linda Park (1978) Korean- actress.
Kimberly Goss (1978) Korean / German - singer and keyboardist (Sinergy)
Ha Ji-won (1978) Korean- actress.
Kyung Soo-jin (1978) Korean - actress.
Lee Ji-Hyun (1978) Korean - actress.
Lee Chae-Yeon / Chae Yeon (1978) Korean - singer.
Tomika Skanes (1978) Korean / African American - model and actress.
Karen Lee Orzolek / Karen O (1970) Korean / Polish - singer and musician.
Liz Cho (1970) Korean / AshkenaziYang So-Min Jewish - tv personality.
Sung-Hi Lee (1970) Korean - model and actress.
Kim Do-Young (1970) Korean - actress.
Park Chae-rim (1979) Korean - actress.
Yang So-Min (1979) Korean - actress.
Im Soo-jung (1979) Korean- actress.
Lee Hee-Jin (1979) Korean- actress.
Bae Doo-na / Bae Doona (1979) Korean- actress.
Park Soo-ae (1979) Korean- actress.
Kim Gyu-ri (1979) Korean- actress.
Lee Na-young (1979) Korean - actress.
Park Si-yeon (1979) Korean - actress.
Nicole Tubiola (1979) Italian [including Sicilian] / Korean, other - actress.
Ursula Mayes (1979) Korean, German, Native American (Unspecified) - actress.
Jennifer Lim (1979) Korean, Chinese - actress.
Yoo Ji-Yeon (1979) Korean - actress.
Kim Min-Joo (1979) Korean - actress.
Ameriie Mi Marie Rogers/Amerie (1980) Korean / Black (unspecified)- singer-songwriter and actress.
Esther Ku (1980) Korean - comedian and tv personality.
Lee Eun-ju (1980) Korean - actress.
Kim Young-Ae (1980) Korean - actress.
Yoon Se-Ah (1980) Korean - actress.
Eun Joo-Hee (1980) Korean - actress.
Seo Young-Hee (1980) Korean - actress.
Kong Hyo-jin (1980) Korean- actress.
Ameriie Mi Marie Rogers / Amerie / Ameriie (1980) African-American / Korean - singer, songwriter, author, actress and record producer.
Kim Tae-hee (1980) Korean - actress.
Seo Yeong-hee (1980) Korean- actress.
Han Chae-young (1980) Korean - actress.
Ban Min-jung (1980) Korean- actress.
Jang Yoon-ju (1980) Korean - model, television personality, singer-songwriter and actress.
Kim Hye-Na (1980) Korean - actress.
Kim So-Yeon (1980) Korean - actress.
Lim Soo-Jung (1980) Korean - actress.
Gong Hyo-jin (1980) Korean - actress.
Oh Yoon-ah (1980) Korean - actress and former racing model.
Lee Si-yeon (1980) Korean- actress and model. -trans!
Song Hye-Kyo (1981) Korean- actress.
Lee In-Hye (1981) Korean- actress.
Cha Soo-Yeon (1981) Korean- actress.
Wang Bit-Na (1981) Korean- actress.
Sun Park (1981) Korean - singer, actress and entertainer.
Song Ji-hyo (1981) Korean- actress and model.
Jun Ji-hyun/Gianna Jun (1981) Korean- actress.
Chae Min-seo (1981) Korean- actress.
Jang Na-ra (1981) Korean - musician, record producer and actress.
Jung Ryeo-won (1981) Korean- actress.
Jo Eun-ji (1981) Korean- actress.
Han Ye-seul (1981) Korean - actress.
Kwak Hyun-hwa (1981) Korean - actress, comedian, model and singer.
Kim So-eun (1981) Korean - actress.
Hwang Eun-Su (1981) Korean - actress.
Natasha Shanta Reid / Yoon Mi-rae (1981) Korean / Scottish, African-American - rapper and musician.
Cher Tenbush (1981) Korean - ctress, host, reality television participant and model.
Han Ga-in (1982) Korean - actress.
Lee Si-Young (1982) Korean - actress.
Janice Vidal (1982) Chinese, Filipino, Korean - singer.
Son Ye-jin (1982) Korean- actress.
Kim Hye-Hwa (1982) Korean - actress.
Kim Ah-joong (1982) Korean - actress, model and singer.
Kang Hye-jeong (1982) Korean- actress.
Park Hyo-Joo (1982) Korean - actress.
Han Ji-min (1982) Korean - actress.
Keum Dan-Bi (1982) Korean - actress.
Jo Kyung-jin/An Jo (1982) Korean- actress.
Kim Ah-jung (1982) Korean- actress, model, & singer.
Lee El (1982) Korean-actress
Jung Soo-Young (1982) Korean - actress.
Kim Min-Hee (1982) Korean - actress and model.
Yoo In-na (1982) Korean - actress and DJ.
Lee Mi-Do (1982) Korean - actress.
Oh Yeon-A / Kim Mi-Ae (1981) Korean - actress.
Lucia Micarelli (1983) Korean, Italian - actress and violinist.
Jennifer Field (1983) Korean / English, Irish, German- actress.
Jamie Chung (1983) Korean- actress and former television personality.
Han Yeo-reum (1983) Korean- actress.
Lee Hyun-yi (1983) Korean - model.
Jung Yu-mi (1983) Korean- actress.
Park Hee-Von (1983) Korean- actress.
Han Jin (1983) Korean - model.
Lee Ha-nui (1983) Korean - actress, model, musician, gayageum player and a beauty pageant titleholder.
Ruthie Ann Miles (1983) Korean/ possibly English - actress.
Vivian Bang (1983) Korean - actress.
Hettienne Park (1983) Korean - actress and writer.
Yuna Ito (1983) Japanese / Korean - artist.
Sonim (1983) Korean - singer and actress.
Hee-Sun Lee / HeeSun Lee (1983) Korean - musician.
Kang Ye-bin (1983) Korean - tv personality.
Jeong Ju-Hee (1983) Korean - actress.
Lee Honey (1983) Korean - actress and beauty pagent winner.
Yoon Seung-Ah (1983) Korean - actress.
Oh Su-Ah (1983) Korean - actress.
Kim Sa-Hee (1983) Korean - actress.
Park Han-byul (1984) Korean - actress and model.
Jang Shin-Young (1984) Korean - actress.
Song Lee-Woo (1984) Korean - actress.
Kim Min-Seo (1984) Korean - actress.
Yoon Eun-hye (1984) Korean - actress, director, singer, entertainer and model.
Mia Sable (1984) Korean / Choctaw, German - actress and singer-songwriter.
Lee Da-hae (1984) Korean - actress.
Celeste Thorson (1984) Korean, Scottish, Irish / Mexican (Mescalero Apache, Spanish), Lebanese, Syrian, English - actress, model, and screenwriter.
Shin Min-ah (1984) Korean- actress and model.
Han Ye-ri (1984) Korean- actress.
Priscilla Ahn (1984) German, possibly other / Korean - singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist.
Ku Hye-sun (1984) Korean - actress, singer-songwriter, director and artist.
Smith Cho (1985) Korean- actress.
Lee Sae-Byul (1985) Korean- actress.
Jarah Mariano (1984) Native Hawaiian, Korean, likely Chinese - model.
Soo Yeon Lee (1984) Korean - table tennis player, model, actress and coach.
Claudia Kim (1985) Korean- actress and model.
Lee Sung-min / Clara Lee (1985) Korean - actress and model.
Yuri Tag (1985) Korean - dancer (Kaba Modern)
Park Ah-In (1985) Korean - actress.
Jo Ki-Bbeum (1985) Korean - actress.
Kim Ji-Hyun / Lee El (1985) Korean - actress.
Kim Ha-Yun (1985) Korean - actress.
Jeon So-min (1986) Korean - actress.
Kim Min-Jwa (1986) Korean - actress.
Lee Do-Ah (1986) Korean - actress.
Park Seul-Ki (1986) Korean - actress.
Jung Ae-Youn (1986) Korean - actress.
Hong Soo-A (1986) Korean - actress.
Lee Pa-ni (1986) Korean - model and actress.
Crystal Kay (1986) Korean / African-American - singer, songwriter, radio host and actress.
Bae Seul-ki (1986) Korean - singer and actress.
Kwon Bo-ah / BoA (1986) Korean - singer and actress.
Pom Klementieff (1986) Korean / Russian- actress.
Jenna Ushkowitz (1986) Korean- actress.
Moon Chae-won (1986) Korean - actress.
Sheena Sakai (1986) Korean / Japanese - model, singer, and actress.
Kim Gee-yang (1986)-Korean-model
Min Hyo-rin (1986) Korean-actress
Yoo Yeon-Ji (1986) Korean - actress.
Park Min-young (1986) Korean - actress.
Park Si-hyun (1986) Korean- idol (Spica)
Charlyne Yi (1986) Korean, Mexican, Irish, German, French, possibly Yuki / Filipino, possibly some Spanish -  actress, comedian, musician and writer.
Alice Greczyn (1986) French, Japanese, and Polish, with smaller amounts of Chinese, Korean, German, Irish, Native American (Unspecified), Scottish, English, Greek, Hungarian, Turkish, Swedish, and Czech - actress and model.
Jeon Boram (1986) Korean - singer and actress.
Park Sojin (1986) Korean - idol (Girl’s Day)
Park Suju / Soo Joo Park (1986) Korean - model.
Ban Se-jung / Kim Se-jung (1986) Korean - actress.
Baek Ok-dam (1986) Korean - actress.
Lee Soon-kyu . Sunny (1989) Korean - idol (Girls' Generation)
Son Ga-In (1987) Korean- singer, actress, & entertainer.
Gina Jane Choi / G.NA (1987) Korean - singer and actress.
Samantha Futerman (1987) Korean - actress.
Jung Yoon-Sun (1987) Korean - actress
Kwon Eun-Soo (1987) Korean - actress
Moon Geun-young (1987) Korean- actress.
Kang Seung-hyun (1987) Korean - model.
Kim Ok-bin (1987) Korean- actress.
Chun Woo-hee (1987) Korean- actress.
Choi Han-bit (1987)-Korean- model and Idol (Mercury)-trans
Han Hyo-joo (1987) Korean - actress.
JinJoo Lee (1987) Korean - musician.
Song Haena (1987)Korean-model
Dia Frampton (1987) Korean / English, Dutch - singer.
Clara Chung / Clara C (1987) Korean - singer and songwriter.
Hori Eriko (1988) Korean / Japanese - singer, actress and voice actress.
Park Na-rae- (1988) Korean- idol (Spica)
Hana Mae Lee (1988) Korean - actress, model, comedian, and fashion designer.
Lim Ju-eun (1988) Korean - actress.
Tessa Ludwick (1988) Korean - actress.
Ryu Sun-Young (1988) Korean - actress.
Jeong Da-Sol (1988) Korean - actress.
Ham Eun-Jung (1988) Korean - actress.
Seo Yoon-A (1988) Korean - actress.
Kim Joon-Hyung (1988) Korean - actress.
Nam Bo-ra (1989) Korean - actress.
Yoo Joo-yi (1989) Korean- Soloist
Wie Seong-Mi (1989) Korean - golfer.
Park Min-ji (1989) Korean - actress.
Oh Hye-rin / Raina (1989) Korean - singer.
Park Ye-eun / Yenny (1989) Korean - singer.
Choi Minji / Min Soa (1989) Korean - singer.
Bae Geu-rin (1989) Korean - actress.
Kim Soo-Yeon (1989) Korean - actress.
Hong Ah-Reum (1989) Korean - actress.
Kim Ga-Eun (1989) Korean - actress.
Amy Lee / Ailee / Hangul (1989) Korean - singer.
Mikayla Campbell (1990) Korean, Greek, Spanish- actress.
Chanel Iman (1990) Korean, African American / African American- model.
Kang So-ra (1990) Korean- actress.
Kim Bo-mi (1990) Korean-soloist
Kim Eun-Young (1990) Korean-soloist
Kim Tae-Ri (1990) Korean-actress
Shin Se-Kyung (1990) Korean - actres.
Jin-joo Lee (1990) Korean- Musician (DNCE)
Lee Sung-kyung (1990) Korean - model and actress.
Go Ara (1990) Korean - actress and model.
Park Bo-young (1990) Korean- actress
Im Yoon-ah / Yoona (1990) Korean - singer and actress.
Jung Min-joo / Joo (1990) Korean - singer and actress.
Song Jun-hee (1990) Korean- actress and idol (Hello Venus)
Sarah Oh (1990) Korean, German - actress and model.
Park Mi-yeon / Serri (1990) Korean - singer and actress (Dal Shabet)
Baek Jin-hee (1990) Korean - actress.
Oh Ha-Nee (1990) Korean - actress.
Serena Jung (1991) Korean-American - Instagrammer.
Park So-Dam (1991) Korean- actress.
Cho Ja-young / Ah Youn (1991) Korean - singer and actress (Dal Shabet)
Kim Go-eun (1991) Korean- actress.
Kwon Nara (1991) Korean- actress and idol (hello venus)
Lee Joo-young (1991) Korean- actress
Nam Yu-jeong (1991) Korean-actress
Shin Bora/Hana (1991)-Korean- idol (Gugudan)
Won Min-ji/Anda (1991) Korean- soloist
Jung Yeon-Joo (1991) Korean - actress.
Yoo Hyun-Ji (1991) Korean - actress.
Yoo Hyun-young / Hyunyoung (1991) Korean - singer and model.
Bae Joo-hyu / Irene (1991) Korean - singer, tv host and actress.
Lee Eunjung / Jaeyoon (1991) Korean - singer.
Michelle Lee (1991) Korean / African-American - singer.
Eunice Cho (1991) Korean-American - actress.
Bae Woo-hee / Woohee (1991) Korean - singer and actress (Dal Shabet)
Yang Jung-yoon / Jiyul (1991) Korean - singer and actress (Dal Shabet)
Nicole Jung (1991) Korean - idol (Kara)
Kim Seul-Gi (1991) Korean- actress.
Ko Ah-sung (1992) Korean- actress.
Kim Ah-young/Yura (1992) Korean - idol (Girl’s Day)
Kim Eun-mi (1992)Korean-soloist
Kim Yu-jeong (1992) Korean - idol (Laboum)
Kim Hee-jung (1992)Korean-actress
Lee Keum-jo (1992) Korean- idol (Nine Muses)
Kim Ji-won (1992) Korean - actress.
Yoon Da-Young (1992) Korean - actress.
Grace Kelly (1992) Korean - musician, singer and entertainer.
Seo Yuna (1992) Korean- actress and idol (AOA)
Kim Hyun-ah / Hyuna (1992) Korean - singer and dancer.
Kim Min-ji / Seo Min-ji (1992) Korean - actress.
Ahn So-hee / Sohee (1992) Korean - actress and singer.
Mizusawa Erena (1992) Japanese, Korean - model and actress.
Sora Choi (1992) Korean - model.
Ahn Ji-hyun (1992) Korean - actress.
Lee Ellen Serine/Kasper (1993) ¾ Korean, ¼ Japanese - idol (Play the Siren).
Byun Jungha (1993)- Korean- Model
Choi Jun-hee (1993)-Korean-Soloist
Bang Min-ah / Minah (1993) Korean - singer and acress (Girl's Day)
Jo Min-hee (1993)-Korean- idol (Stellar)
Jung Mi-mi (1993)-Korean-idol (Gugudan)
Kim Song-yi (1993) Korean-Soloist
Serine Lee / Kasper (1993) ¼ Japanese ¾ Korean - singer and YouTuber.
Park Ji-yeon / Jiyeon (1993) Korean - singer and actress.
Park Se-hee (1993) Korean-idol (Bulldok)
Seo Hye-rin (1993) Korean-idol (Exid)
Hannah Quinlivan (1993) Irish, possibly other / Taiwanese, Korean - actress and model.
Yoo Ji-ae (1993) Korean- Idol (Lovelyz)
Sonia Ursu-Kim (1993) Korean / Romanian - basketball player.
Na Whan (1993) Korean - idol (Lip B).
Juliane Alfieri / Juliane (1993) Korean / German-Italian - singer.
Lee Ji-eun / IU  (1993) Korean - singer, songwriter and actress.
Lee Soo-jung / Crystal Yi / Chai (1993) Korean - singer.
Kim Hye-In (1993) Korean - actress.
Son Na-Eun (1994) Korean - actress and singer.
Han Bo-bae (1994) Korean - actress.
Lee Ji-Won (1994) Korean - actress.
Park Ji-Hyun (1994) Korean - actress.
Bae Noo-ri (1994) Korean-actress.
Lita Rinrapat (1994) Thai, Korean, English / Chinese, Minahasan Indonesian - dancer and trainee (Sound Cream Entertainment).
Chae Soobin (1994) Korean-actress.
Jeon Yoo-ri (1994) Korean-idol (Stellar)
Jung So-yeon (1994) Korean - idol (Laboum)
Ji Su-Min  (1994) Korean-idol (Sonamoo)
Bae Jin-ye/ZN (1994) Korean - idol (Laboum)
Bae Su-ji / Bae Suzy (1994) Korean - singer and actress.
Tiana Tolstoi (1994) Korean / Serbian, Russian - model.
Lee Hye-ri (1994) Korean - idol (Girl’s Day)
Park Su-bin / Subin (1994) Korean - singer and tv host.
HyoJung (1994) Korean - musician.
Jin Se-yeon (1994) Korean - actress.
Kwon So-Hyun (1994) Korean - actress.
Megan Lee (1995) Korean - singer and actress.
Jo Eun-ae (1995) Korean-idol (Sonamoo)
Kim So-jung/Sowon (1995) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Im Nayeon (1995) Korean - idol (Twice).
Kim Na-young (1995) Korean- Gugudan
Lim Na-young (1995) Korean-idol (Pristin)
Nam Ji-hyun (1995) Korean-actress
Yeom Hae-in (1995) Korean - idol (Laboum)
Park Jung-hwa (1995) Korean-idol (EXID)
Katie Chang (1995) Korean (paternal grandfather), Irish, German - actress.
Kim Ji-yeon / Bona (1995) Korean - singer (Cosmic Girls)
Yoo Jeongyeon (1996) Korean - idol (Twice).
Oh Ha-young / Hayoung  (1996) Korean - singer and actress.
Jung Yerin (1996) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Ahn Chae-hee (1996) Korean-idol (Sol-T)
Ahn Chae-yeon (1996) Korean-idol (Hello Venus)
Choi Yu-jin (1996) Korean-idol (CLC)
Ham Sae-byeol (1996) Korean-idol (Matilda)
Jang So-jin (1996) Korean- idol (Gugudan)
Kim Miso (1996) Korean-idol (Girls Girls)
Fivel Stewart (1996) Japanese, Chinese, Korean / Scottish, Russian, Blackfoot (Unconfirmed) - actress.
Lee Su-hyun (1996)-Korean-idol (Day Day)
Park Soo-young (1996)-Korean-idol (Melody Day)  
Lee Soo-Kyung (1996) Korean - actress.
Choi Yoona (1996) Korean - idol (Marmello)
Kim Do-eun (1996) Korean - idol (Marmello)
Kim Do-eun/Daeun (1996) Korean - idol (Marmello)
Jeon Ga-eun (1996) Korean - idol (Marmello)
Mun Ka-Young (1994) Korean - actress.
Kang Ye-Won / Seo Ha (1994) Korean - actress.
Ahn Sol-bin (1997) Korean - musician.
Park Jihyo (1997) Korean - idol (Twice).
Jung Eun-bi/Eunha (1997) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Choi Yuna/Yuju (1997) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Sydney Park (1997) Korean / Black (unspecified)- actress and comedian.
Ahn Solbin (1997) Korean- Actress and Idol (Laboum)
Choi Yoon-sun (1997) Korean-idol (Sonamoo)
Kang Kyung-won (1997) Korean-idol (Pristin)
Jo Ha-seul (1997) Korean - idol (Loona)
Lee Hojeong (1997)-Korean-actress and model
Kim Jin-kyung (1997) Korean - model.
Piper Curda (1997) Korean / English, Scottish - actress and singer.
Tia Hwang Cuevas / Tia (1997) Korean / Puerto-Rican and German - singer and dancer.
Melanie Aurora Lee / Melanie (1997) Korean / Italian-German - dancer.
Lee Ho-jung (1997) Korean - actress.
Kim Hyu-na (1997) Korean - idol (Marmello)
Kim Dahyun (1998) Korean - idol (Twice).
Hwang Eunbi/SinB (1998) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Kim Ye-won/Umji (1998) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Park Ji-won (1998) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Seo Shin-ae (1998) Korean - actress.
Lee Su-ji (1998) Korean - singer.
Kim You-Jung (1999) Korean - actress.
Son Chaeyoung (1999) Korean - idol (Twice).
Choi Yoojung (1999) Korean-idol (Weki Meki)
Kim Do-yeon (1999) Korean - musician.
Kim So-hyun (1999) Korean - actress
Yim Dayoung (1999) Korean-idol (WJSN)
Lee Jinsook /  Yeoreum (1999)-. Idol (WJSN)
Kim Ye Rim/Yeri (1999)-Idol (WJSN)
Yoo Yeon Jung (1999)- Idol (WJSN)
Choi Yu Jung (1999)-Idol (Gugudan)
Kwon Chae-won/Eunchae (1999) Korean - Idol (Dia)
Kim Chae Hyun (1999) Korean -  Idol (Bonus Baby)
Lee Yoo Na/Keina (1999) Korean - Idol (H.U.B)
Kim Ye Won/Yehna (1999) Korean- Idol (Pristin)
Bae Sung Yeon/Shannon (1999) Korean-Idol (Pristin)
Choi Yoona/Bella- (1999) Korean-Idol (Elris)
Yang Hye Sung(1999)  Korean-Idol (Elris)
Lee Yu Kyung (1999) Korean Idol  (Elris)
Kang Mina (1999) Korean - idol (gugudan)
Kim So hee (1999)Korean - Idol (Elris)
Kwon Eun Bin- (2000) Korean-Idol (CLC)
Kim Hyun-soo (2000) Korean - actress.
Nancy Jewel McDonie / Nancy (2000) Korean / American - singer.
Kim Sae-ron (2000) Korean- actress.
Jeon Heejin (2000) Korean - idol (Loona)
Kim Hyang-gi (2000) Korean - actress.
Lee Jinsol (2001) Korean - musician.
No Jeong-ee (2001) Korean - actress.
Jeon So-mi (2001) Korean / Dutch-Canadian - singer.
Kim Hwan-hee (2002) Korean - actress.
Ahn Seo-hyun (2004) Korean - actress.
Seon Hwang (?) Korean - model.
Lori Thomas / Lori (?) Korean / Caucasian.
Diana Bang (?) Korean - actress, writer and producer.
Esther K. Chae (?) Korean - actress and writer.
M. J. Kang (?) Korean - playwright and actress.
Lela Lee (?) Korean - actress and cartoonist.
Soon Hee Newbold (?) Korean - composer, conductor, musician, and actress.
Mia Park (?) Korean - TV show host, actress, drummer, and yoga instructor.
Susan Park (?) Korean - actress.
Hyung-ki Joo (?) Korean - pianist and composer.
Jun Young Choi (?) Korean - model.
Gian Yoo (?) Korean - model.
Ji Young Kwak (?) Korean - model.
Pong Lee (?) Korean - model.
So Young Kang (?) Korean - model.
Ji Hye Park (?) Korean - model.
Sungshin Kim (?) Korean - idol (Rose Quartz).
Pani (?) Korean- Youtuber -Trans!
Youngsim (?) Korean- Youtuber- Trans!
Mimi (?) Korean- Youtuber- Trans!
Kim Jin-Seon (?) Korean- actress- Trans!
Cha Sevin (?) Korean- actress and singer- Trans!
Sahara (?) Korean- model and singer (Lady)- Trans!
Mini (?) Korean- beauty pageant winner - Trans!
Aja Kim (?) Korean - singer and songwriter.
Kathleen Kim (?) Korean - soprano.
Heather Park (?) Korean - singer.
Susie Suh (?) Korean - singer.
Eliza Yang (?) Korean - writer, publisher and entrepreneur
Gabi Moon (?) Korean - Instagrammer.
Chaeeun Sarah Lee (?) Korean - Instagrammer.
Bba_na_na (?) Korean - Instagrammer.
Irene Kim (?) Korean - Instagrammer.
Jo Soo-Ha (?) Korean - actress.
Kim Kyung-Yoon (?) Korean - actress.
Lee Sae Ro Mi (?) Korean - actress.
Lee Bong-Ryun (?) Korean - actress.
Nam Sang-Ran (?) Korean - actress.
Oh Joo-Hee (?) Korean - actress.
Kim Dong-Joo (?) Korean - actress.
Nam Jeong-Hee (?) Korean - actress.
Lee Min-Ji (?) Korean - actress.
Lee Deok-Hee (?) Korean - actress.
Lee Sae-rom (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Song Ha-young (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Jang Gyu-ri (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Roh Ji-sun (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Lee Seo-yeon (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Lee Chae-young (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Lee Na-gyung (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Baek Ji-heon (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Problematic/Otherwise don’t use:
Lee Hyo-ri (1979) Korean - singer, record producer, activist, actress and presenter  - cultural appropriation.
Park Ji Young / Kahi (1980) Korean - singer - cultural appropriation.
Kim Jungah / Jung-A (1983) Korean - idol (After School) - cultural appropriation.
Sandara Park / Dora (1984) Korean - cultural appropriation.
Arden Cho (1985) Korean- actress - cultural appropriation.
Kim Yu-jin / UEE (1988) Korean - idol (After School) - cultural appropriation.
Yoon Bo-ra (1989) Korean - singer and actress - really gross skit on SNL Korea where she played Pocahontas.
Kiko Mizuhara (1990) English, likely Scottish and German / Zainichi Korean - model, actress, and designer - cultural appropriation and blackface.
Heo Ga-yoon / Gayoon (1990) Korean - singer and actress - cultural appropriation.
Esom (1990) Korean - actress and model - cultural appropriation.
Lee Chae-rin / CL (1991) Korean - singer and rapper - cultural appropriation.
Im Jin-ah / Nana (1991) Korean - actress, singer, and model - cultural appropriation.
Moon Byul-yi / Moonbyul (1992) Korean - rapper, singer and actress. -cultural appropriation
Chrystal Soo Jung / Krystal Jung (1994) Korean - singer and actress - cultural appropriation.
Kim Bo Ra/SuA (1994) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Kim Ji Yoo/JiU (1994) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Lee Siyeon (1995) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Kim Jisoo (1995) Korean - idol (Black Pink) - cultural appropriation.
Jennie Kim (1996) Korean - idol (Black Pink) - cultural appropriation.
Roseanne Park / Rose Park / Park Chaeyoung (Black Pink) - cultural appropriation.
Kim Yoohyeon (1997) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Lee Yoobin / Dami (1997) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Lee Gahyeon (1999) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Hina (?) Korean - cultural appropriation and blackface.
Choi Cho / Rubber Band (?) Korean - cultural appropriation.
Kim / Rubber Band (?) Korean - cultural appropriation.
Son Seung-wan AKA Wendy / Red Velvet (1994) Korean - imitated black people on a radio show.
Kim Tae-yeon AKA Taeyeon / Girls' Generation (1989) Korean - said alicia keys was pretty for a black girl.
Stephanie Young Hwang AKA Tiffany / Girls' Generation (1989) Korean -  promoted colorist mess on her instagram by applying emojis to her fellow members based on how dark she thinks their skin is.
Choi Soo-young / Sooyoung (1990) Korean - send a food truck to the set of her fellow member yuri's drama with a banner that said "thank you for making our yuri look light" here and "yuri's skin is dark, so it doesn't look that clean"
Margaret Cho (1968) Korean - ableism.
Choi Jin-ri / Sulli (1994) Korean - defended a pedophile.
Park Geun-Hyung (1940) Korean- actor.
Kim Sung-Kyum (1941) Korean- actor.
Baek Il-seob (1944) Korean - actor.
Jang Yong (1945) Korean - actor.
Jang Hang-seon (1947) Korean- actor.
Baek Yoon-Sik (1947) Korean - actor.
Han Jin-hie (1949) Korean- actor.
Lee Jong-Goo (1950) Korean- actor.
Woo Sang-Jeon (1950) Korean- actor.
Lim Byung-Ki (1950) Korean- actor.
Ahn Sung-ki (1952) Korean- actor.
Hakuryu (1952) Korean - actor.
Kim Myung-Gon (1952) Korean - actor.
Jang Gwang (1952) Korean - actor.
Heo Gi-Ho (1952) Korean - actor.
Moon Sung-Geun (1953) Korean - actor.
Moon Chang-Kil (1953) Korean - actor.
Jung Han-Yong (1954) Korean - actor.
Kim Jong-Goo (1955) Korean - actor.
Min Kyung-Jin (1955) Korean - actor.
Kim Kap-su (1957) Korean- actor.
Kim Jung-Soo (1957) Korean - actor.
Aleksandr Khvan (1957) Korean - director and actor.
Song Young-Chang (1958) Korean - actor.
Kwon Bum-Taek (1958) Korean - actor.
Choi Jung-Woo (1958) Korean - actor.
Kang Nam-Kil (1958) Korean - actor.
Paul Pesco (1959) Korean / Sicilian - musician.
Nam Myung-Ryul (1959) Korean - actor.
Ahn Suk-Hwan (1959) Korean - actor.
Chang Kim Sung (1960) Korean - actor.
Cheon Ho-Jin (1960) Korean - actor.
Kang Shin-Il (1960) Korean - actor.
Yoon-il Auh (1961) Korean - educator, violinist and composer.
Ryu Tae-Ho (1962) Korean - actor.
Choi Min-sik (1962) Korean- actor.
Jo Young-Jin (1962) Korean- actor.
Son Byung-ho (1962) Korean- actor.
Yoo Hyung-Gwan (1962) Korean- actor.
Tomoyasu Hotei / Hotei Tomoyasu (1962) Korean / Russian, Japanese - musician, singer-songwriter, composer, record producer and actor.
Lee Gi-yeong (1963) Korean- actor.
Kim Il-Woo (1963) Korean- actor.
Kim Seung-Wook (1963) Korean- actor.
Tsuyoshi Ihara / Ihara Tsuyoshi (1963) Korean - actor and author.
Park Joong-hoon (1964) Korean- actor.
Woo Hyeon (1964) Korean- actor.
Ahn Nae-sang (1964) Korean- actor.
Choi Jae-Sung (1964) Korean- actor.
Lee Byung-Joon (1964) Korean- actor.
Lee Doo-Il (1964) Korean- actor.
Jung In-Gi (1964) Korean- actor.
Bae Do-Hwan (1964) Korean- actor.
Aaron Ikeda (1965) Korean / Japanese- actor.
Kim Roe-ha (1965) Korean - actor.
Park Min-Hee (1965) Korean - actor.
Sung Min-Soo (1965) Korean - actor.
Song Young-Jae (1965) Korean - actor.
Jo Sung-ha (1966) Korean - actor.
Lee Chang-Hoon (1966) Korean - actor.
Kwon Yong-Woon (1966) Korean - actor.
Shin Jung-Keun (1966) Korean - actor.
Cho Seong-Ha (1966) Korean - actor.
Lee Won-Jong (1966) Korean - actor.
Kim Byung-Choon (1966) Korean - actor.
Lee Hyun-woo / Jessie Lee (1966) Korean - singer and actor.
Fred Armisen (1966) Korean, German,  Venezuelan - actor, comedian, singer, musician, writer, director, and producer.
Christopher Ju / Kato (1986) Korean - producer.
Song Kang-ho (1967) Korean- actor.
Hong Sung-Duk (1967) Korean- actor.
Kim Jung-Pal (1967) Korean- actor.
Sung Dong-Il (1967) Korean - actor.
Sol Kyung-gu (1967) Korean- actor.
John Myung (1967) Korean - bassist (Dream Theater)
Park Chul-Min (1967) Korean - actor.
Son Jong-Hak (1967) Korean - actor.
Kim Yun-Seok (1967) Korean - actor.
Lee Doll-Hyung (1967) Korean - actor.
Byron Lawson (1968) Korean, Cantonese, Japanese- actor.
Daniel Dae Kim (1968) Korean- actor.
Shin Hyeon-jun (1968) Korean- actor.
Sung Ji-Ru (1968) Korean - actor.
Choi Moo-Sung (1968) Korean - actor.
Park Ki-Ryoong (1968) Korean - actor.
Sun Wook-Hyun (1968) Korean - actor.
Lee Sung-Min (1968) Korean - actor.
Lee Sol-Gu (1968) Korean - actor.
Hong Il-Kwon (1968) Korean - actor.
Park Sang-Myeon (1968) Korean - actor.
Eric Steinberg (1969) Korean / White- actor.
Ken Jeong (1969) Korean- actor and comedian.
Ji Dae-han (1969) Korean- actor.
Rex Lee (1969) Korean - actor.
Yu Hae-Jin (1969) Korean - actor.
Seo Jin-Won (1969) Korean - actor.
Kim Seung-Woo (1969) Korean - actor.
Lee Jong-Won (1969) Korean - actor.
Kam Woo-sung (1970) Korean- actor.
Lee Byung-hun (1970) Korean- actor, singer, & model.
Hwang Jung-min (1970) Korean- actor.
Lee Sung-jae (1970) Korean- actor.
Jung Joon-Ho (1970) Korean- actor.
Yoo Hae-jin (1970) Korean- actor.
Ko Chang-Seok (1970) Korean- actor.
Ryoo Seung-Ryong (1970) Korean - actor.
Jeon Bae-Su (1970) Korean - actor.
Lee Hae-Young (1970) Korean - actor.
Kim Sang-Ho (1970) Korean - actor.
Lim Ho (1970) Korean - actor.
Choi Cheol-Ho (1970) Korean - actor.
C.S. Lee (1971) Korean - actor.
Park Hyuk-Kwon (1971) Korean - actor.
Jang Suk-Hyun (1971) Korean- actor.
Will Yun Lee (1971) Korea- actor and martial artist.
Rick Yune (1971) Mongolian Korean - actor and former model.
Ma Dong-seok (1971) Korean-Actor
Ryu Tae-joon (1971) Korean- actor and singer.
Michael Kang (1971) Korean - musician (The String Cheese Incident)
Kenneth Choi (1971) Korean - actor.
Jang Hyuk-Jin (1971) Korean - actor.
Choi Kwon (1971) Korean - actor.
Jung Suk-Yong (1971) Korean - actor.
Lim Seung-Dae (1971) Korean - actor.
Park Yong-Woo (1971) Korean - actor.
Bobby Lee (1971) Korean - actor and comedian.
Jang Dong-gun (1972) Korean - actor.
Ri Min (1972) Korean - actor.
Lee Joon-Hyuk (1972) Korean - actor.
Bae Yong-joon (1972) Korean- actor.
David William No (1972) Korean / white- actor.
Lee Suk-Joon (1972) Korean - actor.
Lee Jung-jae (1972) Korean- actor and former model.
John Cho (1972) Korean- actor and musician.
Sung Kang (1972) Korean- actor.
Kim Sang-kyung (1972) Korean- actor.
Kim Myung-min (1972) Korean- actor.
Cha Soon-Bae (1972) Korean - actor.
Kim Jung-Tae (1972) Korean - actor.
Oh Jae-Kun (1972) Korean - actor.
Kim Gil-Dong (1972) Korean - actor.
George Han Kim / Johan Kim (1973) Korean - singer and record producer.
Yoon Sang-hyun (1973) Korean-actor
Kim Seung-Su (1973) Korean - actor.
Im Chang-jung (1973) Korean- actor & singer.
Tim Kang (1973) Korean- actor.
Jo Suk-Hyun (1973) Korean- actor.
Han Jung-Soo (1973) Korean-actor
David Lee McInnis (1973) Korean/German/Irish-Actor, producer, director
Jo Han-Chul (1973) Korean - actor.
Park Sung-Woong (1973) Korean - actor.
Choi Jae-Sup (1973) Korean - actor.
Park Jin-Woo (1973) Korean - actor.
Michael Yo (1974) Korean / Black (unspecified)- actor, television host, & standup comedian.
Randall Park (1974) Korean- actor.
Jo Jae-Yun (1974) Korean - actor.
Hwang Tae-Gwang (1974) Korean - actor.
Timmy Hung / Hung Tin-ming (1974) Korean, Ningbo - actor.
Jeff Schroeder (1974) German, Korean - musician (The Smashing Pumpkins)
Tiger JK (1974) Korean - idol (Drunken Tiger)
James Kyson (1975) Korean- actor.
Eugene Park (1975) Korean - electronic vocalist.
Kim Young-Jae (1975) Korean - actor.
Kim Sung-Su (1975) Korean - actor.
Karl Yune (1975) Mongolian Korean - actor.
Lee Sun-Kyun (1975) Korean - actor.
Son Byung-Wook (1975) Korean - actor.
Jung Sung-Hwa (1975) Korean - actor.
Jung Min-Sung (1975) Korean - actor.
Kim Tae-Hoon (1975) Korean - actor.
Johnny Yong Bosch (1976) Korean / German, Irish- actor, voice actor, & musician.
Jang Hyuk (1976) Korean - actor.
Lim Jung-Woon (1976) Korean - actor.
Kim Jung-Hyun (1976) Korean - actor.
Shin Dam-Soo (1976) Korean - actor.
Geum Kwang-San (1976) Korean - actor.
Yeo Min-Gyu (1976) Korean - actor.
Park Jung-Chul (1976) Korean - actor.
Kim Seung-Hoon (1976) Korean - actor.
Kwon Sang-woo (1976) Korean - actor.
Choi Won-Young (1976) Korean - actor.
Jung Hyun-Suk (1976) Korean - actor.
Oh Ji-ho (1976) Korean- actor.
Yoo Seung-jun / Steve Yoo (1976) Korean - idol.
Cheon Seong-Hun (1976) Korean- actor.
Hines Ward (1976) Korean / African- American football player.
Park Hae-Joon (1976) Korean - actor.
Kim Joon-Won (1976) Korean - actor.
Jung Sang-Hoo (1976) Korean - actor.
Brian Tee (1977) Korean / Japanese- actor.
So Ji-Seob (1977) Korean - actor.
Heo Sung-Tae (1977) Korean - actor.
Rich Ceraulo (1977) Korean,Japanese,Italian,Irish,Native American (unspecified)-Actor
Joe Hahn (1977) Korean - musician.
Park Jae-sang / Psy (1977) Korean - idol.
Jon Gosselin (1977) Korean / French-Canadian, Irish, Welsh, 1/1024 Portuguese - tv personality.
Ha Jung-woo (1978) Korean- actor.
Jo Shin-Je / Jo Woo-Jin (1978) Korean - actor.
Soo Go (1978) Korean - actor.
Lee Si-Hwan (1978) Korean - actor.
Kim In-Kwon (1978) Korean - actor.
Choi Gwi-Hwa (1978) Korean - actor.
Kim Ki-Moo (1978) Korean - actor.
Danny Ahn (1978) Korean - idol. (g.o.d)
Carlos Galvan (1978) Korean / Mexican - musician.
BJ Penn (1978) Korean, Irish, English and Pacific Islander - MMA fighter.
Arai Hirofumi (1979) Korean - actor.
Ha Dong-hoon(Haha) (1979) Korean- singer, & variety show host.
Jeom Deok-su/Daniel Henney (1979) Korean / Irish- actor and model.
Aaron Yoo (1979) Korean - actor.
Gong Yoo (1979) Korean-Actor
Son Hyun-Woo (1979) Korean - actor.
Yang Dong-Geun (1979) Korean - actor.
Lee Hee-Joon (1979) Korean - actor.
Bryan Lee O’Malley (1979) Korean / Irish, French-Canadian - cartoonist and writer.
Leonardo Nam (1979) Korean - actor.
Lee Hee-Suk (1979) Korean - actor.
Jo Yong-Hyun (1979) Korean - actor.
Choi Soo-Hyung (1979) Korean - actor.
Will Demps (1979) African American, Puerto Rican and Korean - American Football player.
Ryoo Seung-bum (1980) Korean - actor.
Kwon Hae-Sung (1980) Korean - actor.
Jo Sung-Hee (1980) Korean - actor.
Joo Young-Ho (1980) Korean - actor.
Hong Seung-Jin (1980) Korean - actor.
Tamayama Tetsuji (1980) Korean/Japanese - actor.
Jae Hee (1980) Korean- actor.
Kim Nam-gil (1980) Korean- actor and singer.
Cho Seung-woo (1980) Korean- actor.
Cheon Jeong-myeong (1980) Korean- actor.
Ray Munns (1980) English, Irish / Korean - DJ.
Kim Sung-Kyun (1980) Korean - actor.
Yang Joon-Mo (1980) Korean - actor.
Koo Sung-Hwan (1980) Korean - actor.
Jang In-Ho(1980) Korean - actor.
Ricky Kim (1981) Korean / Irish- actor and model.
Brian Joo (1981) Korean - musician (Fly to the Sky)
Jo Insung (1981)-Korean-actor
Lee Dong-wook (1981)-Korean-actor
Justin Chon (1981) Korean - actor.
Choi Kwon (1981) Korean - actor.
Kim Joo-Hwan (1981) Korean - actor.
Kim Min-Ki (1981) Korean - actor.
Jung Jae-Hoon (1981) Korean - actor.
Ha Sung-Chul (1981) Korean - actor.
Kim Ji-Hoon (1981) Korean - actor.
Hong Ahn-Pyo (1981) Korean - actor.
Kim Jae-won (1981) Korean - actor.
Jo Dal-Hwan (1981) Korean - actor.
Jo Han-sun (1981) Korean- actor.
Kim Do-Yoon (1981) Korean- actor.
Kim Tae-woo (1981) Korean- singer.
Ishihara Takamasa / Miyavi (1981) Japanese, Zainichi Korean - singer-songwriter, guitarist, record producer, and actor.
Hwang Young-Min / Tim (1981) Korean - singer.
Julien Kang (1982) Korean/White - television actor and model.
Lee Joon-ki (1982)-Korean-actor
Shin Sung-rok (1982)-Korean-actor
Lee Min-Woong (1982) Korean - actor.
Kwon Yool (1982) Korean - actor.
Shin Dong-Wook (1982) Korean - actor.
Park Joo-Hyung (1982) Korean - actor.
Kim Moo-Yul (1982) Korean - actor.
Hyun Bin (1982) Korean- actor.
Gennady Golovkin (1982) Korean, possibly Russian / Russian - boxer.
Jung Ji-hoon / Rain (1982) Korean - singer-songwriter, actor, and music producer.
Matsuda Ryūhei (1983) Korean, Japanese - actor.
Bang Sung-hoon (1983)-Korean-Actor
Steven Yeun (1983) Korean - actor.
Ha Soo-Ho (1983) Korean - actor.
Heo Hyeong-Gyu (1983) Korean - actor.
Min Jung-Ki (1983) Korean - actor.
Jeon Jae-Hyeong (1983) Korean - actor.
Um Tae-Goo (1983) Korean - actor.
Kim Jae-wook (1983) Korean- actor and model.
David Park (1983) Korean - musician and producer.
Ben Henderson (1983) Korean / African-American - MMA fighter.
Kim Bum-Joon (1983) Korean - actor.
Han Yi-Jin / Han Sung-Yong (1983) Korean - actor.
Seo Hyun-Woo (1983) Korean - actor.
Lee Kwang-Soo (1984) Korean - actor.
Seo Dong-Gun (1984) Korean - actor.
Jon Lee Brody (1984) Korean / German, Jewish- actor.
Sean Dulake (1984) Korean / White- actor and director.
Song Joong-ki (1985) Korean - actor.
Kim Woo-Joo (1985)- Korean-actor
Lee Ho-Cheol / Lee Won-Seob (1985) Korean - actor.
Matsuda Shōta (1985) Japanese, Korean - actor.
Nosaj Thing / Jason Chung (1985) Korean - producer.
Lee Dong-Hwi (1985) Korean - actor.
Kim Tae-Gyeom (1985) Korean - actor.
Kim Young-Choon (1985) Korean - actor.
Stephen Sohn (1986) Korean - model.
Choi Si-won (1986) Korean - singer, songwriter, model, and actor.
Eugene Lee Yang (1986) Korean - Buzzfeed employee.
Lee Dong-hae (1986) Korean - idol (Super Junior)
Lee Sunghwa (1986) Korean-Rapper
Ki Hong-Lee (1986) Korean- actor.
Bae Je-Ki (1986) Korean - actor.
Ryoo Joon-Yeol (1986) Korean - actor
Yoon Shi-yoon (1986) Korean-Actor
Yoo Ah-in (1968) Korean - actor
Yoon Chae-Sung (1968) Korean - actor
Park Jung-Woo (1968) Korean - actor.
David Choi (1986) Korean - member of parody K-Pop group BgA and YouTuber.
Brandon Paak Anderson / Anderson Paak / Anderson .Paak (1986) African American / Korean - singer, songwriter, rapper, drummer and record producer.
Ahn Jae-Hyun (1987) Korean- model & actor.
Paul Barbato/Barby (1987) Korean / Italian, French, Swiss, Irish - YouTuber (Geography Now).
Choi Min (1987) Korean - actor.
Kim Yoon-Bae (1987) Korean - actor.
Jung Il-Woo (1987) Korean - actor.
Kim Young-kwang (1987) Korean-actor
Park Jae-beom / Jay Park (1987) Korean - singer, songwriter, rapper, dancer, record producer, model, choreographer, entrepreneur and actor.
Namekawa Yasuo (1987) Korean/Japanese-Idol (M.I.B).
Sam Carter (1987)-Korean/White-Idol (Lunafly)
Kim Junsu (1987)-Korean- Solo
Lee Min-ho (1987) Korean- actor and singer.
Yoon Kyun-sang (1987)-Korean-Actor
Jang Keun-suk (1987) Korean- actor and singer.
Jay Hayden (1987)-Korean/Irish-Actor
Seo Jun-Young (1987) Korean - actor.
Eric Nam (1988) Korean- Soloist
Lee Chang-seon (1988) Korean-Actor
Jung Hae-in (1988) Korean-Actor
Park Seo Joon (1988) Korean-Actor
Song Won-Seok (1988) Korean - actor.
Kim Soo-hyun / G.Soul (1988) Korean- actor.
Alexander Lee Eusebio (1988) Korean/Portguese/Chinese-Actor and TV Host  
Ex-plicit linez / Brandon Jermaine Yun / ESP (1988) Korean - rapper.
Kim Ji-hyun (1988) Korean - RnB singer.
John Park (1988) Korean - singer.
Bii Shujin (1989) Korean/Taiwanese - actor and singer.
Jung Younghwa (1989) Korean- Actor and Idol (Cnblue)
Lee Gunwoo (1989) Korean-Actor and Idol (Myname)
Lee Jongsuk (1989)-Korean-Actor
Cho Dong-In (1989) Korean - actor
Kim Woo-bin (1989) Korean- actor and model.
Mark Fischbach (1989) Korean / German- Youtuber
Lee Hong-ki (1990) Korean- Actor and Idol (Ft.Island)
Kim Jong-hyun (1990) Korean- Idol (Shinee)
Ross Butler (1990) Malaysian, Chinese, some Japanese, Indonesian, Korean / English, Irish - actor.
Hong Joo-hyun/Cory (1990) Korean-Idol (24k)
Kim Min-seok (1990) Korean - actor.
Seo Jae-Hyung (1990) Korean - actor.
Kim Min-Suk (1990) Korean - actor.
Kang Ha-Neul (1990) Korean - actor.
Mikee Lee (1990) Korean - actor, model, and host.
Lee Minhyuk (1990)- Korean- Actor and Idol (Btob)
Christian Yu (1990)-Korean- Solo and Producer
Cha Hakyeon (1990)-Korean- Actor and Idol (Vixx)
Park Shinwoo (1990) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Kim Seonghwan/Jean Paul (1991) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Shin Wonho (1991) Korean- Actor and Idol (Cross Gene)
Choi Kisu (1991) Korean - idol (24k)
Choi Tae-joon (1991) Korean - actor
Charles Melton (1991) Korean / White, Cherokee- actor.
Lee Jung-Shin (1991) Korean- musician, singer (CN BLUE), rapper, & actor.
Ahn Woo-yeon-(1991)-Korean-Actor
Do Jihan (1991) Korean - actor.
Lee Seo-Joon (1991) Korean - actor.
Oh Se-hun / David Oh (1991) Korean - singer.
Park Hyungsik-(1991)-Korean-Actor and Idol (Zea)
Jung Jin-young (1991) Korean- actor and singer(B1A4)-songwriter.
Misha Ge (1991) Korean/Chinese, Russian-figure skater
Hwang Eui-jeong (1991) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Christopher Thomas Woo / Kevin Woo (1991) Korean - singer, actor and tv host.
Oh Seung-Hoon (1991) Korean - actor.
Kwon Hyuk(Dean) (1992) Korean- Singer, songwriter, & producer.
Lim Hyunsik (1992) Korean- Idol (BTOB)
Kim Yeon-hak/D.L. (1992) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Jo Jinho (1992) Korean-Idol (Pentagon)
John Elvis (1992) Korean / Mexican- actor.
Kim Minhyuk (1992) Korean-Idol (Map6)
Kim Min-kyu (1992) Korean-Actor
Kim Sung-chan/Spax (1992) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Lee Poong-Woon (1992) Korean - actor.
Kang Da-Bin (1992) Korean - actor.
Lee Seunghyub (1992) Korean-Actor and Idol (N.flying)
Park Hyunho (1992) Korean-Solo
Park Jaehyung (1992)-Korean- Idol (Day6)
Jang Wooyoung (1992)-Korean-Idol (VAV)
Kim Chan-yul (1992)-Korean-Idol (JJCC)
Choi Junghyeop (1992)Korean-Idol (VAV)
Han Jihyun (1992) Korean-Actor and Idol (Mr.Mr.)
Choi Junhyuk (1992)-Korean-Idol (Hotshot)
Woo Do Hwan (1992) Korean- Actor
Kim Hee-chan (1992) Korean-Actor
Evan Fong (1992) Korean / Chinese - internet personality and hockey player.
Kang Joon-kyu (1993)-Korean-Idol (Myname)
Jung Daehyun (1993) Korean-Idol (BAP)
Kim Inseong (1993) Korean-Idol (SF9)
Kim Ji-soo (1993) Korean-Actor
Shin Dong-geun / Peniel Shin (1993) Korean - idol (BTOB)
Kim Se-yoon (1993)-Korean-Idol (Ace)
Lee Donghoon (1993) Korean - idol (Ace)
Lee Hwi-Taek (1993)-Korean-Idol (Pentagon)
Lee Minhyuk (1993)- Korean-Idol (Monsta-X)
Lee Seung-hoon (1993)-Korean-Idol (Winner)
Park Jeup (1993)-Korean-Idol (Imfact)
Kim Jeung-uk (1993) Korean - idol (24k)
Shin Jaeha (1993)-Korean- Actor
Shin Je-min (1993)-Korean-Actor and Solo
Yoo Seung-ho (1993)-Korean-Actor
Kim Seyong (1993)-Korean-Actor and Idol (Myname)
John Kim (1993) Korean - actor.
Park Bogum (1993)- Korean- Actor
Jun Sung Ahn (1993) Korean - idol (BgA)
Bernard Park / NakJoon (1993) Korean - singer.
Moon Taeil (1994) Korean-Idol (NCT)
Jung Ilhoon (1994) Korean-Idol (BTOB)
Park Jun-hee/Jun (1994) Korean - idol (Ace)
Kim Heecheon (1994) Korean-Idol (Halo)
Kim Geong-woong/K-KID (1994) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Ahn Daniel (1994)- Korean-Idol (Teen Top)
Kang Seung-yoon (1994)- Korean -Actor and Idol (Winner)
Yang Hongseok (1994)-Korean-Idol (Pentagon)
Kim Wonpil (1994)-Korean-Idol (Day6)
Booboo Stewart (1994) Japanese, Chinese, Korean / Scottish, Russian, Blackfoot (Unconfirmed) - actor.
Kim Kiho (1994)-Korean-Idol (Map6)
Kim Sungjoo (1994)-Korean-Actor and Idol (Uniq)
Kim Jaehyun (1994)-Korean- Idol (N.flying)
Chae Hyungwon (1994)-Korean-Model and Idol (Monsta-x)
Nam Joo Hyuk (1994)-Korean-actor
Kim Dong-hyun/Gong Yoo (1994) Korean - actor
Kang Tae-oh (1994) Korean - actor
Yang Hong-Seok / Hongseok (1994) Korean - actor.
Joshua Hong (1995) Korean-Idol (Seventeen)
Ko Shin-won (1995) Korean-Idol (Pentagon)
Lee Sang-Hyuk (1995)-Korean-Idol (SF9)
Lee Taehwan (1995)- Korean- Actor and Idol (5uprise)
Yoon Jeonghan (1995)-Korean-Idol (Seventeen)
Choi Sungmin (1995)-Korean-Actor
Yeon Jun-Suk (1995) Korean - actor.
Ahn Hyo-Seop (1995)-Korean-Actor
Choi Jun-hong (1996)-Korean Idol (BAP)
Lim Sejun (1996)-Korean-Idol (Victon)
Lee Chang-sun (1996) Korean - idol (24k)
Kim Minjae (1996)-Korean-Actor
Honda Taichi (1996) Korean/Japanese - idol (BLANC7)
Oh Heejun (1996) Korean-Idol (KNK)
Yeo Chang-gu (1996)-Korean-Idol (Pentagon)
Kim Yong-guk (1996)-Korean/Chinese-Idol (JBJ, Longguo and Sihyun)
Kim DongYoung (1996)-Korean- Idol(NCT)
Kim Min-hwi-(1996)-Korean-Idol (Romeo)
KIm Min-hak (1996)-Korean-Idol(Romeo)
Kim Byeong-kwan/Jason (1996) Korean - idol (Ace)
Jang Sebin (1996)-Korean-Idol (Snuper)
Choi Byung-chan (1997) Korean-Idol (Victon)
Kim Dong-hyuk (1997)-Korean-Idol (Ikon)
Kang Yu-chan (1997) Korean- idol (Ace)
Kwon Hyun-bin (1997) Korean - idol (JBJ)
Yoo Taeyang (1997)-Korean-Idol (SF9)
Kwak Dong yeon (1997)-Korean-Actor
Isaac Jin Solstein (1998) Korean / White- actor.
Choi Hansol (1998) Korean/White- Idol (Seventeen)
Sam Kim (1998) Korean - singer and guitarist.
Kim Jin-hong (1998) Korean - idol (24k)
Shim Hong-seob (1998) Korean - idol (24k)
Kang Hyung-gu/Kino (1998) Korean - idol (Pentagon)
Jung Woo-seok (1998) Korean - idol (Pentagon)
Lee Ji-Oh (1998) Korean - actor.
Kim Hee-Soo (1999) Korean - actor.
Park Solomon (1999) Korean - actor.
Mark Lee (1999) Korean-Idol (NCT)
Lee Chan (1999) Korean-Idol (Seventeen)
Noh Kang Min (1999) Korean-Idol (Romeo)
Kim Tae Young (1999) Korean-Idol (Seven O’Clock)
Jo Young Woon (1999) Korean-Idol (14U)
Kwang Hyuk (1999) Korean-Idol (14U)
Lee Se Jin (1999) Korean-Idol (14U)
Park Ji Hoon (1999) Korean-Idol (Wanna One)
Park Woo Jin (1999) Korean-Idol (Wanna One)
Yoon Sanha (2000) Korean-Idol (Astro)
Kang Chan Hee (2000)- Korean-Idol(SF9)
Kim Hwi Young (2000)-Korean-Idol (SF9)
Jang Yun Ho (2000)-Korean-Idol (Varsity)
Jo Da Won (2000)-Korean-Idol (Varisty)
Kwon Kyeong Tae (2000) Korean-Idol (14U)
Bae Jin Young (2000) Korean-Idol (Wanna One)
Lee Jeno (2000) Korean-Idol (NCT Dream)
Kim Dong hyuk (2000) Korean-Idol (NCT Dream)
Na Jae Min (2000) Korean-Idol (NCT Dream)
Ahn Do-Kyu (2000) Korean - actor.
Lee Dae Hwi (2001) Korean-Idol (Wanna One)
Han Hyun-min (2001) Korean / Nigerian - model.
Park Ji Sung- (2002)-Korean-Idol (NCT Dream)
Jaeden Lieberher (2002 / 2003) Korean (maternal grandmother), German, English, as well as 1/16th French-Canadian, 1/16th Belgian/Walloon, some Scots-Irish/Northern Irish and Scottish - actor.
Kim Sang-woo (?) Korean- model- Trans!
Jonathan Stanton (?) Korean/Polish-Actor
Vince Foster (?) Korean/Irish-Actor
Moses Archuleta (?) Korean and hispanic - drummer (Deerhunter)
Shane Gallagher (?) Korean - musician.
Kero One (?) Korean - musician.
Steven Lee (?) Korean - producer.
Mike Park (?) Korean - musician and activist.
James Roh / Prohgress (?) Korean - idol (Far East Movement)
Jae Choung / J Splif (?) Korean - idol (Far East Movement)
Ben “B-Tek” Chung (?) Korean - dancer (Jabbawockeez).
Mike Song (?) Korean - dancer (Kaba Modern)
Jung Hyung-Suk (?) Korean - actor.
Lee Hyun-Geol (?) Korean - actor.
Moon Kyung-Min (?) Korean - actor.
Kim Tan-Hyun (?) Korean - actor.
Ryoo Sung-Hyun (?) Korean - actor.
Han Geun-Sub (?) Korean - actor.
Yoo Soon-Chul (?) Korean - actor.
Sung Do-Hyun (?) Korean - actor.
Heo Jung-Do (?) Korean - actor.
Yoo Soon-Woong (?) Korean - actor.
Do Yong-Gu (?) Korean - actor.
Hyun Chul-Ho (?) Korean - actor.
Kim Sun-Ha (?) Korean - actor.
Goo Bon-Woong (?) Korean - actor.
Jeong Gi-Seop (?) Korean - actor.
Yeo Moo-Young (?) Korean - actor.
Lee Sang-Hee (?) Korean - actor.
Jung Dong-Gyu (?) Korean - actor.
Yoo Seung-Mok (?) Korean - actor.
Jung Ha-Yoon (?) Korean - actor.
Kim Young-Ki (?) Korean - actor.
Lee Woo-Suk (?) Korean - actor.
Kim Jin-Kook (?) Korean - actor.
Kim Kwang-Young (?) Korean - actor.
Problematic/Otherwise don’t use:
Lee Min-ki (1985) Korean- actor - sexual assault charges
Park Yoo-chun (1986) Korean- actor and singer-songwriter.-sexual assault charges
Kang Dong-won (1981) Korean- actor- tried to cover up pro-Japanese family history
Kwon Ji-yong / G-Dragon (1988) Korean - idol (Big Bang) - appropriation, blackface.
Dong Young-bae / Taeyoung (1988) Korean - idol (Big Bang) - appropriation.
Choi Seung-hyun / T.O.P (1987) Korean - idol (Big Bang) - appropriation.
Kang Dae-sung / Daesung (1989) Korean - idol (Big Bang) - appropriation, blackface.
Lee Seung-hyun / Seungri (1990) Korean - idol (Big Bang) - appropriation, blackface, misogynistic, sexual assault accusations.  
Kim Jong-in / Kai (1994) Korean - idol (EXO) - appropriation.
Park Jimin (1995) Korean - idol (BTS) - appropriation.
No Sul Il (1995) Korean-idol (Up10tion)-blackface/sexist sketch on a variety show
Samuel Kim Arredondo (2002)  Korean and Rumored to be Mexican and/or Hispanic-Solo - appropriation
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fireflower90 · 7 years
Drama-rama ask
I Found this @kdramaxoxo, but I am doing this by myself. I actually rather enjoy thinking about these things (I love having some time off from school for a change).  
1. Favourite couple: 
Han Qi Luo and Chen Ling from Mars (2004)
I’ve seen Mars 5 (?) times now and the chemistry between them never ceases to amaze me. 
2. Favourite Actor:
...This is so difficult. There are so many great talents out there. I still think I have to go with Kimura Takuya.
He’s amazing in, well, everything. I’ve seen him in many dramas and movies, and I’m always so impressed by his skills. He is great at showing different emotions and just putting himself out there. He has also evolved tremendously (I think Long vacation (1996) is the oldest drama I ever saw him in). 
3. Favourite Actress:
Gong Hyo Jin I L-O-V-E her. 
4. Favourite Drama:
Worst possible question. It’s a tie between Mars (2004), It’s okay that’s love (2014) and Heart to heart (2015).  
5. Favourite Trope:
Forced cohabitation. 
6. Least Favourite Trope:
Love triangles with whiny exes.
 7. Favourite Genre:
Romance all the way!
8. Least Favourite Genre:
Right now... political drama?
9. Favourite Idol Actor:
Park Hyung Sik (but he is only one of many great ones)
10. Favourite Web Drama:
I actually haven’t seen that many, so I’ll leave this empty. Can’t think of an obvious winner.
11. Worst Ending:
Oh there are so many to choose from. Moon lovers: Scarlet heart Ryeo or Healer (2014).
12. Messiest Plot:
Umm... Black (2017) was quite messy, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. 
13. Favourite Villain:
Kwon Jae Hee from Girl who can see scents (2015) 
14. Character You’re Supposed To Hate But Don’t:
Han Jae Joon from Doctor Stranger (2014) 
15. An Actor/Actress You’d Watch In Any Role:
Gong Hyo Jin and  Ryu Joon Yeo
16. Favourite Sageuk:
Queen In Hyun’s Man
17. Hated Character You Loved:
Yang Ho Rang from Because This is my First Life (2017). I still don’t understand why this character gets so much hate! I can completely relate to her situation and I can also understand her choices in the drama very well. 
18. Loved Character You Hated:
Choi In Ha in Pinocchio (2014)
19. Couple That Should Have Stayed Platonic:
Kim Hye Jin and Ji Seong Jun from She was Pretty (2015)
20. Most Annoying Family/Parents:
Qi Yue’s mother and Jiang Meng’s father in Devil beside you (2005). I just... I can’t. So annoying.    
21. Favourite Sidekick:
Baek Seol Hee from Fight for my way (2017). She’s my hero! <3 
22. Favourite Group Of Friends:
The girls from Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo (2016).
23. Worst Kiss:
Where do I begin... Actually, any kiss with actress Park Shin Hye. I mean really, with that many dramas and so many guys to practice with, one would think she could improve.
24. Favourite Kiss:
I’ll do a top 3, there are so many great ones!
1) Coffee prince (2007) with Yoon Eun Hye and Gong Yoo, making out against the door. I mean, SOME REAL ACTION IN A KDRAMA!
2) Heart to Heart(2015) Choi Kang Hee and Chun Jung Myun, their first kiss in  Ko Yi Seoks apartment. Oh yass, so many emotions flowing there...and the chemistry...Uwaaah.
3) Last Cinderella (2013) with Miura Haruma and Shinohara Ryoko. When Hiroto kisses Sakura when she’s doing the dishes. YAAAY! 
25. A Scene You’ve Rewatched A Million Times
See the three kisses above! :D
Another scene would be the make-out scene in Another Miss oh (2016) where poor Lee Jin Sang is in the room with the main couple. Cracks me up every time.
26. A Drama You Enjoyed, But Will Never Rewatch:
Currently it would be Go Back Couple (2017). I feel the story wasn’t elaborate enough for a re-watch, but I still enjoyed it before.
27. A Drama That Had A Strong Premier But Fell Apart:
W - two worlds (2016). This drama got me so excited and for the first 5 episodes I was hooked, but then it just turned ridiculously repetitive, boring, unimaginative... I finished it, enjoyed it okay on sheer memories of the first few episodes. 
28. Automatic Mood Lift OST:
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo (2016) All the songs are purrrfect for a gloomy day. 
29. A Lead You’d Marry:
Kang Ho Goo from Ho Goo’s love (2015). He’s a saint, looks great, apparently he’s a great artist + kisser, and he loves babies!!! He’s a perfect catch. 
30. A Well Loved Actor/Actress Who Just Doesn’t Appeal To You
Park Shin Hye
31. An Unexpected Ship:
Unexpected? Can’t think of one right now. 
32. Favourite Crackship:
Well, If I say Goblin, what do you think? :D 
33. Actors You Wish Would Work Together:
Well, this is tricky... Kim Sun Ah and Gong Yoo should start working on something new together imo! 
34. First Drama:
Full House (2004)
35. Oldest OST You Still Listen To Regularly:
I rarely stick to entire OST’s, I prefer to listen to certain songs. I still very often listen to B’z - Konya Tsuki no Mieru oka ni from the drama Beautiful life (2000). The Queen songs from the J-drama Pride (2004) are also on my playlist. 
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aisyaahfd-blog · 7 years
청춘시대 (Age of Youth)
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Recently, I just finished a Korean drama called ‘Age of Youth’. After following 2 seasons of this drama, I guess it’s safe to say that this drama is one of my favourite Korean drama. The story is about 5 university students who share same house and live together. These 5 girls who came from completely different backgrounds and have different personalities, in which made their friendship somewhat chaotic at first as none of them have got the guts to say what they actually feel and the other hand, another person feel mistaken. So you know, misunderstanding happens.. all the time.. Every character in the drama has total opposites of one another which makes the characters stand out equally and are easy to remembered. The characters are Yoon Jin-myung , Song Ji-Won, Jung Ye-eun, Yoo Eun-jae, and Kang Yi-na. Yoon Jin-myung is the oldest that has very hard-working personality, she has so many part time jobs to support her family’s financial situation. Her strict schedules in her daily life makes her look careless to her roommates. The truth is, she pays detail attention and is very cautious of her surroundings.The second character  is called Song Ji Won. She is really energetic and positive yet not very sensitive. She is always successful to brighten everybody’s day and is ready to stand up for her friends. The third character is Jung Ye-eun, she’s the girly type of girl who always smile and look happy, while actually she hides a lot of dilemma. The fourth character is Yoo Eun-jae.she’s the youngest and is very shy, and innocent. She always keep what she wants to say to herself and likes to mumbe. However, this changed when she met the other four girls. Last but not least is Kang Yi-na, she’s very straightforward yet thoughtful person. She always get attention from boys due to her looks and uses it to attain her luxury life. She really doesn’t care about what other people think about her. But when it comes to her roommate, she takes it as a great matter.
Age of youth is so much more than telling a cliche-clingy romance story in college. it tells me about friendship like be there for each other, dealing with family issues and school life. What is special about this drama is that I can relate to almost every event in the scenes. As a college student, I can ascribe their apprehensive of life and  need of encouragement from close ones.  I love how these 5 strangers that don’t care about one and another, find a great value in their friendship. In every episode, there’s always someone who express her thought that make me thinking about life; how others are not always understanding what we meant but it doesn’t mean they don’t care or don’t want to help out. Most of the time these thought left me feeling happy, sad, bitter, confused and joyful all in the same time. Another plus point of this drama is they only have 12 episodes for season 1 and 14 episodes for season 2 which i think is really friendly within my timeframe to catch up.
In season 2 of this drama, there are several things that changed due to some technical reasons. It takes some times for me to adjust the old characters to the new ones. But, as goes with my expectations, the story line is not disappointing and is successful to return to me the roller coaster feeling. At the final episode, the story had kinda of a cliffhanger ending. But maybe there will be a season 3 from this drama, in which I would  love to watch. So far, there is no confirmation regarding the possibility of its continuation.  Nonetheless, this drama is perfect for you who are craving for relatable real-life story and yet still retain its comedic sense.
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ginkamon · 7 years
questions tag
tagged by @profilerrynn 💕💕 thank you! :D
my questions!
1. favorite villain? why? 2. a character that you disliked at first but gradually came to care about a lot? 3. ost from a drama (kdrama/jdrama/cdrama) that makes you sad? 4. favorite scene from your favorite drama? 5. favorite animated movie? or just favorite movie if you’re not into animation? 6. a movie or show you love but wouldn’t necessarily recommend to others? 7. an actor/actress you got into recently? what made you get into them (show/movie/variety show/etc)? 8. your favorite artist/band? or just favorite genre? 9. a drama that had a lot of potential but failed to live up to it?
i think i’m supposed to put 10 but i honestly couldn’t think of any more.
tagging: @hattiehargrove @youholdthewater @banghae @scarsbecomearmor @evil-writer ok idk if any of you have done this yet so ignore if you have >.>
favourite actor/actress that you consider underrated?
if this were a few months ago i’d say kim jae wook, but i think with voice he finally started getting the recognition he deserves :’)
also yoo in na? she gets a lot of second lead roles and they’re usually kind of similar? so i don’t think a lot of people get to see that she can do a lot more. (ahem please watch the master piece that is queen in hyun’s man) lee el as well, since she usually gets minor roles but she’s always so great to watch :’)
first kdrama & kmovie you watched?
first kdrama was playful kiss. and first kmovie was love me not. i grew out of the kver of playful kiss but i still really like love me not.
favourite books? (so i can have more book recs hihi)
a tree grows in brooklyn - betty smith
the uglies series - scott westerfeld
and then there were none - agatha christie
the book thief - markus zusak
kindred - octavia e. butler
yotsuba&! - kiyohiko azuma (ok its a manga but still it’s really great!!!!)
an actor/actress you think deserves a main lead? (coz yknow always gets casted as a supporting char and stuff)
kim seul gi! she’s been the lead in two webdramas, but i’d love to see her as the lead in a full length one. she’s so good and she deserves it :’’)
also choi yeo jin!
favourite screenwriter you wished would produce dramas/movies more?
hmm i don’t think i have a favorite screenwriter. tbh i’m just waiting for the liar game writer to make their comeback with s2
favourite otp or dream otp?
favorite otps are boong do and hee jin from queen in hyun’s man and yi suk and hong do from heart to heart.
for a dream otp i would love love love to see kang ha neul and kim seulgi do a drama together. ever since that happy together ep i’ve been waiting
if you have a chance to produce your own drama/movie, who would you cast?
tbh i want to get song yoon ah and ji chang wook together again for a good slow burn melo! their chemistry in the k2 was just Too Good
favourite actor/actress that you would want to see in real life?
I think I’d like to meet kim seul gi the most because she seems really fun and chill to hang out with. I’d love to meet gong hyo jin too but i honestly don’t think i could handle her presence.
a drama/movie that didn’t disappoint you from start to finish?
it’s rare for me to go into a drama with high expectations or any at all so i’m rarely disappointed. idk if that makes sense. but i think both my wife is having an affair this week and awl really surprised me. for both of them, i went in just to watch b/c of cast or people saying it’s good so i only wanted to check it out and they really just blew me away with each ep. also dmf! i hadn’t really seen any of the actors/actresses in other things so i was kinda going in blind (and i didn’t really love its okay its love or that winter the wind blows) but it’s a fave now :’’)
favourite kdrama/kmovie of all time?
queen in hyun’s man is my absolute fave but i also love age of youth, gaksital, signal and misaeng just as much :’)
favorite movies are my ps partner and sunny :D
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