#kdrama masterlists
iheartcake123 · 6 months
yeong-hu x f! reader
warnings: contains some spoilers from S2 Sweet Home
a/n: this fic will contain certain parts which happened in S2 but won’t be 100% accurate!! also i had to write a fic about this man, he IS husband material + if any of you have read my other fics you know how much i suck at endings so im sorry about this ending🤣 i hope you enjoy it either way though!!
everyday was the same thing, wake up, stand in line for roll call and do your part to help with the survival of the group. the crow platoons ensured safety but supplies were running low.
before everything happened, you were a doctor and had served some time in the military as a doctor too. you kept that second part a secret though. you refused to get involved with the crow platoon in that aspect. they were usually looking to get more people with military experience to join them.
you were quite happy just being like everyone else and doing doctor duties when people really needed it. supplies were always low for what you did and you found yourself just making do with anything.
the morning started like all others. people doing little things they were assigned to do. then the announcement for roll call was made and you lined up with everyone. the crow platoon were going on an expedition for more supplies.
everyone stood in line as members of the crow platoon did their checks. they needed to make sure everyone was accounted for before they left.
you were stood with yeong-su and jin-ok. yeong-su had a baseball in his hand and was throwing it up and down.
“you should stop before they see” you told yeong-su to which he rolled his eyes and continued throwing his ball, that was until he dropped it.
the sound of the ball rolling seemed to be the only sound until it came to a stop. it had hit the shoes of one of the crow platoon soldiers. the soldier u-seok picked the ball up and yeong-su started to get upset.
“give it back to me! give it back!” yeong-su complained trying to reach up and grab the ball but the soldier held it higher.
suddenly, then the soldier grabbed a hold of yeong-su’ arm and held it in place.
“when did he get this scar?” u-seok questioned.
“it’s from last night” jin-ok chimed in and began to hold onto yeong-su.
“it looks fresher than that” u-seok tightened his grip on the young boy.
“sir, it doesn’t seem serious” the other soldier chan-young said looking between the two.
“what would you know about it? we have to be sure” u-seok then took out his knife and tried to cut yeong-su.
“just. just let him go. he’s just a child..ok?” jin-ok held yeong-su protectively.
“kids can be monsters too. there’s no exceptions”
“then let jin-ok do it herself” you stepped forward and jin-ok nodded profusely.
“yes, i’ll do it myself” jin-ok addded.
“you should’ve done it last night” the soldier then tried to cut yeong-su.
before he could make contact with the young boys skin, you stopped him. you stood forward and held onto the knife. your hand wrapped around the sharp blade and you did a manoeuvre to get the knife from the guard.
you held the knife up to his throat, your hand was covered in blood but you didn’t care. u-seok was acting like an ass and needed to be taught a lesson.
“maybe you should start doing your job properly and focus on more important things like getting more medical supplies rather than picking on a little kid” you said through grit teeth putting the knife down.
“you think you’re so tough huh?” u-seok snatched the knife from you and then latched his hand onto your top.
“sir, we have other important matters” chan-young tried to step in.
“you finish up here, im taking this one to sarge. then we’ll see if she has anything more to say”
you then found yourself being dragged with full force through the various halls. u-seok kept his grip on you and even though you tried to push him away from you, it was no use.
eventually, you reached the area where the crow platoon gather together and get set up for their expeditions. the room was full of some of the other soldiers
“let go of me asshole!” you cursed at him and he then threw you to the floor.
you landed on the cold floor and winced slightly as you tried to get up. you hand was still bloody and sore from earlier.
“what’s this?” sergeant kim (yeong-hu) walked in, his eyes focused to you.
“sarge, this one here managed to get a hold of my knife and held it to my throat. she’s definitely hiding something!” u-seok said loudly.
“this isn’t how we treat people u-seok. doesn’t matter what they’ve done” yeong-hu walked up to you and held his hand out.
you glared at him before getting up yourself. you didn’t need his hand.
“i haven’t done anything wrong. your poor excuse of a soldier u-seok picked on a little kid today. so all i did was tell him to focus on more important things like getting more supplies. especially medical supplies” you defended yourself and decided to speak your mind. “we have sick people and they need treatment. honestly i haven’t seen anything this bad ever since i served-“
you soon stopped yourself after realising you had just exposed yourself. god, you only hoped he wasn’t listening to that last part.
“served? are you telling me that you used to be in the military?” yeong-hu folded his arms and you meekly nodded.
there was no use lying now.
“go get ready” yeong-hu told you firmly and you raised an eyebrow.
“for what?” you questioned. why did you have to get ready.
“just get ready and then we’ll talk…?” he looked at you and you said your name.
“y/n…” he then said before brushing you aside and turning to his men “everyone we leave in five minutes. be ready.”
you now found yourself sat in the backseat of a military truck with yeong-hu and one of his other men named seok-chan in the front. your hand was now wrapped too and you had your bag with you. your own personal knife hiding in the front pocket just in case.
“where are you going to take me?” you questioned.
“you suggested that we need more medical supplies, you must know where we can find some” yeong-hubanswered while looking at a map in his hands. he didn’t bother looking at you.
you were being weary. what if he was lying? but also why would they bring you? you could’ve just marked a map up for them.
you remained silent as you waited for some of the other soldiers of crow platoon to get into the other vehicles.
“are you dating anyone sarge?” seok-chan smirked “a lot of our boys are seeing someone on the down low, you know?”
“are you?” yeong-hu responded.
“i cant. unless you start dating, i can’t wreck the chain of command”
“i feel no need for it”
“is it because you couldn’t find the right person?..it’s just, well i’ve been thinking and i mean you’re good looking and a survivor, you’re good at killing monsters and as a leader. you’re a prize catch in today’s standards. so, why can’t you get a girl? don’t you think y/n?”
you scoffed “as if anyone would want someone as cold and confusing as your sergeant”
yeong-hu turned his head and shot you a stern look at seok-chan awkwardly laughed.
“she’s probably just joking sarge” he cleared his throat as yeong-hu glared at him “let’s just focus on the mission”
“good idea” you added.
-time skip (im sorry im feeling lazy💀)-
you hated to admit it but going on the expedition with the crow platoon guys was actually pretty interesting and fun. it was the first time in god knows how long that you actually went outside and got hands on.
it was currently raining and you were taking in every second of it as you packed the final bits of medical supplies you had found.
“thank you” you said loudly to yeong-hu and he turned to look at you “really thank you”
yeong-hu was just about to respond but suddenly a loud explosion was heard. everyone’s heads turned to where the sound had come from.
“that came from camp, right?” seok-chan said.
“we need to prepare to head back!” yeong-hu called out loud to everyone and everyone began to get into the trucks.
it was decided to draw the monsters away from the stadium. the crow platoon had a plan, the only problem was that they didn’t get you involved.
“give me a gun. i can help” you demanded.
“forget it. i let you come to help look for supplies, that’s all. leave the rest to us” yeong-hu then opened the truck door for you to get inside.
with a loud huff you gave in and sat in the truck at the platoon men did their thing. once it was over, you found yourself back at the stadium.
you followed yeong-hu and the rest of the platoon members back into camp. you held your bag full of medical supplies on your shoulders, already thinking of places to store your new items.
as you continued on, seargent tak appeared.
“ten hut!” he called out and everyone around you turned to focus on him.
“sir, what was that explosion i heard?” yeong-hu asked stepping forward.
“a women tried to run and triggered a mine earlier. it exploded before we could properly defuse it” sergeant tak explained.
“which platoon member was overseeing them?”
from behind seargent tak, chan-young had approached them.
“I was in charge sir” chan-young stood straight “im private park”
you liked chan-young. he was by far the nicest platoon member out of them all. you didn’t know him well but from what you had seen before, he didn’t have a bad bone in his body.
“it’s behind us now. we moved on” sergeant tak told yeong-hu.
“and the runner? removed. i assume,huh? park chan-young!” yeong-hu was clearly pissed.
“she was showing monster symptoms so we isolated her” chan-young said.
“isolated?” yeong-hu raised an eyebrow.
“i insisted we keep her here.”’
once chan-young said those words, yeong-hu lost it and punched him. he fell into some old metal barrels but stood straight after a second so, yeong-hu punched him again- even harder. chan-young finally fell to the floor and he received a foot to the stomach.
“are you crazy? stop!” you yelled pushing yeong-hu so that he wouldn’t hurt chan-young any further.
“you stay out of this” yeong-hu grit his teeth, his stare like daggers.
if looks could kill, you would’ve been dead.
he then stormed off and you shook your head disappointedly as you helped chan-young get up.
over the next few days, you noticed yeong-hu around. whenever he locked eyes with you, you’d pretend to not notice and whenever it was roll call you’d hope that it wouldn’t be him doing the checks. luckily for you it wasn’t him.
you couldn’t get him out of your head. he’d made an impression on you. good or bad? you didn’t know which one yet. but it was definitely a strong impression. you knew that.
“come with me” one of the platoon members had come to grab you.
“what for?” you were curious. after all, it had come out of no where.
“just come” the member said and began to walk away.
with a sigh you decided to follow.
“through there” the member then gestured for you to go in.
with a gulp, you pushed the door open and stepped inside. and there was yeong-hu. he had his hands on his hips while staring at a map up on a board, his head flicked in your direction and he then turned his full attention to you.
“where have your friends eun-yu and chan-young gone? they’re missing from roll call” yeong-hu asked while looking you up and down.
“how would i know where they are? i don’t keep tabs on them” you shrugged and paused “but…even if i did know, what makes you think i’d tell you. huh?”
“y/n i don’t have time for your childish games. you need to tell me straight if you know where they went”
“i just told you. i don’t know. i didn’t even know they were missing…now, can i go?”
yeong-hu nodded his head and you kissed your teeth as you turned to walk out the room. you were then stopped as you felt a hand on you. the force of the hand made you spin around to face yeong-hu. he was closer than before and you gulped as he scanned your face.
“if you see your friends, you need to tell me immediately” he told you and you nodded lightly.
your heart was beating fast because of how close he was and his hand was oddly warm and soft.
when you finally left the room, you couldn’t help but feel hot. your heart was still beating extremely fast and you hadn’t realised before but yeong-hu was actually really attractive.
stop! you told yourself.
you can’t like him.
you don’t like him.
the rest of the day passed by extremely slowly and you tried to distract yourself by doing different chores. none of it seemed to work as your mind constantly wandered back to one specific person.
that same person also couldn’t get you out of his head. he was trying to focus on his duties but you were constantly lingering in his mind. there was something about you. he couldn’t put his finger on it but he knew he had strong feelings for you. he just didn’t know if they were good or bad.
you tried sleeping. but you couldn’t. instead you were stuck tossing and turning trying to force yourself. it wasn’t working.
after sitting up, you slipped your shoes on and made your way to the crow platoon area. there was only one way to get your mind off that one person. you needed to face your feelings.
you wondered back to the room from earlier. your palms became sweaty once you were stood directly outside the door and your heart began to race. with whatever courage in you, you knocked lightly on the door and when you heard yeong-hu’ voice. you entered.
“y/n, it’s you” yeong-hu was slightly taken aback “have you found out where your friends went?”
you shook your head “sorry, no. i just couldn’t sleep. im guessing it’s the same for you too?”
“oh uh yeah, there’s a lot on my mind”
a silence then filled the room. you suddenly didn’t know what to say. for a while you both then didn’t say a word to one another.
“i should go. you must have a lot of things to do” you awkwardly tried to make an excuse to leave and began to head to the door.
“stay” yeong-hu’ voice was firm and you paused in your tracks.
“what?” you questioned not daring to turn around.
“stay y/n” he repeated.
“i should get going.” you reached forward to grab the door handle.
without warning, yeong-hu stood in front of you and was now blocking the door.
“y/n, there’s something about you. i don’t quite understand it. even when you’re not there, you linger in my mind. i think about you and i shouldn’t.” yeong-hu’ confession caught you off guard.
“what are you saying?” you breathed out, unable to say anything else.
“i like you”
as soon as he said those words you felt a weight being lifted off your shoulders.
he had made it easy for you and your feelings towards him were now clear too.
“i like you too” you couldn’t help the smile that appeared on your face.
yeong-hu brought his hand up to your cheek and gently cupped up. he looked between your eyes and your lips for permission and when you nodded lightly, he leaned forward and pressed your lips together.
and for once everything just felt right.
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yuna542 · 1 year
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If you want to be part of my permanent or a specific Taglist write a comment and I'll add you!
English is my second language so don't come at me, with grammar and shit <3 I'm trying my best!(Google translation appreciation)
- have fun around my blog and much love <3
Requests open: Feel free to dm me requests about your dirty (or sweet) little fantasies and if I like it, I'm gonna include it into a story or make it an own oneshot.
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⚡️Stray Kids⚡️
Pairing: OT8 x Reader Series
Status: Work in progress
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Comfort
Warnings: 18+, under 18 DNI!, Fem!reader, explicit smut, swearing, mention of sex and alcohol, unprotected sex (just don't!), Angst, Jealousy, Poly Relationship
Taglist: Closed (love y'all!)
On your first day of your new job as the personal manager of Stray Kids, you didn't expect to be standing in front of the man you made out with last night in a club. But it soon becomes clear that the Stray Kids don't just want you as their manager.
Will this passionate arrangement end your career?
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Drabble Challenge ✏️
1❤️‍🩹🐺 II🚌🐿️
Steamy (Felix x this Reader)
🌊Outer Banks🌊
Sand & Pearl (Coming Soon)
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Status: Work in progress
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader/Oc
Genre: Fluff, Enemies to Lovers, Smut, Angst, Drama, Action
Warnings: ✍️
Taglist: Open
Summary: The Kook princess is back after a year and reignites the war between Pogues and Kooks on Kildare. But she quickly realizes that after this year, nothing is the same as before. Deception, secrets from the past, and dangerous conspiracies sweep across Kildare, leaving her no choice but to work with the Pogues and her personal nemesis to find the truth and maybe even $8 million. A dangerous treasure hunt begins that changes her world upside down.
© Sky-yuna — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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myjlla · 3 months
Can you write a nsfw headcanon for kyungjun?
nsfw headcanon with Go Kyungjun
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Pairing ✮⋆˙ Go Kyungjun x Reader
Warning's ✮⋆˙ this work contain's sexual content, if you are not comfortable please don't read, just ignore. You have been warned.
Let's start with foreplay
• Kyungjun takes his time with your body, exploring the areas that are most sensitive and responsive to touch
• He enjoys teasing you during foreplay (and not only), using his big, veiny hands, his lips, and tongue to stimulate your zones and places
• Also to get these noises, sighs, and moans out of you
• Kyungjun builds tension and arousal during foreplay, using gentle teasing and more intense stimulation to drive you wild
• Above all, Kyungjun respects his partner's boundaries during foreplay, checking in if they're comfortable
Moving forward
• He is the dominant one, you can't tell me otherwise, he takes charge of guiding the direction all this situation is going into
• He enjoys being in control of the pace, intensity, positions, and activities if you know what I mean. He is also not afraid to issue some commands guiding you
• I see him using his physical dominance to show his control, such as pinning you against the wall, holding you in place, grabbing you and tossing you around, and pinning your hands behind your back or above your head
• He enjoys teasing you and showing his control over your pleasure, using techniques like edging or orgasm denial
• Likes using handcuffs, ropes, bondage, or other props to further assert his dominance
Pleasuring you
• Kyungjun focuses on pleasuring you in every way possible
• He uses his hands, lips, and tongue paying close attention to your reactions
• He is skilled at finding your most sensitive spots and knows how to tease you
• Like I said his touch is firm, yet gentle (cause hurting you is the last thing he would do)
• He is not afraid of trying new things
• Loves to use his long fingers on you but listen, during oral... He is completely focused on your satisfaction and pleasure, he can't even think about himself
Pleasuring him
• Kyungjun likes to receive pleasure and likes it even more when you are the one to initiate it
• I don't think he cares much about how you are willing to pleasure him but his favourite is to receive a nice blowjob
• He can't get over the view of your eyes looking so politely at him, with your mouth full and your knees hurting on the ground, it looks so pretty
• Your tongue just drives him wild with desire for more
• After an intense round Kyungjun pulls you close, wrapping his arms around you tight, he holds you firmly but gently, providing a sense of security
• Peppers you with compliments (even tho he is not a very vocal person he has his moments during and after intimate situations), he reassures you showing the emotional connection you two share
• He might stroke your head or rub your back softly before heading to shower together
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✮⋆˙ julliet
Written by @myjlla on Tumblr; do not steal !!
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babbymochiiii · 5 months
pt. 1
( 🔞 18+ smut 🧸 fluff 💋 suggestive )
✨note: here you will find writing for the 10 eldest members! In part two 👇🏼 you’ll find the 10 youngest members!
⭐️ note 2: please let it be known that this is only part 1 for part 2 the link is here
✨ main master list: here
requests are open! ⭐️
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Confession Letter: Johnny Suh
↪︎.3k words
↪︎ college student Johnny, reader insert, mention of stalking
↪︎ Synopsis: you give him a confession letter and he ends up being a stalker…
When He Replaces You: Johnny Suh
↪︎ 1.6k words
↪︎ non idol Johnny, reader insert, angst
↪︎ Synopsis: where Johnny kept going to the cafe you worked at after everything ended
↪︎ 703 words
↪︎ angel! Johnny x ngs! reader, suggestive context about the one-night stand and the memories from that night they had together
↪︎synopsis: you had a one-night stand with angel! Johnny, to which you try to leave without him noticing, but he ends up cornering you ;)
🔞Birthday Surpirse: JOHNNY SUH
↪︎ 1.7k words
↪︎ idol! Johnny x afab! reader, smut, fluff, romance, established relationship, Johnny getting blind folded, oral (m), unprotected sex (y’all wrap it up pls), dick riding, dom Johnny, sub reader, daddy count (1), dirty talk, Johnny coming inside of reader, pet names; hers: angel, baby; his: baby
↪︎synopsis: you give Johnny a birthday surprise 🎁
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Saved: Lee Taeyong
↪︎ .6k words
↪︎ taeyong, reader insert, publicly being embarrassed, romance, fluff-ish
↪︎ Synopsis: where he saves you from embarrassment
[ 4:03 pm ]
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Music Taste: Nakamoto Yuta
↪︎ .6k words
↪︎ non specific pairing, comedy, idol group NCT 127, second hand embarrassment,
↪︎ Synopsis: he likes the taste of your music
🔞Caught: Nakamoto Yuta
↪︎ 1k words
↪︎ NCT college au, heavy make outs, hickies, dry hunping, almost oral (f receiving), getting caught, smut
↪︎ Synopsis: you were heading to bed when you head a thump upstairs.
↪︎ 697 words
↪︎ yandere yuta and doyoung, reader insert, angst, panic attacks, indecisive thoughts, manipulation
↪︎ Synopsis: they kidnap you and you have consent panic attacks
💋Tongue Piercing: NAKAMOTO YUTA
↪︎ 506 words
↪︎ idol yuta, reader insert, comedy, suggestive context about the piercing
↪︎ Synopsis: where you tell yuta about the speculations NCTzens have been making about a supposed tongue piercing, to which he admits.
↪︎ rockstar! yuta x afab! reader
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Excuse Me?: Qian Kun
↪︎ .7k words
↪︎ idol kun, reader insert, comedy, sexual tension
↪︎ Synopsis: you were caught saying something the moment he walked into the room.
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🔞 I Just Wanna Be Yours: Kim Doyoung
↪︎ 5k words
↪︎ idol doyoung, reader insert, smut, angst, best friends to lovers, believing feelings are one sided, slight mention of an abusive adult, drinking and getting “drunk,” mention of sleeping with idols, make out, hickies, biting, oral (f receiving), fingering, sex without condom (y’all wrap that shit up we don’t want anything), call count of 3 times for daddy, after care.
↪︎ Synopsis: Upon getting drunk with one another, true feelings come spilling out.
↪︎ 697 words
↪︎ yandere yuta and doyoung, reader insert, angst, panic attacks, indecisive thoughts, manipulation
↪︎ they kidnap you and you have consent panic attacks
🔞Tag Team: Kim Doyoung
↪︎ 1.6k words
↪︎ idol doyoung, reader insert, reader’s best friend, smut, oral (m), a pretty heavy make out between reader and best friend (only once-), giving that sloppy toppy, DOYOUNG wanting to take control but couldn’t because the reader is >///< being dominant for the situation, slight possessiveness, just filth LMAO
↪︎ Synopsis: everyone’s been sharing the same sexual fantasy
🔞Strawberry Sunday: DOJAEJUNG
↪︎ 12.6k words
↪︎ non idol! doyoung, jaehyun, jungwoo x female! reader 🔞smut, some romance, some fluff, angst? public sex (2), slightly dom jungwoo, reader is a lil slutty for them, unprotected sex, hair pulling, slight choking, cream pie (2), doyoung being a complete softy for you, doyoung being a pantie sniffer, pussy worshiping, "just the tip" scenario, doyoung is literally on his knees for you babes, mean but "soft" dom jaehyun, jaehyun humiliating you, dirty talk with some name calling, dacryphilia, sir count (1), oral (m & f), "threesome" (m x f x m) its more like a eiffel tower, voyeurism, after care, hand job, established relationship | pet names for reader: jungwoo: puppy, doyoung: bunny, jaehyun: baby | pet names from reader to them: jungwoo: Woo, doyoung: Doi, jaehyun: Jae
↪︎synopsis: Doyoung, Jungwoo, and Jaehyun each have a crush on you, while you do like 'em as well, but in order to find out if your shy nature with them is because you also feel the same way, they take things to the next level, by themselves and together.
↪︎synopsis: you had a really exhausting day at work and your boyfriend Doyoung knew exactly what you needed to help you feel better.
↪︎warnings: mental exhaustion, mention of people complaining and yelling, crying
↪︎word count: 717 words
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On My Youth: TEN LEE pt.1
↪︎ 1.9k words
↪︎ idol! ten lee x ngs! reader ft. xiaojun, angst, crying, conflicted feelings, minor yelling, confronting on ten’s bs, break up, more crying, just angst and more angst
↪︎synopsis: you’ve noticed ten has been weird ever since his recent comeback, and with one text message it confirmed everything. But you weren’t going to let him do that to you through the phone so you confront him in person.
On My Youth: TEN LEE pt. 2
↪︎ 1.7k
↪︎idol! ten lee x ngs! reader, angst, missing one another, more crying, confrontation, minor yelling, even ore crying…it’s a lot of painful memories for the two folks, some sort of hopeful outcome for the two..?
↪︎synopsis: ten goes to your apartment to speak to you in person about everything that is going on between the two of you…will things clear up between you both?
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🔞Sir: Jung Jaehyun
↪︎ 1.1k words
↪︎ Jaehyun, reader insert (non gender), smut, dom!Jaehyun, being tied up, edging?, 2 call count of Sir, someone walking in, choking, palming, fingering/stroking, etc.
↪︎ Synopsis: you and Jaehyun have a secret fling, to which some of the members of 127 are getting suspicious.
🔞Strawberry Sunday: DOJAEJUNG
↪︎ 12.6k words
↪︎ non idol! doyoung, jaehyun, jungwoo x female! reader 🔞smut, some romance, some fluff, angst? public sex (2), slightly dom jungwoo, reader is a lil slutty for them, unprotected sex, hair pulling, slight choking, cream pie (2), doyoung being a complete softy for you, doyoung being a pantie sniffer, pussy worshiping, "just the tip" scenario, doyoung is literally on his knees for you babes, mean but "soft" dom jaehyun, jaehyun humiliating you, dirty talk with some name calling, dacryphilia, sir count (1), oral (m & f), "threesome" (m x f x m) its more like a eiffel tower, voyeurism, after care, hand job, established relationship | pet names for reader: jungwoo: puppy, doyoung: bunny, jaehyun: baby | pet names from reader to them: jungwoo: Woo, doyoung: Doi, jaehyun: Jae
↪︎synopsis: Doyoung, Jungwoo, and Jaehyun each have a crush on you, while you do like 'em as well, but in order to find out if your shy nature with them is because you also feel the same way, they take things to the next level, by themselves and together.
💋Valentines With Jaehyun
↪︎ established relationship! Jaehyun x reader; a little something something or v-day and for jaehyun’s birthday! 💌
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[ 01:19 pm]
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🔞Strawberry Sunday: DOJAEJUNG
↪︎ 12.6k words
↪︎ non idol! doyoung, jaehyun, jungwoo x female! reader 🔞smut, some romance, some fluff, angst? public sex (2), slightly dom jungwoo, reader is a lil slutty for them, unprotected sex, hair pulling, slight choking, cream pie (2), doyoung being a complete softy for you, doyoung being a pantie sniffer, pussy worshiping, "just the tip" scenario, doyoung is literally on his knees for you babes, mean but "soft" dom jaehyun, jaehyun humiliating you, dirty talk with some name calling, dacryphilia, sir count (1), oral (m & f), "threesome" (m x f x m) its more like a eiffel tower, voyeurism, after care, hand job, established relationship | pet names for reader: jungwoo: puppy, doyoung: bunny, jaehyun: baby | pet names from reader to them: jungwoo: Woo, doyoung: Doi, jaehyun: Jae
↪︎synopsis: Doyoung, Jungwoo, and Jaehyun each have a crush on you, while you do like 'em as well, but in order to find out if your shy nature with them is because you also feel the same way, they take things to the next level, by themselves and together.
[ 10:30 pm ]
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ourdadai · 12 days
✿ yubi ꒰ atriz ꒱ lockscreens !
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blue-jisungs · 8 months
( i'm super shy, super shy ) — back to main masterlist
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OP(LA) MASTERLIST : dislaimer: i’m in the process of watching one piece so some characters may be ooc/lore inaccurate as im only around 100ep 🥲 i write both for op and opla!
… ⇢ ˗ˏˋ ZORO ࿐ྂ
purrfect escape
… ⇢ ˗ˏˋ SANJI ࿐ྂ
vanilla flavored kisses
… ⇢ ˗ˏˋ LUFFY ࿐ྂ
… ⇢ ˗ˏˋ ACE ࿐ྂ
… ⇢ ˗ˏˋ SHANKS ࿐ྂ
the most expensive drink
opla taglist. @eternalgyu ,, @haecien
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K-RELATED MISC : dramas, actors, groups i technically haven't started writing for yet (read: they don't have an official masterlist). will probably expand in the future or divide into separate mlist if i decide to do one lol
… ⇢ ˗ˏˋ SEO YUL (alchemy of souls) ࿐ྂ
red and blue colored jealousy
training // calming balm
… ⇢ ˗ˏˋ HAN SEOJUN (true beauty) ࿐ྂ
… ⇢ ˗ˏˋ SO MUN (the uncanny counter) ࿐ྂ
… ⇢ ˗ˏˋ SAWOL (black knight) ࿐ྂ
… ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5-8 (black knight) ࿐ྂ
… ⇢ ˗ˏˋ HWANG MINHYUN (actor) ࿐ྂ
night ride
kdrama taglist. @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @primoppang ,, @mon2sunjinsuver ,, @eternalgyu ,, @haecien
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( but wait a minute while i make you mine, make you mine ) — back to navi
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randomlifex · 4 months
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘♡’- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Remember to check the guideline before sending your request♡
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘♡’- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Without you I feel broken
Sunshine and storm
He gave you his sweater
Don’t you dare
Love isn’t a timely feeling
Invisibile string (sequel of Love isn’t a timely feeling)
Coming soon….
Coming soon…
How’s being in a relationship with…
When they’re overprotective…
100 readers party
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niki-phoria · 5 months
⋆。°✩ sweet home masterlist
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comforting him after the group votes to kick both of you out (infected reader; gn reader)
comforting him after a breakdown (pre-apocalypse; gn reader)
teaching him how to play the guitar (gn reader)
comforting him when he worries about turning into a monster (gn reader)
hyunsu makes a deal with his monster to protect you (gn reader)
kissing hyunsu's tears away (gn reader)
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chicken-fifi · 1 month
Vincenzo Cassano (Vincenzo) Headcanon | Him as a Boyfriend
Pairing: Vincenzo Cassano / Park Joohyung x Reader
Requested by anon: Can you please write a Vincenzo headcanons? The story line is the same like you did for Paolo but this time for Vincenzo instead?
A/n: i feel a bit behind but i'm really not???? i'm going crazy at this point but i hope this turned out well
Tunes: n/a
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Vincenzo is so incredibly protective of you
From the very start
Even before you two officially start dating
When you’re just seeing each other casually
He’s not letting a single thing happen to you
Not on his watch
The two of you become official shortly before his adoptive father’s passing
And you do manage to meet the man
Only for him to pass a few days later
Paolo makes a threat to Vincenzo during the funeral
The whole attack in the early morning hours happens
Vincenzo blows up Paolo’s car
You to head to Korea
He hadn’t wanted to bring you because he didn’t want to drag you into this nonsense
But leaving you behind in Italy would’ve been more dangerous
And he’s not losing someone he’s just realized he’s in love with you
So Korea
At first he’s got a tight hold on where you can and can’t go
Really only feeling comfortable with you at the plaza
The tenants take a liking to you really quickly
Who wouldn’t tbh
Probably wonder why you’re with Vincenzo cause you’re too sweet and normal for that nutcase of man
If only they knew about the psycho who took an immediate liking to you
Maybe Vincenzo was in his right with worry on where you could go
Cause the moment you stepped foot out of the plaza is when this fool set his sights on you
And finding out your Vincenzo’s girl just gives him another reason to want the man dead
But onto the actual boyfriend things
Treats you like a queen
He’s def a gift giver
Cooks for you on occasion
Loves buying you clothes for you to try on for him
But also loves the simple things with you
Once he’s serious
He’s serious
Drives you everywhere
On your beck and call
Never once purposefully makes your angry
In fact he can’t stand having you mad at him
But he’ll bite his tongue sometimes
100% threatens Hanseok’s life if he even thinks about breathing in your direction
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iheartcake123 · 6 months
seok-chan x f!reader
a/n: this one is quite short but i tried to make it a fluff fic hehe
you stood by the bottom of the stairs waiting patiently for a specific platoon member.
this was your favourite part of the day, purely because you could see the person who had stole your heart.
you peered at the door at the top of the stairs as you heard voices laughing. it sounded like seok-chan and you smiled slightly. after a couple of seconds, the door then opened. it was of course seok-chan, he waved goodbye to whoever was in the room and began to make his way down the stairs.
the second he noticed you, his eyes lit up and he picked up his pace. with wide arms he wrapped you in a hug before cupping your face and planting a kiss on your lips.
“i missed you” you grinned after pulling away from the kiss.
“i missed you more” he pressed his lips against yours again.
“you’re both so sickening” seo-jin suddenly appeared and fake gagged.
“he’s just jealous that he hasn’t got a girlfriend” seok-chan let out a small laugh.
“i heard that!” seo-jin then hit the back of seok-chan’ head and you smiled.
“it’s true though, right y/n?” seok-chan looked to you and you nodded.
“of course. of course” you held back a laugh as seo-jin cursed while walking away.
“how has everything been here?” seok-chan then asked.
“same old stuff, people are going on about wanting to help with excursions but they don’t understand how dangerous it is. and then people get annoyed because im dating you, saying im trying to get extra rations of food. seriously, how low do they think i am?!” you complained to your boyfriend.
“ignore them. who cares if they think that about you, i know you’re with me because we love each other” he told you while running a thumb over your cheek.
“that’s easy for you to say, you’re basically their hero” you pouted.
“do you want me to talk to them?” seok-chan was now being completely serious.
“no…i’ll be fine. right now i just want to spend as much time with you as possible” you broke into a smile as you began to pull his arm.
you lead him to the room you both shared.
“you do realise i need to freshen up” seok-chan said aloud as you both entered the room.
“can’t we just cuddle?” you asked him batting your eyelashes.
this always made him cave in.
“are you sure? i smell like sweat and grass” seok-chan lifted a part of his shirt to his nose and winced slightly to exaggerate.
“just come here” you pulled him down onto the bed with you.
you let out a satisfied sigh as you put a leg over his and wrapped an arm over his upper torso. your head rested on his chest slightly and seok-chan grinned.
he accepted his fate and brought his arms to wrap around you and bring you closer.
“you know? you’re the best girlfriend anyone could ask for” he hummed and you sighed happily.
“i know”
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luvsae · 10 months
cha hyunsu masterlist
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♡ = fluff
☆ = angst
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info about requests ;
i always answer requests, but it might take a while as I have school + other stuff in life, so i apologize in advance <3
i WON'T write smut - i'm open to writing suggestive themes and intended smut, but i won't write full on smut (i'm not uncomfortable with it but i just don't really know how to write it + i prefer writing fluff and angst!) hope you understand :)
i WILL write fluff, angst, blurbs, long fics
all pairings for hyunsu are gn!reader, but if you request with another type of pairing that's okay!
i also apologize if some of my works are short !! sometimes i'm just unmotivated 😭
request here !
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blurbs . . 💗
memory ♡
anything for you ♡
adoring you ♡
small moments ♡
headcanons . . 💗
hyunsu and pda ♡
hyunsu headcanons ♡ (blurb)
longer fics . . 💗
hyunsu helping you during a panic attack ☆♡
comfort ☆♡
infected love ☆♡
never scared ☆♡
kisses all the time ☆♡
fics that are in the works . . 💗
quality time
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hyunjinners · 9 months
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꒷꒦ ⊹ ๑ ❛Masterlists❜ =͟͟͞♡ ‧ ˚ ₊
⊹₊˚ʚ❛ԃɾαɱαʂ ɱαʂƚҽɾʅιʂƚ. . .❜ɞ
.ᨘ۫. ۪→ Lim Ryung-gu x reader (Tomorrow)
.ᨘ۫. ۪→ Lee Eun-hyuk x reader (Sweet Home)
𖥻𓏲. dp: dog day masterlist ⋆˖
𖥻𓏲 Alice in bordeland masterlist. ⋆˖
⊹₊˚ʚ❛ƙ-ρσρ ɱαʂƚҽɾʅιʂƚ. . .❜ɞ
𖥻𓏲 𝖲𝗍𝗋𝖺𝗒 𝖪𝗂𝖽𝗌 𝖬𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍. ⋆˖
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: ♡₊˚𓂃⠀◟ My masterlist: an organization + spoiler bonus for future chapters - more than half is done, just need to review.
⊹₊˚ʚ❛ask script. . .❜ɞ
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myjlla · 3 months
Kyungjun shelve
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This minimasterlist contains all my work for the Night Has Come character Go Kyungjun
written by @myjlla on Tumblr; do not steal
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My Kyungjun short story series
Lighter - first meeting
Rainy days - second meeting
Love languages w. Kyungjun
NSFW Headcanon w. Kyungjun
Stories with Kyungjuns actor - Cha Woomin
Cha Woomin as boyfriend
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drama--universe · 1 year
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Hwarang x reader (no pairing) 
Hwarang x foreigner!reader
Hansung image
Soo-ho as parent
Love struck (Soo-Ho)
3 Dates (Su-Ho x reader)
Opposites (Banryu)
Banryu x reader
Please trust me (Yeo-Wool x fem!reader)
Just perfect (Yeo-Wool x gn!reader)
Okta lover (Hwarang boys x fem!reader)
Kill Me, Heal Me:
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Oh Ri-On:
Oh Ri-On x Reader
Tale of the Nine-Tailed:
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Lee Rang:
Reunited (Lee Rang)
Mine (Lee Rang x reader) Part 1; Part 2
Eternity (Lee Rang x reader)
Lee Yeon:
Lee Yeon image (requested)
Stargazing (Lee Yeon x fem!reader)
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Vincenzo Cassano:
We need to "talk" (Vincenzo Cassano x reader)
Jang Han-Seo:
Pretty Boy (Jang Han-Seo x reader)
Jang Han-Seok/Jang Jun-Woo:
Most Precious (Jang Han-Seok/Jang Jun-Woo x reader)
Almost Drowned (Jang Han-Seok x reader)
Attack (Jang Han-Seok/Jang Jun-Woo x fem!reader): Part 1; Part 2
Interruption (Jang Han-Seok/Jun-Woo x reader)
Chang in attitude (Jang Han-Seo/Jun-Woo x reader)
Confessions & Relationships (Vincenzo Cassano, Jang Han-Seo & Jang Han-Seok)
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Goblin image
Wang Yeo:
Magic Door (Wang Yeo x reader)
Kim Shin:
Ears and Tail (Kim Shin x reader)
The Sound of Magic
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Sparks (Ri-eul x reader)
Big Mouth:
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Park Chang-ho:
Truth (Park Chang-ho x fem!reader)
Hotel Del Luna:
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none yet
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whchenlvr · 1 year
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masterlist! requests closed
weak hero
how you met ; gray, ben, alex, gerard, donald, jake, wolf
joining the union ; donald, jimmy, wolf, jake
yandere ; gray, donald, jake, wolf, jimmy
joining the union pt 2 ; donald, jimmy, wolf, jake
changing his bandages ; wolf, donald, ben, alex, gray, jake, gerard
joining the union pt 3 ; donald, jimmy, wolf, jake
when you’re a bookworm ; gray, ben, alex, gerard, donald, jake, wolf, jimmy
joining the union pt 4 ; donald, jimmy, wolf, jake
joining the union: eunjang ver ; gray, ben, alex, gerard, dean, sam, jack
joining the union pt 5 ; donald, jimmy, wolf, jake
christmas with him ; gray, ben, alex, gerard, teddy, eugene
when you get hurt ; gray, ben, alex, gerard, donald, jake, wolf, jimmy
when you’re a fighter ; donald, jake, dean, wolf, jimmy, jack
them in bed (nsfw) ; donald, gray, jake, ben, wolf, gerard, jimmy
kisses to shut you up ; gray, ben, alex, donald, jake, wolf
when they’re jealous ; donald, jake, dean, wolf, jimmy, jack
when you’re pregnant ; ben, gerard, donald, jake, dean, wolf
joining the union pt 6 ; donald, jimmy, wolf, jake
discovering your crush ; gray, ben, alex, gerard, donald, jake, wolf, jimmy
when you try to break up with him ; gray, ben, gerard, donald, jake, wolf
jealous eunjang ; gray, ben, alex, gerard, teddy
when they’re horny (nsfw) ; donald, jake, dean, wolf, jimmy, jack
dinner with them (nsfw) ; donald, ben, jake, alex, wolf
when you’re a retired leader ; gray, ben, alex, donald, jake, wolf
when you’re sick ; gray, ben, alex, gerard, donald, jake, wolf, jimmy
making up after a fight ; gray, ben, alex, gerard, teddy
when you’re smol ; donald, gray, ben, gerard, jake, wolf
romantic gifts from him ; ben, wolf, donald, gray
meeting your family ; gray, ben, alex, gerard, donald, jake, wolf
when you’re air-headed ; jake, ben, alex, wolf, teddy
when you’re a good cook ; wolf, gray, jake, ben, donald, gerard, dean
falling on him ; gray, donald, jake, ben, wolf
when you get seriously hurt ; gray, donald, wolf, ben
pet names ; grey, donald, ben, jake, wolf, gerard, dean, teddy
when you’re having a panic attack ; gray, donald, ben, jake, gerard, wolf
what it’s like to date ; wolf
jealousy jealousy ; ben
breaking up (yandere ver) ; ben, alex, gray, gerard, teddy, eugene, rowan
when they have a crush on you ; gray, donald, ben, wolf, jake
secretly dating them ; donald, gray, ben, jake, gerard, wolf
when they accidentally make you cry ; donald, jake, kingsley, dean, jimmy, wolf
dancing in the rain ; jake, dean, eunchan, grape, kingsley, wolf
when you change your hair ; donald, jake, wolf, jimmy, jack, dean
straddling him ; teddy
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simply-whump · 1 year
Whump Gifs Library 2
I tried to organize my gifs. When some of them fall in multiple categories, I put them in the one that fits best. My personal favorites are in red. If you have any request, don't hesitate !
The limit of links for a tumblr post is 100 so to see more (collapsing, passing out, choked, drugged,...) you'll have to head to the Gif Library 1 !
✦ Faking injury → [X]
✦ Fever → [X] - [X] - [X] - [X]
✦ Hospitalized → [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X]
✦ Hiding injuries → [X]
✦ In pain → [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X]
✦ Knocked out → [X] - [X] - [X] - [X]
✦ Light / Funny Whump → [X]
✦ Manhandled → [X]
✦ Nightmare → [X]
✦ Panic attack → [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X]
✦ Poisoned → [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X]
✦ Seizure → [X]
✦ Shot (arrow or bullet) → [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X]
✦ Stabbed / Pierced / Cut → [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X]
✦ Tied / Bound / Chained → [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X]
✦ Treated → [X] - [X] - [X] - [X] - [X]
✦ Unconscious → [X] - [X]
✦ Vehicle accident → [X] - [X] - [X]
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