texaschainsawmascara · 6 months
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It took a while to find, and it’s not the best quality, but I was able to track down at the very least the opening credit sequence to Goncharov
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disease · 4 months
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ANDY WARHOL – 1983 “REFLECTION” from ZEITGEIST [polymer paint/silkscreen ink: canvas | 90 x 70”]
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milksockets · 5 months
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zeitgeist magazine no. 2
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hiddlelecki · 7 months
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I was in a mood and feeling some type of way...🙃💚
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rhube · 2 months
Something that makes me really sad is not just being unable to watch/read/encounter media for the first time, but being unable to access the mindset of that first watch.
There is REAL LOSS for me in the fact that I will never watch The X-Files again as a 90s teenager who wanted to believe.
It's still fun, but now I have the world experience and critical capacity to see that Mulder would not have a JOB in the real world; the giddy high of imagining that he might be RIGHT is inaccessible to me. Plus knowing that David Duchovny is a bit of a smug dick IRL.
I was SO IN LOVE with him. And now he's... just a fun character.
The world has moved on, and so have I.
And there is such enduring sadness to that.
It's not that I want to give up my ability to see that his reasoning is fucking ridiculous. I value my critical faculties! But ah! To feel that way again. The most beautiful high!
See also so many of the books I loved as a teenager. I wanted so desperately to escape, and dream, and BELIEVE. But now I know interstellar space travel is not gonna be a thing in my life time, and if it were, I wouldn't be going. When you're a teenager (especially approaching the Millenium) you think anything is possible. What a drug!
But it's gone now. Tattered away by rough reality.
I want to believe, but I can't.
I don't think there's a word for this, but... something like the zeitgeist, within the individual. The spirit of MY age has changed.
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tjreidwrites · 4 months
Soemtimes what you’re looking for is in the air. Sometimes it’s right by your head, floating in the empty space. Just an idea. The right idea. Grab it. It’ll always be in the air, but will it be that close again? Grab it.
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cocaineskarsgard · 4 months
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monsterritory · 5 months
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Hey guys did you know I have this cool little webcomic called Foliant Tales (on Tapas and Webtoons)
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sictransitgloriamvndi · 9 months
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texaschainsawmascara · 6 months
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echofromtheabyss · 13 days
Our zeitgeist is the hot war between different groups of Twentians and Victorians
A reason I don't take Generation Theory thaaaaat seriously is because the Twentieth Century is far, far less of a flattened monoculture than the modern time. There are many different experiences side by side in the same city, frequently. Many different experiences from place to place, town to town, school to school. There are so many long tails and so many overlapping zeitgeists. Many Gen X trends have a long tail that... if you follow it... disappears into the 70s. The first recognizable person with traits resembling a "hippie" might be someone who lived in the 1930s, but they aren't legible that way yet. Many subcultures like Beats and hippies have much deeper and older roots than people think. There is a TON of leftover culture of the past still kicking around. And Victorians are still around throughout, as they are today (and they DOMINATE much of the pop culture moment atm.) They're culturally very different from Twentians! Hey, we don't know how to recognize Victorian racists because we've been exclusively trained on the Twentian racist and because the language is completely different and revolves heavily around Face Culture (which Twentians abhor.) The current different culture wars are *very much* between male and female Victorians, and also Victorians vs relict Twentians. Throughout the Twentieth, Victorians are still around and waging a tug-of-war with Core Twentians - could argue that they're very represented in the psychiatric field during the 50s. Twentians have a lot of common traits - American Twentians created the 20th century American popular culture, whereas so much of our modern is being inherited by a re-invigorated population of Relict Victorians. What is specifically the American Twentian zeitgeist is that Twentians are fundamentally working class. The "middle class" of much of the 20th is NOT the same core population as the 'Firstian middle class. During the 20th, New Money may still culturally be Twentian, especially in Hollywood. Twentian culture arrives on wings and wheels, from giant clouds of choking dust, and for the next most-of-a-century, nothing is the same again. There are a lot of cross currents: the Red Scare is Twentian and hippies are Twentian. But the broader American Twentian zeitgeist is created from the bottom-up. The Twentian pop culture grew from Vaudeville, jazz clubs, pulps. And it's made by immigrants, working class secular Jews, Black people, and the survivors of the Dust. Culturally Twentian people created all of the culture that our 'Firstian Victorians took over and own the IPs of. And Twentians created a particular cultural artifact that you can still see in movies. Teenagehood. Twentians are the only culture core for whom teenagehood ever existed, and for whom it seems to still exist.
Finally: Twentian women fought for the legal right to own their bodies and destinies. But Twentian men did, too. And the draft ended.
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namibozsu · 9 months
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i was watching my friend play mgsV and i said "metal gear sahelanthropus is the zeitgeist to metal gear rex's umei" and then made a chart about it and then got inspired and drew an actual height comparison of zeitgeist and umei at the same age
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majinmontague · 1 year
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Strangers have a Snack - Berlin Seestraße - Streelight Manifesto #286
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milksockets · 1 year
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ad in zeitgeist magazine no. 2
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hiddlelecki · 10 months
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..And this dude is done! I’m so happy I got a chance to find this and finish up his coloring!🤮
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