#Zombie Orpheus
anoddreindeer · 2 months
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Zombie Orpheus Entertainment is looking for DMs to run Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors! If you've played and would like to DM, great! If you've never played or DM'd, also great! We have the resources to help out beginner DMs, and will round up some people to play online games to get you familiar with the system before Gen Con! No experience necessary really truly does mean no experience necessary - we have pre-gen characters, modules, whatever you need.
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zoefannet · 6 months
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Yum! gif of Jesse Lee Keeter (Rilk) from episode 1 of Cooking with Carrow. via Giphy
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thefiresofpompeii · 5 months
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his waters of mars moment, foreshadowed by a million preceding events, but this time he's not doing it out of hubris or to prove some kind of point, alone and unhinged: he's doing it for love.
all the way back in before the flood ... i'm changing history to save clara.
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boardgametoday · 1 year
Mike Grell's Shaman's Tears is getting a Roleplaying Card Game
Mike Grell's Shaman's Tears is getting a Roleplaying Card Game #ttrpg #comics
The Mike Grell Universe is coming back in a big way: on the heels of the announcement of a scripted audio fiction podcast adapting and continuing the original 1990’s Image Comics series, creator Grell and Pocket Universe Productions (PUP) will partner with Zombie Orpheus Entertainment to develop and produce a Shaman’s Tears RPG Card Game. The game and fiction podcast will be funded simultaneously…
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luztoyeweek · 13 days
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Sunday, July 8 to Saturday, July 14
1 - Make absolutely anything you want to! Moodboards, fanvideos, fanfiction, headcanons, fanart, playlists, and more are all welcome. 2 - It is NOT required to follow all or any of the prompts to participate in the week, absolutely any Luztoye content tagged will be accepted. 3- Tag either @luztoyeweek in everything you make and/or use the tag #luztoyeweek2024 in the creations you post, so that it can be reblogged from here! 4 - Have fun, and reach out if you have any questions. <3
- Song: I'll Be Seeing You by Billie Holliday
- Theme: Love Languages
- AU: Other Historical Time Periods (Western, Royalty, etc.)
- Color Palette:
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- Song: Francis Forever by Mitski
- Theme: Weather
- AU: Apocalypse/Survival (Zombies, Aliens, etc.)
- Color Palette:
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- Song: Classy Girls by The Lumineers
- Theme: Warm vs. Cold
- AU: Sports (Hockey, Baseball, etc.)
- Color Palette:
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- Song: Visions of Gideon by Sufjan Stevens
- Theme: Reunion
- AU: Futuristic (Space, Technology, etc.)
- Color Palette:
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- Song: Stray Italian Greyhound by Vienna Teng
- Theme: Movies
- AU: Media Fusions (Titanic, Orpheus and Eurydice, etc.)
- Color Palette:
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- Song: I Don't Smoke by Mitski
- Theme: Midnight
- AU: Situationships (Friends with Benefits, Fake Dating, etc.)
- Color Palette:
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- Song: Soap by The Oh Hellos
- Theme: Established Relationships
- AU: Canon Divergence (Different First Meeting, Alternate Canon Scenes, etc.)
- Color Palette:
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1 - The day before each prompt, a separate post will be created going over the next days prompts. For example, on Thursday, the outline for Friday's prompts will be dropped as a memory refresher for people not actively/commonly participating in the week.
2 - The Archive of Our Own collection for fanfiction for the week can be found here. It is open and unmoderated, so any authors who wish to add their work to the page are free to do so. For any questions on how to do this, DM me @blood-mocha-latte.
@phyllisthefirst @disastrouscanasta @theweirdgoodbyes @fallsirens @stanshika @jump-wings @mstiemountainhop @sparkedupsilver @brosreal @springwolves @luzlylovely @ackackh @gingerwerk @spinteresting
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sunflowerius · 2 months
nine people you’d like to get to know better
tagged by @tara-the-star thank you so much btw I love your posts !!
last song: r u mine? by the arctic monkeys
favorite color: the artist in me wants to say I don't have one but I know deep down its between blue and green. they just Too Good.
currently watching: a few different things; grey's anatomy (grew up watching it with my mom and nostalgia said Do It Again), House M.D. cause funny doctor man, Bob's Burgers because its Bob's Burgers, and Walking Dead because Zombies. my taste is highly questionable and I have accepted that.
sweet/savory/spicy: savory fs. don't get me wrong I absolutely have a sweet tooth but all my favorite snacks are savory/salty lol
relationship status: very much single
current obsession: aftg but I think that goes without saying ... also Thomas Savage's novel The Power of the Dog (yes this is me shamelessly plugging it to any and everyone IT IS SO GOOD I SWEARRRR) uhm. also getting back into painting again which is great cause I seriously need to broaden my mediums
last thing you googled: Orpheus and Eurydice (because I love them and also for a school project)
tagging (with no pressure !!): @detectivebambam @draxhermes @im-fine10 @kiwiaok @kakinounet @dayurno @kevindayfanclub and anyone else who wants to !!
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linkspooky · 8 months
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The next episode in my episode by episode analysis of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, showing how individual episodes fit into the themes of the seasons they're a part of and the series as a whole. This is the first of several Halloween episodes that use the holiday to take a deeper look into the fears of the characters, and the costumes they wear not just on Halloween but every day in their normal lives.
1. Janus
The central theme of the episode revolves around the roman god Janus. Giles helpfully explains for us here.
Giles: Janus. Roman mythical god. Willow: What does this mean? Giles: Primarily the division of self. Male and female, light and dark. Ethan: (appears) Chunky and creamy. Oh, no, sorry, that's peanut butter.
Janus is the god of beginnings, transitions, dualities, and oorways. He's a two-faced god as shown in the idol that Ethan Rayne uses to cast his spell. More specifically he is the god of doors, the gates of an ancient building in Rome are named after him. As the god of Doors, he represents the middle ground between concrete and abstract dualities. Male/ Female, Light/Dark and Chunky and Creamy. These things are traditionally thought to be two abstract categories but the closer you look at them the more fuzzy the boundary line between them becomes.
A Binary Opposition is a pair of related terms or concepts that are opposite in meaning, where two opposites are strictly defined against one another. Up is defined as being the opposite of down. These are considered to be strict categories that are mutually exclusive from one another.
However, these sets can be seen as complementary forces, rather than contradictory to one another. You can't understand one without understanding the other. An example is one cannot conceive of 'good' if we do not understand 'evil'. These pairs which are seen as distinct opposites are actually complementary pairs which are needed to define each other.
Dualism, is the key word of this episode every single character in this episode has two faces. They are representing two sides of themselves, one is the face they wear on their everyday lives, the other is their hidden side that they only have the confidence to show on Halloween. Which one is the mask, and which is the real face that's first asked this episode and repeated again later on in the series.
The basic premise of this episode is that on Halloween you have the confidence to dress in a way you wouldn't normally dress for the rest of your life. This quote from a completely different show the Venture Bros does a good job of explaining it.
Orpheus: This is a night of true magic. Halloween is the night we discover who we are. Are wepeople who make zombie armies? Are we those who condemn others, or are we beautiful children in resplendent costumes collecting candy? Are our choices in costumes provocative? Do we dress up as our ideal self? Or are we not ready to decide who we want to be? We use this one enchanted night to perform the greatest feat of magic there is. We become ourselves. Halloween is the true magic it is the night we discover who we really are.
For Buffy this means dressing like a normal girl, for Xander it's dressing up like a more traditionally masculine tough guy soldier, and for Willow it's dressing a little slutty (until she loses confidence to do that).
Not only does each costume choice inform us about the characters, the characters are physically flipped. As a result of the spell making the halloween costumes flesh, the characters insides become their outsides and their outsides become their insides. I'll be breaking them down character by character down blow.
2. Willow: The Ghost Girl
Willow's costume for the night is based on that old joke that girls dress up sluttier on Halloween because it's the one night of the year they're allowed to get away from it without being judged.
Buffy: What'd you get? Willow: A time-honored classic! (holds up a ghost costume) Buffy: Okay, Will, can I give you a little friendly advice? Willow: It's not spooky enough? Buffy: It's just... you're never gonna get noticed if you keep hiding. You're missing the whole point of Halloween. Willow: (smiles) Free candy? Buffy: It's come as you aren't night. The perfect chance for a girl to get sexy and wild with no repercussions. Willow: Oh, I don't get wild. Wild on me equals spaz. Buffy: Don't underestimate yourself. You've got it in you.
Buffy mentions that Willow is hiding, which is an interesting word to use here because you could say that shy, introverted Willow spends most of her life hiding from the spotlight. Just a few episodes ago Willow's choice of outfit to wear for the school dance in Inca Mummy Girl is emblematic of this behavior, on a night she can wear anything she chooses to wear a giant snow parka that hides most of her body. To a dance which she was hoping Xander would ask her to, and got jealous when he noticed another girl (the mummy girl) and asked her to the dance instead.
Willow is made up of these two contradictory desires. She wants to stay out of the spotlight, but she wants to be noticed as well. Unlike most of the pairs we're going to discuss in this post these two things are mutually exclusive. As Buffy points out "You're never going to get noticed if you keep hiding."
Male and female don't contradict each other, you can be both male and female because male and female are just made up categories that are more ambiguous than most people believe them to be. However, you can't get noticed if you're hiding yourself, because well you're hidden. It's a having your cake and eating it too sort of deal.
Perhaps reflecting how contradictory and complicated Willow's core desires are, she's the only one dressed up as two different costumes. She at first dresses in the more revealing costume Buffy suggests, but then hides it with a traditional white bedsheet ghost costume. Willow is dressed up as two different things because she wants to have it both ways. Giles even comments on the confusing nature of her costume.
Giles: (confused) A-and, uh, your, your costume? Willow: I'm a ghost! Giles: Yes. Um... w, uh, uh, uh, the ghost of what, exactly?
Willow wants to be noticed for who she is, and in general be the kind of self-confident person that Buffy seems to be so naturally, but she's constantly sabotaged by her fear of judgement. When people notice you they will judge you whether you want them to or not. It's not a coincidence that Willow dresses up in costumes again and again, in story. Wearing costumes / theatre / performance is a recurring motife for her, you see Willow's got a bad case of stage fright.
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In the first episode where characters deal with their deepest fears, S1E10 Nightmares, Willow's nightmare is being forced to perform the opera Madame Butterfly on stage in front of everyone when she doesn't know the lines.
STAGE MANAGER: Man, I thought you weren't going to show. Aldo's beside himself. M. C.'S VOICE: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are proud to present two of the world's greatest singers… STAGE MANAGER: I hope you're warmed up. It's an ugly crowd. All the reviewers showed up. M.C.'S VOICE …all the way from Firenze, Italy, the one and only Aldo Gianfranco… The stage manager drags Willow to the curtain. She peers out to see: WILLOW'S POV - A RATHER LARGE AUDIENCE is waiting. Willow backs away from the curtain, starting to hyperventilate. M.C.'S VOICE… and all the way from Sunnydale, California, the world's finest soprano, Willow Rosenberg! WILLOW: But… I didn't learn the words…
As I said performance is a recurring motie for her character. The definition of a motif is a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition. Willow's character revolves around the idea of theatre and performnace it just keeps coming up with her, later on in the dream symbolism episode of Season 4 "Restless" Willow is once again forced to step up on stage when she doesn't know the lines. Her dream is once again showing up to the first day of drama class only to learn that everyone is putting on a production of Death of Salesman with a cowboy in it, and she doesn't know any of the lines. Giles also has this to say about acting and the word "hiding" is brought up again.
GILES: Acting is not about behaving, it's about hiding. The audience wants to find you, strip you naked, and eat you alive, so hide. GILES: Now, costumes, sets, um, the things that you, uh, you know, uh, you, um... you hold them, you touch them, uh, use them, um... HARMONY: Props? GILES: No. RILEY: Props? GILES: Yes! (Points at Riley) It's all about subterfuge. (To Harmony) That's very annoying. (To everyone) Now go on out there, lie like dogs, and have a wonderful time. Now, if we can stay in focus, keep our heads, and if Willow can stop stepping on everyone's cues, I know this'll be the best production of "Death of a Salesman".
Willow's dream also has this repeating line, said by many different characters.
BUFFY: (to Willow) Your costume is perfect. (Whispers) Nobody's gonna know the truth. You know, about you. WILLOW: (bemused) Costume? BUFFY: (pouting) You're already in character! Oh, I shoulda done that! [...] BUFFY: (straightens up) Play is long over. (Stares at Willow) Why are you still in costume? WILLOW: Okay, still having to explain wherein this is just my outfit. (Gesturing to her clothes) BUFFY: Willow, everybody already knows. Take it off.
People constantly refer to Willow as being "in costume" when she's just wearing her normal everyday clothes. Giles says that acting is just the art of lying and hiding who you are in front of everybody, and Willow's default behavior is to always hide in the shadows. Willow's everyday self is just as much of a costume as the costume she wears on Halloween.
You would be forgiven for thinking Willow is not as layered or interesting a character as Buffy until the midpoint of season 2 because she really doesn't get much focus in Season 1, with I Tarzan You Jane being the only real episode that centers around her. She doesn't seem to be anything other than the standard shy best friend / sidekick to the more self-confident main character girl. However that's yet another role Willow plays, because as someone who fears the spotlight, Willow has a tendency to hide in Buffy's shadow.
Willow is a shy introverted teen girl with low self-esteem who's basically only had one friend her entire life, until Buffy suddenly drops into her life in high school. Willow's life suddenly became "special" because Buffy was there and Buffy is special. She transforms from a geek with a few computer skills to a literal magic witch in later seasons. Buffy is the "chosen one" but Buffy chose Willow as her best friend in the first episode when she could have chosen Cordelia. Willow's compromise for wanting the spotlight for herself but being too afraid of it is to cling to Buffy instead, Willow isn't special but she becomes special by being Buffy's friends.
That's why this is the first episode where Willow starts to become her own character so to speak, because when Buffy is rendered useless by the spell into a typical damsel the role of leadership for the group falls onto Willow. When Willow is forced to take charge she's shown to be perfectly capable of doing so as long as Buffy's not around (she also stands up to Giles in Reptile Lizard Boy, and asserts herself more and more later on this season) so the problem isn't really that Willow's not capable of taking charge but she's not usually confident enough to. This is the first episode where Willow becomes the protagonist and Buffy the supporting character.
It's something that will happen again and again later on, Willow attempting to fill in Buffy's shoes. The season 3 opening she makes a pun and tries to stake a vampire the way Buffy does only to fail miserably. When Buffy is gone in season 6, Willow becomes the default head of the group. Willow is always in Buffy's shadow, but she's also shown to be perfectly capable of stepping out of that shadow on several occasions, it's just Willow herself who chooses to stay there.
Which really goes to show how deep Willow's fears and insecurities run. Willow is a hacker, she's smart enough to get into any college she wants, and yet Willow's opinion of herself is abysmally low, she's cripplingly afraid of what other people think of her.
Except on Halloween, the one special night you can choose to dress up like a slut and get away with it judgement free.
2. Buffy: The Normal Girl
While Willow gets to play the hero for the night, Buffy gets to be the damsel-in-distress being rescued by others instead of doing the rescuing. Buffy's desire to be a normal girl and how being the slayer keeps her from a normal life where all she has to worry about is which boy she's going to the dance with is a long running theme with her character, but there are some interesting themes with gender going on with Buffy and Xander's characters this episode.
The central "idea" of Buffy is that Buffy as a blonde high schooler would usually be the first victim in a horror movie, the girl running away from the slasher but instead she's the thing monsters run away from. Certain episodes play with this idea by changing her back to her more traditional role and show just how weird and out of character that is for Buffy. This episode she's practically helpless for the entire episode. There's an episode in season 3 where she loses her powers as the slayer, and spends the entire episode losing all confidence in herself because she lacks the strength to fight back against monsters and other men and is made to feel like a victim. In Season 5 there's "Superstar" where Jonathan makes himself the main character of Buffy by using magic to turn the world into his self-insert fanfic, and despite still being around Buffy acts more like a sidekick or "The chick" of the group despite the fact she's supposed to be the slayer.
Buffy is a girl in a main character role that's usually given to guys. It's a thing both the writers and audience are aware of. It shouldn't be weird that the chosen one is a girl, and yet because of the gender imbalance in fiction it sort of is. That's why characters sometimes ask questions like "How come there aren't any boy slayers?"
However, Buffy being a female character occupying a role usually reserved for main characters is also commented upon in universe by the males in her life. Xander's season 1 arc is him dealing with the fact that Buffy is not the love interest to his story and doesn't conform to his desires of her and accepting her as a friend. Xander gets a flash of that tendency of his rearing its ugly head again when Xander gets mad at Buffy for standing up to him when a jock was about to beat him up, because it'd apparently be better to be beaten up then saved by a girl.
Buffy always wants to be a normal girl, but I think it's important to see in this episode why she wants to dress like a princess from the 1800s this episode. It comes from two of the men in her life making her insecure about her femininity. Xander by complaining about a girl rescuing him, and Angel's lack of attention making her believe she needs to act more like the type of girl that he would be into. Buffy's not just trying to dress up as a normal girl this episode but the kind of girl that would be worthy of angel's attention. What she thinks he wants in a girl.
ANGEL: I don't get it Buffy. Why did you think I'd like you better dressed that way? BUFFY: I - I just wanted to be a real girl, for once. The kind of fancy girl you liked when you were my age.
While Angel says that he likes the kind of exciting girl Buffy is now far better, I think it says something about both Angel and Xander that the kind of girl Buffy thinks they want her to be is someone helpless.
XANDER: You're sure she came this way? ANGEL: No. CORDELIA: She'll be okay. ANGEL: BUFFY would be okay. Whoever she is now, she's helpless. Come on.
Which I think says a lot about Buffy that number one being who she is, disqualifies her from being a "real" girl. There's the fact that she naturally as the slayer sees herself as always existing outside of the crowds watching other people live their lives and protecting them while she can't live hers. However, on top of that she somehow associates the experience of being a "Real" girl with powerlessness and depending on someone else. That being more traditionally feminine somehow goes hand in hand with weakness. Girls are after all traditionally the victims in horror movies, and when Buffy is playing the role of hero she can't be a victim.
Which is you know a whole can of worms, but also effective foreshadowing for the second half of the season. Season 2 is so well-written because there are so many red flags for what is going to happen in the midway twist, and yet the characters drive straight past them. The foreshadowing in this episode being that "normal girl" or "princess Buffy" isn't just scared of vampires and everything that moves, she's also scared of Angel despite Cordelia's insistence he's one of the good guy vampires.
BUFFY: (Re: Angel) He's… he's a vampire! CORDELIA: (to Angel) She's got this thing where she thinks - ah, forget it. (humoring her) It's okay. Angel is… a good vampire. He'd never hurt you. BUFFY: He - really?
Cordelia saying Angel is a good vampire who'd never hurt her sounds awfully ominous knowing that Angel becomes the main antagonist of this season.
It's not a coincidence either that the traditional proper kind of girl that Buffy dresses up as looks almost exactly like Drusilla, even wearing a brown wig to match her hair color. Angel even says at the end of this episode that he hated the kind of girl that Buffy dressed up when he was a teenager, and then details to Buffy in the next episode his obsession with corrupting Drusilla's purity.
Buffy like Willow fails to reconcile these two opposing sides of her. She can't be a normal girl if she's the slayer. She can't be a real girl if she's strong enough to make the men in her life feel insecure. It's almost like being a girl is yet another costume, a performance you make in front of an audience and Buffy feels like she's doing that badly. Not only that but men are continually making her feel that way too, either by being completely emotionally unavailable like Angel, or by getting mad at her like Xander for refusing to conform to her expectations.
Ironically, the only man to show a clear preference for Buffy's normal self in the episode is Spike who films her and praises her at the beginning for her strength as a slayer. Then towards the end, when given the opportunity to kill her as the helpless damsel Spike spends way too long lingering on it instead of just snapping her neck, almost as if waiting for her to return to being her usual self.
ON SPIKE & BUFFY: As he looks around him to see that his MINIONS are all SCARED LITTLE TRICK-ORTREATERS (and two high school students). The realization sinks in - and he looks at his hand. It's still holding Buffy's wig, buther head isn't in it. He looks back at Buffy. She's smiling. BUFFY: Hi Honey. I'm home. And she LETS LOOSE on him. All the pent-up rage and frustration from her last defenseless hours comes pouring out. A series of BRUTAL KICKS and PUNCHES send him to the ground. She lifts him back to his feet BUFFY:You know what? It's good to be me.
As Spike is acting as both Buffy's mortal enemy and shadow self, his reluctance to kill her when she's not herself and respect for her real self goes hand in hand with Buffy's self-acceptance when she changes back. Buffy does like and accept her power, and feels confident in that fact, but often represses that side of herself because women aren't really supposed to be confident in themselves in that way. Buffy's desire to be strong and to accept her strength and make it hers is therefore repressed to please the other people in her life and so she can pass off as normal and that repressed aspect of herself manifests in Spike, her shadow self's admiration for that same power.
Spike is even the one who tears off her costume reverting her back to her real self.
The other men in the episode also learn to appreciate the real Buffy after spending the entire episode dealing with the annoying damsel version of her, but they have to learn that lesson where Spike is the only one praising her for her abilities from the start. Because Spike is the shadow self, he's Buffy's self reflection whereas Xander and Angel represent the judgement of other people on her.
One last thing I would like to say is that both sides of Buffy are real, both the normal girl and the slayer. I think there's something deeply sad about this episode that implies that there's a screaming girl inside of Buffy, who does feel scared and helpless in the face of the monsters in her life but she can never allow herself to feel that fear because she has to be strong. The scared little girl half of Buffy is just as real as the strong, self-confident pun-making slayer.
3. Xander: Soldier Guy
This is going to be the shortest section, because Xander, but I would like to note that as a character Xander works best when you realize he basically has no proper masculine role models in his life. His father is abusive, Giles makes it clear he doesn't like him, there's no one at home or school to demonstrate what a normal and healthy adult man acts like.
Teenage boys like Xander don't grow up in a vaccuum, and Xander acts the way he does towards Buffy not out of malice, but out of a deep seeded insecurity. Xander, like Willow is worried about what other people will think. It's better to be beaten up by a school jock then to be rescued by a girl not because he thinks Buffy should be weak, but because he thinks other people will think he is weak.
When Xander's not worrying about what other people think, he's shown to be perfectly fine with having mostly female friends and not dating any of them. Xander is almost as much of a victim of gendered expectations of the people around him as Buffy is. Xander is insecure about the fact that he's not performing the role of a man correctly, the same way that Buffy thinks she's not being a girl correctly.
If Willow is perfectly capable of being a leader and being self confident like Buffy is but usually hides in the shadow, Xander is perfectly capable of being brave. He doesn't need to be soldier guy or to carry a gun because he will jump right into danger alongside Buffy like it's no big deal. The only person who thinks it's a big deal is Xander, because he's suffering under the societal expectation that he needs to be physically strong.
It's like Xander thinks there is an imaginary checklist of things he needs to have to be a proper man and he feels insecure when he doesn't have them. He needs to date a girlfriend in high school. He needs to be the physically strongest. He has an incorrect expectation informed by the society around him. It's not weird that Buffy is the main character and hero, but people think it's weird because the main character usually would have been Xander. The normal high school boy in any other story would hvae turned out to be the chosen one and the girl he liked would have started like him back, but Buffy is not that story.
Xander doesn't need to be soldier boy because he's always someone who will fight by Bufy's die, but just like BUffy and Willow the only time he feels confident enough to dress up like Solider Boy is Halloween.
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metalscoops · 9 months
Fic Author Self Recs
Favourite five fics that you've written, stealing this from @bigdumbbambieyes cos I wanna do this
1. Sexy Single
Steve and Billy have been fucking around for a few months since Billy graduated. No matter how much Steve knows he's hurting himself by keeping it going, he just can't stop. It doesn't matter if Billy doesn't love him back... right? He can deal with it.
This is one of my absolute favourites, it was only supposed to be 2k of them hooking up and then it turned into 13k of Steve angsting everywhere.
2. Either Die A Hero (or don't die at all)
Steve Harrington and Billy Hargrove get stuck in Hawkins Police Station overnight during the apocalypse (zombie not upside down) and they have to fill their time somehow
This fic fought me every step of the way while I was writing it but oh my god I'm so proud of it now, it's some of my favourite smut I've written, I love it so much.
3. Don't Look Behind
Steven was not strong enough to not look at what he wanted (Orpheus and Eurydice retelling)
I love this fic and I want more people to see how sad it is ehehe (it has a happy ending I promise)
4. Magic in Your Veins
Stevie and Billy get hit with some strange pollen? spores? something from a weird fleshy flower in the Upside Down and season two ends very differently when they have to fuck or they'll die. t4t - transfemme Stevie, transmasc Billy
I love this fucking fic so goddamn much, its so hot and I love them. I really want to write a continuation
5. In Perpetuity
No link yet cos I'm still writing this and not publishing but god I love this universe and characters so fucking much I couldn't resist. This is mine and vio's (@vampiyahs) vampire/werewolf AU with Stefano and William set in the 1880s. It'll be out soon(ish).
tagging @adelacreations @squishyace @nerodmcdevilslayer and anyone else that wants to do this!!
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imkazz · 1 year
things i will PAY for to have in tsats
1. nico to make a bones joke
2. will to wear cargo pants to tartarus
3. apollo to give them a ride somewhere
4. them to say goodbye to some people
5. wear the ‘tartarus club’ shirt
6. will to critisize the river phleglon (river of fire)
7. nicos big sacrifice to be some super rare mythomagic card he brought
8. them to stop next to elysium to say goodbye to some dead people (jason) edit yk what that would alert hades who expressed that nico dont go back to tartarus
9. bob. please, bob be real.
10. solangelo to meet akhyles (goddess of misery)
11. will to use his glow in tartarus
12. them to hug as they fall down
13. please show meg somewhere i love nico and megs dynamic
14. will to be completely shook that nobody ever brings med kits on quests
15. meet with cupid/eros and will goes completely ballistic
16. apollo cabin to solely refer to nico as ‘brother in law’
17. yk i dont think plauge powers really would fit canon will but its a cool idea to think about @iwnut 
18. the brochure from when percabeth talked to nyx. yes @mistresscitrusslice . let them give their brochure to solangelo. “ok so in about 15 minutes and past the empousi cave, hellhound pack, and plauge spirit home should be the hermes temple” “oh thank the gods”
19. mr d to say goodbye to his favourite demigod and his boyfriend and hand will a rifle/ak47 and go “youre shit with any other weapon. the bullets are already in the bag.”
20. hunters of artemis. just. nico acting uncomfortable and will knowing part of the story so he shields nico away from most of them
21. shelper shelper shelper
22. this ones a bit far but please get married? and will to make a joke about ‘secret jedi wedding’ and for piper to officiate it and leo as the witness because he also made the rings and theyre trying not to rope that many people in
23. will to just say ‘there is a disturbance in the force’ in tartarus
24. nico to still hate pomogranites
25. please let us see nicos zombie chauffur jules-albert somewhere. 
26. mr d to force nico and will to watch something that looks like the orientation film but when they play it its percy and annabeth telling the dos and donts of a quest and percy is such a bad actor that theres so many cuts of percy saying ‘line?’  or ‘whats next’
27. and at the end percy goes ‘well what did you learn about going on your quest?’ dora the explorer style ‘great!’
28. trogs to go ‘ah its the son of hades and his bioluminecient boyfriend’ and will to just give a small sigh
29. mr d to talk to will in private and just: ‘wheel’ ‘thats still not my name’ ‘thats how nico says your name’ ‘well its just his accent’
30. please let there be an oath to styx. just not one as stupid as apollo because nico and will are smarter than that but yk what swearing to an immortal river who will get revenge on you if you break that promise doesnt sound that smart
31. solangelo to run into lukes shoes. we were robbed of this from percy and annabeth. imagine how funny itd be if they just ran into some winged shoes.
32. yk i want nico and thalia to meditate together and when asked what they were doing thalia to just respond ‘photosynthesizing’
33. orpheus and eurydice reference (this actually can become canon because on the cover it shows them holding hands with nico slightly more forward than will and pointing to the doors so nicorpheus and willdice)
34. will backstory will backstory will backstory will backstory will backstory will backstory will backstory will backstory will backstory will backstory will backstory will backst-
35. some memories of nicos for jason to show how much he misses his friend
36. just a fleeting mention of bianca from either of them
37. if theres a will pov make him hate percy. mans was partially responsible for both his older brothers deaths. he did shit to his boyfriend which include strangling him at godsdamned twelve years old. will shouldnt exactly adore percy is more what i mean.
38. solangelo smooch.
39. nico is the new percy of chb. think of it, big 3 kid, very powerful, hero, lives at chb, close to percy, knows a lot of people. nico is just the go-to now that percy is at college and nico is a permanent resident. 
40. nico fan club. made of new younger campers, reyna, will, percy, annabeth, meg, apollo, hades, and a whole bunch of long-time campers.
41. just to have some new campers act like ttc!nico and follow nico around like he did with percy just asking questions and instead of finding them annoying like percy did nico would answer their questions truthfully like how apollo actually did for nico
these arent in order. id die to see the ‘tartarus club’ shirt to be worn by percy annabeth or nico though or at the end of the book for will to be gifted one though and more to be added
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astudyinfreewill · 5 months
okay IF one was interested in experiencing the greatest hits of supernatural/destiel, what might one watch. hypothetically.
i mean i am positively VIBRATING at this question. are you interested in only the Destiel Catalogue or the comprehensive Family Tragedy Pack, because the answer probably depends on that!!
in general, seasons 4-5 are held in very high regard and the upshot of that is that if you decide to start the show, you can theoretically pretend it ends there, and then it feels like a much more reasonable commitment than starting a 15 season epic, with the option of watching the rest if you get the inclination. if you just want to see if you vibe with The Gay Angel you might even start in season 4, however i personally feel like the first 3 seasons of spn are worth it because of 1) the gritty americana horror aesthetic that is largely missing from the later seasons of the show, and 2) the Dean Studies 101 class to help you understand why he's Like That.
the problem with later seasons of spn is that, well, because they're beating that dead horse until it comes back as a zombie horse and they beat it again, is that it gets repetitive - however it's hard to give up on it altogether because every season has some good destiel moments to offer??
like, season 6 has a very specific castiel arc culminating in "the man who would be king" (possibly best spn episode ever???) which is. gutting. season 7 has the amnesia trope. season 8 has the now-infamous "what if orpheus and eurydice had a cajun vampire sidepiece" dynamic. season 9 has castiel getting nerfed into humanity in a way that makes humanity a complicated metaphor for being in love with one (1) person. and so on and so forth. we have a widower arc! we have a divorce arc! we have not one but two adopted child arcs! you get the gist.
tl:dr; season 4-5 are the sweet spot but i would still watch the initial 3 seasons, at the very least season 3 for context since it's short. if you're interested (or other people are!) i can put together a list of what i think are the best episodes from the first 3/5 seasons, but that would be a whole other long post lol.
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anoddreindeer · 2 years
So, I worked a bunch on this website and while I’m sure many geocities veterans could do better I worked hard on it dangit.
The Shattered Compass itself is a streaming show coming to the zombieorpheus twitch on like, Monday. I know the guy who’s running it - obvs or I wouldn’t have made him a website - and it promises to be a good time. Bunch of people from an improv troupe getting together to have a good time, with costumes and characters. Plus they set it up so the audience can troll them, because what is life without a little spice.
I had a point, but I forgot it. Oh well.
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thestarstoasun · 2 months
Hades Orpheus and Eurydice Solangelo AU
• Will's hair was blonde and curly when he was alive. His skin was tan with freckles on his face and trailing over his shoulders. Once he died (it was not old age that killed him), his hair turned dark, though. Unlike the character he's based on, he has blonde streaks towards the front/bangs. His hair lost its curly nature, becoming more unruly and untameable (quite like the feelings of shame and self-loathing that he previously lacked). His skin took on an almost zombie-like blue-green hue.
• Nico is a dark oak wood dryad (since nymphs are strictly females. Male dryads are called Durs). His hair color, both alive and dead, is black. However, his eyes change. While he is alive, the brown flecks of his eyes are a lot more noticeable. Once he dies, they darken to a much darker brown, almost black (like Nico's canon eye color). After death, his "skin" also turns shades paler, giving him a more ghostly appearance.
• When Will is first ever brought up in conversation, Nico becomes a bit standoff-ish and snappy. After all, while he was stuck in Asphodel, he had heard rumors that Will got to perform in the House of Hades. As if turning around and leaving Nico all alone wasn't bad enough.
• When it's brought up that Will won't sing, Nico grows curious though. Even more when he hears that his ever bright, loving sunshine blames himself for Nico's demise (as he should, Nico had thought). It wasn't like Will, though. What had really tore at his heart was hearing just how dead his love had truly become. Even if Will had cursed Nico by turning around, Nico knew that if he had been in front, he wouldn't have been any better.
• I may have Hazel reunite them (in place of Melinoe instead of Zagreus since I haven't fleshed out where to place everyone, so this is subject to change). When they are reunited, Will's voice loses some of its somber edge, almost sounding like brightness itself. Nico is nearly always seen at his side either singing with him, hiding a smile, scowling, or something of the sorts.
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sugoiney-weaver · 6 months
I finally finished my first playthrough of BG3 last night, and it's maybe the worst/most depressing playthrough possible. I went into the game mostly blind, and tried not to savescum any major decisions or events. Spoilers below the cut
I accidentally killed the Owlbear mama. Without Speak with Animals, I got the gist that she wanted me to leave and not come back. I found a potion of animal speaking, and she was serious about the not coming back part.
I did not free the owlbear cub from the goblin camp, but it showed up at my camp later. It was only there for a few days before I accidentally made its hurt paw worse and it ran away, never came back
I didn't know Minthara would be a companion until after I killed her
I completely missed Halsin until after I killed all the goblins and saved the tieflings
I misunderstood/misclicked the levers at the windmill and sent Barcus flying
At Waukeen's Rest, I saved the guy upstairs, not realizing there was anyone else to save. I then went and found the Zhentarim hideout and didn't come back for a while. The other person (people?) died. Could I have saved the Duke there? IDK.
I saved Baelen by yeeting a healing potion at him, but he triggered the Bibberbang field so I didn't get the Noblestalk
I didn't realize that the world moves on and events resolve themselves without you, so Nere died behind the cave-in. I was trying that fight over and over, kept dying, so I went and explored the rest of the area and came back after a couple long rests. I had been drinking so I was very confused. I KNOW I didn't kill EVERYONE here, but where the fuck are they?
I explored the Grymforge but didn't actually use it. I thought for sure that I would find something that would explain how to use it, but I didn't. I refused to look up walkthroughs so I missed a lot of content because I didn't immediately understand what I was doing
When I first got to Last Light Inn, I missed Dammon. I failed to rescue Isobel and reloaded when I saw Zombie!Dammon. I then went and talked to Dammon to fix Karlach's heart, tried again to save Isobel, failed, and killed ALL the Tieflings and Harpers
Jaheira died on the front steps of Moonrise Towers. Because she wasn't actually in my party, I couldn't revive her.
I remember seeing some stairs that probably led to where the rest of the Tieflings were being kept, but I forgot to check it out before I moved on. I assume they're still there.
I decided not to give a fuck about Halsin's quest, so he was very sad that I did not lift the Shadow Curse
When I found Mizora at Moonrise Towers, I correctly translated the button that said "Unleash" and assumed it meant "unleash the Illithid." I failed to translate the one that apparently says "annihilate," so I pushed that one. Mizora and Wyll went WOOSH and Karlach was pissed
I didn't know that Isobel was saveable so I killed her.
Gale got kidnapped by Orin in Act 3, before I had a chance to take him to Sorcerous Sundries
Because I didn't need him (I was already a wizard) I took my sweet time rescuing him. I think I accidentally killed him on the altar with a Fireball. He wasn't technically in my party so Spell Sculpting didn't help?
I completely skipped Cazador's Palace for the sake of finishing the game. I hadn't taken Astarion out of camp since act 1 so he was only level 4 the whole time lol.
At the end, I turned Karlach into a Mind Flayer, released Orpheus, fought the Emperor.
I crit failed my attempt to convince Laezel to stay with us
That's pretty much it lol. I also abandoned so many quests that I probably could have gotten an extra 60 hours out of this playthrough. I ended at 129 hours though!
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tilthedayidice · 1 year
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from Zombie Orpheus Entertainment!
Oh man!!!!!!!
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Oh I love those so much, that orange set is calling me!!!! Thank you for sharing these are so pretty!!!!!
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otakusparkle · 1 year
Identity V New Seiyuu (Voice actor) for Japan ver is now out for public!
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Yuuko Kaida as Entomologist (Melly Plinius)
Best known role :
- Tsukuyo (Gintama)
- Isabella (The Promised Neverland)
- Gazelt Garack (Snow White with Red Hair)
- Claire Redfield (Biohazard)
- Unagiya Ikumi (BLEACH)
- Bachira Yu (Blue Lock)
- Sophie Randle (Code Geass)
- Sylvia Sherwood (Spy x Family)
- Juraku Sachiko (Kakegurui)
- Beast (Black Butler)
- Joubert Agnes (Tiger & Bunny)
- Angelica Varley (Ancient Magus Bride)
- Gelda (Nanatsu no Taizai)
- Yomikawa Aiho (Toaru)
- Maeda Matsu (Sengoku Basara)
- Himekawa Maki (Digimon Adventure)
- Freesia (Grand Blue Fantasy)
- Tsubomi Kido (Mekakushi Actor)
- Ryomou Shimei (Ikkitousen)
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Yui Horie as Reporter (Alice Deross)
Best known role :
- Belfast (Azurlane)
- North Carolina (Azurlane)
- Satonaka Chie (Persona)
- Saren (Princess Re:connect)
- Felix Argyle (Re:zero)
- Hanekawa Tsubasa (Bakemonogatari)
- Akaza Akane (Yuru Yuri)
- Kushieda Minori (Toradora)
- Yuuki Cross (Vampire Knight)
- Shindou Mikuru (Card fight vanguard)
- Nepgear (Hyperdimension Neptunia)
- Shirakawa Katori (Da Capo)
- Asakura Yume (Da Capo)
- Tachibana Satomi (Dumbbell)
- Charles (Fairy Tail)
- Plumeria (Fire Emblem)
- Tooru Honda (Fruit Basket 2001)
- Kaga Kouko (Golden Time)
- Nikaido Kaho (First Love Monster)
- Hanyuu (Higurashi)
- Izayoi Lico/Cure Magical (Mahou Tsukai Precure)
- Chuubou Sonken (Ikkitousen)
- Wiz (Konosuba)
- Kushina Anna (K Project)
- Tsukimiya Ayu (Kaginado)
- Riki Naoe (Kaginado)
- Numa No Himemiko (Kamisama Hajimemashita)
- Hellscythe Eucliwood (Kore Wa Zombie Desu ka)
- Yakumo Mitama (Magia Record)
- Miss Monochrome (Miss Monochrome)
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Masuda Toshiki as Composer (Fredrick Kreibrug)
Best known role :
- Sakuma Rei (Ensemble Stars)
- Kisaragi Koi (Tsukiuta)
- Sekimura Mikado (B-project)
- Izumi Iori (Idolish 7)
- Leon (I-Chuu)
- Kashuu Kiyomitsu (Touken Ranbu)
- Okuike Midori (W'z)
- Nishina Kazuki (King Of Prism)
- Kirihara Atom (Marginal 4)
- Tokugawa Ieyasu (Ikemen Sengoku)
- Shindou Kiyoshi (Stand My Hero)
- Kirishima Eijurou (Hero Academia)
- Ennoshita Chikara (Haikyuu)
- Zaou Ryuu (Binam Koukou)
- Cedric Jeanne Elmir (Akuyaku Reijou)
- Sirius Dieke (Hamefura)
- Setagawa Masahiro (Hitorijime My Hero)
- Romanee Dimitri (Visual Prison)
- Miyamura Toranosuke (Yamada-Kun and 7 Witch)
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Shinichiro Miki as Novelist/Nightmare/Detective (Orpheus)
Best known role :
- Komado Tanjuurou (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
- Urahara Kisuke (BLEACH)
- Erich Von Leigen (Saga of Tanya The Devil)
- Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)
- Fujiwara Takumi (Initial D)
- Sakamoto Tatsuma (Gintama)
- Kagetora Aida (Kuroko No Basket)
- Sasaki Mirai (Hero Academia)
- Roman Torchwick (RWBY)
- Hijikata Toushizou (Hakuouki)
- Shimada Kai (Sangatsu no Lion)
- Assassin (Fate/Stay Night)
- Daihannya Nagamitsu (Touken Ranbu)
- Oiwake Takurou (Haikyuu)
- Fushimi Niki (K Project)
- Norizuki Jin (King Of Prism)
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bestepisode · 1 month
Vote on more episodes here!
Episode descriptions under the cut.
The Price: Angel's hotel is infested by demonic slugs created by the spell he used to alter Sahjhan.
Birthday: Cordelia learns that her visions will kill her unless she goes back in time and chooses a different path in life – one that doesn't involve Angel.
A Hole in the World: When an ancient sarcophagus arrives in the laboratory at Wolfram & Hart, Fred opens a small compartment and is infected by an ancient disease that slowly begins to kill her. As Angel and Spike travel across the world in order to help her, Wesley slowly begins to realize that there may be no stopping this disease.
Soul Purpose: Lindsey McDonald approaches Spike, introducing himself as Doyle and telling him that the Powers That Be have selected Spike to be their new champion now that Angel is working for Wolfram and Hart. Meanwhile, Angel has been infected by a parasite and slips into a series of feverish hallucinations in which his destiny as champion has been claimed by Spike.
Forgiving: As Fred and Gunn search for Wesley, Angel searches for Sahjhan and casts a spell to make him corporeal so he can be killed.
The Shroud of Rahmon: Posing as a hip Vegas vampire, Angel infiltrates a gang of thieves bent on stealing a supernatural shroud housed in a museum vault.
She: Angel finds himself caught in the middle of a war between the sexes when a female demon from another dimension fights against her male oppressors.
I've Got You Under My Skin: Angel and Wesley perform an exorcism on a young boy possessed by a demon.
Orpheus: Fred calls Willow to re-ensoul Angel. She encounters unexpected resistance from a mysterious source. Faith's strategy to capture Angelus has an unexpected side effect. She enters Angel's mind and witnesses some of his past.
The Thin Dead Line: Angel, Gunn and Wesley battle zombie police officers who have been stalking street kids.
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