#Yugioh fanfiction
x-puzzlejune-x · 27 days
PuzzleJune 2024
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Welcome to PuzzleJune 2024: A Love Forever in Bloom!!
As usual, this month is all about creative freedom that celebrates the special and unique relationship between Yugi Muuto and Pharaoh Atem. Whether you want to share a story of them in the context of canon, or put them in an alternate universe where happy endings abound, we want to see your work! We love to celebrate his special love with poetry, fanfiction, art, or whatever you want to express your admiration of their relationship.
We want everyone who wants to participate to express themselves freely. Doing a prompt every day is not required. You can do one prompt a week, one prompt for the whole month, or maybe pick and choose which prompts you want to use for your creative works. Maybe you want to use multiple prompts for one work. No matter how you go about it, we want to see it, whatever it is! However you want to celebrate is great! This month is all about coming together to celebrate our favorite puzzleboys.
When you post to social media or Ao3, please use the following tags: #puzzlejune2024 #puzzlejunebloom So that others can find your work.
Also for Ao3 users, please post your fanfiction works to the following collection so that readers can enjoy these works for years to come! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/PuzzleJune2024/profile
Special thanks to @hikariandyamiblog and @cloudsmachinations for this year's prompts. Thanks to @wisyhana for the beautiful art.
Happy creating! And happy PuzzleJune!
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roselyn-artist · 4 months
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"Do you really think you can stand against my God Cards, Seto?"
Commission for @rosalind-hawkins 🤩 This is a picture for her fanfic, the villain Noah with the Millenium Eye! 😱 I enjoyed drawing this too much and I hope you like it too! 😊
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writewolf90 · 6 months
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Attention Yugioh fandom! You have been waiting and wondering if or when Rivalshipping Week will happen in 2023.
I want to officially welcome any and all willing writers, artists, or fan content creators in general to the prompt list for 2023! Pick one, two, or whatever fits your vision for the week.
This year was built around the Seven-Part Story Structure with the rises and falls that come with plot, as well as internal conflict. This is to give the option of creating one coherent narrative if so desired. If that doesn't strike your fancy, you may do one independent piece each day. Tis the season for creativity!
Let's finish out 2023 with a bang and a little bit of everything that makes fan content so much fun!
Special thanks to @shinayashipper for being a big support in me taking on this week, as well as @zakurarain for being an amazing artist as always when I asked for some art to go with this week.
Let your muses be your guides! I'll be poking around to see what you all come up with, so please tag your works #rivalshipping2023. Thank you for humoring me and allowing me to present my list that I hope you can enjoy.
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princessofgames · 6 months
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A poster for the incredible story by my awesome friend @crush3dmary !!!
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uglifish · 3 months
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for the fic: A Floral Contradiction by BEANMEI
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fang-and-feather · 5 months
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My Taglist is not old or have many people, but I'm making this because I made some changes.
The Changes: besides writing for Star-Crossed Myth, Ikemen Vampire and Ayakashi Romance Reborn, I'm also back to writing for Ikemen Prince and Yu-Gi-Oh from this blog
You can reply to this post or send me an ask or direct message if you want to be tagged, and tell me to which fandom(s) or specific character(s) and if SFW, NSFW or both. Also you can tell me anything (characters, specific content) you might not want to be tagged to
Everyone who is already on my mastelist will be kept on it, but I'm tagging you here for this new update (mostly in case you also play Prince and might want to be tagged for it):
@tele86, @nightghoul381, @natimiles
also tagging @bicayaya (who is being tagged exclusively to Isaac/Arthur/Reader content) and @kissmetwicekissmedeadly (tagged only for Napoleon) in case you want to be tagged for anything else
If you want to keep things as they are, you can ignore this tag
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cyberdragoninfinity · 10 months
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Yugioh Rare Pair Week (SUPREMELY BELATED) Day 6 - Only One Bed
FINALLY. FINALLY GOT THIS DONE. took me a hot minute because I wrote a FIC!! for this prompt, which you can read here. Jewelshipping so charming to me, especially in my gx college AU..... sometimes you have to go on a 14 hour road trip with your ex's cute roommate the summer after college graduation, and sometimes when it's time to pull over and rest for the night the only bed you've got is a lumpy old truck bed and a ladybug print blanket.
I think they'll both manage <3
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springismss · 11 months
Tested by Time - Chapter 2🌻
series summary; what happens when time suddenly decides to feed you snippets of a life you can't remember living? a life filled with joy and happiness that was cruelly ripped away - your mind plagued with just that. when a certain spirit is plagued by these memories as well, he’s just as confused as you. two hearts brought together through many millennia find they’re connected in more ways than one.
pairing; Yami Yugi/Atem x female! reader
reblogs/feedback/likes are appreciated & encouraged. DO NOT repost/steal any of my works.
chapter warnings; implied sexual content
chapter word count; 2.2k+
chapter summary; when you think things couldn’t get more “real”, you were sadly mistaken. the next memory you have feels slight more real that you could have ever imagined. plus, when a request from help comes from a familiar face, who are you to refuse?
a/n; after a long wait, here’s the newest chapter of Tested by Time. first posted to Ao3, this comes a few weeks later. as always, hope you enjoy!
links; series masterlist | prologue | 1 | 3
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Letting out a yawn you stretched and rolled over, grabbing ahold of your phone as another message alert rang out. Thanks to the constant back and forth from the people in your friend group, specifically two people, you were up earlier than you would have loved on your day off. Unlocking your phone, you quickly scanned your messages and rolled your eyes, what was supposed to be a conversation about what you were all doing for the day ended up with some back and forth between Tristan and Joey, who ignored what others were saying to them. Typical as always.
Letting out a sigh, you pulled the covers back and got out of bed. You needed to freshen up for the day and no doubt you’d be done before a plan was made. After selecting your outfit and placing it to the side, you grabbed everything you needed and made your way to the bathroom. Turning on the taps for your bath. Warm began to fill the air as the mirror up from your sink started to steam over, causing your reflection to slowly distort. For the past few days, your dreams had been normal, nothing out of the ordinary and for that you were thankful. You didn’t think you’d be able to handle any more.
Shutting the water off, you stripped out of your bedclothes and slowly stepped into the bath, letting out a content sigh as the water wrapped around you. If it was one thing you loved about being at home after a long week, it was your bath. Sure, showers proved useful but sometimes all you wanted to do is relax. Slipping down a little, you rested your head against the edge of the bath and closed your eyes for a moment. Enjoying the calmness.
Soft chatter died down as a door was shut, a lone figure sighing out as they leaned against it. The day has been as long as it has been busy and the Queen was ready to relax with a bath. Pushing off the door, the young woman walked forward and glanced around, smiling softly at the various items left on the side for her. Lifting her hands, she pushed the straps of her outfit down off her shoulders and allowed the garment to fall to the floor, pooling around her feet. Stepping out, the Queen bent over and picked it up, placing it to the side as she took off some of her jewellery, the bigger items being laid gently to the side, smaller items being kept on her figure.
When she was bare, she stepped forward and slowly walked into the large pool, the cool water a welcoming feeling on her warm skin. With all the madness going on in the palace, times like this felt like a breath of fresh air, especially when she already felt out of place. Stepping further into the pool, the young Queen took a breath and held it, plunging herself underneath for a few seconds before emerging and wiping her eyes. Repeating the process a few times before she was satisfied with how much she had cooled down. Looking around, she turned her body and moved gently towards the side, sitting down on the steps that she walked down. Unaware of the eyes that watched her closely.
She didn’t know how long she’d been sitting there in her own world, tuned out of everything around her, as the feeling of the water shifting beside her made her look. Letting out a small yelp of surprise, she pushed the shoulder of the other person and smiled, lying her head on the place she pushed a few seconds earlier. “I was wondering how long it would have been before you joined me, my love”.
Looking up, she saw the visible tiredness on the male's face and sighed softly. She hated seeing him so worn out, he needed a break as much as the next person. Of course, he had things he had to attend to, being the Pharaoh meant he had duties, a lot of them but he needed time off now and then. Sitting forward, she shifted herself so she knelt behind him, hands rubbing small circles across his back as she felt him relax. “That’s it, feels so great am I right?”.
Leaning over his shoulder she looked at him and smiled, placing a small kiss on his cheek before moving back to what she was doing. The feeling of him relaxing more made her smile humming softly as she continued for a few more minutes, moving to sit by his side when she was finished. The two of them sat in comfortable silence for a moment.
The water began to move as the young Queen turned her head, tilting it as she watched what her husband was doing. In a second he was behind her, hands resting on her hips as he pulled her close to him. Looking to the side, she opened her mouth to speak before giggling at the look she saw. A look that only she got to see made itself known on his features before disappearing as he lowered his head to the nape of her neck. “You know, (e/n), I could think of better ways to relax or ways you could put those fingers of yours to use”.
The heat she felt creep across her face was similar to the hot days Ra provided. They’d been married for a good while now but he still made her blush with the words he spoke to her when they were alone. The feeling of fingers slowly trailing over her skin made her shiver, biting back a small moan when his touches moved lower. The Pharaoh would be her undoing, making her fall apart as she lost her mind to the throes of pleasure, bringing her back to earth with a crash when it was all over, and right now, this was no different. “Here of all places, ———?”.
Looking as best as she could, she saw the desire in his eyes before their positions changed, her new perch being the bare lap of her husband as she felt just how much he wanted her. His eagerness was hard to hide. Fingers moved further down her body slowly moving along her slit, threatening to slip into her core at any point, his other hand reaching up to cup her breast, pinching her nipple. The chuckle that echoed at her moans made her push herself closer to her other half. “I think we both know we’d never make it back to our chambers before I took you again today, besides~”.
The hand on her chest moved, causing a small whimper to sound before she felt her face being cupped slightly. Forced to look into amethyst-coloured eyes, the Queen tried her hardest to resist the building desire in her gut. They’d already been close to each other earlier in the day before they were both caught up in their duties. A loud moan sounded as fingers pushed past her lower lips, slipping into her throbbing core. “~I heard water makes for good pleasure. I guess we should try it”.
Opening your eyes you sat up and panted, some water splashing on the floor as you breathed heavily. Looking around you saw you were alone, your heart beating erratically as you tried to calm down. Of all the visions, dreams, whatever you wanted to call them at this point, this one felt the most real. The touches, the voices everything felt so real. Looking down at your body, you could still make out the trail the fingers took before blushing slightly, shaking your head to rid yourself of those thoughts. “I’m losing it”.
Deciding it was best to get out you pulled the plug and stepped out of the water, wrapping a towel around you. You had to get out of your bathroom, even if it was for a minute to gather yourself before you set foot back inside. Walking out to your bedroom you reached your bed and grabbed your phone, seeing a few tags in your group chat asking if the plans were okay with you. Tapping out a quick reply that said anything was fine with you, you sent another letting them know to go ahead you’d catch up.
Placing your phone down you took a moment to sigh out, trying to think of anything else other than what had just happened. As you turned around and began to walk back towards the room you had come from, the sound of your phone pinging again several times caught your attention. Part of you told you to ignore it, it was just the group chat but another part of you willed you to check it out. Listening to that half, you walked back to your bed and grabbed your phone only to see several messages from Yugi.
Tilting your head in confusion, you unlocked your phone and read through what he had sent.
Hey (y/n), before you go and meet the gang, can you stop by mine?
We’ll go and meet them together, plus I have something I need to ask you!
You’re the only one who can help in this situation.
Blinking a few times, you reread over the message a couple of times, seemed a bit out of the ordinary but you weren’t one to ignore a friend in need.
Hey, of course, I shouldn’t be too long but I need to get sorted first.
May or may not have fallen back asleep D:
I’ll let you know when I’m on the way!
Locking your phone, you placed it on your table and grabbed your clothes, getting ready within a matter of minutes. Before long, you were finished and heading out. Checking your pockets once more you nodded to yourself and closed your front door, grabbing your phone and shooting off a message to let your smaller friend know you were on your way. Of course, you had to keep yourself in check and not let what had happened get to you. You’d figure it out another day. Right now it was about having fun with your friends.
The sound of a message pinging alerted the owner as round eyes looked at the content, smiling a little before locking their phone. Looking over their shoulder, they looked towards the corner where another figure could be just made out floating in the air. Standing, they grabbed their jacket and placed it on, getting ready to head downstairs and bid goodbye to their grandpa.
The floating figure took notice and vanished, only to reappear beside the smaller figure when he made it outside. Out of these visions he’d been having the one that had just happened felt the most real one yet. The poor spirit wished the world would swallow him whole when he caught his host poking at him, or where he was meant to be. After all, he was making some strange noises, noises even the smaller boy had never heard before. “Yugi, was this really necessary?”.
Looking to the side, the smaller figure smiled and nodded his head as he waited for their friend to appear. “Trust me Yami, (y/n) will be able to help, I know it!”.
As the mention of the name, another figure turned the corner and smiled waving to the lone figure standing outside the game shop. Looking up, the spirit could only blush slightly, coughing as he excused himself back into the walls of the puzzle. Much to the enjoyment of Yugi. It was time to get to the bottom of everything, even if a certain spirit was reluctant.
Walking briskly you came to a halt in front of Yugi and smiled, placing your hand on your hip and you fanned yourself from the slight heat. “Right, I’m here. You ready to go?”.
With a nod of his head, the two friends began to walk and talk about things. Enjoying the other's company, one of them completely unaware of the eyes on them as they walked. “Say Yugi, what was it you wanted to ask me earlier?”.
Oh yeah, the young male had forgotten about that. Coming to a stop, he looked at you and hesitated for a moment before deciding it was time to bite the bullet, asking you outright. “Oh yeah, so you know the spirit of the puzzle? Well, I was wondering if you would go to the Egyptian exhibit at Domino Museum with him? He’s trying to learn more about his past and I know how much you love history. Seems like a win-win if you can help him find something there”.
Looking to your side, you pondered on his words for a moment. You guessed it wouldn’t hurt to agree, it would get you out of your room and on a plus side, it was all about Ancient Egypt. A place that you seemed at ease about the more you learned, a place where you felt like you had belonged once in a past life. Letting out a small hum you nodded your head and smiled. “Sure, can’t turn down a good exhibit can I?”.
Your words seemed to delight the young male, a happy smile bright on his face as you both continued to walk to meet your friends. The spirit watched as he pondered over your words, a smirk appearing on his features. He guessed it wouldn’t hurt to give you a chance to help him, Yugi trusted you immensely with major stuff in his life and besides, he couldn’t shake the feeling that you were familiar to him in some way.
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rosalindwrites · 6 months
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Island Serendipity
Pairing- Seto Kaiba x Reader
Word count- 1k
Summary- The reader takes a much-needed vacation to a secluded island, only to discover that Seto Kaiba is there on business.
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the pristine beaches of the island. The rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore created a soothing melody as you strolled along the sandy expanse, relishing the tranquility of the moment. This was your much-deserved vacation, and you had won it through sheer luck, a serendipitous twist of fate.
As you ambled along the beach, the sound of footsteps approaching from behind caught your attention. You turned, only to find none other than Seto Kaiba, the enigmatic CEO of KaibaCorp, striding purposefully towards you. The surprise was evident on your face, but he merely nodded in acknowledgment.
"Good evening," he said, his voice as cool and collected as ever.
"Mr. Kaiba! What are you doing here?" you asked, genuinely puzzled by his unexpected presence on this seemingly secluded island.
"I'm here for business," he replied, sparing no details. "KaibaCorp is exploring potential locations for a new research facility, and this island met certain criteria. Unfortunately, my arrival coincided with your vacation."
Your initial disappointment faded as you took in the breathtaking surroundings. "Well, it's a beautiful place. I can't complain about the coincidence," you admitted with a smile.
Kaiba's gaze lingered on you for a moment, his piercing blue eyes studying you in a way that made your heart skip a beat.
"Enjoy your vacation. I have work to attend to," he stated, turning on his heel and walking away.
You watched him disappear into the distance, a strange mix of disappointment and curiosity lingering within you. The following days were a delicate balance between soaking in the tropical paradise and catching glimpses of Kaiba as he attended to his business affairs. Occasionally, your paths would cross – a brief exchange of words here and there, but nothing substantial.
One day, as you lounged on the beach, a shadow fell over you, blocking the sunlight. You looked up to find Kaiba standing there, a determined expression on his face. "I need a break," he declared, more to himself than to you. Before you could respond, he lowered himself onto the sand beside you, his presence sending a ripple of excitement through your veins.
The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a while, gazing out at the crystal-clear water. The tension between you slowly dissipated, replaced by a newfound sense of camaraderie. It was an unexpected turn of events, one that neither of you had anticipated.
As the days passed, your interactions with Kaiba became more frequent. You found yourself drawn to his intellect, his passion for his work, and the vulnerability that (very peeked very, very rarely) through his stoic exterior. Kaiba, in turn, seemed to appreciate the genuine nature of your company – a refreshing departure from the cutthroat world he was accustomed to.
One evening, as the evening sun began to fall below the horizon, casting a warm palette of colors across the sky, Kaiba suggested a stroll along the beach. The air was charged with an unspoken energy as the two of you walked side by side, the soft sand beneath your feet.
"I never expected to find anything worthwhile on this island," Kaiba confessed, his usually guarded demeanor slightly unraveling in the gentle glow of the sunset.
"Sometimes, the best things come when you least expect them," you replied, casting a sidelong glance at him.
Kaiba's lips curved into a rare, genuine smile, and for a moment, the weight of responsibility seemed to lift from his shoulders. As you continued your walk, the tropical setting transformed into the backdrop for an unexpected romance.
The following days blurred into a montage of shared moments – laughter under the shade of palm trees, quiet dinners overlooking the moonlit ocean, and stolen glances that spoke volumes. This slice of paradise became a cocoon, sheltering the two of you from the outside world.
One evening, as you sat on the balcony of your beachfront villa, watching the stars glitter in the night sky, Kaiba broke the comfortable silence.
"I never thought I would find solace in a place like this," he admitted, his gaze fixed on the horizon.
"You never know where you might find it," you replied, reaching for his hand. The touch was tentative at first, but Kaiba interlaced his fingers with yours, a silent acknowledgment of the connection that had blossomed between you.
The days turned into weeks, and the impending departure weighed on both of you. The island had become a sanctuary, a haven where the boundaries of Kaiba's world softened, allowing for a vulnerability he rarely showed. As the day of your departure drew near, a sense of urgency enveloped the two of you.
On the eve of your last night on the island, Kaiba took you to a secluded spot, far away from the prying eyes of the world. The moonlit beach served as the backdrop for a confession that lingered in the air, unspoken but palpable.
"I never expected to find someone who understands," Kaiba admitted, his voice a low murmur. "Someone who sees beyond the façade I present to the world."
“Sometimes, unexpected things are the most beautiful."
In that quiet moment, beneath the moonlit sky, Kaiba leaned in, capturing your lips in a tender, lingering kiss. The world around you disappeared, leaving only the soft sound of the waves as witnesses to this unexpected romance.
As the sun rose on your final day on the island, the bittersweet reality of parting lingered in the air. Kaiba accompanied you to the small local airport, his usual stoicism returning as he faced the responsibilities waiting for him beyond the tropical paradise.
"I have to go back to the real world," he said, his eyes searching yours for understanding.
"I know," you replied, a small smile playing on your lips. "But who's to say the real world can't have a little bit of paradise in it?"
Kaiba's gaze softened, a silent acknowledgment of the truth in your words. As you boarded the plane, you carried the memories of the secluded island and the unexpected romance that had bloomed beneath the tropical sun. The real world awaited, but the connection forged on that island lingered, a serendipitous twist of fate that had brought you together in the most unexpected of places.
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Hello hello, I want to share something I wrote a few months ago that is not totally finished.
Is about how I imagine the return of the beloved pharaoh with his dear aibo.
So if you are a puzzleshipping writer, just enjoy puzzleship fics or if you love the dorky, fluff and domestic puzzle boys, just tell me if you want me to continue.
Two things: Is just a fragment, is not the total thing aaaand English is not my natal language so I tried to translate it the best I could. Enjoy!
The day that it all happened… Everything was very confusing, with various emotions mixed together.
Mokuba called him in the morning and in his voice Yugi could hear a lot of joy and a hint of pride. He asked him to go as quickly as possible to the KaibaCo. building because there was someone who wanted to see him.
Yugi suspected that Seto Kaiba had something going on, although he did not hesitate to go but throughout the journey he felt that something was happening, something big.
And fuck, it really was.
When he arrived at the facilities, crossing the large hallway towards one of the big offices, he could not believe his eyes.
Because Atem was there, dressed in modern clothes and talking to the eldest of the Kaibas. Although the last one was screaming rather than talking.
When the former king looked at him, his frown turned into a joyful smile, his eyes shining with excitement and nostalgia, ignoring Kaiba to go straight to Yugi, calling him over.
Yugi was speechless, he was sure his jaw had fallen from its place. His eyes burn, his throat constricted, and his entire body trembled.
There were a lot of emotions going through his head, a lot of questions, but the one that sounded so loud in his mind was:
Is this real?
Yugi had already seen several simulations made by Kaiba, really good ones that made you doubt if it was a simulation. Yugi continued to be surprised when he saw them.
Yugi missed the pharaoh, he remembered him almost every day feeling the absence of his soul next to his own and the young one tried to always remember that his other self was where he should be.
Yes, sometimes Yugi watched Kaiba's simulations to alleviate that loss because there was nothing wrong with remembering someone you love.
But this...
Who could not assure him that this was not a simple and cruel joke made by Seto (not that Seto Kaiba was a fan of jokes but perhaps he would make some kind of virtual war just because he's bored)
So, when that "Atem" approached him with open arms clearly wanting to hug him, Yugi still didn't know what to do.
Should I hug him too?
Get away?
And when he got close enough, that's when his mind and body reacted.
By hitting him.
In the face.
None expected that, not even himself.
So, what do you think? (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
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queenendless · 3 months
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Still coping through/move past JJK and BNHA for a while.
That and watching the anime all over but in JP makes me miss the English dub cause of the voice cast. They're just that good to me, especially for Yami and Kaiba ... for yaoi reasons yes that's why.
Also I don't see this poly idea much on here anyway so ... yeah.
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To the Next Adventure
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Atem/YamiYugii X F!Reader
Darkness was everywhere you looked. It surrounded you, preventing any other movement besides the pivot of your head. It was neither cold nor warm, dry nor wet, it was simply nothing. What was this place? What happened that made you come here? Pain shot through your temples as if to answer the questions you’d asked, near blinding white hot, threatening to render you motionless altogether. Had you sustained a head injury of sorts?
“Release her at once!”
Another bolt of pain seared across your being. The voice was familiar, ripples of fine dark hued velvet dancing with white silk appearing from nowhere, as it caressed your ears. Who was its owner?, you couldn’t help but wonder as glittering gold sand gathered in a pile around your feet courtesy of a warm breeze. Darkness lingered though small stars slowly began to appear with each echo of the command until a desert spanned for as far as you could see blanketed by Nyx’s cloak of twilight. A full moon stained red threatened to bathe all things in its crimson glow if not for the single figure who stood atop of a mighty twin mouthed dragon.
“I will not repeat myself…Consider this your only and final warning!”
This time pain radiated from around your neck as what was identifiable as large fingers threatened to cutoff your airway. “Ah, but you see, she is rightfully mine by right! Need I remind you of this era’s rules, your highness, for he who lays claim to a female then the property she becomes! Matters not how nor if it was by choice! I have her in my hold currently which makes her the perfect person for the job I have in mind!”
The dragon released an earth shattering roar that would make any who heard deaf, its four eyes aglow with bloodlust as its summoner’s lip curled in a snarl. Seeing either one alone would ensure nightmares to come with its glistening fangs and claws but it was the man wearing the Eye of Horus upon his head that struck you with awe. Wild ebony hair with vermillion tips that faded to violet towards his neck’s nape, a mantle of rich purple billowing behind him that accentuated the amethyst shards within his sharp gaze as it remained locked upon the one you surmised as your captor, skin beautifully kissed by the sun’s rays that shone with subtle hints of sweat as he raised his hand outwards. “All in the land know that she you dare touch is to be by my side as queen so do not play me for a fool! Will or not, I demand you return her at once!”
Queen? You? Confusion filled your chest at his words.
Anger shone brilliantly as his gaze tinted towards pomegranate. As if your uncertainty had wounded him, there was the briefest shadow of sorrow hidden within his gaze as you met it. “You heathen, what have you done her?”
“Well, dear pharaoh, it was clear that you were not going to pull your punches even if I used those little modern century friends of yours. My patience wanes thin already and Zorc the Dark One will be resurrected soon enough once I offer up her life force!” Another hand rose to take hold of your chin, raising it roughly so that the length of your throat was exposed. “Try not to take this personally, my dear, you were simply a means to an end! Fear not though, your memories shall be returned to you once his highness speaks his name!”
Both summoner and beast bellowed towards the night sky as the moon behind them darkened. Those were your only warnings as the world you barely knew was plunged into darkness once again courtesy of a dagger which first swiped across your throat then buried itself deep within your chest until its metallic hilt met your flesh.
Breaths hissed from between your clenched teeth as you sat upright in bed, hands leaping to your throat and chest while staring wide eyed up through the skylight window to the full blood moon eclipse. Horror filled you like a spreading poison when hearing a voice call out a name which unlocked a hidden gate that was buried within your mind. Faces and places swam past you like a movie reel until they came to a screeching halt upon an altar where the shadow sourcing from a single being became two. The cellphone that was on your bedside table began to ring but you were too numb to move let alone speak. Somehow you knew where to go, where you should be, and who was calling out to you.
Sunlight threatened to blind you while stepping off the boat, feet running the second they met the blistering sand despite the shouts of local deterring you from venturing below. You’d used every string and connection you knew to get here so quickly but it would all be worth it. At the end of a seemingly never ending stone staircase, after stepping around the slumped figure of a white headed man, you found the golden upside down pyramid laying behind a tricolored teen who lay unconscious with several others. The stone tablet before you seemed to hum with power as you approached, a single golden beam appearing from the carving’s apex to brush your brow, before it fell silent; all of your memories had been restored already, meaning its task had nothing to do with you. Your hands carefully picked up the ancient artifact, caressing it gingerly and carefully as if it would shatter, raising it to press one of its sides against your cheek. A single teardrop fell from your eye to splatter across the priceless gold.
“By the ancient gods,” the voice from your dream sounded as if he were standing in front of you instead, “how have you come here?”
“Nothing upon the earth nor in the heavens could keep mine love from you, my pharaoh.” You whispered back while returning it to the young teen who stirred. Though you couldn’t physically see him, there was no mistaking the gaze which seemed to watch with suspense as you walked back towards the staircase. The urge to take the Millennium Puzzle came over you in a tidal wave yet you retrained yourself. It was not for you to possess and his task within this time was not yet complete. “Come seek me out once you have gathered your senses about you.”
And without another backwards glance, you vanished back up the staircase.
The gentle rocking of the boat would lull anyone into slumber but you instead found solace upon starboard’s bow with the wind teasing the sensitive skin of your face. Scents of water lily and driftwood filled the night’s cool air which quenched most of the day’s relentless heat. A soft smile made to raise your lips if not for the presence which manifested behind you.
They didn’t speak, nor did you, as the shadow that stretched across the wood underfoot became taller. It was dominating, radiating with power unseen in this century’s time, yet it seemed to not show its fangs as it came closer.
One step…
two steps…
four steps…
And it came to a stop just short of reaching where you stood. Yet they still did not speak nor did they attempt to touch you.
This time a smile did grace your lips as the lids of your eyes slowly closed. Masculine sandalwood now tickled your nose in place of playful yet faint scents of modern deodorant which was a bit too potent for your personal liking. “Upon the Nile’s shore, where water kisses land, so ever flows my love for you.”
“May by Ra’s grace, our bond be forged in gold.” He spoke softly, gently, as if afraid you were a vision that would disappear if he was too loud. “For not riches nor jewels shine brighter than my beloved. For so long as she remains by mine side, I shall not want for naught.”
“For what is fortune to one such as I when mine eyes behold the greatest treasure one could find?” You faced him fully with a tilt of your being, the banister meeting the small of your back as he crossed the remaining space to wrap both arms around you as if to prevent anyone from stealing you away. Guilt wracked your body as you in turn clung to him.
Along your trip you’d familiarized yourself with the path of his vessel, Yugi Mutuo from Japan, and had felt stricken with self loathe when discovering all that had occurred while your memory was lacking; Pegasus’ Shadow Game, the battle against Marik’s evil, Atlantis, and that you had been unable to assist in any of them left you feeling bitter. Even back in ancient times, the pharaoh had immense strength blessed to him by the gods, but the showcase again and again of it was almost too much for you to take when realizing that strangers had been by his side instead of you.
“My pharaoh, my beloved, my King of Games, forgive this fool of a woman for not finding her way to your side sooner.”
“I am relieved that you did not have to suffer twice. The battle’s path may have turned in an unfavorable direction if you had participated, (Y/n), thus I am relieved to find you unharmed and well.” The pads of his thumbs were quick to wipe away the tears as they spilled down your cheeks, his gaze piercing you with its gemstone hues. “Bakura’s curse was vanquished the moment he was defeated, (Y/n), so do not blame yourself upon something that was not within your control.” He appeared just as you had dreamt and more as he encouraged your eyes to open with the softest of brushes that were his fingers against your eyelids. Pale moonlight accentuated each plane of his face, revealing masculine edges yet smoothed over by the lingering plush that was from living within the modern century, though it did little to conceal the physique which was testimony of endless trainings both in combat and magical. A black racer back tee failed to conceal the lean build he sported, shoulders and upper chest showcased thanks to the fabric’s tightness, and recognizable bottoms ended where pointed boots began. Leather studded bands around his biceps and wrist did little to deter his movements, matching the choker around his throat. The expression upon his features though was foreign as he retreated a step. “Forgive my appearance, for it is not entirely my own.”
“My pharaoh, frankly I would not care if your vessel was a giant purple dinosaur.” Your hand waved dismissively when his head tilted slightly, unable to stop a giggle from sounding. Pride filled you while cupping his face between both your palms, exhaustion appearing within his gaze as you brought him closer so that your foreheads were touching. “It matters not, beloved, all that matters is that you have succeeded in saving the world from Zorc the Dark One. Now you may finally know peace as the kings before you have.”
Regret wafted off of him in waves as he removed your hands, gaze becoming hooded. “I am in need of rest, yes, yet my duty upon this matter is not yet finished.”
You listened carefully and intently as he told of one final duel he needed to partake within. This time it would be against his vessel. Understanding filled you when noting how he glanced over his shoulder towards the cabin where the boy’s companions sounded from, your fingers lightly brushing against his own when he hesitated to answer the call of a name which wasn’t his. “Go to them. It will not be long before they must accept your destiny leads somewhere they cannot follow.” Though his fingers and hand was larger than your own, it did not deter you from raising it so as to brush your lips across his knuckles before placing his palm against your chest where he could feel your heartbeat. “You have my word that I will not wander, pharaoh, have faith in my words as a promise to remain seen yet unseen while going forth from here.”
Sharp gemstone eyes closed briefly as he nodded, slowly allowing the call to cause his vessel to take retreating steps, until he disappeared from sight towards the other end of the boat.
Watching him go threatened to fill you with loneliness and neglect but it was not you who needed comforting tonight. No. He deserved to be with the friends he’d made despite you wanting not to waste another second not within his presence. You’d managed this second life’s time so far without him.
What was one more night?
Little were you aware of how many times he came to a stop outside your door as the moon traveled its way across the night sky. It was close to the four o’clock hour that the softest of sounds woke you. No explanation was needed as you crossed the borrowed room’s space to unlock the door, your hand gently collecting his own and drawing him inside before closing it once more. The shadows seemed to gather around him as he silently followed you to the bed, not stopping nor saying anything as you laid him down first. Words weren’t necessary as the heaviness within his gaze met yours. One of your hands rose to begin slowly combing through his tricolored tresses while the rest of you settled in a comfortable position beside him, silently encouraging him to relax by coaxing his head to rest against your upper chest. The invitation was accepted and he soon had nestled his face into your being with arms wrapped around your waist.
And that was all it took for the mighty Nameless Pharaoh of Egypt to finally break. His hold became tight as near scalding droplets of liquid splattered across your skin as he choked on his own words. He told of everything from how his initial emergence from the puzzle frightened the poor boy who’d completed it, how he had selfishly grown attached to the boy’s friends and became envious of the simplistic lifestyle, of how each adversary he met would nearly result in the harm of those he’d come to care for, the frustration he felt when someone was made victim because of his choices or actions, when he’d felt helpless against silver tongued opponents who nearly made him lose sight of his path. Your hold didn’t wane or falter as he spoke, uncaring of how long it took until his words ran out, internally relishing every one that passed through his lips. It had been so long since either of you had spoken freely, let alone held one another in such a way, and though he’d tried his best to keep a clam and neutral exterior, you of all people knew just how self destructive such a face could become.
He’d had no one in this time to comfort or encourage him in the way he needed. No one had been capable to ensuring his confidence within himself was put back together when he felt lacking. There had been new friendships to help him cope with his missing memories but with them came a lacking of understanding from both parties. Several times it seemed as though he was at a loss for what he’d needed in some scenarios, despite his and their best efforts to find solutions, but that’s outside of the here and now.
Silence hung in the air once he’d finished, though it was as weightless as a feather, yet it settled over the two of you in an invisible blanket which stemmed off the chill of night. Your eyes drifted closed as his breaths slowed to an even rhythm against your skin. The tension which had been radiating off his form since your skin touched was replaced by calm acceptance. His mind must have been racing with the coming dawn that it had robbed him, and his vessel, of slumber. Even if this was all you could do for him you’d gladly accept this role.
Dawn filtered through nearby window as he finally stirred, bathing him in its colorful glow as he rose to sit upright. You would wake soon, that much he could tell from how you shifted due to his warmth now missing from your embrace. Ever so gently he brushed his lips against your temple then across each of your knuckles. The beauty he saw as you teetered on the line between dreamland and consciousness threatened to take his breath away but it could not be ignored that he had one more mission to accomplish upon this plane of existence. His turned back, however, made him miss the tear which slid down your cheek as with a crack of your eye allowed your to witness him depart.
Dressing took minimal effort, your belongings next to none since you no longer would need them come tonight, and you carefully followed the small group who were his comrades below the earth to where the Millennium items were to slumber. It seemed that none noticed you slipping within the designated space that was to be his final stage and watched with awe as not one figure but two appeared from the shadow which had been one.
With breathless abandon, you watched the duel’s twists and turns earn mixed reactions from those who watched; the tomb keepers would be freed from their ancient family duty to watch over the Nameless Pharaoh’s tomb until his return and those who were teens within high school couldn’t decide who to cheer for yet they all soon began cheering for the one named Yugi. Magic cards were activated, trap cards triggered, summons of monsters completed or prevented…
Until his life points were nonexistent.
Your breath came out in a soft exhale as defeat permeated the air. It seemed as though the other spectators were struck by the turn of events, judging from how they stared wide eyed up at the pair who crossed the space to stand mere inches apart instead of feet. Even from here you felt the waves of relief coming off the pharaoh as he offered his hand towards the boy who looked ready to weep. Whispers almost too soft for you to hear filled the air, encouraging you to come forward from your hiding place, and steeled yourself as you stepped out from the column’s shadow you’d been within. A collective exclamation rose as you remained locked upon your target, the platform which had been stage for his final duel, uncaring as a few demanded you explain how you’d come to be here. Coming to a stop beside him, you offered him a smile after bowing lowly. “Beloved, you fought valiantly.”
An uproar sounded from those who watched, despite the attempts of the tomb keepers, but silence fell as his hand rose to tuck a few fallen strands of hair behind your ear. The boy beside him was watching with wide eyed surprise as your introduction was followed by explanation of Bakura’s curse upon your memories which had wiped them clean until recently.
Your hand offered its palm to him as another smile raised your lips when he took it. “Thank you for taking care of him as he traversed upon such a path.” Hesitation filled his gaze when you drew him forward, your other hand cupping the side of his face so that his gaze wouldn’t wander from yours. “Your friendship shall not be forgotten, Yugi. Allow me to take my place at his side now as he prepares to cross the final threshold.”
He didn’t object or intervene despite his friends who spoke against your actions while releasing him, the woman tomb keeper explaining the final steps which the pharaoh needed to take in order to transcend. “I can tell you mean a lot to him, (Y/n), though I probably should say that I had my suspicions someone out in the world was looking for him ever since we returned. I’m glad you found him.”
Those who had gathered as the great stone slabs parted to reveal golden light which bathed the pharaoh in its light. His modern clothes were replaced by the ancient wardrobe you’d been more familiar with down to the royal purple mantle which billowed in the soft breeze coming from beyond the gate. Ever so faintly you could see those who had passed on during the battle centuries ago waving and awaiting the two of you with welcoming smiles. Tanned fingers gently laced themselves with yours, which you gave a gentle squeeze, your gaze rose to meet his own to find them practically glittering. Somehow your own clothes had undergone a change as well to resemble those which you’d once donned. A bend of his being brought his lips to your cheek, earning a soft hum from within your chest and a blush as he whispered how beautiful you looked, before turning his attention to those who watched with tearful gazes.
Farewells were said, smiles exchanged, your fingers giving his a squeeze as the minimal window which would allow him to finally crossover began to shorten. “Atem, my beloved, it is time. If we do not go now then we may remain within limbo.” You shared a glance with him back over your shoulders, then together the two of you stepped through the gateway.
“As I embark on this next adventure, I am thankful to the gods that we have reunited.” He brought your joined fingers up to his mouth as the golden light grew, nearly blindingly so, his lips descending upon your own when you sighed blissfully. “Let us go…together.”
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thesilverlock · 9 days
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A friend and I made this little ZEXAL Ao3 bingo last year for fun
thought it might be fun to share! And encourage readers/writers to peruse the Zexal fics there more :3
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writewolf90 · 1 year
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"I told you it was beautiful," Yugi said, his voice overflowing with wonder and awe.
Atem didn't look up again. Not yet. He was looking at something much more beautiful that was just as unreachable as the lights far up above their heads. Someone who deserved the wonder and majesty the lights cast upon the frozen Earth below. Something he himself did not deserve or have to give.
"Yeah… it's beautiful."
-Breaking Trail, chapter 9
Art by the AMAZING @lesssend I am seriously in love with this image! Thank you thank you thank you!
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This isn't normally a tag I post in but even now in my 30s I'm total trash for Yu-Gi-Oh's Priest Seto/KaibaxKisara pairing. I wrote really crap fanfiction about them in my tweens and teens and... well, does anyone remember Anime Music Videos before YouTube got stupid? Oh yeah. Made lots of those, too.
Fast-forward a few decades and after a year of rough medical stuff I decided to go back and write what I hope is slightly less crap fanfiction about the two (Kaiba and Kisara) finally meeting in the present. I've gotten some nice comments so far and again, I know this is NOT a popular pairing but if anyone else just wants fluffy romance with some real-world themes mixed in, check out my fic "All of Me; All of You" on AO3.
Thank you and good night.
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emuthec0w · 1 year
Surprise Party !
Hehe >:) A littlebullet point fic of how the yugioh characters would react to their s/o throwing them a surprise party !! Gender neutral reader as always :)
P.2 will have , Ishizu Ishtar, Téa Gardner, Joey Wheeler, and Mai Valentine !!!
Characters ; Seto Kaiba, Yugi Mutou, Atemi / Yami Yugi, Ryou + Yami Bakura, Marik Ishtar
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Seto Kaiba
Birthdays.. he didn’t really enjoy them. Not his own , anyways. When it came to yours and Mokuba’s, he found some enjoyment in them. You and his brother’s smile of glee healed his heart just a bit, knowing you two could have the things he never could in his childhood- and now- made him.. happy.
Though, he may not admit it. Not right away, anyways.
His birthday was like any other day, loaded with work. What could he expect? A break on his birthday when he was the head of a giant company? Not a chance. It hardly even crossed his mind that it was his birthday to begin with.
On his way home he may pick up a coffee as a little treat for himself, but other than that, the festivities are pretty much over before they even began.
“I’m ho-,”
“Surprise!” “Happy birthday big bro!”
Little did Kaiba know you and Mokuba had been planning a huge surprise party since his last birthday. His lips parted in as he stared at his now decorated living room and kitchen. Blue and silver ribons all over..
“Hm,” He hummed, a grin settling over his previous look of shock, “Not bad, for the world champion himself.”
He would never admit it, but this is the happiest moment of his life. He didnt have to though, as you could read him like a book. And he was acutely aware of this fact.
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Yugi Muto
Yugi has always celebrated his birthday by bringing cupcakes to his class to share the joy. “It’s not as good if you’re celebrating by yourself!” was like his motto, or something.
Afterwards he may invite a few friends over to play Duel Monsters on this special occasion, just for fun of course. Though he didn’t expect you and Grandpa to pop out of the door with a “Happy Birthdayyy Yugiii!!” the moment he got home..! But, it was a pleasant surprise.
“You guys..,” He may tear up a little, “Woah..”
He’s more or less speechless at first, but he makes sure to show his gratitude through physical affection such and holding your hand and hugging you tight.
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Atem / Yami Yugi
The pharaoh is rather used to celebrations of days such as his birth, or the anniversary of his crowning- it’s hard to ignore the public’s gratitude. But, he was used to it by now. Their weren’t a lot of surprises on days like these anymore.
He spends most of the day in his study writing down the past few major events on papyrus sheets. His ability to write out perfect hieroglyphic symbols still impressed you to this day, honestly.
When he had finally decided to put his quill down for the night he noticed the sounds of excited squealing from the pharaohs sleeping chambers. His dear Queen/King, what could you be up to now, he wondered? You were always warm and happy like the sun, he wondered if you ever could truly harbor hatred for another human.
As he stepped into the temples sleeping chambers he was immediately met with the sight of red and white lights illuminating the walls, and petals covering the ground. He wasnt very good at expressing it, but it made his heart flutter. Making his way to your shared qaurters .. wow.. before him was a heartwarming sight.
You, his lovely queen/king sitting in a pure satin laced night gown, holding out a cake to him. ‘I ♡ you Atem!’ was written across it with icing.
His lip trembled, it brought him such .. happiness that you found him this precious to you with no strings attached. He took the cake and nodded his head;
“Thank you, my- my dear..”
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Ryou Bakura
Ryou had lived alone for quite a while, so.. on his birthdays, there was never anything to look forward to to begin with. Plus, what if he shared a birthday with someone else? He.. didn’t want to be a bother by bringing it up.
This is why none of his classmates ever batted an eye on his birthday; he never told them about it. But you..
Oh, he couldn’t hide a thing from you. In the end you had forced his birthday out of him- it turned out you were right. You shared your birthday.
On his way home from a tournament, he’s fully intent on buying you the best gift he can find! Stepping into your favorite little shop he immediately spots what he’s gonna get; a huge Hello Kitty plush that’s way bigger than either of you. Thank god the clerk running the check out was able to smush it down into one of their bags.
That would make it a much bigger surprise!
Opening the door to your apartment he’s greeted with the sweet smell of strawberry shortcake. Oh wow.. he was so lucky. If one thing was clear, you knew the way to his heart ; good, homemade food.
He made his way to the kitchen, the sight of presents piled on the table making him stop in his tracks. His cheeks flooded with a dark hue of red, brown eyes softening like a puppy begging for food. Could it be? Had .. you really done this all for him? On your birthday too? Oh.. oh wow.
He had never felt so loved.
The whole night was just like a dream come true- what he had always imagined real birthdays to be like! You’d both gotten presents from your friends, and you had gotten him a deck of all the rarest cards you could find.
“My fairy.. you shouldnt have..!”
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Yami Bakura / Thief King Bakura
The entire day you were by his side, on such a special day that should have been celebrated for milenia.. he didnt want his pretty prince/princess wandering from him. Though the days prior you had set up a small ‘party’ in your home.
After cheering him on in a duel against some chump- who was it? Oh, right. Kaiba, who he obviously won against; you brought him back home, making sure to stop at little shops you both liked to buy him treats.
“C’mon Bakura!” You called, “I have a surprise!”
“Tsk, so eager. I never quite understood birthdays, anyways..”
He grumbled but followed en-suite. He had no such good memories of birthdays. His was hardly ever celebrated, instead that Pharaohs was what everyone gushed over. But no matter, back then he could have always just stolen himself any trinket he desired - it didn’t even need to be his stupid birthday.
As the two of you returned you took the pale hand of his host’s body and lead him inside. His eyes widened at the view.. so many sets of cards.. so many random trinkets, and a table set full of food, drinks, cake- everything.
“I knew there was a reason we were destined to be together, my Prince/Princess..”
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Marik Ishtar
From his earliest memory of it, his birthday has always been a dreaded time in his life. One year closer to having to accept the ritual. And when that time finally arrived, his birthday had officially been deamed the worst day of the year. Somedays, he wished he had never been born at all.
It was no wonder it took him a good while to open up to you about his past, and even what day his birthday was. He wished he could just purge the day from the year. It would make everything much.. easier.
On the “special” day he had locked himself away in his room, hugging his pillow just- just waiting for it to be over. The memories he had to relive- the stinging from his tattoos.
But.. hearing your voice from outside he almost immediately shot up.
“My Prince, may I come in?..”
You were acutely aware of how hard this day was for him. But that’s why you wanted to give him some new, good memories of it. When he opened the door you brought him into your warm embrace, seeing the tears in his eyes broke your heart. He was.. comfortable being vulnerable around you. And that meant something- it meant a great deal to you. You hushed him softly, humming a sweet tune.
“I dont want to be seen like this.. come in.” He grumbled, “Not even Odion can see me cry anymore.”
The tan boy pulled you in, locking the door behind you two. He sat you down by his side on the edge of his bed. You watched with a small frown as he wiped the tears from his eyes and his sniffling nose.
“Marik.. I have a gift for you, my pharaoh.”
“What?..!.. Please dont- nno- dont do it to me again-..!”
Marik immediately pulled back, pulling his rod out as quick as he could. That look of fear in his eyes- you’d never seen it before. You shook your head, pulling out a small box.
“Please trust me, it’s something good.”
With your reassurance he lowered his gaurd just a bit.. but he was still weary. That was until you pulled- could it be? The Millenium.. the Millenium Eye from your little box. You held it out to him. He silently took it , rolling it around in his palms.
“Happy Birthday, my Prince.”
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