#Yuji Ramen
sugurufic · 4 months
Nanami-Sensei (Nanami X F!Reader)
Summary: Your husband isn't that much of a grump, it seems. Especially when it comes to his favourite people; you and your "children".
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: reader is very motherly and is mentioned to be sunshine-y, other than that it's just fluff
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“Nanamin!” Yuji’s voice rang out in the empty classroom, bringing a smile to your face. Your husband let out an exhausted sigh, but the little smile on his face told you otherwise. Yuji was Haibara with pink hair, his sunny personality almost contagious. You figured your husband has a type of people he lets close - and it's most definitely the sunshine people, like yourself.
“What is it, Itadori-kun?” Kento asks in his deadpan.
“I saw these in the market and thought you might like them!” the pink haired boy said, holding up a small paper bag. “I bought some for you too, Nanami-san,”
“Thank you, Yuji,” You say, scooting over on the bench. “Why don’t you sit with us for a while?”
The boy’s eyes sparkle with delight as he accepts your offer, sitting beside you with his hands on the desk. Nanami’s brow is relaxed, and you know he enjoys spending time with Yuji as much as you do. “Nanami-san, won’t you open this?”
The bag smelled amazing, and the little box had some of your favourite doughnuts. You gave one to your husband, one to Yuji and took one for yourself. “How did you know I liked them?” you ask, a bright smile on your face.
Yuji swallows his bite quickly, then says, “Nanamin mentioned it yesterday when we were taking a break after exorcising a curse. We stopped by this shop to get doughnuts,” Yuji says, making Nanami look down quickly.
“Well, why don’t you come home with us?” You offer. “I’ll make us some spicy ramen. Then we can have the rest of the doughnuts for dessert.”
“We can pick some mochi up on our way home too,” Nanami says.
Yuji’s eyes sparkle, he is so full of life - your heart cries out for him - why did fate choose him to be Sukuna’s vessel? Why couldn’t he have been a normal child? You decide not to dwell on these questions, putting your best smile instead, hugging the young boy from his shoulders. He couldn’t yet spend time with his friends, and you wanted to keep his cheerful self for as long as he can. “Don’t think about it too much, Yuji.” You said. “We can watch a movie together.”
“Human Earthworm 4?” He says in a soft voice.
“Itadori-kun, it’s time for you to watch something else,” Nanami sighs.
“We can pick the movie later,” you intervene. “What do you say, Yuji? It will be a nice break for you to leave Jujutsu Tech for a bit,”
“Gojo-Sensei -” Yuji starts.
“He won’t say anything,” You assure him.
“Okay, Nanami-san!” He says, the bright smile returning to his face. “I’ll go see Gojo-Sensei once, then we can go!”
Yuji runs at an alarming speed, leaving you with a chuckle. “Isn’t he a lovely child?” you murmur to your husband.
“Indeed,” He says with a sigh, caressing your hand with his thumb. “He might be your son with how much energy and joy he has,”
“Well, he wouldn’t be just my son then.” You say with a coy smile. “And I think, that you might just have a type of favourite people,”
“People who are similar to you, my love,” He agrees. “But you will always be my favourite of them all.”
“I better be,” you giggle. “I am your wife, after all.”
It is adorable the way your husband has taken the child under his wing, acting as his mentor and protector - it makes you wonder how he would be with your own kids, loving and protecting them from the world. It makes you long for a normal life, where you could raise your kids without the permanent threat over them. The world you belong to is too dangerous for children.
“Nanamin! Nanami-san!” Yuji’s cheerful voice is back again, saving you from the dark thoughts forming in your head. He has a bright smile on his face and a backpack with him, ready to leave. “I’m ready!”
“Let’s go then,” You get up from your place, and wrap one hand around your husband’s hand and the other one hold’s Yuji’s arm. “A warm dinner is waiting for us back home,”
Nanami settles, with a sigh as Yuji begins to play Human Earthworm 4 on the television, sitting on the floor with his legs crossed between the two of you. You cannot help but think of Yuji as your child, even though you are too young to be his parents. He’s wonderful company to have around - helping you lift up your spirits with his contagious laugh and in general helping you in the kitchen as your husband took the laundry. Yuji is so animated, excitedly filling you in with the previous parts of the movie, doughnut box on his lap.
Hidden from Yuji’s eyes, Nanami has a rare, charming smile on his face as he watches the two suns of his life get close to each other. How you tousle the boy’s pink hair as if he’s your younger self, indulging in his gossip about everyone from school, about how his Gojo-Sensei has been teaching him, about how he misses Megumi and Nobora and wishes he can talk to them again.
Your eyes meet his behind Yuji, and you share a smile, a smile reserved for you two only. Yuji stills for a bit as the movie progresses and you take that time to set up the guest room for him - comforters, pillows, and toiletries. You know that inviting Sukuna’s vessel over to your home is dangerous, and you wonder why the King of Curses had to pick this sunshine in human-form of a child as his vessel.
“Nanami-san,” Yuji whispers, tiptoeing into the guest room. “Nanamin has fallen asleep,” 
“Oh?” You say with a grin. “I told him he should take a nap, but my husband just never listens. Come on, let’s get him a blanket.”
“Don’t you want to wake him up?” Yuji asks, confused. Wouldn’t it be better if he got into bed to sleep?
“He didn’t sleep last night,” You admit, fetching an extra blanket from the guest room’s closet. “He got up early to see you,”
Yuji’s face turns as pink as his hair, beginning to apologise, but you stop him. “My husband cares deeply for you, Yuji. Even though he doesn’t show it.” You say. “And I absolutely stand with him on the matter.”
“Nanami-san,” Yuji bows deeply in front of you, muttering words of gratitude and thanks and apologies for being a bother.
“Yuji, you’re just a child,” You say. “Don’t bother yourself with these worries. Now, let’s get a blanket for your Nanamin before he wakes up from the chill.”
You tuck your husband in on the sofa for the night, kissing his forehead before getting ready for bed. You’re in the kitchen getting some water when Yuji follows you too, sitting on the counter.
“Nanami-san, how did you and Nanamin meet?” He quietly asks, a rare moment of stillness from him.
“Oh, we met at Jujutsu Tech,” you say. “I made friends with Kento’s friend, and then we hung out together…” You are lost in thought of your youth, with Yu, Kento and your senpais. Suddenly, it’s Haibara Yu in front of you, telling you how he loves to eat, and would love a woman who loves to eat. You’re with Kento, comforting him after Haibara’s death, hugging him close as he cries on your shoulder. You’re with Shoko as she is told of Geto’s defection, and how he killed 112 villagers, including his parents. You’re the one Gojo reaches out to when Tsumiki gets her first period, panicking because he doesn’t know what to do as Megumi freaks out.
Then you’re back with Kento, as he tells you he is leaving the Jujutsu sorcery, because he cannot take it anymore. You’re right there with him, applying for a job in the corporate world because you fear if you stay a sorcerer too long, you might join Geto. No wonder they couldn’t catch him for years - you had helped him hide. No matter how much Kento believed in protecting the youth, protecting the defenceless, he couldn’t hate Geto, because he understood.
You are brought back to the present, at the sound of Yuji calling your name, and smile at him. “I was new there, and Haibara made friends with me,” You continue. “He wasn’t too different from you, so full of life. He was friends with Kento, and I started being friends with him too. Gojo would always pick on him for being an introvert, and I'd always tease him too. Then we joined corporate, and got even closer… and well, here we are.”
“Did Nanamin ask you out?” He asks, excitement returning to his eyes again.
“He did,” you say, recalling the big bouquet you had at your desk on a random Tuesday morning, signed by Kento. “He had to be thrown a lot of signs before he realised that I like him too.”
“He seems so closed off,” Yuji notes.
“He takes time to understand,” you admit. “All that toughness but he is a softie,” getting too lost in your thoughts, you decide it’s time to make some calming tea. You set the water to boil while Yuji brings out two cups while you mix up your tea and some herbs with a sugar cube.
“What do you love the most about him, Nanami-san?” Yuji asks.
You pour out the tea into the cups, taking a long sip before answering, “His heart,” you cannot help but smile at the thought of your husband. “He’s so kind, so patient. He’s just so… I love him,” you say with a delighted sigh. “He’s perfect,”
“I wish I can be like Nanamin,” Yuji says.
“You already are a great young man,” You are quick to reassure him. “Don’t change too much, Yuji.”
There’s a quiet knock on the door, and you quickly shift into high alert mode. Being a Jujutsu sorcerer came with his problems - namely enemies showing up unannounced. You reach for your cursed tool as you get to the door, looking at the door camera, relaxing and then panicking on seeing Ino Takuma. You quickly open the door with minimal noise and signal your finger to your mouth.
You give him a once over to see if he is injured, worry laced over your face. Once sure that he seems okay, you escort him back into the kitchen, locking the door after him. Ino smiles seeing a sleeping Nanami, his grin only widening on seeing Yuji. “Itadori,” he greets in a whisper.
“Yo! Ino-senpai,” Yuji 's eyes widened, his boy-ish face making your heart ache with love for him. He’s just a boy, thrust into the middle of everything. 
You set the kettle to the stove again, as Ino helps himself to some cookies from the shelf. Now with a hot cup of tea in each pair of hands, you tiptoe to the guest room, careful to not disturb your husband’s slumber. Heavens know that he deserves it.
“Takuma-chan, what brings you here tonight?” You ask, sitting on the only chair in the room while Ino and Yuji sit on the bed.
“I was fighting a curse, it seemed a bit stronger than grade 2.” He says. “It was close by. I didn’t have the strength to return home and stopped by.”
Yuji’s curious eyes fly between the two of you, wondering if he will ever feel free enough to show up uninvited. “Takuma was Kento’s first student,” you tell a confused Yuji. “He was there when my boyfriend turned to my fiancé.”
Your mind flies back to a happier time, about three years ago when Kento and you had planned a date to a fancy place but you two dragged Ino with you, he’d just successfully completed his solo first mission and you wanted to celebrate. But the restaurant didn’t know that - and hence you got a surprise pastry with a ring box on it, with your first ever child witnessing your pure joy.
“Nanami was not very delighted by me being there,” Ino notes.
“Tch, Takuma-chan I thought you knew him better,” You pout.
“He always acts like a grump,” Ino says, making you and Yuji chuckle. 
Your first child with your latest, you think, smiling at the two of them. Your husband does have a specific type for people who he lets get close to him - people like you - who are insufferable sunshine, pushing into his grumpy space with your bright smiles and twinkling eyes that he can't help but want to protect. 
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lunas-side-anime-blog · 5 months
specific icks i think my fav JJK ppl would give me bc the solution to delulu is bullying <3
(yuji, megumi, nobara, gojo, nanami, inumaki, yuta, maki, toji and choso)
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swears to god he can handle spicy food and I promise you he cannot. like every time you guys get ramen and can choose your spice level he insists on the hottest one but he just ends up sweating and crying by the end of it. he will never learn 🙁
he’s that one person in a group chat who's silent and doesn’t respond or react to anything, but if you kick him out he’d be bitter about it? fucking voyeur, like do you just wanna watch human interaction or are you gonna contribute at some point?😒
i think if you’re her friend and her crush walks by, she’d do a full mood shift and suddenly be meaner to you in hopes of making her crush laugh. THERE'S A SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL FOR PPL WHO DO THIS^^
gojo just assumes if you tell him something, it’s okay to talk about it like anywhere? he has walked up to you and said, “hey y/n! brought some cranberry juice for you UTI! oh! who are they??😀” and you're literally sitting and talking to your PARENTS. 
brags about not having friends as if it’s his choice? listen I love nanami as much as the next girl with daddy issues, but you cannot tell me he'd have any friends. and he’s in denial about it too, he’d say something like, “I just can’t be bothered with such idiots, I’m too busy and smart.” and it's like “...did they even invite you to sit with them babe? who's rejecting who, here? bc sounds like they just don’t like you🫢”
i’m willing to bet money that he does that thing where he clutches his spoon in a fist, ifykyk like I’m cringing just thinking about it. toddler behavior🍼
picky eater who lies and says he’s allergic to food he doesn’t like, just bc he's that dead serious about you not bringing pickles around him. he’s committed too like he’ll fake a choking noise and everything. drama queen 👑
hey mama's lesbian, I’m srry but she is. has one sports bra she wears every. single. day. it’s v questionable bc "babe, when do you wash it??🕵️‍♂️"
wears the oldest, most torn up boxers like they can be falling apart at the seams with gaping holes in them and he doesn’t see the problem??? 
thinks he’s so dark and messed up like, “my music will prob scare you” type shit and it’s just Pierce the Veil lmao?
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estellan0vella · 9 days
Dating Them ❀ includes: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Choso, Sukuna, Toji, Yuta, Yuji, Megumi & Toge with special addition: Maki (REQUESTED) Masterlist
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Satoru Gojo
Adventurous Dates: Gojo loves excitement and adventure, so expect dates filled with thrill-seeking activities like skydiving, bungee jumping, or exploring abandoned places. He'll always keep you on your toes.
Sense of Humor: Despite his serious demeanor in battle, Gojo has a playful and mischievous side, so be prepared for lots of witty banter and playful teasing during your dates. He'll keep you laughing all night long.
Spontaneity: Don't be surprised if Gojo suddenly whisks you away on a spontaneous road trip or decides to try out a new restaurant on a whim. He loves living in the moment and hates sticking to strict plans.
Confidence Booster: Gojo's confidence is infectious, and he'll always make you feel like the most important person in the room. He's not afraid to shower you with compliments and affection, boosting your self-esteem whenever you're feeling down.
Listener and Advisor: Despite his carefree attitude, Gojo is a great listener and always offers sound advice whenever you need it. Whether it's about school, work, or personal issues, he'll lend a sympathetic ear and help you work through any problems.
Protective Nature: As a Jujutsu Sorcerer, Gojo has a strong protective instinct, and he'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe from harm. He'll always have your back in dangerous situations and will go to great lengths to ensure your well-being.
Intellectual Stimulation: Gojo is incredibly intelligent and well-read, so expect deep conversations about a wide range of topics, from philosophy and history to pop culture and current events. He'll challenge your mind and keep you intellectually stimulated.
Romantic Gestures: Despite his playful demeanor, Gojo knows how to be romantic when the occasion calls for it. Whether it's surprising you with flowers and chocolates or writing you heartfelt love letters, he'll always make sure you feel loved and cherished.
Respect for Independence: While Gojo loves spending time with you, he also respects your independence and understands the importance of having your own space and interests. He'll never try to control or smother you, allowing you to pursue your passions freely.
Unpredictable Romance: Dating Gojo is anything but boring. With his unpredictable nature and boundless energy, every day is a new adventure filled with surprises, laughter, and love. Get ready for a whirlwind romance unlike any other.
Drabble: You and Satoru Gojo are strolling through a bustling street market, the air filled with the aroma of exotic spices and the chatter of vendors. His hand is intertwined with yours, his thumb gently tracing circles on your palm as you browse the colorful stalls.
"Hey, check this out," Satoru says, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he leads you to a stall selling handmade jewelry. You watch as he sifts through the intricate designs, his enthusiasm contagious.
"This one would look perfect on you," he declares, holding up a delicate silver necklace adorned with a small sapphire gemstone. You smile, touched by his thoughtfulness, and let him fasten it around your neck.
As you continue exploring the market, Satoru's attention is constantly drawn to the most peculiar items—a jar of glowing fireflies, a mysterious-looking mask, a book with a tattered cover. He's like a child in a candy store, his curiosity endless and infectious.
Eventually, the sun begins to set, casting a warm glow over the bustling market. Satoru suggests grabbing dinner at a nearby ramen shop, and you eagerly agree.
As you sit across from each other, slurping noodles and sharing laughs, you can't help but feel grateful for moments like these—simple yet unforgettable, filled with love and laughter. With Satoru by your side, every day is an adventure worth savouring.
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Suguru Geto
Mysterious Dates: Suguru is not one to reveal everything about himself easily, so dates with him might involve a lot of mystery and surprise. He enjoys keeping you on your toes, planning unexpected outings or adventures that make every moment with him thrilling.
Intellectual Conversations: Geto is highly intelligent and well-read, so conversations with him are never dull. Whether you're discussing philosophy, literature, or the latest supernatural phenomena, he always has something insightful to contribute and enjoys engaging with your ideas and perspectives.
Dark Sense of Humor: Geto's humor tends to be on the darker side, often laced with sarcasm and wit. He appreciates someone who can match his dry humor and isn't easily offended by his sometimes macabre jokes.
Protective Nature: Despite his aloof exterior, Suguru cares deeply for those he's close to, and he's fiercely protective of his loved ones. He'll go to great lengths to ensure your safety and well-being, even if it means putting himself in danger.
Occasional Disappearances: As someone involved in the dangerous world of curses and sorcery, Suguru may occasionally have to disappear for extended periods to deal with supernatural threats. While it can be worrying, you understand that it comes with the territory and eagerly await his return, knowing he'll always come back to you.
Emotional Walls: Suguru has his fair share of emotional baggage, and he's not always quick to open up about his feelings. It takes time and patience to earn his trust, but once you do, you'll find a deeply caring and loyal partner beneath his stoic facade.
Romantic Gestures with a Twist: Geto may not be the most conventional romantic, but he has his own way of showing affection. Whether it's leaving cryptic messages for you to decipher or surprising you with a carefully curated selection of dark poetry, his gestures always come with an air of mystery and intrigue.
Drabble: You sit across from Suguru at a dimly lit cafe, the ambient chatter around you blending with the soft jazz music playing in the background. His piercing gaze flickers over the menu, lips quirking into a faint smirk as he considers his options. You watch him, captivated by the way his mind works, always calculating, always one step ahead.
When he finally looks up, his eyes meet yours, a hint of amusement dancing within them. "What do you recommend?" he asks, voice low and smooth like velvet.
You suggest a specialty coffee, and he nods, signaling the waiter with a subtle gesture. As you wait for your drinks, conversation flows effortlessly between you, shifting from mundane topics to the esoteric mysteries that both fascinate and haunt Suguru's world.
He leans in closer, his breath brushing against your skin as he confides in you, sharing glimpses of his past, his fears, his hopes. It's a rare moment of vulnerability, one that you cherish, knowing that he trusts you enough to let you in.
When the coffee arrives, Suguru takes a slow sip, savoring the rich aroma before meeting your gaze once more. "Thank you," he murmurs, a genuine warmth softening his usually guarded expression.
In that moment, you realize how much he means to you, how his enigmatic presence has woven itself into the fabric of your life. You reach across the table to brush your fingers against his and he grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers with a small quirk of his lips.
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Kento Nanami
Loyalty Above All: Nanami values loyalty immensely, so in a relationship, he's the epitome of a faithful partner. Once he commits, he's all in, prioritizing his partner's happiness and well-being.
Reserved Affection: While Nanami might not be overtly affectionate in public, he shows his love through thoughtful gestures and actions. It could be something as simple as making your favorite meal after a long day or leaving little notes around the house.
Understanding and Respect: He's someone who deeply respects his partner's independence and space. He understands the importance of individual growth and encourages you to pursue your passions and dreams.
Quality Time: Despite his busy schedule, Nanami makes a concerted effort to spend quality time with his partner. Whether it's a quiet evening at home or a spontaneous weekend getaway, he cherishes these moments together.
Shared Interests: Nanami appreciates having common interests with his partner, whether it's enjoying a good book together, going on hikes, or simply binge-watching your favorite shows.
Trust and Communication: Trust and communication are non-negotiables for Nanami. He believes in open and honest dialogue, discussing any concerns or issues that may arise in the relationship calmly and respectfully.
Sense of Humor: Despite his serious demeanor, Nanami has a dry sense of humor that catches you off guard. He loves sharing witty banter and inside jokes with his partner, finding joy in those little moments of laughter.
Supportive Partner: Nanami is your biggest cheerleader, always there to support you through life's ups and downs. Whether you're facing challenges at work or personal struggles, he's by your side, offering guidance and encouragement.
Surprising Romantic: While he may not be the most overtly romantic person, Nanami has his moments of surprising you with heartfelt gestures or unexpected romantic outings, showing that he truly cares and appreciates you.
Security and Stability: In Nanami's arms, you feel a sense of security and stability. His calm and composed demeanor serves as an anchor, providing you with the reassurance that no matter what happens, you have each other's backs.
Drabble: As you walk through the bustling streets, the weight of the day's stress begins to lift at the mere thought of returning home to Kento Nanami. The door creaks open, revealing the comforting glow of the living room lamp, casting soft shadows against the walls.
"Welcome back," his voice, warm and soothing, washes over you as you step inside. His presence alone brings a sense of calm, grounding you in the present moment.
You watch as he sets aside his paperwork, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. It's a silent invitation, one that you eagerly accept as you join him on the couch.
In the quiet intimacy of the evening, you find solace in each other's company. His hand finds yours, fingers intertwining effortlessly as if they were made to fit together. There's no need for words; his touch speaks volumes, conveying a depth of affection that words could never capture.
As you rest your head against his shoulder, you feel a sense of belonging wash over you, a feeling that this is where you're meant to be. In this moment, surrounded by his love, you realize that home isn't a place—it's the warmth of his embrace, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, and the unwavering presence of Kento Nanami by your side.
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Choso Kamo
Protective Nature: Choso is fiercely protective of his loved ones. When in a relationship, he would prioritize the safety and well-being of his partner above all else. Expect him to always have your back in any situation, whether it's fighting curses or dealing with everyday challenges.
Reserved yet Affectionate: Choso may come off as aloof or distant at first, but once he opens up to you, his affection knows no bounds. He expresses his love through subtle gestures, like cooking your favorite meals or silently watching over you when you sleep.
Deep Conversations: Choso is not one for small talk. He prefers deep, meaningful conversations where both partners can share their inner thoughts and feelings. Whether it's discussing philosophy, the mysteries of life, or simply sharing personal stories, he values intellectual stimulation in a relationship.
Physical Affection: Despite his stoic demeanor, Choso craves physical affection from his partner. He may not initiate it often, but he appreciates moments of closeness, whether it's holding hands, cuddling, or sharing a comforting hug after a long day.
Respectful of Boundaries: Choso respects boundaries and understands the importance of personal space. He won't pressure you into anything you're not comfortable with and will always communicate openly about his own needs and boundaries.
Adventurous Spirit: Dating Choso means embarking on thrilling adventures together. Whether it's exploring new places, trying exotic foods, or facing dangerous curses, he enjoys the excitement of discovering the unknown with his partner by his side.
Loyalty and Devotion: Once Choso commits to a relationship, he is fiercely loyal and devoted. He values honesty and integrity, and expects the same from his partner. Trust is paramount in his eyes, and he will do everything in his power to uphold it.
Emotional Support: Choso may not always know the right words to say, but he's a great listener and offers unwavering emotional support. Whether you're celebrating successes or facing hardships, he'll be there to lend a comforting shoulder to lean on.
Drabble: As you stroll through the bustling streets of the city, Choso walks quietly beside you, his presence both calming and reassuring. The neon lights illuminate the night, casting a soft glow upon his stoic features. You steal a glance at him, marvelling at the way his eyes gleam with a quiet intensity.
"Have you ever been to this part of town before?" you ask, breaking the comfortable silence between you.
Choso shakes his head, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "No, but I'm enjoying exploring it with you."
His words warm your heart, and you find yourself drawn to him even more. As you continue your journey through the labyrinth of streets, you can't help but feel grateful for this moment, for the simple joy of being by his side.
Suddenly, a gust of wind sends a flurry of cherry blossoms swirling around you, creating a magical spectacle of pink petals dancing in the air. Choso reaches out and catches one, his hand closing around it gently.
"For luck," he murmurs, sliding the flower into your hair.
You blush, feeling a surge of warmth spread through you at the simple gesture. In that moment, you realize how lucky you are to have Choso in your life
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Ryomen Sukuna
Protective Nature: Dating Sukuna means having someone fiercely protective by your side. He may not openly admit it, but he's always keeping a close eye on your surroundings, ensuring your safety without you even realizing it.
Unexpected Gentleness: Despite his fierce reputation, Sukuna has moments of unexpected gentleness reserved only for you. Whether it's a soft touch, a tender word, or a protective arm around your shoulders, he shows his affection in subtle but meaningful ways.
Adventure Seeker: Sukuna isn't one to shy away from adventure, and dating him means embarking on thrilling journeys together. Whether it's exploring ancient ruins, seeking out powerful adversaries, or simply wandering through the wilderness, every moment with him is an exhilarating experience.
Shared Secrets: As someone with a complex past and deep-seated secrets, Sukuna doesn't open up easily. However, as your relationship grows, he begins to trust you with pieces of his past, sharing intimate details and vulnerabilities that he hides from the rest of the world.
Fiery Passion: Passionate doesn't even begin to describe Sukuna's intensity in both love and war. When it comes to you, his passion blazes like wildfire, consuming everything in its path. From heated arguments to fiery embraces, every moment with him is electrifying.
Balancing Act: Dating Sukuna requires a delicate balance between his human and demonic sides. While his demonic nature can be intimidating, his human side craves love and companionship. You find yourself navigating the complexities of both, knowing that even the slightest misstep could have dire consequences.
Mutual Growth: Despite his centuries of existence, Sukuna is still capable of growth and change, especially with you by his side. As you navigate the ups and downs of your relationship, you both learn from each other, evolving and becoming better versions of yourselves in the process.
Unwavering Loyalty: Once you earn Sukuna's loyalty and affection, you have it for life. He may be ruthless to his enemies, but he's fiercely loyal to those he cares about. Knowing that he would do anything to protect you gives you a sense of security like no other.
Drabble: You sit beside Sukuna, watching the flames dance in the darkness. His presence is both comforting and electrifying, his aura tinged with a dangerous allure that draws you in like a moth to a flame.
"You're awfully quiet tonight," he remarks, his voice low and rumbling like distant thunder.
You glance at him, a small smile playing on your lips. "Just enjoying the moment," you reply, leaning into his warmth.
His gaze softens, a rare tenderness flickering in those crimson eyes. Without a word, he pulls you closer, his arm wrapping around your shoulders protectively.
In that moment, surrounded by darkness and danger, you find solace in his embrace. With Sukuna by your side, you know that no matter what challenges may come, you'll face them together, bound by an unbreakable bond forged in fire and passion.
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Toji Fushiguro
Quiet Moments: Despite his rough exterior, Toji enjoys quiet moments too. You'll often find yourselves enjoying peaceful evenings together, maybe watching the sunset or stargazing. These moments allow him to open up in his own way, sharing thoughts and stories he might not otherwise.
Late Night Talks: Despite his busy schedule, Toji cherishes the quiet moments he gets to spend with you. Late at night, when the rest of the world is asleep, he'll open up about his past, his dreams, and his fears, trusting you with his deepest thoughts and feelings.
Cooking Together: Toji might not be a master chef, but he enjoys cooking together with you. Expect lots of experimentation in the kitchen, with varying degrees of success. Even if the meal doesn't turn out perfectly, the experience of working together and laughing over mishaps is what matters most.
Protective Nature: Toji's protective instincts run deep. He'll always prioritize your safety and well-being, sometimes to the point of being overly cautious. While it can be frustrating at times, you appreciate knowing that he always has your back.
Surprising Affection: Toji may not be the most outwardly affectionate person, but he has his ways of showing you he cares. Whether it's a gentle touch, a stolen kiss when he thinks no one's looking, or a thoughtful gesture that catches you off guard, his love for you is undeniable.
Equal Partners: Toji sees you as his equal in every way, and he'll treat you as such. He'll never belittle your achievements or dismiss your ambitions, and he'll always support you in pursuing your goals, no matter how big or small they may be.
Respecting Independence: Toji respects your independence and values your individuality. He'll never try to change you or smother you with constant attention. Instead, he encourages you to pursue your passions and dreams, offering his support every step of the way.
Blunt Honesty: Toji is known for his straightforwardness, and that doesn't change in a relationship. He'll always tell you exactly what's on his mind, even if it's not what you want to hear. But his honesty also means you'll never have to second-guess where you stand with him.
Unconventional Romance: Your relationship with Toji is anything but conventional, and you wouldn't have it any other way. From his blunt honesty to his unexpected gestures of affection, every moment with him is an adventure filled with surprises and excitement.
Drabble: You're sitting together on the rooftop of your apartment building, the city lights twinkling below like a sea of stars. Toji's leaning against the railing, a cigarette dangling from his lips, his eyes fixed on the horizon. The night air is cool against your skin, but his presence beside you radiates warmth.
"You ever think about the future?" he asks, his voice low and contemplative.
You tilt your head, studying his profile in the dim light. "Sometimes," you admit. "But right now, I'm just happy to be here with you."
Toji quirks an eyebrow, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. "Smooth talker," he teases, but there's a hint of fondness in his tone.
You reach out and gently bump your shoulder against his. "Seriously though," you say softly. "As long as I'm with you, the future doesn't seem so scary."
For a moment, Toji is silent, his gaze softening as he looks at you. Then, he stubs out his cigarette and turns to face you fully, his hand finding yours in the darkness.
"Guess we'll just have to take it one day at a time," he says, his thumb tracing circles on the back of your hand. "Together."
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Yuta Okkotsu
Protective Nature: Yuta is fiercely protective of those he cares about. He'll always have your back in any situation, whether it's a dangerous cursed spirit encounter or just offering emotional support during tough times.
Adventurous Spirit: Yuta loves to explore and try new things, so dates with him would often involve exciting adventures like hiking in the mountains, exploring hidden shrines, or trying out exotic cuisines at hole-in-the-wall restaurants.
Gentle and Considerate: Despite his tough exterior and his past struggles, Yuta is incredibly gentle and considerate towards his partner. He'll always listen to your thoughts and feelings, and he'll go out of his way to make you feel loved and appreciated.
Shared Interests: Yuta is a big fan of movies, especially horror films, so movie nights with him would be a common occurrence. You'll find yourselves curled up on the couch together, popcorn in hand, watching your favorite films or discovering new ones.
Training Together: Yuta takes his training as a sorcerer very seriously, and he'd love to share that part of his life with you. You might find yourselves practicing martial arts together or studying curses and exorcism techniques side by side.
Supportive Partner: Yuta understands the weight of carrying burdens, and he'll always be there to support you through yours. Whether it's helping you overcome your fears or chasing your dreams, he'll be your biggest cheerleader every step of the way.
Quiet Moments: While Yuta enjoys thrilling adventures, he also cherishes quiet moments spent together. Whether it's sitting together under the stars, taking a leisurely stroll through a park, or simply cuddling up together on the couch, he treasures these peaceful moments with you.
Unwavering Loyalty: Once Yuta commits to a relationship, he's in it for the long haul. You can always count on his unwavering loyalty and dedication, knowing that he'll stand by your side through thick and thin.
Surprises: Yuta might not always be the most vocal about his feelings, but he shows his love in thoughtful gestures and surprises. Whether it's leaving little notes for you to find or planning spontaneous weekend getaways, he's always finding ways to make you feel special.
Growing Together: Yuta believes in growing and evolving together as a couple. He's open to communication and compromise, always striving to strengthen your bond and build a future together filled with love and happiness.
Drabble: As you sit together in the dimly lit room, the soft glow of the TV casting shadows across the walls, you can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you. Yuta's arm is draped around your shoulders, pulling you closer as you both watch a suspenseful horror movie. Despite the tension on the screen, you feel safe and secure in his embrace.
Every now and then, Yuta steals a glance at you, his eyes filled with warmth and affection. You catch his gaze and share a smile, a silent exchange that speaks volumes. In moments like these, words seem unnecessary. It's the quiet comfort of being together that matters most.
As the movie reaches its climax, you find yourself instinctively leaning into Yuta, seeking solace in his presence. He tightens his hold around you, offering silent reassurance. And in that simple gesture, you realize how lucky you are to have him by your side.
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Yuji Itadori
Food Lover: Yuji has a huge appetite and loves trying different foods. He'd enjoy taking you to his favourite food spots and would always be open to trying new cuisines together. Expect lots of foodie adventures and maybe even some friendly competitions to see who can finish their meal first! (Spoiler alert: it's never you unless he lets you win)
Supportive Partner: Despite his tough exterior, Yuji is incredibly caring and supportive. He'd always be there for you, whether you need someone to listen to your problems or just want a shoulder to lean on. He's a great listener and would go out of his way to make you feel loved and supported.
Training Buddies: Yuji takes his training seriously, and he'd love having you by his side as his training partner. Whether it's hitting the gym, going for runs, or practicing martial arts together, you'd both push each other to become stronger physically and mentally.
Goofy and Playful: Yuji has a playful side and loves goofing around. He'd enjoy teasing you in a lighthearted way and would always be up for silly antics and inside jokes. His infectious laughter and cheerful personality would make every moment spent together full of joy and laughter.
Protective Nature: As a Jujutsu Sorcerer, Yuji has a strong sense of justice and a desire to protect others. He'd prioritize your safety above all else and would do whatever it takes to keep you out of harm's way. Knowing that he's always looking out for you would make you feel safe and cherished.
Heart of Gold: Despite facing many hardships in his life, Yuji remains kind-hearted and optimistic. He'd always see the best in you and would love you unconditionally. His sincerity and warmth would melt your heart, and being with him would make you feel truly cherished and valued.
Drabble: As you stroll through the bustling streets, Yuji's hand finds yours, fingers intertwining naturally. His infectious energy radiates, filling the air with excitement.
"You hungry?" he grins, eyes sparkling with anticipation. Without waiting for an answer, he leads you to a cozy ramen joint he's been raving about. Inside, the aroma of savory broth and spices envelops you, and you can't help but smile at Yuji's enthusiasm.
As you slurp noodles and share laughs, you realize how effortless it feels to be with him. His presence is comforting, like a warm embrace on a cold day. You find yourself drawn to his kindness, his unwavering optimism.
Later, as the sun sets and the city lights twinkle like stars, Yuji takes your hand again, his touch gentle yet reassuring. In this moment, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the city, you feel a sense of peace, knowing that wherever life takes you, Yuji will be there, holding your hand every step of the way.
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Megumi Fushiguro
Reserved Affection: Megumi might not always be the most expressive verbally, but he shows his affection through small, subtle gestures. Expect random acts of kindness like making you tea or remembering your favorite snacks.
Quiet Understanding: He's a great listener. Megumi may not always offer advice right away, but he'll listen intently to whatever is on your mind, and when he does speak, it's often profound and thoughtful.
Adventurous Spirit: Despite his serious demeanor, Megumi enjoys exploring new places and trying new things. He might surprise you with impromptu trips to quaint cafes or hiking trails on weekends.
Protective Nature: Megumi takes his role as your partner seriously and will go to great lengths to ensure your safety and well-being. He might not show it overtly, but he's always watching out for you.
Shared Interests: He appreciates having common interests but also respects your individuality. Whether it's a shared love for animals, literature, or martial arts, he enjoys bonding over mutual passions.
Balanced Independence: Megumi values his independence and understands the importance of giving you space to grow and pursue your own interests. He's supportive and encouraging of your personal goals and aspirations.
Trust and Loyalty: Once you earn Megumi's trust, he's fiercely loyal. He values honesty and integrity in a relationship and expects the same in return.
Emotional Depths: While Megumi may appear stoic on the surface, he has deep emotional complexities. He's not afraid to open up to you about his fears, dreams, and vulnerabilities, trusting you with his innermost thoughts.
Comfortable Silence: Sometimes, the most comfortable moments with Megumi are the ones spent in silence, just enjoying each other's presence without the need for constant conversation.
Slow-Burning Romance: Megumi's love is steady and enduring. It may take time for him to fully express his feelings, but when he does, it's genuine and unwavering. He's in it for the long haul.
Drabble: You stand beside Megumi Fushiguro, his quiet presence both comforting and intimidating. The sun sets, casting a golden glow over his dark hair and serious eyes. You try to catch his gaze, but he’s focused on the horizon, deep in thought. There’s a certain stillness to him, a calm that makes your heart race and your thoughts scatter.
“Megumi,” you say softly, almost afraid to break the silence. He turns to you, his expression softening just a bit. You reach out, your fingers brushing against his. For a moment, he hesitates, then his hand closes around yours, warm and reassuring.
“Let’s stay a little longer,” he murmurs, his voice low but filled with something you can’t quite name. You nod, squeezing his hand gently. In this fleeting moment, under the fading light, everything feels right. You don’t need words to know that he feels it too.
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Toge Inumaki
Communicative Gestures: Toge uses a mix of hand signals, notes, and texts to communicate with you, and over time, you become fluent in his unique language. A simple tap on your shoulder or a gentle squeeze of your hand speaks volumes.
Protective Streak: Despite his calm demeanor, Toge is incredibly protective of you. His cursed speech is a last resort, but he won’t hesitate to use it if you’re in danger. He’s always watching over you, ensuring you’re safe.
Quiet Comfort: You two enjoy a lot of quiet moments together. Whether it’s cuddling while watching a movie or sitting in a café reading books, Toge’s presence is soothing, and you find peace in these silent moments.
Thoughtful Surprises: Toge loves surprising you with little gifts and notes. He might leave a flower on your desk, a favorite snack in your bag, or a sweet note with a simple “Salmon” to brighten your day.
Cooking Together: He enjoys cooking with you, using his knowledge of food to whip up delicious meals. You bond over trying new recipes, and he loves seeing the smile on your face when you taste something new and delicious.
Supportive Partner: Toge is always supportive of your dreams and ambitions. He listens attentively when you talk about your goals and offers silent encouragement through his actions and expressions.
Playful Side: Though he often seems serious, Toge has a playful side that he shows only to you. He enjoys teasing you gently, making you laugh with his quirky sense of humor.
Shared Training: You train together, and Toge teaches you techniques to improve your skills. These sessions bring you closer, and you appreciate his patience and dedication.
Protective Hugs: Toge’s hugs are tight and reassuring. He pulls you close, wrapping his arms around you in a way that makes you feel safe and cherished. Drabble: You sit beside Toge Inumaki on the grassy hill overlooking the city. The sun is setting, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange. Toge hands you a bento box he prepared, filled with your favorite foods. His eyes sparkle with a hint of mischief, and you can’t help but smile.
“Salmon,” he says softly, his way of telling you to enjoy the meal. You take a bite, savoring the flavors, and he watches you with a contented expression.
You reach out and take his hand, squeezing it gently. He responds with a light squeeze back, his thumb tracing small circles on your skin. The silence between you is comfortable, filled with unspoken words and shared understanding.
He pulls out a small notebook and writes something, then shows it to you: "Beautiful evening, beautiful you." Your heart swells at his words, and you lean in, resting your head on his shoulder.
Together, you watch as the stars begin to appear, one by one. In this quiet moment, you feel completely at peace, knowing that Toge is by your side, silently loving you in his own special way.
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Training Together: Maki values strength and skill, so training sessions together become a regular part of your relationship. She pushes you to your limits, but also knows when to offer encouragement and praise.
Tough Love: Maki has a tough exterior, but she shows her affection through small acts of care. She might grumble while bandaging your wounds after a tough fight, but her touch is always gentle.
Competitive Streak: She’s fiercely competitive, and you often find yourselves in playful contests, whether it’s sparring, running races, or even silly games. The banter that ensues is always light-hearted and fun.
Supportive Partner: Maki is incredibly supportive of your goals and dreams. She understands the importance of fighting for what you believe in and stands by your side through thick and thin.
Protective Nature: Maki’s protective nature means she’s always watching out for you. She won’t tolerate anyone who disrespects or threatens you, and she’s quick to step in if needed.
Soft Moments: Despite her tough demeanor, Maki has a soft side that she shows only to you. Quiet moments together, like watching the stars or simply holding hands, are when she lets her guard down.
Cooking Together: Maki enjoys cooking with you, though she’s more practical than creative in the kitchen. She loves seeing you happy, especially when you’re enjoying a meal you made together.
Shared Interests: You bond over shared interests, whether it’s training, strategizing, or discussing the latest mission. Your conversations are always engaging and meaningful.
Genuine Laughter: Maki has a dry sense of humor, and you cherish the moments when you make her genuinely laugh. Her laughter is rare but precious, and it makes your heart swell with joy.
Affectionate Gestures: Maki isn’t big on public displays of affection, but in private, she’s more affectionate. She enjoys holding you close, resting her head on your shoulder, and stealing kisses when no one’s looking.
Drabble: You find yourself sparring with Maki under the dappled light filtering through the dojo’s windows. She moves with precision, her every step calculated, her eyes never leaving yours. You’re out of breath, but you push yourself to keep up, driven by her relentless determination.
“Come on, you can do better,” she taunts, a smirk playing on her lips. There’s a challenge in her gaze, but also an undeniable warmth.
You manage to land a hit, and her eyes widen with surprise before she grins, a rare and genuine smile. “That’s more like it,” she says, her voice softer now.
After the session, you both collapse onto the mats, breathless and laughing. Maki’s laughter is a sound you cherish, rare and beautiful. She reaches over, her hand finding yours, fingers intertwining. The callouses on her palm are a testament to her strength and dedication.
“You’re getting better,” she murmurs, her tone filled with pride. You squeeze her hand, feeling a rush of warmth at her words.
“Thanks to you,” you reply, meeting her gaze. There’s a moment of silence, charged with unspoken emotions, and then she leans in, pressing a quick, soft kiss to your lips.
“Let’s keep pushing each other,” she says, determination and affection mingling in her eyes. You nod, knowing that with Maki by your side, you can face anything.
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creamhoodie · 4 months
Hot Kettle
synopsis: "Reader is a new teacher at Jujutsu High school. She and Gojo have mutual feelings for each other but she at first thinks he is a player and avoids him. After being snowed in and spending time with each other, they learn more about each other.
A/N:Not sure how I feel about this but I've been working on it for weeks and have writer's block when trying to write anything else.
tags/warnings: NSFW, smut, unprotected sex, fluff, afab reader. Switching perspectives between Gojo & Reader. Flashback scenes written in italics. Other jjk characters mentioned.
word count: 8.2K
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Snow flurries fell on the campus of Tokyo Jujutsu High and the ground had frozen into crystals.
You had only been working as a professor here for four months and it was your first winter here. 
Principal Yaga had sent out an email saying that classes were canceled. Of course the students rejoiced, but for faculty members snow days meant faculty meetings. 
You made your way to the designated meeting spot now, your snow boots clicking along the ice as you made your way into the building. 
Upon arrival, you found the room empty. Strange. Surely this had been the designated meeting room as stated in Principle Yaga’s email. 
Perhaps you were early? You had a tendency to arrive notoriously early for meetings and events. No matter, it gave you enough time to pop into the lounge room and heat up your ramen as a substitute for the breakfast you had skipped in order to arrive on time. 
You made your way into the lounge room that was only two doors over. It was also empty, but that was expected given the ghostlike fashion of the building besides your presence. You placed your tote bag down on the table and took out your heatable ramen. Fortunately you had packed a plastic fork. 
That meant the only thing you needed was water. The kettle was out already, strange but there was nothing suspicious about this given that and the toaster were often left out after use and not put away into their assigned cabinets. 
You went to grab it and as you did let out a blood curdling shriek as the white hot pain in your palm and fingers signified it had recently been used. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Oh my god we’re sorry Professor!”
“What do you mean we? I told you to put it away!” 
As your eyes opened, having winced them from the pain, your eyes focused to find three of the students: Megumi fushiguro, Yuiji Itadori, and Nobara Kugisaki.
They were all staring at you with concern and from the mugs they were holding in their hands and their words you pieced together that they were the culprits.
You didn’t have a chance to respond however as footsteps came running over and to add more insult to injury, your fellow faculty members were peering in: Principale Yaga, Mei-Mei, Kento Nanami, and of course dreadfully… Satoru Gojo. 
You felt his eyes watching you underneath his blind fold.
“What happened?” He asked, his voice sounded unusually harsh.
“We wanted to make hot chocolate and we were in a rush because afterwards we were gonna have a snowball fight using our techniques. I guess we didn’t put the kettle away properly and the Professor here got burnt,” Yuji explained for the group. 
His explanation did nothing to dissuade Gojo however.
“And how many times have we told everyone to put the kettle away properly so that this doesn’t happen?” 
By this point, all eyes were on Gojo. He was sounding so stern and angry, nothing like himself. He was usually the most carefree of the adults. 
“Gojo, it’s okay. They didn’t mean to, I should have been more careful,” you said. 
“No it’s not okay,” Gojo said, going up to you now, his thumb wiping away a tear you hadn’t even realized had been shed from the pain. 
Now your face was flushing and you were glad that the onlookers would just take it as embarrassment from the situation not knowing that there was more at play here, that there was history between you and the blind folded man which added to your embarrassment.
“That’s enough. Gojo, would you escort her to Shoko please? She should still be in her office since she hadn’t met with us yet for the meeting,” Principal Yaga said. 
“Can Nanami escort me instead please?” you asked.
You didn’t want to be alone with Gojo, it would only make things more awkward, no right now you needed to be with anyone but him. 
“That’s fine with me, I’ll go with you,” Nanami said, ever the gentleman. 
You gave an apologetic smile to the students as you followed Nanami.
“Oh and Nanami? Relay to Shoko that the meeting is canceled. I’m sure given the morning’s events and the weather that’s the last night anyone wants to do,” Principal Yaga said. 
You felt several eyes watching you as you followed your tan suited escort, but only one pair of those eyes mattered, pairs that you had actively been trying to avoid. 
The thing you enjoyed about Kento Nanami was that he didn’t pry, meaning he wasn’t one to ask invasive questions. 
While others may have asked about Gojo and why he had reacted the way he had, Nanami had only assured you he’d get you there safely and that Shoko has healed far worse. 
He had a calm presence and demeanor, the type that set you completely at ease. That is why though you had only been here a short while he was your favorite coworker.
“I’m sorry. I’m sure this isn’t how you wanted to spend your morning,” you felt the need to apologize to him all the same. 
“It’s no matter. I’m sure you didn’t want to be burnt this morning, but life is full of things we can’t anticipate,” he replied kindly. 
You followed him to a part of the school you hadn’t been before. Luckily you've had the fortune of not having to visit Shoko for healing purposes until now. In a way it was embarrassing as you were sure Nanami had been here for much for dire wounds, battle wounds really from his missions since he was a grade 1 sorcerer. But Nanami didn’t judge, he wasn’t the type to goad or say hurtful things. 
After what felt like forever due to the burning sensation in your hand, you two at last arrived in a wing of the school that seemed more like a hospital with its medical items laid out and its fluorescent light. A figure with long brown hair was slumped in a swivel chair in front of a computer.
“Shoko?” Nanami asked, shaking her shoulder slightly so she’d wake up.
Her eyes fluttered open and as if she could sense it she seemed to know there was a problem.
“What is it? Who needs to be healed?” She asked, but she answered her question upon looking at your tear stained face. 
She stood up and took your hand. Her gaze shifted between you and Nanami, clearly questioning.
“The kids left the hot kettle out and she got burnt,” he explained.
“Ahh,” she said in understanding. 
Your face flushed even more. It was so embarrassing. But Shoko was focused on healing you now and her mind had gone into the place only she and few others knew.
You watched as she worked her magic. You had heard others speak about it in awe but having never witnessed it yourself, it was amazing to see. Your palm and fingers once jaded red were now returned to their baby soft pink, they seemed even more soft than before as if you had just been reborn. Most importantly, there was no pain. Matter of fact if it wasn’t for your current location and Nanami at your side, you would have almost thought you dreamt the whole thing.
“Better?” Shoko asked, her eyes were dim and jaded and you remembered thinking how she always looked sad. 
It had always been strange to you how someone with an ability capable of performing miracles could be so sad but you chalked it up to the fact that healing wounds lost its charm when it was those close to you on the brink of life and death.
“Thank you,” you said as she slumped back into her previous position.
Nanami filled her in on the meeting’s cancellation as she took out a cigarette and lit it. 
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The first time you had met Satoru Gojo was in one of the faculty meetings that he had hosted at his place. It was your first faculty meeting in fact, and it had been hosted on your third week at the job.
By then you had met all the others, besides him. 
You had been filled in on the details about him from students to faculty alike and had gathered a mosaic of him from their words: the strongest, childish, intelligent, 
Those were all adjectives that had been used to describe him.
However, nothing had prepared you for when he had asked for you to stay behind once the meeting had been dismissed and everyone else had left.
“You’re new. We haven’t been properly introduced,” he said to you then outstretched his big hand for you to shake.
“I don’t really think you need an introduction. I’ve heard a lot about you,” you said, noticing how he still held your hand in his own despite the shake being far from over.
“And what is it you’ve heard?” He asked in a teasing fashion, his lips curled up at the ends.
“Only that you're the strongest sorcerer, Nanami said you’re childish, the students like you a lot,” you paused.
“What is it?” He probed. 
“I’ve been told you have these eyes that are so vividly blue,” you said, not being able to hide your curiosity.
He chuckled in understanding.
“You want to see them? You can take my blindfold off,” he said. 
At last he released your hand so you were able to do so. You had to stand on your tippy toes and he had bent down to help you as you flipped up the blindfold so it was resting on his forehead. 
You had gasped at the mesmerizing blue that was like no other.
“Like them?” he teased. 
His words had sent a jolt of heat in somewhere you were sure was not appropriate. 
“They are beautiful,” you had found yourself whispering. 
After that encounter, you and Gojo had experienced various flirtatious exchanges. The two of you had only gotten physical once and it had been unexpected. 
You had been cleaning up your classroom, the students having long been dismissed when he had come in.
“Still here?” He teased. 
“I’m not in a big hurry to go home,” you said offhandedly ignoring how his presence next to you, heat radiating off his body was making you nervous. You finished wiping off the chalk board and looked up at him. 
“Lonely at home?” he continued to tease. 
“No,” you said a little too defensively before adding, “I just like being here. You may have been here for a while but I’m still trying to get established.” 
It was true, you had shared it with him in one of your lounge room talks where he had asked you about your background. You were a foreigner that had cursed energy and had taught at a non sorcery university in your home country. Having heard of Jujutsu High and being introduced to Principal Yaga through a mutual connection, the principal had then invited you to come teach at Jujutsu High. 
“That’s right, I’m sorry,” he said, tugging at a strand of your hair.
“Why are you still here anyways?” you asked, turning the question back on him. 
“Because I knew you’d be here,” he answered honestly.
“Me?” you asked dumbfounded. 
He chuckled, stepping forward.
“How long are we gonna do this dance, princess?” he asked, calling you the nickname he had coined for you. 
“What dance?” you asked.
But you knew, of course you knew. All those flirty exchanges, light touches, teasing, and lounge room talks weren’t for anything. 
“That we don’t want each other,” he said simply. 
“And who says I want you?” you asked defensive again. Okay maybe you did want him, but he didn’t have to be so arrogant about it. 
“Hmm. Well what was it you said about my eyes again? ‘They are so beautiful.’ “
You flushed in anger and embarrassment now and tried to push past him, but he held onto you effortlessly by your shoulders. You were pinned against the chalkboard.
Before you knew it, his lips were on yours and your body instantly relaxed, you felt him smile at that. 
He was right of course, even if he had gone about it in the way he had, there was no denying the sexual tension and chemistry between the two of you. 
Giving yourself over to it now, you moaned as his lips moved to your neck, teething slightly at the skin. 
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long,” he groaned into your skin. 
Your hands went to his hair, fisting the soft white locks. 
Nothing else seemed to exist besides you and him. 
“Gojo,” you whined wrapping your legs around his waist and he seemed to know exactly what you needed as he hoisted you up easily and placed you on your desk, notebooks clattering on the floor. 
“Fuck,” he cursed as your long skirt spilled around your thighs revealing your silky skin and damp underwear. 
You bit your lip as his fingers found your clit. You felt like you were in heaven and his name had spilled from your lips over and over again like a prayer. 
Satoru Gojo…
Of course you had wanted him who wouldn’t? He was impossibly handsome, he had truly won the genetic  lottery in more ways than one, and he was so gifted with his fingers that were making you reach new heights even you hadn’t taken yourself to.  
That line of thinking created a problem brewing in your mind: Everyone wanted him.
So what made you different? You were the new girl on the block, and you didn’t know him all that well despite your talks with him. You didn’t know him all that long. Maybe you had been overthinking, but it was that thinking that had taken you out of the mood.
“Gojo stop,” you choked out. 
His movements stilled, hearing the tone in your voice.
“Is something wrong?” He asked. 
You couldn’t exactly tell him your worries as you didn’t want to make things awkward. Besides what were you supposed to say? ‘I’m worried I’m just another one of your quick hook ups?’ You didn’t want to be clingy or weird especially if he just saw this as a casual encounter.
“No, no, everything is fine. I just should be going now it’s getting late,” you rambled straightening yourself up and standing up from the desk. 
You had been grateful you hadn’t seen his eyes as you were sure they were confused.
“Well can I  walk you to your car?” he offered. 
“No, that’s not necessary but thank you for your concern,” you had stated. 
Then you had rushed off. 
Your relationship with Gojo has been rocky ever since. You actively avoided him and he started doing the same. In a way you wondered if you had bruised his ego since he had never been used to rejection. 
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Having assured Nanami you would be fine, you had driven yourself home. There was no reason for you to stay on campus given the meeting’s cancellation and the snow day. Moreover, you weren’t up to sticking around because of the morning’s embarrassing events. 
You made your way into your small apartment, and kicked your shoes off.’
When you were about to settle down on your couch and watch some television, the doorbell rang. Perhaps it was Nanami doing a possible checkup on Principal Yaga’s orders? 
You opened the door and found the person you were actively avoiding: Satoru Gojo.
“You forgot this,” he said, holding up your tote bag that you had left behind in the lounge room. 
“Oh, thank you,” you replied, still stunned. You stood there frozen for too long until he cleared his throat.
“It’s kind of cold out here, you know snow day and all,” he said, shivering with emphasis.
Even though it was the last thing you wanted to do, you invited him in. 
“Make yourself comfortable. Do you want anything?” you asked, closing the door behind him and watching as he looked around your living room. 
“No, I’m good. I can make you those noodles you wanted earlier though,” he offered. 
The noodles? Oh yes, the ramen pack. You had forgotten about them. It was endearing in a way that he had even remembered them. 
Before you could answer, he was picking the plastic bowl out of your purse and heading towards the kitchen.
“That’s not really necessary..” you began to protest as you followed him but he cut you off.
“Have you eaten today?”
Your stomach betrayed you, giving a rumble by way of answer. 
He chuckled before saying, “thought so.” You watched as he filled one of the pots with water before placing it on your stove and turning it on. The kettle would have been much more straightforward but given the morning’s events you figured he didn’t want to use it. Once the water heated up enough, it didn’t take too long on account of you having a gas stove, he transferred the dry noodles from their plastic bowl container to the pot.
Watching him in this domestic setting did something to you. Though you couldn’t see his eyes, his face was calm and focused. 
“Watching me?” he teased.
Your face blushed scarlet. 
“You know it’s not really fair that you wear that blindfold around,” you said. After all, it gave him the advantage of being able to catch you gawking at him. You suspected this wasn’t the first time he had noticed. 
“Would you like me to take it off?” He asked innocently. 
Remembering your only other exchange with him that involved his unsheathed eyes, you opted against shaking your head then adding a firm “no” in case his eyes weren’t on you for once. 
All the same, you continued to stand there leaning alongside the counter watching him as he had now taken to stirring the boiling noodles with a fork. After a few minutes of this, he transferred the now ready noodles into one of your bowls. 
“Do you prefer your noodles with broth or drained?” He asked. 
“Drained,” you replied, 
“Me too. I find that too much liquid laps up the flavor,” he said, going to drain it now in your sink. He then added the flavor, stirring it. When it was at last ready, he set it on your kitchen island, beckoning you to come sit. 
Hunger winning out, you did as he had instructed, not even bothering to care that he sat in the seat next to you. 
The noodles were good and just warm enough for you to enjoy and satisfy your hunger. You eagerly stuffed your face forgetting for a moment the man at your side. 
It was only when you finished eating that he at last spoke up.
“I wanna talk to you about what happened between us,” he said. 
Of course you had expected this, but it didn’t make it anymore easy to breach this topic. 
“What is there to talk about?” you asked, deciding to play dumb. 
“The kiss we shared,” he said, turning his body towards you.
He knew damn well it had been more than a simple kiss. If you hadn’t put the brakes on when you had maybe the two of you would have gone all the way in the classroom! 
“I don’t see why we have to discuss it. We kissed, so what? We can move on from it,” you said. 
“But that’s the thing. I can’t move on. I think about it all the time,” he said. There was a unique yearning in his voice, a tone you had never heard from before. At last you turned to face him as well and though his eyes were still hidden there was an expression of sadness on his face. 
“Well I’m sure you kiss people all the time,” you said. In an effort to put some space between the two of you, you stood up and walked away from the kitchen back into the living room, hoping he’d follow so you could direct him to the door. 
“That’s it then? You think I just kiss anyone?” he asked, following you as you had anticipated. His long legs allowed him to catch up to you quickly and he caught your wrist, swiveling you around to face him. “Don’t ignore me. You feel something for me too, I know it.” 
His proximity to you had your breath hitching, it had been a while since you had been this close. 
“Gojo-“ you began to protest.
“Satoru,” he corrected, wanting things to be less formal. 
“Maybe you should get going,” you said but your voice wasn’t as convincing as you’d hoped. 
“You’d really throw me out in the snow like that?” he teased. 
“You’d be fine,” you retorted. 
By now your resistance was waning, despite your better judgment, the scent of his cologne and the feel of his warm body was threatening your resolve. 
He seemed to know that all too well. 
“Let me kiss you again. I’ve missed your lips,” he whispered. 
Your knees buckled a little. 
He bent down, lips brushing against your jawline, the scent of him intoxicating.
It was futile, you wanted him desperately and he knew that. So when you didn’t push him away his lips lingered merely inches from yours, his minty breath in your face, leaving the option to you. 
Giving into your urges, you had only to bend forward, and once you did his lips were on yours. Like before, the passion between the two of you was intense, even more so given the built up frustration from how you had avoided him then. 
His tongue soon found yours and your legs hoisted yourself around his waist. 
“Satoru.. bedroom,” you whimpered. 
He understood, still holding you as you guided him to your bedroom. 
You didn’t have time to feel embarrassed about the plushies you had on your bed despite being a grown woman, as he plopped you down alongside them.
“Lay back,” he commanded. 
You did, but watched as he got on his knees in front of you. 
“Satoru, what are you doing?” you asked, still breathless from the kisses you had exchanged. 
He took his time answering you, a sly grin on his face as his hand caressed your pantyhose clothed thighs that were exposed as your skirt fell in ripples around your waist. 
“I’m gonna make you feel good. The way I wanted to before you left that day,” he said. His hands went up to the top of your waist band, pulling your pantyhose down effortlessly. He gasped at his newfound discovery. “No panties? You really are so shameless.” 
Your face was red.
“I- there was a line with my skirt and the tights are thick,” you stammered, feeling the need to defend your choice of wear. 
“I like it. How often do you go commando under these long skirts of yours?” he probed, fully removing your tights and leaving your legs and sex naked underneath the layers of your skirt. 
“Only when I wear the tights underneath,” you replied.
His hand cupped your heated sex, your arousal leaking into the palm of his hand.
“That’s right you did have some panties on in the classroom that day,” he said recalling. His fingers parted your wet folds. “You think one of these days you could just go completely commando for me? Nothing underneath? Not even your pretty little tights?” 
By this point you kept feeling pangs of pain and your clit throbbing, there was no denying the effect he had on you. 
“Somehow I don’t think that would be appropriate for the classroom,” you stated. 
This only seemed to encourage him more. 
“It’d be fun though. Just think about it,” his hand released your sex. He seemed to have something devious in mind. He came closer to you whispering in your ear. “You and me. The fun we could have. The quickies we could partake in between classes.” 
You’d be lying if you said his words weren’t appealing to you and vivid images of you hoisted against a desk and him shooting his load into you were intruding your mind.
“Satoru…” your voice had an edge to it. One that still remembered why you had put the brakes in between the two of you in the first place. 
He seemed to understand.
“Oh that’s right. You think I do this with just anyone. That I’m something of a player huh?” He asked, and you were surprised to hear offense in his voice. 
“I just don’t know you all that well yet,” you stammered apologetically. 
You felt that it was an almost stupid thing to say given the state the two of you were in. 
“Do you want to know me?” He asked. 
“Yes,” you replied. 
“Good, because I want to know you too,” he said. He sunk back down to his previous position between your legs. He pulled his blindfold down, letting it rest at his neck so his crystal-like eyes were visible. “And right now, I want to know what makes you tick.” 
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When Principal Yaga had first told him there would be a new professor from overseas joining them, it hadn’t mattered to him greatly. 
Another teacher? Well that was good. A foreigner? Interesting. 
However, it hadn’t been something he had given much thought to.
So when he first met you at the faulty meeting he had hosted in his apartment, he had been surprised to find out how beautiful you were. You were also young, a little bit younger than him but still so young for someone so well accomplished (yes after your flirtatious encounter where you called his eyes beautiful he had looked you up). 
He must confess, he read your academic articles all thirty of them and he was always finding an excuse to speak to you in the lounge room. 
At last when he hadn’t been able to fight the longing for you anymore, he had waited until after hours, knowing you’d still be on campus. 
“Still here?” He had taunted. 
“I’m not in a big hurry to go home,” you said.
That was interesting to him. Surely a woman like you had someone waiting for her? It was something he had pathetically tried to find the answer to online but had fallen short given your profiles being professional in nature.
Desperate for the answer he continued to tease.
“Lonely at home?” 
God, he could shoot himself in the foot for that one! How incredibly cringe. He was used to getting away with it on account of his good looks, but you were different than most. You didn’t seem to fall easily to his charm. In a way it was humanizing, you didn’t let the veil of his looks and his power get in the way of seeing him for what he was. 
“No. I like being here. You may have been here for a while but I’m still trying to get established.” 
As suspected, you didn’t find his comment charming, answering rather defensively. 
“You’re right. I’m sorry,” he said, tugging a strand of your hair and considering it a good sign when you didn’t shoo him away. 
“What are you still doing here anyways?” You asked him. 
His heart was racing from how your eyes looked up at him and he was (not for the first time) grateful that his blindfold kept him shielded for surely he looked like a lovesick schoolboy.
“Because I knew you’d be here,” he said.
The way you asked so dumbfounded made his heart ache for you more. 
Yes you, he wanted to tell you, he wanted to tell you just how completely unaware you were of the effect you can have. 
Even more so when you allowed him to kiss you, he felt like he was on cloud nine. Your body had felt soft on him, it was everything he had dreamed about, everything he had allowed himself to feel despite his fragile heart being ever so cautious.
“Gojo stop,” you had said suddenly, and to his horror.
“Is something wrong?” he asked. 
You had only made excuses and ran off leaving his fragile heart to shatter into a million pieces. 
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“Fuck, Satoru- you’re so good at this,” you moaned, your back arching as you fell back against the mattress. 
He tongued at your folds, lapping at your clit and your arousal as if he was dehydrated and needed it in order to live. 
His fingers spread you open for him, flashing him with your inner pink, the sight nearly sending him into a frenzy. 
Your hands went to his white hair, gripping the locks and using them as an anchor as his tongue continued to pleasure you. 
Your moans were just as pretty as he had imagined and between that and the taste of you, he was determined to make you orgasm hard. 
It didn’t take long for him to find your sweet spot. You were starting to realize that of his mouth had more uses than just teasing and your toes curled. 
“This is where you’re weak, huh?” he said, sensing it from how your grip on his fingers tightened. You felt him curl his fingers up inside of you, continuing to pleasure that new unlocked spot as he leaned forward tongue still sliding down your sensitive clit. 
“Mm- Satoru I’m close,” you warned.
“I know, I know,” he cooed against your skin. 
Continuing that pace and motions, you felt it arising now, the tell tell signs of orgasm and the adrenaline feeling as if you were falling off a cliff. “That’s it, baby, let it go.” 
And you did, coming down from your high as your fluid flooded his tongue. 
You panted and watched as he lapped you clean, relishing the taste. Then, like before, a devious look rose to his crystal eyes. He came up to you, hovering gently above you, hands on the bed to steady himself.
“You should really taste yourself,” he said. Before giving you time to register what he meant, he kissed you and you moaned against his lips. The taste on his lips was sweet yet metallic and it was yours. It was so lewd, the way you enjoyed it, but again the fire of desire was burning for him so you simply indulged in the passionate makeout.
“Want help with that?” you asked, eyes pointed at the bulge in his pants as the kiss broke apart, salvia still connecting the two of you faintly. 
You swore you saw him blush, but having a new found confidence, you didn’t wait for him to answer, fingers shakily undoing his pants. 
“So eager,” he teased, stepping back to fully shrug the pants and his boxers off. His shirt followed after.
His cock was big, bigger than any you had been with, and the head was just as pink as his lips. A forming bud of precum was visible at the tip.”Like what you see?” 
“Very much so,” you admitted. You were ready for him to sink into you, but an expression of concern overtook his face. 
“I don’t have a condom,” he explained, “I know you think I do this a lot but I don't, I don’t just have them on me.” 
You chewed the inside of your cheek. You weren’t exactly on any birth control right now since it had been a while since you were sexually active yourself, but you didn’t want to turn him down. Plus you were aware of where you were in your cycle so the chances of pregnancy would be slim.
“It’s fine, but I’m gonna need a morning after pill just in case,” you stated. 
He seemed to perk up.
“Does that mean I can spend the night?” He asked. It never ceases to amaze you how someone of his stature could still have such a childlike demeanor. 
Oh what harm could it do? You had already made it this far with him.
“Yes,” you conceded. You tried not to think about the fact that he was still technically a coworker and you intrusively wondered how the students would react if they knew the two of you were engaging in such activities. 
“Hey, what’s going on in that pretty little head?” He asked. 
“Nothing I just, we’re still colleagues,” you said. 
He smiled and lined himself up with you, the tip of his cock fettering your entrance.
“And? Colleagues can’t blow a little steam off together every now and then?” 
You gasped feeling him against your slickness, not in yet but only just, still lingering at your entrance.
“That’s not really helping your case of not doing these things with just anyone,” you said. 
He laughed.
“I can assure you before you I had no need or desire to fuck a colleague,” he said. 
Then at last, he began to sink into you. At first only the delicate pink tip, then an inch, then two more, until the full length was bottomed out inside of you. 
“Oh, you feel so full,” you whispered more as an exclamation to yourself but he heard all the same. 
For him, it has always been a fantasy to fuck you in your work clothing, as he had told you before your long skirts offered the illusion of quick access whenever at his disposal. 
He began to thrust lightly, allowing himself to relish all your warm walls. 
“So sexy,” he praised as his pace began to quicken. Your eyes rolled back in pleasure and you could feel his pulse beating away inside of you. 
It felt natural being under him like this, almost right as if you were meant to be underneath him like this taking every inch of his impressive rod. 
Although you were no stranger to sex at your age, his thrusting made you feel something you never had before. 
“Fuck me back, you’re a big girl aren’t you?” he teased, his mind probably following your line of thinking.His words emboldened you, and your vaginal grip on his cock tightened, and you began to thrust your hips up to meet his pace. 
You craned your neck a little to watch as his cock went in and out.
He caught you looking. 
“So you like to watch, huh?” his voice was heated. God, he was finding out so much about you. You were just as dirty as him, even if you were usually so well composed. 
“Satoru!” you yelped as he easily lifted you up, bodies still connected and dragged you to the restroom. 
“Oh this is perfect,” he whispered. 
Your bathroom had a large full length mirror and another large mirror above the sinks. Here, no matter where you’d look, you’d be able to see him fucking you. 
“Satoru, can I take my clothes off?” you asked, horrified at the idea of your work clothes getting soiled. 
“I have no objection to that,” he said. He placed you against the countertop, and undid your blouse removing it and your bra. 
Then came your skirt. 
Regrettably, for this he had to slide out of you, but it only took a moment. 
“Face the mirror I want you to be able to watch,” he said.
You did, gripping the counter as he slid into you from the back.
This all felt so surreal. 
Had it only been just this morning that you had burnt yourself? You had still been avoiding him then, now he had you bent over in your own bathroom as he thrusted in and out of your vagina raw from behind. 
You supposed this was what fucking a colleague entailed, it was much more chaotic than in the movies. 
Your eyes caught sight of his face, red and sweaty, eyes closed and turning your head to your side, you saw his length going in and out of you from the reflection in the full length mirror. 
His fingers kneaded the flesh of your ass, and you threw your ass back against him, cheeks enveloping his cock.
“Fuck,” he cursed. 
Your shared moans echoed in the bathroom’s acoustics and it only set him off more. His pace quickened and his hands reached around to cup your breasts, squeezing the sensitive nipples. 
You turned your head and your lips found his, all the while his thrusting and you grinding your ass back against him were bringing you both closer to reaching your peak.
“Satoru-“ you warned, but he seemed to understand.
“I know, I know. I’m cumming too,” he panted. 
Breathing heavily, you felt him shoot his load into you as you came on him, fluids dripping to the floor. 
He gave a shaky laugh.
“Erm- I can clean this up. Don’t worry about it. You should go lay down,” he said after using your hand towel to clean in between your legs. 
Mumbling in agreement, you went back to your room. 
Heart beating fast you tried to reconcile with the fact that you just had sex with a colleague and moreover you had agreed for him to stay the night. It wasn’t that you regretted it, Gojo was many things but a bad lay wasn’t one of them. 
You opened your drawer and quickly changed into a matching lounge set. You heard Gojo humming and moving around in the bathroom as he cleaned up. When he came out, he held your clothes in his hands, still naked himself. He placed your clothes on your bed before going to pick his own up and putting them back on, laughing slightly.
“What’s funny?” you asked. 
“You,” he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. His lower half was covered once again as his boxers and pants came back on. 
“What about me?” You pressed. 
“You’d think after what we just did you wouldn’t be so shy still. It’s cute,” he said, pulling his top on and adjusting it so his v-line was no longer visible. He left his shoes off and when you raised your brows he said “remember I’m staying the night?” 
Of course you remembered. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you said, shrugging. 
He let out a belly laugh. 
“Why do you keep laughing at me?” you asked, growing frustrated. 
His face softened as he smiled at you fondly. 
“It’s just I don’t think I’ve met someone who is worse at expressing their feelings than me, it’s comforting.” 
Well, he was right in that assessment so you couldn’t help as your lips twitched upwards in a smile of your own. 
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If today was going to be his only chance to make a good impression of you, he was going to use it to his full advantage. 
“You know what I always loved to do during snow days? Build a fort and watch movies with hot chocolate.” 
Luckily, you had taken his suggestion well and so he had taken it upon himself to build said fort by maneuvering your furniture and bringing your blankets and pillows over to the living room in front of the tv. 
He was aware of your eyes watching him as he did so. 
“What?” he asked, his hand rubbing the back of his neck self consciously. 
“You’re just different than I expected,” you said genuinely, your voice free of judgment. 
He nodded in understanding, he was used to people having the wrong impression about him. His looks, his talents, which were given to him at birth, all of these were things that shaped how people viewed him. He couldn’t fault you for having thought the same, but it did relieve him that you seemed to be gaining a more comprehensive perspective of him now. 
“I’m gonna make us hot chocolate, you’re still banned from using the kettle after this morning,” he said, making his way to the kitchen and looking through your cupboards. He found the hot chocolate packets and went through the motions of heating up the water again just as he had done for the ramen earlier. 
“Speaking of this morning, you should really apologize to the kids. You were kind of stern with them,” you said, appearing at his side and leaning  against the fridge. 
You looked so beautiful to him in the fluorescent lighting, your lips still puffy from the kisses you had exchanged and your hair tousled. He wanted to freeze this moment and live in it. He could see himself growing old with you and sharing domestic moments such as this. Satoru you poor romantic thing, he thought to himself. He had quite a habit of being a yearner, of letting his feelings consume him. 
It was his biggest flaw.
“Yes, maybe I should. Tomorrow I’ll make sure to do so,” he said. 
He finished preparing the hot chocolate and carrying both mugs he said: “now would you like to choose the first movie?” 
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Watching movies with Gojo was peaceful. You each took turns choosing a movie. He preferred comedies and animated movies while you chose cult classics. 
Strangely enough, you felt comfortable with him. His commentary every now and then throughout the movies and the way he laid close to you in the fort, with only your knees brushing past each other occasionally, made you feel like he was trying to put you at ease.
Despite the two of you having sex earlier, he didn’t make any moves to touch you again, and you felt that it was intentional with him leaving the choice up to you. 
After the last movie finished, credits rolling, he turned down the volume before facing you.
“So what’s with you and Nanami?” he asked. 
You could tell from his expression he was trying to seem nonchalant, but his eyes that had remained unblindfolded betrayed him, there was worry in his pretty blues. 
“Nanami? Nothing. He’s just a colleague and I enjoy working with him. Why?” you asked. 
“I just wondered because you chose him to accompany you to see Shoko over me,” he said. There was a long pause before he added, “you know we’re colleagues too.” 
Your face flushed as you understood. 
“I don’t like Nanami like that,” you mumbled, no longer able to meet his eyes. Luckily, he didn’t press you more, your answer being sufficient enough for him. 
You felt him shift besides you until he was no longer on his back but facing towards you. Having had his blindfold still off you were able to notice more of his emotions he usually kept hidden. Now there was a hint of sadness in them, the same sadness you had seen on….
“Satoru, why does Shoko always look sad?” You asked. 
He gave you a wry smile. 
“It’s a long story and I’m sure only Shoko can speak for herself, but I can tell you about it as best as I can.” 
So he did.
He told you the story of three young gifted sorcerers and their ‘blue spring,’ as he had coined the last time the three ever felt a sense of normalcy. The story involved himself, Shoko, and someone named Geto, but mainly it orbited around him and Geto. Gojo told you of the mission they had failed at, to keep a young girl named Riko alive since she was the Star Plasma Vessel. You could tell by how he spoke of it that he felt largely responsible, especially since he hadn’t rested as much as he should have. 
“But that wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have possibly known about Toji and he was strategic so you’d never see him coming,” you said. 
“Maybe but it’s my fault for not noticing after how Geto changed. It affected him more than me in a way because of his ability to absorb curses. All that negative energy and the way it made him feel especially after he was jaded by the fact that non sorcerers couldn’t care less about sorcerers who protect them.”
Feeling that this was the first time he had opened up about this, you turned your body to face him as well and took his hand in your own squeezing it for support. 
“Maybe you didn’t notice it because he kept it to himself? You can’t fault yourself for that,” you said.
“Or maybe he didn’t tell me because of who I am, who I was born into being and my abilities. You know I’ve never known what it’s like to feel weak to feel truly powerless? Sometimes I don’t even feel human.” 
You felt a twinge of guilt for having thought he was some sort of womanizer, after what he had told you, that seemed so far out from the truth. It was clear he wore his heart on his sleeve and that it was his nature but he was guarded, even felt isolated because of the magnitude of his strength.
“I don’t think that’s fully true. Maybe in terms of power and your cursed energy but what you described: regret, guilt, and loneliness. All those things are very human,” you said. He smiled at you, and it reached his eyes so you figured your words had been of some comfort to him. 
“In a way Shoko probably feels more regret than I do, though I can’t be certain,” he explained to address your original question. 
“How so?” you asked. 
“Shoko’s ability is to heal. Curses destroy, people get hurt, and she heals. It is the same over and over and after a while you can start to wonder if there’s a point, if there is an end to the cycle.”
“Just like Geto did,” you finished for him, making the connection. 
He nodded. 
You laid there in silence for a while, listening to the gentle sound of his breathing. 
“Why me?” you asked, finally asking the question that has been the source of your previous resistance to him. 
“You’re beautiful, I thought so the moment I saw you. In truth it was after reading your published articles that I wanted to know you more. I felt like you’d understand me. You know your article analyzing Shakespeare's King Henry?” 
You nodded. How could you forget? It had been a pain to publish through all the hurdles of academia. 
“There was one line from the play you wrote about and it really stuck with me,” he said. He waited as if he wanted you to guess which line it was, and instinctively you knew.
“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.”
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You don’t remember falling asleep or making it to your bed but when you wake up with the warmth of the sunlight kissing your face you immediately sit up as you remember the previous day's events. Your blankets having been used for the fort were draped back around you. 
A glance at your bedside tells you that Gojo had been to the store already, the morning after pill box sitting there waiting for you to take with a glass of water next to it. You go through the motions of taking it and then follow the scent of bacon and eggs to your kitchen. 
Gojo is there, cooking breakfast and his blindfold is back on. 
“Good morning,” he says, seeing you linger at the entrance. 
“Satoru, what time is it? It’s so bright out,” you asked, going to sit at the kitchen island. 
“A little past noon. Shhh don’t worry. Classes are canceled for today again so I turned your alarm off,” he said, setting a plate of food in front of you alongside a cup of orange juice.
“I don’t remember falling asleep,” you said, biting into the fat of the bacon. 
He laughed.
“Yeah you went out like a light. I think it’s my fault we spent the whole day watching movies and I trauma dumped on you,” he said. 
He sat down next to you with his own plate of food and orange juice. 
At his words, you briefly remember strong arms carrying you to bed, lingering lips on your forehead and a gentle kiss on your skin. 
“Did you sleep here last night?” you asked him remembering how he had wanted to spend the night with you.
“I did. I slept on the couch. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he explained. You nodded, yet a part of you was worried. Would you two go back to formalities? After everything the two of you had done and shared yesterday you couldn’t phantom that possibility. Fortunately he felt the same way. 
“Listen, the kids told me they are gonna have another snowball fight today before all the snow melts up. They asked me if I wanna join and I want you to come with me,” he said. 
You finished eating and looked at him. 
“I’d like that,” you replied. 
His hand reached for yours and he interlocked the fingers with you. 
“I want to be your man, if you’ll have me. I know we’re still getting to know each other but I can see myself spending forever with you,” he said, his cheeks were rosy.
“I want to be with you too. Forever is a long time,” you said. 
“I know so let’s start with now and we’ll lead our way into forever,” he said. 
When he leaned forward to kiss you, you didn’t deny him, savoring the taste of him and bacon grease. 
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luvymelody · 29 days
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NAME : karasuno team , haikyuu!!
SONG : old love , yuji + putri dahlia
SUMMARY : the second years have been complaining about finding suitable jobs for themselves. so ukai says that everyone can take turns working at his store for experience in a retail job. who knew that someone would be coming daily? wc : 1.8k
y/n slipped her shoes on, putting their hat on their hat just above her eyebrows as she zipped up her jacket.
“can you get me that one ice cream!”
her brother yelled from his room, popping his head from his door to look at the girl who was about to leave the house.
“don’t get your brother that ice cream! eating ice cream this late will get you sick!”
“ma please!”
y/n left the house, shutting the door behind her as the last thing she heard was her brother pleading their mother for ice cream.
y/n originally was gonna go buy food from the convenience store a few streets down, but she took a small shortcut to it, finding a new convenience store she’s never seen before.
‘ohh maybe i should start going here..’
y/n thought in her head, walking inside the store as she looked at the cashier. he looked about her age, orange hair, doing his homework at the counter, there was also another one, a blonde wearing glasses while he pointed at the paper.
the orange haired boy looked up, hearing the door open and stood up from his chair and greeted the girl. the blonde boy just looked up, nodding his head at her.
y/n smiled at the boy, then put her head down, turning to look around the store to see if there’s that one ice cream her brother liked.
she lifted her hat up a little bit to gather food, holding it in her hands. she got an instant bowl of ramen, onigiri, ice cream for her and her brother and two drinks.
y/n went up to the counter, the boy was doing his homework while the blondie was stood up, pushing the smaller boy away from the front of the register.
“is that all for today?”
“yeah. thank you.”
y/n thanked, nodding her head as she opened her hand bag, trying to find her wallet. the blonde boy looked up at the girl’s hat, admiring her white hat, it was a brand he liked.
“nice hat.”
“thanks- how much?”
“2,910 yen.”
y/n handed him three thousand yen bills and waited for her change, her eyes trailing down to the smaller boy and his worksheet.
“the answer’s 7.”
she said, looking up at his face as he stared up at her in amazement.
“really?! ha! she figured it out before you, stingyshima!”
“hah? what did you call me?”
“stingyshima! sorry, can you explain it to me?”
y/n blinked as the orange haired boy looked at the girl as the blonde haired boy glared at the small one, then started to bag her food.
"oh, sure. so-"
y/n explained it to him, the cashier placed her bag of food on the counter infront of her, looking between the two as he also started listening, understanding the problem.
"wahh! you're so smart! i'm shoyo hinata!"
"i'm y/n l/n, you are?"
y/n looked up at the other boy, who grumbled then introduced himself.
"kei tsukishima."
"it's nice to meet you-"
a buzzing was heard in y/n's pocket, y/n took it out, placing it against her ear.
"moshi moshi? sorry, it was really nice to meet you!"
y/n greeted the person in her phone, grabbing the bag and waving to tsukishima and hinata as hinata waved back excited, while tsukishima nodded at her. she exited the store, disappearing out of their sight.
"yeah, i'm coming. no i went to another store-"
the next day, it was practice, so the boys started changing in the club room, hinata was struggling to take his shirt off, tsukishima making fun of him as he laughed at pointed.
“hey hey! tsukishima, hinata, how was work?”
tanaka exclaimed, an arm over both of their shoulders once hinata finally took his shirt off.
“so good! we also saw this pretty girl- so pretty- hurts my soul.”
“well, there’s no one prettier than our goddess, kiyoko!”
“no dude..”
hinata said, then leaning in.
“she’s on par with kiyoko.. so pretty, i’m not joking!”
tanaka raised his eyebrow dramatically, tsukishima shrugging his arm off his shoulder and putting his shirt on. tanaka whipped his head to tsukishima.
“was the girl you saw… pretty?”
tanaka paused for a second, leaning into tsukishima closer so tsukishima got frightened, taking a step back.
“i don’t know?”
“ugh! you were probably going crazy, hinata!”
“what’s going on?”
nishinoya said, walking into the club room being a little late.
“can you believe that hinata thinks he saw a girl prettier than kiyoko?”
nishinoya exclaimed, dropping his bag and chasing hinata around the room until daichi grabbed them by the collars and forced them to run laps.
“no! bakayama- she was sooo pretty! tell me if you see her!”
hinata whined, standing infront of the counter which kageyama was behind. kageyama’s arms were crossed and hinata’s hand were on his hips.
hinata glared, tsukishima walked up behind him after getting food from the store with yamaguchi, then hitting hinata on the back of the head then.
“let’s go, pipsqueak.”
that night, kageyama and sugawara were working together. coach ukai thought that kageyama would scare customers off, so sugawara could be a face that people could rely on.
“let’s work hard, kageyama!”
sugawara said determined, his fists in the air clenched in determination while kageyama matched him.
“get me this again?”
y/n’s brother asked, his hands clasped together as y/n narrowed her eyes at her brother.
“get it yourself.”
“nooo! come on, y/n!”
“you go!”
y/n turned around, starting to walk back to here room, then her brother called out in hurry,
“i’ll give you money-“
suddenly, y/n was infront if her brother, hand stretched out waiting.
y/n entered the shop, seeing only one person at the counter, a black haired boy who nodded his head at her.
‘like tsukishima?’
y/n thought, then turning to find the onigiri.
for some reason, they had moved it to the top shelf when literally yesterday night it was at the midsection. y/n grimaced, stretching her arm up to try a grab a hold of the onigiri. on her tippy toes, she reached high as she held the shelf near her head for balance.
‘who the hell put it so high-?’
then, a hand went up, grabbing the onigiri and being held infront of her. y/n went flat on her feet, following the arm to the person right behind her.
“is this the one you wanted?”
he asked politely, y/n blinked, then grabbing the onigiri out of his hands.
“oh yeah, thank you..”
‘is this the pretty girl hinata was talking about? she is pretty..’
the grey haired boy thought, smiling at y/n.
“she was wearing a black hoodie, a white hat- wait what’s the name.. tsukishima! what was the brand?!”
“(insert random brand).”
“yeah! and she had h/c coloured hair. so pretty!”
“shut up about that girl!”
“why are you so rude, bakayama!?”
"is there anything else you need help with?"
the grey haired boy asked, gesturing to the top shelves that y/n couldn't reach. y/n nervously smiled, covering her mouth in embarrassment.
"could you also, get the one next to it?"
y/n pointed up as the boy looked up, picking it and holding it for the girl.
"i'll bring these to the front counter."
he smiled, bowed and walked away as y/n quickly followed, placing her things down on the counter infront of the two boys.
"you scan everything and tell her the price after, kageyama."
the grey haired one muttered to the boy as 'kageyama' nodded quickly, sliding them to the other as he bagged everything. y/n didn't hear, looking around the store to avoid awkwardly stnaidng there and waiting.
"that'll be- 1,922 yen."
kageyama said stiffly, but y/n just nodded, picking money out of her wallet.
"see! you're a natural."
the grey haired boy whispered to kageyama, bumping his shoulder as kageyama was surprised, holding his shoulder as the other slid the bag infront of the girl as she handed kageyama two thousand yen bills.
y/n waited for a change, even though it only took a few seconds, y/n could swear she saw the black haired kid before, something was familiar about him.
"thank you."
y/n thanked, bowing and grabbing the bag and leaving the store.
sugawara cheered, his hands in the air as kageyama nodded, lifting his arm slightly up to his chest.
"so, so?! did you see her!?"
hinata exclaimed, jumping and his hands smacking down on kageyama's shoulders as tsukishima, yamaguchi, sugawara, tanaka walked into the gym, waiting for the rest of the team.
"ow! boke- hinata!"
"the h/c haired girl?"
sugawara questioned, bouncing a ball on the floor to warm up,
"oh, yeah we did. you're right, she was pretty cute."
"see tanaka-senpai!?"
hinata shouted, pointing at his upperclassmen, still a little petty about getting a beating from nishinoya and tanaka.
"until i see her with my own two eyes, kiyoko is my queen."
tanaka argued, pointing at hinata and then turning and launching a ball in hinata's direction as the orange haired boy yelped, dodging and running from tanaka.
"good thing it's your shift today, with noya."
sugawara said, catching the back of tanaka's collar to stop him as the shaved haired boy choked.
"and then suga said that hinata was right- and that she was cute! unbelievable!"
"what a traitor to our goddess kiyoko!"
the two were talking about the 'pretty girl' that sugawara and hinata kept talking about. the two kept talking, not hearing the front door open and two people came walking in.
"what are they on about?"
y/n's brother, tendou, asked, his hands shoved into his hoodie pockets.
"how am i supposed to know? c'mon satori."
y/n tugged her brother towards the ice cream section, him following behind her.
"wait shit customers came in"
nishinoya said, looking at the two who disappeared from their sight behind the aisles of food.
"shut up and act professional."
"you act professional- and you shut up!"
the two teenage boys argued with each other, then a bit later, hearing stuff being dumped on the counter, looking at the noise and seeing two people, a red haired boy and h/c coloured hair girl.
"hey, don't dump them on the counter.."
y/n murmured, hitting tendou on the arm as he winced, rubbing his arm.
"ow, that hurt y/n.."
"no way it did."
y/n and tendou conversed as tanaka and nishinoya started scanning the items, looking up a few times and then making eye contact with each other.
'shit, is that her?'
'they were right, she's so pretty..'
'are them two dating?'
they both thought as the same time as tanaka handed them their bag.
"4,958 yen- please.."
y/n turned her head towards tendou, as he looked back at her.
"pay asshole."
"i'm so nice to you and this is what i get?"
tendou rolled his eyes, placing money down on the counter.
"thank you- let's go."
"the change bro"
tendou left the store, bag in hand as y/n waited for the change. tanaka dropped the change into her hand, and then y/n smiled, bowing.
"thank you so much."
y/n turned, leaving the store and yelling at tendou. while tanaka and nishinoya turned to each other. nishinoya nearly silently said,
"shit, suga and shoyo were right.."
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victorianbatman · 3 months
JJK incorrect quotes
Gender Neutral Reader, except when stated otherwise.
Yuji: Tall, big ass-
Yuji, looks at wound: Oh.. Red?
Y/n, disappointed : Oh my God-
Y/n: Why are your shoes wet?
Yuji: There was a puddle.
Y/n: Why did you step in the puddle?
Yuji, pouting: It was a puddle..
Megumi, enters room*
Y/n: At the end of the day, we are all human beans.
Yuji: Together we will rice.
Nobara: lettuce pray
Gojo: Ramen
Megumi:… *Leaves room*
Y/n: I’m gonna need a human skull, but you can’t ask why.
Yuji: Only if you don’t ask why.
*pulls out four pristine human skulls out of his bag*
Yuji: Make your pick.
Y/n: …
Y/n: This one will do.
Y/n: Hi 911, I accidentally raised my voice at Yuta, I need to be arrested.
911 operator: sigh* Ms. Y/n we’ve talked about this.
Year 1 road trip
Gojo: Are we ready to *hits the woah* go?
Rest of year 1: …
Y/n: I don’t feel safe in this vehicle.
At Yuji’s funeral*
Y/n: Yeah. Can I have a moment alone with him?
*person leaves*
Y/n, leans onto coffin: Listen here you little shit, I know you’re not dead.
Yuji, opens eyes: wELL NO SHIT
Yuji, coming through bedroom window: MEGUMI, I’M HOMEE!
Yuji, hitting the floor: OH! I’VE GOT SOME LOUD FOOTSTEPS, HUH!
Yuji, knocks over vase on purpose: HA HA SILLY ME!
Yuji: …
Yuji, just in case: *Screams*
Megumi: for God’s SAKE- Y/N IS NOT HERE!
Waitress: And what would you like?
Sukuna, on Yuji’s cheek: I wish to devour the unborn.
Y/n: Eggs. He would like some eggs.
Megumi: I know you snuck out last night, Yuji.
Y/n, elbows Yuji: Play dumb.
Yuji: Uhh.. Who’s Yuji?
Y/n: Not that dumb, you idiot.
Yuji: You won’t hit me, I’ve got witnesses.
Nobara: Y/n. Turn around.
*Y/n turns around*
Yuji: Y-Y/n?
Y/n: How’s your morning going?
Yuji: Well Nobara asked me what my favourite colour was then told me I was wrong.
Yuji: So, pretty normal.
Y/n and Megumi on a date, in the middle of the forest*
Y/n: This is my special place. I come here whenever I’m sad.
Megumi: Oh.. well thank you for trusting me enough to show me-
Y/n: Pfft- nah. I’m joking, we’re lost.
218 notes · View notes
To Be A Good Slut Girl (Mean MDoms!Sukuna & Choso x Black fsub!Reader x msub!Itadori 18+ One Shot)
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Pairing: Ryomen Sukuna x Choso x Itadori Yuji x Black!Fem!Reader
Synopsis: In which your boyfriend’s older brothers decide that they don’t like how you’re treating their kid brother (who is too oblivious and in love to realize that you’re using him for his money and his d*ck) and decide to teach you some lessons.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS GTFO); R*pe; Noncon; Bitchy!Reader; Black-Coded!Reader; Mean!MDoms Sukuna & Choso; msub!Itadori; fsub!Reader; Implied Incest (The brothers don't have sex with each other! Only with the reader!); Foursome; Physical Assault; Spit Play; Daddy Kink; Boot Grinding; Collaring; Pet Play; BDSM; Handcuffs; Panty Gag; Choking; Hair-Pulling; Forced Deepthroat; Forced Orgasms; Voyeurism; Orgasm Denial; Sex Toys; Mating Press; Doggystyle; Cum Play; Facial; Some Aftercare
*Important Disclaimer: This work contains depicted acts of r*pe and noncon. PLEASE beware and tread lightly while reading. I personally do not condone any of the acts written in this one shot. It is ONLY a fantasy.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: Enjoy & go touch some fucking grass! Luv y’all! -Jazz 
“Yuji, baby, can I borrow $50 to get my nails done, pleeeease?” you mock-sweetly plea.
“Oh, God, kill me,” Sukuna groans. Choso smirks at the stove, stirring a big pot of ramen broth.
“Sure thing, sweetheart!” Yuji, their sweet, gullible, "golden retriever" ass little brother chirps from the living room. “Anything for my pretty, pretty princess!”
“Please, Choso, just fuckin’ do it,” Sukuna begs, pointing a butter knife to his thick, veiny neck.
“Shut the fuck up, man,” Choso chuckles, taking the knife out of his brother's hand. “That’s his girl. He can do what he wants.” From the living room, he can hear you kissing Yuji down, your lip gloss wetly smacking.
“Yeah, but why do it in our faces?" Sukuna huffs, leaning against the counter with his tatted arms crossed. "Every time they talk, it’s about him buying her this and taking her there!” He huffs, rolling his crimson eyes. “It’s like he’s a fuckin’ bank and personal dildo to her.”
“Don't let your twin hear you talkin' 'bout her like that, Choso chastizes him, wagging a wooden spoon in his face. "This is the first real girlfriend he's ever had. Not everyone can hit it and quit it like you."
Sukuna sniffs indifferently at Choso, yanking on one of his black, spiked ponytails. Choso is the oldest of the sibling trio, acting as the dad of the two pink-haired twins. Sukuna is older than Yuji by ten minutes and is different than his little bro in every possible way: he's grumpy, sarcastic, unsociable, and goes through girls like a smoker would a pack of cigs.
Yuji, on the other hand, is sweet and liked by everyone he meets with his fluffy, pink hair, energetic personality, and dumb antics that they're damn near adorable. He trusts everybody...which includes you: his bitchy, manipulative, gold-digging girlfriend.
"Believe me, I don’t like it either," Choso tells a sulking Sukuna, "but we can’t just tell him to stop dating her. Yuji is down bad for this girl.”
Sukuna tsks, looking into the living room at you sitting on Yuji's lap in your tight little top and short, plaid school skirt where he can just see a sliver of thigh. "Unfortunately," he sighs.
It's no secret (except to Yuji) that Choso and Sukuna don't like you. They know what you're up to and they don't like it. You use their brother up until there is nothing left. Anytime you call, it's always to ask Yuji to take you to a new nightclub or buy you a new Fendi bag.
Yuji has a good job, but he's also in college. He doesn't have the funds to keep funding your mani-pedis and get you some new shoes. Not enough to keep running to the bank or the mall. But Yuji does it because he's insane over you. Five months after dating, the man is head over heels, carrying your bags behind you during shopping sprees and practically kissing your feet.
And you don't do a thing. Choso and Sukuna have yet to see you show their brother genuine love and affection. You only kiss him up and coo sweet nothings to him when he says yes to buying you something or giving you money. It boils their blood, but there isn't much they can do if Yuji likes you so damn much.
“Hey, guys!” Yuji says, suddenly skipping into the kitchen. “You guys mind keeping Y/N company? I’m gonna head out and get her some lemon pepper wings.” He gives his older brothers a gigawatt grin despite their confused scowls.
“But I’m fixin’ us ramen,” Choso states, confused. “Why are you pickin' her up food if I’m cooking for her?” He swears he doesn't mean to mention you so harshly, but he can't help it.
“Oh, she doesn’t eat Japanese food,” Yuji laughs. “And it’s no big deal! I bought stuff for me too, so I’ll just pick it up when I get her meal." He gives them a wink before heading out of the kitchen, his car keys in his pocket.
“Hold up, Yuji,” Choso says, turning to face his brother. Yuji turns around, curious and naive. Choso and Sukuna share a look, both knowing that they can't stay silent about this anymore. “So," Choso starts, clearing his throat, "you’ve been with Y/N for a long time, right?”
Yuji practically gets heart eyes at the mention of you. “Yeah,” he dreamily sighs. “Five months of bliss. She’s the best and the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen!"
Choso inhales deeply, mentally preparing to crush his brother's heart. “Listen, don’t take this the wrong way, but….Sukuna and I have noticed some weird things about her.” Yuji blankly blinks at him, confused. “Like what?”
“Like how she’s a gold-digging, fake ass bitch,” Sukuna snaps. Choso harshly nudges him in the side. “What?! I’m just being real!”
Yuji's eyes narrow at his brothers, alarmed at such words being hurled at his pretty, pretty princess. “What do you mean?” he scoffs. “Y/N isn’t at all like that! Sure, she asks me to buy her things and CashApp her money for shoes and makes me hold my orgasms, but that’s all part of being a good boyfriend and—“
“Wait, you said she does what?” Choso asks, gobsmacked.
“Has me buy her shoes?" Yuji questions, blinking cluelessly at them.
“No, no, the last part," Sukuna replies, just as alarmed. "She makes you hold your cum? Like….as a kink thing?” Yuji's cheeks grow pink and he sheepishly rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah, I mean...everyone has their thing, I guess. She likes seeing me squirm, she says. Says I look cute when I’m desperate.”
Choso and Sukuna once again share a look that Yuji doesn't pay attention to. “But then she makes you cum afterward, right?” Choso pushes. Yuji suddenly grows shy, his face going beat red. “Uh…”
Sukuna rolls his crimson eyes. “C’mon, Yuji, we’re your brothers. We found your fleshlight in the dryer before, remember? You've caught us havin' sex plenty of times!”
Though still nervous, Yuji knows his brother is right and decides to be honest. “Most of the time, no. She’s usually the one that cums when we have sex.” He must realize how this sounds because he quickly tries to sugarcoat it. “B-But I don’t mind! I love pleasing my princess. She deserves everything.”
He pulls a dreamy, pussy-whipped face that has his brothers worrying even more. Just how bad do you have this boy in your hands?
“Yuji!" you call, strutting into the kitchen with your fresh bundles and Jimmy Choo sandals. Your smile fades when you see Choso and Sukuna looking pissed. “Oh, sorry. Am I interrupting?”
Yuji whirls around, looking like a happy dog wagging its tail. “No, my love! What do you need?”
You wave your phone at him. “I got a notification saying that the food is ready. When you get back, can you stop and pick me up some of that strawberry cheesecake carriages for my E-pen?” You snuggle up to him, pressing your tits against his arm.
“Sure, baby girl!" he eagerly replies. "Anything you want!” You happily squeal, pecking him on the lips. “Thank you, baby,” you coo. Your phone dings then, signaling a call. “Oh, that’s my friend! I’ve gotta take this.”
You stroke Yuji's cheek for a brief moment before strutting off, your ass bouncing and swaying enticingly so in your skirt. “Isn’t she so hot?” Yuji sighs to his bros. The two don't answer, instead waving him out the door and telling him they'll save him a bowl.
Once he's out the door, Choso puts the broth on simmer and looks at an equally simmering Sukuna. "Corner the bitch?" he asks.
"Fuck yes," Choso growls. "Hurry, before Yuji gets home." But as they creep upstairs to confront you about how shitty of a girlfriend you are, Choso hears your laughs coming from Yuji's cracked bedroom and coaxes Sukuna to stay quiet as they peek into the room.
You face away from them, twirling your locks around your long nails and chatting away on the phone, unaware that you're being watched.
"Yuji's fine," you say indifferently. "He went to get me some wings. He's such a munch, girl, I swear!" You giggle at the insult to give Yuji and then scoff at whatever your friend says. "Well, yeeeah, technically, we're dating, but I'm not with him for the romance. I'm with him because he gets me whatever I want."
Choso and Sukuna give each other a wide-eyed look. This bitch!
"I'm serious!" you say to your friend. "This boy is so sprung from me and my pussy that he doesn't even care that I'm using him. He's bought me a pink Switch, paid for my makeup and nails, and gives me money for rent all because I ask him...and 'cause I give him such good head."
You giggle again, cocky. "And not only does he do that," you boast. "He's got a mouth and a dick on him! He will eat me out for days and let me ride him till I cum...and I haven't made him cum once." You toss your head back and laugh, the sound irritating Yuji's bros.
"He's my personal black card and dildo!" you laugh. "Such a dumb boy, but so, so cute!"
Choso and Sukuna can't hear anymore so they slink away from the door and back downstairs. "That bitch!" Sukuna growls, seething. "Who the fuck she think she is? I'm goin' back up there to–"
"Wait!" Choso whispers, putting a hand on his bro's chest to stop him. "I have a better idea of how to handle this." Sukuna narrows his red eyes at him. "Instead of puttin' this slut out on the street where she belongs?" he scoffs.
"You know that Yuji will never forgive us if we do that," Choso reasons. "So I have another way on how we can confront her." Sukuna blinks at him, confused yet intrigued.
"We wait till Yuji comes home and then we give her some lessons on how to be a good girlfriend for our brother." A malevolent smirk grows on Choso's lips. "We'll make it so she'll regret ever using him."
Like a lightbulb flickering on, Sukuna catches Choso's drift and returns his evil smirk. "If this idea is what I think it is, I love it already," he cackles. "That bitch won't know what hit her."
And you don't. It all happens so fast: Yuji comes home with the food and your E-pen cartridges; you take him into his bedroom to "reward"; you're on your knees with his pants down when Choso and Sukuna suddenly walk in.
You gasp and jump behind Yuji's bed. "What the fuck?!" you shriek. "Do y'all know how to knock?!" Choso smirks while Sukuna gives you a glare that could kill millions. "Oh, we do," he replies. "But sluts don't deserve privacy. 'Specially gold-digging ones like you."
You glare at Yuji's twin, angered. "Excuse me?" you hiss. "Who the fuck are you?"
"Yuji's very angry twin," Sukuna growls. "And the younger brother to our even angrier older bro." He nods at Choso who shuts the door behind him before crossing his tatted arms over his buff chest. "Yuji!" you snap, yanking at your boy toy's pant leg. "Don't let them talk to me like that!"
But Yuji just stands there, unmoving and silent. "Yuji!" you hiss, yanking on him again. "What's wrong with you?! What are you, a pussy?"
You gasp when Sukuna suddenly grabs a lockful of your hair, wrenching your head back. You didn't even notice him walking up to you from the door. "Hey, now," he tsks, "that ain't no way to talk to our kid brother. You should apologize to him."
"Yuji, go sit over there," Choso demands, nodding at the chair across the room. Yuji does so, leaving you with his two older brothers who have begun to corner you. You shake and shiver under Sukuna's fist still curled in your hair, begging Yuji for help.
"Aw, look, Choso!" Sukuna cackles. "She's scared! She should be. Fuckin' little slut." Just for fun, he yanks your hair back, emitting a pained gasp from you.
Choso kneels down in front of you, his aura intimidating and his eyes firm. "You wanna know why you're here?" he asks and you nod, tears prickling your eyes. "We overheard your little convo with your bestie, talkin' 'bout how our brother is nothin' but a personal dildo for you. How you're only usin' him for his money and his dick."
Your eyes tick to Yuji who sits sulkingly in front of the door, looking like a kicked puppy. You are then roughly snatched back by Choso, his hand gripping your chin. "Don't you fuckin' look away from me," he demands. "And don't lie either. We heard everything you said and we told Yuji too."
"And all this time he was thinkin' about how he can be a better boyfriend to your triflin' ass," Sukuna sighs. "Tragic. He should've dumped your slutty ass months ago, but nooo, he was so concerned that his pretty princess get those shoes or bag she so desperately wanted."
"That kind of behavior don't fly with us, baby," Choso adds. "So we're gonna give you some lessons on how to be a good girl for our little bro. When you walk outta here tonight, all you're gonna be thinkin' about is how you can be a good girlfriend."
"And how much we ruined you," Sukuna laughs. "And Yuji's gonna watch! After all, he needs to be taught how to put you in your place."
He wrenches your hair back hard, making your scalp sting, and bends down so he's an inch away from your face. "And if you even think about tryna escape, you won't like what happens next," he growls.
"You're gonna do everything we say if you wanna leave here tonight," Choso demands. "Do you understand?" You nod despite Sukuna's hold on your hair, but a slap to the face makes you realize your mistake. "Words," Choso growls. "Gimme words, brat."
"Y-Yes!" you whimper.
"Yes, who?" Choso prompts, still in your grill. Swallowing harshly, your brain scrambles for an answer. "Yes...Daddies," you answer, your voice wavering with fear. That must be the golden answer because Sukuna and Choso finally release you, but they still tower over you while Yuji blocks the door.
You've never been so scared in your life than now, stuck in this room and forced to face the consequences of your actions. You don’t know what they’ll do to you if you refuse. 
So when Sukuna demands that you take off your top and bra, you do. The skirt and heels stay on. 
When Choso orders you to put your hands behind your back, you do it. 
You begin to sob when he clips on some handcuffs and Sukuna snaps a collar with a leash around your neck. You feel so much like a pet. A tool to be used. 
Tears stain your pretty face and ruin your makeup, much to the brothers’ liking. “Stop fuckin’ cryin’,” Choso cooly says, his voice like ice. “You did this to yourself. You’ve got nobody to blame but you.” 
Sukuna laughs, wrapping his fist around the leather strap connected to your collar. “She’s cryin’?” he cackles. “Damn, it only took this to make you break, huh, slut? Mmm, you look so cute with ruined makeup, y’know. Can’t wait to see my cum on this mug.” 
He forces your chin up, getting a good look at your wet face. “Now let’s get you stretched out,” he chuckles. Your glassy eyes widen in fear. What does he mean by that? You get your answer when Choso presents you with a bottle of strawberry-flavored lube and a butt plug: small, silver, and shaped like a bedazzled heart. 
The two smirk down at you, unfeeling and menacing. It’s enough to make you pee yourself. You don’t fight them when they force you onto your knees, your wrists cuffed behind your back. You bend over in your little skirt, presenting your ass to the brother trio, your thong stuck between your asscheeks. 
“Look at this,” Choso sharply exhales, giving your ass a harsh smack. The sound ricochets against the walls, making Yuji squirm in his seat.
“Oh, a thong, huh?” Sukuna tsks. “Such a fuckin’ whore. Prancin’ around in public like this on my kid brother’s arm? I bet you were hopin’ for someone like us to bend you over and ruin you.” He then yanks down your panties and rips them off of your legs, the sound of fabric ripping making you flinch. “You won’t be needin’ that shit no more,” he chuckles. 
Your body trembles and shakes like a leaf in autumn when Choso squirts some lube on his fingers and begins tracing your asshole, gently probing the little hole. At the same time, Sukuna spits on his fingers and plays with your pussy. “This is as gentle as I’m gonna be with you, so enjoy it, slut,” he whispers in your ear. 
You moan and whimper like a pathetic little whore against Sukuna’s skillful, black-painted fingers, little electric shocks of pleasure coursing through you. It causes your pussy to drip and your asshole to eventually stretch around Choso’s finger. “Damn, you’re tight here,” he hisses. “I bet that cunt is even tighter.” 
“Oh, it is,” Sukuna comments, his middle finger sinking into your pussy. “Little bitch is just so hungry to be fucked by anything at this point.” While he continues to finger you and nudge your clit, Choso then pushes the butt plug into your asshole, making your jaw go slack and a whine escape your lips. You can feel it stretching you out, making your toes curl and muscles tense. 
“Relax, mama,” Choso whispers. “Just relax.” You manage to do so, inhaling and exhaling until your body unclenches and the plug sinks all the way home inside. “Show your boyfriend that little hole, pet,” Sukuna demands, smacking your ass. “Ain’t she look cute, Yuji? Like a proper slut.” 
Yuji has now unzipped his pants and has his hard dick in his hands, stroking away at the sight of you. To you see you look so slutty and submissive on your knees with your handcuffed and the bedazzled heart nestled snuggly between your soft, jiggly asscheeks under your skirt is enough to make him bust. 
You hear his soft moans and look back at your boyfriend to see him jerking off at the sight of you, a blush as pink as his hair on his cheeks and his hand gripping his long, fat cock. You’re horrified. How is he getting off to this?! 
“How’s that feel, baby?” Choso asks. “You feelin’ full?” You nod, feeling like you’re stuffed to the brim. 
“You ain’t felt nothin’ yet,” he chuckles. “But first thing’s first…” Choso tugs on your leash, forcing you to sit up on your knees. Looking down at you like you’re nothing more than a bug, he nods down at his shoe. “You wanna use somethin’ to get yourself off, use this,” he says. “C’mon, show your boo how good of a bitch you can be for his brothers.” 
You stare down at his shoe, confused. You then feel a sharp pain in your scalp as Sukuna yanks your hair back, nearly taking a track out. “What, you deaf?” he growls. “Did you fuckin’ hear what my brother said?” His hand comes down onto your ass hard, leaving a horrible sting in its wake. “Ow!” you whine. “P-Please stop!” 
“Then get that pussy on Choso’s boot or the next one is markin’ up that pretty face of yours.” You do as they both say, shimmying yourself onto the toe of Choso’s shoe. You begin to roll your hips as you grind your pussy down onto the solid surface of his shoe, feeling humiliated yet blinded by the pleasure. 
“Watch her, Yuji,” Sukuna sniggers. “Watch your bitch get off like the slut she is. This is how she should be treated for runnin’ through your pockets, don’t you agree?” 
Yuji doesn’t deny or admit to it, but he doesn’t have to. He continues to pump at his thick, leaking cock, his hand a blur as he strokes it fast. “Fuck,” he whispers. He can’t believe you–a woman who has treated him as a servant for so many months–is on her knees getting treated as a toy. And it’s so, so hot to see! 
“Ain’t that right, baby doll?” Sukuna asks you. “Shouldn’t you be treated like this for bein’ such a money-hungry slut?” You know better than to say no. “Y-Yes, Daddy,” you whimper. “I’m sorry.” 
Zzzzip. Sukuna and Choso’s zippers come down and suddenly, you’re looking at two big, thick cocks that hang in your face. Sukuna’s is much girthier and has an angry, red tip while Choso’s has a hook in it and a silver stud jutting out of his dickhead. 
“Oh, you will be soon,” Sukuna says, smirking down at you. “Now open that mouth up, bitch.” You obediently do so, leading Choso and Sukuna to spit in your mouth. The sight of it makes Yuji groan. 
“You wanna use that mouth so much then you can use it somewhere else,” his twin spits. He takes a handful of his cock, stroking it while Choso makes his bob hypnotizingly, smirking at the look on your face. “Spit that shit back on our cocks, baby doll,” he orders you. 
“You don’t get a choice in this either,” Sukuna grunts. “You’re gonna take this shit and like it.” You obediently spit their saliva back onto their cocks, a string of spit connected from Choso’s dick to your bottom lip. So he goes first. They both fuck your mouth at the same fast, rough, merciless tempo, but they are still vastly different in the way they do it. 
As the first one to have your throat all to himself, Choso uses your mouth as his own personal fuck toy, yes, but he keeps a light hand on your leash and sweet talks you, showering you with praise AND degradation as he watches you forcefully swallow his dick while Sukuna fucks your hand. “Such a big girl, takin’ two big dicks at the same time, baby,” Choso coos. “I bet you like it like this, hm? Bet you love gettin’ that slutty throat used up like it should be.” 
He pulls away somewhat to slide his dick out of your mouth, giving you a chance to breathe and lick on the tip where his piercing is. The sounds of moans and filthy words fill the air, making you grind down on Choso and Sukuna’s shoes to relieve the throb of your cunt. 
Meanwhile, Sukuna is rough. Hard. Brutal. He puts your ass through the wringer with the way he grips your leash and fucks your throat, filling it up at a breakneck pace. The copious amounts of saliva that drip from your mouth and chin only make your mouth sloppier and easier to fuck. The pink-haired twin grunts and groans as he pumps in and out of your throat, using you, breaking you. 
“Look at your bitch, Yuji,” he cackles through his moans. “Look at all of that spit while she takes my cock. Does she do it like this for you?” He smacks your cheek, giving it a short sting as he fills your mouth to the brim with his cock. “You got the nerve to not make my brother cum?” he growls. “We’ll see how you like it. Keep grindin’ on my boot, but don’t you dare cum.” You do so, whimpering at the ache of your jaw and the tingling of your clit. 
Choso is loving the view as he fucks your hand, endeared by the way your nails look wrapped around his thick cock. “C’mon, baby girl, show me those eyes,” he coos. You do so though all you see is a blurry version of his face because your eyes have begun tearing up. At some point, Sukuna goes too deep and you begin to gag around his cock. 
With a groan, he releases you, allowing you to swallow down some air. “Please!” you gasp. “I can’t breathe!” Sukuna barely acknowledges this and plunges himself back into your sobbing, wet mouth. “Shut yo’ ass up,” he snarls. “Breathing is only for good girls. You ain’t earn that yet, slut. Now shut that mouth and keep suckin’ these dicks.” 
And you do. You don’t have a choice. The brothers keep switching turns, each one using your mouth up until spit is dripping down your naked chest and your mind is going blank. Yujii is about at his limit. He lets out the sluttiest moans as he jerks his dick to the sight of his brothers ruining you, his release quickly peaking. “S-Shit,” he whines. “Guys, I-I’m close!” 
“Ah-ah, little bro,” Sukuna laughs. “Nooot yeeet. We haven’t even gotten to the best part yet.” He pulls his dick out of your mouth with a moan and roughly yanks on your leash. “On your back, bitch. Legs spread.” 
Though your makeup is fucked, your jaw is burning, and you haven’t cum yet, they don’t care. They only care about one thing. So you get on your back and spread your legs wide, exposing your dripping, wet pussy to Yuji. He groans almost in anguish at the sight of your glistening, brown lips and throbbing clit. 
“Look at how wet she is!” Sukuna guffaws. “Dumb, horny little bitch can’t help herself! Why don’t you give her what she wants, bro?” He smirks at Choso who is looking at you like you’re a platter he wants to devour for himself. 
“Watch closely, Yuji,” he says, looking back at Yuji with a smirk. “This is how you fuck a slut.” He pulls his pants down farther and takes off his top to reveal his toned body, pierced nipples, and tatted skin. Then he’s mounting you and tossing your legs over his shoulders. 
“W-Wait!” you protest, but he is already sliding himself home inside of your tight, wet, gushing pussy. Him pushing himself inside of you somehow makes your asshole clench around the butt plug still nestled between your cheeks. A loud moan escapes your quivering lips as your eyes roll back. 
Choso pistons inside of you immediately, slamming his cock inside of your gushing cunt. “Nice, hard, and deep,” he gasps, each word punctuated by a thrust. “Hold her down. Make her take it.” He instructs this by holding you down by your throat as he fucks you into the floor, causing lewd, sloshing sounds of his cock repeatedly plunging into your sloppy cunt over and over and over again. 
Yuji watches his older brother spread you out and fuck you silly, his hand moving rapidly against his hard dick. “Oh, God,” he moans. “She looks so fuckin’ good.” His cock throbs and strains to feel one your holes squeezing around him and stroking him dry. 
Sukuna looks back at him, standing over you as he watches Choso fuck you. “Yeah?” he laughs. “You’ll get her soon, little bro. We’re just makin’ sure you know the basics.” He suddenly taps Choso’s shoulder and with a resistant groan, the oldest brother slides out of you despite your pussy clamping down to stop him.
“Lemme get her this time,” Sukuna growls. Like a basketball player who has been sitting on the sidelines for too long, he gets and turns the game out…the “game” being your pussy. He settles between your legs and tosses one over his shoulder before shoving his cock inside of you and fucking you silly. His hips slap against yours, the sound mingling with your breathless moans and his guttural grunts of pleasure. 
You’ve never been fucked like this before: so hard; so rough; so animalistic. His fingers dig into the meaty flesh of your ass and thighs, using them as leverage to fuck himself even deeper inside of you. Your pussy flutters like a butterfly’s wings around his dick, ready to burst…but then he stops. 
And then it’s Choso’s turn again. He scoops you up and places you into his lap with him underneath you. With his thighs spread, his cock bobs impatiently beneath you which he slides you onto like you’re no more than a sex doll. Your mouth goes slack as he stretches you out even more in this position. 
“C’mon, Choso,” Sukuna urges, pumping his cock in your face. “I wanna see that bitch bounce. Fuck her up.” 
And so Choso does. He grabs your hips with an iron grip and proceeds to fuck up into you as fast as a jackhammer, his balls slapping against your clit. “F-Fuck!” you scream. “T-Too much! Please, please slow down!” 
Sukuna rolls his crimson eyes at your constant, annoying screeching. “You talk way too much,” he sighs. “Guess it can’t be helped for a bratty bitch like you.” Next thing you know, his cock is in your mouth while Choso greedily fucks your pussy off of its hinges. 
“How’s this, hm?” Sukuna laughs. “You like gettin’ both these slutty holes fucked? I bet you ain’t never had it like this.” And you haven’t. You’ve never been so filled like this before! It’s so overwhelming. So humiliating. So degrading. 
And yet so good. 
“Take it, mama,” Choso huffs into your ear, slamming himself up into you again and again. “You can’t run from this shit, so you’d better take all of me.” Like you have a choice! You’re forced to take his cock that you can feel throbbing and swelling inside of you, beating up your pussy to the point where you can feel your end coming…or cumming. 
Sukuna’s cock slips out of your mouth, allowing you to breathe and warn Choso of your peak. “Gonna cum!” you whine, near tears. “I’m close!” Sukuna sighs, looking disappointed. “You’re still talking?” he grumbles. 
But Choso is enjoying it, red in the face and quickly losing composure. “I-I thinks she’s close, Sukuna,” he grunts. “God, she’s squeezin’ that pussy around me so tight!” 
Sukuna squeezes your cheeks together, mushing your lips in the shape of a fish’s. He gets close to you, stopping an inch away from your nose. “Don’t you fuckin’ dare cum,” he demands. “You don’t have permission yet. You better hold that shit if you know what’s good for you.” 
You whine in protest, tears dripping down your face coated in ruined makeup. Luckily, you don’t have to wait for too long because Choso is about ready to bust, loud, slutty moans leaving his lips. “I’m gonna cum!” he warns. “Gonna fill you up! Take my cum, baby girl!” And with one groan in your ear, his warm cum shoots inside of you, triggering your own orgasm. 
He holds you down as you both cum together, your sounds of release mingling into one as he fills you up with him. You feel warm and wet, much of his nut dripping down your thighs. You squeeze your eyes shut at the sight of the twins watching you. “Wow,” Yui gasps, in awe. “There’s so much leaking out of her!” 
“And there’s gonna be more in a minute,” Sukuna huffs. Choso pulls his softened dick out of you while Sukuna grips you up by your hair. With a squeal of pain, you’re tossed to the ground onto your knees and he points at Choso’s cum-covered cock. “Clean his cock up, you messy slut. You don’t get to get away with makin’ a mess like that.” 
Weakly, you do so, licking and lapping up Choso’s nut mixed with your cum. You lick from his balls to his shaft to the tip, earning soft moans and headstrokes in return. Finally, you finish, the taste of him heavy on your tongue. “Nicely done,” he sighs, giving you a tired smile. “But you’ve still got another dick to take.” 
And unlike Choso, Sukuna doesn’t give you any sort of tenderness. He takes what he wants and doesn’t let you off without getting it. 
He puts you on your knees–face down, ass up–and rails you into the floor. You feel his cock pump in and out of you, never once pausing or breaking that fast pace that makes you feel space behind your eyelids. 
“Yeah, bitch? Ya like that?” he asks, his words breathless and punctuated by grunts. You can’t even speak, your mouth filled with cotton 
Someone is wailing and it takes you a moment after brief deliriousness to realize that it’s you. “Damn, you can’t be quiet, can you?” he huffs. “Choso, shut this slut up so she doesn’t bust my eardrums before I can bust my nut.” 
Choso kneels before you, your panties dangling from his hand. He smirks at your horrified reaction. “Open up, mama,” he says and pushes your thong into your mouth. Sukuna groans as he drills your shit harder, turned on by the panty gag. “God, that shit is so fuckin’ hot,” he growls. “Makes me wanna fill this tight little pussy up.” 
“M-Me too,” Yuji whines from his spot in the corner. “I can’t hold back anymore, guys! I need to cum soon!” His entire body twitches and his back arches as he fucks his fist faster, wishing it was you. 
“Yeah, little Yuji?” Sukuna teasingly asks. “You wanna cum all over this whore, dontcha?” His twin eagerly nods, still pumping away at his cock dribbling in precum. With a groan, Sukuna pulls his thick cock out of you, slapping you on the ass with it. “I’ve got the perfect idea then on how we can really make our time with this cumslut count.” 
He and Choso coax Yuji over closer to you. He does so, bringing his chair and his aching cock with him. Sukuna then forces you higher up into your knees so your head is in Yuji’s lap. 
Choso kneels at your side, stroking your hair away from your mouth of ruined lipgloss, spit, and cum. “Now you wanna be a good girl for our Yuji, right, baby girl?” he asks. “You wanna show that you’re so sorry for the way you treated him?” 
You stare up at Yuji and into his desperate eyes, suddenly flooded with guilt for your previous behavior towards him before all of this. “Y-Yes, Daddy,” you weakly answer his oldest brother. Choso then takes a fistful of your hair and shives your mouth down into his kid brother’s cock. “Then open that throat and suck on his cock ‘cause we’re gonna fuckin’ cover you.” 
As soon as your hot, wet mouth wraps around Yuji’s cock, he begins fucking it, grabbing your face to use it as a cock sleeve. Sukuna slides inside of you and resumes fucking you, nudging you closer to Yuji which causes him to sink deeper down your throat. “C’mon, Yuji, fuck her up,” he encouragingly grunts as he fucks you from behind. “Make her sorry that she ever treated you so bad.” 
And Yuji does. Letting out the sluttiest moans you’ve ever heard out of him, he fucks your throat until you’re gagging and slobbering all over his dick, all of your senses filled with him. “God, you’re such a good little slut!” he moans. “Gonna make me cum so hard!” 
Choso moans in agreement from beside you, his cock just inches away from your cheek as he fucks his fist at the sight of you. “Mmm, me too,” he sighs. “Just watchin’ her holes get fucked like that is doin’ all kinds of shit to me.” 
You can feel yourself about to burst too. As your pussy squeezes around Sukuna’s cock, your body aches, your knees and wrists burn, and your jaw feels as if it’s about to fall off. “Oooh, someone’s tightenin’ up,” he chuckles. He yanks on your leash, restricting your breath for a moment. “You wanna cum too, sweetness? Does that poor pussy wanna cream around this cock, hm?” 
“Mmm-hmm!” you pathetically whine around Yuji’s dick. Sukuna nods, pleased with this eager response. “Then I think you’ve got somethin’ you need to tell our brother here. And you’d better mean it if you wanna cum.” He and Choso nod at Yuji and the youngest brother lets his cock slip out of your mouth. 
You use every ounce of your breath to babble apologies as Sukuna nails your shit harder and harder: “Sorry!” you gasp. “I-I’m so, so sorry, Yuji! I’m such a bad girlfriend! I was such a bitch and I’m sorry!” 
A twinkle appears in Yuji’s widening eyes, his cheeks flushed pink. “Ya mean it?” he asks. “You’re never gonna ask me for shit again? Or ask me to send you money? Or fuck me and not make me cum?” 
“No!” you practically scream. “No, I’ll never do that to you again, Yuji, I promise!” 
The sibling trio smiles at each other. They finally broke you. “Good girl,” all three siblings say in unison. 
“Now take all of this cum,” Choso demands. “You deserve this. This is what you get.” 
In a snap, Yuji sinks his cock back into your mouth and with a whine of your name, cums deep down your throat. Choso explodes all over your tits while Sukuna cums deep inside of you, sinking his nails into your asscheeks as he fills you up. The sound of their moans of release triggers your own orgasm. With a wordless moan that turns into a broken scream, you clench your pussy around Sukuna and cum your brains out, your orgasm nearly knocking you unconscious with its strength. 
“That’s it, slutty girl,” Sukuna laughs, tugging on your leash. “Cum for us. Cum all over that dick.” You keep cumming until your body twitches and bucks as the aftershocks hit you. But as soon as they come, they fade, and the siblings commence to freeing you. 
Sukuna slowly pulls out of you and takes off your collar while Choso unlocks your handcuffs. Yuji holds you up before you fall, placing your head in his lap. You are completely covered from head to toe in cum: on your ass and titties; on your pussy where Sukuna’s drips out of you and down your thighs; on your face where your tears have ruined your makeup. 
“Now that’s a pretty ass sight,” Sukuna breathlessly laughs. “Now, you gonna be a good girl for our little brother now?” Weakly, you look up at the two older siblings and nod. But they make a disapproving face 
“Don’t tell us,” Choso orders. “Tell him.” 
Yuji looks down at you, fixing your ruined hair for you. “You gonna be my good girl from now on, princess?” he asks, using his thumb to caress your bottom lip. Swallowing harshly, you slowly nod. “Yes, Daddy,” you croak. “I promise.” 
Sukuna and Choso smile proudly at their work, happy to see your change. “Our work here is done then,” Choso sighs with satisfaction. “Now let’s eat.” 
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ataraxiaspainting · 5 months
Just the Way I Am.
Yan Yuji x F Reader x Yan Sukuna.
Synopsis: Yuji is like the sun. His cursed half is like the moon. Both of them hurt you, but in different ways, but neither of them will stop. That mere fact, in the end, hurts you more than if only Sukuna was around because sometimes you think of terrible things. Terrible things like wishing Yuji, who used to always be your ray of sunshine, never existed at all or would die a slow and painful death.
Warnings: Yandere themes, manipulation, unhealthy relationships, violence, and a not-so-healthy dash of not SFW and misogyny (from our dear Sukuna of course).
Word Count: 850.
Yuji was not wearing the clothes he usually wore. Instead of his favorite outfit which consisted of a scarlet hoodie and black sweatpants, he simply wore his briefs, sitting on the couch opposite to the bed you had slept in since the night before, loudly eating some beef jerky you and he had gotten from the convenience store yesterday. All the noise was the reason you had woken up in the first place. Choosing not to voice it, though, you attempted to go back to bed. Perhaps that was the wrong decision though, because as soon as you closed your eyes and turned to face the wall, you felt long nails grip at your shoulder, sinking deep enough to almost make you bleed. It was foolish of you to do such a thing, you realize because Yuji only bought the jerky for Sukuna.
Before you could turn around to greet him, the pain went further into your flesh, making you wince.
“Who taught you to be so rude, huh?” The voice was as cold as it always has been, being as much more gruff than Yuji’s ever could be. “Answer me.”
His breath was smokey from the beef jerky but also smelled like rotting food, the instant ramen Yuji made along with a boiled egg he swore was not too old to eat. You try your best not to gag as you start stuttering out an apology.
“N-No one…”
“Oh really?” The voice changed to that of a mockery of something tranquil, something kind. Something like Yuji’s voice. But instead of begging you to stay the night while claiming it was too dark out for a girl to be walking to her dorm room alone, it was speaking to you like you had just done something you were too dumb to realize was stupid. You suppose, in a way, that that is what you had done. 
You forgot the very first rule Sukuna had told you to never disobey when you had woken up screaming at the sight of something that looked sort of like Yuji but did not act like him at all, and now you are in for yet another trip to hell itself. 
“I told you I didn’t want another brat. I already deal with one as it is.” He lets go, and out of instinct to not get hurt more than you already will today, you turn around to face him. He looks down at you, his arms crossed and shaking his head in a mix of amusement and disappointment. “You deal with him too. You know just how big of a pain in the ass he can be. ‘Oh, [First], let me carry you to my bed! Oh, [First], I’m sorry for hitting you when I thought you were cheating on me, please come back! Oh, [First], I’m not a pervert, but wear those shorts that show off your ass for me!’ Please, it’s all pathetic, isn’t it? He’s just as bad as me.”
Not wanting to get hurt even more, you agree by nodding your head faster than necessary, you think, because as a response Sukuna laughs so loud it hurts your ears.
“Tell me, just why haven’t you left him yet then, hm? Since you’re so eager to admit I am right.” 
Your answer is whispered low, though you already know Yuji can hear you, even when Sukuna takes his turn with the body they share. “Because of you. You’d… drag me back.”
“Good girl.” The customary compliments are merely a facade just like this one, no matter who is speaking. His resentment towards you remains intact. Soon, Yuji will also harbor the same fury, as he takes his rightful turn in that vessel they both inhabit. “You haven’t even been promoted to Grade 3 yet. Quite sad, wouldn’t you say? Not that a little girl like you should be a sorcerer to begin with.”
Once again, you nod your head.
“How would you ever hope to survive me, or even outrun me, the King of Curses?”
“I… I wouldn’t.”
Another praise that is just as empty as all the ones before it. With it, the walls of Yuji’s dorm feel even more like that of a prison’s, and this room feels even more small. If these walls could talk, they would tell you to run, or at least you would hope that they would.
“That’s right. So good.” Sukuna turns to face the only window in Yuji’s dorm. You look too. The sun is going down. Did you really sleep for that long? Not that you blame yourself, dealing with Yuji during the day could be considered a full-time job after all. “You fell asleep before I could get my turn. Now, how are you going to compensate me for that when it is fully night outside?”
As the sun descends like a sharp guillotine blade, you and Sukuna share a silent understanding of the inevitable. Your legs tremble at the impending doom, for both of you are well aware of the answer.
You’ll stay, won’t you?
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shimonerin · 6 months
Secret Santa w/ the Jujutsu High Students
Content: Giving Itadori, Megumi, and Nobara their favorite gifts Tags: fluff Words: 1.7k
a/n: literally my first time writing again after a year or two and also my first time actually putting myself out there and posting lol I apologize if it's messy or lengthy TvT
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Itadori Yuji
I feel like Yuuji would ask for a DVD/cassette collection of his favorite movies and TV shows since he really is a “TV child” and grew up watching those. And also because DVDs/cassettes are not really a thing nowadays, it kind of gives him nostalgia to be watching the same movies he used to when he was younger. 
Another thing I think he’d like is a snack basket. Just a basket filled to the brim with sweets and snacks and sodas. Just something he can eat and share with someone while he’s watching his shows.
Yuuji doesn’t ask for much and he’d be completely fine if you only managed to buy one of them or even a completely different gift. I mean, he’s basically going out every weekend in the cinemas and he’s more than capable of buying a few snacks for himself at the store. Everything else is just a bonus.
What he didn’t expect was for you to go out of your way to buy him everything on his wishlist and even gave him a meal voucher to one of the popular ramen restaurants in Japan. You know he likes rice bowls a lot and what’s better than giving him a voucher that’s worth at least three different rice bowls.
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“No way! You bought all of this for me?” He exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with stars as he looked over the rack full of DVDs, a large snack basket, and a meal voucher. He could feel the tears well up in his eyes, seeing you make an effort into giving him something special. 
You smiled fondly at him, chuckling softly at his lightly pouting face “I might as well, right?” You tell him so casually, as if you didn’t just crawl your way into this man’s heart with your gifts.
Without a second thought, he threw himself at you, wrapping you in a tight, almost suffocating embrace before burying his face at the crook of your neck “You’re so awesome, you know that? I was secretly hoping you were my secret santa.” He murmured softly, which you find extremely endearing. Nobara and Gojo snickered behind you and you knew you’d find yourself in the middle of another teasing session over the next few days.
As soon as Yuuji let go of you, he grabbed both of your hands, holding it in front of your chest “We should definitely stop by that ramen restaurant later! You’ve only been there once, right?” He suggested as he shook your hands excitedly like a child.
As much as he wanted to hang out with his friends this Christmas, he didn’t want to miss out on some one-on-one time with you. He’s basically begging the universe for it so he wouldn’t trade it for the world or for an extra day of training. That can wait.
Megumi Fushiguro
I feel like Megumi isn’t even interested in joining Secret Santa. Poor boy was just forced by Gojo and Itadori lol. As he’s not interested in receiving any material gifts anyways, at most he’d probably just ask for a book.
He didn’t even give you any specific book he’d want you to buy so you had to ask Gojo “Oh, he’s not really into fantasy books, if that’s what you’re thinking,” He tells you as he leaned back onto the sofa “He’s leaning more towards nonfiction novels. Like the classics, you know?”
Heading straight towards the bookstore after training hours, you decided to go for “In Praise of Shadows” by Junichiro Tanizaki, simply because the title reminded you of his cursed technique. Though, the synopsis for the book isn’t too far off from his tastes.
Giving him only the book felt empty so you decided to look for mini figurines for his shikigamis at a nearby pottery shop. You wanted to give him something to symbolize his immense care for these animals, which was one of the things you loved the most about him. In the end, you had bought a total of 10 mini clay figurines. You placed it alongside the book inside a neat box with Japanese wrapping paper and a small bunny origami that resembles one of his shikigami on top to finish it off.
When it was time to give your gift to Megumi, he was quite impressed with the way it was wrapped but kept his reactions to a minimum “Ah, thanks.” He’d say, with a hand behind his neck
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Only when he opens his present will you see the visible change in his expression. He pulls out the book and the mini figurines of the Divine Dogs, his gaze darting all over it in subtle fascination.
You purse your lips, tilting your head slightly “Do you like it?” You asked him, albeit a little nervously.
“Hey! Say something, won't you?” Nobara shouted, crossing her arms at the boy “Don't just sit there and stare!”
Megumi lifted his head off your bundle of gifts as he gazed back at your smiling face, a sudden feeling of happiness swelling in his chest but he kept it in.
“It’s…nice. I like it.” He spoke quietly, as if he’s only talking to you, blocking out all of the other sounds around him “You shouldn't have bought so much.”
He wanted to say more than that but his real feelings can't be summed up in a few words and he didn't want to come off so cheesy in front of his friends.
You laughed in response, waving off his words “No, no, I want to! You seem so indifferent with Christmas and I just wanted to give you something to smile about!” You lightly teased him, knowing you would have loved him either way.
At this point, Itadori and Nobara were forcing Megumi to smile for you as a joke, poking and prodding at his cheeks like they always do.
In the middle of the teasing session, you could definitely make out a small genuine smile from his otherwise stoic face, one that's easy to miss if you’re not looking closely enough. 
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Later that evening, when you finally got home, you received an unexpected call from Gojo, saying “Hey, just called to tell you Megumi loved what you gave him.” He tells you “In fact, he’s arranging those figurines you bought him at his bedside table.”
Without a second thought, you could hear Gojo put his phone closer to Megumi’s room, as the faint sound of soft clashes of wood on wood fills your ears.
Gojo puts himself back on the call “Oh, and the book that you gave him? Yeah, he started reading it on the way home. Looks like you really got him this time.”
You couldn't help the smile slowly spreading across your face like a child “Really?” You say, trying not to let your voice give out what you're feeling “That’s…that’s great! Tell him to cherish it for me, Gojo-sensei!”
Unbeknownst to you, you were on speaker the whole time.
Kugisaki Nobara
Oh it was anxiety-inducing to think of what to give to Nobara. She’s a girl who knows her worth and knows exactly what she deserves. And while that was an aspect of her personality that you love and admire a lot, there’s only so much that you can do with your allowance.
Her wish list states that she wanted stylish clothing, accessories, or anything that looks good on her, given how much she loves shopping. Of course, she didn’t ask for Balenciaga or Onitsuka Tiger. She’s not that delusional.
But you can’t help as if every gift you’d think of wouldn’t be good enough for her. You only wanted to give her the best things because that’s when you’ll see her smile the brightest. And you’d probably do anything to see it on her all the time.
Over the weekend, you made a plan to go to Shibuya, going straight to the popular fashion mall, Shibuya 109. Entering one of the more affordable clothing chains in the establishment, you purchased a cute, oversized graphic tee for her. You also decided to buy her a box set of accessories like hairpins, bracelets, chains, and scrunchies.
Buying one last thing for her with the money that you have, you go to a local chocolatier and order a box of macaroons. Nobara has always been a fan of sweets, after all.
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On Christmas Day, when it was your turn to give your gifts, you glanced towards Nobara who was sitting beside you before handing her a beautifully wrapped gift with a ribbon on top.
“Merry Christmas, Nobara. You’re gonna love this.” You’d sweetly say as she widened her eyes, delicately loosening the ribbon string.
As soon as her eyes landed on the top you bought for her, chic accessories, and the box of macaroons, she couldn't simply contain her excitement.
Her eyes were basically stars as she immediately tried on the shirt, twisting and turning to see how it looked “(Y/N), this is gorgeous!” She exclaimed 
Opening the box of accessories next, she quickly tried on the hairclips and wore the bracelets, hurriedly trying them on all at once “Where did you buy all this? It honestly looks so good.” She asked you, a wide smile plastered on her face
You scratched the back of your head and grinned “I…I honestly went to Shibuya this Saturday. I thought I might find you something different from the shops there.”
She immediately dropped everything she was holding and perked up in interest “And you didn't bring me with you? That would have been the best Christmas gift you could give me!” She says, her warm hands immediately wrapping around yours “Then maybe you shouldn't have spent all your money on me. I heard some stores there are so expensive.”
Your grip on her hand tightened into a gentle squeeze “You don't need to worry. I got my money's worth so it’s okay, really.” You reassured her.
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You could see the tears forming on her eyes, only for her to wipe it off as she pouted “Well, at least let me share my macarons with you!” She tells you before picking one from the box and feeding you a strawberry cream-filled flavor macaron.
Nobara made a promise to be the one to take you to Shibuya next time and even go as far as to spoil you, even when you told her not to. 
How could she not? She’s so picky with everything but you’re the only one who seems to pinpoint her tastes so well. She’s never met anyone who could match her as good as you do so she’ll make sure to return the favor.
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Happy holidays x
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delcakoo · 2 years
nice to meet you, boyfriend!◞♡ ⃗ y.jw
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۵ SUMMARY ! when a strange man approaches you at the grocery store, you call for your "boyfriend", who has just cluelessly entered the store, unaware of his new relationship status with you, a complete stranger. hopefully he plays along…
۵ PAIRING ! jungwon × gn!reader
۵ GENRE ! fake dating on the spot, fluff with shy wonnie
۵ WC ! 1.2k
۵ WARNINGS ! weirdo trying to get your number — he touches your hand
a/n: woops i wrote this thing super quickly last night while listening to old love by yuji <3 i should be working on requests but it was jungwon hours okay!! (when is it not tbh)
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farmers must be smiling brilliantly by a glance at the view outside. heavy droplets of rain shower onto the concrete, washing away the tiny pieces of rubble deserted one by one.
but those little rocks weren’t the only soon-to-be deserted things if your damn umbrella didn’t open up; you knew you shouldn’t have made such an impulsive purchase at the dollar store — but the colorful design of the flexible plastic was much too charming to resist!
nonetheless, after a couple more pathetic attempts of you looking like a lunatic and smacking your umbrella against the ground, you eventually huff in surrender as you continue down the sidewalk, allowing the raindrops to attack you mercilessly.
all you wanted was to pick up some easy, reheatable dinner from the convenience store, you didn’t think you’d be getting a free shower along the way.
luckily, it wasn’t much longer before you made it to the small market, sighing in relief as the warmth enclosed you from the miserable weather outside. you nod politely in greeting to the employee behind the counter, shuffling your way further into the store to find yourself some ramen.
now, the hardest decision of all, what flavor to get? perhaps today is a roast beef day, yeah that sounds pretty good! or wait, soy sauce never fails either, but you couldn’t go wrong with just salt right—
“excuse me?”
you’re snapped out of your inner debate by the sound of a male’s voice from right next to you. flinching in surprise, you turn around to find a much older looking, tall man staring down at you. “oh, yes?” you reply awkwardly, looking around to see if you’ve missed something. “my bad, am i in the way?”
the stranger smirks, gazing down at you strangely as if you were a piece of meat. “no, actually i was just wondering if i could get your number?” he asks (well, it didn’t exactly seem like asking in the way he already began pulling out his phone in the middle of his sentence, as if there was no possibility of you denying him).
“uh,” you gulp, looking around the store nervously. “i’m sorry, do i know you?
for some reason, his simper grows at that, suddenly grabbing your hand in his free one. “no, but you can always get to know me, babe.”
yeah, absolutely not. you resist the urge to gag, now feeling more enticed to simply find an escape rather than get your ramen.
fortunately, the doorbell rings abruptly, alerting a new customer's entry and giving you the distraction needed to rip your hand away from the man’s unwanted grip.
a cat-like boy with fluffy, tangled hair walks in, his hands cutely stuffed into the pockets of his grey hoodie. each ear held a shiny white airpod, and his sweats and sneakers told you that just like you, he was probably just here to quickly grab something and be on his merry way, which only made you feel more guilty for what you were about to do.
“oh! actually, there’s my boyfriend,” you shout slightly, praying to every god that the boy’s headphones weren’t soundproof, and that he’d play along.
even at the mention of your ‘boyfriend’, the older man doesn’t back up at all, clearly untrustworthy of your statement as he stays grossly glued to your front.
your new boyfriend definitely didn’t hear you; it was easy to tell in the way he continued to nod his head slightly to his music, walking down the aisle, until for a split second, he met your desperate eyes. at your intense staring, his eyebrows furrow, looking between you and the man before cautiously taking out his airpods. “uh, hello?”
even his voice was cute, damn it. focus. “babe!” you watch worriedly as his eyes widen in surprise at the petname. shit, please play along.
“i’ve been waiting for you, i was just deciding on what ramen flavor we should get.” you hold your breath, both you and the man staring at him intensely.
it was silent for a moment. pleasepleasepleaseplease—
the boy unravels his hands from his pockets, confidently walking over to you and wrapping an arm around your waist. “oh, is that so? and who’s this?” he says, unimpressed as he studies the man up and down.
the man quickly backs up, raising his hands in surrender. “oh, my bad man, i was just—”
your new companion coughs as an interruption, suddenly pushing you back to stand in between you and the man. “trying to flirt with my partner? that’s nice, but i think we’ll be on our way now,” he announces nonchalantly, leading you along next to him as you make your grand escape.
the millisecond you’ve made it to a new aisle of the store, the boy releases you from his protective grip, shyly backing up and bowing instantly. “i’m so sorry, i hope it was okay i touched you i just wasn’t really sure what to do but i—i knew you needed help and—“
you walk up to him as he continues his rant, taking his larger hand in yours in hopes of getting him to calm down a bit. though it seems to have the opposite effect by the way he instantly freezes up, and you barely hold in a laugh at his dumbstruck expression and apple red cheeks.
just moments ago, this boy was standing up to a man much older and bigger than him with a confident hold on your waist; now here he was, refusing to even meet your eyes as he fidgets with his hoodie strings.
“it’s okay, i really appreciate it. what was your name?” you inquire with a tilt of your head.
“jungwon! it’s jungwon.”
“y/n,” you introduce, offering a hand out to him. “say, jungwon,“ he smiles shyly at the way his name flows out of your lips, a harsh dimple poking through his cheek. “wanna come have some ramen with me? y’know, to show my appreciation.” you aren’t quite sure where your sudden confidence came from, perhaps it was due to how timid the boy in front of you was.
jungwon’s head snaps up at your offer, and you coo at his small expression that truly resembles a surprised cat. “oh, sure! i actually came here to buy some anyway.”
that’s how you found yourself hand in hand with a boy you’d only met a few minutes ago, grocery bag slung over your arm while you share his airpods, humming along to music while walking back to your apartment.
“under the moonlight we made our first kiss, ‘cause this is the moment you made me feel like it’s the old love…
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© delcakoo on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not rewrite, cross-post, translate, copy, etc.
taglist: @duolingofanaccount @strawberry-sunset-skies @scented-morker @flyingpotatoes
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kannra21 · 7 months
Bc I "love" (lol) Gege so much, I gathered some info on him. Pls DM me to add more if you remember anything
Pen name: Akutami Gege (芥見下々)
Birthday: 26th February 1992 (31yo)
Zodiac: Pisces
Born: Iwate Prefecture, Japan
he went to all boy's private school
Akutami has an older brother who's married. Yuji is strongly inspired by his brother who is Akutami's opposite. He is someone who succeeds in everything he undertakes: sports, studies etc.
he was never really interested in drawing or manga until 4th grade when his older brother bought Weekly Shōnen Jump. The Jump that he read had Bleach on it and that's how Akutami's love for Bleach developed. When he was in the 5th grade and moved from Iwate Prefecture to Sendai in Miyagi Prefecture, he was surprised to see that the kids at his new school drew manga
he started drawing manga by imitating his friends' work
so his Bleach obsession started in elementary school and his Evangelion and Hunter x Hunter obsession started in middle school
he wrote a poetry analogy called "Giant From The Clouds" in middle school, inspired by the Bleach mangaka
His previous works are Kamishiro Sōsa, No.9, Nikai Bongai Barabarjura and jjk 0
Yuji was named after his childhood classmate
Geto was named after the "Geto Korean Ski Resort", located near Akutami's hometown of Tohoku
he's slightly colorblind
he's a fan of occult, mystical practices and horror
he wears glasses
he cooks somewhat
he loves hot springs and scalp massages, he goes to dermatologist to maintain healthy skin
he exercises and he's trying to get in shape despite the busy schedule, workout is not as painful as it is boring
he's very grateful for his chiropractor bc of his stiff neck, he said that if he ever time-travels and meets his younger self he's gonna tell him "get in shape, seriously", he craves afternoon naps but tries to resist by eating sweets like Pikmin gummies (why's he so contradictory haha)
when Nakamura first debuted with the jjk cast and got to meet Gege, he was surprised by how young he looked. He also said that Gege has a calming voice
hobbies: he reads a bunch of novels and watches a bunch of movies whenever he can, he's busy with work most of the time
his favorite food is crispy thai pandan chicken
his favorite onigiri flavor is mentaiko, he loves Umaibo snacks, Schau Essen, potatoes, hayashi rice, ramen and seedless grapes
He's usually not a fan of name brands but he likes Balenciaga. He also wants to support Royal Host restaurant
he likes comedy podcasts like Arabikidan group
the first manga he submitted to Jump was a gag manga
when he was a student he found studying boring but he likes doing research on things that actually interest him (like engineering facts he needed for the manga)
when he was an art student, he didn't really like making drawings where the model stayed for hours in a specific pose. He preferred to sketch in 3-4 minutes
he relies too much on sketches, rough drafts and his editors (he says he's like a dog for the editors)
he has a habit of forgetting how to draw his characters sometimes
he's self-deprecating and he's sorry that he sometimes makes people feel awkward by being overly critical of himself *hugs him*
he finds it difficult to write Yuji bc Yuji and Akutami are fairly different, Akutami doesn't consider himself particularly athletic but he can relate to Yuji for being an "airhead" sometimes and does things when people tell him not to
he thinks he's clumsy and fucks up honorifics sometimes, he talks casually with his editor Yamanaka whom he has a beef with till this day, he reminds him to "respect his elders" (he's so Gojo coded lol)
He's so funny asdfghjhgfd
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he's in good relationship with his parents, he respects them and they're very supportive of him
he cares about his mom's opinion on his manga
Toji's and Yuta's personalities are somewhat based on Akutami's dad, dad also reads the manga
according to Gege, jjk should've been a lot darker but editor didn't allow it
he's an otaku, he's a fan of Marvel, has Hunter x Hunter posters on the wall and enjoys Pokémon wii games, he collected Yu-Gi-Oh cards when he was younger, he's from the generation when Gintama was popular
He never felt hatred for Thanos from Avengers: Endgame (explains why he likes Sukuna so much lol)
his favorite Haikyuu character is Tendo and his favorite BNHA characters are Overhaul and Stain
he saw Brad Pitt in person wow
Idea for the pen name: Gege worked a part time job at the cleaners and learned what it's like to be humble in the world. "Gege" translates to a "person of lower status" or a "commoner"
he claims to be socially awkward with people he's not familiar with, he's not used to public speech but when he gets drunk he does a 180 and is blabbering a lot
people call him a genius with a great sense of humor, his editor Katayama says that he's a cheery and a cool person, much like Gojo
he bought a black mountain parka (like Gojo's) that's supposed to last for six years but he put it in storage after one week
he thought about dying his hair white (Gege stop with the Gojo cosplay)
he's a procrastinator, he's mentally preparing for hours to draw a manga chapter that would otherwise take him 30min. The truth is, he's getting tired of jjk and can't wait to finish it
he chose the cyclop cat avatar because drawing one eye is easier and no one hates cats
he said that he used to have a "type of girl" in high school but the more he grew up he realized that every woman is a good woman, he likes well-groomed women (although I think he likes girls with thick tights? he's a Hwasa fan)
he thinks that world can't be divided into black and white and that it's always a blur. Villains and heroes are treated the same because each of them have their own beliefs and ideologies that are valid
he isn't emotionally bound to any of his characters, he will kill whoever, as long as the story is interesting
he's deliberately not trying to sexualize his female characters, not just because of his parents, but also because he wants to leave a respectable impression. Mangaka profession is very looked down upon. He wants to change that
his net worth is somewhere around $12 million
he wants to stay anonymous bc he enjoys his commoner life, there's a certain freedom to being a normal person, he can go in public spaces without anyone recognizing his face. For instance: he secretly went watching the jjk 0 movie in theater along with the opening comments on the first day. A fan accidentally met him but he pretended to be a staff member
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jinwoosungs · 4 months
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{ 012 }
- jjk boys as neko atsume cats pt. 1 -
featuring: megumi fushiguro; yuji itadori; yuta okkotsu; choso
crack; fluff
[ megumi fushiguro - tatami mat ]
megumi would be considered a rare cat, for sure. he is aloof and fiercely independent; and more often than not, he keeps to himself. being much more of an active cat during the late hours of the night, it was a surprise that you managed to catch him on your balcony on a moonless night.
you had spent the day studying for your exams, your work lasting well into the late hours of the night. you thought about continuing your studies, but the sudden ache felt against your head and the way your stomach was growling, practically begging for some sustenance was what ultimately makes you stop.
as you prepared some instant ramen, a quick and easy meal to satisfy your hunger pangs, your ears detect the faint sound of a low mrow. you look toward the sound and let out a gasp, seeing a gorgeous, black cat grooming itself on your tatami mat settled outside on your balcony.
during the mornings when you were able to relax without having to worry about work or your university life, you liked to brew some coffee or tea while sitting on your tatami mat to enjoy the cityscape, so you were pleasantly surprised to see a cat enjoying that same mat.
feeling intrigued by the cat, you shut off the tea kettle and placed your bowl of instant ramen off to the side. not wishing to scare off the cat, you searched through your cupboards to give to him as a treat and settled on giving him the wrapped chicken sausage.
you tiptoe towards your balcony, and the cat ends up hearing your incoming footsteps. he stands in a defensive stance, claws ready to rip through the tatami mat as it's startling, green eyes met with your gaze.
you slide open the glass door and gently coo at him. "it's okay you pretty thing. it's alright, i'm just here to give you a treat."
your movements were slow, and you carefully watch as the cat's fur steadily lost its bristling quality. wanting to get a closer look at him, you kneel down to his height, still keeping your eyes on him as you unwrap the chicken sausage and held it out for him to take.
"it's alright, here, why don't you have some?"
the black cat takes tentative steps forward, sniffing at the sausage before biting down on it. a pleased purr was heard coming from him, and you giggled each time he ate the sausage while seeming to vibrate with delight.
within minutes, the cat finishes off the sausage, purring loudly now when he gets off your mat and closer to you. his claws were retracted, and you giggled when he climbs on top of your lap, curling his body against you all while purring.
"you're such a sweet thing..." you continue to admire the gorgeous cat, somehow knowing that he would be yours from now on.
[ yuji itadori - strawberries ]
yuji is going to be the most common cat you will ever see! he is not shy, and each time you offered any snacks to him, he will happily devour it! although his favorite seems to be the fresh strawberries that you share with him. it's just a shame that your family won't let you keep a cat within the house...
you were simply in bed, scrolling through your phone when the sounds of a familiar scratch was heard outside of your windowsill.
with a wide grin on your face, you swing your legs out of bed and toss your phone against your pillow. trying to hold back your giggles, you open the window to let in the cat with cinnamon colored fur.
he greets you with a purr, allowing his face to rub against your arm when he jumps down against the hardwood flooring of your room. with brown eyes shining brightly, your silly cat lands on his back while squirming around, showing its belly to you.
"oh, you know i could never resist you!" falling down to your knees for him, you give him the much needed belly rubs you were certain he was craving for. while basking in his gentle meows, you scratch at the bottom of his chin, spending a few more minutes spoiling your favorite cat with your soft and eager pats.
"ah, i almost forgot! i brought your favorite snack!" you move away from your cat momentarily, earning a displeased mrow from him. you hear him huff, sitting on all fours with his ears twitching slightly. with an eagerness, you grabbed the bowl of fresh strawberries off of your desk, placing it on the floor as you held one of the juicy berries for him to take. "alright buddy, remember to eat this in moderation. go on, have some."
letting out a happy meow, your cat steps forward and munches on the strawberry, its teeth biting into the juicy berry all while purring. he ends up devouring the fruit within mere seconds, making you laugh upon seeing his mouth dyed in red.
"you are so cute!" you gush at him, already picking up the precious cat while settling him in your arms. as you were stroking its fur, a knock was heard at your door, revealing your father.
you freeze upon seeing him, feeling anxious at the thought of being punished by him. your parents had told you that keeping pets were a big no-
but you felt hopeful upon seeing your father's gentle expression.
"i'm sorry for coming in so suddenly, but... your laughter was heard throughout the house, and i had to check on you."
you remain silent, allowing your father to come into the room and settle down beside you. he smiles down at the cat, chuckling as it gave him a head tilt of curiosity.
reaching out a hand to pet the cat, your father sighs. "does this cat truly make you this happy?"
you eagerly give him a nod in response. "yes! yuji means the world to me!"
your father sighs while ruffling at your hair. "so you already named him?" he asks while trailing his eyes towards the bowl of strawberries, "well, i guess it's too late to get rid of him now. my mother always told me that once you feed a cat and name them, they're practically yours for life."
you watch him with wide eyes, still holding on to your yuji when you shakily ask him. "c-can i keep him?"
he faces you and gives you a wink, "i'll let your mom know that you'll take care of him." with those final words, he leaves you alone with yuji, basking in the sounds of your happy laughter.
[ yuta okkotsu - a comforting blanket ]
like yuji, yuta would not be much of a rare cat. he's a soft kitty that craves for love and affections. it doesn't take much to satisfy him, and he would make the perfect house pet for anyone that's willing to give him a chance...
you came home from a late shift at work, feeling the exhaustion seeping into your bones as you called out.
"yuta, i'm home!"
you frown when you couldn't hear the sounds of his eager meowing. usually, yuta would greet you with eagerness, grey eyes looking at your with adoration while he rubbed his tabby fur against your legs.
"yuta? yuta!" you end up searching your apartment in a bit of a panic, not stopping as you acted like a madman searching for your pet. you left not a single nook or cranny untouched, even forcing yourself to fall down to your knees to see if he was hiding beneath your couch.
by the end of it all, you were left a bit of a sweating mess, finally going into your room as you called out to him once more.
"yuta! yu-" you finally trail off, looking at your bed as something suspiciously round was seen buried beneath your blanket. a sense of relief was felt coursing through you the moment you land in bed with an audible oomf!
this catches yuta's attention as you could see his form shifting from beneath the blankets before popping his head out to meet with your tired gaze.
"you silly booger, don't scare me like that...!" you reach out a hand to scratch at his ears, earning a purr from him.
as if knowing that you were exhausted, yuta comes closer and cuddles you, rubbing his head against your chest before laying next to you. with a happy sigh, you wrap your arms around who had to be the best cat in the entire world.
[ choso - bandages and canned tuna ]
choso would be a rare cat, mainly due to his shy nature and tendency to keep to himself. maybe it's because of how unsettling his eyes appear, but the other cats seem to feel scared around him, often attacking choso for no reason at all than out of self defense.
it was a rainy day when you decided to head out into the convenience store to buy something to eat. you held an umbrella and bag of your favorite foods comfortably within your hands, humming a gentle tune while making your way home.
what you weren't expecting was to see a cat with deep, ebony fur injured at the side of the road. letting out a gasp, you quickly got down on your knees to assess the cat. it was frail, with its body trembling while struggling to take deep breaths. on its side, you saw what looked like deep claw marks that was already oozing with blood.
"oh, you poor thing." the cat hears you, opening its eyes to reveal a startling, violet gaze. mustering all the strength it had, you felt it give your fingertips a gentle lick in response while letting out a weak and meager meow.
"come on, i'm taking you home with me."
not caring about the rain and how the cat's wet fur was staining your clothes, you hang on to the cat tightly while jogging you way back to your apartment.
tossing your umbrella off to the side, you unlock and enter your apartment with the injured cat still in your arms. as you settled him on the linoleum floors of your kitchen, you realized that it was a male cat and decided to help heal him.
for starters, you gently cleaned the claw marks settled on the side of his abdomen, feeling your heart break at the painful meows he was giving you.
"i know i know, it hurts but it's gonna be okay." you coo at the cat with the vivid, violet eyes, grateful that the cut wasn't too deep while carefully bandaging him. with his wound covered, you immediately grabbed two small bowls from your cabinet, filling one of them up with water as you set it in front of the cat.
you watch as his cute little snout sniffs at the bowl, slowly crawling forward before finally taking rapid drinks from it. the sight of the cute cat drinking with such fervor made your heart ache, wondering if no one had ever taken care of him before.
as he was busy drinking, you reach into your bag to pull out a can of tuna. you thought about making a light sandwich, but figured that your cat needed this more than you did. as you popped open the can, you scooped out half of its contents into a bowl before kneeling down once more, offering the morsel to him.
as if smelling the delicious tuna, your cat moves away from the bowl of water and steps closer to the tuna, making you laugh when he seemed to prance towards the bowl.
letting out an eager mrow, you watch as your cat dives into the tuna, letting out purrs whilst he ate, knowing that he felt more than a little content now.
with a smile, you continue watching the cat enjoy his meal, giving him gentle pets while musing to yourself. "i guess it's just you and me now... i wonder what i should name you."
your mind races with a plethora of names, not stopping until a rather unique one falls from your parted lips. "how about choso?"
the moment those syllables were uttered, your cat stops eating, meeting your gaze with a tilt of his head. you smile and coo at him, "do you like that name? choso? my little choso?"
choso ends up letting out a loud and drawn out mroowww in response, completely ignoring his food to come closer and cuddle next to you. with a giggle, you continue to stroke at his deep ebony fur, kissing at his forehead for good measure just to make sure he knew how much you loved him.
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a.n. - i got into this super cute game called neko atsume, and i cannot stop 😭😭 playing it made me think of how our jjk boys would be as cats, so it's very silly! i hope you readers enjoy this anyways 🥹
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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gr1mstar · 5 months
What Valentine's Day Gift would JJK man give you
notes: ik, ik, valentine's day is next month but i had this idea and just needed to write about it.
he would gift you some rich ass purse. he has money, he doesn't have time so after he saw that your curent purse it's a little boring for his and your taste he would buy you another one.
probably a channel bag or gucci. and ofc let's not forget the chocolate. chocolate that he would eat because it's obsessed over sweets.
i know for a fact nanami will never forget valentine's day and will buy your gift two weeks early. he would hide it in his office not to fuck up your surprise. he would buy you expensive dinner, buy you a new dress and fuck your brains out after you two get home.
you would found a neckless next morning on his pillow, with a note that says: "i forgot to give it to you, but in my defence you were just too sexy". when he comes back from work you will thank him ;)
his girls would help him find a gift because he doesn't really know what to buy you. he takes you on a date, gives you an big ass bouquet of red roses with a preserved one in the middle, saying: "when the last rose dies than my love for you will die too" and fucks you at night for "a good sleep". he would also buy you a kitten, for when he was work (ahem killing ghe monkeys ajskw) and you are bored.
he is the gift. he would probably steel a bow and put in on his head saying that "i'm all you need" after you complain that he forgot valentine's day. my man doesn't even have money for food so you order take out (you pay) and watch a movie. or try, you will watch the movie 10 minutes and fuck 2 hours.
he would prepare a show for you. a show about what? about how is he fucking you. he improvised because ofc he forgot it's valentines day.
he will destroy you in front of his followers and show them how perfect "the little human" is. after that he would kill them all because nobody is allowed to see you in that wonderful moments besides him, and be alive.
he would take you to the movies, make out with you the whole movie and then go home and watch it again because you "could't concentrate". yuji will gift you chocolate and a diy photo album with all your memories. he would also go down on you at the end of the day because "today i want you to feel like a princess"
megumi will give you a 2 m stuffed bear for cuddles when he is not around or at a mission. also chocolate and a great night ;) he doesn't really like going out much so he will cook you something (ramen) and eat in front of the TV.
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megu-meow · 1 year
comfort - fushiguro megumi
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megumi x reader
I wrote this on Wattpad for someone else, but I modified it so that it would fit Megumi. It was probably one of my favourite pieces I have written, so I thought I would post it here as well.
Summary: sometimes Megumi has bad days and he needs you to feel better.
TW: anxiety, self-consciousness, impostor syndrome. Please do not read if any of those topics make you uncomfortable!
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You woke up to your boyfriend holding you tighter to his chest than he usually did. He liked showing his affection with hugs and cuddles when the two of you were alone in the safety of his dorm room, but that morning his touch seemed different - it was desperate. You figured something must have been wrong. You tried turning around in his embrace so that you could be face-to-face with him, but his grip around your torso got even stronger, not allowing you to move.
"Everything alright, Gumi?" you whispered softly.
"No." he answered quietly, his voice breaking slightly. He buried his face even deeper into the crook of your neck, trying to hide from the cruel world he lived in. You carefully took one of his hands into yours and slowly started stroking it in an attempt to calm him a bit. He sighed and his grip on your waist lightened and you didn't hesitate to turn around, looking him in his green eyes. They were glassy, but dull at the same time, the usual sparkle missing from them.
"Oh, pretty boy." you whispered worriedly "What happened?"
"Nothing, I just don't feel so good..." he answered quietly. He buried his face into your chest, he was too embarrassed to look you in the eyes. You knew Megumi wasn't hurting physically. He was fit, took a million vitamins daily, he had a healthy diet. You knew he wasn't feeling good mentally. He was always a perfectionist, he wanted to be a good person, a good Jujutsu Sorcerer. He kept being too hard on himself, especially when something didn't go the way he wanted it to. The fact that Yuji seemed to have surpassed him so easily made him even harsher about his abilities and his progress, or in his opinion, the lack of such.
"Megumi, you don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to, but I want you to know that I am here for you. We can stay in bed all day cuddling in silence if that's what you would want, okay?"
The boy nodded silently and your hands found their way into his hair as you started stroking the unruly dark strands lovingly. You could feel the stiffness leaving his shoulders as he calmed down slightly. You didn't know how much time had passed, but you were glad to notice that he fell back asleep as soft snores started leaving his slightly open lips.
Your phone went off on the nightstand and you read Gojo's message. He asked why the two of you weren't in class and you didn't hesitate to explain the situation at hand. Despite being the most childish person you have ever met, Gojo understood how Megumi's mental health sometimes got the best of him, so he gave you the green light to skip classes for the day, he even canceled them, knowing that the raven-haired boy would feel bad about missing school later.
"Baby, who are you texting?" the boy asked shyly, his voice laced with tiredness.
"Just Gojo-sensei. He canceled all of our classes for today, something came up." you answered, leaving a soft kiss on the top of his head "Are you hungry, Gumi?"
The boy shook his head no and you tried soothing away some loose strands of dark hair that were covering his pretty eyes.
"I can order some ramen if you want, Gumi. That way we don't have to leave the room at all." you said, knowing that he must have been starving, but he probably didn't want to be around people when he wasn't feeling the best.
"Okay, I would like that." he said, his sad features turning a bit lighter "I love you." he whispered shyly. At this point, he was feeling so bad about himself, he wasn't sure whether you would still reciprocate the feeling.
"I love you too, beautiful."
"Please, don't call me that..." he said, his voice breaking slightly.
"Why not? You're beautiful, Gumi, both on the inside and the outside." you said, almost offendedly "You're eyes are the prettiest I have ever seen, your eyelashes are so long and curly no mascara ad could do them justice, your hair is soft and always smells good, your body is hot as fuck. And don't even get me started on that heart of yours, the loyalty you never fail to show me and your friends. You are the most reliable person I know, you are intelligent and always ready to help the people you think are deserving of it. You always prioritize other people's well-being over yours and your presence is calming in every room you walk into. I know sometimes it's hard to get out of your own head, Megumi, but please believe me, your friends, and Gojo-sensei when we tell you, that you are amazing and you deserve the best this world could give."
The boy's eyes filled with tears of joy upon hearing the soothing words leaving your pretty lips and he observed the glint of seriousness in your eyes. He knew you were telling the truth, everything you said about him moments ago you believed.
"Thank you." he said softly, leaving a small kiss on your lips.
"Of course, Gumi! I told you before, you deserve the best."
"I already got the best." he said with a small smile on his face and you giggled because of his corniness. He kissed you again, this time a bit longer as he savoured the taste of your lips.
Megumi sure had bad days, but it didn't matter how cloudy and dark those days seemed, he knew you were there to illuminate his life.
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vampycrispy · 11 months
The Dream Love - part 1
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Mafia Gojo x y/n
Will contain mature theme such a yandere, Mafia, stalking, manipulation, 18+ etc so minor stay away~
Hello! I know its late but here is the first chapter of the Mafia Gojo x reader I hope you like it!! I'm still new to this tumbler stuff soo T_T.
Oh if you have any requests you can make it I guess for now I will do for JJK x reader. (As I'm keeping up with the updates too heeh) I will be taking up the requests till I go back to my writing a real original new story.
Please click on the masterlist for the request I will be taking for now
More than 2k words not edited...
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I wish you were real, Not just a dream, or just the character of the books~ but today I saw you darling. You were real not just a dream but in my reality. I will never let you go... NEVER... even if it cost me to lose everything...
“DON'T FORGET TO DO YOUR HOMEWORK AND SLEEP EARLY” the cheerful voice yelled grabbing the attention of the others in the middle of the street. Making you and Nobara groan in response to how loud the boy could be as if he is always high on some sugar rush.
“I will don't you worry,” you said giving the pair a small wave with a smile on your face while walking backwards. Almost bumping into a 
“Yuji!! Let's go” you chuckle in response watching how Nobara just dragged Yuji away who was still waving at you.
Watching the pair walking away as the smile fades away from your face. Putting your headphone over your head in a low volume with no music on. The long walk was no trouble at night as it was a busy city of Tokyo always surrounded by people here and there.
“Well, I should just take some groceries as he will be coming back home tonight.” mumbling to your self moving your head along with the tune of the music. 
Entering the grocery store pick up the small basket as you walk through the aisle without looking left or right. Just walking ahead with the blank look over your face now stopping in front of the cat food. 
Putting 6 to 7 cans of food in the basket along with a little feather toy, with a smile on your face. About the little new baby back at home making you just run now as fast as you could. Now taking a turn while looking down at your phone changing the music almost bumping into a tall figure. 
“Sorry,” you said in a small voice without looking up just to walk past the figure. Making the tall person turn around and stare at you while his hands are placed over the trolley filled with all kinds of sweets. 
Watching the girl walking away humming in a soft tune of the music being played.  
“Now I also need food for me and my dear brother. Hope he won't be angry about it” 
Non-other the Ramen
“Well here you are buddy” you mumble under your breath not noticing a haired male wearing a black shade of glasses. Stood right opposite her aisle with his hands folded over his chest. 
“Now looking at it makes me want to eat Zuba soba noodles” mumbling under your breath filling the basket with 4 cups of noodles. 
Looking from the corner of your eyes a tall man wearing black glasses staring down at the shelf in front of him. Knowing the fact what really is beside this ramen. 
Closing your eyes for a few seconds as if you are trying your best to remember the words 
Ramen at home? 
Want to come and eat ramen? 
Oh, want to see my butterfly was just boom but-it was more like
“Want to come over and have ramen?” a blurred face flashes right in front of your vision making you snap open your eyes with a small gasp. 
“Huh” your eyes go wide in response. It seems as if you have heard a voice right next to your ear through your headphones being in low volume. 
Tuning your head around just to find no one around you, just to find yourself alone. Not even the white-haired guy who stood not too far away from you.
“I need to stop snapping out from reality” mumbling under your breath rolling your eyes in response while walking towards the egg counter.
While on the other hand, the tall white-haired guy kneeled down on the floor hiding over the opposite shelf. While covering his mouth with his gloves hand with a slight smile on his face. 
“I guess she wants to~ why not tonight my darling~” the white-haired male mumbles under his breath. 
In the same aisle, the little boy looks down at the white-haired male with a weird expression on his face. Only made the boy to tear up running towards his mother while crying. 
“MOMMM!! That guy is scaring me!!” the little boy cried making the worried expression of his mother change into a furious one. 
“Who can scare my little boy let me have a word with him! For scaring my boy where is the manager-” 
“Oh I guess it was me miss” the voice said right behind the mother. She could feel a sudden wave of shivers passes the moment she turns around a small gasp escaped from her lips. 
“What do you want to talk about miss?” the deep blue eyes staring down at her. Shadow form over half of his face. As if this guy just popped out of some thriller movie and is on a killing spree. 
The woman just shakes her head no with tears forming in her eyes the next thing she did. Just to pick up her child and ran away as fast as she could out of the supermarket. Leaving her cart behind. 
“Hey Gojo, you seem to have a knack for scaring people! Maybe you should consider auditioning for a horror movie instead of lurking in the supermarket. Just make sure to hide your ugly face next time!” 
“Go and fuck yourself Fushiguro” Gojo walks away carrying the basket full of condoms with the extra large and thin with different kinds of flavours. 
“Didn't know you were a sex freak?” 
“Going to be only for my dreamgirl” 
“That dream girl of yours dosent exits you know its just a dream-” 
“I just saw her” 
“Are you now dreaming with your open eyes?” 
“I’m just wide awake now” 
‘Ah, I just feel so hungry…. I hope your brother has already cooked something tomorrow I don't want to eat Ramen…’ 
Now walking towards the counter with a blank look on your face, as the supermarket seems to be more empty. Well, it was never crowded but at the same time not this open. 
The same tall guy with white hair who now stood in front of you ready to scan his item or more like items. The same being ramen of the same flavour you took and the whole degree of pack of condoms? 
‘Well someone is going to do phew-phew being warped up for hours and days’ you chuckle at your thoughts now filled with not-so-good ones. The erotic stories-
You just sign in response now removing your headphones paying in the counter. Thanking the guy who just seems unbothered rolling his eyes.
"Well lets go~ home cant wait to meet the little one my baby~" you said in a small baby voice to yourself ignoring the weird look you are receiving by the passing by.
Still unknown about the fact a pair of blue eyes staring at you with the love-sick eyes. While the other black haired male just pretending to puke.
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'Finally I'm home'
You thought reaching the front of your house, you unlocked the door just to freeze as you got a text from your brother.
Hey, can you call me when you get home? I need to talk to you about something.’
Signing in response by pressing your lips in a thin line as you close the door behind you locking it.
‘I’m already reached home bro give me a few seconds I will call after getting fresh up and feeding the little one.’
You texted back just to hear a soft meow feeling something brushing against your leg.
Meow~ purring at the end only made your heart to melt.
"Kitty, kitty," you said, smiling as you picked it up in your arms.
“Ah I have to name this little one but have to wait till he comes back” you smile 
"Are you hungry? Because Mommy is!"
Just to hear another meow as if the kitten is making you squeak and aww looking down at the little kitten. 
"Awww he's so cute!" you exclaimed in a baby voice as your eyes were gleaming with happiness. 
"Momma is going to give you a big kiss!"  you picked up the kitten in your arms gently kissing him over his forehead. 
You felt the kitten purr and wiggle its tail in delight. It was finally, being back at home and petting it, feeding it and babying it.
It has been four weeks since your elder brother brought this little kitten home fully wet and sick. It was a shade of gray, but you later just learned it's a little white fluffy white kitten… Still hissing it crawls out ready to attack the stranger. But later it just warms up to you both slowly. 
Walking towards the kitchen, placing the kitten in the living room. Grabbing a can of cat food from the pantry and opened it, pouring the food into a bowl. Placing the bowl down in front of the kitten and watched as it began to eat.
"Such a cute little fur ball you are, aren't you?" you pout staring down at the kitten. Who was just well busy eating...
Now grabbing the ramen for yourself while putting the kettle to boil the water. Not really in the mode of cooking more like it's your brother who is the lead person cooks. Rather than boiling water or making coffee for yourself. 
You  Are  BANNED  From the kitchen  Escape from boiling water and milk
'What am I a kid to have milk?'
Well, the rules are already stickered in the freezer for your short-term memory brain cells. Always ready to forget the thing-
“Wait brother said to call him I totally forgot about it” now walking towards your phone upon the dinner table. 
Just to see multiple texts and missed calls from your brother itself who has always been the patient one. The phone was on silent as you were in the library with your friends for the upcoming test. 
“What?” a confused expression falls over your face staring at your phone and scrolling up.
y/n get out of the house now and take that little fur ball go to Mahito's house now Y/n did you leave?  Y/n? Answer my phone  Where are you?  Are you out of the house?  Call me now! It's really important I can't talk over in text  Why aren't you answering my phone? I have called Mahito he will be there in 10 minutes just share him and your location  Y/n?
Going through the text only made you worried about what really your brother wants you to get out of the house. Shaking your head you dial his number hearing it ring hearing the blow of the whistle the sign the water has been boiled. 
More like a note written in the freezer with an emoji making you sign in response. The fact your brother really thinks you are stupid and forgets every-
“Oh Damn the water!!!” 
Well looks like the brother is always right~
Poring the boiling water inside the ramen cup as you cover it up with the lead. Still calling your brother which soon goes into the voice call. Signing in response you call your brother three to four times just to get the same response
“Now he is the one not receiving my calls so annoying” you sign. But all of a sudden uneasy feeling inside your chest. Calling him just directed to the voice note after rings rolling your eyes in response. 
Right then just to hear a meow once again the little kitten brushing against your feet. As if it has sensed your discomfort making you look down at it. 
“Right so annoying, but you aren't little one” with a pout over your lips picking up the kitten and placing it on the table. Who just stares at you with its doe eyes wide open and fully black. 
Bringing your cup noodle to the table as you sat on the chair. Right before you could call your brother back just to receive a call from Mahito. 
Remembering the fact your brother said he will be calling you. Mahito is one of the annoying friends of your brother. Who always teases you and hits the back of your head again and again telling you stupid. 
Right before you could receive the call just to hear your doorbell ringing. Making a confused expression falls over your face. 
“Why is he even calling when he is already at the door?” rolling your eyes in response just to hang up the call while walking towards the door. The little kitten followed right behind me opening the door. 
“Why did you even call when you-.” You stop freezing on the spot as your phone begins to ring again. A confused expression falls over your face seeing a tall figure with white hair wearing a black shade of sunglasses at nighttime. 
You know the fact your brother had warned you not to open the door without looking at the peephole. But as stupid you will be the first one to die in a horror movie when you open the door. 
“I’m your brother's friend Darling~ I’m here to take you to him” A sudden wave of shiver passes through you. Just hearing his voice sounds familiar yet strange at the same time. 
“I’m sorry, but I can't” Your phone starts to ring again the smile on the face of the guy fade away. 
“Won't you listen to your brother Geto? I’m his school friend Gojo, Gojo Satoru” the guy said making me freeze how did he know your brother's real name? 
One of the rules stuck in the freezer is to run away get from the person who refers to his real name. Rather than the people he has introduced you to.
to be continue...
You can also support me or make a request in by Buy Me A Coffee
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joedirtymadre · 3 months
Hi!!! I really like your writing!! but I'd like to give you an unwanted suggestion 👉👈 (you can take ot or leave it, I understand of course) Reading the fics gets really tiring when the paragraphs are so long, maybe you should break them down a little so it's easier to understand! Also I've seen it's more common to write in third person, reading in first person feels a little weird. Maybe you like things that way and it's totally okay, but I think trying these might help a little so more people read your stuff. I send u a big hug! Please keep writing! 💖
Jasmine Tea
YUJI X READER! FLUFF! (PLEASE SEND REQUESTS 😭) Also my bad for writing first person. I’ll try third person and making my paragraphs shorter, old habits make it tuff 🥲
“Come on (Y/N), just confess to him!” Nobara sighed as she pushed me towards Yuji’s door. “B-But I was set up. You and Panda played me during truth or date…” you said as you tried to fight back, but it was no use. “What are you talking about? It was a… fair game,” Nobara hesitated. “You just hesitated before saying fair,” you pointed out. “Well we’re already here, so… good luck!” She said as she knocked on the door and ran away. “Wait! Take me with y-“
“(Y/N)?” You heard as the door opened. “O-Oh… hey Yuji. H-How are you?” You stuttered. “Good and you? And was Nobara just here, I swear I just heard her,” he said as he looked down the hallway. “No, just me! Just wanted to say hi!” You said, and tried to walk away, but saw Nobara and Panda peek down the hallway, with a mischievous expression. Oh, right… the punishment game.
“Uh Yuji… are you free?” You asked. “Free?” He asked. “Y-Yeah… there’s a new ramen shop I wanted to try,” You said nervously. “Ramen, that does sound pretty good right now! Let me grab my coat,” he said before rushing in and quickly running back out with a jacket on. You looked over towards Nobara and Panda, both of them gave me a thumbs up before going back into hiding. Both of you then headed off campus and towards town.
While in the metro, you noticed it was pretty packed so you both had to stand. “(Y/N) have you checked out the menu? It looks so good,” he grinned. You nodded, “Yeah, I heard they have a super spicy broth, and I’m really excited about it,” you replied. “That does sound good, maybe I’ll get a side of gyoza too. It's been a while,” he pointed out. “Ooh, gyoza sounds great. You know what else I haven’t had in a whi-“ You were cut off, due to the metro stopping all of a sudden.
You braced yourself for impact, but instead landed on a firm yet soft surface… “Are you ok?” Yuji asked. You widened my eyes, and looked up to see that he had caught me. “I’m f-fine,” you blushed. “Good,” he smiled, but instead of loosening his grip, he still kept his arm wrapped around your lower back. “It’d be better if you hold onto me. I’ll make sure you don’t fall,” he said. You slowly nodded and held onto him as the metro continued on track to our destination.
The metro soon arrived at your destination and you and Yuji quickly got off and headed towards the new ramen place. After quickly being seated down at a table, as you sat across from each other and began looking through the menu.
“I might get a hot tea, I’d hate to mix something cold with something super hot and then get sick later,” you explained. “Alright, sounds good. How about some jasmine tea?” He asked. “Sure,” you nodded. After ordering and a few more minutes of chatting the waiter returned with the pot of tea. “Here you go-OH!” The waiter yelled as he slipped. He accidentally dropped the kettle on the table, causing it to shatter at impact. You covered my face, but felt the hot liquid hit my arms. “Ow!” You yelled. “(Y/N)!” Yuji said worriedly and rushed over. “Are you hurt? Y-You got burned!” He said, and grabbed your hand and dragged you to the restroom.
He ran into the women’s bathroom and rushed me over to the sink. He quickly splashed cold water on my arms. “Y-Yuji…” you said softly, as you watched him continue to splash cold water on your burn. “I’m sorry, I should’ve caught it. Now you got burnt,” he said softly. You stayed quiet, and stood there as he continued to mend you. The manager and the waiter apologized profusely, and even gave you a 50% coupon for a whole year. Yuji still wasn’t too happy, but honestly you just wanted to go home. Plus, the manager gave you a big container of gyoza to take home.
The ride back home was silent, even on the metro. “Yuji… are you ok?” You asked as you just arrived at the campus stairs. “I’m fine, I just…” he trailed off. “Sorry about tonight. It’s my fault we couldn’t try the super spicy broth after all,” you joked, hoping it would lighten the mood. “Maybe next time, but… I didn’t like seeing you get hurt. I don’t know why, cause we’ve been on missions before. But this time was different, I got so mad I wanted to punch that guy,” he sighed as he scratched his head. “Well… I sometimes get like that too,” you blushed. “You do?” He asked, looking to face me. You nodded, “When we’re on assignments or when you come back from one and you’re all beaten up, or injured my whole heart feels like it was smashed.” You answered. “That’s how mine felt!” He said. “Then maybe…” you blushed. “Maybe what?” He asked. “C-Can I check something?” You asked nervously. “Sure,” he said. “C-Can you close your eyes real quick?” You asked, hoping he won’t notice how nervous you’re acting. “Uhh… ok,” he shrugged and shut his eyes.
You slowly walked up to him and stared at him for a second. Before you slowly lifted yourself with your tippy toes, and held onto his shoulders for balance. “(Y-“ you cut him off, with a gentle and soft kiss. You immediately felt him tense up, and quickly pulled away. “I’m sorry! I thought- I just-“ but was interrupted as you were suddenly pulled into another, more passionate kiss.
This time you tensed up, but slowly you allowed your body to relax into the kiss. After a few more seconds you finally pulled away, trying to catch your breath. You stared at Yuji’s light pink tinted cheeks. “S-So you like me too?” You asked, feeling excited. “I’ve always liked you (Y/N)… but I guess I didn’t realize that I liked you more than a friend,” he laughed, nervously. “I’ve always liked you too, and I’m glad we hung out today,” you smiled. “Yeah, me too. So, is that reason why you invited me out today? You were planning to confess?” He asked, as he wrapped his arm around you. “Something like that,” you answered.
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