#You spend your entire life trying to help others and feeling like you owe it to everyone but yourself
cringe--is--dead · 4 months
We Make A Better Pair; Nanami Kento x Reader
(pre-relationship + wife!reader)
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It was safe to say your husband was not thrilled at the sheer amount of people in your home. It was louder than normal, and as the minute hand ticked closer to showcasing it being nine in the evening, you felt more than heard him sigh once more. 
It was a Friday evening, and the pair of you had had nothing super planned for the weekend. Some grocery shopping, light cleaning, just spending time together.
Except the pair of you found your home hosting a party— thrown by none other than Gojo Satoru. 
You, while not in on the planning, couldn’t say you were too upset by it. After all— you had yet to meet the students from the school officially.
Kento, however, was holding off trying to murder your white haired friend, if only not to spill blood on the rug.
“Nanami!” Speak of the devil, your husband shifted, body tense next to yours.
Admittedly, you chuckled, the pair not having changed that much since high school.
“Come here!” He waved over enthusiastically, a large grin on his face, looking almost childlike.
With a sigh that indicated he would rather do anything else, Kento leaned over, placing a quick kiss to your cheek, before going over to Gojo, grumbling under his breath.
His seat was quickly filled, however, and you looked over curiously, meeting the enthusiastic gaze of one of the students, Itadori Yuji.
You smiled at him, he was easy to feel relaxed around, you figured, despite being the host for Sukuna.
The other two, Fushiguro Megumi, who you had known for a bit, and Kugisaki Nobara, who you heard of from Gojo, followed him, sitting on the seats nearby.
“Hello you three,” You sipped your water, eyebrow quirking at how Itadori was practically vibrating next to you.
“I’m sorry,” Fushiguro spoke first, reminding you so much of your husband dealing with Gojo’s antics, “I told them to mind their own business.”
“Oh like you aren’t curious!” Kugisaki snapped, elbowing him.
“How did you and Nanamin meet?” Itadori sounded so excited to ask, eyes shining, “He doesn’t tell us anything personal, and I totally get that! But Gojo was saying that he’s the reason you two are married and you two owe all your happiness to him.”
You chuckled, looking over to where Gojo was talking Kento’s ear off, your husband doing nothing to hide the disinterested look on his face.
“A man like Gojo wouldn’t be able to pull off some elaborate or in depth plan for a successful couple,” Kugisaki huffed, crossing her arms.
“Well, you aren’t entirely wrong.”
“Huh?” The louder of the three leaned in closer, confusion on their faces.
“So Gojo did help you two get together?”
You shrugged, making a so-so gesture with your hand, “Like I said— not exactly.”
They looked so curious, hanging onto your words, and you grinned, cheeks feeling a bit warm at the attention.
“We did all go to school together, and well, I wasn’t the best at hiding my crush.”
You felt winded— scratch that, more than winded. You wonder if this is what it felt like to die. Staring up at the clear blue sky, you decided it wouldn’t be so bad to die here.
Round, black glasses appeared before you, and the peaceful death was quickly interrupted.
“C’mon,” Your upperclassman pouted, looking more like a child than your mentor, “I haven’t even broken a sweat yet!”
Groaning, you forced yourself to sit up, muscles aching in your core as you did so, “This is pointless.”
“It’s not pointless,” Geto spoke from the opposite side, hands in his pockets as he watched the two of you, “Your technique isn’t very physical, you need to know how to defend yourself against users, curses and techniques.”
“And I get that,” You did— you’d already had countless nightmares of losing your life to a curse, rather violently, “But this just feels like Gojo is showing off.”
He grinned, doing nothing to deny your accusations.
Geto sighed, shooting an exasperated look at his counter, “Be that as it may,” So be was just showing off, “The lessons still the same.”
“I’m never planning on going on missions by myself!” Normally you were rather respectful to your upperclassmen, but right now they were getting under your skin, you were sore and tired and hot and hungry and— “So this is pointless! My technique is borderline useless!”
The two watched, quiet, whether stunned or curious you didn’t know, and you stood, dusting off the grass and dirt.
“Your technique isn’t useless,” Apparently your shouting had gathered a small crowd, and your face turned red, not merely from exhaustion, as you heard Nanami’s voice, “I personally can see you being a rather valuable asset on any future missions.”
“See!” Gojo moved quickly, doing his best to wrap an arm around Nanami’s shoulders, “That’s why we’re training together! You’ll be the best teammate to have on missions in no time!”
Nanami’s eye twitched at Gojo’s close proximity, and you heard Haibara laugh, most likely at his friends annoyance.
“I doubt training with you does anything to help strengthen her technique.”
Gojo snorted, pushing himself away from the blonde, “Please— I’m the best there is. Therefore, I’m the best to train with.”
“I have some qualms with that statement,” You muttered under your breath, though from the semi amused look Nanami sent you, he clearly heard.
“Your technique is far different, at this rate you’re just going to exhaust and overwhelm her, or anyone else for that matter. You’re supposed to be helping her with her technique, not you with yours.”
Gojo rolled his eyes, a dramatic groan as he listened to Nanami lecture him. Despite how often your blonde-haired classmate got annoyed with your upper classman, the scene before you never got old. Sometimes you wondered how Nanami wasn’t the upperclassman between the two.
Geto sighed, though the sound was more fond than annoyed, and he stepped forward, tugging Gojo’s collar, halting the conversation between the pair, “Come on, Satoru. You were just messing around and you know it,” Gojo didn’t deny it, but gave his friend an afronted look.
“Now that I think about it,” You shot him a confused look as your upperclassman turned to look at you, a pondering look on his face, though the smile never left his face, “Your technique would probably be a better asset on a mission with Nanami than with me or Gojo. Your next mission, I think the two of you should pair up. It’s only a grade two, so together you two should have no issues.”
Before you could think to argue, Geto turned to Haibara, “Come on, Satoru is going to treat us to lunch.”
Your classmate grinned, excited at the offer, already chatting the pairs ears off as he waved goodbye to you and Nanami, Gojo sending you an over the top wink as he followed after them. Your face was in flames, and you wanted nothing more than to curl up and hide.
“You were being sent on a mission with Geto?”
You turned, awkwardly tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear, “He had requested it, as a way to work on my technique.”
He hummed, head tilting as he took in your words, “I see. I’m sorry, then, I imagine you’d have much rather gone on the mission with him.”
“No!” You almost yelped the word out, startling both him and yourself, “I mean… no. He’s right, my technique would have only done but so much with him and his curses, you know?” You laughed clumbsily, “We make a better pair.”
He raised an eyebrow, and it took you a moment to realize how your phrasing could be interpreted, “In the sense that your technique could be— that I could be more useful to you. That’s all.”
The next moment was something that caught you by surprise, as Nanami chuckled, a soft smile on his face, one that was directed at you. You had seen that smile a few times before, mostly directed at Haibara, and often found yourself envious of your classmate in those moments.
“I agree,” He spoke finally, the smile still on his face, “I’ll admit, I’ve been wanting to go on a mission with you for quite some time.”
“Really?” You were worried he may be able to hear your heart with how fast it was beating.
“Your technique is something that’s rather interesting, unique in it’s own way, and well,” The small smile grew, and you cursed both Geto and Gojo right there for getting you in over your head, “The way you use it, your fighting technique, you’re very strong. I admire you.”
“That’s it?” Nobara sounded almost offended, an annoyed look on her face, “That blind-folded idiot made it seem like he set you two up on a blind date or something!”
“He’s not slick enough to have been able to do that,” You shook your head, “He just stood by as we were paired up for our first mission. It’s nothing too exciting, we started going on more missions together whenever we could, and eventually we began hanging out outside of school. It got harder after…” You trailed off.
This wasn’t entirely your story to tell, and you glanced over to your husband, arms crossed as he dealt with both Gojo and Shoko, “There was a lot that happened to us, in a short span of time. In a way, that solidified Kento’s and my relationship.”
A dreamy sigh left Nobara, leaning forward to stare off in the distance longingly, “High school sweethearts.”
“That does seem like something Nanamin would do,” Itadori nodded, a simple smile on his face as he looked at you.
“Well, we’re not exactly high school sweethearts. We dated back then, yes, but we broke up a bit after our third year. We had different ideas of our futures, he wanted out of this world, and I couldn’t bring myself to leave it,” Couldn’t bring yourself to leave Gojo or Shoko, and a selfish part of you had wanted Kento to stay there as well, as if things hadn’t changed how they had.
The look on both Nobara and Itadori’s face made you feel slightly bad, like you had told them fairytales didn’t exist, ripped the rug out from under them. No doubt Gojo had told Megumi this story before, probably to annoy your husband, judging from the board look on his face.
“We met up again years later, and we talked, eventually got back together. And then he did come back here, and I’m no longer at the school, so we switched in a way.”
“Why did you end up leaving? Gojo says you were a good teacher, and Panda always talks about the snacks you used to give them when they were training. All Gojo does is tell us to buy him a soda from the vending machine for him.”
“Yeah, and he has loads more money than us!” Itadori chimed in.
“Ah well,” You felt your cheeks flush, “I… Kento and I are expecting. He didn’t want me anywhere near the school or the elders or curses or curse users to be careful.”
“He’s going to be a dad?”
“Holy shit, really?”
You laughed at their responses, shushing them lightly, “I’m not very far along, but he also plans on retiring as soon as he’s able to.”
You watched as Kento walked away from Gojo, the annoyed look melting as he got closer to where you four sat, taking the empty spot next to you.
“Nanamin— you’re going to be a dad?”
He sighed, “Yes, Itadori. Please lower your voice as you address that, please.”
“We haven’t told everyone, though I suspect Gojo has an idea,” You explained, “Nothing tends to get past him.”
Megumi looked at his mentor, before sighing, “That makes more sense. I saw him looking at some baby clothes the other day online. I just thought he’d finally lost it.”
“Are you going to have a baby shower?” Two of the three students leaned forward, eyes sparkling as they questioned you, “Can we come?”
You felt Kento rub your back, his warm palm a comforting presence, and you laughed, “Sure. When we get around to having one, you all can come.” You glanced towards your husband, “Do you think Yuuta will be back by then? Maybe all the students can come.”
“When are you due?” Megumi pinched Itadori’s thigh, and the pink haired boy blanched, before tacking on, “If you don’t mind my asking.”
“Late October, early November. Though I think it’d be cool if we had a Halloween baby,” You saw Kento’s nose wrinkle in the corner of your eye, and you chuckled.
He thought a birthday on a holiday wouldn’t be too practical, and worried about how busy the streets and such would be. You reassured him that it would all be okay, and if you did have your baby by then, that day would be a treasured memory.
“That’s so cool,” Itadori seemed to agree with you, eyes gleaming, “You could dress it up in a cute little costume to take home!”
“Don’t call their baby an it you moron!”
A/N: I cannot, for the life of me, end chapters or one shots. They always feel so awkward?
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callsign-rogueone · 5 months
one for the books - g.t.
Garrick Tavis x Scribe!Reader part of my Valentine’s Day Celly (better late than never?) words: 1.7k (got a little carried away here, oops) 🏷: IRON FLAME SPOILERS. scribe reader who is referred to as a woman one time, and has painted nails, but no pronouns used. just some meet-cute fluff with reader and Gare. love at first sight. it's weird writing him with anyone other than Angel, but I hope y'all will still like it anyway 🥺
Garrick wanders through the rows of bookshelves in search of someone who actually knows what they’re doing, so he won’t have to spend the entire day looking at the titles of every book in this massive library.
It doesn’t take long for him to find the only scribe who’d come with them to Aretia: Violet’s friend, Jesinia, who had helped them sneak into the Archives to get the journals. Who happens to be Deaf. He hadn’t thought about that part. 
He waves a hello, racking his brain for the letters of the alphabet and spelling out his request at a snail’s pace, hoping he’s moving his hands correctly. I… n-e-e-d…
Jesinia takes pity on him, holding up a hand to stop him and darting back into the maze of shelves, leaving him standing there thoroughly embarrassed -- he really needs to add “study sign” to his list of things to do after this whole wyvern thing is resolved and Tyrrendor is freed again. Whenever that will be.
He’s expecting her to come back with a pen and paper, so he can write it down, but she emerges thirty seconds later with another scribe in tow, one he’s never met before -- the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. 
Jesinia gestures to you with a soft smile, and leaves.
He blinks once, twice, taking you in.
You’ve taken some creative liberties with the uniform, wearing the beige scribes’ robes open with a plain shirt and pants underneath, the hood down to expose your face and hair, a pair of glasses perched atop your head and a clipboard in hand, your nails long and painted a pale pink -- a few of them have started to chip, but it’s endearing; comforting to find a tiny flaw in an otherwise perfect presence.
You’re equally entranced. The fortress is crawling with riders -- you’re one of maybe five students here who are anything else --  but this one in particular makes your heart race. 
It’s as if the gods pulled a knight from the pages of one of your fantasy novels and dropped him in front of you in this library; broad and tall, muscled and tattooed, two longswords strapped across his back… he’d be intimidating without the nervous smile on his face and the blush dusting his cheeks, the afternoon light coming through the windows and making him glow.
“How can I help you, Lieutenant?” you ask after a moment, hoping you don’t sound as flustered as you feel.
The scar running down the side of his face moves as he speaks -- more quietly than you’d been expecting. “Riorson sent me; he wants everything you have about wards.”
You blow out a nervous breath. “Okay, uh… I’m still not totally sure how this library is organized, but I’ll see what I can do.”
“We can look together, then,” he offers, giving you a knee-weakening smile.
You don’t know if you can spend the rest of your afternoon with this man and not make a complete fool of yourself, but you’ll just have to try your best. “Sounds like a plan.”
You realize you don’t know each other’s names, having been too busy staring at each other to make proper introductions.
“Garrick,” he offers, extending a hand to shake.
You’re really supposed to refer to him as Lieutenant, since he’s graduated and you haven’t, but you still repeat the word softly, trying it out. “Nice to meet you, Garrick.”
He already owes Xaden Riorson his life, but hearing you say his name, feeling the softness of your hand against his… he decides he’ll be in the boy’s debt well into the afterlife, too.
“I’ll start on one end, you on the other, and meet in the middle?” you ask. “Anything with wards, magic, or protection in the title would be a good start.”
He hums in acknowledgement, heading down to the end of the row.
“I haven’t been in here in ages,” he admits, scanning the rows of shelves for anything that could be useful. “I lived most of my life here before the revolution,” he adds quickly, explaining.
Small talk is good. You can do small talk.
“It must have been interesting growing up in a fortress like this,” you respond, too shy to ask him for his likely incredibly-tragic life story outright, and you’re technically on the job right now, so you should be focusing on the task at hand.
He picks another volume off the top shelf, keeping his feet flat on the ground and barely having to stretch for it. “It was. There were a few dozen of us kids around, always underfoot and meddling. We used to play hide and seek in here, and see how long we could stay before the scribes found us and kicked us out.”
You laugh, a sound he doesn’t think he’ll ever grow tired of hearing. You may be a librarian, but you’re the polar opposite of the typical strict and stiff scribes he’s used to -- young and lovely and not afraid to laugh and talk among the books, to let them hear your voice and know that they’re appreciated. They’re lucky to have someone like you watching over them.
Since you’re grasping at straws here, you decide to cast a broad net and pull down anything that could be even a little bit helpful -- and you’re finding more than you’d thought, likely because the Tyrrish basically invented wards. 
You really should have brought a cart, but it’s no issue for him -- he’s holding at least ten thick volumes at once with complete ease.
“I got it,” he offers, shifting the tall stack he’s amassed into one arm and taking yours with the other. Seeing a man like him with an armful of books is hotter than it should be. Everything about him is hotter than it should be.
He sets the stack on the nearest table, shrugging off his jacket and draping it over the back of a chair before he sits down.
Your eyes linger on the relic winding around his arm like a plume of black smoke, contrasting against the pale muscle. You know it was intended as way to mark them as the descendants of those who had committed treason, to set them apart from their peers and to force them to enroll in the rider’s quadrant, but he looks like he didn’t have too much trouble in his days at Basgiath, if the two dozen patches on his flight jacket are any metric.
It suits him. He’d look incomplete without the relic and the thick scar on the side of his face. It would be rude to ask how he got it, but the curiosity still tugs at you. You want to know everything about him.
You realize you’re staring, and pull your eyes away as quickly as you can manage, worried that he’ll think you’re judging him -- though you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t on his side.
You each take a book off the top and crack it open, scanning for anything that could help. “Did he say anything more specific? Or why he needs this?”
“Nope. But he’s always been vague and mysterious, even when we were kids, before he had all those shadows following him around.”
“I’ve only seen him twice, but that sounds accurate.”
It’s his turn to laugh. “He may be all cold and broody all the time, but he’s a good guy. I’ve always considered him my best friend.”
You’re thinking of the best way to keep him talking when Jesinia knocks on the side of a nearby shelf to get your attention. Done with my transcribing. What’s next?
Thank you. You can leave for the day. 
Jesinia gives you a sly smile. You don’t want help? Or do you just want to be alone with him because you think he’s handsome?
She’d told you that Garrick’s sign was rusty, that he could only fingerspell, but you still turn away from him as you respond, praying he didn’t understand what she just said. 
Two can play at this game. I’ve been meaning to ask, how is that redhead boy who keeps coming by to talk to you? I’m sure he’d like to see you for another sign lesson tonight.
She reddens, realizing you know about her crush on the rider, and bails out of the conversation while she still can. Goodnight!
There’s that lovely laugh again as you turn back to him, seeing him watching you -- now you really hope he didn’t understand. He quickly returns his gaze to the book in front of him, which definitely isn’t modern Navarrian or any of the other languages you know. It must be Tyrrish.
“You can read this?” you ask with rapt curiosity, leaning forward to take a better look at it.
“About every fifth word or so,” he answers. “There aren’t many fluent speakers left, since it was outlawed decades ago and kids aren’t taught it in school. I don’t see the symbol for “wards” anywhere, but that might be too obvious.”
“No language should ever be outlawed,” you respond, perhaps a little too hotly. “There must be so much valuable information that was lost in translation or destroyed entirely after the wars. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to become a scribe, to try to save as much as I could. But so many of the texts in the Archives have been translated over and over, and I can’t help but wonder if some things were left out on purpose.”
Another smile. “Well-said. Into the “maybe” pile, then?”
Your cheeks warm with embarrassment as you realize how long you’d been talking. “That’s the only pile we have,” you sigh, stretching. 
He’d shown up around four, and it’s nearing seven now, your body automatically responding to the hour and telling you to pack things up, but that’s one of the nicest things about the library here -- unlike the Archives at Basgiath, you can work here through the night, and not be booted out at seven on the dot.
You’d asked the Lieutenant Colonel about it when he’d come by one day, and he’d told you there wasn’t any sort of magical time-sealing-lock on the library, just a normal wooden door charmed to be fireproof -- so you’d stayed in one of the armchairs until midnight reading, just because you could.
“Well,” he offers, “I know it’s a grave sin to eat in the library, so how about we take a break, get ourselves some dinner, and pick this back up after?”
Smooth. Very smooth.
“I’d like that,” you answer, your heart fluttering. “I’d like that a lot.”
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katesmemes · 8 months
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feel free to change any pronouns, etc.
“C’mon now, [Name], lets keep moving.”
“It’s always just been me and [Name].”
“I need you to tell me everything that happened.”
“That’s a lot of money to owe…”
“Just what did you get yourself involved in?”
“Are you in town for a business trip, maybe?”
“Well, when your own life is that dull, you need to get your excitement somewhere…”
“Now, don’t you think you’re overreacting?”
“This is exactly the kind of behavior [Name] warned me about.”
“She’s just the worst to every girl she perceives as a threat.”
“So… You’re saying I’m not a threat?”
“I know there’s more to you than meets the eye.”
“I have to get back to work.”
“You don’t seem to care whether I’m happy.”
“Curiosity killed the cat…”
“I’m not used to having people around me while I work.”
“Hey, come on, don’t leave me hanging!”
“I’m sorry to add to your plate, but…I really need your help.”
“Are you telling me I should snoop around?”
“Ah, c’mon, a little joke’s never killed anyone.”
“Although it may seem like it, I’m not actually clairvoyant.”
“I’d forget my own head if I didn’t write everything down.”
“The way they look at each other, you can tell it’s the real deal.”
“Maybe it’s because my empathy only goes so far, but… I admire that you’re able to feel for just about anyone.”
“I don’t think I get along with everyone, but some people are worth getting friendlier with…like you.”
“The way you turned that compliment right back around at me, was…masterful.”
“I bet you could make anything look good.”
“Just what could’ve made you empty out your entire bank account?”
“I’ve never seen two people more suited for each other.”
“I need to know I can count on you.”
“Don’t you have work to do?”
“I think my heart stopped beating there for a moment.”
“If you weren’t so pretty, you’d have been out of a job a long time ago.”
“What the hell are you going on about?”
“Always a pleasure doing business with you, [Name].”
“I hope I didn’t get you into too much trouble earlier…”
“I guess the heart wants what the heart wants…”
“Adults can be so…confusing.”
“I can’t believe it all ends here.”
“Thank you for not giving up.”
“I would never give up on you.”
“Come on, you know I wouldn’t let you down.”
“I’m not sure I understand what the plan is here.”
“I enjoy the occasional, artistic endeavor.”
“I feel like I’m in one of those novels I spend my days reading.”
“I just love trying new things.”
“I could not have done this without you.”
“I’m glad I was able to be of some help.”
“Thank you for everything.”
“Hey, just because I read books doesn’t mean I know everything.”
“That’s a lot sweeter than I expected.”
“I do like a happy ending.”
“We could leave together if you’d like.”
“Even the most put-together person could be an absolute mess on the other side of the door.”
“I like to think that, with me, what you see is what you get.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll find a way to bring the lights back on.”
“Hey, you look a bit pale…”
“Is everything okay?”
“you’re not scared of the dark, are you?”
“Maybe you need to sit down, huh?”
“You look like you’re about to faint.”
“We’ll figure something out.”
“Maybe don’t mention that to the police.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything before.”
“I’m…ashamed of the truth.”
“Maybe now you can understand why I care so much about you…”
“I’d really like for us to be more than just friends, [Name]...”
“Promise me you’ll be careful with the information you share.”
“Sorry, I was…distracted.”
“I really need you to focus right now.”
“I don’t want to be here all night, and I’m sure you don’t either.”
“I suggest you tell me everything you know.”
“We all struggle sometimes.”
“There was no point in staying if you were leaving.”
“I’m flattered, but that really wasn’t necessary.”
“You’re the most charming person I know!”
“I’m really glad I have you in my life.”
“Sorry, my mind wanders sometimes.”
“Should I be jealous?”
“I just want them to be happy…”
“What the hell’s going on?”
“You can’t do this!”
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carefulfears · 1 year
“i owe you everything. scully, you owe me nothing” is one of the most insane pieces of dialogue ever written. It drives me out of my mind. It’s such a glimpse into mulders character and his idea of love
GODDD it really is, isn’t it?? she’s given her entire life to him, to following him. she’s lost time and health and family members. she's been pulled away, and clawed right back.
and the thing about it is, that she dedicated herself to him before she had skin in the game. before it was personal to her. she leaned against him in the rain and asked "where are we going?" and she followed, because she joined the FBI to help people, and she realized quickly that trying to help in the federal government, gets you to the basement.
she asked him where they were going and she followed to wherever the answer was because he saw her vulnerable and scared in that motel room and he wrapped her up and sat below her on the floor. she spends so much of season one wide-eyed looking up at him, asking him questions, watching him, taking in that wild goodness that she wants to be a part of.
and five years in, he stands in the hallway, and he tells her that she saved him. that she made him a whole person. that she owes him NOTHING. and all she can do is cry. like, literally all there is for her to do is look up at him with tears streaming down her face, and hold onto him. there's such grief in that moment. there’s such grief in being needed. in being absolved.
rob bowman directed that scene and he talked about the moment when scully comes to tell mulder that she's leaving, and she just turns around and runs for the elevator, and "she never makes it. this was her first mistake."
they may not owe each other anything, depending on who you ask, but they will give each other everything.
bowman continued, "she has made him feel not like an outcast, not like discarded FBI trash, but actually somebody that's worthy of her friendship. that, as he says, she's made him a whole person."
it's amazing that someone who has moved an educated doctor to give over her entire life to hunting aliens she doesn’t believe in, can see the world this way.
are we whole when alone? when down in the basement, when we’re not believed or listened to, when everyone is spooked?
is he whole when his last evidence of capability for connection and being loved, disappeared at 8 years old?
love, to mulder, is an empty room. it’s walking through fire, not because you have to, but because someone wants to see you burn. it’s stepping onto a porch in new england with open arms and being cut off with a sharp hand.
love, to mulder, is a responsibility. and spending the rest of your life atoning for the failure.
he owes her everything, even when she has one foot out the door. he asks for nothing in return.
she cries at the weight of it all, and she gets back up and follows.
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leggerefiore · 1 year
How would the submas and larry react to a s/o who is VERY affectionate and sweet? Not necessarily pda but being showered with kisses, soft coos of love, cuddles and presents? Loves to shower them in adoration??
cw: fluff
characters: Subway Boss Ingo, Subway Boss Emmet, Gym Leader Larry
● He, honestly, is quite used to being smothered in affection. Well, in a familial way. Emmet likes to lean against him or sneak a hug while at work because his twin adores contact, as it helps reassure him that Ingo is still there. You, however, don't give him quick sibling hugs and lean more into sweet kisses, adoring words, and long cuddles.
● He deeply enjoys your praises. Ingo's heart simply races after you give him a compliment after a long day of work or after a particularly challenging battle. His face grows warm as he truly feels honoured by your praise. When you coo sweet words into his ears, he simply feels beside himself in joy. Words are how he usually bears his affection, so something about your use of them really makes him happy.
● Your hugs and kisses truly do become an important part of his life. A lazy morning kiss, whole cuddled up in bed? Something he admits makes waking up and going to work all the more easy. A greeting peck to his cheek and warm hug after walking in from work? He's in heaven. Cuddling lazily on the couch and forgetting about the stress from earlier? Ingo has found peace. He hopes nothing will ever change in his life.
● Gifts are where he struggles. Don't get him wrong! He loves them. Bravo, good job! He does love the model train or the cute Litwick plush, but he just feels the urge to give you a gift back. Poor guy leans into sentimentality, so he struggles to pay you back what he feels you are owed. You will definitely have to reassure him many, many times that you don't expect anything back because the poor man feels inadequate.
● He deeply enjoys your sweet and loving demeanour and absolutely tries to give everything back to you. Even though he worries about PDA, if you came up to hug him, he would return the affection easily. Ingo wants to devote his time to you as best he can. You will often see his rare smile break out across his face for you.
○ He loves affection. His love language is almost entirely physical touch. His brother, Elesa, and any other friends or family know very well not to try to escape his hugs. So, when he discovers his partner is much the same? Emmet is over the moon and giddy about it all.
○ Your praises and adoring words make him call off into a fit of giggles. When you tell him how good he did during a battle or reassure him softly after a long day at work, Emmet feels so unbelievably happy. You may find yourself being the receiver of affection, as he likely wants to scoop you up and squeeze you to him. The younger twin lives for praises. Ingo's bravo habit started somewhere, and that somewhere was his younger brother feeling a bit insecure. This is to say, complimenting him really warms his heart (if it's genuine).
○ Oh, he simply adores how much you enjoy being physically close to him. It truly is a debate if you are trapped with him or if he's trapped with you with how much time you must spend cuddled up together. Emmet loves your kisses and hugs and anything else you offer him. The Depot Agents will gag at how simply “gross” you both are. Sweet kisses exchanged when parting, warm hugs when meeting, it's all too much for onlookers.
○ With gifts, he freezes. He enjoys them. Yes. But he feels insecure suddenly. The model train gives him endless joy, as does the Joltik beanie. Like his brother, he finds himself caught on how to repay you for such fine gifts. He needs you to reassure him that you don't expect anything back and just love to see him happy. Emmet understands but still struggles. You will suddenly be gifted anything you mentioned wanting in passing by Emmet. Be warned.
○ He deeply enjoys an affectionate partner, as he feels as if he has finally met his match. His giddiness and joy are unparalleled, and you will find yourself receiving as much as you give. Emmet is a monster for affection, however, be warned.
🍙 Stoic man struggles with an affectionate partner hanging off at him as he tries to fight existential dread, more news at ten. Larry is not used to this. At all. It's not that he doesn't enjoy it, but that he doesn't know how to handle someone giving him this much attention as praise. He is painfully average, an everyman. Does he truly deserve all of this? Larry will not deny you, at least. Which leads to you clinging to him while he looks like he's drank twenty coffees and barely making it through the day.
🍙 When you praise him and cheer for him during his gym matches, he hates how much more effort he puts in. It's tiring, but knowing that you are watching and wanting the best from him encourages him so much. Larry sighs when you continue to lavish him in adoring words and praises. He thanks you for your kindness. There is no way to escape this, so he might as well keep on trying his best to impress you. He admits that being praised for his hard work does truly make him feel more motivated.
🍙 Larry is stiff as a pole when you squeeze him into hugs or litter his face with kisses. He simply has no idea how to react. Medali locals giggle to themselves at the sight. It's local knowledge that their gym leader is showered in affection by his partner, while he barely gives a reaction. Well, at least in public. In the privacy of your home, you find him returning the hugs somewhat and pecking a kiss to your cheek. It's not that he doesn't enjoy it, but that he's not used to it. He does deeply enjoy it for the most part.
🍙 Gifts make him nervous. A new ball-point pen for work? How kind. A Starly themed robe. He loves it. Poor guy is taken aback by all your gifts. They are all things he enjoys and uses, but he is just continually caught off guard. He tries to get you gifts that you enjoy in return, but you tell him that it's not necessary. Larry simply feels lost. This certainly isn't what he's used to with his bosses. He thanks you genuinely and tries to make as much use from your gifts as he can. Everyone finds Larry's joy odd as he uses a random pen. It's scary, even.
🍙 Larry struggles with it all quietly but makes no move to stop you. He does care for you, so if showering him in affection is what you wish to do, he will not stop you. Just be ready for many jokes relating to how you are so sweet and loving, and he is entirely indifferent.
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abbysimsfun · 29 days
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 24 (Waiting For Baby)
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To prepare for her son's arrival, Heather pored over job applications at the clinic. Once her son was born, she wanted to spend as much time with him as she could, but she was confident leaving the place for Marcus alone would be a mistake.
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Despite Marcus' endless flirtation with customers, the clinic had done well enough that Heather could hire another employee, and she found Kaori Hayashi enthusiastic and hard-working from the start. "I hope you'll be able to lead by example," Heather said when she hired her. "I won't be far away once my son's born, but I'll be happy to know the clinic's in good hands. I think you'll be a great help to Marcus while I'm away."
"I'll try, Doc Nesbitt. He told me this morning my butt looks great in these scrubs."
Heather sighed. "I'm sorry, I'll talk to him."
Kaori laughed. "No, it's okay. I told him thanks but his butt could look better, and now I think he's afraid of me."
"If fear motivates him better than I've managed, I guess that's a win. But if he tries anything again, please tell me."
"Will do, boss!"
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Heather made friends easily with Brindleton’s many strays. The town had no mayor, but the locals' favourite stray was a tuxedo cat who wore a tiny donated top hat – to the town, he was their honourary “Mayor Whiskers.”
After her arrival in town, Mayor Whiskers took a particular interest in Heather and followed her everywhere. No one in Brindleton grew better catnip than Heather!
But soon, he was spending so much time at Heather’s home with her other two cats, speckled grey King Tut and fluffy white Boomer, she officially adopted him.
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It had been a long time since she’d had to think about training bad habits from her well-behaved felines, but even with exhaustion and back pains in her third trimester, she was up to the task.
Mayor Whiskers had spent his life chasing birds as a stray. He didn't know what was wrong when Heather lectured him about eating trash or scratching furniture, but he loved his new home, and slowly changed his habits to please his new human.
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Despite the summer heat, Heather worked hard at her clinic right up until delivery. She knew raising a child would be expensive, and she needed to make as much as she could from the clinic before giving birth. Marcus Flex, her perpetual work issue, even picked up some of the slack when she grew tired more easily.
"You shouldn't work so hard, boss."
"I enjoy working, Marcus."
"And you're really good at it! But it can't be easy carrying that thing around." He glanced casually at her bump.
"I wouldn't mind being able to work a little less, but royalties from my VetConnect app took a hit from Petcare's splashy new competitor in the app store, so the clinic is the only way I'll be able to care for my son."
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"It was pretty uncool for Petcare to do that," agreed Marcus. "Why didn't they offer to buy your app if they wanted the same one."
Heather sighed. "I have a feeling they knew I wouldn't have sold it to them."
"Too bad, Doc. Selling apps can be good business. Maybe you should design another one! Maybe instead of a vet finder service, you could do a pet finder service! Like one stop, with breeder reviews, highlighting shelter pets."
"What? Like PetConnect?"
"Sounds good to me, boss. I'd download it in a heartbeat!"
Heather cocked her head at her vet tech as he exhibited a flash of brilliance she never saw coming. "It's a great idea, Marcus. If I ever put it together, I'll owe you credit."
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With Petcare's app replacing hers on the market, she was even more grateful Malcolm kept his distance after his visit. Just as she’d hoped.
With Petcare and Landgraab Corp. actively working against her ability to care for their son, she wouldn’t have anything nice to say if she saw him again.
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Heather was beginning to feel like she'd been pregnant for an entire year, and couldn't wait to meet her son. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
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wolfxplush · 22 days
What do you think Max's roaming quotes would be? You know, the silly stuff he would say while just walking around.
SO GLAD YOU ASKED! Max is a yapper so some of these are long. I make him as punch able as possible lmao here you go!! (Template belongs to @/calciumdeficientt )
“Are you serious I just did laundry! ”
**HIT- EGG**
“Egh! It smells like the gym coach!
" I could buy your entire life and still have enough left over for a new yacht!"
"You really think muscles make you tough? All that lifting, and you’re still too slow to catch up to my bank account. Keep flexing; I’ll be counting my millions while you’re still counting reps."
"Nice jacket, did you save up all your lunch money for that? While you're busy slicking back that hair, I'm busy buying out the places you pretend to be tough in."
He likes his friends
"All those books and you still can’t figure out how to dress yourself? Keep burying your nose in your equations—meanwhile, I’m out here solving the problem of how to spend my fortune."
"Wow, you must feel so big pushing people around. Too bad you can't intimidate a bank account into growing..”
"Listen, I'm not really into getting my hands dirty—I'd rather just pay you to walk away. Name your price, and let's both leave this with our faces intact."
“Do I need to pay for you to get your eyes checked?!”
“OoOOO~ your in troubleeee!””
“Too bad so sad!”
“NO! Watch the braces!”
“Good evening~” “Bow to your king!”
“Places to destroy, people to rule! Catch you later!” ” ”Would stay longer but..I don’t want to!”
“You’re boring to me now, goodbye!”
“Well don’t you look nice! For once..””
“It looks like mine! You’re welcome!”
“Didn’t that..hurt? Haha..”
“A rat could pull that off better!”
“ Change that or I light it on fire!”
“It looks like the ink blots they showed me in the hospital ”
“"Run all you want—I'm just getting started! The faster you go, the more fun I’ll have catching you and showing off my skills." “I hope Gary is watching…”
“Huh? Out ..of breath..? No..just..*cough* giving you a head start..”
“Why do I see stars…?”
“OW! My family jewels.”
“You have saliva issues too?”
“Edna has more whiskers than you…”
“"Gary is absolutely brilliant! The way he’s taking over the school is just legendary. His ambition and charisma are off the charts—I’m completely in awe of him. He’s like a mastermind in action, and I’m thrilled to see what he’ll do next!”
“"Honestly, it’s incredible how effortlessly I can manage everything. While others are struggling, I’m just cruising through life. It’s like I’ve got this magical ability to turn every challenge into an opportunity. Sometimes I almost feel guilty for how easy it all seems."
“"People often ask how I stay so relaxed. Honestly, it’s all about perspective. While most are caught up in the daily grind, I’m just here enjoying the perks of a life well-managed. It’s amazing how a bit of fortune and a lot of confidence can make everything seem so effortless."
"Watch where you’re going! I’d hate to have to clean up the mess if you get grease on my designer threads."
"Careful there! If you’re going to bump into someone, at least make sure it’s not someone who could get you a better grade in social skills."
"Nice move, tough guy. But if you’re going to try and push people around, at least make sure you don’t end up bumping into someone who can actually make your life a lot harder."
"Hey, watch it! I’ve got enough to deal with from my opponents without you adding to the mix. Try not to trip over your own ego next time."
"Careful there, you might want to watch where you’re going. It’s not every day you bump into someone who’s actually got somewhere important to be."
"Every time I look in the mirror, it’s like seeing perfection on display. It’s almost too easy to keep this level of excellence. But hey, someone’s gotta set the standard."
“I do believe Russell would look amazing in one of these cages!”
"Now this is entertainment. Watching all this chaos unfold is almost as thrilling as making the deals that keep my life so smooth. I could get used to this kind of show."
“"Seriously? This is what you call art? It’s nothing more than a pathetic attempt to leave a mark where no one cares to look. Try again when you’ve got something worth seeing.!”
"Seriously, this headgear is such a hassle. It’s either too tight or too loose, and it’s constantly messing up my hair. I thought being rich would mean never having to deal with this kind of inconvenience."
“I could fill up a pool with how much this stupid headgear makes me drool!
“How’s that for a daddy’s boy?!”
“Give Gary this please!~”
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"Try some." - Noct & Gladio, Brotherhood era
Prompt #27 of the Love List.
Read below the cut, or on AO3 here.
Noct couldn’t remember the last time he and Dad had spent time together, really spent time together, not just spoken on the phone or sat beside each other in a meeting.
He understood, of course, that Dad was busy running a country and all, and he’d spent his entire childhood coming to terms with that, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t at least a little bit salty about it.
So, when Dad called him on a random Tuesday afternoon and offered to take him out for dinner that same evening - really take him out, to a restaurant, not just dining together in the Citadel’s big hall, Noct said yes before he even properly thought about it.
When the call ended, Noct set his phone down, enough of a half-smile on his lips for Ignis to ask, “Good news, Highness?”
“Dad wants to go out for dinner tonight,” Noct told him, and then, apologetically, “Sorry, I know you already planned for a meal.”
Ignis waved his hand in dismissal. “Nonsense. I haven’t started yet, so there’s no harm done. You just enjoy your dinner with His Majesty. Will you be requiring a lift?”
“No, Dad’s sending a car.”
“Well then, I suppose that means I get tonight off,” Ignis concluded. “Whatever shall I do with this much free time?”
Noct laughed. “Knowing you, you’ll probably spend it working anyway.”
His mood drastically improved and his spirits lifted, even his Old Lucian homework almost completed itself, earning him praise from Ignis who, once Noct was done, left for his well-deserved evening off.
If Noct spend a little (a lot) longer than usual to pick his outfit for the evening, well, it wasn’t like anyone was around to judge him. His hair was stubborn as always, and he half-wished he’d kept Ignis around to help him tame it, but after a few more tries, he got it to look decent enough. Dad would approve, he thought, and that was really the only goal here. That, and he wouldn’t look bad in the inevitable paparazzi photos, which meant Ignis would approve as well.
Once it was time to go, he took the elevator downstairs, greeted the Glaive in civilian clothing whose turn it was to hang around the lobby and catch anyone looking suspicious, and made for the black car already parked in front of the building.
“Hey, kiddo,” Gladio greeted him when Noct slid into the backseat next to him. “Lookin’ sharp.”
Noct rolled his eyes. “Yeah, and you’re wearing a shirt. How long’d it take them to make you put that on?”
Here was the thing: Dinner with Dad outside the Citadel never meant dinner with just dad . It meant dinner with Dad and Clarus and Gladio, an entire bunch of Crownsguard placed strategically around the restaurant and a handful of hidden Glaives outside for good measure.
Noct would never stop feeling guilty about Gladio having to put his entire life on hold every time Noct wanted to go somewhere, but this, at least, was just dinner, and Gladio wasn’t immune to good food.
In fact, Gladio was already looking at the restaurant’s menu on his phone. Safe to say he was excited.
“Nerd,” Noct muttered under his breath, earning himself an elbow to the ribs. “Ow!”
Noct helplessly stared at the menu, as if it would magically start making sense to him if he just tried long enough.
Because of course, when Dad picked an authentic Accordian restaurant, that meant so authentic that the menu was completely written in Accordian, full of dishes Noct had never heard of and probably couldn’t pronounce if his life depended on it.
Gladio, who was really more of a nerd than people gave him credit for, had ordered his food with perfect pronunciation and without having to think, because he actually spoke some Accordian and also he had already looked at the menu in the car beforehand.
Suddenly, Noct very much wished he had done the same instead of making fun of him.
It was too late for such regrets, though. Everyone else had already ordered, and the poor waitress’ smile was starting to look a little strained as she waited for Noct to get his act together and pick a dish.
Quickly, Noct searched the menu for the dish with the name he was least likely to butcher horribly.
“I’ll have the… ca-po-nata. The caponata, please,” he said, closing the menu with feigned confidence. “Thank you.”
“An excellent choice,” the waitress said, visibly relieved as she collected their menus.
Gladio’s devilish grin immediately destroyed any hope Noct might’ve held of having made a good choice.
What the fuck is this, Noct desperately wanted to ask as he stared at the steaming bowl of… he’d already forgotten the name. Wanted to ask but couldn’t, because he was the Prince, dining with his dad the King.
His Shield nearly straining a muscle in his face from grinning so hard did not help him feel any better, thank you very much.
Vegetable stew. He’d ordered a traditional vegetable stew.
Meanwhile, Gladio had on his plate some kind of delicious-looking roast meat, and Noct was forced to admit that maybe it would’ve been a good idea to check the menu beforehand after all.
At least his dad didn’t seem to notice his predicament, too busy arguing with Clarus about the bouquet of the wine they were having.
Still, he couldn’t just not eat. He had to at least try and eat as much of it as he could, and then maybe he’d get away with claiming he was full. Even if that meant he couldn’t have dessert.
Mentally steeling himself, Noct loaded up his fork and shoved it into his mouth before he could second-guess himself.
Okay, this isn’t so bad, he thought and ate another forkful. It took all his willpower to keep himself from shuddering. Okay, yeah, it was that bad. The taste was one thing, but the texture…
Miserable, he stared at the plate, distantly wondering how he was ever going to eat enough of this to make everyone happy.
“Tasty, Your Highness?” Gladio asked innocently, the teasing edge hidden just well enough that Dad and Clarus wouldn’t notice, but Noct very much did.
“Very,” Noct deadpanned, resolutely digging his fork into the stew again.
“Mine’s great,” Gladio supplied helpfully.
“Awesome. Happy for you.”
“Here. Try some.”
Gladio cut off a big piece of the meat on his plate and placed it on Noct’s.
Noct risked a glance at Dad, but Dad seemed more interested in wine tasting than in watching his son embarrass himself over some vegetables.
Small blessings.
“What are you doing?” he hissed at Gladio, who was in the process of shovelling a significant portion of Noct’s stew onto his own plate, cheerfully ignoring the murderous glares his own father shot him.
“Sharing,” came the unperturbed reply. “It’s custom in Accordian culture to share dishes.”
Noct wasn’t sure if Gladio was just bullshitting him. But seeing as the result was considerably less vegetables and more meat on his plate, he didn’t really care much either way.
It turned out the vegetable stew, while still not great, was much easier to stomach if it could be eaten in between bites of roast meat.
Noct very deliberately did not make eye contact with Gladio on the ride home. And yet, he could feel the smug looks his Shield was giving him.
“Well, whatever smartass comment you’re sitting on, just get it out of your system!” he finally snapped.
“I share my food with you, and this is how you repay me,” Gladio lamented.
“Shut up.”
“Aw, don’t be like that. Y’know, maybe next time you could stand to be a bit more of a nerd to make sure you’re not ordering vegetable stew again.”
Gladio’s low chuckle swiftly turned into a hiss of pain when Noct’s elbow connected with his ribs.
Noct only felt a little bad about it.
Read the entire project here.
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alwritey-aphrodite · 2 years
Scout!! Congrats on the milestone, my dear!
You know I love a fake dating trope, can i get 14 with you and me 13 with Poe? He truly is every Grandma's dream 😌
“Please, Poe?” You sit at your tiny kitchen table, pleading for your best friend to pretend to be your boyfriend.
“I-just… why?” He sits confused, for once not trying to tease you but instead beyond confused as to what you’re asking him to do.
“Because my grandma loves you! And she’s only here for a few days and I never get to see her and it would make her so happy if she thought we were dating!”
You and Poe had grown up together, best friends since the day you were born. You’d spent your childhood running around the neighborhood, climbing trees and drawing chalk figures along your driveway. Poe’s been by your side for you entire life, even now, years later and miles away from where it all started.
Your grandma, the sweet old woman that she is, had always wanted you and Poe to get together.
“Think of how easy the wedding slideshow would be!” She’d exclaim, flipping through photo albums from when you and Poe were in elementary school. Sure, she was mostly teasing just to see how flustered the two of you would get, but deep down, she thought the two of you would be perfect together.
With her age and the distance, you’re rarely able to spend time with your grandma, so when she does come to visit, you always try your hardest to make it the perfect trip for her.
And this year, that includes getting Poe to pose as your boyfriend for the few days she’s staying with you.
“Alright, alright, fine,” he says, holding his hands up in supplication, “but I’m doing this for your grandma, not you. You owe me big time.”
“Thank you!” You fly from your seat, rushing around the table to crush him in a hug, “You’re a lifesaver, Poe Dameron.”
The two of you get to work on constructing a believable story on how you got together, even bringing his dog Bee over to your apartment to make it more realistic. Your grandma would be staying in a hotel, due to your limited extra space, so Poe and Bee would return back to his place whenever she returned to her hotel room.
You’re amazed at how natural it all feels, pretending to be dating Poe. Really, the two of you act like you always do, but you’re just a bit more touchy, a bit more soft with each other. There’s a tiny little part of your brain that thinks ‘this is nice’ and ‘maybe it could always be like this’. You do your best to ignore that part.
The week goes by smoothly, and soon you’re helping your grandma with her luggage as her ride to the airport waits downstairs.
“The two of you just look so happy together,” she tells you, sitting at the bench by your door to put her shoes on, “I’d always known you’d end up together.”
You’re trying not to look too wistfully at Poe, who’s standing in your living room as Bee runs circles around his feet. You’re hit with a pain in your chest at the realization that your little scheme is coming to an end. You’re going to miss spending that time with him, being that close to him for most of the day.
“If only you’d tell each other how you really feel.” Your attention snaps back to your grandma, who just sends you a wink.
You help her downstairs, and spend the rest of the day thinking about what she said. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll follow her advice.
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stargirlfeyre · 11 months
Everyone knows that Mor was being sincere when she complimented Nesta. Everyone knows that Mor did in fact try to be friendly with Nesta. And you can justify it all you want, but the truth is Nesta was mean first. Mor is under no obligation to just roll over and take Nesta’s snide comments just because Nesta’s traumatized. Everyone in the entire series is traumatized and yet Nesta is the only one allowed to get angry, be petty, or lash out. Everyone’s just angry because Mor had the nerve to actually stand up to Nesta.
And I knows this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but even if Mor was insincere and mean to Nesta first - she had every right. People seem to forget that Mor is Feyre’s best friend. Mor loves Feyre as if she’s her sister. Mor knows what it’s like being abused by your family. She knows Feyre was abused by Nesta, Elain, and their parents. So, if she decided to be mean to Nesta and Elain, than I wouldn’t care. She doesn’t owe Nesta or Elain any kindness, compassion, or empathy when they showed none to their youngest sister who kept them alive for years.
Literally look at how Mor acted when she met Feyre and Nesta for the first time. She was very bubbly and welcoming to both. She hugged Feyre but Feyre didn’t go on to slut-shame her because she’s not a weirdo. That’s literally just the way Mor is and everyone knows that. What I don’t get is how y’all complain because the IC was never “welcoming to Nesta” but y’all turn around and try to find ulterior motives in the one person who genuinely did try to be friends with her? It’s almost like they know that Nesta was a bitch to the IC before they ever were to her and so to cope with their “Nesta only attacks when provoked” narrative being proven wrong, they try to vilify other characters to hide the fact that Nesta is just an asshole.
And another thing, they do expect Mor to just roll over and take Nesta’s bullshit. In their minds Mor is a woman who went through hardships with her family and she helped Feyre so therefore she should now help Nesta. They see Mor as not an actual character but a bubbly cardboard cut-out who serves no other purpose but to help the female main characters heal. She is her own person with her own feelings and her acting a certain way with Feyre does not mean she’s now obligated to act that way towards Feyre’s sisters (even though she literally did try to be welcoming towards them like she was with Feyre).
Mor is Feyre’s friend. She knows how Nesta treated someone she sees like a sister and she still tried to extend a hand to her. Nesta bit that hand so you can’t really expect Mor to keep extending it. When it comes to the IC people just want them to keep trying and trying with Nesta. They expect the IC to know exactly what she needs as if they’re trained therapists and their sole purpose is to help the broken souls of Acotar.
They should be friendly but not too friendly or else it seems insincere.
They should include her in things but not be too inclusive or else it seems like they’re trying to invade on her life.
They should be understanding but not too understanding or else it seems like they’re trying to coddle her.
These people want the IC to be experts when it comes to Nesta and treat her with absolute care. They spend so much time degrading Feyre because she expects people to “read her mind and automatically know what she needs” but it’s clear they want people to read Nesta’s mind and act accordingly.
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river-muse · 9 months
Next round of wall-of-text commentary arrives! This turn is In leaps and bounds.
Gotta say, the POV change in favour of Dante here is a gamechanger. The repressed desire to shake some sense into Vergil is extremely present in each scene, wonderful job there.
ch1. Oh you just FEEL it in the first chapter how hard Dante is concentrating on the jukebox instead of whatever Vergil wants to ask. Well done, well done my fair lady.
The entire 'Nero distraught and Vergil calming him' scene is great. It's a low blow that Dante automatically expected things to go south, even after he saw for himself how much Vergil cares for his son, but that's just how the twins do of the beginning of this. At least Vergil was spared that blow by his own wrong assumption, which Dante quickly adapted to, otherwise it would have been even more heartbreaking.
ch.2...this is just pure miscommunication pain. Thing is, Dante was actually genuinely curious there... Ooof. Also a good pain response check on Dante there, he's been badly burned and that pain is still blinding him. Vergil cornered himself into the worst questions there, and then got on the aggressive defence. Double ow. Delicious pain, all of this.
ch.3 pfff good child story trope, and the final line says it all really xD
ch4. solstice chapter. It's funny how the twins know what's illegal but don't mind about doing it anyway xD. Again, delicious pain at seeing the two let their sleeping dogs lie, in fact, they are actually forcing those dogs to the ground.
No idea where Vergil learned strategy, but I think the best move when hunted down and when your positions are known (as he and Dante confirmed for each other) is to go on the defence, instead of endlessly running himself into the ground, corners and ambushes. Especially, if he thinks he is targeted more. Bait and switch might've worked if there was only one pursuer, but that would require knowing of the attack beforehand, and cooperation between the twins, which they are not yet capable of, I don't think.
Obviously, this silence is brought on by emotional issues too, I just wanted to point out that strategy-wise Vergil is an idiot. It's also very clear to see how much Dante is struggling to keep this thoughts to himself there, he tries so hard just to enjoy the holiday with family together (instead of shaking some sense into Vergil, which has frankly never worked and never will, he is an idiot through and through, impenetrable to common sense from the outside)
ch. 5 Everything about the park chapter is my favourite thing. Absolutely everything about it is perfect. Little Nero on the playground, how he really wants to do everything himself to impress Vergil, but ends up asking for help, which he may not like, but needs to learn how to do. Dante's little brother instinct to annoy his bro at the mention of pizza. The way Nero nails that Vergil wanted to spend time with Dante too (kids can be so smart like that). The way Dante still cannot believe his fortune at having his bro and nephew in his life (even on rare surprise occasions), extremely bittersweet. Everything is great here, and while the bridges are most certainly building, the present and slowly rising tension between the twins is very evident.
(Birthday three-parter commentary next, this is long enough as it is)
Hello again!!! Waking up to these really gets my brain buzzing and ready to do my actual job faster than normal you have No Idea. xD I'll try not to write too many paragraphs in return but OOUUGHH you had some really good commentary here and I won't be able to address it all.
There was a response I gave a comment a long time ago along the lines of "DMC is just Miscommunications: The Musical to me" and it still holds strong because Wow the shit twins are having to re-learn how to interact with each other in this fic.
Reading the line "they are actually forcing those dogs to the ground" for the Winter Solstice chapter knocked me tf out and rewired something in my brain that is SUCH a good way to put it. Chewing on my phone because it's going to live rent free in my head for quite possibly the rest of the series. There are just some things that have to be left alone to keep the peace, and they very much want to try to do that even if it ends up being topics that they're going to have to talk about eventually. Vergil's also still stuck in the travel to survive tactic, which as he spent his youth like that and about five years after the Temen-Ni-Gru doing the same it's become a case of "old habits die hard". He's not aware that his tactic is flawed as all hell. But also both times he's spent extended time in a place where he's felt safe has Always Gone Bad(his childhood home and [redacted (: ] even though the second time he wasn't present for the "going bad" part), so I forgive him for thinking that defending a place is deadlier than keeping on the move.
The POV swaps are fun for me! They're also entirely fuled by my own ulterior motives. Either to hide another character's motivation/thoughts, to show someone else's perspective, or because the POV character's inner conflicts need to be understood because those color how they interact(I'm looking at you, Lady.).
I'd actually felt like the park chapter was the weakest of them with how many times I had to edit it, so I'm flattered that you enjoyed it as much as you did! Some scenes are entirely to get a point across even if they're handled in character and those stand out like a sore thumb to me because I see through my own goals.
Thank you for the comments!! I'm going to rotate these in my head as fast as possible while working on dice <3
Take care, have a good day, and I look forward to your next ask!
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Wow, that last ask I made sure was depressing, wasn't it? Sorry about that. Anyways, idk if there are any other Celestials out there, but lemme give you all some love anyway because I still love you all!!! /p
Blasoom: I'm gonna be honest, you were probably the sweetest Monster I'd ever met. I know I was always busy, but I always noticed that you were so excited whenever you created a new Plant Monster, and it was always so adorable to see you playing with them and teaching them how to make music. I really wish I was able to spend more time with you :(
Glaishur: My man. My guy. My bro. You were super chill and nice to be around, and I didn't tell you that enough. Singing with you was so much fun, and I really appreciate you helping me with sorting out any conflicts within the group... you know what they say; cooler heads prevail lmao /ref
Attmoz: You never ended up telling me how your air guitar works and I'm still really upset about it (/j ofc). Jokes aside, you were fuckin awesome. Not that I don't like everyone else, but it was nice to have someone who wasn't a total stick in the mud, you know?
Hornacle: Fine, you were right; it was an actual Living Ocean by the time you were done with it (/ij). Seriously, I have no clue how you did it. You made all of those Water elementals, and you managed to fill the entire Ocean with Critters as well? All Dang, all I did was make a box that sang dubstep. You're cool as hell.
Torrt: Well, first of all, I apologize for not talking to you much, at least as far as I remember. You were a great help with creating everything, and it's always nice to have someone that keeps the beat going smoothly, both musically and in daily life. You deserve so much more appreciation than you got. I'm sorry I overlooked you.
Furnoss: Alright, listen here, you old geezer (/j). I just want you to know that as much as I teased you sometimes, I genuinely did respect you. How could I not? Not only were you super duper cool and came from the actual Living Core, but you were great at filling in for me as the leader when I was busy with other non-leader-related things. That and you were really nice to have around at night while I was sleeping. Starhenge got cold.
Plixie: Okay, I think I owe you an apology, a lot more than I do for everyone else. Back in the day, I'll just be honest: I thought you were kind of annoying. I see now how wrong I was to think that. You were an absolute ray of sunshine, and as weird as you could be sometimes, you kept things interesting, and I respect that. Thank you for never losing your optimism.
Loodvigg: I don't get why people find you so scary; I thought you were really neat! Sorry if I ever annoyed you by trying to get you to lighten up. Despite how different we were, I really liked having you around. It's always nice seeing different perspectives. You could still probably work on the ominous staring though... /lh
Vhamp: You don't even understand how much I miss you, Vhamp. You did so much for me. You helped me build Wubbox, you were always the first to support and listen to me whenever things got to be too much for me, and most importantly, you made me feel loved. What we had was special, and I miss it more than anything else. Wherever you are, please know that I'm still out there, and I love you (/r).
Syncopite: Well, first of all, I forgive you for your rock fragments always being attracted to my staff (I still have no idea why that happened so much but whatever lmao). In all seriousness, you were really cool! You were always really good at bringing us all together, and that was really important sometimes! Once again, someone being a better leader than I am... I really appreciate it :)
Scaratar: I know you'd probably be so pissed-off that I saved you for last, but I promise it's nothing personal lmao. In fact, I always found you super sweet! You did more to help out with the newly-created Monsters than anyone else, and not only was that really nice of you, but it was always really funny to see you introduce each of your ladybugs to the baby Monsters, just to see how they'd react. I personally thought they were adorable, by the way.
...Yep, that's about it! Sorry for writing an essay lmao. I just really miss my friends, and I want to let them know how much I care :)
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darlingducklett · 2 years
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Name: Darla Hart
Nickname/s: Ducky
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Starlight Marina
Relationship status: Single
Ducky is very well meaning and always does her best to avoid conflict and fighting wherever possible, preferring to try and befriend pokemon instead of always jumping into battle. Although even this doesn't always work out she tries to be gentle
Ducky has always been a very patient person and owes a lot of this to her long hours of Ballet practice growing up. As well as having very... busy parents. She knows sometimes you need to just listen instead of speaking up. She can wait.
Ducky loves to give her friends positive reinforcement to encourage their ideas and enjoy their journey. When spending time around Pokemon she always tries to get them to have fun! They deserve the same encouragement after all.
➖ Anxious
It takes a lot of psyching herself up to be able to talk to other people, especially strangers. Ducky has always been able to perform just fine as her dancing has never required her to mutter a word. Unfortunately her journey has brought her anxiety to front and center.
➖Socially Awkward
Do you ever get muddled up and embarrassed over little things? Ducky certainly does.
Missing social cues or just misunderstanding the entire situation she has often come across as rather silly or even stuck up.
Ekans doesn't have arms. Why is she so upset about this? Although most of the time her emotions tend to feel very on point with the situation Ducky has found that she finds herself tearing up far more often then she would like.
None yet!
None yet!
| HISTORY | Growing up an only child can be wonderful but it can also be rather lonely. Ducky had it pretty good all things considered, a loving mother and father who bred and raised Swanna for contests. Upon her 10th birthday she was gifted a Ducklett by her father whom wasn't good enough for contests as he was a runt, and they became as thick as thieves for a very long time. Until she started taking Ballet lessons and spent more and more time away from her best friend.
She made new friends with her fellow Ballerinas and was showing promise in her career things went fowl, as she was dropped on stage and broke her ankle. Rekindling her friendship with her Ducklett after recovering she brought him to practice where he amusingly started to try to dance too!
Unfortunately nowadays her friend is long gone. Her parents told her he went to... a farm far away. She wasn't stupid and she knew what that meant.
Ducky kept the nickname her friends had given her and uses it instead of her birthname now. Her parents no longer around she is doing her best to finally live her own life.
Boadicea *Albino Ekans* (www.deviantart.com/scorchedpoe…)
Please keep a log here of any important updates, ensuring they link back to the relevant comment! For example, obtaining your mega ring, Z-ring and anything else you think should be logged!
None yet!
Ducky often goes out to feed wild bird pokemon, visiting the harbor often to try and spot her favourite pokemon- though usually only seeing the odd pair of swanna. Ocassionally she is pleased to spot a Ducklett!
Of course she still dances often and is an accomplished Ballerina, although she now wants to branch out more into training pokemon.
She loves when contests come around as she goes and watches each and every one with longing.
Watching the sunset, Feeding wild bird Pokemon, Matcha Mint Icecream!
Heavy smoke, Being trapped in small spaces, Mondays.
Anything quirky about them?
Ducky will not respond to her birthname Darla and has done a lot to distance herself from her family name as well. Only seeming to like being called just Ducky.
"Everything happens for a reason, at least i like to think so.. it helps me get out of bed each morning to think so."
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freedomxfire · 2 days
Before you confront anyone:
1) No one agrees that they are a bad person (and if they do then they are either just terribly broken and in desperate need of love or emotionally manipulating you.) If you go into a confrontation in which you have already judged the person guilty of a wrong (and are thus confronting them with their guilt), you are essentially declaring them a bad person. No matter how you phrase it, the other person will hear, “You did this, so you are bad.”
No one agrees that they are a bad person. Thus, you will not win or get what you want.
2) If you accuse the other person of doing something wrong, you are behaving self-righteously and thus are also wrong.
All anger and accusations is rooted in self-righteousness. Even when you think you are angry for “just” causes, you are still at root believing that YOU know better about something. It doesn’t matter how many people agree with you. They’re self-righteous too. Because not all 8 billion people on the planet agree with you, so someone has to know better, right?
Thinking you know better is self-righteousness, and it is the source of all division.
Unity is everyone truthfully confessing that they don’t know better - no one does. No one has this thing called life or all of its fucked-up-ness figured out.
3) If you go into an argument/confrontation/discussion expecting apologies and humble confessions of wrongdoing, you’d better be prepared to offer the same, because all relationships and situations are a two way street (or a multi-way intersection.)
If you’re not ready or willing to offer those, you’re self-righteous and you lose (see point two) and you have no right to expect them from anyone else.
4) If you weren’t there, you don’t get to make claims about what happened.
5) If the action wasn’t directed toward you, you don’t get to speak for the person it was directed to. No one can accurately and 100% truthfully or fairly represent someone else’s thoughts and feelings.
6) If the only impact of someone’s actions was that it hurt your feelings or offended you, that’s a personal problem and not the other person’s responsibility. No one can control another person’s feelings, no one can appease 8 billion people so why should they spend their time trying to appease YOU. Refer to point 2 about self-righteousness, and also look up entitlement.
7) The only people who are entitled to anything from anyone is someone who worked their freaking asses off or gave a heck of a lot of financial support or donation or time trying to help. And what they’re entitled to is respect, kindness, and consideration from the people they did it for. So if you didn’t do those for the people you’re confronting, they don’t owe you anything. You’re not entitled to anything. Especially if you go into the conversation like a self-righteous son of a - .
8) You don’t get to judge another person’s actions if you haven’t walked their ENTIRE LIVES in their shoes. Because every single bit of their life informed or led to what they did and you will never know what that includes.
Now, reconsider very carefully if you have any rightful legs to stand on for what you thought you were going to say.
Here’s what you CAN DO:
1) You can talk to someone who you ALREADY have an established and close relationship with or who DOES owe you respect and consideration when they hurt your feelings or offend you or fail to give you what they do rightfully owe you.
2) You can tell people when their actions had a specific and measurable negative impact on your life (bring as many receipts as possible.)
3) You can inform people of your boundaries.
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josenoelrobles · 4 months
Never Stop Learning: Unlocking Endless Potential
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Introduction If you’re not growing, you’re dying. This bold statement might sound extreme, but it perfectly captures the essence of continuous learning. In today’s rapidly changing world, resting on your laurels can lead to obsolescence faster than ever. So why do so many of us stop learning once we leave formal education? The importance of always learning is not just a platitude; it’s a vital strategy for personal, professional, and financial success. Personal Experience I don't know about you but I wouldn't say I liked school very much. And this is a feeling that I carried with me my entire life. When I was in elementary school those first years were awful for me—being separated from my family to spend all day with a group of strangers listening to a person who was talking about stuff that I didn't know anything about. Middle school was a time of changes that brought a lot of questions and challenges on a personal level and didn't see the education that I was receiving at school being able to help me with my real personal problems. In high school was an even bigger disappointment because technically my parents bought my high school diploma. I went to a private school in which I completed all my high school years in only 11 months. All I needed to do was to show up and that was it. So I didn't learn anything valuable other than how to party. As an adult, I did go to college. I did it for 2 years. But I did it online. I ended up with a $68,000 debt on student loans which I still owed about $25,000 and I never graduated. I didn't learn anything in college that I was able to apply to my business and my personal life. At least nothing remarkable that brought big positive changes. You see, I never had a good experience with the school and education system. So I always thought that education was a waste of time. The problem for me was that I was making the mistake of combining school and education together. I thought that in order to learn and educate myself I needed to go to school. Nowadays, that cannot be farther from the truth. We have the world at our fingertips. We have more technology on our phones than what the United States used to go to the moon the first time. And we have access to all the information in the world that we want in just a few seconds. One of the easiest ways in my opinion to learn something that could change and transform your life are books. There have been 2 books that have changed my life forever. The first one is the Bible and the second one is called No Excuses The Power Of Self Discipline By Brian Tracy. Whether you are a Christian or not, and whatever your opinion may be about the Bible, you should give it a try. I guarantee you that you will learn some things that will change your life forever. You can start with the book in the Bible called Proverbs. There is so much wisdom shared there, that your life will never be the same. And it will help you make better and wiser decisions for sure. Don't look at the Bible as a religious book. Look at it as a book full of wisdom and teachings because that is what it is. Among other things of course but for the sake of the argument, just give it the chance to teach you something that has nothing to do with religion. No Excuses The Power Of Self Discipline By Brian Tracy taught me that everything is under my control. My present is a reflection of my past decisions. I cannot blame the economy, my parents, my boss, my past relationships, my lack of this and that. And I should not blame myself either. All I have to do is take action. Do something. Is up to me whether I want to achieve the things that I say that I want to achieve. If I am willing to pay the high price of success I can achieve it through hard work, dedication, and discipline. My life has never been the same since I read that book. Not only because it taught me so much with the information that the book has, but because it taught me that I can learn valuable lessons that can transform and change my life forever without the need for me to go to school. Lessons that I can apply right away in my life, my business, and my personal life. Lessons that will have immediate impact and I don't have to wait 4 years to put them into practice and to have a diploma that validates that I learned something. That book was the beginning of a healthy habit of learning. Nowadays I learn something new literary every day. And all of this is intentional. I try to read, listen, or watch something every day that is educational. I try not to waste my time doing things unproductive. See that I used the keyword, try, because sometimes I do. But I emphasize learning something every day. And back then you had to actually take the time and open a book and read. So for many, that was not an easy task to do; including me. But now it is so easy to learn that nobody has any excuses why not to do it. You can read, watch, and listen to books at any time. If you like to read you can go to your local library and borrow the books so it will be free. And if you don't like to read you can listen to audiobooks during your commute time from and to work. And if you do not want to pay for the audiobooks you can listen to free podcasts that will teach you pretty much everything that you want to learn and more. And if those options are not good enough for you and you don't like to read or listen to educational material; go to YouTube and watch explainers videos that summarize books. You see, we have no excuses for why are we stuck in the same place and why are we not moving forward and achieving the things that we want to achieve. The things that you already know brought you as far as you have gotten. If you want to achieve new and different things, you have to learn new things. It is as simple as that. And to be honest, is not easy to start a new habit. Especially one that requires some much discipline. Trust me, is not like I jump out of bed excited to open a book and read. I have to force myself to open that book and start reading. But once I start reading, it feels amazing when I start learning something that I didn’t know. Because I can visualize immediately how I can apply what I am learning to my life and I can see the potential benefits that can and will bring to me and my family. So no more excuses. If you want to see different results in your life you have to start doing different things. Open a book, listen to it, or watch a summary of it. Take advantage of the struggles that others have gone through and their experiences so you can suffer a little less than the authors of these books and perhaps achieve more than they did even in a faster and better way. It is up to you. Nobody will do it for you. The time is now and not tomorrow because we only have today because tomorrow is not guaranteed. The world evolves and changes rapidly. If you don't keep learning you will be left behind. And so will be your dreams and goals. And even if you already achieve some success you have to keep learning for the same reasons. The world changes all the time. So if you want to keep what you already have the same rules apply. We are living in a new era of AI. It is very exciting for some and very scary for others. For me, I am in the fence. But I am starting to learn and use it because I know is not going anywhere. And if I don't jump on the AI ship, and I will be left behind at short. One more time, no excuses, we have to do the hard work. The Data: Facts and Figures The value of continuous learning is backed by compelling data. According to a report by the World Economic Forum, by 2025, 50% of all employees will need reskilling due to technological advancements and changing job landscape. Moreover, a survey conducted by LinkedIn Learning found that 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development. A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that lifelong learning can increase earnings by 10-15%. This is because continuous learning keeps individuals competitive and adaptable in an ever-changing job market. The Problem: Why We Stop Learning Problem 1: Complacency Many people become complacent after reaching a certain level of success. They believe their current knowledge and skills are sufficient to maintain their status quo. Problem 2: Fear of Failure Fear of failure or embarrassment can prevent individuals from pursuing new learning opportunities. This fear often stems from a fixed mindset, where people believe their abilities are static. Problem 3: Lack of Time Busy schedules and demanding jobs can leave little time for additional learning. Many people feel they don’t have the luxury of time to invest in further education. The Solution: Embracing Continuous Learning Step 1: Adopt a Growth Mindset A growth mindset, as popularized by Carol Dweck, is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. This mindset fosters a love for learning and resilience in the face of challenges. Step 2: Leverage Online Resources The internet has made learning more accessible than ever. Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy offer courses on a wide range of topics, often for free or at a low cost. Step 3: Make Learning a Habit Integrate learning into your daily routine. This could be as simple as reading a book, listening to a podcast, or dedicating 30 minutes a day to an online course. Consistency is key. Step 4: Seek Feedback and Mentorship Engage with mentors or peers who can provide feedback and guidance. Constructive criticism can highlight areas for improvement and inspire further learning. Step 5: Apply What You Learn Knowledge without application is futile. Ensure that you apply new skills and knowledge in your personal and professional life. This not only reinforces learning but also demonstrates its value. Conclusion Continuous learning is not a luxury but a necessity in today’s fast-paced world. Whether it’s for personal growth, professional development, or business success, the importance of always keeping learning cannot be overstated. By adopting a growth mindset, leveraging online resources, making learning a habit, seeking feedback, and applying new knowledge, you can unlock endless potential and stay ahead of the curve. Remember, the journey of learning never ends, and it’s the key to unlocking a brighter, more successful future. Read the full article
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geekns · 8 months
From the bottom of my heart, I need you to know that no one wants to be around you because you're an asshole.
I just spent a good 30+ minutes scrolling through your blog, and you constantly get angry at others' experiences (and actual statistics), you equate your personal experience as the be all end all and don't seem to understand that your life doesn't just negate the other experiences around you. And frankly, none of your replies to any posts I've seen have been kind at all. Why tf would you ever expect anyone to be kind to you when you clearly don't give people the same courtesy?
I wish you the best and hope you can become a happier person. And being miserable just becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You can make positive changes to your life and become a kinder person, and I promise your life will get better.
Who asked you? No really, I'm being serious. If I'm so annoying, why are you on my blog reading my posts about how I am trying to be open and vulnerable and figure out how to process my trauma?
if you don't like what I'm saying, go away. No one is forcing you to read my ramblings. I have no idea who you are, I don't owe you anything. You don't know who I am and have no right to judge me.
You say I'm asshole and that I'm angry...constantly???
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I'm really not. That's simply exhausting. Ain't nobody got time for that. My life is full of laughter. I am very literal, and I love to laugh, and so I do, often at random things that no one else thinks are funny. My life is a comedy despite the tragedy.
Honey, what makes you think that you need to tell me to that I need to try, like I haven't already been doing that for over forty years? Like, did you really just assume that I've been spending my entire life just sitting here saying "woe is me, I need a hero?"
No! Fuck that!
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I'm not sitting around wallowing in misery, even in the moments where I allow myself to be honest about how hard things are. (I mean how dare I share such a thing.) I am that one who has to stand back up and fight every time I get knocked down! I've been making "positive changes" for longer than I can remember, taken the advice of so many people. And I keep fighting after other people have given up and gone home! I'm stubborn af. And I'm really not sure what you're trying to accomplish with your pretentious advice, but FYI, I'm just trying to figure out how to keep going. I nearly died a month ago, so sue me for taking a minute to recuperate.
But I reject your characterization that I'm an asshole. You wanna know why? Because the truth is that I am kind, and that's why people assume they can use me or control me. It's a classic blunder that has followed me across this country and the world. One such boss flat-out told me that I was "too nice" and proceeded to try to turn me into exactly who she wanted me to be. She was abusive and controlling and it was a nightmare. And that is only one of many experiences that I could relate.
But you know what? Lying to people isn't kind. Going along to get along isn't actually nice. And I am not hurting anyone, in fact, I may be one of the only people on this hellsite who cares enough to tell the truth even though it would be easier not to. I'm simply trying to be true to myself: hoping to feel a little less alone and help others feel understood in turn. Because I've always believed that we need each other, that we're stronger when we aren't alone.
But I'm certainly not here to mask for you or make you feel comfortable. I'm here to be real. Reality is not always pretty, trauma especially so: it makes us want to look away, but it is what it is. And denying your trauma and the hard things that you're fighting against is not helpful to anyone.
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