#You guys should ask me for song recs I really really like giving them ^^ I bother my friends w song recs for their opinions shfhjs
ajxrn-archive · 4 months
I love music
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makeyoumine69 · 4 months
Before You Fade (Memory Reboot x3)
PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x gn!Reader
SUMMARY: After moving to Chicago, you thought you had left your former life behind. But when you receive a mysterious invitation one day, you realize you still have unfinished business in New York.
CONTAINS: Smut, angst, mutual pining, obsessive behavior, desperate & sensual foreplay, anal fingering, penetrative & oral sex, biting, spanking, creampie, masturbating, mild praise kink & degradation, body worship, pet names, dirty talk, misogyny, swearing, gaslighting, manhandling, mind manipulation, cheating.
WORDS: 6.8k
SONG REC: VØJ, Narvent — Before You Fade
A/N: Hello everyone! A new chapter is finally here! This story has me in a chokehold! I highly recommend you to read the first chapter and the second one for a better understanding and as always I hope you like it! If you find any mistakes regarding gn!reader, please let me know!
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A new city, a new life, new people and new opportunities—all this was supposed to bring some relief, to ignite a new flame in your chest, to set a new goal, to make you forget everything that happened in New York. It was supposed to, but it never did.
After a few months of living in Chicago and working in a prestigious financial corporation, you began to notice that your life now looked like a vicious circle and the days blurred into one long day that never ended. That was probably the price you paid for running away, for being too cowardly to face the truth that what you shared with Bateman was not just a history—it was a goddamn passion and obsession that most people could only dream of. But you, you were not like them. For you, this obsession was like a plague, a disease, and you were sure that Patrick felt the same way. Still, the words he said that day were like scars on your mind. The poor guy really thought that you would stay with him, that you would miss a chance to reboot your life. Since you couldn't reboot the memory, this was the only way out.
Was that it?
The sleek interior of your office greeted you with the invigorating aroma of fresh coffee waiting for you on your desk made by your lovely assistant—a handsome guy named Vincent—he was quite modest but smart and sometimes you even thought you should have asked him out for something more serious than coffee. But then again, the shitty memories kept ruining all those weak impulses to try something new.
Sighing, you closed the door behind you and took off your coat, placing it on the nearby hanger and glancing at the beautiful bouquet of flowers on the small coffee table next to the big black couch. These flowers…you bought them for yourself just because you wanted them, not because you felt lonely or…
'Fuck, not again,' you shook your head, not giving yourself a chance to spiral again, knowing how quickly that could happen. Today was the worst day for self-digging, because you were going to present a final plan for a future quarter, and you couldn't fail. Not today, not ever. The moment you finally settled into your favorite armchair, you heard a soft knock at the door. You knew who it was even before you let the guest in.
Vincent, smiling as if he saw the brightest star in the midnight sky, opened the door and entered with cat-like grace. "Are you busy?"
Embarrassed by the man's persistent gaze, you folded your hands and leaned down on the table. "No, not really, I just came," you brought the coffee cup closer and wrapped your elegant fingers around its handle. "…and realized I have the best secretary in the world."
A sonorous chuckle rumbled from Vincent's chest. "Oh, you're too kind," the man walked into the office holding a pile of documents. "I brought you some fresh correspondence you might like to see."
"Uh, yes, thank you. Put it here, please."
The brown-haired secretary complied, and soon there was a large white envelope in front of you, next to the documents. There was something odd about having such a large envelope of mail since it was almost the end of the work week, but you just tapped your fingers on the smooth surface of the table in a slightly skeptical manner before turning your attention back to Vincent, who was standing in front of the desk, ready to assist you with anything you might ask.
"Anything else I can do?"
"I think that's about it for now," you answered, staring at the envelope from time to time out of the corners of your ears, sipping the hot drink and letting the warmth flow down your tensed body. "Oh, did you hear that our CEO won't be at the presentation today?"
"Yeah, he…has some unfinished business in LA…with a hot blonde chick."
You both laughed in unison, everything was clear as a bell. "Well, that sounds important." Vincent crossed his arms over his chest, the Oliver Peoples O'Malley glasses sitting perfectly on the bridge of his nose, though you tried not to focus on that little detail that constantly reminded you of Bateman. As if he was the only yuppie to wear such glasses. "Have you…"
As soon as Vincent started to speak, your phone rang—the loud sound even startled you a bit, but you quickly shook yourself and picked up the call, being extremely curious who could be calling you like this. "I'm listening."
"(Y/n)!" Paul Allen's cheerful timbre came from the other end of the line, making you almost jump in your seat.
"P-Paul?" You gave Vincent a worried look, and your nervousness seemed to affect your assistant as well, because he didn't look relaxed anymore. "Did something happen?"
"What? No! Of course not," Allen chuckled, and a female giggle could be heard in the background. "I'm calling to ask when we can see each other in New York…"
A noise grew louder, making it difficult to hear Paul's words, so you had to close one of your ears and furrow your brows in irritation. "Where are you calling from? A brothel? I can't fucking hear a word!"
Such a remark made Vincent laugh a little shyly, but then the man bowed his head and retreated in his professional, polite manner.
"Can you repeat…" You began to speak at the same time as Paul.
"…so when can we meet?"
Grumbling, you rolled your eyes. "Why did you even decide that I would visit New York?"
"Didn't you get the invitation to the wedding?" Paul's question made you feel something heavy in your stomach.
"Wedding? Who's wedding?"
There was a moment of silence that left you so nervous that you didn't even notice a pencil in your hands that was about to break because of how desperately you were squeezing it.
"Halberstram…" another pause, then another female snicker. All of it made you sick. "He's marrying a hardbody named… Cecilia, if I'm not mistaken."
Somehow you felt strangely relieved.
"But it's been several months since I quit, why was I invited?"
"Gee, (y/n)," now it was time for Paul to grumble a bit. "You think a few months are enough to forget you?" He laughed shamelessly into the phone. "Okay, okay, maybe I chose the wrong time to call you. But seriously, I'm looking forward to hanging out with you when you get here."
"Argh, fine," you muttered, finally letting go of the pencil only to grab the annoying envelope. "I'll call you later, today is really a fucked up day for me."
When you heard nothing but women laughing, you just hung up. 'God, it's only ten in the morning and Allen's already having fun. What am I doing wrong with my life?' You vented to yourself, twisting the envelope in your hands as if you were about to open Pandora's box.
With a deft move, you pulled out a postal knife and carefully cut open the envelope to gain access to its contents. Time stood still for you as your hands involuntarily reached for a beautifully decorated card that could definitely be a wedding invitation. After a short exhalation, you opened it and it took you several minutes to process what you had just seen, as you thought you were hallucinating.
The card had the following text:
“The honor of your presence is requested at the marriage of
Evelyn Arwyn Williams And Patrick Pierce Bateman
Saturday, the twentieth of October nineteen hundred and eighty-seven at twelve o'clock in the afternoon
Ziegfeld Ballroom 141 W 54th St New York, NY 10019.”
The card fell from your hands without any resistance. You felt dizzy, even nauseous, as if all the oxygen had been sucked out of the office and you were literally suffocating.
'How dare…' you cursed to yourself, grabbing the collar of your blouse in a feint attempt to unbutton it from the burning itch on your skin, '…you…fucking bastard!'
Dazed, you stood up faster than you should have, making your head spin and nearly knocking you over if you hadn't leaned on the back of your chair. You need some fresh air or a sip of heavy alcohol or a fucking gram. Something that will take you out of this situation, even if only for a moment.
"Boss?" Vincent's worried voice came out of nowhere. "Are you okay?"
Panting, you shot an angry glance at your table, then at your lovely assistant, whose bright eyes were like two glowing beacons. "Vincent, listen," you stammered, unable to find the right words. "Can you please order me a ticket," you closed your eyes for a second, counted to ten and gripped the back of your chair. "…to New York."
"New York? Something wrong?"
"N-no," you managed to laugh off your tension and stop grazing the leather under your fingernails. "It's just… seems like I have some deals to settle in New York, some old ones I thought were closed."
"Only one ticket or…"
"I need a ticket in both directions, of course," you mumbled nervously before taking a coffee and finishing it in one go, thankfully it became less hot. "I won't be there for long," you said as if you were trying to convince yourself, desperately trying. It was only when you met Vincent's eyes that you noticed his sad look and realized that you might have upset him. "Uh, I really wish I could take you with me… but I want someone to look after things here and…"
The dark-haired man smiled sympathetically, and that helped to calm you a little. "Oh, please, don't apologize; it's my job," he said, visibly relaxed, considering his casual pose with his hands in the pockets of his Armani trousers. "I'm just worried about you, I don't want anything bad to happen."
Slightly embarrassed, you couldn't help but grin sincerely. "Ah, Vincent, you're such a sweetheart," you rumbled with undisguised amusement. "Everything will be fine. I promise, you have nothing to worry about."
"All right, then," Vincent pulled himself up and opened the door. "I'll let you know when I have information about your flights."
After that you were left alone again. The muffled din of the city outside the office could be heard faintly whenever you walked past the windows, restlessly making circles around the room.
'Maybe I should just ignore it? Maybe it's just a bad joke and I should call Tim and ask him about it?' You covered your face with your palms before sighing tiredly. Once again, Bateman was forcing you to make strange decisions and you hated it. You hated him, you hated the wedding that hasn't even happened yet, and you hated yourself for being so easily overwhelmed.
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No way in hell did you expect to visit New York too soon after you left the city and everything that happened there behind your back the moment you took your seat in an airplane to Chicago. And who would dare to judge you for that? Right, no one but you.
The wedding was supposed to be tomorrow, so you had some time to prepare for… for what? Yawning, you stretched your legs in the uncomfortable backseat of the taxi, the driver asking you where you were from and if you had ever been to New York. And at some point you felt sad because you really wanted to say no, you haven't. But you did, and only God knew how hard it had been for you to survive the past months of constant self-digging and dead-end conversations with your vicious subconscious.
Thanks to Vincent, you didn't have to worry about where to stay in New York, as he booked you a luxury suit at the Plaza Hotel. Ah, Vincent…that boy was so sweet that sometimes you could even believe in supernatural beings, as if life was trying to make amends for the unpleasant situation with Bateman.
Sitting on the big bed, you tried your best not to have a panic attack or, even worse, go crazy and empty the minibar, drinking as much as you could as if tomorrow would never come. 'Gosh, I'd sell my soul to see Bateman's face if I came to the wedding being completely drunk.’ With a silly smile on your face, you kept dreaming about some nonsense to distract yourself until the night came and you had to get some sleep before the wedding.
The next day started terribly when some random maid came early and mixed up your suit with someone else's. In the end, you couldn't say that you were rested enough, but you didn't have much time and you still had to come up with an idea for your outfit. 'Should I wear something extravagant or perhaps something more modest?' You spun around in front of the large mirror, the clock was ticking and that sound was really getting on your nerves.
"Uh, to hell with it…" you cursed to yourself and finally picked out a blue Gucci suit that fit your figure perfectly. "I don't want to overshadow the groom."
Winking at your own reflection, you added a few accessories before leaving the Plaza, where a beautiful Cadillac was waiting for you. A driver opened the back door for you, smiled politely, and at some point you even began to think that this day wouldn't be as shitty as it promised to be.
By the time you arrived at the Ziegfeld Ballroom, it was already quite crowded, with many luxury cars lining the street, delivering more and more stylishly dressed guests. With a heavy heart, you held an invitation in your hand and fought the urge to tear it apart and tell the driver to drive away. The sudden appearance of Courtney and Luis in your vision pulled you out of your doubts. 'So that bastard even invited Courtney,' you hummed and slowly opened the door to get out of the car.
All the way to the Ziegfeld Ballroom, you tried to be careful not to bump into anyone you didn't really want to interact with, like Timothy, Craig, David, Paul… Even though you were sure it was going to happen one way or another, you still didn't want to face reality too soon.
Inside the huge hall, you stopped near the long banquet table decorated with white and red roses—the whole style of the wedding screamed Evelyn. Nothing special, though, Bateman probably didn't care about such things as wedding decorations.
Taking a glass of champagne, you moved deeper into the hall and watched the guests split into groups. Still, you were lucky because you didn't see any familiar faces, even Luis and Courtney got lost somewhere among the faceless yuppies and their dates. Everything seemed fine, you had a plan to see the couple get married and then… slip away? It was such a stupid plan, but at least you had one.
Puzzled, you told yourself to leave all thoughts to the latter, when you wouldn't be so vulnerable, staying in the middle of the ballroom and watching the several waitresses bringing more and more appetizers. You were even about to try one of them when you accidentally noticed Tim and Craig coming your way. Trembling, you almost dropped the glass, but somehow you managed to put it on the nearby table, startling a waitress with your erratic behavior, but you didn't care.
As fast as you could, you rushed in a different direction from the group of your former friends, desperately searching for any room you could get into. Your pulse pounded in your eardrums, forcing you to open the first door and enter.
Breathing heavily, you pressed your back against the door and closed your eyes for a second, only to open them in a blood-chilling shock as you met a pair of hazel, dark eyes as bewildering as your own.
"You?" Bateman's startled voice bounced off the walls of the small bathroom, his face frozen in a confused grimace as if he couldn't believe his eyes. "What the fuck are you doing in here?"
"Me? You invited me, you fool!" You barked back, pulling away from the door and moving toward the brown-haired man. "Have you forgotten already?"
Patrick looked absolutely stunning in his wedding tuxedo, the black bow tie being the cherry on top of his impeccably styled appearance. For a brief moment, Bateman studied your angry expression, his thick eyelashes batting like bird wings.
"It was Evelyn," he replied curly, standing still. "How delusional you must be to think I would invite you?"
Crossing his arms, Patrick smiled, and at first glance he seemed calm, but his slightly trembling lips betrayed him. With a soft chuckle, you moved closer until you noticed a beautiful bride's bouquet—a combination of roses again.
"So did Evelyn get what she wanted? I can see her in every little detail of this wedding. The Ziegfeld Ballroom was her idea too?"
The man sighed wearily and rubbed the bridge of his nose briefly. "No, my mother insisted."
"Oh," you beamed, carefully taking the bouquet in your noticeably shaking hands. "How sweet."
With a quick movement, Patrick snatched the flowers out of your hands and placed them back on the bathroom counter. "I had to walk around with this bouquet like an idiot, because I didn't even see Evelyn all this time!"
Such an outburst made you pause for a moment. "Relax, Bateman," you pretended to cheer him up. "Soon you'll be a family man."
The words forced him to clench his teeth as if they caused him physical pain. "Why did you come here, (y/n)?"
"Do you have any ideas?"
The distance between the two of you became smaller and smaller, melting like ice under the burning sun. You didn't even notice that every time he spoke, you couldn't take your eyes off his plump lips, his perfectly shaped chin that you wanted to touch, the way his eyebrows curled… God, you shouldn't have come here in the first place…
"I'm not gonna play your games anymore," Patrick suddenly blurted out, pulling you out of your lewd dreams. "If you came here just to get on my nerves, I'll tell security to kick you out."
"Woah, woah," you jerked back as Bateman stepped closer, your foreheads almost bumping into each other. "You seem very tense, marriage is a stressful thing, right?"
You continued to back away until you hit the wall behind you, and in the next second, the man caught you between his arms, placing them on either side of your trembling little form.
"Bateman?" You asked him breathlessly.
Frowning, he leaned down. You thought he was going to kiss you, but he just gasped and turned away. "I hate you," those words hurt you more than you could ever imagine. "Do you see these hands?" He asked, raising his hand and bringing it closer to your face. "I could break your neck so easily and watch your dead body fall to the ground."
A creeping fear rippled through your chest as he spoke. "You're kidding, right?" You tried to make a joke out of it, but as he tightened his grip around your throat like an iron ring, a muffled whimper escaped your tense lungs. "Ahh, w-what…"
Instead of actually hurting you, the dark-haired man brought you closer, so that your lips finally collided and the way you kissed was beyond any normalcy of kissing. Growling like a beast, Patrick literally bit into your trembling lips, almost tearing the soft flesh away, his grasp on your neck never loosening, only tightening when you dared to hug his shoulders, snuggling against him.
"Fuck," you cursed as he pulled away to nip at your neck. "You… scared the shit out of me! You psy…"
His hand abruptly covered your mouth, not letting you finish what you were about to say. "You came here because you couldn't forget me, huh? Because you are so fucking miserable in Chicago and no one gives a fuck about you?"
With your eyes shut tight, you whimpered against his palm at the faint physical contact with his hard groin. It was already too much, but then you heard a soft click of the door lock. 'Am I really going to die?' The thought alone made your knees weak. Meanwhile, Bateman was nuzzling against your cheek, inhaling your scent like an animal in rut, and you couldn't do anything, trapped in the strong arms you'd been dreaming about all these months.
The question he asked hung in the air for some time, even after Patrick removed his hand, waiting for your answer, you couldn't speak because… he was right. But to admit it would mean that you had lost. Lost in your own game.
"Why did you run away from me?" The man asked unexpectedly, his whole mood changing from wild to sad, bordering on despair. "Tell me!"
"I thought it would be better for both of us, okay?" You hated yourself for not finding better words, but it was so damn hard to think in a situation like this. "And I still think so."
With a wry grin, the man distanced himself a bit. "And that's why you're here with me… in some random bathroom… in the middle of my wedding?"
It did look familiar. That fleeting moment you gave in to temptation in the Tunnel that changed your life forever and for which you're still paying the price.
"You don't love her, do you?" You didn't even recognize your own voice.
"It's none of your business," Bateman replied before lowering his palm to your hip and squeezing it. "Now get on your knees, I don't have much time."
The audacity of this man was unbearable. Embarrassed but extremely aroused, you stifled a moan from the way he stroked your ass, encouraging you to obey. Biting your lower lip, you remembered how delicious this man tasted—a memory that haunted you every day—you should have resisted, you should have just stopped everything here and now, because there would be no happy ending.
‘I should have, but I can't,’ these six words flashed through your cloudy mind as you slid down the wall to meet the visible bulge in Patrick's tight pants.
"Good, good," he praised, casually unfastening his jacket and then his belt, just as you saw his white suspenders hugging his shoulders so deliciously that you had to hold your breath. "God, if I knew Evelyn was going to give me a wedding present like that, I'd postpone the wedding."
"You're a sick man," you murmured, but he just chuckled. "I hope you know that?"
"So are you.”
There was a small lounge chair in the other corner of the bathroom, and the moment Bateman saw it, you knew what he would do. Smirking mischievously, the man lifted you up with practiced ease and moved you to the chair, sitting down and spreading his toned legs so you could take your place between them. Patrick used all the self-control he had left to undo his pants without actually tearing them apart, his erection jutting out the moment he lowered the confines of his garments.
This scene made you lick your lips with undisguised hunger. Slowly, you leaned down between his wide-open legs and teasingly took his swollen tip into your mouth, then pulled away. "You're going to marry a woman who can't suck you off better than me, aren't you?"
Instead of taunting you back, the man grabbed the back of your head and made you take him deeper until your nose rubbed against his thick pubic hair, but it was still not enough, his cock was too big.
"Ahhh, what's that? Your mouth is too small to take me in?" Bateman commented cheekily as he watched your eyes get wet as you gagged. "You can only use it to say shit, but when it comes to real business…" the man pushed into your mouth again, fixing your head in one place. "…it doesn't seem to be useful."
"Mhmm," you tried to slip out of his grip, but he held you deadly tight. At one point you even wanted to use your teeth, but fortunately a loud commotion from outside attracted Patrick's attention and he let you go. "You…you are so pathetic…" you coughed several times, understanding that your end was near. "Even in a moment like this…you can't keep quiet! Like a fucking chatterbox…"
You wanted to say something else, but the way Bateman's dick pressed against your cheek, the weight of it, the warmth, it was all too overwhelming for both you and him, considering how tense Patrick's face was when you let his erection slide along your jaw as you descended lower to tease his sensitive balls with your tongue.
"Oh-fuck…" The man gasped, tilting his head back to lean against the wall and mumbling something incoherently.
Ashamed of what you were doing, you paused for a second, wondering what consequences awaited the two of you in the future. But all your attempts to stop yourself from falling into the abyss of consuming depravity were mercilessly crushed by reality— Bateman, all spread out for you, his cheeks blushing slightly as he enjoyed the oral pleasure you were giving him. This reality hit too hard. After all, you were enjoying that dick as well.
"So let it happen," you murmured suddenly before you wrapped your wet lips, covered with your saliva and his pre-cum, around his blushing shaft once more, your hands still rubbing his heavy sac. His skin was so soft there that you literally wanted to scream.
"W-what?" The man asked suddenly, as if he had just woken up from the enticing spell. "What are you talking about… are you so cock drunk that your brain can't function?"
At first, dirty talk like that could be really arousing, but now, hearing it for the hundredth time in a row, it was more amusing than hot. Without saying anything, you raised your eyes to him, your sneaky fingers delving deeper between his legs to stroke the rim of his tight muscles. A throaty moan escaped his suddenly dry lips. 'Cock drunk, huh?' You were proud of yourself, having a man like Patrick in a chokehold with your deliberate ministrations.
"Look at you, Bateman, you're such a naughty boy who loves it when someone plays with his ass?" You teased in between heavy gasps, as sucking such a huge cock was quite a challenge. "Does Evelyn even know about this?
Clenching his teeth, he tried to pull at your hair, but you dodged, pressing your finger persistently against his tight asshole before gently probing it, and you could swear to God, if heaven really existed, you wanted Patrick's moans to be music there.
"Uh, you're such a brat, babe," that nickname made you freeze. "This is going to end you one day…" His eyes rolled back into his head as you pushed your finger deeper into him, using a small amount of liquid on it as a lubricant. "(Y/n), you seem to need to bother your hands with something else…" you gave him a questioning look and he grinned in satisfaction, admiring the way his veiny, leaking dick slipped in and out of your lips. "Touch yourself… I know you want to…"
Fucking bastard. Why did he have to say it now? His words involuntarily triggered the memories of the lonely nights you spent in Chicago, masturbating almost every day when you thought of Patrick, telling yourself that he probably did the same. After all, maybe that was true?
As you pulled his cock out of your wet mouth, you quickly undid your belt and then your pants, pulling them down like an obstacle standing between you and mind-blowing pleasure. Locking your eyes with his walnut ones, you got up and tugged at the lapels of his jacket, forcing him to bend over so you could kiss him. Bateman didn't flinch, kissing you back, tasting himself on your lips and sucking on your tongue as you moaned shamelessly. Afterwards, you slipped a finger into his mouth and he licked it obediently before taking it inside.
"Oh, Patrick," you gasped before sitting down. "Why can't it be like this all the time?"
The brown-haired man smiled, exactly that smile that could make you commit a crime, how charming it was, it made you want to cry here and now.
Silently, Patrick leaned down to take your hand and place it between your legs, then he took your other hand and brought it back to his engorged dick, forcing you to resume your ministrations and from that moment on, you just let yourself go.
Rubbing your most sensitive spot, you whimpered and closed your eyes as you jerked him off, feeling the drops of his warm pre-cum dripping down your palm. Your orgasm was looming somewhere near, but it felt like the pleasure of your own hand was not enough. Bateman, as if he could read your mind, suddenly lifted you up by your shoulders, made you straddle him, and in the next moment you let him impale you on his thick cock, giving you the abundance you thought you had lost forever. A loud shriek echoed off the marble walls of the bathroom, a sound that made Patrick grin even more arrogantly as he knew that no one but him could make you feel complete.
He fucking knew it.
Groaning, the man grabbed your hips and set the pace, and at some point you found yourself riding him with pure abandon, literally bouncing on his beefy cock. "A-ahhh, Patrick, yes! Fuck-fuck me, just like that!" You mewled into his ear as he spanked your ass, squeezed your buttocks and spread them. "Mmhm…holy…shit…"
Another slap made you tremble on his lap. "So fucking needy for me," Bateman purred in a husky voice, his hair a mess, you managed to undo his bow tie and several top buttons to stroke his bulging chest. "Argh, you gonna make me cum, babe."
With that, he began to thrust his hips up, meeting yours with a shameless slapping sound. Dumbfounded, you were also so close, but you wanted him to fall first. Passionately rocking back and forth, you wrapped your hands around his neck, catching him off guard.
"You…you missed me just like I missed you…" That was more a statement than a question but the man didn't say anything, he just nodded with his eyes closed as he was completely lost in the embrace of incoming rapture. "SAY IT!" You nearly beat him into his chest. "Say…it…you bastard!"
Your crying compelled him to open his brown eyes which now were so dark, you could draw in them. "Yeah…" Each word was so hard for him to pronounce as his hips began to shake. "…I…I've missed you…too!" Patrick had to hide his face into the crook of your neck and before you knew it, the man bit into your soft flesh to the point of blood.
"A-AWWW, PATRICK!" You whimpered when you felt him exploding inside of you, shooting his hot load and sinking his teeth even deeper, holding you tightly in his strong arms.
"Shhh," the man strived to shush you, licking the fresh wound on your throat. "Just…take it…"
Still trembling, Bateman squeezed your hips so painfully, that you instinctively tried to pull away but he didn't allow you to. Sobbing, you cursed yourself for forgetting how rough he could be or…maybe you simply didn't know about this side of him? By the time Patrick stopped shaking, you were pumped with his seed till the brink, it was pouring out, staining the furniture beneath you, but no one cared. You sat like that for a moment until you began to move again as you still didn't reach your climax. With every buck of your hips against his, you hoped he would understand what you were asking for, but as soon as you reached out to kiss him, the man indifferently pulled away, tapping on your hip.
"Get up," Patrick commanded you, a bit annoyed.
Bateman didn't repeat, taking you off from his lap before standing up on his feet and zipping his pants. Lost and confused, you sat on the floor, watching him sliding his hair back, opening the faucet and cleaning his face.
What the fuck was that?
"Bateman?" You stammered, finding yourself in the most humiliating position ever.
"You better clean yourself up, too," he commented briefly without looking at you, his voice drenched in venom. "You don't want the guests to think someone brought a hooker here, do you?"
Furrowing your brows, you ran a hand down your tear streaked cheek. "You're going to stop talking to me like that, or…"
"Or what?"
Anger and despair mixed together in a cocktail of pure madness. You wanted to fucking beat this man until he begged for mercy, but unfortunately, it was you sitting on the cold floor with your bare ass, his cum flowing shamelessly between your thighs.
"Fucking scumbag!" You yelled, picking up your shoe to throw it at him, but he quickly moved aside. "You're going to regret this…pathetic…"
Bateman started to say something but was distracted by several female voices. He checked himself in the mirror for the last time and finally spared you with his pitiful look. "You're going to walk around my WEDDING with my SEED inside you. Maybe you should look in the mirror and think about who's really pathetic in this room?"
And then he left.
Being left like that has set your body on fire, your nervous system was on the verge of bursting, but you managed to pull yourself together, gritting your teeth to suppress a loud scream. You felt nauseous, the bite on your neck was bleeding and aching, you were even afraid to touch it. Knowing that the door was now unlocked, you couldn't sit there any longer, so you gathered all the strength you had left to pull yourself up and get dressed. Then you slowly moved to the place where Patrick had been standing moments ago…but it felt like it had been so long ago, as time had stopped. After you cleaned yourself, you were really lucky to find a first aid kit, so you managed to clean your wound as well.
The ceremony had already begun when you finally decided to leave the bathroom. Dazed, you stumbled around like you were drunk. You couldn't remember how you found your way to the main event, where a large altar awaited the newlyweds.
All the guests were in their seats, and you moved stealthily, trying not to attract unwanted attention. The last row of chairs was almost empty, and when you suddenly recognized Timothy Bryce, lonely sitting there, you didn't hesitate to sit next to him.
"Well, well, well," you mused, a little cheered up. "Hello, Bryce."
The dark-haired man almost jumped in his seat when he saw you. "Jesus Christ, (y/n)? What the hell are you doing here?"
"Mmhm, Evelyn invited me."
Timothy visibly grew sadder. " Right…she probably tried to invite all the people in New York."
This sudden change in his demeanor confused you. "Tim? What's wrong?"
The music began to play exactly when you opened your mouth to ask some more curious questions. Soon, the priest and several other people appeared in the alley. They walked up to the altar, everyone around was excited to see the main stars of this event. And as if that were not enough, some women in front of you began to cheer so loudly that you had to cover your ears.
"Stupid bitches." Tim grumbled as he sat back.
"Craig and David…where are they?"
Bryce pointed to other seats that were almost next to the altar. "They're with their chicks and they want the best seats."
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, avoiding craning your neck when it wasn't needed because it still hurt. "I see…and I thought they were doing coke without you."
"They did."
"Really? And what about you?"
The man sighed. "No coke is enough to get lost."
Now it was even stranger.
Another loud reaction from the guests signaled that something was starting to happen. You have to stand up a little to see the tall figure moving down the alley—it was Bateman, looking like he was not the one who fucked you in the small bathroom an hour ago. The way he smiled at the guests made you want to puke. Timothy noticed your trepidation and narrowed his eyes curiously.
"Are you okay?" He asked, not paying attention to what was happening near the altar. "You look unhealthy."
"I… I'm fine, it's just… it's very hot in here." You wanted to loosen your collar, but then you remembered the bite, so you had to sit like that.
In a few minutes the music changed and then Evelyn appeared, accompanied by her father who led her to the altar where Patrick was waiting for her. You held your breath and bit the inside of your cheek, but you forced yourself to look at the way Bateman took Evelyn's hands in his, touching them with absolute tenderness. A single drop of sweat trickled down your forehead and you probably intended to chew your cheek until it bled, but you didn't care. Nothing mattered now, nothing could hurt you, you felt like a ghost destined to walk the earth in search of its salvation. Only when the priest said that the newlyweds could kiss now, you turned away and so did Tim.
When the official part of the ceremony was over, Patrick and Evelyn walked out of the room towards an unknown destination, you and Bryce just sat there, not even talking, just sitting, as if you had nowhere to go.
"I'll get us some drinks." Timothy suddenly rumbled and stood up as quickly as the idea had occurred to him.
You didn't even have a chance to answer. You closed your eyes and rubbed your face tiredly when you heard a child's voice next to you. Turning sideways, you opened your eyes to see a little girl with a small bag in her hands. "Oh, hi…could you please repeat what I need to do?"
The girl smiled and opened the bag in an inviting gesture. "Pull your hand in and choose your destiny advice!" Giggling, you did as she said. Soon you were unfolding a small piece of paper. "What does it say?" The girl asked with undisguised curiosity.
After you rolled up the paper completely, you could read the text. "Find the courage to face your destiny." You swallowed nervously, on the verge of tears again.
"You didn't like it?" The little girl asked you, her face turning sad as well.
"No! Of course not, thank you very much!" You tried to smile. "You're so sweet, thank you!"
The girl suddenly hugged you. "Please don't be sad!"
And with that, the little child picked up her bag and ran to another person, doing the same thing she did to you. Nervously holding the piece of paper in your sweaty hands, you reread the text until several wet stains appeared on the paper. 'I am such a fool.' Wiping away tears, you heard several footsteps behind you. 'God, what if it's him?'
Excited, you turned to see Tim holding two cocktails. "They don't have anything strong."
You took the drink and watched Bryce sitting next to you. "Thanks Tim."
"No problem," he took a sip before looking at the piece of paper in your hands. "What is this?"
"Uh, nothing, just a childish game." You mumbled and took a sip of your cocktail.
After a minute of total silence, Timothy suddenly rested his arm on the back of his chair. "You know, maybe some coke is not such a bad idea after all," he looked at you, his dull eyes now glinting with a mischievous spark. "And since you're here… do you have any plans?"
"No," you replied frankly. "I… I have no plans, Bryce."
Nodding to himself, the man sat a little closer. "What about you coming to my place?"
Fidgeting in your chair, you wanted to turn to face him, but instead you hissed in pain, how crazy must the man be to leave such a mark? You crumpled the piece of paper in your fist and felt your nails digging into your skin, but still no pain came.
"Why not?" You finally replied, giving Bryce a smile he couldn't ignore as he smiled back.
'When one door closes, another always opens.' Was that what the taxi driver told you yesterday? A quote that had made you cringe in skepticism now played with different colors. But in the end, life was a good thing, even when you thought it was not.
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P.S. Thank you for reading until the end! I don’t have a taglist. You can follow my side blog @makeyoumineagain and turn on notifications to know when I update!
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tichiox1 · 1 year
Going shopping with the kaulitz twins headcannons
Hello thank you for the support on my last post you guys don't even know how much it motivates me to write more and thank you again.
Also a fun fact about me is that i get my ideas when i listen to music so you guys can give me song recs and ill listen to them and maybe ill even write about it thank you again!!
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Bill kaulitz☆☆
-Probably more excited than you
-when you two go to the mall he immediately drags you to hot topic
-when he tries on outfits he'll show it to you and sometimes makes you his personal manikin .
-He always ask for your opinion on things when he wants something he'll ask you "Is this good?" "should i get this?" "Do you think this would match with this?" in short he doesn't know what to pick .
-While shopping he'll always go to the food court to get snacks he always gets hungry mid shopping.
-When he sees something he thinks you'll like he'll always show it to you and says "This would look amazing on you!" and once you try it he will buy it for you .
-Matching shirts is a must!!
-he gets distracted easily so keep an eye on Bill because if you leave him he'll be across the room the second you look back.
-He saw these star hairclips and bought them for you because he thinks they would look amazing on you.
-When carrying stuff he won't mind carrying it but carry the other bags please!.
-He's also really excited to go to some make up stores to buy dark eye shadows and eye liner.
-Even when you two are shopping for hours he's not getting tired but if you do say your feet hurts and you want to rest he'll understand and will find a cafe somewhere where you two can chat and eat , and after that the shopping continues.
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Tom kaulitz ♡♡
-He's excited because he's going to spend time with you!!.
-He doesn't mind going anywhere if you want to go there then there he goes with you he's like a puppy following it's owner .
-When you ask him about his opinion on outfits he'll always agree because he thinks that everything looks amazing on you! .
-When you're showing off outfits outside the fitting room he'll probably sneak in a kiss here and there.
-When you try to show things that you think would suit him he'll try it on for you (even if he doesn't like some of the things you show him he'll still try it on to not hurt your feelings).
-He'll ask you to go to the food court since he's hungry shopping takes a lot of energy.
-Don't worry about carrying the shopping bags he'll carry it he doesn't want you to get tired.
-Even if he's tired because of walking alot he doesn't mind as long as your happy but he does hint at times that he wants to rest for a bit.
Thank you for reading even if it's very short ill make one shots and headcannons in the future don't worry but if i don't post for a while im sorry ill probably be busy because of school but dont worry im working on a fanfic about bill well again but also tom so just wait ! Thank you again!
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nichoswag · 1 year
hiii !! i love your writing so much omg🥲🥲 can I request a jo oneshot (f!reader) where the reader is at a convenience store and some older guy starts to prey on her (does that make sense ? 😭) and the reader doesn’t know what to do until she sees jo and asks him to pretend to be her bf or maybe she gives him hints that she’s in need of help. after the guy leaves maybe jo and the reader could exchange numbers or smth ? JDJDJD my english is so bad so idk if that even made sense im so sorry if it didnt 😭 also its totally okay if you’re not comfortable with writing this! im just in need of more jo oneshots (&team oneshots in general) they’ve been stuck in my head for so long 🥲
safe . asakura jo
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pairing: stranger!jo x female reader
warnings: stalking, reader is being followed, creepy man, typical saved from a stalker scenario, jo is a total sweetheart, angst and fluff, petnames (babe, pretty)
song rec: young luv - stayc
a/n: sorry for the wait anon. and your english is perfectly fine, i understood it fully! i also feel you so much on the lack of &t content on this app! maybe i'll start doing fic recs to provide you guys with more works by other amazing authors i love!! also, this is a great request and i enjoyed writing it so much!!! enjoy ♡
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it's a dark, cold night. the sun set around three hours ago, so it's getting to be pretty late into the night.
you walk down the street clutching your jacket closer to your body, shoulders pulled nearly up to your ears.
that's when you hear footsteps behind you.
the first thing that's odd about this is the fact that this is a route you take home often, and you've literally never run into anyone at this time of night due to the roads all being side streets.
as a normally anxious person, you think of what you've been taught to do in this situation- the most common trick. you take three right turns in a row, not getting lost since you know the roads well. however, even as you come back to where you first heard the footsteps behind you, you can still hear them, and they sound as if they're coming closer.
you panic at this point, speeding up until you're nearly running. the footsteps become faster and louder to match your pace.
you make a sharp turn into a convenience store, but the man follows you inside. noticing the cashier looks like a teen who would likely not be of much help, you settle for heading towards the tall guy in the back near the drinks.
as you get near him, you grab his sleeve, effectively startling him. "did you wait for a long time?" he looks extremely confused. you have to lean up on your toes as much as possible to get closer to his ear because he's so much taller than you. you do so and explain the situation in a whisper as the man walks into the aisle behind you.
he quickly looks concerned and holds your hand, seeming to realize he should play along. "i didn't wait long at all, pretty."
you smile up at him, eternally grateful. you think to yourself that you owe him severely if you ever meet again.
"do you want something to drink?" he asks, seeming to really get into the boyfriend role. still holding your hand tightly, he steps back and gestures to the fridge area for you to pick.
"you don't have to do that, babe," you say, blushing a bit.
"no, no, go ahead. you should really drink something," he insists. "you've been walking for a while, you must be thirsty."
you tilt your head, not sure if he's serious or just playing the role well. he nods his head. you pick out a drink you like and he takes it from your hand and picks out his own drink as well. he walks towards the front of the store still holding your hand.
he looks back at the man who was following you to find him already staring, but he doesn't make any move to come closer to the two of you.
after the nice guy checks out, you both walk out of the store.
"would you like me to walk you home?" he asks. "just to be safe."
you contemplate for a moment before nodding. "i live near here, so it's not that far of a walk. thank you so much for this- and the drink, too."
you both begin to walk in the direction of your house, still hand-in-hand.
"of course," he smiles sweetly. "i hate how careful ladies have to be walking around nowadays... it's crazy that something bad could happen to you even in your own neighborhood."
you huff. "tell me about it. i've only been followed like this a few times, but i hear it happens to a lot of girls my age."
he sighs. "it's ridiculous. oh, i'm jo, by the way."
you smile up at him. "i like that name. i'm ____."
"pretty name for a pretty girl," he cheeses.
you cringe, giggling. "thanks for the compliment, but that was so corny."
he laughs. "i know- i realized after i said it."
you talk and laugh the whole way home, up until you get to your house. you didn't even mean to let him walk you the whole way home, you would've stopped him at the start of your street, but you kind of lost track, being so distracted.
"well, this is it." you turn towards him, finally letting go of his hand. "again, thank you so much. i don't know what i would have done if you hadn't helped me."
he smiles shyly, his face flushed. "no problem. could i maybe get your number? you can text or call me next time something like this happens. i live just down the street, so i'll come running."
you blush, taking his phone to add yourself as a contact. "you're really cute. maybe we could just hang out sometime, no creepy man involved?"
he chuckles. "yeah- that'd be nice."
you say your goodbyes. he watches until you get to your door to make sure you make it inside okay before you see him leave through your window.
you blush as you think of the whole interaction again.
thank you, jo, you think. for making me feel safe.
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©nichoswag | do not copy my work or repost onto any other platform.
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peter-pantomime · 1 year
Stranger Things Fic Recs, Part 5
Part Four | Three | Two | One
the dreams in which i'm dying
“Well,” Eddie says easily, flopping down onto the bench next to her. “I’ll go with you if you want. Just as friends.” Chrissy closes her eyes. She probably should have seen that coming. Because that’s how it’s supposed to go, right? The prom queen dumps her jock boyfriend and gets together with the sweet guy who’s been right under her nose the whole time. Happily ever after, fade to black, roll credits. Chrissy’s seen plenty of rom-coms. She knows her lines here.
i will lay me down (like a bridge over troubled water)
Eddie is twelve, shot up like a weed, and too big to carry, but Wayne scoops him up anyway. Eddie wraps his arms and legs around Wayne clumsily and lets himself be carried, still crying, back to the trailer. Wayne’s knee clicks the entire way back, but he doesn’t tell Eddie to walk.Wayne is forty-one and clumsy with emotions, doesn’t know what he’s doing but is trying anyway, and Eddie is twelve and crying on Wayne’s kitchen counter.
seriously slipping out of control
“How long do you think it’ll take?” Steve asks, eyes flickering over to the shoebox of materials. “Like, do you have to go over it a bunch of times to make the ink dark enough? We don’t need them that dark.” “It doesn’t even need to be super straight or even or anything.” Robin adds. “Like don’t worry about making them perfect or anything.” “Are you guys sure you want tattoos?” Eddie double-checks. These are just verbal confirmations of what he’s already picked up on from their twitchy body language and constant thrum of nervous energy. They’re scared. Which like, fair. But their nervousness gives him pause, makes him wonder why they’re going with commemorative tattoos of all things to remind themselves of the tragic end of their summer jobs.
and it's a song you know
The lyrics are clever, because they hide under metaphor, apocalyptic imagery and all that stuff, but it clicks when Dustin gets to a verse about a tune echoing through a mall, ‘and it’s a song you know, you’ve known it all your life,’ and he’s suddenly thrown back to when he explained how Steve worked out the location of the Russian code, and Eddie was taking it all in, eyes as round as pennies. Dustin sets down the notebook and says, “It’s about us.” It’s not a question.
the boy in the sweatshirt
It starts with the sweater. Technically, it starts with a broken beer bottle and forty-eight sleepless hours on the run bending the glass into ruby red lace against a pale freckled neck. But that’s a technicality, and those only really work well for campaigns and court cases. For Eddie, for the fucked up little story that is his life, it starts with the sweater. Eddie figuring out Steve (and himself) through the romance of certain old clothes.
the present only
"I'm just saying, I didn't get my reputation for nothing," Steve baits. "What reputation is that?" Eddie asks. Robin looks horrified and Steve can’t actually be sure whether Eddie is trying to embarrass him or her. If it's the former, Eddie is about to be disappointed. This is one department in which Steve is not ashamed of his performance. "Reciprocation," Steve says. The word alone has Robin pulling a face. "I used to have a 100% record," Steve adds a little grumpily to Eddie. Eddie narrows his eyes at him, and Steve can tell he's biting his tongue. Steve would like to bite it for him. Jesus. Get it together, Harrington. Or: Eddie gets a job; Steve wants to give him another; the universe - including Dustin, Robin, and Eddie himself - is against him.
So Newly Charming
Eddie leans against the van to peer over his shoulder as he connects the leads. He’s close enough that Steve can smell him; close enough that he can feel the shift of air on the side of his neck as Eddie breathes. If it were one of the kids, he’d shove them off and reassert his personal space, but it’s never really bothered him when it’s Eddie. It’s distracting, but Eddie is always kind of distracting. Steve doesn’t mind Or: Steve fixes Eddie's van and figures out several things about himself in quick succession.
the chauffeur
"He had intended on a normal drive, really, just cruising at the speed limit to clear his head. But upon passing the last house on the stretch for miles, the long, empty road looks suggestive. Maybe even a little seductive. A bad itch builds from the base of his spine. Swallowing nothing, he presses the gas pedal slowly, eyes continuously flicking down to the speedometer as it climbs exponentially. The drone of the engine changes with it, getting louder, pitch keening, synchronizing with the blood that churns and rushes in and out through his heart, veins, brain. The needle hovers just over 100mph for approximately one minute and fourteen seconds." Steve's attempts to return to normal aren't cutting it. When a casual drive turns into something more risky, he learns that a little rush of adrenaline can help. He learns that a little too well. Around the same time, Eddie starts having car troubles.
someone else's favorite song
“Not sick, not sick,” he slurs, and Eddie wants to see his face, wants to hold it in his hands, wants to look him in the eye when he says, “just sad. Sad. Fuck… fuck, sad.” “Why are you sad, big guy?” Eddie asks. Steve laughs again, but it’s sharper this time, it doesn’t last as long, because as soon as the words slip out of his mouth— “My mom’s dead—” —it walks that treacherous line between the two sounds and morphs straight to a broken sort of sobbing that reaches directly into Eddie’s chest and drags out his heart. A friends-with-benefits relationship goes complicated when who Steve and Eddie are to one another shifts with the coming of a new sort of tragedy.
messing with the beat of my heart
After Vecna nearly tears the world in half, Eddie and Wayne move away from Hawkins for a fresh start. When Dustin calls Eddie up and asks if Hellfire can come visit for one last summer campaign, Eddie agrees—it's not like he has anything better to do. He just doesn't expect Steve Harrington to come, too. (or: eddie deserves love. i love him.) (or: eddie and steve falling for each other, stupid and inevitable.)
i'm keeping you in sight
When there’s no immediate reply, he pauses for a moment, seemingly taking in the situation. “D’you want help with that, Stevie?” Eddie has the gall to get taller.
mister funny, mister cool
He swallows. Sweat trickles along his spine. He knows what he was thinking, what he’s still thinking. The itch of being talked about still irritates him. But—but that’s also not new. He used to be King of Hawkins High—people talked about him all the way up that track and all the way down and with a lot less kindness in their hearts. Even with them, it shouldn’t weigh this heavy because if they want to think he’s crazy that’s fine. Right? It should be fine, because Steve knows who he is. The guy with stupid jokes and free rides. The guy who comes back, who keeps them safe, who’s fine. Steve should be able to shrug this off. God, he’s so stupid. Mister Funny, Mister Cool is always fine. or, Steve Harrington's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad emotional breakdown.
the pre-show ritual
Steve wasn’t really all that surprised to find himself here. He had never seen a gloryhole before. He’d chalked them up to a horny teenager’s pot at the end of the rainbow. Fantasy, and nothing else. A fat old man couldn’t squeeze down a chimney, and a guy couldn’t get his dick sucked in a public bathroom. But here it was, a small circular hole cut into the side of two adjacent stalls, as real and as terrifying as it could be. What surprised Steve about tonight was that he wasn't sticking his dick through the hole. Instead, he found himself sitting on his heels in front of it, hands wringing anxiously in his lap as he licked his lips and waited for someone to shuffle into the other stall.
that's just wasteland, baby!
“Because all any of us get is right now,” he explains as well as he knows how. “It’s just right now, that’s all any of us can promise. Does that make sense? It’s just— it’s only ever right now—” “Yeah,” Eddie proves the closeness, makes it real, with the simple tip of his forehead to touch Steve’s. “What can you promise right now, Steve?” Four days after Upside Down breaches Hawkins, the military arrives and closes off all roads leading out, trapping anyone still within town limits from leaving. Months later, Steve Harrington could really use a good night’s sleep and a new pair of boots.
Like the Hero Who Never Ran
While Steve and Dustin are searching for survivors, they're surprised to find Eddie alive, hiding out in Rick's cabin. Steve takes up the task of caring for him while staying in his trailer.
Rich From Tender Care
Steve leans against the side of the boathouse and lets Eddie fumble with the cheap Bic lighter for a minute before he clears his throat and says, “You want a light?” It's hard to read his tone. There's a bitter, suspicious, self-defensive part of Eddie that wants to lash out, but instead he grips the lighter until the plastic creaks and says, “Sure. If you have one.” “Yeah.” Steve digs in his pocket and comes up with a nice Zippo. He doesn't hand it to Eddie; instead, he flicks the flame on and holds it out for him to lean down, and there's an intimacy to it that Eddie wasn't quite expecting. Like one of those old Leyendecker paintings. He imagines this tableau sketched out in clean art deco lines: the prom king and the freak. A study in contrasts. Or: In which Eddie survives the Upside Down, and Steve Harrington turns out to be nothing like he expects.
My Right Hand Man
In which movie night takes an unexpected turn, and it's surprisingly easy to just let it happen.
it's no better to be safe than sorry
“Do you think you’ll ever want to fuck me?” Steve starts choking and coughing wildly, which alright is Eddie’s fault. He probably shouldn’t have thrown that out there like that right after Steve shoveled an entire spoonful of Honeycombs into his mouth. But his brain’s only been online for thirty minutes tops, Eddie’s obviously not firing on cylinders right now. He just had to get it out before he lost his nerve. Again. He slaps Steve on the back until the worst of the coughing subsides. “Here?” Steve finally manages, gesturing at the kitchen island in front of them. He’s pink and watery eyed from the hacking fit, and maybe a little bit from Eddie’s indecent proposal. “No, not here.” Eddie clarifies. “Why, have you—” He casts his eyes around the kitchen as if the surfaces will answer the question for Steve. “Shit no.” Steve rushes to say, “My parents eat here.” 
Shot Right Through
Steve overhears a conversation between Eddie and Robin, and then spends a few weeks trying to think of anything else.
can't bear it alone
He thinks about the relief in Eddie’s voice when he said he had a hunch about Steve’s whereabouts, like Dustin is the chosen one for understanding what makes Steve tick. Eddie’s joked about it before; he’d called it “sibling telepathy” when Dustin had silently communicated his popcorn order at the movies, and he’d nudged Steve in the ribs when Steve’s nose wrinkled meaning Gross, dude. Then Steve had huffed a laugh, nudging Dustin back. Okay, okay. I’ll pay for it, you little shit. But Eddie gets Steve, too, Dustin thinks; that’s why he called him. And yeah, it’s different than the way Dustin understands Steve, but it’s significant enough for Eddie to make the cut of Steve Harrington Interpreters in Dustin’s mind.
see the luck i've had
Steve, Eddie, and 20 hurt/comfort prompts
no reason
The kiss is brief, only a second or two, not even long enough for Steve to really register what's happening before Eddie pulls away. Steve’s frozen in place, his arms still wrapped around Eddie. [...] Eddie closes his eyes, a weak smile on his lips. "Something to remember me by." [...] "You're literally not dying right now." His whole body is hot. Is he sweating? "You lost some blood but they didn't get deep enough—I looked—you're going to be fine." There's a pause. "I'm going to be fine?" Eddie asks, voice also going high and thin. "You're—sure?" "Yes." "Fascinating. Great. Are you—could you do me a favor, then, and maybe just—leave me here anyway?" "What?" Steve says. The dial tone gets louder. "No. Why?" "No reason," Eddie says, voice tight.
Leomund's Lamentable Belaborment Makes It Hard To Graduate High School
Everyone knows things happen in threes. Three wishes. Three sons of a king. Three notes make a chord. Eddie's third senior year is his last chance to get out. If he fails again, he's in a time loop.
Looks Like You're Hungry, Looks Like You're Drowning
It is almost a relief to see that it's Eddie Munson on the chair and not some huge random guy. That is until Eddie's eyes crinkle open and his face goes from blind terror to bemused, the way he's curled up like a bug at the noise slipping into something languid and easy. It's almost a relief until the prick smiles like a lunatic and Steve has to think of course, this fucking guy, because Eddie Munson may be the weirdest person Steve's ever met. AKA Two Years of Lifeguarding, One Morning of Finding Eddie Munson Asleep on a Deck Chair
keep with me forward
The house that the government buys Eddie is pink.
Car Hangs
Eddie had started walking to Robin’s house in the mornings to hitch a ride when Steve took her to school on his way to Family Video. It was a neat little route from Steve’s place to Robin’s to the high school to the store, and Robin lived halfway between Eddie’s place and the school, so the ride cut his journey in half. Steve wanted to offer to pick Eddie up from his place but, unlike the rest of the carpool arrangement, it didn’t make sense, spatially, and Eddie said he didn’t mind the walk, and Steve was too embarrassed to insist.
heavy is the head
What Steve wants… it’s not as if they’ve never done it. They’ve just never done it like that. And they sure as shit haven’t done it with Wayne Douglas Munson sitting in the very next room, only the low hum of the TV to drown out every deafening pound of Eddie’s heart. He’s still staring, heart going double time. Doesn’t budge an inch. Steve lifts one perfectly arched brow. Goddamn it. So, so stupid.
thursday afternoon
this was supposed to be about cleaning up, but despite the constant stream of water, he feels sweatier than before. his skin is burning, his wrists are cramping and his legs are straining from how tense he’s been. if eddie were here he’d slide to his knees, ignore the resulting twin cracks and swat steve’s thigh to stop him from making any comments. he’d nuzzle against his crotch, hair clinging to his strong neck, his cheeks, and run his hands up and down steve’s trembling thighs. or; it's thursday afternoon, eddie gets home early from work and catches his husband deep in thought. (amongst other things)
Steve/Tommy (past, unrequited, pre/current Steve/Eddie)
stitches and the devouring mouth
tommy wasn't a great person, or even a good person, but he was going to push steve out of hawkins. his one good deed.
every mistake was made purposely
“You are such a fucking asshole.” Steve says, but again there’s no venom behind his words. It comes out like an observational statement, like they’re back in Freshman year biology marking down the anatomy of the frog they dissected. Looks like spaghetti, Steve had said while they stared down at the guts in front of them, and even now Tommy can’t eat spaghetti without thinking of it. “You know, believe it or not, Eddie doesn’t treat people the way you do. He wouldn’t even think to.” Tommy scoffs, does an eye roll of his own. “Yeah, I’m sure he’s real sweet to people before he gouges their eyes out."
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how does one start to listen to death grips? I found it very ... interesting on my first listen
a long, slow descent into madness.
first exposure(2016ish): that one rust video with the guy running from the bear while takyon plays
second exposure(2022): "get got is pretty good lol"
third exposure (beginning of the end): "hey some other songs on the money store are pretty good"
?????? -
and now my favorite album is jenny death and I should probably go to a mental hospital.
In all seriousness though, I definitely get how some of their music is more of an "acquired taste".
As much as I was memeing before, I did start by listening to more of the Money Store. If you're starting to listen to them from this album, I'd recommend I've Seen Footage, System Blower, and Hacker.
Otherwise, more cool songs when first getting into them would be:
Guillotine, Come Up And Get Me, You Might Think He Loves You For Your Money..., Billy Not Really, and Ring A Bell
There's a whole lot more I could say, and there's many, many more fucking awesome songs by them. If you ending up liking them, feel free to send another ask or send me a DM. I'm always down to give more song recs and to talk about this band lol
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winniethewife · 10 months
Jewels made of stardust 
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(Poe Dameron x OC! Rhoswen Jewelace.)
Chapter 6: I wanna do right by you
A/N: Thanks to @runa-falls for the song Rec for this chapter.
Last chapter ~ Next chapter
Words: 953
Rhoswen Sits with her head in her hands as she stares at the wall of the med bay. She gave up watching her mother’s vital signs and even Poe’s pacing got old eventually. It’s not like the wall was interesting, just constant. Unlike everything else in her life. She hates it. She looks over at Poe who had finally sat down for a minute. He looks like he might explode right there.
“Hey, deep breath alright? Finn and Rose have got this, they’ll come through.” She says as she tried to smile at him. He looks at her surprised.
“Are…you trying to be friendly with me?” He asks with a smirk.
“I’m just trying to keep your head on straight. Does neither of us any good if you fly off the handle, like you’re so prone to do.” They both chuckled at that. After a moment of quiet between them Poe scooted over to her and leans his chin on her shoulder, and for once she lets him have this contact
“Is the wall really that interesting?” He asks sarcastically
“No but I don’t know what else to do right now.” She replies
“You know, I only ever wanted to do right by you.” He said quietly.
“Yeah. I know. I just…nothing is the same as when we met. I’m sorry I can’t be the starry eyed hopeful I used to be.” She sighs and without really thinking she leans her head slightly on his.
“I don’t blame you, I’m not feeling very starry eyed right now.” He mumbles.
“I don’t think any of us do. This is one of the darkest days of the resistance.”
“At the rate we’re going it might be the last day of the resistance.”
“Now that’s dark.” She laughs slightly.
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After a while they were sitting by Leia’s bedside, Rhoswen gently holding her mother’s frail hand. She was trying desperately to feel any spark of the hope her mother always seemed to project onto others, knowing that if Leia didn’t wake up, she was the last…she can’t think like that. She didn’t ever want to think that all the good in the Organa and Solo family lines rests in her hands. When Ben went to the dark side it ruined their family, neither she nor Leia could convince Han to stay, then when it became obvious the new republic wasn’t going to do what was needed, the resistance had to rise and that was Leia’s calling, and Rhoswen followed.
Poe looks over at her, her short red hair shines slightly in the ship light. She was the one woman he never wanted to be a one night stand, and yet here they were, so close together and yet a wall between them.
“So is there a reason You and Holdo don’t get along? I figured with her history with Leia you guys would be close.”
“She tried to convince Leia and Han to give me to another family, Said They barely had time for Ben, why take on more responsibility. They needed to focus on the New republic.  I was only two, But I still remember vividly her telling my mom and dad I should be sent somewhere else, be some other senators kid. Dad looked like he was gonna kill her.” She laughs.
“You were always a daddy’s girl huh?” Poe asks with a smile, slightly playing with the collar of her jacket as he stood next to her. It was Hans jacket, he thought it was sweet she always wore his old jacket. Her father may be gone, but he lived on in her. The same sass, the same smirk. She was her father’s daughter.
“Yeah, He was my world. He taught me to fly, taught me to shoot, he was everything to me.” She said softly and she squeezed Leia’s hand a little tighter. I still can’t believe he’s gone.” She starts to feel the tears coming to her eyes. Poe kneels down next to her and takes her hand. He feels like this is the closest they’ve been in a really long time. Like this is his last chance.
“I know, but he would be so proud of you Rho. He loved you to the ends of the galaxy.” He gently pushes a few strands of hair out of her face, she looks at him. Her emerald eye meet his smoky dark brown ones. She feels like she’s been an idiot this whole time, fighting the man who wanted so badly to do right by her. To take care of her after the worse day of her life, who despite every fight always came back trying to make things right.
“I…I don’t deserve you Poe. I fought you at every moment, I…I’ve lied to you, I’ve don’t things just to start fights with you…”
“Shh…hey it’s okay. I don’t care about that. I care about you. None of that matters” Poe runs his fingers through her hair, trying to comfort her. She instinctually leans into his hand as he does this, his eyes never leaving hers, their faces so close they could feel each other’s breath.
“I have to ask Poe, I know that before our night together there was a lot of talk about you…making your way around base.” She tried to tread the topic carefully knowing how the last time she had mention this hadn’t gone well.
“It…It never really meant anything. Yeah I slept around and I dated a little but, It was just…selfish…I was trying to prove to myself I didn’t need you. And I was wrong.” Before Rhoswen could respond they were interrupted by a commlink message from Lieutenant Connix.
“Captain Dameron, Captain Jewelace…we have a problem."
Tag: @femmeanonymelives
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lino-jagiyaa · 2 years
San and sfw prompt 33 🥰
a/n: hi hi! tysm for requesting this! I'm obsessed with bf au San or just him in general at the moment lol. I hope you like what I've come up with!
Prompt: [#33] Standing up for their s/o
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genre: fluff, non idol!au, angst, established relationship, office workplace!au | pairing: san x gn!reader | warnings: swearing, toxic coworkers, bullying |words: 857
summary: when you're at work one day and San notices that your coworkers are picking on you, he decides to step in and defend you.
song rec: Mist - Ateez
Going into work was one of the less pleasant parts of your day to say the least. Your coworkers were loud, obnoxious at times, and just awful to you. On the daily when you would clock in, they would greet you with snarky comments about your outfit choice and hairstyle. Saying these things just to get a reaction out of you. To infuriate you for a reason you had no idea of. . It felt like snotty high school drama and you were getting fed up with it. Being constantly ridiculed even as you were minding your own business.
But only after 20 minutes or so, you noticed a few of the people in the office weren't at their desks. Confused, you looked around, wondering if they just went on break together. Asking the person whose desk was beside yours if he knew but that wasn't the case. They apparently were talking with each other for a bit before leaving together. He then told you there were snacks in the break room and that you should go get some before they're all gone.
Sighing to yourself, you agree and walk over to the room. Stepping in, you hear some hushed giggles get louder. But trying your best, you ignore them. You spot the snacks and head straight for them.
"You should try these ones, y/n. They're really good." one of the guys says.
"Uh.. thanks?" you reply before reaching for one of the pastries.
With your back turned, you feel someone forcefully push you towards the table and you fall face first into the snack box. Shocked and frozen, you just stand there slumped over and everyone in the room starts laughing and making fun of the sight of you like this.
That's when you hear someone else walk in the room and the laughing stops. Dropping whatever they were holding in the process. Confused, you wipe your face and look up to see who it was. The person in question just so happened to be your boyfriend San. You didn't register what he had said to the group until you watched all of their faces drop in horror.
He had said, "What the hell do you guys think you're doing, huh? Do you really think it's okay to treat your coworkers like this? Like we're all still in high school? Picking on each other like you have nothing better to do? They've done nothing to you, nothing to deserve this behavior from you all."
You struggle to balance yourself and stumble upon hearing his words. Attempting to process what he had just said. But he wasn't finished speaking his mind.
"The fact that I took time out of my own day, my own work schedule to come and visit my partner and I get here and see this bullshit. Tsk, you've got to be fucking kidding me right now. You all better be ashamed of yourselves for acting this childish. At work of all places."
"Y/n, you know what, let's go tell your boss about this mess. If he'd even give a shit since it seems like this has been going on for a while now. There's no way in hell he hasn't noticed."
He then picks up the small bouquet of white roses he was holding when he walked in off of the floor and walks over to you and grabs onto your arm to help you out of the room.
You had a giant headache now from being pushed into the table. Face still covered in icing, San walks you back over to your desk to collect your things and help you clean yourself off.
"Thank you, Sannie" you say, almost at a whisper but he still heard you loud and clear.
Him coming to your job to surprise you with flowers was sort of out of the ordinary in your relationship. He was usually very busy with his own job and you'd only see him before and after work, or on a happier occasion an off day for the both of you. San was also somewhat of an introvert especially when it came to strangers but he has an extremely soft side of course.
"Of course, my love. When it comes to you I'll always make sure everyone respects you and appreciates you as much as I do." he says, still wiping the remainder of the pastries off of you.
After talking with your boss and San calling into work to tell his boss that he's not coming back for the day, the two of you leave and make your way back to your shared apartment.
"You know what we should do now that we have the rest of the day off?" He asked
"What about ice cream and a few episodes of that drama we were trying to finish?" you answered
"Sounds perfect."
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don't forget to leave a comment and reblog if you enjoyed this short fic! please do not spam like.
feedback is also appreciated and i'd love to hear your thoughts!
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therealestpodcast · 1 year
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“So what do I get out of this?”
“What do you mean?” Kyle asked them as he took the duffle bag of expensive camera equipment from Jae.
“I meannn, this seems like a deal for only Ona. And as much as I want that girl to get her grades up…” Jae looked around to see if the said girl was listening, she always had a knack for hearing her name being mentioned.
“Yeah I understand, so how much do you want?” Kyle said with a small chuckle as he pulled out his wallet, the inside had a Polaroid picture of his family.
“Join our podcast.”
“Excuse me?”
“Come onn” Jae lightly punched his shoulder as she went back to crossing their arms. “Join Team Realest.”
“Yeah dude! Come on, after tonight, you’re definitely gonna want to join.” Jae teased as the two made it to the front of the car.
“Hmm.. I’ll think about it, I’ll let you know after tonight then.” Kyle opened the passenger door for Jae before he walked around to the drivers seat to get situated.
“Sooo where are we going?” Ona asked from the backseat, she gave a sharp turn in her neck pillow to look at Jae infront of her.
“Do you really need that?”
“Yes, Jae,” Ona scoffs, “I really do need this.”
Stan pipes up, breaking the two’s small argument, “I think we should drive around till we see a place that speaks to us. You know?”
Kyle drums his fingers along the steering wheel, “Okay, that sounds good, but what if we don’t find a place that we like?”
“Then we go further out and away from the city, duh.” Ona says.
Kenny speaks up, voice clearly riddled with sleep, “We don’t have to find a place today either… we have quite a while before we need to turn this project in.”
“Oh my god Kenneth do you ever like to WORK??” Ona asks, mock annoyance in her tone.
“It depends… is the work fun? Or is the work forced upon me by the vicious Gods that roam our skies, seeking havoc and causing pain through out the human population?”
“Dude what the fuck?” Stan looks over at Kenny confused and Kenny just shrugs in return.
Kyle sighs, putting his car in drive, “Let’s go then, no time like the present.”
“…..Can I play music..” Jae asks.
“Huh, oh yeah go ahead.” Kyle responds.
“Sweet, any recs for the time being?”
“Give Me Everything by Pitbull and Ne-yo.” Kenny requests.
“Oh my god.. of course you’d ask for something like that.” Ona rolls her eyes and shakes her head at Kenny’s request.
Stan snickers beside her and Kenny looks at her bewildered, “The fuck does that even mean?”
“You know what it means.”
Jae sighs and queues up the song Kenny wanted, before queuing up a random car ride playlist to have play afterwards.
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"Hey, do you guys want to stop at this Mc Donald's up here?" Kyle mumbled, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. His voice was barely audible over the soft hum of the car engine, but everyone heard his question loud and clear.
It had been about two hours since they had set off on their trip, and the sky had gradually grown darker as the October evening set in. The crisp autumn air seeped in through the car windows, making the journey all the more eerie and foreboding.
Ona's ears perked up at the suggestion, and she sat up straight in her seat. "Yes, please!" she exclaimed, feeling relieved at the prospect of stretching her legs and getting some fresh air.
Jae chuckled softly, nodding in agreement. "Sounds good to me," they said, her eyes darting to look at the three in the back to catch a glimpse of Stan’s reaction.
Stan shrugged, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Sure, why not?" he said, his eyes meeting Ona's briefly before turning back to his game.
“Dont forget to wake Kenny” Kyle reminds the two in the back seat as he pulled into a parking spot.
Ona took off her neck pillow and hits the blonde boy with it repeatedly, “Wake up Kennethhhh!.”
“The full name is insane Di’ona.” Jae smiled before she took off the seatbelt.
Kenny groans, annoyed that he woke up to being hit by the neck pillow and stretches, purposefully covering Ona's face with his hand, "Good morninggg everyone."
"Get. Your. NASTY. hand out of my FACE!" Ona exclaims, roughly grabbing his wrist and pushing Kenny's hand off her face.
Stan can't stop himself from laughing and quickly unbuckles his seatbelt to get out of the car before Ona directs any of her wrath towards him.
Everyone else soon follows and gets out of the car and once everyone is out, the five of them start heading into the McDonald's, Kyle locking the car as they walk across the parking lot.
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"Soooo.. where did we end up?" Kenny asks the group, munching on a fry.
"Gross dude, don't eat with your mouth open." Kyle grimaces, disgust clouding his face.
Jae turns on her phone, "Hmm.. According to Apple Maps we are in Woodland Park."
"Oh sick dude, There's an abandoned mill south of us.. if I'm remembering the town right." Kenny grins, shoveling another handful of fries in his mouth.
"Oh my god, you are so gross." Ona frowns.
"Since when did you know of an abandoned mill, Ken?" Stan asks, taking a sip of his drink.
"It's because of Butters, apparently Butters knows a lot about hidden things, abandoned places or whatever. He gave me a list and I've been slowly checking them off as I go explore 'em."
Kyle stares pointedly at Kenny, "And you didn't think to tell us about the list prior to leaving..?"
Kenny shrugs, "I was assuming you guys would've found a place sooner in all honesty. This place I'm referring too is far out and the others that I have been to are too rundown to probably film anything without us potentially.. dying."
Kyle sighs, "We're already this far we might as well stop over and check it out."
Ona steals a nugget from Jae, "HEY-" They start but Ona cuts them off before anything else was said, "How far away is it from here?"
"Jae, can I?" Kenny asks, referring to the Apple Maps she still had pulled up.
"Oh yeah, here." Jae hands their phone to Kenny and he types in the coordinates.
"You memorized the coordinates?" Stan questions.
"Uh.. yeah dude.. I would've just ended up losing the list had I not memorized it."
"If only you put that much effort into memorizing your class lectures.." Kyle shakes his head.
Kenny flips off Kyle, "It's about 35 minutes from us right now," He says, handing the phone back to Jae, "Think we can make it?"
"If we left now, yeah." Kyle responds.
"Good thing it's the weekend then." Jae sighs, the rest of the group murmuring in agreement.
They finish their meal and all head back to the car, driving away and towards the location Kenny had set for them.
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"Is.. this the right place?" Stan asks apprehensively, peering out the window and at the mill.
"Is this not a mill?" Jae points out.
"Well yeah, but it looks... I don't know not mill like?"
Kyle parks the car and turns off the car, "Uh? What's the qualifications for 'mill-like'?" Kyle asks, turning around in his seat to stare at Stan.
"What's the qualifications for mill-like, I am Kyle Broflovski and I use big words!" Ona mocks, voice no where near how he speaks.
"That is not at all how I sound like."
"Yeah huh it is."
Kyle groans and turns back around in his seat, opening the car door and getting out.
Kenny whispers to Ona, "He can't handle the truth."
Ona nods her head, "He's got no sense of humor. None at all.. shame."
Everyone else gets out of the car and looks over at the mill, "It looks a lot bigger now that we're really staring at it." Jae concluded, turning on her phone's flashlight to be able to see where they'd be walking.
The rest of the group turns their phone's flashlights on as well, "Yeah.. it looks like it'd be haunted." Ona whispers, chills running through out her body.
Kyle rolls his eyes, "You guys and this whole ghost paranormal schtick. It's not haunted, it's literally just a regular abandoned mill."
"Famous last words Kyle, famous last words." Kenny says, moving past Jae and heading over to the mill.
Stan opens the trunk and grabs the equipment, "Let's just go ahead and check it out, besides if we get no filming done, we might as well figure out where we could start shooting. Or if we even like this place well enough to film."
Kyle runs a hand along his face, "We should also get to Kenny asap.. who knows what he'll end up doing alone."
Kyle and Jae head off next after Kenny, being careful to not stumble or fall along the rocky ground.
Ona turns to look at Stan, "Need any help with any of that then?"
Stan grins, "Nah, just as long as you stay by me and can guide me properly, I think I'll be alright."
The girl stared blankly at him, then gave the smallest smile “Cool..cool, yeah uh okay.”
Snorting, Stan closed the trunk “So are you excited? I know this is your element or.. whatever.”
“Yeah, honestly, I just wanna see you be professional for once” Stan smiled at Ona while she stood back up and put a headlight on his messy hair, she stood back and looked at him in the eyes
“Dude you don't even understand!, it’s been a hot minute since me and Jae investigated something alone without cameras watching you know?”
The boy hummed in agreement as he watched Ona put on the body, camera and headlight “Are you excited? This is your first time right?” She asked squatting down to check the rest of the bag.
“Excited, yes. Nervous? Also yes, who knows what tonight’s all gonna bring us.”
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Jae shook their head in annoyance as they walked through the dark, abandoned street. "So, is this the usual for uh...Kenny?" she asked, referring to their now mutual friend's tendency to disappear without any explanation.
"Walking away with no context? Yep," Kyle replied, looking back at Jae.
He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over him as he thought about how they ended up walking through this eerie, desolate area . "We really should've gotten the better flashlights before running off," he added, his voice tinged with regret.
Jae agreed, their eyes fixed on the ground as they carefully navigated the rocky terrain. "Definitely," she said, their voice barely above a whisper. "So, how long have you known Kenny and Stan?" they asked, trying to break the silence that had settled between them.
Kyle sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Our whole lives," he replied, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.
"We used to spend our summers riding bikes and playing video games together. It feels like a lifetime ago now," he added.
Jae listened intently, their heart swelling with emotion at the thought of lifelong friendships. "That sounds amazing,"
Kyle chuckled, the sound echoing through the empty area. "It has its ups and downs, that's for sure," he said, his eyes crinkling at the edges as he smiled.
"But at the end of the day, there's nothing quite like having people in your life who know you inside and out."
The thick, eerie air of the abandoned mill seemed to engulf the duo as they searched for their friend. Suddenly, Kenny's voice shattered the heartfelt moment, causing both of them to jump in surprise.
"You guys! Come look at this!" Kenny's voice called out, but his face was nowhere to be seen.
Jae and Kyle looked at each other in confusion, wondering where Kenny could be hiding. "Kenny?" Jae shouted, hoping for a response.
But there was no answer, only a deafening silence that made the hair on the back of their necks stand on end. "Come look at what? Where are you?" Kyle asked.
Again, there was no reply, and the silence grew even more suffocating. "Kenny, where are you, dude? I don't feel like running around a creepy ass mill," Kyle sighed, his flashlight shaking as he scanned the area for any sign of his friend.
The old mill was silent, dead silent, with no rustling of the trees or sound of the wind. It was just Jae's and Kyle's footsteps crunching on the gravel as they moved forward cautiously.
"This isn't funny anymore, Kenny," Jae spoke up
“What’s not funny anymore?” The words hung in the air as the two turned around to look at the girl who had uttered them. Ona’s face was illuminated by the sudden flash of light on her and Stan’s head, making her features appear eerie and ominous.
“Oh my god Ona, you scared the shit out of us,” Jae exclaimed, placing a hand on her chest. “Why didn’t you tell us you were behind us?” She finished as she reached for the flashlight Stan offered themself and Kyle.
Ona shrugged nonchalantly, exchanging a quick glance with Stan before looking back at Jae. “Have you found a spot to record yet?” she asked, scanning the surroundings of the rundown mill.
“Um…” Jae started, looking at Kyle who, in turn, looked at Jae.
“Um…???” Ona repeated impatiently.
“We were going to… you know, we were trying to catch up to Kenny!” Kyle explained, his voice rising in pitch.
“But, you know…” Kyle trailed off, his voice lowered.
“I know what?” Ona asked, her arms crossed in front of her.
“We can’t find Kenny,” Jae said with a heavy sigh, her tone laced with dread.
“What do you mean you can’t find Kenny?” Stan frowns, quickly scanning the area around the group for any sign of Kenny.
“We mean that he’s run off and he isn’t responding to when we call out for him.” Kyle finishes explaining.
Silence befalls the four as Stan and Ona digest the words Kyle and Jae have said, about how Kenny is gone and they haven’t been able to find him. The dust settling around them is illuminated by the flashlights held by the group; the broken tables and chairs, the rundown and rusty machinery, all looking a lot more foreboding as the group stands in complete silence.
Before anyone speaks up next, Kenny’s voice is heard once more in the distance, “Guys? Come on! This way! I found a cool place for us to film!”
The group exchanges glances before heading after Kenny’s voice, “Kenny! Stay there for God’s sake,” Stan calls out.
As the group enters the room Kenny is standing in, they look around in awe at the size of it. From the looks of it, it was probably where most of the bigger machines were, however they have all either been torn down or broken, rusted away in a corner somewhere. High windows near the ceiling on the wall, concrete walls and floor, steel beams surround the ceiling.
Scattered conveyor belts lay broken down in a corner of the room. Some were still up, but disfunctional. Chairs and tables laid flipped over in a heap in a random pile in the room, scattered graffiti laid about covering the walls, but the room itself was relatively untouched and clean, aside from the dust piles and weeds growing in the cracks of the concrete floor.
“Oh woah..” Jae whispers in awe.
Kenny grins, eyes lighting up as he gushes about the room, “I know right? We could so set up here, like this could be our main room, and I’m thinking we could branch out into the other rooms from here, I saw I think… some stairs leading to a managers office towards that end too,” Kenny jabs a thumb behind him, “Isn’t this gonna be sick? I’m so excited for this guys.”
Kyle nods, “I think this room is pretty good! We could check the manager’s room and use that as a place to rest and think up of ideas.”
Stan whistles in agreement as he sets the duffle bag of equipment onto the ground gently, “Nice find Kenny.. next time just wait for the rest of us, yeah?”
Kenny lets out a humorless chuckle, “You got it boss man.”
“Don’t… call me that again..”
Ona puts her hands on her hips, “So let’s started yeah?” She exclaims, ready to get started.
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igarbagecannoteven · 1 year
megs!! hello!! good evening!! i want literally all of the things from your ask game so just imagine im copypasting all the emojis. tell me all the things!! love you so much missing you lots xoxo give the babygirl a kiss from me since she will never accept one from me anyway
bella!! hiya!! good evening!! (of the next evening but the sentiment still stands lol) love you so so much prilla and i miss you i will give her kisses for you 💙
🤘: so. you get the cursed song since you cannot cut ties from me now that we've signed a year-long lease :)) the song i've been looping all day is BOGOS BINTED by Ida Deerz ft Kaj Strife & 2a03fox which is. well. furry music (with a suicide ment tw for anyone who needs it) and i am not (that) ashamed to say it kinda slaps (you probs won't like it tho sdklfjsdlkjfsd) i mean the chorus is hella catchy! non-cursed song recs are Kid Fears by The Indigo Girls and The Wood Song also by The Indigo Girls (also Galileo which is also by them lol)
👀: okay this is a series of three fics but riverdale belongs to the gays by boos is a *very* good canon divergent (mostly bc it was written during like season 2 or something) exploration of both canon & non-canon events through the lens of the core four all being queer (with ace jughead!!) but if you'd like something (much) shorter there's The Real Suspension of Disbelief by punk_rock_yuppie which is jarchie with ace!jughead :))
🖇️: okay so this idea is actually inspired by a discussion topic from a philosophy class i took so it's a little weird and angsty BUT it's a sci-fi/dystopian au where people use teleportation devices like the ones in star trek and person a, who's used the teleportation device in the past, dies for unrelated reasons (maybe a hovercraft crash or a plague or something idk yet) and their significant other, person b, who's half-mad with grief, breaks into the records of the company who makes the teleportation devices and gets the data for the exact molecular make-up of person a and makes it materialize on one of the transport pads, "bringing them back to life". *however*this is a past version of person a since it's been a minute since they used teleportation (i haven't decided how long yet, at least a few months i think) and so they think they're going to, like, visit their mom or whatever but then they teleport into a scene where their bf's getting dragged away by security and it's x months/years later. cue the realization that a version of themselves actually died, blah blah blah, the question of do they have a soul comes up bc i'm me, etc etc, some other loved ones not accepting them as the "real" person a,,, it wouldn't really be a "they came back wrong" story but there would be elements of that bc regardless of how long it's been btwn the use of the teleportation device and their death, there will be memories that person b has that person a does not, and there's the classic identity crisis aspect and yeah. classic cheerful megs fic sdkljflkdsjklfjsdlkjf
😈: inspired by the job hunting process, my hashtag hot take of the day is that a job where you're handling people's financials and requires you to have a college degree should pay more than a cashier job at a upscale supermarket where a high school degree is preferred but not required 🙃
🧠: okay so uh. major spoilers for dungeons and daddies season 2 below the cut if anyone cares about that lol
so the latest episode of my favorite podcast (also the only one i listen to regularly but that's not relevant) they revealed that my favorite npc (grant wilson, son of a pc in s1 and dad of pc in s2) was transported to the titanic just b4 it hit the iceberg along with his fiance (it was either the night b4 their wedding or the day of) and that's where he found, rescued from death, and then adopted his son (lincoln, one of the player characters) and like. listen. this is The Podcast Of Wild Ass Rides(tm), after all it was only a couple arcs ago that the cast of family guy fought the fbi over who could attack the cast only for a giant flying dog to rescue the cast, brutally murdering family guy and the fbi in the process b4 flying the cast up to heaven's gates (longggg story lol), not to mention all the main characters getting married to survive the vacuum of space, HOWEVER. all of those buckwild things all had mostly reasonable explanations if you've listened to the whole show (the fbi trying to break into hell, goofs realm being a quasi-family guy reality with cursed standup, trying to rescue a half demon from the iss, that sort of thing) and the titanic is the first thing that seems to come completely out of left field. does this mean there's some great significance about the titanic that we just don't know yet??? is it supposed to tip us off to the fact that grant's husband knows more than it's seemed??? was it just to riff on the movie titanic??? who knows!!! anthony (the dm) what are you planning!!!
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crimson-lair · 7 months
zio nim i hope you are doing well these days :DD i come with another unnecessarily long ask :DD have you read that absolutely banger and adorable gl 'the guy i was interested in wasnt a guy at all'? i spent the entire time trying to figure out if i had a bigger crush on aya or mitsuki... the gender envy i felt was strong on both sides LMAO. if you havent checked it out you SO should its so good like the story the art and they even give so many rock song recs. and if you have read it (i am guessing you have because its so popular, rightfully so) can i please, please request a mitsuki or aya (or both!??!?!?!) bot. the scenerio doesnt really matter i just want to live my lesbian dreams </3 thank you!
I've been doing well. Hope the same goes for you 🫶
And YES! I have them as my lock screen wallpaper after all (lowkey scared being judged if someone found out) I'll marry anyone who buys me the physical book 🧎‍♀️
ALSO SAME ANON SAME. Can relate to Mitsuki tho with how emo no life vibes I radiates 😭 (the difference between me and her is.. maybe because I'm still single for life :v) anyway, they should kiss already or I'll make them
About the bots, I do in fact have Mitsuki in my private (made it a year ago, I think) but my scenario, uh, the english is shit so I'll probably share it when I think of different scenario
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chlorinecake · 8 months
Omg I just realized I never updated u on the hangout things 😭. Like ong I don’t think he likes me but idk cus we sit next to each other in class and we don’t talk like I try but it’s very awkward and shit and Like I do try to text him cus im more comfortable online and I remember I went to school early and he missed school the day b4 so I messaged him like “hey r u going to be at school 2day” cus yk like I kinda wanted to talk to him and cus I was also in the library where he usually is but uhm he ignored me and in class I saw him on IG but he was in purpose not looking at my text 😭. But oh well and then I ignored it for a few days and was like “oh he’s sick so maybe he’s just tired” and so I left it alone and like yesterday I asked him for Twice song recs cus I saw he liked them. And now im in a spot where tdy I bought him a CD to get closer to him and also to be like “Hey thanks for keeping up with my awkwardness” cus my awkwardness makes me rly shy and self conscious abt me talking but I felt brave to talk to this dude and Im kinda feeling self conscious again cus like I do want to talk to him and like he ignores me. Also I do want to talk to him when I immediately get into class but he always has his headphones in and I don’t want to disturb him and when he does take them out my teacher alr started teaching and we can’t talk and we barely do when we do hwk and it’s only to ask each other questions and I feel a bit judged. Like I remember one time when we got back a test, he looked over at my score and I think I got like 1 mark more than him and he was like “Oh u did better than me” in a very sad kinda judgy tone yk that one. And I was like “haha yea but it’s ok at least yk test aren’t worth much in this class”
sorry for the long thing Im just confused abt the situation 😭 and I kinda feel like a clown 🤡 cus I see him talk to this other girl in class smts and idk maybe they just bonded over them both being from the philippines. Idk like I don’t invite him to sit with me at lunch cus hon it’s awkward and also I feel him and my friend I sit with won’t get along and our humour is interesting and j feel he would be more uncomfortable and more awkward yk. But hon I feel bad cus I think he just sits with his brother in the library and like idk I feel bad for him cus like honestly I feel he doesn’t have many friends and this is the only class he rly talks from my observation and maybe i’m wrong cus he is a new student but it’s also almost done with them semester so like 5 months. Idk maybe i’ll talk to him more and ask him more questions and ig try to reschedule the hang out or idk maybe j should let go cus we ain’t vibing but also we have another class tgt next sem which makes it even weirder cus ong I have no one else ik abt but him 😭.
Ok so like, I’d never wanna encourage someone to pursue a one sided connection, bc that’s honestly what this is giving. He’s obviously making no efforts here, and I wish you didn’t spend your money on him already 😭 but like… I knew a guy for a year before he started giving back what I gave him, and now we’re super close, so it might work out for you in time, but it seems to me like for now, his mind is on other things than friendship. You can schedule another date with him if you like, but usually, I’d opt for returning the “silent treatment” until they start missing you 🤷‍♀️ it’s a bit manipulative but it works like a charm every time :>
Bc then even the part with him being sulky over the test like bro, you’ve got issues 😭 And not responding to your texts ? Yeah, drop him for a lil bit. Seek friendships in other people, put effort into those you will reciprocate your affection, bc chasing homeboy is just… it’s not it. Once he sees you living your life outside of him (genuinely ofc, not just for the sole purpose of getting his attention), he’ll get his head out of his phone more often. And if he doesn’t, oh well, you didn’t lose anything 🤷‍♀️ Personally, you seem like a really cool person and someone nice to talk to, and he obviously doesn’t appreciate that
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hhtdl · 2 years
im not exactly new here i just forgot to redownload this app two years ago BUT im here to cause and enjoy chaos
Kai or Artemis whatever helps you remember, pick a nickname if you want, he/they but i am genderfluid so dont assume im a guy i just dont like to hear she/her on me. demi-pan is the way i roll just thought yall should know that
im legal is all you have to really know, and no i cant drive i was never taught and im scared to, but i do drink cheers
im a kpop fan. mostly seventeen, monsta x, enhypen, and exo are the groups im most interested in to which seventeen is my ultimate ive been with them since they debuted and i love all 13 of them to death, doesnt mean i dont listen to others though
i play games like tears of themis(level 80), genshin impact(ar 55), twisted wonderland(rank 61), minecraft(this is where i build twst dorms and all those jazzy things)
i also kinda draw but only when id like to put an imagery from my head onto something realistic, i have a tablet and all and i try to use it but i end up not.... i still use it though its not sitting there i promise
I post my writing on AO3 but its kinda hard when i got the insecurity that everyone will hate it even though many people have read my first published work and enjoyed it even my close friends, but I will post more on there too as well as on here when i remember to. its mostly fictional characters but my friends would like to see me write kpop related fics if that ever happens i dont know
twitter is where youll see a lot of my kpop side as well as my gaming interest and my will to become a voice actor because i follow so many of them, feel free to tag me and send me stuff but i rarely open the app unless i really have to
I also have a discord so if you would wish to friend me or invite me to servers feel free to ask, same with instagram dont be shy i dont bite I'm just not really social youll find me reading and liking the things you sent without getting a reply but thats normal dont freak out but also feel free to bother the crap out of me if you really wish to i find the notifications distracting from my daily, boring, full of crap life
i do have preferences though, just because i write nsfw doesnt mean i myself do it or am into it so dont come up here with that, i can enjoy fan art but dont try to give me full on conversation unless its for educational purposes AND I MEAN ACTUAL EDUCATION.
feel free to send me music recs but no promises on me actually listening to them its a rare thing that i do because i usually only listen to my on repeat songs but please dont hesitate sometimes i get tired of my own taste
on that note, thank you for your time reading i hope whoever comes across this has a better day than i usually do and that you come visit every once in a while it would be nice to hear a hi if you do but you aint gotta, but i hope you enjoy my future content uh idk what else to say other than see ya
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januaryrabbit · 2 years
seventeen w/ a crush on their roommate’s friend ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
+how their roomies would react LOl
pairing: seventeen x gn reader, college au
word count: 3.7k
warnings: some cursing, but besides that nothing! just wholesome crushes hehe
other disclaimers: lowercase intended, i only kinda proofread this because i am a lazy gal, author teasing members as always heheh, members teasing each other :)
song recs: mixtape: oh - stray kids
a/n: hi everyone! i finally posted again~ i’ve gotten a few new followers since then so WELCOME !!!! this is my first svt post, im posting this right before im seeing svt live!! <3 i really hope to write more because i think about seventeen a lot LMAO. like. like a Lot. anyway, i hope you enjoy!! id love to hear your soft thoughts or thoughts about this writing!!! my ask is always open to talk hehe
would try his best to be normal but HIS ROOMMATES WON’T LET HIM LIVE FJFJAJDK. a lot of people write him as a charismatic girlboss, and i completely understand why, but idk s.coups kinda gives me shy-aroudn-his-crush vibes? to be fair though, his roomies are partially to blame….every time joshua and jeonghan bring you over, jeonghan always calls out “oh seungcheol……..y/n is here!!!!!” you’re kind of like ??? why are you announcing my arrival like that bro?? and joshua snickers as he sees seungcheol poke his head out of his room and greets you with a small smile, his dimples showing on the side of his face you can clearly see peeking out from the door frame. i think he’d definitely get blushy whenever you talk to him, especially when he can see his roomies looking at the two of you interact as well. has trouble making eye contact with you for both those reasons (which you think is cute!!), but refuses to not at least say hello. jeonghan just LIVES for putting cheol on the spot because it’s funny to him lmao. “doesn’t y/nnie looks cute today?” and seungcheol is like WHY. WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS and joshua is texting the groupchat about it IN FRONT OF YOU AND CHEOL with a giddy smile on his face LMAO. as far as interacting with you, i think because his roomies are so embarrassing and because he thinks you’re so cute, he wouldn’t be able to bear doing much besides saying hello every time you’re around. i think he’d be able to muster up the courage to ask you out if he was alone with you at some point. i think he’d be able to feel more comfy being himself if hannie and shua weren’t around to poke fun at him lmao. both of you should expect some teasing from them though!!!
Obviously he’s a menace. flirts with you a little, partly to piss off joshua LOL (“bro stop flirting with my friend it’s WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!). always pays you a compliment whenever he sees you, saying that you look cute today (today = every time you’re in his vicinity lol). will always take your side in any playful argument you have w/ josh. joshua is always like >___> why!!!!! but jeonghan does it anyway; your flustered face when he sends compliments your way is just so adorable that he can’t help himself. i don’t think he’d bother you guys too much besides that, keeping his boundaries for the most part, but he’d definitely throw the occasional wink your way to embarrass you (which works). would ask to come if you guys were going out to eat, complaining that joshua never eats with him and that he wants to sit next to you because you’re way nicer than joshua. (rip to shua having to watch all this happen in front of his poor eyes). i think jeonghan is shameless and would just ask you out when he feels like it, even if it was in front of his friends.
LOL ok joshua gives me the energy of someone who would try to be cool/funny around his crush DFSjjdskf. like he would sooo go out of his way to tell some sort of funny joke around you whenever you’re over, either to you or cheol/jeonghan (they both think it’s cringe but they respect the attempt being made so they don’t say anything). more often than not, josh doesn’t get the reaction he hopes for (i mean, bursting out laughing at every single joke he makes is pretty unrealistic….) but he considers it a win every time you so much as smile even a little. he’s the type to make small-to-medium converversation with you until you start talking to him more, and he’s really good at making you feel welcome in their apartment! always offers you water or a blanket when you look stressed from finals lmao. would probably not bother you and jeonghan that much besides that. jeonghan thinks it’s hilarious that joshua keeps trying to win you over with his dumb jokes but he keeps the teasing to a minimum in front of you out of appreciation for josh :) i think joshua is definitely someone who’d be straightforward if he was interested in you – after holding some conversations with you and talking to jeonghan about it, i think joshua is someone that would definitely try to ask you out to eat, just the two of you!!! provided that you say yes, he’d definitely go all out and NOT let you guys waste your night in his dinky apartment. after all, he is a gentleman :)
SHY BITCH!!! so shy..i feel like he would really want to try to get to know you but he’s so like jfsfks//?@93959fsjs in his mind and panicking that he would just word vomit at you………….”HEY Y/NHOWAREYOUI’MGOODWHATAREYOUANDMINGHAOUPTOTODAYI’MJUSTSTUDYINGHAHAWELLHAVEFUN” and disappears into his room, cringing at his inability to talk to you. minghao finds his best friend’s crush on you so fucking funny that he can’t help but try to help him out a bit when the two of you are alone. he kinda gives me the “hey bro thanks for letting me borrow the lambhourgini” vibes LOL. like “oh did you know jun is single right now? man he’s sooo good looking, isn’t he?” which does nothing but make jun want to die of embarrassment. it’s a shock to both of them that it actually works on you, because you slowly start to greet jun more and hold conversations with him. you always thought he was cute, but hearing all the nice things minghao has to say about him intrigues you quite a bit. in turn, having you initiate helps jun become more comfortable/confident talking to you as well, and while he’s still kind of shy he doesn’t run off like he used to LOL. jun eventually goes to minghao to tell him that he’s going to ask you out, and minghao is like Yeah man do it you just have to give me relationship credit for the rest of your life, heheh.
this guy would try to be smooth af every time you come over to hang with jihoon…like you go to the kitchen to get water, and hosh is there making a sandwich or something and he’s like “oh hey y/n, didn’t see you there…” even though he’d lowkey been procrastinating on making his sandwich (which, truthfully, he wasn’t even hungry for), hoping you’d come outside LOL. you respond like. uh. hey………….??? and you get your water and get back to jihoon’s room. hosh counts this as a win – he’s bragging to his roomie after you leave like “they’re totally into me…this acting aloof thing is so working.” (jihoon replies with nothing but a look of disgust). but hoshi can’t keep up the facade forever, methinks. he’s an excitable and energetic person, after all! eventually he would start to act more like himself around you. you come over one day and hosh runs over to you, phone in hand, showing you his screen. “y/n, did you watch the new episode of haikyuu yet???? nishinoya looks so cool!!!” and talk a bunch about it with you. the more comfortable he becomes with you, the more touchy he becomes as well, putting his arm around you and perhaps touching your shoulder now and then. he also gives me the vibes of someone who’d just go for it (again, after clearing it with jihoon). one day you’re leaving and he catches you in the hallway – you’re kinda nervous (ahhh!!!! he’s hot!!!!) and you’re like “uh what’s up soonyoung?” he smiles cheerfully; your curiosity is so cute to him. he takes a deep breath and says: “would you wanna go out sometime without me?” well?????? do you say yes??????? ;)
Unironically i think wonwoo would be the most normal about liking mingyu’s friend lol. every time you come over, he just says hello and asks how you’re doing, casually trying to get to know you. if you and mingyu (and sometimes cheol and vernon) watch a movie in the living room, more often than not wonwoo joins with you guys because he’s “bored” and “has nothing else to do”...but really he just wants to hang with you. i think he’d be really sweet about liking you!! if you mention something (like a drink or snack or something) that you like, he’d definitely get it for you the next time he stumbles upon it at the grocery store. he smiles to himself every time (including in the grocery store) he thinks of you – which, as you start to come around more, is becoming more frequent. mingyu doesn’t actually realize that wonu likes you, but the latter eventually caves in and admits it to his friend. mingyu encourages him to go after you!!! so one night, after a considerable amount of contemplation, wonwoo decides to take the plunge and he calls you. “hey – would you want to get coffee with me next week?”
my bias wrecker <3 lmao jihoonie strikes me as the nervous type. i feel like he’d be slightly annoyed that he can’t relax at home because you’re always there hanging out with soonyoung. he’d leave his room to get coffee and see you sitting on the couch studying with soonie and think like “god damnit WHY ARE THEY HERE!!!! I DON’T HAVE A GOOD OUTFIT ON!!!!!!!!” and immediately clam up when you greet him with a hello. awkward as he is, he kind of avoids you so he doesn’t make an utter fool of himself when you’re around. he doesn’t realize though that it kinda comes off like he hates you because he avoids you…you end up asking soonyoung if you did anything to offend his friend, to which he replies with a hearty laugh that only confuses you more. “wait, why are you laughing?” you ask, and your friend leans forward a bit, beckoning you to do the same. “y/n. my friend jihoon likes you.” he says in a deadpan tone. yours eyes widen, genuinely not expecting that to be the reason as to why he’s so weird around you. within the next few days, a wave of confidence hits you and you eventually approach jihoon about all of this. contrary to the others, you actually end up asking him out, all the while begging him not to be upset with soonie for telling you. he goes through a series of emotions all in that moment, irritation with soonyoung, embarrassment that you’d beat him to the punch of confessing, stress about how long you’ve known, but utmost gratitude to the universe that you return his feelings <3
oh seokminnie…<3 i think he would be pretty shy as well, and talkative because he’s nervous around you. like. overly talkative. because there is a cute person standing in front of him. in his living room. he just can’t help but be smiley and excited !! his brain is like AHHHHH but irl he talks to you a bunch and asks you about your interests a lot!!! i think he’d also share his own with you too, so he can lowkey put out feelers to see if you might be interested in him or if you guys would get along. he’s definitely extra smiley around you and pleasant; you bring that out in him :) and he would probably ask joshua and seungkwan if you’re single/interested in him lol. worries he comes off as weird sometimes (seungkwan says: Yes you do.) because of how much he talks when you’re around, but you don’t really see it that way at all – if anything, he’s made you feel very welcome in their home. would probably try to subtly impress you, showing you his cooking or talking about a paper he aced recently. all in all, he’s a smiley boye that gets really giddy if you’re around!! would probably directly ask you to hang out after sometime :)
this man is a bumbling idiot who’s whipped for you LMAO!! you’re friends with wonu – you guys are in the same major, so you often do hw together, study or just hang out and watch movies together. mingyu is always around when you’re over at the apartment, he kind of follows you around like a golden retriever lol. lowkey overstays his welcome HAHAHA; he doesn’t really leave you or wonwoo alone ljdjkfjasdk. wonwoo is kinda like “??? what are you doing ???” when mingyu emerges from his room with his own study materials and plops down on the living room floor next to you. mingyu replies “studying. obviously.” very casually as he looks up at his friend from where you’re both sitting on the floor. wonu is confused as to why mingyu wants to study with you two, but once the older boy realizes that his friend likes you, it’s hard to actually be annoyed with him about it. mingyu always shoots smiles your way and subtly touches your arm when talking to you; he always takes the seat next to you if it’s vacant. wonwoo is lowkey grossed out watching his best friend be such a huge simp, but mingyu does not! care! you are cute and he’s going to spend time with you, deal w/ it wonu!!! would definitely ask you to hang out alone at some point, but not before running it by wonwoo. i think mingyu would be very clear with his intentions from the beginning, which is why he’d want to spend time with you whenever you’re over. his eyes are shining with affection when he asks if you want to go for a walk in the park with him (wonu is asleep peacefully on the floor, you both put a blanket on him LMAOO); will you go with him?
he would be Normal LOL. but he would definitely send a smile your way every time you came over to hang out with junnie. unironically tries to dress fashionably-casual every time you’re over instead of wearing whatever he wore to bed the night before. besides that, i mostly see him keeping to himself; i don’t think he would go out of his way to interact with you a ton like mingyu just because he’s more of a chill guy lol and he doesn’t want to make you uncomfy by giving you a bunch of attention, you know? will definitely offer you tea when he goes to make some though, especially when you’re over studying late with jun. minghao definitely wants to get to know you more, talk to you, and share stories with you, but i think he would really take his time with a situation like this; he sees no reason to rush approaching you. he gets to know you little by little, and lets you get to know him at the same pace too. he would definitely wait for an opportune moment to fall into his lap when it comes to asking you out – i picture you two coming back from the convenience store with snacks for jun (:3c) and talking casually, when suddenly the topic becomes dating. you mention being single, and minghao calmly expresses his feelings for you, asking you out :) tbh i went overboard w this one i could write an entire oneshot about this concept idk someone stop me
this guy is going to tease chan so much in front of you to impress you LOl DJASFKDSfjd. like you and chan are getting ready to go out and seungkwan comes by and is like “oh my god what are you WEARING…….” and teases him to oblivion. and as someone who also enjoys making fun (in a lighthearted way!!) of chan too you find seungkwan to be super funny. kwan swears that your small laugh could send him into cardiac arrest with how cute he finds it – he also lives for making fun of chan too, so he finds this to be a win-win situation for him lmao. when you leave, chan is just like “!!!! stop making fun of me in front of y/n!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TT__TT” and seungkwan is like “lol maybe if you weren’t such a clown, i wouldn’t have to………..” but yeah i also think kwan wants to show you how cool he is lolol. i see him casually humming/singing to himself, showing off his beautiful voice, and you’re like “wow…you have such a nice singing voice!” and he’s like “OMG OMG…im SO embarrassed…YOU HEARD THAT??? OMG IM GONNA DIE…”but on the inside he’s like they like my voice………………….theyre so CUTE……………” as for asking you out, i don’t think that he’d be the one to make the first move. as much as he likes to show off in front of you, when it comes to actually facing you and admitting his feelings he is SHY af LMAO!!! unfortunately, you’re probably going to have to take the reigns on this one and confess first, but if you do his Cool Slay Exterior is going to melt immediately and you’ll be left with a blushing seungkwannie who admits, while looking down on the floor: “i-i……..like you too……….” 
ngl he gives me nervous wreck vibes HAHHA. not quite as shy as jun (lmaoooo) but more like he kind of clams up when you’re around..you know that little wave vern does when he’s feeling a bit shy? Yeah. yeah you see that every time you come over. while he’s hanging out in his room, he secretly agonizes over whether or not to go to the kitchen when you’re around lol. “should i???? can i handle having to look at them????? can i live without water until they go home????” in the beginning, vernon actually did once not leave his room while you were over; it’s not that he doesn’t want to talk to you or be around you, but more like he can’t because otherwise he just becomes an awkward mess!!! and you don’t need to see that!! nope!! seungkwan and chan are a bit puzzled by his behavior around you; vern is a good looking, friendly guy, but for whatever reason when he’s around you he’s just like. so incredibly not that at all, to the point where his friends wonder who the heck that guy is standing in front of you and stuttering because it’s certainly not vernon!! i think the way you’d be able to see more of his true personality/self is if he isn’t talking to you or if he doesn’t know you’re around. when he’s having a funny conversation with kwan (“i’m not a comedian.” “no one said you were…………”), you giggle a little at the exchange, finding his teasing of seungkwan to be quite cute. i think he’s another one where you’d have to take the reins and approach him more; besides the fact that you make him nervous, he feels kind of weird for liking his roomie’s friend. but rest assured, if you say something, he’d definitely want to go out with you :)
this fucking GUY………….my ANNOYING bias…….(/j, /lh, im in love w him). if you’re over at the apartment to hang out with seungkwan and/or vernon, he’s going to make Every Single Excuse to drop by and see you lol. hanging out in vernon’s room? dino will come in like every 20 mins and say like “hyung, i’m making noodles do you want some? what about you, y/n?” watching tv with seungkwan? chan announces that “i’m going to get my laundry downstairs. if you need me, call me.” and then he’d give you a little wave or smile. honestly, you’re kind of in awe of how close the three of them seem to be, and you think it’s cool how they seem to communicate with each other well like that! unbeknownst to you though, vernon and seungkwan find it so annoying LMAOOO…..seungkwan is like “why do you only offer to make us food when y/n’s here -____-” and “ why do you keep interrupting us, we’re trying to watch attorney woo!!! get out!!!! -____-” vernon is less…direct about it, he finds it more hilarious than annoying. when you’re gone, he’ll tell chan stuff like “dude, you don’t have to tell us every time you step out…” and ask why chan gets so weird every time you come over. both older boys can tell their roomie is down horrendous for you, but chan is shameless lol. he definitely asks vern and kwan if you ever talk about him to which they both reply “god no shut up!!! -__-” eventually he admits to them that he likes you (“ok guys…i gotta be honest…i like y/n idk….”) and both of them are just like ?? why did you have to announce this, it’s SO obvious….and chan is just ?????????? IT IS??????? anyway, when he feels it’s time, he’s not going to do anything until he knows that vernon and kwan are 100% ok with him approaching you romantically. (seungkwan: you’ve been throwing yourself at them constantly, why do you need our permission now?????) once they express they’re comfy, he would probably waste no time lol. next time you come over, he offers to walk you to your car and as you’re in the parking lot, he asks you out right there :)))) i’d say yes, would you???
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crispy-chan · 2 years
a guide how to not f*ck over your writers
hello, i am joining the bandwagon with my own two cents on how tumblr interactions have gone from shit to lower shit.
first of all, let me just stress how much i appreciate readers who interact with fanfics. you guys are the true mvp's and i applaud you for doing god's work. (also let's be real a significant portion of those readers are fic writers themselves).
second of all, i want to say that i'm not trying to be “ungrateful” or sound like a prick, i just see so many writers leave this site because they feel unappreciated, alone or they think that nobody enjoys the fics they work hard on.
honestly, there were/are times where i think if this is even worth it. i get so much enjoyment from this, it's a hobby that allows me to be creative, to escape reality and have a little fun. yet i feel like what i'm doing is just good for nothing since it seems like people are allergic to me on this site.
it truly means a lot to us when you guys interact. it doesn't even have to be much, just a short comment, but it can still make our day
now onto the ways you can support your fave writers:
1. interact with the fics -- comment, reblog, send asks. trust me, you can't go wrong with this one. don't be afraid to send an incoherent wordspill or type out that essay in caps lock where you go nuts about your favorite scenes, comment on the characters and their development or compliment the author's writing style. again, i guarantee you'll receive answers that are similarly incoherent as the author tries to not lose their shit bcs what the fuck? someone is finally interacting with my stories
2. recommendations -- you can rec fics to networks for various events, send your recs to your moots or maybe even to fic rec accounts who accept recommendations. even by reblogging - you're already basically doing this. it can make our day when we see that someone recommended something we worked on to someone else :)
3. interaction -- usually, most authors on here wouldn't mind more asks that don't even have to be about fics. you can ask how their day was, talk to them about a favorite book/movie/song literally whatever. i feel like i don't really have much to say on this topic cause i don't really get these types of asks :} but yeah, i think most of us would feel really touched if people wanted to talk to us outside of our writings. note: if you're shy, you can go on anon :> it's there for a reason :P
4. criticism -- now be careful - this one is tricky. you should first make sure if the person is okay with you giving some constructive criticism. if it isn't mentioned anywhere on their page/at the bottom of their fic, just ask. i for one wouldn't mind hearing things like “just a suggestion but i think you could work on your descriptions more” or “be careful - you often use the same words in one paragraph” etc.
lastly, i wanted to stress that you shouldn't force yourself per se to do these. nobody wan't your feedback if it isn't genuine. i just feel like people think “oh well if i won't comment, i'm sure somebody else will-” bullshit! that's the problem here. this mindset is what has to change. if you want the writing community to not wither into dust, you'll have to give something. in this case it's interactions and feedback.
i won't go into the details of how long it takes to write but as someone who writes primarily long fics, i can tell you it's extremely time consuming. and i spent the past fifteen minutes typing this post instead of working on yellow wood @_@
so yeah, this is a desperate cry from me. i'm hoping that if you're a silent reader/serial liker who doesn't leave feedback, you'll learn something new here. thank you for reading so far and i hope you have a lovely day <3
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i4hyck · 2 years
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PARING: Mark x reader
GENRE: Fluff, crack (I tried), slightly suggestive.
WARNINGS: Swearing, Jaemin deserves better. Haechan and renjun are third wheeling. Mark is jealous, y/n just can’t sleep and thinks shit.
WC: 2-3k.
A/N: This is my first fic, please excuse any grammatical errors. feedback is appreciated! Also lmk if I missed any warnings! Tbh I was so nervous to post this but it’s here!
SONG REC: Boyfriend — Ariana grande, social house.
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It all started when haechan introduced you to Mark. Your first impression about mark is, he’s a nice guy, a respectful one. That’s it. It was not like those ‘love in first sight’ impressions. You do admit that, you like him. All you do is drop hints that you like him, every time you both hang out and all he does is not picking hints. Are your hints that faint that he doesn’t pick any of them or is it that he does realise your hints but just ignoring them Because he doesn’t feel the same way? But there is no way. The things you both did, tells a whole new different story. Is he playing with your feelings? Or does he really like you?
But, After numerous attempts of dropping hints, you gave up. Haechan did encourage you to drop some more hints and not give up but, you just didn’t care anymore, you are just hoping somehow, some way, mark will pick those hints and maybe try asking you out? Is that even happening? Your thoughts were interrupted when your phone buzzed.
Oh, boy it was a text message from mark.
Mark — 11:30 PM y/nnnn are you free tomorrow 4PM?
That exact moment, You almost screamed but you realised you might wake up your parents up. But wait, what is about? Is he going to ask me out? Nope, no fucking way. Okay first I need to calm down and reply, you thought to yourself.
You — 11:32 PM tomorrow 4PM? Oh yup I’m free
Mark — 11:32 PM okayy niceeeeeeee can we play basketball tomorrow?
“Fuck.” You swore, you thought he was going to ask you out but nonetheless, you get to hang out with him.
You — 11:33 PM ofc, also is haechan coming?
Mark — 11:33 PM No, but I can invite him if you want him to come :)
haechan is not invited, for the first fucking time! So does it mean that he’s giving me hints that he likes me or picking them up?
Woah. I need to stop, one girl and a boy hanging out doesn’t mean it’s a date, it can be a platonic date, right? You sigh.
And invite haechan? Fuck no, he’ll just expose you…
You — 11:35 PM no no don’t- I just asked and haechan… he’ll- It’s nothing
Mark — 11:36 PM LOL don’t worry, I get you
You sigh. He knows, he knows what he does. For now, you just needed some rest.
You — 11:36 PM thank for understanding LOL Well Good night mark, see you tomorrow
Mark — 11:37 PM Anytime, good night! Sweet dreams see you tomorrow too!
You smile at mark’s message and switched off your phone. Heading to sleep.
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You woke up, you looked at the window and sighed.
“Fuck, is it the devil’s hour rn?” You mumbled. Reaching out to your phone on the nightstand next to the lamp, the only source of light in your room. You checked the time, it was 12:48 AM, You groaned. So, I didn’t even sleep for a two hours? You thought to yourself.
“I hate my life so much.” You mumbled while try getting sleep by closing your eyes and you still couldn’t sleep. You opened your eyes and started to stare at the ceiling. All you could think about now is the past moments in your life, that you don’t even regret or maybe you do. Getting jealous and angry over mark kissing your best friend. Well, who wouldn’t? like, imagine your best friend kissing your fucking crush. Who wouldn’t be mad and jealous about it? and it just got worse that day. You tripping in front of him and his friends, also your friends. Mark didn’t laugh, unlike others. He was actually concerned and asked if you were okay, which made your heart flutter. Well your best friend or should you say your ex best friend, is an absolute bitch. She used you so she could get close to mark and haechan. You just sigh, it’s waste of time thinking about her. But the moment where mark actually dragged away his friend Jaemin when he was flirting with you? that moment was shocking. Jaemin was flirty that day, it was a gift from heaven, because you had a crush on him but your feelings for him didn’t even last a week. Just like your other ex-crushes. Mark was the only guy, who you loved for years. In-fact 5 years to be exact. You love him, a lot. Haechan somehow got to know you have a crush on mark. He did kinda blackmail you about it but he also did encourage you a lot. Which made you hate and love him for that, you are so grateful to have a friend like him, but You are too tired to think about anything now and just needed some sleep, you close your eyes. Hoping you would eventually fall asleep soon.
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You still couldn’t sleep, it’s 1:20 AM and you don’t know why the fuck you get intense flashbacks when you can’t sleep. It just gives you mixed feelings, once it’s embarrassing, then angry, then sad, then regretful. You hate it and is it normal for friends to steal kisses from each other? well, you don’t know about that but sometimes I did that. Mark calls it ‘kissing your homies’ it never fails to make you laugh. The list of crazy things you both did wasn’t really something friends would do, it was something lovers would do. Well at least, that’s what you think. Stealing kisses, flirting with each other, calling each other babe for fun, getting jealous if someone flirts with one of you, and yet you both aren’t dating. What even is this friendship? or should you call it a relationship? It’s complicated, you hate it. You were tired of everything, is he playing with you? does he like you? You don’t know. It feels like a disguise relationship, naming it a friendship. For sake of others, when it really wasn’t the case. You don’t know anymore, thinking about this again and again, you drift off to sleep.
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You woke up to your phone buzzing, You reach out to your nightstand and grab your phone to see a text message from your mom as you were reading the text message from your mom, you turned off the lamp and got out of bed.
Mom — 8:23 PM Y/n me and your father are going to your grand mom’s house and I won’t be back for two days, so please take care and don’t make a mess, Love you hunny
You — 8:24 PM alright mom, take care! have a safe journey and I promise I won’t make a mess, love u too
You turn off your phone to get ready. Soon after, you got ready and ate breakfast. The house was so silent which made you happy but kinda scared for some reason. But you ignored all those scary thoughts and proceeded to watch your favourite show playing on the T.V. Your phone buzzed, You got a text message from Jaemin. When you read it, your jaw dropped. “Fuck fuck fuck.” You cussed.
Jaemin — 10:39 PM hey y/n are you free today? like 4PM so maybe we can hangout?
You — 10:40 PM Well I’m hanging out with mark at 4PM so yeah I might not be able to hangout with you if you are okay with hanging out with us, I’ll ask mark
Jaemin — 10:42 PM oh, I would love to but I dont think its good to yk kinda ruin your date with mark, it’s fine
You — 10:42 PM Nonono- we arent dating Jaemin- It’s a platonic date and you would never ruin our date, come on don’t think like that, you are a friend of ours too :(
Jaemin — 10:43 PM oh my bad- I’m sorry and dont feel sadd, thank you for being wholesome <3
You — 10:44 PM awww don’t be sorry and okay I won’t be >:) thank u for being a sweet friend too jaemin
Your heart melted, he’s too nice, he really is.
Jaemin — 10:45 PM Not more nicer than you though and lmk when your free, take careee
You — 10:46 PM oh please- not more than you and I’m free like 5PM Or 6PM I guess, I’m not sure but I’ll be free by 5PM I think
Jaemin — 10:46 PM nope, not more than you and I see, I’m free at 5PM so I’ll meet you that time
You — 10:47 PM alright
You turn of your phone and resume to watch your favourite show. After 1 hour, the show was over and it was time to order food, all you are craving for now is pizza. “Time to order bitches.” You told to yourself.
“wait so, I’m home alone so there is no one with me, means no bitches, damn.” You paused and realised, that you were home alone.
And you heard the door bell ring, you know what it means… Your food is here! You opened the door and paid for the food. You closed the door and headed to your living room, to start eating while watching a movie. Right after you finished your pizza, you washed your hands and threw the pizza box at the dustbin. You almost finish the movie and slowly drift off to sleep. You woke up and you reached to your phone on the table. “Shit, I’m getting late.” You immediately got up and hurriedly got ready and then headed off to the basketball court, and there is mark, waiting for you. “hey, mark!” You wave at him.
“hii y/n.” He waves back, you smile at him while walking towards him.
“So, before we start playing I have an idea.” You told to mark while standing in front of him.
“ohh, what is it?” He asks.
“well I’ve been thinking about a challenge, you have five chances to score a goal and I’ll be just watching you, If you can’t score a goal, There is a penalty.” You responded.
“woah, that’s a great idea!” Mark exclaimed making you excited and happy.
“Let’s do it then.” Mark told and you nodded.
“You go first.” You told and mark nodded.
“Remember you have five chances to score a goal, if you can’t score a single goal, you will have a penalty.” You told.
“I know, I know.” He responded back while looking at you.
You were so concentrated, hoping mark won’t score a goal. The first try he failed, the second and the third time he failed again. The fourth time, he almost did it making you stressed. You wanted to win so bad but then your luck sucked, making him score a goal at his last chance. Making you whine while he smirked.
“Why are you smirking idiot?” You asked.
“nothing babe, Good luck.” He said while he walked away to take a seat. You just paused, babe? fuck not this again. Your thoughts were interrupted when mark asked if you were okay.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“oh, I’m fine, it’s nothing.” You lie. You weren’t fine, you were internally screaming, Trying to look like you are okay.
“Oh alright, continue.” He told making you nod. All you need to do right now is, focus on scoring a goal. Your first chance, you failed. The second one, you failed again. The third one, you almost scored a goal, the fourth one was the same as the third one. The last chance, You failed, miserably.
“FUCK NOOOOO.” You screamed while mark started laughing.
“what’s so funny? I hate you.” You asked him while you sulked.
“You sulking. I never saw you sulk, It’s cute, you’re cute.” He responded, making your cheeks heat up, you genuinely didn’t know how to respond, you all you did was stare at him and he was staring back at you, then suddenly he pulled you by your waist making you gasp, but then sadly it wasn’t going to as romantic you thought this would go, You tripped and fell on mark and you kissed him, an accidental one. You pulled off immediately, you both stared at each other as if this was the last time you would ever be able to see each other, you immediately flinched when you heard haechan’s and renjun’s voices.
“haechan seriously? Let them enjoy, they are probably busy being lovely-dovely and we will have to third wheel them, if we find out.”
“whatever, those both are just so cute together! It’s fun knowing both of them like each other.” haechan responded, You gasped. so mark really does like you? You felt like the world stopped, You just couldn’t describe how happy you are. All of your thoughts were interrupted when you heard haechan voice, again.
“They are here, oh my fucking god. You were right renjun.” Haechan said as he turned back making you immediately try standing up but mark’s hands stopped, your eyes widened.
“oh my god, i knew it.” Renjun exclaimed. Mark let you go and you got up immediately while mark got and acted like nothing happened, making you glare. “Date already please!” Haechan cooed and renjun nodded. Mark immediately turned towards you and stared at you.
“I love you, I really do and do you mind if I call you mine?” mark spoke as he hold your hands.
“I love you too mark, but that line was too cheesy.” You mutter, Making haechan and renjun bust into laughter, Mark was embarrassed making you laugh. Then you checked your phone. It was 4:56 PM. “Okay I got to go, I have a date with Jaemin, bye!” Before you could go, mark held your hands and making you turn
“Not too fast, you lost so there is a penalty.” Mark told as he looked deep into your eyes.
“But mark, I have to go, it’s getting late-” you were cut off by mark before you could continue your sentence.
“The penalty is that you shouldn’t go on a date with Jaemin, today.”
“Mark and his jealousy will never change.” Renjun muttered while you sigh.
“I’m going home then.” You spoke.
“no, don’t. Let’s four go outside to eat something.” Mark responded making you shake your head. I shouldn’t go on a date with Jaemin but it’s okay to go on a date with these idiots, my life…
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© i4hyck. Please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works.
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