#You guys rule and are awesome :)
radiohead-spiderman · 6 months
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I apologize that I said I’d post this like 12 hours ago, I got incredibly side tracked, anyhow, HERMIONE :3
Hermione Granger means the world to me
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velvetjune · 3 months
judging people who played alan wake 2 solely on if they loved the musical sequence or not
#alan wake 2#im joking around but also not#such a unique gaming experience that was incorporated w so much love and care#ive seen confusion here and there on why there’s even the musical chapter in-story#mostly when they performed at the game awards lol#but imo it was a great way for Mr Door to work together with the Old Gods and their mode of storytelling/communication (rock and roll!)#to try to tell Alan what’s happening to him to help him rise from the spiral#and of course there’s everything with how much Alan often restrains himself based on rules he imposed on himself#the dark place has its own power and rules with artists work but this was one way of#Alan essentially going ‘I know what’s happening here. I know the rules and I HAVE to do all this to save myself and my loved ones’#to which Mr Door/Old Gods go ‘you absolutely do not [throws Alan in musical]’#something something about how it helped put him in the mindset he was at the end of the game#to realize he could work w saga and not sacrifice Logan or Casey. that he’s not in a hopeless loop of destruction#but in a spiral with hopes of ascension and change#(basing this off the initial ending — haven’t finished the Final Draft)#alan wake#I don’t know if im making sense but that was my interpretation#my other explanation for the musical is that it’s there because it’s fucking awesome and creative#reminds me of the starkid ‘guy who didn’t like musicals’ with the confusion of the main character#(although hilariously it seems like Alan is proud of the musical even if he lives in a state of ‘wtf is happening’)#before my essays in the tags end want to say that the dark ocean summoning also deserves this love and I found it equally fun to ‘We Sing’
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bmpmp3 · 1 year
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HAPPY 45th birthday to garf and 25th birthday to me!! this year's garfdown was pretty simple and a little abstract but here's to another 45 years of this pose LOL
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doodlebloo · 7 months
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ghostinthegallery · 11 months
I kind of want to talk about my experiences with Warhammer stores. Visiting them is a popular recommendation for how to get into the game, so I want to toss in my two cents particularly as a woman in the hobby (spoilers, story starts out as a bummer but has a happy ending).
The first time I went to a store it was because my partner (who's a man) had been trying to get me into 40K, and we were driving past a store. He decided to take us in. I was skeptical but curious. Liked the look of Ad Mech, thought Tau might be neat. There was an event going on at the store that day (Kill Team tournament I think?) The employee proceeds to greet my partner, chat about what he's looking for, armies he's played in the past. And I'm standing there just being totally ignored by this guy. It seriously felt like he had mentally categorized me as "disinterested girlfriend" and moved on. I'm sure the employee was busy and distracted and the service industry sucks. However, that dismissal did not feel great. I've spent a decent chunk of my life in male-dominated spaces and I am too old to put up with this shit. It put me off the whole game and hobby for years.
Fast forward a few years, I become addicted to necrons, and I genuinely want to get my own army. We ordered pretty much everything, but there were still some models I wanted, so I decided "okay, let me try this store thing again."
I was visiting my parents and they had a Warhammer store nearby (plus some independent stores, but the Warhammer one was closer). So I popped in with my mom while we were out, and the guy at the store was SO NICE! We chatted, he showed me the tyranids he was painting, gave me painting tips for my crons. He recommended some books that were excellent, and even checked if my mom was interested in anything! It was fantastic.
And there was my visit to the Warhammer Café in LA. Partner and I went as a special outing while visiting LA and the store was incredible. The employees were so excited! And talked to both of us about what we were looking for! There was one person running a tutorial game for some folks and hyping up every single dice roll. There were dudes playing games in the back, kids and families, and some stunning miniatures on display. We spent way too much money and I have no regrets XD
I guess the moral of my story is that bad experiences can happen and that sucks, especially if you aren't the "stereotypical" wargamer type person. That's important to acknowledge, and I don't blame anyone who gets turned off the hobby because of that. But at least for me, that negative experience turned out to be the exception. Others have been so kind and welcoming and excited about this weird little game and the weird little toys we love.
So if you do have a bad experience, I see you. It's not you, it's them. And I promise someone else will be better.
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Geno didn't know Nightmare very well at all, yet the dark skeleton apparently considered him one of his closest allies. He assumed that's how this happened; Nightmare, having grown tired of keeping it hidden, or perhaps finally admitting weakness, notified those he held dear of a habit of his. Furthermore, he entrusted Geno of all people to assist him with this habit. Geno supposed that was his way of opening up. He certainly didn't mind; who would with a job like this?
Geno sat on the floor of a fairly large room, tucked away in a hallway near the castle library, and watched Nightmare toddle around. He quite enjoyed this task- after all, all he had to do was supervise. He chuckled as Nightmare stood next to a shelf, standing on his tippy-toes to try and reach something placed just out of his reach.
"Need some help?" he called, trying to get the little's attention. Nightmare glanced over at him and huffed, continuing to try and obtain the toy.
"Me do it!" he whined, stomping his foot. He stared at the shelf for a little while before stepping back and taking a running leap. He was only able to hang on for a moment before he lost his grip on the flat, wide shelves and came crashing to the ground. He landed on his back with a thud and promptly began to cry.
"Oh, shoot-"
Geno leaped up from the ground, dashing over to kneel beside Nightmare. He pulled the goopy skeleton into a hug, holding him close to his chest as he rocked back and forth.
"Shh... shh, hey, it's okay... was that scary?" Geno murmured, pressing his chin against the crown of Nightmare's skull. The little whimpered, not offering any response other than cries as big fat tears rolled down his cheeks. Geno softly wiped away the teardrops pooling in his socket, holding him close. Nightmare hiccuped, choking out a response.
"It hurt- it hurt!!" he cried, anything else he tried to say devolving into sobs. Geno held him close, shushing him gently.
"Yeah? I bet it did, buddy. That's why I tell you not to climb the shelves." He sighed, rubbing Nightmare's back. The little guy seemed fine, if a bit shaken up. "Do you want a snack?"
Nightmare nodded frantically, his wails quieting immediately. Geno rolled his eyes playfully, holding the little against his chest as he walked out of the room. He walked down to the kitchen, setting Nightmare down at the table as he prepared a bottle of milk and some strawberries. As he brought the food over to Nightmare, he paused, noticing the other's tired, drooping frame. He didn't get a word in before Nightmare spoke.
"'m not tired," he mumbled defensively. Geno laughed, sitting beside him and rubbing the back of his head.
"Whatever you say, buddy. Here, I got you some milk, and some yummy berries-" Nightmare, predictably, did not care about the berries. Geno sighed fondly, picking the plate up and returning it to the fridge as he hefted Nightmare into his arms, beginning the trek back upstairs.
"Nooo! No nap!" he whined, kicking and wriggling about in Geno's arms.
"Shh.. hey, bud, chillax. You're not going down for a nap. You're gonna get some playtime with your plushies, okay?" Nightmare eyed the white-clad skeleton suspiciously.
"Mmmm... but no nap."
"I'm not gonna make you take a nap," he stated. Nightmare finally seemed pleased with that answer, letting Geno carry him back to his playroom and lay him out on his foam playmat.
"I know.. how about you play camping with your plushies?" Nightmare's eye lit up, and he darted across the room to collect his favorite blanket. Geno smiled, trying not to seem too proud of himself. If he gave even the slightest hint that Nightmare was doing what he was supposed to, everything would come undone.
He watched quietly as Nightmare burritoed himself into his blanket, clutching his plushie to his chest as he calmly drank his milk. He heaved a big yawn, stretching and curling up tighter. It wasn't long before he slowly drifted off to sleep.
Geno grinned, quietly climbing over the baby gate and exiting the room. He figured he'd know when Nightmare woke up.
He would not.
Three hours later, Geno was roaming the castlee, aimlessly calling out Nightmare's name to no avail. He knew he should have stayed and watched while he napped, but he was fast asleep! There was no point!
"Nightmare? Niiiiightmaaaaaare!" He paused as he heard a soft squeak, denoting that A: Nightmare was on a floor above him, and B: Nightmare was doing something he wasn't supposed to.
Geno muttered a soft curse under his breath, hastily locating the nearest flight of stairs and heading up into the attic. He glanced around, eventually laying eyes on a large mess- paint on the wall, paint on the floor, and a small goopy ball huddled in the corner.
"Hey... hey, Nightmare." He surveyed the floor. It was a sloppy, childish painting of a turtle. "I take it that's Minky?"
The ball in the corner hesitated a moment before nodding. Geno stared at it a while longer, trying to discern what shirt Nightmare was wearing.
"Oh, hey. Good job changing into your paint clothes," he said, sitting on an oddly heavy box. Nightmare froze before slowly lifting his head up, staring at Geno with a confused expression. The caretaker smiled, patting the spot beside him. "C'mere. Can you tell me about Minky?"
Nightmare crawled out towards him, sitting beside him and fidgeting with his fingers. His hands and arms were completely covered in paint.
"Um... she's a box turtle." He glanced over at Geno before continuing, pointing to a blob of paint on the floor. "That- that's just her tail."
"Yeah? That's her tail?"
"Umm, yeah." He looked at Geno for a moment. "Do I just need a bath?" He made grabby hands at the other.
Geno sighed, standing up and lifting Nightmare into his arms. "Yeah. C'mon, buddy." He wanted to make a million comments about how exhausting Nightmare was to deal with, how irritating it was when he would run off... but he decided to focus on the positives. Nightmare had changed into his paint clothes. He wasn't causing any real harm. Most importantly, he trusted Geno not to hurt him.
Geno decided he could live with that.
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knbexchange · 5 months
Out of curiosity, how many people are participating?
We have 33 participants! :D
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nomaishuttle · 10 months
a couple of the nurses are friendly and will say gm and even remember my name major shoutout to them . but most kf the nurses literally will not look at housekeepers in the hallway and will get annoyed when we are just doinh our jobs like. Do you want us to just let the residents rooms get dirty. can you fuck off
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guns-n-robins · 2 years
Jason Todd sat in a dark room at 4am bingeing Atomic Shrimp's "Wham! Bam! That's a scam!" video series to educate himself so the advance-fee e-mail scammers don't get him again.
he barely knows how to work this stupid fucking phone, it's a miracle he even made it to the right side of YT.
there are silent, furious tears in his eyes. wasn't dying enough? he mutters under his breath. the world wide web is so unfair and he's so mad
he taps another video. an unskippable 20 second ad plays, and he weeps
(subscribe to Atomic Shrimp, he's funny as hell and his content is very informative)
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vaugarde · 10 months
Playing through Explorers of the Spirit and catching up to where I was... and I'm sorry I mean no disrespect, but it really comes across like the modder never got over their beef with chatot from 10 years ago and is using the opportunity in the game to vent about how much he sucks and why the guild is bad actually
#i mean. yeah hero is meant to be an asshole and all and they get consequences for their behavior and its all meant to be uncomfortable#but im told the chatot stuff doesnt really improve. and like. im sorry he would not fucking say all that#free my man he did do things but not all that#idk i feel like people miss the point of chatot's character? hes a ball of anxiety that manifests as anger and deflection#and he tries to cover it up with pride and it only works like 5% of the time. also hes not the one behind the money rule#hes like. a higher up thats stretched super thin and is managing a lot at once and he has a shitty bedroom sldfldsf#hes under a lot of stress and it pushes him to do terrible things#but like i said earlier- its not terrible to watch because hes not seen as awesome and perfect for this#the apprentices still respect him but they make barbed comments at him and even wigglytuff is like ''ew hes lame'' during the expedition#he has consequences for his behavior! they know hes an ass and they lean into it. and thats better than nothing to me#idk. hes a complex and flawed guy. i find him compelling. i get why people may not like him tho#but its definitely weird to be like. ''oh hes a horrible man he lies by omission to manipulate you into joining the guild-#-and hes super lazy and he pawns off his work onto you and hes ruined careers and hes PROUD of it and he giggles over it-!''#you did not get the point of his character. by ''pawning off work'' you mean delegating tasks which every apprentice does#also not to victim blame or anything ig but like. damn its not his fault hero joined the guild on a whim sdlkfjsdf#idk. it comes across as really hollow to me like the author just wanted to stick it to chatot after all these years#and it makes the whole thing as like an epilogue au thing to the canon story feel less authentic to me#idk its just a mod but i feel like this is just a common thing ppl push on chatot. he sucks but not like that#echoed voice
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puppyeared · 2 years
can i ask where u got ur binder from!!
I got it from Come As You Are in Kensington Market!!! I got a recc from my cousin when we were walking around, I tried it again this morning to get used to it and it’s really good :o) they even give out free information tablets if u go in store, they have ones for binding if it’s your first time, so I highly recommend!!!
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aliensmoothie · 1 year
guy who uses emoji pronouns but specifically custom emotes from a discord server
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Fun fact! Elden Ring Gordon was inspired by The Gibbon Pose and that one post of "Wow these soldiers keep coming at me with my comically large mallet" + this one ginat hammer weapon Wayne got in the game that was bright red and I was like "Oh hey that reminds me of the funny crowbar lmao". So yeah all of that mixed with sleep deprivation got me that </3
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google search how to get everyone i know to play klonoa door to phantomile
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strwbrymlkshake · 2 years
im the sleepiest guy in the world rn gn yangang I will talk to you tomorrow <3
#mine#i rarely ever do nightly or morningly posts bc i feel like theyre redundant for me but this is an excuse to talk in tags lol#WELL um i have a lot to do tomorrow and thats gonna be annoying bc as you can see it is the time it is rn.#ive been up doing my thing. feeling a lil funky and invested in my superiority complex yet again#would u guys still like me if i devoted time everyday to scaring people i hate :( well you guys probably just like to watch me be insane so#i totally wanna post all the gory details about my evil excursions but im so paranoid. hot boy shit#well the most i can say is ive been getting a kick out of horrendous deeds lately. which is weird bc mentally ive been BETTER#like im morally responsible and everything but i still harass people i despise for personsl fulfillment. whats up with that.#i never forget what they did to me ^_^ and the good part is im playing nice with them so they think its over. and im not a suspect#but theres just such a surplus of people who want to harass them that im ruled out entirely its so fucking funny#also thank you people who want them dead too and sometimes harass them instead of me i love uu<3 my besties fr#🪳#i commit truly horrible acts to satiate the bottomless pit inside of me <3 but only to people who deserve it#im coherent im not doing this out of raw emotion. im devoted to it. im determined to step on her and watch her die#to any frightened readers .#im normal about like everyone else i promise its just a handful of people i would slaughter on sight#well anyways i think my malice is satisfied for tonight gn<3<3<3#also im dreaming of the day where i find a nice malicious husbsnd and we can terrorize people together. romance at its finest#i take pride in the fact i actually do the shit everyone thinks of doing. i want to know what would happen. like a scientist#im craving this awesome breakfast place by my house anon im taking u there sometime to treat you. wait this isnt the ask post. hell
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hecksupremechips · 12 days
Starfire teen titans my best friend Starfire id burn alive for you
#the klock keeps ticking#cant remember shit about the show like the story arcs and shit#cuz i watched this show when i was like 16 and had trouble paying attention to anything at all#but decided i was gonna watch a few episodes for shits and i watched the apprentice episodes#hnnnghh it fucking ruled this show is awesome#like i truly cannot remember anything about slade like what his deal was what his motives are but god hes so good in this episode#hes creepy as fuck and like its just really satisfying how competent he is for a kids show villain#like he planted the evil torture devices in the gangs blood and he doesnt hesitate at all to push that button#i was expecting it to be like robin simply never fucked up bad enough to trigger the torture shit#or maybe like its revealed that it was all a lie to mess with him#but nah straight up robin hesitates to fucking shoot his friends and slade just instantly pushes the button and makes robin watch#AND THEN BLAMES HIM SAYING HOW THIS ALL HAPPENED CUZ HE DIDNT OBEY#and then the fucking part where slade is like ‘i was monitoring your endorphin levels i could tell you got excited when you stole’#DUUUUUDE#thats everything to me#and i like how the episode ends its very nice but initially i thought the blood torture devices were like bombs and that pushing the button#would mean instant death for the gang and like. okay imagine what i was cooking here#a controller for that would obviously have some sorta fail safe measure where if its destroyed the bombs go off so like you cant destroy it#and lets just say they didnt have a plot convenient way to remove the torture devices from the blood cuz that sounds kinda impossible tbh#what if like. the conclusion was robin obtains the controller so that he can take away slades power and leave him#but now hes just got the controller and he has this constant anxiety like what if he doesnt watch it and it goes off#what if the controller gets stolen or worse like. robin is in this position where he holds his friends lives in his hands#just like slade did. an evil reminder that he really is no different from slade what if he cant stop himself from pushing the button?#the episode ends with everything back to normal but then we see robin alone unsure with the controller locked away#and its just this looming presence for like the rest of the show or at least until slade is defeated and like robin has severe anxiety#over it he has nightmares of himself pushing the button he constantly double checks to make sure the controller is still there untouched#IMAGINE IMAGINE GUYS godddd i like need this fic now#sorry i got so caught up gushing about robin and this episode that i didnt even mention starfire aldkks i thinks shes adorable and autistic#and i would do anything for her and she and Robin are so cute i love them so much
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