#You'll understand
im-not-cannon · 4 months
sirius has a Sirius Black Grin™️
but a dog's smile
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cha0ticr0b0tic · 2 months
*pops head in* hi I'm so gay for Neil McCauley and also Mr. White
*runs back out*
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“A villain created to torture Bakugo”
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Leave him alone…
Orihara Akuto my fucking beloved
I'm also almost finished writing Bakugou's birthday fic which...also has a created villain to torture bakugou 😈
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ninjigma · 2 years
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Track: 'Dance Monkey' - Tones And I
Fives loves having shore leave for 79's Karaoke night. For all the teasing it gets him, he has also received plenty of compliments and encouragement; and sometimes he even convinces others to sing along too. Truthfully it is the highlight of the war for him, because when Fives is up there he can close his eyes and pretend he lives a different life. A life where he gets to sing whenever he wants, a life where Echo doesn't have to delete every drawing he makes on his datapad, a life where they get to be what they want to be instead of being told what they are. A good life.
And thus Fives steps onto platform, closes his eyes, and sings. In a moment it's like a weight is lifted, the cage in his head unlocked. He sings and he feels brighter, a part of his very soul burning up just to keep him there longer. Gone so he can be free.
And when I'm free, all I will need to be, is me.
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realrogerhours · 9 months
I know I said I'd be trying to post art at better times but you have to understand F-Zero 99 with Daytona USA 2 music is a drug more powerful than anything the CIA could ever fucking cook up
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the-mocking-robin · 2 months
Don't ask me to babysit your kids.
Not because I'll be neglectful.
Not because I'll be mean to them.
But because I learned how to cook from some of the best.
They'll never want to eat your crap again.
You can't PAY me enough to be a family cook.
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fiiyve · 1 year
Malroth DragonQuestBuilders2 really is THE babygirl of all time though like he's SO babygirl
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royalphantompain · 1 year
Although I have no arms to hold you in
A human passion burns within
I needed to feel like I exist
So please baby, please baby
Don't be nervous~
No, don't be nervous~
I'm not like other guys
Who have a surface
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sevi-fuk · 2 years
I forgor, were you the one who draw Dragon Yang then got asked of she had 2 dicks ?
Yep. That's me.
Also about Yang with two dicks... Y'all actually have a chance to see that
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eastleighsblog · 2 years
I didn't lose you
You lost me
You will spend your life searching for me in everyone you meet
But you will never find me just the illusion of me
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theboxfort · 5 months
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Peace and love
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all-0f-the-above · 2 months
reading older detective comics starts out "aw man I wish this writer worked on [insert modern series here]" and "art styles in comics have evolved so much" to "really? that's how we're treating our female characters? dear god" and "Cynthia Reynolds? she's so sweet why don't I know her from- ohh yeah nevermind"
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nai-was-here · 4 months
I promise you’ll understand later. You can’t right now, it’s beyond you right now. You don’t have it in you to deepen, or at least be as deep I need you to be. It’s not your fault either. I don’t blame your rage, pain or any negative emotion you clench to. Those things have served you, comforted you, gave you drive, gave you strength, even protected you when you needed it but they won't serve you here, not at where I need you to be. They’re keeping you at the surface and once you let go of what's keeping you there, you’ll drift in the right direction. And ultimately, it's a small step on a steep and long path.
You'll have to survive down here with different tools, some you won't even want to use because it's tedious, and meticulous. It's obviously hard work that you won't be able to do with without discipline. You can't rush it. You're welcome to try as many times as you like to. It will wear on you. You'll fail but you'll gain experience every single time. You'll know when you've arrived, and I hope I will too. I hope I'm around too see it. But as you are now, you won't reach me here. I can't guide you. I can't pull you or push you to where you need to be for this understanding. This isn't meant to patronize or humiliate you. This is just me explaining the distance, the time, the space that separates us. It could be insurmountable, and I've thought at meeting you on the surface but we both know I'm way too deep to ever journey up there ever again. You'll understand, one day.
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rogueshadeaux · 2 months
“I hate the script, the vault dwellers sound so cheesy—“ my Brother in Steel you realize that’s the point, right? They were bred to act like the physical embodiment of an HR e-mail. Did you not catch the memo that Vault-Tec put out regarding their experiment facilities?
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egophiliac · 5 months
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I've had a beast of a cold for the last few days, but I wanted to get this out before the new year! while I've sort of made my peace with my first take on Lilia's UM poster, I really wanted to do a version with the new context that chapter 6 gave us. because. c'mon.
(don't worry, Lilia can carry ALL HIS KIDS AT ONCE)
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