#You see how quickly he was able to get Val's ass in line?
robynmas · 8 months
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
VALERIE - Part III. (Harry Styles)
hello dears! i wanted to have a few words before this part. i would like to kindly ask you to give the chapter a like and/or a reblog if you enjoyed it, or reply on the post or even just send me a feedback through asks! these are the only forms of feedback writers have on here and it’s really hard to maintain your motivation to keep posting when you see your work being ignored. getting up the numbers and spreading our work is your way to let us know that you read it and like it, so please be so kind to use these tools! writers post their work for absolutely free for you to enjoy, pls take the time to get back to them! it means so so soooo much to them, im telling you! even just one comment can make the day of the creator! 
word count: 3.9k
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A few tequila shots and the sound of some stranger’s horrible attempt at karaoke is exactly what you need when you get off work that Friday evening. Luckily, Steven invited you along with a few of his friends to have a drink just a few days ago and you gladly said yes. You and Steven have always gotten along so well and it made Rosa happy to see two so important people in her life be friends, so it wasn’t weird that Rosa was staying home with Valerie, you knew quite a few of Steven’s friends and they all seemed like cool people.
He told you beforehand that Harry would tag along as well so you could brace yourself to try this whole “let’s be nice to each other for the sake of Val” thing you and Rosa talked about earlier. She said she has mentioned it to him as well and he seemed to be open to the idea. You could only hope he didn’t just try to get her off his business and truly means to change.
Arriving to the bar you easily spot your little group of people and sliding out of the booth Steven greets you with a hug.
“So glad you are here!” he smiles at you and everyone slides further into the booth so you can sit at the end, saying your hello to everyone around the table.
The waitress comes up just a few minutes later and you order a tequila along with a beer.
“You are letting loose tonight?” Andy, a colleague of Steve asks with a smirk upon hearing your order.
“I deserve it and it’s just the start!” you tell him making everyone laugh.
Your shot glass is emptied out and you’ve stared on your beer by the time Harry arrives to the bar.
“Hello everyone,” he waves around and asks for a free chair from another table and pulling it to the end he is basically sitting next to you. “I see you’ve started the party, Y/N,” he chuckles eyeing the shot glass and you just shrug your shoulder with a smug grin.
He is wearing a black shirt that’s unbuttoned at the top, letting you get a glimpse of his tattooed chest and necklaces. You don’t admit it to yourself but your eyes linger on his chest a tad bit longer than you intended.
Harry orders a beer for himself that arrives in just a few minutes and you notice how the waitress was basically was pushing her chest out while talking to him.
“Is there anything I can get for you?” she asks him with a charm smile, her red lips stretched almost up to her ears.
For your biggest surprise Harry looks at you upon her question.
“Do you want to have a shot with me as well?”
The girl looks at you with a dirty look that screams jealous and for a moment you don’t even know what to answer.
“Um, yeah, sure,” you nod.
“Then two tequilas, please,” he tells the waitress before she walks away, glancing back at him one last time, but he pays no attention to her, clearly. “Hope you take it better than champagne,” he teases you, but this time it feels more like a simple joke rather than an attempt to piss you off.
“We’ll see,” you tell him with an innocent smile. The change in him is obvious, it seems like he did take Rosa’s advice and a new chapter is about to start where the two of you are not planning the murder of each other anymore every time you meet.
You take the shot with Harry easily, the alcohol burning down your throat and as any responsible, mature adult would do it, you wash it down with some beer. The perfect recipe for a killer headache in the morning. Your little group is having quite the fun, would have been a shame to miss this evening with them.
It seems like Harry is making a real attempt at being nice to you, he is your partner every time your glass empties out and you head to the bar to get another one.
“Look,” he tells you pulling his phone out of his back pocket and a picture of Val appears where she is wearing a onesie that has pumpkins all over it, it’s got to be the cutest thing you’ve ever seen.
“Oh my God!” you gasp tapping your hand to your chest. “She is literally the cutest.”
“I know, I got her the onesie, it’s so soft,” he tells you happily before taking one last look at the photo and putting his phone back away.
“Hey, what happened to those matching stuff you called me back then?” you think back to the phone call the two of you had not so long ago.
“Oh, didn’t buy it.”
“They didn’t have your size.”
“You didn’t buy the set because of my size? You could have gotten me just a larger one or something.”
“Yeah, but I wanted it to fit perfectly. Doesn’t matter, I’ll find another one.”
Harry turns to Andy who is telling a crazy story of the last time he went hiking and your tipsy eyes linger on him for a little. You were definitely not expecting him to not buy the set just because they didn’t have your size, but it’s nice that he was thinking of you and wanted you to have it just as perfect as him.
Harry catches your eyes and you don’t turn away. Maybe it’s the alcohol or the magic of this new, nice era of Harry Styles, but you let your gazes lace together as he smirks at you.
“Nothing. It’s nothing,” you tell him absentmindedly and turn to Andy to hear the ending of the story.
The evening is a blast and you are having an amazing time. It’s nice that you don’t have to worry about Harry saying something awkward about you, the two of you are getting along pretty well.
You even sing a song together at the karaoke machine, though you don’t see yourself, you know the two of you look ridiculous, singing Avril Lavigne’s What the Hell from the top of your lungs, both of you probably more drunk than it would be decent from mature adults. But you couldn’t care less.
It’s way past midnight when you decide to leave and Harry tags along with you saying that he is taking the same train.
“Shut up, I did not!” he narrows his eyes at you as the two of you sit in the deserted carriage, only two more passengers are there but they don’t even care about your existence.
“I’m telling you! You were shaking your ass when you sang that line! Almost twerking!” you laugh letting out a snort as Harry is trying his best to hold his smile back while defending himself. “I wish I had it on camera!”
“But you didn’t so it didn’t happen,” he tells you pointing his finger at you in a warningly manner, but you just start laughing even more.
“You wish, Styles,” you huff and he just bumps his shoulder against yours.
You pull out your phone to check the time and see that Marcus has texted you a couple of hours before, asking if you are free next weekend. Harry tries his best not to peek at your screen, but he just can’t stop himself. Seeing the name he can’t stop himself from letting an annoyed growl out.
“You’re still in touch with the guy from the blind date?” he nosily asks and you lock the phone, thinking it’s best if you reply in the morning when you’ll be able to type your words out correctly. Sliding it back into your bag you turn to face Harry.
“What’s wrong with that?”
“I just genuinely don’t know why you are even trying.”
“Excuse me?” you ask with a grimace. “Why wouldn’t I try to meet guys?”
“I didn’t mean it like that. You told me all about how you need to feel that special connection with someone to date them. I bet my life that you did not feel that with this dude.”
“What do you know about what I feel?” you snap at him, feeling your anger building up quickly.
“Because… I know you,” is all he says but you can only laugh at his words.
“You know shit about me, Harry.”
“That’s not true,” he shakes his head protesting.
“Stop pretending like you know me just because I told you stuff when I was drunk and then slept with you. Why can’t you fucking forget about it all?”
Maybe you shouldn’t have been naïve and think that he could change in such a short time. It seems like he is still the annoying prick he has always been.
“Because it happened, Y/N! Whether you acknowledge it or not, it happened, and if I’m being honest, you talked a whole fucking lot that evening so excuse me if I think that I know you.”
He is clearly getting irked too, at least that’s what makes the two of you. The urge to hit him is slowly returning into your limbs and you have to keep your fists in your lap.
“Oh, I’m sorry I’m not perfect when I’m drunk and it was an inconvenience to you to have to deal with me!”
Looking up you see that the train is nearing your stop so you slide out of your seat as you look down at Harry.
“Why the fuck did you even bother to pick me up then? I’m sure you could have gotten with any of the bridesmaids. Was a shame you chose to ruin my life with that night,” you spat at him as the train stops and the doors slide open. It’s clear Harry has a lot to say, but you just simply flip him off and get out of the carriage, heading to the exit with long strides, fuming and raging you even thought for just a moment Harry has changed.
 Just like the majority of the population, you consider Monday to be one of your biggest enemies, especially when you have spent the whole weekend trying to sleep your hangover off. You really shouldn’t have went overboard with the shots, but it’s always easier said than done. You don’t try to make yourself believe it won’t happen again, because it will surely do. Lately it has occurred to you that you might have a slight problem with knowing your limits when it comes to alcohol. It’s not that you are an addict and seek every possibility to chug down something in secret. It’s more about knowing when to stop when you are at it. It’s so hard to judge when you should draw the line and not have another one when you are having such a good time! You’ve heard endless sermons from your mother when you were younger and ended up coming home a little more hammered than what fitted her taste. She wasn’t completely against drinking, she believes it’s a nice way to ease your nerves and has been having drinks in the evenings herself, but she has a strong opinion about going overboard, something you’ve been struggling with. 
“Guys find it disgusting, Y/N. Know your limits or no guy will stay with you if you can’t stop yourself from knocking yourself out.”
You rolled your eyes at her then and you roll your eyes at her now. As if a man has a word in what you do!
Sitting at your desk you find yourself checking the time every ten minutes, longing for your lunch break already, but time seems to be passing extremely slowly on this miserable day. You basically jolt up from your chair when the clock strikes 12 and head out of the building to find a place to eat. You were certainly not in the mood to do any mealprep for the week ahead so now you are stuck with having to eat out.
There’s a sandwich bar down the street and you refuse to go any farther just to have to walk back after lunch. Walking in you are happy to see that it’s not jam-packed yet, but knowing well how it goes in lunch time, the seats will surely be taken in no time. Walking up to the counter you order a turkey sandwich with a lemonade and take a seat at one of the smaller tables in the back, putting your bag to the empty chair and leaving your phone on the table next to your plate you start scrolling while eating.
Just as you expected, people start to flow in pretty soon and all the empty seats get taken. You’ve just scrolled past some funny cat video when you glance up and almost choke on your food.
At the counter, back facing you, but you already know his figure enough, stands Harry Styles, hands stuffed into his pockets as he is checking out the sandwiches behind the glass.
“Unbelievable,” you growl to yourself as you try to turn so you are hidden somehow behind the plant that’s besides you. Peeking from behind its leaves you try to keep an eye on him without being suspicious.
Harry pays for his food and flashes a smile at the cashier before turning around to find a place. Unfortunately, there are no free tables left, only seats here and there, one at your table as well.
At first you plan on pretending you don’t see him and pay he won’t recognize you either. After your encounter on the train last Friday you are not quite in the mood to have lunch with him. But then you see the disappointed look on his face as he searches for a free spot and your conscience can’t take it any longer.
Turning to face him you bring yourself out from behind the plant and wave in his direction. His eyes catch your hand in the air and a surprised look flashes across his face but heads in your way anyway.
“Hey, I didn’t even see you there,” he chuckles taking the seat that you just emptied from your bag, putting it to the floor next to you.
“Yeah, probably the plant,” you say awkwardly and he just nods placing his plate to the table.
“Do you come here often?” he asks upon starting his ham and cheese sandwich.
“No, though my office is near. I usually bring food.”
“Ah, I see.”
“Do you?”
“No,” he shakes his head. “I was just nearby and thought I would stop by for lunch.”
There’s a long pause when neither of you say a word, just eat in silence though that conversation from Friday hangs in the air heavily.
Surprisingly Harry is the first one to break this silence.
“I… wanted to call this weekend to apologize.”
“Really?” It’s not that you didn’t want an apology, you were just definitely not expecting one from him.
“Yeah. I know I have overstepped quite some boundaries lately and… I’m sorry for that. I promised Rosa I would try to work on our…”
“Friendship?” you ask with a small smile. There’s not really a word for what the two of you really have.
“Yeah,” he chuckles nodding. “Look, I was drunk too, I don’t know what’s gotten into me. Sorry for sticking my nose into your business. You’re right, I don’t know you well enough to have an opinion on these stuff.”
You nod shortly, a sense of relief taking over your body. It’s nice to finally have your truth confirmed by him and it’s kind of ridiculous it took the two of you so long to actually have a nice, mature conversation.
“Thanks, I appreciate it.”
“And I know I’ve been the one to tease you and pick on you most of the time, but I promise I’ll try to work on shutting my mouth from now on.”
You laugh leaning back in your seat, because this is surely way more than what you were expecting from him, but it’s still funny to hear it from his mouth. Never thought this day would ever come.
“I promise I’ll hold my tongue too. I want Rosa to stop worrying about us. She clearly cares about us so I wouldn’t want to be the reason why she stresses, she has enough on her plate.”
Harry nods in agreement and with that, the topic is considered closed. You have officially called it truth with the villain of your life, Harry Styles.
 Valerie is watching the ducks in awe, as if they were the most beautiful creatures for her on this whole wide world. Her eyes follow them glide across the shimmering surface of the pond and pulling out your phone you take a quick photo of her before turning back to Rose next to you on the bench.
It’s a warm Sunday afternoon nearing the end of October, Rosa called you in the morning if you wanted to tag along for their afternoon walk and you happily took the chance to spend some more time with your sister and your favorite little niece.
“It’s so nice to get out of the house and go farther than just the supermarket,” she sighs, closing her eyes as she enjoys the warm sunshine caressing her face. You can tell she’s been losing sleep, Val just started teething and Rosa told you how fussy she’s been during the nights.
“The joys of parenthood,” you chuckle and she just huffs.
“Harry was over the other afternoon, dropped something off for Steven.”
“He mentioned you.”
“Really?” you ask looking ahead of you, eyes glued to one particular duck as it nears the edge of the pond, then duckling out to the grass it sits comfortably in the sunshine.
“Yeah, he said you two had lunch together the other week.”
“Well, it’s not like it was planned, we just happened to be at the same place,” you correct her.
“Either way I’m happy you two are getting along.”
“It’s relaxing,” you admit with a soft chuckle. This worrying feeling you’ve been constantly feeling when someone brought Harry’s name up is finally gone from your chest. It’s nice to know you won’t have to avoid him at every event you run into him.
“So what do you have planned for the anniversary?” you ask her. It’s crazy it’s been three years since Rosa and Steven got married, which also means that it took exactly three years for you and Harry to put the past behind you.
“Uh, nothing?” she huffs with a grimace. “There’s not much you can do with a teething baby, you know? Will probably just have dinner together and if we don’t fall asleep immediately we can watch a movie.”
“Val is the only reason why you are staying home?”
“I mean, mostly, yeah.”
“I can look after her for a night, if you want,” you offer right away. It’s the least you can do for her.
“Nah, I can’t ask you that. I know how much you work and she wakes up at least two times during the night even on her best days. You need to rest too.”
“I have way more time to rest than you. You deserve a night off from your motherly duties.”
“Are you sure?” she asks, looking for any sign on your face that tells her you are not being serious.
“Absolutely. Just… give me a list of things I need to know and do and we’ll be fine,” you nod eagerly as you turn to look at Val. “Right, Princess? We’ll have a sleepover!”
Val just glances at you curiously, furrowing her tiny eyebrows before her attention is diverted by a falling leaf.
“She’s excited,” you tell Rosa and she just chuckles.
“Would you really do this for us?”
“Of course! It’s just one night, I can do one night.”
“You are literally an angel she sighs and hooking an arm around your shoulders she pulls you to her lovingly. This is what sisters are for.
 Your body is basically buried under your favorite thick blanket, sunk into the plush couch as you watch a rerun from How I Met Your Mother, a warm tea on the coffee table. You’ve had a long day and you intended to go to bed early, but figured six is a little too early, so you got stuck with whatever the TV had to offer you, however you know you’ll be in bed by eight for sure.
Munching on some dried apple chips you let out a tired sigh when you see that you’ve reached the end of the bag. Tossing it to the floor you slide down lower on the couch when your phone buzzes somewhere under your butt. It takes you some time to actually find it and get a hold of it, but you’re rather surprised when you see you just got a text from Harry.
To be exact, he just sent you a photo. Opening the thread you wait for the attachment to load and when it does, you snort out loud.
It’s a photo of him with a ridiculously small, pink hat that’s probably for Valerie, but seeing it on his head as he is grinning widely into the camera you can’t help but laugh.
“Looking great, new fit?” you write him back and the little bubbles start moving almost immediately.
“Thought it was time for a change in my image. You like it?”
“Pink suits you well.”
“Thanks, I’ve been told that.”
You smile at the screen as another message pops up.
“I’ve been going a little overboard with the shopping for Val…”
“Never feel ashamed for that!”
“But Rosa made me promise the Gucci onesie was the last thing I bought for her.”
“You bought her a Gucci onesie??!?!! Harry, she is not even one, she will shit into that Gucci..”
“But it looked so cute! I had to buy it!”
“You need therapy, Harry.”
“Isn’t that what friends are for?”
You have a witty comeback to make about how he has zero friends, but you don’t want to ruin the light mood with even the slightest possibility of sending him an insult he might take too seriously.
“You’re right!”
“Okay, now it’s your turn to send me a silly photo.”
“Come on, I sent you one, now you have to send one to me too!”
“Says who?”
“Me. Come on, do it!”
He is so childish, you think to yourself as you open your gallery and try to find something that’s silly but not too embarrassing either. You find a picture back from April when you were having a grimace contest with your cousin’s kids and someone snapped a picture of you with puffy cheeks and crossed eyes. You hesitate for a moment but then send it to him anyway.
Waiting for his answer you turn your attention back to the TV until your phone buzzes in your hands again.
“I said send me a pic of you, not a hamster!”
You gasp at the mean but also funny reply. He surely didn’t shy out from insulting you, unlike you did.
“Oh, fuck you, Harry!”
You almost instantly regret sending that to him, because you know what his answer is to that every time it leaves your mouth. So you are already bracing yourself to receive that “you already have” text… But it never arrives.
“Jk, you look cute. But don’t cross your eyes too much, would be a shame if they stayed like that.”
“And why is that?” you find yourself typing back.
“Don’t let those pretty eyes go to waste.”
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anagentinwriting · 4 years
Lifeline - Part 8
Summary: (First Responders!AU) Moving to Los Angeles and living with your brother, Thor, was never part of your plan nor was being a 9-1-1 dispatcher, but plans change when you are faced with your own emergencies. In your case, it was leaving behind a relationship that wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. Will this be the fresh start you were hoping for or will your past find a way to catch up with you?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Odinson!Sister Reader
Word Count: 3900+
Warnings: Language, car accident, angst, fluff, threats
Lifeline Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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You were never the person that loved working out. You hated getting up early and going for a run, having believed that’s what most people did to stay in shape. You never really put much thought into it, but after training with Val, you gained a whole new respect for those who trained people for a living. She would take you through the process of warming up and getting your muscles ready, followed by the hard workout and a cool down. Val has really upped your confidence, too, and she isn’t afraid to push you to your limits and show you what you are capable of. 
“Girl, you’re killing it for only coming here for 2 weeks.”
“Thanks, that means a lot.”
“I remember the first week you came, it was rough, but it usually is for everyone.  Now, I think you could kick a few of my client's asses, who have been training with me for longer than you have. You’re a quick learner, and you listen to what I am saying and want to improve your skills.”
“That’s what I am paying you for,” you chuckled, getting a laugh out of Val.
“This is true,” she nodded. “Heard from a little birdie that you got Steve into bed not once but twice. How was he?” she winked, wiggling her eyebrows. 
“What? Who told you that?” 
“The guys were talking about it at work. Steve got all red in the face. It was cute.”
“Well, I hate to disappoint, but it’s not what you think. We were shopping for a bed, he found a good one, I ended up getting that one, and then I set it up at my place, and we tested it out again. There was no fonduing of any sort.”
“Okay, whatever you say.” She rolled her eyes. “But, if you are interested, Steve is a helluva good guy.”
“I know,” you smirked, staring at the ground and biting your lip.
“Now, if that look could talk.” Your eyes flashed to hers, spotting a knowing smirk on her face.
“I’m done talking about this.” You shake your head. “But, I’ll see you in a couple of days or sooner, depending if I want to take on the punching bag again.”
“We are always open,” she chuckled. You zipped up your bag, giving her a small hug before heading out. “Say hi to Steve for me, will you?” 
“You got it,” you shouted, rolling your eyes and walking out of the gym.
“Have you talked to your girl lately?” Bucky asked Steve as they played pool at the station.
“First off, she is not my girl, but we have texted a few times.”
“Thought you would want to be more involved with her since you got her into bed twice last week,” Sam winked.
“Come on, guys, it's not like that.” Steve shook his head, fighting the smile on his face as he leaned against the pool cue.
“You're right, it's more than that,” Bucky smirked, lining up for a shot, but missed the pocket. 
“Says the one dating…”
“A woman,” Bucky finished for Steve, glaring at him.
“Wait, you’ve been dating someone?” Sam asked, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at him. “And this is the first I am hearing of this.”
“It’s only been for a little while.” Bucky shrugged, watching Steve hit his ball into the pocket. “She’s great; super quick-witted, a spitfire, and a badass.” Bucky smiled to himself, making Sam roll his eyes. 
“Happy for you man, I can't wait to meet her.”
“Really?” Bucky seemed taken aback.
“Yeah because then I can ask her why she is with you? Doesn't she know there are more options besides you in this world.”
“Yet, you still don't have a girlfriend with all the single women in LA.”
“I am waiting for the right one.”
“But, she'll never come”
Steve closed his eyes, letting out a deep breath when the station alarm started ringing. Everyone dropped what they were doing, suited up, and got into the truck to head to the scene.
“We have a car accident involving a Honda CRV off Topanga Canyon Boulevard. The call came in via the Hondalink after their car went off the road and slammed through a guard rail. With the heavy rain happening, it’s not surprising,” Carol stated into her headset before giving orders to the team.
On-site, Sam and Val got to work on helping the victim. She was still breathing but was unconscious. Bucky got the jaws of life and was able to get the door open as they pulled the young lady out and onto a stretcher. Val grabbed her purse from the car and followed behind Bucky and Sam as they carried her to the ambulance. 
Danvers stared at the old Chevrolet car, rubbing her lips together, trying to process something.
“You alright, Ace?” Steve asked.
“This isn’t the right vehicle. This isn’t the car that called in.”
“But this vehicle went over the guard rail on the same route as the dispatcher mentioned,” Bucky added, pointing at the car. “What are the odds two cars on the same route experienced the same accident?”
“Not likely, but the call came in via Hondalink from a Honda CRV. This car is too old to be equipped with such a system, and it’s the wrong make and model.” 
“What are you saying?”
“We have to split up and find the other car. I’m going to get in touch with dispatch and see if Hondalink has GPS coordinates for the CRV and get another ambulance here. Thor, go with Sam to the hospital and leave Val here in case we need a paramedic. Now let’s split up and search.”
Steve and Bucky started down the hill, taking each step with caution as the ground continued to get slippery from the pouring rain. Steve stumbled over a tree root but caught himself on a tree. He looked to his right, seeing a flowing river and something that shouldn't be there. 
“Buck-” Steve pointed at the river.
Bucky stopped behind him, looking out to where Steve was pointing. “How did the CRV end up…” Bucky started to say, but Steve was already stumbling down the hill, rushing to the bottom. At the edge of the wide river, Steve noticed how the whole back half of the vehicle was underwater, and if he didn’t look close enough, he would’ve missed it. The hood was visible as if it was caught on something and sitting at a slant, keeping the passenger and driver side windows afloat. 
Steve didn’t waste any time, tossing his jacket and boots alongside the riverbank, jumping in. “STEVE, WAIT,” Bucky called, reaching the bottom, fumbling for his radio. “Ace, we located the CRV in the river. We’re gonna need assistance, but Steve and I are heading out to the vehicle now.”
“We are on our way,” she replied. “Be safe.”
"GODAMMIT, STEVE, WAIT UP," Bucky shouted, noticing Steve halfway to the car already. “You and your damn impulse decisions.”
The current was stronger than Steve was expecting, but he wasn't sure how much longer the car would stay in place. "Hello, is anyone in there," Steve called, swimming up to the vehicle. He quickly assessed the situation and realized the car's front tires were braced against a rock bed. How the vehicle ended up like this; he still wasn’t sure. He looked around at the landscape, noticing a busted guardrail not far from them.
"HELP, WE’RE IN HERE," a male voice screamed.
Steve swam to the driver's side door to see a man with an unconscious teenage girl in the passenger seat, he could only assume she was the man’s daughter. There was still a big enough air pocket that they could breathe, but the water level was rising, and the current would continue to pull the car farther underwater.
"I'm Fireman Steve Rogers from the LAFD, and we’re gonna get you out of here. Are you hurt anywhere?'
"I'm fine, but I don't know about my daughter. Please help her first." 
Steve nodded as he swam over to the passenger side. He reached up to check her pulse and realized it was weak. "She’s breathing, must’ve got knocked out after crashing through the guard rail, right?"
“It all happened so fast. One second I could see the road, but then the next second, it was as if it disappeared, and we were sliding over the cliff and into the river.”
“It's okay, help is here, just stay calm for me,” Steve reassured, looking over the hood of the car to see Bucky approaching and he tilted his head to the driver's seat. 
"Hi, sir, I'm Fireman Bucky Barnes, what’s your name?”
“Adrian, and that’s my daughter Liz.”
“Okay, well, we are going to cut the seat belt from you…”
“What about my daughter?”
“Steve will do the same for her.” Bucky nodded at him. “We are gonna work together and try to get you both out at the same time.”
“Oh okay, but....” Adrian's voice drifted.
“Trust us, okay, I know it’s hard because we just met, but we’ll get you both out.” Bucky nodded his head a bunch, hoping to calm Adrian down. “We're gonna cut these seat belts and pull you both out to safety, okay?”
“Okay,” he said with tears peaking at the corner of her eyes. “Promise me, that you will get my daughter out.” 
“We promise,” Steve replied with a reassuring nod.
“And if I don’t get out of here, tell her and her mother, I loved them both.”
“You can tell them that when we get you both out of here.”
“Okay, okay, okay,” he sighed, squeezing his eyes shut.
Steve looked at Bucky, counting to three, and in unison, cut the seat belts. Steve was able to pull Liz to safety and keep her head above water. The car shifted slightly as Steve glanced to the driver’s seat to see Adrian still inside.
“I guess this is the part where I tell you my leg's pinned, and you tell me that you’re not gonna be able to get me out,” Adrian breathed, shaking his head. 
“Steve, get her to safety, and I’ll figure this out.”
��Don't do anything stupid until I get back,” Steve replied, swimming her to the shore where Val, Carol, and another paramedics team was waiting. 
“Her pulse is weak, but she's breathing. I don’t know if she sustained any other injuries, but she’s been unconscious since they hit the water.”
“Thanks. We got it from here,” the woman whose nameplate read Mantis answered while the big guy beside her nodded at him. They got her onto a stretcher, and Steve looked back out to see the CRV still afloat.
“Steve, you okay with getting back out there to help Barnes, or should I send Val.”
“No, I’m good, I’m good,” he breathed with his hands on his hips. “I got this,” He nodded, diving back into the water and swimming back out to the car. 
The rain started to come down harder, forcing him to squint his eyes, unable to see Bucky by the driver’s side door. He swam a little farther, and all of a sudden, the car was out of his view. “Crap.” Steve swam faster, yelling Bucky’s name, but no one responded. Once he got to the rock bed that held the car in place, he went under, but he couldn’t see anything under the water. He resurfaced for a deeper breath and dived back down. 
Swimming further down, he could see what looked like headlights on a car.  He swam closer to the front end to see Bucky working from inside the car to get Adrian’s leg free. Steve swam towards the driver's side when Adrain pushed himself out the window. He started swimming up, but Steve noticed how he wasn’t moving one of his legs. Bucky swam out the window, shooting Steve a knowing look before resurfacing. Adrian coughed, trying to stay afloat when Bucky grabbed him and started swimming towards shore. 
"You had to do something stupid, didn't you," Steve asked, swimming next to him.
“Can’t let you have all the fun,” he smirked, forcing Steve to shake his head.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
“I’m at Gas and Grub on West Florence Avenue, and a man is robbing the store.”
“Sending a unit to your area now.” You switched over and signaled the closest officer nearby. “I need all available units at Gas and Grub near West Florence Avenue. There is a robbery in progress.” 
“10-4, 1578 in route to Gas and Grub,” an officer replied as you switched back to the caller.
“Units are on their way. Is everything okay? Are you safe?”
“Yes, I am hiding on the end of one of the aisles,” the voice replied. “The man is wearing a mask, holding a gun, and yelling at the cashier.  He’s asking for all the money in the register, some cigarettes, oh a bottle of Jack, too.”
“Okay, just stay where you are until help arrives.”
“I will,” he breathed. “Shit, the cops are coming in now. Damn…they were fast.” The caller hung up, and the line went dead.
“At least this one ended on a happy note...I think,” you sighed, stretching your hands over your head. You didn’t think you would be this sore today after working out, but you were wrong. Every movement you made sent a numb throbbing pain to that area. Val really did a number on you. You took a quick sip of your water and got resituated when another call came in. 
“911, what’s your emergency?” 
“My neighbor is listening to rap music, and I can’t hear myself think. It’s getting really annoying.”
“Have you tried going over and asking them to turn it down?”
“Well, no.”
“Why don’t you try that and then call the non-emergency line next time. No sense in calling 911 if it’s not a life or death situation.”
“Okay, I guess I’ll go talk to them.”
“Good luck,” you sighed, rolling your eyes and hanging up. “Fucking nuisance calls.”
“Hey, YN,” Bruce greeted, coming over to your station.“We have a caller on the line asking for you specifically. Are you available to take it?”
“Yeah, of course, put them through.” He nodded, typing on your computer, and you hit the spacebar. “Hi, this is 911 dispatcher YN, how can I help you today?”
“Hi, YN, it’s Nat.”
“Why are you calling through my 911 line and not my phone?” You nodded to Bruce, silently saying, you got it covered, and he walked away.
“It’s kind of a tricky situation, you see. Um…can you just come to 1917 Grand Boulevard when your shift is done, in like ten minutes? It’s important.”
“Is everything okay?
“Yeah, it’s fine. It’s not an emergency emergency, but more a friend asking a friend for help, and the only number I have memorized these days is 911, hence why I called you.”
“Yeah, I’ll head that way when my shift is done.”
“Thanks, the spare key is under the plant by the front door.”
You pulled up to the address Nat gave you, seeing a two-story modern chic house with black and wooden accents. You walked up to the front door, tilting one of the plants, and grabbed the key attached to the bottom. You opened the front door, and the first thought that came to you was a bachelor pad, but it wasn't sports memorabilia hanging on the walls, no. It was NASA and Star Wars memorabilia. Who the hell was Nat ‘hanging out’ with?
“I’m here, where are you?” You shouted through the empty house.
“Upstairs and the second door on the right,” she called back.
“Who’s house is this? It’s like a major nerd bachelor pad. Does this guy work for NASA or something? I never considered planets to be art, but then again...” your voice drifted off, looking at some more space art on the walls. 
You pushed the second door on the right open, and your eyes widened, seeing what was in front of you. One of Nat’s hands was handcuffed to one of Bucky’s, and it was wrapped around the headboard with no way of getting out. They were both still covering the goods, but Bucky’s shirt was off, and Nat was just in her bra and underwear. 
“So, I’m a nerd fanboy with a terrible taste in art?” Bucky inquired, narrowing his eyes at you.
“Don’t you dare laugh,” Nat said, glaring at you.
Your whole body started to shake, trying to keep from laughing and only nodding your head, but you couldn’t hold it in any longer. You bent over, hands on your knees and started laughing. “I thought… I thought you two hated each other,” you wheezed between breaths, pointing at them.
“Until she realized she wanted my…”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence,” she threatened, covering her hand over his mouth. “And if I remember right, you came onto me.”
He scoffed. “You wish.”
She rolled her eyes. “Can you grab the key from my belt, right there?”
You shake your head, digging around in her police belt. “How long has this been going on?” You asked once you found the key.
“Not long, maybe a month or two,” Nat answered with a half shrug.
“A month, really? So, when you guys were yelling at each other at the bar, you were…”
“Call it foreplay,” Bucky winked, forcing Nat to smirk.
“Does Steve know?”
“Who do you think we tried calling first?” 
“Oh, so I’m second best.”
“We didn’t call Steve, YN. I don’t want his judgy eyes on me for this.”
“Yeah, we didn’t call him,” Bucky confirmed. “But, I texted him.”
“YOU WHAT,” Nat yelled, giving him a hard glare.
“He won’t care. He's my best friend; besides, he’s gotten me out of similar situations before.”
“That’s not helping your case right now,” she sighed, crossing her arm across her chest.
“Hey, Buck, is everything, alright?” Steve asked, walking in as his eyes grew wide. “When did--” he cleared his throat to keep from laughing “--when did this happen?”
“A month or so ago,” Bucky answered. 
“Nat is the woman you have been talking to me about for weeks.” Steve put his hands on his hips, shaking his head.  “Wow, I never would have guessed this.”
“You told him about us?”
“No, I just told him I was seeing this woman and how I might have a thing for her. It’s nothing.” Bucky shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal, making Nat smirk at him.
“Alright, so let’s get this awkward situation over with and get you two unlocked then.” You walked over with the key in your hand, but Nat stopped you.
“Oh no! I didn’t say unlock us. I just want them in my reach. We aren't done yet.” Nat winked at Bucky, and his face lit up like a Christmas tree. 
“Okay, I see how it is,” you smirked, setting the key on the table. “You two kids have fun now.” 
“Don’t speak a word of this to anyone, either of you.” Nat pointed at you and Steve with a harsh glare. 
“Scout’s honor,” Steve signaled with a soft laugh.
“No promises,” you smiled with a chuckle before walking out the door with Steve in tow. You closed the door behind you and followed Steve down the stairs.
“I will say, I didn’t think I’d see the day those two got together,” Steve added, shaking his head as he reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Yeah, me either,” you shrugged. “Here I thought,  Nat hated him.”
“Same.” You two walked in silence to the front door. “Doing anything fun tonight?”
“No, I think I had enough excitement for one night,” you chuckled, locking the front door and putting the key back under the plant. “You?”
“Ah, no. Heading home to watch a movie with Cosmo.”
“Ahh cute, how is the doggy doing?”
“He’s getting better, not as skittish anymore, so that’s an improvement.”
“That’s awesome. Well, don’t let me keep you away from your date. Besides, I have a long-needed shower and a Netflix browsing session to get to.”
“Browsing session?”
“You know when you just scroll through everything and can’t find anything to watch, but you find some other things to watch that get added to the list, but nothing like I need to watch this now, kind of movie.”
“Haha, I have those nights sometimes. Happy browsing, YN.”
“Bye, Steve.” you waved, getting into your car. 
After a long day at work and a much-needed shower, you sat down on your couch with a bowl full of popcorn and a glass of wine in hand and turned on Netflix. You clicked through your list a few times when your phone started ringing. Glancing at the screen, you didn’t recognize the number, but it was a California area code, so you figured it was someone from work. “Hello.” 
“Who is this?”
“YN, you know who this is.” Once he said your name, you recognized his voice. You could feel your heart start to race, sending the increasing rhythm to your ears. Your breathing grew heavy and shaky, and it did very little to calm your racing heart. 
“How--” you gulped “--how did you get this number?”
“Does it matter? When are you coming home?”
“I’m not….I’m not coming home.” Your hands started to trumble, feeling tears well up in your eyes.
“YOU DON'T GET TO DECIDE THAT. I DECIDE,” he shouted into your ear, forcing you to squeeze your eyes shut, causing a few tears to slide down your cheeks.  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have shouted. I miss you, and so do all our friends here.” You shake your head, trying to steady your breathing. “They keep asking me where you are, and all I can tell them is that you went on a little vacation with Loki, and then they ask why I didn’t go with you,” he sighed. “You made me feel like an idiot because I wasn’t with you and didn’t know where you were. Do you know what that feels like?” You gulped, trying to find the words to say something, anything, but they never came. “I’m your husband, and I deserve to know when you’re coming back.”
“I told you, I’m not,” your voice cracked. 
“So, that’s how it’s gonna be. I do this for a living, remember YN, what makes you think I don’t already know where you are?” He went silent for a moment, adding to your frightened state. “When I do come for you, you better hope I am in a better fucking mood because, right now, I want to fucking kill you!”
You hung up, throwing your phone on the couch. The hair on your arms stood up, and your hands were shaking. You pulled your knees to your chest, crying. You felt so small and weak. It felt like all the progress you made up until this point didn’t matter because once you heard his voice, you were right back to where you started; stepping on eggshells, watching what you say, trying to be the perfect couple in everyone else’s eyes. 
Someone knocking on the door makes you jump and stare wide-eyed at the door. You sniffled, wiping the tears from your eyes, and slowly stood up. The knocking continued to get louder, sending a dull ringing in your ears. You went to the hall closet to grab the wooden baseball bat and went over to answer the door. This is when you wish the door had a peephole or that there were windows by the door, so you could see who it was, but there was nothing to see who was on the other side. You took a deep breath and opened the door with the bat ready to swing.
AN: Thanks for reading Part 8, and talk about a cliffhanger! Any ideas who may be behind the door? 🤔 And what about that little phone call from her ex right before? Coincidence or am I just messing with you all!? Hahaha! Also, I hope you all are enjoying the Sam and Bucky banter, literally can't wait to get more of it once their show starts! And, finally what did you think about the little predicament Nat was involved in?! 😂😂 Anyways, I hope you all are enjoying it so far, and likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome. Thanks again!
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ratonnhhaketon · 3 years
Still Breathing
Read on Ao3 | Next Chapter
Summary: Six months after the defeat of Thanos, the world is still in chaos. The threat of the Flag Smashers combined with the new headstrong Captain America means it's time for Valencia Zicari to help save the world one more time. But, in doing so, she also has to pick up the pieces of a broken relationship.
Warnings: Major TFATWS spoilers, Swearing, Angst, Fluff, Slow-Burn, John Walker (just in general)
A/N: HHH, new fic time! TFATWS has been consuming my brain these past few weeks and it was only a matter of time before I made another oc and wrote for Bucky. I’ve had this in the works since the first episode but I’m super excited to finally be ready to start posting! This fic will be relatively short but I do also plan on doing a prequel fic eventually to further flush out my marvel oc, Valencia Zicari. I apologize that this starts off kinda slow, with just two phone calls at the beginning, but it will pick up a lot in the upcoming chapters. In the meantime if you have any questions or comments about the fic or Val’s story, don’t hesitate to send them my way! Hope you enjoy!
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Chapter 1 - Your Number On Speed Dial
Bucky’s eyes shot open, his throat closing and lungs gasping for air. He felt the sweat covering his body, the thin blanket tangled between his legs. The cool metal of his dog tags swung against his chest as he sat up, chest heaving as he sucked in breaths and tried to regain his breathing. He looked around his surroundings, slowly calming down as he noticed he was in his apartment. 
Another goddamn nightmare. 
Realizing he was alone, Bucky instinctively reached up onto the chair next to him for his cellphone. He flipped open the phone, eyes squinting to adjust to the light of the small screen in front of him. He noticed the time, 3:08 am. While he knew that she would more than likely still be up and wouldn’t mind talking, he felt guilty for instinctively reaching out for her this late. Still, he let his hand press accept and after only two rings he heard her familiar voice pick up. 
“Hi Buck,” she said with a smile, exhaustion evident in her voice.
“Hi,” he replied with a hoarse voice, sleep still clinging to his vocal chords. “Shouldn’t you be asleep?” 
“I could ask you the same question,” she said with a small laugh. “But, yeah. Probably. I’ve been working my ass off trying to get in contact with Fury and nothing is working.”
“Not even through the SHIELD lines?”
She sighed, a hand coming up to rub at her temples. “I’ve tried, but he’s ‘on vacation’ and is only taking messages if they’re life or death.” 
“I mean, shouldn’t he be able to make an exception for you? Given, y’know..”
“Unfortunately I lost the ‘you’re my adoptive daughter’ privilege when I decided to grow up and join the Avengers.” Bucky chuckled in response, his nightmare finally starting to fade from the back of his mind. “I’m just.. worried about Wanda. The whole situation still isn’t sitting right with me, especially since any information has been classified and no one at all can access it.”
“Val,” Bucky said quietly, his metal hand coming up to rub against the chain hanging around his neck. “When was the last time you took a break?” 
He heard an audible sigh over the phone and a pause before she spoke up. “Not since half of the world disappeared.” 
“Well, how about this. Thursday, you finally put all of that aside for a few hours and we can grab lunch. I’ll buy.” 
She thought it over for a moment, Bucky’s breath hitching in his throat in the few seconds it took before she spoke up. “Yeah, that sounds nice. We can go to that sushi place you used to take me to.” 
“Sounds perfect, doll. I’ll see you then. Now go get some rest.” 
“You too, old man.” 
Valencia stood in the common room of the compound, a scowl present on her face as she watched the tv. John Walker’s Good Morning America interview was playing at a low volume. She hadn’t even met the man yet and already hated him. Partly because of how he talked about Steve without knowing the first thing about him, and partly because every journalist in the state of New York had been contacting her in an attempt to interview her about the new Captain America. Pulling her eyes away from the screen, she noticed her phone vibrating to announce an incoming call. She answered, a smile tugging at her lips for the first time in the past day. “Hey Bucky.”
“Hi,” he said shortly. She could feel the anger in his voice. “Have you seen the news?”
“Absolutely,” she replied, her scowl returning to her face. “Everyone has been bothering me about it for the past day. I had to tell Pepper that if one more reporter asked to take a statement from me I’d throw someone out of a window.”
“Jeez. Little harsh, don’t ya think?” 
“Probably,” she said with a small laugh. 
“Hey, have you talked to Sam recently?”
“Yeah, I was just talking to him earlier before you called. He was telling me about having to go to Munich today, something about the Flag Smashers? I don’t know, he didn’t really give me a lot of information.” 
“No, that's great. Thanks, doll. See you Thursday.” 
“Alright, Buck. See you then.” 
Any normal person would be astonished by the amount of trouble one person could get into in the span of 18 hours. But, in terms of being an Avenger, it’s just a normal Wednesday. Especially when it’s Sam and Bucky’s fault. But, Valencia still found a way to be freaking out when Pepper rushed into her room, shoving a phone into her face to announce that Bucky had a warrant out for his arrest. And had subsequently ended up in a Baltimore jail. 
In under an hour she had flown down to the city and found the facility Bucky was being held in. She pulled open the door to the jail, eyes quickly scanning the crowd of people before landing on Bucky’s literal partner in crime. 
She made a beeline straight for the dark haired man. “You want to explain to me what’s going on here, Sam Wilson?” Eyes narrowed, lips pulled into a tight line.
Upon seeing her he pushed himself out of his chair. “Val! How ya’ been? You been doing okay?”
“Oh cut the shit, Sam. You better have a good explanation for why I found out that Bucky not only had a warrant out for his arrest, but then ended up in a Baltimore jail leaving me to haul ass down here to figure out what in the hell is happening.” 
“First, I need you to calm down. Promise me you won’t freak out?” 
She glared at him. “Are you-” 
“Val,” he said in a stern tone. 
She let out a huff before nodding. “Alright, fine. I’m calm.”
“He helped me with that mission in Munich I told you about and then wanted to introduce me to someone in Baltimore. And he may have missed his therapy appointment in the process.”
“He missed-!” Val immediately yelled out, voice louder than anticipated, which drew the attention of the people around them. Sam put an arm around her shoulder and led the two of them over towards an unoccupied side of the room. “Sam, are you serious? He’s been doing so well! He put in so much effort to make sure he made the appointments and you let him go with you?”
“First of all, I told him repeatedly that I didn’t want him coming, but you know how stubborn he is.”
She let out a defeated sigh and dropped her hands to her sides. “So what do we do now?” 
“Well lucky for you they’re actually releasing him.” 
Before Val could reply she was cut off by the sound of heels clicking before a familiar voice spoke near them. “Sam. I’ve heard a lot about you.” She reached out to shake his hand. “I’m Dr. Raynor. I’m James’s therapist. It’s good to see you again, Valencia.” 
Val gave her a smile. “Good to see you too, doc.”
“So nice to meet you. You two already know each other?”
“I took Bucky to the first few of his appointments to make sure that he would, y’know, actually go. But that was before..” she waved a hand in the air, “everything.” 
Sam nodded. “Well thank you, Dr. Raynor, for getting him out.”
“Oh, that wasn’t me.” 
From across the room a booming voice spoke up, instantly grabbing their attention. “Christina!” The three of them all turned in unison and were met with none other than the new Captain America himself, taking pictures with a bunch of fans. “It’s great to see you again.” 
“You’ve got to be kidding me. You know him?” Sam spoke up with a frustrated sigh. 
“Yeah, we did some field ops back in the day.” 
“I heard you were working with Bucky, so I thought I’d step in.” Val watched as he approached the group, her arms instinctively crossing over her chest. “Miss Zicari, it’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve been trying to reach out for a formal introduction for several days now.”
“It’s Agent, actually. And unlike you I’ve had a lot of other pressing matters that required my attention.” 
“Right. Well, anyway. Bucky’s not gonna be following a strict schedule any longer.”
“We haven’t finished our work. Who authorized this?”
“Um,” John used both hands to gesture up towards himself. “He’s too valuable of an asset to have tied up.” 
Val’s attention went from John to the sound of a metal door closing behind her. Her head turned towards the sound and she was met with none other than a familiar set of blue eyes side-eyeing the blonde man in front of her. She felt the corner of her mouth turn up in a half-smile as his head turned and saw hers. Almost instantly the token frown he wore at all times faded and turned into his own partial smile. She walked over to him, her arms finding their way around his neck subconsciously. “Hey, Buck,” she breathed as his arms wove around her middle, pulling their bodies flush together. 
“Hey to you too,” he said with a small laugh. “Pepper finally let you leave the compound?” 
She pulled away to look at him. “Less her letting me leave and more so her immediately getting me a flight and shoving me out the door when she found out you got arrested.”
“Alright lovebirds, break it up.” Dr. Raynor said from behind them. Val’s arms dropped to her side and before she had the chance to correct her, the woman spoke up again. “James, condition of your release, session now.” Bucky let out an audible groan, rolling his eyes slightly, to which Val couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle. “You too, Sam.”
“That’s okay, I’ll be out here with Val.”
“That wasn’t a request.” 
She pulled her phone from the pocket of her leather jacket and noticed an incoming call. “Just go, I’ll be outside. I gotta take this anyway.” Val walked outside of the jailhouse, sliding a thumb across the screen to answer the call in the process. She partially paid attention to what Pepper was telling her as the new Captain America walked past her, obviously checking her out with a side-eye as she leaned against the chipped bricks. Her eyes narrowed at him as he turned to steal another glance her way before turning her eyes away and down the opposite side of the road. 
“Yeah, he’s okay… no, I don’t know the specifics of how it works out with the pardon... I’ll keep you updated, but it doesn’t look like I’ll be back any time soon. I kinda feel like I’ll be joining the idiots on whatever they plan on doing next… Alright, I will. Keep me updated on the whole Westview situation and tell Morgan to stop stealing the snacks from my room. Oh, haha. Take care, Pepper.”  
As she hung up the phone she saw the door next to her swing open with a visibly angry Sam walking out of it. Bucky trudged out a few seconds later, looking angry but more upset than the man in front of him. As the door started to close behind him he saw Val and walked over to her.
“Do you think Steve was wrong about me?” She could tell he was fighting back tears by the way his voice cracked at the end.
Her hands cupped his face. “Bucky, no, absolutely not. Why would you say that?”
He looked away, not able to look her in the eye. After all the nights they spent together, her talking him down from a nightmare, reassuring him and chasing the negative thoughts away, he couldn’t admit that part of him still felt that same way. “It.. doesn’t matter.”
“If it’s making you this upset, then yes it does.” 
He let out a huff as her thumb began to lightly rub against the stubble on his cheek. “Sam shouldn’t have given up the shield.” 
“I know, Buck, I know. But there’s nothing we can do now, so let’s just try to figure out what’s happening with..” she lifted a hand from his face and used it to make vague gestures around them. “Everything right now.” 
The loud siren from a police cruiser halted their conversation, the sound making Val physically jump. She looked towards the source of the sound and scowled. This asshole again. “Gentlemen,” John’s eyes scanned Val’s figure quickly before adding, “and lady. Good to see you again.” Begrudgingly, she followed Sam and Bucky’s lead and walked towards the blonde haired man and his sidekick. “Look, if we divide ourselves we don’t stand a chance, you guys know that.” 
Sam crossed his arms over his chest. “So what do you got?”
“Should she be hearing this?” John gestured to Val. 
She scoffed. “I’m on board now, so out with it.” 
“Alright. Well the leader’s name is Karli Morgenthau. We’ve been targeting civilians that have been helping Karli move from place to place. They geotagged a location, then scrambled the signal. But our satellites have found their symbol popping up in various displaced communities all across Central and Eastern Europe. We think that she's taking the medicine she just stole to one of these camps.”
“Well there’s been hundreds of those put up across the planet since The Blip,” Valencia interjected. “So I guess you’ll have to look real hard.”
“Good thing I have 20/20 vision, huh?” John shot back, annoyance prevalent in his voice.
“Where is she now, Walker? Do you know?” Bucky spoke up, patience quickly being stretched thin.
“No, we don’t know, Bucky,” Walker’s voice rose dramatically. “It’s only a matter of time before we find out.” 
Bucky cocked his head to the side, eyes narrowing at the man in front of him. “Things are really tense for you, aren’t they Walker?” Val rested a gentle hand against Bucky’s chest, holding him back as a reminder not to do anything irrational- although she definitely wanted him to. 
Sam approached the super soldier, putting a hand in the air to further make him back off. “Take it easy. Look, Walker’s right. It is imperative that we find them and stop them. But you guys have rules of engagement and all kinds of authorizations you have to get. We're free agents. We're more.. flexible. So it wouldn't make sense for us to work with you.” 
The trio started to walk off before Walker stood up from the cruiser and spoke. “A word of advice, then.” The three of them turned to look at him once again. “Stay the hell out of my way.” 
Knowing that it wasn’t worth it to get a final word in, Sam put a hand on either of their shoulders and pushed them to keep walking away. Once they were a reasonable distance down the street, Val turned to Bucky and noticed he was deep in thought. “What’s on your mind, Buck?” she asked with a hand coming up to rest on his shoulder. 
“Well, I know what we have to do. When Isaiah said “my people”...” he trailed off, still staring ahead. 
“Oh, don’t take that to heart. That’s not what he meant-” Sam tried to correct him before Bucky cut him off. 
“No, he meant HYDRA.” He paused for a moment, feet coming to a stop as he looked between the pair next to him. “HYDRA used to be my people.” 
“Bucky,” Val spoke up cautiously.”
Sam scoffed. “Not a chance.” 
“Walker doesn’t have any leads.” 
“I know where you’re going with this, no.”
“He knows all of HYDRA’s secrets. Don’t you remember Siberia.” 
“Oh, you cannot be serious,” Val said as she dragged a tired hand over her face. 
“So you’re just gonna sit in a room with this guy?” 
Bucky hesitated for a moment, obviously not thinking about his idea that much ahead of time. “Y-yes.” 
Val sighed, shaking her head slightly. “Out of all your ideas, this has got to be the dumbest.” She looked at Sam, who shrugged his shoulders and nodded. “Fine. Let’s go see Zemo.”
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Rip Out Our Seams and Stitch Us Together
Pairing: Maxwell Lord x Valerie Lord x Black!Fem!Reader
Chapter Five
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: Profanity, mirror sex, choking, kind of face-fucking? a touch of voyeurism, oral-male receiving, penetrative sex, Mean Maxwell fuckin’ lmao, office sex, angry sex, how in God’s name did we get here I am horrible at writing smut so i just want to say i’m SORRY. 
Chapter Summary: You take the measurements for the richest family in D.C, Valerie is surprised by her how quickly her son has taken a shining to you and Maxwell has a late night at the office. 
Tag List: @captainsamwlsn @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @readsalot73 @cinewhore @this-cat-is-dea @holographic-carmen @honestlystop @favoriteff-allcelebs @teaofpeach
Chapters: 1/2/3/4/
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“The Lords are coming by tomorrow.” Cassandra looked up from the book open at the register.
“But Mrs.Lord was just in yesterday.” She told you.
“Not just her this time.” You finished off the seam on the ground in front of you as you spoke. “All of them are coming in, her husband and son, the whole gang of rich folk will be here.”
Ever since Valerie stepped into your shop late at night four weeks ago, she made herself a common visitor. Oftentimes she’d waltz in, plop herself down onto a chair and begin to complain about Maxwell’s secretary with the horrid voice or one of her friends who was less of a friend and more of a pain in the ass. 
You didn’t know how becoming the friend of a heiress meant her throwing herself into your lap everyday to gossip about other rich people but hey, you weren’t complaining. She was pretty good company when the dust settled. 
Three days ago she had called your store, and told you she, Maxwell, and Alastair would be coming in to get measurements taken so you could get the mock-up of their outfits done with their approval to move on to the finished version. 
Before she could say anything else you had asked about her son. 
“What does he like?”
“What’s he like?” You asked, as you spoke your hand picked up the needle once more and began to hem the dress in your lap. “You know, DuckTales, Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I’ve got some stuff I always bring out when kids come into the shop but I don’t know how rich kids work. Do I just hand him money and call him sir?”
“Ha ha.” She droned. “You know if life as a seamstress doesn’t work out, you should pursue a career in comedy, you’d flourish.”
“Aw Val, I couldn’t!” You cooed. “You’d miss me too much.”
You heard her scoff on the other line. From across the store Cass looked at you like you’d sprouted a second head. 
“Nonetheless.” She said slowly. “Alastair isn’t into traditional children’s activities. He enjoys chess with his tutors, reading, and playing the cello.”
You fought the urge to ask if these were things he liked to do or things his parents wanted him to do. 
Maybe rich kids were just built differently.
“I’m just calling to tell you certain adjustments must be made for my son.” She explained, in a tone so formal you hadn’t heard it since you first met her. 
“Uh sure.” You sat up, concerned. “What do you need?”
 “Certain textures make him extremely uncomfortable for clothing, so be aware that the lining will have to be a soft, smoother material.”
You sat back, observing the swatches already laid out in the backroom. You could grab a few more of softer materials for him to feel and see which one he liked the most. You already assumed as such, since he’s a kid and you remembered how much you hated wearing your church dress because of how itchy it was. “ Anything else need to be done?”
“He can get overstimulated if places are too loud or crowded at times, but since your store hardly has any customers in it.” You could hear the smirk on her face over the phone and groaned. “I doubt that will be a problem.”
“It’s my pleasure to be of your assistance.” You snipped. A moment of silence passed between the pair of you. “But uh, seriously. Don’t worry about it. I’ve made clothes for kids and people with touch aversions before. No sweat.”
“Thank you.” She breathed out. “Really Stitches, I appreciate it.”
At her praise your lips curled into a soft smile. “It’s no problem Val. One question though.”
 “Who the hell names their kid Alastair?”
“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that Stitches, I’ll see you tomorrow.” A dial tone met your ears and you called out to Cassandra. 
“Do we have a chess board in the back?”
Valerie walked into her son’s room, clearing her throat so both him and his tutor looked up at her. 
“Alastair honey, can I talk to you for a moment?” The boy, only eight, nodded and closed his workbook before standing. The tutor however, shot a hand out to grab her son’s shoulder. 
“Mrs. Lord.” The tutor, a man graying at the temples who wore ties so bland she’d rather wear a nose, shot her a condescending smile. “I thought we agreed on not interrupting Alastair’s lessons. It’s bad for his focus.”
“Mr. Lanston.” She shot back in the same sickly sweet tone as she tapped a manicured nail against the wall. “Who’s house is this?”
The man swallowed. “Mr.Lor-”
She clicked her tongue, shaking her head side to side as if scolding a dog. “For a tutor you seem to be quite fond of giving out the wrong answers. So I will ask you again, whose house is this?”
The tutor shrunk back. “Yours.”
“Correct. And who is it that you work for?”
“You, Mrs.Lord.” He said meekly. 
“Correct again! Now since this is my house and it is my son you are teaching, I will speak to him if I please. And if you try and insult my son’s intellect by saying a simple chat with his mother will throw him off course, I will throw you out onto the street. Do you understand me?”
The man’s mouth opened and shut like a fish out of water. 
“I asked you a question Mr.Lanston.” Her hand tapped against the Cartier watch on her wrist expectantly. “I expect an answer back.”
“Of course Mrs.Lord.” He stammered out, before turning to her son who just barely came to his hip. “I’m so sorry Mr.Lord.”
“That’s okay.” He answered simply, before taking his mother's hand in his and walking out of the room. 
Alastair Lord was eight years old, had his mother’s bright blue eyes and his father’s dark brown hair (Maxwell visited a hairstylist regularly but would never admit it). He had already skipped a grade but his parents insisted on keeping track of his studies, even during the summer. Maxwell did it in an attempt to feel less guilty about being stuck at work all day instead of  being with his son, Valerie did it so nobody would ever get the chance to use her son’s intellect as a weapon against his own standing. 
The Lords didn’t agree on much. But one thing they did agree on was that they loved their son more than anything in the world. 
“Do you still want to go to the gala with us in September?” She asked him. Her son’s eyes flicked out to the large glass window that proudly displayed their immaculate lawn, a bird flew along the clear pane before flying up and out of sight. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“I’ll go.” He said simply. He squeezed his mother’s hand in his with a small smile. “I like going to those fancy parties, you always wear pretty dresses.” He frowned, looking down at the floor for a moment. “I don’t like it when those old ladies try to touch my hair and kiss my cheek though.”
Alastair hated physical affection from those he didn’t know. The last business party of Maxwell’s he went to, a man’s wife tried to give him what she thought was a friendly kiss on the cheek because he was “such a darling little boy!”. Alastair ripped himself away from her in a panic, to which she then got offended and insisted to speak with his mother about his “awful manners.”
When Maxwell came to find his son clinging to his mother’s leg with tears in his eyes, he promptly had the couple thrown out and cut off business ties with the woman’s husband on account of her awful manners. 
From then on Alastair’s parents made sure he knew that if he was uncomfortable with a situation, he was to tell them and they would put an end to it immediately. 
“Your father and I are going to go see a seamstress to get measurements done for the gala. Would you come with us so we can get a suit made for you as well?”
Alastair looked up at his mother, blue eyes shining and ultimately passive at her question. 
It was late at night when he came into his son’s room. Alastair was already in bed, nuzzled under his sheets and head resting against his pillow. Maxwell gently rapped his knuckles against the door before entering, his son’s eyes blinked open. It was always a shock how much they looked like Valerie's. 
“How’s the tutoring going?” Maxwell already knew the answer, Alastair excelled in every subject, but he simply wanted to hear his son speak to him. 
“Good.” His son replied. “Mr.Lanston said if I keep studying hard I might be able to skip another grade.”
Maxwell sat on the edge of his bed. “Would you like to skip another grade?”
Alastair was already a grade ahead, his teachers would message his parents about how well behaved and smart he was. But Alastair hardly ever spoke about his own experiences at school, about his friends or anything other than his classes.
“I don’t know.” the boy shifted for a moment, furrowing his brows in frustration and it was moments like this that he truly did look like his mother. “Mr.Lanston says it’s good for me to stay ahead of other but-” He looked off into the window of his room, a small sliver of moonlight peeking through the blue curtains. “Fifth grade sounds kind of fun, I heard the history teacher is really interesting and takes us on fun field trips.”
Part of Maxwell, the part still drilled into his head by his mother, nagged that he was sending the boy to that school to learn not go on ridiculous field trips. The other part of him, the part that shone when Alastair called him dad, felt guilt when he saw how apprehensive his son was in telling him how he felt.
Maxwell smiled, reached out to ruffle his son’s hair that was damn near a carbon copy of his own (before he got it dyed of course). “Then you’ll stay right where you are champ.”
“Thanks dad.”
The older lord frowned, before sternly pointing a finger at his son. “That’s Mr.Dad to you, young man.”
His son promptly groaned and threw his blanket over his face. “That joke still isn’t funny!” Even at his disgust, Maxwell could hear his son’s muffled giggles through the blanket and smiled.
“Humor is subjective, son.” Maxwell stood up from the bed, knees popping loudly as he did. Jesus, he was getting old. “Goodnight Alastair.”
Maxwell was already out of his son’s room and halfway down the hall when a tiny voice peeped out. 
“Goodnight dad.”
“So what exactly does his son like?” Cassandra stood at the register, head laying in the palm of her hand as she leaned against the counter. The back room had been set full with different fabrics for them to see and either confirm or reject. Which in the classic Lord fashion meant they will either toss it at you with a stiff “this will do” or tell you it’s the ugliest thing in the world. 
You sighed. “Apparently he likes to read, play chess and the cello.” You looked toward the old checkers board set out and shrugged. “That was the closest thing I had so lets hope he isn’t as stuck up as his father or dramatic as his mother.”
“Speaaaaking of which.” Cassandra looked up with an excited grin. “You and Mrs.Lord are like, best friends now right?”
You thought about all the times she paraded into your store before throwing herself into the nearest chair (or your lap) before complaining about her day like a soap opera star. 
“Well I wouldn’t say best friends, but we’ve certainly gotten closer.”
“What’s she like? Has she taken you shopping? Have you seen her house? Is she as mean as everybody says she is?”
You pulled back for a moment, thinking. “She’s nice for a rich lady, no we haven’t gone shopping and I don’t think we ever will, I haven’t seen her house which once again I don’t think will ever happen, and honestly she insults me a lot but I think it’s her way of showing affection at this point.”
Cassandra giggled. “Like a cat?”
You thought about a cat- a fickle creature that will hiss and scratch in one second, and then demand all of your attention right after. 
“You know what? That’s actually a pretty spot on comparison.”
The jingle of a bell met your ears before a stern voice sounded out. 
“My god do you people not know what a broom is?”
You turned around, watching Maxwell enter your store with a crinkled nose. 
“I know what a broom is well enough rich boy, why don’t I go get one so I can shove it up your-”
Cassandra cleared her throat loudly before motioning to the tiny child at Maxwell’s side. 
“Oh, uh-” You realized the boy must've just seen you threaten his father. “Hey little dude. How are you?”
“I’m well, thank you.” The boy responded. Alastair’s voice was just as tiny as he was. He had his mother’s eyes and father’s nose, but his hair was so dark it made you wonder which one of his parents bleached their hair. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, mam.”
Prim posture, perfect manners, not a single hair out of place. He struck you less as a kid and more as a robot but you bit your tongue before smiling back. 
“No need for fancy titles with me, little lord. You can call me Stitches.”
Alastair wrinkled his nose, a gesture that made him look so much like his father you wanted to laugh. “That’s a weird name.”
Valerie tutted at her son, blue eyes cast down in disappointment. “Alastair! Don’t be rude.”
“He isn’t wrong.” Maxwell waved off his wife’s scolding of their son. “Besides, I believe we came here to get actual work done on whatever horrid outfits you're making for the gala?”
“Of course.” You turned on your heel, leading them to the backroom where multiple mirrors lined the wall. “I’d hate to take up too much of your time. You’re a busy man after all, I’m sure you’d rather be off making your secretary cry or something equally as important.”
Maxwell rolled his eyes and shucked off his jacket, ignoring the twinge of annoyance he felt at even the mention of his secretary, someone you didn’t even know grated him so horribly. 
“Well we can’t all run rotten, hole-in-the-wall shops like this that just beg to be robbed.” He turned a sly eye to you with his nose tilted up. “Some of us have standards after all.”
You smiled. “I suppose you're right about that one Mr.Lord, I doubt my skills will live up to your expectations.” You wrapped the measuring tape around his bicep, using it to tug him so close his powerful facade melted into one of shock. 
“And yet-” Your voice curled in his ear like a tempting call, your eyes so focused on taking note of the measurement of his arm Maxwell hoped you didn’t hear his breath catch. 
“-here you are.”
Valerie looked up from the fabric swatches in her hand to notice the way Maxwell stared at you while you were blissfully unaware. It was hungry, surprised and oh so desperate. The same way she looked at you. 
All while you busied yourself with his measurements, unaware of the inner workings between the billionaire and his wife. 
Valerie was pulled from her head when her son handed her a swatch of fabric, a royal blue in color and soft knit against her skin. 
“This one is nice.”
She smiled at her son. Out of the corner of her eye she saw you wrap the tape measure around her husband’s chest. She reached down to playfully tug on the collar of his shirt, also a deep royal blue. 
“You’ll look lovely in it sweetheart.”
The conversation between you and his father was not nearly as loving.
“Do you have to play such obnoxious music?”
You didn’t bother to look up at Maxwell when he snipped back, you simply focused on the tape in your hands and the measurement of his chest which only made him even angrier. 
Obnoxious, what a perfect word to describe you. 
The shirts, the tattoos, everything about you was just so...loud. 
His eyes flicked forward when he felt your fingers ghost over his chest. Mirrors lined each wall, most likely so your customers could see what the clothes looked like on them from each angle. But as you leaned down to measure his inseam, his thoughts went other places. 
Places they definitely shouldn’t have with his wife and son in the same room. 
“Do you have to wear such disgusting cologne?”
Maybe it was your attitude, such defiance nobody openly showed him in fear of losing their job, or the fact that you were so different than the tucked in, prim-and-proper future trophy wives he fucked, or maybe it was simply the fact that your ass looked phenomenal in those jeans, but Maxwell couldn’t help but imagine fucking you in front of those mirrors. 
He wondered if you’d be loud, head thrown back and calling out his name as he fucked into you without mercy, without care. Maybe you’d be shy, you were so stubborn after all. Perhaps you’d bite your lip, trying to keep your noises stifled so you didn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing how good he made you feel. Maxwell wouldn’t allow that of course, he’d never admit it but he liked having his ego stroked almost as much as his cock. He wouldn’t hesitate to grab your jaw, forcing you to look forward at yourself in the mirrors. 
‘We’re the only ones here.’ His breath fanning out over your neck would make you shudder as you stared at your reflection just as he did. Seeing the way your tits bounced with each thrust and the ways your legs trembled and shook like those of a newborn. His pride swelled at the notion that if his arm wasn’t wrapped tight around your waist and gripping you close, you would’ve fallen to the floor by now. 
‘Let me hear you.’ He grunted into your neck as your whimpers got louder until you were all but shouting his name. ‘Good girl.’
“It’s revolting really.”
The sinful painting in his mind was torn to shreds when your haughty voice cut through it like a hot blade. 
He blinked owlishly, you stood in front of him, tape measure no longer against him but thrown over your shoulder while you crossed your arms. 
“Your cologne.” You explained with a smirk. “It’s like trying to take measurements in a chemical factory. A little goes a long way Maxwell.” You gave him a sarcastic pat on the shoulder, one he was too distracted to push off because the way his name rolled off your lips. 
You had never said his name before. 
As quick as the interaction was, you turned to Valerie and Alastair, both sitting at the table behind you. You smiled and held a welcoming hand out. 
“You ready little man?” 
Alastair looked at his mother, who nodded her head and he slid off his chair to hop onto the pedestal his father previously stood on top of. His father took a seat next to his wife who said nothing. 
They both watched their son raise his arms as you held up the tape measure to him with a smile, you were saying something to him, most likely about school or his summer break. Valerie appreciated when you asked her about his interests to make a connection, but knew that was less than likely. Alastair wasn’t one to make connections, something she wondered if he got from his father by instinct or something that was drilled into him by his grandmother. 
Before she had been banned from coming to their house. 
“I’ll be working late tonight.” Maxwell told his wife. He knew she didn’t really care, their marriage was ten years of working late nights. Telling her at this point was just a courtesy. 
“Will your secretary be working as well?”
Maxwell noted the sly dig toward Delilah, but didn’t care enough about the woman to defend her. 
“If she wasn’t I wouldn't have hired her.”
Valerie ignored her husband in favor of the scene in front of her. She watched as you held the tape to her son’s leg, nodding your head as he spoke at length while you took his measurements. To say his mother was surprised would be an understatement, he hardly talked to his parents. Let alone people he’s only just met. 
Maybe something about you just brought out that side of the Lords.
“Alrighty, you're all good Alastair.” The youngest Lord hopped off the little step and you looked toward his mother with a jut of your chin. “You're up, Val.”
Maxwell looked toward his wife with a raised brow, mouthing her nickname in confusion. She was too busy taking your hand as you stepped onto the pedestal to notice. 
“So-” You wrapped the tape measure around her waist, mindful not to let your hands linger. “-how the hell did you two make such a sweet kid like Alastair?”
Valerie smiled at your reflection and ignored the way her heart jumped when you pulled the measuring tape just beneath the swell of her chest. “I’m not sure if that was an insult on my parenting or my personality.”
“Oh definitely an insult on your personality, without a doubt.” You responded seriously, but the tilt of your lips lent it to a gentle tease. “You must be doing something right because that kid is better behaved than you and your husband.” You looked up for a moment and she held her breath. 
“Or should I be giving this praise to some poor underpaid nanny you torture?”
Valerie scoffed. “Oh please, Miriam is hardly underpaid and she doesn’t do a damn thing right. I don’t know why we keep her around these days.”
You snorted. “Miriam?” The tape measure pressed to the side of her hip as you measured down her leg. “God, you people really tic every box off the one percent checklist, don’t you?”
Valerie hummed, painted lips curls into a smile. “We try our best dear.”
You stood up straight, hands moving behind her to wrap the tape around her chest with an awkward cough. Even as you willed all your focus on the numbers of her measurement you couldn't help but feel your face grow hot. 
“How unlady-like.” She murmured, you didn’t look up to meet her gaze but the smug tone in her voice gave it away. “At least buy me dinner, Stitches.”
You chuckled and spared a glance up. 
What a fucking mistake that was. 
Blue eyes stared you down like you have been presented on a silver platter and the richest woman in D.C. wanted nothing more than to devour you right where you stood.
“Something tells me I wouldn’t be able to afford it.”
“I’m sure I can make an exception.”
You realized Valerie was alot like the sun, you couldn’t look at her for too long without needing to look away. 
You stepped back to write her measurements down and put your hands together. 
“I think you folks are good to go.”
You just hoped you wouldn’t end up burned. 
Maxwell stood up and scoffed. “About damn time, some of us have real work to do instead of twiddling our thumbs and sewing little dresses.” As he walked by, his eyes flicked over yours in a poisonous glare and his shoulder knocked against yours with his son following behind him like a little carbon copy.
You looked toward his wife, who looked just as surprised by the worsening of her husband’s mood. 
“You’re one lucky woman Mrs.Lord.”
“Believe me I know.” She leaned forward to whisper with a wink. “But I know a few things that’ll brighten him up no problem.”
You scrunched up your face and pushed out every image that surged into your mind at her implication. “Okay gross, didn’t need to know that but thank you.”
“Always my pleasure Stitches.”
The door shut behind Valerie as she walked out to their car, throwing one last wink over her shoulder before sliding into the backseat next to her son while her husband slammed the passenger seat door behind them. 
“Well-” Cassandra looked over at you with a surprised expression. She must've noticed the fact that Maxwell had seemed to be pissier than usual, you did as well but assumed it was because of some deal that went sour at work or some type of rich people shit you couldn’t even fathom. “-his son seemed nice.”
“Yeah.” Their car turned a corner and disappeared from your line of sight. “They aren’t exactly the fucking Brady Bunch though.”
“Daniels-” Maxwell adjusted his collar in the rear-view mirror as he spoke. “-swing by the office. I need to go over some papers for a meeting I have tomorrow. Then take Valerie and Alastair home.”
“Of course sir.”
The driver turned left. 
Valerie looked to the boy at her side. “Yes sweetheart?”
“Can I come with you the next time you see the seamstress?” Valerie looked toward the passengers seat, where her husband sat just as shocked as her. 
“You want to go see Stitches?” Maxwell asked. “Again?”
His son nodded, too young to realize how surprised his parents were by his answer. 
“She’s funny and nice and she doesn’t talk down to me like other people do.” Alastair looked up at his mother, nervous at her lack of response. “Is that okay?”
That seemed to snap Valerie into action. She smiled and took her son’s hand in her with a loving pat. “Of course sweetheart, Stitches would love to have you around.”
The car came to a halt in front of the Chimtech Consortium building, which stood tall, even against the grit and grime of the busy city streets
Maxwell stepped out of the car before ducking his head into the window. “I’ll be home late tonight champ, alright?”
Alastair held no disappointment nor resentment to his father for the time he spent at work but it didn’t make Maxwell feel like any less of a shit father. 
“Okay dad.”
Valerie leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek, leaving a red lipstick stain in her wake. “I’ll see you tonight darling.”
Maxwell smiled. “Don’t stay up too late waiting for me dear.” He took a step back, watching the car drive out of the sight of his building before he frowned and wiped the lipstick off his cheek, which in turn left a red mark on his jacket sleeve. 
“Damn that woman.”
The moment he entered the lobby, people seemed to pause before greeting him, none of which he gave a response to. It wasn’t until the elevator door shut that he took a deep breath. 
Breathe Maxwell, you’ll run yourself ragged this way. 
A tiny titter behind him made him realize he wasn’t alone in the elevator. Out of the corner of his eye he could see brown leather shoes that he’d wouldn’t be caught dead in. 
“What’s your name son?”
The boy gaped for a moment before he found his voice. “Michael, sir.”
The door opened with a soft Ding! And Maxwell stepped out before turning to face the young man. 
Wiry frame, tall, yet hunched over out of pure insecurity and refusing to meet Maxwell’s eye. 
He was definitely an intern. 
“Well then Mikey-” Maxwell noticed the way his head snapped up as he spoke. “Get me a coffee and bring it to my office, just the way I like it.”
The intern squeaked out a quick “of course sir!” before the doors shut on him. 
Maxwell wondered how long it would take for ‘Mikey’ to realize he never told him how he liked his coffee or where his office actually was. 
He turned sharply around a corner, taking note in the sea of cubicles he passed, every employee pausing to whisper and watch him march past without speaking. The sound of marketing calls dissipated as he grew farther away from the flurry of lower rank workers. Huddled cubicles were replaced with sleek halls and grand windows showcasing the city view. When his eyes landed on the dark brown door at the end of the hall he nearly wept. 
Sweet sanctuary. 
 His hand had just curled around the silver door knob, the final obstacle between him and sweet sweet isolation when a shrill voice broke out. 
“Oh!” Delilah squeaked, jumping up from her chair with surprise. “Mr.Lord, you're here!”
She definitely should’ve noticed that he had gotten here earlier, given that she was his fucking secretary. 
“That I am Delilah.” Maxwell answered gruffly, eyes flicking over to the stack of papers on her desk that she would no doubt forget to file. “I do run this company after all.”  Before she could respond with some ass-kissing compliment, he walked into his office and shut the door behind him. 
Maxwell rolled his shoulders back, undoing the blue tie around his neck as he sank into his office chair with a groan. He spent more time in that chair than his own bed at this point. 
Truth be told there wasn’t much that needed to be done at work today that couldn’t be done tomorrow.  He had no meetings for another three days and he’d worked himself ragged the past few days to play catch up, now he was more than ahead of the game. He simply needed to be alone, to clear his head a bit.
But try as he may, he couldn’t calm the rambling stream of his consciousness no matter how hard he fought. When he opened his eyes again and spared a glance at the clock on his desk, he realized thirty minutes had passed since he first sat down. 
Maxwell groaned, threading his fingers in his hair and pulling in frustration. 
Why can’t you get the fuck out of his head?
That bratty attitude combined with your god awful sense of style should've made you repugnant, somebody he couldn’t stand the sight of and didn’t see as anything worth the metaphorical shit under his eight hundred dollar shoes. Yet here he sat, hunched over in his office plagued with your voice saying his name like a challenge over and over in his head like some sick chant. 
Maxwell ran a hand through his hair, setting each strand into place before he pressed the button on his desk and spoke with authority. 
“Delilah, could you meet me in my office?”
Only a few seconds later, she came scurrying into his office with poorly hidden excitement. 
“Yes sir?” That was one thing he hated about her. 
The fucking voice. 
It wasn’t her voice on it’s own, but it was the way she made her voice sound. She made sure to always talk softly, forcing herself up to a higher octave to sound sweet and submissive like a flute when she really sounded like somebody stepping on the tail of a cat. 
But her boss wasn’t interested in her voice to begin with. 
He pushed his chair out from under his desk by a fraction and unbuckled his belt. 
She was quick to find her way between his legs with a sultry smile. 
“Did you miss me?”
Maxwell scoffed. “Hardly. Now do something useful with that mouth before I start looking at new hires to take your place.”
The smile disappeared and she looked down, uttering out a small “Yes Mr.Lord” before she took his cock into his mouth. Maxwell let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in, head falling back with a relaxed hum. His eyes shut as his mind, always his enemy, began to paint a picture he had been longing for all day. 
You sat on your knees between his legs, moaning while you ran your tongue along the underside of his cock. 
You seemed like the type to tease, he didn’t doubt that. But he enjoyed teasing just fine, as long as he was the one doing it. Maybe in the form of a toy nestled between your legs while he held a remote, turning it on and off with no pattern just to see you whine and buck your hips like a bitch in heat. 
His hand knotted itself in your hair and pushed you further down on his cock with a grunt. 
“That’s it.” You whined as your head bobbed up and down, tongue hot against his veins while the coil in his stomach wound tighter and tighter every time you moved. “You take it so well, just like that.”
A nervous knock sounded against his door. Maxwell’s eyes snapped open before they narrowed into angry slits. 
Christ, he just couldn’t catch a break today.
Delilah let out a muffled squeak and pushed herself off of Maxwell’s cock before his hand pressed down on the back of her head and bucked his hips against her open mouth.
“You make a noise or move an inch off of my dick-” His voice was even and ultimately unbothered as he spoke to her. “-and you're fucking fired.”
Delilah made a whimpered garble against him, he assumed it meant ‘Yes sir.’
“Come in.”
The door creaked open and in walked the same intern from the elevator, just this time with a Styrofoam cup in his trembling hand. 
Son of a bitch, the kid actually did it. 
“Well color me surprised Mikey, you came through.” 
The boy set the coffee on his desk, completely unaware of the woman crouched under the desk, deepthroating the seemingly unbothered man sitting before him. 
Maxwell took the coffee into his hand, taking a tentative sip before his face scrunched up. Just as he did, Delilah gagged loudly against him, causing Michael’s eyes to go wide as he looked around for the source of the sound. 
God he hated black coffee. 
“A touch too bitter for my taste, but gold star for effort kid.”  Maxwell's hand snaked under the table to push Delilah's head down another inch or two. Her nose was now nestled against the hem of his dress shirt, and he could feel her struggling to maintain the position by the way her throat flexed around his cock.
Good. Maybe that would shut her up.
“Next time try a dash of nutmeg.”
“Yes, nutmeg. It’s a nice wake-up in the morning. But for now that will be all.” Maxwell motioned to the door, to which the boy nodded and bowed his head like some servant. 
“Of course, have a good day sir.”
“You too kid. Make sure to shut the door behind you.”
The intern all but sprinted out, Maxwell felt his pride swell knowing even after he complimented the intern, he was still scared shitless of him. The moment his door clicked shut, he gripped his slobbering secretary’s hair by the root and wrenched her off his dick, leaving her to sputter and cough with tears in her eyes. 
“I suggest you make yourself useful, Miss Harris.” Maxwell slid his jacket off his shoulders and onto the chair behind him. He pulled a condom out of his pocket with a frown that never seemed to leave when she was in his presence.
 “That poor intern already knows where my office is and how I like my coffee, you might be out of a job soon enough.”
Delilah wiped the spit from her mouth and grinned. She stood on shaky legs in those horrendous kitten heels before pulling up her skirt and bending over his desk. 
“You could never fire me sir.” She groaned, gripping the desk like a lifeline when Maxwell entered her and began to thrust without giving her time to adjust to his size. “You’d miss me too much.”
Maxwell, still buried inside her, scoffed. “And what exactly would I miss Delilah? The cold coffee? The missed memos? Or you coming in late and thinking I don’t notice?” With each question he thrust in and out, in and out, a harsh unforgiving tempo that his secretary should be used to by now.
She arched her back with a squeaking moan. “No, you’d miss this pussy. Nobody fucks you like I do Sir.” The final string keeping Maxwell together, the one that everybody seemed to tug and pluck all day finally snapped when Delilah her next words. 
“Not even your bitch of a wife.”
Maxwell’s hips halted their assault against Delilah’s freckled skin, his eyes narrowed as he stared down at the back of her head, the pregnant pause filled the air that made Delilah realize right as the words passed her lips she had fucked up. 
She gasped when his hand wrapped tight around her throat and pulled her up off the desk and against his chest. 
“Talk about my wife again, go ahead.” Maxwell growled out, Delilah opened her mouth but no sound came out as his fingers squeezed tighter and tighter around her throat until her face went from pale white to bright red, the cold metal of his wedding band cut into the soft skin of her neck, the pain hopefully proving to be an effective teacher . “I fucking dare you, you even mention Valerie one more fucking time and you’ll wish you never pulled your lazy ass through that door to apply for this goddamn job. You understand me?”
When he loosened his grip she nodded rapidly, taking in a shuddering breath. She looked over her shoulder at him, legs trembling and a pout on her swollen lips. 
“I’m sorry.” She croaked out, voice hoarse from his dick and only made worse by his temper. His hand slid up her back before pushing her down on the desk where her body slammed down on the hard wood.
“I don’t care.”
Maxwell slid out of her before ramming back into her dripping cunt with zero grace, continuing to do so as his hands gripped her hips hard enough that he would surely leave behind bruises come the next day. 
He thought about the way the same bruises would look on your hips.
 Your neck.
 Fuck, your chest. 
Hearing you moan his name like a plea, a chant to God but Maxwell was one being worshiped. All the bite you showed him at work would melt away when he slid inside you with a groan. His fingers digging into the plush give of your ass while pounding into your sweet pussy that gripped him like a fucking vice. 
“You love it.” He spoke through gritted teeth, hair unkempt and falling in front of his eyes. “You fucking love it don’t you?”
You nodded numbly, gripping onto the table and just barely managing a weak moan. Maxwell’s hand came down on your ass in a stinging slap that made you shout.  He didn’t care who outside his office heard you, Christ himself could be standing outside and that wouldn’t be enough to pull him from you.
“You speak when-” Maxwell groaned, doubling over your body and rutting into you like an animal. “You speak when you're fucking spoken to.”
Your back arched as his voice growled out against your neck. “I love it.” You fingers dragged against his mahogany desk that shook with each thrust. “I love it so fucking much.”
“I fucking know you do.” His hips stuttered against yours, hot waves of pleasure threatening to crash over him with every thrust, every bounce of your curls and every sweet coo of your voice. “You were made for just my cock, just for me. Weren’t you?”
“Just for you.” You panted. Your knees knocked together as he pushed you into the desk more with each selfish thrust of his cock. “All yours max, only yours.”
Maxwell’s hand slammed down on the table next to Delilah’s head as he came with a low groan. Delilah, feeling her own high slowly retreating, whined. 
“Max please.” She begged. “I’m so close please just-” she squeaked at the feeling of her boss pulling out of her in record time as he cleaned himself up. 
“How many times to I have to fucking tell you, address me as Mr.Lord or Sir-” his eyes cut down at her trembling form. “-or don’t bother speaking at all.”
Delilah pushed herself off his desk with a weak nod. 
“Yes Mr.Lord.”
“Send a reminder to that archaeologist for this Friday.” Maxwell had already fastened his belt and taken seat at his desk once more, plucking the now disarrayed papers off the cool surface and shuffling them into a neat pile in his hands. He read them while he walked over to the bookshelf raised on the wall 
“She seems like a ditz and I want to make sure this meeting doesn’t fall through.”
Delilah frowned, tilting her head to the side. A gesture some men may find charming if they were ten years younger and didn't run a fucking company that this idiot woman worked for. 
“The mousy one that works at the museum.” He reminded her. “If you don’t remember at this point, that’s your own fault for only paying attention to the things I say when you’re on my dick.” Without looking up from the papers in his hand, Maxwell waved a hand in the direction of his office door. 
“That will be all.”
Delilah bowed her head, whether to hide the bright blush on her face or angry tears, he didn’t know. And quite frankly? 
He didn’t care. 
He was already focused on the papers he skimmed, deals and mergers that could break other companies while making him a richer man. 
At least that’s what he told himself while your voice was playing in his head like a broken record. 
Angry, brown eyes left the paper to stare at an unopened bottle of whiskey on the shelf that stared back at him. 
A wedding gift. 
The irony of it all wasn’t lost on him as he forwent a glass and drank straight from the bottle in hopes of drowning all thoughts of you. 
The bottle was halfway empty when he gave up.
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katieamazeballs · 5 years
DWTS Live Tour Recap 2020
Whew....this day has been a doozy between lack of sleep and a weird ass day at work.  This years tour was a vastly different experience than in the past because Mother Nature is a raging beeotch.... but it was still so amazing!  Details below the break to save y’alls timelines some grief. 
We started off our day at work and school.  I had known, and bitched extensively, about the 100% rain outlook but it was pretty sunny all day.  I picked Abs up at early release and I swear to you...the second the car door shut, the sprinkles started.  Because of course it did.  We got ready and went for some lunner only to be caught in INSANE traffic.  Fun fact, Floridians can’t drive in the rain and there was a fatal accident on a major bridge that shut it down and made traffic a nightmare.  No biggie though, because it was nasty out and we knew they weren’t just going to be wandering downtown so we were in no rush.  We got downtown about 4 and we started wandering. 
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(Gratuitous bus pic)
We stopped and chatted with the nicest security lady who, bless her heart, was sitting there between the buses huddled under a golf umbrella.  She said she hadn’t seen anyone in quite a while (probably because they were inside teaching the show to Keo) but that if we had been there at 7am they were all outside chillin and going to work out and such.  We did a lap then stood under the awning at the front of the arena for a bit. 
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(Why is she so weird?)
During our laps we saw Keo (who was limping something fierce...like I wasn’t sure he was going to make it up the steps to the arena limp...looked like he pulled a hammy) but due to the sprinkling and the running buses he either didn’t hear us or pretended to not hear us.  We also saw Val, possibly Jenna (hood was pulled over her to her eyes), Daniella, and Wit.  Everyone but Wit was doing the mad dash into the arena from the buses.  Wit was in full hair and makeup and talked to Abs for a second as she was entering her bus...Abs didn’t ask for a picture because Wit clearly wanted to get into the dry and not mess herself up.  We did a couple more laps then standing under the awning loops then met up with @loveisstatic​. 
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(Poor sweetheart bore witness to Savage being savage most of the night.) 
We decided to take a lap but didn’t see anything....sigh.  After a pretty epic battle over the fact that Haley said she also “liked” Alan....as in, he’s a good dancer, which “someone” took as “Imma steal your man”. 
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We went in the arena and went to the merch table where Abs refused a tour tshirt because Hannah was on it...lol.  I was trying to get a cute pic of Abs and her 10 paddle....but home girl was trying to make sure she wasn’t standing next to Hannah ffs....
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Then we went to get drinks (ha for Haley) and were very quickly let in to our seats.  Haley was actually only a couple rows in front of us, so we were able to chat before the show and during intermission.  The show is, of course, absolutely amazing!  It has a cute “theme” of driving the bus on tour and the voice overs were cracking me up.  After the Magic Mike number, Jen talks to the lady rubbing up on Val.  The poor lady clearly either has zero idea who the two of them are or has lost her senses due to all the testosterone filled sweat on her person.  Jen “You know, I recently got married”  Lady “Oh, congratulations!!!”  Jen “Yeah, that man you were just grinding and rubbing and smacking on....that’s my husband”  Lady “OMG!”  Jen “Yeah, his name is Val.  I’ll let it slide this time (then whatever the script is)”.  The lady was so embarrassed.  It was funny.  There was the absolute cutest little girl in the front row that Val came out and talked to.  She’s on the DWTS Tour story.  That section of the show was pretty awesome, actually.  I loved his speech about breaking the tv barrier and coming to do shows live to all of us who were gracious enough to invite them into our homes every Monday night.  Abs fave dance was Daddy Shark (I’ll steal her video and post it later....we can’t have enough reposts of that gem) and anything that had Alan and mine was the entire Hero section at the end where they’re wearing white (for the dancing) and Dream On (for the music).  Actually, the dance where they’re passing the key to the tour around was pretty awesome, too.  Then, it comes to intermission and Abs starts bitching about being hungry.  I told her sorry (she’s not a popcorn or nut fan and that’s all they really had) and she starts made some wildly and embarrassing comments about want candy...Alan’s candy complete with eyebrow waggles and cackling.  I think that it was at that point that our new friend decided that kid is a hot damn mess.  Jenna’s swan dive is absolutely amazing in person....mostly for the reaction it causes.  I, of course, knew it was coming but the lady next to me literally slap/grabbed her husband and whisper yelled “OH SHIT!”.  After the show, the adults in the group had to pee.  The teenager in the group just bitched that we were going to make her late to the buses.  (This is a very important fun fact for later.)  They have some weird ass security dude on tour this year who had some rule where the crowd standing (couldn’t have been more than 20 of us) had to scrunch into the space of 2 of those metal fence things as opposed to the other 57000 of them lining the buses.  Every 5 min or so, he’d waltz out and yell at us to “get on this side of the line.  No one can be between the buses”...except none of us moved after the first few times.  He was intense and a good time fun ruiner.  Kept trying to tell us that the police were going to see us standing at his one of his non approved fences (the same ones we’ve stood at for 2 other tours) and “shut the whole thing down”.  Sure, Stan.  Evenutally, he stopped fussing and Kate came out. 
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She is a gem, honestly.  Super sweet and funny as hell.  Love me some her.  After Kate went in, it was cold and SOMEONE in our group had to pee (remember that fun fact....ha).  Val came out and got into the runner van and scooted off to the airport.  There was much discussion of how we knew it was him and how we knew where he was going.  Sasha came out and we talked to him and got pics. 
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(Not all his selfies are hysterical gems that will be reused for all of eternity)
I gave him all my notes and Glebs drugs because we thought we were going to have to leave.  He said he’d pass them out for me.  We were deciding to leave when Emma popped out of the bus all “Which one of you gave the Benadryl to Gleb?  That was bloody brilliant!”.
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We took pics with her and decided to stick around for a bit more because Abs needed  wanted to see Alan.  Thankfully, he came out shortly after and turned on the front camera flash I didn’t even know I had. 
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(He also has very long arms for a good selfie angle)
After Alan came Wit and Daniella and thankfully that was it.
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The grumpy security dude told us all to leave and I think everyone was ready.  We were stacked like 6 people deep having to shove up to the front for pics as the pros were like “WTF is wrong with these weirdos in Jacksonville and why aren’t they standing over at all these other perfectly decent fences”.  Like, they’d move over to the fence to the left to take pics and we’d all be like “NO!  We aren’t allowed!”.  It was cold and it was a week night and everyone was pretty much over the foolishness at that point.  What was cool about the night was I got to not only meet up with a fun tumblr friend, but there were a few of us at the buses that have started recognizing each other from other tours.  The girl Brandon pulled on stage recognized Abs and me and then I recognized a dude we’ve seen each year.  Funny story, the girl (who is a huge Derek stan) and I were talking about how pretty Gleb is (after the Benadryl thing) and she was talking about Brandon and having to touch his butt on stage.  She’s all “I mean, it’s a nice butt, but he’s just too cute to rub up on”.  She’s not wrong, he is just the cutest thing in person....just not in a sexy Daddy Shark type way.  Anyways, another tour down.  Plans to see MVPJ with a new friend and bus stalk at the “next tour” with the other bus stalkers.  Can’t wait till next time! 
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The Elevator Scene
Just a deeper look into the elevator scene with Juliana and Valentina. One of my favorite moments from the show. I will be uploading this to Ao3 if it gets a good response. 
(Episode 45)
Valentina pushed the elevator button, watching Juls lean against the wall across from her. She wouldn’t be able to thank Jacobo enough for helping mislead the hitmen. The hospital was becoming such a dangerous place and Val wouldn’t entertain the idea of Juls and her mom disappearing, let alone think about what could happen if they stayed here unprotected. The police simply did not have the resources to protect them properly. Jacobo had come up with the perfect plan to keep Lupe and Juls safe, and importantly to Val, safe here in the city.
Valentina’s stomach was twisted in knots from everything that was happening. It was as though an earthquake had hit, jostling her insides. Her emotions were fault lines, breaking and shifting, pieces of her being wrenched apart, twisted together, warped in ways that could not be undone. Yet somehow, through everything, the parts of her that had been torn to pieces had fallen perfectly in place, each fragment landing exactly where it needed to be. It all came back to the presence of the girl across from her. Juls.
Valentina’s heart ached for her as she looked at the clearly exhausted Juliana. Whatever Val was feeling, she knew she couldn’t imagine what Juliana had just gone through. She’d been on the verge of losing her mother too many times since the kidnapping. Finding her, gaining hope, and then almost losing her again all in the same day. It was too much for anyone to endure alone. Any stranger might look at Juliana and think she was unphased by the recent events, but Val could tell Juliana was emotionally exhausted. Anyone could see the physical exhaustion. It looked as though Juls were about to collapse. Valentina was ready at any moment to pull her into her arms if that were the case. It was one of the many reasons she was staying as close to her as possible. The physical exhaustion was to be expected. She hadn’t slept in days, she’s just been through one of the worst experiences of her life. What concerned Val were the little changes. The way her shoulders were slightly slumped, the way her deep brown eyes looked distant as Valentina gazed into them, the way Juls’ smile just didn’t quite turn up in the corners the same way as it usually did.  
Even as fatigued as she looked, Valentina couldn’t get over how gorgeous Juls was. She took a brief moment to admire the brown eyed girl. The way her hair was tucked back in the simplest ponytail, there wasn’t a single strand in the way to distract her from admiring Juls’ face. The purple bags under her eyes were obvious, even under her sun-kissed skin, but the contrast only made Valentina admire her more. Her skin, her eyes, her cheekbones, her dimpled chin, her. And for all of the questions in Valentina’s mind at this moment, there was nothing that could change the perfection that was Juliana. Of that, she was sure.
Pulled from her moment, she saw Juls flash her a small smile. Valentina smiled sheepishly in return, as though she’d been caught in her thoughts, completely exposed. She wondered if Juls could see through her, read every emotion she was feeling. The thought terrified her, so she brought up putting the make-up on Lupe, hoping to lighten the mood. She sighed in relief when Juliana responded easily, reassuring her when she doubted their plan.
The elevator doors slid open, and to Valentina’s dismay they would not be the only passengers. A handsy couple was pushed up against the far corner, the woman pushing the man away as Valentina looked on awkwardly. The man sneered at them, his hands continuing to slide up and down what Valentina could now see as a pregnant middle-aged woman’s body. The woman pushed the man’s hands away once again, and finally the man straightened up, releasing his grip on her as Juliana entered the elevator.
Valentina considered grabbing Juliana and waiting for the next one, something about this man was making her very uncomfortable, but Juliana had already settled in at the back of the small space next to the man.
“Good afternoon” Julianna spoke politely, seemingly oblivious to the moment they’d just interrupted between the older couple.
Valentina followed quickly behind her, not wanting the elevator doors to close, leaving Juliana alone with these two. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right.
The man sneered again. “Good afternoon,” it was the woman that spoke, she looked as though she were a little embarrassed from being caught in such a compromising position.
“Hello” Valentina returned politely, deciding it wasn’t the woman’s fault. Perhaps his advances were unwanted by her. She wondered idly if they were a couple or just strangers.
Valentina placed herself at the opposite corner to them, hoping Juliana would move closer to her. The first thing she noticed about the man was the pungent smell of alcohol. It burned through her nose down to her lungs. The smell disgusted her. How much would someone have to drink to smell that overpowering? She gave the man a once over. He was shorter, and a little plump, but nothing significant about his stature really stood out. His blue collared shirt was wrinkled but clean, and the thick gold and silver chain around his neck suggested that he was either well off or a man who liked to spend what he had while he had it. Valentina couldn’t help but assume the later. His face was slightly worn, he had dark, greasy hair with blonde frosted tips, his hair line receding, exposing his large forehead. His eyes were dark and squinty, and his facial hair was like a physical expression of Valentina’s thought of the man, disturbing. Something about the way his handlebar mustache curled under his chin, and the little soul patch under his bottom lip made him look frightening.
Valentina looked at Juls, considering grabbing her hand and pulling her away from the man who was troubling her thoughts. She was just considering how to do so tactfully without making the reason obvious when she noticed the mans leeching dark eyes peruse over Juliana’s figure.
Blood boiled under Valentina’s skin as she watched the man shamelessly gape at Juliana, watching as he paused to admire her legs. She clenched her fists together as she watched him crane his neck to check out her ass. It was the way he was looking at her, as though she were simply an object made for his own personal viewing pleasure. What thoughts were behind those scathing eyes? It wasn’t hard to tell, and that made Valentina want to clench her hands around the man’s throat. They should have taken the next elevator. There was no escaping now.  Her eyes immediately went to Juliana’s. She had to get her as far away from this gawking scum as she could in this small space. She stared into Juliana’s now concerned eyes, silently begging her to come closer. Juliana was visibly uncomfortable, and she slowly began to slide away from the man towards Valentina.
Her relief was minimal, the man still hadn’t taken his eyes off Juliana. If anything, Juliana moving just gave him a better view of the curve of her ass. Valentina had watched long enough. She couldn’t help herself.
“Is everything alright?” She asked pointedly, looking the man square in the face. His foul eyes met hers briefly. He smiled maliciously and fixed his gaze back on Juliana. The cocky grin made Valentina’s stomach churn.
“All good” His eyes didn’t move.
Valentina stared him down, hoping he would get the point. Still, his eyes didn’t move. It was the worst feeling, watching this man practically undress Juliana with his eyes with absolutely no shame. It was disgraceful. Needing to feel Juliana, to let her know that she was right here to protect her from the creep’s assailing eyes, she reached her hand out, slowly brushing the back of her hand against Juls’, feeling the bump of each knuckle as their hands brushed against each other. The touch started to calm her. Juliana was right here, she was safe, no one was going to hurt her so long as Valentina was with her. She tried to convey each thought to Juliana with the brush of her hand. She reached down and intertwined her fingers with Juls’, feeling a jolt of longing when Juliana eagerly gripped Valentina’s hand. Juliana was scared. The poor girl who’d just been through worst with her mother was practically terrified of this man.
Valentina realized that Juliana and the man were now staring at each other face to face. There was something different behind the man’s eyes now. Valentina quickly placed it. Recognition. Juliana must have realized it too. Her eyes didn’t leave the mans, and her hand gripped tighter around Valentina’s. The blue-eyed girl rubbed her thumb gently over Juls’ hand, a silent promise that she would do anything to protect and comfort the girl.
Finally, the man spoke, “Are you the daughter of El Chino Valdez?” His voice was soft, yet rough. Almost snake like.
Valentina quickly glanced at the elevator display, with trepidation she realized they still had several floors to go before she could get Juliana to safety. In that moment, Juliana turned to her, looking up at her in fear. Juliana was lost as to how to handle the man’s question. She was unquestionably terrified.
Before anything else could happen, Valentina threw her arms around the shorter girl, pulling Juls close to her chest. Valentina didn’t have anytime to enjoy the closeness. She needed to answer the man before things got any worse.
“You’ll have to excuse her,” Valentina started. “She’s in shock, her mom just died.” Juliana had been recognized. Valentina knew they didn’t have any choice but to stick to the plan Jacobo created, hoping desperately that it would work. She brushed Juliana’s hair, trying to tuck her head into her chest away from the man, as if to shield her from the conversation she knew was about to unfold.
“And what happened? Was she sick?” the man asked.
“No, she wasn’t sick” Valentina answered. Juls was so close to her now, Valentina’s lips brushed against Juls’ hair as she spoke. “She was kidnapped and got shot” she continued, knowing full well the man already knew this.
As the man and pregnant women quickly conversed over the statement of facts, Valentina took the opportunity to pull Juliana closer. She dropped her mouth down to Juls’ ear. “Trust me,” she whispered low, the words were nearly a hum. “I’ll take care of this. I’ve got you” It was all Valentina had time to say before the man turned back to face the pair.
“So how did it happen?” He asked, not even feigning condolences on Juls’ behalf.
That was the turning point for Juliana. She twisted, trying to free herself from Valentina’s grasp to lurch forward at the man. Valentina wouldn’t let that happen. No Juliana, please no. Valentina brought her hand up to the back of her neck, pulling her away again as she spoke.
“She had a heart attack. She bled too much. They couldn’t do anything by the time she got to the hospital.” She explained.
The man nodded in understanding “I’m so sorry miss” he spoke again, unremorsefully.
“Thank you” Valentina spoke before Juliana could. Her lips were against Juls hair again. She’d hoped Juliana would understand that Valentina wasn’t thanking the man, rather she meant them towards Juliana for staying calm.
It wasn’t enough to keep Juliana from speaking. “And how do you know El Chino?” She asked, trying to pull herself from Valentina’s grasp.
The man smiled. “Friends” He answered simply. “When we were kids, we lived on the same block. Where is he, by the way?” The man asked. “I would love to give him my condolences” He gave Juliana another once over, his eyes lingering once again where they shouldn’t have. Valentina couldn’t wait to get off this elevator. If it wasn’t Juliana that would blow their story, it might be Val for the simple fact of this mans assaulting eyes unabashedly gawking at the girl in her arms.
“No idea. I haven’t seen him in a long time and I do not want to see him again.” The anger in Juliana’s voice was convincing. “Because of him, they killed my mom” She spoke truthfully. It was so convincing, Valentina almost believed it herself for a moment.
She could see Juliana’s full anger boil to the surface now. The elevator door opened just before Juliana’s mouth did. Valentina practically threw her out the door. “Here we are”. She fell in step behind Juliana, her hand resting on her lower back, pushing her forward around the corner away from the man.
“I’m sorry miss” The man called again. They were far enough away that Valentina barely registered the words. As Juliana began to slow down, Valentina reached for her hand, towing her along beside her away from the elevator, away from the people who had come to hurt her family.
“I swear they came to kill my mom” Juliana was seething. “They were obviously hitmen”.
Valentina felt a lump in her throat. They were hitmen. Juliana was in more danger than Valentina had initially realized when they first got in that elevator. Valentina needed to do something, she needed to protect Juls and Lupe.
“Let’s see, we have to—”
Juliana stopped at the large window, looking out at the parking lot as though someone caught her eye. Valentina saw exactly what she was fixated on. Two men getting in a blue pickup truck. She immediately recognized the man with the frosted tips.
“They’re leaving” Valentina exclaimed. What a relief it was, watching the man from the elevator get in the passenger side of the blue truck. She’d hoped that would be the last she would ever see of his dark and sinful eyes for many reasons. “They’re leaving Juliana, they’re leaving” The relief was so heavy on Valentina’s soul she covered her mouth, for fear that it might spill out of her. She clung to the feeling. “They believed it”
Juliana looked at her skeptically. “You think?”
“Of course, they’re leaving”
Juliana covered her mouth, laughing lightly in relief. The sound was music to Valentina’s ears. It was a sound she’d grown so fond of, and it had felt like ages since she’d last heard it. Juliana’s hand found Valentina’s waist as they watched the blue pick up truck drive away. As soon as Juliana turned away from the window, Valentina pulled her in for a hug. They’d hugged many times before, but nothing felt sweeter than holding her tight in her arms at this moment. Juliana was safe. The hitmen were gone. They’d bought Jacobo’s plan and wouldn’t be back here again. She nuzzled her face into Juliana’s neck, and felt the trembling body against her. It was torture for Valentina to pull away, but she had to look into Juliana’s eyes as she spoke.
“You can relax now” She assured her. Juliana nodded, understanding that for the first time she wouldn’t have to continuously look over her shoulder in the hospital.
They fell into step together. Although everything was better now with the kidnappers satisfied with their fabricated story, Valentina still wanted to get them out of the hospital. “We only have to get your moms medicine now and we’re done”
Juliana reached for her hand to stop her. The way Juls was looking at her with those pleading eyes, Valentina already knew she’d give her whatever she was about to ask for. “Val you know what, can you go? I don’t want to leave my mom alone.”
“Of course, of course. I’ll go” Val assured her. As much as she wanted to keep the girl close, she couldn’t ask her to leave her mother. She knew that Juliana would want to share the news that they were safe now.
“Thank you. And later you can introduce me to Jacobo, and tell him I said thank you for the idea”
Val nodded. “I’ll get him something on behalf of both of you, don’t worry” In truth, Valentina didn’t know how she would possibly be able to repay him for what he did for Lupe and Juliana, but she was beyond grateful to Jacobo for helping her protect the ones she loved.
Love. Looking Juliana in the eyes now, she knew that’s exactly what she felt for the other girl. The feeling was more overwhelming now than it ever had been before. It had been threatening to break the surface within Valentina for a long time now, and here it was. Ever powerful, it took everything Valentina had to keep from pulling Juliana in for another kiss. Their first one had been too quick, too short, too full of mixed emotions. Now, with the magnitude of her emotions in place, Valentina wanted nothing more than to place a million loving kisses on Juliana’s lips. Resisting the urge, Valentina pulled her in for a hug, lightly kissing Juls cheek. It would have to do for now.
She could feel Juls holding her tightly against her when Valentina tried to pull away. She knew that Juliana felt something too and could only hope it was similar to the love she so strongly felt for the girl. Knowing Juliana was safe would have to do for now, but she understood that she needed to express her feelings for the girl sooner rather than later.
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the-bummer-set · 6 years
Unpredictable Part 1- Bill Hargrove
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So, this was going to be a one shot.. but I started to love the idea.. and now it will be a mini-series.
Pairings: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Plot: Reader is an escaped experiment from Hawkins lab. She has the power to see a few days into the future. When she starts school in the middle of senior year she finds out that there is something wrong, but it isn’t all bad,
Warnings: Light swearing.Foster family. Entrapment.
Taglist: @dacremontgomerylover   (If you want added let me know!)
Author’s Note: Comments and feedback are always welcome!
 You had spent your whole life in Hawkins, Indiana and yet you knew absolutely nothing about it. From a young age you were told no one would accept you outside of the walls that confined you. A personal prison. You a personal poison to anyone you could come into contact with. His words, not yours. The outside world was scary, people were scary, but you... you were terrifying.  Being along was a scary thought. You hated being trapped inside your own mind, trapped with the never ending onslaught of the same visions over and over again. You were taught to read and write and how to do arithmetic. Just like the children in the books you read. From all accounts of 'normal' outside childhood, you were just as normal as the rest of them, save for the nearsighted glimpses into the future.   But, that was your blessing and burden to bare. Everyday the visions were the same. Didn't matter. Walks down the halls. Sitting in the cool metal chair. Hooked up to wires. Saying you didn't see anything important. Being called a liar.  It was true though, you never saw anything further than a few days ahead. Your powers were as simple as being able to know what you were having for lunch the next few days and who you would and wouldn't see in your daily travels to E-Val.  "Open your mind, look deep, try to manifest what you want to see." Dr. Brenner would say to you.  "It isn't the simple." You would tell him only to be disconnected and thrown back to your room.   You saw the ending in sight. It came creeping upon you in the dark night. You thought you had to be dreaming again. You could hear the howling, so loud your ears hurt. The power failure that terrified you. The distinct sound of a door opening. That morning you would keep that from Dr. Brenner, trying your best to hide it from E-Val nurses and lie detectors. The next night the vision was more intense and longer too. This time you could see the emergency lighting lining the hallways. You could predict where the monsters would be. Your heart beating so loud you were afraid it wold give you away.    Each night the nightmare got longer and darker, until the last night you spent in your room. Sleep eluded you. You had just closed your eyes when you heard it. A low rumble of a howl. Your eyes shot open.  The only source of light in the room creeping in from under the door faltered. A rapid succession of flickers, then nothing. The room was the darkest it had ever been, you held your breath, waiting for the unmistakable sound of a lock unlocking. CLICK. You heart skipped a beat.   Last night's nightmare prepared you for the escape. You slowly crept from your bed over the door, opening it slowly. The emergency lighting had come on, like your visions had promised. Slipping your way through the hallways you found yourself standing by an emergency exit. You could see through the small window that it was pitch black outside. You had seen all of this before and you felt the fear dissipate. Pushing the door open you could feel the cold air hit you like a blanket.   ____________________________________________________________________________
 After getting settled in your foster home you had dreams about today. Your foster parents didn't know where you had come from or what you were capable of and you felt like you were deceiving them. They were an older couple, probably close to their 60s, Helen and Frank Barber. They took you in from the police station no questions asked. Sure, a lot of people at the station were suspicious of your origins. Chief Hopper the most. You insisted though that you ran away from home. Home was in Maine. The setting to all of your favorite books.  Don't bother looking for parents, they were.. gone.   The visions of your first day at Hawkins high, for being a foster kid on the run you certainly did test high and were able to go for the last leg of your senior year, were intense. You were ogled by so many different people and asked so many questions. Mentally always thanking your love of reading for the social queues of teenage normalcy.  When Helen and Frank dropped you off you thanked them, waved, and prepared for the stares. You had been getting them your whole life from the same people. When you are conditioned to be a freak, you feel like one. Everyone looked the same from your visions. You didn't look up, too afraid to make eye contact. Instead, you bee lined to the front office, introduced yourself shyly. Your class schedule was exactly how you pictured it. Each classroom was perfectly placed like you had spent your whole life going here.  You had been muddling your way through the morning, everything exactly as it should be until third period. You introduced yourself to your teacher and turned to face the class. When you noticed a huge abnormality to your vision. Something you did not see at all in away way shape or form over the last few days.  He was sitting in the back corner. Leather jacket and long blonde hair. He had this devilish grin on his face, shaking his head while looking out he window. Everyone must have noticed how shocked you were to see something that you weren't expecting because every single pair of eyes were on you.   "Hey, Hargrove, looks like someone likes you." Some arrogant jerk spoke from the front.   This caught the boy's attention. He turned his gaze from the parking lot to you. "You like what you see Princess?" He asked raising his eye brows and getting a chorus of laughs.   "That's enough Billy." The teacher said. "Y/N go ahead and take a seat next to Victoria. Victoria dear can you raise your hand so she knows where to go."   The girl with long brown hair and thick rimmed glasses raised her hand. No surprise to you, you saw this. You saw every little detail, even the writing on the chalkboard, but you never saw this Billy Hargrove.  The rest of class went by undisturbed.When the bell rang you got up keeping your eyes to the floor, doing everything in your power to not deal with Billy. Which was going just perfectly fine, until you ran smack dab into him in the front of the classroom.   "I didn't see you." You muttered.    "What?" Billy asked. His voice softer than it had been now that the room was empty.    "I didn't see you."    "Well, I guess not, but no harm done." He smiled and extended his hand. "I'm Billy Hargrove. Sorry for the comment I made earlier. I have a reputation to uphold here, I can see it made you uncomfortable and that wasn't my intention."   "I didn't see you at all..." You spoke louder.   "Yeah, we established that. Um, listen what class do you have next, I feel like I owe it to you to at least walk you there."   You shook the thought from your head. "Uh, Literature with Mr. Duvall. Room..."  "237." Billy smiled broadly. "Me too."     Your visions were completely void of BIlly Hargrove, and even now having met him, you didn't see him in any of them. He was a complete and total mystery to you. You replayed the vision of you walking to Literature class and not a single person beside you or anything of the sort.   It was troubling. You couldn't pinpoint him anywhere on the map of your visions. No where, past, present, not so distant future.   "Mr. Duvall... this is Y/N. Today is her first day."    "Thank you Billy.  Class this is Y/N. She's a new student, here from...  where are you from dear?"   "Maine." You answered quickly, pushing down the truth. You were from Hawkins, Indiana, born and raised, I was trapped in that awful research facility that killed your fellow classmate Barb and had all that mysterious toxic bullshit.   "Maine? The land of Stephen King." Mr Duvall beamed. "Have you read any King?"   "Yes sir." It was after all the reason you chose Maine instead of anywhere else USA.   "What is your favorite work of his?"  "The Stand."  Mr. Duvall raise his eyebrow. "I just find the idea of being able to see the future in snippets extraordinary, like how Stu knows where to go to get out of trouble..."    The rest of Literature was uneventful. You could feel the warm sensation of someone watching you. It was delicious and terrifying all at once. Literature in your visions was just another class. Nothing worth writing home about. You tried to scan your visions, trying to figure out what was in the room where Billy was seated. When you realized it, you were mortified.  You shook the vision from your head and peered back towards Billy. He smiled at you and you smiled back feeling a wave of heat flush over your cheeks. You tried the rest of the day to get it off.   At the end of the school day you grabbed your bag from your locker and walked out into the warm Spring air. "Hey Y/N." Billy walked up beside you and you could feel the heat pulling from you.   "Do you want to go get something to eat tonight? I could give you a little tour of this shit hole that is Hawkins and maybe make up for the fact that I was an ass."   The thought of something you didn't see happening ahead of time was overwhelming, but you were always so jealous of the exciting lives of those that you read about. "Sure, I'd love to."  "You're staying with the Barbers right?"  You nodded. "I'm only a few houses down. I'll pick you up around 6."    You confirmed six was fine and said your goodbyes to Billy, until he noticed you were walking home. "Do you want a ride? My sister Max is getting a ride with that Sinclair kid, so I don't have to pick her up today."   "You have a sister?" You questioned him as you walked towards his car.   "Step sister. You? You have any siblings?"    That was a tough question. You were one of the oldest out of all the experiments in Brenner’s arsenal. You knew Brenner was your biological father, but you didn't know if the case was true with any of the others.   "No. I'm an only child." You responded. It could have been true and for right now, that was good enough.   "So Maine huh?" Billy opened up the passenger side door for you. You were surprised by how chivalrous he was given his demeanor when you were being a complete idiot.   "Yeah..." You trailed off. "Maine."   "What's it like?"    Horrifying? You had never been to Maine, you only read Stephen King books and by all his accounts Maine should be completely eradicated from the face of the Earth. "Same as Hawkins." Given the news lately and the inevitable military shut down of Hawkins Labs, the multi dimensional hellscape of Maine was actually rather comparative of Hawkins.   "Boring, crap shoot of an American town?"   "Exactly."  You both laughed. It was the first time you had a full laugh in ages. It was few and far between when you had a great day locked up. You found comfort in your reading and that was the usual cause of your joy.    "So, did you grow up in Hawkins?" You asked him.  Billy turned to look at you amazed that you asked him such a stupid question before remembering you're the new kid now. You had no idea he existed before today. "No. My family, we're from California."   You got excited. California was a high contender in places you have longed to see. Reading about the perfect combinations of landscapes, the bustling city life, the feeling of ocean waves crashing on your feet. "I've always wanted to go to California."   Billy shrugged, he desperately missed being at home... "Well, once you've seen one ocean you've seen them all I suppose. I'm sure living in Maine and living in California have a lot of similarities."    You didn't know what to say, you never honestly lived any place other than a stagnant laboratory with only glimpses of the Hawkins forest scapes outside tall office windows. "I guess so."  You were almost disappointed when Billy pulled up in front of Helen and Frank's house. Your house too they insisted. You were genuinely enjoying your conversations with him. "So I will pick you up around 6. If anything changes, just call me. Try to do it before five though, before my prick of a dad gets home."  "I doubt anything will change, but sure." You took the slip of paper from him and slid it into the back pocket of your jeans. "Honestly, I am sure Helen and Frank will be delighted I am making friends already." You smirked.   "If I don't hear from you before five, I'll pick you up at six. Hope to see you then." Billy waved before driving down the road.     You made your way into the house, smelling the scent of lemon and Petunia bu Yardley Smith perfume. Helen must have spent most of the day playing 1950s housewife. "Oh Y/N! You're home! How was school dear? Did you make any friends?"  You told her all about your day over a glass of lemonade and a plate of chocolate chip cookies. "Do you mind if I go out tonight for a little bit?" You asked her. "Billy Hargrove wants to give me a tour of the town and take me to dinner."   "That sounds like a date." Helen couldn't hide her giddiness.   "I don't think I would call it a date."   "Oh honey, I don't mind, you go out and have fun, that's what girls your age need. Go on dates! Live your life." Helen patted you on the shoulder. "Frank is going to be so excited!"   "Thank you Helen." You smiled and finished your lemonade. "I'll be in my room getting ready."   Standing in front of your mirror you tried to visualize your night, but nothing would come to you. Ever since you saw Billy the visions were blurred. You could see tomorrows classes, unless you had them with him. You could see what Helen was making for dinner on Thursday,but you couldn't see Billy at all. It was horribly confusing.   When you were finally ready and sick of obsessing over why you couldn't see the exact future anymore you settled on finding an outfit. A simple pair of jeans, black high heels, and a burgundy off the shoulder top. You brushed your hair out and put on a little bit of makeup. Nothing over the top. This wasn't a date like Helen was trying to convince you.  You grabbed your bag from off the chair and made your way downstairs.    Hearing a knock on the door you looked over at the mirror, your played with your hair getting it perfect before opening it. "Hey Billy." You smiled.    "Hey you." He gave you a quick nonchalant almost invisible look over.    "You must be Billy." Helen came over and introduced herself. "You're so handsome! Your step mother always has such nice things to say about you.."  Billy raised and eye brow before brushing it off. "Well, that is good to know. It is a pleasure to meet you." He extended his hand and shook hers softly.   "You two have fun tonight."    "Have her home by ten." Frank yelled from behind the newspaper in the living room.    "Yes sir." Billy replied and took your hand.    "Sorry about all that." You groaned.    "Don't worry about it." He opened the car door for you again and you beamed.    "So, where to first?"    "I figured we could go to the diner. Then I will take you for a ride." He shrugged looking over at you making sure his plans were okay.   "Sounds good to me." You settled into your seat. playing with a string hanging from the bottom of your shirt.   "Is that a tattoo?" Billy asked looking down at the inside of your wrist.   You covered it up quickly. "Yeah. It is."   "So what does the number 4 have to do with anything?"
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
VALERIE - Part II. (Harry Styles)
thank you so much for all the love you have showed to the first part of valerie! im so happy you are just as excited about the story as i am so i hope i won’t let you down.
if you are enjoying the story please make sure to give it a like and reblog so it can reach even more people and of course as always im more than happy to read your thoughts and comments on the part!
word count: 3.9k
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Working on a major report you have to finish by the end of the week, you are completely focused on your computer’s screen when your phone buzzes on the desk next to the keyboard. You grab it and answer the call without even checking the screen.
“Y/N,” you say into the phone.
“What’s your size?”
Harry’s voice pushes you out of focus as you grimace unintentionally.
“Since when do you have my number? And what the Hell are you talking about?”
“Since I asked for it from your sister,” he tells you matter-of-factly. “And I’m asking you what size shirts you wear.”
“Why do you need to know that?”
“Because I’m trying to dress up as you for Halloween.” Your eyes widen at his comment, but soon enough he continues. “Because I found cute matching shirts for godparents and a goddaughter and I wanna buy it, but I don’t know your size.”
“Oh,” you say, finally understanding the situation. “What kind of shirts?”
“It’s Fairy Godparents themed, thought it would be funny to wear it at maybe Christmas or something. But only if you are up for it.”
“Yeah, sounds fine,” you nod and give him a little guide to what sizes you usually wear, letting him decide which information he needs for the shirt he wants to buy.
“Have you thought about what you are buying for Val for Christmas?” he asks once you put the topic of your size aside.
“Harry, it’s the middle of October. I don’t even think about Christmas presents until the 15th of December,” you let out a tired sigh.
No matter how bad you want to start shopping in time every year, you have failed every time so far, no exception.
“This proves that I’m the better godparent,” he huffs on the other end of the line.
“It’s not a competition, Harry,” you roll your eyes.
“But if it was, I would be winning. Anyway, I might go a little overboard with the present, so if I end up ordering something big, are you interested in teaming up? I don’t like to give the biggest present on my own, makes it feel like I’m bragging.”
“But you kind of are bragging.”
“That’s besides the point. So, do you want to share or not?”
“I guess we could,” you shrug your shoulders leaning back in your seat. Your legs feel numb as you finally straighten them under the desk, you haven’t even realized how long you’ve been sitting there, eyes glued to the screen.
“Perfect. Is that all?” you ask, not because you are impatient to leave the conversation, it’s been kind of pleasant, you just have a lot to do.
“So you’re really going on that blind date on Friday?”
You furrow your eyebrows at the sudden change in the topic and how boldly he just asked you about your private life. This was the last thing you expected from him.
“Why does that have anything to do with you?”
“Was just asking,” he says and you can see him shrugging his shoulders. “It’s an odd thing.”
“For you. I’m fine with it.”
“Are you though?”
“Why does that matter to you?”
“It doesn’t,” he simply answers. “At least there will be something to make a joke out of next time we meet,” he snorts and you roll your eyes at his comment. Now that sounded more like Harry.
“Unless you won’t have any information about it.”
“You seem to forget Steven gossips like a little girl and I can also have my ways with Rosa too. I’ll have the details before you even get home after the date.”
“You are so full of yourself, Styles,” you sigh, shaking your head.
“Yeah, and it seems like you were also full of me one time.”
“Go to Hell,” you spat, mocking his British accent that just makes him laugh. “If you are done making a joke out of me I’d like to get back to work.”
“Whatever, Love. We both know you just want to get away from this conversation so I don’t roast you even more.”
“Bye, Harry!” you sing before ending the line without even waiting for an answer. Harry Styles once again proved how talented he is in getting on your nerves.
 Marcus turns out to be a great company and you are finally sending your kudos to your sister for setting you up with a hot guy who is also smart enough to keep up the conversation and not bore you out of your pants.
He took you to a fancy restaurant that’s in the building of a hotel, a place you normally never go to, because it’s pretty much out of your budget, but Marcus was persistent on going there and paying for dinner. After the starter awkwardness you soon cool down and maybe that wine he ordered has helped you relax too. Marcus tells you about himself and then you do the same, just covering the usual fields of your life.
“I have to admit, when Rosa said she wants to set me up with her little sister I was hesitant at first,” he chuckles softly when your dishes finally arrive.
“You’re not alone with that.”
“Does she set you up often?”
You shake your head. “No, there was just one other time, but the guy was horrible, I have no idea why Rosa thought we would be a match.”
“I hope I’ve been better than him,” Marcus chuckles.
You hear your phone buzzing in your purse and at first you just ignore it, but when it goes off two more times you sigh and reach for your purse.
“Sorry, I forgot to mute it completely,” you excuse yourself as you grab your phone and your plan was just to mute it, but then you see that you got three texts from Harry and your curiosity doesn’t let you slide over it so you quickly check them.
“Well done with your outfit.”
“Gives a great view of your legs.”
“Is it also this tight on your ass?”
You run over the messages two more times, staring at your phone in complete confusion. What is he talking about? How does he know what you are wearing?
“Is everything alright?” Marcus asks and you snap your eyes back at him.
“I, uhh—Yes, everything is fine, it’s just that…”
As your gaze runs over the place your anger immediately boils inside you when you spot that familiar grin at the bar. Harry is sitting right there with a scotch in his hand that he raises when you spot him. There’s another guy with him who you don’t know, but it seems like he is more focused on you than his friend.
“For fuck’s sake…” you breathe out clenching your jaw. “Excuse me for a second,” you tell Marcus who just curiously eyes you as you slide out of your seat and head over to the bar. As you march over to the grinning Harry you are literally fuming, ready to kill him right then and there.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” you snap at him trying to keep your voice down. You wouldn’t want to make a scene for sure.
“Having a drink, what does it seem like?” he asks innocently, but his face tells you otherwise.
“How did you know I would be here?”
“Why do you think I went into such depths as finding out where your blind date would be? Can’t I be here by accident?”
“Nothing about you is an accident except the fact that I ever found you charming enough to sleep with you,” you growl back and earn a laugh from his friend. Harry wasn’t expecting such a harsh response for sure, you can tell it surprised him, but he doesn’t let it push him out of his cocky act.
“Was it Rosa and Steven?” you ask, folding your arms on your chest.
“What if both?” he asks smugly and God! You just want to smack him across the face.
“Why are you here, Harry?” you narrow your eyes at him.
“Maybe I just want those details first handed. It’s funnier to witness it all.”
“You know what? I don’t think that’s the truth. The reason why you are here is because you are afraid someone might treat me right and that I might have an experience that would just make you appear like an even bigger asshole than what you already are.”
Harry chuckles looking away from you, but you can tell you just wounded his confidence big time, so you decide to take it further.
“I made a mistake with hooking up with you, but I’m smarter now and I don’t start with little boys like you. I know my worth and what I deserve so I’d really appreciate it if you could move on and let me be. I know it’s hard to forget about me, but you’ll have to try.”
You mentally highfive yourself, because this time you actually made him shut his mouth, he has no retort as he opens his mouth but then closes it back. Flashing him one last bitter smile you turn around and walk back to your date and make sure Harry has a nice view of your ass. He can have one nice thing after getting so burned.
 Your little scene with Harry doesn’t ruin your date, especially because not long after you made his jaw drop to the floor he decided it’s best if he just leaves quietly. By the time you finished eating he was nowhere to be seen.
However you keep thinking about why he even chose to come there. It was way over that healthy line of picking on someone and being an annoying stalker. It’s one thing wanting to know the awkward details about your date, but showing up was definitely just too much.
Part of you was expecting him to call you the next day, maybe apologize, but more like to make a joke out of the whole thing but you don’t hear a word from him and it makes it easier for you to forget about it pretty fast.
A week later you are having dinner over at Rosa’s, just the three of you plus baby Valerie who you keep in your arms the whole night, not able to get enough of her cuteness.
“I knew you two would hit it off,” Rosa sighs with a proud smile and Steven just rolls his eyes at his wife.
“It was alright, yeah,” you nod with a soft chuckle. You just told them about your date with Marcus and you can tell Rosa feels like she just hit the jackpot. After that disastrous try you had last time Marcus was surely a change for the better.
Valerie looks up at you with her huge eyes as you flash a grimace at her, earning a short giggle before her attention diverts somewhere else. She is grabbing onto your finger, not letting go of it as if she is trying to hold herself in place by her grip.
“Funny thing, Harry showed up at the restaurant too.”
Rosa almost chokes on her water and Steven starts to cough very suspiciously. Glancing up at them you can tell they are both to blame Harry had any information about where Marcus was taking you.
“Really? That’s… odd,” Rosa clears her throat.
“Is it though? You don’t have to pretend like you had nothing to do with it.”
“I’m sorry, but he just makes you talk so easily, he always gets what he wants,” Rosa sighs, clearly feeling guilty about it. “But I didn’t think he would actually show up. I thought he was just curious.”
“Did he cause a lot of trouble?” Steven asks, worried his friend gave you a hard time. He is not wrong, but it’s not your intention to throw dirt on Harry.
“It was just awkward. I don’t see why he came there,” you admit, shaking your head as you adjust baby Valerie in your arms so she is sitting now on your lap, looking around the table curiously.
You catch a look Rosa and Steve shares and you immediately know something is up.
“What? Do you know something I don’t?”
“No, we definitely don’t,” Rosa shakes her head, fingers running up and down the glass in her hands. “I just… there could be one reason I think he went there for.”
“What is that?”
“You don’t want me to say it out loud, it’s silly, let’s just forget about it,” she tries to end the discussion, but there’s no way you let it slip.
“I was just thinking, that… considering the past you two have, he might have been… jealous?”
“That’s literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard,” you scoff as you turn to Valerie. “Did your momma lose her mind, Princess?”
Valerie just looks at you curiously before smacking her little hands on the edge of the table, completely ignoring the conversation.
“I told you, you wouldn’t like this idea, but this is what I thought about.”
“Then stop thinking about it. There’s absolutely no way this is what it was about. Besides, our past is irrelevant. He was literally the biggest jerk to me when he had a chance with me. Why would have he blown that just to be up in my business now all jealous?”
“I didn’t say it doesn’t have any plot holes, but it could be a reason,” Rosa adds while Steven just hums next to her, not really taking part in the conversation.
Soon enough Steven takes Valerie up to put her to sleep while you and Rosa stay downstairs. You have moved on from Harry, but your mind keeps wandering back to him so you find yourself bringing him up again.
“What do you think about Harry? Aside from everything I’ve told you.”
You’ve always been curious how other people see him, since you had a very strong opinion on the guy that was tainted by everything that happened between the two of you.
Rosa takes her time thinking of her answer and you wait for her patiently. Leaning onto the table she rests her arms on it turning to face you.
“From what I’ve seen from him, he is a very loyal, caring and loving person. He and Steven have been friends for so long and Steven always told me how he could count on him no matter what and he has been proving the same to me. Have I told you he was the reason I got to wear the dress I dreamed of on my wedding?”
“What?” you ask surprised. “I didn’t know that.”
“Basically, I had that dress and a cheaper one held in the store until the day before the wedding. I knew we couldn’t afford the expensive one, but I guess I was hoping until the last minute for a miracle to happen and it seems like Harry was that. Steven asked him to pick the cheaper dress up because he was caught up with work that day. He told him specifically to bring the cheaper one and leave the other there. But when he arrived with the dress in the morning when I was getting ready, he had the expensive one. He said the lady asked which one he needed and when he said the cheaper one, the lady seemed sad and told him how much I loved the other one but I even told her I couldn’t afford it. Harry didn’t hesitate to pay for the difference the dress had over the cheaper one. I started crying the moment I saw that he had the one I loved and I was also panicking that I won’t be able to pay back to him.”
You listen to her in awe. It surely is a side of Harry you haven’t had the luck to see in the act, though you felt like you had a glimpse of it before the night of the wedding took a heated and then a quite sad turn later on. The Harry you got to know in the very beginning was the same Rosa was just talking about.
“Harry told me he won’t take my money, no matter how hard I tried to make a deal with him, he made his mind up and didn’t let me change it. I knew then that everything Steven told me about him is true. And I know he can be a cocky fucker sometimes,” she chuckles making you smile as well, “but he has a heart of gold for sure. And this is why I agreed when Steven told me he wants him to be the godfather. I want Val to learn from him, to look up to him, because I really think he can have an amazing impact on her.
“Listen,” she sighs leaning back in her seat and you watch her curiously. “I know that the two of you hate each other with passion, but… you can’t do it forever.”
You let out a long sigh looking down at your lap. It’s one of those sisterly talks when she’ll share her wisdom with you and you’ll just know she’s right. Rosa is always right. Well, mostly.
“I wasn’t there, I don’t know how he acted or what he told you exactly, but he is family now and one of you will have to take the first step. You’re wasting energy on the constant fighting, but I really believe you could work together as a team. I know it’s not just on you, I’ll try to have a talk with him as well. No matter what I think about why he showed up at your date, it was still an ass move. I’m just asking you to… be patient with him and maybe only say out loud half the insults you address to him in your head. That would be a nice start,” she chuckles and reaching over her hand squeezes yours as you nod quietly.
It almost hurts you how right she is. It doesn’t matter how pissed you are at Harry for everything he did and said in the past, you can’t keep on playing his ridiculous game forever. It consumes too much energy and time when you could just be neutral and coexist with each other happily in Valerie’s life. She doesn’t deserve to grow up seeing her godparents hate each other with a passion, that’s just not right. This time you gotta suck it up and move on from what happened, but everyone knows it can only happen if he cooperates as well. You can only hope he’ll take Rosa’s advice and show a nicer side of his face to you.
The room was exactly like battlefield, makeup and hair products laid on every possible surface as all the bridesmaids were getting ready, two hairstylists working on the girls while a third one was perfecting Rosa’s loose curls. Grabbing your dress you looked around for a possible corner where you could change since you were finished with hair and makeup, but you saw no free spot, so you had to be creative.
“I’ll go get changed in one of the other rooms,” you told Rosa before you walked out, down the hallway looking for an open and empty room you could use as a changing room for just two minutes.
Luckily you found one just two doors down the room Rosa and the girls were getting ready and taking a look around you made sure no one saw you sneak in there. It seemed once it was used as a smaller conference room, but now it was filled with boxes and extra chairs, looking more like a storage room. It was just fine for a quick change.
You quickly got rid of your plain shirt and jeans along with your bra since the dress had one sewed into it. You stood there, already in your dress as you were trying to get the zipper up, but it seemed like it got stuck.
“Great,” you grumbled, still jumping around hoping to find an angle where it slides right up, but it was stubbornly staying in the same spot. You were just about to gather your stuff and go back to the bride’s room and have someone zip you up when the door flew open and a tall, curly haired guy appeared with a suit on a hanger on his arm and a pair of shiny shoes in his other hand.
You jumped at the stranger’s arrival and he seemed just as surprised to see someone here as you were.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t expect anyone to be here.”
His British accent was thick through his words and it immediately made you think that he must be Harry, Steven’s best friend. You’ve heard about him before but never actually got the chance to meet him. Now standing in front of him with your back almost fully exposed you can’t help but feel a little shy. He surely has an intimidatingly handsome face and physique that shows even though his loose hoodie.
“I just snuck in here to get changed, I was just about to leave,” you explained yourself, holding your previous clothes to your chest along with the front of the dress so it didn’t fall.
“Your dress is… unzipped,” he pointed it out with a soft chuckle and you looked over your shoulder as if you had to check it for yourself, but you knew it well it was in fact unzipped.
“Oh, yeah. The zipper got stuck, I’ll just… have one of the girls help me.”
“Come here, let me help you,” he offered and you hesitantly, but turned around to show him your back.
His hold fingers made you jump a little when he reached for the zipper.
“Sorry,” he chuckled and you just shook your head letting him know it was alright.
It took him a few tries to get the zipper going, but it finally gave in and slid all the way up. Once it reached the top Harry ran his fingers over it gently as if he sealed it, the touch of his fingertips sent a shiver down your spine.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, turning around. “I’m… Y/N by the way,” you told him, holding out a hand that he took and shook with a charming smile on his soft looking, pink lips.
“Harry. You’re Rosa’s sister, right?”
“Yeah, and you’re Steven’s best friend.”
“I am,” he chuckled. “You look a lot like Rosa, if I might say.”
“We get it a lot. It’s the eyes, I think,” you told him. You and Rosa more or less have the same eyes and maybe share a similar jawline too that makes it pretty obvious that you two are sisters.
“Two sets of pretty eyes,” he smiled and your eyebrows rose at the compliment, feeling the heat crawling up on your neck to your cheeks.
“I… better get going, so you can change too,” you told him turning away and rushing to the door before he could realize how nervous he just made you.
“See you around, Pretty Eyes!” he called out after you.
 He called you Pretty Eyes quite often that evening. Whenever you met at the bar, when he sat next to you through dinner, when the two of you talked outside, a little farther away from the people having a smoke. But the last time he called you that was when the two of you were heading to his room, he was all over you, kissing you anywhere he could, hands gripping your waist greedily as you were trying to open the door with the card he handed you in the elevator. That was the last time he called you that. You haven’t heard this nickname from him since then.
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skyecrandall · 6 years
A Choices Halloween - Choices Fic
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Books: Features characters from many different books
Words: Around 3000
Genre: Comedy
Summary: Kenji Katsaros is hosting a Halloween party where other influential persons like Thomas Hunt, Kamilah Sayeed or Sloane Washington are attending. Unfortunately things do not turn out as the hero hoped to.
"Hello everyone! I hope you guys are ready for the best Halloween party of the world!" Said the man coated in bronze, generally known as Talos to the general public. "Yeeaaah!" Yelled the crowd gathered on the dance floor. "I would just like to thank all of you for coming to this event! It is all thanks to you that this party will be considered as such! After all, how can you make an awesome party without super awesome people! Am I right?" Said Talos. "Yeah!" Echoed throughout the crowd. "I won't hold you guys down any longer! However let's just have a souvenir selfie!" Said the superhero as he turned his back to the crowd and lifted up his phone so that it could capture him and part of the crowd. "Everyone say Spooky Socks!" He said as he clicked the selfie. "Now... Party hard everyone! Just try to not break anything!" Said Talos as he got off the stage.
'We are having an amazing party here! Totally not missing you two!' He typed in the picture before sending it to Eva. A few seconds after the seen marker pop up but no reply, even after five minutes. 'At least reply if you've seen it!' Typed Kenji and after a few seconds Eva replied with a photo. The photo's content was her in the corner of the frame and the main target being Alex, in a very revealing demon outfit. It also had the caption: 'Sorry can't speak to you right now. There is someone more worthy of my attention 😏' This caused Kenji to nearly throw his phone away when a tap on his shoulder. He turned his head around and saw cute girl in a regency era costume.
"I am Imogen Wescott and I would like to personally thank you for hosting this amazing party!" She said with a bright smile. "Ugh thanks? But how did you get to the backstage? Weren't you on the dance floor with the others?" asked Talos. "It is too early to head for the dance floor. Plus too many sweaty people out there currently, maybe later. Moreover I wanted to thank the host personally," said Imogen brightly. "Thanks! And yeah, I should have probably looked for somewhere with a better dance floor?" Replied Talos. "Also I'm wondering do you have any superhero buddies who works around Pine Springs or Westchester? Weird stuff have been happening in the region lately," she said. "Not really, but we will see if we can come by someday," said Talos. "Sweet. Now if you'll excuse me, I saw a butler with really cute snacks on it," said Imogen as she waved to the bronze clad superhero before chasing after the butler who were serving certain pair.
"Oh my god Zack! Look how appealing these snacks are!" Squealed Madison at the skull shaped mimi-muffins in her hand. "They are so well done that I'm getting willies just by looking at them," frowned Zack before throwing the cake away while no one was looking. "I know right. Thanks again for coming with me Zack! Nobody wanted to come with me to the party," said Madison. "No problem. I'd be a fool to miss out an opportunity to have fun with someone like you! I wondered why you didn't take Becca instead with you," asked Zack who was dressed as a pirate. "She has an important assignment for her courses later this week and preferred to prepare herself instead of coming with me. She is working really hard for it and I respect her choice. She even got Sarah to come around to help her. I also couldn't get anyone from the Sorority since they are having their own party," explained Madison as she munched down the skull. "With Sarah around, I doubt she'd be able to focus much," smirked Zack. "Maybe," smiled Madison.
"Oh my god look at that girl! She looks just like you, except maybe a few years older," said Zack as he pointed towards two woman who just entered the party. One of them was wearing a green swamp monster outfit while the other blonde one was wearing a skin tight cat outfit. "Oh wow, you are right! And look at their outfits! We have to go and introduce ourselves!" Beamed Madison. "But they are across that massive crowd," said Zack shocked. "It will all be worth it! Come on!" Said Madison as she dragged Zack by the hand towards the crowd.
The two women those two were talking about were none other that Sereena Patel and Brooke Williams. "Yes! This party looks so fun! And all those wonderful costumes!" Squealed Brooke. "Wonderful costume? Most of the outfits that I have seen would probably have the sexy adjective stuck onto them. Modern Halloween is just an excuse for the patriarchy to be able to look at women in revealing out-" said Sereena before she was lightly slapped by Brooke. "Listen Sereena. This is a girl's night out. We are here to have fun and unwind ourselves. Especially you need to do so after stressing out so much these last few days. Plus if we went to Cole's party instead, I'm pretty sure a skimpy outfit would be obligatory..." said Brooke. Sereena was angry that her best friend slapped her, but deep down she knew Brooke was right and that she'd rather be in any other party than Cole's. "It is just that I'm losing my mind every time I'm seeing something sexualised. I mean do you know how many sexy nuns I have seen today! Wasn't The Nun a horror movie? Not a sexy romance one? And aren't nuns supposed to represent chasit-" argued Sereena before she was slapped yet again by Brooke. "You. Me. Have Fun," said Brooke threateningly. Sereena was going to blow up when suddenly a girl a Starfall outfit and a guy in a pirate outfit came.
"Wow your costumes are amazing!" Said Madison. "Am I already drunk? Why do I see two Brookes? "More important is that a Starfall costume? It looks so good! If Ben was here with us he would be so proud!" Said Brooke. "Wait you know Ben Park! I'm such a fan of his artwork for Venus Corp?" Squealed Madison. "Yes! He's part of our friend group! Oh, I'm Brooke by the way!" Replied Brooke. "And I'm Madison! Come over! I think we'll have a good time together!" Said the other blonde as the two of them walked away, deep in conversation.
"I guess it is just the two of us now," said Zack amazed by how the blondes got along so quickly. "And before you even try it, I'm not interested in you," said Sereena, annoyed that her partner left her alone with another guy. "Why would I even try to flirt with you? I'm only interested in guys. Maybe if you looked like Talos it would be another case," said Zack. "Oh sorry. It is just that I'm tired with men coming to me and flirting," apologized Sereena. "I can feel you. Heteros and their hetero bullshit assuming everyone is straight like them," added Zack. "I like you. My name is Sereena," smiled Sereena before reaching over for a handshake. "And I'm Zack! Let's go have a drink! We have to talk more," said Zack as both of them started walking towards the bar. As they walked towards there, Sereena noticed an odd trio consisting of two women and an old man in Santa outfits. They seemed really familiar but she'd rather focus on the man she just met.
"So guys, what do you think of this party?" Asked one of the women of the trio. She is known as Priya La Croix and is one of the most famous fashion designer currently. "It is nice but the host baited me hard with his 'Bloodwine'. I expected real blood in it, not a blood red wine with hints of pomegranate in it," said the Baron as he took a sip of his drink. "He is not really a vampire, so it is not really surprising that his appetizers do not really appeal to us that much. Still it is a rather decent party," said Kamilah. "We should host our own party and get him to taste real Bloodwine. Can you imagine his face when he discovers that he actually drank real blood," said Priya. "We should replace the human blood by rat blood instead. It would be even more fun," joked the Baron. "We are not going to ruin such a fantastic drink by mixing it with cheap rat or chicken blood. Furthermore, we should very likely not talk about this out open in the public eye. We do not want to look suspicious," said Kamilah. "No, I think we are good. If there is anyone suspicious out here, it is those two by the corner there. They look fishy with those electric blue lines on their face yet they are wearing a medieval outfit," said Priya.
The persons Priya was talking about were the Elara siblings, Pax and Eos who came back to the past. "That was cool of you for inviting me on your trip to the past Pax. I'm glad you are trusting me more," smiled Eos. "The only reason I brought you was because that would prevent you from telling Nova about my machine. Trust me, I'd rather take Holmes with me that your ugly ass," said Pax a little annoyed. "For your information, I have a nice ass. Zekei can attest to it. Also are you sure this medieval outfits will help us blend in?" Asked the elder brother. "I think they will do good. It is a Halloween party, so even if we came in our regular clothes is would be okay," replied Pax. "How did you get hold of these anyway?" Asked Eos. "Oh these outfits? I went back in the past as a test run and brought these as souvenirs," said Pax. "Wait! You used it without consulting us? What if you got stuck back then? How the hell would have we been able to bring you back to our era??" Exclaimed a shocked Eos. "Shut up! Someone is coming," said the younger sister as she noticed a woman approaching.
"Wow! Your costumes of Val Greeves and Will Jackson are so good! And I'm also a fan how you decided to give it a more sci-fi look with those blue bands. Oh sorry where are my manners. My name is Imogen Wescot," said the woman. "I'm Eos and this is my sister Pax and we are hapoy that you like our costumes" said Eos. "What are you doing in such a remote corner though! You guys should be strutting out your amazing costumes! You guys deserve more attention," said Imogen. "Uh this what we are trying to avoi-" continued Eos before Pax secretly elbowed him in the gut. "Oh I know your type! You want to be part of the fun but also don't want to be in the spotlight. How about you guys come with me on the dance floor? At this time it is not that crowded and people will barely notice you. So how about spending some time with me?" Asked Imogen. "Why am I getting the feeling that we will have to pay 20 diamonds to be able to do that?" Said Eos but he was ignored. "Sure! We'd love to!" Said Pax with a smile as she started following Imogen. Eos quickly walked towards Pax and whispered in her ear, "Shouldn't we try and stay hidden? What if we cause a time paradox?" "Its okay Eos. Time paradox only occurs in sci-fi movies. Plus Nathaniel Hoealot already debunked this stupid mytho. It does not exist. Let's just have fun," said Pax. "Why do I feel something bad is going to happen later on though," sulked the elder brother.
Eos was not the only one a little worried. By the entrance, a certain highschooler was also anxious. "Are you sure we are at the right party Micheal? I can't really see anyone we know here," said Maria Flores. "I think they might just be friends of Payton's sister. I heard they once invaded Autumn's party," said Michael. "Still, I'm not sure Payton would have been able to get us such a grand place for the party," argued Maria. "If you are that worried, why don't you just call her?" Said Michael as he started walking towards a nearby snack table. "Good idea. Aw come on! I forgot my phone! Let me use yours," said Maria after digging through her purse. Michael took out his phone and then shrugged. "Looks like we have the worst luck ever. My phone just died out. No battery," he said. "Ugh. Is this karma for when I returned an application half an hour late," replied Maria. "Listen.I'm sure it is her party, let's go deeper inside. The group will be there," continued Michael. "I don't know... I think I'm just going to wait outside for a little bit," said Maria as turned around, nearly bumping into someone in a black ghost outfit.
"Oh my god, Micheal. I don't know what to do. They are kinda scary," whispered Maria into his friend's ear. "Let me take care of this," whispered Michael back. "Hey there! Sorry for the little incident," said Michael in a friendly tone to Redfield. "Your costume is so good! It almost feels real!" He added as he went closer to the spirit and tried to grab what he believed was cloth, but his hand ended up going through the spirit's whole body. "Wh-wh-what the hell???" Said a panicked Michael. "It's not a p-p-person, it's a real ghost!" Yelled Maria as the ghost's face suddenly lit up in flames. "Maria! Run!" Yelled Michael as they both started running away.
Redfield using his levitation power lifted the table and tried throwing it at them, fortunately missing the highschoolers. However this caused the a mass panic at the party. The noise from the screams caused Redfield to grow more angry and attacked the persons closest to him. He took Thomas Hunt before throwing him across the room. He then grabbed Sloane Washington and then threw her on the snacks table. His gaze then soon trailed onto Drake Walker. "Me choke you, ugly man," said Redfield as he grabbed Drake by the neck. "But...Riley said...I was...gorgeous" said Drake as he tried escaping the ghost's grip. "She lied! You look... like a rotten potato!" said Redfield when Talos tried to kick him but ended up passing through the ghost. "No one is getting choked in my presence. Even ugly people," said Talos as he jumped back to his feet. "Go away!" screeched Redfield as he threw Drake like a slingshot on Kenji, knocking both of them unconscious.
"Should we not try and stop this ghost from killing those humans?" commented the Baron before sipping on his drink. "Since it seems to be an immaterial being, I doubt we will be able to accomplish much," said Kamilah. "The how about we ditch this party and crash another. I heard some high school students are hosting one nearby,"said Rpiya while checking her phone. "Seriously? High school students? Didn't you say that you had standards Lacroix?" commented the Baron. "That's where the fun is at. We will crash the party and show them how to really have fun! We'll even bring in some Bloodwine," suggested Priya. "Hmmm Let's go!" said Kamilah and the group of friends started walking towards the exit while dodging the flying furniture.
"Oh my god, we need to do something?" said Pax. "Eat that!" roared Eos as he fired his plasma gun at Redfield but that only succeeded at making the ghost more angry. "When I said that we needed to do something, I was talking more about running away! Wait? where did Imogen go?" yelled Pax. "No time to think about that! Let's go! That thing is now coming towards us!" yelled Eos as he activated the time travel device and they both disappeared back into the future before Redfield could get to them. Imogen was actually hiding in the corner texting Tom. "Hey Tom, big problem here. Ghost like monster. Immaterial black body," she typed and very soon after Tom replied. 'Redfiled? What is he doing there? Listen Imogen, find a safe place and remain hidden there and in absolutely no instances play any games with him!' typed Tom. "Why can't I have any parties without any monsters," she mumbled to herself.
Confused by the sudden disappearance of his pray, the spirit looked around and found two persons who seemed to be still having fun. It was Sereena and Zack who were in one of the private isolated booths. Somehow these two were so deep in conversation that they did not notice the carnage outside. Red field barged inside, scaring both occupants. "What The H-" was Zack able to say before Redfield swatted him away.
"What the hell are you doing!" yelled Sereena, angry again. Redfield was going to grab her when Sereena raised her voice again. "Don't you dare touch me!" she said. Redfield decided to roar at her but his attempts to make the lady scared were in vain. "So this is how it is eh? I'm not scared of people who think they can scream their way," she said. Redfield was going to grab her yet again but Sereena didn't let him. "I said, no TOUCHING!" she said as she grabbed her drink and threw it on the ghost's face, somehow making it wet. "I'm sick of your bullshit. Now I am going to talk and you are going to listen. I had finally found something redeemable in that party, something being Zack and you probably got his a ticket to the hospital. I was already angry that I was forced to come in this party where most persons are sexualised from head to toe. This is especially nerve wracking since a majority of those are women outfits but then now you come in and decide to make me even more angry? This is just wrong and rude!" she yelled as she now took Zack's drink and threw it on Redfield's face again. "You know what you are? Just a petty little bitch. People like you try to showoff how much of an alpha they are. But deep down they know that they are just a puny little bitch inside. They try to act tough thinking this will hide their insecurity but oh boy they are transparent," said Sereena as she tried reaching out for her glass. "God dammit, I'm out of drink thanks to you now. Why do I have to be sober right now, ugh? Anyway ghost dude, I want you to take your trashy little ass and get the fuck out of my way before I get really angry and let me tell you that me being angry is the worst thing that can happen to people understood. I don't care that you can fling people around because I know that deep inside you a just a little bitch who throws temper tantrums around to sound interesting however you end up being really rude and become an attention whore. What are you going to do now? Try to fling me around too? But I bet you have no balls to do so and you will just end up running outside to cry," added Sereena and as she said, Redfield ran towards the exit with a distorted cry.
"Wow, Sereena... you scared an actual ghost away," said Brooke who slowly crawled towards Sereena. "What? It was a real ghost?" said Sereena shocked and Brooke replied with a slight nod. 'Anyway can we just go some place where we can get some alcohol? I don't think this party will be serving now," proposed Sereena. "Let's go to Double Tap . My treat," said Brooke as the two walked away. "With your sphere of prettiness we will likely get those for free, but I don't really mind," smiled Sereena.
3 Hours Later
"Don't Worry Imogen! I'm here and I brought some friends along!" said Tom with an ax raised behind him. Along with him were also the rest of his Westchester friends. "Looks like Redfield is looking for more ass kicking," said Stacy. However the group were shocked to find the villa free from any ghosts or people. "Oh hey guys! Sorry, no after party this tie. Can't really party with broken limbs," said Kenji who just arrived from the noise, in his crutches. "But what about Mr.Red? Where is he?" asked Lily. "The ghost? It ran away crying like a child after a woman berated him. A really scary one," said Kenji. "Oh--okay... Let's go then guys," said Lucas.
Finally managed to rewrite the whole thing after I forgot to save the draft the other time. BTW I hope you gus had fun reading this. :3333
Tagging: @choiceslife and the neutral squad @wlwkateomalley @teamtomsato @lovethemarshalltwins @nuttatulipa
Read my other fics here
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arcticficialbanana · 7 years
Dominate Me
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 9,686 (Worth it, if you ask me.)
Warnings: swearing, physical restraints, commands, teasing, alcohol, biting, licking, sucking, smut. Graphic smut. Graphic descriptions of sex.
A/N: I started this about a month ago, after I was inspired by this post. In celebration of my 69th day after creating this fiction blog, I decided to finish and release this baby. Enjoy.
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You knew he secretly wanted to be dominated. Well ..there is no way you could possibly know that, but you really hoped your plan would work.  “Okay, buck up buttercup, you’ve got this. You are a powerful, confident woman.” You splash cold water over your face and stare into your eyes in the mirror. You stand up straight and put your hands on your waist, admiring your favorite piece of lingerie. 
 Right now, you don’t care about your body. You don’t care about the shape, the bumps, the discoloration. You know that the secret to confidence is faking it-and the secret to sexiness is confidence. Ergo, you look at yourself up and down and state, “You are one sexy fucking woman.”  You’ve had this body for decades so you had every single day to notice differences; speculate every line, every hair, every fading part of you that looking back on photos you think have lost their luster.  But guess what. Dean hasn’t seen any of it. You think, hoping that a fresh pair of eyes will be so blinded by the glamorous parts that they won’t notice anything else. He’d better be fucking happy I decided to show him any of myself at all. You decide, determined.
 Alright! It is time! You get dressed and pour yourself a glass of Glenfiddich. You swirl it in front of your nose and inhale deeply. Mmm, sweet.  You take a swig and gag a little - not quite sure how you’re going to hold back your reflexes out there. But I WILL do it!  It’s not that you don’t like the burn, it’s just more comfortable to let your body react than trying to suppress yourself.   You grab the handle, close your eyes, release the breath tightly pent up inside of you....and turn the handle.
 As soon as you step into the room, Dean turns to face you, “Hey, Y/N have you seen this-” he drifts away and slowly drops his jaw.  You keep your head up and don’t say anything, allowing him to absorb your whole physique. You can tell he can’t quite put his finger on it, but something about you is different. Yeah, mother fucker, take it in, figure it out.  Dean averted his eyes and cleared his throat, “Scotch, Y/N?”  You smile after you walk past him, giddy inside, but solid as a rock on the outside, “My favorite.” You say in what you imagine is a seductive voice.  “12 year?” You catch him checking out your ass as you turn back around, “Actually, it’s the 18.” You wink at him and walk over to his side.  “Well haven’t we refined our tastes?” He chuckles but stops dead when you lean over his shoulder and ask in a hushed voice, “So what were you asking me about? Something I haven’t seen?”  “Oh, well, yes this article- um, articles rather. About,” he pauses as you can tell he is smelling your perfume, “well actually here, you can just read them.” He puts them on the table and stands up, screeching his chair backward.
 You pick up the small stack of clippings and smirk to yourself. Going pretty well, maybe?
 You hold one article in front of your face as you twirl the glass in circles with your other hand. Partially taking in the information presented in front of you in writing, you use your peripheral vision to take in information of another kind. You tap the side of the glass and bring it to your lips, pausing for a moment to think- you’ve got to keep the ball in your court. You settle your bottom lip on the edge of the glass, curling your lip up and down unintentionally.  You hear a grunt over by the window and snap back to the moment. “Hmmm.” you murmur and take the sip that’s been preparing itself under your lip. Without changing expression you swallow slowly and put the article down. You get out of your chair and walk toward Dean in time to see him gulping hard and looking out the window.
 You slide into the armchair and lean back comfortably, crossing your legs in a relaxed manner. You rest your fist under your chin, sucking your bottom lip between your teeth.  That’s not very confident, is it Y/N? You unfurl your lip before Dean can notice your nervous habit. He’ll be able to tell right away that you’re nervous. You’ve been hunting together for way too long to hide your usual tendencies from him.  Now just let him stew in the silence. Silence makes people uncomfortable, and you are in control of keeping it going. You purse your mouth a little to keep your smirk from growing too obviously.  Deep inhale. You finish off your glass and set it audibly on the wooden side table, bringing Dean’s attention to you again.
 “Man, I could use one of those.” Dean suggests and you wait a moment before tilting your head and holding out your glass toward him, “Great, I’ll take another.” He looks at you stunned but you keep your hand extended and your face still.  He takes the glass and walks away with a twisted, confused face. That’s right fucker. You must be used to me always jumping to bring everybody drinks and clear the plates from the table. Not today, sweetheart. You can bring me drinks for once. Not that he was ever rude or refused to get his own drinks, he was usually too focused on research to pay attention to cleaning up after dinner.
 You stay unmoving in your seat, with the exception of leaning your head back and closing your eyes to give the illusion of deep thought or resting. Let him think whatever his mind wants him to think.  “So this series of unexplained deaths year after year, what do you think? Something there for us to look into?” breaking the silence in his usual husky, gruff voice.  Your stomach tightens but you keep your eyes closed, God knows how he probably looks right now. No need to get you drooling over his concentrated hunting persona. This is your time, and you add, “Same month every year? I don’t believe in coincidence.”  You hear ice clinking by your face, but you don’t flinch. After a moment Dean clears his throat and switches his weight from one leg to another, “Here you go.” he says curtly.  Slowly unfurling your eyelids you stare directly into Dean’s eyes. His eyebrows raise slightly and you express a, “Thank you.” continuing to bore into him as you take the glass and drink a gulp.  Dean breaks eye contact and looks up at the ceiling before bringing his own glass up to his face to take a deep drink. You take the opportunity to put your hand on his hip and he chokes on his scotch and stumbles a few inches, but not before you managed to unlatch the strap on his blade and slide it out of his belt.
 “You could have just asked,” he wipes the side of his mouth, which is covered with a few drops of scotch and spit, “you didn’t have to scare me.”  “Scared?” you asked innocently but in a low voice. “You - I mean, not scared, just surprised while I was drinking. I could have choked.” he stutters.  “You did choke.” you say evenly as you inspect the blade between your hands and uncross your legs purposefully, “I think this kind of hunt could use a blessed dagger. Do you have any more?” You say matter of factly as you pop out of the armchair and flank Dean, “Sorry for scaring you.” you say, not sorry at all, and you tuck the dagger back into Dean’s holster.
 Assessing Dean’s reaction you keep your heart rate steady so as not to blush, this close to his face. He doesn’t move and doesn’t make any faces of his own. It seems he’s figured something out, but what is he thinking?
 “Y/N,” he starts as you walk back to the table with the articles, “Is something on your mind?” he follows up a few steps behind you.  “This seeming ritual sacrifice is at the top of my mind,” you place your hands on the table, framing the articles between your palms. You stick your ass out a bit, planning your next move here.  He leans over your shoulder, breathing over your ear, “That’s not quite what I’m talking about.” You stop your body from shuddering, turning excitement into pure anger and tilt your head in his direction, facing him.  You don’t want to say anything too fast but if you don’t say something at all you will seem a lot less confident than the past 15 minutes.  “You’re different.” he unknowingly rescues the situation.
 “What is different?” You turn around and lean against the table, crossing your arms under your chest and leaning your head back just enough to look defiant.  “It took me a few minutes, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in heels.” He mirrors your crossed arms, quickly glancing down at your pressed up cleavage framed by your biceps.  “It’s our first day off hunting for a while, and I don’t make a habit of comic-girl heeling it when we’re fighting.” You smirk.  “I wouldn’t know I guess.” He thinks a moment, looking deeply into your eyes, “That’s not all.” he continues.  “Oh?” you ask, amused. Surely he isn’t going to say ‘you are usually a quiet scared shit unless we are fighting demons or spirits’ But that is kind of it, isn’t it?
 He steps closer to you and you keep your muscles loose and relaxed, refusing to tense up like he expects of you.  “You’re not usually so ..direct.” He twists up his face as though this wasn’t a satisfying answer for himself.  “I was only saying what I think about the case?” You say mock confused and shake your head a bit. He thinks twice about approaching you and turns to pace a circle around the table.  “Not about the case. Not with your words is what I mean.. you’re not usually so direct with your actions.” He rounds in front of you and continues his circle around the table. You see from the corner of your eye he eyes you suspiciously as he steps behind the table.  “I’m only standing here, Dean.” you can tell that your lack of movement and minimal speaking is bothering him, but he hasn’t realized that being the one doing all of the talking and moving is making him uncomfortable.
 He stops across from you at the table, you could tell even though your back was turned to him, from the reflection in the television on the wall.  “Are you mad at me or something?” he struggles to figure out the situation.  You turn around and furrow your brow at him, “Have you done something for me to be mad at you?” What a ridiculous question. What could you possibly-when have you ever done anything that’s merit any anger from me? But you see he isn’t sure what to think. He looks up at the ceiling in a recounting manner, thinking of his past actions.
 His freckles are illuminated under the cheap motel chandelier and his green eyes reflect the tiny light bulbs shaped like candle flames. He is mouthing to himself and his kneading lips make you feel a bit hot all of a sudden. You turn away and go back to the armchair for your abandoned scotch glass. You sway your hips in a way that you know the heels will accentuate the lift and curve of your ass, hoping to scramble his thoughts so that you can gather yours.
 You go back to grab the bottle of Glenfiddich and glance down to see your nipples, hard like two pebbles in your shirts. Well, I suppose I’d better make my way to the point soon.  You sashay over to Dean with the bottle, his thoughts sufficiently scrambled. “Okay Dean, let’s just talk then.” You pour a generous amount of liquid bliss into his glass and top off your own, “I feel like we never get to just talk.” you pout as you slide his glass toward him.
 “Talk? We talk a lot.” He lifts up the scotch whiskey and shrugs before going in for a swallow, “DEAN.” you say strictly.  He glances at you and puts his glass down, “That’s almost twice you’ve made me choke. Will you just do and say what you need to say when I’m not drinking?”  “Well then I wouldn’t get to do or say very much.” you tease and he fake laughs before you continue, “Dare to drink before me?” reaching out your glass in his direction.  “Ahah is that a challenge little one?” He chuckles and clinks your glass.  “Don’t call me little one.” You command. Quizzically he nods but doesn’t protest. “We talk about hunting, we talk about strategy, we talk about what we found during research.” You glide toward the edge of your seat and slope over the table, resting your elbows and forearms under your chest, exposing a fine twist of lace under your loose shirt.  “Alright. Well, I notice,” he says minding not to look down your shirt as it falls open more than your clothing is used to doing, “You don’t normally dress girly.” he finishes rather lamely.
 “Girly? Ribbons and dresses and flowery hats? What are girls supposed to wear, my dear?” you mock with a frown.  “Not like that. I mean... you are wearing heels for the first time, I don’t even know where you’ve had them-and while you normally wear your denim and t-shirts, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in anything other than a sports bra?” 
 You leer at him with a sly smile on your face, “Seen me in anything other than a sports bra?” Flushing red he quickly shakes his glass in front of his face, “No, not seen, well you know. You change quick, but you’re just,” he stumbles and takes a deep breath.  Silence is your friend here. He takes a swig of the whiskey and you decide to put him out of his misery.  “So you watch me when I’m changing, or are you saying that you only see me in a sports bra and nothing else?” Okay so you’re adding to his misery not putting him out.  “Obviously not.” He grumbles and you burst out laughing, unable to contain yourself anymore.
 “What do you mean, other than a sports bra? If you don’t mean what I said before, then you must mean,” you lurch over the table toward him and tug your neckline down with a single finger, exposing your laced and designed torso, “Are you talking about my current lingerie?” You lick your incisors, ready to devour him at a moment’s notice.  His look of sheer terror is absolutely delicious. To see the great, self-assured Dean Winchester sheepish and awkward is an unimaginable delight.  “Fucking hell.” Dean grunts in a moment unsure of if he should look away or lunge at you.  You return to your side of the table but remain standing, hands on the edge of the table.  “I guess I won’t ask how long you’ve noticed, but I suppose I can’t blame you, I do find it pretty hot myself.” You grin, bemused.  “Ahah..” Dean awkwardly laughs in his seat, unsure of what to say.
 “Come here.” you point at your chair and take a few steps back. He looks at you amused, which annoys you. I’m in charge here. Do you think this is about you right now?  “What exactly are you going to do?” he sneers.
 You frown and grind your teeth a moment. Think. You push your hair out of your face and look down at him with a determined stare.  “I see we’ve finished the bottle. I’ve got one more in my bag.” You grab the chair and start dragging it with you, “I’m going to get my bottle. If you are in the chair when I come back, I will share. If you are not, I suppose you won’t know what I was going to do after all.” You leave the chair in the middle of the carpet, facing away from the bathroom.  Dean perks up and you turn on your heel toward the bathroom door and disappear behind it without so much as a glance over your shoulder.
 Shit, okay. This had better work. If that didn’t work I am about to make a fool out of myself. You unbuckle your jeans and yank them down your legs, then remembering you are wearing a garter with stockings you gently tug them the rest of the way off and step out. You shove your hand into your bag, searching for the bottle, kissing it once you pull it into sight. That’s not way to think now. You’re too far in now. You’ll make a bigger fool of yourself coming out if he is in the chair and you say ‘just kidding ha ha’ You gaze at yourself in the mirror and remind yourself again, you are one BADASS WOMAN. Men will die at your feet and you will step over their bodies and keep on walking. You nod. A bit extreme, but it’s got your spirits up again. 
You smooth out your bodice and tighten up your stockings to the top of your thighs, ensuring the garter clips are secure. Better keep the heels on, it makes me so much more powerful and womanly feeling.
 You walk out and smile to yourself to see Dean seated in his place. Everything is perfect. You cradle the bottle and make a wide loop around the chair and in front of Dean.
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 Dean starts to mouth out words but he can’t seem to find his voice. Unable to make a snarky comment he simply looks at the floor to the side of you.  Pleased, you go to the kitchenette to retrieve his glass, only to find that yours sits alone on the counter. You raise an eyebrow but pour yourself half a rock glass.  You take the bottle and your drink and slink back over to Dean, who seems to be chewing his lip nearly through the skin. You spot the glass, as you imagined, between his thighs, right up to his crotch on the chair.  You think you’re so fucking clever. You pop open the top of the bottle, and tip it over his thigh as though you are about to pour but then you tilt it back up and say, “Aren’t you forgetting something?” you leer down at Dean.  “Please?” he suggests. You scoff, “Cute. But your thighs are getting this glass pretty hot.” He wiggles and eyebrow and you frown at him, “Bring us some ice.”  He gets up and throws his hands in the air, “Okay.” he says mock exasperated.
 “Leave this.” you latch a finger into his belt. He looks over his shoulder at you and shrugs. He starts to undo his buckle but you pull him back firmly by his belt loops and slide your finger along his waistband as you circle in front of him, “I’ve got it.”  Without breaking eye contact you pull the tab of the belt tight, making a tiny bit of air escape Dean’s lips. You flip the clasp out of the way and drag the belt out by it’s buckle end with one hand. Once you’ve extended all the way behind you, it becomes apparent it is much longer than your reach. You step back and slide behind Dean as he stands quietly in place.
 You meet the two ends of the belt in your hands and bend it in half so it forms a puckered loop. You loudly snap the belt and say, “Ice.”  Slightly startled he goes to the fridge and pulls out a single tray. He avoids meeting your gaze as perplexed expressions muddle his face. He drops cubes into his own glass and looks around the counter for a second.  “Here little tiger.” you slosh your glass too and fro before stopping him, “Why don’t you just hold a couple in your mouth for me?”  “What?” He chuckles. Your expression turns dark and you motion toward the chair, “Am I unclear?”  He scoffs and smiles at you, amused. He shakes his head and pops a couple of cubes in his mouth and you place your arms on the back of the chair, awaiting his return. He sits down and looks up at you for the next request.
 “Okay, you seemed to have earned a sip.” You roll the neck of the bottle around the rim of his frosty glass. You allow half a shot to pour in and he stares at the glass in disappointment.  You crouch down in front of him and put the bottle down. “You’re going to have to earn it bit by bit baby.” He lightly nods and starts to open his mouth to let out an icy breath. “Cw-ow-lh” He incoherently speaks and you place your glass under his lips, “Well go on, give them to me.”  He spits them out carefully and swallows back the melted remnants. “Man that was cold.”  You place a finger to his mouth and shake your head. He grazes his bottom lip with his teeth and you lift up the bottle again, “Good boy.” You splash some more brew for him and put the bottle back down.  You give him the glass and spot some curtain tie holds and you walk over to the drapery and release them from their restraint. Dean’s eyes widen as you return to him and kneel to secure Dean’s arms to the chair. It doesn’t have to be particularly tight or well latched, since no matter how well you tie him up he is a hunter after all.  You stand back up and slide the belt through your hands. Smooth, worn leather. You turn your back to him, although at his eye level it’s more like you turn your ass to him.
 You snap the back strap of your garter and turn your head over your shoulder, “Are you watching, little tiger?”
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 He seems in a trance, swaying his head lightly as he watches your form, until he raises his eyebrows and possibly smirks a little.
 You hold the belt against your waist, circling it behind you. The cold leather tingles your skin, and you think about how this holds Dean’s jeans up every day. You want him to think about it holding you, as well.  You slide the belt along your lower back, allowing it to curve along your hips. You loosen your grip so that it can drop to your ass, and fall further in an achingly slow pace. You cradle your bottom with the belt and give it a bit of lift by pulling on the leather strap.  As you pull a bit harder it glides up off your cheeks and your ass bounces without the pressure.
 Once more you place it just above your thighs. When it is in place you give the belt a good crack, spanking your ass with it’s leather snap.
 Dean moans in his chair behind you and you hear his feet shuffle on the floor a moment.
 You keep the belt at your thighs as you waggle your behind left to right, making your whole body shimmy around. You drop one end of the belt and put your hand around it’s neck, pulling the buckle upwards over your head. It slides through your fingers until you catch the other end, once again. You pull the belt fully overhead, raising both arms in the air.  You stretch your body back, arching your chest, and sliding a leg back to keep you balanced.
 You see an upside-down Dean with his jaw dropped to his chest and his eyes a swirling disbelief of crazed appetite.
 Using your core muscles, you slowly bring yourself back up to standing and form the belt into a circle again. As you turn you pinch the ends of the belt to make a thin loop again.
 You snap the belt with a loud CRACK.
 Dean flinches.
 You lick your lips and make measured strides of one foot in front of the other. You come up in front of him and crack the belt again.  This time Dean doesn’t flinch. His tongue is practically hanging out of his mouth, and you’re sure if you waited a few more minutes he would be drooling.  You release one side of the belt and bring the hand that is still gripping the buckle onto Dean’s shoulder.
 You place one leg to the side of his knee. You wait.
 He releases his stare from you just to run his eyes down your body. He soaks up all of your figure. He devours your lingerie with his eyes. He gets down to your hips and his mouth clamps shut with a loud clunk. His teeth are exposed in his grin, but obediently he does not make a comment.  His jaw works as he continues down your legs, all the way down to your heels. He moans a little impatient whimper.
 You place your other leg on the outside of this thigh, squatting down to sit in his lap.
 He bites his lip hard as he watches you lower yourself onto him, paying particular mind to your lacy crotch.
 You wrap the belt behind his neck, allow it to slither behind his shoulders. You grab a hold of the flickering end before it drops behind him and you tighten up on Dean.  You look down at him, divine power running through your veins. He was obeying you. He was hungry for you. You were swelling with seduction and suspense.  His green eyes sparkled as you inspected them closely. Those eyes you’ve always wanted to stare into, but you were afraid to look too long. You took your time now, noticing each speckle like freckles in his iris.  You pulled the belt harder, leaning him into you, bringing his lips right in front of you.  His eyes, although too close to your face to focus, you could see they were still open, looking at you.  The moment you prolonged between you made him glance down at your lips instinctively. You wondered if he would break and kiss you. You wondered if you would want to punish him for breaking or fall in to his kiss.  Hot breath swept against your lips, and you smelled the Earthy, sour smell of whiskey.
 You thought of putting in an ice cube for fun, to experience an icy numbing kiss. But not now. Not for your first kiss with Dean Winchester.
 You inhaled a deep breath and pressed yourself to him. Your whole body. Your mouth to his mouth, your chest to his chest, your legs to his legs. You wanted to entwine into him, like a vine spindling around another vine until it’s impossible to untangle.  You exhaled through your nose and you felt dizzy. His tongue was soft, but kind of cold from hanging his mouth open the past few minutes. It wrapped around your tongue like a wave extending and receding.  His lips were succulent and you wanted more than anything to bite them. So you did.  You sank your teeth into his bottom lip, making him gasp a quick moan of pleasure.  “Y/N...” he warned.
 “Patience.” you whispered against his lips.
 You lean back and observe his tasty expression. He is filled with restraint, almost bursting with every last bit of what he has left. Your eyes land on his luscious lips, temporarily bruised with the marks of your teeth.  You raise your eyebrows in satisfaction and reach down to the side of him where his glass sits, awaiting more reward.
 You sip what’s left of the liquor and he opens his mouth to protest, but you shake a finger at him.  You reach to other side for the bottle and pour a hefty serving into the glass. He smiles and nods his head.  Until you take another large gulp, leaving him only half of what you poured. He frowns but you put the glass to his lips.  “Be grateful for what you’ve got.” you say as you tip the glass toward him, allowing him to drink up the remainder.
 He smacks his lips in delight and you put the glass and bottle down.
 You straighten up and lean back a little, resulting in a scent wafting from your moist panties, up to his nose.  His muscles tighten underneath of you and you place your hands on your thighs, grabbing the fatty insides until it slightly stings, “Do you want to touch me?” You gently shake your fists full of your legs, until he breaths heavily and nods.  You scrape your nails up your thighs, outward toward your knees, until you hit your garter. Dean’s eyes run along the light red trails you drew and he can’t stop himself before saying, “Why don’t you let me scratch that for you,” as he reaches his hands as far within the restraints as he could, nipping at the outside of your thigh and part of your ass with his fingers.
 You stand up quickly, outside of his reach, “Uh-uh. Bad little tiger.”
 You place a foot between his thighs, on the seat. You glide your fingers down your garter reaching the top of your heel. You lick one of your fingers, to be able to catch the tight hose that wrap your legs, which has the unintentional effect of making Dean blush.  You pinch part of the hose and rake your fingers up your leg to straighten out your tights. You put your leg down and replace it with the other side. You lean in and make sure to keep Dean’s eyes as you place two fingers halfway into your mouth, pressing them into your tongue, and drag them down slowly until they’ve lightly pulled your lip out. One final flick pops your lip back into place and Dean closes his eyes tightly for a moment, licking his own lips in imagination.  You fix your hose and make sure the garter is lined up nicely along your thigh.
 You kneel down in front of Dean, allowing him to look down at you for once. His eyes are hypnotized to follow you, so you feel just as much power from below, as from above.  You lean down to one of his hands and pause your mouth in front of his dangling fingers. He cocks an eyebrow at you and tilts his head. You stick the tip of your tongue out until it is just under his finger and you turn your head toward his face, “Kiss me.” you whisper.  He leans down as far as he can and you meet him the rest of the way, allowing him to suck your bottom lip. This time his tongue is hot and thrusting with urgency. He is becoming very impatient and you wonder how it is you can keep it up as well. Something about having Dean Winchester eating out of the palm of your hands makes you want to take your time.  You lean away from him, down toward his fingers again, and this time he wiggles one toward you, gently flicking your bottom lip. You snap at him playfully, “I’ll decide.” is all you say.
 You incline your head to take the tip of his thumb between your wet lips. Light suction as you cover more of it with your mouth causes Dean to release a low breath. You tingle with excitement and graze your teeth along the underside of his thumb as you pull back. You run your tongue along his thumb with a warm, wet massage, nursing it lightly. Dean wraps his other fingers around the side of your face, rough and cold. He touches you delicately, with great restraint.
 You grab the bottle again and pull back from him. You pick up the glass, and start to circle the opening of the bottle along the rim of the glass in circles.
 “Or would you rather have it off of me?” You suggest to Dean.
 “Oh, please.” he breaths out in an astonished little beg.
 You place the glass back down and you put the bottle to your lips. You push yourself up and stand very closely in front of Dean. You let the whiskey pour into your mouth, not minding as some sloppy liquid trails from your lips down your chin.  He watches a drop of whiskey flow from your neck to your clavicle, and divert to your sternum, falling down the middle of your ribcage.  He swallows loudly and you bring the bottle away from your mouth, watching his expression carefully.  You put a hand behind his neck, giving him a quick tug to come toward you, “Start from the bottom.” you instruct.
 He immediately goes for the spot just above your belly where the end of the trail is about to trickle down again. It tickles as he uses his tongue to reverse the pathway the Scotch took on you. He kisses your sternum, creating a shiver across your skin, that he seems to like. He smiles against your chest and he traces his tongue above the band of your lingerie. You prop yourself down on him so that he can reach the remaining remnants of alcohol on your body.  Dean kisses a fleshy part of your breast and you hit the bottle against his shoulder, “Stay on track!” you order.   Submissively he returns his path to your collarbone. You clutch a mass of hair in the back of his head as his route waves back and forth around your sensitive skin. He nibbles on your neck where it is slick and sucks lightly at a particular spot that makes you mewl with arousal. You run your hand up and down the back of his neck, occasionally pressing your nails into him.  As he reaches under your chin, he makes eye contact with you, his eyes sultry and hypnotic. You swoon as he moves his lips to the outside of your lips, watching your reactions to his movements.  You moan as you kiss him, allowing him to nibble and lick as he pleases. His kiss is less urgent this time, more intimate and knowing. Knowing to kiss you in ways that it affects you, that it arouses you, that it makes you almost unable to bear teasing him any longer. Because a tease for him, is almost like a tease for you.
 “Ready to get me naked?” you raise a brow at Dean, happy to see him light up with excitement.
 You give him one last peck and shoot up to place the remainder of the bottle on a side-table, “That’s enough for now.” you say, not sure if you are feeling swirly from intoxication of Scotch or Dean. You know your limits, so the buzzy feeling should fade in about half an hour, just enough for you to be experimental without getting sick.  You twirl in front of him, facing your ass to his nose and you lean down to grab the sides of his arms. You use them to steady yourself as you slowly drop down onto him, landing your ass comfortably onto his lap.  “Take it off.” you say over your shoulder.
 Dean starts pulling at his restraints, starting to loosen them when you correct, “Not that.” you tuck an arm behind your back, pointing at the hooks latching your piece together, “Figure it out any way you can.” You add, tauntingly.  Dean buries his face in your back, you feel his teeth reaching all sorts of ways at the clasps. You giggle. He is not going for sexy here, he is trying to figure out any way whatsoever to get that damn thing off of you and he doesn’t care how it looks right now.  After a little bit of strategic calculation with pressure and his mouth he managed to unlatch the top hook. Once he figured it out, the remaining hooks followed. He victoriously grazed his teeth along your now bare back, letting you know he’s completed his task.
 “Good boy.” you smile as you slide the the straps off of your shoulders, taking one arm off at a time in painful anticipation.  You place your hands on top of Dean’s hands and tap the tops with your fingers. “You can take these off now.” you instruct, looking down as he very quickly and sloppily pulls the curtain ropes off his wrists.  You take your hands on top of his and guide them to your waist. You let them go and feel him carefully and hesitantly slide up your ribcage. As you didn’t stop him he continued on to cup your breasts, releasing a primal growl and biting down on your neck.  You reach your hand back and grab his neck as well, lacing your fingers through his hair.  He grabs at your tits, massaging and squeezing them, all the while kissing into your neck without regard for poise or coordination. He is slipping his resolve to continue holding himself back, but something about his actions shows he enjoys taking orders from you.
 You lean your head back and to the side, nipping at an available ear in front of your face. He turns to you and starts kissing you deeply, while scratching at your chest, and running his other hand down your belly. You feel his teeth hit against yours, the awkward angle difficult to maneuver around, but you love the way his hands feel on your body. He grasps at your thighs, squeezing the fleshy mass with vigor, bruising you in his wake. You may have control over him, but he still wants to leave his mark on you. He wants you to own one another. He wants you to boss him around, and have his name all over you so that he will be the only one on you.  He reaches his hand over your hot panties, rubbing the moist spot that is spreading along your thighs. You moan into his mouth, seething air escaping your lips as he puts more pressure where he feels blood engorging your clitoris. He twirls a thumb around your nipple with his other hand, gripping at any skin he can reach with his fingers.  You turn your head away from his mouth and he bites hard on the muscle between your neck and shoulder. “UHHNNHH!” you let out in a yelp, arching into his hands.  “Stop!” you command, and he immediately halts, whispering with worry, “Did I hurt you?” He puts his hands on the sides of your arms, holding you carefully.
 “No, little tiger, you were treating me just right.” you blink and nod to regain composure.
 “You just needed a breather before you lost control.” you remark, taking a deep breath of your own.  Dean chuckles behind your ear, “Oh, I think you’ve got me under control just fine.” he roars in a low gravely appreciation of you.  “Well then, let’s keep testing those bounds,” you smolder as you stand up off of him, still facing away from his face.
  You lifted your hair above your neck and let it drop down like a small waterfall to your back. You put your hands to your breasts and grazed them outward to the sides of your rib cage. You swiftly moved them down along the curve of your waist, out to your hips, down your sides, and you bent down as you continued your hands down your thighs to your knees and folded all the way forward as you reached your ankles. You were tucked as much in half as you could manage and you looked past your calves to Dean, chest rising heavily up and down as he observed where your ass met your vagina, still covered in soaking lace.
 You snapped upward, and twirled around to expose yourself to Dean. A little bit more than half naked. He drew a slow breath in, gasping at your beauty. He loved every bit of you. He wanted to run his hands all over you, bumps and curves and sink his teeth into it all as well.  You curved your hands around your breasts and looked down to see how your fingers traced their shape. You twirled a finger around your nipple, and you looked back to Dean.
 You kneeled down in front of him again, this time reaching for his zipper. You attempted to undo the button, but with the tension of sitting down it was pressed tightly into his hips.  “Take them off.” you say and faster than you even realized he stood up, he’s already undone them and pulled them halfway down. You smile but only say, “Sit.” to him and he falls back into the chair.  His boxers have a flap on them, so you pull back the slit with one finger and watch Dean as he eagerly watches your fingers  pull him out of his boxers. His heart is racing and you can feel the blood pumping in his penis.  You lick your lips and tilt the head toward your mouth, so that you can keep your eyes locked with Dean.  You press your lips to his cock, squeezing the tip through your puckered mouth.  “Oh my, fuck.” he swears as you rub the underside of his head with your tongue, swirling it the way you illustrated on his thumb earlier. You traced your tongue along the curves of the head, sucking as you pulled it out of your mouth. You kissed the side of the head, and slid the tip of your tongue along the slit of his head.  He roared with delight and you lightly grazed your teeth along the head, just enough to titillate him. Dean places his hands on the top of his head and wrinkles his brow as he keeps your stare.  You wet your lips again and plunge your mouth as much as you could down his shaft, making him grab the sides of the chair with surprise, “JesUS FUCKING CHRIST”
 You take your time bobbing up and down his cock, inhaling as you go down to take in more each breath. Saliva starts pooling out your mouth and you use a free hand to grab his shaft and move along with your mouth using the lubrication.  Dean lets out a string of cursing, but never puts his hand on your head, not wanting to do something to make you stop.  You use your other hand to feel his testicles through the cloth, rubbing as much under them as you could reach. You even grabbed under his thigh and squeezed hard, releasing some of your own pent of tension.  You decided to make good use of your tonsils and let go with your working hand, taking one big breath to push Dean’s dick all the way inside your mouth until it hit the back of your throat, making you gag in response.  It’s been a while since you’ve done this, so you did not expect the intense gagging that came next. You pulled off of Dean and covered your mouth, spitting up as you gasped for air.  Dean lunged forward, patting you on the back, making sure you were okay.
 “I’m fine,” you shook your head, but you kept covering your mouth so he wouldn’t see what a saliva-covered mess you are.
 “No, don’t hide, Fucking Hell that is so Fucking sexy.” Dean says, taking your hand away from your mouth. You don’t know what he finds so sexy about it, but his eyes and pupils widening told you he wasn’t just making it up.  “Dean, I want you to cum for me.” you say right before you take his dick back into your mouth, squeezing with your hand as you go down again. You watch his face as best as you could with all of the movement, seeing his head throw back and his face squirm into different configurations.  You suck and squeeze as you go down, and release pressure as you come back up, over and over, twisting your hand lightly to a rhythm.  Dean begins to wail steadily as you feel his testicles retract a tiny bit, and you prepare your breath and throat for an incoming explosion.  “Y/N, Oh,” Dean moans your name with desire and arousal, “Y/N, Oh, FUCK. Y/N-” He warns you and you continue your pace as best as you can with his writhing around.  His orgasm reaches it’s peak as he ejaculates into your mouth, hot and thick. You eat him up and continue to slide your tongue along his erection, until he pushes on your shoulders exclaiming, “Woah, hold on, I can’t-” he squirms underneath of you, “too sensitive!” he shouts and you smirk as you pull back, covered in spit, sweat, and some semen.  You swallow deeply the remainder of his fluid and run your tongue along the inside of your mouth. It feels silky and sleek, a thin film of Dean’s slickness left behind. He tastes kind of bitter but you revel in the thought of taking in Dean’s semen, taking pleasure in the idea more than the flavor.  You put the tip of your finger along the spine of his dick, using the faintest touch to slide up along a vein lined on the top. It follows the sense of your touch, pulling up slightly by reflex as you reach the head and pull away.  You take the erection, still quite hard in your hand, rubbing the bottom of the head with the tip of your thumb, where semen drizzles one last drop out the head. You run your tongue from the base of his cock, along the vas deferens, to lick up the last bit of cum from Dean’s dick.  You place your mouth one more time on his head and suck ever so lightly, making him grit his teeth and clench the arms of the chair. You take one last deep plunge on his penis and as you come back up you graze your teeth along his sensitive skin, exposing goosebumps along his thighs.
 You sit back and look up at him, wasted in the chair. He glances at you and starts to talk, “Wow, your mouth-” but you put a finger to your lips and stand back up.   “You’ve been doing a lot of staring at my ass,” you reach for Dean’s hands, placing them on just the top of your garter, “but you have yet to show your appreciation.” you let go of his hands and he looks down at your garter straps. He rubs your thighs delicately and inspects the garter where it connects with straps to your garter belt.  He looks up at you as he runs a finger along the belt line, somewhere halfway between your waist and the biggest part of your hips. His tongue slides between his teeth, moving left and right between them. His hands run up and down the sides of your hips before sliding around back to the chunky part of your butt.  He grips your ass hard in his hands, on the borderline of painful, but as he releases you release your breath. Unaware you were holding it as he squeezed more forcefully. He places his hands at the top of your hamstring, just under the glutes, and bounces your ass playfully. He gives it a little spank and your eyebrow jerks quickly. He pulls your hips toward him and bites your hip bone, protruding at him enticingly.  The sensation of Dean’s teeth on you again drives you wild and a noise rolls up through your body and out your throat, making him hug around your hips with intensity. When he releases you he gives your ass cheek a loud slap, which to his pleasure made your booty jiggle deliciously.  He digs his hands into your hipbones and spins you around with force, resulting with your ass in his face. He slid his hands down your booty, then back up and gave them a little lift. He made a crisp chomp on a part of you, and then rubbed his face between your ass cheeks.  Man, he really likes ass. You smile and thank the heavenly creature that gave you an ass for Dean Winchester to play with right now.
 “Please.” Dean hugs you from behind and rests his face in the crook of your back.
 “Yes?” you place your hands on his arms and curiously peek behind your shoulder.
 “Please, can I Fuck you?” he pleads so sweetly and kindly that the words don’t seem to line up with the meaning.
 “Let’s go-” you start and you are shocked by your body being forcefully thrust into the air. Dean lifted you with the vigor of a bulldozer on steroids and twisted you to your side as he dropped you into his arms.
 You never felt comfortable with people trying to lift you, but with his giant bicep tucked under your kneecaps, and his powerful hand digging into your ribcage, you threw all caution to the wind and let him turn you into a damsel.
 A damsel ready to get fucked.
 Dean fell on top of you as he threw you onto the bed, but strategically had his hands land on either sides of your body.
 You reached for the edge of his shirt and pulled it above his head as he lifted his arms. He hungrily kissed your neck and all around your chest as he kicked off his boxers. He sat up, fully erect again and reached for your delicate panties. He scratched your legs all along the way as he pulled them off of you and threw them over his shoulder.  He lifted your ass into his hands as he adjusted himself as close to you as he could get, placing you on his thighs as he leaned back.
 “Any orders?” he asks and you smirk, unable to bear it any longer.
 “Go wild.” a sly smile across your face.
 He takes your suggestion very seriously as he grabs your hips with one hand and takes his dick in the other and rubs between your lips to get to the vaginal opening, without waiting a breath he pushes inside of you and both of you swear at the ceiling as he fills you up.  He leans an arm forward and places his hand beside you on the bed, while still holding your hip in his other hand. You grasp at the sheets above your head, gasps escaping your chest in desperation.  His dick rubbed all along your canal, getting drenched in your abundant juices. He moved vigorously beneath you, heavily panting as he felt your soft velvety insides slide along his cock. “Fuck, you feel so good.” He rasps out between thrusts. Sweat ran down his temples and dripped onto your stomach as he lurched over you.  He stopped and tucked his palm under one of your knees, raising it into the air and pulling your thighs apart. He rammed into you, groaning with rumbling grunts as he slid between your thighs, now wet with a combination of your lubrication, his sweat, and probably your sweat as well.  He kissed your knee as he lifted your calf to his shoulder, repositioning you on one of your sides. He smacked your ass and growled as he rubbed your clit with his thumb, making you feel sparkles inside of your head. You were breathing so heavily you were practically hyperventilating, and the lack of oxygen was already affecting your brain when lack of blood also added to your high. Your clitoris rushed and pumped heavily with blood as he put his thumb in his mouth to soak it and then circled it with pressure on your engorged flesh.  One look at Dean fucking Winchester, muscles covered in sweat, the look of concentration on his face as he pumped his fucking COCK inside of you, while taking care to pay attention to pleasing you with his hands - it threw you into a whirl. Your heart was bursting so hard that the adrenaline finally washed over you - you came so fucking hard that you felt your body convulse as you arched backward. You felt his dick inside of you, as your muscles squeezed around his shaft, as your body contorted toward his hand - the perpetrator that pushed you over the edge of the cliff to orgasm.  You felt after shocks as he continued to push into you and pull slightly out of you, making figures with his hips to feel new parts of you.  He took your leg off of his shoulder and he scooped his arm behind your shoulder, forcing you up alongside him.  Dean moved his legs under him, making you crouch on top of him, legs tucked underneath of you and your knees around his hips.  You bounced to his rhythm, helping to take some of the work off of him. He put his hands on your shoulders, pushing you down harder each time you came down on his dick.  You took the opportunity to put your hands around him on his back, scratching deeply each time he pushed you down. He bit his lip, hard.  He looked from your bouncing breasts to your eyes, pulling you in to a kiss. He had a hunger, you had created an appetite in him, and he was trying to sate himself.  You leaned back, grabbing along the sides of his slick abdomen. You ran your hands along his rigid muscles and moved your fingers along the grooves as he contracted them to thrust into you.   You put your hands behind you on the bed for stability, making your breasts jut out and bounce in his view. His cock began hitting a particular spot it hadn’t reached before and you shuddered with gratification. He looked down to watch your genitals connecting and the sight of his dick moving up and down inside of you made him lose whatever control was left.
 He pushed you back and he fell down on top of you, his stomach grinding against yours. He held himself up on his elbows, but he couldn’t hold himself up to look at you for the moment. He sunk his teeth into his favorite place on your shoulder and you grabbed his back with a sharp intake of air.  You spread your legs and wrapped them around his lower back, sliding around in sweat but gripping at him as best as they could.  He really rammed into you, but in this position you couldn’t get the full pleasure from his intensity that you wanted.  “Move,” you say as you give a push to his shoulder. Confused, he sits back and slides out of you. You groan in agony, but flip around as quick as you can, leaning on your elbows and waving your hips in the air, “Okay, now.” you say.  “Yes,” he groans in ecstasy and grips your fleshy hips.  He attempts to penetrate you, but with all of the slip and slide going on he needed a little bit of help. You reach your hand underneath and between your legs and you wrap your hand around the base of his cock.  You guide his penis to your cunt and you push yourself back onto him, earning a, “Y/N, FUCK YES.” and he continues his crusade behind you.  Your face falls into the pillow as you feel every muscle inside of you moving around from this position. You love the way it feels like his dick is practically pushing out your stomach from there. You love the tiny blip of pain as he possibly hits your cervix. You love that you can scream literally as loud as you want, and from this position, the only noise you make is a muffled unintelligible wail into the pillow.  You spread your knees out a little so that you can reach your clitoris and give yourself another happy ending.  You barely even have to do any rubbing, as Dean’s thrusting bobs your hips back and forth enough to rub along your fingers if you just keep them in place.  Luckily due to the mixture of several different body fluids you are just slick enough for comfort, but also not too wet to subdue your friction.  Out of curiosity you stick a finger slightly farther back, feeling as Dean’s dick slides in and out of you. Again the concept of Dean-Fucking-Winchester slipping his ridiculously rock-hard erection in and out of your pussy aching from his constant and rampant pounding sends swirls through you. As you bring your finger back to your clit you feel the coil in your abdomen tighten so tightly that it breaks and unwinds and you are conquered by a rush of waves all over your body. Your final orgasm again makes you clench your muscles in spasms all over your body and the pressure on Dean’s dick sets him over the edge, releasing himself into you practically right after your orgasm started. He clenches your body in his hands, you’re not even sure where, because you’ve lost feeling in most of your muscles.  All of the tension of the night, with a final release exhausts you, and extinguishes your ability to go on any further. Dean seems in agreement, as he falls beside you after you plant your body completely into the bed.  “You did it,” Dean said in a gravely victorious voice, “You conquered me.” he said, although you feel he sounds much too pleased with this.
 You roll your head to his side and soak up his state of pure bliss.
 “Just wait until we try the 21 year Glenfiddich.” you moan and he turns his head to you with a wide grin and expectant eyes.
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amarmeme · 7 years
Tagged by @evilsapphyre​. Now you will see why I get nothing done. In alpha order by pairing. Because this is so long, I am not tagging anyone explicitly, but feel free to do this. 
Alistair x Amell / Anora
Gifts of Marriage: Alistair x Anora  Twice a week, save during her courses, Anora decides. It is little enough to truly vex her and adequate for its purposes. Better to bear some discomfort and awkwardness in the hopes of conceiving right away than wait for any length of time to pass before it can become more... palatable. There could never be anything more than duty.
Lady Heroes: Alistair x Amell, SebHawke A happy bark and an exclamation filled the silence and she hurried to catch up. Sol dropped another invisibility spell and peered inside the open doorway. The large window was cast wide, moonlight streaming over the large bed filled with a wiggling, giddy mabari and a laughing, confused king. The bed’s curtains were opened on all sides; the fireplace was dark. Not looking to freeze to death now she was back inside a proper castle, Sol set the cold logs on fire with a thoughtless gesture. Alistair heard the woosh of flames lick up the chimney and whipped to observe the spot. At the crack of magic, Dóchas leapt off the bed, so used to sleeping in front of campfires. Sol simply shifted in the door, watching the scene unfold and waiting for the moment he would notice her. And he would, even if magic masked her completely. He would know.
Into the Red: soulmate cop AU It was just like his book.  As Cassandra approached the victim’s body, her immediate thought was of Marris Hethric’s bestseller The Ravaging Red. The scene before her was so perfectly in line with that of Detective Mark Greaves’ story that at first, she’d stopped in her tracks as Vallen kept walking towards the victim. She snapped herself out of it quickly, chastising her imagination. Surely it was a coincidence -- many lowlifes died in Kirkwall alleyways.
The Shelved Works of Varric Tethras: Just kidding I don’t have a damn word for chapter 19. Eeeep. 
Cullen x Trev
Cool, blue waters: Cullen x Lotte  The stranger pushes her down, hard, against the granite floor. Her kneecaps shift, unsteady under the pressure of his hands and against the unforgiving tiles. They make up a blue so deep the floor shines like the sea under the moonlight. Swaths of silver veins mingle with the coastal waters, and if she squints hard enough it's like being on the shore, staring out at the endless waves. “I can almost see it,” she whispers. Home. She couldn't wait to show Cullen.
Seven Letters for Seven Moods: Cullen x Lotte If I was in Skyhold and in your office, knowing you ache as badly for me, I’d leave the door unlocked. I would sink to my knees before you, stroking your thighs as I lower myself down to the cool floor. You're ready for my attentions and I unlace your breeches myself, plucking them open slowly, teasing you with my other hand on your inner thigh, just brushing your cock (I do believe this is the first time I’ve written that word, Cullen! I cannot believe I’m doing this). You hiss between your teeth as my palm greets you there, capturing you in a tight grip.
The Name’s Evelyn Trevelyan: Cullen x Evelyn “Dorian told me you’ve never done this before. It’s okay, I don’t mind.”    “That ass.” Cullen shook his head in disbelief. “That is not what I said. At all.” He reeled back, holding Evelyn’s upper arms. “So all this time you've thought--” Evelyn was biting her lip, hard. She was trying not to laugh, but failed spectacularly, covering her face and shaking her head. “I’m sorry! He-- ahaha! Oh, Cullen. He just told me this a few days ago, so no. I had no idea.” “It’s not true.” “I know.” She said it as if she meant the exact opposite. “I have... slept with a woman before.” 
The Underground: Reyder (dance club smut) He wants her to come to a new club, something called the Underground. It sounds like Tartarus, (isn’t that underground technically too?) but Casarra doesn’t need much convincing. If Reyes can’t remember what it was like to dance with her, then it's really time to fix that. 
The Way You Look at Me: Reyder Casarra cleared her throat and stepped into the room proper. Droplets of water still clung to her skin, caressing the curve of her neck, the line of her shoulders. She seemed tense; her hands stacked before her chest, clutching a towel shut. Reyes didn't dare yet move. If anything, his overt flirtations had only served to put him in this position, one where the line between her strangling and straddling him was too blurred to confidently maneuver.
Zero-sum Gravida: Reyder Pregnancy AU Reyes catches her eyes, fixing her still like the first time they’d met and the last time they’d parted. The humor is gone in his expression and he holds his jaw carefully.“It is mine?” She can't feel her fingertips. A cold sweat rushes over her body and her hair stands on end, prickling her scalp. “Yes.”
Choir Boy: (For @element-104, surprise.) The pallor of death was upon her, yet Sebastian could not give up hope. His bitter brother in arms did what he could. Cool blue light leached from Anders’ fingertips until sweat dripped down the mage’s brow. Hawke's insides wove together like the fine edge of a tapestry, susceptible to fraying at the slightest provocation. It had to be enough. Anders collapsed only after Varric pulled him away, Sebastian recognizing the force of the mage’s will was not too dissimilar from his own. As the fire burned low, Sebastian was the sole remainder, hands pressed in prayer, shallow breaths counted like benedictions. Choir boy. The moniker might have been mocking, but Sebastian knew how to hold a vigil, to remain at Hawke's side as long as necessary while she fought for her life on a much quieter scale than before. The angry fissure line across her abdomen would forever remind her of the Arishok; it was the mark of a Champion.
The Red Queen: AU arranged marriage “There is a place, not far from here,” he says. “We will be safe.” Marian dips ever forward in the saddle, hands gripping the horse’s wet mane. She is sodden, droplets cascading off the tip of her nose to splash against the leather seat. The King wraps an arm around her, pulling her back towards his chest. Now upright, she must close her eyes to the storm. The rain cuts across her face. He had not expected an answer, and so when she does not give one there is no reason to dismay. Yet the sinking sensation in his stomach washes over him anew. Marian is the receding tide that surges to  break the shoreline again and again, and those in her path must hunker against the waves. Sebastian had not hardened himself to bear the disappointment. His fear lies in what he might become with an iron heart; the sharp pain of angst serves far too well as a compass. 
Verita x Michel 
A Chevalier in Scouts’ Clothing: Lavellan x Michel de Chevin (Michel is deployed to help save Clan Lavellan) Although I never thought I would find myself here, far from Orlais, this felt like coming home. The clan is far more accepting of me than I should have expected or deserved. While I have only been here for six months, it is more easy than life in Val Royeaux ever was. Volant, Jester and I have one more meeting before we part ways. I cannot speak for them, but the feeling of accomplishment keeps me awake. My limbs are filled with a fire that was stronger than anything ever before this. Ah, Verita -- there is much I should tell you, for maybe without explanation this all sounds wrong. How could a man be so enamored with what he has found in your family?
A Trick of the Rain: Lavellan x Michel de Chevin (also Cullen x Lysette) The moment she touches his face he knows himself again and it does not conflict with his past or future. He is Michel de Chevin, son to an elven woman, in love with another. Everything is right with her slender fingers on his neck, her breath against the shell of his ear. She trembles slightly, a leaf fluttering on the vine, and Michel aches to shelter her. She's provided far more comfort to him in the last hour than he’s offered in their entire acquaintance and it shames the part of him that will never be able to shed the Chevaliers’ code. Verita presses her lips lightly against him, a mere brush of her mouth whispering something elvish. He never would have pictured himself here, in Ferelden no less, hands gripping his thighs as an elf whispers her siren call straight to his heart.  
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impala-imagines · 7 years
I won’t be broken
Fandom: Walking dead Prompt: can I get a walking dead daryl x reader one shot where you are also taken by negan, who tortures you, but get left behind when daryl escapes, really angsty please Word Count: 1,440 Characters: Daryl Dixon Reader Gender: Neutral Warnings: mentions of blood, torture, beatings, death and just major angst. Author note: It’s been a while since I watched the episode where he escapes, I hope this is alright. 
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
We’re on easy street And it feels so sweet ‘Cause the world is ‘bout a treat when you’re on easy street.
Hands clamped hard onto your ears as you screamed over the music once again, it had been playing for days now, you had no sleep, hardly any food, and you could no longer take it. Your fingers were bloody and sore from clawing at the door, you wanted to escape. No, you needed to escape. But you were trapped here. You’d been stuck here since that night, since that line up. You’d lashed out after your brother Abraham had been beaten to death, Daryl had come after you as Negan and his men made an example of you, loving your fiery nature. You’d been pinned to the ground by Simon, Negan’s right hand man, and Daryl, who feared you were to be killed lashed out and ended up on the ground beside you with Dwight pointing his own crossbow at him.
The last time you’d seen that rugged archer was that moment, while you lay on the ground side by side. You’d watched the look in his eyes as Glenn was beaten to death, you watched the guilt appear in his eyes, but it wasn’t his fault, if it was anyone’s fault, it was yours. You’d wanted to tell him you were sorry at that moment, but you weren’t able to, as the pair of you lay on the cold ground, tears had flown from your eyes and you found yourself longing to reach out to him, to touch his shoulder, his hand, to just offer him some form of comfort. But it was no good, not with Simon pinning you to the ground.
Wrapping your arms around yourself, you started to bang your head back against the wall. A secret desire to pass out, to stop the music from playing in your ears, this song was awful and to have to hear it on repeat, why were they doing this? Why did they do this? You’d long given up fighting, they’d enter the room and you’d stay in the corner, but that wasn’t how you were to start with, each time they opened the door you tried to fight them, punching and kicking whoever you could to try and get away. But you guessed that was why you now had a black eye and a split lip.
The music disappeared, leaving you in silence, a sigh left your lips as you were blessed with a moment of silence. The door pulled open and in walked Dwight. “Come on, he wants to see you.” You refused to move, until he walked over and pulled you up by the scruff of your hair. “Let me go, you son of a bitch!” But Dwight didn’t answer; instead he struck you across the face hard. A yelp escaped your lips as he did, your head smashed against the wall, as you head moved instinctively. “Now, now Dwighty boy, be careful we don’t want to ruin the merchandise do we?” It was him, you could feel your stomach churning and a sickness welling inside of you as Dwight pulled you out and toward Negan.
Being dragged into a room, you heard Dwight shutting it behind you. “Aww look at you, the little fighter.” Negan spoke, sending chills down your spine. His hand suddenly gripped your face and pulled you to look up at him. “Hungry? Thirsty? See this room, it could be yours… you just have to answer one question. Who are you?” You looked at him, anger coursing through your veins, a desire to punch that smirk off of his face. You had a desire to take Lucille out of his hand, and beat him with it repeatedly. You could feel the eyes of both of the men on you as they waited for you to answer the question that they’d proposed to you.
Looking into Negan’s face, you grinned softly. “Y/N. Y/N Ford.” You answered before moving your head and head butting him hard. “Jesus!” He snapped as your heads collided. “Take them back to their cell Dwight, you know what to do once they’re in there!” He snapped as you were dragged out of the room, your eyes full of anger as you stared at the leader of the saviors. “I will never let you rule over me.” You snapped before the door closed. Looking up as you were dragged along toward your cell, your eyes landed on Daryl, a pleading look appeared for a moment, before you were thrown into your cell.
“Make him watch!” Dwight ordered the man known as fat Joe, standing across the cell from Dwight, with Daryl forced to stand at the door, you watched him advance on you, his hand struck you across the face, before hitting you in the stomach, and sending you to the ground. From there he started to stamp on you, and kick you. A cry of pain escaped your lips, even though you hated to show them any sort of reaction, you could feel your ribs being cracked, your hand possibly being broken. Tears trickled down your cheeks as you focused on Daryl, you wanted to swallow your pain, let him know you were alright, but you couldn’t.
He was the last thing you saw, before it went dark.
“Y/n, wake up!” Your eyes shot open to see Daryl looking down at you. “Daryl?” He nodded softly, before pulling you up. “Come on, we’re going, we’re going now.” Helping you to your feet, you could feel the pain running through your body from the beating you’d taken a few hours ago. Daryl reached out and took your good hand, nodding at him softly, the pair of you started to sneak through the halls, trying to find the way out… via Dwight’s room.
Clutching your possibly broken ribs and broken wrist, you watched as Daryl trashed the room and found some different clothes. Looking at him as he offered you close, you took them quickly and changed them the best you could, trying to hide the pain that was radiating through your body. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.” You muttered as you both turned toward the door. Slipping out, you made your way out the back.
Entering the yard, your eyes scanned around as Daryl moved toward a motorbike. “Daryl.” Fat Joe stood in the way of the two of you leaving, your eyes glanced to Daryl, but he was on him before you could do anything. Beating him, repeatedly, killing him with his hands. “Daryl.” You whispered, as a hand landed on your shoulder. Looking up you saw Jesus stood there, watching Daryl take out his anger the same you desired to. “Daryl, stop! That’s enough!” You ordered, as you looked between both of the men.
Shuffling footsteps, the sound of shouting and orders were going through the radio. It was then you heard the sound of feet shuffling toward your location. Turning toward the sound, you looked back at Daryl and Jesus. “Go!” You ordered the pair of them. “Not without you.” Shaking your head, you smiled. “You’ll both get me out, I know you will… but not right now. Go Jesus, get Daryl out!” Watching the pair of them climb onto the bike, you stepped backward and waved toward them, before turning on your heel and starting to run away, hoping to distract them all.
“Unlucky for you, I’m in a really bad mood right now.” Your eyes looked down at the ground as Negan paced in front of you. “I should take you to Alexandria right now and bash your head in, in front of Rick and his, teach them all a lesson. However I’ve just come back from there, and honestly I really just want some ass…“ His hand moved across your face and pulled your hair so you’d look up at him. “You’re going back in your cell, and you’re never seeing daylight again!” Throwing you at one of his men, he dragged you off toward your cell, a look of fear appeared as the door opened.
“Enjoy the darkness!” Slamming the door, you slowly sunk to the ground against the door. A hiss of pain escaped your lips as you felt your ribs aching. Pulling your legs into your chest, despite the pain, you closed your eyes and started to bang your head against the hard wall as the music started up once again.
And we’re breaking out the good champagne we’re sitting pretty on the gravy train and when we sing every sweet refrain repeats right here on Easy street
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violupe-blog · 6 years
Dating in 2018 Sucks Ass
I think anyone who is single in this day n age can agree with me on this... dating sucks. 
I’ve been single for 5 and a half years now. I’ve been single this long mostly by choice. I’ve been busy with getting my bachelors degree and working multiple jobs trying to keep up with my bills.
In late 2017, I had finally scored a good job. Now, I’m no where near making 6 figures but I’m making more than enough to be able to comfortably pay all of my bills and still have money left over for leisurely expenses.
So, with this new job, and finally having a normal work life, I thought I should start getting into dating. My 3 best friends and my older sister are all in amazing relationships. This means I’m either always the 3rd wheel or I’m at some point listening to their wonderful lives with their significant others.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I am so happy to see the people that I love in my life in happy and loving relationships. But you can’t help but think to yourself, how lonely your bed is at night.
Sure, I’ve got my 2 cats (borderline crazy cat lady over here) but you can’t really have a conversation with them. Sure I can make meow sounds at them when they meow to me, but it’s not the same... ya know?
Now a second reason why I never got into the dating scene prior to 2018 had a lot to do with the fact that I’m a very shy person and meeting new people can be a little scary for me. There were a few times in the past that I tried online dating, but I was way too scared to meet people, so I quickly stopped all together.
Shortly after the New Year this year... I decided to make a New Years Revolution for once in my life. I decided that I wanted to take more chances in my life, put myself out there, and start meeting new people. Frankly, I was done being the third wheel.
So what did I do? What every single person in 2018 that was looking to meet people did, of course. I signed up for Tinder for the first time.
Now.... Why did I chose tinder? I couldn’t tell you.. After all, it is a shallow dating app. You swiped through people based on their photos. Most people couldn’t even be bothered to write something in their bio. And if they did, it wasn’t very descriptive of who they were as a person. But if they did have a descriptive bio, it came off as weird as no one else was doing that... And even so, you didn’t really read it until after you matched, but it was too much work having to go onto their profiles to read up on them before you swiped. So no win in the regards.
Now, why am I writing about my shitty dating experience, do you ask? Well, I’m sure a lot of people have funny dating stories, which is why I wanted to write about my experiences. I think the best kind of comedy is the kind that people can relate to, and its good to make a joke out of shitty situations to lighten the mood up a lot.
Now, in my stories, I will of course be using aliases, but these stories are going to be 100% true.
A little about me. I am an Automotive Service Advisor at a Car Dealership. I won’t specify which one, though. After a few months at this position, I started making some long lasting relationships, especially with Andrew and Jake. Andrew was one of our parts guys and Jake is the other service advisor.
These two basically became my work husbands. They are both really great people.
Andrew, however, it a very short man. I, myself, am 5′7 and I look down at him when we talk (not in the figurative ‘I’m better than you’ way, I literally look down at him). Andrew, was also single and also on Tinder. When we both discovered we were both on the app, we started venting towards each other.
Now, where I work, it is very encouraged to joke around and give each other a hard time. We can go a little over board with the back and forth insults, but it was all in good fun.
Andrew himself could get a little morbid as well, but everyone appreciated his creepy sense of humour. Especially myself.
One day, he was venting about how he had gotten ghosted the night he was supposed to meet a girl. He was a little upset, as most people would be. He of course, had to throw in the ‘short card’. He mentioned that he had told her his height and conversation had taken a turn after that point. He had tried to ignore it, but it was hard after she.
Soooooooo. I had to go be a jerk and crack a joke.
“It must be tough finding a girlfriend when you’re short” are the words that came out of my mouth. Word vomit, is what I like to call it.
I froze the second I realized what I said. NOW I in no way meant that being short is unattractive, I MEANT that girls are shallow about height (because, it is true). But the way I worded it, sounded like I thought he was doomed due to his height.
Of course, Jake heard the word vomit that just spewed out of my mouth and he nearly died laughing. I covered my mouth with my hands and looked at Andrew, who’s jaw had dropped out of shock.
“Wow.” was what he said, in his Andrew-esque way (I wish there was a way to describe the way he said wow).
Thankfully, Andrew has a morbid sense of humour. Thankfully, he took it as a depressing joke. And of course, he held it against me (hell, it’s currently September as I’m typing this out and this happened back in January and he still holds this against me).
Throughout the day, he kept on reminding me of the humiliating words that came out of my mouth. And no matter how much of a joke he turned it into, I still felt so bad.
So, a few days later, I had a coffee date lined up with a really cute guy. Conversation via text went very, very well. I was actually excited to meet this lad.
We decided to meet up at a Tim Hortons half way between us. I lived in Val Caron and he lived in Lively, so it was about 10 minutes for each of us to drive. If you’re familiar with the Greater Sudbury Area, you know how geographically spread out all of the towns are.
I had gotten there first. I had planned it like that. I wanted to be parked and waiting for when he arrived.
A truck exact to his that he described pulled into the parking lot and parked beside me. So, we got out of our vehicles to meet.
And guess what.
I had a hard time not laughing. Not because of his height, but because of what had transpired at work a few days prior. Now, I’m not gonna lie. I had always envisions the man of my dreams to look a certain way, which did include being taller than me. However, I kept an open mind about him.
And guess what? He turned out great! We got a long very well, conversation had a great flow to it. There was no awkward silence to it at all. We both laughed and I felt like we had a good time.
As most people probably do, I felt very nervous about whether or not he really was interested in me. Luckily though, the next morning, he had texted me good morning. What a relief!!
I was a little bit excited. So what did I do? I texted my three best friends Sharron, Shelly, and Jordan about him thinking that things were going to go somewhere. He had even asked me out on a second date!! 
I was pretty giddy.
Now, of course, I had to tell Andrew and Jake as well. I couldn’t help but make a joke of it, and boy did Andrew love that one up!
Unfortunately, the day we were supposed to go on a second date, he cancelled on me. Well, he just didn’t text me all day and later that night he said something had come up. I said that it was okay and that we could always reschedule. But no response... I had gotten ghosted for the first time. And boy did that suck!!
And this starts the beginning of my ‘fun’ dating stories. I hope you enjoyed.. there’s more stories to come
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salty-dracon · 6 years
SECRET Agents- Ally
Brid has disappeared  overnight, and the members of SECRET don’t know what to do. As the remaining Ducklings discuss their plan of attack, they receive a message from an unexpected source.
The picnic table was the same as always. A summer breeze tossed fallen green leaves over the grass. The air smelled like water vapor and mud from the stream. The ice cream stand was as vacant as ever. 
And yet, it didn’t feel the same. 
Kat wiped melting ice cream off her fingers. She hadn’t touched it past licking all the cookie crumbles off. The others hadn’t touched theirs at all. 
They were all silent, deep in thought.
“So,“ Jake said, halfheartedly, “how was school?“
“All right, I guess... “
The table fell silent again. 
“So, was there any progress on-“
“No.“ Val’s harsh words intensified the silence. 
For the next few seconds, they stayed like that, staring at their cones, and wondering what to do next. 
Val’s phone buzzed. He quickly pulled it out of his pocket and glanced at the notifications. He had received a text from an unknown number. He opened it. 
Are the others with you?
“Guys?“ Val asked. He held his phone out. “I just got this text. What should I say?“
“Say we aren’t,“ Kat said. “We don’t know if he wants to attack us.“
Another text appeared. Okay so they are. Good.
“He’s listening?!“ Allie exclaimed. 
I’m not going to hurt you. I’m on your side.
“Is he, now?“ 
Val, call this number. Texting is too slow.
Shrugging his shoulders, Val obeyed. He put the phone on speaker and placed it in the middle of the table. The phone rang a couple of times before a voice spoke. 
“Looks like the four of you are here.“ The voice was that of a young boy’s. “You’re probably wondering who I am. I’m Cybrr.”
“Cybrr.” Kat growled. “What do you want?”
“You’re out to kick Angel’s ass, right? I want to help you.“
“Why are you helping us?“ Allie asked. 
“I’m not doing this for you or your friend. I’m doing this to settle a score.”
“With Angel?“ Jake asked. “What do you have against him?“
“I had a suspicion as to who he was for about two months. It turns out I was right... and when I confronted him about it, he tried to erase my memory. That bastard thought he succeeded... but this time, I’m going to win.“
“And... how do you want to help us?“ Kat asked. 
“I have his private phone number. I’ve been trying to triangulate his location with it, but the results are too fuzzy to be useful. Then, looking for more information, I contacted him.“
“How’s Brid?“ Allie exclaimed. 
“Here’s what happened. I chatted with him for a bit, just asking about his personal life. He told me everything was going well. I then asked him about his whereabouts, which he refused to answer. Then I asked him about Bridget. He asked why I’d want to talk to you, but then I heard a female voice on the other end asking who it was. He then handed off the phone to her. I asked her lots of questions, posing as Val.“
“And?“ Allie asked. 
“First, she hasn’t been harmed. She said she’s feeling better than ever for some reason. Then I asked her where she was. She didn’t give me anything helpful, except for the fact that she’s allowed outside, despite her saying that there was nothing around for miles. She also said that there was no cognitively functional being nearby except her and Angel. I asked her why she kept dodging my questions, and she said she didn’t want to be found, especially by me. Considering I was posing as Val, I guess she doesn’t like a certain edgelord.“
“Asshole,“ Val mumbled. 
“She then said something a little concerning.“
“What?!“ Allie exclaimed. “What did she say?!“
“She said it was only three weeks until she was laid to rest. I asked her if she meant she would die, and she said yes.“
“So... she’s going to die in three weeks?!“ Jake shouted. “Did he brainwash her?“
“I asked him once she gave the phone back. The Angel I know always tells the truth if I ask him anything. He said he didn’t mess with her head. He said that she came with him because she wanted to, as his apprentice and heir. I asked her if he was going to kill her, and he said ‘I hope it never comes to that’. Then he said goodbye and hung up.“
“So... “ Allie sighed. “we only have three weeks to find them?“
“Seems like it.“
“Wait.” Kat grabbed the phone. “You just gave us all this information... don’t you want anything in return?“
“Of course I do. I need your help to investigate, as well as SECRET’s manpower. And when the time comes to strike, you’ll let me take care of him.”
“No way.” Val snatched the phone from Kat. “I’m killing that bastard the next time I see him.”
Val thought he heard Cybrr sigh. “We’ll get to that later. Anyway, I’m going to see if I can contact him again. As for you, there’s a little mystery I need your help to solve.”
“Which is?“
“The mystery of the victim’s pet parrot. It completely disappeared from the scene of the crime. Why did Angel take the parrot? I need to know.“
“Sparky?“ Allie asked. “Actually, now that you mention it, what did happen to Sparky?“
“I thought Brid’s mom killed him,“ Jake said. “Or released him into the wild.“
“Don’t you have pictures of the cage?“ Cybrr asked. “Look carefully at the lock.“
Val opened his photo album and found the pictures he took of the room. “Hey, it’s all scratched up.” He showed the picture to the others- he was right. The lock of the rectangular birdcage was covered in scratches. 
“Was it like that before?“ Allie asked. She flipped through her own photo album. “He’s right... it’s been scratched up.“
“But the lock isn’t that hard to operate,“ Jake said. “You just squeeze two triggers and it opens.“
“Wait.“ Val pulled open his photo album again. “Yeah, right here.“ He holo-projected a picture of Brid’s room and pointed to a yellow spot in front of the door. “It’s one of his feathers.“
“Sounds to me like he escaped on his own,“ Cybrr said. “Hey, Allie, you’ve known Brid the longest, right?“
“Sparky does know who I am, if you’re asking.“ Allie sighed. “And we’re close friends. But he’s not that close to me. Brid cares for him more.“
“This might be a long shot,“ Cybrr said, “but see if you can find and communicate with her parrot. If it got out the same night Brid disappeared, we might have a better idea of what’s going on.“
“Not a bad idea.“ Jake tapped Val’s phone. “Okay, so we’ll go do that, and look for more information ourselves. What about you?“
“I’ll try contacting Bridget through one of Angel’s terminals, without posing as Val this time. Maybe she’ll be more willing to talk to a stranger than a friend. Is there anything else you need to know?“
“Actually, yeah.“ Kat took the phone. “Something’s been on my mind. Brid said she was going to die, and Angel said that he didn’t mess with her mind, and didn’t want to kill her. No one else would be able to kill her either if they weren’t cognitively functional. Which means that any death that might come to her would be by suicide.“ Kat sighed. “I need you to check everything she’s posted online recently. If there’s anything we should know about, please tell us.“ 
“No problem. I’ll get back to you on that.“ 
On the other side of the line, Val heard the rustling of paper and mechanical whirring. “Shoot. I’m gonna have to cut it short. I’ll call you in three days, same time. Bye.” With that, he hung up. 
“... Kat?“ Allie asked. “Why did you ask Cybrr to-“
“Listen, I know it sounds crazy, but I went to Alder Creek Academy- I know better than anyone that it’s easy to drive someone’s brain into the ground. We’re all masters of acting normal, but if you push someone too hard, well... “ Kat sighed and examined her fingernails. “sometimes, they break.“
“So, you’re saying Brid might have been suicidal?“ Jake asked. “But why didn’t she tell us, then? Doesn’t she trust us?“
“That, I don’t know.“ Kat slid the phone back to Val. “We’re all dealing with things that other people can’t even begin to understand.“
“And she went to Angel for help?!“ Val asked. “Either she’s more messed up than we realize, or-“
“It’s too early to decide that.“ Kat crossed her arms and stared Val down. “Why did she ask our greatest enemy instead of her own friends for help? It’s not a question we can answer until we understand exactly what she was thinking at the time. She’s a logical person- she wouldn’t do anything drastic without a reason. And, given the recent string of events, I’d say we know a lot less about her than we think.“
“But we still need to find her!“ Allie shouted. 
“That, we do.“
0 notes
vandalsandvagrants · 6 years
She liked to play with her food. Her partner, Val, sometimes indulged her. Especially when they were ready to move on to somewhere new.
Val was like many vampires. He appreciated the taste of blood, male or female, as his victim came to climax. She, however, liked the the spicy, tangy flavor of blood tinged with fear and pain. Especially that of a man.
She had been abused by her husband for years. Isolated from her friends, her family.
He hit her sometimes, yelled at her often, dragged her to the bed and used her whenever the whim took him. Or the couch, or the table, or the bathroom floor.
The first time he had shoved himself into her ass, without warning, he had cum almost immediately. She bled for three days. But now, he had a taste for that tightness and he would drive himself into her tight asshole regularly.
He was stronger and larger and could overpower her easily. On some occasions, when he was feeling a bit more generous, he'd allow her to cover his dick in saliva before he impaled her.
"Lube it up real good, honey, cause you know where it's going next."
Val had found her one night, after she had run outdoors in her nightgown, and was huddled against the side of the house.
His voice was low, seductive, almost a purr. "Such beautiful eyes as yours should never know tears." She looked up into steely grey eyes. "I want to take you away from this. Will you let me?" She nodded and he picked her up and carried her off into the night.
The smell of her blood had drawn him. He had smelled it before, watched as her husband degraded her. However, he had been unable to get into the house and Joshua never let her leave. She had no money, no car, and was ashamed of the bruises, not to mention being unable to walk without pain half the time.
But, this night she had come outside, and he had finally been able to approach her. She was petite, blond, with incredible blue eyes. He remembered the sea being that color, the last time he had seen it in the daylight. She had small hands, delicate features, high cheekbones. He could have easily broken her in two, drained her quickly, and moved on to another. But, she looked far too much like a woman he had known a lifetime ago. Oh, there were differences, of course, she was by no means Isabelle's twin, but he still found a soft feeling for her.
He treated her gently, got her clothing, fed her and allowed her to heal. She marveled at his house, his servants, wandered the corridors and the gardens. She asked few questions. Val was pleased to see the color return to her cheeks, to hear her laugh, to watch her grab a flower and smell. She was enchanting. Alison.
He came to her a week after he brought her home. She was wearing a deep blue silk nightgown and was brushing her hair out when he knocked on the door. "Come in."
"How are you enjoying your stay?"
"It's so wonderful here, Val. I love it." She stands and twirls, laughing. "I feel like a princess."
"And you should be treated like one, Alison." She walks up to him, gets up on tiptoes, and gives him a rather chaste kiss. His arms go around her and he purrs into her ear. "The color of the gown makes you look even more lovely." His hand caresses her shoulder. "Although it isn't quite as soft as your skin, my lovely."
Her breath catches in her throat as he listens to the beating of her heart. He watches the pulse in her neck and he kisses the spot above it and sucks lightly. His fingertips follow the line of her neck, trace her collarbone.
Her hands now clutch at him, climbing up his back, into his hair. It's as dark as hers is light, thick, full. She turns her mouth to his ear. "Make love to me, Val."
"Alison, if you wish it, I will show you tonight what that really means."
"I mean it. I want it, Val." He sweeps her up into his arms as if she weighed no more than a child and places her gently on the bed.
He starts simply. Gentle kisses. Mouth, eyelids, the hollow below the ear. His fingers tracing the line of her chin, her throat, her shoulder. Then, the tongue, trailing a wet line down the side of her neck, over the pulse point, to the hollow of her throat. Fingers tracing down the sides of her body, her hips, her legs.
She's sighing, her eyes closed in contentment. She's never had a man's light touch make her feel so alive.
His fingers come back to her face, cradling it, his fingers stroking over her cheekbones, as he presses his lips to hers. Her hands are in his hair, pulling him more tightly to her, and she opens her mouth to him. He parts his own lips, the heat of her mouth entering his, as they explore each others' mouths, stroking, probing tongues.
He traces his tongue down her throat again, sucking over that pulse point. Feeling the blood move in her veins. And she sighs, "Oh, Val." And he hasn't even really touched her yet.
She whimpers slightly as he moves his weight off her, slipping beside her on the bed.
"Shh, my lovely. It's time for further exploration of your glorious body." He slides the gown off her shoulders, kissing and nibbling as he does so, gently removing her arms from the gown and pushing it down to her waist. His fingers move up the inside of her arms to her shoulders again and she giggles. "It tickles." Her light skin is almost luminous in the light of the moon.
"Ah! Look at that." She opens her eyes, confused, and looks down at her half-naked body. She's never been particularly fond of her breasts, wishing they were larger. Joshua had complained about them. Val's hand traces down from her shoulder to her left breast. "So beautiful, so perfect." His fingers trace the outside, circling in until he finds the small, tightened tip at its center. His mouth descends to engulf the other.
"Your heart is beating faster, lovely."
He continues his attention to her breasts when she suddenly gasps and stiffens. "Oh!"
The tone of her voice makes him look up at her. "What is it, Alison?"
Her heart is beating quickly and her breath comes harder, gasping. "I'm sorry, Val. I think I wet the bed."
He kisses her again, chuckling. "No, Ali, you didn't. You've simply had an orgasm."
"Really? Oh, I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what, my dear? You are allowed more than one in a night. Unless you wish me to stop?"
"No, no, oh, no, Val. That is, if you want to."
"I do have more of your secrets to discover."
Using one of his claws, he deftly cuts the gown from her body and pulls it from under her.
He sniffs the dampened spot before throwing it aside.
She's strangely aroused by that sight.
She wriggles slightly on the bed, wondering what else he was going to do. She'd never been really comfortable naked before, since her husband simply wanted her clothing out of the way to fill his own needs.
Val's fingers lightly trace down her body as he looks into her eyes. "Relax, darling. Better things are yet to come."
He rolls atop her and looms above her. And she stiffens again. Past experiences brace her to anticipate pain.
Val knows she is afraid but does not speak. His actions are soft and gentle as he kisses along her jawline again and lightly scrapes his fangs against the pulse point on her neck.
Then, he moves down her collarbone and his mouth captures a nipple again. He licks and suckles until they peak for him again and his other hand continues to stroke her body.
He feels her relent, accepting the next experience he intends to give her, and again trusting that he won't hurt her.
Her skin is delicate, pale. It readily shows a flush as he starts to build desire in her.
He rolls partway off her and strokes over her belly, then on each side of the hair on her mound. She gasps as her thighs part involuntarily.
He strokes her labia, feeling the warmth there, the dampness as it starts to build again.
He sucks the underside of her breast, then his tongue traces down the centerline of her body until he finds her navel.
Her hands were wrapped in his hair, painfully so.
It was marvelous. Her responses so innocent, so unrestrained.
He swept barely between her lower lips, gathering some of her dew, and deftly stroked across her clit.
She gasped again at the sensation and her eyes opened wide.
Now, for a taste. He raised his head and, looking into her eyes, stuck two fingers into his mouth and sucked on them. "Mmm, I knew you would be sweet."
He smiles at her, showing a flash of his fangs, and moved a little lower still.
He sucked at the pulse point on each side of her pubis, drawing another gasp from her and a little squirm. Her fingers were still tightly holding his hair.
He positions himself between her thighs and wraps his arms around them, holding her open to him. One thing before he dives in. "Alison." She blinks at him. "Please, release my hair and touch your breasts for me."
Tentatively, her hands go to her breasts. The nipples are already swollen; they would be sensitive. "Go ahead."
She runs her fingers over her nipples and moans at the sensation. "That's it, darling."
He then runs his tongue up her thigh and gives each layer of her labia a few minutes attention before he can resist no more. His tongue reaches into her pussy, licking and sucking at her sweet juices.
Her head tips back and she moans even more loudly.
His tongue invades her, sweeping up the wetness there and drawing more from her. She's wet and ready for him but he intends to bring her over the edge one more time before indulging himself further.
So he moves up from her entrance and flicks his tongue over her swollen bud of nerves. She shrieks and moans. Now he sucks it into his mouth and grazes it with one of his fangs. She arches her back and lets out a cry that has his ears ringing.
And he's rewarded with an additional flood of her juices.
He laps them up as she comes back to earth, panting. "Oh, god, Val. What was that?"
He smiles at her, her sticky sweetness on his chin. "That was also an orgasm, Ali."
She sinks back down to the bed as he comes up to kiss her. "Oh, wow."
He tastes different at this kiss. "That's you, darling."
"Now, if it pleases you, I would like you to know the pleasure of my flesh."
She looks a little confused, so he stands, and disrobes. His cock stands out proudly, it was bigger than Joshua's. The size scares her a little. "Will it fit?"
"Babies are meant to pass through that opening. My size should not be an issue. However, Ali, if I do cause you pain, tell me, and I will stop." He brushes her sweaty hair away from her face. "As you have enjoyed the rest, this will also bring you pleasure."
She smiles and reaches for him.
He pulls her toward the end of the bed and, looking into her eyes, places himself at her entrance. He pushes in slowly. Her muscles clench around him and he waits after each push, waiting for her body to accept him.
She was tighter than he had imagined. It was apparent her husband had not often sampled the pleasures of her pussy. When his base met her, he stopped. "There. How does it feel?"
"Good." She seems surprised.
So, he pulls out, then back in. He moves faster with each thrust and she closes her eyes.
With one hand on her hip, he places the thumb of the other on her clit. The movement of his thrusts causes the pad of his thumb to move up and down on that now very sensitive spot. Her hips are now shifting up to meet him.
"OOOooooh." Her muscles clench around him and he drives through the contractions until he spasms, shooting his cum into her depths.
He opens his eyes and looks at her. She was limp. He pulls himself from her and quickly goes to her head. Breathing. Pulse.
She'd passed out.
It was two days later that she consented to being bitten. And five days later that she asked to be changed.
Early on, as he was teaching her how to feed from her victims, she had found a young man to her liking. Val was showing her some finer points but she was far too hungry to listen. She saw the fear in his eyes as her fangs extended and Val came too late, trying to pull her off. But he hadn't fed yet and she easily pulled away from him. She yanked the young man's head to one side and bit into his neck as he screeched from the pain.
After the first taste of his hot, tangy, fear tinged blood flowed into her mouth, she latched on tighter. Instead of allowing the blood to flow she began sucking it from him. He struggled, then grew pale, limp, and cold as the flow of blood slowed, then stopped. She was still there, trying to draw more, when Val finally broke through to her.
"Ali. There's no more left. Ali, darling, he's dead."
She looked up at him, her face hot and pink, her lips full and tinged with blood and released a languid sigh. "Oh, Val, that was wonderful."
He kissed her then, tasting the last of the blood she had in her mouth. It was not a taste that he desired but he understood now what she craved. She dropped the young man to the floor and began pushing Val's clothing aside, sliding her hands down his pants. "Val. Can you fill me now?"
She had taken to wearing skirts or dresses. It would generally help attract young men so that she could feed on them.
However, it also made it much easier for him to do as she wished.
She was almost frantic, and primitive in her desires right now. She undid his pants and stroked him to attention.
Since he hadn't fed he didn't come completely upright, so she dropped to her knees and sucked on him. He pulled one of her arms up and bit into her wrist.
It didn't take much before he had completely hardened.
So, she raked her nails over his nipples and turned her face up to him.
"Take me now."
He lifted her up, kissed her, then slid her onto his hardened staff. They both groaned at the feeling.
Then, he turned, and shoved her up against the wall as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
He plunged into her, her breasts rubbing against his chest, her back grinding against the wall. She clutched his shoulders, ran her hands into his hair, and, with a strength born of passion and blood, wrenched his mouth to hers.
They broke each other's lips and tasted each other's blood in that kiss.
After a minute or two she pulled away, blue eyes blazing. "Harder, Val, harder."
He pumped into her roughly, grabbed her hair, pulled her head to one side, and sank his fangs into her neck.
She felt the pain and pleasure of his bite and started an orgasm which she would ride until he stopped.
She, in turn, bit him and allowed his blood to leak into her mouth.
He rammed into her one last time, picked up his head and howled his pleasure to the sky.
They stayed there, warm and sated in more than one way, for a few minutes.
She kisses him one last time before he unseats her. "That was delicious."
"I believe I may have enjoyed that as much as you."
She watched her husband periodically and debated on showing herself to him.
Val informed her one night that they should be moving on soon as he had been here longer than was wise for their kind.
A plan formed, she wanted a farewell party of sorts. Val, willing to give her much of what she desired, was receptive of her ideas.
Joshua shoved her, facefirst, onto the bed and hauled her ass up before him. He was hard and ready to take his wife again, something he'd been denied for months. Just as he pulled back to shove his dick into her, Val came from the shadows and pinned his arms behind his back.
Alison whirled, faster than his eyes could follow, and slipped a ring around the base of his cock, then wrapped a strap around his balls. It hurt.
"Sweetheart. We're going to play a little game."
"Who the hell is this? What are you doing? Let me go!"
She stuffed a ball gag into his mouth and Val hauled him backwards. Ali tied his ankles and thighs to the frame she had devised, legs open to shoulder width, then Val bent him over and she tied his arms down. He was screaming and yelling through the ball gag the whole time.
She lay back on the bed, spreading her legs open before him. Val shoved the frame holding Joshua to the end of the bed. "Lick me. If you please me, it will go easier on you."
Val removed the gag and Joshua sneered at her. "Go to hell! I'll kill you when I get loose." The gag is replaced as Ali moves further back on the bed.
She opens her arms to her new lover and Val slowly removes his clothing and climbs to the bed. They had both fed, lightly, earlier in the evening and the blood in their veins kept them warm.
Val looks back to Joshua. "This is how a woman should be treated."
Joshua watches, seething, as Val takes his wife, who moans and writhes on the bed. Calling Val's name as he brings her to orgasm by licking her slit.
Next, he pulls Alison onto her hands and knees. She moves before Val positions himself, so that she can watch Joshua's face as another gives her exquisite pleasure.
She pushes back against him as Val makes the first plunge, throwing her head up and shrieking. As Val thrusts into her, she smiles, and Joshua sees her fangs.
"What the hell are you?"
"Cared for and satisfied, husband."
Val drapes himself over her back, since she is more than strong enough to hold his weight, and fondles her breast for a time before sliding his hand back to rub her clitoris.
"Harder," she growls.
Val rams into her with force, Joshua can hear the squelching, the slapping of flesh meeting flesh at each stroke. Alison's legs begin to shake.
She drops her face to the bed and extends an arm back. Val bites her wrist and Alison makes a high keening sound. Two strokes later, and Val roars his climax.
Val pulls them down on their sides and makes a couple more shallow thrusts, while she jerks in his arms with the aftershocks. She turns her head back to kiss him. "Mmm. Thank you."
After a couple of minutes more, Ali turns back to Joshua, and smiles, again showing her fangs.
Val pulls away from her and approaches Joshua's head, stroking his cock. Ali removes the gag this time as Val's turgid cock gets closer to Joshua's face. "Lube it up good, honey, cause you know where it's going next."
Joshua's eyes widen in fear and revulsion and he clamps his mouth shut. Ali laughs, and pinches his nose shut. As he opens his mouth, trying to suck air, Val shoves his cock into Joshua's mouth. Ali looks into his angry eyes. "Don't bite."
Val drives a few times into Joshua's mouth while Joshua chokes and gags on Val's length. Ali puts a hand on Val's arm and he pulls out, while Joshua coughs and gags. The gag is replaced and Ali crouches below his face to watch while Val moves behind him. Joshua curses and yells through the gag as he feels Val grab hold of his hips and spread his ass cheeks. Then, the head of Val's cock is presented to his asshole. Joshua fights his restraints, screams, and cries just before Val drives the full length of his rock hard cock in. A long, wordless scream leaves Joshua's lips as he feels the searing pain of the intrusion. "There, there, honey, doesn't that feel good?"
Joshua fixes Ali with an angry glare through tears of pain. She can just imagine what he's thinking. "Val, love, can you show our guest your power while I prepare for the final act?" She trails her nails over Joshua's back as she saunters back to kiss Val.
"I shall do my best, my love."
Val takes his time, pulling all the way out, and forcing himself all the way back in, while Joshua thrashes. "This is not something I enjoy, you understand, but we wish you to realize the depravity of your painful sessions with Alison. It was not something she should have had to endure. Do you feel it now?"
Joshua's head nods, as he whimpers and struggles. "Good." Val drives harder, and faster, as Joshua shrieks into the gag. Pulling out, slamming home. Pulling out, slamming home. One last time, Val raises his head and roars as his cock pulses inside Joshua's ass. Alison smiles, adjusting her harness. "I'll be right there, dear."
She walked back in wearing a harness holding the biggest dildo she had been able to find. His eyes opened wide at the monster cock as she approached and he screamed into the ball gag, shaking his head.
"Have you kept our guest entertained, my love?"
"I have done my best. Would you care to see to him now?" Val pulls his wilting cock from Joshua.
"I believe I will do just that." She picks up Joshua's head by the hair. "You didn't think I would let Val have all the fun, did you?"
She can hear him saying, "No. No. Ali. Please." through the gag.
"After all the pleasure you've afforded me, I feel it only fair to return the favor." She rises and his eyes follow her around, pleading. She strokes the phallus dangling between her hips. "I'm told it feels just like the real thing. Molded from a very well endowed man, see the veins?" He continues to shake his head and plead. She walks behind him, and he can't see her anymore. Val has retreated to the bathroom, to clean himself up. "Nine and a half inches long and three inches in girth. A veritable monster."
She pulls his ass cheeks apart as he starts screaming. "Oh, look. I believe you might be hurt, sweetheart." A trickle of blood runs down Joshua's leg, mixed with Val's spendings.
He relaxes a little, thinking she might relent. Then screams, loud and long, when she forces the dildo into his ass. She grunts and pulls against him, as she has to work to get it inside him. She pumps her hips and pulls on him, until she gets it all the way in. She lays down on his back, arms around his chest. "There. Doesn't that look nice?" She pulls out and shoves in three more times as he shrieks and thrashes, blood running down his legs, before Val comes out and says quietly, "My dear, he won't be much good much longer."
She turns to look at him. "You're right. What shall we do with him now?"
She unlatches the dildo, and leaves it in place, sticking out of Joshua's ass. It quivers. "That's going to come out, dear."
"Oh." She watches as it inches out a bit. "I guess I should push it all the way in then."
"You'll know better next time." She takes hold of the end of the dildo and twists, wrenching another scream from Joshua. Then, using a piece of bedsheet to cover the end, she pushes it all the way in, watching in satisfaction as the sphincter closes around it. "Better." Val comes forward, licks the side of her neck, and cups her breasts.
"Look, he's still hard." She crawls under him, as he gasps and struggles to breathe. Her fingers creep to her sopping wet pussy. "And I'm just so wet."
"Would you like him to fill you, my love?"
"Ugh. No. You feel much better inside me." Joshua almost doesn't notice the sting as one of her fangs opens the large vein on his dick. As the blood drips out, she catches some on her tongue. The rest she smears over his penis and sack.
Val slides under her and into her, as she sighs. They slide upwards, looking into the eyes of her husband. She grabs his sack and squeezes, her nails cutting into the tender skin. He whimpers and tears of pain squeeze from his eyes. Val is shifting his hips under her, moving in and out of her pussy. "It would be so easy to cut this little sack open, and feed them to him."
"Now, now, dear, no need to be cruel. Don't you think you've played with your food long enough?" She unties his wrist and brings it to her mouth as her fangs extend. Val finds the pulse in her neck and bites down. They both look into his eyes. He screams for the last time as she sinks her fangs into his wrist and pulls the lifeblood from him.
They lay together, warm, sated, while Joshua's body hangs above them.
"Mmm. Too bad we can't do that again."
"There are millions and millions of men over the world, my dear. I'm sure we can find one, on occasion, to suit your needs."
"You always know the right thing to say to make me feel better."
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