#Zachary Taylor Davis
rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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The Chicago Cubs defeated the Cleveland Indians in the World Series on November 2, 2016, ending the longest Major League Baseball championship drought at 108 years.
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One of the treasures in the collection of the Ross County Historical Society is a hand-painted banner on silk. In 1848, presidential candidate Zachary Taylor visited Chillicothe to campaign. The organizers of the event offered an incentive to the township which sent the largest number of people to the rally - this beautifully painted banner. The Whig organization in Liberty Township was the winner.
The image shows Zachary Taylor at the Battle of Buena Vista, a conflict he won with a force of 5,000 men against an army from Mexico thrice its size. Across the bottom of the banner is painted his slogan from the battle. Standing beside Taylor is Colonel Jefferson Davis, future president of the Confederate States of America, and Major William Bliss, the general’s chief of staff.
Unfortunately, the delicate condition of the original doesn’t allow it to be displayed at this time, so we had a replica made for display. That’s the one at the top of the first photo.
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
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@ellakas I'm so glad you asked!
Zachary Taylor is one of those presidents that no one talks about in history class. But the thing is, in the 1840s, everyone was talking about him. He was the war hero of the Mexican-American War. The war itself (a blatant land grab by President Polk) was unpopular, but Taylor emerged as a beloved hero, because was a really good military commander, and because stories emerged about how humanely he treated Mexican prisoners.
Taylor was so popular that both political parties asked him to be their candidate in the next presidential election. He had never held political office. Never shown interest in politics. He had never even voted in a presidential election before! (His reasoning was that, as a military man, he didn't want to serve a commander-in-chief that he had voted against). Yet he was eventually persuaded to run--and win--as the Whig Party candidate.
(Fun fact! His wife, who had no interest in being a politician's wife, prayed that he'd lose the election. Taylor also showed his religious convictions by refusing to be sworn in on a Sunday, so his inauguration was delayed by a day, leaving the US president-less for twenty-four hours).
Even after he was president, Taylor had no interest in playing politics. He wanted to serve the country, not the party. He refused to play political games, purposely not appointing some of the big names of the party to his Cabinet so he could have more diverse voices representing a wider swath of the country. Still in the military mindset of "I give orders and people obey", he was frustrated that he was constantly questioned by Congress, and was very much at odds with them.
The big issue of his presidency was the fact that the US had just gained a ton of land from Mexico, and they had to decide if they'd enter the Union as slave or free states. Since Taylor was a slave-owning Southerner, the Southern Democrats hoped he'd side with them. But Taylor didn't want to expand slavery. First, because it's dumb--it's not like we can grow cotton or sugar in New Mexico or Arizona, so why would we even need plantations? But also because he was coming under the influence of some of the most vocal anti-slavery New York Whigs. To the great anger of the Democrats, Taylor said he wanted California to enter immediately as a free state, and would prefer all the territories to be free states. Before the issue could be resolved, he died. He got violently ill after Fourth of July celebrations in 1850 (because the White House water was still contaminated by human feces), and died five days later, after only a year and a half in office.
A year and a half isn't much time to make an impact. But I'm still fascinated by this president. He was a wonderful mess of contradictions. He was a Southern slave-owner who joined the Northern anti-slavery party. He was against all talk of secession--on the grounds of "I spent forty years serving this country and I want it to stay in one piece"--even though his son-in-law was (I'm not kidding) future president of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis. As a slave-owner and US military leader in the 1800s, he logically can't be a totally good guy, yet I get the sense that he was genuinely trying to be, in the context of his time. And he was showing signs of further character development. If he had lived, who's to say what he could have become, what he could have done?
But we'll never know, because his death left the country in the hands of Millard Fillmore, possibly the most aggressively mediocre man ever to become president (though I have high hopes for Chester Arthur). He actually has a pretty amazing origin story. He was the son of a dirt-poor farmer who apprenticed him to a cloth-maker in what became an indentured servitude situation. He scraped up enough money to buy his freedom and return home. Growing up, the only book he had to read was the Bible, until he turned 17 and bought himself a dictionary. At 20, he started taking adult classes to finally get the education he'd been denied; his teacher was a woman two years older than him who he eventually married. He became a lawyer, and then went into politics, serving in the New York State Legislature. He authored no significant bills. Made no big impact. The main traits people noticed about him were "tall" and "good-looking" (Queen Victoria did later call him the most handsome man she'd ever met). He was just kind of... there.
He was picked as Taylor's vice president for much the same reason Taylor was recruited as presidential candidate--he was moderate enough to appeal to both sides of the polarized political spectrum. New York was the home of the most vocal anti-slavery Whigs, but Fillmore was moderate on the slavery issue. As vice president presiding over the Senate, people mentioned he was "very fair" in how he let both sides speak. And that's like...the best people can say about him.
The question of the slave states eventually produced a bill that came to be known as the Compromise of 1850. Taylor--the enemy of compromise--was against it. Fillmore, a few days before Taylor's death, stated he would support it. After Taylor died, his entire Cabinet resigned rather than serve under a president who supported the Compromise. When the bill passed, Fillmore signed it into law.
The Compromise stated 1) California would enter the union as a free state; 2) the slave trade would end in Washington D.C.; 3) The other territories would decide for themselves if they wanted to allow slaves or not. Most importantly, it put the Fugitive Slave Act into effect, requiring all citizens, even in Northern states, to help return runaway slaves to their owners. The North was outraged over the Fugitive Slave Act; they wanted nothing to do with the practice of slavery and now the government was forcing even free states to support the institution. This law was meant to bring together both sides and prevent war, but it probably had the opposite effect, deepening the divide and hastening the plunge toward armed conflict.
This has led historians to speculate--if the more forceful, principle-driven Taylor had lived, could the path to Civil War at least have been delayed? No way to say, of course; maybe Taylor's solution would have made things worse. But the contrast between these two presidents is so fascinating. In Taylor, you have the apolitical war hero who sticks to his guns--the increasingly anti-slavery slave owner. Meanwhile, Fillmore is a bland politician from the most anti-slavery state who refused to speak against slavery--a man who never really achieved anything because he never really stood for anything. They're such complex characters, full of irony and contradictions, and I'm outraged that my history classes completely skipped over them on the way to Lincoln.
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creepywrites · 9 months
Real names
Jeff the Killer- Jeffrey woods
Liu- Liu Woods
Ben- Ben Lawman
Sally Dawn- Sally Dawn (formerly Williams)
Sam Williams- Sam Williams
Milo the Electrocuted- Milo Moretti
Lulu- Lucille Greatfield
Clockwork- Natalie Rogers (formerly Quellette)
Zero- Zero
Jane the killer- Jane Vaughn Richardson (formerly Richardson)
Mary Vaughn- Mary Vaughn
Jane Everlasting- Jane Arkensaw
Vailly Evans- Vailly Evans
Nathan the nobody- Nathan Lux
Crystal the Hidden- Crystal Lux
Eyeless Jack- Jack Nyras
Kate the chaser- Kate Hayes
Rouge- Heather Marshall
Wilson the basher- Wilson Marshall (formerly Warren)
X-virus- Cody Rogers
Lazari- Lazari Swann
Stripes- Eloise Bellarose
Kaidy- Kaidy Zalgo
Senora Zalleen- Pandora Zalleen s.
Rasika- Rasika
Nina the killer- Nina Hopkins
Puppeteer- Puppeteer (formerly Johnathan Blake)
Zachary- Zachary Gibson
Emra- Emra Aldrige
Bloody painter- Helen Otis
Suicide Sadie- Sadie nanook (formerly Bennett)
Roadwalker- Zayner Nanook
Judge angel- Dina Angela-Otis (formerly Clark)
Nurse Ann- Ann Mia
Randy- Randy Harrison
Sully- Sully Harrison
Keith- Keith Davis
Troy- Troy Green
Dollmaker- Vaughn Volikov
Svetlana- Svetlana Volikov
Vicky genocidal- Victoria Ross
Hannah the killer- Hannah Jackson
Lily Kennett-Lily Kennett
Hung iris- Iris Illman
Lifeless Lucy- Lucy Jones
Asylum Nancy- Nancy Adams
Chris the Revenant- Chris Myers
Monday Child- Christabel Smith
Laughing Jill- Laughing Jill
Laughing Jack- Laughing Jack
Toby- Tobias Rogers
Lurking Lyra- Lyra Rogers
Killing Kate- Katherine  Knight
Lost Silver- Lost Silver (formerly Hibiki)
Cata the Killer- Cata Blackwood
Rotten Abigail- Abigail Walker
The Hare- Lin Wang
The Doll- Andrea Stevens
Raven- Manon Plume
Anna Schurks- Anna Schurk
Weeping forest- Jenifer Rhynes
Nightmare Ally- Adeline Abendroth
Red Death- Sifreid Gadriel
Gas mask maid- Marion Gadriel
Tim- Timothy Wright
Jessica- Jessica Locke
Taylor- Taylor Locke
Ellie- Ellie Aimoto
Labrador- Dean Lupei
Moth boy- Benjamin Miller
Starved angel- Lyet (formerly Matthew Lyet Campbell)
Sketcher- Sakura Aki
Sarah Erickson- Sarah Erickson
Hannya- Momoko Yamashita
Rosie- Dorothy Wilder
Hunter the proxy- Ethan Wilder
Doctor Irina- Irina Kennett
Deborah- Deborah Robison
Lucy the cannibal- Lucille Johnson
Andie Rosslyn- Andie Rosslyn
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myhauntedsalem · 6 months
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Upon occasion a body must be exhumed or done so by accident. Some exhumations can reveal unusual finds and many famous people who were exhumed are documented by curious witnesses. There is quite a list of famous people who were exhumed for one reason or another. Some of them include:
Daniel Boone – He was buried in Missouri but when moved to Kentucky, they thought they might have the wrong body.
John Wilkes Booth – His body was warehoused until his family finally put him to rest in their area.
Al Capone – His body was moved.
Karen Carpenter – In Karen’s case, they wanted to move her to a new location.
Christopher Columbus – His body had been moved around and so there was some question about whether the remains were his or possibly mixed with another person.
Marie Curie – Her body was exhumed and moved to be put in a place of honor.
Sammy Davis Jr. – Sammy died almost bankrupt so his wife actually had him exhumed to get the 70,000 dollars worth of jewelry he was buried with.
Adolf Hitler – In 1970, remains believed to be his were turned over for cremation.
Benny Hill – Sadly, this beloved comedian was the victim of grave robbery.
Abraham Lincoln – Several people thought to try and steal his body. Eventually, they encased him in concrete.
Lee Harvey Oswald – With the permission of Oswald’s widow, Eddowes had the body exhumed in 1981 and dental records confirmed the man was not a Russian body double, but Oswald himself.
Elvis Presley – Buried in Memphis, he was moved because someone tried to steal his body. He was placed at Graceland
Jesse James – The infamous Wild West outlaw may have died in 1882, but his legend lived on as did persistent rumors that James faked his own death. In 1995, the James family requested the exhumation of their ancestor’s corpse from a Kearney, Missouri cemetery and DNA tests confirmed the remains were indeed those of the outlaw.
Eva Peron – Evita’s body was exhumed and moved to Madrid, where her husband lived in exile. Finally in 1974, her remains were returned to Buenos Aires and buried in a fortified crypt in La Recoleta Cemetery.
Abraham Lincoln – In 1876 a gang of Chicago counterfeiters hatched a scheme to snatch the slain president’s body from his tomb in Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois, and hold the corpse for a ransom of $200,000 and the release of their best engraver from prison. After law enforcement officials thwarted the grave robbers in the middle of the crime, Lincoln’s body was quickly moved to various unmarked graves until it was eventually encased in a steel cage and entombed under 10 feet of concrete in the same Springfield cemetery in 1901.
Zachary Taylor – In 1991, Taylor became the first president to have his remains exhumed, and tests conclusively showed that he was not assassinated by poison.
Oliver Cromwell – King Charles II exhumed Cromwell’s body on the twelfth anniversary of his father’s execution and in retribution for the regicide staged an execution of his own.
 Simon Bolivar – Twelve years after his death, Bolivar’s remains were exhumed from Santa Marta’s cathedral and transferred to Caracas, Venezuela. The testing by forensic specialists proved inconclusive as to the cause of Bolivar’s death.
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jackstanleyroberts · 7 months
The descriptions of the characters of the Extended Cut of Scream (2022) & Scream VI part 2
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Hello everybody, if you have seen part 1 that I pulled, well here is part 2 of the characters of the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise. But I haven't finished of it about an new friend group called The Fab Twelve who's being friends with The Core Four in the Extended Cut of Scream VI when they're all survived the attack in Woodsboro in Scream (2022) & attending to Blackmore University in New York & their friend groups have expanded when they have new friends like Ethan Landry, Stanley Williams, Natasha Longwood, Rory's elder sister Alivia, Quinn Bailey, her older brother Quentin Bailey & his buddy Derek Shepherd including Derek's girlfriend Lillian "Lily" Davis, Anika Kayoko & her Half-sisters Susie & Hannah Kayoko, Lincoln Jefferson, & Hayley & Holly McDaniel, the daughters of Hallie McDaniel, including Zachary & Caroline Feldman, the son & daughter of Derek Feldman, also Taylor Swanson & Maurice Thompson & new neighbors like Terry & Larry's nephew Anthony "Anton" Mercer, Lily's Niece Riley Davis, Danny Brackett & his baby sister Danielle. Here's more descriptions of the characters of the franchise.
The Characters: The Fab Twelve: Part 2
Joshua Bassett as Connor "Cash" Conway, an Kind, Tough, & Friendly young man who's being friends with Terry & Larry as part of their friend group when they're called themselves The Fab Twelve which the members are Terry, Larry, Lexi, Wendy, Will, Fred, Carrie, Rebecca, Matthew, Lori, Miranda, & Cash.
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Joey King as Yvonne Conway, an Beautiful, Funny, & Generous girl who's the older sister of Connor "Cash" Conway & the baby half-sister of the serial killer Jill Roberts. She's loves eating Dino-Shaped Chicken Nuggets & she's the friend of Tara Carpenter.
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Supporting Characters:
Julia Rehwald as Katherine "Katie" Jones, an Beautiful, Tough, & Headstrong young woman who's being the girlfriend of Terrence William "Terry" Watkins & she's the cheerleader from Woodsboro High.
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Kathryn Newton as Kathleen "Kathy" Williamson, an Funny, Charismatic, & Tough young woman who's isn't afraid to throw down. She's a part of the friend group with Terry & Larry.
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Ross Lynch as Ronald "Rory" Williams, the brother of Elanie Williams & Alivia Williams & he's also a part of Terry & Larry's friend group.
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Samantha Boscarino as Elaine Williams, the older sister of Roland "Rory" Williams, the younger sister of Alivia Williams, the girlfriend of Lawrence James "Larry" Watkins, & the best friend of Amber Freeman who's being the killer in Scream (2022). She's back in Scream VI to get revenge on Sam & Tara Carpenter who killed her.
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Jade Pettyjohn as Graceland "Grace" Prescott, an Kind, friendly, loving, & Really Tough young woman who's being friends with Terry & Larry as part of the friend group. She's the granddaughter of Sidney Prescott & Mark Kincaid & the younger sister of Sam & Jenny Kincaid.
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Emily Meade as Elena Connors, the girlfriend of Roland "Rory" Williams & she's a part of the friend group in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise.
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Sophia Lillis as Grace-Lynn "Gracie" Moore, an Smart, Intelligent & Kind young woman who's being friends with Terry & Larry Watkins when they're talking about horror movies.
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More descriptions of the characters of the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise are coming soon.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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human-antithesis · 3 months
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Korn - The Serenity of Suffering (October 21st, 2016) Country: United States Genre: Nu Metal
Lineup: Jonathan Davis - Vocals Munky - Guitars, Backing Vocals Head - Guitars, Backing Vocals Fieldy - Bass Raymond Luzier - Drums
Guest/Session: Corey Taylor - Vocals (Track 5) Zachary Baird - Keyboards (Track 6)
Insane - 03:50
Rotting in Vain - 03:33
Black is the Soul - 04:01
The Hating - 04:22
A Different World - 03:20
Take Me - 03:00
Everything Falls Apart - 04:17
Die Yet Another Night - 04:28
When You're Not There - 03:17
Next in Line - 03:28
Please Come For Me - 02:53
Baby - 04:55
Calling Me Too Soon - 03:23
Out of You - 03:26
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stcllata · 3 months
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𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐀. italian translation of the word starry.
hey, what's goodie? name is kelly. she/her. taurus. i was born in 1981; you can do the math yourself. also happen to be a roleplay veteran, been at this since 1997. this is a multimuse account [ you probably remember venusiiian, oxtaiiiled and tawruhs ]. 85-90% of the time i'm mobile; i've also got a full time job and outside responsibilities. i'm going to be keeping this real simple. don't be a dick and we'll get along just fine.
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work schedule; sundays [ 2:00 pm through 7:00 pm EST ], mondays through thursdays [ 8:00 am through 3:00 pm EST ].
blogroll; @galcttica, @bykokoro, @nottc, @muscolcre.
affiliates; @bruisin @bruz3r @byeolyeou @crankfield @dcmoniism @dixoniisms @hisfinesse @italianexotiicbeauty @khozmoh @kurjaks @likeprotege @lycanstark @nxtahxro @ofbitterdeath @pwrups @scalpelwielding @shotgunshellsandfeathers @sxltedgxn @tiderider @tobeblamed @whcwashe
muse list is under the read more.
important connotation; there are characters here that are either sired by a canon, or are the offspring of canons, if you happen to play one (or both), i will not now, nor will i ever assume you'll accept them.
arranged alphabetically by LAST NAME.
KYLE, selina. catwoman. cleo wattenstroem.
DANVERS, kara. supergirl. melissa benoist.
PALMER, raymond. the atom. brandon routh.
BRIDGERTON, benedict. luke thompson.
BRIDGERTON, colin. luke newton.
FEATHERINGTON, penelope. nicola coughlan.
CONSTANTINE, john. keanu reeves. *adjacent.
CRUZ, jessica. green lantern.
SANDSMARK, cassandra. wonder girl ii. sydney sweeney.
LEGUME, gilbert. dylan playfair.
UMA. daughter of calypso. china anne mcclain.
SHEPHERD, derek. patrick dempsey.
BARNES, james. the winter soldier. sebastian stan.
ROGERS, steven. captain america. william levy.
SCOTT, haley. bethany joy lenz.
SCOTT, lucas. chris zylka.
SAWYER, peyton. hilarie burton.
FENG, sao. chow yun-fat.
ANAMARIA. zoe saldana.
CALYPSO. tia dalma. naomie harris.
GROVER, ziggy. ranger operator series green. milo cawthorne.
PARK, adam. second black. zeo ranger iv green. johnny yong bosch.
SCOTT, jason lee. original red. gold zeo. austin st john.
TAYLOR, zachary. original black. walter emanuel jones.
KENT, clark. superman. tom welling.
LANE, lois. bryce dallas howard.
QUEEN, oliver. green arrow. derek theler.
WINCHESTER, samuel. jared padalecki.
ARGENT, christopher. jr bourne.
BOYD, vernon. mehcad brooks.
HALE, derek. tyler hoechlin.
MCCALL, scott. tyler posey.
HEATHER. erin moriarty.
GERARD, marcellus. charles michael davis.
MIKAELSON, elijah. ian bohen.
GILBERT, elena. poppy drayton.
HALE, rosalie. nikki reed.
ACQUARONE, cathán murrough. selkie. daniel gillies. bio.
BARTON, francine. daughter of hawkeye and black widow. stella maeve.
BENNETT, sheila grayson. witch; daughter of bonnie and jeremy. vanessa morgan.
BRECKENRIDGE, graham. lawyer. ben barnes.
CRESCENTI, zeno. son of venus. luke pasqualino.
DIMITRIOU, cassian. son of lucifer. dacre montgomery. bio.
HINTON, royce emery. real estate attorney. henry cavill. bio.
HOWELL, wallis. leanansídhe. bella thorne.
KYUNG, miles. chauffeur. getaway driver. felix yongbok lee.
LOSNEDAHL, ylva. vampire; sired by elijah mikaelson. olivia holt.
MESERVE, delphine. beta werewolf. shay mitchell.
MONTAGNA, zaira. angel. shelley hennig.
NORWOOD, thaddeus sampson. skip tracer. timothy olyphant.
O'HEARN, rowan. private chef. chris evans.
PATTERSON, euan coinneach. beta werewolf. tobias sorensen. bio.
REYES, ximena. drug cartel queenpin. eiza gonzález.
RIESE, evan. prostitute. colton haynes.
ROMERO, lennox. demon. cody christian.
ROSTAGNO, alayna ileana. hunter. lindsay morgan. bio.
SAVARESE, kelly. hunter. werewolf. emilia clarke.
STILINSKI, bazyli “baz” jacenty. blind stilinski twin. younger by 10 minutes. dylan o'brien (as dave hodgman).
TRUMBAUER, alfons. head librarian. lee pace.
WAINWRIGHT, raleigh. demon hunter. justin hartley.
WILLOUGHBY, darcy. wendigo. phoebe tonkin.
WIRTH, adelais johanna. crime scene investigator. katherine mcnamara. bio.
ISEUL. demon prince. park seong hwa.
NALINI OF AGRABAH. street rat crown princess. daughter of aladdin and jasmine. emeraude toubia.
TINRAHNE. succubus. kate beckinsale.
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skywarpie · 1 year
Reading a biography on Varina Davis and how fucking insane is it that in 1776 New Jersey issued a decree saying women could vote (the only state in the whole country) but then they revoked it in 1807.
Also finding it ironic Jefferson Davis's first wife was Zachary Taylor's daughter and they were married like 3 months before she died bc at this time people said not to travel in the summer bc disease was in the air and these idiots did just that
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dixiedrudge · 2 days
Janis at Monterey - Today In Southern History
17 June 1967  On this date in 1967… Janis Joplin launched her solo career at the Monterey International Pop Festival, giving a phenomenal performance that helped turn her into a rock and roll star. Other Years: 1835 – Soldier and future Confederate President Jefferson Davis married Sarah Knox Taylor, daughterof General and President Zachary Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky. 1864 – Federal General…
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tgyverse · 1 month
¿Qué fcs recomiendan para Brigitte Delacour, Charlie Mulciber, Jacob Davies y Zachary Parkinson?
¡Hola, anoncito! Te dejo una pequeña lista con opciones. Para Brigitte: Meg Donnelly, Josefine Frida Pettersen o Freya Allan; para Charlie: Go Minsi, Kang Mina o Kim Yerim; para Jacob: Rudy Pankow, Tom Glynn Carney o Danny Griffin; para Zachary: Alejandro Speitzer, Diego Tinoco o Taylor Zakhar Perez. ¡Que tengas bonito inicio de semana!
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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The Chicago Cubs defeated the Cleveland Indians in the World Series on November 2, 2016, ending the longest Major League Baseball championship drought at 108 years.  
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Lunar Codex
I am privileged to share that mention of and images of my work have been included in the Lunar Codex.
The Lunar Codex is the passion project of physicist, entrepreneur, and storyteller Samuel Peralta, who alongside NASA’s Artemis Program has placed a record of contemporary creative works from “35,000 artists, writers, musicians, and filmmakers, representing 234 countries, territories, and Indigenous nations, in time capsules launching from Earth to the Moon and beyond.” *
Read more about the Lunar Codex here.
My work was included in two issues of magazines that have been gathered into the the Lunar Codex using digital and analog technology:
published by GOSS183 in 2015 Special PA (PoetsArtists) issue curated by John Seed and Didi Menendez
Featuring art from: Alexsander Betko ▪ Jeffrey Bess ▪ Charis Carmichael Braun ▪ Ali Cavanaugh ▪ Matthew Ivan Cherry ▪ Erica Elan Ciganek ▪ Ben Cressy ▪ Gabriela G. Dellosso ▪ Emanuela De Musis ▪ Shawn Fields ▪ Ron Francis ▪ Zoey Frank ▪ Patrick Earl Hammie ▪ Graham Harwood ▪ Mark Heine ▪ Erika B. Hess ▪ Jen Hitchings ▪ Milan Hrnjazovic ▪ Karen Kaapcke ▪ Michael Kozlowski ▪ Valeri Larko ▪ Brianna Lee ▪ Kim Leutwyler ▪ Shana Levenson ▪ Zachari Logan ▪ Susannah Martin ▪ Renee McGinnis ▪ Darian Rodriguez Mederos ▪ Sylvia Maier ▪ Shie Moreno ▪ Rachel Moseley ▪ Judith Peck ▪ John Philbin Dolan ▪ Serena Potter ▪ Nadine Robbins ▪ Beverly Rippel ▪ Cesar Santos ▪ Victoria Selbach ▪ Ed Smiley ▪ Kyle Staver ▪ Barry Smith ▪ Albert Leon Sultan ▪ Emily Thompson ▪ Alexandra Tyng ▪ Conor Walton ▪ Nick Ward ▪ Thomas Wharton ▪ Margaret Withers ▪ Meg Wolensky ▪ Stephen Wright
Vehicle(s) and launch dates: Peregrine / PM1 - NASA CLPS-TO2-AB / Astrobotic Peregrine Mission 1 (Jan 8-18, 2024); Polaris / GM1 - NASA CLPS-TO-20A (VIPER) / Astrobotic Griffin Mission 1 (Nov 2024).
published by GOSS183 in September 2014 curated by Didi Menendez
Poets : Leila Ammar ▪ Jan Ball ▪ Nin Andrews ▪ P.H. Davis ▪ Carlton Fisher
Artists : cover photo of Bryce Ramming by Michael Auer ▪ Jorg Dubin ▪ Charis J. Carmichael Braun ▪ Alvin Richard ▪ Tristan Pigott ▪ Eric Daniel Almanza ▪ Shawn Huckins
Collaborations : Paul Beel & Grace Cavalieri ▪ Kate Lutzner & Victoria Selbach ▪ Angela Hardy & Lorraine Currelley ▪ Daniel Maidman & Nin Andrews ▪ Judith Peck & Pris Campbell ▪ Robbie Robb & Larry Lawrence ▪ Judith Peck & Robert Lee Brewer ▪ Debra Livingston & R. J. Slais ▪ James Needham & Melissa McEwen ▪ Jeff Faerber & Denise Duhamel ▪ Matt Calavecchia & Ken Taylor ▪ Debra Balchen & Laurie Kolp ▪ Cesar Conde & Duriel Harris ▪ Timothy Robert Smith & Bill Yarrow
Vehicle and launch date: Polaris / GM1 - NASA CLPS-TO-20A (VIPER) / Astrobotic Griffin Mission 1 (Nov 2024).
Incandence Corp., “The Lunar Codex: Story.” LunarCodex.com, 24 April 2024, https://www.lunarcodex.com/story
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
Zachary Taylor is kind of the American Civil War version of Bilbo Baggins--the somewhat eccentric man whose adventures were a prequel that set up the main conflict of the next generation and became the lore that everyone used to frame their response to the war.
This means that Andrew Jackson is American history's Fëanor--a fiery, charismatic, problematic figure who everyone in the future of American politics has to define themselves as either for or against.
Abraham Lincoln is the Civil War's Gandalf--a tall, shabby figure who people underestimate because he appears doddering and harmless and likes hanging out "the little people", until he proves to have hidden abilities to lead a group of vastly different personalities through a dangerous conflict.
Ulysses S. Grant could be a candidate for Frodo--Bilbo's heir who learns from and idolizes him--but surprisingly, I think he's a better fit for Samwise Gamgee--the thoroughly common man who served under Bilbo, who insists upon having a part in the war, and proves to have a vital role in ending it because of his wells of sheer dogged determination (and who is more willing than Frodo is to use violence along the way). Plus, his nickname actually is Sam, and like Sam, the name we know him by turns out to be a translation and his real name is something different. And he's very devoted to his wife and children.
Purely based on "relationship to the Bilbo character", the best candidate for the Frodo role might be Taylor's son-in-law Jefferson Davis, which is absolutely wild. He was related to and respected Taylor and was reported to have been heavily influenced by his approach to military matters.
Under this framework, the other hobbits roles should be filled by military figures, but I don't know enough to cast anybody.
There is no Aragorn figure, which is why Reconstruction went as poorly as it did.
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Top 5 Sci-Fi Movies Streaming Now on Netflix - Where Imagination Knows No Limits
The Call (2020)
Genre: Mystery, Science Fiction, Thriller
Actor: EL, Jeon Jong-seo, Jo Kyung-sook, Jun Jong-seo, Kim Min-ha, Kim Sung-ryoung, Kim Sung-ryung, Lee Dong-hwi, Lee El, Lee Joo-young, Moon Chang-gil, Oh Jung-se, Park Ho-san, Park Hyoung-soo, Park Shin-hye, Ryu Kyung-soo, Song Yo-sep, Um Chae-young
Director: Lee Chung-hyun
Rating: R
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A woman loses her phone on her way back to her countryside childhood home. Once there, she connects an old landline in hopes of finding her lost mobile, only to start receiving weird calls that seem to be from 20 years ago.
On the other side of the receiver is a girl who seems to be in danger. The Call is thrilling, sometimes scary, but also brilliantly shot, and its plot is so expertly woven. It’s a proper movie-night movie.
Apollo 10½: A Space Age Childhood (2022)
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Drama, Family, History, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Science Fiction
Actor: Bill Wise, Brian Villalobos, Buzz Aldrin, David DeLao, Glen Powell, Holt Boggs, Jack Black, Janis Joplin, Jennifer Griffin, Jessica Brynn Cohen, John F. Kennedy, Josh Wiggins, Keslee Blalock, Larry Jack Dotson, Lee Eddy, Milo Coy, Mona Lee Fultz, Neil Armstrong, Nick Stevenson, Richard Nixon, Samuel Davis, Walter Cronkite, Zachary Levi
Director: Richard Linklater
Rating: PG-13
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Narrated by the familiar voice of Jack Black, Apollo 10 ½ is a throwback story told with admirable specificity and imagination. Black plays a grown-up Stan, who looks back on his younger years with a mix of fondness and wonder: how did they get away with the things they did then? American suburbia in the 1960s was both loose and conservative, caught between a generation holding on to the reins of the earlier century and one eager to launch into the next.
Stan, as the youngest child of a big, rowdy family, gives us a charming look into the times, as well as a projection of his own fascination: Apollo 11 and the space age. He inserts himself in this monumental narrative and generously brings us along in his fantasy. Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether Stan’s recruitment by NASA is actually fact or fiction, but that’s part of the fun, especially since Stan himself doesn’t seem to mind at all.
They Cloned Tyrone (2023)
Genre: Action, Comedy, Mystery, Science Fiction
Actor: Adam Cronan, Al-Teron, Austin Freeman, Charity Jordan, David Alan Grier, David Shae, J. Alphonse Nicholson, Jamie Foxx, Jason Burkey, Jason Louder, John Boyega, Joshua Mikel, Kiefer Sutherland, Leon Lamar, Megan Sousa, Ryan Dinning, Shariff Earp, Swift Rice, Tamberla Perry, Teyonah Parris, Trayce Malachi
Director: Juel Taylor
Rating: R
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They Cloned Tyrone is a genre-bending gem. It combines Deep State conspiracy theories with sci-fi and social commentary, all while looking like a futuristic 1970s Blaxploitation film. It’s outrageous good fun and pleasing to look at (here is a film that knows how to properly light Black actors), but there are times when it feels too far fetched. The science can get wonky and its commentary on gentrification lacking, but all is forgiven when you have such a strong trio of leads. One of the smartest things They Cloned Tyrone does is pair Boyega with Teyonah Parris, who plays the call girl Yo-yo, and Jamie Foxx, who plays the pimp Slick Charles. They have a fun-loving no-nonsense chemistry about them that makes them easy to attach to and root for. They’re also just very funny, which might be expected of Foxx but it comes as a pleasant surprise for Parris, whose popular turns in Mad Men and WandaVision prove that she’s been severely underutilized as a comic.
Snowpiercer (2014)
Genre: Action, Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction
Actor: Adnan Haskovic, Alison Pill, Chris Evans, Clark Middleton, Dana Green, Ed Harris, Emma Levie, Ewen Bremner, Go Ah-sung, Griffin Seymour, Jamie Bell, Jim High, John Hurt, Joseph Bertót, Kendrick Roger Ong, Kenny Doughty, Ko A-sung, Ko Asung, Luke Pasqualino, Luna Sophia Bar-Cohen, Magda Weigertová, Marcanthonee Reis, Octavia Spencer, Parry Shen, Paul Lazar, Peter Hallin, Robert Russell, Sean Connor Renwick, Song Kang-ho, Stephen Park, Steve Park, Tilda Swinton, Tomáš Dianiška, Tómas Lemarquis, Tyler John Williams, Vlad Ivanov
Director: Bong Joon-ho
Rating: R
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Snowpiercer is an under-the-rader post-apocalyptic thriller that offers the grittiness that many times only Asian cinema may achieve. South Korean director Joon-ho Bong forces audiences to forget that Chris Evans was ever a Marvel superhero, as he leads a revolt of his fellow “low-class” citizens against the self-appointed gentry in a train that contains all remaining members of the planet. With immersive environments and a layered script, this film melds together social commentary and moral discourse in a visually arresting and vastly entertaining package.
Okja (2017)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Actor: Ahn Seo-hyun, Ahn Seong-bong, Amber Snow, An Seo Hyun, Andreas Fronk, Ann Evans, Barbara Wallace, Bettina Skye, Boyd Ferguson, Byun Hee-bong, Byun Heebong, Carl Montoya, Cho Wan-ki, Choi Hee-seo, Choi Woo-shik, Colm Hill, Cory Gruter-Andrew, Daniel Henshall, David Bloom, Devon Bostick, Eha Urbsalu, Erik De Boer, Faith Logan, Giancarlo Esposito, Han Yi-jin, J. C. Williams, Jake Gyllenhaal, Jamar Greene, Kathryn Kirkpatrick, Kim Chul-moo, Kim Moon-hak, Kristoffe Brodeur, Kwak Jin-seok, Kyul Hwi, Lee Bong-ryeon, Lee Jung-eun, Lena Avgust, Lily Collins, Lynn Marocola, Martin Lo Rimorin, Michael D. Joseph, Michael Mitton, Milo Shandel, Myles Humphus, Nancy Amelia Bell, Niall Cunningham, Park Jeong-gi, Park Keun-rok, Paul Dano, Pavla Tan, Phillip Garcia, Rebecca Husain, Rickland Powell, Seo-Hyun Ahn, Shirley Henderson, Steven Garr, Steven Yeun, Tilda Swinton, Waris Ahluwalia, Woo Shik Choi, Yoon Je Moon, Yoon Kyung-ho
Director: Bong Joon-ho, Joon-ho Bong
Rating: TV-MA
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Director Bong Joon-ho (Snowpiercer) does something quite amazing with the $50 million budget Netflix gave him: he makes a simplistic movie. But man, is it good. Okja tells the story of a “super pig” experiment that sends genetically modified pigs to top farmers around the world. In Korea, a farmer’s granddaughter forms a special relationship with one of these super pigs (Okja). When the company who originally ran the experiment want their pig back (performances by Jake Gyllenhaal and Tilda Swinton) – the two find an ally in an animal advocacy group led by Jay (Paul Dano). This is a straightforward movie, but nevertheless it is entertaining and full of thought-provoking themes and performances from an excellent cast.
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vintageviewmaster · 1 year
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Brand: View-Master Packet Title: Kentucky Booklet Title: Kentucky Booklet Subtitle: The Bluegrass State Date: 1955
Note: When reading the booklet descriptions, please remember that these booklets are old (most are 65+ years old) and the information and history presented in them as factual may be inaccurate, outdated, and in some cases, offensive.
Booklet Introduction Description: Kentuckians are justifiably proud of their state. The modest ones will quote the words of a small-town Kentucky preacher who said, "Kentucky is a Heaven of a place." Others go so far as to say that Heaven is a "Kentucky of a place." It is the land of the Kentucky Colonel with his frosty mint julep, of Daniel Boone looking out at a wilderness paradise from the Cumberland Gap, of the Kentucky Derby and the fleet Thoroughbreds, of golden burley tobacco and Harlan County coal, of the birthplace of two presidents who went to war against each other -- Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, of Uranium 235 at Paducah, gold at Fort Knox, and bourbon whiskey at Lexington and Louisville.
KENTUCKY FACTS AND FIGURES Kentucky is called The Bluegrass State because the grass that covers the rolling plains of central Kentucky has tiny dusty blue blossoms. The State Flower is the Goldenrod; the Bird the Cardinal; the Tree is the Tulip Tree; the Motto is "United We Stand, Divided We Fall"; and the Song is Stephen Foster's "My Old Kentucky Home." The state whose farmers cleared the land to plant tobacco is the second largest tobacco growing state, and leads in burley tobacco. Tobacco is the leading crop bringing $175 million annually to farmers with corn second at $160 million. Most of the corn is turned into whiskey to the tune of $200 million per year. The leading mineral is coal, the state ranking third in the nation. Natural gas and gasoline are important products and about one-fourth of the nation's fluorspar is mined in Kentucky. Lexington is the world's largest loose-leaf tobacco market. The state is also famous for its hickory-smoked and sugar-cured hams. Half of all the big horseraces in the United States are won by Kentucky-bred horses. The Bluegrass State has raised such famous horses as Man O' War, Lexington, War Admiral, Equipoise, Sea Biscuit, Whirlaway, and Count Fleet.
THE STATE AND ITS PEOPLE Kentucky has an area of 40,395 square miles--36th in size among the states. It lies between the Alleghany Mountains and the Ohio River and is bounded by Indiana and Ohio on the north; West Virginia and Virginia on the east; Tennessee on the south; and Missouri and Illinois on the west. The Ohio River forms its entire north and northwest border and the Mississippi is part of its western border. The highest elevation in the state is Big Black Mountain (alt. 4,150) in Harlan County, the lowest (alt. 257) along the Mississippi. The state has a population of 2,944,806 (1950), ranking 19th among the states. Over 60% of the population is rural. Kentucky was a hunting ground and war ground for many tribes of Indians but home for none when the first settlers came. These white men were Scotch, English, Irish and German. Many of their descendants in the eastern hills still speak an Elizabethan English that sounds like passages from the King James Bible. Many famous people were born in Kentucky or called it home: Abraham Lincoln; Jefferson Davis; Daniel Boone; Irvin S. Cobb, the humorist of Paducah; Kit Carson, Indian scout and frontiersman born in Madison County; Henry Clay, the statesman whose home was in Lexington; D. W. Griffith, producer of the first great motion picture, Birth of a Nation, was born at La Grange; Carrie Nation, the hatchet-wielding temperance agitator was born in Kentucky, land of good bourbon whiskey; Zachary Taylor, our 12th president, grew up and is buried not far from Louisville; and even the storied Hatfields and McCoys really lived and feuded in the hills of Kentucky.
HIGHLIGHTS OF HISTORY The Kentucky country, for a long time, was the unexplored part of the Virginia colony. A lively curiosity sent land companies from Virginia and North Carolina into the new area. However, the first house was not built until Dr. Thomas Walker, in 1750, explored the Big Sandy River area establishing a base near Barbourville. Daniel Boone, with a group of hunters, entered the Kentucky Valley in 1767 where he met the famous Long Hunters. These were adventurous white men whose extended hunting trips took them over the mountains from North Carolina. The first permanent settlement was established by James Harrod and a company of adventurers from Pennsylvania at Harrodsburg in 1774. In 1776, Kentucky was organized as a Virginia county. In 1780, George Rogers Clark, whose younger brother was the co-leader of the Lewis & Clark Expedition, led 3,000 settlers down the Ohio from Maysville to Louisville. In "broadhorn" boats that looked like an adaptation of Noah's Ark, the settlers ran a gauntlet as Indians lay in ambush on the Kentucky shore and showered the boats with a rain of deadly arrows. Kentucky became the 15th star in the American Flag in 1792. Isaac Shelby was chosen first Governor by common consent, and Frankfort was designated the first state Capital.
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