#Yr fanfic
bigalockwood · 3 days
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Brushing the dirt from his pants and heaving one last, big sigh, Wille stood up. No use stalling. He’d go to the campsite manager now. Better to get it done and then finally relax and be able to enjoy his trip. A cracking noise sounded behind him. Wille jerked around — and stopped in his tracks, like he was playing musical statues all on his own. Wille wasn’t religious, had never been. But the man that had stepped into the clearing might just change his opinion on gods and deities. Or, the strangers to lovers camping redemption no one asked for.
You put two biologists in a room fandom together and this is what you get.
Despite what some of you might be thinking, neither Jay @enjoythesilentworld nor I have lost the ability to spell. However, we do have a bad case of brainrot. So, when Jay (on a camping trip at the time) told me that someone had put their gear in their camping spot, we very quickly started to wilmonify the situation, as one does. A little bit of fun almost immediately turned into a fully-fledged outline to what would become Growing towards the light.
We know Omar just released Sabotage and I’m sure many of you are feeling very Not Chill right now. If you feel like you need something to calm yourself and find some tranquility and peace… what about a trip to the woods? We’ve heard Wille has been recommended camping to calm down 🫶
Biggest, warmest and most grateful thank you to the incredibly lovely and generous Roo @sobadbad who brought our very vague wishes for a header to life. We’ve been staring at it for two weeks now and still can’t believe it’s real (and maybe we've sent it to each other every other morning, because it's the best thing to wake up to). We love it as much as Simon loves Wille and Wille loves Simon. 💜💜
Now that we’ve got your aTention: we present you our Tentative offering for camping redemption: Growing towards the light.
(Little note from Lia to an unknwoing Jay: Writing (and plotting) gttl has been the most organic and natural thing in the world. I never thought I’d collaborate with someone else like this, but this story and the entire creative process has brought me a tremendous amount of joy in the past three months. ily Jay <333)
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gulliblelemon · 2 days
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Chapter 5
“I suppose we’ll have to make do,” Simon said, before slowly pressing himself forward - thighs, hips, and chests touching - and dropping a quick, dirty kiss to Wille’s lips, before tearing off, leaving Wille momentarily stunned. By the time Wille gathered his remaining wits and sped after him, Simon had already divested himself of his t-shirt and was standing on the edge of the pool, the slightly blue ripples reflecting off his skin.  Wille’s brain ground to a halt once more. Although his hands and mouth had been all over that torso this morning, they’d been so closely wrapped around each other that he hadn’t really had a chance to look. So he looked now. Simon’s body was all smooth planes and sharp edges, soft curves and enticing hollows. He wanted to touch every part of it. Caress his chest down to his hips. Lick his way down— Wille was snapped out of his daydream by a small laugh. “You’re drooling,” Simon said, a pleased smile on his lips.
Read chapter 5 on AO3. Or start from the beginning. (M, 48k/57k)
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hergrandplan · 24 hours
Hi, hope you're still doing this (if not, it's totally ok).
Wilmon, "we were on a break!"
Hi anon! sorry it took me so long to answer, thank you so much for this <333 this was such a fun prompt to write (i did not even attempt to stick to 5 sentences though)
“We were on a break!” Wille shouted, sprinting after Simon through the dark garden, past the fairy lights, past the stragglers outside for a smoke. For someone so short, Simon was impossibly fast.
“We were –“, Wille panted out, as he came to a stop in front of Simon, “on a break.” Sounds from the wedding reception had followed them out, the laughter and shouts and music, but it was all muffled, far away.
“I don’t care, Wilhelm,” Simon spat, trying to push past him again. Wille flinched at his – full – name coming out of Simon’s mouth; he’d never called him anything else but Wille. “Even if you were, you clearly aren’t anymore. And I have no interest in being someone’s side fling.”
“It isn’t what you think.”
“Then what is it, Wilhelm? Please, enlighten me, tell me why this is anything else than you stringing me along, making me believe we had a future only to find out that you already had a boyfriend.”
“Because he’s not my boyfriend!”
“Then why did he call you babe and have his tongue down your throat the minute he saw you?”
Wille didn’t know what to say to that.
“Just like I thought. Goodbye, Wilhelm.” And there again, that name.
“Simon, stop, wait.” Wille’s hand shot out to wrap around Simon’s wrist, holding him in place. Trying to make him stay.Simon just looked at it, before looking back up at Wille, glaring at him, but at least he didn’t try to pull away.
“This whole thing was his idea, okay? He thought that, because he was my first boyfriend and all, that I should see other people, to make sure that he was who I really wanted.
And tonight, I was going to tell him that he had been right, that I didn’t want to get back together with him because I had found someone else. I didn’t think he would kiss me.”
“You were –“
“Officially going to end things. But I promise you, Simon, I wasn’t cheating. You’re not just some … some ‘side fling’.” He was so much more.
Wille stepped a bit closer, close enough to smell Simon’s cologne, to see the slight furrow of his brow and slight flush on his golden skin, even in the dark.
“I love you, Simon Eriksson. And it’s you I want to be with – if you’ll still have me.”
Send me Wilmon + a sentence and get 5 (++) more
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pagegirlintraining · 2 days
I know it’s not Sunday yet but I might not get around to it tomorrow and well, if I do, there may just be two snippets this week 🤷🏻‍♀️
This is from the first chapter of Never Not You aka cheating fic:
“I know. I know they can’t force me to do anything, and it shouldn’t be my sole responsibility to uphold this entire institution.” Simon didn’t miss how Wille was reciting his own talking points from all their previous conversations nearly word for word. “The thing is, they did look. And I don’t think I want them to- ugh, can we talk about this when you’re back? I really don’t feel like explaining this over the phone.”
There was a hint of an apology ringing through Wille’s voice, but mostly, Simon thought he just sounded very tired. Which only added to the urge to reach through the display of the phone and give his best friend a hug, and then to bundle him up in a big, fuzzy blanket and stay with him until he’d managed to fall asleep. Or better yet, to pack him into a car and take him all the way to Simon’s pull-out couch. He knew Wille usually slept better there than he did his own bed. It was the only reason he’d allowed him to splurge on a more comfortable model than Simon could’ve afforded himself.
“Sure, we don’t have to talk about it now,” he ultimately said, trying to put as much gentle understanding as possible into the words since his preferred options of comforting Wille weren’t exactly available right now.
“Thank you, Simon”, came Wille’s reply, and Simon thought he could hear the smallest trace of a grateful smile in his voice. “Why don’t you tell me about next Wednesday instead? Any plans for after the big meeting?”
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in-amor-veritas · 14 hours
chapter 4 is out 👏👏👏 finally oops
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mytvjunk · 6 months
Young Royals Forever!
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simonsapelsin · 2 months
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Who's writing the fic?
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simsim54 · 7 months
Wilhelm, slightly disheveled entering the room: Sorry I'm late, I was doing things about the future of the monarchy Simon, following behind and grinning smugly: I'm the future of the monarchy
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bigalockwood · 22 hours
Sunday Snippet 👻
Simon was rooted to the spot, tendrils of ghost plasm reaching for him.  “I never felt safe.” The words, a whisper from the past, left in the world of the living, kept repeating themselves, steadily rising in volume. He was starting to feel sick, nausea crawling up the back of his throat. Furiously, he chewed on his chewing gum, but couldn’t find the strength to move.   “I NEVER FELT SAFE!”  The roar startled Simon out of his trance but by then, it was too late, the ghost already looming over him.  Stumbling back, Simon tried to put some distance between them, but the ghost descended upon him, its ghastly face close, close, closer to Simon, sunken eyes and fleshless fingers, rotten teeth and fraying lips — A rapier sliced through the air in front of Simon, drawing invisible but familiar patterns.  Gasping, Simon stayed where he was, heart beating wildly in his chest.  “Simon! You okay?”  Wille’s concerned face appeared in his field of vision, his hair annoyingly good-looking, even now, at just past midnight, after they’d been searching the dusty house for hours. He was always so…dapper. Stupid old money.  He hardly seemed ruffled by what had transpired and as soon as Simon nodded jerkily, the megawatt smile was back on Wille’s face, all worry gone. He appeared to be greatly entertained by all of this. Simon thought back to how Wille seemed to enjoy throwing himself in the path of danger, how little regard he had for his own safety. What did it say about Simon that he didn’t mind having an employer and colleague that seemed to be borderline suicidal? “Great,” Wille said, holding out his hand to haul Simon to his feet. It was warm around Simon’s chilled fingers. They had the same callouses from fighting, he noticed idly. “We’ve got so much more to do tonight. Now that we know who we’re dealing with — it’s time to hunt a ghost.”
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gulliblelemon · 1 day
Sunday Snippet
From the final chapter of Anywhere With You, which might be up later today, or tomorrow, depending on how my Sunday pans out!
Carefully he rolled over so that he could look up into Wille’s face. “We could watch the stars, for a little bit. If you’d like?” Wille felt the grin spread on his lips, welcome after the day they’d had. “Better than a planetarium show?” Simon’s responding smile was worth a slight shiver and a crick in the neck.  Shuffling around to get comfy, Simon slid down beside Wille, curling slightly into his side. Wille watched as Simon rearranged the blanket, hugging it snugly around them both before tilting his head up to the sky. After a moment, Simon said, “You’re not looking.” Smiling, Wille turned his head upwards. “Yes, I am.”
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oneofthosebells · 2 months
Sunday snippet
From untitled tattoo artist!Simon x drunk!Wilhelm fic (nearly finished, but I've put it on hold to try and get the next chapter of Incognito Mode out a bit sooner.)
“If I wait until I’m sober they’ll talk me out of it.”
“Yes,” says Simon pointedly, even as he wonders who ‘they’ might be. “That’s why we don’t do it.  Tattoos are kind of permanent, we do like people to be sure.”  It’s not the only reason, but somehow he doesn’t think Wilhelm is going to take in a lecture about how alcohol thins the blood and makes tattooing more difficult right now.
“I just want…”  He leans on the front desk, resting his weight on his forearms, his eyes pleading where they’re fixed on Simon.  Simon swallows, his mouth suddenly dry for some reason.  “I just want something they can’t cover up or hide away, you know?  Something that’s mine.”
There’s a strange atmosphere that’s settled over them, the air thick as they look at each other across the desk, the shop so quiet they can hear the roar of traffic on the main road.
Simon swallows again and tries to lighten the mood.  “Okay, but they can cover it up though.”
Wilhelm frowns at him in confusion, head on one side.
“I mean, if you - they - needed to, they could cover a tattoo up with clothes or make-up, or they could airbrush it out of pictures.  Or they could get you to remove it altogether by laser.  It’s—” he nearly says ‘very expensive’ out of habit, remembers who he’s talking to and changes it to “—really painful, but it can be done.”
A pang of regret flashes through him at the way Wilhelm’s shoulders slump in defeat, the light going out of his eyes.
“What tattoo were you thinking of anyway?” Simon asks, partly out of guilt but mainly because actually some inner imp of curiosity does really want to know.
“Okay, right, so…”  Wilhelm gathers himself back up, pulling himself back into the conversation.  He blinks a couple of times as though trying to concentrate.  “Right. So this was my first thought, in big letters all down this arm: ‘Fuck The Monarchy’.”
Simon bursts out laughing.
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omar-rudeberg · 5 months
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does it feel alright to not know me? by disruptedthesky / @omar-rudeberg
Rating: Various (see below)
Wille’s Month 2024 drabbles / ficlets. Sweet, spicy, tender, feisty.
Read on AO3: Day 1. Sandwich (T / 400 words)
I'll update daily on this post so like or save for later! // @youngroyals-events
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caramelpenguin · 3 months
He checks his equipment is in place, eyes averting to Simon on the stool in the centre of the room on his phone. Wille had gone charity shopping earlier and found green clothing for him to wear, and if the sun decides to treat him, he could possibly incorporate that too.
“Could you take the shirt off? If you’re comfortable with that?”
 Simon fondly rolls his eyes. “The things I do for you.” He casually throws the shirt into Wille’s hands, who shoves it onto a chair.
He didn’t know Simon had nice… biceps. He shouldn’t be surprised. The guy usually lives in comfortable, loose clothing and doesn't often show his physique off.
“Ok, so what do I do? Do I pose?”
Wille turns around from double-checking he’s using the correct lens and the setting of the exposure to see the sunlight bathing Simon, his skin an ocean of gold. He gulps, goosebumps rising. “Could you, like, spread your legs?”
He does as he’s told, laughing. “Normally only after a couple of dates, but I’ll make an exception for you.”
Wille presses the shutter button. 
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grounded-parasocial · 1 month
Fanfiction reader friends, do you read other people’s comments on Fics?
I love to read people’s comments and the author’s responses! This makes it feel like I’m in a book club, which I love! (are there fanfic book clubs?) Some readers are so eloquent in their feedback and observations, that I often wish there was a little heart button to love a comment.
Although I am not great at commenting all the time (I’m working on it -adhd and middle of the night reading 🙈 are my nemesis) this is just another thing I love about this fandom and fanfic!
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mytvjunk · 7 months
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Netflix press 2021 / 2024
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simonsapelsin · 2 months
Fruity YR Fics
🍊 Juicy by @sillyunicorn
🍊 the story left untold by @little-fandom
🍊 love is stored in the clementine by @starvalisedham
🍊 orange love by @toffeelemon
🍊 Sweet Satsuma by fvckyouaugust
🍊 Clementine Stickers by @eyeofthedrgn
🍊 Love is stored in a satsuma by boytoast
🍒 Kyss mig med dina röda läppar by @skibasyndrome
🍑 blame it on my juice, baby by @grapehyasynth
🍓 strawberries by @egyptienneallure
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